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the F&es strike r up )in air The decision on whether or not to hold a fees boycott this january was put off by the weekend conL’erence of the Ontario Federation of Students. Approximately 21 student organizations affiliated with the OFS took part in the sessions, representing 15 of Ontario’s 18 university campuses. All motions will be taken by the delegates back to their parent organizations for ratification before they actually become OFS policy. They met in the Village II great hall to discuss the results of the recent fees referendum and plot future action. Aside from provincewide demonstrations against the government fees hike and lowered loan ceilings, the decision on what that action is to be was put off until november 25 when council delegations will again meet to consider the progress or lack of same in OFS deliberations with the Davis government. Friday night at the conference saw a general informational exchange on the handling and results of the referendum. Much of Saturday was spent in small discussion groups which focused on the fees issue and assorted other OFS areas of interest. The Saturday night plenary was set aside for consideration of topics other than the fee hike. Delegates decided not to take a stand on student involvement #in the

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. Consideration was given the possibility of a united OFS bloc of support or non+upport for a proposed national$tudent union. A founding conference will be held in november in Ottawa. Since opinions ran the gamut from none to emphatic no to emphatic yes, it was decided that the individual councils would have to work out their own positions. Motherhood - and apple pie, however, are stir1 acceptable topics for student council consideration. And into that category, it seems, falls the Vietnam war. Largely because that particular situation “should not be forgotten” despite the cosmic problems of Ontario student council bureaucrats, the. group passed a Waterloo motion calling on students to demonstrate on november 18. It also called for OFS participation “while maintaining its organizational and political independence” in the november conference to set up a student mobilization committee to end the war. The final session on sunday saw the gathering closed to the commercial press while delegates discussed strategy for fighting the fee hike. Five resolutions were passed delineating interim. OFS action on the issue between now and final decisions on a january fee boycott. All were OFS executive motions, and covered the following points: l a demand that the provincial government “make an unambiguous public statement of policy on tuition fee increases and changes in OSAP for the current . year end for ~1973-74.” 0 a call for a “Day of Protest against _the fee increase and educational cutback on the day of the opening of the Ontario Legislature”. l “a mass central demonstration at Queen’s- Park”. l simultaneous local demonstrations for campuses unable to participate in Toronto. o a search for endorsation from “community groups, labour associations, high schools and all post-secondary institutions”. l a province wide petition. a province wide newspaper distribution. l “campus educational efforts with the goal of “maximum participation and decentralized decision making”. 0 solicitation of “greater inphoto by gord moore

Discussing strategies for fighting the ’ fee hike has resulted resolutions for further meetings and demonstrations. The strength the council’s recommendations now lies with student councils tempts to implement the programs devised.

in of at-

University of W%tertdo Waterloo, Ontario volume 13; number 21 friday, 27 October, 1972

Sugar plums / for faculty

With no overt negative reactions to BSAS series of ‘skin flicks” earlier this week, the federation of Students may find they have once again created a need for porn shows and violence. Believing that they had become a pacifier for student’s entertainment interests, the Board of Student Activities decided on a program of over-kill and overindulgence for homecoming. From the title of “Home-a-cum-come“ to the che_apo candy goodies and balloons, the intention was to insult as many sex junkies as possible. Unfortunately the raunchy rock and roll pubs and flicks did not go far enough since the mammoth crowds joyously accepted the endless hype and commercialism.

volvement and support” from university administrations, community groups and media. l a directive to th.e executive to investigate the “setting up of a trust fund into which second term fees could be paid, and to investigate the legal implications concerning the release of OSAP cheques in january . ” ~a call for another general meeting november 25 in Toronto to deal primarily with the “status of the negotiations with the government on OFS demands and the decision regarding the fees withholding;” A Trent motion restricting the OFS’ government delegation only “to present the demands with no ability- to concede or negotiate these demands also passed. In a last gasp of energy the delegates affirmed a motion condemning the _department of immigration for its refusal to grant marxist professor Istvan, Meszaros landed immigrant status. The motion gave a pat on the back to the various sectors of York University which are attempting to get the decision reversed. Two par titularly interesting sidelights were brought out during the conference. One was that the government has apparently made a profit of three million dollars from last year’s OSAP program, over which the officials involved are reported to be justifiably embarrassed. -continued

on page 2

Senate elections

Index of apathy -The results of the recent student elections to the senate provide an illuminating, but depressing index of apathy at the university. The financial services sit-in and the various demonstrations and presentations at Queen’s Park earlier in the year generated- a modicum of hope that a new wave of participation was in the offing. Whatever remained of this naive optimism after the lack of response to the last referendum was shattered by the turnout at this election. ---continued

on page 2

Although the university administration sees little good in a strong faculty association, they have always been willing to dispense sugar-plums to keep our “mentors” pacified. Cases in hand have recently been revealed in the minutes of last week’s board of governors meeting. One of the long-standing goodies is the university’s Guaranteed Housing Loans plan for faculty. This cheap0 mortgage plan funded out of the university budget, seems to be an incentive to faculty to settle down ind buy properties without having to face problems of second mortgages and decrease their , financial “worries”. Since most faculty are obviously facing severe monetary problems (what with inflation and all) the budget allocation for the plan has been increased from $1,250,000 to $1,500,000. I Another goodie is that ‘fine. institution of faculty self-identitythe Faculty Club. Since its inception the university has been funding it to the tune of $20,000 per year, while the club has been paying rent of $36,000 per year. In other words, the club has been paying $16,000 per year in rent. Since the faculty club has been going steadily into debt, the university has decided to pay off the mortgage and outstanding debts amounting to $471,696.17. From now on the faculty club will pay ‘the university rent of $14,000 per year for fifty years. . This will cover principal payments and revenue lost by the university through interest. Even with the loss of the $20,000 grant from, the university the faculty club is now in the position of having to raise $2,000 less per year to stay in existence. As Chancellor Ira G. Needles said, the club is a “very fine social centre” and (with a membership of 450) a place for all faculty to meet. The club is sure to “grow and develop”. Nice. It is also interesting to note that the faculty as a whole have -never supported the faculty club. From the beginning, the operation was only saved from financial extinction by opening it up to upper level administration mem,berships. This was further broadened to include lower level employees. And finally, in 1971 the flood gates to the masses were opened, allowing in the- lowly graduate students who currently make up one of the most obvious sections of its clientele .(which throws out the question of why fund a grad club! 1 At present the Faculty Club only maintains a semblance of self-respect by keeping .-out undergraduates who would likely piss on the rug _ anyway. -ran




the chevron

27 October,


photo by dick mcgill

Council Apathy fcontinued


page 1

Thumbs down on OFS * tactic

At this week’s Federation of Students coimcil meeting, john Dale resigned as manager of Radio Waterloo. Five undergraduates rather than himself less with production,and organizing the the possible six will now sit on Da/e will continue to work at the station while involving staff. -senate as a consequence of the failure of the constituency of human kinetics and leisure studies to field a candidate. One potential nominee’was thwarted in his bid for candidacy by refusal of the administration to accept his nomination beyond the deadline. The science faculty’s student senator, Ann Knechtel, was acdemonstration is to take place at A decision of the Waterloo claimed. Arts, the homeland of the 4:39 in the main foyer at the student council Wednesday, not to ‘concerned’ social sciences had an humanities theatre. The objective support the OFS call for a eight per cent return (241 votes). of the action will be to question the demonstration at Queens Park Doug ,Wilcox, an english major minister about recent cutbacks in protesting the fee hike, may have with no previous experience in post-secondary education, the fee been the final blow to a dying issue university government, defeated hike, and student award on this campus. Dave Peltz by 21 votes. In the decreases. ’ Dave Robertson, federation viceengineering faculty, Aldo Palma If you want to express your president, and one of the Waterloo soundly defeated two other canconcern to the minister, be there. Writhing in their seats at the delegates to the OFS conference, didates, A. Mollison and J. Orgill in If you have other ideas or wish to campus centre ‘skin flicks’, and defended council’s decision not to a contest which managed to find out more about the new group, generally providing a spectacle back the demonstration saying, motivate 15 per cent (405 people) to the next FCC meeting is to be held even more gross than was an“we are not sure how committed vote. tuesday ,at 7 pm, campus centre ticipated by the cynical creators of we could be”, especially in light Among th,e five faculty of A group of concerned students 135. aome-a-cum-come, was this of the very low turnout for the mathematics contenders; Bruce met Wednesday in the campus -john morris week’s big student outlet on referendum here. The majority McKay emerged victorious with centre to discuss strategies for campus. Last week, however, they opinion-of council was that it would the support of 44 per cent of the 499 combatting the provincial vented their frustration on the be better to have no demonstration voters-an 18 percent return. The government’s fee hike. Discussion suggestion section of the OFS fees rather than one that, with little others, in rank order, were J. opened with a series of suggestions referendum ballot. I attendance or support from the Chisamore, M. Millar, B. Batranging from demonstrations to Some of the constructive offers students, would be a detriment to chelor, and E. Zujko. With a return wooing the apolitical student from Canada’s Youth, of whom the cause. Attempting to comply of 20 percent, 270 graduate majority. Peter Trudeau thinks SO highly, with OFS requests for a “unified students cast 642 votes electing the The -group I of twenty-odd were as follows: front”, council decided that if in following candidates : K. students agreed on the need for an Arts fact the demonstration was called, continued from page 1 Venkataramaiah, civil ongoing political-educational 0 let’s have no Petty Bourgeoise Waterloo people would participate engineering (204 votes); J. process that might increase the radicalism. ’ as much as they could. of .-students involved. Beattie, electrical engineering (191 number After this departure from the The other was that, contrary ‘to 6 Blow up the Math and Computer votes); S. Gregory, physics (143 Whether or not this will lead building norm, council rubber-stamped the reports from our own federation, (104 somewhere is a ‘matter for the votes 1; and S. Clodman l The days of Bargains are over. , rest of the OFS motions on the fee the university administration votes). ’ - ‘. ‘I tumbling dice. 0 Alter George Kerr’s state of issue. (see story page 1). legally withhold OSAP Environmentavintegrated stu-’ The meeting closed with a cannot < consciousness : The, only other matter of any dies, demonstrating the highest ‘decision to form a “Freeze the ’ cheques. .Even in the event of a 0 It’seasier to pay $iOO than to frig ‘-‘importance with.-,.;which council fees boycott, : the, student. loan rate of return, 24.‘per cent; sup-- fees”committee (FCC). The main around and ‘fail a ‘year. T :’ ” .--’ .needed to trouble itself, was payments represent a legal conported John. O’Grady, ,fourth year idea behind the newlyestablished 0 Strike! Bring ‘emto their-fuckin’ another’ in the .,recent series of tract between government and ‘knees, planning. Othercontenders were I. group is to arouse and encourage ’ ‘-. > _ , federation resignations, This time ‘student. - The , university adRobertson (ES), J.,, Ross (ES), D, individual students to formulate ,_ .. _ ’ ..‘-,‘I..’ y I’ it was. Radio- Waterloo manager ministration is merely the in- Co;op &t .term Thompson (IS), and’C1 .Back (IS). tactics that can be used to pressure @‘Let’ it’ be. There are too many ’ John Dale. * . ‘, <who passes on the The< lack of inv.olvement in the the minister of education into an termediary -their timeat. Dale said his duties at Radio *bread. Not having the legal right to people., wasting election can be‘attributed, in part, open discussion with the people university. ’ ‘. Waterloo have been completed to ldo something, ‘however, has failed to the sophistication... of the involved~students . 0 Eliminate. the 25 per cent of the satisfaction of all concerned, to stop many a corporation ,many populace. _The student represenThe founders of the FCC hope the loafers .’ and undecided students. Dale’s appoin$ment was an attativesarel: after all, no more than organization will be able to times before this.,, tempt to restore order * in the In. summary, there is to be Improve trade schools. tokens on the senate and the board promote solidarity among students 0 Student loans are a’ farce! organization and raise the level of another meeting and a demonof governors. Further, the camwhich will lead them to rationally involvement among the staff. stration .or three. There may or o Have a shit-in at Queen’s Park. paigns were rarely designed to question certain inequities in the a Go through proper channels. On Dale’s recommendation, it may not be a . fees boycott. inform the electors of the function educational community (and the l If you assholes screw up the was agreed that all funds slated for stumbled home stuffed of the senate and the students’ role broader society it represents). On Delegates curriculum this next term, you’ll the manager’s salary would be to the gills with motions, amendon it. Most obviously though, the this campus, it would seem the have pure hell to pay! Dd you used for capital expenditures and structure of the university, with task is nearly overwhelming, not to ments, Roberts Rules and rhetoric. maintenance. Radio Waterloo staff Hopefully, some of them will try to understand. huge impersonal classes, heavy say impossible. l Close the Chevron. will be involved in the re-allocation respective student workload, and the de-emphasis on As a first action, the FCC will be get their of these funds. councils to at least make an at- ‘O Chicken Little was right. all matters non-curricular, creates staging a demonstration in honor l Artsies ‘should work instead of .. With the weight of these grave tempt to implement the programs no incentives for involvement in of Jack McNie, provincial minister being troublesome shitdisturbers. ’ matters off their minds, council so glibly passed as conference the decision-making processes of colleges and campuses. The 0 We are powerless. adjourned and members quickly which brought the structure about. honorable McNie will be on motions. (sic. > disappeared from the scene. -Susan johnson -john o’grady campus today to officially open the and carol clarkson new chemistry building. The and liz willick -liz willick -Susan johnson

The people’s wasted ballots

NlcNie demo today








the chevron



photo by dick mcgill .

pointed out, a person striving for advancement within any organization, must expect- to climb up the ladder, promotion by promotion ; however, when the question of fluency in a second language is added to that of professional competence, the ladder is stretched considerably. Over these past ten years the Quebec civil service has become primarily francophone on both the formal level, and informal, working level. Today, with the civil service no longer in need of french-speaking skilled labour, the focus is turning to the private sector. Quebec is still “mass producing people who don’t define themselves as unskilled labour”, and consequently these people wish to find positions for which they are qualified, within the private sector. The prospects within the smaller businesses are not too restrictive for the francophone, since the basic working language is usually french, regardless of the fact that the formal language, as used in contracts, etc., is english. However, within the larger corporations, the working language is english, restricting the competence of any francophone operating within this framework. The situation then is that Quebec has “qualified people there who do not speak english, who are cut out of the private sector.” This creates, as Guindon said, a “blocked elite” or “blocked generation” in the broader perspective; the continually regenerating educated segment of the francophone population have only restricted access to the private sector. The solution being attempted is to create a bilingual community, in which a person of either tongue can operate. As perceived by Guindon, the dilemma is this: to truly operate within any given profession on a full-time basis, one needs more than a rudimentary knowledge of the working language. The “trainconductor-french” required of a conductor, consisting of “billets, s’il vous plait” does not qualify as bilingualism. A business consultant, for instance, must be completely fluent in the language in order to function, and this adds a considerable burden to the person seeking advancement within these

One m%an’s language Canada could have a “better chance of unity through unilingualism than through bilingualism’ ’ . Hubert Guindon, sociology professor at Sir George Williams, touched on this and other aspects of the language situation in Quebec and Canada during an informal, lecture held Wednesday afternoon in the humanities faculty common room. In discussing the changes in the language question, both in historical perspective and in contemporary terms, Guindon talked about the directions bilingualism is taking and the problems of francophones within the business community. .TThe transition of the Quebec civil service into an organ which uses french as a working language was the focus of attention ten years ago, in reaction to attitudes like, “since everyone here is bilingual; all reports must be in English.” This attention emanated from the “grievances of french middle class, bent on making careers in the civil service.” As Chinch

Hubert Guindon, sociology professor at Sir George Williams, giving impressions of the directions bilingualism is taking and the problems francophones within the business community.

parameters. This burden is being felt by the civil service of the federal government now, and the feelings of those involved in it are expressing their discomfort. In presenting bilingualism as the cure for the language. differences in Canada, the Royal Commission on Biculturalism and Bilingualism appeared to be working under the assumption that it is a “noble thing to be fluently bilingual to preserve the unity of the country.” This attitude is perpetrated by the belief that the big business of the province is english speaking and a bilingual structure would be a proper compromise, not wishing to put the onus on these businesses to work in french. However, as Guindon said, “capitalism works in all languages” and it is not inconceivable for a business to operate in a tongue foreign to the owners ; the multi-national corporations across western Europe do s,o with success. Another aspect of bilingualism put forward by Guindon was that “when you become perfectly bilingual, you become two persons.” Living one’s professional life in one language, while everything outside of it exists in another, with another corresponding culture, tends to splinter the personality, compounding the photo by brian cere

his of

difficulties of bilingualism. As for bilingualism being the only possible means to reconcile peoples of two different languages to live within one politicaleconomic structure, Guindon cited the example of Belgium as a nation with two unilingual cultures, Flemish and French, existing without conflict. Commenting on the “blocked generation” being created and regenerated in Quebec, Guindon said that, where previously when a social group was found in such a situation, they tended to move elsewhere; the unskilled french in Quebec had, in hard times, moved down to New England in search of work. The present group, however, are skilled and a move, would not alleviate the situation-they would still be faced with the prospect of working in a foreign tongue. In Guindon’s words, “Trudeau fears that they won’t move.” They are effectively “political dynamite,” and unless some way is found out of the predicament, unrest in Quebec will continue. An interesting post-script to Hubert Guindon’s talk Wednesday, was found in the star, that same day. A government task force has urged that two parallel civil services be set up along unilingual lines, thus allowing for the most effective’ handling of that service, for both french and english. Although this would not immediately change the situation in the private sector, it is a significant departure from the established approach to the twolanguage question. -john


. 0-PIRG meeting today

With arms outstrqtched and mouths agape U of W students perform a grotesque “catch the candy and eat it up”ritual. Four nights of midnight ‘skin-flicks’ drew overwhelming crowds into the often empty campus centre great hall. The theatre provided by the assembled crowd upstaged the films shown in a circus c/amour of loud guffaws and locker-room bravado. Paper airplanes, water bombs, spit-balls and wadded balls of all available paper left the great hall resembling a dung pile. And all this in the name of good fun. In this pearls and swine atmosphere it remains incredulous that few perceived the insult.

At 1:30 pm in the campus centre, 135, there will be an open meeting of people committed to acting on environmental issues. 0-PIRG, the recently formed, Nader-inspired consumer group, together with environmental studies, and political science students, and any other I interested persons will discuss plans of action on environmental questions. Trying to answer these questions should give the members of our belovedcommunity a chance to put theory into practice.

New emphasis at Ra d Water160 In the near future, those people familiar with Radio Waterloo will begin to notice- a remarkable alteration in its approach to communication. Emphasis will be shifted away from disc shows and will move towards the communica tion of ideas. Music shows, which now occupy 100 per cent of the schedule will soon comprise less than 60 per cent of it. The remainder will be devoted to production, which will take many. forms. A portion of this will consist of material acquired from outside sources. Examples of outside sources include Pacifico, a service that provides news and entertainment features which stress the human interest side of various political and environmental issues, the Canadian Association of Broadcasters, a group that provides high quality tapes on Canadian social and political issues and the BBC world news services. However the majority of our production will be indigenous to Radio Waterloo examples of this being live local music, film and record reviews, live forums, radio drama, council meetings and on-air lectures. This change in format will be implemented in stages, commencing November 2nd and will initially involve only thursdays and from there will rapidly expand to encompass the whole week. This format change has been made possible primarily through the involvement of Radio Waterloo staff, who now number over one hundred. radio Waterloo schedule thursday november 2nd

12 pm thoughts & music by mscb 4 pm record review-Paul stuewe & george kaufmann 5 pm people’s music 6 pm Waterloo at dusk-an alternate approach to news and information 7 pm lecture on jewish philosophy-michael morgan 8?$ pm report on Ontario federation of students conference 81/2 pm words on music 10 pm subterranean circus (music)

’ ’

/ d

4 the



The candidate started off the session by clearing up a few unsaid defences he hadn’t managed to cover during the campaign. Responding to the charge that the country was in a mess, Breithaupt attempted to counter by stating that the consumer index increase has been far less in Canada than other countries, while the jobs created by the Trudeau government have b,een far more. Leo Johnson, from the UW history department, pointed out later that the figures Breithaupt was using to provide substance for his argument were taken from the time that Trudeau took power, six months before the present government was elected in 1968. Excluding that six month period, the job increase that Breithaupt was talking about is roughly one third less than the 1.2 million jobs he said were created by the Liberals. Johnson went on to say that the so-called fact of a Liberalinitiated increase did not takTe into consideration the normal ‘industrial expansion. This, Lou, also






bear anyone?





Arts courses

will hold two open


oral or written submissions, complaints, directives, suggestions or protests. The first

will take place on October 31 from noon till 2 : 00 p.m. in room 135 of the Campus Centre


photo by john robertson

meeting will be held on November 2 in the Theatre of the Arts from 2:30-4:30 p.m.

wishing to submit written briefs in advance forward them to the office of the Dean of Arts.

Lou Breithaupt, liberal hopeful for Waterloo North, tired old Trudeau slogans which have helped make happy place to live over the last few years.

crease in supply of money, the problem of infIation does not take on mammoth proportions. This argument did not seem to dissuade Mr. Breithaupt. But while employment is not such an important issue as inflation, “equity” apparently is. “I believe in free enterprise”. Increased taxing “reduces industry’s fair profits”. Last year, one person claimed, INCO made a profit of $110 million, paid no taxes and received a government grant. Forty to fifty percent of the profits were shipped out of the country and invested elsewhere. “We can’t just tell them to go home’?. Canada needed foreign capital before. Can’t bite the hand that feeds you. And one doesn’t betray one’s class. There were other barbs that seemed to stick into Breithaupt’s side. It was charged that as a housing program, CMHA is good for those who least need assistance. One has to make $8300 a year to qualify for the programme. In such a case one stands to receive only about 10 percent of the cost of a house assistance. The upper 50 percent income bracket can receive as much as 90 percent assistance. And there is the farm assistance program. For a net income of only $5,000 a year, a farmer can be eligible for subsidy. This eliminates 60 percent of Canadian farmers. Leo Johnson claimed that this was part of a program to do away with the small farmer and increase the average size and productivity of the farms through corporate ‘efficiency’. Breithaupt replied that it was the government’s policy to keep the family farm. Too bad past government farm policy has left so few family farms to keep. One question seemed to get to the heart of the matter. Why is Breithaupt running for parliament if the Trudeau technocracy doesn’t consult it? Answer: expediencywork can more easily be done in committee than on the floor of the house. The War Measures Act was one of the best things the Trudeau government ever did. Sure there were detentions without charges being laid. Sure there was a suspension of freedom, but.. .

The second




pYYi~yjo~‘se, Breithaupt continued on, to comment on such items as welfare and taxes. Referring to the former, he criticized people who were able to collect /both unemployment and welfare. ;And taxes? They are high largely because of increases in provincial spending and that’s Ontario’s Concervative government’s fault. He closed his initial remarks-by providing a solution to the problem Lou Breithaupt, Waterloo’s Canadians answer to Pierre Trudeau, was on of foreign ownership. should buy out foreign-owned campus Wednesday as the focal companies and start some of their point of a “meaningful bearpit own. To this, Johnson pointed out session”. The bear was roasted. that, over the last ten years, there Breithaupt, son of a former diflieutenant-general of Ontario is a has been an increased in income for local businessman when not in- ferentiation Canadians: the poorer make less volving himself in community and the wealthier make more. And activity. Entering into the family leather business, a true worker, he the wealthier aren’t buying foreign companies and the average person rose in the ranks, astonishingly isn’t in a position to. enough, to become company head. Breithaupt was asked about the Appropriately, \ he is running as Liberal candidate for Waterloo cause of the job shortage. A pat answer followed listing population North. increase. women entering the work force and, of course, the rapid increase of inflation. After this,-he conceded that the unemployment rate was higher here than in most Dome Society meeting 12 other countries : “probably as noon campus centre, 135. To high as it was in the Diefenbaker discuss constitution and elecyears”. Don Baker, head of the tion of executive. New His tory department , explained “members” more than I that inflation basically involves a growing increase in cost and said that as long as there was an in-

to receive

27 October,


There was witty chat and a good time was had by all. -dudley


spews forth the Canada such a

New OFS figures Last week, in a story headed “Don’t give a shit” on page 8, the chevron reported the final statistics for the OFS referendum. The statistics, obtained from Canadian University Press were, however, incorrect. The turnout for the referendum was 88,493 students across the province. OFS represents student organizations on 15 of 18 Ontario university campuses. It represents only one of the 22 community colleges. The OFS executive claimed a 88 per cent turn-out based on an estimated 100,000 eligible voters. Recently-released government enrolment statistics indicate however that OFSrepresented campuses involve 118,547 students, which would indicate an actual turnout of less than 32 per cent. When you consider that there are 172,603 registered post-secondary students in the province of whom 84,119 have actually said they would support the demands of OFS,\it looks much less impressive than the much-touted 89 per cent in favor, a figure internal to the referendum results. Seventy-five per cent of those voting would support witholding fees in january. Aside from the fact some of them comprise part of the 10,009 who said they had already paid their fees, that’s 21,445 Ontario students. As we mentioned last week, although the percentage is small, those students represent enough income to the institutions to make the ache in their budgets a bit stronger. Referendum results also indicated that at least 23,116 would support a total fees boycott in 78-74 ‘if fees are raised again. But next fall’s a long way away.

Senate appeal With the backing of ‘approximately 7 per cent of my constituents, I became the first student senator elected by environmental /integrated studies. That magnitude of backing constrains my actions considerably, however I’ shall attempt to outline my view of student as senator. First, it is important to note that, constitutionally, the senate has little autonomy. The enumeration of its powers are constantly prefaced by such phrases as, “subject to the approval of the board of governors”, or “make recommendations to the board of governors”, etc. Second, by any standard, the student population is underrepresented. Of the 66 senators, eight will be students.’ No policy can be implemented without the support of either faculty or exofficio members. Some people maintain the opinion that a rational argument will suffice to initiate a policy change. Even if this assertion were valid, the workload associated with the ten standing committees of senate, the various ad hoc committees, the board of governors and its committees, limits the time available to analyze in any rational way all the recommendations before the governing bodies. What are the alternatives open in these conditions? We have some voice in the formal structures of government, but unaided, little power. Two avenues are open. Firstly, a cohesive student representation in the senate interacting with the student representatives in the lower levels of decision-making, such as faculty councils and studenttaculty liason committees, could, from time to time, implement proposals. Second, by presenting motions requiring value judgements on the part of non-student senators, the student body as a whole can better perceive the underlying rationale of the university, and by extrapolation, society as a whole. In other words the senate can become an educational forum. cum 1 guerrilla theatre. Any proposals or discussion of these thoughts by any student is welcomed: phone 884 5265. -john




27 October,


the chevron





i g


price of justice It does not take an experienced observer to note the inequities that exist in the Ontario legal system. If one has money, corresponding education and a little legal sophistication, his success with the law will tend to accord. Certainly in this privileged situation, the element of justice in our “just society” exists, as does the relative increase in power to control one’s life. And it is partly by this element that one can differentiate between the necessarily successful and the necessarily unsuccessful. Such has and will probably continue to be the case for some time. This is with no thanks to existing legal institutions of social change. Reforms in the area of the law and services provided by it are typically, slow in coming. An alternative to the existing state of affairs then, seems to be the rise of community related and jonsored groups moving towards

Legal Aid system, creating a type of free legal the present assistance which is open to anyone many people who need help are not who needs it. Something along this inclined to get it. This is, usually, line is at least a step in the either because of the nature of the direction of turning the law into legal problem involved or a perto re-pay the plan. something which is accessible and son’sinability answerable to the people of a In such situations, the function of community, rather than sup- the clinic is to channel people porting existing class structures towards alternatives like self-help According by providing justice for only the or free legal assistance. to Gail Bowman, co-ordinator of select. The recently opened Legal In- the Information Centre, a roster of formation Clinic in Kitchener runs lawyers who will act free of on tuesday nights in the Com- charge, is presently being community Information Centre on piled. The- service is located in the Queen St. and is a project operated jointly by the Social Planning same building and co-ordinated Centre,’ Council of K-W and Legal Aid. The f with the Information Parkway Centre). There is a venture arose at least partly out of combining legal with general indearth of available and willing law citizen group initiatives,, people formation services and providing a students in K-W who often supply comprehensive1 unacting on needs indicated by the more volunteer assistance. derstanding of a given situation. In current status of legal justice. Bowman sees the clinic exOne night a week, lawyers on cases like welfare law problems, panding to different parts of the. where a person needs more than community while maintaining a duty for Legal Aid spend two hours (for which they are paid the legal advice, there is the broader connecting link with the Comstandard rate of about $i8.75 an service offering some assistance in munity Information Centre. This hour) at the clinic, giving in- such matters as dealing with - would facilitate greater contact problems. formation and advice on any legal bureaucracy-related with more people, and possibly matter and making reference’sBowman feels that this type of promote a greater citizen group anything short of acting on a case. integration of legal and general involvement with the legal system, information is basic to any sort of Essentially, what can be found and even with community struthere is short term consultation, effective community legal tures themselves. The end result which would ordinarily cost such assistance programme. Because could be community action arising an exorbitant amount as to be the same lawyer never works at from within the communitythe clinic more than once, conavoided by people without excess rather than being externally means. The problems involved tinuity can be at least partially initiated by professionals; may seem trivial to some in the maintained by the regular workers political, legal and socialway they translate into dollars and at the centre. replacement of the incents. But they are problems with So far, response to the program stitutionalized by the spontaneous. a much greater impact on the has been very good. Since the Ideally, such a process would lower income group that the clinic clinic opened on the 12 Sept. ad- help to integrate the lawyer into caters to than on- members of visors have dealt with people from the community’s mainstream higher income brackets. all age groups with’ difficulties in rather than leave him mystically And since the Legal Aid offices in family law, landlord-tenant aloof and seemingly unapproachthe County Courthouse are only disputes, drugs and others. able to people other than those of his own class. Just the movement open during the day when many However, the information clinic working people can’t be there, the ‘is still definitely in a fledgling of legal information throughout a community seems to be a good clinic also serves as an alternate stage. There is no actual free legal place to apply for legal assistance. action, as has been provided in starting point. larger areas like Toronto (the Needless to say, however, under 4udlev Daul


Wholefoods store Jopen The organic food co-op now has an outlet in the basement of the campus centre, and will be open in the afternoon: thursday 12 to 4: 30, friday 2 to 6 pm. Hours will be expanded to normal business hours of the campus centre basement if co-op members agree to spend time minding the store. Nonmembers are. invited to enquire about membership during store hours, or with Susan at the federation office. . Members are r.eminded that the next meeting of the co-op will be at 7:30 pm Wednesday in campus centre 135. If you would like anything not in stock, please hand your orders in before sundav ” evening.




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.Entrepeneur interested in contacting investors who would like to purchase 300 to 500 lb. of Mexican gold. ReaK2e.a profit of $50,000. All inquiries answered. Contact: Mary Jane Consultants P.O. Box 1401, Kitchener.

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27 October,

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includes Steak, potatoes, vegetable, salad, soup

THURS. FRI. & SAT. NOV. 2,3, & 4-8 p.m. The University Players “THE MARQUISE” by Noel Coward A rarely performed comedy by Noel Coward written in 1927, set in 1735, and played in 1972. Directed by Maurice Evans Theatre of the Arts Admission $1.25, students 75 cents Central Box Office, ext. 2126

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RADIO- WATERLOO Announces A ,New Type of Programming I Comme,ncing November 2nda THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd 12:OOpm 4:OOpm’ 5:OOpm 6:OOpm .6:45pm 7:OOpm’ , 8:30pm 9:30pm .lO:OOpm \



. .

friday, e

27 October,


the chevron



photo by randy

A definite interest m family plarqing I

Family planning was the topic for discussion sunday night in the first program of a new series, “Medical Science for the Layman”. Abortion, sterilization, methods of birth control as well as new and possible future developments in all areas were discussed by the two guest speakers. Dr. E.E. Johnston, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Queen’s University, Kingston, reiterated factors relevant in choosing methods of birth ‘control, the failure rate of each method, the development of contraception from its earliest forms, effectiveness, method of use and side-effects. In his second lecture, John&on examined new developments in the contraceptive field, most of which are still in the experimental stages. The copper coated IUD now being used clinically in some parts of North America appears to have very few side effects and is associated with a low rate of pregnancy. “Depo Provera”, given intermuscularly in doses of 150 mg. every three months or 466 mg. at six month intervals will suppress ovul&ion, has a failure rate of 0 to 5, but may cause amenorrhea (the complete absence of a period) for a time after it has been discontinued. It has not yet been approved for use in Canada. Johnston explained that the “morning after pill” is a term used to include any method of stopping a possible pregnancy when intercourse has occurred during a period of possible ovulation. Stilboestrol, given at 56 mg. per day for four days increases the rate of tubal transport of the fertilized ovum from the fallopian tube to the uterus,. The ovum must remain in the fallopian tube for a length of time before being carried to and implanted in the uterus for further growth. If Stilboestrol is

given within fortyeight to seventytwo hours after intercourse, the ovum will be transported too rapidly to remain implanted. Johnston also discussed methods of suppressing sperm production in the male. At one point, asked why there had not been more concentration on male contraception, both doctors agreed that their major concern as gynaecologists was the female. Johnston explained that an oral contraceptive pill for males has been developed but that it has so far proven unacceptable because side effects include suppression of libido and potency. Nitrofurans compounds which may eventually be used as another method of male contraception have also been dissatisfactory because of severe _ nausea and headache. Other methods have induced drowsiness, bloodshot eyes, and hepatitis. Johnston also discussed the possibility of changing the composition of seminal, fluid in the male to prevent conception. “Since seminal fluid is primarily for the transport of sperm, it might be possible to prevent sperm from remaining viable and not have toxic effects”, he said. Although the major part of the let tures remained clinical, Dr. Earl Plunkett, professor and chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynaecology at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario and chief of the department. of .obstetrics and gynaecology at University Hospital, University of Western Ontario, touched on the problems of family planning in today’s society. Plunkett explained that motivation is a ‘major problem even in our own communities and that a broader base of knowledge is needed to develop safer and more effective methods of contraception and family planning. His two lectures covered problems of infertility, present and future methods of sterilization and abortion and the reasons that necessitate more effective methods (particularly for abortion and s teriliza tion > being discovered. “At Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario,” he explained, “the number of sterilizations performed jumped from 122 in 1967 to 1,741 in 1971. In 1967, 26 abortions were performed in the hospital; in 1971 there were 1,494”. New methods had to be developed because of the number of beds and staff required for such operations. A laparotamy requiring a hospital stay of three ot five days was previously used on a wide scale for sterilization. (Laparotamy is a process where part of the fallopian tube is removed and the tubes tied off by going through the abdomen). A culpotamy (done through the vagina by drawing down the tubes and tying them off) is now largely done on an out patient basis often under local anesthesia. The newest method of sterilization in the female is with the use of a Laparoscope. A laparoscopy is performed with a small telescope instrument with a light on the end through the abdominal wall. A cauterizing instrument sears the tubes and a small section of the tube is removed. The tubes are coagulated by the cauterization. All laparoscopys are done on an out patient basis and Victoria Hospital has performed 150, There

Doctors johnson, for the Layman.”



and Plunkett


the first in a series of discussions





have been no failures, no major surgical complications and the rate of failure (it is possible that the tubes will start to work again even though they are tied) is only 0.14 per cent. Neither Plunkett nor Johnston felt that abortion should be considered a method of contraception. Plunkett explainedthat from tento twelve weeks, the dilation and curettage method (D&C dilation of the cervix and scraping of the uterus with a scraping instrument) or the vacuum technique is normally used. This is usually done on an out-patient basis under local anesthesia. He did point out however, that due to the large numbers of abortions performed at this stage, the extensive counselling that should be given is not always available to the patient. He also stressed the need to start reconstructive therapy as soon as the patient discovers an unwanted pregnancy. After the twelfth week of pregnancy, an injection of hypertonic saline solution is injected into the -uterus to cause abortion. This causes an increase in intra-uterine pressure. Contractions are stimulated and the patient goes into labour within a few hours. This process is usually followed by a D&C to avoid complications. ’ Prostoglandons (found in menstrual fluid, amiotic fluid, uterine tissue, brain, lung) given intravenously will cause contractions of the uterus and induce labour also, and this may be used as a method of termination of pregnancy. The World Health Organization is presently looking into the implications of injections of the compounds directly into the uterine cavity. Following the lectures, which were filmed for television each as a\ separate program, questions were submitted to the two physicians and chairman Dr. Dan Andrews who formed a discussion panel to deal with specific concerns of the audience. Both Plunkett and Johnston endeavoured to refrain from discussing moralities as they explained they had been asked to do by the advisory board which arranged the program. Questions asked by the audience seem to indicate a definite interest in new developments and proposals for the future of family planning. -joan

Walters a

Whe<rti we stand onhiring Although several persons have complained to this office in the past two or three weeks about the application form required by the university personnel office, it seems the forms are more a product of a mechanical bureaucratic mix-up rather than a reflection of the current hiring philosophy of the department. The complaints centered around a question on the application form asking : “Have you ever been convicted of, or charged with, a criminal offence?” The fact that a person had merely been “charged with” a criminal offence should have no bearing on his being hired for-a job and should, in fact, be his business only. When asked about the question . this week, personnel department spokesman Lloyd Brown was surprised, and replied that the words “or charged with” had been deleted since a new application form had been introduced in October, 1970. He checked some of the forms which had come in recently and found that the old plate had not been destroyed when the new form was introduced, and had been used by the printers instead of the newer one. It has since, he discovered, been destroyed. The department is, in fact, nearing the completion of a new revision of the form which changes or omits several other questions which might be sensitive or prejudicial to the applicant. The question asking whether the applicant “owns a house, rents or boards” will be left off the new form, as will the space asking for “average marks” on the school record.

“At one time, employers had the prerogative of asking anything they wanted,” said Brown, “but the formation of the Ontario Human Rights Commission in the late sixties finally put some regulations on hiring and firing.” He said that the drawing-up of the first formal application form by the university in i969 was one of the first direct contacts with the OHRC. He said that the criminal offence question was never used to discriminate against the applicant, since, YThere is no reason we would impose a further penalty.” The reason for the question, according to Brown, is “not for the average employee,” but in places in which the university considered the position a sensitive one-“like handling great amounts of money”+r in which the-applicant would have to be bonded. Emily Brown, personnel department secretary and one of t the members of the group which is revising the form, said that the department “will be omitting certain things which~ just don’t seem relevant any more,” such as the home-owning.question and the school marks. A question asking fraternal or social groups affiliated with “not of a racial, ethnic or religious nature” will be left on the new form, she said, even though she had initially been wary of it. “I couldn’t think of any organizations of that sort which don’t seem to be of a racial, ethnic or religious nature, but the people who do the interviewing pointed out quite a few, and they seem harmless enough. ” Brown said the question asking women the ages of their children is being reviewed, but- will probably also be kept. “I can think of no circumstance in vhich it has mattered,” he said, “but I think it has a bearing.” He stated that the purpose of the question is, that if a woman had two sma!l children and were ap-, plying for a night-time job at the university, “we would try to make sure the children were being taken care of;” Brown said he is “hoping the Human Rights Commission will tell us we are again leaders in this field” when the new form is submitted for ratification in a few months. -george





the chevron

27 October,


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BSA. l@COMlNG Thurs. 2

Sat 11

12:OO Campups Centre pub-Whiplash 8:00 Fed. Flicks-“Ketch”, “Till Death 8: 30 B.S.A. Food Services Pub

Do Us Part”

Fri. 3 8:00 8:30

Fed Flicks--“Ketch”, “Till Death Sci. Sot. Food Services Pub

8:OO 330

Fed. Flicks-“Ketch”, Eng. Sot. Pub

“Till Death Food Services

Sun. 19

’ Pub-Math Winchester

Sun. 12




Crypt”, Sot. & wine


Do Us Part”

START 1290 8:30

Fed. Flicks-“Ketch”,



Do Us Part”


START OF MATH SOC 12 noon CC Conversation

WEEKEND Pub-Whiplash


12:OO Math Sot. Pub-Campus Centre “Tales from the Crypt”, 3:00 Fed Flicks[hat Dripped Blood” 3:30 Math Pub Food Services 3:30 Special-Jesse Winchester 81 wine


8 : 00 Fed _Flicks-“200 “Outback” 8:30 Food Services

Crypt”, Sot. & wine >










Sun. 26 8:00 “Laughter

Fed Flicks-“ in the Dark”





Wed. 29

Food Services w


Sat. 18 8: 00 Fed Flicks-“200 “Outback” 8:30 U of W Women’s


Sat. 25 ’ 8:00 Fed Flicks-“ Sunday Bloody “Laughter in the Dark” E.S.S. Pub Campus Centre and 8:30 8:30 ISA. Pub Food Services Eng. Sot. Formal-off campus

Fri. 17 8:00 Fed Flicks-“200 “Outback” 8:30 Circle K Pub



START OF E.S.S. WEEKEND 8:00 -Fed Flicks-“ Sunday Bloody “Laughter in the Dark” 18: 30 Campus Centre-E.S.S.‘ Pub 8:30 Eng. Sot. Pub Food Services


Fri. 10 Math Sot. Weekend 12-5 C.C. Pub 3: 00 Fed Flicks-“ Tales from :hat Dripped Blood” 3:30 Food Services Pub-Math 3:30 Special-Jesse Winchester

B.S.A. ,Pub Campus Centre Recreation Pub in Campus Centre

Thurs. 16

- Thurs. 9


OF ENG. SOC. WEEKEND C.C. Pub with Whiplash-B.S.A. Eng. Sot. Pub at Food Services

8:00 Fed Flicks-“ Sunday Bloody ” “Laughter in the Dark” 8:30 E.S.S. Pub Campus Centre 8:30’ Eng. Sot. Pub Food Services


1290 8:30


Fri. 24

E.S.S. Campus Centre Pub I.S.A. Pub Food Services

Wed. 15



‘Thurs. 23

a Tues! 14 12:00 8: 30


Wed. 22


MANGIONE JAZZ QUARTET . Two Shows ’ Theatre of the Arts 8: 00 Fed Flicks-“ Tales from the Crypt”, that Dripped Blood” 1

Sun. 5 B:OO

8:00 Fed “Outback”


Sat. 4



Math Sot. Weekend 8:00 Fed Flicks-“Tales that Dripped Blood” . 8:30 Food Services 8:30 Special-Jesse

Do Us Part”


B.S.A. Campus



Thurs. 30 Motels” Club



Pub in Food Services’


8:OO Fed Flicks-“The Night Visitor”, Randa” 830 B.S.A. Food Services Pub

For up to the minute goings-on, phone Dial-a-Dance at 884-3780 anytime




27 October,



liv6 arId licensed



This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or caN &tension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

October 28 P

FRIDAY Kinetic Gallery

,. Sculpture exhibition 9-4. Free admission.


Kevin Murphy saris roller skates plus coffee, candl&, free speech. lkthus coffee house. Priceless. 9pm CC coffee shop. ’ Under Attack filmed at U of W will be shown on Channel 11 10~~. Guest Lubor J. Zink with panelists Peter Warrian, Jan Longridge and Marianne Farkas. Two mediaeval plays. “The Last Judgment” and “The Assumption of the Virgin” by the PLS from U of Toronto. 8pm Great Hall Village II. Tickets are free t$ village residents and should be picked up from Mr. Dunnington ; others 75 cents at central box office. Sponsored by Division of Drama, Dept. of English and Student Village. Hatha Yoga, Philosophy of Yoga etc. Everyone welcome. Wear loose fitting clothing. 8pm CC135. Sponsored by Campus Centre Board. SATURDAY

K-W Symphony presents an orchestral concert. Progr;am includes Picasso Suite by Somers; Symphony No. 29K by Mozart; and Symphony No. 6 by Tchaikovsky. Tickets available at the door. Adults $4; students $2. 7:30pm Hti’manities theatre. ”

Two mediaeval plays. “The Last Judgement” and “The Assumption of the Virgin” by the PLS from U of Toronto. 8pm Great Hall Village II. Tickets at-6 free to village residents and should be picked up from Mr. 75 cents at Dunnington ; others central box office. Sponsored by Division of Drama, Dept. of English and Student Village.

concert. Program includes Picasso Suite by Sommers; Symphony No. 29K by Mozart; and Symphony No. 6 by Tchaikovsky. Tickets available at the door. Adults $4; students $2.2: 30 and 7: 30pm. Humanities theatre.

MC3003. Advance registration contact Peter Yates, Federation of Students office, campus center.

MONDAY Ukrainian Students’ Club meeting. Movies; refreshments. Everyone welcome. 8pm Eng. Lect. 105. Kinetic Sculpture exhibition. Gallery. 9-4. Free admission. Free Hatha yoga classes. 8:30am 8pm FC135.

Campus Center movies “They shoot horses, don’t they” 8pm. Sponsored by Campus Center Board.


The University Players “The Marquise” by Noel Coward. A rarely performed comedy. Directed by Maurice Evans. Theatre of Arts. Adtiission $1.25; students 75cents. Central box office. 8pm. General Students


Kinetic Gallery.

Hallowken party-pub. Garries and prizes. Booze and music. 8:30pm CC pub area. Admission 25cents. Sponsored by Campus Center Board.

meeting Association.

of Carribean 7pm SSc33O.

Sculpture exhibition 9-4. Free admission.

Free Hatha yoga classes. 8:30am 8pm. CC135.


WEDNESDAY Music for Tenor, Lute and Guitar. David Walker and Ron Read. 11:30am Theatre of the Arts. Free admission.

BaHai’s on campus - firesdie. 7-llpm SSc335. All are welcome. More information call 745-8097.

Rap Room volunteer training session. Bob ‘Robinson will discuss the K-W Hospital’s Crisis Clinic. 5: 30-7: 30pm Counselling Services, Student Services Blvd. New volunteers welcome. Incredible buff et supper.

Waterloo Christian fellowship supper meeting. We offer food for stomach and thought and good fellowship besides. All are welcome. 5:45pm CC113.

CUSO discussion volunteers from HUM280


$2.50 non-members -.

at Food . Services (only 500 people admitted to each show)


Sir Kenneth Clark’s civilization series. Subject: Grandeur and Obedience and The Light of Experience. 7: 15-9pm AL105. Everyone welcome. Nob admission charge. Sponsored by English Dept.

Free Hatha yoga classes. 8:30am 8pm CC135.

tix : $1.50 Federation members


Chess club meeting. Test ,your playing strength with the computerized rating system. New members and female players welcome. 7: 30 pm CC113. Sculpture exhibition. 9-4. Free admission.

7':00& 10:00 P.M.



Kinetic Gallery.

Two Shows:

Free hatha yoga classes. 8:30am and 8pm. Also Dadaji from the Ananda Marga Yoga Society will give a lecture on “Science of Yoga a,nd Meditation”. 8pm. CC135.

1 ! TURN O)N!

Canadian Studies Lecture series. Topic: “Cadadian Biogeography” Speaker W. B. Kendrivk of Biology. Everyone welcome. 7-9pm BIO I Room 271.

with returned East Africa. 8pm

SUNDAY Kinetic Gallery.

Sculpture exhibition 2-5pm. Free admission.

K-W Symphony



an orchestral

Kinetic Sculpture exhibition. Gallery. 9-4. Free admission. University flying training school. Fee $15 books extra.

ClassifiedFOUND Black coaster bicycle Phone 884-2629.



Suede jacket left at party October Phone 884-2629.



Did you lose something? (please identify) Found monday morning in parking Lot M. Call Ron at 743-0956 around 5-6 any night. LOST One black lady’s handbag in social science’s building on friday, October 20. Please return I-D card and keys at least. Phone 884-8138. PERSONAL Waterloo Motor Inn require night auditors 20 hours per week, first or second year business students preferred apply Neil Coburn, CA. Phone 743-8275.


Meeting of the University”of Waterloo Christian Science infdrmal group. Discussion and experiences related to the practical value of an understanding of God. 3:30pm HUM151.

ground 7-10pm

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are-50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. AI/ classifieds must be paid in advance. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

Problems Avec Des Jours De Francais? For assistance based on considerable experience with the French language. Call Ruth 884-3148.

TYPING Typing of essays, thesis, etc. done. Call *648-2892. Typing done, also experienced in technical statistical work; IBM Selectric. Call anytime 576-7901.. evenings 885-1664.

FoR SALE Nine inch table TV, built in AM-FM radio, Panasonic, solid state, good condition. Phone 579-0052 after 6 pm.


3-speed girl’s bike, all accessor&, brand new. Double bed, box spring. 578-6837.

Toronto-for rent, january two bedroom duplex, Eglinton Avenue road; near subway, furnished. $225. Contact A. Gilbert, 85 Burnaby Blvd., Toronto. 481-7325,

Bikes, good condition. 650 BSA 1972 ; 650 BSA 1970; 750 Kawasaki 1972. Phone Doug 576-7128. I

WANTE.D Used stereo in good condition. Tuner, speakers, headphones. Contact Larry Tiessen 884-0042. Black long-ha ired kitten, male. Call 576-6631. -



Girls-one place now available in towne house. Full use of home and equipment. No restrictions. Mrs. Marion Wright daytime 745-l 111; evenings 885-1664. \ Room near Erb and Caroline for male student. Separate entrance and. bath. TV. 745-8364.

RIDE WANTED Free room and board in exchange for babysitting and mother’s help. Within walking distance of university. 5790625.

Ride wanted from UW. Can arrange Phone 884-3766.

Hamilton alternate

daily to driving.

2 single rooms and 1 double room for rent. Available winter term, 10 minute walk to uni\jersity. Phone 576-0577 after 9 pm.


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the South:

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BY iHE -

1-4 (P.M.





SUNDAY OCT. 29, 3 P.M. Barry Wills Jazz Quintet Auditorium’ Kitchener Public Library Music for both the above events supplied through cooperation of the Recording Trust Fund and Local Central Ontario Musicians Assn.

it’s the only way to travel.\.

the 226,


27 October,


the chevron

1 1

1 -BALTIC STUDENTS Address letters to f&back, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chev-. ron reserves the right to shorten letters, Lettersmustb typedona32cham cter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.




Grads bitch back

I shall continue my association with “The Grad Bag”, which, despite its flaws, remains the voice of the GSU and its members. “Child-like journalism” was good enough for my predecessors and it is good enough for me.,What does a scientist like myself know of the real thing? I can only try, in my fashion, to say a few truths, using the literary skills, which have developed out of familiarity with scientific writings. The arts of satire and invective I leave to those more accomplished in them. editor

Although the GSU executive will be replying to your scurrilous attack on grads and their union, I feel compelled to set down some of my own responses separately. j (Far from finding “the standard,” “too unwieldy” for me to carry, it is perhaps the most wieldy I have yet encountered. ) A “high-school student councillor” I never was, but faculty I may someday be. You may call this sycophancy if you choose, but, by way of preparation, I have, adopted a responsible and mature role on the GSU executive and as editor of “The Grad Bag”. I am flattered to have “The Grad Bag” compared to the “Gazette” as I ‘feel that the latter is a viable competitor to the “Chevron” on campus. It is well-known that a large section of the university community is tired of the absurd radical stance of the “Chevron” on many issues and look to the “Gazette” as a possible source of an alternative, more-balanced, viewpoint. We graduate students have, as undergraduates, lived through a period in which the strident voices of the Left drowned quieter, more rational voices. Today, some of us who remained above that tiresome outburst of immaturity are working to create a more serious and pleasurable* environment in’ which to pursue. our academic objectives. The Grad House will be an important part of this environment ; a place where a grad student, possibly foreign, possibly married, possibly with children, can find what he needs by way of *entertainment. (It is manifestly impossible to relax with one’s friends or family in the Campus Centre, haven for drug users and other dirty people. No wonder we . cannot find a grad representative for the Campus Centre Board.) How clear it is that we need our Grad House ! For we certainly must isolate ourselves from the likes of you, Mr. McGill. You accuse us of ignorance, when you yourself hold forth on Grad House finances from a position of ignorance. Our mandate is clear and it is our intention to give our 1 members what they want as cheaply as possible. You have launched an unwarranted attack on our publication, believing that in such vilification lies a trove of self glory. That is arrogance, Mr. McGill and I suggest that you muse awhile on these words of Hume: “When men are most sure and arrogant they are -commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without that proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities.”

stephen gregory of “the grad bag”

Grads again I feel that your back page articie of friday, October 26th, is deserving of a few comments, and I will attempt to answer your questions and comments in the order in which they appeared. First, the Grad’ Bag, is intended to inform and hopefully in some cases amuse its readers, it is not attempting in any way to match the high standard of journalism of the Chevron. The next part of your article deals with the financing of the Grad House and I must commend you on at least getting the figures in the budget correct. The capital expenditures will not rise. As anyone who has ever prepared a budget can telI you-salaries are an operating cost. With regard to the club being a commercial venture all I can do is present the true facts. The operating budget of the club has been prepared in such a manner that all operating expenses (ie: salaries, cleaning, utilities, etc.) of the house, payment on the loan and full operation of all other GSU services (ie: legal aid, printing, etc.) can be paid out of the $7.50 per term membership fee. No profit on the bar is included in this projection hence we have three choices: (1) sell drinks at cost (plus tax) ; or make a small profit per drink and thus (2) lower the GSU fee or (3) return to a voluntary organization. This decision will be made early in 1973. If Mr. McGill had bothered to ask us we would have been more than glad to provide him with the above information. As for the rest of the article, it appears that the author again failed to check his facts before writing. If he had bothered to do so he would realize the number of people from the GSU actively involved (both on campus and through the province) attempting to improve the quality of education (both graduate and undergraduate), fighting for a better fee and loan system and trying to make more jobs available to Canadian graduates at all levels. graduate

fred w. hetzel president, student union.

P.S. I have never been involved in high school politics. My only other involvement was with the Federation of Students on this campus.

Would any students interested in forming a University of Waterloo Baltic Club please phone Daiva









club A group of us are forming a Rock-Climbing and Mountaineering Club at this university.. We would welcome a response from anyone, on .or off campus, who would like to join such a club, regardless of their prior climbing or hiking experience. We hope to be organizing some activities this winter as well as a small-scale rockclimbing school in the spring. Anyone interested should contact the Waterloo Climbing Club; in care of John Rowe, optometry department, university of Waterloo. john s. rowe optometry





Students pay own way I ‘think it’s time students stop thinking of themselves as God’s gift to society. About 80 percent of us must honestly admit that we are here in college only for-the good of ourselves, and the big financial payoff we expect; not for any good we might by-chance give back to society. This being the case, why should we demand public gifts? We should be expected to pay back the investment cost with future earnings, just like any other profit oriented business. bob wells chemistry 4A

Line-up rip-off ‘The rip-off of the month occurred last thursday night. We were five among hundreds of others who were turned away from the taping of Under Attack. Arriving at 696, we were assured of a seat as there were only 366 people ahead of us in line (?&we use the term loosely. Because of lack of orgainization, the ticket booth was mobbed by latecomers who just barged to the head of the line in front of those of us who had been waiting for 3/4 of an hour. The line itself was not organized, winding all over the damned place. This was a repeat of last year’s mess. Either people should have been given a ticket and let in as they arrived, or the line should have been roped off. Now, for the future, let’s get with it and put an end to all this bullshit! carol adams english 3 linda duxbury bio12 dave beer them eng 2A bob macaulay planning 3 derek hamilton eng 1A





-the chevron

27 October,




Address letters to f&back, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chewron reserves the right to shorten letten.

number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a pod reason.

Box-office bust OF WATERLOO







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I certainly hope that all those who pushed and shoved their way into the Theatre of the Arts last thursday (October 19) enjoyed Under Attack’s guest, Xaveria Hollander. You’ll have to be sure to tell myself and the-other students left standing in the modern languages building when all the tickets had been passed out, all about it. But, to tell you the truth, I’d like to hear how you managed to get in to see the “Happy Hooker”, rather than hearing about her. But then that’s a laugh too, isn’t it, because I know how the majority of you did it-it was very simple, you cut lines. So now you can try to justify that “little” business to me,_while I question those in charge at the theatre for giving you the chance to do so! I arrived with friends at the theatre at 696 p.m. The line up for tickets was already fantastic and it was growing continuously. But when a couple of ushers came along counting heads we found ourselves at the 325 mark. We were guaranteed a seat in the theatre, which seats over 566 persons, I believe. But when they started passing out tickets-supposedly on the basis of “first come, first served”-we didn’t get tickets and neither did a lot of those in the line ahead of us, including some I know that had been standing at the 50-75 mark in the line since before 5: 30 p.m. It’s obvious that a lot of “kids” standing behind us in line did get in, along with those that refused to leave the building when the head count had gone well over the 500 mark. These late-comers had an advantage too. By the time they arrived, the line up had filled all the ground floor halls of the building, so these people were left standing in the centre of the main hall-ready to bombard the box office, the minute the first ticket showed its face. I’d have thought that from previous experiences (one being Germaine Greer’s visit to campus last year), the organizers at the Theatre of the Arts could have anticipated the crowd in attendance and been ready to handle it. But, I guess not! Without the sale of advanced tickets, the best way of doing ,this I believe, would have been to hand -out tickets to students as they came in-you know, “first come, first served”and then letting them wait in line for the doors to open. And if the tickets weren’t available until late, as it was claimed, then the students could have at least been stamped on the hand or given some

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kind of substitute ticket in the meantime. Surely something to this effect would have saved a lot of commotion. As it was, any theatre personnel available only showed maddening indifference to the situation as line cutting continued, and finally line breaking and mobbing ensued for the most part. Despite the lack of organization as far as the handling of tickets was concerned, the behaviour of a large number of students present was no more commendable. Line cutting is just plain cheating, so don’t try to justify it. But if you should try, don’t use “everyone else is doing it, so come on, it’s okay”, because that’s an old trick-and one on yourself even! honours

Shannon.bolton, mathematics.

Arabs beware! One of the major differences between the “new-generation” and the old ones is the supposedly “bias free” attitude. The Chevron by writing the article Israeli Reprisals was anything but. All the Chevron presented is how sorry it feels towards the Arab casualties. The Chevron has never presented an article on the treatment of Jews in Iraq, or critisized the Lod massacre, or the deliverance of bombs to Jewish homes on New Year’s day. No, - in fact they seemed to praise the Arab action. If this is “bias free” attitude then I spit on your so called “JUSTICE”. And as for you Arabs-this is only the beginning. i. atzel eng 1A

Media biased on Israel “Israeli reprisals”, the article written by Jon Rothschild and published in last friday’s Chevron was factual, documented, and comprehensive. It clearly showed the bias in western mass media in favour of Israel and against the Arabs. However, “despite the cries of murder” by the western press, it is still not known for certain how the (Israeli) hostages (at Munich) died. But the killings of scores of innocent Arab civilians by Israel was accepted by the “philanthropic” west as a part of a continuous war. Nevertheless, the article failed in one respect: it did not explain why the Palestinians are at war with the Isrealis; nor why they carried it over to Munidh. It hardly touched upon the usurpation of Palestine from its indigenous people by the alien Jewish settlers who claim more right to the Holy Land since they were there twenty centuries ago and the Palestinians only 24 years ago. ’ What is needed is an article to deal with the roots of the so-called “international terrorism” rather than its effects. m. ghamian grad civil eng

Golda apathetic Concerning your latest article, “Israeli Reprisals”, I could not help but note-the sublime apathy of Golda Meir and the Israeli government in dealing with their lovely little war against the bad guys-Palestinian guerrillas. Meir stabs with the golden thoughts of a zealot. To be-gripped with the attitude that they will never negotiate with commandos seizing Israeli -hostages as bargaining pawns, and to favour the extermination of hostages rather than dealing with terrorists is simply addled reckoning to me. As a result, my sincere sympathy goes forward to victims of the recent Munich incident. Current dogma of the Zionist elite guided their fate. And the fate of the innocent Arab masses, too, can only be directed by the vengeful military tactics of misguided Israeli war heroes. Surely even from the. air Phantom pilots can distinguish a large concrete schoolhouse from a suspicious isolated shack? Or differentiate a fishing boat from a guerrilla gunship? Nonetheless I suggest Golda relinquish her enrolment in Women’s Liberation, and perhaps Moshe Dayan should put his black patch over his other good eye. Peace.


don zielinski geography 1



reactionary You recently printed a review of “Fritz the Cat” that had little good to say about the movie, but you failed to pile on it the shit it so richly deserves. The types who made Fritz the Cat ought to be given the bosses’ Junior Achievement award for this piece of political mind twisting. Certainly nothing this year in the movie racket beats it in the use of ‘hip’ new techniques to push the timeworn message of racism, anticommunism, and personal degeneracy . Important to understanding this movie is the use of animation. Unlike children’s cartoons, which make animals seem like people, Fritz reflects the new and more cynical stage of cultural decadence by making people seem as disgusting and dehumanized as possible. The artful way various social hatreds are worked on by this neoDisneyism are an achievement far beyond anything possible in a “people‘ performance”. The animals viciously satirize human types that animal life is actually vilified by them. A good example is the interspecies group-sex scene (in a yippie-dippie bathtub cum zoo)-more dehumanizing than the crassest of porno films. But that is only one aspect of the meanness of this film. At ‘every step of the plot everyone is either rotten, nasty or stupid. -(The cops, on the other hand, are depicted as stupid but not really up to being nasty).



27 October,


the chevron L

PREGNANT? Adoption

-rfeedback\ The second key is the depiction of the social types shown. The producers wanted black and white workers, students, etc., each to be represented by the most unattractive in their ranks. These symbol types are then subtly counterposed to each other in order to bring out the unspoken mutual prejudices in working class and student movie-goers. For instance, hardhats are shown talking about how their children are not living up to their “square” expectations. Youth culture-types are meant to hate these “slob workers”. Hard on their heels come three college boys (piglet, rabbit,, and Fritz) on the make : “straight” people are meant to hate them. But this is just a warm-up for hating. In wander three girls (a rabbit, a fox and an unidentifiable species) looking for adventure (sexism is a dominant theme). They suck up to a crow (all blacks are crows) who gives them the old Washington Square fountain “professional black” disdain for their efforts. More hate warm-up-which builds to a pitch later in the film. The third key to understanding this cartoon is the character of Fritz himself. He is a very powerful parody of a certain type that is in fact being raised in a small number of affluent suburban homes: the smart-assed, post fraternity era, college boy on a fake-radical ego trip. The growing class oppression in the U.S. makes this type of “greed-head” in. furiating to working people. Fritz is cunning yet fatuous; presuming yet nice: the kind of jerk that sticks in everyone’s memory precisely because he is so infuriating. Although this type is not typical of the majority of students, the fact that it is satirized so effectively prepares the audience for * the old one-two-three punch: Becoming temporarily jaded Fritz casts aside with orgies, campus life and heads to Harlem for adventure, the crows are all displayed as dope addicts, drunks and prostitutes. We then, suddenly, are propelled into the only serious scene in the entire cartoon. A Harlem crow who has befriended ’ Fritz and saved his life .is shot to death because of Fritz’s ravings. This murder is portrayed in frighteningly stark realism-a realism so shocking that it momentarily changes the whole ~ tone of the movie. Yet what did dopey-innocent Fritz say to cause this? You guessed it: He jumped up on a car and told the Harlem citizens to rise up against the exploitation of the bosses-to break their proletarian chains and make revolution. His friend was shot trying to shield him from the bullets of the police. By now, the entire audience is rooting for Fritz to get what’s coming to him. Especially after he shouts to the crows: “Revolt, you thick-skulled idiots ! ” But then comes the climax of truly insidious cleverness. Although thousands of crows are

Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac ter line. F of rii reasons, letters must besignedwithcpurseyearandphone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

massacred in the ensuing insurrection, FRITZ DOESN’T GET HIS. With a final “We Shall Overcome” he flees back downtown to his hashish and his bathtub gangbangs. What a propaganda coup! It would have been hooted off the screen as phoney baloney if live actors had been used. With the tricks of animation, however, we get confused. The viewer is afraid of being ridiculed if he takes a “mere cartoon” seriously, and yet there’s no den.ying the evilness with which the basic points are driven home : l Agitation to revolt against social injustices is an indulgence for white, rich student-types looking for exotic adventure-and a need of oppressed working people. o Black people pay for these revolts with their lives while Whitey fades out safely. ‘aBlack people, in general, are an incendiary and demonic mob; slothful but easily moved to violence by outside agitators. The rest of the film-which portrays America’s radical movement as being composed primarily of bomb-throwing Weatheranimals and lesbian lizards-is only an anticlimax. The producers of this film had obviously exhausted themselves in their orgy of artistic creativitywhich was consciously intended as

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an all-out attack on the ideas of revolutionary socialism. Such pimps for imperialism will launch new cultural attacks, using even cleverer gimmicks, as the class struggle sharpens in North America. Our defense must be to develop our own working class cultural forms-and fight harder than ever against a system which dehumanizes people in real life as well as on celluloid. mike smith.

, Once 3 agam What ’ happened to the come first phenomona of “first served”? Prior to the appearance of Xaviera Hollander for the “Under Attack” show, students were carefully queued up through the halls of the Modern Languages Building in order of their arrival time. When the Central Box Office opened the original pattern of the line-up was ignored enabling students at the rear of the line to take a short cut and receive tickets. This meant students who had been patiently waiting in line since 5 : 30 and 6 :00 could learn that all tickets were gone. May I personally congratulate both those fortunate late-comers and the man in charge of the line.

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jocelyn lockyer economics 3





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27 October,


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27 October,



the chevron


“The central fact at the complex is that entrepreneurs walked off (legally) with $34 million of Manitoba’s money in the form of “fees” and “commissions” for building. . . a complex that will never repay all its debts.” So ran a recent Financial Post describing article in the Manitoba’s largest and most disastrous attempt to overcome economic disparities within the province, the publicly funded Churchill Forest Industries Ltd. (CFI). Placed in receivership in 1971 by the Manitoba government of Ed Schreyer, investigators are still working to identify the real owners of the bankrupt corporation. The total cost of the complex, which is finally providing new jobs for The Pas, comes t6 about $115 million; experts agree that costs for the undertaking should never have exceeded $60-70 million. The CFI affair has corroded Manitoba’s naievete about the ease and wisdom of using the public purse to charm the corporate citizen into, doing the social good. It is less clear that this experience, or any number of ,others as disastrous, have infused any amount Of Caution within the federal Department of Regional Economic Expansion (DREE), also heavily involled in the initiation and funding of CFI. DREE sprang from the loins of the Trudeau regime in 1969 and was placed under the nannyhood-of Jean Marchand; through time the infant was expected to induce a measure of economic equality throughout the nation. Heir to a jumbled lineage, Dree is the fusion of Canada’s many unto-ordinated subsidy programs, covering everything from land management to marsh reclamation, into one purportedly cohesive program; DREE was also the occasion for the creation of new and wideranging legislation aimed at overcoming regional “underdevelopment” through a system r-. of public- grants. Unwilling to take g concrete stand on any of the major issues facing Canadian’society during the last federal campaign, Trudeau did however focus his concern with national unity in one assertive statement: “If the underdevelopmentof the Atlantic Provinces is not corrected-not by charity or subsidies but by helping them become areas of economic growth-the the unity of the country is almost as surely destroyed as it would be by the French-English confrontation.” Apart from the bitter irony of this statement in retrospect, given the “Quebec Crisis”, the liberals had and have every reason to worry. Even the favourably adjusted figures provided the public by the liberal bureaucracy betray explosive regional disparities throughout Canada. During the winter months in -Ontario, when unemployment rates of 6 per cent or better-are a worrisome indicator of the state of Canada’s imperial province, Atlantic. region figures are far worse. The effect of the winter slump is far more destructive in hinterland areas, the Maritimes settling in with 1,2-14 per cent unemployment overall while Qtiebec hovers between 8-l 0 per cent. At this $point in the year the mantle of4 confed,eration is particularly threadbare, yet traditionally tory and liberal governments have done little more than pray patiently for the summer growth cycle. A cursory -glance at regional average incomes, taken as a percentage of the national average, fails to alleviate any of the disquiet-while Ontario sits happily at 116 per chnt of the national average, the Atlantic region manages a barren 70 per cent and Quebec hovers around 90 per cent. Data on persons living in abject poverty only reinforces the picture, admitting, to figures of 38-23-23 per cent for the Atlantic region, Quebec and the Prairies respectively. Moreover these are, in the main,, government figuressomewhat suspect and’ aggregated such that they do not reveal the manner in which this poverty is distributed within the regions considered or the social groups that it burdens most heavily.

DREE is the federal vehicle designed to carry markets. Concentrated industrial production out the death sentence on such regional hardbreeds a vitality of its own through time, ships. Organized to overcome the, randomness drawing in ever-more massive doses of new business; as several centres establish their of past programs, Dree is supposed to map out apd implement a national plan for raising the hegemony, their magnetism retards and may in fact preclude the development of other urban standards of the “slow-growth” areas of Canada. That entails a formidable portion of the centres. When this process affects whole regions within the same country, when the natibn, as can be seen from the DREE map, and with recent additions spans better than 50 per “advantages” of some geographic groupings are geometricall’y greater than those of others, the cent of the Canadian populace. Novices entering the DREE administration, free enterprise system is once again seen to having inquired as to the nature of the departrequire certain interventions. ment, are oft.en gleefully informed that “the Equalization of regional disparities, according to the prevailing ethic, necessitates the arbitrary business here is that of bribery-plain and simple-a new but nevertheless exact science.” of “growth poles” in lthe suffering . development Marchand has outlined his job as being, quite areas. However, with business looking consimply, “just to incite firms to go and establish stantly towards the maximization of profits, it in slow-grpwth regions where normally they ~ tends to gravitate towards areas with developed wouldn’t go.” services and .to shy away from “frontier” The means to this end is a regions. The liberals have it that one must massive system of grants and loan, guarantees, provided-for by the Regional Development In“compensate” business for drawing it slightly centives Act (RDIA), which make available to beyond its chosen orbit-thus the use of development funds to make Halifax as serviced corporations sums of up to $12,000,000 total or $30,000 per job created by new undertakings in as Toronto and incentive,grants to displace the one of DREE’s “designated extra costs and inconveniences of locating areas.” in

the availability of materials, developed

pools of cheap labour, services and guaranteed




the chevron

._Manipulation of th e ’ publi-c. e purs

Marchand and friends ) believe that . the displacement of costs through public subsidies in effect makes it possible for the capitalist to realize the same profit margin as he would have thus rendering the area in the metropolis, competitive. They also expect that once the skeleton of regional industry has been wired up, the body will become operative’of its own accord. DREE’s bulging pockets are eloquent testimony to the faith placed -in this belief by the liberal government. From its creation in 1969 to August of 1972 DREE has burned up more than one billion dollars in public monies and . has another,$505 ,miIIion allotted for this year. In much the same way that mining companies and certain foreign academics are given a tax holiday during the initial stages of their Canadian operation, DREE enjoyed a vacation from criticism and public scrutiny for several years. Working hard at disbursing its funds so as to give empirical proof of its usefulness and striving to make Canadian capitalists aware of just what it has to offer, DREE laid the groundwork for its operation in a peaceful climate. As if to warn off early birds, Marchand -has often publicly stressed the long term as the only valid test of the department’s actions: “comprehensive regional development programs are in their infancy, in Canada a-nd elsewhere. Some of the concepts are new and developing, others are frankly experimental.” Marchand, however, reacted strongly, almost puritannically, to the small wave of criticism to the DREE edifice: wash against first “There is no reliable evidence that the regional development incentive program iS ineffective.” “On the contrary, there is a great deal of evidence that the program has .made a considerable, contribution to em.ployment in the slow-growth regions of Canada and it has done this in a way which represents a notable improvement over previous programs -of this kind.” Despite the minister’s protests, some doubt about DREE’s overall planning effprts has crept into the minds of even the party faithful. TN. Brewis, an academic whose papers are wellthumbed in departmental cadres and who looks upon regional development as a necessity, is no longer certain about the program. Brewis, who has had a statistician working for two years to try to trace the method behind DREE’s grant giving;-has had to conclude that “they all appear to be.based on whim.” ’ Brewis’ thesis is mild in comparison with the highly critical report produced by the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC). APEC is the maritime province’s own organ for-longrange- industrial planning and, as such, has found itself in constant conflict with the overlycentralized and haphazard methods which characterize DREE. Still operating comfortably within the free enterprise ethic, APEC attempts to develop a comprehensive plan which will, in the long term, guarantee the Atlantic region a buoyant and reliable economy. -

A year ago APEC outlined its disgust with DREE publicly, charging that despite its rhetoric DREE in fact favoured giving grants to regions other than the Atlantic; it chided DREE for a refusal to engage systematic planning and for its unwillingness to work with established provincial bodies; finally it described a DREE tactic of pushing money into “infrastructural” developments (roads, bridges, sewers, etc), the most publicly visible and therefore the most politically advantageous form of development. Marchand’s actions lend support to these charges, him having gone so far as to apply the clamps to DREE’s own maritime advisory group, the Atlantic Development Council (ADC). ADC’s mistake was to attempt to set some minimal program guidelines and “targets” against which actual performance could be measured. Even these were rejected out of hand by Marchand who, at the time, is rumoured to have muttered something about “Premier Bourassa’s ill-fated promise to create-100,000 jobs in Quebec by the end of 1971.” APEC called Marchand’s response “as inexplicable as it is disappointing” and noted that “It calls into question once again the federal government’s dedication to the long-term development of the Atlantic Provinces on a planned and orderly basis and reinforces the suspicion that DREE is nothing more than a well-financed give-away program to be extended or contracted according to the economic and political exigencies of the moment.” The mass of criticism that befell DREE late’this summer took as its focal point the “give-away” aspect of the grant program and joyously charted the numerous blunders which support the argument. Initial criticisms, raised in the House of Commons by opposition MP’s, claimed that DREE was inefficiently run, that it financed firms which in fact did not need the money, that it was moving firms from one urban arba to another-footing the relocation bills while throwing people out of work in core areas. Marchand deftly dismissed the criticisms as he has so many others: outsiders can’t possibly understand the method behind DREE grants because “there are a great many complex factors involved.” Marchand’s ability to get away with that glib a response was cancelled once the press decided to look at the issue. In a nicely timed series, which scooped the pants off the Globe, Star staff writer Walter Stewart dumped a mound of facts before the reading public; for the majority of people it was perhaps the first time they had heard of the department. Stewart picked up on the excesses of the grants and presented a number of cases like the following: l Aerovox Canada Ltd. was provided with $235,950 to open an operation in Amherst, N.S. The grant facilitated the closure of the Hamilton operation and meant the immediate loss of 68 jobs, without so much as a provision for severance pay. The new facilities will reap an additional 90 jobs for Amherst, the company w-ill no longer have to contend with a union and will average $1.23 per hour less in wage payments. . l Bruck Mills Ltd. was donated $843,105 for-the express purpose of creating’ 140 new jobs in Sherbrooke and Cbwansville in Quebec. In the end the operation closed out 95 of its old positions, the federal gain thus reduced to 45 jobs.

Enumerating these and other cases in detail, Stewart’s study stirred up surface doubts but failed to get at the core of DREE programs. As usu_al the criticism provided was confused and confusing, a curious mixture of moral outrage at the bureaucratic excesses and individual bewilderment over the enormity of the task facing poor Marchand. A more penetrating analysis was shortly forthcoming in the PhD thesis of David Springate of Harvard, never made entirely public to this day, but described by George Bain in the Globe. Springate investigated a sample of DREE grants and concluded that the program functioned, despite its lofty aims, to facilitate industrial free-booting : “Movement of location of plants within Canada is minimal, and significantly, grants produce few changes in respect to project timing, project size or technology used.” Springate concluded that “roughly one-half of the incentive grants do not influence investment in any significant manner, and can be considered to be windfall gains.” Not surprisingly the DREEmen dismissed Springate’s study in achorus of tut-tuts such as “non-representative sample” and “too subject ive an interview- method”. Later on, however, a leaked Treasury Board memorandum admitted that Springate’s thesis gave “evidence which verifies some of the worst fears of observers of the RDIA program.” It still remains to look at the operative, as opposed to the ritual, policies which are observed inside DREE. Internally the current liberal bias in favour of the “multinational” corporation, as the business world’s finest product, is well reflected. Papers on the growth, proliferation and wondrous powers of the modern multinationals circulate freely throughout the DREE towers in Ottawa, lovingly collected by the scrubbed products of liberal academe harboured there. This bias is clearly represented in DREE’s record, which parades a bevy of donations to companies with vast capital reserves of their own: IBM-$6 million, ITT-$1 3 million, Michelin Tire-$1 5 million, Proctor and Gamble-$15 million, to mention a few. Thus one understands more clearly the Quebec Federation of Labour’s claim that DREE is helping to perpetuate outside control of the Canadian economy and that, in effect, “the entire exercise is a pointless giveaway to foreign capitalists.” Also operative is a policy which precludes giving preference in grants to Canadian capital and prevents DREE from soliciting the formation of new blocks of it to utilize departmental resources. Despite the rhetoric about comprehensive planning, DREE’s activities remain scattered and unto-ordinated. By now it is clear that the department makes little or no effort to encourage the movement of interrelated industries

27 October,


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to the same centre, b nature would tend to development. Further tl the grants towards sen industrial needs of the encourage the develo manufacturing industry assess the state of the Indeed it is by no mear any background reseal sponsored or on the selected. In this respect DREE collective pants down. donated $15 million to f to build a mill in Gral produce bleached kr:fl $13.8 million was donat Inc. (ITT) to establish Cartier, Quebec. As or “Because the pulp m even while the governmt to build new mill?, T.emiscamingue, Quebc business with the resul their jobs. Indeed, thei other pulp operations.” While it would seem n; industrial developmsilt would be made to asse market to absorb the nel to locate and assess m which might be jeopan petition, such common germain to DREE. To d to give grants to 14 0 subsequently gone ban Recently John Diefl calling Marchand “the .party, implying that he for direct political et-,& 7

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As a quick provinces, are where







glance shows, the DREE belt now encompasses better than fifty pe indicates DREE’s claimed area of concentration; region B is eligibic emphasis is placed on developing local services. Note the “Otto



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The grant -system might be less- contentious, less asinine, if it at least gained the public a measure of control over the corporations they invest in. In a case like that of Michelin, the company could comfortably afford to pack up and move its entire operation in five years, leaving the province and the public holding the bag. As David Lewis has noted: - “If Michelin fails to find markets in Canada that can ‘sustain the employment of one thousand workers, all the investments made by the taxpayers of Canada will be worthless. The public has no equity and no guarantee about the future of any of the jobs that are created by the $600 million that their government gives away to corporations every year.”

sinesses that by their elicit further in’dustrial 3re is no effort to tailor cing the most pressing ZoqJntry, no attempt to lment of a Canadian ind only scant effort to economy as a whole. ; clear that DREE does :h-either on the firm n.qture of the region ; often caught with its In January of 1971 it ‘actor and Gamble Ltd. le Prairie, Alberta, to p:.per; one year later d to Rayonnier Quebec 3 pulp mill near Port : commentator noted : rkets had been poor, It was providing money a: existing firm in Z, was driven out of that 875 persons lost were layoffs in most ural that for any major roposal some attempt 3 the capacities of the production, as well as rginal profit industries zed by the new comsense notions are not te DREE has managed ,porations which have rupt. lbaker has taken to agman” for the liberal as wielded his charge ‘. ;-rere are, of course,

the more obvious sorespots like those arising from the composition of the so-called Industrial Incentives Advisory Board (IIAB). Of the five lay members on IIAB four are connected with large corporate endeavours, three of which-Noranda Mines, National Sea Food Products and Canadian Celanesehave received incentives grants. Also there is the at-times embarrassing presence at expensive liberal fund-raising dinners of grant winners of the first order: Canadian Johns-Manville, Falconbridge Nickel, IBM, Union Carbide, Westinghouse, and the Steel Co. of Canada. Political patronage has its humorous aspects as well, the best example of which is what has been dubbed “the Otto Lang bulge”, the curious outcropping on the DREE map in mid-Saskatchewan which just happens to include the better part of the minister’s riding. There is a more fundamental sense in which DREE has been used as a.political tool of late. It will be remembered that in the words of Trudeau himself the Atlantic Region was fingered as the sociauy and economically deprived region in the nation, and that DREE was established to take care of that. However, if one lboks closely at the figures for DREE grants, calibrated on a per region basis, an interesting pattern begins to emerge. Up until December of 1970 Quebec had received $34,752,000 in RDIA grants while the Maritimes received $30,913,000. prom January 1971 to March 1972 Quebec’s total jumped to $82,637,000 while the Atlantic provinces dropped to $26,357,000 during the same period. Robert Chodos noted in an ex&ellentarticle in the Last Post that “Quebec’s share has increased steadily; it got 39.3 per cent in the first six months of 1971, 53.6 p-er c&t in the last six months-of that year, and fully 74.8 per cent in the first three months of 1972.” These figures

cent of the Canadian people. incentive Region A, covering the At/antic for slightly smaller grant ceilings while C lags far behind. The Special Areas map by f. teskey !ng bulge” in Saskatchewan.

clearly disclose the liberal government’s attempt to consolidate its position in Quebe’c after the faux pas of thti War Measures Act in 1970. That the preference of Quebec over the Maritimes has some consistent political underpinnings is buffered by the decision of PREE to include the city of Montreal itself as a designated area. From January of 1971 to March of 1972 Quebec as a- whole has had 2074 applications for RDIA grants, 1300 of which have issued from Montreal. While the liberals would use incentive grants to get the “good corporate citizens” to do their bidding and to enable them to shore up a shaky political future, the corporatiPns are doing their utmost to squeeze the government for whatever they can get. Showing much more insight into the workings of the grant prograT than DREE has shown concerning the nature of the corporation, big business has found a most successful way to manipulate the strings of the public purse. Given DREE’s precarious position and haphazard methods, corporations already established or thinking of establishing in an “underdeveloped” region need do little more than hint that they might move elsewhere to start the free money rolling in. The best example of this is provided by Nova Scotia’s biggest industrial plum, the huge Michelin Tire plant located in Bridgewater N.S. The overall capital investment tallies to $150 million, and once the smoke from t,vo years of skirmishing cleared the public subsidy, in varying forms, totalled $88.87 million. This funding is worked out on the-basis of ongoing tax concessions, provincially sponsored lowinterest loans, lowered import duties and, of course, incentive grants. DREE’dumped a grand total of $15.97 million into the overall pot, the per job cost of which works out to $35,588. Michelin played the game superbly from its angle, threatening numerous times to locate elsewhere, perhaps even in the US, and used the resulting leverage to up the free monies fantastically. In a submission to the US Commissioner of Customs, made when the government threatened Michelin with exclusion from the lucrative American market, the company stated that “all these grants had little to do with its decision to build in Pictou County.” Marchand’s article of faith\: “1 won’t give you a present; I will simply compensate you for the economic disadvantages,” rings .hollow against the realities of incentive grants. McCain Foods Ltd, the frozen food magna& of the east, did no more than suggest it might move south to get DREE’s faithful attention. That move brought the company three grants totalling $7.1 million. The sorry aspects of this instance are that the major subsidy-$6 million-was not made publieat the time of granting, and only emerged in testimony given before a government committee. Interestingly enough, a high-ranking DREE official recently left the organization to take up a cushy post with none other than McCain’s. r-

If DREE figures are accepted uncritically under-unemployment in the hinterlands is clearly on its way out; Dree officially claims the provision of 58,766 new jobs as a result of efforts to bribe the entrepreneurs. Initial investigations of DREE affairs c&t a different light on the matter and lead- one to treat the pronouncements advisedly, as “suspect.” The possibility of a proliferation of failures like that of Rayonnier is firmthe official claim stands at 459 jobs gained while in reality 91 were lost. Since these and like matters have come under fire in the house, Marchand and friends have scrambled to locate evidence of their good works. In this regard they have found their corporate charges particularly unfaithful, numbers of them willing to speak openly with inquiring journalists about the lack of effect DREE grants had on their decisions. A parti’cularly good example is that of Canadian Celanese Ltd., granted a cool $278,629 to modernize its operations in Quebec. Celanese eventually closed out one of its three plants and rationalized its operations in the remaining ,two-a net loss- of 473 jobs throug,h public support. Under attack, Marchand came to Ceianese looking for facts to support him publicly. However, Jim Hynes, a manager for Canadian Celanese, admits that the company had little to give him at the time: ’ “The record is pretty poor, Marchand seemed to be quite concerned about this. He even came to us to ask us to provide him with information on new jobs so he could support the grants in parliament. We weren’t able to do that, because there weren’t any new jobs. We told him to take the tack that without the grants perhaps some old jobs would have been lost. He wasn’t very impressed.” By this point, hopefully, neither is the Canadian public. Since 1968 federal handouts to business have catapulted by better than 35 per cent; marry this fact with the Finance Department’s estimate that by 1973 individual taxpayers will pay nearly 50 per cent of all income tax in Canada, measure it agajnst DREE’s performance, and you have powerful reason for a- good deal of discontent. This feeling is sharpened the deeper one peeks under the surface of corporate life; not only do we buy the corporations allegiance to the so-called social good, but we allow them virtual freedom from taxation on the profits they reap. Of the 200,000 odd corporations operating in Canada today, fully 50 per cent of them pay absolutely no taxes at all. With.this knowledge in mind the give-aways take on a bizarre reality, little more than a form of corporate conditioning designed with economists in mind. Its failing is that it relies on a “think and do” mentality on the part of the corporation, a belief that in the end they will play the part of honest johns to society’s problems and simply collect their just rewards for a job well done. Mere belief may be the stuff on which Ottawa bureaucrats feed, but holjefully it won’t suffice as a diet for the Canadian public. Perhaps, just perhaps, the time is approaching when that public will demand

a more

economic structure gentle correctives



be taken and be abandoned.

at the entire






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veryone knows that the theatre is immoral. The Victorians knew it and when one of their sons or daughters went on the stage, they turned his picture to the wall and never spoke of him again. Nice people didn’t go to the theatre and they showed their disapproval by taxing the theatres heavily. Horace Walpole knew it and the licensing laws his government passed were so strict that almost the only forms of comedy they left were vaudeville and puppet shows. The Puritans certainly knew it; one of the first things they did when they came to power under Cromwell was to shut up those immoral places. Even Wycliffe knew it, and he and his reformers stumped ithe hustings preaching the, “No man should perform in jest and play the miracles and deeds that Christ so earnestly performed for our salvation. . . We never read in the Bible of Christ laughing, but only of much penance, tears, and the shedding of blood... .And since the performing of plays gives rise to pleasure and merrymaking which delights the senses, not the spirit, this activity stifles the voice of Christ.” Of course, some of those/who called the theatre immoral may have had reasons other than public virtue at heart when they opposed it. Horace Walpole may have been worried that Henry Fielding’s ridicule would bring his government down, and he soon found that even the harmless Punch and Judy man could hide a barb in his traditional patter. To make matters ‘worse, the puppeteer could set up his booth, ridicule the government, and be off before the authorities could catch up with him. The Puritans certainly had not come off well in Restoration comedy, nor in Ben Jonson who took English pot shots at them, nor in IMoliere who wrote Tartuffe to expose their canting hypocrisy. Still further back we hear of Cardinal Wolsey who, having seen a play which “was highly praised of all men, savying of the Cardinall, which imagined that the play had beene devised of him,” seized his servant John Roo, who was also the author, tore off his collar of office, and despatched him to the Fleet -Prison. Perhaps Wycliffe had been made the butt of one of the bawdy jokes which often were woven into the medieval mystery plays. In view of all this evidence it is rather surprising that not once, but twice, in the history of Western drama the church gave birth to the theatre. Everyone knows about how the great tragedies and comedies of Greece grew out of religious festivals at which dramatic competitions were held. But again, after many years of obscurity following the fall of Rome, the drama again emerged, this time from . the Christian church. The rituals of the church provided the origin of such drama. In the early Middle Ages, the singing of the introit during the Easter service was accompanied by a pantomime of the Easter story. As time went by, these pantomimes were extended to other festivals of the church year, and a small amount of dialogue was added. This was added to, rewritten and adapted until, by the early fifteenth century, there were complete cycles of mystery plays which cover the whole story of the Bible, from the Creation and Fall to the life of Christ and the Last Judgement. By this time, the plays had moved out of the churches and had passed from the hands of the clergy into, the hands ‘of the various workers’ guilds, each of whom had a play which was, for some reason or other, considered appropriate to its calling. The Noah play would be given to the ship- builders, the Magi to the goldsmiths, the Disputation in the Temple to* the lawyers, the Flight into Egypt to the stable keepers, the Last Supper to the bakers, etc. So the whole community had a part -in this truly popular drama. These cycles of mystery plays were traditionally performed on the Feast of Corpus Christi. This festival is in honor of the sacrament of the Mass and is not tied to any one event in the Bible, so it was thought a good opportunity to act out the



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For teachers of drama, this fascination with the Middle Ages and its plays offered a way of making their subject matter more relevant to their students. By staging medieval plays the students could learn a great deal about drama and thehistory of drama. The direct access to the audience which the medieval technique gives the players gave as much opportunity for social comment and satire to modern actors as it had to medieval ones. In 1966, some graduate students at the University of Toronto began recreating some,of these plays, and they were so well received that a group called the Poculi Ludique Societas (the Little Cups and Plays Society) was formed to carry on with the productions. From the start -they kept the original language and used costumes and stages that were in keeping with what can be inferred about medieval practices. Sometimes their attempts at authenticity had comic aspects as when they tried to use a live lamb in a production of the ‘Second Shepherds’ play. The animal developed bleating stage fright regularly and had to be carried off during every performance. In all future productions, they used either mock-ups or actors wearing masks when animals were required. Sometimes they have been more fortunate,such as the time they were faced with the need for a large heathen idol to crumble and fall at a crucial time in the, play. This seemed impossible until they learned that one of the prop men was practitioner of yoga and able to stand motionless with outstretched arms for over half an hour before his cue came to collapse. Audience reaction was enthusiastic. In re-capturing the colour and power of the originals, the PLS has made every attempt to combine striking visual effects, pantomime, pageantry, gorgeous costuming and imaginative staging. This year, for instance, there are forty costumes involved in the two plays-they are producing, some of which have been aided in their design by a member of the ROM staff. The society has continued to expand its range of activity every year, both in the plays attempted and in the locations where they are given. They have appeared not only at the university and at the regional meetings of the Medieval Academy, but in churches in and around Toronto, at the Spring Festival in Guelph, at the Annual Meeting of the MLA in Chicago and at the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at SUNY in Binghamton, New York. Although the plays are given in Middle English, the audiences seldom experience any difficulty in fully understanding the play and its message. The PLS has Deen invited to Waterloo this year by the department of English,, the division of drama, and the Student Village. _ They will perform two medieval mystery ‘plays, The Last Judgement and The Assumption of the Virgin. The first of these is from the Towneley Cycle which is noted for its combination of good theatre with boisterous good spirits, satire, and farce. In The Last Judgement, the devils carry on a lively dialogue about the unusual amount of evidence they have against women and remark that if the Judgement Day had not come when it did they would have had to make Hell larger. At the beginning of the Assumption, we see a group of worried politicians trying to map out a final solution to those bothersome Christians and find them coming up with the idea of kidnapping the Virgin Mary. The play ends with their madness and frustration as the Virgin is carried up to heaven. The performances will be held in the Great Hall of Student Village II at 8:30 tonight and tomorrow night. Residents of the Student Village may obtain free tickets on a first-come-first-served basis from Mr. Dunnington; admission for all others will be 75 cents., with tickets available at the central box office or at the door on the nights of the performances.

PLS:. a new .drama company reviving old ideas not prevent individual characterization. whole cycle. The festival also occurred at The three shepherds in the Second a time of year when the weather was warm and the light lasted longer. By this time the Shepherds’ Play are three quite different men, and Christ’s judges, who are performances were \given in the open air, so that dialogue could not be very subtle. presented (interestingly enough) as medieval bishops, are contrasted by their Most of it would be carried away by the ’ wind or drowned out in the general treatment of Christ. One is violent and sadistic, the other ,a sly and sinister festivities. politician. The soldiers who torture and The result was that pantomime and spectacle were relied on. Even in the mock Christ are both threatening and cramped space of a temporary stage or a comic. The humour of their brutal games pageant wagon, elaborate staging and with the central but silent Christ is not introduced as comic relief but to make the costumes were used, as can be seen from the bills for gold and silver leaf, coloured audience identify with, or at least understand, these men representing all sinful foil, rich fabrics, dyes and paints. A full performance must have been as brilliant men who re-crucify Christ. The responas the illuminated manuscripts of the sibility for the crucifixion is not, then, period. historically limited, but shared by all men Today it is assumed that religious plays at all times. must be dull, and certainly solemn. AcBut the drama developed further, the tually, one of the major tasks in staging language changed, theatres became more such a drama today is to involve the sophisticated, and for one reason or audience as the medieval audience was another the old plays were no longer involved and to overcome prejudice valued by audiences who had been inagainst material whose mode may seem troduced- to the glories of Shakespeare. archaic and remote. It is true that the Moreover, the Reformation in England subject matter of the plays was religious made all such * “popishness” suspect. and that at least part of the purpose of the Finally the Puritans convinced <everyone plays was to remind the audience of that religion must be a grim business, and human history and god’s intervention in it. the colourful, symbolic, mystical, comBut the message of the Gospel to these munal, human and sometimes bawdy old people was a joyous one and the religious plays were shut away as tasteless, awkobservances of the Middle Ages could ward and primitive. It has only been in the \ accommodate a good deal more of lighttwentieth century that the English heartedness than might be thought proper mystery plays have been examined once more with sympathy. today. The Middle Ages did not have the same notion of the natural opposition of During the latter part of the nineteenth humor and religion that is common today century, there was a renewed interest in and they often combined the religious and the Middle Ages and a re-discovery of the erotic, or even bawdy, in their literature. cultural riches of a time which had been thought of as backward and barren. Music, The plays, then, instructed through art, literature and social history all They embroidered the entertaining. benefited from this revival. Somewhat biblical narratives with homely and later, when the drama again became realistic humour. They showed the eternal experimental, actors and directors began types of mankind, the tyrant, the scolding in the mystery plays. wife, the arrogant soldier, and the ) to find inspiration They found that many “modern” ideas hypocrite as fourteenth or fifteenth cenand techniques had already been explored tury individuals; in short, as conby medieval dramatists and players. temporary men. Herod is the archetypal Performing “in-the-round”, the use of tyrant, but he is presented as a medieval abstract setting for symbolic purposes, tyrant rather than an ancient Jewish one and the direct involvement of the audience because the audience was to recognize him in the play were some of similarities they (a form of topical social protest, in which noted, Also there was a combination of the plays abound) and to understand at the apparent simplicity with underlying same time that his kind has always been complexity which appealed strongly to the around and had a part in human life. modern temper. Stylization and religious convention did.



friday, . ,

27 October,

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photos by ron smith

Federal housing

Th-e report Trudeau tried to hide Programs in search of a policy: low income housing in Canada, by M’ichael Dennis and Susan Fish, Hakkert Press, Toronto, 1972.

Just as the present federal election was being announced 60 days ago, -New Democratic Leader David Lewis released copies of a study on housing commissioned by Michael Dennis an-d 30 associates. If ever there was a research report used as a gatling gun against government forces, this is it. Dennis first delivered the report to the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation in April of this year. On June 30th, 3,000 copies of the study were delivered from the printers but they were never released. Someone, either the Liberals or CMHC, refused to make the entire study public ‘even though public money was used, in researching the report. To this day only one copy, that released by Lewis, has come from the CMHC offices. The rest have been shelved or destroyed. Because the CMHC still won’t release copies, Dennis and associates revoked any permission to allow CMHC to distribute copies and have published Programs in search of a Policy through a private firm. Because of this action the Canadian public, including students who will be attempting to place a down payment to pay off that fifty year mortgage on a home, are the winners-possibly. The Liberals, CMHC and some other provincial governments and housing departments’ are the losers. It is unfortunate the book was not available across Canada a month ago (it h-as been in the campus book store a week). If it had, voter could have read it and those running ;or office could have debated the issues raised in the report. As it is, the contry’s housing problems have not been brought out in this election like they should be. Besides the New Democratic Party only one MP, Paul Heliyer who headed the Liberal Task Force on Housing in 1969 and then quit the party after absolutely no action was taken on the findings, has made it an election issue. The Hellyer Report recommended, “that all urban residential land be developed and marked by municipalities and that federal loans be made for that purpose; that subsidies be paid to people, rather than attached to buildings; that cooperative and non-profit programs be expanded.” Canada has had social housing problems recognized by governments for over 30 years. Programs in search of a Policy is not proposing many new proposals, just bringing together the important recommendations from the Curtis Committee of 1944, the Murray Report of 1964, the Glassco Commission of 1965, the Hellyer Task Force Report of 1969 and many others. . It does however state that Canada needs a Housing and Urban Affairs Department at the federal level. And just the mere-fact

that Michael Dennis and Susan Fish did not let CMHC,shelve the report indicates that the government must start bringing about change in housing policy instead of commissioning another report. Another report would only rephrase what all the above mentioned reports plus the Dennis Report have stated over and over. In Canada there are approximately 118,000 homes in need of major repair, a half million homes are without indoor plumbing, 5.5 per cent without hot and cold running water, 8.1 per cent without a bath or shower and approximately 1,115,OOO homes lack central heating-a big 19.7 per cent. Most of these homes are occupied by the poorest peopfe across the country-a large rural percentage. Altogether they add up to one third of all Canadians. The report therefore recommended approximately 2.5 million new units to accommodate 2.1 million new households to be built by 1980. This is a tremendous number and won’t be met by private developers in total. In last week’s Star it was reported that developers in Toronto were having no trouble unloading their stock of $80,000 homes. But will you as a graduating student be able to afford a $30,000 home-which is un_der the average cost of a necessary shelter in that city. If you do buy such a home it is likely to cost you a grand sum-of $64,000 before all payments are made. For most, they’ll be stacked up in apartments or squeezed into row housing. There are a number of reasons why housing costs have skyrocketed. Inflation is one, and as pointed out by Dennis it takes the form of land costs, labour costs, material costs, interest rates, property taxes and of course the.growth in consumer demands. Even though “construction costs

have exerted constant upward pressure their influence on total costs have been largely counteracted through ‘the reductions in dwelling size.” The apartments are taking over, but do people want -to live in apartments all their lives? Dennis states that “the inflation in housing and the-construction industry have been more serious than in any other part of the economy, except the government sector.” Land costs rose 65 per cent in the last decade and is a most critical issue.%Only Edmonton has done any -public land banking since 1955 while most of the land around the rest of the urban centers are in the hands of private developers. Using Toronto as an example the report states, “three firms own in excess of 5,000 acres each on the western fringe of the city: Bramalea Development Corporation Ltd. Canadian Equity Ltd. and S.B. McLaughlin Assoc. Ltd. Canadian Equity Ltd. is controlled by the Cadillac Development Corporation and Bronfman (Seagrams) interests. One of the major shareholders of Bramalae is Eagle Star Insurance, which also controls the Trizec Corporation, a major residential and commercial developer. Other major landholders in the Toronto Area are George Wimpey (Canada) Ltd., Monarch Construction Ltd., and Richard Consta in (Canada) Ltd. All are wholly owned subsidiaries of giant English building companies. Another is Markborough Properties Ltd., a land development company set up by, a number of large corporations, including George Wimpey and the Royal Bank. and Broad Inc., a Kaufmann major American developer recently acquired the better landholdings of Revenue Properties Ltd., having purchased all the shares of its subsidiary, the Victoria


Development Corporation.” the prairres it’s Genstar Ltd., the Canadian subsid’iary of a Belgian conglomerate. It has acquired control of one of the major builders, B.S.C.M. Construction and Materials Ltd. This company in turn has more than 2,500 acres in Winnipeg alone, or about one-third of requirement for the next ten years, and one of only five major land developers in Edmonton. As can be seen, the risk of collaboration ofpricing~is obvious. The little guy must feel the squeeze. Programs in search of a Policy deals with much more than just land-banking and the state of Canadian housing today. It also deals with the much needed public housing, where in Ontario the Ontario Housing Corporation has been building huge apartment complexes to house the poor while building almost no single family homes. In contrast, British Columbia very recently has decided to stop their similar practice, while Manitoba has been -scattering individual single f.amily homes , tailored to a particular family size since 1970. Also, the Manitoba homes are renting from as low as $26 per month with the amount paid geared to the families income. This practice isn’t causing any poor peoples’ ghetto. The book also deals with assistance to home ownership, our banking rates, the policies of the National Housing Act, and cooperatives. It also discusses the problems and costs of home rehabilitation. Michael Dennis believes a complete reorganization is needed in light of the poor job CMHC has done in the field’of planning and administration of social housing programs. He recommends the new Department of Housing and Urban Affairs be among other things, “a bank of technical expertise available to undertake or assist experimental and developmental projects. In some cases these projects could be federally run but he suggests that to a large should be planned and part, “housing developed by the level of government which is closest to the people-the municipal level,” with people participating in the planning of them. Overall, Programs in search of a Policy is important for Canadians but will likely go unread. It should be a standard text on any university course dealing with housing or the social problems facing a large sector of our population. We can be thahkful it was released by the authors and not kept as just another report to file. The report, at any rate, will be facing whoever comes to power Monday, and the housing problem will have to be realistically tackled by that government. On



20 the -. --*yy-.







27 October,






















27 October,



the chevron

2 1


The l -_



- Ive

1ive Tht -ee years ago when I first arrived at Wate rloc 1 universi ty, this powerful industr ,ial complex really had (or so I belie\ ded ) ‘what it took’ to be a learning expet -ien ce. There was a whole variety of prom isin lg fields in which to study, to explore , to inquire. I Ilad the-time to read, to discu ss, an’d, I hclped, the time to understand what ‘it’ was all about anyway. Like a package, the world lay at my feet. Thursday night’s Under Attack might well have been the screenplay of my early years here. In one production it’embodied all the frustration, naivety, and ignorance enCounteredGthin the liberal confines of the “university community.” The concept of university as ‘a whole, incorporating many and varied areas of study and opinion, stems from the liberal democratic ideals of a supposedly free and enterprising people. In a democracy, liberalism is the negotiating of ideas and the mutual respect of different spheres of ideas. It is supposed that out of this mutual respect and exchange of experiences a tolerant and encompassing existence will prevail, enabling man to develop to the best of his possible potential. The democratic system is associated with freedom of thought and equality for all. An important aspect of liberal democracy is the exchange of ideas. Without exchange and new understanding growth becomes stagnant and change becomes intolerable. The democratic system prides itself in its theory of modification, its ability to expand and encompass new and different horizons. Thursday night’s absurdity reflecieb the confusion and blindness of a people trying to make their liberalism work. Who is Roy anyway? What Frankhouser Jr. phenomenon does he represent?’ Who are the minutemen and why do they cry for armed revolution ? Is there any truth to Frankhouser’s analysis of the socio-political situation in the States? What relationship exists between the KKK and the minutemen? These questions and many more could have provided some insight into Roy Frankhouser Jr. and how in a system of liberalis& men like him ‘become powerful. But, instead, the theatre of the arts became an arena for name-calling, backstabbing, hissing, booing, and when all that failed, foot-stomping and hand-clapping. Under Attack co-ordinators encouraged and directed what they called a program of emotional response. To repeat moderator Bill Walker, Under Attack is not a forum for political speeches. It’s a’ television show

and the ‘clappers’ are part of the act. Meaningful dialogue had no place in this production. Liberalism had already defined Roy Frankhouser Jr. as an extremist, a fanatic, a man who would kill innocent people to achieve his goals. He was another ‘Hitler’. But what conditions’gave rise to Hitler? Roy Ftinkhouser Jr. affirmed for his audience that there were similarities between the states today and pre-nazi germany. How, then, did the extremist, Hitler, come into power? Was he, too, another fool, another impossible fanatic? Democracy implies responsibility. It ‘is ,a representative form of government that implies mass participation and involvement. Through the democratic process, man is allowed an involvement in provincial, national and international affairs. It is proposed that in a democracy the individual has a say in how his world is governed. - Now we all know this. We’;ve heard it, read it, and envisioned it at one time or another. The question is: “Does democracy really exist ?” Is it possible that there exists a discrepancy between- what we’ve been taught and what actually is? Is it possible that our framework for viewing the world has become so structured that we can no longer see around, above, or beyond it? Do we wear our liberalism like coloured glasses tinting everything we see with artificial perceptions? -What is liberalism all about? The negotiating and mutual respect of ideas demands a system of many -Centres of powers, their mutual independence and privacy, and mutual adaptation. No one power is to dominate or submit. Therefore, there should exist a separate yet respectful relationship between church and state, business and state, family and state, university and state. All may influence each other but none may dominate or control the other.

Knowing this, has it ever been your observation that business (money) is indeed a controlling factor in political affairs, or that the family actually supports the existing socio-economic structure of our society. Roy FraFkhouser Jr. is talking about a powerful, economic, corporate, industrial power in control of , the United States government. Does such a power exist? Why is Frankhouser politicking outside of normal democratic procedures? Perhaps, thursday night’s performance of Under Attack -could have lent some insight into why a man becomes an extremist. -winnie


Down the

garden’ path The Canadian Voter’s Guidebook, eds, Jim McDonald & Jack MacDonald, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd. This book has been described by one source as “a brilliant and timely anatomy of the coming federal election...” A reviewer stated that the work managed to be “nonpartisan by the simple device of giving all points of view.” The Canadian Voter’s Guidebook is neither brilliant nor nonpartisan, but is timely in the sense that it appeared on the market during the current federal election campaign.

Edited by two of the ten parliamentary interns who for five months worked with the government and for five months with an opposition party, the book is a typical piece of bourgeois political science. The con, tributors claim, “We have not set out to promote any individual or party fortunes.” Actually, this assertion on the part of the parliamentary interns strongly suggests they are all liberals who have that silly notion that non-partisan criticism can be equated to objectivity or a non-partisan approach to viewing politics. The stance accepted by the authors in their analysis of ” some aspects of the Canadian polity and the upcoming federal election is, in effect, a position which advocates a maintainance of the existing situation-insensitive bureaucracy, irrelevant political parties, anti-democratic institutions... in short, bourgeois democracy. The description of the four principle political parties remains at best, a superficial glance at the nature of these political groupings. The aut.hors cursorily describe in what regions of Canada each party has its main strengths. Little attempt is made to explain why certain classes or strata of the population support one party as opposed to another. Especially prominent is the lack of any analysis of the ideological precepts on which each party stands. One example to indicate the absence of anything substantive in the book: one contributor suggests that Liberals are party members .because, among other things, the party is able to represent English: and French-Canada. This is a myth, for the Liberal Party has supporters which, in large part, represent specific segments of the English and French populace. Throughout ihe- Guidebook, ineffectual remarks with reference to election issues are presented to serve as guideposts for the reader as he stumbles his way on the path of righteousness which leads to the polling booth. Those primarily responsible for acute regional disparities and the severe unemployment are not criticized for their policies or lack thereof. On a pressing concern such as the James Bay project, the contributors do not castigate the federal government for permitting another rape of the environment ‘and, more significantly, the further dehumanization of. the Indian people. One of the most odious statements in the book refers to the Laporte-Cross incident of October, 1970. The text reads, “As a political act, the invocation of the War Measures Act. might still need some justification....” A response to this inane statement is that a fascistic act can never be justified, unless one accepts the rules of the game as enunciated by Trudeau and his sycophants who sit inside and outside of the government. This book, which is replete with mundane analysis, prosaic description and maladorous comments could only have been written by a group of budding political scientists who have spent some time at the heart (or, should I say, anus?) of Canada’s political system. -mike




the chevron

27 October,

The Jazz’n’Blues Cl-ub Presents




Don Thompson

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These workshops will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please sign up at the Reference Desk of either library any time up until the workshop begins; we can only accommodate 20 people in the Arts Library and 12 people in the EMS Library at one time.

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go to the workshop which suits your particular needs. If you need with “arts” research go to the Arts Library; if you need help “engineering, math or science” research, go to the E.M.S. Library floor, Math-Computer Bldg.)



2: 30 p.m.





help with (4th

OFFICES of students


27 October,

the chevron 23 _--.._-



sound of

genius 0

. d

The Stravinsky Album (Columbia MG 31202) features the Columbia Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Igor Stravinsky, in definitive performances of three works from the composer’s early career, Le Sacre du Printemps and the Firebird and Petrushka ballet suites. All three- are colorful, highly melodic, and grandly expressive compositions, utilizing occasional dissonances and polyrhythmic passages for contrast without affecting the self-consciously esoteric stance of much -contemporary “serious” music. The ready accessibility of these pieces is indicated by their place in the standard symphonic repertoire, and they are particularly recommended to anyone who wants to get into the classics, but is uncertain as to where to start. The Columbia Symphony is not a “working group”, but rather a collection of studio musicians much less cohesive than the usual symphony orchestra, and they can be quite sloppy unless held under firm control: Stravinsky was known for his discipline and attention to detail, however, and he tolerated none of the recalcitrance experienced by other conductors (notably Bruno Walter during his last recording-of the Brahms’ Symphonies) in dealing with them. The resulting performances can hardly be faulted. If there is somewhat less rythmic bite here than in Pierre Boulez’s version of Le Sacre (Nonesuch H-71993), this is surely Stravinsky’s prerogative as the conductor of his own work; if Boulez’s is a more emotional reading with all the energy of a mad cavalry charge, Stravinsky’s compensates by bringing out the beauty of the more ethereal statements by the violins and woodwinds. Although you won’t go wrong with either version of Le Sacre, The Stravinsky Album also includes gorgeous performances of the two ballet suites, and thus serves as an excellent introduction to the major figure of twentieth-century classical music. Bela Bartok’s Six String Quartets (Columbia M 311968) have been recorded by the Juilliard Quartet on three albums which contain a healthy quota of music as difficult as it is ultimately rewarding. The tone is hdt by the opening movement of the First Quartet, where the frequent use of an effect known as appoqiatura, or a

tentative and indirect approach to the next desired melody note, creates feelings of tension and agitation which belie the superficial simplicity and absence of dynamic range of the music. To a casual listener, this quartet would likely seem merely hesitant; close attention, however, results in complete absorption, as well as the reward of final resolution in the-grand, singing theme of the third movement. The Second Quartet was finished 9 years after the first, in 1917, and is the most romantic and lyrical of the six. It features a rather wild Allegro molto capriccioso sandwiched between two quieter outer movements, although the use of drones in the concluding Lento again conveys feelings of despair and loss. The fabric of the music seems continually rent by strong and conflicting emotions, and this quartet demands the utmost in interpretation if it is not to seem arbitrarily neurotic; but in The Juillard’s capable hands each affective episode is an experience, as they overcome intellectual reservations concerning the lack of integration of the various snippets of thematic material. The Third Quartet, completed only in 1928, different from its is again quite predecessors in its self-confidence and its brio. This is the shortest of the six, consisting of one 141/2 minute movement of continual experimentation with two or three dominant motifs, the overall effect being that of a composer who can hardly write quickly enough to capture his explosions of musical ideas. The Fourth Quartet is seperated from the Third by just one year, but is a good deal more relaxed and also exhibits the first signs of a. sense of humor on the part of the comp,oser. Structural problems have been largely resolved through the “arch form,” essentially a pyramiding of both mood and thematic material, and with boundaries firmly in mind Bartok is able to more thoroughly develop his musical ideas. The Fifth Quartet, also in “arch form,” is a similarly mature work, and is distinguished by a rather comical section titled Allegro con indifferenza (quickly with indifference), which satirizes Eastern European cafe music of the “Third Man Theme” variety. Although neither quartet can be considered “easy listening,” close attention is again repaid by an understanding of their fundamentally symmetrical structure at both the micro- and macrocosmic levels. The Sixth, and final, Quartet abandons the “arch form” for a unifying motif stated at the beginning of each of its four movements. Through different instrumental voicings and thematic development Bartok achieves four contrasting moods which nevertheless have the same origin; the effect is again one of absolute mastery and self-assured control over material, and constitutes a fittl%g end for an impressive series of compositions. If I have said little about the performances of The Juillards, it is because these are just about unassailable in terms of either technical execution or spirit. In more reactionary musical circles it is supposed that only Eastern European artists can adequately perform Bartok’s works, a claim which may have some validity with regard to pieces derived directly from folk sources, such as, Mikrokosmos, but one which hardly applies to the String Quartets. And since The Juillard’s recordings are clearly superior to competing readings by the Ramor and Tatrai Quartets, both Hungarian ensembles, this question really needs no further discussion. The only serious competition is provided by the Fine-Arts Quartet, equally superb musicians, but not quite as well recorded on Concert-Disc. After numerous hearings of these works, it seems to me that they provide the same sorts of pleasure as Beethoven’s String Quartets Op. 127-135. Their apparent difficulty yields but slowly to the attentive ear, with complexity and richness being the words which come to mind most often in attempting to describe them. In classical music, as with other genres, those works -which are the most accessible are often the least satisfying over time; and while no work is inexhaustible, Bartok’s String Quartets will certainly sustain a prolonged and intense acquaintance.

classical gas Beethoven

and Brahms



(Columbia MG 31418), Isaac Stern Leonard Bernstein conducting The York Philharmonic (in the Beethoven)

with New and

conducting The Eugene Ormandy Philadelphia Orchestra (in the Brahms) : a 2-Lp set of performances previously released singly, which won lavish praise from such generally reliable sources as American Record Guide. Stern’s interpretation of the Beethoven Concerto, excellent as it is, pales somew.hat beside his work in the Brahms, a piece which he “owns, ” and which I have twice heard him perform live, to my total bogglement and admiration. The Brahms Violin Concerto is, according to me, the finest concerto ever written for anything by anybody, meaning that this recording belongs in any civilized collection of records.

Canadian Content revisited

It’s Canadian Content Time, record fans, starting with an unheralded but promising LP out of Toronto by former Hespelerite Ray Materick, called Sidestreets (Kanata 10). Not having heard .of Materick before, either by word of mouth or on the Ontario performing circuit, I was prepared to hear another Southern Ontario One-Album Wonder, but .for once I was pleasantly surprised. B&ally, I don’t believe in Canadian Content, either as a philosophical concept or a workable practice, and if an artist can only be discussed in comparison with other “Canadian” products, he isn’t worth discussing. (They’re not bad, yqu know, for Canadians.“) And Ray Materick, judging from this album, is among that select group of Canadians who don’t have to be .condescended to in that manner. “Promising”, I realize, is usually taken to be negative praise, but it is often the only Twelve times last week-twice at each way to judge first works. While Materick weekday’s noonhours, and twice more has a long way to go before there will be any Friday evening-another of the wholly basis of judging him against other Toronto remarkable manifestations of private products like Bruce Cockburn or Murray musical enterprise at Waterloo was McLaughlin, there is much in “Sidestreets” presented for the delight of such numbers of to suggest the time may come for that. the public ’ as could be 1fitted‘ into the (You will have a chance, incidentally, to Humanities Practice Theatre, in the form of judge for yourself by the time you read this, a program of Italian Renaissance music and since Materick appeared last week in the dance. Instrumental music, using ancient Campus Centre coffeehouse. ) instruments such as recorders, crumhorn, The only information on the album about lute, and viola de gamba, under the general Materick is -the lyrics to his songs, and his direction of Reg Friesen, included selections poetry is embarassingly sentimental and from Italian composers such as Frescobaldi often moving, though again a long way from and Salamon Rossi; and vocal music the evocative and fragile lyricism of Cock(usually accompanied) by the likes of burn. Monteverdi and Palestrina, emanated- from Materick and his five sidemen put out a the remarkably able madrigal quintet which solid and competent backing for these has been assembled in the past year or two songs, but not noticeably versatile here; the by David Walker. In addition, period dances danger seems to present itself that Materick were done by dance stude.nts of Jill Of- may be able to do one thing well: while his ficer’s; and Karl Wylie acted as master (?) lyrics vary from mood to mood, the music of ceremonies, sometimes announcing and he sets them to is invariably heavy, sombre. sometimes entertaining with mime imPerhaps this is a result of his deep-throated, provisations. By the Zme this reviewer was heavy voice which can’t seem to change able to take in the show, at the next-last moods with his poetry. performance, the sequence of events was “Sidestreets” is a personal statement firmly in hand, and Wylie was in peak form, from Ray Materick and, from the sober especially with several youngsters in the gloom of “Home from Parade” (a poem audience to draw him out. about Little Big Horn) to the gentle love The general standard performance of this letter “Dear Christine” to the happy-gogroup is remarkably high, when you con- lucky “Morning Song”‘, it’s an album full of sider that it is all utterly voluntary and honest feelings and good music. And spontaneous: none of the people involved in promising. the musical part of the show is a Labeling Harry Belafonte “Canadian professional musician or teacher of music, Content” is stretching the ridiculous even and of course we have at the U of W ab- further, but that’s the way Belafonte...Live! solutely no academic training in performing (RCA VPSX-6077) is being advertised, the music. Yet people who heard-it before me reason being that it was recorded during who didn’t know wondered whether some or Belafonte’s triumphant stand at the O’Keefe all of the musicians were professional. The Centre in Toronto this past year. reliable recorder band of Duncan MacRae, As always, Belafonte and his arrangers Paul Saxon, Walker and Friesen has been have put together one of the most joyously working together for some time, and now professional ‘shows around-full of color, show a high degree of polish. Ken Hull on the variety and, of course, fine music. harpsichord displayed his usual superb And, as always, the show introduces some musicianship. And the madrigal group is unique and talented performers: this time just splendid, with Margaret Elligsen and South African Letta Mbulu and Ella MitJoan Venn, sopranos, John Capindale chell, an exciting gospel singer. counter-tenor, David Walker, tenor, and Belafonte himself spices up some stanErnie Lappin, bass, very nicely balanced in dards--“Suzanne,” “Mr. Bojangles” and point of timbres, and agile enough to be “Abraham, Martin and John”-and turns pretty convincing (even in Italian) in such his rich, full voice loose on the usual fare of rather demanding pieces as “Si, chio vorei traditional folk songs. The rhythm and morire” by Monteverdi. Some sorting out of precision he and his backing musicians pitches when the instruments came in was produce are standards in the profession, and occasionally necessary, and of course pitch these Toronto tapings live up to that control on ancient instruments is a touchy reputation. business at all times; that this factor wasn’t Belafonte is still doing the same thing he annoyingly deficient is one of the tributes to did 15 years ago, when I first saw him in the progress this group has made. concert, but he’s still doing it very well and All in all, this was another of those doing music that no other popular persplendid local productions which may yet former is offering. enable Waterloo to get out of the last-row This two-record set is well worth adding to seat it so firmly, and apparently as a matter your collection if you’re still into folk or of policy, occupies in the Ontario univertraditional music. Above that, Belafonte sities’ musical scene. Take a bow, all you still possesses one of the finest voices in the splendid Festino Revelers! business. -pauI


. Festino revelers refresh




s kaufman




the chevron


27 October,



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27 October,



the chevron25


John , Chisamore I..

4 Yes \ Yes Perhaps the most important aspect of music is its powerful ability to communicate moods and feelings very effectively. And, in a sense, any review which does not deal with the performer-listener interchange is a review which is not communicating valuable inforination to the potential listener. ‘I ndividua I performances, technical details, analyses of hypes, etc. must all be”deaIt with in the light of the effect they have upon the listener. To deal with these things- in any other way minimizes and mystifies the social effects of music. When I first heard Yes, I had an uneasy -feeling that there was something heavy going down, that the music was deeper than it sounded, and demanded more attention than I had expected. I founda myself getting totally involved in each piece, hardly unable to resist dancing around the room. And- I worried about getting so caught up by what I thought , was essentially bubblegum music. It wouldn’t be long before I had the collected works of Grand Funk, or before I was laughed out of town. For Yes had been snubbed by rock purists (perhaps because Yes had a song on the AM charts). The first thing that struck me about Yes music was that the words were almost meaningless, apparently used only as they fitted. The message, if any, was one of chaos, unclearness, absurdity; it was like “Stuck Inside of Mobile” only not so ,close to home. But there was more there, something that gave out erlergy. So much of today’s music seems td sap a person’s energy-to leave them tired and lifeless when the music ends, whereas Yes seems to renew that which has been trampled ov‘er. For example, Yes does a sotrg they call “The Clap”, a lively instrumental which makes you want to clap youi hands right along with the music. Were Black

Sabbath or King Crimson to do the same song, I’m sure it would be about getting a bad case of VD. Yes music is powerful, forceful, toe-tapping music. The form the music takes has developed through the three albums they have released in Canada. In The Yes Album which came out about a year and a half ago, th6 music was solidly based in rock, using alternate themes, harmonies, and variations on the main theme to enhance the usual bag of catchy tunes. As often happens with groups using a synthesizer, Yes has gradually moved into the classical music form-to the point where, on their latest album, Close to the Edge, the title song, which takes up side one, uses a variety of sounds to move through different moods, yet still retains the common theme throughout. For-

tunately, Yes has not forsaken their background in rock, and the synthesizer has not been allowed to dominate the sound. In the framework of strong and powerful music, the words can not be sloughed off as the insane babblings of a strung-out freak. Neither can they be taken as the rantings of some alienated politico, pissed off ‘cause things aren’t groovy and can’t be regrooved. Also excluded are the love-peace and back to nature trips. The curious amalgam of absurbity (usutilly connected with fruitlessness) and power, energy and movement can only add, up to change. Yes’s music can not change, but it can and does energize. As often happens, the name of the group says it all-Yes. ’ -bob

This week’s federation



jt f * *One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich-a superb, low-key Interpretation of the fine best-selling book. Less of a political ,statement than it is a compassionate anthem to human endurance, the film is firmly controlled and uses the impact Of the stark Siberian landscape effectively. Tom Courtenay as Ivan is excellent. rlr ~lr *Take the Money and Run-a film couldn’t .be further from “One Day in the Life” if it tried, but the first Woody Allen film is a gem in its own field. Allen’s satirical biography of a criminal and how society makes him one is a bit disjointed in parts but nearly always hilariously funny as only Woody Allen can be. And Allen’s screenplay holds a few more honest insights than tend to get through the laughter at first viewing.


(* * f *don’t money.)



it; * * * a good

31 special


of time


Count Yorga is a good-humoured and enjoyable updating of the Dracula myth; Dr. Phibes, surprisingly, is one of the most intelligent and entertaining films ever made in the “horror” genre, surprising because on the surface it looks like just another Vincent Price cheapie. Word plays and literary allusions are hidden at different levels of this intriguing film; The [Yunwich Horror and Theatre of Death are more in the mainstream, but nonetheless entertaining if you’re into the other two.



Federation President on Nov.9,1972

Dear Woody, I took my’son to see what I thought was a “family” pictuke. I was never so- embarrassed in my life. There were scenes ‘that I can’t even write about in this letter. -So I

left in the middle of the

picture, with my son, but I wonder if I shotildn’t have let him make his own chdice. How do you feel about sexual intimacy on the screen? Undecided Mother. Dear Undecided, ’ ’ two




adults is great. Between five it’s fantastic. Dear Woody, I was wondering if peowill



movie, “Everything You always, Wanted ?‘o Know About Sex, But Were’ Afraid TO *Ask” is dirty?


V&t?? - Troubled


Dear ?koubled, In my opinion, sex iz the most fun you can have without laughing. If you could ,give me one statement that would help me live a better life what would. it b6? In need of direction

Dear Undirected, How’s this? Sex should be confined to one’s lifetime.

Dear Woody, Is it-true that you’re making a movie out of Dr. Reuben’s best-selling book, “Everything You Always Wanted To .Know About .Dear Woody, I’ve had a crush on you ‘Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask”? If SC?,wJI it be an ever sin&e we went to High educational film? School together. You may not remember me but I\ Interested cari’t forget you. I was Dirar Interested, hoping you might The fiim will be appear nude in based not only on your new film; Do ,Dr. Reuben’s you? book, but’also my Love, Theresa own sexual experiDear Theresaj ences. It’s a comNo, I don’t take edy. Concerned Dear Concerned, Some will and those & the ones we’re counting on.



Dear Woody, I know sex is necessary for reproduction but how ‘do you feel about it other=

I’,believe anything done- Dear ‘Woody,



off my clothes in the movie. I was afraid if I ap peared nude we’d get a “G” rating.




mtarrlng(inalphakticaluder) WOODY ALLEN*JOHNCARRAOllJE~LOUJAC~~f*L~UiSE LASSER*ANTH0\~UAV~ TONYRANQALjs~LYNN REDGRAVE;BURTREYNOLDS 'GENE WILDER Voducedby CHARLES H. JOFFE Executive Producer JACK BRODSKY Associate Producer krecnpla~an8 Qirector WOODY ALLEN Based uponthebookby OH. DAVID nd Conductedby MUNDELLLOWE




Uralted Artists





the chevron

Victory streak ended at four

Tait McKenzie/ finds new home The men’s and women’s track and field teams participated in their respective chamionships in Windsor last Saturday. It was the first time that the two championships have been held together, although the points for both teams were not combined. It is believed that if the mens and womens points were combined U of T would permit the women on their campus to form a track and field team. The U of T athletic department still will not allow the women on their campus to participate in intercollegiate track and field competition. Both the warriors and the athenas were defending champions; both teams lost their titles and both teams finished in fourth place in this years championship. Toronto won the mens division while the, womens championship ‘went to Western. Western and Queen’s finished ahead of the and York and Warriors Laurentian finish in front of the Athenas. Warriors had the title. for the last four years. The morning started off the wrong way for most of the athletes staying in the vacant Cody Hall residence, when they went for an early morning breakfast. They were greeted by locked cafeteria doors and uncooperative janitors. A search of the surrounding area failed to-turn up an establishment that one would term a desirable eating place when one wants to perform up to ones potential. The other major unfavourable element to upset the athletes was the cold rainy day that greeted them as they awoke. Complaints continued to be registered as the competition got Improper underway. measurements by the long jump officials nearly cost the Warriors Bill Lindleya second place in the event, but the aggressive feeling

which developed as a result of the officiating aided Bill in the production of a jump that placed him clearly in second place. Al Schweiger was unable to convince the long jump officials that he had not committed a foul, which resulted in his elimination from the final round of the long jump competition. The officals had set a line of sand parallel to, and touching,. the pit edge of the takeoff board to aid them in the decision of who had committed afoul. This was a good idea except the sand was raised [about a half an inch above the the surface of the takeoff board, which is illegal. Al’s spikes touched the sand as his foot was leaving the board. The officals called a foul. Another complaint arose in the 100 metre dash heats when two athletes from York were placed in the same heat, as was the case for Guelph and the Warriors. Since the competition is a so called team championship it is unfair to place members from the same team against each other in the preliminary heats. The result of this isthat an athlete will, in most cases, be eliminating one of his own team mates from the final competition. The fault for this error lies with the coaches who set the heats the night before. The coaches used the fastest time record by the athlete during the season as a criterion for seating the” heats but they neglected to look at the university that the athletes represented. The cold rainy, sometimes snowy, weather had a negative effect on the quality of the performances. The 100 and the 200 metre dashes were won by Hugh Fraser of Queen’s in 10.9 and 21.9 seconds respectively. If the weather had been better the times run by Hugh would have been faster. Other events suffering in quality because of the

weather were: the high jump, won by Ray Anthony of Western at six feet;- the 400 metres, won by Tony Powell of York -in 49.3 seconds ; and the 110 metre hurdles won by George Neeland of Waterloo in 14.8 seconds. The Warriors had their own problems because of the wet conditions. Al Schweiger failed to clear the opening height high he lacked the jump because proper shoes for high jumping, which would have prevented him from slipping on the wet takeoff surface. Bill Lindley had the same difficulty, slipping while competing in the triple jump. This caused Bill to place third in the event he was favoured to win. Warrior veteran, Dan Anderson, who had finished fourth in the 10,000 metres earlier in the day, had difficulty negotiating the barriers in the 3,000 metre steeplechase as a result of the slippery track conditions. A battle between Dan and the barrier ,was won by the barrier. Dan had to drop out of the race because of an injury suffered in the battle. Andi Camani, the warriors other entry in the steeplechase, dropped out of the race when he felt that he would not get any team points for his placing. In the 10,060 metres, Warriors Python Northy lead for most of the race, but he was unable to lose contact with Ken Hamilton, of York, who out-sprinted Python on the last lap of the race. Hamilton set a new record for the 10,000 metres. Murray Hale had the only personal best by a warrior team member in the 5,000 metres which was won by Grant McLaren, who is ranked in the top ten of the world for this distance. Warrior _ Mike Lanigan got hung up on the dream of how he was going to defeat Olympian Tony Powell, of York, in the 400 metres and slept in, missing the chance to see if his dream would become a reality. In an attempt to put up a respectable showing at the; championships the warriors called in the services of their manager Pat Reid, for the shot put, discus and javelin. Bruntz Walker, of the Warriors, might have been the favorite in the 1,500 metres if Grant Mclaren, of Western, who beside being world ranked in the

27 October,


Dhoto bv george neeland

Seventy-nine year old St. john weathered cold and rain to warm/ blankets. 5,000 metres is the second Canadian to break the four minute barrier in the mile, had not entered the event. McLaren ran with the field until the last lap and then broke away from the pack with Bruntz close behind. Bruntz managed to fight off an attempt by Glynn, of Toronto, to go by him-which gave him second place. The Warriors did manage to come out on top in two events. Glen Arbeau psyched his rivals into performing at levels below their potential. In doing so Glen was able to win the javelin competition by nearly thirty feet more than his closest rival. Doing his usual thing of winning when winning is the thing to do, Warrior George Neeland crossed the finish line ahead of Dave Jarvis of Wueen’s in the 110 metre hurdles. Neeland has not been defeated in OUAA hurdle championship competition. Despite the weather there were five records broken in the mens competition. All of the records were broken by nationally or internationally ranked athletes. The records were: 400 metre hurdles by Dave Jarvis of Queen’s in 53.6 seconds; 10,000 metres by Ken Hamilton of York in 30:01.3; 5,000 metres by Grant McLaren of Western in 14:43.5; pole vault by Bruce Simpson at 17 feet 2 l/4 inches; and the 4x100 metre relay by Queens in 42.7 seconds. Bruce Simpson, who placed fifth in the pole vault in the Munich Olympics was awarded the Hec Philips Trophy for the outstanding maIe athlete. The other double winner besides Grant McLaren (5,000 metres and 1,500 metres) and Hugh Fraser (100 metres and 200metres) was Grant Tadman of Toronto who won the shot put and discus. The high point score for the warriors was Bill Lindley with a third in the triple jump and a second in the long jump. A small Athena team of seven athletes made the trip to Windsor to defend their OWIAA track and field championship. The team was without the services of three of their nationally ranked athletes, who were unable to compete because of injuries. -The absense of these persons on the team made the difference between winning and losingthe,

Ambulance officer Ted athletes with conversation

Norrjs and

championship. All three injured athletes will be with the team next year. Returning Athena, Marg Cummings, who did most of her training with the mens team, came up against a couple of the top female middle distance runners in the country. Although Marg felt stronger in her races this season than last she was unable to improve on her positions in last years championship. She placed fourth in the 1,500 metres and fifth in the 800 metres again this year. Of the seven Athenas, four were competing in their first season with the team. A reducing diet decreased the strength of shot putter Jill Richardson to the extent that she finished out of the point scoring positions. Brenda Grant was the high scorer for the Athenas, placing third in the long jump and fifth in the 100 metre hurdles. Anna Pollock, Marion Todd and Debbie Lasalle round out the Athena point scoring with a fifth in the long jump, a fifth in the 100 metres and a fourth in the high jump respectively. Gail Olinek, of York, was the only triple winner in both the mens and womens competitions. She won the 400, 800 and 1,500 metre races. Gail was selected the outstanding female athlete of the The only double competition. winner in the womens competition was Hladki, of York, who won the 100 metre hurdles and the high jump. The quality of the athletes in the OUAA and the OWIAA has improved over the last few years. Many of the top Canadian track and field athletes are remaining in the country and are attending Canadian universities rather than going south of the border. The Scholastic Athlete Grant given out by the federal government is the main reason for the athletes remaining. The purpose of the grants according to John Munro, minister of national health and welfare, is “to show that the federal government is prepared to set certain values on the attainment of sports, not to reward those young people -who devote their time to acquiring excellence, although that is a purpose in itself.” -george neeland



27 october,

By beating homecoming


the chevron27 p--c

York Yeomen 27-O last Saturday, the War&s game the team will advance into the play-offs.



Wated00 vs.Lutheran

Warriors ready for pliy-offs



Attending a Warrior football game after an absence of two years, it is amazing to discover how little university football changes. It’s almost like stepping back five years in time. The Warrior band is still there booming out “Waterloo we hail thee”; the fans, though scarce for the game, still stomp their feet until the stands vibrate; the cheerleaders still frolic for the first three quarters and then begin to realize how cold and wet they are; and the Waterloo monsoons still try to eliminate even the slim possibility of really enjoying the mud fiasco on the . field. But Saturday’s game against York Yeomen was different in one way from other games in other years. The Warrior won 27-O. And although you couldn’t say that York resisted any too strongly it was a definite victory for the Warrior team. The real credit for winning the game goes to the defensive unit which intercepted five times and set up the offence for all three TDs. The Warrior defence must be rated with the best in the leaguethey hit hard, cover their men closely and can adapt quickly to most offensive plays. About all the Warrior offence managed to do was not make too many mistakes. York’s team, winless for 5 games this season, found themselves unable to cut through the Waterloo defence at any time in the game. Three quarterbacks were tried but only 6 passes for 33 were completed and on the ground York was held to 34 yards while Waterloo managed 125. Waterloo’s completion record was 4 for 16. Warrior Greg Plyley was outstanding on defence and punt returns, intercepting once and returning 4 punts for a total of 52 yards.



of the



to make it 19-O. There were no well-executed drives and no exciting offensive efforts. Aside from York’s underwhelming performance, Yeoman quarterback Larry Iaccino played a strong and versatile game. Iaccino is an excellent scrambler much who doesn’t receive protection from his lineman Iaccino and consequently must adapt to series of broken plays. photo by dick mcgill








in tomorrow’s

The game tomorrow will- hopefully have more life in it. The annual battle between the Warriors and Lutheran’s Golden Hawks will be played at Seagram’s. The winner of this game will advance to the sectional playoffs as well as taking the Bar-O-O trophy. Waterloo Lutheran has a 3-1 margin in victories since the trophy was put up for competition. Looking at the statistics the Warriors will

have a lot of trouble with the Hawks offensively. They have had an equal number of points scored against them in their five games played but the Hawks have scored almost twice the number that Waterloo has managed. The Warrior offence will have to improve if they are to win. The game will be televised on channel 11 beginning at 2 p.m.

Saturday’s action was much more exciting for fans and players alike as the Athenas defeated Queen’s 2-O. The Athenas went on to face McMaster’s field hockey team. Waterloo seemingly put on their best performances during the second game of the day by winning 2-O. The game was “open, organized and well thought-out” stated coach Judy Moore. Dianne Hossie defended excellently against McMaster’s strong centre forward and eliminated her as a potential scoring threat. In the final game of the day against Toronto slight symptoms of fatigue were prevalent on the part of the Athenas. The girls were much less aggressive than in previous games, and the entire match turned into a defensive battle testing Waterloo’s fullbacks. Westwood and Crawford along with halfbacks Brenda Eckhardt, Diane Hoise

and Judy Schaming kept digging for the total sixty minutes. It seemed however, that the forward and defensive lines couldn’t get it together to produce their usual attacking style ‘of play. Goalie Judy Cronin saw little action in the cage during the first three games. With her determination to be a shut-out goalie along with Judy Schaming’s goal-mouth save, the Athenas managed to end in a scoreless tie with Toronto. The- Athenas have played nineteen matches in the past three weeks and have been victorious in thirteen games, have tied three and lost three. Their goals against average is 5.2 while the goals for average is 1.5. This coming weekend the field hockey girls compete in the O.W.I.A.A. sectionals hosted by the University of Waterloo and will travel to Toronto the following weekend -for their finals.


wilson and joe goodman

In spite of the slippery conditions, kicker Steve-Boghassian had a great day contributing 9 points to the Waterloo effort. Boghassian’s points came on field goals of 31 and 19 yards, a 46 yard single, an amazing 68 yard single early in the third quarter and a convert to end the scoring. All three of Waterloo’s touchdowns, scored by Ciupa, l&Bride former Yeoman) and (a Woodhouse, came as an immediate result of York’s fumbling and interceptions and the quick Waterloo defence. Typical was this third quarter touchdown: York gave up the ball inside the ten yard line, Waterloo fumbled on. the 1, York gave it up again inside the 10 and Waterloo scored



Western section, standings GPWL

Western Windsor Waterloo Lutheran McMaster

5 5 5 5 6 5 5

Guelph York Scores


0 145 26 10 1 109 67 8 2 60 67 6 2 109 -70 6 3 99 89 6 5 40 136 0 5 22 111 0

last weekend

Oct. 21 Toronto Ottawa Western Waterloo McMaster Games

5 4 3 3 3 0 0


27 31 16 27 23 this

Queen’s Carleton LutheranYork Guelph


Oct. 28 Toronto at Ottawa (Playoff) Waterloo -at Lutheran Western at Windsor Oct. 29 Guelph at York

Winning ways

13 14 7 0 3

The Waterloo field hockey Athenas participating in the Queen’s Senior Invitational Tournament, produced three wins and a tie in Kingston last weekend. Universities represented in the tournament were McMaster, Guelph, Toronto, Queen’s and Waterloo. The Athenas travelled with the Guelph team and met the Gryphonettes the first evening of the competition. The final score was 2-O for Waterloo.



28 ---the chevron P--- --



We suffer no lack of challenges in Canada today.We do suffer, in my opinion, a serious lack of commitment on the part of government to meet these challenges. I would like to talk with you now about four I feel to be most urgent. JOBS: Right now, more than half a million Canadians are without jobs, one of the highest unemployment rates in the industrialized world. In Quebec, one in eleven is jobless; in Newfoundland, one in nine; among young Canadians, one in five; among our native people, three in five. Well over two million people are directly affected. Canada can do better. My government would make the creation of jobs its first priority. - My government would immediately reduce personal income taxes, to stimulate consumer demand, to create jobs. We would eliminate the 11% Federal sales tax on building materials to encourage construction, because construction means jobs. We would encourage the further processing of,our raw materials here, because that means jobs. My government would expand the retraining opportunities available through the Department of Manpower, and make that agency much more aggressive in searching out job vacancies. My government would insist on greater long range planning of special job-creating activities-such as summer youth employment-so that the communities to be served could be involved from the outset, and so that jobs could be found for those whose need is most pressing. Further, my government would act to strengthen our job-creating potential for the future. We would increase direct government investment in research and technology, and expedite the process by which Canadian innovations can be marketed around the world. PRICES: What cost you five dollars four years ago right now costs you six. The poor people of Canada, the elderly and those on fixed incomes, have suffered most from this kind of inflation, but clearly it affects the earnings and savings of all Canadians. And, because it makes Canada’s exports less competitive, inflation affects a good many jobs as well. The government I lead would tackle this problem directly. First of all, my government would calculate its tax revenues in terms of constant rather than inflated doIlars, so as to eliminate the Treasury Board’s vested interest in inflation. We would strengthen the role of the Auditor General, so-that unproductive government spending, which contributes not a little to the inflationary cycle, might be _revealed and reduced. We would support the cost-of-living escalator formula for those receiving old age and guaranteed income security benefits. And, should the need ever arise, ,my government would be prepared to use temporary wage and price controls ’ to combat inflation.


ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE: Fifty-eight percent of Canada’s manufacturing industry is foreign controlled, and there have been almost as many foreign takeovers since Mr. Trudeau took over as in the previous ten years. Mr. Trudeau’s recent legislation does not begin to meet the problem: it fails to correct a situation in which it is easier for foreign than for domestic corporations to effect takeovers; further, it fails to increase a Canadian presence in existing subsidiaries, and fails to provide for full financial disclosure by those subsidiaries. My government would enact the changes necessary to make this legislation truly effective. Beyond that, we would revise the Bank Act to make certain that venture capital was available for the expansion of existing Canadianfirms, or the creation of new ones. My government, in concert with the provinces, would develop new programs to ensure the rapid growth of our entrepreneurial and managerial talent pools. And we would, again together with the provinces, establish and define key sectors of the economy which are to be considered reserved -for Canadian ownership. THE ENVIRONMENT: Half of Canada’s urban centres with populations of a thousand or more lack any sewage treatment, and a further third have only the , most rudimentary equipment. The Trudeau government’s Ministry of the Environment is not really a ministry at all, since many of its regulations are enforced by a variety of other government agencies. We can, and absolutely must do much more to protect Canada. My government would first of all create an Environmental Council to monitor, and disseminate information upon the quality of our environment, and recommend measures to parliament. My government would encourage the development of largescale anti-pollution industries in Canada. It would, together with the provinces, act to stiffen the penalties for all forms of environmental neglect, whether to our air, soil, or water, international waters included. Itwould use a variety of financial incentives to assist industry to invest in pollution control equipment. It would create a co-ordinated Department of the Environment. I would say again that we face no lack of tasks, no want of challenges anywhere in this our cities and towns, on-our small farms, and across the open reaches of our-north. We can meet none of them if wecannot create jobs, if we cannot protect the savings of those who work, cannot assume greater control over our own economy, cannot live in harmony with nature. I am confident that we can do these things, and a great many ’ more, if we are wisely and honestly led. ’ My government will strive to provide that kind of leadership. You have my word.


Sponsored by the Youth Committee

27 October,

to elect Robert Stanfield.


27 October,

the chevron




photo by randy hannigan



Flag football I passes on Women’s



Flag football’s regular season came to a close on Wednesday. As of this writing, Village 2 South and St. Paul’s have not played their game which will decide the team in first place. Village 2 South are boasting they haven’t had a point scored against them all season but St. Paul’s intend to change that situation. But whoever wins, you can be sure each team is fighting for its life as the losers have to play that infamous team (you guessed it) Village North in the playoffs. The winner will be -playing Phys. ,Ed. and Rec. Playoffs will commence this mbnday. Times&d places will be posted. A week ago Wednesday saw five ,games take place. Kin’s Rec. extended their wins to 4 by defeating their challengers, Village 2 North, 8-O. Phys. Ed’s quarterback was back in action and played a good game. St. Jeromes and Village 1 South had a real battle going. Neither team scored a touchdown but St. Jeromes finally managed a single to win that game 1-O. Village 2 South whipped Village 2 East 1% 0 and St. Paul’s ripped by Renison 2-O to remain undefeatedVillage 1 North best on plugging and finally beat Village West 8-2. An interception by Artie Korevaar gave North the only touchdown. Monday of this week there were a couple of games played, and for those teams who were exempt from play were lucky. Three days of rain did nothing for the football field. Everyone came up wet. Conrad Grebel missed all the fun as they won their game by default. Village 2 West was smart not to show as they would have been soaked. Villlage 2 South kept their winning streak alive by defeating Renison 6-O. Judy Hurst, captain of the South Bay Bombers picked off an interception and romped into the to score the only points of the game. Village 1 North shone again last night. They managed to get by last year’s champs Village 2 North, 13-O. The first two plays of the game and North had 7 points. Mimi Kennedy took a pass’ and was in for the score. Thirty seconds later she got the convert. Another well executed pass play by Jan Maclean set up Karen Riddell for North’s second touchdown of the game. I imagine North was feeling a little

- O.W.I.A.A. Field hockey sectionals Guelph, Waterloo, Western and McMaster friday, October 2T and Saturday, October 28 at 2:30 p.m. ’ - for further information ontact Barb Wilson at 744-1985

sorry -for Vnlage 2 North and their lack of points. It appeared that way as Village 1 North’s , Sharon Houselander intercepted a Village 2 North pass and started for the end zone. It wasn’t until one of her own players tackled her that she league in scoring with 3 goals found out she was headed for her each. Tied for third are VI-N and own end zone. VI-W each with 3 points. In league B the fewest games have been played to date so the positions are very tight. The Chinese Students, with Joseph Ghan their scorer with 4 Tuesday marked the finish of hold first place with 6 the’ -1972 regular season flag football schedule. Last day action place Seagrams Sloggers have 5 figured prominently in the points and St. Jeromes holds choosing of the final play-off third with 4 points. St. Pauls berths. Conrad Grebel, assured of fourth place team is led by Tom first place in the A division, Dabrowski with 4 goals. played a lack lustre game against In league C, last year’s Lower Eng Independent and champions, Coop Math using a went down to a 1-O defeat. Second few females to spark the action, place in League A went to the have won 4 games to lead the Mudders, followed by St. with 8 points. The Jeromes in third and St. Pauls in leagueProfessionals, with 7 points, fourth place. St. Pauls will play Kin and hold a 1 point edge over third Fourth place Ret, the first place team in place Parta-Ola. belongs to the Sysdezzies United League D, in the preliminaries. Kin and Ret should have no team. trouble advancing to the quarter The soccer playoffs will start finals where they will meet the Saturday november 5th. winner of the Mudders and Earns should check with the Science game. Science took third intramural office or the convener place in League D. Second place to find out their playoff position in that league went to Lower Eng Independent which eeked out 2 victories on tuesday. They’ll play St. Jeromes in the preliminaries and the winner will play Conrad Grebel or Science in the quarter \ finals. InLeagues B and C, first place Village l-West of League B will play fourth place Co-op Math from League C. Co-op Math defeated Co-op 9-O to gain that last play-off spot. Second place Village Z-North will play third place CCFU’s; the winner of this game playing the Optometry: Village l-South winner. Second place Jocks play 3rd place Village l-East, the winner playing the Village 1-West-Co-op Math winner, Based on seasonal perfollowing the formances, preliminaries, Conrad Grebel, Kin and Ret, Mudders, St. Jeromes, Village l-west, Village Z-North, Optometry and the Jocks should advance to the quarter finals. In the quarters, we should see Kin and Ret, Village lWest, Optometry and Conrad Grebel advancing to the Semifinals. The pick after this is Kin and Ret over Optometry and Village I-West over Conrad Grebel. The final game by a flip of the coin, and based on past play-off performances by Kin and Ret, should show Village l-West emerging as champions.



Competitive soccer As the league nears its end the fight for playoff berths becomes more intense. In League A, VI-S holds a two point lead over VZ-N with eight points based on 4 wins. Ken Wan of VI-S and John Frederick of VZ-N lead this


and playoff teams will playoffs.

game time. be playing

Twelve in the

took place on tuesday and league action will begin today at moses springer and queensmount arenas for broomball, while recreational hockey is going at

Recreational wilson arena This week marks the start of the recreational hockey and co-ed broomball programs. Scheduling


Intramural basketball last sunday as 30 teams the fall competition.

started opened


This Saturday’s football game between the Warriors and the Hawks is not included in our season ticket plan. It is Lutheran’s home game. STUDENT ADMISSION

IS $1.00


the chevron


. . by Canadian



27 October,




Lllberal -cum social democrat


cofporationswith the result that many David Lewis was born in Swislocz, of them pay no taxes at all. Poland. In 1921 his family emigrated to As a matter of fact, I think 86 per cent Montreal where Lewis taught himself of mining corporations paid no taxes at English. He enrolled in public school all in 1969, the, last year for which which he completed in three years. He statistics are fully available. 81 or 82 per breezed through high school. in another cent of oil and petroleum corporations three years and had a scholarship to McGill University waiting for him at paid no taxes last year. When they do pay taxes, it’s a very smal I rate of nine graduation. per cent for the mining corporations One of Lewis’ favorite stories is how and if you include the provincial tax, it’s he told the president of Canadian 11 per cent. They get all sorts of acPacific Railways (CPR) in 1931 the first celerated depreciation and depletion thing he would do as Prime <Minister allowances. That really makes me, would be to nationalize the CPR. Lewis has renewed that promise during this awry. We give them a depletion allowance election campaign. to them and the government During -his time at England’s Oxford _ according because they are dealing with a wasting University, Lewis was influenced by asset. But whose bloody asset is it people connected with the British Labor they’re dealing with? It’s not their asset, Party; that influence showed up in his it’s the asset of the people of Canada. later life. We not only give them permission to Back in Canada, Lewis practiced law deplete that irreplaceable asset, but we and beginning in 1936, served as natpay them for domg so. The same thing ional secretary to the Co-operative with the accelerated depreciation. There Commonwealth Federation (CCF) has been-and will continue to be for a during his spare time. In 1938 he few more years-a three year tax became the full-time paid secretary; he holiday when a mine is started. held that position for twelve years, particularly the middle income tax Sometimes they start two or threebuilding his power position in the party. payer-people making between seven not far apart. Every Lewis resigned as national secretary in mines, sometimes and 12 or 13 thousand a year who carry time they start a new mine they get a 1950 to work on labor law, but his power now a very large tax burden. three year tax holiday. in the party could not be disputed. He j think this is one of the major The purpose of my campaign is to let continued to hold party offices such as examples of the way in which the vice-chairman, chairman and president. the people of Canada know what has. Liberal and Conservative governments been happening. They don’t know, for The formation of the New Democratic have been in league with the cor“was the example, that corporations-not only Party (NDP) in 1961 porations. In my speeches I have said mining and petroleum but also large culmination of some 25 years of effort that the government makes conmanufacturing other coron the part of David Lewis, above all, to ati cessions available to the corporations, porationshave what they call deferred the corporations make the CCF- into a Canadian version then finance the That’s reserves for taxes government party during election of the British Labor Party,” according to tax reserves. they might have paid or should have campaigns and’ both of them-the Walter Young’s history of the CCF. them His dream come true, Lewis stepped . paid but which the law permitted corporations and the government-hold for years. Indeed, there is out of theback rooms to be elected to to defer hands in the taxpayers’ pocket. This has nothing’in the law that will ever make Parliament in 1962. The spotlight of got to end. public affairs dimmed for two years in them pay it. CUP:- Most of thosezorporations are At this moment they have $3:5 billion 1963 when tie lost the election, but he foreign-owned. What measures will the in reserves-35 hundred million dollars was back in 1965 and again in 1968 NDP take if elected to halt the takeover they should have paid into the treasury despite Trudeau mania. of the Canadian economy by foreign that the law permitted them not to pay. - corporations. Lewis has always been on top in the That’s at best an interest-free loan to NDP. His election as leader in 1970 As a matter of fact, I’ve often these corporations. Even at five per cent said a very large number of the cormerely confirmed a power position that we’re dealing with millions of dollars porations that enjoy the tax coneveryone had known about for a long each year in interest. And at the modern cessions, and tax deferrals and time. Thus, the leadership fight brought allowances are foreign-owned. What anti-Lewis delegates over to the-‘ eight or nine per cent, we’re giving them interest-free loans amounting to has really -happened is we’ve enabled Waffle’s Jim Laxer on the final ballot, millions and millions of dollars. Why? them to buy up the Canadian economy despite wide ideological differences. The result of all this, of course, is with public funds-with our own At that convention, Lewis talked about don’t moneybecause of the concessions working with the Waffle to build a because these large corporations pay their share of taxes, the ordinary we’ve given them. At the same time, strong vibrant party. Events in the past man or woman pays *more in they pay no taxes in Canada, they send two years have shown purging the working This is the kind out large sums of money in interest, Waffle has been deemed necessary by taxes than they should. the hierarchy. of inequality and injustice which must dividends, in management fees, in According to Lewis’ press releases, he be done away with. research fees and what-not to their What we would do is really very is a socialist; and according to those parent corporations in the United States We’d just close up those releases, the objective of socialism is simple. or Japan or West Germany or wherever concessions and those expensive “the classless society based on they may be. loopholes that the corporations have. The whole thing is cock-eyed. We talk equality”. He is opposed to “the All the large corporations, with very few about foreign control of the economy capitalist-doctrine, which accepts exceptions, and then we make public funds inequality and property rights as opmake huge profits; they could afford to pay their share of the available to them to increase their posed to ‘human rights.” and still be very profitable control. We opposed the government But, just how much of a socialist is taxes organizations. We’d simply amend the take-over bill because it was a David Lewis? Or how socialist is the tax laws to make everybody pay his meaningless, useless gesture even by British Labour Party on which Lewis share. the government. And we stopped that based his ideas for the NDP? Read on. And that would either mean we would bill because we didn’t see any-reason CUP: If the NDP comes to power have a great deal of money to do worthwhy that kind of stupid legislation what will be done to stop corporations while things with-to give greater aid to should be on the statute books, and getting excessive grants and profits? education, for example, people would think the issue of foreign Over many years, we’ve had the post-secondary from the) federal treasury or to increase ownership has been dealt with, w’hen in development of a tax system that gives tremendous concessions to cot=- pensions for the aged, to build more fact it has not. houses-or we could reduce the income We have suggested for many years an porations, particularly the resource effective Canada development corcorporationsthe gas, oil and mineral tax paid by the ordinary tax payer, , _ __. -.

poration which would buy into many of the foreign-owned corporations-not necessarily take them over, although in some cases that might be useful-but buy into them and become partners and have some control over them. We have suggested agencies that would monitor their activities, make certain they do not send money out of this country that isn’t justifiable, make certain they will not .close down plants in order to produce else,where and create unemployment in Canada, which has happened fairly often, and generally to see to it that the Canadian control over these corporations is increased. That can’t come overnight. You can’t change a situation that has developed over a century-you can’t change that overnight. But a beginning has to be made and we would make a very effective and very determined start to reverse the trend and increase Canadian control and decrease foreign control of the economy. CUP: Would the NDP have policies to deal with development of secondary industry where most of the jobs lie?

It’s not that most of the economy is in the primary industry. Most of the investment has gone to the primary industry, I think that’s what you mean. That, of course, has distorted development in Canada. It’s done two things. We’ve -given a much larger proportion of investable capital into the resource industries so that we are depleting our resources at a very fast rate because corporations make a fast buck doing it and because governments are concerned with GNP figures and large export figures. There’s no consideration of the future. This situation produces another thing as well. Because we have concentrated on the resource industries so much, it was almost inevitable for foreign capital to come in, because they require such immense amounts of capital. We’ve calculated,. for example, that over the ten years from 1961 to 1971, to create and hold a job in the resource industries required an investment of $66,000 as compared with $13.,900 in




27 October,

the chevron


- manufacturing. So you have to spend five times as much in resource industries as-you do in manufacturing to create a job. That has twisted priorities in this country. It has had another very disadvantageous effect on the economy:. Every time you undertake investment that invites foreign capital, you necessarily push the value, of the Canadian dollar up and when you do that your export industry suffers. So, the whole thing is crazy, and entirely because governments and business in <Canada have invited foreign capital to exploit us and own us. - I’ve often said’ I don’t accuse the Americans of raping us because as a lawyer I know you can’t have rape when there’s been invitation and consent. And that’s been the situation *in our economy. Therefore we’ve said for a long time that we have to redirect the allocation of investment. There has to be investment planning in Canada. The investment should be directed to secondary industry and the service industry where the jobs are and not as much to the resource industries. You must insist, impose and enforce the processing of primary resources in Canada instead of , shipping most of them out. By far the largest proportion of our resourcesminerals-in Canada are shipped out in a concentrated form rather than finally processed. And you’ll never solve the problem of the under-developed areas in Canada, particularly those areas where tpe resources lie-like northern Ontario and northern Manitoba-unless, in additjon to processing the primary resources in build those communities, YOU secondary industry around them. It’s not enough merely to say you direct your investment toward secondary industry-toward manufacturing, processing, and service industries. -I In our view, you have to do more than that in the Canadian situation. You, have to undertake a very lively program of rationalization of our branch plant economy. But that can’t be done and won’t be done by private enterprise alone because why the devil should they? They make profits , from the situation as it has existed, so why the hell should they spend a lot of money rationalizing the industry? Having only one or two plants producing refrigerators instead of nine-that kind of thing. That will only be done by public enterprise and a public investment program to assist in making our manufacturing complex more sensible. CUP: How tire you going to stop the rise in the cost of living if ekted? Well, there are several areas within that. I’m particularly concerned at the moment with the rise in the cost of food. Food takes such a very large proportion of the budget of poor families and even middle class families. In the case of the poor, if the food cost is very high, they simply don’t -get nutritious food.,They buy ch.eaper stuff. They avoid buying expensive foods or the more expensive foods and that necessarily means an unbalanced ’ diet , ’ ‘which is,*what ‘,is occurring. In ,the case of :the rising Lprice of-food; we don’t:have all.,the information,.! ‘must say.‘,‘frankly. IITherefore we. have demanded ti thorough> enquiry into the price, spreads, because our statistics show the farmer is getting’ an ever smaller. proportion of the food .dollar. Over the years; it’s gone down and the consumer has to spend more all the time. Somewhere in between the producer and the consumer there’s a frightful spread. I’m confident investigation would show that spread is due to a very large rise in profits of the supermarket, a very considerable rise in profits by the food processing companies and an immense anti-social waste in advertising promotion,’ fancy packaging, etc., all .of which the consumer pays for: If I’m right in my analysis of the problem, then the answer is there. We

would have to impose price .controls over food and do something, probably through the tax system, to reduce the cost of advertising and promotion. If a company can deduct, for taxable purposes, only a percentage of what it spends on advertising, then it would ’ probably spend less. Some way has to be found to reduce tnis total waste of one company continuing\‘to advertise and compete among its own products. They produce more than one kind of toothpaste and they have a program for competition among their own brands of toothpaste. They’re probably exactly the same except they carry different names. This kind of waste of money is what the consumer has to pay for. The other element in -the rise of the cost of living is shelter. In this case, mortgage rates have to come down, the speculation in land has to be stopped, and houses have to be built at a cost which would enable people-young people in particular--to buy or to rent accommodation at a reasonable rent. These two areas-food and shelter-are definitely controllable. CUP: There is a crisis in postsecondary education, with many university gra\duates unable to get jobs. There is -a switch of young people into technical schools instead of universities. Some governments are making 33ttemp ts to limit university enrolment. In light of these things, what is the N DP1 position on post-secondary education? I don’t think that is something you can say one, two,’ three about. I think we raised expectations too much and spent too much money in plants that we should have spent on the students in universities across Canada. The unemployment among graduates is part of the general economic situation ’ in Canada. Foreign control of the economy means there is less opportunity for research and development in this country and therefore less opportunity for scientists. Unemployment means there is less activity in the economy and therefore less opportunity for management positions for those who are not scientists. In time, I suppose we will have to change our attitude toward the work ethic under which we govern ourselves now and the-idea that every university graduate has to be pitched to an eventual job-and a job in the status quo. That is something my colleagues and myself are quite concerned about. I thjnk the increase in university fees which has taken place in Ontario and, I understand, elsewhere, is scandalous. The sociological composition of our universities is still weighted in the direction ‘of the better-to-do. The proportion of men and women from working class homes or from farm homes is still too small. To increase fees and make it more for people to enter these in’ difficult stitutions is a regressive step. It’s going back-to the days when only the sons of the very rich (in those days it was only . sons-it wasn’t even daugliters) could attend university. That I deplore very much. ..‘- ; : W,e..think there ought to be a great deal ‘more assistance ‘.from the federal to post-secondary education . treasury * across the country: I Some of -the .‘ I colleges : may \be more useful to some. people than the university. I think our universities have become 5. ,too large from thestudent’s point of - view. They are too much like factories. It seems to me there is very much less contact between faculty and students today on an individual basis than I knew during my days at university. The situation needs a pretty good f * look. But I strenuously oppose placing greater obstacles on the road to postsecondary education for those who want it and who are qualified for it by raising fees and putting in quotas. I think this is a typical regressive step that our present governments always take when they count dollars over people. That we oppose very strongly.





member: Canadian university press (CUP) ,and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published -fifty-two times a year (19724973) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885-1660, 885-1661 or university local 2331; telex 069-5248. . I .


, 1


” Friday .. _


13,000 ,

On the, pile: john keyes, george neeland, anna pollock, pat ried, sally kemp, peter hopkins, me1 rotman, norm taylor, ron colpitts, liz willick, george kaufman, dudley Paul, winnie lang, kim moritsugu, mike rohatynsky, tom macdonald, Susan johnson, krjsta tomory, ellen tohnie, Charles stoody, dennis green who offered to buy us coffee at 8 am, carol clarkson, jim legge, deanna kaufman, kati middleton, .john robertson, dick mcgill, brian cere, randy hannigan, paul steuwe, renzo bernardini, john ogrady, doug epps, peter warrian, brian switzman, jane O’Connell, brenda Wilson, joe good-man, jean marchand and a thousand other political vaudeville racoons, other notables unmentioned. and last, and perhaps least gord moore, antonio di franco, david cubberiey.


32 .

the chevron

Do you appreciate campus art? Works of art springing up on ca’mpus have delighted and outraged many of us according to individual tastes. Have you ever wondered who picks these-works, where the money comes from, and just what are those “objects” in front of the humanities building? Behind it aU stands the Works of Art Committee, set up 3 years ago, in co-operation with the architect and the building committee (people who “use the building”) which is responsible for all permanent works of art. The original committee included member; from the community, with the goal of raising funds for art within Kitchener-Waterloo. When this proved futile, the committee approached the foreign embassies in Canada who sent paintings, tapestries, and earm.ittee. In describing why people in the fine arts thenware. Although these items could not be used as department are not commissioned to do this kind of permanent fixtures, they were placed in the work, Lobban said, “They have neither the time nor university art gallery. Finally, the administration was the facilities.” Instead students have bee^n chanpersuaded to provide an annual sum of $10,000 for nelled into designing murals, including the tunnel the purpose of providing art. j murals and the wall of the stairwell in the social When a building is constructed, the architect sciences building. Lobban said that since the makes a proposal of his ideas for the type of art best students did not have enough time to do the actual suited for his building. For the humanities buikiing, a painting, the murals were redesigned tq accomodate single vertical piece was suggested, to be placed on a the talents of the university painters who did the base at a corner of the building. final job under administration instructions. In this instance, the works of several artists were Because of the tightened administration budget viewed in the humanities theatre by the committee this year, the committee’s activities have been and the “public”, and a vote decided on the works of largely restrained. While works of art are left unBaird, who for $10,000 provided the university not com$ssioned for both .the optometry and with one, but four pieces. psychology buildings, the committee, its artistic Nancy Lou Patterson, chairman of the department choices and student input of fine arts, has said that they. are “fun things”, and deserve . further examination. that people should not take them so seriously. They Works of art cost are meant to be “colourful, to be climbed on and to, building $10,000 be sat upon.” On the other hand, brightly coloured - Humanities -“Ron Baird 1971” Baird monkey bars would have been equally effective, South Campus Hall 2,500 cheaper and more fun. -“Joy” Theodor Harlender Since the humanities objects, a newsystem has Chemistry II (front of M&C) 4,000 become operative. Well-known Canadian artists ar,e -“The Break” Bruce Watson now approached and asked to present a maquette Lobby of Math and Computer not (model) of a proposed work. The committees choose -“Quasar” Walter Redinger -given and commission the artist. Since the Works of Art , Student Services ’ 4,000 Committee includes representatives from the 4“Space Module” Robert Dowery various societies, students can have an influence on Administrative Services 4,000the artistic taste and selection. Obviously they are -murals Grey Milles not producing a change in the committee’s over-all * Engineering IV to come‘ 6,000 judgement and appreciation of art. -Krystyna Sadowski commissioned ’ Bill Lobban, director of PP&P and an architect himself, is co-ordinator of the Works of Art Com-krista tomory


27 October,


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