coffee. General Flops an take care of the second

Page 1


the Federation


external relations ), in its noble endeavour to create “awareness� on this university . A rumour that

coffee. General Flops an take care of the second while Gulf

. clear&&white---~. \ .;,-.oveyf?’-- ‘.i: A-.

White Bacardi rum. T$e clear, white rum that’&being mixed in daiquiris, ,with,to& and all sorts of soft drinksA’s dearly the answer to any gqod drink. \Whi& &&Cm1 mm . I

Spiders the world over were outraged to learn this week that Arabella, the second cosmic spider, had died of hunger. The announcement was made, by officials- at the Marshall Space Flight Centre last Saturday. Arabella was discovered dead when the vial in which she made her journey into space, returned to the centre. Her” friend and companion in flight, Anita, died while still in outer space. She died ’ from the same reasons as Arabella-hunger. Arabella had been encased in the vial for 32 days whereshe had managed to spin herweb in the weightlessness of space. Scientists had wanted to use her in further experiments to see whether or not she would be able to function properly now that she had returned to earths atmosphere. -

8$ banana


LASA lives


the Latin American Students ‘Association is the natural consequence of a series of informal meetings among Latin American: students. Last winter, they realized- that there was a substantial n-umber of Latin American students on campus, most of them anxious to share their problems and experiences and anxious to reidentify themselves within the context of the north american society.-They-were also wanting to show to others the real face of La tin America. z Therefore, they started holding not so regular meetings, each. person presenting something about his country. They started to exchange newspapers and magazines. There was very successful participation \ ! with films and panel-discussions) during Third World week, held in-March, on campus. No doubt, LASA was a necessity within the university community. So, here is LASA. Formally, constituted, registered with the International Students Association, and having gone through all the necessary bureaucracy of official recognition. The main purposes of LASA are toserve as a bond of fellowship among the members of the Latin American community of UW and to promote discussion and better understanding of Latin American problems. They will try to acheive these goals by all possible (feasible) means, such as films,-panel-discussions, guest-speakers, social parties, and with your help. I Their first years activities begin Oct. iith when anyone interested in the land “below R-io Grande” can at&d the ‘first meeting. LASA,

$20 va,nilla

Get your freebie \ Confused students note: that $20 intercollegiate-fee that you paid along with your tuition fee entitles you to more than a shrunken bank account. It lets you go to all the football, basketball andhockey ‘games, except playoffs, “free”. Just bring your student card to the faculty of kinesiology office in the Physed complex,‘and someone will give you an athletic card that is good for admission to the games during this academic year It may be the only thing you ever get here that’s “free”. --I

12@ ch&olate

ripple , -. _


If you thought that slavery had gone out with the’civil war then you have another in the never ending deries of surprises coming to YOU. Joe Brown of Dade county in Florida was convicted last week with two counts of peonage and involuntary servitude. Apparently, many of the 27 people working for’Brown were held there by him because he said, that they owed him’money. Brown contracted these people out.@ other farmers-in the area: The workers said that they were paid only a few dollars a week and they were beaten if they made any attempt’tb escape. For his venture outside the’law, Brown faces a possible five-year -7< jail sentence and a $5,000 fine for each count. t LI- ,

.f ’ friday,




( j_

. . -._ ’





\ .





i . ,

\ .

\ I




Canada continued


page one

for its one million liberated Angolans (out of 5.5 m‘illion). Meanwhile the liberation war is still going on and judging from Roy’s remarks it is every bit as fierce. as the Indochina conflict. The Portuguese have an army of 186,666 troops and they hire 3$06 more mercenaries at $750 a month. This could be viewed as an Africanization-of the war, The Portuguese use napalm and chemical warfare to: l intimidate the villages to not, support the guerrillas ; @‘destroy crops and wild lifeeconomic war ; ,o force peasants into strategic hamlets, where they will be freed of ‘subversive’ elements. To further elaborate on the war atrocities of the Marcello Caetano regime, of Portugal, is to give these murderers a bit too much publicity. However . .. one cannot stress enough the need for Canadians to realize I the role that multinationals such as General Foods, Nestles and Gulf play in maintaining this state of affairs in southwestern Africa. l



i Lef’s




name. The record admitted their ~ mista,ke and Kochs, admitted the article was not his but had, in fact, come from the Gazette with no name attached to the article. When ,Lentin had begun her employment with the Gazette she agreed that any of her articles could -be reprinted as long as either her name was attached to the article or no name. was credited with the piece. She had also agreed to forego any royalties on her articles . : \ This case though was different Members of the Canadian Union than <anything she had agreed to of Public Employees (CUPE ) local b ecause someone else had taken 793-custodians, groundsmen, credit for her work. She asked the tradesmen and engineers on UW record to print an erratum-a staff-finally ratified a -contract simple correction stating the Koch 1 agreement with the universitiy x had not written the article and that Monday, after working without ,a she had. The ‘record refused to contract since July 1. agree to this saying it would be too The members approved of the embarassing. two-year agreement by nearly a When Lentin finished her conthree-fourths majority. For the. ,versation with the people at the first time the\ contract includes a record, she received a telephone cost-of-living clause. The union call from Jack Adams the had already rejected an August 9 chariman of Information Services. pro>posed contract by a 78 percent He had received a call from the negative vote. record asking him to deal with The contract was ratified L en t.m and stop her from insisting Tuesday by the Board of Goveron the. erra turn. . nors. Instead of siding with his emHourly wage increases ranging ployee, as is the case in most infrom 7 to 12.1 percent along the , stances, he sided with the Record various classifications, will beandtold Lentin not to ask for a retroactive to July 1, with the erratum and to drop the whole contract agreement ending July 1, - matter. This Lentin refused to do r 1975. I ‘and she went to a lawyer. In addition, each union member The lawyer assurred her that she will receive a $100 “signing bonus” Executive Assistant to Business did have a case but it would be a immediately, which will amount to Affairs Vice President, Alex long time getting it through the payout’ from the Rankin, Fairview is revising an a $20,006 courts and that it would cost herat offer for the property to be university. least $1000. So she has decided to During the first year of the pact, presented to-: the Board of forget that part of it and try to do workers in the custodian II Governors, October 12. Even’after what she can on her own. -, category, who are the lowest paid, the refusal by the Supreme Court Lentin did speak with Burt to change the will, university of-1 will get the larges raise, from $2.39 Matthews last spring when this to $2.68 per hour. A 2nd class ficials have been informed by their matter first came to the fore. He engineer will jump solicitors, C&sells Brock that the stationary assurred her that if she let it rest sale is legal,- and it appears that - ,from $4.65 per hour to $4.98, the ‘over the summer it would all be smallest- raise.- There are seven the university will’accept the offer, straightened out by the fall term. categories in between, which As to how this is possible, Of course nothing,has been settled .raises in descending Business Affairs refuses to tip. received and if the university has its way their hand. -Brook declined to give proportion. this matter will join the many Under the cost-of-living clause, _ TORONTO (CUP)-The Eaton the VarsitY, the university student others that are swept ‘under the there will be a minimum six family has a wrinkle in their plans newspaper, a copy of the letter , carpet. to turn downtown Toronto into containing the legal opinion of the percent increase during the second --Just why the record and the on the governEatonland, and the University of 16~ firm nor would he disclose the year, depending Gazette are. so touchy on the ment’s Consumer Price Index Toronto is doing its best to smooth price Fairview was offering. subject is not really clear at all. it out. The problem can be traced Keeping inmind that firms such as (CPI) readings. If the CPI is above The Record’s only excuse is that it to a lady named Naomi Bilton, who the minimum, increases will be in Cassells Brock don’t get where would be much too embarassing carried a grudge against the they are by offering rash advice, it proportion. for them to print a correction even must be assumed that the sale does Both sides seemed pleased with Eatons to her deathbed, when she though they have made a mistake. the outcome of ‘the months-long willed a very important property not break the wording of the will. / . They would rather leave mistakes Fairview, as a development negotiations. at 188 Younge Street to’ the just as they are. University of Toronto back in 1922. company building for the Eaton Vice-president Bruce Gellatly The Gazette’s position is even The university has little or no Centre, does not necessarily have told the Board of Governors that he stranger. It would be normal for ‘ ‘satisfied that these salaries to represent the Eaton family or is need for this small property far them to back their writer and ask match the, market”. CUPE. local from university territory, and the ‘department store. The land the Record to print the erratum. president Larry McGlone said he Eatons are chomping at the bit to collected and developed ’ will Earlier in her term with the belong to Fairview, not to the was satisfied with the increases, grab the lonely Reitman’s store Gazette, Lentin had been offered clause, that stands there. It would be all Eatons. Fairview is an in- especially the cost-of-living the assistant editorship. Her The’ ,CPI clause is something part of Phase 2 of the mammoth dep<endent company with no position with the paper now is -Eaton Centre. The catch is conEatons on the board of-directors._ other members of the university much less than happy. community, especially the staff tained in the wording of the Bilton Their money and influence comesOfficially she is still being have long been. will. from the Bronfman family of association, commissioned1 by them to write fighting for. The University received the land Distillers Corp., Seagrams and although they have admitted there According to Gellatly, the fringe under the stipulation “that the Kemp Investments Ltd. which has is no money for her and they have same-never be sold or leased to been involved- in the same sort of benefits “remain the same as the not given her any assignments. rest of the university staff, with the John C. Eaton or the T. Eaton downtown-eating in Vancouver. While Lentin was away for her’ of sabbatical leave”, Company orany person or firm in ’ This, of course, does not mean, that ’ exception summer vacation another position any person or corporation the Bronfmans and Eatons aren’t -,which he termed “a difference in was created on the Gazette-that carrying on the. business of a behind rather than a the conference table t working conditions” of staff reporter. Lentin was not departmental store surrounding “fringe benefit”. He did not furworking our the deal.. informed until her return that the the property.” ther explain the distinction. Gus Abols, vice-chairman of the position existed and because of this The clause .was aimed at the Executive Under. other provisions -of the Committee of the new development there is no more company that during the twenties Governing Council theorized that it contract: money for commissions. This little was swallowing up many small is possible for Fairview to buy the , 0 In the future, five rather than bit of technical trickery has kept businesses in the area. and which land without breaking the word of four union members will be on the the Gazette from having to inform now controls all of the property in - !he will provided negotiating committee; they don’t acLentin in writing that her emthe immediate area. This little l The probationary period was tualiy build any part of a departployment has been terminated. problem has had lawyers‘ from increased from 12 full calendar ment store on the property. This There, must be more to this than both the U of T and Fairview weeks to 75 working days, or about means they might build a parkette is being admitted by either the Corporation (the firm looking after 1~ weeks. ,to lure shoppers in from the street Gazette or the-- Record. Adams the development of the Eaton, 0 The number of union stewards or a parking lot to accomodate would make no comment at all Centre) working for the past will be increased from 7 to 8. shoppers driving from the suburbs when asked-to clarify some points couple of years looking for a without l Unpaid “leave of absence” for contravening the of the issue. Reading the Gazette loophole. training, conference, etc., allowed stipulations of the will. this week one can find in their . The university went to the Onunion members, is increased from The sale to Fairview * of the masthead, “Editorial material tario Supreme Court ,about two 30 lo 50 days per year. Bilton property does away ma‘y be freely reprinted if credit is years ago to contest the wording .of former with the last holdout in the area 0 Seasonal (summer ) fulltime -tee-,, g1vw. the will but it was upheld. One and will certainly take a load off workers-mostly students-will Why say such a thing if you are would assume that the universit-y ‘s the minds ,of both U of T and pay union dues, though they will afraid to back it up? ’ hands were tied. Not true. not be members of the union. ’ Fairview lawyers. Even when to Jack -w&n johnson _According Brook, there’s a will, there’s a way. -george kaufman

CUPE- \ bo’ntract 1

the rules

’ all b-e nice. . ab.out it -


c The university newspaper the Gazette has never been a centre of critical attention. The- opinion of the’ majority of people on campus seems to be that the Gazette is good as an information sheet but little more. It is where students and faculty as well as staff members look for the facts-they never expect anything beyond that and not surprisingly they never get any more than that. , Therefore it was with some surprise that the Chevron learned on Tuesday that indeed the Gazette was not as harmless as it always _J appears. The Gazette. has very few paid staff and relies heavily on commissioned freelance writers for its material. Monica Lentin was one such writer ’ employed by th,e Gazette for the last three years. On March 21, 1973 the Gazette published an ’ article written by Lentin concerning an - interview with Dr. .Mundel and economics. The -article appeared under Lentins pen name of Ruth Laser. On the very same day the Kitchener-Waterloo Record published the article, with some minor editing, under the name of their business editor-Henry Kochs. ’ Lentin noticed this strange occurrance and called the record to inquire as‘ to why her artiele had appeared under someone else’s r _-






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STUDENTS INTENDING TO GRADUATE AT FALL CONVOCATION Students expecting to graduate at the Fall Convocation, Friday, October 19, 1973, must submit an “Intention to Graduate” form by October 10, 1973. Students who submitted a form earlier in the year need not submit a new form., The forms can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, second floor, Student Services Building.


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Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Ontario


Confuse us with , f acts! Send in _ your cheap scoops and hot news tips to the chevron, half-way to the campus centre basement or phone 885-l 660.




5, 1973 .

- .



. I

_ I

-citizen despite his induction into the politically active community, Roberts seemed to imply that nevertheless there was a growing sense of responsibility among students and a degeneration of the mentality which produced campus capers such as water fights, panty raids, etc. (Can anyone _find evidence in the village to support this claim?) He concluded by suggesting that the movement got only as far as it could within itself before confronting the university adthat the comministration; munication breakdown between students and faculty ,frustrated and aliented the students into submission. One might ‘best summarize this While a student and a professor by stating that the student body, talked about the challenges and finding it hard to digest the adpolitics of student life, the few became ministrative edicts, students who happened to be in the politically constipated. _ campus centre‘ great hall last Johnson added a few dishearFriday talked loudly, played cards tening notes which helped explain or chess, queued up to buy ice the student’s return to trivialities. cream, pop or cigarettes and just Among them was a local example walked through the! building of the unwillingness of faculty disinterestedly. members even to bother with History professor Leo Johnson students’ opinions : for several and Shane Roberts, head of the years, while any number of board of external relations for the students could attend an Arts spoke mostly to Faculty federation, meeting, only -three, he themselves for an hour and a half said, could speak. during a poorly-publicized and The purpose of all this was apmore poorly-attended even parently to mobilize the students of “discussion”., which was supthis campus into participation in posedly *part of the Wobbly various organizations which might Weekend; The connection with the serve as instruments for students L International Workers of the -World activism. (IWW-Wobbly) was tenuous at However, it was not made at all best. clear which organizations these ’ Johnson, a former labour are. At any rate, the students organizer among other _ things, showed no sign of stirring from slumber: only two outlined what he described as the political “shaping” of the modern Ontario members of the “audience” university system by society and ventured to ask questions /of the business to fit the “five visions”-.oE speakers, and one of them hardly what a useful university should be : _ seemed in earnest about vocalizing (1) A training ground for the his feelings, since he didn’t even ruling elite. The older universities, bother to use the mike. such as Toronto, he said, were _+uise bla kely. “consciously designed”’ for this .. purpose. ,


( 2 1An educational negessity .world domination. This vision,


he said, was a product in North America of the cold war competition, with the Communist world, with an emphasis on the sciences’ like physics, math and computer science. ’

(3) The utility of an educated populace as a work for.ce. This


vision, he said, has not proven to be a benefit to business, since better-educated people want higher pay and the “arts education” has become a “pure consumption item” with no visible return to commerce. (4) The idea that education will allow middle-class children to rise in society. He cited the enormous

pressure from middle-class parents on their children to “get an, education and have a better job / than their parents.” *‘ideology of the (5) The professoriate”. This vision originates from the people who have a vested interest in the universities, and who maintain that the “quest of truth itself is onea of the highest moral goods.” -The fifth reason is often used to protect and justify the privileged ’ position-of the academics, even though the “quest for truth” itself is too often only a rationale. “As we know very bitterly,” he said, “tenure does not protect the radical, but it does qprotect”’ the standing of the inept, the mediocre and those who do not- ma’ke waves. ” Roberts tried to represent the student’s development during this ideological shuffle by giving a rough chronology of campus events during the sixties. But he got bogged down in a slightly rhetorical description of the movements which he loosely referred to as “liberal”, i.e. “Ban the Bomb, ‘.’ civil rights, etc. While asserting that the student was regarded as- a: partial-status


services is built be classed as belonging to the normal janitorial turnkeys party .into the operating budget of the Dennis Perkins, the security campus centre.-The CCB has no supervisor on duty that night, direct control over this money and asked the group, “Who owns this ’ BOE chairman Art Ram was Nobody claimed it. heard to say, “I’m supposed to pay liquor?“. Therefore, everyone present could for something that’s already been be charged as a found-in. At the paid for!” . . time of this meeting , it had not After further discussion, it was been determined exactly what explained that Ram would arrange action would be taken against the with the supervisor of the persons involved. Considerable janitorial department for any time was devoted to discussion of overtime cleaning required during this issue but no .concrete action Oktoberfest. There was ‘some was taken. Some interesting points confusion about why, tw,o days were raised. before Oktoberfest’s scheduled The first thing to note is that the opening, these arrangements had not yet been made.. whole affair was just a coincidence. Perkins admitted, that Ram drew more fire from the this sort of thing goes on all the board when someone asked about time on campus. He said that if the cancellation of Gay Lib pubs in they chose’ to go out looking for the campus centre. Any individual illegal-activities, they would soon or organization can co-operate be swamped with work. In his with the BOE in running a licenced words, “We, don’t go looking for event on campus. Just how much this sort of thing but if we come co-operation is required became across’ it, we are obliged to act. evident when Ram explained that Even the president’s office could his board must hold all licences for be prosecuted for this sort of in- any club pubs on campus. During fraction.” -the summer, Gay Lib w-as one of Another aspect of the event the ‘few functioning groups’ on pointed out by Activities Co- campus and they held regular pubs ordinator Susan Phillips was that without incident. Now that there are thirty-eight the people present when security


n k’

: s.hindig Lraided In one of the more interesting meetings of the campus centre board held on Tuesday, October 2 one might say that the shit really hit the fan. The action stemmed from an incident on Sunday night in the pub area of the campus arrived .had been there all af- active groups or - organizations centre. ternoon and were not aware of the back for the year, things could get A party was planned by the fact that the party was technically tough if they all began holding turnkeys to celebrate the occasion illegal. This may explain why no- regular pubs. Ram said that since of the new shift of turnkeys one volunteered to claim the Gay Lib represents -few students beginning the next day. Some beer liquor. If one person had done so, on this campus, they should not be was brought in to the pub area and, they would have been charged and allowed use of the campus since these turnkey bashes have facilities for their events. The’time the others that could have contribbeen held regularly for some time, uted to paying the fine. _ and space could apparently be put no liquor licence was obtained for The possibility of the turnkeys to better use by other more the event. accepting their moral responrepresentative groups. In the middle of all this a group sibility and paying the fines in-When the discriminatory nature of musicians were practicing in the volved,was not mentioned at the of thispolicy was mentioned, Ram area and providing some __unmeeting. replied, ‘.‘Not at all, they could still planned entertainment. The party In other matters of importance, -book a pub with another group ran quite smoothly with the two a few questions were raised holding the licence.” Wh<n a groups involved. regarding, the Board of En; member of the CCB suggested that Now the plot begins to thicken. tertainment’s arrangements for the board help ‘Gay* Lib out by With this going on, a security Oktoberfest beginning this holding their licence, Art guard and the parents of a weekend. The main bone.,of con- retaliated by offering to send the runaway child entered the centre. tention was the matter of cleanup.& other thirty-seven organizations on After checking with the turnkey on ’ When the Oktoberfest arto the CCB for thesame thing. He duty, they decided to go through rangements were first passed by further threatened that without his the building to assure the parents CCB in June, the BOE agreed to guiding hand, things would that their child was not there. . take responsibility for all damages, probably revert to the chaotic You can probably figure out and extra janitorial staff required. state of two years ago, and what happened then. At one point The point was not clear to some “Nobody would know nothing.” five security personnel were- seen members of the board and they felt The lengthy discussion on this “in the pub area helping with the’ that the-federation should pay for matter was ended by chairman ‘cleanup’> The liquor was- conall cleaning of the building during Fred Bunting ruling it all out of fiscated and all the people in the Oktoberfest. It was pointed out by order. I. immediate area had their names Ed Knorr of the Physical In other matters requiring the taken. Of those’ people, none could Resources Group that .. payment of board’s attention : E i







1 k




-Several requests for space within the campus centre were .. referred to the space allocations . committee. -Activities co-ordinator‘Susan Phillips, mentioned her request for reclassification of her position to that of full-time. This item has been brought up before so i,t was suggested that if and when her request is granted, the pay hike be made retroactive. -The board agreed to begin holding regular meetings every other Wednesday at one o’clock in, the campus centre. .)- The next meeting is on October 17. : * -john broeze

Junta kills


MONTREAL (CUP )---There have been between 20,000 and. 25,000 deaths in Chile since the bloody coup d’etat of September 11, 1973. This is the testimony of the first three Quebecois to return from Chile since the military regime took power. The three are Catholic priests, Father Maurice Herbert and Patrick Donavan of the Society of Foreign Missions, and Father Jean Latulippe, an oblat of Marie Immaculate. The first two were .working in the working-class section of Temuco, a town in the south of Chile while Latulippe was teaching mass education in the working class section of Chile. They said that it’s hard to imagine the repression that exists in Chile. The three returned to Montreal on Thursday, September 27 and told reporters th,at ’ the military junta is sytematically assassinating ,the leaders of the labour movements and the peoples’ movements ( organization populaire) . The army is eliminating .a11 resistance against the new regime. A “death squad” is at work just as in Brazil and other ‘La tin American countries. (Death squads are small groups of policemen whose sole purpose is to torture and kill those “criminals’‘-usually political opponents of - the reigning fascist regime in, Brazil and other South ’ American countries-whom they consider to have been treated too . leniently by thelaw. Although they act in secret from the ‘populace and totally outside the law, most squads have the tacit approval of the heads of the police and of the government in those countries. ) The story told by- the three Quebecois agrees with reports that have been surfacing in Europe and the United States. For the last two’ weeks Chile has been virtually cut off from the rest of the world. All communications must pass what one journalist called the most “extreme and .brutal censure imaginable.” One Mexican journalist who managed to get to Argentina reported to have seen a stadium in Chile full of prisoners who were waiting to be deported to the deserted Magellan islands. Concentration camps are being built on these islands. The airforce has been ‘bombing factories where -workers have locked ihemselves in. One factory alone reported five hundred dead. Soldiers have been ordered to sack libraries to burn all. suspect literature to rid Chile of Marxist thought. As well, prices have been put on the heads of the leaders of leftist parties and of Allende’s- government. All top administrators and policy makers of the- university will be fired and replaced with people sympathetic to the junta. There is a witch hunt of strangers to rid Chile of ideologies that are contrary to’ the political beliefs of the junta. ’ ,p











5, 1973





Environmental Studies 358 Lecture 7 pm BI 271. Topic: Effects of Air pollution on plant populations. Speaker, T.C. Hutchinson, Inst. of Env. Sci and Eng, U of T.

Volunteers needed to work on a Food Price survey in the K-W area. Come to OPIRG office in Eng II, Room 3321 or phone ext 2376.


John Greenwood folksinger in a concert of - his original compositions with Brad Sinclair on lead guitar and vocals and D’Arcy .Grant on electric Ibass. Free .Admission, i 1:30 am Theatre of Arts. FRIDAY


SATURDAY Paramount Chief N.U. Akpan of Nigeria will be speaking on Nigerian civil war and-conditions jn Nigeria today. 3:30 pm .-ML 354.

( The Blind Men-drama by Michel de Quebec students present “Quebec Ghelderode directed by Maurice Love”. A program of Quebec music on Evans. 11:30 am Theatre of the Arts. ’ Radio Waterloo 7-8 pm. Free admission. / MdNDAY Thanksgiving weekend coffeehouse features the guitar and voice of Bob Sherk. Freedom of admission, coffee, speech and love. 9 pm ML coffee shop.

Ananda Marga Society will offer a yoga class. Basic warmups and asanas (yoga postures) will be taught. Admission is free. 7 pm SSc221. _’

Bahai’l Fireside. Interested? Drop in VI S8-210 7:30 pm or call Andy 8847577.

Instructional and recreational New members alwayswelcome. -Boat House, Lake Columbia.

Instructional and recreational sailing. New members welcome. 6’ pm Boat House, Lake Columbia.

Ladies G-old wedding band serrated front. Call 884-1953.


PERSONAL Free ‘help in organic and inorganic ch’emistry in exchange for French conversation. phone anytime 5782797.

Free introductory transcendental MC2066.

Movers! Half ton tiuck and driver available, reasonable ‘rates for students. Call Jeff at 885-1199.

lecture No: 2 on meditation. 8 pm ,

Instructional and recreational sailing. New members welcome. 6 pm Boat House, Lake Columbia. .

WEDNESDAY Canadian Studies 261 lecture 7 pm BI room 167. Topic : “Canadian Imagination”. Speaker Earl Birney, Distinguished Poet.

Free Introductory lecture No. 1 on trancendental meditation. 8 pm MC2066.




“JOY OF COOKING” The All Purpose Cook-



large pages for easy reading and lies flat when open: Because of the patience . j _m _infinite . _ _ that has gone intp preparation of JOY OF’ CO.OKlNGG, the I. publishers offer it with $4.99, ’ a ‘money-back guarantee-no questions asked. This beautiful, practical cookbook sells nationally for $7.95, ,we are , offering it for an unheard of price of only $4.99, with this advertisement while supply lasts. Without question, there is absolutely no finer cookbook on the market and we only have 100 in stock. We also ,have other. cookbooks with values to $1.50 for only 60 cents. This book will be-on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Limit: two per customer. .








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I, . Students’ wives club meetihg. Guest speaker Mrs. Scheifele of the Garden Club. Topic:How to dry flowers and arrange them. 8pm EIV 4362.

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will soon be. under&aduates%egistered last Ireferendum year. This prbjection was over , i. three options ’ shot, by 22 students; still leaving i a proposed fewer students regi.stered at the ’ rink on or uhdepgraduate level in the faculty ,_ 1 of Arts thin last year. , 1 That information was presented By far the topic to receive the to the board of governors‘at their most attention during the c’on--quarterly meeting this week by fere_nce was the exchange, program arranged through’ the, ‘they’ll -’ .i& ’ it ,pr~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~ce~bya German department with the in Mannheim, West refundable student fee which will- univer/sity take the place- of. the . .T-en_th AnGermany. Last year eleven . . niversary Fund, which was students from Ontario partiqipated The Board ‘bf Governors conSi& may be required; in the exchange and studied, in repealed this year. If the students ato regulate the conduct of the of thirty-six members, alliof which appro’ve Lie rink, it will be build G;erman with students in Manstudents, faculty and staff and of have to bi! Canadian citizens. immediately and finariced dver a nheim. The students.. ten of whom These members are the president , all other persons coming u@n and number of years by the university, of the’ using the ltids and preFises of the and the chancellor the, interest .bcing paid by the fee. register&d as students in .Ontario, ,’ . university, the mayors of Waterloo Universjty ; taking coukses iri, Germany -that . Matthews told the ‘governors the warden of ato establish and collect f&es and / that he has “sensed a real interest and Kitchener, wobld contribute to the degree charges for academic ‘tuitiqn .and Waterloo County, seven people in this project” over the past two they were .wqrking toward at theik for services of any kind which inay appoint’ed by the lieutenant years, and said he feels sure the home institution. be offered by the University and to gdvernor in council, seven people project will be approved. This year there are two unfrom the senate, three un- collect such fees and charges, ,’ The three options which will dergraduate and ttio graduate approve! by -the Board of dergraduate students, wo prob,ably be advanced will students from Mannheih sttidying graduate studehts, two full-t&e Governors, on behalf df any entity, egsentially give the stuqents a at Waterloo, with an additional staff, and ten people from the organization, or elemept pf the fourteen ’ Canadian students On September 24, 1973, a comch,oice between a sp.ectatoy/ University ; community at large. mittpe for the defense of Dr. Henry oriented rink and a participationworking is Germany. The dif\ Th,e powers of the BOG are as 0 to levy and enforce penalties aAd oriented- one : ference in the Morgentaler was formed in the financial fines, suspetid or expel , from follows : Kitchener-Waterloo area. The ( 1) 350 seats plus a rink ; , arrangements involved in l to appoint, promote and remove stuclent membership or from ( 2) 350 seats plus a curling rink, Canadian post-secondary initial organizing meeting was or; the President and all other kfficers employment with the.UniverSity or education and those in Germany held at the University of Waterloo heads and deni access to the lands and of th_e University, prdved interesting. Wheras the (3) 3,000 seats plus a rink surand -was attended by piofessors, associate heads of the fact&es, or premises of the University; 1 face. students from Waterloo had to students and other community the l to establish and enforce. rules any other academic unit, provide- the bulk qf ‘the money members. Morgentaler, a MonWhen asked abput the situation alid regulations with regard to the members of faculty, or staff of the necessary for their studies abroad, on other campuses, Matthews told treal physjcian and- prominent University, and all other agents use and occupancy of its bui!dings\ the governorsthat Western has in essence all expen$es above the advocate of women’s rights, has and grounds or other operations*> * and servants of the University; $250 per student subsidy rounded Just voted a 1. l-million-dollar rink, been charged <with thirteen counts for the - while Queens, Guelph and Toronto l to grant tenure to members of l to enter into agl’eements up by the German department, the ’ of performing illegal abortions. He iaculty, and to terminate tenure: federation or affiliation of the majority of students in\ Germany was under se?ere restrictions all already have on-campus rinks. l .to plan and implement the Unjykrsity with any university or are fully financed by the governThe g.overnors also rubberpending his trial. which started operational college of higher learning; physical ‘and ment, with tuition paid and a living Stamped the Appointment of two -September 24. He has performed development of the University and X l to provide for the appointment allowance paid ontie a month. faculty deans. W.B. Pearson was 5,000 abortioiis in his I Montreal to exercise all the powers to and discharge of committees and re-appointed dean of the faculty of clinic tiith no degrading red tape The meth’od of study was also control and achieve a planned rate , f6r the delegation to and the science and prof’essor W.A. interesting to coypap. Here the or dangerous waiting periods and and scope of ~such development; conferring upon any such comMcLaughlin was appointed dean of has never turned any woman away student must fulfil1 certdin course o. to borrow i money for the purmittees,‘\authority to Iact for the engineering effective Jyne 1974. requirements; write exams at for lack of money. poses of the University and to give Board of Gover’nors with respect to He takes, over from dean Sherof certaiq times, and- sub&t papers : This is 1 one> of a number security therefor on suck terms any matter; and to enact by-laws bourne. com’mittees being formed- and cos within a specific time period. The and in such amounts as the said and regulations for the conduct of / The board also accepted a set of ordinated alcross the country with German student attends classes Board of Governors may consider its affairs. by-laws which were revised from which for the most part should be thP single demand of . ‘drop the advisable, or .as frpm time to time ****** the pre-Waterl.oo Act boafd of char-ges’. The committee for the, classed as seminars rather than d governors. m This passage was is a broad strict lectures, and when_ he ‘feel defense of Morgentalq complicated only by a lo-minute non-exclusionary ready for an evaluation, will go to independent debate over whether six is indeed, Some of the . national the professor and arrange for a group. J . 12. mutually ‘satisfactory means of sponsors intlude Grabe McKinnis . ~- halfA ofreport Student Special Continued U&l Oct. 27 ‘WAS received by the NDP MP, Vancouver Kingway, doing so. Thus the&are no mass I board on the state of the GniverQuebec labour examinaitions-Iike those held in Michel Chartrand sity’s pension p/an, which. viceleader, Doris Anderson, editor of the physical activities building-or Chatelaine, Laura’ Sabia, Chairprqsident Bruce GellAtely- termed frantic rushes to meet deadlines. in “the top five percent of woman of the National Actiori However, the students par5 Year. Guarantee - Supporting retirkment plans.” Committee on the Status of tic$ating in - the exchange could Wom’en, June Callwood,-free lance Under the plan, a. X)-year em-s not experience this mode of study, Frame, Brackets and Liner Included r < ployee of the‘ university retire at journalist, broadcaster, and civil and had to follow certain 60-70 percent of his oy her wages: libertarian, Irving Layton well . #guidelines an@ earn the necessary “day or‘ night” ’ known Canadian poet and the The plan adopts an approach credits. In addition the Canadians t whereby then benefits are based, pn Humanist Association of Canada. were studying tinder a , heaviqr the employee’s last five years course’ load than their fellow The aim of the I(itchenerrather than his wages over the - students; the average German Waterloo committee is to educate entire period of his employment, student takes two seminar courses the’ community as to the imthus at least partially combatting. a term, while the Canadians were plications of this ,-attack on the effects of inflation on the’ carrying the same as they would -Morgentaler and to gain as much benefits. have carried at‘home-five or six support as pdssible for his defense. In other action, the board also courses. We are currently seeking local approved ah increask from three It appears that <the ,program is endorsement for Morgentaler’s to foul: dollars for the refundable some’what of a success, and for the def&ce as well as financial supbngin$ering Society Fee.. stugent w*ishing to master the port. To date some: of the initial ’ -george kairfman German Language, regardless of sponsors include; Marsha Forest, academic discipline’< most of last Professor U of W ., Michael Cagan; ye’ar’s students were not from the professor St. Jerome’s College, Dr. arm&n department ), this opBedesse M.D., Dr. Baker D.V.M.; _ portunity should ,be seriously Michele McNab M.A., Paul considered. Wyman, bx&utive of the ,KitThe third matter Matthew& ‘cl-rener RidlIng NDP, Henry Crepi, ; brought up at the press conferenceProfessor U of W. A six member ‘~d&i;lt: ‘c w,it&“. t&3 .dep&trjletit o’f ; ‘* steering committee which was Recreation’s museum of gapes. formed at the organizatiqnal Elliott Avedon, a professor in the meeting will be co-o’rdinating and planning a ‘publie ,_c@baktrnefrt:;‘: qf I Z@creatioF, ’ Otis: a&iviti& 33oli&d’ a dollection of gani& rally to be held in the late fall. collected over the past ten years Meetings of the committee for the ,from..all ‘parts of the world. The defense of Morgentaler will be held variety of games kept iri the small every sec\ond Monday. New room presently housingthe membqs are very welcome. For musetim .,is interesting ‘in itseIf. further-zinftitmation ‘call 662-2826, There.@ thpee-dim&sional.chess 576-2293, ar write BOX 664, 1game played,,on five levels ; a R@ Waterloo.‘* I Corpor?tion ““game” intended to -. Th&recent callous arid arrogant all,ow one to predict the future; a-nd attack on ’ Morgentaler goes, a series’ of African games known . beyond a threat to the life and as /‘cti,nt itid capture” games; career’ of one individual. The games utilizing a higher level of imphcations of the. arrest are strategy than conventional chess, cxtr?mely ‘grave. ‘The stand4aken The museum, _ with ‘its wideby Morgentaler is of concern to all selection of games and pqzl%, has women 2nd men who are cona way of dratiing oh6 and holding cerned with civil rights. Those tih6 one’s &ttention. It is the kind- .of. fight for\ 13.~~ that serv& the in: pl’acie that could occupy an ,agile ,ter&ts of the majority must . mjnd for days. suppokt a man victimized. by an .m -iohn keyes ’ & UIY‘ust law. \

-I _1. *



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5, 1973

, ,






the che&n


to each other. Marc Zwelling, amedia representative for the United Steel< workers, spoke for the labour view; x -> a former Toronto star 8 Sally ’ Barnes, reporter on a Southam scholarship, . presented the opinions of a working journalist; and Mel -Morris, associate \ editor of- McLean’s spoke. from his experience on the magazine ‘and with the ,’ . Toronto Star. The ,conference was sponsored by the Ontario Woodsworth . memorial foun- dation, which honours one -of’ the CCF founders, J.S. Woodsworth. ’ Zwelling looking- young, earnest, and slightly out of place, launched into _a condemnation of the press as a middle class institution unresponsive to the needs of the millions of labouring people. -. Reporters, he pointed out, make the news; the event itself is not news until c someone in power-the reporter, the . a b,u.s e. ’ editor; the publisher-decide that-what-is happening is important enough to write about. for thousands of people. It is a political decision made by someone to unknown reason, perhaps because the = Mark Harrison, executive editor of the keep the public from _knowing about MPP was a former newspaperman. ’ Star, tried leaping more fully into the workers and unions. he said, is not with the discussion by attacking Amber and “Newspapers have helped the system ._ “My objection,” working ’ newsman, but with the Koroluk for misrepresenting the situation; along; the class interest of the media is“What I get from all this is that ’ , obvious. In this I include the CBC - system.” It was however, soon apparent that reporters should be poorly paid SO that although it is supposed to be the public . _’ MacDonald did not -mean society or even they can’t aspire to the middle class, that media,” the role of the press and society, but publishers should never -go near a golf _ noted one labour The show CBC7 on radio-two -:m ed, ia miniies L has;;7a;;* Zwelhng ’ merely what happens with reporter’s copy course, and-that newspapers should not _ _ at the downtown newspaper offices. The make a profit. Newspapers should ’ be , Barnes, although not presently working former party leader had two complaints: unbiased or biased in favour of the NDP.” for any newspape,r during her sabbatical -K A that news about% provincial politics is not Although never directly touching-on the year, presented a working reporter, inside ’ covered well enough by Metro papers and question of middle class bias, Harrison did sort of V.&w. She, perhaps more- than- any Like the weather, everyone complains -. that the coverage they do give is too . defend the Star’s policy of pushing a cause other-person on the panel, epitomized the about <‘the system” but nobody does - love/hate excessively leader-oriented. relationship that .professional anything about it- or so it seems after It was left to W. “Korky” Koroluk, journalists have for their work-they are listening to the participants in a media-former city editor of the Calgary Herald, overworked, underpaid but by God they and politics conference last weekend in and Arnold Amber, publisher and editor T_ ’ are there where it is -happening. Toronto. of the Toronto Citizen, to try to critic&y we fret with pana&& For a while she contented herself with For six hours various eminent jourexamine some of the important, almost talking, about the mechanical things of nalists, publishers and politicians set newspaper writing--who was covered in ’ unseen2 and certainly not understood forth on the problem of the press, loobe& influences on the mass media. the last campaign, how newspapers and at it from the inside (allowing the public a wire services -go out of their way to be fair Koruluk, sitting- slightly apart from the wee glance at the inner sanctum) and. rest of the panelists, calmly delivered a and unbiased. But she finally touched on chastised it from the outside. Result-an. Ysomething condemnation, of Canadian media which which would surface again and informative time washad by all and those was as equally calmly, ignored and _ both on the editorial again throughout the day but would be and newspages, for ’ involved felt better after indulging in a _ largely ignore’d forgotten. ’ by most of the example, the Star’s favourite of economic nationalism . mild purgative. - Going back to Zwelling’s _ points, “professional” journalists. * Koruluk said that newspapers are not p “If the newspaper People w-ho work in the media (possibly “People think’new‘spapers are a service has an abiding . merely big business, but that they share because they spend SO much time like the United Appeal; -they're not. concern then it is appropriate for it to ‘be the biases of big business and of the -reflected examining other parts of society) feel the Newspapers are like Libby’s beans; they in the newspaper,” he added. Conservatives and Liberal parties which need from time to time to turn this atare a product with nine pages of fashion The conclusion of the‘ conference was are virtually &distinguishable. tention to themselves. Are we doing the sponsored by Eaton’s and Simpsons.” . yet another panel discussion but this one job right, they ask? -How could we im“There is a two-party press in Canada,” Macleans’ affable Mel Morris, with hair with the ’ politicians discussingthe prove? And occasionally they even get he said, “and it is devoted to the status creeping ? over his collar in a’ respectable newsmen and’women. Of the three, only around to the question of what the role of x quo., As there is no serious questioning of Dalton Camp, seemed to touch on what c 1 business practices, it follows there is -no the press is in the rest of society.. the press is to society. William -Kilboum, -. . ;;st:;$ng of economic and social As the brochure outlining the purpose’ 660ui job is ;to expols’e - , Toronto alderman, contented himself with . of the conference, explained: “The criticising individual newspapers; Andy The former editor who has also written panelists from the media will explain their . historian Desmond Morton talked abouta-forthcoming book on financial influences roles as they see them. They will also personal relationships between journalists . on editorial policy, seemed, however, to be and politicians bring to other panelists and the audience ‘equating only the Conservatives and the some of the many problems they face in “The relationship between the press Liberals t0 the establishment hViIlg the and politicians *is indeed symbiotic 99 trying to bring-news stroiesand editorial - NDP with the role of radical critic which ’ judgements to their public.” The audience Camp said. “They are both masochist&, pleased members of the lib-lab or lib-rad and other panelists “consumers of the mane, did not care to touch this part of his drink a lot, never know when to go to bed, . _ audience. news” were to tell the-media participants fellow‘ panelists’ statement. Instead, he -lie to each other and hate publishers.” how they viewed the results. ’ of Zwelling’s Amber of the Citizen, Toronto’s barely went back to some -But behind this emminently quotable. A dialogue then, that’s what we’re statements and ‘denied there was a solvent alternate community newspaper, 7 statement of Camp’s is some truth that all “conspiracyt’ in the press to keep out declared, “If our doctors were as good as the ideas of the press as public service after. A conference on media-a gathering of labour news. He ventured ‘the guess that our journalists; most of us would be agency will never. reach, and that in: concerned citizens and professional the problem could be that the reporter is dead.” 7 spirations of educating better journalists journalists who aim at improving comnot experienced enough to ,d6 the job. _ Small and intense, Amber said most will never touch . munications. Predictably, criticism and ; Training and specialization,. that’s what , jou~,&ists .in Canada were badand they;._:, ,:-..’ *.__ bcWe . shouldn’t worry about reforming ‘.> examination end with some mental selfwe need. ‘are some.~f‘tkre_.most’eas~~, p&fessionally the ’ “press because ( it is functionally ?,. abuse and mild mea culpag, but with the . Morris also seemed to .&sagree with’-: ,I: seduced people in the world. ... j j “. ’ unregenerate.. we should inculcate peopleconclusion that mostly it’s all right, Jack. Barnes about -the press being a ;public ” lhlt the reason $urnalists are bad is*.:,-m what medis: is 66Newspapers99 said the The well-modulated tones of CBC news service. In reply to a question from the- ‘- ’ because those who control the media are Tory politician ’ 46 are private property, he flatly satisfied with it being thXt way. director, Knowlton Nash, opened the first audience on I consumerism, they have’ an audience, they sell to adNewspapers in Canada are a business, he vertisers, panel discussion of “what is political I stated: they have to make% a profit.” “Our job is- to expose faulty warransaid, newspapers are produced in a middle ‘news” in the quiet, dimly lit education L Camp more than anyone else there, r ties .” class bland way, and as in any corporation centre auditorium. cynically’ denied that the press can be a “Political news,” Nash proclaimed with The panel, with its announced title of- - you don’t disagree with the. boss. - -_ public service “like the United Fund” or the authority of one who knows about the -“the-editorial imperative” seemed as if it “The press in Toronto-challenges on the that it can even pretend to be. In the postNational at 11 pm, -“is news about might get down to the, business of secondary issues, not the primary ones.” Watergateeuphoria, the press often is ‘politicians and issues.” - - discovering what influences affect the _ Toronto papers debate the height of Metro depicted as the only institution holding up especially since two of the iu the United States Nash was a bit worried that Canadians media, Centre, not whether it should go Up at all, democracy panelists were executive editors from the - Journalists are turning more to television for their which is the alternate view, he said. shotid not get carried away. Toronto Star .and from the Globe andinformation programming instead of to To meet this challenge, Cameron Smith, withthis role, especially when those pages media, but also Mail ;assistant editor of the Globe and Mail, the “Gutter&erg” for exposing corruption are supplied by. j ’ believed that television was doing a better But no. Whatever dialogue was to take blandly described the composition of his yet another part of big business. job than most newspapers in presenting place was soon aost with each of the newspaper explaining how structurally It would seem better to hold a con\ political issues. panelists defining his own areasof interest the, news department is protected from if. indeed conferences must . be _ -__ - ferenceThe ; other members of 4he panei .and only two of them- token radicals, to advertising influences; \ held by the media-on the question of -be sureactually approaching - the represented diverse interests and directed The Globe and Mail sees its role whether the press can be a conscience of most of their attention to various fieldsproblem of the bias in the media.basically as a critic,’ he noted, adding: - society if it is part, of the status quo. it often seemed as though panelists were Former ,NDP leader, Donald Mac“The Telegram cared. We fret with I \ not listening to and certainly not replying Donald, sat on this panel for some .panache,” -deanna kaufman _ .’



“The Telegram cared.

_ .-Cameron Smith,

Toronto Globe<and Mail.


faulty wafranties.” ‘:

-Mel. Morris, Maclean’s.











5, 1973























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5, 1973


ventionally 3 movements of alternating tempo. The trick here is to use the many voices of which the organ is capable in order to replace the variety of ordinary instruments for which these pieces were originally written before adaption to this use. Because of this and the energetic performance, even the more casual fans of the organ may find these pieces worth a listen. Recording is not by Columbia itself, but by a German concern and increased quality is evident in rich bass and clean reverberance. -pete smith

Opening the new year Last weekend, the Humanities Theatre was the scene of the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony’s opening concert, with works by Weber, Brahms, and Dvorak conducted by Raffi Armenian. Improvement in our community orchestra has been in evidence since Mr. Armenian took over, and it is pleasant to be able to report that it is still continuing. Some new faces appeared, some old ones were missing, and the effects of a solid week of rehearsal for this opening concert, added to the contributions of the newcomers, made for the best orchestral sound yet from this group. And Armen ian again demonstrated _ his interpretative talents, so that the occassion bodes well for the coming season. Three works from the l%h-century literature occupied this program. Carl Maria von Weber’s Overture to his opera, Der Freischutz, was the opener. This piece has some noble writing for horn quartet (the fourth member was not identified in the program), and the opening bars occasioned some difficulties for the K-W’s men, who nevertheless managed to sound rather well when they got organized. On the other hand, the first clarinet, Harry Swaneveld, distinguished himself immediately, as he was to do throughout the evening. The performance was well-paced and solid; I’d forgotten what a lovely piece it is, and it made one think how nice it would be to see it some day on the Canadian Opera’s agenda. The Weber and Brahms’ Variations on a Theme of Haydn were substituted, without explanation, for the Brahms Double Concerto which we’d been promised. Although that concerto is a fascinating work, it must be admitted that these noble Variations constitute an intrinsically superior work-with little doubt the greatest of all orchestral variations. They are also something of a challenge to the semi-professional orchestra. The windband, on the whole, met this best, with some very nice sounds emanating from the clarinets and oboes in particular, and the ‘horn quartet in the sixth variation with its hunting-hornlike motif coming on well. We are, of course, many tens of thousands of dollars away from first-class string sound, and some rather timid and tenuous violin playing was noticeable in, for instance, the third variation. On the other hand, they too achieved some quite solid sound in tutti passages. Again, Armenian’s conducting was simply admirable, - cohesive and well-thought-out, and leading up to a fine climax in the ostinato finale. This finale is a sort of compact extra set of short variations tacked on to the eight full-length treatments in the main body-of the piece. Set over the fivemeasure repeating bass figure, they in condensed form the recapitulate various techniques previously employed, but with a cumulative force that can be quite hair-raising. (Listeners fascinated by


Plastic cowboy As in his album which immediately preceeded The last of the Brooklyn Cowboys, Cuthrie wisely included music written by original western balladeers. Their songs provide a relief from Cuthrie’s own work which too often tends to be cute and trite. Side one of Brooklyn Cowboys (Warner Brothe,rs MS2142) with the exception of two cuts written by Arlo includes such western classics as “Miss the Mississippi and You,” “Lovesick Blues,” and “This Troubled Mind of Mine.” The latter cut as done by Cuthrie and his group is strongly reminiscent of the Grand Ole Opry sound and performers like Ernest Tubb and Roy Acuff. I must admit a prejudice for “Miss the Mississippi and You” which was written in 1932 by Bill Halley but made famous by the singing breakman of. the depression, Jimmie Rogers. Cuthrie’s version is done well’ fai thful to the original and adds some fine clarinet work and excellent bottleneck guitar by Ry Coo&r. The aIblum includes two cuts attributed to Woody Cuthrie, “Ramblin Round” which was a tune so reminescent of a dozen other folk songs including “Goodnight Irene”. t3ut it was this quality in Woody Cuthrie’s music that made it so playable, singable and adaptable. The second cut by Woody “Gypsy Davy” is also derivative having an amazing resemblance to the traditional folksong “Minstral Davy .” To wrap up the western swing side of Brooklyn Cowboys Cuthrie includes his own composition “Uncle Jeff” in which he sounds like John Hartford. Uut with the fine banjo work done by Doug Dill& the cut is not a complete loss. The second side is not less satisfying. It begins with a boring version of Dylan’s “Gates of Eden” and includes three ballads written by Cuthrie which are competently performed but largely unimaginative. “Last Train” takes the theme of many old spirituals of being on the train bound for glory. “Cowboy Song” provides the concrete expression Cuthrie’s state of mind: ’ This here is the only thing I know It ain’tright and it ain’t wrong To hear a cowboy sing an old time song. Most of the alblum is presented in a low key style that is easy to take. The cuteness of the “Pickle Song” all early Cuthrie is fortunately gone. There is one bad lapse in At-lo’s “Cooper’s Lament” which is Arlo’s getting all the people in the world together again s’ong. The triteness of the lyrics and the over instrumentalization make it easy to ignore. Cuthrie has shown himself to have a feeling and appreciation for old music on this and other albums. Whether he can draw this into his own music remains to be seen. deanna kaufman


this finale should compare it with the great Chaconne which is the last movement of l3rahms’ Fourth Symphony.] The second haif of the program was given over to the Symphony No. 8 of Dvorak (formerly number 4, that being the order of publication). This is another wonderful piece, combining as perhaps no other (well, except the Beethoven Pastorale, of course) a thoroughly sunny and happy outlook with mastery of form and subtlety, even profundity of expression. The many glorious melodies were sustained pretty well by our forces, with particular kudos for the brass-hats off to the two trumpets who so forthrightly announced the opening of the fourth movement, for instance. Also I was pleased to find some genuine pianissimo string playing; to do this and remain listenable is a challenge which had not, to my recollection, been taken up last year, let alone met. (As the orchestra improves in this respect, one of my ancient bugbears will rear its ugly head: pianissimo strings get competition from the air-moving equipment in the theatre, improvement though it be by comparison with its beastly counterpart over there in the Arts theatre.) In sum; a concert to whet our appetites for more; and, by the way, to loosen, perhaps, the purse-strings of the wellheeled among us. The Orchestra is thirsting now for better things-one such thing being, incidentally, the retention of our fine conductor I am sure; and better things cost money. (Surely it is time to begin thinking vaguely of acquiring a good resident string quartet to help matters out in the string department, for instance? The Hamilton Symphony attests to the improvement such measures can effect. e.g.) In a month, we will have the National Arts Centre Orchestra on the series to show us what a smallish orchestra can really do-my mouth waters, for example, at the prospect of hearing the Bartok Divertimento for String Orchestra, which they promise. Meanwhile, the K-W is decorating Oktoberfest with various tidbits by J. Strauss, von Suppe, Dvorak again, and others over at WLU on the %h, . 10th, and 12th. And they’ll be back in another regular concert on December 8 and 9 with some music from Swan lake and-wow! - Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra. There’s a wee bit of space available, but mighty, little; you won’t regret queing up for it +a n narveson

Short symphonic notes

Preamble, Symphonic Ode, Orchestral Variations, Aaron Copland, composer and conductor, London Symphony Orchestra. Columbia M31714 -a real ho-hummer. Although these works belong to the more severe end of Copland’s creative range, they avoid the common use of dissonance and formlessness which are so destructive to a works appreciability, so the first impression here is not a bad one. The trouble is that no further impression is made. There are no real melodies -‘or really anthing to arouse interest. These pieces simply begin, continue and end and nothing happens. This doesn’t make them bad efforts necessarily though it certainly doesn’t make them good. What it does is make them very boring. Delius; .Paris, Song of a Great City; Eventyr; Dance Rhapsody No. 1; Charles Groves conductor The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic -containing a wide spectrum of Delius’ style, this new release ranges from the wilds of darkest impressionism in ‘Paris’ to Brahmsian lushness of melody in the Rhapsody. This particular orchestra is not too common to records and comes across here as too straight-forward. I felt the overall performance lacked that bit of dramatic flair which could have added beneficial punch and depth to the music. As well Angel’s recording and pressing leave something to be desired. Bass is clouded by rumble. Surface noise is very evident, Nonetheless, for those, interested in the music itself, which is bery entertaining, there is no choice since no alternate performance is available. J.G. Walther, Six Concertos for Columbia M31205 E. Power Organist. -far from all music composed powerful instrument was inspired much strength as is found in the preludes & fugues among others, for instance. Here is music in lighter vein. The concerto form

Organ, Biggs, for this to use as massive by Bach a much is con-



union -nyr

and r&k The Progressives ( Columbia KG 31574) presents -14 groups whq pretty well cover the spectrum from artists fully approved of by jazz purists to groups who have been heavily influenced by rock and other forms; and have gained a following outside-the rather closed fraternity of jazz -< fans. Obviously meant,by Columbia to be a “taster” for non-jazz fans, it serves ttiat purpose passably well. The variety-from Ornette Coleman’s discordantly quiet “The Men Who Live in the White House/Love Life” through the frenetic “Compost Festival” by Compost to the moody “You Know You Know” by John McLaughlin and . the Mahavishnu Orchestra-gives any rock fan who is thinking of venturing over the ever-thinner line bet/ween rock and jazz a good sampling of what’s going on qn tthe other side. The album’s musicians carry good ct+dentials, and form an impressive family tree from aU the intertwining backgrounds-For instance, bf the performers. McLaughlin, Composts’ Jack D&ohnette, *Weather Beport’s Joe Zawinal and Wayne Shorter, pianists Keith Jarrett and Bill ’ -Eva?s, h&e all played in the Miles Davis ‘group at one time or another, among other stops alorig the way. ., .’ Alsoinctuded on the two-record set are Don Ellis, Paul Winter, Paul Horn, Gentle i _-Giant, Mathcing Mole, Walter Carlos, Soft ‘- Machine and Charles Mingus. Speaking of the , much-discussed marriage between ,jazz and rock, such an unlikely- wedding takes place on a new Columbia LP com’bining the guitar talents of Mc,Laughlin atid Carlos Santana, Love Devotion Surrender .( KC 32034). Not only does Santana aspire to be taken ,seriously as an improvisational musician, but-at least on the evidence of . th’e albuti cover-he hag %alst, cIi.nibed onto McLaughlin’s ‘spiritual bandwagon. There the two of them are, big-as life and dressed‘ all in white, looking contented and at peace with it all, possessed of some inner calm you and I can never know; while, between them sit.s or stands McLaughlin’s adopted guru, Sri Chinmoy, who also offers a moving sermon on the Nature of Life as the LP’s- line; notes. Well, if you can get past that sort of 3 r nonsense, there is good music to be found inside. Santana began drifting towards McLaughlin’s brand of music with Buddy Miles, and then w,ith his band’s latest album, Cartivanserai, and things converge nicely here with a littIC! help from McLaughlin’s friends-notably Larry’Young on organ and the impresske Billy Cobham on drums. The results, including a fine re-interpretation of John Coltrane’s and his beautifully “A Love Supreme” serene masterpiece “Naima”, will please Mahavishnu followers more than Santana’s, but deserve listen by both. l

But then al I of a sudden the listener is I bombarded with something vaguely ce _ resembl‘ing the rock music of the. late sixties. -He is also blessed with the-voices of’ Priviledge doing what might be their More indian imitations. A few of the tunes have more or less * native muslcal backgrounds but these are well hidden by the rock, and fancy. drumwork and, the electric guitars. As a regular rock album the whole thing is riot that bad. It is not something that _ you would jump up to listen to but it is not terribly objectionable. However, as a statement of our past it is. definitely missing a lot. The whole thing smeJls like Paul Revere and the Raiders q Indian Reservationcommercial liberal bullshit. To top it all off Century II president Tommy Banks, Another in the continuing series of offers these wise words; “Cantata Canada From the all-out rocker “Jesus Just Left trivial things to spend your money on is is much more than this first album. It’s an Chicago” to the’slow rock ballad “Hot, the latest ‘Canadiana’ album Century 11 idea- a dream, reallythat encompasses Blue and Righteous”, Tres Hombres is a has managed to come up with. It’s called of comevery conceivable medium refreshing break from all the hype, makeCantata Canada and its an attempt to give munication. It’s all of the obvious things, up and gimmickery messing up *rock these ‘Canada to Canadians’. . .and “make some an effort to help bring about an awareness days. contribution to our national selfon the part of Canadians of And speaking of gimmickery, the confidence.” In B more- honest pertheir proud past, an enormously Fnjoyable . Spencer Davis Group is back together, at spective, the album -is a phony liberal rail along which to drive the idea that we least. long enough to produce an album, attempt to -cash in on “inequiiies in do have an interesting, exciting history. titled $uggo (VEL 1015). All the original Canada’s past, namely the native Very good Canadian music about members of “the” original -group are here question. Can-adian things and Carr;rdian people. It’s except Stevie Winwood, but that’s quite a The brains behind it all belong to Doug about every one ‘of us, where we come space to fill. I’ Hutton who calls himself a “media ‘enfrom, and where we are going.” The Spencer Davis Group was a bunch trepreneur”. The promo material describes It is the proud past hit that should be of fine young rock musicians, and they him as a “good salesman”. It goes on to questioned-and the feeling permeates still are; but not good as their say that he convinced four private inthe whdle --atburn. Perhaps they ha7 reputation, and Cluggo is an easy-tovestors to put in $G!5,000 each. “He perforgotten _how the story -really goes. listen-to, very competent LP. Eight of the suaded them that this was not simply a There are a few good things that happen nine cuts are group originals, and are also -nationalistic write-off, but a thoroughly in this album, and probably not by quite nice, but nothing to knock you off commercial venture with a good prospect mistake. One song, the first one on the your musical feet. Just another pretty face for international sales.” second side is about the gold rush of ‘96. It in the crowd today. And, probablyfo-make us feel that he is has a believable --country and western not going to forget us, they assure us that Hound - Dog Taylor and _ the feeling to the music and to which the this boy-made-good has not stopped his Houserockers (Alligator 4701) are’three of words fit with really well. It is the sort of dreaming but, in fact, has only just begun. the raunchiest, real, hard&core blues song that is easy ,to sing along to-so “Hutton is dreaming again. Televisa‘ players you’d ever want to come across. could conceivably come from those men ion.. .film.. .theatre.. .m.useum audiovisual Hound Dog, second guitarist Brewer and women. dis@lay’s.. .and what, abut videotape for Phiilips and drummer Ted Harvey are all In fact most of thk second side is pretty southern&swho made I their way to ’ schools as a history turn-on?” good but then that could be only because Chidago via all the right blues-clubs stops, Yes,, what about tha_t? the first side is so bad. It is a little less ’ around Dixie, working as sidemen with the The arrangements are done by a group cosmic and they are on safer ground likes of Elmore -James, Sonny Boy called Priviledge whose only claim to fame historically since they have left the indians Williamson, Roosevelt Sikes, Memphis ‘so far is the Canadian original of Jesus behind an’d concentrate their efforts on Slim, Little W~lterand Muddy Waters. Christ Superstar. TKat is where they and the later exploits of the white man. The most striking thing about Taylor’s Hutton”ifound each other. The album includes a very pretty ’ bottleneck-style guitar work is that the Hutton had the songs on the album-all booklet that contains the ’ poetry with groirp has no-bass player and needs none. eleven. of them-written by different some excellent graphics. It shows more Hound Dog fills in the bass lines bn his people, but performed by the one group. explicitly how good the poetry is and then own three bass strings . The album loses a l’ot because of this. In what a mediocre job was done with it . Unfortunately, the liveliness of this most cases the words and music do not musically. There is little to encourage group’s music and the joyful zest with mix. And the poetry of the songs falls anyone to listen to the album more than which they play it, are impossible to dobn because of his insistence on a ‘rockonce. capture on record, and the LP fails to musical’ motif. The first page in this little helpful come any&here close to showing the The introduction is nice and classybooklet has an interesting few wordHouserockers’ stuff, although it is damn could easily trick the listener- into thirrking S . . .“The sdngs in this record reflect good boogie-blues. that they have a quiet but potierful album feelings. Mostly, theagabout where Hound Dog held triumphant week-long here. Quiefiut it could get the message we’ve been, but they’re’also about where court at Toronto’s El Mocambo last spring across to some with its good ‘liberal’ we are, and where we’re going. All of them and is appearing there again soon, so words -’ some’ being people who are new about us.” cat’ch the real thing. to- the overtiorked vocabulary offered by All of. us? those ‘socially conscious’ entrepreneurs. . -Susan johnson . -gs kaufman

Cobham. also snows up on another pleasing mck-influenced jazz LP, Ron ’ Carter’s Blues Farm (CTI 6027). Excellent bass work by Carter is backed by Cobham, Hubert Laws on flute and some nice licks ‘by Sam Brown on guitar. All cuts but one are by Carter, and give everyone concerned a chance to do their stuff. Swinging back to stone-cold rock, Ipwas fortunate to come across -a copy of a second album by a relatively unknown Texas heavy-rock trio called Z.Z. Top. It’s called Tres Hombres (London XPS 631) and is, like their first LP, Rio Grande Mud, simple, straight-forward and rau-nchy rock. These guys just sound like- they’re fro-m Texas: none of this British-California glitter and flash here-just hard, heavy backbeat, wailing guitar lines and- rough c. vocals.


-lib.eral> / bullshit





5, 9173

Three blind men

De Chelderode wrote this short piece, (The Blind Men) in 1933, inspired by “The Parable of the Breughel’s painting, l3lind Men”. (A reproduction is on display in the Theater Gallery.) Briefly, the plot concerns three blind men who convince themselves that they are near Rome, the goal of their pilgrimage. When a one-eyed man informs them that he has watched them travelling in circles nowhere near Rome, they reject both his information and his offer of aid, and promptly fall into a bog he has warned them about. De Chelderode’s fascination with church music shows at the first with an expressive flute and church thymes played sensi tively together and conti nuing during the chanting entrance of the three \ pilgrims. All three possessed a forcefulness of delivery which was impressive technically but seemed incongruous with their presumably fatigued state. Also, this strength of the ‘deluded’ characters seemed a challenge to the actual reality represented by the more toned-down performance of the one-eyed man. Pareffective were the anxious ticularly gropings of the blind men over the stage steps, and the large expressive hands of the oldest pilgrim as he twisted his staff in search of meaning that his eyes could not perceive. I found the play mildly entertaining on the surface, and allowed myself some searching for symbolic significance to enrich he experi ence. There seemed to be a brief dialectic here between Truth and Fantasy-fantasy manifested in the blind men’s stubborn belief that they are near Rome when they are actually near their starting point. They are so trapped in this delusion of hope that they imagine the,mseIves ‘seeing’ the dome of St. Peter. They deny even the reality of their blindness. Truth is personified in the one-eyed man, who reveals their error. Still the blindmen persist with- their fallacy. Finally Truth is the victor in the “stark reality of death”. Had they accepted liis words, they would have received food, shelter, and protection instead of death. One could thus infer t:lat blindness to reality is more pervasive a flaw than mere blindness of visibn. -Peggy ea rle

and now here’s ... In the midst of political strife in some of the federation’s favourite countries, political scandal in some of the Administration’s favourite countries, and watery beer in some of the local pubs, some people still refuse to take anything seriously. If you’re one of those people, you’ll probably feel right at home in Fass this year. For those of you who don’t know what Fass is- it’s hard to explain. Some look upon it as a Christian version of your basic Roman orgy. Margaret Mead has remarked upon its similarities to New Cuinean puberty rites. Fabs people themselves still insist that it’s an amateur theatrical group whose purpose is to take a satirical look at the‘ University of Waterloo. Whatever it is, Fass is back this year, repainted, reupholstered, and with an oil change, getting ready for a week of harmless lunacy in February, and you (yes, even you), are invited to join. We need’

people for writing, acting, advertising, and technical work, for this years show. Everybody is welcome. The only things you need are enthusiasm and a note from your mother. Talent-or the lack of itis n-o problem. If you want to meet some fantastic people, have a lot of fun on and off stage, and take a few potshots at things that bug you about the university, come on to the general meeting on Thursday, October 18, at 730 p.m., in the Theatre’of the Arts. Particularly if you’re new on campus, Fass is a great way to meet guys and girls, so we’d love to see you. Party Afterwards. For more information, drop around to M&C 6081 C (if nobody is home, leave your name and number), or call Terry-88840717, or Pat-579-3654.


company in question. Her only source of support comes from a father she detests and his hired-hand whom she immediately pegs as a typical male wanting but one thing from any female. (Thank god she’s not a typical female!) Her level of toleration towards the two men is increased for the simple reason that theygre working towards a common goal, and it is obvious, even to the brave heroine, that singlehandedly, she has no hope of fending off the villainous oil company. The result a partnership is formed. Now that you know the basic plot, the outcome can be easily determined. Consider the conflicts-daughter against father, but the father is willing to go to any length to make his amends; secondly, woman against man. the conclusion



A hort story reader ,

low b Unless you are extremely desparate, stay away from the Capitol Theatre until the showing of Oklahoma Crude has reached a merciful termination. There are several ways to describe “waste”, but to make it easier for you, as well as for this particular reporter, I’ll simply rename the picture Oklahoma Crap! This is rather unfortunate when one considers the misuse of the fine acting ability that was available courtesy of the film’s headliners, George C. Scott and Faye Dunaway. Neither performer requires an introduction to moviegoers, but it is a safe assumption that Oklahoma - - will definitely not be remembered as a highlight in either career. In all fairness to the flick’s promoters, bear with me for a brief description of the plot. Ready? The story takes place in the early years of the twentieth century with casual mention of the Spanish American war of 1898. The bulk of the action occurs on a typical prairie plain, typically found in ‘good ole’ Oklahoma’. It is the age of the oil-well craze and therefore, the age of ambitious settlers ‘aimin” to make it rich. Not only do these settlers have to fight off Mother Nature and fate throughout their endeavours, they must also fight off the exploitation attempts of the established oil companies. In this particular tale, the ambitious settler is portrayed in the character of Lena, ‘a man-hating, guntoting’ female who refuses to sign over her plot of land to Pan-Oklahoma, the evil oil

here is even more obvious; lastly, innocent settlers versus cruel corporationQuestion-Will justice prevail? Will fate smite down-on our weary settlers and grant them with an oil strike? You don’t have to tune in next week to solve the mysterybut, there is one unexpected curve thrown in by Producer/Director Stanley Kramer near the end which is not in line with the rest of this typical movie. Concerning the controversy over the picture’s title-one gets the feeling that Kramer must have intended Crude to be taken in its most inelegant sense. The constant use of profanity seems to be the movie’s last resort in securing ‘laughs’ from the audience. Also, depending upon your appreciation of slap-stick humour, there are a few instances-such as, a naked man running with blood spouting from his buttocks after being hit with buckshot, and again, when one man holds another at gunpoint while the former urinates on the latter’s expensively tailored overcoat. These are comical, yet not to the point of hilarity, but even these scenes are somewhat limited. They appear to be a desparate attempt at holding the picture toget her. George C. Scott as the hired-hand needs to fall back on his highly reputable past and its memorable characterizations to carry off this role as Mace. His female counterpart, Lena, under the guise of Faye Dunaway, originally presents herself as an out-spoken, bad-mouthed renegade who almost too conveniently transforms into an understanding woman, complete with ample warmth and passion. The supporting cast of John Mills and jack Palance, playing the father and chief villain respectively, make a valiant attempt, especially Mills, ,to regenerate the movie’s dying pace. Eventually they seem to realize that the die has been cast beyond salvation. Admission to Oklahoma Crude is 82.25. With that money I suggest that you buy twenty-five ice-cream cones or nine draft beer or two hundred and twenty-five ‘doubles bubbles’ or -beckey

lemaich -

Tony van Bridge’s special student matinee as C.K. Chesterton, could tiardly be billed, in the interest of accuracy, as a matinee at all. It lasted barely an hour. The performance was obvioulsy designed as a separate package for a high school audience and bore little relationship to the evening performance. However, despite this shortcoming van Bridge’s charm and wit pleased everyone. His casual, relaxed style and obvious enthusiam for Chesterton commanded a warm response from the audience. It is always interesting, an-d particularly to the new theatre-goer, to see how an actor prepares for a performance. This van Bridge did with panache and good humour. The stage became for this purpose, a dressing room. With the assistance of a dresser, van Bridge grew in size, shaped his face, changed his coloring, donned wig and eyebrowsliterally converted himself into the visual image we have of Chesterton from his famous photograph. The actor’s challenge in this kind of reading-performance is to establish two illusions of reality. The first is simply that CKC is reading his short story The Blue, Cross. The second is‘ more difficult and involves a shift from Chesterton as narrator on stage to the other characters and another locale. The hero of the The Blue Cross is Father Brown, the priest-detective who is perhaps Chesterton’s most popular character. He comes in contact with the most colorful people and it appears to be an effortless accomplishment for van Bridge to turn dialogue into character. Van Bridge’s reading leaves little to be desired. It is only surprising that the programme did not offer more substance. One short story and one short poem was little indeed. The audience was as uncertain as the house staff when the performance ended. It took a phone call from the box office and a certain delay to confirm that it was really over. The price of the tickets for this performance is open to question. Student tickets for the expanded evening performance were one dollar and fifty cents. This special student mini-performance was actually higher priced, by far, at a dollar a ticket. A matinee with a qualifying description such as ‘special or ‘student’ is not the same performance as is being offered in the evening. Students should make a few enquiries as to content before purchasing them in future. -irene





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Federation flicks Hickey and Boggs-a surprisingly satisfyihg and realistic mystery-adventure starring Robert Culp and Bill Cosby of “I Spy”, which was one of TV’s more intelligent and entertaining series. Here they present the other side of the same characters: a little older, bitter and disillusioned. All in all, a damn near perfect movie. Dot-Stacy Keach does his thing and Faye Dunaway plays Faye Dunaway again in a mediocre film which can be justified when J placed on a double bill with a better flick, like here. (All films start at 8 pm iri Arts Lecture 116)

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’ I\, cheap

stuff In a random survey of 39 different foodstuffs, -the prices between all the stores only varied, at the extremes of the scale, by two dollars and thirty cents. ‘Therefore. deciding where to buy your groceries should not be dependant so much on costs, but rather the quality of service that the store provides. So, although the stores would like you

to think that only , thev ,. provid le the really .true discounts in food, the survey points. out that in fact the differences are not great at all. There is no ‘deep discount price’, or any place where economy really ‘originates. CertainIv this survey , isn’t terribly scientific but it can be used as a good ir ldicator of the way prices are tending


Of all theeitems checked only three had consistent prices at every store, compared to last year when only milk prices were the same all across the board. This year bread, milk and surprisingly, mushrooms all held the line. The prices for bread and milk are apparently set by the bakeries and dairies respectively and the stores are content to abide by these prices. Therefore; the difference in prices must have been among the other items on the list., The prices did in fact vary grossly among the stores. :A single item would jump anywhere from one cent to fifty cents between stores. But then they would make it up on some other item that the first store would have priced outrageously. Zehr’s at the junction of Weber and King Sts in Waterloo, had their sunkist oranges marked at $1.50 for one dozen, where every one else had the price down around 90 cents with the lowest price being at the Hiway Market (King St E in Kitchener) a mere 79 cents It is interesting to note that this in fact is ,a drop over their price last year-98 cents for one dozen. Trying to make up for this price outrage, Zehr’s marked their hamburg at 96 cents a pound. That was cheaper than anywhere else.with the highest price being sl.09 at WEO. All the stores made up for their high prices by irrationnally cutting a price somewhere else. No store cut prices consistently enough for it to effect their profit margin or your budget. Examining the table you might notice that only two stores were carrying ordinary white- rice, and that these stores had increased their price a ’ substantial amount. Rice is not going to be any easier to find and it is not going-to get any cheaper. There has been massive flooding in Thailand:9 main source of milled rice. Also, Louisiana and Texas, two other sources of rice were hit -by hurricanes earlier this year that destroyed their entire crop. ’ In connection with this, the soya bean crop was also wiped out at the same time in the southern united states and that put an end to the soya burger that had appeared on the meat counters earlier this summer. And more good news, which is that the pastas that students and many other folks have been depending on fora cheap filler,

has also come in for rough times-. There is apparently some difficulty with the hard wheat crop and that has caused a severe shortage of those valuable pastas. Another culprit in the whole,matter is .the person that hoards’ such anitem or buys it up in huge quantities. So this is going to cause, in fact has already caused the prices of pastas to increase a giant-sized 300 percent. _ The Italian goverments solution to this problem is to suggest that they repeal the law forbiding the production of pasta out of soft wheat and start making the Italian pasta out of- this wheat. Italians are un,derstandably upset-pasta made out of soft wheat turns, to glue when water is added which is why softwheat was outlawed in the first place. . Returning to this country thinking about which store is the most interesting and fun to shop in since you do have to shop, the considered opinions of those that did this survey-is that Hiway Market is the winner in, this catagory. However, it is not the winner in the cheap food catagory. The old wooden floors and the mixing of food with dry goods in the aisles adds a certain oldfashioned air to the place and softens your heart a little when you are prone to become upset at the cost of shoppingzanywhere. For those to whom it would-make adifference, Dutch Boy, Dominion and Zehrs all continue to carry Dare products despite the fact that Dare is producing his cookies by scab labour and the legitimate workers are still on strike. These stores have ignored the boycott called ‘by the strikers and endorsed by the Ontario Federation of Labour. Also, along the same vein, most stores manage to provide an alternative to most Kraft products-except the grated /cheese and the salad dressings. Dominion does carry another brand of grated cheese but you have to search it out very thoroughly. This, again, is despite the boycott called against Kraft by the National Farmers Union. So try to remember it all. WE0 and their “no expensive frillsjust .wild warehouse prices; Zehrs and their gold star . stamps; Dominion and their deep discount prices”; Highway Market with their nice soft touch. Don’t fool yourself into thinking there is any %way you can possibly save money -that is not why they are in the business.

* friday,


5, 1973

* -9

the chevron


( Data from lpst year is dated October 20 and wa’s gathered by Deanna Kaufman and George Kaufman. This years figures are fro& October 1 and the mater&l was gathered by Susan. Johnson and John Breeze. . -








the chevron .-




STOREdMli)E _- SUE OF. ’


/ ’


5, 1973

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1973 _




Middle E’astern @ii

u-s 00 ’


payments in the Persian Gulf, Libya-and Venezuela were $6.7 -billion. 1In 1971 they climbed to $13.4 billion and are scheduled for $22 billion in 1975 and $41.2 b_ilIion in

/ -





ilowly . by Barry



“zOThe Geneva Agreement of 1972 provides that posted prices will be adjusted every time the U.S. exchange rate differs from an index .of nine major currencies by more than . two percent. Prices rose by 8.55 percent in February, 1972, and 5.69 percent in April. ’ l The 1972 Riyadh Participation. Agreement provides that 30 percent participation by producing countries in the operations of companies will be achieved by 1978, leading to 51, percent by January 1,1982. In a.ddition, the countries will sell back to the companies an agreed fraction of their participation oil, starting with 75 percent in 1973, decreasing to 50 percent in’ 1974 and 25 percent in 1975. At the same time, a number of other developments may well escalate , the demands of -producing countries far beyond the officially agreed upo,” settlements. They include the Iraqi





Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, together The big oil monopolies who are behind with the small sheikdoms of Abu Dhabi, the so-called “energy crisis” in the U.S. demonstrate no lack of energy. when it Bahrein, Dubai, Kuwait, Qman and Qatar, account for about.60 percent of the world’s comes to maximizing profits. This is-the name of the “gasoline total oil and consume only about 1.2 shortage” game-this and the compercent of the world’s energy. The reserves amount to six times more than plexities of international imperialist the U.S.‘s. politics. Even these figures seem conservative, The seven international oil monopolies realizing that wells in the Gulf are 100-500 have found the exploitation of’ foreign times more productive than in the/US. Of crude oil considerably more profitable in the Gulf, 31. than domestic operations. Today it is 35 the 74 oil fields operating times cheaper to produce oil in the Middle were found during the 1960’s. East than in Texas or Louisiana. , If present production patterns continue, The. returns on foreign’ petroleum in- by 1980 Saudi Arabia and Iran alone will be producing one-fourth ) the world’s oil vestment have always constituted the supply. Though the Persian Gulf accounts most important source ‘of earnings. for for only 2.5 percent of all U.S. foreign U .S . imperialism. Oil now represents today, returns from the Gulf about 92 percent of all U.S. investment in investment about 1.5 percent of the total the Middle East, 60 percent in Asia, 59 represent returns on foreign investment. percent in Africa and 35 percent in Latin Even though it has not been until America. recently that the United States has relied As has been illustrated in many studies, substantially upon oil from the Middle the profit-seeking operations of the the profits of the major *petroleum companies have run directly contrary to’ -East, who sell the oil to Europe, the independent political development of . companies,. Japan and underdeveloped. nations, have the host countries. Iran, is a vivid example heavily depended upon -Middle East of how much wealth has been extracted1 prod& tion . I In 1950, the year prior to the first To protect ‘this investment, U.S. imnationalization in Iran, net profits of the perialism has since 1945 employed a British-controlled petroleum company number of means in its efforts to stabilize exceeded the total received by the Iranian the region for U.S. profits, ranging from government in the preceeding 50 years. Between 1900-1960, the gross receipts of support for Zionism to the CIA-sponsored coup: in Iran j in 1953 and the* of U.S. oil companies in the- Middle East U.S Marines in Lebanon in 1958. amounted to $32 billion, while ail/workers It hardly occurred to the petroleum in countries such as Iran were paid $1.30 a monopolies that they would meet - day during the 1950’s. resistance when they sought to reduce After World War 2, as American intheir posted prices and tax payments to terests took over from the British in the the producin’g countries in 1958 and 1959. ‘Middle East and assumed control over the But spurred first by Venezuela, Saudi old colonial. empires in the Pacific, the Arabia and Iran, the lo-member -foreign-produced oil of U.S. corporations Organization of Petroleum Exporting began to flood the U.S. market. In 1948, Countries (OPEC) was formed in 1960 to for the first time imports exceeded ex’ports counter the monopolies. and the increasing levels of imports In the, last decade, the world oil caused cutbacks in U.S. ‘production. U.S. situation has changed dramatically. Since wells were almost closed down while cheap 1959, nationalizations of oil production Mid-East or Venezuelan crude oil was \ have occurred in a dozen small producing being imported. until the/important steps taken To curb the deteriorating situation of countries, by Algeria in 1971 and Iraq in i972. In - domestic producers, the Mandatory Oil 1967, the closing of the Suez Canal due to Import Program limited imports to 12.2 War, the subsequent rise in (percent of domestic demand east of the* the Six-Day prices and t,he blockage of’ the Rockies. This plan, introduced in 1959,<, tanker was suspended by President Nixon on Trans Arabian Pipeline (Tapline) by Syria in May 1970 thrust Libya into an ekMay 1, 1973. favorable position. This system separated the cost. of tremely Just months before the Tapline was cut domestic crude ’ oil from foreign price off, King Idris was overthrown by Col. fluctuations. In 1969, for instance; Libya, because of its following .a 25 cent per barrel raise -in the. _Muammar Qaddafi. proximity to Europe, was not, dependent cost of domestic crude&he price of foreign either upon higher tanker rates or the‘ crude oil landed on the East Coast was ‘Tapline and began- production cutbacks in $1.50 a barrel cheaper than domestic rates crude.- This system of subsidy for the oil order to force higher taxes. Tanker soared again. Shortages appeared. Libyacompanies cost, American workers about bargained with companies one by one, F5 billion a year. obtained large concessions, -further enSince the quota system was imforcing cutbacks in production until plemented in 1959, prices of domestically companies conceded. Nigeria and produced oil remained? almost constant Venezuela followed suit and substantial until 1969-while the world price declined raises were won in the Gulf States. Sinceabout 40 percent. this initial -move by Libya a number of Until 1969, U.S.. petroleum imports new negotiations have proceeded between remained steady. Middle East crude OPEC and the monopolies. They include: i accounted for only 3 percent of the total . l The Teheran and Tripoli Agreements imports, with most of the oil coming from increase in Canada and Venezuela. From 1960. of 1971 set forth a four-st’ep through 1975, which will through 1972, imports increased 52 posted prices raise oil company -payments to Persian percent, in response to lower domestic Gulf nations by $1.50 per barrel, or 80 production. From 1972 through the end of percent over 1969 levels. The magnitude this year, imports are expected, to-jump of* this increase is impressive. In 1969, from 27 percent to 33 percent of the total marketthree quarters of the new oil coming from_ the Middle East. - Official estimates, based largely upon industry fig,ures, project that by 1980 over 50 percent of U.S. energy will come from abroad-mostly from the Persian Gulf. ,



nationahzation of the Kirkuk fields, the $Libyan discussion of 50 percent participation immediately and the recent+ Iranian agreements, which effectively extend the operations of Western oil companies in Iran to, 1994. The new ’ agreement of principle transfers “control” ’ of the oil to the Iranian government, through a purchase sales contract which gives members of the Western oil consortium a continuing right to crude production within their areas. L -


Though it appears that the new agreementchanges little in fact, it is designed to give the appearance of in- ’ creased Iranian control of petroleum reserves, in response to advances by other ( producing’ nations. , The net result of these steps is certainly ’ going to greatly increase the revenue of *’ producing nations, but it remains to be seen exactly how much control will in fact rest with the governments of producing nations. At the very least, it indicates the steady -‘erosion of the control that the ’ seven oil monopolies once had on the world’s crude petroleum reserves. At best, the recent steps taken by producing nations reflect the growing unrest, of Arab and Iranian peo’ples not only with Zionism and U.S. imperialism, but with the regressive regimes which rule at home. The movement of producing governments toward, greater control over . petroleum resources cannot be explained I ’ by the “good will” or simple progressive tendencies of these leaders, but in fact reveals the growing struggle within the. Gulf and‘ entire Middle East of the < students, poor and working people for self’ determinination. With the rise of the I~ Palestinian resistance groups, the victory of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen in 1967, the formation of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman , and the Arab Gulf (PFLOAG) in 1971 (which already controls 90 percent of Dhofar),. and the growing student ’ movements in Iran and Egypt, the regimes of most oil;producing countries have been obliged ’ to take certain . progressive steps. These steps so far change little in terms of actual control over oil production, but , they should not be underestimated. They . have cut deeply into the position and profits of U.S. imperialism in the Gulf. For, the major companies, the rate of return on net investments Iin the Eastern Hemisphere has declined from 18.2, percent in 1957 to 11.2 percent in-1970. In. general, the petroleum industry has fared poorly in terms of profit returns in recent * years. A recent Fortune Magazine article ’ depicted _the petroleum industry as’ the . worst of 10 industries in comparison of : e----Y return sales between 1966 and 1972. The monopolies are correct in their -. claims that the direction of the “present OPEC demands will in time spell the end of U.S.. domination of the resources and people of the Middle East. This is critical to understanding the present “energy crisis”. Part of the pr=osed solution for U.S. imperialism is to consolidate the large companies’ hold over fuels and markets, by purchasing large interests in alternative fuels and by ,forcing out the smaller independents.‘ Concerned over the emergence of -national liberation struggles in the Gulf and the insecurity of the Arab-Israeli ’ - _ conflict, the monopolies ‘have in recent years intensified their search for other petroleum reservesaround the world, particularly in southern Africa, Nigeria, Ecuador, Peru, - Brazil, and Southeast Asia. Petroleum ‘investment ill the AsiaPacific Region between 1970-85. is . estimated at $61 billion alone. In each case, the penetration of U.S. oil ’ iinterests has brought it resistance by nationalist and revolutionary forces in. 1 . those countries and the growing , possibility of expropriation or military confrontations. . / i-1 /

c tt

‘\ .

It might work here :; As

hosti+, aggressive-. behaviour becomes increasingly the ndrrr), -for North American society, the search for social mechanisms to reverse;or at least amel’iorate,the trend, ‘is .botind to continue’ outside the borders of -currently. accepted social custom. , In this regard it has been suggested that we might take & ‘tipfrom the Qolla Indians of South Amerjca, who, for the moment at least, possess what is possibly thb most internally hostile, society in the world. Living in a harsh environment with limited resources, each Qolla family works its own plot of land,and cooperation ,is rat-e. Friendship bonds are fiagile, and even within families, contention and suspision are normal. Arguments, I’name-calling and aggressive behaviour of all kinds, including murder, are commonplace. The method employed by the Qolla in circumventing their somewhat disruptive social practices is a custom c&d tawanku, a curious form of group marriage serving to reduce- the widespread sexual and economic insecurity which is standaid. in that society. As anthropologists Ralph and Charlene Bolton describe it, tawanku begins with an agreement between two husbands: “The usual procedure for the men is to settle upon a d&e when $1 four persons can, get together, to.. .become drunk. After they have gotten the two women completely inebriated they all go tobed in the same room, each man taking the other’s wife to one sid&of the hut. Following intercourse, the two couples remain together to- sleep for the night. In the morning 4he women discover what has happened. In the ensuing discussion the men .convince the women that they should becom’e tawan ku partners .“m Tawanku relationships often continue for years, and frequently a -Iifetibe. A meeting for all those interested .in forming a tawanku club &:Ycampus will be held next Wednesday-at noon in . the security offices. -

They cheat on exams Salmon may be smarter than you think, and unless you have an unusually inflated conception of the fish’s intellectuattapacities, they-probably are. . Atlantic salmon authority Wilfred Carter has revealed that there are indications that the game-fish has definite built-in navigational aids. These myst&ibus aids enable the salmon to return to their spawning grout-ids after years of growing up in i deep ocean waters. Fish biologists believe that the tasty marine-dwelier may be . using a n3vigati_onal code which is mathematical, electrical or chemical, or perhaps a combination of all three.. One local salmon, now serving on’ the executive of the fedemtion OT students, disagreed with the reports, stating that they werebased on what could only be regarded, as the flimsiest of’ scientificevidence. “As far as 1%~ concerned,” he went on, “salmon are -just as stupid as people have always believed them to be.” .


Japan is cGiretit-ly exi periencing a backlash of environmentalist feeling which puts North American reaction to pollution in a relatively shameful light. In a recently-conducted survey in Tokyo, 4dper cent of 2,500 respondents believed that “the occurrence of pollution is absolutely impermissible even for the sake of industrial development”. Another 13 per cent considered it an “endurable necessity”. In 1966 responses measured’only 27 per cent in the former category, with 29 per cent in the latter. Rather than depending ore such devices as the “pollution index” to keep track of environmental rape, the f-apanese peop-le use somewhat more -colourful standards of measurement. Professor Yujiro Hayashi, -who sent out questionnaires to air pollution experts, concluded from- their hnswers that the “environmental ’ conditions generally desired for i985 are_ such that the atmospere will be clear enough td see Mount Fuji from Tokyo once’ every two days ,” compared to once a week no&





- I


f ‘-Things -- fall’ apart - y-

In building a structure for any- purpose, curves between f$e points on the dam. be it a-house, a chair or almost anything Using these equati,ons the stress factors else, it is necasavto determine whether of the individual segments defined by or not it will be able to stand up to the the poin.ts are determined. If the stress kinds of stress to, which it will be subfactors match then the engineer knows jetted to during use.. It won’t db for , that the tkn,$on on t,he surface of the instance to have the engineering walkdam is distributed evenly and the dam way over University Avenue fall apart the‘ will be safe. If when testing the first t/me there are more than ten people designer’s model it is found that certain walking acroSs it. -Architects and segeyents of the dam have stress factors designers are called in to design a which do not match, then the designer is structure and it is then up to the engineer able to reshape, that segment ta fit an to try and discover a inethod of making , equation which will have a compatible stress factor. the design functional; This can be a very arduous process somewhers between This finite elementmethod enables trial and error atid simple gross overrelatively.small changes in the shape of building in order to ensute stability of the dam to be made without having to the structure. one mistake can be costly redesign’ it totally. This kliminatks a -both financially and in terms of human source of costly errors and results in a life. cheaper and safer structure. MC&& Dr. \ Greg McNiece of‘ thre Civil applies this method to highway bridges Engineering department at the university in the- same way with similar results. of Waterloo had developed an accurate There is however an inter&sting sidkmethod for determing the stress factors development to this path of research: the in various structures:It’s called-the finite. _ finite element principle can also be element method,--and McNiece has been applied in the design of, human K applying ‘it to arch dams and highway, prosthesis. This is especially useful In the bridges. area of artificial replacements for human An arch dam works on the basid hip bones: At this time st&nless steel is principle of the Roman *arch, where the -used-f&.- the artificial bone.‘When put in stress within the skucture is distributed place this is supposed IXI’ copy the by the design of the dam over the sides original bone structure. Vnfortunately, of the material which is holding the with steel the stress factors involved are structure up. In the case of arch dams different than,huFan bone. As a yesuIti‘cf this material is the valley walls between using a steel replacement which is so which the dar-ri is situated. The problem much harder, bone tumours can and do is finding better methods of shaping the developI, and in most cases the artifical dams so that they fit the geometry of the bone must be replaced every five years valley and thus distribute the stresses in for the safety of the. patient. McNiece such a w& as to make the dams stable-as propoies using his method to prod& possible. _ better designs for these artificial parts The finite element methbd involves the and lengthen their life to ten or fifteen use +f eqwations’which describe curves. years. Once materials other than steel The, engineer picks a’ s&Ie: of points .are developed .for this use, replacement ,along the surface of the dam and then may’ become unnecessary.

. - friday, .


5, 1973


(Job openings, /’ f0k scie-itisti Those

who would have envisaged a with a science and technology section as being somewhat analogous to; say, a skyscraper with flying buttresses, were no doubt surprised to find the aforementioned animal abruptly gracing ourpages as of the last three weeks. This development has come about primarily in recognition of the obvious fact that many, perhaps most, of our readers have academic’ interests that lie in scientific and technological areas; we realize that, it is important that these interests be reflected to some extent in the ~ ’ paper. \ .


Our ‘problem in meeting the postulated demand for this type of material has historically arisen from the general lack of expertise among chevron staffers ‘in matters scientific. In the past two issues we have depended primarily on material culled from outside sources, including two feature length articles from New Scientist. This is a practice we would like to do away -with as far as possible, in favour of features generated. within this university, by people whose scientific background qualifies the-m to speak of such matters in some wise authoritatively, which is where the imbalance in the interests and talents of our present staff becomes crucial. What we will avoid at all costs, however, is that species of writing of interest to and readable by, scientists exclusively,the chevron can not and should



not attempt to duplicate the function of scientific journals, even within a section whose main orientation is towards science. This means that the articles we would like to print would in general be in language sufficiently non-technical to admit the layman’s understanding, and in some way connectingscientific research with its possible effects on society. The whole question of a ‘scientist’s obligation to society, “pure research”, and academic secrecy are as relevant today as they were when the first atomic bomb) exploded over Hiroshima, or when it first became well-known that weapons developed in Canada by Canadian scientists were being sold to the United States Army for use in the Indochina war. This question is -badly ‘in need of examination, yet is virtually ignored outside of armchair discussion. Perhaps it could be opened up by scientists on this campus, who must %ave given it at least some thought. One problem that relates to scientific research as it affects our lives is the degree of verification which is required before even the most elementary social or legal improvements can be made; vested in- ’ terests are wont to argue that proof which is not-final is no proof at all. While this may be mathematically true, there are some cases in which the stakes are high enough that action must be taken while even a possibility exists that it is needed.


/ 24

case, there can be no doubt that the massIt is the ‘insufficient data’ rationale, for consumption of speculative fiction, example, with which federal agencies together with the simultaneous interest in excuse themselves for not banning the the work of science popularisers like Isaac. (literally) thousands of chemical Asimov, as such far-fetched theorists as adulterants which add zest, flavour and (Chariots of the Gods, colourful-plasticity to our food. The same ’ -Erich von Daniken etc .) reflect an increasing consciousness rationale prevented health warning from by scientific research appearing on cigarette packages until a of the part played and the technology which spawns in couple of years ago; in both these cases determining the course of our lives. the industrial lobbies concerned were It is to answer some of the questions powerful ‘and determined enough to raisea’ in our minds concerning science, successful1 deploy a scientific argument to technology and their implications, that win their own ends, without taking into the science and technology section of the account the risks and probabilities inchevron exists. Already several articles are dicated by research up to that time. being worked on by scientists on campus, One barometer of the public’s growing which will hopefully appear in the weeks awareness and interest in scienceto’ come. particularly as it affects our lives-is the If you feel that you may have something increasing prevalence and popularity of to offer in this field, whether or not you the literary genre misnomered ‘science have had previous writing. experience, fiction’, whether it be of the Buck Rogers please do not hesitate to give us a call or adventure yarn variety, or the more come visit in the chevron office any time probing, speculative novels of a Samuel during the week and talk it over. Delany or a Ray Bradbury. Some of these And for those who feel they might be works are unabashedly concerned with the interested in working in our science and probable futures of mankind; in this line technology department in any capacity at names like Arthur C. Clarke come imall, there will be a meeting in our offices in mediately to mind. the campus centre at noon on Monday, ’ ‘Whether or not it is possible to dismiss this trend as mere excapism is a question ‘October 8. Please attend. ’ of. mostly academic interest; whatever the -nick savage


the chevrbn





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5, 1973












7:30 Dateline London 8:00 Music with Paul Precious-and Ian Lyle

. ma



9100 MU+ 11:00 MUSIC with Ruth Dworin ’ 1 :OO Music with Steve Silver-stein

9:00 Music with Enam Bukhari & Frank/ Mielewczyk 1l:OO Music 1:00 Music with A! Anderson Classical 3:00 Parents Anonymous 4:00 Portugese Music Hours 6:od International Call 6:30 Research ‘73,, Dr. Farquhar “Landfill Sites” 7:00 To be announced 7 :30 Illusions 7 :45 World Report 8 : 00- Federation Report Host: Andrew Telegdi ,/ 9:00 The Masque “The Bald Suprano” Eugene lonesco 10:00 Music with Eric Lindgren 12:00 Music with John Dale


9:00 Music 1l:OO Music with Dean Purves 1:OO Music with Gerry Wootton ZOO The American Dream Crumbles 5 :30 Counter Culture . 6:bO Sports 6: 15 Information 6:30 Islam at the Crossroads 7:00 Words on Music




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9:00 Music,,with Donald Rooke ’ 1l:OO Music ‘with Doug Mayne 1:OO Music with Greg Bewsh 3:00 Harvey Markowitz sketches his current plays : 4:00 The Masque “Mrs. Warren’s Profession” George Shaw Part One 5:00 _Music a-nd Musicians Andrei Eshpai !6:00 Music wyth John Williams 8:00 Music with Gil Zurbrigg 1l:OO Music with Gerry Forwell 12:00 Music with Ted Szepielewicz




9:00 Music with David Stewart 1l:OO Music with Derwyn Lea 1:OO -~Music 3 :00 The Politics’of Everyday Life, Par-t Three 4:00 Interview with Operation Conscience 5:00 Waterloo at Dusk 5 :30 People’s Music 6:00 Checkmate / 7:00 Chem-Ed ‘73 - 8:00 Music with Brian O’Neil 1l:OO Music with David Colledge





9:00 Music .ll:OO Music 1:OO Music with Karen Woolridge 3:00 Religion & Culture Dr. Zim’ merman 4:00 To be announced 4:30 Words on Music 5:00 Chemistry & Society Agricultural Chemicals 6:00 Soviet Press Review 6:15 Ukranian Culture Show $7:00 Sports 7: 15 Information ’ 7:30 Oregon--Poetry of T. S. Elliot 8:00 Music with Ron MacDonald 10:00 Music with John Broeze 12:00 Music with Barry Hoch

Products and ideas from Hoechst have touched and improved the quality of people’s lives in every area around the world, in a hundred countries on six continents. As an affiliate of the worldwide Hoechst organizations Canadian Hoechst Limited has a full century of research and achievement ,to draw upon. In Canada, Hoechst is an autonomous company employing Canadians to serve Canadian needs. Hoechst in Canada concerns itself with supplying both the present and future needs of Canadians. The range of products and services covers the spectrum through industrial chemicals, dyestuffs, plastics/, printing plates, human and veterinary medicines, pharmaceuticaIs;and textile fibres. Hoechst products and services, Hoechst techniques and know-how in these fields,, combined with a large international fund-of experience, have given the company a reputation for expertise which takes constant striving to live up to. Hoechst thinks ahead.


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9:00 Music with Maureen Pfomske 1l:OO Music with Barb Waltman 1:OO Music with Bill Semple j 3 :00 Last Week on Wired World 4:00 Serendipity \ 4:30 Internationat Call 5 :00 Jo7 be announced 6:00 Waterloo at Dusk 6: 30 Research ‘73 Dr. Tome&o, Director,- Waterloo Research Institute 7 :QO- f&sic with George Kaufman lo:00 Music $with Angela‘ Stecewin Music with ian Layfield. .*12 :00 .




the chevron


Clearance Brand New 1973



609 Lancaster

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the chevron



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5, 1973



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5, 1973

the chevrbn

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ART GALLERY “feature of the month” METROPOLITAN SEMINARS IN ART The aim IS to provide rnformatlon to enable and the scholar to develop an understandlng Increase his aooreclatlon of palntmgs and artists have-used to communicate. Broad of significant pamtmgs of all the ages relating them to separate principles of After each slide tape semmar by John Metropolitan Museum of Art. there WIII period led by a member of the UW Fine ment



the layman that wil the means the cross sections WIII be shown. crltlclsm. Canaday ot the be a dlscusslon Arts Depart-

Noonhour series at 11: 30 A.M. Thurs. Oct. 11 What is a Painting? Realism Guest: Charles Crockford Fri.


Oct. 12 Expressionism Guest : Beverly



Tues. Oct. 16 Composition as Pattern, Structure, Expression Guest: Beverly Bald Wed, Oct. 17 Technique: Fresco, Tempera, Oil, Water colour, Pastel, Prints Guest: Nancy-Lou -Patterson Thurs. Oct. 18 The Artist as a Sot-ial Critic The Artist as a Visionary Guest: Lorain Lounsberry \

through -north

For those IS scheduled


whocannot for



a noonhour afternoons

Sun. Oct. 14 Topics as discussed Sun . Oct. 21 Topics as discussed ’



All semmarS admIssIon

In Sunday


To complement ART. a CANADIAN November

Gallery PAINTING’ 11

Theatre bus service the


METROPOLITAN exhIbItIon has been


series. 2 30

a repeat


on Ott 11, 12 and 16 oh Oct. 17 and 18

the to

Arts. the

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SEMINARS of COfiTEMPORARY arranged, October



Additional Sunday programmes at 2:30 P.M. Oct. 28 Gallery Concert: Chamber Music Nov. 4 Gallery-Concert: Joanne Elligsen pianist Nov. 11. Films: WHAT IS GOOD TASTE?. CAN ART BE DEMOCRATIC?




What will you wear for your wedding? White gown or gypsy dress? Be exactly the kind of bride you want tb be. But a wedding band of diamonds glorifies your wedding and whatever you wear. A sparkling circle of diamonds will beam-with fire. And glow”with dancing lights whileryou dance at your wed&g.






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DO YOU believe there are no physiological or anatomical reasons why women should not participate in the same sports as men? If you do, then you can consider yourself as having a fairly “liberated” view. The belief is still widespread, even among people who should know better, that certain sports are suitable for women and girls while others are not because they are supposed to involve the kind of stresses which will permanently damage the reproductive organs and breasts. This, some people say, jeopardizes Her “primary function” in life. Women are usually barred from contact sports such as football, hockey and soccer for this reason. Yet basketball and field hockey are considered “suitable”. One wonders whether perhaps a new definition is required of what constitutes a “contact sport”. In track and field women are not yet allowed to compete in the triple jump or the pole vault, yet are permitted to long and high jump. One does not have to be a track and field expert to realize that the physical stresses involved ’ are quite similar. Furthermore, the advent of the foam pit has considerably reduced the shock of landing, even if this were really a problem; most knowledgeable people now realize that it is not. No more than for men, anyway. Women are not yet given competition longer than 1500 meters at the Olympics (and this event itself was not introduced until 1972). Yet many women, some of them mothers, have been competing in marathons for years without special problems. More and more girls are playing baseball, hockey and soccer, apparently without injury to their reproductive organs. Women also compete in Moto-cross (crosscountry motor c.ycling) and skidiving ! hot dogging 1 without special to reports of injuries women. These events produce stresses and shocks which are extremely heavy. Granted, the ladies suffer the same injuries as the men. Dr. C.H. McCloy makes the following observation in his report, A study of landing ping for women:

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in jum-

“Dr. R.H. Paramore, who has experimented extensively in this field, has called attention to the additional fact that the uterus is surrounded by structures of practically the same specific gravity as itself, and thus it normally has no air spaces around it. Thus, it floats in a miniature pool of pelvic viscera, just as it might, if detached, float in a jar filled to the brim with water. “Such a body suffers only such shock as occurs within itself and does not fly violently through the fluid when shaken. This can easily be proven by placing a raw egg in a liter jar filled to ,the brim with

water and then securing the lid in such a way as to exclude all air. No degree of violent handling that does not smash the jar will injure the egg.” . Our internal organs are well protected by this built-in cushion which acts as a shock absorber, minimizing any blow which might be transmitted to the organs. Not so’ for the male. It is the male’s reproductive organs which should be a source of concerntheir external location, devoid of any protection whatsoever, leaves them vulnerable to damage. The real point is not what is likely to happen to whom, but what the individual’s interests and attitudes are. These are what should dictate which .sports are suitable for women and girls-not antiquated beliefs about hypothetical dangers, or silly social customs. Let’s not underestimate the physical capabilities of women. Remember the physical strength a woman needs to work on a farm, run a house, look after children and-most of all-to have children. In many countries, women are required to till the fields, chop wood and work on roads. These activities are not too strenuous for the female. Neither should certain sports which many women and girls would thoroughly enjoy. Sociological sanctions should not be confused with physiological limits as far as sport is concerned. And frankly, most of the sociological sanctions are pretty silly, too. Dr. Tenley E. Albright, a Boston surgeon, says : “Doors are continuing to open for women in sports, and the limit should be what the girl sets for herself. The safeguards are pretty well built in.” roberta angeloni

Imported European sport is an imported European sport that is a “natural” for the multitudes who now enjoy walking and running outdoors as a method of keeping fit. It incorporates all those activitiesplus the exciting element of competitive navigating. It’s just beginning to catch on in Canada-there are about 1,000 devotees across the country-but in most of Europe it’s big. An orienteering competition in Sweden, for example, is likely to att_ract several thousand participants. Whole families take part. Perhaps this is a reflection of general fitness levels. The average Swede of 60, it has been said, is as fit as the average Canadian of 30. The great thing about this sport is that it provides opportunities for participation no matter what your age or fitness level. It is divided into levels of difficulty which match any physical capacity. This is one reason for its popularity in countries which place value on participation in sport rather than watching. A novice orienteer normally runs a course of about a mile in search of four or five control markers which have been placed on prominent terrain features in advance. A map and a compass are tied around his wrist to aid him in his navigation between control points. ORIENTEERING

Choices The course setter is likely to locate controls in such a way that there are several route choices between control points with the


5, 1973

direct line route often the least effective one to follow. Intelligent map reading is essential to orienteering as is the ability to read a compass accurately. The map will indicate creeks, hills, roads, etc. so that the participant can ascertain whether he is physically able to cope with the route he chooses. As the novice gains in skill he tackles increasingly more difficult courses until he reaches the elite level. The orienteer competing at the elite level should be able to run several miles at a steady pace with no difficulty and have, a very good understanding of advanced map and compass reading. At the outset of a meet each participant reports to the scorer’s table and decides which course matches his ability. He is then issued with a map and control card with a verbal description of each marker’s exact location. After receiving the “go” signal, he proceeds to the “master map area” where he locates the master map for the course he has chosen and carefully marks the location of the control markers on his own map.



in ’

Once he has reached the first control point, and has decided that it coincides with the one described, he punches his control card in the proper square. Each punch has a symbol peculiar to the control point it represents., Now the participant quickly turns his attention to control number two. Time is of the essence in competition. At the finish line, each participant turns in his fully completed control card to officials for time computation. Many orienteering enthusiasts do not have the inclination to compete and their participation falls only within the realm of recreation. They navigate whichever course they choose at their own pace. The sport of orienteering can be practiced by the whole family as well as by individuals of both sexes in every age group.


Participation Orienteering is definitely not a spectator sport; it can only be enjoyed by participation. Jack Lee, president of the Ontario Orienteering Association, was introduced to the sport when he was attending McMaster University . Information was handed out to the students describing two offbeat sports and the one that intrigued him was orienteering. Through a friend who had track and field contacts he received an invitation to attend an orienteering clinic at the University of Guelph given by Professor A. Sass Peepre in 1966. Now Jack Lee is at the elite level of orienteering. Ontario seems to be the hub of orienteering activity in Canada. “There are presently 500 active members. In the fall we expect to double that number”, says Lee. esther articles reprinted


from sport and fitness Instructor

Notice Copy Tuesday

not in by evening

will not be guaranteed to appear. Please.


/ \

. friclay,


-5, 1973

the chevron’ .

The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie .kt 2thru 8 directed by Luis Bunuel 1972 “In describing the peregrinations of six characters in search of a hot din,ner, tjunuel has achieved a perfect synthesis of surreal wit and blistering social assault. To the extent that its characters hover elusively between metaphor, symbol, stereotype and illusion, The DiscJeet Chprm of the Bourgeoisie‘is literally a black comedy of manners, of a formulary politeness which assimilates the most bizarre and indiscreet occurrences to its own inflexible forms. The tredtment is perhaps more outrageously anarchic than ever before, but the old anarchist also imp,licitly acknowledges his powerlessness to alter the complex forms-social, artistic, and political-which provoke and nourish his displeasure.” *Jan Dawson, B.F.I.

-Wednesday’s Wednesday’s the painful mental illness.

directed Child is one of’ the best yet moving and sometimes


, * -

DURING OKTQE%E.RFEsT , ’ - to contact : . . ” BIRTH CONTROL,.1. CENTRE CALL EXT. 03446 ,.’

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empathy... peace’... broth&hood... love... ) . 620 *you (get bored and bothered by , such catch-phrases as these, or waste _your precious reserves qf spiritual stren& fruitlessJy sehrcbing for their corresponding I reali( y ? then m&be .you j shozlld come down and work on the cheuron. you ‘II hear no more ,about them.

’ 1. r --

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Men’s intra murals


“One of my dreams was to have team personnel who during the game in both offensive and defensive situations, would be complete/y alert and ready to react to each situation at maximum speed and with full - intent to make their moves wok This, of course will always remain just a dream since athletes invariably have soft spots in their attention /eve/s-they make several great moves,and then tend to ride it a little. However, this is the great coaching challenge: to continue the never. ending search to motivate and drill the football player so that he gives every play his maximum concentration and effort.” Anute fockne 7930

Warribrs -weep


Despite the fact that this year’s Warriors were depending on their defence to add some stability to the team, the defence for the second time -in a row allowed the opposition to score two early touclidowns. The opposition this time was a powerful Lutheran team, and the final score was 38-7 in favour of the Hawks. _ Down 26-l at half time the Warriors came back to make a respectable showing in the second half, only to be outscored 13-6. The Warriors showed their potential in a series of plays near the end of the third quarter which led to their only touchdown. The Warriors offence managed a net gain of only ten yards on the ground, but managed to accumulate eightytwo yards in the air. Lutheran’s totals were 282 and -139 respectively . Tomorrow the Warriors will have a chance to make up for their previous feeble showings, when _they travel to Toronto to challenge the University of Toronto Blues. This year’s Blues could have the most potent offence in the nation. -They currently lead the O.U.A.A. statistics in the offensive yardage gained. Much of the offensive power comes from the throwing arm of quarterback Wayne Dwnkley. Dunkley leads the league in passing yardage and according to Warrior coach Delahey , is the best in the nation and his three receivers are in the top ten. The Warriors will be hurting because of the loss of their leading ‘rusher who will be out for several weeks with a separated shoulder. An improved pass rush on defence and improved blocking on the part of the offence are rough spots that

will be worked on during - this week’s practices. “We’re hungry for a victory” quoted coach Delahey, who still, maintains that the Warriors can hit the 500 mark this season. Let’s hope the Warriors don’t die of starvation before the end of the season. -mike


Rugger ’ relics On Wednesday, September 26, the Warrior and Trojan rugger teams met their counterparts from Both McMaster University. Waterloo teams won with scores of 23-11 and 6-O respectively. The Warriors’ game started off with much forward ground play with the Waterloo strum pushing up and into McMaster’s end zone repeatedly . In rugby the ball must be touched down to the ground for a and as happened Wedscore, nesday the referee usually awards a five yard s&urn to the defending side if the ball is not clearly touched down. The Trojans’ game had both teams quickly up on the ball with much crowded running in the middle. The ball seldom got to the outside to the wingers for the quick run. Les Kirkland playing inside centre scored the only try for the Trojans and Mike Westly converted it. Two home games are in the offing, with the Warriors hosting the University of Western Ontario here tomorrow, and then they host Brock here on Tuesday. Home games start at three o’clock and are played on Columbia field. -ken


Busy is ’ the key note in describing the Men’s Intramural League games in Program. competitive soccer, lacrosse and flag football are under way and most of the scores and standings will be recorded in next week’s Chevron. In soccer action St. Jerome’s beat V2 North 1-O on a goal by Chris Gadula. Vl North and Vl West battled to a l-l draw. Regular Math led by D. Diltz with 2 goals shut out Env Studies 2-O. In another close contact the Canadian dropped the Connection Professionals by a 1-O margin. Parta Ola subdued Chem Eng by a 3-O count. V2 North found the winning touch in their second game winning a squeaker over Vl North-l-O. St. Jeromes made it two wins in a row with a 1-O victory over Vl West. In last weekend’s action the annual Ring Road Race again took place with no deaths occurring although PUC buses travellingthe opposite direction on the Ring Road caused some concern. Conrad Grebel was victorious with a time * of 17 minutes 41 seconds. Grebel was led by Chris MacMillan whose lap of four minutes 10 secbnds was the fastest of the day. Also representing Conrad Grebel were Peter Shen, Evan’ Miller and Mario Festival. Placing second was an independent team consisting of D. Hisza of Village 2 West, K. Peltsch of Village 1 East. P. Morton of Village 1 South and N. Jacob of Village 1 South. Their time was 17 minutes 56 seconds. Finishing a very cIose third, only two seconds behind were Village 1 South made up of Glenn Wing, Steve Dondale, Mark Gray and Mike Apheldt . Biting the dust as usual were the St. Jeromes B team who must be given credit for just being able to avoid the buses that were given the right of weight. Fifth place went to St. Jeromes A team. Setting the pace for the A team was John Mulvihill whose record slow was 5.31 must have been due in part to his stopping at the Health Centre for some l vitamin pills. The University of Waterloo Curling Club\-will commence its activities for recreational curling on Monday, October 15 and Thursday, October 18. Registration will be from 4-6 pm at the K-W Granite Club for the mixed recreational leagues. Instructional curling will be given by Club members for all those wishing to learn the sport of curling. Opportunity will be given to practise-brooms supplied at the Curling Club. The address is 69 Agnes Street, Kitchener. The Intramural Mixed Bonspiel will be held at Glenbriar Curling Club on Weber Street, at University Avenue, on Saturday,

November 3. Entry forms will be available at the Intramural Office, PAC. Entries will close on October 29. This is a mixed bonspiel; both men must be from the same faculty or division while the women can be from any part of the University community . Men’s and women’s varsity competition will begin sometime in the third week of October. Men who wish to compete in this competition should enter their rinks during Recreational curling or call Terry Olaskey at 743-0760. Women varsity competitors should contact Judy Moore at the Intramural Office. The tennis tournament is also being held this week and due to some - inclement weather it may run next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings as well. Karl Kulek remains the favourite although a number of challengers seem to have the material for an upset. Recreational co-ed activities are witnessing all time highs in the number of teams entering each sport. In Co-ed Volleyball, nineteen teams representing over two hundred men and women are set to begin next week. Similar numbers have entered ball hockey, floor hockey and co-ed innertube waterpolo and all are scheduled to begin next week. Don’t forget it’s not too late to join any of the eleven athletic clubs that are operating within the Intramural Program. For more information phone the Intramural Office at EXT3532. Looking ahead to upcoming events, the next to take place is the Engineering challenge run that involves a two and a half mile jog through Waterloo Park. Also entry dates for competitive basketball and hockey are due on October 15. A balmy autumn day with temperatures in the high 60’s greeted the competitors in this year’s meet. Over 180 competitors entered the 15 events with St. Jeromes overwhelming the opposition by amassing a total of 200 points: A distant second was a 4 man Kin team who managed to win three events and take 57 points. team results 1)


St. Jeromes Kin Science Village 2 North Regular Math Village 2 East Lower Eng Env Studies


on 10,8,6,4,2,


Points 280 57 28 ’ 24 22 20 20 4


5, 1973

fairly well, the only problem being that six contestants failed to appear. The tournament was a championship-consolation tournament with first place to Debbie Hayes of St. Jeromes, second place to Linda Springer of Monota Hagey and third place to Carol Copeland. Congratulations girls ! With-October here and the great “cool” weather approaching flag football continues. Wednesday, September 26 was a great day for the tough competition of VI South vs. Renison. Pat Thacker of South managed to penetrate Renison’s strong defensive line and score the only touchdown of the game giving VI South the victory. Lakeshore and VI North headed each other on in the second game. Lakeshore fought a hard battle, only to have Judy Buchanan receive a “long boom” and score the only touchdown thus clinching the victory for VI North. V2 North have really been practicing lately and it seems to be paying off. They defeated V2 East, 12-O. Their quarterback Kelly Bailey executed a perfect pass to Deb Adams who scored their first six points. The final touchdown was scored on an interception by Lucie Krotenko. ’ Monday’s games went really well. VI West was scheduled to play Renison, but won by default. Lakeshore and Conrad Grebel were evenly matched finishing the game in a O-O tie. St-;- Jeromes vs. V2 West proved to be very interesting having St. Jeromes win 12-o. The touchdowns were scored by Ev Renier and “Mouse” Durrer on accurate passes from their quarterback. -The kicking part of football was introduced when Janice Crago kicked a one pointer for VI North in the final play of the game, giving them the victory over V2 North. St. Paul’s defeated V2 East, 7-O. St. Paul’s touchdown was scored by the great receiving and running abilities of Marg McSween. By this time of the yea&, everyone is ready to do something new-and exciting play a new game never before played squaliball. That’s right and as the name suggests its volleyball in a doubles squash court. There are six players to a side with a volleyball and a volleyball. net but the catch is that the walls are in bounds. Sounds tricky doesn’t it but fun. So get .a group of kids together guys and girls and enter today. Friday 5 : 60 pm is your entry deadline. Two new clubs are being introduced this year. A gymnastics club which is in the introductory period and anyone interested should contact Sally Kemp text 3533 ) .

Woken’s intra -_ murals Here’s on the tivities. nament

an up to the minute report Women’s Intramural acThe tennis singles touron September 26, went

Want to keep fit? A women’s fitness group has been started and meets on Mondays 1230 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Wednesdays 11:30 am to 12:30 p.m. in the Red Activity Area. So trim up and shapeup with women’s fitness and exercise towards slimmer living. Any women wishing to compete for the Athena varsity squash earn are cordially invited to meet with coach Lynn Billard on Tuesday October 9th at five o’clock in the student lounge of the P.A.C. Squash is a realtively new sport for the women as this will be only the second year for the team. -by

joanne rowlandson



l x-



5, 1973


. .

, - -.

.m _


,the’ chevron






,. I









the chevron


5, 1973

. I

I\ \


Letters to feedback should be addressed to Editor, Chevron, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Please type on 32- or 64-character lines and doublespace. Untyped letters cannot be guaranteed to run, Pseudonyms will be run if we are also provided with the real name of the writer. \

- -.__

iotis - corrected I am writing to correct omissions made in the article “The why’s -of weight” printed in the September 21 issue of the chevron. The point concerning the relative calorie value of yogurt hinged oi a comparison between four ounces of, commercially flavoured sweetened yogurt (about 200 Cal.) and four ounces of two percent tik (@ kcal.) . Since Ontario yogurt is usually 7!made from 2 percent .milk, the calorie value of unflavoured .yogurt and two percent milk is similar. Thus plain yogurt is low-calorie compared to ,sweetened yogurt or pie, but four bun&s of skim milk is even lower (4Okcal.). The list of refeiencei promised in the article was omitted by mistake. I would like to include the referbnces here and encourage anyone who is- interested to write for the free booklet. The information is up to date and reliable:



1. The Whys ‘of Weight and What To Do About It. Has food tables for calculating energy intakes; address requests for a‘free copy. /to: Weight, 2200 Yonge, Toronto. 2. The All-In--One Diet ‘Annual, Peter Wyder and Lois Libien, 1970. A Bantam paperback, $1. 3. Overweight: Causes, Cost and Control, Jean Mayer, 1968. Prentiqe-Hall, Inc.. $3. .4. Nut&ion, An Introductory Text. Mary 6. Hiltz, 1965:MacMillan Co. of Canada, $3.50 5.. Nutrition and It’s Disorders, Donald S.” McLaren, 1,?72. Churchill Levingston,e, Edinburgh. I % .. Jan Goeller



In fact, abstention from food is but a step alad, borrow; in Islam, it becomes an inThe blessed Prophet Muhammad to make a man realize -‘if he can, in stitution for the improvement of the moral (p.b.u,h.) said, “If one does not abandon obedience to divine injunctions, abstain spiritual character of man. This is plainly falsehood and action in accordance with it, from food and drink which are &h&wise stated in the concluding ‘words bf the Allah has no need that he s)lould abandon lawful fpr him- how much more expedient verse of the Koran bearing on the his food and his d&k.“’ it is that he should refrain from evil, the privileges of the enjoinment, viz. “So that Anothbr significance is that by fasting, corise&ence of which is” no doubt evil. you may guard against evil doings”. The Muslim; offer this thanksgiving to Allah Fasting is actually like a sort of training object is that man may learn hqw he can for,receiving from Him the great blessing of ma’n’s faculties, for as every faculty of shun evil. As already stated all the inof lguidance in‘ the form fo the Q<i’an man requires training to attain its full I stititions of Islam are practical steps which was revealed in Ramadan. force, the faculty of submission to the -leading to perfect purification of the soul. Muslim Student Association Divine Will should also require to be But aloqg with moral elevation, which is , ,University of Wat&loo trained. Fasting is one of the means by aimed at in fasting, another object is ! ‘li which this is achieved. -hinted at. In fact, the twofold object is In addition to that specified training, that ,‘Muslims may be able -to guard fastinghas its‘physical advantages. It not theqselves: [a] morally and spiritually, only prepares _man to bear hungel: and against evil, for he who is able to renounce thirst and. thus to. accustom himself to a . the lawful satisfaction of his desires in , ’ In the past few weeks on campus I’ve noticed quite a bit of re-construction being life of hardship and frugality,’ so that he obedience, to Divine C+nm~ndm&nts,t carried oyt here, notably in the may not be too much given over to ease, certainly acquires thj! power td renounce En’gineering Lectyre Hall and the Campus but also exercises a very good effe&upon unlawful gratification; and [b] physically Centre. The bricks have also been falling health in general. It is a G&11-known against the opponents of the Muslims by teaching of Islam that hGnger is the best apart in the Phys. Ed. building; habituating themselves to suffer cure for many ailments; .this is a &ict I daily pass by stacks&f bricks being tribulations which they must suffer in -made ready for replacement. It would proted and defended nowadays by recent defence of the cause of Islam. seem ‘that at the start of the academic medical authorities. The injunction of The number of days of fas’ting, as -year, students would be rushing arouid to fasting as a religious institution and a already stated is either ‘29 or 30 days the plentiful piles of bricks to furnish their’ devotidnal practice in Islam is dealt with according to to how m&y the lunar month in the Koran in the second Chapter Verse of Ramadan may contain. Lunar. months - abodes in an early rustic style, but these 183 thereof teaches that fasting is a are not alyays the same with regard to stacks are undiminishing. Db you suppose religious institution almost as universal as their number of days. As$o the duration the students know something about l&k prayer; and in Islam it is one of the four quality that the administration doesn’of each day ‘of the month of fast, it is from / t????? fundamental practical ordinances, the ... .. dawn to sunset. Nothing whatsoever is three other being player (salat), poor-tag Steve Silverstein -allowed- to be eaten or drunk within that (zakat) and pilgrimage (hajj). The ‘Koran . duration. Sexual intercourse is also teach& that fasting tias enjoined, on all \ strictly forbidden. But it is lawful tb go to Food : I Ge’g I1 naiions by the Prophets who passed the wives during the night of the fast. before the Holy Prophet Muhammad. In It is meritorious to cut one&f from the Bible it isstated that fasting has in all worldly connections during the last ten Iages and among all nations been an days of the’ month of Ramadan, -passing I exercise much in use in times of mourning day and night in a mosque. This paractice and affliction. Fasting has also been in is known as I’tikaf, i.e. secltision. It is, vogue among the Hindus. Eiren however voluntary and not obligatory. Christians, who assume, that theS;k have no The real significance of fasting’ is in need qf any religious exercise on account self-restraint whge obeying of Jesus’ atolment, are commanded by Allah. We abstain from such normal acts ’ that Holy Prophet-to ke/ep the fasts. as eating and drinking only because Allah Because of the rapid increase in food But Isiam has introduced quite a ne a ’ has 90 asked tis to do. This revives our prices over the summer the G.S.U. passed meaning into the institution of fasting. consciousness of total submission and the following motion at its la&t council Before Islam, fasting meant the suffering prepares us to observe the the way meeting. “That the G.S.U. requests that a of some privation in times of mourning prescribed by Allah, warding off all evils : University Committee be established by the University President to examine pricing policies on campus, specifically in .L regard\ to Food Services, vending machines, Book Store, Grad Club, Federation of Students and Faculty C!ub .” It is hoped that some act& will be forthcoming.

CC btkks

probe asked

-. Fa w \. in‘. i \Id&m

. .. . . . .. Do










, David Tozer, Secretary.



Muslims throughout the world are celebrating the blessed month --of Ramadan, which commenced Friday, September 28. Fasting is one of those religious institutions which, although universally recognized, have had quite a new meaning introduced into them‘ by, the advent of Islam. Fasting was generally resorted to ‘~in times of sorrow and affliction, probably to appease any angry “deity” ;by the heathen. In Islam, fasting is enjoined for the mqral elevation of man and for his spiritual development. This object is made clear by the Holy Koran itself, where fasting is enjoined upon Muslims. Tl%e Holy Koran does not content itself. with simply enjoining the aoing of good and refraining from evil, but teaches man the ways by walking in which the tendency to evil in him can be suppressed and the tendency to good improved. Fasting is one of these means. Hence , fasting in Isiam does not simply imply abstaining from food, but also from every kind of evil.

Car,‘Cpipbs requ-&ted The Dissatisfied Firenza Owners are .continuing in their efforts to get fair compensation from General Motors of Canada. Up to date, the response from General Motors has been an insult to ‘the *intelligence bf these owners. In the absence , of any effective legislation at either federal or provincial level, which could be used to help dissatisfied automobile owners, -the only recourse left for consumers is through publicity to counter the huge advertising campaigns of the big corporations. Only if the consumers themselves are concerned enough and the ‘media’ interested enough &;U these corporations be pressured into more responsible marketing practices. If people - have complaints --about automobiles, please write. t6 the: Automobile Protection Association, B.O. Box 117, Stat& E, Montreal, Quebec. i i Elizabeth N. Cook Ottawa

.. _. I -

\ .





October :

5, 1973".

the chevron




’ letter

%fi&l. \

To: A. Ram, Chairman, Board of Entertainment. After holding seven pubs (June 2ISept 7) which were open to all in the campus centre pubarea, I am very sorry to hear that you feel we are.a security risk for the - future. We have been in existence for almost three years and have only had one small incident of hassling in one pub : wnich was easily dealt .with. Obviously our clean record stands-for nothing in your estimation. I would like to express my concern over your fear of the type of people we attract to our pubs from downtown. We. have never asked you or anyone else to babysit

In a sudden fit of arrogant autocratic paranoia, Art Ram has decreed that the ‘Gay Liberation Club,on campus shall have no more campus pubs. No matter what reasons or rationalizations Ram can offer for this decision-and he has, some-the act constitutes nothing less than a blatant and ignorant discrimination based- on Ram’s own personal biases. .5. ( 1 - -Ram, as head of the federation’s board of entertainm&t, has made many singlehanded policy decisions since he was put in charge of the board-the “feds and ferns” pub-price-policy is the best and most flagrant example-while council and even Ram’s own board members’ have, sat quietly by. But the time has come to draw a line. Ram is obviously abusing the bureaucratic powers invested in his position; his job is to implement the will of the council and of the .students. The board of entertainment is the most visible part of the federation to the students-it purports to represent. As a representative of the council, Ram has failed entirely. Most of his decisions come to council’s attention only after they have gone .into effect and, even in the few cases in which his decisions have been questioned or deplored,by council, ’ Ram’s only reaction has been tothumb his nose at his fellow representatives. ’ The supposed rationalization for refusing Gay Lib any more campus pubs is that they are a security risk and might.attract “the wrong sort of,people” from off-campus. 1 __A lot of issues come into play here. For the fall term, Ram has resurrected a policy which has lain dormant the past few years -no club or organization other than a society can hold a pub on this campus without the “cooperation” of the federation of students. “Co-operation”here means that the federation must ,.hold the license, set prices, and supervise the pub., the issue now ,- So, when Gay Lib asked Ram for a -fall pub, he told them no. However, is&t as clear as that: he ‘did not tell them about the policy (that no club can hold-a pub), but that they are a “security risk”!‘ ’ Apparentlythe board of entertainment is held responsible for all damages incurred at / any pub Gay Lib would hold.- If that’ should happen, it could spoil ‘Ram’s dream of “going out with a bang”. ’ .--, The economic philosophy the present council+f it makes money, it’s all righthas permeated the board of entertainment to such an extent that at its meeting this week members plotted to get money from-the students “while they’ve got it”. The feeling is that students)don’t mind paying four dollars a ticket (Guess Who last month and Lightfoot coming up) in the fall when they have more money; in the spring the federation can then sponsor a large free or super-cheap concert with money made off , us-in the past, have neverhad any trouble fall concerts, and everyone leaves campus thinking what a great federation it was. cwith those attending our functions, and In this light, it might be easier-to understand Ram’s warped reasoning about Gay Lib have always operated on a break even pubs -but such reasoning is still impossible to condone. point in our budget. What it is that you To single out Gay Lib from all the groups on campus wanting to run pubs as the group found guilty of abuse before it happens is an embarassingly tissue-thin excuse for fe:kb ’ as YOU Should be aware Ram’s own prejudice. _ , i ^ I homosexuals are an oppressed minority As attested to by Margaret Murray’s letter on. this/page, Gay Lib has not been guilty group, I feel doubly astounded that the of abusing pub privileges during themany pubs they have held; indeed, Ram does not _ Students’ Council deems it to be more even pretend to present evidence that they haveAl he puts forward is his own unimportant to be concerned with the ,founded,decision that they might inthe future abuse their privilege. 1 , Chilean government rather than with the The fact that Ram has, by himself and without-as much as consultation with the discrimination against fellow Canadian elected representatives of the federation which employs him, tried and convicted Gay ’ citizens which is going on right %nder Lib for future-crimes is an abuse of his decision-making powers which must be imtheir noses. mediately and forcefully dealt with by council. When our pubs were cancelled, we were When it appeared last summer that David- Robertson, as head of the board of informed ‘by you, that ‘- no -group or education, had refused some funds to several societies simIjly on - the basis of organization except the Federation could discrimination and personal biases, council members became quite upset and Robertson run pubs on this campus. Since this was called to account for his actions. obviously is not true, and since_ your real If Ram’s actions do not evoke at least an equal response, then council will have adreason slipped- your ’ mind, we of gay mitted its own biases and its complete bankruptcy as a body truly representative of the -liberation would like to request a meeting-2 s- students. , r_ _ : with you at your convenience to discuss \ this matter further. Incase this letter does not come to your -.b b , -’ attention, a copy will be sent to the x Chevron. L ,*- _, ,-d;&& I


Margaret Murray , Gay Liberaticn






where, after all, is the money going? Who will benefit from this exercise in bread and circuses? We are not opposed to Demon Rum. The Federation of Students is dead. Who among us could face <the imIts life on this campus has ranged from personality and ’ irrelevance of this jagged speed highsV*Xo throbbing baruniversity without occasionally or biturate lows. Ironically, in this getting pissed? We are- oppsychedelic age, booze has pro-o ‘be habitually posed, however, to fuckup sense of the final blow. z T proportion exhibited by the ‘present If the federation, after its campaign Given events of the las few blathering about “balance” between - federation. t years; the lesson is clear. Student politics and sandbox, is allowed to get government on this campus has conaway with 10 days of boozing following 3 sistently failed to recognize and confront days of “politics”, then we can rest the real enemies of the student body. assured that ,studen_t government on this Burt Matthews doesn’t need campus has given up the ghost. Oktoberfest to sit in his plush office and The Campus Centre is our building, inform the Board of Governors not to and struggle was necessary to acworry, we’ve tried to closejthe CC down complish that fact. If Kitchenerfor years, and now when the kiddies allWaterloo chooses its ‘fhighestl’ cultural get puke-drunk and rowdy, we can hour to revolve solely around the twin. do it. No, the children are no drugs of alcohol and profit, we should at finally problem. ‘least maintain sanity within our own community. There are many places in . It is timer we became a problem. ? this city ?where you can get hammered . , Telegdi, resign5 without paying $2 -- admission. And &free <~. _ 1.


. 1



member: canadian university press (CUP-) and ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA), The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and pubiished by thefederation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the respansibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campuscentre; phone (519) 88501660,885~1661 or university local 2331. Circulation 1’3,500 -_ Subscriptions $10 yearly _/ -Well Oktoberfest; the K-W beer festival, is upon us,onceLmore, and the crazies will descend upon us -like visigoths atthe gates-of Rome, if you can remember that far back. Only this year, thanks to an ever-expansive federation, the yo-yos will venture into this very sanctum of ‘intelligence and . moderation,, in all their drunken glory. But we’re holding a little fest of our own, welcoming a small horde. of ORCUPers to a fall mini-conference, a modest diversion for those without mothers and grandmothers around to fix a thanksgivy dinner. Not ones to turn tail and_run in’thev face ,of inebriated psuedo-Germans, however, we will continue to hold forth in our little beleaguered corner of the CC. Watching the ramparts this week were: randy hannigan, dudley Paul, pete smith, Cathy murray, irene price, linda iounsberry, joanne rowlandson, ken brown, mike dander, mike rohatynsky, mel rotman, don ballanger, Chris bechtel, tony jenkins, alain pratte, kevin o’leary margie, john keyexlouise blakely, john morris, don lafreniere, john broeze, deanna kaufman, mike stanson, bob greer, Susan johnson, Charlotte, nick savage, george Kaufman, plus all the dumont ducks, new and old. Apologies to the CC board for ommission of the mentioned questionaire I&t week. anyone willingto fill out a questionaire on use and abuse of the campus centre enquire at the turnkey’s desk, or night. gsk. _I day ,




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