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Editor News Editor Advertising Manager Sports Editor Photography Editor Graphics Editor Features Editor Science Editor Entertainment Editor Prose arid Poetry Editor

Randy Barkman Ciaran O’Donnell John W. Bast Palm0 Venneri Vince Catalfo Hah Warr John Rebstock Bernie Roehl Lori Famham Jennifer Edmonds

Imprintis the University of Waterloo’s student newspaper. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by the Journalism Club a club within the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 885-1660 or ext. 2331. Imprint is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organization of 63 papers across Canada. The paper publishes every second week in the Spring term; mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre 140.” We are typeset by the Dumont Press Graphix collective; paste-up is done on campus. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380.



15, 1979.


2 -

It’s summer again, and the traditional debate is raging. . . summer students wail that it’s terrible studying in June (especially now, during midterms), and the poor fools who have to .work scream that they’d rather be hitting the books any time than sweating away in some factory or restaurant or boring office . . . I think we should all be sitting out by the river, playing guitars and enjoying the summer, which is so terribly short here. . . other, reflections . . . John Wayne is dead, the end of an era. . . John W. Bast is furious because there are no space fantasies in this masthed . . . and I will now introduce you to the real stars of this story: Prabhakar Ragde, Jennifer Edmonds, Haig Baronikian, John Rebstock, Sylvia Hannigan, Palmo Venneri, Brigid Rowe, Peter) Sawris (missed out last week, mille Randy Barkman, regrets), John Heimbecker (ditto, deux mille regrets), Jim Doyle, Rick Laidlaw, Vivian Neal, Frank:Morison, Bernie Roehl, Phil ’ Weller, Oscar Nierstrasz (ubiquitous is the only word that fits), Don Becker, Mark McGuire, Tom Boone, Coral Andrews, Michael Longfield, Sean Sloane, jwb, John Soules (who did the absolutely stunning fabulous cover graphic) and me. . . mad, \ industrious, and praying for OSAP . . . Lori Farnham.

Classified If you wish to place a classified ad in Imprint, either visit US in our office (Campus Centre, Room 140) or mail us your ad with money enclosed. Cost is $1.00 minimum for 20 words and 5 cents a word thereafter.

Typing typist, essays, Experienced reports, ‘theses, etc. No- math papers. Westmount area. Keasonable rates. Call 743-3342.

Lost Texas Instruments TI-58 calculator serial number 8902961. If found phone Jim 8866159.

Join the Imprint and cover the



of the week!

i I


1972 350 Kawasaki. Recently tuned up and is in great condition. $500. 2 helmets included. Phone 886-8326. 9 Accommodation


Available In comfortable home - use of all appliances and outdoor pool. Half double room for male. Near universities. Free parking. 885-1664. and Poetry


The Imprint en&rages letters ‘to the paper. Letters should be typed, double-spaced, on a 64 character line, addres!ed to “The Journalism Club, CC 140.” Please include your telephone number, name and faculty. Letters should not exceed 700 words,

One year ago today, Imprint first appeared on campus. A lot has happened since we published from the SciSoc office and the Federation orientation tent. From an alternative paper we became UW’s recognised student newspaper. This was the first time in Canada that an already established student newspa‘per had been supplanted by an alternative. We also became members of the Canadian University Press, an organisation providing an- invaluable exchange of information. Imprint is now incorporating under the name “Imprint Publications, University of Waterloo”. With this, we will become a great example of a student paper autonomous of the student government. Student funding will start in September, enabling us to pay off a large sum we will owe the Federation for a $16,000 typesetter that should be instalied this month. As always, Imprint stresses student involvement. As a free press paper, Imprint welcomes a wide variety of student opinion andideas. Working on your student newspaper can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.


1970 Datsun 510 wagon. Good running condition, certifiable. $450.00 or best offer. Call 884-0864.

Imprint is looking for submissions of student prose and poetry for our upcoming orientation issue. If you are feeling creative, or if you have created in the past, then submit your material for publication. Short stories, humour, all types of poetry, graphics and artwork - all is welcome. You don’t have to be in arts to write. Right? Send submissions to the Imprint office, either in person or through on-campus (or offcampus) mail. There is an on-campus mail box at the turnkey desk in the Campus Centre. Didn’t Harold Robbins start this way?


A lot can happen in a year



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Imprint ,.staff meeting! \ 4:00 PM Monday, June 18th


Because of a disagreement over rental fees, the societies on campus have decided to boycott the South Campus Hall for all of including their events, dances and pubs. SciSoc, EngSoc, MathSoc and the Geography Association endorsed the decision, made at BENT’s May 2 meeting. William Deeks, director of the Administrative Grout, was informed of the decision Wednesday. Mark Mc(luire, Federation president, said that he and Denise Donlon, entertainment programmer (who is attending a conference and was not available- for comment), had a meeting with Deeks to discuss the $150 fee groups have to pay to rent the South Campus Hall for a night. and McGuire Donlon argued that since any group that rents the hall also has to pay for all operating costs (cleanup, bar services and security), the rental fee is “unnecessary”, merely providing more cash for the administration. They asked for an end to the rental fee, or at least a reduction. Donlon provided figures showing that the last three pubs held at the Waterloo Motor Inn lost $720.54, while the three held at the South Campus .Hall lost $2000. The Waterloo Motor Inn charees no rental fee, no

cleanup, and -does not require that members of its staff be present. Deeks countered that since Bent’ was making a profit, it could “afford to pay the rent, ” McGuire said. Deeks suggested a reduced rent and “other financial considerations” for the administration. The societies feel that all

extra charges are u’nnecessary, and say that unless the administration “meets or betters” the deal offered by the Waterloo Motor Inn, they will no longer use the South Campus Hall. The societies and BENT are in a good bargaining position because they have the alternative of dealing with the Waterloo Motor

Inn, McGuire said, but they would like to schedule more on-campus events if possible. Donlon was planning a series of weekly South Campus Hall pubs for the fall before she heard that the rental fee would not be done away with, McGuire said. . McGuire and Donlon plan to meet again with Deeks to


look for another solution. Asked about his reaction to the boycott, administrative group director Deeks said he was “surprised and disappointed,” particularly since he had not been told of the boycott until receiving official notice Wednesday. Deeks said that his decision will “in no way” affect his dealings with the Feder-

15, 1979.



ation or the societies in the future. Asked if he will agree to eliminating the rental fee, Deeks said he is “prepared to discuss the matter” with McGuire and Donlon. “I’m just as interested as they are in having the students come back on campus,” he said. Lori Farnham

.OFS formulates strategy Briefs on the legal protection given to tenants in campus residences, and the implications of the merging of the Ministries of Education and Colleges & Universities, two major topics of concernsto the Ontario FedeI'atiOn Of Students, WeI% presented to committees of the provincial legislature by student representatives two weeks ago. President Federation Mark McGuire, as well as other student reps from throughout the province, was present on Thursday, June 7 when Chris McKillop, OFS Chairperson presented a brief to the Standing General Government Committee. The brief was in regard to a major new bill, The Residential Tenancies Act. The

bill, which revises and under either the Landlord & has fared little better than the norm - the range of brings together the ResidenTenant Act or the Rent annual rent increases at the tial Premises Rent Review Review Act. various residences has been Act, a section of the Diana Clark, Legal 3.5 to 10.3%, still Innkeepers Act, and the Resources co-ordinator has from higher than the 6% perfourth Part of the Landlord received complaints that mitted- to other landlords and Tenant ,Act, is meant to rooms at the Villages have clarify the legal processes been entered by ‘residence under Rent Review. The other presentation involving rental matters. It dons and wardens (faculty was made by McGuire to the would establish the Resimembers associated with Standing Administration of dential Tenancy Commisthe residences). This would sion, to handle general be illegal if residences were Justice Committee last Friday. landlord-tenant issues and under the Act. The eight-page brief was rent review. Charging four months’ one of many made by OFS McGuire feels that the rent in advance, which is regarding the most significant change the practice at the uw Viimembers planned merger of the proposed by the bill is the lages wou1d a1so be i11ega1 if Ministry of Colleges & Uniextension to boarders of the residences were under the versities with the Ministry legal rights now given to act of Education. ’ tenants, OFS’majorconcern The Ontario Council of A workshop conducted at is that student residences be Universities lobbied hard in the May28 - June 1 OF’S conincluded in the act, just as ference held at Thunder Bay June 1976 to have residenboarding houses are to be. of ties exempted from the Rent served to formulate much of Presently; residents the strategy that has been student residences are not Review Act. Their success was followed by substantial used by the province’s variafforded legal protection ous student organisations rent increases in the followwhen making the presentaing year: 15% at Carleton, and 18% at Brock led the tions. list with a, provincial.averWhen asked what that 10%. strategy was, age of about McGuire “OFS sees the Increases have stayed replied: - close to that level in the J ‘merger as an opportunity to last two annual periods present our concerns on the province-wide. Waterloo broader issues of post-

No quorum, but..

secondary education. We want to take advantage of their attention while we still have it.” “Basically, we feel that they should spendless time on internal reorganisation and more time defining the problems - for example, accessibility and quality,,” said McGuire. “Whenever the government publishes a f paper or a report such as the Plan of Organisation for the impending merger, they state that their goal is to ensure universal accessibil. ity to high-quality postsecondary education, but until they address this goal outright, it’s just so many words on a page." The merger has apparently already been undertaken as far as possible without legislative assent. Because the government is hoping to receive as many submissions as, possible from student groups, as well as parent and teacher groups and administrators, no decision is expected for quite some time. John Heimbecker



Council holdsthe fort y The eight student councillors who showed up for the- June 3rd meeting approved a tripling of the premium for the supplemental health care plan, at the same time reducing the value of benefits slightly. _

Numerous OPP and Regional police kept watch as approximately 1500 demonstrators protested the building of the Darlington Nuclear power station, slated to be the largest nuclear plant in the world when -completed late in the next decade. The protest was organized by the Greenpeace organization and the Ontario Non-Nuclear Network and coincided with the international anti-nuclear day. The march was used to publicize the fact that no environmental assessment has been made and that Ontario Hydro has been irresponsible in not allowing free access to information concerning the safety of the plant itself as well as any disposal methods. Photo by Randy Hannigan

This was the result of a chain of events which began in April when Confederation Life, the insurer, informed the federation’s its insurance agent of assessment of the increased premium. In justification of this increase Confederation Life presented figures showing that in the first seven months of the plan from September 1978 to March 1979 incurred claims totalled $189,037, -while premiums came to only $59,916. As a result the company is demanding a new rate of $6.24 per term. Federation President Mark McGuire reacted to the proposed fee increase by exploring ways to reduce the premium increase. Information from Confederation Life indicated that claims were equally split between vision care and drugs. Confederation Life

quoted a series of lower premiums for a number of reduced benefit packages, including elimination of free glasses, changing to one pair of glasses every four years, increasing the deductible amount of drug prescriptions to $2.00 (it is currently $1.60) and having a $25.00 per year deductible maximum on prescription drugs.

for a smaller benefits package. Fifteen-different firms were contacted when the UW plan was put in place last year.. When this information was presented to the nonquorum council meeting those present unaminously agreed that the plan should remain basically the same and accepted the premium increase. McGuire and Diana Clarke, Board of EduThe cost of these options cation chairperson b made ranged from no immediate the final decision later to change in the higher Pre- reduce the vision benefit to mium for increasing the an allowance of one pair of period between glasses to glasses every forir years, takfour years, to a premium of ing into account comments $1.06 per term for a plan by made at the meeting. The eliminating




and raising the deductible port-ion to $25.00 per year for prescription drugs. No effort was made to seek quotes from other companies. According to McGuire this was because the plan still compared favorably with other plans, and that the OFS had recently found that Confederation Life gave the best deal for a proposed plan for all OFS members. Again according to McGuire, Guelph students pay more






of reducing premium increases. In ‘other business, the eight councillors heard reports from delegates to recent OFS and NUS conferences, and were informed of the filling of a number of Federation positions. Les Lowcock was appointed Vice-chtiirman of the Board of Publications, John W. Bast was appointed Handbook editor and Peter McDonald has been hired as a researcher for the summer. Frank Morison






With 13.53 first year .positions to fill, Conestoga Callege has had 4550 applications this year. Ontario community colleges have had applications from over 55,000 people with 40,000 first year positions. Space is becoming a problem. Conestoga president Ken Hunter has asked UW President Burt Matthews if there was any space available at UW. Burt replied The provincial government isn’t in the negative. as they rejected Coqestoga’s helping out either, request for an extra $5 million to build for a,>ther 400 students. The K-W Record’s solution, which appeared in their June 12 editorial, was to “have the colleges ‘contract out’ some of their ‘surplus’ stu. dents” to universities.





If you are a Max Webster fan, forget the Federation’s planned an’d advertised concerts on July 4 in Humanities Theatre. They are cancelled. Like Dan Hill before Webster, Max has become too big and too expensive to play small theatres and therefore, cancelled. Also, the Humanities Theatre cancelled out for the night Webster was to appear.’ The Cooper Brothers also cancelled for the Federation’s last pub at the Waterloo Motor Inn. The lead singer’s wife was having a baby. Massachusetts replaced the band to a poor turnout of about 100 people. More losses for Bent. Other cancellations include the Federation’s Bus Trips to Ontario Place: Blood Sweat and Tears, Jerry Jeff W a lk er, (who actually cancelled out on Ontario Place), and Downchild Blues Band. A maximum of five tickets were bought; the Feds need . at least ‘thirty tickets sold per trip.




For The


At its general meeting on Thursday May 31, the Indian Students Association (INDSA) outlined its program for the Summer to the IO members present. The highlights are an Indian Dinner planned for Saturday June 16 and an Indian movie scheduled for July 7. INDSA wants to encourage more participation in its activities and will arrange weekend sports such as field hockey, cricket and indoor games for its members. INDSA presently hosts a weekly] radio program featuring Indian music on Radio Waterloo on Saturdays from 10 ‘- 11 am. Amendments to the constitution were also approved at the general meeting. .



to Bimetallic


The Ontario Experience ‘79 work program is said to employ 13,610 young people in the province at a cost of $19.5 million. The program has hired at least 49 UW students mostly for work under the ministry of energy and the Environment. UW students will be doing various work from studying diesel exhaust, to investigating endangered species such as the carrier pigeon, to constructing an earth-sheltered dwelling, to surveying the herpet-fauna of the Waterloo Region, to the promotion of water and energy conservation, to from water by bimetallic generating hydrogen catalysts.


with a fkiend”



Faced with the prospect of a serious water supply problem in the future, the Ministry of Environment and the regional municipality of Waterloo are taking steps to inform residents of the situation and to develop conscious“conservation ness” amoung households and industries in Waterloo to help alleviate the problem. One such step is the establishmentzof a Water Conservation Centre at the University of Waterloo. This centre is the only one of its kind in the middle of a fresh water field and has its roots in the Environmental Studies Department at UW, where students have been investigating and doing research papers on water conservation as part of their degree program. Last Summer some students in ES received a Young Canada Works grant to do research in the field of water conservation and this year have obtained an Experience ‘79 grant for nine people and $5,000 from the regional municipality of Waterloo to continue this research. At present, the region relies on unchlorinated ground water from wells as the prime source of water. However, to meet future development of needs, additional supplies will be necessary. Several proposc




als have been outlined to increase the availability of a water, for example, pipeline from Lake Erie, a -dam at West Montrose or an artificial recharge scheme where water is taken from the Grand River, chemically treated and placed in wells. Implementation of these schemes is costly and has environmental drawbacks - a dam at West Montrose will flood and destroy good farm-land and construction of pipeline will alter the environment. The Water Conservation Centre at UW wants to delay implementation of these schemes to allow for more consideration of the alternatives and publicity about water conservation, says Karen Bailey, Media Correspondent at the Centre. The Centre wants t0 change publit consciousness regarding water conservation to avoid situations like that which occurred last summer when water supply in the rigion reached a critical level and a ban was imposed on lawn watering. Also, water conthe servation increases amount of water available increased for meeting demand and can minimize the need to develop new expensive sources of water. The Centre has a special , “Bottle Program” to analyze the effectiveness of various water-saving devices and techniques which can be ‘I

At Thunder


From May 28 to June 1, the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) worked out its program for the next year. They decided to challenge the P.S. Ross report with a card campaign expressing opposition to the report as devised first by UW’s Federation of Students. The Federation’s Board of Education Chairperson Diana Clarke was elected OFS Treasurer at the meeting held at Lakehead University.

used in the home. Since the toilet is the largest culprit of water waste, using on the average six gallons per flush and accounting for 43 percent of total residential water use, the Bottle Program is investigating the effectiveness of two watersaving devices for the toilet, the “aqua-saver” and the water displacer. The aqua-saver Operates to prematurely close the valve flush while the water displacer is merely a plastic bottle which-is placed in the tank and displacesor saves its volume in water. These devices were installed in several departments and residences in KW during 1975 and 1978 and will be examined this year to determine their effectiveness. It is estimated that the aquasaver can cut a household water bill by as much as 25 percent. Showers and baths account for 29 percent of residential water use and the Centre has some simple suggestions: conserving, take a shower instead of a bath since less water will be used this way; don’t leave the tap running while YOU shave or brush your teeth as much as five gallons a minute can go down the drain if a tap is left running. “Shower with a friend” is another alternative. These measures are simple to implement and the savings can be enormous over thousands of households. The Water Conservation Centre believes that conservation can be promoted by changing the water rate structure so that households who use less water receive a reduction on their water bills. A special group is

looking into alternative rate structures for the region. At present in Kitchener and Cambridge, COnSUmerS who use large amounts of water pay less per unit of water than those who use small amounts. In Waterloo , a uniform rate structure is employed. The Centre feels that neither of these schemes provide incentive to conserve water and that small users end up subsidizing large water users. They suggest that an “increasing block’ rate” where large water users pay more per unit than small users or an “excess use scharge” where consumers who use exorbitant ‘amounts of water receive a heavy charge, would provide better incentives for water conserva tion A research and thesis essay by Judi

by Vince


Wendy Yowching 3A Math No, but I think most of them are good events - they usually bring down good people. I just have other interests that I prefer to go to.

Dave McBath Electrical Engineering When was the last Federation was studying for an exam.

3A event? Oh! I

Adrian Visenti 3A Physics It’s just a matter of either having the time to go or how much interest I have in the particular event or both. It does seem though, that a lot of Federation events don’t attract my interest.

Michael .3A C.S.



honours. Gold






group at the Centre is attempting to educate consumers about the need for water conservation and water saving techniques. They will be sending out a newsletter to households with their water bills and holding a manned display at Waterloo Square and Fairview Park Mall in July. They hope the commercial media will respond favourably to their program. “If the media don’t accept the idea of water conservation” said Karen Bailey, “no one will”. Brigid Rowe

Herman (Math)

Has the Federation campus events?


the Department of Geography at UW on “The Effect of Water Rate Structures on Water Conservation,, bearing several recommendations has been sent rto Mayors and City Councils . . . and industries In the region by the Centre for their com-

Campus QUestion Do you go to Federation events?’ Why (if no). Is there any I. improvement you would like to see?





Yes, I go to a few Fed events. The improvement that I feel would benefit the best would be an increase in the quality of enterainment that is provided by the fed pubs.




Failure rate drops with higher .calibre students

withdraw from the progA recent study of failure rates in various faculties ram. Approximately 1,49/o reveals that there are basic / of the students in the faculty differences in the ways “in were deemed to be in this which these statistics are position according to the most available kept. recently The Faculty of’ Engineerstatistics. An additional 9.2% of the ing maintains statistics on b

FACULTY 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974


IB 11.6 17.7 24.1 23.1 28.9

3A 11.9 10.0 10.8 10.6 5.4

2A 19.1 20.2 18.5 18.9 20.2

2B" 10.8 10.8 12.1 10.5 . 13.4

RATES 3B 1.5 4.3 4.5 2.9 3.8


BICYCLEWtiEELS New Rims - New Spokes Rebuilt Hubs 27x1 Y4

Front 12.95

Rear 14.95

A chance to change those bothersome wheels at low

students are listed as having “prqgress to date below ._ programme requirements,” while an additonal6% were’ “required to show improvement” or had a “deferred decision.”

According to Dr. G.A. Griffin, Dean of Arts, the

Waterloo’s . downtown disco -

48 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2

Open 9 - 9 Mon. - Sat. Noon - 6 Sunday Local prescriptions delivered


Special ‘15% food Discount for Students, Faculty and staff of WLU, U of W and Conestoga College ‘on all regular meals, featuring . Alaskan King Crab, Lobster, Teriyaki chicken, and ~ choic’e steaks


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new sound equipment and a top light show!. No covercharge side entrance to City Hotel (on Herbert St.) .



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Build your own sandwich Mon. - -Friday 12 - 4 in the Extension I $2.95 for all you can eat! Relax with your friends from 4-7 in sThe Extension \


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4A 3.7 1.9 0.8 1.6 0.3



6 Y

failures in the Arts Faculty. We would have to do a computer search of the historical student-data tapes we’d have to get somebody to write the program to do the search. There’s no real interest and it would take time and cost money.” Integrated studies, by its very nature, does not have statistics on failure rates. In additon, figures were not available at press time from Environmental Studies or from HKLS.

The Faculty of Science did not have any detailed statistics on hand, though Dean of Science Doreen Brisbin estimates the overall -: failure rate at approximately 12 % .





4 the percentage of students who fail a given term in a given year (see accompanying chart). As is clear from the table, the term with the peak failure rate is gradually moving upwards (from the lb to the 2a term) while the average failure rate is dropping. In 1976 this figure was 9.$1%, while in 1977 it was down to 8.75% and by 1978 had fallen ever further to 8.0%. Recent estimates place the current rate even lower than this. This falling-off in the failure rate is seen as a positive sign by EngSoc-A President Paul Johnson. “The failure rate has dropped very rapidly over the last few years. We’re raising the standards of admission, ahd so we’ll end up with a higher caliber of student. This will substa’ntially reduce the failure rate in the Faculty of Engineering. “Essentially we’re raising the grade 13 average requirement, which is the only real requirement we can place on admissions. Ideally we could use some other criterion, but secondary school average is all we have to go on.” In Engineering, no attempt is made to adjust or bell-curve the resu,lts prior to their submission to the Registrar. Thus it is possible for a particular class to have a high failure rate in a given course. High failure rates in one or more key courses could produce a high failure rate for the term. The Faculty of Mathematics does not maintain records of failure rates as such, but does have information concerning the status of students within the program. The student may fail a certain maximum number of courses, after which he/she is required to

15, 1979.

468 Albert St. Waterloo (Parkdale Plaqa)

Arts faculty does not maintain failure rate statistics. “I’ve been in the job a year now and I’ve never seen statistics like that.” “To the best of my knowledge we have never examined the percentage of


IA 4.7 5.2 5.3 0.3 0.5



790 PM


by Henry IV. I% will r~v~~we~ next issue.

SQPrw af the



L i





It’s a love story with a difference. Set in picturesque Paris, Verona and Venice, Diane Lane and new-comer Theolonious Bernard, as the impetuous two Young lovers not only make the movie extraordinary, but believable. They are a modern-day Romeo and

young &d .young-at-heart have joyfully been invited to accompany the charming Mr. Olivier for a -Little Romance. A little originality, and a little creative genius, make a Little Romance, at Fairview Cinema, lots of entertainment .

Juliet sharing a lover’s fantasy yet realizing reality. Diane Lane is refreshing and vibrant as Lauren, an atypical 1%year-old going on 27, living in a world of dreams wanting desperately to escape the ho-hum existence with her mother, a flighty socialite (Sally Kellerman) and _her wishywashy third father, a computer executive played by Arthur Hill. Lauren’s -wildest desires are answered when she meets and falls head over loafers for Daniel, the perfect 1 %year-old French gentleman and wit played with elegance. and irresistible charm by Thelonious Bernard. Together the two devise a plan to run away to Venice, freedom, and fantasy, by a computerized plot to play the races. With the gallant Julius (Olivier) as their sophisticated chaperone, the uhorthodo7 trio take to a road of adventure, daring and fun, to find the Bridge of Sighs and fulfil1 Lauren’s wish of wishes. Of course, to find this out, zeee must see YOU movieeee, mes amis. George Roy Hill (World of


An Elegant



Jiine20-23 / &M

if the Arts

U VV The&e

Ticketsat UWAtts Centre SP Wed diihu 8Z?fii&Sat: \ ($l?cmd 82? for members of UW Student Federation’)’ Sponsored by the UW Creative Arts Board * ! h I a

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7 nightsa





served from ,6:00 - 8:00 PM Bingeman’ s Bavarian Chic ken Id Roast Pork and dressing

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PM Dancing






15, 1979.


8 ,-

a lougs _%. fantasy


Faux pas, silver screen. You should have given Monsieur Olivier the chance to entertain with such delight, years ago. The master of theatre is brilliant yet bubbly as the elderly and eccentric cohort of comedy and cunning. On this Parisian rqmp, audiences




Henry Orient) has added sparkle and charm handling the youthful stars with grace and credibility every step of the journey. It makes you believe young people really can have true feelings for each other, and Hill makes puppy love obsolete, with his insight and imagination into this delicate topic. Bernard and Lane make it real, through frank and realistic dialogue. During the Flosing scene Daniel is every bit a man of the world.

‘Escam’rirEicdous 1

The patriot, the professor, the comic, the stripper were fighting for what they believed in . . . getting rich! Egad, I’m going to be sick. Sir Lew Grade Productions, which seems to produce unlimited numbers of slick flicks, has come up with another moneymaking scheme z called Escape to Athena. With a second-rate cast and a silly have adventure, they assaulted our minds again. Escape to Athena takes



“&&c a&d@ Sati~featkva an4u19s~" Repair service for makes of machines Typewriter& rentals %A including IBM Selectrics


5 Manitou


“I don’t want us to be like everyone else, I don’t want us to be. But I want you to remember every detail and our time together,” he tells Lauren. There are no tears, and no regrets, between them. Just respect and laughter, adventure, and love. Mr. Olivier, although his role is minimal, is just the icing on the cake. ’ If you like Paris, love, a little doubledealing, gondolas and a lot of laughs, you’ll love a /Little Romance. Coral Andre&



-place somewhere in the Greek islands during the Nazi occupation of 1944. The local Nazi . stalag employs the POW’S on an archeological site, containifig artifacts dating back to the Byzantine* Empire. But the prisoners know that the real treasures are up in the monastery on Mt. Athena. As for the quaint peasant village, the Greek resistance, located in a brothel, is headed up by patriot Telly Savalas, who doesn’t care one whit about precious pottery. I sat through a half hour of innumerable movie plugs for this? Predictably, the villagers and prisoners engineer an improbabie * uprising against the’ Nazi domination. Included in ,this ‘escape’ is a ridiculous motorcycle chase through the narrow streets of the village, involving an anachronistic comic, played by the over-rate4 Elliot Gould. Of course, the Greeks are successful and the greedy little eyes of the liberated POW’S are turned upon the fabulous treasures of Athe‘na, since “someone’s gonna take them, anyway.” The film was silly enough, to begin with, but the ‘coup de grace’ was no doubt the revelation of the secret German weapon. Out pops a big black missile followed by, this is the truth, marching, chrome-faced Nazis. What were they? Robots? Disfigured soldiers? Embarrassed producers? As for the cast, the names are larger than the talent. Roger Moore is fine as James Bond, but he brought practically the same character to this film. Stefanie Powers is not ready for anything beyond Walt Disney, and Sonny Bono (yes, Sonny Bono) is not ready for anything. An exception to the rule is David Niven, but his part was too small to affect the movie. One . of the film’s few assets was the on location shooting of most of the scenes. Two or three soaring aerial views highlighted the picturesque Greek islands. Escape to Athena is a movie that follows the box office: a slew of known names, a little action, a lot of death (all Nazis, of course) and a snazzy title. Well, I got caught. Michael Longfield






It’s always a bad sign when the author’s name on a book is much larger than, the title, With Margaret Trudeau’s Beyond Reason, the discrepancy is enormous. And, unfortunately, so is the ego. Her whole life is there before us, from early childhood on: her four sisters and their rivalry for their father’s love (embarrasFreudian), her singly schooling, her crush on Yves Lewis, her time “on the hippy trail” abroad, her return to Canada and to the civil service, her courtship, turmoil, violamarriage, tions of protocol, and her separation, the men she has known since then (coyly referred to as “my cowboy” or “a wealthy businessman who groomed his crinkly hair with’ a blowdryer”), and her ‘fcareer” in film. And the surprising thing is that it’s not at all interesting. Oh, it’s fast moving and all that sprightly and to one (thanks perhaps Caroline Moorehead, whom






my lie detector, my but it all seems so

writer”), pointless. A nice girl in a nice upper-class Vancouver family grows up, does well in school, rebels against the family by becoming a “hippy” and taking drugs (though she occasionally checks into a really posh hotel for a night, even then), returns to sulk at her grandmother’s place, takes a job in the civil service, and is bored with it. Who cares, except that she happened to marry the Prime Minister? Such is the skill of her portrayal that she makes that seem boring too. She makes visiting heads of state around the world sound boring. She makes Pierre sound boring. She makes Studio 54 sound boring. She makes the Rolling Stones, acting and escaping from her boring public life boring too. Nothing is left untouched. There is much, much talk throughout the book about Pierre and his device “La raison avant la passion” “Reason before passion.” Of

course, Margaret is dead set very brief snatches, never against reason. But you get enough to make you really_ the feeling that, while she see them. Even Pierre seems nebulous, a shadow rather certainly doesn’t have much reason, there is very little than a presence. There are all sorts of real passion to her either. little anecdotes, yes, events, Melodrama, childlike high spirits and episodes, and tales, but too childish rebellion, yes, but spotty, too unified. It just seems like a string of stories not real intensity and passion. It all seems diluted, as to make Margaret lookgood, quoting compliments from though she is too busy lookfamous people ?(Leonard ing at the event in a mirror, too busy being a public Cohen once called her image, to really feel. “every man’s perfect date”) and her reactions to them. Everyone is “charming,” it may well be her favourite word. Heads of state are always “intelligent” surely a reader could deduce this for herself, and get something a little more revealing from Margaret’s personal experience. One good thing about the book is what it does not say. She doesn’t come down too It’s all so much fluff, so hard on Pierre, for example You - we never find out what one-dimensional. kind of lover he is or what glimpse all these famous people - Nixon, Chou en his secret foibles are. There is, throughout the Lai (his words to her about pregnancy are one of the book, this crazy obsession in the about age. Even after bearfew- bright spots Charles, ing two children and being book), Prince Golda Meir - but only in pregnant with the third,


Margaret is still saying she is 22. You never get mention of a higher age until the epilogue, which, by the way, is the most honest part of the book, saying, “I don’t, I realize, come out of this story very well.” Right again, Margaret. It’s a ‘tremendously selfindulgent book. You get the feeling that every critical word she directs against herself was forced upon her by her “writer”. A good example of her flattering self-view comes out in her photo captions: “Liberated Margarets of the world unite! Mrs. Whitlam of Australia and I enjoyed airing views on our women’s rights in Jamaica.” Or how about this one: “Mickey Mouse, on my Italian dress . . . has the cheek to let his silk slip and reveal too much thigh.” (Confusing, isn’t it?) Margaret is always referring to herself as “a flowerchild” or “a former flowerchild” or “a photography student on her way to class”. All the disguises get ,a bit confusing after a while, making you suspect that


15, 1979. Imprint

Margaret just loves playing the game of hiding behind images of herself, inside, where it’s safe. If you’re looking for hot scandal, Beyond Reason won’t give it to you besides, she’s now only the wife of the estranged Opposition Leader, and you should be waiting for Maureen McTeer’s story. If, on the other hand, you’re looking for an honest, naked self-portrait of a woman who suffers, lives, and grows, read Anais Nin, or Colette, or Isadora Duncan, or even Anne Frank. Margaret is totally beyond truth - beyond reason and beyond passion, too, into some gray would where nothing is really worth the effort. A public librarian said about this book, when asked to put me on the request list for it, “Forget it for the rest of the summer, come back in September. Everyone will have forgotten about Margaret and her book by then.” The book deserves no better. Lori Farnham


Special guests Don Northrup and Bob Martin with the M-asterpeace Band, Tuesday thru Saturday, June 19 thru 22 Sweet Communion: Wednesday thru Friday, June 20 thru 22 all events liumanities All welcome


begin at 7 PM nightly, Theatre


Cheap Trick




(=heaP Trick aspires to be -a sub-moronls Max Webster; ro&



fragment that I’ve -




Lnarles ~Ukowskl, wno I’ve’heard called, “The best damn short-story writer in America”, or some such, once did a review of a Rolling Stone concert: he hung around the parking lot for a while talking to some guys, listened to the vibrations from the inside, drove off, went to a bar, poured a few quarts of Scotch into himself while trying to pick up some floozie, got home and passed out. It was one of the best reviews I’ve ever read. Were it not for the fact that

it’s already been done, the idea is mighty tempting. I mean, the man has guts! I’ve seen both these bands in warm-up roles: Prism for Styx and Cheap Trick for a band who I can’t name without going into a lengthy explanationas to why on earth I’d go see them. Cheap Trick _ are

view, forming a rather grouping: schizophrenic two long-hairedhear-throbs

\ ot the type that the grrls in sixth-grade moon over, a drummer who looks like a 47-year-old chain-smoking Venezualan accountant, and a lead guitarist who wears baseball caps and sneakers and slings five of the damn instruments over his back at once. Now that’s

is a compilation of just about every’ stolen riff that one can think of. Occasionally this thieving style Pays often it off, but quite becomes rather annoying (as in the hits “I want Y.ou To Want Me” and “Surrender”). .Their lyrics are just too bland to be lousy. Take,

of “Surrender” been able

to throw me out soon, and I’m left with smokeshot eyes, ringing ears, a conscience nagging me about that 332A assignment, and an evening with two bands I really don’t like. Why do I do it? I do it for you, dear readers. *Snicker* If I repeat it often enough, I might even convince myself. Meanwhile, I’m going to work on getting enough courage to pull a Bukowski. Prabhakar Ragde -


Mom and Dad were rolling ~ipher*6~when1~okeup on the couch / Rollmg num‘ers, rock and rolling got my out”. kiss records Reduce to the abstract, and what do you get? Sex and drugs and rock and roll, natch. They didn’t even bother changing the order. If this is a satire, it’s too clumsy to be effective. Here we go again. Well, the Aud- is just

hits OSKeefe

w country group - The DrifEmmyLou Harris is 5 at the O’Keefe centre. Bor“Boulder to Birmingham” ters.” _ showed that, if perfection is perhaps the least-known of der hassles prevented her Always able to blend a flaw, it is definitely a flaw the informal configuration from appearing in Sepcountry rock and bluegrass, known as the -“Queenston \ tember '76 as scheduled. to be proud of. Trio”. She, Dolly Parton “At last,” she smiled as her show was a good crossHarris gave her all in a section of her influences. and Linda Ronstadt have friendly, almost homey she began her set. Finally Harris’ musical and emo- atmosphere. Her “Hot been working together for after a six-year career in her I years. tional debt to the legendary Band” played with equal own right, she made her Gram Parsons is clear. She parts enthusiasm Toronto debut to a packed and preciThe other. two are the sang “She,” “Sin City,” house and a very enthusiassion. The openers “Buck in the public eye. “stars” “Wheels,” “ Luxury Liner,” tic reception. White and the Down Home EmmyLou’s harmony work and “Las Vegas,” giving the Folks,” played a very folksy Most of the songs were with Bob Dylan, Neil songs a life that could be set including “Tumblin’ drawn from her last two 3I Young and Gram Parsons duplicated only by GP himalbums, “Blue Kentucky Tumbleweeds” and other seems to leave her as a self. songs not heard very often I background fixture in con- Girl” and “Quarter Moon in Peter Goddard, in The at the O’Keefe. Buck’s a Ten-Cent Town,” with a I temporary music. Toronto Star, dismissed healthy mix of the older, daughters . “The White It seems only her fans Harris’ performance as Girls” more familiar material such sang ‘back-up for know she has produced five being “too perfect.” Why as “Together Again,” “PanEmmyLou for a jumping fine albums on her own for cho and Lefty” and the Bea- / this man has a job while “ Jambalaya” complete with million are a two-step WEA. They believe that she tles’ one “Here, There, and from Buck and B belongs in the top ranks of Everywhere. unemployed remains a Emmy. ” I the country rock field. puzzle. The clear, someA woman who could-put She included her new times light, sometimes I on a six-week tour and end Fans in this area did not single “Save the Last Dance quality of Harris’ it with such an energetic get their chance to see for Me,” introduced with a throaty voice was simply a joy to show as she did in Toronto to “that fine I_ Harris in person until June reference listen to. while six months pregnant I The range of emotions shows a true professional and style from a rousing attitude and a genuine love ! <version of Chuck Berry’s for her audience. “C’est la Vie” to Gram’s Jim Doyle





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16,000 show for 7th Bluegrass Canada





Come in and get lost among the 200,000 Comic books, Science Fiction books and records. ,


St. South, KITCHENER,Ontario






The seventh annual Bluegrass Canada festival was held on the first weekend in June in Courtcliffe Park‘ in Carlisle. Bands from across Canada and the United States picked’ and fiddled for a hand-clapping, footOver stomping crowd. 16,000 people had arrived by Saturday evening for the climax of the festival. The crowds were in high spirits, dancing and singingto a wide range of bluegrass music. Some bands stuck to the old favourites like Orange Blossom Special and Will the -Circle Be Unbroken, while other bands took the privilege of converting rock and roll


tunes (including some Beatles) into a bluegrass style. The better bands included, The Dixie Flyers, The Humber River Valley Boys, and The Nashville Grass. Many other bands gave fine performances. The Nashville Grass was my favourite.‘ The solos they played left the audience stupefied! -1. ” . A bit ot sunburn was the only complaint of the weather. To everyone’s delight, the sun was in full force for almost the entire Saturday weekend* On afternoon there was a threat of rain, but the clouds receded to let the sun reappear for the rest of the festi-


aboard the OCEAN QUEEN with



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nirrht .**sI*I

area did not prevent determined bluegrassers from whole heartedly enjoying


<>g ~ic~r,ts.

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150 securitv hired for the weekend to-take care of the festival. Twelve policemen patrolled the gate and the park. No disturbances occurred. Vivian Neal




15, 1979. Imprint

11 -,


~Intrarnual Sports/ Soccer

’ rounding out the bottom of the A league. The B league which has 12 teams entered, is currently led by Shear Force, and J.R. Unknown. Also well is S.M.D. playing which this week beat EE81 1-O. Other scores from this weaks plays was Met Mats over Dynamec 4-O in a onesided game.

Intramural Soccer is completing its 4th week of play, with the competition beginning to improve as playoffs grow closer. In the A league, Dirty Feet moved to within 2 points of the first place CSA by beating Math A 3-O. Also in the running for top spot is the -Montezuma’s R team and Math A with Sine Nomine


In basketball, each team played its-fourth game this week, with some very competitive games played Wednesday. In the B league, 3A Mech walked over West 4, 55-24, South A Alumni beat CC 44-20, and Fastbreak took Rimmers 38-35. In a very exciting game: Desgin Force nipped out a

47-45 victory over West .2 Shrimp, with 2 points in the last minute. Teams to watch in the B league are 2Bee, 3A Mech, and West 6 Wizards, all leading their divisions. The open league, which produces some fine highscoring basketball, saw the Supersonics defeat the Bullets 78-55.

Engineering B-ball

Shear Force takes ale

The Engineering Basketball tournament was held last Saturday in the PAC. There ‘were 10 teams entered in this single elimination tourney, with the loser of the first games being relegated to the consolation round. The winner again this term was 4A Civil represented by the Shear Force “A” team who defeated 2B Electrical in the final, 37 to 26.

The 2B Electrical team advanced to the final by beating 3A Systems 42-21. In that game the 3B Electric team used their speed and better team work to walk away from 3A Systems. The 3A Systems/team, who were last term’s finalist, were never in the game, with their big downfall caused by their lack of team work and poor shooting. Shear Force “A” had an

Want to report ‘Intramurals? Imprint needs people playing in Intramural Soccer, Basketball, and Softball to report on their sports for our Intramural coverage. If interested, phone us at 8851660 (ext. 2331). The next press deadlin; for sports is Wednesday, June 27.

P THE _SPORTS QUIZ y .. With what team did Gilles Villeneuve make his Formula One debut? At what race? + I. Ronnie Peterson won the Italian Grand Prix three times, driving for one team twice and another once Name the two teams. I. What do the initials C.A.R.T. stand for? . Who is the President of FOCA? . Who is the only driver to have won all three Champcar 500 mile races (Inday, Pocono, Ontario) in one season? . Name the two drivers racing for Shadow this season on the Formula One circuit. . Who is the only woman to have scored points in the World Drivers’ Championship? ’




easy time in their first game of the day, winning by over 25 ooints. But thev had a tougher time in their second game against 3A Mech, winning 38-28.:. In the final Shear Force “A” pulled away from 3B Electric in the second half with their superior shooting from the outside. The game became very rough towards the end

Force “A” Shear but showed much composure in cooling things off to again, and win and walk away with the traditional case of ale. In the consolation round, 1B Systems salvaged some form of respectability as they defeated 4A Chem to take the consolation final. Palm0 Venneri

CRE’ M DE LA CHEM faces off against 5’th DIVISION in a hard fought floor hockey game. CRE’M defeated the 5’th 4-2. The games are played every Monday and Thursday evening in Seagram’s Stadium. The CRE’M DE LA CHEM is tied with the Old-Timers in Division 1. In Division 2, Skin Friction is tops winning all its 3 games as has the Rebels in Division 3. Shear Force is creaming all its opponents in Division 4. Photo by Don Becker \




Top roadI race makes Waterloo . At IO streets of invaded ness. It’s


AM Sunday the Waterloo will be by running madthe Waterloo 10


and it


to be a highlight of the 1979 road racing circuit. Heading the list‘ of 2,000 expected entries is Kin Professor Rich Hugleson. Hugleson, who won the race last Year is the top. ranked marathoner in the dOUUtI'y. Challenging



includes T-shirt. From



a multi-colouredz the start at Univer-

Avenue head nor& sity

the runners on Albert to


AvenUe, The down Seagram

be former U of W track stars Drive at the University main Ted Mckiegan and Dave entrance for a fast finish into , NOrththY* MCKiegan~ hav- the chute in front of the ing graduated from his stadium. Swift spectators Waterloo drinking days is can catch the leaders pasthe hottest runner on the sing at both ends of the Ontario roads this season. campus. another of the Northey, Entries from Waterloo’s country’s top road racers, was the Ontario champion Varsity team include Tom for IO kilometer track last Boone, Bruce Harris, Dave Zapporelli and Jennifer year. McPhail. Boone is back This is more thorough, than just a Pace for the elite. from a tough winter oftrainJoggers at all levels are ing in the west. 3rd, competing June encouraged to enter and give their fitness a test. Post against international raCt?S entries can be made bet- in Toronto’s prestigious

ween 8 ind

g:30 Sunday


Seagram stadium. The race starts at 10 sharp on Albert Street at University Ave- nue. The $6100 entry fee --


Philip and south on Philipto Columbia. They then head west on Columbia along the north edge of the university to Hallman Road, then south on Hallman to Erb Street, and east on Erb to University run&-s turn

Star Trek


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11130 to 2 p.m.

Licensed under You must be 18 enter the Plckle ontrance


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of building



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race were Hugle-

son, who Placed fourth, eighth and Mckiegan Boone, twelfth. Tom Boone ’




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. .

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