1 The referendum background

Page 1

1 The referendum background

Feds and Eng Sot ii getting mad


In early April, Federation Students’ council voted 1l-2 in favour : of a July 6 referendum to decide whether federation fees should be 1 voluntary rather than compulsory as they are now. The referendum is the result of Engineering Society’s “long term with the federation” according to a statement re1 dissatisfaction 1 leased by society presidents Aivars Kakis and Peter. King. At a March 28 press conference, King based the need for refundable fees on federation inefficiency, “shady operations,” and “too much bloody politics”, as well as the federation’s poor handling of w the chevron affair. A statement issued by King claimed the federation “has no moral i right. . . to force a student to be a Federation member.” He further I stated that refundable fees would help to keep the federation honest ‘&. 1 and allow students to show their displeasure. The call for a summer referendum on fees came with a warning: “The employment of stall tactics will force the Engineering . Societies to take steps to secure total sece>sion from the federation”. A defeat in tlie polls.would also mean withdrawal, according to the statement. Thompson, who favours a compulsory fee, argues that since z “every student benefits, it’s only just that everyone should pay.” i: The watchdog nature of the ‘federation against the administration would be weakened through voluntary fees, claims Thompson. Thompson suggested an October referendum, but, on April 3, after long debate, council approved the July 6 date sought by King and Arts Society president Joe Macdonald. The referendum is to be worded as follows: Do you support making the entire Federation of Students activ-

The planned Julv 6 referendum on voluntary fees might very well be delayed until the fall term if Federation President Doug Thompson has his way. Engineering Society “A” President, Peter King, says EngSoc has reached the stage where “federation games” will no longer be tolerated. Thompson is rallying council members for a May 8 council meeting for whit h Federation vicepresident Ron Hipfner, after discussion with the executive, has given notice of motion to rescind the April 3 motion, passed 11-2, to hold the referendum in the summer. If council does not achieve quorum, a Board of Directors meeting will be, called, according to -Hipfner. In such a case, councillors will be contacted to see where they stand - in fact one council member, Janet Rokosova has already given a written opinion to Hipfner . Asked if the board would delay the referendum even if council did not achieve the required two-thirds majority necessary to overturn the motion, Hipfner said that “that-

ity fees, as collected

by the University of Waterloo, on behalf of the Federation of Students, refundable upon demand? These refunds are to be returned within a three week period at the start of each academic term, as defined by the University of Waterloo calendar.

King later claimed that the reason Eng Sot went to council “was to set the date and wording themselves instead of giving the federation a chance to play around with it. ” He was surprised that council passed the summer date so easily, saying that if it had not, the society planned to petition engineering and use this as an ultimatum or be recalled. to Thompson - either call a July referendum -randy


University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario . volume 2, number 7 -may 6; 7977

would be a moral decision. . . we’re not strictly going by numbers”. Since he thinks that EngSoc went the proper route to get the referendum, King is more than upset by the recent moves. Citing the “too frequent” use of the board of directors and “voting by phone”, King claimed that certain federation members were again “showing their negligence and lack of respect for the students”. “Unless two-thirds of council reverse council’s decision to hold the referendum on July 6, then Thompson and his crew are in big trouble’ ’ , declared King. Either way, King proclaimed, there will be a referendum in engineering. King is adamant that if council manages to delay the referendum there will be a three-question referendum among the engineering students. The first will ask if the students support total secession from the federation. The second concerns refundable fees while the third asks if an increase in society fees would be acceptable given a decrease or elimination of federation fees. Hipfner justifies the fall referendum by saying the summer poll will be too costly ($2,000 estimated), and unfair to the “6,500 students who will be here in the fall for which we would not be able to get an address (2,500 returning,’ 4,000 frosh).” Hipfner also claim&he results of the referendum won’t come into effect until the fall of 1978 since the Roar-d of Governors is not meeting m the summer and therefore cannot ratify the decision. Thompson exp-

lained that this problem exists since federation fees are a requirement of registration. Calling it a technicality, Thompson said that in the fall, “if we wanted to give it back, I don’t see why we couldn’t”. The referendum must be held in the “fairest most reasonable way possible” said Thompson. Having the referendum in the summer stacks it in favour of the refundable fee, Thompson claimed, since the federation is now at “rock bottom” - “This has been a bad year for the federation. . . It’s not fair - it’s like kicking somebody when he’s down.” King believes that since first year students haven’t had much experience with the federation they would be less qualified to judge the situation. In any referendum, he said, there are going to be disenfranchised students. Talking about the proposed delay, King said that “if Thompson keeps playing these federation games, he could very well find himself out on his ear.” Math society president Kevin Willis was in support of a compulsory fee when contacted. The society, however, has not yet taken a stand. Arts Society president Joe MacDonald stands behind the voluntary fee since it “gives you an out .” He says the 1976-77 Arts Society Council generally supports it also. MacDonald, who has conferred with King on this matter, says “if the federation fools around, the engineers will pull out - there’s no doubt in my mind.” -randy

, ,


rads -get in fee i The $50 increase in tuition fees will not be applied to most Ontario graduate students until September this year. The reprieve applies to all graduate students who have been continuously registered in a graduate programme since September, 1976. Lynn Watt, dean of graduate studies at UW, said that the Ministry of Colleges and Universities made the decision in response to complaints, first from the University of Toronto then from several




Graduate students at U of T are assessed an annual fee each SepThis was the scene outside

the Waterloo




e chevron coi7tinues ognized which means the right I #hat is the free chevron, and to be presented with clearly * is it now entering its third .‘, and its 27th issue? Since specified charges, to be heard by an unbiased tribunal, and to ’ I arbitrary closing of the chevhave decisions (judgements) * on September 30, the free kllevron has represented a made on the basis of facts. None of these conditions were met struggle for due process. But, when the council withdrew fundmore accurately, it is the old ing last September. chevron and its staff under e%ergency conditions, now beInstead there were vague ginning its 18th year of publicacharges which were never subtion. stantiated. The chevron staff This student newspaper will were never informed of the continue to publish with the free charges against them so that chevron flag until the chevron they could prepare a defense, yegains its right to function =,and the two paid staff who had .~sely. It has defended this right their positions eliminated were by consistently demanding a never given a fair hearing. reinstatement and investigaAlso, the Students’ Council, iion. This is the just demand that which officially closed the paper on September 30, representing I ;;le right of due process be rec-

tember. If the fee increase were implemented on May 1, graduate students at U of T (and at other

Why? see page 7.


one side of a dispute between a student government and a stum dent newspaper, could not be called an unbiased tribunal. Due process was not followed. The paper is therefore innocent until proven guilty. This innocence should be recognized through reinstatement of the paper. Then, the air should be cleared with a full and open student’ investigation into the whole affair. This was never done by the federation. They did not investigate the paper before they decided to close it down. Instead, they acted, by their own admission, on the basis of rumours and allegations. (See executive minutes September 24).


with the same fee sys-

tem) would have had to have been reassessed for the additional $50. Thus the ministry decided that students who paid their fees annually would not have to pay the increase until September. However,

this decision


complaints from Ontario universities which assess fees on a semester basis. UW president Burt Matthews wrote to the ministry explaining that students who pay fees each semester


be penalized

for doing so, since if they had paid annually their fees would be $50 less. The ministry then made its decision to reprieve graduate students who have been registered continu; ously since September. Watt said that about 50 graduate students at UW who have only been registered since January, 1977 will also be spared the increase this

summer. However, UW will have to absorb a loss of revenue since the ministry will not reduce the formula fee for these students. UW registrar Trevor Boyes said that much the same argument could be applied to undergraduate students, especially co-op students returning this summer for a study term. However, the ministry rejected a proposal that undergraduate students should not pay the increase this summer. -nick

Work? If you are looking


’ 0 for work (you

and a million others), the federation of students has set up a service to help you. The Student Employment

Centre is in the Federation of Students office, room 235 of the campus centre. It is open from 9:00 am to noon and 1:OO to 4: 00 pm weekdays and Saturdays from 1:00 to , 4:00 pm. The centre works with the planning and placement departments at UW and WLU. It has sent a letter to each student and to 1500 businesses advising them of the service. A thousand letters were also sent out to alumni asking them for help in spreading the word that the centre is open and providing information on companies that are hiring. The centre provides a phone for students’ use. About 25 students have registered at the office to date and eight have found work; six full-time, two parttime.




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’ 1

Fed Fliqks - M.arathon Man - starring Dustin Hoff.man, Laurence Olivier. AL1 16, 8pm and, 10:26pm. FYed members with I.D. $1, Others $1.50. .

CC Coffehouse, Campus Centre,‘ University of Waterloo, with Richard Keelan. Doors open _8 pm, Admissi,on 8’. e Worship and Study at ConradGr)ebc this evening at 8:OOpm. No mornin ..‘. service:



Fed Flicks-Marathon day. _






Fed Flicks-Marathon day’ ’


Man-see I-

Coffee House 6.& pm in Room i:lcT ,’ c Campus Centre: Sponsored by Ga,:: I . Lib. ’ -Free Movie --&$ng In The Rain”-f ri- Gene Kelly, Debbie, Reynolds, C( I OcOOpm.

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of 6 K;W lo&ions



. _-’ q: i i’ Ji

/ Notice is hereby giv& that there is’s vas . ancy dn the ‘aboard’ of Directors of’thk GraUuate Club, Univer%ity o.f Waterloo. :. ; :‘. / Nomindtion ‘forms aie avaikble. &t the/- ’ Graduate Cl,ub-:office during normal off& ..’ hours. Nominations cloge on,MondBy,‘Mtiy ‘16. All full-time gkduate stud,ent$a,re eli& ’ 2: ‘* ble for nomination,Par&timF gr$dti&tq,sty’-‘;, I_ , dents may bec0m.e elig-iblk. by ‘%yj,pg +&$~ ‘I .Graduate Club fee of: $?.5c) pet term. . : * . 4 j ‘. : % .1 \‘


the free chevron

may 6, 7977

King intend fundabl

Court rules

d buses get clearance The right of the Federation of Students to run a weekly bus service between UW and Toronto was upheld in a Kitchener court April 15. United Trails Bus Lines, which provides charter buses for the service, had been charged with operating a “recurring service” without a licence. The charges were dismissed by Judge Bruce Jardine after a four- hour hearing.

ample. The defense lawyer pointed out that this was the first time charges of this type had been brought to court. There are also other regular

charter services being operated in KW, such as transportation of sports teams, which have not been challenged. -nick


The charges were made by the linistry of Transportation and 2ommunications after investiga-ion of complaints by Gray Coach Lines that United Trails is competing with their regular route between Kitchener and T&-onto. Had the charges been successful, the bus service (which operates from September to April) would cease. In his judgement, Jardine said that the intent of the regulations is to prevent charter buses from competing with the licenced route carriers on a daily basis. He said that his decision will undoubtedly be appealed by the plaintiff.



The lawyer for United Trails, Gordan Brock, claimed that the regulation regarding recurring service is too vague. He said that the te’rm “recurring” is not precisely defined, and, if the dictionary definition is used, the regulation prevents a bus company from chartering a bus to the same party more than once.

Under cross-examination, a publit vehicles inspector could not give a definition of recurring service, . but claimed that the United Trails service to the federation is an ex-


Visser seems to be stretching

the rules a little as he puts his hand in the National Senior A champs, to a 105-92 victory over the Warriors in a game played in the PAC last week. Sharpe was the top scorer for Estonia with 26 points including two on this play. Visser led the Warriors with 2 I.

iace of Bob Sharpe. Shape led his Estonians from Toronto,

ment dis _

A controversy arose Monday over how to fill the top job in the ’ CamDus Centre. I

Sue Phillips, the Campus Centre Coordinator, will be leaving this month, and there was a dispute about who would hire her replacement and how the decision would be made. 1 The turnkeys, ,h at the Campus ,: titularly upset

who staff the desk Centre, were parwhen they heard

that Bill Groom, the chairperson of the Campus Centre Board, had detided that the discussion of the hirscheduled for Monday lng’ afternoon’s board meeting, should be closed to the public. Over half the turnkeys showed up for the meeting to discuss the hiring procedure. At a previous board meeting, which did not make quorum, an ad hoc committee of five had been

;: 4: ) /

A motion to “advise the Federation of Students to reinstate the voting rights of the graduate constituency and to follow fair and democratic process in any future dealings with this constituency” was defeated by a 10 to 2 vote at the last meeting of the Graduate Board of Directors on April 20. The graduates, who were nonfee-paying members of the Federation, were denied voting rights by a motion of Students’ Council on March 23. David Carter, a Grad Club director and grad rep on Students’ Council, stated that Council had “rushed” the vote ‘“without first considering the best interests of ail the students’ ’ . and had overturned a motion of the March 1 General Meeting to retain the graduate voting rights.’ .

He argued that this reversal of a decision of the general membership was undemocratic and showed

contempt for the role of the graduate students on campus. Bob Pajkowski, vice-president of the Graduate Club, was supported by most of the directors when he argued that a challenge to the council was a “legal matter” in which the Board should not interfere. Following this vote, there was a discussion on the role of the Grad Club Federation laison officer, Bob Pajkowski. Many Board members placed special emphasis on building co-operation between the Board and the Federation. Dealing with the issue of the tripling of the foreign student tuition fee was stressed. The Board also decided to host the Ontario Graduate Student Association Conference, tentatively scheduled for August. The conference will be dealing with the possibility of building a permanent Ontario graduate federation. ---&avid



struck to interview the candidates. With only three members of the committee taking an active part, Sue Phillips, the present coordinator, Bill Groom, (neither of them having voting rights) and Joyce Pickard, the decision was narrowed down to two of the original seven candidates. One of the candidates has been working as a turnkey and the other is presently employed as a secretary for one of the administrative departments on campus. The committee split over the last two candidates. Pickard and Phillips emphasized the importance of selecting someone with experience s of the campus in the operation centre. Groom emphasized the role of the coordinator as an administrator. He also felt that since the board had not met quorum at the previous meetings it should be his perdgative as chairperson and departmental administrator for the campus centre, to make many of the procedural decisions. When Groom suggested that all people not members of the board either leave or keep confidential the discussion of the coordinator at the Monday meeting a number of the turnkeys objected. It was finally decided by vote, to leave the meeting open for a discussion on “policies and procedures” for thk coordinator selection. After a long discussion a new hiring committee of five people was selected to interview the two remaining candidates again. This was acceptable to both the board and the turnkeys present. --Borne gershuny --david carter

In the followrng interview with the free chevron, Engineering Society “A” president Peter King explains why he now feels federation fees should be refundable. Federation president Doug Thompson was also given an opportunity to present his viewpoint but he deci$ined, saying that this is not the proper time to raise the issue.

Engineering Society “A’ ’ reasoned that differential pricpresident King has given up on ing for members and nona compulsory federation of members might be a fairer sysstudents at UW. The voluntern. tary fee referendum demanded A refundable fee, according by EngSoc is the “result of to King, allows a student who objects to the intent of the fedbuildup over the years of what the students feel is poor sereration on moral grounds to vice and mismanagement. The disassociate himself from such chevron affair is what brought an organization. “They should it to a head but it all stems from not be required to pay the a basic dissatisfaction of the fee.” federation.” “I think it would be a bad thing if the federation folded, Interviewed in the EngSoc office, King said that many but if it doesn’t act responsibly society members have asked to the needs and demands of when engineering was going to students’ my reaction is pull out of the federation, or ‘tough, it deserves it’ “. have asked if they could get King believes there would their money back. They claim be a fairly heavy demand for the return of fees the first few the $13.75 per term fed fee is not being used wisely in comte;ms if they became volunparison to the $4.00 society tary. The “large dissatisfac-. fee. tion with the federation” could King stressed that the federthen reverse as it cleans itself ation should act as a student up. Then, 5 to 10 per cent service organization - but it might ask for their fees back doesn’t. “Too many people each term. Whether the federare being paid salaries,” King ation is ruined or not depends said, pointing out that 53 per on the attitudes the students cent of the budget is allocated and their leaders take, says to salaries and honoraria. “It’s King. Engineering society would being run like a business.” Another grievance is what only be hurt through a decrease in federation subsidies King called a monopoly group alloted on a pro-rated basis. If of federation people who wield “supreme power if things the society couldn’t maintain don’t meet with their apits present level of services, he said they would probably raise proval.” He referred to the Board of Directors over whom their fees if this was the decistudents have little control and sion of the engineering students. If the society were to who “short circuit students pull out of the federation encouncil” far too frequently. As examples of this he cited the tirely it would try and replace directors changing of the recall the services lost. The federation has, to a bylaw in February, and the move to delay the referendum large degree, forgotten the proposed by federation vicesocieties, King believes “Doug Thompson has exhipresident Ron Hipfner. on bited this very clearly in disCommenting Thompson’s claim that the cussions in Committee of Presfederation can only maintain idents meetings.” When the society presidents told its watchdog nature against the Thompson to “adopt administration by being coma nice pulsory , King dismissed this hands-off policy (to the chevron staff), the next thing you know argument saying the federahe’s turfing you out.” tion has become so weak and ineffectual that “ people across King wants the referendum and he wants it now. By holdthe country are laughing at this ~ ing .the poll in the summer, campus.” only those who have been Listing some of the benefits around for the last 8 months a member receives from the federation - CC Pub, Fed can vote. Flicks, Fed buses etc - King “I’m not trying to disenmade the point that most serfranchise any group”, - the vices have very little subsidy more people voting, the better, and operate on a user-pay he felt since campus sentiment basis. “There is little return now indicates support for refor the federation dollar”’ he fundable fees, he feels. concluded. Saying that differ“ We’re not letting them put ent students use the services in it off.” differing amounts, King -randy barkman

0ur student government has blundered again, and this time it’s a dilly. On March 23, the Council narrowly passed a motion to repeal the voting rights of all students who do not pay federation fees. The intent of the motion was to disenfranchise the graduate constituency. (Both graduate reps are Free chevron supporters.) Yet, although the sponsors of the motion did not realize it at the time, neither

the off-term co-op nor the regular students pay federation fees this term. Unless they want to cough up the $13.75, three quarters of the students and their council reps will be disenfranchised in the summer. This means that the referendum on voluntary federation fees’ demanded by Peter King, the engineering society president, and Joe Macdonald, the arts president. scheduled for Judy, will be voted on by the 4000 spring term students only.



the free chevron



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5:45 pm Perspectives - South Africa - A look at the International Day to eliminate Racism. A discussion on the killings at Sharpeville and Soweto in South Africa. 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:30 pm Gardening For Fun and Food: An Introduction - Food Plants As Ornamentals by B. Teskey 11:30 pm Radio Waterloo News




5:30 pm Live From th,e Slaughterhouse - a coffeehouse in Aberfoyle, Ontario. This week we feature Champagne Charlie.



3:30 pm Quebec: An tnterDisciplinary View - English-French Relations - Pt 1 - Professor Terry Copp discusses the economic history of Quebec. He analyzes the factors that affect the economic development of Quebec. 545 pm From Orient to Occident Impulses, Ideas and Inventions - In almost every sphere of life the Orient has exercised a decisive influence on the Occident. It would be impossible to imagine the routine course of our daily lives divested on the ancient culture of the Orient; the traces of those thousands of years are visible and evident everywhere. This programme is about PAPER 9:30 pm Live from the CC Coffeehouse - Pending permission we will be broadcasting live from the campus centre coffeehouse, where Richard Keelan will be performing.



4:00 pm Gardening Food: An Introduction


for Fun and - The Veget-

able Garden by H. Tiessen 6:00 pm Star Trek’s Gene Roddenexplores berry - This programme the career of writer, producer Gene Roddenberry, from his days of head writer on the television programme HAVE GUM WILL TRAVEL, to his present involvement with STAR TREK. 6:15 pm The Lying Baron - The Adventures of Baron Munch hausen -A Journey to Russia. 9:00 pm Musikanada -This week we feature Charity Brown.







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3:3O pm From Orient to Occident 4:00 pm Gardening For FUR and Food: An Introduction - Let’s Grow Our Own Fruit by B. Teskey 5:30 pm Sports 6:15 pm Heritage - see May 10 at 6:15 pm 9:00 pm People’s Music -The programme features Vicki Dyck


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4:00 pm Gardening for Fun and Food: An Introduction - Transplanting by H. Tiessen 6:15 pm Heritage - Betouche - The primary emphasis of this programme in on Betouche, an annual native festival held in Saskatchewan, which brings together thousands of native people for a festival which lasts several days. Rod Bishop gives us both a history of, and information on, Betouche. 9:OO pm Visions -This week we feature Styx

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ventures of Baron Munchhausen Journey to Russia




the free chevron

6, 7977

The chevron stafYs campaign for reinstatement of the paper followed by a full investigation of the affair continued last term amid a disputed referendum, court action, forceful but temporary eviction of staff, and the now-famous Thompson two-step. Meanwhile, support came from the National Union of Students (NUS), the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS), member papers of the Canadian University Press, and UW students, including Don Orth, one of the federation executive members who originally voted to close the paper. Newspaper referendum

and had to be restructured. The referendum was inherently one-sided and in parts contradictory and it is even open to interpretation regarding its legality.” He concluded that “the only course of action open” to the federation is to reinstate the paper and conduct an investigation. When the results were tallied up, they showed, predictably, a strong vote against

leave CC140. McLellan and council speaker Bob White began to serve the order that afternoon; most staffers ignored it, but some tore it up and threw it back in their faces. The injunction was overturned two days later in Ontario Supreme Court. Assault charges resulting from a November 16 incident came to trial at the end of February.

Ten days after students arrived on campus for the winter term, +%y were faced with a referendum on tFs chevron. The referendum was to det:,mine whether students wanted a paper and what structure it should have. Shane Roberts called it in mid-December, two weeks before a recall petition signed by over 2000 students forced him from office. He was replaced by vice-president Dave McLellan. Chevron staff called for students to’boycott the referendum on the grounds that it was so one-sided, it was impossible to fill in the ballot in a way that supported the chevron staff position. Among other things, the definition of “publish” given in the question on publishing responsibility changed the structure of the paper from what it was prior to September 24 no matter which of the multiplechoice answers was selected, thus contradicting a “yes” response to the question on reinstatement. There was also no question on investigation into the whole affair which is an integral part of the chevron position.


Ckth changes his mind Don Orth, an executive member who voted to close the paper in September, wrote a comment in the free chevron in April stating that he had changed his opinion and now believed the closing was arbitrary and antidemocratic: “At the September 30 Students’ Council meeting the executive unfairly forced the council to vote for closure under threat of mass executive resignation, including my own. There was no point in the preceding week (September 24-30) where the executive considered the possibility of establishing a proper investigation into the operation of the chevron where all students could present evidence as to whether the newspaper was fulfilling its function.” He said he had re-examined the referendum questions (he had been on the committee which drafted the referendum) and now realised ‘.‘ . . .that it did in fact contain the basic supposition that the chevron was guilty


the judge


In setting aside an eviction order against the of their chevron staff’s ’ occupation newspaper’s offices, which the federation of students gained from the County Court, Ontario Supreme Court justice, 1. Craig said in part: “in any case it is not shown that they (the chevron staff) do not have the right to occupy the premises and I certainly would not be prepared to find or bold on the material before me that the defendents are trespassing.”

reinstatement. McLellan said this showed “confidence in the way students’ council has acted” and rejection of the chevron. Chevron staff stated that the paper’s supporters had boycotted the referendum and pointed to the low turnout as proof of this. The turnout was 2687, 18.1 percent, lower than both the 1976 presidential election, which drew 24.8 percent, and the NUS referendum, which drew 21.6 percent. McLellan said it was “pretty high for the federation.” This would have been the lowest turnout in UW history, but the presidential elections in February set a new low. Doug Thompson came first in a field of four with 804 votes, 35 votes more than the second-place finisher. The total turnout was 2460, 16.4 percent of the electorate. A similarly low turnout elected to council a slate of Thompson’s supporters known as the Campus Reform Group. The CRG, largely a collection of veteran student politicians with its main strength in math, ran on a platform of upholding the results of the referendum. Many of its members were present at, and some were active in, the eviction of chevron staff. The legal front . Action began on the legal front February 7, when the federation obtained a temporary court injunction ordering the chevron staff to

Shane Roberts, then federation president, had tried, with the aid of Arts councillor Bruce Leavens, to remove a typewriter from the chevron offices. Neil Docherty, Henry Hess and Larry Hannant had resisted this move and a scuffle had ensued. Both parties laid assault charges. , The judge found no one guilty. However, he ordered the three chevron staffers to sign peace bonds. This means that they must each keep the peace for a year, especially in relation to Roberts, or forfeit $200. In his summation he said that he believed Leaven’s testimony over that given by Hess and other witnesses. He also stated that he was not ruling on who had rights to the office space. Thompson to power One referendum question concerned the office of president after Roberts’ recall. Students were given the choice between having a by-election according to the existing bylaws, having the acting president, vicepresident Dave McLellan, continue in office until the end of the president’s term, February 28, or having the president elected February 2 take office immediately, rather than March 1, as normal. The last two options would require by-law amendments by the federation board of directors. Forty percent of those voting chose the


second option, giving McLellan power until the end of February. However, IS rep Doug Thompson became president at a late-night board of directors meeting at McLellan and Roberts’ house February 9. McLellan appointed Thompson vice-president and then resigned. Winter was also a time of negotiation. Doug Thompson and federation lawyer Gary Flaxbard drew up a proposal in midFebruary to simultaneously re-open the chevron and begin a two-part investigation. Chevron staff rejected the proposal, because the offer to re-open the paper, which Thompson had called reinstatement, was not in fact reinstatement since it would not restore the chevron budget, which includes back salaries for the two paid staffers whose positions had been terminated in October. It was also noted that the investigation Thompson proposed had only a minority representation from UW students, had strict time limits imposed on it, and lacked the necessary scope to be thorough and fair. The staff expressed willingness, however. to continue negotiations and made a counter-proposal outlining their position of “Reinstate! Investigate!” “But I intend to solve this conflict come hell or high water”, Thompson said, “even if I have to bring 500 engineers with me to the chevron offices .” Negotiations continued on the next day, a Saturday, and chevron representatives agreed to take Thompson’s position to a staff meeting the following Monday. This was never done, for at about 7:30 Sunday evening Thompson and more than a dozen of his supporters entered the chevron office, forcibly evicted the two staffers maintaining occupation there, and locked the doors. An initial attempt to re-enter the office failed when Thompson, campus cops and others dragged staffers back out. Telephone calls brought about 20 staffers to the Campus Centre. Staffers eventually re-entered the office at lI:30. (Method remains a secret) The



But negotiations did not stop there. Five days later Thompson brought a signed proposal to the chevron staff, which was very close to the staff position. In the next few days the staff held lengthy meetings on the proposal and suggested some changes. A motion was passed accepting the offer as a serious basis for negotiations. They had expected to take their proposed changes to Thompson for discussion, but before they could do this he performed what the chevron has labelled “the Thompson two-step”. At a federation council meeting Thompson said that even though he had signed the proposal he had never committed himself to it. When co-op science councillor Stephen Coates and a staff member reminded him that he had initially supported his proposal, he replied: “My position has changed.” He said that he had merely been trying to “facilitate communication between the two parties.” Some people present at the meeting suggested that he had given in to pressure from the Campus Reform Group (CRG). So, the struggle continues. This paper is proof of that. -jonathan



the free chevron


may 6, 7977

Slap Shot

SpiWyour guts out New levels of excitement and comedy are explored in the current hockey extravaganza, ‘,‘Slap Shot”. The action follows the antics of the Charlestown Chiefs, a losing minor league hockey team that is doomed to extinction because the local mill is closing and ten thousand people are being laid off. The economics of the situation are simple: people with no money won’t come to see hockey. Things really start to @prove with the arrival of three identical brothers. They are all tall and bony and wear high-powered, blackrimmed glasses, overall resembling semi-intelligent apes. These fanatics show the rest of the team that the way to win hockey is by using their bone-crunching technique to mutilate the opposition.

‘You dropped

Open 7 Days A Week


From this point, the movie becomes delightfully entertaining for those viewers who enjoy witnessing human dismemberment. The team establishes a winning streak on the road by using their tactics of bloody violence. There are great battle scenes as opposition players are bashed into the boards, pummelled into the ice, crunched bet-


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Their strategy of maniacal intimidation leads the Chiefs to the championship game, but not without a host of bonuses along the way. The glamourous life of a pro






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The crowds grow more enthusiastic as the carnage on the ice continues. As soon as the fighting starts, the spectators erupt in a crescendo of encouragement. The radio announcer tells the loyal fans back home, “Everyone’s up on their feet screaming ‘kill, kill, kill’. THIS IS HOCKEY !” The ultimate massacre occurs when the Chiefs start a brawl before the start of a game, with no officials around to break it up. By the time the national anthem is played, the players are sopped in blood, their visages visibly altered. The crowd howls its disapproval, not with the fighting but with the fact that their home team got butchered.

hockey player is made explicitly clear. Along with the glory of being a star comes a fantastic life of booze and easy women. The team members hang around bars, latching onto local girls who are available and willing, or swapping wives who have become disenchanted with their husbands’ long absences. The team also develops a rabid fan club, once they intitiate their practice of annihilating opposing teams. The club is made up mostly of bouncy yti.lng women who are just wild about trlir heroes. They follow them everllbrhere. ;;l,rlllding into the dressing room. The climax. the championship game, is a-n orgy of blood, guts, eyeballs, teeth. fingernails and, believe it or not. nudity. Anyone who liked “King of Hockey” will love Slap Shot. Ignore the fact that there are no real hockey scenes in it. Imagine that the plastic characters are true-life representations of people associated with pro sports. Just go and see it for the foul language. the exposed flesh (male and female 1. the broken bones and the blood. Especially the blood.



232 King N. Waterloo, Qpposite Athletic

Have a ball at Westmount

ween bodies, slashed, punched an9 speared into submission. The highlight is a disgusting stick-swinging duel between the Charlestown tough guy and the noted league bully who “has been known to pluck a man’s eye out with the flick of a stick”.

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the free chevron

6, 7977



About 200 people attended a conference in Arts Lecture Wednesday to found the Canadian People’s (Citizens and Residents) Defence Committee (CPDC). UWpsychology professor Doug Wahlsten (speaking above), chairman of the organising committee, said “CPDC was founded to mobilize public opinion against political persecution, which will mean exposing the reactionary essence of the Canadian state and the dirty work of police socialists in the ranks of the people. The committee will a/so do propaganda that political persecution can be ended only be the establishment of a genuine/y democratic Canadian state.” The organising for the committee and its founding conference began after the Feb 23 RCMP raid on the Norman Bethune Institute, and private homes in Waterloo which resulted in 17 arrests, and which the committee maintains was an act of blatant political persecution. The chevron staff also believe it was an act of blatant political persecution. See edjtorjal opposite.

More than 740 people demonstrated Thursday outside the Waterloo Provincial Court against RCMP attacks on the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and its chairman, Comrade Hardial Bains. Inside the court, crown prosecutor Douglas McDowell announced that a// charges had been withdrawn for eight workers at the Norman Bethune lnstjtute who were arrested in a raid February 23. But charges of aiding and abetting an “illegal alien” will stand against Bains, Doug Wahlsten and Richard Rathwell, who were also arrested in the February 23 raid, and that a charge of assaulting police will stand against Marsha Fine. Bains and Rathwell will appear again in court iune IO, Wahlsten will come to trial ]uly 8 and fine will be tried july ?5. A// of them to/d the court that the charges were clearly political persecution of CPC(M-L) and the eight whose charges were withdrawn denounced the Canadian state for holding them in jail, seizing personal property and for trying to fabricate a false case against them. -

demands evidence For the last month UW psychology professor Doug Wahlsten has appeared each week in Waterloo Provincial Court, trying to arrange a date for his trial. The prosecution and the court have consistently refused to give him a trial date, and at his last appearance Crown Prosecutor Douglas McDowell told Wahlsten “you must not have a brain in your head if you can’t figure out what is going on.” Wahlsten says he knows full well what’s going on - political persecution by the Canadian state. The professor, who is the campus spokesperson for the Anti-Imperialist Alliance (AIA), was arrested February 23 during an RCMP raid on the Norman Bethune Institute, a research centre in Waterloo operated by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). He is charged with aiding and abetting an illegal alien to violate the Immigration Act, between June 1976 and Feb. 22, 1977. He first appeared in court to set a trial date on April 7, along with nine others, all charged following the RCMP raid on the research centre and on private homes Feb. 23. (The charges are treated as separate ofare not charged fences; - the defendants jointly.) At that time the prosecution argued that there was a great deal of material to peruse which could result in other charges, and that it was not prepared to proceed until June. Statements by the accused that the charges were political persecution and harassment of CPC(M-L) were dismissed as “poppycock” by the prosecution. Judge J.F. McCormick called for a postponement until May 5 when everyone could return and set a trial date. While some of the accused wanted to see lawyers before setting a date, Wahlsten was prepared to agree to June 10, as the date for his trial. That was refused him and when he insisted on a June 18 trial and rejected the adjournment till May 5, the judge decided that Wahlsten would have to be remanded from week to week. Wahlsten thus appeared in court April 14,

demanded a trial date and asked to see the evidence against him. He told the court that he was being politically persecuted and that any evidence must be fabricated. Wahlsten also noted that the information on his charge states that he has been under investigation since June 1976, and so the prosecution has had plenty of time to prepare its case. McDowell maintained, however, that there was a lot of material to go through and suggested an adjournment, which Judge Gordon McConnell agreed to. Wahlsten was then forced to appear again the next week. On April 2 1, before Justice of the Peace Betty Ann Futher, the same scenario was re-enacted and he was forced to return one week later. On April 28, again before Futher, the case was adjourned to May 5, but this time McDowell lost his temper and told Wahlsten he “couldn’t have a brain in his head if he couldn’t figure out what is going on.” McDowell then stomped out of court to his office in the ,Marsland Centre. Wahlsten said another lawyer in court told him that that sort of behaviour would normally have been considered contempt of court. In an interview Wednesday, however, Futher said she couldn’t recall what McDowell said. She suggested talking to the court reporter, who confirmed that the prosecuter had made a statement “to that effeet”. Futher said she hasn’t considered contempt of court charges because she hasn’t received any complaint. Interviewed Tuesday McDowell would neither confirm nor deny that he had made the statement or stomped out of court, He did, however, make his view on Wahlsten very clear: “He is being an ass, that’s all,” he said of the professor and his attempts to procure a trial date. He said Wahlsten would get his wish granted May 5. He also said he is under no obligation to show Wahlsten the evidence against him, and has no intention of doing so. -neil



February 23 RCMP officers and local police raided a research centre in Waterloo which is supported by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). The raid and the events surrounding it clearly show that it was an act of blatant political persecution. The chevron interviewed six of the 16 people arrested and all recount the same tale of the day (see free chevron Feb 25, 1977): A knock on the door at 8~30 am; seven casually-dressed men, one carrying a sledgehammer, barged in, saying they were the police. They refused to show identification, and while they herded the occupants into one room they refused to tell them if they were under arrest. When asked, their only comment was “we’ll tell you later.” A police photographer was brought in and attempts were made to take group photographs of those being held. While this was going on, four other apartments were being raided in Waterloo and in Mississauga. In the next hour a person entering the research centre was also held. Then, an hour after it all started, the RCMP announced that one person in the room was an illegal alien and everyone was being charged with aiding and abetting the person contravening the immigration act. Everyone was carted off to the Kitchener jail while the police remained and searched the centre. Witnesses reported that the police left with four suitcases of material, and CPC (M-L) states that much of it was political and had nothing to do with immigration. A person arriving at the centre at 4 pm. was also arrested on the same charge more than five hours after the alleged illegal alien had been taken to jail. Those arrested say that at the Kitchenerjail they were denied the chance to make a phone call. Several were told they were being detained because the RCMP had ‘ ‘doubts about their immigration status. ’ : All were Canadian citizens, and most were born in Canada. While they were detained, several people had their apartments ransacked by the police. Two days after the raid, while the chevron was trying to arrange an interview with the alleged illegal alien, he was deported, even though he was scheduled to appear in court Feb. 28 to face charges of being in the country illegally. The whole affair stinks and the RCMP is doing nothing to clear the air. In four attempted interviews, they have refused to answer any questions on the raid except to say that “there are no political overtones.” They claim they were only after an illegal alien. But the chevron staff would like some answers to the same kinds of points which have been raised in People’s Canada Daily News, the organ of CPC(M-L). Does it require at least 20 RCMP security police (and there is evidence that they were organized from Ottawa) to capture one alleged illegal alien? Is it normal for the security forces to barge into a factory and arrest everyone in the building, including those who come in six hours later on another shift, with “aiding and abetting” one alleged illegal alien? This is analagous to the situation at the NBI. Why would an American need aid to enter and remain in Canada, with the existing easy movement from one country to another? I) If the aim of the raid was only to pick up an immigrant, why did the K-W immigration office admit that they did not even know about the raid until they saw it on television news on the evening of February 23? Why, in this “immigration raid”, did the police confiscate political material? Why is it that in the House of Commons Feb. 25 Solicitor General Francis Fox congratualated the “RCMP security forces” for their “immigration raid”? Is it not peculiar that the RCMP and immigration authorities admit they knew the alleged illegal alien was in the country well before the raid, but waited until they could spring a trap before arresting him? How does the commercial press justify blowing up a relatively minor summary offence into an international sensation? Why did all the commercial newspapers and agencies that carried articles, including the K-W Record, the major Toronto newspapers, Reuters and the New York Times, all rely on an RCMP press release, rather than getting the facts through investigation? Why has the media tried to draw a link between the arrests and the expulsion of a Soviet spy the day after by the Canadian government the day after the raid? This despite the clear evidence that CPC(M-L) is opposed to the Soviet state? Why have the crown prosecutor and the courts harassed Doug Wahlsten by refusing to set a trial date for him and refusing to show him any of the evidence they claim they have against him? For the chevron staff, the questions, and the answers we’ve discovered show this to be a clear-cut case of political persecution. Attacks of this kind demonstrate how the immigration laws and other rules and regulations are used to attack progressive individuals for their “crime” of defending the Canadian people. We condemn this recent attack and firmly support the founding of the Canadian People’s (Citizens and Residents) Defence Committee, an organization which was formed this week to build and mobilize public opinion against this kind of political persecution. -the



I %

A member of the Canadian University Press, the free chevron is produced and published by the chevron staff and is typeset by Dumont Press Graphix. The free chevron is produced from Room 140, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. After three weeks, we’re back again. As we go into the third term of free chevrons, we once again extend an invitation to all aspiring student journalists, students who want tofightfor a just cause, and people who want to show that a university paper can survive without being beholden to anyone. For now, thanks to PEN and all the CUP papers who continue to support us. This week’s paper is the fruit of the labour of: larry hannant, neil docherty, randy barkman, mark mcguire, tom cody, peter blunden, lorne gershuny, dave carter, Chris dufault, nick redding, karen moore, mary faught, val moghadam, donna weber, shih k’ang-ti, Charlotte von besold, ernst von bezold, marina taitt, jacob arsenault, jonathan coles, dianne chapitis, heather robertson and salah bachir. Also helping to hold down the fort were: Wendell fields, yves peyrard, gerard kimmons, doug hamilton, jamie thiers, jules grajower, doug goodfellow amd myself. Also dropping in were: mini pathria, nina tymoscewici, john jackson, t alex beamish, doug wahlsten, linda and henry hess, ciaran o’donnell, jayne pollock, oscar nierstrasz, stu vickers, eby, robert hyodo, eric mcmillan, rob taylor, donna rogers and doubtless others. Finally, we want to thank ali those who performed or participated in the benefit. A special thanks goes to jerry who keeps our quarters livable. Have a good summer.. . mart shafroth.



the free chevron



Intta m

. _


may 6, 7971

al SPorts .


Carl Peter iSally Lynn Kathy

Totzke, Hopkins, Kemp, Hontag, Da Siiva,

Director Director Director Intramural PAC


Athletics Hen’s Women’s SecrePary Receptionist of

THE 2054 2040 2050 2039 2039

Room Room Room Room Room

lntramurais lntramurals


“PLAY” Ext.2474 Ext.3532 Ext.3533 Ext.3531 Ext.3302

PEOPLE John ficlver, Ret Team Sports James Watson, Aquatics Coordinator U of W Switchboard Number Women’s Toteroom Ext. 3536Inen’s Seagram Toteroom


886-0718 576-1692 885-1211 Ext. Ext.



3535 3356

Instructional The instructional skils or those received some

EXPLANATION: / REdlSTRATlON alumni, etc. 3. If there any pay

program is geared to those who desire could carry over in later life are of instruction in over IO programs.

that level

1. Ail instructional Intramural Activity for a program, course Ail inquires regarding

INFORHATION: with valid is a charge 4. program.

programs Cards. fee the

are available 2. Registrations must be paid at instructional

learn to focused

to wil registration. program

how to in this

students be in

perform program.

a certain Last

skil. fall,

with valid I.D. cards Only one registration person. There wil be no refunds be directed to Sally Kemp




faculty, staff per person. the 1st session 2050 P A C Ext.3533.

after room

most structured co-ed activities. league.At this

level level

of intramural activity. Competitive leagues are of play, there are league

How to Enter Team Activities:-any.group of interested > . Gather together a group of friends. 2. Pick up an entry form now from the Receptionist Physical Activities Building-Red North Entrance. 3. Complete the entry form indicating: - name of activity - nane of your team - captains name, address and phone number - the name, I.D., address, faculty year of team - time/day you would prefer to play.

The lifetime individuals


This is the some combined experienced and awards.

or of




both A and structured

Hen’s and B levels rules,


sections being the officials

and more








Women’s with playoffs,



1 Ten’nis .

of into more




comprised divided

faculty, staff and faculty and students can enter sInply by: Return the completed form to the Receptionist on br before entry deadline. Send a team representative to the prescribed Scheduling and Rules Meeting. Note: Any individuals. male or female, not able to form a team but stil interested in playing simply attend the team organizationai meeting or contict the Intramural Office, Ext. 3532 or 3533. Ail teams must be represented at the organizationai meeting. Have fun!!!!!

4. in

It is usually standings,


e improvement. y own bails. Classes



Ail Racquet

1. 2. 3.


17.18.19. 4.


Athletic Clubs HOU








ACTlVlTY Recreational Gymnastics

ORGANlZATlONAL Mon. May Blue Activity


Simply contgct Jin Hamilton non. May 9 ~:OO Poem 1001 PAC

nuters ( comb i nation of Cormer Outers,White+later and Orienteering Rugby , (100 members)

Mon. Grad

Sailing (100

iled. nc


Positions I. Conveners, 2. Lifeguards: 3. Instructors:


(Columbia. (Softball,

Vilage Football,

MEETlNG 7:00 p.m. Area PAC


May Club











Referee-in-Chiefs Hi nimum Squash,

Attend the Club organizational 2. Experience one of their regular 1 EXPLANATION LOW key approached to gymnastics Friendly group of people. Everyone welcome. If there is sufficient interest, special times wi i be arranged. Backpacks, tentq, baqs available on a rental basis. Trips organized. Cost. $3.00/term or s5.no per year. Cost SIO playing members and S5 soc>a I members. Establish member with Q.R.U Clubs in the area. / Weeklv shils oractise. Games with K-W Pi rates. Newsletters. Cost S5/year. 6 boats available for instruction, recreation and regattas. Boat house on Col.Lake JOB OPPORTUNlTlES IN INTRAMURALS

and Officials: qualifications Swimming.

Bronze Tennis,

(Must F itness,

Basketball, attend Golf.

Soccer, organizational

j the

Intramural ICONTACT 7-iOpm Kevin 884-7411

Times to be decided by interrsted Trips arranged through Club as deterrrined by interest and availability leaders. (60 nenbers) To be determined at the neetino.

bv for

spearing or butt ending in a fighting situation, in the Intramural Program due






-- -

meeting of Your choice. sessions. 3. Contact [REGULAR sEss10~s Hon. 7-10 p.m. and Wed. Blue Activity Area PAC

As deterrined Usually daily members.

A player may play for only one team. A player must play two games to be eligible for playoffs. Conduct - “Any intramural participant found guilty of or intent to injure or found to be flagrant aggressor wil be declared ineligible from further participation for at least one term.” Any men’~~competitive team failing to complete a game the officials wil be suspended. All teams’ are expected to have a set of sweaters. Striking an official wil mean automatic life suspension.


Office. PERSON Eby


J ip. Hami I ton Ext. 3246 Tom Cargil 886 John Hannans884-9334 Greq Derbyshire 884-3319 Derek Humphries 884-7343

the of

the Club. Club




884-9042 Ext.

Recreational team sports are quite different than competitive leagues, in that these leagues are organized for those individuals who simply want to play for the sake of play. The only reward one receives is an intrinisic one - the enjoyment of simply playing. There are no officials, awards, points, league standingslor playoffs and few rules - just play. High Skil level is absolutely not necessary. Last fall over 160 teams or 1800 people were involved in this level of play. How to Enter Team Activities:-any group of interested people, faculty, staff and faculty and students can enter simply by: 1. Gather together a group of friends. 4. Return the completed form to the Receptionist on or before entry 2. Pick up an entry form now from the Receptionist in the deadline. Physical Activities Building-Red North Entrance. 5. Send a team representative to the prescribed Scheduling and Rules 3. Complete the entry form indicating: ’ neet i ng’. - name of activity 6. Note: Any individuals, male or female, not able to form a team but - name of your team stil interested in playing simply attend the team organizational - captains name, address and phohe number meeting or contict the Intramural Office, Ext. 3532 or 3533. - the name, I.D., address, faculty year of team members.7. All teams must be represented at the organizational meeting. - time/&v You would prefer to play. 8. Have fun!!!!!



Softball meetinq






1 TIME When

AVAILABLE not boohed

1 for


HOW Book 2040

TO BOOK through P A C Ext.

Intramural 3532.



ISERVICES Fauiprient Toterooms



Soccer) - Seagram weightroom)





time-non. 5

City Physical Activities-PAC weightroom. s‘quash W”. courts, pool, combatives, activity areas (Red &Blue) Sauna Special Closing Dates: P A C and Seagrams


Mon.-Fri. Saturday Sundays



8-00 z):OO I :oo

P A C - available The P A C !li I I reoairs Sat. be closed on in May.


am am pm in open July Mon.



45-lo:45 of



Il.00 5:00 4:oo


pm pm p”

men’s and \~omen’s Mon. Mav 2nd and 30th-Mondav Aug. May 23; Fri. July

Cook throuqh Intramural Office Ext. Equipment avai lahle. 3532 room 2040 PAC towel service. Rio Caron 886-1550 Ext. 48 or 60. No Ilo services available. change before 6.00 p.m. To book other than prescribed programsEquipment available university booking department Ext. card basis. TweI&Toteroom 2207 Pool charge? can be expected for service until IO.30 guards etc. SFlula ( racquet rental toterooms. HOW TO U S E : Open during normal P A C hours. i?iII be in operation unit1 Friday, July 29 (PAC wil close 22). Seaqrans wi II open Mon. May 9th. P A C and all programs I and Mon. Aug. I. P A C oyms occupied durlnq sprino convocat

BRING IN YOUR BICYCLES FOR REPAIR%NOW aid the Rush - Have Your Repairs Bone Now TIMAT!?





ID ,

p. ‘I’ for or on

We’re still here


and we ‘re still eRALEIGH

rty something

l C.C.M.






the free chevron,

CC I40

Renison CoUegel

1977SPRING TERM& SUMMER SESSION COURSE OFFERINGS * The following courses will be taught at Renison College in the 1977 Spring Term and Summer Session. These courses are open to all UW students even though they may n.ot appear onC the course offerings I ists.

studio PHOTOGRAPHER 350 Ke St W, KitW, Ont, Phone742-5363



Podbait Prices PackageOffers No. 1

1-8x 10 Mounted ‘2-5x7 Mounted 8-Wallets

No. 2

2-5x7 Mounted 4-4x5 Mounted 8-Wallets

No. 3

1-8x 10 Framed 2-5x7 Mounted 4-4x5 Mounted



SPRING . ISS 343R Int&disciplinary Investigation of Human Sexuality RS 267R (FINE 247*R) Religion & the Film 2 SOC WK 120R Introduction to Social Work SOC WK121R Social Problems SOC WK 220R Social Casework 1 SOC WK 221 R Social Group Work & Family Therapy 1 SOC WK 365R Medical Sodial Work I SUMMER ENGL 140R The Use of English 1 J ENGL 141R The Use of English 2 A ENGL 245R Form & Function M GEOG 125R Introduction to the Developing World J RS 266R (FINE 246*R) Religion & the Film 1 J RS 267R (FINE 247*R) Religion & the Film 2 A



7-10M 2:30T 6-9R 9:30-l 2:30M 3:30-5:OOMW 1:30-3:OOTR 9:30-l

1:30-3:30MTWRF 1:30-330MTWRF 1 Oi30-12:30MTWRF 10:30-l 2:30MTWRF 10:30-l




For full course descriptions, see Renison or UW calendars. information may be obtained by contacting: The Registrar, Renison College tiiPhone: 884-4400.

Further ,

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