University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume

Page 1


University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 16, number 39 friday, april 2, 1976

Inside This large chimney

was found in downtown Waterloo last Wednesday. It has “made its bottom, and smoke emanating from its top. If you wish to claim it contact Carling famous in Denmark for their beer.


The Ontario provincial government since 1971 has deliberately suppressed information about the effects of mercury pollution in this province. _ Max Allen, a journalist with the CBC, made this allegation at a public meeting held at the Kitchener Public Library last Monday. The forum dealt with mercury poisoning in Northwest Ontario and was presented by the Ontario Public Interest Research Group. Allen said that the methods used in a provincial inquiry into mercury pollution were “deliberately designed to uncover no evidence of mercury poisoning.” The study cited by Allen made its findings public in a report named “A Preliminary Proposal to Study the Health Hazards of Mercury Contaminated Fish in Northwest Ontario”. The report appeared publicly in January 1976, five years after such an investiga-

tion had been designated and six years after the Wabigoon River and lower English River system was closed to commercial fishing by the province. The report concluded that: “We have found no evidence of mercury poisoning in Northwest Ontario.” The report, which was a “preliminary proposal”, also said that “No special agency is known to exist in Canada which could undertake the proposed study.” Allen criticized the study on a number of points : -The testing was done in the dead of winter after mercury levels - had dropped, rather than in the summer when the consumption of fish wouid have been at its height. ’_ -No systematic attempt was made to test the same people, each year. -That set’ of people which in probability would have consumed very high amounts of

in Hong Kong” inscribed on Breweries, a local company

the CRTC decided on March 24 to defer closing all services carried by cable television systems until March 1, 1977. That means Radio Waterloo will have almost a year to apply for a FM licence, Assmann said. “It took three and a half months for them (the CRTC) to come to the conclusion that they should have consulted us first before cutting us off.” To apply for‘a FM licence, the station will have to purchase a transmitter, a tower and other equipment which should total $68,000, Assmann said. As for the CRTC”s sudden reversal of policy, Assmann said this was caused mostly by lobbying on



contaminated fish-trappers and fishermen-were excluded from the study. -The study was interested only in levels of mercury in the blood and avoided examining symptoms and damage possibly caused by mercury intake. -Six native people were taken to Winnipeg for examination in a hospital in 1973. According to Allen, there was no reason for taking the six people to Winnipeg. Indeed, a year later a Japanese scientist tested 80 people and concluded that there was evidence of mercury poisoning. A number of native people in the area were found to exhibit symptoms of Minamata Disease. -Those native people who were taken to Winnipeg were not among those with the highest levels of mercury in the blood. A provincial report on the “Public Health Significance of Methyl

es back on air Radio Waterloo will be back on , air April 19 after about a threemonth respite, says station coordinator Dave Assmann. The station was booted off the wavelength in mid-January by the Canadian Radio-Television Commission after the commission rejected an application of Grand River Cable to carry Radio Waterloo .. The ruling came as a surprise to Radio Waterloo, which has been seeking clarification of its status from the CRTC since 1970. The commission at that time told’ the station that it could transmit via cable until a definite policy I was enacted. Assmann said Wednesday that

Canadian bicycle tour . e . . . . . . . e . .. .p. 7 Fed budget revealed . . *. . . . . . . Z.. . .p.74 ‘Songanddance. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ..p.Ig Readers write :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p.24

the part of student radio stations, ethnic groups’ stations and the Canadian Broadcasting League. Assmann said he’s “both elated and overjoyed” about the station going on air once again. And he promised that there will be many new features in the programs of Radio Waterloo. The programming will include music f&tures (live shows), news briefs, a special on the K-WSymphony Orchestra, another on Canadian music artists and many other new ideas, Assmann said. The station will begin cable’ broadcasting on April 19 at 6 p.m. and the frequency will likely be 94.1 FM. -john


Mercury” produced in 1972 was withheld, according to Allen, for two years. The study stated that mercury levels found in fish in the Northwest region of the province were 30 times over the safety standard. Moreover, it warned that those who eat such fish, especially pregnant women, must be considered at risk. The full report was released in November, 1974; one day after Allen released exerpts from the report on the CBC Radio programme “As It Happens”. Allen charged the provincial government of also suppressing the findings of a report submitted in March, 1974 called “Policies for Pollution Abatement for Ontario’s Pulp and Paper Industry”. Presently, Allen stated, it is not possible to get access to the report. The government’s refusal to make public the report is,. in Allen’s words, an example of the “collusion of government regulatory bodies with those industries they are supposed to be regulating which,” he went on to say, “is typical.” Backing up his accusation, Allen noted the statement made three weeks ago by provincial cabinet member, George Kerr: “This government doesn’t intend to zero in on the pulp and paper companies to literally club them into taking on an expensive program of environmental protection which at“ this time the industry can collectively ill afford. A few newspapers”, Kerr continued, “have overstated the ministry’s intentions in a few meetings with Pulp and Paper companies .” Allen, continuing on, also- read a memo received by Dr. Stopps, a member of the panel, from a Dr. Connaught, who was in charge of Health Services in that region for’ the Dept. of Indian Affairs. Con-

cerned over the mercury pollution controversy, Connaught wrote: “I still believe that when they opened up this whole thing their ‘motivation (the Indians’) was limited to the juvenile prospect of compensatory treats. ” Connaught, reportedly, felt that such compensation would set a regretable precedent. Along with Allen in the panel discussion last Monday were Jim Harding, a professor in Man and Environment at the University of Waterloo ; Jim Ronan, a director of Laboratory Services, in the Federal Ministry of the Environment; Aileen Smith, co-author of Minamata; Ken Irizawa of the Provincial Ministry of Natural Resources; and Dr. J Stopps, Associate Professor, Division of Community Health, University of Toronto. The civil servants on the panel, including Dr. Stopps -who in 1971 was delegated by the Ministry of Health to look into mercury poisoning in the province, came under heavy attack from Allen, Smith and the audience. The provincial officials said often that decisions concerning mercury abatement and possible compensation to those native people whose livelihood was affected by mercury pollution could only be made by the elected politicians. Dr. Stopps suggested that interested citizens should write to their respective Member of Parliament and voice their concern that way. Over a hundred people attended the meeting. About 30 people attended a meeting afterwards which discuss,ed the possibility of setting group” based in up a “support Kite hener-Waterloo whit h would look into and fight mercury poisoning in Northwest Ontario. -doug



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. . . . . . . ..i.OOOO-.O.OOOOO..~ F&day

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-:Af ric&n Week-End



-A&itiei G,uesf timpus Cent&Pub opens 12 n’oon. : Dracaena Mar&ta is one member of the . . 2 lecture and discussiqn on “‘Foreign Disco frdm 9-larri. .25 cents after * large Dracaena family. It. grows to great .: Aiq and Self-Reliance” and Cultural 9pm.- _I : heightswhen it hasthespace. It can be-s& - 0 l trained to giv& a windswept look, and-is very -Sh’sw. 1130~5:3Opm. Theatre of thePara-legal assistant-8 offers-non: much at home in contemporary settings. The si Arts. professional legal advice. Call : spear-shap&i leaves are dark green with Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noo_n. Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. 8850840 or come to CC 106. Hours: 0 maroon border and aie usually held aloft by Disco from g-lam. 25 cents after_ Disco from g-jam. 25-cents after 1:30-4:3Ot$m and 7-l Oom. . : c a cane’like stalk. The plant is also attractive 9pm. . _ . 9pm. :. in smalli3r sizes. Do not be alarmed if your. -’ - Federation Flicks-Once is Not .WednesgIay a Marginata loses bottom leaves. tt is part of its Campus Centre Pub‘opens 12 noon. General Meeiing-. of iurnkey E noughwith ‘Kirk Douglas: 8pm, AL :. natural growth pa&n. Dracaenas like Disco from 9-1arJ). -25 cents afterq@ica%ts.‘f;??UST’~ &tend. &lay 4th, 0 sunny to medium light situations, ho6evar, 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. L- __ 9prk. _ 6pm. CC 113. : they can survive in low. light, and respond _ - Z)lnner Dance-and Afilcan Fashion l quite well in rooms with bright fluorescent University Chapel ‘Sonsbred by the’ Royal Commlssion ol; Violence in Show, West Indian Club, 450 Weber : lighting.. Dracaenas shouM be given UW chaplains. 12:30pm. SCH 218K. St. N., WaterI&.. Single $4.00, Dou: thoroughsoakingsthen qlowad todry. f-eed the Communicati,ons Industry. ,_ _ --’ ble $7. 8pm-2am. a the plantwith water soluabla pItit food. Briefs on violeni=e w‘ll be presented. Para-legal assistance offers rion: diluted to one half strength every other 7-l 1pm. Kitchene r4 ublic Library. Sunday ,; profe$sionali legal ad&e. Cal I I ) . month. They respond to misting and the F.ederation Flicks-Once is Not 885-0840 or come to cc 106. Houry: g leaws should be w-w wm a damp-cloth Africa/R Week-End Activities. Films Enough,’ 8pm. AL 116Y Feds $1, 1:30-4:3Opm and 7-IOpti. l cperiodic@y to remove dust. Propagate from . on African develoirn&. 7:30pm. AL : f stem cuttings or air layering. Others $1.50. , . Che*ssTclub w&g. Everyone well&&scoulTttostude!nts.’ : -1 t6. , Monday come. 7:3Opm. CC 135. ’ . FIicks&ce Is Not : Federqrtion Campuq Centre Pub opens 12 noon. : Enough with Kirk Douglas-8 pm. Al Disco from l-9am. 25 cents after KW- Red‘Cross B&d Donor ,Cl&. 8 VARKti VILLAGE - 5764ggg l 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. . \ I 9pm. -2430pm and 6-8:30pm. Rockway + , -. c atMwketLaneand&ottStreet: Seoior Citizens Centre, 1405 King St. An Exhibition of Works by the fa-r Para-Legal assistance offers’ non-. OPEN: MON.-WED. g:30-530, : E:, Kitchener. culty, alumni-and honours students professional legal advic_e. Call Tlnws.&Frl.g~9O,BaM-5~: Fine Arts, U of W. The Gallery, Strat885-0840 or come to CC 106. Hours: ‘J&us Christ Superstar-pr&ented l . ..-..~..0.*.~ l . . . ae.8 . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . ..+y . . . . . i4.2 for&April ?-?5: 1.:304:30pm. . -. Fpm. I by -the KW Little. Theatre. ,F Humanities Theatre. $4 &-mission. About’Land and Sea. An Exhibition df w_ork by six msts in a Variety of media. UW Art Gallery Hours-: MonFri 94pm, Sun 2-5ijm till April 11.


’ Gay Coffay



8:3$pm. Cc 110.

Fr& hovie-Patton-with George C. Scott. 10:15pm. Camp& Centre t Great -Hall. -


” .’

CampSisCentrePub Discd frtim ?-lam. 9pm.

opens ‘12 noon.- ’ .25 cents’after

Para-legal assi’irtance offers non.professional legal _advice. Call p5-0840 or come to CC 106. Hours: -. 1:30+30pm, .-


‘Weekly Forums on the Political Economy of Canada. 7pm. Al 207. S’ponsorea by the AIA. Christian Scie& Organization. Everyone is invited ti, attend these regular meetings for informal discussiofis. 7:gOpm. Hum 17&



, F-l 102-deaf Sedan


.I .






Who $avs a low-priced car has-to be stripped 01 all the r%e touches? r Not Datsun. t)‘ur newifront-5wheel drive Datsun F-IO - -is .$ully-equipped from bumper to bumpe? . Even,our lowe&priced :2-door Se&n is . foaded with: iear- window defogger, tinted _ (glass,, radial tires,-carpeting, dhrome window trim, bumper over-riders, wheel covers, rustprooffended liners, heavy .-duty battery, console and package tray, flow-through heating and ventilatibh. >All that comes to about $500 worth’ of what .other cars call extras. Datsun calls. ’ ‘ it extra value. ,s The F-1Q Sports Hatchback gives you even more special features, like an _ AM /FM radio;tachometer, nif!y 5-speed shift and competition steering-wlieel. ’ ’ And you do&t pay a penn’y more. There’s a value-packed F-IO WaQon sc.too, with white-walis and fifty cubic feet of luggage space. , Now lbok ‘at the F-lo’s super perfor‘- mance. features: the better traction andsafer handling of front:wheel dove and-a * rallyrproven I.4 litre engine that de(ivers up to $O-miles per’gallon in combin,ed . 1 city/ hug hway driving? _

Jesus Christ Superstar presented by the KW Little Theatre. 8pni. Humanities Theatre. $4 admission. . ?All faculty, students and stiff are welcome to join-in discussion with the Baha’ison campus at their regular meetings. 8pm. tiH 334. , -

I -Fights



/I %\





. ’

Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. :-DISCO from_ g-lam. .25 cents after ~\ I 9pm. J&us ChrlstBtiperitar presented by the KW Little Theatre. 8pr!l. Hgmanities Theatre. $4 admission. Federati,& Flick&Day oft he Locust’ with Karen; PI&k. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Other& $1.50. , .-





may vary dependin+ .


Part-time work as go-go dancers



The facuI&&dents and %iaif of -the University of Waterloo are cordiallji invited to view the artwork of Barb Wood. Campus Centre. . . _ lo-5pm. April 5-9.

* ~ The C-10 is prot\ected with special ~ - Ziricrometal rust-oroofinct on critical-,‘ driving. ‘areas ;,-for .worry-f;es m - winrer c Another plus tro/m oatsun. _ The new fully-equippe6Datsun F-10 is todav’sbest car btii for the smart : car-6uyer.l-Test-drive one at your Datsun -dealer% and see .for yourself. *According to 1976 E.P.A. tests. 9~ the kind qf driving you do. /’ ?--

F-1OStatioa_wagOn \



. --

i T- ’

Good Working Conditions ., Laurie at 579-8085


, friday,



the chevron

2, 1976

q I leges and universities, David With the cutbacks in education spending, the adverse changes in Warner and John Sweeney, NDP student assistance, and drastic proand Liberal education critics, were jections of student unemployment, l on campus to speak to a conference of university information officers. how are students to afford an eduBilled as the first time the three cation? That was the question had done public battle the meeting posed by the chevronyesterday to was very tame, and the response to the education experts of the three the question contained little good political parties. news for students. Harry Parrott, minister of col-

Parrott claimed that the word ‘cutback’ was not appropriate because all the educational programs had received more money this year than last, and across the system the increase in government funding was 14.4 per cent. The minister also pointed, to some government job creation schemes which he said would pro-.

Counc~lors vote to retain card scheme -_

It isn’t quite wages for councilwork but it’s better than nothing. That was the impression student councillors cast when they voted Sunday to implement a revamped privilege card scheme for themselves. .The setup, which allows student officials from across campus free entry to student federation events, came under review last fall after some public criticism. The student council at that time formed a committee to investigate the question of privilege cards for student officers. And a report was presented to the new council in March which, in turn, referred it to yet another review committee. After one session, the committee produced a report at Sunday’s meeting whit h council accepted by a 13-6 vote. The report-says the committee didn’t “entertain abolition of the card system as a reasonable alternative” for the following three reasons: -responsibility for functioning of events on the part= of student officials ; -communication among student reps and contact with constituents ; and -a nominal reward to officers for services rendered. In elaborating, the report says the committee saw it as “important for counterparts from organizations to be able to attend activities of other groups. “This permits them first-hand to be able to evaluate an event, to sense the response of participants, and make observations that could help them in their own planning and execution of events.”

In addition, the committee says there are individuals such as student councillors who aren’t “immediately involved”in the operation of an event but are “at some point responsible for what is going on.” i As for communication, the committee says’various events allow officials to “make and maintain contact with-other workers and officials. “This is especially important for communication between different faculties and parts of campus where the people may not normally meet each other.” The same goes for student reps who will “remain in touch” with larger numbers of people with their federation attendance at events such as movies, pubs, dances and concerts, the committee says. The committee also endorses the argument that student officials should be allowed free entry for “labor they rendered,” saying “the monetary value of the occasional ‘free’ admission is frequently a fraction of any ‘market’ value of the person’s time.” Eat-h card holder will be allowed a ceiling on the number of events they can attend free-of-charge. The federation president, the vice-president, the treasurer and the entertainment chairperson will be allowed to spend $100 each. Student councillors will receive a $50-credit ceiling while other officals will be eligible for credits ranging from $25 to $50, the committee says. A review of the system will be conducted next November and it will be administered by the president, treasurer, and entertainment chairman. -

The chevron will launch a major This year’s chevron is far better recruitment drive next fall to inthan previous ones as far as news crease its volunteer staff, news coverage, sports, entertainment editor Neil Docherty told student and layout goes, Docherty said. council on Sunday. While during the past two years This campaign will include large news content ranged from three to display ads in the paper, wall postfive pages, this year the paper has ers, style kits on journalism, and a had a “newshole,” of about seven pages, the news editor stated. possible course credit system with Entertainment coverage has triUW’S English department, pled against last year’s and the Dot herty said. quality has also vastly improved, And the preparatory work inL Docherty said. volving negotiations with English Sports coverage is the weakest professors and the compiling of the spot but it has maintained a consisrecruitment styleguide will be tent two pages, he added. done this summer, the news editor The average paper this year was added. about 28 pages compared to 24 Docherty and 15 other chevron pages in 1974 and 20 in 1975. staff members were at Sunday’s As for features, the paper has , meeting to deliver a short presenalways been noted for the quality tation of the paper’s workings durof its insight articles and this year ing the year and to make comparisons with previous years. the science and technology section has stirred up much debate on the Their presence was prompted I.Q. question, Docherty said. by council’s discussion of the stuHe also referred to an editorial dent newspaper’s 197677 budget. in the Ontario Student which comAfter little debate, councillors approved the paper’s subsidy of plimented the chevron, saying “It is a very great pity that a paper like about $15,000.

If all student officers use up their credit, the cost to students, for one year will be $3,125. Federation president Shane Roberts defended the privilege card scheme, saying “it’s a nominal system of reimbursement for services rendered on the part of student councillors .” Mathematics rep. John Long disagreed by pointing out the scheme “will set us up as someone special” and council members knew what they were getting into as far work is concerned when first elected. Other councillors introduced an amendment, which was defeated, calling for a two-thirds attendance record at council meetings to be eligible for then privilege. In other business, council passed its budget for 1976-77 which contains an allocation of $408,389 and projected revenue of $141,050. The subsidy to be paid out of student fees will be $267,339. And the federation expects students to pay in about $282,000 in fees next year. Out of the federation’s slush fund for next year, council gave a $1,000 grant and $1,000 loan to the fourth year optometry summer student project. The project provides eye clinics manned by students to such places as Thunder Bay, Sioux Lookout, Manitoulin Island, Moose Factory, the Ontario Hospital for the Mentally Retarded at Orillia, Southern Ontario reservations and the Caribbean. In another matter, councillors endorsed a proxy policy for student council members wishing to delegate their vote for one meeting to a chosen delegate. -john


the chevron is not more widely available for the paper-contains a great deal of good solid material for the brain which is unobtainable elsewhere.” The Ontario Student is the official publication of the Ontario Federation of Students and it comes out every month. The chevron also offers its staffers seminars on newswriting which helps them to go into “the big, bad world,” Docherty said. And most chevron volunteers are “keen on journalism” and want to pursue it professionally after graduating. Mathematics rep. Robert White asked Docherty how the paper found out that the name used in a recent letter-to-the-editor was a pseudonym. Docherty replied saying staffers checked the name in the on-campus and off-campus telephone directories. The letter White referred to was written by Matthew Smith and it cont’d. on page 7

vide 11,000 positions. He warned that jobs can’t be picked off trees, and said the government was putting an emphasis on creating permanent positions. ’ For those students unable to find summer work the minister said adjustments would be made in their OS AP award. Sweeney was quick to point out that 11,000 jobs was a drop in the bucket when it is projected that 100,000 students will be out of work this summer. The liberal critic was against the government’s review of student grants and said the assistance should not be reduced. He also suggested that the award not be tied to the student’s parental income. And he said he was interested in a student’s suggestion that an exchange be implimented between students who seek employment for one third of the year, and workers who would like a spell at university. His response ended on the sombre note that the type of student unemployment we are likely to witness this summer “is going to be with us until the 1980’s .” Warner was also concerned --about student unemployment which he projected might run ‘as high as 120,00O.~He said students in

the rural areas would be the worst -hit. Though he found the situation very serious he hoped that it wasn’t a sign that we “are heading back to education elitism. I don’t think that is the government’s intention,” he said. Though he did point out to Parrott that because government spending hadn’t kept pace with inflation it was fair to use the term ‘cutback’. The meeting differed markedlyfrom Parrott’s last visit to UW when he was heckled by over 200 angry students and some faculty. This was not a public meeting. Intended only for the information officers, and the press, it received low publicity. Nonetheless, a few student representatives were on hand to greet the minister with a large sign which read: “April Fool -Harry Parr&t”. The sign upset UW information services chief, Jack Adams, who approached the three student-reps before the meeting and asked them if they were going to cause any trouble. Franz Klingender, Doug Thompson, and Ted Hogan, assured him they were not, and Adams seemed satisfied. -neiI


Alternatives f&d- m&op The food industry in Canada is controlled by so few companies that “we’re in a situation where the farmers can’t afford to grow food and the people can’t afford to of the Onbuy it,” a co-ordinator tario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) said Tuesday. David Robertson, speaking at a meeting sponsored by the Consumer Action Centre, told 40 people that “the whole grey area” between declining farm prices and constantly rising food costs constitutes the profit of a handful of huge food conglomerates. John Keyes, an OPIRG researcher, and the second speaker at the meeting, said that “the picture we’ve drawn-a number of large corporations ruling the roost-casts doubt on competition” as a real factor in the industry. Robertson explained that eight fruit and vegetable canners in the country control 52 per cent of the market, the three largest meat packing companies control 55 per cent of the market’ and four breakfast cereal companies control 95 per cent of the market. Speaking to a mixed audience of young and old at the Rockway Senior Citizens’ centre, Robertson provided a brief description of the wide holdings of each of seven corporate giants in food. The George Weston Co., Safeway, Steinbergs, M. Loeb, Loblaws, The Oshawa Group, and Argus Corp. (owner of Dominion Stores) have “reduced farmers to serfdom and wiped out hundreds of independent producers and retailers ,” Robertson said. “Right now, we don’t determine anything,” said Robertson. “We walk into the supermarket and pay what they want. “But what if we controlled our own retail outlets? We have to develop real alternatives to this -worker-controlled factories, retailer-controlled retail outlets, consumer-controlled banks .” Asked about short-term ways to improve conditions for-consumers, Robertson suggested that several families could confront their local supermarket. manager and demand

to have quality food stocked on the shelves. “Let’s gee if we can’t change Zehr’s groceries in town,” he urmed . i<:yes pointed out a host of ways by .vhich the food industry, which is characterized by vertical integration (where a retailing corporation owns wholesalers, packers, distributors, and even corporate farms) and oligopoly (control by a very few companies), deceive the consumer in order to improve their own profit. Packaging and carton designs, pricing policies, advertising and corporate secrecy, all combine to milk the consumer to the greatest possible extent and keep damning information from the public. Furthermore, effective protection from government is put into doubt when the question is thoroughly examined, he said. Keyes noted that the federal government’s Royal Commission investigating corporate conglomeration is stacked with men who have strong ties with powerful companies in Canada. Another example mentioned was the appointment ‘of Simon Riesman to the George Weston Ltd. board of directors in May of last year, only a month after he had retired as deminister of finance. p u-t y R&man’s special function with George Weston Ltd. is liaison with the government, especially the Royal Commission on Corporate Concentration. Questions and comments from the audience focussed on what action to take to improve the lot of consumers. Several people pointed out the value of consumer and producer co-operatives, and growing and canning food. One person in the audience pointed out that dealing only with the food industry, in isolation, from the monopoly capitalist system, would not provide a permanent solution. Only the overthrow of the monopoly capitalist system, and the replacement by a system which serves the majority of the people will yield a real change, he said. -4arry




the chevron


’ 3

Gray Coach University Service Direct from Campus Entrances To Toronto and Woodstock-London Express via Hwy. 401

Found In the gym 1 pair of navigator sunglasses. Would like tq find owner. Phone Peter at 884-4234 around 5:30pm.


Bulova divers watch, last Wed. night, 3rd floor of MC building. If found please turn into Security. Thanks.


Brown vinyl folder lost at the Genesis concert, contains i rreplacable invoices, receipts et 4 . pertaining to Federation business. If found please call Board of Entertainment ext. 2358.




Express via Hwy. 401 LEAVE UNIVERSITY Mon. to Fri: - 3:0F,p.m. & 4:50 p.m. Fridays - 12:25 pm.. & 3:35p.m.








Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-IOpm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211, ext. 2372.


HELP-745-l 166-We care! Crisis intervention and confidential listening to any problem. Weeknights 6pm to 12 midnight, Friday 5pm to Monday lam.

WOODSTOCK-LONDON SERVICE Express via Hwy. 401 Read Down Read Up Fridays Sundays Ar. 6.45 p.m. South Campus Entrance 6.05p.m. Lv. Ar. 7.10 p.m. 6.35p.m. Lv. Kitchener Terminal Lv. 5.55 p.m. 7.25p.m. Ar. Woodstock 5 London Lv. 5.15 p.m. 8.05p.m. Ar. ‘-

Wanted Two female roommates to share townhouse with 2 HKLS females. Own bedroom, close to campus. Rent $249/plus utilities. Call 743-0357 after 6pm. Pam.



Ride to Calgary and points enroute via Trans-Canada highway. Leaving Monday April 19-share gas ($40). Mike, 884-5687.


Toronto and London buses loop via University, Westmount, Columbia and Phillip, serving designated stops. Buses will stop on signal at intermediate points en route e and along University Ave. -


Brampton-Guelph GO service connects LEAVE : BRAMPTON GEORGETOWN Mon. to Fri. 655 am 7:14 am Sundays IO:50 pm 11 :O9 pm

in Guelph


8% am 12:Ol am


\ directly 8:35 am 12:55 am



to campus

to shopping. Westmount union. Fully furnished. 742-0603 or ext. 2534.

One person share apartment, summer furnished, 5 minute walk to campuses, $65 month; Bruce, Dan 886-0763. Large one bedroom apart)nent to sublet May-Aug, fully furnished. 15 minute walk to campus, $135/month. 884-8484 gr 885-4817. Townhouse sublet. May I-Sept. 1. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, garage, fully carpeted, partially furnished. Near universities, plaza. Rent negotiable. 884-l 783.

Share a large apartment with couple for $40/month. Near King and COIumbia. Phone 884-9122. Partially furnished 1 bed room apartment, close to campus to sublet May1 -August 31. Rent negotiable. Location is 9 Amos Avenue. Call 885-2496. May-Aug

2 bedroom and basement townhouse, 653-B Albert St., Appliances, swimming pool, cable, 5 minute to U of W by car, near shopping. $21 S/month, 885-9471. Townhouse available for summer term. Semi-furnished. 524D Sunnydale Place. Phone 885-0293.

31 4 bedroom



Get With

Clean, quiet, single rooms for males in private home. $15 ‘weekly.. Insulated, fluorescent lighting, private entrance and bath. Frig, toaster and rteakettle available, but no cooking allowed. All linens supplied and cleaned weekly. 5 minute walk to either university. Apply Mrs. Dorscht, 204 Lester St., Waterloo. 884-3629. 884-3629. Furnished one-bed room apartment, corner of Westmount and Erb. 576-2g82. Available May-Sept. 2-3 people needed to share furnished townhouse on Albert St. May lst-Aug 31st. Pool, cable, nearby shopping. Phone 576-8491. Montreal Apt.: five room furnished including two bed rooms. Available May-August. Phone 514-271-7758 evenings. Male wanted to share spacious 2 bedroom furnished apartment. May- . Sept. Austin Drive (just off Columbia) Rent negotiable and reasonable. Please phone 8844636. May I-Sept 1. Furnished or unfurnished townhouse. 2 bedrooms, full basement. 1 mile from UW, parking, swimming pool, on, woodlot. 885-0981 $240. Large 2 storey 8 room house for rent, near both universities, near shopping plaza, $300 per month. Call 884-8656. 3 bedroom Parkdale townhouse to rent, finished basement, dryer, 2 ‘baths, pool, near universities, beside plaza, sleeps 5 comfortably, $290/month. Phone 884-8633. Toronto, May-Sept. Large four bedroom house. Bayview and Eglinton area. Cal I evenings 416-481-8940. 2 bedroom apartment; broadloomed, IO minutes from UW; $175/month. From April on. Call 885-6596.

It At

The CITY HOTEL (Waterloo)


Luncheon Specials in our Dining Rooms, ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY IN The Bavarian Rooms with CARL VOSATKA

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april 2, 1976





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: friday,

the chevron

april 2, 1976

Selling newspap&s

at WLU

Char@- dism-iiss@d against UW student, “There are a lot of things that bother me about this case,” said Judge Gordon McConnell in dis-

missing a charge of petty trespassing against UW grad history student Larry Hannant.

“I don’t understand why you can’t sell papers on campus.” Hannant and UW professor Jef-


frev Forest appeared in Waterloo fense on the contention that a uniprovincial court last Monday on versity was a public place which charges relating to a disturbance existed to “extend, preserve and disseminate knowledge.” which occurred while they were selling People’s Canada Daily He also noted the special rela- ’ News at WLU on Nov. 20, 1975. tionship existing between UW and WLU by which students of one McConnell emphasized that he university have access to the was not ruling on the question of whether a university campus was a facilities of the other. Forest was charged in the same public place in which one had a incident when he attempted to right to sell newspapers. He said, draw the attention of students to however, that he was not aware of any regulation that prevented it. - what was being done to Hannant. Waterloo regional police constA charge of creating a disturable Koepke testified that he had bance by shouting against Forest b\een called to the university by was also .dismissed by Judge security. When he arrived, HanMcConnell. A second charge of nant had already been arrested by causing a disturbance against Langley who then informed Forest and a joint charge of comKoepke that there was “another mon assault has been adjourned until June 7. one of them” somewhere inside the building. They discovered Hannant testified that he had Forest at a public telephone and been talking with a student in the escorted him from the building. Torque Room coffee shop at WLU Forest, who also defended himwhen security guard Ron Langley self, drew attention to the fact that approached him and .demandedt he was leaving peacefully until a that he leave. certain “Hall” (later identified as Hannant refused, saying that he WLU security chief John Baal) was engaged in conversation with charged out of the building and the student. Langley asked the demanded Forest’s name. As student whether he wanted to talk “Hall” was clad only in jogging with Hannant, and upon being told shorts and did not identify himself, that he did, the guard left. Forest inquired of Koepke Langley soon returned, howwhether he was required to proever, and again ordered Hannant duce identification. Upon being into accompany him. Hannant again formed that he was not so rerefused, demanding to know the quired, Forest testified, “Hall” reason why he was being evicted. began to threaten him, saying that Langley thereupon grabbed him he could “lock him up in his office and began to physically drag him for 24 hours.” from the room. Forest testified that he was afWhen Hannant asked whether raid that “Hall” would attack him he was being placed under arrest, and so went out to the sidewalk Langley at first said he was not, where he continued to “raise his but later told him he was under arvoice” to call student’s attention rest for petty trespassing. _ to what was happening. Koepke The prosecution produced tesand Hall both ran after him to the timony from Audrey Shafer, Torsidewalk, where Koepke placed que Room supervisor, that Hanhim under arrest. nant had been at WLU the previJudge McConnell dismissed the ous week and had been warned at charge, stating that he considered that time not to return without a it to be “borderline”. permit. Hannant testified that he The further charges of assault had never been on the WLU camand causing a disturbance have pus before Nov. 20, and other witbeen adjourned until June to allow nesses agreed that he had not been WLU security to produce a copy at WLU on the.13th. of the regulation under which the Hannant, who defended himself charges were laid. in the case, based much of his de-henry hess

GRADUATION-PORTRAIT Larry Hannant aid Jeffrey foreit leatic the Waterloo provincial courthouse on Monday after being cleared charges of petty. trespassing and creating a disturbance by shouting. The charges related to an incident which curred last Nov. 20 while the two were selling newspapers at WLU. d


week you send in the completed cards, and the first cheque should arrive at some point during the fourth week after applying, as payment for the w%eek previous. However, if your job terminated as a result of either quitting for no reason, or being fired through fault of your own, the waiting period could extend up to eight weeks. In order to qualify for unemployment benefits, you must have worked for at least eight weeks during the preceding 52 and must have paid insurance during those weeks. The chevron asked the District Manager of the Kitchener U.I.C. a Mr. Brooks, what people are obligated to do while receiving of unemployment benefits. His reply was that people should be “constantly knocking on doors” and are expected to report to the office every three weeks or so. If you don’t contact them, be assured they will caIl you. Brooks said that while receiving benefits you are not allowed to move from the area, or take a holi-

day. It seems that as unemployment worsens the U.I.C. is becoming stricter. They are cldmping down, * Brook said, on people’who “are just sitting at hom’e”, and pay particular attention to the number of employers the recipient seeks out. The “personal portfolio” issued by Manpower recommends five to eight a day, and also advises you to “avoid the temptation to ~10~ down, to do other things.” Brooks said that the UIC has established connections with 75 employers in K-W, and if a recipient is suspected of lying about having visited an employer, the UIC takes it upon itself to check up on the person by contacting the employer in question. He also said that 75 prosecutions against offenders of unemployment benefits, and the publicity it has received is making the system more efficient. He mentioned the assistance of anonymous phone calls and letters in identifying these offenders. dina




No jobs? See your U/c ‘. ” With\ student unemployment projections hovering.around 30 per cent; many students may be forced to claim unemployment insurance benefits this summer. The whole process begins with a trip to the Manpower office at 29 Duke St. E. in Kitchener to register. A separation slip from all places of employment in the last 52 weeks is required, and if any suita,ble jobs are available at that time, you’ll be informed about them. Manpower equips you with a’ ‘ ‘personal portfolio” . . . . ‘ ‘specially prepared for you” which contains information onhow to go about finding your new job. Armed with this and a slip from Manpower, you walk down to 30 Duke St. W. to the Unemployment Insurance Commission, the entrance to which is actually on Ontario St. There you are’obliged to fill in a form of application for benefits, and are instructed as to when you _ can expect your first cards. The normal waiting period is two weeks. At the end of the third



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he chevron

.Super ‘hot. interested” \ in .tenants! ConifOkt

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7:30 a.m. 12.:35 a.m. 500 p.m.

’ Father Norm Choate CR., 884-4256 Father Bob Liddy C.R. 884-0863 or 884-8110

Notre Dame Chapel AFRICAN



SPONSORED BY: -African Students Association -Federation of Students University of Waterloo

PROGRAM ’ APRlL2, 1976 Films on African Development 7:30 p.m. Arts Lecture Hall, RM 116 SATURDAY: APRIL 3, 1976 1:30-2:00 pm Registration 2:00-2:05 pm Welcome Address 2:05 -3:30 pm Guest Lecture & Discussion on “Foreign Aid & Self Reliance” by HIS EXCELLENCY F.A.Y. DJAISI GHANA HIGH COMMISSIONER 3:30-4:00 pm Coffee Break 4:00-530 pm Cultural Show: African Marriage Ceremony African Scene ---.~- _Market _.* All Saturday Afternoon Events Are In The FRIDAY:



University of Waterloo 8:OO pm-2:00 am _ Dl-NNER DANCE AND AFRICAN , FASHION SkiOW West Indian Club, 450 Weber Street North, Waterloo DANCE TICKETS: $4.00 Single, $7.00 Double

Mr. and Mrs. Abdul-Fattah Asfour moved into the West Tower of the Married Students Apartments in June 1974 and one month later water began leaking from behind the tiles in their bathroom and into their bedroom. The superintendant was notified immediately and a repairman came some weeks later. The repairman told Asfour that “the whole rotten thing should be changed,” indicating the tiles. The repairman said that the bathrooms in the apartments had been cheaply con-strutted and leakage was the result. After a week the leakage began again and Asfour reported his problem to the manager, William Pigden. Two months elapsed before the repairman arrived and the. tiles were again temporarily repaired. Since that time Asfour has reported the leakage on several different occasions and has had to wait months for repairmen. Meanwhile the water continued to

leak into his bedroom.\ During the summer of 1975 the tileman arrived but was unable to make any repairs as the tiles in the bathroom had, deteriorated. In 1976 after living with this problem for a year and a half Asfour decided hot to renew his lease unless he could move into a different apartment or get a guarantee from the management “that we would not have to suffer any longer, from that leakage. ” When Asfour asked the manager if he could change apartments Pigden denied any knowledge of the problem. Asfour claims that Pigden called him a liar and would not allow him to change his apartment for another. Pigden claimed that tenants could not switch apartments without a valid reason. Asfour cited the example of an acquaintance of his who had switched apartments as he had not felt comfortable in the first one. Asfour stated that he was very uncomfortable in his apartment because of the leakage problem.

Hansard humour Our elected representatives are busy men and each day they grapple with problems of great magnitude. Two such examples are reprinted below. They were rescued from the obscurity of Hansard (March 7$ and 76) by integrated Studies student, Einst Von Bezold.





Mr. Joe Flynn (Kit+enbr): the provisions of Standing hon. member for St. John’s

Mr. Speaker, I move under Order 43 and seconded by the East (Mr. McGrath):

That this House bring ‘greetings to all members in the name of that great saint of piety and humour and that the lqleasings of St. Patrick shine over all of this wonderful Canada of ours.






Mr. SpeakOrder, please. I have great difficulty in understanding how such blessings could be prevented from shining over this great Canada of ours whether or not we put the motion. Some



Hear, .




,Friclay & Saturdav


Mr. Joe Flynn (Kitchener): Mr. Speaker, I rise under the provisions of Standing Order 43. In view of the fact that Mr. Egon Beiler of Kitchener, Ontario is a winner of gold medals at the British Empire Games, the Pan-American Games and the World Cup Games, and now is the first Canadian wrestler to win a gold medal at the World Championships, I move, seconded by the hon. member for Lafontaine-Rosemont (Mr. Lachance): That the House convey through Mr. Speaker heartiest congratulations to Egon Beiler of Kitchener for being the first Canadian to win a gold medal at the World Championships of Wrestling.

. Some


- Saturday

,2, 1976





Mr. Speaker: Order, please. Pursuant to Standing Order 43 the motion can only be presented with the unanimous consent of the House. Is there unanimous consent? Some


An hon.



Agreed. Get him to wrestle


Mr. Speaker:- Having ,heard the terms of the motion, the pleasure of the House to adopt the said motion? Some Motion






is it

Asfour claims that Pigden replied he wasn’t interested in Asfour’s comfort and would not allow him to change apartments. Asfour informed the manager that he would contact his superior and he spoke to Cail Vinnicombe, director of. housing and residence operations. “Mrl Vinnicombe was very helpful,” said Asfour. He said that the leakage constituted a health problem that was contrary to the Landlord Tenant Act. He told Asfour they would try to make effective repairs on the bathroom for the last time and if they proved unsatisfactory he would to change apartments. In February Vinnicombe wrote to Pigden telling him to waive Asfour’s deadline for lease renewal until the bathroom had been repaired. The repairs were made and after a few .weeks the leakage began again. In the meantime Asfour received a letter from Pigden’s secretary advising him to renew the lease by 10:00 the next morning or the apartment would be rented to another tenant. Asfour phoned the secretary, T. Yaciuk, at home and claims she told him that “Mr. Vinnicombe has left the whole matter up to Mr. Pigden.” The next day Asfour got in touch with Mr. Vinnicombe who confirmed Asfour’s belief that his lease renewal deadline had been waived. Asfour also claims that Pigden’s secretary was rude to him on the phone and hung up on him. Asfour has a letter from Vinnicombe authorizing a change to another apartment when his lease expires in April. A copy of this letter was sent to Pigden but as yet he hasn’t acknowledged the letter. In a telephone interview Pigden denied that Asfour’s leaking tiles were a continuing problem. Pigden admitted that repairs had been slow “but that is because we haven’t the workers on hand.” When asked if he had accused Asfour of lying, Pigden replied: “Not true.” Pigden does not believe that Asfour has a valid reason to change his apartment. When asked if he has ever checked out the problem or seen the leakage, Pigden replied: “That’s not my job.” “The maintenance men reported that the repairs were almost effective in the apartment,” Pigden said. When asked if Vinnicombe’s letter of authorization would ensure Asfour and his wife a new apartment in April, Pigden said : “Not necessarily.” Asfour collected a random selection of complaints from other tenants in the West Tower. The complaints vary from broken washing machines, lack of available storage space, lengthy waitingperiods for repairs, to a window in one apartment that has not been repaired for a year and a half. Several of the complaints were directed at Pigden personally. Tenants complained that the manager’s office was often closed when it should be open and several tenants felt that he was unresponsive to their problems. Another tenant claimed that Pigden had suggested he was lying when he reported a problem that needed repair. Questioned about complaints made by the tenants Pigden replied, “We have had some, of course, but not a substantial amount. ” -judy





the chevron


Joe Recchia, ho are y Who is Joe Recchia and what does he do for the student federation? Student councillors asked this as they question on Sunday perused the federation entertainment board’s budget and discovered an item entitled director of student activities with an alloca-‘ tion of $1,000. Entertainment chairman Doug Antoine told them Joe Recchia is the director of student activities and has held this position for several years. Recchia’s job is to book music acts for the federation and to coordinate negotiations between the artist and the entertainment board, Antoine said. But councillors still weren’t satisfied with this response so they then instructed the-ckariman to-

draw up a report together with treasurer Manny Brykman on Recchia’s relationship with the federation. Antoine said he shared council’s concern regarding Recchia’s status with the federation and that he’d also “like to know what the hell is going on. ’ ’ The chairman explained he had a brief chat with Recchia on Saturday and still has some questions to ask the local promoter. External relations chairman Mike Ura said he’s very suspicious of Recchia’s activities, saying “I notice he’s got his fingers in every money pot on campus.” Ralph Torrie, publications chairman, added that Recchia “has got the whole of Southern Ontario’s entertainment industry by the balls.”

Cross-Canada So you’ve heard that the Great Canadian Race will be a race of innovative and unidentifiable contraptions to Montreal. But have you heard of Cycle Canada ‘76? CC’76 is a 3,750 mile cross Canada bicycle tour beginning in Victoria, British- Columbia, on May 3 and in St. John’s, Newfoundland, on June 17. Both eastbound and westbound cyclists will arrive in Montreal, Quebec, on July 20, three days after the opening of the Olympics. The eastbound trip will go through Lethbridge, Regina’, Saskatchewan, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Thunder Bay, Toronto, Ottawa continued




criticized an article penned by chevron staffer Henry Crapo. Mike Ura, chairman of external relations, said he found chevron staffers very cooperative when they were asked to help the student federation put out a special issue on education cutbacks. “Whenever we go to them for announcements or information, they are always willing to help.” Publications chairman Ralph Torrie informed council that he intends to set up a committee to review the bylaws governing the chevron and its relationship with the federation. The committee will be comprised of the publications chairman, three student councillors, one student from each of the six campus Faculties, the chevron editor and one staff member of the paper. “This committee has no editorial say or comment regarding the chevron as it’s strictly concerned with the paper’s bylaws,” Torrie said. Earlier, councillors ratified history graduate student Adrian Rodway as chevron editor-in-chief for 1976-77. Rodway was asked by Engineer-* ing rep. Paul Buckham whether the paper will concentrate more on local campus news rather than world events under his guidance. The new editor, a former staffer of the Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation, said he plans to publish off-campus news but not to the exclusion of on-campus happenings. Other chevron staff positions approved by council were: Brenda Wilson as advertising manager and Neil Docherty, as production manager. All positions ari: salaried, paying $145 per week, and run from May 1, 1976 to April 30, 1977. -john


Harry Parr-Ott, the one in the black suif on the right, scurries under a welcoming poster on South Campus Ha// yesterday. At the April fools Day panel discussion on- the future of post secondary education which followed he complained that his name was incorrect/y spelled. The UW students responsible for the poster said the misspelling of the Minister of Colleges and Universities’ name was an excercise of poetic license. Photo by doug thompson

Africa week

cycle tour

and on to Quebec. The westbound trip will be via St. John’s, Sydney, Cape Breton Island, Charlottetown, Fredricton, Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec and finally to Montreal. Five “feeder routes” will offer alternative geography and increase the opportunities for as many cyclists to participate as possible. They are: -from Calgary via Edmonton and Saskatoon to Yorkton; -Sarnia to Toronto via London, Kitchener, Hamilton and Oakville; -Windsor to Toronto through Chatham, London, Kitchener, Hamilton and OakviIle; -Fort Erie to Toronto by way of Niagara Falls and then following the golden horseshoe; . -Halifax, down the Atlantic seaboard to Liverpool, across the province to Annapolis Royal andacross the Bay of Fundy by ferry to St. John. This route will then join the main route at Fredricton, New Brunswick. The entire route is divided into 24 sections. Participants may, travel as many sections as they wish. With no special training needed and all ages welcome, the only necessities are time, good health (cyclists will cover an aver-

age of 50 miles per day), a bicycle, and, of course, the feer-

Are you planning on spending over a thousand bucks ($1,000) to go to Africa sometime this year or the near future? You can save that money for something else. Just come with us to the Theatre of the Arts at the University of Waterloo, and we will give you a better deal. The African Students kssociation and the Federation of Students are sponsoring African activities oncampus for the week ending April 3, 1976. Activities planned include films on African development, a lecture on “Foreign Aid and Self Reliance”, African marriage ceremony, African market scene, and African fashion show. A dinner dance will culminate the activities at the West Indies Club on 450 Weber Street North, Waterloo.

Fees vary according to the route and package chosen. They start at $28 and go up to $700 for the Victoria-Toronto trip. Two packages are available. The bikepacker package is the cheaper and includes insurance, first aid provisions, a mobile bike repair shop, baggage transport, tour manual, sag wagon (for those who just can’t make it) and camping fees. The cycle caravaner package includes everything in the bikepacker option plus tents, food and utensils. According to CC’76 director, Tom Robson: “We’re trying to reach the average Canadian-get our recreational cyclists taking an active part in the 1976 Olympics.” Many thousands are expected to take part during the entire tour with about 500 being on the road at one time, Robson says. Riders will be divided into groups of 20; each group being under the direction of a group leader who will have undergone training to help him coordinate their units. For further information contact CC’76, 173 Lisgar St. Ottawa, Ont., K2P OC3. graham



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I n




the chevron


friday, i

Enlarged NUSmust decide its future form

_ Informath

. ,


If information is powe( then the ability disseminate information is the abilityto power. Graduate study in methods of retrieving information may be pursued Library and Information Science. \,J for further details write to: School of Library and

to find and increase one’s organizing an\d at the School of


thousand post-secondary students from 2c) institutions, and a budget of about $58 thousand. Next year,. as a result of a referenda campaign approving an increase in annual fees from 30 cents per student to $1.00 per student for member institutions and the budget for the 1976-77 academic year will almost triple to approximately $165 thousand. NUS executive secretary Dan O’Connor feels the “major overall issue” of the May meeting will be’ “how students of Canada are going to work together next year to deal with impending government decisions on financing post-

Get ‘Greenpeace’ on your / ch-est Emdovment petition ,,-


1976 Graduates Make in oMperson Sales Marketing Oppwtun~tie~ , Volunteers play a vital role in a vast number of community{ services. A recent Central Volunteer Bureau survey of 44 agencies using volunteers indicated that there are 2,657 volunteers currently involved in direct service programs in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. However, there is still room for development within existing vol‘unteer programs and a group of people known as Project G.I.V.E.

Several of our clients are offering excellent Sales/Marketing career opportunities within the Hospital Products, Biomedical Instruments, Diagnostic Products, and Pharmaceutical fields. Suitable candidates should possess a B.Sc or BA,‘have good interpersonal skills, and definite career goals ‘leading to management. I For additional information contact: .

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secondary education, student aid, and the question of accessibility.” But this issue will surface in resolving the practical question of how NUS is going to allocate its new resources in providing national co-ordination for this work next year, “the first year NUS has had reasonably adequate resources .” An almost certain result will be increasing the number of full-time staff. Presently NUS has two roving fieldworkers and one person in the Ottawa office. Next year the anticipated budget could provide for up to eight additional people, but the exact number will be decided at the Annual Meeting. Another question will be how to allocate the new personnel, and the possible establishment of one or two regional offices outside of central Canada. The delegates will also have to take a position on the possible reoff the coast of Newfoundland. structuring of the national organiA UW student has decided to do ‘zation to provide for the amalagamore for his enviro ent than just The Greenpeace t-shirts which study it. Alan Cope YiYas initiated a are beginning to appear around mation within NUS of the various voluntary fund raising campaign \campus now that spring is here are provincial and regional student orfor Project Greenpeace, the organizations across the country. the means by which Cope, a first ganization currently protesting the year Environmental Studies stuThese regional and provincial savage massacre of the snow seals organizations are at present totally dent, is raising money for the orindependent of the national union, ganization. and technic,ally have no official Prompted by several lectures connection with NUS. and a film concerning Project n But, since they all have virtually Greenpeace’s aims, Cope decided the same policies and objectives, to take a chance and put some of his money on the line by ordering and all recognize the need for na60 t-shirts with the Greenpeace tional co-ordination, a series of meetings has been held in the past It’s going to be hard to find a job logo. “The 60 shirts took a while to year to discuss possible amalgamathis ‘summer that will cover school start selling but once I set up a tion. expenses for next year. booth in the Environmental And-it’ll be harder to meet those The Winnipeg meeting will have Studies building they were quite to decide what NUS’ position will OSAP contributions which are quickly sold out,” Cope said.‘Now be on this issue. After that a de-’ necessary\ to be eligible for finanhe has a fresh batch of 120 shirts. tailed policy statement will be precial assistance. The t-shirts are available in the pared for presentation and debate The student federation together usual sizes in gold, orange or sky with the Ontario Student Federanext fall at the meetings of the var- .. blue. They sell for $3.60 each, ious provincial and regional ortion is distributing petitions prowhich is about one dollar -more testing the lack of adequate sumganizations. -mer employment for students and than the original cost. All profits Besides all of the budgetary and to Greenpeace. the unrealistic demands made by will be forwarded organizational matters, the meetIf you are into supporting the OSAP. ing will also have to establish and Greenpeace and also wearing a review NUS policies in a number The petition demands that the provincial and federal go‘verngood t-shirt for the nice weather, of key areas, including housing, cruise through the Environmental ments create a program of-useful student unemployment, the effecStudies building. There will be employment to meet the present tiveness of federal manpower another booth set up early next trainingprograms, and the issue of crisis. week. changes in community college curIt also asks that a student’s summer contribution to OSAP~ be Anyone wishing further inforricula which reflect more closely Alan the needs of the labour market based on real summer’income and mation is asked to contact Cope at 885-2237. rather than the educational needs “not upon OSAP’s arbitrary ta-p.d. 100th of the community. bles.” ,

OTTAWA (CUP)-The fourth annual meeting of the National Union of Students this summer will probably be the most important in the four-year history of the revived national student organization. The,major issue which the expetted 150 delegates will have to deal with when they meet at the University of Winnipeg May 12-16 is how the national union will . serve its greatlv increased membership a&spend its vastly augmented resources next year. At the start of the 1975-76 academic year, the national union had a membership ,of about 120



april 2, 1976


Call ’ (313)884-4000 Detroit Abortions members of Abortion Coalition of Michigan-A selfregulating group of atwtion-centre people dedicated to the practice of sound care in the field of

(groups increasing volunteer efforts) is trying to better these programs so that the agencies involved can serve their present and prospective clients more effectively. Project G.I.V.E. is w,orking under the auspicies of a government Local Initiatives Program grant and one of their aims is to explore the potential of volunteer entertainment and stimulation resources in the community and promote programs suitable for residents in local nursing homes. This information will be compiled into a brochure and made available to nursing homes to help them with their program planning. Entertainment and stimulation covers a wide area. An example would be a games session which would promote interaction between the residents and the volunteers. Perhaps you have travelled and may have slides that you could share with some shut-ins. Or maybe you have films or a collection of material pertaining to a certain university course that would offer some insight to a senior. Have you some amateur musical or drama ability that is going begging? Think how delighted nursing home residents would be if you shared your talents by leading a



sing-song or putt&on a skit. At times life in a nursing home can . become frustrating and monotonous. These feelings can be alleviated by short visits from outsiders who might engage the shut-in in a game of cards or crokinole or just a friendly chat. Visits can be made with a group or if you prefer, on a one-to-one basis, which could lead into an adopt-a-grandparent relationship. The nursing home resident needs outside societal contact and this can be made possible by offering your services in the form of transportation and/or supervision for an outing. It could include taking one resident to ,a movie, helping to take a group on an excursion or running simple, but important errands. All of the above are samples of services that can be done by volunteers willing to aid in the revitalizing of nursing home residents. If you are interested in helping to alleviate some of the loneliness of old age, please contact Darryl Horst, Project G.I.V.E., 2727 Kingsway Drive, Kitchener, Ont. N2C lA7, Telephone 743-0213 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30p.m.


the chevron

april 2, 1976




r OTTAWA (CUP)-Despite govunion representatives and the asernment promises to the contrary, sociation representing all of the Northern native people may be major subcontractors who could prevented from working on the do the work on the Mackenzie Pipeline. construction of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline. In the Commons, Minister of That is the effect of an agreeIndian Affairs and Northern Dement signed last year between the velopment Judd Buchanan said Pipeline Contractors Association March 24 that the agreement of Canada and four unions, allowwould not mean native people ing the unions to restrict recruitwould be prohibited from working ment to their hiring halls in Vanon the development. But he gave couver and Toronto. no details of how he would cirUnder the terms of the contract, cumvent the agreement between the four unions, Laborers’ Internathe unions and the contractors. tional, Teamsters, Pipefitters and a Native people in the north have Plumbers and Operating Engineers, will have control over all long been aware that no benefit would accrue to them from the job classifications in the construcpipeline cons true tion, according to tion phase of the pipeline. a spokesman in Firth’s office. But That means the unions would probably hire on the basis of now, it has become more than ever will seniority. And 2,000 men are ex- apparent that white workers be flown in when the project bepected to be looking for work on gins and out when it ends. They the completion of the Syncrude Proiect in 1977. the same time as will have no ties to the northern communities. And the settlements construction of the Mackenzie as a reValley Pipeline is scheduled to will be severly disrupted sult. start. The document was released In Alaska, the government had March 24 by MP’ Wally Firth, also promised that the pipeline would not be built unless there (NDP-Northwest Territories). It was signed in June of 1975 by were provisions for the employ--









n ment of native peoples. But the government later reached an agreement with the unions to leave native people out of the project. Firth is concerned that the same thing will happen in the Northwest Territories. In response to his question in the House, Buchanan said he was not aware of the Alaska agreement. The mass importation of outside workers to Alaska has caused ruinous inflation in that state, driving prices of housing and goods to incredib1.e highs. Many local people are finding it difficult to survive, due to the rampant inflation. In other developments, the In-

itter d CoWANSVILLE (CUP)-An eight-month strike at Vilas Industries Ltd. furniture plant ended here March 17 in what union officials called a ‘bitter defeat’ for the 350 workers. The Vilas employees, members

re TORONTO (CUP)-Both Pat and Liz would have been excellent teachers e They are highly motivated, academically first rate and experienced at handling students. Both of them confidentially expected to be teaching in another year, but neither of them will. Why? Because they are two of the 3,000 applicants to the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Education, who, because of an arbitrary decision, have been effectively disqualified for breaking a rule they did not know existed. Liz’s mistake was to wait until January 18 before applying to the Faculty. Pat’s error was to apply on a friend’s unused application. B 0th of them acted in good faith and neither realized the mistakes they were making. Just like the other 3,000 students who have been disqualified, Pat and Liz consulted the calendar distributed by the faculty and noted that the deadline for the receipt of applications was April 1, 1976. They applied in plenty of time but neither knew that the effective cutoff date had been moved ahead by ten weeks, to about January 15. When the faculty of education admissions officer was questioned March 15 he refused to explain why the deadline had been changed. “I haven’t any comment to make on that matter,” said Gerald White, “why don’t you ask the Associate Dean’ ’ . Dean London was more helpful. “We had so many applicants this year that we ran out of forms in mid-January” was his answer. From that time on, he said, all applicants were told that students who had already applied were to be given “first consideration for the places available. ’ ’ London appeared surprised when told that students were relying on the April 1 deadline. “In late January,” he said, “we advised all applicants that the first 5,400 students to apply were in a preferred position. ’ ’ This notice was distributed after the cutoff date had already been set. It was mailed to students who had already applied. London seemed unconcerned by the predicament in which the


students were placed. He explained that the deadline is really “April 1, or the date when sufficient applications have been accepted.” This statement, he said, is to be found in an Information Bulletin which was sent last November to admission officers, college registrars and high schools. It was not included in the faculty calendar, On March 17 three college registrars on campus were asked about the new deadline. All were unaware of the qualifying clause in the Information Bulletin. Each of them assumed that the deadline was April 1 and were surprised to hear that it wasn’t. In the notice that the Education faculty had sent out after the January cutoff date, students were advised to wait until more forms were printed. Some did as they

were told and finally received them in the early part of March. Others looked around for friends who had changed their mind about applying. If they found an unused form they asked for it, wrote in their name, and sent it to the faculty. Students who could not find an application easily, advertised in the student paper. Some students reputedly paid cash if they couldn’t obtain them in any other way. None realized the forms were numbered, and if the number didn’t tally with the name of the original applicant on the master list held at the faculty, they would be automatically rejected without notice. There is no statement in the faculty calendar which indicates that forms are not transferable. “Next year,” Dean London has promised, “we will change- our procedures .”


dian Brotherhood of the Northwest Territories says the Canadian government is being pressured into beginning the Mackenzie project early by US interests. The charge follows a strongly-worded speech by Buchanan in Yellowknife February 13, in which he accused the Dene people of stalling on their land claims presentation to the government. Buchanan threatened to cut government funding for the Brotherhood’s land claims research. Now, the Indian Brotherhood says the date given to them by Buchanan as a deadline closely approximates that which certain

US business interests have set as a final decision date on whether the pipeline will be constructed or not. At press time, no further details were available. Construction on the pipeline is due to start in 1977, if everything goes according to schedule. But the government was dealt a blow recently by a Supreme Court decision disqualifying former chairman Marshal Crowe from presiding over the National Energy Board hearings on the project, due to a possible conflict of interest. The NEB hearings, which have taken five months so far, will now have to be restarted from scratch.

at” fo

of the Federation of Wood and Building Workers Union of the Confederation des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN-CNTU), walked out after their contract expired last summer demanding the abolition of the “incentive” wage system in their new contract. Under the incentive wage system, workers are paid a base rate for normal levels of production and i-eceive bonuses for speeding UP. The CSN and the Vilas workers wanted the system abolished because speed-ups lead to accidents, particularly among older workers in the woodcutting section of the plant, and create intolerable working conditions. -The workers, who earned an average of $2.80 per hour plus about $1.00 on the incentive system, demanded a straight hourly rate bringing wages to-about $5.60 over two years. The Vilas company, however, a subsidiary of Molson’s Companies Ltd. and the largest furniture manufacturer in Quebec, remained intransigent and refused to abolish the incentive system, arguing it was “normal” for the industry, as

was the plant’s high accident record. In November a boycott of Molson’s brewery products was called in Cowansville district about 30 miles south-west of Montreal, and by January the boycott became Quebec-wide as the CNTU, the QFL, the teacher’s union, and other organizations backed the boycott. But the Vilas workers voted 116-89 at a special meeting March 17 to drop their demand for an abolition of the incentive system and accepted the company’s offer made last November, as amended on the recommendation of a special government conciliator. Union negotiator Carol Jobin explained that the workers went back because they feared the Molson’s and Vilas management “would close down the company completely if the strike continued” as they repeatedly threatened to do. The offer they accepted increases the basic rate to $4.30 over three years, and maintains the incentive plan, which affects about two-thirds of the workers in the plant.

AT THIS TIME OF YEAR SUCCESS SHOULD COME BEFORE SEX At this time of year success should come before sex. There are hundreds of lhow to do its extolling the virtues of organizing the animal instincts but very few outlines for organizing the intellect (with illustrations). HOW TO READ AND STUDY FOR SUCCESS IN COLLEGE, 2ND. EDITION by ENID AND MAXWELL NORMAN published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston provides -new approaches to mastering the skill of outlining; particularly text and lecture content-suggests an number of timeorganizational saving approaches -exempIifieswaysand meansof skimming and scanning for information-includes a chapter on “The Fine Arts of Concentration and Remembering.” Get more for less. AVAILABLE (Ask for that




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the chevron

april 2, 1976


WINNIPEG (CUP) -The recommendations from a recent report by the committee on priorities at the University of Manitoba may mean the end of the universities intercollegiate sports program. One of the committee’s recommendations was to eliminate the travel budget for intercollegiate sports over the next three years. According to the university’s intercollegiate athletics director Henry Janzen, removing the travel budget will kill the program. “Travel is the very essence of the intercollegiate program,” he said. Sixty percent of the program’s present $104,000-budget is allocated for travel. According to the Priorities Committee report, “it is doubtful, however, if the benefit to the university community as a whole justifies the amount spent on travelling. ’ ’ The death of intercollegiate travel and competition, Janzen said, would be a definite blow to the university’s reputation. The University of Winnipeg has only one fifth of the U of M’s enrolment, he said, and yet they spend nearly as much as the U of M does even though it participates in twice as many sports. Over 4000 signatures have already been gathered on a petition supporting intercollegiate travel. The Athletic Council, and the Physical Education Student Council are also asking that the recommendation be deleted from the Priorities Committee report. The university senate has still to consider the report.

871 Victoria St. N. - 7443511 NO JEANS PLEASE Every Wednesday is Singles Night


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NEXT WEEK Ms Nude Canada

This is one of the illustrations to be found in a calendar drawn by 4th year fine arts student, Barbara Wood. She will be selling the calendar for and displaying some of her other work in the campus centre from April 5 to 9th. The display will include illustrations from mythology, Lord of the Rings, a children’s book she worked on, and some sketches from a trip to Paris.



When you’re not feeling well Westmount Pharmacy has all your needs

COUPON OFFER Westmount Plaza or King and John St.

OTTAWA (CUP)-The United Farm Workers have signed contracts wi!h lettuce producers in and announced a California, boycott of Sunmaid Raisins, in retaliation for that company’s success in blocking funds for the operation of the Agricultural Labor Relations Act. The first UFW contracts with the Inter-Harvest Co. Inc. and the Salinas Marketing Co-operative, both large lettuce producers, provide for: a minimum wage of $3.10 an hour, the highest farm labor wage in the United States; a union hiring hall, replacing the labor contractor system; job security and protection against mechanization; strict control on the use of pesticides and other strong safety and health standards; medical and retirement benefits; and an education fund. Early last month, work of the

Agricultural Labor Relations Board was halted by the failure of the California legislature to vote the necessary funds to continue its operations until July 1, the balance of the fiscal year. A coalition of Republicans and farm-belt Democrats opposed the measure, endorsed by Governor Edmund G. Brown. Chief among the opponents of the measure to maintain the ALRB were the Sunmaid Raisin Growers of California. The UFW warned that a boycott would follow. As of February 6, the UFW had won 210 certification elections, to represent close to 30,000 workers. The Teamsters have won 107 elections, covering 12,724 workers; and “no union” was the outcome in 24 elections.

, Cool man

pirak stu PHOTOGRAPHER 350 King St. W., Kitchener,




PITTSBURGH (ZNS-CUP) -Researchers at the Westinghouse Laboratories in Pittsburgh are testing a new system for heating and cooling buildings by using-believe it or nota giant ice cube in the basement. The “ice-cube” would come in the form of a 20-foot tank which holds 8,000 gallons of water and would be hooked up to a heat Pump.

e Offers No. 1

en Sundays 11 am -

t place 578-8800

No. 2 No. 3

l-8 x 10 Mounted 2-5 x 7 Mounted 4-Wallets 2-5 x 7 Mounter 4-6 x 5 Mounted 8-Wallets 2-8x 10 Framed 2-5x 7Mounted 2-4x 5Moutlted

(in cohur)


During the winter, Westinghouse says, the heat pump would extract heat from the 8,000 gallons, slowly turning the water to ice, while using the siphoned off energy to heat the house. In the summer, the pump would run backwards, drawing heat out of the house into the water tank and gradually melting the giant ice cube to cool the house. Westinghouse says that the “ice-cube” system would use 50 per cent less energy than the conventional method of heating and air conditioning homes today.


the chevron

april 2, 1976

The presidential




The money behind the candidates But this consciousness extends only to the point where many people are supporting those representatives of the monopoly class who cultivate images of not representing it. Many others are not supporting anyone at all. A candidate like populist Fred Harris, What interests do the various major party who to --_ a significant degree represents the candidates for president represent? petty bourgeoisie and is being largely Let’s take a look at them-or at least the boycotted by the bourgeoisie, is not popular. images of themselves they have attempted to The monopolists have successfully stuck project. such candidates with an image of being not Jimmy Carter. A “man of the people.” “electable”, because they are too“radica1.” Down-to-earth. An outsider to Washington, But how can we tell that the leading six are to corporate-government collusion, to corall the candidates of big business? Cektainly ruption. Something different. Loves not by what they say about themselves. my basic instincts,” he every one. “Trust Partly, one can determine what class they says. represent by careful investigation of their “Scoop” Jackson. Candidate for labor. platforms. But this must be done in considPragmatic. Non-ideologue. A Harry Truerable depth, because their ploys run deep. man. Friend of blue-collar workers and ethThe easiest way to confirm that these six nic groups. Sonof common folks (his parents ‘r - are all candidates of the same monopoly were Norwegian working-class immigrants). class is to look into (1) who their advisors Friend of the earth-he won the Sierra are-i.e., those in consultation with whom Club’s John Muir award. Represents the “blue-collar” foreign policy point of view of building up the military and “getting tough” with the Russians. George Wallace. Champion of the great American middle class. Black folks like him too, now. The candidate for small business-the kind individuals “build by work and sweat.” Against big labor and big The candidate ,who “comes monopolies. closest to what’s in the hearts of the average worker.” Udall. Mr: Liberal. True “MO” standard-bearer of “the party of the comstature (looks mon man.” Of Presidential like Lincoln). Friend of minorities, women, unemployed. The candidate of left-labor. Antimonopoly. Conservationist . For peace. Ronald Reagan. Represents average, clean-living Americans. Middle class. Rugged individualism. God. “Because big business, big labor and big bureaucracy are all dedicated to maintaining the status quo, I must count entirely on the generous financial support of thousands of Americans such as yourself, who are the unwihing victims of this cabal” (from a fund-raising letter). Jerry Ford. Standard-bearer of middle America against extremism. Guards common people from inflation by voting Congress’s big government schemes. Yet is no ideological radical, like Reagan. Left and right are trying to destroy our way of life; Ford protects us. All told, it looks like a banner year for the people, doesn’t it? A batch of common, nice guys. Everybody’s interests seem to be represented in this campaign. Everybody, that is, except one group-big business. None of the candidates is running as “the candidate they do their policy-making; and (2) where t of big business.” Right? their backing comes from-i.e., who it is that The people-no! makes these men faces that are known in Wrong. Every one of the six leading every living room and who pays for their candidates-none of whom let on that they campaigns. Also, who or what is it that has in any way speak for monopoly capital-is in put them in the higher circles that enable them to consider running for office in the fact the candidates of only one class, big business. first place (the selection process Engels calThe people are beginning to show signs led the “alliance between the government that they know this. It is reflected in various and the stock exchange”)? polls that have been taken in recent months: William Domhoff, in his book, “Fat Cats polls say, forexample, that despite such a and Democrats-The Role of the Big Rich in tempting assortment of candidates, four out the Party of the Common Man,” makes of ten ‘Americans think “it doesn’t matter some important observations on how major who wins the election” (Cambridge Survey party candidates are financed. He is espeResearch); 57% believe that “both the cially revealing on the Democrats. He. expDemocratic and Republican parties are in lains , “Fat cats who contribute $500 or more favor of big business rather than the average to individual candidates do not own the worker” (Peter Hart); 58% believe “people (Democratic) party lock, stock and barrel. with power are out to take advantage of me” They do, though, have a dominant interest. (Louis Harris). Labor unions provide as much as 20-25% of Of course these indications fall short of the war chest in some states, racketeers and demonstrating there is any explicit, wellgangsters-some of whom are amazingly informulated class consciousness among the timate with respectable Democratic fund American masses. The results are far more raisers-provide lo-15% in certain metmurky than that. Yet it is clear that some robpolitan areas . . . and little people from the advance in awareness of the class structure middle classes pick up about 15% of the tab of society is taking place, though it lacks for elections at all levels. focus and leaves people still very susceptible “Although the fat cats are \ indispensato being misled. This can be seen in the unble,” he continues, 2 ‘it should be emusual success, so far, of those cand>idates phasized that they do not have to strain who most stress they are representing the themselves financially in being so. Most of common American against the big elites them spend more in a year on clothes or (government, business, labor): Jimmy Carhorses or dogs or servants than they do on ter, Ronald Reagan and George Wallace. politics. Their domination of American poliMany Americans clearly want to send sometics comes surprisingly cheap.” body to Washington who does not represent The important thing that Domhoff is pointthe monopoly class, somebody who represing out-and this is true of both parties-is ents the “middle class” or “working peothat the monopoly class always maintains ple.” controlling interest behind all the acceptable J *. In this feature, R’usty Conroy of the New York Guardian, examines the candidates in the US presidqntial race, and the financial empires they represent. _

candidates. As in controllmg huge corporations, in which owning 5-10% of the stock is usually sufficient for effective control, controlling interest does not mean footing the bill. -Nor does it generally mean that one wealthy individual puts in enormous sums of money. It means seed money at the- right time. It means a lot of $SOO-$1000 contributions from thousands of individual capitalists (new federal regulations restrict individuals’ donations to $1000 per-candidate). It means throwing campaign dinners where additional unrecorded cash contributions can flow freely. It means having plentiful reserves able to be pumped into a campaign at a moment’s notice if it seems necessary. (In 1968, a mere 43 people lent Hubert Humphrey $3.6 million for a last minute television blitz). It means making available to candidates company planes, advertising materials and other costly resources. Of course, within the monopoly class there are many disagreements ,about whom to support and what policies to advance. The interests and the opinions of the class are far from monolithic. There are two huge financial groups that muster the most dominant influence on American politics: (1) those financial, industrial, transportation and utility companies in which the Morgan family has controlling influence; and (2) those companies in which the Rockefeller family has controlling interest. The former include, for example, U.S. Steel, GE. IBM, Kennecott Copper, Prudential Insurance, First Pennsylvania Banking- and Trust, Philadelphia Electric; the latter, Standard Oil (of,N.J., Indiana, Ohio and California), Westinghouse, Eastern Airlines, Chase Manhattan Bank, American Express. Sometimes companies .are under the shared control of more than one group. Besides the two behemoths, there are a number of smaller but still multi-billion dollar groups, including the duPont group, the Mellon group (which includes Gulf), the First National City Bank group (including Boeing, Anaconda) and others. Different groups tend to support slightly different political tendencies, although shifting, intermarriages and collusion and contention occur continuously. The Pews (Sun Oil), the duPonts’and a smaller group in Los Angeles locally known as the “Reagan group” (Litton Industries, Union Oil) tend, for example, to support the most rightwing candidates. Policy-making in the interests of these financial groups is hammered out within a number of elite councils, committees and think-tanks to which all the tendencies within the ruling class contribute their experts and money. There is considerable debate within these elite bodies. But all of it is of the nature of disagreements on which policies will best serve the interests of monopoly capitalism. Some of these groups pose as “middle class” bodies by bringing in professors and other experts not tied to the highest circles of capital. But all those that are influential are dominated by men who speak directly for the interests of the giant corporations. On foreign policy, some of these bodies are: the Council on Foreign Relations, a “nonpartisan research and discussion in the 1960s 12 of the grow, ” whichincluded 20 Rockefeller Foundation trustees, 10 of the 15 Ford and 10 of the 14 Carnegie-it is considered as the single most important link between the corporations and the government; the Committee for Economic Development; the RAND Corporation; the Trilateral Commission; and many smaller bodies located at the elite universities, such as the MIT ’ Center for International Studies. All these bodies are fed by money from the large corporations usually funneled through their tax-deductible foundations. In social legislation, the most powerful bodies are the National Industrial Conference Board (closely linked to the archconservative National Association of Manufacturers; the Committee for Economic Development; the National Planning? Association, rind the (more liberal) Twentieth Century Fund .) It is difficult to track exactly which bodies and which people within those bodies advise each of the various candidates in their

policy-making. The candidates, after all, don’t talk much about these relationships with monopoly capitalist policy formulating bodies. And when they do, they try not to be too explicit or revealing as to their true nature. After all, they want to remain credible as “candidates of the people.” Who

advises whom?

However, recently some of the foreign policy advisors of the major candidates have become public. Simply from these names, one can begin to see the ties these candidates have to the monopoly class. Jimmy Carter gets his foreign policy guidancefrom the Trilateral Commission and principally from one of its directors, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Columbia University * professor. Carter himself served on the commission a few years ago. Among the 60 Americans on the commission are board members of Chase Manhattan, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Bank of America and many -other giant companies representing most of the major financial groups. Brzezinski also used to be a consultant for RAND. He is the author off‘ ‘The Permanent Purge-Politics in Soviet Totalitarianism” (1956). Jackson’s principal advisor is LucianPye, an MIT professor who is a director of the Council on Foreign Relations, has been on the National Security Council since 1968 and is a board member of the Social Science Research Council and Asia Foundation (both Ford-funded). Sometimes he consults as well with James Schlesinger (see below). Udall’s leading foreign policy advisor is W. Averill Harriman. Harriman is a partner in Brown Brothers Harriman Co., a powerful private bank that has one of the 10 largest trust departments on Wall Street, has many connections with the Rockefellers, shares attorneys with the Morgans and has substantial holdings in dozens of companies including Anaconda, Union Pacific, A T & T and Columbia Broadcasting. Harriman was Truman’s Secretary of Commerce and former New York governor. Reagan’s principal advisor is James Schlesinger, former senior staff member of the RAND Corporation, former CIA director, former board member of the University of Pennsylvania Foreign Policy Research Institute and former Secretary of Defense. Reagan also consults with his finance director Justin Dart of Dart Industries, which is part of the most reactionary wing of Southern California capital (Union Oil, Litton Industries, Lockheed, etc.). Gerald Ford has turned principally to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, long tied to the Rockefeller family. Kissinger has been a Council on Foreign Relations member since . 1957-8, when as a young protege of McGeorge Bundy at Harvard he was asked by CFR to head one of their “study groups.” George Wallace has refused to reveal his major foreign policy advisors. He maintains that he does his own thinking and is a homegrown populist with a red, white and blue isolationist bent. However, he told Business Week (Feb. 23) that after touring Europe last summer he decided “there is an advantage in some ways to world stability in the existence of multinationals. ’’ In recent weeks, Ford and Carter have forged ahead in the primary races. Jackson has made some gains. Reagan is nearly dead. This represents not so much the “will of the people” becoming manifest, as the bourgeois press would like to portray it, but the will of the middle bastion of monopoly capital-mainly the Rockefeller and Morgan groups and the First National City group-becoming manifest. The financial powers that control this country want a “moderate” candidate to win in 1976. They will listen to “public opinion” to a certain extent: letting the public choose which of the already acceptable candidates should be, as the best vote-getter, given the final “push.” Smaller, more reactionary segments of .monopoly capital are behind Reagan and Wallace. But the financial giants, at least at this point, donlt want one of these “extremists” to win. They are afraid of Reagan and Wallace’s budget slashing and triggerhappy foreign policies will endanger monopoly capitalism. The major financial groups will settle for Ford, Jackson or Carter-or unannounced Hubert Humphrey. 0






I ,



the chevron




Reprinted below are exckrpts of the Canadian labo? Congres:’ brief to ;he federal government cabinet regarding- the-. wage controls program.

Mr, PrimeCabinet:


and Members . ’

of the ,

On October 13, 1975, your government embarked upon an anti-inflation programme. which, in the history of Canada, is unparalleled in its callous and brutal treatment of all who must toil for a living. It is a policy which was ill-conceived and implemented with haste; it is a policy which is devoid of any sympathy or understanding for the common man; and it is a policy which destroys the .fundamental rights and freedoms of the yast majority of Canadians in the name of political expediency. Your government has done what no other government of this country has, been willing . to do. It has legislated a programme which pits one group against another. _ It divides the Canadian community along class- lines with the -employers and govern- ment ranged against the workers and their organizations. For its sheer destructiveness of social, economic and political freedoms throughout the Canadian community, this action of your government is unequalled in the- history of our, country. The Congress would remind. your government that it was elected on a platform of outright opposition to wage and price con- trols . Mr. Prime Minister, you were quoted on February 28, 1974 as havingStated that: “Income controls risk hurting the small and the poor more than they do the big and the rich; and while that _ may be of minor concren to the more conservative governments and political parties, it is of ‘great and fundamental concern to this government.” By invoking your anti-inflation programme your government has degraded the poXtica1 process inCanada and spread cynicism among the public about the government and politics in general. This programme stands as a monument to the greatest political turnabout in the history of Canadian politics. . Furthermore, your government stands . condemned by its own actions which havet demonstrated that it no longer is concerned about the “small and the, poor”. Indeed, your allegiance i?to the “big and the rich” for again, by your own admittance controls cause less hurt to the wealthy and powerful than to the poor and the weak.. . .



’ -





--your government’s concern for the’uaemp. loyment problem.. . . Certain segments of our society have generated a public backlash against unemployment- insurance. They do this by making much ado about the “costs” of ‘such programmes . The surprising thing is that the governmerit has-not come strongly to the defense of the unemployment -programme .w_hich it must claim as its own. High unemployment with hundreds of thousands of jobless in the country is the . chief reason for the huge bill for unemployr ment benefits, but the government has chosen to tamper with the Unemployment In-. surance Act to silence the-critics of thesyste,m. In doing so it is bowing to political expediency to give the impression of restraint in the face of the inflation problem. . . _. - The whole exercise is said to have as its object the ,more productive use of. monies paid out in unemployment benefits,- what-


2, 1976

ever that means. Those monies are already nized by the Canadian public; and it will being used most productively because they continue, for the majority of Canadians represent highly spendable income that acts gbhor and detest arbitariness and unfairness as a much needed stablizer in a-period of - wherever and whenever it occurs. deteriorating economic conditions. Your government’s programme was supSurely, the measures already enacted in posed to be equitable. Canadians were told unemployment insurance or contemplated that the same. degree of sacrifice would be for the immediate future will merely worsen required from all sectors of the community. the lot of those already hard pressed by inflaThe legistation and the regulations have tion and do nothing to encourage the made a mockery of this principle for we fail economic expansion needed to combat unto find adequate controls on dividends, inemployment. terest rates, professional fees and land Inflation is a problem that must be solved, speculators. The removal of the special levy but undermining the tenets of our unempon export profits is a clear demonstration loyment insurance programme and thereby that workers in these industries will not beadding to the burden of the unemployed and nefit from the profits which they worked to low-wage earners makes no sense-ai all. produce. When your government introduced its Neither is there any guarantee that these anti-inflation-programme last October there profits will be re-invested in Canada to were many-Canadians who heaved a colleccreate badly needed jobs. The inequities ‘are tive sigh of relief. At last, someone was fi- becoming clearer with the passage of-each nally doing something about inflation. day. . There were only a few who stopped to If a union was successful in its last conconsider whether the programme was fair - tract in achieving some real gains for its and equitable or indeed, whether it would members over and above the consumer price achieve its purpose. Many Canadians \wonindex plus a 2 per cent allowance for producdered-why organized labour was so firm in its tivity, those gains can be rolled back in the new contract by the so-called “‘experience opPosit~y. adjustment factor”. But if a corporation made excessive pro-’ fits in the five year period prior to October 14, 1975, it can maintain them at 95 per cent of that level. There is .no “experince adjust-

f Last year one worker in fourteen was without ‘work in Canada as the national unemployment rate jumped to 7.1 per cent. That was the -worst year of unemployment since l%l, But that average hides the fac+that workers, particularly in the Atlantic provinces and Quebec again suffered Depression levels of joblessness as unemployment rates increased to 11.6 and 8.8 per cent; respectively..., ” Unfortunately, this major problem will not disappear over the next year. On the contrary, the uncertainties of the anti-inflation programme are making employers more cautious than ever bef@e in expanding production facilities and hence, it seems certain at this time that the unemployment rate for this year will average 8 per cent or more.. . . The unemployment situation is bad enough, but to find the government under such circumstances engaged in making amendments to the Unemployment Insurance Act, the major effect of which is to make things even more difficult for the unemployed and low-income earners, gives us further cause to question the credibility of Guess w-he .

_. *-


- mentfpctoy If inflation exceeds for profits what is allowed in the gurdelmes m the first year, we are prevented from recovering our losses until the second year of-our contracts. A company, however, gets to pass on its increased costs in the form of higher prices immediately; &other words, they do what they have been doing all along. . . . The Anti-Inflation Board is producing a steady stream ti decisions reducing wages agreed to in collective bargaining. To our knowledge it has yet to produce a single decision rolling back a price increase.* Almost as though he were apologizing for this obvious inequity-the Chairman df the Anti-Inflation Board has told Canadians that they will have to be patient, perhaps for as much as a year, before they will see any _ significant moderation in the rate of price increases. Where is the equality of sacrifice in all these examples?. . . Having now experienced almost six Furthermore, the policies of your govmonths of controls these same people are ernment in its ‘anti-inflation programme, as beginning to see and to understand ‘the full has been demonstrated both in practice and implications of Bill C-73 in all its injustice,. in principle, are leading-this country down the road to authoritarianism. Bill C-73 and Slowly but surely the wisdom and soundness of the Congress’ opposition is being recog. continued on page I3 I

The glgriok

beer of Copkhagen.





april- 2, 1976


the ch&m


There was no relief available in the form of maintaining a competitive position inworld has a potential growth rate of about-5 per cent, it is little wonder that this excessive improved earnings. Over -the three year markets. increase in money supply was a major cause period ending with the b-fourth quarter of -One awesome figbre alone sums up our I I continued from page 12 1975, wages and salaries per paid worker dependence on exports: 50 per cent of all of inflation... goods produced in this country are normally Recent expenditure estimates tabled- by the regulations promulgated under it ‘hYave rose by 32.0 per cent which was less than the your government show an increase for 1976’ made every employer in the country an ex- - incre-ased cost of living of 34.6 per cent durexported every year. Any significant and ‘ing the same period. prolonged cut-back in the demand for our of 16 per cent to $42 billion. Yet this recently tension of the State in enforcing.the will-ofThis meant that a worker could buy more exports would have a drastic impact on empr announced increase of $6 billion will neither the-state on workers and their unions. loyment, income arid the general welfare of improve-the situation of low-income earners The State and all of its power has been put at the end of 1972 with earnings of $7,655 in-our society or provide many badly needed at the disposal of. the individual employers than he can today with earnings of $lO,l&. the big majority of Canadians. and it is now,in the national interests for this. But over the whole expansionary period, These are the hard cold facts which have jobs for the hundreds of thousands of unemp,, _ long confronted a nation so highly vulneraloyed. State-employer alliance to fight inflation on profits were reaching record levels. the victims of your antithe backs of the workers and their organizaThis is not the first time profits have ridble to economic changes in the outside . On thecontrary tions. ’ * den the crest of the boom, to be followed by a world. A serious international recession inflation programme have- been those avery In addition, this Congress is the single oro_ver which we have no control can, and did, people It is incomprehensible to the labour gradual readjustment as *wage and salary that ganizatiqn., which stands between the deearners take steps to “catch-up”. Where over the past ‘year and more, bring about a movement that in order to demonstrate struction of workers’ democratic rights and was your government in the 1971-1974 indecline in this country’s exports. your government is holding the line on freedoms and the power-of the State, _ But this fact seems to get-overlooked by \ spending that you would allow the real purflationary period; when pre-tax corporate The Canadian Labour Congress will never profits shot up by an unprecedented 11 I per those who prefer to focus on costs,,particuchasing. power of low-income’-families to \ cent and earnings per’worker by only 26.8, larly labour costs, in their repeated warnings erode-this year by freezing family allow’ support a wage control programme. that Canada’s competitive position is sufferances at last year’s level while allowing total We in the trade union movement believe per cent? There were no calls by-politicians that it is not only our right to oppose acts of - for price restraints then. ing, or is about to suffer, from cost inflaspending to increase 16 per cent. , However, as soon as the business cycle, tion... ‘-. Recent amendments to the &wtiploy‘government which. are inimical to the welWhat are your government’s statistics re- .-merit Insuranic Act will force a further fifare of our people, but indeed it is-our duty. had turned around and workers began trying Fundamental rights and -freedoms in a to recover lost purchasing power, you garding our exportGmport position, bearing nancial burden onGage earners. Your govdemocracy are based upon the principle of quickly moved in to impede the collective particularly in mind what effect labour or -emme.nt has made no mention of where it opposition for it is only in that opposition bargaining process with controls which will other production factors have had on that .intends to get this-additional $6 billion for . that the fine balance between, auhave little, if any, impact on prices. I position? spending this year--but as sure as night folThis is why this programme had its own A notable fact is that during 1975, while lows day this will result in higher tax paythoritarianism and-a free society can be seeds of destruction at the very moment export prices increased_ by 10.0 per cent, ments for the average worker which will _ maintained. This Congress believes that when you, Mr. Prime Minister made your further, erode his/her after-tax take home your governmenthas taken the initial steps import prices rose by 15.5 per cent. In other announcement on-October 13, 1975. _ words, what foreigners sold us increased by Pay. in crossing over this line. Consequently, we strongly object to a reFurthermore, change must only come . about with the consent of the people and of cent statement by the Treasury Board Presi- ’ the institutions which they have developed. dent who stated that redistribution of income to promote and to protect their interests. in Canada “is much more evident now than it Authoritarianism enters the.picture when was”. He based his argument on increased the government “takes a larger role in runold age pensions and family allowance and ning institutions”. The trade union movemedicare. ment will oppose any move to a corporate One might be inclined to think-that be‘state.... cause of increased government transfer The Congress has told your ‘government payments’over the years such as old age time and again, ever since 1970 and the security, welfare and unemployment insur‘ante that some relative upgrading of lowPrices’ and Incomes- Commission, that it would resist wage and price controls to the income Canadians has taken place. This has last. Because your government has chosen not happened. If anything, their relative posto invoke controls- the Congress must conition has worsened. clude that your government-either was not In 1965, ,twenty per cent of the families in listening ot that it seriously miscalculated Canada received only 4.4 per cent of total the labour movement’s capacity to resist. family income. By 1974 their share had deIn either case, your government, by con; clined to only 4 per cent. By contrast, in 1965 tinuing on its destructive path can only do the top-twenty-per cent received a whopping great mischief to Canada and to the funda.41.1 per cent of aggregate family income _ mental freedoms which Canadians have which increased-to 42.2 per cent in 1974. come to expect and enjoy.History has In terms of economic instability, governshaped and moulded the institutions of this ments traditionally move to-a position of redeveloped and adapted . country.’ Theyhave trenchment; a movement which always inwell to changing economic, social and yes jures the weakest meinbers of the commun_ _political forces. ity... When they cease to do that, then-these The course which your’govemment has ’ same institutions will againbe re-shaped by charted in -introducing its controls progthose millions of Canadians who take anacramme is divisive and destructive in its sotive part in them-free from the-meddling of cial, economic and political impact. It has There have been two major official, governments. / 55 per cent mori’than the goods which we divid_ed this nation as no other has done., When your programme was announced reasons given’ for invoking this extraordi_ sold foreigners. It has, furthermore , provoked bitterness Mr. Prime Minister, you stated that I ’ nary peace-time procedure; one dealing with If anyone has a problem of being tiriced and resentment the length and breadth of this thedomestic situation referred to above and The basic cause of inflation in Canada out of markets, those figures would suggest countryWorkers in the poorer regions of is the attempt by too many people and the other with external problems. that other countries are having greater diffiCanada will not be permitted-to catch-up to ; too many groups to increase their Let us now turn to examine what these culty in our market than we are having in their counterparts in the more prosperous money incomes at rates faster than the so-called external problems are and why oftheirs. parts of the country, for theprogramme preficial Ottawa has been informing the Canaincrease in the nation’s wealth. But some may ask that very important, vents this. A system of national- compulsory In our view your statement with respectto dianpublic ofthe “need”for suchmeasures; indeed, crucial question; “What about the arbitration has replaced tiee collective barAn examination of why our total exports relationship between export and import workers was in conflict with the facts. In gaining. began to the first quarter of 1974, recent years, while inflation and unemployprices relating to ,highly manufactured ’ Organized Labour cannot endorse this ill-. ‘ ment have reached intolerable levels ,, earn and as we forecast in our last Memorandum goods )” or end products as they are officonceived attack on inflation which imposes would continue to do so throughout 1975, cially designated? The answer is that during ings have not kept up-with the cost of strict controls on wages and salaries while living-although record levels of profits was directly related to the fact that the Uni 1975export priceslose 9.3 percent whilethe leaving corporations free tocollect unlimited have been achieved. ited States, Japan and the United Kingdom price we paid for imports went-up 16.6 per benefits from productivityi which does noOver the past three years consumer prices were -experiencing depressions much more cent. thing to improve the position of those with* severe than Canada.. . . , on an annual basis-increased 32.2 per cent. That was an import price in&ease of 78 out the economic power to protect themParticularly brutal was the increase in the It is hardly necessary to elaborate on the per cent over the price increases of our ex- selves; which does nothing to solve the,funcost of food over this period which soared important role which exports play in our ’ ported manufactured goods. These figures _ damental problems in the key sectors of 50.4 per cent. . _economy and, hence, the constant need for indicate in no uncertain terms that we are not energy, housing and food; and which ignores suffering from a cost-inflation problem visthe problem of unemployment and the need a-vis other countries.. . for ‘reinvestment of profits in new jobs arid -_ If one bears in mind the fact that both socially needed production. domestically grownfoodand imported food, The Canadian Labour Congress has told together with energy and all other imported your government on many occasion&rat it goods are outside the guidelines, the net reis willing to co-operate in finding just and sult is that at least 50 per cent of consumer equitable solutions to Canada’s economic - purchases remain uncontrolled by your problems. Our ten point programme was put government’s anti-inflation programme. forward as a positive move in this direction.” _ ’ It is true that we have a serious internal This government. has demonstrated by ‘its inflationary situation which -discriminates actions over the past six months that it cares badly against lower-income -families and nothing for working men and women or their whit h also penalizes-middle-income groups organizations. By persisting, your governI and those living on fixed incomes. But to ment has placed itself on a collision course - translate our own domestic inflation in terms with the labour movement of this country. of its effectson our competitive world situaWe do not welcome this-but we do not tion makes no sense at all. intend to back down’either. This Congress However, an important fact should be would remind your government that the free borne in mind; government has been a printrades union movement historically, has decipal domestic cause of inflation in this coun,monstrated a remarkable capacity to surtry. Your government has permitted the vive. t / money supply to increase at a rate in excess Respectfully submitted on behalf of the of 15 ner cent for the past five years. Canadian Labour Congress, This exceeded ~by three times the potential capacity of the economy to turn out goods Joe Morris, President and services to match that infusion of dolDonakl Montgomery, Secretary-Treasurer lars, even if we had had full employment. Shirley G.E. Carr, Executive Vice-President Given the fact that the Canadian economy - Julien Maior, Executive Vie-President _

,Wage-: controls, -


. *- What does the summer sun

find out by signing-up


for C -. the chevron at the-campus office -






the chevron


printing of posters and to pay the people who pin them to the walls. And before you get too excited about the dial-adance you should realise that the term harks back to the days when UW was a swinger. Nowadays it is the title for a two minute telephone tape which will inform you of what is happening on campus during any week. The number to dial is 8843780. The Cinny Lee memorial fund under the board of external relations is an accumulating fund into which the federation contributes each year. The nioney is held in the student awards office as an emergency’ loan fund for hard pressed scholars. Ms. Lee was a much respected student council/or. Technical services under the board of entertainment budget.covers the setting-up:of the sound and lighting systems for concerts etc. The record collection is a collection of classic;/ music kept by executive assistant Helga fetz for those students who wish to borrow -some pleasant sounds. The Canadian programming conference and the NEC (the national entertainment conference) funds ace for sending delegates to these gatherings of university entertainment co-ordinators. Travel under the board of publication’s budget is used to pay for the transport of copy down to the printers,when the chevron is put toget&r in the earlier hours of Wednesday and Thursday mornings. The subsidy is the most important figure, throughout the budget, since that is the actual amount used to finance the boards’ operations. It is the allocation minus the revenue.

Reprinted below are the details of how your money is going to be allocated within the ?976-77 federation budget. The budget is divided into eight sections. There is the administration section which basically includes all the administrative details which keep the organi: sation alive. The other seven sections outline the fodder which will sustain each\ of the federation’s boards. In order to help you weave yoyr way through Ihe figures some of the classifications are explained below. An honoraria is genera//y about $300 given to board chairpersons each year in payment for the time they devote. In the administration budget, the funds slotted-for NUS and OFS are to send delegates to conferences and perhaps to conduct surveys which might be required. The vice-president’s discretionary fund is a first for this budget, and is designed to allow the VP some initiative in organising eventsi or taking support action. The buses listed under the board of co-op services are those vehicles which quickly transport students to Toronto eat h weekend. On the board of communications budget the central information collection includes $75 a term which is-paid to someone who visits campus groups and informs them of the services available from the board. The person is also expected to keep a record of what is happening on campus. The $875 in information distribution is to cover the


Administration President









. N.U-.S./O.F.S.









Education Relations r

Publications Allocations
























9,834 $141,050



/ .


. $282,000 Allocation










'Society Subsidies Small Concerts Miscellaneous


\ '

to Students' Council on.Mar by Council on March 28/76 OF PUBLICATIONS

Mailing Handbook Telephone Books ' Board Secretary Salary and Handbook Editor Salary Salary Reserve (for news editor br equivalent positions) Honorarium Chevron (see below) Subscriptions Advertising Manager Salary

. 6,860'






1975-76 Subsidy $76,440







32,539 19,520







-submitted -accepted

$ 1,200 1,800 100

$ 1,200 1,800 100

'13,450 2,200 7,000 100

9,450. 2,200 3,000 100

2,600 7,000 100

2,600 3,000 100

Chetiron Printing CUP fees Distribution Telex Conferences Bound Volumes r Capital Supplies Photographic ' * Graphics Miscelianeous supplies (editor and productic \ Salaries manager) . Advertising Revenue Honoraria i I Travel Communications a I BOARD OF COMMUNICATIdNS Campus Events Calendar Central Information Collection Central Information Distribution Chairperson's Honorarium Dial-A-Dance Radio Waterloo _ Programming & Administration Technical Maintenance Capital Acquisitions Bell Canada Loan Repayment Technical Co-ordinator Revenue Related Administrative Co-ordinator


Orientation Society Subsidies Small Concerts _ Miscellaneous Winter


Society Subsidies Small Concerts Miscellaneous


Societies: Course Critiques Co-Sponsorship Speakers Conferences & Fo&ts .Special‘ Projects & Contingency Office 6 Travel Salaries 6 Honoraria '\ Library f Resea!rch Orientation


General Special Events B@vies Flying Club Technical Services I&cord Collebtion Canadian Programming Conference Director of Student Activities Administrative Expenses Clubs 6 Organizations Honorarium I 1


and N.E.C.

3,400 11,000 500 1,600 / 250 1,000 1,000 1,500 7,000 300 $63,100


2,400 1,000 500 1,600* 250. 1,000 1,000 1,500 7,000 300 $40,100

BOARD OF EXTERNAL RELATIONS Domestic & Community Affairs Commission International Affairs Commission Conferences and Seminars ,Library & Research Contingency Fund Salaries 6r Honoraria Travel Expenses Ginny Lee Memorial Fund Information & Services Commission

' I


udge 1976 by Manny Allocation



Revenue -.


wBoard" OF CO-OPERATIVE Buses .. Ice Cream Stand kvie Concession Bookstore Honorarium Transferred \from External Birth Control , ,, Day Care Paralegal Assistance Undistributed Funds

$ 2,000 1,500

2,000 750



4,640 300 84,430 950 7.540 $114,610




$20,000 12,000 2,400 4,000 300

$JS,SOO . - 11,000 2,400 2,500 MM

1,200 1,000 500 300 $41,700



500 1,000 ,,;,o 300

-0 mm MI $gkli

1,200 1,000 500 300 $6,300

Props Noon Production Winter Production Extra

1,200 1,400 1,000 600 4,200

1,200 1,000 900 3yo0,

400 100 600 1,100

1,100 1,000 700 700 31500

ML 800 400 400 1,600

1,100 200 300 300 1,900



'\ 300 400 200 200 400 1,500


. 1-.


Promotions ‘Production 69.,000



Dance' Music

2,200 1,250 800 $84,430



Music Library Christmas Concert Concerto Concert Final Concert


800 \

6 Publicity




300 -400 ' 200 200 ~ -300 800 --








300 . $13,000


'300 $ -7,600

Note: $69,000

$ 1,700 225 875 300 . 900




-MI mm -MM

$ 1,700 225 875 300 900 $4,ooo

mm mm mm mm mm

2,070 1,275 5,889 3igoo , '2,260. 2,465


2,070 1,275 5,889 3,600 2,260 2,465 ' 4,000 6,980 $28,539

1,321 621 621 321 821 4,070 421 \ J 750 524 $ 9,470



CREATIVE ARTS BOARD Drama Summer Production Fall Production Winter Production Noon Productions

4,640 ' 300 ' 15,430 950 7,540 $41,860

60,000 2,000 100 200 550 300 500 750 200 tr *- 500

5,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 1,200 300 4,070 200 750 $19#520



the chevron


_ 65980 $24,539

A $5,000 which is


loan was extended to Theatre Project to be repaid by the group by August

ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL EXPENSES Student Government Entertainment Executive Travel Council Summer Travel Elections, Referenda, Speaker Honoraria




Administrative Oapital Expenditures Debt Servicing and S/C Stationery, etc. \ Xerox Telephone & Telegraph Postage Insurance Repairs & Maintenance Professional Fees *\ ' Lawyer's Fees Auditor's Fees Permanent Office Staff & Benefits Office Services


'76 on March 31, 1976.

350 950 400 1,800 600 500 1,200 3,500 4,000 5,700 1,000 1,400 200

, 10,000 6,000 49,600 -0 $87,200


Presidential Administration Entertainment Society 6 Other Organization Special Projects Salaries (president, exec. and three fieldworkers)



1,721 621 -621 321 821 4',070 421 s 750 524 $ 9,470



Vice-President's Discretionary Advertising & Communication Entertainment i Special Projects s National Union of Students National Conferences Ontario Caucus, Meetings Honorarium Ontario Federation Projected Honorarium '





Fund _

400 1,500 21,450 $Ep55

8, 1976, .


350 950 400 1,800 '600 500 1,200 3,500 4,000 5,,700 1,000 1,400 200

10,000 6,000 49,600 ( 500) $86,700 600 400 1,500 21,450 $23,950

550 300 150 $,m



Students , $m

950 160 150

950 160 '150

890 150

890 150 $TpRF



16 tt.


april 2, 1976

Intramural jobs __

Summer 1976-The Intramural Department hires over 500 students each year, as student assistants, conveners, referee-in-chiefs, officials, lifeguards and instructors. It is a belief in lntramurals that the more students you involve in the administration of the program the better the program. This summer the following job opportunities are open: ---SC 1. Student Assistant: Aquatics Coordinator, $250.00 per term, responsible for coordinating the-staffing and supervision of lifeguards and organizing the aquatic instructional program. 2. Convenors and Referee-in-Chiefs: $30.0O/activity, softball, soccer and basketball. Convenors are responsible for ,scheduling and standings, whereas referee-in-chiefs are responsible for the assignment of officials to games. 3. Instructors: $3.00/hour. Instructors are needed for the following programs: Tennis, golf, squash, swimming. 4. Officials: $2.40-$3.00/game are needed for soccer, softball and bas ketbal I. 5. Lifeguards: minimum wage/hour are needed for the pool. Fall 1976-The following job opportunities are available to students in the fall of 1976. 1. Student Assistants: $250.00 per term. a) Public@ Director: responsible for coordinating the publicity of the Intramural program. b) Tournament Coordinator: resp-onsible for organizing the various Intramural tournaments. c) Officials Coordinator: responsible for the coordination of all officials in the Intramural program. 2. Convenors and Referee-in-Chiefs: $30.00/activity. The following activities are in need of these positions: ftag footbalJ, soccer, basketball, hockey, volleyball. 3. Instructors: $3.00/hour. -Instructors are needed in the following programs: tennis, squash, aquatics, badminton, 4. Lifeguards: minimum wage/hour needed for the pool. TO APPLY: Obtain and complete an application. from the receptionist in the PAC building and return no later than Monday, March 21, 1976.

50.By Labatt’s.

Warrior stalwart jamie Russell prepares is keeping the ball up there?) \

for the Olympics

(but what the hell ,

Photo by george


1976 Summer School ’ & Intersession Meals Included $180.00 $215.00 $235.00

Double Single Large Single


meal plans also available.


-Meals $70.00 $100.00 $115.00

Waterloo Co-operative . Residence Inc. 280 Phillip St. I Waterloo 884-3670



the chevron

april 2, I 976


When-exams get you down and drinki<g doesn’t help anymore why not truck on over to the good old PAC and get those cells in gear? There’s something for every taste, be it squash, badminton; volleybalI, basketball, swimming or a workout on the weights. There’s also a sauna, but my le’ns got all steamed up. . . . . photos

by hess



. 45 .’ I





the chevron


\ re‘quires

‘\ ‘\




april 2, 1976


: Fielhwbrkers (3) / \ . 1~-




’ - ‘.


To assist students’and *societies to protect and improve the quality of the formal academic environment. This will involveddevelopmental work on course critiques; researching educational issues; assisting student ’ . groups toprganize around issues;- and, handling individual student appeals. Also g&era1 work to strengthen student organization and representation at-all levels. j. . t Qualifications: The preferred applicant will be a University of Waterloo~ student who has some experience with, # societies, the Federation, the University c’ommittees ’ and/or community development. This-person should be’ -,willing to drop to a part-time course load. i ,.’

/ Term & S.alkry: This is a I,2 month contract position, half-time. Salary of $72.50 perweek. , --..,I I ’


Executive histaM/ Hap-dbook Cb-ordinator ,. ’


To assist the Students’ Council and executive (through research, preparation of reports and organizing discussions) in: review of operations and practices in .patticular -areas; e.g. by-laws, publications, entertainment, implementation of special fiojects, especially of the Boards; co-ordination of the production of a campus-wide handbook; development of a, preorientation prragram for new students,; otherwise working beside the President. \ .


,Qualifications: The preferred.applicant will be aUniversity of Waterloo student having: a working knowledge of the a structure and functioningof the Federation; familiarity ’ ,with general aspects of the student social andpolitical organizations at the University of Waterloo; experienceingroup project development. , , .--.----1

Terms & Salary: This is an 18 w$ek,-full time,. summer position with a salary of $145.00 per . week. , . J



Additional information and application forms are the Federation Office in the Campus Centre. ApplicatiorIs close April 7 but’yshould be submitted as soon as possible. ’ 1

music e - r‘DAVIb -,, -- BdWlE ST,ATIONTOSTATl0N



‘:(0r Td



is David Bowie’s latest albm release. It precedes, ,and is the soundtrack for his first movie, The Man Who Fell To Earth; directed by Nicholas Roeg. It is ‘his first disc since the breakaway from - , Mamman Management. So far I have read only bad reviews of this album, some of these \_ album package itself is so simple, ’ disco, and ballad. At times he even going as far as saying that this just giving the bare minimum of incombines the styles, but generally the tunes are just ‘straight. is Bowies’ worst album ever. I am formation. It’s quite a change from provided The disc begins with the title going to take a firm stand here and the complete descriptions on Young Americans. say that these people are all wrong. song “Station To Station”, which ‘His tour als,o reflects this state. is a hard driving electric tune. It “Station to Station” is an excellent Bowie, and the band, emerged onto combines with the style of rock and album, givingus some of Bowie’s th’e plain stage doused in varieties best music ever. the beat of the discos. This song is of ‘white light, which never let up I am really fed up with these somewhat autobiographical when Bowie drones about t‘The Return narrow sighted “critics” who still over the whole evening. Never once ‘was- a coloured-light used. It all would like to see the King Of GlitOf The Thin-White Duke”, the title ter churn out spaceq rock/ albums travelled in the range between total of his autobiography which’ is now darkness and the white brightness, in progress. telling how depressed he is and how of giant fluorescent light tubes and the world will end with the Following this is . thkalbum’s powerful white theatre spotlights. takeover by mutated people/dogs. single, “Golden Years”. It’s a These people still would like to Bowie was dressed in. white shirt finger snapping, toZ tapping, tune that is really good for dancing. see Bowie come out on stage and with black vest and black trousers. woo the girls in the audience by Gonemwere his baggy pants, watch Bowie has given this song, as on chains and jackets that he wore two most of the songs, a powerful voice performing in nothing but a jock years ago. David Bowie now plays dimension; with himself leading strap and body paint. Just because the role of a film star from the late the “critics” couldn’t grgw u ,and the backup drone, weaving . in Y and out. didn’t mean that-David Bowie.ahad 1 silent picture era, except that he :: Perhaps another single on the to stay stationary right to the end of has cleaned the lines up a bit. his career as a performer,. The rest of the band was cleanly ‘I album is “TVCU”, which is a rocky jazzy tong. It really bounces “Station to Station’? is really a’ dressed also. The scene was almost straight looking: T-hey are musialong, @ng the .whole band’ beautiful album. It holds six’songs; cians who play their music, and throughout. made so well because of their pure of the old There is one tune, ‘Stay”, simplicity. Bowie’s band is re- gone are the theatrics which is totally a disco song. It . duced somewhat from his huge en- : days. Again I disagree with the popular ’ works hard on disco guitars, drivtourage of Young Americans. They ing drum beats and drawn out now include Carlos Alomar on critical view. Bowies’ concert was monosyllable vocals. It’s another guitar, Roy kittan on piano, Dennis terrific. -His lack of theatre and glitgood dance tune. _ Davis on drums, George Murray on ter, and the simplicity of the whole bass, Warren Peace doingbackup. set, may have confused some peo- I The two songs remaining show ’ us a side of David Bowie that the vocals, Earl Slick on guitar, grid\- ple, but I believe that most people really enjoyed the concert. I cerpublic has rarely seen. Both “Word David Bowie. y On A Wing” and “Wild Is The - -A couple of these men are new to ,tainly did. By the way, Bowie’s Wind” are beautiful, emotional Bowie’s band since Young Ameripresent tour is probably the last - cans,- and interestingly enough by that he will ever do. After this he songs. They are slow ballads, soft, smooth, and incredibly ‘moving in the time he began touring, this past plans to establish a media-month, a couple of the members production company, and will their pure emotion. At times David”s singing is- painful. At had-already changed again. The. move in that direction in order to others he is extremely sensual. But express himself. Why is everything simple’ and always he isshowing us his deeper clean and well done?1 believe that inner self. Beautiful! They are the I it is because David Bowie is finally treats on the album. happy-with his situation. He has “Station to Station” is a sensi- , gotten over much of the nervous, tive album by David, Bowie. It is a ness and anxiety that kept him i.n change from what he has done in the’state of ,Rock n’ Roll Suicide for - the past; but as he tells us “My so many years: He is now moving Love Is Like The Wind”. It is a in the direction that *he wishes to, nice change. and he knows that .he will be goodat “Station To Station” leaves me, as most of David Bowie’s work it. ’ The music on “Station ToStadoes, looking forward to his next : tion” reflects this: Bowie has used . record, and his next change. the simple basic styles of rock, -@II mccrea STATION),


/’ I \ -A.,








- _ Federation / -- 6fl -Stud&r&

“‘, I







“Boa‘rd c$f-ComrGu~rGcations -.. ,* -1






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april 2, 1976


the chevron

Hand dancing Images 0

songs around randomly arranged, half-formed images is becoming increasingly unsatisfying, and some of the new selections appear almost Since the release of Sunwheel illiterate when compared to much Dance, Bruce Cockburn’s music has become increasingly schizo- I of the first Bruce Cockburn album. This contrast is clearly illustrated phrenic in nature. in the latest round of Cockburn While he retained some of the concerts, when he performs the simple, -acoustic arrangements starkly beautiful “Thoughts On A which dominated his first three solo Rainy Afternoon” from the first efforts, the production of Night solo LP, in the context of the brand Vision revealed a more complex, and often more melodic side of new tunes; and even more disturbing in the light of past accomplishCockburn’s musical abilities. The ments is the inevitable observation wider use of electric guitars, perthat his new songs seem to suffer cussion and synthesizers lent new more from laziness than from either vitality and depth to the melodies, inability or the new limitations imand it was therefore somewhat surprising to witness the austere simpposed by Cockburn’s admirable licity of the Salt, Sun and Time re- and usually successful drive to experiment. Fortunately, this propcording. Although his lyrics remained comparable in style to ensity marks only one tune on the those on Night Vision, the acoustic new al,bum (even though it is disturbingly evident in most of the guitar-based collection was more half dozen new songs which he reminiscent of High Winds, White premieres in concert .) Sky than the slow, jazz-influenced numbers which graced his more reSide one does contain two more cent-efforts. Now, with the arrival outstanding cuts, the haunting of his sixth solo album, Cockburn “Starwheel”, co-written with wife has attempted to follow a middle Kitty, and “The Lament For The path, dividing the LP into the Last Days”, a moving piece which largely unadorned music on face is graced with a superb harmony by one, and the more productionBeverley Glenn Copeland. The latoriented selections on face two. ter in particular introduces Face one opens with one of Cockburn’s increasingly visible inCockburn’s. most haunting numvolvement with religion: “Oh, bers j the laconic and pretty “Hand Satan, take thy cup away/For I’ll Dancing”. The song’s three lines of not drink your wine today/I’ll reach lyric are simple. evocations of intifor the chalice of light/That stands macy, and Cockburn’s effective on Jesus’ table.” guitar playing combined with a This tendency is also evident in strong,-if somewhat uncontrolled concert, when Cockbum unveils a vocal-performance, result in one of new gospel-oriented item with the the album’s most satisfying morefrain “Praise God. . 2’ and the ments. Unfortunately, Cockburn’s amorphous instrumental “Water growing tendency to construct his To Wine.” Joy Will Find A Way Bruce Cockburn -

Face two is simply the best side of music Cockburn has put together since Night Vision. Aside from the largely unexceptional “Arrows of Light”, all of the cuts are characterized by a rich sense of melody and imaginative arrangement. The sing-along concert favourite, “Burn”, is treated’ to, a simple live-sounding production, while the delightful instrumental “Skylarking” features Cockburn’s impeccable musicians hip. However it is the superb “A LongTime-Love Song” and the following dynamic “Life Story” which stands out as this side’s most memorable moments. The former is the most melodic and touching tune that he has written in years, while the introduction to the latter brings back memories of “Deja Vu”. “Life Story” consists of three stanzas whose closing lines all parallel the development of civilization with the life of Christ; the entire lyrical content of the song is totally successful on the expression of swift and violent movement: “Sky-wild/Far cry/ Wing-slash-free. . .” The instrumentation, particularly Cockbum’s ele& tric guitar, and his break-neck paced acoustic runs are outstanding, reinforcing Cockbum’s status as a brilliant all-round’musician. Despite

flaws, Joy LP, and will undoubtedly more than please all Cockburn fans. In concert, Cockbum continues to present a strong show. However, the selections which he performs are now more balanced between vocal and instrumental, and a piece called “Spirits.“, which is performed with only minimal percussion as accompaniment, is downright embarassing, while the powerful “Gavin’s Woodpile” is weakened both by its rambling quality and its length. His best new song, the charming “Little Seahorse”, was inspired by a surprise announcement, and ‘ ‘Festival of Friends” is effectively intimate. I would still love to see Cockburn in front of a small band that would enable him to perform a wider variety of songs, but Cockburn alone is certainly better than no Cockburn at all, and he is always more than worth the price of admission.

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Taxi driver





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that .are much more profound. It’s not too hard to see that “Taxi Driver” is a cinematic cousin to Whereas we only see Bronson moving from one level ‘of frustra“Death Wish”. In a metaphorical tion-to one level of satisfaction, De sense Robert De Niro’s taxi driving character is a country cousin to Niro oscillates back and forth, a far appraisal, of the Charles Bronson’s portrayal of a more accurate changing conditions of dailv life. city planner well integrated into We see him turned on by resionses city-life. And both are up against from the campaign-worker-woman the wall of New York City social with whom he is infatuated. We see and class contradictions. the stages of his anger and depresThe scenarios and the emotional tone of both movies are the same: a sion when he is rejected by her. ‘We see how his confidence is affected repulsion,generated by the frustraas he learns gun skills and as he tions , aggressions and destruction develops a sense of purpose: cleanconstantly encountered by the proing up New York, and becoming tagonists on ‘the streets of New York City. But this amounts to a the saviour of a twelve-and-a-half year old prostitute whom he thinks rather simplistic, one-dimensional to be an innocent victim of this soview of life in the “heart of the cial pollution. monster ’ ’ , a view that necessarily leads to a pessimism and a depresWe follow De Niro closely sion. . through these conditions and we The differences between “Taxi sense a depth of character that is Driver” and “Death Wish” are, rare in popular films. His portrayal however, significant; the higher is the antithesis of those that are sophistication of the former does typical of Charles Bronson and like Robert not allow one to dismiss it as other “cool. hands” merely a more recent example of Redford. His appeal to us is not the same old violence trash. because he is heroic .and mysteriIn terms of character developous but because we think we know ment especially, “Death Wish” is a him, or because he reveals parts of farinferiorfilm. Bronson’s motives his emotions and his confusions boiled down to a sudden need for which we ourselves find so difficult vengeance after brutal violence is to bring to the surface. In many done to his family; there is no clear ways these revelations are shocksense of his development to the ing to us, but that does not diminish position of self-appointed exhis recognizability . ecutioner. He maintains a charac. And the same is true, but in shorterization with an outer shell that is ter bursts, for nearly all the people ’ in “Taxi Driver”. We probably all cool’ and essentially featureless. We’re led to believe that this is the know people (including ourselves) face of a bold new hero, but trying who, at least in part, come across to understand his motivations is just like all the’ characters in this like trying to comprehend the cir- film. cuitry and logic of a computer Peter Boyle’s short contribuyou’ve never met before now; and tions in the form of elbow-in-theyou sense that his innards are just ribs stories for his fellow hacks, as mechanical. and his street philosophy which De Niro, on the other hand, is a gets subtly acknowledged by De far more recognizable character. Niro but superficially laughed at, is We see him going through changes a brilliant reconstruction of the interpersonal dynamics of two people who attempt to find answers that are pretty far abstracted from their own experiences. . Whoever plays the part of the pimp presents us with an excellent example of a performance which confounds the viewer because one finds it so hard to believe that it actually is a performance. It has a more realistic than documentary quality because there is no selfconsciousness of being observed by a camera. His portrayal doesn’t fall into the usual movie stereotype of a hippy; this one is unglossy, full ‘of quirks, yet superficial only in the way we would expect the ‘ ‘friendly” pusher-pimp to be. And, of course, as the straight media has been raving, Jodie Foster’s portrayal of the twelve-

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2, 1976

the monster \

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and-a-half year old whore is equally believable despite the fact that the idea of a twelve-and-a-half year old being a whore is somewhat abrasive to our consciousness. Yet “Taxi Driver” implies the limitations to this kind of in-depth character portrayal. The film characters are vivid enough that it is tempting to make judgements about real people we encounter on the street based on conclusions we derive from the film. The only way to avoid this trap is to have an understanding of the background to these characters. What are the particular social and economic structures of New York City which confine people to the choices of action presented by the film? What is the context of-this violence and destruction? Has it always been in that city? Has it any relationship to the psychic violence done to people in their experience of the “false promises” of North America’s affluent ideology? Both “Taxi Driver” and “Death Wish” lack any historical or structural context which might give us clues as to how such shitty conditions develop. They prefer, rather to lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of those who people the streets, from the kids who throw eggs at cars to the blacks and hippies who rob stores or make do by pimping. We end up feeling that there is no hope for these people; they are the dregs of society, they are-better off dead than alive and perpetrating their corruptions. In “Taxi Driver”, New York is shown only to be a hell, pure and simple, and a shallow, unalterable hell at that. There is nothing in the setting of this film that we can grasp and change or even experiment with. Given such an unmalleable background, our only hope is to either accept or reject the film’s individuals; for they are all that is variable in the film. And this choice usually means eradicating the bad guys, an action made all the more enticing by the use of graphic, bloody excitement. The tragicomic heroes we end up forgiving, for somehow all their viciousness / has served a useful purpose, and, after all, the movie proves them to be only human. It’s obvious that the makers of films like these are not involved or even interested in the more constructive activities that do exist within even the most decrepit areas of cities. No where in these films do we see any indication that there are even attempts at selfhe,lp: tenants’ ’ groups, black people’s organizations, food cocontinued

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april 2, 1976





. I


the chevron



Th’ e It’s true. It is still possible to sweet end. The reporters are often ‘Washington D.C. Since< it was ruthless in their attempts to gain a dee ed impossible to put out a produce a successful film without I daily& -ewspaperat the same timeas overt sex, blood or car chases. If lead, but one always feels tha>they are someyw justified. They are filming was going- on (about a quaryou don’t believe me ask any the new incarnation of that familiar ter of the film is set in the newsmember of the capacity crowd that white-hatted figure on the white room) it was necessary to construct showed up Sunday night at the Onhorse pursuing the villian across a replica of the Post newsoffices. ta’rio Film Theatre for the Canadian the badlands. This set is a masterpiece; itself premiere of “All the President’s The villians, themselves, remaih costing nearly half a million doll&s. Men’ ‘,. ambiguous, never clearly defined. It is precise in every detail, -from Adapted from the book by the The major ones: Haldeman, the custom designed desks to the same . title, “All the President’s Mitchell, Colson, are unseen and graph&on the walls to the arMen” tells the story of Bob Woodlargely unheard. (Nixon is never rangement of the office to the 60 * ward and Carl Bernstein, the two Washington Post reporters who I openly indicted.) The minor ones: -, plus teletypes and more than 3OOL Sloan, Segretti, are someho,w sym- phones (all of which are funcunearthed the octopus of dirty poli‘-pathetic ifslightly pathetic figures. tional). Accuracy to detail is a tics, crime .and cover-up that Pakula thus manages to avoid hallmark of the film and contributes gained’ notoriety as “Watergate”. making any clear political state- I to its effectiveness. Even actual And it does’ it without resorting ment in the film. The crooks are wastepaper from the Post was colto cheap thrills, depending instead exposed and toppled, and then we lected to spread around on desks on upon fast-paced action and rising are all permitted to heave a colleci 1 the set. 1 tension’ as the reporters begin to tive sigh of relief ,and settle back Pakula remarked in an interview understand the nature of the beast into our seats. It is never suggested following the premiere perforthey have uncovered and trace its that the corruption is the inevitable . mance that “All the President’s trail into the White House. result of a corrupt system or that it ~ Men” is a testimony to the continuThe film begins, fittingly, with will re-occur. The film ends with a * ing power of the pen, in its modem -the break-in at the Democratic naincarnation as the typewriter. The teletype sequence representing tional headquarters in the Water-. Nixon’s resignation and Ford’s as- film opens to the rifle+hot sound of gate office building. The burglers sumption of office. The king’is typewriter keys hitting paper and are caught in the act, and rookie dead. Long live the king. closes with a teletype spitting 0uF Post reporter Bob Woodward . The idea of making a film on / the headlines that signify the end, (Robert Redford) is roused by his Watergate apparently originated punctuated by the fading echoes of ~ editor and sent to police court. His with Redford who, according to the 21 gun salute that greeted interest is piqued by the presence Woodward, “is probably a better Nixon’s taking-the oath of office. ,of high-pawered attorneys in court reporter than I am.” Even before The film as a whole is a tribute to since the prisoners did not phone the ‘book was written Redford investigative reporting and to the lawyers. influence of the press. It works by began frequenting the Post newsHe is soon joined on the story by room talking with the reporters. taking you inside the skin of the Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman) and When the book appeared, he began reporter with his suspicions, frustwhen they discover that a cheque work on a film, version. rations, paranoias and ,ultimate for $25,000 that traces back to the Redford had orignally intended successes. Its power is its realism, Committee to Re-elect the Presifast pace and absence of distracto make a smallfilmcosting under dent (CREEP) was deposited to the tions. Performances range from $2 million He wanted. to use unbank account of one of the burggood to excellent: being a bigknown actors, since Woodward / lers, they are on their way. _ and Bernstein were themselves lit- budget film they could afford to I hire the best. It is the most interest/ The rest of the story is history; tle ,know‘n prior to Watergate. ing ffirn I have seen in years, and I and much of the film’s impact However when Warner Brothers stems from the manner in wGh it will show strongly at spent $450,000 for screen rights and predict awards time next year. director Alan J. Pakula is able to began elaborate (and expensive) You can ,. catch “All the take an event whose outcome is alset construction, he and Hoffman ready known and yet maintain suswere persuaded to appear as insur’- , President’s Men” at the Cinema in pense right until the very end. He Kitchener beginning April 9, but ante that it would not fail. does this by building the film Technically the film is excellent. you’d better get there early. closely around its central charac-henry hess Much of it was filmed onlocation in ters : the two reporters and, to a \ 8 1 lesser extent, Post editor Ben Bradlee (Jason .Robards). By focussing’on Woodward and prescription , services Open Bernstein, Pakula turns the film 7 Days 232 King N. Waterloo, Phone 885-2330 into an expose of media espionage, Opposite A thletic Complex. A Week . the heroic reporters relentlessly pursuing their story to the bitter-


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conthued from page-20 ,, ops, civil rights groups; examples of people who have somehow managed to overcome the disadvahtages of the ghetto, have learned skills, developed a more general knowledge of social structures and have returned to their neighbourhood to share what they’ve gained. If we w.ere only exposed to films like “Death Wish” and “Taxi Driver”, then we would find it hard to believe that such alternate possibilities exist. But anyone -with more than a consumG’s or spectator’s experience of big city life can’t helpbut see that these other things are happening. Perhaps these other elements of urban life are missing because they are not the stuff that makes drama and bucks (at least, not in the hands of unperceptive and un-innovative directors and producers) or perhaps the one dimensionality of these films is intended to produce particular moral conclusions: the necessity of a direct and severe punishment for society’s offenders . Even if this is not the conscious conclusion of the film ‘producers,shouldn’t they be responsible for clearing up such ambiguities?


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the chevron For Further


_ IN




- ,

On every street in every city att6ecoun@ry-the~~‘s a noboi& who dreams dlt being somebody He’s- a lonely forgotten,



T@e music isgretit









april 2, I+&




R OF’5 ACADEMY . AN@& ’ ‘. including


man geqxrate-to

prove that he’s alive.. d--





.&.ast ,Saturday Genesis performed to a relatively packed house at University of Waterloo’s gymnasium. I feel that. it was the best concert that this school has ever been witness to. c- _ We began pobrly , with the doors opening one hour late, arid the concert starting abo+ 50 minutes late. I’m sure that many people ‘were quite angry with this, but in =way_ tie should have expected it to happen. You see this was only the secand show- of the tour, and it was ,designed somewhat to iron out any bugs-in the show. In fact this is one ‘of the reasons why-U. of W. got Genesis in-the first place. So there was a lighting problem which had to be set right, and \ir;e got into the gym late.L I hope that most people can unde’lstand -this, and perhaps appreciate the *problems of touring ‘that & band goes through in the beginning. Anyway, Genesis played their full two hour’&, and what we saw was worth the wait. The group is now minus lead vocalist Peter Gabriel, wh6 departed into the visual media. Instead drmmer Phil Collins takes his place. Fbr purposes of this t6ur Bill Bruftird, (ex Yes-and


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-1 _

Another in the series of free af’ temoon jazz concerts will be help I Sunday’ April 11. Featured in pgrformance will be the local quartei Jaizart. _’ The group will play two sets of contemporary jazz including severalc original numbers written’ by bassist’ Doug Wicken and-pianist Barry Wills. Rounding out the group’s roster are Don-Pond on sax and Mike. Pihura, percussion , Sponsdred by the Musician’sPerformance i Trust Fund and the Kitchener Library, the concert will - begin in 2 :30 p.m. Admission is free and the stud&t population as well as the en@& commur$ty are invited to 3 t.nd.: F A pleasant aftevoon, of jazz is in the offing, so hope to see you there.. e ’ +ohn carter



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ability. Phil acts more as a static -&ng Crimson member), is providvocalist at the microphone, with ing the percussion. At times Phil come clowning around at @s ‘al.& takes hold of the drumming, breaks. He seems to have alot of but this is usually O~Y on the instrumental pieces and the more diffun performing, and this gives a ficult\drum parts. The rest of the good-feeling over to the audience. I . group remains the s-e, with Steve really enjoyed myself: : Hackett on guitars, Mike RutherAlso missing-are Peter’s wonderford on bass-, and Tony Batiks play- ‘ful Bto_ries that he used to use in ing keyboards. orde$ to introduce the tunes .,Now The set began volcano’ 7, ’ the withfirst“Dancesong On onA ’ Phil, Mike, and Steve take turns on introduc tiQns, and though they do a Genesis’ new album, A Trick Of pretty good job, (practice will imThe .Tail. Right from the start I _ prove them), it is not quite the knew that the show woufd-beexceilent. often some minor adjustments _ same. _ To take the plack‘of stage theattd the vocals level the band took on rics are some equally wond@ul the best’sound that has ever been heard in the PAC. Their soufid sysvisuals, which Genesis began on tern is really superb, and the man at their last tour. These are projected fioti the rear onto 3 large screens,the controls had s&t it upVery well. covering the whole back of the All in all Genesis played about stag?. On these-are viewed movies, two thirds of their new album. Fbr _ th ose. who have$t slides, effects, and animations of all heard it fh5 kinds. These tell stories and act music is great. They have held onto, them out as they are being played that terrific style that has alwayslive. They helped to bring out many ~ been with the band, and have different embtional states in me, _ changed enough to give the musrc from interest, to amazement, to an exciting variety. O’ver the confusion, to curiosity, to delight. course of the evening we heard The . variety was endless as the selectio,ns from almost ‘a.ll of Genesis’ albums. This excludes . mus1ST played* we11 done! 1 . T&e lighting was great, as alNursery Cryme thdugh. Of interest ways. Genesis has talented people _ waz>e song from the album behind the scenes, and again they Trespass, the band’s second album. proved their ability here. The lights They have never played any of this modern times so it was a were used so effectively, ing solo pieces, dousing the whole ’ pleasant surprise, to - me anyway. stage in a blanket of solid colour;or Other notable selectiods throughelse mixing varieties of light toout the ‘evening were “Lamb gether in order to give the scene . Stew:‘, a variety of tunes from The Lamb Lies Do+,., on Broadway, some colour. Beautitil! “The Cinema Show”, and others A;?d so the show ended, with g from Selling England By The huge eyeball projection staririg out Pound, and lastly “Suppers &he people, with the music still -Ready?‘, f’rom the Fogtrot album. playing in our heads aijong with the This lgst tune is really the onethat satisfaction of having just seen a put Genesis at the height where very good concert. I-felt very g&d, - they are today, and they played it and the people around me did too. this way. In fact this one had the The complaints of everyone at most work-of any put into it; (what being let in late had dishppeared with the large wind propelled and satisfactionxat a show well done flowershogting up towards the ceilhad taken its place. This was really ing, and their new laser light which what seeing a band live is all about. emitted a -spinning cone of solid -bill mccrea green light. Admittedly this effect did not seem as spectacular as we had been built up to, but I could see its potential tinder better conditions. There was a @ef encork containing “It” from “The Lamb”. ‘and a musical piece of ‘ ‘Watcher Of T,he Skies’.‘. I really thought that the show would have been better without this encore. Either Genesis should improye this part or elseh drop it albgether. L As far as the Stage show and musicianship. The band played very well; the best in fact that I have ever heard from them. There were a couple of rough changes and 4 mistakes but 99% of the time thev -/-.were very, very tight. Phil’s vocals are really coming across well. In fact Genesis has lost nothing in this . _ respect. continued from D‘age 23 ’ Missing, however, was the theatrics that Peter Gabriel hkd-given to tered into a second war of liberation and this time the Soviet a,nd the band. Certainly this is not Phil’s will leave much medium yet. It took Peter about 5 Cuban ,troops quicker than the Portuguese beyears to develop -his sensitive mime cause “Angolans did not suffer the excruciating .cepturies of colonialism and the-horrors of the most recent fifteen years -of continual colonial war to be suibjected again to the iron fist rule-of people who do not truly represent-them.” The Soviet Union, Cuba, South-Africa and the United States can never defeat the will of the Angolan peop6 to be free!

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UNITA:The People’s Struggle Until Victory is available for 75

cents from the National Publications Centre, Box 727, Adelaide Stn., Tororito. -salah



the chevron

april 2, 1976

Book review

Struggle to victor-y ‘ ‘Angolans did not suffer the excruciating centuries of colonialism and the horrors of the most recent fifteen years of continued colonial war to be subjected again to the iron fist rule of people who do not truly represent them. Angolans will never again submit to the domination of people they see as enemies, whether they be domestic or foreign. Neither UNITA, MPLA, FNLA nor South Africa, nor the powerful Soviet Union and America can defeat the will of the Angolan people to be free. All forces must come to recognize, as UNITA always has, the limits of military force and work for a political solution to Angola’s crisis, that is, an Angolan Government of National Unity.” This call for a government of national unity was given by UNITA, the only movement that had held

vast liberated areas and had opted to direct its operations from inside Angola itself. It was given after the defeat of the Portuguese Colonialists and the need to set up a transitional government arose. The roots of the Angolan conflict and the present issues in Angola are clarified by a pamphlet published by the Norman Bethune Institute entitled UNITA: The People’s Struggle

Until Victory.

UNITA was founded on March 13,1966 in response to the need for a new strategy in combating the Portuguese. Rather than concentrating the resources of a movement on international support (and manipulation) it proposed self reliance. And rather than operating from foreign bases, it set up headquarters and leadership inside the country where the leadership was in constant contact with the people

Goebbels: creating national Gsebbels Viktor Reimann $14.50, 352 pp. What changed a man from a youthful intellectual with an interest in Marxism and in poetry and with a half-Jewish fiancee into a crusader for Nazism, at least partially responsible for the inhuman pogrom of the Kristallnacht, whose smouldering body lay in the end beside that of Hitler? This question arises again and again in this study by Viktor Reimann, subtitled “The Man Who Created Hitler”. And in tracing the rise of Paul Joseph Goebbels from physically weak and crippled child to Reich minister of propaganda, Reimann also looks at the rise of the Third Reich and of its fuehrer, Adolf Hitler. “Hitler was the product of an atmosphere of doom: God was dead or dying, and the West was about to perish. The authoritarian structures of the German Empire were gone, and new ones had not yet been formed: Chaos seemed about to descend.. . “In this period of apocalyptic dusks and dawns, Hitler made his appearance, and Goebbels transformed him into a Lohengrin figure. ’ ’ So begins the introduction to Goebbels, in which Reimann outlines the development of the Hitler myth which was Goebbels’ greatest masterpiece of propaganda: the ability to take an Austrian corporal and house painter and transform him before the eyes of the German people into a Wagnerian hero. But what of Goebbels? How was he able to accomplish this feat and why did he make himself Hitler’s slave? Born into a petit bourgeois family, Goebbels was given a good education eventually receiving a doctorate. He wanted to become a journalist, but his repeated applications for a position on the daily Berliner Tageblatt were turned down, and his first novel, Michael, was rejected by publishers. Germany was m the middle of a period of great economic and political upheaval following the end of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, and Goebbels began to involve himself in politics, both of the left and of the right. Although his first sympathies seem to have lain with Lenin and the Bolsheviks (“ . . .we look toward Russia because she is the

most likely to show us the way to socialism”), Goebbels began to be turned toward the NSDAP (Nazi party). The conversion was complete when he met Hitler and, in his words, “I love him.” Appointed gauleiter of Berlin by Hitler, Goebbels began for the first time to devote his full energies toward propaganda and organization. And in the seven years between 1925 and 1932, Goebbels managed to raise the support of the NSDAP in Berlin from 137 votes to 863,621, for the first time defeating the communists in what was called the “reddest city after Moscow.” Following Hitler’s accession to power in 1933, he kept his promise to Goebbels and appointed him minister of propaganda, a post he would hold to the end. Reimann, a journalist who was arrested by the Nazis in 1940 and’ imprisoned until the end of the war, follows the changes of Goebbel’s character in microscopic detail. Working from Goebbel’s own diaries and letters and from sources among those close to him, Reimann follows Goebbels’ metamorphosis from left-leaning liberal to confirmed national socialist and antiSemite. Goebbels seems in everything to have modeled himself after his idol, Hitler, even going so far as to copy his preferences, and more sinister, his prejudices. He regulated the arts after Hitler’s primitive tastes, and supported, even encouraged, the persecution and murder of Jews because anti-Semitism was an article of faith for national socialists . He had prostrated himself before Hitler and, in the end, he had to die with him because he seems to have believed in the myth which he, himself, created: Hitler is Germany and without him nothing is left. Why did Goebbels so dedicate his life to one who turned out to be a murderer and a madman? Why did he in every case attempt to cover for Hitler, taking blame on himself to preserve the pure and blameless image of Hitler which he had himself created and of which he had convinced most, if not all, of Germany? Why did he suddenly swing to embrace beliefs and values diametrically opposed to his own? Reimann raises all of these questions in Goebbels, and, in the end, it is clear that “the man who created Hitler” was himself created by Hitler. -henry


w they served. These two principles clearly distinguished UNITA from the MPLA. By being among the peasants, UNITA came to grasp their problems and needs. Liberated areas would be used as bases for training and attack on the Portuguese instead of attacking from across the border then retreating to leave the peasants (who were fixed on their land) to “suffer unaided, vicious Portuguese reprisals”. Because of these principles UNITA was able to mobilize massive popular support particularly in the rural areas. After the April 25, 1974 coup in Portugal, the Portuguese showed a willingness to negotiate with the Angolans for decolonization. The only block to that had been the disunity among the three liberation movements and open factional feuds within MPLA itself. UNITA played an instrumental role in reconciling the other two movements (MPLA and FNLA) and in bringing them to the Mombassa conference where the historic Alvor Agreement was worked out and signed on January 15, 1975 by the three liberation movements and Portugal. Among other things the-Alvor Agreement called for the total independence of Angola, established a transitional government whit h would rule the country until the date of total independence on Nov. 11, 1975, and set up general elections to determine the power transfer to the three liberations movements. The pamphlet UNITA: The People’s




traces how the Soviet Union (when it became apparent that UNITA would win the general elections), in order to obtain access to Africa by controlling one of its potentially richest countries, sabotaged the in-

dependence and the success of the transitional government. During the fourteen year war against the Portuguese, the Soviet Union invested a total of less than two million pounds sterling a year in aid to the MPLA. This sum could be more than halved when one reckons the amounts paid out in bribes, propaganda and military hardware aimed at discrediting or physically eliminating all those liberation movements which were fighting for African independence, and liberation outside of the grasp of the Soviet Union. Why then after

the defeat of the Portuguese, when the Angolan parties were supposedly preparing for democratic elections, did the Soviet Union spend over sixty million pounds sterling to aid MPLA? Today, that figure hovers well over 100 ($250) million. It was after an African victory was declared over the Portuguese colonialists that the Soviet Union began to arm MPLA and that 15,000 Cuban soldiers invaded with their ‘ ‘un-battle scarred tanks”. Many supporters of Soviet social-imperialism give the line that the Soviet Union entered Angola to “liberate” it. But the question to be asked is why then didn’t the Soviet Union and its puppet government in Cuba send in troops against the Portuguese colonialists and “liberate” it then? The pamphlet documents how MPLA initiated attack upon attack on UNITA such as June 4, 1975, where women and children who had been attending classes in a UNITA office in Luanda were killed and maimed. After similar provocations, UNITA convened the Nakuru summit conference where an agreement was signed (a reminder to the Alvor agreement) calling for ‘ ‘an effective ceasefire, peace, tolerance and realization of elections and cessation of all acts of .provocation’ ’ . The agreement was broken three weeks later and with increased MPLA attacks on UNITA; UNITA was forced to enter the civil war. Many reporters have attempted

44 King St. S.

to distort UNITA by claiming it to be “pro-Western”, “CIA backed”, “allied with South Africa” and “anti communist”. These lies are perpetuated by MPLA-Soviet-Cuban propaganda based in Luanda, where the majority of the reporters stay. Few reporters have sought out the truth but instead relied on these sources. Like many other liberation movements, UNITA’s statements have been ignored or misquoted and distorted. UNITA has continuously denied all these reports and its practice disproves all these lies beyond a shadow of a doubt. There are lessons to be learnt from these distortions, as there were to the lies floated about Vietnam and Cambodia: the U.S’s and the Soviet Union’s propaganda machines are only a reflection of the societies, ranging from the “so-called liberal to outright fascist.” The pamphlet UNITA: The People’s Struggle Until Victory also explains the game played by the racist and fascist state of South Africa in upholding the rumour that it supports UNITA. South Africa’s most persistent military threat has been the attacks by the South West African People’s Organization (SWAPO) against the South African occupation of Namibia. SWAP0 has over 3,000 guerrillas encamped in UNITA bases in southern Angola and the long cooperation between the two liberation movements has forced Vorster’s racist regime to attempt the destruction of both liberation movements at the same time. The pamphlet makes it clear why MPLA and South Africa would perpetrate this lie even though President Jonas Savimbi has repeatedly called on all African nations who are earnestly- concerned about removing South Africa from Angolan soil to “act jointly in tackling this menace”. UNITA has always stood for a genuine and total independence, they have always opposed any foreign intervention, they have encontinued

on page



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the chevron



ltls social practice t that anyone It is unfortunate

who has been around the campus for so long should be so confused about the aims of the AntiImperialist Alliance,, as Terry Moore seems to be. He thinks that AIA is “interested in building unity with others who share an anti-capitalist perspective”. What AIA is interested in, as history has shown, is unity in action against monopoly capitalism. That is, AIA is not much interested in anyone’s “perspective”, but, rather, in their social practice. AIA is not a debating society-which some may regard as unfortunate-but a communist organization led by the party of the proletariat, the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), whose eventual aim is to overthrow the capitalist system and establish a socialist society under the dictatorship of the proletariat. As a communist organization, AIA is interested in social practice based on the present contradictions in the capitalist system. It is pretty clear to anyone who does the meanest amount of investigation that Canada is controlled politically and economically (politics is just the concentrated expression of economics) by U.S. imperialism. The main contradiction in Canada today is between the Canadian working class and people, on one hand, and U.S. imperialism on the other. It might be useful here to explain once more what is meant by the “Canadian working class and people” since John Boyle wants to be so confused on this point. Mao Tsetung explains in ‘ ‘Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People” that “the concept of ‘the people’ varies in content in different countries and in different periods of history in the same country”, but basically “the people” is comprised of all those in a given country who can be untied against the main enemy at that time. In Canada today, given the main contradiction of U.S. imperialism, the people means any and all whose interests are antagonistic to U.S. imperialism and who will unite against it. By definition, that is the whole of the working class plus sections of the petit bourgeoisie (farmers, ~fishermen, professionals such as intellectuals, etc.) and the non-monopoly capitalists who come over to the side of the working class.through their recognition that it is’in their interests to do so. Back to those with an anti-capitalist persVarious groups in Canada, in a pective”. variety of revolutionary guises, including and “genuine anarcho-syndicalism, Marxism-Leninism”, say that the main contradiction is between the private ownership of the means of production and the socialised nature of production, or between capital and labour, or between bourgeoisie and proletariat. What these groups confuse (some deliberately and others by honest error) is that this contradiction is an inherent and constant contradiction in the capitalist system but it is only one of four main contradictions in the age of imperialism. Most important, it is not the main contradiction which most directly applies in Canada today.

Talking about an “anti-capitalist perspective” is just subterfuge for ignoring the main enemy of the Canadian people and refusing to engage in social practice against its interests. Instead, those groups fantasize about a mass vanguard which will arise spontaneously, without conscious leadership, without discipline and without revolutionary violence. This spontaneous mass uprising will somehow miraculously take hold of the state machine, will withstand and overcome the sophisticated and highly organized and trained army, police, etc. Once having performed this miracle, the working class will wield and the capitalists will just wither away. Nirvana at last! There exist a number of variations on this general theme, ranging from revisionism (the peaceful road to socialism), social democracy (class collaboration where the. ’

“socialists” and the capitalists work out reforms in a gentlemanly fashion), anarchosyndicalism (described in essence above), not to mention other counter-revolutionary trends which reach their zenith in Trotskyism. These various “tendencies”, do their utmost to mystify Marxism (enter Jim Harding) by making it into some kind of intellectual game, rather than a guide to action and a method for analyzing the concrete conditions in this world. They are exposed not only by their theoretical concoctions but where it counts, in social practice of which they either have none or, if they have any, it is only to divert the communist movement. They. invariably hate Lenin, and particularly Stalin; that is, they fear the party concept and they unite withevery bourgeois and communist detractor devoted to villifying Stalin. All this hysteria about Stalin is simply an effort to hide the fact that he was in the process of consolidating the victories of socialism in the Soviet Union until his death in 1953. They are remorseful of the fact that Lenin put Marxism into practice by leading the Russian Revolution of 1917 and they are even more remorseful over the fact that socialism (the period of transition to communism) made great strides under Lenin and Stalin, proving that it is only under the leadership of a communist party that socialism is possible. They are forced, of course, to make noises in support of the People’s Republic of China, but in practice they offer all kinds of wild interpretations and criticize China by every back door method. Terry Moore is extremely offended about the name calling which was in my attack against “wages for schoolwork”. At the same time, he says he “can appreciate the importance of vigorously attacking ideas with which one does not agree”. Then who does he attack? He only lends his pen to attacking the ideas of the Marxist-Leninists, rather than wages for schoolwork. And this is done in the name of the “left”. The difference between the so called “leftists” and the Marxist-Leninists (as well as honest individuals who despise class oppression under capitalism) is that the “left” wishes class struggle were polite, genteel and reasonable. That is, they have no class hatred for the ruling class and they find the only possible character of class struggle distasteful. They’d like their version of revolution to be carried on according to Robert’s Rules. They are more concerned with not calling a dog a dog than they are with overthrowing the class rule of the bourgeoisie. I’d recommend that they refresh their notion of class struggle by reading the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, or by working a day or two at Burns or Simpson Sears or Stelco. Being outside the communist movement and being interested only in attacking it, rather than working out their differences through unity of action on various issues, they don’t understand that characters like Tim Grant are inconsequential, mere pinpricks, to borrow an apt phrase from a friend I lost to anti-communism, they are just “worms in the pockets of the people”. The point in attacking Grant is to oppose his political line, which is the concentrated expression of an ill-begotten idea that has some currency in certain circles. The combination of AIA’s social practice and these ideological debates, have won over many people who have genuine sentiment for fundamental social change who had previously grouped around such erroneous political lines. These gains in the currency of communist lines is what inspires Jim Harding to claim that CPC(M-L) is “quickly being discredited across Canada and that other Marxian, Leninist and socialist tendencies are developing as alternatives to it. ’ ’ This is simply a dream. The fact is that the communist movement led by CPC(M-L) is growing at a rate which must disturb his sleep. He is, however, correct in one sense. All kinds of “alternatives” are indeed springing up in opposition to CPC(M-L), and if he ever

reads the history of the communist movement in Canada as elsewhere, he will understand why. Whenever communism has been on the rise, opportunist groups come up to divert the people. These, of course, call I themselves “socialist”. Perhaps he has heard of Proudhon, Trotsky, Bakunin, Kautsky, Bernstein, J.S. -Woodsworth, When he is not writing philosophical treatises on sexuality and mouthing claptrap about “authoritarianism in the workplace”, he will perhaps dare to step into the struggles which are going on here and thereby discover the extent of currency, which MarxismLeninism has on this campus. In any case, he can take his time because the influence of AIA will only grow in the meantime, as it has steadily grown over these past two year. I should add, for Terry Moore’s sake, that the AIA will never degenerate into a caricature of Marxism for the sake of some “potential supporters”. What is most pernicious about all the authors of these attacks is that they consider themselves part of the.left, yet at the same time they ignore most issues of fundamental concern to the people of Canada and the world, and confuse those issues they latch onto. For example, where are they when the racist and fascist Green Paper on Immigration needs attacking? Where are they when leaders of national liberation struggle in the Third World come to this campus in seek of support? Where are they when any informational forums on China are held? Where are they when Trudeau’s wage control programme is being attacked? Where are they when public study groups are held on basic Marxist principles and an analysis of Trudeau’s economic policies? Where are they when the students of UW are working out the kind of federation they want? Every one of the 770 students who chose a fighting federation by voting for Phil Femandez in the February election is more progressive in practice than these “leftists”. So where can the “left” be found? Getting into reform of civic politics, struggles against work collectives, etc. AIA’s attackers, so .fond of accusing it of sectarianism, never miss an opportunity to ignore anything of significant political content so long as it is organized by the AIA. In conclusion, it is an excellent situation when all kinds of “leftists” leap out to attack CPC(M-L) and any organization which it leads. Nothing could -be more indicative of AIA’s success! Jim Harding is now proposing “public debate of the problems of Marxism-Leninism, in advanced capitalism” (notice “problems” and “advanced capitalism”-1 wonder if he means imperialism?) This is the first time in two years he’s screwed up such courage. Alas, he must not want much of an audience for the debate, since he picks the last week of the term to issue the challenge. A footnote to Wolfgang E. Weick: As far as I know, Chairman Mao doesn’t do the hiring of university professors, but if he did I have no doubt that he wouldn’t hire ‘ ‘capitalistic roaders”. In any case, the people of China decide who will be professors, and they make the decision in their own interest. The People’s Republic of China is a dictatorship of the proletariat andthere is no quarter for those who seek to revive the exploitation of the many by the few, that is, restore capitalism. But the Chinese at least do not attempt to camouflage the nature of their society. The same cannot be said for bourgeois “democracy” which feigns freedom and practices exploitation and oppression. Marlene


Racism slammed This letter is in response to Mark Buck’s, Micheal Rumack’s and J. Patterson’s letters in the Mar. 19 chevron. Buck begins by asserting that anyone who opposes the racist state of Isreal and upholds the just cause of the Palestinians is lying or basing a point of view on lies. ,

april 2, 1976

He quotes some outright racist who says that “lying is a widespread habit among the Arabs and they have a low idea of the truth”. This clearly exposes the racist ideas pushed by the Zionists. Compare this view with the argument that blacks show a need to be dominated. This is the same type of racism ! Buck then resorts to Golda Meir’s autobiography to offer her concern on the “Palestinian problem” .- Well thank-you Mark Buck, but we already know Meir’s policy on the Palestinians-she simply believes they don’t exist; and as for your reference to the PaIestinian national convenant, may I suggest you read it first before concocting the lies you have written down. Micheal Rumackcalls the U.N. resolution a “Big Lie”, but apparently doesn’t know why as he never explains why Zionism isn’t racism. You see Mr. Rumack not everyone has been “bought” by the “Big Lie” except those who accepted the Zionist lies years ago and their numbers are dwindling. No rumors can change the nature of Israel nor of Zionism! Pattersons letter suffers from the same deficiency in that it lacks facts. No where does Patterson refute any of the statistics or any of the “assertions” which he found “factually incorrect”. Patterson believes that ‘.‘to acknowledge the technical errors. . . would be giving undue respect to Arab rhetoric.” I wonder if Patterson read the review as the book’s sources in the main are not Arab, but perhaps the reason he did not acknowledge the “technical errors” is because they were facts. His inability to refute any of them is the greatest respect to be given to. the just cause of the Palestinians ! Salah

Loss of freedom


Dr. Matthews, We, the students of HRCS 100, are writing in question of what we consider to be an arbitrary decision-the rehiring of Arthur Wiener versus the non-renewal of Marsha Forest’s contract. In our opinion this decision results in a loss of our freedom of choice concerning the subject matter we are exposed to, and who presents it to us. From our experience, Marsha offers interesting and controversial material, highly relevant to our lives in this society. Professor Wiener’s lectures, attended by few, appear to be lacking in these characteristics. Evidence also shows that Marsha is highly qualified academically, with greatly valuable experience behind her. As of yet, we have seen no such support for Professor Wiener. We would be grateful if you could answer the following questions we have concerning the cas,e: Why were we, the students, not consulted about the decision; and why was all previous student input ignored? In conclusion, we would like to be informed of the basis of your decision. Are we to assume that it was political? David Jean Margot Tony Donna Janet John

Brown Gillespie Flanagan Petulla Wills Schreiber Lezzi

Norma Janoloski Mark L Wills Doug Hairland John Arger Alex McKee Janice MacFarlane Grange Williams

Wages for schoolwork I want to briefly respond to the questions about my article on wages for schoolwork, raised directly by Dave Spaetzel (Chevron, March 19) and informally by other students over the past two weeks. His letter in particular, raised important points which need to be answered if we are ‘going to be better able to defend ourselves against government cutbacks over the next few years. continued

on page


Dave suggested that since there are many unemployed graduates now, it ,was inaccurate for me to argue that it is our future employers who are the real beneficiaries of the knowledge, technical skills, 5nd selfdiscipline that we acquire s during our twenty-odd years of schooling. He adds that if we were to win wages for schoolwork, more people would go to university which “would further saturate the already glutted job market for graduates”. He also points out that the government already pays the major portion of our education, and can ill afford to pay more. Although there are a great many unemployed graduates, we shouldn’t forget about the vast numbers of ex-high school and university students who do find employment, and whose vocational or scientific training and acquired self-discipline are appropriated by their employers at no expense. But even when we graduate from university and are unable to find jobs which we are qualified for, other employers and the-state still benefit greatly because our huge debts force us to quickly find other jobs which are often low-paying and un-skilled. Part of the graduate unemployment problem stems from the increasing reliance by employers on community college graduates instead of university grads. It seems that employers feel that .our labour is over-priced and that our skills are not related closely enough to their employment needs. As a result, the state has already begun to fit more closely the needs of the labour market. So the point if not that employers don’t benefit from our skills and self-discipline, but that they aren’t benefitting enough! This is what is meant by the crisis in education. Dave also argued that getting paid for going to school would lead to a further saturation of the graduate labour market. Well, most of us already find the labour market saturated, and with our huge debts, we enter the labour,market in a very weak position.‘ Winning wages for schoolwork would mean that without our debts (and possibly with some savings) we would enter in a strong position, being more able to pick and choose or even wait for the job we want. Dave is correct in saying that the state already pays a large amount of our education. Yet this huge capital outlay reflects how important they view the school system in ensuring that the varied needs of the labour market are met. The fact that we are not getting paid for the work we do in school only means that the state and th& employers are able to appropriate our skills and training very cheaply. In the article on wages for schoolwork, I tried to show how our lack of a wage has hidden the fact that we have been working For the state and our future employers while in school. Since they haven’t had to pay us for our schoolwork, they couldn’t care less how long it takes us to do it. This is why schoolwork seems so endless. But when we demand that we get wages for our work, we begin to make visible all the work we have been doing. For the first time, the question of how much schoolwork we will do for how much money becomes something we can struggle around. Since it if our future, employers who largely benefit from our work (i.e. training) in school, it is they who should pay. But since it is the state who organizes our work in school, and they are the only ones who can tax the employers-it is to them that we should direct the demand to receive wages for schoolwork. Tim

Grant Arts 4

Journalistic practices This letter is in response-to the chevron’s presentation at the Federation’s council meeting of Sunday, March 28. During this meeting some questions were asked concerning a letter published in the chevron that week. That letter was the one written by Mark Smith: Apparently, when the letter was first sub-

mitted, it was signed by a Matthew Smith. ~Since the staff did not know of this person, either personally or through the Student Directory, the letter’was not published. It was assumed that the name Matthew Smith was a pseudonym because of this. Does this mean that if a person wishes to submit a letter to the Feedback section he/she must be known to the chevron staff or be listed in the Student Directory (whit h was not published this term, in violation of the By-laws)? A;s well, since when is it considered fair journalism to allow the author of an article, published in a previous issue, to respond to a feedback letter in the same issue as the letter was published? You discriminate against the ordinary writer to the paper. You allow, what I consider slanderous remarks, to go into the paper about various people on campus and these people have to reply in the next issue. They are not allowed to reply in the same issue as the remarks are made. Robert A. G. White 38 Mathematics, Computer Science *It is normal jouma listic practice to determine the identity of theauthor of a letter. After all, if he/she refuses to accept responsibility’ for his/her statements, why should we? If you sign your real name and a phone number where we can contact you then neither of your complaints should arise as your letter will be published promptly. -lettitor

Zionism distorted In responce to Salah Bachir’s reply to Owen Liebman’s reply to Salah Bachir’s book review of Zionism is Racism, Bachir manages to furthur distort the middle-east conflict into fairey-tale proportions. This is indeed unfortunate as it’s only purpose is altering history to justify the aims of the PLO. If Israel is to be considered a racist and fascist state (the boogy man in this story), what then is the PLO. The PLO and its member terrorist organizations do not represent the Palistineans and never did. PLO is a self-appointed organization, created originally by Arab rulers in 1964 at a Cairo Summit Conference. It prepared in 1964, and still adheres to “the Palestinean National Covenant”, which set forth its fundamental philosophy. The following is from the 1968 modified covenant. “Palistine is Arab” (Article 1). According to article 6, only Jews who lived permanently in Palistine prior to the “Zionist Invation” (defined by the Conference as 1917) are considered Palistinean. In light of this, one must surely be amazed by Bachir’s quote from Yassar Arafat’s 1974 speech to the U.N., “I proclaim before you that when we speak of tomorrow we include in our perspective all Jews now living in Palestine who choose to live with us there in peace and without discrimination.” But Arafat also states in the New Republic of May 16, 1970, “Peace for us means Israel’s destruction and nothing else.” Thelatter is more in keepingbwith the National Covenant’s flavor which states in Article 15, “The Zionist Invasion is to be repelled and Palestine is to be purified or purged from the Zionist presence.” Since few practical examples of living Jews who are definately not Zionists by PLO standards exist (with the possible exception of Marsha Forest), it remains a mystery to figure out the twisted logic behind Arafat’s offer of peace. It becomes evident that there is no logic and any distortion to justify the end is acceptable. Other examples can be found within the Covenant, as the humorous claim in Article 22 that Israel is a geographic base for world imperialism. It’s surprising that we are not told of an international Jewish Conspiracy. The democratic credentials of the Arab World in comparison are hardly impressive, and thanks to the recent PLO contributions in Lebanon, Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. To alter Bachir’s quote; “This

type of reasoning and concoction of historical events by (Bachir) is characteristic of this racist movement and its ardent followers !” Terry

meeting ‘to show how the product has improved over the years’. Chief chevrot hack Docherty’s oral presentation was greeted with a warm round of indifference. My request for a written text and the formula by whit h he derived his ‘magic numbers’ was promptly ignored. I found it incredulous that I could have missed a phenomenal 50 per cent increase in campus news since my arrival in 1972 to Uniwat. Being one of the concerned and responsible council members dissatisfied with chevron performance to date, I found that ‘discretion was the better part of valour’ i.e. I thought the odds of winning a ‘shooting war’ against a numerically superior amorphous mass of humanity would be either slim or none. My strategy has just changed from laying a general siege to a preemptive strike stance, ready to launch a devastating assault when the odds are more amenable. Also since the chevron is the board of~publication’s baby, its chairman should get first crack at changing its diapers. What surprised me the most was that, immediately after council passed the‘board of publication’s budget i.e. chevron subsidy this homogeneous group, almost to a man, stormed out together. What a total lack of social grace! They could have at least dribbled out one at-a time or stayed on and been bored to death with the rest of council. It was mighty cheeky of them to pull this display of the best of electric running dog lacky imperialistic fascist traditions of ‘taking the money and run’! During fed flicks, in that boring interlude between admissionand the start of the movie, I fold pieces of it into a suitable aerodynamic shape and send pages of the chevron soaring onto even greaterjournalistic heights.

Carson Sc;lence 4

Km outraged with UW too! I, too, am outraged and disgusted with the continuing fascistic and reactionary denial of progressive and democratic thought on the part of the University of Waterloo’s administration, the renowned lackeys of the forces of suppression, who live as parasites on the vibrant and energetic body of the students here. Imagine my justified consternation when my proposal was turned down by those reactionaries ! I offered my services to begin a new and needed department called “Speech and Progressive Debate,” yet I was turned down flat. I had envisioned courses such as Intermediate and Advanced Name-calling, Techniques of Escape from Logical Deficiencies, Beginner’s Temper-tantrumology, Basic Illogic and Reductionism, Techniques of Crowd and Fact Manipulation, History and Theory ofProgressivist Foot-stomping, and a fourth-year seminar in Applied Journalistic Confusion Dissemination. The reactionary administration refused to accept my sterling curriculum vitae as evidence of my thorough preparation, as if a representative of the oppressed people must meet their fascist-derivated “standards” of educational background. (Imagine their impudence! They said I had taken no studies in Logic, Study and Use of Data, or Constructive Reasoning-as if progressive thinkers had any need of such trivial remnants of bourgeois idealism!) But my record is indeed distinguished: I hold honorary doctorates from the Universities of Hanoi and Havana, have analyzed in depth the methods of speech and debate in the progressive paradise of the People’s Republic of China, have published my results of such work in such important scholarly journals as Wield & Scream and The International Inquirer, and I have been convicted of “disturbing the peace” (the typical reactionary response to the upraised voice of the people) during a spontangous mass demonstration at which over 23 progressive thinkers turned out to show our united opposition to having to pay for refreshments at public sporting events (make the rich pay!). My attempt to serve in the noble venture described above has been thwarted,. supposedly because of lack of funds. But we all know the truth! May-the Chevron continue its glorious struggle for the students here at Uniwat, continuing to demonstrate its solid grasp of the techniques and skills of expression I outlined above, the type of speech and debate it has published all year! Jim Payton . History Grad

Whimpering and wailing Just who isthis coagulated mass of protoplasm who is not man (woman,, person or thing) enough to use his (her or its) own name but chooses to hide behind the appellation ‘lettitor’. It must have been a strain to produce a such a diplomatic and tactful rebuttal. Being a student, and assuming that you might be one too ? I realize how important bits of information written on small pieces of paper tend to get lost in the shuffle. I did not want that letter to suffer such an ignominous fate. Anyway your being able to use the same sheet of paper of a reply gave me a ‘warm and tingly’ feeling inside; inthe knowledge ‘if we all save a little, we’ll all save’a lot’. My bias and slanted report of the descent of the chevronelistist hacks upon the federation student council meeting (28/3/76) like a swarm of locusts. They graced our marathon

4th Year

John Lee Biology

.l~l~l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*... ???????????????????????????????????


Water and wet feet .

Just in case work has kept you captive in your own office -Spring has arrived (hope-’ fully for good). Two phenomena of Spring happens to be water and wet feet. I am hoping as a student and driver that the University will do something about the abundance of the water at the west side of Parking Lot C. Many people use the path across University Avenue at this point however the newly ’ deposited lake has created a.problem. Could someone do something (even a -passenger ferry service)? Thanks. P. Barber

Federation vendetta x It is no wonder that the feud between the societies and the feds erupted. Last week Doug Antoine, the new board of entertainment chairperson, discovered he had a few extra hundred dollars in his budget, which he added to the already trimmed society subsidies. In response to this good gesture on Doug’s part, a motion was introduced at last Sunday’s fed council meeting to disallow this action and “hammer the society subsidies back down to where they were”. I was rather pleasantly surprised when the motion was defeated by a three or four vote margin, but on the other hand I left that meeting disappointed with the hostile attitude which a few members displayed toward the campus societies. You call these people a menace to the societies. Wayne Halpert Sci-Sk President



the chevron




” -fri&ay,



PriVelege cardsaren’t needed T

Wages for pi&sing?





Forest firing’ ’ -,- protested -1 .



*ND-P n%sl@ads~ I


. .


- -.


april 2, 1976

have the right to-know why a professor is part of anattack against students and. workmuch as Wiener; Isn’t this an important fact ers by the Canadian monopoly capitalist to be taken into consideration? hired or fired. Sir,- all that we-students are demanding is At-the’ present time we are taking one. of class iy: the service of U.S. imperialism. the courses-taught by Marsha Forest. We _ Let us briefly look at why these cutbacks that Marsha Forest be givenas fair, asunbiased, as undiscriminating, and as nonpolithave alhfound it, are taking ‘place now. . and it is certainly not boring. ical ‘,a chance at a’ renewal of her contract as In the 1960’s U.S. Imperialism was ex- Amast five full pages of feedback, debates We feel that Marsha Forest has an outWiener had. -?+-. panding and capitalflooded into sectors such flaring in all sectors ,volley after volley ringWe are being taught=& this institution of standing teaching ability, At least Marsha as education which were particularly lucraing. in his ears, his few forces in great disar- _ supposed higher learning therefore we also Forest is able to keep- the class intersting; tive. Enormous profits were reaped from the ray, Jim Harding raises a timid voice. that’s more than most professors are doing. deserve the right to have a say as to’ which financing, construction and equipping of the ‘ ‘ Stop firing”, he pleads. He asks us to let. .instructors So by what criteria waF Marsha Forest are to be fired. You don’t fire universities and technical colleges. In addithe dust settle, to “clear the air for pi-in& fried? We do not want any Mickey Mouse someone from a different nationalityor tion the requirement for skilled workers was pled debate and organizing”. (Organization? excuses. fumled. race, why thenwould you fire someone who ’ Harding never touches the stuff.) ‘Eric &lay . Today U.S. Imperialism Bob Thompson differs politically? ‘We aren’t being conis in severe crisis He decides th-e time has come’ to Clare Audet Joseph Wozniak verted into Marxist-Leninists by any largely as a result of its defeat in Indochina. “analyse” my article covering William Betty Parr-y ‘. means, we are simply being given an educaTherefore through its agent, the -Canadian \ Lawvere’s lecture, and launches into an at-y tion. 1 - State, U.S. Imperialism is. attempting to tack on Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao. Marsha has proved to/be more valuable make the Canadian people pay through its Rather than take Harding’s word for it, tthan Wiener and many other professorsand imposition of wage controls and cutbacks in \ let’s see what Stalin hadto say about if she. does not return‘ next year, many and social services. Harding’s favorite topic, the application of dents will be at a great loss. By reconsideringTo sustain rapid-growth during the 1960’s Marxism-Leninism to “advanced her contract, you will prove to the students 1 . governments went begging to the US. for capitalism”: of this institution that theirchoice in univercapital; de icit financing became the rule for How’cah you as councillors on the Federa,- “The main features and requirements-of sities was the ‘right one and that University of the govern fa ent. For instance, in Ontario, tionof Students feel justified in voting yourthe basic economic law ofmodern-capitalism Waterloo istruly a liberal university. Thank -interest on the public debt amounted to $3 11 selves personal privilege cards amounting to might be formulated roughly in this way: the . you for your time. million in 1970-71, representing 5.2 per cent $50.00 per councillor? Do you feel that’your securing of the maximum capitalist profit David Black ~. -9 of the total expenditure. duties as a councillor warrant some sort of through the exploitation, ruin and imKaren Murphy - This year, the interest payment alone *has remuneration? poverishment of the majority of the populaBarbara Arp jumped. to $710 million, or 6.2 per cent of - The federation of students is an organiza-tion of the given country, through the enJim Sarney total expenditure. The total public debt in ’ tion with the objective of serving the student slavement and systematic robbery of the Ceothy Maron Ontario may reach $2.5 billion fortte 76-77 . body of Waterloo. You as a councillor peoples of other countries, especially back-. ,year. . thought you had-something to offer. to help ward countries, ahd, lastly, through wars meet the needs of the-student body. Ifyou In-the periodfrom 1960-64, capital inflow and militarization of the national economy; wanted to be paid for the job-you should into Canada was $4,852 million, while the which are uti&ed for the obtaining of the have run for president! outflow -of dividends and interest payments highest profits,” (J.V. Stalin, “Economic Heathei;‘Robert~on was $4,073 million. From 1965-69, $4,038 . Problems of Socialism in the USSR” - E.S.-Fed,&ration Councilbor million in capital entered Canada and $6,062 Foreign Languages Press, Peking 1972.) I would like the opportunity. to use your -million left in dividends and interest. From Are these the “categories ani 1970-74, only $3,628 million in capital came distinguished pages to notify yqur readers of metaphysics of subjective ‘idealism” ,.a> in, while $9,223 million went out in dividends a new movement against the outrageous misHarding w*ould have us believe? We think and interest. (People’s Canada Daily News, fortunes &&Capital forces upon us all not. Jan 15, 1976) -Wages of Going to the Toilet or WGT for “Maximum profit.. . is the motor of At the same time the federal budget and short. ’ monopoly capitalism.” So wrote Stalin in Those who scoff should consider for a the Ontario budget are being increased by the same article, dated the year of his death. _ It is .a great pity that many of the rags disshort time the profound effect it would have about 15% but that money is not being spent Is this recited-in a catechism of self-evident posed of weekly (or monthly) in the halls of on education or social services *but instead facts, as Harding asserts? We think rather it on the capitalists ifwe refused to go to the this institution are not worth the inking! toilet for even a short time, like two-weeks. going to suchcorporations as Syncrude ($1.4 is a sound conclusion based - on MarxistWhile the AIA has some worthwhile ideas . Only a physiologist could describe the efbillion from Ontario, Alberta and the Federal Leninist theory, they cater to extremist groups and use 1950’s fects in detail but let it suffice to say that .govemment$ . So let’s have some facts, Harding. On rhetoric to combat 197F’s economics (a la -productivity _would drop off significantly. -what do’ you ‘base your claims? Students and workers should have no illul ‘\‘chevron”): Surely it is obvious with only this small sio’ns about the attacks-and their nature. Nor Henry Crap0 The arts newspaper% hardly ever visible amount of anal-ysis (for any more would deshould they have any illusions about some and few outside arts know its title, “Knot stroy the lived-experience of our movement) quick solutions obtained by voting for Garden”. that if we go to the toilet we are laboring for another party such as the NDP. The Engi-“news” purveys pornography capital; indeed aiding in the very accumulaThe NDP has proven who it serves-by its and vitriolic attacks on other faculties in the tion of capital without receiving our just adoption of wage controls on a provincial form of “Confessions-in-letters-to their rewards-a wage. basis, by its attack on the working class in ,While this is Mr. Burt Matthews, Our glorious movement shah-consider all editor from other faculties”. British Columbia through Bill 11 which reentertaining, this is highly useless and not On behalf of the students of Human I@athose who do golo the toilet as scabs. W-ashstricts certain sectors from striking, and by worthy of their intelligence? tions 100, we would like to take this opporroom patrols will-be taking don their Ithe increase in tuition fees taking place in Even our near and dear “Sci-Sot News’: tunity to express to you how we feel about names. . (ex-“Bard”) is a hollow triumph against - Sask. under an NDP government. Oh, I know some will call us the agents of the termination of Mars ha Fores t’s contract, typography. Ditto for “Kinfo” which Cutbacks are a related phenomenon to the as we feel we have the right--to& heard. Soviet social imperialism. Some will say that doesn’t get around as much as the “Jocks” broad attack by U.S. Imperialism and CanaMost of us, prior to taking this course had ’ we are trying to destroy the health of the and- “Jockettes”!‘ dian Monoply Capitalist class to make the great and heroic proletariat. - never heard of Marsha Forest. We all took ‘In fact the only. sheet worth reading is the people pay for their economic crisis, Be not mislead! It is they w,ho are Human Relations 100 for orie reason or “Gazette” and it is, usually so thin that I We must unite with everyone to defeat the another and will probably never be abler to agents--agents of Capital-who would keep government’s wage controls and its cutus all enslaved. How can we fight in the finish before the end of class! take another one like it again. ,kove, backs in the public sector, and not to raise Most-classes, regardless of the Faculty-, imminent battle between the two superpowI \ ,t -Mother splittist and idealist issues such as wages. for are lecture oriented with little opportunity to ers ifwe’re all constipated? Think of that for -_ I d 2B Science schoolwork, free tuition or ‘ ‘vote NDP to -discuss what is being taught. These discusa minute ! . /, solve the economic crisis”! I --‘sions however, are 8‘ major factor in the It is important to keep two things irr mind if Salah Bachir learning process. Marsha’s class format alyou wantto join our movement. Going to the lows us to express ourelves freely whether toilet is unpaid labour and our movement is or not our beliefs coincide with hers. better than theirs. So There ! Each lecture provides us -with the &alJack Bit6 lenge of “THINKING”, which also,means P.S. Don’t forget to cut the crap. that in order to keep up with the course, not only do we-have to read the required materThis letter is in response to the federation ial ,-we also have to consult outside readings, rally on cutbacks and on the lines&en of , etc. Not once has Marsha attemaed to how to fight the cutbacks. . Regarding-the letter against a plagiarized rel ^ “BRAINWASH” us nor are we The overiding line stated at the rally was view by Jimmy ,Hodges: . ,downgraded if we don’t agree with her. We to unite with other groups and to fight. the Lis ten-fella, for your information, Tristian are given an objective outlook of the world cutbacks by “voting for the NDP.” It-was Fabriani is none other than (you guessed it) .-situation which is what human relations is never pointedout from where the cutbacks me%sieurs Fagan and Becker, who pen the all about. originated except that they were imposed by tunes for STEELY DAN. Only later was an -As students we are deeply concerned The course content is quite diveeeydwe ’ the Ontario government after expansion in ex-roadie (‘ ‘ex”’ because he kept driving the about the firing of-Marsha Forest and the .---are presented with all sides of a problem. We renewed contract of Weiner. All -the infor- i the sixties ;equipment-fsuck into walls and other But as it wns mentioned at the rally it was dangerous ‘form our opinions from what M.arsha presmation we have seen gives astounding more structures) christen&l-Tristian ‘that same government that had decided to ents to us and from feedback from other qualifications for Marsha Forest, than for Fab&mi~-and hired to perform the rave-up z expand these facilities in the 60’s. Surely students. Perhaps if you came to the class Weiner. introductions to the band’s rare perforthere are some reasons for this other tha’n. mantes. sometime, you would be able to see for yourWe feel if the decision wasmade upon who Bryden’s of the NDPthat: “Many decisions If we carmot impress upon you ;hat this self. * was most qualified Marsha Forest would are being made. that are-not good for stui review is not a plagiarization, then we-must Mars ha’s qualifications, as exemplifed- in have won by a landslide. the chevron (volume 16, number 36), obvi- ~ As students of the Universityof Waterloo,, dents, working people or tlg de&ocraticsys-‘askyou to help the chevron from becoming fern of this qkkr~l” ‘.*just -a sounding bgard. for the friends andY ously outrank those of A?‘thur Wiener. Not we have the right toknow+..hat criteriaupon Thanks for this “clarifjcation”, is i-tbeenemies of HRCS. only has she had five times as muchexperi‘whichMarsha.Forest was fired. This should cause suddenly that same Conservative govL I If it weren’t for the two or three record ence than Wiener, shehas five times as many be the policy that is used in the hiring and students, and has published 14 tities as fling of all professors at the-Universit,y. We ernment has decided this now? NO! It is a - ’ continbed on page 27 --l -




Firing b/iast&d , onc&ain






aprii 2, 1976 -


the chevron





, , I



does hot lie merely in understanding the laws of the objective world, and thus being able to explain it, but in applying-the knowledge of these laws actively to change;the world. Hading does not develop his perceptual, knowledge into rational knowledge through social practice. Theory and.practice must be linked. correct ideas do nbt drop fi-om the sky, nor are they innate in the mind. They come from social practice and f?om it alone. Without testing knowledge and ideas in social practice, human beings yould never know whether their ideas were correct or incorrect. They would simpfy talk and discuss, leading themselves in ever diminishing circles until they disappear up their owtitinal sphincters. ’ -We wciuld like to know why the students in It seems to us that this is exactly what the University of Waterloo arti not beingHarding is promoting in his mystical in-heard% choosing teachers oti this campus. tex$re@tion, of what makes the world go For example Marsha Forest and Arthur round. To this end he is perfomng a great Wiener, the majority of the students prefer service to the Uni\iersity. An intellectual Marsha’s teaching to MX Wiener; as re- ’ magici,an such as Harding, who has no social fleeted from the surveys of each teacher. practice what so ever on campus, smears his Also there’s 58 students in Marsha’s class philyphy and creates intellectual paralysis and only 11 in Mr. Wiener’s class. ’ among students. Without the opportunity to _ It has been brought to attention th_at apply theory to practice students are indeed Marsha has more qualification, publications pa‘lalyied. Unable to act upon ideas, they and experience as a teacher in this field as are unable to determine the validity of these compared to A&ur Wiener. # ideas. Since she undoubtedly out weighs Arthur 90 is &m&n? What does he stand for? Wiener we see this as a political dismissal. He has presented. us with an extensive list of AND WE ARE OUTRAGED.. thitigs he’ is against, but what is he for? As a Susan Fletcher < disaffected sorcerer he surveys the world Bill Barker and criticizes at length and in riddles worthy Michele Mullins of the Sphinx. . Donna Barbisan Jane Schmitt What alternatives-does he offer? None. Sue Pletch What does he do to improve the situation? Lois Campbell - Nothing. Varying and diveke points of view Tim Swayze are fine. Discussion is fme. But where does Christopher Jones , he get off his wheel of fortune and,put sortie PHiI -Fernandez of- his ideas into practice. . True % his depiction as a magician, hedisdains labels and deftitions employed by the theorists to whom herefersand conjures up his own set of dogmatic rules. Thesk must be not only correct but also of tremendous Whereas the, Capitalist Industrious Algenius as no one is able to understand w1at liance is composed of students and whereas the hell he is talking about. exams are imminent, to re,ply fully to Crapo’s response to our letter-immediately TO paraphrase Mao Ts_e,tung on practice, - would be t& time consuming at this point we are opposed to diehards whose thinking but in answer to the aspersions he cast &on f&k to advance withChanging &jective &our support of the AIA’s rights we ‘remind cumstances and which man$ests itself his_him that we merely stated we would-defend to&aIly as Right opportunism. the rights of the AIA, we did-not say we The thinking of diehirds is divorced from would defend the AIA. sociil practice and they cannot march ahead Y We further pose two questions to which to guide the chariot of .society: they simply we are certain-many studknts would like the @il behind grumbling that it-gee‘s too fast answers: (l)+ When was the last time any and trying to drag it back or turn it in the member of the AIA (in particular its most opposite direction. outipoken ones) visited china or any ComA brief imaginary Tscenario depicts mu&t countiy? (2) From’-where dbes the Harding’s lack of social practice. Five or six AIA receive i&financial support? . students are standing on an iceberg .in-the Mark S. Smith. middle of a tropical sea. None of them is able Epistler for the to swim. A boat which is tied to the iceberg is Capitalist Industrious Alliance captible of carrying a dozen people. reviewers, the whole paper would be’missing a great da of interes&&and relevant material. Dan Steele cannot hlagiarize his own article. Now thgt you have receivedSfie notoriety of having your name and faculty in print, you know how easy it is to bec0ine.a record reviewef. Give it a try. I Dan Steele -/ and Ttistian Fabriani . 2nd Year General Ahs-

We are outraged

My great-great-grandfather had‘a long, 16ng beard, ./ Warm eyes and worn &xls, limp a age; scarred, bent, hands that dealt in coin or cloth, ~. hands cupped in prayer. He was a man who sang his faith into his l&E, ’ ’ His life a fabric, woveh.out of &gs and prayer, _6f a fear and a mistrust, of the man-with th6 cr6ss.



Having read the letter in the March 26 edition of the Chevron by Jim Harding, we are convinced that he is the greatest mystifier we have yet encountered. Rather thancotitributing to an understanding of thb methods by which the world may be fundamentally changed, he attacks, belittles and maligns those, who through their social pmctice, are making an effort toward this end. His witch’s brew analysis seems to be whittled smack from the wood of his own brain. It represents a literary contribution, of sorI questionable , merit, by an intellectual cerer living iti an ivory tower, documenteb by an abundance of philosophical notes -.-and quotes. . eThe dialectical materialist theory ofknowledge maintains that rational knowledge-depends upon erceptual knowl,edge and that perceptual knowledge remains --to be devehped into rational knowledge. According to Marx, the most important problem

‘- Jim Harding is engaged in- leading a disctlssion cdnceming the merits of a seat in the bow, -over a seat in the stern:. As the last whisper of ice suctiumbs to the heat, all are lowered into the sea and drowned: Petra Taylor Robert Taylor , Dianne Chtipitis

Garage vsers $pill oil :-

‘t *

I would like to draw to the attention of the administrators of the ‘garage’ beside Bauer warehouse, that at least one of the users of the garage is dumping oil and other repair wastes on or beside the path used by a great number pf people from Lakeshore Village. This’ sort of practice is extremely inconsiderate as well as irresponsible. \ However, the problem will not exist much longer, because if any new oil deposits: are made, I’m sure some irate- pe,destriansmoker will deposit his/her live cigarette butt in the oil, and burn down the garage! Norm DeFraeye \ * Grad Biology



I_ .




My great-great-gxxu&ther liad no cross, But he did have a wife; + pack of hungry chil$ren, &id w-Jx!n they had been fed he turned $0 his God, and‘was’fd, and was cdntent~ In the morning he bouti his arm with leather, covered his head with cloth, draped a shawl across his shoulders, and saug the word? thathe knew by heart, c held in his heart, i song of weary wandering in lands hostile to the rmur-Who would not stoop in shame, would not stoop For he had no shame, felt no guilt for ;$ crime that - v&no&is.

--7 --

CIA versus the.AJAc. ’

The great. mystifier.

- -









pulled a cart, throughdesert, j -across the sea, qn a path in the dark forest, to the market-place, to peddle rags. -

My great-&eat-grandfather-spoke in a song. His prayer was a song, _ - and sang the &ale of a chicben, a shoe, a shawl, pots and pans. cups, spoons ,+tlonhisbreath, pebblesundertoe ragsonacart leatherindeliver ’_ kiddiesmitakeepa chalah, menorah, Torah. L _ My great-great-grandf&th& -




Rags ig his cart. Rags on his head. Rags on his back. a-peddier in a world that bred him, fed him, dressed just to spit qn him.



The man- with the cross My great-great-grandfather


_ .

lived-on a prayer, prayed in a son& sangofalife, _ ofalove, --/ ofaGod. beak his fatebore himself. ’ vmyles


him,. 7

_ r2


c ’ \ \



Member: Canadian university pre&s (CUP). The chevron is type&$ by members of.the workers’ union of dumont press graphi.x (CNTU) and published by the federation of students incoworated, universi of waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial sta 2 . Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 8854560, ,or university tocal 2331. Volume sixteen of the chevron draws t6 ‘a close this week and we’re sad to see it go. we have&t been able to please all of you all Uie time, but we hope we’ve pleased most of you at least some of the time. on a campus with the diversity of this one it’s always difbdt to come up with something for everyone and much of nihat_we’ve bee6@e to accomplish we owe to th$r @ople who over the course of the year have made their various ways damr to the office to helpout it wouldh’t have been much of a paper without them. one regret is that we weren’t able to involve more of you in the effort because i think too many students approach the chevron in the same way they do,the record: they’ll pick it up and read it and if they don’t like it they may bitch but won’t think of diiing anything constructive by way of improving it. that’s unfortunate because thechevron is a studetit paper, your s&¶-t paper, and anyone who wan& to come and help is more than welcome and can become a staff member. al that’s quired is evidence of a -continuing interest in-the paper (ii hetpiig out on a fairly regular basis) and staff, the large majority of *om are st&&nt~olunteers, are the ones who control the chevron. the full-time people are there to provide continuity and technical resoumes and to make sure that all the workget? done, but when it comes; to deciding what goes into the paper they get one vdte, the same as any other staff member. also staff select% the people who get the full-time jobs. this is the manner in-which %e chevron has t+itionally been ruti and in which it con&~~ to be run. chevrics of this year: judy jansen, graham gee, ge&$fe eisler, isabella grigoroff, chris jones, leona-k’rytow, harry strothard, libby warren, george lomega, denis andre, dionyx msmichael, wini mertens, david anjo, mart radomsky, jim’carter, terri berfinghoff, bhn carter, ’ nina tymoszewicz, Steve mcmullan, larry hannant, john mcnair, glen dewar; bob inkol, henry crapo, doug ward, shane r&e&s, bill mcre& john sakamoto, peter leuthard, grant macfarlane, diane r&a, Sylvia hannigan, randy hannigan, henry hess, neil dochm, john morris, dumont ducks & friends and’all the others whose names escape Te at this ungodly hour including harold the japitor whskeeps this place liveable and the ladies in the cc coffee shop who helpto keepusaAve.good IucktoadriatirodGay,brendawilsonandalltheriewcrew.hasta la vista, kwaheri andgoodbyehh -




the chevron

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april 2, 1976

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