University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume I

Page 1

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume I, number 29 friday, may 20, 1977

idd you want to move from a $308,000 mansion into a $232=a=month townhouse?

In a preckdent-setting decision, Waterloo County Court ruled Tuesday in favour of a local lancIz-lord who claims that he wishes to move from his $300,000.00 house into a $232.20 per month townhouse currently occupied by UW sociology student Burns Proudfoot and his family. this is the $300,000 home of Cyril Kayman. Kayman, a local landlord who owns about 300 living units, to/d a judge Tuesday that he wanted to move in,to one of his townhouses, and so had a UW student and his family evicted from the townhouses whkh Burns home they had rented /or five years. The picture on the right shows the $232-a-month f’roudfoot rents from Kayman. Photographs oi the houses were shown in court. Photos by mar-y faught

The composition of the federain has drastically changed and jne result is that instead of one referendum on whether federation fees should be voluntary or not, it now appears there will be two. One will occur July 8 and the other in November. Neither will have mail-out ballots. This latest news is the result of a March 23 federation by-law change blunder which removed all voting rights of off-term co-op and regular students - all students not paying fees in the current term. The intent of the changed membership by-law was only to remove federation privileges from graduate students. Federation president Doug Thompson and vice president Ron Hipfner now claim they must stick to the letter of the new by-law and allow only on-campus, fee-paying students the right to vote in the summer referendum. All returning regular and co-op students for the fall term will get a chance to vote in a referendum in November. The two polls will then be pieced together to gain one result. Tbm ramifications of such a federation policy are enormous. The entire composition of the federation has been changed. Only oncampus, fee-paying members are now eligible to vote in federation elections, thus eliminating the traditional off-campus mail out. Referendums, which the federation claims are binding with a vote of 10 per cent of the membership, could become competitions between students on different terms. One group could reverse the decision of the other. According to the new by-law, those not paying summer federation fees should not be allowed federation services - even if‘ they [have pre-registered for the fall term.

Disenfranchized students, however, can regain their voting rights by paying their federation fee. There is no set way of doing this but Hipfner claims he paid $13.75 folr an ice cream cone at the federation stand thereby remaking him a federation member. Hipfner claimed there will not be an attempt to change the by-law goof-up. He now feels there might be some advantages in the system that has resulted, such as the financial savings realized from having no mail-out ballots. The mistake is also good, says Hipfner, since it will allow the 4,000 new fall students (and the 2,400 off-campus students who cannot be reached) to vote in the referendum in November. Thompson claims that it would be ludicrous to allow a summer referndum “when more than one half the students aren’t here”. Though council did not achieve quorum May 8, it seems that most council members have changed their minds on holding the summer referendum which passed I l-2. The following councillors have given written or verbal notice to delay the referendum: Leavens (Arts), Berthin, Duffis (Eng),

nlin thr The UW administration is threatening to hit student society coffee and donut stands with a new charge for “utilities and cleaning.” Federation president Doug Thompson has come out fighting for the coffee and donut stands, saying that “the notion of the societies having to pick up the tab for that space, simply because a service was being offered there, would not be acceptable.” In a press release issued Tues-

Risto, Mills, Hipfner, Long (Math), Burke (Science), Rokasova (ES), Pearson (St. Jeromes), Higgs (IS), and Marquis (HKLS). Midwinter (ES) abstained and Coates (Sci), Shupe (Eng), Hamilton and Byrnes (Arts) stuck with the July referendum. Hipfner claims that the change of mind comes with new information on disenfranchised students. Asked if the board of directors will be used to eliminate the summer referendum Thompson said: “Its been talked about, it may happen”. Hipfner, however, felt that such a move was unlikely since EngSot president “A” Peter King b‘screamed bloody murder.” Hipfner was referring to EngSoc’s threat of secession from the federation if such a move was made. As it stands now, it seems that there will be two referendums the results of which can only be implemented in the fall of 1978 - giving the federation the delay they sought. If students decide on refundable fees it can only add to the numbers disenfranchised already. -randy






The Landlord-Tenant Act states that a landlord who wishes to acquire one of his units for personal use may do so by giving the tenant 60 days notice at the end of a rental term. Proudfoot claims, however, that the landlord, Cyril Kayman of Barn Investments Etal., has absolutely no intention of moving into the Westcourt Place townhouse. “This action is obviously vindictive,” says Proudfoot, who initiated rent review hearings last year when the landlord attempted a rent increase of about 14 per cent. The Rent Review Board included 10 other units in their investigations. After three hearings the landlord settled with the tenants of the other 10 units. No settlement was offered Proudfoot, however. until after the fourth hearing which Proudfoot won. Subsequently, on January 17, 1977, Proudfoot received a cheque for $110 - a return-of the increase that had been paid. Eight days later Proudfoo&received a notice to terminate his tenancy - and the only way that the landlord could legally justify this was claiming to want the unit for himself. During Tuesday’s court hearing Kayman claimed that the threebedroom townhouse rented by Proudfoot was the only one he wanted because of its close vicinity to his office and to his daughters’ school, and because the neighbours were personal friends whom he considered would be a good influence on his daughters. -

Proudfoot’s lawyer cast doubts on Kayman‘s desire to move from his $300,000 home by pointing out that similar or identical units have been and will soon be available. A recent ad, placed by the landlord in the K-W Record, for three and four-bedroom townhouses in a “quiet place” was submitted as evidence. Kayman said he had no interest in moving into this “quiet place” because a train ran through the back and it was too noisy. As for Kayman’s claim of having personal friends as neighbours, after turther qtlestioning he admitted that he had never invited them to his home, nor had he ever visited

them on a social occasion. Kayman also expressed anxiety over the possibility of “spoiling his daughters” if they continue to live in their present estate. Throughout the CI‘OSSexamination by Proudfoot’s lawyet Kayman repeatedly demanded “! want that unit,” and at one point the judge asked: “If he wants this place, why shouldn’t he have it‘?“ “Why should a tenant have more rights than mc’? Why can-t I have it’?“ cried Kayman at one point. The outcome of the trial clearly showed who has what rights. In his decision, Judge Costello stated that any question of alternate accommodation being available for the landlord was irrelevent to the and that “inconvenience tenant is not applicable.” Costello said he believed that Kayman actually wants to move into the townhouse and that he was entitled- to it. A writ of possession has been ordered, and Proudfoot has until June 20 to vacate the premuses. Although Proudfoot says he will not pursue this further at present, due to lack of resources, he has been advised by the landlordtenant advisory bureau that he has grounds to sue Kayman for damages if he doesn’t move in. -gerard


tening coffe day, Thompson charged that the administration is considered imposing a per square foot cleaning and utility charge because the coffee and donut stands pose stiff competition for Food Services. “Food Services feels that a considerable amount of business is lost to the society food outlets and that the competition is unfair since the societies are not required to pay any rental fee for the space in which they operate.”

The affected coffee and donut stands are operated during the fall and winter terms by the Arts, Engineering Environmental Studies and Math societies in undergraduate lounges in their respective buildings. Only the Math and Engineering stands are open during the spring term. Federation vice-president Ron Hipfner announced at Monday’s MathSoc meeting that the proposed charge for rent alone would

be $1 .SO per square foot per month. This would cost the Math Society $9,000 a month for rent. But Director of Administrative Services Bill Deeks considers the threat of a $9,000 a month charge to MathSoc “ridiculous”, and described Thompson’s press release as “incomplete”.


on page





The paragraph should have read: “But for every student enrolled above that base number, the government will provide only 50 per cent of the normal B/U value.

There was a mistake in the seventh paragraph of last week’s paper, where the word “about” appeared instead of “above”.

Have a ball at Westmount




Bar Open

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The . deadlinefor twoc (this a Personal Gay Lib Office, campus centre, Rm 217C. Open Monday - Thursday,7-I 0 pm. Some afternoons - counseling and information. Phone 885-l 211 ex. 2372 Pregnant and Distressed? The Birth Control Centre is an information and referral centre for birth control, V.D., unplanned pregnanpy and sexuality. For all the alternatives phone 885-1211 ex. 3446 (Rm. 206 campus centre), or for emergency numbers 884-8770. Employment - Lawns, flowerbeds, hedges maintained by experienced student landskeeper. Four years experience. Phone ?42-5049 anytime.

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may 20,

1970 Corona Deluxe 1900 speed, radials. Certified. 745-3287 after 6 pm.

cc, 4 $550.

Housing Large basement bedroom, fully carpeted, available now. In partially furnished townhouse located at Albert and Weber, 20 minutes from both universities, on bus route. Rent $50/month. For further information call 885-0194. Room for two people.

TYPiW Experienced typist for all kinds of typing. 50 cents a page, includes paper. Call 884-6705 anytime.

Lost Would the person who found the gold cross and chain in the boys gym during the fall term please deposit it with security or the Free Chevron. A reward will be offered.

Opportunity Moving Will do small moving jobs with a half ton pick-up. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 884-2831

Part-time earnings, flexible hours. Progressive, spectacularily successful company. Call 743-1717 for appointment.

Anybody interested in practicing Judo for the summer contact Walter Hornby 304-N3 884-6139.

Plaza 742-0501



Lawn mowing etc. Phone 743-3504. $14 per running hour; $7 minimum. Special 25% off for pensioners.


For Sale

No Fed Flicks due to long week-end

6 string conditi&;

guitar for sale. Very good phone 886-0673.

Waterloo North all-candidates meeting, Campus Centre, Great Hall, 12:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Federation of Students.

Sunday Worship and Study at Conrad this evening at 8.00 pm.



Wednesday Free movie - Catballou starring Lee Marvin, Jane Fonda, Dobbie Gillis.

South Campus Hall Pub - 8.00 pm. UW and WLU undergrads $1.50. All others $2.00. Age and ID.

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the free chevron

may 20, 7977


Feds okay half million dollar budget A half million dollar Federation of Students’ budget was passed at the April I2 meeting of council by only 13 reps, the bare minimum needed for quorum. This will be an increase of $80,000 over the 1975-76 budget. Major new items in the budggt include the payment of a half-time salary of $3,520 to the vicepresident, Ron Hipfner; the addition of one full-time paid position to the staff of Radio Waterloo; and an extra $30,000 allocation for concerts. ($26,000 of this is slated to be defrayed through the sale of tickets.) There were other increases due to inflated costs for office equipment and supplies, and a 14 per cent increase in the salaries of most federation employees, effective last June. There are now eight and a half paid positions in the Federation office, Four of these are permanent positions and four and a half are temporary positions with terms ranging from four months to a year. The salaries paid to the four permanent staff, the business man-

Changes are in the works for the Ontario student aid program (OSAP) which are likely to take effect next year. Mary Corbett, information officer for the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, said in a telephone interview that details were being worked on now and would not be announced til February or March of 1978. She added that the controversial Optional Loan and Need-tested Grant (OLANG) was “being taken l into consideration”. It appears unlikely however that OLANG, the result of a two-year government study, would be accepted in its present form. Murray Miskin, chairperson of the Ontario Federation of Students, had discussed OLANG with Harry Parrott, Minister of Colleges and Universities, a few days ago. He said Parrott opposed OLANG since it made it more difficult for a student

ager, office manager, and two secretaries, are not quoted in the budget. When Peter Yates, the business manager, was asked what his salary none of your was, he said; “It’s damn business.” The secretaries, however, quite freely admit that they make less than $8,000 a year. The budget does quote a figure of $62,640 as total salary for these four positions plus certain salary benefits for the staff at Klemmer Day Care Centre. This leaves $47,000 to cover the salaries of two managers and benefits for a few day care workers. The four and a half temporary positions: the president, the vicepresident on half salary, and the equivalent of three full time field worker positions, draw a total salary of over $28,000. This summer there will be four full time field workers taking care of such duties as the housing office, the employment centre, educational work, and research and planning. The fall and winter terms are budgeted for one full-time and two half-time field workers.

to be considered independent of their parents. The federal government’s Canada Student Loan program (CSL) finances the loan portion of OSAP. OLANG recommends opting out of CSL and convincing Ottawa to turn the equivalent funds over to the province. Miskin said Parrott considers it “unrealistic” to expect the government to do this and that the province is not prepared to finance the loan program on its own. Miskin thought Parrott was concerned about the effect OLANG would have on the majority of students currently attending university. OLANG expects parents to contribute one quarter of their net income to each child attending university and unless they do this the students are forced to take out loans. As well, under OLANG the loans begin to bear interest immediately.

Student fees will account for three fifths or $308,000, of the total federation revenue. The other $176,750 will be raised\ from the projected sale of federation services and entertainment, and advertising revenue in federation publications. Many of the services provided by the federation are expected to pay for themselves. The Fed Flicks (these do not include the Campus Centre movies, paid by the administration), the Toronto bus service, and the ice cream stand all operate on close to a self-financing basis. Other self-financing operations run by the federation, although not considered in the April 12 budget, are the Campus Centre Pub, the Record Store, the Campus Centre Shop, the Flying Club, and the games room. A number of other services will only be partially subsidised. Of the $5 1,000 budget for concerts, $39,000 should be covered by ticket sales. The Used Bookstore should generate $3,500 in revenue out of a

budget of $5,000. The drama, dance, and music productions should generate $4,200 of their total budget of about $8,000. The federation will totally subsidize such services as the Birth Control Centre ($3,000), Para Legal Assistance ($3,200), a campus events calendar ($2,150), and Radio Waterloo ($38,295). The budget also includes allocations for the Board of Communications and the Board of External Relations for conferences, forums, seminars, films, speakers, special projects, and the like. A $87,140 budget was set aside for a student newspaper in the 1977-78 year. This will be only $3,000 over the allocation in the chevron budget of 1976-77. The subsidy, the real cost to the students, will be decreased from over $15,000 to $13,000. The newspaper will be expected to make up $74,000 in advertising revenue, $5,000 over last year’s estimates. Until the present conflict is resolved, or the federation moves to

The upcoming election could change the situation entirely. The N.D.P., Muskin said, feels that tuition fees should eventually be eliminated and would favour an all-grants system. The Liberals, he said, oppose tuition fee increases for undergraduates. They feel students in graduate and professional schools should bear more of the cost of education. However, since they feel government spending should be limited to the 6 to 8 per cent specified in the Anti-inflation Board guidelines it is unlikely that we would see radical changes in OSAP under a Liberal government. OFS does not want OLANG substituted for OSAP. They feel that the large interest-bearing loans would discourage all but the very poor from attending university. What they do like about OLANG is that it “recognizes loans are a disincentive to low income families”. -ciaran


Feds to open bus service The Federation of Students is planning a bus service to run between off-campus student accommodation and the university. Vice president Ron Hipfner says that three routes are planned. Two will be express routes, One will run to Westmount and Erb and one to Sunnydale. A longer route will run along Westmount to Queen. The service will have a cycle time of 30 minutes and will cost $30-$40 per term or 20-25 cents for a ride. After collecting statistics on where students live off-campus the federation approached the K-W Transit. Their intention was to lease buses and drivers and pay the city a lump sum. According to Hipfner, K-W


Transit “‘gave us a very good hearing”. They wanted a more detailed study on where students live, how many would use the service, and at what times. The student profile, a questionaire sent out to students, asked these questions. As well, the federation is asking the administration for statistics on how many students begin and end classes at each hour of the day. Due to lack of buses, K-W Transit could not start the service until at least September 1978. K-W transit would want the service to run as a regular route in the bus system. However, Hipfner opposes this, claiming a pass system is cheaper. As well, he says that only one bus need be run all day per

route. At present, K-W transit runs two buses per route during rush hours. Students at the University of Western Ontario are running a similar service called “Western Wheels”, which has nine routes in the city transit system. Hipfner said the system runs on a pass basis and made a profit of $1,000 last year. - Hipfner said that besides providing quick transportation the service would make housing at the west end of Westmount available to students. At present vacancy rates in the area are high and rent is low. He pointed out that opening new routes to campus would help students, landlords and the city alike.

Wednesday’s Mathsoc pub was marred by an accident. Dave Boswell, a thn-d year math co-op student, gashed his wrist when he mistook a window of the fifth floor math lounge for an open door andjumped through it. Pulling his hand back from the window he cut himself again. He was taken to Emergency at K-W Hospital where he was de-

scribed as being in satisfactory condition with a deep cut in his arm requiring the attention of a surgeon. At Monday’s Mathsoc meeting it was announced that the administration was considering not allowing pubs to be held in the Math lounge in the future because of damage m done to the lounge.




In last week’s article on a federation council meeting that failed to get quorum, Randall McDougal was listed as one of the councillors in attendance. The name should have read as Doug McDougall. We apologize to Doug and Randall for any inconvenience we may have caused.





establish another ‘student newspaper’, this new budget should remain untouched, just as the budget for the 1976-77 chevron was suspended after the September 1976 closing of the chevron. (Neither the Bullseye nor the Real Chevron, interim publications of the federation during the fall and winter 1976-77 terms, were funded out of the chevron budget. ) At the end of the 1976-77 budget year in April, the unused portion of last year’s chevron budget was shifted into unallocated funds. Other allocations in the budget include $10,000 for lawyers’ fees (the $10,000 allocation for 1976-77 was almost all used by February, three months before the end of the budget year), $1500 for council and executive travel, $2,500 for NUS and OFS fees, $4,800 for course critiques and surveys, a $1,600 subsidy for the Campus Centre Coffee House, a $9,450 subsidy for orientation, and a $4,200 subsidy for a student handbook. 4awid


Some students from village I were out washing their garbage pails last week when three of them tripped en mass, thus soaking an innocent bystander. photo by randy barkman

i Federation Comment in s Who is a member of the federation and who is not? Are student councillors legitimately entitled to their seats when they are not paying federation fees in the summer and when their constituencies have been wiped out? Just <how can approximately three-quarters of the federation have their voting rights thrown away without making any attempt to inform anybody about it? The total consequences of a new federation bylaw eliminating federation membership for all off-campus students who do not pay fees has yet to be assessed. But the federation now claims it will abide by a mistake made when creating a by-law. In their effort to remove two graduate council members because of their support for the free chevron, council eliminated all graduate students from the federation and, it seems, thousands more. Federation vice-president and Board of Director member and math councillor Ron Hipf. ner retains his position and student status only because he paid $13.75 for an ice cream cone. Hipfner had not paid federation fees during the summer registration and therefore had none of the rights of a member of the federation. When asked how he could still claim to be vicepresident he answered: “‘I paid @n abnormally large amount for

an Ice cream cone. ” It seems there is no specified way of paying federation fees except through paying registration fees. One can therefore pay through a federation service. So if you want to be a member, then pay $14.75 for a fed flick, or $14.35 for a bottle of beer at the pub. I don’t know if you ask for a receipt, but you then become a full federation member with all the benefits.


Councilors - in Arts for example - can stay on council only if they pay their fees but have no constituents, if they are all off campus. When Thompson was asked if all this was true he replied “It’s an interesting question”. Not very scientific - to say nothing of legality in respect to the Corporations Act, or the federation bylaws. Nobody knows what it all means, least of all the federation - ask them. -randy


_ 4

Friday, may 20,

the free chevron


ter grads organise to enough, according to McMaster graduate students are ,constituency, ?he labour laws, to hold a referenorganising a labour union in response to an attempt by the addum on becoming a certified labour ministration to cut their incomes. union. A simple majority on the reSince the dispute began in April, ferendum suffices to form the union the Union of Graduate Students and charge all members of the constituency union dues. (UGS) organizers have obtained UGS president Marvin Krank signatures from 35 per cent of their






year 3.

During the past year, Peggy helped write, Quicksilver and Slow Death, a study of mercury pollution in N.W. Ontario. She has spoken to groups

said that the conflict with the McMaster administration has changed many students’ attitudes towards unions. In an interview with the free chevron this week, Krank admitted he had not been sympathetic to unionization until recently, but is now an active organizer. The dispute began when the McMaster administration announced that the guaranteed minimum income for Masters students would be reduced to $3250 per annum from $4500. Combined with the $150 increase in tuition fees this represents a cut of $1400 per annum in the incomes of Masters students. The reaction of the McMaster grads was immediate and drastic about 170 graduate tutors withheld the exam marks of their students, and UGS demanded a $500 increase in the minimum levels of support for all grads. This action was partially successful. The administration reconsidered and awarded a $500 increase to Ph.D. students, bringing their minimum income to $6000 per annum. Also, the administration increased the incomes- of 75 per cent of first-year Masters students to $4880 per annum, an increase of $380. The remaining 25 per cent will receive between $3880 and $4380. Masters students are supported for only 20 months and will receive $3380 for eight months in their second year. Last year they

Peggy is using her undergraduate academic experience for the benefit of the community through OPIRG-Waterloo. OPlRG is funded and controlled by students to help find practical solutions to real problems. lf you are interested in occupational health and safety, or nuclear power, or food and the food industry, or freedom of access to information, or mercury pollution, or the Reed Paper Company, come see us. Maybe you can help.

PU5LIC INTEREST RESEARCH GROUP Physics 226, ext. 2578.

Th e

received only $3000 for this time. Although the strike against submitting marks has ended, grads are upset that 25 per cent of the Masters students will receive less than the past minimum income, and this is evidenced by their support for unionization. Krank said that the union’s first agreement with the administration will include a minimum income of $5000 for all Masters students. There will be no compromise on this point. The grad union will be a local of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). The advantage of being affiliated with this large union, rather than going it alone as the grads at U of T did, is that CUPE provides lawyers and

Sunday, Radio Waterloo broadcasts at 9-I. I MHz on Grand River Cable FM from 3 pm to midnight. These listings include only teatures. Features are generally between 75 and 60 minutes long.




5:45 pm Perspectives - This programme examines the possibility of a resumption of the Geneva Conference on the Middle East. 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm Science Journal - A roundup of newsmaking items that seeks to inform about both the blessings that scientific and technical progress have brought us and the new problems that have arisen in its wake. This week: “The Pros and Cons of Nuclear Power.” II:45 pm Radio Waterloo News




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- This week we fea-







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ay 24 =I= 6:OQ pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm Heritage - Native Society Mary Paisley, a batik portrait artist from Toronto. discusses her background as an artist and how she became interested in native history and culture, after doing a series of portraits of native people. !n this programme she discusses some of the history of native people in the west of


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6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm The Lying Baron -The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen Seven Hens on a Spit 9:QQ pm Musikanada - This week features David MacClay. Id:45 pm Radio Waterloo News


at Westmount Place

redding Slaughin Aberfeatures

3:3O pm Quebec: An Bnterdisciplinary View - English-French Relations - Pt 2. Professor Terry Copp continues hisdiscussion on the economic analysis of Quebec. This lecture focuses on the current economic situation in Quebec. One of the areas discussed is the tremendous impact on the rest of Canada that the outcome of the economic situation in Quebec will have. 5:45 pm From Orient to Occident Impulses, Ideas and Inventions - In almost every sphere of life the Orient has exercised a decisive influence on the Occident. It would be impossible to imagine the routine course of our daily lives divested on the ancient culture of the Orient: the traces of those thousands of years are visible and evident everywhere. This week: Numbers-A revolution in mathematics. 7:3Q pm Stratford Ehsemblle Music for Brass, Reicha-woodwind Quintet, Dvorak-String Quintet in G.




-nick 5:30 pm Live From the terhouse - a coffeehouse foyle, Ontario. This week Bob Burchill.

4:OO pm An interview with Dr. A. J. Carty, Director of the Waterloo / Guelph Centre For Graduate Studies in Chemistry.


negotiaters to aid the new union in becoming certified and in negotiating with the employers. Certification can be vet-y costly. The union at LJ of T went thousands of dollars into debi while getting certification, but CUPE provides its services free for this purpose. After certification members of the McMaster union will pay annual dues of $25 to CUPE. Graduate students at Carlton university in Ottawa and Ryerson college in ‘Toronto are also in the process of forming locals of CUPE. Thus CUPE can be a means fon solidarity amongst grad unions in Ontario, which is another tangible advantage of not creating independent unions at each university.






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3:30 pm Perspectives - A discussion on the role of the United Nations in today’s changing world, as seen by the United Nations’ SecretaryGeneral and three new ambassadors to the United Nations. 5:30 pm Community Services - A series of programmes on community services in the K-W area. 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm Research ‘77 - a programme focusing on research on campus. Today, features an interview discussing the possibility of the use of sulphur En highway pavement. 9:OO pm The Lying Baron - The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen Seven Hens on a Spit ?1:45 pm Radio Waterloo News




3:30 pm From Orient to Occident Impulses, Ideas and Inventions - In almost every sphere of life the Orient has exercised a decisive influence on the Occident. This week: Numbers revolution in mathematics


may 20, 7977

the free chevron


English p-ram --

term pleases o-op crop Nine students have returned from the first work term in the new English co-op program praising their four-month experience. The English co-op program began in the fail 1976 term. The students had jobs in government departments, publishing firms and newspapers. Nearly ail the jobs involved learning *iournaiistic writing style. “I had developed a style ofiong, complicated sentences in writing essays” commented Myies Kesten. “I was now writing for people, 1 had to write simply and clearly.” Recalling his first piece of work, he said, “My editor literally tore my writing apart.” Gaining job experience which might give them an edge on the.job market when they graduate was important to most of them. Referring to the program’s length, five years, rather the regular program’s four, Lynn Hofstedder said, “l’m in no rush to get out. in view of the current job situation”. “In that -jobs are so few. . . It’s good to have experience when you graduate”, said Linda Woods. She added, “Co-op is really valid . . . university is a closed environment, it is good to see how the world works, for a change.” She said she enjoyed the “chance to hold some responsibility, to find out how responsible a person you can be.” They considered that they had learned much. Lynn Hofstedder said, “I met a lot of people, learned a lot just looking over their shouiders.” But the praise was not without exception. Patricia Woodhatch had a job in a publishing house. proofreading. She found it somewhat boring and not really relevant to her studies. “You don’t have to have much background in English or even grammar,” she said. “The copy editors take care of that.” she still considered However,


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and thereby determine the best location for each book or periodical given the trade-offs between quantity and accessibility of-the existing

A 7 .-J 5


the experience valuable, and remains optimistic about the program. The program was not without its growing pains. In the fail several students found the work load heavy, and this summer there is a small selection of courses because regular students are away. “We can only provide so many (courses) in the spring term.” explained James Stone, liaison officer for the program, noting that students also have the option of arranging independent reading courses or taking one of’ the three courses offered in the summer session. *’ I think everything is working out ail right,” he said. “I’ve asked them to come and see me if they have problems.“ Students’ complaint with the fail term stemmed from the fact that they were taking two full-yea] courses in that term. That is. the courses, which normally take eight months, were compressed into four months. A change has since been made: the courses at-e still compulsory, but need not both be taken in the first term. The students are looking forward to continuing in the program but had some ideas for improvements they would like to see. Hofstedder and Woodhatch both said they would pt-efer to have English 251, a full-year criticism course, split into two half-courses. They thought the pace was somewhat hurried and that they could have learned more if they had had more time. Hofstedder agreed with Phil Bast and Sue Doran that they would like to see some journalism courses. Bast said this was “only logical”, given that many of the jobs were of a journalistic nature. He noted that before their work term they took three-hour crash course in copyeditting, which shows, he said, the need for such courses.

pj ALi *

Imagine what a library would be like if the librarians had the same type of terminal as the ticket agents at an airport or the tellers at a bank. Think of how things would change if a librarian could tell you as much about a book as a ticket agent can about a flight or a teller about an account. Now suppose in addition that ail of the library’s books and each student’s ID card had a label ( 1 barcode) of the type typically found on cereal boxes. That is a label which could be read into a computer with the stroke of a wand attached to the side of the terminal. Compare the time it takes to\pass such a wand over two labels with the time it takes to fill out a library slip and consider what the effect of such an increase in speed would be on a library checkout system. Starting August 15th, our libraries will be operating under such a system. The new system should also open the way for a host of new automated library services. It should alllow the library to keep track of how frequently every item is used

spaceEventually, it should also make possible rapid detection and correction of problems in the aquisitions and serials departments. For example a periodical which failed to arrive could be automatically reordered from the publisher before it is out of stock. Under the present setup, such a problem might be detected so late-that the


With the earth tilting dccorcling/y. We have here!” pk.

closer to mptured



Photo by mat-y faught


co-op Fewer co-op students found themselves without jobs this term than


Administrators of the UW Department of Co-ordination and Placement report that about 99 per cent of the 2,500 co-op students have found jobs in the spring work term. About 26 students enrolled in the co-operative program, however, had not found jobs by the third week of May. About 125 co-op students were without jobs by the second week of the last winter term, as reported in the free chevron of Jan. 14, 1977. This term’s great decline in unemployed students this term as opposed to last is attributed to factors other than economic recovery, says Jim Wilson, an associate director of the department. The economic crisis which hurt job I- Placements in the winter term, nas grown even worse, he said.

signed to be compatible with other library’s systems, so that eventually automated inter-library loan and query capability could exist. This new interactive-barcode system will replace the present batch-punt heard system. The decision to replace the present system is a result of a 1974 study which showed that the switch would lower costs and make possible automated services which are becoming increasingly essential as the iibrary tries to make up for cutbacks with increased efficiency.

The semi-technical


Physically, the system is a GEAC 8000 system. It is built around two CDC 9766 disk drives and a souped-up 16 bit CPU with 32K of core and a separate controller for the disk drives with its own 32K memory. The CPU has 48 bit microcode and is said to be more powerful than a PDP 1 l/45. The processor which is in a room on the first floor of the Arts library will be connected by two muitidrop lines to twelve terminals in the EMS and arts library. In spite of the higher service availability which allowing other on campus computers to query the database would produce, there are no plans to allow this in the forseeable future. Apparently this decision stems from a fear of interaction effects. library would have to pay up to $400 for a replacement on the used periodicals market. The system wiii atso allow a iimited form of card catalogue search. It should also permit seifservice automated book checkout when the circulation desk is closed. Finally, the system is being de-

solstice, the temperature is rising and the face ot’ nature is smjling this annual phenomena on film, for our annual c/ichfS, the “Summer’s


a view

Some of the problems of the old systern were: an inability to handle books with multiple volumes or multiple copies a built-in one day lag time. The system L”t/hich costs $234,000 including software is being pro-vided


by GHrllAC.


is simultaneously




UW students were more concerned with keeping the jobs that they had in their last work term, rather than trying to find other employment, according to Wilson. He contrasted this to the situation in 1973 when there were lots ofjobs. The students attitude at present as one of “a bird in in the hand is worth two in the bush,” he expiained. Wilson stated further that the department had, over the last four or five months, concentrated on developing more job placements. It had done this at the expense of other activities such as visiting students on the job and high school liaison work. Wilson, as well as other officers with the department, cited expansion of co-op jobs in Western Canada. Bruce McCaiium, another associate director with the depart-

an identical system for the University of Gueiph. The most visible effects of the prqject at the current time are the large numbers of labelling teams sweeping through the stacks at the EMS library. The barcoding of EMS should be completed by today and the barcoding of Arts should be in eight weeks. This will mean that only manual service will be available for the first two weeks of August. The installation of the new system will also result in a change in student ID cards. The cards will no longer have the ID number punched out, instead each student will be given a barcode label to stick on his ID card. The label will have any arbitrarily assigned number rather than the student’s ID number. This will permit the library to deactivate the number for a lost ID card and issue a new number to use in its place. Initially microfilms, periodicals, and government publications will not be barcoded. The adoption of the barcode systern this year will also put plans for an electronic security system on the shelf for the moment. The theory behind this decision is that theft can best be minimised by making it more convenient to use proper takeout procedures than improper ones. -mart skafrsth

ment, stated that in developing new co-op job placements the department was not <going in for any blitzes by attempting to procure jobs right away, but was taking a more long-range approach, establishing co-op jobs over a period of something like 4 to 8 months. Both McCaiium and Wilson stressed the close coordination of the department with industry. Wilson stressed the importance of being in close touch with industry, saying “We’d be dead on the beach without it.” The department has close links with industry and the, business world. It is regularly advised by the Industrial Advisory Council of the University of Waterloo, which meets semi-annually. This council consists of 24 senior officers of companies and government departments which for the most part participate in the co-op program, although this is not a requirement for membership. Wilson considered the council’s advice as quite important to the co-op program. Of the approximately 26 students who lost out in the competition for jobs this term, about 8 were from HKLS, 6 from Engineering, 5 from Math, 5 from Architecture and 2 from Applied Sciences. A considerable portion of the jobless co-op students, at least 9, according to the department’s officers, were first year students. Eric Whelan, assistant administrator for Math and HKLS, said that ail five jobless Math co-op students were first year students, who had not been ranked very high by potential employers. He said that while there are quite a few jobs which call for greater experience and training, there were not enough jobs suitable for first year students. Both of the Applied Science students and two of the engineering co-op students without jobs were in their first year as well. In Architecture, with 5 jobless students, J.W. Hoag. program administrator for architecture in the department, says that the economic slump had an important effect on placement. He noted the quality of the jobs in terms of usefulness in training students was down somewhat in the 3A and 4B classes. For the unemployed HKLS coop students., Whelan said they were in a more favourable position and were looking for specific types of jobs for specific periods oftime.



the free chevron




build fighting


The national press organization of Quebec students, la Presse Etudian’te Nationale (PEN), concluded its Fourth Congress in Montreal April 29 to May 1, resolved to continue its work of defending the basic interests of the students through journalism. A delegation from the free chevron attended the second part of the Fourth Congress, conveying greetings from the chevron staff. Establishment of relations between the free chevron and PEN were formally begun with the first part of the Fourth PEN Congress in February 1977. PEN is the organization of Quebec student journalists which was established in November 1975. The second part of the congress was held despite attempts by the administration of the Bois de Boulogne CEGEP (junior college) to block it. Last-minute arrangements were made to hold the congress at the Edouard Monpetit CEGEP after the Bois de Boulogne administration first tried to cancel the agreement to hold the congress, then imposed heavy additional cost for cleaning and security services in the college. Discussion at the congress focussed on the questions of “Freedom of the press for and “What is the way forward for ANEQ (the Nawhom?“, “What kind of journalism?” tional Association of Quebec Students)?” of the press for whom?” The position of the PEN executive on the question of “Freedom was summed up in a report on the congress published in the May 9 news bulletin of PEN: “For (student) journalists, freedom of the press means the right to establish our newspapers to defend our basic interests and to serve our struggle against the state of the rich. The principle on which we establish our newspapers is to count on our own force, that is and not on the propaganda machine of the the great force of the student masses, bourgeoisie.” An earlier news bulletin summed up the question of freedom of the press by stating that “in this country, freedom of the press exists only for the state. It is under the cover of this ‘freedom of the press’ that the state constantly attacks the basic interests of the people. In this country, freedom of the press does not exist for the people. That is why students have established PEN as a glorious instrument to oppose the anti-people propaganda of the state and to serve the students on that front.” Discussion on the question of “What kind of journalism?” dealt with the method and content ofjournalism to defend the basic interests of the students. The congress concluded by adopting the resolutions which were originally adopted by ANEQ in 1976. Th&se were: Make the Rich Pay for the Costs of Education, Make the Rich Pay for the Education of the Working Class, and Education Must Serve the Working Class and the Nation. Following the congress, a delegation of journalists from PEN - member papers, interim members of the PEN executive, and former executive members of ANEQ visited the free chevron on May 4 and 5. In a meeting of the PEN delegation and the chevron staff, Luc Painchaud, a member of the interim PEN executive, explained the history of ANEQ and PEN, which were established-under the common manifesto of defending the basic interests of the students. There was no broad organization of the Quebec students from 1969, when the Union Generale des Etudiantes du Quebec (UGEQ) collapsed, until 1974. In the fall of 1974 ANEQ was formed in response to an offensive by the Quebec government against the students on the question of loans and grants. Painchaud explained that soon after the formation of ANEQ, the need for a student journalists’ organization also became evident. In November 1975 PEN was formed, with the goal of defending the basic interests of the students on the front ofjournalism. In October ,1976 the original leadership of ANEQ was purged from the organization by students “attempting to revise the original movement and aim of ANEQ,” said Painchaud. Since then, the new ANEQ leadership has collaborated openly with the Quebec government and schemed against PEN. The new leadership of ANEQ embarked on a campaign of harassment of PEN which resulted in the purge of the PEN executive by the ANEQ central council in February 1977. ANEQ used the pretext of PEN’s refusal to publish a fascist attack on Lava1 University students by a newspaper there, said Painchaud. The executive and technical workers of PEN refused to recognize the ANEQ action and have continued to publish the PEN news bulletin under the leadership of Jean-Paul Bedard, the secretary-general who was elected at the July 1976 Third PEN Congress. of the origi“PEN is not an instrument of ANEQ,” said Painchaud, “It is an instrument nal manifesto of ANEQ. “PEN does not capitulate to the state.” Several members of the chevron staff explained the similarities and the differences of this to the experience of the free chevron since the beginning of the student movement at the University of Waterloo, including the chevron staffs experience over the past year. The interim PEN executive outlined proposed work for the summer, which included the publication of a news bulletin on the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in education. This is intended to encourage discussion among the PEN members and among individual student journalists. The news bulletin will include other material on the conditions of students, all of it intended to mobilize the students to defend themselves against state attacks. Interim PEN executive member Marie Cornellier declared that PEN is “extremely proud to be working with and supported by an organization of fighters like the chevron staff.” In April the chevron staff passed a motion of support for PEN and Jean-Paul Bedard on the basis of the anti-democratic action taken against both the organization and its secretary-general by the central council of ANEQ. ANEQ closed the PEN workshop and dismissed Bedard (and suspended two other executive members) without consulting PEN members, who elected Bedard. At the Sixth Congress of ANEQ in March, Bedard was refused the right to explain his point of view on the dispute between PEN and the leaders of ANEQ. --larry

Coffee and donut continued

may 20,




Due to a lack of funds we have been unable to run letters in our last two issues. We are now trying to clear a backlog, thus some of the letters this week refer to events, letters and articles of last term.

Academic interest In reading through the last issue of the free chevron I found myself reading the Feedback page with growing interest. The interest is more of a scholarly one although I do hold a number of emotional convictions on the topic. I found that as I read through a number bf what seemed to be anti-Israeli letters that a number of questions came to my mind. Perhaps if I raised them it would help to clarify some of the issues. In Mr. Bachir’s letter he refers to a Mr. Phil Cramer as Larry Sheldon’s “pet barking dog”. Not knowing either of these two men it seemed to me that this statement had very little to add, if anything to the discussion. Some would agree with the assessment of Mr. Cramer while some would not but would this aid in any concrete way to the settlement of the question: Is Israel racist? I think not and would suggest that this kind of characterization hinders the discussion more than it helps. Mr. Bachir also states from the outset that his opponents support the “racist state of Israel”. It would seem to me that what he is doing here is assuming what it is that he is attempting to prove. Perhaps it is necessary in the-interest of polemic, however I would suggest that polemic has already had an overwhelmingly negative affect on the discussion and that it is time that name calling and false assumption be ended and that a truly progressive dialogue be held. Mr, Bachir states that there are a number of Palestinian political prisoners being held and tortured in Israeli j&ls. I am extremely shocked and dismayed-that this may be happening and am angered that it wduld continue. The problem is that Mr,. Bachir only states that this is happening and does not offer any tangible proof. It is my hope that if this charge can be substantiated, Mr. Bachir will provide substantiation and that at that time I will support him completely in this area of his endeavour. Mr. Bachir makes the statement “This great democracy wants to have a Jewish state, a Jewish state like the French have a French state . . . This is direct antisemitism that Jews and non-Jews must not co-exist in Israel. ’ ’ It seems that the second statement of this quote has very little relation to the first. In the first it said that the Jews want a state and from this Mr. Bachir gleens that Jews and non-Jews cannot live together in this state. This reading between the lines is a bit too esoteric even for me. From what I have gathered the Jews have had a nation for a number of years in the area of Israel (before 70 A.D.) and I see nothing wrong with them having a nation now. If this nation is one of repression then it must be called to task with proof of its wrong and it must make amends, as has happened in its long history with its number of influential prophets sent to chastise and redirect the people. It is not necessarily the case that if the Jews have a nation of their own that it will be a land where “Jews and non-Jews must not co-exist . . . “.

Not to raise spectres of the past, this seems to hark back to the cry of the ‘Jihad’ of 1948 which was “Push them into the sea” (them being the Jews). Let the Arabs not again make a ‘Jihad’ of this problem. Mr. Bachir quotes I.F. Stone that the Jews find themselves defending a society in which mixed marriages cannot be legalized and so forth. However he does not also say that if one looks at the laws of the Jewish religion that God has given law against this. In western society God may have lost much of his attraction to men but we cannot judge a people for following its God. If we do, and set this as a pattern, then we will again be embarking on the same path as history has recorded in the past, with the pogroms and ‘Jihads’ against the Jews because they follow a God who calls them not to be like other nations. We find it difficult to grasp that any religion has both a spiritual and physical effect in its teaching for in the west Christianity has to.0 long ignored its physical function. Yet for this reason we will condemn a people?For more information on this I would suggest that you consult the book of Leviticus, especially the second half, chapters 25 and following. (see also Lev. 20:22 for more specifics on the above question.) Mr. Mohammed in his letter speaks of the support given by the Israeli government of the two repressive regimes in Africa. I agree that they should not support these regimes; it seems that he uses this only as the jumping off point for a polemic against the Israelis, stating a number of things that are grave accusations but failing to substantiate them. Because of this his point seems to lack strength when read. Perhaps a suggestion would be that Mr. Mohammed would next time substantiate his statements and in that way I am sure that he would convince a great number of the readers. In response to Mr, Kang’s letter let me say that I was not at all impressed. His argument is non-existent and the letter very quickly degenerates into a tirade that finds it necessary to resort to every worn cliche that is presently being used. Perhaps if instead of raving he would act on some of the problems he cites, then he would find that whether he is a Stalinist, a member of the AIA or any other organization which fights these problems, wouldn’t matter. It is ludicrous to string together “Zionism, imperialism, rascism and fascism” as if they were equal. A closer examination of them would show that. Please excuse the length of this letter but I feel that it is necessary to realign the discussion on the lines of a dialogue and not of a number of people throwing polemics at each other. Let me end with a quotation that is an attempt to call the Jewish side back to its heritage and an attempt to show the other side some of what it means to be a Jew. (I am not a Jew, I am a follower of one of their successful sons .) “And is a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall do him no wrong. The stranger that sojourneth with you shall be unto YOU as the home-born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt. And ye shall observe all My statutes, and all Mine ordinances, and do them: I am the Lord.” (Lev. 1933-37) obert Gmeindl



But he refused to elaborate because it is his policy to refuse comment to the free the chevron since “it does not represent students .’ ’ Food Services Director Bob Mudie explained that the administration is proposing to charge $1.41 per square foot per year “for uti!ities and cleaning”, rather than the $1.50 per square foot per month. And he denied that the motivation for the charge is to make the student-run stands less competitive. He said that he already charges a lower price car submarines than the student societies. Finance vice-president Bruce Gellatly told the free chevron that Thompson’s

press release was “a real disservice .’ ’ “If that’s how he negotiates, then it’s a pretty poor show.” Gellatly claimed that the proposal to charge the Math Society for cleaning and utilities arose after MathSoc asked for permission to put sinks into their coffee and donut stand. This required official recognition of the stand by the university, which in turn requires the administration to classify the stands as an ancillary enterprise and charge them for cleaning and utilities according to an agreement with the provincial government. . But Gellatly admitted that such costs are

not imposed on self-service food operations, although according to strict regulation they should pay the charges. Thompson’s press release said that “if the university were to assign clear and unencumbered proprietorial rights to the students for the space concerned, then the notion of charges being levied might receive approval.” Gellatly rejected the idea of a lease arrangement with the federation. Gellatly also denied that the imposition of cleaning and utility charges is related to the university’s policy, begun a year ago. of requiring the federation to pay phone bills. Federation executive member Gord

Swatters denounced the new charge for the coffee and donut stands as another method for the administration to squeeze more money out of the students, like the shifting of the phone charges onto the federation. =---maw shafrsth -4arry hannant



may 20,


Federation costly farce At council (April 3/77), the treasurer reported that 53 per cent ($187,000) of students’ money is spent on salaries, honorariums, and professional fees. This, however, does not appear to include additional sums being used for Federation Executive. For example, the president is allocated $700.00 for h is entertainment fund (champagne or beer fund?), travel expenses for executive and/or many other very questionable areas. Unfortunately, the budget only states headings and amounts, and thus, leaves very important questions unanswered. Namely: “Do the students receive representation? Are the staggering expenditures wasted for the benefit of only a few?” The Engineering and Arts Society Presidents clearly evidenced their societies’ displeasure at how the Federation is representing students on our campus. They processed a motion for a refundable fee referendum, and after lengthy debate, it was passed (about time!). Here the debate evidenced at least one important fact - the admission that money was being wasted. Why? Is this what stu’ dents are entitled to? What are the Federation executive and council doing for students‘? The President and Vice-President have budgeted for $23,580 for their own personal involvement areas, much of which is salary and entertainment allocation ($13,580). Here, I, at least, wonder what they do for this money of ours. The answer seems simple enough when one enquires into what they do. The Federation Office Manager (Helga) has stated that there is no presidential workload increase over last year, yet, our president “cries” at executive meetings that his work-load is too much for him (in executive minutes). Moreover, these executive meetings are held in a manner which restricts elected council members’ attendance. Why? By what authority are the students’ elected representatives restricted from meetings which discuss Federation business’? The Federation Office Manager (Helga) has clearly established (factually), that there is no by-law which even authorizes the formation of an executive committee, let aione gives it any authority or power to act and make decisions. Moreover, there is no council-passed policy which has allocated any such formation or autonomy. yet this unconstitutionalized (illegal?) committee does many things. What? Why? The executive committee has, in Mr. Bruce Burton’s words, attempted to force him to resign in a “closed meeting”; attempted to remove his editorial veto powers with the Real Chevron. Here it is important to note that Mr. Burton was hired by and given editorial veto power by students’ council (the complete, autonomous, elected authority under by-law (I), articles No. 10 and 11). Is this the type of action that an unconstitutional, powerless committee should be taking - or is it an arrogant, disdainful attitude toward the students and their elected council? Unsatisfied with their lack of success in pressuring Mr. Burton to resign or remove editorial control from him (he complained to council and had it placed on the agenda), Mr. Ron Hipfner and Mr. Michael Dillon, executive members, appeared before the CRG (Campus Reform Group) and attempted to pressure this group to vote (in block) against Mr. Burton at council. Why? It is clearly established that some executive members are attempting a “takeover”. In all these matters, there is factual supporting evidence, for example: the by-laws; the lack of authorizing policy for executive committee action; interview quotes, derived from executive members in print in the newspaper; a written report in the newspaper; and, witnesses. When one investigates what our president does with his salaried time, for, and in the

the free chevron


interests of the student members (all of you), one uncovers many interesting facts. First, witnesses have made the following exceedingly clear: our president “sometimes appears at work by,1 1 am: at other times, by 1 pm; yet, at other times by 2 pm” (the office and business managers’, Helga and Pete, and my own personal observations). Secondly, when the president is asked why he does not work at his office - he replies that he works elsewhere. Here, it is interesting to note, several students have observed our president in the Integrated Studies and other lounges - just reading magazines - and when asked why, he replies he “does not want to be bothered by people”. Now, is this what students pay him $8,320 a year for? Obviously he thinks so’ and yet “cries” about his work-load. What do you think? Are we getting our money’s worth? Is this all we are entitled to? I made the foregoing public at council meeting last night. I also made known many, many other areas of very questionable action by some executive members. The manner in which this was accomplished was by delegation. Moreover, I moved that the president be removed from office and replaced by someone interested in earning his/her salary by working in students’ interests - rather than his/her own. However, our elected council defeated the motion and approved not only the president’s actions -but also the disgusting actions of the unconstitutionalized executive committee. Now, is this what the students on this campus are entitled to? Are we not entitled to responsible action on day-care problems, on departmental cutbacks (ManEnvironment fighting without Federation support), etc. - you fill in your own priorities. Our President did promise that he would answer the many serious dereliction charges made against him - before council. Furthermore, he promised that witnesses and evidence in support of the charges would be heard as well. Here, I wonder! Our President was an executive member of the last council which passed a motion to investigate the Federation/Chevron conflict, yet nothing materialized: he is now president of this current council which has also processed a motion to investigate so students can be supplied with factual information to clear up their confusion; he attempts to remove opposition to his own goals at closed executive meetings, yet does nothing to fulfil the present investigative motion (investigation discussion developed nothing - in executive minutes): he fulfils his election promises of better Society/Federation communications and relations, by effecting a Society-forced referendum for voluntary fees and my resignation as a councillor. It has never been my experience in 47 years to witness such arrogant, disgusting disdain for people and utter, complete failure to represent individuals as I have now witnessed and experienced by the current Federation president and executive. Moreover, CRG members on council thought it was hilarious that anyone dared to question the executive and voted in block against the removal of the president - and against you the students that they represent. In conclusion, two questions: Will the president fail to fulfil two separate councils’ motions to investigate-the Federation’s actions and the Chevron’s actions’?. . . and, What is he afraid of in a full, thorough investigation? P.S. I have demanded a full, detailed, itemized statement on every expenditure item: Will I receive it? Larry Smylie

Critical support I would like to offer critical support to the people charged with aiding and abetting an illegal immigrant after the raid on the CPC (M-L). This does seem to be a case of harassment of a political group because of its

activities. Also, it may be more than coincidental that this harassment and its consequent publicity comes at a time when the Regional government is being pressured by its police force (i.e. by Sid Brown) to institute a SWAT-type tactical squad. The raid may be part of a campaign to build up public paranoia in order to justify such a fascist measure. I offer critical support because I do not agree with the politics of the people involved. I support them as individuals struggling against the State just as thousands of other people do in courtrooms daily. However, it is unfortunate but probable that such critical support will be rejected because the CPC(M-L) believe in the law of the excluded middle: if you’re not with us you’re against us. According to them it is impossible to take an independent critical stance on a matter. It seems contradictory for the Maoists to denounce political persecution ‘when the States that they offer as being “genuinely democratic” are those which persecute people expressly for their political beliefs and actions. I grant that in China that the masses are mobilized to denounce individuals (thus making it democratic) but only after it is decreed by party leaders that these individuals have incorrect ideas. Witness the campaigns against the Gang of Four, Lin Piao or Teng Hsiao Peng. And if the masses can’t be mobilized (because they all have “incorrect” ideas), then the army will be. This happened when the Cultural Revolution went too far and in 1957 when millions of flowers started to bloom instead of the hundred that Mao asked for. To work against any State is to open yourself to political persecution, the degree and the type depend on what country you’re in. Only when all States are overthrown will there be no more political persecution and full freedom of expression and action. I wish Wahlsten and his friends success in their battles with the Canadian law system. But I also hope that they themselves are never in a position to make laws and pass judgements over other people. smash the state Stu Vickars

Chriktfbn t&k not enough Reading Val Moghadam’s article on the “Marxist-Christian dialogue” (free chevron, April 1) clearly illustrated to me the distinction between Marxists and Christians -action. My experience with the Christian voice in this “dialogue” is that they have much to say, but do nothing when the crunch hits. In November 1975 I was one of two people unjustly arrested at Wilfred Laurier University while selling People’s Canada Daily News, a communist newspaper. The fascist WLU administration not- only called out their thugs to arrest us, but also banned any meetings on th(e campus about the arrest. We visited several professors at WLU to tell them about this attack on democratic rights and to ask them to reserve a meeting

room where we could tell WLU students and faculty about this atrocity and mobilize them against it. Oz Arnal, who is reported to be “concerned with. . . social injustice, and the need for Christians and Marxists to co-operate in oxercoming it”, was one of several C,hristians and others we contacted. They were universally sympathetic and distressed at this openly-fascist action. But they were just as universally unwilling to take any action against it. They had many excuses - fear of the tyrannical administration, “no tenure”, “just new here”, ‘“want to see how Canadians (in contrast with Americans) handle this kind of thing rather than jumping in immediately”, etc., etc. But the end result was this - no room reserved, no meeting. ‘In practice, the “Marxist-Christian dialogue” is nothing more than a facade for complete revision of Marxism’s basic tenets. Revisionists of all kinds call for unity in dis- ” cussion or on the basis of a document or manifesto. In sharp contrast stands the Marxist method of unity in action against a common enemy. As Marx put it, “Philosophers have only variously interpreted the world; the point, however, is to change it.” Larry Hannant

Concre =!PPO The Litige (official newspaper of the Student Affairs Corporation of CEGEP de l’outaouais, an organisation for the defense of the basic interests of the students) warmly hails the struggle of the free chevron. The editorial and technical staff of The Litige strongly supports the resistance struggle waged by the chevron staff, along with all their friends and supporters against the state. We believe that this struggle is a just ‘struggle for: 1) the establishment of a genuinely democratic newspaper, 2) the defense of the basic interests of the students. The presentation of the chevron representative during the 4th congress of la Presse Etudiante Nationale (PEN) created a tremendous enthusiasm, as much in our staff as among all the PEN members. The experience of the chevron which was recounted during the congress was very enriching for the journalists present. We know that it is through the justice of the manifesto which you defend that you will defeat the reactionaries. We are united on the basis of our common manifesto: the defense of the basic interests of the students. And it is thus that we shall resist the attacks of the enemy and will defeat them. We wanted to make our support concrete by sending this contribution ($100) which we hope will help you continue the battle. Let us defend the basic interests of the students.on the propaganda front! Sylvain Boucher, for the technical and editorial staff of the paper “LE LITIGE” Note:


by the chevron.

Y thee A member of the Canadian University Press, the free chevron is produced and published by the chevron staff and is typeset by Dumont Press Graphix. The free chevron i? produced from Room 140, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Mail should be sent to PC. Box 992, Waterloo. Telephone (519) 742-5502. vol.

1, no. 29 (the




18, no. 3)

As the mercury rises, so does the number of pages we print. We’ve gone twice as many pages as last week, and its felt twice as hot this week also. Putting out this weeks paper were the following: larry hannant, neil docherty, randolf barkman, mark mcguire, tom (23) cody, peter blunden, lorne gershuny, dave carter, nick redding, karen moore, mary faught, shih k’ang-ti, marina taitt, jonathan coles, heather robertson, salah bachir, gerard kimmons, jules grajower, ciaran o‘donnell, mart shafroth, jamie thiers, Cindy toushan-brnjas, Carolyn harris, and val moghadam. So this is a cherry good-night from your exile on Federation rowhamilton. p.s. this is the only thing I’ve done for the paper this week.


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Winner, Loser, Lover, LoudmoutL’IME


The present adaptation of Ernest Hemingway’s “Islands in the provides powerful feelStream” ings and concentrated action of consuming and gripping quality. George C. Scott is the old welder and part-time fisherman who lives in the Bahamas, away from all his family. His life, based on that of Hemingway’s, is traced through three sections in the story. “The Boys” centres on the visit of his three sons. In a few simple scenes, the movie shows how their father transmits his love to them over the course of a summer. Even the son who hated him in the beginning says a tearful )farewell in the emotional scene when the boys leave. But it is not just another sad, drippy departure with orchestra blaring. By that time, the viewer has gotten to know the characters well. The most outstanding combination of drama. suspense and pic-


lus turesque Caribbean scenery comes in the fight with a huge fish. The middle son, the one who hates his father at this point, grapples fol houi-s to land the fish in order to prove himself worthy. His terrible fatigue and bleeding hands and feet provide a more realistic sense of adventure than the kind in “Jaws”. (If you recall, in “Jaws” you learned that the way to kill a shark is to shove a cannister of compressed air down its throat, then blast it into teeny little bits with a rifle you just happen to have handy.) In the second part, “The Scott is visited by his Woman”, ex-yife who informs him of her intention to marry a general. Rather than allowing a mushy sojourn into their past romance, he is very matter-of-fact. He simply asks her if she is serious about “this military asshole” . There is no soppy goodbye. He watches as her plar7e disappears into the clouds. He is

well-performed and unmistakably Moody Blues style. Songwriter has fewer heavy orchestral arrangements than the Moody Blues records and Bluejays. Instead, there is a preference for more guitars and horns, the result being fresh and original. Although the Moody Blues are







OF THE YEAR.” -Vernon








apart, their producer Tony Clarke, continues in his role - he produced both Bluejays and Songwriter. Perhaps this, with Justin Hayward’s records, is evidence that the Moody Blues are still working - only the name is gone. -nick


is ?nuc The first track - Give a little bit - is an unimaginative tune which seems to announce that Supertramp has nothing new to offer. In fact, the entire album is quite predictable stuff - the style is certainly that of Supertramp, but it seems dated. 4


standing on a cliff over-looking the sea he is so attached to. Eventually, he decides to leave the islands and go live with his sons, whom he misses. The third part, “The Journey”, starts out with that purpose but quickly changes into an escape thriller. A daring scheme to elude the coast guard and land refugees in Cuba brings this excellent film to an exciting conclusion.

mp’s newes Supertramp’s most recent release, entitled Even in the Quietest Moruents . . . , reveals that the group has reached a plateau in terms of originality.


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lues re Those who wet-e disappointed when the Moody Blues ceased to record can take consolation from the solo albums of Justin Hayward. His latest release is Songwriter, and it is easy to imagine that this is what the Moody Blues would have progressed to had they stayed together. Justin Hayward and John Lodge contributed significantly to the style of the Moody Blues, largely through their vocals and guitars. Their joint album, Bluejays, could easily masquerade as a Moody Blues production original,



In comparison with Crisis‘? What Crisis? - Supertramp’s’ previous

album - L+he new release loses badly a Crisis ? What Crisis? was well-received when it was released last year, and with good reason - it reflected a genuine maturing of the Supertramp styie. The a!bum easily surpassed Crime of the Century, which was their first album and made their name. Even though Even in the Quietest surpass Monents DO. doesn’t Crisis? What Crisis?, the album is enjoyable. However, it is unlikely to appeal to a critic of Supertramp. This album is for fans only. -nick


four is Friday the thirteenth is a day aspeople. They move together and sociated with bad luck and disastrapart but always in harmony. Part two was a chaotic, frantic, pulsatous events. However, the premier performance of Dance Plus Four ing interaction. Together, the danwas given last Friday, the thircers presented a look at relationteenth, and had nothing but good ships in general, including the full luck behind it. range of tenderness to conflict. Four dancer-choreographers Deadra King created ‘A Third of joined talents to create an original a Fifth’ using the original evening of modern, jazz and Beethoven’s Fifth symphony and pzazz. Each member contributed a then easing into Walter Murphy’s distinct flavour of movement, jazz version. The three dancers making each piece in the three act, displayed excellent jazz technique twq hour evening new and innovain an interpretation of the music. tive. Dianne Theodores Tapiin’s Nancy Roberts Forbes choreogpiece opened Act III. It was based raphed ‘Sequins and Sass, and on a religious theme but the meanOodles of Class.’ It was a nostalgic ing was aiming for universality. revival of music, fashions and However, trying to choreograph a dance from the past. The finishing universal meaning into a work of touch was the bubble machine dance can be difficult at best. This which spurted bubbles up behind piece had flashes of a higher meanthe three dancers as they climbed ing but no overall emotional meanthe silver covered stairs. True foring became evident. ties in style and pure fun to watch. -With only four dancers, a comGabby Miceli contributed pany has the practical problem of ‘Choreia Magnetica.’ Part one was not being able to keep dancers onmovements performed by two stage at all times. To resolve this dancers, Nancy Roberts Forbes situation, Dance plus four had a and a guest artist Conrad Alexangroup of guest artists from York drowicz from York University. University join them. They perMicelijoined in for part two. formed four dances from the works Part One was a study of coof Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn operative movement between two created in 1915. One or two of

these pieces would have been interesting for historical value but four became tediously boring. Although the practical problem was solved, the overall artistic picture suffered. In addition to the dancing guests, two guitarists played original music at the start of Act I and Act III. In addition, they provided accompaniment for a pantomime which-opened Act II. ‘In the Park’ was perfomed by Forbes and Miceli. It was an interesting and remarkably accurate imitation of an old man and an old woman sitting in a park, feeding the birds. The list of highlights is endless. Sound and lighting crews were right on cue. Program notes gave the audience a short explanation of each dance. which makes the choreographer’s intention clear. Credit must go to the four members of Dance Plus Four. On their own initia-tive, they organized a company on an Ontario Arts Council Grant and produced two evenings of excellent dance. Dance Plus Four has a very promising future. if they continue to work at a level as high as this. -cindy toushan-brnjas

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