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Unkersity of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 14, numbei 9 fiiday, September 7, 1973



The problem faced by most, of those students searching for off campus housing appears to be of major proportions thisyear, With the” on campus housing fully occupied, includingboth villages, and the church colleges, the situation has been aggravated by a general shortage of available housing in the immediate vicinity of the university. . ’ This state of affairs can be attributed to a number of factors, among them the lower number of rooms being advertised through the’housing office this year than last year. In addition a number of buildings open , to f apartment students. in previous years have been closed to them.; and the buildings, recently erected are not’ renting to students from the outset. One apartmerit that is still renting to students seems to be doing so with reluctance. The Hillsdale apartments, within c walking. ’ distance of the university, is demanding a derjosit of the full years reny at the signing of the lease. On a s\ingle bedroom apartment at $160 a month, that comes to $192&-a reasonable .sum to pay out ia one installment. ’ Keith Dewar, working with those students hunting for housing through the federation’s housing . information office, has hinted that. the use of tents is being considered to accomodate those unable to find housing before classes start next week. After sitting in the campus centre housing office Tuesday afternoon Dewar felt . that the situation is indeed needful of concern. Among the 18 people with whom he had spoken, Dewar said that on the average they-had been looking for three days and had still come up empty handed. Dewar maintained that there was housing -available, but, for the most part, so far away from the university that they are only open to those with some means of transportation. Housing is available in places like Breslau at reasonable rates and in suitable condition. However, the difficulty is most acute for those without transportation, ahd for the ,most part, first or second year students. The problems surrounding -housing may have serious side effects on the students academic activity and general state of mind. Having worked with counselling services off and on, De-war has witnessed the effects of such discomfort on students. If someone is forced into spending the better part of September looking for and settling into a room then their work necessarily suffers. As he sees it, one bad term, is of ten sufficient to convince a first year student to quit-if y the related @e. are complex enough it is l




easy tolose any sense of worth in exercise being ._ the academic embarked upon. The si&ation’on Wednesday was even worse than that witnessed the day before. By late ‘afternoon the housing list had shrunk to less than four pages, with a listing for -men roughly twice that for women. Of the housingstill available- the vast -majority of rooms were in Kitchener, doing little to alleviate the problem faced by those without cars. Kieth Dewar spent Wednesday trying to help those looking for housing and talked to 165 people; the frequency of success was far from encouraging,-,wi,th only :40 people finding a roof to -sleep under; As Dewar said, “those who, really -tried have come up with something” although the’ rooms Wh’ei, the Corona fiimi/y kft the Canadian circus, the$y touch&i off a ch$in of a,ctfon$$j~d reactjon thar found were often referred to as has brought’ the federation to file a claim against the company. They >do &t expect to -&$ver their in-, , . “holes”. - vestment. 4 ~. _. i . ,The quality of the housing . Payments were to be made-every Aurora and the management story available appears to be dropping Canadian ,Circus saturday - and each -payment was to became, ‘the ,money is being ’ with the number 1of rooms still * transfered to an account in Aurora) ’ vacant. One listing still not spoken The first week on the“ road so you will have to wait until then’. ’ for Wednesday was for a room at August 11 to 18 went smoothly After the final show in Aurora the $80 per month, however rental was enough and when Saturday came staff and the managers had a qualified by *the following com- r@a ~ ment: “students B k 111 d~~~~he performers meeting. The performers had may not use bath operators and technician; begun talking about pulling out of or shower”. Dewar felt that such conditions are contrary to the gathered around for their pay. the show if they were not paid. The Salaries were paid for the first animal acts said they had no Landlord Tenant Act, however money to get their groups to Owen when placed in the tight spot that week. \most of the students still looking On the second week of the tour it Sound, the next stop scheduled. became evident that the circus Marshall soothed a few ruffled for accommodation are in, there is feathers by deciding to go instead was in some financial difficulties. little choice left. Several people were laid off and a to Barrie, cancelling the show in. Another term of rental for one of Owen Sound, and telling everyone the single ‘rooms listed included few quit. Initially Canadian Circus “free” was charging $8.50 -for adult ad- that they had $70,000 in an account: rent for a student Only a few weeks ago the mission and $2.50 for children. The Apparently the money could not be “majoring in (child) psychology to Canadian Circus was heartily _ help with a 6 year old hyperactive prices were dropped to $2.50 and reached until the next day, again.; advertising its “SO acts and 50 $1.50 respectively. The crowds just ,August 28 the circus began child”-in other words, free rent productions” and now, Ross setting up the show on the Barr* . for a live-in babysitter. These are were not showing. Marshall, the producer of the The circus made it through the grounds. There were severa+ the conditions faced by those circus cannot be found and the second week and it came time meetings between the staff and tb _ students still frantically in search trustees are admitting bankruptMarshall promise& of a place to sleep, and live. again for the staff to be paid. management. cy. The story of-what happened in Everyone gathered around at the, that they had a backer, who thg With the grim picture presented the few weeks between these appropriate time and they -were refused to reveal, that had COIBWednesday and’classes starting on times, is long, and, in fact, often the possibility of told, by the managers, that the mitted $70,000 to the circus. Late3t Monday, unbelievable. However, the story money was coming from Kit- in the’day he did reveal that th& resolving the housing situation is important. they would money could only be touched when seems slim. More students. are still chener . Therefore, The Federation of Students at coming have to wait for a couple of hours the circus could raise $5O,OOOon its into =town, without Waterloo owns a rather extensive until it could all be sorted-out. One own. having looked before, hoping to sound system that has been lying find accomodation within a couple half hour before the first show on Marshall claimed that they did idle for the last months. The coSaturday, they were, told the have people in Kitchener atof days. Judging by those who have ordinator of the sound system, money had arrived but since it was tempting to raise the money so been scouring the area since late Doug Griesbach, in his search for last week, the chances of doing so nearly show time they would wait that the people could be paid, andsummer employment that would until after the show to ‘divvy up’ original money-released. Walter _ ,. in less than three or four days are ,pay him money, did find a job with not very good. the funds. Tzacuk, the New York Rangers the “newly-formed Canadian The circus performed shows at_ hockey player was named as one of , Over the past few years the Circus”. four and . eight-thirty in the the possible sources of the question of student housing has Marshall - discovered. that evenings. There was only one half necessary $5O,OOO. Marshall said. become more and, more acute. The Griesbach ran the federation hour of spare time between the two that Tzacuk was consulting hisprospects for next year appear no sound system and negotiations. shows, so again, at Mytime the’ business manager and would be in better, if not worse, and the need began. The circus, three days staff was stalled. They were touch within two days. for some sort of action to provide before it was scheduled to go on the promised that they would be paid It did look like the money wa;S better housing with less headache road, did not have a sound system “after he second show. going to come through and the seems obvious. An upcoming of anyi kind. Marshall called After the second show they were group decided to stick with themeeting of student council Griesbach and i3ITarl@?IlleIlt~-Wt%3? told that the money had been circus. They agreed- to wait until -representatives from across finally made for the system to be deposited in an account so they the next day at three o’clock and southern Ontario is going to try to ren! to the circus- The Package could not be paid until monclay, then make any further decisioh deal with the problem. , included three OpC!ratOrS, and $4588 when the banks open. ’ for four and ‘one half weeks. by john keyes Monday, the c&us rolled into continued on page 3 _



the cheyron











7, 1973






It may be years before you decide to buy a diamond. But why wait to look. A fine diamond is such a beauty to behold. With d.ancing fire, blazing reflections. Diamond browsing can be beautiful. Should you want to learn something about diamonds, we’ll be teacher. But if you just want to browse, we’ll just be quiet.






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begin’ at the Reference on the Main Floor of the Arts


shows Desk



This year thy student housing, &ituat ion is turning intp a major prgtilem. I!\ seems ,that landlords ar’e less willing to rent to sfudents this’ yca1! than in the past. Inspi& 0t’ t hc - numerous apart men’ buildings and townhouses ~which have -been erected during the past t~~clvc ‘months. there is still an for acut c short age of housng studcI.i.ts. t 11~rerison being that the OWI~CTS -of . t hcse IWM’ huildirig:; I~‘~~sc to rtwt to students. . !!‘hc situation might not be so bad if it ivcre not for the fact that there .;IIY atso far fe\l;*cr off-campus houses listed in the Ifousing Office this yea!* than others. l&t year t h*re ~vere d,@se tg cli;yit~~~hun$e~ acconihiodat ioni . off-can1pus available to students. This. +ar . howevtbr. the number is -&s;cr to tight hundred -()bviously. the housing scarcity is l&eating major problems for students without a place to live. It also means that these students cannot afford to be-sel&tive. They eust take &hat a’ccommodations tht$ can gtbt . Quality cannot bq a considcrXtion.l And it _ is exactly this kind of situation rvhich allows landlords to rent poor quality rooms . The f’act that a’ny home owner Lvould rent 21’ living space whibh is barely fit to live ‘in is an unfortunate reflection -upon the .Kitchcncr-M’aterlotr community. A housing survey conducted this summer ‘revealed that there is a substantial percentage of accoinmodations which are unfit for habitation. -fIowever. to single these places out and expose their conditions would be a futile effdrt due to thescarcity of housing. The situation, however.’ is not as bad for men tis it is for wQmen.. ‘I‘hc~y have an additional strike against them ,since most lafidlords prefer to rent to men rather lhan When questioned as to ~~‘oIl’IcIl. 1 wily they did not want to rent to women. t hc most common answers lvcrc that I ) lvornen used too much .wafer alid 2.1 they had too many visitors. Another answer was that i they were sloppier than men. Quite obviously, there is discrimination involved. but unless anyone cares to gti to a lot of trouble, there is little that can he done. Home owners renting to stude& do so for the money to be acI &ued-byutdo Jhey supplycomparable accommodations for the amount they charge? Most do, but some do not. It is ‘the latter group which I take advantage. ef the -, students? desperate need for a place to live. Quite often those who overcharge are aldo the pdople 1~110are hostile towards students. * $kmy of these landlords simply do I

‘, , cl‘=-%<*.- -3s




not like students, but they’ love One of Kitchener’s finest watches stolidly as an exhibit sponsored by the international Rrothcrhood of ’ money from students. For: Electrica/ Wor;kers drives past as part of the K-W Labour Day parade., The striking workers portrayed t(x) tunitely. this is a minority group. had several tot&& which made it management as men with whips driving the workers on. The parade The majority honestly do attempt from the usual K-v parade, such as a ca.r carrying signs urging people to continue hoycdtting to,supply comparable facilities for different Dare products, and a car displaying the lovely Ms. K-W Labour photo by george kaufman the money they receive but once again die to- the -scarcity of i I _ housing this year some students _ are forced to overpay for their , , _ As a result of ihe good crowd housing. reaction Marshall decided to stay Landlords enting to students one more day in Barrie and cancel have other means _of taking adthe shows scheduled for Orillia. from page one vantage of’ their tenants. Some That was the straw that broke the landlords have been known to camel’s back.‘ then. ‘The feeling_ 01 tie agree to rent to students and then management. which spread to the The Coronas, another major give t hc rooms to other students stall’. was that they were going ‘to attraction and the real organizers \~~I10 -are willing to pay more make a killing in Montreal, if they of the whole three ring show, IllOIlCC’. In this ‘situation the got t ha\ far. Apparently -there .had decided to take control of the original student, if no agreement sales for circus and .;-. *gp?- r-99 ,, to:, !@@&a. jj;l<: t)~yIl;?si&&f, ii; -$+&less ‘to _ bee?, tpipy ~ advance tickets and nromoters were conEveryone agreed ~*co>-rnaks the retain the room they thought they For the past few-years, there has l’ident that’ the. circus would break with them-except for the had. e?Fted~within the confines of the U become solvent. There was even Kock-Smiths who’ decided to qvit Anot her un& hical practice in 1 service and were already driving ..,awa-y. of ,:W an entertainment ~~hictl some landlords indulge is talk of another tour next year and which has managed to -remain the year after. d Earlier they had checked Marraising the cost of rooms after the unknown. I refer to shall’s story about the bank _ac- virtually student has a&ed to rent the Water-loo’s The deadline caie -and went count and found that there was no Whiplash’--Kadio 1~0oIm at a,lower price. Once again with no sign of *any money. The mobile music ,unit. You may have money in any account. there is nothing to be done. The I Kock-Smith Flyers, high-wire seen someone playing records at a studer!! can Gither pay the inWhile-all of these problems were walkers and a.major section of the pub in the past, but who ‘cared! creased rent or ‘move out, taking a show, being argued over and worried refused to continue-with any E’ou could get drunk and ignore it chance at not being’ able to find about, the cash box had indeed plans for the evening shows. They or go to the can till the bqnd came other accomodat ion. been taken. The money was backtif there was one). Who began a chain reaction throughout Another point of contention divided among th6 performers. the M.holG group 01’ performers and listens to records at a pub between studeiits and landlords is everyone The-operators did not receive any. bcg;ln telephoning their anyway ‘I the somet imps restrictive house money. The fact is that quite a few lawyers. (‘haos ensued. The show rules which 4andlords impose..people listen and actually talk to M’;IS due to go on, the seats Kight in the middle of all of this, Often the students 8nd thei? lan‘Yhat guy up there”. Some even were filling up and the people that a promoter, based in New York, dlords agree upon a set of house make requests. And that makes it make the show were refusing to called and offered to’ take on the rules which are based upon all worthwhile. Those hardy inconsider performing. Coronas and any acts that would common sense and the respect for accompany -them. They did- not dividuals who play those records the other persons in the hous,e. But Marshall and- Mel Corney, a need to hear any more, it sounded do so for two r’easons-people and when landlords become dictatorial . member of the Board af Directors, music. like real money. Some acts went You can’t enjoy a pub and attempt to, rule the student’s announced that the show would not with the Coronas, some left on without both of them. lives, the students are once again There is also-a rumor.that some go on. It was four forty-five and the their own and then there were the being exploited. ’ i(;lor example, reason given for the cancellation unlucky few that got stuck in people do it for financial gain but students might resent a midnight Barrie. this has not been confirmed. was-the wind and the hot One particularly uncurfew’ or not +being allowed to weather. There was *no wind that ‘fortunate individual was the man tin the other hanq, some bands smoke in their rooms. They ‘must with all the bears-he had no either can’t or won’t play the song day. The people that -had bought either leave or ‘submit. If they are money for their food or to trantickets were given passes to’ the you‘d like ,to hear but, if Whiplash wise -they i<*iill submit since the sport them anywhere. has it,- you’ll hear it. You could show schedul&d at 8 o’clock. chance of finding other aceven bring a record‘gf your own. this year is As soon ai the Coronas decihed commodations Just after all of this excitement, Whiplash grew a few years ago out to go with ‘the new prtimoter, doubtful. Griesbach spoke with the of a need for this type of service on Marshall and the rest of’ the managers and was informed that The majority of home owners campus and, d&pi_te any evidence managing team disappeared. ~They their. aCcountant ,. Ai-t Diegel, had renting to students are honest to the contrary, is still going hav’e not been located. * quit on Sunday-the day after people who need a little extra strong. Just look for ‘it dufing payday. He was also told that they money . But there are also those The t ired‘and angry co-ordinator orientation or go upsta.irs at a welI of thy Waterloo -sound system who are willing exploit students at had to do an evening show because known local pub downtqwn next opportunity . The un- of all the people that had been headed_ for home around midnight every week to give a listen. of the* same, day. G’riesba_ch fortunate fact is that they can do SO. given passes. Since its humble conception; received $%OOof the $4500 that was \i.ithout fear of reprisal. Only a few Whiplash has been/ sighted Meanwhile t h6 performers were of thc’unt4hical practices have akreed %pon. .throughout the K-W area, most meeting on their own and they txbcn mcnt iopr+ the more obvious recently at the Central Ontario On August 30 the Federation of decided to go ahead with the eight Cd C’OI~I~O~ ones which were with Wired World (‘a Students filed a claim for 3600 Exhib‘ition o’clock,show. But they also agreed uncovered by tHis summer’s community based radio station). doii%s against the assets of the housing survey. You can be tc? take the cash box from Marshall With campus coming back to life Canadian Circus. The federation and split it up among themselves. assured I there were many left this week, things are starting to lost: directly; $1200 for the rental unsaid. -For cvcry landlord willing So, did go on. And it happen at Kadio Waterlog. If you, and then .$200 for the extra to, take ildvantage of a student are interested in any aspect of was- the best of the whole tour. equipment that was bought to ’ tl@re radio. including Whiplash, now is . handle the different arrange___. ;1re_ one_ . i)r more ,,. students . , _ p er h aps that is indicative of what .\villing. should we say force& to working for guarenteed money will I ments. the time to come up to the Bauer . give in and rent from them. The do. The crowd enjoyed, and they Warehouse and check ( us out. The circus will never ’ get to - pity of it all iS that SO little Can be had no idea of the, backstage You’ll probably find something Waterloo. .donc. . troubles. -The feeling ;Imo~~g- the you I like. I , . jobert pufoll performers w&“&y kood. + .-susari jdhnson Ajohn broeze

legs ’



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the chevron

7, 1973

5 -

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in the fut we _ .

- 7

‘By’ now ,, you’ve probably heard about OPIRG-its past and in generalities. In this article, I’ll be \ dealing with the present situation and future plans. OPIRG is presently in the final stage of incorporation and will becomes an Ontario charitable, * nonprofit corporation. Under the incorporation, three students, who have been active within OPIRG, have been named as the Board of Directors. They are Bruce Hahn, Mike Ron Dragushan ‘,.and Robertson. Presently, the board, after consultation with interested ~ people, have the-final decision making power. The board also has the power to appoint others to the board-in the interim until elections . $re held. It is anticipated that interested people will be considered for these positions. OPIRG presently has hired Gary <*arson. a 26 year old lawyer, asexecutive director. Marg McDonald has also been hired as a I secretary.. None of-the staff have voting rights for setting general policy in the corporation, but their opinions will be considered. The OPIRG office is in Engineering 2, Room 3321. Office hours, starting Monday, Sept. 10th will be lO:OO5 :00. -You may come to the office for information, refunds and to discuss projects. OPIRG is presently involved with three projects; renting _ practices in KW, a bicycle lobby and the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario. Through personal contact OPIRG has heard of a number of being cases of students discrimihated against in renting practices. These complaints range from outright refusal to rent to students, to charging different rents for students than nonstudents. OPIRG’s director is presently gathering background information but students should get involved. If you have encountered these situations, come in and see us. In Ontario, there is a large constituency of bicycle riders; all of whom h,ave common problems. Yet cyclists have never organized into a political lobby/ The object of this project is to form such’s lobby and to use it to get improvements for cyclists. A report is being r prepared regarding paths along provincial highways. So far the Ontario government has been invited to provide input into the research department of the Ministry of Transportation and L Communications -s. A ( number ; of ,“.el&q. .+..-7’1”

The bill before the government now provides exemption from ‘for ~ the manner in prosecution which they came or remained in Canada’ for a 60-day period. In most cases it is estimated that it will actually be in the applicants favor that he or she has been illegally working inside Canada, as long as he or she has been working at all. , If you are living illegally in this country or know someone who is, have them contact the TADP, 11% Spadina Road, Toronto, phone (416) 920-0241, -or call 745-2003 locally first for information.

around Lake Nipigon. compounds must have two characteristics; a greater atDr. Carty of the1 chemistry department of the University of traction with mercury than the Waterloo is doing research on proteins in the brain cells and be close enough to compounds found mercury -poisoning. Eventually, of naturally in the body that the cure course, governments and inwould not turn out worse than the dustries will be able to stop indisease. This troducing mercury into the enwould then vironment but until that time prevent mercury from forming bonds with other proteins and and-even afterward we shall have to find a method of removing’ perhaps provide a greater at.mercury from the lakes and from traction to the ,mercury than the mercury from the previo&ly contaminated material. Carty is working to discover more about’ s formed bond. the type of chemical activity which Mercury poisoning causes mental disorders such as blurred occurs when mercury convision. speech impediments. intaminates something. In the case of human beings brain damtrovertedness, and eventually the age is caused when the mercury cessation of brain activity. The attaches itself to the brain cells, effects are irreversable. With the forming chemical bonds-thus completion of Dr. Carty’s cximpeding natural functions of the periment we may well have a cell. Carty isstudying the bonds method of removing mercury from formed between mercury and the contaminated material before it amino acids, which are the can cause any damage. It’s not building blocks of brain cells. He I final solution, but it’s certainly a hopes to discover just how to start. design other compounds which would bond with mercury. These -fred bunting

students will be needed to help organize the different ,groups in Ontario. One OPIRGer is %gathering background information on the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario. Several students are needed for ’ this project. Elections are planned for the end of January or the beginning of February. At this time, 9 people will be elected to sit on the Board of Directors; 4 for 1 year and 5 for.2 years. Each year. 4 or 5 of the Board positions’ will be open to election. It is hoped that by this means new blood can be injected without losing all the experience that was gained by Board members. This board will be responsible for deciding general policies, ,. \ which projects will be undertaken and how money is to be spent. The Board will meet every three - -Y .months. An executive consisting of four members (President, Vice Sec.retary President, Treasurer) will be elected from HOUS_ING WANTED .PERgONAL and by the’ Board and will be . responsible to the executive. Wanted-part ‘time secretary and Wanted three bedroom townhouse to ’ If no. refunds are requested,research .assistant of interest to sublet January-May 1974. Lakeshore ) Have you ever heard of the mad OPIRG will have a budget of students in Social Sciences. 10 hours a Village preferred. Chris 884-9558. _ hatter in ‘Alice in Wonderland’? Of $31,000 this year. To pay-salaries week time fluid. $2 per hour. Possibility course you have but did you ever of summer employment. Contact Prof. and maintain the office, OPIRG wonder just why he was mad? If M. Nagler, Renison College, 884-4400. will be spending $15,000. Any the thought ever crossed your money collected beyond this will m(nd you probably thought he was Baby sitter required 2 days a week for be used to hire students to work on just ,another run of the mill nut 2 children. Lakeshore Village area. summer projects: A more detailed fresh out of some asylum:‘ Well Phone 884-1563. budget will be available for Wednesday, Sept. 12 that’s not quite correct. There is a I viewing in the office on monday, very .good chance that the mad Movers! Half ton truck and driver -September A dra’matic musical show by ‘The Revel available; reasonable rates for hatter was suffering from brain 0. Rousers’. 2 pm CC Great Hall.’ students. Call Jeff at 885-1199. damage caused by mercury OPIRG is _ to be a studentpoisoning. directed ofganization. Come into It seems that in past times in FOR SALE the office if you wish to become England before automation, hats Free introductory public -lecture on involved’. There is a.s much room in ‘Honda Super-go, virtually inTranscendental Meditation and the were made by hand. A derivative OPIRG for someone who just destructable second bike, trail, learScience of creative intelligence. 8 pm. of mercury called mercuric oxide wants to staff the -office as there is ning or just cheap rides. In perfect MC 2065. -Everyone is welcome, nonwas used to cure felt and velvet in for people to work,on projects; On running condition. $200 firm. 745students as well. the making of hats. As a result of September 10 and 17 our director 2003. long exposure to this compound, and other OPIRG people will be in mercury was ingested into the the Campus Centre 135 from 22:30Saxaphone, alto, SML Gold Medal, mint systems of these hatters. This Thursday, Sept. 13 _ 5::30 to answer questions. Also.we condition, best reasonable offer. Phone produced brain damage which Derek 742-5336 after 6 pm. will be in the different coffee eventually led to insanity. It was a Coffee House with ‘The Revel Rousers’ ‘lounges during the first two weeks common -hazard .of the times. As supplying the entertainment. However, Sleeper or lounge chesterfield ‘chair. of let tures. you are urged to participate by you can see mercury pollution is 742-3967. displaying your acting and musical not’new although it may not have -mike robertson abilities. 8 pm CC pub area. Admission _ been discovered until the 20th \ TYPING .3.75. All food and coffee is free. ten tury . Sponsored by the Campus Centre Mercury is used by’ many in- ,. Expert, typing done ’ at reasonable Board dustries to process a variety of rates, contact Louise at 744-2556 after products such as in the(production 6. of chlorine, in the pulp and paper industry, in the production. ,of HOUSING AVAILABLE Free introductory public lecture on plastics, and it is also used as a Transcendental Meditation and the fungicide. Clean, modern, furnished with private Science of Creative Intelligence. 8 pm In all these processes and uses bath available i& Lakeshore -Village. MC 2065:Everyone is welcome, nonthere is a Certain amount Of Phone after 6 pm. 884-9384. students as well. mercury which escapes into the environment. We have problems with mercury because this effluent For the estimated tens of from various factories runs off into thousands of foreigners living lakes and -streams and- conillegally in Canada, a last-chance centrates on the bottoms. Unopportunity to obtain legal status fortunately for us it isconverted by will occur during September and a biological process into methyl October. --mercury which is a particularly DRAMA The- government announced at. toxic form of mercury. THE BLIND MEN (production dates-Oct. 2-5) the beginning of August a- 60day There is no method.of removing TUES. & WED. SEPT. 11 & 12 ‘amnesty’ period-August I5 to the mercury from the bottoms of ’ 7:30 p.m. Studio Theatre RM i80, Humanities October lfi-during which for-lakes and unless the.mercury can Characters-4 male roles be eigners may apply for landed . be covered up if will inevitably POOR BITOS (production dates-NOV. 6-10) Fall Major immigrant status from within converted into methyl mercury. Product ion Canada, provided they arrived in Covering up the mercury would be MON. & TUES. SEPT.‘17 &-18 the country before November 30, a very expensive project and so .. .5:30--8:30 p.m. Studio Theatr‘e RM 180, Humanit& ’ 1972. has ‘been discarded as a solution. However nothing else at the characters-10 male roles In this area, most of those affected by this announcement will present time will work. 3 female roles , Right now Lake St. Clair is very probably be American war l- young boy resistors. They are urged to badly polluted and there have been ’ For further information contact Mr.l Maurice Evans, Resident Drama contact the Toronto Anti-Draft cases of mercury poisoning Director, at the Modern Languages Building,. r&m 121, ext. 2533. Programme fog:de-tails arid, aid. reported. i,ncertainIndian, villages __

/ - Mad r hatters and

and -mercury

CIasSifi.ed I TWOC

r Your


chance 7

’ --



the chevron


7, 1973


An ’ in tervieW, with 1Burt’ Matthews \



As this is the beginning of a brand new school year, Chevron staffers .deluxe Deanna Kaufman and George Kaufman biked to University of Waterloo president Burt Matthews earlier this week about the everelusive State of Things. rrrrar Chevron: Has the decrease in enrolment in Ontario leveled off, or reversing itself at this point? Matthews: It’s difficult for me to speak generalty about the system, because I don’t have the informat ion yet from the other universities. It’s been nearly two years now since we had the short fall and we had the problem with money, and so on, and we changed our projections quite dramatically and from that time forward, we’ve been projecting for a very small increase in the numbers of students.. there’s only a difference of, like 50, in increase. And we’ve been budgeting on that, as well, and therefore, it seems that we’re going to reach our projection this year, which is about the same number as last year. We’re going to be somewhat short in Artsthe registrar tells me there’s a somewhat larger number of people returning that weren’t here last year, but were maybe the year before. But, by and large, over the next five years, we’re going to just have the same number we have now, we expectOther universities seem to be short, but we just don’t know what their projections are. My feeling is that the system as a whole will probably have about the same number of students a”s last year.

_ \

Chevron: One of the results of the sudden, or unexpected, short fall, was that the universities were thrown into a compet?tion because of the provincial system of giving out money to the universities, that is, grants per student. It started this summer, at least we noticed it then, a sort of propaganda or advertising war initiated by a couple of universities. Matthews: Yeah, a couple have done that, we ‘haven’t done anything different here than we’ve done for 10 years and, of course, we’ve probably gotten more criticism than any other university. But the fact is that the other universities, because of the shortage of students, started to look around at what the others were doing, and started to criticize us for th@gs we’ve been doing for 10 years. Chevron:



of things?

Matthews: Like going to the high schools, and having the student6 come here, the science days and computer science days, and this sort of thing. That’s been going on; you see, from the beginning of the university. Chevron:





to offer



Matthews: Yes, York offered scholarships, and Western, and it’s my opinion now that those offers. did not have the effect of increasing their enrolment to any extent. This is interesting since we all thought it would, but the evidence is not clear thit it did. Chevron: If offers like this did lure students, it seems that one of two things would happen, either other universities would have to do the same sort of thing, or the government would have to take some sort pf action. . Matthews: That’s why some of us were rather concerned last year about this; it’s not a question of being aga-inst the recognition of academic achievement. but when that recognition is used as an umbrella for increasing enrolment, that’s where it becomes questionable, if n@ unethical. But it seems it hasn’t had that effect. The Council pf Ontario Universities,

however, is going to take a look at this whole question m the next few months, and try and reach some sort of policy oh it. I think surely we can reach some agreement as to the number of dollars per student a university can make available for scholarship, a maximum number. It could be a fairly sizeable amount _ with us, our scholarships amount to a total of just above 23 dollars per undergraduate student. Some universities amount to. inore than 50 dollars per student, it was for this kind of reason that our senate last year set up the neyv Wate> !oo schotarship program, and we’re just now going to provide the opportunity for the staff and faculty to make their pledges, and that will be.done this fall, and we’ll then know how much additional money we have for scholarships. Chevron: Have you had any indication yet, as to whether this program will be successful? / Matthews: No, because I’m going to send a letter out in the next week or two with the appropriate card, and they can pledge a contribution for the next year. From what people tell me, they say, “you’re going to be swamped, you’re going to be surprised at how much iill come in” of course the university has to match it, and we’re going to have to be careful. Chevron: Just staff and faculty? What about alumni? ’ Matthews: No, this is just staff and faculty, not that the others aren’t fertile fields, it’s just that this is a restricted program right now. Chevron: If we could go back for just a moment, have you had any indication from the ministry as to whether the government is an-ticipating any action governing scholarship offers? Matthews’: The indication, if there is any, and this is just off-hand comments from various people, the ministry is really not interested in governing scholarships, but would rather let the universities look after it themsleves, a’nd try and reach some reasonable understanding. Chevron: Do you think this will happen? It appears so far that at least a few don’t want to co-operate very much. , Matthews: Well, that’s it, I just don’t know, but you see the ministry is looking at it that the money from the scholarships has to come from public funds, not from government funds, and the fiinistry is very hesitant to attempt to regulate how a university will use its private funds. I can

understand that, and I’m glad, in a way, that the government is hesitant to get into this. I think a reasonable agreement may be possible in light of what happened this summer, that two universities found that scholarships are not having a tremendous effect on students’ selection of a university, as some of us thought it might do. I don’t know-why that is. I would’ve thought that $600 would be enough to influence a lot of students, but apparently there are a lot of things, there are other things involved in a students’ choice of university. inLike maybe the programs that may be important to stuvolved dents; in fact I’m sure it is. I think that students are choosing Waterloo for a number of reasons; the co-op is an important reason, t think that a large number of students have chosen Waterloo because of the co-op program. Certainly, there seems to be, in areas where we have a comparison-we don’t in Engineering-but in science, where we have regular and coop, there is great pressure on the co-op, a great demand on the part of students for the co-op type ot programming, and this IS an important factor.

I _

There may be other reasons, too, but coop students make up 43 per cent of the student body. Chevron: Well, there’s the terrific climate here and the social life. Matthews: And we’re getting-and I make a point of this in my annual report, which is coming out in a week-the quality of students here, we’re getting a relatively high proportion of first-class honor students. over-all we had 3,131 students as freshmen here last fall who came directly from Grade 13, and 38 per cent of’ those had first-class honors. Now, the average of Ontario Grade 13 students who have first-class honors is around 9 and 10 per c?nt, we’re getting more than our share. Seventy-five per cent of the freshmen in co-op math had first-class honors in 1972. So, for one reason or another, we’re getting a good share of the first-class students, and it isn’t scholarships that are doing it, at 23 dollars a student. Now, we have scholarships which amount to, well I guess the biggest one is $4,000, but there’s only one of those.. many of them are pretty small: c Chevron: Getting back to the new scholarship program here, how do you feel about the reservations some faculty members expressed whkn the program was brought up and passed, about the departmental break-down of pledges, evidently the small departments think they’re going to get the short end of it and the large ones will get all the money. Do you think that’s a problem? Matthews: I don’t think that’; a problem. There are seven boxes, if you can call them that. one for each faculty and one which is a university box, and that will not be distributed on any fqrmuula basis, and a number of people will contribute to that university box. For instance I think, myself, that I should the university contribute to box. and a number of the staff people feel the same way, particularly those who are university staff as distinct-if I can make any distindion-from departmental staff. Chevron: Are you satisfied, at this point, with the relations which exist between the university and the Kitchener-Waterloo community? Are there things that have to be done? Matthews: University-community relations are never ideal, they can always be improved. I do think there has been a good deal of progress in this’ area in a number of ways. the bus system is a visible example, isn’t it? The bus arrangements now are probably getting close to ideal, we’ll know when we find out how the students use it. And the K-W Symphony using our theatre, I think this has a great deal of effect on the community. It’s the sort of thing one continuously has to work at, and we are doing that. Chevron: How do ;ou see the university five or ten years from now? It seems that with more people coming into the job,pool

s friday,


7, 1973

-... ‘the ..__ chevron

every years and more jobs being taken away each year by machine-work, do you see universities drifting away from being a place to go and spend a number of years and get a degree and then a job, maybe fulfilling a different need-than they do now? Matthews: I think that need will always be there, one of providing trained or educated manpower. As a matter of fact, I think three years from now we may find ourselves in a real shortage of educated manpower. Chevron: manpower?

By that,



specialized i

Matthews: Engineers, for example, and I’ve said this already; I think it’s quite clear to me that the evidence surely indicates that we don’t have enough freshmen coming into some of our professional programs, maybe even science, to fill the needs of the future. Technology doesn’t really remove the need for trained manpower, I think it in fact increases the need. So there will be a continuing and I believe increasing need for the universities to provide educated manpower in the way we do it-Grade 13, graduate, so on. There’s also the other need, which commission pointed out, that is for upgrading, re-training, or whatever you it, continuing education, or the provision the opportunity for people who never go to university, to have the benefit of university programs.

the the call of did the

Now, I doubt that that need can be met, and I think it’ll be real it’s not all that real at the moment. Over the next 10 years-that was the time-frame you were talking about, if you’ll excuse a Watergate expression-lthink it will appear, and weuniversities-are going to have to give a lot of thought to the packaging of a program that these people who, say, have graduated from high school, been working for five years, to then actually go through a of the kind we have for program

Grade i3 students, is that realistic? We can’t offer it on the campus-they can’t come to the campus, so it has to be done elsewhere. And it can’t be offered in the kind of packaging we’ve got now. It has to be a different kind of package. Now, don’t ask me what kind of package, because I just don’t know. I’m just convinced the kind of package we’ve got now won’t do it, won’t be acceptable. We are certainly talking about that here, in an unofficial and unstructured way, and it’s something we really have to look at. Chevron: Do you see the university becoming at least structurally more diffused, instead of just a four-year plan? Matthews: In a sense, yes, right. Now, what that form will take, I don’t know, I wish I did. But I believe we won’t stop whaf we’re doing now, but there is the other group that I think will become more and more evident, particularly as time goes on and the need for educated manpower becomes greater. People who have not had the opportunity will want to reach that level. Chevron: There’s been a lot of articles lately about how “different” the student is in 1973 than the student of the late 60’s. perhaps the goals are different, perhaps there are more career-oriented programs in the university? Have you, in your contact with students over the past year, noticed any change in direction? Matthews: Well, I think students have become more interested what I consider to be the more things about the university.. academic programs.

generally in the, in important in the

Maybe more of them have a definite goal in mind, but certainly they seem to be much more seriously interested in learning, whatever they’re studying. They seem to have a much more realistic view of, not only what is wrong with the world, but a more realistic view of how to go about changing It. Many things can be changed, but they

can only be changed by a certain machinery, because you have to change people’s minds. . and you go about it a certain way. And the overt power procedure, I think - students generally realize that that doesn’t work. YOU get much more done by using the machinery, and working through it. A few years ago, you know, students were criticizing the university for being too career-oriented, and now-two years from that date-students, even the same students, are critcizing the university for being irrelevant to the needs of society in terms of their program. W.hen there are lots of jobs, nobody cares+ bu@when there’s a shortage of jobs, then they begin to criticize the university for either offering programs that lead to no jobs. . Certainly the economic situation has a good deal to do with all our thinking. Chevron: Getting back for a minute to the relationship between the Ontario government and the province’s universities, you’ve voiced reservations in the past few years about the way the government is trying to make important decisions on a provincial-wide basis that you think should be left to the individual universities from within. Is that still a major fear of yours? Matthews:. I think it’s always something we must watch -‘for. But the Ontario government has, over the past six monthe-certainly with this last budgetchanged its course with respect to the universities. For the two years prior to that, they were just clamping down. As far as operating funds, they’ve relaxed quite a bit. Those were difficult times back then, when they imposed the graduate fees and so on Chevron: Yes, we know. Matthews: it was very sudden, those were difficult times for the university, and for the students. Chevron: continue

Is the governmentgoing steering-that’s a polite word -




forcing-the universities to specialize more, by allowing certain universities to develop certain programs, and other universities to develop different ones? Matthews: The government will continue to approve-or withhold approval of major new programs, but I’m not concerned about that. That’s not really a loss of autonomy for the university. But the government will not decide how we’re going to teach English. that’s where our autonomy comes in. They’re not going to tell us how to do it. Chevron: As to those inner decisions about how courses are to be taught and who’s going to teach them, how much of a student voice in those decisions do you see as desirable? Or even if not personally desirable, do you think that voice will increase? Matthews: It will, I hope that it will. We now have the students on the senate, but that’s not where the basic decisions are made.. Chevron: The departments.. . Matthews: Exactly, you know that, I mean the courses come through the senate, and they’re just described and senate says ‘okay’, but the basic decisions as to how it’s taught is right in the department, and I would think there will be an increasing involvement of the students in the departments. Because, no matter how many students are on senate, there will never be enough students there to know about or deal with these things in detail, just as the faculty does not now. The real quality of educational experience is determined in the department, and the fact of the matter is that it’s determined by the individual instructor. I have seen more influence on the quality of education when I’m in my ownclass than l have anywhere else, because It’s In my pow3rto control, along with my students. Chevron: Thank you very much.

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Applications are invited for the following positions on the Executive Board of the Federation of Students for the remainder of the 1973-74 term: Chairperson, Creative Arts Board Chairperson, Board of Student , Grievances Critic-at-Large Written applications stating qualifications must be submitted,“to the undersigned no later than 4:30 pm Friday, September 14, 1973.



I Andrew Telegdi, President Federation of Students


Note: These positions are open to any member of t-he Federation of Students, University of Waterloo. L





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7, 1973



\ .





the chevron ; /

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/ /,-


r .‘.inter-vie-w, W ‘1,th _Aidy ,Tdegdi








^\ _s

/ -




by d?n ballanger and Susan johrlson

Chevron: What did you hope to accomplish when you ran for the presidency last spring?. Did you have some conCrete things that you wanted to see done? ,


Telegdi: Yes, I did. I thought the federation could be a lot tighter-than it is, a lot tighter in the !++vaysof communication with the student body, a lot tighter in the ways that you accomplish things that you set out to do. And I t‘hink that it has been moving that way, I think things are getting.done. There is a lot of flak involved in getting it done. There are a lot of things that come into play-say the rules and 1 . procedures for Senate committees. That is something that \ . crops up, ttiat is somethirig you cannot foresee. Or take the raise in sabbatica’l pay-is something that you cannot foresee. But a?far as making sure that the federation and its various boards function more efficie.ntly, I think that has The. increased communication with The ’ happened. societies hashappened. lget a lot of flak on that as well;as you probably know. But it all ties into communication with the students on campus because the federatioti was , isolated-and it has been isolated for a long time. . .


identify with you., You would presume that naturilly students would identify with/the Federation of Students, but I don’t think that thaJ has been the case here. Well, let’s face it, in a lot-of cases all we have is a skeleton staff, just to keep the bureaucracy going. There are so many things to do, you know, new things come up and you know -that you should support them, .td the extent of passing a motion and it hecomes tot&lly useless. It is something that ydti then have to go and work on.. .take something like L student housing, to get-that thing done it takes an incredible.amount of work. Student housing in the sense of maybe trying to change legislation to have it included in the Human Rights Code at-$ the Landlord Tenant Act that you cannot discriminate against someone because they are a studer$. Thatinvolves one hell Qf a lot of work.

thing that they are familiar with; which comes down again to communications. You have to have-them have some sense of feeling towards the Federation of Students, and they have to feel that they can suprjort it. They have to f’eel .( that this Federation of Students is acting on their behalf. I think they can be just as alienated frbm the Now one Qf the reasons that this problem comes through federationas they can be from the administration. is ‘that say what would happen [f I would be negotiating Sometimes students cannot ‘differentiate betwith Burt Matthews for the last six months, doing it ve?y ween the two. quietly, about the idea of a permanent pub, and it fi?allv it I comes to pointwhere nothing is giving. Burt is saying n6 _. And there is bugger all I can do about it. Now sa; at this time I do something like say “Let’s go sit in at Burt’s ofChevron: Do you think that the,studer$s are interested in fice. . .” io come out with a statement like that, cold, the community? people would say, “Oh, ther’egoes our token radical”. Then Telegdi: Well, if yoti happen .to be living up at the village the students do no1 identify with you anymore. If you make then your whole life pretty w&l revolves around- the them aware of what you are doing, in a lot of cases ypu do a university ca.mpus. Then ydu are not that interested in it. If lot of crap things, but you n@ke them aware that you are As far as-making sure that the federation and its you are living off campus, then’you might be. And you also .going through the procedures, andthen bang. . . it doesn’t , var‘ious boardsfunction more-efficiently, I think we are living in, it is work. Then they can seethe reasqn, what actiori you can be - have to take a look ai the community that has happened, The increased communication not a cosmopolitan community like Toronto. You cannot go taking-you are taking. outside and find anything you want. Even in relation to with the societies has happened. _ Chevron; How pdliticized are the students on campus? student housihg when you come to this campus and are Telegdi: I do not think that are very politicized at all: I looking for housing, you have no choice. You can go into the Chevron: And you don’t think that it is anymore?-” , tl&k that they won’t admit that st6dents aren’t radicals at villages, but a lot of people do no%-want to live in the Telegdi: I do not think it is nearly as isolated as it used to heart. They are very alienated,lin a lot of cases. put they do villages. You can-go into residence where the rules are set be, no. We are spread out to at least %I1 the societies bn not know why they are. I think they can be just as alienated down, you can go into an apartment, or if you are very, very campus, which we had not been before. And it is-important, from the federation as they can be from the adfortunate you might be able to rent a house. In a lot of it is in the sense that I wanted--a permanent pub on ministration. Sometinies they cannot differentiate the two. cases what you end up doing is renting one room out of a campus, say take that as an issue. So, say the federation of Chevron: D-o yousee dealing with contingent issues as a house that- someone els6 is renting. That is a particular Students goes to the administration and say ‘we, the way to get around that alienation? sore point with me because your outlook is the particular Federation of Students’ want a permanent pub. If we do it Telegdi; I think that if you are very much above the surenvironment you are living in. And yet you d6not have that by ourselves, we can almost forget it;,Without a doubt we face, if you are very visible in what YQU are doing, then they much choice a bout what kind of environment you are living need the support of the societies anyway, because that can relate to what you are doing; then that will make them , in. -way -.we .can get the support of the rest of campus. graphic by tony jenkinsIf you’ remember last year and the library sit-ins, you 1 know they were condemned by the societjes and so the fedelation ended up with egg,on its face. It couldn’t do I don’t think students on this -camp&’ see anything. And it was the same thing with the raising ot the themselves as controlling Senate. We think it fees, the amount of organization it involves, the ntimber of people involved. The basics that you need are at least the would be very Gdical &en, to ask-for parity on existing society governments, the club governments, and c Senate. ,- ’ the Federation of Students. You cannot have the federation stahd up and say one thing and then have the societig stand up and say something else. Then the whole idea of the legitimacy of the Federation of Students being Chevron: I would think that you have to speak out against representative of the-students-well it’s not there. the educational process involved, rather than attacking Chevron: What do you think the feeling on campus right 3he more pragmatic or Iiberatissues. ‘now? Do YOU think the students are responsive to Telegdi: But then, one-of the ways you have-to do that is something like-this? -getting more people on Seante, more representation on Telegd/: Oh, I think they ire responsive to the idea’ of a Senate. YQU c;in cry about it; you ian speak about it, you permanent pub. I think they can even be responsive to the can even demonstrate about it, but unless-you have the idea of keeping the sabbatical pay down. vote on Senat_e you are not actually going to affect it. I can Chevion: No, I meant in a broader sense than that. Do you see-what you are saying, but you have to have some kind of think the students are ready to get involved -or. do you___. base to start from. I can go and make all kinds of nice think they just want to be left alone? speeches at Senate, but when it really comes down to it feiegdi: Well. one of the primary con?iderations YOU must you e‘ither h>ave the voteson Senate or you don’t have the take into account is when-a student comes here, for th6 \i6tes on’Se-nate. But I don’t think students on this campus most part he knows bugger all about the federatin. We see themselves as controlling Senate. We think it .wcjuId be :.A become something just like every other organization on very radical. even to ask fo’r -parity on Senate, Andy Telegdi, President of-the Federa&& ,of Students. catipus-something that is ‘over there’. It-is not someonly parity, but I wou1.d like to go even beyond that.




the chevron



7, 1973




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The initial incision in the land had been made-though he wasn’t certain when 7 damage clone, the lancl’hatl probably bled. /vIachines, then of course; had been moved in., the* bc!iIdi?g ,and .i& with th& moments ~of~an&r supervisors -.--*and, “of workmen, financiers I, ;T>ent o/n th’eirre$,pec t ive days’; and ’ ac$@en”ts ahd i~loments of’ ‘happiness for one reason ,or another, odours of work.. .And with all of this by c aim design of years previous, the qlace had been transformed. But looking at the building now, the reporter saw it clean, the incision stitched ancl mencled. You couldn’t even see the lines of the rolled sod brought in to eradicate any memory of the damage. 7 he transformation hacl been sudden, momentary, now forgotten. 7 he edifice had been there forever] complete. And so it mute and would continue, resistant.


.2. The hollow edifice was no ,I longer hollow. Still, it looked much the same as before when for a year it had stood empty and aloof. I3rrt there were subtle hints -its I)resen t state t-0 of‘ !. an imat ion - grass rolled neatly around the edges of the building, _ the-odd person -glimpsing a view of the outcicle, from an office w,inclow, the rumbling of some part of ’ the air .c:onditianing <\/stem. 1 hrow a S i de : all existential speculation, the edifice was ‘operational’, which is ‘to say in the. languagy of lesser CJNIM’Alt Sf , alive: 1 So it was time for a Chevron photographic essay, yes. The r reporter, camera in hand, notebook in pot ket and press card in his well worn hat, approached the new psycho!ogy building with jaded eye searching for evitlenc e of the. autocratic impulse of the post inclustrial era which, no doubt would manifestitself in this, the latest addition to the UNI\IL’A 1 1 ~C:HNOCKACY. In a way, it seems foolish to go into a: descriijfion of the’exterior of the edifice since it’s obvious’ to anyone in the vicinity-a regular -eye stopper, yes. But the Chevron yjhotograph-ic -essay reporter spent So much time musing about the face of ,the structure, and the substance of his- effort being ‘a _ description of it. .-. . . please forgive, it won’t last- long. You see, -the outside of the building as a mass of ‘brick and concrete was really, really impressive; defending its corner of the campq -sloTIing off towards, the road solid and impenetrable. Its formidibility was ‘due to its bloc’kiness.. .‘. .windows on only two sides of-the structure; the! rest as hiih-,waIIs,of brown brick,

hclavy and’ <)btrusive, though dumb the walls, tly whole building, . huge and dumb squatting indifferently in, its place b,y the roscjway c‘arvclcj out of what was one e a gently rolling lawn.> And so for a moment, the photog-reporter ref Iected: . .

But the bu/lding:as a building was also a monument; obelisk rising out of the ground signIf icant of so~me historic moment - a monuni~nt of dull grey concrete but -a monument no less. 1 iers of block rose further and further upwarcls so that when the reporter arrived at the main doors, he had to crane his ne-ck to see the very tol),of the building Tooming over. him. Ah, the awe inspiring po,wer of the monolith; the ‘awe inspiring power of the grotesque! -.’ This isn’t meant to‘be tongue in the cheek. Apart. from mathematics building (a book of and simile <-%I be . adjective wsritten about that) the psychology building was the most impressive on campus, if only for the sheer fortress-like power it C’XlIdPd : that a mathematics building could _ resen1bl.e a psychology building-the


, \ .r ,’


: . cut-offs, -barefoot, colourful. Someone - stopped while the I. I._ I reporter snapped his plCtuW ano the head of the psychology department c,lescrEibed his- hopes for the building and the people and initiatives inside it. All of this d human activity inside the monolith. Not that the reporter expected anything else; it- was just the juxtiposition of ,‘the human on then physical elements that struck home. It was as though the human was the antithesis of the physical-but yet, no, not completely true, because the human was housed and operated of ‘necessity within the framework ‘-of the physical.\ So what-seemed to taking place was ‘a -W+&ji$g ‘of two opposing idrces, each supporting the other-,;- -the children of *the technocracy opposed to but in 1 the long run unable to detach _ themselves from their parent. So it seemed that no matter how these children inside the edifice Tried to avoid the reality, the building ‘remained to remind ’ them of their reliance on the _ technocracy and servitude to it. And from the moment of first sight, the building stood pure as a symbol of this relationship-an icon of the present j historic momentPure and flat. So on,.this thought, the photo_ essayist returned to the basement offices of the Chevron with their gay fluorescent lighting and air horrorshow oh my I -conditioningbrothers, yes. ’ a

likeness of course is pure irony! At’ here’that the ,.,. any . rate, it. was r I’, . IC ..ctrlrgent reporter rouno nrmserr; a fortress of liberalism!;a fortress - oYhumanism!-.,-yet looking al&o .- like some emerald <city of car-. porat ion land . . , Which to quite an extent, was ‘Whatthe-’ edjfice .was on the inside-a city. It was cooi rather cavelike and there were a few people milling around and chatting idly in the main corridor; dew n a dark ,low hallway . someone hacl struck a circa 19th century beer ad on an office-window, there a few posters pinned up on wall-s like so many pieces of‘ litter cluttering up the --T~esentatio~. of the goocl‘ flat conc’rete. And then ; a, small ,, chapel-like arrangementof stairs, :-; .:++ahuke s,kylight sh.edding -sudden .Ii.ght on itfrom a couple o# stories abovewhat else could there be at the centre of an obelisk but a cha+~eI. t ran; this, maze:like streets shot up a7id d0w.n and off in many directions to laboratory.facilit,ies classrooms, a psychology clinic, the human relations, ant hropc$og,y , sociology departmerits and so on each division of the main discipline with its own separate area to work in though all were now tb,be housed within common walls.. Sti’ll, inside the burTding it was like a small city, subdivided into SO‘ many boroughs, separate and distinct. I And pleasant sensitive-faced. people walked down these corridors wearing denims ‘and









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7, 1973

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’ schedule fO-r September


FRIDAY, 9:o0 11: 55





Information Package 12:05 Music 360 Drugs & Society Part I “Plant Hallucinogens and their role in American Indian Culture” 4:00 Writers’ Conference Part I “Martin Myers reading his latest novel, Frigate” 5 : 00 Seminar on Post-Secondary Learning Part II . “The Human Society” Speaker, Sister Catherine Wallace, President of Mount St. Vincent University ’ _ I 6:00 , Cpunter Culture 6 : 30 Muslim Students 7:Ob Words on Music 1’ ’ 7 : 30 Dateline London 8:00 Music with Vince Chetcuti , or Cam Hawkins 1O:OO Music with John Jongerius SATURDAY,



9:OO. Music Information Package Music .3:90 Indian Culture Show 4 :00 Rolling Stones Interview and Music 5 :00 Seminar on- Post-Secondary Learning Part III Brief Report of the activities of the discussion ’ groups (Sessions 5 & 6) 6:69 The American Dream Crumbles Music 11:55 12:05


8: 30 Music with Howard Ekstein and Jacob Arsenault 900 Bod. and Bard (comedy) 10:00 Music with Gerry Wooton 12:OO Music with Fred Bunting & David Assmann SUNDAY,




’ 9:OO Music 11: 55 ’ Information Package 12:05 Music 3 :00 Lighthouse Special 1GRT 1 4 :00 Portcgese Music Hours 6 :00 International Call 6: 30 Research ?73 “Bacteriological Studies of Soft Contact Lenses” 7:00 Waffle Conference on Energy Part I “The American Oil Industry in Canada” 7 : 30 Illusions 7: 45 World Report 8 :00 Federation Report 9:OO The Masque (Radio Drama 1 “The Lesson” by Eugene Ionesco 10:00 Music with Eric Lindgren 12:OO Dave Bachmann (Music) SEPTEMBER . MONDAY, ~

9:00 11:55 12:05

Music information Music

10 >


) Information . International Call 5 : 00 Seminar on Post-Secondary Learning Part VII “Brief reports of the activities of the discussion groups (Sessions 14 & 15)”

3 :00 Perth County Conspiracy Live at WLU March 3, 1973 4: 30 Words on Music 2 5 : 00 Seminar on Post-Secondary Learning Part IV “The Needs of France-Ontarions at the PostSecondary Level’: Speaker, Prof. Jean-Louis Allard, U. of Ottawa 6:00 Soviet Press Review 6 : 15 Information 6:30 Drugs & Society Part III “Social and Pharmacological considerations in non-medical use of drugs” Dr. Harold Kalant



. .


3:45 4 : 30

6:00 Waterloo at Dusk 7 : 00 Research ‘73 “Hydrologic Studies of Topographical Areas” with Dr. Soloman 7: 30 To Be Announced 8:00 Music with George Kaufman- -- . ._-_- Bob Ennis. ll:oo Music with


with Barry


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 900 Music 11: 55 Information Package 12:05 Music 3:0o Women ’ in Canada with Eleanor Pelrine 4 :00 Interview with Marshall / VMcLuhan 5:.00 Seminar on Post-Secondary Learning Part V “The Open University vs Closed Minds” Speaker Prof. R.J. Beishon, the Open University, England 6:00 Checkmate 7:OO The Bod & the Bard (comedy) 8:bO Music with Brian O’Neil 1l:OO’ Jazz with Eugene Beuthien WEDNESDAY, 9:00 1I :55 12:05 3 :OO Moscow



Music Information Package \ Music Music &’ Musicians Radio

4:OO The Masque (Radio Drama) “Waiting for Godot” Part I .. 5:00 Seminar on Post-Secondary Learning Part VI “The Place of the Creative and Performing Arts in Post-Secondary Learning” Speaker, Prof. Nicholas Gold: Schmidt, U. of Guelph

6:00 Soul Williams 8: 00 Music 11:OO Music

with Gil Zubrich with Chris Wood ,




900 Music 11: 55 Information 12 : 05 Music 3:00






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I 13 .






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the Remember Pierre Laporte? The ‘family man’ enshrined as a national hero on a postage stamp. The ex-journalist who ran for leader of the Quebec Liberals against the Trudeau-backed big money candidate, Hourassa, who became Robe’rt premier five months later. The honest democrat who stood for economic and social justice by peaceful means killed by the violent fanatics in the FLQ. On April 16, 1970 Pierre Laporte and his campaign manager, Jean-Jacques Cote, mlat_with two men on the’fifteenth floor of a high ‘;‘:se at 1150 Sherbrooke Street East. Laporte was reportedly short of money from the unsuccessful leadership campign. One of the two men was Frank D’Asti, owner of a string of gambling casinos in Montreal (currently on $150,000 bail for a 12 -million dollar heroin trafficking deal in New York). The other was Nicola Dilorio, who was reporting back to his boss, Frank Cotroni, named by the Provost C‘ommission in 1969 as a top figure in the Montreal Mafia. Unfortunately for Laporte; there were some other people watching. the meeting, policemen who also had a report to make-to the VEGAS task force on organized crime. Parti Quebecois MP Robert Burns asserted that the RCMP told Bourassa of “dangerous I inks” between prominent Liberals and the underworld immediately after the April 29, 1970 election, two weeks before Laporte was named to the cabinet as minister of labour and immigration. Supposedly basing himself on information from police sources, Burns also alleged that -Bourassa’s chief adviser, Paul Desrochers, was given access to tapes of wiretaps implicating Laporte, Cote and another Laporte associate, Rene Cagnon, who was named (and still is) deputy minister of Immigration. Rem i Paul, -Tmministerwho had commissioned the VEGAS Investigation, says that the report including information on Laporte was on his desk “between May 5 and May 8” of 1970 and his copy was turned over formally to the incoming justice minister, Jerome Choquette, on May 13, the day after the Cabinet was announced. Angry at what they consider a ‘coverup’ by the Bourassa gove rnment of dozens of police linking prominent rep orts politici ans to the M af ia, .sever ‘a I policemen have been leaking stuff to the .Montreal almost daily for several weeks. press Recent stories have documented a long series of regular contacts between Laporte, his aides and the underworld. The April 16 meeting was not the one-shot indiscretion of a man in need of money. It is highly unlikely that Laporte was exchanging influence for money that was strictly for . his personal use either.

Although Trudeau strangely forgot to mention it during his eloquent speeches in the ‘FLQ Crisis’ in October of 1970 (so did the press), it is a public record that Laporte w/as the patronage boss of the Quebec Tagged with the nickname Liberals. “Monsieur 10%” from an incident in 1962 where it -became public that he had demanded and received a ten per cent commission on a $7,500 tractor contract he awarded as Minister of Lands and Forests. Laporte told delegates to the 1969 leadership convention “If I become prime minister, I would not be ashamed to recognize our Liberal friends.” Condemning the practice of some other ministries in the 1960-66 Lesage regime for leaving the small contracts (under $5,000) to civil servants to award, Laporte went on to say that “It was a political error. I am not the only one to think this way and, if

we are returned to power, we will not make the same mistake.” Apparently Bourassa, presented as ‘Mr. Clean’ at the 1969 leadership convention, is making every effort to maintain the honourable tradition of Laporte alive. A recently leaked 1971 ‘police report documented a meeting July 12, 1971, between Jean-Jaques Cote (the middleman for Laporte) and the Mafia’s Nicola Dilorio which was for the express purpose of hearing the grievances of the Mob so that they could be passed on to Bourassa’s closest confidante, Paul Desrochers. Desrochers is best known in the public mind for his dealings with those bigger and better organized crime syndicates that are legal, the multinational corporations like IT and T that tried to get CIA aid in overthrowing the Allende government in Chile. Desrochers was a key man in signing the native-occupied and resource-rich James Bay area over to IT and T for practically nothing. More recently, Desrochers was exposed by the unionfunded weekly Quebec-Presse for arranging with Mayor Drapeau to grant the contract for the Olympic Village complex to his friends, architects Gagnon and Archambault, in exchange for Desrochers’ personal diplomacy with Trudeau which reversed Ottawa’s earlier decision to cancel the 1976 Olympics. Quebec-Presse also carried a report on testimony to the organized crime commission by ‘William Obront, a- meatpacking millionaire named by crimebusting cop Pax Plante in the 1950’s as one of , the “untouchables” (Plante is still hiding in Mexico claiming the Mafia is out to kill him), who said he contributed money to both Bourassa’s leadership and election campaign. The middleman was Antoine Ceoffrion who Obront described as “my lawyer”. Ceoffrion is on the board of practically every major corporation in Quebec,. including the Quebec-based conglomerate Power Corporation (which owns La Presse and a large per cent of the


7, 1973

Montreal media), and is treasurer of the Quebec Liberal party. His firm used to include Lionel Chevrier, former Quebec federal Liberal lieutenant to Pearson, and Jean-Pierre Coyer, recently sacked as federal Solicitor-General (in charge of the -RCMP and secret police amongother things). A little research by enterprising Quebec-Presse reporters unturned the facts that Ceoffrion also represents a large number of other known Mafia figures (most prominently in a fight to get an injunction limiting the organized crime inquiry’s powers). Two other Liberal ministers, Oswald Parent and Jean-Noel Lavoie, have also been exposed 1 as havrng i\Iafia Links. Parent used his to make a little patronage money by selling underworld connected company goods to municipal governmerits. Remi Paul, previous minister in the Union Nationale government, says that he has evidence on “six other candidates, from all parties, wlho ran in the 1970 elections” who had underworld links. Policemen are not known for blowing the whistle on their own political bosses, at least not without more powerful political interests behind them. Nor are they usually seen running to the press in a fit of moral indignation about payoffs from organized crime for protection and favours. Why the leaks? Information has been in the police files about hook-ins between the Mafia and at least civic-level Montreal politicians and officials for more than ten and probably twenty years. Drapeau came to power on his reputation as a crime-busting attorney teamed with Pax Plante. None of it was leaked, although two members of the morality squad, Emile Ducharme and Leo Villeneuve, took the much-touted Prevost Commission (set up in 1966) and the flamboyant attacks on the Mafia in the SO’s by Pax Plante seriosly enough to file a report with Mayor Drapeau about the “UnCatholic” protection given to prostitution and gambling by Jean-Jaques Saulnier of

*The symbol and the sacrifice The July 30 edition of the Toronto Star carried a report based on interviews with unidentified policemen who offered several ‘facts’ in support of the claim that their search for Laporte’s kidnappers was obstructed by politicians at a high level: Rose had been under surviellance for two years before the kidanappingand the license plate number [9J-24201 of the blue 1968 Chevrolet get away car was given to the police by Laporte’s nephew; a car of the same description and license was registered to a ‘Paul Fournier’ and Rose had been stopped in it for a minor traffic violation a few months before the kidnapping; the anti-terrorist squad had located the 5636 Armstrong Street house apparently used to hide Laporte in June 1970, and observed Rose and ‘more than a dozen’ suspected FLQ militants use it for meetings through the summer; solicitor-general Mcllraith admitted to Parliament in 1970 that the police tailed Rose for several days after the kid-a napping but did not arrest him _ Michel Cote, director of the legal department of the city of Montreal, says that Montreal municipal police were told to leave the Laporte case to the -The Star quotes provincial police. unidentified sources as saying that senior provincial police were told that the federal cabinet [all police and army operations were coordinated under federal control] ‘was anxious for diplomatic reasons not to allow any police action which might heighten the danger for James Cross’, the British official seized by the FLQ’s ‘Liberation’,

cell five days before Laporte was taken and released December 3. Laporte died‘ October 17. It is impossible to escape the conclusion that, if the Star story is true, the federal Trudeau government, who called the shots in the police search, made a conscious decision to sacrifice Laporte. Why? To cover up the potential scandal of Laporte’s links to the Mafia? Not likely. There was no reason to believe that there would be leaks. Besides, as the growing body of information provided’by the leaks in the Montreal press show, Laporte’s links to organized crime business interests were not personal and accidental but official patronage relations with an important part of the government’s base of support that wouldn’t disappear with his death. __~It would be much more dangerous to risk an expose of Ottawa’s purposeful sabotaging of the pursuit of the FLQ. And that danger could only be risked if Ottawa saw the response to the independentist ideas [if notthe tactics] of the FLQ, symbolized’ by the overwhelmingly positive response to the Radio-Canada broadcast of the FLQ manifesto, as a threat that required a hard line of repression that Laporte’s death would help justify and cover up. I he Federal Connection was much more important to protect from any challenge than the mafia connection. A scandal over the Mafia Connection might mean the defeat of the Liberal party. A movement for independence, radicalized by the FLQ’s challenge to PQ ideas about merely .‘paper in-

dependence’, could power structure.




The reponse to the FLQ manifesto wasn’t the only sign of the political weakness of the power structure. The PQ had won 24 percent support in the April elections, nearly 40 percent among French-speaking Quebecois. The unions and the PQ were calling for negotiations with ttie FLQ to meet some of their demands. Claude Ryan, _ editor of Le Devoir and an avowed federalist, was secretly negotiating with Bourassa about the possibility of a ‘unity Cabinet’ including the PQ’s Rene Levesque to carry out those negotiations despit federal government opposition. Five thousand people jammed Paul Sauve arena- to talk about massive demonstrations. The War Measures Act, which came into -effect several days before Laporte was killed, led to the round-up of a broad range of activists in all the popular organizations that could be expected to organize political debate and support for the ideas of independence, including all those who spoke at Paul Sauve arena. The War Measures Act gave the government power to threaten the press with censorship if they didn’t censor themselves. Although the army was everywhere, the effectiveness of the police in pursuing the FLQ was not noticeably ‘improved - it took six weeks to find and ‘rescue’ Cross. Whether or not the Star story is true, it is clear that Trudeau and Bourassa were more concerned about repression than they were with saving Laporte’s life. ,


/ V’







, ’



, .




.. .



the ;chewtin


the mqrality squad in 1966. Drapeau, whose right hand man w?s Jean-Jaques’ brother, Lucien Sablnier, suppressed it. (Quebec Presse has explained some of . the reasons for Drapeair’s cover-up by reviving the ‘(‘apobianco affair’. In ICI62 Drapeau’s oppositidn, the Citizen.‘s Party, got hold-=sf~ a politica’lly damaging letter from Lucien-Saulnier to a brokerage firm in new York, Truber (Avestment Company, about a 63oO:WO loan of dubious origins to hcilp iinanc e Drapeau’s showcase Metro s&way system. It was alleged in court later that Jean-Jaques Saulnier had tapped the phone of Citizen’s Party’man Lucien Croteau which enabled policeman Rolland Lamothe and Gerald Craft, to intercept Antonio Capoblanco a few’minutes later in ,his car. He was beaten and the photostats of the’letter confiscated. Saulnier and his subordinates were acquitted in #trials that were postponed until after the civic election which Drapeau -won. Luc ien Saulnier was promoted to captain soon afterwards!) The VEGAS ;commission uncovereXd_ positive proof of the-Laporte-Cotroni links in early 1970, but Hourassa and Choquette suppressed it. The Quebec police had proven ‘trustworthy’ * i,? the increasingly frequent instances when they were called upon to serve openly political purposes, suppressing workers and left nationalist demonstrations, even though the rise of syndicalism had shown its effects in the police strike of ,1969. Hut if the allegations in the July 30 Toronto Star article are true -(see box) and Trudeau’s desire to crush all pro-independance sentiment (even the mildly social-democratic version of the Parti Quebecois, which David Rockerfeller said he could tolerate if it brought stability for U.S. capital in Quebec at the price of nationalization of the largely AngloCanadian interests that a federalist policy protects.) -required a willingness to saciifice Laporte, ii is easy enough to s,ee why the War Measures Act was brdught in to tiansfer copplete control of police operations into federal hands under the direct authority of the solidly federalist on a tor<:ed vacation (?‘nd <-alled for an underwor‘ld leaders., He demanded to Cabinet _ Despite some grievances, ( there police chief, Paul Gilbert, said he had kept know why the tapes were not,being turned investigation ‘into ‘security leaks’ in the were no leaks. his own copy. ovei- to either the VEGAS commission or police department, instead of a renewed In 1971’, pressed to continue the in~Choquette was f&iced to set ‘up a police the Saulnier inquest. Choquette said it was Saulnier inquest, vestigation into organized crime which which would ’ leg$y commission inquest into ‘the Saulnier sub judice. require the handing over of the Saulnier thus far had been under control in terms of affair’ and eventually J-J Saulnier was The Parti Quebecois ‘MP Robert Burns tapes. The Justice minister then kicked ,the public revelations and was good PR..for the suspended indefiniiely (with full pay): The continued to\ ask questions about the chief prosecutor, of the organized crime government, Choqueette and Drapeau sources of press leaks in the pqlice detailed contents qf thei tapes over the hearings ‘upstairs to, a judgeship, brought realized they needed a man at the depgrtment seemed to be only interested next three weeks, but his target seemed to ih an insurance lawyer ‘from the firm of gp&tions level who could make sure that in getting rid of Saulnier an$ there was! former I_iberal premier Jean Lesage as a . be solely to prove that the Mafia had b&en the investigation -steered clear of some prospect that the scandal could be ‘involved in the selection of Saulnier as temporary. replacement, and then 1 politically sensitive areas like the Laportecontained even if Sauln’ier had to be reopened thk hearings under the authority . ~ police chief and that Choquette had Cotroni conne$tion. This was necessgry scapegoated. . knowingly covered it up. The underworld of the police commission (filled by +specially given the added dimension of f3tit the political climate was changing. figures named-as talking, to Saulnier were political‘appointment with loyal Libefals). n~~e(Iin~ to I)reserve thfa ‘myth of Laporte The freeze put on the left nationalist wpptlt~ss anti-federalist discussion RoIIancI, i amot,hcl (onfa of the cops in the I to forces by the War Measures Act’.in OcThe PQ’s Robert &rns dropped the tober 1970 was thawed by the rise of ( ;1pc,bIi111<c; ,tifair), Dilorio and (:otroni. about Ottawa’s role in the October crisis. , bombshell in the National Assembly on J-J Saulnier-was promoted, -over the heads , workin&class militancy at the La Presse ’ Meanwhile, the coverup was getting July 6 when he asked Choquette if the of many senior police officials, from demonstration in the fall of 1971 and the heavier and more and more top level VEGAS commission had uncovered police qfficials were being ‘reorganized captain to police chief in record time in Common Front public service general “definite links” between Frank D’Asti and out of investigative roles. April. Recent leaks have proven that the strike in May of 1972. fhe jailing of the Nicola Dilorio and “an important Liberal .Jeati-Pierre CharbonnGau the reporter Mqfia was inforded, before the city three Commbn Front union leaders, $he (cabinet) minister”. Choquette. let the cat ( OWN il, of thcb move. Drtipeau’s excuse for. ’ itiiroduction for’the mildly lib&al l-e Deyoir (that has of anti-union legislation and out of the bag when he tried 2to make the pi< king iaulnier wa\ that ex-c-hi+ Saintthe exploitatioh of division< b&we& the been moving‘ steadily closer td supporting allegation sound less serious by saying Aubin had recommended nobody; that rival.labour federations in the construction - the PQ) who had been publishing many of “the political personality that you have was later exposed as a lie. temporarily the ‘leaks’ about Sautnier,’ was shot ahd . . I industry stopped the alluded to is a deceased minister” (obSaulnier promptly ‘reorganized’ *the . escalation o< extra-parliamentaw action. wounded by a gunman in the newspaper viously Pierre Laporte): investigative branches of the police- which ljut the change in balance of forces was offices. I ’ Hourassa refused to answer Burns as to meant the arbitrary transfer of forty cops felt in the courts where Jacques Rose. was The office of the director of the Qhebec whether the’ RCMP had told him of links Provincial police, Maurice St. Pierre, was into other sections of the department. being acquitted by ‘patriotic’ juries. And between the -/Mafia and the prominent broken into supposedly in an effort to IGdes the senior officers he bypassed to support for -the righf wing of the Liberals until the question was put more . get the chief’s job,’ Saulnier was messing confiscate some of the investigative nationalist movement, the parliamentary precisely. Burns said he would ask it again up the careers of a lot of middle and lowParti Quebecois, was growing both among evidence. St. Pierre has. since been _ the next day _ There was none. Bourassa level policemen to do a job for ‘the workers who winted Hourpssa’% repressive re;,laced by Paul Benoit, infamous for his announced that night that he was ending pal iticians’. anti-Iacour legislation removed and role in suppressing the Asbestos strike for the current session. The-first chinks in the dan-i appeared in among capitalists who hoped the PQ former strongman premier Duplessis. I hv I’() and Remi Paul of the Union late 1971 when the. press latc,hed onto a could contairi the syndicalist movement Andre Cuay and six other investigators National (but not UN leader Loubipr) art’ story-about Saulnier receiving a colour TV better than th&federatist Hourassa regime. assigned to make a’ report on the calling for a put$ic investigation into the background of Rolland Lamothe filled a in return for services rendered to shady On June 14, 1973, Remi Paul, ap‘Laporte affair’ which has been dubbed ‘171 interests. Parts of the Ducharmeparently acting on behalf of police inpage document condemning “Quebec’s Watetgate” by the Montreal ‘politicians’ for denying .them access to Villeneuve report on Saulnier’s protection >terests who wanted more information to press. , racket when he was on the morality squad hang Saulnier with, asked Choquette in evidence relevant to the inquiry and It may yet brave to be a watershed as were leaked. to the ‘press. Drapeau anthe National Assembly if he had in his clemanding the reopening of the Saulnier well. ’ -by jkhn Cleveland .nounced Jari’iiary 18, 192 that there was IFssession 90 minutes of tape record&g inquest _’ . no such report in- the .file, ,but -a former .of conversations between J-J Saulnier and, ( hoclut,+ttb re~pond~~d by \tlnding (;uay from *the Gra’pe ‘, t t




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7, 1973


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1:15-4:30pm 10: 30am-4:OOpm

8am to 5:30pm


WANNA WORK JERK? \ _PEOPLE are needed to work at Pubs & Concerts thruout the next 8 month or so ( 1 academic year). If you have any desire or indination,‘to be a -Federation La&y (for fun? and $profit) drbp’in at the Fed. office, Rm. 235 Campus Center ancl ask for Hal or phone 885-0370 or \ a‘ ext. 2358 \ I

t ,








7, 1973

the chevron


L -_


\ --

19 ‘.




through Octob’er 20th simply show your student identif^cation card at the cash a hand out. . And ok cOmeSyour,wa,,et. register and you wi,, receive a ,oo,o ,’ discount o” yo”r purchase (other tha” Sayvette understands the many financia, Sale priced merchandise)! It,s our way of pressureso”,a st”de”t’s b”dget .,. .a”d Saying a big, neighbourly ,,welcome back,,. WeyvecOmeup with a way to he,p eaSe your fi”a”cia, ‘back’aches! From, “ow Arrd if neighbou)s can,t be helpful, who , Can?


. . .

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IOANA ELECTRIC CAN OPENER: Removable handle for easy cleaning. White, avocado, harvest gold. IONA 3-SPEED HAND MIXER: With detachable cord. White, avocado, harvest gold. WEST END g-CUP PERCOLATOR: Automatic, polished aluminum coffee pert with black base and stem. Lock-in cover!

Save $4! Ladies’ Chambr6 Jackets




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TO 9.30 P.M.



’ *


i. >*


. 20

the chevron

I fridav,


7, 1973

The Board

of Education is sponsoring activiti-es in many areas. In order to make them work we need people with ideas and-who are willing to work. Come on -up and’ s&e 1 us . e“-

Every year the University of Waterloo collects over $200,000 from U. of W. undergraduates which it turns over to the Feder’ation of Students and with which the Federation runs its programmes for that year. The decisions as to how this money is spent are ‘made by a Students’ Corncil compos;ed of representatives from each faculty-and for the system(tb operate as it should, each student should talk to his-her representative as often as possible. - .’ ’ It is for this reason that we would ’ the following times an,d places:

like to invite

you to come

MATHEMATICS: at 7:30pm





Fed. bf Students


Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 7 : 30pm in Math Bldg. Room 5136 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES & INTEGR. STUDIES: Tuesday,October 2 at 7130 Qrn in Social Sciences Bldg. Room 221

Monday, Sept. 24 at 7,: 30pm in Humanities Bldg. Room 280 HUMAN KINETICS & LEISURE STUDIES: Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7:30pm in Math Bldg. Room,5136


Wednesday, Sept. 26 in Math Bldg. Room 5136

to meet <

Monday, October in Eng. 4, Room



Fed. OfficeSRm

I at 1337


of education,




Campus Centre ask

In addition-to meeting your representatives and letting them know what you think, you will also have an opportunity to find out about the various programmes run by the Federation of Students (drama, radio station, newspaper, education, social activities, etc.( and to see if you would b;e interested in becoming involved with any of them. So we very much’hope that yqu will attend your faculty meeting. Also, come anytime in the Federation office, located in the Campus Cehtre, Room 235.

Ext. 2358

1for David Robertson.

see us -,

of studerits



Toi help orient

you to ,economic, social and stitutions and,issues of the Kitchener-Waterloo . we invite you to join us for three days -of sp,eak&s, public debate\ and discussion on the DAY I: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 DAY II: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 PLACE: CAMPUS CENTRE ’ PLACE: CAMPUSCENTl?E PUB AREA &-LOUNGE PUB AREA-AND LO’UNGE lOam42am:

What’s this conference all lpin-4pm: about...Why discuss these” issues...Why get involved?...Our first session will set the framework for the pa&Is to follow. We’ll invite your comments & questions. 4pm-5pm : Film on the K-W community. L ‘ %I& &nel& .(I) Big’ Business-a 7pm_9pm: lively debate between &ig . business i&rests andrthose.who oppose them. (2) Work, Labour, Management-will you get a job when you graduate? An informal time to get acquainted 9pm on: and continue discussions. There will be entertainment: Michael Bird on the piano; bring an instrument if vou Dlav.







-WHAT be

9am-12noon: K-W agencies


1: 30pm-2pm : Film: “Up Against the System”. A first-hand report on, poverty:.8 social worker’s advice : “We need- better .‘welfar&“. A .grandmother’s advice : “We, need a revolution”. -_ f

2p&4pm: and the 8pm on: Chicano’s and win!!

. Welfare, Women, -H&sing, Poverty of Student Life.

L r ”


Four Panels: Government, ,Education, Health. -


political incommunity, provocative communitv



CAN THE STUDENT DO? Meeting resource and orga nizat ions.



lpm-5pm :, Social .

action-programmes *initiated and organized by students. ‘-. _ ,eI“7;<. . “. 7pm-9pm : Meeting resource people “from K-W agencies; and organizations. ” . .i i

Film: “Salt of the Earth”. A strike by workers who stand up to ‘the man’

WE HOPE-that this will be the start of many programmes of this nature on this campus 1WE-URGE YOU, ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY, TO JOIN.‘CHECK us OUT. WE HOPE YOU’LL STAY. PLANNING COMMlllEE (a student-faculty group) ‘For RENISON- COLLEGE: Jeri Wine, Marilyn Holtzhauer, Jeffrey. Forest-: 8844400 For HUMAN RELATIONS: Marsha Forest, Maria Arguelles-Canive: 885cl211, extension 3303, For-the FEDERATION OF STUDENTS: Dave Robertson, Shane Roberts: 885-0370 ’ .~:.: .; ,I,,.. *_,, .





7, 1973

the chevron



The .Cambodian Conflict: ,

the cessation of american bombing heralds a new stage in the Indochina


war, one in which the military regime which represses the populace

and Durloins the native wealth may meet

. 1ts

demise by Marcel

I Very sorry, it’s impossible to go any further; the war closes down at five o’clock.” The plump, goateed officer in charge of the military police post of Tak Mao-a suburb of Phnom Penh, about 10 kilometers from the city center and long noted for its insane asylumcannot for one moment imagine that at this hour, someone would want to go to the front, 11 kilometers to the southeast, on Route 2. In fact, on our way we had met a half-dozen battered armored personnel carriers (relics of the French presence in Cambodia) hurrying back to Phnom Penhas they do every evening. The next day at dawn they will leave again for another 1 battlefield, always within a 15-20-km. radius around the capital. But for the evening, enough fighting. The military police of Tak Mao go and barricade themselves in their post, and the soldiers at the front may or may not come under enemy fire; /the 11 kilometers separating the two are at the disposal of the “other side.” . ..The next day we were,‘to learn that the front on Route 2 was overrun during the night and that “serious clashes” were taking place on the very outskirts of Tak Mao. So goes the war in Cambodia during these months of February and March 1973. A sluggish war, interspersed with lulls and tacit breathing spaces; an indecisive war of position which, for the moment, actually affects only the area around Phnom Penh. In Bangkok, an American reconnaissance and fighter pilot told us: “When the ‘communists’ block a road, Lon Nol’s troops scatter and call on us for help.We come in

from Thailand with our fighter planes and sometimes B-52’s and we clear the road, but two days later it all has to be done again. It makes you wonder if ‘they’ (the Government side) aren’t doing it deliberately or even if there aren’t gentlemen’s agreements between the two sides.” The communiques of the general staff in Phnom Penh refer to “a revival of military activity” since early “violent clashes”, February and assorted sometimes with heavy losses. If this is really the case, then one is justified in wondering about the degree of military inactivity into which the two camps had previously fallen. Not that this war isn’t continuing to claim its devastation, its dead, its disabled, its destruction, its refugees. But it is a war made up of intermittent raids more than of continuous fighting; of rapid, almost furtive skirmishes; of swift disengagements; of harassment which is rarely decisive for either partyin short, a war of attrition, fought on an extremely narrow strip of territory. Meanwhile, far from the front, drawn back into their shells, there remain some forgotten, almost completely peaceful Government enclaves (provincial seats and the areas immediately surrounding them) in territory almost 90 per cent controlled by the guerillas of the United National Front of Cambodia (FUNC, from the French acronym), wlrich, nominally at least, is led from Peking , by Prince Norodom Sihanouk. After Cambodia was catapulted into the. war following the coup d’etat of March 1970, there was a dramatic reduction of the zones under Government control, but for the last several months its teritory seems to have stopped shrinking, with the Government side contenting itself with defending its minimum


survival space, and the guerrillas limiting themselves to keeping up the pressure around Phnom Penh by cutting off one or another access route, national highway, or river for a few hours or days. After the’bloody disaster of the Tchenia I and Tchenia, II operations in 1971, the forces of the republican regime no longer dare contemplate any large-scale offensiveexcept on paper ?n the air-conditioned offices of the swarm of generals who haver around Marshal Lon Nol. As for the liberation forces, they have carried out some _ audacious raids, but, for reasons which are hard to . ascertain (Lack of resources? Deliberate desire to gamble on the collapse of the Lon No1 regime? Difficulty of coordinating a military offensive over the entire territory?), have never undertaken permanently to cut the country’s lifeline, which runs from the northwest to the southeast, along the Tonle Sap and Kekong rivers. The republican flag, in reality, is flying only within a 20-kilometer radius around Phnom Penh, and the 20-30 kilometers around Battambang, which lies 300 kilometers to the northeast, a fertile zone, Cambodia’s rice bowl. The Lon No1 regime retains a precarious control over both cities; it also “holds” Kompong Chhang and Pursat, the two principal provincial capitals which lie between them; but Kratie, on the other side of the Tonle Sap, is in enemy hands. As for - Kompong Thorn, which was the object of the Tchenla II offensive, and which was almost completely destroyed, it is impossible to tell to whom it belongs: the Government doesn’t allow any information to leak out and we were not permitted to go there. Prey Veng also is “off


on following




the chevron





limits” (fighting was continuing in this province in mid-March); we were, however, able to go to Svay Rieng, to the southeast, on the Phnom Penh-Saigon road, but only by plane (all the roads have been cut off since March 1972). Siem Reap, to the north-north-west, is also accessible from Phnom Penh only by plane-although, with the recent re-opening of the Battambang-Siem Reap section of the road, one can also get there by making a detour via Battambang. Although Kompong Cham, on the Mekong, and Kompong Som (formerly Sihanoukville) , on the seacoast, can be reached by road, it is advised that one go by plane; the road is usually open but-may be cut off from one day to the next by the “other side”. Moreover, on the Kompong Som road, the guerrillas have been entrenched for over a year opposite the Pith Nil pass, where they have established a “toll gate” for the collective taxis. This road and the Battambang road are regularly travelled by long convoys of trucks under heavy military escort which run a 50 per cent chance of being harassed. And yet -the provisioning of the capital depends largely on those convoys; it also receives supplies via the Mekong, carried by “allied” (Philippine, South Korean, etc.) ships which are also subject to -unpredictable attacks. On March 6, for example, opposite the Neak Luong ferry, B-40 rockets damaged three ships out of a convoy of 12 which was carrying rice, gasoline and ammunition to Phnom Penh.


Thus, the capital is linked to the outside world by a fragile web of air, ground and river routes (the embryonic railroad of the Sihanouk era has been unusable for a long time, and the cars brought back to the Phnom Penh station serve as refugee shelters), but these routes usually lead to dead ends. In these little islands there is a curious atmosphere of latent peace, of dormant war, of languid disquiet. -At Svay Rieng, protected by a double ring of defense, the danger begins at the second line, two or three kilometers from the center of the city. Our plane (chartered at !95 an hour through one of the three or four private companies which sprang up with the Republic and the war) is a DC3, an old veteran which knew the Greece of the colonels, the North Africa of the paratroopers, and the Latin America of the Green Berets, before ending its days burning out its propellers in Cambodia, for a few shiploads of fish, hogs, or human beings, amid the humid, heat and the “unique” odors of nhuoc mam, rotten mangqs and gasoline. We make a spiialing ascent over the Government zone in order to gain altitude; several planes which were flying too low outside of the” defense perimeter have been fired on. One pilot tells us that he isn’t even sure t&at it was always “the other guys” who were doing the shooting. . We have to put a lot of pressure on our guides (an officer who takes us around on a Honda and an intelligence officer on a scooter) in order to take us to an “outpost.” This outpost turns out to consist of a five-man patrol in open country, 200 meters beyond the front line. Occasionally, one of the men ventures forward to reconnoitre a& far as the nearest clumps of coconut palms. _ . by bicycle. When Ure retrace our steps, they prudently return to the front line, back to the trenches, the beaten-earth bunkers and the makeshift artillery enclosures where they live with their familes. Sometimes we hear isolated burst of fire-but no one pays any attention. The population - some 48,000 people, 23,000 of them refugees, according to the Govemor-Colonelgoes about its business, as if nothing were the matter, whithin, the small compound, eight to ten kilometers in diameter, which it can call its own. And yet, to use the MayQr of Svay Rieng’s own words, the town went through “some anxious moments” between April and August of last year, after all communications had been cut off and before a narrow strip of territory had been prepared to allow the DC-S’s to land. During this period, the evacuation to Phnom Penh of the thousands of refugees, wounded and maimed, who were choking Svay Rieng, was, we are &so told, the occasion of some heart-rending scenes. Today, however, the Mayor tells us, the situation is “almost normal” again: The prices of essential goods have fallen, rice is not much more expensive than in Phnom Penh,

but we have enough vegetables, thanks to the agricultural program we got started; we intend to launch a hog-raising campaign; we have asked the central administratipn for funds to dig ponds and canals, which provides something to do for the refugees who cannot ‘get work in the rice fields; we have also asked for ten tons of rice see, and Phnom Penh has already sent us 15 bags of IR-20. a

II But this quasi-idyllic picture scarcely tallies with other information we received from a reliable source in Svay Rieng, which cites refugees being systematically swindled out of their allotments of yard goods and money by military men and local officials; imported hogs disappearing from the market (toward the resistance?) ; exorbitant “tithes” being imposed on those of the refugees who propose to leave Svay Rieng for the not-sosmall but more overcrowded enclave of Phnom Penh; the appearance on the Svay Rieng market of American manufactured goods coming directly, Buddha knows how, from Saigon. . .Thc somnolence of this .Government enclavedeliberately ignored by the enemy-in fact cloak a great many corrupt practices and conflicts. But this is a general phenomenon,and the same atmosphere prevails in Kompong Chhang as well as in Siem Reap. In the Siem Reap area, the presence of the military is perhaps more obvious than elsewhere. It is also the only area where we saw peasants ‘armed with rifles-no doubt the-famous “selfdefense forces” of which the auth&ities in Phnom Penh are fond of boasting. According tothe colonel in joint command of the garrison, Siem Reap is defended by 2,000 soldiers, positioned on the immediate outskirts of the city, but “we haven’t been hit by rockets for seven or eight months and four mortar shells have fallen on the city in six months.” The military situation h-as remained the same for over a year now. The line of defense begins at the very perimeter of the city, which bears the scars of old battles. The Temples Inn, former haunt of Prince Sihanouk’s distinguished‘ guests and of American tourist eager to ‘visit Angkor Wat and the other temples, six kilometers to the north, is nothing but rubble. The Grand Hotel has been requisitioned and now serves as an airconditioned headquarters of Colonel Urn. The old airport has been abandoned and a new strip built farther to the south. The Government controls a small section of the Tonle Sap, a vast reservoir of fish, but the north and east of the city elude its authority. We visited the 1,200-meters-long line of defense, whose midway point cuts in two the Avenue Charles-de-Gaulle, which leads tothe temples. The trench is deep; the bunkers, one every two meters, seem more durably built than elsewhere; when the soldiers see us they strike martial poses but the women go on nursing their babies or cooking at the bottom of the trench, between the crates of ammunition and the drying laundry. On the other side, we are told, the field is mined; the line of defense of the “communists” is scarcely 50 meters away; their bunkers are so tough that the fire of the largest guns couldn’t touch them, “assuming we were allowed to shell them, which Phnom Penh forbids us to do, for fear of damaging the temples.” But the affable officer who is showing us around “his” front line doesn’t hestitate to add that there is coming-andgoing between the two camps, across this b‘oobytrapped “no-man’s land.” We asked the colonel who had told us that as compaied to his 2,000 men, ihe Vietcong-Khmers Rouges” marshalled no fewer than 11 batallions, whether he didn’t think, under these conditions, that the enemy could take Siem Reap whenever it wanted. He protested, citing new troop figures, asserting that the enemy had stopped using 75millimeter recoiless guns and was using only submachine guns, and alluding knowingly to the repeated efforts of the Republicans (“in vain”) to side” to agree to a local get the other “other ceasefire. “We fear for the temples, you see. ‘They’ have established their command post in the ruins of Angkor Wat, where they have set up 8 radio antenna which keeps them in touch with Hanoi. ‘They’ also have a command post behind Angkor Thorn, with ammunition stockpiles .” But shortly thereafter, the Governor of the province was to tell us that as far as he knew, the ruins of the temples were used only as “sanctuary” for the women and children and that moreover, since


I mid-February opulation

it has _see_med that the civilian of the temple area was being moved bout 20 kilometers back, “as far as Svay Leu, a malaria-free region. . . ” Siem Reap and Svay Rieng, at either end of the of pockets of luntry , are two. examples iovernment power which will fall tomorrow if the ?bels so choose. Elsewhere, however, the ituation is more fluid, the dividing line of the ?rritory is more nebulous. This is the case along le Phnom Penh-Battambang highway, where lere is no question of letting the peasants of the urrounding countryside bear arms. Up to iompong Chhang there is a military post nearly very kilometer. . The soldiers are everywhere: in the business istricts, in the markets, near the bridges, in etachments on the highway. The landscape, as 1 all of republican Cambodia, is dotted with little jrts of beaten earth or with “open” camps, hanty-towns of mean huts made out of sheet letal and branches. Beyond Kompong Chhang, the military posts ecome less frequent, so that they are no longer 3 be seen except in the largest villages-a sign hat the ocuntryside bordering the highway only ominally belongs to the republican regime. And et, the greatest silence reigns there. One can rander about all day long with hearing a shots we did, 30 kilometers south of Battambang, far ram any main road. As one gets away from the

Phnom Per: without pro 1tung Sangker, the local river, where military osts of 50-100 men, deployed in a triangle, watch over” the relocated population, one enters a “no-man’s land” of rice fields lying fallow, of red dust unmarked by footsteps t1ails of powdery 01r tires,of abandoned huts on stilts (sometimes tl 1e large jar that serves as a domestic water store al nd the traditional swing-plough remain): a world which will come to life only in 0: I heat and silence with the singing of the birds. tl ne- evening, Beyond, behind the phnoms, rocky domes CC2vered by sparse forest, the rebel domain begins. I\; lobody ventures there, yet there isnothing there tc 1 bar one’s entrance. And who can say if the P easants along the bank of the Stung are always flag which inevitably flies lc)yal to the republican village? Late in the afternoon, a 0 ver the smallest plow a barren soil P ,easant whom we are watching says to us: at the slow pace of his buffalo, J‘ Sihanouk? Lon Nol? I don’t go in for politics; I rork the land.” Who, in fact still does care about this war? Ebesides those who, by one means or another,from it, the main enthusiasts are Plrofit directly early, for whom the t hose boys who enlisted rlecoilless cannon and the bazooka are especially I:narvelous slingshots and for whom the Vietcong f ire is just another kind of game. , . Today it is the who are fighting and dying at the front, Children vvhile back home their parents live it up and Slhamelessly fill their pockets, accumulating :ontraband goods, princely salaries and illicit i ‘avors . At Kilometer 42 on Route 1 (the Saigon Road), :leared the day before as far as the Neak-Luong i erry, we veer toward the Mekong. There is a unit clIf young soldiers there; half of them are paddliig il n the river while the rest, wearing uniforms or S arongs , sleep under thatched huts, amid the r ubble and burned earth .left by the previous d,ay’s fighting. The average age of these “ veterans” isn’t more than 16; some are barely 13, the regulation age for enlistment. They show U .s their ammunition belts and their weaponsr ifles, recoiless cannons, rocket-launchers, ubmachine guns-and, for the fun of it, shoot a lozen shells into the river. “The Vietcong is on the other bank,” be are Issured; then, “Come on, we’ll show you the body If a VC we just killed.” They lead us toward a lut. From behind a battered chest, they extract a otting corpse. Of a dog! They insist on being lhotographed with their prize. However, they

All of the photographs rep Inc. In this in depth photog people decimated and bruta While Vietnam was embrc the guidance of and with th tained a neutral position.

’ Marcel Liberation,

Barang is a Frenct who had printed



- the chevron

+7, 1973





refuse to let us spend the night with them: “Too dangerous for you, it’s at night that the Vietcong shoot,.” It is on these playful youths that the defense of the regime depends -along with, of course, the and financial support x of ithe air, material Americans and also the presence of a few seasoned units. These units mainly consist of 16,000 Khmers Krom (natives of Vietnam), old, hardened criminals of sinister reputions, who fight dressed in black, supplemented by officers and NCO’s trained in South Vietnam, or by what remains of the troops the regime sent-a littleknown fact-to get on-the-spot training in Laos a few weeks before the outbreak of the war in Cambodia. Reliable observers estimate that there is a total of less than 40,000 men in active combat, out a complement variously estimated by the authorities at 180,600, 200,000, or even 250,000 men. And on the other side, what is there? From Peking, Prince Sihanouk ~declares that 71,000 Cambodians are fighting in the resistance, with the economic and material support of China and the Vietnamese revolutionaries. According to Colonel Am Rong, spokesman for the general staff in Phnom Penh, -the enemy forces are composed of 23-27,000 “North, VietnameseVietcong” and 30-39,000 Khmers Rduges:’ and “Khmers Rumdos” (Liberation Khmers) . When we mentioned these figures to General Lon’ Nol, the “little brother” of the .Marshal and “strong man” of the regime, he protested, maintaining that the North Vietnamese have always constituted 70-80 per. cent of the resistance forces! Similarily , ‘wherever -we went, the local authorities went to great pains to prove to. us that they were surrounded by ,Vietnamese divisions or, at most, by mixed batallions, while at the same time, the American military services admit that since last October the Vietnames have speeded up the withdrawal of their troops from Cambodia and no more than about 2&000. men (half combat, half logistical units) remain massed along the Khmer-Vietnamese frontier. P

\ III * --

ted with this article have been taken hit study of the conflict in Indochina, Id bv over two generations of war. d in the worst of the fighting spread id of the Unite”d States, neighbouring

from Philip Jones Criffiths’vietnam Ciiffiths draws a-grim picture of a throughout Cambodia

urnalist on the staff of Politique Hebdo. )y permission, from L,e,Monde Diplomatique,

South East Ask, had steadfastly

under main-.

This article is reprinted April. 1973. .I.


Be that as it may, for the Phnom Penh regime everything depends on this official truth:‘the ‘North Vietnamese and Vietcong aggressors are the root of all evil; if they left, we Khmers would be able to find .a solution among ourselves.” Marshal Lon No1 himself continually harped on this theme when he received us, in full uniform, in the presences of an impressive array of generals, ministers , more-or-less special advisors, wizards and cameramen. This represents only a tiny portion Of his “court", which writes the answers for his interviews, prompts him when he stumbles over words, helps him get up and sit crown (ne is still half-paralyzed from the stroke he suffered in February 1971), profits from his favors and takes great care to shield him form the sad realities. of the regime of which he is supposed to be the leader. ’ Giving credibility to this official truth,’ shaky as it may be today, is all the’more vital-in that it justifies the maintenance of an oversized and parasitical army and makes it easy to blame the enemy for all the shortcomings of the regime by rekindling ancestral anti-Vietnamese racism. But the ruse has long since been discovered; it no To be sure, at its birth the longer “takes”. Republic was buttressed by an indisputable popular enthusiasm: intellectuals, civil servants, even merchants, saw it as an .opportunity to recover their suppressed. freedoms. The young were promised a new golden age and they set out joyfully. .. Because of this, the disillusionment ‘has been all the more brutal. Disenchantment set in; today, it is turning into discontent and, more and pre often, into anger. It is a tangible sort of angerwhich erupts within the army itself, among the soldiers, who collect-oftenthree or four months late-a wage of 4,000 riels (about $16) per month, while the price of rice is now up to 6,00C riels per 100 kilos (average daily consumption i; one kilo per person). There is also anger among the NCO’s at the front and even among those generals who earned their star on the front-line, and w-ho are now sickened by the ostentattous life-style, thepomposity and the excess of the soft jobs on the home front. A 30-year-old officer, married with five children, *who was returning from a leave in Phnom Penh to rejoin his platoon of 124 men (“disabled and noncombatants included,” he pointed out to us), denounced in our


presence -“those musical-comedy superior officers who, on an official salary of 20,000 rielsI make 10,000 and 3,900 as a bonus, so I know what I’m .talking abouthave, in lessthan three years, had $2million villas built for themselves, ride in Mercedes,-have their children taken to school in a military jeep, and then insult me for being stupid enough to go to the front to ensure their safety.” Nowhere is the ostentation of the new parbuilt upon the- dire-but dignifiedvenus, poverty of the common people, more arrogantly displayed than in Phnom+Penh‘It is a shock to someone who knew the sleepy and- parochial provincial city of peacetime Cambodia. The capital has tripled its population, now generally . estimated at 1,800,OOO inhabitants. The markets are swarming with people; the streets are jammed with traffic; never, despite the extremely heavy I import taxes, have there been so many Mercedes; thousands of Hondas have appeared on the scene; _ scores of trivespas and samlaus are in constant ‘competition with the cyclist; there are more motorized . vehicles, and fewer bikes, than in Saigon. - One can get anything in Phnom Penhlyet at ’c the hour- of curfew, women -go rummaging through the garbage cans; children go begging: some refugees sleep on the pavement -at the harbor, while others are dispersed in miserable camps .in the suburbsor on the edge of town. The cyclists must often share the rental of their bicycles witha distant cousin who is homeless and out of work. Thousands ‘of stalls offer cigarettes, perfumes, chewing-gum stolen from some American PX, or lottery tickets-. Men loiter +around the hotels. One of them presents us with a -pass stamped “Press.” ‘On the inside- is an authorization for a two-month mission in Phnom Pe,nh, signed by the commander of the military ’ J district of Takeo. “What sort of mission?” “You and me, we,do about the same thing; you, a journalist; me, information, intelligence. But &I,’ keep it quiet!” . “Who are you after?” “Vietcong. They’re infiltrating ths city.” A “You catch a lot of them?” “With my partner there, three, five, a day.” \ In Phnom Penh, the war has so little iml mediacy! The disabled are out of sight. A few feet and hands in casts-the “good” wounds, or ’ perhaps the result of the very peculiar’ way the, , soliders have of handling their guns. A few muted explosions sometimes, or surprise attacks: rockets in the area around the, Defense Ministry, destruction of the “Japanese bridge” and of the , armored-personnel carrier camp adjoining the French embassy. But if there is real danger, it comes less from the outside than from within. It’s possible that people will be able to endure the , skyrocketing prices, the extortions of the soldiers, the corruption of the officials, for a long time yet, but it’s just as likely that they’ll explode at any moment. -Lately there have been more and more disturbing signs. In February, on the pretext of saving three . billion riels in annual subsidies for the importation of petroleum products, the Government decided to raise the price of these products:. gasoline in particular went from 16 to 28 riels perliter. This 80-percent increase had an immediate effect on the whole range of ordinary and essential consumer goodswhich depend on transportation-and at the same time struck at all users or owners of motorized vehicles. The popular reaction was not long in coming. On February 26, in the wake of the sacking of the markets of Battambang, Kompong Cham and Prey. Veng, it was the turn of the central marketplace-of Phnom Penh; part of the looting was done by the soldiers with the civilian population following suit. Two days later, shooting broke out at dawn in the central -marketplace between the police, the military, and *’ soldiers who refused to return to the front until they had received their, pay, which had been “carried’ over” for three or even four months. There were two deaths. The shops around the marketplace remained closed all day. These protest actions are generally believed to be stage-managed according to the political situation of the moment. Some are so convinced _ : of this that they either I hold back from participating or else they embark on- some action, . without illusions, ‘prepared to let themselves be manipulated. Such is the case with the students, who, following in the teachers’ footsteps, began their own “unlimited strike” in early March to .i

continued ,

on following





the chevron





7, 1973


protest against the price increase and specifically demanding “the expropriation of property illegally acquired by the men of the regime in power.” We see banners bearing their slogans, especially at the entrance to the faculty of sciences; but althouh these slogans have a singularly violent tone, they are also confused, even utopian and the students’ general state of mind seemed to us very cynical and disillusioned. “Manipulation” is the term which crops up most often in their conversation. They got their baptism of fire in the events of April 1972, when their protest movement-which in its early ’ days enjoyed the broad sympathy of the urban population-got embroiled in an armed confrontation with the military police at the law faculty. They claimed at the time to be sweeping away corruption, but all they managed to do was oust General Sirik they are a potentially Matak from power., However, dangerous force. The Government fears them. When a delgation of students went to see the Prime Minister, Hang Thun Hak, to get permission to resume publishing the bulletin of the Student Association (a militant and politically suspect organization) , they were “permanently suspended” two days later. Are the students controlled by certain elements in the pay of FUNC? We have reason to believe so. Today, however, all one can say is that these elements are being extremely discreet and are biding their time. Undoubtedly their hour will come. The economic crisis of the regime is visibly worsening, and before long, the palliatives devised by the leaders to defuse the social movements are sure to become exhausted. To head off the demands of the civilservants and the military, the Government has promised them a bonus of 500 riels a month for their wives and each of their children. Suddenly, as Nokor Thorn, the capital’s Khnotes maliciously, “the official mer newspaper, population of Cambodia rose from seven to nine million inhabitants.” In order toappear to ‘be eliminating fraud and corruption within the army, several investigations have oeen ordered, new committees createdthe regime has some sixty of them, with projects that boggle the imagination: “Committee for the Concretization of the Image of the Khmer as Worker and Consumer,” or “Committee to Commorate the Brave Deeds of Our Patriots Struck .Down on the Field of Honor by the Acts of Barbarism Perpetrated by the North Vietnamese-Vietcong,” to mention only two. A few months ago, General Sosthene Fernandez (whose name, personality and appearance proclaim his Philippine heritage) was called back from the front and found himself entrusted by the Marshal with the task of “cleaning up” and “ reorganizing” the army. Sure enough, hardly a day goes by that one doesn’t learn ’ that another scandal has been uncovered, whether it’s inflated troop figures, embezzlement of payrolls and shipments of military or civilian material, illegal imports of 1,390 Hondas (Nokor Thorn, February 17, 1973), or the seizure near Takeo of a “truck of the First Military District carrying 1,500,OO riels worth :of ‘medicine, apparently headed for the resistance” (Nokor Thorn, February 9). . A few unscrupulous and unlucky NCO’s and officers are worried, but the superior officers, those above the rank of major, are untouchable: the worst that can happen is that they will be “eased” out. Yin Kheng, a major from the Third Military District, was able to flee to France in early February, taking with him 200 million riels (about $800,000), leaving behind “a furnished mansion, a multi-leveled apartment complex, a house on stilts, some stores and equipment, all confiscated by the authorities”, as well as a sum of 50 million riels which, according to the same Khmer newspaper, “he transfered to his son, aged ten.” A close relative of the major, Lieutenant Chap Hong Sorn, paymaster of. the company, was not so lucky: he

was arrested as an accomplice before he could flee. In a similar vein, the Phnom Penh regime is continually creating new provinces, thus generating new and eminently lucrative official posts. People’ speak of of “executives’‘-governors, the “merry-go-round” high civil servants, ministers, military leader - who take turns at the most lucrative positions, trading off every three or six months. That has only helped feed the persistent rumors of the impending resignation of the present government, in power since only last October 15! The incompetence of certain higher-ups in the regime is notorious. Fraudulent dealings, disorganization, waste, are universal. This is partly the legacy of a certain autocratic style of governing exemplified by Prince Sihanouk, who obstructed the smallest initiative by claiming to represent everyone; partly the result of the vicissitudes of war and the uncomfortable posture of the regime; but it is above all the product of the mentality and the example of the clique in power. Their motto seems to be, “He who lasts longest, ,profits most,” and they, in their turn, torpedo the most promising initiatives, either out of greed or simply because they lack any sense of the long-term interests of the regime.

IV Under these conditions, the Government is no longer very much concerned with regaining control of the army nor with winning over the rebels and “troublemakers ,” despite periodic declarations to that effect. Less than half of the rice harvest of Battambang province goes directly to the authorities of the Republic. The rest finds its way to the resistance-or to Thailand. No matter, since the Americans are always on hand to stop up the gaps: on February 3, the United States provided 28,000 tons of rice for the first half of the current year - this coming on top of the 70,000 tons already furnished at the end of 1972 (before the war, Cambodia exported nearly 300,000 tons of this cereal per year). And the Bangkok paper, The Voice of the Nation, announced on March 10 that the Thai government had begun, at the request of the Cambodian authorities, to deliver an unspecified quantity of rice to Phnom Penh, “harvested, according to our information, in the Cambodian province of Battambang.” This state of affairs has at least four important consequences on the economic level, apart from its impact on the local population. Fi$&, there is the “colonization” of the resources of the border regions of Cambodia, in the Southeast by the South Vietnamese, in the West by the Thais.,Eighty per cent of the trade, from the markets of Rattambang to the jewel mines of Pailin (a notorious centre for black-market activities),

moves in the direction of Thailand; it is the same with fishing and trade in the regions bordering on South Vietnam. Second, there is the increasingly important role blayed by the Cambodian Chinese, who represent 20 per cent of the populaton under the regime’s control, serve as indispensable middle-men, and monopolize trade; lately, they have become the targets of more and more severe criticisms, attacks and harassments. A third consequence is that investments have come to a standstill, except in the pharmaceutical industry, which is ,being developed by Swiss companies. Many firms - French, German, American, Japanese - are ready to invest massively in the country once peace returns. That doesn’t keep the Government from are under consideration for the dreaming: plans creation of a new, glamorous capital near Phnom Penh: “Phnom-Penh-Thmei”New Phnom Penh! Finally, and this is the crux of the matter, the survival of t-he regime depends entirely on American aid, severely restricted at the source, we are assured, but nevertheless giving Washington a fantastic lever of political pressure. The United States is giving Cambodia $210 million in aid annually (two thirds of it in the form of military aid). In principle, they can shut off-or at least threaten to shut off-the flow of funds, suspend-or threaten to suspendtheir military support. If, in accordance with Article 20 of the Paris agreement on the cessation of,hostilities in Vietnam, they stopped interfering in the domestic affairs of Cambodia (and of Loas), the regime would collapse overnight. But the United States does not seem to be taking this path. In fact, to be convinced that the reverse is true one has only to talk to one of the many “cultural advisors” with which its embassy, and a few subsidiary missions, are overflowing. The B-52’s continue to bomb in Cambodia on a massive scale. Military authorities refuse to give details on the importance of the role played by these missions. On our way back from Svay Rieng we were able to observe the Phantom bombing of a town located at the branch of a river about 40 kilometers from the provincial seat. The Phantoms had had the zone spotted in advance by OV-2 and OV-10 Bronco reconnaissance and fighter planes. When we landed at Pochentong, the Phnom Penh airport, we saw two of these planes taking off, heavily loaded, with canisters of napalm under their cockpits, It was four in the afternoon. When we asked General Lon Non if he wasn’t afraid that Pochentong would become another Tan Son Nhut (these American planes began officially to land at the Phnom Penh airport in mid-February), he explained to us that the air crews couldn’t refuel in flight and that th y came to eat their midday meal on the ground. Ho s ever, according to a Western source who must rema’ni anonymous, the planes take on their full load of gasoline and ammunition at Pochentong itself. According to our informant, it is Air America (the famous CIA air fleet in Loas) ground crews who service these planes and see to their refueling. “They work in civics, on TDY‘temporary duty’with a continual rotation of personnel, allowing the Americans officially to have no troops in Cambodia,” we were told. For that-matter, there are several dozen American “civilians” veterans (all of Indochina, but “demoblized”) running the Military Equipment Delivery Team (MEDTEC), I which is officially concerned with the distribution of military aid but which is also-take our word for it-involved in the training and leadership of combat units. . . Need we add that according to information received from another source, some of the opium harvest in Laos is sent via Phnom Penh, with the complicity of pilots “covered” by the American intelligence services, the prime beneficiaries being certain Cambodians in high places?. . . cl


one of two



. l



7, 1973

:. I the


8:30-midnight Members $1.00; Non- Members $i50 ’


* : sCON.CERTS-. - ’ /- . 4 A


#PUBS in\ Food Services.


. s


i Sunday September 9 Waterloo Park Band . ‘4 4 Shell 6:30 pm Free * y “The Downchild Blues BaAd” and “Brutus” Friday, September 7 -with “West’! -.t: ’ :12 Physica I. Thursday, September 13 :with “Yukon”, $. . ..Wednesday,- September Education Complex 8:~00 pm . -with “Alabama” ;. Friday, Septem her- 14 Members: $2.00 advance; $2.50 at the Saturday, September 15 -with “Steel ‘River”- *’ - Wednesday, September 19 -with.“ManchiId” z - door Non-Mem,bers: $2.50 advance; $3.00 at -with “Cherri’! f Thursday, September 20 ’ r. \: thedoor ‘r -with “Mecca” f Friday, September 21 “Fergus”and “Lighthouse”Saturday,‘Septem ber 22. -with *‘Snake-Eye” z ’ ,. * , / :. 4 ‘Sunday, September ‘16, Humanities Theatre 4 8:00 pm 4 ;PUBS in Camprs’Centre 4Members: $1.50 advance;? $2.00 at the 4 . 4 door r ’ 12noon6:OO’Me,mbers $.5’0, ’ . . z* I Non-Memsbers: $2.00 advance; $2.50 at t 4 r Non-members $l.bO * . , 44 the door 4 *“Christopher Kearney” A \ September 12’13 and 14 -with “Michael $ / Lewis” -and “Paul Langille” .; . Saturday,$eptem ber 22 Physical -Education -. -\ September 19’20 and 21-with “Horn” + Complex 81-00 pm 4 4 Members: $4.00 advance; $4.50 at tRe 4 door ******************************+********z Non-Members-: $4.50 advance; $5.00 at :: MOY1E.S, . I -_’i-,t :4 thedoor -.MI,DNl&IT+ “Greasebadl B.oogie Band”and *“The Guess ,:. / ’ _4 Who”. 1 _ -4 12 mi’dni‘ght Campus Cen,tre Great 4 4 .Tickets - available at the, Federation ,of ..Hall I’Free 4’ 4 Students Office, Campus Ce”ntre. 4 Tuesday, September 11 -Sterilex Cudkoo, ;***************.************************, I with I Liza Minelli i SPECIAL c EVENTS : Wednesday, September 12 ’ -200 Motels, ” -4 . _ . with Frank Zappa ;* Tuesday, September 18 -Rosemary’s *- E Scavenger Hunt- Monday, September -. 10: 4 Baby, with Mia Farrow . 4 Starts at lo:30 am wi’th registration in the Campus ‘Centre Great Hall. Completion ,of Wednesday, September 19 -Barbarklla, f ,J 4 with Jane Fonda 4 hunt leads to- free admission to evening 4 ‘pubs >in the Villages. Prize for Society *with 4 44 best percentag-e turnout. FEQE’RATION *FL&KS 4 4 Swish Swash Car - Wastq Saturday, Sep8:00 p.m. Arts Lecture Hall;’ ’ 4* 4 tember I-5.. Meet at 8:30, am at Seagram Members $75; sNon-members $1.25 e 4 Stadium for rides to car wash locati,ons. All * 4 1 -, -. T day event, s.o -bring$our own hinch: Sponf sored by. Circle K. ’ ‘. I A ’ _ September 1316- -Hospital, with George - .J ~ * 4 Scott \ ,,--Stratford Trip, Thursday, September 20. 4 4 Afternoon performance of .“The Tarn-ing of and‘ -Fuzz, with Burt Reynolds 4 September *20-23 .-Lady Sings the ‘Blues, z the _ Shrew’: -Tickets -$2.50 and $4.50 4 a,vailable at Federation office (price inwith Diana Ross ’ and -Downhill Racer, with Robert E . eludes bus fare). Buses leave th-e Campus. . Redford . ES 4 Centre at 12:30 sharp. , j:R..SpON~.,O~gE;D ~~J++E>., BiQiR;D I*; ,’-_ .‘;. \ . FEDERATlO&,J OF , 4’ >’ .* i , . i> *

-‘<OF. .ENT~E.~~~~,~~.~,NT~~ , I,. STUDENTS’ : . \

c <1 ‘: r .‘I .j

cm* 26


the chevron

1” Sundae BUY






7, 1973




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. Only the very best in personalized hairsty llng Sept. 20-22 8 DIARY OF A M starring Peter O’Shaughnessy Peter O’Shaughnessy’s one-man production l of Gogol’s Diary of a madman is a splendid and memorable performance. Presented in Australia and Ireland, O’Shaughnessy now brings this gay and melancholy tale to the Canadian stage. Humanities Theatre Admission $1.00 Central Box Office ext. 2126 Fri. Sept. 28 1:30 pm & 8:00 pm TONY VAN BRIDGE The wit and wisdom of G.K. C hesterton Theatre of the Arts Admission-matinee 1: 30 pm performance-$1.00 Admission-evening 8:00 pm performance--General-$3.00 Students-$1.50 Central Box Office ext. 2126

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7, 1973


the chew&n


Enough L If you haven’t heard or heard of Paul Simon’s second solo album yet, consider this proper notice. There Goes Rhymin’ Simon (Columbia 32280) is a brilliarit, tightly-knit musical smorgasbord which has a few obvious faults, but more than eno.ugh virtues’to make you forget the limitations. Simon surprised both his avid fans from the Simon and Carfunkel days ‘and ‘interested onlookers with his fi&t solo effort and disarmingly humourous tribute to the music all- of us listened and danced to in well 0ver.a year ago, displaying a, lyrical the early sixties. and musical talent which placed him It starts off with a testj.moniaI to the quickly in the top rank of individual rockby Richard Carpenter--‘a era musicians. The making of a second - , era-co-written bailad which shows Karen’s beautiful album was a situation ripe for high exvoice to it’s best advantage. They then pectations and letdowns, but Simon has, if produced an even more -:launch into a medley including Brian anything, * Wilson’s “Fun: Fun, Fun” and “Deadman’s satisfying LP in Rhymin’ Simon. Curve”; Phil Spector’s “-Da Do Ron Simon is a borrower of the first order “Johnny Angel”; and Carol King’s and unlike too many other borrowers in I Ron”; “One Fine Day”, among others. rock knows what to do with just about If you’re one of us old enough to everything he steals-. He displays an inremember the originals, you’l.1 enjoy this telligent and loving feel for every musical Carpenter re-hash, which is evocatively style and mood he uses, rangin%g from interspersedwith D-J spiels by guitarist reggae through 50’s R & R to sombre -~ \ lony Pelluso. church music, with lots of stops in .betOid. friend Joe Cocker doesn’t fare’s0 ween. . P well this time around: his Latest LP, Joe 13 Cuerre, Yes Sir!, Floralie, Where are He also knows when to step back and let y Cocker (A & M 4X8), is the Lowest quality You!, Is It The Sun,’ Philbert?; by Roth someone else do something they do well of his four< albums. One is tempted’ to Carrie< Editions du Jour, Montreal;’ 1968. which was his secret in working with bemoan Cocker’s estrangement from Carfunkel, a> when the Rev. Claude Jeter leader-arranger--writer-performer Leon Roth- Carrier describes with blunt actakes over for a soaring falsetto verse in Russell; and indeed, performances by both curacy the frustrations of the Quebecois in “Take’the Mardi Gras”, or when the a_rtists before- and since Mad Dogs and their second-class citizens’ role, not only Black gospel group The Dixie HumEnglishmen reinforces the view that during the second world war, setting of La mingbirds harmonizes glo‘riously, in Or when the Onward Brass Cocker and Russelll were at their best, Guerre! Yes Sir.), first of his trilogy, but ‘{Tenderness”. when sharing the stage and each other’s -also of the generation preceding (Floralie, Liand finishes “Mardi Gras” with a dixieland flourish. talents. Where Are YQU?, which goes back in time Chris Stainton (from Mad Dog days) plus ~Most of the cuts were recorded with the from the first book), and forward into the a ‘talented assemblage of backing highly-competent Muscle Shoals group present (1s.-Itthe Sun, Philibert?). . --.musicians and vocalists -accompany and th.e result is, technically, a masterHow have the Quebec& traditionally piece of clarity and-reproduction. , ’ Cocker through six‘ Cocker-Stainton been ’ regarded? English soldiers who orrginals and a nice, rocking version of the Listening to the music here g&s you . brought home the body of a fallen villager, Allman’s “Midnight Rider”, but the old fire Corriveau, disgustedly observe the feast the ‘feeling that there was something that went into “Delta Lady”, “@tie before the burial; special going on during these sessions, the Medley.” and “Bird on a Wire” just isn’t _ “What kind of animals were these same sort of feeling you get listening to present. French Canadians? They ,had the manner Layla, or Erich Anderson’s Blue River. The feeling th,at these musicians know their Another old f;iend, Hoyt Axton, has put of pigs in a pigpen. Besides, if you looked stuff and enjoyed doing this music. out a pleasant enough album; less Than a at them carefully, objectjvely, . FrenchAnother welcome surprise recently Song (A & M 4376), which sadly proves Canadians really looked like pigs too.” . came my way in the form of the Carmore than anything else the slimness of his And a compressed pronouncement of writing talent. He wrote 10 of the songs on penter’s new album Now and Then (A & M an ancient prejudice; “Give them the LP-plus one of Arlo Guthrie’s lesser something to eat and a place to shit and 0598). L3efore you send your bifocals in for efforts-and thky just don’t hold up to we’ll have peace in the country.“-. repair, yes, I said the Carpenters. Oh, I more than: one listening. The music is Is It the Sun, Philibert? unlike the other know we hip sophisticated rock critics are extremely derivative and uninspired, but two books, is -foc‘usedl on urban life, in supposed to’ hold soft-core groups like cotipetent, and the lyrics are mostly trite Montreal, and--.- on Philibert’s direct enRichard and Karen in the most derisive and emotionally weak, capped by a counters -with the. English speaking disdain. But it would take the hardestsimplistic tune pretentiously titled hearted cynic to hate this LP for minoritythere. The book is *actually a very ‘Peacemaker”, about a high-idealled serrous commentary related in a-light and least half of, it. . young American lad who refuses‘ to.-be thus digestible. manner. Carrier’s talent for Side one is the usual harmless and souldrafted and is shot down mercilessly when imagery. and abstraction are most vividly less schlock the Carpenters have been displayed in -Philibert’s semi-conscious he is “almost to sweet Canada’s border.” churning out to the waiting dollars of k hallucinations and experiences as he fades Middle America for, years; but. Enough said. -george kaufman into permanent effacement. Viola!. . .side two turns out co be a spirited i .- I

C’est .c _ 1a iie


by tom ‘mcdonald

/ yet Carrier’s writing is not by any interpretation restricted - to the FrenchEnglish situation alone. Especially in Floralie, we can famjliarize ourselves with the part that fantasy and illusion play in life, and the part that comedy and farce r must play, in order that we survive. Carrier’s theme is basically universal, with a specific cultural approach. Life. Ah yes, life. “What was the use of having / been a child with blue eyes, of having learned about life, its names, its colours, its laws, painfully as though it we+ against nature?” “God isn’t reasonable.” Perhaps’ the most important thing we can derive from Carrier, apart from insight intoQuebec rural life,is an understanding . of the quite different approach to and philosophy’of life of the French Canadian.. Sex, death, love and hate (in sum; life), are viewed much more realistically, and therefore matter-of-factly than that of the 1 English speaking counterpart. What may * seem to be a,warped and strange outlook J about life is rendered more comprehensible when denuded of the traditional wrappings and hypocrisy that we ‘maudits Anglais’ have been guilty of. Religion too, has always played a more prominent role in day-to-day living for the French Canadian than for his brother Wasp..: This may explain why almost all curses in ~ ‘la belle langue’ hav.e direct religious signjficance. a Carrier exhibits a much more highlydeveloped imagination and creative flair In both Philibert and Floralie than he does in La Guerre. As his writings progress, his cynicism: and ambivalence seem to diminish, and we derive the feeling that Carrier is getting a good deal more out of his work.This, possibly because he is finding it easier, more fun and much wiser to view things philosophically and with humour than to bear down and become lost .in the other direction. -Above all, Carrier’s works are fiction, and will be regarded as such, probably to the extent that fact, will be ignored or dismissed and currents of truths found unpleasant will be side-stroked. Of course to this the French will have an apt, conciseretort _ Vest la vie. -Susan gable

l \I


? ,








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department. Why? For answer r see next week’s * Chevron.





the xhevron \




a political


by Jose


For one week before its opening in New York, State of Siegeenjoyed an enormous amount of free publicity when the American Film Institute withdrew its scheduled showing at the film festival in Washington to inaugurate -the new movie theater at the Kennedy Center . This may have pleased its distributors-every knock, so long as it is public, is still a boost-but most people were displeased or embarrassed by such open abandonment of the liberal esthetic dogma that only the formal qualities of a work may be taken into account when deciding whether it is art. The Institute said the movie rationalizes politiccal assassinations and for this reason changed its mind about the festival showing. Those who protested called the cancellation an act of censorship. I ,prefer to think of it as the best compliment the movie could get: the American Film Institute was unable to coopt it. Why? For one thing, its subject matter makes clear the exploitative and repressive policy of the U.S. in South America. Costa-Gavras, the director of Z and The Confession, and Franc0 Solinas, author of the screen play of Battle of Algiers, here take as close a look as in their other documentary-style films at the, Dan Mitrione case which occurred in Uruguay in 1970. (The characters’ names have been changed and Uruguay’s never mentioned but we assured from the screen at the movie% start that “the events in this film actually took place in a South American country .“) _ ’ Mitrione was an A.1 .D. official who was kidnapped by. the- Tupamaros, Montevideo’s , urban guerrillas, and executed when-the government did not meet theguerrillas’demands that it free -100 political prisonersthen in jail. The film shows not only how this took ,place but also why. You learn that the A.1 .D. police program which Mitrione directed in Uruguay served to train police officials in the torture and murder of revolutionaries, You learn this both as political expose of a particular event and as the workings of imperialism to maintain itself. This last emerges not as a-view that a *critic ~may choose to work into the film, nor even as an interpretation that he may make based on the film maker’s intentions, as one might say’ of Bertolucci’s films that they are an-investigation of the break-up of -bourgeois . morality. It emerges as fact. There is no ambiguity in \ , State of -Siege . Directed by Cost-Cavras With Yves Montand, jeanLuc Bideau, ’ I\ -4 O.E. Hasse A- Cinema 70%film -;.

. ,I<.





State of Siege; its subject is its ‘message and there’s no getting away from it once you submit yourself to the opening frame. You may want to shunt it aside, as -did the American Film Institute, and you may revile it, as Mitrione did his jailors when their accusations become irrefutable, but you cannot say it is not true-Indeed, Costa-Gavras and Solinas have been so respectful of the real events that when asked on what evidence the scenes of interrogation of Mitrione by the Tupamaros w,ere based, Costa-Gavras revealed that the tapes kept’ by the Tupamaros were made available to him. If you could find an untruth in any of the movies ’ incidents, you fear the whole structure would come down. -, _ This is an enormous risk for an artist to take-one has become used to blinking at the flaws of others whose subject matter is less public - and there is in Costa-Gavras’ movies an exhilarating ‘sense of danger which,comes as much from his technique as from his material. Yet he convinces you immediately that he may well bring it off; convinces you in the only way a director can- by creating a series of images of a city under search so true that you feel a newsreel camera has taken them. Indeed, the opening so sets the tone of the filmthat when the story shifts to scenes that could only have been staged you are still under the impression that ypu are seeing the real thing. The assurance necessary to undertake a ‘I story and an argument that take in all the elements of a nation’s life comes from Costa-Gavras’ and Solinas’ knowing every fact of the case; and the technique of fast, breathless cutting- from one facet of the story to another, analogous to the closely reasoned thesis of an exciting political thinker of the order of Sartre, is possible without an aftertaste of shallowness and sensationalism because-of Costa-Gavras’ assurance., This assurance gives CostaGavras as well an elegant coolness ‘that sharpens the cutting edge of the horrors he has to show us. He does not overdo any detail as a-director who does not trust his ’ material might-have. The tortures are a good. example of his approach. You see-ta lecture room filled with police watching a demonstration; you do not know ‘the guinea pigs and cannot “identify” with them; youdo not see any blood: you see the tortures for t what they are; dispassionately: a policy method for making -guerrillas talk. A director who has the overall story less well in ,hand, \:who does not. know the of these -events ,’ might have ‘, significance leaned heavily on this surefire opportunity to make us squirm in our seats. The blood he would have shed! The physical agonies we would have had to watch! How far from the real story they would have taken

3. ..” :

^ I

39 -




the police. Rut it is intellectual curio%ty not the traditional question of and then? and then? but of. why? why?-that-makes it impossible to look away from the screen for a moment. One seeks enlightenment not plot resolution. The story ends where it began, but the audience, one hopes, has been changed. Not Uruguay. Its situation remains the same, except that the police methods introduced there now account not for 100 political prisoners but ten, twenty times that number. And the tortures continue. The Tupamaros who began with Robin Hood actions to uncover political corruption in Uruguay and whom the force of events turned toward violent

, y




t .


cby the song’s renewal from another quarter and each time, the polide scramble to find it. All this happens very quickly on the screen. The song is not identified but it is -one of the several ballads about Che

actions against their enemies are in Guevara that Carlos Puebla has composed danger of being squashed. But there is one and it is he whom we hear singing. Puebla s&e in the film .that gives me hope. I is Cuba’s most engaging balladeer ‘and he us._ -would like to take it out of its tiontext and is ’ known throughout South America. ’ The : story is- so important to Costa-Gavras that he removes at the give it an emphasis that Costa-Gavras Each time the song begins anew the outset the ordinary element of: Suspense- quite properly did not ._I ‘m sure it. would audience laughs as at a small victory, and ‘the fate of the kidnapped A,I.D. official. not displease him. the scene represents, for ‘me,” those Should you not already know the Mitrione ; During the days of the search - for guerrilla movements, like Che’s, that are case, the movie’s opening scenes of the Mitrione’, the students of the University of squashed and then spring ,up again. police and army search end with the Like Dickens’ novels ‘at the time they Montevideo demonstrate and the police finding of his body in an abandoned car. enter a courtyard of ’ the University. A first appeared, State of Siege makes us The narrationback-tracks then to show us reporter and the chancellor who ‘have been ‘.want to do something about the ugliness how this cam,e about and the “‘how” takes talking about the chances of the President ’ it uncovers. It may make us look into in not oilly the actions of the police and acceding to the terms of the Tupamaros ourselves too. We may ask ourselv%s: the Tupamaros but the reactions of the hear the noise and look down on the scene Would we, if we lived in Montevideo, country’s press, politicians ,and offi5als_at ’ fqm q ,yh$y, sympathize Wz, Fee it th:o.~gh th& with those young_ all levels, and the uncovering of the A .I .:I3 .“‘*’ eyes. .A loudspeaker set in a: corner of the revolutionaries? Would we protect them? official’s real mission in Uruguay., I do not courtyard isplaying a song that enrages Would we join them? Would we vote, as mean ‘by this that the film ‘-‘doesn’t ( take, the pol@e; They tear it down and- another they did, to commit their first execution? advantage of the _enormous excitement 6ontinuesto broadcast the song, -and so How much of the work of art an audience inherent, say,- in the execution;.of the . , p;.. - each time, ..that a, loudspeaker is \, internalizes is the best gauge of its&power. or in the counter+iea.sures of. ’ disabled ,the mom,entary silence is broken r _ reprinted _/I _-> ,;- kidnappings . .’ .f~rpmT,Univer@ty Review




the chevron






7, 1973 -


17 to Sept.


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~ piday, septemtir

7, 1973’

the chevron

’ c

______~ .-


, I

i -LL

> I.






the chevron





story bY




7, 1973

. I



’ .


7, 1973

the chevron



, .





I .



j The scene of all this’activity Thousand Ottawa. ,

August charged


was ‘the “Farm of Oee

near Wendover,

Secrets” Renaissance


2.5 to September a two dollar

was officially

3. The residents


to viewers

ret leived a five per cent commission

bY the craftsmen.



is in turn near

being held from of the farm of the faire

on any goods sold



There were weuvers, seamstresses, ‘1






glassblowers, soapstone carvers, % growers. of seeds, herbs and spices, and a m-agic forest. And the sun shone on and on.


33 .



the chevron

CHthe Grand in


7, 1973


Good food at better than reasonable prices

THE RED ROOM for quiet conversationalists


for serious drinkers



where dancing is the theme and there is room for 250. Playing is FATCHANCE Fri & Sat and AMISH from the 10th to 15th

Circle K Club Swish Swash Car Wash Volunteers Needed Dirty Cars also needed Sat. Sept. 15 8:30 am at Seagram Stadium Money going to charities

like M.S. Society of Canada.

Want to meet people? The Circle K Club is sponsoring a fun event on Sat. Sept. 15 meeting at no less a time than 8:30 am (shudder) at Seagram Stadium. Everyone is welcome to participate, in fact, we not only want you we need you. Bring your lunch and join the “Swish Swash Car Wash” all proceeds go to charity-all potential relationships remain personal. Forest Hill ServiceCentre

Grant Noeker 433 Greenbrook Dr. Kit. 745-1331

Weiss Mel1 Service




Orval Sorensen 215 Highland W. Kit. 743-4585


Yules Shell Service-



Walter Vriener 1780 King E. Kit. 578-0460 -

Mr Yules 366 Victoria, Kit. 743-0869


Gary Voight Rd. N. Wat. 578- 5600

70 Westmount Bernie’s


Rosemount water



Bernie Riedel 100 King N. Wat. 742-1351 Steve White / Freuve

Harold’Ltd. 578-777 1 Hunter’s Gulf 744-2361 533 King St. Kit.


Stanley Park Mall-

Buildevco Ltd. 1005 Ottawa N. Kit. 7441133

, Waterloo


75 King S. Wat. ’ 578-8300


Auto Trim47 Shirley









Bill Hogel Ave. Kit. 745-2951

Bill Renauld-744-4411 188 Highland Rd. W. Kit. .743-2531 .%

by Swan Cleaners












7, 1973

Canadian grand 111 prix ,_Sept. 23 The grand prix of Canada is the second to last event on the 15 race schedule and it appears that Jackie Stewart is on his way to his third consecutive grand prix chanpionship. . Stewart of Scotland has compiled a total of 66 points after 12 races; his two nearest contenders, Francois Cevert of France and Emerson Fittipaldi of Brazil have 45 and 42 points respectively. The drivers will compete one more time on September 9 in Italy before meeting at Mosport September 23. If Stewart can score six points or better, none of the other drivers will have a chance of taking the title away from him. At the beginning of the racing season this year it did not look as if Stewart had any kind of chance for the world championship. In the first event, the grand prix of Argentina, Fittipaldi placed first ,,in his JPS Lotus followed by, the / ’ Tyrrell-Ford teammates, Cevert and Stewart. Fittipaldi won the Brazilian grand prix although this time Stewart was second. After two races the score stood at Fettipaldi 18 and Stewart 10. But at the third race in South Africa, Stewart handily won with Fit tipaldi placing third behind Peter Revson of the United States. In Spain Fittipaldi took the race again while Stewart did not place because of brake problems. The score at that time stood at Fittipaldi 31 and Stewart 19. Stewart won the next two races in Belgium and Monaco with

Victor Borges dominant Canadian Jump Master will be at W.L.U. Sat. Sept. 8 at 7pm in Rm 1El

Films will be shown and sky diving equipment will be on display.

Fittipaldi picking up some points to bring the score to Fittipaldi 41 and Stewart 37. In Sweden Stewart finished fifth while Fittipaldi had gearbox problems. The French grand prix put Stewart in a one point lead over Fittipaldi and the margin stayed the same after the British event. Stewart’s win in Holland pushed his point total to 51 while again Fittipaldi failed to finish because of injuries incurred during a crash at a practice. Stewart took the German grand prix with Fit tipaldi earning only one point for his sixth place finish behind his brother Wilson. In Austria Stewart came in second to Ronnie Peterson of Sweden. Fittipaldi broke a gas line and had to stop with the score after 12 races standing at Stewart 66 and Fittipaldi 42. Fittipaldi is actually in third place in the standings behind Stewart’s teammate Cevert.


In order for Cevert or Fittipaldi to win the championship this year, one of them would have to win all three remaining races while limiting Stewart to less than six points. Other drivers in the top top 10 to the standings are Peterson, Denis Hulme of New Zealand, Revson, Jacky Ickx of Belgium, Carlos Reutemann of Argentina, James Hunt of England and Carlos Pace of Brazil. The race will be held at the Mosport track at 2:30 p.m. September 23. The two preceding days will include practice, qualifying heats and preliminaries. Tickets for all three days will be available at Waterloo Square. Camping facilities are available at Mosport. Come out and watch someone get killed.

the chevron

Intramuvals’ begin soon The intramural program is 5 Pin Bowling, 6:30 pm, Waterloo again anticipating mass parLanes ticipation in all four facets of inCurling, 2: 30 pm, Rm 1083, PAC tramurals. In realizing the varied Fencing, 2:30 pm, Upper Red needs and interests of the Activities, PAC university community, the inRugger, 3pm, Rm 1089, PAC tramural program offers a wide Sailing, 1:30 pm, Rm 1083, PAC variety of physical activities. Skiing, 3: 30 pm, Rm 1083, PAC The most structured level of Underwater, 4 pm, Rm 1089, intramurals is the competitive PAC. aspect which, for the most part, Weightlifting, 2 pm, Rm 1089, involve unit competition. ComPAC petitive sports include team acWhitewater, 4:3b pm, Rm 1083, tivities (flag football, soccer, etc. ), PAC team tournaments (track Judo, 7 pm, Combatives Room, and field, co-cd swim meet, etc. 1, PAC and individual tournaments such Karate, 8 pm, Blue Upper Acas golf and tennis. tivi ties, PAC The recreational level of inKinder Swim, 1-4 pm, Red entramurals is also divided into three trance, PAC types of / activities. These are Ladies Self Defense, 9 pm, recreational team sports, inCombatives Rm, PAC dividual activities and free time Squash, 8:30 pm, Rm 1083, PAC activities. Ball hockey, 7-aside Swimming, 7 pm, Pool Gallery, touch football and co-cd volleyball PAC ‘are examples of these activities. Tennis, 7:30 pm, Rm 1083, PAC The third aspect of the program September 18, Tuesday is the instruction area. Whenever NAUI Scuba Program, 7:30 pm, there is sufficient interest in an Pool Gallery, PAC activity, instruction will be given. September 20, Thursday MIAC The final level of the- program is Meeting, 7:30 pm, Rm 1083, PAC are athletic clubs. These September 22, Saturday recreational in nature but do 4th Annual Ring Road Bicycle provide instruction and comRace, 9: 30 am, N Kiosk Columbia petition for their members. Entrance The following is a list of the September 24, Monday’ . dates, times and places of the 7-Aside Touch Football, 8:30 pm, organiza tional meetings for all Rm 1083, PAC Intramural activities. For further Soccer, 7:30 pm; Rm 1083, PAC information, please pick up a copy September 25, Tuesday of the intramural news which Flag Football, 7:30 pm, Rm 1076, provides information on all acPAC tivities. It also lists the names of Lacrosse, 8:30 pm, Rm’ 1076, the intramural representatives. If PAC you are in doubt as to whom you September 30, Sunday should see, call the intramural Track & Field, 12:30 pm, office at ext. 3532. September 10, Seagram Stadium Monday, MIAC Meeting, 8 pm, October 2, Tuesday Director’s Home, 171 Woodville Co-ed Volleyball, 8 pm, Seagram Pl., Waterloo Stadium September 15, Saturday, InOctober 3, Wednesday tramural Workshop, l-4 pm, Rm Ball Hockey, 8:30 pm, Seagrams 1083, PAC Co-ed Innertube Waterpolo, 7:30 pm, Rm 1083, PAC Organizational Meetings Co-ed Swim Meet, 7 pm, PoolDraw September 13, Thursday October 4, Thursday Orienteering, 8 pm, Rm 1083, Floor Hockey, 7 pm, Seagrams PAC October 9, Tuesday September 16, Sunday Co-ed Squaliball, 7:30 pm, Rm Archery, 1:30 pm, Upper Red 1076, PAC Activities, PAC October 13, Saturday


Engineering Challenge Run, 10 am, Seagram Stadium October 17, Monday Basketball, 7:15 pm, Rm 1083, PAC IIockey, 8:15 pm, Rm 1083, PAC October 23, Tuesday Skating, 1:30 pm, McCormick Arena Basketball, (Women) 7:30 pm, Rm 1089, PAC October 24, Wednesday IIockey, (Men) 7 pm, Rm 1083, PAC IIockey, (Women) 7 pm, Rm 1089, PAC Co-ed Broomball, 8 pm, Rm 1083, PAC October 26, Friday Co-ed Curling Bonspiel, 8:45 am, Glenbriar Curling Club

Lockers available A limited number of lockers are available to women students on a first come first serve basis. Students will be assigned a locker by the tote matron in the women’s locker room. Because of limited space, students are asked not to take a locker unless they plan to use it on a regular basis. It would be helpful if students would consider sharing locker space with a friend. A number of lockers will be reserved for kin students registered in skills classes this fall. These lockers are available now. Kin students taking skills classes this winter will be able to get a locker in January. A number of lockers will be reserved for non-kin students. These will be available September 10. After September 20, lockers left will be assigned to any student who applies.

Half mile dirt track motorcycle racing Sunday. New Hamburg fairgrounds. Don’t miss it.,

-, I’

* I:36










_I __ fridw,






” . 6. Waterlook Only Camera Store \ , l . Prices are the&w&t -in the--Area \ _* 6 H24 hr. Film Service l A Complete Line of: f%kon; Perittix, .Canon, I ’ Olympus, Vivitar, Minolta and a large. -f of dar:kd~room eq-uipment and supplies , . s-s


C 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0

b C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C

A, mood, an era, recalled by‘ ai artist. This sensitivity interpretedby- a designer comes to you in Lee Jeans, Oxford Plaids, Cambridge Cuffs and Lee sport!’ coats. All recapture bygone days. This fall you too can recaptljre an-era. All your duds are -at Overends Apparel now!! -


i ’




September 7, 1973 ?. VI_.

. \

: friday, September I-7- >_._I.,_ ,;-_ ,,.:



7, 1973 , _’ ’










What better thing to do on a sweltering summer afternoon than don pounds of padding, longsleeved jerseys and helmets and practise for that fine North American sport of Get ‘The Quarterback.



. _ _

17 pool .opens

Mon. \1:30 am - 2:20 pm, 9:30 lo:30 pm Tues. 12:30 pm - 2:20 pm, 9:30 -



11:30 am - 1:20 pm, 9:30 -

I Seagram



Use of. the athletic facilities on this campus are not limited to those who wish to take part in organized team sports. The facilities at the physical activities

Warrior schedule September 12-Waterloo at Guelph September I!+Bye September 22-Western ’ at Waterloo September 29-Waterloo at WLU October 6-Waterloo at Toronto October 13-Waterloo at Carleton October 20-Ottawa at Waterloo October 27-Waterloo at Windsor November 3-McMaster at, Waterloo

Book one court one hour, 24 hours in advance by phoning 743-7691. White preferred, smooth soled shoes mandatory, no change facilities at club:Own equipment necessary.

Gym Space stadium


PAC gym

Varies each week, available most times during the day before 4: 30 Pm. Squash Squash, raquetball, handball open, during building hours. Must book one court 24 hours in advance by signing booking sheet in men’s tote room (women may have women’s tote room attendant reserve court ) . ‘Squash ladder in operation. ’ Skating October


Tuesdays at McCormick Arena ‘on Parkside Drive; l:3O - 3pm. Thursdays at Waterloo. Memorial Arena, 1:30 - 3 pm. Badminton Main



Check weekly gym schedule. Tuesdays or Thursday evenings, 7:30 to 9 pm. Saturdays, 9:30 - 11 am.

Horseshoes Two pitches on village green past softball diamond. Shoes available from men’s tote room. \* Weight Room PAC and Seagram


In PAC, .I5 station gladiator machine -available during open building hours.

. ’


9 am - 4 pm, Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 10 pm, Fri. ’ , Closed weekends. bail ext. 3535 for‘ information.’


meet Western here. Saturday games with two exceptions, iyill be played at 2 pm with home games at Kitchener centennial stadium. The exceptions are the October 20 game with Ottawa here at 8 pm and the November 3 game here with McMaster which will begin at 1 pm.

by george neeland.

complex, Seagram stadium gym and the Waterloo tennis club are available at specific times for use by students. Equipment may be borrowed from the tote rooms for most of these activities. Swimming t September

While the rest of the university community was dodging in and out of air conditioned buildings, ,the football warriors ma,rtyr-like took to the field to hone their skills of slipping past flying tackles and stopping equally illusive opponents.’ HopeJ%‘lly all this hot weather conditiomng will aid the warriors as they begin the 1973 season I against the Gu-eIph gryphons at Guelph I on Wednesday evening. The coaching staff and- the team hopes the, warriors will be able to better their 1972 mark of. three wins and three losses -and their equally split season the year before that. After the 8 pm game with Guelph next week the warriors will have a bye until September 22 when they

Building Hours PAC-Monday to Friday 8 am to 11 , Pm’ PAC-Saturda.y F 9 am%- 5 pm PAC-Sunday F 1 pm - 10 pm Seagram sadium-Monday. to Friday 9 am - 11 pm. . S - C 1.os e d . L weekends. ,




the chevron



7, 1973


politics internationalstyle For the past’year Carl Totzke, director of athletics at the University of Waterloo, and a group of other people from the surrounding community of KitchenerWaterloo had been working on a proposal for the 1975 World Student Games, which they then placed before the executive committee of the International Federation of University Sports. Radio Waterloo traced the history of this proposal in the Canadian collaboration with Broadcasting Corporation and in this article has transcribed some of the more interesting interviews with coaches, athletes, members of the K-W delegation to the games committee in Moscow, and with members of the executive committee of FISU. The Waterloo delegation approached the FISU general meeting in Moscow in August with what they thought was an excellent alternative to the pressures of professionalism and commercialism which is found in the Olympics and which has become evident in recent years in the World Student Games. Bob Wilson of CBC talked to Carl Totzke about the K-W bid for the 1975 World Student Garntxs?

did you want to hostlthe Student Games? Totzke-We were aware that there was one direction or one philosophy that these games could take so that they would become a huge event that would rival the Olympics in importance, and we knew that there were some individuals in the world organization that certainly supported this point of view. What we were suggesting was why not have it in a smaller community where there are universities and get the people involved. With the capabilities here in the’K-W area we felt Wilson-Why

1975 World

that we were in a pretty good position to provide the facilties that were necessary. We were able to interest the world organization sufficiently that they undertook to send a delegation of four people here to the K-W area in the latter part of July; one from Czechoslovakia, one from England, one from the United States and the head of the technical commission from Italy. So they had a look at our community and our facilities, and I think they were quite frankly not only impressed but probably amazed at what they saw, at what we have in a community of 160,000. The fact that the two universities are here puts us in a rather special position as faras some of the facilities which are necessary. I think our biggest selling point was our student village, our resident accommodation. On the University of Waterloo campus we can accommodate approximately 3500 students and these are first class accommodations. It was the opinion of the visiting group that they were better than any that have ever been available to any international competition and that includes all the Olympics. So with this statement coming from the group, we were certainly encouraged in continuing our bid and our proposal. The strength of our proposal was that we had the ready-made accommodations, that we had a couple of high school gyms, we had a stadium, we had another ten or twelve grade-school gyms which were available, half a dozen swimming pools and then in our negotiations with the councils and the federal and provincial governments we saw the possibility of adding to these faciltiies with a major swimming pool and a closed year round swimming pool which

might seat 3,000. We would be adding seats to our stadium and our track and field so that we could accommodate 12,000 in permanent seats and if necessary another four or five so we might have up to sixteen or seventeen thousand seats.

competitors feel that their efforts watched by the community and they encouraged to give of their best.

athletes used to top quality Olympic and international competition. So the first requirement is facilities for all the sports which would meet those needs. Beyond that, obviously, we have to house the competitors and officials and for this we need comfortable, friendly, attractive accommodations, and from what I hear of the area of K-W, this presents no problem. I’ve been here only a few hours already and have been struck by the friendliness and charm of the local people. The third requirement will be technical services for the games in terms of officials, timing and ancillary equipment so that the facilities and the athletes can be tested under the best possible conditions. And finally what one wants is good local support so that the

students living in the dormitories at the university here are superb. They would clearly be the best that we have ever had for any university and having seen a lot of university accommodations around the world I am staggered at their quality and at the way in which they are maintained. There is no doubt that the living psaces . would have mainly single rooms beautifully equipped with ample washrooms and plenty of space around them. This is first class. clearly will be the facilities for track and field. Track and field is the key event of the university ad, and the stadium which you have here is clearly organized for a smallish university in a smallishcommunity . If we are to hold top class world

are are

While the inspection committee was here they were given the royal tour of the K-W area. Although they spent only three In July of this year a delegation from days here they visited a variety of places the FISU executive came to the K-W area X in the area, both social and dealing with with some very definite ideas concerning activities as well as visiting sport what they were looking for. Charles Stratford and Niagara Falls. All in all Wendon of Great Britain, one of the they seemed impressed by what they saw members of the inspection committee although there were some deficiencies in talked to George Young in an interview the area of sports facilties. In an interview about what he was looking for in the area. . with George Young, after they had looked Wendon-Firstly what we need are first around, Charles Wendon of Great Britain class facilities for the ran&e of sports inand Nick Rodes of the U.S.A. made cluded in the university ads. These games comments on the K-W area. are of a very high standard, attracting Wendon-The accommodations for the

, fridav,


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7, 1973

_. ___*. ._. _


l I


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track and field here there is *a great deal to be done. The organizing committee have planned to putdown an eight lane tartan track which is essential for top-class international cdmpetition, and they have stated they would hope to get this done. You will also clearly have to improve the seating accommodation ‘and expand the changing accommodations for athletes and coaches. This is the area where there is most to be done and where a great deal of time and thought and money would have to be expended. In between. this I’ve been impressed‘with an area whichhas so many swimming pools dotted around the vicinity and, there is no problem about training facilities for swimming. I gather that the organizing committee, if the project comes off, would hope to build a competitive fifty-meter pool’ in Kitchener. , So that swimming-wise, price that’s there you have first-class arrangements. We’ve looked at a wide range of indoor halls and gymnasiums in the university, in high schools and in some of the associated sports areas and again for a community of 160,000 I am dazzled at the qHty and range -of situations which you have. Certainly there are more indoor facilities and more pools in the K-W area than there are” in the whole of “Boston. There .will be no problem in the end in allocating the seating so that we could get first-class venues for basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, fencing and other If the problem of indoor activities. providing a good track with a good warming up area and with adequate changing and spectator accommodations can be provided, then to my mind, K-W has a first-class presentation. RodesFirst of all, the accommodations are superb. They are the best we could ever hope to have. I’ve been to theuniversity ads in ‘65 and there is nothing that comes close. The basic sports facilities with the addition of the new swimming pool which is being anticipated are good, you have some very good facilitiesFor an area with not a large population I think the facilities are You do have a major outstanding. problem in your stadium. I mean let’s be very candid about it. These days in track and field the use of the tartan track is j universal, the size .,of your stadium is awfully small. One of the things which I think the people of this are.a should keep in mind is, although I’ve been told that if you build a bigger stadium there wouldn’t be much ‘use for it later on, just like everything else population grows. You may-be able to find other things to use it for because I’m very impressed with the people in the area _and their spirit for sports, but I can see the stadium as being a tremendous problem. Although the stadium presented its the overall verdict was, problems, favourable and Carl Totzke felt that they had every’ reason to be optimistic about the kind of reception they would at the _ FISU general assembly in MOSCOW. Unfortuna‘tely, proceedings at Moscow didn”t go very well. Dr. Primo Nebiolo, the president of FISU, seemed to feel that it \would never do to have the games occur in such a small and relatively unknown On community as Kitchener-Waterloo.


top of this there was very little support from otlier delegates or from the, members of the inspection. Carl Totzke tells what he thinks



in Moscow:


-time to provide the necessary buildings, to provide the ,necessary improvement of facilities. Now. in good 1Faith I wish to express to this group that we have done some work in preparing this bid. If you do not choose to accept it or that it does not permit the growth of the FISU games as you see _ them, do not feel embarrassed about refusing. We know that we are ‘presenting a r rather serioZls alternative, we think in our own minds that it is the right one, that the priorities we would attempt to emphasize at this university ad, the students involved in a worthwhile sporting exchanged in a small friendly community. We feel that this is the area and the directions that we can do a good and successful-job. If you are looking for us to accelerate our project, to ‘build it up into something that you have in mind then I think we are looking at two different paths. So in good faith I would like to propose that if in fact you cannot give our proposal an affirmative decision at this time, regretfully we cannot delay to get an answer at a later time. Keith Harris, who &the president of the CIAU, also had this cornmen! to make concerning the procedures in Moscow:

Well, a few things went wrong. A few things went well, but I think that we weren’t surprised really at any of the developments. I think we were hopeful that it might work better, but what went wrong was that the president .of the organization, Dr. Primo Nebioli of Italy, was quite determined that these games should not go to a smaller community after Moscow. He didn’t,want them to fall into the oblivion of the boondock I of Wyaterloo county, so he effectively prevented our proposal from really coming to a vote. And he sent it to a committee. He was able to get Mexico to indicate at the meeting that they were considering putting in a bid for the games in 1975 and that they needed a little time to.sort of prepare their proposal and find out if all the necessary facilities were ready and so forth. So the president asked if we could delay for three months in determining where the games would go and give Mexico’ a little time to put their bid together and give the K-W area a little time to correct some of the deficiencies they have in their proposals. ,” ’ He. suggested that we ‘give a threemonth delay on this decision and then leave it with the executive, the board of directors, to decide where the games would. be held in 1975. We had said at the outset of our proposal that we had to have an answer at Car I Totzke this time because of the lead time necessary for the designing of buildings to I’m convinced that when you go to provide the facilities we need, such as the make this kind of a pitch that there is no swimming pool and additional seating. question that you really have to do a We’felt at this time that if we couldn’t get -thorough and professional job of working an answer right here and now that we were behind the scehes if you’re convinced that withdrawing our bid. We tried to point out I you want it. You’ve got to work behind this wasn’t in any sense of animosity. We the scenes and then you need to be very ‘were just pointing out the fact that we astute and on your toes in the actual -needed the- time and that we were not sessions where yau make your proposals,‘ trying to force anybodies hand or ac‘because it is so easy to be finessed on a cellerate any decisions, but we could not ’ delayed translation. As you know, there wait and if they chose not to take our. are several languages used for the proposal at that time then we could not be,* discussions, so if you’re not just in there considered as a candidate. So we left it at right off the mark why you know a that and they left it at that, and we misunderstanding can soon turn the’whole packed our bags and our proposal was sort meeting around. of concluded. I think that yesterday I felt that at one Following the approval of delaying point in time that possibly because of tactics which Dr. Nebiolo proposed, delayed translation and so forth we may Totzke made the following speech ‘at the have lost a good chance to pull the bid off. general assembly meeting in Moscow: I personally would have liked to have seen There are some inadquacies about our us put it to the vote. I, think that there proposal and possibly about the were quite a few people’ there who were capabilities of our facilities and the quite apprenhensive, and they didn’t suggestion that some time might be given know how to read us. They didn’t know to explore the possibilities ,of correcting just how enthusiatic we were to have these. I think all that we can say in good these games, and I think that many of the faith is that we would attempt to do these smaller nations and younger members things as we find them within our probably would have voted for us. capabilities. Unfortunately, the time But as you know there we& some necessary to prepare what facilities we are difficulities: Ear example, Israel, the day planning to build and provide for the quite before, had quit -doing it university ad requires a decision at this diplomatically, had \ chastized the time. ’ Russians for eliminating their press from. We do not wish to put undo pressure on , attendance at these games. ’ ” &hi& gathering, we do not -wish to force Some were. rather reticent about anybody to make a quick decision. We are standing up and supporting our case only saying that we need the two years mainly because I think they felt that if





others who had chastized the Soviets saw them take this lead then they too might be placed in the same box with the Russii. That made it a little difficultMaybe we should have searched out some other representative from some other country to have made our case and presented the propo=lIn an interview held’in the stud& of Radio Waterloo; Bob Wilson/of CBC talkid im Totzke and George Young about the direction which the games were @aking ‘8tld what alternatives were available. The p&sophy of the present executive of FISU had a lot of effect on the mception of the K-W bid for the games as .is evident in Dr- Nebiilo’s actions. YOMg: _’ No question about it- As Carl mentioned Nebiolo was instrumental in asking Mexico C&y to make a bid, and as I saw it Mexico City had no idea that they were going to bid coming into the general assembly meeting- It was obvious that he did not have the backing of the pvemmerit and it was a put up by Nebiolo. One mm, a member of the executive committee, told me that Nebiolo is a little godfather and that everybody ‘else just Mows h& around- I think that’s a pretty accurate description of the situationWilsonWould that be based solely on tk ideas that the World Student Games should not go to a smaller community? YoMgYes, essentially he likes the @a of rivaling the Olympic games in stature. ,He was in his glory on opening night in Moscow at the stadium, WilsonIs that a \ general feeling among universities around the world, that in fact the Student Games should rival the Olympics? : 1 YoungNQ$ don% think so. Carl, you can back me up on this but after we withdrew the bid several countries came up to us and said can’t you hold on for three more months? They liked the concept generally of going to a smaller community, but were just not prepared to buck the authority9 as it were, TotzkeI thigk tlmt we had all kinds of support. I mean we were quite enthused as we were .doing some of our preliminery lobbying which was on a very low key nature, but we were sort of ticking off the countries that we had talked to and the ones that showed strong support for the accept that we were trying to set out- * We were quite encouraged by’ the mption that we had from a lot of the smaller countriesThe fact that they did& come up and stand up and express th& at the opening meeting or at the open meeting was a little discouraging to me and I was disappointed, but that% ‘one of those things that you can% always predict what might happen. j We are rather naive on the international scene. Speaking personaIIy Ike been to a few of these meetings, and you learn something about them everytimeoutWe certainly learned a lot at this meeting. 1 think that the idea of coming to Canada would ,have been most acceptable and possibly had Toronto or possibly Montreal been the city that was bidding the games might in fact havebeen awarded to Canada. I had talked to people in” the - Olympic organization committee in Montreal and they indicated that they pretty well had their hands fulI with the Olympics and I couldnt but agree with * themThey were& in a position to de: ’ (~-d~~pp@. ..





emphasize their main show in 1976. I talked with some individuals in Toronto and they said, well, maybe if you find that you aren’t going to be successful, maybe we can get a group together in Toronto. But it almost had to wait until our proposal was aborted. So it became one of ’ those situations where it was the concept or the philosophy of an event that had to be held in a major city to give it the needed importance. I

With all of the shit flying around in the political circles, the coaches and athletes have to put up with the end results of the Bob Graham, a swimpolitical hassles. ming coach for the Canadian team, and two members of the wrestling team, Pat Bolger and Al Tschirhart, seemed to feel that some of the decisions made were based on a desire to turn the World Student Games into the World Student and they expressed their Olmpics, dissatisfaction with the objections raised against the K-W bid for the 1975 World Student Games.

Graham-Most of the coaches that I talked with and most of the athletes from the different. countries that I talked to at the swimming pool were most enthusiastic about coming to Canada in 1975. They said 1975 wa; a year away from 1976. It would be a virtually pretrial for an Olympic competition under similar conditions in terms of temperature, similar environment, what type of response they would get to travelling. I think this- is one of the things that the coaches were most interested in, especially those coaches who would have had to

7, 1973

, -

‘Young-There’s one thing which surprised me, Bob and Carl, maybe you could fill us in. Perhaps your feelings on what happened as well. The four visitors to Kitchener-Waterloo were members of the executive and while they did get up and give their reports as to how they viewed this area, really, when we got up and said we want to vote now there was no additional support from any one of them. They all sort of said yes, it’s a nice, place although they do need additional track facilities, and a larger stadium. But there was no additional support at the time when we were trying to get a vote. WilsonWhy did you withdraw? Why

didn’t you let it go another three months? Totzke-Several reasons. One of the first reasons was that we needed the time and I think that we were cutting it down awfully close when we said that we had two jrears work to build a swimming facility which would seat 3,000 and additional seating in the stadium and so forth. So we really needed all the time we could to prepare plans financing and all the things for this. The other point is that when we met with our group we were of the opinion that three months was just a delaying gambit in order to get some other country to come forward with a bid. We were really the bird in the hand or someting that would be used as bait to put the pressure on some other community in some other country to come forward with a bid. So we decidedthat let’s not dilly-dally and let’s not keep our people in suspense, a lot of people have invested a lot of their time in this and there was a fair amount of finances involved. We decided at that point in time, let’s face it, we’re not going to make any better headway than we have up to this point of time. We’ve been entirely honest up to this point, we pointed out our deficiencies, and we pointed up what we think are strong points. I think we’ve credibility with the established our visitors who came to look at our community from Europe. They were amazed and found that we weren’t deluding them with our capabilities. There just seemed to . be cards stacked against us in this respect, and if nobody was going to speak up in support of our proposal then we we might as well not cointinue it.


travel a considerable distance to come to Canada in 1976. Australia, for example. Tschirhart-I think it was ridiculous. As far as I’m concerned K-W has ten times the facilities. The only one missing is the big stadium and I imagine that could have been possible too. From what I understand the head guy of FISU didn’t feel that K-W was big enough. I think we could have done a better job than Moscow did too. Like the facilities are just great here. Well, I grew up in this area and I know what’s at hand and the facilities are more modern and, well, everything is just better. We could use the student village and I figure half the countries would just be fascinated by how modern everything is. Bolger-I was really disappointed. I couldn’t see the justification and apparently it was that we didn’t have a large enough stadium. I could see it myself. I think there is too much money being poured into the Olympics and theStudent World Games and I feel that they should tone it down. I really think we could have handled it well. I think maybe it would gear us better towards competition having the ‘76 Olympics and therefore having the athletes competing for the first time in front of their country might help their performances. N&, everyone was disappointed that the K-W bid received such and unfavourable reception in Moscow. Sid McLennan, mayor of Kitchener, thought the games were a poor idea. He wasn’t surprised the bid was essentially rejected and in his usual bumbling way thinks things turned out for the best. In an interview with George Young, McLennan proves that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and for not wanting the gives his reasons games to come to the Kitchener-Waterloo area.

McLennan-I really ‘wasn’t surprised actually, because I thought in this instance we might be out of our league a little. I wasn’t at all surprised that we didn’t get the games, but in any event there were a number of things and questions unanswered that seemed to puzzle us here in this locality. .Young-As mayor of the city of Kitchener did you want to see the games in this area? McLennan-Not at this particular time. I wasn’t overly enthuasiastic about it. I didn’t vote for public funds to be provided for the initial introduction to the games, however, I assured the council that even though it was split that I would not block their decision and I would go along with the majority rule. Young-Any other particular reason

other than you would wish to see funds spent other ways than promoting the games, any other reasons for not wanting the games in this area? McLennan-Yes, there were two or ’ three other reasons. First of all, and I said earlier that they were out of their league. I mean this because when the delegation appeared before council asking for funding I asked a question at that time: do we have in Canada a similar activity where nature of the Russian individual-they the universities gather together for such are not service-oriented at all-but the an event as World Student Games and games still came off pretty well. We have the same events. The answer was no. played some basketball in some barns; we Now this to me was a little puzzling couldn’t find a gym in K-W as bad. because I would think that this would be But the games were played and they the first step so that in Canada we would kept the score and, of course, the Russians have all the university athletes competing walked off with a wheel barrel full of in similar events as at the World Student medals and proved to all and sundry that Games. Then develop a strong team from the Russian system is the best in the Canada and have our athletes go to the world. World Student Games. But I don’t know what’s the future for But when we don’t in our own way in the Olympics and whether the Student Canada have a similar activity it was--a Games will replace them. I think there is a little puzzling to me. I don’t know the real future for the student games and I think background and the real history but it that it is in the direction that we proposed, would seem to me that if we are going to but let’s face it, we’re rather new on the have representation of any kind, we international scene. We don’t have should have the strongest possible team any body on the executive. We must get and athletes that we can gather together some people who are working the inside, to carry the banner for Canada. and I think that the Canadian government Young--id, as you know, it was a is finding this out. You’ve got to have withdrawal, not a denial by FISU and at officials who are in the international ofthis point in time they are trying to get ficials league, and you’ve got to be sitting Mexico City to come in and bid for the in on the committee meeting when they games. They did so at the general are planning the draws and all these assembly meeting in Moscow and the things. There is a lot more that goes on in decision will be made in about two and a the back rooms that people don’t know of half months. But if they should come back that is very significant in the ultimate and if Mexico City could not hold the results. games and they came back and asked KWe must get involved, we must get our W to hold the games, what would your feet wet. But you just can’t superficially feelings be? appear on the scene and walk away and McLennan -No, I don’t think my play the game, because if we want to do a position would change. I’ve always felt, as job, why, we’ve got to really get in there I have expressed earlier, that we’re a little and get in with both feet. bit out of our league and that I would like Wilson-Are you saying we should take to see other types of athletic events held, sports off the field and into the committee such as the Canadian Summer Games room? which we were anxious to have a few years Totzke-I think we should play the back. I would like to see something of this game the way the game is played and if nature in our community of Canada so you’re going to have to win some in the that we could take the first step, as it committee room then let’s get in there and were, toward such an activity. win some. There were two philosophies of thought Young-You can lose an awful lot in the surrounding the path the World Student committee rooms if you don’t, and I think Games should take. On the one hand, that’s a very fair observation to make of people feel that theprofessionalism and any international sports event. commercialism should be played down Harris-There’s no question from the and create a more .sport -for-sport’s-sake athletes’ point of view. The games are atmosphere. On the other, there are people exciting and this kind of international who share Dr. Nebiolo’s opinion that the competition really appeals to them. From World Student Games should be made to sort of an executive’s position I would say compete with the Olympics as far as that I have certain apprehensions about importance in international competition it. Getting into the realm of a great deal of goes. Unfortunately, the coaches and expense and in the light of the discussions athletes have very little to say in deciding and the circumstances in regards to our which path the games will take and one bid, it makes you wonder whether or not wonders if the World Student Games are the FISU people are not thinking too worth continuing. and if they provide grandly of these games. You have the anything worthwhile for the coaches and feeling that there is a certain segment and athletes. Wilson talked with Totzke and that segment is primarily those that are in Young about the future of the games and the top executive positions at this time. Keith Harris also gave his viewpoint on They are enamored with the thought that the topic. . they could rival or come close to the Totzke-Well, that’s hard to say. I Olympic magnificence, and grandeur. I think they may replace the Olympics. I think if we try to go that route we lose the thought they came off very well in basic appeal of these games, which should Moscow in spite of the problems that we be getting on to campuses and seeing had. The actual running of the games was students from other parts of the world, very good. The competitors enjoyed it and not getting too much into this big time aside from the linguistic problems, the international competition.


by don &hanger I. ,



the administrative people in the’ general assembly arguing about the I975 games, the coaches and athletes were \ busy participating in the 1973 World Student Games. In an interview at Radio Waterloo, Graham, Young, i Bolger and Tschirhart discuss how Canada did in this year’s games and some of the problems which were faced by coaches and athletes in Moscow. Graham-The Canadian team did very






well. As a swimming team they finished ;‘ourth. As a country, and if you count all of the aquatic sports which is a normal combination of swimming and diving, we were third, the Unit,ed States finishing first, and Russia finishing second. We *were v’ery happy with what they did considering that the team that we had is representative of students and our best team at present is on it’s way to Relgrave to participate in the first world aquatic championships. llssentially of the available talent, the best talent went on to 13elgrave. There were two boys who had the opportunity to go to Helgrave and who did elect to go to Moscow and compete in the _M’orld Student Games. These were ,John llaas and Ilarry McDonald. Fred Bunting-How did the individuals of the Canadian team do? Graham-Unfortunately, I can’t say that we got any’ gold medals. It would have been very nice to say that, but we got a silver medal in the men’s one hundred butterfly by Byron MacDonald, we got a’ bronze medal in the men’s two hundred back stroke from John Hass, and we got a , bronze medal in the one hundred back stroke from E:ric I’ish. I’d like to point out, though, - that there were only three events in which Canadians did not make the finals, and this was the men’s hundred and 1 two hundred breaststroke and the men’s ‘one hundred free’ style. We had finalists in ,every other event in the program. Young-Well, as far ’ as the Canadian performance overall, it was obviously our best in these games. We were eleventh overall. In total medal ,-standings we picked up seven medals. We have to be very happy with the performance of our track athletes, our swimmers, particularly our woman’s volleyball and our men’s basketball. And perhaps we could even taIk a little bit here about our national programmes geared for 1976. . As a result of our national programs our basketball team came within a point of getting a bronze in the game with the Russians . The Russians, of course, winning the silver-medal over there. We were down by just one point with 19 seconds to go and with a few breaks could have pulled ’ it off, considering we were down 18. points at the end of that half. From a Canadian point of. view we were successful. Graham-I think there was a variety of first \ things which came out of an exposure of all, I-think, that the student trip is a / very unique trip #compared to other international teams. For example, ‘an Olympic team or a Pan-American team. You have a very wide range of’ interests and ages. A student trip basically has a small range of ages between 17 and 25. Most of them are currently involved in education and*in what they’re doing and finding out what they want to do. I think that this is a very interesting objective, because it is one of the few places where they get a-real cosmopolitan exposure, to a variety of systems and education. English is pretty well .spoken by every student in the :world-, It was am@ng at I,

I c / ’


the - games, everybody could speak English’, even the Russians. They were most interested in conversing with Canadian students. A lot of Russians expressed interest in. the Canada-Russia student exchange program. In fact, our chief interpreter had spent two years studying at UBC. I think it gives students an exposure to a variety of educational programs and a chance to meet people of the same age group. I feel this is really important. Besides that it can be used. as Sport Canada has set it up to be used as a stepping stone to bigger and better international competitions. Tschirhart-Well, actually , the thing that impressed me the most was actually back home here, and that is how much you get to appreciate your country after you’ve put up with the facilities and actually put up with the living style of the people over there. The first couple of days it seemed like you had been stuck back 50 years in the history of this country. Bunting-What kind of an atmosphere surrounded the< student games? TschirhartWelI, the different athletes had a great time, trading information with the other athletes. Bunting-What kinds of problems did you run into as an athlete? Tscirhart-Most was the security arrangements. I’m not used to showing a pass every 15 or 20 feet, and that’s the way it was. I don’t know if it was the country or whether they were just taking precautions against another Munich. But a lot of people complained about it for the first little while, ,but all that served to do was for them to double the guards. Bolger-*We had some difficulty during training time. There was only one wrestling mat for all the teams involved at the Student World Games and it was rather difficult, but we did finally’manage to get into two workouts per day. The atmosphere in Russia seems to be fairly restrictive and this probably bothered some people. They didn’t like having&heir ~IL)‘!s~checked.all the time+, they Ididn’t like

seeing the police on your tail all the time. I was fighting the American and I put him on his back for two points and they didn’t give me any points at all when it was, just so obvious that I had him right on his back. Had I won the match and I would have if they had given me the two points, I would have gotten the bronze medal. So anyway we p.rotested for about three hours and they fired the three judges, a consolation which didn’t really do me that much good. It seems that even in sports people -can’t leave politics alone. This years battle was bewteen the Russians and the Israelis. Even though it was- an in. ternational competition the Jewish people are not well received in the Soviet Union, and numerous problems arose between the two factions both on the playing field and off. Young and Totzke talk about the problems which arose from this confrontation. Young-First of all, the Israeli problems

‘were that the Russian people went to great pains to put on a show to demonstrate that they could handle the 1980 Olympics. You look to the individual sports; they were. fairly well organized. But then they turned around and there were two Israeli newspapermen who -wanted to come in and cover the games. They got as far as Zurich and had their visa’s withdrawn by the Russians. Israeli athletes were harassed from the time they got there until the time they left, booed by Russian people. The Soviet Jewish people were trying to get in to see the Israeli teams play-and in most cases were denied entrance. At one occasion where they were able to get to a basketball game with Israel leading with the last minute to go, the Soviet Jews were waving. a flag and the soldiers went over and grabbed the flag and tore it up. So on one hand they go to great pains to put on a good show,*a good World Students Games, but then they blew it because- of their politics. The only opinion I got from the one Israeli that I talked to was that their very

presence in Moscow meant more to therm than : just winning medaIs. They were there representing the whole Israeli nation. To keep their heads tall despite the many problems, the jeers they were getting and the harassment. It was more important to them that they were really proving a point and that’s the only reaction I got from them. They did not like it obviously, but they also realized just how important to their cause ‘it/was. Wilson-Just one final question about Canadian performances and we touched on it briefly, but I think we have to look forward to 1976 and the Olympic games in Montreal. _This obviously was a, testing ground for some of our young athletes, how do you see our progress as we look forward to 1976 .? ..Young-Well, I ,think its great particularly in men’s, basketball and women’s volleyball where right now we have national programs underway in Canada. The coaches areconvinced they are on the right track and I’m sure you’ll b&k me up on that, Carl. We opened a few eyes’ over there and they’re going to be looking for us next time out.sOur women’s volleyball team never got beyond the first round before and they wound up eighth so that speaks well for national programs. In track and field, we won a couple of medals. I Our swimmers came through and with a little more work that looks very encouraging as well. Young-Yeah, there is no question that this was the most successful international. venture that Canada has ever embarked on and I think we brought a lot of credit to the country. Our team was well outfitted, they looked smart and they were well 1 eved. Of course, Canadians are well recieved in international competition; we’ve been good losers up to now’, but the fact is that now we are starting to win. We were looking at eighth place for our basketball team and here we are knocking for third. We could have won third by the matter of a point or two. I We’ve got kids who are 18 years old that are just getting their first tastes of international competition. I know that our organizing group were very very pleased with the results -and I think this speaks well for the general game plan as they’re gearing for the Olympics. I, think what people dqn’t realize is how many people we got into the finals. That doesn’t show on the medal charts. You know we placed a girl in the finals in the hundred yard dash, and we got all kinds of people in the’top eight and that’s a feat. We’re not geared to the type of philosophy in Canada if you don’t win a medal you haven’t really succeeded, but if you can make the finals in a world competition of this stature you’ve’ done pretty well. Canada did very well in‘ the games this year, placing eighth in wrestling, third in swimming and fourth in ‘men’s basketball, with -an overall standing of eleventh. Despite the poor atmosphere in Moscow and the politic playing by the - FISU executive the students did seem to get some enjoyment and benefit from the event.’ Only time will tell which direction the; World Student Games will take; the Olympic path, or a more low-key educatidnal path. In two months, when the FISU executive again meets and decides where the 1975games will be held, we should get a fairly good indication of what the future of the games will be. Who knows, if Mexico City can’t get a bid together in time maybe they’ll even come back and ask K-W to re-enter their bid. ’ , compiled-by fred bunting







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frid&, /


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CD06 Atkins’ diet debunked With the recent publication qf Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution there has been a rekindling of public interest in the lowcarbohydrate “ketogenic” diet. This diet is promoted as a “miraculous” and “revolutionary” approach to weight reduction. The low-carbohydrate diet approach to weight reduction is not innovative. About a century ago, an, b:nglish surgeon, William Iiarvey , devised a diet for obesity that specifically prohibited sweet and starchy foods, while permitting meat ad libitum. During the last 20 years, there has been a cyclical addiets having in of similar vocacy common the following major features: l a low to very low carbohydrate (sugar and starch) content: l no restriction of protein -and fat; and “unrestricted calories”. l supposedly Variants of the diet have been described in 1953 by Pennington (“‘l’reatment of Obesity ,with Calorically Unrestricted 1 Iiets”): in 1960 as the Air Force &et: in, 1961 by Taller (Calories Don’t Count); in 1964 as The Drinking Man’s Diet: in 1967 by Stillman (The Doctor’s Quick Weight Loss Diet); and most recently by Atkins (Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution). The so-called “(irapefruit and Eigg Diet” -also verges on this genre.


Over the years, starting with the Wanting 1 )iet “, such regimens have 1been pr.oclaimed to the public in glowing

Ia /

Despite the claims of universal and painless success for such diets, no nationwide decrdase in obesity has been reported. It’s. impossible to stick to this -low-carbohydrake diet forever. At b&t, it’s a short-term solutioti to a long-term problem. I .1terms. If low-carbohydrate diets are 1truly successful, then why do they fade ;away into obscurity within a relatively !short period only to be resurrected later slightly different guise and under new ,

sponsorship? Moreover, despite the claims of universal and painless success for such diets, no nationwide decrease in obesity has been reported.

calories don’t co&t. Nor is it possible to explain the alleged weight loss in the presence of a high caloric intake on the basis of excretion of ketones (biochemical by-products of fat and protein metabolism) in the u+rine, as Dr. Atkins is wont to do.

Upon examination, the claims of the low-carbohydrate-diet advocates suggest that they have found a, way of circumventing the first law of thermodynamics, namely: The energy- of an isolated system is constant and any exchange of energyt)etwcen a system and its surroundings must oc’c’ur without the creation or destruction of’ energy. More this the law of consimply stated, servation of matter and energy. For example, the claim is made that an unlimited caloric intake (excluding _ _ . . . . carbohydrates) is associated with .a consistent and physiologically adloss of weight (which vantageous presumably continues as?ong as the diet . is maintained). Herein lies one of the main problems with thePX rationale of the lowdiet. With the focus on _ carbohydrate dietary composition, special emphasis is placed on carbohydrate restriction while ignoring calorie content of the diet. IT calorie intake exceeds calorie utilization, the excess will be stored (conserved) as body fat. Hody fat is burned in incr’easing quantity when total calorie intake is inadeyuateregardless of -the

quantity of carbohydrate in the calorically inadequate diet. 13ody fat can be made from dietary fat and protein as well as from dietary carbohydrate. ‘l‘his obvious when one considers that a nutrient is “essential” in the diet only if the body is unable to manufacture it. The fatty acid linoleic ’ acid in the body’s fat depots cannot be mad6in the body but is derived entirely from the diet. _ Indeed, the linoleic acid cant clnt of t hc body’s fat stores tends to reflect that of the diet. ‘J’hP notion that sedentary persons, without malabsorption or overactive t hjrroid, can lose weight on a diet containing 5.000 kcal /day, as recom mended -Wb>* l>r. .Atkins. is incredible.( \Z’it h the con\rersion to t hc metric system. 1 Kcal= 1 calorie.) r\;o reliat)le nutritional studies halve been reported to support thtl claim that


that provide an adequate explanation of the weight loss that can occur when a “ketogenic” diet is consumed. These workers studieil six obese adults who were ctirefull?~ instFuc.ted in t hti iveighing and recording of their c.omp’lchtc diets. ‘I’hey w’ere told to eat their usual food for two weeks. ‘I’hen. the>* lvt’re asked to reduce the& carboh>rdratcl intake to No reliable nutritional studies about 50 gm/da?v for anot her t\vo weeks have been reported to support and to eat as much protein and fat as they liked. Specificall>*. the subjects the claim that calories don’t tiere told the?, could (‘at unlimited I I count. amounts of such foods as mc’at. eggs, fish, cheese, butter, margarine. and IV0 scientific evid-ence exists to cream. The intake of calories. protein, fat suggest that the low-carbohydrate and carbohydrate was calculated from ketogenic diet has a metabolic ad- I the daily dietary records. vantage over calorie-reduced -balanced diets for weight reduction. Kekwick and The rate of weight loss in obese Yawan obser\*ed in 1956 that obese persons on the lowpatients on extremely high-fat (and carbohydrate diet was similar therfore 10M’-car~)oh?,drate) diets hf 1 ,000 kcal lost‘weight more rapidly than when to that of a “balanced’‘-diet of they were on a 1,000 kcal diet containing caloric value. equal high-carbohydrate (and low fat). ‘1’0 explain their findings. these In all subjects there was a reduction of authors suggested that “obese patients calories ranging from 13 per cent to 55 must alter their metabolism in reponsc per cent,during the time they consumed to the contents of the diet”. However, the low-carbohydrate diet. Interestingly, they tried these diets for only a short Hnone of the six persons ate more fat, and 10 day period. M’hen l’ilkington, et al t.hree of them showed a significant ( 1960) sttidied the Gffects of similar diets reduction of fat intake. It was concluded for 18-24 d ays. the rate of weight loss that w.eight loss on such diets was principally due to the consumption of fewer~calorics. ‘l’hink-about it; no bread means less but tcr: no potato means no q-a\‘?‘, fries. chips and the like. Hefore ?vou cit~cidc this is a great idea, consider the ‘long-term social im’plications of the lo’w-cart)ohpdrate diet. since alcohol is used t)?T t hc body in prefence t 0 carbohJ’dt-ate. all alcohol nlust t)tl a\~oidtyi (lacer and wine have a\~,iilablc carbohtrdrate in addition to their alcohol content). Other foods whit% turn up at parties arc mainly car~)ohydrat~~--hires. t)uglcs, pop cTorn, snack crackers. etc. and also must be alroided. Since you are never “cured” of the tendency to store fat (gain weight) if you takcl in more calories than you use (first law of thermodynamics again), you will always ha\Te to watch what you eat even after losing wieght. If you go back to your old eating habits, yo~‘ll‘go back to your old weight. And if you’re human, it’s going to be impossible for you to stick to this low~art)ohy<iratc diet forever. At best, this is a short-term solution to a long-term firoblem. Some of the pgtential hazards of the ’ low.-carbohydrate diet should also be mentioned. l’ehaps the grcatest danger is related to h?q,erlipidetiia (too much M’as the same for both diets. 1)uring the fat in the blood) which may be induced first few d a1.s there was a m&e rapid by such a regimen. 1Iyperlipidcmia is weight loss for patients on the high-fat, associated with arr increased risk of low-carb!)h?vdrate diet, but’ after three developing coronary heart disease. A , weeks. the total weight loss yas the diet low in carbohydrate will, by sable regardless of diet. proport ion, be high in protein and fat. ‘I’he l’ilkington group concluded that Stich high protein foods as cheese, meat these temporary differences were due and-eggs also ha\*e a high colestcrol and chiefly to changes in water balance and saturated fat content. (Saturated fats include did not reflect true differences in fat loss. hydrogenated vegetable oils Similar studies tqv Olesen and Quaadc such as shortening or solid margarine, ( 1960) and carlitv by M’erner T-1955) coconut and coconut oil-biged coffee showed that, apart from transient whiteners. ~1s well as the familiar animal changes in water balance., the rate of fats.) weight 10~;s in obese persons on the lowA diet rich in cholesterol and saturated fat is thought to be responcarbohydrate diet that-restricts calories was similar to that of a “balanced” diet sible for accelerating atherosclerosis (fat of equal ‘caloric yaluc. deposits in the blood vessels), -‘ part icularly ‘l’he fact remains, howc\~cr , t hat _some in susccpt ible persons. 1)c\*c~lopmt~nt of dangerously high levels persops ha1.e lost weight on the low. “unrcstrict od calories” of fat in t hc l)lood of‘ persons on an allcarbohydrate tvpe diet. ll’h>. is this so? Yudkin and meat diet has been rcportcd 11s ‘l’olstoi (‘I 929). ( .‘arey m ( 1960) ha\,tl rq,orted ox pt~rimt~n t s


, A diet high in protein and fat is ketogenic. ‘l’hat is. the l~lootl is loaded with thcl l)iochemical by-products of protein and fat mctaholism (ketones) which must then 1~ excreted by the\ ’ kidncvs . . . It should also t)c pointed out diets devoid 01. or \.er?r low in, carhohyciratc tend to promote a temporay sodium loss frohl the hod?,. In- addit ion, a diet very high in protein content places aq extra solute load on the kidneys nciccssitating an increase in exc7-etion of urinary water. Thus, by se’vthral mechanisms a lowcSrt)ohydrate diet cause V-lay dehydration. l’ersons whose kidney tunction is al&d>? compromised may have difficult?, in handlfng the j extra burden imposed t)?r such a diet. ! Kctogenic iliets may also cause a significant increase in t.h,e blood’s uric acid concent ration. 1n persons with a tendency to gout, this clitbt could exacerbale the unclr~rl>~ing discasc. Despite the claims of universal and painless success for such dtiets, na-nationwide decrease in obesity has been reported.

Hltibm and ‘Azar ( Iw~:~) rcportvd that all of the subjects whom they studied on “cart,oh~clrat~~-Frye diets” complained oi’ fatigue after two days on the diet. ‘l’hey also o1)sen.ed t ho br~vr4opmc~nt of postural h?*pot elision (low t)lood presfiure. Mrhthn sutjjccts assumed an tipright position after btling supine) .This may be related to lowered hlciod sodium .Mrhich could result from the ‘teppl;rav stw4iuni loss men t ionchd a bovc. \2 ith, respect to ketosis, it is of particular interest to consider thtl CXperience of the (‘anadian Army durihg M orld Lj’ar 1.I with pemmican (dried meat u.ith add4 suet) as an clmcrgcncy ration for infant r-J7 troops. In the (‘apadian stud). (-1945) t hc pemmic-an derived 70 per cent of its calories from fat and 30 per cent fron; muscle protein: Thus, the ration was essentially free of c3rhohydrate. \ ‘l-he performance

of t hc troops



penirnican and tea as the sole component s of t heil ditht dt$crioratt~d so rapidly as to incapacitate ‘them in three days. LZ hen c*arboh>rdratc was added to t6e ration. the men rccupcratcd to a reasonably high level of performancenot to mention how much better they felt. ti’hile on the carbohydrate-free diet, the men complained of nausea and several vomited. I’athalogic fatigue was tlvidcnt. On the morning of the fourth day bf the diet, physical examination disclosed a group of ‘listless, dehydrated man with draw.n faces and sunken eyes, whose breath smelled strongly of acdxme (a type of ketone). In ,other words, ihcy showed symptoms of starvation. Because of lack of ‘appetite and water loss the men had rapidly lost , weight. ‘I’hroughout 1)r. Atkins’ book. the statement is madtl that fat is readily converted to carbohydrate. This is hiochcmically incorrect. It was certainly not the case in the Canadian Army’s fxxperience with pemmican, s‘ince carbohydrate had to be added to the diet. Available * biochemical evidence that stored triglycerides (a type of fat) cannot he used for appreciable net synthesis of carbohydrate. In conclusion the assertion that carbohydrates (especially starches) arc the princial elements in foods that fatten is. at t)est, a half-truth. In fact. un derw.eight p~plc~ arc of ton‘ advised tc ga’in weight 1)). inr*reasing their intake o fat, the most c*onr’tlnt rat (Ad sourc’e o calories ii\~ailat)t~~. ( )t>tlsit>r is prc~\~alcnt ir hart h Amtlric-a. w htlrtb t hc proportion o tat in the ditlt is higher t ban in mosl other countries. ()t)tlsit>r is r[alativc4y rare in large areas of thtl world (Asia ant Africa) w.htarcl starch from rice. wheat plant ain 01 cassa\‘a ro(Ct comprises E high proportion of the total daily food intake. ‘l’his is not to say the lbrtk Americans are fat due to a diet high ir fat. In I\l’orth America we over-indulge generally when it comes to food. OUI traditional wa?v of life tca~hcs us fron childhood that whtln we cat, wt’ must cal more than we realty* ntbcci to t)c hcalthl - jan’


member: Canadian university press (CUP) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by duvont ‘press graphix and published by th& federation of students, incorporated, .unibersity df waterldo. Content. is- the responsibility of the chevron’ staff, @dependent of the federation. Offices ari! located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885~1660,885-1661 or: uniyersity lo@ 2331,. F. Circulation 13,500 I I I


In thts, our last Chevron for a whole week, and probably the longest for a good deal- more than that. ” we weceAalternately gratified and mortified by the presence of,the fpllowing short roster of starry.: _ eyed Idealists. anarchic ne’er do wells. and teenage loose woqen : in spi>rts, george and deadna ; MI news, Susan johnson. frank goldspink and alex podnik, john keyes and kitty, mike robertson, bob , pufoll. John broeze. john morris and fred bunting; in entertainment. melvin i. rotman, Susan gable, the kaufmen, jose yglesias (bite down,‘on that. Ramparts), mike rohatynsky, fit-ray noll. davld cubberley and please pardon the reprints-an abominable habit which’will terminate the moment, ’ all of you out there begln flooding US with your reviews; in graphics-oops--on board the graphics i department we had don “the don” ballanger, thomas galaxy and Chris; generous help’was p’rovided ;:, - In other areas by such.lumlnaries as Charlotte. brian iler, rude, mrs. Bnd ?nr. Susan Scott. and-let’s try ~: not to forget dudley for once.‘Wold for the day: kulturgefangener. . _, j .‘ ” I (-I





the chevron


7, 1973

If you’ve just arrived on campus from out of town, then you’ve just missed the COEthat’s the Central Ontario Exhibitionthat’s Kitchener’s poor man’s CNE, captured in its essence on this page by the graphic magic of the chevron’s Don Ballanger, who lost his shirt at crown and anchor then won it back except for some of the buttons. See the old lady on crutches hobbling her way through the perspiring crowd in the ninety-degree heat; see the clamoring brats with candy-floss in their hair and their harried, bedraggled parents; see the bored, indolent Hosteins, the international displays on souvenir row, the arts and crafts, the colour TV’s, the brimming coffers of the hawk-eyed concessionaires Now, observe this man at one of the crown and anchor stands-he’s got the classiest wheel at the whole exhibition: gleaming paint and chrome, the RollsRoyce of its kind, with its revolving, multi-faceted mirror reflecting the anxious faces of the Just a moment-where are the customers? It seems this guy looks so crooked, and so determinedly uncongenial, that no one’s stepping up to play his game. Even Don only stuck with him for one round, then got pissed off SO we went to take the rides. Nothing exceptional there either. The screams, the high-pitched laughter, the lurching, vomitogenic sensation as vertigo thrusts its finger down your throat and tickles. And only one pig on the ferris wheel. -. I


you kitsch it while

> you


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