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~~~~~ter chess seed to be one of the ~;g~~;g~ts of the campus as the Un;ve~s~ty of terror te&n j;~;s~e~ third in the ~0~~~ chess c~a~~;o~s~j~s in §toc~~ol~ Sweden * /


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unpointed and responsible to the ~t~dents’~~o~n~il. Any interested student may work on these boards or with related couuci~ comgenerated income* . the ~~~derati~~ mittees. endeavours tiB initiate progr To carry on its work, the mes of both a recreational federation usually has ahout five educational nature. IIt also full-time salaried employees, provides services (the record including the yearly elected store, the campus shop ete) and student president. Periodically proffers financial support to there are 5lso a few other partvaried on and off campus activities time people in addition to the of other groups. executive members who receive a The Students’ Council is made up nomi~l hononrarium of $100 per term. All full-time employees receive $115 per week. Fsr the third year in a row the expenditures of the federation haveexceeded the amount its reps (three regular collected in student activity fees. and two co-op), five engineering While the collection of fees reps (three fall term, two winter generated an income of two term), four science reps (three . hundred and forty thousand S

aaad fo some more. by revemAe from the sale e~ui~rne~t from the now phQt0 co-op, the ~am~u§ the ba§eme~t of the Centre) ) and from some other assets. Actual expenditure in six of the ’ teg! areas of the general fund went beyond what council had planned. However underspending in ‘four i. areas limited excess spending to only four percent above the projected budget. This is the same relative’ amount by which ad.ministrative costs exceeded projected subsidies. Thus a \ ministrative costs accounted for the largest single portion of the budget, a fact not too surprising when one considers the salaries aid out to the federation’s four well oiled bureaucrats, aptly I termed the “old guard civil service”. The second largest area of the budget, publications, was some fifteen percent beyond what was planned. IIn addition to printing costs being two thousand dollars over estimates, advertising revenue was five thousand under the forty-five thousand anticipated for the year-this in spite of some % grumblings about there being many ads in the paper.






16,. 1974

Where a-re’you going to live ‘?l The h-o-usingiituation iS critical There is,a severe shortage of living space for students.


In order to determine the extent of the housing crisis, it is important that you inform’us if you have no place to live. v ,

Housing Office ’ Federation of Students 1 University of WaterlOci Waterloo, Ontario x ’ .




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16, 1974


’ Copper 7 latest- NJ D :


Spring was The intra-uterine device (IUD 1 year the Majzlin recalled after a number of adverse called the Dalkon Shield was taken’ side effects were noted. The most off the market last June, following serious was the necessity of a’ disclosure made by the Shield surgical/removal when the Spring manufacturer A.H. Robins Co. that six women had died and at least 36 became embedded in the walls of the uterus. had suffered infected spontaneousIUDs are considered abortions in mid-pregnancy with , Although devices not drugs and hence not the Shield in place. subjected to pre-market governThe’ manufacturer’s statement ment testing, debate over the understandably prompted much safety of UIDs has recently concern among women using the urgent precipitated some Dalkon Shield and various other Shouldthe ‘IUD be research. The United States Food IUDs. and Drug Administration is trying removed? Is, the& a type of IUD to determine whether spontaneous that is more effective than others? septic abortions are a hazard Are any of them safe? These are unique only to the Dalkon Shield. only some of the questions which The National Centre for Disease have plagued IUD users for the Control in Atlanta, Georgia a last few months. division of the American Public There seems to be many Health Service, is currently physicians who would recommend study of a-total recall of all IUDs based on winding up a nationwide serious complications associated the fact that little is known about with all types of IUDs. In fact, the this method of contraception. Dr. study is known to have uncovered A.B. Morrison, Canadian aSsistant health several deaths ,linked with pardeputy minister of ticularly serious side effects. The protection said, “we have report will go to the American inadequate @ta on the safety \ bf all Medical Association for approval. IUDs.” The Canadian -government has Exactly how the IUD acts to also begun an investigation. Dr. prevent pregnancy is still a matter Morrison averred in an interview But even more of speculation. that a survey $11 be taken which important, the true pregnancy will initially consist of a letter to expulsion or removal rate of IUDs asking them about is virtually unknown. Also a all physicians the possible side-effects of these matter of guesswork is the birth control devices. average numb& of complications, “minor” Despite the controversy over the which range from complications such as IUDsafety of IUDs there is one type that is still being highly recominduced pain to such major mended. The copper Seven (Cu-7) complications as surgical inhas been in, use for only a short tervention, severe infections and time but is nonetheless considered death. the, first of the second-generation The Dalkon Shield is not in fact the first IUD to be outlawed. Last ’ IUDs. The- Cu-7 functions .iti a qualitatively different way from other IUDs on the market today. The previously developed IUDs, Lippes Loop, the Saf-T-Coil and the Dalkon Shield were condeived on the notion that the size and inert physical properties of the device determined its effectiveness and safety. Although many various sizes and shapes of plastic (an inert material) IUDs were produced, side-effects (uterine cramps, excessive bleeding and expulsions ) were never completely eliminated. These obvious inadequacies --of I‘o start M,ith. Suzuki was the the inert IUD led Dr. J. Zipper to l only one ot‘ the ‘big t’our-’


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formulate a new ,system of intrauterine contraception. His method depended upon an anti-fertility material which would act locally within the uterine cavitj7 and a carrier for the material, which in itself would minimally disturb the *uterus. Zipper and his cohorts discovered that metallic copper would inhibit fertility when used locally within the cavity. In the form of an IUD it would provide a for prolonged efreservoir fectiveness. The use of copper for contraception is equivalent in concept to topical theory in other parts of the body. The drug copper is applied locally to the interior of the uterus. Although it is not clear how this trace of copper prevents pregnancy, it is believed to work by altering the functioq of the enzymes participating in the implantation process, and by destroying the sperm without harming th_e woman. From a study testing the biological action of copper Zipper concludes : “the introduction of this- concept of intra-uterine conception by our group has shown that it is possible to separate the efficacy of an IUD from dependence upon its size and surface area. Since certain side effects such as uterine cramping ‘and pain, spontaneous expulsion of the device and in some cases vaginal bleeding are also directly related to intra-uterine device size, it has also become possible to decrease the incidence of side effects while maintaining high contraceptive effectiveness.” Considerable testing and research of the Copper Seven has gone on now-for several years. The results seem impressive. A study conducted at King’s College Hospital in London, England found that “the use of a plastic intrauterine device as a delivery system for the active contraceptive agent (copper) was a major advance”. Moreover, they concluded that “the main advantages of the Copper-Seven over the classical intra-uterine device relate to -its ease of insertion, a very low incidence of menstrual disturbances in the first three months after insertion and a very low rate of removals for medical reasons.” The data in support of the claim is equally impressive. Insertion of the device proved to be easy in 85 percent of the women t&ted, with minor problems in nine ‘percent and difficulties in the remaining six percent. During the first three months after insertion side effects relating to menstruation decreased from 27 percent in the first month to three percent in the third. The first expulsion rates per 100 users was 6.67, the accidental rate pregnancy rate -1;08 and removals for medical reasons 2.95. Additional testing seems to support further claims. Patients followed up for more . than four years demonstrated no chemidal or physical damage as a, result of the copper. Its small- size, unique shape and flexibility allows the Copper Seven to be inserted without dilation of the cervix and usually with little or no discom@t to the woman. (The Cu-7 inserter .has diameter’ approximately onehalf that of inserters presently in use. > The data appears fairly conbincing but doctors warn that no method of contraception is foolproof and there is still much to be learned about the effects of the Copper Seven. Moreover, any intra-uterine devicg is a “foreign body” to _the human metabolism and as such they increase susceptibility to infections and make recovery more lengthy and difficult. .






Sellout foiled

At last weekends students’ council meeting the Federation of Students foiled an attempt by entertainment chairman Art Ratito give away /the federation’s twenty thousand dollar sound and lighting equipment to the university controlled campus celitre pub. The majority of councillors continued_ from page 1 felt’ that to give away, Such an The Board, of Entertainment had asset without compensation the greatest relative and absolute would be bordering on the budgetary excess by being seven ridiculous. Federation president thousand seven hundred dollars Andy Telegdi expressed the over. Pubs and movies were the sentiment of council members biggest loss& @nd possibly the by qying “if the administration most popular) with technical were to write off their intial services tagging along, the trio investment in the pub (some chalking up fourteen thousand in $40,000) then we would consider the red. Orientation, Summer doing the same with ours.” weekend, and Homecoming were Council, after considerable all underspent and helped to patch debate on this all important things up. is%e, directed Ram to sell the Communications, which ensound and lighting eqtiipment to compasses the mushrogming the university for use in the pub. Radio Waterloo, was over subsidy Ram said he would try to sell the by three percent having been hit equipment but he would not be at hard with unrealized incom’e from all surprised if the university Whiplash-its mobile disc jockey dropped the whole idea of service. Programming expenses providing entertainment in the wei+e also up as the legions oj pub. “They (the administration) students flocked in to do their thing don’t really want to get involved in the ether. with servicing equipment in the -With a nearly absent chair and pub” if it means the hassle of board., Education was under spent buying sound equipment, he by eighteen percent. Most of its concluded. expenditures went into conPublications chairman ?erry ferences and in joint sponsorship Harding disagreed with Ram on with other university groups and this last point, remarking that it into the Campus Forums with wotild be highly unlikely if the External Relations. administration did not get inExternal Relations came closest volved in providing ento Council’s budget going over the tertainment once it perceived target by one percent with its the money potential. funds being stretched all the way “People would- go to_ the from the birth control centre on downtown pubs to see live encampus to Jhe children in the tertainment if the campus centre African jungles of the democratic pub did not provide a comforces fighting Portuguese parable commodity”, Harding colonialism. -averred. Creative Arts -liki! Education -john morris was below its planned subsidies by twenty-one percent with drama and dance being the most under. The Board of-Grievances and the Critic-at-Large, starting initially with meagre budgets, ‘were phenomenally under projected subsidies by fifty and nearly sixty percent respectively. In terms of cash flow capital investment, a perusal of the subsidy and expenditure schedule University safety officer Nick for Co-operative Services is most Ozaruk informed the Chevron deceptive. With an over-all subsidy that a self-contained breathing of zero dollars planned, but a unit has recently- been taken year’s end loss of blase to two from its wall cabinet in the new hundred dollars, Co-op Services is chemistry building. The unit is an auditor’s helter skelter. Exused whenever there is a pected revenue from the buses run chemical spill in the laboratories weekly to Toronto was a quarter of which produce noxious fumes’ the anticipated two thotisand. The and when donned it resembles a ice cream stand in the Campus scuba diving mask. Ce6ter and the confectionary run Apparently it is this last at the movies jointly consumed a characteristic which concerns subsidy .of thirty-seven hundred Ozaruk for whoever borrowed dollars instead of the planned five the breathing unit might intend hundred. Tpe real mysteries to u_se it “as underwater diving surround the record shop in the equipment.” But according to basement of the Campus Center. Ozaruk, the unit is not suitable With the auditor’s report showing for scuba diving because the an intake of some five thousand “mask fills up with water due to dollars, the operation of the shop is increased water pressure.” The paying for itself while tying up result would understandably between twenty to thirty thousand cause panic on the part of the dollars of federation money in scuba diver and could result in stock at any one time. drowning. As historically has been the So if you know the person who case, the hero or heroine of the day ~borrowed the breathing unit, is the Campus Shop which tutr‘ned , please persuade him or her to up a profit of ten thousand dollars, return it to the university safety without which the Federation office located in- the adwould have-run into the red. ministration building. -shane roberts

Mask off&d

\ j\



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- It would be difficult to find boors- ‘expertise of a quicklook at his . more.outstanding than the Young - handy-dandy &Penguin edition to Philis tines _ who ’ review cultuul cite m’e . textual, difficulties of. events for the Chevron. The writePericles, basically didn’t ,like the up on the recent production “of’ play because he couldn’t believe it-it “strains the audience’s belief , “The Gingerbread, +ady ‘.’ ,by a certain Ms. . MIddleton , was a in coincidence.” Cod forbid that an tribute to the singular obtuseness LXiota, of imagination be expended to> 0ffilliteracy.j .. respond to the j pageantry-. of the But the sniveling critique of’ the drama let alo*ne the affirmation of Stratford Festival (7-26-743 truly man’.s@herent, +hetypal need to displays a) smallness of intellect love --and-, be -~ loved. / No,’ to and meanness, of spirit unmatched ‘(paraphrase a famous con-in the annals of the Chevron. It’ temporary of’ Mr. ‘Rotman’s who hinges solely on the question of the displays a similar ‘insight into’ the theatre’s heavy subsidization and smallnesses ‘of which people ,-are th@. middle~&&character of the capable, Pericles just won% play in audience. Whether one agreeswith Peoria. _ 2, = 1 . . the politics of,subsidization or not;-- The generalthrust of all Chevron (after all many: deserving .young “aesthetic criticism” seems to be radicals may have been denied the narrow ,assertion that if art their favorite OFY boondoggle or doesn’t conform to the ac.ceptable p had their OSAP cut-that isn’t , values of the right-on set,- it cer’ subsidization, that’s_ “social tainly doesn’t dese_rve to exist. It is _ -justice? ), it is. hardly, a, legitimate ’ circumscribed;by the insistence to criterion of theatre criticism. Theproclaim. “life ,at Uniwat”‘.as the basis of ,, the ever-hip ‘fstu and, ‘ultimate in human experience1 aiya’s” dislike of ’ 6The_Medium” is , This view of art in a second-rate ’ the relief they felt in. escaping the . school newspaper is- merely taint: of I those who&habitX “rich pitiable. In its larger implications suburban living rooms or old folks’ it is bo%hfrightening and fascistic. -4’_.,-n ,’ homg 30 bask in _athe L smug ?’ - ,-r DIRECTOR 1 UNiVERSiTY OF,WATERLOO CO-CURRICULAR MUSIC ACTlVlTtES 1s _- .Performing, Groups - .’ -’ , -. CONCERT CHOIR --4 I -*CHAMBER CHOIR (by audition only) _ ’\ ’ CONCERT B!jND,, ;- *LITTLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA \_ REHEARSAL SCHEQULE ‘\ , (beginning September 10th) _ ’ CONCERT CHOIR ’ 1 _: ’ Tues.’ 7 : 0089-!OO p.,m.’ AL I13 , J CHjMbWR‘WiOif? \ Thurs.! 7:0&9:00 p.m. AL 6 Music Room --I / CONCERT BAND Wed. 5 :30-7 :00 p.m. *AL 6 Music- Ro&n tiiTTLE SYMPHONY ORCHEST.RA _ (by audition only) ’ . ,,-:I ,‘r’ ’ ’ rehearsal.-time for ‘orchestra to- be an, nounced\ AL6- M sic Roo’m ” , I \, \ MlJSlk~ 1 ~



MOZART ’ _’ i : CORONATION MASS AUDITIONS. for, - Corohation s ‘Mass> _ Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and+ Bass. soii’ by,, <APPOINTMENT) . : a. ’ Fcr~ further jnformatio’n contact ‘Mr.’ Kunt, Music Director;, Art4 “Jecture room 6, ext. .s 2439 ,_) “-) , ,‘, .,,,: ,-. . _, _ . ;,,‘P _- . _










-I ,F -’


,arrogaqCe of- th: .gran~la chers at the BlackSwan. ,I?-

Mr. Rotman,

who ,grants


~’’ . l&n thk’in

us the .- it at 811.

Nell Kozalg Wtildman iis e&ire& or don’t run

’ ,.


I,-. -

.; . - / r ‘,


2 8Tp.m. ’ c by Somerset Maugham ’ J . .I,_ Ii , WOON -PRODUCT-IONS; \ OCT.-9-41 .- ’ ’_ I ,NO‘V. -13-15 12;:30 p;m’, ; _ ’ ’ -/_ . Two- one *act presentation% to ‘.b.e- an. nounced \ : .: , : ,_ -.a _, . ‘ii . AUDITIONS ’ Mon., Tues,, & Wed1 SEPT. 16. ‘17 & 18 - 8 -\ . ,‘. _ pm. I. ” _,__’ s HUM”180 For further information contact Mr. hghs, ). drama director, - Modern - Languages I ;Building, room l-21,I ext. 2533. I i ‘ ’\ t <EARL STIELER ’ _ ’ \ ‘, 1 .,, ’ - _,‘TECHNICAL DiRECTdR LTHEATRE OF THE ARTS j :: . . -3 ^ L Students interested in lighting, sound and -backstage ‘as welt. as ,usher@g, please contact Mr. Stieier ‘in:Modern, anguages, _ ~, room 122, ext. ‘2l28. ._ :.- i - ‘, * _ j L - - i:. a---*

member’: cahadia’n university press (CUP). The chevron. is’ . typeset by dumont -pressgraphixahd published ,by -the : federation of students incorporated, university of waterloo. Con,tent-is-the sole responsib~iityrof the chevron. editorial staff: Off iceslare located in the campus centre; (519) 885-” . 1660, or -unive,rsity tocai 2331. , i \ )There are very strong indications that-if you haven’t -arranged for’a place to stay while you are a> this wonderful institution by the%rne,you read this, forget it. Or perhaps better yet buy yo.urself.a tent and acomfortable cot because that-may be w.hat’it will come to:Anywayswe at the chevronplan-on working all night’@ that/we don’t have to worry about&hereto sleep. despite the uncoordinated efforts,by most-of our staff, we have managed to puttogether a ~final’summer issue, contributing’yere john niorrjs, preston guid, margie wolfe, susanjohnson, nick savage, ,george. neela’nd, with -hisnews tips;\ katie’ mid dleton, ma’rg murray, vince checutti, jane hardjng, andrew telegdi, ‘dri and chiis, with special thanks to linda lounsberry,, pgul-sharpe and altthe others ~who managed to make it out for the editors meetidg. nrh ,; . ’ _:



cr _ , ‘I ,

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16, 1974 ..






chevron .. _















A look -at the .‘new I president of s the U.nited States. ’ I a

(LNS)----After WASHINGTON more than five years of associating the evils of . American policyforeign and domestic--with the name Richard Milhouse Nixon, we wake on August 9 to find Gerald Ford in the White House. Although many Will‘ encourage to breathe a sigh of relief and say, “Well, that’s over,” thankful that the ‘“Constitutional process”







tended, the important “Who is Gerald remainsIn what way will this man IlWW faced a XltiOIld govern the country? How, is he different from the replaced?


question Ford?” who has

“Sometimes I think Gerry. . .really believes there is no, ~honourable alternative to his position,” said part-y’s representative Richard Bolling. But the truth lies somewhat closer to journalist Peter Rand’s assertion that, “it is just possible,‘ however, that Ford is a fairly man of no integrity at all.” Since first being’ elected to the House of Representatives from bright






Ford has steadfastly opposed civil rights legislation “on constitutional and other- grounds”.



if at all, man he

rights legislation is not as bad as you might expect, it. is only because of devious behind the scenes ‘activity‘ during the formation of the legislation. According to one report, “His habit was to vote to kill or weaken civil rights bills in their formative I

Having uncovered most of the c Bebe Rebozos in Nixon’s life_ detailing the crimes, the coverups and the coverups of coverups-we






-,Shocking events demand that the administration - take the wraps off our military forces -in Southeast ~Asia by-.unleashing devastating air and sea power against -all significant military targets in North Vietnam.

adding, “It is suggested by some that this tragedy raises questions as to whether the United States should in this activity-1 \ submit that it proves how important it is for us to persevere in - this essential task.” r . ’ In 1970 Ford told the House that I “Idle talk about repression contributes nothing to the sober resolution of serious problems.” According to the House analysis of Ford’s voting record, “He has strongly supported ’ wiretapping,, preventive detention and no-knock legislation.” As for labour strikes, the House report St&es that “since 1967, at least, Ford is clearly on the side of government interventiorrin certain instances of strike.“. During the days of mass antiwar protests Ford stated, “I want the people who are interested in strong student unrest legislation to know that I am with them,” adding “we can handle student unrest proposals in the near future and we

F’ord, he and Melvin Laird, urged “To cut back on Congress domestic expenditures in order to meet <the growing expenses of the Vietnam war.” In August, 1967, Ford rose on-the House floor to make a major speech in which he labelled the Johnson Vietnam policy “@-win”. During that speech he urged increased use of air power and a blockade of Haiphong harbor. Appalled at what he said was a “that produced a present policy stalemate,” Ford blurted out: “Is this any way to run a war?” Ford describes himself as an “internationalist:’ on foreign policy, meaning he favors a strong US presence in the world. In 1970, when US Agency for International Development (AID ) official Dan Mitrione was kidnapped and executed by Tupamara guerillas in Uruguay for his role in teaching torture to Uruguayan police, Ford rose on the House floor to defend the activities of USAID in Latin America : “Indeed he (Mitrione) was trying to help the police assume their proper role in Uruguayan society .” said Ford,

corporations and the wealthy take advantage of. “I am opposed to wholesale ‘repeal of so-called tax loopholes,” adding that he would like to seesome already removed “put back on the books”. And showing that his constituency will differ little from Nixon’s, Ford complained, “Most members of Congress don’t realize the burdens that are placed upon business by the legislation they pass.” Fortune magazine, in March of * 1974 assured their readership that a Ford Presidency would not be the worst thing for them: “Nobody could call Gerald Ford “antibusiness’. The chief lobbyists for Ford Motor Company and US Steel are among his closest personal friends. He supported federal aid to bail out Lockheed. He feels that Richard McLaren, Nixon’s first antitrust chief, was ‘overzealous’ in his attempts to expand antitrust laws to cover conglomerates. ‘Bigness,’ said Ford, ‘is no sin’ “. I

(The election of Richard Nixon) would mean that laws already on the books would be enforced. Criminals and crime bosses would come under massive attack led by a Republican President sand.a Replican ‘Attorney General. ’ ._ Gerald Ford, J968 Summing it all up, and looking to will .with stronger provisions.” On May 25, 1969, he supported the future, Gardner Ackley a withholding financial aid to professor of political economy at ~ the University of Michigan, said of students involved in campus protests. And, after Washington Ford : “He is by nature conservative and I would be surprised police illegally rounded up if he has come up with a policy of thousands of demonstrators during May Day activities in 1971, Ford his own yet. . .In the absence of “I that, he’ll keep going with what went on record as saying, there is.” Certainly, Ford’s 25 congratulate the authorities \ for handling the situation as skillfully years in the House tell something of what to expect from the new as they have.” in dealing with aThough continually arguing to president cut domestic spending for lack of faltering economy: an attempt to funds, Ford argued long and hard stop inflation by cutting g?=rnin 1973 against a tax reform bill ment spending, particularly in the social weifare areas. that would plug loopholes that

Gerald Ford, 1965

must now search for new skeletons in the White House closets. The job will not be difficult. To hear most of those who have had contact with Gerald Ford speak, it would appear that his biggest vice is simply that he is faced with a job bigger than his Representative capabilities. Micheal J. Harrington (democrat-Mass.) once said of Ford:“He’s Simply a nice guy who has demonstrated no real capacity to govern. ’ ’ Referring to Ford’s football playing days, Lyndoh JohnSon said of the then House Minority Leader, “Too bad, too bad-that’s what happens when you play football without a helmet on.” And even Richard Nixon, the man that put Ford in the line for the Presidency, hoping _perhaps that it would stall impeachmentforces, exclaimed, “Can you see Gerald Ford sitting in this chair?”

stages, but to go on record in favour of them in the final vote.” (Black congresgpeople voted almost unanimously against his confirmation as Vice President. ) “I have voted consistently as a conservative in financial affairs,” Ford said in 1973. “I think that is the right policy.” Certainly this i‘s I no idle boast by the new president. According to the report on Ford’s congressional voting record prepared for the House Judiciary Committee considering Ford’s nomination as Vice President, “Ford’s position on minimum wage legislation has been fairly COnsistent . . .since 1949, he hasconsistently opposed measures proposing increases in the minimum wage.. .” Similarly, the report notes that “Ford opposed the establishment of the Food Stamp Program in 1964” and, in 1971, “Ford voted against an amendment to establish

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Wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping worry- all Americans who prize their privacy. Properly used, these are essential weapons - to those who -- guard our Nation’s security. Gerald Ford, 1967

child developBut it is impossible to dismiss a a comprehensive ment program to provide man who, for. 25 years, fought every piece of progressive social ‘educational, nutritional, and legislation ever to get on to the health services free of charge to House floor, simply by questioning disadvantaged children.” his intellectual abilities. It is an , Ford claims to oppose , such oversimplification to label Ford, social legislation on the grounds the man who led,the Congressional that he opposes “spending hawksarguingduring the ‘60’s that sprees”. Yet, Ford has been a the US’was not conducting an “allmost vocal advocate of increasing military spending. In 1965, acout” war in Vietnam, a witless cording to the House report on boob. *


Organizational Meeting* 3 Campus Centre, Rm. 135 - Wednesday, Sept. 18,T’OO p.m. \\










What’s What at Uniwat... If you want to know make sure you get your copy of the Federatih of Student’s hfortiation Handbook at one. of the distribution -~points on campus a j Terry Harding, chairperson I Board of Publications




of campus evaluations is one of the Boa’rd of .Edukation’s projects this year. Films,-’ Forums, ‘and speakers are - employed to _-. provide alternatives 1to the c-lassroom L’ situation. If you have program suggestions or are just interested, contact Myles at ext. 3426 or 8850370 at the Federation office. *.

\ .

Visit our world of Books, over l/10 of a million volumes in stock. New books,’ used books, National Geographies, Art Books (one of the most extensive selections in town! 1 And an endless list of other topics. We also offer 10 percent off to most purchases by students. You won‘t believe what the Book Barn has to offer; more books than you could read in a lifetime. We are the largest store of our kind in Kitchener-Waterloo. We offer not only a vast amazing selection, but also realistic, low rates. You could almost say, a Toronto Bookshopbright in downtown Waterloo. We are also regular buyers of most used books, encyclopaecfias, comic books, etc. One visitxand you’ll be convinced, there is nothing like the Book Barn in town. Our shoppe is located upstairs at 12 King St. N., downtown Waterloo, directly next to the Waterloo Theatre. Open every night to 6: 30, Thursday and Friday until 10 pm. Remember: I Downtown, Waterloo, Upstairs, 578-4950. In your own time, in your . . o~n way, please aiscover us, you’ll enioy your visit.


. / \


‘, A

FOR. OUR’ ‘L-CO,NVENIENCE 6 CAO-6P STUDENTS ’ PLEASE- APPLY NOW IN WRITING. , FOR’ /ALL OTHER -STUDENTS AP~PLlCATlONS WILL. BE ACCE~PTED . BEGLNNING-SEPT. 1: , ’: . ALL APPLICATiONS WILL BE CLOSED’ SEPT. 108. ’ _ . This is a. part-time job and all applicants stay until January 19, 1975. 4


must be able to \

For further information contact Susan at extension 3425 - between lpm and 3pm any weekday or write to the’ Campu,s Centre Board, University of Waterloo.$ \



the chevron

16, 1974


’ I - The Child as Niggek ,

the right to speak, to move,’ to Every person is oppressed to think in any way which is their some degree under the present own ; .they are forced to conform. system. Since the only acceptable Corporal punishment persists as, reaction to this fact is to oppress a control measure in the school others and since one’s position is defined in terms of power (how and the family yet it is obviously incompatible with any view of the many people can one ijppress), young person as a fellow human society is constantly creating (.-being. These young people are classes of full-time vi$tims-i.e. without all the basic rights of any children. From this raw material, the culture via the family and the average citizen, they are virtually school proceeds to make a slaves. product acceptable to itself by For those who dare to revolt reinforcing behaviour it desires (rriainly teenagers), the system is and extinguishing others, by prepared. Often the well making some natural and social adqlescent unconsciously acts out stimuli into discrimisative ones that which her/his parents. feel and ignoring others. but dare not express; she/he The formative influence of one’s reflects the negative environment family far outweigh those.of one’s in which she/ he ‘is raised. nuclear family * school. The However, most adults ha’ve taken represents a form of ownership as unwritten law the natural where mutual obligation and dependency of childreli and the adults concerned act in a conprison, and that their teachers themselves and are aware that as possession dominate. The young sanctity of parental rule. The descending, and self-righteous an organized group their strength themselves-could not and would _ person is imbued with feelings of juvenile courts exist td insure manner. (John Hdt, ’ is formidabd_el Up to the present not tolerate. . ” self rejection, defensiveness and s&h normative behaviour in its It is a fact that those people Children’s Rights, p.50). Those day, revolutionary ideologies have isolation. The person learns to youth. The local authorities in who are not considered adults are who survive the thirteen years df been too authoritrarian, too direct the frustration coming from relation, to any particular ch’ild denied even the most elemenary virtual imprisonrhent usually are patriarchal, too abstract to her/his perception of inadequacy have the power to act in -any control over their own lives. so numbed and alienated from materialize successfully. Until the and dependency into the socially manner they deem necessary to Attendance at school is comconditions faced by young people themselves that it is extremely approved outlets: She/he is tairght insure her/his proper developpulsory and ‘up until the age of are recornized as inhuman and difficult (if not impossible) to who to hate, who to attadk, and ment’and to further her/his best sixteen truancy, an offense riot unnecessary, there will be, no unlearn the conditioning and thus how to use aggression in striving interests. Public welfare and , criminal if committed by an adult, “revolution”. As long as this basic the system has succeeded in for success. The most pleasurable mores are always placed before is punishable by law in any oppression is allowed to stand, . -perpetuating itself. activities become interwoven that of the individual young manner the courts deem- ap’ The next big thrust for freedom the liberation of other minority with negative emotions and she person (the child is too young to propriate. The conditions within is gradually surfacing. Ctiildren’s groups is impossible. The youth .he be;omes conditionned by an have any sense of what her/his - the existing educational systems liberation exists and mat-$ are movement is inev.itable; hopefully early age to expect negative after own needs are) and thus the are known to be appalling. The ’ flocking so is the md of adult chauvinSsm. and to its standard. Young effects from exploration courts prevent ‘premature’ inpeople’ are graded, _marg murray young people are examining themselves sensuality. Normal curiosity and and enforce dependence classified, and streamlined acand the system, and are beginself expression is repressed and Irad it iona I sex role stereotypes. cording to a success/failure ning to take the necessary Steps - resources for this article warped into the far reaches of the \ scheme (the ability to play the to - make Society’s excessive interest in themselves - heard mind. Gotleib D. ed.. Children’s Liber&n, game weli) based mainly on morality and obedience to in,- Neuroses and conformity a’re (underground newspapers, Prentice-Hall Inc. 1973. . obedience;. Independent thought parental authority clearly poses a volvement in women’s centres, the end products of,authoritarian Hall J. ed. Children’s Rights, Granada is discouraged and creativity is of etc.). They are refusing to be authoritarian major threat to the rights(?) of adults and an Publishing Ltd. 1972. necessity stamped out. “We take adolescerits. Most young women incorporated into a repressivw system. Those under a certain age Lar-rick N. and Merriam E. ed. Male and lively, curious, energetic children, who appear in juvenile court do so oppressive .system and are openly Female Under 18, Avon Books, 1973. are called children and certain eager to make contact with the because of “incorrigibility”, adults claim -to own them searching f& aIternatives. They Youth-Liberation of Ann Arbor. youth “running away”, or “sexua I world and lea’rn about it, stick have faith in those younger than (parents from the latin parereLiberation, TimesChange Press, 1972 , them in barren classrooms with delinqu&cy”. T-he denial of the sources). These young people are teachers who, on the whole terrorized, and sexuality of, anyone under sixteen patronized, neither Ii ke nor respect nor is the most glaring example of possessed by those who claim to understand them, restrict their repression/oppression of ‘minors’. be responsible for having created freedom of speech and movement Even now it is illegal for these them. They gre ,forced to obey to a degree that would be conwithout question and to respect people to obtain birth control sidered excessive and inhuman and fear their superiors (anyone devicks and or abortions but even in a maximum security ’ older than th’ey). They are denied should pregnancy occur, the ,

,Great Hall. Movies


Sept. 4 - Lion in+Winter Sept. 11 - Straw Dogs Sept. 18 - The Fox Sept. 25 - They Shoot Horses Don’t They ’ Oct. ‘2 - Charlie * ‘\ ’ Ok‘9 - Candy Oct. 16 - Joe all movies at lo:15 p.m. Sponsored by Ca’mpus Centre Board








While oil companies’ profits soar, so do their retail prices. Few people have managed to stay out of the price increases, all of us are feeling the pinch_either through higher gasoline prices or higher heating bills. In company advertisements and publicity the oil producers have excused their increased prices by claiming , increased costs, The public has no opportunity to question their explanations nor the background knowledge necessary to understand the processes and actions of the companies. The corporations do not explain themselves-it is not in their selfinterest to do so. They have the public where they want them, uninformed and needing oil. Tom Zeman, writing in the July Ramparts, attempted to* clear up some of the mystery surrounding oil refining and purchasing gasoline. An edited version of ( that article is reprinted here.

. Gasdine: I . -from-Ad $0 - Z

North Americans spend hundreds of dollars a year on gasoline, but very few people know what they are buying. You don’t taste it or touch it, and you rarely see it. -Do you know, for instance, what colour gasoline is? It’s naturally clear, but is dyed red, blue or amber to warn people of its toxicity (like the odor added to natural gas). “Gasoline stands at a technological distance from -the consumer” , explains Dr. Albert Fritsch of the Centre for Science in the Public Interest. As a result, according to a 1972 survey, over half of all gasoline consumers Americans waste $2 overbuy gasoline. billion a year for a higher grade of gasoline that their car actually needs. Now more than ever, it isimportant for the consumer to know_ what gasoline and gasoline for marketing is about, today’s astonomical prices are just part of .a marketing revolution that is changing where and how you tank up your automobile. . And for the first 40 years, the composition of gasoline is undergoing an important change. You won’t find the __ explanation for any of these events in the barrage of ‘educational’ advertisements the oil industry has been aiming our way, -and for a very good reason-it’s not in their interest to tell you. “Nobody really wants to buy gasoline. It is not a satisfying pleasure like a good meal, or a happy extravagence like a new hat.” That was how Fortune magazine summed up the oil compnaies’ major difficulty in peddling the stuff back in 1969. Then the problems were different. _ Gas was cheap . and plentiful and customers were lured with glassw,are giveaways, green stamps, and miraculous additives. Service stations were designed to look like country clubs, - suburban homes,even Chinese temples. And for a time the carnival atmosphere, combined with the vague promises of better performance, worked. At the same time it advertised TCP, Shell had quietly licenced 13 competing oil refineries to use the very same additive. Other brands used a slightly different additive, but it&-accomplished the same thing. One major oil company jocularly summed -up the various claims by advertising that “In every gallon of our gasoline, you get-four quarts”. But the virtually tax free. The name of the game advertising stategy was effective. From People began buying cheaper gasoline was to retail at low profit and high volume. 1960 to 1969 Shell, with its TCP and, by 1972, non-major branded gasoline promotion, climbed from sixth to second in order to drill more: sales had captured a quarter of the retail place in gasoline sales. Curiously,’ a 1972. To that end, oil companies maintained market and were gaining rapidly. Even survey for-the Centre for Science in the expensivecredit card systems to keep large department store chains such as their name in the consumer’s wallet while Public Interest showed that while 64 Sears, Montgomery Ward and J.C. they vastly overbuilt gas stations to keep -percent of TV viewers interviewed did not Penney started selling their own brands of gasoline advertisements, 51 their name in the public eye. They even believe gasoline at many of their outlets. One percent did prefer a particular brand of sold gasoline to their competitors, the Exxon vice-president, amazed at the gasoline and thought it worked better independent retailers;lto insure a greater ’ sudden growth of self-service stations, than other brands.., volume of drilling and to keep refineries commented, “No one in this country The oil companies did not mind keeping running at full capacity. That was, as one would believe that an American woman the profit margins of their marketing gas station trade magazine wistfully would get out and put gasoline in her car.” . divisions low while throwing money away remembered, “the golden age of sales In the short run, the oil ‘shortage’ has on extravagent campaigns to win promotion”. But now there are no more proved very handy to the majors in their customer loyalty. For the big money in /green stamps and glassware. And the retailing jam. The buyer’s market in the vertically integrated oil business was signs which once boasted the lowest gasoline suddenly became a seller’s in oil drilling. The oil “upstream” gasoline prices around are blank. market, The major ,refineries no longer Why the change in policy? Simply, the needed -to sell their excess to the indepletion allowance and other tax breaks kept profits on that end of the business carnival-like promotions stopped working. - dependent marketers. And whatever




16, 1974

competition did exist among - the majors came to a halt when all the oil companies were able to sell out their gasoline with no difficulty. In a few short months, retail prices 1 doubled. Oil company advertisements stopped touting gasoline additives and started apologizing for their obscene profits. Around.10 percent of the independent retailers were forced to close for lack of gasoline. So it looks like the days when you could trust your car to the man who wears the star are over. And we’d better find out what we’re getting. before we start investing $10 to $20 to tank up our cars. Oil companies. have done their best to make the whole business sound confusing. They spend a lot of time telling you about things that don’t matter (like additives) and no time explaining the one thing that does (octane). Unfortunately, federal regulations have so far made matters worse rather than better, but the gasoline story is acutally a very simple one, and well worth your while. The following stepby-step discussion of what makes a gasoline good or bad for your car, and how you can tell, will not only save you money. It will also make you feel less like a victim of what Exxon wants you to know.



REFINING: Refining processes are much the same from company to company, and oil companies swap oil both before and after it is refined. There are few variations in the way gasoline is blended. Some are seasonal and climatological, required of all oil companies; and slightly different * blends from one company to the next might give you faster starts or slightly better mileage. But the only way to find out is to try various brands in you own car - don’t go by advertisements. ADDITIVES-AND THE LIKE: There is a no reason to buy gasoline for the sake’of special additives like Platformate, F310 or TCP. As one petroleum engineer explains it, if any one company does find a beneficial additive, other companies buy a sample of the competitor’s gasol’me, have . it analyzed, and then add a similar ingedient to its own product. Shells TCP, for instance, widely advertised in the Sixties, was just a phosphorous additive which helped keep spark plugs clean. But TCP has since been removed from gasoline because it fouls’up the catalytic converters which will be standard; equipment on many I new 1 autos. Platformate, also widely advertised by Shell, ’ is not an a-dditive but a refining process, one of many developed over the last few years to get more high-octane gasoline from a barrel of oil. Chevron’s F-310 is a detergent additive. Gasolines have for some years included detergent as a deicing agent. Because Chevron’s F-310 had more than most, it helped to keep carburators clean. But, once again, most gasolines now use something similar. More interesting are the lengths to which oil companies go to prove the superiority of their additives: Chevron -used to run a television ad show*ing the car with F-310 haying a clean exhaust, and the car without it belching black smoke. y But in a Federal Trade Commission . hearing Chevron admitted that, in order to get a car running so dirty in the first place, a special gasoline, much gummier than any on the market, had to be invented. Next to the Chevron-developed “test” gasoline, other competing brands looked just as miraculously clean as did Chevron with F-310. KNOCKING: Using the wrong gasoline can- cause excessive engine knock (or ping). This has nothing to do with brand names or additives and is related only to the octane rating of your gasoline (see OCTANE below). While knocking can be a serious problem, it is not as serious as most people think-or as gasoline advertising would have you believe. . Knocking occurs when the gasoline and air mixture in the cylinders of the engine burns prematurely. If the mixture burns before the piston reaches the right point in its stroke, you will hear a distinct knocking (or pinging) sound, similar to











I i’

hammers rapidly tapping on metal. Continuous knocking over , long periods can severely damage your engine, but the slight sound you may mometarily hear when accelerating or climbing a steep hill is normal and harmless. ‘In fact, a slight, inaudible knock, called “trace knock” iS actually good for your car-it shakes 1 deposits off the piston heads. Over, two hundred hours of, continuous, intense knocking on a test engine were required before damage resulted. OCTANE NUMBERS: Octane numbers Drovide an index as to how well a gasoline prevents knocking. The octane rating system is useful to know and easy to understand, although the oil industry, the federal government, and even the auto industry have done their-best to make it The octane obscure and confusing. number is a rating on a scale of one to 100 of how well a particular gasoline prevented knocking under particular test conditions. An octane rating of 92, for example, does not mean that the gasoline is 92 percent pure, or that it has 92 of anything in it- it jtist means that it performed better than gasolines rated 91 or below and not as well as those rated 93 or above. An automobile engine needs a certain minimum octane to run properly, depending on the car. But gasoline with a higher octane rating than the minimum will not help your car, and can do some small harm. Since selling high octane gasoline is more profitable than regular or economy grades, the industry is not anxious to explain octane! In 1970, the Federal Trade Commission ruled that octane listings had to be listed on gasoline pumps, but the oil camnanies immediately took the FTC to -----I



court, where the matter still stands. Since then, the Federal Energy Administration has issued its own rule requiring octane ratings on pumps, but its authority is temporary and not being .enforced. If posted at all, octane ratings on most’ g’asoline pumps are hardly legible and are sometimes hidden on the side of the pump. To make matters worse .t+ere are two octane numbering systems: the Standard (“Research”) system and the oil industry systgm. Different testing conditions are used for each and, as a result, th& octane number for the same gasoline is about four wafter-tax [millions

oil profits: of dollars]

Exxon Mobil Texaco Gulf Standard Calif. Standard Indiana Shell Continental Atlantic-Richfield




first *nine months of 1973 1,656 . 571 839 570 560 390 253 153 178

numbers less by the industry system than by the standard system. And it is the industry’s number that the government requires to be posted on gasoline pumps. So, for example, if your auto manual says your car will run on 91 research octane, use the gas pump labeled 87 octane. second system? The ’ Why the confusing oil industry-claims that its system is more accurate-, than the Research octane number, although Dr. Alfred Cattaneo of the University of California disagrees.


Cattaneo says that the Research number corresponds to the driving needs of American cars 98 percent, of the time, while the industry system measures octane requirements only for a car under extreme strain; In any case the ’ oil industry benefits from the confusion. Since the industry’s system gives the same gasoline a lower number than the Research octane system, people are led to believe that regular and economy grades are not good enough and therefore are encouraged to overbuy. WHAT OCTANE GAS TO BUY: You

percentage increase over 1972 59.4 / 38.3 34.9 . 60.1. 39.7 32.2 -40.6 23.4 36.9

should buy the lowest grade gasoline you can get, providing it doesn’t cause heavy engine knock. Just about every car built since 1971 (including Cadillacs) will run well on economy grade fuel (the pump labelled 87 octane). The only cars requiring premium are highcompression / cars built in‘the 1960s. There’s an interesting story about how Americans came to identify high octane with better gasoline. The Ethyl Corporation, the principal manufacturer of

with ho< exhaust -

version- of Honda’s engine under license, when the deficiencies It would be untrue and unfair to say that the Big Three of the catalyst systems have become obvious. Detroit auto manufa&urers have done nothing to alleviate the In comparison with the stratified charge engine, the environmental problems introduced by the cars they make, catalytic converter, looks clumsy indeed. For instance, the although it’s easy to see why people sometimes get that imnormal fluctuations of engine temperature and fuel richness pression. For the truth is only a little more generous: Detroit encountered in all engines are much broader than the has contributed to the reduction of pollution a) when it has had tolerances in which con+erter systems work efficiently. They no choice, and b) when it has been in its own interests to do so. j are subject to contamination by gasolines high in lead or Ineeed, rather than waging the war against pollution on the contaminated the highly expensive . sulphur , and , when technological front, it has been the‘ Big Three’s practice to catalysts must be replaced. On top of that, the systems will battle the environmentalists themsel\;es, in the advertising ’ .add an estimated $150 to the purchase price of a car. media and in the congressional lobbies of Washington D.C. Other foreign manufacturers have not been standing still Thus, when the newly:fornied Environmental Protection either. By next year Toyota will probably be making a version Agency (EPA) told the auto-makers in 1970 that ‘strict new of -the Honda engine, while Datsun is working on a stratified standard? for the levels of pollution in car exhaust were to be charge engine which uses fuel injection instead df carburation. met by 1975, the industry’s professional agitators swung into Mazda is taking advantage of the, high-temperature exhausts action. i /! from its rotary Wankel engine to develop a thermal reactor to By the beginnmg of last year, they were making it very plain complete fuel combustion. Mercedes-penz already produces a that the manufacturers had no intention of meeting the EPA’s diesel version of its 220 sedan. Since diesel exhaust is fairly standards for any of the four main categories ,of pollutant by clean, it shoild be able to meet future clean-air regulations the required date. Result? By March of -that year, William quite comfortably. Ruckelshausthe EPA administratorhad issued a comThe current burst of enthusiasm from the car manufacturers forting new edict postponing the previously announ&l . for environmentally acceptable vehicles may be just a preview standards, and calling instead for ‘interim standards’ for 1975 for a not-too-distant scenario in;olving a challenge to the which even the American companies would be able t,o meet,. supremacy of the internal combustion engine-itself. The prime This new chapter to the old story of the political influence of contender will probably be the battery-powered electric engine, giant corporations might ndt have been of unusual interest, feel will be com‘mercially and which some observers however, were it not for the responses of the foreign mechanically viable by the early 1980’s, but other possibilities manufacturers to the same challenge. Detroit’s half-hearted include the Stirling engine - invented in 1812 but only recently technological effort has been directed towards the development considered for cars - and even the good old steam engine, of a basically cosmetic device, the catalytic converter, which which was crowded out of the field in the’ early days ’ of ‘scrubs’ exhaust gases coming out of the engine with expensive motoring. precious metal catalysts. The problem with electric cars has always been the lack of a The approach of the foreign companies--thiJapanese in battery capable of delivering sufficient power over a reasonable particular-was more radicql. The Japanese engineers tried to period of time. This difficulty is gradually being overcome with improve the efficiency of the engine itself, burning the fuel the development of newer and better fuel cells, and is in any more completely and thus reducing exhaust at its source. Thus case being simplified as methods emerge for reducing was born Honda’s ‘stratified charge engine’, the most adaerodynamic drag and recyclin_g some of the energy normally vanced Japanese development, which not only meets the lost in braking. EPA’s original standards, but also promises eventual benefits Combined with the move towards electric;ehicles, there has in increased fuel economy. been a trend recently towards more efficient and furtherThe principle behind Honda’s engine is not, difficult to grasp. reaching public transport, particularly ‘in such beleag&ed It achieves more complete combustion of fuel by burning-a urban centres as Los Angeles, where automobile pollution has leaner mixaure of fuel to air than is possible with coniientional become a major health hazard. engines. This is not a new idea: Detroit had tried unThis is not likely to lead to a major reduction in the number successfully to develop a stratified charge engine of its own ‘of cars on our roads for a very long time, however, as most earlier in this decade. The difficulty is that the spark plug in a North Americans are as psychologically dependent on their conventional engine is not capable of igniting a very lean automobile as on their television sets-pollution and the rising mixture. price of gasoline notwithstanding-and Detroit can be counted To get around this problem, Honda put a small auxiliary on to do its level best to see that this attitude is maintained. chamber at the top of the piston in which a small pocket of rich Hopefully, though, some measure of sanity will be achieved fuel is exploded by a spark plug; this in turn ignites the lean I before mass asphyxiation becomes commonplace. mixture in the main chamber below. This works well enough , -nick savage that it now seems likely that Detroit will be manufacturing a

the lead additive used to make highoctane gasoline, insisted that companies buying “ethyl” also had to improve their gasoline in other respects. These other improvementsfaster starting and cleaner burninghad nothing to do with the lead itself, but people began to identify premium as a -better gasoline. A number of years ago, however, Ethyl’s requirements were ruled in restraint of trade, and now all grades of gasoline are .clean and fast starting. But ethyl or premium is still considered higher quality, and oil companies encourage this myth by painting their pumps gold and giving them fancy names. A NOTE ON LEAD: Lead additives &d gasoline account for 90 percent of lead emissions to the atmosphere, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. A quarter qf urban children tested have unacceptable blood-lead levels and some people believe living in high auto exhaust ares are showing signs of biochemical abnormalities that precede lead poisoning. But lead is completely unnecessary to the manufacture’ of gasoline. In fact, Amoco has been making lead free gasoline for years. Starting in 1975, new cars with the required cataiytic converters must run on no-lead fuels. As of July 1st) about a third of all gasoline stations will be required to have at least one lead-free pump* But the E&.ronmental Protection -Agency program to remove lead from gasoline has been moving slowly, despite iIncreasing evidence of the danger of lead in the atmosphere. EPA’s original program to Sharply reduce lead emissions by 1977 has been deferred for two years, and plans to eventually remove lead from gasoline altogether have been dropped. Government documents revealed by the Natural Regources Defense Council in Neti York show that the EPA’s rules were weakened after heavy industry pressure was brought to bear ?n the tiPPA through other government agencies. For instance, a Commerce Department memo reveals that the Ethyl Corpgration was given an early draft of the proposed EPA, regulatiods before they were made public. Other memos indicated that the Commerce Dep&tm+ opposed the regulations after consulting only with ~, representatives of the lead, oil and auto industries, with not one representative from consumer groups or academia. Unfortunately oil companies have been charging about 2 cents more per gallon for unleaded gasoline than for leaded, although a gradual changeover to unleaded prodticts costs the oil companies at most only an extra fraction of a cent per gallon. Nevertheless, it is still a good idea t? start using lead-free gasoline. Besides helping to restore a healthy environment, you will save money (between 1% and 2 -cents\a gallon) on oil changes and filters if you use lead-free gasoline. One test that the Ethyl company has been publicizing lately shows that, under conditions of severe stress, pre-1971 cars may be damaged from the use of lead-free gasoline. The valve seats in those cars are made of a softer metal that might sometimes require the lead in gasoline to harden them. But the tests are not conclusive, and apply only to pre-1971 cars pulling extra heavy loads. Also, if until now you have been using leaded gasoline in your pre-1971 car, there is more than enough lead ingrained in the valve seats for you to safely use unleaded gas for the rest of your car’s life. And that in a &&hell is the story of gasoline. A former official of Standard Oil of California recently revealed that it cost an oil company about 12 cents a gallon to recover oil, transport it, and make it into gasoline (including the much’ advertised cost of new investment), but the oil ’ companies are charging 60 cents or more I per gallon. Quite a markup, even when ybu take into accdunt gasoline taxes and dealer profit. If we’re going to have to pay outlandish prices, we, may as well know what we’re paying for.












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The First Canadian


k.of Montrea 4University

arid Phillip St. Branch

I .




7:00 & 9:20 & SUN. 2PM

P”llock* Here we see proof positive that liberal relevancy can seep up to the highest levels of culture.


‘Another Place,AnotherTima”composed and sung by Bobbie Gentry 1













The New Yorker


Canby, New York times


NOT TO BE ~a~azi~ “jrjllH*f A DELffiHTFUL,-WARM, MAN COMEDY.” -Ann



Guarno, New York Daily News

1s QUITE -Gene




Sitting Bull l revisited i . Third . Stage at The Stratford, part of the Stratford is Shakespearean Festival, devoted to the presentation of ‘contemporary works. It is part of an effort to break out of the stodgy image that only Shakespeare and other authors of the period entertain the modern elite. Until August 26, the Third Stage is playing host to Walsh, a play written last year by Sharon




The subject matter, is as contemporary as 1this week’s headlines: Indians versus the wtiite man. The story concerns the relationship between Major Walsh of the North West Mounted Police and Chief Sitting Bull of-the Sioux Indians during the latter’s years in Canada from 1877 to 1881. Sitting Bull was in the land of the Great White Mother to escape retribut-ion from the Americans after the battle of Little Big Horn, the one General Custer lost. It was Major Walsh’s job with the assistance of the NWMP, to enforce the law of the frontier territories. The purpose behind the formation of the NWMP was to extend Ottawa’s sovereignty to her colonies, to make the area safe for ’ settlers and railways. Of course, the greatest threat to+his goal was the presence of a’ few, thousand native people who. wanted to maintain their own way of life. Many had just escaped from the iron fist of American imperialism. Given the background

of British tradition, the limited size of the force, the NWMP had to rely more on tact and subterfuge to control the Indian population than violence-“the velvet glove” approach. As with most refugees, Sitting Bull and <his people were unwanted by the country they adopted. Despite his pledge of obedience to Canadian laws, this savage had proven how dangerous he could be and besides the Americans wanted him back. In between Sitting Bull and. the Canadian government stood Major Walsh, a man caught between his sympathies with the Indians and. his duty as a State employee; an honorable man who is asked to betray his honour if he wants to keep his job. In the end, Sitting Bull and his people return to the US after being starved almost to death in a brilliant -display on the part of the Canadian government of benign neglect. Sitting Bull is murdered and both governments come out .on top, the success of their imperialisms assured. Sharon Pollock’s play admirably portrays this tradgedy and the players and director give it life at the Third Stage. The dilemna of Major Walsh in his dealings with Sitting Bull and his superiors, the perceptions of the men around him, the wholeness of the Indian culture and the humbling effect of the great weapon called hunger are all well presented. It is the kind of professional production that one has come to expect of Stratford. To pick out the faults of

Shalit, NBC-TV, Today Show

the play itself would serve little purpose here. It -is the method and context of the presentation that the play loses what impact it might have had. The players deliver their lines with vigour from the aisles in the theatre but the audience and their minds remain seated, their involvement only an intellectual one. Only at the sight of the FrenchCanadian eating with his fingers do they become visibly emotionally moved, moved from being removed. Even in its relevancy, its appeal to the conscience, can be drowned out in the years that have passed since 1881. Sitting Bull is dead and people fail to make the connection that the forces that murdered him are still very much alive. The forces have changed and wi!l change, they change in pace with people’s consciousnesses in order to contain them. Brute violence is still the backbone of the State but this fact is being hidden by ever-thickening layers of liberal hegemony and -bureaucracy. In Canada, the’ violence is hidden by an image of 4benevolence but a benevolence that can also be lethal as Sitting Bull .discovered. \With friends like the Canadian government he didn’t{ need any enemies. ’ But imperialism in all, of its forms was and still is being fought. At this moment, the spiritual ancestors of Sitting Bull are struggling to reclaim some _land that was defauded from them at a park near Kenora. This review is dedicated to them. ’ -stu vickars nesday, out by Friday. Call 578-5951, Mrs. Maclean. ,


Typing done in home, two days notice. Westmount area. Call 743-3342. Low rates for accurate typing. Electric. Call Jo Harris, 578-7231.

rue& Williamson, Playboy Magazine*

Typing done at home. Lakeshore area. 40 cents per word. Call 884-6913.


2;ygyc;;7 MATINEE


Vigilante, city style iudge, iury, and executioner. DIN0

A Paramount DE LAlJREwnlS

In a 8#XlMEL


“DEATHWISH” ._ -.---n,Vl,



A Paramount



PERSONAL Lonely black prisoner who is confined at London Correctional institute in London, Ohio would like to correspond with sincere person who is openminded and understanding. Originally from Toledo, Ohio: 21 years oftage, six feet tall, 175 pounds, light brown complexion. Astrology sign Capricorn. Will answer all letters with prompt and interesting replys. Donald West 137629, P.O. Box 69, London, Ohio 43140 ” 27 year old prisoner, lonesome, desires correspondence with anyone kind enough to write. Male. Will answer all letters: Russell Shaw 125870, P.O. Box 777, Monroe, Wash. 98272.

Release Presents


Moving to Ottawa on August 29. Anyone wishing to share space and cost of U-Haul van phone 884-6491. After 5 pm. Pregnant and Distressed? Birth Control Centre 885-1211, ext. 3446. Doctor referrals, unplanned and unwanted pregnancy counselling and follow-up birth control information. Complete confidence. Pregnant and Distressed? Birthright 579-3990. Pregnancy tests, medical

and legal aid, housing, clothing, complete confidence. _ Young black gentleman, confined, seeks a female-correspondent. Sincere, successful, intelligent and seeks mate who is not afraid to enter a permanent, honest and serious relationship. Will answer all. Write Jerry Sheilds 137004, 909 Delaware Ave., Middletown, Ohio 45042. FOR SALE i * 1969 Econoline 100. Excellent condition 240 six, well-maintained. Roof rack, panelling, insulation, double bed. Moving, must sell. 576-5908 after 8 pm. Kitchen table,and chairs-$25, antique dresser a,nd wardrobe-$50, vacuum cleaner-$15, bookcase-$2, kitchen stuff, books, etc. 576-5908 . after 8 pm. Termpapers-Canada’s largest service. For catalogue send $2 to Essay Services, 57 Spadina Ave., no. 208, Toronto. St. Bernard puppies have had their shots and dewormed, playful, two months old. Call 744-3612. ’ *\ TYPING Efficient

typing of essays

in by Wed-

Apartment townhouse close’ to universities, preferably furnished. Sublet for Jan-April of 75. Phone lngrid Splettstosser, 1-416-291-6658; or write 26 Marydon Cr., Agincourt, Ontario. Wanted-Townhouse or house near university. For Jan or Sept. Lease or Sublet. Phone 884-7256 or 884-5007. TWOC Sunday Ecumenical Chapel Service. Everyone welcome. Sunday at 8 pm in Conrad Grebel Chapel. Wednesday Circle K meeting. Everyone welcome . At 6 pm in room 113 of the campus centre. Baha’i Fireside. World unity, world peace. Int,erested? Drop in to 159 University ave. no. 1307 at 7:30 pm. Thursday KW Human Rights caucus is presenting a bazaar and dance on August 22. 5 pm - 1 am at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 105 University Ave., Waterloo. There is an admission charge.






Come and while- they last Hidden in the myriad of halls Naturally,, as in any place where and tunnels at the university are a people congregate, there are number of services and resources washroom - facilities and - food provided free to the Student. To machines. use these gifts all that is required The federation offices are is to be a human being or a located on the top level of the university student at the building and can be reached by belonging to a certain faculty. entering the north-east door. of Different faculties offer special the campus centre and turning -- services to those enrolled in it but right up the flight ‘of st,airs. The it is-quite possible, say; to get into number of federation “freebies” the architecture darkroom if you . are going down, due to things like have a responsi‘ble friend in arhigher salaries for fed members chitecture or environmental. and general inflation but there are studies. Most buildings on campus still a few services left that are contain services for the student, gratis. For a_ 5 dollar deposit and that, usually< for lack of inone ID card you can choose a formation, go unused. The most numb&- of record albums from the flagrant examples of this are the feds and borrow them ‘for a day. camrjus centre and student Legal difficulties can .be sorted out services. by going to see Peter Yates in the The campus centre, aptly Fed office. That seems to be all the enough, is in’ the centre of tile free things that your government campus, across the creek from offers you. Just in case there may health services (that -white be more, go visit them and ask building ,floating in the pond). what you really do get for your InSide the campuscentre are the federation membership. @ federation offices, . the. &chevron, The chevron offices are located the birth control centre, para-legal in the campus centre’ j&t uriaid, a barbershop, bank, the dernea t h the federation off ices. record co-op, a campus store, the The offices - contain a darkroom post office, the pub (closed until and lounging area where one may October for renovations), the browse through copies of various cafeteria, the games room niagazines . . and university (hopefully soon to be opened) and publications. The darkroom may the gay lib, .carribean students be used by speaking with the Chinese students -and Inphoto co-ordinator of the paper. ternational Students Association Users must provide their own offices. Recently added to the chemicals and paper. No need to campus cent re services and mention that you can work and operational in t’he -fall is the write for the paper for free. Chinese Student’s library in the The birth control centre is lower mall and the world room on the top level bf the building. opposite the campus centre board

office on the top level of the area. Menibers are there to ancampus centre. In it you can ob- - swer questions that students m.ay have on sexuality. A library--of @in counselling on birth control books dealing dh humansexuality and sexuality together with being exists for anyone that is interested able to browse through their many in exploring their own sexuality. publications and books on the The Carribean, Chinese and same. The centre is generally open ‘-during the day five days a week International students all have and can be reached by phone ext. their offices in the same area as organizations 3446. During the year members of gay lib. These provide fellowship and iE the birth control centre also put formation to foreign studynts and on various presentations and students of different cultures. discussions which are usually free Informal pubs are held by the of charge. International studknts -and inPara-legal aid consists of a fortihtion ‘-on them can be obgroup of’students who are intept on providing fellow students with tained by phoning ext. 2372. Recent additions to the campus information on how they can get out of legal hassles. They do not centre are the Chinese students Association library (in the lower give legalidvice per se, but act as mall) and the World Room. The a forwarding agent, sending the Chinese Students Library is open student to the legal-authority or to students who desire to read information source that can help books in Chinese. It is an excellent them. They have not established hours for the fall but can be’ service for there are many reached by going to the turnkey students on campus from China desk in the campus centre. whb have a rather difficult time finding ‘books in their native The Gay Liberation Movement -has an off ice on the second story tongue. of the campus centre over the pub ‘The World Room is a project being undertaken by the combined efforts of most of the international students a$sociations. It is hoped that it will be a meeting place for all students. Foreign “students can meet and converse with students from their own and at least some part in the histories of a small& but neighbouring countries. It is also not insignificant number of PeppIe.” hoped that students who are Homophile organizations have existed for years; -hoping to travel abroad can meet the Mattachine Society (1950) and the Daugh’ters -students in the World Room from of Bilitis (1955) were among the earliest, both the countries that they hope to having originated in New York City. But there has visit and learn some of the been no precedent to today’s active and visible Gay customs and idiosyncracies of the Liberation Movement which had its beginning in different cultures that they will be June of 1969 when the gay people at the Ston‘ewall coming into contact with on their Inn, a Greenwich Village bar, refused to submit travels. ‘peacefully to a routine police harassment raid. centre L board The campus Their retaliation marked the formation of the Gay controls the use of the rest of the Liberation Front and- within months similar rooms in the campus centre orga‘nizations were in operation in many large through the work of the turnkeys. tit ies. All the facilities under the The Waterloo Universities’ Gay Liberation jurisdiction of the board are Movement has been in existence since March 1971 provided to the students free of and is presevtly located in the campus centre, charge (actually you must leave rdom 217~ (ext. 2372). The group is mainly conyour ID card at that desk to-use cerned with education and social a’ctivities suc.h as the facilities). The turnkey office pubs and picnics, and has an extensive library with handles information on the a cross-section of the better psychological, university, comin,l events, sociological and literary material available on referrals, the student directory, sexuality. Regular meetings are held in room 113 of arid services avai.!&ie to the the campus centre at 8p.r~. on Monday nights and. students. There are three lounges membership in the group is’available to any inin the building that can be used dividual regardless of sexual orientation. Personal for meeting’s of up ,to 65 people. growth includes the exploration of one’s sexuality They can be reserved by going/to and it’is hoped that anyone with questions and/or the turnkey desk and asking if you interest in the movement, wi!l feet free to use the can book a room. The ping pang groups resources. room, piano, TV and stereo robms -marg murray can all be booked by signing up

Closet cbors opening In 1948, Alfred Kinsey and friends published a report, Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male, which (although it dealt only with wasp society) came up with some incredible d.ata on the sexuality spectrum. Unfortunately, few people know about and/ or understand the importance ,of this work. Mental health professionals and other authorities have persisted, until, recently,in promoting all. the misleading ‘old wives tales’ about sexuality (they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo sihce they base their business on people’s misinformation and attitudes.) Gradually a change is occuring in attitude; the ‘trendy’ thing now is to liberally state that alte_rnative types of sexuality can exist as long as they are not flaunted and are discussed on!y/within intellectual constructs. The human being is a sexual being. From birth a person is open to’ all types of sexual stimulus, animate and inanimate, and is merely socialiied towards the accepted norm of .heterosexual outlets. Unfortunately for the smug liberal, very few individuals are totally heterosexually oriented (something like 10 percent of thb population) and more people -a’re begrnning to realize this. Dr. Wainwright Churchill says in-’ Homosexual Behaviour Among Males that “we have spent so effort pretending that much time and homosexuality is rare, peculiar’ and remote from everyday life that we have succeeded in believing our own propaganda. In reality, however, homosexuality is neither particularly uncommon nor particularly remote from everyday life. It plays \




for them by the desk an! leaving your ID card- with the turnkeys. Cards, games, magazines, coffee and change-are also available a‘t -the turnkey desk. Every term for a finite length of time free movies are shown in the great hall. They are sponsored by the campus centre board and chosen by the turnkeys. Forums and dramatic productions also add to the fourwalled stillness of the great ha!. The Student Services building (also known as I‘ra J. Needles) contains offices that are -aimed. primarily at th,e student. Counselling services located on the second floor of Studenf Services, is open five days a week from 9 tc; 5. Programs at-e run which include personal and sofiaI counselling and different groups in ge&lt anti other forms of awareness. -Aptitude testing for various jobs and vocatibns is also provided. On the bottom floor of the Student Services are three departments that are fairly important to most students. The Career lnformatioti Centre exist:; -to aid the student in her his personal development and career planning. Information on drugs, sexuality, marriage and just about anything are provided along with CUSO, the Company for. Young Canadians and government and industrial jobs. The* Co-ordination department exists in order to provide students on co-op terms with jobs. Sometimes one wonders if it exists instead to pr.ovid@ employers with student workers. The offices of this department interview students before their work terms for jobs with a fairly extensive number of employers. This service is not free, the co-op students pay for it out of their fees. The Career Planning and Placement centre provides literature from employers along with other career information for members of the university community who are interested in finding career alternatives. _Graduating students can register at the beginning of their final year in order to obtain interviews with prospective employers. Some public ‘service examinations> and graduate study admission tests are also given for areas such as the public‘ services,.and 18~ and medical school. Also located on the lower floor of the building% the housing office where you’ can search through many lists in order to find a place to live. Three free phones are also provided so you can “let your fingers do the ,waIking”. The Chaplain’s office is also on this floor. A list of ministers for various faiths and denominations is kept in the office.. On-campus mail (mail to profs or university residents or personnel) can be sent free of charge by placing the person’s name, department. or address on the envelope and placing it in the mail basket in the federation office. Last but not least is the fact that there is a print room in engineering four with a dry mounting press and various trays and sinks which can be used if they can be found in the recesses of the third floor. There is also an -automotive shop in one of the engineering buildings that students can use free of charge. There are most cerIainly more free services on campus but they have yet to be found and recorded. If you run across any services of interest to the general student body contact the chevron. Happy hunting! --kati middleton









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16, 1974

’ Fortunately, Over the years, sports magaii’nes have ’ Jean King articles. womenSports recovered quickly and in captured a f@r share of the INorth July produced -an 88 ‘page - refulgent Amer-ican. newsmarket. invariably these magazine to rival any othet-and they publications write about individuals or actually_ did talk about women in sp0r.t. te,ams that their readership is’ supposed King signed -only one article, the to either admi’re or despise, depending, of, publisher’s letter, and endorsed only one co&e, on the - readership’s particular product. In the letter King admitted that -bent. Focussing on professignal sports, by even she was “a little embarrassed by the far tHe most lucrative and popular,. these number of advertisements io the first magazines end up talking to men about issue of womehSports that wer;e for men’s sports. products that I en.dorse.” Occasionally a \;vrit& will venture to ’ Feature a ’ well-known woman athlete, ‘From there King goes on to.revea/; what us’ually devoting tior;e space space to her may well be ttie- t philosophy behind personal life and looks than her womenSports. ‘She ( t tie editor&-Rosa lie - achievements in the world $ sports. Wright) feels strongly about presenting Writers and read&s, it seems, are more not only interesting st.ories, but getting interested’% how she manages to fit divergent points of view. So you won’t be sports into the busy life of ‘wife apd getting the King party,Iine, except here in mother’. These sorts of questions are not ’ the Publisher’s Letterland in any other topicsof discussion when the same writer stories I might write). . hopefully out of or the same magazine teatures a male the mix and healttjy discussions will come athlete. . a magziri*youI magazine-that is Obviously these magazines are ignoring superior to all others on the market.” half of the North American pQpulation: WomenSports, then, is. interested in women. Granted,.for 3 long time women / produ@g well-written articles /-about have not been involved in any major or women playing sports, but there any professional sports, save the international connection between the article,s ends. But *as that situation competitions. There is no linking political. ph’ilosophy changed, with more and more-women behind t.he stdries that make it onto the playing in publicized sports and making pages of the magazine-and4he result is-a headlines;the need arose for coverage of collecfion of admittedly well-written, but women athletes. It was not being har$ledrather confusing articles about women in at all by the established mediasport.This is most likely the result of an television, radio, or newspaper sports attempt to appeal to the majority of North coverage all but ignored any women’s American women. There is something in . sports eventwomensports for everyone-no matter The situation,. for the tiine being, has \ what their politics-are. The only problem now been remedied. A well-known woman is finding the article among all the others. I athlete, Billie Jean King, and some eager If King can convince peTpIe that the adyertisers brdught out a new magazine, searching is worth it then she will have to the North American market during this little trouble marketing her product, so far past summer. Never far-behind any new womensports is one of a kind. ’ trend, advertisers took note of the recent develop;ments of women’s liberation a’nd The July ‘issue featured a persdnalityof the numbers of women becoming acprofile type article on Mary &con, one of two top’ female joekeys in the United tively involved in sports and decided that States. The story starts off tamely er-iough they needed to rea&h this pai+ket. bavid &th author Charlotte White’ listing Foster, president of Colgate explains fhat since women make m-ost of the purchases Bacon’s various ac’hievements: Bacon i$ * in any family, it is only logical to haye welldrily 2-O years old;-*has h,ad two children, - been married once, quit school in the sixth known ‘women advertise produc&-in a grade, has spent time in reform schools, magazine that women’ are tieading: Adwas born-of migrant farmworker parents,vertisers had previously been reaching and has been riding since slie was six. She only h&bands and children-not the big spenders. also made it into Playboy magazine.


It would be extremely cynic;il, and most ‘likely untrue to contenb that this was, the only reasor] for the publishing’of the new sports magazin+womefiSports. In the, Publisher’s Letter of the second issue (July) King; explains how she wants womensports to be “a vehicle for all women to use in communicating the joys and frustrations of being involved in sports.” She clearly sees the magazine as the only way women, and Janyoneielse for that matter, can be informed of women’s ‘activities and breakthroughs in ttie world of sports. King acknowledges the fact that the other media just are not doing-their job. ’ . The first issire of * womenS@orts appeared on the news-stands in June. It was a poor’ cross between Ms. and Sports Illustrated with page after page of Billie Jean King endorsed products a’nd Billie j This all certainly remarkable, but also quite plausible. However, ’ half way through the -interviewing -process White .gets suspicious after reading some other accounts of Bacon’s “life. Hereup‘ijn the previously boring and traditional I interview bega-n to get interesting. White ’ discovers, through sdme investigative rep’orting,Rhat Bacon iIs, in fact, 26 years ~old, ,the’ daughter of a quite respectable family, a graduate from high school, and that she learned tb ride while her faniiiy was a member of a rather “elite riding club”. i White’s discovery chatiged a regular profile article into a piece that wasenjo’jlable a’nd enl.ightening to read. This sort of writing and reporting skill sufaced in the July ,issue of womensports in several places, and made the magazip i success. Another treasure,bf that issue is an accciunt by Greg Hoffman of his childhood experiences with an Iathletic nun. This short piece -holds no - hidden moral -message-it is just plain funny. It is wjth type of article that womensports does the best. The remainder, articles that- by the nature of what they-are covering have to take some sort of stand on wonien in sport or sport in general, are a less rewarding group-and much more confusing. The first noticable contradiction appears within the first few. pages. womensports editorializes against ‘cosmetics and their promotion in a sh~ort

the chevron


piece again featui-ing diary Bacon. Apparently she posed fir a’cosmetitis firm’s . promotional material. Womer+po~rts terms the company ‘rouge-runners’ and ‘ppw@r peopie’; their message is a little , clumsy but certainly they seem to look _I. I down 0~ such enterprises. After’ appearing to- come out agaihst \ cosmetics and the op‘pression they , repre&t, womenSports does an about face and emphasizes the various ‘beauty’ pageants some sports women have won and how they managed to “keep their looks up” even’while playivg sports. The first blow comes during an account of how a woman; basketball player got onto a , man’s team, an interesting-enough event. The acdount, unfortunately, was written Lby the woman in questiofi-also “,viss ’ San Bernardino”: $he explains how “somehow, I managed to keep on going even though I felt worn out. I kept my grades-up, kept my health ’ up and kept my looks up for the beauty pageant. . . My first practice was qyite an I experience. l\was about three or four minuIes late because I had gone horr;le and washed my hair. After all, I couldn’t go to my first practice with dirty hair.” At the end of this story womensports includes an ‘editor’s note’ explaining how -the author was Miss Rialto bf- 1972 and _ holds the Miss San Berngrdino Universe title to;- this year. Apparently these statistics are vital informatiqn for the .readership, s+ Qf the \ woman’s credentials. It is this sort of attit,ude that men’s sports magazines have held for women for so long-and \ that now woqnensports has. the chance to ignore or , undo. , That was not the end of I,queens’ either.,, In a feature article about’ women’s highschool - basketball, author Judy Klemesrud makes Ihe following points: “Although some people might think this athletic parity could &sult in making Amazons out bf girls and basketweavers out ot boys, no s,uch thing has happened. , In fact, the ,girl barketball, playerg are o#en the most popular j girls in their schools.-bmong -the players at the tournament, * for example, were five‘ homecoming qceens;\a teen queen, a horse show.queen, a”nd a Future Framers of qmerica sweetheart.” . Hopefully the- days will come to an end when a girl’s poularity’and credibility is measured in the number of titles she has won through her appearance. The contradiction5 did not end with the queens. In a , feature entitled “Why _ Wpinen Lose” authors Thomas Boslooper and Marcia Hayes call women to t.he fight :’ “if- wo’men are ever to get to the point where they can do something, really do something to change their .lives and Society, they will have leari to win and’win . ’ big. -Not in imitation of men, but in full realization of themselves.” Bosloop2r and *’ Hayes make a pretty strong call ‘for ‘healthy’ competition and co-ed spo<ts. -In ‘a short editorializing piece under the heading “Last Word”, Glenn Dickey, and womenSport$ call for a re-examination. of the American Little League becabse it breedsunhealthy competition. “They _ (girls) have been damn lucky to have tieen,, excluded from these programs, which have overemphasized winning, distorted the values of sports and. generally produced more damage to the l male psyche than anybody cares to -admit.” Perhaps these distinctions are minor, and perhaps the editors of women. SportSboth articles are trying to say the satie thing.But that doesnot come across in the presentation. ’ Nevertheless, in tallying and rqting the, articles of the July issue, the ‘goods’ are l way ahead of the ‘bads’. womenSports is addcessihg the -majority of North : American women, in the style to which 4 they are accustomed: It ‘presents news j that does not-reach the regular media1 news about women joining men’s teams, ‘I news about women winning and corn- I’ peting. It is ‘done in the usual glossy : manner as all the other “best: selling” 1 magazines, whjch shows that the ad- j vertisers ai-e clearly interested in ad- 1 dressing their new inarket. With the odds ; the way they are, womenSpot would \ i have to try very hard not to win; I -Susan johnson 1 ’





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16, 1974

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16, 1974

the chevron










Athktik p r 0 g ra m s i


number of championship points and the Father Town&n Trophy awarded annually to the team accumulating the- largest number

programme parallels the Men’s to a very great extent. Competition is The intercollegiate teams at the carried on in over fifteen activities University of Waterloo find their between eleven units. Recreational Activities : In competition in the Ontario response to student requests for a Universities Athletic Association informally-organized and in the case of the men and in the more less competitive type of physical Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Both the activity, the intramural departAthletic Association. ments now sponsor upwards of OUAA and the OWIAA - are twenty-five recreational activities. regarded as the top intercollegiate Students may form their own - associations in the country. teams without restrictions based The Ontario Universities Athletic Association embraces on faculty, residence etc., when they compete in Recreational sixteen universities. Its membership includes in the west setactivities. A large number of “open” tournaments are held and tion, Wa terlod, Laurier, McMaster, Windsor, Western, Guelph a large number of facility hours are set aside for open or general and Brock. In the east section, Toronto, Queen’s, Carleton, Ot- use. At all hours of the day from tawa, York, Ryerson, Laurentian, ; 8:00 a.m. to approximately 10: 30 Trent and Royal Military College. p.m. a gymnasium is set aside for The Women’s Association has free use by the students. Open pool thirteen members ; Carleton, time is available each day for Guelph, Laurentian, McMaster, Ryerson, (general student use. All =other Ottawa, Queen’s, athletic facilities of the university Toronto, Western, Windsor, York, are open to student use when not ’ Laurier and Waterloo. Included on the men’s roster of being used for teaching or when they are not otherwise booked. intercollegiate sports are badIntramural Sessions : The minton, basketball, cross-country, athletic department organizes curling, fencing, football, golf, instructional courses in basic hockey, rugby, soccer, skiing, athletic activities. The purpose of squash, swimming, tennis, track, this programme (often referred to volleyball and . waterpolo, is to wrestling. The women compete in as the service programme) stimulate interest and develop badminton, basketball, curling, attitudes and skills in activities field hockey, skiing, swimming, tennis, track and field, volleyball and squash. Tryouts in all sports are open to all full-time students and starting dates and practice locations are appropiately publicized throughout campus as times approach. Intercollegiate




Carl Totzke of Athletics. ~




The pursuit of a University education involves much more tnan formal attenuanct: al a series of lectures and seminars. Much of the learning process is tied in with the many new experiences a student has in endeavours and interests outside the classroom. One of these “other” areas of interest may be in our athletic program. Understandably, an active personal involvement in some of the more vigorous aspects of our athletic programme may not be possible for all. But we hope the possibility of recreational fun or the relaxed enjoyment of a spectator’s role may permit a meaningful contribution to all of us in the campus community. Three general areas of attention are definable in our University athletic ,programme-the highly competitive intercollegiate programme, the less demanding intramural programme and the still more casual “recreational-instructional” programme. While there is a considerable overlap of aims and objectives in these three areas, it is our intention that all be promoted with vigor and enthusiasm in order to assure that each may find a milieu in which the desire for activity and physical experiences may be satisfied.. We welcome your involvement.

For students who enjoy participating in good athletic competition, other than on the intercollegia te level, an extensive intramural programme has been developed at ithe University of Waterloo. Over thirty-five activities are offered on a scheduled or tournament basis and the competition is. on a fairly high level. In men’s intramural athletics, the student body is divided into twenty units competing in four leagues. In an effort to get greater participation from the freshmen, a league has been set up to cater, exclusively to freshmen, enrolled Engineering and in Arts, Mathematics. These three tir:l; 3 will compete, along with G. tometry and Enviromental Studies, - in Division II of the Faculty League: The men’s intramural, teams compete for two trophies; the K.D. Fryer Trophy, offered annually to the unit amassing the greatest

that, may be carried on throughout one’s life-time. It is hoped that as the student’s proficiency increases, his general physical fitness will be improved and the student ,will be able to enjoy a fuller, healthier life. A complete list of planned activities the Athletic is available in Department Office. On-Campus publicity for intramural, recreational and inis ’ acstruction activities complished by means of blue posters (for men) and pink posters Periodic (for women). newspapers, in the same colours are published throughout the year. These newspapers summarize the activities that have taken place and offer publicity for upcoming events. For further information on any of the athletic activities carried on at the University of Waterloo, contact the athletic please department office in the physical activities complex.

Fun woarams




active fun program. What is it? Most people think of “comintramurals as highly petitive” leagues, tournaments and the like. At Waterloo, the competitive aspect of intramurals is one quarter of the program, with recreational, instructional and





athletic club,programs making up the other seventy-five per cent. At Waterloo, intramurals means “a voluntary internal program of physical activity based on the needs and interests of the participants”. Objectively, it is a safe, fun and varied program which aspires to: 1. permit an individual to make effective use of his leisure time. .2. enable an individual to learn a particular activity. 3. encourage an individual to enhance his level of personal health and fitness. 4. provide an individual the opportunity to participate in activities that may carry-over into later life. 5. provide an opportunity for an individual to develop and demonstrate his administrative and organizational abilities. 6. provide an opportunity for an individual ( to demonstrate and, develop attitudes for leadership and sportsmanship. ‘7. encourage social interaction. _ 8. enable an individual to understand and appreciate the values inherent in physical activity . 9. encourage an individual to be an active participant in the physical activity which best serves his needs and interests. It ’ is integral belief in Intramurals that the more students you involve in the decision making process of the program, the..better the program. There are many ways in which students can make their program more meaningful. MIAC / WIAC-the Advisorf Councils


(men and women) are the backbone of the program. They are comprised of 15-24 students each representing a particular body of students, either by place of. residence or faculty. They meet regularly to maintain the good order and conduct of the program. The unit structures are ?S follows: ’ ON CAMPUS LE’AGUES St. Jeromes, Conrad Grebel, St. Pauls, Renison, Village 1 North,

Village Village Village Village OFF

1 East, Village 1 South, Village 2 East, Villlage 2 South. \ CAMPUS

1 West, 2 North, 2 West,

, .


Upper Eng (III & IV), Co-op Math, Arts, Optometry, Kinesiology, Recreation, Co-op Residence, Grads, Regular Math, Em. Studies, Science, Lower Eng (I & II). : Each unit : Unit Representatives has a student who is responsible for informing their group about the program. Also they represent that group, on council to voice their opinions as to the worth of it. Their combined voices determine the policy and effectiveness of the Intramural program. Student Assistants : Six student assistants are hired to assist -the Director in the organization *and administration of the program. are Publicity, Their areas Aquatics,. Recreational team sports, Trainor, Fitness and Tournaments. Convenors, officials, Referee-inChiefs, Lifeguards, Instructors, Club executives: Last year over 530 students were hired in the program in the above areas. Not only does this enable students to gain some practical knowledge but it helps them financially. THE PROGRAM Competitive:

Each term lo-15 activities are offered on a competitive level. They compete for an overall high point trophy called the Fryer Trophy. The unit that has the highest number of participants wins the Townson Award each term. If you are interested in competitive please refer to the program outline. Recreational : This program has three aspects to it. a ) individual b) team c) free. Free Time: This means that certain athletic facilities are open on a first come, first serve basis. Activities such as skating, swimming, badminton, jogging, volleyball and weight training, or others, may be played when the facilities are not booked. Please check the weekly gym schedule posted in the PAC for ,available free gym time. Scheduled events, take precendence. Your own personal equipment is advised.

’ Individual tivities: Many





facilities have been booked for the individual. Such sports as swimming, tennis and squash fall into this program. Sports :

These are unique in that there are no officials, points or awards for winning. The emphasis is on fun for fun’s sake. Standings are not kept but a fun tournament is held at the conclusion of the program where possible in which any team can enter. Instruction : This fast growing level of the program is geared to beginners. By teaching people the fundamentals of individual carryover types of activity <e.g. golf), they will feel more comfortable participating in it at another level. Instruction, is offered two ways, through the Athletic Club program such as sailing, or separately like, swimming or squash. Athletic Club: Eleven Clubs offer the students a wide variety of activity. Each Club has a competitive, recreation,’ instructional and social aspect. For specific program details, refer to IM News Outline.

, .

/ -


the chevron


has shown that when students have & _.“Experience a chance at physical activities which bring their k , -natural impulses-into play, going to school is a’ joy, management is less of a burden, and learning is easier.‘? -Dewey _(-


Last year, the Intramural program was called by some as “the year of involvement”, as over 838 teams played 2800 games, involving over 10,609 participants. Qthers called it “the year of the upset?-as one defending champion after the other failed to retain their crown. Others still called it “the year ofovertime” as more and more games were .decided in extra innings. or periods. -More importantly, it was called “theyear of fun”. Whatever the Intramural Program -T , is called, it was active. -More and more people are cra%ing for physical activity, whether? it’ be instruction; clubs, recreation pr competition. Everyone is developing a healthy and positive attitude towards active participation insport. When you

_ .i



. _ 3



TF.\,.+,’ ,,.


ac&ity i- -



. __<.T.

I ..>.y* d’

entry date

L -

-- .

Flag football z/i Delahey Trophy

- Mon. Sept. 16 ~ . A or B Level,



consider that over f300 a week use the pool-for a recreationalswim, over 30,000 squash games are played a year, tennis is oversubscribed,a-nd the weightroom is full and over 869 are involved in _ instruction and 500 in clubs, the _ trends are readily visible; * This fall, an all out effort is being continued to ‘. I maintain the .high- level of participation and - activity. Competitively,. a softball and axed horseshoe tournament have been added to the -, program. Recreationally, a new univeral gym has been added to the weightroom, and a co-ed slow pitch softball league will be tried on the weekends. Instructionally, a fitness program andbeginners Badminton classes are offered for the first time. Clubs, all eleven clubs are offering _ a-myriad of activity .from _ underwater hockey. _ So whatever you want to call your Intramural program, call it-fun, enjoyable, active, mvolved. varied and ‘exciting. .Better-, still-DO IT ! . 1%’

I .,-

. .: ..^ .,* .

/-. -/

organizational meeting .-.

Tues, Se& 17 7 :3Opm _ 1601fPAC





_ ’


Thurs Sept. 19 -, -


-’ I




Mon-Thurs. 4 1457 : OOpm. Village Green & Col. Fields , Mob-Thurs. 4 : 45- -7pm Col. 1 & 4 Fri. and-&t. - ‘ 4 : 45-7pm, loam-12noon Su_n,-Mob, Tues? Wed, Thurs 9am:lprnTwin -City Arenas




entry date



Championship d

36 holes



_.. ;.-- ,_ Fri. Ott 18 ,


Sat., Sept. 28;~ SuriXept. 29-

~&wood - (Past St. . , -. y

&If Club Ag&ha)-- _ :’ ’ 4

‘-;-.y, * i ‘-: . I +.-._..’d ~ , .,k . \-- ,_ ^.___ / ._: _: -.s_ * ‘....:..o . -/.I. ’ -, ‘i ..%_’ -> _._. l__, 5 ^ i ,I ._ 3. - , L . ; , ) 4 \h

time & location ‘. Vil. Green & Col. ALLDAY

‘.-, Sat. Sept. 14 Sun. Sept. 15 , . -. - _ ,, -1 , _ Sat. Sept. 21 _‘_


Sat. Oct. 19

9 : 30 Sea&am

play as &ni rounds toaualifv that week.

.. e.c ‘;’ : ’ 1,. ‘. j

Club $5 pm.



Squash Singles - ./i)



Fri. Nov. 1 . ,I ’ \ -I . I -7


Mon. Sept. 30-Sat. octk _* ’?



: I\ ’ .A$1 ..;,:__ i+ ’ 2..;.>i\ i’z 3 7- , j 7. :




Single’ Elim-ination with a consolation , minimum w. _games _\ 4 riders; 2“bikes per -, , team;-llap per rider -. 7 field & 9-- track. . events-do your best L.-h Lype i-d 01 --..c IlleeL 5 man teams,




with equalized. corn- .- petition. 6-8 end _ : _ ‘games . __ , -Variety of events from individual to I

l-5 pm Pool, PIE.


~_ , _. ” ..l’-.’ .%:“?’ ~ -.YI, The


Tennis Singles, Fri. Sept. 27 1 Tennis Award : . , Horseshoes FriSept. 27 Mixed Doubles ’ Badminton -- ’ .Fri. Oct.25

1 ,


North Kiosk \ 9:30am. _ Seagram Stadium 7:Ocpm.

Mon. Sept. 23 . . Rain Date: Sept-- 24 .. I . **


Sept. .16-26 Qualifving



Wed. Sept. 11





. ,:” , .fi:.:,. I I”I *%.. : ‘, c ‘. ;,.j .a%,‘.. _,a,


Golf (Paul Knight) .=




1. Contact your Unit &p&entative: -: 2. Go to the Intramural -Office. 3. Attend’ - the” organization;


This means ltbat certain athletic facilities are‘ open on a first come; first serve basis: The Gymnasium k at the PAC and Seagram’s are. most free during the * day. AC,- tivities such as skating. swimbadmin&n, ’ -\ogising. ’ -1 ming, ’ volleyba1 and weight’traininiya& . others, may be played &hen the dfacilities are not booked. ,\Please -__ ,.check the weekly gym schedule ’ . ’ ..I.] .- posted Gn the PAC?or available free gym time. Scheduled events I 4;

.,’ ‘, . ‘1.




Free Time

time ‘& location

<Soccer’ ’ Mon. Sept. 16 Tues. Se&l7 - Thurs. Sept. 19 MacKay Bowl L - Aor B level ,8 : 30pm 1001 PAC .Lacros<e . ‘ Mon. Sept. -16 Wed. SeptI 18 Fri. Sept. 20 h , Vinnicombe Cup 7:30pm 1083PAC _ _ _ Hockey Tues, Ott: l5Thurs; Oct. 17 slql. Oet20 ,’ Bulbrook Cup. T A or Blevel 3 7:3ppm 1083PAC .- ~ _ .x _. i / - . Basketball ’ ’ Tues. Oct. 15 T-hurS.~oct. 17 . Sun. Oct. 20 _ Co,ndon Cup A or B level 8 : 30pm 1083 PAC . -. / ‘-‘, . , - .- ‘>,-I b+ .:< , . 5, , ^_._, ,,” I 2’ +,‘: -8 ’ ’ ., Jr..%: I.1 , ^,, ..r/ ;fl , t :f ;, \ .< %I:.< r I..x 7’ ,;, .’ 1. - ..p‘ 2% ;,~ ;” , . -,& . -: ’ , ’, _ ;z ’ _+*I x activity ,..+..‘y&‘ -‘?$~” :; ,.‘1: , . . q.z. ,A* * ; ” 1 , n I.. a-.-\, , ; , ., .> , ,‘U ‘..:-., . St. Jerome’s . Ii * ,.’ ;< , _/ .I_ __ j ,. ; _, , ‘.. I * ‘..,.-.. i ;,\, ; %>.:,,. - , % I ;;’ -..- -_ , .. Invitational L“. SoftballTourney a. -4 /

~~--~. ,



, f.’


Sun. Sept. 29 --

‘. ,

‘. , 6:3Opm. - -::-: ‘\witl$a ‘Consolation pr&&&y R&n& A. &, &-&ii& $$&gle Tues. Qct. 29 8t’-c L 7,:30 pm+gym’; - ‘-, -Elimi@ion with c Nov. 5 Championship, ’ :r a_consolation5 i 1 . _, .:.=‘,> ‘4, B,-$, l&&fyf ::; ’ -,‘-. :. 1 Mon. Nov. 4 “.* Squash Courts Fri. Nos. 15 PAC 7pm-i0 :,30pm abilitv. Sin&e E1u-n~. ’ I .,’ ’ -~-;“ -, * ,.With 2 &jnt&lat&$. ., ’ 4, _,\ ~I ’ . .Gb I - , . _ _I \ /. -





.d \


1 ‘..I..

/- ,

, \ -.





16, 1974

chevron /,


: -


ATHLETIC CLUBS: _ This is the newest

level of Intramural activities. These Athletic Clubs combined the elements of the other levels of the Intramural are Program in that they recreational in nature, providing both instruction and competition for those who desire it. Club activities are open to all students, faculty and staff at the University who have paid their intramural Athletic Fee. New clubs can be formed by contacting the Athletic Department. Presently, there are 11 Athletic Clubs functioning on campus. How to be Program :






Co-ed Slow Pitch

Mon. Sept. 16 .-


I Mon. Sept. 23


Mon. Sept. 23


C&d Innertube Wa terpolo

Mon. Sept. 30


Mon. Sept. 30

wed. cm, 1063 PAC

2 7:30

sun 6:30-8:zmpm

6-T games

Tues 7:39-9:30

miIL5latiesperteam, mixLl2perteam


PAC poaI




2 8:30 pm

Mon. Oct. 21





t tournament

8-10 matches Q tournament milL3ladiesperteam min.lOperteam



iNB3 PAC Co-ed Broomball


6-7 games L tournament milL10per.teap ‘,

Ball Hockey

a Club

1. Attend the Club organizational meeting of your choice. 2. Experience one of their regular sessions. 3. Contact the Intramural Office.


Sun &t. 6; 3 ladies field; 15 per team pitchtoownteam


23 T:39 pm

1083 PA@

A league-tith




B league - without shoes 5-6 games no playoffs l2perteam,min5ladiesperteam Hockey

56 games;

no playoffs.

\ regular




Mondays 7-10pm Red Activities PAC

5 pin Bowling

Sundays Waterloo

7-9pm Bowling



Mondays & Thursdays Granite Curling Club


Wednesday Thursdays


Max.15perteam lMin.lQerkam

lQ83 PAC



wed. Oct. 23 8230pm

Mon. Oct. 21



7-1Opm 5-7 pm Red Activities

Regular Weekend meets all levels OF ability



Moqlay, Sept. 16 Red Activities Area, PAC, 7:Mpm

bon Statham 743-7796

Sunday, Sept. 15, 7pm Waterloo Lanes

Robert Sleep Mark Smith

Sunday, Sept. 22 7pm 1083 PAC

Bob Jerrard Pat Munroe

Wednesday, Sept. 18 7pm Red Activities __---

George Faygas Vie Dicarlo

Sept. 11 Room 1083 PAC 8pm




15 in mm 1083 of the PAC zieiksio~ are at %12on Saturday one hour


building at 7pm The re@ar mornings

in the gym.

The Iessxms ~OIIGSI of five

sessions. Sepk l5 in ihe combatives room of the PAC at 7 pm. The regular se&ions will be held on and Thursday betwm 7 and 9 in the evening in the Red and Blue A&hdies and &mbatives m. Judo:


h@Iding l&&&-s


Regular practices 5-7pm Columbia Fields Varsity team plus seconds

Monday%ept. 9 1083 PAC 7pm

Ken Brown 884-58Q3


Instruction 6-7 pm each evening; Ret Sailing any time

Sunday Sept. 15 1:3Opm 1083 PAC

Mike Ruwald 884-w


Weekly trips ; instruction films and fashion shows

Sunday Sept. 22 8pm Room 1083.pAC


Tuesday and Sunday 7 :30-9:30 6-8pm; Underwater hockey a specialty

Sunday gSept. 15 1083 PAC 8pm


Monday-Friday 7-9pm Seagram Stadium

Monday Sept 16 7pm Seagram Stadium \

Whitewa ter

Sundays 4-6pm pool PAC ; Instruction

Sunday Sept. 15 5pm 1083 PAC i

, .

Hal Newson

Kim& Swim: Sunday, Sept- l5 at the red north entrance \to the PAC building at 1-4pm. E&~&W sessions will be held at Tuesday 9:~10:15,10:l.51lam, &arting oa Sept. 24. The cost is four dollars for eQ$t leiswn6. The program is for children under five only. Fittness: Sunday, Sepk I.5 in the 1063 room of the PAC building at 8pm. The regular program will be established, daily, onMonday, Se& 23. This program hopes to establish a regular enjoyable progra~n of exercisk through jogging, weight k&&g an& phjvsical activity. Skating:

Smxlayo, Cktober

huiIding-Theprogram O&her 2#) on Tksdays sessions will he g& !i%pasb: ZSumlay, Se$,

5 qt 8pm in’roam llMl!l of the PAC will run far two weeks starting on

and Thursdays 1:3&3:OOpm. to hot&eaters and beginners. Ei at 7:3opm

in roum

building.~~~~~heldon~~~ythe23of Thursday of the same week s-b


The ’

1089 in the PAC

and consists



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

11:30- 1:2Opm 11:30- 1:ZOpm 11:30- 1:2Opm

11:30- 1:2Opm 12:30- 2:3Opm ’



l:OO- 3:45pm

9:3040:3Qpm 9:3&10:3~pm 9:3040:3Qpm ,9:3Q-10:3Qpm

9:3&10:3@n 3:)0-




Swirumiug: !ihmdlay, SepL 15 at 7:3Opm in the pool gallery of the PAC bilding. The classes will be held on Mondays, ‘Ekesdays andFkidays fkom I:30 to 9pm starting on Monday

for non-swimmers,

2XTh4tprogramCWSiStSOf~ andtheneveqthingupt0seniorA.R. Teuuis: Sunday, 2pm,Theregular-

seplt, 15 in’room

will ~ate~~T~e~nnrning~9-~onsundayrn,o~s.

1083 atf the PAC building


on Sept. 22


1 at the

8:OOpm .

1~:3~am-l:3~~rn 12noon-1: OOam I

St. Paul’s ini Olympics. Enquire at St. Paul’s College St. Jerome’s Aports Activities and Coffee House. Enquire at St. Jerome’s

Optometry Smoker. i~forrn~t~~fl esquire tometry Society

Infoi%-iatio about the communi~ an the university. In Campu FeptFe Great Hall .,.: ‘?.’ .“‘i AlI intereste clubs will set up booths i Campus’Centre Great l-la Kinesiology Society Hot Do Stand in PAC Building, We North Federation Pub. Campu Centre. With cartoons b k/lath Society in afternoo and ( and\ in evening. 5 cents‘admission after 7 pn




by Federation df Students. For tickets enquire at Federation office, CC 235 12noon-ll :OOpm



%2noon-ll :OOam

Federation Pub. Campus centre, With .,‘. a** ’ .:L. 50 cents admission after 7 --J???* , ..*

Centre. With John Lowesin. 50 cents admission after 7

For tickets Federation - off ice


. For tickets and information enquire at Federation office, CC 235

enquire at of Students

8: 30pm r

information WATERLOO. about the community and the university. In Campus Centre Great Hall CLUB DA)‘. All interested clubs will set up a booth in Campus Centre Great Hall Science Society Outdoors Day. With free food. For information enquire al Science Society


eet 9%:3Oam-l:3Opm

etry~~~forrnat~o~ Campus centre



8 : 30pm

Centre Great Hall”’ Arts Society Pub. South campus Hall. With ’

All dat

Centre Hall



inesiology Hot Dog Stand AC Bldg., Red North Centre (see September 9)



about the communify and the university. In Campus Centre Great Mall Kinesiology Orientation Booth. PAC Bldg., Red North FEDERATION FLICKS : ‘Sleuth” with Laurence Olivier and Michael Caine. Arts Lecture Room 116 Board with : ..I . .a - ‘. ,(

In ” humanities Sponsored by of Students. For enquire at office, CC 235 The Fox, Campus IBoard. CC Great

Theatre. Federation tickets, Federation

Centr e

St. Paul’s Rally arourr Campus. For more ir formation enquire at S

* For Op-

%Znoon-% :OOam




Fed. me Federati Centre. 50 cents adrniss~Q~ after pm.


night TIE




12noorb1 :OOam 50 cents admission after ~_,1. ,,,..,,_.. ......A2.. ... .,P.m. . .-.... ”.I..... \c.. ,.,,..,....

noon-l :OOam ;;. 9’. , i .$5. . _\ : :: ‘

: :t : : , : and .:.2. /,;.‘je,:,:;; ii>;,.: At Waterloo Park Bandshell. In case of rain, theconcert will be held in the Campus Centre Great Hall. (Also with McDonald

Enquire at St. f Jerome’s College St. Paul’s Hayride & Barn Dance. Enquire at St. Paul‘s College -.. Village I Pub. Great Hal!. With lrish Band. Village ’ Fresh” only


10: 15pm

1’3 : $


band. In Red c&Green Dining Hall 8:36Pm @ Science Society Pub, With ;._..y: >)...a-, .:;2 $;:Fy+-. , \: ,.<.. jll_ South Campus Hall * Federation Pub, Campus (‘entry. With i::*‘?i’: i ,.;.~‘~8~v ,:.;;, 50 cents admission after 7 pm:... ..._.” .,,. *....,. .. . ....1.. L (. ( :..-.,.-.

..:G:,~..~~. SouthCampus Hall, 12noonl

$11.00 Fed. members deration Pub. Campus ntre. With cartoons by th Society in afternoon. :.> ._$?g:kt;<;:. ,If.,... ,,,:,: and :i;:rt<~ :‘;i,;f y;. .j : ,~i,“:f’.;.‘t*. .” .“ir .,in evening. 50 cents admission after .‘L .....::y ):,,..a E::,.y 7 pm. $ I” ‘Q.*\7’.‘A ~/ > ,c . Straw Dogs, by Campus Centre Board. Campus Centre Great’ Hall

Optometry Columbia formation

Federation-Federation of Students. Office located in the Campus Centre Room 235 Eng. Sot-engineering Society,aice located ~~~ngineering 4, Room 133b, tef. ext. 2323. Math Sot.- Mathe+matics Society. Office located in . 45__ ext. 2324. f CC-=-Campus Centre Buildin Lecture Building 1 AL-+rts $ PAC -Physical Activities Bui . .,I,,.._~,.__,, ~_^-..,.__.~ _.. *...-.&&.,,&Ll L..__ . .j i_.......~....i.. ...<a2..L.. ... . ...“C I..~..........“..s!....... ,......z-i.2. L.-.z.. ..,.,.a.*,. ..I1.L. .,..*,*>.r )...... ..,.*.. .. s .i., I .t.....z-.. ..... .>....A

Sports Day at Field. For inenquire at Op-

September 25 - John Mills Cockell October 4 ‘- Sha na na October 17 - Good Brothers

ath&Computer Building, Room3038,tel.

. . . .


_.... .. .I




1 i /c,A . :


. . “ ,

October 24 November 20 -

AISO November \ . . .

. a ”

. . “ .

13 -



. . ..

Optometry Car/R&e Rally and Barbeque. Columbia Field. For information enquire at Optometry Society FEDERATION FLICKS: “Jesus Christ Superstar”, in AL 116

“Jesus Christ Superstar”, in .aL 116 . _ ~ ___

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