University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume

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University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 13, number 36 friday, march 9,1973


‘African peoples’ success The symposium of African Peoples was held at U of W last friday night and all day Saturday. For the many blacks and the handful of whites who attended the symposium it was a very rewarding experience. The symposium, sponsored by _ the African Students Association and the Caribbean Students Organization, was attended by blacks from as far away as the Maritimes and New York. More than 250 people attended the sessions. The program featured several well-known black speakers, a cultural show by the AfroCaribbean theatre workshop from Toronto and a variety of open discussion seminars. The discussions which were carried on in the sessions were important to the future of blackwhite relations and to the future direction of the black movement as a whole. As one seminar leader noted, “we are sent here by our respective governments to be counter-retrained as the volutionaries of tomorrow. ” And another noted that, “Maybe we’ll surprise them when we go back.” The speaker at the last session of the symposium, ben Jochannan, had an almost unbelievable knowledge of African history. He presented this in what he later described as a safari into African ’ history. He called it a safari because “I could stand up here and talk for twenty years and even then I would only be giving an overview of the whole thing.” Jochannan enjoyed poking holes in the mysticism of the Christian religion. One story he told was about the conference of 219 bishops at Nicaea in 322 AD. It seem that one of the decisions these elevated churchmen had to make (among others) was whether or not Mary was really a virgin. They decided that she was and then decided that the book of Mary, which until that time had been considered to be a book of the bible-that this book was not devinely inspired. Strangely enough the book of was thereafter Mary 9 which suppressed, talks about James the lesser, who was born to Mary when she was 13. Jochannan noted that if she was still a virgin after that, she must have worked in a rubber factory. But it’s not the intention of this article to deal with the content of the symposium. That. requires a much more detailed examination than time permits for this issue of the paper and an attempt will be to carry out that made examination in the next issue of the paper* -bill



vs. Dare strikers

In contempt of what? Things weren’t easy for the people who struck Dare Foods Ltd summer. last spring and Management and police collusion in the violent tactics of the strikebreaking Canadian Driver Pool squad saw to that. The courts did their bit too-injunctions ended any effective picketing of the plant; strikers charged with a variety of offenses by management received stiff sentences and were barred from going anywhere near the cookie factory; some were even legally prohibited from associating with other strikers. Fall and winter weren’t that much of an improvement for the workers. -Management remained intransigent; scabs kept the plant f uric tioning ; the harassment through the courts continued; and management embarked on a and campaign of legal psychological harrassment of supporters of the boycott on Dare products, the strikers last legal, effective way to pressure the bosses back to the bargaining table. And $15 a week in strike pay and a food voucher for an equivalent amount isn’t much to

live on for eight or nine months. This week five of the struggling workers found that the longerand more visible a strike becomes the harder it gets to stand up for your union. Barring acts of God or unexpected twists in the due process of legal appeal, they will all be going to jail. -+ The five, sentenced Wednesday in a Toronto court for violating the injunctions were: l Lou Dautner-international representative for the United Brewery Workers Union, member of the strike negotiating team, husband and father. Sixty Days. l Andy Diamond-plant chairman of the Dare Foods bargaining unit of the UBW, striker, member of the strike negotiating team and just recently married. Sixty Days. l Paul Pugh-Dare striker and member of the staff of the labour paper, On the Line. Thirty Days. l Wayne Zettler-Dare striker, member of the On the Line staff, husband and father. Thirty Days. l Tom Scott-Dare striker. Ten Days. Sentence was passed on a sixth striker, John Horne, at the same time. He was given ten days and

his sentence was suspended because his wife has just undergone major surgery and they have a child. These sentences are as stiff as the sentences which were passed against the strikers at Tilco Plastics in Peterborough in 1988 when 26 people were arrested in that strike for deliberate violation of an injunction. (That one too, ended with the jailing of union leaders.) It was admitted by the court that there had been no ‘deliberate intention’ in the case of the Dare people but Judge Donnelly, who passed the sentences, nevertheless drew the comparison between the Tilco situation and the Dare case. He claimed the sentences passed on the Tilco strikers had obviously not been severe enough because they had not been a deterent to the breaking of the injunction in the Dare case. The role of the courts over the past nine months paints a picture of injustice that is hard to ignore and almost frightening in its clarity. Injunctions granted the Dare management june 12 and july 14 gave Dare legal protection to continue production, ship (produce and maintain profits. Management was assured of police protection, and the responsibility for any and all acts committed inside and around the plant on Kingsway Drive was placed on the shoulders of the union executive. The number of permissable picketers was reduced to 16. Of what use is the right to strike when the courts can intervene and effectively condone poor working conditions, inadequate pay, and unequal wage scales for men and women by buffering management from feeling the effect of the worker dissatisfaction it has created. At the stroke of a court pen last summer, one worker’s right of association was taken away. He was prohibited from coming within 4,o(l feet of the Dare plant, associating with any union member, going into beverage rooms or attending meetings of his union. Another, was barred from within 1,000 feet. Each monday and friday he had to report to the Kitchener police. Shortly thereafter he committed suicide. The husband of a scab worker who assaulted a 58-year-old woman striker was given two and half months to pay for the woman’s glasses. Fines of $200 on similar charges for the strikers were not uncommon. The strikers were unable to get fair treatment from the courts when they brought charges against management. In one case the crown attorney got up and walked out of the courtroom when he was supposedly prosecuting a case against one of the higher-ups in the Dare management. Carried forward by a UAW union brother, the case was consequently lost. Now, using the argument of establishing a deterent against any further challenge to anti-labor legal practices, a politically (and physically) repressive jail sentence has been slapped on five workers. Tie a person’s hands behind his back; Cut down his income to the barest of minimums so that he can just pay the rent. Then if this person doesn’t like being hog-tied and kicks back, tell him he is violent and have him arrested. This is the situation that members of Local 173 United Brewery Workers find themselves in. Only in a democracy can we appreciate such freedom under justice.

2nd week

U of T sit-in The math department at the University of Toronto has been occupied by students for more than a week and a half now. Students are protesting the firing of three popular math professors (Spring, Mather and Salaff) and are demanding a greater voice in decision making within the department. The trouble began a few months ago when one of the professors, Stephen Salaff, got into a dispute with the department aristocracy. Salaff, like the others, politically progressive, had been teaching a huge first year class with the associated chairman of the department, Bay Vanstone. Salaff sided with students in demanding less weight on the final exam and marked according to his attitude. Vanstone disagreed with all of this. So, for this and other similar disagreements, the math department decided to get rid of Salaff. He was told recently, that his contract would not be renewed. Salaff asked for. written reasons for his firing and was refused. However, he was told, in conversation, “that heIdidn’t get along with” other department members. This precipitated an angry response from students in the department. Salaff has a reputation as an outstanding teacher ; one of those rare professors who knows each student in a class of 100; who can tell how each student is doing, and the problems he is having. A petition for his reinstatemant was initiated. Around this time, two other professors, David Spring and Mike Mather announced that they too, were on the way out. Spring and Mather are also very popular with their students-and politically active. Both supported students in an abortive march 1871 strike for student parity on the faculty of arts and science council. Faculty chairman, George Duff has long opposed student input into departmental decision-making. Like Salaff, they were refused written reasons for their firing, but were told in their case, that they were “underpublished”. The real reasons can only be guessed at because the membership of the committee of tenured professors who made the decision is kept secret, as are its proceedings. A petition calling for the reinstatement of the three professors gathered 1,000 signatures, and on february 27 there was a rally of over 508 students in the foyer of Sydney Smith hall. Math chairman, George Duff addressed the rally, attempting to defend the firings. He spoke for thirty minutes but made little impression with his vague arguments. A student asked, “Yes or no, will the prof’s be rehired? Will students have a say in the department?” “No comment”, regarding the rehiring, was the response. He did go on to say that university rules forbid students from sitting on staffing committees. Yet, only last week, U of T vice-president, Don Forster , told sociology department -continued

on page 2




Es friday,

Grad grants I tig htemid What little money now available to aid graduate students at the University of Waterloo will have to be spread even thinner next year. Although the amount of scholarship money generated by the university remains the same, for the first time this money will have to be divided between the arts faculty and other faculties, like mathematics and science. The problem of a decreased amount of funds having to be spread among a larger number of students results from the cancellation by the National Research Council of its bursary awards, according to M.D. Vogel Sprott, associate dean of arts for graduate affairs. While the amount of money available from university funds remains the same, the university cannot expect funding from external sources like the NRC which, until now, supported a considerable number of bursary awards for graduate students in the *math and science faculties. The problem of money-which was originally slated for the arts faculty-having to be divided with students from other faculties, was faced a year ago when the provincial government ruled that a percentage of the POGF awards could go to sciences and math. To complicate matters the numbers of Province of Ontario Graduate Fund awards have also been reduced over the years. “There was a lot more money available three or four years ago,” Vogel Sprott said. “The history department commented that today they have only half as many

POGF’s and twice as many students.” . As a result of the fund squeeze, Waterloo is very short of money and some hard decisions will have to be made now, she said. There is an obligation to preserve some funds for students in continuing programs (M. Phil. and Ph.D). It seems fairer to aid a fine student who is continuing than to abandon him in favour of incoming students, Vogel Sprott said. The emphasis in the awarding of bursaries and other funds seems to be in the direction of favouring what Vogel Sprott calls “quality” students. POGF’s are available to any graduate student who has a B average, which is also the minimum requirement for admittance into graduate work. She thinks that in the future, awards will be given to students who have higher averages or who can demonstrate superiority. She denied that there is any attempt to abandon support for M.A. students-rather, she explained, the university is concerned about aiding, students who are academically superior. The Canada Council has recently added an M.A. award, which will be highly competitive in its selection, Vogel Sprott said. The school terms 1973-74 might possibly be the last year for POGF awards, although their abandonment has been predicted for some time. To replace the POGF’s, the province may institute a province-wide scholarship fund which would also be awarded on a more competitive basis.

Third world seminars A national campaign, “Ten Days for World Development”, will be held across Canada march 9-19. As an educational project, it is aim~ed at increasing the level of awareness about the Third World and Canada’s relationship to Third World development. In recognition of this aim, the International Students Association in co-operation with Third World ethnic groups and CUSO will be sponsoring a week of films, seminars and panel discussions at UW, march 12 through march 16. The focus will concentrate on: Third World countries; the project of aid-is it imposed by wealthy nations or does it reflect the will of the people most affected? Is it justice or charity? Does it represent the dignity of selfsustained determination or dependence? Following are the scheduled events: MONDAY, MARCH 12 Common Panel discussion : assumptions and illusions about Third World development, and Max alternatives. Panelists: Saltsman (Waterloo MP); Dr. George Francis (formerly with United Nations);. Dr. A.Q. Lodhi C.H. Grant (Pakistan) ; Dr. (Caribbean) ; Mushfiq Ur Rahman (Bangladesh). 7:30 pm, Bio I, 295. TUESDAY, MARCH 13 Films: Earth and Mankind Series (“People by the Billions”, “To Each a Rightful Share”, “Global Struggle “Can the Earth for Food”, “Challenge to Provide? “, “Man and His Mankind”, Resources”). 2: 30-5: 00 pm, Eng lecture hall, 112. Seminar: Social, political and

economic problems of Africa and the Caribbean and effects of North American policies on the life and culture of its people. Speakers: Dr. R.W. Beachey (East African Affairs Fofana and history) ; I brahim (Sierra Leone) ; Tracy Wilson (Caribbean). 7:30 pm Eng lecture hall, 112. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 Seminar: Social, political and economic problems of Asia (specifically India, Bangladesh, Pakistan) and effects of North American policies on the life and culture of its people. Speakers: Dr. A.Q.Lodhi (Pakistan), A.Banerji (India), Mushfiq Ur Rahman (Bangladesh). 7: 30 pm, Bio I, 295. THURSDAY, MARCH 15 Seminar and film: Social, political and economic problems of Latin America-a presentation by the Latin American Students Association. A film will be shown on Puerto Rico (and possibly, Cuba) followed by a discussion period. Latin American students will be present to answer questions. 7 :30 pm, Eng lecture hall, 110. FRIDAY, MARCH 16 Film : “How Long Does it Take a Tree to Grow Here?” (one of the CBC’s Man Alive productions on the Phillippines. 1:30 pm, Engc lecture Hall, 109. SUNDAY, MARCH 18 1 ‘Harambe’ (Let’s get together) Waterloo Family Y, 145 Lincoln Rd, Waterloo, 2-5 pm. There will be a panel discussion at 3:30 pm: “International Development: does it concern me?“; refreshments from around the world; displays of organizations involved in overseas aid; films and slides. No admission fee. Babysitting available.

Vogel Sprott defended the system of basing scholarship awards largely on marks “because of all the possibilities of judging potential graduate students, it predicts best of all” which student may be successful. Vogel Sprott conceded that lessening financial support may bring about a decline in enrollment in university graduate schools, although up to this point Waterloo has done very well compared with other universities in enrollment at all. levels. The arts faculty enrollment is up and the entire university grad enrollment met the projected level for 1972-73. But next year there may be students without financial support and Vogel Sprott suspects that enrollment may drop. “The sad story is that the money is just not there.” Aeanna


U OFT continued from page I head Irving Zeitlin that students could sit on that department’s staffing committee since departmental committees are not subject to guidelines. At this point, the crowd moved up to the fourth floor and began occupation of the math department’s offices. The outer office is now sit-in headquarters. People come in and out taking leaflets, bringing news, food and more supporters. The door to the chairman’s office is postered with some of his quotes such as, “Students rate highest those professors from whom they learn the least.” Though department officials had previously refused to negotiate with the students until they had left the offices, associate math chairman, Ray Vanstone met with them on march 2. He said that students would not be recognized in negotiations and refused to discuss the case of Stephen Salaff, claiming that it would risk formal appeal proceedings. Math professor, Peter Rosenthal, who attended the meeting with Vanstone mentioned that the occupation had brought about serious discussion about teaching methods and departmental structure ; something that was “inconceivable” before. ‘On Wednesday, there was another rally, featuring. speakers from the strike at U de Quebec. After the rally, a hundred or so students went in search of Duff who has set up a temporary office in the same building. He wasn’t in and the students returned to the offices. Wednesday ‘also provided a useful lesson in administrative trustworthiness. The dean of arts and science, Robert Greene, has been trying to cultivate a “goodguy” image. Several times he’s visited the sit-in “just to talk to people”. Early Wednesday morning he, the associate chairman and another official requested access to the file in Duff’s office (they didn’t say who’s file). They ,were refused and left. At the rally Greene claimed that he could not start the appeal of the case since the students would not give him Mather’s file. People pointed out the other side of the story and handed over the file. Friendly Green was obviously trying to discredit the sit-in. I The occupation has so-far been completely peaceful. The police have been kept away, because past experience has been bad regarding the busting up of sit-ins. But demands have not been met and the math department refuses to negotiate. Students have agreed to continue the occupation indefinitely if necessary. One of the f\ired professors, Michael Mather, will be on campus at Uw, tuesday.


9, 1973

Cobrse critiques

Helpful whom Students seldom get the chance to make a critical evaluation of the educational process involving them. In a couple of Uw faculties though, there have been consistant .attempts to make student feelings heard through course critiques. Unfortunately this kind of student involvement is inherently passive and does not guarantee (or allow) any kind of direct representation oh decision-making bodies in the school. One faculty, Engineering, has been making use of course critiques for many years. The critiques, initiated by the Undergraduate Engineering Society, and still maintained by them, covers the entire faculty and is used in conjunction with individual departmental course critiques. The critiques are a series of questions about courses and the professors teaching them. One of the main purposes of the questionnaires is to find out whether the courses have, in fact, provided a situation where people can learn. According to Warren Turnbull, engsoc education codirector, “That’s one of the questions we have tended to ask. I mean, that’s the intent of the course (to teach-learn) ; whether they can see the relevancy or not depends on the individual I think.” The evaluation of the professors is similarly centred around their abilities to present their courses (to teach.) These evaluations are used by administrators for assigning courses and teachers. T.H. Topper, chairman of civil engineering, sees the critiques “as a sort of overall viewpoint, once a term, of how the students are finding their courses, and since this information is given to all chairmen.. .” it can be used when deciding a professor’s role in a department. The critiques should help in the development of teacher-student “The individual relationships. professors, if they care enough about their teaching,” commented Turnbull, “will try to change according to what the critique has said-as has happened in the past quite successfully.” The course critique is being revised this term to shorten it and make it less misleading by taking out the irrelevant questions. Dave P&is, head of the revision committee (the critique is his work-term project), feels that “in intent, the course critique is a very good idea, but the old questionnaires were misleading and the results have been analyzed poorly. That, in fact is the main question: how the results get analyzed, since that will determine how it is used.” At this point, the critiques seem to serve administrators. They can also help upper-year students choose their courses (first-year students have all compulsory courses), and give professors some one-way feedback from their students; but the most functional use of the critiques is to help make administration decisions concerning course structuring and faculty. E.L.Holmes, associate dean of engineering, (undergraduate studies) feels the critiques play fairly complementary roles for both faculty and administrators. “A professor will want to knOW what kind of impact he has on his classes and the critiques can be

to ’ ? helpful. The only problem with them is that they come after the term has ended and the faculty member has no way to get direct feedback.” Administrators have the same interest but from the other side of the paycheck. As Topper phrased it, “with student enrollments in all our areas being very sensitive; if your students don’t like you, they are not going to come. So even an administrator would probably recognise that if you turn off his customers, he is going to lose * them.” The fact that the critiques have been used for a number of years gives a great deal of depth and make them even more useful. Over the years they have proved to be fairly accurate in evaluating extreme cases. Holmes feels that poor courses and teachers and good courses and teachers are aptly defined by the critiques; “The highs and the lows are well picked out. They are less useful in the middle areas.” --alain


and ron colpltts

0-Pirg meets again! Having collected over 4,000 signatures on a petition asking the university administration to add a $3.00 fee to the incidental fees collected with tuition, OPIRG met last thursday to discuss further plans. The $3.99 fee to be collected, on a refundable basis., will go to the support of OPIRG. It was decided by those at the meeting that they should approach the new Federation, asking for its support on the fee question. In addition to this step, it was agreed that the position should be put before the Board of Governors, at the next meeting, in April, and that that body be asked to institute the collection of OPIRG fees. The financial support that OPIRG is presently enjoying comes primarily from Math, Engineering, and Environmental Studies Societies, with moral support coming from K-W Probe, Engineering and Environmental Studies Societies, in addition to a number of faculty members. As well as deciding to push the issue of collection of fees, it was agreed that a search committee to be formed to hire a director for the summer. A group was set up to organize files of information for the summer, and visit related on and off campus groups, faculty members and local residents in order to better plan the structure and purpose of OPIRG. Approval was given to a plan to send members from Waterloo to other PIRG‘s (Public Interest Research Groups) during the summer. There will be another general steering committee meeting next thursday, March 15, at 8 pm, in the math and computer building, fifth floor faculty lounge. It is urged that students wishing to learn more about the direction in which OPIRG is heading drop into the office, biology 158A.



9, 1973





students ,

Visa policy under fire On march lst, the new federal immigration laws came under fire from members of the foreign student community at UW. A panel discussion sponsored by the Interna tional and Chinese Students Associations included an immigration officer, canada manpower officer, countryman counsellor and a placement officer. Close to 266 students, mostly student visa-holders worried about the uncertainty of getting work permits for summer jobs were in attendance. The highlights of the revised - regulations as they affect students are : l students whose jobs constitute an integral part of their study will not be affected. l All other student visa-holders have to present an employerverified statement to Manpower concerning nature, place, duration and wage of employment. If there are no Canadian citizens or landed qualified and immigrants available, a consent will be given. A final decision will be made on the work permit by the immigration office. The government believes these measures will ease the current unemployment situation. Students contend that with 36,666 foreign university students in Canada, not all of whom are available for summer employment, “the effect of foreign students on the current job market can be said to be almost negligible.” In fact, recent statistics indicate that the rate of immigration is going down while that for unemployment is continually rising. The economic crisis will hardly be solved by restriction of Canada’s visitors. The students argue that many summer jobs for students are temporary and tourist trade positions which prospective fulltime workers would be unwilling to take. Students, they argue comprise a pool of surplus and temporary labor, which does not effect the jobs of permanent residents. Many student visa-holders depend on income from a summer job to supplement meagre resources from home. Tuition fees for foreign students are likely to be doubled. The value of the dollar in Canada went from $1 to $.70 between 1961 and 1972. A recent survey conducted at McMaster University in Hamilton indicated that 45 per cent of visaholders there will have to quit school if they cannot work in the summer. 36 percent said they would leave the country to study elsewhere; 20 percent would switch from honors to general programs to help make ends meet; and 5 per cent would just go deeper into debt. The foreign students say too that they have devoted tremendous time, effort and money to getting a Canadian education. The Canadian people too have contributed to their education. “It appears inconsistent with all this previous attitude of goodwill to jeopardize now the further education of these students, and in so doing to write off the mutual investment in resources and goodwill already made.

When these students return home, they are armed with a Canadian education and an understanding of the country with which to promote better international relationships. They also point out that some assume permanent residence and the investment made on them will only be Canada’s gain. In view of the difficulties that student visa-holders face, many international student associations and foreign student groups on Canadian campuses are working together for the legal right to seek and obtain summer jobs as in past years. A number of university administrations, says the local ISA, are already supporting their fight.

Record biased It’s been pointed out from time to time that the Record tends to print only what it wants to and not what it should. Witness the one-sided coverage given to the Oxlea-Eaton deal and the sometimes misreporting of the Dare strike. It seems the K-W Rag, with no sizeable competition, has taken on strong pro-management flavor. On february 12, the Record printed an ad sponsored by the Dare Foods Ltd management. It printed parts of an injunction granted them by the Supreme Court which threatened to “deal with people accordingly” who attempt “to breach contracts” between the Dare Co. and its business associates. This was clearly intended to intimidate the strikers and supporters of the boycott on Dare products. The ad tactic indicated that the boycott is having a definite ill effect on Dare profits. To counter the ad, a group of interested UW and community people got together and wrote an ad of their own. Money was collected to buy space in the Record but lo and behold, the Record refused to print the ad stating that its last sentence was “libelous”. They were, one supposes, afraid of being sued for mentioning the boycott. All the last sentence said was : “Don’t Buy Dare Cookies”. The excuse for not printing the ad has two great weaknesses. Over 85 signatures were collected to be printed with the ad. These people if any, would be sued for “libelous” action because they jointly bought and paid for the ad and were thus openly responsible for its content. The statement “Don’t Buy Dare Cookies” is not a libelous one. There is no law against primary boycotting in Ontario. Asking people to stop buying a product is a legal right. So the Dare strikers and friends leafletted the Record building last friday. A copy of the rejected ad was given to Record employees. They too were asked to support the Dare strikers who began their legal action may 29, 1972. --on the line


bats at UQAM



MONTREAL (CUPI)--While bouncers armed with baseball bats patroled the corridors, students at the Universite du Quebec a Montreal returned to classes monday in the wake of a concerted offensive by the administration to break their fiveweek strike. The students, faced with the threatened cancellation of their school year, voted at a general assembly Sunday to return to classes and to continue their battle against the administration and its new fee policies along different lines. The new fee policies would force the expulsion of many students who are unable to pay by due dates each term. Despite an injunction against the strike obtained by the administration february 22, few courses were held the week of february 26-march 2. Students and teachers boycotted classes in protest against the injunction. But, threatened with fines and salary cutoffs, the teachers voted march 1 to return to classes. At the same time, the administration announced the school year was extended until may 25, and any courses not resumed immediately would be cancelled. To ensure the university remains ‘open’ and classes are held, professional bouncers were hired (reportedly at $150 a day) to patrol the halls and deal with ‘disruptions’ . Nonetheless, few classes were given march 2, and more than 1569 students from UQAM, Universite de Montreal and several CEGEPs, demonstrated that friday morning in a march to the Palais de Justice. ‘In rows of seven or eight; the protesters at one point covered all of St. Lawrence Blvd from Sherbrooke to Ontario Streets. The students rallied near the Palais de Justice to hear short speeches by lawyer Robert Lemieux and Charles Gagnon condeming the collusion between the university and the state’s judicial and police arm. Meanwhile, inside the court buildings, Judge E. Martel agreed to prolong the administration’s injunction until march 5. He also refused to hear the pleas of the teachers’ and workers’ unions against the injunction, until they were presented in writing. The unions maintain that the injunction, directed against not only

eleven students and COPE (the students’ strike coordinating committee), but also ‘all nondesignated persons’ who support the strike, is a flagrant violation of their right to strike. The hearings resumed monday with the university administration seeking to make the injunction permanent. In this context, then, with the threatened cancellation of their school year, UQAM students voted march 5 to return to classes. The resolution finally accepted by the student assembly took into account university and government refusal to retiognize COPE and the General Assembly because they fear recognition of a militant student movement. “The state cannot allow the students to organize on an autonomous base and ally themselves with the workers’ and teachers’ movements”. The resolution also say the threatened cancellation of the school year has-forced students ‘to play the administration’s game”, but it urged a continuation of struggle inside the university along the following lines : 0 Refuse to pay school fees or at least exhaust all possible avenues before paying. 0 Publicize the police nature of the university. l Actively boycott all forms of student participation in university government and make the general assembly the only body mandated to select student spokespeople. l Develop COPE as a militant structure able to combat any of the administration’s policies. l Reaffirm the “structures of combat for a much more powerful mass mobilization in September”. Strengthen the ties between students, teachers and workers and ‘develop the movement’ in other universities and CEGEPs. l Bring a strike proposal before the general assembly in case of reprisals against students and workers. (The administration is rumored to have a list of some 284 students involved in the strike who face possible expulsion. ) In returning to classes, the students are aware, as the resolution points out, “that we haven’t yet achieved our main demand for the non-exclusion of students for financial reasons”. But the resolution made it very clear that the struggle against the fee policies will continue,

especially next September. The five-week strike was far from a total failure. Its very length was a testimony to the strength of the students’ resistance against and government university pressure. The students were able to force the administration to repeatedly delay its fee deadlines. They were able to compel the government to postpone, for at least one year, its province-wide policy, which had precipitated the fee crisis in the first place. The government had decided to allot university grants on the basis of the number of students who had paid their fees rather than the number who were registered. This forced institutions which had formerly been lenient in their fee policies, such as UQAM, to tighten up and demand the payment of back debts. Hundreds of students were thus threatened with expulsion. . Although COPE and the UQAM students did not achieve the goal of a collective agreement covering all students (students will still have to settle fee arrangements with the administration on an individual basis), students won a with the major concession establishment of a credit committee. The committee, to be composed of three administrations representatives, two students and a professor, will handle all controversies over fee payment and decide which students, if any, merit expulsion. But for many of the students involved in the UQAM struggle, the success of the strike goes far beyond minor gains in temporary readjustments of fee policies. The stand of the administration, and its collusion with the state, not to mention the violent police attacks on the picket lines, were all key factors in radicalizing large sectors of the student population. Student militants also pointed out that the strike brought together students from different faculties who had never been in contact before, but who shared a dislike of the present educational and social system. They also note that contacts established with other universites and the CEGEPs, and the close ties developed between the students and the teachers’ ana workers’ unions, forebode difficult times ahead for a harassed administration and a provincial government in , the throes of a severe economic crisis. As one of the most popular chants of the UQAM strikers puts it: ‘Ce N’est qu’un debut, continuons le combat’. (This is o:?ly a beginning, Let us continue the fight).

. ,

4 . the


t. fiiday,







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the chevron

9, 1973


Carnival h th.estree-tsof Quebec Last weekend three buses of students and friends endured 28 hours on buses to participate in this year’s Carnival de Quebec. The trip started thursday night when kids from Lutheran, Guelph and Waterloo boarded the bus with necessities for the long trip: wine-skins, beer bottles and martinis in beer mugs. It seems that someone must have thought that university kids don’t drink for each bus was without a toiletbasic equipment for any piss-up. Because of the lack of outlets on the bus (the windows didn’t even open) the trip to Quebec city took 16 hours with many scheduled and unscheduled stops. The accomodation was split , into two places: those who paid $2 more got a bed .m a community centre about 5. minutes walk from the carnival areas, while those who paid only the basic $29 took their sleeping bags and were taken to strayin the basement of a church in Charlesburg 20 minutes on crowded buses to the carnival. Amid the dust on marble floors, the people were bagged together, not reahzing that when they awoke, there would be no showers and little hot water in drafty washrooms. Those who went to ” the carnival the previous night also discovered that the sole bus to the church ran only so late.

The result was that many had to hitchhike drunk or find a dry warm gutter. The carnival itself is an experience that everyone should have. Where else can one drink freely in the streets, in front of the cops; and when incapacitated be helped up or across the street by them? All the drinking and singing around the streets made the place look like a collection of

weather. But sundae became warmer bringing fog and rain to dampen the carnival spirit. The buses left sunday afternoon to make it back to Waterloo by monday morning with many carnival weary hungover souls, not at ail ready for monday classes. Yet all vowed that they would return next year to all that the carnival has to offer.


by dick mcgill

MARCH 21, ;1973 _-


at 9:.OOkAM -

-DEMONSTRATION -.. \ Against Anti-Labour Laws and Strikebreakers at Queens Park, Toronto-

I -


Cdl Union Hall at 7450102 _ --in the morning for rides m. SPONSORED BY DARE STRIKERS, . K:W -LABOUR COUNCIL, I ONTARIO FEDERATION OFLABOUR, NDP

. -



the chevron



9, 1973

-. Heidelbeg B&wed ftimputispfing



And thatb the tfith!

Wed. March 21 8:30 PM WLU THEATRE , AUIIT~R~UM &lmission: Feds-$1.50 advance, $2.00 at door ’ Non Feds-$2.00 advance, $2.5Oat dobr Tix at Fed. Office, SAC Office, Sam’s, Kadwell’s,- lhntz, & Central Box Off ice




t’he chevron

9, 1973

Env. Studies Society Red Garter Pub. 8:30 pm Food Services. Admission $.75 and $1. “The Greatest Pub Ever on Campus.” (with thanx to Camp Columbia for their help.) Anthropology Club presents William Noble archeologist with Dept. of Anthropology, McMaster University. Topic: Ontario Archeology. 8:30 pm ssc 350. Federation FlicksPanic in Needle Park with Al Pacino and Kitty Winn and MASH with Donald Sutherland and Eliot Gould. 8 pm AL116. $75 U of W undergrads; $1.25 others. Sponsored by Federation of Students. Coffee House with Terry Jones and Michael McConkey of Perth County Conspiracy, also John Constant and Carol Wainio. 8 pm CC pub area. tickets Admission $1. Advance available in Arts Society office HUM177B. I Benefit concert for/Canadian Campus Radio featuring Perth County Conspiracy, admission $1.50, 8:30 pm, WLU Theatre Auditorium. International Students’ Assoc. films: Sad Song of Yellow Skin (on the effects of the war on South Vietnamese children) and Fifty Miles from Poona (on the daily life of a Hindu rural family) 8 pm MC2066. SATURDAY Gay Lib Dance. CANCELLED


K-W Mothers Auxillary for Mentally Retarded bake sale. 9:30 am Eatons store, King Street. All proceeds go to work with mentally retarded children. Federation FlicksPanic in Needle Park with Al Pacino and Kitty Winn and MASH with Donald Sutherland and Eliot Gould. 8 pm AL116. $.75 U of W undergrads; $1.25 others. Sponsored by Federation of Students. Benefit concert for Canadian Campus Radio featuring Perth County Conspiracy, admission $150, 8:30 pm, WLU Theatre Auditorium. ‘.


This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, sociul events and other happenings on campus-student, faulty or stuff. See the chevron secretary or call exfension 233 I. Deudline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p . m .


Conrad Grebel Series. Paul FreyTenor. 8: 15 pm Theatre of Arts. Admission $2.50; children 12 and under $1.50 Central Box office ext 2126.

Climbing interested Chess Club meeting. New welcome. 7:30 pm CC113.

SUNDAY Yoga lecture. Acharya Sarit Kumar will discuss ‘A Guide to Human Conduct’ by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, founder of Ananda Marga Yoga Society. No charge. 2 pm SSc 221. Federation FlicksPanic in Needle Park and MASH. 8 pm AL1 13. $.75 U of W undergrads; $1.25 others. Sponsored by Federation of Students. Soul Trio- Music of Black America. 8 pm Theatre of Arts. Admission $2.50; students $1.50 Central box office ext 2126. MONDAY Psychology 363, Drugs and behaviour. Dr. James Harding on dope. 9 pm AL1 16. everyone welcome.

Some technical aspects of the energy environment dilemma. Student seminar presentations and discussion. Everyone welcome 2 pm PHY145. National Film Board audience research study presentation and discussion. 1:30 pm PHY145. WEDNESDAY

Circle K Club meeting. welcome. 6 pm CC135.


TUESDAY Yoga Workshop. Acharya Sarit Kumar of Ananda Marga Yoga Society will discuss “Asthanga Yoga-The Eight Fold Path”. 8 pm SSc221. No charge. LaSociete Francaise is presenting the film Germinal taken from Zola’s novel. 7-11 pm ELllO.

FEDERATION OF STUDENTS Applications are invited for the following positions on the EXECUTIVE BOARD of the Federation of Students for 19739-1974: Chairman, Board of Communications Chairman, Board of Entertainment Chairman, Board of Publications Written applications stating qualifications must be submitted to the ‘undersigned not later than 4:30 p.m. Friday, March 16 1 19 7 3

Club meeting. Everyone welcome. 8 pm El 3518.

Rap Room final training session. Discussing plans and improvements for future. New volunteers welcome. Lunch provided. 5:30 pm Couns&ling Services. Waterloo Jewish Students organizationHillel presents an evening with prospective immigrants to Israel. Slides and films of communities, similar to that which they’ plan to establish, will be shown. Refreshments following. No admission charge. 8 pm CC135. Free yoga classes: some meditation and physical postures. Sponsored by Ananda Marga Yoga Society. Everyone welcome. 8: 30 am and 9:30- am Corn batives room Physed.

Meeting concerning the Kraft and Dare Boycotts. Open discussion and suggestions for participatory activities. lo:30 SS322. All welcome.

Free introductory lectures on Transcendental Meditation and Science of Creative Intelhgence. Everyone welcome. 8 pm MC2065.


Free campus center movies. I Love You Alice B. Toklas with Peter Sellers. 9 pm. ConcertChamber Choir. Free admission. 11:30 am Theatre of Arts. Sponsored by Creative Arts Board. THURSDAY Federation Flicks-The Great White Hope with James Earl Jones and Jane Alexander and CC and Company with Joe Namath and Ann Margret. 8 pm ALl16. $75 U of W undergrads; $1.25 others. “Bread” Waterloo Christian Fellowship invites you to a weekly supper meeting. The food’s good, the speaker’s thought provoking. Come and join us. 5:30 CC1 13. Afternoon pub sponsored by Sci. Sot. campus center. 12 to 6 pm. Dr. Ira Reese, U of Minnesota. Subject: in North Pre-marital sex America: trends and issues. 11: 30 am Theatre of Arts.

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

All classifieds

must be prepaid.

LOST Would the person who took my simulated Lamb’s wool coat off the coat rack at the Record co-op on Wednesday please return it back on the rack or call me and tell me where you leave it. Don’t worry about charges being laid. I just want my car keys and coat back. Phone 884-7061. PERSONAL Crochet lessons for beginners given in my home. Left handers welcome. Phone 742-1615. Essay Services, a complete essay service company. Mon-Fri 3pm-lOpm, Sat-Sun loam-10pm. 300 Avenue Road, Toronto 7, Ontario (416) 9616150. We also do typing. Virgo, w-m, incarcerated man wishes to hear from any women 18 to ? that wants an intelligent, college educated man and is interested in giving her all for their total happiness. You won’t be ‘sorry. Write Ed Fallis, PO Box PMB 33592, Atlanta, Georgia 30315, USA. “A perfect house, whether you like food or sleep, or storytelling, or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all. Merely to be there was a cure for weariness, fear or sadness”. Tolkien Lord of the Rings. That’s co-op in’ summer ‘73. Join us. Looking for summer work in K-W area? Check the Student Summer Job Center opening April 16 at St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Queen and Weber Street, Kitchener. Musicians wanted for weekly talent contest Saturdays at Jokers Two l4:30pm. Call Jokers Two. Prize money $25, $15, $10. FOR SALE

Andrew Telegdi President-Elect Federation of Students NOTE: These positions are open to any member of the Federation of I Students

P.A.L. is still alive? Need legal advice? Are you getting hassled by your landlord? Call or drop in. We’re para-legal volunteers. 7-10: 30 Renison College off ice. Call 884-4400.

U. of W Chamber ChoirBrahms Liebeslieder Waltzes. Conductor Alfred Kunz with pianists Joanne Elligsen, Kenneth Hull. Free admission. 11:30 am Theatre of Arts. Sponsored by Creative Arts Board.

Ukrainian Student’s Club business meeting elections. Party afterwards. 8 pm AL244. Stage Band ConcertThe Beat Goes On. David Chung, stage band coordinator. Playing such favourites as The Beat Goes On-Bono, Woodstock-Joni Mitchell, Theme from Windmills of Your Mind and Tribute to Basie. Free Admission. 11:30 am Theatre of Arts. Sponsored by Creative Arts Board.



Two Siamese kittens, male, female. 6 weeks old, housebroken. $20 each. Call 743-1011. Sharpe Mk II headphones. Asking $33. Call Bob afternoon at 579-6798.

good condition. Best offer over $50. Call Ron Angus 576-5184 or see Cori in campus center bank. Honda-500-four-1972. Excellent condition with carrier and two helmets. 576-7862 after 4pm. ‘Voice of the Theatre’ speaker enclosures. J.B. Lansing 15” speakers. With horns. $600 pair. Paul 885-0845. Parts for 1955-1959 twin 500 (engine, frame, accessories), completely reconditioned preserved 1956 Triumph 500 value. Call Tom at 578-7925.

BSA also and side-

1970 BSA 650 Thunderbolt 15,000 touring miles, very good condition. Asking $850. Phone 885-1097. Minolta. SRT-101 with 55mm f1.7 MC. Rokkor and 35mm f2.8, for $240. Ask for Gord at 885-1660. TYPING Call Joyce Mason efficient, reasonable.


Enjoy a good atmosphere for studying (the library’s only five minutes walk) and reasonable prices. Live at co-op in summer ‘73. WCRI, 280 Phillip Street. 884-3670. To sublet for summer 3 bedroom (one double-sized) townhouse, close - to campus. $190 month. Mike, 515C Sunnydale Place 884-0312. Two bedroom apartment in Married Students, University Avenue, available april 1 for summer. $155 month. Phone evenings 884- 1826. Sublet may to august three bedrooms, 2 baths, sauna, cable. Ten minute walk, rent negotiable. Call 576-2575 or write 285 Erb Street West, Apt 402, Waterloo. Two guys needed to share room in townhouse, furnished. May 1 to September 1. Phone 884-2629. 523 I Sunnydale Place.


All typing done efficiently and promptly. Call Mrs Wright 745-1111, 9 to 4; 885-1664 evenings. Typing done, also experienced in technical statistical work; IBM electric. Call anytime 576-7901. Typing done in home, essays etc. Call 742-4689. HOUSING

Available May 1. 745-2147.


Apartment for rent May 1 to september 1 furnished. Two bedroom, Parkdale Plaza across the street. Twenty minute walk to school. Good hitch hiking. $160 a month. Phone 8841682. Apartment to sublet from may to august. Two bedroom furnished $130 month. Address: 16 Austin Drive, Apt 8 or phone one 884-4799.

Carpet, olive, Kodel 12’x15’. Bound; with pad. Original $300. Beautiful; moving $150. 885-0485.

Three bedroom townhouse to sublet may to September, swimming pool, next to Parkdale Plaza on Albert Street. Easy hitchhiking to university. Ca II 884-0269.

Four cushion chesterfield, matching chair, coffee table, 2 end tables, all in

House for rent. Four bedrooms, close to universities. $200 per month.

Two bedroom apartment for rent at Waterloo Towers. Available may ta September, rent negotiable. Phone 884-5670. Townhouse this summer, swimming pool, 2 bedroom and basement. $170 month and heat or haggle. Albert Street. 885-0837. Brand new house, furnished, all appliances, 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, kitchen, living room, dining area. Mid december 1973 to end august 1974. $225 per month. 578-0695. Townhouse to sublet summer term may-august. Ideal for 4 people. Lakeshore Village. Partly furnished. $188 per month. Call 884-0363 or write D. Smyth, 529C Sunnydale Place, Waterloo. HELP WANTED Build part-time. Business of your own to independence within 6 months with new internat ional company manufacturing national customer products. Will furnish names of independent associates who have done same. Experience in hiring, training or supervising helpful to rapid growth. Call for interview Mr Briski 579-3268 after 5pm.



the chevron



University of Waterloo Pre-Registration lnformatibn March 1973 WHY WHO PREREGISTERS


Advisor Steve Gabow M. HiII Wm. Roosa

Room ’ SSC309 s!3c 310 ssc 314

S. Haag W.D. Wilson B. Thahnan

ML 329 ML 345 ML224

L. Fletcher F. MuIIer S. Ghosh H. Gram K. Bennett R. Kerton

Hum 239 Hum 241 Hum 212 Hum 207 Hum 203 Hum 211


W. R. Macnaughton G. Slethaug R. Gosselink P. Beam

Hum251 Hum 245 Hum 270 Hum 220

Fine Arts

D. MacKay V..Burnett

Hum 176D Hum 177C

C. Bryant G. Priddle R. Bullock T. Bunting

To be announced

FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Ah Regular and Co-operative Mathematics students who plan to continue their studies in the Fall-73 term should preregister during the week of March 12-16,1973 as indicated below.

A. Donskov M. Richter A. Zweers

ML 307 ML 314 ML305

R. Guisso K. Eagles D. Horton K. Davis J. English J. Walker L. Johnson

Hum 141 Hum 154 Hum 131 Hum 114 Hum 102 Hum 112 Hum 116

(1) Ah students pre-registering for year 2 Regular, 2A Co-op,2B Coop, and year 3 of a Pass programme: -F. Miller, E. Anderson, P. Brihinger -MC 4022(west half) -1: 00 - 4:OOpm.each afternoon, Monday through Friday 10:OOam.- 12:60 noon Thursday March 15

Human Relations

A. Mahrer G. Barrett-Lennard

Hum 303 Hum 356


B. Hendley M. McDonald J. Narveson R. Holmes

Hum 324 Hum 323 Hum 330 Hum 320



Germanic & Slavic Lang.


Political Science

K. Cabatoff A. Kapur J. Surich R. Williams J. Wilson


M. Ross M. Brown G. Waller E . MacKinnon D. WahIsten A. Cheyne R. Thysell M. Breidenbaugh E. Ware

Religious Studies

R. Legge


M. Beauchamp . R. Lambert w. Scott A. Lodhi L. Fischer R.L. Knight


CHURCH COLLEGES Conrad Grebel Renison _

St. Jerome’s

’ St. Paul’s

ssc ssc ssc ssc ssc

341 336 340 343 344

Hum 3635 Hum 3635 Hum3835 Hum 3635 Hum 3635 Hum 3835 Hum 3835 Hum 3835 Hum 3835 Hum 365 SSc242A SSc242A S!3c242A SSc242A S!k 242A ML 228

J. Toews M. Bird B. Sheppard J. Cossom. H. Miller J. Wine J.M. Alleyne E. Evans N.E. Lavigne D. Letson E. McCormack P. Smith D.G. Mowat F. Centore J.E. Orlando A.C. Firetto M. Coogan M. Shimpo J.A. Wahl D.R. Newman

206 103 101 206 2 207 1 205 5 105 209 3 204

FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Those Engineers who are not pre-registered =7-m class should report to their Departmental Offices Students wishing to transfer to Engineering should contact one of the following people: Department Name Office Systems Design Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering

P. Roe R. Hudgins C. Thompson J. Hanson R.N. Dubey

E4 3334 El 2504 E2 2303 E2 3304 E2 2324

BiII Smyth

CARS ~~R”~,s lkN&LS

Lib 113


Classics 82 Romance Lang.



9, 1973


allows YOU to select in March the courses that you wish to take in the May, July or September 1973sessions. seIe&ons of courses at this time influences the final timetable and the number of course se&ions to be offered facilitates registration by mail. ah curently registered undergraduate students intending to enrol in undergraduate programmes in May, July or September, 1973 NOTE: A failure to pre-register will be interpreted as an indication that you do not i*d to return and that your space may be given to another student. -week of March 12-16,1973 + -preregister with your department-faculty advisor - information regarding advisors, times and places etc. is listed , below. Additional information can be obtained from the department faculty offices.

FACULTY OF ARTS Department _, Anthropology





AII faculty members


Man Enviroment

G. R. T. C.

Davies Keith Semple De’Ath

SSc243 SSc243 S!‘k 243 SSc243


L. Martin N. Pressman S. Herzog

SSc243 SSc243 SSc243

1. 2. 3. 4.

Weekend Special-From $4.00/Day Overnight Special-From $7.00 Movers Special-From $8.00 Rentals On Motor Homes And Travel Trailers Representative for U. of W. John Hull 742-4463

Note: Students must preregister Tuesday, -Wednesday afternoon or Thursday. Architecture

J. Somfay

Schoolof Architecture

(2) Ah students preregistering for years 3 and4 (Regular and Coop) of an Honours or General programme should register with the ap propriate Undergraduate Officer : (i) Applied Analysis & Computer Science-V.A. Dyck, MC 4022(East Half) -1: 00-4:OOpm.Tuesday, March 13 -1:00-4:OOpm. Thursday, March 15 (ii) Applied Mathematics- M.E. Snyder, MC 5007 anytime except 10:30am.-11:30am.Monday, Wednesday & Friday and 11:3Oam.-1:OOpm.everyday


phone . 744-7371


and enquire March

(iii) Combinatorics & Optimization-R. Burns,MC 6133 9:OOam.-12:00noon and 4:3Opm.-5:3Opm.Monday, March 12 (iv) Co-op Teaching Option-R.G. Dunkley ‘, MC 5103 1:06pm.-4:3Opm.Wednesday, March 14 (v) Statistics-C. Springer, MC 5039 9:3Oam.-12:66noon Tuesday, March 13 and Thursday, March 15; 2:09pm.-4:OOpm.Friday, March 16 (vi) Actuarial Science-M.A. Bennett, MC 5036 -9:OOam.-12:06 noon and l:OOpm.-3:OOpm.Monday, March 12; 9:OOam.-10:15am.Tuesday March 13; 9:OOam-1l:OOam.and 1:15pm.2:3Opm.Wednesday, March 14 (vii) Pure Mathematics-E. Moskal, MC 5066 -10:30am.-12:00 noon and 3:3Opm.-4:3Opm.,Monday, March 12; 9:3Oam.-10:3Oam. and 1:3Opm.-3:30pm., Tuesday, March 13; 10:30am.-12:OOnoonand3:3Opm.-4:3Opm.,Wednesday, March 14; AI1 Day, Thursday, March 15; 10:3Oam.-1296noon and 3:3Opm.-4:3Opm., Friday, March 16 At times other than those listed for Dr. Moskal, students should see Dr. Kerr-Lawson in MC 5067.



about our



FACULTY OF HUMAN KINETICS & LEISURE STUDIES Kinesiology Kinesiology students must arrange times to preregister with the Faculty advisor assigned to them. Students considering transfer to a Kinesiology programme should arrange to pre-register with Dr. D. Hayes, Undergraduate Officer, Physical Activities Building. Recreation Students currently registered in Recreation: Year I-pre-registration will be done in tutorial sessions of Recreation 101. Upper Years-students must preregister Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, March 12,13,14and 15from 1:30pm. to 3:3Opm. , in the Department of Recreation. Students in other faculties considering transfer in Recreation should contact Dr. D. Ng, Undergraduate Officer, 6th Floor of the Math and Computer building. FACULTY OF SCIENCE. 1. Year I Optometry students and students wishing to preregister for possible admission to Year 2 Optometry should report to the Optometry Office (M&C 4050) on Thursday, March 15 (9:00-11:3Oam.) and 1:30-4:30pm.) or Friday, March 16 (9: 60-11:30am.1 Upper year Optometry students will be preregistered in one of their reguiar classes. The School of Optometry will announce details. 2. AiI other Science students should report to the Chemistry Conference Room (Cl-2521or to the Science Study Area, both located on the secondfloor link betweenthe Biology and Chemistry Buildings on one of three days: (a) Monday, March 12th-1:664:OOpm. (b) Tuesday, March 13th-9:30-11:30am. and 1:00-4:OOnm. (c) Wednesday, March 14th~9:30-11:30am.and 1:90-4iOOpm. NOTE : There will be no pre-registration on Thursday or Friday this week. Studentsmust pre-register during the days and times noted. Usually the morning periods are least crowded and students can avoid lineups if they can come then. Try to avoid leaving preregistration until the last afternoon as it is usually the busiest. 3. All Sciencestudents who are planning to stay out from school next year or to transfer to another University etc. will not pre-register but during this pre-registration period should leave their name and plans with the secretary in the Undergraduate Affairs Office (CHEM l253A)so our records will be complete. This is not necessary if you are merely transferring faculties within the Universitv of Waterloo.



Big diamonds dancing with fire. Small diamonds, exquisitely brilliant. Emerald shapes, ovals, clusters. Our diamond selection is stunning. Let us show YOU our myriad styles and help you find your own true diamond. And when you’ve seen all and selected one.. you’ll know it’s the one and only for you.




. friday,



9, 1973




be printed

things, that he would open up the Federation and create greater student involvement. With this platform it is only natural that the new executive should change. However, with Doug as critic, 5 of the 7 boards to which appointments were made on monday night are chaired (or co-chaired) by individuals who were on the executive of the past Federation. So the first reason for recommending Bayla was to improve the ratio of new\people’to old people on the executive which is in line with Andy’s mandate from the student body. Second, her qualifications .and work experience in public relations are perfect for the post of critic which above all else is a public relations post. Experience in past Federation activities is not nearly as important for critic as it is for other executive positions. Third, Bayla is going into 4th year*ertainly no stranger to campus life and she has many contacts. And fourth she is female. Before thinking that this is no qualification stop and think for a second. How many girls have been on the Federation executive in the past and how many girls are there on campus? What does the word “representation.” mean anyway? Student ‘council felt that Doug Austrom would be better for the post of Federation critic and-voted accordingly. It is perhaps unfortunate that this decision was made on the basis of the applications alone and not on all the pros and cons that were considered by the President’s selection committee (composed of 7 people, 5 of whom are on council). I have laboured over this case perhaps too much. But it is just this kind of situation that can so easily lead to misunderstanding, hard feelings and to students turning against the Federation. This Federation’s potential for constructive change is greater than ever before. -The Federation is open and wants you to get involved. Just drop in and you’ll see that this is really a new and open Federation. ‘ ._ change


guide to federation politics

This is the time of year for Federation politics to get hot. New people come in, old ones leave and the transaction is never smooth. Friction occurs when rhetoric and propaganda begin to obscure underlying similarities in philosophy and approach. I think that this is what is happening now and unkind words will be spoken that needn’t be. After the student council meeting on monday some people may have been left with the im.pression that the current Federation is turning into a closed shop with the President putting in all his friends and trying to override student council. Nothing could be further from the truth! This is just the sort of thing that has hbppened in the past and which Andy campaigned against. Let’s look at the faces in the new Federation. Shane Roberts (past Federation president) was approached by Andy after the election to become chairman of the board of external relations. It goes without saying that Shane and Andy have not *been close associates in the past. Steve Treadwell (president of the Math Society) was approached by Andy after the election to become involved in the Federation. Steve was the only person who applied for Vicepresident and was appointed. Art Ram (2nd Vice-President of Eng. Society) applied for BSA chairman and was appointed‘ on the basis of stated qualifications. Tom Duffy (1st Vice-President of Eng. Society) was approached by Andy after the election to get involved in Federation affairs. He was appointed co-chairman of the board of student grievances. Fred Bunting (Arts rep.) who has been valuable in the past Federation was approached by Andy to apply for Grievances and will co-chair. This board will be expanded so greatly that a cochairmanship is almost a necessity Don O’Leary applied for board of with his education and qualifications and references was recommended for the post and appointed by council. Dave Assman (Science rep.) continues in the post of chairman of the board of communications. Mike Izma continues in the post of creative arts board chairman. If Andy had a large group of friends who expected to move into paying Federation positions they have most surely been disappointed. So all in all there was but one controversial Presidential recommendation, namely- Bayla Sweet (Arts rep.) for Federation critic rather than Doug Austrom (Arts rep.). There were a number of reasons that Doug was notrecommended even though his experience in Federation affairs is superior to Bayla’s. First, the students of this campus voted for Andy on the platform that he would


! IriWers



t,,e The

nl/mber. A pSeUdOflym Wdl if you have a good reason.

flu&e can spark in a student’s mind the joy ’ of learning. A machine can list perfunctorily what we are expected to know upon graduation but, sensitive and innovative men are needed to educate properly. We believe Dr. Wadge is such a man. Sincerely, signed by 35 members of math 472B

Swan song: ( no right for complaint The Environmental’ Studies Society is presently undergoing the traditional democratic process known as elections. The only trouble is that the “What if we gave an election and no one came?” question is on my mind.





The reason I decided to write this / as the constitutional review and piece is that in recent weeksa lot of only meets once a month? The publicity has been given to the point is this, a strong student problems in planning. Now, the society can influence the decisionmaking process but it must be strong and representative of all the students including our prima donnas regardless of which unit director was on the firing block . they are in. The student society has Last year, the building addition to been a clique in the past and atthe social science building did not tempts to change this have failed meet their approval. because students in other units What I’m getting at is just this, especially geography and arin the past three years ar- chitecture have not demanded and ’ chitecture’s interest in the student helped to create that change. society has diminished toh point of - I know you can’t create innonexistence. Now, why is it that volvement but even if you are the architectural students only get type how much “uninvolved” involved when the problem effort does it take to make sure reaches the stage of confrontation? that those people who do get inWhy have students in general volved really represent (your infollowed this procedure? terests. It takes five minutes 1to Part of the fault lies with the vote, fifteen to nominate a cansociety. This year is the first time didate. that the society has tried to get As far as I am concerned, if you politically involved. In fact, I cannot find a half hour once a year personally have spent the fall term in which_ you are to a limited . trying to find out how the political degree politically active you organization functions, where we haven’t got the right to complain are entitled to student represenabout anything. tation and where we are not, and I am however eternally opfor what reasons. timistic that somewhere out there For example, did you know that in the barrens the hobbits of this the review of the constitution for world still live to rise to the call. the faculty proposes to put All I can say at the end of my year students on the executive comis this “farewell hobbits I’m off, to r mittee? Would you like to know the join the friggin’ funny bunny ! ” attendance record of architecture ian d. robertson students to the faculty council; the planning 4 body which approves such things president e.s.s.

doug dobney

“Uncle Bill” sensitive and innovative February

5, 1973

Dr. W.F. Forbes Dean of Mathematics University of Waterloo Dear Dr. Forbes, The responsibility that you and your faculty members must bear is often not enviable. To judge the competence of an individual is not easy; and toward this end, as a class, we offer our thoughts of Dr. W.W. Wadge as an instructor. + while some student-professor relationships are tense, Dr. Wadge has created an amiable atmosphere between himself and the class. @ and, while teaching what one L might call a dry course (Introduction

to Turing



Dr. Wadge has managed to make the course very interesting. How can we impress upon you how we feel ? Consider for a moment how one professor’s in-



10 the





9, 1973

~~~~~I’Y,~~~~o~~~~~~~s~~ fe e &a& Address-

chevron letfers.






reserves the right to shorten Letters must be typed on a 37

letters must be hgned with course year; and phone number. A ps&udonym wtll be printed if you have a good reason.



Tie@ipottempest I

NarQeson responds

I am not sure what Mr. Stuewe, who, has taken it upon himself to defend Steve Smith’s article against some of the several criticisms pressed in my letter to the editor last week, means by “confusing assertion with proof”. A main theme in my letter is that Smith’s views do not seem to be advanced primarily on the basis of personal acquaintance with the music of which he writes. Mine was. Perhaps Stuewe thinks that “proof” is when you get your stuff from books, whereas personal experience is “mere assertion”. In any case, I have gone to the trouble of consulting Joseph Machlis’ book, of which I have long owned a copy, and-as I suspected, there is not a single shred of suggestion in any of the pages devoted to the fl music of Bach that he had adopted the musical styles of his sons or of the thendeveloping preclassical era in general. Aside from the fact that I have heard, I think, nearly every one of the later works of Bach .except a few which aren’t accessable on record, and none of them sound at ?& like the music of his sons, I would point out that those historians of music who do discuss this point usually go out of their way to remark at the utter lack of influence on Bach by any contemporary developments in musical style. Perhaps what Smith was referring to was the fact that Bach did indeed absorb the styles of his earlier contemporaries and especially in his predecessors, youth. Thus he wrote French suite, in the French an “Overture Manner” an “Italian concerto”, concertos after Vivaldi transcribed for other combinations of instruments, and so on. But in his late years, Bach spent his time writing and rewriting chorale preludes for organ, composing cantatas, and also writing his incomparable masterpiece of fugal composition, the Art of Fugue. These pieces are in musical forms musicians which classical eschewed, generally speaking, and the specific style of them is also nonclassical. I am aware that some writers on the music of the French masters of early times have a low opinion of them. And people do have a “right to their opinion”, even in aesthetic matters, if it is properly informed. Earlier writers on the history of music often had not heard this music at all. But to characterize the music of Rameau and Couperin as “flowery and bombastic” and let it got at that is a slur; and if the

characteriz8tion is not based on pers.onal experience at all, then that contributes to its being ignorant. If the thing is to be settled by authorities, then a reasonable sampling of relevant authorities should be heard: e.g., people like Ralph Kirkpatrick, the prominent musicologist and harpsichordist. If Smiths did know about all these people and still sticks by what he says about Rameau and Couperin, then I would have to say that his report was misleading, in implying that his assessment is the standard opinion of those qualified to speak ; which it certainly is not. On the matter of reactions to Bach’s music and their role in transition to classicism, I don’t understand why Mr. Smith’s remarks should be confined to reaction in France, of all places. For one thing, surely the most important by far of the originatorsof the classical style were those of the Mannheim school, which is in Germany. J.S. Bach’s music was regarded as outdated and fuddyduddyish by German audiences of the mid-eighteenth century; I should have thought they never were popular in France. And if ‘teutonic’ just means ‘German’, then it would be odd to suppose that French audiences reacted negatively to Bachts music because it was ‘teutonic’, though that may be why they didn’t hear much of it in the first place. - On the matter of popularizing classical music, I would suggest first that the Chevron is not the most suitable agency to bcriticize others for not promoting wider appreciation and understanding of great music. And second, there are two sorts of ‘popularizing’ one might- contemplate. One is trying to_ make it like popular music. If the accusation is that I don’t promote that, then I accept the charge. And I think that “Haydn’s Greatest Hits” records’ are possibly steps in that direction. The other way is just to encourage and stimulate interest, e.g. by giving notices of concerts in the vicinity, and so forth, by playing music oneself, and so on.. Mr. Stuewe is presumably not accusing me of failing to “direct my efforts toward that end”. But the point I made in my letter seems to me to stand: if you want to know what classical music is all about, listen to it, not to random collections of highlights. If you confine yourself to highlights, it seems to me likely that one of two things will happen: you’ll confuse real music with one-pretty-melody-afteranother, the end result of which is Muzak; or you’ll be disappointed when and if you ever do hear this music the way it was written, the way its composers intended it to be


heard, and the way it is best and most validly heard. Mr. Stuewe’s general point of view seems to me to involve the assumption that one must wear kid gloves when dealing with the masses, tone everything down, spread lots of whipped cream or maybe sugar around to make sure that nobody gets his sensibilities or his intelligence tickled. Mine is that spades should, if possible, be called spades and let the information fall upon whatever ears will listen. One final point. I object very strongly to the yellow-journalism habit of -mind which prompts the Chevron to print in big bold type over my letter, “Review ‘ignorant slur’ “I I think you owe both me and Mr. Smith apologies for this. His views on Ram-eau and Couperin, as expressed, are what I accused of amounting to an ignorant slur, and not the article as a whole. That article contained, in my estimation, a number of misleading or just plain wrong statements about matters of general interest and importance. This is very far from saying that the article as a whole was inept or worthless, or ignorant, and I ‘take umbrage at the charge that I did so. What with the enormous emphasis given to popular music in the pages of the Chevron as compared with classical music, I for one -am grateful for such crumbs as we are thrown; as readers know, I throw several myself, when time permits. My wish is only that those contributions be better informed. Jan Narveson Philosophy

Debate broadened Since the subject of Mr. Smith’s capsule histories of music has been opened, I will risk hurling myself into the fray between Jan Narveson and Mr. Stuewe. The quarrel seems to be tied up with Mr. Smith’s well-meant efforts to explain -music to the masses. Mr. Smith seems not to have done his homework, either listening or reading, before sitting down to write his article. After four readings of the section on Bach in The Enjoyment of Music and finding nothing on his surprising sudden conversion to “rococo” music, I turned to Machlis’ section entitled “The Gallant Style in Germany and Italy” _I(p- 431 ff. in the 3rd edition). Mr. Smith’s source, cited also by Mr. Stuewe, seems to be the following two paragraphs : The Rococo witnessed as profound a change in taste as

has ever occurred in the history of music. In turning to a polished entertainment music, composers embraced a new ideal of beauty. The learned counterpoint of the past seemed to them heavy and overly serious. Elaborate polyphonic texture yielded to single melody line with a simple chord accompaniment. Tbis age desired its music above all to be simple and natural. The change was already apparent in the lifetime of Bach. It manifests itself in the graces and “gallantries?, as he called them, of his harpsichord suites. The gallant style reached its apex in Germany in the mid- eighteenth century.. . .. . And so pn it goes to talk about Bach’s sons and the change in taste as Mr. Smith has done. Machlis is a at fault here in perhaps giving the impression that Bach took over the “style gallant,” lock, stock and barrel, but he does qualify his statement by saying “his harpsichord suites”. With this Machlis probably means the “French” and “English” suites which drop fugal style and incorporate certain elements of lightness and “gallantry” found in the emerging “style gallant.” This does not constitute an abandonment of his native style which, sticking to Machlis, you will find, is a fusing of the German, French and Italian style Cp. 386). If Mr. Smith means Bach j‘utilizes” elements of the new style, he should say so. He should not say he “adopted” it. Bach is contrapuntalist all the way. By the way, his last published opus was The Art of the Fugue. My other major criticism of Mr. Smith’s article is that it gives the impression that Haydn and Mozart were “rococo” composers. If Mr. Smith actually means this, he has, again, not done his homework. In the final analysis,- Mr. Smith is guilty of sloppy- writing. The article under discussion contains many dubious or misapplied phrases and words such as “teutonic” applied to Bach (Wagner, maybe?) or “flowery and bombastic” applied to such composers of the “gallant (ie. light and graceful) style” as Rameau or Couperin. He also says nothing about the ,music of Haydn or Mozart except unfortunately to mention their names in a paragraph devoted to discussion of “shallow style”. What does Mr. Smith mean by, “Mozart has a more melodious style than Haydn”? A discussion of the differences between the music of these composers does not lend itself to easy description, but his analysis-just won’t do at all!

On the other hand, many of Mr. Smith’s recommendations for initial listening weren’t all as bad as Jan Narveson makes them. As long as one would use the “greatest hits” as a springboard into more g serious listening, no harm done. Mr. Smith shows himself to be aware that music of the 18th century rarely jumps out of the speaker (or instruments) and clouts one over the head. I am a little put off, however, that he warns us so thoroughly against music that might take some thoughtful listening (I include Rameau, et al.). The most of us are adult enough to take a little brain bending. Finally, if Mr. Smith is to continue : with his “assertions” (Mr. Stuewe’s word) about music history and the value of certain styles of music, then it would be better if he demonstrated more time spent in front of the speakers and behind the books. Then we could take his “assertions” seriously. Note to Mr. Smith: Beware of Machlis’ the Enjoyment of Music. This book is a beginner’s text and guilty of oversimplifications. If you take an oversimplification from context and make a further oversimplification from it you may find yourself teetering on the brink of falsehood. Note to. Mr. Stuewe: If The Chevron is indeed publishing Mr. Smith’s articles to educate the student body in music, then it should give him more time to research, think and write. You might give him a-hand with his style. And as for your “response:” 1) Name your “musicologists” and your “authorities” along with their works. 2) You have simply got to do something about the person who makes up the headlines in The Chevron. Jan Narveson did not say about Mr. Smith’s article : “Review ‘ignorant slur”‘. That was directed toward a single statement of Mr. Smith. From the editor’s comment and the tone of your “response” to Jan Narveson, I gather that you have a personal feud with Jan. Therefore your “response” should have been entitled : “Personal Vendetta against Narveson.” Be careful also, of adopting a dogmatic tone when accusing another of dogmatism. If you wish tdverify what I have said above concerning music .history, please refer to Grout’s A of Western Music, History Bukofzer’s Music in the Baroque Era and the Harvard Dictionary of Music, among others, for general reference. Ed Hausfeld Graduate Student Dept. of Germanic and Slavic Languages




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Stuewe clarifies I_ Ah, clarification, thy name is godsend. Our thanks ‘to Messrs. Narveson and Hausfeld for their responses, which should help to clear up most of the controversy aroused by our mini-teapot tempest. First of all, I share their reactions to the stupidity of heading Narveson’s letter with “Review ‘ignorant slur”’ and here apologize, to both Narveson and Smith, for a faux pas which is by no means untypical of the Chevron. We’ve even done worse: we once titled a laudatory review of a Pink Floyd album with “Pink Stink,” and condensed a positively glowing review on a Michael Murphy Bullshit,” album into “Liberal which would seem to indicate that we’re a bunch of good “heads” who can’t write “good heads”. The initial impetus for my perhaps “dogmatic” response to Narveson came from a feeling that he had not read Smith’s piece very carefully, a feeling which is reinforced by his reference to “Steve Smith” (it’s “Pete”) in the above letter. Since Narveson and Hausfeld both deal with many of the same issues, perhaps we can move towards an area of agreement by first considering them together. The question of contemporary influences on Bach’s later career seems to have been settled by Hausfeld: there was some influence, albeit nothing like Smith’s “adoption”. My reaction to Narveson was based on the extreme nature of his view of Bach, typified by last week’s “There isn’t one single bar of Bach’s later music that shows the slightest tendency in that direction,” which Hausfeld effectively refutes. As for the Rameau et al. question, we seem to be hung up on Smith’s original use of “flowery and bombastic” to describe them. For “flowery,” The Random House College Dictionary gives “full of highly ornate language, elaborate figures of speech, etc. ; ” for “bombastic, ” “high-sounding; high-flown; inflated; pretentious,” and I would suggest that this is not all that far from “light”, “graceful”, or “gallant”. Perhaps we can all agree that this music is less immediately accessible than

that of many other composers, and let it go at that. The “Greatest Hits Question” seems to me to be intelligently handled by Hausfeld’s “no harm done” if they-are “a springboard into’ more serious listening.” No one, including Smith, intends them as a substitute for the real thing. Note to Mr. Narveson: I am quite sure that you know what is meant by “confusing assertion with proof; ” but if not, it is quite similar to the “ought-is problem” in philosophy. It certainly has nothing to do with a dichotomy between books and experience in my mind, particularly since I find that they dovetail more often than not. On the question of French reaction to Bach’s music, you just seem to be getting in deeper. Smith put this in the context of a change in cultural focus from the Rhine to France, which you apparently don’t object to, and used it as an explanation of the rise of a different musical school in France. And I don’t see anything very strange about French audiences reacting negatively to German music, given the long history of cultural and political conflict between Gauls and Teutons. As for the Chevron not being “the most suitable agency to criticize” business, perhaps so, but then we have no pretensions to become the K-W Journal of Musicology. My criticisms of your own writing on music in the Chevron are related to its impenetrability for all but a specialized audience, a view which is based on the reactions of those Chevron staffers and readers who are familiar with your articles. This is not a small sample, although it may well be biased and I stand ready to be corrected by other readers. Note to Mr. Hausfeld: I quite agree that Smith has a ways to go before becoming Pulitzer Prize material, but since the Chevron is always attempting to develop new writers, and is also dependent upon the voluntary efforts of students with a wide range of ability, we don’t pretend to compete with special-interest publications in our entertainment coverage. We can only print what is contributed: sometimes Narveson, sometimes Smith, sometimes Stuewe, and hopefully more Hausfeld in the future. This doesn’t mean that we automatically print whatever crawls in the door, but it does mean that our standards are somewhat more promiscuous than those of other media. Finally, I have no “personal vendetta against Narveson,” although I do have strong disagreement with some of his opinions and with his manner of

‘expressing them. Since last week’s “Response” began by saying that some of his points were well taken, continued ,by attempting to take issue with his prose rather than his personality (admittedly, . not . always successfully), and ended with a reference to his musical knowledge, heading it “personal vendetta” would have been as inappropriate as it would have been untrue. Paul Stuewe





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and phone be printed




number. A pseudonym WI/I if you have a good reason.

society becomes involved, the a) What series? Last week’s ardirector of the Planning ticle was the first and only ever Association must request our in- written by Willick on UW’s plan- ’ volvement. Thenand only then, do ning ,department. we act politically. b) Slap received (the question of However, we do give direct “good journalism” for the present assistance in the form of aside) .- Intensive research reveals help, making posters, This letter is written in protest of secretarial that Environmental Studies is a faculty composed of two departLiz Willick’s article concerning the etc. when we are asked. Greg and Don did not ask for such faculty of Environmental Studies ments (Geography and ManFinally, I would like to Environment), and two schools and in particular the School of assistance. Apparently it is time for the FES mention that I spent considerable Planning. ( Urban and Regional Planning and council erections (Faculty of time on the phone trying to give Architecture). In the series of articles she has Environmental Studies). Anybody Willick a clearer unwritten she consistently refers to- Ms. One of the reasons Robertson can run or stand and when in office of the society’s gave-in that infamous phone both the school and faculty as derstanding position on this matter. She is interview-for the society’s non- sit down. But the way I sees it is departments, a trivial criticism like this here. Their ain’t going to in the Planning perhaps; but in the interests of confused about the context of a involvement be anybody running probly and it’ll directorship issue was that it’s good journalism I would like to statement I made and she quoted. be like other student erectionsI, as a planning student have a “more a question for the faculty slap her wrists. I find that such nobody votes or cares who gets it. problem in that as President of the errors are a clue- to Ms. Willick’s than the whole department. They Well-I’m going to run. It’ll be a E.S. Society I am supposed to have their own undergrad affairs overall understanding of the issue fuckING heavy trip. I’ll come all the students and not committee”. In light of the above and in particular, the role of the represent information, you figure that one president for sure cause I’ll be the student society leaves a great deal just the planners. The dispute is an only one running. OOOh-what a internal matter and I should not be out. Reporters get confused too, to be desired. power trip climax. criticized for not involving the you know. For example, one must realize But honestly though. I’ll be a society but rather for being a c) The role of the Society-in that there is a Planning reelly good Presdent. ‘FES counsel theory or in reality-was not Association directed by Phil planner and being disinterested! meetings will continue sort of. discussed in the article. The only Wynne. We have a tri-level series So please, Ms. Willick listen more Now, it’s just a bunch of guys that relevant point to be made in the of government with the society at carefully! sit and talk about tits and cars ian d. robertson context of the-story was that the the top and the schooldepartment mostly and the Stud’s Ball Real planning 3 - Society wasn’t doing anything. associations in the middle. Finally, masculine shit you know. (Gotta president, e.s.s. That done, Robertson’s quote there are year clubs. So, before the keep up with the rigid tool *men(which was neither inaccurate, nor I’ll firstly propose out of context, although it might be tality). Frankly a new symbol-The Planners’ Tit. argued that it was not complete) Heavy stuff eh? I’d bring in some was used as an interesting wrapup archetecture men to design it, but to the story and a final tie-in to the We delight in filling your their all a bunch of conceited “to4ittle-~late theme.” ( The anyhow. Society and Robertson get all of bastards perscriptions at . . . . . I’d like to get in a couple of cool two inches of a 40 inch storychicks on counsel. Problem is paranoid, Ian? ) they’re all too chicken. Guess I’ll d) No one deserves to be called by that bastardization of an just spend 95 per cent of the l Athletik budget on the boys’ abomination, msssss-the name’s 578-8800 hockey team again. I’ll keep the Liz if you want to be friendly, Red Garter Pubs up cause they Willick if you don’t. lettitor make money and I don’t suppose

Who gives a ‘fuck


x westmount pharmacy


open and



9 til


anyone will notice a stray dollar or two. No one gives a shit anyway. Probaly have to close the coffee shop though, cause I just don’t &pose anyone wants to bother running it, so nobody’s going to get coffee or donuts. As for the paper, it’ll have to stop too because I can’t run everything. Besides, I hear it’s lousy anyhow. AI1 funds to the photo club, Planning Association and Men-Environment type moochers will have to stop. Geography and Archetecture never ask for nothing and that’s all they ever get besides Air-Photo 4 classes, so that’11 be the same. I suppose students can still go and talk with Dean Peter Principle Hash, but I ain’t going to bother Mr. Ivy even if the Planners hire all Yankee profs and the Geographie department is replaced by the whole goddam British continent. Nobody’d give a shit anyhow. Fact is neither could I. But I figure someone’s got to be presdent to look after the five bucks every student is required to contribute. My campaign platform is simple. “Don’t get involved. Don’t stick your neck out. Don’t ever offer to help. Don’t try to communicate. Don’t ask moral, intellectual or administrative questions. In short: fight like aggressive bastards to beat each other academically, otherwise you’ll never make it to the job. You may bitch a lot, but never do anything about it. Keep your hands . cleen and you’ll get a kiss from the Deen, when you graduate.” I promise to uphold the rights of anyone supporting these views while I am Presdent of FES COUNSEL. I can count on your lack of votes, interest and effort to get in. Thank-you for your support. j.s. smyth planning 1

10 daily

11 til 9 on




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9, 1973





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Address letters t0 feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concfse. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters-must be typed on a 31 character line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed tf you have-a good reason.



The media and Israeli terrorism

Babar, Egypt, killing 48 children, wounding 40 others (in 1970). The records of the United Nations are replete with various condemnations of Israeli terrorist activities against Arab civilians and their towns and villages. But this did not deter the Israeli authorities from pursuing their colonizing objectives through the use of institutionalized terrorism. Israelis believed that as long as the United Nations did not back. up their condemnations with credible sanctions, they have a licence to defy the moral authority of the international body. s. baset

grad civil eng.

I regret now that I did not keep a record of the comments and reports prepared and published by the Western media in the wake of Munich attack. I regret because it would have been very interesting to compare the response of the media for killing nine Israelis by handful of desperate individuals and downing a commercial airliner with more than 100 civilians aboard by the so-called “the best organized army” in the middle east. However, I can recall the voices of the announcers on the radio dropping some silly remarks from time to time; the newspapers found some subjects to fill the pages, and the television stations carried similar stories and news. Murder ! , slaughter ! , terror ! . I confess that I have never expected the media or the officials to open their mouths every time Israel did something that could be condemned for. When they hesitatingly did, they either admire the Israelis or felt sorry for the not so peace&l and ambiguous situation in the Middle East. In the name of justice grid humanity, I hope that the editorial boards begin their day by a diet of truth, not a diet of falsehood and ridiculous Zionist propaganda. It is not the first time that Israel has introduced such barbaric and savage act of terror to the area by ’ downing the Lybian commercial airliner. Israel and the Zionist organizations initiated the precedents of all contemporary aspects of terrorist activity as : l they were the first to use booby-trapped cars and to explode them in Arab markets (1937-1939) ; l they were also the first to sieze hostages, killing them, and boobytrap their bodies (two British sergeants in 1947) ; l the first to use letter bombs (in the 1940’s against British officials, in 1955 to kill Egyptian officers in Gaza and in the early 80’s against German scientists in Egypt) ; l the first to use Napalm in the area (during and after the 1967 war) ; l the first to blow up planes with their passengers (the plane carrying German scientists in 1962) ; l the first to destroy whole villages and systematically murder their inhabitants (Deir Yasin in 1947) ; l the first to bomb industrial plants in El-Khankah, Egypt, killing 88 workers, wounding 98 (in 1970) ; l the first to attack international airports and destroying a number of Lebanese commercial jetliners in Beirut in 1988; a the first to bomb and napalm primary _schools as in Bahr El

U niwat’s Eldorado exposed Several days ago, while passing through the Chevron offices, I noticed that somebody was going to write a story concerning Village life. Realizing that only a fool would venture into such a topic, I decided to draw up some bf my own notions on the subject. Led to believe that the Village is some sort of scholarly Eldorado cum earthly paradise, let us adapt the “Happiness is...” formula (with apologies to Mr. Schulz) to a formulation of the quality of Village I life : First of all, Village life is habitating a 10 by 12 cubicle and wondering exactly why the Village tutors require four additional new houses at the mere cost of $50,000 a piece. It, for some, is complaining about $40 increases in residence fees while wasting literally mountains of food at a cost of thousands of dollars per annum while co-incidentally being, Oh, so concerned about poverty and starvation in the world. Village life is not segregated. That is, the women do not live on one side and the men on another side of campus. On the contrary, it is co-cd which, in other words, means that both sexes have their meals under the same roof. However, this is the only difference between segregation and co-ed, since in co-cd the males sit on one side and the females on the other side of the dining halls, where they all sit and play ocular footsies with each other acrQss the room. For a male student, it is not being able to recollect the last time he was with a woman (for whatever purpose). For a female, it is often a state of having more dates than looks. Village life, for male students is complaining that the women are only out for “a good time.” For the

females, it is complaining that the men are only out for a good time, but while they are out and while we outnumber them, let’s take them for whatever they’re stupid enough to spend. Can use all the ‘free booze I get, anyway. Village life for both sexes is a perpetual search for a good time with the subsequent realization that we sure as hell must be looking in the wrong place. It is being a non-skier who pretends to know what all them there technical terms like moegeuls and shwooshling mean. It is also listening to the inane effusions of skiers who must recount their epics of insurmountable dangers and insurpassable ski runs down the awesome slopes. It is dreaming of

Ijttlle fk%&



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the day, when, after 20 years of saving, you’ll have enough cash to put a down payment on a pair of skies so that you can make the biggest ski run of all time down Mount Royal to Cote des Neiges to Dorchester Blvd. and ending up For most male students, it is an finally on Ile Sainte Helene in the irresistible urge to find out who the middle of the frozen St. Lawrence “they” in the preceding paragraph River. is, to torture their secrets from Village life is a procession of one them, and ultimately, to put these big various social activity after shameful bastards to a most another : fr’instance, Monday we deserved requiescant in pace. can all go to the pub-dance. Next Village life, in terms of total Thursday, another great pub- ambition created and energy dance with “Epidermis” (a band expended, is a veritable Forest who was warmly applauded and Lawn for the notquite deceased. acclaimed by students at Forest I’m sure that I could go on at Heights Elementary School.) copious lengths with this but I just Saturday, another groovy pub- don’t seem to have the time dance. Not to forget the big pub- anymore. Especially now since dance next Tuesday. Wowwy ! And I’ve discovered the excitement of be sure to join the local campus monastic living. I have extra chapter of AA for more really swell application forms for any one who jollies. wants to enter this comparatively It is, as they say, one writhing thrilling way of life. couch of sweating, promiscuous j. mcdougald sexual activity. arts 4

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the chevron



by don ballanger

The publication of manuscripts in This conservative approach to the Canada is being largely manipulated by publishing of Canadian manuscripts is two factors: 1) an image of Canadiana really nothing new. When Ernest and 2) the American ownership of Hemingway was with the Toronto Star, Canadian publishing houses and the his first manuscript was refused by a Canadian government’s tired reaction Canadian publisher because it wasn’t to this situation.‘Many authors, refused good enough. Some feel it was a wise by Canadian publishing houses, are move. However, since that time, the turning in frustration to American or tradition has gotten a little out of hand. British publishers. Often -the reasons A Manitoban naturalist with two books in print is not available in English while are economic; the publishing house German translations of his work are wants the author to turn over his available. manuscript and all rights to the In Quebec, the situation is slightly publisher in return for the honour and status-of being published in Canada. better. School texts provide a constant Just as often, the reason given for source of income for French language refusal is that the piece in question printers and the literature of the “does not contain an element of province can be supported by this Canadiana”. income. However, in recent months the There is an assumption by publishers ’ squeeze has begun to be felt in Quebec in Canada, many foreign owned, that too, and some authors have taken their since the Canadian publishing industry works to Paris for production. The federal and provincial governhas never been a lucrative proposition, it is better to run a safe business than ments in English Canada have reacted be daring and sorry. The domestic to the situation, in both the book and market in Canada is less than one tenth magazine publishing industries, with the sizeof that in the United States and grant and taxation systems respectiveunless a book has high national interest ly. Although the systems seem well(such as publications by Pierre Burton meaning in their intent to establish and and Farley Mowatt) or is a dynamite ensure a national publishing industry, manuscript with universal interest and the result has been to permit and sales potential south of the border, it is ensure the opposite. better to publish an expensive hardFederal grants, as often as not, fall cover edition and break even than to into the hands of American controlled risk a flop with a mass circulation publishing houses who perform their paperback. The Canadiana stipulation token service to Canada by producing a limits the appeal but assures flow of well-known establishment publication security. Thus, according to Canadians.. .whose heroes are often United Empire Loyalists of 19th centhe chairman of the Ontario Royal ~ Commission on Book Publishing, a tury rural Ontario, fucked-up Toronto lawyers in search of Jungian treatment Canadian best seller is anything over in Switzerland or “this-land-is-your5,000 copies.


land” historians. Anything-that is not Canadiana-is dangerous material. Paperback mass-circulation is out of the question in all cases; the less payment for a manuscript, the better! Money is to be spent on production. Let the federal government, through the Canada Council, pay out the cash for those pains of creation. And the author who approaches the Council with a finished work.. .well, he obviously doesn’t need financial help. He’s already finished his work. Only those sure bets, those well established writers or known Canadian figures, who can’t lose, get the money. After all, they have-to buy the time to put all those creative ideas on paper-salaried time away from the sterile environments that might otherwise twist those precious thoughts on Canadiana, the culture and the identity. The magazine industry is likewise supported in a round-about manner. Advertisers who purchase ads in Canadian magazines receive a tax exemption on their-expenditure. When they purchase ads in American publications that re-enter Canada, they are required to pay tax. The exceptions are Time and Newsweek who publish Canadian sections and whose Canadians editions are assembled in Canada. The Canadian edition of Reader’s Digest is also exempt. This “incentive system” not only inhibits Canadian industry from advertising abroad (and thus offers no aid to the economy generally); but it inhibits the development of a true Canadian magazine industry. Time and Newsweek interpret the world for Canadians. Canadian magazines generally deal with highly localized topics of specific interest and seemingly ignore the rest of the world. Literature is what is to be found in the pages of Reader’s Digest, if the government is to be believed. The Canadiana craze offers realism with intellectual idealism to Canadian writers who have a featuresoriented, highbrow image of the population that somehow tries to combine economic fatalism with nationalism. The result often reads like the last breath of Napoleon. Meanwhile, Canadian publishers, faced with their own rhetoric and government ineptitude, sell out to American interests to a loud chorus of -booing that emanates from the very elected officials whose policy forces the sell-out. An open market, sink-or-swim alternative to half-assedgovernment meddling in the situation would probably be disastrous.. . unless writers who do not live in the national Canadiana dreamland are solicited to complement


the traditional culture-mongers and jetset aesthetics. Probably what is needed, is a low quota ceiling on foreign magazines entering Canada ; but, since no one in Ottawa is capable of wangling through the quagmire of special interests, favorite magazines, questions of art and value and, most of all, the areas of greatest need to the Canadian industry, it is unlikely that anything constructive will come from the federal level. It is not suggested that sub-

the chevron

cription rights be curtailed. But surely he magazine shelves could be cleared. Even though the 1971 report of the iconomic Council of Canada on finiustrial and Intellectual Property (in qecific, chapters 1, 2, 3 and 9) ecommends that the future of this ation’s economic sovereignty lies in iformation and information systems, he government seems incapable of omprehending the recommendations i its own experts. The logic of the photo

by brian


Economic Council would seem to be that Canada has sold itself down the river in every other area of national wealth. Since this is a nation of inventors and artists (witness the brain drain), some sort of-value would derive from publishing, broadcasting, computer systems and the like being developed for domestic and international use. Instead, the government and the American controlled publishing industry supply us with the wisdoms of publishers’ friends, wives, party hosts and business associates. . . well known names who write for the well known. The themes are drab and their egos are much more impressive than their literature. The standard Canadian story begins in Toronto where a ‘wino’ whose family lines run back to Sir John A. works his way out of the gutter in a Spadina Avenue hamburger joint owned by an American firm. He buys a train ticket to the prairies where he spends a cold winter on Portage Avenue in Winnipeg ,and meets a French Canadian ’ fisherman from the maritimes who has come west to go pipelining in the Territories. Together, they hitchhike north through historic country and end up in Fort Simpson where they meet and marry two university co-eds who are spending their summer studying the Eskimos. The four adventurers have a harrowing experience with a herd of cariboo, a whale and a strange dog and then, with the help of a Canada Council grant, retire to Victoria to write trendy, pro-feminist children’s stories about beavers in rural Quebec. They attend many cocktail parties, never die and are never ‘really’ happy. It has to be admitted here that the government has taken some steps to improve the situation. Local Initiatives grants, Opportunities for Youth funds, Canada Council grants and other monies have been directed toward the arts of late. However, the effort seems a little scattered. As a Toronto-based information officer for LIP put it, LIP makes no attempt to judge the artistic merit of projects. This sort of hit and misssociological nonsense sometimes works. But more often, it doesn’t. The old traditional lines are held while the jet-setaesthetes and trendy liberals pick up on the new by-word to social status.. . “community”. For instance, a Toronto-based project called “Women in Film” sees June Callwood as Coordinator and the daughters of Callwood, Norman DePoe and Pierre Berton as participants. Not long ago, Canadian Radio Television Commission co-chairman, Harry Boyle, received a fat

Canada Council commission to spend a summer in Banff School of Art writing “The Great Canadian what became Novel”. Some might claim that this “freeing” of funds is a step in the right direction. But, it seems a more blatant attempt to sustain the practise of book publishing in Canada, (yea, the arts in general!!), as a symbol of status, a weekend hobby. Perhaps it’s an attempt to discredit Marshal McLuhan, to show (somehow) that culture is not our business. Culture, after all, is really Saturday afternoon in the backyard with a portable ‘tv set and a bottle of beer: right? The cultural image of Canadiana created by the publishers, authors and “aesthetes” of this country is nothing more than a pre-paid bill of goods sold to the population in lieu of antiAmerican paranoia. The economic systems that support art, do so, only to establish the mirage of ‘an artistic community; and, unfortunately, do so to the detriment of the development of a real culture. But fortunately there are some undercurrents. Individuals, who do not wish to rely on grants or be bullied into producing for a particualr market category, are making attempts to produce work for which the motivation is neither money nor remuneration in the form of social status., In Kitchener, the producers and contributors to the magazine The Maker provide one example. Other distinctive regional examples are Coach House Press, in Toronto and Alive magazine in Guelph.


The odds tend to be against such cultural development, though. With government meddling rather than constructive aid, it is difficult to produce and distribute material outside the typical, staid, stereo-typed contributions to art. The Canadiana myth is an economic net tossed over the nationalistic beast by a government determined to use culture as a federal tool. Where hardware is needed to support growing publishing and artistic enterprise, the government offers salaries. Where a foundation could be laid for traditional art forms, such as writing and painting, theatre and sculpture; government works toward exploration of open access, the use of avant-garde media forms and socially involving cultural activity, (as if true art were not involving of itself!!) For the government to create social agencies which direct their resources towards a hit and miss, non-judgmental support of the arts is tantamount to admitting incompetence or, at very least, disinterest. The established cultural industries of this country are without positive direction and to attempt to change this is a waste of time and effort. But then, the Canadian policy in regards to use of energy has always been rather strange. The only good that may come out of all this manipulation is that social artists and creative persons in this country will be supported in their critical efforts. ’ For the aesthete, it’s just one more fly in the beer.


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‘9, 19?3


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the chevron

9, 1973






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EARTH. azad




Johnny got his One of the most powerful and intriguing anti-war films ever made, Dalton Trumbo’s Johnny Got His Gun, is now playing at the new Picture Show. Trumbo, one of the persons persecuted by a reactionary Congress and blacklisted in Hollywood during the forties and fifties, first wrote the riovel of the same title during World War II-a period in which anti-war sentiments were suspect at best. The novel almost didn’t get published, and when it did, it slowly gained a wide readership by word of mouth, as pacifism slowly became more acceptable in North America.


Blacklisted in Hollywood where he had been working, Trumbo continued to write screenplays during the fifties and sixties, using an assumed name. When one of his screenplays-for Spartacus-Won an Oscar, Trumbo was not able to come forward and accept it under his other name. Finally, in 1971, he realized his dream of making Johnny into a film, with control of financing and the director%-job. There are’ several discrepancies and additions between the book and the film, but in this case they can be attributed to growth and changes in the author himself rather than tampering of a novel by a screenwriter. The story centres around a y6ting man who is totally physically incapacitated during World War I, with only his mental faculties intact, and his attempts to remain sane and human in that condition. It also focuses on his reflection on the war as he now sees it compared to the naive, unquestioning attitude he had been raised on before the war. Technically, the film attempts to


convey the power of the book by using black-and-white for the real present and color when he fantasizes or remembers his past life. Jason Robards as the father and Timothy Bottoms as Johnny-the typical Midwestern boy-portray the schizophrenic relationship between the son and the father who loves his boy but is afraid to doubt the demands of his country. Trumbo has thrown a lot of heavy religious symbolism into the picture, the purpose of which remains fairly ambiguous. The obvious implication is the link between “God and country” which has so long been a part of America%-and everyone’s,rationalization of its ambitions. The emotional impaet of this film is powerful enough to give even the most calloused antipacifist something to think about. Unlike many other “anti-war” films, Johnny dv not try to attack war through satire or counterarguments; it shows the viewer what the war has done to a human being, and says “This is war.” -kaufmen




GUNS, FLOWED -aminur


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Picker’s paradise re-visited There is a special realm in American music inhabited by pickers, rounders, drifters and wanderers, good old boys who belong to a loose-knit fraternity standing resolutely between the more established structures of stolid country-western music on the one side and commercial folk music on the other. It is a realm peopled by the likes of Ramblin’ Jack Elliot, David Bromberg, Utah Phillips and Jerry Jeff Walker; musicians with a small but loyal esoteric following. Their albums will never be in the top-40 racks at Sam’s-you have to go. through the bins searching for them. But, if you’re into it, the search is worth it. -And maybe you won’t even have to search that far for Walker’s new album, called simply Jerry Jeff Walker. (Decca DL75384). Walker, the author of the classic “Mr. Bojangles”, has finally perhaps been around long enough that this album will receive wide distribution. And it deserves it. With old friends like Michael Murphy and Bromberg showing up, this music is joyously performed, with the tightness of a group of friends who have played together often-and enjoyed-it and the looseness of musicians to whom group discipline and studio production have not been the most sought-after standards. Half the tunes were recorded live in-where else?-Austin, Texas, and the other half were done in a studio in New York. The songs here are, true to the genre, personal and highly autobiographical. Pickers and wanderers write about what they live; the places they see, the people met, the people loved, the people they make their music with. One of the most enjoyable cuts is called “David and Me”, a sort of “bringing you up to date on where I’m at” piece, recalling the past and recounting the present, with Jerry and David Bromberg (the David of the song title) simply picking along behind the words. for those not familiar with the American prairies, Southand Southwest, the world of these musicians may seem contrived and phoney. But these are men clinging-often tenuously, admittedly-to a lifestyle too far in the past for most people but which is still very much alive in those regions. These few men who put out albums and have gained some mass recognition are only the tip of their music’s iceberg. Most of the men playing this kind of music never get out of their own local area. Without getting into an essay on the subject, I can only recommend Walker’s new LP highly to those people who got to Mariposa every year to get a glimpse of this kind of music. If you’re into nice, easy music J.J. Cale’s second LP will probably do good things to you, also. It is really just a continuation of his first album, Maturally, but Really (Shelter SW 8912) seems like a more commercial attempt to cash in on the popularity of the first record. Cale has a gift for softening up almost any kind of music to fit into his own easylistening formula, and the. bad aspects of that process are much more in evidence here than on Naturally. It’s almost a “soup”

process in which Cale takes the bones of the original music, adds his own wateringdown formula, and comes up with a pleasant, uniform sound. You get the feeling after a while that Cale could make even Humble Pie music sound soft-rockish. All this is fairly listenable ,on his own songs, but falls flat when he applies the formula to other -people’s music, like Don Nix’s “Going Down” or “MO Jo” by M. Morganfield, a.k.a. you know who. The formula worked pleasantly with “After Midnight” on the first album, because the song was suited to the formula, but most rock and blues numbers are not. J.J. does have a following among my acquaintances, but I find I really have to be in the proper mood to enjoy his softer-thansoft rock. He exercises such tight control over the music that not even’the “soupbone” tunes are ever brought to boil; everything is left on simmer. ’ Not so with Elton John. Elton has the highest highs and the lowest lows of almost any musician I know, and they are all on flagrant display in his new LP, Don’t shoot Me, I’m Only the Piano Player ( MCA-2100). The title and cover photos, an obvious allusion to Truffaut’s movie, are not followed up by the music. As usual, the wretched excesses of the Elton JohnBernie Taupin music syndrome are painfully included: a gaudy, full-color, 12-page booklet containing lyrics and groovy pix o’ yer favorite rock stars. All the earmarks of an old “concept” album, except there’s no concept. Elton would do well, I believe, to terminate his partnership with lyricist Bernie Taupin, who seems to be the source of many of the excesses. Elton seems to be a talented vocalist and composer, but even his really good stuff remains hidden in the haze of all this over-produced music. His best music remains his first, low-key album in which the music was the basic, and everything else was .woven around that. With Tumbleweed Connection and since, the production and the hype come-on to the teeny-boppers of the world have overshadowed the music. As usual, Taupin’s simple-minded and sexist lyricsoffset most of the decent music on this album, with “Elderberry Wine” and “Teacher I Need You” turning out to be the most offensive anti-female pieces he’s turned out to date. ~ Occasionally the brilljance of Elton’s vocals and compositions is allowed to shine through, but not often enough. Elton is- a gifted; though limited, musician-and any but the rabid EJ fans would be best advised to wait for the inevitable “Best Of” album which will hopefully include the listenable pieces without making us suffer through the chaff of the John-Taupin music. -george s kaufman

Rockin’ briefs Unfortunately the latest fare from our friend Edgar Winter, They Only Come Out at Night (Columbia KE 31584), belongs in our “dubious investments” department, an area created by chevron musicologists for once-talented rock stars turned commercial. Seriously though, anyone with an affinity for Winter’s depth as a writer or for the fire and breadth of his musicianship will find this’ album outright offensive. Even technically speaking the album is a disaster; production, selection and mixing fail abysmally-the wide range of strong instruments and voices, especially Edgar’s new toy, the arp synthesizer, blur into a heavy, oppressive din or thin out into AMlike soup songs-the first major blunder for either Steve Paul or Rick Derringer. Two cuts-an only-just-funky number titled “We all had a real good time” and a thunderous rocker called “Frankenstein”make it, but they aren’t sufficient to rescue the album or to restore Edgar’s musical integrity. A similar disappointment, although the group does not have as much potential as Winter, is the most recent Ten Years After

endeavour, Rock and Roll Music to the (Columbia KC 31779). Suffice it to say that Woodstock was a long time ago, but that Alvin Lee obviously hasn’t picked up on the big news yet. Like a wise man in Rolling Stone once suggested, “speed isn’t a substitute for talent, but people sure dig it.” And there isn’t even much speed in this one. While not an appropriate summary collection for a beginner, anyone who has allowed himself to be touched by Ian Anderson’s infectious style will thoroughly enjoy Jethro Tull’s Living in the Past (Chrysalis 2TS 2106). While none of the cuts are newly recorded, the majority have never been released before and most of them are deserving; items like “Living in the Past” and “Driving Song” exhibit all the grace of execution and depth of content characteristic of much of the work on Aqualung, while “Bouree” is an extended version of those Bach-like flute snippets that Anderson usually crams between the lines. Living has much to commend it and the release of this type of material goes some distance towards making up for the increasing incidence of purely commercial ventures. -david cubberley


9, 1973


one expected much; but the expectations were fulfilled,1 and more. As in many of Haydn’s wonderful Masses, the soprano part in the Creation is a demanding one, with lots of trills, runs and miscellaneous difficulties of the kind normally found in opera. Turofsky simply sailed through all of this, with nary a flub, and faultless intonation. She has a lightish voice, but nevertheless rather rich, excellently trained and quite expressive-really, just about right for this part. I shall look forward with pleasure to her future appearances with the Opera. Garnet Brooks, also of Canadian Opera fame but of many years’ standing, does not have basically so nice an instrument as the soprano. But he makes up for this with intelligent and, again, careful singing. In the past I recollect problems of intonation and vocal colour with this singer, but tonight’s performance was very much “on”. Much the same may be said of Alvin Reimer, who stood up well in this august company. Oratorio and cantata singing is very much his bag, evidently, and Reimer obviously enjoyed and fully lived up to his part in this masterpiece. Again, his voice is a wee bit short on resonance: pleasant without being really beautiful in tone. But agility and expressive capability again quite made up for any deficiencies on that score, and the results were most engaging. One oddity was that the printed translation differed considerably from the one used by the singers. Probably the use of English rather than the original German was an advantage. It’s rather fun to hear The sixth of the year’s Symphony Series about the gentle turtle doves, and mighty concerts was a performance of Haydn’s whales and swarming hosts of insects and “Creation”, with the K-W Philharmonic so forth, without having to refer to a printed Chorus and Ricki Turofsky, soprano, Garnet translation. The orchestral part shows Brooks, tenor, and WLU’s Alvin Reimer, Haydn’s inimitable mastery of tonal colour bass, Raffi Armenian conducting. This and dramatic expression, from the opening performance took place in the First United of chaos through all the Church in Waterloo, thus enabling quite a characterization various Day’s Works of the creation. The few more than the usual number of people opening “chaos”, which acts as the overto observe the proceedings. It was, I’m ture, is a perfectly unique piece of music, by happy to say, something of a triumph. the way: while doubtless thoroughly Excellent conducting by Armenian, which “classical” in form, the evocation is as I’ve come to take for granted, was uneffective as anything in the Romantic era, doubtably a major component of the sucwhen the expressive powers of the orcess. chestra were much expanded (so we are The choir, as I predicted back in January, told in the histories of music, and not sounded better than then-especially, reason, I guess). I can’t, alas, better trained. Acoustics were again ’ a without recommend a recording of this great work problem, exacerbated, however, by my to you; just avoid mine, which is now on third-row seat: the chorus could hardly Turna bout label. make itself heard above the orchestra from Briefly noted : two noon-hour concerts where I sat; and indeed, the three soloists Consortio Musica”, a were a match for them, so it can’t all be last week, “Brass group of five brass players of semiblamed on acoustics. The church is not, unfortunately, a Gothic cathedral: its professional calibre from around the area, plaster walls and wooden ceiling do not under the direction of David Knarr. The audience was unhappily small, the selection produce the desired amount of reverberation. Still, the chorus-which is of music quite nice, ranging from a consmallish and not very well balanced among temporary of Gabrieli’s to contemporaries of ours, but the performances in general the sections, sang cleanly for the most part, suffering only from problem$ of comlacked the kind of polish without which munication, which caused it and the orbrass music is a little hard to take. Potential chestra to differ with each other ocis there: more work, both individually and casionally on matters of location in the collectively, seems to be the prescription. score. The orchestra did all right. Each new The other noon-hour was another round concert seems to show a further slight from Reg Friesen’s merry recorder players. reduction in the basic problems of in- This program suffered only from being too tonation and general expertise in the string short. Interesting selections by Henry VIII, sections. The flutes sounded good, and Anonymous, and other notable composers; there is an unheralded angel in the first also some bits from Bartok’s Mikrokosmos, clarinet player; even the horn parts, which transcribed for the occasion. The Bartok are pretty demanding but not so expieces did not go well, at least in the 11: 30 version of the concert; partly a matter of cruciatingly so as in many of Haydn’s vitality, partly, perhaps, of being symphonies, were competentty handled, as insufficient were the brass contributions. not very suitable for recorders. Superb program notes by Reg Friesen, full of inAmong the performers, though, the laurels unquestionably go to the three teresting information: a model which I’d soloists who were, as a set, decidedly the like to see emulated on other occasions. most successful of the season. Turofsky ,was Recorders in splendid variety. of sizes, played from tolerably to extremely well. a joy to hear. She is, of course, an ascendant May they prosper. star of the Canadian Opera and a product of Toronto’s excellent Opera School, and so -jan narveson

Hayden’s ‘Creation’ triumphs

R 19

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9, 1973

the chevron


cohbination of technical brilliance and the realization of their dramatic potential. Since the Scherzo No. 3 is also given an incisive studio performance, this album is likewise recommended to both lovers of Chopin and admirers of-masterful pianism. Peter Frankl’s recording of 8 Polonaises (VOX STPL 514.190) is somewhat less impressive in terms of virtuosic fireworks, but equally satisfying as a coherent reading of some very elegant and spirited music. Although the mood of the polonaises ranges ‘between absolute despair and heroic triumph in the interpretations of many other pianists; Frank1 takes a more moderate approach which lessens their emotional impact, but for a greater appreciation of their formal beauty as compensation. His performances are definitely “straightforward,” but I found them refreshingly so; and since VOX is a “budget line,” this album should be fairly attractive to all -but the flower and bombast crowd. Another composer to whom the word “grace” can be safely applied is Claude Debussy, who rejected the dominant musical influence of Wagner in late 19th century Europe and-opted for a controlled style most evident in the restricted dynamics of his compositions. Debussy’s was an introspective, impressionistic, and very intense art which, like that of Mozart and Chopin, can sustain a casual affair aSwell as a life-long infatuation. Probably his most famous work is La Mer (the sea), which has been recently recorded by Pierre Boulez conducting The New Philharmonia Orchestra (Columbia MS 7361), on an album which also includes the Prelude a I’apres-midi d’un faune and Jeux. La Me? is another work which seems to inspire strong sentiments from advocates of particular performances, of which there are a number- of very different ones, ranging from the almost frenetic passion of T oscanini’s to the almost frozen reserve of Reiner’s.



geniys l

Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik was one of the first classical works I discovered during a youthful combing of the AM radio wasteland, and in following up this chance encounter I developed an addiction to his music which at times seemed to border on the ridiculous. Having always hssumed that classical music was the creation of stern, bearded old fossils (an assumption promoted by several stern old music teachers), it was both exhilarating and a bit learn that Mozart had whipped off 43 keyboard pieces (K. 15a-15qq) at the age of eight, and had/ written a highly listenable “Divertemento” (K. 131) when but seventeen. Most amazing of all, however, was the incredibly high standard of the more than 600 compositions completed by his death in 1791, at the age of 35-an output which has been surpassed in terms of quantity, but never in terms of quality. Mozart’s precocity was stimulated by early expbsure to the various musical disciplines of late 18th-century Europe, and his genius was such that these were rapidly assimilated rather than eclectically jumbled together. By his early twenties he was the master of a style which can only be called ‘wozartian”: confident, fluid, charming, idea following idea in a logical and yet seldom mechanical fashion. -

whose development is as sustained as it is leisurely, such as the Sinfonia Concertante (K297b) and the Clarinet Concerto The music of Frederic Chopin has a (5.622). The former, particularly, becomes an austerely lovely, lyrically flowing piece in degree of spiritual affinity with that of Karajan’s hands-a late night close-yourMozart, notably in its precise CakdatiOn Of eyes-and-meditate work which is the effect without any loss of emotional range. essence of serenity; and while the latter is While the label “Ro.Fantic” is Often applied marred by an unemotional soloist‘ (Karl to Chopin, this should not be interpreted as Leister), it is still an impressively stately implying some sort of dreamy-eyed avoidance of the real world, or as indicating version of a concerto often treated much an undisciplined gush of feeling. Although -more cavalierly. Chopin’s life included its share qf misadThis said, it must be admitted that Karajan’s approach is less suitable for the ventuses, among them the seemingly mandatory liason with George Sand, he rest of this music, and especially hard on the approached the composition of music with Bassoon Concerto, ai early com’position which simply cannot stand this sort of as serious an intent as any of his teutonic reverent treatment. The three other conpeers. certos are also given performances which To make a mild understatement, there iscan only be described as “stiff”: tightly a good deal of partisanship among afof individual performers of his controlled, each note in the right place, but ficionados music. Thus committed fans of Horowitz, Although his music has been criticized -as lacking that sense of forward thrust which or whoever, .rniglt as well go on being long on grace and short- on impact, would carrry the listener over the less in- Rubinstein, to the sports section, because the three Mozart consciously avoided the handy shock teresting melodic material. tactic of ugliness: young performers discussed below are all Still, there are numerous moments here Passions, whether violent or not, must these idols, and of when Karajan’s baton brings out the capable of challenging never be expressed in such a way ‘as to making an independent contribution to the (usually neglected) ethereal qualities of this number of worthwhile excite disgust: and music, even in the music, and it would be quite misleading to already-substantial most terrible situations, must never of Chopin. dismiss this release as “Romantic” or recordings offend the ear, but must please the His Four Balladesand Trois Nouvelles “antispetic” (although “breathily severe” hearer, or in other words, must never would come close): While a more -conEtudes (London CS 6422) have been newly cease to be music. sistently satisfying set of these cbncertos recorded’ by- Vladimir Ashkenazy, a young Many contemporary composers could do could be assembled by purchasing six Russian pianistwho has rapidly risen to the front ranks of his contemporaries. worse than IO tattoo these words on the separa’te albums, economy-minded music He_ back of their writing hand. lovers should consider this one for two possesses that degree of keyboard prowess 7 Mozart’s concertos for woodwinds and reasons: t.hese are always adequate and which “makes it sound easy,“, and while the brasses are, for the most part, held in much sometimes excellent recordings, and they ballades are among Chopin’s most forless esteem than his piano concerti, symalso constitute a handy collection of works midable compositions, Ashkenazy is so phonies, and string quartets and quintets, otherwise packaged together only on .a technically gifted that he can attempt a not least becaus-e of the primitive state of reputedly inferior Turnabout release. convincing interpretation where most these instruments during his lifetime. As the Mozart: Horn Concertos I-4 ( London CS pianists would be satisfied with a merely lrecordings discussed below indicate, 6403) is a reissue of a 1964 recording by accurate one. And he succeeeds so’comhowever,.these are mature and valid works Barry Tuckwell with The London Symphony pletely that any further review would consist which are “second-rate” only in relition to Orchestra conducted by Peter Maag, its new only of further superlatives, although it Mozart’s greatest achievements, and are lease on life probably motivated by Tuckshould also be said that this is the perfect well worth the attention of contemporary well’s recent treatment of them for ariother recording to give to someone who thinks of audiences. label. Although these are lightweight, Chopin as a lightwieght or overly refined The Mozart Wind Concertos (Angel SC- quickly composed pieces written for an composer. 3783), with Herbert von Karajan conducting instrument in an early stage of development, The Twelve Etudes, Op. 25 have been the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and they are never less than charming and given a “live in concert” performance by soloists, includes Mozart’s concertos for graceful, quite typical of Mozart’s ability to Alexander Slobodyanik, on an album clarinet, oboe, bassoon, flute, and flute and work short-notice miracles-with a minimum (Melodiya Angel SR 40205) which also harp, as well as the Sinfonia Concertante bf melodic material. includes the Scherzo No. 3, Op. 39. It is quite (for four winds). Karajan’s conducting has Tuckwell’s playing is all that one could ask unusual to record a solo piano recital -live, been variously described as “breathily for, and Maag’s vigorous tempos are ap- not least because of the ubiquitous coughs Romantic” (Stereo Review) and characpropriate forworks which,again, fall flat if and throat-clearings, but the restraint of the terized by “antispetic severity” (High treated w<th kid gloves. I haven’t heard Moscow audience and Slobodyanik’s superFidelity), which makes the point that playingi more than justify the atTuckwell’s new version, but this older one is charged classical record reviewers are no less tempt. ’ at most minisculely inferior to Dennis idiosyncratic than their rock counterparts, While the recorded sound is somewhat Brain’s’-standard-setting performance and also encourages me to express a third is so overwhelming in (Angel 35092) ; and since Brain’s is a tinny, his performance view. its sweep and daring that any minor quibmono, and Tuckwell’s a stereo version, Although Karajan does permit much less bles disappear immediately:While this isn’t those for whom sonics are an important dynamic contrast than is customary in consideration the cleanest version of the Etudes available will probably perfer Tuckcurrent performances of Mozart’s music, (compared’ to that of Anievas, anyway), it is well’s, although you won’t go wrong with this impressed me favorably in those works difficult to imagine a more convincing either. =-

Long on grace


Long on effect





_ Boulez’s version is one of the most satisfying I have ever heard, in, that it brings out the pre-figurative aspects of La Mer as a harbinger of more radically “modern” music, and emphasizes its coloration, rhythmic subtlety, and harmonic invention instead of treating it its an uncomplicated piece of “program music.” The very lovely Prelude lalso acquires new life from this approach, although Jeux, composed for the ballet in 1912, was for me a rather wispy enigma which did not yeild up its secrets even after several listenings. For the other two works, however, this album is definitely worth having. Debussy’s keyboard music was first introduced to me by Walter Gieseking, and I have since heard very few pianists who merit comparison with his performances. Michael Beroff’s recording of Estampes, Pour le piang, and Images-Sets I and II (Angel S-36874) won’t erase my preference for Gieseking, but Beroff is certainly another immensely gifted young artist. His technique can ,perhaps be described as “crystalline”: very clear, lightly percussive, and unadorned by the sort of impressionistic pedalling which characterized Gieseking’s playing. While it is probably not the ideal technique for Debussy, Beroff is clearly a rising star who will go on to greater things, which is not to say that many will not find this a convincing set of performances, particularly by contemporary standards of keyboard playing. The recent teapot tempest over classical _ music articles in the Chevron has prompted me to try to write in a less specialized manner, with the above piece being an initial attempt. It was damn hard to strike a -balance between a “feely” approach and an overly technical one, and some #feedback would help, readeroos-otherwise, what you read is what you get. Paul Stuewe





20 the



chevron /


INC. present











NGHTLY 2 SHOWS 7 & 9PM. FEATURE 7:20 8, g:35 MAT. SAT. SUN. AT 2PM.

But this free enterprise spirit contrasts strongly with his advocating even some kind of quota system on foreign films to allow the Canadian film industry a chance to become productive. Fruet cited the example of Great Britain closing the door on unrestricted imports of foreign films following the second world war to allow the British industry to regain its strength. “Canada is the only country open for exploitation by all. Canadian pictures have a right to get ’ into theatres in their own country. Of 800 films released in Canada during one year, only twenty are Canadian and even these have trouble being shown. There should be an obligation on the part of the theatres,” he added. Fruet, wearing the obligatory blue jeans, work shirt and worn suede jacket, also had unkind words about potential Canadian investors. Films must go begging for money despite the fact that the Canadian Film Development Corporation will put up half the money. Canadian businessmen are the slowest ones going, he The Americans and said. Europeans are dying to do a coproduction. Fruet wrote the screenplay for Going Down the Road and both wrote and directed the film Wedding. He wrote Wedding originally as a play which was produced in Toronto under an LIP grant. But despite his satisfaction with the. films artistically, he








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believes Canadian films will never get backing unless they have a commercial success like the Poseidan Adventure. And Fruet is willing to make the next one. He conceded that Wedding is a risky picture financially and said he appreciated the chance John Vidette of Dermet Productions took in putting up the money. There should be no reason the company won’t get a healthy. profit, Fruet predicted. Wedding may be released in the States if negotiations with various distributors work out. But a potential complication may lie with the American ratings board which at the moment is considering giving Wedding an “X”. The board is hesitating over the very brief rape scene-not because of its violence (like Straw Dogs)-but because of the agonizing effect on the girl. The board claims the . scene is too shocking to the audience. Fruet says he won’t cut the / scene despite his interest in American distribution. “It’ can’t be cut and they can look through all . the shot film for a cut-away and they won’t find one. I deliberately shot it that way.“/ Realism, not nostalgia-a way of looking at the past so it appears to be pleasant and rosy-coloured-is Fruet’s approach to film making although Wedding takes place in the forties. He defends Wedding’s depressing depiction of a working class family, saying “this stuff does happen. The period of the war years in Canada is important because “I wanted my business about the army, and a lot of things couldn’t happen today-the girl could escape today from being forced into marriage, but not during the forties.” McGrath, who worked both in Going Down the Road and Wedding in White, thinks that activity in the Canadian film industry is finally picking up. After Going Down the Road was released, he and co-star Paul Bradley (also in Wedding) were out of work for months. “People are trying to get things going. If only a percentage of the films work out, we’ll have a rash of films.” McGrath does not rule out working in the States if he is offered a good part either in stage or film. It will also be easier for him to travel back and forth between Canada and the U.S. then for other out-of-work Canadian actors since McGrath served for two years in the U.S. army which gives him working privileges. But like Fruet, McGrath wants Canadians to start developing their own industry. “there is a wealth of material here yet untapped. If we don’t utilize it, the Americans will come up and do it.” After the promotion tour, ‘Fruet is thinking about two film possibilities; one on Quebec (“I think the people living there are too close to the problem”) and one about people on the road during the thirties. McGrath is looking for another part, whether here or in the U.S., as actor or director; he’s ready to consider anything. -deanna


A Canadian










9, 1973

Bill fFruet’s scrambled natiooalism’

“Best Canadian Picture”, the announcement that cinema marquees plaster above the title Wedding in White does not particularly please writer-director Bill Fruet. “It’s not just the best Canadian picture, it’s the best picture of 1972”, he explained. “Although Americans are the foreigners, we don’t say on movie ads ‘best American picture’,” Fruet, in town last week with actor Doug McGrath to promote Wedding in White, is a Canadian nationalist, but his expression of his sentiment usually manages to be about 180 degrees away from the prevailing form of expressing nationalism., While he believes there is not enough appreciation of the efforts of Canadian film makers-either in terms of audience attendance or in financial backing-he disagrees with the artistic establishment that ETROG awards should be reserved only for Canadians. If the awards are only available to Canadians, then their value in the international community goes down, he explains. “Canadians are nationalistic it’s either so ridiculous or so liberal it’s ridiculous.” Reserving ETROG’s“ only for Canadians, in Fruet’s mind, is on the same level as reserving Cannes film awards only for the French film makers. He wants Canadian films to compete equally with other countries’ products for acclaim and recognition.






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, Ont.





9, 1973 ’

Almost a fine folk tale .

Sidney Pollack and Robert Redford have created threefourths of an excellent motion ,picture. For the first threequarters of Jeremiah Johnson, at the Capitol, Pollack’s direction and Redford’s acting successfully Straddle the fine line between the frontier myth and recent cinema realism, weaving a fine experience of rowdy humour, the graphic difficulties of day-to-day existence. in the mountains, and basic human relationships. But then, suddenly-just where you would expect $he saga to end in the classic manner, with all the antagonists and protagonists deadthe film lapses into utter silliness, a mood which employs all the cliched banalities of the old John and Wayne -Hollywood western the which shatters completely so feeling which had been carefully established before i t. The story involves a man who has had enough of humans for a while and evidently deserted the U.S. army during the Mexican War. Without experience, he outfits himself with the basics and heads to into the Colorado Rockies become a mountain man. The telling of his apprenticeship is a cinematic joy; Redford seems more suited to this solitary man’s character than an3 other I’ve seen him play, and the direction and photography of the majestic Rockies flow easily into an entrancing narrative of a lifestyle not r’ really available any more. Johnson slowly learns the secrets of existence in the mountai ns- through hard exper ience and with the help of old Bearclaw-from fishing to trapping to hunting the Griz to coexisting with the Indians. And, slowly, Johnson does achieve that fragile harmony, living with an acquired wife and an acquired son in a cabin they have all built amid the beauty of the lower range. But then, due to a lingering sense of loyalty to the white men encroaching on who are gradually this wild domain, he violates the sanctity of a Crow burial ground and the Indians-take their revenge on his home. Johnson, in return, takes his revenge on the war party of Crow, and it is at this.poin t that the film evaporates into a horse opera. The Crow still have it out for Johnson, but instead of coming to get him, the Indians come one by one in an at tempt to be the one who kills him (since he is now “big med ici ne”). We are forced to follow Johnson then, through a ridiculous and incredible collage of hand-to-hand fights with a dozen or more Indians-none of which, naturally, can do any-more than wound the Great White Hunter. The film then settles for a cheap

and ambiguous ending, trying much too har ,d to es t ablish Jeremiah Johnson right up there on the Frontier Legend Chart with Paul Bunyan, Davy Crockett and Billy the Kid. Jeremiah Johnson is not, as Reader’s Digest clai ms, a “screen classic.” (Reader’s Digest? Do they review movies?) But it’s a shame, becau se with a little more sensitivity to the subject, it could well have been. s kaufman ---fmme

Of course, Six Characters is not a nineteenth but a twentieth century play. It has truths to convey which true nineteenth century audiences could not take, for Pirandello is disturbingly equivocal (to them) on the nature of reality. For him reality is not set and limited but constantly changing and all-inclusive-even of the world-view of the insane. The six characters portray the tragic limitedness of individual realities. In a way, Pirandello is criticizing theatre in Six Characters. He is saying that its truths are purely theatrical truths and that, therefore, theatre ought not to be so much concerned with giving ‘the message’ and decorating it with dramatic technique. It ought instead to acknowledge and represent its techniques as conveying not the truth but a truth, and thus free itself from the impossible obligations that nineteenth century audiences set for it. Unfortunately, the fame of Pirandello’s Six Characters devitalizes the play. At most the production will be technically fine -and well acted but still only part of what it ought to be because the fame of the play guarantees its acceptance. It will be treated as a spectacle, a display of the wizardry of the Dramatic Arts Division in recreating -a ‘well-known play. If it disturbs the audience at all, it will only do so bbcause it fails to amuse as a spectacle. For its last big production of the year, the Player’s Guild of WLU presents Feiffer’s People, a comedy revue by cartoonist Jules Feiff er (Carnal Knowledge, Little Murders). The quick-moving, varied show plays Tuesday, March 13; Wednesday, March 14; Friday, March 16; and Saturday, March 17; q 8 p.m. in the WLU Arts Building, rodm 1El. Every day, many of us read a cartoon by Jules Feiffer, one of the world’s most famous cartoonists. Feiffer’s People is what happens when about 80 of his best cartoons are put on the stage with musicians, actors, dancers, and colourful costumes and backdrops. The comedy in the show is in many different cartoon styles ranging from slapstick to absurdity and social satire. Three actors and four actresses play more than twenty characters each during the course of the show while the musicians provide musical introductions, background music, and sound effects. The scenes range from monologue jokes to long scenes which are “parables of our time”. Feiffer is both one of our most perceptive and hard-hitting social critics and at the same time a very funny writer. In this show, Feiffer pokes fun at us and our times by satirizing such things as race relations, the generation gap, love, architecture, TV, films, politics, businessmen, old people and young children. In order to provide a varied evening of theatre, director Peter Cumming has chosen seven of the most enthusiastic, capable and committed members of the Players’ Guild as actors. To bring this show to life, and to make it the Guild’s most polished production, the small, hard-working group has been working as a professional cast in full-day rehearsalson week-ends and during Lutheran’s Reading Week. Their sacrifice in time and earnest concentration is resulting, says Mr. Cumming, in exciting developments in characterization, dance-mime and movement to music.

Bowers tells all Sometimes a play can be spoiled by advertising. This is particularly true of some modern plays such as Anouilh’s The Cavern and Pirandello’s Six Characters In Search of an Author. Director Maurice Evans has been toying with the idea of doing without advertisement for the upcoming production of the Pirandello play. His concern is that Six Characters will not have the unplanned air it shou Id. The play ought to create some sort of tension between the audience and the actors where the audience is distressed that there may actually be no performance. With advertising and program notes this is The tension dissipated. aud ience knows that the six cha racte rs searching. for the author are not really interrupting a play but are part of a ‘play within a play’. Knowing that, the twentieth century audience becomes a in nineteenth century a udience front of a theatrical display rather than a twentieth century audience as part of the play. This would not be so bad if Six Characters was not such an unspectacular (no grand sets or speeches) play.

Meanwhile, a group’ of four musicians has been working closely with the actors, using many kinds of music to hold the- show together and to support the scenes. With such instruments as electric piano, bass guitar, classical guitar, drums, flute, dnd kazoos, they are arranging music that ranges from semi-classical to improvisational jazz; from folksy blues to easy listening popular music. The actors portray their roles in rich and colorful costumes that serve as basic costumes for tfieir scenes. For character changes they use assorted hats, props, and capes. Certain characters reappear throughout the show becoming well-loved or hated by the end. Bernard is only slightly neurotic, but very insecure with girls; he dreams big dreams but leads a normal life. The Dancer can‘ never quite reconcile the idealism of her dances with ths realities ef the world around her. Huey is Mr. Cool who always makes it with the girls. George and Gladys continually talk about their love, life and children while watching their TV. And the young child just can’t whistle through her fingers no matter how hard she tries. Other characters appear out of nowhere. These characters include everyone from Superman to an Olympic athlete to businessmen watching a sunset to an only-tootypical telephone operator to two old men wh,o want to join a youth movement. ln the small 1El amphitheatre careful lighting, black and white backdrops, good sight-lines, and controlled audience seating will overcome technical problems as much as possible and combine with the va%ety of music, characters, and humour to provide a most enjoyable evening of theatre. Ticket prices for Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are students, $1.50, others $2.00. Saturday ticket prices are: stud&-tts, $2.00, others, $3.00. Ticket reservations can be made at 884-5330 and can be bought in the Players’ Guild Office on the second floor of the Student Union Building or in the concourse near the WLU Bookstore. -lynn bowers




although their music bears no stamp of heroism like the music of Beethoven and later composers it remains quite accessible to us. The best representative records I know of this music are: l Beethoven’s 3rd and 5th Symphonies, DGG SLPM, 138802 and SLPM 138804 respectively, with the Berlin Philharmonic, Karajan conducting. l M’endelsohn’s “Midsummer Nights Dream” Angel S-35881 with Klemperer conducting the Philharmonic Orchestra. l Chopin’? Mazurkas DGG 2530236 played by Arturo Benedeti M ichelangel i. The lot of the composers active during the middle portion of the 19th century was a happier one. Much of their output is of a melodious nature and in .the form of program music written to evoke the image of exotic or beautiful , locales. The composers of this group are among the best known today: Liszt, Brahms, Tchaicovsky, Johann Strauss. Some of the most immediately Iikeable music of this time was written in an “ethnic” strain meaning to express the nationalism of the composer for his native country. Of. this I find I myself listening to the following most often :l Grieg’s “Peer Gynt Suites”, Angel S-36803, Halle Orchestra, conducted by Sir John Barbirolti. l . Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Scheherazade”, London Phase 4 SPC 21005, London Symphoy, conductor Leopold Stokowski. l Overtures and Dances by various composers, Chicago Symphony, conductor Fritz ReiQer. RCA Camden VCCS 1424. l Dvorja k’s 9th Symphony “From the New World”, DGG SLPM 138922, Berlin Philharmonic, conductor Herbert von Ka.rajan. In the last part- of the 19th century, Romantic music turned from heroic optimism and descriptive music to a form much more introspective and with much greater depth and perception. It was music written for its own sake, and meant to be appreciated that way. Its artistic analogue is impressionistic painting by such people as Turner. It does not describe explicitly but forms a mood instead and lets each listener form his own impression, The names here are less familiar, but the music is incomparable in its brilliance, and will not be a disappointment providing you know what to expect : l Debussey’s “La Mer” and Ravel’s “Daphnis and Chloe Suite No. 2”, London Phase 4 SPC 21059, London Symphony, conductor Leopold Stokowski. l Mahler, “Death in Venice Soundtrack”, DGG 2538124, Bavarian Radio Symphony, conductor Rafael Kubeli k. l Richard Strauss’ “Also Sprach Zarathustra”, which contains the opening theme from 2001., ‘DGG SLPEM 136001, Berlin Philharmonic, conductor Karl Bohm. -pete smith

Classical - music V: romantic If other musical eras faded into one another gradually, the romantic era entered with a bang. In fact it can be given as a specific year, 1804, in which Beethoven’s third symphony “Eroica” was completed. His music caught the spirit of a new age, the optimism of order rising from chaos which derived from his own struggle to use his art despite his advailcing deafness. Though his response to it was unique, the occurence of tragedy was not. The stories of many early romantic composers read like soap operas of misfortune. Mendelsohn died from a stroke at 38, Chopin from TB at 33 and Schubert from typhoid at 31. Schumann went insane before dying of syphilis. These men were the light melodists of Romanticism and although their musicism and




the chevron



Terry Jones and Michael McConkey of Perth County Conspiracy and

John Constant and Carol Wainio Campus Centre Pub Area

9, 1973

STUDENTS, TEACHERsPrepare Now for your summer employment. Start part-time at Electrolux Canada Ltd. No inveStment. Expert training. Car essential. . . We can’prove that there is no better opportunity available .for seasonal employment. CaI I 743-8278

HISTORY SOCIETY Nominations for 197311974 positions on the History Society ,’ Executive will be open from March 12-19. Positions open are President, Vice-president, Secretary-treasurer, Librarian and Editor of the newsletter. Elections will be held March 23, 1973. Apply I at Hum, 128.


the maker The second issue of the maker will be on campus this tuesday. It will be available at the church colleges, villages, federation off ice, Book Barn, and other central locations.



critical expression ; in the form of letters,articles, reviews, stories, plays, photography, poetry, drawings, cartoons, or whatever printable medium excites you ; will make the next issue. Visit us in the federation office, room 228. Deadline for april march 26, 1973.


Friday Mar. 9 8:00 pm Adm ission $1 Advance Tickets Available At Arts Society Office Hum. 1778 Sponsored by Psychblogy Society

Sexuality Awareness Series Mon. March 12 “Sexuality and Pregnancy” * J.A. Lamont MD. FRCS(C.) McMaster Univ. 7:00 PM EL lOl-MEMBERS $25; OTHERS $50 Mon. March 19 “The Sensuous Student” Prof. C. Greenland, / ’school of social work, McMaster Univ. 7:00 PM. EL lOl-MEMBERS $.25; OTHERS $.50 Series ticket for all the above events available at the Birth Control Centre MEMBERS $.50; OTHERS $1.00


SUN. MAR. 11 - 2:30 pm Informal Gallery Concerts MUSIC FOUR with Reg Friesen, Duncan MacRae Theatre of the Arts Free Admission



SUN. MARCH 11 - 8 pm I SOUL TRIO - Music of Black America Theatre of the Arts Admission $2.50, students $1.50 Central Box Office ext. 2126 MON. MARCH 12 - 11:30 am Stage Band Concert - THE BEAT GOES ON David Chung - Stage Band Co-ordinator Playing such favourites as THE BEAT GOES ON Bono, Woodstock - Joni Mitchell, Theme from “Windmills of Your Mind” and Tribute to Basie. Free Admission Sponsored by the Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students WED. MARCH 14. - 11:30 am University of .Waterloo Chamber Choir BRAHMS LIEBESLIEDER WALTZES (Love Songs) Conductor - Alfred Kunz with pianists: Joanne Elligsen, Kenneth Hull Free Admission Sponsored by the Creative Arts Board, Federation Students SAT. MARCH 17 - 8 pm FOLK SONG COLLAGE (a new work for Chorus Orchestra) Premiere Performance ~ Alfred Kunz - Conductor Bach Concerto for 2 pianos and orchestra Mexican Folk Lore Suite Brahms Liebesl ieder Waltzes ’ Pianists: Joanne Elligsen, Kenneth Hull Admission $50 Central Box Office ext. 2126 Sponsored by the Creative Arts Board, Federation Students




of Waterloo


Fri. Mar. 23: -Seminar, Renison College / 10:30-11:30 “Sex as a Bargaining Pow& in Adolescence” Dr. J. Nash, Dept. Kin and Rec., U of W 11: 30-12: 30 “Sexuality and -Religion” Dr. D. Smucker, Conrad Grebel College 12:30-1:30 Lunch 1: 30-2: 30 “Problems of Sexuality Counselling”-the Moderator 2 : 30-3 : 30 “Differences in Sex Roles”-t he Moderator 3: 30-5:00 Discussion Groups led by S. Minas , 0. Weizmann, M. Schnetz, Counselling Services of U of W $5.00 for the day (lunch included) all the’above is sponsored exclusively by the University of Waterloo Birth Control Centre.








15-17 21-24



WED.-SAT. MARCH 28-31 8:30 p.m. Directed by Peter O’Shaughn&sy :,

8:30 p.m. Directed by Maurice



Theatre (Limited number of tickets




of the Arts



9, 1973








” St. Mary’s \ ’ wins nat,ional zj title The CIAU activities got under way officially last friday afternoon when the Canadian basketball coaches association held a lun- cheon at which among other things, the all Canadian team was / named. There were 2 players on the team from the OUAA one was Wayne Morgan from the university ,of guelph and the other was our own Mike Moser who played his first season this year with the warriors. Other first team selections were Lee Thomas who plays for the st. mary’s huskies, Barry Smith who is a guard from Winnipeg university, and Phil Tollestrop. who plays in Lethbridge. Friday night the basketball action got underway with the semifinals. The first game featured loyola warriors and the lakehead nor’westers. Lakehead took early - control of the play and stretched out a lead of 28-20 by the half. Most of the play was tightly defensive as the low score would indicate. Also the slow deliberate play of the warriors kept the pace slow. They often passed the ball around for quite a while before they would try a shot. They didn’t get to capitalize on too many of their shots however and could only get 20 points in that first half. Robert Jackson and James Copeland were the big shooters for lakehead in the first period. Each had his own unorthodox style of shooting and you had to see it to believe it.


Loyola’s slow techniques payed off for them in the second half. The warriors managed to get a lot of those shots that they had patiently waited for and converted them into much needed points. Coupling this improved offence with’ a good defence, it was all that loyola needed to overcome the deficit. They tied the score at 49 each with over 2 minutes to go. Then they got the ball back and proceeded to stall away almost all of the remaining time, putting up a shot with only a few seconds left, but it was off the mark and regulation time ended with the ‘score tied. Loyola charged into the overtime period and took the lead. They held onto that lead, although it wasn’t much of a lead, until, with only a few seconds to go Robert Jackson sunk a long shot from the corner to once again knot the score 55-55 at the end of a period. After a 1 minute rest they went at it again. This time the warriors were surprized by a lakehead full court press right from the beginning of the overtime. The

nor’westers got a couple of quick baskets off the press ,and coasted on to the final score of 6863. Jackson and Copeland topped the lakehead scorers with 24 and 19 points respectively. Both were very hot from the court and if it hadn’t been for Jackson’s hot hand at the end of the first over-time they would have betten the dust then. Fred Moczulski was the high man for loyola with 18 points. The big play for lakehead was when they came out in that press and caught the warriors off guard. Nor’wester coach Lockhart commented that they had been just saving the press until they needed it. They definitely needed it then. With one very exciting overtime game under their belts the fans were ready for the next. The Windsor lancers and the st. mary’s huskies provided the competition. In another extremely close contest, the huskies downed the lancers by a 91-84 score taking 1 overtime period to do it. After 10 minutes of play, the huskies had dominated the action and led by a 26-14 tally, but the lancers fought back to trail by only 2 at the half 3836.

In the second half, Windsor got a little hotter from the outside and was ahead most of the way never leading by more than 5 though. They were ahead by 2 with about 46 seconds to go but st. mary’s had control of the ball. They held control of it until they tried their last l second shot, which John Gallinaugh put through the hoop to tie the score 77-77 and send the game into overtime. Windsor was outscored by 14 to 7 in the 5 minute overtime as the huskies defeated them by a 91-84 score. Mikey Fox was exceptionally good on his shooting, pumping in 32 -points. John Gallinaugh was the ideal floor general for the huskies and did a great job controlling the st. mary’s attack as well as scoring 19 points. For Windsor Bruce Co&hard was tops with 18 points. Pete- Mingay I’ followed with 17. So the stage was set for the national championship game the following afternoon. St. mary’s seemed to be more ready to play when the game started, as they took a 8-2 lead. The nor’westers came alive however and took-a 10-8 lead of their own and had a 5 point’ lead, 39-34 at the half. Mikey Fox and Lee Thomas turned the game around themselves as between the 2 of them they scored the first 26 points that the huskies got in the second half.

By the time they were through, it warrior defence, was having a only took them 7 minutes, the st. field day from the outside.- In mary’s team had gone from 5 down addition, they were quick to to 5 up, 5449. From then on the capitalize on loyola turnovers, huskies took the game going away moving down court for the easy to the finalscore of 7967. basket before loyola could set up. Thomas and Fox did all the work Their defence, on the other hand, as far as scoring is concerned. Fox relied more upon the lack of loyola Windsor Loyola netted 39 points andThomas acoffence for its success than upon B Coulthard 6 Erglis 13 counted for, 21. John Gallinaugh their o,wn fine play. C Co&hard 8 Brix 11 was again the ball control man for During the second half, Windsor Mingay 17 Hussey 4 the huskies and he kept everything stretched out their lead to 15 and in Conway 2 La Framboise3 under control for them. the last 3 minutes when loyola sent ‘8 Puskarich 22 Robert Jackson lead the nor’out the reserves, stretched it out to Hogan B Lozynsky 14 Moczulski 8 westers with 22 points in the losing 22. The final score was 8765. W Lozynsky 16 Passarella 4 cause. James Copeland who had The top shooters for Windsor Sovran 12 contributed a lot / to the first were Peter Mingay with 17, Walt 4 Hehn 65 lakehead win, fouled out of the Lozynsky with 16, brother Bill il4. game early in the second period and Gerry Sovran with 12. Ron a-9” 6‘1 I which ‘definitely hurt the lakehead Puskarich and Bob Brix were the Saint Mary’s Lakeheadattack. only warriors in double figures Perry 6 Edwards 4 The championship with 22 and 11 points respectively. game, Fox 39 Copeland 7 although not as exciting as the 2 An unexpected added attraction Gallinaugh 7 Baily 6 semi finals the evening before, was at the early morning contest was Redding 2 Simpson 18 a good game and both teams the performance of the loyola Johnson 2 Rajanovich 10, played their hearts out in their cheerleaders. Attired in rather 2 Jackson 22 attempt for the title. campy bobby socks and knee ’ Gallagher -.rnomas #.a Xl , The all star team for the tourlength pleated skirts, with heavy 67 nament was announced following sweaters adorned with their school 79 and cakethe championship game and all letter, they shimmied Lakehead players on it had played in the walked their way into the hearts of Loyola Erglis 10 Edwards 2 all who turned up for the game. It championship match. Lakehead Brix 19 _ 6 Copeland had 2 men on the squad, Jackson might be said even that they were La FramBaily 5 much more interesting than the and Copeland. The huskies placed Simpson 12 game itself and were it not for the the remaining 3 players. They r’:latich ii Rajanovich 2 rah-rah banality of the Windsor were centre Lee Thomas, guard Moczulski - 18 Blue 2 cheerleaders I might have wonJohn Gallinaugh and Mickey Fox ’Jackson 24 who was also the mvp for the dered why Waterloo had no such 63 campus cuties. \ tournament. 79 As a final to the great basketball The loyola warriors and the ,season, which is now over, I would Windsor lancers, after both having Saint Mary’s narrowly lost the chance to play in like to present the loyola college ritliard 18 Perry 8 the CIAU basketball chamcheerleaders and their postscript 10 Fox 32 to the whole thing, such that it is : C Co&hard pionships, met Saturday morning Mingay 17 Gallinaugh 19 in the consolation game. If it was Bobby sox, kneesox Conway 2 Redding 6 any consolation to Windsor, they stockings two Hogan 6 Johnson io we little girls won quite easily. I suspect, BLozynsky 8 Toboski 5 Finns mh-~ for you however, it wasn’t any consolation 13 Thomas 11 we’re gonna touch the ground - W Lozynsky at all. Sovran 6 we’re gonna turn around Windsor led from the opening Hehn 4 91 tip-off and gradually widened their we’re gonna shimmy shimmy margin until they put the game out shimmy 84 of reach early in the second half. till the sun goes down. -wheels and iacob Loyola was not lacking in talent but they could not seem to piece together any team work. Their play was characterized by sometimes brilliant individual work, but more often lethargic and unto-ordinated attempts to salvage something from the weekend. In fact, -with the exception of Stu Laframboise and Wayne Hussey, the loyola players didn’t seem to give a damn. In the first half /Windsor jumped into an early lead of ten points by playing their usual solid team work. Peter Mingay and Walt Lozynsky led the offensive attack with good shooting from the outside. They were, however, unable to work inside due to the warriors solid defensive work. John Erglis, and dparticularly Wayne Hussey , the loyola guards, were very effective in keeping the lancers outside and often made exceptional plays in turning the lancers over. Unfortunately, however, their fine play was lim-ited to almost accidental bursts of energy which seemed to fizzle out before any real threat was made to the Windsor lead. The half ended with Windsor holding a 44-34 lead. In the second half loyola was quick to indicate that the, game was no consolation for them either as they continued their indifferent play. John Erglis, who had enough talent to lead the team seemed content to be a showman on the floor. He made many excellent defensive and offensive moves, but more often his flashy play caught his own players by surprise and resulted in turnovers. This caused him to assume a pained expression and a sulky demeanour which photo by pad watkii served only to weaken the loyola effort. He did put on a good show Wndsqr player, in an attempt to save his team from their eventual loss, though, for a while. fouls on the St. Mary’s man. In this first round game, St. Mary’s won 9% The Windsor offence, while 84, after a five minute overtime period. St. Mary’s went on to win the having difficulty in penetrating the championship Saturday afternoon.





the chevron



9, 1973


Ath~nas secotid, Warrioti IWth I / 1111a vefy good



On the strength of the athena and warrior swimmers the Ontario conference wrestled the I. league titles away from the west at the CWIAU-CIAU Nationals last weekend. The ‘swimming women’ scored half of all the conference points in gaining the national league title for the first time. The warriors on the other hand scored 149 points and assisted the strong u of t team to re-capture the title they lost last year to the western conference. The eight athenas and nine warriors who made the national championships gave it all they had and were rewarded with a second and fifth place school rankingsthe highest placings ever posted by such a young club. Coach Bob Graham praised both teams saying “it was a great team He also added that the effort.” athenas are “the best women’s swimming and diving team Waterloo has ever had with an excellent balance of first year students and others who have competed nationally before.” The athenas placing, second only to ubc, was the highest finish of any women’s team nationally in the history of the school and only wrestling last season has placed as high. . / UBC, who won the women’s title for the first time, ended with 311 points while the ‘swimmin women’ came second with 194 points. This is the highest placing by any team east of Alberta in the history of the competition. Alberta was third with 165 points. Although the club failed to score an individual victory at the three day meet they amazed the western clubs by placing a large number of swimmers in the finals and losing very few past the consolations. British Columbia just had too many former Canadian Olympic swimmers-four or five-and the athenas couldn’t get by all of them this year. The men ran into the same situation but still managed to crack into the exclusive top five bracket for the first time ever. Toronto took the men’s title scoring 429 points to regain the title lost last year to McGill. The strong alberta crew, coached by Murray Smith, was second with 319, while ubc was third, 237, and uwo fourth with 264 points.‘ There were 22 universities \at the nationals this year.

Few records set Although there were a large number of Canadian Olympic and pan-american swimmers at the meet very few records fell by the boards. The starter, on the other hand, established -one which he would like to forget. On Thursday night in the opening event the gun failed to go off twice, then on friday in the finals on the jumpy 59 yard freestyle for men, there were two false starts followed by no less than three misfirings by the gun. The race had to be postponed for 30 minutes and when finally run all competitors swam far from their best. On thursday toronto won all the events. In. the 866 freestyle relay


they posted a time of 7~24.0, two seconds off the record. The warriors were 4th. The athenas Maida Murray and Joy Stratten came third and fourth in the 469 freestyle in times of 4 : 32.1 and 4 : 36.0 respectively. Joy’s sister, Merrily, a member of our Olympic team won the event. Something sure- grabbed the warriors three distance men at around the 500 yard mark in the long 1650 freestyle as all were well off their best times posted at the OUAA’s. Ian Taylor had the best placing; Sth, while George Roy and Rolfe McEwan placed 9th and 16th. Friday was by far the best day for both the athenas and warriors. In the opening event, the loo yard butterfly three athenas, Maida Murray, Judy Abbotts and Joy Stratten all placed. Maida came 4th behind alberta’s Sue Smith, while Judy won the consolation and Joy placed 9th. On the men’s side George Roy also won the consolation event in the 266 butterfly. Roy, who had been sitting in 9th spot going into the evening finals, swam a perfect race lying back until the last 50 yards, then coming on to win by 4 16th ‘of a second. Olympian Byron MacDonald won’ the race and equalled his CIAU record established two weeks ago at Waterloo. Sue Alderson placed third for the athenas in the sprint 50 yard freestyle. Her time of 26.6 set a new team and OWIAA record and although 440th of a second behind the winner the judges had to call the winner. The timers were less than accurate. Waterloo’s one entry in the 59 free for men, Bruce Murray picked up a single point for the team by coming in 12th. Jim Adams, the meet’s outstanding competitor was the winner ina slow 22.1 seconds. He posted a 21.8 earlier in the day but still off his record of 21.7 set here in Waterloo. Bill Kennedy, another member of the Canadian Olympic team, took the 200 backstroke in 2:01.6 while Eric Robinson, posting a lifetime best and team record went 2:07.9, was 5th. ~ Dave Wilson swam another excellent race for the warriors in the event moving from 11th in the afternoon heats to placing 8th in the evening finals. Jim Low, the other warrior in the event missed the consolation cutoff placing 13th with a time far off his best. In the women’s 266 back, Marg Murray, our lone swimmer in the event came in 4th in 229.7. The event was taken by Anne Walton of Gueiph, a former member of our Ran American team, in a good time of 2:21.8. In the 296 I.M. Judy Abbotts placed 6th for the athenas while Dave Wilson came 7th and Doug Munn flth for the-warriors; Joy Stratten was 5th in the 200 freestyle again behind her sister. Ottawa’s John Duncan stole the show in the men’s 296 free by out touching Jim Adams by 4/19th.of a second. Duncan won in a good 1 A8.0 but still off the CIAU record. Ian Taylor placed 8th in the event while both Rolfe McEwan and Bruce Murray missed the cutoff. Doug MUM, the warriors lone

Captain Judy Abbot@ flanked by and Sylvia Dockerill of ubc, came real this year. Last year she had around she got a handshake. Oh

winner Sue Smith of alberta on left third in the 50 yard butterfly-for a ribbon taken from her, this time well.


breaststroker in the meet just the 166 yard event. Eric- Robinson made it into 12th spot and picked was the lone warrior to survive the up a single point. The women on cutoff going 1: 96.2 good enough for the other hand had a better time of 11th. it. Liz Saunders who -has been _ Captains George Roy and Rolfe swimming for just over-two years McEwan were both off their came sixth in the 266 yard event. personal bests in the 5ti freestyle This -was quite an accomplishment but still place a good 8th and 16th considering three of the swimmers respectively. ahead of her were members of our Maida Murray picked up another past Olympic teams. Maryanne third in the women’s 466 I.M. Schuett, also at her first nationals, Karen James, another member of came in 11th but went a personal the Munich Olympic team won the best. event in 4 : 59.6 and Jeanne Warren a past Olympian won a judges decision for second. Both. times were clocked in 5 : 09.6. In diving Lester Newby placed On the men’s side ‘was up against the highest of any warrior ending another allstar final- heat which up in third spot on the one metre included George Smith, Mike board and 4th on the three metre. Morrow, Doug Jamison, and Ken He also demonstrated his skill off Campbell _all with previous inthe ten metre tower but the ternational experience. Taylor straight tens he received from the placed fifth overall in 4AO.6. This club didn’t count in the meet. time was six seconds off the OUAA In the 400 yard freestyle relays, record he established two weeks the athenas team of Joy Stratten, ago but he still was the top finisher Judy Abbot@ Maida Murray and of any swimmer east of the Sue Alderson weren’t enough to university of alberta. handle the ubc foursome. The The other ’, Dave Wilson winning team went 3 :54.9 setting a had a good swim finishing 11th in new CWIAU record by a tenth of a 4:48.6. second while the uniwat team was The meet came to a close with second in 3 :59.0 which is still a both the athenas and warriors very respectable time. swimming the 400 medley relay. On the men’s side the warriors The ‘swimmin women’s’ team of had probably their most disapMarg Murray, Liz Saunderers, pointing event placing 9th overall Maida Murray and Sue Robertson and going far off their best posted went a tremendous 4:33.0 setting a here at the OUAA’s. new team record and finishing Saturday, the last day of third behind ubc and the Quebec swimming competition saw both conference relay. the men and women run into heavy The men’s race saw the warriors water. Being primarily a middle place sixth behind Toronto. The distance club, the team always has race, a barnburner from the gun trouble getting through the sprints. saw Toronto pull ahead in the final Even so, Judy Abbotts finally loo yards to win in 3 :42.9 while the broke into the top three places in warriors foursome of Robinson, the 50 freestyle and wasn’t MUM, Roy and Murray went demoted a notch like last year. Her 4:00.2. time in the event was 29.8 seconds. Chris Lutton failed to make the cutoff. Sue Alderson was our lone entry in the 196 yard freestyle failed to Following the meet Bob Graham make the final heats but did come was honoured by fellow coaches through and win the consolation , being chosen coach of the year. event in a good time of 58.7 Although surprised, he really seconds, a personal best and team shouldn’t have been for his long record. hours on the deck has paid off with The breaststrokers had a rough two of the strongest teams in the day as only one of the four Waterloo country.-He also stated that much swimmers made it to the finals. Liz of the credit for the team’s success Saunders placed 8th overall going also has to got to Marnie Tatham 1: 18.4 seconds in the heats. Both the diving coach, and associate Maryanne Schuett and Chris coach Ron Smith. Lutton missed the final spots while The 22 university coaches also Doug Munn also missed out singled out his other achievements placing 13th. ’ in the aquatic field which included Backstroker Marg Murray had the establishment of the one and another good day in the pool only women’s annual international placing 5th in a time of 1:69.5 for meet in North America; and his

Newby third

Coach of the-year--

work as secretary of the CIAU swimming and I diving coaches association. On looking back at the season, coach Graham said that “the policy of scheduling good competition pays off at the end of the season, when it counts.” “At the same time it permits competitors to see swimmers as strong as they will ever see in the OUAA’s or Nationals,” he explained. This can be exemplified by the times posted in the meets against notre dame and kent state for the men, and at the women’s International held here in January. ‘The co-cd team philosophy was also a big factor in presenting the necessary winning spirit. This was shown both at mcmaster where the men drove down to cheer the women to victory, and at home when reverse happened. Again in Calgary this was easily seen as the team was one. of the more spirited groups on the deck,” said Graham. After the completion of the meet all team members went up to the mountains on Sunday, where else, to do some skiing, sight seeing and of course swimming in the hot springs. The introduction to swooshing down a 9,666 foot mountain at Sunshine was an experience to say the least for ‘Boots’ and wouldn’t you know it with just one other person for miles around Liz ran right into him ; or was it the other way around. Judy Abbotts, looking like a big furry bear in her coat came out of a clump of trees acting like one and scared some lady half out of her mind. And then there were the experts who all agreed there- is nothing like it in Ontario. On a final note and looking at next year the team will be losing a number of outstanding swimmers who will be hard to replace. Among them is George Roy who has been captain of the warriors for every year-the team has existed. He has also made the nationals on three of those five years. The absence of such a team leader in and out of the pool is unlikely to be filled. Rolfe McEwan is planning to haunt the warriors next year by going to ubc for his teaching degree. ij %-_ On the women’s side Sue Robertson a member of all four of the championship athena teams and on all five athena teams will be graduating. Joyce Matthison will also be retiring while Joy Stratten, a team leader in all respects, especially in the final championship drive, is also expecting to hand up thesuit; but only hopefully after Moscow and the World Student Games in august.


” the ‘chew&




9, ‘&






Athenas m.arch on... Undetwater activities

National standings

Women’s Conf. UBC Waterloo Alberta Toronto Acadia UNB Men’s Conf. Toronto Alberta UBC uwo Waterloo M&laster Conference Standings Women 1. OWIAA 2. Canada West 3. Atlantic 4. Quebec 5. Great Plains Men 1. OUAA 2. Canada West 3. Atlantic 4. Quebec 5. Great Plains


194 165 131 116 88 420 319 237 204 149 128 446 415 243 163 95 560 484 162 60 22

Athletic night The annual Athletic Awards Night, which took the form of a free pub. and dance last year will follow the same format again this year. It will take place in the great hall of village two tuesday, march 13, with presentations begining at 7 :30 pee eem. The pub and dance, which is free to all who wish to attend, will commence after the presentations have been completed. This year only the major awards , will be formally presented as it would take the entire evening to present all of the awards to those s who are eligible to receive them. The major awards to be presented will be: the Totzke Award given to a male athlete for his contibutions to athletics during his years on campus while a member of a warrior team, the Dean of Women’s Award presented to the female athlete for her contribution to athletics during her years on campus as a member of an athena. Other Intercolliegate awards will be the Most Valuable Player and ’ Most Valuable Rookie for males and females. The Fryer Trophy, the Townson Trophy, and the Judd Whiteside Trophy will be presented to the intramural winners.

Interest in underwater related activities on this campus might strike some as being appalling. Yet we are certain that the interest is there because of the steady stream of people constantly inquiring about activities that they might pursue in this field. Therefore we have felt a need to list several points regarding underwater activities on the uow campus. 1) Yes, there really ,is an underwater club, despite rumours to the contrary. At the present time there is a huge membership of two, maybe even three people. This club is one of the best deals on campus, but nobody seems to care. There are all kinds of things set up for club use every term that nobody but a small handful uses, like free a+, a budget for equipment and trips, two hours of pool time every Wednesday night 7 : 30 to 9 : 30 and several gung-ho enthusiasts *ho are genuinely interested in all underwater activities, the main one being diving. Never been involved in an icedive? Are you a diver? Come on out and find out about it and get involved in one. 2) There are probably at least a hundred divers dragging their fins about campus, but we sometimes wonder about these people and how they have the nerve to call themselves divers because of the occasional trip to the banana belt for a couple of days of tourist diving. Why don’t you people come out for dives, or even I our pool sessions on Wednesday nights? 3) You’re not a diver, but you think that you might like to find out something about it? We will be glad to talk to you about it and get you any kind of information that you might want. We could_, even steer you into a diver training program if you are so inclined. There is an excellent scuba course offered twice a year here at uow and there are others in the area. 4) What’s the matter with an underwater hockey game in the pool once in a while? Are you interested in underwater photography? How about getting involved in some problem areas concerning divers and diving type fields ? There are groups working on underwater problems on campus and they would like to hear from all interested persons. Best of all, the spread of a great sport can only be done by contact with the sport. Do you want to talk to other divers or maybe talk to one for the first time? Then come on out to the pool on Wednesday nights. If you don’t feel like getting wet, then take your shoes off and come in anyways. If there is any interest in these pool sessions in the next few weeks, maybe we can arrange a meeting of sorts for several times in the next few terms. See you in the pool. jeff smith & mark yunker uow underwater club

This year the university of Waterloo will be bidding fond farewell. to thirty-five female athletes who have competed for her in some way during the last three, four and five years. Each of the athenas has represented her university, on the “athletic field” in various events. Many of their names have gone up in lights while others have been lost in the general athletic shuffle. The former group will i be spotlighted TUESDAY, MARCH 13, VILLAGE 2, GREAT HALL AT 7:30 AT THE ANNUAL ATHLETIC AWARDS PUB DANCE. This event will feature all winners of top awards, particularly the Athenas’ Silver Pin and the Dean of Womens Award. The latter group known to only a small collection of fans who attend athena competitions will be honoured with their “Waterloo” now. Graduated in the following sports are : Badminton-W. MacKeigan, S. Balch, J. Pelletier, C. Ward. Basketball-T. Simons. (5), P. Bland (41, S. Murphy (31, D, Doyle, A. Bedford, M. McLaughlin, V. Reshetylo, S. Weir. Field Hockey-T. Simons (3), S. Murphy, J. Schaming, L. Brklacich,-E. Pollard, D. Dolye, C. Ward, M. Irwin, J. Roe, S. Nind. Swimming-S. Robertson (51, M. Nash, A. Stiles, E. Breen, J. Hales. Synchwswimming-J. Cawley, M. Love. Tennis-S. Wier. Track 81 Field-J. Fraser, S. Murphy, L. Chereba, N. Dodge, P. Hueston, I Loewen. Volleyball-J. Fraser (5)) D. Scarffe (41, J. Wilcox (3), L. Brklacich, C. Ward, L. Cherepa, M. Currie-Mills, P. Hueston, G. Gilroy, J. McDowell.

Ski series complete


The Molson Awards Ski Series has drawn to a close and Waterloo finds itself seventh in the final standings. The series consisted of five slalom competiiions held on various slopes in Ontario. Two of the competitions sponsored by the Carleton were held at Mont ste. Marie. The conditions for the* giant slalom were very good except for a-few,icy spots and in the slalom event three gates gave particular trouble-to some competitors. Consequently, the number of finishers was considerably reduced. The condition of the Georgian Peaks was excellent for the Western meet. Competition in team standings was very close for the top five placings. The special electric timer owned by the OUSS sponsor, Molson’s, was used for the f&t time. It helped improve race administration to a large extent. The final standings show D. Carter of Toronto first in the men’s individual competition, with Queen’s J. Neilson and I. Neilson in second and third. Carleton showed first in the team standings. Toronto and Queen’s managed to hold onto second and third places.

Intramural news On Monday March 12, the Men’s Intramural Athletic Department will be holding a one-on-one basketball tourney from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the main gym of the P.A.C. Entrees must be in by friday, march 9 to set up the draws at the Men’s Intramural Office. This single elimination championship is open to all students and staff except for varsity basketball players. Prizes will be given to tourney winner as well as to the consolation winner. Basketball Play-offs Sunday, ‘march 4th was the first night for basketball preliminary games. St. Jeromes beat Biorecs 102 to 14. Other champs were Arts, the Jocks, Village 2 North A, “US”, Village 1 North, Village 1 South, and Village 2 South. All the teams played well, even to make it to the prelims took a certain amount of luck and skill (mostly luck and a little skill). St. Jeromes almost doubled the scordof Village 2 South and in the next game, Village 1 North lost to Arts, if you can believe anyone losing anything to anyone in Arts, 49-43; it’s not much but it’s enough. Village 1 South was defeated by the everlovin’ Jock 84-37. US dealt the North A boys a crushing blow 53-39-14- points. The final games will be played on Sunday, at 8:00 and 9:30 p.m. on the main court and the Condon cup will be presented. Hockey Play-offs Regular Math established a 4-ina-row winning streak by defeating Kin & Ret 6-l in the finals. ESS played well too but Reg Math beat them l-o. Kin & Ret vs St. Paul’s was nothing to cry about but 3-O was a fair score.

Broom Ball Finals coming up Sunday to see who the best sweepers are on campus. Support your teams. They’ll play better for fans and friends. Stuff it.

Waterbabies return!!!! Waterloo-The champs return. The world-famous Chevron Waterbabies inner-tube water-polo team is returning from retirement for several exhibition matches and teaching sessions, in preparation for resumption of the world championship. A tad pole 1club for former members who might have become rusty on their technique during the layoff is being formed. All interested ex-members report to coach Neeland in the Chevron offices. The fist exhibition invitation accepted by the resurgent Waterbabies is from the Kin-Ret team, who are interested #in picking up some pointers from the ‘Babes. It will be a chance for coach Neeland to assess the physical condition of his team members, in order t’o set up a reconditioning program. The tube-babies may need larger tubes this year, due to the number of banquets and tribute dinners the champs have been obligated to attend during the past year. Due to the public hysteria which is bound to erupt when the comeback announcement is released, the place and date of the first match cann& be revealed at this time. Season ticket holders will get first chance at the tickets, and will be advised of the procedure ttiough$he mail.


26 the



by David

9, 1973


The reali@ ~behindthe myth ,Anne Dagg’s recent centrespread article raised a number of contentious issues concerning the nature and direction of the modern university. It was ultimately refreshing to see such criticisms-although many of them have been raised before-put forHard by someone who has occupied a position within the professoriat. Usually the guild structure in that profession self-polices so well that even junior faculty being prepared for the slaughter during a tight budget yearkeep their mouths shut about the conditions surrounding them, for fear


their chances of of compromising occupying a similar hell at another college. There is a major failing within the article, however, inasmuch as the criticisms levelled at the university tend to rely for their punch on a vision of the institution which is quite inappropriate to the realities of higher education. In each of her sallies against the predorninaht myths about the university there is a yearning not .only to expose the hypocrisy of the institution which uses the myth to disguise what it really does, but also to return that institution

. to the guidance of the values behind the myth. As such her article is in many respects a lament for an age and philosophy of learning long dead. The values mentioned bring to mind the image of the scholarly, balding individual dressed in deteriorating harris tweed, immersed in a labour‘ of love known as teaching and earning a mere pittance for his pains. History has it that this soul earned his dollars and more through good pedagogy, continuous contact with -his charges and personal contribution to his discipline. It’s doubtful whether even the institution that fostered and protected this stereotype-perhaps the Canadian university of the forties and fiftiescame any closer to incorporating the virtues that Anne Dagg implies universities should exhibit. Assuredly the prime criterion for entrance was monetary and not scholarly, although



given the realities of social class the two do tend to flow together; most frequently the pursuit and preservation of truth and honesty would be of rather ‘small concern in what was essentially a finishing school for especially privileged members of the upper middle class; also, it’s completely safe to say that men’s attitudes towards the presence of women in their select little coteries do not improve as we go back in time in our society. In -evaluating our universities it is probably best to dispense with ethical criteria from a bygone age; no matter how much it may offend ’ the conservative conscience, it is certainly better that this rigidly class-bound institution is dead. This, of course, does not obviate the necessity of asking just what it is that we have worked up as a replacement. In regard to this task Anne Dagg’s article is descriptively accurate but timid, there beingso much more to be accounted for. ‘Probably far fewer people are ignorant of the degree to which our beloved professors have been busy straining off the cream each year than she suspects. They are more likely unaware that the cumulative effect of all this grubbing, this annual lamenting of working conditions and remuneration, have pushed the salaries of our approximately 691 learneds up to an average of $19,026 per annum. Marrying these incomes to the cushy working conditions and padded side benefits of academe is an important step; but why not take the next one and compare the lifestyle of the faculty to the rather stark conditions enjoyed by the approximately 2,000 underlings it takes to keep the playpen clean, keep the kiddies and supervisors fed, etc. For all of the concern shown for salaries and increments each year by Faculty Association types, little discussion ever surfaces over the pitiful levels at which the support staff are forced to live. Apart from the manifestly miserable working conditions suffered by much of the janitorial and cafeteria staff, there is the fact that many of them work for wages only slightly higher than the federal minimums. ’ Again, one can wholeheartedly agree with the assertion that ‘equal work deserves equal pay’, yet it remains conveniently shortsighted to examine these inequities only on the level of the professor. Surely the labour of the university staff is as essential to the functioning of the entire institution as are the contributions of faculty and administrative types. The datum should do more than cut across sexual lines; it should work toward an alleviation of the disparities between forms of labour. Moreover, discrimination along sexual lines runs rampant through the university as a whole, not just within the faculty; in fact, relative to the degree to which administrative careers are still taboo, and women remain ghettoed in secretarial and cafeteria positions, the arts faculty appears somewhat Ii berated. Similarly, when dealing with the notion that “students come first”, we would be



9, 1973

the chevron





hard pressed to find anyone who would espouse such an idea publicly. Certainly students’ don’t believe’it. Anyone who has experienced one of those assembly line first year courses, or a closed circuit tv lecture, or watched a prof embarassedly shuffling the wrong cue cards, or heard the same lecture twice, or desperately tried to get to know his professor at the end of the year in order to get special help, knows that he or she enjoys precious little privilege in the eyes of the mentor. More importantly, though, the ‘not coming first aspect’ of student life is glaringly obvious in other areas as well. Anyone who has significant experience on committees knows only too well that student opinions count little in actual decision making. The point in all of this is not to dispute Anne Dagg’s assertions; it is rather to point’to the failing of the frameworkor, perhaps more accurately, the lack of it-within which her investigation takes place. What she produces is an invaluable account of many of the outward signs of something having gone wrong, a convincing list of proofs of the retrograde quality of our educational system, but one which is incapable of assessing just why this dismal state _ has been achieved. That is why at the end of the article she is left proposing ethical and legal solutions which, because they lack an agency or group willing or able to , implement them, remain an appeal to the individual conscience. A more beneficial move might be to approach modern education as a system quite consciously produced in response to a social need of totally different dimensions than that of preceding decades. It was perceived that Canada required @an enormous influx of technical and professional types to manage and develop a burgeoning economy; the existing network was grossly inadequate for producing either the quantity, variety or type of person required, thus the solution was seen to be the creation of a massive new network. We have that now-a bit patchwork , system ~ throughout, no doubt because it was thrown together almost overnight from whatever was at hand that qualified-and it can be seen to reflect in essence the social and political priorities of those who masterminded it and those it functions daily to serve. It i.s certainly true that the universities have sold themselves, repeatedly, to the highest bidder. Anne Dagg rlghtly points to the moonlighting done for outrageous prices on public time and rightly finds it offensive. Professors are piggy, by and large; ,.doubly so given the degree to which they have allowed their own self-interest to blind them to the decay of what little intellectual atmosphere was present and its replacement) by essentially machine ’ The university-as-factory processes. analogy has been made before-and it still fits. It is also absolutely true that standards are abominably low, on almost every level of the institution; yet in order to make this claim, as Anne Dagg does, one has to import a notion of quality from outside the university, one which has no place in current operating , definitions. Indeed, our graduates are likely as bad as she suggests they are, yet they seem to continue to be adequate to the social tasks that this

society has set itself; if the case were otherwise, there would be an immediate hue and cry from industry and government over the quality. University and society are inextricably linked; the level and quality of the former are a direct result of the priorities of the latter. Each of Anne Dagg’s major points could be drawn out to show the necessity of making the social links in order to understand it fully. Take research. The “niggling mindlessness” assertion certainly applies to a good deal of what passes for valuable research today; however, there simply isn’t the same- randomness in the manner of making those grants that her account suggests. The funding of projects certainly follows a structured priority system and exhibits a certain overal I pattern. It does not operate according to some publicly-agreed-to definition of what constitutes “socially valuable” research-rather the granting agencies have the power to make that definition, and it is their internal nature and vested interests which determine the types of research work that find favour. We know that the sciences are greatly favoured relative to the arts, and that within the arts the behavioural areas are heavily supported against all others. This hierarchy reflects, in broadest outline, the power of certain interests-typically, business-within our society. Similarly with the notion of specifically Canadian research. She is right to point to a lack of concern for things specifically Canadian; yet is this anything other than a reflection of the attitudes of those who rule the land, or, for that matter, those who allow them to rule? How can we expect to generate an earnest concern for Canada within our universities when the operative fact of our national life is that of a continuing sell-out of our resources and our industrial structure? Is it actually possible to have people who encourage bent on undermining governments Canada as an independent cultural and economic entity at the same time generating knowledge -and research which will help to enhance Canada’s stature as a nation? Is there not a contradiction? Do we not have to focus more directly on the social and political outlooks which foster slipshod scholarship, dish.onest teaching, pursuit of the dollar, etc, as they connect with and reflect the directions of those social institutions in which the of these processes are graduates destined to function? While one can agree then with many of Anne Dagg’s criticisms, we will remain short of solutions to the problems until such time as we begin a of the nature of the discussion university which is based on an analysis of economic and social life in Canada. Until then we will be left wishing that professors were more honest, that classes were more interesting, that learning itself was more involving, without finding any means of rendering these things central features of Our academic life.

lK-5 .- -E-

thedlc member:canadian university press (CUP) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published fifty-two times a year (1972-1973) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885-1660, 885-1661 or university local 233 1; telex 069-5248. -4


: 13,000

The besotten old indigent staggered twice, slipped and fell, then puked violently and bloodily into the stagnant gutter; in the stark illumination of a single streetlight several scabrous sores gaped from the hollows of his face-in a spasmic frenzy of involuntary revulsion a passing policeman clubbed the hideous hobo repeatedly upon his sparsely vegetated cranial posteriority yet could not deny, even in the ecstasy of his lust and its agonizing fulfilment, the ineffable mother-shadow, a personal Madonna-lover; could not deny even as the withered skin cracked and opened at the insistence of his storming blows the sweetness, the unfailing dedication of such noted experts in the field of written communication as ron smith, sue murphy, wheels, jacob, sally kemp, peter hopkins, dribbles, george neeland and sue johnson, all under the proud banner of the sports department; could not ignore, with those fragments of rationality that yet remained in his enflamed consciousness such stellar journalistic names as ron colpitts, liz willick, john keyes, dudley Paul, Susan who7 bill aird, deanna kaufman, alain pratte, and gordon moore, who bring you the news; could not undo the damage unwittingly, though unerringly inflicted by such upper echelon manipulators as Susan gable, george what.,? dick mcgill, paul watkin, john robertson, jan narveson, tom mcdonald, don ballanger and david cubberley, who rob you of your happiness; could not for the life of him bring himself to recognize the existence of Steele, savage, spink, stuewe, or skati middleton. Hurry sun-up.


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