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to rep/ace




to gather


T.A. bugs, r ‘stud’ents . Students at the University of Waterloo School of Optometry have confirmed rumours that electronic eavesdropping devices had been planted in laboratory training rooms, as investigation on Monday uncovered a microphone and transmitter skillfully disguised as a photographic flashgun and hidden in a piece of machinery. As well, moments after students directly addressed the microphone with a comment on the low status of this invasion of privacy, a graduate teaching assistant and evaluater of these students, Hugh McDonald, appeared and promptly removed the bug. When confronted, the teaching assistant only offered an oblique explanation of the bug’s presence by a reference to his need for unbiased comments. In addition, students have heard the broadcast voices of their classmates coming from the same teaching assistant’s room. McDonald was later seen removing another microphone from another room. Subsequent riivestigation has been characterized by extreme reluctance on the part of students to volunteer information for fear of reprisal and further inconsistencies on the part of non students connected with the school. However these facts have emerged; Hugh McDonald, the T. A. involved, has confirmed that he had built and placed the microphones himself, and that-he and another assistant would test the system by monitoring students through the combined receivertape recorder built on to this system.

set up by





University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 15, number 16-friday, October 11, 1974




Historic compromise . . . . . . .,@.. . . . . . . . . . . . .page 5

The extent of application of this system to other labs in which students of optometry engage in substantial hours of study, is difficult to ascertain. However reports indicate numerous microphones are involved. As for involvement of others, Optometry professor George Woo said he personally had no advance knowledge of bugging activities i conducted by McDonald but felt that he was “just fooling around.” Edward Fisher, director of the school, said, T.A. McDonald had probably placed the microphones r in the lab so he could get there as . soon as possible in the event of stu-” dent problems. Fisher goes on to say that he had received no complaints from students about the matter. He felt stu,A correction must be made redents were free to come to speak to garding an. article that claimed him, presumably because of the health services patronize patients, good relationship he refers to havwhich appeared in last week’s ing. chevron. However if one clear thing has The story stated women students emerged from this bizarre event, it had to be “prepared to endure a is that students are not confident lecture, given by resident doctors, enough to come forward. In fact on the existence of birth control students are extremely conscious methods.” of pressure and they fear being im. Health services doctors do not plicated at all. lecture on any subject, nor do they As the administration perks up, indicate disapproval of a student’s the heat goes on and further publicactivities. The article should have ity on this bugging matter has read, “doctors take advantage of created a hyper-sensitive atmosthe opportunities afforded to them phere in the normally placid Opwhen students come to request the tometry building. But, behind the morning-after-pill or pregnancy A teaching assistant from the- School of Optometry has admitted -to scenes, inconsistencies abound tests to recommend some method planting a microphone and transmitter disguised. as a photographic of birth control. This is done to proand at least a few students are sure flashgun in a laboratory training room. Reports indicate that severa/ the repercussions could personally tect students from needless reocother microphones may be involved. One professor commented that curances of their fears of prejeopardize their status in oparou,,&‘e I : j ‘griahcy.” , I, . ,~ . ? , ) . : ) ,, 1 I > t 2 7 . . > ’ the T.A. was just “foolitometry training. - r

Indians in Ottawa

. . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . page7

Housing mortgage. . . . . . ..~~~~~~~..........page9

/ No sports . . . . . ..(_ooomooooooo~moooooooooo page15F I Municipal

elections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..@....pagel9




2 the chevron


11, 1974

Ifwoc Saturday General meeting, African students’ Association. Everybody is welcome. Married Students’ Apartments Community Centre. 4:00 pm.

Sunday General meeting, -African students’ Association. Everybody invited. Married Students’ Apartments Community Centre. 4:00 pm.




Chess club meeting. 7:30 pm, ~~135. Concert Choir rehearsal. 7:00 pm. All interested persons please attend male singers especially required. “Save The Tiger”, presented SAC admission $1.

With your

* initials




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by WLU

ous studies group and the WLU School of Religion & Culture. 7:30 pm, rm 1El. Gay Lib general meeting. All welcome for more info call ext. 2372 evenings. Warsaw National Orchestra, 8 pm, Physical Activities Building. floor $5, bleachers $3-4. Students half price. Call Central Box office, ext. 2126.

Thursday “Canadian Indian spirituality as expressed in their Art”. Sponsored by the UW Religious studies group and the WLU School of Religion & Culture. 3:00 pm. Waterloo Christian Fellowship, Rev. Kooistra “sin and what it does to man”, 5:30 pm. CC1 13, all welcome.

General meeting of the Ukrainian Club, 8:30 pm, modern languages 354.

Chamber choir rehearsal, 7:00 pm. Al 6. Contact Mr. A Kunz ML.254.


Bahai Firesides (informal mtg.), 7:30 pm. E3 1101. More info call Ariel.

“The relevance of’ native religion”, lecture byprof. J.W.E. Newbery, Univer, of Sudbury. 3:30 pm. Physics 1500. Sponsored by the UW Religious studies group, and the WLU Schoolof Religion & Culture. Concert band rehearsal. 5:30 pm, Arts lecture 6. “Native Religion: the view from inside”, lecture by Mrs. Alma Greene, Six Nations. Sponsored by the UW Religi-

The Good Brothers, 7 & 10 pm, Theatre of the Arts. Admission $3.50. Sponsored by the Federation of Students. ’ ‘5 -_. ..-. “Ojibway world+iew”, lecture by Mr. Basil Johnston, department of ethnology, Royal Ontario Museum. Sponsored by the UW Religious Studies Group and the WLU School of Religion & Culture. 7:30 pm. Physics 150.


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11, 1974





tells it all

likes Government stud@-nt rival rY

visit to a Steven Lewis, the Ontario NDP leader, paid a complimentary political science c/ass of one of the party faithfuk. Lewis declined the opportunity for a speech but opted rather fqr a question and answer period. The end result was that several hundred students received a lesson in how to solve the country’s and the provinces’problems in fifty minutes.

unionizing and it took until the 1930’s before they began to have success. There were several reasons why it took so long for unions to come into being. One reason was that husbands would not let their wives join a union. Employers would fire immediately anyone who was found to be interfering with their prodess of exploitation. Another important reason is that in any time of high unemployment workers soon learn that if they don’t like their work conditions there are always ten more Every Tuesday night at the Unipeople who will work for half versity of Toronto there are forums as much mdney. The women did about the past and present history not even receive support from their of the Canadian working class. The own fellow workers. In 1920 a napurpose of these forums- is- not to_ tional council for female labourers provide a strategy for resolving the said that females should be the first problems of the working class. The to be taken out of the labour force main hope is that there will be a in times of high unemployment. wide range of to‘pics relating to the During the 1920’s and 1930’s soworking classes in Canada that will cial. thought was still so backward be of interest to Canadian radicals. that married women were ashamed They are open to the public. of having to work and they usually The forums are being presented lied about their marital status. In by the Committee for a Marxist Inthe 1940% moralistic thought destitute, which consists of twenty gressed even further. It was compeople who are trying to set up a mon to hear people say that it is a resource center for all Canadian woman’s God given right to stay at radicals. The orientation of the home with her children. committee is non-sectarian and is Finally Stedman gave her not connected with any other politanalysis of the modem women’s ical organjzation. The basis of their liberation movement, comparing work, however, is Marxist. feminism with the New Left saying This week’s forum featured that both were too dogmatic. A Mercedes Stedman who spoke on Marxist woman on the other hand the position of working women in ‘would see women as objects of opthe garment industry during the pression under capitalism. In other early 1900’s in Toronto. words it is advantageous for CapitStedman ‘is a Marxist and she alists to keep women economically gave an interpretation of her topic depressed and open for exploitathat was definitely Marxist. tion. * * * * * In the 1800’s women often worked for up to 60 hours per Each week until Nov. 19 there week. Because they could be fired :will be a different forum put on by for any reason whatsoever, the the Committee for a Marxist Instiwomen in garment shops had to tute in the Medical Science Aucater tb paternalistic male at- ditorium at the U. of Toronto. The titudes. Although the number of schedule is as follows: Oct. 15, hours that women in the garment Stanley Aronowitz on working industry had to work per week was class consciousness; Oct. 22, Rick reduced somewhat, sweatshop Deaton on workers in the public conditions exist&d up until the late sector; Ott 29, Angela Miles and 1930’s.. Often there weren’t even Jennifer Penny on housewives and washrooms in a shop. the working class; Nov. 5, Pierre The women had a lot of trouble Baudet on the workers struggle in

Women in the garmentindustry

“Careers Canada” gave many chasing officers which means they potential student candidates for the purchase equipment for governcivil service a glimpse of what it is ment projects. Salaries start at apreally going to be like to compete proximately$10,400 and work up for a job in the government, a! a according to the individual’s level recruiting session last week. of specializatign. The Public Service Commission The math and computer science of Canada is the governmeilt serstudents found that they could have vice that does the hiring and re- jobs with the ministry of transport cruiting of personnel to the public and the ministry of the environment. A job with the government in service. this particular field may start at a Students were given a chance to salary of $8,500-$8800 at a first examine the positions available to level called CSl. In the jump to them according to the degree that CS2, the paycheque rises to they will be graduating with. Rep$10,500-$11,000 and the position is resentatives from several areas of usually that qf a supervisor. While the government talked in separate the CS3 level is for the pure groups about the type of work and analysts and the, pure programmers the benefits of the careers aswho make $15,000 and $19,OOO’resociated with dqerent degrees. spectively. Finally, the CS4 level In the area of Applied Science, employees are team leaders who one government representative support a field of study and make said that there was a high demand -approximately $20,000 to $23,000 for engineers which specifically annually. meant that there were 23 ppsitions The discussions also covered .,to be filled. This does not sound as an@ if there-is such a tremendous de- pure science and economics statistics. These areas are stratified mand for engineers but he admitted into levels of prominancy and that the competition for the posiwages, as well. ’ tions was a “dog eat dog” situation-. Environmental studies degrees Engineers who -are hired work make jobs attainable in the area of primarily as developmental purpark naturalists and interpreter ofQuebec; Nov. 12, Gerry Hunnius on worker’s control; on Nov. 19, there will be a panel discussion on the immigrant worker in Canada. -neil


Cleanup ignored a

you spend a lot of money to clean up your backyard, only to find the guy next door continues to,stink up the neighbourhood. It’s plaih stupidity to try to clean up half a lakes system, and that’s what Canada is trying to do at the present time,” said one irate Ontario official. To placate angq Canadian officials, Trairiwill attend a stocktaking meeting in Ottawa on Oct. 2.

Talking energy

Ottawa‘ (CUP)-The United States is violating a Canadian-American agreement to clean up the Great Lakes. The agreement, signed by Accompanied by the periodic Richard Nixon and Pierre Trudeau rumble of ah-planes taking off-from in 1972, was to have placed pollunear-by Malton Airport, a symtion of the Great Lakes under conposium entitled “Energy: the next trol by 1975. 50 years” was held in Toronto on But the administrator of the Saturday and sponsored by the American Environme*t Protection West Central Region Association Agency, Russell Train, says the agof Professional Engineers df Onreement only requires the U.S. to tario. initiate treatment by 1975. As a reThe keynote .speakerwas sult the International Joint 1ComRichard- Rohmer, author of Ulmission, the body which oversees timatum and the soon-to-be-water quality problems between the published Exxoneration (in fact, two nations, has found that in some Rohmer reminded his listeners of areas water quality is getting worse ’ his contributions to the literary instead of better. field several times during his Both Canada and Ontario have speech, even concluding his slide been working on the water clean up presentation with two pictures of pact. So far about 80 per cent of the books’ covers in living colour). sewage treatment programmes Rohmer described the potential have been completed for the 329 of Canada’s Arctic resources, indiinvolved municipalities, and off i- cating that future large development of natural gas may take place cials expect to be treating 100 per in the Arctic Islands, particularly cent of municipal sewage by 1975. Island. The liquified However, Richard Nixon, after fl Melville natural gas from this area could be signing the pact in 1972 decided to transported by a pipeline hooked delay environmental spending into the proposed Mackenzie Valfunds that had already been apley pipeline, or shipped by freighter proved by congress. to Churchill or Moosonee or Train sqys the U.S. has held up Montreal. He stated that the Govmore than $9,000 million earernment of Ontario is already marked for environmental cleanup, studying the possibility of a large with about $2,000 million being al- port facility to be located north of located for the Great Lakes. On the Moosonee out in James Bay and American &de of the lakes only 35 connected to the mainland by a per cent of municipal sewage is . causeway. Of course, it is hoped presently treated. that the currently depressed “It’s damned frustrating when Northern Ontario economy would

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ficers. The naturalists go out on field work and collect the information about the parks which the interpreters analyse and write about. There are apparently an increasing number of national parks in Canada and 150 permanent staff in this area of research. Jobs in public administration are also available to graduates with any other degrees. This is the only department where an examination is required in order to tone down the number of applicants. Many people in administration will not only work in Canada but may also enter the foreign service and go to different countries on a diplomatic basis. As for promotions in the civil service, they do not come when the boss asks you if you would like a better position or a higher rate of pay. When a higher position i’s open the individual is invited to compete for the position. Each competitor must sell himself and the best person gets the job. The promotion does not depend on who you are or who you know but ratherit is how qualified you are. The “benefits” derived from a government job were carefully outlined for any interested students. continued

on page 5

benefit greatly from such a development. ... Several other more unconven. tional methods of transporting liquid natural gas were mentioned, including submarines, dirigibles, or air transports which would be three , time’s the size of 5 747 jumbo jet. However, Rohmer’s perspective on the subject of energy yas distinctly not futuristic. He failed to make any reference to the inescapable fact that oil and natural gas are non-renewable sources; instead, he repeatedly emphasized Canada’s need to be self-sufficient in oil and gas supplies, a rather ’ short-sighted attitude to take. It was left up to one of his fellow speakers, Earl R. Mitchell, Head of the Canadian Combustion Research Laboratory, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, to discuss the concept of limited resources and the ‘eventual exhaustion of all supplies, Canadian or otherwise. Rohmer seemed to project a rather self-contradictory attitude towards those other owners of massive oil and gas resources, the Arabs. At one point he referred to the Arabs’ “ruthless exploitation” of the Western World’s need for energy as he called for Can_ada to become self-sufficient. Later, he called for a removal of the 15% withholding tax for the purpose of encouraging Arab investment money in Canada! Rohmer’s undeniable assertion that high energy use and needs form the basis of today’s society, combined with his total omission of any suggestion of a change in lifestyle, serves as an ironic illustration of a joke related by Mr. Mi;tchell. This joke pointed out that the dinosaur was an animal with a very high energy-consuming superstruc, ture and a relatively low brain mass/energy consumption ratio, and that man, when surrounded by one of his energy-consuming superstructures, the car, has an even lower brain massjenergy consumption ratio. And we all know what happened to the dinosaur! \ ,

. .


-marilyn “5’:



4 the chevron


11, 1974


artistic talent, previous setting-up, and some luck. First small place-signs must be silk-screened, one for each of you and your group, saying, very simfor Dean and PlY, “Reserved Staff ‘. These you place in a desirable location, approximately one hour before the rush. Of course, it is necessary that one of your: group find out fairly. accurately as to just when the rush begins on the intended day, since ~- the 11:00 am. ~ .


. , .


The best you can be It’s not enough for you to be a good gymnast. You have to prove you’re the best in the group! So every day and every practice session is important. When you can’t afford time out, when you can’t break training, you need the dependable-internal protection of Tampax tampons. They allow you comfortable freedom of mokment while they expand gently in three directions to fit your inner contours. Tampax tampons come in three absorbency-sizes: Regular, Sup-er ’ gnd Junior. So you can choose the right one for your needs. Well protected, you’ll, prove to the others you’re the best you can be. .

standard fluctuates from day to day, although it is reasonably close. The purpose of this, of course, is so the advance person is no/t observed at his task, which would thereby tend to lessen the credibility of the exercise. In some groups, these signs are, very effective. But,be warned that not everyone in a university setting is complacent, and obedient to f-W signs., Your group might discover, as they converge on the spot, with their trays, that the signs are still in place (perhaps),,hut the chairs are now occupied by some of the more radical element of the student body. If, however, you find that the chairs have been left empty, your group quickly occupies them, saying, quite loudly, “We’ll just eat quick, before the Dean gets here!” Upon leaving, you\do not take the signs. These,are to be picked up _ later, as if the Dean and his party were unable to make it or had al\ ready been, earlier in the day. One further word of caution, to . those of you using this method; if you find the chairs occupied by a group of well-dressed men, in suits and.ties, look for other accommodations. The second method involves one reconnaisance person, who’s job is to proceed ahead of the main group, with the purpose of securing chairs enough, while the rest of the group goes through the line. One of the persons in the main, group should take the recon person’s money, in order to buy whatever he/she wishes. When the group comes through the line, they will find that there are chairs waiting for them, together. It should be understood that there will be many other people prekeding the group through the line, And that these people will also \ be desiring chairs, and, since they will be wanting to sit in the chairs being saved for your group, some preparation should be made for this eventuality. One method is to take coat, purse, satchel, books, anything, from each member of the grovp, and make the area look occupied. If this cannot be done, you will have to come up with some line that is fairly effective in warding off would-be-neighbours. One means is to have a drama student for the recon position. When someone- tries to sit down, she holds up her hand, and says, very Swedish-ly, “I vant to be a-lone ! ’ ’

However, since this method might result in ‘the rapid loss of chairs, it is suggested that a more typically Canadian way be implemented. This simply entails the use of a determined scowl, and one word, “TAKEN!!!” ’ If you should happen upon another group trying this, when you drop in by yourself, or when there is no open area, you might quickly point out to thecrecon person that he/she kindly relinquish his/her, seat to someone who requires it for that purpose. If-you be chosen for the recon position, therefore, be sure that you take an apple or orange to prevent this occurence. The next method is to be used in the event that your group can secure one chair less than is required. One of the group, preferably an extroverted female, hangs back, while the chairs are occupied by the rest of the group. In a few minutes, she strolls by, and strikes up a conversation, throwing in a few comments about how she was sick that

,OlctoberEest 1 The




















page 6




1974 r ?

the \

- Historic -rtde comes at last to the Party The Italian Communist Party’s (PCI) recent tentative discussion of the “historic compromise”-of a parliamentary accommodation with the Christian Democrats and their coalition allies-is consistent with a strategy of transition, not of rupture. In any new elections the PCI, on the evidence of the Sardinian elections earlier this year, will expect to improve its support from its constant level of around one-third of the electorate. The PCI is deeply entrenched in local government, and the period of relative decline in industrial and intellectual support which, in the Italian “May” of 1968-9 and its aftermath, reflects difficulties in relations with the proletariat and in formulating a coherent political line, has been arrested and reversed. The PCI is well placed to conduct “its struggle for socialism, democracy, and national autonomy on the terrain of the republican constitution for which the partisans fought against fascism.


. k


There are long-term arguments for “compromise”, however anxious anti-Communists may be in the short term to implicate the PCI in the economic spoliation of the country and to corrupt its leaders, turn them into placemen as has happened to the socialists of the PSI. Gramsci argued that Italian socialism would complete the incomplete bourgeois revolution,thus enforcing the end of-the North’s exploitation of an internal, semi-feudal cotony-Southern Italy. It would eradicate the bourgeois compromise with clericalism, and with fascism-a State-run and licensed mafia, now become ‘a shining example to the mafiosi!

Secondly, the existence of a neo-fascist movement which can dominate elements of the armed forces and security services, win a ’ third of the vote in some Southern ‘cities, and fqster in university faculties-notably law and economicsis a constant threat to the democratic and non-violent tactics of the mass left: The mass support for the neo-fascists (MSI) can be seen variously as a protest vote against professional (and especially Roman) politicians, or as the‘ manipulated “centrism” Iof “law-and-order”,“silent majority” proto- fascism. The vote against abrbgation of a (very limited) divorce law was also a vote against the MS,I, and one whic_h ran consistently against the neo-fascists in their areas of most recent success. The real danger to the left, however, continues to come from ruling-class subversivism. The terrorists of the neo-fascist cells are increasingly moving to nazism, and away from the “national” fascism which called for a Gaullist-style presidential . republic and celebrated the few hours of the Italian army’s resistance to Nazi Germany as a vindication of national honour. A crumbling and compromised Christian Democratic administration faced with a coup from its “own” State organs would expose a left perilously unprotected. Thirdly, the struggle,to win a pa& liamentary majority for the PCI is a long-term project-one which does not reflect the peaking of shortr;lnge,’ conjunctural crisis. In a sense, given traditional fears,, loyalities, particularism and so _,forth, the PCI has to be the “gov-




ernmenf” before it can win its election. The pursuit of “compromise” is -indeed largely dictated by a “parliamentary” line. The Manifesto group, which has perhaps onequarter of a million supporters found it@ forced into many of the Fame tactical procedures as the PCI from which it seceded. Indeed, the whole of the ,left is talking of re-grouping, consolidation-11 manifesto now with the PDUP, the PCI earlier this year and less successfully with the left socialists of the, PSIUP. Avanguardia operaia and Lotta continue-even the inglorious social democrats (PSDI)-are re- ~ portedly looking for new partners.



from page 3 PCl’s becoming a part of the ‘There are 3 weeks yacation available as well as a group surgical and national government simply ackmedical plan and a life insurance nowledges its inability to resolve plan. If you switch cities while the contradictions of national deworking for the government, any velopment other than in,the terms of moving expenses are paid by the bourgeois democracy. To many, it government. There is a retirement will simply seem that the PCI has plan and a 37.5 hour work week. succumbed to social-democratic Training is offered in managerial illusions--that it can induce the jobs and some_people may even rebourgeois state to submit to a turn to school with expenses paid if peaceful transition to socialisti, it will benefit the government.

that socialists can handle a capitalist crisis without destroying proletarian resistance, and that a mixed economy is compatible with socialism. A compromise, however, is not a sell-out: historic though it might be, .-such a compromise would be liIn the short--term, this ma,y lead to mited, unsentimental, and firmly a strengthening of the antigrounded on ‘mutual suspicion. communist left. But the Italian left Mass communist parties cannot has long been heterogeneous and volatile. The PCI, especially ‘as a militairly fight NATO armies, nor indeed can they remain indifferent tb result of the consumer boom of the the suffering of the class of which 1960’s, has tended to drop the they are an organic element. It is Soviet worker as a model for the precisely in “ compromise” that the Italian proletariat. In the 1950’s and mass chracter and political maturity 1960’s, the PCI was not split betof the PCI will be teste,d-a necesween Stalinsts and revisionists, but sary if not yet a sufficient condition for example, between organic cutof success. As Gramsci said, “berents of the left and right--the cause the Party lives among, and is “angle-Saxon” dellavolpeans, and in intimate contact with, the masthe “Southern Hegelians’y of ses, it follows that every party Gramsci, or at least of Togliatti’s member is tin active political eleGramsci. ment, or a leader. Ideological prepIn retrospect, though the sponaration is hence a necessity of the taneity of workers and students in revdlutionary struggle, and one of 1968-9 was a form of practical critithe indispensible conditions of Viccism of the Party, it was also a form tory.” of adGenturism with -definite and Another condition, one might traditional political limitations. The add, is the avoidance of disaster: PCI has learned many of the lesthis too must be in the forefront of sons of that period-problems of the minds of party members. the division of labour, of intellectu-john f raser als, technicians, service employees, process workers, peasants an.d day-labourers have been studied not as “sociology” but as urgent political questions. L Immediately, a PCI in a ruling coalition would hope to embr.ace the left of the Christian Democrats, and Friday Oct. 11 th occupy the electoral territory of the PSI placemen. The trade-union Communists, 9:30 Music with Al Anderson federation of l2:OO Music with Gord &wan Socialists and Christians (the $00 Music with Bruce ArmCG IL-CISL-U IL) shows signs of weakening -under the pressure of strong 6:00 Peter Campbell and economic crisis, and the first aim of Roger Gartland the PCI would be to re-cast working-class unity-in contrast to 8:45 Guitar Player Magazine the French communist-socialist Presents 9: 15 vusic with Bill Wharrie common programme-a union in which it would be the dominant 12:00 -Music with Frank Callinelement. It would also be con. gham cerned to purge, or at least curb, the ’ magistracy, the various intelligence Saturday Oct. 12th .t services, the military and 3:00 Music with Villem Teder Caribinieri, circumscribing their subversives. 9:oo Music with Rick Worsnap On the other hand, the problems 12:00 Michael Spaziani & Peter of a “compromising” PCI would be Ferguson immense, and for that reason the 2:00 Music with Ian Allen notion of “historic conipromise” has 4:oo Music with Sandy Yates been seen by many as less a seri6:00 The Bod & The Bard ous proposal of coalition than a call 8:00 Music with Jim Waloram for national unity against the right, lo:oo Music with Mark Pen-in an acknowledgement that it prop12:00 Music with Don Cruikoses a popular rather than a class shank revoultion. Indeed, many analyses of the anti-popular nature of Sunday Oct. 13th monopoly capitalism have stressed the importance of institutional con2:00 Music with Stu Kemp trols rather than class struggle-a 9:00 Classical Music with Ron line of discussibn examined in Raes “Economic problems of the transilo:30 Thinking out loud: with tion to socialism in Britain” (MarxRadio Moscow ism Today, August 1974). lo:45 Music dz Musicians: Italian capitalism and the Italian Radio Moscbw proletariat show a marked inci11:45 Classical Music with dence of uneven development, of David Villeneuve super- exploitation and) traditionalism. It might be said that the



Renison _ _.-

There are some good jobs available with the government if you are qualified and do not mind a little competition. The public service commission visits 51 universities and 80 community colleges across Canada but the representative said “don’t worry about having to sell yourself, you do it on a day to day basis anyway”. So, if you think long boring classes, dozens of assignments and dead lines are hard, just wait until ‘the soft life is over and emerge amidst the career game. -rose



As a member of the Federation of Students’ council representing the students at Renison College I would try to insure that the concern of the students at Renison would be voiced at council meetings. I would further make sure that the activities of the federation are made known I to you., The Federation of Students is the official representative of the student body at the University’ of Waterloo. The budget of the federation exceeds $250,000 per year. The activities and the finances of the Federation make it an active and vibrant organization. The sole criterion for a functioning and responsive federation is student involvement. One of the areas where the federation is deficient is the one-to-one communication with the average student. Having been a member of the working force before coming to university, I kfiow what it is like to I be uninformed. Barb Innes 1st Year Renison College

At times like this one wishes he had the wisdom of Solomon and the eloquence of Churchill when one appeals for your support. Unfortunately lacking both, I’ll appeal for your support, Hart fashion. The reason why I am letting my name stand is that I believe in Renison and the Renison Students. I believe they have a voice that should be heard. Unfortunately, I feel this voice has mellowed to a squeek. But this year this voice can be revived. As we all know Renison’s enrolment has increased and I hope that it will continue to do so, but this will only be possible if the Students take an active interest in their College and the activities which are offered. I am appealing for your co-operation, your help and for your voice. And so I am leaving you with this ndte, you only will get out of anything (and especially College) what you put into it. Jim Hart 3rd Year Renison College

Watedoo 2:OQ 4:00 6:00 6:22’ 8:30 9:00 12:OO Monday 9:oo 12:00 3:00 4:oo 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:30 Tuesday 2:00 lo:OO 11:00 11:15 12:oo _ 2:oo 4:oo 6:00 7:oo 7:30 8:00 lo:oo

Music with Paul McDermott Music with Frank Bitonti Rest of the News Music with Donna Rogers TBA Steve Favell Rick Armstrong Oct. 14th Music with Ian Hanna Music with Randy Crti Music with Ken Turner Classical Music with Mike. Boyle & Tony Basinski Radio Waterlotiports Radio Waterloo News Community Services Brian Wilson Reid Robertson, Ralph, Brian & Tony ’ Oct. 15th Tim Paulin Music with Dean Purves Belgian Press Revue Music with Dean Purves Music with Pat Ranney Music with Tom Smith Music with Jack Langer Music with Steve Cox Radio Waterloo News Music with Steve Cox Good Old R&k & Roll with Rick Ullyot Paul Bennett for South D



Music with Mike Devillaer Wednesday Oct. 16th 2:OO Tom Bird 9:00 Music 10: 15 Soviet Press Revue lo:30 Music 11: 30 BBC African Theatre 12:00 ( Music 1~30 Agency For International Development 2:00 Music with Stud Goldie 4:00 Phil Rogers 4 Peter , Goodwin ’ 6:00 Music 7:00 Radio Waterloo News - 7:30 Music 8:00 Music 10:00 Music with Brian O’Neil 12:00 Music with Doug Maynes Thursday Oct. 17th 2:00 Steven Fletcher & Greg McCallum 9:00 Music with Greg Farrar 11:00 Music with Frank Brisbin 1:00 Music with Bob Brown 3:00 Music with Dave Clark 5:OO TBA 6:00 Radio Waterloo News 6:15 BBC World Rep@ 6:30 Radio Waterloo Sports 7:oo Ken Turner 8:00 Music with Ian Gollan 9:30 Music with David Scorgie 12:oo Music with Ivan Zendel

’ \

6 the





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morning, and has been feeling poorly ever since. At an opportune moment, she swoons, preferably over the shoulder of the guy occupying the desired seat. ,The person occupying said seat Ray or may not notice this, and so it is suggested,that she make sure that her hair falls over whatever he is eating or drinking. The rest of the group, of course, goes immediately along with the act, with comments like, “Grab her!“, “What’s wrong?“, and, the key one, “Get her a seat!” At this, the guy occupying the desired seat is asked to give up his seat for her. From this point, it’s all downhill: she makes a bit of a recovery, but not too much, too quickly, since the previous occupant must be given enough time to consider sitting elsewhere. It is suggested that the guy picked have only a cup of coffee, or a donut, which he can pick up quickly, without too much inconvenience, in order to change seats. It is even more desirable that he be alone, giving him less reason to want to retain the specific seat. The fainter, meanwhile, is being dutifully attended to by her friends, who give her something to eat and drink, “ get her strength back..“, and ,which they oddly enough had an excess of on their trays. Of course, there are probably many other methods of reaching the same objective, but the aforementioned are just a few of the simpler ones. It goes without saying that they are very inconsiderate and rude, so it becomes necessary, when making use of such, to incorporate some-basic psychology into your actions, and rationalize, “I can go to charm school to learn manners;\ I go to the cafeteria to eat!”

I ’


R. B. Burton

Biology One Room 271 n Kitchener

11, 1974

Sponsored by The Boards.of Education 1and External Relations, Federation of Students, I _, / Ext. 3426

New African exec


At an extraordinary meeting held on Wednesday, September 25, the following were elected to serve on the executive body of the African Students’ Association: Oye Ibidapo-Obe (president) Sophia Nsiah Brown (ticepresident) Alex Boakye-Y iadom (secretary) Kingsley Osei - Yamoah (asst. secretary) Clement Okoh (treasurer) Sam Makhurane (public relations officer)

Activities planned include: -An African People’s Symposium at the beginning of the Winter term. -Lectures followed by movies. Speakers for such lectures shall be invited from any of the African High Commissions and Embassies at Ottawa. The first of such lectures has been scheduled for November 9, 1974. -A room at the Campus Centre is being sought for use as a basic premis to develop involvement between African Students and such relevant course areas as: African History, African Art, African political situation, African Child Psychology, peace research etc. Books, African literature, newspapers, maps, journals, artifacts, and casette tapes of music from various African countries shall be made available in the room for the use of any member of the University community. Slide shows about Africa might take place here. It is hoped that it would be a place where those who have travelled or plan to travel to any particular African country can meet and talk to people who have grown up there. -alex






11, 1974



\ i

InditZns f orma- I , native. ’ a.* , em,basw ’

The Indians barricaded the only entrance to the occupied armouries The RCMP, however, patrolled the road often parking at the barrica,de


Last weekend, chevron reporters, Sylvia and Randy Hannigan went to Ottawa to visit the embassy that the Indian people have , established and talked to some of the people occupying the embassy. When the Native People’s Caravan left Vancouver several weeks ago to journey to their destination of Ottawa, the financial support for the trip was very limited. At each city they went through, the caravan managed to raise enough funds to get them to the next stop. Upon arriving in Ottawa, and enduring the battle on parliament hill, the Indians proceeded to occupy \an abandoned armories which was situated just below parliament hill on an island. This was the first step in establishing the Indian People’s Embassy. Four days after the initial demonstration and occupation, there was little indication on parliament hill that the Indians were still there. However, upon approaching the only road that leads to the embassy one notices the presence of several members of the RCMP, both uniformed and plainsclothes patrolling the road. There was no difficulty, however, passing the patrols, and the Indians passed freely in and out of the embassy, presumably as long as there weren’t too many in one group. ’ The RCMP, though were not the only ones concerned with security, the Indianswere just as concerned with keeping’ RCMP undercover agents out. Reporters and photographers were also discouraged from entering the embassy, since the press had-given the embassy several bad reports. The security arrangements were strict at the embassy, upon entering everyone, including Indians, signed in and if you weren’t a member of the embassy the person on duty asked several questions. The first time we arrived at the embassy a non-Indian person was on duty at the door and he asked us what we wanted, or if we were looking for someone. When we explained that we wanted to talk to some of the people of the embassy, we were taken to a nearby security room. The first person that we talked to was an Indian named Vern Harper. Harper had travelled with the caravan to Ottawa but was soon going to leave the embassy and join his wife and two children who had left

the embassy earlier. Harper felt that the activists, (Harper is a member of the Communist Party of Canada, Marxist-Leninist) should go back to the communities and reservations and leave the embassy to those who believed in it. We asked Harper for an analysis of the events during the past few weeks and in particular the demonstration on parliament hill. Harper stressed that the demonstration on Monday was a great victory for the Indians, because it showed the RCMP for what they really are. Harper stated their actions were historically consistent since the RCMP was originally founded to assure that the white fur traders and settlers had no problems with the Indians. This hostility has never been lost according to Harper and the few Indians that have joined the RCMP are harder on their own kind since they are trying to prove themselves. When asked to what extent the CPCML has been accepted by the Indians, Harper stated that dueto the educational system, the Indians are taught to despise communism since it deprives them of the land, the acceptance of the CPCML has been slow. The Indians have been taught to love the land and therefore to do anything to protect that land. This applied to the Korean War when the Indians had the highest rate of volunteerism among all

. the minority groups. When asked about the future of the Indian movement, Harper predicted that there would be an increase in native peoples movement and that the jails would be emptied of drunks and would be filled with political prisoners. The& is a swelling of native people’s pride and that this will h&p the Indians unite and fight the oppression. Harper though was one of the few activists at the embassy, since Cameron and &hers had gone home: and left the embassy for those who wanted to support it. When we talked to some of the other Indians at the embassy and



in an attempt to keep out t‘he RCMP. to observe the embassy.

asked them for their opinion of the CPCML-. they stated that they didn’t -agree with it and some hadn’t even heard of the party. They stated that in any case Harper did not speak for the rest of the Indians and that perhaps the CPCML had hurt their cause more than helped it. No one, however, was too harsh on anyone else since they all knew that something had to be done.. The Indians, especially the younger ones are getting impatient with the bureaucrats in the government and want to force some action out of the government. Some of the Indians are trying to get support to keep the embassy

open for at least a year and have the embassy recognised as the of- ficial embassy representing the Indians. There ware approximately one hundred Indians living at the embassy last weekend, with many being forced to stay there due to a lack of funds to return home. For the present time however, the embassy will struggle on and try td wrn some recognition from the government. Meanwhile the activists will be trying to win support back on the reservations and in the communities to help them in the cause of gaining complete independence from government jurisdiction.



’ _








11, 1974


cla-ssif ied pair of brown framed prescription glasses in brown leather zipper ‘ case. If found please phone Bev. at 884 5755.



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Cooks, waiters and waitresses for parttime work, noon hours and evenings. Earn good money during your spare time at Cosmo’s Factory Tavern. Call 744 3373.

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Apartment,‘ spacious one bedroom, just near the campus. Available immediately. Phone 885 0656.



Looking for a farmhouse for rent within 20 miles of the K-W area. Call Jo-anne 743 3418.




the chevron

11, 1974


by Rae Murphy

Home is whe\re the $50iOO0 , mo,rtgage IS. \






One of the salient facts that emerged from the election is that housing supply is an area that the system cannot manage anymore. Not only that, but everybodypoliticians and public-seem to know it. Thus, while a lot was said and written about housing during the campaign, it really didn’t become an issue. Pierre Trudeau cast several pearls during his speeches which not only proved his own contention that this campaign was to be more irrational than the last, but also indicated that things were going to get worse before they get worse still. Even David Lewis’s proposal to build the New Jerusalem with a mortgage rate set at six percent got very little play. Trudeau told a breathless nation that he had asked the Canadian banks to provide 95-percent mortgages to people seeking to buy low-priced homes, while those buying more expensive homes will have to raise a down payment of at least 25 percent. A good idea except that nobody can- define, let alone try to find, a “low-priced home” and even if anyone could, he couldn’t find a bank that would lend a prospective home buyer more than a 70-percent mortgage on anything. Banks, you see, are in the business to’make money,‘not solve housing crises. Another proposal of the Prime Minister’s was to expand the Assisted Home Ownership Program to allow families earning up to $15,000 to buy a home without committing more than 22 percent of their income on mortgage payments. If this family can find the elusive “low-priced home” it can become eligible for some sort of subsidy on its mortgage and a grant of up to $600 a year. A good deal, except subsidizbd interest rates are of little benefit if mortgage loans period are drying up as they are now. Trudeau also promised an outright grant of $500 to first-time buyers toward the down payment on _ their “low-priced” home. Where are these “low-priced homes”? Nobody quite seems to know. The Liberals claim that th&r grant would apply to almost 66,000 new homes being built this year, but they don’t say where. Homes which fall within the definition of “low-priced” literally do not exist in the urban areas of Canada where, incidentally, the housing crisis exists. In his campaign, Robert Stanfield promised. a tax rebate to everyone paying mortgage rates in excess of eight percent, in effect forcing the public purse to pay for the usury being charged by the banks..And the NDP said that since the bulk of the bank’s money is paid for at 4.7 percent, they should be forced to supply mortgage money to families+earning up to $15,000 at 6 percent. The Liberals countered these promises by saying that making ,mortgage interest rates lower and easier tp come by would simply encourage people to buy houses, thus driving the prices higher. Aside from the simple problem that half of the Liberal housing policy contradicts the other half-gimmicks which are supposed to help and encourage people to buy a home are counter-balanced by high interest rates designed to drive people away from the market-the more complex problem is that despite everything, the old free market idea appears to be riding high again. It hasn’t happened often, but th’ere have been times when John Turner has ready one of his pronouncements and one got the fleeting impression that the Minister of Finance actually understood what he was talking about. One such moment came at a press conference the morning after the May 6 budget was defeated. The proposition Turner was defending on this occasion concerned a tax write-off for anyone who could save $1,000 a year over a ten-year period and who would then apply the $10,000 saved to the purchase of his first house. Appar‘ently ad-libbing, Turner praised the inherent worth of the tax provision, and also added that his proposal would reduce the demand for housivg, the rationale being that everybody would be saving his thousand a year and thus wouldn’t be in the market until he had the Big Ten, or Big Twenty in the case of a married couple. The proposal, of course, ignores the probable price of real estate in 1984 and what $10,000 is likely to buy then, amongother things. But beyond that, the essential element in Turner’s reasoning is that housing is a commodity like any other, to be subjected to the exigencies of the free-enterprise system. In this regard, Turner was merely expressing the conventional wisdom of government economists, and accepting at face value the central myth that the dismal science has presented to the layman: the myth of the market. It is supposed to work something like this:supply and demand sit on opposite ends of the teeter-totter, and the price rolls in between defying gravity. When demand goes up the price goes up and capital flows iti that direction, and then pretty soom the supply goes up and whoopee! The balance is altered. The function of government is to add weight, by any number of financial . 1 . I - . 1 / ?.‘, .,,I /t ~I.IIj . L ; .-continued , i .w; 2 i * i on* ‘rpage I I I ,10, , .

- \ IO

the chevron




gimmicks, to one end o@ teeter-totter or the other- to keep things in balance. .I.& influence can be, directed t&ard in-, , creasiclg the supp!y,‘,or it can depress demand by tightening the flow of money. And it is presumably the function of . -nomists to figure out the gimmicks, the function of public-relations men to give the gimmicks a name and the function of socio. logists to determine the social needs the gimmicks fulfill+st to give the whole operatidn a bit of class. Anpay, that is the way’ it is supposed to work. . Thereare, however, some problenis. In the last session of I parliament, NDP -housing critic Ed . Broadbent tried to hamtier away at housing policies. “Liberal and Conservative governments,“-he saicii “have never seen housing as a-b-sic social right. Instead they have viewed ,it as being -- simply another consumer good whose price + should fluctuate ,according to the whimsof the market ptace.” This principle, according _ to Broadbent, has been served by two approaches Housing construction has b&n used as a lever to expand or ,contr&t the economy in general. We are trained. to see housing . starts as one of ‘the indicators of our . economy and by the same token one of the means by which the government can influence economic stability.’ Housing as a social need, and its availability and cost to the public, are incidental. The s&ond approach is-an immutable law of private ownership of land,-one of the r&ults of which is that a government must rely upon incentives to get anything built. There is also a third axiom: ‘public housing, like fluoridation, is a commie plot to destroy neighbourhoods and is fit only-. - for degenerates, hippies, homosexuals and people who spit. in haliways and bur;n .gatbage in sinks. -‘,

regain some of the money they have lostdecline in housing prices and the reia& during the past ttio or three-years.” inactkity in the market were proof that the The ratio@e for the decline in apart- - -Ljbe+ housing policy was,working. . ment construction, and the accompan);ing In 1973, the Liberals with Conservative rise itrrents, comes at this wai: according support passed the Mortgage Mechanisms to Willoughby, an owner of apartmentBill. It was a rat.her complicated piece of buildings with an average rate of return of legislation, but its aim was simple enough, five or. six percent would be much t@ter off as our Minister for Uaan Affairs,- Ron with his mo’ney invested elsewhere, say in Basford, de&bed it: it was:directed at conventional mortgages where the interest “enhancing the attractiveness of mortgage rate has long since passed ten percent. “At invesiment.‘: the present- /time,“. says Willoughby, “I Enhancing the attractiveness of morcannot see anyone in his right mind- ,, tgage investment.,Last year, when interest building an apartment h&se.” rakes were only ten percent, Canadian High interest rates are thus making it banks, whose profit rates are the highest in moreprofitablB not to build. Cadillac, one of the economy (up 85 percent between 1966 Canada’s major developmeritcompanieg . and 197iI) put $255 million into mortgages.. announced to its shareholders in 1971 that We have been assured that the banks will because its rate of profit on residential make even more money available .in- 1974, cons;truction was not as it should. be’ it proving once again that Mary of the Royal’s would emphasize commercial development milk of hunian kindness has not yet &instead. “We expect,” they reported, “there died.




simultaneously. And thii is pr&ely &hat has happened in the Canadian “housing industry.” Over thepast two decades, the biggies of Canadian capital have cut themselves in on the action. Organizations such as Eaton’s and the Canadian Pacific Railway as well as all of our highly concentrated private-

“What kind df _loan $16,467.26 iaterest $1,5321?4 of princi&?”

shark to

requires pay off

banking system have moved in and taken over. Both James Lorimer in his Citizen’s Guide to City Politics and the authors of the excellent study Highrise and Suberprofits draw example after example of interlocking directorships between the handful of giant development companies and Canada’s banks, trust and insurance companies, major industrial eriterprises and merchant

Wit6 housing firmly in the hands of what’ we euphemistically call the “private set-,, tor” of our economy and with the govern- ’ .

+~’ One expert estimated that the piice of * residential real estate was rising at- a rate of $4 an hour. _ ment diddting about with any number of incentive program5 we not only have too -- few’and too expensivehomes but we find the whole area dluttered and-confused by language and statistics that only economists pretend to understand.For example, let irs examine an aspect of the current housing situation in the Toronto area, which from all indications is typical of Canada’s urban areas. Btick in 1966, when the Toronto Real Estate Board began keeping t@dk of house prices, the average resale price was around _ $22,000.~ In’ the spring of 1974, when p.roper’ty values had skyrocketed to the point that the Real Estate Board decided, out of either>embarassment or panic, n’bf to - release monthly resale figures any more, the average resale ‘price of a home\ hit $57,461-up 37 percent from only a year - earlier. One expert estimated that the price of residential real estate was, rising at_ a rate of $4 an hour. ’ The big news of June 1974 was a decline of almost $1,300 .in the resale price of homes,’ a sluggishneqs of the market reflected in the growing number of unsold houses and pr&dictions that prices will continue to drop. Does this sluggishness in-the market and small decline in prices, with t,he promise of deeper cuts in store, mean ihat Canada’s _I worst housing crisis since the’end of World War II is abating? It does not New housing starts iii 19T4 are now estimated to be five to ten percent lower than they were in 1973. The vacancy rate of. apartments-is af less than one percent and apartment-house construction is declining. . Apartment rents are rising rapidly and the big increases are yet to corn&One of the big operators . in - the field, Bertrani Willoughby, said thisspring when discussing the plans tif Toronto lairdlords: “And if they hit the public hard this year jwhich.they are going to do-they are doing it right now+ $hirslr+Qey af&snly #~&gto,


,‘Jab and run until- I thjhk of:something.’

will be a decreased rate of starts of rental apartments in the Toronto area -and this will bolster the rental market.“.. , . _ High interest rates have also caused the sluggishness in. the -@me resale market. Bank interest rates have risen twelve times in the- past year, and with the Bank of Montreal’s late-June annountieme’nt of an 11 ?&percent prime interest rate, mdrtgages hover around 13 percent, when they can be got at all. One. Toronto-based trust company ha$ put a ceiling of $40,000 on first mortgages with a commitment-that they will not be ‘$&I for yore fhan 70 percent of the appraised value or sale price of the property, whichever is less. Thus, even with ‘prices showing a slight decline (an indication that the individual vendor who is . either tgking a flyer on the inflated market --or trying to get-out from under is getting it in the teeth) the actual cost of buying a house has increased. A larger down payment is reqvired, and “even with a $10,000 to $20,000 down payment the ,buyer still has to shouldec a mortgage of $30,000 to $40,000, which’ means several thousand dollars a year in interest payments. Small wonder- that real-estate .agents report an extraordinary number of --purchase agreements coming unglued this summer. So in influencing the so-called free market by making money available fqr moflgages and alrowing mortgage rates to 1 rise as an inducement governments have in fact made the situation worse. Ironically, during thea election campaign Prime b~Minister,~T’rudeau boasted.that‘;the-smatd

But it does .seein’to b& coming, out in bigger and bigger spurts, Between 1963 and 1973 the proportion of general loans of under $100,000 declined fro-m 19.3 percent to 9.3 percent, while! huge loans of $5 million or more have-increased from 814 percent to 22.2 percent. It would be very interesting to know how much of th?. mortgage money go& to individual residential purchases and how much goes in large-chunks to the giant developers and speculators who have tied up almost all the available land around Canada’s urban _ , areas. ~ ’ Enhancing the attractiveness of mortgage investment; One day in July, the Toronto Globe and Ulail posed a question: “What kind of a loan shark requires$16,46726 interest to pay off $1,532.74 principal?” Answer: oiJr friendly banks and mortgage tiompan ies. An average Canadian, according to the Globe and Mail, Yborrows $3O,ooO to finahce th3 purchase of a house. He’ pays interest on the loan at 11.5 --percent and his payments are amortized over 25 years. “During the first Ifive years the monthly payments are $300, for a total of !ils;ooQ~ fiJut only 8 percent of the payments will go toward retiring the principal during those first years.” Incide+ally, in Toronto the average mo$gage@ $35,OOO and the interest rate in 1973 was 12 percent and higher. _ Enhancing the attractiveness of mortgage investtient. High interest rates hit everyone except the lenders and it is a lovely situation if one happens to be lender, +land ; speculator, rdevelOper; .and .owner

_ empires. The growth .of development companies has been one of the finanbial phenomena of the past decade or so. Trizec, the largest developer in Canada, was form&d in 1960 -! as a joint venture of the British Eagle Star insurance group and the now bankrupt -American developer Webb and Knapp. Its assets in 1965 were $&$& million; by 1.972 they were $516 million. Cadillac Development was created in the _mid1 sixties out of a? amalgamation of 29 different compan’ies all own&d by -the same people,-and it had assets of $272 million in 1971. It’s board of &rectors is typical among major development companies in that it contains representatives of the major banking and financial in?stitutions as well as the major construction equipkent ‘and supply companies. These-huge development companies are not only integrated with the major financial and-comm&ciaI institutions in Canada, but they have also increasingly become con- duits for foreign capital. The extent of-this penetration is, naturally, one of the betterkept secrets of the business wor-td, but it is , known that, fo’r instance, American capital is heavily -into Markborough, Swiss banks are behind Fidinam and British interests control Trizec. : One quite visible effect of the ni&ement of the big money into real estate has been the creation of the artificial land shortage in Canada. Last spring, Toronto columnist Harold Greer quoted a consultant for the Department of -Agriculture as ~ Ontario estimating. that prime farm land on the’ periphery <of the cities was falling into the , c




11, 1974



the, chevron


of plications for 340 homes. These are - And then one night in London, before a hands of real-estate speculators and going - The demand is constant. Ttiat statement the obvious is reflected in the proportion of families in the$15,000 income range that ’ large rally, Lewis-got steamed up enough to out of production at a rate of about 43 have no hope of buying a house on the proclaim that the speculators and family income that Canadians are forced to acres an hour. Not all th-is farm land now pay in order to keep a roof over their heads. private market and are unable to afford developers should be driven out of the lying fallow in the hands of speculators is as skyrocketing rents. housing business completely, and -he Experts in the field seem agreed that a yet serviced but a good deal of it is. The untrammeled rights of “private brought the house down. family contemplating purchase of a home According to Ed Broadbent, 50,000 acres enterprise” in housing give rent controls With due regard to election ‘histrionics, will find it difficult to meet mortgage of “quick start” land is now available the impact of the proverbial fart in a the NDP housing program does constitute payments if _the’ price of the home is as around Canada’s 15 larger cities-land windstorm, even when they are not a radical shift in Canada’s housing policy, enough to accommodate a million people. ineffective by design- As one realtor said, although it raises as many questions as it The land is kept off the market byWith the ,ayerage price of housing rent controls foster a system whereby the attempts to answer. The main one is the speculators (who reap great tax adpushing patit $50,000 in Toronto, most renter must pay a premium under the NDP itself. It isn’t in power and precedents vantages for doing so, Ontarjo’s antipeople are really in trouble. table for the privilege of renting an apartappear to indicate that often in the transpeculation tax notwithstanding) to force ment. The rent for a bachelor apartment sition from opposition to government the the prices even higher. much as double the family’s annual income. may be set at $160 but to get the key to it players remain the same but the program How much this idle land .is worth is in/ you might have to pay an extra $500. There With the average price of housing pushing changes. djcated by the NDP, which proposes that are always ways to skin a cat.” past $50,000 in Toronto, most people are The essential problem of the NDP is that thefederal government buy it for $2 billion. It can be a humbling experience to be really in trouble. It doesn’t matter whether its chief aim in life is to make the system We also know that these 50,000 acres are told just who is boss. a family still cherishes the dream of a home work-more nicely, perhaps; but work just concentrated in the hands of about ten It is in this context that the policy or not, because rent reflects the going rate the same. And one has the unmistakable development companies. developed by the NDP in the last session of of property values-and then some. feeling that the NDP housing program is --Incidentally, the great Ontario landparliament and through the election very much an exercise in system-saving speculation tax, which was going to deal a And so one simply pays. Statistics campaign assumes greater significance. Even as David Lewis proclaims his crippling body blow to the speculators-and compiled’in the Dennis-Fish report, a study Without getting much press, throughout resolution to chase the speculators out of increase government revenue by $25 commissioned and then suppressed by the the 29th Parliament Ed Broadbent the business he says very little about the million a year, hasn’t quite lived up to its Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation developed a set of proposals that would, in ’ money-changersAn ,NDP government, press notices. In April, the province didn’t and finally leaked by the NDP in 1972, effect, make housing a direct social presumably, would ask the privately-owned receive a penny from the tax, in May it got showed upwards of 1,750,OOO Canadian responsibility of the federal government. banks to release at six percent interest $7,600 from 22 sales and during the first households spending more than the During the campaign, NDP leader David money on which they can charge 13 per three weeks of June it got $7,600 from 24 generally agreed-on acceptable maximum Lewis developed and expanded on the cent. sales. Not only that, but the money will of 20 percent of the family income on party’s proposals which range from -And the banks, presumably, would say no. probably have to be refunded as the federal shelter and well over a million spending removing the tax on building materials to -government has announced that it won’t more than- 25 percent. ’ guaranteed six-percent mortgages, and Reprinted from Last Post,. allow the tax to be used as a business The report said: from tax rebates to extensive land-banking. August, 1974 deduction. “One Canadian household in three Enhancing the attractiveness of morspends in excess of 20 percent of income tgage investment. How wonderfully atfor shelter, one in five in excess of 25 tractive the investments have been. For percent, one in 14 in excess of 40 percent, example, Cadillac Development increased one in 33 in excess of 50 percent. The its profits 51 percent in the first nine. 400,000 households spending more than months of 1973 over the same period in 40 percent of income for shelter are on the 1972. The part of their profits coming from very edge of subsistence.” land and housing increased by 214 percent. All this was back in the good old days During the first quarter of 1974, Cadillac’s when one could-get an ordinary mortgage profits rose by a further 61 percent. Markfor around nine percent and the 6.5 perborough Properties, one of the smaller cent NHA mortgage was being eliminated development companies with 1971 assets by Paul Hellyer, the contractor who at that of a mere $76 million, increased its rate of time dabbled in Liberal politics. profit by 265 percent in the six-month Over the years it has mattered little. period ending in April 1974 over the year whether Paul Hellyer, Ron Basford or Atilla earlier period. the Hun has been in charge of housing on a Enhancing the attractiveness of mornational level, whether Liberals or Tories tgage investment was exactly wbat the have held provincial office, and whether government was -doing in 1967 when it Non-Partisans or Partisan-Nons have been lifted the six-percent ceiling ,on bank in municipal government; all have conmortgages, in 1969 when it removed the ducted affairs like Milo Minderbinder, ceiling on National Housing Act mortgages, rather unconcerned about the outcome of and when it adopted the “roll over” the war but only wanting to keep it running principle on mortgages so that they are on good free-enterprise principles. opened and interest rates adjusted every With governments imbued with the five years. In sweetening the pot more by theology of the “market” and other hokum raising the interest incentive for morof nineteenth-century economics and tgages, the government has all but comholding no other God than that of private pleted the process of eliminating even property, i public housing is treated as a moderately priced shelter. social disease and encouragement of coBecause it is more profitable to build operative housing ventures is non-existent. luxury aprtments and homes than Society is locked into such a narrow conmoderately-priced ones, the latter are ceptual framework that even gimmicks that simply not built. And because the same actually do attempt to house- some people groups who own the land own the money merely illustrate the depth of the crisis. and own the buildings it makes good sense not to build anything-just tie up the land, For example, the Ontario government’s create the shortage and rake in the money. HOME plan-an arrangement where the The monopolization of the real-estate purchaser buys the house but leases the industry has repealed any so-called law of land-is flooded with so many applications that in several inStanCeS applicants are the market. The housing problem is particularly thorny in Montreal because of the large amount of chosen by a lottery. In one HOME Since everybody has to live somewhere, municipal money being spent on the 7976~Oiynipiq and thus divert@ from housing qff I 2 / I :‘.’ , , development area. thefie ,were 9,m4 ap1 * otherc social needs.J : ji _ 1, (: the housing industry has a captive .market. * g ’ 8, -t c 1.. .o i * ’


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the chevron




11, 1974

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Vision care

days. After 43 days the brainwaves begin. At seven weeks after conception it has all functions working and by this time the baby has developed its own circulatory system ing” their assent for an abortion. which is separate from its mothers. Dr. Bezner feels that they are misFrom this point until the general using their power in justifying the age of twenty-seven, the only difhigh numbers of abortion by saying ference is in size and development that the woman will have a general of the various systems and muscles feeling,of “well being” if she does _ in the body. not have to carry the child for the About four months after concepfull nine months. The same doctors tion the child begins to develop a however cannot decide exactly sleeping pattern and can or will re- what constitutes a feeling of “well spond to loud noises or sudden being” in their other patients. .Dr. movements by curling into the Bezner maintains that “if a woman foetal position and or sucking his has the baby even though it is unthumb. The child will also begin to wanted and then puts it up for adopThe ‘ ‘goof’ ’ that the urinate and have bowel movements tion afterwards, she may be sadenumerators made last month while in the womb. dened and a bit wiser but she will when collecting names for the upAt this point, Dr. Bezner passed have no guilt feelings (whether she coming municipal voters’ list, by around a jar which contained a is right or not) about not having “missing” 4,000 UW resident stubaby aborted at the age- of ten - given the baby a chance at life. dents was discussed at last Friday’s weeks. The baby looked comThe last example he gave was to Federati-on of Students’ executive pletely normal and all features-and imagine’ a woman undergoing a meeting. appendages were evident. caesarian section and having - her Andy Telegdi, Federation PresiHe also began a small slide show child born three weeks premadent, said it “was the fault of the turely. In this case the doctors will depicting the moment of concepenumerators” that students were tion and the development of the handle the child gently and try to missed, but now the matter seems child until birth. While showing this save it. If-the baby lives it will be to lie in the hands of municipal offihe talked of Canada’s abortion bill considered to be a person. If it was cials and the University. Telegdi is and how he considered it to be very aborted (and legally it could be now working out “various methods fair ideologically and philosophidone right up to the forty week limit with Burt Matthews” to get the cally. The bill came about to proof a normal pregnancy) it could be students’ names on the voters list. tect doctors from malpractice suits left to die. Bezner states that babies The three most likely ways to get and social injustice. that are aborted around the twenty the names on the list will either be The law states that a therapeutic week stage and who cry or kick are students doing the assessing;- ten abortion can be undertaken when it often placed in a bucket of water to enumerators from the Ontario govis felt that the woman will benefit drown or put in a refrigerator to die ernment doing it in two days; or, by from it. Her doctor would then put of exposure. This isstandard prousing the administration files, the his case before a selected commitcedure in some Canadian hospitals. federation would put all the names tee which would have the final say. on the list “en masse”. Max Finally he says that a common Originally it was thought that this reason given for the right of aborMercer, federation external relacommittee would meet only once tions chairman, said the whole tion is that it is the woman’s body or twice every 3-4 months for any and she has the right to-do with it mixup “sounds like a damn calcudifficult cases that came up. At the what she will, To counter the lated goof ‘. His opinion reflected moment however, there are betfelt by the executive statement he says to imagine a the frustration ween forty and fifty thousand aborover the incident. woman who has just had an abortions being handled every year by tion and who is allowed to leave the The last election in Waterloo for 260 hospitals in Canada. In certain the mayorlty was won by approxihospital. She is said to be whole hospitals this amounts to as many mately 5,000 votes, and as Telegdi and complete, therefore the baby as six abortions a day being perpointed out, the “students can left behind is not a part of the body, have a great impact in the elecformed. Looking at the amount of On the contrary, it depends only on regular duties a doctor must do on the mother for nourishment and . tion’ ’ . top of being on a committee, it can Other agenda items dealt with time. It has all of its own bodily be seen that the committee can alfunctions. during the meeting revolved most be said to be “rubber stamparound the elections for executive -laurie gourley




positions on Oct. 8, and the phasing out of the posts of Critic-at-large and Grievances. The two posts are seen as “two frustrating positions that are redundant” by Max Mercer. The issue was tabled for later discussion since some members wished to have a new position of ombudsman put in it’s place. .

Undergraduates may now borrow library materials on interlib’ rary loan from any Canadian university. It was agreed by the Canadian Association of’ College and University Libraries at its 1974 conference to provide the service on an experimental basis for the year 1974-75. For the past two years, interlibrary loan service was available to undergraduates only for materials in Ontario universities. Certain kinds of materials (reserve books, entire volumes of periodicals, rare or fragile material) will continue to be unavailable on any interlibrary loan service.

On Monday night at St. Jerome’s, Dr. Hart Bezner gave a talk on “Abortion and Social Justice’“. This is a very controversial issue and Dr. Bezner stated at the beginning that he was against abortion. He put forward the idea that the main reason a woman decides to. have her baby aborted is because it is unwanted-it is not in most cases, a decision between bearing a deformed child or for a matter of -extreme -health reasons which could cause her death. In his discussion he said that there was “no scientific fact to dispute that the unborn has life at the moment of dispute lies in, de. conception-the tiding whether the unborn is a person”. He pointed out that a woman was not legally a person in Canada until 1929. Legally, a baby is not a person until it emerges from the womb and is free from the mother. “However,” he stated, “psychologically it is a person” \ and has a separate distinct personality. To corroborate his statement he spoke about some of the distinctive points in the development of the unborn baby while it is in the / womb. Be-zner said that within the first twenty minutes after conception the genetic pattern which will determine the sex and characteristics of the child have begun. After one hour it has been determined. By the time a woman suspects that she is pregnant, the baby is at least two .weeks old and the earliest that ‘a doctor can confirm the pregnancy is at 6-8 weeks after conception. At the latest the unborn child’s heart begins beating at eighteen

‘ 15

Thousands of dollars are needed ’ to continue the work of the vision care project of the UW School of Optometry. The project is presently funded thr,ough the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) of the Department of External Affairs, living expenses from the country involved, donations from service clubs and a ~ $1000 grant from the federation of students. Teams of fourth year students and practising optometrists are sent to remote and underdeveloped areas such as Northern Ontario, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, as well as the Caribbean, to act as primary health contact. The teams screen and ex- amine as many people as possible for eye disease and institute preventive cure. They also have started a training programme for I teachers, volunteer and community workers, which in turn enables these people to conduct screening tests, and dispense or repair spectacles within their own communities. During last summer’s project in the Caribbean, one team - discovered a blind 13 year old girl named _ Bonnie Lynn Chamber in need of cornea transplant surgery. Edward Fisher, director of the School of Optometry, contacted the Willowdale Rotary Club who flew her to Toronto to undergo surgery in July. She was then released from hospital in September with 20-40 vision and returned to her home in Antigua. The School of Optometry has had requests for a more thorough coverage in the Caribbean as well as instituting new projects in Guatemala and Nigeria. Viktor Huiailes, a project participant, said to the chevron, “We screened over 35,000 people with 11% of those screened were provided with spectacle correction. This is high in comparison to other studies.” However, as Fisher said, “In order to expand the budget, we must find new sources to do so.

If anyone is interested in seeing sports scores, . league standings, who scored what and when, don’t ’ look here ~because we aren’t interested in stich things. If there are people <who may be interested in such th<inss, come and talk to us and *we can discuss a sports departmejnt. Until then don? bother looking for any sports because there won’t-2. *be any,.









the chevron





11, 1974


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11, 1974

rne cnevron

Rec’ords.Lennon getting better Walls and Bridges ’ John Lennon Apple SW 3416 John Lennon has finally released a good album. After a long tide of “political” songs and little love ditties for Yoko, Walls and Bridges once again establishes John Lennon as a fine, musician, arranger, producer, and composer. The line-up of musicians on the albvm is impressiveNicky Hopkins on piano, Elton John on organ and piano, Jim Keltner on drums, Jesse Ed Davis on lead guitar, and Klaus Voorman on bass guitar. The music often resembles Motown music which was one of the key ingredients of early Beatle mu’sic.. The first cut Goin’ Down on Lo1.e opens the album with Davis’ funky guitar and the motor city electric piano of Ken Ascher. The song reflects his feelings on the loss of his wife Yoko: When the real thing goes wsong, And yorr can’t get it on; And yorlr lo\le she has gone. The next song Whate\Ter Gets your tlzrw the Night carries on in’the same theme. Elton John bops with Lennon on this fast moving . tune in a duet with Lennon. It’s the most commercial cut and also Lennon’s new single. The best song on the album is NO. 9 Dream which is about the Beatles. The steady flowing melody reminds one of the music on the Beatles’ album Abbey Road. The middle eight bar sounds alot likeHarrison’s work on All things Mlrst Pass. One disappointing aspect of Lennon’s album is the lack of good lyrics. The lyrics Lennon wrote when he was .with the Beatles \ established him as one of the most important poets to come out of the sixties. For some reason his lyrics deteriorated quickly after the Beatles broke up. The best lyr,ics on the album are found in Steel and Glass: Your teeth are clean and your mind is cap-

ped, Your lea\qe your smell like an alley cat. Another complaint I have about this album is that you never clearly hear Lennon’s voice because it’s .either double tracked, overdubbed or put through an echo chamber. The album’s last song Nobody Lol’es You is a fairly good song about loneliness and growing old. But compared to the sophistication and lyricism of Eleanor Rigby, Nobody Loves You sounds rather mediocre. Walls and Bridges is a good album cbmpared to the music that frequents AM and FM radio waves. You can listen to both sides _ without being bored or disgusted and the album is better than anything he has done for the past three years but when compared to his work with the Beatles one is disappointed. The album is worth your time and money if you liked the Beatles and have,enjoyed -John Lennon’s music’ but don’t expect anything mind blowing. -mike gordon


- .

We Are In The Years which tells of the beauty of the country and what the people stuck in the city are missing. On the reverse side of the cover is another The Secret Life of Plants - . small picture and a verse from The Last Trip Tompkins and Bird to Tulsa. This is a sad folk song about life, l%zhenry and Whiteside Ltd. that reflects on Neil’s personal experience It is with increasing frequency that one with the music world. reads in the daily newspapers about some The core of the music consists of Neil’s person who claims that his plants are growfalsetto voiCe and 12 string guitar. He uses ing better as a result of them being talked to both acoustic and electric guitar to fullest or having music in the room. “Giving your advantage throughout the album. plants tender loving care” is a popular idiom The mood of Neil Young’s most recent but has never meant much more than waterrecording On The Beach seems to show the -ing and giving the plant the proper amount of great changes that he has been through in the sunlight. In this book, however, Peter Tomplast five years. His voice and guitar are defikins and Christopher Bird offera “fascinating nitely more relaxed and mellow than on his account of th-e physical, emotional and first album. On most of the songs he seems to spiritual relationships between plants and have lost high warbling innocence that he . man.” had on After the Goldrush and now- his voice The book, though, is not entirely about tells of the many experiences, both good and plants but rather it is a well documented bad that he has gone through in losing this commentary on the world- 01 Parapsycholinnocence. ’ ogy. The subject is not sensationalised, but The lyrics are interesting i.n that they are rather each piece of supporting evidence is not abstract at all. Some of the songs have documented Shrough the .research and the definite political overtones. Even the cover people doing the research. The latest disof the album has included on it a newspaper coveries of scientists from any disciplines are with the headline reading “Senator Buckley chronicled as are experiments and theories calls for ‘Nixon to resign.” In Revolution from the past. Blues Neil Young cries out his -distaste for While the book will prove to be fascinating stardom and his anger of rejection from the reading material for the person who has an establishment. interest towards parapsychdlogy, it would be There’ are also songs with very gentle hard to imagine that even the most stubborn ‘lyrics such as See T’he Sky Abut To Rain of skeptics would disbelieve the contents of which is reminiscent of some of the songs on this book. This is due to the fact that the book After the Goldrush and Harvest. There are several new innovations in the ’ does not rely on the teachings of mystics or clairvoyants, but rqther relies on the scientifimusic of the new album. Some of the songs cally sound experiments of many accredited have a definite blues flavour to them. The biologists, physicists, doctors and song that has been played on the AM ra’dio psychologists. recently, titled Walk On is a good example of Most of the work discussed in the bobk a walking blues song from the southern tradirelates to the energy fields surrounding the tion. Revolution Blues and ‘Vampire Blues plant kingdom and how that energy field can seem to follow the Los Angeles music tradiibe affected by the energy fields around hution. mans. The book also deals’withthe problems There are many new instruments that and the solutions of detecting the minute have not been on Neil’s albums before, inchanges in the plant auras, and suggests cluding a Wurlitzer piano, a dobro and a how these changes can be used to trigger fiddle. switches that could in turn close doors, Many reviewers criticize Neil Young besound alarms etc. Although the book is not cause he seems to be feeling sorry for himself technical in nature, just enough technical inin many of his songs on various albums. formation is presented to show the validity What Neil does is combine his music with and complexity of the equipment used to poetry about life, setting up a mirror in which monitor and detect the “minds” of the plants. we can see our own lives. This gives the The book is also a very useful overview of all listener much the same effect as watching a the important discoveries and work being good play or movie. On The Beach and Neil done in the field of bisenergies of plants, and Young may not be for everyone, but, anyhas an impressive bibliography of original body who likes original funky music should source material. check into these two recordings. -neil dunning -randy hannigan

Talking to Plantsb

Wildlife Management Canadian Wildlife and Man Anne lnnis Dagg McClelland and Steward Canadian Wildlife and Man was written, accoiding to the author, because of the lack of information concerning wildlife management in Canada. Thus it was written as an overview of the total scope of the subject, starting with an archeological history of early man and wildlife in Canada and progressing to the ecolqgical problems encountered in transporting oil from the arctic. The author relies heavily on Canadian source material and the various chapters are fairly heavily footnoted which no doubt will open up much material to persons who otherwise would not come into contact with it. This book deals with almost every facet of wildlife management-the use of pesticides and their effect on the various wildlife forms is discussed, the exploitation of the wildlife by the early fur traders is traced and the effects . of the increasing urbanization and industrialization on the wildlife of Canada is discussed. One of the mbre important aspects of the book, and one which probably puts this book into the handbook category, is the use of many facts and figures which are used in __ arguments for or against certain m&agement practices. If one wants to know how many beaver were killed in a certain area during a ten year period, or how many acres of forest in Ontario was subjected to pesticides, then this book will provide these answers. The book lacks illustrations except for one map, but this does not adversely affect the quality of the book. This book is recommended for reference on the subject of the management of Canadian wildlife and is probably worth the ten dollars that the publishers are asking. Perhaps if one waits a while it will be published in paperback and the price will be lowered. -randy


Neil Young. \ On the Beach Neil Young-Early and Recent Since his days. with the Buffalo Springfield Neil Young has made seven albums on his own. Each one has been a unique production in which he uses his talents to play ‘downhome music’ that includes everything from folk songs and blues to country-rock. The unifying theme of each album is his wish to live his own life, away from the presa sures of capitalist society. Probably his least known works are his first album entitled Neil Young and the most recent recording, On the Beach. The first album, Neil Young has a beautifully painted cover depicting Neil Young with an upside down city on his shirt and a background behind him of a country sunset. This probably goes along with the song Here

Sha-na-na attracted approximately four thousand people to the jo&palake last friday evening. The warriors football team can’t draw a fifth of that amount of people and the football games are

free. Now take a close look at the ,photo, is there something wrong with our football team? Maybe we should give them tights and microphones? ,








feedbzK k .writer. Address all letters to Chevron, Campus Centre. on a 32 or a 64 character spaced. A pseu_donym may are provided with the real



After reading J. McCallum’s nauseating letter of October 4th, I felt I must not let his overly simplistic and naive solution to a complex problem go unchallenged. The Indians of North America have been lied to, and ripped off, since the Jesuits arrived in Canada. The Jesuits wanted to convert the “savages” to Christianity, but they didn’t seem to mind having over 2,,000 Indian slaves in Canada in the middle 1700’s. Their actual purpose was to subject and destroy the Indian race and culture. .What happened to our love-brotherhood cycle Mr. M&allum? The Jesuits themselves had slaves: certainly _ not a Christian idea. Ever since that time, the Itidians have been struggl-

ing to be classified as legal Canadian citizens. They were put on the poorest land available, which were called reservations, and told to live. And the “palefaces” wonder why the Indians have a welfare and alcohol problem. At Kenora, the Indian representatives presented over 200 petitions, all of which were ignored. Armed resistance is a last resort; but it is a good one. After all, over 400 years is a long time for a transition to brotherhood; don’t you think Mr. McCallum. Give them their rights.



On Thursday, Sept. 26, 1974, I attended a meeting at which Louis Cameron, otthe Ojibway Warrior

the Editor, Please type line, doublebe run if we name of the

people for whom he was speaking. Society, was guest speaker. I went He spoke about the “fascist” govfor two reasons, one as part of my ernment of Mr. Trudeau that tries history course and the other for to divide and suppresss these ieopersonal interest. I left with mixed ple, using the RCMP and OPP as feelings of pity and frustration. part of his method. Mr. Cameron’s The meeting started with the remarks concerning the’church reading of two letters from other radical groups. The letters could be - were very negative without honest interpreted as their support of the support. He may have valid hopeful violent upheaval of the , reasons for these statements but inCanadian government. I don’t feel stead of defining them he just rethat they had a real understanding peated himself over and over. Even . the problems -of facing the native when answering questions he was peoples. Their only real union was vague and hedged them just as proin their common cause of anarchy. fessionally as the politicians he so I feel sorry for the Indian movedespises. I was amazed to see the Federament. They seem poorly organized _ as most radical groups a&. (Vi61tion handing over money to these ence first then maybe honest radicals. Is this right to give away money that is raised fthrough comthought later.) Their spokesman, Louis Camerop, though-he may be pulsory fees and support of Federadedicated was very vague about the tion sponsored activities? It was alright to ask for individual contribuproblem? facing the oppressed‘

tions since these would be at the discretion of the donor. This collection was made a mockery of when a girl asked for a garbage can to be filled with money. This girl did not stop there but went on to hope for the revival of the student movement. It is too bad that she wasn’t old enough for Berkeley or Kent State. ’ I wish that there had been more time for a real relevant question period. I’m sure $hat there were many people who had questions to ask. I-feel that this was poor organization on the Federations part or good tactics on the part of Louis Cameron in not having to answer any difficult questions pertaining the-problem at hand. I was altogether disappointed and I hope that the next time there is a meeting of this sort that there will be vore time. I a\so hope that there will be no hopeful radicals disrupting the course of the meeting. Gerald

B. Underhill

No thanks

Thanksgiving Day has no real meaning for most people.. . .exi=ept it is a holiday, and we all love holidays. Giving thanks is not where it’s at; it’s a tradition that comes from a society with an infkriority complex. Here in North America, we don’t need anything from anybody, and there is no one we have to thank for anything-not even God. We-don’t need God to give us anything. We got it all, and it’s all together-let’s say “no thanks” instead of “thanks” this Thanksgiving Day. Afterall, there is no - God, no gifts from God, no mean’ ing in anything, nothing to .give thanks for . . . . . .or so some say. As for myself, I want to thank God for this beautiful day, and for the goodness he has shown us in so many ways. Amen. George Peate

Place to stand

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Today thEreare much less heavy handed methods for getting a gorgeous chick up to your place. The best one is to invite her up to listen to your stereo. The classier the setup, the better. Obviously, if you get her there and ‘she looks at an old Victrola, i you’re in. trouble.



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Then together,


even if you don’t you can at least

nice to to listen to. We 5-year warranty, superb so you don’t have to eat

succeed in making beautiful music listen to beautiful music by yourself.


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During our high-school days, we were occasionally subjected to accounts, varying according to which of our teachers was doing the telling, of how the hardest part of university life was learning to live away from home for the first time; of learning to cope with the new material which comprised our studies; of picking the courses which would be most useful towards our individual goals; or of disciplining ourselves to study without the regular watchfulness of teachers, to check that assignments were being done, and you were progressing reasonably well to keep up with the material. But the truth is now out! None of these are one iota, when compared to what may turn out to be the hardest part of university life, especially at WaterlotLI ‘am talking, of course, about getting a seat in the Arts Cafeteria. For those of our university community who do not recognize the area to which I am referring, the Arts Cafeteria is located in the Modern Languages Building, in what can be called, for lack of a clearer name, “the basement”. And it will be found that, during the peak hours of the day particularly - _ between 11:00 am. and 1:30 pm., seats are at a premium. With this in ming, I will now attempt to suggest a few methods as to how-you might, in desperation, try to obtain said objective, the next time you intend to partake on these premises. The first method requires a little -continued . . .“..<

page 4




11, 1974


Ask students for Tproposd. Municipal elections are to be held Dec. 2, Iess than eight weeks in the future. Under the new arrangements for making municipal voters’ lists it appears many students at the two universities in the Twin Cities wili not be en the lists. One estimate is that as many as 4,000 POtential voters, living in residences at University of WaterloGand Wilfrid Laurier University, may be disenfranchised. The new mode in assembling voters’ lists is to enumerate door to Boor, as for federal or provincial election, and rely no longer on the traditional method of making up the lists from municipal assessment rolls. Enumeration is not the best way to get ;1 reliable list of student ,v otcrs . ..- ‘. f 1 Students living in dormitories do not normally live like permanent residents in homes or apartments. There is no housew,ork or home

based activity


to keep them in the

residence by day. Their evenings are more likely to be spent out than in. There is no time in a 24.hour period when an enumerator could expect to find most of them in their rooms, unless the enutierator comes after midnight and wakes them up. The problem is greater at the University of Waterloo, with its co-operative courses. On any given date at least half of the co-operative

students will be away for the on-the-

job semester

that alternates

on-campus study.



There is injustice in theory in not letting students cast the ballots to which’ they are legally entitled., In practice, the injustice may not be strongly felt by many. Full-time residents of Kitehener and Waterloo do not display any great enthusiasm for casting the ‘municipal-election votes for which they are on the lists. * 0 * Eack in’ 1957 there was a turnout of 54 per cent of those eligible to vote in a Kitchener municipal election. In 1958 the turnout was only fractionally less than 54 per cent. By 1963, however, it was down to 37 per cent an@ in 1972 only 34 pen cent bothered to vote. If only one permanent resident in three cares enough to use his-vote,

what .percentage would be interested among transient and temporary residents who have no permanent stake in the comm’irnity-or its local governmeqt? If 4,000 is a fair guess .at the number of students left off the list; 400 might be a fair guess at the number with even a mild interest in voting. / * f * Neither provincial

nor municipal

authorities have yet produced a satisfactory

answer to the problem. If

there is a real problem, and not jtist a theoretical one, student councils might propose an answer. They incluqe some bright people, and they represent those primarily conI cerned. graphic

by Barb Ward



On.‘the histings

The K-W Record editorial reproduced beside this statement exhibits unbridled contempt for students and student life. Written around the upcoming municipal elections and the bureaucratic oversight by which some 4,000 students were “missed” during enumeration, the editorial would dismiss the infraction by arguing that students have no “stake” in

the election


While the Record would not dream of counselling that students be denied their votes, it suggests that door-to-door enumeration is not the “best way” to gather a list of student


Since student enumeration

is difficult-the


muses that we are never home,

because of all night drinking and carousingneglect becomes an acceptable response to the dilemna. In fact there is evidence that no student enumeration was undertaken at all. Not content with minimizing the problem“there is injustice in theory in not letting perhaps

students cast the ballots to which they are legally entitled”-the Record justifies its complacency through the stilted view that students have no interest in the community. TO the Record an injustice which “may not be strongly felt)by many” is somehow less of an injustice and perhaps no injustice at all. Citing the increasing apathy of the Kitchener electorate as an indicator of the lack of and temporary residents who have no turnout that might be expected from “transient permanent stake in the community”, it deftly consigns the student mess to the scrap heap of history. It would be folly to deny the existence of differences between community and university life, or the difficulties that students have traditionally had in bridging the gap. But it to encourage people to view those would serve stupidity-and perhaps self-interestdifferences as a permanent split which renders such abuses acceptable. In actual fact the links between university and community are more tangible than the differences. The university remains one of the largest employers in the region; moreover its students-though “transient and temporary” they be-put upwards of $30 millions a \ year into community coffers in one form or another. Large amounts of this money are expended on necessities like food, housing, clothing and entertainment and represent a mammoth


for local merchants.

More importantly studentswhether they live on or off campus-feel the effects of local’government in every facet of their lives. The lack of an effectke voice in these circles is as close to home as the sacrifice of part of the North Campus-under threat of expropriationfor the extension of Westmdunt Road. Waterloo city council makes provisionsor fails to-in many other areas of concern to students. Housing is an obvious sorespot; the lack of credible-inspectors and detailed codes of- regulation governing the condition of residences rented to “transients” is a pressing problem that receives no consideration under present arrangements. Examples of this type are numerous and strongly suggest the desirability of representation on local councils that would be responsive to student needs. Student councillors could push legislation to eliminate discriminatory practises such as outright refusal to rent

and the stipulation of oppressive conditions for renting. As well landlords might be “encouraged’.’ to drop year leases for student housing, thus endingthe burden of subletting or double rents. A well-organized team on council might ally itself with other progressive representatives to evolve important legislation for people-centred services like increased park and recreation land, increased green space ratios, provision for bicycle paths and jrails, lifting of censure against hitch-hiking and increased pollution controls. Areas of direct concern to students that are systematically ignored by current administrations might be quickly cleaned up, The long path that winds past the Bauer Warehouse is a conduit for students heading to the ghetto in Lakeshore Village. Its, dim reaches and isolation make it a splendid location for an occasional assault. Adequate lighting facilities

would go a long way towards


it up.

Similarly unsafe is the section of Bearinger Road running from Parkdale Plaza to Lakeshore Village, a heavily used highway that carries waves of pedestrians to the subdivision. The situation has for years demanded immediate development of sidewalks in the area, yet council has thus far remained ignorant of it. Responsible council members might bring informal pressures to bear against some of the unsavoury corporate practises that afflict students. Bell Telephone’s insistence on new installations for perfectly operable phones on each new move-with accompanying charge-and its habit of demanding deposits from those least able to afford them might in this manner be curtailed. Obviously the solution is not as simple as it sounds on paper. The division between community and university-which the Record so happily accepts-will form a,powerful impediment to the development of a significant student vote. Yet this situation should not suggest resignation. While it is true-as the Record so self-satisfiedly suggests ---that students enjoy transitory residence here, the problems that affect the quality of their lives here remain constant. Take heed of the ad on the other side of this page and make sure that ‘you get enumerated.

. thee 41

production cubberley, thompson,

member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is ’ typeset by dumont press graphix and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of water-loo. Content is the sole respon’sibility of the chevron editqrial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 885; 1660, or university local 2331. this week: marilyn vavasour, barb ward, andy telegdi, mike gordon, neil dunning, davidbarb innes, doug ward, jay’ roberts, Steve schildorth, jeff beckner, ralph from IS, doug rose selander, felicia klingenberg, randy hannigan, end.



the chevron‘




11, 1974

_I - ’

~Municipal’ Elections. ’ . December 2 __ I Additions to the Voters’ List for Municipal Elections will be done by- the-following people: ~’ -


Residences -


Village I & II . . . . . . . . . . . .Dons Minota Hagey mm I 3 m





nLorraine Shapiro









Mic-hael Conrad Grebel Labbe -e P 884-5767 \ Renison Bruce Woodrow -_ ‘m









l Dave Carey 884-8703



St. Jerome’s College & Notre Dame I WCRI






.Devin MacKay 884-6920*





_ j



nChUCk Reid . 884-0499 n


Students who live off campus in the City of Waterloo and, were -not enumerated for the \December 2 Municipal Elections,can have their names placed on the Vo@r’s List ‘ by filling out a form at The Federation of Students’ office: from to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday, .Oct 14 to Oct.‘31m~


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