
Page 1


lntramurayI ’ politi-cs rehas-hed

It turned out to be mostly a rerun of intramural political and personal scraps from the past, but the first Federation Bitch Session attracted about 100 persons to the campus centre great hall Wednesday afternoon. Nine members of the federation executive showed up to listen to and answer comments from students about the activities of the federation. The faces which appeared in the audience and in front of the microphone set up for questions were for the most part familiar ones to the carripu,s centre: turnkeys, members of federation boards (mostly entertainment), federation council members and campus ceritre hangers-on. And, not surprisingly, the greater portibn of the two-hourplus session r was given to rehashing the issue of Oktoberfest, for which the board of entertainment took over the campus centre for 10 days and charged admission for the first time. The first question from the audience was directed at entertainment chairman Art Ram, enquiring how much the board had lost by staging Oktoberfest. Ram replied that the current figure is $10,000, though he has hopes it will ultimately be somewhat less. To the next question, he said that a permanent campus pub-a project which has been quite a while in the worksstart sometime in should December, in the campus centre. When it was asked whether or not Oktoberfest would happen again next year in view of the money lost, executive assisstant David Robertson asked for a show of hands from those present as to whether or not they were for a repeat next year. The response was overwhelmingly against Oktoberfest. Ram said that the organizers of the Oktoberfest activities realize now that it was a mistake to run it all 10 days of the K-W Oktoberfest celebrations, and that future plans would probably call for a three- or four-day weekend Oktoberfest. Robertson asked Ram how he was going to go about finding out whether Oktoberfest was in fact popular enough on campus to proceed planning for another next year. Ram said he would take the issue back to the board of entertainment, which has from all the representation societies. \ Federation president Andy Telegdi suggested the issue might have to go to a referendum. The next ’ speaker, however, drew applause when he charged that the societies were just a bunch of cliques and not as representative of the students as some federation members believed. Telegdi countered that the federation is not a clique, that there is no- clear-cut direction or agreement on philospphy or politics among federation members. The Chevron clique, too, came under-examination later when one speaker brought up a recent Enginews suggestion of firing all Chevron employees and closing the offices because of its opposition to Octoberfest.

She told the executive members that Chevron is considered “one of the best, if not the best, student paper in Canada,” and asked all executive members how they felt about the Enginewi suggestion. Most members of the panel eluded answering the question directly, though it was obvious the panel was about evenly split in its like and dislike of the paper. Alex Stirling, Chairman of the board of publications, called the idea “scary”, and said there would take a much greater reason than opposition to Octoberfest to shut down a student newspaper. Ram commented that if the Chevron wanted tp be independent,. then it should not take federation money. He did not elaborate on how much receiving money from the federation was tied to setting an editoral policy for the paper.

david robertson New federation treasurer Tom Duffy said he often disagreed with the Chevron’s point of view, but said, “If I don’t take the trouble to work on it, I can’t complain about the view they take.” Telegdi stated that he simply “doesn’t have the time” to shut the Chevron down. When asked whether he would if he did have time, he said, “No, I would work on it, and try to change it that way.” Board of cotimunication chairman David Assman, board of education chairwoman Alison Stirling and Robertson all agreed that a healthy and independent student press is vital to all campuses and all student governments. “The press should be editorially independent from the federation,” said Robertson, and pointed out that just such a resolution of principle had recently been passed by council. When asked to comment, Chevron editor George Kaufman refused to take the Enginews article -seriously, and said he doubted the proclaimed popularity of Octoberfest, judging by the $10,000 lost in carrying it out. He’ said that the suggestion of taking the Chevron budget and reallocating it to pubs and concerts was just another attempt to take funds from serious activities on campus and sink them into more

pure entertainment. He glibly summarized the article in question as “so much bullshit.” Getting back to Octoberfest, one woman asked who had been responsible for bringing the machine into the “Stripper” campus centre as part of the Octoberfest Festivities. it seemed, was Everyone, willing to take the responsibility but not the blame. It sounded like a Nixon press conference. Ram said the same people <who provided the pinball machines brought the “Stripper” here. The questioner responded that she thought the federation “could show a little more discretion” in choosing entertainment for the students. Councilpers& Marg Telegdiwho was sitting in the audiencetold the woman that “I’m for women’s lib, too, but I took it for what it was-a joke.” The woman continued that she didn’t think the federation should have spent student money on sexist amusement. “If you don’t like it you don’t have to use it,” Ram shot back. He was asked how much money the federation made off the “Stripper.” Ram told the crowd that Amusement, Inc., from Toronto-the group owning the machines-made all profits. The whole Oktoberfest minimole hill was kicked around again for about an hour, mostly the same old arguments between board of entertainment members i and turnkeys.

art ram

Only student Joe Sheridan raised a real issue. He asked Ram why several of the campus renter cafeteria workers were fdrced to work fewer hours during Oktoberfest, thus losing money. “Food decisions are not our area,” Telegdi responded, neatly tossing aside the question. “Don’t you feel any responsibility that these people lost money?” Sheridan asked Ram. “My impression from talking with the workers down there was that they enjoyed the change in routine,” answered Ram. Sheridan suggested that the workers should be reimbursed for lost hours. Telegdi, told him to bring a motion to that effect to council if he felt strongly about it, then defended the federation : “I think you’re full of &hit.. .we’re not professional, we make mistakes.” “The fact that you did a lot of work during Oktoberfest doesn’t rationalize the fact that peo,ple lost money because of Oktoberfest,” Sheridan concluded, and said he would bring his remarks to the attention of council. Robertson admitted towards the end that this first bitch session had been ill-publicized, and promised that they would become regular affairs, probably monthly. -george



University of Waterloo, . Waterloo, Ontario volume 14, number 16 friday, October 26, 1973

fhe chc

Cecilia hogan V

Talking _,Chile Thursday, October 18, two members of the Latin American Working Group were in the Campus Centre to talk about Chile. The session with John Foster and Brian Rogers included the showing of the film “Campamento” and a rundown of recent Chilean history-the pre-conditions of the military coup which toppled parliamentary democracy and the subsequent response of the Canadian government. The teach-in was the third instalment in the series “Campus Forum” and i,s note-worthy for possibly being the first sociopolitical event in which one of the major societies, Arts Society, has become involved, in this case by co-sponsoring the forum with the Federation of Students. During the two .and a half hours, the speakers reviewed the legal reformsbrought about by Salvador Allende’s predecessor, Eduardo Frei. (Much of the same material -was well-covered by John Keyes and Alichael Rohatynsky in


by dudley


the Chevron centrespread of September 21). Frei, a member of the Christian Democratic Party, never threatened to alter the basic capitalist economy of Chile either in his faith that it was best or in fear of antagonizing th? country’s national elite and the dominating American investors. The reforms were aimed at establishing labour rights, housing, a more equitable taxation, agrarian reform, regulation of imports and nationalization of the copper industry. Though oncly meant as reforms, Frei’s programs alarmed the wealthy industrial and landowning concerns. According to Foster “the programs made some headway but’ were slowly ground down.” Relatively the same dynamics occurred with Allende’s go_vernment while the eventual goals of the administration --_ were different. .-Facing an - opposition parliament, Allende came to office leading -,a coalition of two old, established working class parties who were joined with segments of middle class left-liberal groups. Once in office a faction broke away from the Christian Democrats. Allende was face-d with high unemployment, galloping inflation, national tensions arising f’rom ideological divisions. Much of the work that Frei had started was continued

on page 3











17” butter


More Qoodiese Hal Mitchell, the personnel co-ordinator of the Board of Entertainment, sent his resignation to the chairperson of-that board, Art Ram. The resignation is dated October 20. Mitchell wrote a lengthy piece explaining his reactions to things that had been happening around him in the last few weeks. Calling the decision a matter of conscience, Mitchell went on to defend the way he had handled his position. He wrote, “My feelings towards you and the board (the way it functions as a mini-dictatorship) make it impossible for me to continue in my present position on the BOE. Maybe my replacement will be more to your liking.” The entire letter is on page thirteen in the feedback section of this paper.

7+ burgundy




Federation president Andy Telegdi in his quest for a permanent pub on the Waterloo campus has taken it upon himself to provide one. Last week Telegdi booked the pub area in the campus centre for every day from the end of October until the end of this calendar year. Apparently the permanent pub will run every day except Sunday and the hours will be from noon until one, every evening. Telegdi is not looking to make money on the project but does hope to break even. The Chevron asked him if this would mean the end of society pubs in the campus centre and Telegdi replied, “I don’t care who runs it as long as there is a pub going on every day of the week. People could run the pubs in co-operation with the federation. A more detailed explanation of just how the federation can possibly manage to carry out this endeavour will hopefully be forthcoming at the next council meeting-probably early November.

3C tiger -__~_tale

That kubversiwe organization The International Students Association, long a well known group on campus for their pubs and other inspired things like the up-’ coming trip to Niagara Falls, wants to bring to you an ‘informational sort of announcement. Their office hours are from two until four o’clock in the afternoon, Monday to Friday. The office that has these hours is in the campus centre building and in the Federation of Students office, room 224. The office also has a telephone number which is 884-1211, extension 2357. The ISA also has a large core staff group made up of A.A. Khalaf, M. Farah, F. Ramharry, C.L. Lam, H. Woldetensae, E. Bukari, and J.K. Hakim.

4e peppermint


Reforming\ the news For an education Here’s an introduction to Julius Schmid condoms that’s an education in quality and sensitivity. It’s a trial package containing one Sheik Kegular, one Sheik Sensi-Creme, one Ramses Kegular and one Ramses Sensitol - a $1.25 value for 50~:. Just think of the possibilities. JrJLIIJS






in quality..


Simply place two quarters with this coupon into an envelope addressed to us.


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Kitchener-Waterloo news apparently learned its lesson from the Oxlea scandal that occurred just over one year ago. William McGregor, the president of CKCO-TV and CKKW radio spoke on the subject last week saying his news department would dislike to agree to any such request ever again. M.qGregor is also the chairperson of the urban renewal committee and could not comment on whether or not the committee would ever request that sort of compromise again. During his speech McGregor said, “For obvious. reasons. . . discussions had to go on .behind closed doors. Because we felt this was such an important development for the city...we believed the media should be informed and permitted media participation in the last three meetings.” The final decision was going to be made in a public council meeting on a Monday with the meeting being publicized on the Friday before. Unfortunately for the committee and McGregor, the Chevron published a special issue and distributed it in the downtown area on the Thursday before the council meeting. He explained, “the forces in opposition to the scheme suddenlv mobilized.”




friday, -









by alain Pratt;

A new way 5 to graduate It’s two o’clock on Friday afternoon, and a large crowd is gathering in the phys ed complex to attend the twice-yearly ceremony which initiates callow students into adulthood: convocation. The crowd is mixed, more than once its localized antics will distract from the main comedic performance, but its enthusiasm is impossible to deny. Their fervour seems difficult to explain; can it be that in this alienated a’ge that familial ties are still so strong that fond parents will endure the discomfort, the almost unalleviated boredom of the graduation ritual merely to watch their offspring receive a virtually insignificant diploma? Apparently so. For it must be in al-l honesty be conceded that the comedians lack in professionalism what they possess in eagerness; that the costumes, though adequate, are scarcely original and certainly not and that the inspiring, theatricality of the oration is undermined by the insipidity of the text. Even the music is of small help in enlivening the proceedings. Well-rehearsed it assuredly is, and sufficiently well-played to boot, but the repertoire is unrelentingly heavy, - almost overbearing, and only exacerbates the ,funereal atmosphere. What can be done? Are our convocations forever to remain the lifeless, dreary rites whose audiences are guaranteed by nepotism alone. necessarily. Were Not graduation to be run in accordance with modern principles of massentertainment, the event could be transformed into a vital cultural mainstay of the university communi ty ; how great an im-

provement would be effected, for example, by the institution of such simple amusements as a wellstocked bar and a really good halftime show. Other expedients are also available. As an instance, a change in the role of the emcee would be eminently desirable. Whatever one may think, of Burt Matthews as an administrator-a question too forbiding to explore at this time-his virtues as orator and raconteur are, at best, unexceptional. This defect, of course is hardly Matthews fault: a lifetime of beauracratic training ill-fits one for a career in showbusiness. But for a job which demands professional talent, bring in a professional. Canada is, as we all know, bursting at the seams with stellar personalities in the entertainment field; why entrust the host’s responsibility to a simple university president when, at the drop of a small fortune, such luminaries as Rich Little, Robert Goulet, Wayne and Schuster, orfor that extra liberal touch-Anne Murray, would all be only too delighted to take it on. With all these refinements, however, it appears doubtful that Early in September O.P.I.R.G. the university possess the under the co-ordination of Gary management resources properly Carsen decided to do an offto stage-manage the convocation campus housing study. It was proceedings. And why should they hoped that the data would be bother? For is there not an agency - available for the forum on housing on this very campus, of long exorganized . by the Federation of perience and a proven flair for the Students. The object of the study spectacular, whose trained perwas to determine the total units sonnel would love to sink their available and the reaction of promotorial teeth into an event of landlords-owners to student this magnitude? , tenants. No attempt was made to That’s right-the Board of determine the ‘special clauses’ in Entertainment, else what’s a leases which applied only to Federation of Students for? students and data compilation was There’s a fortune to be lost. restricted to the city of Waterloo. -alain pratte and nick savage Those polled were asked about


More on --housing from Opirg$

, their policy dealing with student tenants and then regardless of the answer they were asked to elaborate on their thoughts and experiences with student tenants. Within the area of study it was found that there are 180 buildings of over five units for a total of 4,031, units. Of these 4,031 units 1,870over 25 percent were controlled non-locally. The survey revealed that “38 percent of the building owners or the supervisors enforced a no-student policy. Over 58 percent of the buildings were covered on this issue so that of those units controlled locally 20 percent enforced a no-student ban.” The majority of those polled indicated a definite preference for other than student tenants. Those indicating a ‘destruction of property ’ numbered 75 percent and 50 percent indicated the transient nature and ‘short tenancy’ of students as the major reason for this. The OPIRG researchers indicated that it was troubles with inonly “isolated dividuals (that > nurtured discriminatory attitudes and practices.” In the conclusion and proposals section of the report OPIRG workers state that general relief of the problem: l would involve university participation, although not control, in the selectionof off-campus private accomodation and grievances with those facilities. l the institution is what defines the class “student” and therefore shares the responsibility to protect the class against discrimination. 0 the housing office should supply the office space for comprehensive rental information on apartment renting including a tenants rights package. This would of necessity involve university contact with lessees and owners would know that the university has provided these prospective tenants with their address rather than scrutiny of the local papers. l The Federation of Students should consider ways of selecting an ombudsman to man the office and his daily routine would involve the public relations work of speaking with owners to have quotas or bans removed, preparation of lists of accomodation, their services and prices, and an input value for the private set tor, university administration and student body. 0 specific relief through OPIRG will be provided in the form of legal counselling for individual cases of discrimination with the possibility, after deliberation of the directors, of a test case in the local courts on the payment of rent in advance.

o a comprehensive study of foreign ownership, financing. for such buildings and the mutual rights of owner and student in an integrated social setting, of a large university within a community should be considered. +favid



from page 1 continued and expanded. Emphasis was laid on redistribution of income, social assistance pragrams, na tionaliza tion of banking, resource industry, textiles and electrical industry. In the first year, headway was made against unemployment, inflation and other problems much the same as had happened under Frei. Into the second year though Allende faced increased opposition from the middle class-the professional and industrial conterns. The United States set about shutting Chile out of the interna tional trade and banking circles. The CIA, ITT and Kennecott became distinguished opponents of Allende’s efforts. These various activities had their effect and Allende lost any control on inflation he had in the face of economic sabotage. The US having religiously maintained military trade with the Chilean army and piously continued police training programmes for Chilean agencies, it should then come as no surprise that Allende was eliminated. The subsequent conduct of Canadian authorities is very nearly approval of these events. While some embassies took in hundreds of refugees,’ the Canadian threw out five Paraguayans (two of whom were later arrested 1 and closed its doors at the embassy. Questioned about . this and tlleged refusal to co-operate with United Nations efforts to help refugees, Mitchell Sharp made several points. First, he says the embassy was unsure if it could stop the Chilean police if they had come to the door in spite of the fact that other noncommunist embassies were sheltering fugitives. Second, Sharp felt many of the people hunted by the military were only “criminals”. Third he didn’t think’ “that kind of people”, “leftists” as he described them, were wanted in Canada. So day after day, the executions have continued.





4 the



at the Grand




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in Bridgeport

Good food at better than reasonable prices i

THE RED ROOM for quiet conversationalists


FOUND Umbrella found bj/ the fence of parking lot A. Describe and it’s yours. Call 7441708.

1964 Rambler station wagon, power brakes, power2teering, radio, good tires, good running condition, as is $150. Phone 669-3700.

LOST Wallet lost, food services cafeteria October 17. I.D. cards really needed and return of money would be nice too.. Ron 884-8700.

WANTED A person interested in providing music for a Curling Pub. Further information call Pat 884-6548. , ’


where dancing is the theme and there is room for 250. Playing is


One girl needed to share large bedroom with own bath and walk-in closet. $55 monthly. Phone 576-2575. /



RIDE WANTED From the Kitchener-Waterloo area. to the intersection of 401 and Mississauga road, every day around 8 am and returning around 4 pm, share gas and driving. Please phone 7430893.

Wanted 1 bedroom sublet near campus, preferably married students for January to April 1974. Write G. Stone, 5 Vicora Linkway, 1414, Don Mills, Ontario.

Would redhead who got wrong change when I picked -up her Neil Young tickets please write Alldrick, 74 Normon Street, Waterloo.

TYPING Expert typing, reasonable 742-6140 after 6 pm.

Two or three bedroom townhouse or apartment to sublet January to April. Contact Bob Milette, 14 Bridgenorth Crescent, Rexdale, Ontario or phone 416-741-1982.

Psychology Subjects needed. $4 for two hours. Phone 745-7002 evenings.

Will do all kinds of typing. For further information, -all Janet at -745-5188.

FOR SALE 1971 Volkswagon camper excellent condition. Best offer ext. 3514 or l632-7362.

Typing for students, 742-4689.

, PERSONAL Lonely, young black would Ii ke to correspond with anyone who will write. David Henderson 136-829 PO Box 57, Marion, Ohio 43302, USA.

for serious drinkers

Apartment to sublet in Ottawa January to April 1974 one bedroom, furnished, -$135. Phone 884-1516.

1970 Datsun 510 4 door, good con. dition. Asking $1,250. Phone after 6 pm, 579-6968.





HGUSING AVAILABLE Want to share furnished 2 bedroom apartment. Has to provide own bedroom furniture. Lois Street. $75 plus telephone. Phone 745-9513.

We would like to sublet a 2 bedroom apartment for Ja’nuary to April 1974. Please write to G. Oue at 196 Maxome Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario, M2M 3L2 or call 416-225-4297 after 7 pm. Large two bedroom apartment or town house for January to April. 1974. Furnished or unfurnished. Call collect 1-416-484-9764 after 6 pm.



Y /


open lo:30 am to 3:00 Sundays till 2 am


Come & try our famous fish & chips, charbroil hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hotdogs, cold drinks, thick chocolate milk shakes. Fish & chips special 89 cents every Wed.

to say.. IThings / when offered a Golden:



. - Don’t mind if I do. - SurkWhy not? 7 .Well,,,if you insist. I ’ - As long as you’re having one. ‘; - ‘Yes, please.’ ,I - Getme a bold one. - *No, thanks. I’ve. got one. - I thought you’d never aslc.

Molsop Golden A good smooh ale I)0 you know- what you’re

/ missing?

* home later- that night. Two days later she< suffered a cpmplication

- --



Kraft \

; losing _ Because’of the sudden arrival of the police the witness-did not have


-_ . -I-












wE~btitZ%!E’FEE~ an, EDMONTON (CUP)-Kraft foods abortion because neither she nor is iosing its,battle with Canada’s the father-to-becould’ afford’ to National Farmers’ Union’ (NFU) support the child. She is a graduate student in agriculture while he is a in Edmonton. ’ A nationwide boycott of Kraft student at ‘Michigan State led by the NFU; has been University. She also said she did’ .$oducts, the chief weapon used to,fight _ not want the public shame- that accompanies an unwed motherKraft’s control -of the dairy iniand illegitimate child. dustry. The boycott is beginning to erode Kraft’s 80 per ce,nt control of The witness ‘appeared at ease Canada’s cheese industry. throughout the questioning before a orowded courtroom during the -- ‘,‘Two yearsago 80 per cent of the cheese we sold was Kraft,” says an two days. Edmonton supermarketmanager, 1 Late into the second,- the defence “Today that’s down to 5 per cent.” lawyer, Claude Armand Sheppard, Sofar the success of the boy&tt called for a-mistrial on the basis confined to the i- that he had not received a copy of _ is largely university area. - Storemanagers I the statement the witness had unanimously attribute-this to the given to the police; the crown students. attorney u replied that he, had not “Students come -in and tell me_ they. won’t buy Kraft products. I

Montreal hospitals but the four she. Montreal. (CUP)-Dr. Henry Morgentaler; the Montreal, doctor contacted made unsatisfactory facing six charges of performing offers: The’firsttwo, the-Catherine illegal abortions, is presently on Booth and the Reddy Memorial, trial in that city. The< jury trying asked for what she described as the doctor is made up of eleven “fantastic” sums. men and;. one woman. The third, the Royal Victoria, The chief. -witness for the could not give her an early date prosecution is .a woman that has and suggested that she contact been promised protection from Morgentalerl His clinic gave her prosecution in exchange for her an appointment for August 15. testimony. She is a former patient The fourth hospital could not of the doctor. give her an appointment before the The crown is -basing its case-’ end of August. The witness toid them she she had an earlier anagainst Morgentaler 03 a specific abortion performed in the clinic pointmen’t with Morgentale;, August 15, the -day the Montreal whom. the person at the hospital in



three times those of. the next largest food industry corporation. Kraft’s-r.apidly expanding ‘control of the cheese industry has led to the elimination. of at least 45 cheese @oducers in .,independent Canada during the past three years. Boycott supporters argue that if Kraft wins more control of the cheese industry it will be in a pas-ition to raise prices and lower quality at will. . ‘\ Already a Ralph Nader’ study group examining the United States Food and Drug Administration has ’ reported. “One food -and_ drug administration official believes I that Bra&has been responsible for a major, decline in the quality of cheese.” I ’ . . . _

Banned _

camp& VANCOUVER (‘Cup )--Vancouver. area university and college student councils have banned the f ree distribution of the Georgia

- SOmetim&fie3! even tell me I/ Straight@.their campuses._The






return described as ‘ ‘good”. police raided the clinic and seized On the day of the raid the wit-his files. The police held- all the _ people that were in the clinic at the ness, who was six weeks pregnant, arrived at the Beaugrand Street time for questioning. From one of them they obtained - clinic shortly before noon.- After talking with the doctor, the a statement that she had received abortion was performed-in a few an abortion from the accused. moments and. the ‘witness was Her testimony has highlighted removed to the basement of the the first two days of the trial, house to a recuperating room. At October 18 and -19, and is expected to continue for some time when she this time the Montreal police came in, arrested Z the doctor and resumes her, testimony on October-. removed all the patients-to police 23. station 6. The Witness, who is testifying There -were ten patients at the under the Canada Evidence Act-& clinic at the time, At the station giving her protection against eight were placed in---a room prosecution , on the basis of her downstairs while two of them, the testimony, also obtained an order non-Caucasians, only were from associate judge James and. questioned. Hugessen that her name .or ad- brought upstairs the same afternoon the dress not be published. She is an Later patients were removed to- the De unmarried, twenty-six year-old hospital where they foreign graduate ?student in the Maisonneuve were examined by the head Montreal area and hasapplied for gynecology department. After the landed immigrant status. ’ examination the women were She said that she contactedreturged to the police’ station Morgentaler’s office sometime where _the witness signed a around the, beginning of August, statement describing the incidents after finding -out that she was leading up to the abortion and the pregnant. She first contacted the abortion itself. ’ Montreal area hospitals, after her The doctor who .examined the gynecologist told-her he did not witness on the afternoon of the perform abortions.. His nurse raids te!tified that she had had a suggested going to New-York but \ either natural or the witness felt she had neither the .miscarriage, otherwise. time nor the money. -. The witness was returned to her The nurse-told her to contact the



‘shouldn’t have any ’ on the University of British Colum._ she yes,” said one store manager. bia (USC) student council seized -- ,I‘ t f I can get a substitute for a copies of The Straight October 4 Kraf t product, I do, -not selling and StraightownerDan McLeod is Kraft doesn’t hurt Us-as-long as we’ threateningto, sue them. McLeod have a substitute.” claims the student councils are f “We don’t use Kraft Products in limiting . freedom of the press, displays any more because some saying “the whole thing smacks of ’ \ students object to seeing them,“, fascism.” said another store manager. “This ’ Since. the student council conj area is primarily a student market stitution bars the free distribution and we like to keep on good- terms of unauthorized publications; UBC ’_ with them.” I ~ student officials explained they- -_ -_ Boycott supporters are confident are well within their rights in the boycott will be successful in seizing the Straight in the student ’ other areas of the city. -They point union building. UBC student to the Edmonton Labour Council’s , publications’ business manager, recent endorsing Of the boycott and John Qufort, said _ t-at uw’$ to the growing labour readership student newspaper, the Ubyssey, _, -of Poundmaker, an Edmonton Lstands to lose 30-50 per cent of its, newspaper that -has- consistently advertising revenue if the Straight publicized and suported. the is allowed to distribute free on boycott. + campus. He- said that, bySuPPorters of the boycott say the distributing free on all VancouverHAVE-AN ABORTION!’ fight is necessary to, protect . bothss area .’campuses, the Straight can . been given- one because he did not farmers and consumers in all make such an-attractive appeal to ask for one. The judge agreed with parts of Canada. They refer to an advertisers that the individual ‘incident that occurred last year in. student newspapers will not be the crown, attorney and dismissed Ontario: Cd the request. able to compete. r ’ Dairy farmers had won The. student papers, Dufort Sheppard replied that he could agreement from the Ontario Milk pointed out, are published as nonnot continue with his crossMarketing Board for a raise of 57 profit services to students and are examination at that _time and cents for each hundredweight of subsidized by the student councils: asked that he be able, to-recall her t%t a later date. inilk they, produced. But the The Straight is distributing free on biggest buye,r, Kraft, refused to. campus strictly to tap , the ‘The witness will retake the stand ’ pay the-higher price, and the raise lucrative student advertising on Tuesday, October 23. Minor was cut to 35 cents. / market, he contended. The’ witnesses will b”e heard on Mon1_day. She was given the day off to - Retail milk prices in Ontario ’ Ubyssey mid the student council fulfil1 -her commitments at the were then raised by three cents a “is perfectly willing to let the quart. A quart is two pounds of Straight distribute on campus as university. milk. So.for every hundredweight long as they charge the standard . The only other key witness heard the increased price brought Kraft downtown price.” since the trial began were a police Dominion photographer who was involved in . (and it’s subsidiary, The UBC student council Dairies) one dollar and fifty cents; claimed to have the support of all i the raid and the doctor who The consumer was stuck with a. ’ the other student councils in the examined the main -witness the higher price. day of the abortion. The farmer was- area.‘ The Simon Fraser Universtuck with the blame and got 35 sity Student Society voted The defence seems to be basing cents a hundredweight. This was its case ‘more on the fact that unanimously to support the UBC insufficient to meet his rising position, October 10. abortions are allowed when approduction costs and the rising proved by hospital boards and then In an effort to solve the dispute, cost of living: Yet, Kraft gained a 1 Dan McLeodoffered to ‘subsidize in j extenuating circumstances without a board’s approval when it profit /of one dollar and fifteen the student papers for revenue lost . cannot be had. , cents per hundredweight. - . because of the Straight, but no While Kraft’s profits are on the ‘agreement has been reached in There has been some speculation as to why she -was ,/ testifying increase, rising-costs and methods- of determining amounts against the doctor because, when inadequate income are- rapidly of compensation and the students’ eliminating Ontario dairy farshe was- informed by the police councils have not said they. are _ that he had been arrested, \,she mers.. In 1966 there were 22,206 of willing to negotiate on these terms. replied that, if a woman wants an the-m. By 1971, 7,664 ,of them had ’ Evenif a compromise is reached, abortion she surely has thought e---been squeezed out of business. At . McLeod said he will seek a court ‘about it and the law should not be the same time Kraft’s profits rose ruling,on the right of the students’ - against it. to more than 91 million dollars, councils-to ban a newspaper.


6 the chevron


26, 1973

%AH... Z -7H//VKi 17 15. .. I

r p-%E~&J 9\ PLACE DAILY


9-6 SAT 9- 1



A Different



Kind of Natural

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26, 1973

the chevron


Struggles against Jamaica 2’ ’

- - Hart I at ‘-Uniwat

and Resurrection of Marcus Garvey” ; “Cojoe and the First Maroon War in Jamaica”; “Out of the House of Bondage” (a history of slave revolts) ; and “Jamaica and Self-Determination 1660-1970".

At present his is conipleting what he intends as his magnus opus: “A 6f the Slave Slavery,

Trade, and

West Black

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Monday through Friday 12 - jI pm. typing and translations also done


Richard Hart was associated -with’ Norman Manley and Alexander Bustamente in the establishment of the Jamaican. political parties and trade unions in the late nineteen-thirties, and became the first secretary of the Trade Union Council in 1939. He was a member of the People’s . National Party from 1938 and was on its Executive Committee intil 1952. In 1949 he was arrested for organizing a demonstration demanding Bustamente’s release . from prison. In 1942-43, along- with Bustamente and others, he -was jailed by the British for agitating for. Jamaican self-government. In 1952 he was one of the “Four H’s” (Hart, Henry, and the two Hill. brothers) who were expelled from the PNP for the usual alleged “Communist activities”. Unlike the typical Caribbean political figure, Hart’s activities and concerns have not been confined to his native island but have been aimed at furthering the cause of West Indian unity -and regional ’ socialist planning. In 1945 he was one of the-<founders of the Caribbean Labour Congress in Barbados, through w-hich he was to play an important part in the struggle for a strong West Indian Federation in opposition to ‘Grantley Adams who was prepared to accept a federation. on any terms which the British Government might be pleased to grant. The Adams side- won out,. and the resultihg weak federation was still-born. Later, in Guyana, Hart was editor of the sociali-st paper “The Mirror” from 1963 to 1965, a position in which he came under heavy attack in the political turbulence of those years. Richard Hart will speak on historical and contemporary engineering, was a membe<Lof a panel which met Tuesday problems of the Caribbean at 3: 30 Assistant professor K. K. Piekarski of mechanical night to discuss legal and @ical problems in bio-medical research. Pafields spoke on a variety of topics pm next Tuesday, Oct. 39th, in AL jf0fr-l cfyonically animation tocontrols on scientific research; the genera/ tone of the discussion 113. . _ _ _ suspended _ . _ __

Political activist and political prisoner; sociahst journalist and trade union leader; solicitor by profession and historian by avocation-these are some of the things Richard Hart has been. Hart is not yet an old man-he is fifty-six this year-but in a career spanning thirty-six years this mild-mannered Jamaican has . been a leading figure ‘in the establishment of political parties and the development of trade unionism _in Jamaica; in -the a’ struggle for a West Indian labour movement and West Indian political unity ; and in creating an awareness of the masses as an assertive independent force through his publications on Jamaican slave rebellions. Hart’s works include “The Life

Study Indian


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the reappearance of the same people as different characters in new situations and in the finale, let-it-loose circle dance of the whole grinning cast. Allan Pr’ice provides both a needed unity and a series of musical breaks for this complex,heavy creation. The scene flashes in welltimed, welcomed relief to a relaxed, smokey band session where Price sings the raw truth in simple, ‘right-on’ lyrics. A, further outlet is available in laughter, and audiences took plenty of advantage of this. The laughter, which begins with the genuinely funny naivity of the bungling McDowell, is fed by this need for some blunting of the emotional impact of the realities shown. A tribute to Anderson’s communicative power. -Peggy earle

MoliereI updated\

0 lucky man


If you yearn to be Shocked, Angered, Repulsed, and Enlightened by a parading expose of the major evils and hypocrisies of organized society, 0 lucky Man will dd it to you.And, if you already know “What’s Coin’ On”, you can guff-aw yoljr frustrations away at the inanity of it all. Plus, it’s nearly three hours of continuously entertaining action, with a diversity of moods, characters, and situations following in c&efully-paced succession guaranteed to make you forget that features of such length usually have an intermission. The hero is indeed a lucky man: unfortunately, most of his luck is “bad”. We’re given a corn ical ly exaggerated account of an ambitious yqung man who eagerly adapts himself to the values and demands of the various established social institutions that Fate slips him into. He begins as a buck-chasing Salesman with jen-you-ein smile-and-handshake, and “progresses” through the identities of District Manager, Big Businessman Assistant, repenting Convict, Slum Bum, to finally Movie Star. In each role, he moulds himself chamelion-like to fit into the situation oblivious to both the powercorruption and the identity-effacement inherent in the games he is obliqed to Play. Lindsay Anderson’s last film was If, a humorless allegorical account of the institutional dehumanization in a British boarding school. The hero was Malcom McDowell, whose primitive revolt was to climb up on a roof and\ blast teachers and high-society parents as they exited from graduation exercises. 0 Lucky Man, Anderson’s latest, also stars devil-innocent McDowell minus the violence of his If (and Clockwork Orange) performance. Here there is no rebellion; the games pull everyone around in a miniless cycle. This merry-go-round helplessness of the unaware participant is brought home in

Presently playing at the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts ii Toronto is The Misanthrope a-play written by Moliere in the seventeenth century. In its original the play deals with court of Louis XIV of France. The scenery and costumes were revised by Tony Harrison so that it deals with life in the French court of De Calle. Now the message of the play is allowed to address itself directly at those watching. It does not allow the audience to avoid the sting of the arguments by rationalizing that the debate was aimed for some dated grouping and situation. A play’s message may often have meaning and talk to situations well beyond the time and place in which it was written. So te with this insightful piece by Moliere. The translation was not only faithful to the French but it was also most faithful to Moliere’s literary style. Strikingly the rhyme which is so melodius in the French is successfully carried over and smoothly transplanted into English. Essentially the play deals with the conflict between total honesty, as represented by Alceste, and pragmatic flattery, as represented by Philinte and virtually the rest of the cast as well. Both arguments, as presented by Moliere, are convincing and he was intelligent enough not to try and settle the argument with any conclusive answer. Alceste makes the point that to flatter the undeserving is a dishonesty which is both insulting and degrading not only to the person you are addressing but to yourself as well. Philinte’s attitude is that there is a-vicious world that cannot be avoided, to act in the above idealistic fashion would saon have one cut-off from all social existence. Besides what harm in allowing people to maintain harmless myths about themselves. Yet the question of principle vs compromise is not a dated one, not just a problem left for the hypocritical times of Moliere and the court of Louis XIV. Rather it is a universal dilemma that affects us on all levels. Politically we see how elected officials compromise principle and by doing so insult the people they are suppose to represent. Even within our own life situation we are often caught trying to mediate between honesty and conformity. And yet to be sincere means to face, head on, that which is your truth and to advance those propositions despite the hurt it might possibly have either for yourself or to other parties involved. The other main theme in the play is that of “love”. Sometimes even the most rational of people find themselves the prisoner of emotion. An emotion which ii so strong that even their principles are not defence enough to prevent their bondage to that which is irrati+nal and self degrading. So it is with Alceste as regards Celimene, his lover.

to go see this version of Moliere’s play Misanthrope. Not only is the message which is considered within the play worthy of our note but also the acting involved is of the highest calibre. Of special note is the fine direction given to the performance by Alb$rt Millaire the director. -mel rotman

Klute revisited The Pyx, now showing at the Lyric, is being widely touted as the most professional “Canadian” movie yet, and a milestone along that elusive road leading to a strong Canadian film industry. But if the Pyx is what the ultimate aim of having an indigenous film industry is all about, we might just as well chuck it all in and keep paying to see John Wayne. The Pyx-which ,might just as easily have been titled “Rosemary’s Baby Meets Klute in Montreal” -is an entertaining carbon-copy of Hollywood professionalism which could have been set anywhere in the world; the plot and characters have nothing to do with Montreal or Canada, even though the screenp!y is taken from a book written by a Montreal novelist, John Buell. As refreshing as it is to see a film that is tokenly bilingual, it might just as easily have been half-French and half-English and set in Paris, or half-Italian and set in Rome, or half-Chinese and set in HongKong, etc. When all that is taken away, the only thing “Canadian” left in this film is that it was shot on location in Montrealalthough not much of the atmosphere of the city is caught to make it appear shy different from, say, Cleveland-and that the Royal Bank gets a huge on-screen advertisement in the closing credits for having put up some of the backing money. There is nothing Canadian here in the sense of what was captured in earlier, less ‘professional’ native films, such as Mon Oncle Antoine, Going Down the Road,





Wedding in White or Karnouraska. All that aside, the film itself is a fairly slow-moving but innovative examination of one Montreal policeman’s pursuit of a case of multiple murder; the- twist is that the story is also seen from the perspective of one of the murder victims, a prostitute who is-of coursehooked on “smack.” The fact of the murders-and who did themis given away relatively soon via flash-forwards, and it is a credit to director Harvey Hart that he was able to keep the story interesting throughout the rest of the movie by virtue of the narrative and acting alone. The Pyx is very much a mood pieceinterspersed with melancholy songs written and sung by actress Karen Blackand is much more slow-paced and intelligent than the Hollywood-style advertising implies. Contrary to advertising claims, the film has no “neck-snapping climax!” It is a very seductive movie, combining liberal elements of sex, murder, violence, drugs, prostitution and the suspense, occult-all of which have already been too exploited on the screen-to come up with what is essentialy a very soap-operaish story. The only exception is the role of Christopher Plummer-a “Canadian” actor in the same way Donald Sutherland is a “Canadian” actor -as a tough Montreal policeman. He does an excellently lowkey job in a role that could easily have been over-hammed by a lesser actor. Karen .Black, unfortunately, is stuck with a role that was impossible to save. Despite her physical resemblance to Jane Fonda, there are several scenes in the movie which are such close parallels of Fonda’s portrayal of a prostitute in Klute that the comparison is inescapable, and Black loses out all the way as an actress. The feeling that you’ve seen most of these stenes somewhere before also hurts the impact of Black’s role. Canadian Donald Pilon contrasts nicely with Plummer as the detective’s partner, making the two the classic police pair: one menacing and short-tempered, the other slow and easy, using the combination of the approaches effectively. on suspects and witnesses. -gs kaufman


by don ballang&






WQmen in Prison Kathryn Watterson Burkhart Doubleday & Co. $70.00

by Paul. spina


Kathryn Watterson Burkhart has never done time. Maybe a night or two, or a couple of days locked up as a special privilege at one of the more progressive institutions she visited in the course of writing Women in Prison. But she has nursed an anger toward the American penal system ever since she did a series on rape for the Fort Lauderdale News in 1969. For that story she interviewed a convicted rapist in the Broward County Jail and realized that, for him, she was the first stranger he could tell his story to. She found him open, honest, and the victim of a racist frame-up. She also found that “The layers of my defenses against knowing what really goes on as a matter of daily course in the criminal justice system and in jail were ripped off one by one.” Before she left Broward County Jail, sh,e asked to be allowed to spend some time in the women’s section as an inmate, but was granted only one day as a reporter.

I chose the day-and that daJ was enough. I was led in through five locked doors to a small inner sanctum. I became less determined about my assignment and more and more terrified as the key turned in each lock behind me. I was even more shaken by the grim, hard faces of the black and white worn& I saw packed together in crusting crowded cells-some sixty women in two cell blocks seeming/y not big enough for twenty. It was on/y after I was put inside the cell block that the receptiveness of the individua/ women me/ted my fear. They were delighted to have an opportunity to talk about the conditions they lived inand were amazed that I had gotten in. They were like women I have known all my life. just folks. They put me at ease and / became increasingly comfortable with familiar banter and o/d street ta/k.. . . When I walked out of the jail that evening / was numb. I was overwhelmed with seeing the sky, touching a palm tree, breathing fresh air. I sat down in the grass* outside the courthouse, awed by the earth. It was on/y then I realized what a totally


and controlled


Women iri Prison “Through the Glass of this Cage” by Sharon Krebs-from

/ had

just been in- how there had been no windows, no trace of outside world inside I was so overthose concrete halls. whelmed that I never wrote an article about the experience. I was too confused, too angry to make sense of it all.

She didn’t begin researching and writing Women in Prisbn in earnest until a few years later, after she felt she had come to terms with herself as a woman and understood her inculcated attitude toward other women. And still she hesitated because she was not an expert-she had never done time. But women she met inside and often later when ‘they were outside prison walls urged her to write the book. One day, they would write their book, they told her, but meanwhile she should write hers. As a reporter she could visit several prisons, and she had credentials; as a free person and an outsider she would be more credible, and could see what inmates were already protectively blind to. Kitsi Burkhart travelled from the California Institution for Women to the Ohio Reformatory, from Cook County Jail to Michigan and New York. She spoke with dozens of administrators, psychologists, and guards. And she had conversations with hundreds of women prisoners from prostitutes to political superstars. Her talks are reproduced verbatim in the book. The wardens are quoted; the women speak and write for themselves. Many of them opened up, showed her their soft insides, their needs, their fears. They viewed her as a glimmer of hope for change. She found that, while prisons try to make men into animals by treating them like caged lions, they try to make women

helpless children. They incapacitate and insult, humour and humiliate. The attitude of most of the prison administrators she interviewed toward the women in their charge is that they are wayward girls; they will not begin to take them seriously as they do men prisoners until they become was serious a threat as th-e men. Kitsi Burkhart was not militant when she began writing her book. She had been mugged and robbed,’ had agonized over friends murdered by strangers, and had been concerned, as much as any other citizen, about crime in the street. But in the course of her investigation she began to question the. definition of crime and came to understand, that the essence of class, caste, and power is to be able to define criminality. She questioned the nature of a society that creates a false need for luxuries while denying the majority, of it’s citizens the opportunity to obtain them legitimately. And her research led her to the conclusion that the criminal justice system is a class system that protects the white collar thief and the illegal activities of corporations but harshly punishes the powerless. Kitsi Burkhart penetrates the life of women in prison. She exposes the humiliating “initiation rite-s” of public nudity, physical examinations, overcrowding, unreasonable rules and regulations, sudden searches and raids, punishment for infractions, and the contemptuous attitude of keepers. She discovers the coping behaviour peculiar to women prisoners: the masculine role played by a minority of women to re-create street love and street life, and the more important need of most prison women to create families of


review \

mothers, daughters, fathers, and brothers from among their prison sisters. She is . constantly amazed by the strength and resiliency of women struggling to be women within a system designed to reinforce the traditional helplessness and dependency of females in a maledominated society. But this shouldn’t surprise us. domen who have been imprisoned in the cage of hopeless marriages, under the tyranny of husbands who have laughed at us, denied our needs, rejected, abused and belittled US will understand Women in Prison. We will also understand that Marge Piercy’s new novel Small Changes which deals with this marital variety of confinement, could just as well have been entitled Women in Prison,’ while Kitsi Burkhart’s book could just as accurately have been called Sma//



Kitsi Burhart has written a superb book, a book that I think only a woman could have written. it is not theoretical or sociological, although it is packed with information. It is warm and personal, knowledgeable and concerned. It is a cry for understanding and for action. What you learn from this book is what you shoutd have known all along. If you were stirred to action in 1971 by the Attica massacre, then you should be able to understand why it happened and why it will happen again. Kitsi Burkhart makes that understanding real -as real as the clang of a nietal door without a keybecause her book is a taste of the experience itself. If y?u have ke* or cash in your bag, try walking around without them for a day. But don’t walk too far. Maybe six feet one way and six feet back. Then sit on your bed and try to concentrate on a




book or newipaper while your soul is expanding inside with the need to be free, and then let it out in the only way possible-in silent tears. Not a primal scream and not an outcry because that will land you in the box and ultimately in the asylum indefinitely. Just hot, silent tears. Cry for your mother and your baby and your wasted time and for the fact that you, can’t cry out loud. Then dry your eyes and carry on. Because you have no choice. You have to carry on. Learn to cope. Learn to stop wanting that which you can’t have, and which you should have, but which is nevertheless unobtiinable. Enmesh yourself in the life. complex underworld of prison Develop a criminal mentality. Learn to hustle, to “take care of business”, to thwart and subvert the myriad meaningless rules so that your incarceration will be as bearable as possible. Learn to talk without moving your lips, to send messages to women you are not supposed to see, to procure items you are not supposed to have, to survive in a system designed to destroy you. And learn to find joy in loving the sisters who share your fate. And then get sprung on a world full of the same problems you left behind, except now the problems are more complex, more demanding: prices are higher, the pace is faster, jobs are more scarce;- the system has tightened in on itself and you no longer know how to survive in it. Your family and friends have lived the last two, or four, or ten, or twenty years without you and it’s hard to find that place where you used to be- because it’s gone. And you’re somebody else. You’re some’body who ha_s painfully learned how to live behind the walls. But now you’re out and you’re scared and arigry and disoriented and terribly in need. And you have a new problem. You’re not just unskilled and unemployed, you’re also an ex-con. And nobody trusts you. You m~ight as well be wearing your number around your neck like a mug shot. You have to prove you’re a person, an adult, a woman, and a fit mother over and over again. And right away. Like the minute you get outwithout a place to live or the mqney to pay for it, or the job to get money, or even welfare. Fifty to seventy-five percent of all excons return to prison. Eighty percent of all new felonies are committed by ex-cons. Do you wonder why? Do you wonder what society is doing to us all and to itself? Surely it is creating crime by its punishment. cottage supervisor about getting my own apartment and being out on parole and she said, “Shirley, just remember that if things get too hard to handle, you can always call up the institution and come back until you get a hold on what you wait to do.” I meari it was like a mother saying to her daughter, “Don’t worry if things get too rough. You can always come home. This is your house.” That’s what she was saying. I thought maybe she was saying she didn’t think I could make it out there and that rea//y upset me. I can always come back here, but this isn’t my home! /t’s not! /t’s a prison. I gotta keep telling myself that. / really want to make it. But I really don’t know what making it’s all about. Shirley T., just before her release from Iowa Reformatory for Women / was tatking



to the


“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons,” says Fyodor Dostoevsky in The House of The Dead. But perhaps you can assume the quality of the prisons from observing the nature of the society from which they spring. Kitsi Burkhart proposes that we do away with prisons completely. That no accused person is drawn away from crime by what happens to her in prison and that society does not gain a moment’s breathing space by giving someone time. Agreed. But how do we abolish prisons without abolishing this form of society first?





the chevron


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26, 1973






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, evident

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redutidant to some, it should be . the e‘ffects should be < / stressed ‘that Meszaros does not even to the myopic. in any way ,argue for a fascistAnother ‘problem that is less cdnditjons of industrial and type of social control (selfthan emphasized is‘ by apologists p’o.liti&l existence. In other evident since his approach is o’f capital is that “the conwords, ther’ must be ‘a complete anti-capital).. This does not mean trddi$ons must be fought out at rejection of the criteria of capital that l he argues for no’. gocial the places where they are ac-’ production as a “neutral’%asis of control, a thesjs often advance by tuatly gqnerated.” Such a state This rejection is certain ‘le’ftist’ tendencies, but for gccurs when”capital ‘reaches a’ ,“all evalqation. necessarv’ for the simple reason popular ‘control ,rooted’ in poiri’t of, sat&&ion ahd cannot ,r--,-I---1. , -. mar rno soclarlsr programme can sycialism (i.e. the elimination of ’ find outlets’for further expansion. stand the test of a ‘capitalistic p’rof it-maximization ,,as the This is an 9c,casion dhen the ,, _, I ,, , ,. value-rree evaluation. I prevailing factor). ’ “I workers of the post-ind&tr,ial It must be made clear that , Besides exposing the need for societies can ~get a taste of - the Meszaros does not offer ti stepsocial control, the author real ’ viciousnesness of ‘liberal’ by-step programtie that the denounces the ‘theories’L,put forth capital. mechanically min‘ded can follow by thei apologists of. profit The reasons as ,to why’lhere is to achieve _socialism. To do so max’imization. One such ‘theory’ not a great discussion about‘ would be typical of a bourgeois is ” . ..the universal adoption of where the contr&dictiotis> will be -academic, accustdmed to ‘letthe American pattern of high! is due to the . fought out turing equally bburgeois mass-c6nsuTption within the deliberate assessment of labour students. <What -is suggested space of orle single century”. The problematics in partial- terms, So instead is the elhboration of- an’ absurdity of this .‘statement is by trying to keep problems on a adequate programmme by meatis quite obvi6us, fdr if such a partial level the ieal nature of of, criitical, bractical experience in situation occurred the ecologic& capitalist, production relations the course of actuql developj resources woul,d have been will &main a mystery. The only “Thus, the socialist inment. ’ -exhausted’ well before the end of shortconiing is that “the ruthless stitutions of s6cial ,control cannot that century several times .over. domination of labour ‘by-capital is define themselves in ,detail prior Meszarqs bases his lect.ur9 becoming increajingly more to their practical articualtion .” , (transcribed into a booklet)--on evident is a glqbal ’ phen, In sum, Meszaros Qffers the soIsaac Deutscher’s concluding omenon .” ’ inclined a good insight into his remark: “it all is our own conMeszaros does not fall in the train of thought,~ his knowledge _ tern.” Our concerti to change the trap of many other theorists; he of the Marxian analysis and his from nyr ‘present trend of self-destruction does not intellectualize upon the ability to express graphically the so that there can be a transition issue of socialism. He presents a blood churning. In today’s world results , in a comprehensible toward a soc;ialist society in go6d foundation on which of violente; three murder-s dealt manner. His ppproach is antiwhich “humanity can. find i the, adequate strategy can resuli. with so simply is not enough basis quietist as he s&es .the necessity unity it needs for its sheer surMeszaros stresses. the need (‘to .to put together a murder film. It of so&al control. 1 /’ change from top to bottom vival”. the would have worked ten yearsago -john. norris < - The approach to take, to pave just as it still work. today on the way for -the transition. is t& television shows like Th& FBI or demystify first the ’ issues inAlthough violence in. films is The Rookies, but it certainly will valved: ‘An i&e that is ,enbecoming a growing concern to not work now. If producers’ are coui.aged ,by philosophizing many people, we..must tit the . ’ . _ i I going to’ put together a murde<l politiciahs is pollution: “the costs ‘. same time consider’fhe necessity Second&A\ well-,done science-fidtion film- directed by ’ ‘can see! ‘00 reason why they. of cleaning up dur environment qf this vio!,ence. Frustration and John Frankenhtiitier, this is one of Rock Hudson’s few but shq,uldn’t ‘go all the way’! anger are not uncommon feelings mtit be met in the end by the surprisingly effectiv/e jobi of peal acting. Plus, the plot is semiThere, was some exciteinent in That the comin most,, people. These feelings community.” intelligent, a rare enough event in American film-making. The the film, although not violent, ,a often incite thoughts o’f violence munity of producers should meet ’ plot concerns an aging, average businessmari who tires of his chase scene *with the crook and which are reacted to <be being the cost do& not mean that they average job and his average fat%ily and e\ierything else, and’ the cop-s throughtt-r/e ~Paris repressed, enacted’ in FeaIi,ty, or will. In fact given the desire to finds,out that h’is body-for a price&an be re-built to that of involving ,a subway system maximi;e: profits it can safely be enacted into fantasy through\ a a yo’ung man’s;‘giving him a second try; hence, “seconds.” __.seemingly ingeniousendeqvour to asserted that the producers Will viblent filrt7. People . flock There’s something here’ for all of us. by the police to r;lab the crobk but n&er meet thccost of cleaning \ theatres to sek murder mysteries @valved no, danger-only shots last .of’ the Red Hot LoversiSally Kellermari turns in/ an up .the environment. so to and thrillers in oi-der that they of t+-n standing in the subwai , amusing enough performance, but this one’sort of IaIls flat ai declare that under the “ironmay satisfy their need for relief. *with police undercover agents _entertainment, and doesn’t have much to say, so fails on both These fantasies of violence can fisted” control of capital the’ watching him.. This seems to be I levels . I ‘safely be enacted by the actor on community of praducers will very -dull’ ’ stuff for the .. _ . _ , _ meet all costs is a dangerous the screen without anvone reallv discrimmating appetite. getting hurt. The audiehce is the; platitude, mouthed by pedestrian Whether a person sees a film to able to legve the th.eatre without. politicians. FOJ it is clear that to satisfy -his need for violent. the worry of ‘being arrested. solve the p‘roblems created -by fulfilment”or sitiply to be enPeople who go to violent industry, sot’iety. must!rid itself of tertained, I would s:ggest that movie? usually expect to be the entrepreneurial mentality they watch television or look &t stimulated in one. way or another. *; (emancipation of pblitics from Xx a window rather than seeing this In, The Godson, now the power of capital) and that offering. . playing at the Odeon Tlheatre in , society -must also change the -Kitchener, a pet-Son -would be . _ --linda lounsbrrY direction in which. science and . . disappointed.! The title, The technology has been geared to,. Godson would imply I that it is . \ , , ’ Apait from attempting to j-WAY SPEAKER SYSTEM _: ’ related to The Godfather, a very’ , issues bi, means of : _ mystify I Speakers: lo-inch woofer, violetit and satisfying movie +for. e,vasions‘and imne remarks it is / GM-inch mid-range, cone one hungry for ’ violence, The common to -notice how ‘ihe tweeter Frequency Range: ~I . movie turned out tql have ab-- ’ :, 35-20,000 H~~Maximum input -Power: 40, byatts solutely no relationship tb The ’ Godfather. It was the stdry of. a L&king behind ’ its French hired murderer and how ’ I the carpet. thev are tackled ‘power rating-I95 watts The -plot included ’ he is caught. merely ds effects’ divorced from I IHF, 40 - 40 watts RMS at 8 for a movie the typ-ical characteis , for 6-6 their _ causd,.“.. An appropriate bhms, ~ both channels of i ts typ?. An innocent-victim; a ’ ’ . ” examp!e of’ misidentity” cquld be driven--you find a direct pretty girl, a heroine, a good found when ay! economist (E. J. coupled amplifjer and dual crook, a’ bad crook and lots of lstvan Meszaros demohstrates M,ishin) stated that. -during a power supplies. The result pdlicemen take part in an equally a rare understanding,of the blackouj in New York City is _Consistent power ?ypical’ ending with the bad dilemr!na faced ’ today by “pkople tiere. fr-e4d from routi,ne throughout the 20-20,000 capitalism: “the capctalist systemgrid brought fogether by the’ crook dying heartlessly, the ,good -Hz bar)/dwidth fcjr imcannot separate.’ dat-k.... And as the darkness ’ crook dying heroically, and t_he of control rjroved transient, damping ‘advance from destructio h - ,-*-brought them stumbling into colice getting their man, qnd the andi frequency Yesponses, however Fatastrophic’ - che * each other? arms, sb the hard pretty girl. with low, low distortion. ’ results.” Ttiis inherent conlight scattered them --again .” The death scenes consisted tradiction ’ cannot be resolved So, according to-Mishan, what only of the’so,unds of guns\hot. No - I until there is social cbntrol (one ali&ates. people is the “hard blood 0; gore was exposed to the that shotild not be confused with light” -$nd -not their ‘social , ‘innocent’ audience, which ’ no social-‘democracy’). And in order’ relat-ionships. Thus the world’s doubt was praying it would be shown to bring come ‘life” into the to implement social control’there problems would be solved. if it were in a.:state of darkness. That film. After paying $2:25 {o g&,in, is a need for radical change in the the audierice woul,d expect prevailing contrdl m&hanisms. Mishan compl’etely forgets the l / Although endugh.gore. to at least get their it seem causes and’ solely u’pon may

’ :,brooks


. -fl I ,



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act 23-29 directed by Max Ophuls 1955 LoJa Montes was a flamboyant courtesan of 19th century Europe. Among her many lovers were Franz Liszt and Ludwig I, King of Bavaria (Played by Adolf Woolbruck). Her affair with Ludwig was both the high point and denouement of her career as it nearly fomented a popular revolution. This 21 million dollar production, directed by Max Ophuls, recounts her fabulous life. Starring Martine Carol as Lola Montes and Peter Ustinov as the Ringmaster. The set design for this film was done by Detten Schleirmacher, now of the University of Waterloo Department of Svstems Design. and bv D’eau Bonne. Colour cinemascope.


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26, 1973

the chevron


Letters to feedback should be addressed to Editor, Chevron; Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Please type on 32- or 64-character lines and doublespace. Untyped letters cannot be guaranteed to run. Pseudonyms will be run if we are also provided with the real name of the writer.

Important note Feedback letters over 600 words cannot be guaranteed to be‘ run without condensing. Letters, must be signed and written by individuals, not groups or associations; form letters will not be run. Chevron reserves the right to place its own headline above each letter. All letters must be typed, double-spaced on a 32; or 64character line.

i Zionist trickery . 1. The war in 1967 ended in the Israeli occupation of the territory from three Arab countries. This was carried out under a very big Zionist campaign claiming that the Jews in Israel were facing another holocaust and another recent Auschwitz. However, the statement issued by the Israeli army general (Weizman, Peled, and Bar-Lev) and published in Israeli newspapers like Ma’ariv, March 24, 1973, Yediot Aharanot, May 31, 1973, proved that Israel was by no means endangered in 1967. On June 7th, 1972, General Herzog even suggested publicly on the radio that ‘:An end be put to this discussion since we should not raise doubts about this story we have created.” 2. Israel claims that it is necessary for their security to keep the lands gained after 1967 (namely the Sinai Peninsula, the -Golan Heights, and the Western Bank) ; however,, it has since been proven that this is/just a facade covering Israeli aggrandisement policy. Evidence of this expansionist policy are obvious from Moshe Dayan’s statement to new war graduates after 1967: “Our generat‘ion made the frontiers of 1948, the present generation made the frontiers of 1967 a:d your generation will extend the frontiers to cover Eretz Yisrael”. After the war Senator William Fullbright, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, made a suggestion in the American Congress that a Common Defense Treaty between Israel and the United States should be made guaranIsraeli borders and the teeing secure sovreign,ty of the state; in return Israel should withdraw from the Arab territories occupied as a consequence of military operations (a violation of the United In view of Israel’s Nations Charter). expansionist policy this suggestion was rejected outright by Zionist circles both inside the United States and Israel. Another example of Israel’s attitude wa$ their answer to Gunnar Jaring’s proposal for a peaceful settlement. This proposal was accepted by the Arabs; they aneed to recognize Israel and guarantee it in return for the occupied security territories. Naturally, Israel refused to consider the proposal, thus putting an end to the Jaring mission for a peaceful settlement to the Middle East. 3. Since 1967 Israel has been very active in building settlements in the Golan Heights, Kibbutzim and Nahals in Sinai and bringing Jewish settlers from the. Soviet Union and Europe to occupy these settlements. They also defied the Unitsed Nations resolution annexing Arab Jerusalem, and making it the capital of Israel . Among the ‘numerous examples of

Israel’s arrogance are the following: 10th April, 1973 Terrorist Attack Beirut and Sotith Lebanon causing death of a great number of Palestinian Lebanese civilians.

in the and

February 1973 Shooting down a Libyan civilian plane causing the death of 108 innocent people. These examples suffice to show Israel’s terrorist behaviour. At all these stages the Arabs brought their complaints to the attention of the International body, and when condemnation was unanimously called for, it was confronted by the United States vetd. After the successful operation conducted by the Palestinian commando in Austria, Israel decide to yet again “teach the Arabs a Lesson”; last Saturday, 6th O’ctober, 1973, they attacked Southern Lebanon, as usual, and also attacked Syria, a fact that has been confirmed by the Le Monde correspondent in Jerusalem. As a consequence of these actions war broke out in the Middle East. The Arab stand was clearly summed up by the Egyptian Foreign Minister in the United National General Assembly, on 8th October 1973; he said that the Arabs want their land that has been seized by force after 1967, they want PEACE BASED ON JUSTICE. He continued, “You don’t fight because you win, you fight because you have a just cause”. THE ARAB STUDENT ASSOCIATION

Firetto loved I reeled and denied the reality which cancelled the only class I went to on Monday, October 15, 1973. Father Firetto was loved and respected by those of us who knew him as a brilliant psychologist, an understanding teacher, and as his title designates, a Father. He was not one of those ‘get your essays in, and your asses out’ Profs. His shortened time was everybody’s. A lack of religious commitment permitted my attending the funeral services in his honour with, what, would have been, my token hypocrisy. I pay my public tribute to that great name in the only small way that I. know of. Fall at Waterloo Content, the campus laps lazy When coloured leaves suggest the time; Content, the people on the grounds Feel poetry in their rhyme. But After his death the brooks stood still, Wind sighed to a stop on tree tops, And onions wept beneath their skins; Autumn fell like a dead leaf, Deepening the summer’s end with Dying arcs, making the hard cold Winter real, inevitable, A drift away.


Lord, You should have sent currents of Angels! to waft away the time Which scythed premature through his prime Like a sharp weighted pendulum; You could have breathed life’s breath again, Not cut short his end, now slow leaves Descend, mourning through green to black, And never back. I pray (as taught) that their blankets Swaddle your soul, bringing some warmth To that dark damp hole, possessor Of your heart unworthy; or was It your heart which bled to excess for Smoldering souls, breathing life’s fire To burnt-out holes? You spent your time In life’s thick, from which you’ve been spelt. You spun spells of love around ’ While radiating a warm glow


proclaimed by Zionists, to the Semitic race. Can it be possible to deny that the Arabs, too, are Semitics? The first gain of Zionism was a national Jewish home. They claimed possession of Palestine on grounds of religion. Zionism has made a plea for I shall brandish your memory religion, for a Jewish race and for a Jewish Like a badge pinned to my bare days; nation, to create Isreal. The Balfour And when blossoms shiver again, I’ll view the Fall in priestly ways. declaration promised -the Jews a national home, and in ,/1947 the United Nations granted them a Jewish state to which Gerald Patrick Lynch Zionism endeavours to dioll all the Jews ’ St. Jerome’s College of the world. A clearresult is that “The English, Year II arrival of every Jew in Palestine signifies the expulsion of an Arab from his homeland and deprival of his means of j subsistence”. In ali countries there is to be found a mixture of races, religions, communities and classes. “In no country does there exist a single race of people who adhere to one religion .” For this reason the conceptOn the 20th of October, 1973, about 300 of a “Jewish nation” wholly concentrated Jews staged a Solidarity March for Israel. in one country is a false and devoid of any They included not only members of factual significance. It is no more than a University of Waterloo Hillel but also loose expression of racism. Were a racist students from WLU and U of Guelph as trend to take root in a cbuntry comprising well as members of the Jewish comgroups of various races, intensive conflict munities of Kitchener-Waterloo, Guelph would soon ensue. The best examble of and- Galt-Cambridge. this is the sanguinary clash which took Amdng those present were Waterloo place between Zionists and Arabs, MP, Max Saltsman, who said that Israel following the influx of Jews into Palestine had every right to live as a state and which had previously enjoyed a peaceful called on the Canadian government to do existence over the centuries. Once racial everything in it? power to make certain hatred spreads to other races in a neighIsrael survives, and MPP James bouring country, the outcome is war Breithaupt who said that peace must between the two countries. The Zionists come in the Middle East but not at the do not wage alone their racist war against cost of Israel losing her sovereignty. the Arabs. They invite the citizens of all Rabbi P. Rosensweig, of Kitchener , said peace-abiding nations of the world to j.oin Arabs could live alongside Jews and this them in this war. The slogan raised by has been proved by the 1.5 million Arabs Zionists is - “pay a dollar and kill an living in Israel. Despite suggestions by Arab”. Arab states that the Arabs in Israel Zionism was not satisfied with its part should destroy Israel from within, he said gains, and will ‘not be satisfied with what there had not been one single report of it will gain in the future. Its programme sabotage within the state either in 1967 or emphasises its aim of attracting all the during the current battle. Jews bf the world to Palestine. The maxim We, who organized the march, feel that of “From the Nile to the Euphrates is thy our voice shall never be silent as long as land, 0 Isreal”, was at one time inscribed there continues to be injustice in the on the wall of the Knesset. Before going Middle East. into the details of Isreal’s expansion, one Sheldon S.S. Goldenberg should invistigate its causes and motives. Lorne M. Kay In addition to the economic gains realised Irwin Altrows from the occupation of other lands, with Waterloo Jewish Students Organimtiontheir natural resources, the existence of HILLEL. the Jewish state in Palestine, it is claimed, is capable of changing the conditions of ‘u the Jews in Israel and in the whole world. The partition resolution of the UN gave the Zionists (who claimed 5.6 per cent of n the lands of Palestine before its issue) 56.47 per cent of the total area of the country and as a result of the Zionist ItY attack on Arab countries in 1948, the state We, Arabs, take a hostile attitude of Israel was proclaimed. Zionist extowards Zionism \because, judged in the pansion reached its climax after the 1967 light of scientific principles and on the war: the whole of Palestine had fallen basis of the declarations and statements under th_e rule of the Israelis, and they offered by its ieaders as well as their acts _ also occupied parts of Syria, Jordan and and the results ensuing therefrom, it is Sinai. In fact, Zionist expansionst ama racist, facist, reactionary movement I bitions knew no limits, because the We continually hear these leaders speak Zionists aim remains the same. It is a wellof the Jewish race, the Jewish nation and known fact that Israel is the only country Judaism, and they put interpretations on in the world that does not proclaim these expressions to make them conform definite borders ,_for its state. with the objectives of the political Zionist It is not in the interests df the people of creed upon which they base their own the world to support a country of hostile conceptions of their holy books. The intent in its efforts to efface the Arab epithet “the Jewish Race” incites great peoples and to spread its domination over astonishment which becomes more large parts of Asia and Africa. Support striking by talk about the purity of the should be given to the Arab countries who Jewish race and the Jewish blood. The are fighting for the liberation of their Elicyclopaedia Britannica (vol XI I, pa&e lands, Support should,‘also be granted to 1054- 1972 edition) gives the following the Palestinians who are fighting for the comment: “The findings of physical liberation of their country and the creation anthropology show that, contrary to of a democratic, community in it, in which popular view, there is no Jewish race. the whole population will enjoy equal _ Anthropometric measurments of Jewish rights. N”aturally, the condition for this is groups in many parts of the world indicate the liquification of the racist and exthat they differ greatly from ose arjother pansionist policies followed by Israel. _ with respect to all the important physical characteristics”. If one follows up the A. Manieh. ramifications of the clasification of races, president, one can find that the Jews pertain, as Arab Students Association I That made a haven in this hell: It shall burn eternally, ior You showed me a tabernacle, A sanctuary within man Where saints are never forgotten, And your loving spirit glares on.

Arab ’ deceit


evvI IS h I












There will be, another in the never&ding s&es of Chevron staf meetings, on monday at --d around






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26, 1973


c hevr&


Letiers to feedback should be addressed to Editor, Chevron, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Please type on 32- or 64-character lines and doublespace. Untyped letters,cannot be guaranteed to run. Pseudonyms will be run if we are also provided with the real name of the writer.

g Enginews’ r praised t

Enclosed is a clipping from page one of the October, 1973, issue of “Enginews”. Finally someone has written an excellent criticism, obviously opposing the views of the Chevron concerning recent student matters. By now you have certainly read the article yourself. I urge you to reprint it in your “Feedback” section, or. perhaps it should be more appropriately placed on your front page. It is about time something interesting and constructive was published in our (the students’?) campus newspaper, which we are paying so dearly for, and receiving so little in return! Stewart Scott Arts 2


When the%nginews reprints one of our editorials on their front page, we will consider reciprocating. Unfortunately, we find the Enginews article of opinion to be of questionable value, fact-wise. If Oktoberfest was so popular, why did the board of entertainment go many thousands.lof dollars in the hole putting it on? Why did Art Ram finally have to agree to do away with the two-dollar entrance fee just to get students into the place in afternoons? If, indeed, you find nothing “constructive and interesting” in the Chevron, but fmd that in a sexist joke rag like Enginews, then perhaps our interests lie in different areas.-the lettitor.

Genesis re-visited Chapter 0 0 In the beginning there was Man 1 And he looked about him upon the vastness and variety of the sensible world and questioned the nature and meaning of existence 2 Yet he answered not 3 But found himself adrift in an unbounded sea of experience of depth and breadth beyond his senses of flux and swirl beyond his understanding , 4 And he was sore afraid , 5 So he created for himself a , being like unto his own image that might have all knowledge and understanding 6 And he called his creation God Chapter 1 0 Then God did save Man from the void of incomprehension 1 And Man looked upon what he had made and saw that it was- good 2 For when faced with his insignificance he would say “My God is all-knowing and all-seeing He will guide me with his vision and his knowledge shall be my knowledge then I am not alone” 3 And thus saying he did lean heavily on his God and found comfort

4 And Man rested Chapter 2 0 There also arose another man 1 Who looked upon God and saw a cocoon to cradle man’s senses in a confinement of comfort ’ and comprehension 2 And this man accepted Him not and was cast into the void and found neither comfort nor rest 3 Yet he did not despair, saying Though the universe may elude me in the search for truth I shall know at all times my ignorance TiJ6T 2a math

BOE resignation letter /

The following letter of resignation by board of entertainment personnel coordinator Hal Mitchell was sent to BOE chairman Art Ram this week.-the lettitor There comes a time when a person has follow his conscience when making certain decisions. It’s because of this that I’m submitting as permy resignation sonnel co-ordinator, effective immediately. I guess some explanation is in order. Last. March when I took the position of pers . co-ord., I had little idea of what I was to do or of how I was to do it. My job was essentially, that of hiring people to work at concerts, pubs, and recently, Oktoberfest. This I did. Contrary to some opinions expressed by some board members, any event that I was responsible for hiring people for came off with no problems resulting from staff inefficiency. It has come to my attention on more-than one occasion that you thought that the people I hired were not the kind of people you thought should be employed by the BOE. What have you to criticize? As far as I’m concerned, the people who have worked for the BOE in the recent past, (pubs, concerts, Oktoberfest) did a hell bf a good job when you think about some of the shit they had to put up with from certain assholes (both from within and without the board of entertainment). They


all in my opinion worked their respective asses off. But it seems that because they were, different than you, in that they could do a job in a calm, relaxed way rather than always worrying (I mean they have enough compassion and sense ,of fair play to handle ‘any situation that may arise) you come to the conclusion that they’re not the type of people you want working for the board. I told myself when I became involved with the federation, that I wouldn’t let myself get caught up in petty politics. It seems though that I have. Rumours aplenty are flying about me. For example, one person told me that you were just waiting for me to slip up so that you could replace me. Another said that you ‘had asked him what the repercussions would be if you were to fire me. When I asked


Hal Mitchell


- 1

/ FRIDAY The Blind Men by Michel de Ghelderode, directed by Maurice Evans, 11: 30 am Theatre of arts. Free admission. Baha’l fireside 7:30 pm, Village 1, S8-210. terested? Drop-in or call Andy 884-7577.

movement. It’s “Bring a Straight Friend ” night. All welcome. 8 pm CC113. For more information call ext. 2372 or drop into our office CC217C. Jazz Club meeting. A beginner’s guide to jazz by Barry Wills. 8 pm Kitchener Public Library.


Federation Flicks. The Last of the Red Hot Lovers and Seconds 8 pm AL116. $75 and $1.25 lxthus Coffee House 9pm ML coffee shop. This week music by Doug Pattison.Free coffee, speech and love., SATURDAY Trip to Niagara Falls, cost $4 return. Limited seats. Tickets on sale at Federation of Students and International Students Office, STS building. Leaves 12:30 pm campus center. Sponsored by International Student Association. Federation Flicks. The Last of the Red Hot Lovers and Seconds. 8 pm AL116. $.75 and $1.25. SUNDAY Art Gallery Concert. K-W Symphony Chamber ensemble playing music by Beethoven, Boccherini and Brahms. 2:30 pm Theatre of Arts. Free admission. National Arts Centre Orchestra is presented by K-W Symphony Orchestra Association. Program includes East-R. Murray Schafer; Piano Concerto in A Minor-R. . Schumann; Classical Symphony Op. 25-S. Prokofieff. Humanities Theatre 7:30 pm. Limited number of tickets available at the door. Adults $4; students $2. Federation Flicks. The Last of the Red Hot Lovers and Seconds. 8 pm AL116. $75 and $1.25. Mary Queen of Scats. 8 pm Waterloo University. Admission $99.


MONDAY. Meet Your Prof-informal, bring-your-lunch chemistry club meet’ing with Prof B. Fraser-Reid. 1: 30 pm Cl1 first floor lounge. Amateur Radio Club meeting in the Ham Shack E2-i349A. Everyone welcome. 4: 30 pm. Instructional and recreational sailing. new members always welcome. 6 pm Boat House, Lake Colu,mbia.

The Ldtitor

you the other night as to the truth behind these rumours, you more or less shrugged it off and didn’t really give me any sort of honest answer. I did my job in a way that I thought was both honest and fair to all concerned. It seems though that this was not enough. Whether or not you were planning on firing me, or whether the things that were related to me were the truth, my decision to resign is not based upon these considerations. My feelings towards you and the board (the way it functions as a minidictatorship) make it impossible for me to continue in my present position on the BOE. Maybe my replacement will be more to your liking. I leave with no hard feelings, I just feel a little sorry for you.

TUESDAY Lovers by Carrey Harrison directed by Gordon McDougall. 11: 30 am Theatre of the Arts. Free admission. Instructional and recreational sailing. N’ew~ members always welcome. 6 pm Boat House, Lake Columbia. Guest Lecturer Mrs Irene Johnson, Commissioner Federal Public Service. Topic “Career Opportunities in the Civil Service” 4 pm Theatre of Arts. Chess Club continued.


pm CC135.

WEDNESDAY Book and Information table in campus centre. 11:,30 am to 2:30 pm. Presented by Waterloo Christian Fellowship. Lovers by Carey Harrison directed by Gordon McDougall. 11:30 am Theatre of Arts. Free admission. Instructional and recreational sailing. New members always welcome. 6 pm Boat House, Lake Columbia. Environmental Studies 358 lecture on Energy Prospects and problems. Speaker Arthur C. Johnson, Dept. of Liberal Science, York U. 7 pm 81-271. THURSDAY The Manitoban Mennonite novelist Rudy Wiebe will give a reading from his new novel in the Faculty Lounge, HUM383 at 12:30 pm. Bal masque sponsored by La Societe francaise in Minota Hagey Lounge 7 :30 pm. Tickets must be purchased in advance from executive. 50 cents with costume: 75 cents without. Lovers by Carey Harrison djt-ected by Gondon McDougall. 11:30am Theatre of Arts. Free Admission. Canadian Studies 201 lecture. “French Canada” with Prof D. Horton, History. HUM 334 7pm. Guest lecture. University Photography Club. 8pm B2-353.



Circle K Club meeting. Everyone welcome. 6 pm cc113. Morganthaler Defense Committee meeting. 7: 30 pm. SS242.

Dr John Nash speaking on “Sex as a Bargaining Power” 8pm CC135. Presented by Birth Control Centre.

Gay Liberation meeting. “Some of my best friends are,“ a psychodrama sponsored by the

If and A Separate and $1.25.

Peace. 8pm AL116. 75 cents


the chevron



,, I i

Citing a necessity to protect Canadians and Canadian interests in Chile, External Affairs minister Mitchell Sharp last week announced that the Canadian government had recognized the Chilean military junta. Diplomatic recognition does not imply approval; we recognize many governments we don’t agree with, he said. Sharp’s statements imply that Canadians and Canadian institutions have little to do with the political situation in Chile; that the military coup and subsequent brutality are simply an internal Chilean problem. History proves Sharp wrong. Coups aren’t accidents-they ‘are made to happen. The recent coup in Chile began when, in 1970, the huge American corporation, International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), waged an expensive and unsuccessful campaign to prevent the election of Salvadore Allende. Like many other third world countries, Chile is hampered by an economy based almost entirely - on a single primary resource. Copper accounts for about 80 percent of Chile’s annual foreign commerce. Without the resourcesto. successfully develop her copper reserves, the largest known in the world, Chile became a prime target of those with the necessary money and technology. Since. the first world war, two large American corporations, Brass and Kennecott Anaconda American Copper, have profited immensely from their control of 80 to 90 percent of Chile’s total copper production. In 1969, Kennecott had only 13 percent of its world-wide investments in Chile but netted 21 percent of its profits there. Anaconda, in 1969, had only 17 percent of its investments in Chile where it netted 80 percent of its profits. Chile’s dependence on these two large American copper companies has meant that the Chilean people have hardly benefited from their country’s wealth. Between 1911 and 1971, foreign investment in Chile totalled about $1 billion but, during that time, the foreign-owned companies removed about $7.2 billion from Chile, Kennecott and Anaconda taking about $4.6 billion of this. , Aware of the vast wealth leaving the country, Chilean governments have occasionally at tempted to increase their share. In 1952, a nationalist government took over foreign copper sales and increased taxes on copper but the companies decreased their copper production and the government backed down. Before Allende, President Eduardo Frei made the most significant attempt to make copper profitable to Chile. In 1964’ Frei’s government agreed, at Kennicott’s urging, to purchase 51 percent of Kennecott’s and Anaconda’s Chilean mines provided the companies would expand the mines and increase production substantially. Chile then had a majority interest in its copper industry but, either by covert design or colossal error, Frei’s ownership scheme failed miserably. Frei’s government paid more for 51 percent of - Kennecott’s largest Chilean mine than the entire ’ Kennecott operation in Chile was worth. Other companies must have envied Kennecott’s deal, made by reevaluating the shares to fraudulently inflate the book value of the mines. Anaconda did the same thing. As well, the copper companies retained all corporate decision-making and book-keeping powers. The Chilean government had to rely on Anaconda’s and Kennecott’s good faith to benefit from ownership of the mines and then, as before, the corporations showed they had little good faith when possibilities of huge profits existed. Owning only 49 percent of the mines, the American companies made higher profits and paid less taxes than when they owned 100 percent. Between 1950 and 1965, the total value of exported copper was $3.2 billion. Of this, the companies withdrew (as profits and dividends) about $1.3 billion from Chile and paid about $914 i million in taxes. Between 1966 and 1970 (when the companies owned 49 percent), total export value was about the same as in the previous fifteen years, $3.2 billion. But, unreturned capital was about $1.4 billion and taxes were $854 million.’ Anaconda and Kennicottdid not spend any of their own money on the improvement and expansion of the mines. They negotiated American bank loans and the Chilean government, having little foreign currency or other assets if payment became necessary, guaranteed the loans. “The Chilean state (appeared) in the loan contracts as collateral,” the Chile Copper Corporation (the company formed by the Allende government to control the mines) later sarcastically remarked. Because Chile produces few manufactured

goods, it must rely on foreign suppliers, mostly in the U.S., for most of its consumer and industrial goods. Since Chilean currency is not acceptable on world markets and, like most other third world countries, it had not been able to build substantial reserves of - foreign currency, Chile is obligated to negotiate loans and credits with public and private lending institutions in other countries. Usually, Chile (or any other foreign customer) would make an agreement of sale with a company in another country or a multi-lateral institution (such as the World Bank) and ask that either Chile be granted a loan or that the seller be guaranteed payment (by extending an outstanding credit to Chile’s account). The private companies which sell in foreign countries are thus protected, by their own country’s financial institutions, from default of payment. - Having the most readily available credit and the most reliable money, the United States uses the system of loans and credits to further the international development of its corporations and to tie third world countries to Americangoods. American foreign aid, in the form of loans, grants and credits, works in part to, keep areas open to American companies and American goods ,by burdening countries with American debts. A country can’t open new lines of credit and change the kind and models of its imported goods without having the capital to pay off the existing debts and finance a massive changeover. ’ Since the second world war, the U.S. has provided Chile with 40 percent of its imports, including 65 percent of its capital imports. In 1970, 78 percent of Chile’s -short term credits came from the U.S. President Frei survived his disastrous

octobw -

Chilean government. But c Anaconda and Kennicott were not ultimately to lose money when their mines were nationalized. The U.S. government operates the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) which insures American comapnies - against nationalization. After its Chilean mines were nationalized, A,iaconda presented the OPIC with a claim for $154 million. The other nationalized American companies also demanded OPIC settlements. The American government, therefore, had several hundred million dollars worth of reasons to get rid of Allende. It costs a lot less to bankroll a military coup. But nationalization -did prevent the large copper companies from taking future profits, so Kennecott and Anaconda began a campaign designed to prevent Chilean copper from reaching market and to critically impair Chile’s lines of foreign credit. Kennecott sent a strongly-worded letter to its customers advising them that the company was prepared to contest, in foreign courts, its rights to the Chilean- copper. As well as intimidating foreign copper buyers, Kennecott and Anaconda embargoed repair parts, warehouse and medical supplies purchased by the Chilean government in the U.S. and destined for the mines. In the fall and winter of 1972-73, Kennecott was partially successful in gaining injunctions in European courts against the delivery of Chilean copper. This not only endangered Chile’s copper markets and foreign credit rating, but the legal battles cost the Allende government money it didn’t have. However, Chile was not without its supporters. In October 1972, dock-workers at Rotterdam and

>a The Makings / of \ a Coup in Chile The Canadian government have us believe.

and Canadian corporations

ownership scheme by plunging the country into the largest foreign debt in the third world-more than $3 billion by 1970-mostly in U.S. loans and credits. When Allende’s government came to power in the fall of 1970, they were faced with a huge foreign debt while American corporations were reaping enormous profits. Anaconda’s profits in Chile from 1955 to 1970 averaged 21.5 percent. The company’s profits in all other countries during the same years averaged3.6 percent. Kennecott’s profits in Chile born 1955 to 1970 averaged 52.8 percent and in all other countries less than 10 percent. In 1967, Kennecott made 106 percent profit in Chile; in 1968, 113 percent; and an incredible 205 percent in 1969. Eaced with such an impossible economic situation, Allende’s government took the logical , step. In june 1971, the Chilean ‘ Congress unanimously passed a bill ‘nationalizing the copper mines. Allende himself was concerned that only a small part of the companies’ pvfits could greatly improve Chileans’ lives. In December 1972, he told the United Nations: “In my country there are 600,000 children who will never be able to enjoy life in a normal way because during the first eight months of life they did not receive the minimum amount of protein. Four thousand million dollars (copper companies’ profits from 1911) would completely transform Chile. A small part of that sum would ensure protein for all time for all children of my country.” The Chilean government compensated the companies for the loss of their investments but they deducted what they considered “excess profits” made by the companies since 1955. A reasonable (and generous) rate of profit, they decided, was 12 percent. They also deducted, from the compensation’due, the amount of valueinflating done for Frei’s ownership scheme and, since the corporations left the mines in poor repair, and had sabotaged some of them, they deducted the cost of necessary repairs. This formula left Kennecott and Anaconda owing the Chilean government money. In an act of unwarranted generosity, the Chilean government did not bill Kennecott or Anaconda forthese amounts. Smaller companies that had not made excess profits did receive payment from the

are not as innocent as they would by Bob


Le Havre refused to unload a shipment of’chilean copper, fearing it would fall into Kennecott’s In December 1972, CIPEC, the hands. organization of copper exporting countries (Chile, Peru, Zaire and Zambia, which produce 44 percent of the world’s copper) declared they would not deal with Kennecott and would not serve the markets Chile usually served. Kennecott was using its vast corporate wealth to try and destroy the Allende government. As Time magazine reported it: “Kennecott officials are determined to keep the heat on Chile. The Manhattan offices of General Counsel Pierce McCreary, who is directing the campaign, has the air of a war room. His desk -is strewn with shipping reports, and on one wall hangs a large map for plotting ships’ courses.” The large nationalized American corporations had declared economic war on the Allende government and Allende soon recognized it. He told the United Nations: “We not only are enduring a financial blockade, but also are the victims of downright aggression. Two companies belonging to the hard core of the great transnational enterprises, namely the the International Telephone and Telegraph Company and the’ Kennecott Copper Corporation, which had driven their tentacles deep into my country, proposed to manage our political life.” American private banks co-operated with the nationalized companies’ economic strangulation of Chile by granting Chile only $35 million in short term credits in 1972. Previously, they had granted an average of $220 million annually and, since credit was not renewed, Chile had to pay the outstanding amount. One U.S. banker told a reporter: “We are influenced to a considerable degree by the attitude of the U.S. government-it couldn’t be otherwise. We deal with the USSR, with Yugoslavia and China, but not with Chile. Why? Because of the policy of the government.” This was only partly true. Two American banks, the First National City Bank (teh largest U.S. private bank) and the Bank of America, had virtualiy controlled banking within Chile. Many directors of these banks were also directors of the large nationalized companies. Although Chile was so dependant on foreign credit and had such a huge foreign debt, Allende’s

government nationalized the were responsible for great leaving Chile to the U.S. I ministers apparently did not the ensuing credit boycott. Since short-term credit, a investments but just as Allende’s government did nc cut as much as they were. ( able to make up for lack of with increased credits at E apparently thought its legal would preclude any massive The Export-Import Bar American government finan previously supplied about 1 economic aid to Chile. But it requests for loans and cred Eximbank guarantees companies against default foreign customer. It also 1 private bank credits to foreig it guarantees private bank A financial blockade wo~lc Chile to maintain econom resulting shortage of doll members of the Chilean-mic used to buying the import with the dollars. An effecti\ would be invisible, but it R 01 government look irrespons serve the people’s needs. In August 1971, Eximba Keams formally informed bassador that Chile could credits until the question Lf nationalized companies was I the New York Times, the U .I indicated the decision to blot to Chile was “made on the under pressure from Americ

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i 1973

anks because they nounts of capital t Allende and his 3rsee the extent of not really capital ;ances to trade, expect them to be ile expected to be nerican assistance mopean banks and temocratic election thdrawal of credit. (Eximbank) , an al institution, had ,f of the the U.S. enied all Allende’s . rivate American F payments by a i some control of customers because edits. aake it difficult for growth and the s would frighten le class who were goods purchased financial blockade I make the Chilean le and unable to : president Henry the Chilean am:pect no loans or npensation for the tled. According to State Department Eximbank credits hite House level”, i companies.

the chevron

In October 1971, shortly after Allende’s government announced the compensation due the companies, American Secretary of State William Rogers met representatives of Anaconda, Ford, ITT, Ralston Purina, the First City National Bank, and the Bank of America (all of which Chile had nationalized) to assure them the U.S. would “cut off aid unless she (Chile) provided prompt compensation .” Chile did provide compensation but the American government and the American corporate community did not agree that it was enough. Besides, Chile had robbed the companies of an opportunity to make huge profits on little investment. Chile is very dependant on American dollars to import needed goods. With foreign credit cut off, Chile had to dip into its already depleted reserves of American dollars. The lack of substantial reserves further impaired its “credit worthiness” and made it even harder to get credits and loans. Although American loans and credit for domestic goods was cut off, American military aid to Chile increased after Allende’s election. In 1971, the U.S. granted’chile $5 million for the purchase of military aircraft at almost the same time as Eximbank refused credit fot the purchase of commercial aircraft. From the beginning of 1972 until early this year, American military, aid to Chile totalled $14.5 million. The military thal overthrew Allende was receiving American aidAllende and the Chilean people were not. I

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Chile’s economic and political problems have been primarily of American design and origin. But the Trudeau government and Canadian

corporation are not as innocent as they would have us believe. The Canadian government % Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce magazine, “Canada Commerce”, in July 1973 said: “Trade opportunities in Chile are limited by shortages of foreign exchange and private bank credit lines.” Although Canadian exports to Chile, which depend on non-Chilean currency or bank credits, had been rising steadily throughout the sixties, they fell sharply after Allende’s election, from $23 million in 1969 to $10 million in 1972. Canadian imports, though, rose significantly from $3.3 million in 1969 to $9.3 million in 1971 and $6.5 million in 1972. Canada is not usually an importer of copper (we have and use our own) but has occasionally imported Chilean copper - “if the market conditions are right”, Trade and Commerce people say. In 1969, $18,000 worth of Chilean copper was. imported to Canada and in 1970, $25,000. But the year the Chilean government gave the copper mines to the people, 1971, was a very good year for Chilean copper in Canada. That year, more than $6 million worth of Chilean copper was imported to Canada. Trade and Commerce people say this disproportionate figure is the result of a single purchase of more than $5 million which, they speculate, was made by Noranda Mines, a Canadian copper and mining and refining company. One of the smaller companies Allende’s government nationalized was Chile Canadian mines, a copper mining company controlled by Noranda Mines. Noranda recovered, from the Chilean government, $4.1 million of its original $4.5 million investment in Chile Canadian Mines. As Trade and Commerce officials’ suggest, it seems probable Noranda also got away with $5 million worth of copper and got it to Canada before the nationalization deadline to be marketed from here. A.H. Zimmerman is a vice-president and comptroller of Noranda Mines. He is on the boards of a number of Noranda subsidiaries and some other Canadian companies. Zimmerman is also director of the Canadian government-owned Export Development Corporation. In October 1972, when questioned about Canada’s refusal of credits to Chile, Department of External Affairs officials referred reporters to the crown-owned Export Development Corporation (EDC). EDC’s vice-president refused to comment for publication. The EDC is the Canadian equivalent of the American Export-Import Bank; it provides loans and credits to foreign buyers of Canadian goods and services and insures financing granted by private banks to foreign customers. An EDC official said recently that the Corporation’s policy towards Chile “of-- late has not been exactly ‘hands-off’, but we haven’t provided any extended financing.” In March 1973, Conservative MP for Oxford, W .B. Nesbitt, complained that a company in his riding, Timber Jack, had negotiated a $4 million sale of logging equipment to Chile but the EDC turned down Chile’s request for credit for the sale. In the House of Commons, Nesbitt said: “(I) discussed the matter with officials of EDC, and was informed that they were acting in accordance with government policy not to extend loans to Chile at present.. .I would be surprised if the government of the United States has not attempted to put some pressure on the government _ of this country, through the Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, and asked us to restrict trade to Chile.” From 1961 to August 1970, the total financing agreements signed -by Chile with the EDC amounted to $24.7 million. Since Allende’s election, Jthere has been no EDC financing granted to Chile. Nesbitt’s suspicion of American pressure is probably true. But there is more to it than that. The EDC’s board of directors includes civil servants and representatives of the “private sector”. The Corporation’s act was changed recently, reducing the number of civil servants on the board from eight to seven and increasing private sector representation from four to five. Including Noranda’s Zimmerman, there have been six private sector EDC board members since 1969: P.H. Leaman, P.R. Sandwell, I.S. Ross, R.D. Southern and Arthur F. Mayne. While Allende was in power, these people (plus the civil servants on the board) had control of Canadian public credit and loans and, to some extent, control of private bank financing - to foreign customers. Five of these six were, during the time they were EDC directors, representatives of companies which had substantial investments in Chile. Two of, these, Zimmerman and Mayne, represented companies whose Chilean investments had been


nationalized and Mayne was one of the people who launched a vicious propaganda and legal campaign against the Chilean government. The other companies represented onthe EDC board which had interests in Chile, though not nationalized, were always faced , with the possibility of nationalization while Allende was president. P.H. Leman is president of Alcan Aluminum which has substantial interests throughout Latin America and the Carribean but not in Chile. P.R. Sandwell is president of Sandwell and Company, an engineering firm which has at least one contract in Chile. He is also director of Placer Development, in which Noranda has a controlling interest. When Sandwell resigned in October 1971, he was replaced on the EDC by I .S. Ross, president of Swan Wooster Engineering which is 40 per cent owned by Sandwell and Company and 60 per cent by Swan Wooster Holdings. R.D. Southern is president of Atco Industries, a company which produces transportable buildings. He is also director of Crown Zellerbach Canada, a subsidiary of Crown Zellerbach International, an American corporation which owns jointly with another company, a-mill in Chile to produce specialty papers. , Last, and certainly best, is Arthur F. Mayne. Until his death in September 1972, EDC director Mayne was president of Kennecott Canada, a director of ’ the parent company, Kennecott Copper Corporation, and a director of Kennecott ‘s ,C hilean subsidiary, Braden Copper. It is not surprising that the government owned Export Development Corporation followed the lead of its American Counterpart and curtailed financial assistance to Chile. Until the recent coup, the Allende government was negotiating with Canada’s largest shoe manufacturer, Thomas J. Bata, for the purchase of a 51 per cent interest in his $10 million plant in Chile. The Bata Shoe Company maintains factories throughout the third world where labour costs are low. Other Canadian companies still in Chile are: Atlas Explorations, which owns 75 per cent of a mine; B.C. Packers (owned by George Weston Company which also owns Loblaws, Eddy Paper, Sayvette and Nabob) which owns 33 per cent of a fish packing plant; Chemetics Ltd. (50 per cent owned by Canadian Industries Ltd.) which has at least a $1.5 million interest in a sodium chlorate plant; Bayer Drugs (a Canadian subsidiary of the American company) which owns-a pharmacutical plant in Chile; and Sandwell and Company which + has, jointly with John Inglis Co., a $14 million interest in a pulp and paper mill. Although Canadian companies’ investments in Chile are far less than those of their American counterparts, these companies have a vested interest in maintaining a “favourable” government in Chile. The recent coup guarantees that they will be able to continue to exploit Chile as a source of cheap labour and materials. “After the cutting of the lines of credit from the World Bank and other international organizations of finance, some Canadian and Dutch banks have also decided to stop credits allotted to Chile because of the Kennecott affair,” the October 12-18, 1972 issue of Le Monde said. Some Canadian private banks had offered to provide loans and credits to Chile but at very high rates of interest. The attitude of Canada’s private banks was not just in response to American initiatives or the lack of EDC guarantees. Of the 231 directors of the five major Canadian chartered banks, .about one-quarter are also directors of subsidiaries of very large American corporations (or in a few cases, of the parent companies themselves) whose interests in Chile were nationalized or of Noranda mines and its subsidiaries. As well, there are probably a significant number of Canadian ,bank directors who are also directors of subsidiaries of smaller American companies whose interests were nationalized. The recent coup in Chile benefited many American and Canadian corporations and their governments. Although these interests groups may not have had a direct hand in bankrolling the coup, they all helped to create an economic and political situation which made the coup probable. ITT, as well as helping to make the coup probable, probably also helped finance and organize it. Other corporations and the American government certainly had enough motive to provide technical and financial aid to the coup’s leaders. Neither Chilean socialism nor its father, Salvadore Allende, committed suicide. They were killed by the American government and corporate elite, actively assisted by other capitalist governments and corporations. cl







the chevron





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to worry

appliance and do


repairs your

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need.. coin!










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the chevron



26, 1973

It’s. easier than it looks Great new strides are now being made ’ in the treatment of hemorrhoidal problems

A crack team of top research scientists claim that with the latter class of ailment, “some assholes will require complete iri the University of Waterloo’s excision .” ’ mechanical engineering department Massive public education programs in announced Friday the development of a inexpensive, effective simple, the new technique inay soon be instituted Yet technique for use in home medical to combat not just diseases, but also what treatment programs. Though I the has been aptly termed “a steady and technique is not without limitations, it has ’ insidious decline in old-fashioned values in already been hailed by some doctors as a a society where anal orientation has been a genuine breakthrough which will go far in long and cherished tradition.” relieving them of certain examination Attention will be paid in these procedures which can be both distasteful programs to the important hygienic to the practitioner and embarrassing to -factors ’ integral. to the Jones technique, 1 the pa&nt. since the scientists acknowledge that Dr. R. Jones, the leader of the research kissing ass is not without its dangers. project, has stated in interviews that the Among the safety fact sheets emanating proposed technique “involves using from the research hindquarters will be visual, olfactory and tactile data to obtain pamphlets stressing the importance of a reliable diagnostic result”. Sounds thorough shampoohings following selfcomplicated? Well, actually it’s as simple inspection, and others outlining the ps it looks in the accompanying diagram, possible explosive consequences of although Jones readily admits that those cigarette smoking whiie “inside”. with arthritic and other afflictions But, despite his scientifis-caution,Jones restricting agility might require some waxes enthusiastic about the exciting practice before really getting the hang of j developments now maturing in this onceignored but all-important field. The researchers claim the novel ap“Whole new vistas are opening up,” he proach is indicated in cases of suspected says. “Not only are frontiers of science hemorrhoids, piles, intra-rectal itch, anal being expanded, but we’re also learhing syphilis, ring around the moon and more about .ourselves. You’ve only got to open your eyes.” persistent Oktoberfest complaints”, in the faculty -nick savage although other experts



The chevron is looking for people with a knowledge of the Czech and or Russian language[s] who would be willing to volunteer time. and effort to translate material in those languages to I English. \ The material to -be translated consists of abstracis from a conference on psychotronics held in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in June of this year, and is likely to be interesting in the extreme. Call Nick Savage at the -chevron office-885=166O, or university extension 2331.

Errata/addenda -The two articles in last week’s issue suffered from several mistakes which were chiefly the result of a last-rush to meet the printer’s deadlines at our trusty typesetting shop. The worst among these was that the credits on the articles were transposed,the first-Mind and method: aspects of psychotronics was by John A. Jungerman, whose byline appeared, under the second article-Telepathy and the neutrino, which was actually by Martin Ruderfer. Ernst von Bezold, by whose permission the articles w&e printed, has asked US to mention their original titles for purposes of reference, since, in line with chevron practice, we -gave them. our own headlines. ’ Mind and method was originally A nuclear physicist looks at psychotronics; Telepathy and the neutrino first appeared as a Neutrino theory of exI trasensory perception. Bezold has furthe-r requested that the author’s original diagram for the latter article be printed for the chevron readers, to avert a.ny possible m&understanding which he feels could arise from the remodelled version we ran last week.

WRI-research central ’ controlling

It was around 1967 when universities in performed quickly and efficiently and Canada began to feel that there should placed in the hands of the government or be ,some means of the industry as soon as possible. In the past research being done by faculty on this time element had been a problem as Canadian campuses. Established around universities were notorious for being late this time’ these Research Institutes, as with research reports when the industry thy were called, were partially funded dealt directly with the researcher rather by the government, and worked in co- than having the researcher ‘contracted operation with both government and through another organization. ~ industry in handling research grants and The fields of research are not limited contracts. At the present time there are to what is requested by government or institutes of this type at McMaster, industry. The WRI also provides a Guelph, Windsor , Ecole Polytechnique facility through which researchers can in Montreal, McGill, and Dalhousie obtain research grants to study University in Halifax. There are also phenomena in which they are interested. several more organizations of this type There is more of this latter kind of being set up in othek cities across research going on at U of W. The ratio of Canada. grants to contracts is somewher’e around Established as the Waterloo Research three-to-one with a total of apInst.itute under the Direction of Dr. J.W. proximately 5 million dollars being Tomecko in 1967, the WRI has been co- channelled through the Waterloo ordinating the research of the University Research Institute since 1967. of Waterloo with the needs of governThe areas of research at the university ment, industry and the professors on the of Waterloo are varied although most U of W campus. research is being “done in the areas of The existence of, the WRI. allows both en(gineering and mathematics. The WRI, government and industry to deal with h owever, does not discriminate as to the university when * they wish which areas are given research funding. something to be researched, rather than Professors are free to sub&t any topic dealing with the researcher directly as from religious studies to quantummath. had been done prior to 1967. When The government then decides if they government or industry wants to warrant grants. research something they come to the U In the past, such areas as waste of W and talk-with the WRI. The area of d’isposal, personnel management, cancer, the research may not even be known h’lg h pressure water cutting, smoking, in which case the WRI is presented only and pre-schooleducation have had with the problem and asked to find what grants negotiated through the WRI. is wrong and how to correct it. The WRI In the past, universities have been then contacts various professors .on accused of being ivory towers, and of not campus and conkfacts one or more of contributing to society. Through the them to work on the problem. research institutes this has changed on The WRI then proceeds to supervise * at least one level. Now if they can only the whole project and see that the discriminate between useful research specifications of the contract are upheld: and research in, for example, weapons, things likb the amount of money spent, then perhaps universities are good *for and amount of time elapsing before the something after all, project reports. Thus the research is -fred bunting

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the chevron






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, Berkeley Lo- submit a Apaper on racial OI n the master race bandwagon. Among differences. ‘T-he result was the notorious t1 iem: ’ 0 , England’s “How Much Can We Boost ,I& and H.J. Eyseick, author of a Scholastic Achitivment?“’ [4], at 125 pages of JeF%sen’s theories called P opularization the longest article ever published in t_he tl he The IQ Argument. In it he exfiiains u HER. Jensen’s - bas’ic argument is that tl hat the Irish are as inferior as the .Blacks. 0 - Stanford’s since “intelligence is what IQ< tests William Shockley, inventor measure” [5], Blacks, who score lower on, 0 f the transistor. Shockley is responsible IQ tests, must be less intelligent. Jensen fc )r as concise a definition r6f racisg as cites studies which supposedly ‘bhow IQ Y’ou’ll ever hear: “-Nature has color-coded diffe&&ces among whites to be 80 per cent ir ldiiriduals so that statistically reh%le -due to heredity, and so concludes that “it .can be profitably used-by the P redictions.. is not an unr&asonable. hypothesis” that ‘n+n-in-the-street .” [ 111 P ragmatic the - BlackLWhite differehce ( is gelietic. Mo& frightening of all is- the reapioining the- US Army’ [3]. Moreover, ‘he claims that there are‘ acearance of Nazi-style eugenics, selective -- This is the,fir_st of two articles by f -From these beginnings developed the tually t&o types of intelligence_: level I, b reeding for racial betterment. Shockley Dennis Higgs and Bill Wadie, widespread theory -of the “culture of wh$h corresponds to rote learning, &d cl lain-i% that, the inferior Blac&s _are outfaculty members in pure math. is xiyerty ?’ which hdlds that poverty level - II, conce$tual ’ thinking. Jensen’ ‘b reeding the Whites. -His solution is a Comments and criticisms are. nainly a prdduct of the warped per-- clajms that Blacks are good at level I but plan whereby a sterilized Si terilization .i welcomed. _ sonaliti’es and all-round inferiority of the poor at--level II, and that the schools P erson receives $l,OQO for each point their / Door. This is the theme of- Edward shouid-take ‘advantage’ of this difference. Q is below’100. And if that doesn’t- scare I c Banfield’s book The _Unheavedy City. ’ The article re_c_eived itiensiye and Did you know that: oti, ldok in’ &e&en’s HER article: “Is Banfield character&es a& “pathological” (i) the rich ‘are rich because they are largely uncriticalpr?ss coverage. “qan here a danger that current welfare ch&‘ culture of the “low&r ciass” whd, he inher?ntly clever and cultured people; ’ ntigroes -learn the same way Whites do” olicies, uneided by eugenic foresight, say& are mainly Black. The book has-to be appear&d in U.S. News‘ and World Repqrti (2) the poor are poor because they are ould lead to the genetic_ enslavenient of a read, to be believed: “The lower class - inferior; they 11% like a-&n&, bleed like Saturday Re$eti excerpted parts of his ast segment of our population?” (‘131 One individual lives in the slums pnd sees pap&r; and Newsweek ran an article rabbits, tind a.~%! inherently. stupid; in ronders what constitutes “eugenic ’ little or no reason’to c&plain. He does &t,itlep’Born I&b?“. Not to m&&ion particular: Iresight”. not care how dirty-&id dilapidated his Time, L%e, VI-New Republic, )3at&day _ i (3) the Black race is genetically ‘infer& Banfield, Jensen et al do note seem to be housing is, . nor does ‘h? mind the ‘Evening Past and -so on. Jensen did . to the -White race. a s widely used at W&erloo as at @her inadequacy of pubIic faciliti& as s&o& ‘nothing to discourage &his. sensationalism U nive&ities, e&n Canadian ones. There is’ Naturally, you are skepticafi probably libraries” (p . 62). parks L and ‘and even grqnted ixiany i+erviewsin- I a t least one exception, and a very the ravings of some 19th‘ century .reacBanfteld repeats almost every disgusting _cluding one on the ‘David Susskind TV d isturbing one. Some sections bf Psych tionary , or eveii eircerpts from Meiq racist stereotype ‘ever invented: they show. In these interviewshe’ drppped his 101 are using a new source book,Kampf. But you are wrong-these are’ “be@ one’6 c&&en enjoy being able to pretense of academic tieut&ity and F‘sycbology , a Search For Alternatives, ‘scientifically’ proven ‘facts’, ‘discoveries’&nd lie drunk in the gutter” fp: 63) ,- they campaigned hard ,for rac&l superiority. It ‘Coming and Wi/lovrts, all et&ted by-Dial, : of the the new blame,the:$ctiin school of cannot control their sexual (p. wa,s in‘ the NY ‘I&es. _ Magazine that he 0 f Waterloo. The book contains’reprints of - social science. The ’ names -are firobribly 53)) they- take “no interest in wqrk” (p . annotinced that “there are Intelligence 8 everal articles and comments by Jensen familiar to you- Banfield, kho says the 53). _ genes which are found in pohulations in and Hermstein, not’ to. mentign a whole who says poor, like slqms; --Hernstein, inclu-de ’ His .recommendations different proportions, somewhat like the +-S ection on “genetic engineering”. This \ unemployment is hereditary; bnd Jensen, the .min”lmum wage “2a>repeal,ing distribution of bl&od typ&; The number of night not -be as bad as it, seems, becausewho has ‘proyen’ that Blacks are inferior. law. .,2b ceasing’ to overpay for low-skilled int.elligenc(! genes seems lower, overall, in ’ 1he book is designed to include $,a wide They have different opinionfiut they all: . public employment. . .4 :I. . encourtige , (or the Black.population than in the White” of. o&.Gons fqr discussion and agree that Zf you’re poor, or discrimin@%d V rariety require) [the lower class poor] to reside in [6]; In tlhe sdnie interview: “Sdme childreri However, this wide variety does against,’ it’s because there’s something ‘6 Fiticism. an institution or -semi-institution, -* for will -be happiest aid most productive most likely your_ genes. n lot in&de an explicit rebuttal of -the wrong hit&i-youexample -‘a closely supervised - public learning by rote alone. Others, who have Their remediesliterally iiiclude con‘C laims of raecal differences in titelligence, hdusing project. . . 10 . a . abridge t? . an conceptual abilities, should be in classes centration camps ( Blanf ield-) and 0 lr even any indication that a scientific degree the freedom of those , where they can make the best use of them. st?rilization (Shcckley) . C riticism is possibl& This is rather _~ appropria,te rjegrettable because Jensen, in the article These rn+ are not isolated crazies. Pwhich is reprinted, charact&rizes ail his They are tenured professors, departritics as overemotional and unscie&ific. mental chairmen, presidential adviso?s. Vhat is even more regrettable is that the They are the r&pie&& of l@sh govern: omments of the editors c&c~rn~g race - rrient and foundation grants. Theti ideas md intelligence repeat three of Jensen’s have been given extensive and usually :. n&e serious errors : ’ favourable coverage in the press. Their ‘ . . . We do not know whether the -ob.theor‘ies are taught in c~@ssrooms tid served ititellectual differences between the in b&de@ of assigned as reading -aces are, due in large’ or small part to universities in North Americ’aincluding lereditary difference<. . . In the case bf Waterloo. This article and another to Vorth Am&can and E,uropean whites we follow, are intended to cotinte?act the mow chat about 80 per cent of the dif-influence of the victim-blam@s, and to brences iri IQ within the group are due to 2 . show them to be as unscientific a&hey are leredite differences in ability. We don’{ vicious. Their t&&e-s are propaganda, <no? if the same ‘proportion holds for, and yery dangerous propagvda ~at ,th&. / Vorth American .blacks. Thus tie can’t say It would seem that refuting Jensen et al low much of the IQ differences between should be the job of social-science kouises; 3lacks and Whites is due to heredity.” ( p. \ this is true in some courses, but &others 230) th’e student is assjgnea Jensen, period. If we may be permitted to- parap‘hrase In -.this first, article we will b!iefly these remark& there, are> three basic points summarize the ideas ‘of the reading made: ‘-‘scientific’-racistsThis firqt, article is not (1) IQ measures intelligence (“intell&ctual intended toL be a rebut@. =# I ,~ differences”) . , In the ‘early sixties; during the. non(2) IQ is 80 per cent inheritabl& aniongst violent phase of the ‘civil - rights \ whites; , FoGement , _ liberal pro-equality ideas 13) If the same propor& is true for dominGted ihe rhetoric’of government, -and Blacks, the Black-White dIQ difference is academia, Equality was +xalted, racism mainly due to heredity. ? condemned. The ghetto riots/rebellions . These three points a concise whkh -began in Watts changed alI’Ithis. surnrnq of Jensen’s main argument. : Stirely, so the a,rgument went; there must Point ( 1) is false, the evidence ‘does not be something wrong with someone who support (2)) ;and even if it were tme, (3) would riot just because of slumlords, job lees not logically folldw! We will go into discrimination and killer cops. Ai who B the opinion of a court are extremely If; this results in a racial imbalance_- in ;his in sotie detail in the next article, Cl I presidential advisor Da&e1 P. qoynihan likely* to commit a violent crime” (p. 245cl.asses, thee so .be it.” [7] 1. The Moynihan Keport sgd, “ .. .compassion for the Christlike -246). The high-rise concentration camTs in as 2. Sweet, Mark, Ervin, “The Role of Brain Disease The ‘H&R .article was &Koduced suffering, of the nonviolent Negro in Riots and Urban Violence”, Jourqal of ihe recommendation 4 are becoming commoikl evidence for &he def&ce’ in g desegrega_tion American Medical Association, Sept 11, 1967 lvol demonstrators in the South was a difin South Africa as convenient -warehouses suit in Virginia. The suit failed, as Jensen cci, no 11) ferent thing from lovingand unfor cheap Black Fbour. Banfield’s book is had ‘established’ the need for separate and 3. The Negro family; the Case for National Acderstandiing -the .frequently .debased and us&d, usuall-y uncrific+lly , in over 200 -unequal tion, I%5 sihooling, [8] In _ 1972 Jensen disorderly slumdwellers of the North” [l], universities in N; America, from‘ Harvard 4. A.R.Jensen, “How much.:.” Harvard spoke. before the U.S. Senate Commitiec Edusational Review to Berkeley to Toronto. He complains that /The firs& attempts to formulat& this and reiterated l$s theor-y that genes, not 5. Jensen, op. cit.,‘p8 . his proposals will not be implemented opinion scientifically were rather crude. dis&imin%ion, cause Black children, not 6.-New York Times Magazine, August 31, 1969, because public opinion would -be against Mark and Ervin Doctors Sweet, to learn. We concluded that money spent p45 ’ them. The book, we as&me, is intended to on improving schools> in poorer district5 -7. Ibid, p47 ’ ‘ ‘ . . .factors including brain suggesied help change that. The only thing mis‘csing 8. Life, June 12, 197’0,. ~58 was money wasted [9]. No wonder OUI d dysfunctidn in the rioters who engaged in ,I). Saturday Evening Post, summer 1972,,pp150-2 is ‘the master race theory. Enter Arthur ’ friend Moynihan . remai=ked that “the arson5 sniping and $hysical assault” [2]. 10. TheAtlantic Monthly, Sep_t*l971 - Jerisen. .L -. winds of Jensen” -weye gusting thr&gl . Moynihan came-up, with the theory that 11. Bosfon Globe, Sept 12, 1971 Iii- 1968 the editors’. of the infl&ntial the capitol. ’ 12. William Shockley, “Dysgenics, Ceneticy and -Black problems were ‘due to a -“d&lining R;lceolog.Y”, Phi Beta Kappan, January 1972 . ’ Harvard Educational Review (HER ) Shortly after the appearance of Jensen’: matriarchal family” qnd suggested that 1.3. Jensen, op. cit., ~178 _ __ article, several, more ‘scientists’. jumpec asked professor ‘Arthur 5. Jensen of _ Black men could\‘reg& their manhood by >I

Bet you”ire ah@ays wondered ., *. ‘-4. .







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26, 1973



Racism: by Jon

McGill ’

Jon McGill is a chevro@affer residing in Europe, where over as bureau chief of office. The following article a series of features byvariety of social and currently plaguing the Kingdom.


currently he has taken our London is the first of McGill on a political ills not-so-United

The Conservative Party Conference, held this past week in Blackpool, England spent a predictable amount of time and energy on two of “Britian’s most pressing problems”capital punishment and immigration. The former was given only minimal attention, while the question of immigration and the “black problem” received torrents of verbiage, covered in suitable fashion by what has become an alarmingly right-wing press. The Tories seem bent on manifesting a problem which, in fact, owes whatever existence it has now to Tory manipulations. What is commonly. and dangerously accepted as a “black” problem is, in truth, a white problem. To assert that race questions here in Britian are stirred and heated by the likes of Enoch Powell, Duncal Sundys et al, is not to also assert that without their fascist elements, race relations here would be a model of harmony. Yet, an in- vestigation into some of the intricate relationships and financial interests of the racist business elements in the Conservative Party reveals some startling features. The immigration (i.e. black) question raised in the last five years is based upon largely contrived evidence, slanted or completely false data, and innuendo. The large number of West Indian and and Asian immigrants who came to Britian in the post-war years came in responce to a capitalist boom, an expansion which caught the country short of labour supplies. The boom years, which lasted well into the early i96O’s, offered the security of relatively good jobs to all who wished to enter Britain. Many of those who came were well qualified doctors, dentists, nurses, professionals; and enabled the nation to effectively exploit the burgeoning economy. However, during the mid-60’s, true to the up and down nature of capitalism, the economic boom collapsed, and the economy could no longer expand at the previous rate. I-t was, not surprisingly, at this juncture that the collective racism of Tory Britain found its tongue in - the person of Enoch Powell. Suddenly, the phrases “working-man” and “public-interest” found inclusion in the vocabularies of the newly found workers’ friends, the Tories. The country was, and is now, being told that immigrants were the root of all British social evil, from ;ack of housing to rising unemployment. Most damaging of all was the appeal to the Trades Unions, which has resulted in the splintering of class interests along lines of colour. The unions were told that their coloured co-workers were responsible for low wages, for unfair competition, ad infinitum. And the unions, led by men who had long forgotten their positions, fell head first into the divisive trap.

The racist problem was seldom, if ever, asked for explicit proof. It was accepted almost without question. However, if the few pertinent questions were asked, the answers would look like this: Far from being responsible for the housing problem, the immigrant population is victim to the housing crisis, a crisis which has its roots in the post world war one years, when black and Asian immigration was virtually nonexistent. In a survey carried out by International Socialist, it was found that the worst cities in terms of housing were Belfast and Glasgow, both of which have minimal immigrant populations. Also, the housing crisis, blamed on over-population and immigrants, can be more truthfully explained in two words-property speculators. In addition to these parasites, the building societies refuse to lend money for housing except at exorbitant and prohibitive interest rates. Local councils simply cannot get the money to build unless assured of high rates of profit. Since such profits are not forthcoming, they do not build private family dwellings, preferring to erect high-rise tombs. Without the presence of, the immigration populace, money would be even more scarce, for they, like all other workers, contribute heavily to local government rates and rents. Other statistics relevant to social services reveal that immigrants take out less per capita than the indigenous population. In addition, without the qualified coloured staff like the Maternal Health, the country would be in social


chaos. In effect, the repatriation diatribes page selfcongratulation: of men such as Powell could have the “The Sunday Express believes in ironic effect of producing a Conservative Britain. In an increasingly permissive hell- that is, social revolt due to severe ’ faithless age, it stands for the bond of ‘shortages in vital social services. family life and the traditional decencies In the field of education, the immigrant and moralities which made this country population is perhaps more severely great .” (Sun. Express, Oct. 14, pi) damaged by its scapegoat position. Many There you have it- the “moralities” coloured children are automatically which made Britain great: racism, imassumed to be lacking in simple skills and peralism, profiteering, colonial rape, and are placed in remedial classes. The -atwar. mosphere in such classes’ is antithetical to The political antidote to the Tory free and dynamic education. brand of racism is the Labour Party, Immigrant children with different, which believes it can practise a kind of -_ _ though no less valid, speech Patterns, are limited racism, through immigration immediately singled out for “cultural controls aimed at Black nations. If you are adaptation” sessions) and robbed. not only a British citizen, applying from outside of of a recognizable and valuable cultural Britain for a British passport, you will identity, but of the sence of belonging at notice that one of-the questions is: “Was all. School staffs are no less intolerant. I your grandmother (or father) born in one have on two occasions, by two different of the following countries:?” followed by a teachers, been told to “watch out for the list of six or seven formerly colonial black coloureds”. A remedial English teacher nations. Their insertion in the citizenship told me that it was “a shame that West or passport blank is a Labour government Indians have no history except slavery”. tactic. It is considered gauche to actually The financial chain behind the obvious ask, “Are you black?” up-front racists like Powell is complex and The battle against racism in Britain is devious. Men like Powell can be easily not being waged very effectively, largely disregarded as the idiots that they are, because those in a position to represent but ignoring the influences behind such the black working class i.e. the great men can be fatal. -immigrant majority, cannot even commit In April of this year it was announced themselves to struggle for .far less comthat three millionaires had decided to plex goals. The representatives of the finance a campaign to further air the workers, the trade unions, and the Labour views of Powell. All three are men who Party, have abandoned the struggle in have made their fortunes in traditional, favour of greater shares in the profits of respected Tory pursuits. One is a land capitalism. Trade union leaders are speculator who made his money from reformists, working in whatever they buying and selling flats in house-hungry conceive to be a white interest. They Glasgow. His name is Sir Ian McTaggart. cannot grasp the wider implications of Another is Anthony Fisher, founder of the British racism and its divisive effect on Institute for Economic Affairs, who made the unity of a class. his tidy sum in the fast-food business. The Racism is no accident, nor is it the third backer of Tory racism is no stranger natural “resentment of those who are to Canadians. He is Garfield Weston, different”. It is the precisely honed tool of Canada’s own Mr. Biscuits. These three the the financial barons of this and other social lepers have poured huge sums into a nations who well recognize the importance pro-Powell campaign. of unity in their ranks and the fostering of Weston is not alone as a representative disunity in enemy quarters. And there can of Canada. Lord Thomson, via his Daily be no mistake: the capitalist concerns of Mail, comes out four square in favour of - Britain clearly define the working class as every conceivable ’ (and inconceivable) enemies. The sooner that the working right wing fantasy. The Beaverbrook class recognizes that fact, the sooner it Chain, largely represented by the Daily will recognize its enemies. Such foes will Express, had this to say in a Sunday front present a sea of white faces. cl


The capitalist answer to’ working-class unity




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’ Position No. 1 Term Jan.-April . Sept.-Dec.-‘74 Nominations for these positions come from the following classes as of Sept. ‘73:

! Chairman 2 regular 3 regular - Plus students who would be Secretary 2 regular 3 regular entering 3A in Jan. 1974 Treasurer 2 regular 3 regular Pleasefill out the nomination form and return to: a) on campus-Class representatives, executive persons or Sharon Langdon, the receptionist for Kinesiology and Athletics in the PAC. ‘-


Thank You, Kinesiology Student Assoc.

FRI. OCT. 26 11:30 a.m. THE BLIND MEN by Michel de Ghelderode directed by Maurice Evans Theatre of the Arts Eree Admission Sponsored by the Creative Students

Nominations must be in by Oct. 31st, 1973. N.B. (important) Don’t forget the Curling Pub, Nov. 2 at the Glenbriar Curling Club on Weber St. You don’t have to curl to D---k. Come and Meet the candidates, have fun. restricted to Kin & Ret Studs.





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26, 1973

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The Boardof




meeting Tuesday Ott 30 CC. Rm. I13 If you are interested in: -the quality of education . ’ -course content & process -the role of students in the University -the role of the University in society -politics & social issues -setting up programmes, discussions & projects on relevant topics -meeting needs that aren’t met elsewhere -then bring yourself and a few friends out to \ the meeting.


I Dave Robertson 1 ext 3880 J

Federation of Students IUUUUUUUUUOIr~~~~c



Friday, October 26th l2:OO - 6:00 - PUB with Jay Pelford & Peter Mathison CC $25 M., $50 N.M. 8:OO



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M., $1.25


8:30 - PUB wit! Farmer CC $1.00 M., $1.50







8:00 - at Food Services Provincial Boat Races Guelph, Laurentian, Crews from : Carleton, La kehead, McMaster, Queen’s Ottgwa, RMC, Waterloo, Western, Windsor, University of Toronto. 8:OO



- Sunday, FLICKS

Monday, October 11:00 - MIDNITE MOVIES The Ugly American (Marlon Brando) CC free

29th MINUS


8:00 - FED FLICKS If and A Separate Peace AL116 $75 M., $1.25

Tuesday, October 30th 6:00 - 12:OO - DEVIL’S NIGHT (You’re on your own, kid),

Saturday, October 27th 2:00 - FREE food and prizes at Field Day On Lake Columbia (sponiored by BOE and Engsoc) 8:00

Thursday, November - 5:00 - PUB with Fjobson CC $50 M., $1.00 N.M. l:oo - 3130 STRATFORD THEATRE presents Ron East in Changes (Mime, masks, clown) CC Great Hall free

October 28th (see Friday)

11:OO - MIDNITE MOVIES‘MINUS ONE Little Faus & Big Halsey (Robert Redford and Michael J. Pollard) CC free

11:00 - MIDNITE MOVIES Reefer Madness and Martian Space Party (Firesign Theatre) CC free


- 8:00


8:30 - PUB with Steel River FS $1.00 M., $1.50


Wednesday, October 31st BOY oh BOY, it’s Halloween 12:00 - 5:00BRING CARVING MATERIAL Pumpkin-carving Pub (Free pumpkins) with Tom Gee cc $.50 M., $1.00 NM. . 5:00


12:00 Steve

12:00 Steve

CC 8:00 to








Friday, November - PUB with


$1.00 N.M. FLICKS




8:30 - PUB with Freefall and Magician Bob Breadner FS $1.00 M., $1.50 N.M.

7:00 Murray Tix at Adv: Door:

Saturday, November 10:00 - CONCERT McLauchlan Fed office and Central $2.50 M., $3.00 N.M. $3.00 M., $3.50 N.M.




8:30 - EL SHOCK0 ROCK0 COSTUME PUB with Greaseball Boogie Band Free booze, Magic, prizes, gimmicks. Wear a costume. FS advance $2.00 M., $2.50 N.M. door $2.50 M., $3.00 N.M. 12:00 - MIDNITE Omega Man CC free

- 5:00 Robson $.50 M.,





9:00 - ENGINEERING opus II at the Valhalla Inn Tix $7.00 per couple


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26, 1973



cLW.lAAm sectional pl+ayoffs next /


The Waterloo Invitational field hockey tournament was held last Friday and Saturday on Columbia field. Participating teams included Lock Haven State College (Pa’.) Michigan State University, two teams from the University of Toronto and McMaster, Trent, Guelph and Waterloo. Therk was good competition between most teams with Lock Haven State definitely being the strongest team. McMaster and Guelph had very respectable 3-1 and 2-O losses to this power. On the home scene, Waterloo had a disappointing weekend with three losses, one win and one tie. In their first game against Mat II, the Athena’s started slowly, so slowly they were suddenly down 3o at the half. For the rest of the game a good effort was put forth but the game ended with a 3-Z score in McMaster’s favour. Waterloo goals w&e scored by Sue Hamilton. Unfortunately Waterloo had another game immediately against Lock Haven. The score does not indicate the degree of play displayed by the Athena’s, just the superior work of Lock Haven within Waterloo’s fifty yard line. Final score 12-1. Waterloo goal by Donna Scholes. To end the first day’s play the Athena’s faced the defending OWIAA champions, University of ’ Toronto I. Again the opposition were-able to stack up a 3-O lead before Donna Scholes added her second goal of the tournament near the conclusion of the second half. Final score 3-l. Saturday the Athena’s had a better starting with a 2-l win over University of Toronto II. Bienda Eckhardt sparked the ‘Athena’s with the winning goal late in the second half. Sue Hamilton scored the other for Waterloo. The play was more wide open than the previous games allowing the forwards a little longer to react. The final game was against Trent. Wendy Gray gave Waterloo the lead after scoring a breakaway goal. Unfortunately the team tried to sit back on defense and protect the lead, a tactic that backfired with Trent scoring in the last three minutes. This weekend Waterloo hosts O.W.I.A.A. sectional playoff. Each team will play three games this weekend and fou? games the next against the competing teams. The team with the closest total to 14 points will win the O.W.I.A.A. Championship. -heather


After watching a weekend of field hockey, one tends to wonder why _ students feel that the administration inot even bothering to promote the students on this campus insist ,en going to football games, but the lesser known sports so therefore they are not worthy of their atignore the lesser known, but by np means less exciting sports. Sports’ tendance. Another i,nnteresting aspect of the weekend tournament was, such as field hockey are attended try virtually no spectators. One tends the lack of a score board. This was a refreshing deletion, since one to wonder whether or not the reason for this is that these sports are not tended not to be constantly reminded of the score, which sometimes included on students season tickets for athletic events. Perhaps the tends to be a very biasing factor, in judging the performance of a team.

Coach -less AthenaS *win tlitle i

run and there can be no complaints except about the weather. Luckily, there was no rain and hail, as was in the case of the champioqships in Windsor the previous year, although it was cold and windy. With only an extra two girls this Waterloo improved year, significantly from its fourth place showing of last year. The last time the Athenas won the title was -in 1971.

Thanks must be given to many, including Pat Davis for being our administrator, Carl Totzke for always being there, Arthur Taylor for his contribution in coaching, Anna Pollock and Jill Richardson for managering, all the girls who worked hard and competed, Brian Gestaltit for all those lovely whirlpools and ultra sonic treatments,, and the male track members for continually amusing the girls. Thanks again. See you indoors ! The results :

Despite the fact that the Athenas track and field team was without a coach, the Athenas managed to win the OWIAA title in Track and Field. The team of nine girls won with a score of 51 points, beating York University by one point. Of all the girls, the outstanding we‘re by Liz performances Damman and Joan Eddy. 100 metres : Liz Damman, 2nd Damman easily won the hundred Pat Sparling,Yth metre hurdles with a time of 14.2 as well as the long jump, finished a 100 metre hurdles : Liz Damman, close second in the 100 metres 1st / behind Marg McGowen of Brock in Brenda Grant, 6th 12.1, and ran the third leg of the 1600 metre relay. 400 metres : Joan Eddy, 1st Eddy, running the 80Ometres for the first time, finished first in 800 metres : Joan Eddy, 1st 2.17.0. She then went on to win her ’ Marg Cumming, 5th specialty, the 400 metres in 56.3 sets. and ran a good relay leg for 1500 metres : Marg Cumming, 3rd the 400 metre rglay. j Eddy highlighted the meet by running a Long Jump : Liz Damman, 1st fantastic anchor leg (a 54.3 sec. Anna Pollock, 4th split,) on the 1600 metre relay, Brenda Grant, 6th catching up from 5th place to 3rd, aiding the Athenas to secure the Shot Put: Roberta Awde, 6th few points needed to overcome Jill Richardson, 7th York for the championship. Every girl coritributed towards Judy Halaiko, 6th Discus : the championships?without each girl the team couldn’t have secure 4 x 100 Relay : Jill Ricardson, the title. Every point counted. Joan Eddy, Brenda Credit should be given to everyone Grant, Pat Sparling, 5th involved since the girls basically worker on their own-at hours that Marg Cumming, 4 x 400 Relay : they were able and without much Pat Sparljng, Liz coaching. Damman, Joan Eddy, 3rd. The meet at Queen’s was well-jill richardson

Swim team strongest Yet .

Head coach (arkd 1972 ‘73 CIAU Coach of the Year), Bob Graham has never had to cut a swimmer from the team ever since it was founded. If a swimmer can’t keep up, he or she either quits or drowns, whichever comes first. Not so this year. “I threw 6000 yards per workout at them in the first week,” Coach Graham said, “ and we’ve got ten extra Warriors with their head still above water.” A suggestion was then made to poison the pool. Warriors returning vets are freestylers John Mahoney, Bruce Murray, Graham Patterson, and Ian Taylor, breaststroker and cocaptain Doug Munn, butterflyers Richard Knaggs, Bo Jacyszyn and old timer Paul Sharp (whose name I’m sure the fans will recognize from two years ago). Last and definitely not least are returning backstrokers co-captain Rookie (Dave) Wilson, Jim Low, and Eric Robinson. Divers Lester Newby and Ken Hill are returning for another season, coached by Mrs. Marney Tatham. Returning Athenas are freestylers, Maida Murray cocaptain and Julie Potticary, Backstrokers Marg Murray and Sue Humphreys, breaststrokers Liz Saunders co-captacn’ and Maryanne Schuett, flyers Deb Farquar, co-captain Judy Mathieu (remember Judy Abbotts-same woman), and Chris Lutton (part time diver), and I.M.‘ers Cathy Adams and Laura Foley. Warrior rookies (not voted in yet 1 include freestylers Rick

Drumard, Louis Kravzyk, Ken Moaten (pentathalon), and Stacey S,peigel, breaststrokers Frank Easton, Mark Hayes and Randall Phillips, butterflyer Mike Hughes, ‘backstrokers Rick Adamson, William Crate, and Tim Wilson, I.M.‘er Peter Robinson and diver Bruce Halliday . New Athena additions include freestylers Wendy Bruce, Deb, Gibson, Peggy Graham, Karen Lizotte, Jackie Luty, Leslie Scrimshaw, Marianne O’Neil, Andrea White, Maryann Whitehead and Nancy Hudson, breaststroker Sandy’ Brazier and divers - Judi Kirk, and Pnina Weinneich. The girls ,team manager is Dawn Matheson, returning for her second year. The Warriors desperately need a team manager to relieve Ron Smith,the assistant coach and Bob’s right hand man. Ron incidentally is a “dark horse” in the 1650 at the 1974 CIAU nationals in Ottawa.

. .










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26, 1973






Jeromei win irltra . 1 mural lacros& With recreational hockey and coed broomball beginning this week, the intramural program is in the midst of handling 210 teams in the competitive /and recreational activities which represents well over 3,000 enthusiastic bodies. For all those who curl more more than their hair, the intramural mixed bonspiel is scheduled for November 3 at the Glenbriar Curling Club. Just get two guys and two girls from a unit and enter at the intramural office by Friday, October 26. Other upcoming events are the singles squash tournament with the entry date set for Friday, November 2. The following Friday, November 9, entries are due for the archery tournament.

/n an upset victory, St. jeromes defeated Kinesiology for the championship in the intramural lacrosse league. Kin was losing morale after having three goals disallowed in the se5ond half, but- managed to rally /at& in the game for a three goal spurt. This however was not ehough to overcome the four goal lead by St. jeromes. Despite the fact that this was an intramural game, some of the players must have thought that, they were playing in the North American Lacrosse league judging from some of the attitudes\displayed on the field during the game.

St. Pauls Renison

031 041


V. V. V. V.

5 0 0



In flag football action last week Regular Math downed Upper Eng 12-l while Conrad Grebel kept their winning streak alive with a 14-6 victory over St. Pauls. The Jocks took sole possession of 1st place in their division by clobbering the Loosenuts 20-0. V2 South doubled the score on Vl North, winning 2814. In two low scoring contests, V2 North beat Vl East 6-3 while Vl Saxons squeezed past V2 East 2-O. Kinesiology overwhelmed Science 22-O. V2 South whitewashed Vl West 17-O while a defensive battle stalemated V2 North and Vl South to a 3-3 tie. V2 West beat Vl North 8-l while Vl East racked up 27 point to V2 East’s 6. _ Co-op Residence led by the irrepressible Neil McKendrick scored a 12-6 win over Upper Eng while Greg ,Mathieu’s Rec’ers downed Science 6-O. Conny G came close to losing its only game but squeaked past Renison 8-7. In another close match the CCFU’s grabbed the Loosenuts by a 21-18 count while in the battle of the independents, the Jocks and 69’ers with tempers flairing, drew 14-14. As playoffs begin next week, the annual pick-em contest between the intramural director and his assistant resumes as Peter picks Kin and Conny G to meet each other in the final with the Kin reigning champs. Terry picks the 69’ers to demolish Kin in the final. The following is the flag football standings as of October 22.

V. 1 South Saxons V. 1 East V. 1 North V. 1 West



Oct. 22

Pigs 1 South 2 (Indep) 0 (def ) South 2 (Indep) 0 (def) Loosenuts 18 CCFU’S . 21 ,69ers 14 Jocks 14 . Mech Eng Maulers 1 .Meny 0 . ! default) Standings League

as of Oct. 22 A

Conrad Grebel St. Jeromes

W LT TPTOW 5 0 0 10 100 310 6109

V. 2 North Renison V. 1 North ‘XV. 1 North


2 South 2 West 2 North 2 East

Flag football


159 170 10 69 3 75

320 050

0 0

48 48

401 320 140 050

9113 6 96 2 69 0 59




Kinesiology Reg. Math Upper Eng Science League

5 0 0 10 310 6 140 2 140 2

94 42 81 69

311 320 211 050

47 66 59 54


Coop Res. Recreation Optometry Env. Studs. League


7 6 5 0


69ers CCFU’S Mech Eng. South 2 Ind. South 2 Ind. League

301 310 2.2 0 220 040

7 6 4 4 0

77 48 36 36 31

301 220. 220 040

7 4 4 0

42 33 43


Jocks Loosenuts Sunnydale Meny



In soccer last week V2 North both won and lost, beating Vl West 2-O but losing 3-O to the Cdn. Connection’ Environmental Studies scored the upset of the year by downing the Cdn. Connection 1-O. However, they came back down to earth in time to lose to Parta Ola 21. In their two games, Math went goal-happy, first by trimming V2 North 4-l and then by plumbing the 3B Chem Eng 5-zip. V2 South also surprised soccer fans by upsetting St. Jeromes 1-O. According to Peter’s Picks it will be Cdn. Connection over V2 South in the finals but Terry has a hunch the Bagbiters may get some heavenly help in taking top honours in soccer. Cdn. Connection should be their opponent in the final. Soccer standings to date are as follows: League


St. Jerome’s V. 2 South

W I, T P PI’ 410 3 0 1

880 7 45


. ’


221 041

555 156




Cdn Connection Parta Ola Reg Math Env. Studies 3B Chem Eng xx Professionals Games



5 1 0 10 68




420 230 140 1 5 0’

873 449 2591 2 28


V.2 North-V.1 West ’ 2-O Env. Studies-Cdn Connection’ 1-O 4-l Math-V. 1 North Cdn Connection-V.2 North 3-O V.2 South-St Jeromes 1-o Renison-V. 1 West 1-O default Parta Ola-Env. Studies 2-l 3B Chem Eng .-Professionals 1-O default Math-3B Chem Eng. 5-o Parta Ola-Professionals 1-o default



The final standings in lacrosse revealed few surprises as the strong Kin team took 1st place not only by virtue of its superiority over the lowly Math Waterbellies but also because Kin beat Fallon’s Follies during the season. In the playoffs Kinesiology dissected South Quad 14-3 with Wayne Magee pacing the victors with 4 goals and an ,assist. In the other semi-final, St. Jeromes, led by the smooth playing of John Doyle, surprised the Waterbellies 7-6 as faultless Fallon failed to get his team inspired. Basketball and hockey are now underway and after the first few nights it seems both sports will be packed with action. This fall basketball has been divided into A and B divisions in order to keep competition even Its success was instantaneous as the Bagbiters, in their first game, failed to bomb their opposition by 80 points. The Bagbiters met a powerful independent team called T.O.‘s Trotters and had to settle for a closely fought tie. Games to watch are Recreation vs Vl North at 8:30 on Sunday nite on gym 1 and gameof-the-week has to be St. Jeromes vs Kinesiology , Monday . nite at 7::3Oin Gym 2. In hockey action, the game to watch is Vl West vs VI South, Wednesday, Oct. 31, at Moses Springer at 11 :OO p.m.

Warriors finest hour Last Saturday night at Centenial Stadium the Warriors dropped a 23-9 decision to the highly rated Ottawa Gee Gees. In contrast to other games the Warriors in this game were running until the final minutes. Three missed field goals by the Warriors could have changed the outcome of the game. The Warrior defense showed much improvement and was reflected in the four interceptions by the Warriors during the game. The Warriors went into the game with high spirits which was reflected in their play and demonstrated the fact that there was not any team dissention despite the Warri-ors O-6 win loss record. An app,arent improvement in team playing was noticed as teamwork was a lacking factor in earlier encounters. The game was beyond a doubt the Warriors finest and the outcome could have been reversed had the Warriors been able to move the ball more effectively inside the Ottawa 35 yard line. / The Warrior offence line held back the Ottawa defense to let Steve Connell complete 14 of 23 passes with only one interception. With play similar to that of last Saturday the Warriors could conceivably present strong ‘opposition to the University of Windsor when they travel to Windsor tommorrow. The Windsor team has a basic passing attact without much of a running attack similiar to the Warriors. The Warriors, however, have a statistical edge in passing as the team has a 47 percent completion record, while the Windsor team has completed only 41 percent of their passes. Despite their improvements, the Warriors ‘are picked to lose by about nine points. -pooch

Puckers win ’ twice ’ on road During the past week the University of Waterloo Warrior hockey team played three hockey games. The annual intrasquad game was played along with games against Humber college and the University of Guelph Gryphons. / The intrasquad game was a hard hitting fast game with the final score an 8-8 tie. The Humber game was the Warriors’ first encounter on the road for this season with the Warriors defeating Humber 7-3. The rookie line of Kallio, Madeley and McCosh played well together setting up four of the seven goals, with Kallio netting three. Rookie goaltender Bob Hnatyk was impressive in his first appearance with the Warriors, warding off heavy pressure in the last three minutes of play. Hnaytk allowed two of the three Humer goals, while veteran all star goalie Jake Dupuis was in the net for one. The Guelph match was a high scoring game with the Warriors coming out on top with an 8-6 victory in what proved to be a close battle. In the Guelph game-the allstar line of Guimond, and Hawkshaw accounted for seven of the eight goals,‘Elliot accumulated four and Hawkshaw three with Guimond setting the two players up on numerous occasions. The defence was a weak point during both games, with the defence being caught out of position too many times. Coach McKillop has been trying to rectify the problem with his defensive brigade in order to find compatible pairs. The last four minutes of the Guelph game became very tense with numerous brawls and scuffles breaking out. This lead to two usually non aggressive players, Gumond and Hawkshaw being escorted from the ice along with two Guelph players. This evening the Warriors host the Lutheran Golden Hawks in another exhibition game, which opens up the home season for the Warriors. The game is at the Waterloo arena and starts at eight pee eem. It has just been announced that the NCAA and the CIAU will be cohosting an annual North American hockey tournament. The first encounter will take place in Canada sometime in March of 1974. -liskim



the chevron


feedback --. _



‘Letters to feedback should be addressed to Editor, Chevron, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Ontario. Please type on 32- or 64-character lines and doublespace. Untyped letters cannot be guaranteed to run. Pseudonyms will be run if we are also provided with the real name of the writer.

limits allowed bv our sometime liberal institutions. The other is through ideology and propaganda but by beginning practical revolutionary action together with its ideological and informational aspects. This second way is through violence, radicalism, sabotage, and terrorism. We should be tired by now waiting for remote and long term (if succeeded) liberals or democratic way of changes. “Practice is higher than theoretical knowledge, for it has not only the dignity of universality but also of immediate actuality” (2); urban guerilla techniques are composed of guerilla tactics and armed activities of all kind such as ambushes and surprise attacks, expropriation and liberation of food, consume goods, arms and munition, revolutionary terrorism, occupation and attacks on private- properties, pamphlet distribution, slogan writings and etc. . If you want to know a certain thing or a certain class of thing directly, you must personally -participate in the practical struggle to change reality, for only thus can you come into contact with them as ph.enomena; only through personal participation in the practical struggle to change reality can you uncover the essence of that thing or class of things and comprehend them. (3) Y

. Practical qspects to the revolution In order to carry on with revolutionary a&vi& one does not have to tisk for permission from anyone. It is a personal commitment and one engages in it by one’s own initiative and sense of duty. The duty of the revolutionary is to make revolution. Revolutionary groups form the bases of the revolutionary struggle. All of us should without exception be engaged in revolutionary action and in this action is included urban guerilla and psychological warfare. Urban guerilla and psychological warfare are the bases for the overthrow of the government aristocraticcapitalistic bourgeoisieruling class. We have the power and each citizen should take on his hands the weight and the necessity of - armed struggle to free us from exploitation and subservience to colonial and neocolonial purposes: “History is a human product. Although no individual is, responsible for the results of the historical process, still each is responsible fo7his personal involvement in it .” (1) We have to show to the ruling class that we will not accept the “natural order” of the present situation and we will be fighting back with their money and revolutionary material expropriated from them by force if necessary. There -are two ways through which revolutionary organizations can grow. One is through ideology and propaganda by convincing people about our ideals and their future; showing that through paternalistic liberal or democratic ideals they practically just will be shouting and screaming for better wages and sometimes less working hours. Through ideology and propaganda we just can &ork within the

( 1) Lenin - Collected Works (Conspectus of Hegel’s lectures on the history of philosophy) vol. xxxviii p .249 (2) Mao-On Practice (on the relation between knowledge and practice, between knowing and doing. (3) Toward a Marxist Humanism (the concept of the left - Leszeck KolakowskiGrove Press, 1968, .- Luiz


Trading in the ’ park for I have read the information about the <proposed University of Waterloo students’ arena with alarm. Almost no mention is made of the fact, that the cityowned property to be used for the arena on Seagram Drive is in fact almost two acres of waterleo park. Waterloo Park is the pride of the citizens of Waterloo. These citizens would not want ~ any building constructed in the park, particularly one built by the university which owns 800 acres of undeveloped land north of Columbia. Such +-northern site would be far more convenient to residential students than would the&e on Seagram ’ Drive. -If the university persists in trying to locate the arena in Waterloo park-, there can only be an unpleasant confrontation with the citizen‘s of Waterloo. Sincerely, Anne Dagg


all alike. . all she wanted Was my body l

Ann Landers on liberation _- The following lqtter appeared hi the in%mous Ann Landers column on October 24, 1973: DEAR ANN LANDERS: I’m 16, female, tall and slender, the quiet typz, just, average looking. For the past three years I’ve been the victim of stares, people pointing at me and whispering, wondering if I am a guy or a girl. This happens on the street, the bus, in a store-everywhere. I am not imagining things. Frequently people have said, “Thank you, son,” or “Excuse me, young man.-” When it first, began I didn’t care, but now it depresses me. Should I ignore it? Or should I straighten them out3 ~ More on what I look like: My hair is medium length. I don’t wear make_up. I wear mostly jeans because they are more comfortable than dresses. In case you are wondering, I am not a lesbian.-HERS NOT HIS


DEAR HERS: The solution is simple. Wear lipstick. Get out of the jkans. Put on a skirt and blouse or a dress and some earrings. No one will . ever call you “son” or “young man” again.





26, 1973

1RSM /ret-birth . needed Student councils, past and present at Waterloo, have always been primarily concerned with the allocating of funds competing groups. among various Participation of the reps on council, as a whole, in the actual formulation and implementation of programs has extremely minimal. always been Minimal, that is, in all areas other than Pubs and concerts, ‘,entertainment. ‘after all, are both fun and profitable for the workers. As one Octoberfest lackie put it, “there is no money in politics.” In any event, since at least 1969, the major reason why most people got involved with the federation, as council reps or as workers, was because they identified with the ‘entertainment’ capabilities of B .S.A. or the Bored of Entertainment (B .E .N .T .) . Almost all energy, past and present, since 1969, has been spent in this area and consequently there has .been little or no committment to activities other than the pubs, movies, concerts, or related enterprises such as the record store. Entertainment can obviously play an important educational role, as well being what it is at the present time. However, this would require a degree of creativity in those sponsoring events that is extremely rare. To simply stage large-scale concerts, run pubs, and show commercial ,movies requires little more than managerial skills. To change the essentially consumer nature of these events requires a sensitivity to their political implications and a sincere committment to work toward changing their nature. The federation, as a whole, for those interested in politics and education is, by and large, a waste of time and energy. Student’s council sees itself primarily in the role of a board of directors, -allocating money to various programs and then making sure that what has been set aside is not spent in a un-businesslike manner. Reps do not see themselves as the main working

body of the federation but see their duties as being limited to attending council meetings and not much else. Even if the entire bureaucracy of the federation was dedicated to progressive educational activities the demands from other organized groups on campus, the societies and the clubs and organizations, would be enough to occupy the time of a small army of , ’ bureaucrats. The efforts of those who would like to see more political activity on this campus would be more productive if an independent and voluntary Radical Studeht Movement type organization could be formed. Unencumbered by the competing interests of the essentially and do-nothing but know nothing and nonetheless money-hungry reactionary student societies, an R.S.M . would be free to set its own policies and pursue them with vigour. Gone would be the arguments about “representivity” and endless hassles over the allocations of the federation’s money. Gone also however, would be ready access to funds and materials for R.S.M. activities. For’ this reason, the federationcannot be disregarded politically. Certainly, a liberal administration would be helpful, if only to guarantee access to funds through the Bd. of Education for separated or jointlysponsored events. An R.S.M. together with the Chevron and Radio Waterloo could play a leading role in federation politics potentially guaranteeing funds for a progressive educational program and at least putting forth the ideas which might at some future date lead to a fundamental change in the federation itself. Many people have expressed distaste for the kinds of things the federation has been doing. However, those who control the federation are, at the present time, firmly entrenched. To continue to deal with them on a personality basis will accomplish very little because students generally cannot identify with this tactic. What is needed is a political organization which can begin to draw those who are dissatisfied together to discuss the kinds of political activities that can take place in the short-run as well as to develop a long-term strategy which will deal with the federation in a much more fundamental manner. : -terry




chevron editoria ._ 1


Keep \ it on ice For a university administration so vocally committed to bettering commumtyuniversity relations, the University of Waterloo is on the brink of entering into an issue which cannot help but raise bitterness between us and citizens of Waterloo. Quietly and without publicly testing opinion-, the administration has prepared the way for the building of a student-funded ice rink on the edge of Waterloo Park. Those behind the move to push the rink through-principally and most visibly president Burt Matthews-seem to be advancing in the most destructive way possible. Since the tap from which building grants flowed from the government has been virtually shut off, the administration has turned to the students to finance the proposed ice rink (see page 1 on the October 19 Chevron). In order to do this, the board of governors has been prepared to pass motions which would essentially re-establish the infamous “Tenth Anniversary Fund”, which was terminated last year. But to validate another $10 charge on the student fees, a student referendum must be held on campus to get majority ratification from the students, since it will be, after all, ‘their” rink. The administration’s attempt to push this through, however, is being somewhat shoddily handled. l The plans forthe building were supposedly brought forward from a representative steering committee. But, when the plan emerged for publicity on campus this week, the three athletic department members on the committee expressed astonishment that the plan contained provisions they had never seen before. l The Athletic Advisory Board (AAB), the grad club and the federation have all been asked to make presentations either in favour of or against the proposal by early November. But Matthews virtually assured the last board of governors’ meeting that the students are in favour of building the rink. l The proposedrink is to be built on land adjoining Waterloo Park, land which is owned by the City of Waterloo. Neither Waterloo council nor the citizens‘of Waterloo have been approached about how they feel about a student building being built in their park. Reaction has already begun to form in Waterloo as first news of the plan filters out. Supposedly the university can get the land as part of a wink-behind-theback deal between the university and city concerning the land the city appropriated in order to put an expressway through north campus leading to Lakeshore Village. In view of these doubtful areas, the administration should retrace its steps, rethink the necessity of adding a $lO-fee onto student admission, and go back to square one. Where did the idea of an ice rink come from, anyway? It seems not to have come from the students, but from administration, which is frantically trying to seek student endorsement for the project now. Even if students don’t mind paying an extra $10, is an ice rink really top priority for a new building on this campus? If it’s going to be built by student money, why not a real student building? Other campuses have fine student run buildings. When questioned at the governors’ meeting about possible community use of the rink, Mathews shunted the question aside, and implied that it would be exclusively used by student:. This is just the sort of situation which, in other communities, has been the source of great division and bitterness between university and community: the building of a university facility on city property; in this case, the fact that the city property is also part of parkland, the reaction from citizens is bound to be multiplied; and rightly so, especially given the secretive way in which it is being done. The university has plenty of land on north campus, and access to much other land. The argument that north campus is too far away for WLU students is too ridiculous to even take seriously. But, the proposal as it is now appearing seems to be an all-or-nothing ultimatum: either the ice rink will be built on the park land, or nothing will be built. That is not a proper way to solicit student sentiment: the administration ought properly now to drop the near-Christmas deadline for holding the student referendum and ask instead that any student or student group on campus indicate whether or not they are in favour of a fee for student-funded building, and if so, what kind of building. Only then will the feeling that someone is railroading this proposal through be erased. As things ‘stand, if the students -who, after all, have final say and responsibility in this-refuse to be rushed and take this proposal back to the beginning, they will be doing a service to themselves and to the community of Waterloo. What is the rush for an ice rink? The,re is none. Students federation, the grads and the AAB should feel no pr<ssure on them to meet the administration’s timetable for this project. This is a project which deserves long and hard consideration, not a rubber-stamp treatment. If there really is goingto be a student-financed building erected on this camp,us, it should be a student-initiated and endorsed project, not simply students acting as silent partner to the administration. The decisions are ours.

member: Canadian university press (CUP) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre; phone (519) 885~1660,885-1661 or university local 2331.






Happy hallowed’e’en.iits krnda spooky what’s going on, and we’re not sure whether we’re In for trrcks or treats. this week’s cast of rnsomnracs: lisa and krm. mike dander. smutty and hrs hot scoops errc robinson, heather kitchen, the budding sports photogs who dropped In, dudley Paul. john keyes. deanna kaufman. mel rotman, Charlotte buchan. adrran rodway. shane roberts, davrd robertson. lourse blakely. mike stanson. alarn pratte, john morrrs. terry moore, lrnda lounsberry, .becky. don ballanger. Susan johnson. chrrs bechtel, george kaufman, tony jenkins. savage nick. all the forgottens and all the ducks of dumont. The Second Law of Human Interaction--“Just when you’re expecting something to go wrong. somethrng else ~111. too.”



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