Theft The supervisor of buildings in the Physical

Page 1


investicJated’ I

The supervisor of buildings in the Physical Resources Group (PRG) at UW was investigated in January by the Director of Internal Audit and by a supervisor of campus security on charges of theft. Dave Hedley, who was supervisor of buildings in PRG until January 3 1, resigned on January 26 as the investigation -by security supervisor Joe Sehl was proceeding. No formal legal charges have been brought against Hedley by the university. . But Hedley “very narrowly missed an appointment with the according to a worker in judge,” PRG who was closely involved in the two investigations into the charges of theft against Hedley. The man who directed one investigation, Barry Foord, UW Director of Internal Audit, whose position “involves reviewing departmental activities, review of internal controls and various protective measures”, has refused to comment on the case. Sehl also refused to comment on the investigation, “because, as you know, there’s an action against the university on another matter. And everything is before the court now.” The court action Sehl referred to is the law suit against the


university by former PRG director Bill Lobban, who claims that the university dismissed him without cause on January 26, the same day Hedley resigned. “I’m not saying they’re related,” Sehl said about Lobban’s dismissal and Hedley’s resignation. “But the university’s policy is not to comment on any bf that until this action is finished.” UW president Burt Matthews has also refused to comment on the investigation into Hedley’s actions while he was in the PRG, saying that “I have been asked by Mr. Lobban long ago to say ‘nothing about this case.” Lobban, Hedley and Shaun Sloan, Director of Plant Operations in PRG, all confirm that investigations were conducted by Foord and campus security into charges that Hedley used university materials and labor on his person;1 property. The three bosses of PRG and a fourth, former Plant Engineer Helmut Krueger, have been linked to a power struggle in the department which plans the campus and keeps it running. The shake-up in the PRG has resulted in Lobban’s dismissal, Hedley’ s resignation and the termination of Krueger’s Continued on page 3

U W paper? ,

Abundant rumours that a new paper may start on campus began this week. Those contacted about the venture ktiew about it, but would not admit to being its organisers or instigators. Chevron staffer Ernst von Bezold says federation president Rick Smit and BENT chairperson Nick Redding told him informally the new paper, organised as a club, was designed “to drive the chevron out of business”. According te von Bezold, Smit explained this would be accomplished by students withdrawing their fees from the chevron (the feds are confident the chevron will become a separate corporation) and by undercutting the chevron’s advertising base. Smit, contacted later, denied I knowing anything but the rumours already in circulation. He said von Bezold had got his information from a conversation at a party, and “the whole conversation was based on the assumption that there could be another paper on campus.” “It was pure speculation,” added Redding. Smit said his statement about the chevron being undercut was “a prediction - not a threat or a promise”. He added “the chevron will probably go out of business at the hands of the students.” “Don’t try and make it out to beg great federation plot, because it isn’t ,” he stated, “I’m staying clear of all that.” Redding said he knew that there were “a large number of people interested”, .but Smit said he had not yet been approached by the club for federation recognition Smit denounced von Bezold for what he called “adopting a low level of journalism” by reporting the conversation. . A confidential source close to the organisers also implicated former Board of Publications chairperson Randy Barkman, as well’as Smit and Redding. Barkman refused to be interviewed by the chevron. One set of rumours led back to Engineers Hugh Alley and John Chaychuck. Chaychuck would only say that he was interested in forming a “journalism club”, and perhaps bringing in some famous journalists as speakers. Although he admitted the possibility of the club publishing a newspaper he said that nothing was decided at this-point, not even the date of the

next meeting. He said he got the idea “a couple of weeks ago” and an organisational meeting attracted about 15 people. Asked what spurred his interest he said, “That’s a hard thing to define.” Continued on page 17

Exams end on Friday,

in PRG -affair ’

April 2 7 . May the force be with you during


NQ relief fcir stiident As we reach the end of tile term, the prospects for student summer employment are still unclear. According to government sources, prospects are just as good,. and perhaps better, than they were this time last year. On -the other hand, most large companies in the K-W area are still not committing themselves to hiring significant numbers of students for the summer. In a chevron survey of the 15 largest local employers it was learned that 25 per cent are suffering cutbacks and layoffs. These companies cannot begin to think of hiring students until their regular employees are re-instated. At the same time, the many footwear manufacturers in the area are experiencing a boom period due to new federal regulations limiting shoe imports. In the context of the provincewide situation, OFS representative, Dale Martin predicts that, “there will be less students finding work this summer than ever before. ’ ’ Recent OFS research indicates student unemployment will probably be an appalling 25 per cent this year, making 1978 “the worst summer ever.” Another worrisome problem, according to Martin, is that student wages generally will be lower, often just at the minimum wage level. For example, both the Ontario Government “Experience f

‘78” Pr,ogrrtm, and the federal “Young Canada Works” programs are generally offering minimum wage. if you are unable to find a job this summer, Unemployment Insurance won’t be of much help. A UIC spokesperson said new rules require a minimum of 13 weeks insured earnings within the last year before you may even apply for benefits in this area. In the search for the elusive summerjob, another major stumbling block may be early cut-off dates for applications. Big student employers such as J.M. Schneider, Experience ‘78, and the City of Waterloo closed applications weeks ago. In spite of the generally gloomy outlook, what steps can the individual student who is still seeking summer employment take? The chevron survey uncovered two main alternative routes. Applications are still being accepted by the footwear companies, some of the big tire manufacturers, the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, and hopefully, a number of small firms. In addition, the Manpower ‘Centre for Students (a separate office of Canada Manpower) will continue to take applications throughout the summer. Officer in charge, Carollyne Hood, said that the centre receives a stream ofjob offers every day for “s~*imming instructors, farm workers, painters :, factory

this time. And may the farce be with you later. -photo by tony pan


warehousers and so on”. Hood claims that most of these Liobs are for the whole summer and are above minimum wage. Job-creation branch officer, John Cullen, expects Secretary of State approvals for the Young Canada Works proposals for Kitchener-Waterloo to be finalized over the next couple of weeks. These projects provide another source of employment available through the Manpower Centre for Students placement service. As yet, neither Hood nor Cullen are able to give statistics on the number of jobs -which will be available to local students this summer. A fear expressed by Martin of OFS is that students from poorer families will be hardest hit by high student unemployment, since their parents may also be out of work at present and therefore unable to support them.

The ultimate outcome will be a higher drop-out rate, as was already evidenced in the 1977-78 school year when a lower proportion of high school students enrolled in university. Martin places the onus for the short-term solution of the student employment crisis on the provincial and federal governments. He demands that “the government should have a massive student job creation program as well as a more realistic student aid plan.” The student aid plan should offer higher levels of support during the school year and summer support for those without jobs. The alternative to government action thissummer will probably be one out of four students out of work - 25 per cent of students unable to save any money to return to school in September.

This sign predicts that getting unfortunately, right.







On the local scene at UW the chevron surveyed 350 students about the summer job situation. Of the students surveyed we found only 99 have summer jobs lined up, 240 are still looking, and 11 had other plans for the summer. Out of the 240 still unemployed, 174 were expecting (hoping) to find a full time job, 48 were expecting to find a part time job and 18 were expecting to be unemployed. Of the students looking for a job, 65% have found it harder this year than last year to find one. Of those that have jobs 79.8% of the jobs do not relate to the students programme at UW and of those expecting jobs only-l l-percent expect a job related to their programme. c ld

a job

be difficult. The suggestion is, -photo by john w. bast




the chevron

april 7, 7978



8 p.m.


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Campus Centre Pub opens I-2 noon. Limbo Springs from g-lam. No cover charge Agora Tea House. The last week for the tea house this term. The Peculiar People, a drama and folksinging group will be performing. 8-12 midnight. CC 110.

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Worship with Chaplain Kooistra. An interdenominational service sponsored by the Christian Reformed .

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Tuesday Campus Centre Legal Resource day

Pub -See Office -

Monday See Mon-

Wednesday Campus


Pub -

See Monday

Legal Resource Office - See Monday Christian Discussion Fellowship with Chaplain Kooistra discussing Reflection on the Psalms by C. S. Lewis. 7:30pm. E3, 1101. Coffeehouse. Sponsored by Gay Lib. CC 110. 8:30pm.

‘Thursday Campus Centre Legal Resource day

Pub Office

See Monday - See Mon-

Friday Campus Centre Pub - See Monday The Campus Centre Pub will close on April 21 for the term.

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april 7, 7978


the chevron

Faculty Despite a presentation by Fa%culty Association president G. F. Atkinson, and a split recommendation by the Faculty Salary Steering Committee, the UW Board of Governors passed UW president Burt Matthews’ recommendations for an increase of 2.5 per cent in basic salary, with a 2.9 per cent merit fund; for a total average faculty salary increase of 5.17 per cent. The committee split along lines of appointment. The administration appointees, Bruce Gallatly, Arts Dean Jay Minas and R. C. Mullin drew up the proposition Matthews and the Board accepted, while the faculty appointees IF. Macdonald, F.R. McCourt and G. W. Russell drew up the proposition that was rejected. The argument of the administration and its appointees was that a higher increase was not possible without endangering other facilities of the university, the university’s financial stability, or cutting staff. Faculty argued in support of a 5.17 per cent increase in basic salary and a total increase of 8.08 per cent, on-the grounds that the Consumer Price Index had risen by 7.99 per cent and that salary increases ’ should take this into account. They also argued that the administration does not take the full impact of faculty progress through the ranks into account. Atkinson told the chevron that at present the faculty is heavily weighted with people who receive> large salaries but are not yet near the retirement age. While it is not now a problem, he foresees that when there are larger numbers of retirees there will be a considerable sum freed by full professor salaries being replaced by assistant professor salaries. At present this money goes into the deans’ discretionary fund and need not necessarily go to salaries. He also indicated that faculty were unhappy with trading off a progress-through-the-ranks scheme for direct salary increases.

Not much,




The Board of Governors approved increases averaging 5.4 percent for approximately 1400 non-teaching staff at their April 4 meeting. There was a wide range of percentage increases; from 2.5 percent for senior management to 9.7 percent for service and junior technical staff. Increases, according to job classifications were; Service and junior technical 9.7% 9.5 Secretarial and clerical 6.0 Security Senior techical personnel 4.0 Middle management 2.5 and professional Senior management 2.5 and professional The variation in increases is designed to bring the lower level salaries in line with the historical market comparison that the ad-

protests The faculty appointees also expressed concern that a surplus budget would encourage more cuts in government grants and further deteriorate salary levels as well as erode faculty morale. The administration argued that UW salaries were already higher, than most other universities, including several prominent American universities. This was countered by an argument by Atkinson that this qas justified in view of the relatively high percentage of UW staff in the technical disciplines, where competition from industry raises salaries. He also pointed out that in these departments, enrollment was up, in effect, increasing productivity. Atkinson also called for an increased effort by the Board of Governors to counter government’s resistance to grant increases to universities and for a more organized drive to obtain private funding. He. said that these funds, if forthcoming, should be included in the general budget rather than for specific facilities. The faculty would be glad to lend assistance to such an effort. Matthews replied that if the administration had not already made demands of the government the salary positions would undoubtedly be worse. He also said that the Board of Governors and the administration were already involved in private funding drives, which t-he faculty was welcome to join. Atkinson pointed out earlier that in several cases faculty involvement in administration duties was discouraged. He also cited an example of one faculty member who paid for telephone calls out of his own pocket to perform his duties when the telephone budget had been depleted. This, he stated, was a demonstration that conditions of employment were deteriorating, which he felt was detrimental to morale and could affect the quality of work.

vary ministration uses. This compares UW salaries with the average paid by area companies for comparable jobs. In past years the AIB had not recognised this comparison, prefering internal comparisons. As a result the junior level salaries had fallen be hind. President Matthews cut back a recommendation from his advisory committee that senior management and professional staff receive a 3 percent increase, to 2.5 percent, because of funding restraints. Staff Association president Jack Hughes expressed general satisfaction with the increases but was surprised at the range. He indicated that on the whole more people were happy than unhappy, which is contrary to the usual situation. He also said that in the future, staff would attempt to achieve more input in salary negotiations. --case

van maanen

Late bills for fees Some students are still being charged for part of their fees, due to a change in the fee structure introduced in the Fall. Students are now charged $77.50 per half course up to a maximum of $725, instead of the old fixed fee. However, when the fee statements were mailed out students were not charged for courses which were full or which created conflicts on their timetables. For these they were billed later.

Asked why students are being billed so late, Financial Services Manager of Accounts Receivable John Phillips said, “There was just such a volume of them .” He did, however, offer some hope for next year. He says his department is proposing that fees be calculated on the number of courses the student requests, and then refunds can be given if the student takes less than five courses. -jonathan


Salary erosion

Atkinson was also concerned that the faculty would pay all of the increase in OHIP premiums. The old level of 92 per cent payout by the university on OHIP premiums drops to 67 per cent because the latest OHIP increase is being pushed directly on the staff. However, Matthews marshalled figures to show that the 67 per cent payout was in line with other universities. He also pointed out that OHIP premiums are taxable and that there are -.advantages in a direct sal-

78-79: deficit

ary increase over the paying of OHIP premiums. He also promised that if the Treasurer of Ontario changed his mind and dropped the 37 per cent increase in premiums, the university would continue to pay the 92 per cent. Atkinson later indicated that the faculty would not press the OHIP issue any further. However he was concerned that the administration continued to bargain separately for benefits and salaries. He stated that often, salary hikes were lowered


because of promises of benefits which never materialized. The Faculty Association had prior knowledge of the administration’s position and passed a resolution rejecting the 2.5 per cent increase. When asked about this, Professor Atkinson said that the Association would not have rejected an increase more in line with the- U of T settlement of 3.75 per cent. -case

van mannen

of $400,000 I3

The University of Waterloo, which this year raised tuition fees, refused rent relief for married students and froze new faculty appointments has again ended the fiscal year with a surplus. In a brief prepared for the Ontario Council on University Affairs, UW reports that its projected deficit of $186,000 for 1977-78 did not materialize. Instead the university reports that an operating surplus of $56,000, combined with even larger surplus of $200,000 from last year, has helped to create an $855,000 fund of unallocated money. Besides this fund the Board of Governors has $625,000 in capital funds and has one and a half million invested. Interest from the investment is used for replacing teaching equipment. The brief predicts an operating deficit of $400,000 for 1978-79. Continued from page 1 contract after an extended probationary term of 18 months ending December 31, 1977. Hedley admits that the investiga- . tions could have resulted in criminal charges being brought against him. “There was always a chance of them being laid. You can lay a charge. But I never thought there was any chance of it ever succeeding.” About the persistent statements by workers in the PRG that he had bought upholstery material with university funds and directed a university worker to use the materials to recover his own furniture, Hedley insisted that “there’s nothing to it. If there was, you know, the university, I wish they had pursued it, because my God, now is a great time to start bringing up those deals.” Hedley told the chevron that on his most recent visit to UW since “I was talking to his resignation (Chief of Security) Al Romenco and as far as I know the whole thing was just dropped. It was never pursued.” Asked about the concern expressed by several university workers that there may be cases of theft which are not prosecuted but which are instead swept under the carpet, Matthews replied “That’s too bad.” He insisted that there is no basis ’ for such concern. Hedley maintains that the allegations of his theft from the university were part of what he calls a “witch-hunt” against him. He professes to know very little about the investigations by Foord and Sehl, and says he was never interviewed by Foord. Moreover, the investigations themselves were part of the “witch-hunt” against him, he says. Hedley believes that “one or two union individuals who had kind of a case to further” were involved in feeding security~with information about Hedley’s alleged use of materials and labor for his own fumiture.

Partially documenting some aspects of the university’s accomodations to cutbacks, the brief points out that faculty salaries are beginning to fall in real terms and that the drop in real income combined with increased OHIP costs, poses a threat to the morale of faculty and staff. It goes on to demonstrate that not only are teachers required to work for less money, they are also expected to do more, to be more efficient, and to improve productivity. Since 1971-72 the number of faculty members has increased by only 2.8 per cent while the number of students has increased by 23.4 per cent, causing the student/ faculty ratio to increase by 20 per cent over that time. The brief points out that the university has curtailed the intake of visa students in graduate studies

and applauds the decision to fund graduate students through Ontario Graduate Scholarships. It notes that the new funding scheme will provide difficulties for some students who will no longer have government grants to support them, but suggests that the university will aid the better students through internal scholarships. The brief provides no suggestions for aiding those who do not qualify for scholarships and are not rich enough to finance their own education. In an exhibit attached to the brief the UW/WLU Co-operative Advisory Council denies vehemently that merger of UW with WLU would provide any advantages to the universities or to the community. It recommends that no further consideration be given to merging the universities and that the question not be pursued further.

His suggestion that financial savthrough the university and had an ings for the university should be experienced upholsterer work mainly met by trimming the wageovertime to cover the furniture portion of the buildings section with it. budget “did not sit too well with Even as these investigations some of the union people.” “My budget consisted of 80 per went on, a special committee composed of personnel office members cent labor, and if we were going to make any big savings in the future it Bob Elliott and Dave Dietrich were looking into a complaint by the had to come from labor,” Hedley says. “Sure we could save a few union members. shekels in materials here and there, The union initiated a grievance but you know you can’t save that January 4 after it learned that UW much money on materials, if you finance vice-president Bruce Gelwant to keep quality.” latly had overturned Bill Lobban’s His demand that the workers in suspension of Hedley on December the building section of PRG “make 23. Lobban had suspended Hedley every step count” was expressed to the workers October 27 when he Dec. 21 when he learned about the lunchroom incident of October 27. called together about 40 men and Hedley was suspended even accused them of “fucking the dog” though he apologized to the workrather than doing a full day’s work. , ers on November 4. Dave Kerr, president of Local 793 of the Canadian Union of PubBefore the special committee lic Employees, dismisses Hedley’s could complete its work, Hedley charge against the workers as resigned, the same day that Lobban “very untrue.” was told by Gellatly that he no longer had a job. “If he catches people ‘fucking the dog’ he should do something about it. But to say ‘you’re all fuckLobban has speculated that there ing the dog’ is a very poor stateis-a possible link between his disment for a- boss. There’s a lot of missal and Hedley’s problems with workers - conscientious workers the workers as well as the state- upset about that.” \ ments about Hedley’s alleged theft Kerr says there was no “witchof materials and labor. But he does hunt” against Hedley by the union. not believe that he was fired be“if we’d been out to get him why cause he didn’t know about would it take us 8 years? Hedley’s activities. “Dave Hedley was a good boss for the university. But his way of Lobban is proceeding with a handling the men was poor.” legal suit against the university in Another long-term worker in the which he could win more than PRG told the chevron that Hedley $100,000 in separation payments. “seemed to rely heavily on the theory that the worker should live Lobban’s lawyer Coulter Osin fear. borne expects to complete a state“I’ve worked for literally dozens ment of claim against the university of people but never anyone like by next week. Osborne indicated that. He enjoyed being miserable. ” that the amount of the suit may rise _ Several of the workers in the beyond the $100,000 figure quoted * building section headed by Hedley in The Record March 25 “because were interviewed by Barry Foord there are a number of anciliary bein mid-Janaury, then several days nefits which accrue to a member of later by Joe Sehl of campus secthe university which will also be urity . included in the statement of They charged that Hedley got claim. ’ ’ material to upholster his furniture -lap hannant





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3930 or 886-7495 after 5pm. House to sublet, 5 bedroom house available April 30 to Sept 1 st. Located near corner of King and Columbia, some furniture included, rent-negotiable, phone 576-7255. Attractive 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Available May 1. Call Waterloo Towers please 884-2884. People (l-4) needed to share 5 bedroom house for the summer. Contact: Yvonne 744-4656. Details: Furnished, Housekeeping, near Waterloo Square. Price: $70 per person. Townhouse to sublet - May-August, Corner Columbia and Phillip, 5 minute walk to campus. Furnished, pool, appliances, Rent negotiable. Cal I 886-4595. Townhouse to rent. Spacious 5 bedroom condominium townhouse with underground parking, central air conditioning, three bath rooms, three modern color co-ordinated appliances. Convenient location near universities. Includes recreation facilities. Available from May Ist 1978. Enquire 885-5605 in the evening. Townhouse to sublet. Available after April 15th. Phone 885-4272. Rooms for rent. 5 minute walk to either university. Single rooms, fully furnished for male students. Clean, quiet in private home. Private entrance in back. $17 weekly. 204 Lester Street. 884-3629.



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april 7, 7978

the chevron

ISA denounces lsreali invasion of Lebanon The Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the UN ‘peacekeeping force’, and the role of Israel in the middle east and Africa came under attack at an executive meeting of the International Students Association last week. Israel invadedLebanon on March 14 with 25,000 troops and occupied the South, where there are large Palestinian Refugee Camps. The ISA penned a resolution which provides support to the national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people and which terms the UN ‘peacekeeping force’ a fraud. The resolution points out that-the UN force prevents Palestinian and Lebanese patriots from coming to

the aid of by taking advanced serves to sion.

the Palestinians, and that up stations at the Israeli positions the force only legitimize the Israeli inva-

The UN force has also been authorized to use force’ against anyone preventing it from discharging its duties. Since only the Israelis have accepted the cease-fire, the UN troops are effectively placed on the side of the Israeli troops in opposition to any Palestinian or other Arab force which might come to the aid of the Palestinians in southern Lebanon. The resolution also points out the extent of the UN ‘peacekeeping’ fraud by noting that ‘the fascist Shah of Iran, whose secret police were trained by the Israeli Zionists’

Student press pegs momties

has provided troops for the UN force. In discussion at the ISA meeting, some members noted the role of Israel in aiding the South African apartheid regime and the “Ethiopian fascist regime” which has slaughtered many freedom fighters. A Greek student reminded members that Israel had also aided the military junta which the Americans had installed in Greece. The UN force was approved by the security council at the initiative of the United States. Of the security council’s five permanent members, with veto power, Britain USA, and France approved, Russia abstained and China didn’t bother to show up for the meeting. --salah


od group Representatives of 1.5 Ontario communities met at Trinity United Church in Kitchener last Friday to finalize plans for the Ontario launching of the Peoples’ Food Commission later this spring. Ontario’s two Commissioners will be chosen April 15. They will visit Kitchener-Waterloo May 12 and 13 to explain the terms of reference of the commission which is a national non-government inquiry into the food system. They will also receive ideas from local residents about issues the commission sfiould consider. A Food Fair, community workshop and public meeting addressed by Cary Fowler, co-author of the landmark book Food First which exposed the major myths about the North American food production

Carter elected chevron chief UW history grad Dave Carter was elected chevron editor for 1978-79 this week. Carter ran unopposed and was elected at a staff meeting last Friday by a vote of 29 to 2. This decision was subject to full staff ratification and when the poll closed Wednesday the tally was 35 to 8 in favour of him. This was Carter’s second run for the job. In an election in March he was voted in at the staff meeting over the other candidates - Nick Redding and Reid Glenn. 20 votes were cast for Carter compared to 13 for Redding and none for Glenn. The full staff ratification, however, tied at 26 for 26 against, thus forcing a reopening of nominations. Carter ran on a platform that the paper should continue in its direction of investigative journalism in defence of the basic interests of students.



Room to rent. Fourth needed to 4-bedroom townhouse. vain & Danforth. $120. May 1. Call

All Graduating Students That Have Not Secured A Position Career Planning & Placement is still receiving position openings on a daily basis. If you have not secured a position upon graduating we invite you to come in and ask about *,- Active File. ,u’

system, will be part of the May introduction. It will help people prepare briefs for the commission’s Fall hearings, said John Van Mossel, a member of the local working group. ’ Following their organizational meeting last Friday, representatives of working groups from Sudbury, North Bay, Kingston, Windsor, Ottawa, London, Toronto, Peterborough, Hamilton, Grey County, St. Catharines, Woods-. tack, and Cobourg joined K-W residents in a Community Supper “ with Pizzazz”. Afterward, a slide-tape show, “Money for the Field’ ’ , produced last summer by students at the .Global Community Centre, discussed local farmers’ growing cost pressures. “Food for Thought”, a humourous three-course theatrical “meal” staged by,“The Edible Theatre”, and presentations about the Peoples’ Food Commission -showed local people how they could become involved. A number of choices for participation were listed, including doing research in such areas as migrant labour, land use and nutrition, and helping organize the upcoming Food Fair. Commission hearings will take place in Kitchener in early Fall. Unlike most government commissions of inquiry, they will be relaxed and informal, and will feature personal stories, audio-visual and theatrical presentations as well as more traditional, researched presentations. By spring 1979, the ten national Commissioners - two each from B.C., the Prairie pro-

vinces, Maritimes, Ontario and Quebec - will have visited 65 communities across Canada. The Peoples’ Food Commission arose from people doing foodrelated education and action work across Canada. Locally, churches and YM-YWCA’s have actively participated in the past two years’ Ten Days for World Development programs focusing on Third World food needs. UW students working with the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) produced a nutrition handbook called “The Crooked Path to Good Eating” and an organizational chart on Weston’s, Canada’s biggest food corporation. The Commission will attempt to identify common interests among food producers, consumers, food industry workers and Third World peoples, and it will produce a public report, synthesizing the input received and making recommendations for a ‘ “People’s Food Policy”. On Monday, March 27, the City of Kitchener joined over 50 national organizations endorsing the Peoples’ Food Commission, including the Canadian Labour Congress, Consumers Association of Canada, National Union of Students, Student Christian Movement, National Farmers Union and Christian Farmers Federation. Anyone wishing further information or interested in joining the local committee should contact the Global Community Centre, 94 Queen St. South in Kitchener, or phone 743-7111. -k.

Incomes traded longer vacation The UW Board of Governors approved a change to the vacation policy of the university Tuesday which will give university staff longer vacations after a shorter term of employment. Secretarial, clerical, technical, and service employees will now have 3 weeks of vacation after 4 years of service and 4 weeks of vacation after 10 years of service. Before the policy change these employees received 3 weeks of vacation after five years of service and 4 weeks of vacation after 15 years of service. The new policy brings these employees into line with the employees organized into Local 793 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees who negotiated this improved vacation schedule in the last bargaining round with the university two years ago.



Commenting on the change, finance Vice-President Bruce Gellatly told the board that it would not cost the university any more money. Personnel director Ernie Lucy noted, however, that the extra vacation would add an extra six tenths of one percent to the total wage bill because they would be paying the same wage bill even though there would be fewer empIoyees around. CUPE president Dave Kerr, a member of the board, noted that winning the improved vacations had cost the union members money. The increases in their total wage and benefit package was limited by Anti-Inflation Board guidelines and the union was forced to trade off about one half of one percent of income for the improved vacations. --IarTy


One of the many infamies of the RCMP which has come to light recently is that they have been peeking at other people’s mail for the last 40 years or so. The government’s response to this crime has been to change the laws so that the mounties no longer have to break them to do their snooping. On March 20 the House of Commons approved in principle a bill which would give the RCMP the power to open private mail. The recent scandals of the RCMP have prompted a plethora of graphics. The three below are from student papers -top to bottom: The University of Western Ontario Gazette, Simon Fraser’s The Peak, and the University of Manitoba’s The Manitoban. ,




the chevron


7, 7978

Wad shot omdefense spree The federal government, on a mammoth military shopping spree, is slated to spend $2.3 billion of tax payer’s money on jet fighters in the near future. This is considered to be the largest single shopping trip ever made by the Canadian government. It represents about $1,000 for every man, woman and child in the country.


Put in the context of cutbacks in government funding to postsecondary education the figure is staggering. The chevron calculates (see accompanying explanation) that this is more than four times the amount of money required to return post-secondary education funding to its 1971-72 level, and hence to eliminate the cutbacks. (That is the year when the value of





5 78-0630

727 King Street West, Plenty of <Parking at Rear of Building King K-W



r 1



Hospital Green


Kitchener Collegiate Institute



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The federal government is in the market for $2.3 b//ion worth of jet fighters and is presently trying to choose from among the five mode/s pictured above. It hopes to get between 730- 750 planes for the money. According to chevron calculations, however, if it sacrificed 28 of the Grumman T- 74, the most expensive model, the mdney saved could reverse all the education cutbacks in Canada. Similarly 5 7 of the General Dynamic Corporition’s f- 76 the cheapest model, is equal to the amount required to eliminate the cutbacks (see story). pictures from the Financial Post



FALCULATIONS The post-secondary education spending for all of Canada in 1977-78 is estimated to be $4.53 billion. (see note 1) As-

suming that the rest of Canada has the same extent of cutbacks as Ontario in terms of real values of BIU’s since



On the shopping list are: -18 long range patrol aircraft at a cost of $1.1 billion -700 armoured cars at a cost of $350 million -200 Leopard tanks at a cost of $350 million -the E3A- airborne warning and control system at a cost of $200 million -many other smaller items amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. A further $100 million will be spent on the construction of new ship repair facilities, and the government has discussed plans to replace 20 destroyer class warships at a cost of $10 billion. On top of all this the government has increased the size of the regular armed forces. So while students, staff and faculty grimace at the prospects of even leaner years of provincial governments’ post-secondary education financing, Canada’s military brass grin at the pampering they are receiving from Ottawa. .2~ -neil docherty -johnson cheung




the Basic Income Unit (BIU), the per-student funding from the government, was at its highest.) The details of which fighters to buy will be made by the govemment within six months, however, that decision alone will cost taxpayers $1.5 million to make the Financial’post reported March 27. The government has over 300 civil servants, perusing literature, analysing data, and testing the five models being considered. The, planes, pictured above range in price from $1 l-20 million a piece. The $2.3 billion allocation to the Ministry of Defence for this purchase is in August 1977 dollars and will increase to take account of inflation every year. This is necessary because the government will still be paying for the planes in the late SO’s, since they are not scheduled to come on stream until 1981, with acquisition to be completed in 1987. Depending which model the government opts for, and other details such as whether it is willing to pay extra for industrial offsets packages offered by the manufacturers,. that is subcontracting work placed in Canada, the military hope to get about 130- 150 fighters in the sky. The purchase of the jet fighters is just the latest in the government’s unprecedented military spending. In 1977 the Trudeau government allocated $4.8 billion (11 per cent of its budget) on the military, and it has decreed that the portion of the budget set aside for new equipment will increase by 12 per cent per year over and above inflation, until 198 1, when the figure, for capital expenditure is expected to reach $11.3 billion.




Graduate Attire Supplied

259 King St. W: Kresges ..

1971-72 (see note 2), $4.69 billion would have to be spent to return post-secondary education funding in Canada to its 1971-72 level. In other words, only $560 million extra dollars would be required. 1) The Ontario ‘government spent $1.16 billion in 76-77 and $1.26 billion in 77-78 for postsecondary education. The spending for all of Canada was $4.17 billion in 1976-77. The figure for 77-78 is not available, but we assume that the / spending for the rest of Canada changes in the same proportion as that for Ontario, and estimate that the spending for Canada in 77-78 is $4.53 billion. 2) The value of the BIU in Ontario (in 197 1 dollars) declined from $1697.7 in 1971-72 to $15 10.2 in 77-78. (see Chevr OfI March-l-O,) .+ ,



7, 7978


the chevron


Wahlsten criticises Record jburnaksm the Record refused to print it. The same happened when he sent a letter correcting a Record story on a Canada People’s Defence Committee demonstration May 5, he says. The paper is also accused of showing a bias against progressive people in its coverage of Shane Roberts’ (recalled UW president) eviction from a conference sponsored by AIA in 1975, and in its coverage of the chevron-federation conflict. \ “The K-W Record is a mouthpiece for the rich in this town,” says Wahlsten. Wahlsten submitted the leaflet to the paper but received a call from its publisher Sandy Baird informing him that it was too long and asking him to cut it down. Baird also informed him that he has sent the leaflet to the Record’s lawyers. Asked if he was contemplating legal action Baird would only tell the chevron that he has turnedthe letter over to his lawyers. The publisher declined to answer any questions on the leaflet. Asked what the word limit on letters was Baird told the chevron he wasn’t sure. “I’d have to look it up. It’s about 200-300 words.” Wahlsten told the chevron he was told by Baird that the limit was 150 to 200. The leaflet is considerably longer, however. Wahlsten says that at least one of his letters was within the word limit and he was told it wasn’t being printed because of its content.

UW psychology professor and for the Antispokesperson Imperialist Alliance Doug Wahlsten took on the K-W Record last Friday when he distributed a leaflet against it in downtown Kitchener. Wahlsten walked around town visiting the bus terminal, and Market Square before stationing himself putside the Manpower office. The leaflet began “I am fed up with shoddy, one-sided reporting of progressive political activities by the Kitchener-Waterloo Record.” The action was prompted by a front page article in the Record two days before on Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) posters being pasted onto mail boxes around the twin cities. The article said Wahlsten wasn’t available for comment. Wahlsten,. however, believes they didn’t even try. He points out that he is always around campus and that in the past a Record reporter got him by leaving a message with his department secretary. “ . . . But this time the Record didn’t even make this minimal effort,” says Wahlsten. “Furthermore,” he says, “the Record implies that my “comment” would have been printed if I had been “available”. This is nonsense. ’ ’ Wahlsten says that following the RCMP raid on the Norman Bethune Institute in Waterloo Feb. 23, when he, along with 16 other members and supporters of CPC (M-L), was arrested, the Record printed the police version of what happened. When he sent a letter to the editor giving the truth, he says,

Desh communrty forces communrty Desh Anyone activities Vancouver reserved established actrvrtres



Temples are centres of cultural, socral and polrtrcal actrvrty across Canada These centres areestablished by the efforts community and are total y run on the efforts and strengths and Its friends Bhaqat Temoles can be used for varred krnds of cultural socral and who IS either of East lndtan or!grn or a frrend of our community can like weddings, meetings. banquets, and relrgrous functions Desh opened as a religious place because of the crty by-laws but for other legrttmate communrty actrvrtres A Desh Bhagat rn Toronto which contatns a permanent drsplay of patrrotrc of the communrtyDesh Bhagat Cultural Club IS alsoestablrshed


Bhagat Temple Vancouver, 5880 Main Street 324-6532






Three banks in downtown Kitchener were picketed Friday March 31 by demonstrators demanding that the major Canadian banks stop loaning money to the racist regime in South Africa. Fifty picketers from the K-W area marched from the Global Community Centre and set up an informational picket outside the Bank of Commerce, the Bank of Montreal, and the TorontoDominion banks on King Street. The picketing was part of a nationally co-ordinated campaign



I 469 Magn’us-kve. 586-2Wl


.Doug Wahlsten, VW professor and AIA spokesman last Friday criticized the shoddy journalism of the local KW Record.

of of

of the the the

East lndran progresstve East lndran

oolrtrcal acttvrtles reserve space for Bhagat Temple tn the place can be Memorial Hall IS and progressrve In Toronto, In order



out a leaflet to the KW public. The leaflet -photo by neil docherty

stop SA loans

headed up by the Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility and also involving the Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian University Service Overseas, and the Public Service Alliance of Canada. The campaign is building towards June 16 when large scale withdrawals of funds from banks which loan to South Africa are planned. Kitchener picket organizers presented statements to the managers of the three, banks picketed while demonstrators outside handed leaf-

to encourage socral and cultural The opening of the Desh Come and join us in order to All interested to join should Committee. We wil contact Temple. Desh Bhagat Temple WI/I business purposes Famrlres and become members of Desh Cultural Club and other relevant Temple can be obtained by

lets to passers-by. Demonstrators chanted “No human rights - no bank loans” and “Money for jobs and not for guns”. Picket organizers stated that loans from Canadian banks help South Africa to build up its military force to maintain apartheid and to maintain control of Namibia (South-West Africa). The publicity on the issue is aimed at encouraging people to withdraw funds from the banks concerned. -duncan

actrvrtres In the communrty Bhagat Temples is a gigantic step forward for our community. develop the cultural, social and political life of the community. leave their names and addresses with the Desh Bhagat Temple you and keep you informed of the activities in the Desh Bhagat remain open from 9 00 and friends are encouraged Bhagat Cultural Club. rnformatron concerning wrrtrng to 62-64 Claremont

When Hardial Bains, worthy son of our people, opened the Desh Bhagat Temple on January 7th, 1978, he said: “With Desh Bhagat Temple, our people have a new culture, a culture to defend the honour and integrity of the community and build a happy future.” Desh Bhagat Temple is the first and only community centre for the cultural, soci,al and political activities of our community and friends in Toronto. Desh Bhagat Temple belongs to the community and has been established entirely by the self-reliant efforts of the community and its friends without funds from any government at any level. The facilities of Desh Bhaqat Temple are available to all members of the community and their friends. In Desh Bhagat Temple are two large halls. Both halls can be rented for social functions, meetings, weddings, birthday parties, religious gatherings and other gatherings. Both halls are equipped with large kitchens and full bar and other facilities necessary to make your event pleasant and memorable. The Desh Bhagat Memorial Hall features a photo exhibit of patriots and martyrs of the anti-colonial struggle in India and the valiant activities of the progressive forces in the community during the past decade. Join with us to build our community centre. For information and reservations, visit Desh Bhagat Temple between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 11:OO p.m. daily, located at 62 Claremont Street, or phone 363-4840.



a m All

to 11 00 p m for vrsrtors to vrsrt Desh Bhagat Memorial pertinent rnformatron regardrng the actrvrtres in the Desh St., Toronto



for Hall the




the chevron

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27 20

3 - August


Search for new director still on



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april 7, 7978


Despite considerable effort over the past year by a faculty / student search committee headed by Environmental Studies Dean Gordon Nelson, the directorship of the School of Urban and Regional Planning remains in doubt. The post becomes vacant July 1, when current director, Harry Coblentz, leaves for sabbatical in Europe. The directorship was first offered to Peter Homenuck, a professor of Environmental Studies at York University. Homenuck declined the offer and the search committee has now forwarded the name of Doug Hoffman, the Director of the Centre for Resource Studies at the University’ of Guelph. After a lengthy search procedure which began on April 6, 1977, the full time members of the department voted 13 to 3 to offer the position to Homenuck. Negotiations with Dean Nelson were unsuccessful and Homenuck informed the Dean on Friday of last week that he would not accept the position. In an interview Homenuck commented that he had a hard time making his decision. He said that on the basis of an examination of the “merits” of the Waterloo position that he had to decline the offer. He stated that “I don’t think I could have done justice to the job and to myself career-wise”. Homenuck is a partner in the planning consulting firm, Environmental Research -Ltd., and. he felt that the Waterloo directorship would not allow sufficient time for him to pursue his consulting and research interests. He argued that the directorship would require considerable time on program development and profile raising for the planning school. Dean Nelson would not comment on the nature of the negotiations with Homenuck other than to say that “we couldn’t reach a mutually satisfactory arrangement on the terms and conditions of the appointment”. When pressed he stated, “That’s all I’m saying”. Nelson did comment however that the negotiations had been cordial and that he viewed the continuing search positively. Homenuck confirmed that since being offered the Waterloo planning directorship that he has received a promotion at York University. At a special meeting of the Association of Graduate Planners on Wednesday a student commented that “things seem to have worked out rather well for Mr. Homenuck.” Following the collapse of the negotiations with Homenuck the search committee has recommended Doug Hoffman. Hoffman is a so-i1 scientist and is currently director of an interdisciplinary program at the University of Guelph. Results of the Planning School vote on Hoffman will be known the end of this week. Hoffman is well known at the University of Waterloo, having received his doctorate from the planning school in 1972. He is also a principal in a consulting firm which has three planning faculty as partners. Hoffman is known to be a personal friend and colleague of UW President Burt Matthews. Matthews is also a soil scientist by training. Although students have had formal input into the director search a special meeting -of the graduate planning association was called on Wednesday to discuss the situation in light of Homenuck declining the position. The suitability of Doug Hoffman’s candidature was discussed but no conclusive decisions were forthcoming. -duncan bwy



the chevron

7, 7978

Sgoestointerest,noteducation Premier Davis says there are no cutbacks, but the percentage of the dollar spent on education and SOcial services has steadily decreased since 1972-73 according to the Ontario Budget released on March 7. In 1972-73 it was 32.1 percent and in 1976-77 it was only 13 percent. (See Graph 1)

When the U.S. multinationals were expanding into Canada and required a large number of skilled personnel, the government poured in large amounts of money into the education system. Today the interest payments on the loans the Ontario Government took out in the late sixties and early seventies

is twice the amount spent by the Ontario Universities Capital Aid Corporation on colleges and universities. The amount paid in interest in 1977 is higher than the total amount spent in 1965. _

-salah bachir -john Chichester

Students JC.0


l’jf you would like to receive the chevron dun’ng the summer, submit your name and address to the chevron ofice CC 140 by April 21.

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1946 ” ~ I


‘Mqrch 16 saw the biggest student demonst’ ration ever to take p/ace in Englishspeaking Canada when dver 5,000. marched -, on Queens Park. _. The question begged, however, is ‘whit next? In an effort to start a disc_ussion on that the chevrgn solicited statements from organisations which have been- fighting, or which.” clsm to have been fighting the cutbacks, UW president, Burt Matthews, federation president Rfck Smit, the Anti-lmpeiialist Alliance and the Ontario Federation of Students were-asked ‘- What have you done to fight-the cutbacks? and how can we ‘b&t fight, them\. now? - Matthews declinedsto give us a statement -- but suggested Cve report on his presentation to the March I.5 on campus- rally against cut\ backs.

50 Ontario St. S, Kitchener,’ Ont. N2G 1X4 Phone 579-4480 108 King St; N. Waterloo, Ont. N2J 2X6 Phone 885-5190 I

cFi,ght them &ys a% OFs-

I --x7 ), -





Downstairs ‘in the .Canipus Centre, I‘ ? across from de bank

._Seve&thousand students (and faculty and staff) demonstraated at Queen’s Park three . weeks ago calling on the province to-end cutbacks, improve the student aid plan and take concrete ac$ion on the unemployment ~ ,crisis. The demonstration was ari overwhelming success - -first because it drew the largest number of studetits & the history of English Cantia and, second, because it ‘forced the Davis government to take our demands seri8ously . Even Globe _a,rrd Mail columnist Nor‘man Webster called on thh: Minister of Colleges and University to “try listening to them. ,He (the Minister) might learn something.” T The demonstration represents an important step in the fight to gef a quality post-secondary education accessible to all those ‘who can benefit from it. It is no more, or less, than that. X The fight against cutbacks did not begin March 16, 1978. Students and their elected r&resentatives began organizing against prbvincial policies with the fdrmation of a province-wide feder&ion in May, 1972, and the launching of a tuition fee strike in January, 1973. Since that time, during provincial election campaigns, in meetings with -Ministers, through mass lob&s, petitions and campus protests, students have tried to A. change. government poitiy. t H We have been partially successful. An ear: lier student demonstration - on January 2 1, 1976 - helped prevent immediate im* plemetitation of a proposed 65 per cent in. i i

_-1. HIGH; l?j@HION~ - j,x \


d b




3; 1978



iID, 3978



The date was March 76, 7978 and this w+s the scene at the largest stu English speaking Canada. While Harry-Parrott 2nd Bill Davis hid t

crease ‘in tuition fees.. Constant pi-essure has a compelled the province to consider-. actual ‘summer earnings under the new student aid _;- &+fi plan. next year. .. The Marih 16 demonstration‘ iontinues ’ The “Cutbacks?’ ar this series of e-f%or$ to change profmcial - ’ sent provincial go_ren policies. But it would be naive to thitik that , ante the budget by l! this single protest will bring instant changes. The same apprdach that helped make the are governmefl +es and post seconc Queen’s Par& rally a success - cq-pperation backs are .a sign 6f d between faculty, staff and stydents - must toms are being felt a be strengthened in the comicg months. cuts in direct funding Over the summer, the OFS executive will staff cuts, reduction o be meet@ with the executives of the provincial faculty and stafforganizationato explore-ways of co-operating at the proviricial level to preserve the quality of &cation in Ontario. -We will also be approaching the Ontario Federation of Labour, and the opposition- parties in the legislature to- enlist _ UW President Bu their suppox% At the same time, we will consubmit a statement bu tinue to meet with the government, to expwhat he said at, the M lore all*avenues to stop the cutbacks; in the Campus Centre At the campus level, our members ‘have At the rally he out decided to continue ,to work with faculty, ,backs, pa&cularly the staff and administrators (where possible) to versities between 193 resist al! cuts inservices and to insist on an He stated “Clearly open and democratic budget process.-and squeezed atid sql OFS will decide what specific further acHe pointed out that tion is necessary at iis annual general meet- r of‘our matching tl ing this June in Guelph. However, unless,. salaries” in 1978-79; .1 there is a significant change of policy qn the ’ position over the pas1 part of the government in the coming being able to mainta months, it may very well be necessary to ratio’ ’ ; and that the bl again come to Queen’s Park. Only ,‘this time of equipment and lit ‘with even greater numbers. both been severely c / a -


.AIA, - ‘against sutsf , -for, stude _-I

’ I



.Although lar’ge scale cutbacks iri ed.itc%declining, and con_sequently the government At this time the ri ’ tion spending in Ontario b&&n in 1972, there is diverting funds from education to more carrying out a biF was no serious opbosition at,the University - profitable ventuies%uch ai armaments and against students, claim . : - - energy. or lazy, in order t_o of Waterloo for three years. .~OOROTHY LIVESAY, poet and author of Collected Poems: The TWO Scas!~~~, -In January of 1975 the Anti-Imperialist AlThe capitalist s;st& is owhed lock, stock , _A Winnipeg Childhood, Ice Age, The Woman I Am, and Iiight Hand I.& llantl cutbacks. This camp of Never Done liance declared its opposition to the. shifting an-d co-author and barrel by the bourgeoisie, and they are for-tat and expos BARBARA TOo’O, historiori , of the burden of the economic crisis onto the the ones to blame for the crisis. But the rich numerbus w-ays in W: WOMEN ANP THE VISUALARTS backs of the students through government are making the people pay for th‘e crisis. Our ing the people while MARIA TIPPETT, or historian and co-author of From D(*st)lation IO Sph*ntlor: cutbacks in education spending and called response is to Make the Rich Pay for the th% big monopolies; Ch&ging I’crceptiqs of the Brilish Columbia Lttndscc+ and Krnily Carr: A Crisis! The-rich can&ff0rd to pay, but they for a united front of students, professois and ‘-The democratic ? Biography (fo’rthcoming) . . other emi>loyees against the state. must be forced to pay. Students.must fight / take over the Feder: Since‘then, we have carried out extensive tooth-aind nail against the cutbacks arid other/ ISSUES tN WQMEN’S HEALTH ANDJiEALTH CARE Council and turn the _ investigation and analysis of the. political moves to m+ke them pay (e.g. unemploystruggle against state ABBY SCHWARZ, biologist and co-author of Our-Bodies Our !+lvc~s : economy of education and the concrete conment and inflatjon). There are sevefal things’ sweep away the par; I ditions here at UW, the results of which have which -the students can- do at this time to NON-CREDIT WORKSHOPS: the careerists’ and th been presented in a series of public meetings oppose education -cutb.ackb. ‘Wcknen and-f’owcr, July 21, 22 ’ the masses of ordina .. i beiinning F.eb: 5, 1976, as well in-numerous Public opinion must be created in support Womcg as Artists, July 28.29 - The chevronhas p leaflets. * of students and against the rich and their in this work, and heI state. Charging the ‘barricades at Queen’s I_ ‘We’h_ave tatight the students that educadiscussion scsric*s ‘*Varieties of Feminism” ,as six-evening de’fended against re: Paik will ~ot@complish much until there is tion cutbacks are a necessary consequence exhibit s)C women artists posed to the b&c’ i ; ;- An 5 _ of an educatiobal system that%erves .the inreal mass support-for the cause of students Put&c Cecureu’ an&who want to c( and teachers.‘The first sttp in this campaign terests.of the rich, the big multinationals andfw more il k,rnl.lion’~on,.rt: ’ Credit cwrsos ;p,n to’ardit6rs at chevrop into a toot1 is af course to arouse the students themfinance_ capitalists who -want a cheap and robcod fqos. Doodlino for adnissh I re&dy suppjy of skilled workers. Because of -selves to fight in defence of their basic. in- The stude-&s can, - / fortrmsfor crodithy 15. the economic crisis inherent iii monopoly pests, to convince the m~g+i,&gq& .L.,. a fight4 No matter.wr,, M..ZiG$apitalism, the demand for,educated-youth that victoryis possible <for a just cause. _. ’ =’ .‘%hduld fighe ibtick and:ni isa \.? h 1.. e7 ,< c Ar’l1 A.21 z I -, ..= 6’. i 1 ~ . I I. c - _ I . - - _“, _ ~ 1 i ,. * q , a. 1. 6. ,. . I c .‘. . , -

CREDCIT COUitSES -5 ‘- 7.‘‘, WOMEN IN ChiNADA:-1920 TO PRESENT --l , \





; meets

its Waterloo



TO REALIZE YOUR DREAMS We have your dream diamond in just the shape you love.. . be it round, marquise, oval, pear-ghape or emerald-cut. Let us show you our wide selection. W&II dazzle you with scores of blazing shapes.. . until you find your dream diamond.

d/y ever held in Ives within the

fortress like structure at Queen’s say: ‘No to the cutbacks.’

Park, over 5000 students

rose with one COMMON voice to -photo by rick smit

exposure to cutbacks lay tvat the prexoposes to baljecifically there ng to social serstitutions. Cut‘s and the sym:rsities through and Ryerson), q hours, a build-

ing freeze, and an increasing cost to the student in the form of tuition hikes, rent increases, tighter OSAP regulations and summer unemployment. Cutbacks are a reality. What has been done and what can be done to reverse the trend? I was exposed to the cutbacks issue soon after my election in the fall. In early November I attended Ontario Federation of

ntial :hews did not s we could use cutbacks rally Hall. Ime of the cut-‘ants to the unid 1977-78. )eing squeezed still further.” s no possibility .tion rate for have been in a 1 years “of not student/faculty 3r replacement luisitions have

“Although one will never be able to prove it clearly, the quality of education has suffered and is going to continue to suffer if this trend keeps up.” Matthews stated that the administration had been opposing the cutbacks over the years by “continually pressing and pressing the. Minister to improve not only the support to the universities but to the students as well. And I don’t think it would be unfair or boastful to say that things would have been worse if we hadn’t worked on it. That doesn’t give you much hope perhaps. But, at least, it could have been much worse.” He feels that this pressure has had its effect on the government’s design for the new OSAP plan. Although the limit of eight terms of eligibility for grant assistance will be introduced next year, there is one modifying factor w\hich Matthews thinks “is, at least, a help, and. . . came in with some of our objections with the Minister.” “There is a loan remission clause in here, their state are of slanders that those who are entering their fifth year or 9 are “stupid” ninth term of eligibility this year will have the opportunity in January” 1978-79 and 1979430 :ptance of the to have some of their loan turned ‘into a ;t be fought tit*oughly . The grant. state is attackThe strategy’of opposition to the cutbacks does not include making strong public pro\e interests of nouncements. I A-e exposed. “I can tell you that we do not accomplish should bodily anything with the ‘Minister by rushing off to the Students’ the press everytime we have something to struments of say to him,” said- Matthews, “because we . They should don’t rush off to the press, of course, nobody ! opportunists, knows what we are doing, but I can tell you s, and rely on that we are much more effective when we ts for support. deal directly with him. . . and we will connvaluable role tinue to do that to the great benefit of the .evron ,must be university and the students.” :s who are opWhen questioned whether or not he would ,f the students attend the rally at Queen’s Park the next day, : fighting, free Matthews said that it “would perhaps be ,on. counter-productive to do that, and I just , &ng without simply wish you well. The next time I see the Minister I will remind him of your appear,&tacks them they, there tomorrow.” ver capitulate.. ! .;. I ante 1, I. 5‘: ’ .I, ,‘: I, .z, 1::‘.:, L# 11

Students planning and strategy sessions. The purpose of those meetings was to coordinate the effort of Ontario Universities in opposing cutbacks at the provincial government level. The meetings gave me greater insight into cutbacks, and specifically into how they apply to universities. On November 20, 1977 representatives from post secondary institutions throughout the province, and Waterloo met with our MPP’s to talk about changing the new OSAPregulations and to draw attention to the problem of cutbacks. I personally confronted Harry Parrot, Minister of Colleges and Universities, on the eligibility criteria for grant assistance. He treated me in a very condescending manner and appears to be a Minister who has no interest in <listening to, let alone acting on, the recommendations of students. Other than amending the criteria for grant assistance to part-time students the govemment has done little to modify the student aid plan or address the issue of cutbacks. On February 9, 1978 there was a meeting between the OFS executive and members, and four members of the provincial cabinet. OFS presented the members with an extremely well researched brief about cutbacks, unemployment, and the new student aid plan. At that same meeting Bill Davis said, “there are no cutbacks in the system” and I took a photo of him wearing a “no cutbacks” button that appeared in poster form province-wide, distributed by OFS. I also wrote a story for the chevron and my photos appeared there and in “the Cord”, the WLU paper. During the February 21 weekend, I was in Ottawa with other Federation executive members discussing planning and deciding if there was to be a March 16 demonstration supported by OFS. I spoke in favour of support of the Metro Schools’ decision to have a demonstration and OFS member institutions participating in the undertaking. My account of the conference also appeared in the chevron. The Federation then actively participated in the organizing of the rally and the buses to Queen’s park as Waterloo’s participation in the event. We at Waterloo are more fortunate than many universities in that we are primarily geared towards the sciences and are job oriented. The fact that cutbacks exist should not be clouded by the relatively good deal that we get at this university. We can discuss and publish the issue of cutbacks to the nth degree but only when the majority of students realize that they are being directly affected by the situation is there a possibility of concerted action occurring. ,

i .,’




Rick Smit, President Federation of Students




Stampeders” SATURDAY


‘ ‘ Lisa Hartt’ ’ REMEMBER: Our disco provides continuous music throughout the night. Every Monday night: GONG SHOW Every Tuesday night: AMATEUR SHOW

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the chevron

Your ICamptis


73, 7968:



my building.”



October 22, 7‘968: Liberation ing and evict the director.

The Campus Centre was officially opened to the university community on April 4,1968, after eight years of setbacks in the planning and construction stages. The anniversary was last Tuesday. As a recreational facility and meeting place for students, staff, and, faculty, the centre met with only limited success in its first month. An application by the members of the Faculty Club, who were then awaiting completion of their own building, for use of the pub and dining room areas was rejected by the Campus Centre Advisory Committee when it was realized that these areas would be placed ‘off-limits’ to students. The most serious point of contention at the time, however, was control of the ! building. The original plan for a governing body of freely elected representatives had been supplanted by the administration’s system of an advisory committee making recommendations on Campus Centre operations to the administration. Students had a majority on the advisory committee but no power to implement their own recommendations. Actual control of the building wa’s therefore vested in the administration’s appointed Director of Operations. Any hopes that students may have had that such a system might work were vanquished by the actions of the administration’,s first (and l&t) appointee to the directorial post, Paul Gerster. Soon after protests against his closing of the centre io wider student use were answered with the possessive statement, “It’s my building,” Gerster arrived for work one morning to find his office furnishing removed to an otherwise empty Great Hall. The rest of the Great Hall furniture was later discovered in the pub area. Gerster continued to ignore the recommendations of the advisory committee and, on at least two occasions, altered the minutes of committee meetingi because they proved embarrassing to him. As midnight approached on the night of October 21, 1968, a group of about one hundred students participating in a sleep-in demonstration took control of the Campus Centre and effectively evicted Gerster from his office. This mass expression of student discontent led to the formation of the Campus

March 22, 7972: Teach-in he/d in the Great Hall to discuss the role of the student within the university. This forum resulted in overnight occupation of administration offices, marches on Burt Matthews office and the Faculty Club, and the invasion of a UW Senate megting.

Day. Students


the build-

april 7, 7978



Centre Board, an independent student-dominated govemifig body with departmental status within the university. The new arrangement soon proved to be an effective means for students to maintain control over their Campus Centre. When, in early 1969, the , administration’s representative on the Campus Ceritre Board, Al Adling’ ton, objected to keeping the building open on a twenty-four hqur basis because he feared that sexual activity would take place in the wee hours, the Board authorized the installation of prophylactic vending machines to placate his reservations. The machines have long since been removed but the Campus Centre remains open all night just the same. At present the Board consists of an elected voting student representative from each of the undergraduate faculties, graduate students, univer- . sity staff., and the Turnkeys. Two voting Faculty members are also elected to the Board. Non-voting members include all the Turnkeys, one person from Physical Resources, one person from Security, one person from Counselling Services, the Campus Centre Operations Co-ordinator, the Board secretary, and the chairperson. The Federation of Students have been allotted space in the building for ’ their offices, the pub, ice-cream stand, used bookstore, legal resource centre, and the Chevron.?Food Services runs the coffee shop. The remairider of the Campus Centre’s upstairs operations are co-ordinated by the Turnkeys. These are students hired to run the Campus Centre and organize student oriented recreational activities under the direction of the Campus Centre Board. Some of these events include free movies in the Great Hall on Wednesday nights, the Campus Centre Coffee House (organized in co-operation with CKMS), flea markets, crafts fairs, tournaments, and special seminars. The Turnkeys welcome input from any interested students who would like to take part in the planning and organization of such events. If you have any ideas or comments concerning the I operations of your Ctipus Centre, do not hesitate to approach the Turnkeys or the Campus Centre Board. This is YOUR Campus Centre. Happy Anniversary! , -stevb and smurf

September 7974: Ukrainian protest Soviet imprisonment

students stage an eight-day hunger strike in the Great Hall to of Valentyn Moroz, a Ukrainian nationalist author. ’ --old chevron photos and randy hannigan


april 7, 7978

the chevron


Endding with a bangL

CCCH show was a grand success The last coffeehouse of the teim took place last Sunday night, and it was without doubt the best one held to date. The show featured no professional recording artists but rather some of the local singers and players. It opened with a set by Bruce Tomlinson, the coffeehouse co-ordinator, and Sue Murphy. The two moved easily through a well-paced set of brilliantly played material, featuring “ Long Long Time”, ‘:Big Yellow Taxi” and “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down”. Following them was a short intermission and then Bill Stunt and Barb Fraser. These two took up where Bruce and Sue had left off, flying through their set which featured some absolutely beautiful harmonies and good guitar work.

Both Bill and Bruce had showed their stuff as players and Sue let loose with some of the host amazing vocals I’ve ever heard. The quality of performance was easily grade A-plus. But, it doesn’t end there, no siree bob. Bruce took the stage and performed a five-song set which featured som’e great finger picking on some blues classics like Robert Johnson’s “Sweet Home Chicago”. Again the performancewas excellent. Another intermission occurred and then the four took the stage and began to just jam together on the songs. It is hard to find enough suitable adjectives to describe how indescribably good the music was. It wasn’t just the vocals which were fantastic, and it wasn’t just the playing which was every bit as

great, but it was rather the two happening at the same time with the whole sound that came across. People were just getting blown away by the whole sound. At most coffeehouses I’ve been to people start leaving at ten thirty and most will have left by the end. But this time the crowd stayed, for the most part, till the end when it closed at about 12:30. And if that was not enough people came up afterwards, en masse, to congratulate the four, and Heinz Plummet who came up near the end of the show to play some incredible lap steel guitar. It was an excellent show that verged on being what is most likely the entertainment event of the term. To all those who came this tias obvious, to all those who didn’t go, that’s too bad. -doug


Lucre tia is a flop Last Thursday might, at Humanities Theatre, the Centre Opera Studio presented its first major production. Their inexperience) showed, especially in their choice of operas. Benjamin Britten’s Rape of Lucretia (Libretto by Ronald Duncan) defies an interesting interpretation by even the most ;talented and experienced opera companies. Britten’s music is discordant and often interferes with the action of the opera and, indeed, at times is wholy inappropriate to the action. There seems to be little correlation between the tone of the music and the tone of the drama. At one point after some somber music matched with a light scene in the drama, the orchestra breaks into some uplifting passage just as Lucretia bewails her fate. The Centre Opera Studio should

be given full marks for costume and set design. Considering the limitations of a travelling company, the sets were more than adequate and the costumes opulent. However, much work is needed on staging. Many times, and particularly when there were only two performers on stage, the singer was blocked from the audience’s view by another performer. The company’s array of voices was sufficient and in another opera might be shown off to better advantage. A more serious fault in this presentation was the miscasting of Dorothy Jean Lloyd as Lucretia. The melodrama becomes a farce. In the first scene Lucretia’s husband Collantinus, general in the time of the Etruscan Emperor Taquinius sing the praises of Lucretia in very flowery terms. She is described as being “as chaste as she is

beautiful”. Lloyd is unable to carry off this illusion. As the second scene opens on Lucretia and her maids, the audience is forced to wonder about her chastity for beautiful she is not. This becomes eve more ludicrous at the finale of 2 e opera. Junius exhorts the Roman people -to revolt against the Etruscans and their banner cry is “Destroyed by beauty their throne will fall.” Highly unlikely from what we see of Lucretia and one wonders what all the fuss is about. Another flaw in the opera itself is the inclusion of a tenor and soprano chorus. While they ostensibly explain the action and the background they interfere with the melodramatic effect and drag out inconsequential scenes tiresomely. In the final scene of act one it takes an interminable time for all to say good night as each goodnight is preceeded by a prelude from the chorus. Altogether this is an uninspiring opera and a waste of what talent the Centre Opera Studio does possess. -case van maanen

Walnuts. to perform ballet



Fraser and Stunt also played at Upstairs at the Grad Club Saturday night but they failed to take the show away/from Doug Reansbury (gbove). Reansbury entertained a packed Grad Club with his highcalibre guitar playing and excellent selection of songs. -photo by john w. bast

The Black Walnut Ballet Society is pleased to announce the seconh performance of the Black Walnut Ballet Company at the Humanities Theatre University of Waterloo on Saturday, April 29 at 8pm. We are also happy to announce that Alan Macleod, a very wellknown local tenor will be singing the four songs of Schubert for the dance “To Music”. He will be accompanied by Pianist Robert Reinhart of St. Michael’s Church in Waterloo. Also appearing on this programme are the newly formed professional dance theatre Ottawa Dance Theatre. They are an exciting new company and we welcome them to this area. Come and support Waterloo’s first Ballet Company. Our young dancers under the direction of Bernd Juche and choreographers Sara Jane Burton of Guelph and Pamela Eddleston of L&don have worked long and hard for this performance.

The last Campus Centre Coffee House, held last Sunday, was a fine success. The evening’s perfortiers put forth a performance which bettered most or all of the Coffeehouses previous acts. Above: Susan Murphy and Barb Fraser singing their hearts out. -photo by john w. bast


Solid and exciting Frank Marino and Mahogany Rush rush.“’ With that kind of past, you Live can’t blame the guy for thinking Columbia Records that the Seventies are still ten years Frank Marino may only be away. twenty-four years old, but he is still Live is a solid and occasionally very old-fashioned. Marino, who exciting concert album with no valwrites, sings, produces, and arleys and a few inspired peaks. ranges all of Mahogany Rush’s From the opening power chords of material, is firmly rooted in the “The Answer,” to the closing apheavy metal music of Jimi Hendrix plause, this LP rocks with a venand the late Sixties in general. geance. There are no ballads or any (After a particularly frantic solo‘on art rock, just good old heavy metal complete with hand-on-the-thigh Live, he actually screams “Can you dig it?” What is even more lyrics and that unrelenting 4/4 be&. amazing is that the audience reEven though this is only a single sponds.) In a recent interview with album;jthe lack of anything rea British music weekly, Marino sembling a change of pace can be says that ht: understands Hendrix . tiring. --Fortunately, there are better than any other living soul enough high points tb hold your inaround today and had adopted terest till the end. “Dragonfly,” Hendrix’ own ambition: to attain “Johnny B. Goode,” and the thrillthat peak of performance where ining version of “Purple Haze” are dividual instruments disappear and all standouts in one way or another. just become music. The only slack spots come during One explanation for Marino’s “I’m A King Bee” (an edited verpsychedelic roots may well be a sion of which is the latest single) physical one. As he tells it, it was and some of the longer flash solos. the summer of ‘69 and drugs had In some ways, Mahogany Rush finally reached Montreal. “I was is an unfortunate grouping. Marino doing a lot of acid, and in the last constantly exhibits enough momonth before I quit . . . God, I did ments of imagination and someeasily 1,500 trips of acid. . . it toQk thing approaching brilliance on the me a year to recover.” In fact, the electric guitar to make the listener group’s name was the result of wish he could pull off the kind of Marino’ s unbalanced pH state: ste ling material to match his per‘L . . . I felt like I was turning into a 7 formance. But for now I’ll be contree, like mahogany, and whenever t&t to put on “Purple Haze” again I felt like that I used to tell my at full blast and pretend I’m a tree. brother T was having ‘mahogany -john sakamoto

Join the chevron II a paperwith guts. 1(



the chevron


7, 7978

Wanderers lose YOU WANT The Stone The With Norse And Through Until Which

world sudden grew became

opened bursts on nolse amplified my fears confuslon gave m turn found



way sleep


to peace

The stone was begun Grey, scored and battered. It waltzed with all the Hldden ghosts and demons Sprang at ntghtfall Waiting to devour those Who didn’t run. But the stone was real. It wouldn’t go away When the lights were turned




pam agam ttme there stone. stone.

As yet we feel the old bonspiel Has never caught a fox My drainpipe sings, but loathsome things Secrete a cardboard box

regret unmet

“Anticipate and demonstrate The mother Chevy moans, A field of kmves contracts And freezes student loans

I’l ne;er f&get. want to Bet??

of another tongue Child . Wl d’



In quite this spot we Of tittllating sponge An iron grate, deranged Apparent by a lunge.



Can someone What went And where Have gone?

And then As speeding A tuneful And warbled

tel us wrong the brave young

Idealism’s Trop pass4 Relected It just doesn’t

I walked through it through I became one. are the stone are the Stone.

of late, band

at last. and twice as fast hot pastrami. undid its racks for its mommy



Creative White

Space \

It seems to take A dirty war To prove the filth That’s at the core




I Used

To Love You

I used to love you But you didn’t care. I wanted to have you And touch your hair. I used to lay asleep at nights And wonder what you thought It was just a foolish whim I had Just something I should have fought I had to forget you And remember who I was. I was like mornmg dew, In the daytrme lost. I hope now what I was as humane Considering that I wouldn’t matter


I did was right as I could be It was just my fight to you, I could see.

You even wave to me As If you really care. But even as you are free You’re clvilzed and fatr So now I stay awake all day And wonder how you are. I’l listen to you anyday. Because,you’re clvilzed by far. -david



haves a shot


It I S nearer now, Much nearer. Oh, God It IS too close. This time 0 is bigger, Covering everythmg Ltke some hellish shroud I can’t run away now

As And We We We



The only Dodgers Are at bat And Jerry Rubin’s Getting iat.


It devoured me And I became part of It. Or did I devour It, And let it become part of It doesn’t matter now It IS too late, Much too late.

‘, the

The corn at hand struck up the And parents grew thetr forks A plug at ease has lost its fleas And mottles several corks.

All the brave young men It seems Have penshed. broken. With their dreams


be avoided.

is no

I know In my mountam My fresh air fountam. My weld and free. I’l be able to see


lo touch.




Father. who art m Heaven Hallowed be Thy Name. It is cold, oh it IS cold.

And now Have come But this Only the Only the

Twonce a night, I gave them light And fried perspective croons, WIthout the hall she has a ball Dlsgutsed as brass spitoons

That You

The Waterloo Wanderers played their second and third games of the final series last Thursday and Friday evenings. The games were tremendously close, and Waterloo came up with a loss and a tie. ‘This does not put them in the best position in the series, but certainly it is not the worst. We could have lost both of them! As it now stands, Tavistock has five points, Waterloo has one, and it is the first team to reach six points that wins the cup. Never fear, it can be done; for the Wanderers have been playing excellent hockey, but just have not had the breaks. On Thursday, March 30, the final score was 3-2 for Tavistock. Waterloo opened the scoring 11 seconds into the game on a rush by MO Jo Long, from Bev McKeown. Tavistack scored two goals in the second period to take the lead, but the Wanderers tied it up with 42 seconds left in the period on a goal by MO 40, assisted by Bonnie Zagrodney. Both teams had their chances on power plays throughout the game, as Tavistock picked up 5 penalties, (4 of them by one player), and Waterloo sat in the box for 8 minutes in the game. Tavistack scored the winning goal with 1:30 left in the game on a shot that came from behind the net, and went in off Bubbles Preston’s skate. It was a heartbreaker goal for the Wanderers, to say the least. On Friday, March 3 1, the teams squared off again and ended up playing to a 3-3 tie. Waterloo led 3-O at one point, but penalties killed them in the final period, and they



I m hoplng some Spring, Some far away thing. WIII take me In arm And show me a charm

But a life long Of that smile


Down a cold and lonely street The stone would appear Whenever the dead And crumbling leaves Made their strange scuttling Like milions of crabs Rushmg towards a churnmg But this one edged slowly Towards the land, Towards me. It was always there. Lurking near But never near enough To grasp. It stayed half hidden. Screened by the mist Of the unknown It could watt. It knew that it couldn’t Or denied its victory


Anerthought Our ties have But no words


now were

been ever

r cyr

broken spoken.

let up on their defensive system. The game was wrought with emotions, and 13 penalties were assessed in the game. Waterloo played shorthanded for at least half of the last period. It is really too bad that this game cannot be played without cheap shots all the time. It takes a lot of enjoyment out of being in the -finals. In any case, Waterloo again opened the scoring after 17 seconds of play on a goal by MO Jo Long (sound familiar? !), assisted by Lynn Hoyles. The Wanderers added two more goals in the first period, by Bonnie Zagrodney, who stole the puck from their defence in front of their net, and Mary Campbell, who put in a rebound after MO Jo hit the post. Lynn Hoyles helped too! Tavistock scored at the very end of the second period, and twice in the third to tie the game up. One of their goals was on a breakaway. The Wanderers just could not keep their defence solid. They have lost Cathy Cumming and Barbara Campbell for the time being through injuries, and Tammy Horne through her departure from’ Waterloo. So the team is slowly diminishing, which mades it harder for those who have to play half the game anyways! Next game is in Wellesley this Friday, April 7 at 7:00 p.m. It should prove to be a good one, as Waterloo is in there fighting for their lives. (eh Donna? !) N.B. The whole team will be back again next year, for the simple fact that everyone is failing because we play hockey the night before final -_ exams! !


Anyone can offer you a job...

The ohevron


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the chevron

apt-i/ 7, 7978

Miss Julie a hit as

Wilev directs UW Drama Group J

We witnessed the first full dress rehearsal of “Miss Julie” and if this is any indication, this play is well worth seeing. It is playing at the Theatre of the Arts April 6 through 8. Student director Donald Wiley and his cast of three have developed a provocative and intriguing drama from August Strinberg’s script. Miss Julie is set in feudal Sweden on Midsummers Night, Miss Julie, the daughter of an autocratic count, spends rather more time than might be deemed good for her in the kitchen which is the set for the play. The other characters are her father’s valet, Jean and the cook, Kristin. It is the working out of an ill fated love triangle complicated with a rigid class structure that separates the three leaving them ‘with, no -common ground in which to work out or come to terms with their situation. If observations of a play staged for an audience of two are valid, then Linda Gamst as Miss Julie, John Pacocha as Jean ‘and Susan Forrest as Kristin have captured the major nuances of the contrasting and conflicting emotions of the characters. While the performance we saw was uneven in spots, all showed flashes of brillance as they played out the intricies of the plot. Susan Forrest, in particular, was very steady *and caught just the

Susan Forrest (top), Linda Camst talent in Miss juiie.






He was unable to give much information on who was interested in his club. “I’m terrible with names ,” he explained. He did, however, recognise the name Randy Barkman as someone who he had heard was “possibly interested”, but he did not know him personally. One of his contacts was chevric Chris Dufault .c. _ -_“Basically, I suppose- he approached me because he associates me, from reading the paper, with being a moderate, as they call me, and not being happy with the paper,” Dufault told the chevron. Dufault has written letters to feedback criticizing chevron editor Neil Docherty and editorial positions of the paper. Recently his voting rights were suspended after h,e circulated a petition, without consulting staff, for a referendum on separating the chevron from the federation. The staff criticised him for having weakened their position in negotiations with

SHIPPING Household



- Personal

and )ohn




the administration on terms of separation. The only other contact he could remember was former chevron editor (19661968) Jim Nagel. Nagel claimed not to know much about the “journalism club”, but said that he maintains “a longdistance, grandfatherly concern” for affairs at UW. He said he heard Chaychuck talk about the chevron at a meeting on campus and approached him there. When asked what meeting this was he became annoyed and said “Look, talk to John Chaychuck.” Nagel said he wouldn’t be involved in the club as he is leaving the country. The confidential source claims Nagel also spoke to several people at a party to which federation executive members and some chevrics were invited. One person contacted was graphicist Harry Warr. ‘ ‘He didn’t really say it was a paper. He just sort of said something about publishing a paper out of a journalism club, or something like that, and he’d understood that I

did some work for FASS. And he said there’s a lot of mix-up in the chevron, that’s all I understood,” Warr told the chevron. He said he couldn’t remember the name of the person who called him, but said he thought it was an engineer. He did not take up the invitation, he said, because he is’ busy and is soon leaving the area. Chevron editor Neil Docherty said the fed executive bloc on the paper, consisting of Smit, Redding, Barkman and others, have been unable to take over the paper and stop it defending the basic interests of the students and so now they are going to start up their own organ in the tradition of such scab publications as the Bullseye and the Real Chevron.” He noted Smit’s earlier call to “change the paper from within”, and sated, “this bloc failed to outvote the honest and democratic students on the paper, even though they scraped the bottom of the barrel, bringing onto staff such notables as J.J. Long, who opposed the paper all through the free chevron.” “Anyone seriously interested in journalism should join the chevron,” he added.


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which is his senior project. He and John Cox have done a fine job of set construction and managed with very few props to create a fitting backdrop for this tragedy. An original score, composed and played by Glen Soulis greatly enhances the mood of this play. Chris Hughes also deserves recognition for the fine job he has done in mixing and engineering the sound. So full credit to this dedicated group who have done a commendable job on a difficult play. Recommended viewing for anyone needing a break from the grind of studying. Remember, Thursday through Saturday at the Theatre of the Arts. Admission is on a pay as you can basis.

CONTINUOUS DANCING Nightly from 8 p.m.









Theatre of the Arts April, 6, 7, 8 at 8 P.M. Directed


Donald Wiley



the chevron

Address a El#et&s to t&e edit-or, the c hevrorh campus centre. Please type on a M-character We, doubte spaced. A pseudunym may be run if we are provided with the real name of the writer. Letters may be edited tu fit spats requirements, Ihadfine far tetters is nuQn Tuesday&

Is the A/A 8 really ’ the A/A?? . ’


I would like to submit to Feedback some thoughts and questions concerning credibility and authenticity. Recently some leaflets were distributed about campus which claimed to have been published by the “AIA”, namely “AIA Apology” and “AIA Refutes ‘AIA Apology’ ’ ’ . Some members of the AntiImperialist Alliance then ripped down some of these posters, notably (notable because of Sci-Sot Exec complaints) from the Science Society office. Today (3 April) I find a fourpage response purporting to be from the AntiLImperialist Alliance (it does not mention a third poster, “Peasants Against AIA”). First, none of the three original posters claims to be from the Anti-Imperialist Alliance. One of them claims that another one is from the Anti-Imperialist Alliance. One of them claims that another one is from the Anti-Imperialist Alliance, but like the other two merely professes to be published by the “AIA” . The names are not equivalent. In the Metropolitan Toronto May 1976 Yellow Pages there are Aberly, Abscohood, Action, Adriatic, Advisory, Ancora, Apollo, Arnside, Arrow and Aviation Insurance Agencies. How about Adanac Insulations & Aluminum? Who are Wahlsten and Hannant to unilaterally (mis-?)interpret fhese posters and destroy them, based on their own paranoia and lack of a sense of humour (or am I misinterpretting?)? Anyway, who published the four-page denial of the other literature, claiming to be the Anti-Imperialist Alliance? Is this another jest (or serious announcement?) by the same (different?) people who printed the first three (or were they real and this one bogus?)? Indeed, what claim do Wahlsten and friends, regardless of their political opinions, have to the name “Anti-Imperialist Alliance”, let alone “AIA” ? Have they any legal right, or has anyone else any less right? The “Anti-Imperialist Alliance” doesn’t even publish a membership list. On the other hand, I didn’t see the alleged (by both my Sci-Sot and Anti-Imperialist Alliance correspondence) ripping down of posters, either. I’ve never seen any proof that anyone named Doug Wahlsten or Larry Hannant exist. Just what should I believe of what I read in the chevron, and the Gazette, or the Metropolitan Toronto Yellow Pages? I think that these are important questions. And I’ve never seen a moor, either. Philip C. Kelly Supreme Broccoli AIA

Repm to A/A On Monday April 3, 1978, Larry Hannant paid a visit to the Science Society office bearing the response to our open letter, to the Dean of Arts. The letter objected to the actions of the two AIA members Wahlsten and Hannant in the Sci-Sot office on MondayMarch 27, 1978. In this letter, 1 will refute all false statements made by the AIA in the order that they appeared: 1. The leaflets appeared on Sunday, not on Monday. 2. The Science Society did not run a campaign with the Federation, we ran our own campaign for the separation of the chevron. 3. The so called “red scare” must refer to the “Better Dead Than Red:’ slogan, that appeared on the front page of the Sci-Sot News vol. 5, no. 5. If the AIA had bothered to read the paper they would have seen the initials R.G. after the slogan; and if they had bothered to read the masthead, they would have found out who wrote the slogan. 4. The Science Society Executive also declares that none of the leaflets, (there were 3 of them), was issued by us, but that they do represent our sense of humor. Once again, if

the AIA had bothered to read the leaflets, they would have seen the stamp on the bottom of the “AIA APOLOGY” stating “Approved by THE BOARD”. THE BOARD, is a student group on campus totally independant of the Science Society. It is formed much like the AIA, (no members list, secret organization, secret meetings, membership by invitation only, etc.). By the way, I do not remember Nixon and his buddies posting any leaflets. 5. As for yelling at people, the Sci-Sot Treasurer was yelled at during a chevron meeting, and Federation Council member for Science, Robert Goss, was yelled at after a Council meeting for voting contrary to the AIA position. Regarding avoiding discussion, this is certainly not true. Here is an example of what happens when we try to hold a rational discussion with AIA members; in this case, representing the AIA and chevron, is Larry Hannant and representing the Science Society is our Treasurer Susan Ransom. SR ‘Are you a student?’ LH ‘I am a student of Marxism. . .’ SR ‘Are you a student at this University?’ LH ‘I am a student of Marxism. . .’ SR ‘Are you a student registered at this University?’ LH ‘I am a student of Marxism. . .’ SR to John Bast this time, ‘Is he a student registered at this University?’ JB ‘No.’ There you have it, ask a member of the AIA a pointed question, and you get an answer that avoids the issue. 6. As for statements on “unity” and “inthe national news organizadependance”, tions have already flogged those issues to bits so why should we repeat what has already been said. We are working closer to home on the basic interests of the students, such as: helping to revise the Faculty of Science Course Evaluation Questionaire, and campaigning for the separation of the ‘chevron. Personally, I am not against the English Language Proficiency Program, it is a good idea basicaly, and may need a couple of years to iron out the bugs in it. 7. Not only were the leaflets found in the M&C, Bio, and Chem buildings, but also in Physics, Engineering (l-4), the Campus Center, Needles Hall and as many other buildings as THE BOARD could cover before running-out of them. The reason we had an inordinate number of them in and around the office, was, because we found them to be extremely interesting and funny. You people in the AIA have no sense of humor. 8. The two well known AIA members Larry Hannant and Doug Wahlsten, should not have used Nazi tactics and torn down the leaflets themselves, but should have told us that they found the material to be offensive. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Why couldn’t the AIA let students read the material for themselves, as there were several dead givaways on the leaflets that would let any University student worthy of the name know that they were a practical joke. 9. If our office is semi-public like the chevron, can I enter the chevron office and remove any material that I felt was inaccurate; without being beaten to death by a bunch of ranting left-wingers? 10. We are not “cowards who infest the halls”, and we do not “always” tear down AIA material. As a matter of fact, on the day in question Wahlsten asked our VicePresident to approve an AIA flyer about a talk to be given by Salah Bachir, and she did in fact post it on our bulletin board. The point is, things that are posted on our board must be stamped by us first. Also if you would care to notice, there are 6 bulletin boards in our immediate vicinity that contain abundant AIA material. It is not Science Society policy to tear down other peoples material. We do not speak for the rest of the student body however. 11. The official responses have started to arrive. 12. We are asking that Wahlsten apologize, not for tearing down the leaflets, but for the hostility and intimidation that was shown to the students in the office at the time of the raid and also for infringing upon our rights to post anything we see fit to post on our boards. Note that these defenders of the AIA came in when only a single girl was


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present, and began making demands and tearing down papers. (Sharon the VP walked in a few moments later while things were still happening). How do you think the poor girl felt? 13. Calling us “Nazi-lovers”, constitutes slander, especially in light of the fact that my father spent four years as a prisoner of war in a Nazi concentration camp. 14. The newsletter, the Sci-Sot News is the sole responsibility of the Editor(s) and staff of the paper. It is not meant to be a scientific publication, but a carrier of news within the Science Society and as entertainment for Science students. (Actually there was something of a scientific nature in vol. 5 i no. 5 just check page 4.) 15. At this time of year, students are more concerned with other matters than Sci-Sot, and it is because of this that we made the statement about the Sci-Sot Executive being a dictatorship, to attract the students attention and hope that some of them would participate a little bit more. (Doesn’t the AIA have any sense of humor at all?) 16. We have never tried to ban the theory of relativity, as a matter of fact it is you who are anti-Zionist. 17. “Serious students of science”, have tried to investigate the AIA in the past and have been turned out and turned off by the closed minds, and the constant barrage of derogatory remarks, yelling and swearing that takes place when the AIA wants to avoid an issue, or if a “wrong” thought is expressed. (Swearing is a lazy persons excuse for thinking). ‘18. The “anti-communist hysteria” must refer again to that McCarthyism “Better Dead Than Red”, which to me, means that the chevron should die rather than be controlled by the AIA. Why don’t all the AIA members on chevron staffjoin the staff of the paper put out by the CPC-ML. 19. Once again, we did not publish the leaflets in question, and the paper is the sole responsibility of the Editor and staff. Thanks for denouncing us. Richard Kular President, Science Society lettitor Red scare refers to the entire campaign against the chevron during the referendum week and before. This includes among other things, the three leaflets which alleged to be issued by the AIA claiming that AIA controlled the’chevron, and a petition at the SCISOC office soliciting signatures for a referendum on separation under a sign saying “Better Dead Than Red”. SCISOC clearly participated in this hysteria, a fact which cannot be hidden despite Kular’s attempt to absolve SCISOC of any blame. His efforts to squirm out of the limelight are more pathetic than convincing. Kular’s letter demonstrates his serious problems with logic and principles. He says it is a Nazi tactic for members of an organization to remove posters which bear the name of that organization but which distort the stand of that organization, an action which AIA members took. But he believes it is perfectly acceptable for SCISOC to distort the chevron’s stands and views by calling the chevron communist and to appeal to students to take action based on this maliciously-false information and blind prejudice. . Larry Hannant

On Dufault At a chevron staff meeting on 17 March 1978 the following two motions were voted on: “I move that no punitive action be taken against Chris Default concerning his recent circulation of (a) petition calling for separation of the chevron from the federation.” The vote: YES 11 NO 11 ABSTAIN 2. Those who voted for this first motion left shortly after its defeat. The second motion read: “Whereas Chris Dufault has undermined staff democracy and undermined staffs position in negotiations with the administration on separation by circulating, without the knowledge of staff, a petition on a separation referendum, and whereas he stated at the March 17 staff meeting that the chevron staff does not have the capacity to make decisions

democratically, Moved that Chris Dufault be suspended as a voting member for six months.” The vote: YES 12 NO 0 ABSTAIN 1. Was Chris Dufault’s action harmful to the basic interests of the students? Do the acts of the chevron staff in defeating the first motion and passing the second defend the basic interests of the students?: in this particular case, do they advance the cause of democratic control of the newspaper by a staff which is accountable to students through having membership open to all students who are not acting to destroy this basis of running the paper? In my view the chevron staff have the right and the duty to act to try and protect the staffs authority, and capacity, to produce the paper within a process of democratically arrived at staff decisions. We a!:empted to do so by depriving of (staff voting) rights someone who, in the judgement of a staff majority following a fair hearing, had acted in a way which harms student interests, and appeared quite willing to continue doing so. I doubt this decision which’~we took was correct because we attacked his dissent outside of staff (regardless of what his motives were) and so by precedent the similar dissent of others, rather than accepting it as necessary and instead only opposing the tactical effects as an attack on students. If one applies the criterion of reasonable doubt then in my view, depriving Chris Dufault of voting rights was an incorrect decision arrived at in good faith. It ought not and I hope and believe will not prevent determined public dissent among staff on matters affecting the basic interests of the students. Note that in a case last year of printed attacks on staff by a staff member, what was decisive was that the statement was slanderous, unprincipled, full of lies. We have allowed our repeated experience, that certain people fairly consistently use underhanded means of opposition and dissent, to blur the importance of the distinction between truth and falsity. Majority staff response to attacks on the chevron’s politically progressive programm’e of “Defend the basic interests of the students” through doing investigative journalism, needs to become one of renewed discernment of the value, the truth or falsity, of actions and views (particularly criticism), mainly on the basis of what the facts are and not where they are stated. The second motion says the petition was circulated “without the knowledge of staff ‘. I believe we will do the cause of a mass based, democratically run newspaper serious harm if we allow such a guideline to become a principle of staff democracy in the chevron. ‘Calling a referendum on such short notice during the last part of term (end of classes and start of the exam period) uses “force of circumstance” to suppress discussion. This serves the interests of those reactionaries whose cause could benefit from an illinformed superficially based referendum vote rather than from a thorough clarification of the consequences of the choice implied by such a vote. Nevertheless we should allow rather than try to deter such an act of dissent although apparently it tactically harmed student interests and its author remained apparently firm in his attitude of ignoring staff democracy, even after he had more facts on the negotiations. It is more important, I believe, to protect the right of (students who are) staff members, to dissent outside of staff than it is to try to deter recurrence of mistakes in dissent however motivated. Such matters should be resolved not by internal staff discipline but by discussion of the unresolved questions among students as a whole. We ought to be as open as we are able (even though it “creates”, i.e. facilitates, hassles) so that broad and vigourous reader participation in the paper is encouraged and we avoid creating real or pseudo martyrs to be used by a handful of definite reactionaries to mislead people. If in practice we respect individuality (equals individual difference) we will be more able to see individualism (equals self Continued on page - lg



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worship) as such and to reject its socially oppressive effects without making the unjust error of suppressing, rather than enlisting, the free participation of individuals in a collective struggle to solve basic problems which most of us in this society share, with, basic changes. Ernst von Bezold

Bachir the c

vsI its

What are Barkman and Coates up to with their mindless letters (see “McGuire to be lynched” and ‘ ‘Dufault denounced”, feedback, March 17, 1978)? The “lynching” and these two characters have “denunciation” in mind is for students taking up the cause of defending the basic interests of the students against the attacks of the rich and their government. These ambitious reactionaries hope to exterminate all opposition to the rich, to the ruling class which runs the U of W by using the basest kind of anti-communism. Take Barkman’s letter. There is not one rational argument against McGuire’s opponents. In fact Barkman worships irrationality and writes in the manner of a mindless New York adman. What is the content of Barkman’s stand-up comic routine? It’s the same stuff of a racist joke about Newfoundlanders, Poles, or Jews. It’s the stuff of a pornographic joke made to devastate women. It’s the humour of Goebbels. He was a master at stereotyping Jews, Slavs and communists and anesthetizing the German people’s minds with his “jokes”. It is a standard practise for reactionaries to make a stereotype of one section or class of people and then launch vicious attacks against them. Take the Archie Bunkerjokes. The millionaire sponsors of this “humour” hate and fear the proletariat and do everything to negate and slander this class. Look how the press stereotyped the U.S. coal’ and “violenceminers as “hillbillies’ prone”. Why? To isolate them from the people and attack them. Are not similar lies and slanders repeated lazy” Native day after day about “drunken people? And for what reason if not to attack them, steal their lands and eliminate them as distinctive peoples with their own language and culture. Every single group of the Canadian people is stereotyped and laughed at by reactionaries in the same way Barkman carries on with his childish “imitation” of the communists at U of W. These are stereotypes and jokes aimed at negating the Quebec nation, immigrant communities, women, Newfoundlanders. Only one group in the society is spared attack in the mass media and in official circles - the rich. These, the most backward, parasitical, useless dregs of the nation are awarded dignified offices, medals, made judges and university officials. Sycophants, like Barkman, fall over themselves worshipping these “high personages”, these “mighty ones” who own the banks and command the generals and police chiefs.

Barkman’s stupid drivel, pawned off as some kind of varsity frat-boy humour boils down to this: take the most superficial aspect of a nation, religion, class or political movement; present it as the essential feature, depersonalize and objectify that nation or class, ‘and then commit mob-like violence against it. So Hitler prepared the Germans to devastate the Slavs and other “inferior” peoples with his racist,; anti-communist stereotypes. So Kennedy-Johnson-Nixon prepared the Americans to slaughter Vietnamese, Cambodians, etc. Of course, the number one enemy for all of those genocidal maniacs are the communists, the leading core of the class of industrial workers, the gravediggers of this rotting capitalist system. Barkman does not want the students to think about who is their enemy and who is their friend, but he prefers they stampede like a mindless mob behind the anti-worker, anti-student and anti-communist hysteria being whipped up by the rich and their state. Barkman and his ambitious friends think ‘n this way they can swallow the chevron

with one gulp. What a fine pat on the head he’d-get from Matthews, maybe even Bill Davis, or maybe a medal from the lietanantgovernor, wife of the former head of Imperial Oil of Canada. The same can be said of Coates. It irks him too that the chevron rebels against,the rich, and dares to call on the students to fight government education cutbacks, oppose the RCMP police-state activity, attacks on the foreign students, etc, which are organized by the fat-cats, money-bags and bureaucrats who lord it over the people. How “daring” Coates is to make jokes against the communists, against AIA and the present stand of the chevron of defending the basic interests of the students. How easy to make a crude stereotype in order to numb the minds and anethetize the feelings of the students. But these comedians and their friend “Masked Maruder” (see letter “Hannant denounced”) who ,gives an outright call for fascist violence against the communist can not save their stinking, dying class. First, the majority of students don’t agree with their stereotype attacks against the MarxistLeninists, nor with changing the fighting stand of the chevron. Secondly, even if these characters have temporary success, how will this help the students overcome any of the problems brought about by the economic crisis, and attacks by the rich and their government? It will only lead to more repression and hardship, which will force the students to resist even harder at a later date. The students, like the workers and poor farmers, are learning by their own life experience that the slogans “defend the basic interests of the people” and “Make the Rich Pay!” quite nicely sum what is necessary to do in these times of economic crisis brought on’by the rich. But the Barkman-Coates types find these slogans funny and write comic routines to abuse them. They prefer the slogans of their “The land is strong”, and own class: “Things go better with Coke”. But the difference between the slogans of the rich and the slogans of the people is the difference between excrescence and esBarkman-Coates are sence. tY Pes sycophants of the rich and are fascinated with excretia, hold it under their noses and indulge in toilet jokes. For the proletariat and its allies like the fighting students, their interest is in the essence of things. And long ago they discovered the essence of the present day capitalist class is that it is decaying, moribund and parasitical, and long overdue for death and burial. This is why they uphold the basic interests of the students and fight to make the rich pay. Salah Bachir

Arts ‘llnioh w deflended Last week in the Chevron there was an article with the heading “Feds oppose Arts ‘Union’.” In this article Rick Smit and Nick Redding state that they oppose the changes in the Arts Council constitution because these changes make it “undemocratic”. Either they have not read the constitution or they have read it and don’t understand it. To say the new “Arts Student Union” will be any less democratic than Arts Society is inaccurate. Undemocratic generally means not representative of the electorate. The Arts Club presidents who will make up Arts Student Union Council will be elected by the same people who elected Arts Society Council. In future however,. the Arts Club presidents will be much more responsible to their electorate than were many Councillors in the past. The net result of this is that Arts council will be a much more united body than it has been previously. Perhaps it is this that frightens the Feds. Possibly the spectre of a unified Arts Council pushing for the needs of the students scares Mr. Smit and Mr. Redding. With the imminent advent of refundable fees, it might be wise of the Feds to avoid making threats (such as removing our society subsidy) over a premise as flimsy as a so-called “undemocratic” constitution. Furthermore Mr. Smit states that cutting

one week off the ticket sales period for Oscar Peterson was not detrimental. This statement shows a weakness in his logical reasoning. Obviously it would have been better to have one more week to sell tickets. Past animosities can be forgotten. An amicable relationship between the Arts Student Union and the Federation is possible, provided the Federation judges new ideas on their merits. Arts students can be a vital and active part of the Federation if they receive the co-operation they deserve as legitimate members of the Federation of Students. Norm Dray. History Society President. Artsoc Social Director.

lvation in song Dear today’s students, Today i am a student. At Universe of Waterloo. I’ve been here for a couple of years finishing off a degree that has been a thorn in my side for a decade. When I first returned to school, it was great! It turned me on. My mind was a thirsty sponge that wanted to learn, learn, learn. Needless to say, I got crooked A’s, and congratulations and camaraderie. Then, last summer it all began to slip - my inspiration left me and I started to worry. I wondered where I was going after all. I tried everything to get back on the “A” train - counselling, arts council meetings, booze and broomball. If I wasn’t crying so hard, I would have been singing the blues. Then one night, during a Linguistics lecture, I thought I heard angels singing - and by gosh, they were singing my song, Beethoven’s Song of Joy. It turned out that it was only the U. of W. choir practicing. I crept in unnoticed (an easy feat when you’re only five feet, eh you fellow shrimps?) to eavesdrop. I thought, “wow, if I was one of them, I could learn the words rather then just mumble along in ersatz German with my record!” Anyway, I somehow made it thru that term with only one incomplete. Next term, this one, that is, while wandering lost and lonely, I saw a poster with some fool dressed up as Lord Nelson and the caption, “Your Leader needs You”. It was a ploy to get people to join the Choir. “But I can’t sing”, I thought. Then it struck me that maybe I could learn how to sing. (that’s what we’re here for, right? - to learn) So, after a disastrous audition, I joined our choir and started to sing/squawk. This was of course all part of a plan to test my Aggression-Reduction model (ref.: Rowlandson, 1978, pers. comm.) implicated in Shakespeare’s adage, YMusic- soofhes the savage beast.” The results? . . .Well, I don’t know, but the last time I was in a bar, I drank tea, and instead of dancing, I was singing! (and nobody told me to be quiet?!) It hasn’t helped me marks any, but at least I’m smiling. Well Rick Smit, I sold you two tickets to our concert. Did you come??? Did you enjoy it? I bet you did enjoy, but net half as much as I did, because finally, “I was singin’ “. Love and Low notes, Rebecca Rowlandson Psych IV.

RGGs has the answers

R. W., alias David Ricardo, asked me already twice to answer his letter of January 13. I hope that in the meantime, he did his homework and read something from (or about) Loebl. He is asking me two questions - first, how is it possible that the university graduates which he (not me) equals to brain workers cannot find jobs and second, why the government is cutting back spending on higher education. There is one more characteristic feature of the present government which may be correlated to the previous two questions, and it is that only 0.9% of the Gross National Product is spent on research and development. By this, we are some-

where near Greece and Turkey, but far behind the U.S and similar countries. Although I criticise Marxism as an antipeople, reactionary ideology, this does not mean that I believe that the present government is per-l&t. It is not, and many of their decisions ‘are irrational and counterproductive. The building of the “Big Government” worries me, maybe, more than other people because I know from my own experience what such a “Big Government” may do to the people. But now, our problem. Our educational system is not very well organized. Some people prefer to study disciplines which may satisfy their intellectual curiosity, but otherwise, they are not very useful. The problem is that the government does not help them in their decision. The demographic studies may tell us rather precisely how many children will be in our schools several years from now. The number of- teachers which will be needed may therefore be estimated well in advance and the students maybe advised accordingly. Demographic studies may also predict the number of physicians, architects and many other professions. If such information exists, it is carefully hidden. Instead, it is replaced by chaotic decisions about general limitation of enrolment and cutbacks. This only shows how intellectually inferior are the decisions of the federal and provincial government in the area of education. Another aspect of the problem is that one must not believe that any type of education automatically improves the general intellectual level of our society and production. One million specialists in Shakespeare will not be very useful if one wants to develop further the agriculture and industry. There are lots of people who have gotten a degree in, say, Integrated Studies or General Arts, but not enough people who are lathe operators or skilled in car repairs. The term which I used, “brain worker’ ’ , is not identical with university graduate. I wanted to stress more the creativity of the thinking than the degree. The main idea of my letter of Dec. 2,1977 was that we depend more on the accumulated intellectual experience of mankind than on the routine worker. People who have new, useful ideas, who are able to realize them and by this to change the life of the whole society are the creators of the future. Education helps, but it is often no&essential. Let us look at a trivial example: Kentucky Fried Chicken is very popular nowadays, and obviously improved the nutrition of many people whose diet depended previously on hot dogs and hamburgers. It is completely irrelevant whether Colonel Sanders had a university degree, or whether he was a proletarian, middle class or rich man. His main contribution is the idea, the know-how by which he changed just a small thing in our reality. The system which makes use of the ideas of people and rewards ’ them is progressive. In a communist country, Colonel Sanders would be told; “Comrade, you will exploit the people by selling them your, say, Kazakhstan Fried Chicken.” Finally, the decision will be made not by Colonel Sanders, but by some anonymous uninterested bureaucrat. Thus, not only education as such, but its creative use is what improves the quality of life. Cutbacks in education without discrimination and cutbacks in research are from this viewpoint reactionary, shortsighted actions which finally result in unemployment and stagnation. K-W Record recently wrote in an editorial: “Swiss industry outperformed our industry in 1975 at a rate of five - or six-to-one in research and development on a per-capita basis. And a senior Ontario official estimated that if Canada had Sweden’s innovative and entrepreneurial skills, it would have . some 35,000 more engineers and scientists in industry creating two million to four million more jobs. ’ ’ Thus, it is nottrue when you wrote that I call educated people “brain workers”. These two terms are not identical. ‘Only creative educated people qualify, together with creative less educated people. Thus, we may use any number of creative “brain workers” we may get. They are in all social classes and professions. S. Reinis



the chevron


apt-i/ 7, 7978

nyity be run if we am fwu- _.

vided with the real name of the writer. Letters may be edited to fit space re_ quirehents. Deadline for letters is mmn ’ fkdsdays. ’



indeDendant.3 --




On March 10 I wrote a letter to the chevron criticizing mathNEWS and MathSoc vice-president Geoff Hains’ attacks on the chevron. I advised Hains to clean up his own filthy house instead of griping about the chevron. Within four days no less thgn five letters appeared at the chevron’s door, each loudly proclaiming that MathSoc and mathNEWS are independent, and complaining that I have no right to blame MathSoc officers for the crimes of mathNEWS. In his letter to the chevron March 23, MathSoc President Mueller went so far as to defend mathNEWS, calling it “enjoyable, funny and relevant to Math Students”, while mathNEWS editor Wil Macaulay contends that “The preponderance of anti-chevron ‘columns is perhaps an indication of dissatisfaction toward the chevron in the math faculty.” True to form, none of the MathSoc/ mathNEWS defenders dealt with the specific article I pointed out as evidence of mathNEWS gutter journalism. And signif’icantly, it was only those characters who are immersed up to their necks in the grime at the MathSoc office who rose to the defense of their petty, silly, humorless and irrelevant rag. This is further evidence that.MathSoc and mathNEWS are dominated by a tiny, self-serving clique who have no support from the mass of Math students and who are engaged in a vendetta against the AIA and the Chevron, a paper which is carrying out a wide-scale program of defending. the basic interests of the students. A few examples show this clique in all its glory. A March 4, 1977 free chevron report by Dennis-Rekuta and Jayne Pollack describe a MathSoc meeting thusly: “The old MathSoc council went out with a bang Monday afternoon, and then immediately convened the first new council meeting without anyone having to leave their seat. . . . “Since many councillors work several hours a day for MathSoc without honorarium, they voted to allocate $100 to a party for themselves. .. . “The bombshell of the meeting was a hastily-prepared,motion directed against the free chevron because they resisted forceful removal from their office the night before.” This illustrious MathSoc council included JJ Long, author of the weekly iolumn of vile abuse against the chevron staff, Geoff Hains, now MathSoc vice-president and a contributor to mathNEWS, Dave Gillett, then mathNEWS co-editor, Mueller, now MathSoc president and also a contributor to mathNEWS, and Steve Risto, another regular columnist in mathNEWS. Where is this celebrated independence of mathNEWS from MathSoc? Furthermore, last week’s elect*ions of first-year reps on, MathSoc council yielded the grand total of 12 voters! At least this was an improvement from last year’s voter turnout of 11 of the 400 eligible voters. The candidates blame this low turnout on “student a handy excuse to ignore the irapathy”, relevance of Math-Sot to most Math students. One of the few letters received by mathNEWS last year summed up the feeling of many Math students about the clique’s rag: “The February 10 (1977) issue contained 8 pages of which an aggregate of rather less than I page contained NEWS! The longestrunning regular feature was omitted! Nineyear-old -non-math politics was PROUDLY presented! I am disgusted, I will not read mathNEWS again.” (mathNEWS, Feb. 24, 1977) One of mathNEWS’ favorite ploys is to attempt to discredit every progressive or democratic person and organization, not by dealing seriously with his practice or its program, but by creating confusion through distortion, trying to turn things into their opposite and to so pervert the stand of any person or organization as to make it impossible for the object of criticism to reply with-

out writing a treatise, taking to *task every lying sentence. For example, JJ Long has recently seized the mass slogan Make the Rich Pay! for the economic crisis, issued at UW by AIA and nationally by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), and twisted it to apply to those students who withdraw their federation fees come September. Michael Webster, one of several MathSoc/mathNEWS hacks who has recently joined the chevron staff to turn the chevron into a mathNEWS-style rag, also displays the same flagrant contempt for facts and serious criticism with his series “A Dialogue with Doyboy” in the feedback columns of the chevron. What is this journalism but lies from beginning to end, an attempt to invent a Big, Lie about what is truth and what is not, or indeed to question whether anything is true? This is nothing more than a method to foster a sense of futility and nihilism among students. This is their brand ofjournalism because Webster, mathNEWS and their ilk are afraid to put down in black and white their program for journalism in general and for the chevron in partucular which is to extinguish any hint of active defense of the students’ basic interests and twist the chevron into another mathNEWS. During the past six months mathNEWS has served as a recruiting officer to infiltrate the chevron staff with these backward elements, disguised as self-professed “moderates”, and carry out this vile program. If it had a history of any work for the Math students; if, for example, it had ever criticized the Ontario government for cutbacks in education spending and unemployment, or the UW administration, this MathSoc/ mathNews clique might be excused for also criticizing the chevron. But its history over the past 18 months is one of unprincipled broadsides against the chevron, AIA individuals. The and progressive MathSoc/mathNEWS clique has shown in practice who it regards as the students’ main problem. Reviewing this history, I recognize it was wrong to call on this clique to clean up their own house. Their response to my letter proves they intend to continue befouling their house and ours at the chevron and across the UW campus. These hacks are unrepentent. Therefore I can only call on Math students in particular and UW students in general to eliminate this scum from their midst by cleaning out MathSoc and mathNEWS and restoring their organizations Yo the students so that they serve the basic interests of the students. Larry Hannant

Coates counterattacks


Two letters denouncing me appeared in the March 23rd Chevron. One was written by Chris Dufault, 2nd the other by Salah Bachir. While Chris’s letter (recommended reading) was obviously a light-hearted response to my letter the week before, (also recommended reading) Salah’s letter was just downright malicious, and full of errors. It demanded a response, which it is getting. A full 40% of Salah Bachir’s letter was just a ver batim copy of a feedback letter, written by a university employee, printed the week before, and to his letter I will first comment: The wage estimate I made in council was made during a discussion of how money might be saved in the married student apartments. I then explained my stand in a response to some name-calling by a MI-. Kleib. I now realise that I did give the impression that such university employees were overpaid, and for this I apologise. Now to all those do-gooders at the MSATA, I have recently discovered (from a MSA tenant) that when a tenant wants his/her apartment painted, instead of asking the tenant to do the painting himself, professional painters are hired. Although this is a fault of the management, why are the MSATA not crying about this‘? Why was this not mentioned in the Chevron’s “great” investigative journalism‘?

To get back to Bachir’s letter, one of his points is that I supported the 13.2% “rent increase”. If he had examined the issue, he would have discovered that this “rent increase” was just as much a discontinuance of a subsidy (because of insufficient of nonexistant rent increases in past years) as a rent increase. At $206 a month (2 bedroom) they are still a bargain, and I wouldn’t mind one myself. Mr. Bachir went on to state that I “blamed fhe married students for having children”. This is an outright lie, which is the same lie Neil Docherty said (in effect) two weeks before. What I had said was that I objected to people demanding subsidized everything, including dryers, just because they have children. S. Bachir next objected to a feedhack letter I had written three weeks before in which he claimed I had made 8 lies. The letter had two errors, but no lies. (check the dictionary, Salah) Neil Docherty would not allow the AIA forum article to be edited, but did not (as I stated) insist that something be pulled. Instead Mark McGuire told John W. Bast to pull an old recruitment graphic. Sorry, Neil. The other error, was that I refered to a discussion in an ISA meeting about AIA participation in ISA week, but it was instead about participation in the Christian Marxist debate, but big deal! Neil Docherty’s other objections to my letter were about my use of “guess who”, “student-related”, “nothing”, “based in Hamilton”, and “biased”, and my objection to the printing of an article voted on by only 7 staff (out of over 40). If he didn’t make that decision, then sorry Neil. . . But his other points were quite trivial. Satisfied Salah? But now that I have apologised to our great editor, I expect one in return for calling me a reactionary, making the lie, which I refered to earlier, not printing the photos I took last December (one of them assigned), not printing Prose & Poetry for the last two weeks, and in an earlier issue this term, the malicious and erronious lettitors to feedback letters by Randy Barkman (Jan. 27) and Mark McGuire (Feb. 3), writing the malicious editorial about Rick Smit using some material from a KW Record interview with Rick Smit in which Docherty knew Smit was misquoted, not printing Chris Dufault’s graphic (it’s quite good), not disclosing to Mark McGuire (a member of Chevron staff) the real author(s) of some feedback letters signed “a worker”, “a proletarian”, etc., in contradiction to policy which states that the real names of authors of feedback letters shall be known to Chevron staff, etc. As further evidence of the type of reporting I object to, I will compare the reporting of two forums, one by Docherty, and the other by him with Dieneke Chan. When Hardial Bains, boss of the CPC(M-L) of which the AIA (including N.D.) is a supporter, spoke at UW. A front-page report, 8 column inches, was 83 percent “the speaker said. . . the speaker said. . .” etc. i’he in-depth report a few pages later, was 24 column inches long, of which 22 l/4 (94 percent) were “The speaker said.. . The speaker said.. . the speaker explained . . .“. There was no mention of the audience reaction, or of any questions or disputes, or of the fact that some people were questioned before they were allowed to enter. Both of these “news reports” were written by Neil. The “report” of the talk by Walter Pitman was quite different, however. Written by Docherty and Dieneke Chan, it was 23 and a half inches long but only 2.5 (10.6 percent) were allowed for Pitman’s talk. On the otherhand, a full 16 inches (68 percent) were reserved for the questions and discourses of Doug Wahlsten, apologist for the CPDC, who attended the meeting. Now this is what I call Bias. When a speaker gives a talk along the line supported by the AIA, -I extensive repetition of his/her speach is given, however, if the speaker’s line does not agree with that of the AIA, the majority of the “report” is devoted to AIA (or CPDC) questioners and/or disruptors. ,Note that this is a policy which has not been passed by staff. But getting back to Salah Bachir’s letter, he claims that I said that the Chevron censored articles and feedback letters. This is a

lie. Although I uncovered cases where student-related submissions were held back in favour of articles, comments and which had nothing to do with UW students, I made no reference to feedback letters. Better reread the letter, Salah. Now it’s your turn to apologise. There remains one item of Salah Bachir’s letter which I must respond to. He objected to my calling of Chris Dufault a “fake proletariat” instead of a “fake proletarian”, will 1 make a boo-boo. are you happy now? By the way, did you ever make a spelling mistake? Mr. Perfect? You seem to miss the whole point of my letter, and for one who claims to have the monopoly on Social Wisdom, that’s quite surprising. using no pseudonom Stephen Coates lettitor While this mood of atonement is upon you fVlr.-Coates might l suggest that you begin work immediately on another letter to correct the errors you made in this latest creation. For example you suggest that I would not allow an article on an AIA forum to be edited, but omit to mention the context of this as I explained it to you. The problem arose at Dumont where the paper is typeset and it was found we were short of space. Rather than have five inches cut out of an 18 inch article it was decided to pull a graphic. This is normal procedure, but you have to try and construe some sinister plot out of it. As for the “malicious editorial” if it was so malicious why did you abstain when it was being voted on in staff? This editorial accused Smit of doing virtually nothing on cutbacks, proficiency exams, rent hikes and other basic issues. Since it was printed Smit has admitted that he was negligent on cutbacks, saw nothing wrong with the proficiency exam, and felt the rent hike for married students’ apartments wasn’t that bad. As for the alleged misquote it is interesting that you and others in your camp continually bring this up. You claim he was misquoted but assiduously avoid stating where it was wrong. So for the benefit of our readers here it is: Smit was quoted in the Oct. 26 K-W Record saying the chevron was an “editorial rag” his supporters swear up and down that this was a terrible misquote and that he actually said the chevron was an “editorial sheet”. It is difficult to know who to believe, but clearly it in no way altered the editorial. And as for the Hardial Bains and the Walter Pitman meetings being covered differently, this is hardly surprising since they were two completely different meetings. At one Hardial Bains gave a lengthy presentation which touched on many points. There were some questions afterwards and there was an informal discussion with about 50 people which went on into the small hours. The task of a reporter is to decided what is the most important material to report on for the reader. This I believe was achieved in the articles referred to. The Pitman meeting was of a different sort. The main characteristic of it was the opposition to Pitman. He had to get through a picket line to enter the meeting. Inside he spoke for about 15 minutes and most of that was in answer to questions from the floor. He then decided to stop speaking and deal with questions, and there was a long line up of people desparate to ask them. So the bulk of the meeting was taken up by the questioners before the meeting was summarily closed.


Cdturist Or racist?



In an earlier letter to The chevron I was critical of an article written by Neil Docherty on a demonstration against the Pitman Report. I felt that the “article was a waste of space” and that the reporting was somewhat slanted in favour of a group whose statements are not taken seriously by most students. I continued by attempting to show why the credibility of this group was questionable, with some suggestions as to how credibility (in my view) could be improved. The two responses which have since appeared in feedback - one by an anonymous author from the K-W Branch of the Canadian People’s Defence Committee (CPDC) and another by an individual with manifest symptoms of a psychosis - include unjustified attacks on my personal character. Continued on page 21





april 7, 7 978

Continued from page 20 Last week’s response by Salah Bachir was accompanied by an article from the People’s Canada Daily News. I find it quite incredible to see that the feedback section can be utilized by an individual to print an article from another publication! Salah Bachir’s letter, which purports to “expose me”, invites further comment as it includes many false and unsubstantiated allegations. Nowhere, for example, did I say that the Pitman Report is not fascist and racist. I said that the “validity of the conclusion drawn by the CPDC/AIA is highly questionable,” and that it has a “sweeping generalization” that nobody takes seriously. This still leaves the possibility that their conclusion is correct. I have never “defended” the Pitman Report. I have at no point made any statement whether Mr. Pitman’s conclusions and findings are valid or invalid. The fact that I have had limited communication with Mr. Pitman was only used as a preface to point out that in “my opinion” Mr. Pitman, himself, is not a racist. I was very careful to state that from my experience I do not think it is likely that he espouses such attitudes. Someone who has had better or lengthier connections with Mr. Pitman, of course, is a superior judge of his character. 1 It is true that I had not read the Pitman Report, nor have I read Marxist-Leninist literature on the report. So what? As I’ve said before, I made no explicit judgement on the Pitman Report itself. I have read other Marxist-Leninist literature, however, and I find very little credibility in their statements. Consistently they infer causal relationships far beyond the strength of the evidence provided. Consequently I have formed the premise that all or most of their statements lack credibility. My hypothesis is that this premise equally applies to their statement on the Pitman Report. As an illustration, this is validity. ” what is known as “inductive \ Both Bachir and the CPDC, however, are quite correct in pointing out that the only way to verify this hypothesis is to read Marxist-Leninist literature on the subject. This is called deductive validity (as I pointed out in my first letter). I have since read the CPC(M-L) statement printed in feedback of March 23. Thank-you for verifying my hypothesis. The author of the CPDC letter states that first one defines racism, and if the Pitman Report meets the criteria, then it is racist. It depends on how one wishes to define “racism.” Fair enough. My definition of racism is that it is a belief that some races are by nature superior to others. Racial discrimination is behavior which emanates from this belief. Culturism, similarly, refers to prejudice against national and social-class cultures. Culturism and racism, I feel, are two interdependent yet separate phenomena. These are the general criteria that I would apply when evaluating whether something or someone is racist and/or culturist. Racial stereotyping and classification of humans by racial characteristics can encourage racism especially if they are applied in the way which I had suggested. However, the causes of racism are not that simple. Furthermore, if Mr.- Pitman confused “nationality” with race, as the CPDC alleges he did, then I think that this is at least one legitimate criticism of his report. But this is not grounds for dismissing the findings of the whole study. The tragedy of Salah Bachir and his fellow band of myopic visionaries is that a compromise of views is prohibited. This was seen as a good thing in the CPDC response to my letter. I am prepared to say that there are some things with which I agree in what they say; many other things which I do not agree with. I do not believe in absolutes. My views are constantly evolving. The marxistleninists choose not to recognize this facet of human nature. In fact they seek out conflict and contrast as one of their aims. They resort to discourteous gestures, sloganeering, and insults. Each gesture deserves a return in kind from the recipient, which in turn foments more vulgarity, and the cycle continues ad infinitum. I have witnessed the use of these tactics several times now; the last occasion was when Mr. Pitman was at Conrad Grebel College on March 16. The antics of the

L the chevron

CPDC representatives was a disgrace. If anything, this behavior successfully encourages even further alienation of outside individuals from their cryptic tribe. Once I tried very hard to imagine that Bachir, Wahlsten et al as latter-day Galileos maligned by repressive institutions and misunderstood by the public. Increasingly however, I am tending to strongly believe on the basis of my experience and observations, that they are nothing more than a bunch of self-righteous blanquists! Morris llyniak

It has been my observation that most people don’t want to work, they only do it to survive. There is so much more to life to enjoy like singing, dancing, creating things, loving, getting high, laughing, etc., etc. (The list is endless). The crisis of productivity will be solved only when production becomes ‘d minor aspect of people’s activity and not the over-riding ‘raison d’etre’ that it is now. _When people stop listening to all the various ideologues and start making their own desires real, it will be the beginnings of a realm of freedom. Stu Vickars

“P & P”is in Who nuns my interest the chevron?

Your futile strivings; your struggles for meaningless self-preservation make a mockery of any democratic positions you might choose to propound. For the second week running you have chosen to remove the ‘Prose and Poetry’ section of our newspaper (perhaps three weeks if one discounts your precious Larry Hannant’s ‘creative’ tirade and revolutionary bunk of last ‘P and P’) due, you say, to “lack of space”. And yet, in last weeks Chevron there was room for three full pages of ‘Comments’ and a front page editorial (filled with non sequiturs) attacking Separation. Such a smack of nail and tooth snarling for preservation and where now your dedication to the student’s interests? Perhaps it is not so much the “Administration’s clutches” that you wish to avoid but the responsible hands of the students whose “basic interests” you have so avidly been defending. Is it not possible that a separate refundable fee might finally provide for the students of this campus an opportunity to exercise a defence of their own “basic interests”? My “basic interest” in this newspaper is ‘Prose and Poetry’ which provides for student involvement in the Chevron that is not rhetoric, slander or disgusting distortion. . .. (All together now and with Revolutionary zeal) OPPOSE TYRANNY AND SELFINTEREST DEFEND PROSE AND POETRY FREE THE CHEVRON!!. . . vote Separation. Stephen Webb

Marxism fallacies


For all of its brave posturing and anticapitalist rhetoric, Marxism in all of its various forms is just another ideology seeking to dominate humanity. Any ideology, be it Marxism, liberalism, Christianity or whatever, puts ideas before people. They envisage an ideal structure which they wish people to inhabit and thus deny people’s capacity to create their own world. Marxism is especially dangerous because it is gaining popularity on a world-wide scale and yet it shares with capitalism a basic fallacy. It sees humans as being a productive species before anything else, that our prime purpose is to produce. (This biological determinism can be especially insidious when applied to women.) The correlation of the postulate is that everything is invested with value, Nature does not contain any significance except where it can be expropriated by humans for use value or its further abstraction as exchange value. Look at any nation-state in the world where Marxism has become the dominant ideology such as Vietnam: “The struggle between the two ways-the capitalist and the socialist -. . . consists essentially in a struggle to raise small production to large scale socialist production” (Le Duan, The Vietnamese Revoultion). Everywhere, leaders demand that their people produce, mystifying people into believing that work is their means to self-fulfillment orthe road to socialist reconstruction. In fields and factories in Angola and Canada people have eight or more hours of most days stolen from then in order to produce capital for a corporation or a state. The liberation of humanity will take more than the liberation of the productive forces.

I write this letter not just for myself, but also for other students who may be wondering about the feedback format in our student newspaper. Last week I submitted a short letter about the referendum within the appropriate time period. I was told that a lot of letters were submitted and it might not get in. Although, my entries are very infrequent, I realized that many students were probably in the same position. I was quite concerned when as a fee paying student, I saw the type of feedback that I was pre-empted for (how many others were in a similar situation?) There was almost nothing on the referendum, but with large spaces taken up by double letters from Chevron staff, and nonstudent (UW) former staff, fee paying students had little room. An excellent example is Salah Bachir, who is not even a student here but gets 2 articles published (mind you they are personal attacks on Federation associated students and that seems to have a high priority at the Chevron). One of Mr. Bachir’s is over half a page of verbatim reprint of the Peoples Canada Daily News (CPC-ML). Perhaps, this was the extent of his original thought, I don’t know. However, does this mean I can submit the front page of the Toronto Star or a page from a boring section of Hansard? This would see’m to defeat the purpose of feedback for the fee paying students. Whose paper is this anyway? Bruce Rorrison Arts


for that matter Armed Independent Armadillos. IF the Anti Imperialist Alliance would refute those flyers, let them do so in printed form, not by illegal removal of papers from a Society office. Let it be known that an apology is not only requested but demanded and that further actions of such sort will not be tolerated. Sharon L. Harris Vice President of Sci-Sot

We’ie fed up and sick .

Docherh/ has demon&%ed Neil Docherty’s strinl of lettitors last week just goes to show how contemptuous he is of chevron policy. A lettitor is intended to correct facts, not to unleash a stream of hysterical gibberish aimed at the authors. In attempting to show that his critics are wrong, Docherty has shown how right they are. Nick Redding

A/A are invaders On Monday, March 27th, two regular contributors to the Chevron and selfacknowledged AIA members were caught removing and destroying printed matter posted WITHIN the Science Society office. These were, in particular, copies of the ‘ ‘AIA Apologizes” and the “AIA refutes the AIA apology”. They claim that this material was not authentic AIA publication and that as such they had the right to tear it down. Does this also give these individuals the right (by the same logic) to enter someone’s home and remove such papers if they are posted i there? r No one has the right to remove ANYTHING from Sci-Sot office without explicit consent of the Science Council Executive. Neither Doug Wahlsten nor Larry Hannant had asked the permission of the executive or any council member for that matter. The matter of the authenticity of the papers is unimportant when viewed in the light that there is no legally acknowledged AIA. (ie: no published and freely available constitution or member’s list). AIA could just as easily stand for Anti Imperialist Alliance as it could for Aristocratic Imperialist Alliance or

We, the undersigned, are totally fed up with the Chevron. We are sick and tired of the AIA clique on staff constantly perverting democracy and free speech (as illustrated by their purge of Chris Dufault). We are disgusted with the Chevron’s false claims that it is a paper which works towards the basic interests of the students. We have had enough of the Hitlerite tactics used by various staffers in promoting their own political ideologies at the expense of genuine student wishes for our ‘student’ newspaper. We feel that it is in the best interests of all students at the University of Waterloo that democracy be returned to the Chevron, and that the AIA clique immediately cease their attempts to destroy democracy on campus. These leeches of democracy must go!!! Mat Vomberg Loreta Zukas Mark Hager lngrid Kessel Les Rutherford Brian Adeney

Alliance replv


Response of the Anti-Imperialist Alliance to provocations by the executive of the “Science” Society. April 3, 1978. . On Monday, March 27, 1978, two leaflets appeared on bulletin boards in several buildings on campus. One entitled “ AIA Apology” purported to be a policy statement of the Anti-Imperialist Alliance, and the other entitled “AIA Refutes ‘AIA Apology”’ claimed to be a statement by the AntiImperialist Alliance denying responsibility for the first leaflet. Both leaflets alleged that the AIA controls the chevron and enforces its views through name calling and dogma but never through reasonable arguments. These fake leaflets were issued the day before the chevron referendum at the same time that the “Sci” Sot ran a campaign together with the Feds for separation of the chevron from the Federation. This was clearly a sinister attempt to influence the referendum by creating a “red” scare instead of giving some sound, rational arguments. It was also an attempt to create confusion about who the AIA is and what our policies and practices are. The Anti-Imperialist Alliance declares that neither of these leaflets was issued by us and that neither of them represents our views on any question. This was an underhanded trick on the part of some hardened anti-communists who are imitating the, criminal activities of Nixon and his Watergatestyle tricksters. It is not our policy to control the chevron or any other mass organization by seeking hegemony. Our method has always been to give clear positions on major questions and win the support of honest, democratic individuals. As a result, we have indeed influenced many members of the chevron staff. The allegations in the leaflets of AIA yelling at people, forcing our views down their throats, etc., are sure signs of the intellectual impotency of our opponents. They are desperately trying toi avoid open discussion which would expose their anti-people views. Since September of 1977 the AIA has made statements against the English Language Proficiency Program and the education cutbacks, the “unity” fraud of Trudeau and the “ independence” fraud of Levesque, bourgeois scholar-despots like Ian Macdonald and Felix Greene. Nobody in the -Continued on page 22


the chevron


mn, campus &character vided

Continued from page 21 reactionary alliance against the AIA has addressed these questions of principle. Instead, they have resorted to slander and ine nuendo. Investigation of the leaflets in question revealed that many were up in the Math and Computer building but that no one there would claim them, not even the denizens of MathSoc. However, they were exceptionally abundant in the Biology building, and their density increased as one got near the “Sci”Soc office. -In fact, “Sci”Soc had them inside their glass display case and on the bulletin boards inside their office. Since the leaflets in question claimed to be from the Anti-Imperialist Alliance but were not, two well-known members of the AIA removed them whereever they were found, office, a semiincluding in the “Sci”Soc public office like the chevron. Now some officials of “Sci”Soc are making a fuss because their little charade was interrupted. These overbearing, puffed-up provocateurs are suggesting that we should have left the leaflets in place and instead dropped our other work and spent several hours issuing and distributing our own leaflet denying authorship to the previous ones in order to “refute” them in “printed form.” This is utterly absurd. One more poster purporting to be from “AIA” would only have added to’the confusion. Instead, two well-known members of AIA “refuted” the alien leaflets on the spot in a manner that eliminated every vestige of doubt as to their authenticity. Putting up an alternate leaflet in the vicinity of the “Sci”Soc office would be totally ineffective anyway, because the cowards who infest those halls always tear down AIA material. This incident has been labelled an “outrage”, “irresponsible and’ gross misconduct” by “Sci’Soc, and they have sent their letter to a) J.P.R. Wadsworth, Chairman of the Board of Governors, b) B.C. Matthews, President, c) R.N. Farvolden, Dean of Science, d) R.K. Banks, Chairman of Psychology, e) J.S. M,inas, Dean of Arts,, f) J.C. Grey, Associate Dean of Arts, g) R. Smit, President of Federation of Students, h) Gazette, i) chevron, j) Arts Society, k) Engineering Society, 1) Environmental Studies Society, m) Math Society, and n) themselves, “Science” Society. It will be interesting to see if there is any official response to the infantile antics of these nervous nellies. To top it off, “Sci” Sot has the temerity to ask the AIA to apologize for removing fake “AIA” leaflets. Our official response is that the “Sci”Soc executive should take a long walk off a short pier. This clique of nazi-lovers represents the antithesis of science. Their newsletter (vol. 5, no. 5) is pure trash that contains nothing about science at all. The same newsletter complains that there is a “lack of interest in the Science Society Executive Council” and that the executive has been reduced to ruling as “a triumverate dictatorship.” This is not surprising, given the sort of drivel emanating from “Sci”Soc News. These characters have adopted the style of the hitlerlites who tried to ban the theory of relativity from Germany because its principal author, Albert Einstein, was Jewish. In the present instance they are trying to keep serious students of science from’investigating the Anti-Imperialist Alliance, Marxism-Leninism and the theory of dialectical materialism by whipping up anticommunist hysteria. It is the “Sci”Soc executive that has some explaining to do. They can begin by explaining why they are using science students’ fees and facilities to publish and propagate fascist literature. Anti Imperialist Alliance

watching- & conc@n%d I have been watching the chevron this year with a growing concern over the trend of events there. What disturbs me is not the paper itself - I have found it excellent in its fearless tackling of issues both on campus and in the community - but the vicious at-


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tacks on the editor and news editor through feedback by a disgruntled minority of staffers and ex-staffers. I am confident they must be in the minority because I know through experience with the chevron it is impossible for any one or two persons, no matter what their positions, to operate it against the will of an active and involved staff. At the same time I am very concerned to see a group of persons trying to subvert the basic democracy the chevron practices in selecting its core staff by going outside staff meetings and trying to swing opinion against the paper and in staff through appeals to nothing more than anti-communism. That communism has been made the issue is no particular surprise and convinces me there is no real basis fo’r the attacks. I have worked with Neil and Jonathan and know them both to be competent and responsible journalists. Also, I have seen this sort of thing happen before and I think I recognise the tactics. During my time on the staffI saw the chevron controlled from the outside, but never by the AIA. The “old chevron” was controlled through an intricate web of personal relationships and job pay-offs, binding it to a few political hacks in the federation offices. Staff elections were orchestrated to make sure the “approved” candidate was chosen, and the tool most often used to accomplish this was the appeal to anti-communism. This control lasted only as long as the paper’s staff was small and poorly organised. When recruitment was stepped up, largely through the efforts of Neil, who ran for news editor in the Fall of 1975 on a platform of staff recruitment and more local news, and volunteer staff began to get more actively involved in running the paper, the tactic of using the threat of “AIA control” to swing votes failed. That threat had never had any basis in fact, but it was relatively easy to convince people who had little direct contact with operating the paper that it did. Ever since the days of Joe McCarthy the charge of communism remains one that apparently needs no proof to back it up; it was to that that Shane Roberts was forced to resort in his attempts to lire Neil and myself, following a public campaign in the infamous Other Voice and the KW Record. Through a long struggle the chevron staff vindicated its stand that AIA is not the issue. The issue is defending the basic interests of students, especially students at UW, and the “new chevron” has been doing an admirable job with its cutbacks research, coverage of Married Students rent hikes, etc. Congratulations and keep up the good work. In my opinion this year’s chevron has been the best ever (though it still needs more pictures). At the same time be vigilant, the minority of anti-communists who would control the paper will not give up easily and democratic methods mean nothing to them. If the attempt to seize control by spreading confusion among staff fails you might soon find yourselves putting out a “Locked doors won’t stop us” issue of your own. Henry Hess formerly production manager and news editor of the chevron and now news editor for an Ontar‘io weeklv.

Epp is still - a hypocrite Dr. Frank Epp replied to (my criticism of his hypocrisy by stating: “Conrad Grabel College is not interested in giving its space to advocates of murder and death. Yet the posters of CPC(M-L) did just that, not only for enemies of Albania but also for certain people in Canada.” (chevron, March 23) So the real perpetrator of murder and death is now accusing the Marxist-Leninists of being “advocates of murder and death.” This is precisely what I meant by Epp’s hypocrisy. The U.S. imperialists are without doubt the most prolific and merciless executioners of the world’s people in recent times. They are responsible for the genocidal murder of millions of people of Korea and Indochina,

of the writer,

and they have propped up a large number of the most barbaric fascist regimes such .as those in Spain, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Indonesia, the Philippines, Iran, the Congo, South Africa, etc. In their pursuit of maximum profits, these same U.S. imperialists have sent millions upon millions of human beings to an early grave by forcing them to labour in unsafe conditions for below-subsistence wages and to live in unclean surroundings polluted by the big multinational corporations. The Canadian state with its government led by the Liberal Party is one of the closest allies and greatest supporters of the U.S. imperialists. Besides contributing substantially to the aggressive NATO alliance and doing the bidding of the Yankees in U.N. “peacekeeping” actions, the Canadian state assists the capitalists of Wall-Street to penetrate and plunder countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The Liberal Party, a political party of the reactionary bourgeoisie and U.S. imperialists,, has completely sold out Canada to the big American financiers and surrendered the workers and Native people of Canada to these killers. The Liberals are preparing to sacrifice the younger generation of Canadians in a new world war between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. They are taking large amounts of money away from health care, social welfare, unemployment insurance benefits, etc., and using it to bolster the military. At this very moment the Canadian state is shopping for $2.34 billion worth of jet fighters. Instead of publicly condemning the criminals of the Liberal Party, Dr. Frank Epp has joined them. Furthermore, he has made Conrad Grebel College facilities available to ministers in the Liberal government without crying out the criminal activities of their government. On March l-4, 1978, the Israeli Zionists launched a hitlerite blitzkrieg into Lebanon for the purpose of exterminating the Palestinian people. Many thousands of Arab people have already been massacred and maimed by the Zionists’ war machine. Now a U.N. “peacekeeping” force has been sent in to cut the supply lines of the remaining Palestinian patriots in southern Lebanon and prevent the people to the north of the Litani Reiver from launching a counter-offensive to reclaim their homes. But Dr. Epp is mute about these crimes. He is also mute about the offer of the Liberal government, to send Canadian &oops into Lebanon. In his campaign for the Liberal nomination he actually praised the “peacekeeping” role of Canada. Last year on Feb. 23 the RCMP launched a gestapo-style raid on the Norman Bethune Institute in Waterloo and carted off 1’7members and supporters of CPC(M-L) to jail on frame-up charges. This was the work of some real “advocates of murder and death,” but again Dr. Epp offered no opposition to the attack. Epp knows perfectly well that CPC(M-L) is not a terrorist organization and does not call for “murder and death” of individual capitalists. CPC( M-L) intends to organize the “murder and death” of the monopoly capitalist system and lead the proletariat to establish a genuinely democratic, independent and socialist state. (CPC(M-L) stands firmly against world war and for revolution to prevent war. I would like to know where on the poster for July 5, 1977, “Report on Albania” Epp got the idea that the meeting was about “murder and death.” What did he think would take place during the speech by Comrade Hardial Bains? Does he consider the Albanian patriots who took up arms against the nazi hordes in World War I and continue to defend their sovereignty to be the “advocates of murder and death”? The bourgeoisie want to suppress all news about the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania. They do not want Canadians to find out that a country exists where there is no inflation, unemployment or even taxes; a country where the youth are full of optimism and vigour. The rich want the students in Canada to believe that the capitalist system is eternal, that human nature is inherently and permanently corrupt and selfish, that there is no way out of our present dilemma. Albania is a living refutation of all these lies.

Dr. Epp’s defamatory and libelous diatribe against CPC(M-L) and the Albanians is anti-communist propaganda in the style of Goebbels. It is part of a campaign by the reactionaries in Canada to treat public opinion for the suppression of the MarxistLeninists. Frank Epp used to be known as a man of peace. But now this man of “peace” has joined a party of war and sell-out to U.S. imperialism, and he has maligned the most staunch opponents of U.S. imperialist domination of Canada and its wars. He is becoming known as a hypocrite and a traitor. Douglas Wahlsten *

n I/ 181 It has been brought-to our attention that the Federation has decided to reduce the funds granted the University of Waterloo music program, under the direction of Alfred Kunz. As alumnae of the university we feel that students, faculty, and the community have benefited by the significant cultural contribution of this program. By decreasing the funds, the federation will threaten the future of the music program at the University of Waterloo. We urge students to express their concern and hope that the federation will reconsider their decision. Shelley Hobbs Deborah Bell


I would like to have one question answered (and I’m serious, I really would like an answer): “Why should anyone who is not a full-time fee-paying student of the University of Waterloo have a vote on any policy matter at the Chevron?” R. Brown, Math We allow non-students to vote in the chevron because they help put the paper out, and we consider their opinion worthwhile. This open staff policy has evolved over the years. A case can be made, however, that only fee-paying students should be allowed to wote. We have never considered it to be a problem in the past and it is understood that, of course, the vast majority of voting members should be students, which they are. The non-students are mainly chevron employees who work full-time, former students and staffers who have maintained their contact with the paper because they believe in what it is doing, and faculty. Neil Docherty

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on is the Yii Last week the chevron exposed the slanders against students in mathematics, whom Professor Beaumont had referred to as “stupid students.” Now Professor Pearson of the science faculty has joined the attack on students with a foray against “idiots” who cheat on exams and lab projects. Dr. Pearson’s diatribe was given a full page in the March 29 issue of The ‘Gazette, the administration organ, and it was picked up two days later by the Kitchener-Waterloo Record and given prominent coverage. The statement by Professor Pearson does not even begin to deal intelligently with the causes and cures of cheating. It is just one more insult which is being propagated widely in order to create public opinion against university students and prepare for reduced enrolments. Pearsons asserts that “idiots,” not clever people, are the ones who cheat, but the main thrust of his statement Ls not that there is some cheating in university. He provides no evidence about the extent of cheating and proffers no proposals to deal with the problem. The main point of his essay is that there are “idiots” in the student body. The obvious implication is that these students should be hunted down and thrown out. “Idiot” is a term which has been used by psychologists to refer to individuals suffering from severe mentafdeficiency, to the extent that theFare inferior to over 98 per cent of the population. There is no way that it can be applied legitimately to university students. After all, fully 80 per cent of the youth in Canada never even attend university. When used in the unscientific manner of Pearson, “idiot” is a demeaning term, the kind of thing that often is used among friends in locker-room banter, which in print is an angry expletive hurled at one’s enemy. Pearson says he will “entertain” us with some stories about “idiots,” thereby showing callous lack of concern for the problems of his students who have been driven to desperate acts in order to remain in university. He congratulates himself for being such a super sleuth who can track down cheaters so assiduously. However, in his haste to attack students, Pearson has missed a serious point. He says, “Mostly idiots copy from idiots.” But how does he know this? In physics and chemistry, there is frequently only one correct answer to a problem. If one student copies a correct answer from a top student and then does a minor re-write to cover up the ruse, there is no way that Pearson could detect this using his primitive methods of sleuthing. On the other hand, there are multifarious ways to make an error, and some of these can be quite creative and memorable. Anyone who copies a mistake of this kind runs a high risk of being spotted by a hawk like Pearson. Thus there is a serious logical flaw in Pearson’s argument. He simply cannot draw the conclusion that “mostly idiots copy from idiots” unless he has independent assessments of idiocy and cheating. If anyone deserves the label “idiot” in this case, it is professor Pearson. He has committed a serious error of scjence, not just some simple copying mistake. Furthermore, he has done this in order to attack students, not merely to serve his private interests. Pearson also claims that the popularnotion that “smart” people cheat is a myth. Has he never heard of the fraud Sir Cyril Burt who fabricated his data about twins and .lQ, or the data fudging of Gregor Mendel whose pea plants obeyed his laws too well to have been a truly random sample, or the deeds of Claudius Ptolemy who apparently adjusted his figures to confirm his pre-conceived notions about the solar system? These cases of cheating by prominent scientists have been carefully documented by serious critics who discovered the problems many years after they had originally been published. Here we have a further exposure of this charlatan Pearson. Some welldocumented and notorious cases of cheating that had a detrimental influence on science he ignores, whereas unsupported assertions about “idiots” copying from “idiots” he spreads across town as true gospel. Having heaped abuse on students, Pearson then gives a mock display of concern for students and tries to incite them to attack each other. He worries that cheaters will gain “unfair advantage” over non-cheaters. Embedded in this seemingly irinocent statement is a real question of principle concerning how students are evaluated. Gaining “advantage” by cheating can only take place in a system where students are assessed relative to each other’s performance, not with respect to some genuine standard of performance set by the professor before the exam is given. If the professor himself has definite standards of knowledge which must be met to get a particular grade, then one person cheating will have absolutely no effect on anyone else’s grade. However, in a dog-eat-dog competitive system where students are graded relat’ive to each other, the professor can draw the line between pass and fail after the exams are scored in order to insure that a pre-set proportion of the class fails. In this case, cheating will give any student an advantage over non-cheaters. A clever and diabolical student could even distribute incorrect answers among his classmates in order to sabotage them and consequently increase his own standing in the class. i Dr. Pearson’s sentence reveals not only that he advocates relative standards of achievement but also that the competitive system he promotes is directly responsible for encourging cheating by students.

The -


Cheating is an act of desperation, forced upon students by a heavy course load and a competitive system. While “cheating” cannot be condoned, the real solution to the problem is not simply to threaten and condemn the students and increase penalties for those who are caught. The solution is to provide better instruction with fewer but better courses and a more humane pace of learning such that every student can have a fighting chance to acquire the necessary knowledge and obtain a degree. Slanders against “stupid students” and student “idiots” in no way address the real problems facing students. They are part of a$campaign to discredit students and undermine support for students who are fighting to defend their basic interests against attacks by the government, such as the education cutbacks. Far from being some keen detective who strives to defend- the standards of education by bringing cheaters to heel, Dr. Pearson is an arrogant braggart who is contemptuous of students and who is serving to generate public opinion f against students. -the




x Editorial


sGazetie The chevron’s revelation of the profound problems in the senior administration of the Physical Resources Group, the department which looks after maintainence and planning on campus, contains an important lesson about the press at UW. Gazette editor Chris Redmond fiercely denies that The Gazette is the organ of the administration. The Gazette is its own master, he insists, even though it relies on the UW administration for its ample funding. . But Redmond acknowledges that he had questions in February when he received a news release from Burt Matthews saying only that the head of the PRG Bill Lobban had f‘left the university”. But Redmond didn’t let his curiousity get the better of him. The Feb. 15 Gazette article on Lobban being fired by the university was nothing more ’ than a faithful recitation of the UW administration’s official position. Even after The Record - itself hardly a crusading tribune of the people scratched the surface of a major article on Lobban’s firing, The Gazette kept to the straight and narrow. On March 24, four days after The RecsP-d “disosvorod” Lobban had been fired, The Gazette printed only a tiny article reciting Matthews’ guarded statements. This week, nothing more substantial. When the chevron was attacked by Shane Roberts and his executive in September 1976, several of our opponents made a point of lauding the Gazette as a model newspaper which the chevron would do well to emulate. “When I want news, I read The Gazette,” became a standard line from that quarter. But the Gazette’s determined “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” coverage of the PRG issue shows that it doesn’t print the news if it’s embarassing to the UW 1 administration. This has been shown in other cases-for example on the March 29 edition of The Gazette reports that UW has three new professors this year, it doesn’t mention that the number of students has increased substantially during a period when the number of faculty has remained constant, resulting in a steadily-climbing faculty-student ratio. The Federation executive stated in a leaflet in favor of separation of the chevron from the Federation that university administrations would rather “keep their noses clean” than muzzle a student newspaper which is fighting to defend the basic interests of the students, as is the chevron. In fact, if The Gazette is indicative, it is clear that when an administration has control of a newspaper there is no room for independent reporting, investigation or the defence of anyone’s interests but those of the administration. The Gazette is a lapdog press, the kind of press to which the chevron’s rabid critics would reduce the chevron (although few of them will make a concrete statement about what kind of student press they want). If these vocal proponents of separation consider The Gazette as a model of how the administration “keeps its nose clean”, they’d better look in the mirror and take out their handkerchief -there’segg on their face. -.




Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers’ union ofdumont press graphix and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 885-l 660, or university local ,233l. 4 a.m. and as promised last week John W. Bast has expired . . . Salah Bachir is asleep and dave carter and case van maanen still can’t spell.. . it occurred to me that maybe rick smit is under the illusion that i am a ventrilo Uist.. . neil docherty rejected the pizza review so we’ll stick it in here . . . greasy, no anchovies, P ate, but not bad.. . I haven’t seen lany hannant lately but i can hear him.. . henry and linda hess, good friends of the chevron, dropped in today.. . aia, ofs, smit, and matthews can all be found in this issue agreeing on something! also aiding and abetting are Steven coates, jonathan coles . . . who left right after the pizza . . . sylvia,hannigan, laurie lawson, Oscar nierstrasz, peter blunden, toni pan, kae elgie, johnson cheung, duncan bury, louise atkins, john Chichester, brigid rowe, doug hamilton . . . dave carter layed out his first centre spread . . . good luck on exams from all of the chevron staff.. . apparently there is to be a new paper to rival the chevron.. . neiLhas promised them flve dollars a week if they take the prose and poetry . . . john w. has objected to the first line as being undignified and prefers, bast has bowed out.. . more info on the new paper, a journalism club is being formed, maybe, there is interest in one being formed, there-is no great federation plot (chuckle; chuckle). . . last tuesday was the tenth anniversary of the campus centre, neil wishes dave success and long may the chevron defend the basic interests of the students.. .4.20 a.m.. . . salah is still asleep, larry has emerged with a story, case is working on a miserable headline that won’t co-operate, neil would like to add that we took.on the tactical squad last week and in the same tradition this week we are attacking the army and the rcmp neil has other plans next week, jwb’s keys are discoloured, dave is working on a headsheet, neil says the gov’t. is-wasting money on jets but jwb thinks that jets are beautiful, dave declines to say anything since i keep making him lose count.. . did it again, just in time salah is-was showing signs of life.. . i am rapidly losing , mine.. . ss



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