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Camnus Events

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In the arts, new releases from Yes, and the Yellow Orchestra, reviews of children’s theatre, the Canadian ChamberGsembIe . ‘\( and more fluff pages 13-15

This weekin sports, a wrhp up to the golf season, fJag foot ball, track, soccer and football teams win, and a pfe’vie, of waterpolo pages 17-19


October \



2 -

Reselling old ex’ams ‘Oontroveisial -The WINNIPEG WJP) University of Manitoba is going to sell old exams back to students and members of the English are not department pleased. has The University decided to compile a file of past exams submitted by professors and then sell copies to students at 5 cents a page. However, a few English professors are their doubts expressing about the morality of such a file. Professor David Williams said he had nothing to hide and would be happy to supply exams to Senate. “But ( I will not brook the sale of them,” he stated. Professor George Amabile felt professors should not be’ required to supply exams on demand from , Senate. Amabile said he ,made a practice of sh0win.g old exams to students in his courses already. However, Amabile expressed doubts as to how having access to exams couldhlp students choose ‘eou~sacs. He said “to pass out like the exams -hotcakes sounds weird,” adding that I superficial judgements could be made i-f a student looked solely at the exams to determin.e if a course is very difficult or if a,-professor’s questions are intelligent. Amabile continued that he had no objections to setting up ‘a file to show students on request, but “to reproduce them is wrong. It is like pirating a s book.” He added he did not know what would happen if professors refused to supply these exams to a

university exam file. If professors were pressed to do so by the university, Amabile said, there would be some resistance. University President Ralph Campbell said he had “no objection at all” to the idea of an exam file. He said the exam file is “a more efficient and organized way to do it.” Williams, however, disagreed, saying, “Let’s-do it right. If students want to see an exam, tell them to go to the Prof.”

Plebicite petition nears deadline According to the Waterloo Safe Water Society’s Herbert Riedel, approximately 2,300 signatures have been collected towards a required four thousand for a petition forcing a plebicite on the flouridation of Waterloo’s water. If the group is able to collect all the names needed by the October 20 deadline, the question “Are you in favour of the discontinuance of the fluoridation of the public water supply in this- municipality?” will be placed on the municipal election ballot in early November. (see Imprint Ott 3, 1980, p. 3). The society maintains that when the water supply of Waterloo was fluoridated in June of 1967 it was without the consultation of the constituents, and .therefore, Waterloo residents have a right to demand a say in the contents of their drinking water.

by the Chinese dragon above. ’ -_

WI-U’s homecoming weekend featured a Saturday morni’ng parade from their athletic complex to downtown Waterloo. One of the highlights of the parade was thefloat All citizens says Riedel, student, are the petition, eludes students residence.

of Waterloo, a UW PhD able to sign and this inwho live in

New co-opprogram at UW


UW’s new armlied studies program makes cooperative education available to students in every department in the university’s arts faculty. Dr. John Stubbs, UW historian, has been appointed director or applied studies. The first I students were enrolled in September. The program offers students a variety of courses which supplement their regular honours program. Beginning in their first year students will, in addition to their regular courses, take courses in areas such as economics, computer science, industrial psychology, report writing and a second language which will provide skills and background knowl’edge useful in the job market. In their second year students begin to specializ’e in one of the 16 disciplines available in the arts faculty and ,continue to take courses from the applied studies options. ---


Academically, the applied studies co-op is the equivalent of taking a double honours program,, Dr. Stubbs feels. Thus it allows students to combine a traditional arts education with more specialized training both in the marketplace and in courses related to that experience. “During the first two. work terms,.jobs will tend to be. in such areas as clerical work, sales, and level adminbeginning istration,” says Dr, Stubbs. “But as they move along the jobs are expected to become more advanced and, in some cases, more discipline-related.”

Post-secondary enrolment? up across province


First-year, enrolments are up this autumn at Ontario’s fifteen universities and one polytechnic. Preliminary fall registration figures indicate an increase across the province of 5% or some 1800 students over last year’s total. The increase, even greater than that experienced by Ontario universities last autumn, is interpreted by university administrators as clearproof of a renewed



featured Hans

the colourful Van DUE Molen

interest in university were mandated to go back education, since the pool of to their student unions and Grade 13 graduates from ask them to join OFSas which most applicants are associate members. -drawn was down slightly this year compared to-last. According ta Brad For; At the same time, there is well, President of Fanconcern that continuing shawe College and 8 inadequategovernment recently elected member of funding may cause further the OFS Executive, many colleges were not satisfied deterioration in the quality of the education offered, with the programs of UFS with consequently larger on college issues. classes and greater presAlthough some work. sure on laboratories and ( had been done on represe$ libraries. Boards on Registrars’ offices report ’ tation Governors and Lcredit major gains in enrolment transfer between instituin business, engineering and science programmes. tions, it had not been said Forwell. Enrolments in arts are on a substantial; level with 1979-80 figures. Jim CooPer of Algonquin College wrote a paper concerning the formation -I of a separate organization , for colleges which has been Over the weekend, the discussed over the past Ontario College Students’ few’ months. It was Association met in Ottawa decided, however, that, and decided to accept with the election of being a semi-autonomous Forwell and the creation of commission of the Ontario a College Co-ordinator of Students Federation, position, colleges would rather than starting their benefit from being a part of _/ own organization. OFS. At the ‘moment, only There was a “lot of heavy Fanshawe, and Cambrian and on College are full members of both heated sides ,,discussion For, stated OFS while Seneca, and well / George Brown are assocIn’the end, though, 13 of iate members. Representath.e 14 colleges attending tives from the Colleges the meeting voted’in favor which are not members of remaining a part of OFS.



cial election next focus of action At last Thursday’s general meeting, students decided to make the next provincial election the focus of their _ efforts to re-evaluate the quality and accessibility of oost-secondary education. ‘The first motion on the agenda pmposed iormin,g an Election Action ‘Committde (EAC) to lobby for a stronger student voice in the platforms of the major provincial political parties. Neil Freeman, Federation said a coalition president, against fiscal restraint in colleges and universities was one way to bring education to \ the attention of the public, but added that the background work must be done now (rather than waiting for an election to be called) for the caalition to be successful. Freeman claimed that it was not the intention of the Federation to support any particular political party. Larry Hannant, Chevron editor, said that students “shouldn’t put all of (their)

eggs in one basket” and that “it there was a June election, most of the students would be off campus. Since the students would be gone, they wouldn’t be able to exert the same force.” An amendment to the stating ,that the motion, Federation take no partisan stance in the election, was made by student Gordon Ray. Freeman claimed that it was not the intention of the Federation to support any particular political party. Wim Simonis, Federation Vice-president, said that there is a misconception of what the EAC is, and that a partisan stance would be a bad strategy. Simonis added that some universities have already set up an EAC. The amendment to the motion was passed. Mark McGuire, former Federation president, said that the Federation must now rise above petty politics and personality problems to “change public policy and

opinion”. Undergraduate Mary Gillis called the EAC a strategy to deal with the tuition increases but said that it was still a diversion from the main issue. She added that alliances were useless unless the students did something active, Nevertheless, the main motion regarding the EAC was passed with 150 in favour and 20 opposed. * In other business at the general meeting, Freeman asked that Barb Taylor, Ontario representative of the National Union of Students (NUS), and Gord Howe, an executive member of Ontario Federation of Students (OFS), be allowed to speak. In a vote, the members of the assembly agreed to give them each five minutes to address the students. Taylor stated that the major issue at present was the Federal-Provincial Task Force on Student Aid, which would be releasing a report sometime in November. She

substitute for Mom “It’s hard to meet people said the pert at school”, young co-ed, who for reasons of confidentiality preferred to be known only as “mother’s little helper number 4”. “We wanted a way of meeting people outside classes,” stated her friend (also a “helper”) “so (lately it’s been Winnie-thePooh), tuck them into bed, give them cookies, and supply

a ’ good-night-kiss-on-thecheek. Pillow-fluffing is an extra ten cents. Becoming a client is not easy. The service asks that their tuckees be male, offcampus, WLU students, and that they live in households of more than one person. “Four is the ideal say the helpers, number,” “because there are four of

Board predicts $400,000 surplus Increased enrolment this year at UW will result in an estimated $500,000 increase in academic fees received by the University, according to a revised budget submitted to the Board of Governors meeting last Tuesday, Due primarily to the increase, UW’s operating budget for 1980-81 will have a surplus of nearly $400,000, instead of the $2,800 surplus forecast last April. When asked what UW will do with all the extra cash, Shaun Farrell, operating budget analyst for UW, replied, “It’s put into surplus the university account and the Board of Governors will decide how the extra money is to be used. The Board could, for example, buy more teaching equipment or use the surplus to hold back in cuts of university personnel, but it’s up to the Board.” The University surplus

account will stand at nearly $2 million by April 30, 1981, according to the estimate given at the Board meeting. In other news, the Board of Governors also voted to waive premium payment of the Student Supplementary Insurance Plan at the time of registration, for those students who could present proof of an existing equivalent insurance coverage. Payment of this insurance by students had been compulsory since 1978. It was noted by Board members that in practice some full-time students supported by parents or spouses had equivalent or better coverage and felt that they should not be required to pay for the duplicate coverage. Both Neil Freeman, Student Federation President, and Alex Kostiw, Graduate Student Union President, supported the change. Brian Snyder

us-and we all go, or we don’t go at all.” “We ‘phone our customers to verify that we’re! coming and they’re asked to be in their pajamas and in bed when we arrive. They should have the door open, glasses out in the kitchen, and milk in the refrigerator-cwe’ll take over from there,” said helper number four, who is also the telephone contactperson. Nevertheless, one group of clients discovered a new variation on the bedtime snack theme; when the helpers arrived they found a bottle of bourbon labelled “milk”. When asked about a possible price war, (another costlier service has been operating in one of the WLU residences) the group denied any involvement. “We have a charge to cover the cost of gas and cookies,” said the helpers, “but we’re doing it for the socialization--we haven’t even figured out a break even point,” they maint ained. In the future the group plans to “broaden the selection of stories,” but the helpers wish to keep their operation small, however, and will only perform thier service to one or two groups each night. When asked about the benefits of being a tuckee, the helpers stated that it was “a nice way to end the day, a way to remember how good your mom was, to keep in touch with your childhood.” Said number four: “we think of ourselves as a substitute for Mom.” Marg Sandqson

The meeting got underway half an hour later than planned, and seventy interested students attended last Thursday’s Federation of Students. indicated that there had been some changes proposed to the Canada Student Loans Act this fall, but did not elaborate on the changes. Howe said that the tuition issue, on which a review had been promised by OSAP two years ago, had not yet Howe added-that since 1972, the capital grants work program had been “cut off’ to all but those who supported the government’s policies, The reason for this, he stated, was that the government’s policy was one of restraint, and that there were various ways of balancing the budget, the one chosen being to cut back on social services, including education. “If this trend continues,” he said, “it may become necessary to close some universities.” When asked on Monday to respond to the events of the general meeting, Freeman said that he was very pleased. “I think the meeting went exceptionally well and it was well handled by speaker Mark Winnett, who kept the meeting moving,” stated Freeman. Thompson, a Maggie spokesperson for the Committee to Support the Fee Hike Strike, stated that the general meeting “was a defeat for the fee hike strike.” She aded that she was ,“pissed off” that there were only twelve minutes of debate on this issue. “Students seem to have forgotten, their feelings of last spring,” Thompson said, adding that “the strike is not a dead issue. Many students have expressed an interest in the Committee since the meeting, and we will be publishing a leaflet to explain our side.” Jim Murray Lois Abraham

but about one hundred General Meeting of the

No strike for UW The issue of the fee hike strike at UW has been effectively laid to rest for now. The vote at the general meeting last Thursday tallied 142 students opposed to a January/May fee hike strike. 26 were in favour of the motion, and there were three abstentions. Regarding the second motion on the agenda-to hold a fee hike strike in January and May-Maggie Thompson, a Federation of Students’ Council member, said that no one needed to tell the students how badly off they were, and that decisive action had to be taken as soon as possible. She added that she was, at present, participating in a fee hike strike and that she had ony paid the same amount that she had paid last year. (Thompson said she had, in other words, withheld $57.00.) David Row, who spoke against the fee hike strike, said that a strike is not an effective means of protest. Row stated that since the government already pro-


vides over half the income, the university’s withholding of fees will have little effect on the university. .Cameron Anderson, fee hike strike supporter, said that last year the university made a profit and he claimed that this year UW expects a further profit of $600,000.

The third motion on the agenda - “to defend any participants of a fee hike was called strike” irrelevant by Mary Gillis, fee hike strike supporter, in consideration of the preceding vote. Gillies states, “If the action isn’t justified, then the Federation shouldn’t support the students who do it.” A motion was proposed to have a divided vote one vote to have the Federation support participants of a fall/winter fee hike strike and one vote to have the Federation support participants of a future fee hike strike. The motion, however, was defeated. Jim Murray Lois Abraham

rejects OFS

In a referendum held Tuesday and Wednesday, University of Toronto students voted nearly 2 to 1 against a fee increase for the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS). Fourteen per cent of the student body voted. in reacting to UofT students’ decision to reject the increase for OFS, Karen Dubinski, the group’s chairperson said she was saddened that those Toronto students had not agreed to the small increase. Dubinski said she “knew that U of T students would not be cut off from OFS for long.” “I’m convinced U of T students will consider the importance of the services that OFS provides and will positively reconsider their relationship to us,” she said. Ira Nayman

Massage: “a science and an art” About fifty observerparticipants watched in fascinated silence as Karl Veiledal, RM, demonstrated the art of shia tsu, a form of massage therapy. 4 Veiledal, who stated that he studied the technique in Europe, told the group that massage “is both a science and an art. It can have either a stimulating or calming effect, depending on its application, and can be used as therapy or preventive medicine.” The techniques used in the demonstration were

formulated in 1940 in Japan, Veiledal said, and involve the application of gentle pressure to a specific series of points on the body. The name itself means “finger pressing” in Japanese. Turnkey Dave Neufeld, who served as Veiledal’s “patient” during the demonstration, noted that the effect of the massage was “refreshing”. The use of such massage, said Veiledal, can eliminate fatigue, loosen up shoulder muscles, and relieve tension headaches. The workshop was one of


several sponsored by the Campus Centre Board and the Federation of Students as part of the three-day Bodyworks event. Other presentations included a clinic for those who want to quit smoking, a stress management workshop, an outer’s club presentation, as well as yoga, fitness, weighttraining, and bio-energetics seminars. A potluck dinner, movie, square dance, and special displays rounded off the event, which was subtitled “A Celebration of Life”. Marg Sanderson


Imprint is the student newspaper at the University ofwaterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications Waterloo, a corporation without share capital, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 885 1660 or extension 2331 or 2332. Imprint’is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organization . of 63 papers across Canada. Im,print is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the term. Mail shouldbe addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Boom 140.” We are typeset on campus with a Camp/Set 510; paste-up is likewise done on campus. Imprint: ISSN 07087380.


Editor Marg Sanderson Business Manager Sylvia Hannigan Advertising Manager Liz Wood Production Manager Jacob Arseneault News Editors q Lois Abraham, Laurie Cole Sports Editor Paul Zemokhol Features Editor Laurie Duquette Prose &?Poetry Angela Brandon, Michael Ferrabee

Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising.

Editorial Cmnus -



Do you think the election





Question ~------

action committee


will have any effect? by Phyllis Oliviera

John Loreto Arts, 3 If the committee’s presentations are well prepared, perhaps some positive results may occur; however, in a time of cutbacks the results desired are doubtful.

Dianne Hebbes English Co-op, 2A Yes, if they work hard enough implementing their endeavours, I believe that they will be effective.

Maria Akote Arts, 1 I feel that the committee’s ideas will at least be heard, but positive results are doubtful.

Dino DiFrancesco \ Geography, 2 I don’t think the committee will have an effect because other committees in the past have tried and failed. What’s the difference this time?

Are two

Mark Taylor Geography, 2 you kidding? What do you need, pies in Bette Stephenson’s face?

Kathy Regan Arts, 1 I don’t think the committee taken seriously; therefore, will take place.

It all began with a simple joke, “Let’s relive the Psychadelic movement” said guru Marg Sanderson, and the Union for the Liberalisation of Present Canadian Morals, voted on the issue. The final count was 7 to 4 with one abstainer. Liz Wood, the ravishing Laurie Duquette, general bon-vivant Paul ZemokholAngelaBrandon, Jim Murray, Sandy Newton and Mr. McMooo, were in favor of the motion, with the redoubtable Ira Nayman, Dave Dubinski, Glen St-Germain, and JWB voting against. Jacob Arseneault abstained andvoted in fav?r of a Groucho Marx look alike contest. Brian Snyder, Peter Saracino and Steve Hull, (gone but not forgotten, sigh!) had a seance to trytoraise JanisandJimifromthedead,buttheyonlysuccededinraisinga melted disabled manifestation of a recently redundant peace sign! And were disappointed when they found Hell’s Angels, ‘I’im Wallace, Virginia Butler, Karen, Leslie, Sally, Nancy-the-Wallace, Virginia Butler, Karen, Leslie, Sally, Cathy McBride, Nancy-the-typesetter and JD, and Kurt Mitchell had stopped riding their motorcycles in favor of shirts and ties and 200,000 dollar a year jobs as TV sportscasters. Bob Dylan offered his services to the revival, but as Sylvia Hannigan, Lois Abraham and Laurie Cole were heard saying, listening to a 45year old minister preach is about as popular as putting out a 25 page paper. Just as general mutinywas being planned by sexually alarming? Mike Ferrabee, Randy Hannigan, Fran Helper% (the little red-haired girl), and then .. ... .. ... ... .. alongcame Jo! and the whole movement ‘uo!suemTTJ Meu s uJ 330 Yoo’3 Leonard Cohen appeared for a short time, but Lynn Hoylesand DianaClarkecoudnothsndlehisdrowningandretiredtotheAdIadestar paper shack. MF. Cover Photo of rock climber Les Jones of Rattlesnake Pointby Betty Flozendaal.

will be no effect


10, 1980.



Comment Federation executives’ attitude creating discontent on council Apathy. The word is so frequently ascribed to student politics that one might end up believing it! On attending my first Federation of students council meeting on September 21, I was delighted to see that few of the councillors appear affected by this malaise. Indeed;-discussion throughout the evening smacked of (could it possibly be?) enthusiasm. In vivid contrast, the executive members of the council appeared lacklustre and (dare I suggest?) bored to tears. Ironically, it was this body that charged the councillors several times with lack of interest, complaining that they thrown the bulk of the work load onto the executive. As if to further thicken the air and increase the gap between the councillors and the executive, President Freeman employs a shocking set of manners. I observed he was frequently rude and aggresive to councillors, often sullen and occasionally courteous; it is little wonder that Freeman complains of apathy. Organizations dependant on volunteer efforts are never easy to consolidate. The leaders of such groups can only hope to capture the energy of volunteers by imparting on their fellows a sense of enthusiasm and good will. This ability is painfully lacking in our present leadership. Already several council members have resigned since last spring’s elections and one can only hope that no more energy will be lost as council speeds towards entropy. No, apathy is not a problem as I see it, with council members. The federation executive should be forewarned however that to continue to present a negative face to council is to court a true crisis Laurie Duquette of apathy.

News “pubkize

-Friday,- - October 10,198O. Imprint 5 -

bad planning”

Cities planned by men for men, speaker says Gerda Wekerle, from “Reflected in the spatial the Faculty of Environorganizations of cities” is mental Studies at York the fact that “cities are University in Toronto, planned by men for men,” addressed the predominstated Gerda Wekerle at antly female audience on the “Women and the the topic of “Women in the Environment” conference Urban Environment .” held last Saturday. Wekerle noted that “cities The day-long event, are still planned as if most which was sponsored by women were in the home Waterloo Public Interest full-time,” although “50% Research Group (WPIRG) of Canadian women under and the Federation of 64 years of age are (now) in Students, consisted of the labour force.” lectures and workshops It was also suggested designed to “look at that urban planners and women’s current needs in businesses do not give work urban and the adequate consideration to how well environment, the dual role played by needs are met, these many women today. women’s role in deterAccording to Wekerle, mining their environ“only one D.ominion store and ways the ments, in Toronto delivers grocersituation might be changonly delivers ed,” according to pamph- . ies, Sears between 9 and 5, and lets distributed prior to the Eaton’s has no childcare conference.

facilities.” Wekerle also related the research results of one of her students, who found that subsidized, daycare centers are often located in affluent neighborhoods rather than in areas where impoverished single mothers are concentrated. In an article in this year’s winter issue of “Status of Women News” published by the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, Wekerle states that “services needed by women, such as daycare facilities and battered are often - women shelters, kept out of ’ residential neighborhoods by zoning by-laws.” She adds that City of Toronto by-laws allow “adult-only (apartment) buildings” which dis-

Womens WP~RGS

current needs in the urban and work “Women and the Environment”conference

criminate “specifically against families headed by women, many of whom are limited to the rental market since they cannot afford the down payment and high carrying costs of buying a house.” Wekerle recommends that women “publicize examples of bad planning,” “become more active in the planning process,” and “stand for public office at all levels of government.” Sally Lerner, a UW ManEnvironment professor,


Lerner described three general problems which she saw in the workplace environment: hierarchy as organization principle, denial of self-direction or personal control, and fear Of collective assertiveness. She said that women

Discuss Gordon



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Recruiting representatives of the Noranda Group willbe conducting on-campus interviews this fall.

’ .

Board of Directors Thursday October 16 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Polling stations at South Campus Hall and the Campus Centre



present I.D. card to vote. Only who have not received a WPIRG

WPIRG refund)


approaching these problems must “learn how to organize (themselves) p01itically.” “Immigrant women,” who are “incredibly vulnerable,” represent a concern of “high urgency,” according to Lerner. “The women at 21 McGill,” a women’s club in Toronto, “have vftry real problems too,” added Lerner, “but they can write very well so (people) read a lot about their problems.” Laurie Cole

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nect addressed the conference. Lerner identified the “need to avoid pain” and the “need to grow psychologically” as the basic human needs in a work environment.

Today, the auditor but opportunity career .path demanding

“Environment al Challenges for the 80's", October 14 at 12:30 in CC li3 to begin the week’s programme of events. Other features will include a whole foods luncheon on Wednesday October 15 in the CC Great Hall, the film “Splash” directed by academy award winning director Michael Mills Tuesday through Thursday at 4:30 in CC 113, a WPIRG brown bag seminar on “Acid Rain” Wednesday, October 15 at 12:30 in CC 113, and a workshop on alternative energy technologies presented by the Solar Energy Society of Canada.

were examined by speakers held Saturday at UW.

Final Year Students

Probe conference to look at environmental challenges According to Heidi unnoticed and uncelebrated in Bender of KW Probe, most the past, this year Environpeople take the environment Week activities will take ment for granted, and do place across the nation in all not realize the effect which sectors of the country inclutheir lifestyles have on the ding libraries, community life support systems upon groups. service clubs, schools, which they are very de- s business, Industry, govpendent. ernment, churches, media “What most people fail to and colleges and univerunderstand is that all sities. Canadians have a stake in UW is no exception. In the environment,” she adds. an event co-sponsored by “Pesticides, energy, pollution, K-W Probe and the Federaacid rain, resource managetion of Students, a variety ment, hazardous substances of activities on a wide and the North are just some of range of environmental the issues. What we do now, issues will be presented or fail to do, will affect not from Tuesday to Thursday only our lives, but also the in the campus centre. lives of future generations.” Keynote speaker LawrIn 1971, the second week ence Solomon, author of in October was prnclaimed ‘I’he Conserver Solution, Canadian Environment Week will speak on the theme of by an act of parliament. Left


members can vote.

(i.e. students

News -


Women’s issues -

seeks club sta

Female undergrads wanting to help give UW’s




‘- club status should attend the next meeting. At the group’s organizational meeting Oct. 2, not enough undergrads turned out to enable the club to apply to the

Federation of Students for club status. The group, which functioned

last year



as the




interview, was abaut (for September to April), and enabled the group to pay speakers, hire projectionists and obtain films for some of its special event days.

but that the criteria of having seven undergrads is what is needed to meet Federation club specif-


ications. Are men welcome to attend or join? “Last vear when thev-wanted to come we pretty well let them,” said Brock. She added that, in certain discussions, “Some women are not comfortable talking in front of men.” Sandy Newton I

In addition Brock stated, “we had it (club status) last year; there should be no problem having it

again.” Brock women welcome

indicated that all on campus are to join the group,

a forum for discussion of issues specifically related



or an organ-

ization for participation on such issues, or both, depending on the inclinof the members ation involved from year to year.

Said Brock,

co-ordinator “It’s up


Debi the

members whether the group is a consciousnessraising group (involving discussion) or takes a more active role in university and community women’s affairs.” As well, the group has in the past offered films and lectures, pot luck/discussion suppers for members, and a Careers Day for women. Though not necessary for the group’s existence,

club status would enable the Women’s Issues Group to receive funds from the Last year’s Federation. budget, said Brock in a

Fee Hike Strike Committee proposal defeated by Council Two ratifications for pew chairpersons were carried through at the Student Council meeting held on Monday, October 6, at 7 pm. Debbie Brock was voted in as chairperson of the Board of Education, for which she was previously the vicechairperson.

Peter Hoy was ratified

as Board of External


chairperson. Hoy had previously held the position, but had resigned in the summer due to academic difficulties. Hoy said that he plans to concentrate on the Election





of restraint,


student issues in the next municipal election. A motion was also made that the Federation of Students reimburse the Committee to Support the Fee Hike Strike $77.28 in advertising costs, but was defeated. One of the arguments given against the motion was that the advertisements in question did not indicate cosponsorship by the Federation. Ruth Pindilli

Graduating inlQ81?

This Thursday, October 16, the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group [WPIRGjwill hoId its annual elections for Board of Directors members. Wpirg is a student funded and directed research and educational otganization involved in investigating current social problems and their possible solutions. The organization serves as a bridge between the campus and the surrounding community. Students who are WPIRG members that is, those who have not requested a WPIRG refund, may vote between 9 am and 5 pm. Polling stations will be set up at South Campus Hall and in the Campus Centre.






concerned with determining and making known some of the many social problems in our, as yet, imperfect society. I am a student in Integrated Studies with interests in Appropriate Technology, Third World Development and Social Justice and in the year I have been at this university, I have attended films and lectures many seminars, presented by WPIRG. I wish to make this participation more

* B.A. (English or French) to teach those subjects at the Secondary School level School level

* B.Sc. (Physics or Chemistry - major or minor) to teach at Secondary School level

reason, .I ask for upcoming election.



The Campus










18; sign-up



.234A South Campus Hall phone 885-1211 ext. 3144 CUSO Information Meeting Tuesday, October 14th at 7:30 p.m. Rm. 3009 Math& Computer Building Speaker & Slides directly from Nigeria will be featured.




Everyone who favours discontinuing the artificial fluoridation of our water supply or feels the citizens have a right to vote in this matter should sign. You can also help by circulating this petition among your friends, in your classes, your residences etc. For information and extra petition forms call 884-6338 (8 am. to 8 pm.) or 884-1811.

or deposited

For further details visit the CUSO office at=.


+rlt**rt**~r~r*** PRI7FS! ************ ,..more information available at the games room ********************ti************************** ._._ .-. ______--~-- -

The Waterloo Safe Water Society, P.O. Box 882, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 4C3




* Civil Engineering

I * Planning



All petitions should be mailed by October 19 to

* Geology/Hydrogeology


The resources and research of WPIRG concern vital moral issues: third ’ world development, consumerism, energy, and pollution. We

* Accounting/Finance








Occupational hazards, acid rain, and mercury pollution affect our health and our environment. It takes some digging to see how Canada’s banks support Apartheid through loans to the white South African government. Multinational companies that exploit third would peoples in fields and factories, also exploit us on the supermarket shelf. WPIRG means research into issues which concern us, both “close to home concerns,” and issues in other countries, that we wouldn’t imagine affect us to the extent they actually do. My own desire to be more informed of issues influencing our daily lives, my interest in continuing and extending the seminars, resource centre, research library, and the scope of topics explored; my own study interest in health care, group process in learning and problem solving; and my experience in committee work and organizing events... these are areas in which I see myself contributing to WPIRG as a member of the Board of Directors.

Ike Van Cruynigen Integrated



active, which a postion on the board of directors would allow me to do, For this

Have you ever thought of putting xyour education to good use in a -developing dountry? Perhaps you can. Developing countries have asked CUSO to provide people with a variety of skills. Some are as foIlows: * B.M. to teach math at Secondary

Students to pidc WPIRG’s board of directors ’

at the Information



in the Campus

We, the undersigned,


being eligible electors of the City of Waterloo, request that the City Council submit the following question to the electors of the City of Waterloo: Are you in favour of the discontinuance of the fluoridation of the public water supply of this








obligation to educate fundamental ourselves rather than succumb to forces unknown, especial1 in topics concerning



As a third year in Manstudent Environment Studies I’ve become very concerned about such issues as third world development, “the energy crisis,” and enirironmental education. I am especially interested in the roles of government and the corporate world in these issues: what they are, and what they should be. So, as a board member, my interest will be in increasing public awareness of these problems and others-both on campus and in the larger community. For me, membership on the WPIRG board represents not only an opportunity to express my views and ideas on these issues, but also to learn more about them and to g&t my hands dirty in the process.

Integrated -.


WPIRG programs have been very useful in the development of my program in Integrated Studiks. As a WPIRG board member, I would like to encourage more lectures and seminars that utilize the experience and knowledge of university students and faculty as well as people from the community. Greater awareness of issues concerning our lives can lead to more responsible parficipation in community activities. My own interests in Third World Development issues have resulted in a better understanding of global politics, economics and communities. Involvement in the research and educational programs of WPIRG is an opportunity


elected to the Board of Directors of WPIRG so that-1 can help carry on the good work that has already been done. I believe that I can also help WPIRG hove into new areas of research. The work being done * by WPIRG should be of interest to all students and community members. It should be advertised not only in its finished form, but in its development stage, so that your opinions can be heard. Your part does not stop once your vote is cast. I want to make sure your opinion gets heard, and you remain an active member of WPIRG. Wendv



WPIRG is one of the few organizations on campus that does not try to sell the students propeganda. Their research studies are interesting, informative and vital for effectively dealing with the many problems of the world we must all eventually face. I have been following much of what WPIRG has been doing these past few years. I am concerned that this organization remain as informative and active as it has been during the past few years. Their research topics effect each one of us as individuals as well as members of this society, and therefore it is important that you know what is happening. A position on the Board will erquire much time and dedication to maintain this level of efficiency and quality. I know I will do a good job because it is important to me that the student body keep well informed and interested with environmental issues. As the saying goes “You can lead a sheep to the river, but you sure as hell can’t make him drink it.”

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IO, 1980. Imprint

that can enhance your life on campus as well as your future involvement in the community.

My interest in WPIRG lies in being a part of a system of education which is based on obtaining a firm understanding of the issues at hand in a multifaceted way using ethical inference. My past experience incudes public education in natural history. Jim Savage


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Only - Selected short subjects

with mosi

Letter8 Stupidity Costly The Editor, As a fourth year student here at UW it is finally time for me to complain. It seems that over the 1st 3 years I have had my patience tryed just a few too many times. At the last party I attended in the infamous Sunnydale area I had to tolerate a seemingly sadistic fellow who had the habit of kicking any cat that walked by. Its that or having your bum bitten take your choice or stay home; My last incident here at Ivory Tower land is the that broke the straw camels back - or shall I say - my toes. Leaving my bicycle overnight at the PAC appeared to be an acceptable alternative to riding the dark path home alone. It just so happens that a bunch of carefree fun loving students not any harm of meaning course - lifted a bike rack on to my $150 ten speed. Its not so much the fact that the 125 pound device ruined a tire, ripped open the seat or scratched the crossbar to hell -its when the rack came tumbling onto my foot that I knew I had had enough.

Research has shown that the deep state of rest produced by the Transcendental Meditation Technique actually corrects these imbalances and normalizes physical and mental functioning. To be specific about the scientific research done on the TM Technique, I would like to cite the following studies: 1. Increased Inner Control and Decreased Anxiety Research using Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale and Bendig’s Anxiety Scale subjects shows that practising the TM Technique have significantly more internal control and are significantly less anxious than non-meditators. 2. Improved Athletic Performance The TM Technique increases mind-body coordination, muscular flexibility, and integration: Athletes instructed in the TM Technique improved their running times in the 50-metre dash by .12 seconds whereas control subjects only improved by .Ol seconds over the same training period. 3. Improved Academic Performance Grades sharply improved after students were in-


structed Technique.




Sincerely, Doug Turner

Letter from a happy fan Congratulations to BENT for airing “Cruising”. I don’t agree with the scenario the film depicts, but if BENT starts to bow to pressure

groups concerning the content of these flicks, it will be no better than the Ontario Censor Board (and gain as much respect). Congratulations on the campus question. I think - Steve Harvey’s stance shows courage and is a REAL moral issue on campus (or ‘should be...). Prabhakar on Carolyne

Ragde’s article Mas was articu-


late and very accurate, not at all your basic any-idiot-canreview-a-pub-night type of deal. Mr. Ragde has my vote for permanent music critic. Just one thing-why is Murray McLaughlin’s concert not entered in the Campus Events calendar? This is a big . show!! (cover photo was great!) (still a fan) Ken Lalonde

10, 1980. Imprint



Listed MEDlCAt



So, the next time you see me gymping around campus on my crutches, thanks for all the squash games I have to miss, all the classes I must skip and the incredulous stares when I explain I was the victim of a flying bike rack. And if you’re the enemy, don’t bother approaching me with an apology for I have had enough of you, and your level of mentality, Is this a campus or a kindergarten ? Just kindly leave me alone. Respectfully submitted, Heather Elston

TM copes with stress The Editor, I was pleased to read Jim Murray’s article about the Stress Management Workshop, which will offer suggestions for coping with stress. However, no mention was made in the article of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, one of the best ways modern science knows of coping with stress. There have been over 1000 scientific studies in twenty different countries which indicate that the Transcendental Meditation Technique (TM) can not only combat stress but remove its detrimental effects from our bodies permanently. Stress as science knows it today is reflected in the physiology by chemical imbalances, cardiovascular inefficiency, low immunity, poor reflexes, etc. On the level of the psychology it shows up as nervous tension, lack of mental clarity, and inharmonious personal relationships.


4 Southern Comfort. Enjoy it straight up, on the rocks, or blended with your favourite mixer. The unique taste of Southern Comfort enjoyed for over 125 years.

Personal-vi no\N .high -0 I Timothy Leary, one of the central personalities in the’ counter-culture of the 1960’s, visited UBC Wednesday as part of a continuing series of “standup comedy-philosophy lectures.” The man who advised the youth of yesterday to “tune in, turn on and drop out” now promotes space colonization and accelerated technological development as the best solutions for a crisis-ridden world. Before his introduction to the world of psychedelics in 1960, Leary was a psychology professor at Harvard and had established a solid academic reputation in the field of psychedelic drugs as a possible treatment for various personality disorders. He soon realized that drugs such as LSD could be used as more than mere therapeutic aids. Leary’s conversion to the psychedelic cause eventually resulted in his ostracization from the academic community and so he set out on a line of experimentation and enquiry that has brought ‘him fame, notoriety, jail and success at various times. Throughout the 1970’s Leary was hounded by the American government and eventually illegally abducted in Afghanistan and sh]ipped back to the U.S. where he served three and a half years in prison, including 19 months spent in solitary confinement for previous drug convictions. Page 3Friday staffers Charles Campbell, Stuart DavisandSteveMcCIurespokewiththeacidicsageL beforehegaveanothertalkinwhatwasbilledashis .. ‘iLast Tour on P.lanet Earth.” ~ _ I-r * Page Friday: Is it true that Timothy Leary is dead? Leary: (laughs) No, that’s a mysterious song lyric written by,the Moody Blues. As they say in thesong, -“‘oh no, he’s on t.he outside looking in,” and that’s exactly where I want to be, on the outside, because it’s only on the outside that I’ll see what’s going to come. I alwayswork theexternal frontier, the trembling membrane where the present meets the future. So I’d Iiketo be “outside.” , PF: In “The Radicalization of Timothy Leary” you tell your followers to resists physically “robot agents who threaten life who must be disarmed, disabled, disconnected by force. Arm yourself and’shoot to live. Life is never violent.Toshootagenocidal robot policeman in the defence of life is a sacred act.” Do you still believe that? L: Ah, no, I don’t believe that. That piece of rhetoric came from a point in American history where political extremes from both sides were / pretty intense. I’m not a politician, I don’t belong in politics and I would never say that today. I do basically endorse governments, countries, tribes, people defending their own homes. But I think that with a world the way it is today, with 90 per cent of the governments being military dictatorships, democracies have to be able to defendthemseives. bn the other hand, that’s not the real issue I’m interested in. I’m interested in the future, a place in time where these things won’t happen. But the inteCIigent person tries to avoid violent confrontation, he tries to soar above them or to get ahead of them to keep running into the future hopefully pointing the way to a less violent way of living. PF: R. Gordon Wasson said that hallucinogens cannot be truly valuable to the individual in ’ Western society because we have not builtup the traditionsof reverence that other cultures have and that these elements are necessary for a truy religious _hal tucinogenic-experience. To what extent do you think that’s true? L: Well, I’d like to date that comment. I think he made that comment perhaps in the late fifties... PF: Actually he said it to me- in 1975. _’ L: Oh he did. Well

he’s absolutely’wrong.

He said

Jon prophet

1 Western scientific same thing to me in 1960 and at the time he was It and I ran out there and did everything in my /er to spiritualize, sanctify an8 make reverent experience. So I tookhimat hiswordthen.AndI I k he’s flatly wrong. He didn’t want it to happen. course he had some CIA backing, his trips to :ico were CIA sponsored; he didn’t know that er. He was an unwitting collaborator in the ‘s widespread experiments in the late fifties on dscrewing. -rt I would definitely disagree with that ement and cite as evidence the incredible itual revolutions that North America has been rg through since the use of mind-opening drugs 7e s ixt ies. =: Given that you feel that western society is ering from some sort of deep-seated spiritual aise... I don’t feel that. You can believe that. I don’t sve that. I thinkwesternsocietiesarewayahead he rest of the planet. There’s a long way to go, -e just beginning, but the hope of a free rement to the future comes from the western rice. I’m a scientific optimist. I’m sure that we’re tg through a period of tremendous change, but I k it’sgreat, what’s happening in North America, pared with the rest of the world. I: Do you think it’s great, the fact that we’re ting’our energy, wasting our resources in a iner that’s going to lead to the depletion of those urces in a short period of time? I don’t accept that statement. I think that ement comes from the protestantethicand from 0 years of Judeo-Christian thinking which is cafly pessimistic. Energy’s there to be used, and ‘e going to use more, and we simply have to ly intelligence. The one thing that the Club of te didn’t include in their very pessimistic lula, which shows the more industrialization have, the more pollution you have, and so on, lligence and evolution of intelligence. And step ;tep we’ve learned from pollution. The antiution movement is tremendous. We’ll have ors that won’t use fossil fuels, we’ll have dotes so that radiation isn’t a threat. It doesn’t

thy Leary, arch guru of America’s favourite trip, ravelled from mind expanding drugs to classical ism.


take into account the relentless advance in intelligence. We didn’t even realize fifty years ago that radiation was going to be a problem. A new problem develops then we solve rt. I saw just last week where they’re learning how to treat plutonium in such a way that it won’t be radioactive. They can eliminate that problem of radioactive waste. That’s the challenge of human evolution. EverytimeweevoIvewesetupanewproblem.We wipe out disease then we have an overpopulation problem. And. so the next thing is to raise intelligence so we won’t overpopulate. Evolution is always that way. A set of challenges and the only solution is scientific intelligence. PF: How .do you see drugs as a way of eliminating the dead weight of Judeo-Christian tradition of mora I ity? L: Well, brain activating drugs, neuro-transmitters, open up circuits of the human brain which the average person doesn’t use in the normal functioning of society. Once we do that, we see more, we understand more, we can then turn around and use more intelligence to make external changes (in order) to evolve. The same thing I said to radioactive pollution is true to psychoactive drugs. The drugs we have so far are very primitive. LSD is an extremely primitive drug. Now the problem is that in the 20 years that we’ve popularized and opened up the possibilities of these drugs the government and the pharmaceutical companies haven’t done anything to make these drugs safer. Anytime a technology comes along the first generation iscrude and you don’t understand it, and it’s mildly dangerous. We should have an LSD now that lasts 15 minutes. We should have brain activating drugs that go far beyond LSD, that turn on precisely those circuits of your brain that you want turned on. Your self development is theability to take external energies and to use them to activate and release new energies, to give you a better perspective. I don’t see why you would call a vegetable or a chemical that you ingest unnatural. PF: Do you still do acid at all? L: Well acid is illegal‘ in the U.S. and so I don’t do anything that’s illegal ‘but my wife and friends and I do use strong drugs, stronger than LSD, that are neither legal nor illegal, which we get from our pioneer chemists. PF: How do you see these intelligence-accelerating drugs fitting into a human ecology? L: Many of the ecologists are very, very puritan now. There’s a new moralism that says you should drive a Volvo instead of a Chevrolet. Actually the ecological movement is a direct fallout of the mindactivating consciousness expanding drug experiences. If seven million people take LSD walk out and they see immedi’ately the web of interactions in the ecological situation. A lot of people took LSD and looked at McDonald’s hamburgers and became vegetarians. So the smarter you get the moreofyour brain you activate the more you understand the linkage of the web of all the entities which human beings are simply a small part. PF: In Neuropolitics you talk about the need for the fall of representative government and a return to individual sovereignity. Isn’t individual sovereignity another expression for anarchy? L: I’ve never known what anarchy is, it’s one of those, what is communism? Communism iscertainly not what they’re practising in Russia. So I don’t know. PF: VVhat did you mean by individual sovereignity? L: I think that either the inevitable responsibility is someone who wants to be in tune, to get control of your own body so that you’re not expecting doctors or public health people to really understand your own body. You have to get in charge of your own brain. You have to realize the lessons of quantum physics, that class is Hisenberg determinancy we / create the reality we’re in.

PF: I just want to switch over to the realm of politics. I wonder if you could comment, and I’m not totally familiar with these allegations myself, but some people question your involvement with CIA after your parole in 1975, I believe. L: No. PF: You spent 19 months in solitary. Some people made allegations that you sold various people out or gave inoformation to the CIA in exchange for your early release. What would you say to that? L: Those are totally false and I’ve been asked this hundreds of times and I’ve always said, you name one person I gave away or have you ever heard of a person saying that they’ve went to jail because of me. These rumors were issued or leaked to the press when I was in prison in 1975 by the FBI, not the CIA. PF: Why do you think the American government took such an interest in you? As evidenced by ‘their hijacking you from Afghanistan. L: I was a thorn in their side.Through the Freedom of Information Act I have gotten some State Department cables on my kidnapping in Afghanistan. When it was all over, one of the assistant Secretaries of State sent a telegram to about 20 other seats thanking everyone who was involved in this complex mission and who’d worked for months and months to get me flushed out of Switzerland and get me on the run so that they could kidnap me. I do have documented evidence that they were knocking themselves out. I think it’s like ‘why did Nixon try so hard to get Dan Ellsberg; forexample’. I mean Dan Ellsberg is not really that threatening. Why did Nixon try to break into his psychiatrist’s office? Why did he almost try to bribe the judge in Los Angeles with a Supreme Court decision? Why? The Nixon Administration played hardball and-they got kicked out for doing that kind of thing. PF: What happened to all the children of hope and optimism, the children of the sixties who became parents in the me decade? Well, all the optimism of the sixties, where has it been channeled? L: Well, I think the seventies, the me generation is a wonderfully optimistic phenomenon. It’s a step forward, you realize you can’t depend on politics or government of political partisanship to solve your problems. You’ve got tostartwithyourself andwith your family and with your loved ones and with your friends, you know, small groups. Survival in the seventies and theeighties is a team sport. You’re not going to depend upon religious or political solutions. I think theseventieswerewonderfuI.You see, the people who don’t Ii ke theseventieswere the politicians, right and particularly left ‘my goodness why aren’t the students out there mobbing and picketing?’ Well, there wasn’t that much to... PF: What about the millions of people who diedof starvation in Cambodia and the Sahel, areas like that, I wouldn’t characterize the seventies as being wonderful. L: You can never change what goes on in any ecological niche. Now, if you’ve studied Cambodia, there have been all sorts of goings on in Cambodia for thousands of years. Whenever a new revolution occurred, they would drive all the people out of the city, as they did in Angkor Wat. PF: Why do you use stand-up philosophy as a medium for spreading the gospel of space migration? migration?. L: Well, I’m not just advocating space migration, no, I’m advocating a whole range of options for an intelligent future. Why did I use stand-up philosol PhY? PF: Or your stand-up comedy as it were. Why did you choose satire and humor as a vehicle for your ph i losophy? L: I’ve always done that from the first moments of my university training. Reprinted from British Columbia.








days. It’s not uncommon gazing

to find young

up at the sky laughing.

“I don’t

know,” says Jack, “They look like clouds. Fluffy, white clouds.” “You’re not trying,” Jill pouts. “You see that one up there...?” Jack looks towards where Jill’s outstretched arm is pointing. “What it?” he asks. “Doesn’t that look like a teddy bear to you?” white figure with a knobby head, thick body and stubby arms and like an animal; maybe even a teddy bear. “It only has one leg,” Jack points out. ~.. “Ohl” Jill cries, ‘-‘Go ahead! Be critical!” Jack gently puts a finger to her lips. “You see that cloud up there?” Jill shakes her head as best she can. “It looks a lot like a cigar to me...” Jill brings her fist down unceremoniously on his chest. “Have you no imaginationl” “Well,” Jack insists, “What do you think it looks like?” “It could be anything, if looked at in the right way,” Jill tells him, concentrating on the cloud. As the pair watch, the bular cloud fills out into a semicircle with a smaller circle attached to one end. “There you go,” Jill triumphantly exclaims, “It’s a beetlel” Jack turns on his side and looks at her, astonished. “How...?” ’ “All it takes is imagination,” Jill insists, turning her head to return his gaze. Jack returns his attention to the sky. The circle at one side of the cloud disappears, to be circles underneath. “A Volkswagen Beetle!“ he procliiims. Jill is dubious. “All right,” Jack says, trying to placate her, “Look at that cloud.” Jack points to a rectangular patch of whiteness longer than it is high. The upper and lower ends seem to curve slightly, become round at inwards. The sides dissipate slightly to accomodate this curvature and then become jagged at irregular intervals. “What is that?” Jill wants to know. “A ham on rye sandwich with cheese and lettuce,” Jack offers, adding: ” Personally, I think that they put too much mayonnaise& it, but some people like it...” perhaps,

The Spider’sPhilosophy ’

high up a spider sat drinking a dead fly’s do you, * the girl asked, kill flies pursuing



perhaps, wondered the boy, murder and vice your’aim? to that the spider said, i eat ‘em ‘cause Wojtek



i’m hungry.


* a stage

There comes a time when all the world’s And everyone”s asleep Except you t You’re an insomniac And when you finally get to sleep It’s time to get up

a bed

There comes a’time when all the world’s And everyone’s in love Except you . You’re the counsellor And when it’s your turn to fall in love Everyone else is a relative

a dream

There comes a time when all the world And everyone’s a demon Except you You’re an angel (or an icecube) And when it’s your turn to be a demonEveryone else is a witch hunter


/ .


Jill meanwhile, decides not to listen to Jack and strikes out on her own. Within minutes, what had started as a bunch of abstract geometrical shapes turns out to be a gracefully curved swan. “A swan,” Jill says. , “A television set,” Jack responds, motioning towards his own cloud. “What’s so good about that?” “Have you ever seen a cloud television with knobs in the right places?” Minutes go by. .“A giraffe.“,, .. “A steam engine.” Time passes. . “A rose.” “A micro-processing chip.” As the afternoon drifts by, the sculptures grow more beautiful and more complex. The clouds themselves begin to grow darker. In the *->’ ..distance, a faint rumbling can be heard, rompting Jack to casually* remark, “It’s going. to rain.“ Jill puts the finishing touches on a particularly difficult nativity scene and turns on her side. “You think we’should head back?”

There Comes A fime There comes a time when all the world’s And everyone’s an actor Except you You’re the audience And when it’s your turn to’be an actor .’ t ,Everyone else is a critic

it looks

I is hell

Feel behind the times? Like you’re not one of the gang? ’ Take two downers and.welcome to the club. C. Allen 71 \


Strings of endless wordage; useless, yet facilitating for the moment, that is now. Camouflage is beyond you; swirling, thickly about your visage. You pause to speak, L but say only, later, \ later. Julie

An Angela

Lynne Brandon-

8 Q) -5 m >

Of all the love poems one is subjected do any ever tell of the fear that thoughts of passion for another, are only a reality felt by half?


E F f=

Defying the law of gravity One hundred and eighty pounds of soar ing meat Catapulted abruptly into Harsh reality Like a child from the womb Rain falls Covering the pavement in shiny . red spots i’l Flying flesh stopping violently 4. Hitting like a water-filled balloon Joining others in a sameness

LA. T.

Unemotional faces look on Automatons measuring and recording Covering the voyagers


Joyce Mike

5 *-Q)




by Tim Perlich


The Arts



10, 1980. Imprint

13 -

Chamber Ensemble y offers pleasing variety The Canadian Chamber ‘Ensemble, (formerly the Stratford Ensemble) opened its 80-81 season last Saturday with a programme of great variety. The audience in the Theatre of the Arts was treated to a “bridge mixture” of musical candy, given a taste of som’e sweet Haydn, and full-flavoured Hindemith, tangy Brahms. “Cassation in E flat”, which Haydn’s opened the programme, is truly a musical “bonbon”. The suite for five strings and two French Horns is a delightful distraction, although hardly a compelling work, and of the same temperament as Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.”

New album from Yes “dramatic”


Drama Yes WEA Records ’ “On a sailing ship to nowhere, Leaving anyplace, If the summer change to winter, Yours is no disgrace.” With the departure of vocalist Jon Anderson and keyboard player Rick Wakeman earlier in the year, the remaining members of the band Yes were left looking for a new lead vocalist and a practiced keyboardist. Then, in the midst of work on a double-live album, Chris Squire, Steve Howe and Alan White held an audition, during which they met Trevor Horn and Geoff Downes. . The former “Bugles” joined Yes this past summer and started work on a new studio album for the band: DRAMA. This album continues along the path of progressive music that Yes has chosen to follow - especially in the last three years. Staying away from the longer songs that dominated their recording from 1972-75, DRAMA has a fresh new sound sure to appease their fans. The unique heavy metal sound of “Machine Messiah” introduces the new members - Chris Squire and Trevor Horn singing and Steve Howe’s guitar constantly creating. “Man in a White Car” serves as a short interlude between the two other pieces on the side. This song begins orchestrally and features the talents of Horn and Geoff Downes. Chris Squire’s bass sends the last tune on the side into motion and he is joined by Horn and Howe for the vocal duties. “Could It Really Happen?” is continually on the move - the beat is constantly driving on. Side two begins with the catching melody of “In Through the Lens”. This song shows off the talent of Trevor Horn with Steve Howe’s guitar and the Vocoder of Geoff Downes accenting the vocals, the group obviously working for a large listener response. Slower, the ballad-like “Run Through the Light” sweeps the listener towards the last work on the record, “Tempus Fugit.” The music made in this song definitely fits the title as the band rushes through a number highlighted by Downes’ keyboards and White’s drumming. A good album, Drama may pose agit of listening difficulty for the “diehard” Yes fans. The music doesn’t seem the same without Anderson’s voice, but with some objective listening the album becomes more and more interesting. The production of the album is excellent and the performance of the band is virtually flawless. Yes is now on a tour of North America that will take them to the U.K. in late November, and has just broken a record held previously be Led Zeppelin: the most soldout shows in succession at Madison. Square Gardens in New York City. They have achieved sixteen in the last five years. Peter MacLeod

The Ensembl,e played with the appropriate refinement and restraint, and Raffi Armenian’s baton made the piece the epitome of delicacy. “Septet for Winds” by the modern composer Paul Hindemith followed. The aesthetics of this work are quite alien to those of Haydn, or indeed to anything which is generically called “classical music”. For the pleasure is not in pleasing harmonies whit h caress the ears and arouse the soul, but in the disonances, complex forms, and bolting melodies which arouse the curiosity of the intellect. The fourth movement, for instance, is an exact reversal of the second. The final movement is an intricate form of a fugue sounded simultaneously with a march. The instrumentation is fascinating, for of the seven winds, only the bass clarinet and the bassoon are of the lower register, neither of which instruments suffice to give ballast or weight to the group. The result however is that the work has an appealing translucency and is capable of agile mobility. The ensemble excelled in their rendition, in which precise timing of complex rhythms and demanding technique are essential. Outstanding among the woodwinds were Tom Kay on the flute, whose tone remained full and clear in the lower registers, and Victor Sawa and Barbara Hankin on the clarinet and bass clarinet, who worked well together in. producing some extraordinary harmonies. John Tickner (trumpet), who was the

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centre of the third movement, displayed an exceptionally crisp and true tone. The ensemble finished the evening with Brahms’ “String Sextet in G, Op. 36.” This sextet, which unlike Hindemith’s composition has a fully balanced instrumentation, is a rich tapestry of sound, with flowing melodies, mood changes, and rousing climaxes. The musicians displayed in this piece the qualities that have earned them their fine reputation. They are a cohesive group, forming a polygamous marriage in which the

Harold Horwood:teaching Perhaps you have never heard of Harold Horwood. Unless you are an avid reader of Canadian literature the name probably doesn’t strike you as being too familiar. Horwood has written novels, short stories, poems, non-fiction, magazine articles and has written work for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He is also the writer in residence at the University of Waterloo for the 1980/81 school year. Horwood is sponsored jointly by the University of Waterloo; the Canada Council and the Federated Affiliated Colleges of Conrad Grebel, Renison, St. Paul’s and St. Jerome’s For the fall term he will be working from Renison college; during the winter he will be located on the university campus. The University of Waterloo has not had a writer in residence for a number of years, therefore Horwood has been spending his initial time on campus making his presence and purpose known. A writer in residence generally works by providing advice .and writing workshops to those interested in the field of writing. Horwood has a vast background from which to draw. He has written Tomorrow Will be Sunday, White Eskimo, Only the Gods Speak; Ten Tales From the Tropics, Seven Pieces From the North and the nonfiction works The Story of the Beothucks and The Foxes of Beachy Cove. Born in Newfoundland, he considers himself an Eastern Canadian writer. Horwood related that “many Canadian writers are still in the process of breaking away from colonial writers, whether they be American or British:” When asked if he ever had an interest in the American literary market Horwood replied, “I’ve lost interest in getting published in the States, there is no way I’m ever going to be a major American writer.” Horwood feels that there is a distinct Canadian literature and this becomes prominent when one looks at the literature from the two coasts of Canada. He feels work from central Canada often deals with worlds similar to those of the American culture.

Horwood’s interest ?n the literature of Canada is evident as he was one of the founding fathers of the Writers’ Union of Canada. Formed seven years ago, this deals with the economic and professional welfare of writers. To be part of the union one must have published at least one book with a Canadian trade publisher. This year Horwood is the Chairman of the Writers’ Union. Horwood recollected “I can hardly remember a time when I didn’t want to be a writer.” As a youngster his grandfather was a writer of Maritime history. At a young age he realized he was talented “in the whole area of words.” It is perhaps for this reason that Horwood has been actively involved in the teaching of his craft.

He has previously taught a creative writing course at the Memorial University in Newfoundland and was the writer in residence at the University of Western Ontario for one year. This fall, Horwood is leading an integrated studies workshop in creative writing. At present he sees 2 or 3 students a dav and 8 aiding them in completing and l-Oolishing manuscripts.

night audience with feats of photo by d h heerema

many musicians become one. This was in the canon-like third most evident movement which required a solid effort in listening to one another. The entire piece provided them with ample opportunities to impress the audience with their mastery of dynamics and expression, which they used to create those “moods” that we associate with Brahms and his romantic contemporaries. The Ensemble next performs on‘Nov. 19 in the new Studio in the Centre in the Square. Dave Dubinski

his craft He is hoping this number will increase as his presence on campus becomes more widely known. When aiding students he deals with their work by examining content, approach, pace, consistency, theme and plot. Horwood finds that the most common problem among young writers is finding something fresh to talk about. While he would be willing to work with anyone interested in writing he admits that certain people do have the instincts of a story teller. Maintains Horwood, “YOU can learn a lot but you have to be born with some things. ” When asked what he would suggest to someone who had never written before he said he would recommend certain reading material and would help the individual with topics to begin work with. Horwood points out that getting it all to hang together properly (pace, theme, piot) is the art of writing good fiction. Horwood’s experience as a writer is a unique source for students to draw upon and his experience of having his own work published is also invaluable for aspiring writers. He has had seven contracts with Canadian publishers ranging from the largest publishing house in Canada to one of the smallest. Therefore if he sees a work done by a student which he feels is of publishable quality he most certainly would be able I to set that person in the right direction, in order that the work be published. If enough interest is shown in the winter term Horwood is hoping that another creative writing class, apart from the integrated studies class, could be organized. He is also hoping that his presence at the University will be well utilized. Horwood stated “I feel extremely Canadian and I wanted to be part of the national literature of Canada.” He does not seem content to write only his own work but desires a part in the promising new work now emerging as the literature of young Canadians. An appointment can be made with him by contact the Renison office at 884-4400. Fran I-Ielpert

McLauchlan When Murray McLauchlan appeared in acoustic concert at the Humanities Theatre last year he made you feel like you were listening to aniold friend singing songs on the back porch. But this time around “ale Murray” left you slightly bored and with a saccharine taste in your mouth, like going back home for supper and being served Sara Lee’s Apple I Pie for dessert. It tastes OK, yet it isn’t mothers cooking. The musicianship, the singing, the backup band were all professional. That may have been the problem. McLauchlan has acquired a certain panache to his stage presence that right from, the opening number made the show seem mechanistic and cranked out. Even the between-thesongs comments .sounded like they had been said before. It wasn’t until very near the end, when


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Murray performed an unrecorded number, “Only The -Loveless”, that he did -finallv awaken and put heart into what he was . . doing. Unfortunately by that time there were only two songs and a brief encore remaining with which to recoup some measure of “rara avis”. One can’t but help to feel a little sorrw for the man. After all, one of the two scheduled shows was cancelled due to poor ticket sales and the survivor possessed only 75% of an audience. Surely a seven-time Juno Award winner deserves more than that. Songs like “Boulevard”, “Hard Rock Town”, and ‘Whispering Rain” have earned Murray .McLauchlan a loyal and diehard following. However, uninspired performances are not going, to win him any new converts. Peter Saracino

On Wednesday,October ‘lst, the husband-and-wife team of Don Harron and . Catherine McKinnon playedito a full house in the new Centre in the Square, combining his -comedy and her singing to provide- a thoroughly enjoyable evening,


Catherine McKinnon started the twoand-a-half hour show with ‘a half-dozen songs, including her rendition of Gilbert “Alone Again, .Naturally”. O’Sullivan’s Backed up by bass and treble electric guitars, drums, and two keyboards, she did everything well. Her selections varied in style from old folk songs to country, to light rock. c

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Don Harron appeared as Valerie Rosedale, giving a mock dedication to the new Centre and a speech on changing mores that proved more than a little amusing. After a few more songs by McKinnon, Harron appeared again, this

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time as himself with a monologue on foreign accents. This was followed by one of the best. moments of the program: a scene from “Mv Fair Lady” with ‘McKinnon as Eliza Dolittl;! and Harron as Henry Higgins. But there was a twist: Harron/Higgins walks offstage in disgust, McKinnon/Eliza sings a song from the movie, and Harron as Charlie Farquharson appears, giving Eliza some speech coaching. The finale: “The rain in Parry Sound pounds down on the ground.” The second act also opened with McKinnon singing. While the style of song ranged widely, McKinnon seemed comfortable in all of the, even with the remnants of a very-bad cold. “The doctor suggested that I save my voice for the songs,“. she said later, during a backstage interview. “But you can’t do that to an audience.,” . , Glenn St-Germain

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Yellow Magic Orchestra



It’s way past my bedtime, and my mind is preoccupied with thoughts of the editor I must face tomorrow as I thumb through my back issues of Rolling Stone, searching for a vaguely-remembered article about the Yellow Magic Orchestra. The * only. identifying mark I can dredge from my’ memory as I flip between Bonnie Raitt and Bob Hope is the photo accompanying the article, a shot of the three Japanese musicians who make up YMO. It is reminiscent of the sort of photograph they used to take of I-Ierman’s Hermits back in the days of my youth. In spite of this, I am able to maintain my objectivity, and proceed to learn what I can from the article. Biggest group in Japan, un-huh.. .trying to break into the U.S. market-who isn’t? Former. studio musicians...“a bridge to the next pop form’,? Uh-oh, a dangerous phrase, that one...“Technopop”-technopop? Related to Gary Numan and Kraftwerk? This is getting weird (weird? what’s happening to my vocabulary?). The press release seems a bit better. Existentialism and indifference to the current Japanese pop &ene. Odd, considering they appear to have taken over the current Japanese pop scene. I suppose there’s nothing left but to listen to- the record.


It’s called “Multiplies” in the articles, but the cover actually says either “Times Infinity Multiplies” or “Multiplication Sign Lemniscate Multiplies,” depending on your pronunciation. I shudder at the comments that could be made of the cover: a crowd of identical faces, each of them one of the group’s members. Enough visuals, it’s time to check out the cochieas. Side one, cut one: Nice Age. I’m terrified ‘to realize that the only word Ican think of to describe this is “Infectious.” It does grab you, and it is readily evident that these boys know their way around a studici. The and I-- the production is excellent, synthesizers are being used in fresh ways“fresh,” what’s happening to my vocabulary? If only the chorus didn’t sound -like chipmunks... Side one, cut two: Behind the Mask. Is this disco? Well, rhythmically, yes, but instrumentally, it’s far too interesting to listen to to qualify. It’s mainly an instrumental, with a vocoded lyric rendered unintelligible by the treatment. No great surprises, and getting a bit monotonous towards the end, but-they know at least two chords more than Tangerine Dream. Side one, cut three: Rydeen. Again vaguely disco-ish, but with a decidedly Oriental melody. And horses’ hooves for percussion. 1 Now if theg’d only stop repeating it. Wait, there’s a bridge that sounds like Artoo Detoo with indigestion; a bit directionless, but it does give one a break from the four bar melody which is now being repeated, over and over, again and again, just going on and on without ever changing... Side one, cut four: Day Tripper. What?! This sounds like a Japanese Devo. Lennon must be rolling over in his coop. It’s amazing how a song can he crippled by a person trying to sound cool (groov$? right on?) in a

Snow White strong cast and visual effects _ ,

There are many approaches to the presentation of children’s theater. One of the most popular is to create an intimate relationship with the children in the audience by interacting with them and perhaps even segregating the children from the adults, with the children ‘moving closer to the stage. However, when faced with an audience of over 1800 children and adults, these intimate techniques are largely impractical. This was the challenge faced by a New York based children’s repretoire troupe when they performed Snow Wliite and the Seven Dwarves last Saturday afternoon at the Center in the Square. “The Gingerbread Players and Jack” presented a modern musical adaptation of the popular children’s story with a professionalism that will undoubtedly expand the boundaries of children’s theater. The Gingerbread Players 1 a subsidiary of the New York Group Rep&b tory’ Theatre, draws from -Broadway actors .and ‘actresses for their productions. This was readily apparent from the operatic voice of the actress who played the Queen. In this production she was by far the strongest of the cast. (The leading lady, Snow White, had a problem finding the planted microphones which created a’difficulty in hearing for people in the balcony.) ’ Aided by a strong supporting cast, predominantly the dwarves, the production managed to blend dramatic moments with moments of comic relief. ’ The most laughter was created with a chase sequence that was illuminated by strobe lighting. Another strong audio-visual effect was created by the use of a rear projection screen for the mirror with a deep voice emanating from the sound system. While some may criticise the production for a lack of contact with the children, the troupe director John Ahearn stated in an interview after the production that it was a conscious decision to avoid this interaction. Ahearn believes that children trained to listen, interpret and appreciate living theater. If no booking problems arise the Gingerbread Players and Jack should ‘be back during the Christmas season. Pandy Hannigh

language he doesn’t speak. Despite that, it’s certainly a vital approach (my God, “vital”next I’ll be talking about “keen rhythmic sense that’s helping mold a new-sound for today-etch, I must be going mad! Calm down, listen to the needle run around the inside groove...). Side-two, cut one: Technopolis. Again disco-ish but with lots of interesting production. - More unintelligible vocals (maybe they’re ashamed of their lyrics). More repetition ad nauseum. I mean, it’s fun, guys (chaps? lads?), but enough is enough. Side two, cut two: Multiplies (without the mathematical notation). This should be interesting; it’s almost the title track, after all. It starts with the Magnificent Seven theme (subtle cross reference to a classic of the Japanese cinema here), then starts to sound like a Kung Fu movie, then a spaghetti western-& this-what they mean by cosmopolitan? Now some early 60’s rock ! riffs... Side two, cut three: Citizens of Science. I’ve finally reasoned out the vocalist’s * mannerisms: he thinks he’s Mark Knopfler. Their creativity seems to be wearing-a bit thin as this album progresses-I wonder if they recorded the songs in the same order as they appear. Side two, cut four: Solid State Survivor. A word is creeping up from deep within me. I try to hold it’down, but it rises like a piston, forcing my epiglottis to the wall, lashing down my tongue, taking no lip from my palate. I can’t hold it back any-longer, here it comes: fluff. It’s done. Skillfully executed, clever, at times almost inspired, certainly talented. But fluff. Lots of beautiful embellishments, but what they embellish is nothing. Diamond-encrusted pet rock. /Steve Hull l

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2. Leona g’oes around all by herself. (5) 3. Metallic collar? (4) 4. Strange way that meat can be cooked. (4) 5. Berries, it is said, that can be found in _. the ocean. (8) ‘6. Animal party. '(4) 8. Measure of sugar that helps the medicine go down. (8) 11. I have the swindler’s pictures. (5) 13. Card from the placement test. (3) 34. Madly rob one -of the crown treasures. (3)


Answers word.


to last week’s





Across. 1: Rhumba 4. Rite 6. Granite Club 8. Yield %-Pen 11. Sty 12. Elope 15. In the spring 16. Egall7. Turret. Down. 2. Hers 3. Mindy 4. Raced 5. Truant 7. Tremors 10. Eggnog 12. Ethel 13. Error 14. Anne. Diagonal answer read Imprint. Congratulations to Michael Albert, Lynn Marshall and Rose [with a little h&from her friends). -

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17. Available, but nothing to write. (4) 19. Reports all dealings if on, for starters! (5) 20. A relative of similar nature...($) 21 . ..found enthusiastic to smoke entire packages of cigarettes. (4) I

1. For a little kid, it’s a rip-off at McDonald’s, perhaps. (5,3) 7. Therefore, the fourth note of the scale might almost be soft! (4) \ 8. Part of a turbine that goes back and forth. (5) 11. Drop off the colouring, we hear. (3) 12. Request to leap about. (4) 14. Point tothe end of a hacked-up log, and stare. (4) 1.5. Sing about the ‘chancel.- (5) 16. Be confused with love twice about a musical instrument. (4) 18. Note the little rodent! (4) 26, Demand a single keg, initially. (3) 22. A deformed man with a spot of colour...(5) 23. ...finishes rearranging dens. (4) 24. How the drunkard knew the beer store! (2,3,3)


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at The University of Waterloo golf team ended the 1980 season much as they had hoped having shown they would: steady improvement from start to finish. The Warriors climbed from the lower echelon at the beginning of the short golf seaso; to finish fourth at this week’s OUAA finals held at Oakville’s Glen Abbey. The UW golfers might well have been proud of the progress they had made, but they could not shake the feeling that time had somehow run out on them before they became good enough to win the whole affair. There was general agreement among the team that not everyone had played up to his potential. “We sat down afterward and concluded that we really could have won the whole thing,” enthused team member Mike Moore stated.

Nonetheless, Waterloo finished the season strongly enough to edge out some of the circuit’s stronger and more ambitious teams. The UW team finished ahead of fifth place Queen’s,. a team which had been mopping up at every tournament in which they had played-a team which had been ‘all but conceded the OUAA Championship. Queen’s had to have been bitterly disappointed by its lacklustre performance. Windsor and Toronto played well, as they were expected to do. U of T finished first at 650, with Windsor at 653. York followed at 660, while Waterloo carded a team total of 665 for the two-day tournament. Windsor’s Chris Herljack was low medallist for the tourney, while UW grad Doug Walker, now studying law at Windsor, shot 8181 to help the Lancers to second

piace. The low Waterloo was Mike Moore’s 77-81 combined two-day 159.


score for a

The climb to fourth place in the province was the culmination of a season-long improvement which began at the Windsor Invitational 15th. Waterloo on ’ September finished an uninspired eleventh in a field 18 that day. Even though there were several American teams present at Roseland, the Warriors were singularly unimpressed with their effort. Waterloo improved markedly at the York Invitational at Westview on September 18th, finishing fifth in a field of nine teams. Mike Moore was low Waterloo scorer at this tournament (79), as he had been at Windsor, where he and Andy Bishop both carded 80's. The last tournament before OUAA championship play was the Waterloo Invitational played

September 22nd at Conestoga. Waterloo’s 280 was second to Queen’s University’s 273. (This marked, incidentally, the second tournament in which Waterloo had played that was won by Queen’sthus *their disappointment at a feeble showing at Glen Abbey). Waterloo’s Andy Bishop shot a 67 at Conestoga earning him second low medallist. On September 25th and 26th Waterloo competed in the twelve team OUAA semi-finals, hosted by York at Westview Golf and Country Club. Here UW tied for fifth, thereby qualifying for the six team field that would challenge in the final round at Glen Abbey. Andy Bishop’s second-round 71 tied the course competitive record at Westview, and he went on to earn second low medallist honours again, with a 71-82 for a total of 153. The Warriors subsequently



The Warriors played host to the R.M.C. Redmen last Saturday and once again came off the field with an impressive victory, upsetting the Redmen 37-3. It proved to be a fine day for the Warrior pack, who although not noted for their size, managed to dominate both the set play and the loose. Early in the first half Phil White put .the Warriors ahead with an impressive penalty kick but R.M.C. came back quickly to tie it up. It was then that the Waterloo forwards began their drive. In the next 10 minutes Ian Cathery, Fraser Jennings and an unstoppable Marty Vink had all managed to score. Gradually the Redmen began to contain the Warrior pack and so the task of scoring was given over to the backs. Before the half had ended both Mike Peever

went on to finish fourth at the OUAA Finals at Glen Abbey in Oakville. Waterloo’s five man team was composed of fourth year Civil Engineer Andy Bishop from Niagara Falls; Mike Moore, who plays out of the Circle Pine Golf Club at Canadian Forces Base Borden; Eric Reynolds of the Picton Golf and Country Club; Tim Schwartz from the Elmira Golf Club; and freshman Jay Cressman, playing out of the fine New Dundee Golf Club. Waterloo loses all but Cressman next year to either graduation or work terms, so the team will be rebuilding. The team looks forward to one last competitive foray in the spring, when they hope to compete in the southern USA somewhere. Last year the Waterloo team managed a very successful tour of North Carolina. Bruce Beacock

RMC player manages however, had a rough

to get the ball out of the melee to one of his teammates. RMC,’ day, losing to the Warriors 37-3. Dan Ayad

and Phil White had scored for Waterloo and coverts by White and John Beemer made the score 29-3 at’ the half.

whistle blew it was the Warriors 37, the Redmen 3. Scoring for Waterloo in the second half were Cathery and Beemer.

The second half showed a much tighter R.M.C. defence with the Redmen holding Waterloo to only 8 points, but still their offence lacked the threai needed to put them back in the game. When the final

In clubside action, the Trojans continued to play well and enjoyed a 22-0 victory over the R.M.C. Redmen. The first half showed to be a hard fought one with neither team getting on the

.The UW track and field Lisa Amsden, a runner Athenas proved their power with the Athenas for the last weekend by winning 7 second year, ran a remarkof a possible 15 events in able 800 meter race and ... . *--. x _ precompetition at Windsor. came out the winner with a Leslie Estwick, a secondtime of 2:12.2 seconds. year Math student, led the That is an extremely good with three victories, time as the weather was way coming first in the long jump not conducive to that kind (5.14 m), the high jump (1.59 of speed, and it was only m) and the 100 metre hurdles ~/IO of a second slower (15.1 sec.). None of these times than her personal best. and distances were close to Although too late to run her personal accomplishoutdoor track this season, ments in previous meets anyone interested is urged to and, weather permitting, come out soon and get in she will give some good shape for the more exciting performance at the championindoor meets. “Everyone is shipmeet in Sudbury. welcome, because the more Faye Backwood, an experthe merrier.” ienced Athena, had two wins, Football coming in the 200 and 400 meter races. She was also a . The Waterloo Warriors won their first game this strong leg in the 4x100 meter Friday by defeating the relay and will be adding to the 4x400 meter team in Sudbury. York Yeomen 17-4.

In what Coach Wal]y Delahey thought, “was the first sixty minutes of football . that- the . . Warriors ..have played this season,” the Waterloo squad proved that they could play two consecutive halfs of football. The defence held tight allowing York only asingle point and a field goal. Meanwhile the offence got it together, under QB Bob Pronyk’s direction, with 15 yard touchdown strike to Eric Thomas and a 5 yard T.D. run by Dom Ruggieri. Only one touchdown was converted, with the other points coming on a fieldgoal and a single point. The Warriors are now 1 and 3 and they’ll be in Toronto Thursday looking for a second win.

scoreboard. But in the second half the Trojans rallied together well and began creating opportunities. Chris Skelton, playing yet another fine game, began the Trojan scoring, Brian Goulden followed with two trys, Rob Bruce and Bill Tathem each for one. Both teams head for York tomorrow. Tim Wallace

Imprint predictions partment... Last week we not


predicted that the Water-

loo Warriors would have a winless seson in foytball and that Laurier would lose to Western, but we made those predictions in a most. categorical manner. With the Warrior victory over York and the Hawk triumph over poor old Western, we were able to maintain our perfect record in this department. We are now 0-3 for the season. This week, we’ll go way out on a limb to predict that it’s all over for the U of T. They don’t have the stuff to go 5-0, and the Warriors are hot. The betting line has the Blues by 14 points but don’t

For those who enjoy going places and doing things, the Outer’s Club offers a wide range of yearround activities. Enthusiasts of outdoor sports can try their hand (and foot) at rock climbing on Rattlesnake Point, sailing around Tobermory, cyc; ling about Kitchener-Wat: erloo and the region, or kayaking in Elora Gorge. And that’s only in the summer. Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and winter camping expeditions are organized for the cold weather buffs. Prior to the trips, workshops are held to provide the beginner with the practical knowledge and safety skills necessary for a pleasurable outing. The club is also offering weekly kayaking instruction Sundays from 4-6 in the P.A.C. pool, Along with showing one ‘how to’, the Outer’s Club has available to its crew a store of equipment ranging from plates to cross-coun-

members’ entry intd competitions or meets such as the Carleton University Invitational Cross-Country Ski Marathon. believe it. The by three. .


Even though most of the sports events require a commitment of one to four very full days there are still activities for the casual daytrippers. Some Outers have been found feasting and having fun at local cultural events like the Wellesley Apple Butter and Cheese Festival in the fall and the Elmira Maple Sugar Festival in the spring. Club executive, Betty Rozendaal, wished to make clear that “ . ..sure we’re a club with an exectitive etcetera, but we don’t plan all of the trips. Anyone who wants to go anywhere just comes to us; we see if anyone else wants to go and then we help them get them.” The Club’s resource file in the Intramural office holds a plethora of invaluable information for anyone wishing to organize a jaunt - anywhere. Rozendaai invites anyone interested in joining the club to the Outers’ next meeting Wednesday, October 15, in CC 110, at 5:30. Club fees are $5 per year and $3 per semester. On Thanksgiving weekend the club is off for four days of canoeing and climbing in Kilarny Provincial Park. D. Dickie Sudbury team. This game could very well mark the turning point for Waterloo.

Soccer The UW soccer Warriors have won their last two games, beating Guelph 3-0 this Saturday, and taking Brock Wednesday night 32. This makes the Warriors the only undefeated teamin Ontario after four games. This weekend they’ll be taking on nationally-ranked (7th place) Laurentian. These teams have hadclose games in the past two seasons, bothinfavorofthe

Cross-country For those of you staying at UW for Thanksgiving there’ll be an interesting event on the North Campus grounds. At 3:3O and 4;00 Friday, a pack of women and men, respectively, will start from the softball fields and compete in yet another running of the Waterloo Invitational Crosscountry meet.


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Estwick had a re,markthe able weekend at University of Windsor Invitational track meet last week, entering and winning three events. Currently ranked nationally in the top ten in the pentathalon, the second year m,ath student took t_op honours in the long jump, the high jump and the loom hurdles.

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Phil White, in his fourth year on the Rugby team, is the Warriors’ leading scoring and has’ been instrumental. in helping them to their, thus far, successful season. Currently working on his doctorate in the Sociology of Sport, White learned his ’ rugby in England before coming to Waterloo to advance his academic career.

Water Polo A much improved Waterloo Warrior team hit the water last weekend at McMaster, in the opening

10, 1980.


18 -

game of the-season. Some excellent defensive work propelled them to a 1 and 2 . tourGament record and predicts a more optimistic year than in the past. In the first game against Toronto a few lapses in swimming aud ’ coverage were converted into Toronto goals in an uneventful 5-3 loss in which lack oi conditioning was evident on both sides. In the secbnd game, Western came back with two quick goals in the fourth quarter to tie the score at 66, and it took-a clutch shot by John Saabas to give the ’ Warriors a 7-6 victory. The 3rd game, against McMaster, provided a good example of Waterloo’s rise in the waterpolo world this year, as the perennial Ontario Champion Marauders, had their problems against Waterloo in the first half, as the Wa‘rriors kept close before finally losing 7-3 (they lost 26-l last year). With some work, this year’s team of experienced starters and promising rookies, providing much needed depth, will have a good chance of giving Coach Lou Wagner a playoff berth. Art Palms

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Not a slight flurry of snow, or some rain, or the cold and wind stopped the women participating in the Double’s Ranking Tournament this weekend at the Waterloo Tennis Club. Twenty-four players from eight universitim played in the mostly indoor courts, while some unlucky, ones braved the weather conditions of the outdoor courts. How much difference did the cold and gusty wind make? Well it, “blows the balls both ways,” said competitor Patsy McLean. McLean teamed up with Sue Berlet to finish 13th for Waterloo, while Vicky Wilson and Leanne MacKinnon took 14th, and Sue Gauthier and Coleen O’Mahoney 22nd position‘. As usual Toronto fielded a strong team that took top honours in the weekend’s action. But U of T’s hold on the women’s doubles championship could slip this year as past champions Western and McMaster both had strong contingents, ending up second and third, respectively. Either of these teams could quite feasibly take the crown away later this month on October 18th, at Countrystone Club, where the Ontario women’s

It hit the market years ago, alongside yo-yos and hula-hoops, becoming a popular toy for older children even then. But last weekend’s Ultimate Frisbee Tournament brought the Frisbee back into action _ on the Village Green. The seven man teams that turned out weren’t there for fun: they were well practiced and arrived with organized offences and defences prepared to execute strategies and brute force in

.terloo Motor Michael to Scott

Olmstead, volleying Wells 7-6, 6-3.

at thenet

10, 1980. Imprint


Inn invites you for

lost the tennis final Pad Zemokhol

Doubles Finals will take place, starting at 9:O0. Paul ,Zemokhol

Imprint asked both teams what they thought werethe keys to their success; according to Marion Town, captain of the Bombers, it is Flag a combination of good Football coaching and dedicated team The women wrapped up work. While Miota Hagey their regular season today, feels that the reason their with the playoffs schedul- team performs so well is ed to start on the 15th of because of the academic October. The top four teams stress that builds up inside from each division will be so many of their players. eligible to compete. I feel it is Their - defensive -centre, safe to assume that Minota Lydia Kidd, works for the Hagey will meet the S3 library, circulating books, so Bombers in the finals, conby game time she is more sidering neither team lost a than ready to do her job on game this year. the field. Warren Delany



competition. They shot left, the creek to save the right and from behind their Frisbees that got by the backs and caught a good by the hockey stick. The many diving into the mud. broad jumper returned to the diving into the mud. game after a short swim. Competition was fierce Conrad Grebel fielded a and ended in an excellent skilled team, but after match between Renison playing consecutive mat-. and Conrad Grebel. ches, the exhausted men Renison must be credstood no chance against ited with turning out the Renison. The final score: best organized team. Not Renison 16, Grebel 2. only did they have enough Notre Dame College players to alternate regentered the most ferocious ularly, but they also team of the tournament. brought a harassment squad They intimidated their and had a trained “disturber” so badly in in position on the field. As opponents alone that well, they provided a security ’ reputation nobody showed up to play man who guarded the creek from straying Frisbees with a them. Notre Dame took the women’s championship by hockey stick and a broad default. jumper who hurdled the creek Virginia Butler to save the Frisbees that got

Ultimate Frisbee UofT dominates tennis


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sign a legal document stating that all contest rules have been adhered to. The names of the winners may be obtained by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to TCTS, 410 Laurier Ave. W., Room 950, Box 2410, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario KlP 6H5. 4. This contest is open only to students who are registered full-time or part-time at any accredited Canadian University, College or PostSecondary Institution. Employees of TCTS, its member companies and affiliates, its advertising and promotional Agencies, the independent judging organization and their immediate families are not eligible. This contest is subject to all federal, provincial and municipal laws.

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