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Engsoc, Dave, talking it over Dave- Robertson, summer coordinator of the board of education, came under fire from the officials of several societies at ‘Tuesday night’s federation council meeting for charges ranging from not communicating with them “trying to force his through lifestyle on them” to refusing them money from the federation to which they are entitled. The subject was first broached during the question period at the beginning of the meeting, by integrated studi,es. rep Shane Roberts, who asked Robertson what money requests he has had to date and which, if any, have been refused or stalled. Robertson stated he ‘has had several requests from engsoc, two of which were not submitted according to established procedure, and another of which he had to refer to the regular board chairman. f “What about math society?” asked Roberts. “I have had no requests from math society. Andy (federation president Teledgi) has told me that they have asked for $1,000; Doug Dobney came to me, today, and asked me what’s happening. I told him I have no requests...nobody has come to see me from math society.” The matter was dropped then until a section of the agenda called “summer employees review”, which was a -euphemism for a engsoc . ..atta ck on prepared Robertson 'S performance of his board of education duties. Summer engineering rep Blair Schiebel rose and read what he called “simply a statement” which was a “grassroots input” from 35 percent of the students on campus-the engineering students. He said that communication between the engineering students and the board -of education has diminished recently to “an alarming level”,- and that the board has sent only two invitations to the engineering students to participate’ in the board’s activities. He cited several instances where Robertson has recently failed to cooperate and communicate about educational functions held by the engineers. “This type of’ attitude, in my opinion, is detrimental to the

operation of an effective .and credible structure and, in fact, inevitably leads to alienation and basic distrust between parties concerned. Further, this feeling by the mass of the engineering students is much too easily extrapolated to include the entire federation.” . He said the situation threatened a “rift” between the engineering students and the federation, a rift which he is sure “no one here wants”. Robertson was also accused of “discriminating” against the engineering students as far as handing out his board’s money, “meddling in the affairs” of engsoc, and of.trying to force his own lifestyle on the engineers. Robertson rose to answer the charges, stating that most of the accusations against him were falsely based, “and this is all bullshit”. From that point on, the various speakers and members became obsessed with the waste material of farm animals, shouting “bullshit” and “horseshit” across the room at each other. ’ “I have not denied your organization (engsoc) any money”, he told Schiebel. “I am operating strictly under my terms of reference. I will not give engineering society special privilege over any other society or group which has approached me.” As for trying to force his lifestyle on the engineers, he said: i “I have suggested personally that the engineers would do well to reform their image on this campus and I will stand by that. I have not told the engineering society that the board of education wants them to reform their image.” He said that in two instances he was sent bills by the engineering society after it had held an event, rather than the society coming to him beforehand as is usually done. He also called for the council members to censure the engineering reps for bringing the false chargesagainst him and for following _ established not procedure. y After discussion, nmch federation critic-at-large Doug Austrom moved that the hiring committee which originally chose the people to fill the summer jobs be re-formed to “investigate all summer employees” and report back. to council. St. Jerome’s rep Charles Ronzio, who had sat as chairman of that committee, said that he personally “wanted nothing more to do with it” and that the council should not foist the problem onto a committee. Austrom’s motion was easily defeated, and Schiebel moved that council accept three recommendations from engsoc, which were : l that Robertson and the societies increase communication; l that Robertson be asked to “account to” engsoc about the incidents to the engineers’ satisfaction; o that a report of that meeting be brought back to council. Robertson told council at that point that he was “not going to bow to this type of threat situation”, and said that he was accountable to council, not- to the societies. So Bayla Sweet, arts rep, moved that


University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 14, number 6 friday, july 13,1973 :”

-“account to” engineers -be changed to “discuss with” the --.engineers,_ - and that was accepted. Robertson also objected to the languag$ of the statement, such as “meddling with the affairs of the society”, “imposing his personal philosophy” and “discriminating against engineers”. The engineering reps agreed to delete that section of the statement, and the statement was passed as a motion. Science rep Anne Valliant charged that “the engineers have brought this here to us, and after a few hours we have decided to let them talk it out with each other. We’ve just wasted a lot of time.” One of the engineering reps countered that the time had not been wasted. “A lot has come out of this discussion, council now knows about the problem.” In other business, council tabled action on a’ request from Radio Waterloo to seek a loan from the university in order to carry through a new building program.



P >’ .

The booklet in its finished. form will deal with such things as rolethe fact that one playing, homosexual experience does not mean the person is homosexual and that very few cases of child molestation are committed, by . homosexuals. Photos will be included Margaret added, to show that homosexuals look like everyone else. -- ’ Some interviews with gay people in the community will also be included and these people include -, the spectrum of men and women * who are homosexual. Homosexualsinclude those in the professions and those who work in _ factories, Dennis said. “Of course, some of the things being said by these people we don’t necessarily agree with,” he added. “But we aren’t screening them that way,” Margaret said.“In the booklet we will point out that we feel that some of the ’ people haven’t come to terms with their homosexuality.” Another portion of the handbook I will deal with problems that gay ’ people have in’ telling their parents, in the problems of gay marriages and of legal. hassles. It will include a list of all gay and women’s organizations across Canada and will have a bibliography of a few books that j are unbiased and honest on the subject. \ It will also discuss a so-called cure for homosexuality which consists of aversion therapy which makes the subject retreat from or remove the once desired behavior. But while the “cure” may remove homosexuality, Margaret said, it leaves nothing in its place. The person is not automatically then heterosexu* Criticism that the project has received as with other OFY projects comes in the form of letters or articles in newspapers and not communication directly to the project. The members seem pleased at the response from the professional community who are appreciating their work and who look forward to using the simply1 worded booklet in their work; Some people who have answered the survey have included names and addresses and asked to be forwarded a copy of the booklet at the close of the project, according to Nancy, another member of Operation Socrates. -And misunderstandings and incoherent criticisms merely make the group, as Margaret said., _’ aware that the project is very much needed.

in the area. The project members will not be dealing directly with high school students but will approach the board of education in Waterloo County for permission to place it in the schools. . But as mild as the. project is in reality, the fact that a groupsome of whose members are admittedly homosexual and who are obviously sympathetic towards homosexuality-is ‘enough for some members of the Opposition to see their chanceto smear OFY and the government. There is also some indication that OFY itself is watching the project very carefully since Operation Socrates has recently been asked to submit an interim report of activities, Since Operation Socrates, which is funded at $9,696 and employs six full-time people and one part-time person, is not one of the larger projects, its members find the attention ludricrous. “The inquistion we have been placed under has made me angry,” said Dennis, another -george kaufman project member. “We have to validate all over’ again why- we got our money,” Margaret added. Although the project is one of the most controversial ones funded in the K-W area this year, neither Dennis nor Margaret were sur? I prised when Operation Socrates was chosen for funding. The project received wide support from professionals in KitchenerWaterloo. Their advisory committee consisting of doctors, A small OFY project in Waterloo nurses and psychologists have said may not bring down the minority, they would like to use the comliberal government, but the pleted booklet in their professional progressive conservative caucus work. . “When the project was apapparently sees Operation Socrates as one of the issues which proved, I was relieved. And when we got this flack from‘ people it could sway public opinion against Trudeau and his. allies. reinforced’all my opinions that it was needed,” Margaret said. Operation Socrates is a project funded by OFY to write a booklet According to statistics acon aspects -of homosexuality. But cumulated ,by Kinsey in 1948 and this rather prosaic undertaking ’ 1953, 50 per cent of all adults have has shocked some members of the. had at least one homosexual ex- , perience; 10 per cent live homoK-W community and prompted sexual lives, four per cent of reaction in terms of an inmales are exclusively homosexual vestigation by the federal member and three per cent of females are from Wellington-Gray-Dufferin, Perrin Beatty. exclusively homosexual. If 10 per cent of the adult The seven people who are involved with the project have also population in Canada is been hampered in their work by an homosexual, then that means article which appeared in the K-W some 400,000 gay people are paying Record misrepresenting what taxes, Margaret pointed out. So Operation Socrates, is trying to do. why all this flack for $9,000? ’ “We are not putting out a sex The group has distributed a manual with illustrated positions. survey on attitudes and questions -deanna kaufman And we are not handing it out to about homosexuality and has every student in high school,” received about 600 replies. (It was Our humble apologies to O.L. explained Margaret, a member of this survey and responses from Armstrong, w/ho won the Gay Lib at the the project. some K-W teachers that was the centre squirrel&eye University of Waterloo is not focus of the article in the K-W _ campus ping-pong tournament two funded by the project, she exRecord.) weeks ago. His name was plained. “The only thing Gay Lib is The survey forms are being used reported wrongly under the giving us is the use of the office and to pick. out questions most compicture which, alas, was not of their library .” monly asked about homosexuality him. At teast partial blame When the booklet is finished it and gives the group a chance to try must be handed on to the will be available for use in to deal with some of the myths guidance offices of the high schools surrounding homosexuality and and by various professional people homosexual relationships.

-ODeration -_ \ S’o& oyster a unfounded


1 ---





the chevron

friday, july 13, 1973



fwoc _) I. .

The Large $40sSalvador Dali only $28 GO&BYE DALI


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Blues nite at the Grad Club-if you dig listening and-or playing the blues and would like to meet similarly motivated freaks then_. come bring your favourite . records. Non-members must be accompanied by a membermemberships are available to nongrads at no extra cost. 8 or 9pm Graduate Club.


Free afternoon 5pm.

Semi-formal, Waterloo Motor Inn 9pm. Tickets, reservations, and information at Engineering Sot. office. $8 per couple.

Gay Lib Movement meeting. Good discussion and interesting people. Everyone welcome. 8pm CC113. For more info contact CC217C ext 2372




Outdoor Concert at the Bandshell. 1:3Opm, (Campus rain). Free.

Waterloo Centre if

Movie AL116, 8pm ‘The Groundstar Conspiracy’. 75 cents m, $1.25 nm.

pub. CC, 12 noon to


Black Friday Pub with Steel River. Food Services, 8:20pm, 75 cents m;$1.50 nm. JULY


Bridge nite at the Grad Club. Here’s a chance to get to know fellow bridge players on campus. (Non-members must be accompanied by a membermemberships are available to nongrads at no extra cost). 8pm Graduate Club.


Movie AL116, 8pm, ‘The Groundstar Conspiracy’. 75 cents m, $1.25 nm.

Waterloo Christian Fellowship. All student, staff, faculty invited to informal get-together for supper. 6pm 137 University Avenue West, Apt 904. JULY


Music, song and dance of the early seventeenth century. Admission free. 40 minutes; 15 performers. 11:30am and 12:30pm. HUM building quadrangle (HUM 180 if weather is bad). Sponsored by Creative Arts Board and Federation of Students. Black Bubble coffee house. Free admission, live entertainment, assorted teas and coffee. 8 :30pm E4 lounge. Free public introductory lectures on Transcendental Meditation (as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) and the Science of Creative Intelligence. Kitchener Public Library, 8pm. Everyone is welcome. JULY 19 Waterloo Christian Fellowship welcomes all students, staff faculty to Bible study. 8pm, 137 University Avenue West, Apt 904. -

When you’re sick, Westmount Place Pharmacy Has Things To Make You Better!


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Free public introductory lectures on Transcendental Meditation (as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) and the Science of Creative Intelligence. Kitchener Public Library, 8pm. Everyone is welcome.



Orson Welles, Director 1942 88 mins b&w Starring Joseph Cotten, Agnes Moorehead, Tim Hoit Despite savage cuts by RKO (allegedly at the request of William Randolph Hearst who was upset over the presumed biographical nature of Citizen Kane), this film has taken its place beside Kane as a classic in movie history.



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Free public introductory lectures on Transcendental Meditation (as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) and the Science of Creative Intelligence. MC 2065, 8pm. Everyone is welcome. JULY 26 Free public introductory lectures on Transcendental Meditation (as taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) and the Science of Creative Intelligence. MC 2065, 8pm. Everyone is welcome.

CLASSIFIEDS LOST Two rubbers, wet, size S. Of sentimental value only. Please reply to Captain Electron. 8845028. WANTED Two research assistants 4 weeks interviewing K-W residents social psychology study. Approzimateiy 30 hours per week, some early evening. Advanced psychology or sociology preferred. Prior research or interview preferred. Room 3046 new psychology building. FOR SALE 63 Chrysler fair condition ; needs some work. Best offer. Bill 884-5255. 1971 Toyota Corolla 1600; hitch; safety certificate; radials; good conditon. Phone 744-2374 after 5pm. Zenit-E 35mm camera with leather case, A-l condition. $45.00 8857952 after 4pm. 1970 Honda 175 motorcycle and accessories available. Very good condition; only 11,000 miles. Contact Dan at 884-5471. TYPING Free typing done. Please call only after 4pm 578-595 1. Typing for students.

Phone 742-4689.

HOUSING AVAILABLE Montreal (LaSaIle). Furnished bachelor apartment. $85. Near shopping, buses. Fall term. Jim Belair, 8552 Lemieux, LaSaIle, Quebec.


july 13, 1973

/ \


need for counselling on campus, what model of therapy should be used, what method of organization should be employed and a host of other questions of equal magnitude. The members’ limited background in the area and our method of operation by no means allowed us to adequately deal with these considerations. One of the questions that the committee did not deal with was why we were reviewing counselling services in the first place. The urriversity as in most of its dealings remained mute on this point. However, if we review the circumstances surrounding the situation, I believe we can provide some reliable answers. / ince 1965 when the operation was established with a good deal of univ.ersity support, to the time that the committee was struck, counselling services was given a ‘free hand’ within the limits of its budget. Why all of a sudden in 1973 do we question it? It appears that no matter how we deal with the question we arrive back at the University’s ‘modus operandi’-money and its allocation. In 1972-78 the University experienced for the first time in its ‘affluent’ history,budgetl freezes and cutbacks. A dictate from the government put a freeze on capital expenditures and furnishings. This is the same time that the students tuition goes I up one hundred dollars. This situation coupled with a potential decrease in student enrolment



arly in February 1973, the president of the university established a special study committee on counselling services. The purpose of ‘the committee was to review the conuselling operation and make recommendations to the President. The committee consisted of six members /’ and the chairman. They were John New, chairman, N. Ashton ( Kinesiology >, Robin Banks (Psychology), D Mcneil (grad student-m’-gement science), W. Pearson (science), David Robertson (artsundergrad). The committee was to report back with its findings at the end of March. This article represents an attempt to explain what went on at the committee level and what has ensued since the committee’s report. To begin with, the committee met once a week for a few hours for a period of about eight weeks. Not nearly sufficient time to deal with the many serious questions that arose as a result of the investigation. The committee had two primary modes of operation. One. was interviewing representatives of various concerned organizations, and the second was receiving briefs that were submitted to the’ committee. The time spent by the committee members discussing the issues as a group, was limited, and no attempt was made to contact outside persons and other universities, even though such a list was provided by counselling services. The committee received over twenty reports including a well-documented sixtypage report from counselling services, who naively welcomed a review of their operation. Even though the committee, from their understanding ,of the situation, assured counselling services that they were not on trial, I will attempt to illustrate that contrary to the committee members’ feelings, counselling was indeed on trial and ! the sentence was already decided. By and large the reports received by the committee represented personal opinions, private antagonisms and the behind-thescenes ‘politicking’ for which the university is notorious. A case in point was the brief submitted by Dr. Andrew, medical director of health services. Under a section entitled “Personal Opinions”. he writes: “I have many examples to prove conclusively that counsellors are inadequately ltrained to deal with emotional problems.. . . . In addition I have personally smelled marijuana in the counsellor’s suite of offices.. . .When I reported this to the director, he said it was possible that a group session was going on. I can no longer endorse this group. I have lost all confidence in them, *rid believe that it would be malpractice to refer patients to them in the future.” ~


None of these allegations with any evidence.

the chevron’ ’


was backed

up I’

Perhaps, however they make sense when in a later section of the brief Dr. Andrew writes : “Mental health care should be closely integrated with Health Services in the same building as one department. . . . If it is a part of Health Services proper it should be under the medical director as a fairly autonomous unit. .” , _ Attempting to separate fact from- fiction, personal opinion from professional , judgement and trying to ascertain exactly what was going on made the committees’ task,ominous and neeessjtated a great deal more attention than the evidence received. Amidst all the confusion the committee had to ascertain whether or not there was a

Let us now decide whether of not further developments in the counselling arena would support this contention. After two months of limited work the committee filed its report. The report was short and vague, representing the diverse opinions held by the committee members. The poor quality of the report was a function of a number of variables : l The amount of time the committee had to investigate ; l the lack of funds for primary research; l the lack of funds for travel expenses that would have allowed the committee to visit other campus operations; ~ l the limited knowledge of the committee members ; r l the quality of the submissions; l the sheer complexity and enormity of the task. All of the above point to the fact that the university was not really interested in the committee’s work. An adequate review of the needs of students and the general nature and function of counselling on campus was not within the intended scope of. the committee. lthough the report was inadequate .in many respects a number of A valid recommendations, based on recurrent themes, were brought forward. It was recommended that counselling should continue, that at present it should not be increased, that inter alia liason with other


needs and also with a ycertain <level of ignorance. For example, throughout the memo he suggests that the counselling model established in engineering and arts be employed throughout the university. Arts, however, does not have a counsellor in the same sense that engineering does. Arts employs an academic- counsellor. It would appear that Matthews does not understand the difference between an academic counsellor and a counsellor. On the grounds outlined above I would at least questionhis competence to unilaterally shift the focus of counselling services if not his ability to preside over the university. The memo further points to the conclusion that the whole task of the committe was a farce, and a smokescreen to decisions that were going to be made in any event. In general, Mathew’s proposal will decentralize counselling services. The .operation as students have experienced it will no longer exist. The central organization’s programmes will be reduced /as a-function of the reduction in the centre’s staff. HealthServices, if Dr. Andrews follows up the recommendations in his brief, will probably hire a part-time psychiatrist with the counselling services budget. (For a pertinent argument why psychiatrists should not be employed in a university setting see Thomas Sasz, Ideology and Insanity).

Furthermore by having to take’over the foreign student advisory programme without additional staff means in effect a reduction in budget,. Although in his brief President Matthews states that the budget will not be reduced, he means that the budget allocation of 185,000 (less than that of security) will remain the same. The operations, however, will not. A greater consideration than budget cuts is the reduction of the service and effectiveness of both the foreign student advisory system and the counselling system.

and the subsequent loss of BIU’s forced the groups on campus be developed, that university to become ,:penny conscious’. faculty members’ sense of the personal This meant that the university in dimension in teaching be somehow enlarged, and that a booklet describing all responding to a possible crisis was looking around for targets. A potential bullseye was the counselling agencies on campus be here are a lot of problems in the found in the low-profile offered by counmade available to all students at areas in which Matthew’s report selling services. registration. remains silent. One such area is The university in times of budget After the committee submitted its final the ‘counsellor within the faculty units’. If decided to restrictions does not review all of its report the president unilaterally this operates as Matthews proposes it does, operations with equal vigour. Certain issue his own. He states : “Because the then the report lacks detailed recommendations.. . that is as it does in engineering, allocations remain committed. Most budget will be controlled by the Faculty. In I believe it might be more productive if I set notably that of salaries for administrators certain faculties where the, commitment is and tenured faculty. This situation becomes out my current position and made certain not as great as it is in engineering this . understandable when we realize that it is requests of you.” implies an extension of the social Darthe senior faculty, department chairmen, After paying lip-service tribute to the winism thesis presented earlier. deans and administrators who make the need for counselling on campus he proceeds If the faculties were in a budget crisis (a decisions in the‘ university. As such they to re-modify the entire operation. He states situation of the .forseeable future), they respond as vested self-interest groups. that “the integration of counselling with the would have a built-in weak link. It is my and the Health Services While students were experiencing a tuition I several faculties contention that in such a situation the increase these same groups were enjoying a should be of highest priority”. Furthermore counselling operation would be the first to the director of counselling was instructed to salary increase. Now, considering that suffer. As such, an already low-profile work with the deans and the medical salaries comprise approximately sixty-five orgainzation has been divided and made percent of the university’s budget it does not director to establish as an integral part of weaker, Whether or not this was the inthe faculty and of health serviees and to allow for many targets. tention is irrelevant, it remains the fact. The practice employed, that of social select such a counsellor from existing staff The consideration of students’ needs in darwinism, dictates that only the strong of elsewhere for such a purpose. Finally, this whole area has been avoided. The using personnel already survive, that is those who ‘wield power’. , that ‘counselling services programmes sole Those without power in the university employed in the counselling services make - counselling purpose is to meet students’ needs. Counarrangements to handle the functions structure become the targets. This usually selling services made this clear in their includes junior faculty, salaried staff and previously in the, foreign student office.’ submission to the committee. In president low-profile organizations. The lay-offs of There are a number of obvious imMatthew’s report, however/this is not a plications resulting from Matthew’s memo. junior faculty and janitorial staff at Brock consideration. and Ryerson gives credence to, the -To begin with, it is remarkable that the The recommended changes will mean could make such argument. Waterloo was not as severely hit ‘president of the university as other universities !and as such has not an arbitrary that counselling will become identified with decision. The committee that faculty interests; the student will have to, in experienced large lay-offs. It is however, reviewed counselling services realized that it was a task requiring much more research. all probability, be put on a waiting list; the primed for action. general effectiveness of counselling will be A similar group in California spent a great The rationale for a review of counselling reduced; the bureaucratization of the whole the services in this light now becomes that the deal of time and money investigating operation will be increased; and the in the universities. there. Their university, aware of the possible decrease in situation programme may be phased out altogether. were radically different funds, was concerned about the possibility if recommendations than Mathews’. Furthermore,recent For the student who has to come to terms the need arose, of reducing the budget or with the artificially-induced stresses and research and publications regarding phasing out counselling services operation strains generated by the university this will on campus also indicated a altogether. The committee members ‘good counselling be an added obstacle that must be surdifferent direction than what is presented. intentions’ pile up on the proverbial path. feels .comfortable in issuing mounted. The main thesis has-been presented. In a Yet Matthews It is appalling that the only segment of the time of crisis the university resorts to a a three page memo that will in effect official university which exists solely to aid practice of social darwinism, where the completely change the nature of counselling students is being destroyed by the practice on campus. weak suffer. Ultimately our attention must of social darwinism. focus on the weakest link of all-the It would seem that Dr. Matthews issued students. this statement with little regard for,student davld robertson











Voices I f r-om the past

july 13, 1973

by don ballanger



7:00&9:30 MAT SAT & SUN 2PM








! ---







WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU STOOD UP AND APPLAUDED A MOVIE? “Might lust turn out to be this year’s sleeper and emulate the runaway success of “BILLY JACK.” ’









Shooting from the hip, fast-draw McGraw shooting down some people he never thought he’d have to draw a’ bead on with malice: Still Alive and Well (Columbia), the rebirth-from-the-ash&-ofaddiction album of Johnny Winter, is a clay pigeon. . . it doesn’t even bother to shoot back, This, as a few onlookers know, is a sad duty for me: Johnny Winter has never before put out a bad album,_ he has, in fact, been for me one.of the few bright lights in the fading dusk of the rock era. Johnny Winter, alive and on record, has provided some of the most exciting moments in rock- music. Me is particularly unique in the genre: with deep roots in blues, he has moved through rock-and-roll into hard rock and now into heavy-trio -+x& His talent on guitar spans the classifications; his first solo album was filled with some of +the best. electric and acoustic blues to be recorded, and, with, Johnny Winter And and since, he has turned out gutsy hard-rock which makes HuGble Pie and friends sound like beginners. The combination of Winter and Rick Derringer has been rivalled in rock guitar duo finesse only by the get-together of Duane Allman and Eric Clapton for the Layla ses$ons. So,-after a layoff of two years or so while Winter pieced himself y together, what can we expect. We hard-core Winter fans obviously expected too much: Winter’s choice of material and his excitement are mostly gone op this album. Only on “Rock Me” is a real glimpse of the old Johnny Winter shining through, as he turns it into a hard-rocking power-trio version of the old blues-standard. Beyond th>t, the choice of material here verges on the absurd, with a ridiculous rendering of “Silver Train” only slightly more silly than when the Stones tried it out. Having’seen both Johnny and Edgar-Winter in person in the past year, and then been badly disappointed at their latest albums, 1 can only hope that they will both get a little further back to their musical roots and disavow the ego-tripping glitter-rock fad. Speaking of rock guitarists, Robin Trower’s new-and firstsolo LP, Twice Removed From Yesterday (Chrysalis), is a tantalizing taste of power-trio guitar which misses being worth theprice of admission by a few years. Trower, lead guitarist for the staid and safe Procul Harum lo these many years, just had to finally prove he could macho-rock with the best of them.. .and he can, too. His version of “Rock Me, Baby” proves he can include every cliche in the modern guitarist’s book, CaI>ILl.*. 1.1”


and then some, and it ‘is the only cut on the album not written by himself,along with various combinations of drummer Reg lsadore or bassist James Dewar. This is a very impressive album in many ways, and if people like Jimi Hendrix and Larry Corye_l!-,and John McLughlin hadn’t’ been toying with this kind of experimental jazz-rock several years ago, it might even be creative. As it stands, it is only entertainingly imitative. Much more impressive in a quiet way is Trower’s work-along with the rest of the group-on the re-release of Procul Harum’s first album, A Whiter Shade of Pale (A and M). This is the single which vaulted the group to a unique status among) rock groups in the late sixties, when it was first released. It was heavily classical in tone, and allowed the group to do regular experimental work with a full symphony orchestra, some of which worked, and some of which didn’t. But they were allowed by the public to expe,riment. One of those experiments, which came off fairly weil, happened dC>wn the road in Stratford’s muted theatre’ halls; another, which resulted in an impressive, if uneven, album, was their concert‘ in Edmonton. Not much on this first album is overwhelming-including the original version of the “Conquistador” cut which went very big for them as a single recently-but it is all listenable;competent, soft-rock. And, the title cut is almost worth buying the album for by ‘itself. Led Zepplin’s latest effort, called-for mystical reasons which I hope never to have explained to me-Hoyses of the Holy, is worthy of note for only two reasons: first, it has an intriguing and graphically arresting cover and, secondly, it signals, finally, the end to one of the best hard-rock English blues groups to emerge from that middle-sixties explosion. As the review of this album in Rolling Stone states, Led Zep has become one of those “senior, safe groups”, who have lost sight of the music which made them deservedly famous. This album is so pretentious it’s barely worth writing a bout. It is so selfassuming that not once anywhere on the. jacket are the- words “Led Zepplin” printed.. All the cuts are written by the Zep members, and they even have the gall to print the lyrics on the inside sleeve, and it is tempting to quote some here, but it’s too emba rassing. Suffice-it to say that Led Zep was a fine hard-rock interpreter of American blues once upon a time, but have outlived their talent. There is just enough justification on this LP to reinforce my belief that Jimmy Page was one of the best shit-kickin’ guitarists to come out of the British clubs, but un-

fortunately got tied to this bunch of losers. Cold Blood, on the other hand, is just beginning to get the attention they deserve, and Thriller! . (Warner Brothers) should prove to all skeptics that they deserve a listen. Lydia Pense is one of the most evocative female vocalists around, and Cold Blood plus a strong reinforcement of brass musicians give her exactly the kind of moving, gutsy backing she needs; the addition of the fantastic Pointer Sisters for background vocals is frosting on the cake. The choice of material is likewise just right, with such fine writers as Bill Withers, Boz Scaggs and Stevie Wonder being re-interpreted here. Time for three soft quickies: Michael Mur’phey’s Cosmic Cowboy Souvenir is just one of those albums I can recommend without having the slightest justification other than the fact that I like it. Murphy wrote all the songs here, and he is given to sentimental excesses, but Somehow they come off as attractive and disarming rather than banal and self-indulging. “Blessing in Disguise” and Cosmic Cowboy” are current fave-raves of mine. The LP is produced by Bob Johnston, the same man who produced-Bob Dylan, but that has not been hyped too much, and shouldn’t be. Arlo Guthrie’s Last of the -Brooklyn Cowboys (Warner Brothers) is the most substantial and most satisfying effort by him to date. Here he comes off very much like Arlo and less like ’ Woody’s son than ever. His material shows he is very much into the “hard-core” music, charming stuff like Jimmy Rodgers’ immortal rendering of “Miss the Mississippi and You”, “Lovesick Blues”, and his father’s “Ramblin’ Round”. He gets help from the likes of drummer Jim Keltner, guitarists Jesse Ed Davis and Ry Cooder, bassist Lee Sklar and fiddler Don Rich. x All in all, a very laid-back and relaxed album, with Arlo showirig he knows where to play and sing, and where to stand back and let it happen. Prelude, by Deodato, is one of frustratingly the most schizophrenic albums I’ve ever come across. The only reason anyone would buy this is the contagiously jazzrrockish single of the “2001: ’ Space Oddyssy” theme which hit big on the charts for this group. But, the other cuts on this LP are mostly mediocre lounge jazz (would you believe “Baubles, Bangles and Beads”?) which will do nothing but turn off any listener who-was lured to the album by the hit single. If, like me, you judged the album by’the “2001” release, give this a long listen before laying out any money. -george




friday, july 13,1973





the chevron


Roman tradition of representing action, character and’ mood by means of gestures rather thanwords, was highly effectively integrated into the Stratford performance. Pantomime, especially at the beginning and end of scenes, heightened the visual and aural atmosphere-and added an indisputable colour, gaiety and charm. It’s quite difficult to botch up anything of William Sharkespeare’s, but the Sratford Festival Company’s acting was very fine. Miming seemed just the dimension needed to‘intensify and elevate, what was already a good ,/ thing. .>-susah gable ,-I Lc

Kate the cQgquerof .

Oliver Goldsmith, born in 1728,in Ireland, represents the timeless man-in-search-of-self image. His life was a harried 2nd frustrated one, and his lack of physical and social grace provided an outlet for the scornand ridicule of his fellow man. He wandered through Europe much like he-wandered in and out of occupations; teacher, somewhat physician, floutist, ha,ck-writer, assistant pharmacist. Goldsmith’s literary contributions consist of one novel, two comedies, one essay and two poems. This season the Stratford Shakespearian Festival performs his comedy ‘She Stoops To Conquer’. -’ The play is a laughing comedy, rather than a sentimental or satirical one. Its prime elements are fun and light ridicule. No heavy trips, traps, or symbolic innuendoes. No malice, pre-preached~ morality, or ;dirty laundry. Just a simple country comedy for to make us smile. Tony Lumpkin, as his name might suggest, is the prankster around whose actions the plot is dependent. The theme is one of mistaken identity. A young man - Charles Malrow, journeys to meet his future wife. Her home is mistaken as an inn and her father as the innkeeper. The comedy revolved largely around the growing indignation of the father, Mr. Hardcastle, in response to .. his treatment by his guests. Tony Lumpkin enjoys immensely the spectacle that he has created, bride-to-be Kate impersonates a bar-maid to catch Marlow off guard, friend Hastings has come along not to aid Marlow but to run off with Kate’s cousin Constance, etc. etcThere is a refreshing innocence and openness conveyed in all character. portrayals, which* facilitates a spontaneous audience response. The manner in which the deceptions ,are executed’ evokes not wrath .but warmth. Tony van Bridge has been well cast as Mr Hardcastle, and the entire group derives strength from the pivotal force of Alan Scarfe, as Tony Lumpkin. However Pat Bently-Fisher, playing Kate ’ Hardcastle, appears somewhat too coy and plasticized. ‘She Stoops To Conquer’ is not a great work but it is a diverting one. We won’t be elevated -but we can be - amused. if the end of all comedy is to entertain, Gold: + smith has triumphed. .

Shrew’ on at least two counts. Firstly, the play is a farce, and thus offers a holiday from truth and consequences. Secondly, Shakespeare is a master in timelesssness and universality; We can respond genuinely to the shrew’s tamer, Petruchio, in his attempts to establish his will over the shrew, Kate, just as we can empathize with Kate’s frustrations in maintaining her will‘ over that of Petruchio. The presentation at Stratford was very well done. Anni Lee Taylor, as Kate, and Alan Scarfe’as Petruchio, both came across with vitality -and strength. Within this taming plot is the relatively straight love theme of Kate’s_ sister Bianca, playedby Patricia Collins, and her suitors, Gremio, Tranio, Hortensjo and Lucentio. Powys Thomas, as Kate’s father, wants Kate married off before her sister Bianca. So the play within a play-the marriage of the one depending on the marriage of the other-convincingly unifies the whole. Bianca’s suitors are an -interesting array:_ William Needles as Gremio, portrays the traditional rich old Italian who chases young girls. He is very colorfully dressed in the harlequin fashion, and his facial contortions and mannerisms render him excellent in his role as a ridiculous over-aged iover. Nicholas Pennell (Hortensio) and Barry MacGregor (Tranio) are the other two losers in the bid for Bianca’s love. The winner is Richard. Monette, as Lucentio. Monette deserves praise for hjs sensitive and expressive protrayal: There were striking parallels between the Stratford production, directed by Jean Gascon, and the film, directed by Franc0 Zeffirelli. Apart from the coincidental similarity of the leading lady’s surname, both Kates and both Petrucios are look-alikes. What the film version lacked was the ingredient that made the Stratford play great: Mime. This ancient Greek-

E&e the - shrew


At a time when the medieval concept of woman’s subservience to her man was common fare, Shakespeare’s ‘Taming.of the Shrew’ was regarded as the tale of a spirited and defensive girl learning the hard way to handle her husband. The beautiful thing about Shakespeare is the almost perfectly adaptable nature -of his themes. Today’s feminist can relate to ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ in her own way with as much gratification as could the sixteenth century Renaissance Italian traditionalist. As long as chauvinists abound, so will stand the interpretation of a bitch being heeled. To the liberal or ‘humanist’, The Taming of the Shrew’ may be regarded as either the story of a woman retaining her dignity in spite of bridles and ridicule, or that ot a woman conquering her mate byappearing to be conquered. As you like it. W-e-( a .diverse ‘we’) can relate to ‘The Taming of the *.


Only- _ . A_ slightly I embarrassing .1 Don’t Embarrass the Bureau, by Bernard F. ‘Conners, Avon Books, (New York:1973); Don’t Emdairass the &ureau is a “first novel” by an, eight-year veteran of the FBI which has really only one merit: that it is one of the few books written about the FBI by an insider. As Mort Sahl has wryly noted, Gray was the best FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. %e Hoover ruled the Bureau with an iron fist for ne@y mats existence-and, in the process, kept the inner workings and the scope of the FBI’s power an exceptionally wellkept secret, even in the inner confines of Washingtonalmost any reasonably reliable information about the organization from someone who has been inside is bound to be interesting. The FBI has become quite unique-and uniquely frightening-among the powerful institutions of ‘American politics and government.. Presidents have come and gone; supreme: courts have changed tenor with- the changing of presidents; congress is an everchanging, seemingly now powerless group; the American ‘military-while undeniably powerful-has been kept surprisingly impotent; and even the CIA has been mercilessly exposed to daylight through almostiaughable incidents such as the U-2, Bay of Pigs, ‘Indochina and now Watergate. But Hoover and the FBI have<remained, from the Bureau’s inception some 50 years ago, a faceless and evidently unchanging force, one , aloof. /from political _ fortunesand changes in national feelings. Hoover did not hold press conferences, was not friendly or talkative with any member of the press and was seemingly> not accountable to anyone in the U.S..government. The cases of the FBI keeping surveiliance and records on a subject on no one’s orders but its own presumably form only the tip of the iceberg of self-initiated activities. The only fictionalized accounts of the Bureau’s ‘activities have been silly, super-patriotic. whitewashes like the movie “The FBI Story” or the old TV series “I led Three Lives” or the current “FBI” TV series. Bernard F. Conners seems certain to embarrass the Bureau at least a little with his new book, even if he embarrasses the fraternity of professional novelists at the same time. . His prose is extremely basic and amateurish, often to the groan-ing stage. One can only ’ hope that this “first novel” is also a last novel. Conners has said his say. If anything, Conners seems often to go too far in his efforts to expose the slow-movi,ng, bungling ways of the FBI; there is not-in the entire book-a. dedicated or conscientous agent, nor an efficient and sueccessful operation. Every assignment is a comic&opera bungled scene which would be funny if Conners’ evident intentjon were not to seriously indict the inner workings of his former organization. We know from what history of the FBI is public, that it has and still is carrying out all-toosuccessful assignments. He gleefully and ironically exposes the “don’t-rock-fheboat” mode of operations (don’t embarrass the bureau” is the agents’ highest and most-repeated standard- for behavior). ‘An agent’s main aspiration is not to expose tommies or infiltrate organized crime, but to simply last it out to retirement without once having called attention to himself, either favorably or unfavorably.. . in other words, the FB.l is just like every other large corporation. Conner’s plot, while often intriguing’is mostly just silly, and he‘ leaves too many of his-questions hanging at the, end of the book-the reader doesn’t know if the bad guys are really bad guys, and is even left wondering whether one main character is male or female, or perhaps somewhere in between. Avon has hyped this book everywhere up to the N.Y. Times, and it is worth picking up,at the paperback price just for the glimpse it gives inside the FBI, but don’t expect a welt-written “thriller” or a rewarding mystery. =george-





* ’

’ ’


the chevron

friday, july 13, 1973


friday, july 13, 1973

I the chevron



friday, july 13, I@

the chevron



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_. .frjday, juiy I$1973



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the chevron-





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W&en’s Slow&&l /’ The game monday -night‘ between thelwaterloo wonders and the suffrajocks never ca’me to pass. /Suffraj’&ks won by default as they refused to play a 4-rrian wonder team.% 4A hlad such an -array of stars present tliat’two teams were sorted out and a game was played. There?wera, bout 40 hits and 28 of those were flys; of those flies, about 5 were cau’ght., With Ada held together. b$ a piece of tape and Low tight on second, the 4A team managed to lose 14-8 to. the all sorts. -: -L . L Plaioffs start m&day night wiih suffrajocks once again playing-the Waterloo wonders. And whoever wins that one will meet- the deadly la-pack for the champio@ship on july 23rd. I /


scored in the dying setinds thus avoiding an&her overtime game. In the semifinals on July 9, the professionalsdefeated ,ma th B sockets 2-O in a very sloppily.played ga’me. Raman Gandhi scored bgth the professionai’s goals. . By far, the’ best, game- of the season saw systems united c advance/to the fifials by defeating the canadian connection on penalty kicks. The game was tied 2-2 in regulation time and after . two scoreless 5 minute overtime halves, each team was awarded 5 penalty kicks. It tmk only 4 successfui sy’stew penaly shots t6 dive theti the victory ’ as Canadian connection failed to score on their second and fourth shots. Final - score: systems 6, -Canadian connection 4. The’ finals weie playedon -jWednesday, July 11 and as to tiho the new champions are, your guess is as good as mine! j Flash, extra-the professionals are the new champions. ,&tails of the game will be in ,the next issue of the’ chevron.


The .host of the Ii975 World 1Studefit Games will not be known u@l abut august’ 18, 1973. The amount of financial- support, if sny, ‘from the provincial,. and federal governments for the K-W area bid for the games will not be known until that date either. Carl Totzke said that t_h_eK-W proposal has gone before both the provincial and fed&al&binets, but they have not made public their decision. Most -of -the members *of -the Canadian university meet, which *will travel to Moscow,in August for the 1973 games, have. be& selected photo by george &eland -0~ -‘are in the final stages _of _ while 4.A civil was eliminating selection. A majori_ty of the \ _ upper eng. Canadian Datiopal -basketball It has been noted that -some FINArLBASKETBALL’STANDlNGS team, which is on tour at the . teams are taking the playdowns a . - LEAGUE-A . present time, will make up the iittle-too seriously. The league was %ucleus of the university team. setup- as a form of recreation ndt TEAM . GPWLTTP Bob Graham, UW ‘&im coach, an aggression level raiser. Relax ViJlage Dons 77 00 14 who will be coaching the women’s and enjdy yourself-you’llfind Coop Math (Jets) 75 1111 swim team at ‘the 1973 games that yoti can play the gamy better. St. Jeromes 7241 5 stated that there would be no -The final game will be played on _ Grads ’ - 7250 4 _ prbblem selecting enough men-to , .. Tuesday, July 17 on Columbia field. fill the position on the men’s swim Starting time is 5 :OO pee eem. LEAGUE’B . team. There will be a problem ‘filling the women’s - team. The ’ Coop Math Rookies :l3i 10 148 COMPETITIVE SOFWALL problem< arises from tlie fact that _ Math Society _ _ 8 4 3 1 9 FINAL STANDINGS m_oSf of the top women swimmers South 7 84 40 \8 LEAGUE‘1 in Canada liave decided to take a .Lower Eng 8440 8 rest from cotipetitionat this time TEAM GP W L T RF RA TP Rimmers Ye 83 41. 7, / ‘a of year. They are_ most likely Team Cracker 88 00 92 916 taking a rest _ from last years Kin 4A -a 7 i 0 l-16 33 14 BALL H0CKE.Y competition before going back to /Kinnucks ! ’ 8 6 2 0 89 33 i3 _ FINAL STANDINGS seriouS training for the British‘ Seven Words 84 40 74 76 8 _ LEAGUE A Math Sot Commonwealth Games, which are84 40 68 83 8 South Seven 82 51 5480 5, TEAM going to take place in Christchurch ‘_ .GP W L T TP South Eight a251 37 2.5 New Zealand Febpary 1974. . . Roadrunners 7601 13 South Four 81 70 4084 2 The track and field team was ’ ” 73 31\7 ---, Bearded Clams East 5 & 6 selected last week-end but the Math 720’s . 7340 6 of the,team LEAGUE 2 Grads ~ 7 2 -5 0 4 ,-’ riames of the members have not ,b&en released. The team j -Eight BaHers 7070 0 Upper Eng 86 d2 63 23 14 ’ was selected on the basis of per4A Elec 8 6 1 1. 95 29.13 formance durigg the spring and LEAGUEB Bagbiters 86 2b 80 33 12FTroop 76 10 12‘ the performance /in -the Pacific 2B Mech 84 32 44 64 10 ‘Team 10 75 1111 Conference Games. The pestling Coop Res 83 41 59 58 7 TNucs . i! 4 2 1 :9’ team will-be Selected at the Stone Hands .8 2 4 2 24 64. 6 B811Hawkers 7232 6 completion of a training camp Oumont Qui-ks 8 -3 5~0 36 85 6 Chemfii ‘7160 2 being held this-_ month. _

Soccer -. The only unbeaten teams at completion‘&f the regular se&on difficulty advancing to the semi-finals despite a thunderstorm which- cleared seconds before the opening kickoff. The professionals easily ‘out” played eng. grads, leading 4-O at the break an+ went ori to win their game 8-l. Joe Peternulg, Raman Gandliq and Stanley Leung each scored 2 goals. The fights saints, thought they had the systems urified,team well under check when Keith-Earlinger scored to tie the score l-l. But a self-geal midway through the second half forced the saints to open up which ultimately led to systems scormg 2 more goals and putting the gqme-out of reach. &to Marcon scored 2 goals for systems, both tricky goals sailing over the -,md of the saint’s goaly.’ \ Wayne Bradbury was the hero of F the day, July 5, as he scored 2 Softball into the first overtimeThe favo&tes can be beaten. & period to. give the Canadian con- has been the case. many times in the past, the favourites have failed nectian a well deserved 2-l victory Masterhatters 8 1 5 2 over the crUsadei& The game - to advance $0 the semi-final round \ of . the c0mpetitiv.e softball could have developed ino an.exLEAGUE 3 plosive affair - due to ethnic plAyoffs. The jocks -and socks backgrounds of the playgrs, but fanneq the air as the civil grads Jock&Socks 8’7 1 0 cautions and ejections by the knocked in fifteen ru6i.-It was the c Civil Grads 85 11 referee cooled the players and reverse of their league game, One 4A Civil 8 4’ 2 2 must m.qrvel at the jocksand socks -Dirty Socks 8 55$3 0 everything went. smodthly: =*’ In an evenly matched game, for even the ballbabies defeated . ChemEng2B 8-5 30 Mudville-9. 82 42 math sockets defeated 73A civil 2-l the civil grads in league play. Gradchemd, 8 3.5 0. to also .wrn a berth in the The bagbiters did the trick to the 8 2 5 1 semifinals. The 73A civil team -tied 4A kin team to the tune of 12-O. Ball Babies Screaming Yel- * me score with less than 5 minutesTeam Cracker; the only unlow Zon kers remaining in the game. Howeve_r;defeated te&i in league play, sent P8 _-0 ’-7 1 the dir,ty socks to ’ the, cleanersthe sockets,got a lucky break-and \


y 81 55 62 78 45 46 48 ,. 38 27



26 14 41 11 9 10 58 10 49 10 51 6 55-6 75 5 73


photo by’, nick sullivan,




the chevron





Tdegdix on the

camp,us -centre board The campus centre board over the past -that the campus centre board comonth has achieved the status of a full operate with the federation of students fledged circus. The major area of concern . in allowing the federation to conduct and z ,he cause of the present uproar is no Octoberfest in the great hall. doubt Octoberfest. Octoberfest will be The mentioned motion ignored the hosted in the great hall by the board of recommendation of the turnkeys that the entertainment and I am outlining my campus centre board charge the federation support ‘for the event both as the arts either 25% of the gross profit from Ocrepresentative to campus centre board toberfest or $I,000 per day rental for the and as president for the federation of use of the great hall. I felt that charging students, Along with the justification of the federation for holding the event was my support of Octoberfest will be a brief out of order for the following reasons. description ‘of how the campus centre The federation of students does not pay board. has been functioning. rental to the administration for pubs, Octoberfest in the Kitchener-Waterloo concerts, general meetings, etc. Also, area has assumed the popularity of an setting a procedure in this case would be annual festival. Thousands of students dangerous if a no rent policy is to be from the university of Waterloo attend maintained with the administration. clubs hosting Octoberfest in the Twin If the federation of students was to pay Cities. The price charged by clubs in the the astronomical rent as requested by the Twin Cities for admission, food and drinks turnkeys then the charge to the students is excessive. Board of ‘entertainment has for Octoberfest would be greater and decided to run Octoberfest in order to would contravene the original reason for bring the festivities to the students on hosting the event -reasonable prices. It is campus at a reasonable price. my contention as president of the The federation of students constitution, federation of students and as a member of under objects and purpose states the the campus centre board that services following: ! offered to the student body should be done’ -the promotion of the welfare and at the lowest possible cost to the students. interests of the students of the university On June 13, while I wa< attending a of Waterloo . sponsored by the ministry of It is my strong feeling as president of conference education, the campus centre board held a the federation of students that if we can meeting. At this meeting the following provide a service on behalf of the students motion was passed: then it is the duty of the federation of -when any member or members of the students to do so. campus centre board is challenged In the event that a profit is realized on regarding conflict of interest on a current Octoberfest, the money made will be used issue, no vote will be exercised on that by the federation to provide further issue until a majority of the entire services to the student body. It also membership of the board, excluding instands to reason that if a profit is realized dividuals challenged and challenging, by private entrepreneurs then the money indicates verbally or in writing that they will be used in their interest and not in the will allow the in$ividual challenged to interest of the students at the university vote,on the matter, and further, that no of Waterloo. proxy votes be allowed in these instances. It is worthwhile to note that this year The mentioned motion puts the onus on only the Arts’ faculty is represented by an the individual challenged to prove that no elected member. The representation of conflict of interest exists. Civil liberties members for the other seats was by way of supposedly. guarantee that a person is acclamation or appointments. The lack of innocent until proven guilty. Such is not enthusiasm for the campus centre.board the case with the+ above motion.’ The by the students at large signifies either a useless nature of this motion will be lack of knowledge or a lack of interest illustrated later. regarding the campus centre board. At the same meeting David Assman, an As a member of the campus centre acclaimed member of the campus centre board for the arts constituency I felt that board for the science faculty and an not enough events were sponsored in the executive member of the federation of campus centre. When the proposed students, tried to rescind the motions hosting of Octoberfest was put forth by passed on June 6 that gave the go-ahead the board of entertainment I saw it as a to hosting Octoberfest. Assman disagreed desirable event for the students on with hosting Octoberfest on the grounds campus. , that it would result in restricted entry to It should be pointed out that the the great hall. present critics of hosting Octoberfest in \ As for myself, I am very much conthe campus centre emerged after the cerned over closing the great hall to free following motion was passed by the access for the period of Octoberfest, but I campus centre board at its June 6 contend that the service to the students meeting:

should take precedence. It is not the case that the campus centre in the past has been a hot-bed of activity. Rather, it has resembled for the most part an Egyptian Tomb. It is my intention to promote many and varied activities ,within the campus centre to make it truly the students centre of activity. If one wants a place in which to merely sit and relax, there are many better equipped facilities on campus\ than the campus centre. The noise level and the huge size of the great hall make the place anything but facilitative for a quiet get together. It is my intention to try to change the campus centre from a passive building to a dynamic gathering place where the students can partake in sponsored activities. The activities would vary from Octoberfest to a debate among the students, administration, faculty and student government and to regular film nights and free concerts. The uselessness of the conflict of interest motion passed on the 13th of June meeting of the campus centre board was demonstrated at the board’s meeting of June 27. At the June !27 meeting Dave Robertson acted as proxy for Dave Assman, and Susan Johnson acted as proxy for G. Neeland. Robertson, a former arts student and now a full time member of the work force, was-a proxy for the science undergraduate constituents. Johnson, an arts student, was a proxy for the human kinetics and leisure studies constituency. The arts faculty,which is allowed one vote on the board, had three votes because of the proxies. It is ironic that the two members present via proxies, Susan Johnson and Dave Robertson, both from the arts constituency proxying for other faculties, tried to disenfranchise the legitimate arts representative. The following motion was offered by Robertson and Johnson: -that the arts on the campus centre board be declared vacant as the present representative has a full time job and has shown no proof of preregistration for the fall. The two people with the proxies were the only ones to vote for the motion, ‘and as such the motion was defeated. It is interesting to note that Dave Robertson, a full time worker, tried to disenfranchise the president of the federation of students. The president continues to be a member of the federation of students even if he devotes full time to the position. It is of further interest that the senate recognizes the president of the federation as a student even if he does not take any courses and recognizes his right to run for senate. It would seem that the !administration could be seen as screaming radicals when compared with these students, bureaucratic reactionaries. Robertson and Johnson, the two imported proxies, also presented the following motion: -in view of the fact that there is a policy relating the functions held in the campus centre great hall and in view of the fact that I believe that the holding of Octoberfest is not in the best interests of the users of the campus centre, I would like to move that the decisions of June 6, 1973 relating to Octoberfest be declared null and void. At the same time I would like to declare conflict of interest against Art Ram and Phil Lanouette because they . are members of the board of entertainment. Fred Bunting, chairman of the campus centre board, ruled the motion out of order. When Dave Robertson challenged the chair, Bunting gave the following rationale for his ruling._

july 13, 1973

1. No set rules exist which prevent the board from ignoring or contradicting an established policy. 2. It would be unreasonable to rescind the permission to hold Octoberfest in the campus centre in light of the amount of time, effort and money invested by the federa&ion to date. Seeing that only Robertson voted to overrule the chair, the ruling of the chair was upheld. The policy set by the campus centre board at its’ meeting on September 26, 1968 that-functions utilizing the great’ hall should be free admission and open to all- is not binding upon the present campus centre board. I further take exception to Robertson’s statement - “that I believe that the holding‘of Octoberfest is not in the best interests of the users of the campus centre .” If Robertson had such a great interest in representing the students on the campus centre board and the federation of students then he should have run for office. Without a mandate from the student body, Robertson has no legitimacy in trying to legislate on behalf on the student body. Both engineering and the math societies supported “Octoberfest ’ ’ . Robertson and Johnson moved yet anot her motion : -that no member of the federation of student’s council, executive or executive boards be allowed to hold a position on the campus centre board. 1 Robertson challenged Telegdi (arts), Ram (engineering), Lanouette (math) and Bunting (chairman), regarding conflict of interest on this issue. In line with the campus centre board conflict of interest policy passed June 13, it was agreed that a mail poll of the remaining eligible members be conducted to resolve the conflict of interest issue involving the above-named members. By eliminating the members mentioned, Robertson eliminated representatives to the board with a combined constituency of 8,000 students. It is strange that Robertson failed to challenge Assman, a member of the federation executive and students council. Feeling that the remaining members on the campus centre board did not represent the student body at large, I challenged the entire board membership. It is hard to believe that the campus centre board passed a conflict of interest policy that was so utterly absurd. Ram offered his resignation as a representative on the campus centre board to the engineering executive, but his offer was rejected. The engineering executive felt that Ram was the best person to represnt the engineering students at this time and sent .a memo to that effect. As to the chaos caused by the proxies, to add the stipulation that a proxy may only. be given to an individual within the member’s constituency. As both Robertson and Johnson are from the arts faculty and are eligible to act as proxies for the arts consituency, I doubt that they will be allowed to vote on the campus centre board this year. Susan Johnson will have to be content with doing her unbiased reporting in the Chevron-I am sure. As president of the federation of students and member of the campus centre board I fail to see a conflict of interest. Because of my role as president of the federation of students and the interaction that I have with the various societies and the student body at large, I am able to bring an added awareness to the board. My interest is to serve the student body. If that is what conflict of interest means, then I plead guilty. -andrew telegdi



july 13, 1973

the chevron

‘This week’s


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‘Humour lost . on meatballs I am -writing concerning an attitude frequently expressed in the Chevron, that concerning the character and morals (if they exist) of engineers. I fully realize that no one forces Eng. Sot. to place its name on Enginews, that piece of sexist shit as you so correctly labelled it. Apparently, most engineers wish to be presented as horny inebriated uncouth idiots. This attitude is actively fostered by the executive of the present and seemingly all past Eng. Sot. executives. Speaking for myself however, this portrayal is ridiculous, and the reason for its application is difficult to discern. None the less, such a view from both

The Chevron is by and large a well executed newspaper. Your continuing attack on Engineers is not needed. In so doing, you lower yourself to the abysmal depths to which Enginews serves to drag the engineering faculty. Your recent page -of ‘humour’ was a waste of time, as the sarcasm and satire will be lost on the meatballs in the Eng. Sot. office, who ’ consistently show themselves incapable of any sort of process resembling thought. In addition, I am tired of your portrayal of engineers and thus myself as gauche heathens, whose only purpose in being on campus is to get laid and/or drunk as often as possible. I get enough of that bullshit from my own faculty. Further more, some engineers are actually polite and intelligent. A few are capable of treating women as people, not objects, and some have other interests besides booze, dirty jokes, and pornography. In conclusion, lay off the engineers. Most of them are too stupid to fight back.

member: Canadian university press (CUP) and (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont federation of students, incorporated, university sibility of the chevron staff, independent of the campus centre; phone (519) 885~1660,885~1661 1 Summer circulation


Ontario weekly newspaper association press graphix and published by the of water-loo. Content is the responfederation. Offices are located in the or university local 2331. : 9,000


A few boycott messages totpass along: Seagram’s is being struck in B.C. and the workers there are requesting a boycott of all: Seagram’s products. . .and Dare workers are still officially on strike, and also request a continuation of the boycott on Dare cookies; it is easy in these days of mass public apathy to sympathize with Lord Nelson when, at the height of his career in England, he turned at a royal dance to the young lady next to him and said softly, “Wanna come out to my fleet for 300 quickies?:! Thanxthis week to the following felons, child molesters, miscreants and sycophants: george neeland, peter hopkins, sally kemp, mel rotman, paul stuewe, don ballanger,,david cubberley, Susan scott, deanna kaufman, nick (not the greek) savage, david robertson, kati middleton, andy teledgi, and a castof thousands, including yours true-lee george kaufman.



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-w l



july 13, 1973

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