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Campus Events c




ESS Pub Crawl from 7 pm until 1 am. Meet in

front of South Campus Hall; 50 cents bus fare. All SciSoc members (especially frosh) are invited to a SciSoc council meeting at 5:30 pm in Cl-252 Spill your guts out laughing at the Second City Revue, performing at 12 noon in the orientation tent. Tent activities continue with Don Jewitt (1:30 pm), The Original Sloth Band (2:30 pm) and Hot off the Press (7 pm).





McLean & McLean will make you blush at the South Campus Hall Pub, 8 pm- 1 am. Feds pay $2, others get stuck for $3. Chinese food in the orientation tent, 11 am. Prepared for the Multi Cultural MardiGras, a festival of cultural dance and music. Dominic


John Travolta is tireless as the Fed Flicks continue; see Friday.

The CC Pub hosts a bunch of jokers known as the Bob-Shoo-Bop Revue. Show starts around 9 pm. Feds pay $2, others $3.




Bowl Pub starts at 8 pm in MC





bonanza, 8 pm in MC 5136. KSA Pub (the first!) at the Transylvania Club, 8 pm. Free Noon Hour Concert the Arts, 12:30 pm.

in the Theatre of

Demo in the Theatre of the

Mathsoc car rally starts at parking lot ‘C’; register 10 - 11:30 am. Finishes at Mother’s Pizza in Waterloo. Costs $3 per car with a $1 discount for a driver or navigator wearing a MathFrosh T-shirt.

Red Cross blood donor clinic at First United Church. 2:00 - 4:30 and 600 - 8:30.

8 pm in the

EngSoc Blue Jays Baseball ‘trip, 7:30 pm game time. Check with EngSoc for details,

Thursday, Stratford



Theatre of the Arts. Students/Seniors: others: $5.


CC Pub breaks up over the antics of the Bob-Shoo-Bop Revue; see Thursday.

CC Coffee House with Jackie 8 pm in the CC Pub.

Percy and the Teardrops play at the South Campus Hall pub, 8 pm - 1 am. Boogie from fifties Rock & Roll to Street Grease Rock to British Rock. Feds: $1 (far out!!), others: $2.

Olivia Newton-John struts around with John Travolta for the last night at the Fed Flicks; see Friday.

Domenic Troiano zaps the Theatre of the Arts at 7:30 pm. Feds pay $2.50, others’cough up $4.


Dance Plus 4 will delight you at the orientation tent, at 12 noon and again at 2 pm. Other performers are Mari.anne Girard (1 pm), the Kent County Pickers (3 pm and 5 pm) and Ernie Smith and Roots Revival (reggae, baby at 7 pm).

with Masquerade;

Meet the Profs at the ESS wine and cheese

Dance Faculty Arts, 7 pm.


5136; cash bar. ,Disco mania hits the campus with Saturday “Night Fever at the Fed Flicks, 8 pm in AL 116. Feds: $1.25, others: $2.

CC Pub continues Monday.


The CC Pub presents Bond for $2 a Fed, $3 for others.

RSA Mixed


continues at the Theatre of

the Arts; see Friday.

The Coopers Brothers star at the South Campus Hall pub, 8’pm- - 1 am. Feds: $2, others: $3.



Free Gallery Workshop at the Theatre of the Arts, 12 noon. i Stratford trip to Macbeth (by Billy Shakespeare); tix are $3 for Feds, $5 for others and includes bus fare. Bus leaves CC at 6:30 pm.




CC Pub has Masquerade, who imitate loud and windy rock bands, and are themselves extremely loud-and windy. Not bad though; probably $1.25 for Feds and $2 for less eminent persons. social night will occur; it is not known whether males (ridgid or otherwise) are allowed in. Femme-Eng



CC Pub continues; see Monday. The Future of the University will be discussed by various astute thinkers of the day, from the UW administration, student body and Ontario Federation of Students. 7 - 10 pm. in the Theatre of the Arts.

OPIRG Pot Luck Dinner: for details.

phone ext. 2578

Flea Market in the Campus Centre Great Hall from 10 am to 4 pm. They say there will be cheap munchies at noon. /



in concert in the PAC, Saturday September 23. Math!& Bowling Party, September 23. Harmonium

Imprint Thursday


14; Volume

1, Number

4; Univergity

of Waterloo;





’ .




. Editorial


Frosh misadventures We are new here. We didn’t even know what frosh meant - maybe a watermelon popsicle. Our first encounter with the university was a cold, heartless, fruitless search for our humble home away from home. This domicilary visit began at the student housing office of the great University of Waterloo. After several days of disheartening, negative responses to our phone calls to prospective landlords, it came to light that the housing list was useless. Spotting a newly-posted listing, we noted the address and frantically made contact. We made a superficially ironclad agreement with the respectable gentleman. Quite pleased with ourselves, we travelled the 300 miles home in record time to tell ‘mommy and daddy’ of our fun. . . but when we attempted to present our first month’s rent we discovered that the apartment had been leased, in our absence,-for an added profit. “Gadzooks,” I said, “we’ve been jimswiggled.” We were off once more. Our next deal to obtain residence was made by handing over a deposit to another homeowner, but a week later, he was kind enough to tell us he had sold the hguse. We were again “out in the streets”. Our relaxed scramble for a place to live at !


the beginning of August had turned into a berserk grasping for the closest, cheapest place with room enough for a desk. We ended up with a 94th-floor “apartment” with cracked plaster and tilting walls about fifteen miles from campus. Though we dreaded the thought of our transportation difficulties, our hopes rose when we discovered how fast, personal, and cheap Kitchener Transit is. In just an hour and twenty minutes, we travelled the long three miles to school. Frosh and orientation week is consid ered by most to be the greatest start to the “upper” level life of the university, but when you are first year and off-campus the fu n of residence and faculty-organised activities is restricted and remote. Offcampus life is good for one’s studies but not for meeting people. We may even pass our courses to see the campus next term. The



2 -


A rather disturbing new trend has appeared in the initial flurry of fee refunds this term. A large number of people seem to be refunding their fees just for the mdney -not because they disagree with whatever the particular organization is doing, and not because they don’t benefit from the services it provides. For instance, of the students coming into the Federation office asking “where are the refunds” or “where is the money”, very few express any disagreement with what the Federation is doing. A lot of the people withdrawing their fees say they don’t get any benefit from the services provided. Although it’s certainly true that some students benefit from these organizations more than others, everyone benefits to some extent. Without a student union, students would have no leverage in bargaining with the government or the administration. Without a student paper, or a radid station, students as a whole would be worse off. Many of the people withdrawing their fees are getting them back from every organization with refundable fees. It’s a bit hard to believe these people when they say they aren’t getting their money’s wdrth from any org’anization on gampus. The example of CKMS further substan-, tiates the position that people take their fees back not because they don’t benefit, but for the bucks. Last term, CKMS made major improvements to their programming. This term, instead of dropping, CKMS’s refund rate has jumped substantially. One would expect co-op students to benefit as much as regular students from services like CKMS, the federation, and the

and after


Issue. two was produced in the orientation tent and in MC 5097. We’re still looking for an office. Muckraking Imprinters this week include Richard Kular, Jacob Arsenault, Carole Marks, Jordan Klapman, Margaret Leighton, John Heimbecker, Mike Ura, Nick Redding, John W. Bast, Michael Kelley, Ron Sisson, Mike Torontow, Mark Winnet, Bernie Roehl, Hugh Alley, John Chaychuk, Leslie Gostick, Dave Greenberg, Mark McGuire, Art Owen, Prabhakar Ragde, Stephen W. Coates, David Anjo, Oscar Nierstrasz, J.J. Long, Peter Gatis, and the Unknown Photographer. Special thanks to our Foreign Correspondent. . . Ciaran O’Donnell. Cardboard Pizza honors to Randy Barkman.

, Imprint is an editorially independent student newspaper published by the Journalism Club, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. As Science Society lost their office so did Imprint. We are now looking for new office space and would appreciate Jiour help. We are typeset by Dumont Press Graphix; paste-up is done on campus.



Gary Murray Joe Bailey

voice of experience WelLit is back to school timefor me the last tike I will ‘return’ to Waterloo’s hallowed grounds as an undergrad. It has been a good four-years and I am looking forward to this coming year. One of the big indications to me of the time passed since I began in 1974 was that I had to wait until last Friday while the two

chevron. If people take back their fee because they’re not benefitting from the services then why do far felver co-op students set refunds? Two major differences betlveen co-op and regular students are that co-op fees are half that of regular fees, and co-op students are, on the average, financially better off. This explains why more regular students are refunding their fee - they need the money. These people should keep in mind that the others, who keep in their fees, are affected by the poor state of the economy as well, and by copping out they are increasing the burden on everyone else. Refundable fees exist so that students who can’t morally sup’port an organization, or don’t benefit from what it does, can withdrati their support. The people refunding their fee for different, more mercenary reasons are putting the whole system of refundable fees in doubt. John Chaychuk Ciaran O’Donnell

Letters The Imprint encourages letters to the paper. Letters should be typed doublespaced, on a 64 character line, addressed to “The Journalism Club, c/o the Federation of Students.” Please include your telephone number, name and faculty. Mail it in the on-campus mailing system (one stop is the Campus Centre turnkey desk) or bring it to the Federation office in the Campus Centre, and ask for it to be placed in the Imprint box.

and reflections

younger brothers were ferried off to their universities before I could get the family conveyance to ship all my junk to Waterloo. And I didn’t need to be part of orientation activities somewhere! Just come and register as one of the numberless thousands. Actually I should shower bouquets in the direction of the administration for the excellent organization of the registration process. I don’t normally register in person but I hadn’t learned that $494.95 was four hundred and NINETY four dollars and 95 cents rather than four hundred and four dollars and cents. Of course, the cheque couldn,t be 50 cashed . While I send bouquets to the administration for their registration, I send brickbats (though soft ones) in the general direction of scheduling. I had actually managed to have only two conflicts in six terms of schedules; this term though, I managed to ask for a coTtirse that conflicted with no less th an five of five other courses. Curses. However, permissible conflicts are lovely things. The whole process of coming back to school has become very relaxed and almost automatic. I don’t rush out to buy my text books first thing since they will be there in the bookstore a week from now and I won’t have to wait in line with what seems like everyone else on campus. Instead, the time is spent cleaning toilets and all of the accumulated grunge that a house almost neg-

lected for the summer gets, applying paint to brighten the place up, reorganizing furniture, building desks and the general settling in, Residences used to mean that wasn’t necessary for me, but on your typical student budget, who can affoid a maid? Some things don’t change though. A girlfriend in Vancouver marked “Product of Waterloo Co-op” must be written to. The Kitchener market or if you prefer, the Waterloo Market lets me know that I’m back in K-W. Bus fares are still cheaper than Toronto or Vancouver. The UW Arts Centre with the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and Moe Koffman, and concerts by Harmonium and my favourite artist Bruce Cockburn all beckon, and I’m determined to take advantage of them THIS YEAR! Maybe I’ll even make it to Cockburn. When classes start, I’ll go into the endless rounds of “how was your work term?” This year however a whole new set of questions begins, as my classmates and I try to figure out what we will be doing as we get ejected at the end of this conveyor belt education. (It is not really that bad. There are some very neat people on this university campus. Stop and talk to your departmental secretary and you’ll see. A bouquet to mine.) But for now, I’ll see ;ou running in Waterloo Park or on the soccer field. Ready. . . Set. . . GO. Hugh Alley

Below are excerpts from confidential documents, regarding faculty evaluation, found in public view in the Math building. “It was agreed tlrat his three publications although not numerous were substantial pieces of work being the solution of-quite difficult problems. It was noted however that they were done in an envjronment having little or no teaching duties. Several of the zommittee members have heard lectures by the candidate and consider them at best inspiring . . .” was “In summary, the Committee felt that not a strong candidate for renewal of his present probationary term. Accordingly, it was unanimous in its recommendation that the present probationary term of not be renewed.” “Apart from their intrinsic interest, these papers has grown establish beyond any doubt that considerably in mathematical stature since he came to Waterloo . . .” “He took very little interest in departmental or administrative matters. However, in my opinion this was offset by his excellence as a teacher (which is well known). Because of the proximity of our offices, I could not help but observe that he spent an exceptionally large proportion of his time with students.” “I would describe as an extremely fine and By this, I mean knowledgeable technician in -. is a craftsman rather than an innovator. He applies, with great skill and understanding, concepts introduced by others, and obtains results which are often far more precise than those obtained by the originators . . .” “Thus, to sum up, I find myself very much in favor of the proposition that -be promoted to tenure, . . Granted only the reservation that you would not expect him to become an innovator, I find that his research is significant.”

Imprint For the second time in less than four months, highly confidential information has been left in public view by the math building loading dock. In May, several hundred student mark reports were left in the recycled paper drop there. Last weekend it was confidential minutes, tenure documentation and recommendations, and student’s exams.

Included in Fischer’s files were the documentation for several tenure decisions in the first half of the 1970’s. In one case, involving a professor still teaching here, the tenure advisory committee was unanimous in recommending that his appointment not be renewed.

Imprint visited the loading dock Saturday, on a hunch that confidential information might have been left there. We found the entire files of P.C. Fisher, a

The tenure documentation is of a highly personal nature, consisting of frank personal evaluations of professors by their peers. The university shrouds tenure

UW orientation Orientation activities on campus this year are “the best of any Ontario University,” says orientation Chairperson Denise Donlon. The events, which centre around the large tent between the Campus Centre and the Math building, 0

Students now cpeulng as refunds run brisklv It may be significant that After only two days ofrefunds, campus organizafor both CKMS and the Feds, only about 20% of tions have returned at least those refunding fees are in $5000 in fees to students. co-op (this ratio is lower 187 students (1.4%) had withdrawn their CKMS fees than that prevalent on the campus at large). Co-op stuby Tuesday at 4:3O, 129 dents are, on the average, fi(.96%) had withdrawn their nancially better off than Fed fees, and 553 (4.1%) regular students and they had withdrawn their Chevonly get half as much ron fees. money back since they pay Up to date figures on the fees per term as opposed to number of OPIRG fees reper year. funded were not available, However, about 40% of However, according to ‘those refunding chevron CKMS co-ordinator Dave fees are in co-op. Coupled _ Assman, 25 students (.19%) had taken back their fees by, with the far higher refund Monday evening. rate, this suggests that the If refunds for the Feds reasons for withdrawing chevron fees are not mere were to continue at their present rate, the total over economics. the three week refund Engsoc A president Paul period would be about the Johnson told Imprint that he about stusame as the summer rate of was concerned dents withdrawing their 7%. However, the refund rate for CKMS is certain to Federation fee. He said that go up substantially - more the Feds needed support, and that Engineering would than twice as many students be behind them. withdrew their fees on one Johnson said that “this day (Tuesday) than over the opportunity to withdraw entire summer refund one’s support should be period.

. News Shorts Enrolment is down this year at UW, according to figures released at president Burt Matthews Tuesday press conference. Full time undergraduate enrolment has dropped from 13,708 last year to 13,367. However, the part time undergraduate enrolment increased from 3,698 to about 4,000. Graduate enrolment dropped from 1,180 to 1,130. Most of the drop comes in first year arts (130 students) and first year science (75 students). Engineering and math enrolments have increased slightly, -and the rest of the faculties enrolments are at about their previous level. Elizabeth Harris-Schwartz, a UW English student, has set up a new Canadian literary magazine. The magazine, called Totem, will focus on the liberal arts, and its first issue is scheduled for November. Totem will be published bi-monthly, and will contain photography, poetry, cuisine, crossword puzzles, reviews, interviews and more. The first issue will have an interview with Stratford actor Richard Monette, as well as poetry by Louis Dudek and UW student Miles Kesten. Subscriptions for Totem are only five dollars and are available in the orientation tent.

retrieves former Computer Science department chairman who had recently left UW to teach at Pennsylvania.


J considered in effect a referendum” on the chevron, and that people unhappy with the paper should make their feelings known by taking their money back. Engsoc will be publicizing the availability of chevron refunds via posters and talking to classes. Federation refunds are available between 9 and 4 in CC 235. Chevron refunds are available between 9 and 4:3O in CC 217B. CKMS refunds are available between 10 and 3 in Needles Hall 3001. OPIRG refunds are available between 9 and 12 in PHY 226. You will need to bring your fee statement (the yellow slip you get when you pay your fees) to get your money back. Ciaran O’Donnell

seem to be popular with the students. “The big improvement over last year is due to the tent,” says Donlon. “It’s visual - people can see that things are happening there, and it’s a focal point for orientation.” According to bonlon, the information booths inside the tent were being well-attended. The students running the booths, however, told a different story. “A lot of students are timid and fearful of joining ,” says UW choir president Valerie Nabb. “They don’t want to do anything or get involved; they’re all a bunch of chickens!” Choir and Band member Alan Bath echoes her comments, adding that many students are, “overwhelmed by the University atmosphere. They figure that all there is to it is courses and drinking.” Nabb added that the administration has eliminated the University’s music program, and that if students want to get ifivolved in the choir, they should do it soon. The students running the OPIRG booth felt differ“A lot of people ently. have been coming around


decisions with a veil of secrecy ---only the final decisions are ever announced. A complete set of marked exams were included in the recycling drop as well. Student mark information is also considered confidential by the university - access to it is restricted to the student and his academic advisors. Math Dean William Forbes told Imprint that he would discuss the handling of confidential information at the next Math Faculty Council meeting. He expressed concern about the slack way in which this in-

program and picking up programs and pamphlets. They’re fascinated by the granola cookies,” said Mark Schwartz, program coordinator of the ‘Heaven on Earth Learning Centre’. “The people who are here seem to be interested,” added Kim Perrotta, a member of the student board of OPIRG. “A lot of them didn’t- know these services and organizations existed until they came here.” Donlon felt that there may have been too many events, especially during a week when there were regular classes. However, she did feel that Waterloo’s orientation program is the best in the province. “I’ve seen the others, and we have the fullest and most personable program around .” The orientation program has not been without it’s problems, however. “The weather hasn’t been on our side,” said Donlon. “It’s been cold and rainy, so we’ve had to move the entertainment inside.” The weather has forced orientation organizers t6 set up chairs inside the tent itself, to accommodate the students.

files formation ---. had been handled, and said he was pleased to see it discovered. The hundreds of mark reports left in the dock area last May were the output of a computer run that had gone slightly awry. At that time, Mail Services manager Al Lawrence said that there were procedures for handling such information, including special pickup by the Physical Resources Group. However, independent sources ,confirmed that confidential information had been left in the loading dock area several times in the past. Ciaran O’Donnell

‘best’ Frosh reaction has been mixed. “I just walked in and walked out,” says Barb Meed, a first-year Math student. “The line-ups were too long at the ageof-majority card table.” Stan Mikoluk, also afirstyear Math student, felt that the activities organized for the villages were going well, but would like to see more events aimed at students living off-campus. Donlon hopes that next year the orientation program will include a beer tent. “We had everything set up to do it this year, but then the LLBO (Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario) said no. Next year we hope to have some cooperative action with other Ontario Universities to put pressure on the LLBO.” The orientation events are not yet over. On the 16th, a “multi-cultural mardi gras” will take place, in-an attempt to “integrate the KW community with the university”. On the 21st, a panel discussion of UW administrators, student body representatives, and Ontario Federation of Students reps will be held to discuss the future of the University. Bernie Roehl

News The quest for a decent paragraph Thursday -- -

On Wednesday September 6, all first-year Arts and HKLS undergrads wrote the English Language Proficiency .Examination. The exam is part of the English Language Proficiency Program, a major educational effort pioneered at UW. This article is an attempt to explain what the program is, and to describe its history. The English Language Proficiency Program is composed of the exam and a remedial writing clinic. Programs similar to UW’s exist at the the University of British Columbia, the University of Toronto, and the University of Calgary. Both Erindale College in Toronto and the University of P.E.I. have adopted the English proficiency test developed at UW.


The Arts Faculty first established a task force to investigate “an apparent increase” in the number of students having trouble with writing skills in their courses in 1975. The first ELP exam was written next fall. Several educators have claimed that the average student’s academic ability (and writing ability in particular) has declined. In the US, scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), a test written by 11th grade high school juniors, have been steadily declining since 1963. Before then, scores had remained relatively constant. Universities testing the English proficiency of their first year students generally find thit between 40 and 50 percent have inadequate

writing skills. Here at UW, the claim that writing skills have declined has met with considerable opposition from the official student newspaper, the Chevron. They maintain that no scientific study has ever demonstrated a decline in writing skills. The Chevron claims that the Ontario Government’s “Secondary/Post Secondary Interface” study demonstrates that writing skills have not declined. They see the ELPP as a “fraud designed to assist the Ontario Government in its continuing campaign of cutbacks.” However, ELPP director Ken Ledbetter insists that the program is not based on the notion of declining writing skills, but rather on an increase in the absolute

I . INTO A GOOD PLACE a a a a a

Downstairs in the a Campus Centre across from the bank 1a aoi a

number of students whose English needs improvemerit. Students who fail the exam are asked to attend the writing clinic. Each student attending the clinic works with a tutor on his specific writing problems. The student is asked to write short expository pieces with some time constraint. The tutor might then ask the student to identify his errors. The student learns to recognize and correct the errors -he does. not learn the grammatical terms for them. The student passes the clinic when his work demonstrates “the competence that the Faculty of Arts required.” According to ELPP documentation, 93 percent of those regularly attending the clinic passed. Although attendance in the clinic is voluntary, students must pass the exam or satisfy the clinic requirements before being allowed to graduate. The ELP test consists of two parts: a 300-500 word essay worth 60 percent, and a 40 question multiple “objective” test choice worth 40 percent. The purpose of the test is not to classify students according to different shades of ability but merely to separate those who need help from those who don’t. Typical essay topics include “How do your interests differ from those of your parents”, “Should,

a a 0 Q Q I






ARRIVES At lslington Subway Station FRIDAY



Obtained c/o

; 1 t

12:45pm 2:45pm 4:15pm 5:45pm ARRIVES 10:15pm At Campus Centre

COST Coach


are to be submitted to the Board of Publications Petz, cc 222. Appkation deadline is 430 PM Friday Sept. 29.

the orientation Chevron, and this year’s version was very similar. Students whose essays were “marginal” are passed or failed on the basis of the objective part of the test. According to ELP documentation, they will be exempted if they score close to the mean objective test score. This relationship is said to be unintentional, and is said to be merely a result of how the marks work out. In January 1977, the passing overall mark was 40 percent and was arrived at by taking the average score on the objective test (20) minus one standard deviation (5), and adding the lowest essay mark indicating “any competence in writing at all.” 40 percent of those writing the test failed last year. This term the passing grade has been set at 50 percent. If the exam is of similar difficulty, this could cause a major jump in the failure rate. ELP statistics indicate that around 30 percent of the students scored between 40 and 50 percent in January. Ledbetter considers the ’ correlation between the two parts of the exam to be quite high. This appears to be the case for the January 1977 exam written by 380 students: of those who scored 1es.s than 16 out of 40 on the objective test, only one passed the essay test, and of those who scored over 25, only one failed. Art Owen


SUNDAY DEPARTS 9 :OOpm From Brewer’s Retail Parking Lot at Bloor & Islington


,Applications Helga


11 :qOam 1:30pm 3 :OO_pm 4:30pm

t t t t t





for -


an express Bus from the Math Building to the lslington Subway Station


of the winter

some scientific experiments be banned”, and “What do you expect university to do for you.” The Writing Clinic tutors have been trained to mark the essays (Good, Ok, ‘Marginal, Needs help) largely through practice on sample papers. The following description of the marking system is taken from the ELPP Genera1 information manual: “Each essay is evaluated holistically and independently by at least three markers. If two of the three markers do not agree exactly on the mark, or if one of the markers is more than one mark away, the essay is read by a fourth, and in some cases a fifth, marker. Whenever particular markers diverge, additional training sessions are held.” In addition to spelling and grammar, the markers examine “focus, organization, and supporting idetail.” The markers also search for a “decent paragraph” - usually about six coherent sentences without major errors. Although the General Information Manual- claims that a “decent within the paragraph” student’s essay guarantees exemption from the clinic, Ledbetter says there is no such guarantee but that nonetheless, no student has ever written a “decent paragraph” and failed the objective part of the test. The objective part of last year’s test was reprinted in

DEPARTS From rear of Math Building

are now being accepted the position of



a a



t t t t

of Students






TICKETS only at the Campus Centre beside the turnkey Thursday from 9:00am-4:OOpm





Due to limited space be picked up as early as possible.

Service Sponsored


by the Federation


t t t t

Sept. 15th.

of Students,


of Waterloo. J


Newts, ,

Societies plan a busy term. ,



Science Society This Thursday the 14th, SciSoc is holding a mass organizational meeting for all interested SciSoc members in Sci252. Reps are needed from all years and departments with 27 positions available, so if you need something to do, your SciSoc needs you! Elections will be held 1st week in October. Meanwhile, pub cr,awls, wine & cheese parties, and a semiformal have to be organized. Sign up for intramural sports in SciSoc, B 1 Rm 381, or on the bulletin board beside the office. .1 Already a co-picnic with MathSoc has started the year right with a tug o’ war, football, and hard-belting frisbee. President Richard Kular said there was a good turnout - lots of Frosh. MathSoc “Our broomhall team is going to win. . . . no more fooling around,” said President Andy Mueller. Broom-

ball, picnics, and pubs are part of what’s happening this term in MathSoc. The semi-formal has already been booked for Nov 18 at Waterloo MotDr Inn. The MathSoc Broomball Invitational is slated for 2nd or 3rd week of November. Orientational events, particularly the Faculty Information Talk, and Frosh Buf{et, have been attended by t;he hundreds. Andy is looking forward to “a damned good year.” .Remember the -upcoming Car Rally. Arts Student Union ASU is aiming for participation year, so come on out. Help man the office. Join a committee or club. Sign up for intramural sports in Modern Languages, or 2nd floor Hagey Hall. There is a special need for athletic directors, male and female. Pubs, wine & cheese parties, and possibly a conc’ert are forthcoming. President Doreen Danis says to expect “a good term with


&atW%gf Pad FAMILY 7 a.m.




10 p.m. daily 101




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underway lots for students involved.

to do.”


Kinesiology Students ASsociation The KSA is in the process of getting organized.‘If you would like to lend support, attend the meetings Tuesday 5pm at the PAC lounge. Remember the first Kin Pub on the 20th at the Transylvania Club. Tickets for Little Oktoberfest at the Transylvania Club on Sept 29 are available at the Recreation Office, 415 Phillip St. Engineering Society The Imprint has obtained the quiet assurance of EngSot President Paul Johnson that the Ridgid Tool is safe. The Tool will preside over Engineering Week, November 4-11, as well as occupying the place of honour at other -EngSoc functions. Engineering week involves, among other things, a parade, pub rally and crawl, havenger stunt, and as the culmination of the week, the semi-formal November 11. See EngSoc for more information. Naturally there will be an abundance of Engineering-Nurse co-pubs during the term. These and other events will be advertised in the Imprint Campus Events as they come along. Orientation events have run smoothly. Over 200 people showed up for field day - special recognition to K sect 21-25 for winning the tug o’ war. The garbage pick up, pub trip, and bus push had poor but enthusiastic attendance. The few but mighty at the bus push completed the course

in 13 l/2 minutes. Prgsident Paul Johnson said these fellows “deserve a pat on the back”, presumably in lieu of professional chiropractic care for back strain. Environmental Studies Society ESS promotes the socjal and educational pursuits of the students of the Faculty of Environmental Studies. This year is shaping up nicely: Thursday Sept 14 is a tour of quaint lodal coun-


14, 1978.

try pubs. meet in front of South Campus Hall at 7pm, with at least 50 cents in your hand to get on the bus. It is advisable to take more, or a rich stupid friend. Wednesday September 20 is a “meet the faculty” wine and cheese open to all ES students and faculty. Saturday October 14 ESS annual Oktoberfest at the Heidelburg Haus tickets available at the society office. An ESS orientation handbook and the 1st issue of ESS NEWS will be available shortly. Inquiries and suggestions may be made at the society office, ENV 138A, nvt LIti323-l GAL. Ll 1.

with any Sub





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m&e information at 8851211 ext.

ROOM call Doris, 3446


Recreation Students Association Orientation RSA style rolled right along last week with a barbecue on Columbia Field, a skateboarding demonstration at <he PAC, a group camping trip to Elora Gorge, which was a blast, and a pub crawl. Coming up is a Mixing Bowl Pub on the15th (check the Imprint Campus Events for details), and Little Oktoberfest Sept 29, Gpm-lpm at the TranSylvania Club. Tickets: Kin & Ret $2.50 Others $3.00. Available at Recreation Office, 415 Phillip St. Get them early. Peter Gatis

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News Press infringement






14, 1978.



6 -


,charged with &Grnidation

while a Chevron staff The following is a report of member. the Canadian University c Both the Chevron and the Press commission, called Federation have charged by both the federation and the other with intimidation the chevron, that took place and harassment. The Feder§eptember 1,2,3 and 4. It is ation has not yet addressed written by CKMS news cothe Chevrpn’s charges on ordinator Dave Greenberg this matter as they have only and is taken from hours of been referred to in the opentestimony. ing statement by Larry HanA Canadian University nant on Friday evening. Press Investigation ComThe Federation has promission called by the Fedduced nine witnesses, most eration of Students, and of whom have referred to later by the Chevron, to in- personal experiences of vestigate alleged violations being “denounced” and in of the CUP statement of some cases, assaulted. principles, sat over the’ The Chevron has had the labour day weekend. opportunity to cross exThe three member comamine each witness on each mission consisted of chairpoint of their testimony. man Brian Bedford, from The Chevron, in submitthe Ontarian, Chris Vander ted written documents, and Doelen of the Ryerson Eye in staffer Hannant’s openDavid Opener, and ing remarks stated that Dauphinee of the London. members of Federation ex-Free Press. Dauphinee was ecutive and council “have appointed by Kirk Makin of engaged .in repeated the Globe and Mail, CUP harassment of the Chevron consulting committee rep: staff. . . by tearing down resentative for Ontario, after posters . . . assaulting and CUP Ottawa and the Chevthreatening Chevron staff ron failed to reach an agmembers. . . conducting reement over the Chevron’s telephone harassing choice for a commissioner. campaigns . . .” Larry HanBetween the evening of nant allegedly received a Friday’ September 1 and Monday September 4, the telephone call in June, 1978 from a person who asked: Federation presented nine “How are your knees?” witnesses who gave tesNo Chevron witness has concerning the timony yet testified to specific specific Federation’s charges of harassment or incharges against the Chevtimidation by any Federaron. tion witness. The Chevron did not preImprint staffer Ciaran sent any witnesses. By O’Donnell testified that one Monday afternoon, it was evening after an aborted evident that with the little Imprint staff meeting, Larry time remaining, the comHannant and Peter Blunden missioners would have to had stopped him on the return at a later date as they sidewalk and asked him to had indicated they. would “step into the trees,” boreariier on. dering the walkway. He said Bedford suggested that that “somebody came by “we sit all night up until 8 and they got away.” o’clock Tuesday morning,” He was not cross exin order to hear the Chevron amined on this point. witnesses. Early in his testimony, he This ruling was met with. said that most recently, resistance by the Chevron Larry Hannant had physiwho argued that it ,,was uncally prevented him from fair and would interfere leaving the Chevron office. with the production of the O’Donnell was carrying a paper. The commission research paper that Hannant eventually capitulated to demanded to see. “He deman& that they return (Hannant) thought I might later. They are,scheduled to be stealing something.” return the weekend of SepDuring the altercation the tember 2$24;%pecifically to research paper was torn. hear the testimony of ChevHe was not cross exron witnesses and the amined on this point either. cross-examination by- the At the end of O’Donnell’s Federation. testimony, which. was apThe general charge proximately an hour in brought against the Chevlength, Vander Doelen said ron by the Federation was that he felt that “a lot of the that “there had occurred a accusations Ciaran (had) break-down of democracy made - if they were true on Chevron staff.” would be contraventions of The Federation also CUP codes and statements charged the Chevron with of principles.” He asked violation of a student counHannant to point out the cil motion directing the reparts of the testimony that moval of a typesetter from were not true. Larry Hanthe Chevron offices. This renant said, “I couldn’t take sulted in a counter charge notes quick enough to keep by the Chevron that conup with the lies.” cerned the power of the However, no cross excouncil to make such a moamination ensued. tion. One more allegation of the Included in assault was directed against Federation’s charges and Mr. Hannant. Nick Redding evidence submissions was a alleged that Larry Hannant specific case of “alleged had struck him in the throat political ousting,” and a when Redding had folcase where members -on lowed him into Hannant’s staff had attempted to cenoffice in order to view a sure former production comment that was to go into manager John W. Bast for the paper. contributing to Imprint, Hannant told Redding to



“take it to court” if he was actually accusing him of assault but did not otherwise address the allegation. Rick Smit, Ciaran O’Donnell, Randy Barkman, Marc Nick Redding, McGuire and John W. Bast all testified that they had been at different times “denounced” by various members of the Chevron staff. This included name-calling and “verbal abuse.” Former Board of Publications secretary Sylvia Hannigan corroborated several instances of alleged verbal said that abuse and Psychology professor Doug Wahlsten had called her a “rumour monger.” Hannigan testified after she learned that the commission would not accept written submissions of testimony as’evidence. She was originally not going to testify because, she says, she felt she would be “intimidated” by “certain members of chevron staff” during cross-examination. Part of the Federation charges include the allegation that an “orchestrated campaign of letters” was directed against certain people at different times. Randy Barkman in his testimony spoke for some time on this subject but offered no proof that this had occurred. The commission did not accept it as evidence. Later however, Mark McGuire took the stand for a second time and testified about a meeting, purportedly held in the psychology lounge, which he attended with AIA member Salah Bachir. McGuire said that Bachir had required that he not tell anyone else about the meeting, and that people at the meeting planned what letters would be written for next week’s feedback. Salah Bachir was not present during the inquiry and the Chevron has not stated if he will challenge the allegation or not. O’Donnell also referred to a campaign directed against “reactionaries”. He alleged that he was told in confidence that Doug Wahlsten had called upon the membership of a Canada People’s Defence Committee (CPDC) meeting to write letters to the Chevron “denouncing the reactionaries on staff.” O’Donnell did not give his source to the commission. McGuire, in his three hour testimony said he had “verbally abused, been harassed and intimidated at different times.” He also said that the Chevron staff had reprinted several graphics without his permission and without giving him credit. He also stated that Jules Grajower- had ordered him to design a poster in “a certain way.” It was shown by Neil Docherty that Jules Grajower had no power to order him to do anything and McGuire subsequently agreed that it was he who had interpreted Grajower’s statements as orders. Docherty also maintained that once the graphic

had been printed by the Chevron, they had the right to re-print it. He used as an example, reprints from other papers that were used “without getting permissi’on.” McGuire also accused Chevron staff of “butchering” some of his graphics. Docherty analogized this to “cropping” photographs to meet space or content requirements. A previous Chevron incommission vestigation

the Chevron maintains that Dufault’s action essentially “destroyed any bargaining strength the Chevron had with the Administration.” Dufault’s actions were an “act of contempt for the majority of staff and any principle of democracy. . . and for which the Chevron staff was more than justified in punishing Dufault, following the due process it accorded him” (emphasis is theirs). Shortly after this inci-

Smit said that the name wouldbe released as soon as the Federation lawyer had “drawn up the papers” and that until the administration had taken over the job of collection and refunds, the Federation would supply the Chevron with enough money to produce a newspaper. The other major area of dispute, has been the presence of a typesetter owned by Larry Hannant, in the Chevron offices.

The CUP commissioners. Dauphinee from the London Free Press was chosen by the CUP consulting committee after the chevron’s choice of ex-chevric Henry Hess was declared biased and their second choice Scott Disher couldn’t be contacted for 5 days; Brian Bedford from the Ontarion at Guelph selected by the CUP executive, and Chris Vander Doelen from Ryerson’s Eyeopener as selected by the president of the Ontario region of CUP. Photo by John W. Bast

presented its majority report to council in February 1978, recommending that the Chevron remain part of the Federation. However, as far back as October 1977 acting Fed President Eric Higgs had, according to the Chevron documents, tried to “spring a Chevron Referendum.” The chevron passed a motion in support of separation at a January staff meeting. They established a staff committee who were in the process of negotiating separation with the administration. Despite the vote for separation, it remained a contentious issue inside staff. In February, Docherty gave notice of motion that he wanted the position on separation to be reversed. After this, staffer, Chris Dufault started circulating a petition calling for a referendum on separation. At a March 17 staff meeting, a motion was discussed to take no action against Dufault for what has been termed, “undermining staff This negative position.” motion tied, 11-11 after about four hours of debate. The 11 people who had voted in favour of the motion, that is, to take no punitive action against Dufault, left the meeting. The remaining 11, all of whom had voted against the motion, reversed the decision and suspended Dufault’s voting rights for six months. This is considered an example of “Democracy by Attrition” by Federation witnesses. The referendum was held Winter ‘77 and Spring ‘78 and received an 87-per-cent ratification. In written submissions,

dent, a letter headed “Staffers for Dufault” appeared in feedback saying: “We the undersigned Chevron staff members do not recognize the suspension of Chris Dufault’s voting rights. ” It was signed by 24 staff members. Neil Docherty replied in a lettitor, calling the action “splittist and unprincipled.” He suggested bringing it up at a staff meeting, “if you are so enraged.” He also cross-examined Federation witnesses on this point asking why they didn’t take the issue up with staff. The most common reply was, “I had given up on the Chevron by then.” On Monday evening, September 4, the Chevron asked the commissioners to arbitrate a dispute between the paper and the Federation concerning the financing of the paper. As of September 1, the Chevron has been separate from the Federation, however, the Federation is still responsible for the collection of Chevron fees. In January, the administration will take over the job of c01letting and refunding Chevp ron money. Editor David Carter said that Smit had failed to release the name Chevron to the staff thus preventing. them from incorporating. He also said that the Chevron wanted to refund its own fees and maintain a bank account with the-collected Chevron funds. Smit maintained that as long as the Federation collected the fees, “we are responsible for the money.” He also said that he would not allow the Chevron to manage refunds.

A student council motion was passed ordering the typesetter out of the office. “Council did not want anyone, especially Mr. Hannant, having the say over students on how equipment was used.” The Federation has stated in written evidence that according to bylaw no. 2, the Board of Publications has the power “to recommend agreements and contracts,” between the newspaper and, for example, Dumont Press Graphix, who used to typeset and paste up the paper. The Chevron maintains that the motion is a direct contravention of the CUP statement of principles, specifically those stating that the Canadian student press should be “free from pressure by student governments, university authorities or any other external agencies . . .” Regardless of how each side has handled their case, to quote Larry Hannant, “The present matter is. of far-reaching significance for the student press and the student movement in Canada.” Commission chairperson Brian Bedford, aware that CUP does not have the power to enforce any recommendations the commission makes, suggested that after the report was sent to CUP Ottawa, that the commissioners return for one day to the Campus Centre and publicly present it. They would be open for questions from the student body regarding the recommendations and why they were made.


News After viewing a filmed interview with Allende (completed shortly .before his assassination by military terrorists) members of the KW Chilean Association and the KW Chilean Support Group held a joint business meeting. It was decided that the position of j&int chairperson should be replaced by a three person steering committee, in order to accommodate the growing workload of the two groups. The Chilean Association is a cultural and fraternal organization for KW residents of Chilean descent. The KW Chilean Support Group works in coopera-


tion with the Chilean Association and the Global Community Centre. It was formed by Canadian sympathizers of Chileans to provide logistical and financial assistance to the work of the Chilean association. For further information about this evening’s mekting or the affairs of the two groups, contact the Global Community Centre, Queen St. S., 94A 743-7111.

KW Chileans and their friends met on campus last Friday to launch the current Chile Week. This series of meetings and enteftainments is designed to draw attention to the viola-


tion of human rights in Chile perpetrated by the military dictatorship. Chile Week will culminate in a discussioncelebration to be held today at 8 PM in the Fellowship United Church, 24 Frederick St. (opposite the Kitchener Market). The gathering will be addressed by Clifford Pilkey, president of the Ontario Federation of Labour and Oswald0 @FL), Cortez, exiled spokesperson of the Chilean Central Workers’ Union (CCWU). Participants will be treated to the music and dance of Folk the Victor Jara Troupe.

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lot ot Chile’s impoverish~:tI \1rorkers and Indians. 11~: b2’as one of’ the f’irst victims




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murdered when a CIAsponsored coup overthrew the elected Popular Front government. Until recently, Chilean unions suffered iritense repression. Thanks in part to pressure exerted on, the Chilean junta by European and North American trade

+1,, lilt:

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Pilkey will discuss the OFL’s role in the rescusitation of civil liberties in Chile. The Folk Troupe is named in memory of Chile’s most popular entertainer. Jara was an extremely gifted musician and artist, whose talents were devoted to the

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niediatel>r after his arrest, Hara’s hands were crushed by soldiers in front of 17,000 other political detainees i II il football stadium that had been converted into a giant prison. He was killed In_\, firing squad soon afterward. Mike lJra


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14, 1978.

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Comment Determ-inism The German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) writes: “The mind can not look at anything and the senses can not think.” Applying this to experiential science means that the senses perceive the contingent of experiential data and the transcendental mind gives meaning to the data by hypothesizing. The basic, questions arise


and religious

if a theoretical hypothesis validated by data is true or unique. Rational thinking provides a negative answer to both questions. Firstly, there are no rules for the formulation of basic, hypothetical propositions as logic provides only rules to reason with propositions, which are consequently extrarational. However, logic teaches that one can arrive



at one answer only if one reasons from the general to the particular and if the argument is valid. The experiential valida-. tion of an hypothesis always involves the infinite modes of reasoning from the partitular data to the general hypothesis. Consequently an experiential validation of an hypothesis does not substantiate that the hypothesis is unique or even approximately true. Thus in the natural sciences for example, one can basically conclude only, that an experimentally validated, mathematical hypothesis is one of infinitely many. Using in addition the in duct ive method of one may generalizations, that the also infer hvpothesis describes under certain conditions the behaviour of matter as a con-


sistent reaction to the environment. If the being of man is investigated, asfor example in the social sciences or in psychology, the generalization inferred for the behaviour of matter is not valid since man’s being consists of body, soul and

spirit, i.e. of a materialand of an immaterial or transcendental part, Man is not a machine, which is inanimate and made from matter only; man is created in the image of Sod as a rational, autonomous being possessing a free will and an independent mind which render the actions of one man different at different times and different from other men. , Modern ideologies of behaviourism and determinism are based on the hypothesis that the mind of


----___ __




98 KING ST. NORTH, WATERLOO (just north of Bridgeport Road )
















in conflict

man operates like a machine functions, and that the action of man is nothing but a material-like reaction to the environment. Man’s thinking is considered to be merely a reflex. Consequently, both ideologies re-ject the concepts of the mind and of the free will of man. A similar, passive view of man was held in antiquity, when men considered themselves as beings dependent on the will of the gods. It appears that modern behaviourists and determinists have exchanged the gods for the environment. As only the mind gives meaning to experiential data, it is possible for man to hypothesize that man=


This hypothesis is only one of infinitely many, but involves in this case the irrational proposition that man can reject the concepts of the mind and of the free will without the existence of a mind and a free will. Man is what he thinks he is, but Gan he arbitrarily choose to hypothesise that he is a machine, which is neither autonomous nor capable of transcendental thought? How can man hypothesise he has no free will unless he has the freedom of thought? Modern determinists have already suggested to put man into institutions, so

he can be firmly controlled by the environment. I want to emphasize that this suggestion is based on the hypothesis that man has no free will and not on the hypothesis that the free will of man has to be curtailed. If men including the determinists have no free will, then how can it be explained’, within the framework of their reductionist theory, that the determinists have the will to control other men? It appears that the determinists themselves can not live by their irrational hypothesis. Another question is, if the thoughts of the determinists are merely reflexes, how can the environment stimulate the idea that man ought to be controlled by a special environment, directly in man? If the environment already controls man completely, as the determinists hold, where do these reflexes come from? Is it that the environment has a free will? It appears that the hypothesis man =machine is not only irrational, but also gives absolute power over man to the determinists. The hypothesis not only creates a nightmare in the thinking of man, it may also put man, created as an autonomous being by God, into controlled camps, where he will wither and die. Dr. J. Schroeder

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Feds: $2.50 Others: Running


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Feds: $2 Others:

Feds: $1 Cooper





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\ Sept. 16



Feds: $2 Others:



‘Sept. 14




Hall Pubs Thursday,

Sept. 15

in the

-* -


$3 .

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10 -

CETYOUR Spirit SHOW ---_Photos by John W. Bast I (Mad Photographer) fellow whose name I didn’t get.

and Leslie Go:



14, 1978.


- -Feature


Left: The CC pub (or the Bombshelter, as it’s known to some) enjoyed a tremendous turnout the first day of its opening, after having left the campus high and dry throughDut August.

needs p.s. . . * Imprint photographers. . . look for the next advertised meeting, and come give us a call.


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The Arts



Last Thursday a crowd of cal conversations with the people saw Charity crowd were quite popular, Brown and her band Little especially when she made Brother perform at the references to engineers and South Campus Hall Pub. asex. This was the thirteenth apWhile some patrons pearance of the Kitchener thought the performance native at UW over the past was mediocre, others were few years, and it marked rushing towards Ms. the beginning of a new Brown between sets and season of SCH Pubs. asking her to autograph While Ms. Brown and copies of her latest album. her band are accomplished Actually /‘one could say recording artists and quite that one’s opinion about capable of exciting a the concert depended upon crowd, last week’s perforone’s perspective, as many mance was a little less than differing views could be spectacular. found among various It is true that there was a members of the audience. loyal group of twenty or The SCH Pub ‘series conthirty people who stayed tinues this week with three right to the end, and depubs. On Thursday a new manded and received an up and coming rock group / encore. from Ottawa, the Cooper Brothers, will play. However, most of the some disappointments if Max Webster is arguably crowd had left by the conThe pub on Thursday they take the risk of being the first band from Canada clusion of the second set. starts at 8 pm and the band (even if one includes the creative. Bands like Boston, Brown performed well in begins around 9. Styx, Kansas, et al. who Guess Who and Rush) that did not obviously deserves an in- have decided to play it safe the first set (which start until 9:30 pm) and the ternational audience. It was and simply - let’s face it crowd received her well. folks - rehash what other with some degree of anticiShe sang many of her done pation, then, that I went to people have already popular hits and seemed better and fresher have the Humanities Theatre this well on her way to a great Emulating pop<iar Monday evening to see never taken the chance on groups of the past can prove presenting something of performance. what, I guess, was their first As the night wore on she profitable for the few groups their own. appearance at this campus. from the more that can do it well. The Perhaps it is bad form to shifted Judging from the enpopular “Bob-Shoe-Bop Revue” compare a band to its conrocking and thusiastic response that playing in the Campus songs, to quieter temporaries in a concert re- rhythmic they elicited from a fulllove songs. Centre this week until Friof a band house audience, it won’t be view, but theGlue Things were made more day does a fair job, which is like Max Webster, and the their last. difficult by feedback probaccented by some novelty joy of finding that a band The band mixed “snappy with the and clowning. like it can be fruitful and lems micpatter” (much of it dealing These technical The boppers play tunes multiply can .only be ap- rophones. with the consistently problems seemed to be from oldie goldies to the when one views abstract-esque lyrics of Pye preciated amplified whenever Brown Beatles and the Beach Boys. their success in light of the Dubois) with a fast-paced sang a slow song. Thus she They are no match for rather barren music scene of run through their recorded was unable to obtain the Liverpool but if you can see today. repetoire. The only song for the stage from your seat Hooray for Max Webster; I desired effect required that I personally missed was the slower songs. (odds against: 10-l) their like him, he’s silly (as Bugs “Summer Turning Blue” Despite the technical visual style is very enterBunny, the obvious model otherwise all the big favourBrown detaining. The music manites were duly played and for this band’s on-stage be- problems, veloped a good rapport aged to keep the dance floor would say) ! received the due acclaim of haviour, with the crowd. Her satirifull. John Heimbecker a boisterously affectionate Of course, being a band audience. that doesn’t need to deafen The sound was clear and Concerned about the the audience with volume full; the lights good if a to compensate for poor Environment trifle understated for as quality music, the hoppers visually distinctive a band are more expensive than the as Max Webster; all in all a Environmental studies and planning students, you need usual CC Pub fare. But the really fine concert. It was the Canadian Environmental Law Reports and. News. increased cover chargealso a good introduction to They summarize problems, developments and the law seems worth it. the band’s work - not that and include scholarly articles. Continuing in the copycat anyone seemed unfamiliar routine this week will be with the group’s history and Bi-monthly cost: $1500/year “Percy and the Tear Drops” reputation. ’ or $7.50 for n?ws or reports at the South Campus Hall on Max is such an interesting Telephone l-978-71 56 or write: Friday. The tearful musiand band - much could cians will take the pub from will be written about their Flash Fifties Rock and Roll Cela music and the way they preto Street Grease to British Spadina Cres., sent it that the enToronto Rock. thusiasm with which they Nick Redding play and their strong, if offbeat,‘sense of humour tend to blur two important points. First, we tend to forget that this band is not merely competent at their craft - in particular, Kim Mitchell I (the apparent ‘leader’ of the band) is an excellent guitarist. Second, one can see (and this is worrisome), that they are getting so ‘undisciplined’ (a bad word, I admit) as song-writers that they are not only becoming almost non-melodic at times, but repetitive in the * sense that their ‘trademark’ of bounding from one seemingly unrelated chunk of a certain song to another is being overused especially noticeable in the material from the latest album “Mutiny Up My Sleeve”. Open 9 - 9 Mon. - Sat. But that may be a rather Noon - 6 Sunday minor reservation. After all, truly innovative groups like Local prescriptions delivered Max Webster are due for


The ‘Max’Factor




Imprint /-

13 -

be@ns at home-





468 Albert St. Waterloo (Parkdale Plaza) 884-3860

Percy and the Teardrops play on Friday and McLean and McLean star of Saturday. Friday and Saturday the pubs will begin at around 9 and the first set starts just

before 10. Tickets for all three pubs are available at the Federation office and the Orientation tent. J. J.Long

jWellou, Willow


the wait

Despite a-one hour delay in arriving from Toronto and a bad sound system, Willow’s third appearance on campus was well worth the wait. The music was mellow but, at the same time, each song had a definite message. They played to a small but appreciative audience. Willow is a relatively new women’s band from London, Ontario. Their repertoire varies from feminist music to country and western -to folk. Right now, they’re just getting off the ground, playing in coffee houses, university campuses, and for women’s organizations. The demand for women’s music is growing rapidly. With the talent and energy that Willow puts forth, we



should be hearing a lot more from them soon Bend an ear for Willow they’re worth a listen! Margaret Leighton



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14, 1978.


14 -

“Foul Play” presents itself as what it is - a fun romantic comedy - and does not try to be much else. What could havebeena disaster is pulled togetherby some good acting and glossed over by Hollywood slick. In all, a not-great movie, but fun if you want to see something light. Carole Marks

‘Foul Play is ‘affa ble ’ widelyspaced’ -

Current trends in film have marked the passing of disaster flicks and schlock as a new style becomes evident. Hollywood seems to draw conclusions as to what will bring in the box office dollars, then produces for the prevailing taste in numbers. This kind of formula production now turns towards a new breed of ‘nice’ films - romantic comedies such as “Heaven Can Wait” and Neil Simon’s “The Goodbye Girl”. Aside from superior production techniques and slightly more liberal attitudes, they are remarkably similar to their fifties counaffable and terparts bland. One such film is “Foul

inconsistent. The and dialogue, obviously meant to be witty and fast moving, comes across as trite;

Play”, starring Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase. All the components of Hollywood mass-marketing are evident consistently good cinematography, well put together sets, assured-draw leads and a pleasant theme song by Barry Manilow.

Goldie Hawn does not have a good track record, but in “Foul Play” she surfaces as a much better comedienne and, surprisingly, a good actress, despite the limitations of another dumb blonde role. Chevy Chase is also good, if somewhat dull.

Goldie Hawn plays Gloria Mundy, a divorced librarian who accidentally becomes involved in an assassination attempt. Throughout the film she is pursued by a group of inept hired killers *including a dwarf and an albino. She develops a romance with Chevy Chase, an only-slightly-offbeat undercover cop who is assigned to protect her. The



His performance could best be described as welltimed and well delivered. Several good supporting roles added much to the film, including Marilyn Sokel as Stella, Gloria’s city-wise girlfriend. Special marks to Shirley Python for her portrayal of Esme.



Weber St. W., Kitchener



Domenic Troiano ‘in person

The entire film unfolded in somewhat poorly-related sequences, each played for maximum laughs. At times this was really funny, but the times were simply too

One must give credit for the attempt - not entirely wasted - to make what might have been stock scenes more interesting. The addition of new twists made potentially standard sequences such as car chase, escape and fight scenes fresh and involving.

Battlestar Ga,ltictica an action-adventure flick There are many elements in “Battl,estar: Galactica” that make it a very succesful and enjoyable film. The movie is full of exciting, fast-paced action and human drama, with an occasional sprinkling of light humour to relieve the tension. It concerns the fate of twelve human colonies in space, struggling to survive in a conflict with the Cylons, an android race who find coexistence with humans unbearable. As the story opens, it seems that the two opposing sides have finally sued for peace, but the humans are betrayed by one of their own kind. In a surprise attack, the twelve colonies are almost entirely wiped out, and the survivors must begin a search for the mythical thirteenth colony, Earth, in order to escape the Cylons. The special effects in “Battlestar: Galactica” are of the same calibre as those in “Star Wars”, and are supervised by the same individual, John Dykstra. The bridge of the battle-

Saturday Sept. 16 at 4:OOPM--Come in & get your album autographed!


star contains over $3 million worth of Techtronics computer equipment. There are a few scenes

attack: (Richard Adama’s sidekick,

which are particularly impressive. The dogfight scenes’remind one of the battle over the Death Star

B @ G $$

In fact, 20th Century Fox felt that there were so many similarities that those involved in the production of “Battlestar: Galactica” are being sued. The three main characters in the film are: Commander Adama (Lorne Greene), commander of the Galactica, the only battlestar to survive the surprise

Benedict). These roles will be continued in the television series, which begins on September 17. If the quality shown in the movie is maintained in the new series, “Battlestar: Galactica” may be the best thing for television science fiction since Star Trek! Ron Sisson



Captain Apollo I-Iatch). who is son: and his Starbuck (Dirk

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Bruce Springsteen Darkness on the Edge of Town The world is divided into two groups: those who remember Bruce Springsteen, and those who have never heard of him. The former may have got hooked on his first album, which immediately produced critical comparisons with Bob Dylan, or his second, a jazztinged East Coast R&B urbanization with distinc_t moments of genius, but it’s more likely that they became acquainted with Springsteen through his certified masterpiece, that opus of steel and fire called “Born To Run” - whose title track was a hit single in the U.S. in fall of’1975. Legal wranglings and injunctions resulting from a falling-out with his previously devoted manager, Mike Appel, forced him to delay recording a followup until last March - almost three years, in a business where the artist’s livelihood depends on the whims of a capricious public - while the hopes of the faithful rose to an almost unbearable pitch. The other group doesn’t know any of this, and as a consequence has missed the power and empathy that no other performer of the ‘70’s has been able to deliver. The wonder of Springsteen lies in his ability to meld the music and lyrics into a unit that reaches straight for your soul. Nevertheless, as is usually the case, the two groups are going to view this album differently, which makes this review very hard to write. Comparisons with BTR are immediate. The first thing one notices is the sound. This record was also co-produced by Springsteen and Jon Landau, the “Rolling Stone” former editor and unfortunate author of the oft-misused quote “I have seen the future of rock’n’roll, and his name is Bruce Springsteen.” But the removal of Appel also removed the fuzzy “wall-ofsound” mix that was used on the earlier discs: the E Street Band can finally be heard as the individuals they are. The album thus retains many of the qualities that make Springsteen one of the best live performers around. Weinberg’s drums and Federici’s organ are sheer delights; sadly, Clarence Clemmons’ brilliant saxophony is present only in tantalizing, small quantities. The dogged optimism of BTR seems to have been replaced by a sense of fatigue and defeat fostered by such grim songs as the title track, “Factory”, and “Racing in the Street”. It is left to the more perceptive to detect the lift underlying tunes like “Badlands”, “Something in the Night”, and “The Promised Land”. The new words are not as heavily redolent with eargasms as, say, the earlier “Jungleland” or “Backstreets”, but this could be because Springsteen’s focus has shifted from the streets of New York City to the junkyard-infested small towns and desolate marshes of the New Jersey coastline. Indeed, the whole


philosophy of the music seems to have changed: gone are the R&B elements, the quasi-orchestral overdubs of “Jungleland” and “New York City Serenade”. Two of the best songs on the album are first takes. Springsteen is more uninhibited in his vocals; never really suited for singing, the raw richness of his voice on “Adam Raised A Cain” forces one to admit no one could do these songs any better. As an introduction to Springsteen, “Darkness” or “Born To Run” will both serve; both take a little while to sink into your consciousness as you discard first impressions. Prabhakar Ragde

Elvis This

between Buddy Holly and Terry the Tiger from American Graffiti, his songs are riddled with slashing hooks and barbs delivered in a nasal, sneering voice. The music is relentless, sophisticated punk, coming at you from all directions, an aural form of the stripped-down paranoia worthy of the ten years ahead. My Aim is True was raw and unsettling, partly because it was recorded on an eight track console. This Year’s Model raises its sights a little: the enemy is now fashion, finance, and romance on a more cerebral level. There are two instant classics on this album: This Year’s Girl, a contemptuous putdown of beauty contests, and Radio Radio, a scathing denunciation which is making many FM play lists despite its complaints about “the fools and jerks trying to anaesthetize the way that we feel.” The rest of the album holds to a consistently excellent level. The sound has been upgraded somewhat, the sinister organ of Steve Naive expanding to cover Costello’s shoppy riffs, the Thomas brothers continuing their primeval work on drums and bass. But make no mistake: stardom hasn’t affected Costello any. These are refinements, like the concealment of the C&W roots in his work. His newfound fame (and that of Stiff Records) merely places technological tools at his call, and he uses them mercilessly. If you’re getting tired of the gradual slide of the mainstream into the Fleetwood Mat / Peter Frampton / Steve Miller mould, pick up this album. It’ll serve as a barometer to tell you how much spirit you’ve got /left. Prabhakar Ragde

Costello Year’s Model

In case you’ve been on another planet, we’ve got sixteen months left in the Seventies, and a handful of decent musicians are trying .desperately to save the music of this decade. An equally small group has given up and started playing the music of the Eighties. I am referring, of course, to the “New Wave” bands such as Television, Talking Heads, The Clash, The Tom Robinson Band, Ian Drury, Patti Smith, and the self-proclaimed King of it all, Elvis Costello. Costello was a computer programmer until a short while ago, when he formed a band, released two critically-acclaimed singles and then stunned listeners on both sides of the Atlantic with his debut album, My Aim Is True. The quickly released follow-up album, This Year’s Model, appears to be the best album so far released in the musical desert that is 1978. Costello has no friends. Looking like a bizarre cross

It was the Deltas against the rules lost!

the rules..






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;--Records Penguin Guide, Edward Robert March; 046.223

Stereo Record Second Edition; Greenfield, Layton and Ivan ISBN \o 14 6.

Before another word is said, it should be pointed out that this is a Classical Stereo Record Guide, and not any other kind, although Scott Joplin and The Beatles did manage to sneak through. Whether their choice of a title indicates any presumptuousness on the authors’ part or not, they do straighten the matter out in the notes on the back cover. As far as classical recordings are concerned, any epithet short of “exhausting” would apply. The authors have supplied a representative sample of nearly every work of music in the catalogues, thus filling nearly 1200 pages of small type* What they have done is this: all the composers represented in the guide are listed alphabetically. Works by that composer are then listed in a somewhat arbitrary, but consistent order: Concerti are first, then symphonies, followed by music, vocal chamber music and finally collections. Under the heading for a given work is listed the catalogue numbers of a selection of recordings of the work. For instance, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony has fourteen competitive versions listed. Each recording is rated with from one to three asterisks or ‘stars’. A tentative or ‘guarded’ rating is placed in parentheses. A performance that the editors feel is particularly worthwhile receives a ‘rosette’, a flower-


like symbol next to its rating (of three stars, of course). For the Fifth, a performance on Deutsche Grammophon, Carlos conducted by Kleiber receives one of these -‘flowers’. Below this list of selected recordings is a discussion of how the performances compare, amounting to a series of mini-reviews each ranging in length from a single line to a lengthy paragraph. Here is where the sparks begin to fly. Although the ‘star’ rating system boasts limited motivation and meaningfulness, it is a handy measuring stick to determining what they think of a particular disc. The mini-reviews are, however, far more revealing when one tries to separate genuine insight from personal prejudice (given one’s own admitted prejudices), for, the reader is invited to verify, this is, above all else, a British Stereo Guide! A simple but tedious academic exercise yielded some interesting results: A

list of all the ‘flowered’ recordings (about 130 out of 4,000 reviewed discs) shows, for instance, that the three composers that come out with the most flowers -are, in order, Beethoven, Mozart and Elgar ( !). The conductor receiving the most flowers is Neville Marriner, directorof the London-based Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields. After him, Herbert von Karajan ties with Sir John Barbirolli. Of the next five, only Bernard Haitink, a Dutchman who conducts the London Philharmonic half of his time, is non-British. Of the top eight orchestras, only the Berlin Philharmonic and the Vienna Philharmonic are nonBritish, and they tie for last place with the London Philharmonic and the Royal Philharmonic. Fine, you may say, but after all, London is a cultural centre and does boast at least ten first- or secondsymphonic and rate chamber orchestras. Granted both that and the



,WlNTER .:”

right to be. The moral is, fact that a test of this kind don’t pay too much attendoesn’t really indicate anytion to flowers (though’ thing about how the authors many of those awarded are would rate orchestras and well-deserved). conductors, it is curious *Another problem is how that the Chicago Symphony fast such a guide becomes gets only two flowers for all obsolete. A new Beethoven the magnificent recordings Fifth comes out nearly once made with it. Why do cona month. Since the guide ductors of the calibre of was published, at least two Eugen Jochum and first-rate performances have Nikolaus Harnoncourt (one been released, one by Hersymphonic, the other bert von Karajan chamber) receive no flowers and another by Eugen Jochum. at all? Why do the authors hate Karl Richter? Why do Most people who want only none of the amazing pera single version would probably be more satisfied formances of Bruckner’s works rate a flower? with either of the newer reThe reason I have actually .cordings than with the bothered to spend so much flowered Kleiber, which is a reading in time on this minor point is very undynamic that flowers, being so rare in comparison. the guide, are far more Generally, though, anytempting than they have a one who takes these prob-

14, 1978.


17 -

lems and minor faults into consideration when leafing through this book will find it an invaluable reference tool. The authors have avoided smugness and blatant displays of bias, and they have managed to write with considerable style and wit about a topic which too easily becomes dry and dull. (**), or a 0.311 out of 20 on the James Wark scale. O.M. Nierstrasz


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Seats were difficult to find at the PAC as close to 3,000 people watched the trials to select men’s and wom’en’s teams for the World gymnastics championships. Elfie Schlegel of Toronto is seen here saving some space for friends on the only empty bench left. Photo by Jacob Arsenault

to it

The final trials for the selection of a Canadian team to attend the World Gymnastics championships next month in France took place last Saturday and Sunday at the PAC. Before a capacity crowd of 2800 enthusiasts, Karen Kelsall regained her supremacy as Canada’s top woman gymnast. Kelsall, 14, from Surrey B.C., delivered one superlative, routine after another and dominated both days of the competition. She finished with 76.25 points, comfortably ahead of second place Elfie Schlegel who dinished with 75.70 points. Third place went to Sherry Hawco of the host Cambridge Kips. Carmen Alie of Montreal surprised everyone by slipping in ahead of Commonwealth Games bronze medalist Monica Goermann. The sixth and final spot on the team was won by Ellen Stewart of Toronto. Kelsall, the 1977 National champion, was favoured to win the Commonwealth Games all-round but was surpassed by each of the other Canadian competitors and finished, out of the medals, fourth. Rumours abounded at that time that she was beyond her prime and would soon bow out of competition. Fortunately, she pointed out the absurdity of such a contention in the best possible way. The men’s competition was highlighted by a brilliant performance by Phillip Delesalle on the pommel horse. Considered to be the third best in the world on that apparatus Delesalle was awarded a 9.9 by the judges for his optional routine Sunday. The routine was just more coals on the fire for Delesalle who,swept all five events of both the compulsories and the optionals. The twenty year old native of Victoria finished 2.95 points ahead of second palce Warren Long on Montreal. Je’an Choquette, P ierre Carriere, Pierre Clavel, also from Montreal, Nigel Rothwell of Windsor and Owen Walstrom of Victoria made up the rest of the men’s selections.

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Anniversary Saturday afternoon, the Waterloo football Warriors lost to the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks 39-10. This in spite of the Warrior’s opening the scoring with a touchdown from a 72 yard punt return carried by John’

Chrobok. Two thousand fans watched at Seagram stadium but there was not much support for the Warriors. There are six matches left for the ‘Warriors unless something improves. Photos by Mike Torontow





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