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Campus Events - Friday,

September 26 -

The Muslim Student's Association sponsors a Friday prayer (Salatul-Jummaa) from 1:30 to 2:30 in room 113 of the Campus Centre. The Outer's Club is holding a Beginner's Ropes Course at 3:30 in room 110 of the Campus Centre for all interested rock climbers. This course is mandatory if you want to go o n the Saturday trip. W.C.F. sponsors an International Dinner for International and Canadian students. If convenient, bring a favourite specialty from your country. 6gn. CC room 135. G a y Liberation of Waterloo (GLOW) holds its first dance of the term, beginning at 9pm in the Humanities Building third floor lounge. Cash Bar, free munchies and the best dance music on campus! Members $2/nonmembers $2.50 - $1 off before 10 pm. Your attendance tonight ensures the success of future dances. For info. call 884-GLOW most afternoons, 7-10 pm. Monday-Thursday.

-Saturday, September 27Outer's Club rock climbing at Rattlesnake Point. Beginners must have taken the course on Friday. This trip is limited to 10 beginners. Meet in front of the campus centre at 8 am. Betty 885-5505.

-Sunday, September 28 ;ala opening of The Centre in t h e jquare. The concert will be a performance of h t a v Mahler's "Symphony No. 2 in C rilinor, The Resurrection" at 8 pm. Tickets :ost $10, $15 and $20 and are available from he Centre in the Square box office, 578-1570. rranscendental Meditation. "Advanced. ecture" for T.M. meditators at 8 pm. 188Park jt., Waterloo. For more information call 576!546, David & Shannon.

-Monday, September 29Library Research Workshop in Research Shortcuts in German Literature. 2:30 pm. Heet on main floor of the Arts Library. The Legal Resource Office will be open rom 2:30 to 4:30. The women's squash team will hold tryouts 3t 430 pm. Meet by the squash courts or :ontact Coach Wendy Frissby at 886-1057. h e ski club will be holding its first meeting of he term. Memberships and movies are available. We need an executive for the 198031 season. 5 pm. C C 113.

Varsity swimming practices, men and women. Those who didn't make the organizational meetlng should attend and meet CoachHeinbuch to learnabout try-outs. 4 pm. PAC.

Library research workshop on Research Shortcuts in Economics. 2:30. Meet on the main floor in the Arts Library. The Legal Resource Office is open 3-5 pm.

Anyone wishing to takeasupermarket Tour or learn to lead one should phone or visit the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) office, 2178, CC 085-1211, ext. 2578. Tours will be arranged at convenient times. Carolyne Mas, sponsored by the Federation. 8 pm. at the Waterloo Motor Inn. $5 for students, $6 for others. GLOW sponsors a coffeehouse in CC llOat 5:30 pm. We know you're out there. Don't be shy! Come join us for a good time. For info. call 884-GLOW q o s t afternoons, 7-10 pm., Monday-Thursday:

Chemistry Club wine and cheese party. Open to all science students. Only $1.50 plus $1 glass deposit. This promises to be a sensational event - don't miss it! 8-12 pm. Math lounge, fifth floor. Fireside. "Introduction to Baha'i Faith." 8 pm. CC 135. Don't miss The Waterloo JewishStudents' Associations' Free evening of Israeli folkdancing. food and film. Instruction will be offered for beginner folkdancers. 8 pm. HH 3731378 (Grad & Faculty Lounge).' "The Fate of t h e Family in 1980'sn, a lecture by Dr. Francis J. Turner. 8 pm. Main lecture hall, Frank C. Peters Building, WLU.

-Tuesday, September 30Library research workshop in Research Shortcuts in Russian Literature. 2:30 pm. Main floor of the Arts Llbrary. Here's your chance to get involved in the activities of the Federation of Students. Attend the joint meeting of the Board of Education and External Relations, the Board bf Entertainment, and the Board of Communications. Contact Debi or Fezz at the Federation office for details, ext. 3880. 3:30 pm. C C 113. C h e s s Club organ~zatlonalmeetmg In the Great Hall (CC) Membership fee of $1 pays for chess sets and tournaments 6 30 pm "The Agape Life". Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. Everyone IS welcome. 7:30-9 pm. CC 113. A general meeting of all persons who wish to have the artificial fluoridation of the drinking water stopped in Waterloo. 7:30 pm. MC 2065. The Ukrainian Students' Club will be holding a general meeting at 8 pm. in CC 135. Everyone is welcome. This is the last day for ordering Oktoberfest tickets.

-Wednesday, October 1Math C a r e e r s Day for students in all faculties. 10:30 am - 5 pm. MC. Contraception Risks with Lynn Verbeek, Birth Control Centre, UW. 12:30 pm. MC 3006. (WPIRG Brown Bag Seminar).

-Friday, October 3The Legal Resource Office will be open 10 am - 12. The Muslim Student's Association prayer. 1:30-2:30pm. CC 113. Fed Flicks: Cruising, starring A1 Pacino, Karen Allen and Paul Serving. Feds $l/others

52. Last dab to submit nominations for WPIRG'S Board of Directors. For information or forms contact Waterloo Public Interest Research Group, 2178. Campus Centre, 8851211, ext. 2578. Supermarket Tour. Meet at WPIRG office, CC 2178 at 3:30 pm. But let us know you're coming so we can arrange for guides and transportation. 885-1211, ext. 2578.

-Thursday, October 2The Legal R ~ f o u r c eOffice will be open from 11-1 pm. and 7-9 pm. Music at Noon Concert at WLU in the Seminary Chapel. Features the Leupold Series. Admission is free. Waterloo Christian Fellowship supper meetma.. The Convenant Plavers wll bedoma. a drama pkesentation on the theme of "H& can a God of love allow suffering?" 430-7 pm. Undergrad Lounge, HH 280. Women's Issues G r o u p meeting open to all interested students.-Have a concern? Attend! 7 pm. CC 113.

Matt Minglewood, the aopening of die new Kitchener art complex, a preview of .CaroIyne Mas and more. pdges 13-15.

A look at golf, soccer, field hockey, women’s volley ball, and in intramurals, a woman takes on the men. pages 1649.

Dangerous I conditions call for nevV UofT 1 ’ facility. ’ .


merit on the new storage TORONTO (CUP)- A new facility. radioactive storage facility The occupational health may be built at the branch of the ministry University of Toronto found the ~ presence of following. the discovery of such as alcohol, dangerous storage condit. .chemicals acetone and organic solions of both chemical and vents presented a fire atomic wastes. hazard. Picric acid, hydroSky Jones, secretary of gen peroxide and phosthe committee on accomphonates presented an odations and facilities, explosion hazard. Consaid the new facility could tainers were not grounded be completed as early as to prevent accidental the spring. The plan has ignition by a spark. been approved in principle Toby Vigod, spokesand capital allocated by person for CELA, said “for the business affairs coma while they were even mittee of the university’s using budget rent-a-trucks governing council. to collect the radioactive Controversy over the waste.” waste storage on campus developed when the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) comHousing: Campaign .plained of the dangerous juxtaposition of flamHas LittIe -Success mable chemicals and radioactive waste. Failing to get any action .from the CALGARY (CUP) - Crituniversity, CELA called in ically low vacancy rates, the Radiation Protection and long accomodation Service of the ministry of waiting” lists sparked an Labour, who conducted an off-campus student housexamination of the site in services ing (O’CSHS) June of 1979. campaign at the UniverRadiation levels of 180 sity of Calgary which micro-roentgens per hour appears to have met with of 18 times the normal only partial success. background level were University housin.g, found one foot from the which aided in the storage access door. campaign, estimated that Five feet away, it was over 4000 new rental units four and a half times the would have to be found for normal level. this fal.1. According to one According to CELA, estimate, only about 1200 “five feet away” lay in the units-. - were additonal path of the rear exit to the gathered by the start of building, used by dozens of classes last week. employees twice a day. According to Chris Bill Ridge, officer of the Speare, coordinator of the U of T radiation protection OCSHS, the biggest probauthority refused to comlems facing students using

the service are high rents and their own aversion to certain kinds of housing. Apartments run from $250 to $400 a month for a one bedroom unfurnished suite (no utilities or lights included). Student’s un-\ ion’s “student housing week” which ran thelast week in August, was, according to Speare, a great success. Unfortunately the initial response has tapered off now and the OCSHS is planning another media Blitz within the . next month. That will hopefully bring a new batch of accomodations for University of Calgary students to choose from.

Sexual Harassment: questionnaire not distributed TORONTO (CUP) A sexual harassment questionnaire will not be distributed at the University of Toronto because two student councils do not like some of the questions on it. A questionnaire by Norma Bowen, a University of Guelph psychology professor, will not be distributed because the Students Administrative Council (SAC) and the Graduate Students’ Union l

(GSU) object to a question which probes the respondents’ background. SAC has also withdrawn support from the - Xfinancial survey. Bowen, who received a research grant for her work, prepared the survey last spring. Copies of the questionnaire were sent to various university presidents who would then make the arrangements for printing and distribution of it. Bowen said’she did not know the survey would not be distributed at the U of T. “It is not essential to get the questionnaire in: it is not essential \to ‘get the data,” she said. “This survey is a facilitating service and I am not ordering or demanding universities to comply with my request.”

Labour: Lakehead engineers walk off the job THUNDERBAY(CUP) -Operating engineers are on strike at Lakehead University to .back their bid for a higher wage. The strike began September 5 when 11 members of the International Union of Operating Engineers walked off their jobs after ! being without a contract

since June 30, 1980. \ Benefits are not at isSue in this strike because, as .one of the strikers pointed out, “they are not going to give them to us anyway.” The university has already reached agreements with other service employee unions on campof us for settlements between 8.5 and 8.9 per cent. Lakehead University information officer Terry Diggle said that is the most the university can feasibly offer the operating engineers. Union spokesperson George Harrower said the workers. can not expect their wages to keep up with the cost of living. He said everybody who works for the University must accept low settlements since the university’s own buying power has been eroded by inflation in the past few years. “The provincial government over the past years has denied universities operating money which would keep pace with the costs of running a university,” Harrower said. One striker replied to this statement saying, “If they haven’t got the money to pay the employee a decent wage they might as well close up the university or start looking for money elsewhere.”



Confefence A province-wide information campaign with poster, Pamphlet and counselling manual has been launched by the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) urging and college university students to apply and make the most of the troubled OSAP student aid program“We know that the OSAP program is still not meeting the real costs th,at students face when going to school, but we are distributing this information now to help them get . the most they can from an inadequate program,, OFS

ChairpersonKaren bubinsky said.


Fire warning in


Students who put mail in th e mail box outside the campus centre on Wednesday after 5:OO may be in for a &ssapointment. There is a possibility that this mail was destroyed since’ drunken pubbers set fire to the box at about 130 am Thursday morning.


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support promised -

Steven Harvey will be supported by the Federation of Students in his stand against the distribution of the C-370 compiler to the CIA. Harvey, a part-time employee of UW computing services until August 29, cited in an open letter to the university community that vUW is considering a report from the CIA to forward an advanced version of a computer compiler. The software in question is a C-370 compiler which allows its owner to run computer programs written in C language on an IBM series 370 computer. In - a presentation to Students’ Council at last Sunday evening’s meeting, Harvey pleaded for support from the Federation of Students. He claimed the compiler, if distributed, would “aid the CIA in its clandestine operations, many of which deprive people of their basic human rights.” During discussion of Harvey’s presentation,


Mark McGuire, last year’s Federation president, noted the “wall of silence” built by UW administration shows the administration does, in fact, support the distribution of the compiler to the CIA. Several of the councitlors decided that, since Harvey had worked on the software, he should be given the right to say what is to be done with it. The motion regarding Harvey’s request for support from the Federation of Students was called to a roll call vote; the request came from Wim Simonis, Federation vice-president. When the votes were tallied, the motion was carried 5-1, with six councillors abstaining. Members voting in support of the motion were: Bernie Roehl (science), Tony Waterman (arts), Krys Galetin (environmental studies.) Mark D’Gabriel (math co-op), and Maggie Thompson (environmental studies]. Against the motion was Andrew Piggot (engineering). Abs-


“Technicallv, it seems like a lock-outto me.” He continued, “It (the cut-off) was politically motivated, They weren’t allowing me access to my computer account therefore, I couldn’t do my work.”

hike strike will be supported by the Federation of Students.” Discussion of Thompmotion son’s “support” was cut off with a tabling proposed by motion Andrew Piggott, engineerThe ing representative. motion was seconded by Wim Simonis, Federation Piggott Vice President. indicated the question would arise at the October

2 General Meeting. However, several other councillors stated a stand should be made by council prior to the upcoming general meeting. In a rapid chain of events, Speaker Mark Winnett first ruled one person out of order, and then stated he would call the question on Piggott’s tabling motion if there

The Campus Center Board elected Judi Carter its 1980/81 chairperson at the second general-meeting of the term on September 24.

previous meeting, September 10, Carole Hincks resigned her position as operations co-ordinator effective at the end of October.

Joyce Pickard, graduate representative, nominated Carter, current CCB chairperson, noting that “she has been doing a good job for the past several months and should continue in the position”. No other nominations were submitted.

The CC Board elections and nominations advertisement was the next topic of discussion. At present, seats on the CC Board, which include two for engineering, two for the faculty and one for all other faculties on campus, are open for election by the student body. The deadline for the submission of nominations is October 17 at 4:00 p.m. It was decided that announcing board nominations through news stories and advertisements would be investigated for

all publications on campus. As well, the possibility of making radio announcements on CKMS was suggested. Carole Hincks then informed the board that CC operations were running well with eleven new turnkeys on staff. Hincks also mentioned that “Bodyworks”, a series of workshops and special events with the theme of “celebrating the body and the mind”, was progressing well. “Bodyworks” will begin on Tuesday, October 7. The e_vent, co-sponsored by the CCB and the lmprin t, will include a Stress Management Workshop, a Smoking Clinic, a Women’s SelfDefense Seminar, an


faced with Harobjections, Paul Dirksen, Director of Computing - Services, said that it is the policy of the computing services department to cut off the computer accounts of parttime staff until contract renewal. However, Harvey’s account was not cut







tion to vote without allowing discussion by council. In the resulting vote, the motion to table was carried 7-3.


Campus Centre Boara

At the meeting, the chairperson reported that the committee formed to hire a new Operations Coordinator had recently met and will meet again on Friday September 26 to consider a number of possible candidates. At a

computer account cut off on the first working day after his last four-month contract expired. He said,

the shots

Procedure A controversial situation developed during last Sunday’s Students’ Council meeting. Some council members claimed no discussion was allowed on an amendment to a” motion by Environmental Studies Maggie representative Thompson. The motion proposed by “Be it Thompson was: moved that any student participating in the fee

tainers were Neil Freeman (Federation president), Wim Simonis (Federation vice-president), Steve Dupuis [arts co-op), Peter Sawras (engineering), Stephen Yip (engineering], and Brian Phillips jenvironmeni al studies co-op). In addition to his plea to the Federation of Students, ‘Harvey attempted a demonstration on UW property last Friday morning, displaying a sign which read “NO UW COMPUTER PROGRAMS FOR THE CIA.” After approximately ten minutes, Harvey was escorted by a security guard to the security office where he was asked if he is a student. (Harvey has preregistered). It was suggested to Harvey in the security office that if he wanted to hold a demonstration, he should arrange it through the bookings office. Harvey was then asked to remove himself and his sign from the university campus. Harvey found it disturbing as well to have his

After the meeting Thompson questioned Winnett concerning his role as impartial speaker of the students council.

Winnett defended his actions, saying, “I heard some noise in the corner were no objections. He and I ignored that; then I then called for the vote. heard a definite pause, so I Meanwhile, several coui called the question.” The ncillors, including Thompnoise in the son, objected to the 1 so-called corner came from Mary fast pace of Winnet t’s a supporter of the actions and attempted to Gillis, fee hike strike. . gain recognition from the speaker. However, WinnThompson, seated dirett appeared to be ectly across the room from unresponsive to counWinnett, said, “I was cillors’ objections. violently objecting to the Winnett succeeded in tabling of the motion and I bringing the tabling mowishedto be given a voice my chance to opinion. Also, I didn’t notice any pause in the proceedings.”

Outer’s Club Workshop, a Massage Demonstration, an Introductory Movement Class, a Women’s ‘Weight Training Session, and workshops on canoeing and kayaking, cycling for fitness, yoga, reflexology, and “Eating Your Way Through University on $15 a Month.” (See ad p.12)

Additional items on the agenda included a plea by Stephen Harvey, department of computing services, to the Federation for support: a tabled report regarding long range planning goals prepared by Stephen Yip, engineering councillor; and a motion to instruct UW’S Board of Entertainment (BENT) to become more involved in the operation of ‘“The Bombshelter”.

Finally, the meeting ended with CCB Games Room Manager April Brauch stating that, in general, students seem pleased with the game room facilities and that the snooker room and lounge have been well received, It wasdecided that a Games Room revenue report will be submitted to the board by the end of October. Sharon Mitchell

Yip’s report about the present lack of long range planning within the Federation claims that the Federation “follows its nose, like the blind leading the blind.” At Sundays meeting, Yip stressed the importance of improved future planning and expressed concern that “the Federation is going to stagnate politically, administratively, and fin-

contract expired, which occurred at the end of April, said Harvey. In another attempt to raise the awareness of the university community and garner support for his cause, Harvey is now circulating a petition. Anyone interested in signing the petition may do so in the Federation Office. Lois Abraham ancially.” Yip went on to criticize Neil Freeman, Federation President, for not calling a meeting of the Standing Committee for Long Range Planning. Freeman, who heads the committee, replied that councillors “shove everything onto the executive? and “they’re not even interested in coming to council meetings.” Peter Sawras, engineering representative, challenged Freeman, claiming that there are interested councillors. However, Sawras stated, these councillors are alienated by the executive, given the “run-around”, and are told their work is a waste of time. Mark D’Gabriel, math co-op’ representative, said that “this council has shown nothing except that it is wearing blinders.” D’Gabriel requested that Freeman either call a meeting of the Long Range Planning Committee or step aside and appoint someone else as chairman of the committee. Freeman replied that he would call a meeting of the committee. A motion was then carried calling on the planning committee to return a draft report to council within a month. In the matter of “The Bombshelter,” ’ it was suggested that BENT should make a concerted effort to become more knowledgeable of the pub’s operation and should offer suggestions regarding how the should be Pub maintained and improved. that Council agreed BENT should act in an advisory fashion and the motion was carried. Brian Snyder Lois Abraham


*ImPmt is the $udent neWspaper kt the University of Waterloo. It j.s an ediforially Mdependent newspaper published by Imprint FublicationB Wate&o, a corporation without share capital, University of Waterloo, W$erlbo, Ontario. Phone 886 1560 or extension 2331 or-2362. Imprint is a member of the ’ Oanadbn UMrers$ty Press (CUP), a student press orgtiation of 63 papers across C&&da. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). Imprint publlshesevery~~yduringthetemn.MaFZshouldbe~ssed to “Imprint, Campus Cent@ Room 140.” We are typeset on campus with a Camp/Set 510, paste-up is likewise done on campus Imprixit: ISSN 0705-7380.


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‘Are you, involved in any extracurricular activities on campus? If so, what ? by Vivian Huang

-Theresa Mertz ’ Recreation 3 The only one I can tell you about is thi yoga and figure skating. It’s mainly an activity for pelaxation after school work.

Math 3 Yes, Ball room dancing. It’s the best thing for left-footer’s coordination and matchrmaking.



~ohnw. Sylvia-=

Yea. I’m’ connected with the Outer’s Club. I am doing canoeing clinics’ and I hope to get a program for white water canoeing. .


Jacob Arseneault


Ediforial -


. .. @iiizsF ,I

Imprint reserves the right to screen,edit, andrefUeadvertisin.g.

. Canmu

The Adventure



of the Orangeimprint


“Come Watson, the game’s afoot!” I g&bed my trusty Service %volver and followed Holmes into the creeping IOndOn fog. International thief and nasty Paul Zemkhoj (aliases: David Heerema, Hans Van Der Molen, Vi& Huang, Jesus Zazzar, and Animal) had threatened to poison Sir. Jake, one of the greatest suQ@cts of Her Majesty. Inspector I&n of the Yard was hopelessly lost, with Bosacki’s story, but Constables Tim Wallace, Virginia Butler, David D&&&i and Rejnhardt Christiansen helped us look for the garrotte artiste: Rodger Tschanz. We enlisted the N aid of another M.D. (Cook, not Freud) and the Baker Street Irregulars: Sean Slpn, Laurie Cole, Glenn St-Germain and Sandy Nemn. Peter Birt, stoolie, dreadedthe phone calls he was abouttoreceivefromMoriarty...A bullet just m@sed usl “An a&gun, no doubt,” muttered my friend “Col. Dorion, &he second, most dangerous lizard in tindon. Controls Warren D&my, Tammy Horn& I& Silcott md Debbie Dickie.” Ques were provide ,byLoriDurluette,MikeFerr~e,BrianSnyderEtndLois~r~,butCliPf Goodman had scrawled RACHE on the w&11 in blood I was confused. “Dash it all Holmes, where does it lead?” “To ~ewoman,” he replied. “Liz Wood, latest victim of the Ripper ?” “No, Watson - Marg Sandersor~” The Hound howled, far off on the Moores. Holmes unrawlled it all for me ti 221Basweatisome of Mi%. Hannigan’s buttered chutneya “Amazing!” I cried “Elementary,” said he. Cover by Mad Photographer JWB. c






Media Manipulation Ten years ago, the federal government spent several thousand dollars to investigate ’ the effect of monopoly ownership of newspapers. A Senate inquiry;headed by Keith Davey, resulted in many recommendations in the area of mass media: one of them called for a federal government agency to- monitor any mergers or takeovers in the communication industry. Little if any action was taken on this recommendatioti,Fhowever. This is startingly evidenced by the recent “arrangement” between the Thomson and Southam chains of newspapers which closed the Winnipeg Tribune, owned by Southam and the Ottawa Journal, a. Thomson paper. Other sales or closings have occured recently in Vancouver and Montreal. Because of this, Thomson i.s without competition in Winnipeg, as is Southam in Ottawa ‘and the two chains no longer compete with each other in any Canadian city. In fact, only Toronto, Edmonton, and Calgary are left with more than one daily English language paper. ‘Professional journalists are angry. In Montreal, Gazette reporters picketed their own newspaper last week to protest the closure of the ttiiio‘- pap&s”; and+, &cdor”drng to the Moatreal -Newspaper Guild demanded that the government “enact legislation to encourage competition in single-newspaper town” and “strengthen anti-trust legislation.” . Other protests have occurred in Vancouver and Toronto, and plans for a letter-writing campaign are underway among other , I journalistic organizations. Student journalists are equally angry. Many view the closure of these two papers and other similar occurrences with dismay and alarm: experienced writers and reporters are out of work, fewer positions exist for students seeking to enter the profession, and the quality of Canadian newspapers, they fear, will decline due to lack of competition’. ’ In fact, when the Ontario Region of Canadian University Press (ORCUP)\ met last weekend in St. Catherines, this was one of’the concerns expressed. Delegates from student publications across Ontario unanimously approved a motion calling for the CUP executive to submit a brief protesting such manipulation to the recently formed royal commission on monopoly control of the media. Anyone whd ‘reads newspapers and expects thorough and unbiased coverge should certainly be angry. According to CUP’s Michael McEvoy, Thomson’s strategy has always been to operate in towns which have just one newspaper. Because of this, the paper is “not forced to put resources into doing full news coverage” he notes. With the odd exception, such as The Globe and Mail, “features are often prepackaged in Toronto to be sent’to publishers, and local reporters spend’ much of their time writing stories which are complimentary to their advertisers. ” In addition to such superficial c&erage,‘it is highly unikely that a newspaper owner, such asthe would allow critical examination of any Thomson corporation, topics in which the corporation holds interests. Thomson has a large investinent in North Sea oil projects, for example. Could a reasonably objective treatment concerning the enviromental effects of ocean oil drilling be expected from a Thomson writer, / asks McEvoy? Whether or not the government commission on media control will have any lasting effect isdebatable: the results remain to be seen. One thing is certain, however, if protestations from a concerned reading public reinforce those of groups such: as CUP, and the various newspaper guilds, investigating agencies will find such in’dignation difficult to ignore. Marg Sanderson




BENT denies jurisdiction The application by the Chevron Club for formal recognition as a club by the UW Federation.of Students was rejected last Thursday at the Board on Entertainment (BENT) meeting. Board members stated, quoting from By-Law Number 26, that BENT has no jurisdiction over newspapers and therefore can’t even consider the Chevron Club’s application as a club. Representing the Chevron Club at the meeting were Heather Robertson, president of the club, and Larry Hannant, editor of The Chevron. To apply for status, a its club must submit constitution to BENT. In compliance, the Chevron Club submitted its constitution listing four main purposes. Thefirst purpose of the Chevron Club is “to write, edit, produce, have published, and distribute a student newspaper, The Chevron, at the University of Waterloo.” Second, the constitution says “the Chevron Club shall exist primarily to print news and commentary written

by UW students, and its policies shall be determined -by UW students. However, contributions of various kinds by workers and teachers and UW and people from outside UW may also be accepted.” Third, the Chevron Club will “train students in journalistic skills such as investigation, news writtypesetting, photoing, paste-up, and graphy, advertising.” As its fourth purpose, the members stated they would “organize and sponsor lectures, debates, meetings, and conferences which contribute to the work of The Chevron.” Hannant said there were several advantages for the Chevron Club in being givenstatus by BENT. Primarily, he stated, the Chevron Club has a right to be recognized by the Federation of Students. Also, there are financial advantages to being recognized and it would be useful to club members to be able to book rooms in the Campus Centre, Hannant added. Robertson indicated the basic issue involved is that

Russell Tribunal In mid Nave.mber a European based organization will investigate violations of Indian peoples’ human rights in North and South America. According to Ola Scahft in an interview with CKMS Radio Waterloo, the investigation will be in the form of a Russel Tribunal The fourth of its kind, the Russel Tribunal is a kind of world court of justice

considering important issues of human rights. Since its establishment as offspring of the an Bertrand Russel Peace Foundation, past tribunals have met to discuss the Vietnamese war, Latin American politics and human rights violations in Germany during West police round-ups. of suspected terrorists. The topic for thisthe

UWs combined. funds reach $100 million 1980 was that income from sponsored research surpassed $10 million. Jack Brown, UW Secretary, said that the “Financial Statements” are ‘t a culmination of all (university) transactions,” and are reviewed by the Board in order to ensure that the university carried out their financial function properly.” The final form of the “Statements” will contain the Auditor’s Report, and will be reviewed in more detail at the October 7th Board of Governors meeting. interested Any member of the UW or KW community is welcome to attend this meeting (Needles Hall, 10 a.m., Oct. 7).

An additional reason was offered for rejection of the Chevron Club. The club failed to submit a membership list with its constitution. At a BENT meeting heId on January 15, 1980, the following policy, detailing recognition of clubs by BENT, was accepted: “That a club shall submit a membership list containing names, in alphabetical order, signatures, student numbers, indication of student status, and the executive and- their titles, phone numbers, and addresses...” Another club expressing interest in attaining status at UW is the Cypriot Students’ Association. BENT members agreed that everything in the constitution was in accordance with the board’s regulations. However, the name of the club would have to be changed because the pres-


examines aborlgmal *


For the first time in the history of the university, UW’S c6mbined funds (income and other additions) over a one-year period surpassed $100 million. This was one of the highlights of the 1979-80 “Financial Statements”, according to Bruce Gellatly, UW’s Vice President of Finance and Operations. Gellatly presented the “Statements” in draft form at Tuesday’s Board of Governors Executive meeting. At that meeting, the Executive moved to forward the statements to the Board of Governors for their approval. ’ Gellatly said that another financial highlight of the year ending April 80,

the creative arts, external relations, publications, or athletics, and to encourage and assist the creation of such clubs and organizations.” Since the Chevron Club wishes to publish The Chevron, and newspapers are not under the jurisdiction of BENT, the board members said they felt they could not accept the club’s bid for status from the Federation of Students. In addition, material from by-law 31, relating to the establishment of a Board of Communications, was utilized in BENT’s decision: “The Federation of Students recognizes the need for a free, responsible and democratic student press at the University of Waterloo which is editorially and financially autonomous

from the Federation and separately incorporated. If mandated, through student support, a student newspaper can be recognized by the Federation of Students...”


fourth tribunal, was chosen, Schaft explains, because the question of aboriginal rights is an urgent problem the world over. The specific choice of American Indians as the year’s focus of this tribunal is an attempt to continue the work of the 1977 United Nations conference, “Discrimination of Indigenous People in North America”, held in

Brown said the “Statement s” are an open document, and, upon being reviewed by the Board, will be sent to the Minister of Colleges and Universities for tabling in the House at Queen’s Park. Also at Tuesday’s meeting, the Executive moved that the following reports be forwarded to the Board of Governor’s for their approval: the’pension and Benefits Committee Chairman’s Report, the Revised Estimate of Ordinary Operating Income for 198081, and the Report of the President (concerning sabbatical leaves, special leaves, administrative appointments, and promotions). Sandy Newton



5 -

over ‘publications’

Board of Entertainment (BENT) members heard requests from two groups for recognition as clubs, discussed concerts and made plans ‘\, for future projects. a group of students want to get together as a club and be recognized. The club members also want to be recognized as journalists, and in order to do SO, Chevron members hold a School of Journalism and thus produce a newspaper. BENT refused to grant status to the Chevron Club for several reasons. The principal reason for the rejection was that board members objected to the first purpose of the club as it appears in the club’s namely, to constitution; publish The Chevron. A by-law relating to the establishment of BENT at UW (by-law 26), clearly states that one of BENT’s functions is “to co-ordinate and assist all existing student clubs and organizations, other than those directly concerned with


Geneva, Switzerland. Arising from this conference were two final resolutions which the organizers of the Russel Tribunal hope to act upon. The first calls for continued publicity of the fight by Indigenous Peoples for more rights, and the second resolves that aboriginal rights must be more clearly established. It is the hope of the organizers that the tribunal will help rights tb the point where they may become part of the fabric of government legislations, said the interviewer. The actual event will occur within the space of one week. During this time a “jury” composed of distinguished human rights activists from around the world, will hear several cases of human rights injustice. It is expected that more than thirty Indian groups from North and South America will submit a case. Cases might range from issues such as land rights and uranium mining problems to the actions of Christian missionaries in South America. Of these cases submitted, only ten of the most representative will be dealt with during the week. As cases are debated, both opposing sides of each issue will be questioned as well as a panel of experts. At the tribunal’s conclusion, the jury will present their “verdicts” pm

each case, suggesting possible remedys to the problems. All cases heard during the tribunal as well as those submitted but not, heard, will be made available to the world’s public in printed form. The Indian response to the tribunal has been very good, says Schaft. It is the helping hand that these communities need to be heard in white society. This is particularly true, adds Schaft, for South American Indians, as they are more disorganized than North American Indians, and many communities

ent initials conflict with those of the Chinese Students’ Association. After submission of a membership list, the club will probably gain recognition at the next BENT meeting, said Fezz, Chairman of the Board of Entertainment. Additional business discussed at the BENT meeting included future events to be sponsored by BENT and the societies, and various new entertainment ideas. It was noted at the meeting that Caroline Mas will appear October 1 and Teenage Head will appear October 30, both at the Waterloo Motor Inn. Plans are presently underway for an “end-of-term bash,” probably to be held at Bingeman Park, but no act has been booked as yet. Members of the Board of Entertainment at WLU have also offered a proposal to BENT-in conjunction with UW’s BENT, WLU suggested a co-sponsorship of a band to be booked for January 22, during WLU’s Winter Carnival. Lois


rights suffer severe governmental repression. Some South American Indian communities, says Schaft, are reported to have been forced to keep their activities with the tribunal totally secret for fear of further repression. For many such communities, these risks are worth the publicity they hope to receive following the tribunal. It is the ultimate aim of the Russel Tribunal to apply public pressure to . responsible for those violations of human rights and thereby effect change. Laurie DuQuette ’

- ’






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Comic , -. -,,-.I- book only text ’ 1 foi “u (jf ‘R course REGINA (CUP)-In a Wesstudents went to the press tern Canada Precedent, the and the Minister of Psychology Department at Education with complaints the University of Regina about the quality of education provided by the has been placed under receivership by the UniDepartment of Psychversity Administration. ology. The students alThe Department of leged most of their professors were incomPsychology has also lost its right to self-governpetent. In one ‘graduate ment, and a Management level class the only Advisory Board has been - required text was a Chinese comic book. established to govern its affairs as of July 1. Problems have existed in The move follows years the psychology department for a number of years. of problems and, more numerous comrecently, The university commisplaints about the quality of sioned two reports in 1979 education -in the departto investigate the alleged ment of psychology stuproblems and provide dents. recommendations for dealIn May of this year a ing with them. One report group of nine psychology , was. produced by Tom


Nelson of the University of Alberta and the other by Alvin Mahrer of the University of Ottawa. Mahrer’s report, which was obtained by the University student newspaper, The Carillon, indicates that the problems in the psychology department have their roots in the office of the ,Dean of Graduate Studies, the Dean; of Arts, and the department itself. Reaction*to the release of Mahrer’s report has been favourable on campus. The university administration, which tried to suppress the report, has said it regrets their release but has no further comment.

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Overcrowding Due to complaints of overcrowding by several of the organizations housed in the Campus Center, more changes in room allocations have been made.

PEERS (Peers Encounter in Essential Referral Services) as of Thursday will be located in CC room 138 (the Ping-Pong room) and has agreed to share space with the Legal Resources

Radio closure angers students . Winnipeg(CUP) - Students at the University of Manitoba are “pissed off” ? that the campus radio station they pay for in their student fees has been closed down by student council. CJUM went off the air May 29th when council refused to advance $3,000 dollars needed to keep the station going, and- recommended to the CJUM Board of Directors that the station be closed. Despite the closure students are still paying four dollars each in student fees owards the station. A survey conducted by the student newspaper, The Manitoban, discovered 60% disapproved of the station closure. At the same time 80% said they wanted some service for the money they Pay towards the station. The survey discovered that over 80% of the students disapproved of Council’s handling of the affair. They felt Council’s actions were high-handed and that a referendum should have been held to

decide on the closure. “I can’t believe they just went ahead and closed the station without asking the students,” said one student. “How can they claim to be in any way representative?” If such a referendum had been held the radio station would still be operating, according to The Manitoban survey, but there are no plans to revive CJUM operated as a which community FM station, broadcasting across the greater Winnipeg area. The station was always in financial trouble, Council said, and added that it students at the felt of Manitoba University did not listen to the station and thus did not warrant council support. But according to The Manitoban editor Andrew Coyne, Council never conducted a poll to confirm this impression. Negotiations are currently taking place between council and a Winnipeg who wish tc group purchase C JUM’s equipment and start their own community radio station.

on CC’B-

mea,Iw more changes Office. Some portable partitions will be set up on a temporary basis for-these groups. As well, agreed to long-term dations:

the CCB has the following recommen-

They will inquire of Physical Planning as to the feasibility of renovations in room 138 to possibly accomodate office and meeting space. The Board will also obtain an estimate of the expenditures involved. Prior to this decision, PEERS had been sharing CC room 206 with the Birth Control Centre. According to Steve Madigan, PEERS counsellor, running a counselling service in a

location ~4 the size of the World Room’ was unfeasible. Similarly, a representative of the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group stated that unpacking had not yet been accomplished in WPIRG’s allocated space due to the tentative room situation. WPIRG had been instructed to share CC room 217A with, Legal Resources until the end of September. Neil Freeman, Federation of Students President; inquired as to the possibility of moving the piano into CC room 214 and reorganizing CC room 207 (the pool table room) so as to create more space. Carole Hincks, CCB Operations Co-ordinator,

explained that room 214 Further recommendatwas too small to house a ions were made by Steve piano which frequently Harvey, CCB Science services entire singing representative, who suggroups. As well, Hincks gested that the dining area stated that under no of the Campus Coffee Shop circumstances would room be left open as a study area 207 be reallocated, as the in cafeteria off-hours. pool table is responsible It was agreed that, for much of the revenue pending the arrangement needed to maintain Camof a suitable security pus Center operations. system, the Board should approach Food Services with such a possibility. According to Joyce Pickard, CCB graduate representative, recent cutbacks in the Campus Center Board budget are largely responsible for space shortages and under-staffing. Sharon Mitchell

Staged rip-offs at UM bookstore Winnipeg(CUP) -News is so slow in Winnipeg these days that student journalists have taken to stealing books to create a story. And security is so lax at the University of Manitoba that these journalists have been able to get away with their theft. Last week four reporters from the university student newspaper, The Manitoban, entered the University of Manitoba Student Union Book Exchange and came out with over 200 dollars worth of used text books. And not a penny came from the reporter’s pockets. Security at the Book Exchange was so lacking that it appeared the looting could have gone on all day. The books were taken through the front door of the Book Exchange and through a partially hidden back door opening to the outside. The door had not been locked. Kris Anderson, UM%U Director of Students Services, said he had been aware from “day one” of the security problem. Asked why he had failed to

take any action in this regard, Anderson replied, “It didn’t seem all that necessary.” “I just didn’t think the situation was that bad,” he said. Twenty four books totaling 95 dollars were taken through the back door. Eight books worth a total of 90 dollars were taken out the front door, right past the employee checking out the books. Dozens of students witnessed the theft, but none made any move to stop the reporters, one of whom was carrying a box full of books. Another walked out quite openly with six large textbooks in his arm. Anderson said he felt the security problem was not serious because “people are basically Nevertheless, he honest.” take said he would “appropriate steps” to ensure the thefts d> not happen again. According to The Manitoban editor Andrew Coyne, the books will be returned to the book exchange pending an analysis of their street value by the newspaper’s fence.

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Workshop Sessions: Sat. Ott’. 4,1-9 p.m. Public Talk: Friday Oct. 3,1980, Sun. Oct. 5,ga.m. to5 p.m. Rm. 3005, PAS Building ’ Richmond 2, Apt. 1410 University of Waterloo 300 Regina St. N., Waterloo Time: 8:00 p.m. Fee: $15 .OOincludes lunch arid dinner Admission: IGee I For Info call: 893-9595 or 886-0122 I



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Radio Laurkr Two weeks ago, the ‘board of directors of WLUSU decided to disband Radio Laurier. According to WLUSUpresident Mike Brown, “the on-air portion of Radio Laurier was not serving the students,...not wo’rth the expenditure.” The disbandment of means Radio Laurier farewell to the elusive five year plan which Radio Laurier had planned to implement this fall. Among the goals of the plan were the involvement of the executive in policy decisions, the repair, update and expansion of the existing closed-circuit system, and the incorporation of CILR (Radio Laurier) to eliminate the problems encountered in getting a cable transmitting license from the CRTC. Also involved was the possible application to the CRTC for a carrier-current license which would allow anyone on campus to pick up CILR on an AM radio. The carrier-current has the reputation of being easily adapted to a low budget radio station and simple to hook up. In addition, it was thought that a carrier-current would make it license easier to secure a position on the AM dial in 1985, when the AM band is scheduled to be extended and existing band widths narrowed to provide more space on air for new AM transmitters.

The five year plan also advocated the physical centralization of CILR. Those familiar with the setup of CILR in the past will know that it was spread out among three different rooms in various parts of the Student Union Building at Laurier. The proposed new location for CILR was a corner of the second floor of the new addition to the building. The consolidation would have made interaction between radio personnel, executives, and the public an easier task. What could be called the “late” Radio Laurier began its career ten years ago in the form of Studio B for Radio Waterloo (CKMS). At that time the Laurier studio had z turntables, an on-air control board and approximately 5 microphones for interviews. The split between the two studios finally came in 1972, due to differences in broadcasting approaches, and Radio Lutheran was formed. The name changed to Radio Laurier in 1973 when the university’s name changed. At the time of the split, broadcasting was on the closed-circuit system confined to the Torque Room speakers. 1974 found the university’s on-campus residences equipped with speakers so that residents not having cable hook-up for stereos could still listen to the campus radio. It seems as though up until 1975 programming




9 I

Graduates Fall Convocation!

disbanded was one of the weakest aspects of the station. Sports coverage was minimal and newscasts were non-existent. Even though poor programming persisted, Radio Laurier seemed to enjoy one of its public years. most According to surveys taken at the time RL was enjoyed by both students and non-students. At one time 70% of the listening audience were non-WLU students. The Canadian Radio and TelecommuniCommission cations (CRTC) made a ruling demanding that studios broadcasting on the cable station secure a licence. To be eligible for such a license, the programming quality had to meet with the CRTC’s standards. Another qualification for a CRTC license was and is for all members on the Board of Directors to be Canadian. RL was allowed to broadcast without a licence into the middle of 1976, by the grace of the CRTC, to give it time to meet CRTC requirements. By 1978, RL had been refused a license by the CRTC twice; refusals of this sort followed RL to the bitter end. Programming at RL had definitely improved but the presence of non-Canadians on the Board hadn’t. The means of getting a purely Canadian Board, short of removing those members already appointed would have been the


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incorporation of RL. Although incorporation was seriously thought about, nothing came of it. As its listening audience dwindled due to its limited means of broadcasting, so did Radio Laurier itself. RL was near its end. On September 20, 1980, ten years of radio on the Laurier campus ended. Rodger Tschanz


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wekome? of Students




Feature -“allow

the students to decide”-

General meeting “to clear the air” rt!solution calling for the cancellation of the fee h&r: strike. Council had not reached quorum forty-five minutes after the meeting had started, and the meeting w’as cancelled. The Federation Board of Directors met and passed the resolution by a 3 to 1 vote. The Federation stated that the fee hike strike was distorting their anti-cut backs campaign (giving it a negative orient ation). UW was the only member of OFS intending to hold a fee hike strike. (Ottawa, a non-OFS affiliated univerand in the future”. sity still had plans for such The signator would also a strike at this time.) support, the petition said, The Federation claimed “immediate improvements that the fee hike strike was to and complete review of turning into a confrontthe OSAP program.” ation, which was not the “Furthermore,” the Federation’s intention. petition concluded, “if the OFS information officer Minister of Colleges and Peter Birt reiterated Universities does not give Freeman’s statement. The immediate consideration fee hike strike, said Birt to these measures, the OFS “was not accepted as a should consider a fee hike strike or other collective province-wide tactic.“. A Carleton/Waterloo motion action.” at the Sudbury conference Subsequently, a March to add a fee hike strike to 17 council meeting saw a the repertoire of options on vote in favour of conductcampuses was withdrawn ing a fee hike strike, based in favour of drawing up a in part the four thousand subcommittee to deal with signatures collected,, and the issue, he said, and had planning for the strike “no provincial implication began. (see Imprint, March at all”. The Committee to 21, 1980) Support the FHS criticized During late March, there the methods by which the were several additional Federation cancelled the groups organized on strike. They stated that campus to support or they felt such an important oppose the fee hike strike. issue should have been put The Committee to to a general meeting for all Support the Fee Hike students to decide upon, Strike (formerly the Adthat the problems facing Hoc-Committee to Support the strike were surmountthe Fee Hike Strike) was able and that the fee hike formed, according to strike was a practical spokesman Chris Reid, action. because members felt that The Committee organthe Federation was not ized a petition under moving quickly enough. Federation by-law 21 to Two other groups, call a general meeting and opposed to the fee hike began collecting signastrike, were formed at tures. There was immedthis time. The Waterloo iate controversy over how Organization of Reasonmany signatures were able People, and the needed. The group had Organization for Responspresented their petition to ible Student Activism both Freeman for the third time stated they felt the 7.5% (each time having had to tuition increases to be gather more signatures) reasonable. (see Imprint when Freeman discovered March 21) that by-law 21 was illegal Subsequent council under the Corporations meetings saw the nonAct. (The Federation of inclusion of the visa and Students is a corporation,) graduate students in the In response to the rejection fee hike strike. For example, of their petition, the a motion was passed Committee occupied the at tde April 9 council Federation offices beginmeeting to exclude visa ning on July 16, demanding students participating in that Freeman call .a the fee hike strike from general meeting on the legal aid at Federatiofi subject of the fee hike expense but “not from any strike. Although the other aid” which the occupiers had vowed to Federation could give, stay until1 Freeman agreed after much debate conto a general meeting, thiy cerning the possibiiity of left on July 22, claiming a deportations and prosvictory anyway. They ecution by the immigration maintained that the authorities. occupation had enabled A Federation council them to give the fee hike meeting had been schedstrike issue wider coveruled for June 22 to discuss age than it had had before. preparations for the fee The motion to call the hike strike. But, rather meeting was made at the than discussing preparaFederation of Students tions, Peter Hoy, CoBoard of Directors meeting chairperson of the Board of on September 4, and Education and External ratified at the September Relations, introduced a 21 Council meeting.

A general meeting of a2 UW student Federation members has been called for Thursday , October 2, for the purpose, according to Federation President Neil Freeman, “of clearing the air.” Freeman said the meeting “is necessary to clarify the direction that the Federation is taking” regarding “external relations.” (see Imprint Sept. 12) Federation members will be asked to vote on the Board of Director’s motion that “education [be) a major issue in the upcoming (provincial) election,” and that “an Election Action Committee be struck to help carry out this task.” Two additional motions included in the agenda concern the issue of the fee hike strike. These, proposed by Maggie Thompson and Cameron Anderson, members of the Committee to, support the Fee Hike Strike, moved that: “the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo engage in a Fee Hike Strike in January and May (or engage in an ongoing Fee Hike Strike until the 7.5% increase has been rolled back, O.S.A.P. has been improved, and accessibility ensured),” and that “the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo defend‘ any student of UW who is participating in the Fee Hike Strike, in Fall, Winter and in the future.” What can students expect to see at the October second general meeting? And how did these two groups, the Federation and the Committee, become embroiled in the issues of the general meeting and the fee hike strike? On December 31, 1979, the Minister of Education, Colleges and Universities, Bette Stephenson, announced that university tuition would rise 7.5% the. following year (this September) and that universities could raise their fees an additional 10% if they wished. The UW Board of Governors approved raising UW’s fees by 7.5%, but no further, on February 5. Earlier, Freeman had stated in conjunction with his campaign for Federation president, that he would consider a fee hike strike as a tactic to protest tuition increases. His agreement to conduct a strike was conditional on OFS support, how-ever. (see Imp’rint, February 1, 1980) “Only if the strike was run province-wide”, Freeman had said, “would the Federation of Students support such an action at the University of Waterloo.” In mid February, a petition was circulated to “guage student opinion”. It stated that those signing supported “the rollback of the 7.5% tuition increase pending an accessibility study” and the “removal of the autonomous feeincreasing power” held by the university “this year

Friday, States the Committee to Support the Fee Hike Strike’s Maggie Thomp“Let’s allow the son, students to decide once and for all. If Neil (Freeman) is so convinced that support is not there, then what is he afraid of, why won’t he call the question? That’s what I’ve wanted and the Committee has wanted for quite some time.” Thompson goes on to add that she is “unhappy



with claims that a fee hike strike will not work because clearly it has not been tried.” Freeman disagrees. He maintained that the few students on campus (estimated at about ten) who are currently involved in a strike action, are, according to Freeman “on a fee strike” not a “fee hike strike” “Most of them haven’t paid any tuition at all,” he stated. He added




that this number remains of 4000 students who, only a few months ago, signed the petition to endorse a fee hike strike. According to Freeman, the members of the Committee, most of whom, he added, have not signed the strike petition, remain firm in the demand that the Federation should . still support such an action. Marg Sanderson Michael Ferrabee

Sound Familiar? . On November 23, 1972, seven OFS negotiators met with Premier Davis and the then Minister of Colleges and Universities McNie concerning the $iOO tuition increase that had just been instituted. According to the University of Toronto Varsity, Davis would agree only to “meet with OFS from time to time” but refused to comply with demand to “roll back tuition fees and promise not to raise the student loan ceilings.” This meeting was the culmination of four months of such talks. A province-wide referendum had been held,in October of 1972 in which 38,493 students voted. Of these, 21,445 said &y would “support withholding their tuition fees in January if OFS/FEO negotiations with the government of Ontario were unsuccessful.” 6,826 said no and 10,000 indicated that they had already paid their fees. At UW, the figures were 605, 456, and 601 respectively. However, the Varisty states, “in its province-wide boycott meeting at the University of Guelph on February 10 and 11, an OFS general meeting decided to focus instead on promoting a province-wide moritorium of classes on March 13 to discuss postsecondary education.” “The OFS executive report revealed,” the article went on to say, “the fees strikes failed totally at some institutions and at others, such as Carleton University in Ottawa, students must soon pay their fees or be expelled.”

Ottawa fee strikers demand roll-back OTTAWA (CUP) -This fall students at the University of Ottawa had been asked to participate in a boycott of the 1980 tuition fees by the Students’ Federation to protest the Ontario Government’s mandatory 7.5% increase. The boycott was organised in response to a general assembly held on March 13, in which in an open vote, 99Oh of the students present passed three resolutions, including the decision to organise a fee increase boycott. The Committee Against Tuition Fee Hikes (CATFH) felt that the 7.5% increase is unreasonable in light of the fact that OSAP student funding has not substantially increased ‘to meet it, in addition to failing to provide for other elements of inflation that plague students, such as increases in housing and food costs. The Students’ Federation launched the campaign for the boycott with two letters sent out in August explaining their position and outlining the procedure for boycotting students to follow. The procedure involved: I. Registering and paying the tuition fee (at last year’s rate) at the Students’ Federation table set up in the Agora. The cheques were to be made payable to the Federation. 2. Proceeding to regular registration in the gymnasium, students were to pick up their registration kits, choose their courses, have their personal data file verified, settle parking and residence fees, then leave without paying tuitions fees to the University, or getting their pictures taken for student cards.

Foreign students were to Drove their ability to pay the tuition flee to their immigration agent before presenting their cheque to the Students’ Federation. The Federation intended to take these cheques and deposit them in a trust fund. The boycotters demanded no tuition fee increase, no reprisals against boycotters, no late payment fines, and no cutbacks in service. CATFH had hoped that it -could attract enough boycotters to put sufficient pressure on the University. The Rectors said that the administration would not negotiate no matter what the numbers were, and the administration had said that it was not * in a position to roll back the increase. However, the CATFH announced on September 8 that the protest, designed to pressure the university to roll back tuition to last year’s level, had been postponed until January. Spokesperson Serge Lafortune said few students had agreed to withhold their tuition from the university and that the boycotters decided to postpone the action. “We presently have 231 students participating in the boycott, including students from the professional faculties. This is too small a number to put effective pressure on the university,” said Lafortune. “We showed them that we won’t submit. We will continue much stronger in January and by doing SOprotect the people participating in the boycott right now.”







RCMP- bave vacant spot in “Hoosegow”

tAppeared with / Liberace in ’ LasVegas - ~

years as human composer as his own. I geological time measure of the past. suspect that the truly But if one begin humbly RCMP (who police copyby the Greek The Editor, _ right laws in Canada, as as suggested philosopher Socrates with The student from Mech. the FBI does in the U.S.) “I know that I know Engineering who wrote to are just waiting for this nothing” one may realize say you can photocopy great self-styled composer of the anything at the university to flourish a few more of that a determination age of a fern from an on machines, and to use his his “stolen“ musical Fieces impression in coal is like quote, “anyone can copy before they put him in the estimating the age of a the content of patents with hoosegow. hidden behind woman impunity’” is misleading . So, students beware, you the public as well as the do not have a legal right to heavily tinted windows. Firstly, the impression photocopy books as you entire student body. indicates that the leaves of While photocopy machplease, although many the fern have forms ines, as such, under patent violations have occurred, existing today, which often by teachers. And laws, may have lost their renders evolution a hummore often by those who patent after a certain bug in view of the 70 number of years, most, if lift material from other millions years proposition. not all writings, books and works without giving Secondly, geological “CONTENT” are covered proper and legal credit to time tables are based on a under copyright laws refereny. series of human assumpwhich have so-year-plus, May I add, as a writer of tions, which can not be possibly another so-year six dramas and two books, validated by finite human of copyright time, if in as well as a few musical experience. The underestates or. trusts, longer, compositions, some years arbitra,ry assumpperhaps. ago, that I would see to it lying tion necessitated by the So, the University of that any theft of my finitude of man is that the Waterloo is correct in material is brought before present represents a measputting up signs that you the court. For, even beyond ure for the past. For photocopy at your legal the ‘stated copyright limits example, vast geological that is called peril,’ for any author of a on material time spans of the past are book probably has a “intellectual property” unin terms of recourse to sue you for der the law, there is a estimated present radioactive disdamages for infringing common law copyright integration rates or prescopyrights. Not to mention that is, even a stronger reaching the reason why students or ent radiation publishers who buy rights earth from the sun. from authors. anyone should be reluctant Other arbitrary assump- <The entire field of to photocopy, such creative tions are that radioactive for writers, protection works. decay or radiation effects is authors, / composers, There may be ‘a minor began for the dated quite different from patent exception for very brief material at the estimated protection, although passages in academic date. This in itself is an the same rooted in research or study, but even absurdity. principle that someone’s there, credit must be duly In case of the -fern one “creativity” is his own, and noted so that there is no t also has to assume that it must be protected by law. mistake that the material, grew in the region where This, of course, goes way albeit brief, is from the coal was formed and back to the statesmen of someone else’s brains, not was not blown in by the the U.S. who even made yours. ’ wind from an adjacent sure that it was entrenched . Glenti Julian geological strata which of in the U.S. Constitution. ,History course would have asNo doubt, as an inventor of signed to it a different note, Benjamin Franklin Measure 6f man, geological age. recognized the importance Dating techniques inimpression of fern of protection for the volve an extrapolation innovators and creators of The Editor, from the present to a past the new reuublic. And, I I received through intrainfinite in comparison might add, it is that mural mail a clip from the with recorded human creativity that made AmK-W Record (Sept. 13) of history. This extrapolation erica great, and rushed “IT HAPPENED IN CANis of the -type from the American know-how into ADA” showing an impresinfinitesimal to the infinite the 20th century. sion of a fern found 700 feet and has no signifcance It - would bequite down in a coal mine in frcim the mathematical unacceptable in Canada, British Columbia claimed point of view. too, for people who steal to be 70 million years old. Radioactive disintegrathe works and inventions Whosoever sent the clip tion series used for d.ating and creativity of others, to preferred to remain anonhas shifted the age of get off without paying ymous, but had written a- earliest ’ life on earth damages to the holders of number of exclamation further and further back patent or copyright. Inmarks behind this incredand this age will approach deed, there is a notorious ible age. infinity as more and more case that has been I have no way of evidence of life is found, in followed by some investknowing whether these the same way as the igators for more. than a marks symbolize surprise number of nuclear partquarter --century now, -or endorsement but, whaticles will eventually tend wherein some musical ever the meaning, I like to to infinity, as every new “thief” has stolen the basic give the following answer. radiation phenomenon ir compositions of a noted If one declares like the represented using .part Ontario musician, teacher Greek sophist Protagoras ever icles and now and brilliant composer, (5th century B.C.) that fictional antiparticles. and passed them off in the “man is the measure of all Dr. J. Schroeder community. where he things,” one -may accept Professor of’ Civi describes himself as a millions and billions of Engineering \

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In 1972, Stanley Kubrick followed 001: A space Odyssey with another futuristic film, this time a satiric view of politics based on Anthony Burgess’ novel, A Clockwork Orange. Clockwork is not, repeat, is not another 2001; the films are completely different and should not (cannot) be confused. Clockwork is an earthier film (that means there’s sex and violence) which has none of the sterility of 2001. So no more comparisons. If you didn’t see it eight years ago, go out and see it now. If you don’t understand it, read the Burgess novel. The dialogue is based on an invented slang for this world, and while it is not overly difficult to follow,. one should be prepared. Got it? Now..:everyone remember the movie? Sure-the rape while Alex (Malcolm McDowell) is performing “‘Singin’ in the Rain”, the scenes in the Milk Bar, the scenes while Alex is being brainwashed. All still

Thursday night the dance floor was packed as a good sized crowd got down to the sounds of Matt Minglewood and company. The band proved that great music can come from any part of Canada-in this case from Nova Scotia. On stage, Matt and his cohorts had as much fun as anyone in the room, maybe , even more. The performance was much as expected-a mixture of rock, blues and foot-stomping; there were few surprises but few disappointments either. The music, most of which was from their second album, was comprehendable, and great to dance (or even just listen) to. At the end of the show most of those at the WMI seemed satisfied, though there were many calls for “more”.

The sequel to last year’s hit movie has appeared. “Smokey and the Bandit, Part Two,” returns Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jerry Reed, and Jackie Gleason in their roles of the first film, and adds Dom DeLuise to the fray. The most obvious question is “how does the sequel compare to the original?” The answer is “Very badly!” Burt Reynolds, as the Bandit, is still his fun-loving self but there has been a change. After riding for months in glory, he has crashed; and now he is a down and out drinker. Enter Paul Williams and his daddy. You remember from the last film, they are the guys who got the Bandit to bootleg the beer. This time, they want the Bandit to transport the contents of a crate from Miami to Dallas, as an election prank. You see, in the crate is an elephant. So Bandit and the Snowman (Jerry Reed) go get it, accompanied by “Frog” (Sally Field), who has just been rescued from being married to Justice Jr. (Buford’s son). 3f course this gets Sherriff Buford T. Justice (Jackie Gleason) up In arms; ke and CJL. ;*- go ofi chasing the Bandit and his cohorts. (? the p!oi sounds familiar, it is because it is , -. -% ’ \A 25 ii\<, sir.T Si,!Tg Tic: ii-&c [:fL,! ^;i’1G r,;P-*;\ fir; Ji ;L;,&rij ; ;I‘. CJyps Cj_i( $+-\a; ihg &~~-vja~~~ :r; ~>pjlj :- /&p.J tire r>ijy, th$g.J yp&g[ 1_,~ j++yp(3q~p , *;a rL. ‘& :trJii;a;-i

on again. This time Sherriff Justice gets help from his brothers Reggie and Gaylord, aiso piayed by Jackie Gieason. Can the Bandit win again? Will Frog and Bandit ever get back together? Will the elephant have her offspring in safety? Having the same (or nearly) plot as the first encounter is just the start of this film problems. The movie is less slick than the original. h’s uneven. The jokes aren’t as iunny. Watching it, it clearly looks like an attempt to give these very popular characters another film without thin’king about quality: there’ s only so much you can do with a situation, and it was done in the first film. Dom Deluise isn’t bad as the gynecologist. But all the rest look like they’re definitely not pleased to be back in their old roles. (Exception: Jackie Gleason seems to have fun in his triple role). Speaking of Gleason, Buford T. Justice’s brothers are there to help him get the Bandit, complete with a huge squad of police cars from their home jurisdictions: Gaylord, the effeminate Texas sherriff, and Reggie, a singing Mountie. (This really infuriated me: a badly done, blatant Canadian Stereotype. His girlfriend wasn’t bad, though.) So we have a sequel which is a poorly done remake of the first. A waste of celluloid, and of my $3.50. Sorry, people, but Smokey and the Bandit, Part Two proves that you can have too much of a good thing.. . Glenn St-Germain

great. &lost of the movie holds up: and holds up beautifully. 1Most of it. The sets and props--while not a major part of the film-do !et you know that it is supposed to be future-fiction (something the dialogue hints at, but is not really explained). Rather, they are supposed to let you know. They are all ten years out of date, and it eliminates a large part of the cinematic effect. Sigh. ’ Another problem is that the print of the film being used is badly worn and cut in the last twenty minutes. The scenes are choppy and pieces of dialogue are lost; the ending but no meaning... has no meaning. hxpact, Wnat’s good about the film? (If you’re asking this, you didn’t take my advice to go and see it. Shame!) The acting, for one. Malcolm McDowell played it so well that he was typecast for.years as a rotten evil-guy. But he was (His latest role? Caligula. complaining about typecasting.) The rest of the cast is uniformly excellent, but the minor roles receive a bad treatment because of the condition of the film. The direction is excellent, with many-fine touches. Unlike The Shining, Kubrick here did it right. There is a nice comedic touch in many areas that certainly helps the film, the subtle (and some of the not-so-subtle) camera angles and shots are beautiful to behold, and it works, praise God, it all fits together. And the script almost actually novel... Call it a piece of scratched bliss. Clockwork Orange Cineplex in Kitchener.


but restored

is playing Johd


at the


Sugar is +,e rnusicai version 5 Ti-iC? .-::ovie Some Like it Hot, which starred *Cony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, and iMarilyn Monroe, and is filled with comedy and slapstick humour. The Forest, tLurrer.

play is being directed by Susan and is being produced by Bob

Currer stated ihat “very iittie has been happening with the C~earive Arts Board in ::he past few years. The Board was first set up when the federation of Students came into existence, and in the beginning handled ail the performing arts on campus. But with the rising of such services as BENT, the Board now handles only amateur, extracurricular activities. ’ The Board plans to draw from everyone, they are getting assistance with the music and dance from Conrad Grebel, and experience is not necessary, though it was made clear at the interview that becoming a part of Sugar entails work. They also need somebody or somebodies to “put together parties”. The parties are to iet everyone working on the production get to know everyone else. They plan to open on the Zlst ot January (1981). Auditions are at 7:00 p.m. in the Theatre of the Arts, and if you can’t make it, leave a note at the Federation Office. Cliff A, Goodman


Arts Travellers produce .pleasant tunes








“Oh to be a child again!” I mused as the curtain fell and the little bodies wriggled out of their seats, bouncing toward the exits. For 75 minutes last Saturday, The Travellers, first program in the UW Arts Centre children’s series, successfully managed to captivate the attention of an audience of children ranging in age from about 5 to 8 years. These energetic musicians entertained with such familiar songs as “B-I-N-G-O”, “She’ll Be Comin’ Around the Mountain”, “George Washington’s Bridge”, “This Land is Your Land” (which they are best known for), and other ditties that everyone inherits. To accompany these melodies, the audience willingly clapped hands, gyrated fingers, slobbered raspberries, flapped arms, and poppe,d in and out of their seats. Participation was no less enthusiastic among the parents in the crowd. (The author is hesitant to reveal the fact that even though she sat maturely in her seat, with notebook in lap and pen in hand attempting to exude a business-like manner, she secretly longed to sing along at the top of her lungs and create bunnies with her fingers). Just as there were light-hearted nonsense songs, there were several more serious selections to inspire and encourage the young generation. Opening the concert was a song whose chorus challenged the audience to pursue their goals: You can do most anything that means enough to you.

ris de Burgh has fine Chris de Burgh has come out with This one has another great album. something for everyone; its only failing is that it’s almost identical tr> the - previous four. “The Traveller” is good for-both listening to and dancing to. The guitar work is almost flawless in this soft and mellow song about a highwayman in the days of yore. The music gets harder with “The Record Company Bash”, a comical piece about just what the title says. There is a very heavy beat, and traces of jazz throughout the number. “Tonight” is a fast type of slow song. The three sax soloes by Supertramp’s John He’.Iwell are excellently done. A touching song, it is one of the few de Burgh pieces t$at doesn’t fade away vocally. Probably the best cut on the Eastern Wind album is “Wall of Silence”. A very soft, danceable number, it begins with acoustic guitar, and grows as electric

keyboard, electric guitar, and percussion are added, until it blossoms into a harder sound. It later dies down again, and throughout the whole process the vocals are well in the foreground and not drowned out by-- over-enthusiastic musicians. The final cut on the first side, “Flying Home”, again features Helliwell on saxophone. This piece is also soft, and is easy to dance to. The second side begins with “Shadows and Lights”. Harder than any of the other songs, there is once again a build-up through percussion, electrical keyboard, and sax. However, instead of fading off like most de Burgh sofigs, this piece cuts off abruptly with electrical guitar. “Sailor” is a soft, emoting piece featuring very good-. piano .by Eric Robertson. The . .. . piano and drum duet is superbly done. Lisa Dal Be110 joins Chris on “Some Things Never Change” for four lines during

The final song, and title track, “Eastern Wind” is not a de Burgh masterpiece, though there is some very good acoustic and electric guitar work. The percussion joins late and is very heavy. All in all; Chris has an excellent moneymaker on his hands, and if you like de Burgh, this album is a must to get hold of.

Chris, of course, wrote all the songs himself, but, also of course, the record company (A & M) just couldn’t get the lyrics on the inside cover straight. Word is Chris is hopping around Canada (he was in Ottawa earlier this month) before heading home to Scotland. It may be a while before we get another album, but until then we can listen tp repeats. Cliff A. Goodman

Reveal the g The story you are about to read is true. Nametags have been used to reveal the 4uiltu.

(A\ vj,



- Wednesday, Sentember 24. Earl, Evening. I get a call tb stake-out some sort if cult gathering known to the general public as FASS. When I arrived, opening ceremonies had begun. A standup comedian and a multi-layered stripper were present. On the surface!. lookd - like’ __._- a-. nartu. ,-----~. ----, --it ______ Thanks td my extensive knowledge and keen awareness, I discovered that it was an organizational meeting. This cult annually I performs a highly symbolic ritual in the form of a drama dedicated to the gods of I pleasure. Purpose of the meeting: to seek out and prod people into membership. FA% welcomes any persons who wish to be subjects of the gods of pleasure. In return the members gratefully render their services such as writing, graphics, acting, and stage hands. For the cult to carry on, new members are urgently required. Interested persons may join at any time but they prefer to join early so as not to miss any parties, which are a dominant charactersitic of the cult...the meeting soon resumed its party appearance. Late evening. I stumbled home tired but elated. I felt as if I had assu identity. I now have high rega






15 -,

lgOO+eat KW theatre opens Saturdav Kitchener-Waterloo Ungs Aeternus! The School of Hellas! All roads now lead to K-W. Well, not exactly. But our fair provincial town is becoming quite a centre for the arts. We have a fine local symphony orchestra, the U of W Arts Centre, an active Chamber Music Society, amateur theatre groups, and now we have the long awaited Centre in the Square in Kitchener. The controversial arts complex opened on Saturday, September 20th, with an open house throughout the day attended by an astonishing 18000 That evening, there was a free people. concert presented by local choirs entitled (what happened to “Kitchener Sings!” Waterloo?), which was the first of a weeklong series of free previews open to the public. The controversy over its conception has certainly had an impact on the birth of the Centre. When it was first seriously considered, the idea of a municipally funded complex met with some severe opposition. The local Labour Council in particular, claimed that much public money would be expended to benefit the few who enjoyed

classical mtisic,.ball&t, and other “high The opponents’ point of brow” pursuits. view, however valid, lost to the equally worthy contention that a commutiity the size of K-W badly needed a Centre for the Arts and a home for the KWSO. The Centre’s management, headed by Geoffrey Rutler, who is the former manager of the UW Arts Centre, seems therefore to have tried to appease the Centre’s opponents by

?heatre. One problem, however, is the narrowness of the main lobbies, which were so cramped in the evening one had no choice ’ but to brush elbows with fellow patrons. The evening concert’ entitled “Kitchener Sings” was a recital of several local choirs that joined forces for the opening and closing to form an impressive 600 voice massed choir. The co-ordinator of the event

arranging this week fine community concerts and by planning a fall programme of wide appeal; ranging from the Symphony to the Good Brothers to Gospel Singers. On Saturday, this attempt to placate consumers of both the “haute culture” and the popular culture stuck out rather much like a sore thumb, as our excessively clamourous country-western band serenaded pilgrims to this shrine of the fine arts. The tour did show the facility to be quite Although it is not yet +mpressive indeed. completely finished, it is obvious that the main theatre, smaller studios and art gallery to the will be formidable additions The 1900-seat main theatre, community. with an incredibly expansive stage, boasts some of the largest stage towers in Canada. Though I am not an acoustical engineer, I believe that, judging from the evening concert, the Centre’s hall is more resonant than the acoustically “dead” Humanities

was former UW Band director Alfred Kunz, who composed a number of original compositions for massed choir and brass ensemble expressly for the opening of the His “Fanfares for the Centre,” centre. which opened the concert, was a treat, demonstrating Kunz’s rich sense of melody and his ability to create interesting rhythms. The “Fanfares” captured the bass’s natural disposition for flare and pomp. His “A Tune to Celebrate” and “Canada Song”, however, merit little praise. Kunz may be a composer, but a poet he is not. Both these compositions failed to please because the lyrics were inadequate. “A time to celebrate -wow!” and “Canada, wake up typify some of the now, come alive!” eminently forgettable and trite lines that populate his lyrics. I could not decide whether another of his compositions named “Runner’s Boogie ,” the lyrics of which consisted of “run, run, run,...” ad nauseum,

Steve Hackett’s tour tasteful and melodic Steve Hackett must have been feeling very smug Sunday the 21st at O’Keefe Center. Less than three years after having been asked for his resignation from his guitarist role in Genesis (the other lads in the band thought the songs he was writing weren’t good enough for them to record), he was playing his songs in a filled concert hall on his first North American tour as a solo act. And he did it all the hard way, shunning theatrics and laser beams, letting the music stand on its own merits. An endless cascade of sounds and textures enabled the audience to feel everything from the serenib of “Flowers to Tai Chi” (Spectral Mornings) to the anger of “Slogans” (from the just-released Defector) and the happiness of “Everydays” (from Please Don’t Touch if my memory serves -.. _-__ correctly). Supplementing Hackett’s inputs were Nick Magnus on keyboards and vocorder, Pete Hicks on lead vocals, John Shearer on drums and percussion, Dik Cadbury on bass and harmony vocals, and Steve’s (younger?) brother John on flute, rhythm guitar, and bass pedals. Only Hicks and John Hackett failed to be less than fully satisfying-Hicks because so few of the songs had vocals that the audience had little opportunity to see/hear him and John Hackett because he didn’t get enough musical space to showcase the abilities that he has long manifested on his brother’s albums. Steve Hackett was, of course, the centrepiece of the show and never failed to impress with his mastery of electric and acoustic guitar, guitar synthesizer, and a wealth of effects devices ranging from a harmonizer to a sustain pedal and an echoplex. Most of the show consisted of electric versions of Hackett’s work. “Sentimental Institution”, “The Steppes”, “Jacuzzi”, “Time to Get Out”, and “Slogans” (all from Defector); “Flowers to Tai Chi” and “Spectral Mornings” (from Spectral Mornings); “Everydays” and “Narnia” (from _ Please Don’t Touch); and “A Tower Struck Down” (from Voyage of the Acolyte) all got warm receptions from the enthusiastic crowd of 3,000. The main part of the show ended at 9:30, only 70 minutes after it began, but two welldeserved encores extended it almost to a much more acceptable 1O:OO and left the audience content, but eager for more at the earliest possible opportunity. Hopefully, the financial problems that scuttled Hackett’s earlier attempts at a North American tour have now been circumvented to the point where.we will be able to enjoy him regularly and often. All in all, a very good concert and not one to be missed if one is into tasteful, melodic progressive music. Reinhardt Christiansen


Mas storms


was a challenge to our hectic paced society or an exploration of the intriguing metaphysics of jogging. Nor were his creations a complete musical success. The melody of “A time to Celebrate” was quite cute, but was hardly suitable for the 600 voice choir for which it was written. Such a host of wingers has the potential to electrify, to stir, to overwhelm its audience. Neither of Kunz’s works for massed choir allowed the choir to soar to these desired heights. After the opening “A Time to’celebrate,“‘ the performance unfolded as a colourful and entertaining pageant, as several local choirs appeared in turn to perform in full costume and regalia. It reminded me of a school recital in which everyone in the audience has a relative on stage. It would serve little purpose to describe the long list of choirs, but some performances deserve mention. For e xaplple , there was the Children’s Choirs, who made courageous attempts at such classics as Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” and Mozart’s “Gloria” from the 12th Mass, and were almost successful. Among the highlights was the Concordia Mixed Choir’s full and , glanced performance of Schumann’s “Ziegeunerleben.” The two barbershop music groups provided a lively, crisp, and entertaining program. K-W, if “Kitchener Sings” is any sign, is a rich treasure chest of talented choirs. The hitherto agreeable concert ended on somewhat of a sour note. The last piece for massed choir was “Canada Song” by Alfred Kunz and was intended to crown the evening with a flare of patriotism. But picture this scenario. The brass ensemble I plays, the choirs sing, and a narrator deep in voice rattles off such exhortations as “stand up Canadians and be counted,” and declaims that we are “leaders, not followers.” All the while young children parade in carrying the flags of our ten provinces. Finally, the orchestra spontaneously burst into a rousing rendition of our most a-musical anthem. I found nothing “Canadian” or “artistic” about this feast of flag waving and pageantry. Must we, as E.E. Cummings suggests, “sing in our chairs”? “Kitchener Sings” and the entire week of free preview concerts are intended to symbolize a public blessing, a consecration by the general will for the new Centre. Whether the centre will be truly accepted by the tax payers as a worthy investment, however, remains to be seen. David Dubinski


into town So, you’ve conveniently missed Mandrake, Cano, Harry Chapin and Minglewood-too bad, your loss. The only feasible excuse for such rampant apathy stems from the universal phenomenon, “Titewadikusfingerupyerassilitiswimpomania.” For those of you who have just recently regained control of your motor-sensory faculties-and after allowing mad Matt Minglewood into your life support systemrejoice, ‘cause somebody up there is making damn sure you don’t regain consciousness, emerge fro? the bliss of comatose Utopia, or return from hallucinogenic heaven, until after Carolyne Mas has rocked you into oblivion. It matters not whether cagey Carol sings and struts like the Boss, Southside Johnny, or any other street-wise demi-gods, ‘cause SHE PUTS OUT, musically speaking, of course. Carolyne Mas is just one of a new breed of suffragette rockers who refuse to be coined as “chick singers”. Mas and the new succession of wonderwomen rock-out with all the swerve and verve of the most undaunted crotch-rock yahoos. Without attempting to sound overly lewd, nor to boggle your minds with an implication of subtle anatomical impossibilities, might I humbly propose that Ms. Mas has more balls than an overhung bull moose. So-if you’ve got nothing better to do this coming Wednesday (Oct. I), or even if you’ve got something better to do,-slip into hyperdrive and skip on down to the WMI for some head-knockin’, heart-stoppin- R and R a la Mas. M.D. Cook



Fhg Football

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Photographic Contest in conjunction with


16 -

the powerful S3 Bombers. There were nine games Warren Delany on tap this week in the Women’s Competitive Flag On Tuesday night under Football League. Monday’s cloudy skies, the St. action included five games; ~ Jerome’s intramural flag NFL action saw- Minota football team trounced @agey get by Conrad Renison 25-O. This meeting Grebel 12-8, while the pitted last year’s A finalist Rippers handed St. Paul’s St., Jerome’s and the B their second defeat this division champions, ReniThe CFL season, 6-O. Son. highlighted the NC Deuces Quarterback Dave Devdestroying S6W2 by a lin was spectacular in the score of 19-0, S3 Bombers triumph. His favourite shutting out B North Y-0, target was Kristo Pehar, and Kin beating V2 East by who caught one touchdefault. and was down pass On Wednesday, the S3 instrumental in a lateral Bombers posted their third pass to Pigeon resulting in shut out by walking all another touchdown. Devover S6W2, 26-O. Other lin also tossed passes to games included B North McNamara and Janik to blanking V2 East 7-O and close out the scoring. the NC Deuces getting by Other games in the B SB Bombers 13-9. In the division of the league saw only NFL game, Notre North 2 defeat North 3, 6-l Danie’ edged Renison 2-O. and the Village 1 Wizards Undefeated teams to defeat the St. Jerome’s B watch out for are: NC team 20-O. Deuces, Minota Hagey and Liz Silcot t

Body Works A Celebration of Life October

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The contest

is open to anyone from the University of Waterloo Community




the theme of the week:

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thletes ee

league format ressures The pressure to win for the women’s varsity volleyball team has lessened this year and the result is a more confident, more relaxed atmosphere at team workouts. This calmer environment may be due to the team’s abundance of new faces and the league’s new structure, which is set up in a regional format. The league now has three divisions: west, central, and east. Waterloo is registered in the east division and is pitted against Laurier, Windsor, Guelph, and Western. Ottawa and York now come under different divisions. These teams were tough competition in previous years. Waterloo will now have Western as its strongest opponent, and this team has lost its top player this year. Teams within a division play each other twice, and play once with teams from the other two divisions in a tournament. At the end of the season, the top teams in each division and the second place teams meet for the finals in February. The team is training hard before the start of the season, holding three hour practices three times a week. This allows the players to get full exposure to all aspects of the game in each practice.

Recipients of this week’s Molson’s Awards as the Athletes of the Week are Bob Pronyk and Lana Marjama.

In addition, the players have made committments to practice on their own time throughout the week. Coach Pat Davis has a new assistant: Jan Ostron, who also plays on the team, was _ last year’s captain. Assistant coach Ostrom is a provincial team player, in 4th year HKLS. Ostrom is an allaround player, primarily a setter, and does a good job in leading the team. Marian MacBrien is the team’s manager, trainer and, in addition, the president of the Women’s Intercollegiate Council. The team will be playing in various tournaments before the OWIAA starts its season at Windsor on Nov. 11; the first of their exhibition games will be in Toronto on Sept. 30, Other veterans on the team are; Maria Kasch (center blocker and a National team candidate), Brenda Bollenback, Karen McAllister and Carolyn Collins, who are all returning for their second year. “This year’s rookies,” claims MacBrien, “are promising, with lots of height and previous experience with other clubs. We are working towards a rebuilt team to recover from last season’s outcome. Pressure is not here to win. We can sit back and hope to do better.” RLPB

The UW rugby footoall club has an interesting group of rookies this fall. Al Huycke, one of the club senior members, commented that the move seemed like a natural step after the keen interest women showed at last year’s first UW seven-side intramural rugby tournament. “We are always looking for new members to more firmly establish our club.” It is also hoped that serious women players will help change the club’s historically rowdy reputation to one of respectability. Some see women playing the “wild” game of rugby with a sceptical eye. “They’re only going to hurt themselves. It’s like women playing tackle football-ridiculous.” The success of women’s rugby can be measured by the extensive league that has existed for a few years in the United States, and the enthusiasm for the sport is spreading northward, with teams presently practicing at various Ontario universities. Peter Hopkins, Men’s Intramural director, was impressed by last year’s participation in the sevenside tournament and is supportive of the new activities and members of the Rugby Club. However, he does not se-e the womenteam becoming viable on an intercollegiate basis in the next couple of years as no established league exists or is being developed by the Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Association (OWIAA). The UW Athletic department’s limited budget-can only be allocated to teams and clubs recognized by the OWIAA, and women’s rugby is not. Pat Davis,

women’s intercollegiate director, stated that rugby is such a new interest in Ontario that she has yet to hear of it at any OWIAA meetings. What she does want to get across to the women’s rugby team is a realistic attitude that accepts that they have a long time-to wait before the team will ever reach varsity status. She suggests that the team do what other clubs have done while waiting for their intercollegiate status, and that is to grow as an intramural club first. Women’s rugby also has a distinct advantage by being under the wing of the men’s club. As for the womenthemselves? Well, “I played in Ottawa last year,” says Joanne Ruiter, “and it’s the game for me. The thing I like best, however, is that everyone gets a reward at the end of the game. No matter if you win or lose, everyone (both teams) gets together to socialize and have a good time .” Other players see rugby as a great challenge because of its speed and novelty. “I really like the game,” says Sandi Carson, “and the beer afterwards, too. But yes, it does require. you to be fit. I think it’s great that women are getting into this kind of game and I’m glad to be a part of a new sports team at Waterloo.” The women’s coaches are trying to arrange some games against other university _women’s teams. They hope to start playing within the next few weeks. Meanwhile, they are practising a couple of times each week - preparing themselves. Debbie Dickie

Bob Pronyk


by Vivian



off to soli The UW Warriors tied the McMaster Marauders l-l in Hamilton on Saturday. This makes the first season since 1976 in which the Warriors have not lost the opening game. McMaster, ranked 9th in the country, couldn’t get itself together in the first minutes as Waterloo pressured them. The Warriors took an early 1-O lead when sensational young forward Tommy Abbott crossed the ball to Harry Christakis, who executed a perfect shot into the top righthand corner of the goal. The game bogged down in the midfield area as the more experienced Marauders squad started to take control, and the Warriors seemed . to become less aggressive. This continued in the second half until Valdi Greco of the Marauders advanced towards the net with the ball. His kick was stopped but bobbled by goalkeeper Peter Bulfon, and Greco quickly retrieved the ball and fired it in. As the game wore on, the teams gradually opened up and this led to some more exciting play by both sides. .On one such play the Marauders had a goal called back on a doubtful call by the referee. In fact, the referee was often late

Foot baII Bob Pronyk is a fourth year Arts student who came to UW from Toronto’s Humberside Collegiate. This is his .second season as the team’s starting quarterback and it shows signs of being his best. He has amassed a total of 408 yards in the air in his first two games this season and has the respect of both coaches and team-mates.

Lana Marjama Cross-country Lana Marjama is a transfer student enrolled in the Faculty of Science. She was chosen for the award because of her dedication, determination and hard work in her sport over the past year. That has enabled her to finish in extremely good positions in the first two crosscountry meets this year and she is now the second runner on a team which is much stronger than last year’s,

with ’ his calls and appeared overworked. The Warriors offered their own share of entertainment on a free kick in the Marauder zone. Their fancy dipsy-doodle play called for five players to skip over the ball in a confusing manner without touching it before a sixth player kicked at the net.

The kick was off-target, but the play was wellexecuted and exciting, otherwise. Coach Ron Cooper was happy with the deadlocked ending. The team has shown -_great promise considering only four of the eighteen players are veterans. They lost to Laurentian (ranked 4th in

Five new cross country Athenas saw action in the second meet of the season, held last weekend at Western. The five joined three veterans of last week’s meet at McMaster, this time to compete against teams from Western, Guelph, Wilfrid Laurier, and several high schools. Lisa Amsden again led Waterloo’s finishers in thirteenth place with a time of 17:28, followed by Lana Marjama in 20th with 17:40. First-time performer Bay Brooke followed in 28th with a promising 18:04; she was followed in turn by three more women competing for the first time in Waterloo vestsYvonne de Jong, Jacquie Gibson and Karen Hatchard. - The Western meet also

provided the first confrontation of the season between the men’s teams from Western and Waterloo. This early-season battle was clearly dominated by Western, which placed five runners in the top fifteen. Waterloo, however, performed promisingly, led by Ray Costello and Tom Boone, who


the country) 1-O in the finals of the Laurentian Tournament last week on a penalty kick. Cooper concluded that, “If we can play well against Mat, we can play well against anyone .” The Warriors play the Royal Military College this Sunday at 1:00 in Seagram’s Stadium.

to placed fourth and fifth, respectively, in the individual competition. Waterloo’s other scorers were Mark Inman, Bruce Harris and Steve King. Despite Western’s victory at home last weekend, the Warriors have served notice that they will be a very significant force in the championships.

Don Hayes Award needs applicants The Don Hayes Award Commitee will be accepting applications for the 1980 award. The terms of the award are as follows: Applicants should be deserving undergraduates. ‘with a minimum of ‘B’ average standing who are involved in athletics or the

sports training function in the university‘ or community. Letters of application, including a resume and the names of two references, should be forwarded to the Awards Officer, Needles Hall. The application deadline is September 80th.

New pitcher creates stir



(G) Cambridge

\ ’

Baseball is not a new practice by one of the team game for Bev Beauchamp captains. Not until she of Notre Dame College, but arrived at the first practice being the only woman on a was she ‘aware that she team is quite new to her. In would be the only woman fact in this weekend’s St. playing. Still, the team Jerome’s Softball Tournneeded a pitcher and the ament, Bev was the only pitcher Qeeded a team. woman on ‘any o,f the Dave Ronson, captain of teams. Even ‘though the the team, was great tournament is registered I to have a woman playing as a male event the rules of on the team. Bev, according the Intramural Leagues to him, did a good job and allow a woman to compete she was “part of the team in any male sport where no like everyone else.” female eqtiivalent is ofAt home. in Penatangfered. uishine, Bev played on allBev did not fight any star teams for seven years. valiant battles to earn her Starting in a midget spot on the men’s team. league, she worked up to After her perfdrmantie in a juvenile where her team Frosh Week game she was played against older teams asked to come out to because of a shortage of

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them equally bell this weekend, racking up a few strike-outs duritig the games. Although the team lost, its both tournament games, everybody involved ’ enjoyed e themselves. Bev would certainly do it again and based on performance, she her might well be asked to. Virginia


Softball tourney


players their own age. Nonetheless, they were the Georgian Ladies’ Bay League Champions. B&r credits her playing in an older league with sharpening her skills. When asked how it felt to be the only woman, Bev claimed, “It was super.” All the boys treated her well, she had no trouble with remarks or lewd comments. Bev treated

in succession. On the other hand, Conrad Grebel entered the final with an unblemished record and 1 could afford to lose the The 7th Annual St. opening game. leromes Invitational Soft- As in any baseball game ball Tournament good pitching stops’ good took place this past weekend at hitting every time. The the Columbia Fields. There proof of this adage was were over 200 plav&s illustrated by West D’s ace involved, not to‘ mention - David ’ Arbuthnot. He the umpires, score keepers, simply over-powered Concoaches and a lot of rad Grebelin the firstgame 9-3. In the second enthusiastic fans. Rich Wilms of After forty-two games of game double elimination play it Conrad Grebel appeared to all came down -to” a have things under control, between leading 4-3 going into the confront ation West ’ D Alumni and bottom of the last inning. Conrad Grebel. Appearances , can be West D was the obvious deceiving, however, as underdog. Having lost the West D scored twice in the prelimin& round, half to clinch the the_v bottom now had to-win four games championship.


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Friday, -_____


Rugby Warriors impressive in season opener at Queen’s .

Rookie strum-half, John Beamer, opened the scoring for Waterloo when he broke down the sidelines and in for a score. Phil\

The Warriors gave defending champions’ Queen’s a run for their money in a nerve-racker last Saturday afternoon.



Whit@ was on the convert and the Warriors took an early 6 point lead. Queen’s


quickly after with a field goal, cutting the Warrior lead in half. Then with five minutes remaining in the first half, White was good

Hockey debut’s-

Rookies provide pleasant surprises Michigan for an exhibition game which resulted in a tight 1-O loss for the Waterloo Athenas. On Saturday the Athenas played 3 games. The first game against Kent University was a hard fought match which was won by Waterloo 4-3. The next ganie against Northern

The women’s varsity field hockey team travelled to Sauk Valley, Michigan this weekend and participated in two days of tournament play against University American teams. On route to Sauk Valley the Waterloo team stopped University of at the


Michigan ended in a disappointing l-3 loss for Waterloo. In the third game of the day the Athenas bounced back and defeated Hope University 5-l in one of their more controlled and well paced efforts. Waterloo played their final game of the


Robertson new diving coach The Waterloo Diving team will be holding its first practice Monday September 29th at four o’clock under the direction of its new coach Nancy Robertson. Robertson is a Pan Am gold medalist, a former Olympic and National Team member, and the technical hirector of the Canadian Amateur Diving Association. If you are interested, regardless of your experience, come to practice or leave your name, number and address with the athletics office, c/o intercollegiate diving, Swim to B.C. with Terry Fox In conjunction with the the usual fitness-swim, University of Waterloo pool will run a “swim to B.C. with Terry Fox.” Each participant will swim 1000 lengths of the pool between now and December 6 to complete Terry’s distance from Thunder Bay to Victoria. Registration will take place from September 22 to October 6 at the Athletic Receptionist in PAC Red North from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The ‘cost of registration is $1.00 all of which will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society. GOLF The Waterloo Invitational Golf Tournament held this past Monday at the Conestoga Golf Course witnessed the Waterloo “A” team finish second with a 280 team score (the four best individual scores) while the Queen’s University team won with a commanding 7 stroke 273 lead. Queen’s Lee Jackson came closest to breaking the 63 par for the course with a 3 over par 66, while teammate Jamie Heward Andy and Waterloo’s Bishop both fired 67's. Waterloo’s next tournament is on September 25th and 26th at York where the

O.U.A.A. be held.

Semi-Finals Paul



Ultimate Frisbee is one of North America’s fastest growing sports, demanding both stamina and agility. Ultimate is a team sport played on a regular soccer field. The play begins when one of the teams throws off to the other team which tries to score by passing the frisbee from one member to another all the way upfield into the opponent’s endzone. There are a maximum of seven players per team on the field at any one time but most teams carry a minimum of ten plavers.

On fourth

Saturday the Second

October Annual

University of Waterloo Intramural Championships will be held from 1O:OO to 6:00 at Columbia Fields and the Village Green. Members for Waterloo’s first varsity team will be chosen from among the participants in this tournament and will -go on to compete in the University of Waterloo’s Invitational Ultimate Championships on October 25th. For more information concerning the game or team enrollment contact Les Lowcock or Steve Madigan at 886-5045 or in the CC pub. The deadline for registration is Monday September 29th.

tournament on Sunday against the University of Eastern Michigan. Although most of the game was played 4 in the opposition’s defensive end Waterloo did not capitalize on many of its offensive opportunities and the game ended in a 2-2 tie. The weekend provided a good opportunity for the team to do some experimenting with positioning and game strategy. Coach Judy McCrae explained that, “We played all our players in all the games and sometimes this led to a lack of continuity but we did sort out many tactical things.” McCrae added that, “We had strong performances by several returnees and our first year playerh played well; in fact, we have a few pleasant surprises.” The Athenas travel to York friday and Saturday for the Early Bird Tournament.


on a thirty yard field goal, as a disbelieving crowd watched the ball hit the posts and whisper in. The second half continued in the same style of aggressive, open-field rugby with Queen’s tying it up g-9 shortly into the half. Waterloo came back with a fifty yard field goal by White. It was penalties which then began to plague the Warriors. Up against a wmuch larger pack, the Warriors held their own well but lost valuable gains to costly penalties. Their lead suddenly slipped away when Queen’s scored a try with three minutes left to play.




stood at 15-15 with just injury time left to play. Queen’s however, scored on the final play of the game, a play which was made possible by a Warrior penalty. Coach Derek Humphreys said it was “probably the best season opener I’ve seen the Warriors play.” The Warriors’ next game is tomorrow at two o’clock against Brock, on Columbia field. Tim WaIIace

Re-gathering, the Warriors came back into good field positon and a penalty to Queen’s rekindled their hope. Again White was called to kick and again he was good. The score

I Waterloo


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by Phyllis



Federation of Students


1 .c .

- University of Waterloo


There-will. be a general meeting of the membership of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, a corporatio under the laws. of Ontario, on fHiURSDA v” .OCTOBER 2, 7980 from 2:30 to-530 p.m. in Engineering Lecture Hall,, Room 101. There are three motions to be discusseds at this meeting. The first \ one is from the Federation of ,-*Students’Board of Directors. The,other twoarefrom students who wish to hold a .fee hike strike. The . age,nda for the, meeting and the-wording of the motions are as follows: 1. Introductions 2. Board of Directors’ Motion: Neil Freeman/Anthony Waterman: Whereas the undergraduate students at the University of Waterloo are desirous of m&taining a high level of accessibility ‘to, and quality of post-secondary education at the University of Waterloo and throughout the province of Ontario; And whereas the realization of this goal is, to a large extent, dependent upon public support for student concerns and a reas’onable level of funding for post-secondary education; Be it therefore resok/pd that the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo be directed to work to make postsecondary education. a major issue in the upcoming provincial election; And be it further resolved that an Election Action Committee ’ be struck to help carry out this task and that all interested students be invited to participate on this committee. ’

with sharp increases in the price of books, transportation, food and housing; and Whereas students’ incomes have not risen as rapidly as the ’ costs of education, and the qual,ity of education received has at the’same time declined because of budget cutbacks; and Whereas in the past, students have tried to improve their sit_ uation by petitions, postcard campaigns and lobbying_ the government, all to no avail; and in February 1980 the Ontax government has bluntly rejected students’ demand for a rollback of the 7.5% increase; Be it moved that the Federation of Students at the University of’ Waterloo engage-in a Fee Hike Strike in January and May (or engage in an ongoing Fee Hike Strike until the 7.5% increase has been rolled back, O.S.A:P. has been improved and accessibility ensured).

4. . 3. Maggie Thompson/Cameron Anderson: Whereas there have been tuition increases of $100 in 1972 I i $100 ‘in 1977 and 5% last year, and students are also faced

Maggie Thompson/Cameron Anderson: Be it moved-that the Federation of Students atthe University of Waterloo defend any-student of UW who is participating in the Fee Hike Strike, in Fall, Winter and in the future. i -..

students at the University of Waterloo are voting members of the Federation of Studets. Those members who are unable- to attend,the meeting may *proxy their /vote to another person. Each person in attendance at the meeting may hold one proxy only. This means that if the person in attendance is a’ member,,,:he/she may hold one proxy as well as h-is/her own vote; if the person is a-non-member, he/she may hold one proxy only, PRoxy form*s are ‘available tit the . Federation office (CC 235) and must be returned to no later 1 than 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 30,198O. All registered undergraduate







. . -*5

Neil Freeman,. President Federation of Students .


but and . make


vote count!




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