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News Editor Advertising Manager Production Manager Entertainment Editor Photography Editor Sports Editor Graphics Editor Prose and Poetry Editor Science Editor

Ciaran O’Donnell John W. Bast * Randy Barkman Carole Marks Ron Reey George Vasiladis Harry Warr Peter Gatis Stephen Coates

Imprint is the University of Waterloo’s student newspaper. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by the Journalism Club, a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 885-1660 or ext. 2331. Imprint is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organization of 63 papers across Canada. The paper is solely dependent on advertising revenue for funding. Imprint publishes every Thursday; mail should be addressed to “Irnprint, Campus Centre 140”. We are typeset by the Dumont Press Graphix collective; paste-up is done on campus. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380




No starships this week. No flaring banners across the depths of space proclaiming, “imprint has won the referendum.” No suns being set to nova in our honour, no entire populations of planets of the spatial Empires rising as one and congratulating us. None of that. Just a simple statement from the heart - thanks. We’ll try and justify your confidence in us. As for the starships, novas, and planetary congratulations - all that for Sylvia Hannigan, co-author of .eight-pound plus Vanessa Hannigan, now-about two weeks old. Residents on this planet with Vanessa and creators of this the last regular Imprint are Ron Reeder, Leonard Darwen, Oscar Nierstrasz, Coral Andrews, Chris Macintosh, Mary Campbell, Doug Harrison, George Vasiladis, Art Owen, Colleen Hanington, Harry Warn, Vince Catalfo, Frank Rotering, Martin McPliee, Neil Campbell, Stephen Coates, Dennis Jackson, Peter Gatis, Ciaran O’Donnell, Randy Barkman, and Sylvia, ‘natch. Warp out! Mad photographer JWB.

Letters to the editor should . life, a drama and music critic, for the biggest paper in Canada, be typed. Letters are the reand continue to consider music sponsibility of the writer, and one of my main interests in life. as such are not edited by the For instance, I played in both paper for spelling or grammar. the University of Toronto SymLetters should not exceed 700 the Wayne instead so that we, at the Union&y, anyone who would go words in length. Pseudonyms - phony orchestra, University Symphony Orversity of Waterloo, can get about getting a petition up on will not normally be allowed. chestra, had my own dance more complete information on his own behalf to keep a quesNames of organisations should band and orchestra, and have truly educational matters such tionable job has very poor be accompanied by the name(s) as Ginstein’s involvement in judgement. composed music myself. I of the author(s) since organisachose journalism as a career, al- creating the atomic bomb ’ 4: But most of all, I detect a tions do not write letters. Letthough I had special scholarwhich he urged on President note -of “grandstand” phony ters will be edited by the paper ships in music. I am in ARTS to Roosevelt. For some strange bravado on his part, trying to due to space restrictions only if pickup some credits in history. reason all the books and informake it a personal vendetta ( it is mentioned in the paper. mation, concerning Einstein’s against the board of directors of So, I talk with a little knowLetters will not be printed if push, in the early-days espe- the university ledge and background about and presumably Imprint knows it is being the subject. And I still go to cially, for the atom bomb, are its spokesman, the president. printed in another campus many concerts in and around missing from our’ university After all, what better way can publication. Letters may be reWaterloo as well as major library. A tragic neglect of his- you make a “name” for yourself jected for “good reason” if the events in Toronto, Montreal, tory! than trying to put .yourself on “good reason” is mentioned in Hamilton, New York and else3. The music that I have their level. While I generally do the paper. where to keep on top of music heard coming from concerts at not oppose his attempt to knock matters. I never miss the CanaWilfred Laurier has been quiet the board and the president Kunz incompetent dian or Metropolitan Opera, if good, and’- Kunz is not in personally, The latest gimmick that this for a just cause self-styled musician Alfred at all possible. charge. Buj the incompetent (which this isn’t) I certainly Kunz is using to make sure of a But let’s get to the University material that I have heard from think he has nroven himself to of Waterloo and what Kunz cushy job for himself at the Kunz (as a phony ‘composer’) Ibe out of that league. On second seems to be doing. or under his direction has been thought, I don’t-think I’d even University of Waterloo is the local general press. I must say 1 1. He is causing dissension very poor. So, we must ask ourlet him teach music, never on campus, when there are al- selves, even if we had the mind direct it for an entire uniam appalled at the ferocity with ready sufficient outlets for such which he is going about this. money to spend on lesser versity. He just doesn’t know music, both at the Wilfred priorities such as music is Kunz the difference between hype I doubt if he either has the Laurier University and Conrad the man to be in charge? I not and beauty, which music is. An termperament or proper control Grebel, which is a part of the of himself to be running a kinonly doubt it, but I would say essence of beauty, music or of a dergarten class, never mind an Univergity of Waterloo. unequivocally he is the worst woman, is the nuance, whether 2. I would rather see the type to have in charge of a froma great violinist like Jascha adult music ‘program at a uni$20,000 he wants put into an music program. Mainly, be- Heifeti versity. or a Johann Strauss First, let1 me say that I have effective on-line computer cause he has no understanding waltz or the Mona Lisa. of the subject at all. And sechookup with U.S. universities been a musician, most of my Glenn 1ulian







For For God sent into the world to world but to save Mark

Improper religion is harmful1 to everybody, per examble the Jones cult. It is true that the love of money is the root of all evil. I was a member of the Church of Scientology and paid 800.00 for services (advance). Scientology teaches survival through spirits or as aspirit, (Scientology Dictionary). Jesus Christ who came to desroy the works of the devil liberatedme from these spirits. I also got my money bath after alot of trouble. I realize that goups that promise salvation for money cannot be of God for then the poor would be without salvation, But I know that the salvation of Christ is free John 3 vrsl6,li’ say, For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.


not His Son condemn the it. Vander Wal Arts 3


This is to inform you that the “PS” at the end of my letter last week was not a “PS” in the most strict form of a “PS”, ie. it was not for public>ation. It was merely an explanatory note to J.W. Bast and Barkman as to the reasons why I was substituing my original letter. The fact that you printed the explanatory note seems to indicate to me that you (along with certain people in the Federation) ar attempting to descredit me perhaps because of a disagreement with my political views. I find this unfortunate and unnecessary. / J.J. Long Math

Our staff would- like to thank all those who voted in the Imprint referendum, with a special mention to the engineers who not only were giving buses a push, but pushed Imprint 10 to 1. To those who voted against the paper, we shall just have to try a little harder.

New 30.

Perplexia “x of x is y” Find x such that x of x is s) farmeit) ha



u) electric chairs In the following multiplication problem, an odd digit and E for an even d&it. product? EEO 00

0 stands for What is the

EOEO EOO ----00000 While three men slept, a prankster smeared charcoal on each of their faces. When they awoke, they all started laughing at each others misfortune, until one man stopped,

been blackened,


that his own

face must have

too. How did he realize this?

Solutions 30.

p) a permutation of permutation q) the deletion of deletion, the erasure of erasure,

r) 38. 39.


omission of omission, the vowels of vowels



etc. \ .

the line, as do all letters drawn without


If n squared equals p plus I, then p equals (n minus 1) (n plus I), so if p is prime, then n is 2. Therefore a complete list is: 4. Pour the contents of the second pail into the fifth pail and replace. H.D.L. Night







3 -

Math balks at load jSlimitations \

of-the meeting. The second About 100 math stumotion, which greatly endents watched - the larges the number of exmathematics faculty counceptions to the course load cil meeting overwhelmregulations, was tabled ingly defeat a motion to until a special meeting drastically limit course next Tuesday. loads, The motion would internal affairs have put an end to taking ~ Mathsoc director Dave Newell pre’ extra courses for credit in sented a petition containmath, except in “exceping the signatures of more tional” cases. than 900 undergrad math Heated debate on this students (about 40 percent motion and a second one like it took up almost all of those on campus).


petition protested the financial - burden placed upon students who -wish to finish a term early, the burden of proof placed upon students wishing to be an exception, and the fact that the motion would prevent students from enhancing their degree with extra credits. It described the motion as “a deplorable way of generating extra revenue,” adding that 47


percent of upper year math studen ts presently take more than a standard course load. Undergrad affairs director Peter Brillinger said that the motions had been discussed in the Standings and Promotions committee since October. He said they arose from a concern for students with medium and low-range averages, who couldn’t handle extra

courses. After Christmas, the committee of department chairmen voiced their concern for better students, who through taking extra courses might get less out of each course. Frank Tompa ofcomputer science gave several arguments for limiting course loads. He said it would mean more time was spent on each course, would encourage extracur-

Imprint wins recognition vote UW got a new student newspaper Wednesday, as every faculty on campus voted YES to a $1.75 per* term fee for Imprint. The turnout for the Imprint referendum was 18.6%; higher than the January 3 1 presidential election (15.9%), but much lower than the 38% turnout which disenfranchised the Chevron last November. The CoryphaeusKhevron had been UW’s student newspaper since 1959. Some 77 per cent of those -- voting supported Imprint. The vote was 2026 in support, 600 against. Imprint was formed March 31,1978 by Chevron staffers who had quit the paper, along with other students. It published twice during the summer and has

been published weekly since the fall term. The paper has relied solely on advertising revenue, but has accumulated a $5,000 debt. Three weeks ago, the paper became a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), an organization of 63 student newspapers across Canada. Off campus turnout in the referendum was large, as students voted 686-251 for Imprint. Imprint had mailed out a leaflet to off term co-op students at a cost of over $600. Engineering voted 10 to 1 in support of the paper. Graduate students, who will not pay the Imprint fee, also voted in favour, 42-31. The Imprint fee will be collected next September, and will be refundable in the first three weeks of term. Randy Barkman

ReferendumResults IS Arts IIKLS Science Math Ew ES Renison St. Jer. Mailout Grad Vote Total

Yes 5 128 77 168 321 404 147 5 43 686

No 2 52 12 47 111 40 38 2. 14 251

Spoiled 0 0 1 ’ 1 2 3 -3 0 1 -8





ricular activities, would reduce the number of conflicts at exams, and in letture scheduling, and would lessen complaints about workloads in class. He also claimed that students need a certain amOUht of time to reach mathematical maturitv. Another faculty member asked why math students should be “babied,” and went on to wonder whether the motions were just to reduce administrative costs and increase BIU’s. Morven Gentlleman of computer science emphasized the advantage of taking a broad range of courses, and described the proposed lim.its as drastic. However, an amendment to raise the limits to 7 courses per term for honours students was defeated. The first motion was overwhelmingly defeated - 3 faculty supported it and some 40 or 50 voted against it.

This is the scene at the Math Faculty Council meeting. The vote is on whether General course load should be limited to 3.0 and 2.5 credits respectively. photi,

the Honours


by Rdn Reeder

The motion to refer the second motion to a committee was deferred to next Tuesday, after discussion reached the time limit set for the meeting. Art Owen

‘No excuse’

Vetfmtn Although there was no health hazard resulting from the spill of radioactive material reported in last week’s Imprint, Dr. H.G. McLeod of chemistry feels there was “no excuse” for the incident. McLeod is a veteran of nuclear establishments in the US and asserted that any radioactive substance must be handled with the utmost respect. Talking about the spill, McLeod said “it tells you that whoever did this has no respect whatsoever for what they were handl-

It was Campus Day on Wednesday and hundreds of prospective students were eyeing UW. Here, future engineering students examine the mechanical engineering research labs. Photo by Vince Catalfo



ing.” tinued, it would have to be The spill was caused by a in an isolated area or a parleaky gasket in a pump titioned area of the same lab. being used for a fourth year According to Dr. E. chemical engineering proRhodes, head of the chemiject to concentrate a cal engineering departuranium mining by-merit, no decision has been product. made on continuing the proInitially, a pan was placed ject. He said his department underneath the leak to collect the waste. However, the area was roped off several days later after radiation officer safety Roger Babineau detected an abnormally high level of radiation in a routine check. A major concern in radioactive spills, McLeod The University of said, is the contamination of labs, which would affect fu- , Waterloo radiation ture experiments. A radiasafety committee was tion safety officer has established on May 1, checked the area around 1978 to regulate and this spill, however, and has control the use of found no evidence of conradioactive materials on tamination. campus. Although a definitive Before the committee analysis of the spilled matwas formed the Atomic erial has not been comEnergy Control Board pleted, both Eldorado Nuc(AECB) in Ottawa lilear Ltd. and the UW radia: cenced faculty members tion safety committee have for the use of radioacmade preliminary assesstive materials. Radiation ments. According to comsafety officer Roger mittee chairperson Hari Babineau monitored the Sharma, the two evalualabs for radiation tions both indicate that the hazards, but there was spill was not dange.rous. no on-campus agency to The committee has comco-ordinate safety matpleted a detailed report on ters. the incident to be forwarded When the committee to the Atomic Energy Conobtained licencing trol Board, the federal powers on February 1 government’s watchdog on of this year, the faculty nuclear matters. members who had preSharma said that if the viously received liexperiment were con-


is awaiting further analysis of the spilled material, and is investigating the possibility of finding more suitable space for the project. If there are too many problems, Rhodes said, the project may be dropped. Frank Rotering

Safety committee licenses radiation


cences from the AECB were briefly scrutinized by the committee and all had their licences renewed. The AECB remains the senior agency, to which the University committee is responsible. The key position of radiation safety advisor is held by Dr. Hari Sharma of the Chemistry Department. Other committee members are Dr. S. Reinis (Psychology Department), Dr. N. Milne (Chemical Engineering), N. Ozaruk (Safety), and Dr. W.E. Inniss (Biology). The leg work involved in monitoring the labs with a radiation counter is still performed by Roger Babineau.




3000 turn out


Nova Scotia students HALIFAX (CUP) - “They say cut back, we say fight back” chanted about 8,666 Nova Scotia students as’ they marched on the provincial legislature Wednesday to protest recent government funding decisions.”

Women came first


(ZNS-CUP) - Is maleness a type of birth defect? The Chicago Tribune reports that scientists investigating what determines ’ maleness and femaleness have come to the startling conclusion that nature has an almost’ overpowering tendency to want to make all babies female. The newspaper says that if it weren’t for a newly discovered molecule, called ,,the “ultimate determinant of maleness”, which is added to an embryo several weeks after conception, all babies would be girls. According to The Tribune, Dr. Stephen Wachtel of Cornell University discovered the determining male molecule. The fact that fetuses are female until the male molecule is added has been dubbed the “Eve Principle”, and is reportedly part of a major upset going on in embryology and genetics circles. The Tribune quotes one doctor as saying “It sort of makes the biblical story of creation somewhat backward: A female may have been created first.” Doctor Wachtel adds, “You can think’ of maleness as a type of birth defect. In the beginning we are all headed toward femaleness. ” r

“Freeze the fees” angry students told Progressive Conservative premier John Buchanan, who” attempted to rationalize the provincial grant his government’s grant of only a 5.5 percent increase to post-secondary institutions in the province.

“I’ll have ures”.

to check

protest the fig-

The governments of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island recently announced grant increases of




bullshit” followed most of 8.6and 8.8 percent, respecBuchanan’s statements .

“Our government has a concern for the quality of education,” Buchanan told students. “We will be very distressed if the student institutions increase fees over

tively. The premier told the crowd that Nova Scotia spent $30 million more than New, Brunswick on education. The students were later reminded that Novia Scotia has 90 percent more students than New Bruns-

the crowd where the entire federal government grant to education was being used.

Buchanan also told the students he knows “responsible” students would like

yye;;;;;;;;xplain towick:

B. J. Arsenault, chair of the Students Union of Nova Scotia, said “We’re here because education is a right. If they want to change education, they should change it properly, not kill it. To offset the pending tuition hikes, a student has to work seven weeks at minimum wage - without spending any money.“.

Team third UW’s three-man team of math wizards has placed the annual, third in North-America wide William Lowell Putnam Competition. Undergraduate students in campuses across Canada .






Participants from various sports including basketball, indoor soccer, waterpolo, volleyball, and hockey received their awards from Mathletics Directors Doug McInroy and Charlene Sam. The ball hockey team was presented with a special award from the UW intramural deparetment for being the league champions.

in math meet

It’s a fantasy game; Dungeons and Dragons. It sure isn’t checkers! Here the Dungeons master warns you that the final game is Sunday, March 18 in the Math building sponsored by Watsfic. \ Photo by Peter Bain

4 -

The Mathematics Society held its Mathletics Banquet on Monday in the Laurel Room of South Campus Hall. The banquet, which is held each semester, features a smorgasbord meal and the awarding of trophies to the outstanding participants in the various MathSoc athletic activities.


and the United States participated in the six-hour problems competition last fall. The contest consists of @wo sets of six problems written over a morning and an afternoon set on a Saturday.


The 99 year old -University of Toronto student newspaper, the Varsity, has just won autonomy from its student government. In a referendum held March l+and 15, students voted 2,822 to 831 for a separate Varsity fee and for separate incorporation. There were 661 abstentions. Both the student government (SAC) and the Varsity favored the move. The Varsity will still be funded by SAC for its centennial year.



2416 colleges compete



As we left you hanging last week, the electricity was about to be turned off at 128 Albert Street, the home of three students. They had 24 hours notice to pay the bill the landlord had not paid. Well, Murray Matthews paid it.

to earn their tuition this summ’er. “The province will gear up its student emplyment programme” he said. Chants



Geoffrey-Mess, Michael Albert and Rajiv Gupta gave UW its high score. The three students were chosen to represent the university out of about twenty students who wrote the_ test. __^The team-- must be _ selected before all the participants write it, so great care must be taken to pick the likeliest candidates for high scores. Mess is a third-year student in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Albert is a first-year Honours Math student (who plans to graduate in Pure and Applied), and Gupta is a fourth-year Pure Math and C&O student. The three got scores of 55, 46 and 37 out of a possible 120, respectively. As reflected by these scores, even low marks are high marks. Mess and Albert both received an honourable mention for placing in the top

The evening’s high point came when banquet organizer McInroy was presented with three wards. McInroy won the MVP award for broomball from his teammates. He was also presented with the Albert J. McCormick Award by last year’s winner Guy Caporicci. This award is given each year to an outstanding contribution towards intramurals at UW. McInroy was also awarded an honourary lifetime membership in the Matrh Society. McInroy thanked the crowd of 50 for their applause on his triple victory. He stated that these awards more than made up for the academic setbacks he suffered, and thanked the Mathletics participants for thier help in winning the awards. forty of the 2619 students who took part. 246 schools entered teams from the 889 colleges and universities involved. The expression “team”, however, is a bit of a misnomer, since no collaboration is allowed on the questions. Preparation for the competition was organized by Drs. Bruno Forte, professor inApplied Math, and John Lawrence in Pure Math,

Students are allowed to write the contest no more than four times. Placing first and second in the competition wkre teams from Case Western Reserve University and Washington University. The UW team ranked immediately ahead of Harvard University and the California Institute of Technology in the fourth and fifth places. Oscar M. Nierstrasz

Campus Question Steve Schumeger, CDCI east Cobourg I imagine that campus day has given us a more personal look at the UW than most of .us have had before. In our chats and observations of students, professors etc, the campus his seemed smaller and friendlier than before. I’m looking forward \ to attending in the fall.

Tracy Schueneman, London, It’s big! Very confusing.



We asked high school students visiting last campus day what they thought of UW. By Ron

Mike Hine, Agincourt H.S. T.O. Cleaner than U of T, more condensed.

Bill Nicholson, Upiveristy of Minnesota After visiting one other Canadian University I find the climate here much more conducive for academics. Certainly above the level of the vast majority of so-called ‘Universities’ in the U.S. and abroad.


Joe Tibensky, Chatham Kent S.S. Chatham People give the impression that they party ./ a lot.

Judy Walking, Toronto I was very impressed by the helpfulness and friendliness of the students and staff. I look forward to coming here! !


News African



Nationalism_ has been used by Western colonial powers to prevent the development of emerging African nations, according to political analyst John Saul of York University. Speaking to about 25 people at the opening ceremony of “Africa Weekend”, . Saul said that the key to understanding nationalism in Africa is the uneven development of capitalism as a world system. According to Saul, the world exists as economic centers (in the West) and economic peripheries in the Thrid World. The underdevelopment at the periphery can, in some cases, be more the than significant ’ ddevelopment of a capitalist class society.

has- class nature

Saul said that many Western powers realizing tried to turn this nationalism to their own advantage. He quoted the ex-governor of Ghana as “You cannot slow saying down a flood. The best you can do is keep the current within its proper channels.” Andrew Young, US ambassador to the UN was asked two years ago whether he saw the States as having to choose between neo-colonialism (black majority rule, with economic subservience) and outright support for the racist Smith regime in Rhodesia. He answered, “I don’t see even that many (choices). I think

the United States has but one option, and that is neocolonialism:” The West is aided in by national leaders who, to quote Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere, thought that “exploitation was only wrong when carried out on the masses by people of a different race.” Saul said that the conflict between the two kinds of nationalism became particularly evident in Southern Africa after the demise of Portugal’s colonialism in Angola and Mozambique. He said that the United States then made a rapidpolicy switch, from tacit support of Smith in Zim-

babwe (Rhodesia) to pressure for black majority rule.” He quoted Henry Kissinger justifying this switch to the Senate foreign relaThe tions committee. former secretary of state said “We have a stake in not having the whole continent becoming radical in a way that would be incompatible with Western interests.” Such a statement is typically Western, Saul said. When making speeches in the UN and elsewhere, governments use high sounding’ language, but “when they talk to their confreres, there’s no bullshit.” Ciaran O’Donnell


Md Brooks ’ Feds:$l.OO

Matthews approves - dimissal


5 -

High Anxiety

However, it is more likely that the middle and upper classes will perform their “historical mission” of acting as intermediaries for foreign multi-nationals.

UW president Burt Matthews has ratified the ’ “termination” of maintenance employee Frank -Rotering’s job despite requests for reinstatement from the CUPE 793 local and the Federation of Students. Rotering was fired March 2 because, he says, he lost a set of keys to Needles Hall. Matthews refused to confirm that this was the reason for Rotering’s dismissal, saying that he had “no reason” to comment on “individual cases.” He said Rotering was a “casual” employee, and could have had his employment terminated at any time. However, Rotering says he was a full-time temporary employee. Asked about this, Matthews said he didn’t know the ’ difference. “Temporary” and “casual” classifications are defined separately in the university’s personell policies. CUPE shop steward John _ Kearsley told Imprint that no-one had ever been fired in Rotering’s department, Plant Operations, for losing keys. Kearsley said that lh keys had been lost in ‘Plant Operations in 12 years. He said that a Plant Operations supervisor had recently lost a full set of keys and had not been fired. Ciarav O’Donnell




Even though the middle class leads the fight for independence in most African countries, Saul said that because of Western exploitation the struggle can take on a “anti-imperialist content.”







Enjoy them anytime.

Others: I






Housing ~-~~---~--~-II~-----




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7 -

,eg used for cotimunicati6n

Massless partic Recent laboratory detection of nutrinos - minute sub-atomic particles with some very inieresting properties -may have farreaching implications in the field of terrestrial, and even celestial, communications. This feat was achieved by a team of scientists at Western Washington University. Until now, nutrinos had been almost impossible to detect, primarily because they possess neither rest mass nor charge. The only previous success achieved at nutrino detection was with a large tank of carbon tetrachloride two miles underground in North Dakota.


One of-their most amazing properties is their ability to pass through gaseous, liquid or solid matter virtually unaffected: The team from Western Washington connected their detection equipment to a nutrino stream being emitted from the Fermi National Lab, near Chicago. Within their device a detectible Cerenkov scintillation (a radiation e of neutrons, sometimes seen in photographs of reactors as a blue haze) was produced when nutrinos collided with detection matter. Although the sensitive receivers necessary for prac-

tical communication with acceptable quality are a long way off, this experiment demonstrates their-feasibility. If and when suitable transmission equipment is developed, communication between any two points on the earth, or even elsewhere, could be facilitated. This would pave the way for economical communication with submerged submarines, presently accomplished only with extremely long waves and so expensive that the United States

presently has only one such World wide installation. television transmission,

this transmission would be unaffected by weather. Stephen W. Coates

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The Arts

But Sutherland

Connery Gene Shalit, my former, favorite, film fanatic, found the Great Train Robbery to be a ‘wpnderquite wonderful,’ ful, movie. His peers’ dubbed it the Critic’s Choice: A wonderful, quite wonderful, mistake, knowledgeable Thespians.

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’ Movies

hurts- not-so-great The Not-So-Great-Train Robbery playing at the Lyric has all the elements of a bawdy Victorian heist: frolic, farce and flair. Amidst lace collars and cuffs are Sean Connery and Donald Sutherland as two loveable, lusting, rogues who plan to plun-

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der four are the

gold keys, which key to stealing $25,000 of gold bullion on a train bound for Crimea.

Sean Connery as charmer Edward Pierce, notorious John alias Simms, is a combination of James Bond, Robin and conman Henry Gondorf from the Sting. He’s suave, but stale. smooth, Connery’s portrayal stifled and slowed the pace, but Donald Sutherland, as his bumbling muttonchopped sidekick, Agar added the pizazz and sparkle Connery lacked. He almost kills himself training for a 75-second dash from a stationary train to‘the London Bridge railway station to make wax impressions of the two keys, but Sutherland grins and says nonchalantly .“I always knew I could do it.” The first two keys are attained through skill and cunning with the aid of vivacious Miriam making


the plot pleasureable. Leslie Anne Down completes the charming trio as the classic English wench catering to Connery’s dirty work and pleasures at the same time. Each of her scenes is timed with slapstick precision, but the lady really doesn’t get a chance to strut her stuff. The director’s mistake is the audience’s misfortune. The Great Train Robbery is full of double entendres, highjinks, hilarity, and swashbuckling scenes. In a suspenseful, scenic Irish sequence as the train whizzes across the meadows and plush greenery, Connery defies bridges and howling winds as he leaps from boxcar to boxcar atop of the train, to irritated accomplice Sutherland awaiting in odd attire. The rambling rogue ruins his clothes and asks Sutherland for his.



Mendelson’s colorful costumes and Donald Sutherland’s delightful buffoonery saved this blunder. If it hadn’t been for 007’s acting sabotage, the Great Train Robbery could have stayed on the right track. Coral Andrews




of Tax






It’s Sutherland at his best as he replies: “You make me lie on a dead cat and dress me in green make-up. Oh no bloody hell. No bloody hell.” ’ Connery gets his wish. Sounds odd? It’s the how of the heist and when court asks Connery why he conceived and-executed this scandalous crime he merely mockingly replies: “I needed the money.” Connery needed the


money but the Great Train Robbery did not need his bland characterization and the audience didn’t need the yo-yo pace. Director Micheal Crichton’s novel lost some: thing in its screen translation, scriptwise, but Geoffrey Unsworth’s creative cinematography, Anthony


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and Conestoga

Thb Police d’Amour

Unlike KW’s finest, England’s The Police are What do you do after a not protectors. Their misrough day of classes? Well if sion is to spread the new you are anything like me, wave to the common peoi.e. 90% water. . ., you probple. They are perpetrators. ably lay in front of the tube, Surprisingly, they do it crack open a brownie and quite well. Their first light up a jumbo Colombo album, Outlandos d’Amour is a powerhouse rocker un, spliff of your favourite smoking substance. You like many of today’s new consider your abode to be wave records. relatively secure so you To put it in a nutshell, don’t bother to lock the their music has strong reggae overtones. The guitars door. When the room slowly begins to melt, you casually and vocals are clean, and meander over to the stereo, the bass stands out strongly. flip it on and relax. Sting’s voice, which emaAll of sudden you’re nates from somewhere near being whisked away by the his liver, is a cross between and Paul police. Only these police are Bob Marley’s not the men in blue. Rather, Simon’s. They sing about what they are Sting on bass and vocals, Stewart Copeland everybody else sings about. on drums, and Andy Sum-., -Either being in love, or falling out of love. After 25 mer on guitar.


years of rock and roll I tend to think the subject is getting a little boring. (To listen to anyway). Nonetheless, The Police hope to make their mark in history focusing on this topic. Roxanne is -a harmless love song. The same goes for Next To -You- So Lonely and Hole In My Life. They are not offensive in the sense that they can be played on CFTR (what a hideous thought) at any given time. The strongest track is Peanuts. Itbegins with a short drum lick, progresses into a weird rocky number with a screaming guitar lick and finishes with the whine of some unknown shrill-like instrument. An example of creativity*’ Outlandos d’Amour is an 11 ~. _. easy album to listen to. It’s also a great album. Drop into your local record store and get arrested. Leonard Darwen


Supertramp In America

When Crime Of The Century was released in 1975, Supertramp was heralded to be one of the best bands to emerge from the bowels of the rock world in several years. Three years and three albums later the reverse holds true. They haven’t done anything new sounding since that historic album. Breakfast In America is the same 01’ stuff recycled and repackaged. Supertramp soon may become the

Kin .Pub!

leaders in the world of depresso-rock. The trouble stems from their excellent musicianship. It seems that every song they record -must go through a series of moods. Unfortunately most of the moods they pick are too sombre. When they discover a happy mood, it is quickly changed back to its original mundane form. In the past, hype has carried the band. I’m sure the same hype will push the album near the number one spots on the charts this time ‘round. Similarily to the Blues Bros. people will flock to buy Breakfast In America solely because its “the new Supertramp album”. One glimmer of hope ‘is the song Child Of Vision. It is a carbon copy of Lady, and Dreamer, but nonetheless (I like that word) it stands out clearly. Breakfast in America means getting up at 7:30 a.m. drinking a quart of coffee, watching either the Today Show or Rocketship 7, and scurrying off to work. It’s a rutlike routine. So is Supertramp. _ Oh Well? Maybe their next release sometime in 1980 will show some-progression. They ‘11 all be a year older anyways. Leonard Darwen

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Long , John Baldry




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18th year




The Eighteenth Annual University of Waterloo Athletic Awards Banquet was held on March 15, 1979, at Bingeman Park. The evening was a success with good food and good times. The awards table was long and full of well deserved awards. The audience was plenty but not enough for the amount of the students who go to the university, I guess the myth that says only people who get the awards can go to the banquet. Maybe no one wants to have a good time for a cheap amount anymore? Waterloo had plenty of reasons to be proud at the banquet with the Swim Team regaining the CIAU crown for 3 years in a row and the Badminton Team winning the OUAA championships for the first


time. There were still. some disappointing facts such as the men’s basketball team not winning the OUAA or the western divisional championship and the rugby team not winning the OUAA. With these down, faults of our prospective champions emerged new prospective champion in future years, such as the football team coming to the ranks of playoff contenders, the girls basketball team making the OUAA finals and almost making it to the CIAU. Plus with large amount of Waterloo’s athletic teams placing top 3 in their divisions or in the OUAA. At least we know one thing for sure, that our athletic program is working or even that it is one of the best in Ontario. The results are shown year after year.


ATHENA AWARDS Basketball: Most Valuable Player: Liz Silcott. Field Hockey: Most Valuable Player: Mary Campbell. Swimming: Most Valuable Swimmer: Chris Treleaven. Volleyball: Most Valuable Player: Maureen Long. Graduating Senior Awards: Female Students who have made an outstanding contribution to athletics while at UW: Mary Campbell, Patsy Chalmers, Barb Chitovas, Sandra Ford, Cathie Hanna, Laura Hecker, Kathy Howard, Maureen Long, Mary MacKenzie, Carolyne Oughton, Karen Stewart, Bonnie Zagrodney. Director’s Award: Kathy Howard. Dean of Women’s Award: Patsy Chalmers and ?,laureen Long. WARRIOR AWARDS Basketball: Hagey-Siegfried Trophy (MVP): Seymour Hadwen, Doug Vance. Rookie of the Year: Clayt Ninham Cross Country: Bob Finlay Trophy (MVP): Paul Barron, Tom Boone. Rookie of the Year: Gary Hutchinson. Football: Dick Aldridge Award (MVP): Greg Sommerville; Doug Shuh Award (MV Lineman) ,: Cam Prange; Rookie of the Year: Frank Kosec, Scott Paisley. Golf: Len Shore Award: Tom Elsdon. Hockey: Robert E. Rafferty Award (MVP): Murray McCormick.

lb4aster of B u‘siness





13 -

Hockey: Robert E. Raffery Award (MVP): Don Langlois, Rick Nickelchok; Rookie of the Year: Ted Kewley. Rugby? Roger Downer Trophy (MVP): Murray McCormick. Soccer: Harry Cooper Memorial Trophy (MVP Luigi Circelli; Rookie of the Year (McKee-Murphy): Roland Mueller. Swimming: Dave Wilson Trophy (MVP): Alan Swanston. Track and Field: Geoffrey Dyson Trophy (MVP): Howard Saunders; Rookie of the Year: Wilf Noordermeer. Volleyball: Most Valuable Player: Cal Fair, Doug Willoughby. Water Polo: Most Valuable Player: John Saabas. Wrestling: Kurt Boese Trophy: Maldwyn Cooper. J.O. Hemphill Trophy: Student Administrator: Steve Webb. Totzke Trophy: The Totzke Trophy goes to the Male Athlete who has exhibited excellence in the field of competition and who has contributed to the overall athletic program at the University of Waterloo. The co-recipients are Seymour Hadwen and Cam Prange. Seymour Hadwen Seymour has been a star with the Basketball Warriors for four years. As a freshman, Seymour was a very valuable member of the Warriors as the team won the OUAA Championship. As a sophomore, he was winner of the Lebel Plaque which goes to the Most Outstanding Player in the OUAA Championships. In his third year with the Warriors, Seymour was named an All Canadian Player. He was the team’s leading scorer and served as Captain. In this senior year, Seymour served as Co-Captain. He emerged, once again, as the team’s leading scorer and was elected to the OUAA All Star Team once again. Cam Prange Cam has been the offensive centre- for the Football Warriors for the past five years. He has received the Doug Shuh as the Warriors’ outstanding lineman on two occasions. This year, Cam capped off his career as the Captain of the Warriors by being named to the All Canadian Team. As a result of this honour, he was named the starting centre in the Cam Am Bowl last January. The pride and dedication exhibited by Cam could be held as a model for all of us.



OUAA Championships: Badminton Team Jeff Goldsworthy, Steve Hunter, Kieth Priestman, Bill Yeates, Coach Judy McCrea. CIAU National Championship: Swimming & Diving Bruce Bain, Steve Brooks, Carl Cronin, Stuart Cross, Jerry De leeuw, Rick Frame, Brian Harvey, John Heinbach, Steve MacNeil, Stewart Martian, Eric Moffat, Steve Nenadov, John Smith, David Stonelake, Alan Swanson, Gary Thomas. Manager/trainer, Ted Schaffer and Coaches Claudia Cronin Marine Tatham. Mike Moser Recipients: Pat Brill-Edward, Ron Campbell, David Haynes, Steve Valeriote.

The Basketball Warriors narrowly missed making the Canadian playoffs, being beaten for the Ontario West spot by Windsor and losing the wild card to York. Steve Garrett is shown here pulling down a rebound in front of Wayne Allison of Windsor. Doug Vance of the Warriors looks on. Photo by Jacob Arsenault

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14 -

- The Sports Quiz 1. The NHL team in Toronto has &&three names. One is obviously “Maple Leafs”. What were the other two? 2. Whose record of most pe’nalty minutes in one game did Randy Holt recently break? 3. Who was the Leafs’ captain before Dave Keon? 4. Who was the last Leaf to win the Calder Trophy (rookie of the year)? 5. What goalie did the Leafs send to Philadelphia in 1970 in exchange for Bernie Parent? 6. Who threw Bernie Parent’s mask into the crowd at Madison Sqaure Gardens in the 1971 playoffs? 7. Since 1967, how many times have the Leafs mis- sed the playoffs? 8. With what team did these ex-Leafs end their pro careers? b) Bob Pulford a) Frank Mahovlich -


1: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

St. Patricks, Arenas Jim Dorey George Armstrong Brit Selby Bruce Gamble Vic Hadfield 7. Twice 8. a) Birmingham Bulls b) L.A. Kings



I-M Floor


champiosh$p Wrap-Up


Two exciting championship games took place on March 15 .at zeagram Stadium. The A league final was won by a team which never lost a game all season. That team, composed mostly of grad students, are known as the Oldtimers. They had goals by Chambers with 3, Danis with a couple and singles by Clarke and Smith. The losers, 4B Elect, got a strong game frog Playford who scored twice while Wilson - added a single. The final score was Oldtimers 7, 4B Elect 3. In the B league final, setond ranked Math’s Dead Ringers upset the number 1 seeded Screaming Yaks by a score of 4-2. The game was

extremely well played entailing few penalties and excellent refereeing. Scoring for Math was Nosckiewicz and Martin with two each, Hyslop and Hennig scored for the Screaming Yaks. Peter Hopkins was on hand to present the trophies to both the A and B league champions. Congratulations to both winners and all other teams and players who participated. A personal thankyou to the organizers who worked extremely hard throughout the season.

Men’s leyball

Competitive Tournament




Wanderers exhibition


Twenty-four+ teams entered the tournament played Tuesday, evening March 13. .A total of 56

The Waterloo Women’s Ice Hockey Team played two exhibition games last weekend against teams that

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The food is terrific. Katimavik will pay your living and travel expenses. Living conditions are basic but comfortable and you’ll do your own cooking. (There’s never any complaints about the food!) In addition, you’ll receive a dollar a day spending money, plus $1,000. at the end of the project. There me four project da&es to choose from with the following starting and application deadline dates. June 13th. (Application


games were played. After a Tetley T. Folks downed Lost seeding of 3 games per Cause (St. Jeromes) to win team, 4 leagues A, B, C and the B-league championship. D were established based on The Virtual Machine lost to team performance in the the Meatballs in the C preliminary rounds. league championships. The 71n A league Georges D league final game saw 2 Giants (last years champs) St. Jeromes teams duel for de_Seated the Wizards to the title. St. Jeromes C declaim the title bnce again. _.feated the Bang Gang.

win games they had met earlier in the season. Again, Waterloo emerged victorious with a 7-O win over Guelph and a 2-1 squeaker over Tillsonburg. On Friday, the Wanderers travelled to Wellesley with eight players to meet the Guelph Sihi team. Waterloo outskated and outshot the Guelph team, and Jane Larkworthy emerged from semiretirement to lead the Wanderers with her three harddriving goals. Barbara Campbell played an excellent skating game and popped two goals, and Mary Campbell and Donna Smith got one goal each. There were no set lines, and most players got a chance to play every position because of the lack of personnel due to studying (??) . Every player got at least one point, except for goalie Bubbles Preston. The shutout was one of many great ones this season for the hard-working Preston. On Sunday, the Wanderers travelled to Tillsonburg, met up with a much more aggressive team and pulled off a victory by a score of only 2-1. This game did not involve the best effort that Waterloo has mustered. They outshot the Tillsonburg team but could not put the final touch on their attacks. Waterloo scored first on an unassisted goal by Jane Larkworthy, who connected with a risingshot from the slot. Tillsonburg tied the game - up at the end of the second period, and it was not until the end of the game that Barbara Campbell got the big winning goal. She scooted in on right wing, pulled a few dekes, and put the accurate shot on net. She was assisted by Cathy Cumming. A refreshing thought on the game is the emerging playmaking of Val Dykes. She has improved her play every time she has stepped on the ice, and this was again the case on Sunday, as she played a hard hitting and strong positional game. Next game for the Wanderers is this Friday at 7 P.M. in Wellesley against the Plattsville Raiders. The Wanderers have lost thier past two games against this team only by one goal both times. So, it is time to beat them! -sport-

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Association of Student Council& (Canada) UW engineers netted about $2,500 in their push for Big Sisters last Saturday. engineers pushed a Gray Coach bus 6.5 kilometres, from South Campus Hall to The pushers, accompanied by the (unabrewiated) Plumbers Hard Hat Band Tool collected about $225 in donations from bystanders along the route. This netted more money than the previous two years combined. Photo

by John



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