
Page 1

A feeling fcotimui+Gty \

This shadowy assembly-is the fediration of Students’ Council, members are present, of course, so there’s no real guarantee meeting. That’s about par for the course during the summer.

which represents you. that you were actually

Student council:not all there

Only about represented

half its at this

question of the night was the next and last to be discussed, involving a request from a community group; Willow Publications, for. a $2,000 forgivable loan from the federation in order to institute a community newspaper which would serve as an alternative to the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, and other established media. The request provoked an illuminating discussion of the division between the university and the K-W community, with councillors Kathy Reynolds, Art Ram, John Shorthall and KenBull arguing that there were higher priorities for funding within the university itself. Willow representatives Brian Switzman and David Cubberley retorted that- the communityuniversity split is nothing more than an artifact, giving as evidence that not only do a large proportion of students reside in the community, but that press and other media coverage of the university plays a large part in determining the relationship between the two groups. These and other arguments seemed to sway council, and the Willow representation was passed unamended. The newspaper, a weekly tabloid, staffed entirely by volunteers, will likely make its first appearance in the middle of June. -margot spinnaker

Another proposal from Telegdi After a thirty-five -minute wait followed, on a somewhat different last Wednesday night, the topic. Stating that the expansion of Federation of Students- council federation activity and the upward meeting was called to order when member Pat Crowther arrived and march of inflation had necessitated an increase in exthe quorum. of thirteen was achieved. This left the meeting 1 penditure, Telegdi ‘moved that the with a bare ninety minutes to $22 federation fee be increased by debate a total of eighteen items, as $3 to $25. This increase, passed almost without debate by council, three members had already stated now come before the their intention to leave-at ten will university’s Board of Governors o’clock. In the end, just over half for approval. If it gets past the the agenda was covered. the extra three bucks The first matter considered took ,governors, will be tacked on to the regular fee the form of a question to Board,of beginning in the fall. --Entertainment chairman Art Ram A further motion to allocate the concerning a B of E poster advertising a campus center pub. $30,900 that the _increased fee The poster, which featured a would generate to large concerts ($15,0oo), housing ($5,000), tiourse drawing of a nude woman, had critiques ($5,oo0), and to split up been the subject of a letter to the the remainder between the various federation’s Board of Communications from psych grad Iris boards, and a federation food Jackson-Whaley, a,nd endorsed by store, was shelved until the next agenda item, housing, had been fourteen others, attacking its discussed. For lack of- time and sexist content. information, this allocation was The letter rkad, in -part: “I consider this ad to be a later shelved again. It will come up at council’s, next meeting. discriminatory insult to women. Student Carol Griffiths read a The centralfigure seems designed detailed proposal for a computerspecifically to alienate women aided housing service which would which seems antithetical to the of present goal of encouraging people to serve as an extension services. The new attend the pub. I was surprised and housing operation would act variously to . angered to see this ad everywhere I went on campus.” locate- housing for students, to - Ram was asked’ if he had condevelop transportation facilities sidered the possibility that the such as car pools, to ensure the poster might be found offensive; quality of student % acand to act as a apparently he had, but decided to commodations, circulate it anyway. Two members pressure group, when appropriate, Y suggested the B of E should in to achieve these goals. future use nude males on its The project would be funded by posters as well. $5,000 from the fee increase and-‘ The next matter was a motion would extend from June to at least from Federation president Andy “I will be surprised if I can the middle of September. full-time Telegdi that 1 all Despite some reservations about answer your questions” said federation employees should the feasibility of the program in its James Auld, the new minister of observe a regular office schedule full scope, most members felt that colleges and universities, at the of 9 : 30am to 4 :39pm, unless valid its stated ’ ends warranted the annual Ontario Federation of Students (OFS > conference held reasons made-this impossible. The expenditure involved. The motion motion also contained a provision to activate the program was last weekend in Ottawa. Auld did not _ surprise the for the employees. to submit passed unanimously, with the weekly work reports to -the further provisions that interim and audience as not only did he fail to federation executive. This effort to final evaluations answer questions, but he also r of its progress keep errant employees in line was and results be given to council. revealed an abysmal ignorance of passed unanimously. Perhaps the most interesting conti_nued on page three

The university administration has managed to work its way through another battle with the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario. Last Tuesda,y that board held a public meeting to hear the university’s application for licensing and to hear the opposition, to the granting of a license. The university has been involved, for several months now,--with delicate negotiations trying to license the university campus. Expecting opposition, the two area university officials showed up at the hearing with their joint lawyer-J\ McGibbon. And the opposition was there, fourteen of them with their lawyer, all representing the Waterloo Wellington Hotel Motel Association. The entire affair was very quiet and very polite but the main point of it all was that the hotel and motel people are afraid the university license will mean bankruptcy for them-and that may be well near the truth. The lawyer for the hotel and motel owners, D. McDowell, _used as evidence of this fact, a survey done of Guelph businesses after that university received its license some years ago. -All owners reported a loss of business, one saying his clientele haddropped 35 per cent. McGibbon’s response to this was to exclaim that it did not matter at all what happened’in Guelph, the situation was completely different here-not a terribly intelligent remark; it would be foolish to say that Waterloo hotels will be just as busy if and when the campus centre is licensed full time. Naturally, -students are bound to keep to their own territory, their

own atmosphere, venturing into the city only occasionally. However, this was the only complaint that the businessmen did have-that they would be losing money. McDowell attempted to use the argument of university community involvement but did not get too far. It would be difficult to defend a position of community university relations built upon cheap draft beer alone. They also fought against, on principle, the licensing of the university student ‘residences. They saw this as a privilege no other citizen enjoyed; and as such, McDowell argued it should not be granted to students. He did not recognize that to these students, as peculiar as it may seem, the residence is their home and that they should be allowed the privilege of alcohol at their meals; after all, any Canadian that can pay for it may enjoy this benefit. The university defence for its request lay solely on the idea that they were only asking for the extension of the banquet permits they had previously been using. In 1973 the university used 296 permits and they‘argued that a permanent license would only be an extension of that. Of course, the business men disagreed. The LLBO officials took it all in very seriously and have- now returned to Toronto to ponder the matter, as long as they- want. There is no set date for them to hand down the verdict. In the words of federation president Andrew Telegdi, “It could be two months from now or a year from now”. -swan


University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 15, number 2 friday, may 17, 1974

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17,' 1974










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Thanks to the 6pportunities for ,\Youth ‘program, the KitchenerWaterloo area will again be blessed this summer with troupes of actors . \ and travelling musicians, as well as other formsof social work.. ‘This year’s OFY ‘program which. is Lemploying approximately one ’ hundred ,and seventy persons, encompasses projects ranging from a . study of migratory workers in southwestern Ontario to a film of the ’ . / Kitchener Stoe,k~,Yards. The projects” this year* are small, some/having only threeand four participants, with most of the projects employing five -6 ‘six persons. There are four theatre and musical touring groups; including the Real ’ Canadian 6Iounted Theatrewhich operated last year with an OFY grant. These. groups, will be touring ,Waterloo County entertaining children as \ 5 ’ well as a,dults. ; 2 Six persons were hired to maintain the Birth Control denter and to, . investigate the possibility ‘of a rape crisis center. Among the several service-projects is a project that employs thr@ persons to do small appliance repairs for elderly and disabled citizens i throughout Waterloo County. ‘Psychiatric Rehabilitation services is employing seven persons to do rehabilitation services for ‘former ’ , psychiatric patients, while Project -Outreach is dealing with the mentally retarded and their families in the community.‘ \ Several resource projects have been funded, including ,a group of six persons who are compiling a survival handbook on how to live cheaply in the Waterloo County. Five other persons’are being funded to produce high ’ quality video tapes onthe subject of volleyball skills. Two other groups are involved in the construction ofchildrens toys and books. . . ) ’ The only actual research project funded was Migrant Labour< Research, which will conduct research on the interrelationship between the migrant farm worker and the permanent community in Southwestern Ontario. Two of many projects-that were not funded were a housing project that ’ would have dealt -with the housing problem in the Kitchener Waterloo ’ *area, and a project dealing with ,homosexualityfand related areas. The ’ latter was funded last summer and produced a rather controversial .handbook on homosexuality which-was distributed to the local high schools. .

44 watts dynamic power. YQW \ / noise- field effect transistor- in the front en&The IF stage employs a d&ble tuning system for high gain and selectivify. Full co&ok, including 1MIC mixing. L

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‘\ _ ’ Suspension ’ _



Just recently, students at the University. of ,Toronto spontaneously ‘refused. toallow Professor Banfield to speak to a gathered assembly. These students haddecided, through previous knowledge of BanfieId and _his works,-that his views are racist, and as such theydid not want him addressing their fellow studen;ts. Of course, 3niversity administrators were upset and some of the students involved in the demonstration have been dismissed. . The National Union of Students (in England) has decided to go a little further in the campaign against recognized racists or fascists. At their Easter conference they passed a -motion to “prohibit and ‘disrupt any .’ ‘meetings held by fascist orracist groups”,. At the executive meeting, to be held next month, another motion will be considered-whetheror not to ban professor Eysenck, specifically, from speaking ‘anywhere. ’ Eysenck is a psychologist who has entertained thought about the racial ‘element in the inheritance of intelligence-not unlike the Jensen ideas. It ’ . is.probable that if the motion, and the union actively refuses to allow Eysenck to speak, 1 England’s university administrators. will _ become upset and perhaps focus on that particular motion rather than attacking the entire concept of censoring speakers.


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Canadian university press {CUP). Thk chevron is member: typeset ‘by du-tiotit .presS graphix and published _by the federation of students incorporated, university’of w?erloo. Content isthe sole ksponsibility of jhe- chevron editorial ‘Staff. 0ffikes:are located in the campus centre; (519) 8&.i’ 1660, or univer’sity local 2331. \ . i * ’ ‘ kiku~latiok . 10,000 . .--&one wanting their own personal autographed copy’of the short (two ‘volume) biography of the great and beloved leader-and the creator of the .’ , idea of Juche-Kim II-Sung, can putter on over to the chevron office.and ‘if youare fpst in line its yours. Don’t push, there are more,than enough to go around. Working thfs week to bring you the messagepf truth, l,ove and all that were donballanger, dri, chris bechtel, Charlotte, mel rotmah, margaret m&ray, vince chetcuti, kati middleton, paul stiarpe, randy hannigan, jane harding, rod,hay, joe Sheridan, john morris, flora conrdy, bill culp, betty ann ’ bagley, dumont, nick savage .and Susan johnsoncsj.

, friday,



the chevron




In order that the Board of Publidations can produce a Student Diredtory for the spring term it is important that students file their l&al address with the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible. . t




,D g \ ( available


requiring prescriptions Students can get health care on sickness after that can be carried by the campus a’nd get their drugs (medicinal) paid for too, acplan. There are fmany sickly students around, and some have cording to Health Services head specialized problems requiring Dan Andrews. The drug plan drugs. It seems, requires that the student pay for . expensive however, that the Health Services the first twenty-five dollars worth of drugs, after which eighty per staff has been diffident, if not cent of further costs will be negligent, in passing on this very useful information, a situation charged to the university’s insurance scheme, operated by the which Confederation Life probably doesn’t object to at all. Confederation Life Insurance Company. dne student told the chevron that The plan has been available for she had had over one hundred several years, and Andrews said dollars worth of prescriptions that though it has not been since September, but lacked the deliberately kept secret, it has means to pay for them. She apadmittedly not been highly pealed to Health Services for aid,. publicized. In the Health Services telling her doctor that she public relations booklet The definitely did not have the money People Place the plan is given a for the drugs he was prescribing. He gave her free sample drugs, but few words on the last page. Claims on the plan have been few, a good did not tell her about the plan, if he knew about it at all. (Most of the indication that its existence is not well known. ’ ,/ doctors at Health Services do most of their work in the community, One year’s supply of birth control pills costs the user around and practise on campus on a limited part-time basis only.) i twenty-four doliars. Just about any

0 Fs continued

‘,‘ _ from page one

post-secondary education. In short, Auld exemplifies the attitude of ; the Davis. government towards ‘higher’ “education. His know-nothing posturing is enough to frustrate even the most seasoned student bureaucrat. Given the trend to reduce expenditures in’ j post-secondary education (as evidenced in the , raising of undergraduate fees in 1972 and just recently for the grads> a minister who openly proclaims his lack of knowledge is indeed useful to counter all arguments calling for a reversal of the present policy. Auld’s usefulness is best tested by the wav in which he responded to questionsron the &ate of student housing, on the membership of the . new ‘buffer’ committee between / the provincial government and the universities, and on the third term fees for graduate students. When asked about the fate of a Ministry of Colleges and Universities (M&J) report on student housing compiled last year but never made public, Auld said that as far as he knew the results of the report indicated a province wide satisfactionon the part of the universities with student housing. Auld stated that there was nothing secret about the report and- he would send it as soon as possible to OFS. Paul Axelrod, former ,OFS researcher, wanted to know why the report was conducted in February instead of in September, a time when students are registering and consequently the demand for housing is at its peak. To this question Auld readily asserted “that it was the time all the universities chose to respond”. Axelrod asked about the membership of the new ‘buffer’ committee and how many students would be on’ it. Auld evaded the question by saying “we all hope for the best”. Auld’s glibness was further ” manifested by his response to the + plight now facing graduate / . students with the recent imposition

of a third term fee; to -this he merely replied “I do not know enough”. Apart from Auld’s ignorance, which could be somewhat attributed to the newness of his job, the fifty OFS delegates were treated to a rather boring day-long plenary. Matters of importance discussed at the plenary varied from the relationship of the student press with the student unions, to the election of the new OFS executive. Terry Harding, publications coordinator from Waterloo’s Federation of Students, urged the plenary to endorse his motion calling for a ‘united front’ between the student press and the student. unions. Harding felt that there was a necessity for such a ‘front’ in order to develop a coherent student movement. He wanted to circumvent the internal fights which often occur between the press and the student unions. Mike Janigan, president of Western Ontario’s student ?ouncil, voiced his disagreement with such a motion as it implied an acceptance with the other party involved. Speaking against the motion, Art Moses, executive assistant of the University of Toronto student union, pointed out that “you cannot legislate this sort of ‘united front’, as such a united action depends upon the issues involved”. Moses also emphasized the need to keep the press free from any external influence, and. that such a ‘front’ would jeopardize this basic freedom. The plenary unanimously agreed with Moses, except for Waterloo, and the Harding motion was defeated. Wrapping up the conference the new executive was voted into office : Shane Roberts, Waterloo; Barb Cameron, Toronto; Janet Elliot, Lakehead; Tom Maich, Western; Harold Persaud, Queens and John Young, Fanshawe. -john



The drug plan is for full-time students only, as is the entire Health Services operation. Staff members, faculty and part-time students will ordinarily be treated only in an &emergency situation. The two full-time and ten parttime doctors are hand&picked by director Andrews, himself one of the full-time practitioners. “I pi$k them for a personality that can communicate with students as well as their philosophy and ability’-‘, he told the chevron. The operation is fairly popular among the area doctors, and Andrews has a waiting list of doctors willing to ’ practise at the. clinic. Several nurses and receptionists are also normally on staff, although the operation is presently understaffed due to-a recent rash of resignations. Health Services doctors are required to make house calls to any students in the K-W area after hours if the student cannot make it to the hospital. If you are in the emergency section of the K-W hospital, your family doctor is the Health Services staff, and they ( may be required to sign for your admittance. Health Services does not perform abortions, but refers cases to either Toronto hospitals or clinics in Buffalo. Women are seldom referred to. the local hospital for Abortion, since the atmosphere there is something less than cooperative. In the past eight-month school year, the service handled thirtytwo abortion referrals. Ten other women decided ’ to keep their babies. Altogether, the staff ran one hundred and fifty-seven pregnancy tests. These figures are all lower than those of previous Ye?rs 7 Venereal disease is still big though, and there have been more cases of gonorrhoea treated at Health Services this year than any other. The disease is still reacting well to penicillin and can be easily cured. Andrews also said that in his five years at the clinic he has never seen, nor had anyone else, an active case of syphilis. Along with requests for abortions, Health Services refers patients that are requesting sterilization. Andrews knew of only one woman that had successfully sought the operation within the K-W comunity. Most doctors refuse to sterilize patients that are either unmarried or have. s no children. In the past ‘three -years there have also been no cases of misuse of ‘non-medical’ drugs reported to the staff. Andrews believes that perhaps these things are no longer of interest to the university community and that instead the use has increased in the highschool community. Little research is conducted in Health Services. Records are kept of how many people require a certain service in one yea&-like the pregnancy tests or the morning-after pill. The morning after pill dispensed at the clinic is actually a very high dose of estrogen (5 milligrams a day) that is taken for five days after \ intercourse. Women can take the medication only once and it is considered quite successful in terminating or preventing pregnancy. Anyone, though, who has the morning after pill and remains pregnant will be referred for an abortion if they wish. -Susan

johnson‘ .

Tererke Harding Chairperson Board of Publications z ’ rc ,-I \


Fri 8~ Sat


‘, “CapriciOus Sumrrierf’ Tues21- Sun M.ay 26 \’ . “Betyveen Time * a&d Timbuktu” from

the novel

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the chevron I


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--P By Nick Savage atid SusanJohnson Graphics by Don Ballanger-

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the’ breath

of life;


man became a living soul. . . And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should stand alone; I will make an-help meet for him. . . And the Lord God caused. a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he ‘slept: and he took one of his- ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; and the- rib, which the Lord&d had taken from man, he made a woman, and brought her unto the man.‘And Adamsaid, this is now bone of my bone, and flesh of myflesh: she shall be called woman, . because’she was taken out of -man. In this story, woman is specifically created to. be servile, little’ more than

It hasp been a @ng time ‘since the Christian church wielded significant political power in English-speaking. countries, since. Henry VIII wrestled with the Vatican over his human right todivorce, and since Charles I lost his ,head , and his divine right to rule simultaneously in the 17th century.-The decline of -feudalism also eroded the church’s political strength, and the proliferation of competing denom-r inations introduced a ‘debilitating divisiveness which made the religious lobby in the halls of power weaker still. These facts conceded, though, it must be allowed that even today -organized religion exercises considerable influence ’ as a (mostly conservative) social force, and has -in fact served an importantfunction ‘-for -the state in providing a spiritual rationale for the maintenance of the societal status’quo; This is not a j dictatorial power, however, and when its institutional authority has,. been challengedby inevitable change, and its doctrines threatened, with obsolescence, the church has been only too wiJling to have society lead it by its-theological nose back *towards some measure. of , relevance-. *.i . With any long.established institution, _ it is the oldest traditions which are the last to go, and the church is anything but an exception-to this rulesne of the oldest, and most antiquated, of these . traditions is the church’s attitude _towards women, which. has its roots in * - the most distant daysof ‘Jude&Christian development. The dogma surrounding this attitude is clearly stated in Charles ,Ryrie% The Role of Womep’ in khe Church. Ryrie . places women in a position which is, in ’ / every sense, delicate: , - Not only did the church protect, the \’ rights., of her women, but Christian 1 love _ and all the relationships of Christian home are conceived of in Y the very highest way. The Christian _ - -Church clearly believed ._and taught, subordination (but not inferiority) an accessory ‘to the dominant male. and it was through this subordination r .. Another version, however, from Genesis that honor and responsibility came to chapter I, offers a somewhat different L woman. This ‘was ,her sphere, and account: neither the, ascetic trend, nor the God created man in his own image, in - i.ncrea_sed religio,us activity sup&cede . :- the gage of God he created him, . the prominence and honor given to a l male and. female he ’ created them. woman in the home. . And God blessed them, and God said ’ Crap like this’ is easy to dismiss and . . unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, Ryrie’s stance is certainly not one that and- replenish the: earth, and subdue - _all. modem churches would endorse. All - it: and have dommion over the fish of . the same, it is at least symptomatic of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, Christianity has ,and over, every living thing that ’ _ the role that orthodox played in perpetuating the secondary moveth upon the-earth. . status of women in our society< and of .an This apparent contradiction < by no attitude which is readily reinforced by means unique in the Bible. It is recorded d many well-known scriptural passages. I- that Jesus &rist gave his message The most familiar of these, and one of privately and publicly to both men and ’ the most blatant, is the Gardenof Eden women, and in terms of ’ spiritual story, --which is actually _told, in two privilege he considered -1the two sexes i versions in the OldTestament itself. The ’ equal-. Howe-r,-he chose only men to be . one we are taught in Sunday School is his disciples, and onlyr men were present , from the second chapter of;Genesis,and’ at the Last Supper. In, his letter to the gibes like this: Ephesians, Paul took a position on the -. ’ And the LordlGod formed man of-the status of women in relation to God -and dustof the ground, and breathed intz I &en which stands in clear, opposition to Y


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Ciiesar” dictum, the . “render unto - though she is conceived of as physically .- provided by Christ:- “Wives be subret beautiful, her spirituality makes her ’ to your husband, as to the Lord. For the unapproachable. husband is the, head of the wife as Christ The impositionof the Eve-Mary is the head of the church, his body and -is .- dichotomy-hinders woman’s potential is . for recognition, himself its Savick. As the church as a genuine- human being. The.models provide for women a ’ position too far below or too far above, any man to be touched. Woman, in . Christian orthodoxy, fulfils herself by mere generic recognition, be it spiritual _.i L\ or physical. , T-he myth of Eve’s guilt has been used the headship of-the husband as a normal - by the“Christian churches to chasten and fixed state. In view of the society in women, and women themselves have accepted it as proof of their wor’ which he lived; this is only to be expected: Less forgivable 1 is that such thlessness. Chastity and virginity were dogma : is . .still embodied 1in-much modem preached from the pulpit, God’s 1 --------_I soapbox, and if a woman was not a wife, - mother or daughter, she was feared and reviled as a witch-or temptress-. (At the ‘same t’ie as-the ecclesiastical mountebanks were denouncing _ ’ lewd. convincing fables to which the Church of - behaviour in women, they were not . Rome clings as tenaciously as ever: always sd- morally stringent with . ’ And the -Lord God commandedthe themselves. Pope John XII kept a harem man, saying, Of every tree in the : -with@ the Vatican’s walls, and an Arch-” garden thou mayest freely eat: But of ,,bishop of Canterbury named Clarembald the tree of the knowledge of good and once boasted that he had 17 bastards in evil, thou’shalt not eat of it: for in the one parish alone. The -Bishopi of Liege j day that thou eatest thereof thou --- sired l& children in his diocese in a space . shalt surely die. of 20 months.) /’ , .& Naturally it was the woman who blew With the pattern set by Eve + and it, though since she presumably lacked Mary, it has become possible to judge the capacity to distinguish good from women on sexual terms alone. Sexual evil-before eating the dire apple it is hard . ’ relations can determine :a woman’s to blame her from any standpoint: you -honour or shame, her morality or imor I would probably have done the same morality. Men, in contrast, are not so , thing. Still, God was not amused,-ap-1 ’ judged. . 1 parently preferring his proteges to status of women is - The secondary demonstrated nowhere, more vividly than in the hierarchy of the church order itself: popes and priests are alwaysmale, ,women serve a subservient and ancillary function as nuns. In 3lenominations -_ other than Roman Catholicism~4;a~similar structure generally prevails. ~4 * - This is consistent with ‘many of the - changes .- _brought about by the advent of the church. In pre-Christian Europe, for - example, women were freeand ~sovereign in many respects. The. right to ! divorce, ’ to abortion, to,birth control, to the bearing of.titles and the making of wills and many other ancient rights were 1’ eradicated by the church,. Christianity / equates sexuality, and female sexuality in particular, with& and this has been clearly articulated in -its laws. This discussion. would be incomplete c ‘. without some mention .of the supreme male chauvinist himself-God. the . father, God the son, ,and God the -holy 1ghost. The first two-thirds of that merry . trio. are obviouslymale, and their ethereal companion probably follows suit. The deity% overall image.ofpower absolute and an infinite capacity for ’ paternalistic meddling provides just the * right -basis for a- church Yconstructed similarly on repressive, patriarchal lines, . ’ and the thou shalt nots and countless divine tantrums of the Old Testament have doubtless --helped. inspire many a Christian legislator seeking further to straighten and narrow the highway to - salvation. remain as amiable, haples,s and dull a The church has proven tobe one of the they were on the day he created them. ’ most durable institutions ever divised; _ The church has followed God’s lead, , while dynasties came. and went, and? and ever since the Fall has made almost empires were won and lost, still the old Eve for the spiritual warhorse struggled on. Now a,1 a fetish’ of castigating damage which she was supposedto have living fossil; a tottering anachronism’, wrought upon the whole) human species. the realization must be dawning even In the course of her denigration, Eve has i within the ranks of the faithful that the _’ bee& progressively mythologized into church has reached a position where her present personathe archetypal compromise and doctrinal adaptation _. 6 unprincipled seductress, the eternal can no longer be effective. ’ Y * ’ ’ 1 , harlot and nemesis of man. A highly publicized and interAdam’s inquisitive mate has‘ been east , denominat&nal evangelical drive last into this mould by-the church to serve as year was a disaster. Roman Catholic two paradigms for priests and nuns are deserting the fold in ’ ., one .of its womanhood,the other of course ‘being> increasing numbers, and j church. attendance is likewise on the decline. Mary’; whose ostensibly parthenogenetic production ,.of the. infant Jesus provides Women’s liberation is one indicator of . the kernel for another. of ‘Catholicism’s the church’s current irrelevance, and the. unpleasant and durable fictions. recurrent. social traumas of recent years Mary is the polar opposite of Eve:. - provide many more. ~ I .‘;.. ’ ’ where Eve - is lascivious, Mary isThe death throes will be agonized and , I chastesupernaturally so;- where Eve is ‘protracted, butt&e ultimate prognosis seems certain. If I spirituality : means i rebellious, Mary is obedient; where Eve anything, the church lost all claim to it . is self -willed, M,ary . is submissive. --Her long ago... . , , ‘.. . 1. e r I. . ; q 3 * ,. . .L. . 1 . . trademark. . is. ; suffering 5 and purity; \ Ll-


m,ay 17, 1974 ,



17, 1974



the chevron





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oil shortages notit looks as though the to be carrying tankers for a good while yet to come. If pollution of the waters is going to be controlled, the main currently hopeful line of attack seems to lie in redesigning the mammoth ships -with a view to minimizing the risk of spillage. At present, most of the international agreements which are supposed to regulate transoceanic shipping are out of date, and a body known as the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organisation is charged with the task of drafting a new comprehensiveconvention to cover marine pollution. T-he special pollution problems created by chemical tankers, for instance, and the disposal of ships’ garbage and sewage, have never been the subject of international regulation. Two major sources of pollution in oil tankers result from tank washing and from dirty ballast water. An evaluation of different tank washing procedures is being undertaken, and the suggestion has also been made that this operation. should be carried out on land. No obvious best approach has yet been determined, however. Dirty ballast, by contrast, is fairly ..: easy to control, by relatively modest ’ expenditures in ship construction. The segregated ballast principlewhich, as the name implies, keeps the ballast water and the oil cargo separated at all times -is capable of solving the problem quite satisfactorily. In fact, the Soviet Union’s first supertanker, the Krym, will have segregated ballast I compartments incorporated into its construction, at an additional 10 per cent of its cost. The Krym will have a deadweight of 150,000 metric tonnes, which places it in the smaller class of supertankers-vessels up to 800,000 tonnes are planned, which should lead to a decrease in the percentage of cost needed ... ..“.. to. ._._........I.. install

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present-day air transport is r$@so~al$y clean, the mores0 since ~~~r~~~~~~~~~.~;


mosphere thousands of feet :_i heads, where it tends not to affect us’:$& directly as ground pollutants~,$@&$ -,....:!G$$ cm exhaust, This is true for conv~~~.n~l.~~~~

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Pelican is __,___ a craft designed~-forcleamng __...... .... ....“’ ..‘X.. . .. ...._.__..____................ nnrt and harbour watm=s- which SII&.Q.~&




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reviews -i /



to it. It’ll slow you down into moreJohn Denver’s Greatest Hits’ John pleasant things. ’ Denver (RCA) On John Denver’s last album he Jay Telfer, Time Has Tied Me, Axe was advertised as, “the original, Records (distributed by London) natural high” and “the, natural This is a debut album for a man resource that recycles your who has produced and recorded Well, corny as it seems senses”. some credible albums for other the statements are right. They artists. NOW, he has taken his lack perhaps other descriptions talents and ingenuity and done his such as “breath of -spring into own album. ‘summer”, and “songs of a man At first listening the album still in the autumn of youth”. sounds rather plain with a bit of This album is a very nice, spark thrown in. However the pleasant collection of the “best”. later analysis erases this. The It contains old standbys such as spirit and lyrics of the album come ~“Leaving’ on a Jet Plane’ and through more clearly. On the “Take Me Home’ Country Roads. outset Jay Telfer sounds like Cat Stevens, Arlo Guthrie, a rag time Both are done softly with quiet orchestration in the background. singer, and a quiet Louis Armif, not mo,st strong! However, The outstanding, it becomes ‘memorable cuts are evident that this is just Jay Telfer. “Rocky Mountain High” and ‘Sunshine on The album seems weak My Shoulders”. Both fit into the beginning with “Anything More classification that Northrup Frye Than Your Smile” but grows would call “the mythos of summer ‘. stronger as “Yellow Ha,ir” builds Indeed, John Denver romance”. into “Ms.‘N You”, a satirical cut on almost reeks of romance and relationshipwith a “libber”.’An illusion. These songs, however, example of the lyrics is: i keep it so subtle that you don’t “Oh, the road that I chose is realize that you’ve been sucked rutted now, ’ into that bright, romantic world. ’ By the tracks that you laid out John Denver’s style leaves little here, to be wanted. The lyrics are sung And all of my peachesand cream slowly and clearly so that the have turned to butter now. listener can hum or sing along. Since you pledged all your faith to This is something which isnot too Ms. Greer.” The lyrics aren’t dynamite but prevalent today. For this album it they deserve some attention. is to be expected. A man who “Rich Man’s Son” is reminiscent writes and sings of the country of early Cat Stevens. The style is and peaceful times is not going to definitely close to it but there is a bow to the fast pace of the City. fine line of difference that keeps Instead, he sings consistently like the styles apart. a country boy, Good, true country “Doldrum” comes out like an music is hard ‘to come by these old winos song. The instruments days. This album can guarantee coupled with Telfer’s voice add up you at least one glimpse at a dying to one very funny song. It isn’t that style of expression and life. Listen

7 &-9:30


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type of humour where you immediately begin to laugh. Once the situation becomes evident the lyrics coupled with the tempo create the situation where it seems as if you’re watching a clown trying to achieve a hopeless quest. Jay Telfer is much like a clown. He writes music that is funny, entertaining and, in some ways suspiciously true. A good first attempt that should be heard at least twice. (for added fun try to pick out the performances of Murray McLauchlan and Moe Koffman on the cuts) Schubert: Duo Op. posth, 162 and 3 Sonatinas Op. 137, For Violin And Piano, Arthur Grumiaux, Violin, Robert Veyron- Lacroix, Piano Phillips 6500 341 The selections picked for this album are not Schubert’s best but they are important for what they illustrate. These pieces were written in 1816 when Schubert was 19. They are quitesimple and direct and because of this can be played by the average musician. This feature allows interested pursuers of classical music to be able to perform sometrue “classical” music. Technically this album is well produced. The piano and violin are the only two instruments so there is little chance of anything going wrong. However, the album does not seem’ like it can be intently listened to. Instead, it seems more hopeful when played as a slight diversion/when one is reading or engaged in quiet activity. -kati middle&






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T.B. SheetsVan

the chevron

17, 1974




(WSiO28) T.B. Sheets by by Van Morrison is a collection of taped sessions , recorded -shortly after leaving THEM, the group Morrison began his’career with. This was in either I 1967 or 1968. If that sounds like a long time ago, it is, but the album is deceptive in its presentation. When first heard this album convinces you that Morrison had. recently recorded a number of his earlier compositions. For a collection of old tapes the album maintains the quality of a well produced studio album. Morrison’s singing and music is so intricate, varied and well-timed it is difficult to actually believe they were recorded seven years ago. Probably the only desdription befitting Morrison’s style of music lies in it’s somewhat remarkable fusion of jazz, rhythm and blues and rock combined with his complete disregard for clear enunciation which results in a long chain of slurred and shattered words. Morrison’s voice is his own ins+trument, never unique hesitating to splurt out sounds that most vocalists wouldn’t touch with a ten foot microphone-even going as far as imitating a lion as only he can. As far as any further description of Van Morrison’s style of com’position goes it’s extremely difficult to put into words what to like about his albums. Of all the people I’ve spoken to about Van Morrison it seems that everyone either finds it very difficult to enjoy his unique presentations or else are unabashed Morrison enthusiasts. For this reason I doubt if anybody will get. turned on to Morrison through this album, but one never knows. However if you’ve enjoyed Van Morrison In the past T.B. Sheets is an excellent compilation of many- --early and unkfiown corn posit ions. ’ The title of the album refers to a woman that Morrison once lived with and whom he watched die from tuberculosis. The intense involvement of Morrison’s p’ersonal life is movingly reflected in the title track and throughout the album. In addition to the earlier, lesser known tracks Morrison

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offers exciting and vibrant versions of a couple of his more popular successes, namely, Brown Eyed Girl and Madame -George. Van Morrison shows, a somewhat extraordinary and exceptional talent in this album. If your feelings coincide with mine then perhaps you will understand this, review and perhaps you will also learn to- appreciate T.B: Sheets as much as I have.





Dixie Chicken-Little Feat; Warner Bor& Records BS2686 Dixie Chicken is the nam‘e of the album, Little Feat is the.vame of the group-from California. The only other album heard from them is called Sailin’ Shoes and it was impressive. In many ways Little Feat is a typically American band, somewhere between the Grateful Dead and Boz Scaggs, because at times they sound like both of these bands. However Little Feat adds a little bit more than most West Coast groups. They have a <country rock sound similar to the Dead and the New Riders yet they sometimes display an almost European quality, the best example being a track entitled Lafayette Railroad which loosely resembles Traff it’s corn posit ion Tragic Magic (Shoot Out at the Fantasy Factory). This EuropeanAmerican combination is typified by the scope of instruments used in their recording sessions, anything from cowbells to congas to ta blas to the synthesizer. The title track Dixie chicken is a fast - moving - finger - popping -

HOUSING AVAILABLE One bedroom apartment available immediately till August 31, broadloom, sauna, tennis, underground parking, opposite Towers, busat door. $110 monthly. 576-7020. Person wanted to share large luxury furnished--townhouse in Lakeshore Village. Own bedroom, $63 per month. Phone 885-0838. ’ Apartments -available; one bedroom $135 per month; two bedrooms $155 per month. 5 m,inutes walk to campus, includes all utili‘ties, cable TV. Phone Waterloo Co-op Residence, 884-3670. Two fellows require third person in three bedroom townhouse for su’mmer. Rent $70 each. Pool. 506A

rocking - Southern - special - if you’ll - be - my - dixie - chicken - I’ll - be - your - Tennessee - man with a great background chorus that; makes you want to sing along or dance or do something+he vocals.’ provided by six accotiplished female artists including Bonnie Bramlett and Bonnie Raitt. The guitar work of Paul Barrere, as well as the fine piano pieces provided by Bill Payne deserves favourable mention. Yet the strong point of Littls Feat’s attract iveness lies in the smoothness and rhythm of their vocalists, Richard Hayward, Bill Payne, Lowell George and Paul Barrere and of course their female accombaniment background which plays an integral role in their musical continuity. The various voices’ mix and dissolve into each other and seldom repeat themselves due to the number of differ&t and unique, vocal stlyes. If you feel.that you would like a slight change from the already established American West Coast bands, namely the Grateful Dead, New Riders and Jefferson Airplane then Little Feat maybe what you want, especially their album entitled Sail& Shoes. The above statement is not a put down of the thre& groups mentioned, it only expresses my feeling that ,they have dominated “countryrock” music in North America for the last five years atid although their arrangements are constantly being perfected and improved they sometimes sound somewhat repetitive. Anyway, why don’t you put on your sailin’ shoes and pick up some Dixie Chicken and give it a try; it’s happy music. Note: Do not Cjlay this album more than opce a day. -vince


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The ongoing crisis in American society is extending onto yet another / .battlefield this year-the’ Little Leagues. _ The Leagues, of course, are the US-based worldwide organization of _ some two miiliti players and fifty thousand teams which forms. the bottom rung on the ladder of organized baseball, the most American sport of all. Every year,%rdes of small boys stream onto the baseball diamonds of the nation to learn the virtues of physical fitness and cutthroat competition which will stand them in good stead in later years. This year, however, there’s a new.factor in this time-honoured,cyclegirls want to play too. It’s a nationwide’ movement, apparently, an unintentional spinoff of the women’s movement. ;Encouraged by a suc, cessful test-case ruling in New Jersey that the Little keagues’ traditional discrimination on grounds of sex is illegal, hundred$possibly thousands of girls between the ages of eight and twelve are applying for admission to their local teams in the face of concerted opposition from coaches and League ‘bureaucrats. _ In the New Jersey court dzision, the judge rejected the Leagues’ ‘.argument that, as a,private,organization it was entitled to place whatever \ restrictions on membership that it-desired. In reality,’ the court majntained, the, Leagues-are a-“public accommodation” which often use& public funds and facilities, and as such may not discriminate. --. I _ Other arguments used by the Leagues to support their case often verge on the ludicrous. They assert, for instance, that girls in the 8-12 age-group are weaker than boys-this was shown in court to be quite untrue. They say that girls must not receive “cosmetic” injuries to the face or teethpresumably in the fear that their chances of marriage would thus ‘. be hamFred-and that boys, coaches and first-aid assistants should not be permitted to touch the girls. All these arguments were rejected by the court The Leagues even w$nt so far as to resurrect the old fable that “cancerous lesions may be formed by traumatic impact upon the female breast ‘tissue” in. a thoroughly scurrilous attempt to establish ethical justification for their position. To no avail. The New Jersey court was adamant in the girls’ favour, and now a similar proceeding is being undertaken in New York City, c w~here Little League officials reacted to applications from . female basebaifers with a counter;offer of a girls’ softball league. Tired of - , - discrimination, the girls refused toaaccept the ‘compromise’, which failed completely to address the basic problem. In Georgia, in Micwan and in Delaware, further tiugglesof this kind are shaping up. I ’ Back in New Jersey, hundreds of the state’s two thousand teams . declaredtiey would shut down rather than comply with the court ruling, - and may-have followed through+vith the threat. But in some towns the adjustment to mixed baseball has been made without too much difficulty. ’ In Tenafly, N.J., -eight of- the ten teams have one -female member each, though some of the coaches have displayed open resistance to the change. 7. “You can’t teach a girl to swing a bat”, says one. “Many boys aren’t qualified either, but at least you can teach them better. It’s ridiculous. The girls shouldn’t be wearing a catcher’s mask or a glove or even be swinging a bat.” : Despite this coach’s reservations, one ,nine-year-old Tenafly girl, Amy Dickinson, was the first-draft choice-of all the coaches in town. sign- of similar agitation in Canada. But $t --- There hasn’t. been-much shouldn’t be too long before the junior levels of the ice hockey hierarchy ’ begin to feel the o’nslaught of women’s liberation, as more and more little girls begin torealize that they are less different from little boys than * ,many of’their elders would like to suppose. Next stopLthe World Series and tthe Stanley Cup. Where else? --









The Athletic Advisory-Board (AAB) met last Wednesday to approve the coming to’ campus .of the world-famous Harlem Globetrotters next November. _ The show will be totally sponsored by the Federation of Students with--ticket prices of around $3.00 per student. *. Federation president, Andy Telegdi, declared that the show would leave a .‘nice stamp on the University of Waterloo’. He, also added that there would be no profit accruing to the federation as a result of the .venture-. Apart from the standard Globetrotter show there is a chance of the Water100 Warriors playing the Globetrotters. . A basketball tournament is also scheduled in late June, involving the national teams of China, Italy and Canada, This tournament will be a one day affair and may also entail the Warriors taking part. -Also discussed at the meeting was the,possibility of Waterloostaging a table tennis match between Canada and India-in early June. I. I

\ john





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