University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume

Page 1

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 16, number 34 friday, february 27, 1976

the I inside Maiming workers at Vi/as .......... Warriors garrot Cuelph- ............ Intermediate technology ............ Life in Vietnam today .............



the cutbacks

‘You can’it get anything -

If you wanted to know what Maxwell Henderson’s views on university financing are, and where Carl Pollock, UW Chancelar and Electrohome =w=~ keeps his television, then the large house on exclusive Westgate Walk was the place to bc on Monday. In Pollock’s opulent home, the former auditor general of Canada expounded his views to the local media. He was in town to speak at UW’s Hagey lecture series; but of particiular interest to the reporters were his views on government spending. Henderson was a member of the special programs review committee which produced a. report

commonly labelled with his name, He suggested that perhaps the on 184 places the provincial govuniversities have been too accessible in the past, saying: “When ernment could trim its $11 billion you make universities so available, budget for a saving of $3.6 billion _. you’re crazy if you don’t come over two years. forward and have a piece.” ~ The cuts recommended are largely aimed at social services Henderson’s view was that and education spending. For unithere were perhaps a lot of stuversities the recommendation is a dents at university who “have no 65 per cent tuition increase or business being there anyway.” ’ In line with this thinking he massive staff reductions. suggested that since the advent of On Monday, seated on one of a health insui”dnce scheme in the Pollock’s more comfortable antique pieces, Henderson was not province we now have people going overly concerned about what efto the doctor 100-300 times a year. fect such a fee increase would The former auditor gene,@ thinks universities should be enhave on the accessibility of the universities to students from lower couraged to finance themselves as much as possible, and so 16ree income families.

for free’

themselves from government control. But he is sure the government and the people are stiB willing to help students from poorer fanmilies receive a post secondary education. He said they will meet them half way. However, he would not elaborate. how this aid should be rendered, except to say that he hopes a happy medium can be reached between an increase in tuition fees and cutbacks on expenses within the university. Henderson’s view is that accessibility won’t change much if the report’s recommendations are implemented, just so long as students are willing to “get out and

s to work-tog&her TORONTO (CUP)-Delegates From five Canadian student organizations accepted a proposal For amalgamation and agreed on a “common action program” at a neeting here Feb. 14-15. The ama@nation or “restructuring” proposal will be submitted to the organizations’ respective plenaries for approval or rejection, and the results will be discussed when the delegates meet again in April. The common action program will consist of a. poster and brochure campaign, and the publication of a national newspaper, the Student Advocate. The Toronto meeting was the third in a series on “the role of student organizatiqns” in which delegates have sought better inter-organizational co-operation and to “eliminate redundancies” in their various campaign efforts. Attending were the National Union of Students (NUSIUNE), the British Columbia Student Federation (BCSF), the Federation of Alberta Students (FAS), the Qntario Federation of Students (OFSIFEO), and the Atlantic Federation of Students (AFS). The restructuring proposal, submitted by OFS, calls for: -a revamping of the NUS central

.p. I2 .p. 15 .p.2O .p.22

Committee so that it will consist of executive members of the regional organizations, and where no regional organizations exist, the representatives will be elected in “current NUS fashion” from the individual member campuses; -mandatory dual membership in NUS and the regional organization; and -the preservation of the plenary powers of each organization. “In practice, strategy would be articulated by the central committee representatives, presumably reflecting their (respective) regional positions. . . tactics and the implementation of strategy would be a regional prerogative,” the proposal states. NUS president Pierre Ouelette agreed, saying when the organizatiOIlS “start talking together as equals they’ll cooperate more.” But in response to NUS field-worker Gavin Anderson’s insistence that the development of strategy must be left to “strong provincial and regional organizations” , Ouelette said he would “hate to see national plenaries become symbolic” and reduced to “blessing” regional plenaries’ decisions . OFS fieldworker Rick Gregory

defended the dual plenary powers as “a necessary contradiction” ensuring that regional organizations be able to set their own “priorities” within the context of a nationally-formulated program. A combination of national and regional perspectives will also mark the organizations’ common action efforts. Noting that the “federal and provincial governments are attempting to rationalize the current inflationary economy by reducing all expenditures in the social service set tor’ y-and by ‘ ‘transferring an ever increasing share. . . of the costs of post-secondary education. . . to the students of each province in different ways,” the organization agreed to release a brochure dealing with both the national aspect of education cutbacks and the situation in each respective region. The delegates also agreed at a later date to initiate, through letters , telegrams and delegations, demands that: -the federal -and provincial governments create a summer jobs program for students; -the council of ministers of education, the federal government, and the provinces discuss ways bf increasing grants rather than “student indebtedness” in the

Canada Student Loans discussions; -tuition fees be frozen at the 1975-76 levels I After consideration at the organizations’ respective SPrins plenaries, and further discussion when the delegates meet again in April, the restructuring ~proposals will be discussed at the May NUS conference in Winnipeg, according to NUS executive secretary, Dan O’Connor. Delegates set a target date of May 1977 for the creation of “one national union” at the second inter-organ&&ion meeting last January. Absent from this meeting was the National Association of Quebec Students (ANEQ) who said they were too busy to attend. Delegates agreed to write ANEQ to ask the association “what it saw as its role”” in the inter-organization talks Previously ANEQ has advanced “bV0 mutually contradictory lines”, according to one delegati. One group within ANEQ feels NUS and ANEQ should relate to each other as “two national organizations’ ’ , while another insists ANEQ is a provincial association and should deal only with other provincial or regional organizations.

work for it (an education). “I think you only value a thing if you -work for mustn’t come to thinking that you can get anything for ffee,” he cautioned. But Henderson does have some reservations about the report. He stressed that he-would like to see the government look at itself first and see if it can provide the same product for less money. In particular he was critical of the ever-expanding civil service. He cited some cases of federal spending which he felt warranted investigation, such as the $1 billion spent by the government for the help of outside consultants. . Another reservation he has about the report, which he describes as just a “shopping list” for the provincial government, is that the -committee wasn’t able to meet with university presidents before making its recommendaions. This wasn’t possible because of a lack of time, he said, and explained that the government was in a hurry to get the report before drawing up its budget. Had such a meeting taken place,. he suggested that the recommended fee hike might not have been so drastic, perhaps only about 45 per cent. While fielding some criticism from a student, following his Hagey lecture in the evening, however, he defended the 65 per cent recommendation saying: ‘ ‘I think it is on the low side”. Such are the views of Henderson on university finances. As for the location of the chairman’s tele\;ision, that was divulged following a little competition immediately after the press conference. , . Pallock asked -those present if they knew where he kept his bos. The luxurious room was neatly adorned with tasteful pieces but there was no sign of anything from Electrohome. With everyone suitably baffled, Pollock reached into a mahogany drawer and with the press of a button a painting on the wall began to gracefully tilt toward the ceiling, revealing to all (and to the -great amusement of Henderson) a large television in full life. --neil docherty



the chevron \


27, 197t


University Saturday



Mass Schedule 9:00 a.m. Sunday TOO p.m.

IO:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday 12:30p.m. VA East Quad Lounge


7:30 a.m. 12:35 a.m.500 p.m.

Friday Don Carr. Multicolour lithographs and drawings. UW Art Gallery. Hours: Mon-Fri. 9-4pm, Sun 2-5pm. till March 7th. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Disco from 9-l am. $25 after 9pm.

Federation Flicks-The Exorcist with Linda Blair. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50.

Father Norm Choate CR., 884-4256 ’ Father Bob Liddy C.R. 884-0863 or 884-8liO

Notre Dame \Chapel


Three On The Flip Side. The Real inspector Hound, A Day For Surprises, and Bland Hysteria.’ 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $2, Students and seniors $1.25.

Saturday Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. Disco f rbm 9-l am. $25 after 9pm.

x Waterloo Jewish Students’ Organization _.

Three On The Flip Side. The Real inSpector Hound, A Day For Surprises, and Bland Hysteria. 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $2, Students and seniors $1.25.

lJ6esents the Honorable


Mordechai Shalev Ambassador to Canada From The State of Israel

. Monday March 19 1976 \8:30 pm Beth Jacob Centre ’ 161 Stkling Ave. S. Kitchgner r ,.. . 7

Federation Flicks-The Exorcist with Linda Blair. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. _ \

Sunday Chapel. “identity and Conflict: Sharing Our Struggles.” Leo Driedger visiting professor in Sociology at UW. loam.’ Conrad Grebei College Chapel.



Waterloo County Day. Slides, music,. paintings, and films. 1:30-5pm. Kitchener Public Library. African Students 4pm. CC 110.



Rehearsals-Concert 116. ’

Federation Flicks-The Exorcist with Linda Blair. 8pm. AL i 16. Feds$l , Others $1’50.

Choir. 7pm. Al

Theatre Passe Muraille presents The Horsburgh Scandal. 8pm. Theatre o the Arts. Admfssion $3.50, Student: and seniors $2.50.

Fourth in a series of lectures on other religions. Judaism. Presented by Sari Helper-t. 830pm. Conrad Grebei Coiiege , Lower Lounge.



Campus Centre Pub opens 12( noon Salt Spring Rainbow from g-lam. $.7r after 7pm.

Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. SaA Spring Rainbow from g-lam. $74 after 7pm.

Jack or the Submission. 12:30pm Theatre of the Arts. Free admission.

Para-legal assistance offers nonadvice. Call professional legal 885-0840 or come to CC 106. Hours: 1:30-4:30pm.


Movie-Westworld. Sponsored by WATSFIC. 7 & 9pm. MC 2066. Members $1, Students $1.50, Others $2.

University Chapel. Sponsored by tht UW chaplains. 12:30pm. SCH 218K. Para-legal assistance offers non professional legal advice. Cal 885-0840 or icome to CC 106. Hours 130-4 36 and 7-l Opm.

The Jazz & Blues Club. The Blues from then till now by Jeff Weller. 8pm. Kitchener Public Library

Terrarium Gardening. Royal Botani cai Gardens outreach series. 130pm Kitchener Public Library.

Tuesday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Salt Spring Rainbow from 9ilam. $.74 after 7pm.

K-W Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic 2-4:30pm and 6-830pm. Rockwa) Gardens Senior Citizens’ Centre, 1405 King Street East, Kitchener.

’ Jack or the Submission. Free admission. 12:30 Theatre of the Arts. Para-legal assistance offers nonadvice. Call professional legal 885-0840 or come to CC 106. Hours: . 1:30-4:30pm. A meeting of the U of W Pro-life group. A closed secret meeting. Only those who care will be admitted. 4pm. HH 280 .

~ Man himself, eating of the fruit of the Rehearsals-Ljiie Symphony Or- j tree of the knowledge of good and evil, chestra. 7pm. AL 6. under the hypnotic influence of his own mind, produces conflict and brings forth Group meditation and Advanced iecfor trouble. He can stop it any time ‘he ture for ail TM meditators. These adchooses. The Ontology Club discusses vanced meetings are now only every every Tuesday. 4:30pm. CC 113. second Sunday. 8pm. E3-1101. \ .

Ash Wednesday Chapel. “Behold The Lamb of God.” Sermon and chape choir. 4:45pm. Conrad Grebei College Chapel. \ Rehearsals-tincert AL 6.

Band. 5:30pm

Chess Club Meeting. Everyone come. 7:30pm. CC 135.


Theatre Passe Muraille presents The Horsburgh Scandal. 8pm. Theatre o the Arts. Admission $3.50, Student3 and seniors $2.50. Gay Coffee House.

8:30pm. CC l-i0.

Thursday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon, Salt Spring Rainbow from g-lam. $.74 after 7pm. Jack or the Submission. Free admis sion. 12:30pm. Theatre of the Arts. Para-legal assistance offers non professional advice. Ca legal 885-0840 or come to CC 106. Hours 130-430pm. Waterloo Christian Fellowship 4:30pm -Study of Basic Christian? by John Stott, 5:15pm. -Supper, 6pn -Jo McCourt speaking on “Christ’: New Commandment.” ’ Everyone ’ i! welcome. CC 113.

While studying a sentence-. comparative, A student named Moe’was . declarative, With a case of beer, the words bgxamexlear, Another ‘BlueGab imperative. . t

Weekly forums. ,on the Poiitica Economy of Canada. 7pm. AL 207 Sponsored by the Anti-imperialist Al iiance. Christian Science Organization Everyone is invited to attend these reg uiar meetings for informal discussions 730pm. Hum 174. ’ KF Gauss Foundation Films Sidd hartha-Hesse, Experimenta Shorts-McLaren. Admission $74 8pm. MC 2066.


All faculty, students and staff art welcome to join in discussion with tht Baha’is on campus at their reguia meetings. Topics vary from week tc week. “it beseemeth ail men. . . to es tabiish the unity of mankind. Baha’u’iiah. 8pm. HH 334. General Meeting. Greek Students As sociation. 8pm. CC 110.

Friday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon Saft Spring Rainbow from g-lam. $.7~ after 7pm. Jack or the Submission. Free admis sion. 12:30pm. Theatre of the Arts.

Labattk Blue smiles along with you

An Evening of Dance. U of-W Dana Company. 8pm. Humanities Theatre Admission $2, Students and senior! $1.25. Federation Flicks-Clockwork range with Malcolm McDowell. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50.

Or 8pm ,

-iday, februaty


the chevron

27, 1976

n Ontario Liberal education critic ohn Sweeny explained to about alf a dozen people on Tuesday hat he does not support the Ienderson-McKeough report. Most of those present were lress members and some of them

left even speaking.


Although increase in much”, he cept of the



he feels a 65 per cent tuition fees is “too does support the constudetit paying a per-

centage of the total cost of their education and having that percentage remain constant. Sweeney’s criticism of the report was not that it was an outside report compiled by people who are not government officials. Instead,

Seats without councillors stopped student council from meetirrg on Tuesday. On/y n/ine of a possible 28 voting members turned up, which left the gathering four short of a quorum. The old council now has on/y one chance to get its business completed before the new blood takes office next Tuesday. At a meeting slated for 8pm Tuesday in E’L 7 O I, the new council will meet, the federation’s Annual General Meeting will be held, and, if possible, the o/d council will polish off some unfinished items. At the ACM all federation members have a vote. There are a coup/e of proposed bylaw changes which will be put before the meeting.

he insisted that this is an inside report. He explained that during the last decade, the government has taken two to four years to prodtice report. The McKeoughany Henderson report, he said, was produced in a matter of months. This suggests to him that the report incorporates policies and recommendations upon which the government had already decided. Sweeney also cited examples of policies recommended in the report which are already being implemented. “The government just doesn’t work that way,” he said referring to the speed involved. He also said that since there were people outside the govemment involved, there is “no way” the repdrt could have been formulated that quickly. “These people could not possibly have the expertise to do so in this time,” he said. u For this reason, Sweeney claims, it is important to refer to the report as the McKeough report so as to emphasize that the report is the work of the government.. Sweeney also commented on the 15 per cent increase in the federal government education budget for the next year. He said it was the only thing to do in view of federal cutbacks which have been going on quietly for years. As a result of these cutbacks, he said, * all Ontario universities but

Mathso Five hundred t-shirts and $60 vorth of trophies stolen from the vIath society two weeks ago were bund Monday, math rep. John ,ong-said Wednesday. He said the goods were discorered “sometime on Monday” lfter s;meone informed the cam)us police of -the whereabouts of he ripped off items. “The security officers then jicked them up at a certain locaion on campus and later some tiaths& people collected them at he security office.” The t-shirts and trophies apJeared after Mathsoc “donated” a 650 cheque as a ransom to the Engneering society’s Stanford Flemng Foundation last week, Long ;&id. He added that the foundation’s :reasurer Don Scott, a chemical engineering professor, hasn’t lashed the cheque yet and if he ioes then Mathsoc can sue for ex:ortion. It’s widely believed by Long and )thers offkials in the Mathsoc that some engineers stole the goods in order to get money ransom for :heir society’s foundation. The foundation collects a $2.50 voluntary fee from engineering students each term to provide buriaries and scholarships to the undergraduates and Faculty’s graduates. It is named after the Zanadian engineer who designed the Canadian Pacific Railway. Long also said there’s a feeling among Mathsoc officials that if the ransom money is returned then the society’s council might consider donating a sum to the foundation. “Mathsoc might provide even more money if the $50 extortion sum is returned.” Long, however, was countered by Mathsoc president Gary Dry-

whether to return the cheque will only be made after a t&tees’ meeting to be held “ sometime in the future. ” The theft prompted Mathsoc to review its office’s security system, Dryden said, adding that the t-shirts will be locked away in a cabinet along with a stereo set. As for the trophies they’ll be locked in a case, and the society will probably invest in an alarm system. In a related development, Engsot president Rob Mqrrison apologized to Mathsoc at a meeting of UW’s student societies on Monday “for any problems resulting from the taking of the society’s -john morris t-shirts .”

den‘> who said he, personally, has no intention of urging his council to donate funds to the foundation. But Dryden said Long can bring up the matter at the society’s next council meeting to see whether councillors wish to make a donation. Dryden also mentioned his society has every intention of suing the trustees of the foundation if the $50 ransom cheque is cashed. “They (the engineers) hope that we’ll forget about the matter but that’s not likely.” Reading a letter sent to him last Friday by Scott, Dryden said the foundation’s treasurer gave the that a decision on impression





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Conductor-Alfred Kunz Margaret Hull-Soprano, Anne Dlugokecki-Contralto Jacob Willms-Tenor, Kenneth Baker-Bass Admission $2.50, students/seniors $2.00 Box Office ext; 2126 Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students

D’ETe 1976

JULY Sth-August 13th . In the continent home.







The University of Waterloo


m isteak Oooops! The chevron godfed again. Last week we reported incorrectly that the current UW budget is $46.6 million in the story entitled ‘ ‘Gov’t ups grants’ ’ . Instead, the present budget is $41.6 million.


However, Sweeney also said “given the current fiscal problems of the federal government, I can’t see them increasing total percentages.” According to’sweeney, the purpose of the visit was to-obtain input and feedback to government policies and some personal ideas. One such “idea” was that the government encourage a time lag between leaving high school and entering university. Sweeney feels this would give potential students time to decide whether university is the best choice for&them and if so, which field to pursue. He feels that if the person returns to school , they will be better motivated and the dropout rate will reduce. ,, “What we seem to have done is create a syndrome that the only way to career opportunity is through university education,” Sweeney said. He added, ‘t.We have to review that attitude.” (Student federation president John Shortall said the time lag idea sounds good but he does not think it can work in vtew of the present unemployment statistics for the 18 to 24 year-old age group.) When asked if the planned (calculated) failure rate of some courses had been taken into account in recording the dropout rate, Sweeney admitted it hadn’t. When asked how the government would accommodate those who chose the time lag alternative, Sweeney again admitted a “major flaw” in the proposed program in that it had not been fully thought out yet. Sweeney also told the chevron “government policies are open to modification” based on public feedback. It will not be based on feedback from the UW campus, however, as only two people remained until the end of the discussion.

Humanities Theatre Admission $3.50, students/seniors Box Officr ext. 2126




the chevron

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Will do light moving with a small pickup truck. Call Jeff 745-1293. 25 year old Inmate, seeks correspondance with realistic, unhibited and concerned people. Regardless of age, color, religion, or ethical background. My interests are: Art, poetry, chess and music. My astrological sign is Virgo. Will answer all letters. Please write to: Mr. Cecil Curry No. 133-391, P.O. Box 69, London, Ohio 43140.

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WOODSTOCK-LONDON SERVICE Express via Hwy. 4Ql * Read Down 2 Read Up Fridays Sundays Ar. 6.45 ’p.m. South Campus -Entrance 605p.m. Lv. 6.35p.m. Lv. Kitchener Terminal Ar. 7.10 p.m. Lv. 5.55 p.m. 7.25p.m. Ar. Woodstock London Lv. 5.15 p.m. 8.05p.m. Ar.


10 Rides


Will type essays or thesis for $50 p page. Call Norma Kirby 742-9357. Will do student typing, reasonab rates, e Lakeshore village. ‘Ci 885-l 863. Typing: neat and enced. Reasonab!e Ask for Judy.

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If you submitted a fkm earlier in the year for the Spring 1976 convocation, you need not submit a -c new form.




Tickets have no expiry date; they donot have to be used by the purchaser; they may be used from the Kitchener Terminal or from Waterloo. -



Fast accurate typing: $.40 a page. IB Selectric. Located in Lakeshore villag Call 884-6913 anytime.

Students expecting to graduate at the Spring Convocation, May 20, May 21, May 22, 1976, must submit an “Intention to Graduate” form. The forms can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, Ira G. Needles Hall, or from the departmental offices.







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27,, ,I 976

the chevron

Henderson “It is envisaged that the Hagey Lectures will become the premier invitational lecture at UW and will be an annual event which will challenge, stimulate and enrich all members of the community,” so reads this year’s program. Charged with this task on Monday was former auditor general of Canada, Maxwell Henderson. But in a 27-page speech, which was punctuated several timss by heckling from disgruntled students, there was little that was challenging, stimulating or enriching. Henderson was the second speaker of this year’s two part series on “Canada in the year 2000”. He followed Ontario ombudsman Arthur Maloney, who gave a /presentation last month. (The series is in honor of UW’s founding president, J.G. Hagey.) The retired accountant has recently gained notoriety on campuses across the province because he helped j draw up the special program review report. The report, widely labelled with this name,, which recommends 184 cuts in provincial government social service and education spending designed to save $3.6 billion over two years. One of the proposals is a 65 per cent tuition increase or large staff reductions for universities. It was thus not surprising that a significant portion of Monday’s audience were more concerned with cutbacks today than Henderson’s projections of Canada 25 years hence. In the lobby outside the humanities theatre, about 50 students gathered to demonstrate against the Henderson Report. There was also a contingent of about eight people from Durham.

gazes at year ~2,000

They came at the invitation of the organizers of the demonstration, the Anti-Imperialist Alliance, (AIA) to question Henderson about the closing of their hospital by the provincial government. During the question period a spokesperson for them challenged Henderson about the closing of their hospital. She said that it was essential to the community, was well-run and its closure could not just be viewed as some government fat trimming. Henderson said he would talk to health minister, Frank Miller, about the closure. The demonstration was obviously of some concern to the universityadminstration since the bulk of the audience, many of them dressed in their finest attire. were escorted in the side entrance. In his speech Henderson was severely critical of government spending, but other than a few well rounded figures on government excesses there was little if any substance. ’ He railed against the escalation of government spending. Ottawa increased spending, to $42 billion this year from $8.8 billion in 1966-67, and Queen’s Park to $11 billion by 1976 from $2 billion in 1966. These government excesses are fuelling inflation, he said, and used this as a launching pad to attack Canada’s idle youth. “Among the disastrous by-products-of this are unrestricted, inflation creating government spending are programs like unemployment insurance which are doing little more than sapping the initiative of our young people to work. ..” Henderson said, ‘ ‘ . . . too many people simply find unemployment insurance and other government

Gov’t cuts back \

OTTAWA (CUP),-Federal manpower minister Robert Andras announced Feb. 5 that the federal government will create about 12,000 summer jobs this year at a total cost of $24 million, a massive cutback from last year, In announcing this program, he said that “in spite of difficult economic times both the govemment and private sector must do what they can to provide students with work,” noting that, “without summer employment, many students will not be able to return to their studies in ,the fall .” The National Union of Students says this year’s program will likely create more student unemployment than in recent history. Last year the federal government spent $80 million providing 50,000 jobs for students, about three times the amount planned for this year. ’ This planned decrease in 38,000 jobs will result in, at least 10 per cent increase in the total number of unemployed’ students this summer compared to last year, according to NUS executive secretary Dan O’Connor. O’Connor pointed out that the bulk of the job reduction comes from the cancellation of the OFY which last year empprogram, loyed 30,000 students .NUS wrote to Andras last month to discuss this cutback but the minister has not yet replied. O’Connor said Andras’ nonresponse “is a good example of the degree of federal concern over the impact of their actions on students .” The impact of the federal cuts,

handouts a much easier way to make a living. ” Professor Jeffrey Forest, representing AIA, took issue with this during the question period. Referring to Leo Johnson’s “Poverty and Wealth”, Forest pointed out that a serious study ‘of unemployment in Canada shows that there are many factors which, cause it, none of which have anything to do with laziness. Age and where a person lived were two factors cited, and unemployment among youth in the maritimes was given as an-example. But Henderson would not be shaken from his view. When a student asked him to specify where all the jobs were, -Henderson said that he had been unable to get workers for a construction job. He also said that friends of his had had similar problems. And no sooner had he uttered those words when six students from the audience submitted verbal application for the work. (With student unemployment projections for the summer running at 25 per cent their enthusiasm is easily understood. Forest also pointed out to Henderson that Hydro-Quebec had just taken out a $1 billion loan from US banks which will involve the Quebec people paying back $3 billion over the next 20 years. Forest argued that US imperialism- had more to do with our inflation and unemployment than Henderson’s lazy youth theory. But Henderson was not interested in US control over our economy, his preoccupation was government spending. He wanted it cut, and he-wanted its bureaucracy to start with its own ‘&oft under-belly. ” It should put its own house in order before cutting welfare and social programs, he said, “even though the dollar savings would be smaller. ” He also criticized Ottawa’s anti

h&Motor --. .



he helped administer for the Mackenzie government. That program was able to cut an 18 per cent inflation rate to 1.8 per cent by the end of the war. What all this criticism led up to was a warning that prime minister Pierre Trudeau might be trying to implement socialism, and so kill . the free enterprise system. ’ With that off his chest, Henderson offered his solutions to Canada’s problems : ‘ ‘good clean leadership in government; discipline accompanied by a fresh recognition of the basic values in life; and.. .plain old-fashioned work.” After a brief but heated question period, UW Faculty association president, Jim Stone thanked Henderson, and said that he had lived up to the quality of the Hagey Lectures. A sizeable portion of the audience audibly disagreed. -neil

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looks like a wage control program. He said the biggest factor militating against it was its lack of credibility because our leaders are not showing any example. He said a total freeze on goods, services and wages should have been implemented, as had- been applied in 1941 in a program which

combined with probable reductions in summer jobs by provincial governments, “isn’t hard to prediet,” O’Connor said. He repeated Andras’ statement: “Without summer employment, many students will not be able to return to their studies in the fall.”



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the chevron


27, 197t

RCMP abuses-law student victim saVs 2

LONDON (CUP)-A member of the RCMP has been disciplined after he and two others of the drug squad here entered the apartment of an unclad Univeristy of Western Ontario student as she was getting ready for a shower last-April. The officers used a writ of assistance, a blanket search warrant, on a raid which both solicitor general Allmand and the London RCMP term “a mistake”. But Dee, Lewis, a 29-year-old graduate student, won’t be content with the disciplining of one officer, a rare practice in the RCMP. She wants writs of assistance banned altogether. The writs give RCMP officers the right to enter any residence where they have reasonable and probable grounds to suspect a crime has been or is being committed.

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Lewis feels the writs give the RCMP too much discretionary power about who, where, and when to search. But sergeant Edward Crystal of the RCMP said the writs are “jealously guarded” by the RCMP and are not abused by officers because they are essential in apprehending hard drug pushers. Only four of the 14 members of the London drug squad have writs of assistance, which are issued by the exchequer court in Ottawa. To guard against abuse, members who use writs of assistance in searches where they don’t find any kind of drugs must appear before a justice of the peace to explain the actions , Crystal said. But Lewis believes there is too much secrecy around the writs of assistance. She still doesn’t know what action was taken against the officer or even . - what the writ of assis tance said. *“‘They just walked in with the writ and then didn’t search the place. I was so upset I couldn’t remember what was on the writ, just that it said writ of assistance and had an officers name on it.” Lewis said she did not know why the officers were in her apartment and only later learned that they had mistaken her husband for another man by the same name who they suspected of trafficking.

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Crystal admitted no drugs were found in the apartment nor was 2 search undertaken. “In thiscase, the writ was : matter of experience, we wert going to get a search warrant fol the place anyways, the unfortu, nate part was the lady wa: naked. ’ ’ After the raid, three RCMP of ficers came over to apologize tc the Lewis’ for the embarrassmen and tried to persuade Lewis not tc complain about their mistaker raid. “They asked me if I was going to the papers and I hadn’t really thought of that, but if. they didn’t want me to, I figured I’d better,” she said. “They wanted me to think il was an honest mistake but I don7 think it was an honest mistake. without’ a writ they probably wouldn’t have come.” Lewis asked soliciter general Allmand for an inquiry into the use of writs but in a letter informing her of the disciplinary action against the officer, the minister refused to grant an inquiry into the blanket search warrant. The soliciter general also rejected requests from Lewis for copies of the writ, policy statements on how the writs are to be used, and statistics on how many writs have led to drug convictions. She is pleased with the disciplinary action, but is bothered by the secrecy of the federal government. According to Lewis, writs mean “they can just walk in anywhere they want on the grounds of suspicion, and that’s dangerous. ”

For further info call 864-4770


Noon Music Concert by DAVID WALKER and HELEN MARTENS performing a song cycie of nine songs by Gabriel Faure, opus 61, La Bonne Chanson, words by Paul Verlaine and also a few tuneful Schubert songs.

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27, 1976


the chevron

Chinese decide future It’s up to\the Chinese people to decide the future of communism in Xina and not their leaders, says -Ian Suyin, a world renown inologis t. And it was the cultural revoluion in the 1960s that ensured Xinese people a say in their :ountry’s political and social delelopment, Suyin told a UW audi:nce of about 300 on Wednesday. Suyin, an author on contemporfry China, was brought to campus )y the Chinese student associaion, the student federation, the Zngineering society and the Gtchener-Waterloo Canada China Xendship society. “The cultural revolution en:ouraged people to become more nvolved than before, . . and withput it, a new ruling class would lave evolved. ’ ’ After almost 2,500 years of Con‘uscian tyranny, the Chinese ended “not to open their mouths” Jut the revolution changed this by urging widespread public discus;ion, Suyin said. “The use of wall jesters to criticize events is good jecause it allows people to voice heir opinions. “It’s terrible to have a nation ‘~11 of sheep.. . where people eave political decisions up to their eaders . ” Suyin quoted chairman Mao rse-Tung as saying “without democracy there’s no socialism” Nhen stressing the need for a cularal revolution. Specifically, Mao w;js con:erned that the Chinese Comnunist Party not become a nonolithic body, divorced from .he people/, as the Soviet Union’s, ;he added.

“Monolithism is a Russian idea and it’s a deadly idea,” the author sai@. What Mao was getting at was that decision-making in the party not depend on one person but on all the Chinese people, she said. In other words, the cultural revolution was intended “to shake up” the party and this scares the communi’t leaderships in other countries because they would never submit to such public criticism, Suyin said. The’revolution has resulted in a greater consciousness among Chinese of issues their society faces such as the current struggle for the party’s premiership caused by Chou En-lai’s death, she said. “The only guarantee China has of achieving communism is the consciousness of its people.” Right now, China hasn’t achieved communism as it is only in the stage of “consolidating” socialism and a “long and bitter struggle” lies ahead, the author said. However, China in the last 25 years has ceased being a “frightfully backward country” by following Mao’s principle of self reliance which means “doing everything yourself,” she stated. China created a new type of economic model which didn’t sacrifice agriculture and light industry for heavy industry as was done in the Soviet Union, Suyin said. “Today, China can feed, clothe and provide medicare for one quarter of humanity as well as preserving light industry and developing heavy industry.” In addition, China has amassed a certain amount of technical know n

Parrott prommes fee hike-in 1977 >TTAWA (CUP)-Ontario miniser of colleges and universities 4arry Parrott announced here Feb 6 that tuition fees for Ontario unirersities will increase in 1977-78, although he did not specify the Lmount of the increase. Speaking to an audience at 3arleton University, Parrott did an ibout-face in his public position on mplementing __ _ the Henderson *- ,re)ort, which recommends a 65 per :ent increase in tuition fees and ;etting up an all-lo$n aid system.! In January, Parrott had told a ;tudent audience at MacMaster Jniversity, recommendations in he report were “outright wrong” md hadn’t “a snowball’s chance” If being implemented.

But, less than a month later, he told the Carleton audience, “There is no doubt that we as a

government support the Philosophy of the Henderson report.” He said the government believes the cost of education must be shift&d back onto the individual student so that tuition fees cover about 18 per cent of the total operating expenses of universities. GET





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how which is shared with other Third World countries, the author said. “China has shown that science is for serving people and humanity.” Suyin said China’s internal policy of self reliance shaped its external relations with other nations by promoting peaceful coexistence with all states, noninterference in the affairs of other countries and equality in the international order. Therefore, China will always condemn the actions of the Soviet Union when the latter intervenes in the internal affairs of other nations such as the recent example of Angola, Suyin said. In Angola, Suyin ’ said China helped all three liberation movements because the country was Portugal’s colony until April 1975. At that time, China ceased supplying weapons and invited the leaders of the liberation movements to visit Peking to discuss the future of their country. “The thrqe leaders were begged by Chinese leaders not to fight each other and they agreed. But as soon as they returned, they began fighting again. ” The reason for the civil war, according to Suyin, was because the Soviet Union decided to back one liberation movement and pit it against the other two. “With Russian help, the MPLA won the war but it hasn’t finished as it’s only the beginning of a long and troubled era.” Suyin also provided reasons why the Chinese invited former US president Richard Nixon to, Peking this week, saying “Nixon had the courage to make little gestures of diplomatic recognition to China.” These gestures, which predated formal US recognition of China in 1972, occurred in 1969 when Nixon called China “The Peoples Republic of China” instead of “Red China”, put the seventh US naval fleet in the Pacific off alert (it had been protecting Taiwan) and allowed Americans visiting China to buy $100 worth of goods, the author said. And the reason why the US recognized China was because of the threat posed by Soviet Union imperialism, Suyin said. ‘ ‘America needs China because now there is a real enemy-Russia.”






27, 1976

the chevron


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Tickets are available at the Box Office ML 254, ext. 2126 Gts centre ************


Library gets dance, opera book collection tains a dedicatory letter and poems A collection of more than 200 books relating chiefly to the fields ’ not normally found. In 1664, the dancing master of of dance and opera have been doLouis XIV, Dumanoir , published nated to’the UW library. la The donor, Henry Crapo, is a La Mariage de la Musique-avec professorin the departmentof Dance. The Crap0 COlleCtiOn ineludes a rare first edition of this in pure mathematics and for some full velum with a slip case. time has been interested in the role Pecour’s Recueil de Dances, pubof mathematics in the development lished in Paris in 1709, is another of dance and choreography. - - _ important manuscript that is-not The collection contains many listed in many of the major referclassic and historical works of the ence works. It is bound with two European masters, and will promanuscripts : Feuillet’s other vide researchers in the dance progou 1’Art d’Ecrire la ram in the Human Kinetics and ChorCgraphie Dance (17 13) and Recueil de Dances Leisure Studies Faculty with much (l709), and consists largely of of the primary source matercaligraphic diagrams with hand letial considered valuable and rare in tered text. the field of dance. Half a century later, between The oldest and incidentally the 1762 and 1765, La Cuisse pubsmallest book in the collection is lished Le RCpertoire des Bals ou the work by Antonius Arena, entiTheorie-pratique des contredanses. tled Basses Danses, published in This is a valuable work in very fine Lyon in 1535. It has been rebound condition. in a signed George Crette binding. There are 110 additional items During the high renaissance, relating to’ dance from various two Italian dancing masters pubcountries of the world including lished their treatises, and it is beBelgium, Denmark., Germany, cause of their similarity that auGreece and Russia. These books thorities believe that these were cover instructional and historical descriptions of a school of dance. dance from the 17th century to the pressent day. The Negri Nuove Inventioni di Balli The remainder of the collection is the 1604 edition (Milan) with includes many works in the field of signed Pratelli binding in full calf. English literature, which will proIt is a fine copy of a rare book. vide additional support for the EnCaroso’s Nobiliti di Dame is a first glish program at the university. edition (Venetia, 1605) and con-

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27, 1976


4FL opposes tuition DMONTON (CUP)-Alberta aiversities will become even lore exclusive to the rich if tuition .kes are proposed to the provinal government, the president of be Alberta Federation of Labor lid Feb. 9. According to Reg Baskin, the )O,OOO member federation supDrts the call from the University F Alberta Students Union for a rger grant from the provincial Dvernment in order to freeze tuion fees at their present level. “Those least able to afford are .gher costs, the students, zing forced, because of the

government’s university funding policy, to pay the shot to keep the universities running,” he said. Baskin called on the government to increase university funding so students would not be penalized. Many students will be forced to drop out if the fees are increased, he stated. The AFL president noted that 32 per cent of university students in Canada come from families with incomes more than $10,000, according to a 1968 study. His feelings are that the proposed 25 per cent hike puts universal accessibility even “farther


.ooooooooooo~o@ooooooo 0 1 ONE I-PLEASE


down the road” and will mean that children of working people in Alberta are denied access to their own universities. Oil rich Alberta now has one of the worst student financing plans in the country, he said, “and from the looks of things, our record is going to get worse.”

Alternhtive vacations


the chevron






: Burro Tail has light blue-green fleshy : leaves on a droopy flexible stem (which : -can stretch to 3 or more feet long). It : belongs in a sturdy hanging basket be: cause when the plant reaches its full l growth it will be very heavy. Burro Tail : will put forth scarlet flowers at its tips : after it decides to accept your house : conditions. Since it is a succulent, watl ering is minimal, just enough water to : prevent leaf shrivel. Give full sunlight : summer and winter. Propagate with : four inch cuttings in barely moist sand : to a depth of an inch or more.


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,I\ tlQ

: GUELPH (CUP)-The University 0 10% discount to students. of Guelph is setting up a program for people who would like to live 0 6 MARKET VILLAGE - 576-0990 the “student life” without the : at Market Lane and Scott Street worries of essay deadlines, exams, : OPEN: MON.-WED. 9:30-530, food and housing or the politics : 0 Thurs. & Fri. 9:30-9:00, Sat. 9-6. which usually accompany the : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000~ normal students ‘ ‘life’ ’ . The $230 a week program, designed by the university to proa duce revenue from families seeking a worthwhile alternative to the normal summer vacation, will run from July 5 to July 16. According to professor James PHOTOGRAPHER Murray, the program, called Fam350 King St. W., Kitchener, bnt., Phone 7425363 ily Summer Camps, will allow a family of four to live on campus, attend non-credit courses, and make use of the university’s recreational facilities. The non-credit courses offered include agriculture, bee-keeping, painting and drawing, child psychology and creative writing. For the youngsters who accom- , pany their parents, the university l-8 x 10 Mounted will offer crafts, athletics and tours No.1 2-5 x 7 Mounted of the university and Guelph areas 4-Wallets which can’t help but “make” a child’s summer vacation. 2-5 x 7 Mounted “We expect people living outNo. 2 44 x 5 Mounted 38.00 side the city will use this program 8-Wallets more than city people. We hope those in the program will live in 2-8x 10 Framed residence as it will give them more No. 3 2-5 x 7JUlounted 44.00 of the campus flavor,” Murray 24x 5 Mounted said.



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For thousands of years the art of needlecraft has been practised by peofe; an art that requires a skilled craftsman to produce the finer works. But nes have changed. Here at UW, prof Ken Adams and Master’s research Gsistants Don Thorne, and Fred Miskew have developed a machine that is ie only one of its kind-a computer that sews. This computer is capable of lwing with a degree of accuracy that has never been reached before. To ritness it in action is breathtaking. Artists’ designs can be fed into the 3mputer’s memory through an electronic digitizing tab/et using an eleconic pen, or the operator can request that the computer sew any twoimensional mathematical equation. The data is then post-processed by 3mputer software to feed digital pulse signals to a high speed sewing rachine. While sti//c,in the development stage this machine promises to -photo by kevin o’leary ,vo/utionize the sewing industry.



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the chevron


27, 1976

Campus photo contest In order to stimtilate’interest as well as give amateur photographers a chance to show some of their better work, a photo contest is being spohsored by the Campus Centre Board. Pictures will be judged under the two general categories of human interest and pictorial. o~---------------~-------

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chitectural Darkroom and En There will be a first and second vironmental Studies Photo prize awarded for each of four classes: color prints, black and The pictures must be received al white prints, slide-nature, shdethe Campus Centre turnkey desk pictorial. There will also be a prize ’ by noon on March 22. All prizes for best overall non-category. will be awarded by noon on March Pictures will be’judged by four 23. persons, one each from: Central All pictures must remain at the Photo, Engineering Photo, ArCampus Centre for a minimum -,-,----, period of one week after the contest. At this time the best pictures will be shown and/or mounted and displayed for anyone to view. The winning pictures will be published in the chevron. All precautions will be taken, the Campus Centre however, Board can take no responsibility for any lost or damaged pictures, There is a limit of four pictures (maximum size 11” x 14”) from any one person. An entry fee of 25 cents a picture will be charged, with any profits being put towards prizes. In addition, prizes are being donated by some local stores. These Ottawa St. Plaza Kit. prizes include- $10 gift certificate, I various photography books , and II rolls of film. Only one prize per

jI - Int roductory



further infoAati& can be obtained by contacting the turnkey desk at the Campus Centre. r



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Mar. ‘M

being accepted for 76177 co-ordinating .

Orientation Social Publications4 for Knot Garden -2 for kts Newsletter Public Relations I -Education Athletics-Men’s Rep -Women’s Rep Speaker 1 Typists-2 \




Nomination forms available at Arts Sot HH 178A, ext. 2322 ’ I. I

\ friday,


27, 1976

the chevron



Fee increases?

And if the province has entered an agreement,- the guidelines still don’t apply because provinces are only under a “moral obligation” to “keep the guidelines in the back of when increasing their minds” prices of public sector services. Even if this wasn’t the case, and: the guidelines did apply, they would only come into play if a university raised its tuition fees “to increase profits”, which no universities or colleges have anyway. In sum; “the sky is the limit for tuition fee increases as far as the Anti-Inflation Board is , concerned.99 09Connor said . _ ’

,98 King St. N., Waterloo

Hatz wins


All Bicycles - 10% off Special-Concorde by CCM-IO spd. ’ ’ hhw $127.77 Reg. $154.95 Special-Royale by Raleigh-i 0 spd. .< Now $139.95 / ’ Reg. $169.95 \


members of Abortion Coalition of Michigan-A’selfregulating group of abortion-centre people dedicated to the practice of sound care in the field of

All Hockey Equipment - 10% Off Special Rack of Hockey Sticks First Stick ‘at reg. price Second Stick at 99 cents





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’ Ron Hatz defeated Rick Degrass for the second graduate seat on student council by a vote of - * 12-11. Both tied with 12 votes apiece in the general election of a + week and a-half ago, thus necessitating a by-election. The first graduate seat in that r election was grabbed by John Lee. The election itself cost about $100, according to chief returning officer Ralph Torrie. “Almost half of that money was used to pay for dh c evron ad. The rest went for ballot ‘printing and pollworker ex4 penses .” After the election, Hatz com’ mented that “I’m glad this whole thing is over. I’d like to thank the people who supported me. I promise to do the best job I can”.

’ McPhail’s Cyclb & Sports Ltd

Your reproductive life is your decision. Free counselling. No affect on low medical feee. FI Lee pregnancy te sts. 3 hour clinic stay. C :all,

OTTAWA (CUP)-“Ignore the price control guidelines in thefight against tuition fee-increases” is the advice of NUS executive secretary Dan O’Connor as a result of his discussions with officials from the Anti-Inflation Board. A few NUS member campuses faced with fee hikes asked O’Connor to contact the Board to see if the’ increases were disallowed under the guidelines. According to a letter sent by O’Connor to NUS members on Feb. 17, the answer is “no”. O~fiCidS told . him * that LlIdeSS a province .has signed an agreement with the federal government to enter the program ‘ fthere is no application of the guidelines” to the public sector; which includes universities . and colleges.



,\ 1 ’ ’





the chevron



to join together if that pits one perso



hree hundred sixty-four striking trade unionists are asking Quebecois to boycott all Molson Brewery brands of beer: Molson Export, Canadian: Brador, and Laurentide. These workers are employed by Vilas Furniture; r the largest furniture manufacturing operation in Quebec. Vilas Furniture is owned by Molson’s Companies Limited. Most of us associate the*name “Molson?’ solely I -with beer. Today, the Molson empire encompassesdiverse dommercial concerns; in fact, less than half of toti company revenue is derived from their brewery operations. One of these alternative sources of re-venue is Vilas Furniture. There are three Vilas plants in Quebec. One in _ Montreal, another in Thurso, and the third in Cowausville. The Cowansville Vilas trade union is-affiliated to’ the Confederation of National .Trade Unions, and belongs to the Fedeafion of Wood and, Building Workers. The Vilas furniture workers were the first work-ers to organ& collectively in the Cowansville region. After a long battle in 1%5-1%6, they signed their fit collective agreement. Today, they are ready to sign their fourth collective agreement if the administration at Vilas and at the Molson Companies head of&e in Toronto are 1 willing to recognize the basic rights of the Cowansville Vilas worker to a safe and secure job at a -j reasonable wage. .i

Bonus system The union’s last collective agreement expired on March 3i, 1975. Now, entering theii sever&month df strike activity, the Vilas workers continue to seek three major changes for their new col.lltive I agreement. Primarily, they want to abolish the bonus system of salary payment and replace it with a reasonable. and secure hourly wage for all workers. Secondly, the union wishes to establish a clause which allows a worker to shut off his wood-cutting or milling maf&ne the moment he believes that there is a serious technical fault in the functioning of his machine, and his own, or the work group’s - lives are endangered. The workers believe that, in /-.“U

Vilas Fiwniture~

LM&on. \ -





maimers. zind their -victitis-

such an instance, the mtihine should be immediately inspected and the worker reimbursed-for lost working time. * Thirdly, the trade union wishes to b>r the company from arbitrarily transferring production from the Cowansville plant to any other Vilas plant, or independent sub-contractor. The bonus pay system in effect before the strike as the mode of salary payment for production line workers is the major complaint of the--union. The members will not go back to work until it is eliminated. The system functions simply. A given worker is permitted a specified official time in which to complete his particular task on the production line. Those who execute their jobs rapidly, at a greater




MO The company re An official from tl that his is how al Quebec and that C he the first fm- to When questioner trial accidents at stated that “the inc was no worse tha Quebec.“ln June 1975, a E ited the plant and safety modification needed. None was workers had left tl The Toronto off the safety inspectc offi&l stated thal safety recommend law. The official said company to do ex; to achieve the recc The company ha report and may en1 vi&al safety offici able solution”. The official clair in industrial safety that this is exad doing after the saft


‘bate than the official time, earn a bonus in addition to their regular base salary. The workers feel that the time bonus system is an ’ outdated, dehumanizing, andmurderous method of extmcting the greatest amount of labor from the production &aiiKworker. L It is murderous because the unbearable cadence of the production line. increases the danger and risks that the worker must take in front of his wood cutting or milling machine,-solely to complete his task within the constantly decreasing offical time period allowance. ’ There have-been three deaths& the past ten years at Cowansville Vilas. In the wood-cutting section of the plant, 50 per cent of all workers have lost a finger or a hand through amputation due to industrial accidents.



, No camp Carol Jobin, an negotiator for the to this positior question-‘ ‘When promise concernin men?” No safety modi means guarding * death of a worker.


Industrial murder and assault is a crime that goes unpunished in Cowansville. In 1970, a man named Joseph St. Laurent was killed at work in the Vilas plant. The coroner, investigator of the Cowansville region co&luded that the Vilas Furniture Company of Cowansville was criminally negligent in the death of St. Laurent. However, no charges were subsequently laid by the ministry of justice of Quebec against the fumiture .firm. _ 3 On the average at the Cowansville location-there are six industrial accidents a month in which the victim requires medical care. Most injuries are related to the speed of the production line. Tired or older workers find it diEcult to keep up with the younger ones who complete -their job at a quicker pace. The loss of a fmger or a hand is often* result of fatigue, loss of concentration, or inability to keep up with the pace. Y If everyone adequately adjusts to the official time rates and job specifications, the company often lowers the penqittecl job time or changes job specifllcations in order to avoid paying bonuses to all -workers. The pay bonus is extremely hard to obtain when the company is forever changing its time rules and job outlines. Due to the problems inherent in sdjusting to a new set of job duties and a new time allowance the workers find themselves enduring serious strain merely to match the time they are permitted for their given task. One of the workers at the Vilas plant with 10 years of service has seen his salary drop from $117 to $100 per week because of these constant changes. The bonus system has provoked dissension among the production line workers, and has led to unfair transfers along the line for older and senior workers. Conflicts devel’oped because-slower workers inevitably held back their neighbour on the line who had no choice but to follow the slower and subsequently lose their chance to gain a bonus sum of money. That all the workers, young and old, capable and ’ not so capable, have bound together to reject the bonus pay system is proof of their sense of justice and fair play, and their realization that people need

Mole MONTREAL (C here has refused 1 &Jolson Brewerie! newspapem to ac The action foll4 ducts called by sl Furniture Plant ir The workers a strike activities ai Companies Ltd. “piece-work” ba vances of the woi Inalettertol a&&y that hand1 editors of the Ml McGill Universio have decided tc Molson’s product is reached in the According to th ing conditions at 1 of the sweat shop “The danger tc trade is exacerbal icy which empb “The strikers a son beer across t &cl tie hope that publications will 4 ing Molson ads,” “As for the h McGill -Daily no] much to them fin are determined to tions and it is in touch them. “Just as their a their image, the p oftheiradswilld The editors oft by saying “For a parry is not even Vilas. As owners come aware and t still support the b



the chevron

destroy rext.

a system

Jobin continued by claiming that the “unofficial negotiation between the government and company

officials original

ks ge pay programs. ad office claimed rkers are paid in las is not about to

inevitably leads to the abandonment of the safety plan.” Moreover, the willingness of the government to follow through with the inspection and verification of the implementation of recommended safety features is often tempered by the financial clout that major corporations, like the Molson Company Limited, carry in this province in the economic and

zquency of indusWas, the official record at the plant furniture plant in

political arenas. Evidently, the Liberal Government prefers to retain the support of major financial backers and remain in power, rather than protect the lives and health of those who work in the province of

fety inspector vis,rt stating that 75 :tion process were J 29, the 364 Vilas in their strike. Lted the fact about x-t. However, the application of the t required by the


mandatory for the government says ety features. dispute the safety sion with the pro, a “fair and equitnormal procedure ncluded by stating nsville Vilas was tabled.

In safety e CNTU and the conflict, responds 1g a pertinent ever be a comznd safety of 364 0 expensive if it of a limb or the



of ads

:rsity newspaper zrtisements from ed other Quebec t of Molson profees of the Was Quebec. :venth month of .t owner, Molson ietermined on a F the major grie-ompany and the sing account, the jublished by the ziation, said they advertising of icable settlement wages and work. are reminiscent F 60 years ago. 1 involved in this npany’s pay polther than safety. a boycott of Molhich we support papers and other ticipate in refusu.

any, neither the ture mean very * sales, however, :e by public relathat we hope to th us is good for )y college papers harm.” luded their letter he Molson Comf the situation at ponsibility to beJntil that time we

The above mentioned appalling safety figures are the reason for the union demands for the worker’s right to halt his own machine if he detects a technical fault that threatens his safety.

Present wages A corollary

of the union”s stand to abolish the bonus pay system is its monetary position. The trade union wishes to boost the base salary (the pre-strike average was $2.40 an hour) by 40 per cent, and subsequently add $1.95 an hour across _ the board to all production line employees. The final figure would represent the hourly wage for the indvidual employee and permit him to enjoy a secure and reliable source of income-a right that is inalienable in any democratic society. For those employees who work off the line, a similar hike is demanded. Their pre-strike average < was $2.83 an hour. Out of 364 e mployees at Was, 100 men from the production line and other departments, were making $2.60 an hour which in June 1975 was equivalent to the minimum wage. The final major demand of the union is a clause which would bar the company from transferring production orders from the Cowansville plant to subanother Vilas branch or independent contractor. i The threat of transferring production has historically been managIement’s weapon to persuade employees to alter their work behavior. Management should not have the capability to use such a weapon to dissuade employees from exercising their legal rights according to the Labour Code, or their collective agreements. Moreover, by barring production transfers, the union is seeking to IWill a fundamental democratic right, the right to a reasonable and secure income for all organized trade union members. According to Jobin, the Vilas management has maintained an intransigent position. It is not willing to compromise and work out a mutually compatible accord, which Jobin believes is possible. Jobin believes that the company is out to break the union. The company also wishes to avoid the demonstration effect that a workers’ victory in Cowansville Was might have for workers in other Vilas plants and the rest of the Cowansville region. The company has shifted unfinished production from the Cowansville plant to other branches and independent subcontractors.

The strike begins Negotiations for the fourth collective agreement began on Feb. 20, 1975. Accord was reached on a number of minor points. The question of the bonus pay system remained the major obstacle to a resolution of the impasse. The third collective agreement at Vilas expired March 3 1,1975, and the right to strike was obtained on June 6,1975. On July 29, the unionists struck the plant and production was interrupted. C)n Nov. 19, the company issued a comprehen-

sive offer

However, the bonus pay in the terms of their offer. On Nov. 25, a general assembly of the strikers re;’ jetted the company offer and reaffirmed their drive to abolish the bonus pay system. After the Nov. 25 rejection of the company offer, the-mayor and clergy of Cowansville in association with the Was management pressured the union to system

to the union.

was still included

hold another ‘vote. The clergy suspected that the first vote had been improperly managed. To rally their forces, and to prove to the clergy and mayor of Cowansville that their vote was a fair one and that this kind of political pressure was doomed to failure, the union held a second vote in which the clergy acted as


The vote was a secret ballot affair. It took place in early February. The company’s offers were again rejected. This vote was a significant point in the short history of the Vilas strike. Throughout the Christmas holiday season, the company had used a journal of the Eastern Townships, “La Voix de L’Estrie”, to

publicize their case in full-page ads costing $3,000 each. The ads aimed to generate dissension within the ranks and families of the strikers by emphasizing the generosity of the company offers and the cheerful spirit of the holiday season. According to Jobin, the trade unionists have remained on strike and will continue to fight, not because they wish to become political martyrs or make trade union history, but because they strongly feel that their demands are reasonable and justified. They are willing to return to work only for a reasonable hourly wage and their umon security intact.

During the assembly of early January, the strikers demanded the services of a special mediator from the ministry of labor. On Jan. 25-26 the mediator, Roger Pilotte, met with company and union officials for 36 consecutive hours. Pilotte issued a series of recommendations which the union immediately rejected. Jobin claims that Pilotte wrote his report without reading the full text of the union’s position and offer.

Serious impasse At this time the parties again find themselves locked in a serious impasse. The company refuses to concede ground on any of the three major union demands, while the union refuses to concede on the issue of the abolition of the incentive time system. The most recent chapter in the development of the Vilas strike was a major demonstration in Cowansville on the night of Monday, Feb. 9. Striking workers drom Uniroyal, Heatex plastics company, Greb shoes, and Plessisville Hosiery plus trade unionists from the CNTU Central Councils of Sherbrooke and St. Hyacinthe, joined the strikers from Cowansville Vilas in a march through the streets of Cowansville and pa@ the large Vilas plant which dominates the lower half of the town. A rally was held in the St. Leon community hall of Cowansville immediately after the “manifestation’ ’ . The speeches of Alderic Doucet, president of the Vilas trade union, Michel Bourdon, president of the “Federation des travailleurs de Batiments et Bois”, and Michel Chartrand, president of the Montreal Central Council of the CNTIJ, reaffirmed the union’s drive to obtain safe working conditions and a fair working wage. The assembly of 900 workers chanted “‘On n”en boit plus de Molson-las biere des boss’“. The noise, applause, and activity in the hall boosted the militancy and solidarity of all those present-all

workers presently involved in labor conflicts. The successful rally was symbolic of the heightened awareness of the Vilas workers of the importance of their struggle and the need to persevere if they wish to emerge from what is already a very long and strenuous strike with their heads high and a decent collective agreement in their pockets. The Was strike is naturally very important for all those participating in it or affected by its length and hardship. It is also extremely important for all other organized or non-organ&d workers in the Cowans-

ville area. En the past, each collective



Vilas has served as a measure by which most other companies in the Cowansville region calculate their own wage bill and rates. A victory for the Vilas strikers could well serve the entire Cowansville working class community, and give the trade union movement a much-needed boost to combat the intense attacks and opposition

it encounters government II

today, more than ever, at all levels of and business circles.


final outcome


can’t be predieted. Even if one believes that the workers at Vilas have been treated unjustly, and that the union’s demands are fair and right, it is important to realize that the concepts of justice and right have no part in the final, real resolution of the strike. %In reality, industrial relations are power relations. Strikes are open battles in whit h either side, management or labor, defends and seeks to strengthen their own material interests and their freedom to act and control as many aspects of the work process as possible. If you believe, however, that it is a basic and &&enable right for a worker to demand and obtain at least a reasonable and secure salary along with safe working conditions, then there is no reason for you not to support the cause of the 364 furniture workers at Vilas. The families of the workers at Was, and the workers themselves need your support, if they are going to win their battle. Show your support by publicizing and joining in the boycott of Molson Export, Laurentide, Canadian, and Brador beers, all brands of the Molson Companies Limited. The

of the strike

The above aftide was written by Lewis Cottheil of the McCi!f Dairy for the Canadian University Press.




the chevron



BEAR 4.77

27, 1976




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27, 1976

The Warriors finished out their OUAA schedule with games against Western and Brock. On Wednesday, Western upset the Warriors 82-68 at .Westem and did so by outscoring the Warriors 55-24 in the second half. Playing without captain Phil Schlote, the team appeared disorganized in the face of the powerful Mustang comeback and found it difficult to score. Once again, Mike Visser provided the most consis tent offensive performance, scoring 16 points and pulling down 12 rebounds.

the chevron


High scorer for the Warriors was Trevor Briggs with 17 points most of them through the fcrst half. The miracle man for Western was Phil Lewis who poured in 24 of his 26 points in the second half. Saturday saw the Warriors return home to face a fired up Brock club. After 2 games on the road, the Warriors got back to their own gym and found their scoring touch as they beat Brock 11 l-94. Jamie Russell drilled 46 points past the Badgers for a new OUAA regular season record, but the big story of the night was the fine play

of the freshmen. Ron Graham replaced an ailing Trevor Briggs and turned in a fine performance by scoring 13 points and pulling down 8 rebounds. Seymour Hadwen filled in for Phil Schlote and he responded by scoring 15 points and grabbing 7 rebounds. Mike Visser rounded out scoring with 11 points and Don Lam-ran chipped in 10. The Warrjors ran effectively and the strong defence shown by the freshmen proved to the fans that they can compete with the best the OUAA has to offer. As of last Sunday, the playoff situation is as follows: Windsor travels to Laurier and Guelph ventures to Waterloo. The winners will .iourmy

for positions Championships

Warriors Western decision

annihilated Guelph 89-55 on Tuesday night to move on to the finals against Windsor who came out on the high side of a 108-98 against Laurier. photo by harry strothard


to Sudbuq


to playoff

in the Canadian in Halifax.

let me help you with


Warriors did what they had to and dropped Brock I 7 1-95 last Saturday, thus ending up with an 8-4 record and in a three-way tie for top spot with Laurier and Cuelph. Laurier grabbed first p/ace by virtue of their point splits, while Warriors slipped into second. photo by harry strothard



photo by harry strothard




the chevron




over 3A Chem Eng, with 3B Elect Eng a close third. Results of the Thursday game vs 2A Chem and 3A Chem will decide the league leader. In league 3, (Thurs) Plumber’s Choice are out front, with a tie between System Ucks and Mech 76 for second. Another tight league with a fight to the finish for first. A three-way tie for first exists in league 4 between the Co-wappers Rugger Buggers and Arts. Final standings will be decided, in two weeks. Spectators are reminded that they can watch their favorite team in action> on Tuesday and Thursday nights between 3:45-l&45 at Seagram’ s . Playoffs will begin March 9, the top 4 teams in each league will compete in a double elimination draw scheduled for 2 weeks (Tuesday/Thursday nights) until March 18. Special dates Friday, Feb. 27-Today is your lastchance to enter Men’s Broomball, . Men’s Volleyball and/or Mixed Volleyball. If you haven’t already entered make sure you get entered at the Intramural Office before 4pm today. Friday, March 5 - Last chance to enter the Men’s One-on-One Basketball Tourney. All entries must be turned in early Friday at the Intramural Office - PAC.

place 578-8800



Raiders having one game advantage. During regular league play,’ Anals succumbed to the-Raiders, ‘7-0, but still remain in top contenj tion for the league winners. With four games each away - 2A Chem Eng lead by a single point

11 am - 9 pm

w westrriount pharmacy

27, 1976


-With only two weeks remaining in league competition in men’s competitive Floor Hockey, here 3 t are the leaders: In League 1 (Tuesday), both Raiders and Albert St. Anals are out front in point standings, with

Open Sundays





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. friday,~febru&

27, 1976




the chevron

/ 5

NatUra/---__ Michael -. Swans Against Michael Murphy Epic’ Records

-Michael Murphy’s hit singles &of 1975, “Wildfire”+ and the I&S SUCcessful “Carolina in the Pines”, illustrate the two- basic types of SWiP which were f”u@ On’ Blue j sky, Night ~under,.bnd are yy prominent -on__the l&vely Swans Against




I =;


The- style “Wildfire’: is ‘j$i%n generous representation 0~ abdut half of the album’s elqven sele& tions, while the- upbeat tempo af “Carolina In The Pines“’ &aracterizes tfc?e & the remain:’ ing cu_ts. Like Murphy’s’ iourth LP, with t@e album’%

SWallS OwllS Prettiest







number whic3 is stylistically re-’ miniscent of “Wildfire”, and one wh&h should easily duplicate its success. .. The lyrical content of t& title track is comprised of varitius natural images, and ‘the refrain especially lends an ambience of sweeping b&a&y to the song. John Denver also makes the first of several guest appearances on this tune, and his harmony vocal is surprisingly ‘subtle and /understated.. The ixtended version of the first single from the LP, “Renegade”, contains one of strongeit vocals, while Bob Johr?ston’s production:mar@es to % incorporate a wide range of styles without falling in@ the trapof .-contrived ecle&icism. The arrangement is fas6 and exciting, and on the whole, “RF negade” can best be-described aS a rollicking folk<ountr$jazz-rock tune.. It -is the; first truly dynamic &t which Murphy has recorded -,in quite a while. The stylistic bound;raries of ‘-‘Carolina In The Pines” are most apparent on “Dancing In The &feadow”. and “Rhythm Of The - yoad”, where Murphy gets some -strong vocal support from Willie and Tracy Nelson, and John De\ nver. ’ Both selections are graced:_with some fjne banjo playing from John _McEuen and Murphy himself, and -Jac Murphy (no relatiori) provides some tasteful keyboard work. --_ Lyri&lly, ‘*‘Pink Lady”, a song about the shallow world 6f g rich socialite, ,sh+ws Murphy near his-


peak; ~ and although the topic appear to be &ther,original or3ery promising, Murphy treats .it with&n inyolved cynicism which is on&sided,_but v&y effective: 7 ‘6 . . .&ma& is hei religion/She’s been worshipping so 1ong/%Ier love is like make-up/%he knows SO well hbw to put it tin. . . . ShFfs , a bowl of wax bananas/That are never gonna get ’ ripe/She’$ got--a. new teakwood ) stereo/‘Cause she’s . the - stereotype. . a'~ _,. The wsrds are set to a quietly pi&ty~ melody; and aiain. Bob Johnsfqn’s production is solid and . imaginative. / Aside from the preho&ly mentidned .In-: ‘ ‘Dancing The Meadow”, and the cynical “Wild

’ -. doesn’t

The Sun . ”






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v&y pretty, slow nu_mbers. M“Natural Biidges” and “Seasons Change” are the strongest of,.* -= the fgur tunes, the former’bearing , ~-. ‘a similarity to the’ contem’plative _I Y‘Rifigs of Life” which ‘cbsed the Blue Sky LP; while the 1attEr is a a casually paced, -melody,, highlighted by Murphy’s &cading au- .. _I toharp. The .&singtune L also em- _ ‘c . ’ phasizes -a %startling decline in the strength of Murphy’s voca&, even , in compa+on with the last album. 1 Forttlntitely, -Willie, TraCy, . Deriver and Charlie Daniels beef up , many of the weak spot,s, atid the . vocal weakness in. g*neral is $ forgiveable flaw in, an- otherwise strorig and enjoyable album. -7


‘ -






the chevron



SEE. Fabubus‘Ma Ndc * World’ SEE:Am,


If dancing gets you excited then you’d better attend the dancing conference to be held at UW March 5, 6 and 7. The conference will allow students to meet professional dancers and teachers, and to develop their skills at seminars and master workshop sessions. Organizers of the conference are: the Ontario Capher dance committee, the Ontario Women Intercollegiate Athletic Association and UW. The seminars and workshops will be conducted by teachers of the UW dance department and the professional “Entre-Six” dance company. Two dance performances will be given on Friday and Saturday at the Humani ties Theatre, starting at 8pm. The first show will be given by the Repertory Company and the second by the “Ehtre-Six” group. The cost to sit in at the workshops is $15 per student ($25 per non-student) and to register the contact is Gabby Micelli, who can be reached at extension 3665 or at the Physical Activities Complex room 2054.


sematlalalNudc skydiivrrr! ANude


Parry A Nude



. ..ooooaoo~ooo@oooo ALICE DOESN’T

what Make5 the SEE: Peacock Naked Massage I” the NudP’




SAT. at MIDNIGHT Doors open at 11:30 pm



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ccBestFilm of the Year” Written












A Warner








27, 1976

’ Chess \ The UW No. 1 “B” Chess Team won a solid 4-O victory against the Dofasco “B” Chess Team last Sunday in the last match of the regular season. Depending on the outcomes of the matches between some of the other teams, th’e UW No. 1 “B” Chess Team has an outside chance of making the semifinals of the Southwestern Ontario Chess League. In other developments, the UW Chess Club Tournament is finished except for a few games. The results will be announced in the next column. The following game was typical of those played in the tournament.



INDIAN< ATTACK (by transposition)

White: Morrel Black: Hos ki ns 1 P-K4 P-QB4 \ 2 N-KB3 P-Q3 . . . 3 P-Q3 Usual at this point is 3 P-Q4 which leads to the “normal” variations in the Sicilian Defence. Here White intends to transpose into the King’s Indian Attack. I;J-QB3 ’ 3 P-KN3 4 l%N3 5 B-N2 B-N2 P-K3 6 O-O KN-K2 7 QN-Q2 8 R-K1 o-o . 9 P-KR4?! .. . White makes a gesture towards a King-side attack. However this may be premature as it is early to advance the Rook Pawn to this square. A less commital continuation would be to play 9 P-B3 which block’s the diagonal of Black’s King Bishop and contests White’s Queen 4 square. 9 Q-B2 ’ 10 N-B1 P-Q4 P-K4 11 B-B4 12 B-Q2 P-Q5 13 Q-B1 P-KR4 White has emerged from the opening with a somewhat disorganized position. Perhaps 13 P-R5 would have been more in keeping with his previous play. Black would be unlikely to capture the Pawn as this would disrupt his King-side Pawn formation and he could not hope to retain it. 14 N/i-R2 P-KB3!? This leaves the King Bishop with little scope, but prepares for an eventual counter-attack by . . ., P-KN4. 15 P-QN3 K-R2 16 Q-Q1 White seems to be having trou’dlk finding a consistent plan of action. In the meantime Black masses his forces on the King-side. 16 .a. ‘B-K3 *.* 17 N-B1 Note that all White has accomplished in the last 5 moves is to move an insignificant pawn one square. 17 . . . ’ R-B2 18 B-N5?! If 18 . . . . PXB?, White more than regains the material after 19 NXNPch. However Black can simply ignore the Bishop as he proceeds with his own plans. 18 . . . Q-Q2 19 B-B1 B-R3! ~ Black exchanges off his “dead” bishop. 20 BXB KXB QR-KNI 21 N/l-Q2 22 K-R2 P-KN4 Black is attacking. R/2-N2 23 Q-B1 24 PXPch PXP 1 25 R-RI White sensibly seizes control d; ihe half open King Rook file. 25 . . . K-N3 26 K-N1 P-R5!? At the cost of a Pawn, Black opens up the King-side. 27 PXP PXP 28 NXRPch K-B2 29 K-Bl?? ** . White correctly wants to do something about the pin on the King Knight file, but this solution loses! Best was 29 N-B1 ! intending to block the King Knight file with N-N3. The move played was made in time pressure (the usual sorry story) and allows the following combination. i 29 . . . RXB! 30 NXR B-R6 31 R-R2 BXNch! 32 K-K2 \ , On 32 RXB Black wins with 32’ :‘. ., Q-R6. 32 . . . Q-N5ch 33 P-B3 Q-B5 34 R-R7ch K-N3 35 Resigns White must lose his Rook. Note: In the last Chess Column, White’s 24th move should have appeared as 24 R-QR4 and in the note to White’s 17th move Black’s 19th move should be 19 . . ., PXR?. robert inkol




27, 1976

i -


‘one corpse too ma y



Play i x beai “Who

done it” in The Real InDrudge, the well-timed house: Felicity, the - freshly now playing at the _ keeper; Theatre of the Arts? The culprit is thrownover mistress; Cynthia, the none other than the *British playnewly available widow;-Magnus, wright himself, Tom Stoppard. the shifty, half-brother of the supIn this bizarre satire, Stoppard posed deceased; and a corpse. has led the audience into a fudicrGreat dramatic tension is built ous suspense thriller and cheated over a game of wit and sex at the them out of their favourite Shercard’ table. lock Holmes-type ending by leav\. ing the crime unresolved; What might strike the audience Stoppard’s game goes bey.ond as odd is the dead body on stage frivolous mockery to arrive at a which nobody notices until inspecless pleasant, less logical, but tor Hound arrives to solve a crime / more vital conclusion. which hasn’t been committed. Two theatre critics are planted Sroppard has given us sufficient in the audience. \Moon is the reason to suspect that this play second-string critic for an established newspaper. Wallowing in isn’t about a crime in the usual sense. The real protagonists are in self-pity, he bears an inferiority the audience. Now the full imporcomplex because of his status. The other critic, Birdboot, has tance of-the critics come into focus and‘ Moon take the his eye on one of the actresses in as Birdfoot stage. the play. In return for certain favours, ,Birdboot suggests that he The phone rings. Nobody on can make her a star. stage, Moon leaves -. his seat to Throughout the first two .acts answer it. The call is for Birdfoot Stoppard lays out all the old con- -from his wife. Birdfoot assures her ventions for a stock “Who done of his fidelity, then hangs up. it?” : Simon, the young, dashing, Before he can get back to his cad;- , U-s. :soon-to-be-dead seat, Birdfoot is accosted by Felicity, played by an actress whom he had been seeing’ secretly until recently. But now he is hot for Cynthia. Birdfoot re-enacts the first scene with himself as the young cad. He eventually receives , a fatal bullet. t spector


Moon, quite hysterical by this time, decides he is going to get to: the bottom of this mess.. The other characters mistake him for the real inspector Hound. Neither Moon nor Birdfoot can really measure up to the new identities that they have assumed.

Their own persons go further than humourous representations of cri: tics. They become human complete with inadequacies and, daydreams. . . They are representative of all audiences that frequent’ London East End theatres. Some, as Moon, seek a little ego boost. They tend to identify with the brilliant inspectors. ’ Birdfoot exclaims “I have found and myself something _bigger finer.” What he has found is a little, sex and adventure to sparkle up a dull existence. The Birdfoots ’ choose to indetify with smooth Simons . To Moon, the theatre is a place for empty speculation. To Birdfoot, it is a whore. Something-has been lost in _this theatre of conventions and contrivance. At least, some&h& has been shoved under the sofa. It is the corpse of Higgs, Moon’s superior. Taste is the, victim. of an uninspired theatre. Good performances are too numerous to list as the entire cast . provides strong, clear acting’ and lets the humour rise naturally. Somewhere, beneath the guise of Magnus, beneath the guise of Inspector Hound, is the real inspector Hound, the genius of Tom Stoppard. He has turned the\magnifying glass back onto his audil ence and come up with some painful auestions, about our own au(the&city. ’ --my@ .- kesten


~The ye&w

is 2024L-


/Dylan:. .songs\of - jj protest and of love \

Desire / Bob Dylan

H-is critics charge that he can’t sing. So? A crooner he’s not, but Dylan the Poet can’t be beat. And poetry is what Dylan is all about; the notes are there but the music is in the words. This is the aspect of Dylan often overlooked by his detractors : Brains crystallized by the cottonsounds of candy ,LanY and the Larynges o\ numbed by the , syncopated noise of Ten Tonne Truck, they have stopped listening to lyrics and so miss the point completely. For although Dylan has turned away from being the’ premier poet of the “protest movement” to a more introspective and personal poetry, he still lives in his lyrics. Desire opens with Dylan’s first protest song since ‘ ‘George Jackson’ ’ . “Hurricane ” is the story of’ ‘Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, leading contender for the world middleweight crown during the mid-1960’s, who now “sits like Buddha in a ten foot cell..” Framed for murder in New Jersey because of his civil rights activities, Carter was given a triple life sentence in 1%7. The only witnesses against him later admitted that they lied, having made a deal with the prosecutor, but Carter is still in prison and Dylan cries Cb. . . Shame! To live in a land where justice is a game.” This is thelonly real songI of_ pro-

-test on the. album, unless one wants to include “Joey”, which ; opens side two, in this genre. “Joey” is a lament for the late Joseph (Crazy Joe) Gallo, the Brooklyn mobster ’ who was “blown away” by rivals. Other songs of note include “Oh sister”, a continuing search for the -. elusiye *mirage of universal _-brotherhood; “Durango” (‘:Hot chili peppers in the blistering sun...“), another of the songs with , Western motif which crop up in Dylan’s recent \ work; “Black Diamond Bay”, the cut m,ost often heard on the air; and “Sara” ( “. . .sweet virgin angel/Sweet love of m.y life’ ‘j, the ballad of a youthful lover (“ . . .so easy to look at/So hard to define”). The pace of Desire is noticeably slower than was characteristic of B&d on the Tracks and some of the songs, “Isis” in particular have an almost ,dreamlike quality. ‘Excellent use is made of backup musicians throughout the album, with Scarlet Rivera on violin and Howard Wyeth ‘on drums especially noteworthy. Background vocals are also very good, with Emmy Lou Harris a standout. All in all; Desire is another fine effort by a poet-musician whose style changes subtly from album to album but who, once heard, will never be confused , with anyone else. + - -henry hess

‘E: A. mDREN



kinky tale of surdval

DON JOHNSC IN - SUSANNE BENTON =Z,ALVY MOORE LQ / Jaf D-S ‘A BOY AND HIS DOG’ stsrrinp [ wllh arpeclal appearancc byJASON ROBARDS] co_starrmgHELENE WINSTON andCHARLES MCGRAW Produced by ALVY MOORE Written Based,.on the award winning novella Music by TIM MclNTIRE and JAIME l



for the screen and Directed by LQ JONS by HARLAN ELLISON MENDOZA-NAVA Technicolor@


















! -.


NIGHTLY 7:00 & 9:OO P’M SAT. & SUNDAY 2 PM /-





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(20. thechevron ._




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frid ayJ .fe@ae


2 7, d9.76




In the poor countries the natural drift of /n the past a numkr of Third World-countries chose th’e prod&ion methods ofbeveloped . things usually I concentrates development nations in the hope“to reach a &mi/ar living standard. They were great/y encouraged to do so mainly in a few-metropolitan areas. Vast by imperialist and colonial powers who gained fro,m the sale O[ prod&ion equipment, atid areas within the country, often containing also kept the devclopiqg countries in a state,of dependence. more than 80% of the population, \Irill benBy now, the ‘ik.&ns are most/y gone. It has been_re&%d by,responsible ‘leaders of the efit little or may indeed suffer. Hence the people in Asia, and Africa that the conditidns in their countries do not lend themselves to m&s ‘twin evils of mass unemployment and mass production which is capital but not labour &e@ve. migration into the metropolitan areas. Hans Martung, +YIgraduate student in mechanical engineering, comp&d the folloying article in which he explains ‘intermediate technology’; a possible alternative for poor countries The result of development is that a fortu.* with a large unemployed labdur force. ,nate minority have their fortuni3s1 greatly inThe concept is very inqeresting, and it is challenging to think @out ‘intermediate techno/creased, while those who really need help ogy’ applied to the particular needs and conditions in Canada. We would welcome comments are left more helpless than ever before. If by our readers about their view on the feasibility of this concept, both in the Third World, and the purpose of development is to-bring help in the developed. countries. to those who need it most, each ‘region’ or ‘district’ within the country needs its own develonment. This is a ‘regional’ approach. It is obvious that this ‘regional’ approach has no chance of success unless‘it is based on the- employme ‘t of a suitable technology. One useful w “ay of looking at technol-ogy is the’ cost of providing one workplace. In North America, the cost of generating one -workplace is roughly about $5000.00. A poor country, naturally, can never afford to establish -more than a very limited number of such workplaces within. ,any given period of time.

decentmlisation,compatible with the laws The changes of the last 25 years,‘both in the quantity-and quality of man’s industrial of ecology, .gentle in its use of scarce resources, and designed to serve the human processes have produced a new’ person instead of making him the servant. of si tuation4 situation, resulting not from our failures but from what we thought were our machines. ’ greatest successes. -. It was first called ‘intermediate technolsignify that it is There is concern about pollution, con- - ogy’--by E .F. SchumacheZfo superior to the primitive technology cern about the-social and human effects of F.vastly of bygone ages but at the same time much largescale industrialisation, and’above all, simpler, cheaper, and freer than the superconcern about the prospects of societies technology of the rich. that require vastamounts of energy to susIt is also called ‘Appropriate Technology’ tain themselves. and could be named self-help technology or. Economics plays a central role in shaping democratic or people’s technology-a techthe activities of our modern societyIt supnology to which everybody can join admitplies the criteria of what is ‘economic’ and tance and which is not reserved to those ‘what is ‘uneconomic’, and there is no other already rich and powerful. set of criteria that exercises a greater influAlthough-we are in possession of all the ence over the actions of individuals and _ requisite knowledge5 it still requires a sysgroups as well as governments. tematic, creative effort to bring this- tech-’ But we should realize that the.judgment nology into activeL existence and make it .of ‘economics’ is extremely fragmentary. generally available. It is rather more difOut of the many aspects \ivhich have to be ficult to recapture directness and simplicity than to advanc ’ the direction of ever considered before a decision can be made, economics is only one-whether an activity more sophis tic&onTll d complexity yields a money profit to those who underAny third-rate engineer or researcher can take it. 1 - increase complexity, but it takes a certain Thinking along these lines is greatly re- ’ flair of real insight to make things simple again. And this insight is not usually taught sponsible for the kind of technology we at universities-&does not come easily to -have today. A technology that has deprived people who have become alienated rrom A -man of the kind of work that he enjoys real* productive. work and from thi ! selfmost; creative, useful work with hands and balancing system ‘of nature, which never brains. Instead it has given him plenty of fails to recognise measure-and limitai’ tion. work of a fragmented kind, most of which -. he does, not enjoy at- all. ’


tiv&&lp is to be brought to those-who need it most, a technology is required which would range in some intermediate position between the $2.00 and the $5,000.00 technology, where a workplace would cost anything between these extremes, say, $20, -$lOO, $500, depending on the level of skills available in the country and its place in’ the spectrum of technologies. ,Such an intermediate technology would be far more productive than the indigenous technology, but it would be immensely cheaper than the sophisticated, highly capi-t-al intensive technology of modem industry. At such a level of capitalisation, very large numbers of workplaces could be created within a fairly short time. The creation of such workplaces would be ‘within the reach’ of the more enterprising’ minority within the district, not only in financial terms but also in terms of their education, aptitude and organizing skills. The intermediate technology would also fit much more smoothly into the relatively unsophisticated environment in which it is to be utilized. The -equipment “would be fairly simple and’ therefore understandable, suitable for maintenancp and repair on the spot. _ Simple equipment is normally far less dependent on raw materials of great purity <or exact specifications and much more adaptable’ to market fluctuations than highly sophisticated equipment. Men are more easily trained, supervision, control, and organization are simpler, and there is far less’ vulnerability to unforeseen difficulties. ’

A ‘modern’ workplace, moreover, can be really productive.only within a modem environment, and for this reason alone is unlikely to fit into a ‘district’ consisting of rural areas and a few small towns. In every ‘developing country’ one can find ‘mdustrial estates set up ‘in rural areas, where highgrade modem equipment is standing idle most of the time because-of a lack of organization, finance, rati material supplies, _ transport, marketing facilities and the like.-The The cost of generating a workplace would nology be about $2,00 or less in a ‘developing coun-f ,’ try’ using traditional technology. If. effec-

applicability of intermediate is, of course, not universal. F *



on page~2;




What can be done?-Taking stock and reconsidering our goals, / we can say that we possess a vast accumuThe task is to bring into existence milllation of new knotiledge, scientific techniions of new workplaces in the rural areas ques to increase it further-and experience in and small towns of the. developing counits -application. This knowledge, as such, tries. That modern industry$as it has ‘need not commit us to a technology ofgianevolved in the developed countries ,, cannot tism, supersonic speed; violence--and the possibly. fulfill this task, should be obvious. destruction of human work-enjoyment. j It has evolved in societies which are rich in . , The specific use we have made of our capital and short of labour _and therefore cannot possibly be appropriate for societies knowledge is only one of its possible uses short of capitaland rich in labour. and, as is now becoming ever more apparent .- often an unwise and destructive use. Powerful illustrations can be drawn from 3 ’ countries, notably India and Turkey, Uiifortunately, economic growth has ‘many where highly- ambitious five-years plans _ been accepted- by many developing counshow a greater level of unemptries as a vehicle for achieving ’ socio- 3 regularly loyment at the end of the five:year period economic transformation. However, , the than at the beginning, even assuming that -; experience of the past 25 years suggests that the plan is fully implemented. this is far from being achieved.. It - is The real task many be formulated in four difficult to escape the conclusion that many propositions: / _ , of the problems of developing countries are primarily due to wrong technology. Workpkxes have to be created in



Masti prcyhion ‘.,I< _-..-

vs. production the masses

by ’

As Ghandi said, the poor of the world cannot l&helped by mass production, only - by production by the masses. The system of mass production, based- on sophisticated, highly capital-intensive, high energy-input dependent, and human labour-saving technology; presupposes that you are already rich, for a great deal of capital investment is needed to establish-one-_ single workplace. s The system of production by the masses mobilizes the priceless resources which are possessed by all human beings, their clever brain and skillful hands. . The technolo@-of mass production is inherently_ violent, economically damaging, ’ self-defeating in terms of non-renewable resources, and stultifying for the hum-an person. -.. ~ The technology of production by the masses, making use of the- best of modern knowledge and experience,. -is: conducive to

the areas where the/people are living now,&nd not primarily in metropolitan areas into which they tend to mig\ ’ rat& These workplaces must be, on the average, cheap enough, so. that they can be created-in large numbers -without calling for an unattainable _I level of capital formation and im-ports. L Production methods employed must be relatively simple, so that the demands for high skills are minimized, not only in the production process itself but also in organization, raw material supply, financing, marketing etc. ’ Production should be mainly from local materials and mainly for local use. -

! ,

. . ,


: !


These requirements can be met only if there is a regional approach to development I_ and secondly, if there is a conscious effort to develop and apply an intermediate technology. ..’ \

” PersQnaHy I’d prefer .a job with more future...” - -* s


News Service




27, 1976


the chevrov


continued from page 20 between countries in various stages of economic development and no tradition of ‘are pro-ducts which are themselves the typiexpertise in this type of technology. cal outcome of highly sophisticated ‘modern (d) Most developed countries give aid to industry and cannot be produced except by developing countries in the form of tied such an industry. These products, at the loans-loans to be used for the import of same time, are not normally an urgent need capital goods fi-om the developed world. of the poor. Though excellent in its motive, the technoll , What the poor need most of all is first ogy exported cannot strike root in the desimple things-building materials, clothing, veloping countries and many economists, household goods, agricultural imp- , have suggested tied aid is an inefficient form lements-and a better return for their agof technology transfer. Virtually no credits ricul tural products. are available for intermediate or appropriate technology projects. Most agricultural populations would be (e) Perhaps the greatest resistance to inhelped immensely if they could do the first comes from the destage of processing their products them- ’ termediate technology veloping country itself. Technology does selves. not operate in a social vacuum, therefore The idea of intermediate technology does technology of a particular kind is associated not imply simply a ‘going back’ in history to with a set of social values which the demethods now out-dated. It is too often asveloping countries are trying to ,imitate. So sumed that the achievement of science, it is not surprising if people from a developpure and applied, lies mainly in the.‘aping country think of intermediate technolparatus and machinery that have been deogy as inferior because of the low social veloped from it, and that a rejection of the prestige it may carry in international apparatus and machinery would be tanterms. tamount to a rejection of science. This is an (f) The educational process in many deexcessively superficial view. I veloping countries is patterned closely bn The real achievement lies in the accumuthe developed countries. The X qverlation of precise knowledge, and this knowencouragement of a western style, scholarly ’ ledge can be applied in a great variety of education has done more harm than good to ways, of which the current application in the developing countries. It has created a modem industry is only one. 1 _ craze for paper qualifications. NonThe development of intermediate techproductive jobs have often been created by nology, therefore, means a genuine forward governments principally to meet the empmovement into new territory; where the loyment needs of men and women coming enormous cost and complication of producout of universities. tion methods for the sake of-labour saving (g) Two arguments are constantly adand job elimination is avoided and technolvanced against the idea of intermediate ogy is made appropriate for labour surplus technology-that its products would require situations. protection within the country and would be A better understanding of what interunsuitable for export. Both arguments are mediate technology is all about may be \ based on pure guessing. In fact a considerashown by one case study. ble number of design studies and castings An Asian country which had formerly Simple water-raising devices improved from traditional designs in developing counmade for specific products in specific disimported sewing machines decided to promtries can be used for the purpose of agriculture in these countries (Fig. 7). The designs tricts, have universally demonstrated that ote its own machine building industry. A are based on the principle of reciprocating buckets, reversed water wheels, cha’in pump, chosen innucleus already existed in the small work- , the products of an intelligently fluit-to-fluid rotary, and piston pumps. , termediate technology could actually be shops manufacturing re.placement parts for cheaper than those of modem factories. in imported models,. ing countries, a large and growing number. the nearest big city. Whether or not such this knowledge needs to be assembled and Profiting from the temporary protection products could be exported is an open quesdisseminated. of unemployed and we have a growing deafforded by import restrictions, local ention; the unemployed are not contributing to It then considers what are the gaps in this ficit in our balance of paymepts. Approptrepreneurial initiative quickly expanded knowledge and what research is necessary riate technology was conceived for solving exports now,, and the primary task is to put the activities of these specialised workto fill these gaps and how much research them to work so that they will produce useparticular problems of developing countries shops and set up assembly units. In a few ful goods.from local materials for local use. can be undertaken. where unemployment and lack of foreign years the sewing machine industry, equipIt brings forward specific proposals for exchange have posed problems which could ped with general purpose lathes and drills not be solved by prestigious developments (rather than multi-spindle boring machines me intermediate technology de- ’ this purpose and advises the Group on how it may make the necessary contacts. or the use of automated or -highly and spical jigs), was turning out models at velopment group It then supervises the research which is met hanised equipment. . 60 per cent of the price of previous imports. The Intermediate Technology De>velopBut here the similarities end. We have a The local sewing machines had a limited undertaken as a result of its initiations. ment Group, London, England, is the best -The Intermediate Technology Group -has ‘& skilled and literate labour force with an inrange of operations and were less accurate, known center for this new approach to also a number of technical officers in its dustrial background and understanding of but because of their lower’ price, they technology. It was established in 1965 to intechnologies which we have created. But it opened up a new market among small scale employ. It has established some subsidiary vestigate ways and means of utilising to the is also true that there is a growing questionunits -for the purpose of developing clothing and footwear establishments. By fullest extent the resources available to demachines and tools appropriate for the ing of the goals and’ values of a modern 1966, import restrictions were relaxed and veloping countries through the application needs of the Third World. economy. There is concern about pollution, the industry was strong enough to establish of appropriate technologies. Its main aims Because the Group’s activities are exconcern about a society which requires vast a thriving export trade to neighbouring are: amounts of energy to sustain it. i panding so fast, it became necessary to escountries. In the days of cheap energy it was sensitablis h-a special organisation, Intermediate It is no accident that capital-intensive to compile inventories of existing Technology Publications Ltd., 9 Ring ble economics to centralize production even technology is also energy-intensive. A-powtechnologies which can be used within if it meant, for example, small bakeries Street, London, WC2E 8HN, England. The erful incentive is thus provided for the the concept of low-cost, labourgoing out of business so that a centralized main categories of publication are as folemergence of what is termed ‘low impact intensive production; lows: mass production plant could produce the technology’ meaning low impact on the ento identify gaps in tk range of existl guides and bibliographies . nation’s bread and.a vast fleet of trucks devironment including material and energy ing technolbgies; l specifications for local manufacture of liver it to the distribution points. resource. ’ to research into and develop by intools and equipment ., Today that is no longer true. Small Thus solar, wind and tidal power, energy e vention or modification new or more manuals on specific technologies bakeries in small communities provide local from biological wastes etc., all are part of . / appropriate processes; l special reports on field operations employment, a more individual product, ‘low-impact-technology’. This kind of techto test and demonstrate in the field i l industry profiles and could save transport costs. noIogy may not create employment opp&the results of its investigations; l ‘Appropriate Technology’, the quarterly If applied to many industries, from brewtunities, which is what intermediate techto publish and make known the reeries’ to brickworks,. this approach means nology basically aims for. Certainly, ‘Injournal of the Group sults of its work as widely as possible, termediate Technology’ includes the prin‘Appropriate Technology’ deserves spe1ess”juggernauts on the roads, less waste, -ciple of low impact on the environment, but so as to facilitate the transfer and use less pollution, less noise and more communcial mention. It is a unique quarterly ofinit is not its only aim. of appropriate technology. terest to ail engaged in development work. It i ty employment. is rapidly d&eIoping a reputation as a so while as yet insufficient thought has Panels are an important feature of the forum for the exchange of practical informabeen devoted to the actual application of Problems . Group’s organisation. They enable the intermediate technologies in an urban intion between field workers, administrators, The question has often been asked, why Group to draw on the expert knowledge of teachers and trainers of both official and dustrial situation, various groups are begin\ developing pntries have not embraced the more than 200 people who give their service voluntary organisations. ning to consider how problems of waste of intermediate technology approach in a masvoluntarily and together represent a team In Canada, the only organization which resources and ,of energy and now unempsive way. Some of the reasons are: with a high level of professional compeloyment can be solved. engages on a larger scale in research in in(a) The politicians and economic plantence. They come in their individual termediate technology is the Brace ReIn my opinion this is only possible by a ners of many developing countries have an capacities from the ranks of industry, the search Institute at the McDonald Campus of _, reorientation of our current values. E.F. urban bias in their thinking, education and professions, academic life and public adSchumacher puts it this ways in . his McGill University, Montreal. At the Unilife style and it is not surprising that many of versity of Waterloo, unfortunately only the book: ‘Small is Beautiful’: ’ the projects in developing countries using * ministration . The panels at present cover the following Systems Design Department seems to be in‘I have no doubt that it is possible to give the latest technology from the developed building and building a new direction to technological developterested to some extent. world,, owe their origins to the ruling elite of’ subjects : agriculture, materials, chemistry and chemical engineerI know of one interesting project which is ment, a direction that shall lead it back to these countries. ferro-cement , fores try ing ; cooperatives, research into the improvement of agriculthe real needs of man, and that also (b) The vested intereSts behind capitaland forest products, homestead technology, tural hand tools for an African country. means: to the actual size of man. Man is intensive technology are too powerful to be power, rural health, transportation and Perhaps we are able to learn about more small, and, therefore, small is beautiful. To resisted by the intermediate technology apwater. It is planned to convene additional efforts going on at various departments of . go for giantism is to go for self-destruction. proach. Besides, capital intensive technolpanels to deal with textiles and with the the university through this forum? And what is the cost of a reorientation? We ogy is readily available on the world marprovision of intermediate equipment for might remind ourselves that to calculate the ket, ready for export to the developing communication at the village level. Intermediate technology and cost of survival is perverse. No do%bt, a countries regardless of the problems of indgstrialised world price has to be paid for anything worth while:, The way in which a panel typically aptechnology transfer. It therefore represents It is ironic that what was considered ap- to technology so that it proaches its task is as follows. It begins by redirect a soft option to a developing country. him repropriate to a developing country may in serves man instead of destroying (c) There is no widespread infrastructure reviewing the existing state of knowledge bur- days become imperative. in an indusquires primarily an effort of the imagination for intermediate technology in the developand’documentation in its subject, and iden. trialized society. We have, like the developand an abandonment of fear.’ tifies the main problems in relation to which ing countries, no exchange of information




Pity Marlene Webber! First she loses her job and now we learn that she has no sense of humour. I was sorry to discover this fact in Webber’s article “FASS is for Fascism” in which she claims FASS 1976 “smacked of totalitarianism” and proposed fascism. The FASS I saw successfully poked fun at life here at UW and allowed us to laugh at ourselves. The group I attended with found the show very funny and we failed to hear any of the heckling Webber mentioned. As for Webber, I want to recommend a book to her, a book that treats everyone equally and makes neither social or class distinctions. I’m sure shell1 enjoy the phone book. Bob Smith

eer in the northwest

about its own bureaucratic reputation rather: than standing up as the representative of students’ concerns as it is supposed to do. For Roberts to have mystified students by telling them that his main priority is to fight the cutbacks and then not to support actual motion by students on campus to do just this, is a criminal refusal to do his job. It is the students who are busy studying for midterms who are organizing to fight against the cutbacks, not the exhausted Shane Roberts who is not even a student on this campus! Henderson’s appearance on this campus is adequate reason for the outright action to oppose the report. We don’t need to invite this enemy of students back on the specific topic of cutbacks ! He has already shown us what his intentions are ! Any illusions I ever had that the federation is working in the interests of students have been thoroughly smashed. Shortall and Roberts care only about their own careers and are proving quite nicely to all of us that they really don’t give a damn about either students or cutbacks. They are nothing more than enemies of the students for*their attitudes and selfish concerns. I have only contempt for both of them. Petra

The writers of FASS should be credited with unusual foresight in contemplating a “beer line” to the “North-west”. Recent statistics projected to this year indicate that current liquor sales for the Northwest Territories are nearly $11.5 million annually, increasing by 15 per cent per annum. This represents an average expenditure of $265 per year on booze by every man, woman and child in the territories, engineers excepted .’ Translated into flow of beer at Ontario prices, the pipeline should be designed for a capacity of 405 gal/hr. Benefit-cost ratios would show a favorable return as presently 43 per cent of gross liquor sales is retained as net profit. One obstacle remains however, and that is determining the coefficient of permeability of great red tundra worms. --Harold

“6;~;;:; . . a

Crystal. interests Having read the latest issue of the chevron and the article “Feds fighting cutthe interests of those people runbacks?“, ning our student federation have become ’ crystal clear to me.. Shortall’s explanation that people are exhausted after the election and are too busy studying, is nothing more than his own justification for not caring about the most critical concern of students at this time. Whether or not Henderson’s name is a mere title on the Henderson report is hardly the issue. Henderson works for and represents those people who have been busy designing a means of blaming the people and students for the present economic crisis. Anyone who has spent his time and energies objectively preparing to escalate and direct this blame onto the people must be opposed as an enemy, regardless of what pretense he uses to come to speak on this campus. Shortall’s idea that opposing such an enemy of students is not appropriate at this time, has no basis whatsoever other than to objectively support the Henderson report and the shifting of the blame for the present economic crisis onto the backs of the working class. This nlaces Shortall on a level with Harry Parrott &and Maxwell Henderson. Students are desperately concerned over their status the coming students in as year. They are ready and willing 4 to fight back. Any sight of those people involved in preparing such a report as the Henderson report should be sufficient grounds for mobilizing and uniting students to fight tooth and nail against them. The federation apparently, is too worried

Beating =and biting


When I challenged professor Narveson to public debate on the IQ issue, my supposition was that he would be exposed as having no evidence to back up the claims he made in an earlier chevron article. (Nov. 14, 1975)) and that he would then fall silent. He certainly lost the debate and even admits it, but now he has retreated to Alberta and is trying to reclaim some of his lost nrestige by reliving that debate on his own terms. I write this reply in the spirit of the Chinese writer Lu Hsun who taught that a dog (a reactionary) which has been chased into the water should still be beaten, otherwise it will crawl onto the shore, shake itself off and return to bite your leg again. Narveson is exactly such a dog. His current letter is comprised of lies and distortions. To begin with, professor Narveson has never been able to refute any of the six charges which I made against his obscurantism in an earlier letter (Chevron, Nov. 2 1, 1975, p. 26). In order to understand fully his present letter, I urge everyone to refer to this previous critique, because he is up to the same old tricks. *There are nine allegations in his most recent letter (Jan. 30) which warrant a response. Five of these pertain to general questions of science and experimental design, whereas four questions deal specifically with the heredity issue. 1) In the debate I was “exclusively concerned with very high level considerations of scientific method.” (Paragraph 4 of the Jan. 30 letter). False. I argued at length that science should “serve the interests of the vast majority of the people and gave the slogan: SEEK TRUTH FROM FACTS TO SERVE THE PEOPLE! Whether science should be used to liberate people and improve their lives or to oppress them is a question of which class the scientist serves. It is not a question of method. 2) I “did not argue that Jensen’s experiments were faulty in design, etc. etc.” (P5) This is a bloody lie ! I argued at length that a genetic hypothesis cannot be tested by manipulating the environment alone and that it can never be seriously evaluated when the hereditary differences are confounded by differences in experience, and I showed that several bourgeois scientists agree that the designs of previous research have been wholy inadequate. 3) Two experimental samples cannot be “exactly matched in all respects except the one whose causal significance is in question.” (P5) Here we clearly see our professor as a trickster. _To begin with, he raised this question of

“exactly” matching enviomments in order to divert discussion from the main point, namely that all previous comparisons of black and white people in the U.S. have entailed grossly different environments and that equating them in one or two respects as Jensen has done is scientifically worthless. Furthermore, Narveson claims that I did not respond to his query (W), which is wrong. As it clearly states in the Chevron report of the debate (Dec. 5), I replied that “what is crucial is that populations would have to be raised in (equated) environments and not just individuals.” It, is obviously impossible to give two individuals an experience which is identical down to the most minute detail, even in the best *laboratory. This is precisely why scientists typically test more than one individual in each condition of an experiment and why we make in: ferences about differences between populations, not individuals. This is a very basic point which any of our psychology undergraduates could explain, and I was really surprised to see a Full Professor so confused about research methods. 4) “No hypothesis ever is or can be. .” absolutely proven or disproven. (PlO) Now this is really incredible. Proving an hypothesis wrong is quite a simple matter, and it occurs commonly in science when the results of an experiment substantially contradict the prediction of the hypothesis. Sometimes the demise of a theory can be quite spectacular, such as when the classical mechanics predicted that the radiation emanating from a black body would assume astronomical proportions in the ultraviolet region, a prediction so far from the facts that it was named the “ultraviolet catastrophe . ’ ’ That experiment together with related observations proved conclusively that classical mechanics was not universally applicable. It did not negate the utility of the classical theory in dealing with billiard balls or space satellites, but it seriously restricted the generality of the theory. In many experiments , especially in psychology, hypotheses are formulated with such a narrow applicability that negative results in one experiment prove lethal, and the hypothesis is laid to rest. Of course, proving a theory to be true is quite a different matter. The experimental test may not be powerful enough to detect significant deviations from a prediction, or a large set of alternative theories may exist which make the same prediction in a particular experiment. A correct theory is one which survives numerous tests and proves useful in practice. Whether it is “absolutely” or “ultimately” correct is a question for the amusement of starry-eyed idealists . Narveson concludes by asserting that I myself only come down “tentatively and gingerly in favour of hypotheses which are plausible”in my own publications. To cite certain of my work as evidence for the enduring truth of his own contorted philosophy shows the pathetic lack of sound arguments which this man can muster. Sometimes the results dictate caution, and it is common practice to speak of “weak” evidence which warrants replication, but this does not mean that ideas can never be proven correct or incorrect. 5) Two contrary hypotheses cannot both be plausible. (P12) If we begin in a state of ignorance, of course opposite ideas can both be plausible. If we then proceed to investigate the actual situation- using proper measuring devices and experimental designs, correct ideas will grow and incorrect ideas will perish. However, if we use unreliable measures and faulty design, then we may not make any progress at all, such as has happened with the research on heredity and IQ. There is currently no sound reason to believe that the two-thirds value of heritability claimed by Jensen is closer to the truth than a value of, say, 5 or 10% or even 0%. 6) Parent-child IQ correlations “hold up” and are an embarrassment to “would-be social reformers. ” (P13,14) First, to demonstrate a correlation between test scores of related individuals does not prove the importance of hereditary similarities.

Husband-wife correlations in IQ are consistently large (.4 or .5), as large as parentchild correlations, yet the parents are known to be. unrelated. Second, parent-child correlations cannot be said to “hold up” when other variables are matched, because studies have yet to be done that properly separate effects of heredity and experience. In past studies of adopted children, experiences of the children were correlated with characteristics of their biological parents. Third, Narveson thinks that parent-child correlations present problems for “wouldbe social reformers,” which shows that he still clings to the outmoded view that properties which show a potent hereditary influence cannot be modified by experience. By persistently ignoring abundant published research, our professor demonstrates his strong preference for the hereditarian position of Jensen. 7) “Every environmental hypothesis which has been proposed and is testable and has been tested had been experimentally refuted.“(P15) This sentence should say: “No more than five environmental hypotheses have been discredited by research.” There are plenty of testable ideas which have never been seriously examined, and sound environmental there are very hypotheses which I showed are not readily testable. Narveson is desperately trying to argue that what meagre evidence exists favours Jensen (see also P20). This man is a charlatan who is trying to induce us to take the first step down the path to fascism by agreeing that facts support racist arguments of hereditary superiority. He speaks as though racism is merely an ethical question, but he is wrong. Racism is unequal human rights assigned on the basis of some hypothetical innate, biological properties. Our professor clearly has taken the first step by following Jensen, but he has gotten his toes crushed. 8) Our differences are not factual(P2 and 16) Wrong. Narveson has said that “highly competent people agree that (Jensen) certainly hasn’t been refuted.” Now this is a statement about people’s opinions, and it can be confirmed only by referring to the relevant facts, which in this case are the actual opinions of experts in genetics. In the debate”, I quoted six “highly competent people” in psychology and genetics who dispute Jensen’s claims, which refutes Narveson’s assertion, unless of course he can prove that DeFries, Jinks and Dobzhansky are not competent. He has never been able to produce his “well-known” facts or his ‘ ‘well-informed acquaintances who support Jensen, and in psychology” that is a fact. 9) The facts favor “some genetic and I supposedly agree with hypothesis” this. (P4 and 16) Wrong again. The facts favor no such thing, and I certainly do not agree with this. The facts are inconclusive owing to serious flaws in the research of Burt and others. Narveson is trying to prove the truth of his ideas by simply asserting it and ignoring what ‘others say. In conclusion, let me say that as long as Narveson wishes to write letters to the chevron distorting the truth and promoting reactionary ideas, I will reply. Narveson, on the other hand, has never replied to the charges which have been made against him, and as a consequence the list is growing. He tries to defend himself by casting aspersions on the credibility of his opponents instead of presenting sound arguments in his own defense, and* hence his own position is greatly exposed. Doug


I’ AllReminder: letters to the editor must be typed and signed with the name of the writer if they are to be published.



the chevron

27, 1976

Wetnam: ked

PARIS (LNS)-Nguyen Ngoc Giao, a Vietnamese who teaches mathematics at the University of Paris, has just returned from a visit of several weeks to his country-the first time he had a chance to go home for 15 years. He went as a representative of the Union of Vietnamese in France and as correspondent for their journal, Doan Ket. ’ What he reported, before a group of Vietnamese and French friends at the meeting hall of the Union of Vietnamese in France, was the picture of a country overjoyed with its liberation, but facing a series of extremely complex and difficult tasks. Giao began with movies, slides and a talk on everyday life in Saigon-a city full of life and activity, minus the prostitution and corruption that flourished under the American occupation. But life is indeed still a far cry from what the revolutionaries would like it to be. As Giao’put it, “the city of Saigon was artificially swollen by the American policy of forcing the people off the land, of bombing them and destroying their homes and fields so that they would have to be concentrated in the big city, easily recruitable for the puppet Army and unable to join the liberation forces, regardless of their political desires. “As a result, the cities were crowded by a largely non-productive population living by all kinds of devices and maneuvers. “It is no easy matter to restore economic life, get the unemployed to work, provide useful jobs for those who were involved in all kinds of prostitution, and in working in one way or another for the American occupation or the puppet Army.” Despite this situation, Giao said that for the first time in many years, nobody was starving in the streets. He pointed out that the revolutionary authorities face a dilemma over the basic question of the price of rice. “Just after the liberation, the revolutionary authorities raised the price of rice somewhat-in the hope of encouraging the peasant producers whose labor is essential to the functioning of the whole economy, especially in a country that is so overwhelmingly agricultural. “But the rise in the price of rice drastically increased the hardships of the people in the over crowded city, with all its unemployed and its workers trying desperately to make ends meet. So the authorities-the ReCommittee of Saigon volutionary -criticized their previous decision and brought down the price of rice. “Today it is Iconsiderably-about 10 per cent-lower than it was under the puppet regime. But the dilemma involved in setting the price of rice illustrates the kind of dif-

wtih tifficuit

ficulties created by the long period of occupation and war.” Giao also spoke of another highly complex and serious problem-the widespread speculation, which has not, and could not disappear overnight. During the American occupation and the “the city was literally Thieu regime, flooded with all kinds of American products and gadgets-transisters, tape recorders, motorcycles, etc. -that were sold at a price close to the cost of production to show the benefits of the ‘American way of life’. “This traffic,” he continued, “was controlled, as was the circulation of almost all in Saigon, by the big commodities bourgeoisie that made huge profits out of it. But the situation was uneconmic-the country wasn’t producing what it really needed and was tied to the United States. “Today, the speculators are still here, and it is not easy to get rid of them immediately. They largely control the networks of distribution, and the authorities realize that it is extremely difficult to strike at the big speculators without hurting the littleman, the small merchant trying to survive, who is also involved in that network. “The crux of the problem is precisely to big isolate the * real culprits -the speculators -without bothering the “little merchant.” As an example of what the revolutionary authorities are up against, Giao told of huge hoards of goods that were recently discovered hidden in the homes of various speculators-in one house was found an enormous stock of sewing needles; in another, 301 tons of gold. In answer to questions from the group, Giao explained that the CIA is undoubtedly still at work through its various agents in Vietnam, although they are in no position to mount any ambitious attacks under the present circumstances. “So long as economic suffering is widespread ,” he commented; “it will remain possible for the CIA to find people it can buy for $50. The basic solution to this problem lies in getting. the economy going on a healthy basis, increasing production and improving the conditions of life and work.” At that point, Giao turned to what he regards as a fundamental problem-the restoration of agricultural production, and the return of people to the land, especially the unemployed of the swollen cities. ‘ ‘ Since the liberation a certain number of people have, with the encouragement and material help of the revolutionary authorities, left,Saigon to return to the land, in many cases to their original villages. But the number is not high enough. “In the first place,” he said, “not all can return to their villages. Many of the villages

were completely wiped out by the American bombing at the height of the war.’ “And in any case, the life in the countryside is not easy today-the families that leave Saigon and go to the land find themselves in a situation where there are often few/schools for their children, few hospitals and roads, so extensive was the destruction of the war.” Giao explained that the revolutionary authorities have now adopted a policy of encouraging the younger and able-bodied members of each family to go to the land, while the rest of the family remain behind until conditions have been improved for them. The country’s potential for agricultural production has to be developed considerably, explained Giao. He said that the region right around Saigon will be the “green belt” producing food for the city. And in the Mekong Delta, where only one-third of the land is presently under cul-



tivation, all arable land will soon be made productive. ’ Giao contrasted the slides showing conditions in the southern Meking Delta-where makeshift wooden or mud huts are scattered and dispersed, each family living separated from the neighbors and far from hospitals and schools-with those of conditions in the northern zone of Vietnam where the peasants of collective farms live grouped in villages with homes of stone and brick. Dispensaries and schools, many of which have been rebuilt after being bombed out during the war, are right there in the village, easily available to the villagers. As Giao remarked, the contrast “emphasizes the advantages of socialism.” ’ But socialism, said Giao, is definitely on the agenda for the South, which is to be reunified with the North in nation-wide elections to be held in April. -shofield


The Chevron wants\ applicants for the following ,positions: -editor-in-chief; -production manager; and -advertising manager.

Please send applidations to the Board of Publications, Student Federation, Universi@ of Waterloo by March 12. The jobs begin on May 1 9 1976 ,’ and end April 30, 1977, and the pay is $145 per week.


Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers union of dumont press graphix (CNTU) and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 885-l 660, or university local 2331.

It sure ain’t e i sy writing a masthed at two in the morning when you’re all alone. but what the hell let’s give it a try anyway. here’s a note from the newsroom to optometry student p j Wilson who recently submitted an article on contact lenses: your article will be printed next week and that’s no bullshit. and now on a more serious note, most of us at the chevron are rather distressed to say the least about the failure of student council to attain quorum to conduct business. according to informed sources, at tuesday’s council meeting only nine out of 28 reps bothered to show their faces and that’s unpardonable since the least a councillor can do is to attend meetings. let’s hope things perk up with the new council. production this week: harry strothard, george eisler, diane ritza, Sylvia hauck, graham gee, myles kesten, jim carter, henry hess, neil docherty, dave anjo, Winnie, and mart. jm.


-- _


1, NOTICE’OFI AN-i’UUAL-MEE’fiNG. . , ,‘.i / --. , .




2 7, .1976 K

’ . s --’ ,- \ 1

The- Annual Meeting of jthe Federation of VI ForJliscus&i: Noticeof Motionsfor CouncilMeel in& regarding the ksuance of Privilege Cards. #uden?s, University of Wkterloo,. a corporaVII For Discussion: Proxies at Students’ Council -Mee! tion underlthe laws of the Province of.Ontar& ings. will be held ‘on .Tbesdtiy, Ma&h 2, Iv*6 at ’ r4 Each memberof the Federation m&y act as proxy for nc l3:OWp.m. in ‘E’ngirkering : Lecture &km more than five other members, provided that-a written 101. The agenda i$ &.follows: L * - proxy is deposited with the’bkiriess manager not tes ’ ,. 1 /Jpp&&&

of Dire&&;

in &&r&n-

with section


than 24 hou!s



the meeting=

3 of by-law no. 1. L II Amendment to- by-law no. -1, section 27.-- A~ -- The agenda for this, meeting is restrictef Ill Amendments to by-law no. 27. \ IV Amendment to by4la6kno. 2&Section II, .M;embe@ip, to the-, above , items, of. bu&&s, for whict , Board of Entertainment. proper notice has been- given. -V Amendments to S&on& 111and V of byjaw no.- I- - ’ Shane--R&et@, President-Elec I ~ -pertaining to the Board Of - I ,’ Directors _-.


I Amendmentto by-law no. 1, setcolleges and c) the Waterloo Cotion 27. -0p Residence. v) Such persons as the Board- of To amend the d-e w&b prekntly _ Entertainment, in agreement with reads: “The President of the FederaStudents’ Council, or Students’ tion of Students, University of Water‘in agreement with the-, lo& who must be a student when he is .- . ,Council Board, may from time to time -ap-fmt elected, and the Business Manpoint to the Board, by a majority ager, shaIl be.. .‘y as &fdows: “The vote. President of the Federation of Stushall be-non-voting dents; University of-Waterloo, who -- B The following must be a student of the University of members Of *e Board: i) The s+retary, as appointed by’ Waterloo when he is elected, and the theBoard. _ Business Manager,. shall be. . .“I ii) The chairpersons of the-commitl%C That the/following amendments ’ tees of the Board, as appointed ‘to by-la6 no. 27, Board of Communi_ by the Board. L cations, be made: iii) The entertainment coordinator as appointed by the Board. i) That Section IV, Subsection (A) (2) (a) be changed to read: “All iv) A representative from each- of Wilfkid - Laurier University, recognized members of the Radio ’ Waterloo Steering Committee as ’ Conestoga College and the appoinbd by the board chairperUniversity of Guelph. son and ratified by a majority vote . v) The operations co-ordinator of ofthestaff’. . the Ctipus Centre Board. ii) That Section IV, Subsection (B) vi) The president, vice-president, (2) (c) be changed to read: “Eight tieasure~, speaker and business-manager of the Federation of (8) members of the Radio Waterloo steering committee .m- ap’ Students, all exo5cio. vii) The chairpersons of ail the by the board chairper. ‘pointed _ _ -boards of the Federation of _ I son”. . . IV _ To’anikid section II of by-lawStudents. no. 26, Board of Entertainment M&n&i) The manager of the Campus Centre licenced ftiili-ty. bership, to read as follows: ---ix) The social directors of Vi&g& A The following shall be voting members of the Board: I and II, St< Jerome’s College, i) i’he chairperson as appointed by St. Paul’s College, Renison Col. the Students’ Councilof the Fed- _ lege, - Conrak Grebel College eration and ratified by the Board and the Waterloo Cooperative of Entertainment. This person _ Residence. may not concurrently. hold any i) Such persons as-the Bo.ard may ’ position on a ftiulty sociely. from time to time appoint by a“‘ majority vote.” direct&% of all the fa-- ii) The qxial culty societies recogqized by the V To amend sections 3 and 5 of by-law no. 1 as follows: I Federation of Students. (In the A To amendsection 3, Board of DL case of the ‘Engineering and other rectors, so that the first two coop ,societies, this shall be the sentences now read: “The afon-campus social director.) d iii) A ‘voting me-mber-a&large ap . -v/ f%koftheCo$oration shall be by a Board of Direc- . pointed by the Students?Council. ,_ managed IBM of up-to 13hersons, each of This person may not concurrently _ hold any position on a faculty sot’ jvhom at the time of his/her apiety. ’ pointment andthroughout his/her term of o5ce shall be a iv) One representative from each of the following three Categories:.a) ’ member of the corporation. The Directors shall consist of the student villages b) the church / I -

the president, the vicepresident, treasurer, board chairpersons and the speaker, I with any additional persons neededto make 13, chosen by lotfkom votiug Students’ Coupcil members not on tlE Board- by virtue .of the above . positions .” B. To amend section 5, Quorum and Meetings, s Board of Directors, to have the first sentence read: “Six (6) directors shall form a quorum for the tr_ansaction of. business .” -/ _. VI For Qisctission: Notice of Motions for Council Meetings re the Issuance of Privilege Cards. 1 That Federation of Students, -Privilege Cards (or Board of En-tertainment Cards), here-after cal. led Federation PrivilegeCards, be limited to give free admission only to the person whose name is on thecard. ‘r 2 a -That Federationprivilege C,ardsbe limited to events where the price of admission is under $2.00 per person (i.e., koncerts do not allow privilege cards.) b That the operator of an event be allowed to- limit the number of free admissions per event on a first-come, first-serve basis. 3 That Federation Privilege Cards be abolished. 4 That Federation Privilege Cards be limited to the -following: i a ‘<Federation - executive members. b Society presidents. 5 That Federation Privilege Cards be-limited to the following: a President, vice-president, treasurer, business manager of the Federation. .__ b I Members of-the Boa&f Entertainment. 6 That &e following receive Federation Privilege Cards: _ ,i i?ederation executive. , b Council members. c

c d -

Society presidents. Members of all boards Federation.

. . VII For Discussion: Proxies at’students’ Council Meetings. That this ‘meeting ,recommend to Students’ Council fhe following policy regarding proxy voting at Council meetings-to take effect-May 1., 1976: 1 That a voting representative of the -Students’ Council may for the -duration of one meeting delegate all powers Of ’ a addressing Council b making and seconding motions ‘c _vxoting at Council meetings, to a,proxy by the issue of a written a&horization. 2’ That the authorization of a proxy must: a refer to a specific meeting by date b appoint a- specific person as Proxy \ 1 c -bft signed by the issuing :’ member d be presented to the business ~manager at least twentyfour hours before the meeting to -which the proxy refers commences. ’ 3 The person holding the proxy , must: _I a be a regular member of the i Federation of Students b, be,, registered in the issuing member’s faculty. ’ .- 4 No voting member may ‘delegate . the above mentioned proxy power on more than three oc.Fasions per academic term. I 5 No person may hold more than one vote on the Students’ CounCil.

6 ’ In case of the council representative having a coop work term or a summer term in whichhelshe is \temporarily not - registered, he/she may proxy his/her vote to a person in his/her Eddulty for one whole academic term. And that the Proxies Policy of Students? Council, dated October -31, I 196&&m 6, --be abolished. +

-~ >



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