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I Letters

people read this letter, I ask them to write a letter to the Imprint explaining their position on this issue. I am sure that the students who deeper and deeper down were living in Village II last into-the empty darkness of year and the students living nothingness. there now are interested in Finally, in closing, I ad- how the co-presidents stand dress this to Federation The Imprint encourages letori this issue. President Rick Smit. I think I ters to the paper. Letters , The Imprint stated that a meeting shbuld be called Gellatly said- the dispute should’ be typed; doublein ‘the Campus Centre over was settled at a meeting this issue of poor service spliced, on a 64 cha’racter held with the owners and being offered by .Mr. Sandline, addressed to “The Administrative Services. It Journalism Club, C/O The. wich. If last year’s Village II should be noted that this students and this year’s stu-s Federation of Students.” was an informal meeting at dents are counted, I am sure Please include your telewhich no records were al- we are talking about over fifphone number, name and lowed to be recorded for fu- teen hundred students who faculty. Letters should not exceed 700 words. Letters ture legal, use by the are directly affected for, the next Thursday’s ImTaylors. through their conn’&tions I am interested-in what print should be submitted with Village II. led Mr. Gellatly to presume by noon Monday. They may This number represents be bmught to the federation that an agreement had been over one-tenth of the stuoffice to be placed in the reached. Does he have a dent population of the UniImprint Smailbox. signed document saying versity of Waterloo. _ , that all is forgiven and forAdministrative Services, gotten? If he should read Village II council, the own* this letter, I would ask him ers- of Mr. Sandwich, and On Mr. Sandwich to write to the Imprint and the involved students I am writing this letter to explain how he came to his would all have an opportunpoint out some inaccuracies conclusion. ity to stand up and support in your article entitled One of, your paragraphs what they say. I believe a “Admin torpedoes Mr. left me totally confused. great number of students Submarine” in the SepThe article said “Gellatly would like to voice an opintember ~1st issue. Reporters said that the meeting dision on this issue, but they should always be concerned cussed how the stand are unable to find a means to with printing an unbiased should operate in the future, express their position. account of the truth. and did not determine that A general meeting held in Your headline carried the concession had violated the Campus Centre similar two inaccuracies. The first any part of the contract.” pto the one held over the one concernedthe use of the Gellatly said that administChevron issue could get the term “torpedoes”. This ration had found no violaentire issue out on the table: would tend to lead people to tions of the contract by the It would be interesting to believe that the Administraowners. see if a majority of former tion had succeeded at their Why then did Mr. Gellatly and present residents of Vilattempt to ,cancel the conalso state that the discuslage II support the actions of tract, This did not happen. sion included “how the the Village II council to ,Secondly, the outlet constand should operate in the break the contract of Mr. .- cerned is named “Mr future”‘? If there were no Sandwich. Are they acting SandwiLh,” not “Mr Subviolations, the T.aylors must in the student’s interests? \ marine. ” be, doing a good job of runP.S. - I am not criticizing Your article was true ning the stand. Why should your paper. It is a refreshing when you said, “Taylor h8d someone change a good and change to the Chevron. been accused of contract reliable method of running Keep up the good work. It is violations.” The article the stand for an untried and nice to see that someone went further on to say, “The possibly poor method. It thinks this is an important alleged violations included just doesn’t make sense. enough issue to do a writefailing to use the required It is becoming easier and up on it. But, the petty poliweights of ingredients in easier to get disillusioned tics still lingers on and the the submarines.” This is not with the entire _university issue is far from being settrue. The weight of the in- system. Universities should tled. gredients in the submarines be building and shaping reDonna Nicholson was never at issue. The real sponsible citizens out of AI-k3rd yr. history allegation (since it surely their students’. These stuwas an excuse) was condents should, if they don’t cerned about the abundance to Schroeder already have them, be Response (or should I say the lack) of taught values and what they Since Man is not omnisextras. They were accused cient, he constructs an apstand for in society. The fuof running out of mustard. proximate. model to explain ture looks ver$ dismal, One point in your article what he sees around him. since values are being greatly disturbed me. Sevwhich dropped by the wayside in The imagination, eral times throughout your the mad rush to get what is may or may not be “transarticle I saw the mention of best for yourself generates po; instead of cendental”, to the Village II vice-president what is best for society at tential refinements model. The rule for the forGary Patten. What I am dislarge. of these hypothI am sure that there is a mulation turbed about is the absolute eses is that nonsense can’t of people out absence of any mention of large majority there who won’t take a stand bq a rational hypothesis. Village II co-presidents Logic is a tool to detect on this issue, because they a Randy Kiss and Gerry contradiction and fallacious lack both the values an< the Cl.outhier. reasoning, but logic works backbone to stand up for They were elected to repwhat deep inside they be- ‘only when it is used rigourresent the students of VilWhat is selfshould ously. lage II. A major issue just as lieve. Universities Fust be rebe able to bring this out for contradictory this one should haxe the jected immediately, but a them, but instead it seems sanction of both cothey are helping to shove it hypothesis contradicting presidents’. If either of these



Contributing this week were Neil Cote, Randy Barkman, Nick Redding, Lina Guzzo, M&e Amodeo, Art Owen, John Chaychuk, Jacob Arsenault, Roy Dimbleby, Ruth McKay, Dave Anjo, Mark McGuire, Han-y Warr, Ian Walker, Jeff Poss, Jon Shaw, Bernie Roehl, John McKay, Peter Gatis, Hugh Alley, Palmo Venneri, John Rebstock, Martin McPhee, Haig Baronikian, Oscar M. GNierstrasz, Don Becker, Ron Sisson, Mike Torontow, Michael Kelley, Leslie Gostick, Stephen Coates, Susan Bray, Doreen Danis, Doug Steele, Peter Stevens, Sylvia Hannigan, Jason Mitchell, Peter Corbett, Denise Donlan, John Wardon, John W. Bast,‘Asad Mohammed, Jan Narveson, Sue Smyth, Cathy Emond, dohn Heimbecker, Mike Webster, Maria Catalfo, Barbara Wolfe, and Patricia M. Anderson .-. . Ciaran O’Donnell.

Imprint is an editorially independent student newspaper published by the Journalism Clup, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Imprint publishes every Thursday; mail should be addressed to “The Journalism club c/o the Federation of Students”. We are still looking for office space an4 would appreciate your help in this, area. We are typeset by Dumont Press Graphix; paste-up is done on campus.


28, 1978. .




existing beliefs may be accepted -if those beliefs can ratio’nally be removed from the model. In such a situation, or ,when several new hypotheses compete, experiments should be conducted. Although result-s may be inconclusive; proof is often “beyond-reasonable doubt”. The same diligence is required here as in a court of law. . Now we arrive at a point where two (or more) mutually exclusive hypotheses seem to explain the da& and no test in the forseeable future could decide the issue. Now, and only now, it is rational to choose, to accept one hypothesis “by faith”, but the lack of physical proof must be retained in the mqdel. It would be equally rational to accept another theory, according to one’s faith. Since faith is the “evidence” of things not seen, rational people with diff’erent faiths reason on the basis of different “evidence”, and thus come to different conclusions. The determinist chooses, by faith, to believe that atoms and physical laws kxplain everything, including thought. He or she does not argue that “Man equals M&chine”, but that: “Man’ is greater than Existing Machines”, i.e. that Man’s intelligedce is of the same type as that shown by computers, but to a greater degree of complexity, just as the computer is superior to the pocket calculator. Now you may argue that these computers must be programmed by Man. The determinist answers that Man is programmed by genetics, by the environL ment, or possibly by God. The study of Logic and related subjects is a “debugging” procedure, improving our ability to perceive and hypothesize the truth. Clearly, from this model free will is not necessary to form and evaluate any hypothesis, including that of free will. The idea of “will” suggests an arbitrary choice,/ which could not possibly have a better claim to “correctness”.’ Determinism should not be confused with predictability; it merely claims that “thought” is totally controlled by physical processes, which may themselves be random. For example, one Uranium atom might split today, while &other might wait a thousand years. Does this mean that atoms have

free will? I would rather believe that Man’s mind has something that atoms do not. After all, shit, bugs, and fungus are made out of atoms. However, this desire is not rational, but only prejudice against non-human existence. A harmonious society would increase the probability of gene survival through one’s descendants. Thus, Socio-biology explains the desire to control bthers. However, a determinist cannot have “absolute power” over others, since control over their environment would have to be as subtle and complex as their programming, which varies from person to person. One cannot anticipate the response of thousands. &. J. Schroeder, in the convoluted dissertation of September 14 (Imprint, p.8), “Modern deterclaims minists have already suggested to put man into institutions, so he can be firmly controlled by the environment. ” However, no particular determinist is quoted or specified. It seems to me that any reasonable determinist would observe the degradation of Man when oppressed, and conclude that most people function best in ‘an environment of freedom and independence. Also, the idea of control is not so new. As it is written, “Bring Up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” While preaching free will, the church has often been an institution of control, herding the congregation into righteousness. But if I don’t like what a church is doing, is every article of faith wrong? Of course not! This analogy shows the fallacy of using the conclusions of some Pharisees of “Modern Science” to ridicule determinism itself. Schroeder’s argument from’ religious belief amounts to: “You don’_t believe what I believe, thus you are wrong, therefore

you are crazy (“irrational”). The only justifiable argument horn personal faith is: “According to my religion, you are wrong, and if you claim to share my religion, you are inconsistent”. Brian Calvert, Pure Math.



On behalf of B.Ent, Federation of Students, I would like to extend an apology to all those Harmonium Fans who stood in line well over an hour to get into the PAC. The explanation for the delay is simple and unfortunately you were the ones that had to suffer the consequences. Obviously, the Harmonium agent had misdirected the musicians t% London looking for a University of Kitchener. Consequently, the group found themselves in Water1.00 an hour late. The Sound Company insisted that the doors remained closed until they accomplished a thorough sound check. B’esides the tardiness of the concert, I would like to say that I was extremely pleased with the audience reaction to Harmonium and with your cooperation in quickly finding your seats to settle down in a neat fashion which enabled the concert to get underway without too much delay after the dGors were opened. Harmonium loved your reception and .-are more than willing to visit us again. Thank you. Nicole Delplace, B.Ent




This is to let you know that future references to The Warrior Band as ‘a Contingent of a UW band’ will not be tolerated, or at least frowned upon. Printing ‘A Conti&gent of a UW Band’ on the back of the sweaters would cost a lot more or at least require an entire revamping of our image.

Steve Hayman

Campus Centre .135 --Elections-New staffers



Cutbacks “no relief in There’s sight” for post-secondary educaiton, according to Ontario Federation of Students information officer Allan Golombek. Golombek told

Low. attendance


to- continue

proposed a minimum 11.5% ($84 million) increase in university funding for the next academic year. The brief also requested the removal of differential fees for visa students, and called for a decrease in the parental contribution expected by the new Ontario Student Grant Plan. Golombek said that pressure is not applied. ready employed by the uniStephenson’s reaction to Miriam Edelson, chairversities, and .emphasized person of the Ontario Fedthat “tenure is not a guaran- ’ the brief was negative on all points raised. The governeration of Students, felt that tee of lifetime employthe government had made a merit.” ment was not considering a political decision to reduce funding increase of anyMs. H. Marsden; Dean of the funding level of the Women, felt that in order to thing like 11.5%, and Dr. “would not provinde’spost-sydary maintain enrolment levels, Stephenson institutions. dispel rumours” concernuniversities will have to ing a tuition fee increase. She added that demogrecognize the educational said an anraphic studies have shown requirements of women Stephenson nouncement about tuition that-the presentdrop in en- seeking careers, and of the fees would be made in rolment is not the result of elderly. She saw continuing the falling-off of the populaeducation programs as January, and an announcement about funding would tion in the 18-24 year old being of particular value in be made in November, acage range, ‘but rather a de- this regard. cording, to Golombek. cline in the “-participation Student representative Imprint asked Stephenrate”. ’ Bruce MacKay pointed out Brzustowski, on the other that a significant number of,. son how OFS could reconcile their call for a $84 millhand, felt that the current students do not complete ion increase in university budget slumpwas temporfull degree programs, some funding with former Onary, and that things would dropping out early to start tario treasurer Darcy eventually get better. careers or pursue a techniMcKeough’s plan for a Chris Knapper, a rep- cal education. “balanced budget” by resentative from teaching There was general agreeGolombek said resources, stressed that stu- ment among the ‘speakers 1980-1981. that OFS wasn’t satisfied dents are questioning the that the universities must benefits of a university edu- appeal to a wider range of with the rationale behind a balanced budget. He also cation. potential students in the said that in an addendum to He went on to suggest that next few years, most notably their brief, OFS had propmore viable courses will re- in the areas of continuing osed that the government quire extensive re-training education and re-education impose tighter scrutiny on Bernie Roehl of teaching personnel al- programs. * . tax concessions to corporations, in order to assure that the tax concessions achieve the goal intended by the province. Golombek described Stephenson as “a good deal tougher than (previous Colleges . and Universities minister) Dr. Parrott”, and said that he expected “underfunding will escalate- constantly” under her direction. Ciaran O’Donnell

Imprint this following a meeting with Minister of Colleges and Universities Bette Stephenson. OFS presented a brief to during the Stephenson

two-hour meeting. The brief called for an extension on the tuition-fee freeze, demanded the removal of the eight-term eligibility requirement for grads, and

Universitiesr discussed

The future of Universities in Ontario was the subject of a conference held last Thursday evening in the Modern Languages Building. All the speakers present agreed that the major problem facing universities at the present time was the shortage of government funding, and that the dropoff in enrolment in recent years has been the major cause. Tom Brzustowski, V.P. (academic) here at Waterloo, said that an increased mobility of teaching rewould allow sources educators to cope more effectively with tight budgets. He emphasized that uni-. versities would have to offer programs that will increase the employability of their graduates, particularly those in the Arts sector. The speakers seemed split over whether the problem of under-funding is temporary, or whether it can be expected to continue if

Correction Imprint apologizes for calling the Mr. Sandwich outlet in Village II a “Mr. Submarine” outlet in a page three news story last week.


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Poster war over Chevron refunds ’ Spurred on by the September 29 deadline, opponents of the Chevron this week distributed two more posters urging students to collect the $2 refundable Chevron fee. These refunds must be claimed during the first :hree weeks of any term for the Chevron to be deposed 3s UW’s official student newspaper, and it was clear at ;he close of last week that only about half the number needed had withdrawn-the fee. -An anonymous poster, clearly hastily done, ap-‘ peared on billboards in the Engineering complex Tuesday, proclaiming that “This is our big chance to dump the commie newspaper,” and urging students to “Force the Chevron Down the Tubes for Good” by collecting the fee. A less blunt, but probably more persuasive approach was taken by ‘*Project S”, a group of students who have opted to remain anonymous save only for their spokesperson John W. Bast ex-Chevron Production Manager and cxrrent Imprint staffer. Above a collage of Chevron headlines that the Project S members feel indicate political bias, the question “Is this a newspaper you want to support???” is asked. Exaggerating somewhat, it goes on to claim that “Refunds are nearing SO%,” and concludes by saying “With your refund, UW could be free of the Chevron - at last!” Earlier in the term, Engineering Society “A” produced a controversial poster with the headline “You May Support the Feds and Screw the Chevron,” which emphasizes that withdrawing the Chevron fee has no effect on one’s membership in the Federation of Students. The Chevron has objected strenuously to this poster and other efforts by EngSoc to promote the withdrawal of Chevron fees. In addition to denouncing the opposition in print and in person, the Chevron has produced two posters of its own. One is headed “Support the Democratic Student Press! Support the Chevron.” In return for $2, it says the student gets a newspaper that fights for his or her rights, reports on campus events, does investigative journalism, provides a forum for discussion of issues on campus and off and offers training to anyone interested in all aspects of producing a newspaper. The other simply says “Don’t listen to rumours Get it straight from the horse’s mouth,” and invites I students to go to the Chevron office, While the posters are very much in evidence throughout the campus and the two EnI gineering posters are found in large numbers in the Engineerin$$ omplex, the Project S poster is very hard ‘,‘ ,g . to find. John W. Bast has alleged that large numbers were posted, only to be torn down almost immediately by the Chevron staff. When questioned on this matter, Chevron editor David Carter, who had earlier on in the day been seen tearing down a poster by chevron refunder Sylvia Hannigan, told the Imprint “I don’t talk to scab newspapers,“.and refused to comment on the matter. Chevron staff member Danny Lam, who denied the allegation, offered as a personal comment “They (whc have participated in the anti-Chevron campaign) have a’ right to slander themselves by putting up posters full of lies, untruths, distortions and bullshit.” John McKay

Tenured faculty may get the axe at U of T -

A cozittee report for Kitchener to Waterloo Square in Waterloo, publicizing the fighting’of Iranian groups against the the University of Toronto’s ’ governing council calls on rule of the Shah. They displayed signs and shouted slogans. The march was not without incident; the university to look into before H. Salt Fish and Chips in Kitchener, a citizen shouted to them to “Get lost!” and certain ways of dismissing tenured racial slurs; for the last two mil6.s the demonstrators were convoyed by a motorcycle policeman faculty and a squad car because, according to an officer, complaints had been received. for financial Photo by John W. Bast reasons. I

Two-days left for fee refunds Here are the running totals of the refunds as of 5:00 pm Tuesday Sept. 26. The Feds have, refunded 579 students, or 5.4% of the student body. They are followed closely by CKMS with 519 refunds, or 4.8%. OPIRG, though the exact figure is unavailable, has refunded fees for 6.3% of

the students. The Chevron leads the field, having dished out 2,814 refunds, to nearly 26.1% of the 10,784 fee paying students. Societies, more by virtue of being caught in the refunds movement than anything else; have refunded fees to substantially more people this year than last,

notably 20-2~5 in SciSoc, 35 in ASU, and 47 in MathSoc. Engineers have fared the best of any society, with a healthy total of 1 refund. ’ Refunds end Sept. 29. The grand totals will be published in the Imprint next week. Federation refunds are available from 9 to 12 and

1:15 to 4pm in CC 235. Chevron refunds are available at the same times in CC 214. CKMS refunds are available between 10 and 3 in the Bauer warehouse. OPIRG refunds are available between 9 and 12 in PHY 226. YOU will need your yellow fee’ statement to get your money back. . Peter Gab

An interim report by the planning and priorities subcommittee says that the “feared financial crisis is approaching at such a rate” that the university must consideragive “serious gong’ to the question. The report also calls for greater integration and specialization among UofI”s three campuses, and suggests that faculty should be ready to teach at any and all of the campuses, Currently, faculty are protected from dismissal by a memorandum of agreement expiring in 1980. Faculty association president

but we will try to see that is fully our membership Protected” in a G] .obe and Mail interview TUC:sday. UW presiden t Burt Imprint Matthews told Tuesday that this university has had such a policy for “three or four years.” Matthews said that UW “didn’t want to set up the _ Policy when You’ve got the Problem”, but said that the policy had never been applied, so far. Matthews said that about 98 percent of the faculty in engineering and science have tenure status. He said

Jean Smith

professors in other faculties have tenure. Ciaran O’m

the issue



to be raised






percentof the



- *


’ ThurSday


Societies Arts




September is an active month for the Arts Student Union. The first ASU council meeting was held to a record councillor turnout. The new ASU executive this term are president Doreen Danis, treasurer Neil Freeman, secretary Julie Joyce, social director Bob Degroot and Arts Lion editor Stanley Pert. There is as yet no candidate for vice-president. Most key positions on Arts campus committees are’ filled but some important ones remain, particularly’ for .women’s and men’s sports directors. For details of these and other positions, visit ASU ‘at HH 178A soon.

report Arts Hockey Team is being formed right now! Sign up before Ott 11 at ASU, or contact Mike Daly (578-3376) or Carl Micks (742-7339). There will also be sign up sheets in ML coffee shop area for interested women wishing to play competitive volleyball, basketball, badminton, etc. as well as mixed tournaments. Beware of the deadline! Speaking of history, the , double concert featuring Jazzwatch and Aspen was rained out of the Hagey Quad and into the Hagey Hall. The crowd was small but enjoyable. The 1st Wine & Cheese drew an enormous turnout - this is by far the most successful free

3ews Shorts’ Enrolment

To Drop

25 Percent?

An eventual enrolment’drop of 25 percent “should not “oe unexpected”, according to a brief by the Ontario Council of University affairs released Monday. The brief, called “The Ontario university system: A statement of issues” says that enrolment levels may only return to 1972 levels in 1996. It notes that government funding will only increase enough to offset “inevitable” expenditure cuts. The OCUA brief says that these expenditure cuts will have to be accomplished largely through reductions in the number of employees, or reductions in salary levels, It notes that the number of jobs to be freed by attrition will be very low for the next few years.






Westmount Place Shopping Centre has brought together more than 20 models, plans and suggestions displayed by various groups to show the public, how they can cut their energy costs 15%-20% or more this winter. Included among the displays will be a solar collector (sun conversion); five 11 foot models of various styled solar homes and their blueprints; a wind generator; Pacer 500 (gas saving device); infrared camera which, detects heat loss; Wall, ceiling & window insulation and a Lennox heat pump (converts cold winter -air into heat). The Hearthstone Project will also have a display. This new organization negotiates oil prices for homeowners which could result in a possible IO%-15% saving on their heating costs. “Energy Days” takes place Thursday, September 28, Friday, September 29, and Saturday, September 30th.

Won Are you having financial attending


28, 1978.


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busy <month party we have ever held. Keep your eyes peeled for notices of upcoming events, especially the History Club Pub Sept 28 and upcoming Economics Club Pub. Tickets for Ott 11 Oktoberfest at K-W Auditorium are on sale for $2.50 at ASU, HH 2nd floor coffee shop and a few club offices. If you are interested in helping out ASU in any capacity or if you have any questions, drop in at HH 1781%





EngSoc has been active all month. The orientation activities seemed to go over very well, even if the Frosh did”have to walk home from the Country Club Crawl. Sept 13 saw that perenI nial favourite night of debauchery and depravity, the Welcome Back Stag. This year’s WBS was perhaps the most successful ever, at least in terms of sheer numbers. The attendance was about triple that of stags in the ‘recent past, leading to general chaos at the end with 800 people trying to get onto 4 buses at the same time. Scpt 18 marked Femme Eng’s Wine and Cheese - Party. This term, approximately fifty girls got together to listen to the guest speaker from WISE (Women In Science and Engineering). About 150 Engineers took the EngSoc mascot, the Ridgid Tool, on a field trip to Toronto to see the New York Yankees play the Blue Jays Sept 21. Despite thej fact that Toronto lost, most people there seemed to enjoy themselves. Finally, the 1st NurseEng Co-Pub was held at the Transylvania Club Sept 27. These co-pubs, sponsored jointly by EngSoc and the nursing schools at K-W Hospital and St. Mary’s Hospital are generally quite

popular, and ticket sales for this first one were very brisk. Looking ahead, EngSoc is hoping to get a large number of teams entered in The Great Barrel Race, Ott 10. This event, sponsored jointly by Labatt’s and the Waterloo Jaycees, consists of 6 person teams rolling a 12.5 ,gallon beer keg on a 100 yd course along King St. There is an entry fee of $5 per team member, most of which goes toward defraying costs for the special T-shirts each contestant receives. Anyone interested in forming a team for this event should come in to the EngSoc office no later than Ott 2. Tickets for Ott 11 Oktoberfest at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium are available at EngSoc. Music will be provided by Mike Bergaur & Prosit III. Buses will run to and from CC from 7pm to 2:3Oam. Doug Steeje


J Save sU% of the high cost of bicycling? That might be what this UW student is thinking as he pedals about campus. A unique way to get to class on time. Photo by Leslie Gostick

More iritegration-proposed UW and WLU should consider increased cooperation such as merging their arts and science faculties, a paper released Monday by the.Ontario Council of University Affairs says. The paper- projects enand rolment declines forced expenditure cutbacks “for the next few year2.” It says that the enrolment drop will force increasing specialization in universities, but says “closingw down entire universities is not a solution to t-he enrolment problem.” Instead, it suggests three alternatives: closing or modifying satellite campuses (such as U of T’s Scarborough or Erindale campuses), merging undergraduate programs at adjacent universities (ie Ottawa

or Waterloo), and eliminating high-cost hours programs in “specialities where demand has declined*” The paper says that Canada faces the problem of having “a whole generation of scientists” with no place to use their talents, as a result of lagging research support. It suggests that universitiesshould analyze the federal government’s new proposals for research to see if they are adequate. The OCUA brief also’ suggests that the OCUA could be disbanded or replaced by a different “interface” between the governmerit and the universities. UW president Burt Matthews told Imprint Tuesday that he didn’t see much point in merging arts and science programs with


WLU, as suggested in the brief. Matthews pointed out that the brief made no ‘recommendations and that it only gave the an explorationof the “options.” He said that UW and WLU’s arts and science ‘faculties were already quite large, and that he didn’t expect significant economies of scale to result from merging -\ them. Merger of UW and WLU was studiedlast year by the UW/WLU Advisory Council, in a report to the OCUA. The study concluded that merger would be “undesirable, unnecessary, impractical, , and affording no economic benefits.” It suggested closer integration of individual courses as a more viable alternative. Ciaran O’Donnell .


univ&sity? By Sue Smyth%d



Claudia Not this year; I was able to get a job.

Steve Dobson, Math 1 I have been working part time for five years so I have money.




Yes, I have to borrow from my parents.

’ Della Campbell, Economics 2 , Yes, I was unable to get a job for the whole summer. Dave Haynes, &lath 1 No, I’ve worked and I am supporting my.,-



I’m not; I worked



this summ&

and mv

coinment- _ UniversityL system needs direction. Thursday


28, 1978.


5 ,-


I+~ Perhaps the most telling comment at the “Future of the University” forum last Thursday was made by one of the observers, who stated that he had seen much the same debate in \the early 1970’s. Why are we still asking the same questions six years later? Has the university as an institution drifted in the interim? I think not-,-,since if there is no explicit answer to the questions raised, then the current directions must be implicitly acceptable. But drifting without positively accepting current trends and directions is inexcusable, especially in a university community. . Since almost anyone who has thought about the current university situation has found things which , need to change, we would have ourselves, as a society, to blame for continuing an unacceptable university situation, if indeed the situation is unaccepta’ble. Half bf the.answers to the problems of university direction were summarized in a comment by Academic Vice President Tom Brusz-


towski who suggested that the university will have more serious problems if it runs out of ideas about its future than if it runs out of money. Although we obviously need funding at an adequate level, Brusztowski is probably right in that a bankruptcy of ideas would be more serious. It is disturbing then that only 20 people had sufficient interest in the future of the university as an institution to discuss it at the forum. Our society cannot afford to permit institutions which are so influential in our daily lives to determine their roles and futures without input from the people it is intended to benefit. I am not advocating an overthrow of university but administrations, neither do I suggest a hand’s off policy. The reason for concern with who dictates the directions of any university is that the university, through its influence on students, can initiate large-scale social change. Hence, it is increasingly important that




we consciously choose a path to follow. Otherwise, we could find ourselves confronted by’ unwanted, perhaps uncontrollable, changes in society. . This lack of a clear direction in the universities mirrors’the situation in society at large. I am not claiming that the situation in society results from the situation in the universities. However, as the university’s sense of direction disintegrates, or continues’ undefined, the people graduating have less and less sense of direction themselves. I am not saying that people should be programmed to have a “direction”, but instead people coming out of a university should know how to define their own direction. Each person should have been challenged to define, or at least begin to define, his or her beliefs, ethics, faith, and in general set of principles.Anyone who has begun this knows that these life principles will not be static. They wiil change and grow with time. Without them however, people wilJ have

There are a few cliches about the University as an institution *which I accept, for starters: in particular, that its general purpose is the promotion of human knowledge, both in the sense of discovering more of it and in the sense of imparting it to people. It is a general ideal of such an institution that knowledge is a good thing in itself, and that people who participate in it share this view; but of course, as we know, lots or perhaps most people at universities now .are just there to promote *’ -.:v * h orospects (a pur+nuJ, CAL”A^ ,:,“, A '-11x, ;Q 2 c(finla pose which’ &luGll,,::: +u Increasingly unlikely td be much realized by this means). I don’t accept the further cliche that these latter people represent a perversion of the University, etc; there’s no f hing wrong with acquiring knowledge for the sake of something else rather than for “its own sake” (not an entirely clear notion anyway), but still, it would ti be nice if everyone at Universities were animated at least in considerable part by an interest ‘in some or all areas of knowledge apart from their bearing on his or her career prospects. SO what I want to question in this brief space isn’t, then, those general ideas and ideals, but rather certain things which may be thought to be implications of them. In particular, I have my doubts about the ways in which -Universities are currently related to the public at large. In Canada, and most countries nowadays but overwhelmingly in Canada, the relation is, pretty simply, this: the public pays the


bills - which are steep ting a good deal, because of and those who immediately the various benefits to socibenefit from it have by and ety at large which rebound large come to assume that it from the activities of FASS is their right to have the types. Why, if it weren’t for bills paid in that manner. us, they probably wouldn’t Curiously, the principle have the metric system, of invo13untary financial surface-to-air missiles, the support for education is Stratford Festival, and a especially embraced by perhost of other blessings. sons of socialist inclination, That there is room for despite the fact that overdispute about this counterwhelmingly , and inevitaargument is perhaps worth bly, the burdens fall on the mentioning, but in any case wage-earning classes when there is the point that the imposed in this manner. arithmetic involved is all Of course, the focus by done by civil servants, students is on their “right” given the present system, to an education - equal ac- rather than by.those whose cess etc. - rather than on benefit is at issue, and there is, I a& (again) beginning to the other side of t&at coin, 1 think, some question about -+n u- ;nllnluntarily name;? lrlb !_“vy-..-- - __ , --- riaht to do that. Isn’t assumed duty pf the WOZ-'-'?~~ 5-b: % ing classes to shoulder She ’ there? _ .burden of supporting the There is also some room said “right”. Now, the thing to doubt the overall effiis this: it may seem terribly ci’ency of the current sysobvious to us university folk tem, even with reference to that the Promotion of its grand purposes. Perhaps Human Knowledge is such it is time to re-open the a good thing that yoyp typiquestion of whether it might cal check-out clerk or steelnot be better to have a sysworker ought to be positem (or at least a Big system tively delighted to be supin which there is reasonable porting it to the tune of room for,the Little system) maybe a thousand do-llars a in which the people who year or so, but it may not be pay are the people who so obvious to them. want the goods. And isn’t It does seem possible that there, anyway, some room if given the choice between for doubts about the purity plunking gown their grand of our motives when we or so ever? year for the edu- couple our ideals to the encation of everybody’s kidgine of coerced public supdies (but quite possibly not port? their own) and adding a The title question of these new bedroom to the old pieces was (more or less), bungalow, they’d prefer the “Whither the University?,” latter. There is, I am beginand no doubt some wag will ning to think, some room to want to tag the alternative question our right to depview tentatively posed for rive them of this option. consideration here with the The currently accepted slogan “Wither the Univercounter-argument to the sity!” Well, maybe so. But J ‘ above is that if only they doubt it: knew it the people I’m worJan Narveson ried about actually are get-

their own direction dictated to them by others. The challenge I am suggesting should of course begin much earlier than in the university. But given the greater autonomy of universities as compared to school boards, perhaps this is indeed a place where the univkrsity should act. To my mind, this function is far more important than. creating people saleable. on the job ‘market. I have made assumptions and subjeciive comparisons based on my own beliefs and faith, and these dec;i.sions could change with time. In the same- way, it would be surprising and indeed suspicious if the university did not find itself evolving and changing its directions with ,the years. But the university community can not just let things go. Decisions by default are unacceptable. In the same way that a person must puzzle out his or her attitudes towards him or herself and to the world around him, the university community must come together to define its role. And in the same way that each person is influenced by the people around him, both explicitly and subtly, and must choose which of these influences‘ should be accepted or rejected, so too must /the university community reach into the communities around it to find ideas and reactions to

them. The definition of a social institution cannot and must not be permitted to be defined outside of the society i,n which it exists. The other half of the answer probably * exists in an accurate assesment of where the university is now. As our society becomes more and more technical and less and, less personal, there is an increasing division. between the applied sciences (in the broad sense of all technological developments), and the world of humanities, and especially philosophy. An almost im-1 plicit assumption behind any technological innovation is that if it can be built, it should be. Considerations other than finance have little impact on decisions, in effect castrating the science of economics (the allocation . of resources). This division is reflected in our universities (compare UW and Trent, 01’ l’ook at UofT engineers who, other than in special circumstances, are not permitted to join any of the main colleges). To see the difference in ho’w society values these ttio elements, one need only consider the huge difference in attendance drops between Waterloo, a pre-’ dominantly science univ&sity, and Trent, which is very much a university of the humanities. Waterloo attendance has dropped a

couple of percent in the last few years; Trent attendance has dropped about 20 percent. We must also look at the basis for university funding. The effects of tuition and living expenses on the accessibility to universities must be examined. The principle of availability regardless of income seems well accepted and should be defended. (That a family earning anything under $6000 should have to contribute to their child’s education is patently ridiculous, since such an income is at about the poverty level for a cpuple, let alone a family). We must address our- . selves to these problems. However, in doing so, we must not forget the reasons behind taxation. Otherwise ’ we are falling into the trap of the means becoming the end (revolution for revolutions sake, rather than for what is accomplished). I shall leave this issue here. Although I have not answered the questions, I should like to challenge this university cdmmunity, students, faculty, administration, and staff, to think about the issues raised, debate them, and together to work on understanding what the future of the university should be. There will be a direction to the university. Let us work to make sure it is one we want. Hugh Alley

I TORONTO E’XPRESS I (an express Bus from the Math Building to the lslington Subway Statidn I I I WEEKLY SCHEDULE I I I I

DEPARTS From rear of Math Building

ARRIVES At lslington Subway Station

11:30am 1:30pm 3:OOpm 4:30pm



SUNDAY DEPARTS 9:OOpm F‘ram Brevver’s*R&taiI Park 4 Lo t at Bloor & Islington


ARRIVES 10:15pm At Campus Centre c


I s


COST (one way)

$3.10 Non-Feds


not served.

ID cards

School must



be produced

TICKETS only at the Campus Centre beside the turnkey Thursday from 9:00am-4:OOpm -._


Due to limited space be picked up as early as possible. I Service begins Sept. 15th.

tickets should


by the Federation

of Students,


of Waterloo.






Relations between the chevron and the federation are at an “appalling” level, according to the three-person Canadian University Press commission investigating charges and counter charges between the paper and the student union. ’ Commissioner Dave Dauphinee of the /London Free Press made this statement for i’ the commission at the close of their hearings Sunday night. Dauphinee said “we find it appalling that both sides are trying to kill each other through the use of editorials, posters and so on. . . even before the (commission’s) report comes out.” Dauphinee said that the commission was concerned that it would not have “two sides” to come back to. The editorial referred to appeared in last Friday’s Chevron and called for students ,to withdraw their federation fees and to work for the recall of president Rick Smit. The posters include a poster by the Engineering Society urging students to “Screw the chevron,” and a poster published by “Project S - a non profit group”, asking ,students “Is this a newspaper you want to support?” The Chevron recommended at the end of the hearings that the commission censure the federation for its anti-chevron ac. tions, and commend the chevron for its defence of the CUP statement of principles. It said that the commission should ensure that separation take place in accordance with the spring chevron referendum, and the federation should reimburse individuals on the chevron for their out-of-pocket expenses in operating their typesetter over the summer. The chevron’s recommendations followed two days of testimony by chevron witnesses. Editor Dave Carter, news editor/production manager Larry Hannant, psychology professor Doug Wahlsten, former news editor Jonathan Coles, staffer Salah Bachir, and staffer Ernst von Bezold testified for the chevron. Jonathan


Coles claimed Saturday that there was a plot, instigated by Federation executives, to have him removed as news editor. He named councillor Mark McGuire, president Rick Smit, and treasurer Jayne , Pollock, and past BENT chairperson Nick Redding as the principals involved. His claim rested on two incidents. One, occurring in the end of the fall term concerned a critique of his performance by Redding and Pollock, both chevron staffers at that time and neither members of the federation executive at the time. This critique was discussed at a chevron staff meeting, at which time the staff decided that the problems cited were part of a larger problem with the paper and did not just concern Coles. The other incident occurred when Mark McGuire gave notice of motion. of ---- VI 1runconfidence in r-l-’ .1_A^ uules m February. Coles said his competence couldn’t be judged by McGuire since McGuire did not know what Coles’ job as a news editor was. Also, Coles cited a letter by Rick Smit which questioned Coles’ competence. ”








Carter claimed federation council infringed on the Cheuron’s editorial prerogative by voting to have typesetting equipment it had leased from Hannant removed from the office. Carter said “due process” had been violated since the Chevron had not been notified that council was going to discuss removal of the typesetter. ’ Under questioning by Imprint staffer Ciaran O’Donnell he admitted that staffer Chris Dufault had not been notified of charges against him, or of his possible suspension, before the issue was raised in staff. Carter had earlier said that Dufault’s expulsion had taken place with due pro: cess. Carter testified that Smit had tried to sabotage the Chevron by telling the manager of the CC record store not to advertise in the Chevron. However, Smit told the


_. commission that when Imprint came out he went to all federation stores on campus, and informed them that they could advertise in the Chevron or Imprint as they saw fit. O’Donnell questioned Carter about a phone call to staffer Case van Maanen, in which van Maanen asked Carter why he’ “intimidated” O’Donnell when he came into the office. According to van Maanen, Carter replied that “ten more like him” would be in the office if O’Donnell wasn’t intimidated. Carter said that he had “many conversations” w.ith van Maanen, and neither confirmed nor denied having said this. O’Donnell also asked Carter why he had co-operated with Hannant and staffer Barbara Rowe in preventing O’Donnell from reading an editorial, as was his right as a chevron staffer. Carter said that people who worked for Imprint had given up their right as staffers of the Chevron. Carter told the commission that it was difficult for the staff to operate during June and July because of harassment from the Federation. He said Federation people continually caused disturbances both inside and outside the office. ~ The commission was told that Chevron staff minutes had been removed and copied from the office, and that posters had been torn down. Carter raised what he called a “federation plot to kill the Chevron.‘: He cited O’Donnell’s actions in using his status as a Chevron staff member to gain access to editorials, and said it was not possible for O’Donnell to be,a member of two papers. O’Donnell pointed out however that chevron staffer and AIA member Salah Bachir had, attended Imprint staff meetings. Carter said Imprint was a “federation paper” and explained how distribution, mailing, and other activities were done in the Federation offices. He was questioned on this point by Smit, who pointed out that the facilities made available to Imprint were available to any club in the Federation, and that the International Student’s Association (who put Smit in the same class as “Harry Parrott, Jimmy Carter, and Leonid Brezhnev”) are also allowed to use Federation facilities and print their newsletter from the federation office. Carter said that there was a double standard operating in the question of access to information. Carter said that the chevron was forced to conduct all its business openly, but that the Federation made it’s real decisions “behind closed doors,” and supposedly open meetings were actually only rubberstamping them. Carter was again cross-examined on this by O’Donnell, and he admitted that important decisions such as tha --- V rslbpurchase of a typesPf*--’ -,,cre1- nad been made without the prior assent of Chevron staff. As well, O’Donnell pointed out that when he had asked what choices the Chevron was considering for CUP commissioner, Carter replied that he would be told when the decision was “official.” Carter pointed out that the Chevron budget, which included cuts in the number of paid staff from four to three, had been drawn up without any consultation with Chevron staff. Barkman, who drew up the budget, admitted that he had not consulted the staff just as he had done the year before without complaints. Salah


Salah Bachir presented evidence to refute charges of a “hate campaign” against Barkman in feedback. There were numerous interruptions of his testimony by Barkman, and to a lesser extent O’Donnell, who asked questions out of order. Bachir also detailed what he said was an organized slander campaign against the paper in feedback. He reviewed four letters that Mark McGuire had alleged were part of the “campaign” and concluded that only one was a personal attack on Barkman. Iie pointed out that one of the



28, 1978.


6 1

The Canadian University Press Commjssion called by both the Federation of Students and the Chevron met for the last time last weekend to hear the Chevron’s testimony. Now the two sides will present written testimony to the commission within the week. Two weeks later the commission hopes to have the results which will then be made , public.

4 l

letters, written by Lorne Gershuny, did not even deal with the talk which McGuire claimed it was a response to. Barkman ha d difficulty cross-exam ining Bachir due to his refusal to answer some questions. When asked whether regular meetings were held to determine which letters would be written to feedback, Bachir refused to answer the question, saying it was “irrelevant.” Some of the letters in an alleged organized cam pai gn against the Chevron were written staffers. Bachir bY Chevron criticized this although he later admitted that the staff had no-written policy on it and Neil Docherty (while editor) had done it himself. Bachir said that Docherty’s letter occurred at a time when the staff process regarding feedback had broken down. Bachir attacked a supposed “systematic campaign” that the Federation and the Societies had waged against the paper. He cited the Engineering Societies “Screw the Chevron” posters, Enginews’ call to “have a free beer on the Chevron” and the SciSoc’s “Better Dead than Red” campaign during the Chevron referendum in the spring. Bachir’s main point however, concerned a poster asking students “Is this a newspaper you want to support???” drawn up by the anonymous “Project S”. During testimony, it was established that Imprint advertising manager and former Chevron production manager John Bast had helped produce the poster. Bast said that no one else on Imprint had worked on the poster and that he had worked on it with a group of first and second year students. The poster erroneously states that Chevron refunds are nearing 50 percent Chevron refunds were only 23 percent at the time the commission was meeting. Bachir claimed a link in personnel between the societies and the Federation aimed at getting the Chevron to fold. He pointed out that co-editor of MathNews J.J. Long and other staff members were active campaigners in Smit’s election a year ago. He also said that the Richard Kular of the Science Society had been Smit’s vicepresident. Smit replied by saying that the accusation “stinks of paranoia” and asked “shouldn’t the president of the federation have association with the societies?”

When O’Donnell asked Wahlsten whether by “vigourous”’ debate, he included calling people “fascists” Wahlsten said no, and said “I would only call an enemy a fascist - like you.” Larry


Larry Hannant’s testimony Sunday evening cited several incidents of intimidation and harassment. Hannant said he had been threatened by Federation president Rick Smit. Coles in his testimony also said he had been pushed and threatened by Smit. Hannant said that Imprint staffers O’Donnell and Redding made a practice of visiting the Chevron office during the summer and “harassing” those present. He said that they visited the office. examined chevron information lying in open areas and read wall posters in “loud voices.” He said that Nick Redding had harassed him by visiting the office in the summer (Hannant said Redding was drunk at the time) and reading the feedback section. When Hannant took a letter away from Redding, Hannant said-Redding followed him demanding that the letter be returned. Hannant then admitted to striking Redding in the throat. Hannant also confirmed that he forcibly examined a research paper O’Donnell was carrying a few weeks ago. Hannant tore the research paper in the process. Hannant justified this by saying that some documents had been stolen from the Chevron, and that O’Donnell’s refusal to let him see the research paper had made him suspicious. Hannant dealt with another alleged incident of harassment by Jules Grajower, saying that Neil Docherty and another staffer had themselves restrained Grajowkr after he picked up a chair during a chevron staff meeting, while screaming “there’s going to be a war.” Hannant said that Grajower was not threatening anyone by picking up the chair and that Oscar Nierstrasz who Hannant said had been sitting just beside Grajower had not felt threatened.. However, Nierstrasz has denied that he was sitting closer to Grajower than Barkman - the individual the federation claimed Grajower was threatening. Hannant said that CKMS-FM (the campus radio station) had co-operated with the Federation in the plot to kill the Chevron. I Doug Wahlsten He cited an interview with Sylvia HanTestimony by Doug Wahlsten, who is nigan, Ciaran O’Donnell and John Bast AIA spokesperson as well as a professor, which he maintained was slanderous. was aimed at refuting material in the \ Hannant said that CKMS offered a reFederation’s case; sponse interview with thn CL He said that an earlier hearsay claim by brievron but the Ch O’Donnell that Wahlsten had said fasric+ ZXJI~ retused becauie they felt that --.ArLJI letters were being ~7r;*+-’ Dave Greenberg, the interviewer, was o ..LllLen m the Chevron ‘,Srt.-biased. vvt;re untrue. Redding tripped Hannant up over the He admitted that he had advised people decision of the Chevron hierarchy to to write letters opposing such letters but purchase a typesetter, although staff had said this was in response to a question. not voted on the issue. However, he said these letters were not After an awkward long pause, Hannant part of the “hate campaign” against Barksaid that the typesetter was moved in with man and attacked other individuals specivery little notice because he only learned fically psychology professor Stanislav that it had to be moved on the same day. Reinis. Hannant had said that the staff later apWahlsten discussed O’Donnell’s survey proved the decision in a vote July 6th. of student opinion on the Chevron and said that it- was unscientific and he Feds misbehave thought O“Donnel1 and Peter Thompson (who worked on the survey with The commission’s hearings were marO’Donnell) should have been “expelled” red by the behaviour of the federation repfrom staff for this act. resentatives. Smit, Redding and O’Donnell freWahlsten said there were two kinds of quently lost their tempers, lapsed into lies in the Federation’s case. One kjnd was as the claim by “foul” language and repeatedly interoutright lies, such rupted witnesses during their testimony. O’Donnell that Wahlsten had attacked the One undergrad law student present durletters appearing in the Chevron, when ing the Saturday testimony commented Wahlsten’s was actually just responding that the commission, federation and Chevto a question. ron members were confused as to what The other kind of lie, said Wahlsten, could be used as evidence: was distortions of the truth by selectively He elaborated that the chairman should omi.tting facts and describing situations not have allowed the continual emotional out of context. Wahlsten said that “vigorous” debate charges and counter-charges to have interfered with the investigation. had been characteristic of both sides in the Mike Webster federation-Chevron conflict and that inCathy Emond Maria Catalfo timidation was not being used exclusively John Heimbecker Oscar Nierstrasz Barbara Wolfe by either side, but was used by a few indiCiaran O’Donnell -Patricia’ Anderson viduals on both sides.

. -



-New idez M about Japanese scientist Haruo Chino, who recently completed a four month stay here, has made some important discoveries about the bio-chemistry of insects, while at Waterloo. Some species of insect hibernate during the winter, regulated by an inborn “biological clock”, whose rhythm is fixed and independent of variations in outside temperature. This is in marked contrast to the hibernation of many animal species, whose dormancy period is initiated by a drop in the temperature of their For insects living at high latitudes, the dormancy period can be as long as six months, during which time they must conserve their energy by a reduction of their energy consumption. However, many species of insects remain active during the winter. Many of these survive through their adult lives without eating or drinking, apparently by using energy stored during their early stages of/life. Previously it has been assumed that the process involved in storing the energy and -transporting it to the various tissues where it is used is the same as in humans and other animal forms, but Dr. Chino’s work indicates otherwise.

In most animals, energy is handled in the form of called trichemicals glycerides. In the hepatic (liver) cells, a lipo-protein “carrier molecule” is constructed, which then diffuses through the cell wall and carries the lipids (fats) to the tissues that use it. Once there, the molecule is and the broken down, energy of the lipids is released and used. The fragments of the carrier lipoprotein return to be reassembled once again. In insects, -however, the mechanism is quite different. The carrier vehicles carry not tri-glyceride, but di-glyceride, which bonds to the carrier lipo-protein outside of the fat tissue, cells and is ‘*unloaded” at the destination in the same fashion. The’ lipo-protein then returns intact to pick up the next load of diglyceride. The fact that insects evolve more quickly than do humans and other animals indicates that there may very well be ‘some advantage to the use of diglycerides over triglycerides. The fact that the lipo-protein need not be re-synthesized and broken down again over each cycle would make the process more efficient and would thus provide the insect

&!!@@Q8 . Mon., Wed.,

TUGS., and Sat. 9339-5330 Thtirs., and Fri. 9:30-9:OO



1insects with more energy for the same amount of body mass. Dr. Chino’s earlier work involved the study of silkworm metabolism. He found that when the insect went into hibernation, the level of glycogen (which was expectedto remain constant until dormancy ended) actually dropped significantly, at approximately the same time as the dormancy period began. Dr. Chino discovered that the silkworm was in fact converting the glycogen to a 2:1 mixture of Sorbitol and Glycerol, a highly effective antifreeze agent (better than the one used in most automobiles). The mixture was converted back into glycogen when the insect resumed activity. Dr. Chino has been-to North America before, and in fact spent three years in the United States at Northwestern University in Illinois. In addition to his re- search, Dr. Chino is a professor at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan. He teaches insect biochemistry and general biology to undergraduate students, and encourages students here to consider stud-ies in biochemistry and the life sciences. Bernie




28, 1978.


7 -

- - - . - _ - -





Mov ies

The Arts ‘Zaura IMars an OK thriller,

Those who enjoy a good suspense thriller should see “Eyes of Laura Mars”, now playing at the Waterloo and Cambridge Twin Theatres. Despite a few flaws, the film is very enjoyable. .

of King


Featuring country Tonight,


home-style cooking

Friday and Saturday

’ Kent County


Next week:

Willi T. Noble and the ‘Travellers


28, 1978.


IO -

“Madame Rosa ” deals

never explained. The audience never finds out how these visions occur, or the reason why she is the one to receive them. Another let-down is the explanation given by the, killer for the murders at the end of the film. The characterization of some of the minor roles is a bit shallow, but completely adequate for the purpos’e of the plot. Laura Mars specializes in photography that portrays sex and violence in order to



Deceptively - simple --

The film is well directed and suspense is maintained throughout most of the story. Faye Dunaway performs well in the title role as a high-fashion photographer forced to watch the killings of friends and associates as they happen sell fashions. The story bethrough the eyes of the kilgins on the night of a gallery ler. show honouring her work. Her performance is well Before she gets ready to go supported bY the acti’% of to the show she is subjected Tommy Lee Jonesai’sPolice to the first iision of murder. Lt. Neville, and those in the Later, when she arrives at other mino6 roles. the gallery, she is told of the -One of the flaws in the death that occurred. As the story progresses, she has film is that the visions Laura Mars is subjected to are further visions, one in



. ,

in subtle Tonight is likely your last chance to see “Madame Rosa”, showing at the Odeon Hyland. Although it is far from being a film “classic”, and although the dubbing into English is distracting at best, this is a film well worth considering to see.

which she “sees” herse1f as she runs from the killer. , Lt. Neville becomes involved in the murders, and eventually takes on the’task of protecting her’. The two of them are drawn to each other and fall in love. This part of the story is handled well, and avoids becoming too melodramatic. _ The audience is also provided with a few red herrings concerning the identity of the killer. However, the red herrings have all been killed before the picture ends, and there are a few subtle hints as’ to the killer’s real identity. As in many suspense films, it is someone for whom there is little suspicion. The film is produced by Jon Peters and directed by Irvin Kershn2. The screenplay is written by John Carpenter and David Zelag Goodman, and based on the story by John Cjrpenter. Ron Sisson

Madame Rosa (Simone Signoret) is a 67 year-old ex-prostitute who survives by caring for the children of other prostitutes. Encroaching senility and a constantly diminishing’ clientele make it more than difficult for Madame Rosa to cope with her physical deterioration. Furthermore, she has a paranoiac fear of hospitals, somehow due to her experiences as a Jew imprisoned at Auschwitz. Naturally there’s more to this: Mohammed (“Momo”) is a 14 year-old boy left with Madame Rosa 11 years ago - to be brought up as a Muslim. Mohammed is Madame Rosa’s oldest charge, and, incidentally, his parents have inot paid Madame Rosa since that day. We discover later that Mohammed’s father killed his mother, and has spent the last 11 years in an insane asylum. Mohammed naturally feels displaced in his environment as a Muslim amongst Jews, as young man amongst small children and adults, and as a child without parents. He also is insecure about his height and size: Madame Ross! has chopped three years off his age to “keep

574 Lancaster



in the

Bridgeport Lounge Bluegrass



pub in the city”

In the

Ocean Queen Lounge Jazz Madison b Avenue

St. W.,


Aspen I



contrast& him young” so that he would be less eager to leave her. The adults who surround him are of little help to him: Madame Rqsa is becoming senile, the Muslim carpetmaker who has served as a guide for him is growing blind as well as senile, Madame Lola, who takes pity on Madame Rosa, is an ex-boxer and a whore who was “turned to a woman with some shots”, and Madame Rosa’s doctor disgusts Mohammed. because he refuses her death-wish - she would prefer dying to years of misery and “survival” in a hospital. Mohammed seeks help from other adults, and discovers Nadine, a film-editor (!) who befriends him. She can help him only once he “outgrows” Madame Rosa, however. Madame Rosa has her “Jewish home”, a secret room in the cellar, where she can retreat. Mohammed has no such means for escape. Mohammed’s father comes to Madame Rosa to see his son again, before he dies. He look’s quite ill when he comes to her apartment, and Mohammed takes an instant dislike to him. Madame Rosa taunts the father ,by insisting that she brought Mohammed up

as Moishe, one of the other boys, who is Jewish. The father, of course, cannot recognize Mohammed, so * he believes Madame Rosa, and the shock does him in. In this episode Mohammed learns who his parents were,’ why Madame Rosa did not tell him (his father-(. was insane), and he learns that he is really 14, not 1‘1, so the experience matures him in more than one sense. In the end. Mohammed, provides botl? for himself and Madame Rosa by rescuing l-ier from her fears in an unuk .ial and off-beat final cha! ;:?I- to this primarily low-!\ey movie. ‘:‘Madame Rosii is deceptively sim- w ple, offering far more than one can hope to digest in a single sitting. One might wonder, in fact, whether some of this is not irrelevant and confusing. I expect that it is not, but the purpose of this relriew is not to justify the entire film, merely to present some of its more ini .resting features. This deserves a healthy 0.8977 out of 20 on the James Wark*scale - don’t beat the doors down to see it, but try to catch it anyway if this sort of thing appeals to yriu. O.Fd. Nierstrasz

ting Cheech Martin and An average semi-young man leaves home to set out Tommy Chong. Ct c>h and%hong carry on his own, meets poor, deire show and deserve prived, but enterprising and the fqp th :: performance. equally semi-young singer. crc; nly c-I er character They join forces, create a Th set ,ubsta! ally waq Sgt. rock and ro.ll band and stt ;Iko (r ?d by Stacey spend the rest of their bliss:s was an exful lives shuttling between KeaLil) and travagance :’ .. show could New York and Las Vegas. Easy? Yes. Cheech and have done ~1,I ‘lout. Chong? NO! S;mple plots Man and j %dro keep it will never be so simple moving through a sequence again. Yes, “Man” (played (notice not series, direct inby Tommy Chong) does quiries to your friendly leave home. Yes, he does neighbourhood math prof) meet up with deprived (in of jokes dealing with drugs, how many ways?) “Pedro” sex, sex and drugs. What (played by Cheech Marin). more do you need for a gdod Yes, they form a rock and laugh (and they say we live roll band. Simple? No! in a decadent soci&y!)? Add one hurigry dog and -Even so, the movie does you get the best% dog-shit seem to drag on in several toke in-the movie industry. places but C and C always Add an innocent visit to succeed to pull it out in pedrocousin, Strawberry some not quite subtle way. (an un-readjusted Vietnam The plot (9 finally builds, veteran played by Tom up to a firey climax with the Skerritt) and you get de- “Battle of the Bands” as the ported. ’ building is filled with the Add a ride back across the smokey remains of the fibM,exican-U.S. border and reweed van. y6u introduce a van made of The jokes are funny, the pure marijuana plus a narcs get stoned, the bad bumbling narcotics squad guys get caught and the (not to mention six nuns) good guys take the “Battle into the plot. of the Bands” to its highest I;or that little extra, throw point. in two gorgeous girls, a Don’t miss this movie, it’s “Battle of the Bands” and worth the bills and the the best van roast west of the laughs. rockies. Don Becker If this still doesn’t sound P.S. Don’t ever attend a like a movie you’re forgetmidnight premiere.

and tragic as it was, will mean an end to music recorded under The Who name. While “Who Are You”

Who Are You It’s hard for me to review this record without turning -it into a eulogy to Keith Moon. I mean, I idolized the guy. What could be more fun than driving a car into a swimming pool? (Though I I-1 -

Pete Townshend then for this record’s problems. There are several criticisms which can be levied for against Townshend: one, his writing is below his usual high standard. Setondly, Townshend seems to 1 1 . 11

new wave band. That is, unless you consider the essence of new wave to be a return to the basics of rock. George Thorogood certainly is that. Just listening to this album, you would be sure it 111 l-







get a pot belly and roll onto the stage instead of prance? For me, Keith Moon epitomized what rock’n’roll was all about. 4 Unfortunately, “Who Are You” doesn’t have enough of Moon’s powerful, man. x1 . 1 1 iacal drumming that made much of The Who’s earlier material such a joy’to listen to. In fact, the place where . __ . one notices Moon the most is in the sadly ironic cover photo; he is sitting on a chair that has “Not to be Aaken away” written on it. In his riding outfit and whip, he is the only bandmember




_- vv~~u doesn’t look simultaneously like he’s just gotten out of bed and turned sixty-five.

One could excuse the lack of thunder and lightning drumming if there was something to take its place, but on “Who Are You”, the highlights are not numerous enough. Roger Daltrey turns in a great performance; his voice sounds genuinely angry, and John Entwistle is, as usual, competent, while contributing three of the album’s nine

(c.f. “Won’t





is a fresh and inte proach to the slide The work on this alb least as good as anything done by Clapton in his early

suited to bars, and he appears to be quite content to stay in the bars. Judging by


do is mixed down so low it ’ sounds like he comes at you becomes lost. The Who just right out of the English blues movement of (he early aren’t the same without his crashing guitar cords. f3O’s. Even with all these probThis is lean rock. Striplems, several songs do make ped to the bare bones of some sort of impression. drums and bass, the music Entwistle’s “Trick Of The is’ fleshed out only by the Light” and Townsend’s unmodified sounds of “Nckw Song” both contain George Thorogood’s guitar. some of the elements that The vocals are more notamade the Who great; ble for their intensity than “Guitar And Pen” has terrific guitar and piano along with the inspirational lines: “And you smash your guitar at the end of the bed/And you stick it together start “. ::-Wno Are playine _ aaa;m ,,ur11. ( You” ii catchy, but the AM version is more to the point than the longer one here. Entwistle’s “905” begins with the lines: Mother was an incubator Father was the contents Of a test tube in the ice box In the factory of birth My name is 905. . . The song features song appropriate synthesiser, and in light of the world’s first test tube baby, it is brilliantly satirical. While five’of the album’s nine songs can ,at least be listened to, there is nothing

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moments. The second side doesn’t match the first for excitement or quality. How-



-The Bruce Cockburn Further Adventures Of Bruce Cockburn’s ninth ’ album has all the indications of another great reProduced by cording. Eugene Martynec and directed by Finkelstein Fiedler, it features some brilliant Canadian talent and promises to continue the same excitement generated by “In the Falling Dark.”

This album falls far short of that however, and will likely join his sixth album, “Joy Will Find A Way” on my ‘seldom-play’ shelf. Even the cover design by’ Bart Schoales, the favoured designer for artistic Cockburn’s albums, displays graphics reminiscent of a late 50’s Dick Tracy cartoon. Appearing with Cock-

burn is a generous sampling of fine and familiar Canadian talent. BeverlyGlenn Copeland (who recently appeared at the UW Orientation)* Robert Boucher, Eugenk Martynec, Marty Nagler, Ronny Abramson and Brent Titcomb and Tommy Graham (appearing this Sunday at the Campus Centre Coffee House) are some of the v


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back-up musicians. It has been Cockburn’s habit in the past to include at least< one instrumental piece. While “Red Ships Take Off in The Distance” is composed and played with a masterful artistry that would m,ake a closet covet of Leo Kottke, it lacks the solid melody line SO appealingly characteristic of past efforts. “Laughter” is the best cut on this album. It has that ‘bongobouncy’ feeling of a West Indian callipso, spiced by effervescent flute breaks. , “Laughter’* is a good exCockburn’s ample of somber social comments cajoled by gentle humour. A laugh for the sun redballing Through the thermal inversion haze A laugh for the nuclear good time boys Numbering all our days, ha ha ha. . . Bruce Cockburn’s lyrics have dealt with traditional ‘folky’ themes such as na-


ture, travelling, relationships, and he is one of few international musical figures to tackle controversial mercury topics like poisoning, nuclear power

28, 1978.


religious inspiration. While I respect above all others, his musical and lyrical indulgences, I find that when his albums take on a strong religious flavour, he tends to deemphasize musical experimentation. Both “Night Vision” and -“In The Falling Dark” art’ relatively low on the ‘Jesus scale’ yet they are the strongest, most musically diverse of all his albums. Musically, Cockburn is always precise, * inventive*, bold and full of surprises but unfortunately in this album he falls short of these self-imposed standards. There are barely three cuts on the wholg album that I’d like to play often. “Further Adventures Of” may not be one of his best, but Cockburn’s dedication

and multinational control. However, it has been a to his talent and superb ar-’ reputation almost growing concern that his tistic guarantees that his next thematic scope is becoming much narrower, as album will again be a \ these issues become incitreasure. Denise Donlon dental to his attention to

under llbo

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Third Testament Film Presentation followed by Discussion October 11, IO:30 am, Humanities Theatre, “Blaise Pascal” October 11, 2:30 pm Humanities Theatre, “Fyodcr Dostoevsky”

Faculty Student Discussion Wednesday, October 11,8 pm, Math Faculty Lounge Thursday, October 12, 2:30 pm, Humanities Undergraduate


of Waterloo

The Quebec progressive rock group Harmonium played to a fairly packed gyrnnasium last Saturday evening. Approximately 1500 tickets were sold in advance according to federation president Rick Smit, but final attendance figures were not ..-I.I available at ‘press time. I _ ,,-. : .I I The band was late in arriving for the sound check ‘and as a result the doors didn’t open until 8: 15 pm. By that time a long line of concert goers had snaked its way from the Red South door of the PAC to the -Math building and back to the PAC. The concert got underway at 9:30 pm after an hour of tapes of Bach and Super-tramp.

Part of the Crowd

The feds may end up paying $800 for a grand piano that was never used. Although the contract demanded that the piano be provided at the feds’ expense, the first words of the road manager were “get the piano off of the stage.” He claimed attemcts h’ad been made to alter the contractual requirement by telephone, although 24 hours written notice is called for in the document. The UW security force unwittingly took revenge on the road manager by towing his car from the PAC courtyard. Peter Stevens


by George



’ After over a decade as Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Elliot Trudeau remains somewhat of an enigma. To judge from such sources as the Sept. 24 front page editorial of the Sunday Sun, we would conclude that Trudeau is a cowardly, arrogant and selfish leader responsible for the loss of world confidence in Canada (and hence for the continual decline of the dollar) as well as for every other conceivable economic and political ill plaguing the country. Strangely enough, despite the ousting of the-Liberals in Nova Scotia, recent polls indicate that our


leader’s nationwide popularity has dwindled only marginally,,perhaps as a result of Trudeau’s image as the only person to competently confront Quebec’s possible separation. Radwanski’s book, according to the predictable hyperbole of the dust jacket blurbs, sets out to resolve the mystery surrounding . Trudeau. - Regarded in light of the preceding publisher’s claim the book is *only a partial success, for in spite of many personal revelations, Trudeau still emerges as an intensely intellectual individual and private whom no amount of study or interview could fully describe. However, if we keep in’ mind Radwanski’s own, more modest claim that he wished merely to fill in “the serious gaps - even among those who must professionally report and assess his actions - in the knowledge of the man and his motivations,” we must admit that the biography succeeds admirably. George Radwanski, the Ottawa editor and national affairs columnist for the Financial Times, gathered his -



28, 1978.

materials from several arrogant, remote patrician for leading a soft, pampered sources: eight surprisingly and as a person of exceplife in his youth (he was revealing interviews with tional charm and sensitivbrought up in the decidedly the Prime Minister himself; ity; as the only leader who prosperous surroundings of books, essays and speechescan put Quebec in its place % Montreal’s Outremont disby and about Trudeau; and and as a Quebecer who valtrict) may be surprised by ues the welfare of his own discussions with his colhis self-financed treks in leagues, aides, relatives and province above all -else.” Europe and the Middle East even avowed political op- c In attempting to resolve and by his dedicated if ponents. such contradictions, Radsomewhat idealistic supThough he professes an wanski analyzes the actions port of the workers during admiration for his subject, and policies which have the Quebec asbestos strike Radwanski.manages to as- prompted and even perof lcF49. sess the Prime Minister ob- petuated these images, but However, we also catch jectively, even questioning he creditably avoids the occasional glimpses of insensitivity behind his deat times the motivations temptation to blame either cited by Trudeau himself the media or the public. sire for excitement and -- _.. .-_A Although Radwanski notoriety, a desire which during their interviews. It is this well informed admits that Trudeau listens manifests itself even today. Most notable of the esand non-partisan approach to and acts upon much of which sets this biography his advice, he points out capades were his presumaimpersonaapart from the savagely that the Prime Minister is bly frequent not easily convinced and tions of a stray German solpolemical and, of course, that he remains adamant dier soldier in the Quebec quite popular work by Walabout many issues, most countryside in 1944 and the ter Stewart: “Shrug: notably capital punishshooting of a pistol loaded Trudeau in Power.” Radwanski’s task is by no ment. ’ . with a blank at a prominent Such adamance has often Montrealer who as a judge means easy, for he must several caused dissension among had pronounced him the contend with his advisors and has even loser of a debate on “Gallargely contradictory pubforced some conspicuous lantry” at the University of lit images of Trudeau “as a ruthless, cold-blooded auand valuable ministers to Montreal. The most fascinating sectocrat and as a man so design, John Turner being the most evident example. tions of the book are those soft-hearted that he’ cannot Quite paradoxically, devoted to Trudeau’s relabring himself to get tough Trudeau also. has tionship and attitude to with inept ministers: as a however, Quebec, more specifically dabbler in issues and as a ‘the sort of personality to the question of separaman who, insists with exwhich inspires intense loytion. Apparently Trudeau alty in his ministers, aides cessive tenacity on finishand Levesque were divided ing anything he starts; as an and party members. All of the characteristics politically on this issue as Canadians have come to- early as Trudeau’s first expect of Trudeau have years in government. their roots in his familial As Radwanski phrases it and educational backTrudeau has been “consisa development tent in his premise that ground, militant Quebec nationRadwanski traces at great but relevant length. alism is a sterile, destrucThose who fault Trudeau tive ‘force that must be


fought and vanquished, , and that there is nothing to be gained from postponing c 0isidestepping the clashes.” The most conspicuous of these clashes was, of course, the October Crisis in 1970, when Trudeau invoked the much debated War Measures Act and refused to compromise in any way with the terrorists. Radwanski’s account of this incident reveals much that has hitherto not been”publicized and should be read by those, who over time, have come to view the invocation of the War Measures Act as a classic sumbol of Canadian state repression. To the supreme disappointment of scandal and gossip addicted readers, Radwanski dwells only briefly with Trudeau’s marriage breakup; he suggests that the real crisis in their relationship came with the election of the Parti Quebecois, an occurrence which meant to “Maggie’: that Pierre would not fulfil1 his vague promises to retire from political life. the whole On Radwanski’s biography is a commendable,effort. It may not sway many of Trudeau’s critics or do much to help him in the Spring election, but ‘it should allow readers to better understand the complexities of Trudeau’s position and personality. John Vardqn

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-P Sports Intramurals


The Waterloo Warrior Football team scored another impressive victory Saturday, defeating McMaster 29 to 6, in Hamilton. The win gives Waterloo a record of two wins and no losses in league Play*


Waterloo started the game looking tense, giving up two fumbles early in the game. However, the Warrior defense managed to hold McMaster to a single field goal.


The Warrior offense was then able to take control. Valeriote, who Steve played a stand-out game for Waterloo, returned a punt sixty yards for Waterloo’s first touch-down. Ron Kimmell followed suit with a six yard ramble for the Warrior’s second major score. The defense set up a third TD by blocking a Mat punt on the one yard line. Waterloo quarterback Craig Summerville completed the score on the next series of plays. The Warrior’s finished the l-ialf with a 22-3 lead. Waterlob their scoring


15 -



Results St. Jeromes’ Invitational Softball Tournament: The tournament took place on 1. get some friends to- the weekend of September gether. 15-17th. Due to Waterloo’s 2. come to the IM office great weather, the rain (PAC 2040)* and fill out ‘closed down Sunday. A an- entry form. total of 13 teams were en3. jog or walk at least tered, all of which showed three (3) times per week, up for their games. Shear and 1 mile each time. Force (Engineering) who 4. report to the coorlooked ‘great from the start dinator (Nancy Falls, Inwent on to win all of its 6 tramural Office) .on a gam,es defeating Conrad weekly basis on your Grebel in the finals by a team’s progress. score of 3-O. Congratulations to Shear Force and all The end result is an imthe other teams who parprovement in your cardiorespiratory fitness and a ticipated in the tournament. chance to show the other Paul Knight Golf Touruniversities that Waterloo is nament: We held the tournumber 1. ‘p oints are nament on September 22 at awarded for participation Elmira Golf and Country and mileage so let’s get the Club again and we had a total of 16 golfers participating. The best individual score was shot by Scott


Winhold with a one over par 71. Andy Bishop was a close second with a 72.: Andy .Bishop was- a close second with & 72. The overall three man score total was the team from Village 1, East 1 with a gross score of 245. Second place went to Math with a gross score of 247 and

St. Jeromes captured third and fourth places. Remember: Intramurals equals fun, play, participation, fitness, sportsmanship, activity enjoyable involvement, learning, exciting , leisure, competition, postitive . . . the , GOOD LIFE!

beat McMaster TD the third quarter. A somewhat dejected McMaster managed one more field goal towards the end of the game. With two lop-sided V~Ctories behind them, Waterloo is emerging as the power in the new, weaker league. There has been speculation that Waterloo deserved a better plalcement in the OIFC Division. Regardless of who they-play, the Warriors seem determined to’prove they can be

a winning team. The Warriors get another chance to prove this when McMaster pays a return visit on Saturday. Bill Kyle, a Warrior team member feels that if Waterloo plays up to their potential, they should better last Saturdays performance. The game starts at Seagram’s at 2:00 pm. All Warrior fans should plan to attend what should be an exciting game. Jon Shaw

THANKSGIVING ROMAN CATHOLIC LITURGY The University Catholic Parish will be celebrating its Thanksgiving Liturgy in the Theatre of the Arts at 7:30pm. on’sunday October 1st. People are invited to bring packaged food as a special offering. Both the food and fifty percent of the collection will be given to the local-catholic Social Services for distribution to those in need. All are welcome

to attend.

rounded out with another

Waterloo The Conestoga Country Club was the site of the 10th annual Waterloo invitational golf tournament, held Monday. Four universities - Wilfrid Laurier, York, Queen’s and McMaster competed with our golfers on a cool, pleasant autumn day on the fine but challenging par, 63 course.

Waterloo’s ‘A’ team of Mike Moore, Mike Parkinson, Paul Flood, Andy Smart, and Tom Elsdon took low team score; with Mike Moore shooting the low score of the day with a 66.

wins tourney called the tourney a SUCcess. We will be represented at the Ontario uni-

. -- Despite being poor hosts, golf coach John Morgenroe -

versities Guelph

championship at today. Jeff Poss


We major in taste.



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tional Fitness Challenge. This challenge runs from October 2nd until December 3rd, 1978. There are only four steps to follow:


28, 1978.

are for everyone

The Intramural Program a squash, tennis, badminton or partner, is making its move on fit- weight-training ness and the promotion of there is a “looking for a activity by offering more di- * partner system” set up in the Intramural Office room verse programs each successive term. Some of the 2040 PAC. new programs offered this Competitive Leagues fall are listed below. Women’s Volleyball: This Golf Practice Area: A nine is a new type of tournament hole practice area has been for both A and B divisions St up behind the Mennonite that has been added this fall. House, north Of Columbia It consists of a two night Fie1ds. Come Out and chip all tournament. Entry Date: own iequipment is you like Monday, October 2 4:30 pm needed. room 2d50 PAC. SchedulFlexi-Gircuit: A ,Flexiing, Policies and Rules <circuit with 12 stations has Meeting: Wednesday, Ocbeen set up in the combatober 4 7:30 pm roOm 1o83 ‘tives room for free tim-e use. PAC. League Dates: TuesIncrease your flexibility and day, October lo and l7 from stretch those tight mus,cles 7:30-10:00 pm. and move easier. This circuit can be used alone or as a WEJ3AVEBEEN warm-up/warm-down for CHALLENGED AGAIN! weight training or jogging. Carleton University (Ot Need g Partner: If you are tawa) has challenged unihaving difficulty in locating versities in Canada to a Na-







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