
Page 1

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Onfario volume A 6, pumber 16 friday, October 3, 1975

’ -

Liberation for men? P7 -Part-the jobs for yoh I I I I I Ip: 9 Population & poverty . ip.. -12-73 Chile’s-xulture . . . . . . . . . . . p. 22 l

Those who had their eardrums caressed result of four truck loads of equipment,


by Bee Gee sou$sl;ast Friday several hours work tinloading,


On Tuesday, Robert Andras; federal minister of Manpower and Immigration, gave a press confeience explaining. the government’s immigration policies and the apparent reasons .for them. On Wednesday, professor Doug Wahlstein was able to take Andras’ statements and prove them false. This is a “totally unscientific assertion” said Wahlstein responding to Andras’ statement that the Canadian government should reduce immigration now that unemployment has risen above 7 per cent.


should know that the sweet tonesew&-tbf and ahut three hundred do//ars.

I- -


At an open meeting of the Anti- =-tiny minority of the population of Imperialist Alliance Wednesday on unemployed. the government’s Green Paper on Wahlstein showed that a large Immigration, Wahlstein said that number of immigrants fill profes“immigration as far as unemploysional positions in Canada because ment is concerned is a trivial probthe government finds it cheaper to lem.” - According to government bring in trained people to take these figures for the fourth quarter of jobs rather than train Canadians. 1975 there were 500,00@ unempThey are then able to use the capiloyed in Canada, while there were tal saved to support business in71,200 job vacancies. Wahlstein terests. . said that there have always been , - At the same time untrained immore unemployed than jobs. For migrants are’ brought to Canada to this period, the immigration figure fill the most exploited job sectors. stood at 24,400 which constitutes a Citing Green Paper statistics, the

Vbt~f@ &h/e tic fee hike il& beiig inkstigat&d ,. that with student enrolment reThat three-year budget ends in maining static, and costs risingby April 1976 and figures indicate that about 12 percent a year, the deit may end with a slight surplus. partment would probably. need an Hosting the Canadian Inter-. income of $30 from each student to collegiate basketball championmaintain its program. The current ships for the last three years, and fee is $20. ’ increased student enrolment are responsible for the surplus. - But he stressed that these figures are only- estimates and _that the The question which Condon is department WZIS doing a selective now pondering is whether to reanalysis which will determine how commend embarking on another much money is required and how it ,three-year budget with an inwill be attained. creased fee, which would remain Since varsity athletics depend static over that period, or to opt for almost solely on student fees there a budget. with a cost-of-livi-rig seems little doubt where the money index. The latter would allow for an will come from, what is at issue is increase in fees ,each year- relative how it will be extracted. to inflation. -. Three years ago students agreed Whethe: a refemdum would be by referendum to pay-a $20 comheld Condon said would be decided

professor showed that 22 per cent of immigrants intheir first year in Canada work for an average wage of $2,200. The great majority of these people rise to higher wage levels because they are hard workers. Since these “sweatshop jobs” are essential to small business, Wahlstein said, the government’s policy is to allow “illegal” immigrants to enter Canada and take low paying jobs. Wahlstein also objected to an artitle in the Toronti Star which he called an attack on workers. =The article accused Canadian workers of being “choosy” because they will not accept these low paying

the cities than m the rural areas. In the province of Quebec, for instance, the rate is 8.8 percent, while in Montreal it is 6 percent; in Ontario the -unemployment rate is 6.3 percent while in Toronto it is 5 per cent; and in British Columbia unemployment runs at a rate of -7.9 per cent while in Vancouver it stands at 6.4 per cent. Wahlstein also pointed .out that increased mechanization. has meant that less labor is required in rural areas. And that government policies often channel people from the hinterland to the city. As an example of this he._cited the Department of Regional Economic


inreference to


UW’s athletic department is in- -p&or-y fee to” fund the program. vestigating how it can keep pace The fee was designed to allow the with inflation and it might mean a varsity budget to “break even” 50 percent-hike in athletic fees,over three years, with a surplus in the first, a balanced account in theAthletic department representa-’ second, and a deficit in the third. tive, Paul Condon, told the chevron



following consultation with UW president Burt Matthews, the Federation of Students, and the graduate student union. Condon said that in any fee iricrease decision Matthews “had quite a bit of weight”, and would have to be convinced that an increase was necessary. On the question of whether the budget should be run on the basis of an increase every three years or *once -a year, Matthews said “I don’t see that 1it matters very much”. Asked about a referendum, the president said that it was not necessary and that a decision would be made on whether to would be based on the documentation provided in favour of an increase. Condon explaining why he would prefer not to have a referendum said “it’s hard to put your job in the hands of a referendum every year. It’s not the best way to have my fate decided.” -


joEidly unempEEYEZA,ZZLEE~~E . loyment, *Wahlst@n argued that to the cities. unemployment is an integral part of ’ The Green Paper on Immigration the capitalist system, and not rewas submitted to parliament Feb. -la&l to immigration. In the 3, 1975, for the purposes of public - capitalist system, he said, workers debate. This is fiaudulant, said sell their labor power as a commodWahlstein, since many of the ity which is subject to the same policies of the Green Paper have -, rules of supply and demand as any already been implemented. He other commodity. A “reserve army gave examples of the cutbacks in of unemployed” is always kept in nominated relatives in 1974, and the system in order to provide the implementation of the proposal enough supply of labor to keep the to tie immigration in with the cost oflabor down. In an economic economic situation. boom the government allows a Finally, Wahlstein argued that large supply of labor into the counthe Green Paper had been brought try. But in situations of inflation out by the government to make and recession that. labor is no immigration the main issue in longer needed and immigrants are _.Canada today, and to divert workattacked economically as well as ers from the real issues of housing, politically: the professor argued. poverty and inflation. He stressed It was reported by the Canadian that immigrants are ‘blamed for Press that Andras also&id imniigproblems while the real problem is rants choose cities to reside in, and the capitalist system. this aggravated the unemployment There was an announcement of a _--problem, since there is a surplus of meeting on the Green Paper Wed/ labor in cities and a shortage’ in nesday, Oct. 9th in Physics 145. rural areas. The speakers will be ‘professors Wahlstein. again used govemLeo Johnson, Doug Wahlstein and - ment figtires to prove &&a possibly representatives from the The. average unemployHuman Rights caucus and a local merit rate across Canada is 7.2 perunion. -chris jone-s cent, but unemployment is lower in 3, ’





-the chevron

Bethune. A documentary about a famFriday . “Prince Valiant” exhibition. UW art gal- ous Canadian doctor who served the revolutionaty-forces in Spain and China in lery._Hours: Mon-Fri 94, Sun 2-5 till Oct. the thirties. 7:30pm Psych 2083. Spen5th. sored b,ythe Progressive-Cultural Club. Campus Centre Pub open 12 noon. Flicks-The Sting w,ith> Salt Spring Rainbow from 9-lam. $74 e Federation Paul Newman and Robert Redford., after 6pm. 8pm. AL 116 Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50 Federation Flicks-The Sting with Group meditation for TM meditators ‘ Paul Newman and Robert Redford. 8pm 3 AL 116 *Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50. , 8pm. E3-1101. \



Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. Spring Rainbow from 9:lam. $74 mission. Federation Fiicks‘--The Sting Paul Newmanrand Robert Redford. 116. Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50.


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Salt ad-


Chapel. Dr. Herbert Richardson from St. Michael’s College, U of T, to talk on the “Christian Vocation.” All wetcome. Coffee and , discussion to follow. _ 10:30am. Conrad Grebej College Chapel. . 1 . Rehersais for the University of Waterloo Little Symphony Orchestra. &ng players needed. Further info contact AlfredlKunz at ext. 2439. Thanksgiving Mass. Sponsored by the University Catholic Parish. Original musical arranaements by Steve McKerman.-Homil{by Fr. BobLiddy, C.R. All are wdcome: 7:30pm. Theatre of the Arts.

Para-legal Assistance offers nonprofessionak legal advice. call 8850840 or come to CC 106. Hours: 14:30pm.Rehersais for the U.W Concert Choir for Symphony No. g-Choral, L.V. &ethoven, A Song of Joy. Al 113 7-9pm. For further info contact Alfred Kunz at ext. 2439. . “Is Portugal Going Socialist?“> Eyewitness viewpoint f mm a journalist. 8pm. EL 211. Co-sponsored by Young Socialists and Federation of Students. Ethnic Dances. Come and have fun in the friendly atmosphere of dancing. Dances will include Oktoberfest, Ethnic

IntroduCt lectureon Transcender tal meditatio i . 8pm. Psych 2084. M ov-es-Kamchatka, f -The Flight, Miki Theodorakis, Soviet People are wit Vietnam. 8pm. EL 2Q4.’ Sponsored b the Canada-USSR Association Inc.

Wednesday Campus Centre Pub opens I2 noo Northern Lights from g-lam. $74 aftc . 3. 6pm. . University Chapel. Sponsored by. th UW chaplains. 12:30pm. SCH 218K. K-W Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic 24:30pm and - 6-8:30pm. Rockwz Gardens Senior Ciizens’ Centre, 140 King Street East; Kitchener.


Centre Pub opens 12 noonNot-them Lights from g-lam. $.74 after 6pm. I , I with Par&legal Assistance offers nonAL professional legal advice. Call - 885-0840 or come to CC 106 between 7 Nigeria Day-Come celebrate with and “pm* Nigerian Union of K-W at I:30 in room 1 Jazz and Blues Club Stan Getz by Don 145, physics building. Arts and crafts Brown. 8pm. Kitchener Public Library: i show; films; discusSions. At 9 pm. in T&day Married Student apartments comm. 1 centre, traditional. dances and Nigerian Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. food. Admission *free, all invited. Northern Lights from g-lam. $74 after 6pm.

Egyptian dance and other foreig dances! plus the usual rock and rol 8-l 2pm. Campus Centre 113.

Amateur Radio Club VE3UOW All _ welcome. E2-2355. Concert Band. 5:30-7:30pm.

meetinf 4:30pn AL 6.

Para-legal Assistance offers nor professional lega I advice. Ca 885-0840 or come to CC 106 between and IOpm. Fass General Meeting. Come.and se what Fass is all about. Everyone we com9. Party to follow. 7:30pm. Arts Fs cuity Common Room. ML 105. * Chess Club Meeting.Everyone we come. 7:30pm. Campus Centre 135. . introductory Lecture on Transcender tal meditation- . 8pmMC~1O. Gay CofW House. 8:30pm. Campu *--A-benrre iaa* i u. TWOC continued on page 18



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3, 7 975

Over transit

Waterloo mayor Herb Epp will ask city council on Monday to unanimously support Kitchener council’s stand in its dispute with striking transit and maintenance workers. City governments must do their best in fighting inflation, and not leave the battle entirely to provincial and federal governments, Epp said Wednesday at a news conference. “It is one thing to talk about inflation, and for the firovincial and federal governments to take a stand. It’s another thing to do it yourself,” he said. “I would not be happy, and I’m sure many other people would not be happy, if they (Kitchener council) went beyond 15 percent.” Epp said he thinks the public approves Kitchener’s stand and is willing to put up with the inconveniences that have developed as a result of it. He said he has had only one call asking for an end to the strike. Epp said he’s also concerned with rising transit deficits. Waterloo’s share of this year’s deficit is expected to bem75,OOO and estimates show that taxpayers may have to pay more than $300,000 a year for transit by 1980. Epp said he regrets an implication arising from a Waterloo council meeting Monday that councillors are critical of Kitchener’s handling of the transit dispute. “As far as I’m concerned, they are doing everything possible to settle this strike, short of giving in to the demands of the drivers and other workers,” he said. Epp missed council’s discussion of the transit strike, due to another engagement, when some alderpersons said Waterloo should offer to help resolve the dispute. Two councillors a/greed at the meeting to confer with Kitchener officials to discuss possible solutions. Kitchener’s 214 transit and maintenance workers went out on strike Sept. 8 because the city would not budge from its original offer of a



strike 14-percent increase in wages and strike by granting the bus drivers an additional one percent in fringe and mechanics the pay increases benefits. and improved fringe benefits they The transit workers’ union wants are seeking. a 20.6 percent increase for bus The signatures were collected by drivers and a 19.1 percent increase students and bus drivers’ wives, for mechanics in a one-year conmainly at the farmers’ market, the tract. universities and Forest Heights colUnder the old contract, which legiate. Anyone interested in signexpired May 3 1, the maximum ing the petition should contact Margret Mashford at 579-2299. hourly rate for bus drivers was $5.03 and for mechanics, $5.43. The councillors refused to comMeanwhile, Kite hener city councillors were greeted Monday night by more than 70 transit workers waving “On Strike” placards. , Ernst von Bezold, a UW student speaking on behalf of the strikers, told city council that “the bus drivers aren’t asking for enough.” . He explained that even if the drivers No one knows how much money Ontario’s universities are likely to accepted the city’s offer they get from provincial coffers for their would be in ninth place, in pay, compared to other Ontario cities of 1976-77 operation. But although he doesn’t know UW president Burt a comparable size. Matthews is preparing for bad Even if the transit workers got news. their demands, they would still only be placed in eighth position on Fearing that government financthe comparison pay scale, Bezold ing won’t be sufficient, the presisaid. He calculated their position by dent asked all faculty deans to preestimating where the workers will pare a budget for 1976-77 which will stand$ in connection to * other include reductions up to 4.5 percities’ transit workers next June. cenJ for a savings of $1.5 million. Bezold criticized council’s deciAlso he has asked UW librarian, sion to grant all city employees a Murray Shepherd, to cut the libmaximum of a 15 percent increase raries serials subscriptions by alin wages and fringe benefits this most 50 percent. year. He suggested council look clos- - The 4.5 percent budget reduction is only a model, which the univerer at the bus drivers’ responsity may use if sufficient money sibilities. isn’t available. But if it is used it is When he attempted to compare almost certain that some faculty the city’s offer to transit workers with council’s own increases of 35 will lose their jobs, though at this percent for alderpersons and 42 stage no one knows how many. percent for the mayor, alderperson UW Faculty Association presiHarold Chapman objected. dent, professor Jim Stone, expects Chapman said Bezold was aware that it will affect those on definite that council’s raises covered a term contracts due to end June two-year period whereas the transit 1976. Those professors would have workers are negotiating a one-year to be given notice of termination by contract. Dec. 3i 1975. Bezold presented council with a Even under the current budget petition supporting the strikers’ the university is making cuts. Of 43 demands which had more than faculty positions funded, only 18 2,200 signatures. I The petition have been filled Matthews said last urged council to end the transit Friday. The other 25may be filled

Billed as a lecture on reasons behind the disunity of the left-tiing parties in Portugal, the first political science seminar fell rather short of its aim. Besides beirig hopelessly out of date with the ever changing situation‘in Portugal, the lecture dwelt solely on the relationship between the Portuguese Communist

the chevron


ment on the petition, prompting one woman in the audience to ask: “Who do the council members think they are representing other than themselves?” Others in the public gallery were openly my&& tified at council’s reluctance to discuss the petition. Only one alderperson, Morley Rosenberg, waited after the council meeting to talk to the strikers. He told them he supported their de--

mands for an equitable pay increase and a 15 minute lunch break without disciplinary action by the city’s inspectors. “I’m the only person in the whole bunch who supports you and there is little I can do to force a settlement.” Some strikers interviewed after the meeting said their moral was high despite the four-week strike. -mike gordon * and john morris


short term. ’ tion he cut not by $45,000 but by UW has a total of 738 full-time, $250,000 which accounts for about 65 part-time and 28 visiting faculty half of the subscriptions. this year. Shepherd stressed Tuesday that Stone feels that the situation as yet no serials have been cut and looks bleak for the university. If that what they are working on is government spending doesn’t keep only a model. Though he also pace with inflation, he said, “we -pointed out that the library is not can’t keep the same number of accepting any new subscriptions staff”. But he is concerned that the and that that moratorium won’t be budget restraint decisions are all lifted until a decision has been being taken from above with no made on university financing. The consultation with the faculty as a library normally adds 800900 new whole. A situation he describes as titles to its list every year. “ad hockery”. Shepherd and his staff are reHe said the faculty had no idea viewing all the 10,000 titles which what information the deans gave are subscribed to, including free Matthews for the 4.5 percent reones. He pointed out that it costs $2 duction model. “We are asked to to receive, process and shelve a have faith’ ’ he said. serial. The proposed 50 percent reducTo help the library make its cuts tion of serials he said “was too big a a list of the titles was sent to all cut”. <faculties and the professors were At the library Shepherd had put a asked to divide it into four temporary halt to all new serial categories; 10 pecent “which the subscriptions (newspapers, jourlibrary should never have had”, 30 nals, periodicals, almanacs etc) percent which are somewhere av-with the hope of reviewing them, ailable on the continent and can be and coming up with $45,000 on a 10 acquired by inter-library loan, 30 percent reduction. Shepherd, and percent which are availabe in , assistant librarian for reader sera nearby library with which UW vices, Bruce MacNeil, were conficould operate an exchange progdent that they could have made that ram, and 30 percent which are estarget. But no sooner had the prosential. ject gotten under way in April than All of the faculties except Scithe president’s executive council ence had returned their lists by came to Shepherd with the suggesTuesday though not all had responded in the same way. They will be collated into one list which will be sent to the faculties so that each department can check that none of its essential reading is to be dropped. The final aim is that the library will be able to cut about 50 percent of its subscriptions but retain the most important material. Shepherd doesn’t think that the cut, when it somes, will be as large as 50 percent, but feels that the serial review “is still a good exercise in houskeeping”. But he warns that “measures as drastic couldn’t but deteriorate the quality of the collection”. That deterioration would begin to be felt on the shelves by 1977-78. If the library has to cut back on its service it will come at a time when, according to Shepherd , many more students are using the facility. Stone told the chevron Tuesday that the cutbacks were bound to affectthe quality of education. Already in his own department, English, first year classes were too big, he said, with 40-45 students in them. He said that 30-35 was op-timum, though the amount of students that can be taught in a class differed according to the discipline. Although no one knows the ex- . tent of the cutbacks which are in store for the university there seems no doubt that some belt tightening Party and the Socialist Party. The speaker, Fern Miller, a politica/ science will be necessary. At his press conprofessor, chose to ignore the power struggle within the Armed Forces ference last Friday Matthews said Movement, the catalyst of the Portuguese (waning?) revolution. ‘ ‘I don’t see any alternative”. -neil


’ 4

the chevron


friday,. cxtober


3, 1975


. ”





Is nmm f-days


Contact the . FederatiotvOff iti6 fW


Federation of Studmts


. /, _

Light moving done also other odd jobs, i cleaning etc. Tasonable rates. Call Jeff / 745-t 293. Graduate students who wish to apply for the positii of Don in Village 1 for the academic Spring term 1976 should obtain an application form fmm the Housing Office in Needles HalM~d must submlt it to the Ward& of Residences prior to Friday, October 3lst. Applications received .after this date cannot be considered for appointment for the Spring Term 1976. Gay Lib office Campus Centre Rm. 212c open Monday-Thursday 7-10 pm, some afternoons-@unseIlirlg and information, Phone 885-l 211 ext. 2372.

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KINGSTON (CUP)-A proposal to set up autonomous Ralph Nader-likes bodies in Ontario funded -by a student Tevy came under fire at the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) conference held here last weekend. -After debate in a workshop ses, ‘sion, OFS delegates voted during the final plenary to recommend to all OFS members that student councils determine the governing structures of any such groups set up in the province, and link them directly to the councils. Supporters of the proposal argued that the autonomy of these groups from student coun@ll control-is important to their potential success. The proposal surfaced this sum-

mer when former Nader raider and Dryden wasn’t present when* Montreal Caiiadiengoaltender Ken OPIRG representatives met delegates at the OFS conference; Dryden called a meeting of student representativesto set up Ontario OPIRG spokespersons Peter Public Interest Research Groups _ Cameron and Terry Moore, of McMaster University and the Uni(OPIRGs). versity of Waterloo, said they, not The idea was to dis&ss the holdDryden, are responsible to OPIRG, ing of referenda aeross the proand they said that they had no prior vince this year asking students to knowledge that Dryden was going approve’a $10 per year fee to fund to make the proposal. the research groups. Moreover,. they revealed that the Dryden met with criticisms from OPIRG forces are split on the acstudents at that -meeting over the tual purposes of the research proposal. groups. Dryden called another meeting Dryden had said Ralph Nader’s but nobody showed up, so he book Action for a Change was the adopted a’ strategy dealing with key document in understanding councils on a “one-to-one” basis OPIRG. But Terry Moore called it rather than collectively. He also “a frontal attack on the new left” reduced the propod fee from $10 besides being of little relevance to to $5 per student each year. Canada, and finally dismissing it as ‘ ‘ridiculous’ ’ . OFS staffer Chris, Harries. told the delegates the OPIR-G concept is ‘ ‘ch&neleon in nature”, changing with’color wherever i? goes to adjust to the local tone. . He said OPIRG’s now estab-r lished in Waterloo and McMaster

show little similarity in their pur- ’ i&he provinces.“OPIRG will be-more clearly depose and approach, with the former being ‘ ‘pinkish” in color , activist in fined ‘by the people becoming involved in it,” he said. nature and-focusing on studies on York delegate Dale Ritch critifood monopolies. The McMaster group he-said is cized OPIRG as-“being opposed to the concept of student unionism” “liberal red” ineolor, more research oriented, and involved in because it split student organizations into separate action and rer projects”such as the construction of search components. ‘T bicycle paths./ Ritch felt student unions can and The other- key representative should involve themselves in con-(John Bee from University of Toterns outside of the confines of the ronto) of this “most peculiar &eacampus, but said O.PIRG would t&e”, said Harries, has different tend to split student organizations ideas again, as does Dryden. .Since OPIRG, proposes to split into two autonomous branches. ..I the $5 per student into $2.50 for the , Moore replied that the concerns local office and $2SOfor the central of the student unionsand OPIRGs -$ff&e, Harries asked what the indidn’t overlap because OPIRGs tended purpose of-the center is. deal with community affairs while student unions deal.with only stu. “The question is not. whether OPIRG- is a good or bad idea., It’s dent interests. what is OPIRG?” -He pointed out that although OPIRG spokesperson -cTerry student unions claim they are be: Moore replied saying OPIRG is “a coming more community oriented,, none of them are. OPIRG could -diverse organization that doesn’t have a united ideologicaI point of help students become more inview” which is now attempting to volved by using theirs research skills. to advance the public in“consolidate” and write a constitution which would, define all+IRGs terest.

also said that changes in wording would be made, ‘such as replacing the masculine pronoun used in the general bylaws with a male/female form. ’ All proposed bylaw changes are to be ready for submission to the ; federation’s annual general meeting in March, at which time they will be voted upon. A.majority vote of the federation members present at the meeting is necessary for a bylaw change to be passed. - In other business, the<ouncil scheduled-a by-election to fill vacl ant seats on council for later this month. A total of five seats are cur-, rently vacant, comprising two from Science and one each from co-op environmental studies, integrated -studies and Renison. _ -5 These seats are ones that have become vacant. since the last councilelections werer held in February. Nominations for council positions open on Oct. 8 and remain

oil pipeline

Fed bylaws checked The multiplying bylaws of the Federation of Students will -come under scrutiny from a committee established by federation council at its last meeting. At that meeting, on Sept. 2 1, a Bylaw Committee was struck which will have the respon?5bility of examining the federation’s bylaws and-recommending changes in them. . The committee will be aided in this the various federation boar&, each of which is to review its own bylaws and make recomF - mendations to the,committee, I The Bylaw Committee is composed of federation president Jo,hs Shortall, vice-president Alan Kessel, treasurer John Long ‘and Lois Lipton, Gary Oates and Bruce Rorisonfrom student council. The idea of such a committee was first put forward by JohnLong ,at the c%%incil meeting of May.25’ As council was unable to obtaina quorum for that meeting, however,

.- -


The extensibn

of the Sarnia-Mqntreal

has begun: The controversy ..

that haswrrouded

this project __



the chevron





12:OO 3:00 6:00’ 8:30 990 12:00 -3:OO



‘1-, Fhday, Oct. 3 9:00 AM Music 1200 AM Mike Ura 1 12:15 PM Story-“Through the looking glass and what Alice found there” 12:45 .PM Mike Ura 300 PM Gardening for fun and food Part 5-Today, Food plants><s Ornamentals . 3:15 PM Dave Thompson 5:45 PM Phil Rogers _

James Higginson Ian Allen and Sandy Yates Hans Zschach I People’s Music Dave MossDon Cruikshank Sign Off

Sunday, Oct. 5 9:00 AM Wayne Berthin . 12:00 AM Music Helvitica ’ 12:30 PM Brigitte Allen and Norm . Mackenzie-Classical and Opera 3:60 PM Harold Jarnicki 6:00 PM Bob Valliant 900 PM Ken Mitchell and Mike Kelso 12:00 PM Ray Marcinow /I 3:OO AM Sign Off




Hand Washable co-ordinated. Knits for campus wear in up-to-date fall colours and styles. ’ Sizes IO-16 ' I .' . - Open

If you tire going to be graduating or have finished in the following, please send us a resume or call collect:







We are a persoDnel firm, specializing in the placement of recent GradGates with our clients in Toronto ,and Ontario .communiti&. This is a f&e service to candidates looking for their starting career position.. ;;-,

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Monday, Oct. 6 900 AM Chris Hart 12:00 AM Bill Culp 12:15 PM Story-“Through the look-, j ing glass and what Alice found / there” 12:45 PM Bill Gulp : 3:00 PM Perspectives-UN Radio 3:15 PM Jeff Parry and Gord McLean I 600 PM Steve Atkinson 8:00 PM Stan Gap , 9:00 ‘PM Dennis &skin-Jazz . 12:00 PM Evan Brocklehurst 3:00 AM Sign Off 1 Tuesday; Oct. 7 900 AM Music 12:00 AM Dave Gillet 12:15 PM Story-“Through the looking glass and what Alice found there” ’ 12:45 PM Dave Gillet 300 PM Scope-UN Radio 3:15 PM Sally Tomek 5 30 P,M The Legacy of Martin Luther King-Jim Lawson Part Six Symposium on Non-Violence 8/30 PM Kim St. Pierre3:00 AM Sign Off

Thursday, Oct. 9 9:00 AM Music 12:00 AM Greg Yachuck 12:15 PM Story-“Through the looking glass and what Alice found there” 12:45 PM Greg Yachuck 3X)0 PM John WilliamsDisco Waterloo 5:30 PM Sports Report 6:00 PM Andy Bite 9QO PM Mike Devillaer -1-2DO PM Sign Off


3, I 975

Wednesday, Oct. b 9:00 AM Pat Dunn 12:00 AM David Glendenning 12:15 PM Story-“Through the looking glass and what Alice found there” 12:45 , M David Glendenning . 3:0 / PM Bill Stunt 5:30 PM Couchiching -“75”-Canada and the 3rd World ‘What are the Choices‘ Shridath ’ ;Ramphal, Secretary General of the Commonwealth Part One 830 PM Donna Rogers 9iOO PM David Scorgie-Jazz ’ 12:OO PM Nigel Bradbuty 3:00 AM SignOff

_ ’



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Maxell. \ . Shure \ Stanton \ Sony . . cx c Klipsch L’ 1 ’ + Thorens Marantz I I, ’ i Revox,. -). . Koss Superscbbe \ B.&W., - ‘, Dual, -I Avid I J.B.L. Fons y Transcriptor e\ S.M.E. ,. \” I


I . .

I . -


Waterloo, Ontario % .

’ .


. ’


1.. . ‘.-’ i’i:n+~ f_

Liberatio:n: ,

not /-- for- women

qn’ly - ’

Men’s liberation has finally come children, masculinity, m-d the role - ‘women_‘s groups but is-‘also in from b&o&g, liberated by “A. lot of fathefs are strung out ’ pressures that are put -on them vogue with men.” women. , ‘on alimony payments ,” Gronierud out of the titiodwork and will grace Insum, theconf;renceintends to the UW campus today with a conthrough tradition and socialization. The idea for the conference gensaid. He talks from personal experiwhich will continue In an interview, granted Monday erated o;t of the feminist move- ’ question the rules set by other men, ence. Gronnerud said he is sepa\ ference to the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, he said. rated and has been fighting a two 1 / through the wekkerid. ment. It’s a feminist conference for Paul Gronnerud, a UW graduate The objective of the conference m&n only, Gronnerud &id. and d half-year battle in the courts Gronner@ expects that 150 men psychology student said: “It’s a The reason f9r the excltision of to gain custody of his children. is to have mep Examine their own will attend the conference. Women exerlives-their relationship in, mqr- . co&sciousness-ra&ng women is that “men play a lot of will be allowed only into one ses; Attitudes towards men . as cise . . .a phrase which comes from riage, their relationship with their roles when women tie around.” sion, a speech m+de by Joseph prima@-school teachers ’ nurses, “I don’t thirik men are quite Pl’eck, a Harvard psychologist and and daycare teachers will also be ready to talk to women about men’s Zii%%tly teaching at the Univerexamined / sex roles,” he said. sity of Michigan. ’ I / -_ These men are often cas,t & efMany me% are unhappy because Qther speakers at the conference feminate, deviants and gay, Gron~ /they can’t contribute _ to the are Warren -Farrell, author of The nerud said. feminist movement. There are men Liberated Man, and Will Roberts, who wouldiike to be able to say to a Their effectiveness in their pro_ - woman that they would like more producer of the first feminist film _ fession is often destroyed because for men, “Men’s Lives.“. 1 time with their children. And to do of these attitudes, he added. F&e11 is a sociologist and this, she could work part-time and With the advent of women’s &enhe could do likewise to earn one graduate of New Yolk University ,ters since the beginning of the and Roberts recently opened a film feminist *movement, this confer’ ‘income. ’ studio in San Francisco. His movie ‘ ‘Women are pretty protective ence may create the need for men’s _ about children having a real relawill be shown at the conference. centeI’s. , Other items of dieussion at the There is already some talk ab&ti \ tions hip with the father . .‘.a mothering relationship. - coriference w&be divorce laws and such centers in Londop and Hamil“Women are making more exchild custody. ton, he said. One of these pairs of hands belongs to Paul Barber, the Jucky fellow / treme de&nds -on ‘men than men who won the federation’s -Orientation Lottery. The other hands belong are making on themselves,” Grontojohn Shortall who is presenting him with his winnings: a chequeJor nerud said. Even when some pen Get .With It At. . $680. Proceeds from the lottery go to the Ginny Lee Memorial fund. say they want to stop being prevented chauvinists, ’ they’re

Auto repair made-e cheater -

Anyone interes,ted in saving money on&r repairs should get familiar with the fix-it-yourself student gtige funded by the Federation of Studehts aqd the Engineering Society. The garage is a “very good pro7 ject and I hope peopje get to use it,” says’federation president John Shortall.. ’ The garage, located neit to the Bauer Warehouse, was. built last summer. It will accomodate three vehicles at a time and equipment, will include an axle stand;-tielding machine, compressor and chain hoist. The cost for use of thk garage is $2.00 per term. This fee \entitles you, to sign up for a ‘time slot any3 time.

At the local M&E Fix-ItYgurself Car Club in Bridgeport you pay an annual‘$l .OO membership fee plus $2 SO per hour and an additional electrical charge. The cost of the garage, which is not completely set up as yet, was about $7,000. The federation agreed to pay $5,000 and ensure that use of the garage is not restricted toengineering students, Shortall said. EngSoc paid the remaining $2,000 and is responsible for booking and maintenance. The garage still needS to be insulated say EngSoc President John Corman. The student garage came into being to provide two things: a home for the University of Waterloo






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Off-Road Racing Club’s ‘Warrior’ to be stored and maintained and a car repair service for -all UW students. a “Interest is gathering slowly,” says Corman who mentions that the garage has been mainly advertised through engineering class _ reps and the Engineering Newsletter. To date, only engineering students -.have used the &age. -1a1rr-a mr_lnr?hlnn








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EQiJ*LiTtY _ ,


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L ’ A.-series of Tuesday afternoon films-and dis&Sions ‘on the struggles of developing nations --



KITCHENER PUBLIC LIBRARY . - Admission: $4 for.6 films or ’ Tuesdays, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. 75 cents adults, d ._ ~25 cents childreu $er film. ‘a . I A PROBLEM OF POWER oci . 7 ’ -z 5

The social, ecoho’&ic and political p.roblems of Latin America and the effect of North American politics on its people. lrlterviews in Columbia, S.. Amqrjca, bring out conflicting views about the rieeds of poor countries. Econdmlc reform, revolution, American interven!ion and the role of the church. CINE t a - 1. 1 Golden Eagle Award. .N I

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Asia now has al.mbst t!wo thirds of the world’s people and may double its/total by the. year 2000. The differing experiences of India, China and Japan in,the effort to control population grdMth. _

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Oct. ?I



Wide19 accl&imed film made secretly in South dfrica by a team 6f Black _ film-makers. Depicts the poverty and oppressionof millions of Blacks in-one of . the world’s richest countries. A minority of 4 million \ivhites monopolize political and, economic power, and through a system of. repressive laws and the apparatus of a police state, control i 8 millidn Blacks in a segregated apartheid. society. ‘* l


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i for further information contact the Global Community Centre, 94 Queen St: S. Kitchener 7, 743~7111. \ I2

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the chevron

Margarita 1% oz.Aran@a&quila I oz.Triple Set Juice of ‘/2 lime or lemon

The Mixable




3, 1915


More funds ‘asked

Mix in a blender or shaker with -_ crushed ice and strain into a chilled glass that has had the rim moistened with fruit rind and dipped in salt.

Honda< Tequila.-




. -

Stepped up campaign-

KINGSTON (CUP&Students are in a better position to push the Ontario government into increasing the financing of post-secondary education and improving student aid as a result of the recent provincial election . -This was -the consensus of the delegates at the fall conference of the Ontario Fedeqtion of Students (OFS) held last weekend at Queen’s University. But whether the provincial student union and students themselves had much impact on the result of the election-a minority conservative government with a NDP opposition-was a point of some disagreement.

, OFS in the election


-The OFS declined to support th: NDP at a meeting in May, despite agreement that the NDP had the same educational policies as OFS, since.$he preva$g view was that OFS shouldn’t adopt a “partisan stance”. Some delegates fezt that the poster, pamphlet, and media campaign by OFS was a &cess while others expressed doubt that it had any impact on students as a whole. No statistics as to how students had actually voted were available to settle the dispute. Many delegates, particularly those f?om the University of Toronto, felt that the district returning officers. “had vituallybisenfranchised’ ’ many students by using enumeration procedures which precluded, or made it diEcult for, students to get on the voters’ list. The delegates asked the QFS ex‘ecutive to take whatever steps were necessary to see that the Ontario Electibn Act is amended to facilitate student enumeration in the future, and to curb the discretionary powers of the district returning officers.

Whatever the role of students and OFS was in the election it was argued that with the minority government in Queen’s Park the political situation was ripe for a stepped up student campaignaround educational issues. ’ Central in this campaign are fie issues of postrsecondary educational financing and student aid. The OFS reaffirmed its opposition to the financial cutback policy of the provincial government and decided-to-make use of the upcoming public hearings on student aia as a focus for its student aid campaign, A brief for submission- to the hearings will be prepared by OFS dealing with student &id in general and the stude6t aid demands of the provincial student unions-an end to tuition-fees, student loans and the int@duction of free postsecondary Mucation with living stipends for all students. Individual student associations are also being urged to submit briefs supporting OFS’ demand?, and further documenting cases of _hardship resulting from student aid policies on their own campuses. As well as submitting briefs, the

Libbers l

Under ,the law, anyone who holds,stock in a public corporation had the right td put forward policy resolutions to be voted on during the annuaI stockholders’ meeting. The resolutions rarely, if ever, pass, but they often generate considerable publicity and public awareness .


IiioTlCE I

to vote.

SAN FRANCISCO (ENS-CUP)-Women’s rights activists this fall pvill take up a new tactic fok publicizing the feminist cause-the corporate stockhblder resolution


delegates agreed to organize mass meetings or rallies of stugents at those cities where the government will be conducting public hearings later this fall. These mass meetings are p&nned for in Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Ottawa, and will cuTminate in a large rally in Toronto Jan. 2 1, the date when it is expected that OFS will make its Ifresentation to the hearings. Another possible plank in the anti-cutback strategy of OFS will be strong tip@sition to the I “unpegging” of tuition fees from the EHJ formula financing policies now used by the go.vernment. The fear is that the province will change the present policy and allow individual instit%ions to set tuition fee levels as they see fit, a step which OFS feels will .result irr increased tuition fees. i Some delegates expressed reluctance to endorse any attempts at mobilizing students for mass meetings or public rallies, notably the delegates from Queen’s University, University of Toronto and Western. However, the majority of delegates seemed to favor more militant forms of action given the mirtority governmerit presently in power. -

This fall, the United P’resbyterian Church, which owns stock in Procter and Gamble, will ask for a detailed report on the portrayal of women in Proctor and Gamble ads. That --company once portrayed porno film star Marilyn ChambeI’s as an all-American moth& in its Ivory Soap ads. Other companies due to receive women’s proxy resolutions ificlude Columbia Pictures and Gulf and Western, ,which owns Paramount. The f?ilm companies will be asked to develop mbrerealis tic film roles for women.



OF STU-DidITS’ . -.




A by-election is being call& to fiil the following -vacancies on Students’ Council for the remainderI bf the academic year 1975-76:



@- i





Environmental Stuchs, co-op: .* 1 seat ’ Integrated Studies: ’ . : - 1 seat Renison ColkQe:‘ ’ -” -- .- 1 seat’ science, regular: - - ‘. .’ 2 seats

-I .%


Nominations open WPdnekcky, October 8, 1975 and close Wednesday,

Save this recipe To get you&ran&s

and watch

for others.

Tequila recipe book




at 4SO


Nomination forms are available from Helga Pelz in the Federation office, Campus Centre Room 235, and must be returned to that-office by 4:30 p.tqI October 15. I . . Chief Returning Officer




3, 1975


the chevron


Part-time jobs available for Now that tuition fees have been paid and textbooks have zealously been bought to adorn qnce empty shelves, the problem of how to finance the remainder of the school year becomes a more impending 3ne for many students. For those losing confidence in the Olympic or Wintario Loteries, and who feel that perhaps having a te,mporary or part-time job might be the next best solution to winning the lottery, then read on! Short-term and part-time jobs are available in the KitchenerWaterloo area and there are several organizati&s on and off campus willing and able to help students find them. On campus, the University’s CareerlPlanning and Plakement Ofrice, located in the h-a Needles Hall, posts available part-time student jobs. The types of jobs advertised involve such areas as child care, public surveys and research work where the hours are quite flexible For the student. The athletics department of the University of Waterloo is also interes ted in hiring students. According to Peter Hopkins, head of the Jniversity intramurals, approximately 200 students are hired parttime per term. The jobs are varied and open to 111students. For example, six student assistants-an intramural trainer, an aquatics trainer, a fiteness co-ordinator, and a ret-team :o-ordinator-are hired part-time every term. Each looks after his or her specific area of intramurals and %lso acts as a general resource person for the whole intramural program. The assistants receive $250.00 z term. Although there are no specific Iours involved in this job, Hopkins said that it is condensed to a 10 week period. All student assistants lake presently been hired, howzver Hopkins believes that three positions will be open for the winter :erm. Conveners and referees-in-chief zTe also required for each competitive team sport Z& $25.00 per sport. Students willing to officiate cornpetitive sports would earn $2.40 or

$3 .OO/hr . , depending upon their ability. About 40 life-guards are usually hired by the athletics department and they would earn $2.40/hr. Fin’aIly, instructors are needed to teach other students sports activities at $3.OO/hr. Mary Ellen Ball, head of the part-time job department for the Canada Manpower Centre (CMC), 29 Duke St., Kitchener, says that the prime time to !ook for work is right now. She’s a friendly and helpful person who formerly worked in student centres in Cambridge and Guelph. Ball admits that students who want to work cannot be too particular about the type of jobs they get. ‘ ‘There are not many career-oriented jobs at all so don’t expect it”, she warns. I took a look at the bulletin across from” her desk, where jobs are classified under Permanent Parttime, Student and Temporary. Under the heading ‘Student’ I noted that most jobs entail service work, openings for waiters, waitresses, counter clerks, cleaning persons, sales persons, and short order cooks. Most of them just offer ;he minimum wage of $2.40/hr. According to Ball they don’t get much higher, although one might expect to get a raise after a month or so. However, she was quick to point out that one may make up for it in tips-especially during the Oktoberfest. ‘ ‘W,e have a fair number of vacancies for the Oktoberf&t, O&. 10th to l&h, Ball announces. Some of these positions are now available and run five or six days from 4:30 pm to 1:30 am. Students who wish to work for the Oktoberfest should see Ball and register in the part-time department at the CMC immediately. Generally, most jobs available for students have flexible hours and usually mean working evenings or weekends. For example a job as a counter-clerk is available either to one person Friday and Saturday nights or to two students, one working on Fridays and the other on Saturdays. For those who can spare some time during the day or who have .a free week or weekend, there are

also casual jobs to be found. But since these jobs are of short-term notice you have to be an early-bird t catch them, warns Ken Stricker, h8 ad of the Casual Job section located in the same office room with Ball. It means getting up at 6:00 or 7:00 am and coming to Stricker’s office to see what is available for the day. Stricker admits that he hasn’t seen too many students come to his department. “Now is the time to come in and register for those extra jobs, such as store help and post-office work, offered during the Christmas season”, he adds. And how is the employer’s attitude to students? “Generally quite good”,- responds Ball. But she adds that a lot also depends on the student’s own attitude and presentation. Jan Stern, community liason officer for the CMC and co-ordinator of the student summer job centre, was quick to confirm this. “Presentation is important, especially when competition is stiff ‘, she says. She added that if the student and has the wants “any job” “guts” and “stamina”, knocks on doors and checks every day with Canada Manpower, then maybe in a couple of days he or she can get a job. “It’s that first impression that counts .” The CM@ is presently offering a free program open to anyone, entitled “Creative Job Search Techniques”. It consists of one and a half hour long sessions Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Audio-visual equipment is used and counsellors give advice on where and how to look for jobs, on how to approach an interview, and on how to set up a resume and a brief data sheet. If you’re still looking around and need some more information, then try the Circle ‘ ‘K”. This voluntary organization, located in the Engineering Building

Number 2, Rm 3321, receives several calls a week from employers who need students for short-term help, such as babysitting, nightwatching, ,and waiting on tables. According to Allan McIntosh, president of the Circle “K”, about three to four job offers come in a week. About 20 short-term jobs are presently available. They are posted on the bulletin board under Circle “K” beside the turnkey desk in the Campus Centre. The telephone suddenly rings on Allan McIntosh’s desk. Bud& Automotive Co. needs an ‘engineer four to five times a week: Anyone interested?

Applied S-ocialPure

featuring the works Matisse, Breughel, Gogh, Homix, Klee, Picasso, Miro, Toulouse-Lautrec, Rembrandt, Escher Seven”.

is now recruiting next spring in

Sciences Economic




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thechevron ,’ ‘. ‘. ,,

’ -





3, 1975


OTTAWA (CUP)-The issue of student participation in govern- ) ment decision-making has been raised at the national level, and the federal and provincialgovernments will have to respond within the next few weeks. On Sept. -16 the National Union of Students .(NUS) formally re- quested that students be included as full members of the Canada Student . Loans Plenary Group-a well-hidden and high-powered federal-provincial body which de‘termines student aid policy across \ Canada. x . According to NUS - executive secretary Dan O’Connor “this request for student participation in’ decision-making which affects their lives as students” is the first time the issue has been raised at the national level.. _

O’Connor said,-in an interview, provinces, usually the provincial that the Canadian Union of Studirector of student awards, and ‘s dents (CUS) did not attempt to ; chaired by David Levin of the fe d pressure for student pahcipation era1 department of finance. at the federal level prior to its colThe secretary of the Plenary is lapse in 1969. F.C. Passy, chief of the finance - During the latter days of CUS, department’s Guaranteed Loans the issue of student involvement in _ Administration, which administers decision-making was just beginning m the Canada Student Loans ‘Act. at the campus and --institutional The Plenary usually meets annulevel, and was not-extended to inally-in Ottawa behind closed doors, . allows no observers or press to atelude participation in government tend, and 1allows no information decisions. As of Sept. 16, however, the about itself, or its discussions, to situation has changed. NUS has reach the public. requested that four students be apIt discusses proposed changes to pointed to the student loans Ple-c student aid policy and makes renary Group itself, and four more to commendations to- the federal minister of finance, the official authe steering committee which opcrates year-round-between ses- _. thority over student aid. sions of the Plenary. The range of discussions and de-The Plenary Group now consists cisions at the Plenary is unclear due of the body. of one delegate from L each of the‘ to the secretiveness

The federal government claims the Section one of that’ document Plenary involves itself primarily -outlines “Basic Principles” of the with ‘ ‘administrative’ ’ concerns, - plan, such- as .r ‘the responsibility and stays out of the broad field of for the costs of post-secondary student aid as social policy. education to the student remains primarily with the parent and/or the According to -F.C. Passy of the This “principle” is not fmance department, the Plenary - student”. found in the Act, Group was established in 1965, The document reveals that what tiound the same. time as Canada are referred to as “administrative Student Loans Plan went into efcriteria” actually determine the nafect, primarily “to develosgreed ture-- of the -‘Plan, the maximum criteria for the administration of the amount which a student can rePlan”. He conceded that it also ceive, the parental ContributiOn re“recommends to the minister of fiquired before aid will be provided, nance changes to the legislation to mentionsome of the areas dealt which it wishes to have made.” with by the Plenary Group. The single document which the In fact, who gets ai’d and how Plenary publishes, called ‘ ‘Canada much they will get seems to be conStudent Loans Plan-Adminissidered a matter of “administratrative Criteria”, gives some indition” rather thanof public concern, cation of the broad interpretation The federal governmentalso given the word “administrative’t manages to keep its student aid -decision-making&t of public and student view whenever the legislation needs amending. Last October, for example, the Plenary -decided to raise the loan ceiling from $1400 to $1800 per year, -enabling Ontario and other provinces to cutback on student aid in the form ofgrants . and rely more on loans. \

This decision was then forwarded to then finance minister John Turner as a recommendation. -On Feb. 27, four months later and with no public discussion,. Turner announced in a-press release that the change in loan ceilings would be made. Then,#.on March 11, the change went through the Miscellaneous I&rates Committee of Parliament with little discussion as an amendment to an earlier Finance Appropriations Act, rather than as an amendment to the Canada StuI -- dent Loans Act. What all this low-proftie activity amounts to is that the policies which determine whether &dents will receive aid to attend school,and their ‘ectiomic well-being while there, are decided’ without any opportunity being provided for student or public involvement. How much longer this situation will continue will depend, to some extent, on the campaign being waged by NUS demanding “open’ decision-making” and s-trident: involvement . And the fEst round in this match will be decided late this October when the provincial and-federal delegates to the Canada Student .Loans Plenary Group respond to f the NUS demand for students as full members of the Group. -peter


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I z




3, 1975






the chevron


* r . Some


guards Iknow that by keepprisons frequently become ‘the white-haired-judges sitting Gay up de targets of their ‘inmates’ anger and there on that high bench. The trick, ’ / ’ ing the, tension between prisoners high,’ they can control them easier, frustration. When students or p&3- , I was told, is‘6 look and address _ so they spread rumors which create oners vandalize or destroy the , those fascists as if they were down racial divisions. If the prisoners ’ buildings and property around at eye level. Guards are discourwere ever to co-operate with each them, they are striking out against aged from wearing long ‘hair, * or having a natural rapport with one of other, the guards would be in trouthe most obvious symbol oftheir \ ble. oppression. their charges. If a Guard in max-Another source of mental suffer, To its prisoners, the, most imporimum security shows any sign of ‘ing is the fact that the prisoner is tant fact about prison is its auhumanity, if he relates with the deprived of heterosexual activity. thoritarian nature. The organizaprisoners, the older harder line tional structure can be described He is deprived of this release, and guards set the guard up or just plain . often begins to doubt his manhood. crudely but accurately in terms of make it very-hard for the/guard to . Homosexuality is very common as sheer power; guards have it and work at ease. , ti a result,. and many prisoners have prisoners don’t. Guards may Prison regulations Idetermine difficulty with guilt feelings. legitimately use a variety of sanc4 what uniform the inmates wear, the , The follolving &tic/e is excerpted from a letter writ&n by joe Wydryk, 4 Thirdly, prisoners are deprived tions to control and punish prisonlength of hair, when they can sleep, , former inmate atTMi//haven penitentiary and one of the 0rganizerCof the of meaningful work and pay for the ers who disobey orders or engage in get up, eat, wash, go to the toilet, prisoners’ union at Millhaven during the past summer. /n/it he: explains some work-they do. 1;4t the same time prohibited behaviour. Prisoners and go outside. Continual surveilof the basic frustrations of ‘prisoy, life and the reasons for the growing they me deprivedofthe opporan- may have no similar sanctions they Sance guarantees obedience to militancy among prisoners in Canadian penal institutions. ity to make any meaningful deci- ’ may legitimately use against these regulations. ’ / sions about how to spend their guards. The grievance forms that Prisons enforce them not only for r&s into prison with l&n. Prisons time. Everything is I regulated. So much has already been said. are put out for the prisoners corn-,: practical or operational reasons, are obviously not the place to meet Pretty soon they lose self-respect, plaints are a complete farce. In dibut also because they promote an For years book after book and artigood company’. forget how to make decisions, and rect aconfrontations between ‘inatmosphere of unquestioning concle after articlehas painted-a depresSecond,- if self-respect, selfattempt to prove their manhood formity.. Over a period of time, this sing picture of our penal institumates and guards, the prison adreliance, and individuality are through defiance. By the time a ministration always relies on* the atmosphere creates an insidious tions. The thrust of these accounts needed to’succeed, in the outside prisoner reaches the streets, he has words of the guards. dependa&e on the institution. As is that our prisons are counterI world, how can a man learn these lost most of the skills required for Let me try to paint a clearer picthe prisoners come to rely on reguproductive . things in a place where strict discipcoping in ordinary society. ture of crude and ’ subtle power. lations to order their daily lives., Instead of reforming sc$al misFinally there is no way the prisPrisons maintain their authority in line and regimentation are enforced their self-sufficiency, initiative and fits and fitting “them into society, : oner can express himself directly , part through the use of symbols of individuality gradually erode. the prisons turn out angry men who. to keep the prison going? Many. times the crime that about how he feels about his treatpow&. In prison, these include not As a result, prisoners released often return to both crime and from prison, often feel helpless in brought the prisoner to jail was a ment. Every letter he receives or only the obvious walls, bars, and. prison. Penal prisons are made out to be bad decision. How can a man learn sends is censored.. His parole detowering gun posts, but also the ‘dealing with the day-to-day probpends ononly saying ‘good things’.eY “guard only” rooms and areas offlem of ordinary life. hell holes where’ individuals are to make g,ood decisions in a place So I think you can see there is a lot limits to inmates. For instance,’ Prison authorities regulate hair subjected to sexual assault, mental where he is allowed to make none? and physical harassment from both How ‘many people out there reof tension, and no escape valves. guards have a special toilet right styles and dress for the same ’ guards and fellow ‘prisoners, and ally. know what the worst aspect of The prisoner feels _psychologibeside the toilet in each working reason the army does; to creat?&, being in prison is? From -the point shop I rernember an old dude,who . ‘where life style designed to break a tally helpless to do anything about atmosphere in which obedience man down,rather than build him up of view of the prisoners,, there is his,condition and that’s the cause of is very aware told me that th: and discipline will- flourish. The prevails. _ one basic problem. They are the greatest suffering. Also, the reasons a great many lawyers lose long hair and dress code cases Facts about prisons are grim. locked in, both physically and menonly serious attempts to improve cases in the supreme court of emerge as. a symptom of a much tally. The biggest problem is menRecidivism rates show that 70-80 conditions for the prisoners are Canada is because they get choked larger problem: the suppresion of per cent of all prisoners eventually tal: brought aboe ‘-by the prisoners up (when they see those nine civil rights in the prisons. On the outside, if you run into a themselves. _,The administrators return to jails after releasedrehostile person and have an ugly view prison as a punishment. They quent,and intense riots inside prisseem really unable to introduce ons reveal that prisoners are fmdscene with him+ you can escape the ing the experience of incarceration tension by simply splitting. B,ut in meaningful changes. ’ prison with a concentration of peaPrisons can be as’ concrete-andmore and more intolerable. ple with hostile feelings there’s steel symbols for society’s more ’ Often the nation’s newspaper subtle yet ubiquitous psychological accounts of the prison situation fail nowhere to go when tension mounts. Few people ‘realize how prisons of the mind. Any social to appreciate the impossible task ART GALLERY, UNIVERSITY OF institution-a school, hospital, facgiven to penal officials, The job of punishing this is. The mental suffering caused by confinement in a tory, office-can fairly be labelled ’ warden rhrcludes protecting the WATERLOO ’ . a prison if it seriously restricts a public from so-called dangerous hostile arena is much worse than most judges realize when they senperson’s freedom, imprisoning him criminals, runn&rg an orderly Thurs. Oct. 9 - 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. ,\ tence a man. s $n regulated and routinized modes prison that protects prisoners from ‘EXHIBITION *AND SALE OF 6RIGINAL; each other, and if he has time, rei The basic feature of mental suf- _of behaviour and thought. habilitating the prisoners. fering is being confined amongst We have used and abused chilGRAPHIC ART j e. ‘i-. - 0 There is probably no public inhostility with nowhere to go to dren right from grade school to the Early and Modern Masters ~x . stitution in North America which avoid it. Some guards are afraid of neglected ones who end up in our so consistently fails to meet its prisoners and treat them like ani- *training schools, reform school, Ferdinand-Roten Galleries cPrices $10.00 & up and then these modern-day big’ stated goals and which is so great a mals, pull power trips on them. The ART ROOM (Lower Floor) Modern -Lang. Bldg. camps. source’ of public ‘shame. While the prisoner gets angry, but is unable to concentration FREE ADMISSION \ / prisons are called rehabilitative, take out his anger on the guard, so. Because of this abuse and bethey have shown themselves to be ends up running a knife into the side cause of their oppresive atmosphere, people should not be sur-. destructive to individual will .and of a fellow prisoner. It’s not easy Oct. 9 i Nov. 2 - ’ ’ ‘* mental health. 1 * living in that kind of tension. prised _when “high schools,” and Psychiatrist Seymor Holleck has CdNRAD .GREBEL COLLEGE SPE-* noted “The prison envir&rn&t is Cl-AL 450th ANNIVERSARY’ DlSPLiY almost diabolically conceived to * force the offender to experience the Free Admission _ . pangs of what every psychiatrist mllery Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. would describe as mental illness.” 2 p.m.4 p.m. Sunday Prisons as rehabilitative agencies pose some basic contradictions. If ‘For furthet information contact Marlene Bryan, a man’s nature is influenced by the , Art Gallery Administrator, Modern Lahg; rm. 125, ’ company he keeps, as many believe, then the prison will reinforce exL 2493. % any criminal values a person car-

WED. -OCT. 15 - 12:30 p.m. Noon. Music ,(PliNO & VIOLIN /-CERT) 1 -

We’re looking . . .

. ‘84 c. _

Expires Oct. 9


for people ‘who wqnt fufi and good t&es in the relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere of the Cgriboo Lounge. Once inside, you’ll forget _I everything else except the friendly people and comfortable surroundings. We’ve also added a Saturday Matinee (3 - ‘6 p.m.) Come, :see for yourself! ’

~1 DON -HINTON. (Recording Artist) Rest of This Week Evenings



Good at any of the 6 - K-W locafiocs i ’ 4 f I

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COMING SOON SlfN.OCT.l9=8p,m. Humanities Theatre ‘CAMERATA %- ^ - -Adele &min, violin Coenraad Bloemendal, cello James Campbell, clarinet

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Kathryn Root, piano Suzanne Shulman, flute Elyakim Taussig, p&no

’ Camerata means “friends”: and .wheh Camerata plays, the,ice-wall between’stage and audience, melts away.’ Listener-and lplayer join to celebrate great - music. It really happens. *Adrnksion $5.60, students and senior citizens $Z50. Central Bdx Office 885-1211; ext. 2126 .

’ ’ --



. .



Ihe chevron




\ . In an article fun two issues ago in the chevron, Barry Commoner examined the problems of poverty and population, concluding that the latter could be solved by eliminating the former. In &he following article UW -_ graduate history student Larry Hannant takes issue with the perspective from which CornmoneT approached the-r’population problem” and with the solution he sugwsted.

In 1798, regarding with horror the tide of republican sentiment sweeping out of revoluti&ry France, the English aristocracy spawned a champion for their antidemocratic cause. In reply to the fevolutionaJy code of liberty, equality and fraternity, the Reverend Thomas Malthus advocated enforcement of wage slavery, -unequal distribution of wealth and strengthened rule by those who owned prop‘efty. In An Essay

otl the Principle


Malthus masked, behind dubioti arithmetic calculation and unfounded general&&ion, a fiexce resistance to the legacy of the French Revolution-fnith in the perfectability of so& ety and belief that the human condition can be changed for the better. Today, similarly aghast at the advance of anti-imperialist movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the reactionary forces have produced their own defenders. Barry Commoner’s essay on population and poverty, reprinted from Ram-parts magazine in the chevron (September 19), is a true successor to Malthus’ scandalm~ attack on the people of the world. Commoner makes a great show of piercing the arguments of the most blatant racists and defenders of imperialism. This has become a popular position, especially in view of the remarkable record established by China over the past quarter century in drastically improving the living standard of its people, and with the rise of popular li’beration movements in,colon&d countries. To use a phrase of the ‘60’s, . it’s radi&+zhic. But pious sermons about ending “the exploitation of poor nations by rich n&ions” aside, Commoner propagates fundamentally -oneous views about the nature of and solution to the pressing problems of the world’s people. Commoner, then, is a latterday Thomas Malthus. ‘: At heart, Commoner accepts and repea@ the outragtius lie that people arc a burden on the Wodd, rather. than its most valuable resource and greatest hope for its own perpetuation in peace and prosperity. Says Commoner: ‘There is a way to control the rapid growth of population in developing countries. It is’ to help them develop+md more rapidly achieve the level of we&e that ,ever)lwhere in the world is the real motivation for balanced population.“’ Despite his assertions the widespread hunger in the world is not evidence that the world’s population has outrun its capacity to produce sufficient food, Commoner continues to regard limiting the number of people on the earth as a solution to hunger. . Salvation, claims Commoner, lies in doling out just enough wealth for the undetelo* _ world to realize the economic incentive to restricted reproduction that comes with bxury. (‘I&s f;allacy will be dealt with later,) He has not transcended Ma&us’ argument that “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man. Population, when unchecked, increases in a geometric ratio. Subsistence increases only in an arithmetic ratio. A slight acquaintance with numbers will show the immensity of the first power incomp&rison of the second.” It is instructive to recall Frederick Eels’ reply to Malthus: “Where has it been proved that the productivity of the land increases in arithmetic progression? The area ;df land is limited-that is perfbctly true. But the labour power to be employed on this area increases together with the population; and eyen if we assume that the increase of output associated with this increase of labour is not always proportionate to the latter, there still remains a third element-which he economists, however, never consider as important-namely, science, the progress of which is just as limitless and at least as rapid as that of population.” Commoner is only one of many who refuse to rewgnize the inmew capacity of the earth and its people to produce wealth and food.

.The-_myth-of --0Ver~opulation. These latterday doom-mongers insist that .The conclusion is undeniable. Immense feboth extensive (that is, increasing acreage servoirs of stifled human, energy and under cultivation) and intensive (that is, applywastefully-applied labor p6wer are udeashed ing more labor and tech.noIogy to the same with the physical eradication of capitalist relalad) cultivation of the earth has already protions of pr’oduction. Food output took a quanceeded to its limits, Yet there is stiIl mass star- tum leap with the pitting of massive amounts of vation, c Jabour-power and’human initiative against the And science, too, has become the god that problem of food production, even in the absence failed. The “green revolution” was a short- Of SOphiSticakd technology. Elimination term, Wyr+success, these population pesof small plots by socializing the land, and endsimists contend. This increased food producing thmarchy of capitalist production-seen tion is a phenomenon which can only be dupliin the inefficiency and inequality of profit decated at prohrbitive expense. Skeptics cite the termining what food is produced, where, when huge demand for fertilizer and fuel, which can- and how-all contributed. not now be supplied because of energy “shorThe masses, regarded by most Westin autage” and high cost. thorities as China’s greatest hindrance, have Moreover, this new-found productivity only played a triumphant role in this economic spawned greater population, which now presbfeakthrough. ses against dtiindling food stocks. The Chinese Communist Party’s guideline is The slightest fhmilhrit$ with China’s ex- a deathblow to Malthusian cynicism: “Of ah perience of the past 26 years disproves these things in the world, people are the most preciarguments. ‘It is sign&ant that throughout ous. Once the people take their destiny into Commoner’s lengthy article no mention is their own hands, they wi.lI be able toqerfom made of China. This is no oversight. He who is miracles .*’ so blind s to overlook the lesson taught by 800 -- In deieloping agricultural lands more extenmillion people engaged in a day-to-&y refutasively &d more intensively, the Chinese have tion of M&bus is blinded by ideology, not by put the lie &-the Malthusian belief that fmd physiology. - , 1 sources may only grow in arithmetic pfogresOn the eve of the establishment of the sion. Even in Canada, where land is daily taken People’s Republic, China was incapable of sus- out of production because of the perverted taining more people, accor&ng to a doom logic of monopOly capitalists, ‘agriculture betheorist of the day (ROaa to Survival, WiIli&n comes yearly more efficient, and usually reVdgt, 194?). cords improved yields. Yet since then China’s population has risen _The main threats to this surplus are land by nearly 60 per cent, from @out 500 million to speculation, destruction and moriopolization, about 800 million. And, in the same period, all of them Stark witnesses to the stagnation annual grain output has more than doubled, and parasitism of monopoly capital. Such a rising from 110 million tons to 250 million tons. /system cannot rationally evaluate the longChina has conducted a “green tivolution” tern costs of despoiling land--or, indeed, any of its own-including the development of ‘resource, people included. The rallying cry of ‘(miracle” rice strains-without the attendant monopoly capitalism is ~ “Profit now-and problems of fertilizer scarcity, inappropriate jiarnn the &iIdrenl” I mechanization, land monopolizatitin and lexh .- .’ By citing the failure of the “green revolutravagant profit accumulation by imperialist tion” in undeveloped counties, reactionaries CoQjorations ostensibly sponsoring the food would cast doubt on the capacity of science and drive. * u technology to stimulate greater production.

r But the facts of tl justify any such f The “green re attempt to produ instead an effort 1 porations specia nance, machineq - And even yet, relatively poorl: mech&ized . ‘ ‘GI expropriation of 1 thy landowners. This relative u result of world sh ids or industrial largely artificial. . number of idle Canada and the 1 autoworkers ant because of “over No, India’s sta The masses of th unable to I wasted in ha warehouses. So I - British colon&d - Indeed, Barry “in the colonial I duced improved communications, . medical services] Certainly, as ( British colonizati Lofthehum&m _ rich land. But the replicating in Ind the kind then occ fects of British ru indigenous indusb British land rever The aim was economy to that I of that under-t&r vulnerable sectic poor agricultur plots, village arti received very fe\; tion,of “improve end of the 19 starving-evenX i surplus-because And the same is 1 These are thi would lift.fiom s( tions of “some ( countries-whose borne so much 1 it. . .” The whole apt ace, racismand


the chevron

. olution”

do not

s not a genuine teople, but was fits of giant corG-business, fiId oil. xample, is still irrigated and )n” has spelled ;’ land by wealnent is not the :rgy , raw. matere shortages are xample, at the nent plants in 3e vast army of rs unemployed .ase of poverty. ontinent are litwhich often lies 1 government been since the ; assertion that n nations introditions (roads, agricultural and fiction. ttes, the aim of eras exploitation sources of that any intention of al revolution of tin. The fiist efSruction of the reduction of the ate the Indian and the weight icks of the most oral community enants on small ly these people m the introducSons.” By the millions were of agricultural ot afford to eat.

regarded as a wilful attempt to deceive those who are honestly questioning the present unjust order. One of Commoner’s basic errors is the simplistic description of imperialism as mere “‘pol-

3m Commoner benign applicas wealth to the d peoples have n of producing rife with ignorkat it can only be $2

,, A /

’ ,,:\ 1 ,\\ r

The reality of life in the “developed” world shames Commoner’s claims for this “quality of life”. Rates of birth are declining. But they are falling because the salary of a young worker is not equal to the costs of sustaining a family,




the chevron

Federation .>


3, 1975

of Students


’ - PHlLLlP A INSIDE THECOMPANY When Victor Marchetti’s The CIA and the Cult of intelligence was published it contained intriguing blanks where material deemed too sensitive by the CIA had been. There are no blanks in .Philip Agee’s Inside theCompany: CIA Diary. This densely detailed expose names every CIA officer, every agent, every operation that Agee encountered during 12 years with “The Company” in Ecuador, Uruguay, Mexico and Washington. Among CIA agents or (contacts) Agee lists high ranking political leaders of several Latin American. countries, U.S. and Latin American labor leaders, ranking Communist Party members, and scores of other politicians, high military and police officials and journalists. After a stint as an Air Force officer (for cover) and CIA training, Agee arrived in Quito, Ecuador in late 1960. During the glory years of the Alliance for Progress and the New Frontier, he fought the holy war against communism by bribing politicians and journalists, forging documents, tapping tele? phones, and reading other people’s mail. But it was a faraway event which seems to have disturbed him more. Lyndon Johnson’s invasion of the Dominican Republic in 1965 was an overreaction Agee couldn’t accept. In 1968, he resigned with the conviction that he had become a “servant of the capitalism I rejected” as a university student-“ one of its secret policemen.” Agee decided to write this reconstructed diary to tell everything he knew. He spent four years writing the book in Europe, making research trips and dodging the CIA. At one point he lived on money advanced by a woman he believes was working forthe CIA and trying to gain his confidence. Until recently, former CIA Director Richard Helm’s plea that “You’ve just got to trust us. We are honorable men” was enough. With the revelations of domestic spying, it no longer is. In this book, Agee has provided the most complete description yet of what the CIA does abroad. In entry after numbing entry, US. foreign policy in Latin America is pictured as a web of deceit, hypocrisy and corruption. Now that we can no longer plead ignorance of the webs our spiders spin, will we continue to tolerate CIA activities abroad’? -Patrick Breslin

“More than an expose, a unique chronicle . . .the most complete description yet of what the CIA does abroad. In entry after numbing entry, U.S. foreign policy is pictured as a web of deceit, hypocrisy and --The Washington Post corruption.”


“Unlike Victor Marchetti, who was so high in the CIA that many of his notions of what goes on at the operations level are downright absurd, Philip Agee was there. He has first-hand experience as a spy-handler. . . as complete an account of spy work as is likely to be published anywhere. .. presented with deadly accuracy.” -Miles Copeland, former CIA agent, in The London Observer “The workings of the world’s frightening picture of corruption,

most powerful secret police force-the pressure, assassination-and conspiracy.”





CIA-comes .




14 -. pm

as a





feds $125 others $2.00 Tickets available at Fed Office and Central Box Bffice . For further


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A Warrior

3, 197.5

bites the dust during


Intramural Soccer After the completion of the first week of intramural soccer play several teams and players came to the forefront and should be watched in the future. In league A G.S.A. and the Canadian Connection led the way


Warrior ba//-carrier is stopped by gang-tackling Hawks. Warriors were 2-O before this loss, but now must go on to face Windsor and Western. Their performance in the next two games should answer the question whether this year’s football team is indeed for real.

loss to Laurier.

photo by grant macfarlane

photo by grant macfarlane

with John Tsilfoglou (G.S.A.) and Claudo Habert (Canadian Connection) leading the scoring for their respective teams. The Grads and Renison are on top in league B 1. Renison’s B. Randle helped his team to a victory with a 2 goal performance. League B2 has not had a clearcut favourite emerge as E.S.S., SciSocs, Hard Rocks and 3B Civil

Eng. are all tied for the top position. .


flag f-ball

Going into the third week of the the Poontangs _ have schedule, emerged as the team to beat in League B after disposing of St. Jeromes who are the defending champions. In the B League, two teams re-

main as undefeated these being the 3B Ball Bruisers and Village 2 North. Keep up the good work, guys ! The teams have been realigned since Tuesday nights games, meaning one team from B level will move to level A replacing Village 2 East since they have defaulted all their games.



After having to postpone the tourney for a week due to weather conditions, the tourney came off under sunny skies and with much enthusiasm. The competitors were divided into both an A & B level with S .J .C . coming out on top in both. Stan Fogel (S .J .C.) defeated Steve Chan (V.I.E.) in the final round of the A level to capture the championship title. For the first time- ever in the history of this tourney, the B level ended up with dual champions both from S.J.C. The suggestion was made by both players and since they agreed to it, the idea was carried out. Mike Bak (S.J.C.) and Tony Bozza(S.J.C.) now share the title of champions in Level B.

Men’s In intramural men’s flag football the Poontangs have apparently yards despite the fondling presence of the opposition.


the team to beat. Here a Poontann


photo by grant macfarlane

golf town&y-

Also held this the final rounds tournament held Club under clear

past weekend was of the men’s gold at Foxwood Golf skies.

- The participants were divided1 into three flights (A - C) depending upon their scores. In flight A, George Banefoot (Kin) turned in a total score of 154 to capture first place. He was followed by Angus McLeod (ESS) with 159 strokes and Pat Fallon (Grad) with a total of 164 strokes. Marc Davidson (Grad) captured the B flight championship title with a total of 159. Following Marc was Don Spink (Grad) and Fred Oliver. (Math). In C flight, Fred Humphrey (Kin) captured this title scoring a total of 188. Also, the team championship was captured by M. Davidson, P. Fallon, D. Spink. This was determined by the top 2 scores from each day.


flag f-balll

Wednesday, September 24, 1975: Renison over West IV: 2-O Monday, September 29: Renison over VL South: 9-7 Lakeshore over Connie G. : 9-O Notre Dame over VII North: 7-O V2 South over Vl North Quad: 16-O

Tryouts for the j-v and varsity mens basketball teams will be held Friday, Oct. 3 at 4:30. October 6 -and 7 times will be announced at the Friday meeting.

You are invited to attend a Special Mass






Rainbow A


The University Catholic Parish presents a Thanksgiving Eucharistic Liturgy with original music written by Steve McKernan, a student at the University of Waterloo and performed by members of the University Catholic Parish.

16 phe




October 3, 1975




ing in the second half, Western’s free kick going towards the lower 1-O lead from the first half stood for left comer of the goal was pushed the win. away by the McMaster goalie. The Warriors returned home to Waterloo could not put the ball past play against McMaster last SunCochrane of McMaster as x he played very well. The game ended day. About fotiy to ftity people attended the game at Seagram’s in a O-O tie. Stadiuti and t@ , Warriors had The Warriors’ next home gtie will not be for ano%r week Ls they some very good chajnces at the beginning of the match but the shots . travel this Saturday for a game taken were going wide*or high. against the Brock Badgers. When McMaster did not threaten very they are at home again be sure td much as their forward line was concome on out. ItX’should be well worth your time. tained fairly well by Waterloo’s defense, Yet in the 25th minute G. jaaon miller Stavropaulos of M&laster was able to get by the defenders and was in all alone on the Warrior god but he shotwide and high. Play was evenfor the rest of the half and the score remaine/d at O-O. In the second half, both teams had some excellent chances but fine stops by’both goaltenders kept the game scoreless. In the 69th minute a low hard shot by Waterloo’s Tom-Dabrowski was bldcked by The University of .Waterloo Graham Cochrane of, McMaster. Athena Field Hockey team took Moments later, Marcus Klein made their annual trip into Michigan to %n exceptionally good save on G. play several Ameifcan schools this Stavropaulos of McMaster . But the past weekend. Ftiday, at Adrian Warriors took most of the play to McMaster in the second half as College, the Athenas got off to a slow start but rallied to a 5-O shutthey controlled themidfield. In the over this small college. The de73rd minute Cochrane came up big . out fensive unit held well until the ofon Waterloo’s Luigi Circelli as his fensive got .going. - Scorers were low shot failed to get by the goalie. Janet Hehn, Caroline Heslop, Patti Two minutes later, Tom DabOwen and Marie Miller picked up a rowski headed a ball off a corner kick towards the goal. To most in pair. The team travelled further to the stands it seem&d to go in and the Brooklyn, Michigan to play in the cheer went up, but the ball had only Sauk Vrilley Tournament. “Alhit the side of the netting* the though our win-lose record showed outside. Dabrowski was again ‘stopped a short while later when his us 24, we only lost on the scor’eboard, not on the field. We were- outclassed by .the Central Michigan team’ 4-O and played pobrly in the first half of the W,estern Michigan game.” The young Athena team played well ‘and started to solidify the game strategies. With 4 returnees from last year and several young rook&, the University of Waterloo girls drew a tough schedule; Waterloo 0, weg4m MicIligan 2 Here the team played prly in the f”nrst half, made some adjustments for the second half but still couldn’t capitalize on their chances. Central MIrhigan 4, .Waterlao 0 This Central Michigan team was our best competition and will be probable winners of the Michigan Conference competition which will eventually lead them tb the midwest foals. The Athe& held to a 1-O score at the half but were bombarded during the second half. Waterloo 4, Uulversitg of Michigan 0 - Strong performances by Mary Campbell, Faye Neil, and Patti Owen lead the Waterloo attack to an easy victory over the - Wolverines of Michigan. Marie Miller \ scored twice and once on a break away situation. ’ Dhlo weslyan ulliverslty 2, water871 Victoria St. N. - 744-3511 . loa 0 - Beth Hue&r, the Athena ’ goalie played an outstanding game ’ . NO JEANS PLEASE against a strong team of Ohio gals. Every Wednesday is Singles k ! The final goal hit ‘the post, reIN THE CROWN ROOM THIS WEEK -R’ bounded back in frpnt and Beth ,made the first stop but they scored in {he second rebound. Although the Athenas played well they were unabIe to put the ball in the net. Western lblic~au University 2, Waterloo 1 - This was the second , encounter of both teams in the weekend. The Athenas played their best game of the weekend. The defensive co-ordination . worked well with halfbacks Shirley

The University of Waterloo Warriors’ Soccer team cme awky with a loss and a tie from their last tU;o outings. Mixed feelings of disappointment and frustration accompanied the results as the Warriors here ;unable to score in &her gameOn Wednesday, September 24, the soccer team traveJled to London IO takg on the Mustangs of Western. The Warriors had the wind to their advantage in the first half and made use of it in the early going, as play was contained in the Western end. As the game progressed, Western began to play better, At tiines, the Warriors’ play wti disorganized, chal--_ as Western \Jenged Waterloo. The Warriors came close to scoring in the 26th minute when Gerry Williams took a shdt which hit the crossbar. The ball was deflected straight down but did nou’ go over the goal line. Western seemed to be in control of the game from this point on and in the 38th minute, Tony Rocco of Western scored what proved to be the winning goal on a cross pass in front of the Warrior goal. The half ended with We&em leading 1-O. In the second half, the Warriors, carried most of the play to the Mustangs, yet Western’s defense was very sound and Waterloo had trouble trying tot penetrate. The Mustangs had one very good chance of their o’wn in the second half when a forward for Western took a hard shot which hit the goal post after Warrior goalie Marcus Klein deflected it. Since there was no scor-

Athena field’ ’ hockey



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quarterb@ing. Marie Miller scored the loner goal. The Athenas have a game and tournament in hand, Wednesday, October 1. They travel to McMaster and Saturday and Sunday, October 4-5, they travel to Guelph to play in an Early Bird Tournament against all the OWIAA conference iChOOlSd



3, 1975

the chevron

When the Regina Student Union was approached this year to cover over-expenditures in the intervarsity budget they refused. The university however, came through with a $3,000 grant. “They’ve got to sell the UniverWhat is the value of a varsity sports program to a university or, more precisely, to the students who are paying for it? This question is asked all too seldom, but may recur more frequent/y as the costs of such programs increase and student fees are increased to meet them. In this article Nick Smirnow, a fieldworker for Canadian University Press, takes a look at varsity sports programmes across Western Canada. It is of particular interest at this time as a proposal is being discussed that would raise UW athletic fees by SO percent.

dent Keith Hanson explained five Sports programs at universities in Western Canada were strongly years ago the student union both criticized for a misplaced emphasis collected and administered the athwas on inter-collegiate competition at letics fund, but a referendum passed to transfer these responthe expense of recreational and sibilities to the university. intra-mural programs at a recent because of a “mix-up in wordconference in Sas katoon. Student union executives met ing”, the student union now collects the money and the university March 8 for a services conference disburses it. The situation for and presidents from, the universities of British Columbia, Alberta, intra-murals is not good - here Saskatchewan, Regina and Maneither. ‘“Money, equipment and time” Hanson said, are difficult to itoba spent a morning session on university athletics. obtain for intra-mt%rals . At the University of Regina, athThey found most universities spend large amounts of money on letics has been an issue for several, intercollegiate programs, espeyears. The student union has always maintained that participatory cially for travel to and from games, sports should be given priority over because administrations want the public relations value of having a spectator sports. winning team. The student union did have parAt the University of B.C. a $5 levy is taken from student fees to ity on an athletics council that set the budgets every year, but intrasupport inter-varsity programs. mural money has been consistently Students have to pay extra to join underspent and channeled into intra-mural programs and still more inter-varsity budget. for access to gyms to work out. is their first At UBC 65 per cent of the interlove“Inter-collegiate ,, claimed student president varsity budget is spent for travel. Jim ‘Gray. “ What’s left goes in@ The home games, according to in- intra murals and recreations ., , coming president Jake van der The student union at the UniverKamp, are poorly attended. The sity of Manitoba has almost nothing only thing most students get for to do with athletics on campus. All their money, he said, is “the honprograms are run by the university. our and glory of UBC.” President Setters didn’t have At the UIliVerSity of Alberta “the the figures Bob for the breakdown . philosophy of winning is prevalBut while the University of Manent,” student president Graeme itoba faces an $8 million deficit, it Leadbeater said. A $15 levy pays has approved the building of a for both intramural and intermulti-million dollar sports complex varsity sports. The athletics board, to be paid for mostly by. conwhich runs both, does not give tributions from outside: Setters priority to intra-murals. Perpetual thought that turning athletics over complaints of rundown intra-mural a university was good, “as long equipment, he charged, tend to go to as they fund it.” ’ unheeded. Leadbeater could not give a Gray disagreed. He worried that comparison of expenditures in two “because of priorities these people have,” intra-murals could easily be areas because there is “no broken ignored unless students were condown accounting” done. At the U of Sask. in Saskatoon, a tinually alert, something which is difficult with a yearly turn-over of $13 levy covers both intra-mural and inter-varsity. Student presiexecutive.

sity Of Re&ay”






they “cut back professors and lack classroom space. They spend thousands on inter-varsity because makes

Van der Kamp also cited the inequity in funding for men’s and women’s teams. The UBC athletic levy of $4.20 goes to men’s activities’ and 80 cents goes to women. This, he admitted, is partially because there are fewer women’s teams. But the way sports is handled by the university and by society is a major cause,” he added. “ Treat sports like miniature wars,” he said, “and women will be discouraged from participation. ” Administrations and student unions have become more active in trying to shape athletics policy, usually with opposing priorities. The Association of University and Colleges in Canada (AUCC), which consists of top-level administrators from post-secondary institutions, issued a report last fall on athletics. It urged universities to institute athletic boards to administer the whole range of sports on each campus -inter-varsity, intramural and recreation. It suggests students, faculty, and administrative input for the board, and financing from general operating funds. Gray pointed to a recent example at the University of Regina which suggested how these goals could be perverted. A region physical education director recently proposed an athletics council for the university but the proposal limits student input to an “advisory board.” “A university stands for elitism -and the pursuit of excellence. . .” this brief states. “The emphasis now is on competitive sports, ” Gray said. “And people with a competitive mentality will keep pushing for intervarsity sports” At the University of Saskatchewan an advisory board is planned with “good student input” according to Hanson. While no resolutions were made at the conference,-most presidents indicated they would look more

closely into athletics on their campus. Student councils have in past years acted decisively on the athletics issue. Five years ago the Memorial student council in Newfoundland passed a motion redirecting all money collected from the athletics levy from inter-varsity to intra-mural. In 1973 University of Toronto students approved a referendum that cut off funds from the intervarsity budget. Leadbeater asked whether student unions had the resources to “make a dent in the problem” of. the public acceptance of competitive spectator sports. Van der Kamp argued that collectively “we pack quite a punch” and “a lot can come out of it.”




Ted McKeigen, of the Warrior cross-country team placed third in the Western Open Cross-Country run held last weekend on the University of Western Ontario campus.


Ted was third in 29:08, behind Bill Britten of Lakehead University, who was first in 28:X.9, and Tony Hatherly, also of Thunder Bay, who finished in 29.03. The eight kilometer course was a surprise in the fact that it consisted mainly of plowed fields. Ted was especially pleased with this since he had spent the week training on plowed fields after a’ not so good showing at the Guelph crosscountry the weekend before. McKeigen led the field of _ 63 runners for the first six kilometers. A mixup at a check point gave Britten the break he needed to go in front and stay there to win with a slim margin of eight seconds. The Warrior cross-country team did not score weir since their two top runners, Dave Northey and Mike Lanigan were absent, resting for the Springbank International Road Races the following day. The other Waterloo results were: Nigel Strothard 13th; Stephen Peet 27th; Greg Spears 39th; Bruce Lower-y 44th; Mike Smith 51st; Al Church 53rd; Paul Stachour 60th; Dave Duffus 61st. Gordon Sprout reminds us that there are only 1 l/2 months to Berwick. -stephen


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/ .



the chevron



A cool, damp evening last Friday we ambled in to the warm Theatre of the Arts to witness the opening production of the season, ‘Harold Pinter’s The Caretaker. From Jhe early moments, it was clear that we were to partake in a most fascinating evening of laughter land terror - strung out upon a fi-ame of gripping suspense. , A ypung man (Aston) has shown pity in- bringing ’ an old tramp (Davies) into his flat’bfter saving him from a brati ih g local cafe. He offers him a bed and a place in his small abode, to stay as long as he wishes. Aston has been hired to refurbish and re.decorate the room by the landlord, his brother Mick, and in return is aliowed to live there. - Aston further extends his kihdness toDavies by%ffer^mg him a position as cargtaker of the house. . The tr?mp repays this hos@ality by making demands upon, berating . and browbeating the gentle Aston. Mick, for a time, accepts Davies into the household. He too offers him a job as caretaker. Davies, not ‘con&t with sharing the room with Astori, tries .tw’get rid of him through goading M&k, telling him that his brother is “nutty” and not fit to handle the job. Soon, Aston has suffered enough. Mick is appalled ‘with Davies’ impudent behavior. Davies is eventually forced out. The prime ingredient which

, ‘i..: HELDOVER.4-MORE, . ,,DAYS ’

~~Y~~~~yYYyyr~~~yr~~yyyyY 1













3, 7975

really speaks to Aston who, for once, is not. day-dreaming, and vice-versa. * , In another comic sequence Pinter reverses himself. Instead of giving us little dialogue with a maximum of action, he ,fiow gives us more detail, though hollow, _from Davies. Davies repeatedly assures us that his papers are in Sidcup where he intends to go when the .weatlier clears up. He always finds an excuse not‘to go, either it’s the weather, or it’s his itiipioper footwear. -He lies. We realize he has no papers; nowhere to go and he doesn’t intend to leave until forcibly ejected. Here we see the strength of Pinter’s work in the action bepeath the action, a deep irony,&hich permeates the surface ‘L subtlely . This production reaches a high grasped the audience’s imagination through- the in this production was, simply ti peak in effectiveness sensitive acting of Mr; Chadwick co’nstant atmosphere of suspense (George Joyce) as Mick the brilliantly achieved as a result of brother, and most of _,on many , business-like . clear communication all through Mr. Evans as the grimy l⪕ playright to actor, actor to \ actor, actor to spectator and Mat Davies. Davies lies, cheats, playwright to spectator. A vivid steals, betray’s, bullies, all -for a example of this is illustrated in a, si&le purpose, to survive, to keep humorous scene #between Asfon his. place in the vastness of his and dangerous world, and> once he gets p (played by William Chadwick) Davies (played by Maurice Evans) into the apartment, to dominate the 3 in which Pihter satirizes the inarmild Aston. The hatred Mr. Evans ticulate -means with which we radiates is a reflection of the deeper cotimunicate our thoughts in confear, of being thrown out into the cold. Again through sensitive aversation. He implies without telwareness qf the production’s inling us, leaving it up to the actor. Aston has offered Davies the job as Mr. Evans give&us the frightening deve!ppment of Davies from caretaker : ASTON. How do you feel about merely .a tramp and clown to the being, one, then? dangerous animal he progressively DAmES. Well, I reckon. . . Well, becomes. . I’d%ave to know.. . you know. . . What is the production’s intent? ASTON. What sort of.. . Mick and Aston want to renovate PAVIES. Yes, what sort of.. . you ths flat. Mick has ambition but know. . . Aston lacks the initiative, or will, to (PAUSE) cariy it out. Alone, they do not apASTON. Well, I mean.. . ljear as if they are going to accompDAVIES. I mean, I’d have to.. .’ lish much, so they invite Davies in I’d have to. . . as caretaker. But Davies threatens , ASTON. Well, I could tell you. . . a much more vital aspect of the DAVIES. That’s . . . that’s it. . . brothers, their mutual love. He iS: yousee... you get my meaning? thrown out because there is n6 ASTON, When the time comes. . . room for him. There’ is no room for DAVIE$ I mean, that’s what I’m, the animal in this human situation. getting at, you see . . . ‘Whether or not we can improve our ASTON. More or less exactly what human situation is not yet apparyou... ent. The only thing we know is that DAVIES. You see, what I meati to there is no room for hatred and feq _ and love are say..: what I’m getting at is . . . I ~ where understanding mean, what sort of jobs. . . needed. ~ Thanks go to Carl Gall who’diDuring this scene the actors, rected the three actors, the actors working extremely well together, themselves, Andris Balodis’ fitting became- marvelously animated as it decor, the technicians, and lastly, is one of the few times in the play Harold Pinter for a m&t enjoyable when Devies drops his defences, evening. +

‘TWOC --continued






‘_ from page 2

Thursday ‘Exhibition‘ and sale of original graph& art. Early tid modem masters. Ferdinand Roten Galleries. jOam-5pm. Art Room, Lower floor Modem ~Languages Bldg. \ Cadpus Centre Pub’opens I2 noon. Northern Lights from d-lam. $74 aftei 6pm. . . Para-legal Aisistsnce offers nonprofessional legal advice. Call 885-0840 or come to CC 106 between I;30 and 4:30pm. Chamber Choir (by audition only) 7-9pm. AL 6.

Christian Science Organization. Ev&yone is invited to attend these regu__.lar meetings for informal discussions. 7:30pm. Hum. 174. Blues/Jazz Club. Any&e interested in Blues/Jazz welcome at our,first meet’ ing. An opportunity for people with simi,lar musical interests to get together for jamming, listening, etc. 8pm. Campus ( Centre 110. Ethnic Danceg. Gome-slnd have fun in the friendly atmosphere of dancing. Dances will include Oktoberf&t, ethnic Egyptian dance and .other -foreign dances,. plus the usual rock and roll. 8*12pm. Campus Centre 113. Bah&*bn bampus invite students, faculty and staff to an iflfprmal discussion on Baha’u’llah’s principle “The unity of religions”.

Friday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. No!them Lights from 9-.lam. $.74 after 6p1.l. Federation Flicks-tie Three Musketeers with York, Dunaway, Welch&c. 8h. AL 116. Feds $1. Non-feds $1.50,


-=.FINEST IN MOVIE ENTERTAlNMENj 6 Princess St. W. Waterloo - 743-6991 L

Friday, October

style The Way We Were is the sort of novie the general public loves and he cr$ics loathe. It has all the ingredients of a box office sell-out: a sentimental love story and the two Jiggest box office draws in Holywood today; Robert Redford as subbe and Barbara Streisand as <atie. This kombination guaranees success. Hubbel is a rich, athletic, charmng, handsome, Protestant college Joy‘with a sure vote for most likely o succeed. Ka;tie is a serious, lewish, radiGa1 student who sup3ort.s herself by waitressing and working at odd jobs. She is strongly opinionated and full of energy. She Jails while Hubbel fizzles. They u-e . fundamentally opposite and herefore; (as the old adage goes) hey attract: She envies his writing Lbility and through her admiration hey establish a kind of friendship. rhey dance together at their graduLtion prom in 1937 and they don’t neet again until W.W. II. When they meet by accident !Iubbe! is asleep and dead drunk on L bar stool. Katie (and the audi:nce) sighs, transfixed by his ,eauty which is enhanced by a >right tihite navy uniform. She gives him coffee and takes hti lome. Out of habit, it would seem,. le sleepily makes 10~6 to he;-.and 13s forgotten it in the morning. Not ;o 6th Katie, she is already in love with him. Encouraged to stay with ler on his navy leave, a romance, strongly pursued by Katie,. deIelops . Neither of them h,as changed &ce their ciollege days except (atie now has her frizzy hair ronid. She still holds down half a lozen jobs and has time left over ‘or politiking. pubbe is still sliding through life lnd not getting snagged on little sough spots like the war. He has vritten an unsuccessful novel and <atie urges him to keep on writing. They often fightabout Hubbel’s vaspy friends wlio gather for lumptu6us ptities and tiake cute okes about politics and the war.‘ rhough their relatiohship is stormy hey decide to marry and go to Hok rwood where Hubb61 will sell his iories to film producers. Katie agees on condition that they will :ventually move to France so that Iubbel can / become a serious wrier. Hubbel compromises his art in hird rate films and Katie becomes


rately comment on this band, but truly beautiful harmonies. The varmy impression was that the audiious arrangements were also quite good. The lyrics were clear, a ence didn’t really see too much in pleasant break fi-om the often garthem. The applause seemed more out of courtesy then anything else. bled singing of rock bands. In the The Beti Gees came on at 9:15 middle of the- shdw the three.along with Blue Weaver pm and opened with? ‘Hold On”, a brothers, on mellotrbn, did a medley of their tune which immediately won audiold vocal greats : -tunes such as “I ence support. After all, most peoStarted A Joke” and so on! During ple were there to hear those great this spot brother Maurice played old singles that have kept the Bee Gees popular since they began in the clown, haking fun of himself 1967. and the oth_er two brothers. This On stage were th6 three Gibb joking was funny for a minute bu. after carrying on throughout the brothers, (Barry, Robin, and Maurice), two keyboard artists, whole medley I think that it de(one of these men was Blue ‘tracted from the impact of the Weaver, of Strawbs fame)‘, the-Bee music. The brothers carried on a Gees’ long time lead guitarist Alan good dialogue with. the crowd, Kendall, drummer Dennis Bryon, being very rklaxed at ill times; and and a six-piece brass backing secin this way I think they made the tion named the “Manhattan audience feel veI’y much at home Horns”. It made for a good variety with the concert. It was an easy of @lented musicians. feeling show. \ The band next went into a couple The crowd was a good one, obof- cuts from their latest album.. viously interested in listening to good music, and showing their apThese were “Edge Of The Unipreciation when it was delivered. verse”, a beautifully synthesized song, and “Come On Over”. In The band seemed to really apfact over the who15 evening they preciate the positive response from the audience, and because of this played more than half of the songs played even better. It seemed to me on “Main Course”, includiilg the two singles “Jive Talking” and that it was the vocal ballads that ‘ tEJights On Broadway”. These were most appreciated by the ,auditunes demonstrated both the new ence. These were the tunes that_ drew a more ‘I‘thunderous” ap! disco sound.Q$ the Bee Gees, and the old balIads and orchestral plause than the rest. Evec still the sounds that.they have always used. audience enjoyed all bf the songs The concert was as varied and as that the band played-. versatile as the band has always f The Bee Gees ended their regubeen. 1~ set with “Lonqly Days”,,A- The songs played back and forth perhaps \he most popular song that between the favorite old vocal balthey have done. This was done lads,, the instrumental tunes, orwith the crowd on their feet, and chest& songs, (the orchestra being clapping along. Everyong was havprovided by the mellotron -and ing a good time. s ynthesizers), and the j,iying songs. . The encore begaq with introducMost of the songs were wt altered tions of th” band, while playing a at all from the recorded versions; background of “Jive Talking”. and it was the power and emotion Then they went into a rocking tune, that were put into them that kept with blues variations. Thi? made for a strong completion to a good the concert from sounding like simply a loud juke box on stage. concert. The Bee Gees h+d played The brothers’ voices were in for 1 ‘hour and 35 minutes, and it was an enjoyable evening. very good condition, making for powerfully emotional solos and 4ill mccrea

\ ever more demanding and c&&al Qf his friends and associates. Katie rightly says that, “People are their convicfions” and in answer Hubbel * flies” into a rage. Fin;tlly they agree to part after their baby is born. . Katie goes back to New York and Hubbel remains in Hollywood. They meet by chance (again) in New York, Hubbel is with a pretty young blonde and Katie is remar’ ried. He is now writing for T.V. and Katie is activating for “ban the bomb.” It is obvious that they still love each other (much so&bing and +, blowing of noses in audience) but -&es neither of them can change. Katie 0 loves a H&be1 that do&n? exist, she is a hero-worshipper add Hub, be1 is no hero, he follow’s the path of l?rl least resistance. Like the inovie itself; Htibbel opts for the easy ticket. Instead of exploring the stormy political climate of the thirties and forties we only see the war as a backdrop for On Friday, September 25, the the* sloppy &nd the sentimental. Physical Activities Centre was Hubbel’s- autobiographical story, ’ treated to the Waterloo version of The All American Smile began, “He the Bee Gees ’ “Tour Of The Colwas like the country he lived-in, onies”; a Canadian tour that will everything came too easily to take them to’22 cities‘in just over a . him”, if Hubbel is a repmentative month. The Bee Gees’ new album, of the country,‘s moral health, the ~“Main Course” , and this tour (also parallel should be developed. billed as a “Best Of’ show) have ’ The director (Sydney Pollack) received much publicity over the chooses to place the entire em-. past few weeks so it ‘was no surphasis on the love story and aims at prise that the gymnasium was full entertainment not art. The movie to capacity; if ndt toi, ful1. enforces the values it is attempting The show was opened by “The Dudes”, a Montreal based band if to criticiie. The effect of the movie is li& eating an ice cream cone, it is rn? niemory serves ,me correctly. ‘sticky and soft and leaves no after They us&d to be known as “Theb \ taste. -Young Dudes”, but with David -judy jansen Bowie and Mott The Hoople making .___‘this phrase popular _ - the band decided to shorten their name. I I will not pass judgement on this band since we only heard 3 of their songs. For many of those people Mass Schedule who were there, you will remember standing in- a long lineup that Saturday 9:00 a.m. Sunday IO:00 a.m. moved as slowly as a snail, while / 7:00 p.m. 1 I:30 a.m. the rain gently dampened us all. What I heard was the band play7:OO p.m. ing fairly basic rock ‘n’ roll, using Weekdays 7:00 &ix /dual drummers and 4 various 12:35 p.m. guitarists. The two drummers were .interesting, wofking w a well5:00 p.m. coordinated team, setting down a Confessions ‘strong base for the music. The Saturday 6:15 p.m. other four players didn’t look too bad, each one being both a guimst , Father Norm Choate CR., 884-4256 and vocalist. Their style was drivFather Bob Liddy C.R. 884-0863 ing and powerful, relying almost or 884-8110 more on volume than on talent to gain support from the audience. It is very difficult for me to accu-



the chevron

3, 1975


The Bee




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3, 197.

. point thenset about to destroy the shield that fluorocarbons are rising to the vicinity,of the protected them during their ascent. ozone layer where they dissociate, the subsequent destruction of ozone can-drily be It is believed that the chlorine atoms (Cl) implied. Despite this evidence, both indussplit off the fluorocarbon and react-with try and government are likely to wait and ozone (03) to produce chlorine oxide (ClO) andoxygen (02). The chemistry does not r base their decisions on reports forthcoming from the National Academy of Sciences and necessarily stop there. Chlorine oxide can the U.S. Federal Task Force on Inadvertent then react with a free oxygen atom (0) to Modification of jthe Str$osphere (IMOS). produce an oxygen molecule andregenerate the free chlorine atom. Hence, ‘once the Up to t&s point, government and industry chlorine atoms reach the vicinity of the have been cautious in their reactions to the ozone layer, each one has the potential to issue! Because of the size of the fluorocardestroy a _great many-. ozone molecules. bon industry, the impact of poorly thoughtMoreover, the upward diffusion of out decisions could be quite severe. This fluorocarbons is so slow that their effects past summer, the.US Department of Comcould continue for decades even if a-total ban merce estimated a- ban on the use of Freons on the chemicals vvere - imposed im11, 12 and 22 as spray propellants could af-. mediately. An overshoot in environmental Miles above the earth floats a layer of feet about 45,000 American jobs. Even so, damage of this sort is not new, as DDT has ozone, a bluish gas whose special purpose the state of Oregon has already passed a bill seems to be tomkeep the earth from being provided a-well-publicized precedent. banning the sale of fluorocarbon aerosol sunburned. propellants as of March 1,1977, and another Ever since ,University of California redozen states are considering similar legislaThe fact that ozone has the ability to falter searchers Rowland and Molina proposed tion. out some of the shorter wavelengths of ulthis model of ozone destruction in a June traviolet light correlates with a higher inci- . 1974 issue of Nature, a-fierce debate has Most critics of fluorocarbons agree that dence of skin cancers in the southern hemisraged over its validity. The pointmost often -‘aerosol propellants are the worst offenders, phere where the ozonelayer is known to be attacked by critics of the theory has been the ‘even though refrigeration and air conditionthe thinnest, A weakening of the ozone filter assumption that fluorocarbons rise uning applications account for about 30 percent ‘ is also thought to interfere with vegetation scathed to the ozone layer where they-at last of domestic consumption and one source and weatherpatterns. The density of the ozone layer is caught. between a delicate balance of formative and I destructive chemical reactions, and so is in a state of constant change. Recently, scienP tists have become aware of how delicate this ’ dynamic balance might be, and how destructive our modem technological society could- be to this important filter,Concern-about the ozone layer began in -- the early 1970’s when. a Berkeley professor, - Harold Johnson, began a study of the possible effects of nitrogen oxide released in the, upper atmosphere by jet engines. It is known that nitrogen oxide can catalyse the destruction of ozone, and.Johnson theorized thatan increase in the use of jet aircraft would lead to a thinning of the ozone layer. The concern over fluorocarbons stems partly from reports that free chlorine ‘atoms -are several times better catalysts for the ozone dissociation reaction than is nitrogen oxide. Fluorocarbons is a name which refers to a ’ groug of chemicals more commonly’known x as -$Freons. Actually, the chemicals are chlorpfluorocarbons, and include a wide range of chlorine and fluorine substituted / /hydrocarbons. Some Freons (especially ’ Freon 22) have been widely used as working fluids in refrigerators and air conchtoners,. Others (Freon 11 and 12) have been found to -dissociate. To frustrate the issue, no ex- _ claims that leakage allows escape of these be rather good propellants for aerosol conperimental data existed either supporting or systems’ capacities within two -years from tainers. j _. , --conflicting with the model. However, the car air conditioners and fifteen years for \ home refrigerators. j Although not released directly into the Vic- ’ August 9,1975 issue of S&nee News carried a report of two independent efforts at saminity of the ozone layer, fluorocarbons es-, _ Aerosol cans contain a mixture of the depling the gases in the vicinity of the-ozone. taping from aerosol bombs and leaky retiigsired product and a suitable gas under preslayer. eration equipment are felt by some to pose a sure. Operation of the valve produces a fine threat to this delicate filter. Fluorocarbons The essential conclusions of both studies spray whit h is much more desirable in many are so stable under the conditions of the were that the pattelrIl of the proposed applications than would be the squirt of a . lower atmosphere that it is believed they fluorocarbon-ozone destruction model was finger-operatedpump. No doubt the’ extra’ have the capability of drifting @ward virtualmost %urprisingly well confiimed. As preordinary stability of fluorocarbons makes _ ally unchanged into the stratosphere where,. dicted, fluorocarbons were reaching the them desirable as an inert pressurant_ ~ for once breaking through the ozone layer, they stratosphere intact, but were not surviving these containers. However, as noted in Time are finally broken apart by intense solar passage beyond into the troposphere. Magazine, September 22,1975, the contents radiation. The chlorine atoms-freed at that Although: these tests only confiim that r marked on the label of an aerosol container Peter* Go/em, 2 UW graduate Student in mechanical engineering, here provides some insights into {he ongoing controversy around f/uorocarbons. He points out that practically no argument or experimental data exists dis-, proving the c/aims of damaging effects on the earth’s ozone layer. Still, these chemicals are widely used and industry and governments are slow to respbnd to the warnings. The fact iha.t a product must be proven to be dangerous before-it is taken off the market, rather than making sure it is safe before it is distributed is just qother example of the framework within, which science and industry are operating; a framework which this section of the paper is \ ‘attempting to criticize. .-

includes the inert propellant which may oc cupy anywhere from 10 to 90 percent-of the can.& appears that you can get a lot of gal for your money.\ Some alternatives are being considered Hydrocarbons such as butane are ahead: used as pressurants in some applications ant could take over some of the slack left b; fluoroc,arbons. Carbon dioxide, althougl . suffering from clogging problems in the past ’ could become a widely-used pressurant Added bonuses from carbon dioxide are tha ’ its environmental impact should be minimal and its cost negligable compared to a range be-tween 5 and’ 12 cents per can fo fluorocarbons. Yet other manufacturers arc looking at cans equipped with manually operated pumps which would be used tc pressurize the container when required. A present, the cost: of these -devices make: them,unattractive, but the developer hope: that‘ the fluorocarboncontroversy wil prompt aerosol buyers to seek out alterna tives. And so the debate continues. There arc those who maintain that no conclusive evi dence exists to condemn fluorocarbons. In deed,‘ozone readings taken by the US Na tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administ ration between 1958 and 1970 could be inter preted as showing a slight increase in ozone concentration, although the data points arc widely scattered. The issue, -however, af fects us all. In the short term, a ban OI fluorocarbons could severely compromise our spray-it-on-throw-it-away lifestyle. Yet placing this against the promise of an in creasing incidence of skin cancers and vege tation damaged by intense radiation leave: little choice. . , ,It would at least be some comfort if WC could assure ourselves that\ the fluorocarbon-ozone dilemma is an isolates case of man’s possible interferenc,e with tht environmental balance. ’ Making matter: even worse is the pace at which modern so cial changes occur A new product such a! -aerosol bombs can explode on the consume scene and enjoy widespread acceptance long before it occurs to anyone that these device: might somehovv be interfering with a thii layer of gas some 25 kilometers above the earth. It is, unfortunately, marketing execu tives locked in sterile boardrooms who cur rently decide what the consumer will bu! next year. Now, as never before, we neec enlightened fl people in the scientific community-people who are ( sensitive tc more factors than profit and loss figures ant who have the courage to speak out on the issues. ,This is not, however, a call for the pessimists to sbeak their minds. The need ii for a scientific community with the strengtl and perspective to-intercept hazardou gimmicks before their release on an unsus I, petting public. _ It could be several years before scientist canagree on the fluorocarbon issue. A grea many studies are now underway on variou! aspects of the fluorocarbon-ozone destruc tion model. Some results have already con flitted with earlier conclusions while other! have been supportive. In -the meantime however, we should all look for alternatives a



3 m -




’ * .I . /ej







, the chevron

friday, October 3, 1975 n


The following article is a reprint from the journal Science for the People, which ye recommend very strongly to our readers.’ lIn the article Barbara Chasin and Richard Frank point out some of the differenqesbetween liberal and marxist analyses of the relationship between science and society, using as an example a much discussed topic: over population.

science-ethics dilemma will tend to disappear, for any discovery which would ha& the majority of people could not be put to use simply because it would bring profits to the few. In this society, science would come under the democratic control of all the people.

tarily reduce their birth,-rate, increasingly stringent measures have begun to be considered. American foreign aid is now often made contingent upon acceptance by the receiver-nation of a certain dose of birthcontrol technology. Family-planning schemes for poor nations are peddled by scientists working for foundations or government agencies. Paul Ehrlich, the veritable dean of the ecology scientists, has recently written the starkest statement yet. Looking at 30 years of failure to make significant reductions in population growth in India, he advises that “India’s government may well have to resort to some coercive method sooner or later, unless famine, war, or disease take the problem out of its hands.” Some scientists, apparently concerned with ‘tee failure of their programs to check rapid gdpulation growth, now find themselves compelled to consider alternatives-“some coercive method” -in direct violation of their liberal beliefs. One dilemma leads inexorably to the next: technology produces overpopulation, overpopulation threatens the world, the world must consider “coercive methods”.

Does an increase in scientific and technologi$Yl--knowledge have to result in the destruction of human lives and seemingly irreparable damage to the.environment? The answer given by-many -seems to be “yes”. We seem to be faced with the dilemnia of having but tw& unpalatable alternatives: either dismantle modem technology or face a likely doomsday. But is this dilemma real? In this brief essay we wish to show that-the dilemma in question is not caused by any@ing in the nature of technology. Rather it is the politics of those who control science which creates the dilemma.

Science in a Libefd Society ) vs. Science in ,a Marxist Society Liberals assume that once science has progressed so that we know how to achieve a given result technically, the problem then becomes one-of. convincing policy-makers that ‘the solution should be put into operation. In recent years the ecological threat has challenged these liberal notions in two ways. -First of all, policy-makers seem often to ignore the -solutions offered by scientists, as when the government continued to use chemical agents in Vietnam long after there was overwhelming evidence that these chemicals would cause long-term, p&-haps irreparable damage to the environment. Secondly, even when pblicy-makers do agree wjth the scientists, corporations seem to have an endless capacity to resist the decision when losses of profits are involved. ‘Liberals, however, because their view of socie&~basically one of accepting the stiucture of -power and privilege, seem to construe the problem as one of the “dangers of technology” and its effects. Marx’ists, on the other hand, take a Icorn: pletely different approach. They start from the premise that modern capitalist societies contain two essential classes: owners of the meanS of production who run their businesses primarily to tiake a profit, and workers who sell theirlabor in order just to make a living. According to the Marxist view, the ethical implications of the uses of new scientific knowledge can only be judged according to which of these two classes w.ill primarily benefit fi-om it. Three simple rule-of-thumb principles guide Marxists in analyzing how science will be utilized in capitalist society: -Advances which improve the lives of workers will only be acceptable to the owners of the means of production if they also happen to serve the interests of the ,latter . -When there is an advance beneficial only to workers, the capitalists will make every attempt to evade or prevent its implementation (e.g. mass transit).% -An advance profitable to‘ the capitalists, which happens .to bring great harm to ,workers, will be used by the capitalists as %loog a$ they can manage to do ‘so-(e.g. pesticides? chemicals in foods). In Marxist theory, there is no way to resolve the &nflict between the two classes except by a seizure of political control of the entire society by the workers-who, represent the’ overwhelming majority of the people-leading eventually to a s&iety without classes altogether. Once, the working class holds political power,, the apparent


A co&4lary of this conclusion is that until capitalism is overthrown, scientists must always choose whether they are working for the capitalist class or the,working class. Liberal scientists, who think they work for “science” in reality end up working most of the time for the class which holds power-that is, the capitalists. To illustrate how these different approaches work out in a concrete case, let us take a looc at one of the ecology movement’s major concerns-,overpopulation.

A Liberal Dil&mma-What To Do About Overpopulation Probably the most painful dilemma facing liberal ecologists today is “overpopulation.” With global famine on the hdrizon, with world resources apparCntly being stretched to their outer limits, people keep producing children at rates that threaten to .push population far beyond the capacity of the earth to support it. And liberals ask, “what is it that has brought on this problem? Was it not the rising standard of living which came about as a re‘sult of the technoIogica1 advances of the industrial revolution? Was it not the outcome of the discoveries of medicine whit h allowed for a lodring of the death rate while bringing no akompanying reductions. in the birth rate? “In short, the pqpulation problem appears to them to be th> direct if unintended result of the advance of scientific knowledge. In the face of this crisis liberals have tried to develop solutions. Ifi the 1950’s moderate attempts were made to induce “birth control” ,by appealing to $ople’s “better instincts” . These programs, the experts agree, have failed. Confronted thus, with the apparent fact that people, particularly in the pdor countries of the world, will not volu&

Otierpopulation-A Approach

Marxist j

To upderstand the “overpopulation” in the world today, we m.ust look at the classstructure of society as well as the technology being developed by science. Evidence suggests that there is something about the na@re of a society i’tsemhat helps to determine ho;v’lmany children< will be produced. Perhaps the most convincing argument for ,a social :theory of population growth comes from a recent study done in India by the economist Mahmood Mamdani. During the yearS 1953-1959 the Harvard School of Pub-/ lit Health conducted a study of its own”pilot program to control population growth in a village in the Punjab. In 1%9 they initiated a follow-up study on their attempts to introduce birth-control devices among a group of Indian farmers. Everyone agreed that the ’ program was a failure. But ‘why would the poor farmers of India, among the world’s most impoverished people, refuse birth contrql when it was offered through the medium of a well-organized, well-financed, intensive program? The liberal experts were baffled. Mamdani, using-a Marxist analysis, found something quite different. Relating his study of , the project’s failure to caste and class relationships in the village, he discovered that poor villagers consciously view their children as labor assets. Increasing land fragmentation combines with the new opportunities in post-colonial India to provide special incentives to the poor family for the production of many children. If most of the children could work at agriculture and other jobs, the combined efforts of the family might be enough to put one child through school and into a bureaucratic post. Then the family would have stime hope of

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ecqnomic security or even advancement. ’ Even if this dream did not come true, the presence of numerous children among the porest families was viewed as a cost-p&ing dpvice: One villager explained: “Why pay 2,500 rupees for an extra hand? Why not have a son?” The message is clear. For the poor in this village in India, children are nQt a ‘ ‘population bomb, ’ ’ but rather a means of survival and even advancement for the entire family. Though society as a whole is threatened by the production of large families, each family, competing with other ,families, must try to keep,its labor costs as : low as possible, and one’s ‘own children are the cheapest form of labor that can be found. But how does a society g&t itself into a situation where poor people, in order to survive, must act in ways that are ultimately irrational and highly dangerous for the world as a whole? A recent study by the anthropologist Benjamin White provides further insight. Using a “demand-for labor” analysis, White attempts to accobnt for the rapid population growth of Java, a region similar to India in many ways. Noting the pressures of the Dutch sugar industry in the nineteenth century on land and labor available for Javanese family farms, White con-eludes that indigenous control’s on population growth had to be lifted in order to produce child laborers who could work the fam’ ily farms while adults went off to work for the sugar factoi-ies. As pdpuiation thus increased, land holdings became even smaller, @ creating even further pressures for more laborers to work the small rice fields of Java more intensively. Putting these two studies together, weecan see that while modern teyhnology and modern medicine may have plajled a role in the development of .the population problem of today, the most significant factor, the pres- . sures on individual families to produce large n.u&bers of children, was created by the particular labor needs of the colonial system of profit-making and is perpetuated by tile so&al relationships which that system has produced. It is not technology or ,medicine tihich produced the population problem and . keep making it worse. It is capitalism. With this analysis in hand, the science.ethics dilemma of population disappears. Sin&e populations can be controlled when the social and economic conditions allow, a clea5 and straightfomard solution emerges : If each family in the poorest nations produces large numbers of children to keep itself above water in the competition with other families to keep its farm-labor costs down, then the solution to the population problem lies primarily in reorganizing the production system so that co-operation can replace competition. Under these new conditiocs, birth control Can be used in a positive manner; each family can plan the number of children in terms of the rational i needs of the entire community, working to- ~ gether to produce food and other necessities for all. This is the essence of socialism. . Would such a program really work? Some of the evidence has already emerged. In 1970 the People’s Republic of China, a socialist h society, had a birth rate only one-half of that of India’s. Of all the formerly poor countries of the world, socialist China has been able to make ilie most significant inroads into the ’ birth rate. Could China’s success haye any. ’ thing to do with the fact that labor on the communes is organized not on a singlefamily basis, but by the en&e commune or work brigades, to make the best use of available labor and other hroduptive forces? The answer is perhaps not a definitive yes at this stage, but blearly those who would like to see population brought under control will be bettitig on the solution most likely to succe‘ed if they cast their lots with the oppressed clas’ ses arid put their science to work for the world socialist movement.

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Conclusion The’- analysis of populatidm developed above can be extended into @her areas of the ecology crisis. Would corporations continue to pollute the water and air that workers must drink and breathe if those corporations were directly controlled by the wbrkers? Would there be enough money to overcome existing ecological threats if the profits soaked up by big stockholders were distributed to pay for projects democratically decided upon by communities in which the fattories and mines are located? It is not so much an ethics &science that we need-it is a science for the people.




the chevron

Burning the books 1


In the wake

of the coup


that cost the lives of

President Allende and uncounted numbers of Chilean workers and students, a “cultural counter-revolution” is being undertaken, aimed at a “t_otal transformation of the people’s outlook,” in other words, ensuring that they will never again choose Marxism and so threaten imperialistic interests. In the following article Pierre Ketivan of The Guardian describes the programme of systematic reeducation ndw being established in Chile.

“The Secretary, University of Chile, Valparaiso: Dear Sir, Please instruct us as to the administrative measures our faculty must take concerning the books to be taken off the library list because of their political contents. ” ‘ ‘You may kindly proceed to burn them.”

pointed to each area with the job of ensuring that teachers carried out to the letter the junta’s measures, that is, “restore ties with Christian cultural tradition and the Chilean nation’s historic goal. ’ ’ Orders have been given to purge syllabuses of “all controversial questions likely to be used in discussions of a social or political character.” In order to avoid any reference to present-day events, the history syllabus for the entrance examination to the University of Chile stops at 1891. Faculty members have been asked not to miss any opportunity for “emphasizing respect towards the individual, institutions, authority

ent student centres; political activity by students or their parents outside their establishments’ ’ and so on. Speaking at Punta Arenas last month, General Pinochet said: “There are still Marxist professors who are trying to poison the youth in their classes, . and I don’t stand for that.” Some institutions, especially private ones, jibbed at this cultural takeover and their directors were promptly suspended. In this way several teachers at Santiago’s St. George’s School were dismissed, and this led to the departure from Chile of all the members of the order running the college. As a result of these measures, for the first time in 15 years the percentage of children attending school, which had been rising steadily, is at a standstill. The campaign’s hardest and frequently its most spiteful blows have been aimed for the mostpart at the university. In the university world, too, reforms had been initiated in 1987. spelling out the principles of selfdecentralization, pluralism management, and autonomy vis-a-vis the political authority, while at the same time underlining the need for active participation in society’s changes. They applied primarily to the University of Chile, a vast bastion accounting for more than half of the country’s 58,000 student population, to the State Technical University (18 per cent of the total student strength), and the Santiago Catholic University (12 per cent). But Chile’s five other universities had also earmarked on similar reforms to reorganize their establishments.

There is nothing imaginary about this epistolary exchange. It did take place this spring between the various heads of the university’s faculties and the university secretary. Among the books earmarked for the flames were the works of John K. Galbraith, Maurice Duverger , Gorki, Celso Furtado, Alain Joxe, not to mention of course the writings of Marx, Lenin and Mao. It’s two years since the coup took place in Santiago, and they are still burning books there. The “new” Chile’s goal is nothing less than a total transformation of the people’s outlook, a veritable cultural counter-revolution. The measures adopted by the junta and the official statements it makes give some idea of the kind of cultural set-up Chile wants. A rather more precise picture may be obtained by examining the clandestine research conducted last. year by experts of the former national research centre, CEREN. At the economic level, the emphasis is on the inevitability of the gap between rich and poor; the individual’s struggle to pull himself up is lauded; and private property has become sacred again. In social and political thinking, the junta’s line is closer to Francoism: the government and the leadership have unquestioned authority, rather like the head of the family ; and the established order,” and glorifying recourse to tradition instead of change; ‘the legitimate pride of being Chilean, the All this was abruptly brought to a stop by democracy vilified as the source of corruplove of the country’s great traditions, the the coup d’etat. After the ensuing fighting, tion, vice, and other dangers; corporatist significance of the heroic gestures and atparticularly at the Technical University, the sentiment encouraged in a society of hierartainments of famous men.” establishments were shut down. All the o chically ordered professional groups; and a Primary school syllabuses have been butelected rectors (most of them with Christian messianic world anti-communism as a tressed with six new subjects tending to Democrat leanings) were dismissed and remeans of undoing the “plots” hatched by the idealize a whole range of patriotic symbols, placed by military men (delegate rectors) enemy within or without. The armed forces, like the glories of Chile’s navy, the heroes of whose first task, they say, will be to “eradiwhich by definition express the will of the - Conception, Patriots’ Week, and so on. cate the Marxist cancer” beginning by getpeople at large and have their common inting rid of the carriers of the disease, namely terests at heart, must devote themselves to faculty members and students. The Univerdisgracing the “bad citizens,” those who sity of Chile’s first military rector, General At the beginning of the school year, last have the gall to oppose a national unity at last Ruiz, promptly appointed 36 “judges” to get March, a list of 32 obligatory anniversary regained, those who have “the poison of on with the work of the inquisition and dedates were published which included days politics in the blood.” cide on the expulsion of leftwing militants or marking “major military events,” four days sympathizers within 24 or 60 hours dependof homage to the state police, the air force, ing on whether the case was a matter of army and navy, and anniversaries of national The process of really liberalising educaheroes. Authoritarian discipline is once common knowledge or merely “bordertion in Chile had begun in 1%5, first under line”. more the rule in school, with the flag being the Christian Democrats and continued Occasionally, as at Valparaiso, the procesaluted every Monday morning. Great care under Popular Unity. Teaching establishis taken about the way students are dressed: dure consisted of informing the party conments were allowed to manage their own cerned that “if he has not received his no long hair, moustaches or beards for the affairs, a process in which were involved November salary, then he must consider boys; no make-up, clogs or short skirts for faculty members and students, as well as the girls. Active teaching methods have been that his name is on the list of ‘dismissed parents, administrative employees; union staff.” Even this pretence of legality was abandoned. workers, applicants for retraining courses dispensed with at the medical faculty where Total authority to watch over the ideology and so on. Very flexible timetables enabled hatred of leftwing men is especially violent and discipline was vested in the commanding ,people in jobs to continue their studies withand teaching doctors were actually chased officers of the military institutes by a circular out a break. The reforms were intended to out of their lecture rooms. issued in August last year. Heads of teaching make knowledge more accessible, and estabThe repression is still continuing. Despite establishments are expected to bring to the lish a greater relevancy between what was his valorous deeds, General Ruiz was attention of the military authorities the folthought to be too soft-and replaced as “rectaught and the country’s social and economic about the country’s lowing cases: “Remarks situation. tor” of the University of Chile by another politics, spreadmg of disparaging rumours army man, General Rodriguez Polgar, who The process was brought to a halt after the concerning the government; spreading of before he assumed office in August 1974, coup. The only trade union in the sector, the jokes and wisecracks about the junta; distordeclared: d ‘Military delegate-ret tors should education workers union (SUTE) was distion of patriotic values and concepts; propcontinue as long as the military government banded both in primary andsecondary estabagation of ideas tending to press for the aplasts.” The military intelligence service is lishments, and military nominees were appointment by election of the directors of par-





3, I%‘!

everywhere. Every month this year, an average of 40 students are estimated to have been arrested. On August 13, 44 persons with “moderate” political views were rounded up at the Santiago arts faculty, ant among them was the head of the French de partment, who is wellknown for his conservative opinions (he has since been released), While it is still difficult to give any figures, il seems probable that 40 per cent of the faculty members and 30 per cent of the students of Chilean universities have quit voluntarily OI been forced to quit. “National security” courses have beer instituted alongside classes at every level o study. A ministerial circular explains tha the purpose is “to bring home to future pro fessional persons the many danger! threatening the life of the state.” The syl labus contains two main subjdcts, subver sion and political deviation, and provides fo; stints “of at least three months in nationa security units. ” And this militarization is ir addition to what the highly conservative daily El Mercurio refers to as the ‘ ‘revitaliza tion of the university” in every field. Universityentrance fees have gone up ou of all proportion, and enrolment last year slipped 10 per cent compared with 1973 Several social science, history, ant philosophy departments have been done away with, and the restraints placed gener, ally on research have led to an exodus 01 researchers. An official report published ir June 1974 said 228 researchers have left tht country since 1971, 165 of them since the coup d’etat. Combined inter-faculty teach, ing projects have been dropped. Schools and universities are not alone ir educating a people. We know that the news papers, electronic media and the cinema alsc play an important, if not a more important role here. While there is no legal censorship nobody can deny that it is especially harsh ir practice and that here, too, it parallels a self imposed censorship. More than half 01 Chile’s journalists find it impossible to dc their job in Chile itself. The Internationa Press Institute reports that in May theIwere 42 in concentration camps and that l( had been shot. One of the last foreign car respondents to hold out, the Washingtor Post’s Ivan Omang, was expelled in June. There are fewer newspapers, and they se1 their political tone by the all-powerful El Mercurio which, in the name of economic rectitude, occasionally even tells the junti what line to take. As for the rest, the Chilear newspapers fall back on blood and gore-or their front pages, detailed accounts of sexua’ crimes, glorification of the army, the threat of an attack by Peru or trivial reporting or the spring festival and trade exhibitions Radio and television carry either light enter. tainment imported from the United States or weepy serials from Mexico. Everything i$ calm, orderly, and safe. Nothing whatever is happening in Chile. Anybody who says the opposite is an ex. tremist. Protests by foreign journals ant newspapers are part of a worldwide Corn. munist conspiracy. And international bodies which object are all, especially the Unitec Nations, “symbols of a decadent world,” af Javier Leturia pointed out on July 10 in the presence of General Pinochet when he inau gurated a “Youth Front.”



3, 1975

the chevron


Feedback letters should be addressed to the Editor, the chevron, University’ of Waterloo. Letters should be typed on a 64 character line and double-spaced. Letters must be signed by an individual, not an organization. Pseudonyms will be run if the chevron is provided with the real name of the author and with a reason why the real name should not be used. Deadline for letters is noon Tuesday.

m revisited It is indeed amusing to observe that the Federation council has been entertained recently with a most curious telegram, proposed by a cult of students who want to “help women” by advocating, among other things, that “abortion be removed from the criminal code’ ’ . The rapid proliferation of feminist pro-life groups across North America and in Britain, including a Chicago-based group known as WE (Women Exploited) composed entirely of women who have had abortigns, would seem to cast some skepticism over the glib assumption that abortion was created solely for the good of women. But we must admire in this little group of the faithful the wonderful way in which they are rapidly organizing their religion -already they have presented us with a list of three articles of faith, as unexamined as any medieval credo. “WE believe that motherhood should be voluntary. We believe that Canadian women should have freedom of choice. ’ ’ These statements, of course, rest on the miraculous assumption that a pregnant woman makes a cool, judic&l choice between motherhood and nonmotherhood with as little emotional indecision as if she were choosing between a vacation in Hawaii or in Florida. They also assume that every woman confronted with the decision is fully informed about all the alternatives to and consequences of her decision. Of course everyone sees motherhood as, something good and desirable-otherwise each of us and the whole human race would not be here today. Of course everyone, even a pro-abortionist, sees abortion as something undesirable, even if it is as the lesser of two evils. But by what stretch of unreason can it be construed that motherhood, which is good, is a greater threat to any woman in the throes of a huge decision, than abortion, its undesirable alternative? Let us suppose that the flock who wrote the telegram really meant to say this: We believe that abortion should be voluntary. We believe that Canadian women should have the freedom to choose abortion as the lesser of two evils. Someone should inform these believers that abortion is never a happy, free choice for anyone, that such a drastic decision can never be made in some light idyllic situation free from the pressures of coercion: the coercion of a hard society, of a slave-driving employer, of a profitseeking abortionist) of a callous boyfriend or husband, or of parents who care for what the neighbours think more than for their daughter’s peace of mind. Let’s face it,the “alternatives to abortion that society can offer” are the very things that a woman desires with all her heart when she reaches .out for support to carry on her pregnancy and affirm her motherhood. The only other alternative is abortion, and what does it have to offer except a terminated pregnancy with the very real but subtle beginnings of a trauma that cannot be aborted? A trauma that festers inside and undermines the sense of emotional well-being of most recipients of the so-called human al temative . “‘WE ask that police and courts immediately stop prosecuting Dr. Henry Morgantaler and those other professionally qualified doctors and nurses who have been performing abortions in order to help women.” We wonder why these people think that the plight of poor Dr. Morgantaler is the plight of Canadian doctors as a whole. The Canadian Medical Association, itself in favour of


liberalizing .our abortion laws, has washed its hands of the whole Morgantaler case. No wonder; Morgantaler himself has admitted before the Supreme court of Quebec to using his abortipn apparatus (the polyethylene Disposable Vacurettes), in an unmedical way. He has admitted to re-using his Vacurettes, even though they are supposed to be disposed of after only one use. Says Rex E. Doherty, executive vice-president of Berkebey Bio-Engineering Inc. and supplier to Morgantaler: “from day one we have made only disposable Vacurettes, that is Vacurettes which are sold in sterile form for one use only. The package is clearly marked ‘cannot be re-us’ed’ . If Dr. Morgantaler had been re-using our Vacurettes, it was strictly against the specific instruction from the manufacturer.’ Re-use of the Vacurettes, which cost $3.30 each, could result >n transmitting diseases to subsequent patients if the instruments were not properly sterilized, according to doctors queried. Such diseases could include viral hepatitis, tetanus, venereal disease and gaseous gangrene. Resterilizing a polyethylene %rstrument would be a difficult process, according (The MONTREAL to manufacturers. GAZETTE, Dec. 24, 1974)“. So, when the orthodox solemnly declare Dr. Henry Morgantaler a professionaly qualified doctor who has been “performing abortions in order to help women”, pure and simple, please allow us a little agnosticism in regard to their simple faith. But let us close in harmony and agreement with the authors of the proposed telegram. We, like they, “ask that abortion be removed from the criminal code”. We also ask that mercy killing, infanticide, murder and human discrimination be removed from the criminal code. We ask that the very need for and,existence of these tragedies be removed from our society now and for ever. And we .propose as well that this curious telegram be put on’the museum shelf, or in the archives of our own rapidly sinking library, along-side the rack, the thumbscrew, and the other antique curiosities of other less-enlightened eras. Bill Trusz (secretary of) The University of Waterloo Pro-Life Group

Crowd control


The Bee Gees concert was one of the most enjoyable concerts that I have attended since I started in 1971. Crowd control, how, ever, was terrible. People stood in line for forty-five minutes only to be told that they were in the wrong line. It seemed that people with student tickets but no student cards and people buying tickets at the door were supposed to use the Red South doors. People lined up at Blue South were not told of this arrangement until they reached the doors at the bottom of the stairs, having waited the already mentioned forty-five minutes to reach that point. By the time some people finally got into the gym the concert had already begun. After paying five to six dollars for a ticket, people should not miss part of the concert because of the lack of preparation on the part of the concert organizers. The crowds would have moved much more quickly had the concert organizers directed people into the appropriate line-up as they arrived, either through the use of signs or megaphones. A second reason for slow &wd movement was the fact that only one door was used at the bottom of each set of stairs. It does not seem unreasonable to use t,wo. The poor crowd control detracted from an otherwise excellent concert last Friday. I hope that the situation is better at upcoming concerts. Craig


Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers union of dumont press graphix (CNTU) and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Off ices are located in the campus centre; (5-l 9) 885-l 660, or university local 2331. here are a couple of late flashes: Lydia Puspoky who counts money in the campus bank was runner up in the K-W Miss Oktoberfest contest and she had her hair done at the campus centre salon; And elephants will walk on campus next week before the circus opens at the pat building. The animals have been warned not-to walk too slowly lest they be hitched to a tow truck with a parking ticket affixed to their eyelids. And for ail those who nurture houseplants it is rumoured that elephant droppings will be sold after the circus..Its late and I’m going home thanx this week go to courageous Chris jones who stayed to the end, with john morris, george eisler and henry hess. Also godblesses go to libby, laura, karen, graham, who had two vaiiiant efforts to find some news around this place, Sylvia, diane, randy, doug, faithful jim, isabella who did a gooood job, john the lay out man, and the other faithful brethren the taxi’s here goodnight nd.



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. \_~ -MEET* the big- cats Jungle. bred Afri& ./ions he Royal Bengal &.Siberi;ln Tigers _ - -’ \ _^ “i‘i i ? . * -. . ,I



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Y--- . --\ SEE ‘Performing


Elephants - THRILL _ to- the.High-Trap,ese1 . -.l hckses,, ponieb, midget _. Daredevils,’ _) aerialists _ stallions; trained chimps- * - and the fq’tibus x \ \ and much-briginal , -more. .I,’ . ‘- ’ Hanneford , Fa&& Riding Act L 8_ . \ \__ .c I CI. n I 6f students protidly presents,I i . w as the Fed-era’tion I fbr the f&t time \ on this campus - * _ /\



Proceeds to K-W Cad& .(C.0.P.S:) -7 -

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