They- had their day in court

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They- had their day in court

On September 21, the Chevron reported the problems facing Joe Cooper and Carol Reid in their efforts to continue occupying the house that they were renting from Brian Duffy. The matter reached the courts -on October 12, as an eviction proceeding under the Landlord Tenant Act. Judge Mossop heard the case at the Waterloo County Court House and the results might well be termed a \ standoff. Duffy, as both the landlord <of Cooper and Reid) and tenant (of B.D.J. Holdings) instituted the eviction action. Presumably, the object-of the action would allow him to reoccupy the house. Yet, after an hour of questioning by Emerson, Duffy’s lawyer and Morley Rosenberg, the Federation lawyer for Cooper and Ried, it became apparent that Duffy merely wanted out of hislease with the owners, B.D.J. Holdings. At this point, Judge Mossop called a recess while lawyers Emerson and Rosenberg negotiated a settlement equitable to both parties. The main question, not unnaturally, was that of money. As advised by Rosenberg, Cooper and Reid had been withholding their rent from Duffy, pending a settlement of the case. During the same period, Duffy had continued paying rent to B.D.J. Holdings. Utility costs, totaling fifty five dollars, which was supposedly covered by the rent remitted to Duffy, had not been paid. Duffy also wanted access to the house in order to remove items of his personal property which had been stored there. After an ’ hour of discussions between both parties and their lawyers, the court reconvened and the agreed settlement was presented to the judge; Cooper and Reid agreed to pay rent for the months of September, October and November; minus the outstanding utilities bill, a sum totaling 455 dollars. Duffy is giving written notice to his landlord, :B.D.J. Holdings, while the present tenants will renegotiate a written lease with the owners. Duffy will also gain possession of his property which remains in the house. Additionally, both parties will absorb their own legal costs. The day after the court proceedings, Duffy appeared at the house to collect his property. The differences having been resolved, he was assisted in removing his goods and he and the tenants parted on an amicable note, both parties satisfied that they had received some form of justice. It is conceivable that the whole thing could have been sorted out without resorting to the rather cumbersome court machinery of this province, A number of legai lessons can be learned from this matter, the most important being that, for your own protection, get

agreements clearly in writing. Gentlemen’s agreements have a way of screwing up. Know the Landlord Tenant Act- as it affects you the tenant. The federation has . produced a pamphlet which details your rights. And if problems do arise, contact the federation: they can arrange to handle legal complications in matters of this sort. -john


Fighting back EDMONTON (CUP&-Six thousand rounds of 30-30 ammunition are headed for Wrigley, a tiny Indian settlement on the Mackenzie River. Wrigley is situated at Mile 427 of the proposed Mackenzie highway, the road that will be used as a supply line during construction of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline. The people of Wrigley have vowed to stop the highway at all costs, believing that it and the pipeline will destroy their livelihood. The Northwest Territories government is infuriated because the ammunition is being shipped by the federal Department of Indian Affairs. “I know they have a choice of receiving cash or ammunition as part of their treaty rights,” said -one government official, “But do you have to give it to them all at once?” “There are only 185 people in Wrigley,” said the official, “but with six thousand rounds of 30-30 ammunition they could stop the highway, the pipeline and the American 6th army.

Swap , land for ice Preliminary plans for a UW arena have been drawn up. At the last meeting of the Arena Committee two plans were submitted; one plan was for an arena with 350 seats, designed so that a separate curling arena could be added in the future: The other plan was for an arena with a seating capacity of 3000. The cost presented were 490,000 dollars for the 350 seat plan plus 200,000 dollars for the curling arena and 1,027,OOO dollars for the 3000 seat plan. The proposed site for the 350 seat

On Wednesday evening, Dr. Philip S. Corbit gave a lecture on alternatives to conventionai synthetic organic chemical pesticides. Dr. Corbit is the Director of the Research institute of the federal department of agriculture. He warnkd that pesticides would be with us for the foreseeable future and then assured us that they were siowiy being phased out.

plan is the south side of Seagram’s Dr. west of the railway tracks. At present this land is owned by the city of Waterloo. There are three reasons for the selection of this particular site. The first reason is one of economics which is related to the accessibility to utilities. If the arena w&e to be placed on the north campus the cost of connecting to utilities would be much greater because of the distance between the site and the present utilities on Columbia Street. A second reason for the Seagrams Dr. site is the interest the city of Waterloo is showing for a section of university land near the Bauer warehouse. The university hopes it can make a land swap but the city is not excited about the idea of exchanging land. The city of Waterloo would gain acreage in the deal. A third reason is that Dr. Matthews is concerned about the maintenance cost of the facility. The larger the building the greater the cost to keep it functioning. Nobody at the meeting was able to come up with any figures for maintenance costs. . It was suggested that this area should be continued

on page 3

University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario volume 14, number 15 friday, October 19, 1973




the chevron

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THE LATE by Rene Obaldia and NOT I by Samuel Beckett short plays directed Humanities Theatre Free Admission Wed. Oct. 24 11:30 am TWO

by Gordon

McDougall -

MARGARET ELLIGSEN and DAVID WALKER SING DUETS with JOANNE ELLIGSEN (Pianq) Pieces to be performed are by Mendelssohn, Monteverdi, Brahms, and Schumann plus the two solos to be sung by Margaret are by Faure and Dupac, and David will perform two songs by Wolf. Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Sponsored by the Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students Oct. 25 & 26 11:30 am

THE BLIND MEN. by Michel de Ghelderode directed by Maurice Evans Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Sponsored by the Creative Students Sun Oct. 28 230 Pm











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19, 1973



the chevron

19, 1973

The present





Ice continued

from page one

looked into before the next meeting. Before any plans are approved the cost of maintaining the various proposals should be indicated-the cost difference between maintaining a facility with 350 seats and a large facility ( looo-3000 seats 1 may not be significant. c The committee felt that the proposed site would be able to meet the needs of the campus. A of the committee majority members felt that 3%) seats was a little bit too small. A problem arose at this point concerning the size of a building which could be ‘constructed on the site and still leave room for a curling arena in the future. A rough estimate was calculated and they concluded that a facility of about 1000 seats might fit onto the Seagrams Dr. site. The section of land which would be used for the arena would not disturb any of the presently developed park land. There would be no need to construct any parking facilities if this site were to be used. This is going to be a student project; student financed and what is more important, student designed. Students will not actually design the building but will decide the size (number of seats) and any other possible facilities which might be incorporated into the design for present or future construction. This is one of the few chances for students to have the decision on whether or not they want a particular facility on their campus and what the dimensions that facility will have. If you have any comments on the proposed arena; on what other facilities could be incorporated into the design; the size of the facility and the location; or any other comments on the proposal please write to the Chevron. If you wish to have your comments printed in the Chevron please follow the procedures for -Feedback letters. Remember this is a student project-it needs student input. -george


The best -place,/ in the world At last Thursday’s campus Jean-Jaques Blais forum presented a moving defence of the government energy report released at the end of June. The admittedly biased Liberal MP from Nipissing, who is on the committee to supervise the activities of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources, assured us that Canada is recognized as the best place in the world. The abundance of untapped natural resources which exists here, human as well as material, was the theme used by Blais to make the federal Liberals and their energy policy look pretty good. Actually the report does not in itself constitute government policy but rather the first phase of an energy policy for Canada. It takes the form of a review and assessment . of resource development, and, according to Blais, ‘ ‘defines energy vis-a-vis the

quality of life in Canada.” Blais’ own version of the question to be raised by the report is “What is basically the desire of the Canadian people with reference to its own development?” Considering some of the problems brought to light by the report, the question is one of capability rather than desire. For instance, Blais says that the amount of money we would have to spend in determining the extent of our reserves would put a heavy burden on the economy. Moreover, there is the ongoing debate between those who advocate full exploitation using foreign capital because they are convinced’ adequate resources will be found, and those who oppose exploitation on principles such. as environmental well-being and aboriginal rights. This conflict of priori ties becomes further complicated by a conflict of interests. Results of inventory surveys on Canada’s potential vary from four times the amount of energy used now to 10 times the amount, and Blais admits that these results depend on who is taking the surveys . Yet Blais was extremely confident that the outcome of his committee’s work would be a widely acceptable policy based on favourable findings. He considers Canada to be in a very fortunate position in having these resources for development and-or export. And he sees a wide range of possibilities for them, such as the institution of a Crown Corporation to develop oil resources if we don’t like foreign ownership. His purpose in speaking, however, was not to make suggestions, but to present a brief description of the report and its objectives,, and to stimulate discussion among citizens in support of the committee’s work. When asked what his own preference for energy policy would be, Blais- responded with the typical compromising approach of one who represents a government in power: there should be control on exports but no restriction on the exploitation of nuclear energy. Blais has mastered the politician’s art of ambiguity. Describing Canadian society with words such as “multifaceted”, “highly tolerant”, and “tremendous” he, said he would like to see a total population spread so that when population growth stops we do not exist as-a vulnerable strip. But he also said

that we will have to be very cautious with immigration from now on, even though he thinks multiculturalism is in fine working order. When asked by one of the twenty or so people in the audience if he could define Canadian society, Blais came back with “can you define quality of life?” Speaking of answering a question with a question, it seems that the whole thing was about a multitude of unanswered questions. --louise





Representatives of the Ontario Federation of Students gathered at Western University in London last weekend to consider policy resolutions of that organiza tion. The weekend was divided into workshops on course unions, course evaluations and tenure. Papers were also presented to the regarding university group financing, housing and student aid. -These will be incorporated into the final report to be presented to the Committee on University Affairs when it meets on December 10. Friday night there was a panel discussion on tenure. Dr. Rossiter, vice-president academic, and the chairperson of the faculty association of Western Ontario University together with Bob Anderson, president of U of T SAC and Peter Warrian initiated the debate which was soon opened to -the floor. Both Rossiter and the chairperson of the faculty association gave a brief history of tenure and stated that “it was necessary to insure academic freedom and job security for faculty members and it is something which is earned.” Rossiter stated quite clearly his position on academic freedom when he remarked that “it not only allows a faculty member the right to criticize the official university but it allows them protection in holding a not commonly accepted

like racism. Furviewpoint thermore it protects them from the students who dislike them.” Needless’ to say this response evoked quite a critical reaction. Anderson made it quite clear that tenure ‘as a means of pro tee ting academic freedom was a myth. He asked “what ensures the protection of junior faculty when they are critical of the higherups? All tenure does is insure a suck-up system so that once a faculty member attains tenure he/she has already accepted the orthodoxy. It too often is not something that is earned but is -part of the contract-it’s a drawing card to get professors from other schools.” Warrian suggested that if faculty members wanted some protection then they should see themselves as wage earners and form some sort of collective bargaining unit. This notion was so far beyond the guild conception of themselves that neither the administrator nor faculty member present would comment on it. Further comments made it clear that by maintaining a system of tenure intellectual stagnation in the university would. probably result. “There are fewer and fewer positions in the university open to younger people. Without the flow of new ideas the university runs a great risk of falling behind the times \” Rossiter sympathized with this concern but said “I see no way out of it.” The way out was presented by Waterloo. “One possible solution would be to reduce faculty salaries and hire new and more professors. Faculty are far above the average income groups in Canada, their salaries seem to be their primary concern. If we reduced salaries we could not only increase the number of professors but we could also reduce the size of the classes.” The delegate from Waterloo was assured , that faculty members *were being paid the market price and furthermore if we reduced the salaries “we would lose the good professors. ” When asked for a clarification of the word ‘good’ in this sense, the clarification was the obvious tautology “a good professor is one who receives tenure” and needless to say “tenure is what a good professor receives.” By the end of the evening delegates and panelists were sufficiently seduced by langauge style and loosened up with alcohol that was on hand, that the

discussion ended with a feeling of disagreement but comradrie. Sunday morning delegates met in plenary to discuss and pass policy motions. At this point in the weekend when most people were ready to go home-mainly to get a decent meal (it was unanimously agreed that themeals served were by far the worst of any university in Ontario )-the plenary seemed like a futile effort. However, the following resolutions were passed and will be presented to the government. In the area of financing it was agreed that there should be no further tuition increase. In fact it was decided that tuition fees should be progressively abolished and a system of student stipends be introduced. As a first step the loan ceiling in 0.S .A.P. should be dropped back to six hundred dollars. Furthermore, it was decided that the Ontario government should institute a system of progressive taxation and should urge the federal government to do the same. Fifteen similar motions pointing in the same direction were also accepted. The housing situation for students both on campus and off was also recognized as a majorproblem area. It was recommended that the recent surveyreport on university residences be released-. The government at the present time has no intention of publishing it. And that a new, comprehensive study -be undertaken in consultation with O.F.S. into the need for student housing across the province, and that this report inquire into the quality of living conditions in campus residences as well as the availability of student housing. Other motions to insure that community colleges could have residences were also passed. It was also decided that the Landlord-Tenant Act should be amended in order to prohibit discrimination against studnets and that student-residence contracts be subject to the regulations of the Landlord-Tenant Act. At present there exists nothing to protect the rights of students living in university residences. The final area in which motions were presented revolved around tenure. It was resolved that students should have parity with faculty on all appointment, tenure and promotion committees within every institution, and that students . on these committees should be selected by students. They agreed that teaching ability must be the most important criterion for obtaining tenure. Appeal committees and a procedure for periodic review of tenured appointments should be instituted and grounds for dismissal of tenured faculty should be clearly defined. These reasons should include failure to maintain reasonable competence in teaching, persistent neglect of reasonable duties and gross misconduct ( not moral turpitude ) and, finally, financial reasons. It should be noted that it is fine to sit around and make policy resolutions but if nothing is done with them then it not only becomes a waste of time but a waste of paper-a far more valuable resource at the present time. The above motions will constitute the main body of the position paper that O.F.S. submits to the Committee on University Affairs. With an urging for local councils to encourage women to attend the conference of women at the end of the month in Toronto, the conference was declared adjourned at five o’clock on Sunday. -david 2






There will be a meeting


24 at 2 pm in the Chevron

of all those


on wednesd







office. please come.

*in sports





19, 1973

Considering matters of much importance ~*


The federati0.n meeting on Sunday night October 14 considered a few matters of some consequence. Appointments were made, salaries for paid staff were considered, the position of the council with regards to concerts was discussed at length and the OFS-FE0 (Ontario Federation of Student) resolutions came a little bit closer to becoming policy of that organization. Tom Duffy was approved by council as the new treasurer taking Dave Chapley’s place. Duffy was the only applicant. Dave Robertson got the job intended for him when council ratified his appointment as executive assistant-a job they created last time they met. He, too, was the only applicant for the job. The OFS-FE0 demands approved by the council called for: l line-by-line open budgeting in all post-secondary institutions l any confidential files within any post-secondary institution concerning any student in the institution being made available to that student and that these files not be made available to anyone outside the institution without the written consent of the person involved. 0 a full programme of full employment for all Canadian residents since they believe everyone has a right to a meaningful productive job at union pay rates. l no discrimination in employment against foreign students l taking immediate steps towards insuring that students are accepted into unions, in those places of work where there is one, for the summer employment periods l examination of statutes in the Unemployment Insurance Act and Ontario General Welfare Act which discriminates against students, not letting them receive full benefits, from both these programmes. Council passed all of these motions but baulked at one calling for education to be financed from general tax revenue and not tuition fees. It also requested that the tax structure at both the provincial and federal levels be redesigned to tax corporations to pay for the increased social services. The arguments against such an idea were stronger than those for it. Robertson pointed out that the idea, while nice, did not go far enough. By the time students have reached the age where they can consider going to university, they have been socialized so much that they cannot be helped by such a programme. It would be helping only those who can already afford to attend university . Next item that attracted some debate was the position of the federation regarding concerts, prices and the problems with them both. The biggest debate revolved

. around whether or not to subsidize the Frank Zappa concert that is coming up in November. President Andy Telegdi wanted to see the money gained through the sale of the photo’ co-op equipment put to good use by subsidizing the concert to-the tune of 2500 dollars. MemI bers of the Board of Entertainment (BOE) spoke against such action since the board had already discussed the possibility and voted against the motion. However, Telegdi was not in any mood to pay attention to what the board had to say and instead he kept reminding us of his campaign promises of cheap concerts. When the motion went to vote it was ten for and ten against. Myles Lawlor, as the chairman, then cast his vote-in favour of Telegdi’s argument. Tickets for Frank Zappa will be 2.50 per student instead of the planned 3.30. Picking up on the recommendations of the salaries and honoraria committee, the council increased the salaries of the paid employees of the federation. The committee originally recommended that the president should be paid 120 dollars with the rest of the staff receiving 110 dollars per week. Shane Roberts, Chairman of the Board of External Relations, explained that this was definitely against previous policies established by the federation. All federation employees are supposed to be paid the same rate.. Therefore, he moved to amend the first ‘motion calling for the differential pay rates. Federation employees pay - was made 115 dollars per week. The need for the pay raise was not seriously questioned by the council members. The staff were receiving 90 dollars a week and had been scheduled to receive an increase of six percent. The motion was passed. An interesting aside to all this was that when the list of employees was read to council, Steve Treadwell, vice-president, noticed that they had not included the Chevron ad-manager. At this time he moved that this position be included in the list. Some members of council pointed out that-this was a position created by the Chevron and had always been controlled by Chevron staff. Council had never had any say in the hiring or paying of this person, except originally ratifying the creation of the job. But their mood has changed from times previous and council agreed to ignore their own own precedent, taking the power away from chevron staff. The admanager- position was included in the twenty five dollar increase. The Liberation-BOF Gay problem came up again and this time a representative from Gay Lib was there to speak on their behalf. Dennis Finly , the c

the chevron




Ta ki,ng The last in the series of demonstrations against the closing of the campus centre occurred last friday. The whole affair began last summer when the federation pushed through the Campus Centre Board a decision to ignore t3ie long-standing policy of an open building, and close the campus centre for the Octoberfest rites. The confrontation on Friday was between the turnkeys opposing the idea and the members of the Board of Entertainment that attempted to justify it. Federation President Andy Telegdi was the main spokesman for the entertainment group. At’ a Board of Entertainment meeting last Tuesday plans were discussed for next years- Octoberfest-probably only a weekend affair seeing as the board lost between 8,OOOand 70,000 dollars this year.

representative told the council that he had never been informed of the entertainment policy about clubs not holding pubs on their own’but complying with the regulations of the BOE. Ram, the chairman, had only given them a flat no. Finly requested two things from council : l that council adopt the words “sexual orientation” in its human rights code in the place of sex so that it would read-“no discrimination on the basis of race, creed, colour, sexual orientation, marital status, nationality, ancestry or place of origin.” l that council request Ram to publicly (i.e. the Chevron) state that his previous statements were only his opinion and not the official opinion of the BOE. The second recommendation was adopted by council immediately but the first request was tabled to the next meeting so that it can be made official policy and not just a motion‘: A surprise also came out of Sunday’s meeting. Moving from the editorial that appeared in last week’s Chevron, Anne Valiant, the science representative, advised that council strike a committee to look into control of the campus centre. The committee must report back to the council in one month’s time with some recommendations as to the improvement of the controlling structure of the building. The five person committee is made up of Anne Valiant, David Assman, Andy Telegdi, John Broeze and Susan Johnson. After four hours of debate and question the federation meeting came to an end. -Susan


Leak those papers OTTAWA (CUP)-Secret government documents alleged to have been stolen by the native students occupying the Ottawa office of Indian affairs have just been released to the press. ~ Government officials told the press that the documents, marked “secret”, “confidential”, and “not


The- University of. Waterloo senate met last Monday to ratify, as usual, orders handed down to it by the executive committee. This is an occasion when students are reminded of their insignificant role in the decision making process on campus, given the five to one majority held perpetually by the faculty-administration collusion. And here professors besides looking after their vested interests, are allowed to exercise to be xeroxed”, were found their rhetorical skills; also known missing from the office of the as “academic freedom”. assistant deputy minister for Burt Matthews gave a shsrt Indian Affairs and Northern interpretation of Jack McNie’s Development. They were allegedly (minister of education) statement discovered to be missing when regarding future universitysmashed filing cabinets were government relationships. ACfound on the roof of the Indian cording to Matthews, McNie did Affairs building in Ottawa, August not touch upon the future, rather 31 after a peaceful occupation of he just talked about how things are the building by members of the done now. In other words, McNie Native Youth Association ended. did not refute the “unfounded” The documents show that in May rumours that predict the 1972, the federal Cabinet Comelimination of the C.U.A. (an inmittee on Federal Provincial termediary body between . the Relations took a strong position in universities and the Ontario favour of intervening on native government) and the direct people’s behalf in their legal submission of briefs (negotiations, dispute with the Quebec governreports, enrolments) to the ment and the James Bay ministry of education. Development Corporation. There Matthews believes that the are indications that the govern“structure” (to be enacted) will be ment’s legal staff advised them different from the immediate that they must intervene to protect past.” federal interests. Next on the agenda was the However, one month after this senate scholarship programme (a meeting, the committee backed device used to entice first year down from its postion. In June 1972 students and to retain upper year it decided to merely express’ its students). As of Monday, October “concern” to the province of 15th, 164 faculty and staff mem“Quebec and to keep the parties bers donated t&517.88 dollars (per “aware of the broad range of capi ta : 131.00 dollars). It is federal interests”. Documents estimated that 50,000 dollars will leaked a year ago indicate that this be collected-the campaign is only change of stance likely resulted three weeks old. Of the total from the Quebec government’s amount donated, the, university firm position that the federal will match the sum so there will government should not intervene. probably be $70~100,000 to be set The documents also reveal that aside for B.I.U. recruitment. the federal government considered Apart from the faculty reports, making settlements of large the recommendations for com-amounts of money and land to the mittee appointments, the deadline native people to offset their claims for the planning and finance of aboriginal rights to large parts commit tee reports, little else of of Canada. Apparently, the interest was touched upon. government was anxious that the Except, of course, the question native people gain no legal rights student senator Douglas Wilcox to the land. put before fellow senators. Wilcox Recently, the court of the North asked whether or not student West Territories ruled that the appointments to the senate native people of that area do have committees can be directly hanthe right to file a caveat declaring dled by the Federation of Students their case -for ownership of the (the ‘official’ student voice on land. campus). To this irritation MatThe announcement of the thews simply repeated the U. of W. government’s willingness to Act-“ any member of the senate negotiate land claims was ex- can suggest recommendations for pected to stifle any Indian op- committee appointments”. Then position to the McKenzie Valley he added ‘,‘the Federation of , Highway under construction in the Students cannot appoint students north. The McKenzie Valley to ,senate committees”. Thus the corridor will provide easy access Federation of Students is once to northern areas primarily for the again put back in its “proper” development of the mineral place. Federation president Anresources and the government drew Telegdi declared after the fears the native people will atmeeting that he would “push” for tempt to gain legal rights to the direct student appointment. land being exploited. In light of the five to one But, the documents warned, majority Matthews. has at his even if the Indians don’t raise command it is unlikely that objections, “a backlash of Telegdi will legally succeed in dissident voices must be expected pushing very far. from environmentalists.” -john morris



the chevron






900 11: 00 1: 00 3 :00 4:00 Cultural 5:00 5: 30 6 : 00 7 :OO 8:00 11:OO


I,,Headess man plays <-- Shakespeare Friday,


19 *

9:00 Music 11: 00 Music : Dean Purves 1:OO Music : Gerry Wootton 3:00 Music: Gail Hebert & Sue Kyles 5:OO To be announced 5: 30 Counter Culture 6 : 00 Sports 6: 15 Information 6:30 To be announced 7:OO Words on Music 7 : 30 Dateline London 8: 00 Music : Paul Precious and Ian Lyle 10 : 00 Music 12:OO Jazz : Eugene Beuthien Saturday,

9:00 1l:OO 1:00



Music Music : Ruth Dworin Music: Steve SilvePStein

3: 00 Music : John Sweet 5:OO Music : Tim Bowland 7:OOQuebec love 8: 00 John Robertson 900 The Bod & the Bard 10:00 Music Phil Rustige 12:OO Music: Larry Pearson Sunday,




19, 1973


Music: David Stewart Music : Derwyn Lea Music : Megan O’Connor To be announced Kitchener Waterloo Study Waterloo at Dusk People’s Music Checkmate Chem-Ed ‘73 Music : Brian O’Neil Music : David Colledge




9: 00 Music : Donald Robke 11: 00 Music : Doug Mayne 1:OO Music : Greg Bewsh 3:00 To be announced 4:OO The Masque “The Master builder” 5 :00 Seminar on Post-Secondary Learning 6: 00 Music John Williams 8: 00 Mus,ic : Gil Zurbrigg 10: 00 Music : Gerry Forwell Ted Szepielewicz 12:OO Music:


9:OO Music : Enam Bukhari & Frank Mielewczyk 1l:OO Music Anderson 1:00 Music: Al classical 3 :OO. Prevention of Suicide 4:OO Portugese Music Hours 6 :00 International Call 6: 30 Research ‘73 : Bill O’Brien, Computer Problems in Small Cities 7 :00 People’s Music I



7 : 30 Illusions 7:45 World Report 8 :00 Federation Report “Mrs. ,Masque 9:OO The by George Warren’s Profession” Shaw, Part two 10:00 Music : Eric Lindgren 12 :00 Music --,’ : John Dale Monday,


9:00 Music 11: 00 Music 1:00 Music:




3:oo Campus forum : Jacques ROY 4:30 Words on Music & Society 5:oo Chemistry 6:00 Soviet Press Review 6:15 Ukranian Culture Show 7:oo Sports 7:15 Information 7:30 To be announced 8:00 Music-: Ron MacDonald 1o:oo Music: John Broeze 1 12:oo Music : Barry Hoch

Heidelberg BEwed firomputispflng


And thatb the tr”Ufh!



9:00 Music : Maureen Plomske 1l:OO Music: Barb Waltman 1:OO Music : Bill Semple 3:00 Last Week on Wired World 4 : 00 Serendipity 4 : 3p International Call 5 :00 Seminar on Post-Secondary Learning 6:00 Waterloo at Dusk 6: 30 Research ‘73 : Dr. Douglas French 7 :00 Music : George Kaufman 10 : 00 Music : Angela Stecewicz 1 l2:OO Music : Ian Layfield


8 _the



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19, 1973




the chevron

19, 1973


/ Women’s - Place

Deanna Kaufman and Susan Johnson of the Chevron interviewed two staff members of the Women’s Place, Alice Mills and Barb Peltz, who have been involved in the project since the beginning. The interview deals with how they see the Women’s Place in the community.

Peltz: We are setting up a yoga course, one on self defense and one on auto mechanics. Most of the courses will November 1. Another start on Milk: The origin of Women’s Place program -it is not quite a formal goes back to the conference held at courseis an informal discussion on Lutheran (Waterloo Lutheran Univerwomen’s literature in which the -parsity). A lot of women who attended the meet to discuss ticipants will conference were interested in setting something they have all read. up something ongoing. The YWCA held Chevron: How are you making yourfour workshops on women’s places; selves known to the community. the idea originally was to have it with Peltz: We will have an open house on the Y. October 25 from 10 am to 10 pm; there Peltz: There were about 20 women who will be a program in the evening. came together at the meetings. Ghevron: How are you funded? . Mills: The original idea was that the Y Peltz: Personal donations and we need was gjoing to provide space, and we them. were going to operate it. We found our Mills: We are desperate for the ideas were a bit different. We started November rent. looking for a house in June and had a Peltz: We have applied for a secretary hard time finding one. We found this of state grant but they have no funds for one in August. Ontario so we have to wait until they Chevron: How is the Women’s Place can rearrange things which will not be organ ized? r until spring. Peltz: Committees are formed to set up Mills: The government has Set aside Barb Peltz: “The women who are here now don’t have the answers to a// the questions. we programs that people have expressed $5007000for women’s places UfKkr this aren’t apprOKhing *his with righteousness; the Women's P/ace is just a p/ace where *interests about. We will provide space, program. women can talk to other ‘women. ” facilities’and names of other interested Peltz: We have also applied for a LIP grant to work on a project of women in Chevron: What kind of women do you women for groups of women who want raising groups for either men or the labor force. The group would work find you appeal to ? to meet. In order to reach out into the women. Men can also come to the from the centre and share the person Mills: We are surprised there haven’t centre and look around. But all our community we have put one woman power. We are also trying to get interim been more university students. A lot of programs are geared to women and we from the Women’s Place in charge of fundjng. the women who come here are married expect mainly women to be interested. one area. Her responsibility then is to Chevron: With what is the LIP ptoject and with families. We d&t have a policy as yet on adget other interested women to take part. concerned? Mills: One problem we have is that of Chevron: Are most of the women here mitting men at meetings because we Mills: The LIP project deals with from a middle class background or are structure and that is a problem that a lot have not been presented with that of women’s groups fall into. We began helping women to get back into the you reaching working class women as situation yet. We realize there is a with an informal structure and had labor force and also some work in high wel I? conflict-a lot of women are saying that schools to find out how women are Mills: We have been struggling with there is no use in me going through this some difficulties with it so we have treated in high school guidance centhat problem for a while. But as with all withouf my husband experiencing the decided that some kind of structure is tres-in which directions young women groups women’s lib here seems to be a same thing. So, eventually we will have needed. are encouraged to go.’ middle class thing. to make some sort of policy decision. Peltz: Seven women have been involved Chevron: What are you going to do in Peltz: It will be some time before we since the beginning of the idea. They Chevron: Do you consider yourself the meantime? . solve that one. have had the basic responsibility to see resource people then. Peltz: The government does have an Chevron: Do you have any plans to try that the house continues, that the rent Mills: Resource people in a sense. We emergency fund for a few hundred to reach out to working class women? is paid. As far as structure is concerned have some information available for dollars; we find out about that next we have meetings once a week with a Peltz: Eventually we hope to have a women. We also are here to greet room for children with toys and week. women when they come to the centre. chairperson and secretary in charge. Mills: Besides money, what we really someone to watch them. This will They hold these positions for a month Peltz: Resource people are more than need are volunteers. We have 15 to 20 enable mothers with children who can’t and then the duties are rotated. what we really are. We don’t have the active members right now. The problem leave them with someone else to come There are discussion meetings on answers. If people have specific in the past has been that we would have to the women’s place. Wednesday evenings and business questions on information we will work four or five people carrying a large meetings on Thursday evenings. Both Mills: It does not seem to matter what together to get it. But that doesn’t mean volume of the work. And two of those it draws middle class meetings are open but a woman must you have; we ‘have all the answers. people are leaving now for Europe. We women. We did think we would receive attend four consecutive business Chevron: What other services does the didn’t know each other at the beginmore support from professional meetings before receiving a vote. Women’s Place provide? ning; we were just a group of interested women. We have received help from a Mills: Actually it would be best to say Peltz: We have a monthly newsletter women meeting together. Now to the couple of professors, but that is it. We that we have a tentative structure and which is sent out to women and also new people it seems that everyone else have also approached all the different are trying to work it out. exchanged with other groups. knows everyone and what they should Chevron: What kind of programs are women’s,organizations in the city like Mills: It’s really nice getting r _ being offered here? be doing. university wives and Kinettes to try to newsletters from other groups. You get them involved. really feel a sisterhood and can share in Peltz: They’re waiting to see what really problems of other groups as well as get happens. The Women’s Place is a vague ideas for programs from, them. The thing right now, we’re groping ourgroups across the country are also at selves and we don’t want it to be more different stages of development. structured. We are experiencing Peltz: Women here are aware to difgrowing pains. This is the beginning; ferent degrees. In the last newsletter we’re new. which dealt somewhat with the Ch‘evron: How well accepted is the philosophy of the Women’s Place there Women’s Place in the community? wasn’t total agreement. Some women Peltz: We’ve been asked to go into the said they agreed with it but were also high schools to speak and also to speak afraid of it. to the young mothers at the YMCA. Chevron: Is there a point that h’as to be That was a real surprise for us, all of a reached when women realize society sudden we are experts on women and has to be restructured and not just their women’s groups. part in it? Chevron: - How do you view the Mills: When women get together and Women’s Place? start talking about things that are really Peltz: The women who are here now wrong; we realize we have to don’t have the answers to all the restructure the whole of society. But it questions. We aren’t approaching this takes a while to get to that point. Maybe with righteousness; the Women’s Place originally there was an idea that women is just a place where women can talk to just want to replace men. 1 think maybe other women. women now realize that change will Mills: Oneof the ideas behind women’s have to be much more than that. places is to give a location where Chevron: What kind of changes may women can meet. Women are isolated come about? in the home; they need to seek out Pe/tz:‘That’s difficult to answer. I think other women. women must remember that as long as Chevron: Many women’s groups don’t we have to fight we ahould think about Alice Mills: “The L/P project deals with helping women to get back into the labour force allow men to their meetings; do you what is valuable already and how to and a/so some work in high schools to find out how women are treated in high school have a policy on this? hold onto things in life that are imguidance centreswhich directions young women are encouraged to go. Mills: We will arrange consciousness portant. Chevron: originate?

HOW did the





the chevron







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19, 1973


the city in 1187. In triumph he showed mercy and chivalry. He resored the muslim holy places as well as the orthodox partiarchate, and welcomed the jews back. Under Mamluk and Ottoman rule the number of jews was augmented when the lands of islam welcomed the refugees from Spain. However, the Zionists and the Israelis, who are among the most extreme specimens of the nationalist jews, who are known throughout their history of their exclusiveness, intolerance and covet of their neighbour’s property, did not hesitate to evict the arabs from Palestine and seize their possessions, to burn by fire a part of Al-Aqsa mosque and to occupy lands of the neighbouring countries. It is under the banner of islam that the forces of evil and oppression will be defeated and peace will be restored in the Middle East and the world. Muslim Students Association

feedback' War of the words The problem in the Middle East started with the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. This was a crime committed by the international community, and especially the United Nations, against the arab people. Swedish nobleman, count Bernadotte, appointed by the first secretarygeneral of the UN0 to mediate between the arabs and the Zionists in 1949, expressed the fear that the UN had been mistaken in noting for the partition of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel. But since many countries, including the big powers, recognized the new state, he thought it was impossible to reverse the decision. Mwalimu, addressing . the TANU national conference at Mwanza in October 1967 said: “The establishment. of the state of Israel was an act of aggression against the Arab people...the international community accepted this. The arab states did not and could not accept that act of aggression...The arab states cannot be beaten into such acceptance.” Professor Cattan, himself of jewish descent, in his book The Palestine: The Arabs and Israel shows clearly that even in terms of jewish population or ownership of land, the principle of partition could not be justified. He illustrates very clearly that in terms of population, the jews constituted in 1947 less than one-third of the inhabitants of Palestine. Only one-tenth of them were part of the original inhabitants and belonged to the country. Dr. Magnes, the late rector of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem said that, “as far as I’m concerned, I am not ready to achieve justice to the jew through injustice to the arab.. .I would regard it as an injustice to the arabs to put them under jewish rule without their consent .” And professor Albert Einstein in his book Out of My Later Years, declared: “I should rather see reasonable agreement with the arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of the jewish state.” In November 1957,‘the Indian weekly, “Blitz”, published a secret material of the Israeli general staff on plans to set up a “greater Israel” from the Euphrates to the Nile. The plan was for Israel to occupy the Gaza area and the Sinai Peninsula, and to reach the Suez Canal, to seize extensive territories in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. Looking at the map of the Middle East in ten years time, one could .see that much of the plan has been attained as the result of the June 1967 war. One of the results of continuing Israeli aggression is the refugee problem. Back in 1948, the UN General Assembly in paragraph two of its resolution 194 III) recommended: “That the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live in peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practical date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss’ of or damage to property of those choosing not to return and for loss ’ of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity should be made good by the governments or authorities responsible .” Israel has,all along refused to tackle the refugee problem. Its refusal to allow the return of the Palestinian refugees to their homes can be explained only by racist _ - considerations. The _ root. of the. Arab-’

Israeli conflict, and, in particular, of the refugee problem lies in the Zionist concept of the jewish state, in wh ich there is no room for gentiles and much less so if those gentiles are the owners of the land and original inhabitants of the country. This racist and religious concept of a jewish state unpolluted by gentiles accounts for the driving out of the Palestinians -from their country and explains the real reson for Israel’s refusal to repatriate them. We have seen that since the establishment of the state of Israel; three explasions have rocked the Middle East and with the recent explosion, the region has been in turmoil all through. The situation, in fact, remains far removed from settlement at any time. The world thought that a solution to the conflict could be found in the security council’s resolution number 242 of November 22, 1967. But notwithstanding Dr. Jarring’s efforts under such resolution and the consultations between the great powers to secure its implementation, nothing constructive has been achieved. This is mainly because Israel has not formally and unequivocally accepted the security council’s resolution, for the reason that it provides for “the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the 1967’s conflict”. Israel is able to show this flagrant flouting of the UN resolution and disregard world opinion because of the full baking, in all spheres, it is getting from the US. What of the resolution, then, to the problem? Cattan, in the book quoted above, seems to be correct in the dose he gives to this festering disease, and no honest man would think of disagreeing with him. “In order to achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East”, the professor said, “much more is required than was contemplated in the resolution. It is necessary that the political order created by Zionism in Palestine through successive acts of force committed since 1948 be undone and be replaced by a new political structure which would be based upon justice and democracy and which would be free from racism and Zionism”. A. Manieh Arab Students Association

Islam tolerates It is a well established fact that it was only under islam that tolerance prevailed and exclusiveness was not practised. There is a good reason for this: islam recognizes both judaism and Christianity without being recognized by them. Judaism does not recognize Christianity and the latter does not recognize islam. Hence, the return of islamic sovereignty is in the interest of peace and stability in the Middle East and the world. A few examples from the holy city Jerusalem shed some light on this fact. In A.D. 614, when the Persiansinvaded Jerusalem, they gave the city to the sack and massacre. They were aided by scouts and volunteers from the remnants of the jews still living in Palestine. In 638, when the Muslims took Jerusalem from the Byzantines, the caliph Omar Ibn Al Khattab entered it, in the name of islam, peacefully and in a spirit of reverence. He guaranteed to the Christian inhabitants of Jerusalem safety of their lives, possessions and churches and the free profession of their faith. When in 1099 the crusaders stormed Jerusalem they butchered the muslim population, including women and children even those who took refuge in the sanctuary. The small jewish community also sought refuge in their only synagogue, but the crusaders burnt it over their heads. AlAqsa mosque was used as barracks and stables. The orthodox patriarchate was suppressed to give way to a new latin patriarchate. The muslim leader Saladin recovered

Israel I’d like to offer criticism on two of the letters which appeared in the feedback section of the October 12 Chevron-the first entitled “Zionist control of the news” and the second, “First Arab-Israeli War.” In the first letter, Andrew S. Finch claims to have listened and read “Zionist propaganda everywhere”, comparing last weekend’s news information to “something you would find in a paper produced and edited by Herr Goebbals in the 1940’s.” Exactly what does he mean by “Zionist propaganda”, for he never sites one example in his letter. That kind of hollow rhetoric was invented by and has been perpetrated by the most repressive, brutal, scheming societies in modern history, from Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union, to the dictatorships and feudal monarchies of some Middle East Arab states-in a calculated attempt to divert the attention of exploited and frustrated people from the misery of their ownlives and channel their energy into attacking indigenous, highly motivated and historically freedom-loving, non-violent Jewish people. Zionism, the desire of the jewish people in all parts of the world to return to the land of their forefathers who were forcibly exiled by I the Romans, is a direct outgrowth of the brutality, humiliation and lack of understanding they have suffered for a few. thousand years. It infuriates and saddens me to read Andrew Finch’s concluding statement, “Then we could kill all those dirty heathens and take their lands for the Israeli entrepreneurs”, for it contains all the twisted logic of a potential%eo-Nazi. It seems as if he has enthusiastically studied that “paper produced and edited by Herr Goebbals in the 1940’s” to which he refers in his letter. I suggest that he study instead, the unfounded claims made this past week by “representatives” of the Arabs and the Soviet Union if he is truly searching for some juicy propaganda: 1) That Israel is the “aggressor” and started this war; 2) i’hat Arab defences have shot down almost as many planes as there is in the whole Israeli air force; 3) That Israeli planes have bombed purely civilian targets killing hundreds of innocent people; 4) That US planeshave assisted Israel in attacking the Arabs; 5) That Zionism is a movement run by “international gangters”; and 6) That great victories have been won on the battlefield by the arabs, etc, etc, etc, etc. Let’s not kid ourselves, Mr. Finch. Open your eyes and face the facts. The days of jews allowing themselves to be destroyed by the policies and lies of reactionary demagogues have passed forever. My objections to the other ktter by M. Fayed, entitled, “First Arab-Israeli War”, lie in his somewhat naive and incorrect analysis of the Middle East situation, both past and present, and is not directly connected to the criticism of the first letter. I simply wonder where he gets his facts. Perhaps I can broadenhis understanding. First of all, jewish ,‘resettlement in the


area which became Israel in 1948, began back in the early 1880’s while Palestine was still a part of the vast Ottoman empire and the jewish population had risen to 700,000 by the time of statehood. The Balfour declaration of 1917, the British mandate, and the peace conference of 1919, explicitly pronounced a recognition of the historical connection of the jewish people with Palestine and of the grounds for reconstituting in it their national home, long before the holocaust of World War Two. It was natural then, for the jewish agency and world Zionist organizationto prepare themselves for the inevitable departure of the British in 1948, and the establishment of a jewish state, for they did not know what the terms of the UN would be. Arab representatives at the 1919 Peace Conference agreed with and accepted the decision of the powers to fulfil1 the jewish Palestine part of their scheme for the future of the arab countries, as is exemplified by this quote from a letter by Feisal (Later king Feisal of Saudi Arabia) to Felix Frankfurter on behalf of the Hej az delegation: ‘ ‘We arabs , especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the . proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist organization to ‘the peace conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through; we wish the jews a hearty welcome home. . . The jewish movement is national and not imperialist. Our movement is national and not imperialist, and there is room for us both. Indeed I think that neither can be a real success ‘without the other.” Jewish settlers worked peacefully building up their land, along-side their Arab neighbours until the mid-thirties, when Haj Amin Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem (religious and political leader) and a band of his followers rioted against the immigrationpolicies of the British Administration, throwing bombs into crowded jewish marketplaces and attacking British installations. The powerhungry mufti and his followers, many of whom were trained by the German SS, were so successful with their terrorism anti-jewish propaganda and lobbying over the next few years, that in 1939, Great Britain attempted to stop jewish immigration completely and forbade the purchase of any land or arms by jews in Palestine. Haj Amin exerted influence _ throughout the Arab League and drew vast support from Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan. Farsighted jews knew that preparations must be made for the day when they’d have to defend themselves against an invasion by arab armies. This was no simple task. During the 1940’s, they secretly manufactured small arms, and smuggled jewish refugees, rifles, and bullets into the land, right under the watchful eyes of the British. They also trained themselves, men and women alike-yet not a single jewish unit existed in October, 1947, while the arabs had created armed forces, most- notably the arab legion of Jordan. But they still stuck -to the humanitarian, democratic principles\ of their movement, as created by David Ben Gurion, the future prime minister of Israel: “Complete equality, civil, political and religious and so forth”‘. Yet Haj Amin -was telling his people that the Zionists would kill them, rape their women, etc. and declared ‘ ‘jihad”, holy war. The Arab World refused to accept the partition plan proposed by the UN, which recommended the establishment of two different states, while it was accepted by the jews, even though they would lose quite a few of their purchased and cultivated settlements. From late 1947 until May 1948, arab irregulars attempted to cut off vital supply routes and sabotage the functioning of communication services between isolated settlements, and

More feedback, page 13. L






the chevron


19, 1973






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19, 1973



especially along the road to Jerusalem, which they, as well as the jews realized was the key to a jewish future in the Middle East. Little do the arabs realize how close they came to strangling the jews of Jerusalem in those months. Then, in May 1948;the new state of Isreal was invaded by regular armies from Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. These British-trained armies had ‘tanks, heavy artillery and warplanes. Although the Israelis possessed none of these sophisticated armaments at the outset, and were outnumbered forty to one, were they to allow themselves to be “thrown into the sea”, a popular arab expression, coined by Kamal Irekat, commander of the arab irregulars between Jerusalem and Bethlehem? Never-never again! Can a gambler in a poker game not expect to pay th consequences,, if another calls his bet? d hen the smoke cleared, the Israelis had not only defended themselves, but had inflicted great military and morale losses on the arabs, whose greatest problem was in inability to stand united when they met resistance. But Israel suffered losses too in human life, as well as their 3,000 year old community in the old city of Jerusalem. The arabs had planned a lightning overthrow of the young state. According to captured documents, Haifa was to have fallen on May 20, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem about five days later, when King Abdulla of Trans-Jordan was to enter the holy city and be crowned king of his wider realm-which brings me to the next important point. Can one honestly beleive that it is for the fulfillment of the aspirations of the “Palestinian people” that the other arab states have fought? Syria, Jordan and Egypt all wanted a slice of the Israeli and Palestinian pie in order to extend their own boundaries, feed their distorted sense of honour and fill their coffers with the spoils of war. In ‘67, king Hussein entered the war only after hearing false Egyptian claims that Tel Aviv was at their mercy. What have the arab states done for the poor Palestinian refugees who unnecessarily ran from their homes into the protecive arms of their so-called brethern? What about the peoples of all the dictatorial arab countries who are denied any true knowledge of the working, modern democracy of Israel which lies in their midst? All of them exploited for political, military and monetary purposes by a clique of dictators and oil-rich sheiks, who think nothing of spending billions on arms escalation and throwing away the lives of its future generation in senseless wars, while the Palesinians rot in refugee camps and their own people denied the political, social, educational and economic freedoms so desperately needed if they are to cope in the twentieth century. Who is humiliating who, Mr. Fayed? It seems as if the worst enemies of the arab people are their own leaders, and the greatest factor insuring Israeli success, the competition and resultant feuding of individual ’ states for supremacy in the arab world. In my own travels across North Africa, from Egypt ’ to ~Morocco, I met individuals whose hospitality, warmth and, family ties were both overwhelming and admirable-This I will never forget, but neither will I forget the surprising amount of vicious backstabbing between people and countries which seems to be an acceptable custom and way of life, or the degree to which basic freedoms are denied to the ‘average person. Why can’t those positive feelings and that energy be channeled into-constructive goals, in which the social progress of all arabs, and therefore the progress of mankind be put before the human and economic cost of the military solution? In 1956, Game1 Abdel Nasser, nationalized the Suez Canal and barred its use to any vessel bound for Israel. In 1967, he blockaded the Straits of Tiran,


the chevron

the narrow entrance to the Israeli port of Eilat - Israel’s only accessible port to ships carrying vital goods from East Africa, Iran and Asia, in a like manner. All of the world’s countries who operate merchant marine’s substantiated * the Israeli claim that this action constitutes an open act of war. Was Israel expected to stand back and allow itself to* be strangled, while the world stood on and watched? Thus, the firm Israeli countermeasures of ‘56 and’67, which were ‘undertaken with much reluctance and human loss-never under some SovietArab invented pretense of expansionism! Those powers, such as Russia, China. France and England, who so selfrighteously accuse Israel of such motives are the very worst offenders. But who stands up and denounces them? Neither is the US innocent of meddling in the foreign affairs of other countries, in fact the contrary is true. Israel would like nothing more than to work out her differences alone with the arab countries, but this is impossible as long as ‘Russia is supplying sophisticated weaponry to Egypt, Syria, Iraq and others. Let’s return to 1967. The simultaneous build-up of mass+e Egyptian, Syrian, Jordanian, Iraqi, and Lebanese armies along Israel’s frontiers, coupled with the blockade and Nasser’s demand that the UN peace force must leave, did not enhance the Israeli picture of things and left no doubt in her mind as to arab motives or what she must do to maintain her very existence. Anyone familiar with the boundaries of pre-1967 Israel knows that it couln’t afford to fight a modern war on its own soil, for Tel Aviv was less than 10 miles from Jordanian front positions and only a minute away from the Sinai MIG fighter. Israel, forced to take swift offensive action, knocked out the entire air potential of the arabs on the first day. Its armed forces, with vital air support, pushed an enemy at least ten times its power in soldiers and equipment on three major fronts, back to lines which would secure its integrity in the future. For many years, the’syrians had used the heights of Golan to train guerillas who engaged in their favourite sport of shelling helpless farmers in the valley below. Likewise had been used the west bank of Jordan and the Gaza strip of Egypt. Upon capturing old Jerusalem, Israeli soldiers rushed to the ancient . wailing Wall, judaism’s most revered shrine, whichthe arabs had openly used as a public urinal since 1948. At that point, holy Jerusalem, was once again open freely to jews, Christians and moslems. All of this was accomplished in just six days, an unprecented occurrence in human history. Not a single act of normal war atrocity such as rape, execution, torture, etc. was committed by the victorious welldiscplined Israeli soldiers. In fact, Israel tanks escorted. hundreds of arab prisoners, begging for their lives, back to the Suez Canal, allowing them to go free, only to watch them get shot by Egptian soldiers on the other side. I would hate to think of what would have happened if the shoe were on the other foot. In an interview just prior to that war, a prominent guerilla leader was quoted as saying, “We will allow all jewish survivors to return to the land of their origin, but in my estimation there will be no survivors.” Can anyone blame Israel for being proud and somewhat arrogant? Its victories on the battlefield are nowhere near its accomplishments on the domestic front. I need not go into detail about the progress it has made economically, socially and spiritually in just 25 short years; in the face of now four wars. AC: complished largely by whom? - jewish refugeesfrom Hitler’s ovens and from repressive arab and Soviet societies, supported by their brothers and sisters around the world. No excuse is necessary *.A& ,__..-

. .







Letters to feedback should be addressed to Editor, Chevron, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Please type on 32- or 64-character lines and doublespace. Untyped letters cannot be guaranteed to run. Pseudonyms will be run if we are also provided with the real name of the writer.

to substantiate monetary support for Israel from world jewry . What right does Mr. Fayed have to tell anyone to which causes he may contribute his hard earned money? I’m sure that if he was allowed to examine the records of any bonified charity, he would find that jews contribute amounts which are highly disproportionate to their numbers. He may also realize that there are some of us, jews, Christians, moslems, buddhists, hindus and others who support worthy ,causes for reasons which transcend income tax evasion. He may even find that jews contribute to organizations that are supporting the Palestinian refugees, because thay know very well from their own experience what it means to suffer insecurity, hardship and humiliation. To self-righteously condemn Israeli rejection of UN Resolution 242 is a joke. Where were the humanitarians of the UN in 1948, when Israel was attacked on four fronts? Where were they in 1956 or 1967, when Israeli shipping was blockaded and Nasser broke the peace? What are they doing now, when Israel was attacked on Yom Kippur? One lesson jews have learnt over the years is that there are few humanitarians around in times of crisis, when to stand up for hum’anitarian principles might mean sacrifcing luxuries and enduring perhaps a cutback on Middle East oil. Jews have learnt to look after themselves, and each other-so I am not surprised to see millions of dollars flowing into the homeland, and Israelis rushing from their synagogues to man defenses and die if necessary for the cause. Nor is it reasonable for Israel to return to borders established before 1967 as a prerequisite for peace negotiations. That lesson was learned in 1956. How can Israel even begin to negotiate with an adversary who doesn’t even recognize her existence? How can she possibly allow arabs within her boundaries completely equal rights, when she knows they might assist in-. vading armies bent on destruction, if she first has no formal, written assurance of peace, backed by the superpowers? Even under these circumstances, arabs in Israel have the freedom to elect their own representatives, practice their own religion, educate their children in modern schools, and share in the relative prosperity. Israel is far from ideal, and knows full well how much progress has yet to be made-but, how many jews enjoy these simple rights in arab countries or in the Soviet Union ? How many arabs or Russians enjoy even these rights in their own countries? I share with Mr. Fayed the knowledge that jews and arabs haved lived in harmonious peace for centuries and also share with him the hope and belief that peace can prevail in the Middle East. But right now, the blood of both people is being spilt like water and we are far from the front. I find it difficult to agree with his statement that peace “lies in the hands of the Israelis” solely, for it is obvious that lasting peace can only come through compromises on both sides, where both feel that something meaningful has been gained. Doesn’t that make sense? Eric Shipman

Israel which is based vision of justice and 4. “The preservation through the fostering hebrew education and and cultural values .” 5. “The protection everywhere.”

on the prohpetic peace.” of jewish identity of jewish and of jewish spiritual of



’ The term “zionism” has frequently been misused, leading to misconceptions which must be corrected. For example, Zionism is not an imperialistic organization with the purpose of expanding the state of Israel. The goal of Zionism at the turn of the century was the formation of a jewish state in Palestine, the biblical homeland of the jews. The purpose of modern Zionism is to maintain and preserve this state, the state of Israel. The Zionist ideal does not call for the oppression of any other people in the Middle East or elsewhere in the world. The people of Israel wish only to live in peace. War is bitter for a people who, for the past twenty-five years, have been trying to make a worthless desert into a prosperous nation. Israel does not seek territory, but it must have secure and defensible borders if it is to survive. And the primary aim of Zionism is that Israel -does survive! Lorne M. Kay, Vice-President Waterloo Jewish Students Organization-Hillel

Unprpvoked attack

Israel’s insistence on secure and defensible borders has been validated by the unprovoked &tack on the jewish state by two arab nations, Egypt and Syria. Were the present borders of Israel as vulnerable as those of pre-1967, the arab’s first strike would have gravely endangered the state’s existence. I^ The attack, long in planning, was deliberately scheduled for Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for the jewish people, a day traditionally spent in solemn prayer and reflection. In Israel itself, \ essential services such as transportation and communications had been suspended in deference to the deep convictions of its orthodox citizens. The vileness of this choice of time for ‘the attack was compounded by the arab’s claim that Israel had started the war. This line was maintained even in the face of reports from United Nations observers that both the Egyptian and Syrian armies crossed the cease-fire lines while the Israelis had not. However, on Sunday iafternoon, Qctober 7, the OfficialEgyptian n&s agency Sawt El Arab;- delcared: “The battles which took place so far proved that the -decision to attack which was taken by the responsible arab leadership was not a mere adventure but a planned campaign which did not avoid the needed sacrifices that the leadership sees - as the price of victory and the return of arab land and honour.” The lax attitude of many countries, and the United Nations organization toward ’ zio n is m terorist activities against jews and Israelis has served to encourage the arabs in the belief that they could spill jewish blood with impunity. Austria’s surrender to arab terrorists on Rosh Hashana is the What is Zionism? According to the new jerusalem program of the world Zionist organization the aims of Zionism are: 1. “The unity of the jewish people and the centality of Israel in jewish life.” 2. “The ingathering of the jewish- people in its historic homeland, Israel, through Aliya (“return”) from all countries.” 3. “The strengthening of the state of


More feedback page 15




the chevron





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bedroom townhouse or apartment to sublet January to April. Contact Bob Millette, 14 Bridgenorth Crescent, Rexdale, Ontario or phone 416-791-1982. We would like to sublet a 2 bedroom apartment for January to April 1974. Please write to G. Oue at 196 Maxome Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario M2M 3L2 or call 416-225-4297 after 7 pm. Two or three



the chevron

19, 1973


Letters to feedback should be addressed to Editor, Chevron, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Please type on 32- or 64-character lines and doublespace. Untyped letters cannot be guaranteed to run. Pseudonyms will be run if we are also provided with the real name of the writer.

most recent example. One after another, nations of western Europe have refused to y take significant measures to curb arab terrorism within their own borders; many have actually released arab murdereers from prison. The Munich killers, for example, have all been freed. -This indifference to jewish lives-the completg” subordination of moral, to strictly holitical considerations - is also relfected at the U.N. In 1967, Israel could barely, in Abba Eban’s words, get “its plight inscribed on the agenda”. Since then, the U.N. has refused to consider the most obvious acts of arab terrorism and the brutal treament of jews in arab nations. The present situation demands a recopsideration of the vocabulary of the Middle East conflict. Before, Arab leaders like Sadar had been desribed by the press’ This “moderate” Sadat, as “moderatei’. had declared war in 1972: “In the coming campaign, liberation of our land will not be enough. There is no way out but the complete liquidation of Israel’s arrogance”, the ‘latest euphemism for genocide. In the’ same speech, Sadat delcared his willingness to sacrifice a million soldiers in another war. Sadat’s words were translated into action 13, days ago, disputing the thesis of those whh had interpreted his statements as mere rhetoric .I David Moll

Right to survive An historical perspective must be maintained to understand the significance of the present Middle East conflict. The survival of the jews without a physical homeland from 70 C.E. to 1948 was no less than miraculous, but it was costly. Their history during that period was a continuous struggle to survive, with limited means of self-protection, in the presence of powerful and ruthless enemies. The events preceding and during the second world war most tragically illustrate the need for a jewish homeland. It is thoroughly documented in Morse’s book While Six Million Died that supposed friends of liberty and humanityBritain and the United Statesknowingly passed up chances to save the lives of millions of jewish people, even though many of tliese opportunities were consistent with the military and diplomatic interests of these countries. The jews were in a weak position to defend themselves, and paid a terrible price. In 1948, the United Nations voted in favour bf creating the state of Israel. For many, this event was an official mark of world recognition that the jews have the right to survive. It is regrettable that those who fail to support Israel in her present struggle for survival have neglected to learn from the past. I. Alfrows grad psychology

Game of chess ,

The arab countries have started a war which has now escalated into a “big power” conflict. Russia is airlifting advanced weapons and \ technicians into Cairo and Damascus forcing the United States to maintain a balance of military power. This is becoming a game of chess

where both the arabs and israelis are already the pawns of their own conflict Why can’t the arabs and the Russians realize that a mounting war of attrition against Israel will only rebult in more blood being spilled? As long as‘ the arab countries refuse to recognize the fact that’ Israel has the right to exist, human life will continue to be the cost. As long as they continue to violate cease-fire agreements a lasting peace can never be established. Sheldon S .S. Goldenberg ’ President Waterloo Jewish Students Organization-HILLEL

Chevron back PWP In reference to your back page of the Octob%r 12 issue, I find myself surprised and shocked at the blatant stupidity of its contents. Surely, with the high cost of newsprint and ink, you could have found something more meaningful to take up the space. There is nothing amusing about the portrayal of women as sexual objects. You would never publish poses of men like that, Bnd I wouldin’t want to see that either. I hope this debasing of human beings is not an indication of what is to come, or I and other people will file the chevron where it will belong; under “g” for garbage. Leslie McIntosh All23

The back page in question was an attempt at an archaic artform called satire. Any objections about the “portrayal of women as sexual objects” should be addressed ‘to the federation board of -which brought entertainment the machine on campus-or the federation councilwhich sanctions such _ actsrat-her than the chevron, which merely tried to inform students what the board is doing with student money.

Once upon a time... I Featuring casts of thousands, including: God-guess who? Gabriel-King Arthur; Satan-The flaxen -turnkey; Cheribim-The rest of the turnkeys; Scholars - Students (?!?) ; DevilsGay Lib and friends. In the beginning there was God and He being good. and generous and conscientious of his students’ financial condition decided with a few elite -ar-changels to hold Oktoberfest in the campus centre. He royally decreed that all worthwhile students should merely pay two hundred pence to enter this garden of eden. Then since the hoard of gold was not forthcoming, He magnaminously allowed said’ students into paradise for “free” until 5 o’clock (but rearranged the atmosphere It0 a more crass commercialistic scene for the betterment of the scholars). A great deal of magic dust (apathy) had blinded the eyes of many scholars and in his grand aura of power, God convinced them that He had their best interests in

mind. Now at this time, a slight mishap occurred. The great Gabriel with his horns kicked the devils (which he felt to be f&&e security risks) out from heaven. So Satan and his band decided to enlighten a few scholars and meet with God and his Gabriel outside the gates to heaven. Satan’ handed out a leaflet which stated many truths: 1. total salaries for Oktoberfest (7 days) including seraphim band - $10,500. 2. one entire shift of coffee shop gremlins laid off for one and one half weeks. 3. heaven (once free for all) now costs 200 pence to enter after 5 pm. 4 heaven’s gates are now locked after 1 am. The students consid?red this and spoke with their God concerning these matters. God said that most students wanted this and two unruly cheribim were fired for insubordination to his authority. God also said that all the societies agreed to this in the summer (even though all the good students were away working for their pence). God said that the figures were incorrect and that all cheribim did fuck-all for heaven. God was very defensive. But’ the saga continues. God avoided answering any of the angry rabble and left the few students and devils wondering why they had bothered. Nothing was accomplished. But the sad truth remains. God buys dinner for his friend and himself and lets the students pay for it. Gabriel books all pubs on campus and refuses to allow the devils to have one pub a month. God and the archangels defeated a motion to stop discrimination against women students and thus allowed women to be regarded as chattels and sex objects (which God’s crew felt is the only way]. .). God stacks his council and hypnotizes the student mass into believing this is democracy. RAM TELEGDI OUT! margaret murray

Project oti farming During the recent upsurge in food prices in Canada, confusion ensued as to who was to blame for the inflation. Farmers, in general, were considered one of the prime targets. This incident revealed the lack of understanding amongst government officials and the public in general as to what the difficulties the farmer of today faces. Several parliamentary members feel that this prqblem should be solved and have suggested that a project be &e&ed so as to erase this lack of understanding and to resolve some of the various difficulties farmers encounter. The project involves sending university students across the country to work on various types of farms. Many farmers lack sufficient farm. hands; student unemployment is prevalent, and so by aemploying students the project attempts to solve these difficulties. Farmers in various areas of agriculture obviously are confronted by various types of problems. While employed on the farms, the students will also research the various problems encountered by the farmer. This research material will then be collected and presented to the department of agriculture, and to the Cmadian public. Briefly, the project would attetipt to resolve the following problems:



of farm


lack of upderstanding between the farmer and the Canadian public as to what are the farmer’s problems; l lack of understanding between the farmer and the Canadian government; l student unemployment; l and various agricultural problems encountered. The project will attempt to employ 50100 students this summer. Each student will earn between $1,600 and $2,300 for approxiamtely fourteen weeks work. Room and board will be free. The financial aspects will be defrayed by the farmer and the federal government. Transportation costs will be handled by the latter. But -before the various parliamentary members attempt to pursue this project further they would like to know what student interest is in the suggested ‘project. If student reaction is nil, the project would be futile. If there are any students interested in the proposal, contact me in Renison College at 884-0569 before the end of this month. A general meeting will be held for interested students, in Renison College, the Moose Room, Monday, October 22, at 7 P.M. Yours sincerely, Mihail G. Murgoci l

David says “Why did the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His annointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” Come to think of it, isn’t this what we have said today? We said “God is dead, let’s not worry about it anymore. Let’s live our lives without Him and make it our own way”. “tie that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: The Lord shall have them in derision”. Listen to the news, read the newspapers. Do you see anything you like? Wars, complaints, inflation, strikes, injustice, crime, etc. Not a very bright picture. Not too many can look at tomorrow and smile. A major change-of an unknown nature is foreseen with fear, because it is likely to be a violent one. The Bible gives a good description of our time with all the signs we see around us: Wars and rumours of wars,. kingdom rising against kingdom, famines pestilences, earthquakes etc. * These are iiothing but “the beginning of sorrows”. There is much more to come, much more than what +e have seen so far. Until when shall we continue with our un-belief and pride? Trying to walk our own ways we made a mess. Isn’t it time for a revival yet? Jesus wants everyone to live eternally in joy and peace. He paid for our sins with His blood, so that we may be free. Why stay in slavery? i He wants every individual. He wants YOU! Ask Him into your heart and put away your pride. Accept what He did for you and give #Him the first place in your life. The Lord will forgive you and make you a new person in His image and after His likeness. Think. , Emmanuel Katsirdakis Engineering IA



the chevron



Divide and Conquer: the -Just Society’s ” new Indian policy he question of Indian peoples’ status in Canadian society-an issue which A has been simmering beneath the calm ‘and indifferent surface of Canadian but inevitably politics for decades - is slowly moving toward some form of resolution as several legal battles are building toward a climax in the courts and the upper levels of Canadian government. Growing with the surge of legal action native peoples’-.. rights is an concerning assertive and often militant group of movements on the Indian reserves. But, as with the Indian movements in the United the militant and publicly visible States, groups do not always represent the legal, elected Indian leadership, and their impact is diffused. Nowhere is this difference more open than in the legal battle now raging over the status of Indian women. The issue has been pushed into public controversy with the four-year court battle over one Indian woman’s legal status which reached the Supreme Court of Canada on August 27 of this year. ’ In a five-to-four decision, the Supreme Court ruled against Jeanette Lavell, an Indian woman who was dismissed from her reservation and deprived of her status as a registered Indian. The loss of her Indian rights is based on a section of the Indian Act which states that an Indian woman who marries a non-registered Indian-or a non-Indian-loses her status as an Indian and is not entitled to any of the benefits of the Indian Act, including living on the reserve or inheriting property on the reserve. The section of the Act in question is clearly discriminatory on a sexist basis: an Indian man who marries a white woman loses none of his rights and, in fact, his non-Indian wife acquires all the rights of a status Indian. Recommendation 106 of the Royal Commission Report on the Status of Women dealt with this discriminatory law: g“...the Indian Act [should) be amended to allow an Indian woman upon marriage to a non-Indian to (a) retain her Indian status and? (b) transmit her Indian status - to her children. ” Clearly, the section violates the Canadian Bill of Rights, which prohibits discrimination “by reasons of race, national origin, colour, religion or sex..” But the Supreme Court placed the Bill of Rights in its real perspective when it allowed that the Indian Act might be discriminatory and in violation of the Bill of Rights, but refused to overturn the section. The reason? Under law, the Bill of Rights cannot take precedence over any act of Parliament simply because that act is found to be discriminatory. Since the terms of the Indian Act were set down in the British North America Act, the court ruled that it cannot change those terms, discriminatory or not. This decision has impacts far beyond one section of the Indian Act; a case which originally involved the rights of non-status Indian women now affects the rights of every person in Canada, and, as will be explained, the entire-native rights movement. In effect, it states that the Canadian Bill of Rights is useless in protecting an individual from discrimination within the law. The Indian Act is one loophole in the Bill of Rights; there is no way of knowing how many others exist until test cases reach the’ Supreme Court.


Since the Supreme Court is the highest court in Canada, Lavell has no other possibility of appeal. But action is being taken, by government and on reserves. Monday; October 22, has been declared a Day of Mourning for the Bill of Rights. - Womens’ and human rights organizations plan to march silently, and in mourning clothes, from noon to 2 pm in front of major federal government buildings, across Canada. In Ottawa, the Parliament building will be the site of the march. Telegrams have been sent to Parliament members and the prime ministers from varioue groups, urging that Parliament take up the issue, and to ensure the supremacy of the Bill-of rights over all federal legislation as respects discrimination in regard to race, national origin, colour, religion or sex. Indian groups are drastically split over the decision. Caughnawaga reserve, near Ottawa, has been the site of violent disturbances over the past week as police cars have been overturned and police injured

when a group


were called to the reserve to quell of Indians who had “evicted” non-

Indians. Last week, members of the miltiant Warrior Society went through the 5,OOOmember community and ordered non-Indians off the reserve. The elected band council, provided for by the Indian Act and recognized by the federal government, received approval last month to pass a bylaw evicting non-Indians. Most reserves are not so militant; they are waiting to see what the government will do. And, they, are divided on how court cases based on discrimination will affect their special status under Canadian law, protected now by the Indian Act. The real status of an Indian in Canada is still legally fuzzy, but it is clear that the Indian Act grants Indians special rights not afforded Canadian citizens in general, i.e. living on reserves, cash payments,’ medical payments,, educational aid, etc. Many Indians fear that, if they are judged according to the Bill of Rights-that is, standard Canadian law-then they will, in effect, lose their special status and become just Canadian citizens-forfeiting all their special concessions given them in the Indian Act. Other Indians simply hold Indian women who marry outside the band in contempt, and feel they deserve to lose their status. Most band councils, therefore, have not pursued the matter even if they are in sympathy with the Indian women being discriminated against. They feel that if they do not adhere to the terms of the Indian Act, the government will dissolve the Act altogether. A proposal to do just that was


actually put forward E ment three years ago, 1 the Indians-overwheln The Indian Act, it “hold” the natives hatf regards to special rig been historically gran forced takeover of the concessions-payment: mineral rights-would and most Indians woull part of Canada’s stat lever on the governmc Most militant Indiar frustrated that the govt the Bill of Rights and split the Indian Rights camps. At a council of w( spring, in fact, two M said that, -while they against the Lavell rulin because it would split. said it was only Cqughnawaga reserve tribes which were mak while most other tribes

he problem is Act is a maze c who is and v I . I setting out all -0 involving living on the marries. Section 12(1)(b) s woman who marries E Indian is not entitled t! term, “Indian”, in tl remains today a legal i

the chevron

er 19, 1973

y the federal governlut it died down when ingly objected. is clear, is the only on the government in Its the Indians have ed in return for the r land. All the treaty , land, and land and go down the drain, . become just another stical poor, with no 1t. j are also angry and rnment, by playing off :he Indian Act, have novement into sexual men conference last 2 Mat Indian women Nanted to speak out they could not do so ;e band council. They the more militant and several Alberta 1g an issue of the Act, ire trying to ignore it.

complex.. The Indian definitions describing LO is not an Indian, orts of puzzling rules eserve and whom one tes that an Indian person who is -not an oe registered. But the context of the Act, straction as set down


by white government lawyers. It is not a racial definition: a full-blooded racial Indian, -if he is not ‘<registered”, is not legally an Indian, no matter whom his parents and ancestors and culture are. By the same token, a person can theorteically not have a drop of Indian blood and still meet the legalistic requirements of the Indian Act. A man may marry anyone he wants without jeopardizing his rights under the Act. And his non-Indian wife may become registered and magically become a legal “Indian.” The Act is explicit about what happens to an Indian woman who marries a non-Indian. The Minister of Indian Affairs, upon receiving a report that an Indian woman has married a non-Indian, may then declare that woman and all her children “enfranchised” as of the date ,of her marriage. “Enfranchisement” is a tricky word here, particularly the way it is used in the Indian Act. It sounds good; it implies that the Indian will no longer suffer any legal disabilities, which is technically true. But what it also,in fact, means is that the Indian woman loses those few privileges that belong to “Indians”. Simply, it means she is crossed off the list of all -those still eligible for treaty rights. Enfranchisement could hardly be argued against if it were optional for all Indians, but it is forced upon Indian women if they marry non-Indians . Jeanette Lavell, after marrying a white man, decided that despite what the Registrar General of the Department of Indian Affairs thought, she is still an Indian. She appealed the decision to the courts. The first decision /held that there was no conflict between the Bill of Rights and the Indian Act. She appealed again, and got lucky. Justice Thurlow of the federal court held that the section enfranchising women infringed the right .of an individual woman to equlaity before the law with other Indians. He went on to say that the consequences of the woman’s marriage to a non-Indian were no worse than a man’s marriage to a nonIndian, which offended the woman’s right to equality before the law. The Bill of Rights, he said; rendered the sections involuntary enfranchisement inoperative. The federal government appealed justice Thurlow’s decision, which led to’ the Supreme Court’s reversal of his decision this August. The patent absurdity of the government’s stand has led many Indian and non-Indian women’s groups to openly oppose the court’s decision, and Lavell has become one of the chief organizers of the fight, including Monday’s “Day of Mourning” for the Bill of Rights. The government appears to be using the Lavell case as a wedge by which to split Indian movements, and if this is the case it is being successful. The official native organizations-composed mostly of men naturally-officially intervened in the Lavell case to oppose any changes in the Indian Act. Even while the Lavell case was being, appealed, the federal government had corn misioned the official native erg anizat ions to redraft the Indian Act, in the event the Supreme Court’s decision went against the government. In order to understand the interlocking and coercive nature of that relationship, it must be realized that the federal government also directly funds the native organizations. The logical end of the government’s action seems to be the continuing dwindling of the number of “legal” Indians, who would fall under the provisions of the Indian Act. Indian groups are beginning to win more and more court cases awarding Indian bands money for mineral and land rights; in addition, many Indian groups are posing serious court challenges to federal and provinical governments about the use of the land. Cree Indians and Innuit Eskimos are now in the process of challenging the use of “their” lands for the building of the controversial James Bay Development project. The native peoples claim they’ve never given up the title to the land on which the #project is being constructed. Their court battle is against the

provincial government, a battle which they a/re carrying out in conjunction with environmentalists, human rights groups and others. Legally, it is the federal government’s place to intervene on behalf of the native peoples, but it has refused to do so. Secret correspondence . which was “liberated” during .an Indian occupation of federal buildings in Ottawa shows that the cabinet was prepared at one point to directly intervene on behalf of the native peoples, but backed down under pressure from the Bourassa government in Quebec. The project soon became a political trading-game, with the federal government playing off a deep-sea port as part of the project in return for softpeddling its objections on behalf of the natives. The same set of documents clearly show that the federal government wants to settle native land claims without resorting to the courts, apparently because court settlements would imply that the native people have legal rights, rather than being dependent upon “benevolent” concessions from the Canadian government. The documents show that Indian Affairs Minister John Jean Chretien proposed the federal government settle with the native people at a cost of more than three- billion dollars and many millions of acres of land, an offer which would appear publicly to be generous, but which is in reality much less than the land value if sold on the open market. Chretien’s proposal is similar to a settlement the U.S. government made in 1971 to


Alaska Indians, and which most Indian spokesmen consider a rip-off. The relatively large amount of money made big headlines in liberal newspapers, but the payoff was not based on actual land value, which would have been paid had some international speculating company held the landtitles rather than Indians. The Indians accepted what they figured the U.S. congress would pay, and they gave up all land rights in return for some land and villages, cash settlements and very low mineral rights. The federal government in Canada has been trying very hard to keep the native cases out of court lest the natives get a foothold via a precedent, thus allowing all Indians access to full land rights. Therefore, the government has been eager to discuss cash and land settlements and keep them within the status of the Indian Act. Seen in the context of the interwoven web of government policies and strategems aimed at keeping the Indian peoples under firm control of the government and keeping the lid on the boiling issue of native legal rights to their land, the Jeanette Lavell case changes meaning. What appears at first-and if you simply read the accounts of the issue in the daily newspapers -to be a relatively simple case of sexual discrimination becomes a complex and insideous design by the federal and ‘ provincial governments to keep the Indian movements off balance and divided so that the true significance of the Indian Act will remain legally clouded and out of public notice.

/ \ 6--. What ,


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19, 1973


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the chevron

19, 1973

By Martin

Ruderfer B .E .E . Dimensions Inc.

In an effort to open a general philosophical investigation of life and life forms, the chevron offers its readers two papers presented at the Prague, Czechoslovakia conference on psychotronics held in late June of 1973. These papers deal with physics in psychotronics, and although they may be somewhat technical in parts for the lay reader, we feel even those with little or no scientific training should find them of interest. They are reprinted -with the permision of Ernst von ‘Bezold who was empowered to publish these and other abstracted materials from the conference by the copyright holder, Zdenek Rejdak, first president of the International Association for

Research. They represent one approach to the study of the relationship between consciousness and energy. The chevron hopes that you will express your interest in writing or otherwise. Although the papers printed here are oriented to physics, the implications of their contents are much broader. The chevron invites you to respond with this in *mind. *****

PSY chdronic

Since many of the available abstracts from, the Prague conference are in languages other than English, we would like to ask for aid in translation. Interestedpersons with a command of technical language in Russian, Czech and French are eagerly sought. Please contact Bruce Steele atExtension 2365 or Nick Savage at Extension 2331.

Mind and - method Aspects of psychotronics


I should like to’ emphasize at the beginning my view that while modern science and the technical achievements of Western civilization that spring from it are indeed impressive, these accomplishments should not lead us to the belief that the scientific method, as we know it, is sacred or the only path to That is, the belief system knowledge. represented by the traditional scientific method is at once a most prolific tool, but also might limit our world view. What are the salient features of the scientific method? I shall illustrate by examples frm physics, although any other science could serve as well. The science of mechanics, and indeed the scientific method, began when Galileo challenged the theory of Aristotle with experimental information. Aristotle had asserted that if one compares bodies falling in the same medium one will find that they fall with speeds proportional to their weights. This assertion had not only not been tested, but was frozen into dogma by the scholasticism of the early Renaissance. It is a cardinal rule of the scientific method that a hypothesis is useful if it be proved right or can, in principle, wrong. Speculations that are not testable regarded as “unscientific”. are Demolishing Aristotle’s falling-body law took little effort on Galileo’s part because some of its predictions are so wrong as to be easily refuted. The continual interplay between theory and experiment is at the core of the scientific method. On the one hand, Dirac predicted the existence and properties of the positron (the positive electron) from theory and it was subsequently found experimentally by Andersen. On the other hand, the universal interpretation of Maxwell‘s theoretical equations describing electromagnetic phenomena at the end of the 19th century was that’they accounted for light waves which propagated through a medium called the “aether”. However, experiments performed in 1887 by Michelson and Moreley showed decisively that the aether does not exist. This negative result of a precise experiment contributed greatly in leading Einstein to the discovery of -the special theory of relativity. Again, the great quantity of precise experimental data accumulated by atomic spectroscopists in the early 20th century led directly to the quantum theory of Schrodinger and others. The thrust of the scientific method,

particularly in physics, has been to describe the phenomena of nature in the simplest possible ways. Mechanical processes are described by Newton’s laws as modified by Einstein for high velocities. Electromagnetic phenomena from electrostatics to light waves are precisely -predicted by Maxwell’5 equations. On the other hand, in modern physics we are still struggling to discover the law of force between two nucleons, so at present no single comprehensive theory exists. Nevertheless the link between basic nuclear sciebce and its technology is so

close that many applications have already been made that are greatly modifying our culture. It has been a basic tenet of cla5sical physics that man is the impartial observer of objective reality and further that experiments are repeatable by any competent observer,. The quantum theory, which explains quantitatively vast domains in atomic and solid state physics, demands that man’s consciousness be unavoidably connected with the inanimate world. Rather than an impartial observer of reality, it requires that man be an active participant whose very effort to understand is part of the reality he falsely believed he was ob-. jectively contemplating. Reality understood is reality changed. These are the views of Niels Bohr, the originator of the quantum theory of the atom (‘! and are in accord with the teachings of the Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. The magnificent orderly systems of classical physics now appear as narrow interpretations of a more comprehensive reality. According to Bohr there is a deep conflict between the concepts of description and causality. If one described the world to any desired accuracy and produced a sort of photograph showing where everything was, the photograph could only be taken at the cost of foreswearing any connection between it and future photographs. That is, the act of determining the present, changes our prediction of the future. The more we know of the present, the less we can know of the future. Quantum mechanics describes the physical world through the wave function of Schrodinger’s equation. If we know the wave function, we have a description of that world. According to the noted American physicist, E.P. Wigner “‘, “the impression one gains at an interaction (of observer and physical system), called the result of an observation, modifies the wave function of the system. The modified wave function is, furthermore, unpredicable before the impression gained at the in, teraction has entered our consciousness: it


is the entering of an impression into our consciousness which alters the wave function because it modifies our appraisal of the probabilities for different impressions which we expect to receive in the future. It is at this point that the con5ciousness enters the theory unavoidably and unalterably.” This is a great departure from 19th century determinism wherein if the positions and velocities of all particles in the universe were known, one could in principle predict the future as well a5 the past. We know now that this picture of the universe as a predetermined gigantic clockwork is incorrect and misleading. misleading. Yet men of great stature persisted in the older ideas. Einstein never was convinced of the uncertainty principle which is at the heart of quantum theory, a position summarized by his celebrated remark “God does not play dice.” The view put forth by Bohr, but unacceptable to Einstein, was that the wave function represents our knowledge of _ a physical system, not the physical system itself In other words, the wave function is_ an information field. The similarity with a speculative model communication is for psychotronic suggested by M. Louchkac3’or the informational aspect of telepathy, by I.M. Kogan”‘is intriguing. M. Louchka suggests specifically that an information field may be the basis of the interaction between consciousness and a physical system. Although the idea that an observer can interact with a physical system through hi5 consciou5nes5 is a consequence of quantum theory, I do not believe this is widely appreciated even among physicists, partly because the phenomena are on an atomic scale. But even in quantum theory, one dbserver is as-good as another in his effect on the physical system. It is the fact that knowledge (interaction with any consciousness) has been gained about a system that alter5 its future behaviour. These concepts have gained some degree of respectability during the last forty years. However, many physicist5 are reluctant to inquire into the reality behind their measurements, to ponder such questions as cause and effect. A naive empiricism has often been the dominant philosophical view among scientists:“Stick to your equations and instruments.” In psychotronic phenomena, the quality of consciousness can play a decisive role. In psychokinesis, the spectacular abilities of Nina Kulagina or Yuri Celler are not available to everyone. The experience and training _if not the inherent ability of Robert Pavlita permit him to charge his psychotronic generators. It has been reported that the consciousness of others witnessing an experiment involving Nina- Kulagina can affect the result(‘). Witnesses with “conce’aled doubts or skepticism” required this subject to exert much more mental effort to achieve the same physical effect. So ,here we have a .situation where a critical, objective posture of the scientist may actually impede the experiment. Qn the other hand, there seems, to me, to be a danger in overly-positive belief as it could easily lead to indiscrimination and foolishness which are degrading’ -and unproductive to the discipline. Again, the emotional or physical state of the subject will have an effect on his interaction with the inanimate world. Here we have already entered a realm where most physicists would be very skeptical. Such skepticism has been beneficial in bringing physical science to its present development. Yet to press on in psychotronic research may require the abandonment of belief systems that have served scientists well during a lifetime and in the history of their discipline.




\ 20



It may be too much to ask that everyone be prepared to do so. Small changes are welcomed by scientists,but large ones may be stoutly resisted even when evidence is strong. It seems to me that a psychotronic researcher needs to have a positive attitude toward his investigation at least while it is in progress so that psychic processes are not impeded. Later, perhaps, a critical analysis and comparison with the experience of others can be made. In telepathy, where an interaction occurs between two or more minds it appears that psychotronic investigations more on subjective will depend even system, but by a new interaction, then it states and the development of individual would be fascinating to see the scope of minds since both receivers and senders are physics broadened to include these new involved. So here we have departed phenomena. Our concept of the world greatly from the idea of man as the immay well be changed profoundly thereby. partial observer of objective reality. For example, in the new world view Since physical and chemical conditions demanded by the special theory of relativity, it is four dimensional spacetime create the environment -for consciousness and modify the sensations received by that is the natural framework. Our orconsciousness, we can ask if the reverse is dinary three-dimensional world is only one possible projection. true: that is, can consciousness affect physical and chemical conditions? An There is no absolute time or frame of We are led to apparent understanding of this effect might help us reference. to understand the interaction between two paradoxes which reflect really our rigid consciousnesses since consciousness is three-dimensional patterns of thinking. A known to be affected by physical and famous prediction of the special theory of chemical conditions. There are many relativity is that of the aging of the twins, one of whom remains on earth while the examples of such reciprocity in physics. For example, light-waves are influenced other goes on a space trip at velocities by mechanical obje&, since they are approaching that of light. The space reflected and refracted. traveller returns to earth to find his twin’an Can a mechanical object be influenced old man while he, the traveller, is still The answer is yes. by a light wave? young. has been recently Radiation pressure exists, but a note of This prediction verified, by the way, at large particle caution: it is a much weaker and subtler to observe than the inaccelerators in orbital storage of muphenomenon fluence on light waves by mechanical mesons. One may speculate that this fourobjects. So we could argue by analogy that dimensional space-time world may itself PK phenomena should exist since conneed to be modified in the presence of a sciousness is affected by physical conpsychic field. Again in this case, time ditions. would depend not only on an observer’s of motion, but also on psychic If we look at the development of frame In this way, for example, physics, it seems what is badly needed in variables. precognition could be understood. pyschotronic research at this time are In conclusion, I would like to emmany good experiments. As a discipline phasize that several keystones of scientific we are almost at the time of Galileo. There is much anecdotal data, there are isolated method remain available to us in cases of psychically-gifted or developed psychotronic research: we can insist on a individuals, and there is some laboratory continual and strong interaction between work, but pitifully little compared with theory and experiment; we can test creative intuition against an accepted effort in other fields. we can provide free-flowing A carefully executed experiment is framework; even if the results are and rapid exchange of information among always useful, negative, because this too is serious ininvestigators, of which this conference is formation. (Remember the Michelsonan excellent example; we can perform Moreley experim.ent.) Later when sufcritical reviews of research at least in ficient quantitative data are accumulated, retrospect. theoretical frameworks will arise. If we are What appears to be new is the indeed dealing with a new interaction in development of awareness of the nature, the laws of physicswill need to be possibilities of the human ,mind. In the modified to include it. But first it must be words of J.C. Lilly, American demonstrated that kiown laws will not neurophysiologist, “In the province of the suffice to explain the phenomena. mind, what one believes to be true either Gifted and trained individuals such as is true or becomes true within certain Nina Kulagina have shown the ability to limits to be found experientially and produceforces of several grams experimentally. These limits are beliefs to magnitude l9 . One could conjecture that a be transcended .” (‘I more sensitive physical apparatus might Training of the mind and an apA be used to demonstrate that PK ability is preciation of its powers have long been possessed by many if not all individuals in part of the culture of Eastern civilizations, varying degree. It is also desirable to have but has only recently begun to be explored measure of the force seriously in the West. For these ena quantitative deavours there now seems to be much produced and to correlate this with more acceptance and allowing in our physical and psychological variables. In the physics department at the culture. If we can combine this opUniversity of California at Davis, I am at portunity with the power of a revised present constructing a laser source scientific method, surely an exciting Michelson interferometer, one arm of future awaits psychotronic researchers. which has a mirror on a pendulum-like suspension. This device is sensitive to Physics and Human Knowledge, forces of a few micrograms. By means of a 1. N. Bohr, Atomic Vintage Press, New York, U.S.A., 1966. fringe shift counter, quantitative data on 2. E.P. Wigner in “The Scientist Speculates” p. 289, the mirror deflection can be obtained. So I edited by I.J. Good, W. Heinemann ltd., London, hope in this way to investigate PK abilities England publishers, ~1962. ESP, PK, and the Information Field, in a variety of individuals, psychological * 3. M. Louchka, proceedings of the Symposium of Psychotronics, conditions. states and physical Prague, Czechoslovakia, Sept. 1970, p. 23. Biofeedback training of PK ability will also 4. r.M. Kogan, lnformacni Aspetky Telepatie, be possible. Of course, one must be Telepatie a* Jasnovidnost, Nakladaatelsti Svoboda, prepared for completely negative data Praha 1970. 5. V.V. Kulagin, M.S. Kulagina, Proceedings of the indicating further refinement or a new Symposium of Psychotronics, Prague Czechoslovakia, experimental ‘design is necessary. Sept. 1970, p. 54. If








the chevron





6. J.C.






The Center

of the


Press, New York, U.S.A., 1972.

p. 128,



19, 1973

Telepathy and the _neutrino A postulated function for a hypothetical particle By John A. Jungerman Professor of Physics University of California This report summarizes a neutrino explanation of ESP phenomena based on a suggestion I made about five years ago.’ A more detailed theory,2 completed in 1972, has recently been revised and is now available in two parts. at4 The theory first provides a rationale for psi and spiritual phenomena based on established physical .principles. This rationale ’ derives from the observable properties predicted by the ‘special theory of relativity for massless particles, i.e. particles that move with the velocity of light. Objects moving at this velocity are required by relativity to be ageless; to have zero length in the direction of motion, hence to have zero volume; and to have zero rest mass. Such particles are thus describable as immortal, pervasive and nonma’terial. These are properties and commonly ascribed to psychic It consequently spiritual phenomena. becomes permissible and in consonance with physical laws to consider psychic and spiritual phenomena to exist at the velocity /of light. When the requirements for physical immortality are further examined with the aid of generalized thermodynamics and information theory, two other unusual properties often ascribed to psychic and spiritual phenomena (are required to exist in the universe: infinite energy and infinite intelligence. These derive directly from the reversible nature of massless particle interactions in combination with the need for some kind of repair function within any system capable of achieving physical immortality : A repair function’ is describable as a source of negentropy. For a repair function to operate indefinitely, it must exist in an environment of infinite energy and intelligence (defined as a source of information). A physical model for infinite energy and intelligence which is not in contradiction with observation is simple to define: it is merely an infinite hierarchical universe. Our knowledge of the presently observable hierarchy-elementary particles, molecules, ponderable bodies, atoms, stellar systems, galaxies, galactic clusters and the observable universe-was negligible three centuries ago, but’ has since expanded rapidly. There is no hard evidence indicating that we have reached inviolate limits of nature’s hierarchy. Many are now actively seeking a structure of the elementary particles and we have only a vague notion of the boundary of the observable universe, much less what does or does not lie beyond. By extrapolation

from the three hundred year explosion of scientific knowledge, we must e.xpect a wider hierarchy to exist than we now observe, possibly one that extends indefinitely into the microcosm aad macrocosm. Each level in such an infinite hierarchy has its own characteristic structures and these have associated energies. As the size of the characteristic structures in each hierarchical level increases into the macrocosm or decreases into the microcosm without limit, infinite energy in the universe is approached. Furthermore, associated with structure is information, so a phenomenal basis for infinite intelligence also results. In more rigid terms, energy is ‘a scalar whose zero datum is arbitrarily established. Our present zero datum for energy corresponds, by defin$ion, to the absence of matter and radiation. As a result, all the energy in the unobservable portion of the microcosmic hierarchy must be assigned negative values, so the vacuum must .contain an infinite amount of negative energy. This may be identified with Dirac’s sea of negative energy; its unobservability is also found to be compatible with relativity and the corresponding null attempts to detect an ether. These various considerations based on fundamental physical laws provide an interlocking theorical framework to support the existence of an other-world at the velocity of light which has properties antithetical to the sense world of matter but compatible with the extrasensory world of spirit. Interaction between these two widely different worlds is required to occur, as in the behavior of man. Accordingly, this interaction must bemediated by a massless particle. Of the three known or postulated massless particles-photons, neutrinos and gravitons-the physical properties of neutrinos are found to be the most suitable for an extrasensory modus operandi. A most attractive property of neutrinos for the practical explanation of psi properties is the lack of any known neutrino screen. Although this was noted by Hammond in 1952, there was too little known about the neutrino at the time to encourage its use for explanation of ESP.’ It is now generally believed that vast numbers of neutrinos populate the universe. There are consequently large numbers converging on and passing through our brains with the velocity of light at every instant that have just passed through every other brain and region of Earth. This universal sea of neutrinos constitutes a natural communications




19, 1973


the chevron

, network if some means of coding and decoding information onto and from the ubiquitous neutrinos is feasible. The existence of two conditions allows such a neutrino origin of ESP: l The power flux of the neutrino sufficient intensity.

sea is of

l A small but significant interaction of low energy neutrinos with matter exists. Elementary radiation theory requires the power flux of the neutrino sea to be approximately 64 ergs cm2-set if the “missing mass” to close the universe is in the form of neutrinos. 5 [This value is independent of the statistics ‘used to represent the neutrino energy spectrum .) The corresponding neutrino power flow continuously passing through a human brain of average size becomes-‘?.6 mw. This power is many orders more than required to fire (or inhibit) sufficient neurons to initiate an ESP reception. Thus, the first condition cannot be arbitrarily Ldenied. Condition two is less evident; in fact, it is commonly believed that there is no experimental or observational means of determining an interaction of low energy neutrinos [below 0.5 Mev) with matter.


However aaophy’sical evidence is presented which supports existence of a neutrino-electron Compton cross section within stellar bodies that is about 10 -” that of the photon-electron Compton cross section, i .e. of the same order as the weakto-electromagnetic interaction ratio derived from beta-decay phenomena. Theoretical support for such a scattering interaction is presented which is based on a phasor interpretation of massless particles. The phasor description of neutrinos is a perpendicular electric-magnetic vector pair of constant magnitude and angular velocity which describes a helical path in :space as the neutrinos advance. The neutrino (antineutrino) vectors have left: (right-)hand rotation. One important advantage of the phasor representation is the ability to account for a composite structure of the photon and the electron.6 Another is the exact description -of the Schrodinger psi function afforded by phasors4 The significant’ aspect of the phasor interpretation of neutrinos for psi theory is the necessity for low energy neutrinos to resonantly interact with helical structures of matter. This is supported generally by the Faraday, Kerr, Cotton-Moulton and optical rotatory effects in combination with a neutrino structure-of photons. It is -further suggested that 3 interaction of low energy neutrinos with matter and radiation are capable of accounting for l/f noise, the three effects reported by Sadeh and associates, the Miller “ether-drift” experiment, major variations in the

Mossbauer red-shift experiment, and a number of other effects including, possibly, radioactivity. These support the general existence, as stipulated in condition two, of an interaction between the neutrino and matter sufficient to provide a modus operandi for ESP. In particular, the helical structures of amino acids, RNA and DNA provide suitable opportunities for the realization of the postulated neutrino interaction in living matter. One potentially verifiable consequence is an ability of neurons in the brain to detect low-energy neutrino radiation from the Sun for use as atiming and/or navigation signal. The ability of neurons to readily detect neutrino radiation requires living things to posses-s an ESP capability of much inherent sensitivity. In this case we should expect ESP to follow an inverse-square distance law. However available evidence points to, at most, a slight decline with distance within terrestrial limits. ’ The feasibility of harmonizing such a distance characteristic with the inverse-square law was pointed out by Hoffman long ago. 8 He essentially noted that an inversesquare reception, as with electromagnetic -5 radiation, is obtained only if the receiver

sensitivity is constant. For example, to circumvent the inverse-square law in mobile radio receivers we design automatic feedback circuits in radio receivers to provide an essentially constant receptivity which is relatively independent of distance up to some

available terrestrial distances. Extraterrestrial ESP experiments are indicated to determine whether some.maximum range exists beyond which such a feedback system becomes ineffective. The existence of such a feedback system is consonant with the general use of feedback in numerous other living subsystems for limiting intensity of perceived stimuli. A general means of controlling neuron sensitivity by electrical feedback is suggested by Trehub’s recent evidence for in the brain 9 in coherent detection combination with the additive property of electrical effects in triggering (or inhibiting) neuron firing. Such a system allows independent behaviour programs to simultaneously exist in the brain which are controlled by brain wave frequency. The necessity for the brain to control ESP sensitivity is related to the relative survival value of ESP vis-a-vis the senses. It does not seem to be generally emphasized that too much ESP can be harmful in most living situations. As an example, crossing a street in any large city requires acute application of the senses; an ESP obtrusion at this time involving an activity at some other locality, or in a previous life, may be fatal. No doubt the dominannce of the senses has evolved from a similar need for constant awareness over eons of jungle consequently expect living. We may strong suppression of ESP intelligence to be built into all organisms, as by feedback under some form of psychological control. This allows full use of ESP by relaxation of the feedback constraint in survival situations where necessary sense data is lacking. The high colrelation of spontaneous ESP occurrences in cases of danger, death and illness tendls to corroborate such a capability. The general decline of ESP in experimental situations may be related to.,phenomenon engendered by lack of psychological need or interest. Such a feedback system, like any other in living systems, may vary between in: dividuals and thereby provide a wide range of sensitivities within a population. Such a system may also fail in some individuals, as by a catastrophic event, and result in the sudden acquisition or loss of psychic ability. Feedback failure may also also unleash harmful effects of ESP in some individuals due to an inability to handle a sudden increase in some kinds of paranormal information. Evidence of a positive correlation between magnetic field variations and cosmic-ray data with psychiatric hospital admissions’O is shown to imply an involvement of a failure of an ESP feedback control in the etiology of some forms of mental illness. Granted the existence of a widespread ability of some neurons to detect neutrino radiation, ESP detection mechanisms are eadily conceivable. If B in the figure below represents an isolated brain in an isotropic sea of neutrinos, detection of neutrino radiation produces no intelligent signal since the neutrino power flow S

on B from all directions is maximum range. Actually, such a feed. converging uniform. If an object 0 is now situated back control provides a slight decrease in receptivity within this maximum range as near B and 0 has the capability of scat, distance increases due to the necessity for tering some of the neutrinos passing an error signal which must increase with through it, as at a‘a, the power flow S’ leaving 0 is less than the power flow S distance. Since the brain is an active entering it. The power flow entering B system, it conceivably employs some form of control to allow fairly constant ESP from the direction of 0 is now different reception independent of distance, as from that coming from any other direction. This difference constitutes a signal generally observed. In accord with spontaneous ESP observations, this system by which B may detect the presence of 0. must be operative over the longest As an example, we may assume 0 to be



composed of a regular array of small helical structures ‘H of electrical origin whose axes are aligned toward B, as shown. Neutrinos entering 0 toward B will be preferentially scattered leaving “holes” in the neutrino streams N travelling toward B. The spatial and temporal distribution of the holes constituttes a signal “signature” containing information about the properties of 0. If the brain provides corresponding helical detectors which are aligned in three mutually perpendicular directions, X,Y,Z, the direction of 0 may be obtained. If two space X,Y,Z sets of detectors are provided, the distance of 0 may be obtained. Such a system corresponds to the visual analog of a gray-scale binocular system. If the helical detectors in the brain with a wide distribution of occur characteristic lengths, a wide band of frequencies may be sensed in the signal. This provides the equivalent of colour. Parts of the visual processing system may conceivably be time-shared with such a neutrino’vision”. Such a neutrino vision is inherently capable of accounting for reports of blind and sighted individuals who acquire vision in sensitive areas of the skin and/or can detect optically hidden objects. Other _ visual ESP phenomena in awake and dream states may also by-pass the eyes and be processed by such a nuetrino detection system. If 0 is another brain, the spatio-temporal activity, as reflected of -the helical RNA in the activity, molecules, may impress a characteristc signature on the passing neutrino streams which is then carried in all directions through the universal sea. Response of B to all or part of this signature is facilitated-if the functioning of the two brains have similar spatio-temporal characteristics, as in related or closely associated individuals. If 0 is an inanimate object, say a body of undergroung water, scattering of neutrinos by the water molecules impresses a signature on the passing nuetrinos characteristic of the spatiotemporal properties of water molecules. Note that some of the electrons in moving water molecules describe helical paths in space and these, in accordance with the theory, are likely sources for -scattering resonant neutrinos in the universal sea. If a resonant interaction is involved, water molecules in any of the body organs are potential detection sites. Neutrino mechanisms are also discussed which are capable of explaining a variety of psychokinetic effects, but there are some psi phenomena, e.g. poltergeism, out-of-body expe-riences, possession, reincarnation and precognition, which active participation of an inrequire telligence of submicroscopic origin. Using precognition as a prototype example, it is found that there is no conflict with basic physical principles provided there exist causal processes within the vacuum. A phenomenal basis for these is provided by the infinite energy and intelligence in the unobserved portion of the microcosmic hierarchy and is supported by the deterministic nature of Schrodinger psifunction and its identification with microscopic phasors. 4 A more conventional quantum-mechanical approach by Walker l1 also leads to an ultimately deterministic basis for physical events. 1. M. Ruderfer, J. Amer. Sot. Psych. Res. 62, 84. [1968]. 2. -, “A Phsyical Theory of Spiritual and Psychic Phenomena,” unpublished, on file in the Parapsychology Foundation Library, New York [1972]. 3. -, “A Phsyical Theory of Psychic and Spiritual Phenomena,” NAPS document No. 02052 [1973]. Order from Microfiche Publications,, 305 East 46 Street, New York, New York 10017; remit $1.50 for microfiche or $12.95 for photocopy. 4. -, “Phasor Interpretation of Massless Particles and its Astrophysical Consequences,” NAPS document No. 01930, ibid.; remit $1.50 for microfiche or $7.55 for photocopy. [1972]. 5. -, Lett. Nuovo Cimento 5, 86 [1972]. 6 Electronics and Power: J.I.E.E. [London] 11, 164$965]; 18, 370 [1972]. Amer. J. Phys. 39 116 [1971]. 7. K. Osis and M.E. Turner, Jr., Proc Amer. Sot. Psych Res. 27,1 [1968]; J. Amer. Sot. Psych Res. 59, 22 [1965]. -, and M.L.Carlson, ibid. 65, 245 [1971]. 8. B. Hoffman, J. Parapsych. 4, 149 [1940]. 9. A Trehub, Science 174, 722 [1971]. 10. H. Friedman, R.O. Becker and C.H. Bachman, Nature 200, 626 [1%3]; 205, 1050 [1965]. 11. E.H. Walker, J. for Study Consciousness, 5, 46 and No. 2 [1972]; ibid., to be published [1973]; Phys. Today 24, 39 [1971]; Math. Bio-Sci. 7,131 [1970].



the chevron

, .L& faux * pas du Canada


Every Canadian student approaches the study of his history with some reservation, partly because “we” write everything in small letters if it is Canadian. We are a scarcely steady people cons-ervative, daring to believe in our capacity to fit into the more complex affairs of stage-craft. Consider a Canadian audience at the a most morose thought extheatre, periment to be sure. Awed by the immensity of black space, the Canadian audience in theatre is a collection of the most stolid and dead panned halibut eyes known to man. A Canadian is unable to daunt even the boldest imposter in the theatre because the Canadian performing artist will more likely than not reflect “us” in his uninteresting pedestrianism. Such was the dance experience Iast’Thursday evening in the Humanities Theatre with Feux Follets, a folk dance group from Charlottetown directed by Alan Lund. Invited by the cultural arts program of the university and possibly deceived by the company’s claim to represent “the spirit of Canada”, Feux Follets portrayed a mad camp saga of Canadian history in dance and song: Beginning with a collage of Indian dances (complete with authentic fluffy ostrich feathers) to a quasi roaring twenties gold rush, Feux Follets was no easy stretch of the imagination. It is not enough that the Canadian Indian has become the scapegoat of bourgeois buffoonery in film, parliament and national exhibitions. Feux Follets is unable to rise to the same spirit of dignity and sincerity preserved in the Royal Winnipeg% commission, The Ecstasy of Rita joe, performed in the Humanities Theatre last spring. Commissioned by .the Indian brotherhood of Manitoba, Rita ]oe is an example of the poetry of movement which can occur when the Canadian Indian is permitted to speak for himself. Reminding the spectator of his visual history lesson, the dance arrangements of included most Feux Follets Les unimaginative and frightful tableaux of Eaton’s downtown manikins. A women’s lib parody on a sailor’s jig, a IOBX ballet, a proclivity of pleasant gropingsof Jacks and Jills, and the red-white-and-blue striped dancers of the Quebecois spoon dance (whose costumes quite likely were approved by the Anglican mothers altar guild) made an exuberant and appealing entertainment for most of the audience. Perhaps one or two unexpected moments character dance, ’ of brilliant Russian among the male members of the coman evening that otherwise pany I made degenerated into a sentimental musical comedy, sincere. It is evident, if dance is a visual experience, that the Arts Council of Canada must justify why it supports a dance company with a “radio-city” mentality. If we Canadians do not open our stolid halibut eyes, “exuberant” and “appealing” will mean “mediocrity is the preferred style of life and art in Canada”. Although it cannot be said of Canada, “That nation where no dance is born,” no friend of dance after an evening in the theatre wants to swear, “Oh, Canada!” What future is there for Canadian life and art when there is infection in the bud? Post script: My wax milk carton just reminded me about the K-W Musical Productions, Anne of Green Cables, directed by Alan Lund. Judging by the style and content of Feux Follets, Lund’s own company of which he is artistic director, one need not bother+ Ah scheel

Child full * of-woe

This is one level of the film. As social commentary beyond that just mentioned, it is so vivid in its study of this family-it’s utter helplessness, the uncomprehending self-defeat of the parent’s perception of morality-as to be almost allegorical. Of course none of this could be possible without exquisite acting by all concerned. It is difficult to decide whether the people are actors or possibly’ non-professionals who had undergone an experience similar to the one of the film, who had consented to re-enact it. This spontaneous documentary treament gives the film it’s power. -dudley paul

In the promo piece written for their brochure by the people at the Picture Show, Wednesday’s Child was described as “. . .one of the best and most honest films.. .painful yet moving and sometimes even funny story of a girl’s struggle with mental illness”. Indeed Wednesday’s Child is one of the best films to find its way into K-W’s cultural vacuum in many months. In a quasi-documentary fashion, Ken Loach has created a very haunting picture of a British working class family and its atI tempts to deal with its own demise. The story revolves around the futile and pathetic attempts of a young girl’s parents to deal with what they perceive to be their daughter’s condition of ‘mental illness’. The daughter, portrayed by Sandy RadNotes on several different things this cliffe’ is nothing other than perfectly week, for those attentive to musical ‘normal’ for all intents and purposes, matters. One is not to miss the upcoming though perhaps a Iittle\disjointed by the Arts Theatre noon-hour concert next conditions of her age and situation--+he is Wednesday (24th) by David Walker, pregnant on one hand, and very much at Margaret and Joanne Elligsen. David and the mercy of parents very much at the Margaret will sing several duets, by people mercy of their ties to conventional like Brahms and Schumann, and also some morality. solo songs by Mendelssohn and Duparc What results is a battle between per(French, 1848-1933) and some other ceptions of ‘mental illness’, the outcome people. These performers are well-known of which is fundamental in bringing about to us by now as performers of impeccable the complete mental breakdown of the taste, outst%nding skill, and inexhaustible teenage girl. Originally \ committed to a energy, and if you go, you’ll be delighted. therapy group by her parents who inAlso Joanne is doing a piano recital, stinctively react to her lack of conformity Beethoven and Brahms and some other to their ideals as being a ‘problem’, the girl things, on November 7th in the Arts finds in it, a degree of understanding Theatre (also. on Sunday the 4th, in the inknown to her beyond her small cirlce of Gallery, accompanied by viewers of friends. Of course, this is not to last and pictures.. . . .) And if you can get to Cuelph, shortly the film is depicting scenes of two of the several groups David Walker mental shock therapy.+ the humanist is performs in are holding forth. there on two replaced by a more bureaucratic and noons: the madrigal group, “A Consort of conservative elements of psychiatric Voices” on Nov. lst, at 12: IO and I: 10, treatment, and the girl’s condition is ‘reand on Nov. 29th, his fine medieval group, evaluated’. The treatment then becomes the Toronto Consort. And the Kitchener not the cure of\a problem which does not _ Bach Choir performs on Nov. 17th in exist but the catalyst for the problem Two of my music of the Renaissance. created by the ‘re-evaluation’ or the favorjte subjects, the Canadian -National different perception of her condition. In Opera and the National Ballet. The Opera an impossible yet terribly plausible series has just finished its most ambitious of events, the girl is reduced to a catatonic season, and perhaps now is an appropriate state by the end, of the movie and the time for overall assessment. Where do black irony of this is only deepened as the now? Well, in brief: the they stand, last scene presents her caretaker National Ballet has struggled upward to psychiatrist continuing to analyzethe threshold of international greatness. classify-proclaimcreate her condition And the opera? It is probably the most thereby maintaining this knot of circular lavish, the most expensive, and possibly More grisly still, is that he logic. ‘even the best, of the world’s second-rate pronounces her “inability to respond” to a opera companies. Well-attended in the bunch of ‘aspiring scientists’, students of rather awful O’Keefe Centre, even at a top the doctor, who one fears, are meant to of $11 per seat; well-supported by all of continue the good work. The girl however, who could the supporting agencies is reduced to caged animal with no reasonably be expected to support it; and recourse, completely trapped behind a blessed with the sound of the Toronto veil of ‘good scientific evaluation’. _ Symphony in the pits, how does it manage ,

Musical jottings


19, 1973

to miss? The answer is dismally easy to provide. All the careful dril,lings and lavish costumes and expensive scenery in the world will not make up for the lack of firstrate voices in the lea-ding parts. And for reason - I ‘ve heard various some justifications advanced-our National j Opera stolidly refuses to avail itself of international class talent, except by sheer luck. Luck, I guess brings us Louis Quilico, the excellent baritone from Montreal. But who else? We do reasonably well in supporting cast roles; Jan Rubes, Don MacManus, Patricia Rideout, ‘are reliable quantities who would be useful in just about any company anywhere. But these are not people who will bring us Siegfried, Don Giovanni, Tosca, Lucia, and so on and so on. Now; reality at its present state of development does not provide us with bushfuls of people like Sutherland, Price, Nilsson, Pavarotti, and about one or maybe-two dozen other souls who grace the worlds great opera houses. It is a sort of artistic nationalsim? Well, why can’t we even get Jon Vickers, who hasn’t sung with the Company for about a decade then? Or Maureen ‘Forrester, who put everyone else in the shade in her brief apperance as Brunnhilde in Act III of Die Wakure a couple of years back, but hasn’t otherwise been seen? In any case, the restriction to local talent in what is supposed to be the country’s premium company is surely just plain opera misguided, and also unfair. Why should Toronto’s opera, lovers have to fly to London or Vi,enna, or at very least New York, to hear first-class singing? In the second echelons, a policy of developing one’s own talent is clearly appropriate; in the top notch, it is self-defeating madness. Rest assured that those Canadian singers who reveal star-class talent in Toronto this year-if any-will promptly be snatched off to Covent Garden, the Met, the V.S.O., and the rest, and we will see them, , if ever, only by courtesy again. A plague on any such policy! If we can spend $35$50,000 per performance for what we get now, let’s make the top price $14 per seat and get nice, solid top A’s from the sopranos, firm ringing highs from our Heldentenors, and all the other amenities that makes great opera great, rather than a sort of approximation. In all of the half-dozen productions, only three of the female leads can be given decent marks: Patricia Kern in The Barber of Seville, who was admirable throughout; Maria Pelligrini in Rigo/etto, wqo was often admirable, although her voice tended to fray at the extremities of either pitch or vol.ume, and especially both; and Heather Thomson in Heloise and Abelard, who in addition to singing well in a difficult (and, let us admit, unrewarding) part, looked well enough to make her character plausible. Among the males, Quilico, as one might expect, heads the list-a terrific voice, always audible even in that acoustical horror, the O’Keefe Centre. The Barber had very good males in all but the major role, Almaviva, in which John Walker was only adequate. Figaro himself, Cornelius Opthof, was very good, Dr. Bartolo, Peter Milne, equally so, and Claude Corbeil as Don Basilio brought the house down. The Abelard of H & A, Allan Monk, was commendable; Don MacManus as Sparafucile, the assassin in Rigoletto, was outstanding, and William Walderman did good service as Hagen in Cotterdammerung, and well, if not quite as well, as Rocco in Beethoven’s Fidelio. Judith Forst as Maddalena in Rigoletto, Ann Cooper as Berta in “The Barber”, and Barbara Collier, the Cutrune in Cotterdammerung, were also praiseworthy. As to conductors, pne could hardly say that was really any of the performances distinguished, but certainly the Barber of Ernest0 Barbini was very respectable, as one would expect, Fideljo and Rigoletto satisfactory, while the Cotwere terdammerung of Heinrich Bender was, I’m afraid, not a performance to live in the Wagnerian’s memory. In The Merry Widow, acting and staging were excellent, and the pace right, but without a vocally adequate widow, a production of Lehar’s frothy classic can’t get terribly far off the ground, no matter how hard everybody else, tries. -jan narvesm





19, 1973

the chevron

Another , cabaret

K-W Little Theatre’s production of the musical “Cabaret” took place during Oktoberfest and played to capacity audiences for over a week in the Victoria Park Pavilion, another in a series of - supper-club theatre perfomrances, where the audience was ushered into the “Kit Kat Club” appropriately enough and served by appropriately clad kitten girls. The intimate supper club atmosphere was sqmewhat destroyed by the large dance space left in fornt of the stage, a space which was used only once during the entire evening show. Also, cast members seated at tables on either side of the hall could be seen but not heard by most of the ,audience, which was quite distracting. Bearing in mind the limitations of the Pavilion, however, the setting was relatively effective. The musical as a whole suffered from its attempt to reproduce extensive parts of the movie by the- same title starring Lisa Minelli. This play, which had a different plot structure than the movie, emerged as a series of vignettes spotlighting various star-s of the show rather than as a cohesive portrayal of the Germany of the 20’s. Sally Bowles, played by Marianne Meichenbaum, was by no means a leading character iri terms of the script, yet she was treated as the central figure of the show. This was largely an attempt to ctipitalize on Meichenbaum’s resemblance to Lisa Minelli. The physical resemblance is ,where the similarity ends. As an off-beat cabaret star, Meichensexy I eccentric, baum fell a little short. She came across rather as a matronly fig&e who spent most of her time adopting self-conscious Minelli attitudes and the rest of the time singing off key. Her rendition of the Cabaret theme, however, was fairly well done. She was of course, acting under _ somewhat of a strain as she had just had a show. child t\wo weeks before the However, that hardly serves as-an excuse since she presumably had some inkling of her condition when she auditioned for the part. Still you wonder about the producers’ reason for selecting her.. .surely they were not just searching for a Minelli look-alike? Wally Bonderenko who played the love interest Cliff Bradshaw, had quite a fine voice, but otherwise gave a rather wooden performance. The relationship between he and Sally was barely established-much less developed and their dramatic farewell scene was so ludicrous that it ca_used titters among the sudience-whether it was a fault of the script or the direction, both characters emerged very weakly in contrast to the rest of the cast. The brightest point in the enitre show was undoubtedly the performance of Bruce Bricknell, who played the Master of Ceremonies. Here also, both in costume and staging, an effort was made to reproduce the movie, and this time it paid well. The singing and off very choreography were excellent, and the costumes especially in the finale were colourful and imaginative. Bruce Bricknell maintained complete control of the audience from start to finish, his slightly twangy voice carried extremely well to all points of the theatre and he was probably the most polished performer present. In fact, Bruce and the Kit-Kat girls probably could have done the show all by themselves and been quite successful. The baton-twirling interlude with Deidre K-ing, one of the Kit-Kat girls, not quite in keeping with the period, was nevertheless an excellent performance. Tom White as Ernst Ludwig, the German who befriends Cliff and turns out to be an S.S. man, was a little too stiff at first but otherwise conformed relatively well to the popular version of the humourless military-type German war-movie ‘villain’. There was B special appearance by a family singing group known as “Father’s Children” to perform a patriotic Hitler-


. ;. :.

Youth” -s@ng, but






the girls with bare Their appearance; midriffs and minis and the young man in dark glasses, was totally unsuitable and their singing was more like a lullaby than the stirring hymn for the ‘Fatherland’ it was intended to be. But the cast and the audience got wholeheartedly into the final singing of “Cabaret” and there was much clapping of hands and lifting of spirits. It was, on the whole, an entertaining, if not exactly memorable, evening of theatre and there was always beer to help over the rough spots. More to the point, we have a pretty hard-working Little Theatre group in these twin cities and they certainly deserve a larger audience than they have had for some of their shows. Let’s hope that this Oktoberfest venture starts a new trend and people becorn; aware that community theatre is there for the community. -julia frittaion


the audience to give them a good mixture of both his old and newer poetry. With a Canadian Studies group, Birney explored his feelings abut Canadian politics and nationalism. In the first half of the session he spoke- illustrated his views on Canada with such satiric works as Canada: A Case History. Birney noted that Canadians ‘have no ghosts’ and wondered at our reluctance to make heroes. Later, Birney went on to des-tribe his feelings about being a poet -in Canada-how difficult it is to survive in such a capacity and the refusal of people in this country to support their own artists. One of the dominant impressions about Birney is the tremendous vitality and enthusiasm he brings to his work. This coupled with an almost invariable light heartedness on his part and the fast moving character of his poetry, made his presentations eminently enjoyable. And Birney is both a good academic and writer.

A new twist

/-A fo,nd return

Former poet in residence, Earle Birney, returned to Waterloo last week after an absence of six years, the aim being a recitation of his recent works and a description of his travels since his departure from the university. From his talks, one gathered that Birney has, in fact travelled extensively. Poems written in Fiji, England, Africa, Australia, East Asia and in the Philipines demonstrate that he has not been idle in these past- years. And the pOetry written in the different places is not written in a Canadian context by an expatriate Canadaian, but exists as pieces in themselves. Birney was kept well occupied with a cramped schedule throughout the week appearing at the Campus Centre, Theatre of the Arts, the Kitchener Publi’c Library, Canadian Studies and groups of local high school students during his 3 day visit. Birney was able to talk and effectively respond to all of the different people he came in. front-students, high school students and teachers, professors and so on. At the Kitchenr Library he faced the most homogeneous. gcoup of people who


to <e&hi@, )

y&&a$able ... 1. . ‘2_,.

to size up

His poetry and readings are not pedantic, yet contain a wealth of literary illusion. Birney is interested in this community, in this university and in education. It was natural, that in 1967, the centennial year, he should come to Waterloo, a new red brick university. Also Birney brings to his work and this university a refreshing honesty. There are no pretentions about what he is doing or what it to try and survive as a Canadian artist. As he points out, he is a freelancer who supplements by his readings, a small income from war and old age pensions and insignificant royalties from his books. So, it is a habit of Birney to bring copies of his books to the readings which he unashamedly offers up for sale. It is a comment on the regard Canadians have for their artists, that Earle Birney, well past retirement age has to work to live. In spite of this however, he is alive, enthusiastic and creative. -david mather

Play It Again,

Sam- taken from one of the most famous quotes Humphrey Bogart never said, this is the Woody Allen tour de farce which sold out on Broadway before hitting the screen, and for good reason. The take-off scenes of “Casablanca are high comedy at its best, and the screenplay gives Woody his best chance yet to display his expansive comedy talent. Target-Never heard of it, but who cares? Go. see Woody Al\q anyway.. . . .


. : .


... e-5>’<.-. . .’.a!‘,.: __ i1 ... -. .:’‘::i.-.

Few spy thrillers successfully combine rationality, professionalism and enjoyment. One is usually presented with the mindless gimickry of James Bond and Matt Helm -or the bleak overprofessionalism of The Spy Who Came -In From the Cold and The Jackal. Not so The Mackintosh Man now in its second week at the Fairview Cinema. Much of the plot is amusing, yet still very much run-of-the-mill. The last scene, however, absolves any mediocrity that came before. The antagonists, the British spy-played by Paul Newman (with the fun that he always brings to the screen&and the commie spies are at a stand off. A decision must be made. They can either adhere to the orders given them by their governments and kill each other off or they can allow one another to go his separate way in peace, both realizing that the other was doing a job for an ideology he believed in and that the world is made of more than just ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’. The decision agreed upon virtually forces the audierice to judge the characters’ ‘actions and the dramatic climax is an unexpected twist which will give you something to talk about long after the movie ends. The movie should- also be a welcome milestone for women’s liberation, since neither Dominique Sanda’s role nor the other main female part is portrayed in the usual submissive, feminine manner, but developed fully and all-too-equally. Sanda, one of the most sensuous actresses of our age, is mostly wasted in her part, and is allowed, to walk through most of her scenes. Newman does another fine job of playing Newman, and even half-heartedly fakes the required Australian accent every now and again. James Mason, another fine British actor who has been mostly misused by directors over the years, fiils out a very capable cast,, playing the part of a fiery law-and-order member of the Commons with a little business going on the side. The location photography in Ireland and Malta is often enough to make you want to run out to the nearest travel bureau to book a flight. Certainly not a great movie by any means-the plot is given away without much real suspense--MaeInto& Man is one of those easy-to-take adventures which manages to surprise you with a little unexpected intelligence and novelty,.+.,j. +;: . F . _ y-tnafg~~~~~ I.. ..( . . .‘;‘ p., A%. ._



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octdwr ----__.

19 .~,

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the chevron

19, 1973










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fwoc FRIDAY The Late by Rene Obaldia and Not I by Samuel Beckett. Both plays involve women and the problems of accepting oneself and one’s identity. Free ad11:30 am Humanities mission. Theatre.


See the display of Gold Records, The Record Production Line, Vintage Radio and Gramaphone display, The Quad Demonstration area and Music Trend Fashion Shows.

Baha’i fireside 7:30 pm Village I S8210. Interested? Drop-in or call Andy 884-7577. SATURDAY March and ‘Rally in support of Israel. Meet at Beth Jacob Centre, 161 Stirling Avenue South, Kitchener. 7:30 pm Call 744-5798 for rides and information. SUNDAY Worship service




Bible study at 7 pm CC 113 sponsored inThe Navigators, and by terdenomrnational Christian group. All are welcome.

prospective volunteers interested in working with Third World nations following graduation next spring. 8pm Bl-266.

Circle K Club meeting Everyone welcome.

Grand Valley flyers model club monthly meeting. 7:30pm W-W Airport, Old Club House. Admission Sr 75 cents; junior free.

6 pm CC113.

Gay Liberation Movement sponsors “Growing-up Female” film and speakers from Woman’s Place. 8 pm Hum. undergrad lounge 2nd floor. Everyone welcome. For more information call ext 2372 or drop into our office CC217C

College lo.:30 am. Speaker Marg- and Jim Reimer on “The womb of despair breeds hope”. Discussion follows service.

Open meeting of Defense Committee for Dr. Morgantaler. Volunteers needed. 8 pm ML217.

Art Gallery Seminar on What is a Painting? realism, abstraction, composition and technique. All seminars will have a discussion period following, 2:30 pm Theatre of Arts. Free admission.

U of W student art show. 10 am-10 pm Fairview Plaza, Kitchener. This show is on all week. OPIRG Board of Directors general meeting. Persons interested in directors policy or positions as directors are invited. 9pm E2-3321.

Vesper service at Conrad Grebel’ College 4:30 pm. Speaker President Frank Epp *(CGC). Parent’s Day is topic.

Amateur Radio Club VE3UOW is holding a meeting 4:30pm E2-2349. Everyone is welcome.

MONDAY Instructional and Recreational sailing. New members always welcome. 6 pm Boat House, Lake Columbia.

Chess club organizational 7:30pm CC135. CUSO






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Second lecture in Religious Studies group with Dr Klaus Klastermaier, Prof of Religions of India at U of Manitoba. Topic: Krishna and Christ. 3:30pm El1501”. Question period to follow. Everyone welcome. Bible- study sponsored Navigators. 7pm CC 113. welcome.

by the Everyone

WEDNESDAY Margaret Elligsen and David Walker sing duets with Joanne Elligsen pianist. 11: 30am Theatre of Arts. Free admission. Environmental Studies 358 lecture on Economics of Pollutidn Problems with D. W. Fischer, Man-Environment Studies, Waterloo. 7pm Bl-271.

Interested in a Cross-Cultural Experience? Canadian Crossroads International information meeting 7: 30pm Engineering lecture Hall, room 105, Waterloo University.


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Canadian Crossroads International information meeting. 7pm Willison Lounge, Student Union Bldg, WLU.




Ewart Brandon

Prayer meeting CC1 13 7a’m. Everyone is welcome.

Environmental Studies 358 lecture on Soil problems connected with use of agricultural chemicals with D. W. Doffman, Cent<re for Resources Development, U of Guelph. 8:30pm Bl-271.


UP TO-$1000



The Blind Men by Michel de Ghelderode and directed by Maurrce Evans. 11: 30am Theatre of Arts. Free admission. Canadian Studies 201 lecture Theatre and Drama in Canada topic. Prof. R. Llster, English speaker. 7-9pm B l-167.



the chevron


19, 1973





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19, 1973

\ htra ,mural teririis c

the chevron



winning- the first set in a 7-6 game tie-breaker, Culik then lost 5-7. In the third set, Wice seemed to be coming on strong with a 2 games to 1 lead, but Culik again showing great steady play went on to win the match, and his second straight

i c

Ch%Zon~~ter finalists were Peter Robutka, Kinesiology; Jack Williams, Optometry; Carl Tyml, Lower Engineering; and Peter Millard of Upper Engineering.

Tennis After one hundred matches and over eight hundred games, the intramural tennis tournament finally came to its dramatic conclusion. The eighty Rod Lavers and Stan Smiths competed in a modified single eliminationconsolation event which permitted everyone to contest in at least two matches. St. Jeromes again led the charge with over twenty participants. With the better facilities this year, each participant had ample opportunity to display his skills. After five evenings of exciting, high calibre tennis, the final eight in the championship round were pitted against the final eight of the consolation. In semi-final action, defending champion Karl Culik made few mistakes in smashing Richard Fleming of Environmental Studies 6-0, 6-l. In the other match, Rob Wice avenged his last year’s defeat to Byre Gowda by erasing him 6-0, 6-4. In the final, it was Wices’ strong top spin driving forehand versus Culik’s steady forehand, and well placed backhand drop shot. After being delayed due to heavy fog and a varsity tournament, . the two played a best of three match, that. lasted close to three hours. Rally after rally both players exhibited precisely executed shots. After



Last Saturday , the Engineering Challenge Run was held as 20 competitors overcame all physiological difficulties stemming from Oktoberfest activities. St. Jeromes continued their domination of the competitive tournaments, supplying 10 of the 20 entrants. However, things were somewhat different this time, as the Bagbiter entries were not only participants, but -- honest-togoodness competitors. Literally running away from the opposition, St. Jeromes captured lst, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th places. Larry Spriet never tired in missing the old record by 6 seconds, with a time of 15: 37. Terry Redvers of Kinesiology managed to spoil the Bagbiter monopoly by placing second, 23 seconds behind the leader. Third place went to Gary Szoke, 4th to John Doyle, while Dune McKinnon and Ken Forgeron captured 5th and 6th respectively.

Lacrosse Hard-hitting, strong checking and good goal tending featured last week’s lacrosse action as Math Waterbellies took over first place by verdict of two close victories. Tim Barrie scored a power play goal with 10 seconds left to play, to

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enable the Waterbellies to nip a rejuvenated South Quad squad 8-7. Mike Craig tallied five times in a losing cause. In the other contest, St. Jeromes, with a hat-trick by Bill Nunn, upset Kinesiology 5-3 for the latter’s first setback. On Saturday, the Waterbellies used a 4-O early lead to hold on to a 7-5 win over St. Jeromes, dropping the bagbiters to third place. Playoffs for lacrosse begin today, and continue this coming Tuesday.

Soccer In soccer action, St. Jeromes leads League A with a 4 and 0 record. Last week, Chris Gadula scored 4 goals to lead the Bagbiters to an 8-O whitewash of VI North. The Canadian Connection which has a similar record in League B, also shut out their opponents last week, defeating Parta Ola 2-O. In the two games they played, Renison could only muster 1 goal and 1 point as they tied Parta Ola l-l, but lost to V2 North S-zip. In other games, V2 South bombed Vl West, 4-0, while Env. Studies edged 3B Chem Eng 1-O.


their winning ways with a verdict over South Ind. as Math outpointed Science 14-8. The Jocks sent the Sunnydale Pigs squealing home with an easy 19-O whipping. In .the two games they played, the kin team outlasted Co-’ op 14-0, and ran over the Engineers 16-7. In other games,, Upper Eng beat ESS 12-2, Optometry drubbed Science 20-2, and Reg Math set back Recreation 13-6. On, the second last play of the game, Co-op scored a touchdown to seemingly win a squeaker over Optometry 14-13. However, on the ensuing kickoff, a lineman for Optometry picked up the short kick and booted it back over Coop’s goal line for the game tying point. With their 15-7 win over the CCFU’s, the 69’ers hold 1st place in league F. With 3 straight wins, Conny G. is in first in League A, while V2 South holds a similar record in League B. Vl South leads the pack in League C, while Kinesiology is barnstorming League D. In League G, the Jocks, after erasing the Loosenuts 20-0, leads all comers. 21-6

Lynne Waddington and for North, Janice Crago. On Monday, Conrad Grebel won by default over V2 East. Vl North chalked up another win by defeating V2 West 7-O. Janice Crago scored for North. St. Paul’s won by default over Recreation. St. Jerome still going strong with no losses, won over Renison 8-3. Scoring for St. Jerome was Les Middleton and for Renison, Leila Luomala. Vl South suffered a loss to V2 South 6-l. Scoring for V2 South was Diana Moody and for Vl. South, Pat Munroe. The leaders in their respective leagues are : league A league B V2Sou th-6pts St. Jerome-Bpts Conrad Grebel5pts VlNorth -4pts Lakeshore-5pts Co-ed Volleyball will be starting soon. Entry date is October 24 and organizational meeting is on October 29. Coed Broomball’s deadline for entries is on October 22 and there is an organizational meeting on October 24. Ice Hockey sign-ups are due on October 23, with a meeting for all interested on October 24. Basketball will be underway starting with October 23 entry date and October 24 as an organizational meeting. All meetings are held in PAC room 1089. Sign-ups for co-ed curling bonspiel are due on October 26. If you don’t have a team to play for and are interested, submit your name and teams will be arranged. Interested in any of the above events? Come out and participate.

Curling club \ activity



Just a reminder that the tennis court hours under the bubble are as follows : Mondays : 2 courts 9 am - 12 noon Tuesday : 2 courts 9 am - 11 pm Thursdays : 2 courts 9 am - -11 Pm Fridays : 2 courts 9 am - 12 pm 1 court 12 noon - 2 pm 2 courts 2 pm - 6 pm 2 courts 1 pm - 11 pm





Don’t forget the upcoming events that are coming your way. The intramural mixed bonspiel is set for Nov. 3 at the Glenbriar. Teams consisting of two guys and two girls must be entered by Friday, October’ 26. For more information, call the intramural office at 3532. The squash tournament begins Tuesday, Nov. 9, and entries for this event are due Friday, Nov. 6. The co-ed swim meet has been rescheduled to Saturday, Nov. 17. Also note that the entry dates for toed broomball and recreational hockey is Monday, Oct. 22. Due to limited ice time, we have room for only 12 recreational hockey teams.

Flag football In flag football action, St. Jeromes are still fuming over an 18-13 defeat to the surprisingly strong gang from Conrad Grebel. V2 West defeated V2 North 8-1, while V2 South were whitewashing V2 .East 8-O. The 69’ers con-

Coming up on Saturday, November 3, is the annual mixed intramural bonspiel. It will be held at the Glenbriar Curling Club and will consist of three eight end games during the day with a party to follow. Winners will receive the coveted Fishers Loving Cup and will represent the University of Waterloo in the Invitational Mixed Intercollegiate Bonspiel on November 11th. Each team must consist of two guys from the same faculty or residence and any two women. Entries should be submitted to the athletic office or Wednesday, October 10, saw given to Pat Munroe at 884-6548 by 29th. If anyone is insome hard fought battles in October terested in curling but is unable to women’s flag football. V2 West vs. V2 North ended in a find a team, they should leave 6-6 tie. Scoring for West was their names with Pat. The bonspiel starts at 8:45 am Marlene Reiss and for North, Joan and lasts till 9 pm with the social to Stainton. V2 South won by default over V2 East. Lakeshore came out follow. Recreational curling has started in full strength and defeated Vl at the K.W. Granite Club on South 7-O. B.J. Danylck, quarterback for Lakeshore, ran the Mondays and Thursdays from 4 touchdown. Conrad Grebel tallied pm ‘to 6 p.m. Instructional curling will bogiven by club members for up another victory by defeating those ‘wishing to learn the sport. Recreation 8-O. Due to conflicting individual Brooms and practice times are team schedules, games were c available. Men’s and women’s varsity played on Sunday. VI West suffered a hard loss when they met St. competition should begin Jerome, 31-O. Scoring for St. sometime next week. Men who &ish to compete in this comJerome were: Marg (Mouse) Durer with two touchdowns, Eve .j’petition should enter their rinks Reniers, Jane Rednard and J. ‘ during recreational curling or call Jonkers with one each. Renison Terry Olakey at 743-0760. Women defeated Vl North 5-l. Scoring for competitors should contact Judy Renison were Leila Luomala and Moore at the intramural office.

Female . flags flying



the chevron



19, 1973

by don ballanger

...WITHA NECKSNAPPINGCLIMAX! The Canadian film industrygs ted English language offering



to date.







Put-kers look -good



FOR w)U...

. ..where nothing canpossbly



& X0


Varsity -hockey opens the uptoming season with the Warriors neeting Humber College in Toronto tomorrow. Coach Bob ticKillop predicts that exErienced rookies will blend in well vith last year’s veterans for a good ,eason. Thirteen out of the twenty-two Ilayers of last year’s squad will be leturning this season: seven at orward, four. at defence, two at centre, one- in goal,, with one extra. \mong these are all-stars, centre mike Guimond, who was voted nost valuable player and rookie of he year last season; goaltender rake Dupuis ; right-winger Russ Elliott and left-winger Cam Crosby, who may possibly see duty a defence . Adding strength to the team will le promising newcomers, in .efencemen Ron Park who has ome from Columbus, Ohio, Inerna tional League ; Greg Miazga rom the Saskatchewan Jr. A; and William McKetrick from the Oak-ille Jr. B. The forwards are entres Bob Menard who played in raltimore and Paul Banner from ?e Toronto Jr. Nationals; leftringer Jeff Fielding from the Ztchener Jr. A; and right-wingers till Daub and Rob Madely. Backup goaltenders will be Doug Inaudy, a veteran of two seasons &go, who was’ plagued by injuries hroughout last year’s season’ long with one of three remaining ontenders, yet to be chosen. ‘hese experienced rookies will add 3 the possibility of the Warriors oing as long way, if the defenemen and goaltenders come trough. The team’s main strength lies in leir good forwards and centers

who have the ability to score while their weakness lies in the defensive squad, as in past years. Two of the returning defencemen have already proven their ability and two of the four newcomers must come through to balance the blue line. -As has been the case in previous years, the team to beat will be the university of Toronto Blues with the predicted dark horse being the university of Western Ontario Mustangs. This year’s inter-squad game will be played tonight at Waterloo Memorial Arena at 8 :30 pm at which time Coach McKillop will make his final choice for this season’s team. -1% -kek

Varsity sport shortsBasketball Warrior basketball hopefuls along with coach Don McRae are practising daily in the peoples gym in preparation for the upcoming O.U.A.A. basketball season. The Warriors last year were rated the number one team in the country until they were upset 76-75 by Windsor in the O.U.A.A. final. The league, however, has a good chance of tightening up this year, and teams other than Waterloo and Windsor may be in the running for a playoff position. The Warriors are going to have to do without the services of allstars Paul Bilewitz and Tom Kieswetter this year. Among the returnees from last year’s squad will be Ed Dragon, Phil Schlote, Bob Simons, Mike Moser- and Ed Talas. Two probable additions to the team are Trevor Biggs from Loyola, voted most outstanding player in the ‘71-72 season and six foot six inch Phil Goggins who sat

~out last year with an injury. __ McRae feels that the team still has a good nucleus, but that the team will have to play a different style of basketball. The opening home game for the Warriors is on November 16 against last year’s C.I.A.U. championship finalists Lakehead University. The annual Naismith Classic is set to go on November 23 and 24.

Rugger With only two games remaining the Warrior rugger team is in third spot in the western division behind Guelph and Western. Of the seven games played the Warriors managed to win only two. The two remaining games are against Brock and McMaster. In a previous meeting with Brock on October 9, the Warriors managed a 32-4 victory.

Soccer In the O.U.A.A. soccer league, the Warrior team is tied with Brock and McMaster for last place. All three teams have total points of four. Laurentian leads the western division with thirteen points. In games last week, Brock defeated Waterloo by a score of 42, while Guelph defeated the Warriors 2-O. On October 17 the Warriors travel to Toronto, and on October 20 and 21 Laurentian University visits Waterloo.

Squash After several weeks of practice coach John Nash has picked the varsity squash team for this season. Several weeks ago the team learned some tips from world champion squash player, Hashim Khan. This coming Wednesday the team is sponsoring a match between the Canadian ranked doubles team of Eric Wiffen and Dave Fleming-Wood who will be challenging a doubles team comprising Sandy Morgan, who was ranked second in Canadian doubles and Steve- Heysi, a member of the varsity squash team who is currently ranked seventh in Ontario. The match is at 5:00 pee eem.



19, 1973



the chevron




I --------e-e--








Field hoc.key ., tourntiys prelude \

not play as well as they could have, Michigan on Thanksgiving especially on Friday. They started weekend to compete against some on a very tough draw, McGill and of the best teams from Michigan, Queen’s, and were missing the Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. The I I high scorer on the team. Both team played six games, winning $i McGill and Queen’s dominated the three, tying two and losing one 5 play and wound up with identical 3- game. 1 0 scores against the Athenas. Next Game 1. vs Windsor (0-O) game was against a very young Friday afternoon the team Western squad, and the Athena’s picked up a game against the won Z-O. Sue Hamilton scored both University of Windsor. The play Waterloo goals. Last game of the was wide open and the team day was against Guelph. The score maintained good positional at the half was a O-O tie, but Guelph’ hockey. Co-captain Brenda really turned on the pressure in the Eckhardt led the team, directing second half to win 3-O. the plays from her centre half Saturday, saw improved play position. She was backed up by YDS YDS YDS GOAL YDS YDS YDS from Waterloo, however they lost steady defensive play from I 8 two close games to York and fullbacks, Lynne Westwood and Toronto, 1-O. The other game was Cheryl Mangolt. The only ‘goal of won by Waterloo 2-O over Mcthe game came from the Athenas Master. Waterloo really hustled in The Athena field hockey team is part of the stick may come above but was called back resulting in a this one and seemed to have a real shoulder level; this is a foul called hosting the annual Waterloo Inscoreless tie. edge in play. Sue Hamilton and ‘sticks’. No part of one’s body may vitational field hockey tournament Game 2 vs Wittenburg College of Marilyn Woods provided the goals come between one’s opponent and , today and tomorrow on Columbia Ohio (l-1) for Waterloo. the ball if the opponent is within field. The games start at 9:30 am Again the Athenas played a wide When asked whether or not the with the last games starting at 5:00 reach of the ball (obstruction). open brand of hockey, with good calibre was so much stronger than One may not advance or move the pm on both days. positional play. In this game the what Waterloo had previously seen bail in any direction with any part Two American teams, Michigan forwards were able to sustain a when they played some of the State and Lock Haven will be of the body, the one exception few more good rushes to produce a E&stern schools, coach Judy being the goalkeeper who uses her represented along with Trent, 1-O score at half-time. Goal was Moore stated that the calibre was feet more than her stibk. McMaster and Toronto, both with scored by Susie Hamilton. The not that much more improved or The offside rule limits set pattwo squads, and the Guelph team. l -defense ran intq problems on stronger, but that the Athenas terns and plays. No player in her In an effort to acquaint more corner plays. The first half was attacking half of the field may be didn’t play well. The offense is . people with the sport of field dominated by the Athenas but the young this year and needs time to hockey, and to encourage people to ahead of the ball when it ‘is hit by Ohio gals returned strong ofpressurize and then score; one of her own team unless there attend the games, the following fensively to tie the game. however, if the defense makes are three defenders between her explanation of the game is offered. then the opponents Game’ 3 vs Michigan State and the goal. The goalkeeper is costly errors capitalize. University (3-O) included ii? this count of three. Coach Mpore then stated that the This game belonged to the Introduction to Above all hockey is a game of team must commit themselves to forwards and halfbacks. Rarely masterful skill and deception, scoring team. The did the ball penetrate into the anticipation and concentration. \ be a better field hockey backs must become more Athena end of the field. The team aggressive and the break-out was really hustling with the forField Hockey is played in many patterns need improvement. It is wards backcheching effectively, countries by both men and women. hoped that the team will gel as a and the halfbacks sending the ball Each team consists of eleven unit now for this weekend. up the field quickly, sometimes players : five forwards, three The University of Waterloo Field catching State’s defense unhalfbacks, two fullbacks a‘nd a Hockey Athenas travelled to prepared. photo by beth heuter goalkeeper. Each defensive player has an immediate opponent to \ check. At the beginning of the game, , after each goal is scored and at the beginning of the second half, the players line up on either side of the centre line on a field that is 100 yards long, and 60 yards wide. The game is started by a bully (faceoff) between the two opposing centre forwards, and on its The Athena, field hockey team completion the forwards may has a very hectic schedule with the cross into the other team’s end. In first game of the season played on order to score a goal (one point>, September 25 and the O.W.I.A.A. the ball must be hit or at least championships happeqing touched by the stick of an atNovember 2 and 3: The Athenas tacking player within the striking have played every weekend and c circle. the following is an account of their The challenge of the game and largest tournament played in its techniques are based on the Valley Farm Michigan and their simple fact that only the flat side of more recent tournament at York. the stick may be used. A player must become flexible, particularly York tournament through the shoulders, and agile, able to move in any direction at Last weekend the Fieltd Hockey varying speeds, and stop buickly . Team travelled to York University In the execution of all techniques to compete against the seven other there are three restrictions. No teams in the league. The team did



Susie Hamilton played a strong game as Center Forward and led . the offense with two goals. Marlene Grolman added the other. The two wings, Wendy Gray and Marilyn Woods played well delivering many hard drives from the edge of the circle to the slot. Draga Jovic was moving the ball well to the right wing and Draga closed out the right side of the field defensively. Although the first half was scoreless it was obvious that the offense was bound to break the game open. The second half reurned the odds to the Athenas. The pressure was really too much for the M.S.U. squad. Game 4 vs Ohio University (1-O) This was the third game of the day for the Athenas and the Ohio team. It was a scrappy game with a lot of little infractions slowing down play considerably. Neither team played a$ well as they could but when it was all over Waterloo was victorious with a 1-O score. Marlene Grolman scored her second goal of the day from a scramble in front of the Ohio goal. Considering this was their 4th’ game in less than 24 hours, the Athenas did not play too badly. Ohio University is one of the hotbed field hockey teams of the Ohio Universities, consequently, the Athenas pulled off an upset. Game 5 vs Southern Illinok ( 1-2) Waterloo lost this one game to a more experienced team on one fantastic goal, probably the prettiest goal seen scored this season. After Marlene Grolman tied the score in the first half, the Athepas just couldn’t get the go ahead goal. After getting ahead 2-1 the Southern Illinois gals still managed to keep the play up field away from their goal. The halfback line on the S.I. team is their strength and our forwards had a great deal of. trouble penetrating. The Athenas could not get their wide open brand of hockey moving in this game. Game 6 vs Ball State of Indiana (I-


The Athenas really started to get untracked in this game after being bottled , up in the game before against Southern Illinois. Again fatigue took its toll on both teams as some sloppy play was present, but the teams were evenly matched. Susie Hamilton scored the lone goal, her 6th of the season and 4th of the weekend. This leaves the Athenas with a record of so far this season of 6 wins, 4 losses and 2 ties. Three of the four losses were in the first four games of the season. High individual scorer is Susie Hamilton with 6 goals of the 13 scored by the team. Coach Moore stated that one of the most encouraging factors of the ‘tournamerit was “the vast improvement generally in the team and that they are now consistently playing a wide-open brand of hockey. The play of the defense has really come along to the point khey have the potential to dominate the play in their own end of the field.” When asked about the calibre of competition, coach Moore stated that the competition was about par with our league here in Ontario, however, there are always stand outs in the tournament. Ohio University and Southern Illinois were by far the best American competition there. ’ When asked about the problems of the team, coach Moore said that the team “still needed to score more, and that although the nature of the game tends to be defensive, in order to win, the team must score. Many of the tactical situations, free hit, roll in, and corners, need more work allowing these situations to work advantageously for the team.”

York and Valley Farm tourneys

-heather +




30 <the chevron * 7,/P : /?j ; . >, ,: ,T-

’ _-



19, &3

. -There were numerous pre-surgejr blood but I would estimate it at abo’ut five per pressure readings . and temperature hour during much of the day. Because of measurements and by the end of the this the . patient feels helpless-each evening I had lost count of the numbers hospital employee has a special&d task and-kinds of people coming rapidly in and to--hurriedly perform for or on him. One _o.ut~ of -our four-patient ward. No one woman seemed to have nothing else to do except the anaesthetist knocked on the but take care of cold drinks in this 700 bed door and if one wished to dress in privacy, hospital. -Patient fragmentation becomes a it was necessary to use a communal toilet very real problem and- specialists on the with no lock on it. Showers of course.could staff -appear to find it difficult to cornonly be reached along a heavily used mu&ate with ,each other about a patient public concourse. No.- one could unexcept through the medium of writing or s derstand my not wanting to wear pyjamas through rules. when trying to sleep. Part of the problem is the extremelyThe food,-as I, became familiar with it, rigid rules and- hierarchy which exists in bore the unmistakable. signs of British the hospital. The power of this hierarchy culinary perversion--meat and vegetables is reinforced by the coloured uniforms, the boiled, steamed or fried to the point of complex -technology, the size of the being insipid, tea badly made and a large hospital and above all the ignorance of the “gob”‘of porridge for breakfast. We found patient (the medical guild cannot imagine it necessary to import our own extras treating a well-informed patient). Adthrough friends from the “outside”. ditionally, there is a feeling that the As often as I could during my four typical patient-, because he is paid for by days’ stay I asked those collecting data OHIP (to which he contributes!), is not about me--and there were at least eight-personally paying his way .and those what they were getting from it. They said providing a service to -him need feel little it was only for the doctor to s& There accountability to . him as a-patient or a seemed no way for example, I could have human. obtained a look at the large dossier which ‘Technology and drugs in the hospital accompanied me to the operating theatrewere impressive. -However, I suspect, both and -even less chance, despite the myriads ‘, need people%o feed on to validate their of para-medics, of getting a summary or usefulness. Who,. for example, needs an interpretation of its contents. Every endless x-rays, the constant humiliation of time I asked a question about what was rectal thermometers, an excess of sle&@ng happening to me or about the utility of a pills and pain killers (are ,nurses drug particular instruction I was told that it pushers?) with no !possibility of feedback didn’t concern me or it was ‘in the-rules”. as to the purposes of their use or the (Remember Catch-22) results? In this case J was the stupid , As an environmentalist I was interested patient who had no idea whether my not only in the social milieau of such a temperature was 200 degrees F or- my hospital but also in how physical- aspects ~blood pressure was rapidly rising or of the hospital affected some very ill falling; Was I being constantly probed, patients. It din’t take me long to reach the doped and measured because I was dying conclusion that the nose being generated or getting better? \ around the patient could slowly drive him My experience made it easy to see why mad (thank god for tranquilizers and. medicine has become ,the third largest sleeping pills!). The beds squeaked and industry in’ Canada and why there are / made funny sounds when raised or such tremendous gaps between patients i lowered, the air conditioning/heating, and a whole array of technicians who tend constantly purred, the hallway public to see both themselves and patieps address system boomed into the minimerely as an extension -of their gimmickywards day and night as did the noise of technology. These are strong sentiments _ carts and trolleys thanks to the combut there is no doubt in my mind, aftera pulsory open-door policy. Most utensils limited but impactful experienc,q. and hardware were made of metal. or -- very that the typical patient in my hospital; ceramic materials which clanged when was learning nothing new about his own handled and floors were constructed -of health, -about- health, technology and plain tiles which not lonly produced sound drugs. Thanks too, to a closed guild, when walked on but deflected ‘,-and medical’ information is well guarded and reverberated ot-her- sounds. Similar _. . _I I ..S^ / patient partic&pation, eveh in Self - treatment and disease prevention, is ’ minimized.

tification, I got past the admission area in I wrote the following ,account in a local Kitchener-Waterloo hospital while unthe care of a pink-frocked volunteer. We went to a laboratory where blood and dergomg surgery *for a nose “broken” in a urine-were taken, apparentlyfor numcar accident. The original draft was merous tests. ‘- Nobody explained the written on an. opened-out paper bag of any of these tests or that I because I could not get any writing paper. ‘. purposes should have come with ‘a urine-filled -The second draft was hand-written on the bladder! after being handed on to more back of some form letters. When the article was finished, and while I was’ still ’ people, I finally reached my bed. The in the hospital, I- asked a representative number of employees “processing” me before reaching my ward totalled seven; from ,a . local Kitchen&-Waterloo newspaper -to call and collect it for Within the first two hours of occupancy I was confronted with another nine different publication: Her-editor refused to print it because he thought it was-not an accurate people each of whom passed on an in_ portrayal of what it was like in this struction or a piece of information--some _ pa.rtJcular hospital except for the comof it was helpfullike the times the candy m/ents on 1the quality of the food, He wagon would -be arriving, but most of it was very rule-oriented.” By this stage I ) admitted, however, that when he had been i&here in 1972 he had had a private room. was beginning to see many parallels with ’ He disagreed that the hospital was a place military life--the uniforms differentiated _where one \might learn some fairly vital each person in the hospital hierarchy, pink things ,about one’s own health and about for the pleasant volunteers, yellow /gold surgical techniques and drugs. He seemed ’ for the timid student nurses, green for the - to-be willing to go along with the notion technology-oriented operating theatre -._ that dented cars and surgical-patients personnel and white for the rule-enforcing are very similar-a car is taken to the’garage to professional staff. Within this latter group - --get a. fender straightened out while the uniforms were cut to different shapes -and patient goes to the hospital to get a nose nurses had different ‘kinds of caps to straightened out. Nothing more. indicate from whence they had graduated. ’ Needless to say , I was somewhat Medallions and badges amongst whiteuniformed group bestowed some kind of maddened by the whole affair. The official status such as being a registered hospital experience, the indifference and disbelief of the editor and my-own earlier nurse. Plastic chest labels indicated the \ traumatic j surgicalexperiences --I still . names of those a patient should know. The have bodily disfigurements caused name tags were the same as those worn by through bungled surgery when I was a the military. By the eonclusionofthe first evening it young child--have probably all biased my had-become very clearthat I was “on the attitude toward the medical profession. However, even if the following is a little _ too subjective and ignores some of the , y- better people-happenings, ,I .ma.intain%hat .. . Because the patient is treated as a along the treatment. road the patient collection of, unrelat,$ fragments by lots ’ : should, when in hospital or visiting a of specialists, he has little opportunity to physician: participate in warm personal hospital , 1. Know what is, happening to his body. relationships except with other patients. 2. Not feel as though he is being ina When intimacy and friendliness i&such carcerated or being treated like an object. situations ‘are not possible, rigid rules The following then, was written during become the norm and patients are forced and after a four-day stay-in hospital: As - 1into -mflexible rule frameworks. I hope I “Please be’seated and Gait”. This was / don’t have to go to the hospital again for a the first verbal direction1 was to receive long time to be needlessly wakened to take on arriving for admission at a local sleeping pills, admonished for a broken Kitchener-Waterloo hospital. ! , toilet- (I did not do it!), needled for eating When a careless driver had hit my car .‘, candy before surgery (I didn’t!) and to be and. damaged’ it extensively some four constantly badgered for not leaving the months previously, my nose had been door wide open. ’ knocked out of shape and I was unable to It is significant that as a patient leaves 1-breathe out of one nostril. The following he is told, “You can’t leave without a day I was to havesurgery to correct this i -_-_ nurse to take you downstairs.?’ - problem. - ’ Perhaps patients in private rooms’ are -1 hadn’t been in a -hospital since early . ,not treated this way? Perhaps OHIP and childhood but my memories of physicianti _ taxpayers want it this way? I didn’t like - and hospital bungling and needless _ \ my “treatment” at all because I felt operations were still very fresh. My totally powerless in the’ hospital. :inhibitions, because. of’ these memories, must have been communicated in some After leaving-t-he hospital I went to a way to the . x-ray technician--the second-. ... lawyer to enquire about getting some person to “service” me. She asked if my.’ inside”. I was ordered by nurses to comments could be made about lighting, compensation for pain and lost work time. previous hospital experiences had been - shower, told what to do with the soap and ventilation and the like. Architects and .He suggested that insurance companies unsatisfactory. I replied in the affiimativeto shave because, “The-doctor doesn’t like engineers, it would seem, have never been were not particularly interested in body but she was not interested in why they unshaven faces” , lights were to be out by patients in public wards. . injuries. I was also required to go: back to had been traumatic. ’ ten o’clock and I was given- sleeping ,‘As I mournfully stuck it out for four the surgeon for a “post op” check out. \ Weeks prior to the admission I had had capsules with very little option as- to L days for minor surgery, I began to realize When I went to see him on-two occasions to, fill out quite a * long form regarding whether I would take them or not. We (a that patients were not too dissimilar to - there were so many people ahead of me information on allergies and on diseases GM a3tos in a ‘mass production plant. co-patient was admitted at the-same time (despite an appointment) that’ I gave up relevant to the kstress of surgery. Other ‘as I was for the same kind of operation) , However, unlike an auto in such a plant, , waiting. My time is as valuable as the ’ information such -as religion. and ocwere informed that all doors to the main _ the patient doesn’t keep moving along the surgeon’s time but health professionals cupation was aiso requested---this seemed passage ways must be kept open (“We assembly line (except when he is going to seem not to recogni& this fact. (irrelevant to me. During one of the adlike to know what is going pn in there”) surgery or to have some of the inYou will be happy to learn, despite allmission interviews some of. the same and my visitor-friends had to leave -their numerable tests taken), rather he is “the gripes in the fore going, that my nose , information was requested andit seemed family.,downstairs because’ chiIdren were - stationary most of the time and the poorly is now functioning normally-in fact,-like I to take an eon for all of the forms and hot’ allowed to see patients in the paid hospital workers keep comingto him. the .exhaust on a muscle car! releases to ‘be filled out. Finally, after, evenings. This rule was enforced by’ I lost count of the-‘colour-coded -‘workers (Min De’Ath * being tagged with. a plastic wrist iden- security-officers. through our portion-of the ward ’ ’ i -_ ^ moving &a,@$iy _, .” + . f . , , v,‘*,. __I*. <I j - 2 ? XTI.? , Yw*.r.r.ef-r** z?IIT. * I - 7.‘>.P1: “7.I * ,- 7.’ . * . * 1 - - .- . ; ; -J$hGEnvironmey$ “+*,-h,*i’- ‘.--.*, *s,n_- L_- e”;.- * .“..$* ” - I ‘,‘ ,: j .a~ . ” ‘Y \ 1. i





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19, 1973

the chevron


Let’s go for -it Over the past few weeks we have been hearing a good deal about the campus centre. It appears that dead horses are capable of kicking, so in an attempt to help it to its feet-a few words. The chevron editorial pointed out the ineffectiveness of the campus centre board to control the building but I don’t believe that the article went far enough.

In the editorial in last week’s paper entitled “Campus

Centre Board needs a new liberation”, the executive”. ‘This is not executive and appointed by though noteworthy, was not

Throughout, the. editorial referred to the building as ‘our’-meaningthe students’ building. If this term is intended to be any more meaningful than calling Canada ‘our’meaning the peoples’country then there needs to be some clarification. The campus centre board, structurally at least, is primarily controlled by students. The campus centre board, however should not be confused with the campus centre as a building. In reality the board, aside from /being dysfunctional, is a sham. and a’ smokescreen.

member: Canadian university press (CUP) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885-1660,885~1661 or university local 2331.




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Just as our collective energy was fading away, ken came through with some juicy donuts from horny tims and some cups of hot chocolate to help us through the night so we could bring to you what you saw this week in this paper. We aren’t saying it’s great but what do you want at three thirty in the morning...especially when you have seen all these faces every day for the last one hundred years and read all these stories‘over and over again. There were not a whole lot of people involved in this either so if you think you could get in to any part of this thing maybe you should come down and see us. Don’t get put off if ‘you don’t get a regular sort of reception ca’use that isn’t the way things go down here. Nothing happens that way when you get such a weird group of heads spending days and days down here where the lights suck the vitamin c out of you at the rate of tons and tons of mrllrgrams at one time. Anyway after all that octoberfest hassle the federation lost between eight and ten thousand dollars which they are going to have to find somewhere cause they were not supposed to lose money on it at all. Ugly rumours have been floating around here for a while as well saying that thoughts have crossed their minds in the way of cutting the chevron budget since In their way of looking at it all we ruined their party and caused the loss of all their monies. We were: don ballanger who never lies and is as honest as the sun, nick savagini, geog kaufman, tony jenkins, chrrs bechtal, randy hannigan, dudley Paul-both who didn’t leave lists of people that worked In their depaertments, john morris, spinkie, lourse blakely, john buckberrough, mike stanson, hugh, david robertson, deanna kaufman, don with the french name, george neeland our roving reporter In bangkok, alain pratte, cupees and the ducks.’ SJ

According to the agreement between the campus centre board and the university “the campus centre building is a property, the ownership and legaltitle title to which is vested in the The president (B.C. Matuniversity. thews) of the university has responsibility for all matters of policy regarding the campus centre building.” Later it goes on to say that “the campus centre board (is responsible) for policy and of the campus management centre...within the, general policies of the university. Within this framework what does student control of the building mean? First of all it means that Burt Matthews without constraint controls the building. He has, however, delegated the day-to-day running of the centre to a student-controlled board. This saves the university the salary of a full-time nonstudent administrator (students come cheap) and provides a semblance of student control. The power of the board

has in actuality is the allocation of space, But even here there are definite limitations. The CC Board controls the ‘non-commercial’ areas of the building. This means that the bank, the bar. bershop and the kitchen are all outside of its jurisdiction. Furthermore, by agreement with the university the federation and its agencies arc guaranteed sufficient space. This means that the federation offices, the chevron, the post office, the campus shop, record store and games room (cosponsored with CCB) are already accounted for. This leaves the public lounges, the great hall, the pub area and a few coroners. It is evident that in the area of policy making and space allocation the board does not have any real power. I Furthermore, the budget (and when we come down to dust, economic considerations in the university dictate most other activities) is set by the university, not the Camp& Centre Board. I suggest that this leaves little power with the board except in the handling of minor day-to-day bureaucratic affairs. , If we are to talk about student control we should do so in a more meaningful way. With this in mind I offer the following recommendations: l that the building be defined as a student building; l that the. President’s veto power be revoked; l that policy regarding the use and employment of the building and all its resources be made by students; and l that an annual budget based on a per capita formula be set and that students control the allocation of these funds. As students we must not let ourselves be seduced by the manoeuverings of the administration. If student control is the goal then let’s obtain it. Dave



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