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University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 18, number I9 . friday, October 74, 1977



survey shows

According to a chevron survey conducted during registration week 89.3 per cent of regular students find their savings insufficient to cover their estimated expenses this year, and even 60 per cent of those in co-op programs find themselves in the same difficulty.

The arbitrary table will be replaced next year by a method yet to be announced which will take into account students’ actual earnings. The survey showed an overall employment rate of 89 per cent. However, this cannot be construed to mean that unemployment was 11 per cent because the survey neg-

The survey, which of course could only reach those students who managed to return to UW, showed that 27 per cent of regular students and 15.5 per cent of co-op students, second year and above, were unable to save even $700. OSAP currently expects students to have saved from their summer earnings an arbitrary amount which ranges from $768 for first and set- ’ ond year to $ I 104 for the fifth year of post-secondary education. A student who fails to save this amount may receive additional assistance, but only in the form of a loan. Of the first-year students, 43 per cent could not save the $700.




1 0.6% 10.3%1 l

Presidential Smit, Larry

Arts (three







Don Salichuk







Acclaimed Math co-op:- John Ellis Math regular: Alex White Science regular: Larry Loke Environmental Studies: Asad












5.3% I









got only part-time work. High schools finish their year somewhat later than the universities.) The main body of students (54 per cent) began work in June, a further 23 per cent in July, and three per cent in August. The rest, in the main, had part-time jobs which began earlier in the year. Predictably, most co-op students (82 per cent) had jobs by the first week of May. However, some had to wait. Eight per cent waited until later in the month, a further eight per cent waited until June, and two ‘per cent waited until July. Co-op students found jobs more easily but suffered from high living expenses. Room and board expenses above $20 per week were reported by 67 per cent of the coops but by only 44.9 per cent of the regular students.


Jim Todd




The survey asked students when they started summer work. Of regular students second year and above, 49 per cent started in May, 29 per cent in April, l-3 per cent in June, and six per cent in August. First year students fared slightly better overall in getting work, although they started later and many


Four seats on the federation council were filled by acclamation this week, leaving at least two, and possibly three, to be contested in the by-elections on October 25. No nominations have been submitted for the vacant HKLS co-op seat, and acting federation president Eric Higgs announced Wednesday that nominations for this seat may be submitted up to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18. Higgs said that if no nominations are received by that time, the seat will remain vacant. Nominations have also closed for the position of federation president. Below are the names and constituencies of acclaimed councillors, and candidates for the contested seats and the presidency. Next week, the chevron will print the platforms of those students standing for election. Candidates can help us by reporting to the chevron offices in the near future to have mug shots taken and submit their statements! Rick

lected to ask respondents whether they were foreign students. Foreign students are not allowed, under immigration regulations, to work in Canada and thus are-not in the market for jobs. Also, some students did not seek jobs because they took classes during the summer.

' Surplus

Fed council






7.7% 12.3% 19.4% 26.5% 15.5% 12.9% 1 i Sample

Size: Regular Co-op

Students Students



320 155

The figures to the left in this table represent the percentage of students who have been able to save more from their summer -earnings than they estimate as their expenses for the coming school year. The figures to the right represent students who have saved less than their estimated expenses. The table clearly illustrates that the large majority of students estimate that their summer savings will not cover their estimated expenses. 89 per cent of the regular students in second year and above have recorded savings which are under the amount they feel they need, and, remarkable as it may seem, 60 per cent of the co-op students in the upper years find themselves in the same situation. Take note of how far below their estimated need the majority of regular students lie. 30.3 per cent of them will require $1000 to $2000 to supplement their income and 27.8 per cent of them will need $2000 to $3000. Although the co-op students usually have higher wages, more weeks of work per term, and better opportunity to find employment, they also have difficulty meeting their expenses out of work term income. This is partially due to their higher costs. The survey showed that they are far more likely than regular students to have room and board expenses during their periods of work. Co-ops must also pay an extra $70 per term for the services of the Co-ordination and Placement department. High school-term expenses for some students on co-op may also be accounted for by the students returning for their fourth year of studies. They will be at school for a full eight-month term and their expenses will accordingly be double those of other co-op students. Note: Due to round off errors the total row percentages will not always total 100 per cent. ’





More Pg. 11

On Air

FM stereo

- 9:OO PM Tomorrow



the chevron


(twoc x’ ,,.

TM3 Week Un Campus is a free column for the armnuurrcemerit of meetings, special seminars ur speakt?r% social evmts and happenings on campus--student, facufty 04 staff. See the chevron secretary. Qeadiine is nuon Tuesdays. Maximum af thirty wurds per submission,

Friday Furniture and Fraktur:an exhibition of artifacts from Waterloo County and Germanic Ontario. UW Art Gallery. Hours: Mon-Fri 11:30am 5:30pm, Sun. 2-5pm. till Oct. 16. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Flattery from g-lam. $1 after 7pm. The Italian Communist Party and the New Administrative Intellectual. Speaker Dr. John D. Fraser. Studies In Politics an informal series of occasional papers presented by the P.Sci Dept. 2:30pm. ML 354. Federation Flicks-Harry & Walter Go to New York with James Caan, E. Gould, Diane Keaton. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. Agora Tea House.Herbal teas and home-baked munchies are available. A time for discussion and conversation. Everyone is welcome. 8-12pm. cc 110

SHIPPING Household


Waterloo Regional Rape Centre volunteer training For more info: 886-3170

Saturday Foreign Service Exam. 9am. Contact Career Planning & Placement NH. The Trickster-Mic Mat Indian legend for children presented by Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia, with masks, giant puppets mime, ,narration and dance. Children 12 and under $1.50, all others $2. 10:30am & 1:30pm Humanities Theatre. Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. Flattery from g-lam. $1 admission. Federation Flicks-See Friday.


Sunday The Boys From Syracuse a Rodgers and Hart musical hit by the National Players. $5 admission, Students/ ,’


- Personal


- Tourist

K-W International Freight Forwarding Limited


Seniors $3. 2pm. Humanities Theatre. Campus Centre Coffee House with Rick Taylor. ,Home baked goodies available. 8pm. $1.50 students, $1.75 , others. The Miser-the satirical masterpiece by Moliere presented bv the National Players. Admission $6, Students/ Seniors $4. 8pm. Humanities Theatre. Transcendental Meditation, advanced lecture for meditators. 8pm. E3-1101 576-2546. Federation Flicks-See Friday

Distress session.











159 King




GUEST 886-3350

St. N.


Legal Resource Office provides free legal information to students. Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:30-10:30, 1:30-3:30, 6:30-10:30,. CC 106 885-0840. Anti-Imperialist Alliance:MarxistLeninist literature table. Works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Enver Hoxa. Also books a%d periodicals on Canadian revolution and National Liberation struggles. IO-3pm. Arts Lecture. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Spittin’ Image from g-lam. $1 after 7pm. Co-ed Kung Fu Classes. UW Students are invited to join. WLU complex 4:30-6pm. Sifu R.J. Day Scarlet Dragon Society. 744-9551. -Want to learn or play good backgammon then come to the organizational meeting of’the Backgammon Club. (Bring a board if possible) 5pm. cc 113. 7 International Folk Dancing. To learn and dance world famous folk dances. Location: Senior Citizen’s Centre, 310 Charles Street East, Kitchener. 7:30-10:30pm. $1 per person per evening. Info: Mary Bish 744-4983. The Karl Friedrich Gauss Foundation presents Foundation Licks: Medium Cool centres on Chicago 1968. General Idi Amin Dada features our favourite benevolent despot. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $i .50 Sponsored by the Federation of Students.


.CA Sunday, October 23 . 8:00 P.M. Humanities Theatre





Legal Resource Office-see Monday. Campus Centre Pub-see Monday. Chess Club Meeting. Everyone welcome. 7pm. CC 113.

European Images, 1954-1977 an exhibition of photographs by Aubrey Diem, Thematic Drawings by Adrian Hildebrand. Compilation display of Prof. Diem’s forthcoming book “Western Europe: A Geographical Analysis”. UW Art Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, Sun 2-5pm. Informal Opening with Slide/Sound presentation by Prof. Diem. Free admission. 8pm. Legal Resource Office-see Monday. Campus Centre Pub-see Monday. FREE Movies 2-4pm. Easy Street with Charlie Chaplin, Pardon My Sarong with Abbott and Costello, The Ride, Pack up your Troubles with Laurel and Hardy. Master of Business Administration Course, a representative from &Master University, Faculty of Business. 12:30 and I:30 pm. NH 1020. Waterloo Christian Fellowship Supper Meeting. Join us for a time of worship. Everyone Welcome. 4:30pm. HH Undergrad Lounge. Rebirthing Workshop for making life more pleasurable.lnfo: Michael Rolle 884-5951 or see Ott 7 chevron, p.8. 7:30pm. CC 110.

General Exam for Government jobs. 7pm. Info: Career, Planning & Placement. Mathsoc RockNRoll Pub. Cash Bar. No Cover charge. 8pm-lam. MC 5136. Legends of Jazz from New Orleans. Last of the great New Orlean Jazz men with their leader Barry Martyn. Admission Students/Seniors $4. 8pm. Humanities Theatre.


Wednesday Legal Resource Office-see Monday. Campus Centre’Pub-see Monday. K-W Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic.2pm-4:30pm and 6pm-8:30pm: First United Church, King & Williams Streets, Waterloo. Co-ed Kung Fu Classes.UW students are invited to join. WLU Athletic Complex. 4:30-6pm. Sifu R.J. Day, Scarlet Dragon Society 744-9551. Ski Club Meeting. Ski movies, news of this winter’s trips, cash bar, plus free beer to members only, memberships sold. 7pm. MC 5136. wit,h Daudlin Free Concert (Contemporary Folk). Come & Have A Good Time. 7pm-8:45pm. CC Great Hall. Sponsored by CKMS. Torontg Dance Theatre. Free admission. 7:30-9:30pm. Theatre of the Arts. WATSFIC (U of W Science Fiction Club) will be meeting. All people interested in Science Fiction and Fantasy are welcome. 7:30pm. MC 5158. Transcendental Meditation, Introductory lecture. All welcome. 7:30pm. Hagey Hall Rm., 261. 576-2546. Coffee House.8:30pm. CC 110. Sponsored by Gay Lib. Free Movies--Zacharriah,9:30pm. CC Great Hall. Sponsored by the Campus Centre Board.

Lost Green Mercier 1 O-speed bicycle with black-taped handlebars and chrome front forks. On Thursday October 6 from Physics building between. 9am and 5pm. Please phone Bill at 884-6053. Thank-you.

Pregnant & Distressed? The Birth Control Centre is an information and referral centre for birth control, V.D., unplanned pregnancy and sexuality. For all the alternatives phone 885-1211, ext. 3446 (rm. 206, Campus Centre) or for emergency numbers 884-8770. Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre Ram. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-IOpm, some afternoons. CounselPhone ling and information. 885-l 211, ext 2372. BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy test, medical assistance, housing, legal aid, maternity ,,clothes,-Hope, Friendship, and Support for women with problem pregnancy. 579-3990. CHRISTMAS FLIGHTS TO VANCOUVER AND HALIFAX! Toronto /Vancouver/ Toronto Dee 20/ Jan 03 and Dec. 21/Jan 05 . . . $199. Toronto/ Halifax /Toronto Dec. IS/Jan. 03 . . . .$125. Contact Canadian Universities Travel Service, 44 St. George Street, Toronto (416) 979-2604 or 173 Lisgar Street, Ottawa (613) 238-8222. Past Masters Club. (Think Tank) Members’ Ideas Published. $5/yr. $2 Ego-I.Q. Test, 447 Ontario Street, Toronto, Ontario M5A 2V9


For Sale



74, 7 977






Single Beds $5 and Up. Chest of Drawers $10 and up. Writing Desk $40. Stove $12, Shelves $10 and up. Kitchen Table Set $25. Apply in Person between 5:15-6pm. 130 University Avenue West. ‘68 Volvo 1445-uncertified, radials,

Friday Campus Centre Pub-see Monday. Federation Flicks-The Seven PercentSolution with Alan Arkin, Robert Duvall, Vanessa Redgrave, and Nicol Williamson. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. Christmas Crafts Fair, Campus Centre, Applications for the Crafts Fair are at the Turnkey Desk. Applicamust be submitted by tions November 1. Resume & Letter Writing:group sessions will be held in Room 1020 of Needles Hall. If you wish to attend please register with Career Planning and Placement. Participants will be limited to 25. Dates October 26, 12:30pm. and October 27, 3:30pm. Coffee House’sponsored by the English Society. Everyone welcome. Come and perform or listen or both. 8 pm in Humanities 280. For info about performing call Cathy at 886-3654.

good engine, clutch, transmission, Body poor, brakes defunct. $100 firm. Peter Wallis ext. 2468 night 886-3124.

Want& Part time job available for student as aide and chauffer to local couple. Alternate weekends-Fri. pm. to Mon. Nov., including am. -beginning Christmas and New Year’s days. Phone 579-l 337, daytime. A home for Toby, our eight week old kitten. He’s kitty litter trained and gets along well with other cats. Toby is a tabby with big blue eyes and is in the best of health. If interested give us a call around 6pm any night of the week. 743-7882 Male Volunteers wanted. Male Volunteers required for a social drinking study at the University of Waterloo. 4 (possibly 5) appointments (2 and a half hours each) will be arranged as convenient. Volunteers will be paid approx. $20 for completing the experiment. Phone 885-1211, ext. 26666 between 9am and 4pm.

TY ping Experienced typist available. First quality typing to display your efforts. Phone 743-2933 evenings. Fast accurate typing. IBM selectric. 50 cents a page. Call Pamela 884-69 13. Essays, Theses, Resumes. 12 years experience-Electric Typewriter. 742-l 822, 576-5619 Sandy. Custom Essay service, Essay research assistance and typing. Results assured. 2075 Warden Avenue, T.H. 30: Agincourt. 291-0540.



Room available for female at Waterloo Co-op Residence. 5 minutes from University. Call 884-3670.

Movi Will do small moving jobs half-ton pick-up. Reasonable Call Jeff 884-2831.

with a Rates.



74, 7977





the chevron

. _-.




After a nine-month struggle, and ’ plotted to force people off its staff, over a year after it was closed the particularly editor Adriari Rodway, chevron, got its chance to respond as part of a scheme to use the paper to the charges made against it last as its propaganda organ and supSeptember, when a staff delegation press other views. presented a refutation of the In a tight presentation Docherty charges to the chevron investigasubmitted one item of evidence tion commission Wednesday. after another to refute these The chevron delegation was recharges. sponding to about I49 charges Other than statements made by made against. the paper during six Rodway Docherty told the comdays last September. The chevron mission it has received no evidence provided the commission with the that anyone was driven from staff, charges extracted from The federahowever, the chevron case is that tion executive minutes Sept. 24; there is evidence to the contrary, the statement which accompanied which shows that large numbers of those minutes to a students’ counpeople were being recruited onto cil meeting Sept. 26; from tapes;@ the paper. that council meeting; from the As evidence of this the Sept. 28 Other Voice, a paper published by special issue of the chevron was the federation Sept. 30; also from submitted which included a full tapes of the Sept. 30 council meetpage collage of recruitment posting which voted to close the paper. ers, advertisements, and leaflets Addressing the commission on encouraging people to join the behalf of the delegation chevron paper, the products of the most aceditor Neil Docherty said the tive recruitment campaign in years. charges could be divided into five That the campaign was successcategories - The alleged takeover ful is borne out by the large staff of the paper by the Anti-Imperialist working on the paper in Sept. 1976. Alliance; the charge that the chevTo support this mastheads from the ron staff published an unauthorised third paper in September of 1976 special issue Sept. 28; that a crisis and the three years previous were existed because both the editor and submitted. the Board of Publications ChairThe masthead doesn’t always inperson resigned; that the federation clude all the names of .those who feared a riot; and a collection of worked on that issue but it can be charges which Docherty termed taken as a good indication said “dillies” and could be refuted just Docherty. The 34 names in the by reading the charge. Sept. 1976 issue are more than AIA takeover double the number in the two preThe alleged AIA takeover was vious years and greater than the number for at least the previous the main item to be ~dealt with, Docherty told the commission, and four years. accounts for about 45 of the Docherty said he wouldn’t I becharges. The essence of these are labour this point because it is acthat the AIA controlled the paper, cepted that the staff was larger in

main charges


Former editor and staffer testify Over 50 students attended the Chevron Investigation Commission meeting Wednesday night to hear testimony from several key witnesses and to hear the chevron’s case refuting the charges made against it last September. The commission heard testimony from former chevron staffer Steve Izma and former editor Adrian Rodway. Izma submitted a 26page statement outlining his view of the events surrounding the closure of the chevron. He has been in direct contact with the chevron ‘since 1969, both as a staff member and by working at Dumont Press Graphix, where the chevron is typeset. Izma felt the federation council was “acting on fear that wasn’t well founded” and that “their concern should have been the dynamics in staff.” The key to Izma’s testimony was that he felt there were antagonisms in the chevron staff caused by one side who “weren’t interested in building on others’ ideas.” He said there was an apparent attempt to discourage people from working on the paper. The quality of discussion was the worst ever, and led to encampments which meant the general dynamics of the newspaper suffered, he said. The chevron delegation complained that they had received a copy of Izma’s statement only ’ minutes before the meeting started. They said, however, that his charges would probably be refuted in the case they were about to present. Commissioner Don Martin said he found Izma’s statement quite confusing and couldn’t understand it. When he resigned last September, Rodway cited “personal

reasons”, but on Wednesday he claimed he had done this to avoid further questioning. Asked why he resigned, Rodway said he had felt harassed throughout the summer by the AIA. He said it was especially strong towards the end of July and in the first three weeks of September. When pressed under questioning from the chevron delegation to give an example of the harassment he complained only of an incident one production night when he alleges someone rode a bicycle around him. Rodway’s main point in his testimony was that he was being harassed in an effort to oust him from his position. He charged that as editor he was the focus of attacks. He said he felt he could do a better job if he wasn’t the target of attack but was an ordinary staff member. He wanted to resign as editor but continue to work on the paper as a volunteer. The chevron delegation pointed out, however, that a volunteer has the same rights and privileges as the editor - each has only one vote. Rodway said he endorsed Steve Izma’s description of what happened during the summer in the chevron. He said that he strongly disagreed with the actions of the federation in closing down the chevron and that his resignation gave them the excuse to do so. Before the chevron delegation could complete their crossexamination of Rodway, chairman Frank Epp cut off the questioning because of a shortage of time Rodway had to leave. The commission agreed to ask him to return later. -peter


The chevron investigation commission attracted an audience of about 50 students Wednesday. In this picture (left to right) are Adrian Rodway the editor of the chevron who resigned last September, next to him is Steve lzma a former staffer, who appeared as witnesses at the. invitation of the commissioners. Next is Larry Hannant former editor of the free chevron, Neil Docherty chevron editor, and jules Crajower chevron staffer. photo by john w. bast

1976, and is even conceded’by then federation president Shane Roberts. The statements of many new recruits in the Sept. 28th chevron are further evidence that people were being encouraged to work on the paper, and apart from the printed statements in the paper the chevron also submitted the handwritten statements signed by the new staff in preparation for that paper. As final evidence that there was a recruitment campaign a news story from the April 2, 1976 chevron was read in part. The story reported on achevron presentation to students’ council in which then chevron news editor Neil Docherty announced “plans to launch a major recruitment drive next fall . . .“.




So in Sept. 1976 was the chevron an AIA organ? A communist newspaper stifling other views, both political and non-political as the charges claim? In refutation of this charge a copy of People’s Canada Daily News was submitted to the commission. Docherty said this is a communist newspaper and he was sure the commissioners would see some clear differences between the chevron and the daily organ of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). Key evidence in this section was charts of the content of the chevron’s first three September issues for 1976,1975,1974, and 1973. The charts, which were reproPaper democratic _j duced in the Oct. 15 free chevron last year, clearly indicate that in The paper these people were Sept. 1976 for the first time in those joining, in contrast to previous years, was much less capable of four years, the amount of local news is in excess of political feabeing controlled by any small tures. group. To illustrate this point a tape The trend of long reprints from was played of \an interview with other publications had been reformer chevron staffer Doug Ward. versed by 1976 by a campaign to In response to questions Ward stress hard news cloverage of issues said there were no regular staff affecting students. meetings and no regular forum for The trend in these charts was discussion of feature material or further corroborated by an indepolicy decisions, during his time on pendent study of the paper’s conthe paperFall 1975 to May 1976. tent from Sept. 1975 to Sept. 1976, For some of that time Ward lived which showed that the amount of with Roberts and former chevron AIA material in the paper was very editor John Morris, and Ward said small. The study was done by Math he couldn’t recall Roberts ever student Peter Blunden ‘before he complaining about the lack of staff control or the number of features in joined the staff and was also printed in the Oct. 15 free chevron. the paper. In contrast it was pointed out Debate encouraged that in Sept. 1976 new students On the issue of stifling debate it joined a paper with regular staff was shown that AIA submissions meetings, at which minutes were to the paper were invariably in the taken. Minutes of meetings from form of a debate. Their submisMay 1976 to Sept. 1977 were subsions on Angola and on housing mitted along with testimony of were juxtaposed to opposing chevron office manager Sylvia views. On both these occasions the Hannigan to prove this point. organisation was asked to submit It was also pointed out that staff material. were encouraged to attend these Also a report on an alternative meetings and evidence of this was a science conference which was journalism kit written by Docherty partly organised by AIA is run with and distributed to staff which had, a report on a government science boxed on its front page, a note enconference held on campus at the couraging staff to attend the regular same time. Friday staff meetings. Further on this point evidence Also, key policies and procedures of the chevron, including an was submitted by Rosanne Pellizexplanation of how to become a zari, a student, who last September voting staff member, were printed submitted an article “On what to do with a hungry world” and who in the Sept. 10, 1976 chevron. said even though some staff memIn this situation, for any group or bers disagreed with it, they voted person to have influence in the paper, they have to persuade other for it to go in, and for a comment on staff of the merits of their case, and the article written by Neil Docherty also to be printed, in an effort to influence gained in this way is stimulate the debate which legitimate said Dot herty .

Rosanne was keen to start. Finally a statement made by Warriors rugby team captain Mike Hazel1 before the Sept. 30 chevron rally last year was submitted to the commission. Hazel1 who describes himself as “a small c conservative” further corroborates that everyone was encouraged to work on the paper, and he said in writing rugby reports he was given a great deal of help from the chevron staff.



On the charge that Rodway had been forced out by AIA persons on the paper the chevron delegation raised the following questions for the commission. It was pointed out that in August he handily defeated a motion of non-confidence which had been raised in staff by Docherty and Larry Hannant, both of whom are charged with forcing him out. But in light of this, why, if Rodway felt he was being subjected to undue pressure did he not raise it before the staff and suggest that Docherty be fired unless he stop this alleged activity? The question was also raised that if Rodway felt compelled to leave because of political pressure why did he state he would nonetheless stay,on staff as a volunteer. Rodway claimed that pressure would not be as great on him if he weren’t editor. But the chevron delegation argued that the alleged political pressure would still have existed. It was also pointed out that Rodway prior to working on the chevron in 1976 had not written a news story since he left the Jamaican Broadcasting Corporation in 1964. Rodway also confirmed under questioning that when he joined the chevron as editor he had no layout or photographic experience. During most of his employment on the paper he was also working either full time or part time at the post office. At the same time he was also enrolled in post graduate studies at UW. He was married, and at the time his children were out of the country. The chevron delegation argued that it was these pressures which Rodway suffered from, and that he was not able to handle the job. The political differences between Rodway and other members of staff were handled in the normal way at staff meetings, where vigorous discussion ensued and issues were decided by a vote, as is proper.


on page




the chevron known a thousand years ago. 2:30 pm - Multi-Ethnic Canada A look at Canada as a multi-ethnic country and what that implies. An exploration of themes around the multi-culturalism in topic of Canada. 3:30 pm - Ukranian Programme Programme 530 pm - Greek presented by the Greek Students Association. 9:15 pm - Live from the Campus Centre Coffeehouse - Pending permission from the artist, we will be broadcasting live from the coffeehouse where Rick Taylor will be performing.

CKMS will start broadcasting at 94.5 FM Stereo at Saturday October gpm, 15/77. These listings include only features.Features are generally between 15 and 60 minutes long. Sunday,




12 noon - From Orient to Occident Impulses, Ideas and Inventions - Today - Medicine The Forerunner of Penicillin was








8:45 am - Perspectives - A look at some aspects of the world energy situation by U.N. experts. 9:30 am - Radio Waterloo News lo:30 am - Radio Waterloo News 11:15 am - Down to Earth - Recorded at the Down to Earth Festivals in 1975 and 1976, and at the Killaloe Community Fair 1977, these programmes examine a variety of issues. Today - Practical Applications of Solar and Wind Power. 2:30 pm - Heritage - This programme features a talk by Dr. Pen-













11:45 pm Radio Waterloo

ner, M.P. and assistant to Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs, Warren Allmand. The talk was given at the third annual gathering of Ontario Indian chiefs in July, 1977. - A prac5:30 pm - Numerology tical, holistic approach to knowing and feeling the subtle vibrations influencing life, harmonizing the energy within one’s being; with Marcus. 6:00 pm - Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm - Community Services A look at the Global Community Centre. 9:00 pm - Musikanada - Musikanada focuses on prominent Canadian artists, and includes both an interview and music. This week features Charity Brown. 11:45 pm - Radio Waterloo News







8:45 am Perspectives - A look at some aspects of the world energy situation by U.N. experts. 9:30 am Radio Waterloo News lo:30 am Radio Waterloo News 11:15amDowntoEarth 2:30 pm Musikanada focuses on prominent Canadian artists, and includes both an interview and music. Today - Charity Brown. 5:30 pm Research ‘77 Today - Dr. McLellan - Gravel Pits. 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 8:30 pm Folklore -A series of programmes on folk, jazz, and traditional artists. Today - J.B. Freeman. 11:45 m Radio Waterloo News




8:45 am Science Journal -Today Laser beams for the treatment of secondary caries, fully automated telecommunications centre for jungle and desert, and a new test method for the early diagnosis of heart attacks.


8:45 am - From Orient to Occident - Impulses, Ideas and Inventions. Today - Medicine - The forerunner of penicillin was known a thousand years ago. 9:30 am - Radio Waterloo News lo:30 am - Radio Waterloo News 11:15 am - Down to Earth - Recorded at the Down to Earth Festivals in 1975 and 1976, and at the Killaloe Community Fair 1977, these programmes examine a variety of issues. Today - Spice of Life -A collectfve in Toronto that operates a vegetarian restaurant. 2:30 pm Carlisle ‘77-This series will take an indepth look at Carlisle ‘77 and Bluegrass in general, including interviews with performers and organizers of the festival. Today - a look at the history of bluegrass, including an interview with Bill Knowlton, who has hosted bluegrass programmes for many years in Syracuse, New York. This programme will also feature the music of, and interviews with, Bill Monroe and Carl Story. 5:30 pm Research ‘77 - CKMS presents a series of programmes focusing on research on campus at the University of Waterloo. TodayDr. P. Eastman-Satellites. 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm Law for Students - The Paralegal Office sponsored by the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo has organized a series of programmes which deal with the legal aspects of practical issues pertinent to students. T.he October series is concerned with the legal difficulties that students commonly encounter in housing. Today - The Lodger: Definition of Lodger, his/her statutory rights, and the use of private contracts to avoid potential disputes. 8:30 pm An Interview with Candidates for Federation Council and President





On this charge, which was also made by Roberts, the chevron referred the commission to Roberts’ testimony before them, when he also listed staffer Jules Grajower as one of the people who pressured Rodway into leaving. It was pointed out that Grajower did not join the chevron until October, after Rodway had resigned.



In summation of this section on the alleged AIA takeover the chevron delegation said that many of the charges levelled against the chevron by Roberts and his followers actually applied to the chevron in previous-years, before AIA existed or Neil Docherty arrived on cam-


Motor Hotel .W 071 Victoria




is Singles






While none of the charges stick on the 1976 chevron they do apply to the paper in 1973 and 1974. Papers which ran long political features to the exclusion of news, papers with small staffs and little evidence of staff democracy in terms of regular meetings and minutes: certainly in 1973 the chevron was a paper which can hardly be said to have encouraged recruitment. As eviden.ce of this the chevron delegation provided the commission with two obscure recruitment ads from the Sept. 7, 1973 paper. One cited and an interest in “perversion menstrual fetishism” among others as qualities desired of entertainment writers. In these years Shane Roberts

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St. N. - 744-3511

74, 7977

was a member of the federation executive and worked on the paper, “yet where was this knight in shin: in.g armour then?” Dochertv asked. Time ran out for the chevron presentation which is now slated to be completed Monday at 7:30 p.m. in NH 3006. Before ending the chevron delegation served notice that they will be providing evidence of plagiarism on the part of Roberts and former federation president Andrew Telegdi in their efforts to get voting rights on the paper before the election of a new editor.



9:30 am Radio Waterloo News lo:30 am Radio Waterloo News 11:15 am Down to Earth - Recorded at the Down to Earth Festivals in 1975 and 1976, and at the Killaloe Community Fair 1977, these programmes examine a variety of issues. Today - Bakavi - A set of guidelines for development with the aim of developing an ecologically sound way of life as well as promoting life-base pursuits. 2:30 pm University of West Indies - From the Radio Education Unit of the University of West Indies, this series of programmes reflects different aspects of life in the CaribToday Size, Selfbean. Determination and International Relations in the Caribbean. 5:30 pm Sports 6:00 pm Radio Waterloo News 6:15 pm What’s Entertainment Your guide to weekend entertainment and beyond 8:45 pm People’s Music - CKMS showcases local musicians. 11:45 pm Radio Waterloo News

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the chevron

14, 7977

While council


fails in QuoruIpl


Despite federation bylaws which require that 17 days notice be given of a general meeting, Renison councillor Larry Smylie remains hopeful that such a meeting will take place before the October 25 elections referendum. Smylie is circulating a petition calling for a general meeting, but has yet to obtain the necessary number of signatures (about 1400). In a telephone interview with the chevron Wednesday, Smylie said that “If the students call for a general meeting, by way of number of signatures, regardless of whether the for 17 days (notice) or not, .the students council and president must ask themselves: are we going to bend the bylaws for a demand from the students for .a general meeting, when we have bent them ourselves, or arexwe not?” Smylie claimed that “the council constantly goes on record ‘as bending, abridging and abrogating the bylaws;” When the chevron asked Smylie how many signatures he-has on his petition so far, he replied that he “hasn’t counted them”. Although Smylie has refused in the past to give the chevron information on the progress of his petition, there are reports that he has over 600 signatures so far.




The federation council failed to achieve quorum for the second consecutive meeting last Tuesday. On October 3, council agreed that they would proceed as usual, without quorum, and forward the minutes of the meeting to the Board of Directors as recommendations. The motions passed at the October 3 meeting are ineffective until approved by the Board of Directors or by a council meeting with quorum. Acting federation president Eric - Higgs told the chevron Tuesday that the Board of Directors has only three members at present - him-

884-378 884-4390



self, federation “treasurer Martha Coutts and Bruce Leavens, the recently-ousted ex-Board of Entertainment chairperson. Higgs said that since quorum for the Board of Directors is three, it would be difficult to convene a meeting. Higgs suggested that Leavans would be unto-operative in such a venture. Higgs told Council last Tuesday that “I don’t think the (council) session we had last week accomplished very much, and therefore I think it would be a waste of our time to do something like that -again.” Instead, he suggested that council have a 30 minute question and answer period. During the question period, Smylie asked Higgs if he would call a general meeting of the federation prior to the October 25 referendum, so that students can “get the pros and cons of the problems that the federation and chevron (have) prior to having to go to the polls, without any effort to give them a snow job one side or the other.”



‘ ‘ What are general meetings for if not snow jobs?“, retorted Doug Thompson, ousted federation president, who has recently been acting as council speaker. Higgs, supported by other councillors, said that a general meeting is not required for an information forum. Smylie countered that “It would amaze me if this entire council wasn’t recalled as a direct result of the decisions of the students at that council (sic), when they find out about the extent of mismanagement that has been going on with the federation.” Smylie subsequently told the chevron that his question to Higgs did not indicate failure of his petition. Rather, he “wanted it on tape that he (Higgs) was against having a general meeting of the students.” Smylie has been recording council meetings since last winter.

alpha sounds


Science councillor Stephen Coates asked Smylie if he was suing him and the 12 other councillors and six past and present members of the federation executive for a letter they published in the chevron September 30. The letter alleged that “While on council, Smylie has threatened several councillors with criminal charges, introduced numerous but useless counter-productive motions, produced reams of paperwork and made long deliberations at council meetings, all in support of his own political ideas.” The authors requested in their letter that “the students of Renison College recall Larry Smylie, and elect a responsible representative.” In reply to Coates’ question, Smylie said “I see that many people took it upon themselves to sign a letter which contains nothing but allegations and no substantiation whatsoever against myself.” “In reply to your question,” he continued, “I think it will become very evident in the not too distant future just exactly what the situation on that will be. And until such time as that takes place, that’s all the answer you’re going to get.” Science councillor Gerard Kimmons, one of the authors of the letter, said that “It’s my opinion that every statement made in that letter is not merely an opinion or merely an allegation, but indeed fact. “Unfortunately, there isn’t a means by which councillors can oust you from this council. However, your constituents can; it’s up to them to grant you due process.” Smylie had complained that he was not receiving “due process” in respect to the charges levelled against him by the councillors. -nick

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the chevron

11 percent


profits I rise

percent from the same period last year. In the first quarter of this year, profits rose by 16.1 percent, the largest year-over-year increase to be recorded since the onset of the economic crisis in 1974. In the fourth quarter of 1974, the yearover-year profit increase was 59.4 percent; in the first quarter of 1974 it was 47.8 percent. The accom-

Not everyone is hit hard by the current economic crisis, skyrocketing inflation and unemployment. According to the “Globe and profits of 410 Mail’ ’ , the after-tax corporations in all sectors increased by eleven percent in the second quarter of this year over the same period in 1976, rising from $1.36 billion to $1.5 1 billion. Profits in the first half of 1977 are up 9.6

panying table lists the industry groups with the largest profit increases. The paper and forest industry, which export the greatest portion of their products to the U.S., also benefitted from the cecline in the value of the Canadian dollar. In the first half of 1977, their profits increased 48.4 percent over last year. .The oil refining industry, which is completely foreign dominated, shows evidence of the benefits it has received as a result of the skyrocketing oil prices approved by the government, tax concessions, plus the numerous grants the oil monopolies received from all levels of government. The U.S.-owned “Texaco Canada” Ltd. earned over $16.5 million in the first half of 1977 compared to less than $10 million in the same period last year. BP Canada Ltd., a British-owned oil monopoly, says its after-tax profits rose from $19.6 million to $23.4 million in the same period, while Gulf’s prof?its rose from $76 million (the amijunt the Ont. Govt. intends to spend on student aid) to $91 million. These

Increases in Corporate the Second Quarter 2nd Quarter Industry Profits 1977 GtoUP . ($ millions)


Paper and Forest Food processing Misc. Financial Trust and Loan Western Oils Oil Refining Golds Misc. Industrial Transportation

70.8 18.4 29.6 33.0 156.0 185.8 58 2Oi8 8.i

gigantic profits are a few of the consequences of the “energy shortage”. Corporate profits have increased three-fold between 1965 and 1975. Corporate profits before taxes were $7.7 billion in 1970, $15 billion in 1973 and more than $18.5 billion in both 1974 and 1975. During this same period, unemployment has risen constantly from 520,000 in 1973 to more than


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17; 18’0 20’8 23’8 32’2 33’2 38’1 57’8 97’6.

700,000 in 1976, reaching close to 900,000 in January of this year and hovering around the 8 percent mark of the labour force. (This does not include people who have given up looking for work.) With unemployment has also come a steady inflation rate and a curbing of workers’ wage increases to below inflation by the so-called “Anti-Inflation Board”.

handed d6wn by ear, played from ihe heart!


14, 1977

Profit in 1977 Change from 2nd Quarter Profits 1976

from New Orleans

$6.00 (Stu./Sen.






the chevron

14, I 977



T’E HUMAN coNor/oN.. .

SciSoc plans Oktoberfest The Science Society operates out of room Bi 253B in the overpass between the Biology and Chemistry buildings. Although there are no published office hours there is usually someone there during the day. The office prov@es a number of services for society members including magazine racks and the use of a typewriter. T-shirts are also available. The function of the society as seen by its executive is to spend its budget, derived from its member’s’ fees of $2.00 per term, for the benefit of its members. The executive expects about a dozen people to ask for refunds on their society fees. Some events being planned by the society include an expedition to Oktoberfest on October 14, and a


A number of topical colloquia organized by the political science department will take place here during the fall and winter terms. Colloquia are intended mainly for academics who wish to discuss a piece of work, and they are open to interested staff and students. James Jupp, colloquia officer and political science professor, said that this year’s colloquia are not confined to politics but include economies, philosophy, sociology, and modern history. The first colloquium will be presented on October 14 by political science professor John Fraser, who will discuss the Communist Party of Italy (PCI). On November 11 Terry Qualter, also of the political science department, will speak on the British Fabians. A number of academics from other universities have been in-


vited to speak as well, Jupp said. They include Weissman from York, speaking-on the judicial process; the noted Chilean professor Neff, who will come from Guelph to speak on the politics of infla tion; and also from Guelph, Eidlin, who will discuss totalitarianism. In the winter term, Jupp expects speakers on such issues as “participatory democracy in the federal Liberal Party”, political leadership in Africa, central government agencies, and Indonesian politics. Last year’s colloquia included one by political science lecturer Sandra Burt on women’s participation in politics, a presentation by a representative of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and a talk by Jupp on the crisis of the British Party system (see free chevron, 2>1 January, 1977). &al

Kitchener February 23 on charges of “aiding and abetting an illegal alien’ ’ , Fred Mason, during an RCMP raid on the K-W branch of the Norman Bethune Institute. The charges against sixteen of the arrested have since been dropped. Bains’ appearance in Kitchener court will be shortly after the new Immigration Act, Bill C-24, which was passed by the government on August 1, comes into effect. -heather

181 Waterloo New Hamburg



Street 662-3930



Rape Distress Centre’s Volunteer Training Session is cancelled for this week-end. It will be held on four consecutive Thursdays starting Oct. 20. People interested should call 886-3170 for moie information.


Every Thursday






Live Entertainment Friday & Saturday

Sorry, MathSoc!( Rape Distress The article “No participation hurts ArtSoc” listed as an upcoming event a co-ed broomball tournament November 4. Obviously some people still hold to intersociety rivalries for we were quickly informed that the event is organised through MathSoc.




Colloquia planned ltaliam communists


Wine and Cheese party-on October society and are more concerned 27. Other possible events include a about their studies. She says the trip to the zoo. executive will go out to the stuSome of the Science Society \ dents in an attempt to drum up money goes to the four sub-clubs. more interest to fill the seats. ComThe Biology, Chemistry, Physics paring the society’s strength to past and Geology-Earth Science clubs years, she said, “It’s building up all get $1 .OO per term. now; we’ve got quite a stroiig The society has an elected excouncil, really.” ecutive consisting of a President, The society fields teams in inVice-President, Treasurer and aptramural sports, flag-football, sotpointed members in charge of difcer, basketball and inner-tube ferent activities such as athletics. waterpolo. The society council elections Every two weeks the society took place on Tuesday. There were paper, Sci-Sot News, is published. no contested seats. Earth Sciences The faculty of science runs its and first year seats have yet to be own course-prof evaluations, a filled. Sandy Wilson, vicecopy of which is obtained by the president of Sci Sot, says she is not society and made available to stutoo worried about the first-year dents. However it does not run . vacancies, saying that first-year critiques. students are often not aware of the -frank morison

Baihs’ trial r>ostrxmed The trial of Hardial B&ns, Chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) on immigration charges was postponed Friday to January 13. UW psychology professor Douglas Wahlsten, acting as agent for Bains, requested the postponement. Bains was one of seventeen members and supporters of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) arrested ,in





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the chevron



which the Human Rights Commission has taken to issue. Discrimination in housing, at tourist resorts, in employment agencies and in promotions inside corporations, are the specifics Borovoy discussed. There is in Canada, repugnant and inadequate legislation which

A colloquium on racism ando dis: crimination in Canada was held between a UW Anthropology class and invited speaker Allan Borovoy of the General Council of Civil Liberties in Canada. Borovoy cited several examples of racist practices in Canada,













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gives legality to double standards, he said of the Immigration Act. “This violates our most basic rights; yet we’re saying for immigrants it’s OK.” To reduce racial discrimination in Canada, we must use legislative powers, he said. Secondly, we should capitalize on public opinion, “pointing the finger” at racists. In the question period that followed, some members of the audience brought to light additional information, and spoke from their own experience. One person pointed out that the government isolates native people and promotes discrimination. An East Indian empathized with this point- and made additional comments. He was a member of the East Indian Defence Committee and in response to a question about the EIDC said that in 1973 (when the East Indian community was attacked and two East Indians were murdered) they had gone to the Human Rights Commissions for help. But this was to no avail - the commission did nothing. In order to defend the community, the East Indian Defence Committee was formed. He explained that the EIDC is organized under two principles: first, that self-defence is the only way, to fight words with words and sticks with sticks: second, that the Canadian people are not racist, but that it is the Canadian state which organizes and incites these racist attacks. Borovoy commented that police protection should be stepped up. Again the audience brought to light the reality of their experience. One person said a Hamilton grocery store had been attacked 17 times, but when the police were called, they told the East Indian owners that they had better things to do than come and help, and subjected the storeowners to verbal abuse. In a later attack, six East Indians were charged with assault when they defended themselves against the racists. A final poignant observation was made by still another member of the audience. She paralleled the governments of South Africa and Canada: both are racist, she said. -diane

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74, 7977

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74, 7977

the chevron



CKMS tower must come down The present CKMS radio tower is to be replaced at a new relaxed date instead of by today as the administration had originally demanded. An old lattice tower was assembled two weeks ago on the Arts Library roof deck, but a rust problem on the anchors coupled with a deteriorating library roof left Bill Lobban, Physical Resources Director, to find the tower, “totally unacceptable.” Ed Knorr, Building Coordinator, had originally specified a single pole construction some months ago in a letter to the radio station. Technical Co-ordinator Bill Wharrie confirmed this and said that when he received the lattice tower there was some doubt as to whether it qualified as a single pole construction “ . . .like a I decided to flagpole. . . However, go ahead anyway and see their (the university’s) reaction.” There had been a rumour earlier to the effect that the replacement of the tower was an arbitrary decision based on the aerial being deemed “visually unexceptable.” This, however is not the case. “The decision to have CKMS take down the present tower and replace it with a real single unit was a staff decision which Bill Lobban (Director of Physical Resources) only related,” says Bill W arrie . “My bitch is that they waited so long to tell us. Up until Wednesday’s new time limit, it was a panic and rush to change the tower over and still air on time. They should have said something in the initial days.” Dave Assman, CKMS coordinator said no monetary loss has resulted from the confusion and CKMS will be on the airwaves, 94.5 FM, as scheduled 9 pm tomorI row. -roy

Student shoddn

According to CKMS co-ordinator, Dave Assman, people in the acimjnistration objected to the looks of CKMS’s tower. Which do you preferr - t/7e tower or the red intestine? photo by john w bast


2 .





VANCOUVER (CUP) The University of British Columbia board of governors is putting pressure on student member’ Moe Sihota to be less open with the press about board affairs. The board grilled Sihota at a private meeting Oct. 4 for more than an hour about his disclosures to the UBC student newspaper, The Ubyssey. Arts senator Paul Sandhu, a close friend of Sihota, said Sihota is afraid that board will ask for his resignation at its November meeting if he continues to publicize the proceedings of closed board meetings. Sihota, obviously shaken by the meeting, declined comment Oct. 5. Sources say the board could ask for ‘Sihota’s resignation at its November meeting if Sihota continues to speak so freely with the press. If Sihota refuses to resign, the board would simply adjourn the. meeting and cancel the December meeting, Sihota’s last, sources said. Sihota’s defense‘ at the Oct. 4 meeting was that he-sees himself as a student representative and .fheir ombudsmafi.. Some board members said he should bring up matters at board meetings before making issues of .. them. ~1.~.’

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the chevron




74, 7977


Surveys demonstrate job situation ,was 7 grim Other student newspapers and organisations have conducted surveys on their own campuses to determine conditions there. Below we present stories from across the country which have appeared in recent news services of the Canadian University Press.



According to a survey conducted by the student newspaper the Dal Gazette, 16 per cent of students returning to Dalhousie University in Halifax did not find work during the summer. The survey involved 174 students, 65 per cent of whom said they have to rely on some form of financial assistance to meet the costs of the school year. Of the students who found work 35 per cent said it was for a short time or at a low rate of pay. Canada Manpower found jobs for only 20 per cent of the working students. About 33,000 ‘people were unemployed in Nova Scotia during the summer and 16,000 were young people under 24.

duebec _

A survey conducted by the Loyola Student Association (LSA) during registration says 26 per cent of Loyola students were unable to find a job this summer. The results were compiled from a random sampling of more than 450 students. -. And, comments the Loyola News, the actual unemployment rate among Loyola students is likely higher than the 26 per cent found in the survey since there is no way of knowing how many students were unable to return to university this year due to financial reasons. The 26 per cent unemployment rate uncovered by the survey far exceeds the 12.3 August unemployment rate in Quebec for’returning students, as reported by Statistics Canada. But even the 12.6 per cent is


higher than the national average for returning students. And other statistics show a high unemployment problem for Quebec youth. 0 Unemployment in August among Quebec students not returning to school in September stood at 26.8, according to Statistics Canada. And the federal agency says unemployment in August among youth in Quebec between the ages 15 and 24 years hit 16.7 per cent.



Although official statistics are unavailable, an investigation by the University of Manitoba student newspaper, The Manitoban, says student summer unemployment this year matched last summer’s rate. A survey by the Manitoba Youth Secretariat last year said 3.6 per cent of students could not find work and another 17.8 per cent could not find enough work. Ed Francis, director of the Canada Manpower Centre for students in Winnipeg, said this summer’s student unemployment was about the same as last year. Francis said his centre placed 286 fewer students this year than last, but the difference was entirely in casual placements which were down by 343. Casual placements are jobs lasting five days or less. Regular placements, which are for longer periods, were about the same this year as last. Still, the increase in job offers this summer at the Canada Manpower Centre for Students failed to match an increase in student job applications. While job offers increased by 344 this summer over the previous summer, the increase in job applications was 620. A survey conducted by the University of Saskatchewan student newspaper, The Sheaf, shows that 23 per cent of students returning to university in September were unemployed throughout the summer. Those who found work, the survey adds, were employed for only

by Francis Schaeffer

EPISODE III The Renaissance Wednesday, October 19 EL IQ3 at 7:30 P.M.

V The’ Revolutionary


an average of 11.6 weeks. The poll, which was completed by 175 people waiting in registration lines at the Saskatoon campus, says 53.7 per cent of those surveyed said they face financial problems in attending university this year. The Sheaf poll says first-year students, especially found the summer financially unrewarding. Twenty-eight per cent of first year students surveyed were unable to find jobs during the summer while those who did worked an average of 8.7 weeks. And one in five upper-year students found lasting jobs in the summer. The other four averaged less than 13 weeks of work.



A recent survey at the University of British Columbia finds that while about 94 per cent of UBC students worked this summer, most students failed to earn enough to pay for their university education. The survey conducted in July by the UBC’s Alma Mater Society shows that six per cent of the 1,107 people who responded to the survey were unemployed and looking for work. But it is the underemployment among those students who did work in the summer which has UBC student officials worried. Paul Sandhu, AMS external affairs officer, says only 14 per cent of those surveyed said they would be able to fund their university education with their summer earnings. Sandhu says the government estimates it costs a student $3,200 to

go to university for a year. And, he says, “Students obviously have to go to some alternative means to fund their education.” Women students suffered the most from underemployment, according to the survey. The average amount of money saved by this group was $1,200. But the average male student earned about $3,000 and saved $1,900. And women also encountered the most summer unemployment. Eight per cent of female students surveyed indicated they were unemployed and looking for work compared to five per cent of the males surveyed. But August unemployment statistics released last week by Statistics Canada paint an even bleaker picture for B.C. students than the one uncovered by the UBC survey. The federal agency says unemployment in August for students returning to school in B.C. was 9.4 per cent. And for other categories involving youth, the picture gets worse. August unemployment for students in B.C. not returning to school in September was 23.3 per cent - a figure higher than the national average of 19.3 for that category. And August unemployment for men and women in B.C. between 15 and 24 years was 12.6 per cent.

Many of the 400,000 unemployed young people in Italy have demonstrated in the streets out of discontent with their situation. In Germany the situation is somewhat better with less than a quarter of a million young people out of work. Despite these problems many European companies are adopting policies that will actually reduce the number of jobs available. A survey has found West European companies investing heavily in labour-saving machinery, and setting up plants in southern Europe and Northern Africa where labour costs are less.





Europe Meanwhile, unemployment is hurting millions of youth and stu: dents in Europe. In France, over 40 per cent of the 1.18 million unemployed are under 25 years of age. T ,







74, 7977

the chevron

Students respond & chevron comments on the comments

dent Incom


sx 2: zs: ix% %2 2:G;s;= Fix WI/1 First

















Regular 2nd year on Arts Env.


0.0% 4

22.4% I

28.4% I

1 0.0% 1 0.0% ~37.9%131.0%~13.8% 117.2%

1 0.0%

] 0.0%




1 0.0%


1 l.S%

1 0.0%





1.4% II

-1.4% If

14.9% I1

1 I on 1. 0 5% I- 1

35.1% II


20.3% I1

I I 3% p* 7 2% I*30





Integrated Studies

Sc fence




Total Kegular 2nd year


1.5% I











I 5% Pa0 I

I 2% I 1.6% I


l74 1




co-op 2nd
























‘7.3% I























Tn+ .“&a*

m 1














y ,ear








The data in this table is a percentage breakdown of studentqincomes by ange. The percentages in each row total 100 percent. If you compare the wages received by the first year students, regular tudents in second year and above, and the co-op students in second year md above, you will find a significant variation. The largest proportion of first year students, 41.1 percent, received vages of $2.0 1 to $3 .OO, while regular students above first year bunt hed in he $3.01 to $4.00 range, and co-op students are grouped together in the i4.0 1 to $5.00 range. Although it is not included in this table, the rate of pay for female !tudents, except in the co-operative program, is much lower than for the nales. Among first year students over half the females reported wages of i3.00 or less, while only one third of the males were in this range. The lifference between male and female wages for the regular students in econd year and above was as pronounced. There are some problems with this data. If a person marked down a ertain hourly income plus tips, then only the wage rate, being the only nown quantity, was recorded. This will tend to raise the number of tudents reported as receiving wages close to minimum. This will be larticulariy true of women working as waitresses. dote: If someone reported a monthly income it was divided by the average umber of working hours in a month to arrive at an hourly wage. Since not veryone was working the assumed 40 hour week, this data on wages must le taken as an approximation.















2nd year and above, regular






gad year and above, co-op







:;unple size




Students don’t like the OSAP students who remarked on student on hourly rates of pay and take note of the number of people who programme. That’s one of the assistance lent their support to the worked for a wage of $3.00 an hour major conclusions to be drawn operation of the OSAPprogramme, from the chevron employment surand many of these people rested the or less. vey. problem of financial need on the Another’ common charge was It didn’t seem to matter which shoulders of the students. usually phrased like the following: year the student was in, or which Students should lower “their an“A lot of students take advantage faculty, the vast majority of stuof government grants and such.” ticipated standards of employdents showed their disdain for the ment .” Students are “too fussy.” This may or may not be true, but program both through the ques“It’s easier to go on pogey than the number of students who have tionnaire and the comments that make an effort.” “People are just savings far below their estimated were added by many of the stuworried about getting soft jobs.” expenses (see Table: Surplus or dents. These are just a sample of stateDeficit of Estimated Savings over Of the students who answered ments made attacking students for Expenditure) shows a real need for the question on the fairness of the their financial woes. a good and equitable financial asOSAP assumption that students While we don’t have a reliable sistance programme. should be able to save, and thereunemployment statistic for this There were a few people who fore contribute to their education, a survey or know why people were approached the problem certain amount of their summer philosophically. One student said: unemployed, we do know certain earnings, 80.5 per cent said they “I am morally opposed to the exthings about student employment thought it was unfair. tortion of one person’s earned inwhich do not tend to support the While Harry Parrott, Minister of charges made concerning lazy stucome to pay for another’s needs.” Colleges and ,Universities, has just dents. In the same vain, another stated: “I recently announced that this asdo not believe there is any expresThere were not a large number of sumed contribution will not be in- students on UIC or welfare. Only sed right to grant assistance.” cluded in the OSAP programme one student collected welfare and Judging from the other comnext year, he announced at the that was for a period of only two ments and the questionnaire, these same time a new policy which stu- weeks. And less than four precent people seem to be a small minority. dents are just as strongly opposed There were a few other comof the sample collected~unemployto. ments dealing expressly with the ment unsurance benefits. Over Next year, a student with over two-thirds of these benefits were survey. Nine people said the surfour years of university education received for periods of six weeks or vey was ‘biased,’ ‘stacked,’ or will no longer be eligible for OSAP less. lacked ‘objectivity.’ In this respect grant assistance. The survey also One unemployed student had a we admit the error of our ways. We dealt with this policy, which was pleading reply to the charges of lazquoted the Stats Canada student then only a possility. Of the stuT iness. He simply said: “I’m no unemployment statistic of 15 perdents who responded, 77.1 percent cent. Adding this to the question on bum.” said they did not support the the OSAP programme might have A number of the comments change in policy. About 9 percent stated that students do not like biased the results. more of the first year students were ‘dirty” or ‘poor paying’ jobs. Yet We might add that just as many opposed to this intent than upper the survey indicates that large people complimented us on the year students. survey as accused us of stacking it. numbers of students did take these The comments made by students low paying jobs. Look at our table A few people commented that generally reflect the same degree of they were too unfamiliar with the opposition to the operation of OSAP programme to make a deciOSAP as did the answers to the sion. We hope a careful reading of questionaire. Two thirds of the 190 this article and others on student comments made concerning stuassistance, jobs, and cutbacks in dent assistance went against the future issues of the paper will help operation of the OSAP programme. remedy this lack of understanding. Out of these comments a few -david carter concerns are prominent. The most often repeated complaint was levelled against the parental contribution criteria in the OSAP programme. Many students either did not, or could not, be dependent upon their parents. Yet, the programme expects a certain amount of parental contribution from those families which are judged to have a large enough income to give some support to a son or a daughter in post secondary education, Comments such as; “parental income not always a good indication (of need),” or “students trying to pay their own way, with middle class folks, can’t get loans” were common. Other comments referred to the tougher job situation, increasing costs of living, and the frustration of dealing with an ever-tightening OSAP programme. One student who had taken two full-time jobs, each paying less than Each bar represents the percentage of students supplementing their $3.00 an hour, and one part-time income through the various means listed at the bottom of the graph. The job, described his plight in the fol“Other” category may represent part-time work during the school year, lowing way: “My costs are up student loans from outside the province, spouse’s financial support, or $600. Resources down $400. Ripother less obvious sources of income. The ‘Own Resources’ category may ped off by OSAP.” represent either summer savings or savings accumulated in previous There were other like--minded years. emphatic statements such as: “The One interesting statistic here is the high degree of reliance on OSAP by job situation is horrifying;” “sumall students, both regular and co-op. mer jobs are in no-way sufficient to Note: Students often listed more than one source of income supplemencover increasing costs;” “I think tation. I’m being shafted:” etc. Another major irritant was the situation of the poorer student. The new plan “damages the chances of Mistakes were made in this our first employment survey, and we have someone from a low-income group attempted to point them out whenever they arose. However a good start sucessfully entering and complethas been made at investigating the real financial problems faced by the ing graduate school”, was students at UW. A survey is being planned for next year and so if you have someone’s response to the restricany valuable advice to offer us we would appreciate anything you might tion on the number of years a stuprovide. dent may receive OSAP grants. Thanx to those who contributed their labours to the distribution, compiStatements such as: “assistance lation of data, key-punching, tabulation, programming, writing, etc.: nash should go to those who need it,” dhanani, Gerard Kimmons, Salah Bachir, James Kung, jane pollock, were repeated in various ways dianne chapitis, johnson cheung, don martin, payton, Wendell fields, b. many times. rowe, jonathon coles, and last but certainly not least the University’s : These comments, while represComputer Consulting Service for their assistance (they were not, howenting the majority, do not represever, consulted on the design of the survey). dc ent all the students. A third of the


5.7% i? L

I 1% I*18 I



The percentage figures given in the table above represent the proportion If students in each level which had full-time employment, part-time em)loyment, both full and part-time employment or no employment. Notice low few students in the co-op program rely on part-time work and, :onversely, how many students in first year took part-time work. Care should be used in reading the “no job” column. While a certain )roportion of this represents a real unemployment, it is also true that an lndetermined, yet significant, proportion of this represents visa students vho are not allowed to take jobs during their stay in Canada, and students vho were in school during the summer term. We might also note that the definition of full-time or part-time was left up to the person who filled in the survey. As such, what one student may tave considered to be a full-time job, another may have defined as a )art-time job. Note: Due to round off errors the total row percentages will not always otal 100 percent.




I the chevron




74, 7977

Athena win in 800 m. run



Last Friday the Athletic Department hostedtheAnnua1 Waterloo Invitational Track and Field Meet. In addition to the regular schedule of events this year’s meet featured a 10 Km,cross country race through Waterloo Park, set up by coach Les Roberts. The Warriol Harrier% with the home advantage were able to defeat the strong University of Toronto team and even placed a ‘B’ team third. The individual winner was John Ptolemy of Toronto in a time of 32:04. Waterloo sophomore Tom Boone, who is on work term in-Toronto, was again the top Warrior placing fourth in 32:20. Tom in his rookie year could not even make the team but this year has only been beaten by one Warrior, Howard Saunders, in a 4.5 mile road race. Veteran Paul Barron was close behind Tom in his first race this . season. Paul placed fifth in 32:30. Other members of the ‘A’ team were Gary Crossley (6th, 33:19), David Zapporoli (7th, 33:25), and Ray Costello (9th, 34:48). The ‘A’ team had the best score of 31 points followed by Toronto with 49 and Waterloo ‘B’ with 70. The ‘B’ team consisted of Greg Kay (13th, 34:58), Peter Piercy (15th, 35:08), Terry Novak (19th, 35:25), Doug



Black (21st, 36:01), and Keith MacKay (22nd, 36:34). Tim Bradich (26th, 37:42) and Francis Cadeau (27th, 38:03) completed the Waterloo entrants. At the track meet the Athenas showed their strength in the throwing events. Rookie Janet Carwardine placed second i-n the shot put with an excellent toss of 10.52m, the best by an Athena in many years. Barb Chitovas had a disappointing day in the javelin placing only fourth with a distance of 34.40 but managed a second in the discus with 34.83m. Lorraine Luypaert took third place in the discus with 27.91 and placed fifth in the shot with 8.20. On the track Rina Kievering was the top Athena winning the 800m in 2: 29.8 and placing second in the 400m in 62.0. Behind her in third place was Marg Lesperance in 64.8 with Sandra Ford fifth in 65.5. Jennifer MacPhail and Mary McKenzie both placed fourth in their specialties the 1500m and 3000m runs, respectively. The team itself was third overall with 74 points close behind Toronto with 89 and Windsor with 86. \ The men’s team did not fare as well mainly because of a lack of



team placed

7 h with 40 points.



by Got-d


numbers. They placed seventh with 40 points while Queen’s won the meet with 113 points. However, sonie Warriors did do well. Rob Town was victorious in both the javelin (52.72m) and the shot (,14.24) but due to other commitments could not compete in the discus, his best event. Steve Harrington in his first

competition with the Warriors surprised many by taking third in the 1OOm and fourth ,in the 200m. His times of 11.4 and 23.3 are very good considering the cool weather and slow track. Other Warrior placings were: Howard Saunders 800m 5th, 2:02; Tom Fizgerald 1500m 6th, 4:22.6; Jim Nishikawa triple 3rd, 12.39;

and Ron Windsor long 6th, 5.78. The track team will be competing Sat. Oct. 15th at McMaster with the OUAA/OWIAA Championships the following week at McMaster. The Cross Country team will have a week off but some athletes will run at the Ontario Championships on Sun. Oct. 16.

The 10th annual China Cup soccer tournament will be held from next Friday to Sunday, Oct. 21-23. Over 10 universities in Ontario, Quebec and Maritimes are going to participate in this event. The China Cup was originated by a group of Chinese Students in universities of Ontario ten years ago with the purpose of promoting friendship and co-operation amongst Chinese Students and also to provide sports opportunity amongst Chinese in this country. This is the first time the China Cup is brought to the University of Waterloo. In addition to coordinating and participating in the Soccer Tournament, CSA has organized some special events to

celebrate this 10th anniversary of the China Cup, and everyone is welcome to come and participate in these events. Also a’special issue for this tournament is available in the CSA library at the Campus Centre. The following sche’dule outlines the events to be held on Oct. 2 1 through Oct. 23. Oct. 21 Friday 7:30 pm Reception - Campus Centre 8:00 pm Captains Meeting Campus Centre 8:00 pm Film- entertainment Campus Centre. 22 Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Tournament - Columbia Field

7:30 pm China Cup Night - Arts Lecture 135 23 Sunday 9:00 am Tournament - Columbia Field 12:30 pm Playoffs - Seagrams Stadium Trophy presentation to follow.

1Intraplay re-play 1 Soccer battle for China’ Cup At it’s first meeting of the Ski Club, we had a larger turn out than last year. If this is the trend, the 1977-78 season is going to be bettel than ever. This year’s executive committee is Vicki Behune - President, Lorraine Mitchel - Secretary, Jim Kissick - Public Relations, Steve Warner - Trip Coordinator, Rusty Cardhouse - Activities Coordinator. The next meeting is October 19, 7:OO p.m. in MC 5136 and an equipment demo is being held. If you’re a beginner, expert, or a freestylist, there will be something for you (besides, members get 1 free refreshment). Memberships may be purchased for a minimal $5.00 at the PAC office, at any meeting, party or from any of the Ski Club executives. It entitles the bearer to reduced rates,

first choice on ski trips, free entrance to Ski Club parties, a 10% discount at Collegiate Sports and a good time skiing. We have a couple of new twists this year; the head coach of the men’s varsity team is going to organize a recreational rBcing program and a level 1 instructor’s clinic (a min. of 20 for the clinic). Also a dry land training program for all those out of shape, is soon starting. You can train with the varsity team or simply come out Monday and/or Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the flag football field (call Rusty - 884-7796). Upcoming is a fashion show/party, ski-care demo, a draw for the Vermont trip, and much much more, so get your membership and we’ll see you at the next meeting!! \

Intramural Schedules As a student, I periodically am confronted with what one might call “leisure”. My first reaction is what am I going dto do with this “discretionary time” and what resources are available to me to develop, grey and experience leisure? To all of you out there in university-land, I offer IN-

TRAMURALS and so much more! Let us direct our attention towards a hypothetical situation which simply assumes that we have some free-time on Wednesdays and we want to participate or spectate one or more Intramural Activities. Well let’s look at Wednesday’s schedule:

7” 9-32 noo; -T. Drop-In 11:30-l :20pm: 1-4pm 12-lpm 12-lpme.~ <_’ 4:;$5-7p~~~,5 -2~ 4:fE6:4&3m

Volleyball Rec. and Fitness Swim Drop-In Badminton . Fitness Club Instructional Yoga ’ Soccer Women’s Comp. Flag Ftball.

6-$pm 7-9pm 7-1Opm 7:4510:15pm 7:30-9:30pm 7:30-9:30pm 9-4 0:30pm IO-lam 1 l-lam

Instruct. Scuba Lessons Instructional Karate Gymnastics Club Instructional Badminton Instructional Squash Instructional Tennis Rec. and Fitness Swim Co-Ret Broom bal I Competitive Hockey

Gym 3 PAC Pool PAC Gym 3 PAC Gym 3 PAC Corn batives Room COI. 1 & 4 Village Green, COI. 5A Pool PAC Red North Activity Blue Activity PAC Courts 1069-1072 PAC Waterloo Tennis Club Pool PAC McCormick Arena Moses-Springer Arena



We believe with your active participation and support this Soccer Tournament can be a most successful event. Above all we would like to forward our sincere thanks to Dr. Mathews, Booking Office Federation of Students and Mr. Peter Hopkins for their involvement and support and encouragement. See you in the Tournament! 4,hinese



Field hockey battle is even On Tuesday, October 4, the Waterloo’s defense throughout offensive pressure, with many University of Waterloo Women’s most of the game and tallied the shots on goal. Field H&key Team defeated victory 3-l. Scoring for Waterloo Waterloo’s 3- 1 victory can be atGuelph University in an exhibiti was Marie Miller. tributed to good fielding skills and game played at Guelph. ExceIlent Next Waterloo played McMastel quick ball releasing by all. Scoring field conditions allowed for solid University. Our home girls domifor the Athenas were Marie Miller, drives and accurate passing for n ated this game maintaining strong Sue Scott and Bev McKewn. both teams. The Athenasdominated the game with strong offensive and defensive playing by all. Final score 3-O Waterloo. Scorers were Marie. Miller, Marj Mc&ae and Cathy Gumming.‘<1 ,, ’ -;. I, ,,:,, +--..‘;I Despite fdul weatbe;, the Waterloo Invitational Field Hockey, Tournament helId on qctqbec 7 and PHOTOGRAPHERS 8 proved to be,2 SU&XSS~ On Friday afternoon, Waterloo met Western Michigan University, U.S.A. This proved to be a very exciting .. game with both teams playing Specializing in Grad Photos strong positionally. This allowed for a more open game with lots of 259 KING WREET WEST deep diagonal break-cut passing to KITCHENER the forwards. Unfortunately Waterloo could not score and were defeated 2-O. On Saturday, Waterloo’s first game was against Michigan University, U.S.A. Michigan pressed

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the chevron


74, 7977

Record Shorts Alice Cooper Lace And Whiskey Warner Bros. Alice Cooper has made half a very good album. Unfortunately, it’s questionable whether side one of Lace and Whiskey is worth five bucks of your meagre summer savings. Aside from the ballad “You And Me,” the weakest in a trilogy of “sensitive” singles, which began with the laughable “Only Women Bleed,” and also includes the best of the lot, “I’ll Never Cry,” the first half of Cooper’s latest fantasy consist of four fine rockers, the strongest of which is the anthem “Road- Rats.” The lead off number “It’s Hot Tonight” is a perfectly executed riff, and the title track, even with the almost inaudible vocal, is one of the most memorable upbeat tunes Cooper has yet recorded. Unfortunately, these successes are somewhat dampened by a funny but totally uninspired version of a Fifties rocker called “Ubangi Stomp,” a limp and anonymous disco track (“No More Love At Your Convenience,“) and an unsuccessful collage of studio gimmikry entitled “King Of The Silver Screen.” Perhaps, one of the problems lies in the plot, a satire of the hardnosed Mickey Spillane detective character, and a genre which hardly requires any parody. Bee Gees Here At Last RSO If you’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing a Bee Gees concert you’ll already know -how good this two record set is. My only complaint is the dominance of the straight disco material (“Boogie Child,” “You Should Be Dancing”) as opposed to the disco-tinged songs on Main Course and Children Of The World ” “Love Me,” neither of (“Fanny, which is included here).

Hdwever, side two, which is entirely made up of the pre-“Jive Talkin”’ ballads, is a pure joy, and the more varied opening side, with the traditional opener “I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You,” “Love So Right ,” and “Edge Of The Universe, ” is potent proof of the lasting contribution the Bee Gees have made .to pop music over the last decade. Eric Carmen Boats Against The Current Arista Those of you who snubbed the Raspberries for being too lightweight, and are ignoring Eric Carmen for the same reason are missing out on some of the most ingenious pop-rock recorded in the Seventies. One listen to the quartet of “horny” singles from the Raspberries’ Best (“Go All The Way,” “Tonight,” “Ecstasy,” and “I Wanna Be With You”) should immediately dispel any doubts. Boats Against the Current, Carmen’s second post-Raspberries album is a masterpiece c\f beautifully crafted b&ads (“Love Is All That Matters, ” “I Think I Found Away,” this Myself, and “Run LP’s “All By Myself ‘), BeachBoys’ harmonies (the current single “She Did It”), and rich but controlled production. Carmen handled the production of this long delayed album (which ended up costing close to half a million dollars to complete). Better than virtually anything either McCartney or the Beach Boys have done in the last five years. Harry Chapin Dance Band On The Titanic Elektra There are two problemslwith Dance Band On .The Titanic. First, it is a double album, thus almost insuring at least the equivalent of one side of less than sterling tracks. Secondly, Harry Chapin has al-



ways been capable of being subtle (as in ‘ ‘ Taxi” or ‘ ‘ Tangled Up Puppet,“) and aggravating when bludgeoning the hstener with heavily melodramatic lyrics, contrived rhymes and pseudo-rock accompaniment. Fortunately, although the former is virtually inevitable, the latter tendency is not as prominent as on recent Chapin releases. At his best, as on the surprisingly cogent fifteen minute closing number, “There Only Was One Choice,” and the touching, bittersweet “Manhood,” Chapin weaves wonderfully graphic stories which are loaded with emotion and excitement. “Manhood” in particular, with its appropriately awkward lyrics, and light humour is sensitive without being maudlin: “She gave her gentle smile/She slipped through the door/Saying ‘You’re my first and only love/Just like all my loves before.” The songs which don’t make it are commonly marred by the overbearing production of Harry’s brother Stephen. “Mercenaries” backing vocals consist of low humming which sounds like the soundtrack for a grade “C” war movie? and “Bluesman,” a funny song, 1s rendered almost unlistenable by the occasional parts of “the old blues man.” Despite these weaknesses, Chapin has put together what would have made a superb single album of material which should sound twice as good in concert where .he puts on one of the most powerful and entertaining shows I’ve ever seen. If you’ve ever caught yourself humming just one of his songs, you’ll be cheering wildly for encores when you see him live. In the meantime, buy Dance Band On The Titanic on sale somew-here, or pick up the double live set, which remains Chapin’s best work and a bargain at any price. -john


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brpSubmit!t, lt’s Tuesday noon, (my deadline), and someone has already responded to our prose/poetry/art entreaty with the short story printed here. No bne, however, ha6 submitted anything else. Unless someone does, the whole idea will have to die. Please bring all submissions to CC 140. See last week’s chevron for further details. “The Last Trial” is a variation on an old theme: what happens after you die? What can you do about it?




The circumstances that had brought him there were still fresh in his mind. The events leading up to his death, the splitsecond explosion of pain and the sudden awakening to a new world, a new life, all seemed quite wonderful to him. The prodigious sight in front of\him was more pleasing .to the eye than any of the number of areas of outstanding beauty he had seen while on Earth. Encircling him was a heavenly aura; in front of him stood a magnificent, yet unformidable entrance; the whole atmosphere was so totally illuminated that there existed not a corner of darkness, not even a shadow. A saintly man dressed in white approached him from within, opened the gate for him, and said pleasantly, “Come in, James Bankford; The Almighty awaits you.” Doing as he was told, he followed the messenger along a cloud-covered path to a majestic coutyard. And there he beheld The Almighty, seated on a majestic throne, His

lily-white face glimmering the with innocence; human form did not hide His spiritual grace, His forgiving attitude. ‘The new arrival smiled with delight. The Great One spoke: “James Bankford, you died at the age of forty-seven due to a heart attack, did you not?” “Yes Sir, that is correct.” “What kind of life did you live? Were you a good man, kind and forgiving, or were you an evil, iniquitous man?” Sweat formed on James Bankford’s brow. “I - I was a good, kind, gentle man, Sir. I loved my family, gave them everything I possibly could. Said my prayers every night, too.” “EVERY night?” “Well, almost every night.” James Bankford shuffled his feet nervously as he felt his throat dry up. “Are you thirsty?” asked The Almighty, his voice soft, and hospitable. He turned to the messenger and said, “Peter, will you please fetch this poor man some refresh-

ment ?” Peter returned seconds after leaving. He handed a silver goblet to James Bankford, who gulped down its contents. Once he had finished, the goblet vanished from his grasp. He wasn’t too surprised, for such was what he had expected. Licking his-lips, James Bankford regained his confidence. “Feel better now?“, inquired The-Almighty. A simple nod urged him on: “Good! Let us get back to the business at hand, shall we? You say you were devoted to your family. Just how devoted were you?” “Oh, I loved them Sir. Loved them with all my heart. My children couldn’t have had a finer father.” “What about your wife?” continued The Almighty. That was the decisive moment. He knew that if he told The Almighty he killed his wife, he wouldn’t have a chance however small, of being accepted. If he lied, The Almighty would probably know he was lying. But there was still a minute

RY chance that He did not know all. -He decided to lie. “I treated my wife with respect and affection until my dying day”, replied James Bankford, somewhat nervous, somewhat inquisitive.

“Admirable, my dear man. Quite admirable. You should be proud of yourself .” Bankford breathed a silent sigh of relief. The Almighty didn’t notice that he had lied. It looked Iike he could get into Heaven by being dishonest. The Almighty was unaware that the man He was questioning was speaking from behind an imaginary mask, a mask that hid his evil actions and wicked thoughts of a dreadful past. The Almighty returned to the interrogation as he asked, “How areyourwife and children now? I imagine they must be quite upset over your death.” i “They must be severely broken up about the whole affair, Sir.” . The Almighty snapped his fingers. “I know what! Let’s take a look at how


they’re making out. I have the means of watching them right now.” “Oh, please, no Sir. You mustn’t do that!” “Why not? Aren’t you interested?” “Oh I am, Sir. Very. But - well, I ‘know they’re quite sad, Sir. And I don’t want to see them that way.” The Almighty smiled. “Fine, suit yourself. I guess you’re right, and I certainly don’t want to make you unhappy.” Suddenly, He changed the subject. “Did you practise your faith regularly my son?” “Why of course, Sir,” was the reply. “1 supported the Church and raised my children as good Christians.” The Almighty smiled again, and as he did so, James Ban kford regained his composure. “For that I commend you, my son.” Ban kford smiled joyously. Behind the smile he was’laughing at his questioner. He didn’t think he had a snowball’s chance in Hell of being allowed in, but it appeared that The Almighty was pleased with him.

The Almighty stretchec out His ring-studded hanc and beseeched him ‘Come forward ‘my son You must sign the regis ter before you are admit ted.” James. Bankforc signed his name in the golden book. Once he die so, he turned to The Al, mighty, who said, ‘ Wel come to Hell. I seldom meet a masquerader suck as you.” James Bankford wa: shocked. “HELL? Ho\n can this be Hell? Everybody’s dressed ir white, everything is purf and immaculate, just like Heaven should be.” “Oh, you mean al this?” asked The Al mighty. “It’s merely i fa$ade meant to tricl people, my son. It’s no nearly as good‘ as you guise, though.” The Almighty lifted Hi: hand and the scent changed. Everything wa: barren, black, hot to the touch, and The Almight: had a demonic smile or His sooty face. “You’ll like it here, ml son. We have some of tht wildest parties around.” -earl




the chevron 15

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Deerfield fares bet 1 ‘er than Oh God!” \



A. whole raft of new movies have just arrived in Kitchener-Waterloo. Ofthe three that I saw, the best fare is Ken Russell’s “Valentino” - a fast moving, off-beat film that rips off a variety of movies right up to “Citizen Kane”, and provides an excellent vehicle for Russell’s well-developed sense of exaggeration (this is not everyone’s cup of tea - see the review by Rick Pluzak next week). The most promising, and the poorest of the lot, is Carl Reiner’s “Oh, God!” with George Burns, John Denver, Teri Garr (the busty peasant girl of “Young Frankenstein”) and Donald Pleasance. The film asks what happens,when God (George Burns) visits earth and appoints an ordinary supermarket manager to pass the message that the world can work, if you want it to. God has enough trouble convincing Jerry Landers (Denver) that it is truly He. Naturally Jerry ha8 even more trouble passing the simple message on. The entire situation (together with George Burns as God!) should, to anyone who has seen or heard the Reiner/Brooks “2000-year-old man”, be -enough

to guarantee a superbly funny movie. A few bits of choice dialogue would tend to support this: Jerry: “Why me? I don’t even go 10%church!” God: “So what? Neither do I.” The entire production, however, is so bland and low-key that the net effect is little better than boredom. The trace of originality in the main premise is washed under by uninspired direction and a heavy re.liance on stock TV gags. The occasional good laugh is far too rare. This could have been a funny movie-( X:4:Waterloo Theatre).

(very untypical). The viewer isn’t subjected to endless scenes of drivel and tear-wrenching, rather a more intelligent-seeming sort of cinema. A scene described in “Showbill” : “You must know a lot about death, about dying,” she says to Bobby Deerfield, who replies “I don’t think about death; I don’t think about speed; I just drive.” This scene sounds like a classic groaner, but when I actually saw it, the dialogue seemed perfectly natural in the hands of Keller and Pacino. The film tries to set a pace and Bobby Deerfield ’ style that is more common in Sydney Pollack’s “Bobby DeerFrench cinema. Deerfield is shalfield” is little better. The plot is low, almost stupid. She is impulhopelessly corny: Bobby Deer-field sive, unpredictable, and hence (Al Pacino) is a Grand Prix Formula mysterious (to him). The attraction One racing driver who falls in love and reaction of the two is interestwith a woman (Marthe Keller) who ing to watch, but in the end we are has a mysterious illness. When I left with nothing. . . not even a read that in “Showbill” I was exmessage of nothingness. Even valiant acting, sometimes attractive pecting the worst. Much to my surprise “Bobby photography, sporadically clever Deertield” was nothing at all like dialogue and a couple of car the plot synopsis might indicate, crashes can’t cover up that this is even less like the blurb on the still a pretentious, shallow, corny movie ad. Instead I was treated to movie. (“*l/2 Lyric Theatre). sensitive acting, eye-filling photoIf space fantasy appeals to you graphy, and an untypical love story and you still haven’t seen Star

Moliere masterpiece -

Al Pacino.

One of the great masterpieces of the theatre “The Miser” by Moliere will be performed Sunday evening, October 16 at the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo by the National Players of Washington, D.C. Curtain time is 8 p.m. The greatest actor and dramatist that France has ever produced, Moliere raised the art of comedy to its greatest heights. “The Miser” is an outstanding illustration of Moliere’s greatest gift: making us see” ourselves in a particularly ridiculous light and setting us to

Real New Orleans Jazz to play HH Handed down by ear, played from the heart, the music born in New Orleans at the beginning of this century is alive and well and still thrilling audiences around the world. Barry Martyn and The Legends of Jazz, an all-star group of New Orleans veterans have just returned from a successful European tour and will play at the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo on Tuesday, October 18 at 8 p.m. The name of this all-star group is well considered. Each of these illustrious gentlemen is truly a living legend of jazz. Several of them have seen the spirited music of New Orleans move from the streets and riverboats to the concert stages around the world. This group of veterans has been brought together by Barry Martyn whose age is at least 40 years less than the average age of the men in the band. Their combined backgrounds total more than 300 years-of jazz activity! The group includes: Barry Martyn, the leader, a mere youngster at 35, is an acknowledged authority on the history of New Orleans music. He plays drums and does vocals. Louis Nelson on trombone, 7.5 years old, was heard in the 20’s with the Original Tuxedo Band. In recent years he has been a fixture in Preservation Hall, New Orleans. Andrew Blakeney on trumpet at 79 years _ of age still blows with youthful zest. He was the man selected by Joes “King” Oliver to replace Louis Armstrong when Satchmo left Oliver’s band in Chicago in 1924. His trumpet was also heard for many years with Kid Ory. Joesph “Brother Cornbread” Thomas plays clarinet and sings. 73 years old, he started to play professionally in his teens. He joined Oscar “Papa” Celestin’s orchestra in the late 20’s and played with them for 40 years. Alton Purnell, on piano, 65 years young, was actually born in New Orleans in the building that currently houses Preservation Hall. With Bunk Johnson’s band, he helped kindle the spark that flamed into the worldwide jazz revival of the late 40’s. Edward “Montudi” Garland, 92 years of age and still playing a real cool bass. “Tudie” left New Orleans in 1912 with his own group to spearhead the northward flow ofjazz music. His bass can be heard on the first recording ever made featuring authentic negro New Orleans jazz more than 50 years ago! The exciting sounds of The Legends of Jazz display a fresh, exuberant approach to a music that reflects their own enduring achievements. While offering authentic music from New Orleans, the band has become famous for its showmanship. Age has definitely not dimmed their brilliance. Like fine wine mellowing in acask, the deomonstrate the value oftrue vintage. ‘1 ickets tor the October 18 performance on sale now at the Main Box Office, Room 254, Modern Languages building, UW campus of at Bishop’s Style Shop, Stanley Park Mall, Kitchener, KW Symphony Office, 56 King St. N., Waterloo. $6.00 (Stu./Sen. $4.00)

Wars”, put it up top of your list. ( **** Hyland) “Valentino” is definitely worth seeing, if you can stomach Ken Russell. (* * * Cinema). “I Will, I Will. . . For Now” with Diane Keaton and Elliot Gould at last week’s Fed Flicks was a mindless string of cliches. I’ve seen worse comedies, but the film does a grave injustice to Keaton (see “Annie Hall”!). “Harry and Walter Go To New York” is even worse, so if you didn’t like last weeks Fed Flicks, don’t go tonight. This one adds James Caan and Michael Caine to Gould and Keaton, and proves (again) that famous stars do not a movie make. Next week, though, definitely shell out your eight bits to see the “Seven Percent Solution”. At that price it shouldn’t be missed. Nicol Williamson and Alan Bates enact a superb confrontation between Sherlock Holmes and Sigmund Freud. -oscar m nierstrasz

SUPER SUBMARINE King 81 University Waterloo OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun. - Thurs. 1Oam-2am Fri. - Sat. loam-3am

The Miser

laughing at ourselves. “The Miser” shows us the penny-pincher that is in each one of us. Harpagon, the miser, thinks that everybody loves money as intensely as he does. This makes him nervous. He worries that his son is spending too much on clothes, that his servants are trying to find out where he hides his gold and that his daughter is making fun of‘him. Still he manages to keep his money safe and his life in some kind of frantic order until he falls in love with a young girl. Love, he discovers, costs money! The National Players is one of the most respected touring repertory theatre companies in the United States today. It was founded in 1949 by Father Gilbert V. Hartke, a Dominican priest and head of the Speech and Drama Department at Catholic University, Washington, D.C. The Company can boast of twenty-eight consecutive years in the touring field and have won a reputation for handsome productions with colourful sets and costuming, and a high standard of performances. They have played in 39 states, on network television, on offBroadway, at the White House, and in 10 overseas tours for the American government. The 27th

tour just completed took them to Hawaii, the Phillippines, Japan, Okinawa, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Mediterranean area, England and Germany. This performance at the Humanities Theatre is part of the UW Arts Centre professional season. Tickets are $6.00 (Stu./Sen. $4.00) available at the Main Box Office, Room 254, Modern Languages building, UW campus or at Bishop’s Style Shop, Stanley Park Mall, Kitchener and the KW Symphony office, 56 King St. N. Water-

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the chevron






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74, 1977


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the chevron



Retake on rebkthhg

would include: interpersonal relations, creativity, co-ordination, appreciation, and spiritual, intellectual and psychic development. To develop toward technologies which do not: 1) Require a continual input of nonrenewable resources. 2) Have a cumulatively degrading effect on the environment. 3) Require more material than would be available if the world’s resources were equitably distributed amongst the world’s people. There are many-people that believe that it is essential to develop along these lines if we are to survive. We would like your readers to ask themselves if they agree. Through common agreement it is possible to make this option visible as an issue to be addressed by those who direct our societies development. For convenience in identifying this option it has been labled “Bakavi” (ba-ka-vee). The word bakavi has been selected from the tradition of one of North America’s native people; it refers to a vehicle used to survive problems brought about by people so caught up in their own creations that they acted without regard for the non-human creation which makes life possible. Further information can be obtained by writing to : Bakavi, P.O. Box 2011 Station ‘D’, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Thank you for considering this. Mike Nickerson

Thank you for the coverage which you gave to my talk on rebirthing. The amount of space you gave was very generous. Randy Barkman’s article impressed me as being completely fair and honest reporting of the impressions he got of what I said. There are places where he did not get the same thing I was trying to convey; in these places the article was especially valuable to me, because I see where my communication skill needs improving. Most of the time, Randy did in fact get things the way I wanted him to. You have also served your readers by making them aware of the service which I offer, thus providing some of them with an opportunity to get some value from it. To make sure that people do not turn away because they think I am offering something which I am not, I would like t-o clarify a few items which might be misleading. First, the central point of rebirthing is to create freedom in the body, mind, and spirit, to shift the experience of living from the past to the present, and to make life more fun. The basis of the process is breathing. Get your breathing more relaxed, and stop holding your breath so much, and life becomes better. The birth experience is brought out in a discussion of rebirthing, because it is one factor which keeps us from being fi’ee, and because it is a major factor in the way we breathe. I and other rebirthers tend to focus ’ I am truely disappointed. Reading this primarily on birth, rather than on breathing week’s chevron I find no article on Albania. free. I feel that this is a mistake of wrong This is most disappointing, your weekly aremphasis which I made in my talk. ticles on-Albania are so hilarious, and break Second, I may have made the impression of the week. Why do you that rebirthing is addictive. It sounds like I up the monotony not start up more articles that are as funny as must keep going to New York, or else I will this? Perhaps on Angola? Full page reprints feel lousy. The fact is that if I stop getting from the People’s Canada Daily News are rebirthed, I will not have any withdrawal always a good laugh, they are usually funnier symptoms, nor will I lose anything I have than your entire paper. In general, I would gained from it so far. When I let go of negative thoughts, they are gone forever. What I rate your paper nearly as good as “MAD” magazine. Your articles by Neil Docherty learned about being the creator of my own life, that knowledge stays with me. It should are particularly good, the way he pretends to also be mentioned that after several sessions be so biased and takes all the politically with a rebirther, a person can continue workwrong stands to greatly emphasize his real ing on his own. political stands, as a‘true democratic conThird, the matter of money. Mentioning servat ive . only the standard fee which most rebirthers Keep up the good funnies! have agreed upon, will turn off people who Yours dying of laughter, think they cannot afford the price. I am quite Alex White willing to be paid that much money, and I am Geoff Hains also willing to be paid less. I am even willing P.S. Why don’t you write a few serious artito offer the service for free, to people who cles for a change? sincerely think they cannot afford any Lettitor money. I do not need the money, since I As to our “weekly articles” on Albania, already have enough incom,e to live on. Bas- the chevron has had two articles on Albania, ically, I will not allow money to come bet- one announcing that a meeting was coming ween a person and the benefits of rebirthing. up and a news story on the meeting. This is Fourth, I wish you had included in your standard procedure for many meetings on article the information about how one can campus, such as the rally on OSAP in the contact me. I can be reached at 884-595 1, or previous chevrons etc. (The rally on OSAP through the C & 0 department, extension had 3 people show up tp the meeting on 3482. Albania had 70 people). The article was in Thank you for the opportunity to share the chevron last July. As for the “articles” with the public. on Angola, there hasn’t been an article on Michael Rolle Angola for over 14 months. There was a feature printed on Angola in July 76 presenting two different viewpoints which were a focus of a serious discussion on campus about the Cuban invasion and the civil war there. As for the “full page reprints” from People’s Canada Daily News (PCDN), there has been one since the existence of PCDN in 1970. The PCDN article dealt with the Some years ago, the news of resource de“energy shortage” and staff thought’ its pletion, environmental damage and exploitation of one people by another caused me to analysis about the problem was worth reprinting. Could you gentleman please exsuspect that there must be a more appropabout the riate goal for society than just expanding the. plain to us what was “hilarious” article on Albania or the article on Angola or G.N.P. After a lengthy study of problems the PCDN article on energy in the next and solutions as presented by concerned people, a basic set of guidelines became evi- week’s chevron? Could you please also tell us why you did no investigation on how dent. The objectives are: To develop an ecologically sound way of many articles were in the chevron before you began to mouth off the same “charges” you supporting human life. That is, one in which materials are managed in continuing cycles made last year? We await your reply. and the energy necessary to advance those The chevron staff invites any serious criticycles is taken from continuously reliable cism from students, staff and faculty and is sources. willing to have discussion with any serious To encourage life-based pursuits. These person about any aspect of the paper.

Truly hilarious

Bakavi, the base’ of life

Schroeder obscure Dr. J. Schroeder wrote a letter to the editor last week in which he claimed that Christianity and Marxism did not have the The significance of Dr. same aims. Schroeder’s letter lies not in it’s logic nor in the conclusion that is supposedly made. What concerns me is the evidence which he presents as the ‘aims’ of Christianity. I challenge you Dr. Schroeder to substantiate what you consider to be the Christian fundamentals with stronger evidence and more convincing arguments. In many places you lift bible verses thoroughly out of context, make generalizations that are so vague as to be meaningless, and make unsupported doctrinal statements. If you believe that what you have said is true, then I hope you are willing to stand up and defend it. What you said in your particular letter deserves to be challenged for many reasons. Perhaps the most compelling reason is to demonstrate publically that there are Christians who think differently than you. My argument is not directed against you personally. I believe that your thinking is representative of a whole spectrum of Christianity; a spectrum that is very visible on this campus, but which is certainly not the only option open to those seriously considering Christianity. There is no “monolithic” Christian agreement about theology and there is even less agreement about social, political and -economic issues. The theology which most people associate with Christianity seems to be of the kind that you represent. This theology is often remarkably narrow in its scope: having a high regard for an individualistic salvation yet at the same time is almost devoidvoid of a social conscience or even an awareness of society. Furthermore, this theology by indifference or by implication favours the existing economic, political and social status-quo. At the same time, those in this Christian spectrum have an astonishingly dogmatic yet superficial idea of what the bible says. I hope that this letter makes it clear that there are Christians who strongly disagree with much of what this other tradition represents. In the week following next, I will present what I believe is a more hu’man and biblical account of what the “aims” of Christianity are. I will use the same catagories, and definitions as Schroeder, with the addition of more bible verses. In that letter I hope to demonstrate that the aims of Christianity are not totally inconsistent with the aims of Marxism. Additionally, I will even suggest that Marxists and Christians on various occassions may work together on issues of common concern’. In this particular letter I will simply concern myself with the logic of your argument which I believe obscures whatever it was that you were’trying to say. In your letter Dr. Schroeder, you did not prove what you apparently set out to prove. How does your thesis sentence and supporting evidence relate to your conclusion? Your argument begins ‘t . .the statement is often made that Marxism and Christianity have the same aims . . .” to which you then add, L‘ . . . I am convinced that there can be no reconcilliation between Marxism (the thoughts developed by Marx and Engels) and Christianity (the teachings of Christ). Now, I can see two ways of interpreting your very imprecise thesis sentence. First, you somehow have connected up the aims of these two philosophies with their teachings. It is apparent that there is a profound difference between the aims (i.e. goals) of a philosphy and the teachings that underline the aims. It is up to you to show how the teachings and aimsof each philosophy relate to one another and how it is that the aims are dependent on the teachings. Unless you do so, any criticism of either the aims of each philosophy or the teachings, will not necessarily implicate the other aspects. They must be presumed independent of each other until proven dependent. For example, because you criticise the teachings of Marx regarding religion, this does not warrant you to say that the aims of Communism are opposed to

those of Christianity. You have merely shown that in one area of teaching, Marx and Jesus are opposed. To give you the benefit of the doubt, I will not assume that your thesis is actually saying any of this. Your confusing use of two different statements in the thesis leaves only one other conclusion. You are either saying that the teachings of Jesus and Marx are irreconcilable, or you are saying that the aims of Christianity and Marxism are irreconcilable. Your letter is obviously not long enough to even start dealing with all of the significant teachings of Marx or Christ let alone compare them. I will assume therefore that you wish to show that the aims or goals of Marxism and Christianity are irreconcilable. The evidence that you use to discuss the aims of Marxism and Christianity is suspect because it is so vague in nature. In your quotations referring to the aims of Marx’s Communism, the phrase “classless society” appears quite frequently: Unfortunately; neither the passages you have selected not your own descriptions give a very clear idea of what a classless society consists of. When we turn to your references about Christianity, the goals enunciated are so vague as to be meaningless. You never once describe what is meant by words such as “salvation” and “repentence” nor do you expand on what is meant by the phrase, “obeying God’s commandments.” If you are claiming to be comparing the goals of these two philosophies then surely you must discuss in detail what the elements of these goals are. Because you have failed to specify what your generalizations mean, then you cannot honestly compare the goals of these two systems. If you can’t compare them, then you have failed to show that they are contradictory and not reconcilable. Even if your evidence did support your thesis, (which it clearly doesn’t) your conclusion fails to deal with your argument. Suddenly you assert that “ . . . the fundamental difference (between Marxismand Christianity) is that the basis of Marxism is atheism whereas the base of Christianity is belief in God, the creator and ruler of the universe in His son Jesus Christ.” From this you conclude, “ . . .it is this fundamental dif- s ference that makes any attempt at reconciliation impossible.“After reading your conclusion I was amazed by the fact that it had little to do with either your premise or your supporting evidence. You have not concluded nor even demonstrated in your evidence that the goals of Christianity and Marxism are irreconcilable. All you have shown is that atheism was part of Marx’s thought whereas Christianity implies a belief in God. So what? Either you are: 1) stating an obvious and trite point for which you needn’t have written a letter, 2) You have failed to explain the connection you see between the aims of Marx and Christ and how a belief in God influences these, 3) your argument has failed because it is logically confused. Personally, I believe your argument is logically confused. Your argument is a failure ‘because right from the beginning of your letter you somehow confused the aims of the two systems with their teachings. This causes your evidence to be muddled and makes any sort of intelligent conclusion impossible. You did not show that the aims of Marx and Christ are at variance, nor did you show any real contradictions in their teachings except for ,Marx’s atheism. To be quite frank I’m not at all sure what you intended to prove in your letter. I reccommend that you rethink what it was that you wanted to say and write it in another letter which is more comprehensible. Then at least we may get into a constructive dialogue. . Steve Schildroth Integrated Studies

Get off your ass How can the student’s of this university be so opposed to the changes in the osap loan / grant system when it is geared to help both the student’s and the taxpayers of this province. Remember that education is not a right but


on page




the chevron

a service. If anyone can not afford to get an education or work to get the money to pay for his education, then I feel that he has no right to demand that the taxpayers of this province’pay for his education. I also feel that any student who works during the summer should have to pay as much of his university costs as he can. This system of giving grants and loans on the basis of how much money the students’ parents make is for the birds. It is not uncommon for a student to make more than $6000 in a summer and if these same students were eligible for a student loan then I think that the whole system should be changed. I do know \ of people who have made $3000 in a summer and then get a grant/loan combination of close to $2000. This is not right. This summer I worked long hours making money to pay for my year here, only to find out that my income tax is going to pay for some unmotivated lethargic students to go to university. Every one complains about the lack of summerjobs, but if every one got off their fat ass they could find themselves enough work to do to pay for their education. This is a bitter reality, but unless people become more motivated we are in for tough times ahead. MAKE THE POOR WORK’. . . .’ name withheld on request

Fres upset at head I am very concerned about the treatment of my “Feedback letter” received in the last issue of the chevron (Pres Seeks Public Opinion; October 7, 1977). My letter was an attempt toinform students about an important motion brought before Students’ Council. It was not intended to seek public opinion, nor was it intended to be vindictive or to make rash inplications or accusations. I am interested to know who devises the clever captions which misrepresent the actual contents of a “Feedback Letter”? My letter received a lengthy reply from the The “lettitor” response in my “lettitor”. opinion is an over-reaction and seems to hint at a feeling of paranoia that exists within the newspaper about the salaried staff positions. Who is the “lettitor”? While the chevron’s reply is critical of the apparent “lavish spending” of the Federation and of its paid staff, the chevron, pending the ratification of the News Editor, will have more full-time paid staff than any other area of the Federation. “Let s/he who is guiltless cast the first stone .” Acting President, Federation of Students Eric Higgs

A/A a fraud The AIA is a cheap fraud. Everyone who has looked closely at their activities can see them as such, except for that small handful1 of followers and hangers on who choose to pretend that they believe it. Let’s examine some of the frauds. 1) The AIA calls itself communist. In fact I know of no other communist, socialist and progressive organization in the country which accepts them as genuine Communists. Some will demonstrate to you that by the definition of communism commonly used they are in fact NOT communists. However we must admit there is the possibility that the rest of the world is wrong and the AIA is right. 2) They call their enemies McCarthyites and claim that people make charges against them without substantiation. In fact any time anyone makes an argument or expresses an opinion they shout “prove it”. As most of us are aware the fact that there is an argument at all means that conclusive proof does not exist. An argument is basically a discussion of evidencemich can be interpreted in more than one way, at least to most people who

like to hear what others have to say. In terms of the proof or evidence they will accept, a witness’s testimony accounts for naught you need notarised documents before you can disagree with the AIA. Since few people go to the trouble to notarise their opinions you can see that this AIA one-upmanship can be effective and intimidating in the supression of views other than their own. Witness their recent attempt before the Chevron Commission of Investigation to have Shane Roberts’ testimony striken from the record because it was unsubstantiated. How absurd! His personal observations provided their own substantiation of the fact that they were his personal observations. How might anyone go about proving what he saw with his own eyes? In fact the AIA is itself McCarthyite. It makes charges and’allegations against individuals and groups in the press every issue. It neverresponds to arguments made against it and when its charges are denied it just invents new ones for the next issue. Indeed the AIA sees a capitalist under every bed and an Imperialist behind every pillar. But then of,course there always is the possibility that the AIA is right and everyone else is wrong. 3) They claim to defend the basic interests of students and they claim overwhelming student support, especially for their recent cause celebre, the chevron affair. In fact, they have never had student support in large numbers on any issue, including the chevron. They have run candidates in numerous elections and have lost all but one, a grad seat on Council. They lost the chevron referendum by a vote of 224 to 2286, yet still had the gall to claim student support. But the referendum was stacked they said though they never said why. They did however boycott the referendum-a convenient trick to discredit its result when they knew they were going to lose. But they didn’t boycott last January’s presidential election. Through their mouthpiece, the chevron, they supported Mark Wills who came in third. The person the students elected just happened to be the most vociferous opponent to their fraud on campus, me. I ask them to prove their claim of student support! Further I ask them to tell us what the basic interests of students are, to give them a chance to put forth an opinion and to give me a chance to put forth an opinion and then let the students decide who they want defending their basic interests. I’d be more than happy to do this providing the loser immediately packs his bags and swears (before a justice of the peace so it can be proven) never to set foot on campus again. If that were done I know who’d be leaving. 4) The AIA claims to be democratic and calls their opponents undemocratic. Of course the word undemocratic is a major insult and anyone guilty of that should hang his head in shame. Yet the AIA.refuses to honour the most basic process of democracy - the election, by refusing to aknowledge the legitimacy of elected authorities. The AIA runs candidates so that they can get acclaimed because on only one occasion in history have they ever elected anyone. All of their current reps on council are acclaimed. It is this group of acclaimed AIA supporters who rammed through the motion to re-instate the chevron at a time when the vast majority of students were adamantly opposed to it. The elected reps on council all voted against it with one exception. But the existance of AIA members and supporters in acclaimed positions on Students Council has led to a situation where the Council can no longer operate. By their obstructionist tactics they prolong meetings to the point where many other councillors have to leave because of classes the next day. Then they have the nerve to call council a sham. If this is their idea of democracy then I feel it is a very different idea than the one most people have. But then again they could be right and the rest of us could be wrong. Or maybe they have their own private definition of democracy which they won’t let us in on. Here then are the AIA’s major ideas of substance: 1) They call themselves Communist. 2) They call their. enemies McCarthyite. 3) They claim to defend the basic interests of Stu-


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communist but there is not a communist in dents. 4) They claim to be democratic. I have given one concrete, provable, his- , the world outside their own party that will torical instance where the AIA by its own agree with them! Oh, I could go on all day with more and more examples and more and actions has proven itself fraudulent in each more evidence. But I’ll wait ‘till next week to of these areas. Each incident could be encontinue - if I can get this printed that is! larged upon greatly and there are many, Douglas Thompson many more. Past President I call on the AIA, and by this I mean the Federation of Students Editor and the news editor of the Chevron, University of Waterloo Professor Doug Wahlsten and any or all of their substantial crew on the chevron staff to lettitor answer to these claims with detailed and Mr. Thompson, who forgets that the term “past president” is usually used in reference reasoned argument. to presidents who leave office in a manner I will not accept merely being labelled a fascist or a weasel again. Although the AIA more dignified than he did (he was kicked out is very colourful in its barnyard labels for by the Board of Directors), makes a number political opponents, I am unsure as to of untrue statements in what seems to be an whether this is constructive to intelligent de- _ attempt to show that the AIA and the chevbate. But then again I could be wrong. ron are the same organization. You see another big claim of the AIA is Thompson claims that the AIA attempted that they believe in open and free discussion to have Roberts’ testimony striken from the -especially in the chevron. Yet in the chevinvestigation records. In fact, the chevron ron they bring forth motions to censor opdelegation insisted that the unsubstantiated position letters to feedback. They claim that charges and untrue statements in Roberts’ fascists have no right to speak. Of course the testimony be kepton the record, and it was word fascist is applied so broadly and to so one of the commission members who sugmany people by the AIA that it soon begested that the testimony be striken. comes meaningless. Since anyone they don’t Thompson claims that the AIA “makes like is termed a fascist, they then have a charges and allegations . . .in every issue.” If reason by their own logic to prevent anyone he is trying to make a subliminal suggestion they don’t like from speaking. That is very that the chevron is an organ of the AIA, then convenient, but does it conform to your idea he’d better return to his books on media of democracy? persuasion. In its present form, the stateFascism is defined in my dictionary as a ment is either a reiteration of Roberts’ origisystem of government devoted to the represnal charges against the chevron, or devoid of sion of opposition, like those in Germany meaning, depending on how knowledgeable and Italy in the 30’s. Two other words are the reader is about the chevron affair. used in conjunction with fascism: mystifying Thompson claims that the AIA called the and capricious. chevron referendum stacked, and while not The fascist shapes public opinion in two explaining this judgement called for a. ways. The first is to silence vocal opponents boycott. In fact, it was the chevron staff who and the second is to confuse issues. This is called for a boycott on the basis that the referendum was blatantly biased. On Jan. where the mystification comes in. If people become confused as to what is happening 11, the chevron staff issued a special paper then they will be confused as to what to do entitled “Boycott the Referendum!” which and then strong authoritarian tendancies are explained the bias in detail. easier to accept because they clear up the Thompson claims that the AIA supported confusion. Mark Wills in the presidential elections last One of the best ways of mystifying or conFebruary. This is false; the AIA never took a fusing people is to change the meaning of public position on Mark Wills. Thompson words. George Orwell, in his book “ 1984” has again confused the AIA with the chevdescribes this as newspeak, where words ron, for it was the chevron staff who voted come to mean their opposites. editorial support for Wills’ candidacy. Now, when the AIA uses words like Thompson claims that the chevron editor, Democracy, Communist, Basic Interests, news editor and a “substantial crew on the McCarthyite or Fascist, their meaning never chevron staff’ are members of the AIA. even begins to resemble the meaning norWell, two out of four ain’t bad. He correctly mally associated with such words. As such, names the editor of the-chevron, and staffer people become easily confused. What the Doug Wahlsten as members of the AIA. AIA says and what the AIA does are as However, the news editor is not a member, different as heads and tails - and it takes and to suggest that a disproportionate quite a while and quite a lot of observation to number of chevron staff are members is figure that out. Interestingly, most of the sheer exaggeration. accusations they make against their enemies If Thompson thinks he has “evidence” with the greatest -energy are things which that the chevron ever was, or is now, a they themselves are guilty of. mouthpiece of the AIA, then the chevron They obviously display considerable fasstaff call upon him to present his evidence to cist tendancies, but to obscure this they call the investigation commission. To date, their opponents fascist. They claim to be Thompson’s record of attendance at the democratic but in fact are the very antithesis commission’s meetings is disappointing. of democracy. They claim to defend the . Twice he failed to appear for crossbasic interests of students but in fact show examination on his testimony, and yet he total contempt for the expressed wishes of sees fit to level the same sort of unsubstanstudents. They call their enemies McCartiated charges against the chevron as did the thyite but in fact they themselves are incredperpetrators of the chevron closure (includibly McCarthyite. They call themselves ing himself) last year.

Public Forum on the referendum on refundable federation fees Math & Computer Bldg. 2066 Tuesday, Oct. 18 7:30 PM

The chevron staff invites everyone,’ to attend. All those with a position are 4. invited to put it forward.

, friday,


the chevron

74, 7977



,Proficiency not measured It has been assumed in the development of the English Language Proficiency Programme at Waterloo that proficiency in “standard” English has been measured by the testing done here. There is no reason to take that assumption as axiomatic and, in fact, considerable evidence has now been generated, within the programme itself, indicating that the assumption is false. Consider the Proficiency Examination as it was developed at Waterloo after the “objective” test was discarded. American The new examination, as it was administered in January and September of this year, consisted of a UW developed multiple choice “objective” test, worth 40 per cent of the total mark, and a writing sample worth 60 per cent. In both January and September the “objective” test consisted of questions made up of four sentences, three of which did not conform to the standards of “stan.dard” English; the student was asked to identify. the “standard” sentence in each question. Now, it is necessary to examine the nature both of “objective” grading, as for “objective” tests, and of subjective grading, as for an essay. “Objective” tests are not, of course, ob42% of these .student: . jective. That is, the exam itself must be, in It is clear that some sense. , “standardized”. us agaIn). wm test of the sort described an “objective” above could be developed (by putting one exam, and although on both occasions 42 per clear English sentence in the context of three cent of the studehts, in some sense, “failed” nearly incomprehensible sentences) in such the exam, the correlation between the “oba way that everyone who can read the Lanjective” test and the essay section varied guage would pass it. Such a test would detect considerably from January to September. In literacy in a real sense. It is equally clear that January the correlation between the two a test of the same sort might be devised using parts of the exam was disappointingly low, “errors” of such subtlety that virtually no and, accordingly, Ledbetter wrote to High one would detect them. The test designers School English Department heads that an were certainly aware of about what percenattempt would be made to improve things. In tage of first year students would “fail” the September, on the other hand, the correlatest before they ever administered it in the General InJanuary exam. They determined this percen, tion, according to the university formation bulletin, was “consistently high”, tage by “pre-testing” the test itself in first so high in fact that “the multiple choice test year arts courses last December. How accuscore is used as a prediction of the essay rate their determination of the pass/fail ratio mark”. Now, such a change in correlation actually was is dependent on the-number of must have a cause; since the “objective” students the exam was “pre-tested” on and test wasessentially the same in both sittings, on the care with which those students were perhaps the change is to be found in the selected. If the test was “pre-tested” on a essay section of the exam. fairly large number of properly selected stuThe essay part of the exam has, indeed, dents;the designers of the test had a fairly undergone considerable change from good approximation of the number of stuJanuary to September. In January the students who would “fail” the exam at the dents were required to write two paragraphs January sitting. The real result of the “objec- each paragraph to be written on a separate tive” test, then, was to determine the ability topic. Students were required to write on the of the designers to design a test which would following topics: actually be “failed” by the percentage of students expected to “fail” it. The real efa) How to bake a cake. b) How to change a tire. fect of the test was not to measure students’ c) How to make a date. . proficiency in English, but to determine which particular students would make up the d) How to buy a suit. ’ percentage of “failures”. Students were expected to limit themselves to a single paragraph on the topics of If the “objective” test, then, isn’t used to their choice and to write each paragraph in a determine a student’s proficiency in “stanseparate booklet. dard” English (and an unsigned University In September they were not limited to a of Waterloo General Information Bulletin single paragraph but were asked to write a takes pains to point out that it isn’t) the short essay on one of the following topics: - measurement of proficiency if it did take place must have been obtained from the a) How do you expect your life to differ from essay section of the Proficiency Examinathat of your parents? tion. b) How do you expect university to be different from High School? The first point to be kept in mind while c) How do your values differ from those of a evaluating the effectiveness of the essay secHigh School dropout? tion at measuring proficiency in “standard” English is that although essentially the same The most striking change in the actual “objective” test was used in both the essay assignment is the change in the nature January and the September sitting of the of the topics. The topics given in September



.for “sentence construction” and for “paragraph development”; markers were told, “Whichever of the two elements you are evaluating, take only it into account; for purposes of this exercise, ignore the other element entirely”. The September exam, however, was, according to the General Information bulletin, graded “holistically” (holistically is a jargon word coined too recently to have found its way into most dictionaries. It means exactly “as a whole”). That is. rather than splitting the mark’up into “sentence” and “paragraph” elements, the mark was obtained simply by judging the paragraph as a whole. Now, whether or not the changes in the structure and grading methods of the essay section of the exam actually made the exam easier, there were real changes made in the so called “standard” “of grading, as well. What is now required for “passing” the essay section of the exam is a “decent” paragraph of “half a dozen or so sentences free of major grammatical flaws put together into a reasonably coherent unit .” In January the grading “standard” also took minor grammatical flaws into account so that, for instance, the following sentence: Clearly anyone, who grades an essay hollistically, should tell the people, who he is working with, exactly what constitutes a major gramatical flaw, and what constiphoto by john w bast tutes a minor grammatical flaw. were exceptionally dull - the sort of thing would, since it contains at least seven minor severe English teachers might once have asflaws (three punctuation errors, an error in signed to naughty students as punishment - pronoun case, two spelling errors, one use of certainly not the sort of questions that stua jargon word, and general wordiness), have dents just beginning a new and exciting vensent a student’s “sentence element” grade ture into adulthood would be burning to plummeting right to the bottom and would answer. In September, on the other hand, have required a perfect “paragraph elestudents were given just the sort of topics ment” grade to recieve a passing mark. In which might be on their minds. To the extent September, on the other hand, the sentence, that it is easier to write on interesting subsince it has no “major” grammatical flaws, jects than on boring subjects, the essay part would have been O.K. so long as it occured of the September exam was easier than the as one sentence in a “reasonably” coherent essay part of the January exam. unit. The change, which occurred in the correThe September students were, moreover, given a further advantage over the January lation between essay and objective test from students. The January students were graded January to September, then, can most likely on everything they wrote. Required to limit be attributed to the changes which took themselves to two paragraphs on two boring’ place in the structure, the grading method, topics, their score was obtained by summing and the grading “standard” of the essay secthe scores of their two paragraphs. The Seption of the exam during that time. tember students, however, were permitted Now if, as the General Information bulleto write as many paragraphs as they felt were tin maintains, “For the majority of students appropriate to a three to five hundred word who write the Examination, the multipleessay on the most interesting of three rather choice test is irrelevent because the essay interesting topics. They were graded on the mark is the determining factor”, how is it that changes to the essay section of the exbasis of the best paragraph in the essay. If amination sent the correlation swinging but they managed a single paragraph free from major grammatical flaws and reasonably had no effect on the number of people who passed the exam? well organized, they had achieved the reThe testing done at Waterloo does not quirements for “exemption” for the progmeasure proficiency in English because ramme. Aside from the change in the nature of the major changes to the most significant part of essay, there were also very real changes the testing instrument have no effect whatmade in the method and standard of grading. soever on the outcome of the testing. In January the grading was done separately Don Martin


open on the chevron



Everyone is welcome to apply. Hand in your application to the Board of Publications either through the federation of students office or via the office manager of the chevron, Sylvia Hannigan. Staff will interview and select the applicants Thursday October 20 at 2:00 pm, this being the deadline for applications.

a graphic,

‘write _-

a news story,


a do

Member: canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers’ union of dumont press graphix and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 8854660, or university local 2331. -

Picture, a

sports report,

do layout



of a fighting democrat s the basic interes

As the fed’s presidential election approaches, three candidates have surfaced. Jim Todd and Rick Smit both want the chevron to have a refundable fee seperate from the fed fee, which should remain compulsory lest their salaries by jeapordized. Larry Smylie has yet to release his platform, but you can bet that he’ll be “frying our asses” down here at the chevron. Whatever happens, we at the chevron have nothing to fear from refundable fees. We will continue to serve the basic interests of the students, and therein lies our security. Putting.out the paper this week were randy barkman, john w bast, neil docherty, jules grajower, Oscar nierstrasr, heather robertson, robert carter, jim doherty, dave carter, doug goodfellow, jayne pollack, laurie lawson, Sylvia hannigan, salah bachir, jonathan coles, diane chapitis, don martin, rick pluzak, roy berger, peter blunden, and me.. . nr. ’



the chevron



14, 7977

Season starts with Wednesday’s victorv

UW Soccer Warriors win 2-1 over McMaster

The Waterloo Warriors Soccer Team concluded its first home game this season with a 2-l victory over McMaster at Seagram’s Stadium on October 5. Hoping to better lgst years highly successful season, the Warriors came out enthusiastic and looking for the win. McMaster scored their only goal early in the first half, catching Waterloo’s defense off balance. However, following the goal, it was Waterloo’s game as they reorganized and launched a powerful offensive attack, with much of the play taking place on McMaster’s side of center. Waterloo had numerous opportunities, even hitting the crossbar, but failed to capitalize and_ ended the half down by one goal. The second half resumed with Waterloo agaiq pressuring the Marauders defense until mid-way through the half, they managed to score and tie the game. Still not content the Warriors pushed until within 10 minutes remaining they scored again giving them the lead.

Sunday Soccer

Waterloo then went on to protect their lead with a solid defense. A fine effort was put in by till players and the team certainly deserved the win. Coach Ron Cooper was happy with the win. Despite a very tough league, he is optimistic about his teams chances for the year. With three of his top players from last year missing, Cooper is relying on his more experienced players. However his rookies are also playing well and the whole team looks confident and ready for the season. When asked about the league itself, Cooper said that every team will be tough and that his team will have as good a chance as anybody. Judging from their win on Wednesday, it would appear that the Warriors are definitely in contention. The Warriors now have 3 wins and 1 loss in 4 starts. If you have any interest in soccer, or just enjoy exciting sports action, come out to the Warriors next game this Sunday, October 16 against Laurentian. Jon Shaw


The Soccer W’arriors played yet another sodden contest against Guelph Gryphons, last Sunday at Columbia field. Waterloo . was unable to capitalize on their first half wind advantage. The strengthening wind a.nd rain of the second half then gave Guelph the edge. A goal by Guelph’s Dan Mathey slithered iv midway through the second half. Despite a late push by Waterloo, Gryphon’s Peter Tlank added another in the last minute to make it 2-O for Guelph over Waterloo. Waterloo’s league record, as of Sunday, stands at three wins and two losses. Next Sunday, Waterloo takes on Laurentian at Seagram Stadium at 2:00 pm. +zhris


A muddy field.



goes down


for women’s






at Columbia Dufoto

rs can’t ma

University of Waterloo fans saw their Warriors hopes shattered by the University of Western Ontario Mustangs Friday night at Seagram Stadium. Mustangs dominated the Warriors the entire game and walked away with a 27-O victory. Waterloo with a 4-l won-loss record have two remaining games but even back to back victories cannot grab the Warriors a playoff berth. Both offensively and defensively the Mustangs won the game in the


Last year, the Athenas lost to Laurentian in the quarter finals to place fourth in Ontario, behind Ottawa and Western. Laurentian went on to win the National Championship for the fourth year in a row. . As can be seen from the roster below, the team. has plenty of height and lots of experience. With six players returning from last year, Bonnie, Lou, Carol, Ralph, Noire and Chris, and one from the year before, Lorraine, Coach Sally Kemp has a good base to build a team from. Sue Porter played with

the ball in last Sunday’s

27-O defeat trenches. Behind a surging offensive line the Mustangs pounded out 473 yards offense and three touchdowns. The defensive front four shut out the Warriors and held their running game to 130 yards. Mustang quarterback Jamie Bone completing 14 of 24 passes for the evening spotted Ross Tripp on the Waterloo 15 yard line and a perfect pass and run play opened the games scoring with a Western major. Tripp scored his and the Mustangs second major of the contest

<B-ball tryouts complete Congratulations to those women who made the varsity basketball team! The tryouts were very intense and competitive this year. Three members of last year’s team tried out and didn’t make it.

after clearing

the Hamilton Bobcats last season, and a strong forward, Lucy, is from Lord Elgin in Hamilton. From Ancaster, the 1977 AllOntario high school champs, come Sue, Jan and Shelley.Guards: ,Bonnie Zagrodney (5’S’), Louise Taylor (5’5”) Carol Kozlik (5’7”), Shelley Filion (5’7”), Sue Lindley (5’8”). Forwards: Marg “Ralph” Kerr (5’10”), Lorraine Luypaert (5’7”), Norie Spence (5’S”), Chris Timms, (5’10”), Jan McMullan (5’ lo”), Lucy Patterson (5’9”), Sue Porter (5’ 11”). Coach Kemp feels it is too soon to make predictions for this season as a lot of the other teams are undergoing big turnovers. ‘Many of the teams will meet for the first time this year at the Guelph tour-

nament on Oct. iS & 29. Much more of the opposition will be known after that weekend. However, strong teams in our division (Ontario West) to look out for will be the 1977 division winner, Western, who will have most of their players back. Guelph has one National team player and also one other who could have qualified, but didn’t try out. In the eastern division, Laurentian has nearly all of their players returning and so of course will be a strong team again this year. Ottawa, third in Ontario in 1977, has a new coach and so like the other teams is as yet an,unknown force. All home games are listed on your Athletic Card. Come on out and support your women’s basketball team! -66’ _


by liz roothann

late in the half with a short plunge capping off a 74 yard Western drive. The Mustangs virtually crushed all Waterloo hopes and spirits in the third quarter when they recovei-ed a Warrior punt return fumble and Tony Fallis sprinted 24 yards for the touchdown on the first play from scrimmage. Bone completed the gamesscoring with a 19 yard touchdown strike to Fallis who wandered in the Waterloo endzone all alone. Western kicker Paul Ford converted three of the Mustangs four major scores. Warrior Mike Karpow gave Waterloo its only chance for any points when he missed a firs! quar-

ter 37 yard field goal attempt which went deep in the Western endzone but Waterloo could not catch the Mustang returner for the single. Waterloo running back Greg Jones led the Warriors rushing with 55 yards while quarterback Gord Taylor completed 5 of 16 passes and rushed for 40 yards. Warrior Bill Boug pulled in three of the five Taylor completions. HASH reMARKS: Warriors play in Guelph next week and end the season at Seagrams against York Oct. 22. * . Warriors have greatly improved this season and provided us with some excellent football action and deserve your support in the stretch. -doug


The Toronto Maple Leafs were on campus for pre-season testing over< the weekend. One of the many tests performed was Maximum Oxygen Uptake on the treadmill in the PAC. Don Ashby does the honours. photo by rick pluzak

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