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October 24Waterloo Christian Fellowship's Drop-in Centre A place to meet people, talk, read books from our library and to chase away lonehness Everyone welcome and encouraged to come m and take some of the free l~teratureoffered 10 am noon CC 135

cc ~



b is ~ openl from ~ noon & to 1 am ~


Research Shortcuts In Accounhng A hbrary research strate, workshop for accountmng students 10 30am and 2 30pm Meet at the lnformatwn desk In the Arts Lbrary

CC Bombshelter see Friday Chem 10 seminar "EffecbveJob Huntma" Dtck co ordlnator Coffeeand doidhnuts PuUm ~ l Science d avamlable free l2 30 pm C2 ReadWl Room

~ and h saladbar unbl8 pm DJ after tw,Fe#$w M cover, others $1 after 9 pm.

Paul Puvltt from OXFAM dl be speakingon recent


Church. Bridgeport Rd., Waterloo 730 pm.

A~~~~~~~~~sponsors a ~~d~~ developments in Zlmbabrw at Emmanual Urn&

prayer 1:30-230 pm CC 113.

"GX.Chesterton" starnng Tony van Bndge A stunnmg pottralt of George Bernard Shaw Humarut~esTheatre 8 pm Tickets $8 (students senmrs $6 50) from UW Arts Centre Box Ofhce, Humanit~ffiTheatre 885 4280 or George Kadwell Records. Waterloo Square. Fed flicks And Justye for All, starnng Al Pacmo, Jack Warden and John Forsythe 8 pm A 1 116 Feds $1, others $2

-Tuesday, October '28WCF Morning Prayer Meetins. Start your day off nght unth a lrttle prayer and shanng Open to everyone, especmally to new Chrsbans wanhng to gow. &8:30 am CC 135. Denis Bolohan "A Touch of

YSS" - see Monday.

Free Breast Examination C h i c - Canadian Cancer Society and KW Academy of medicine. Conducted by doctors assistedby registered nurses. Wear front opening blouse. 9 am-9 h.KW Hospital Auditorium, Park St. entrance. Further information 886-8888.

Ed and Lorraine Warren, Amerka's top ghost hunters will present a multi-media presentationon the highlights of their over 3000 cases of demonic investigations. The highlight of the show will be the AmityvUe Hotror. k pm. 1El WLU. Feds $1, others $2 at the door.

"Arthur." An upbeat musmcal about K g Arthl~rfor Warerlw Christian Fellowship's Drop-in Centre ch~klren8 to 12 1 pm & 330 pm Humanmt~es - see Friday. Theatre $2 50,children $2 Interviewing technique sessions for permanent C C Bombshelter IS open 7 pm 1am DJ after 9 pm employment. 11:30 am-1 pm. NH 1020. For more Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm information call 2572. The Indian Students Assoc~abonpresents "Pak WLU music facultyis havinga Music Appreciation eezah" starnng Meena Kuman and Raj Kumar 7 30 Series featuring Beethoven. Kitchener Public pm AL 113 Ttckets $2 50 adults, $1 ch~ldren10 15, Library. Noon. Admissionisfree. Lunchavailablefor chmldren under 10 free In advance (MC -1) or at $1. Phone 743-0271 to reserve. the door An art daplay of new acqumbons to the W U I y%e Wohderful World of Sarah Btnks" wth Errc permanent art collection wll be shown m n the WLU Dwkln 8 pm Theatre of the Arts $7. $5 50 for concourse gallery Adrmsswn IS free and ewryone IS rtvdents welcome Runs to November 6 Fed Ricks. see Frday C C Bombsheltkr see Fnday

Gay coffee house. Men and women wekome. Sponsored by Gay Liberation d Waterloo. 8&1GLOW. 8:30 pm-midnight. CC 110.

Economics Hat Pub. Pnze for best hat 9 pm PAS 3005 886-0464. ask for Johanna

-Saturday, October 25-

Ukrainian Students Club presents "Autumn Dreamsndance,featurmgbve band, snacksand cash bar Dress e sorm formal Adm~seon$5 8 30 pm 1 am Ukra~n~an Catholic Centre, 15 Wchael S t , Kitchener. Episode One of 'Inside Outlandia", brought to you by CKMS Radio Theatre. Tune in for princesses, witches and dragons. 10 pm. CKMSFM 94.5.

-Sunday, October 26-


Outer's Club - rockclimbing at Rattlesnake Park. Begrnners wekome. Please bringa car if you possibly can. 8:30 am. Front of CC. Contact Ike 886-1572. Ecumetllcal Reformed Wor.hip for the unwersity commuruty Refreshments afterwards 10 30 am HH 180 Derus Bolohan "A Touch of Glass". An enwron ment of lqht UW Arts Centre Gallery, Modern Languzqes Free admmrewn 2 5 pm Regular meeting of Junior Fanners. New members wclcome 3 pm CC 110

servicefollowedby coffee and dtscusnon 7 8 um Transcendental Meditation "Advanced lecture" for T M meddators 8 pm 188 Park St ,Waterloo For more ~nformat~on phone 576 2546, Dawd & Shannon

Conrad Grebel CoUoge

Fed Flicks see Fnday

October 27Bolohan "A Touch of G1-a-." An environ nt of ltght UW Arts Centre Gallen,, Modem -90s Free adnusswn 9 am 4 pm


terloo Christian Feltownhip's Drop~nCentre Friday

Cinema Gratis - Doubie Feature. Wait Until Dark & Psycho. %30 pm. CC Great Hall.

-Thursday, October 30Red Cross blood donor clink. 10 am noon, 1 304 pm Math & Computer Buddng

Resear& Shortcuts m n health stud~ffiA 11bra.g r w w h strategy workshop for health stud~es students 10 30 am Meet at the&format~ondesk, Arts Lbrary

Research Shortcutp In Recreabon A hbrary research strategy workshopfor recreation students 2 30 pm Meet at the mformahon desk In the Arts Llbraru -

Dr. Samuel Epktein, professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University, of lnois. w i l l give a seminar "Environmental Toxicants and Cancer." B1 271, 130-330pm.

Conrad Grebel College chapel eervices idowed by coffeqand dmscussion. 4:45-5:15 pm. Course In Refomed h c t r i n e . Conrad Grebe1 College 251. 7-8 pm. "The Agape Life". Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ. 7:30-9 pm. CC 113.

Conrad Grebel College chapel services - see Tuesday. Waterloo Christian Fellowship (IVCF) supper meeting with speaker Gord Martin on 'The Christian View of Man's Need for God." AU are welcome. 4:30-7 pm. HH 280. Women's I s s q Group potluck dinner. Open to

-Wednesday, October 29Free Breast Examination Clinic - see Tuesday, Denls Bolohan =A Touch of Glass" ze Monday Waterloo Christian Fellowship's Drogmn Centre see Friday

ESSa sponsormngatrmp to Bruce Perunsulanuckar power plant ES students $1, others $2 Tikets on ~





$, , ~




more l

Interviewing technique sesslons for permanent employment see Tuesday

CC Bombshelter

all interested persons. 6 U Gaile Simmons for more information. Home 578-1956, work 888-2574. Call home first. WJSA invites you to Delo Dinner & Discussions featuring two keynote speakers from Toronto addressing current issues. Small charge. 7 pm. CC 110. A Teemage Head Hallowe'en Party presented by the Federation of Students and the Optometry Socmety. Costumes are encouraged. There will be mizes for the best. 8 Dm. Waterloo Motor Inn.

see Friday ~~h~ ~ ~ Psych ~Hallowe'en k Party ~ A ~free , to all In W~~RG fjag best costume Free talk a~outthegrOWIngpro~~em o p l wlndsor ~ ~ of tox~cwaste d~sposaland one part~cularlywell orgaruzed cmtmzens groups' efforts to safeguard thew 7 Minutes to Midnight Dtsarament symposium operung address Panel d~cusswn 'Arms and communmty 12 30 pm EL 205 Research shortcuts m kmnenology A hbrary Security" See brochures and posters 8pm Conrad research strategy workshop for lunes~ologystu Grebel College Great Hall dents 2 30 pm Meet at the mnfombon desk In the "Rites of Passage" presented by the drama A-.. r I--N L I LI"IC3LY department see Wednesday New Trends and txpenments by Massing Assoctates. A combmabon of dance, vocal, wdeo, film and Epmsode Two of "Inside Outlandia", brought to you dramat~cwork Theatre of the Arts 4 30pm $2 50at by CKMS Rad~o Theatre Yet more dragons, untches and princesses 10 pm CKMS-FM, 94 5 the door


This iveek’s feature looks at the Waterloo Market - in pictures and words. pg 12, x3



Reveen, in the magik show, pge 17, review of Bad Tim ing page 15, and the polic re page 27




24, 1980.



,/’ /


New date of \ directors for ‘, WPIRG chos&r Steve Wood, a Math/CA student, topped the po*lls in WPIRG’s recent election to choose a new Board of directors. Other new members are Wendy Yurka and Jim Savage of Man-Environment, and Ike Van Cruynigen, Marisa Collins, and Vicky Schreiber of Integrated Studies. .WPIRG (Waterloo Public Interest ,Research Group) . holds its elections annually; each board is elected by students who are WPIRG members (those who have not - withdrawn their WPIRG fees]. The 1980-81 directors will begin their duties immediately, and the first meeting of the Board will take place Monday.

WLU physicist -named for s research study Dr. John Lit, chairman of the physics department at Wjlfrid Laurier University, has been named principal author for an indepth study of the possibilities for Canadian research in the field of optics. Dr. Lit is one of Canada’s best-known researchers in this specialized field, the reasons he was chosen by the Canadian Association of Physicists to undertake the project. “The end result of our study will be a background document for use by governments, universities and other research agencies to assist in decisions affecting development of the field of optics,” Dr. Lit said. Similar committees in other centres across the country are working on different areas-nuclear physics, and particle plasma physics and fusion, at omit and molecular physics and condensed

matter physics. “The entire project is one of the most thorough ever ,. undertaken in Canada and could chart the future of research and development in these important areas in this country,” Dr. Lit said.

GL‘OW: one more attempt to make it work -. “We’re giving this one last attempt to make it work,” stated GLOW’s (Gay Liberation of Waterloo) Fred Schubert of the group’s upcoming Hallowe’en dance. “We have such a great deal of competition and Eometimes find it difficult; other groups have folded from this competition,” Schubert stated. _-_.Schubert reiterated his group’s determination to make the dance a success. “GLOW has had 300 posters printed for the event and is determined to keep them up this time” he said, noting that the posters are often found

WPIRG’s new Board of directors: Ieft to right (rear) Jeff Page, Steve Wood, Ike Van Cruynigen, (front] Vickv

-i “missing” from bulletin boards. The dance (“outrageous costumes a must”) is to be held, complete with a Toroto disc-jockey, in the third-floor Humanities lounge at 8:30 on October 31st.

Scream away your tension says Cornell \ VW

Scream away your academic tensions. A group of Cornell University students say they’ve found the’ perfect way to relieve the tensions of academic life organized screaming. Every night at 11 pm, dozens of residents of Cornell’s north campus reportedly go to their windows and . . . scream. They they are say following the lead of the “primates” - six freshmen who have formed the primal scream club. The primates endorse a two-minute nightly session of ’ nonsensical screaming. Featuring grunts and groans, but no words. Some students, however, are reportedly turning the scream sessions

into half-hour orgies of insults bet ween residence halls. Primal scream club members sporting T-shirts primate and posters - say-they plan to continue their exercise, and that they’ll stage scream-ins at various campus sites and try to spread the practice to other schools.

Exam printing discussed at I Monday’s *Senate At a meeting of the UW Senate on Monday, it was decided that any examinations submitted to the Registrar’s Office by a set deadline will be printed and charged to the Registrar’s exam printing account. C.T. Boyes, UW Registrar, stated in an October 6 letter to the Secretary of Senate, that ideally one university account should be established’ for the purpose of printing. However, he added that since central printing for exams was not foreseeable, the alternative of having the Registrar’s ,account carry part of the

Schreiber, _Yurka. financial feasible


-burden one.




Other business at -fhe the meeting included: correction of an’error in the June 16 minutes, the deferment of a decision on the archiving of examinations, the approval of a report on the .reorganization of Statistics courses, and the acceptance of reports submitted from all faculties and the University Tenure Advisory Committee.

Eric Whelan appointed to purchasing post Eric P. Whelan has been appointed direct or of purchasing at the Univerof Waterloo. His sity announced appointment, today by William G. Deeka, director of administrative services, will become effective Nov. 1. Whelan succeeds Gavin Currie. Born in the United Kingdom, Whelan grew up in Sarnia and worked for many years as a chemical technologist at Polysar Ltd., prior to coming to UW, in 1968. Whelan’s first six years on campus were spent in

\im Photo

Savage and Wend; by Jacob Arseneauit

I _


the university’s purchasing department where he specialized in the purchase of lab instruments, computers, business machines and similar kinds of equipment. He also administered the university’s systems contracts, a purchasing device pioneered among Canadian institutions by UW. He completed a bachelor’s degree at Waterloo, as a part-time student; he also holds a professional purchasing dipl-oma from the Purchasing Management Association of Canada. In 1974 Whelan transferred to UW’s department of co-ordination, the dethat handles partment liaison between the university’s‘ co-operative stu- ’ dents and their work term employers. From 1974 to 1977 he was assistant to the program administrator for co-op students in the FacuIty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies. For the past three years he has been a mathematics-business coordinator. In his spare time he and his wife have operated a successful raising hog business on their farm near Brussels.






John Crosbie


24, 1980.



Constitutional reform “preoccupies” says critic The federal government of Canada is “preoccupied” with constitutional reform, stated John Crosbie, Opposition Finance critic, in a lecture on “The Constitution as it Affects Canada Today” at WLU on Thursday. According to Crosbie, the constitutional changes initiated by Prime Minister Trudeau in Ottawa should not be given top priority since one cannot “eat, drink or employ a constitution”. Further, he added that his party, the ConservaProgressive tives, considered budgetary issues to be of pressing importance, since the last government was brought down on that very issue. Crosbie commented that repatriation of the constitution from Britain is, in itself, a good scheme, since Canada should be capable of ammending the BNA Act (as opposed to the present situation where Britain must process all changes). However, he cautioned that the federal government is now trying to introduce unilateral changes

on the constitution while it rests in United Kingdom, thus permanently entrenching these ammendments within the Act. According to Crosbie, Trudeau is attempting this action because he realizes that the Canadian courts would never allow such unilateral ammendments to take place in Canada. Crosbie told the audience of students and faculty that of the 10 provinces, only Quebec expressed interest in modifying the constitution. As well, he added that Quebec wants more provincial powers while the



Opposition WLU.



support them. When asked whether the unilateral ammendments could be brought to a halt, Crosbie replied that the

Canada’s .

answer depended upon public opinion in Ontario. The federal government, he maintained, places greater emphasis on the

constitution Thursday ai Photo by Carl’ Friesen

opinion of the central Canadian maj’ority than on the feeling of Canada as a whole. Sharon Mitchell

MacGuigan’s talk to highlight symposium Mark MacGuigan, Canada’s minister of external affairs, will be on campus Friday, October 31 at 3 p.m. to give an address on the Canadian goverment’s approach to the critical issue of disarmament in a world increasingly militarized and tense.

UofT. washroom: TORONTO (CUP) -. Times are so hard at the University of Toronto that you can’t even use the washroom in peace. Serious budgetary problems at the U of T have forced the botany department to use a boiler room and a partitioned men’s washroom as labs and the dentistry department to use 21 year old equipment. The dentistry faculty, which currently has only provisional accreditation status, must update its facilities by 1983 or completely lose its license to graduate dentists. Ontario opposition leader Stuart Smith demanded an explanation from colleges and universities minister Bette Stephenson at the legislature October 9. “Why is the largest, most industrialized province tenth and last in its funding, which has affected the quality of all aspects of the universities’ operations, from undergraduate education to research efforts?” Stephenson said the universities should be assured the government “will be doing our very best to meet the requirements for the education of young people”. Stephenson also stated that Ontario is not tenth in provincial funds of universities as per capita grant indicates. The effects of the cutbacks were revealed in a survey conducted by the U of T student council. The report states “all faculties and departmets are being affected to some degree,

federal government currently plans to limit provincial jurisdiction within the proposed constitutional changes. In defense of unilateral reformation, says Crosbie, Trudeau is “painting a picture of a weak federal government” powerless in the face of provincial assaults. Crosbie then noted that the BNA Act grants the federal government extensive powers to disallow provincial legislation. Further, he speculated that these powers have not recently been used because the federal government felt that the public would not

MacGuigan’s speech will highlight a four day symposium .on disarmament at UW, which has been organized by the UW Peace Society and is sponsored by the Peace Society, the Federation of Students, WPIRG, and

now botany lab

with most being seriously hurt and some on the verge of disaster”. Overcrowding is another result of budget restraints outlined by the survey. The department of mechanical engineering is being forced to reduced enrollments from 120 to 80 next year. The electrical engineering department is registering 150 students in classes and labs designed for 100.

The report says there have been eight years of below inflation funding by the provincial government, “Universities are a very important part of this society”, said Stephenson. “But they, just as all other sectors of society have been subjected to constraints which have been imposed by inflation. “We must deal with them, the university sector, no less than any other.”

Conrad Grebel College, among others. The symposium, running from October 31 to November 2, is entitled “7 Minutes to Midnight --* Defusing the Arms Race.” The main thrust of the symposium is the question “Is national security attainable in the nuclear age?” other keynote The speaker at the symposium will be Richard Barnet, a member of the Institute of Policy Studies in Washington DC and author of The Lean Years: Politics in the Age of Scarcity. Barnet will address the question of “National Security in the 1980’s” during a lecture in UW’s Theatre of the Arts at 8 pm on Friday Oct. 31. Ernie Regehr, a peace researcher at Conrad Grebel College, has compiled a brief for the which notes symposium statistics giving evidence of a “rampant global militarism”. In the brief Regehr states, “some 36

million men are today under arms, with another 25 million in reserves and 30 million civilians in military-related occupations. Fully one half of the world’s engineers and scientists working at research and development focus all their attention on military research and development. The world spends $1 million per minute on military force and weapons; that translates into about, $400 billion per year.” The organizers of the event say that the purpose of the symposium is to “facilitate a forum for the discussion of the critical issues of international security and disarmament and to impress upon the public that this is not an area of interest only to the policy makers and experts, but requires attention and action from everyone interested in ensuring true national and international security.”

According to Dave Neufeld, UW Peace Society president and symposium chairperson, “the symposium has also been planned to increase attention on the UN’s Disarmament Week, Ott: 24-31." In addition to addresses from MacGuigan and Barnet, there will be workshops on “Alternatives to Armed Defense”, “Canadian-U.S. Defense Relations”, “Set- . urity ’ and the Strategic Balance”, and “Militarism, Pacifism and the Just War”. There will also be panel discussions, a film series (including “Dr. Strangelove”), and a ,Sunday chapel service at the Conrad Grebel chapel. Most of the symposium events, including MacGuigan’s address, will take place in the Great Hall of Conrad Grebel College. Admission to all events is free. Brian Snyder

Advisory Council installed There was a sense of history in the making at Thursday’s inaugural meeting of the Waterloo Advisory Council (WAC) in Needles Hall. The new organization will represent the employers. of the university’s 7,500 co-op students and serve as an advisory body to the university. WAC replaces the Industrial Advisory Council (IAC), the employer advisory body for UW’s engineering and science co-op programs for the last 22 years. The new body will comprehend all faculties with co-op employers. A press release from Information Services states that “Roy Duxbury, technical’ director of 3M Canada Ltd., London, and a former IAC chairman, was chairman of the committee that conducted the study of

how WAC would be established.” In a presentation at Thursday’s meeting, Duxbury outlined the structure of the new body. Consisting of a maximnm of 26 members, WAC will be organized under a three tier. system: a steering committee, an executive committee, and member corporations. Student body representative-s .will be admitted as observers and will be drawn from each faculty, presumably by the coordinator. The council will meet twice a year to air the concerns of the members and their suggestions to improve the co-op program. Duxbury stressed the need to limit the size and structure of co-op councils, adding that “We’ve got to let the studen+ know that

we’re approachable people. Those who don’t know us tend to think that we wear little green helmets with antennas on them, and are unapproachable. They should know that we have empathy for them and want to help.” Dr. Burt Matthews, president of the UW Senate, said that the formation of the WAC was, “...another milestone in the development of the University of Waterloo and of co-operative education in Canada.” WAC President Rod Coutts reconvened the meeting after a coffee break and heard reports from individual council members. The day’s business was topped off by an evening of Oktoberfesting at one of the local beer halls. Jim Murray

Imp-t IS a*. &ucbnt newspaper at’the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications Waterloo, a corporatio without share \ capital, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontar . Phone 885 1660 or extension 2331 or 2332. Imprint is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organization of 63 papers aoross Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). Imprint publishes every~l;“riday during the term. Mail shouldbeaddressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Boom 140.” We are--typeset on campus with a Camp/Set 510; paste-up is likewise done on campus. Imprint: ISSN 07067380.

I Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager Production Manager News Editors Sports Editor Features Editor Prose 19 Poetry

Marg Sanderson Sylvia Hannigan Liz Wood Jacob Arseneault Lois Abraham, Laurie Cole Paul Zemokhol Laurie Duquette Angela Brandon, Michael Ferrabee .

/ Imprint resemes the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising.

‘Editorial j Campus mestion What




if any,



the government



iZ the regulation

of cults

by Katherine


of recruitment?

Menv 2 Government has a role in cult education. They should make people aware of cults and mass psychology particularily with younger people who are easily influenced.

Eton 3 Regulating religions is ridiculous because it is based on ideology and it is oppressing the freedom of our rights. There is no objective reason for regulation; it is just ideological prejudice that is being legislated.

David Hunter 2A Met Eng Hard to regulate cults because of the freedom principle but sometimes it is necessary when cults appear in schools. Teach people to recognize the dangers involved.

Tammy Hughes Math 2B Applied I don’t like cults’ aggressiveness and their manipulation of people. Government’s role is hard to define. Who is going to judge a good cult from a bad one?


Ehricht Arts 2 This question is pointed and difficult to answer in a few lines.

“Drowned in a bathtub full of lime j&lo?” queried Scotland Yard’s chief defective John McMoo 88 he contemplated Sally, Leslie, Karen, Nancy, JD, and all-night burnout king Mike F’errabee with a look of incredulous horror (somewhat mixed with envy). “That’s nothing!” chortled the introverted and often somnambulent Laurie Duquette, “I myself have just barely survived being crushed by a stampede of artificial lemmings.” “You think that’s bad,” returned McMoo...and so they traded Stories of the Imprint-unexplained: Glenn St-Germain, OD’d whilst snorting vlllsge food, Tammy Home, Iynne (magic fingers) Verbeek, Liz Wood and the Animal, baked into a gisnt jelly donut. Sylvia Hannigan: xeroxed to death; Cliff Goodman: forced to give artificial respiration to a neighbour’s tree; Jacob Arseneault, Paul Zemokhol, Patricia McLean, and Virginia Butler: Strapped to a Gilligan’s Island episode and rerun. Or what of JW Bast, immersed as he was in photo developer (because es a pessimist, he was so negative), and Ira Nayman (via telex, of course) lost forever after-hours in the K Mart? Poor Brian Snyder, Jim MurraylSharon Mitchell, Tim Perlich (and his rubber stamp) and Angela Brandon: pummelledby a plethora of mustaches. Or consider the fate of Evelyn Schlereth, Dan Ayad, Cathy McBride, RON MCGREGOR, and Warren Delany-Trampled by David Janssen and the one-armed man. Or again, Lois Abraham, Laurie Cole and Coral Andrews who knows the leopard lady: Imprisoned in a Zavier Cugat album with Charo’s chihuahua. Sigh! Or even your very obedient servant. Verbally abused. By the opening credits. Of. Rocky Horror. “Yes,” said McMoo. “I guess we’ve seen them all.” Cover graphic by Tim Perlich. -MS &? JM

Nadine Tota Rel Stu 3 The government should put restrictions on cults if they are harmful to someone but if they do not bother anyone then let them exist,

Homecoming at most universities is a time of parades, dances, receptions, gatherings of old friends and the meeting of old and new. Most of all there is a spirit, a festive air to all the hoopla, with alumni and future alumni joining in to cele’brate their school days past and present. Last weekend was homecoming here, at Waterloo and it Occasioned the homecoming football game, the Don Hayes Memorial Hockey game, associated receptions, and more informally the Rugbyfest tournament. Yet if you asked most students about homecoming, they didn’t have any idea when it was, let alone if LJW had one. The result was a Don Hayes Memorial game where only 150 people appeared, many of them football payers just coming from the reception, and faculty who knew and remembered Don Hayes. The football game drew a larger than usual audience but still could not fill the stands that should have been overflowing with festive alumni and students. Why is the weekend that should be the-peak of the social athletic season virtually ignored on the Waterloo campus? The Athletic department are taking part in it, but claims that the Alumni office should be the prime mover. The Alumni office, in turn, has only recently


24, 1980.



appointed a full-time alumni officer. Even though the alumni magazine went out to 20,000 IJW alumni, nothing reached the student population who are themselves already present on campus and more than 15,000 strong. The few posters put up, with a complete lack of coordination with the departments, is another among the list of problems surrounding the weekend. Further, the Alumni office has stopped inviting Federation people to discuss homecoming and related activities because they didn’t show up in the past years, while the Feds claim they knew about it or never something would have been planned. This failure to simply coordinate a central planning committee tells of the inadequacy and sad lack of preparation that resulted in a fiasco of assumed responsibilities and lack of communication. The more important result is that the students, past and present, have ,been robbed of a and traditional exunique perience. Various people have also blamed the youth and lack of tradition at Waterloo as reasons for the weekend’s failure. This view certainly holds no hope for the future and is more a cop-out than anything else. Traditions are not created overnight, granted, but it is not only the weight of. years that forms traditions, but the spirit that pervades throughout. And I certainly believe that we, at Waterloo, have a lot of spirit and room for a new tradition. Paul Zemokhol

Three vie for Arts candidate proposing alterOn Monday, October 27, the uw Federation of Stunatives to this naively “strategy”, this idealistic dents will be holding a byelection for an Arts proven waste of time and representative on the money. council. A . Now, more than ever, students’ will be realistic, concrete action is polling station located in the lobby of the needed to fight cutbacks Arts Lecture building from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Students are advised to bring their ID cards.

Chris Reid Arts 2 years of After 8 cutbacks, Ontario now ranks 10th by province in university per-student funding. Meanwhile, as we all know, tuition fees have been increasing steadily. But, while we pay more for less, the Student Council plans nothing but the same strategy that has failed consistently and completely for 10 years: lobbying(begging) politicians to change government policy. I am the only

Chris Reid and tuition increases, I know from my involvement in student issues that effective action will require hard work from Councillors. Obviously, we need representatives who will do much more than simply attend the

occasional meeting. The Arts faculty has a tradition of being UW’s most politically aware and active group of students. With your support I will represent the interests of Art’s students on Student’s Council. Calvin Weber Political


name is Calvin MY Weber. I am a 2nd year honburs Political Science student. I am running for Arts representative to Student’s Council. Why? I’m interested and concerned about student issues and in student government. I feel that I have much t o contribute to Council. I believe that Student’s Council must be more responsible with their finances. It is my priority to cut losses without -cutting quality of entertainment or services. The different Art’s departments must have their needs adequately met and their voices heard. I feel that we as students need to vdice our concern about the dropping quality

signatures not enough elegible signatures. He was told that this total was still insufficient, as it would fall short of the required amount by nearly one hundred. Colley said he had been told that only 3600 names were needed. Mayor Marjorie Carroll replied that the number of eligible voters, and therefore the number of required signatures, had increased, as indicated by the recent enumeration. UW graduate student Herb Riedel noted that WSWS, under the Flouride Act, had until October 31 to submit the petition, although the City Clerk’s office had set the deadline at October 15. It was observed that the earlier deadline reflected a change in election dates. At the time of the Flouride Act (1966), municipal elections were h-eld in December. The Municipal Elections Act of 1977 changed the election date to November, without making kind of any

remains neutral in regards to supporting any one provincial party. , I do promise to work hard and assist the other Arts representatives, Wim Simonis and Anthony Waterman, in presenting a unified voice for Art’s. Dave PC-!itical


Safe water group told A referendum concerning the fluoridation of water in Waterloo will not be on the ballot for the upcoming election, decided Waterloo City Council at a meeting on Tuesday night. The decision followed presentations from Waterloo residents and the Waterloo Safe Water Society (WSWS) to the council. Among the presentations was a petition that WSWS had circulated to stop the fluoridation of Waterloo’s water. Also speaking to, cou!cil were John Schroeder, who mentioned that a referendum on flouridation in Kitchener held in 1965 was about Z/Z against, and biochemist John Grace, spoke about - the who dangers , of biological fluoridated water. The issue of flouridation came up last spring when WSWS approached the council to request that the flouridation of Waterloo water be stopped. WSWS was informed that, according to the city’s Flouride ten percent of Act, Waterloo’s eligible voters must sign a petition against flouridated water to force a referendum. As of October 15, WSWS had collected a total df 3,463 signatures. However, City Clerk R.C. Keeling eliminated 669 of ihese due to illegibility, voter ineligibility, and people signing for others. A total of 2,794 eligible signatures remained; 3,921 were needed to call a referendum. representative wsws Jim Colley approached Council on Tuesday night with a new total of names -. 4,429, including in-

of education and the lack of funds to improve our education. I do not believe a fee hike strike would be

amendment to acts such as the Flouride Act. A deadline of October 15 would leave clerks just enough time to put the flouridation question on the ballot in time for the advance poll on November 1.

After all presentations were made, Council voted to ratify the October 15 deadline, thus ending hopes of forcing a referendum by petition for this election. Alderman Mary Jane Mewhinney (subsequentmoved that the ly) referendum be added to the election ballot despite the lack of signatures on the fluoridation petition; however, no one would second the motion. the A member of audience commented that “Mewhinney just got herself four thousand votes.” When asked about the future plans of WSWS, Colley replied, “next, we seek legal advice. We will take the city to court.” A resubmission of the petition to the next council, for which Colley is running for alderman, could initiate a referendum before the next municipal elections in 1982. Glenn St-Germain

Baker Science



I believe it is time for affirmative action. In light of endless underfunding and cutbacks, we as students ‘must work together to save and better Calvin Weber _ our educational status. in the best interests of the The best way to achieve students. our goals is through our I will make sure that the Federation of Students, a new Election Action Cornrepresentative body whose mittee will not overspend a mandate is to work in the budget of $1,500 and best interests of students.


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Two debate ,aCid.rain /t


In Centre Stage ’



“The , Government of Ontario’s response to the acid rain question has been woefully inadequate, primarily due to the governme.nt’s loyalty to the business sector”, stated Phil Weller, W,PIRG re‘searcher, -during a debate last Wednesday evening between Weller, author of Acid Rain: the Silent’ Crisis, and Graham Scott, Ontario Deputy Minister of the Environment. The debate, entitled i “Acid Rain: has Ontario done enough to stop it?“, _ was part of Environment’ Week at UW, sponsored by K-W Probe and the Federation of Students.


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Into atid Falconbridge nickel smelters in Sudbury, according to Scott, who noted that, Into is the largest single point source of sulpher emissions (2500 tons per day) on the continent. _ _ __-_ __- I

. ,

The lively debate began with Scott agreeing that acid rain was indeed “the ’ Despite this, Scott demost pressing environfended the actions of his mental issue of the government and stated decade”. He noted its that the major problem is effects, not just% on lakes, the lack of US response to rivers and fish, but also on the crisis. vegetation, land animals Ontario “imports” from and humans. The comthe US fotir times as many plexity, of the problem has emissions ‘as it “exports”, increased, due to acid noted Scott, and the future rain’s “transnational nais not encouraging, since t&e”, Scott maintained. -acid rain is not a well He then went on to list a publicized ‘issue in the US. number of programs unIn addition, US Presidertaken by the governdent Gaiter has approved a ment of Ontario to fight process of converting . acid rain, including air I many American power monitoring systems, plants from oil to coal, and which have shown an 80% has waived emission reduction in ’ sulpher and control staridards for nitrdgen oxides in Toronto them. “Thus”, says Scott, since 1970. “while ;we aren’t totally Scott also noted that the satisfied with our own ministry is working at abatement measures, we locating the major sources feel that significant of sulpher and nitrogen’ changes must take place in oxides (the causes of acid the US, if Ontario’s acid rain) in the province. rain problem is ever to be Primary sources are the solved”.


Weller, in response to Scott, was critical of the Ontario government on many points. His argument was based on four main areas, the first of which was a recognition that acid rain has resulted in tremendous ,social and environmental costs to the province. Secondly, - technology does exist to reduce sulpher and nitrogen oxides emitted at present, Weller said. Weller’s third point was that many of the Canadian sources of emissions are refusing to use present emissions technology. Finally, Canadian governments are extremely lenient to their own polluters, he stated. Weller noted that there are “scrubber systems” in plants in the US which can reduce sulpher ehissions . by 70 to 90 percent. He tiaint ained that “Canadian polluters refuse to use these technologies”. “For instance, O’ntario Hydro, which is responsible for 30 percent of the sulpher emissions in ihe prdvince, has no sulpher removal system in its stacks and is supported in this stance by the ‘ministry of the environment”, WeL ler said. While Weiler agreed that Ontario had done much to research the acid rain problem, he criticized the government for not following these studies up with concrete action. “They’ve constantly put off implementing stricter csntrol 99 1 ..- I. measures he said, “on sulpher and nitrogen emissions.” ‘~ Weller ’ challenged the Ontario government to industries from stop “using the environment as g frw garbage. dump” and demanded that the social costs of pollution be borne by the polluter, not the taxpayer. ’

S&t’s idea that no-more :can be done until the US cleans up its act, was rejected, by Weller. : Said. -Wel-Eer, “on6 aof, ‘the :[ 1.‘reas& :. Lwe’,qe- ‘had: the \ ; 1c&n~i& ~the; ‘acid, rain Ij-roble,m IS that>people have been pointing at each other across the border. We’ve got to start with ourselves first.”

I , I

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Scott’s ‘rebuttal to this was to question the extetit to which we as a sbciety are willing to make the necessary sacyifices. “Are we willing” he asked, “to equip a factory with so much anti-pollution *technology, that it is no longer profitable to operate?” The debate ended with Scott defending the “damm good” performance of the province but adding that “this doesn’t mean we’re going to ,be complacent”. However, Weller as well as many in the crowd appeared to be unconvinced. , Brian Snyder





24, 1980.



Canadian author little known Noriman Levine is an internationaly known Canadian author of whom few Canadians have heard. In the past twenty years, his works have appeared in 32 countries but w’e are only now seeing his books in Canada. How is it that we who are obsessed with finding a “Canadian Identity” have overlooked this literary gemstone? Levine, it might be said, was a victim of the times and of circumstances. In the mid 1950’s he completed his novel, Canada Made Me. The story centers on his youth growing up in lower-town Ottawa, the son of poor Polish immigrants. But the Canadian publishing industry, caught up in the post war “Canada is the future” atmosphere, would not tolerate a work which bore criticisms of the Canadian system.

Thus Levine turned to England where he has lived for over twenty years and has become a successful author. Though Levine has only just returned to Canada, his work has always been interlaced with threads of his Canadian youth. It has been said that Levine has an obsession with Canada, and he himself says “most of my writing is a confrontation between the past and the present.” Reading parts of his works on Friday at a WLU “Meet the Author” lecture series Norman Levine held his audience entranced with a simplicity of style that few writters are able to perfect. In the short story, “Lower Town”, Levine remembers leaving the street where he grew up to go to war: “Murray Street looked drab, empty, frozen. Solemn boxes with

Lights, skywalk CUP -. STAFF Since September, one student has been killed and eight students have been injured on the highway that passes - through Memorial University Newfoundland, stated UW student Federation chair of external relations Peter . Hoy. And until only recently, the Newfoundland government refu’sed to do anything. The students of Memorial had been lobbying for five years to get the government to put a skywalk over Prince Phillip Parkway, Hoy said, but the problem finally came to a head last week when the students went on strike over the death of Judy Ford on October 17. Ford was struck by a vehicle on a crosswalk on pedestrian her way to class. At last weekend’s Winnipeg conference, the National Union of Students unanimously WJSI agreed to support Memorial’s cause. NUS asked all universities to send written endorsments pledging their support to Newfoundland’s premier and to the mayor gf St. John’s, Neil Freeman, UW student Federation President, and Hoy have stressed their outright support for the students at Memorial on behalf of the UW students and have sent their sympathies to the parents of Judy Ford. Hoy said that regardless of political sways, Memorial should be supported throughBut the country on “the basis of humanitarian principles.” Over 2000 students had set up barricades on the parkway which runs through campus. They demanded that a permanent overhead skywalk be constructed to end th6 dangerous conditions. The

wooden verandahs. Brown double doors and double windows. Not a soul &as outside...And the houses, on either side, in shadow, appeared even more boarded up, as if you would have to go through several layers before you found. something’living.” The subjects of Levine’s writing come from everyday life. They are often minor events from everyone’s past which for some reason remain in the subconscious. A first girlfriend, a sunrise, fathers and mothers -- all form a vivid backdrop against which stories unfold and envelope the reader. Norman Levine appeared as the first speaker in a series of four guest lectures entitled “Meet the Aut ho?‘. Three more ’ lectures will be held at WLU on October 24, October 31 and November 8. Laurie Duquette


Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford said October 21 the provincial government would pay 75 per cent of the $1.5 million cost of constructing two skywalks and installing traffic activated lights on the parkway. The University and the city of St. share the John’s will remainder of the costs. While construction on the skywalks will begin in upcoming’ months, the tra’ffic lights will be installed shortly.


kilometres, police patrols will be increased, and warning signs will be placed on the parkway. The dernonstrators are currently negotiating with the university to ensure that no one who took part in the blockade will be penalized academically. The protest was supported by the National Union of Students, the Association of Student Councils, Ford’s parents, and many Newfoundland colleges and high schools,

NUS changes lauded “A combination of a under discussion for the last two or three years. Its higher profile, a stronger student lobby, and increased philosophical aspects were services is the whole idea discussed earlier this sumbehind bringing ,the political mer at a Halifax conference; (National Union of Students) in Winnipeg, talks dealt mainly with the principles wing and the service (Association of Student Councils) and structures of the new wing of the student moveorganization. ment together,” said student A student identity card is Federation’s Peter Hoy on now available from AOSC Monday, after his return from which entitles its owner to the NUS-AOSC conference discounts in Canada and held in Winnipeg last weekabroad. end. “It’s actually a reduction in fee&” stated Freeman, Hay, who is the vicechairperson of external rela- p who noted that now a NUS tions, along with Federation member who also buys an of Students president Neil AOSC card must pay $4.50 Freeman and vice-president ($1 for NUS, $3.50 for the Wim Simonis, were among card), but that the new fee the delegates from over would be only $4 for both. seventy post-secondary inAll three delegates mainstitutions who attended the tained that they were highly conference to discuss NUSin favour of this restrucAOSC restructuring, woturing. “Services, and the men-s issues, student houpolitical aspects, will work sing, the Federal-Provincial best,” said Hoy, “if we build task force on student aid, a stronger movement for and the implementation of students, and have a higher profile. That’s why we’re National Student Day on November 17. fully behind the restrucThe restructuring issue, turing.” said Freeman, has been Marg Sanderson



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Cult6 examined by Studies society

Federation of Students Univeksity of Water160 I -



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will take1c place on

Monday, October 27,-1980 9:30 a.& to 4:30 p.m.

'. i ’


’ The polling station will be located in the foyer of the Arts Lecture Building. You must present your I.D. card to tid’te. \ r . . \ Election cemmitte& ,a





tenses. Dr. Hubbard said that he realizes some cult practices have been distorted by the media, but wonders if all complaints are prompted by the media, or if some concerns are valid. He some speculated that people are led unknowingly into joining cults. Dr. Bryant of Renison College affirmed that the once legitimate definition of cults as new religious has been movekments distorted by the-media. He indicated that of some investigations into cults, such as those contained in the Daniel Hill report, contradict the exaggerated ‘horror’ image the media has of cults. According to Dr. Bryant, “public hysteria is an indication of lack of critical investigation and decent human toleration.” He said that the civil protection extended to other institutions withi-n society is also deserved by 1. the various cults. Evelyn Schlereth

Two different viewpoints on cults and religious freedom were expressed during Tuesday afternoon’s discussion on cults,, organized by the Religious Studies Society. According to Dr. Hubbard of St. Jerome’s College, the more people that are taken from society ‘and into a cult, the more stirred in tension is society. He related accounts of people who had left cults ‘after. long, exhausting hours spent selling flowers, and books, work which sometimes had led to the deterioration of ,health. Dr. Hubbard also referred to the University of Toronto, which has become concerned with cults and their methods of recruitment. He noted that at U of T students were warned by means of about being pamphlets drawn Y into deceptively, cults through invitations to attend religious retreats, Dr invitations for lunch made under false pre-

by the Re1lgious


-Society. Photo by Hans

Ver der

NUS,l,AOSC,look ’. at nierger plans ,

(CUP), -. The framework of a new student movement in Canada, was laid ‘last weekend by delegates attendi’ng th& , National Union of Students (NUS) and Association of Student Councils (AOSC) joint conference in Winnipeg. - WINNIPEG

Delegates representing over severity. postsecondary institutions passed motions, which will see the political-lobbying NUS merge with the Student Service Organization (AOSC) in an effort to provide students with a more responsive student movement, said Mike Miller, <NUS fieldworker in British Columbia.* The founding convention for the new organizawhich remains tion, nameless, will probably be held within three years, Miller saidI. Structural. details will be worked out at, the next NUS confer-

ence, slated for Lethbridge, . Alberta next May. The conference expects, in the meantime, that referendums approving the concept of the new movement will student take place on campuses across the country. Six or seven of such referenda are expected lbefore May -lno-l 130 1. The per capita fee for membership in the new organization will be $4$3 higher th an the current per capita fee for members of NUS. The higher ‘fees, ,Miller said, will enable the organization to hire, more the staff to service members. The new organization .\ will also Lcreate closer ties bet,ween provincial student organizations and the National Student Movement. In -addition, the services sideof the organization will provide an entertainment booking co-op and’a travel service.






Asbestos: Repairs Held Off Until Christmas WINNIPEG (CIJP) -Asbestos insulation in the food services area at the University of Manitoba,’ originally scheduled to be removed in September, will wait until now Christmas for removal. Asbestos is a potential health hazard in that, should it become dislodged, it would release asbestos fibres into the air. These fibres are known to be a cause of lung cancer. Manager of food services Ray McQuade is pleased with the delay since business will not be interrupted for the cleanup. “It is a better time for us,” McQuade added “the way other asbestos cleanup went on campus, it would take longer than a week to remove the asbestos from food services. We would have had all kinds of staff problems.” He commented that the asbestos threat “is not that great a hazard. They did an air test and it seems okay.” Director of operations and maintenance at the University of Manitoba, Ralph Robbins, said clean-

up will start as soon as classes end for the Christmas break, December 5. Robbins said the delay was made in order to ‘prevent the “suspension of service to the students.” Work at other areas . affected by assbestos at the University of Manitoba have also been put off until the Christmas break, Robbins said. This action, however,, will make the holiday workload quite hectic for the repair crews, he said. Included in the areas where work will be delayed are the women’s room for the locker university pool as well as the concourse connecting the pool to the locker rooms. The university’s swimming pool, which also was closed because of asbestos removal, is now open after a month-long delay in repairs there.

Students at Windsor deemed Competent WINDSOR (CUP) -. Students at the University of Windsor have been judged capable of decision making

by the university senate. The senate defeated a motion which had called for the removal of student representation from the promotion and tenure committees.

that students were incapable of judging professors because of lack of knowledge is unrealistic because many professors suffer from that very

The *motion was protested by student leaders: David Simmons, student council president, called it “paternalistic and irresponsible”. Professor J.T. Culliton proposed the motion because he felt students would suffer too much mental anguish if they were required to make such decisions,


24, 1980.

problem. original The motion calling for students to mbe on the committee, passed 1971, states, “the in department heads were



frequently unfamiliar with the teaching ability of certain members of their own staff. and the only alternative was to get the opinion of the students”.


of Student6


of Waterloo

B.E.E.R. Meeting Board of Education Boaid of External Relations

“I’m primarily’concerned with the vulnerability of the student on the committee”, he said. committee “When the meets and the department head comes out in favour of a certain professor, it is almost certain that any student will feel compelled to do the same, if only to protect himself from the potential wrath of the department head”. Dixon, student Eric representative on senate, said that if students felt “undue pressure” from faculty members who serve on the committee, this would be the fault of those faculty members, not the students. Dixon said the argument






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Letters Professor “paranoid” The Editor, This is the most arbitrary approach toward student evaluation I have every encountered. Professor Koutsoyiannis (ECON 221) is so openly paranoid about possible plagiarism in her weekly X)-page assignments, that she has been driven to alter the course marking scheme half-way through the semester. She has announced that she is sick and tired of all the cheating going on; that it is next to impossible to -detect in a class this size; that should she perchance find any, there would be dire consequences; that just so no one gets away with anything her new approach to assigning grades will: 1) only average in weekly assignment grades when the mid-term exam mark lies above the mean weekly mark. That is to say assignment marks will be incuded in the assessment of the overall grade only if the net effect will be ‘to worsen that grade! 2) ignore all the work put into these weekly drudges if the student’s mid-term examination mark falls short of the weekly average mark. That is, these marks will be excluded from consideration in the assessment of an overall grade only if the net effect of their would be to inclusion ameliorate the effects of a poorly written exam! The resulting logic for the poor sucker caught in this stupidity is almost Kafkaesque-he’s damned if he does well every week and damned if he doesn’t. I object. Jamie Parker

ID cards a rip-off


The Edit or, If you’ve been here long enough, you will have noticed that a trend is developing for making students spend money and suffer undue harassments, seemingly just because the notion exists that the “system” should treat the students like cattle. A case in point is the $5 I see myself spending to replace “crumbling” student my card. There was a time when students were issued credit card-like student cards, shiny and new, with one’s name, number, etc. engraved on it and a nice picture of our controversial crest. I was rather proud of mine, partly because of the effect it had on friends and relatives! Two years ago, out came the paper-like cards. After being relieved of my wallet on a university tour (Did that every happen to you? Watch out, you’re very vulnerable in crowds like that..;), I was forced to purchase a new “cheap” card, if you don’t mind me calling a spade a spade, Second thing that annoyed me, after the quality (lack thereof), was the fact that they now typed information on it. As was bound to happen, there were two


mistakes in the information on my card, and it has already started on its route to destruction, having been put around the typewriter roller, and I figure that if the card was still considered valid with mistakes “painted” over and retyped, it was just like inviting for=ies, That was the first day. Then it came in contact with me! I don’t know about you, but I, like most guys, carry my card in my wallet which I carry in my back pocket. (still!) You don’t have to be in math to appreciate problems that a (virtually) z-dimensional object like that card will encounter when put between two a-dimensional solids like my ass and the university’s moulded chairs. It eventually started to crack. Add on top of that organizations who take what seems like sadistic pleasure in punching chunks and corners out of it and you end up with a two-piece card, which the library personnel threatens to stop accepting if it gets any worse. I can sort of see punching a hole in it for refunding your fed fees, but for having received a PAC card? There must be a better way... Jacques Riopel 4A Math

Note Imprint has been unable to run one letter this week due to ‘a lack of proper indentification. All letters must be typed, and have the name, ID number and faculty of the writer.

Mistaken beliefs The Editor, I feel that I must comment on Maggie Thompson’s letter about the General Meeting which appeared in the last issue of Imprint. Like Miss Thompson, I was a speaker at the General Meeting and’ I found that several of the students were lacking in courtesy. But, I do not agree with her statement, ‘This “MOB” was of course the ENGINEERS.’ I’ know. that I was not the only Engineering student who came to the meeting to speak to the issues. I understand Miss Thompson’s disappointment that, the votes didn’t go her way, but she should not take out this frustration by slandering Engineers in general. Miss Thompson feels justified in condemning every Engineering student at this university just because less than 20 Engineerig students attended this meeting and some of them were rude. I realize that people often judge large groups of people on the basis of the actions of a few individuals, but I had hoped that in an institution supposedly composed of the ‘best and brightest’ of’ our society, we would be free from such attitudes. Apparently, I was wrong. Sincerely, Steve Hutton

Less than deserved The Editor, Well, well Mr. Ragde! It is entirely questionable, as whereabouts to your during the CAROLY NE MAS performance at the ‘Waterloo * Motor Inn. PerOff haps were YOU somewhere reading your encyclopedia, brushing up on your facts, and some fancy words in order to fill your “so-called” column in THE IMPRINT, for those who weren’t readers fortunate enough to see Mas live for themselves. MAS and her band were more than amazing; and did




the entire audience rocking and cheering. Obviously, - .- -

vou disregarded the posiiive vibes-which filled the convention hall that evening. Her performance was so spectacular that one was afraid to blink for fear of missing something. She held the audience captive from start to finish, and although she was delayed in beginning her set she was soon forgiven not long after her first tune. Let’s say that she was definitely worth waiting for. Her action packed performance was complemented by her five “most talented” band members. Mas added something extra to the hum-drum solos which most pub bands partake in. Not only was she present each and every minute of her fellow performers’ solos,

\>active, +oimng.,”










Mas exhibited, during her show at the WMI, more energy than most Performers (as also stated in the K.W. Record, which wrote a better review of our pub than our own paper) and an ability to captivate audiences, making them feel right at home with her. The impression she leaves is not that of just another rock band; but one of a family performing together and complementing each other’s talent, in such a which produces way vibrant overtones. Her energy is reflected upon those present, leaving nothing but “ear to ear” grins on each face. Anyone who can keep a sell out crowd of over 600 people smiling, cheering, and wishing for more, has to be



a little bit more than just “raunchy”. Perhaps in the future leave the YOU should critique to someone whoe is capable of relaying the audience’s feelings: someone who can state accurate assumptions, and finally, someone a little more appreciative. Carole Blackwell

A pithy comment The Editor, S.W. Coates, in your October 3 issue, comments sensibly on the importance of good writing, and says that its value cannot be underestimated. Surely he meant overestimated? Yours for good writing, D.C. Mackenzie












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Long before the arrival of the “maddening crowd$‘in the sleepy hours of the morning, merchants prepare for a profitable day. It’s Saturday, and market day in Waterloo. A buggy burdened with.fruits of the harvest is presided eve; by an old-order mennonite farmer. ‘An ‘incongruous pick-up stands along side.Inside the market, cdlourful quilts are unfolded, dolls liberated from their boxes, knick knacks fil[ knick knack shelves. A German woman stocks her bread counter “mit brot und brotchen.” The smell is intoiicating! . “Scatty” is there. He’s brought his haggis, his steak and kidney pies, and of course his Scottish burrr. In few other places is Kitchener-Waterloo’s rich cultural heritage so explicit as at the Waterloo market. Pre-dating its Kitchener counterpart by some twelve years, the first Waterloo market was established in 1853 at the corner of what is now Erb St. and Albert St. By this time in history, the K-W region had already experienced great spurts in growth. This was in part due to the nature of the area’s first settlers. From Pennsylvania in the early 1800’s, cam-e the first in a long line of mennonite farmers. They were soon joined by an influx of G&man immigrants. Since they were extremely industrious people, it was not long before modern settlements were hewn from the forest. The union of the two groups was faifly compatible. Mennonite communities preferred the rural agricultural life, while German ambitions wer.e more inclined towards urban commercial’ and industrial developments. Since the arrival of these early pioneers, several other ethnic groups have taken up roots in K-W though the Pennsylvania Dutch and German influences are the most prevalent. On market d,ay, the cultural identities are clearly definable. The ease with whidh they mingle lends truth to the adage that Canada’s identity is more akin to a “patchwork quilt” than a \“melting pot.”




WWfi COSTWIES: PODS 1.00~ . i OTHERS f 2.00 I WlTHOUT:-FEDS $I;50 : ATHENS $2+5Q \ .



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by Sandy




losphere of ‘iWaterloo Market

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Vald he.& Centre’s L soft rock CC 1 The Centre in the Square does it. again. On Monday, the 24th of October, ‘-‘Canada’s troubadour of song”, Valdy, will be performing with special guests: Shari Ulrich, and The Claire Lawrence band. Valdy, with his acoustical guitar and grainy vocals, has put out several albums, such as Country Man, filled with folk-type songs and ballads. Valdy’s voice will have the task of filling one of the better acoustically structured theatres in Canada. . Shari Ulrich, who has just put out an album, ,is known as a “soft rock’and folk singer. In addition to writing all her own songs, she is

DOnkin The Wonderful1 World of Sarah ,Bink: the uproarious hit show, created and performed by Eric. Donkin, will be presented in, the -Theatre of the Arts, University of Waterloo, on Saturday, October 25, at 8 p.m. The show is the ’ opening performance in the new, professional “‘One-Man” series introduced by the UW Arts Centre this season. Donkin is welEknown to Canadian audiences. He has been a member of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival for thirteen seasons and appeared in many regional- theatres in Canada and the United States. Donkin is one of Canada’s finest character actors and comedic performers and. he stars in this show as the redoubtable “Miss Rosalin’d Drool”. “Miss Drool’s” very funny lectureperformance brings to life many of the. hilarious poems of the mythical Sarah ’ .Binks, “The Sweet Songstress of Saskatchewan” who was born and raised on a Saskatchewan farm in the early part of this century. The Wonderful World of Sarah Binks

‘I .

9 am.4 pm. Campus Centre PRICES MOST LARGE PRINTS $3.75aAor3 FOR$g.oo MOST SlUiALL PRINTS $2.00~~or3 FOi$S.OO

FEATURING: Old, M&s, ’ Impressionists, The Group’ . of Seven, Australian, . Ojibway, Oriental tind ’ . Modern Art, I British Museum Posters, Escher, Wyeth, Danby, Folon, Curtis and others. OVER 700 DIFFERENT IMAGES

Waterloo @ Mqtor~innb Coffee hop. Nowopen , till the ww h-@uf#.


Fridgiy’s &.

dren under ildren*under

‘12. $2. ‘5 fr


reputed to be a superb fiddle player, and has a clear, beautiful, and expressive voice, _ Claire Lawrence, who used to play organ and flute for The Hometown Band, now has a band of his own. (Shari Ulrich also sang with the Hometown Band and Valdy has toured with them several times). An excellent band, Claire Lawrence and his group have also just recently put out a new album. Tickets are available either at the box. office, or by phoning 578-1570, andcost $6.50, $7.50, and $8.50. Definitely -a showto catch, if you are even marginally interested in folkrock music. Cliff


as Dr&l. was adapted oy Eric Donkin, with permission of Oxford University Press, from Sarah Binks;the Stephen Leacock humour award-winning satire by Paul’ Hiebert. “Miss Drool”, says Donkin, is now becoming almost more important than Sarah Binks herself. She reminds people of their music teacher, their grandmother or some other authority figure. Her utter devotion to Sarah Binks and her formidible approach to her subject, - make “Miss Drool,, a full-blown eccentric,,. Donkin continues “Real eccentrics are hard to find in our current North American society”. “Miss Drool” shows us what we tie r&sing! The character of “Miss Drool”~ is brie which Donkin himself enjoys irnmendy, and according to Jamie Portman of Southam News, “Donkin is achieving. what is perhaps his greatest personal success”. Tiikets for the show are $7.00 (Stu./Sen. $5.50) available from the UW Arts Centre Box Office, Humanities Theatre8854280 or offcampus at George Kadwell Records and The Centre in the Square.

A&descent drama ’ featured in T of A ‘, The Drama Department is to present a theatrical anthology ent i&d “Rites of Passage,, in the --- Theatre_ of the Arts on October .29,30,

known as puberty, it is lovingly dedicated to ~ the adolescent who survives in us all despite the inroads of motherhood and mortgages. and November 1. The actors explore a variety of roles ranging The production has been devised and from Holden Caulfield, Stephen Dedalus and arranged by five students in the graduating Anne Frank to the more abrasive characters of class of the professional acting programme, youth in .A Clockwork Orange and the and is an exploration of “classic,, cases of streetwise jades of Alice Cooper. adolescence, taken *from literature, interIn a small way the material touches some of spersed with music and songs on the same’ the problems of family relationships, getting theme. It will be performed to invited High School > educated, dealing with sex, and evokes Sony’ of the disappointments and expectations, audiences daily during the last week. in confusions and revalations of “growing up”. October and be given in public performance on the above dates. . The pqramme is approximately an hour Although it deals primarily with experiences and a half in length and is directed by of those passing through what is clinically Patricia BentleyFisher.



The Arts


‘Bad Timing’ one of the / best films this year It is easy to understand why Bud Timing/A Sensual Obsession is touted as one of the year’s best films. Nicolas Roeg has created an intriguing and original exploration of the erotic in a film that, despite its many inadequacies, is very thought-provoking. Roeg takes the subject of a man’s desire to sexually possess a woman (which in itself is a common enough theme native to tales of love) and transposes it into an environment in which peculiar forces come to bear on the relationship. The man, played by Art Garfunkel, is a world-famous psychiatrist, now a visiting professor in Vienna, who is quite conservative in his attitudes. The woman, played by alluring Theresa Russell, is married, but belongs to a liberated circle of friends who share sex as casually as they share a joint. It is a confrontation of two different sets of attitudes, of two different worlds, a conflict which is effectively represented by frequent scenes that take place at the border crossing of the “repressive” eastern Europe and the “liberal” west. The irony is that he is the conservative, but wants only sex from his mate. She is the licentious one, the perfect “whore of Babylon,” and yet she wants more than a physical relationship. Roeg explores this tension outside the regular time continuum, using a collage of flashbacks and views of the future to tell his tale. Early in the film we learn that the woman has overdosed. The film then -proceeds to work on several planes at once. The police investigation of his role in her mishap-, the turbulence and the idiosyncracies of their sexual relationship, her relationships with her husband and other men, his obsession with her, and other related tangents are all presented concurrently. The film is a complex mosaic that forces the viewer to relinquish his or her role as passive observer, and become involved in the film. It requires one to stand back and examine the entire collection of the vignettes, which seen in isolation are meaningless. Theresa Russell is exceptional. From the first moment we see her face on the screen, we see that she is both an irresistible temptress, but also that she is a dangerous “Pandora’s Box.” For in order to discover her mysteries it is also necessary to unleash many catastrophes and sorrows. Russell succeeds in her multifaceted role which requires her to play the slut, the crazy, and the faithful and loving friend.

Art Garfunkel plays Art Garfunkel very well, but in my opinion, he cannot act. His dress, manner, gait and character are Garfunkel par excellent. His weak acting abilities, however, are excruciatingly obvious when he plays the professor in the classroom. His attempt at the professorial air will solicit nothing but laughter from anyone who has had the opportunity to see a real professor in action. By far the most outstanding performance in the film comes from Harvey Keitel, who plays the detective investigating the reasons for the overdose. Although at the beginning he appears to have a relatively minor role, the success of the climax of the film depends very much on the intensity that Keitel generates as his quest reveals more and more of the ugly truth. The film does need Keitel’s energy to preserve its compelling mood, as the film is paced very slowly. The film is composed of long lingering scenes of either intimate bliss or friction between the two lovers, which are intended to build to a frightening climax. Several of these scenes, however, grow tedious for a number of reasons. For one thing, the time sequence is so complex that often a scene will seem “non sequitur” or even totally irrelevant, such as a Morrocan episode. Some scenes grow tedious for their trite dialogue: “move in with me!” says he. “I can’t” says she. The heart of the problem is that a slow pace is suitable for a psychological drama, which is only partly true for this movie. For even though there is an intricate setting and set of circumstances, the motives are not all that perplexing: he is obsessed with her body, and she wants to give more than just her body to more than just one man. Roeg has, unfortunately, succumbed to the use of trendy techniques in his film. Pachabel’s “Canon” is used as incidental music, which is part of a trend towards baroque music seen in films such as “All that Jazz” and “Kramer vs Kramer,” and several other that use the classical mode. Few of these films, including Bad Timing, are able to integrate the music into the drama as well as Kubrick in “Clockwork Orange” and “ZOO1 .” Roeg also inflicts upon us a gratuitous shot of operating-table-gore, which also seems to have become a fad. Bad Timing, ceteris paribus, is well worth seeing. It is, inspite of its flaws, an unusual and creative piece of art that will fuel an evening’s coversation. It is eroticism that both titillates the libido, and stimulates the mind. David Dubinski

Martha, Spoons rock I overpower audience And it came to pass last week that a decree went out to all the campus telling them to go and see Martha and the Muffins. But very few travelled unto the Humanities Theatre on the Sabbath day to worship the goddess Martha, and far fewer still were filled with excitation. And lo, before them came the Fabulous Spoons, bringing gifts of wild body gyrations, interesting lyrics, and tolerable punk music. Now it appeared that the many gathered here had forsaken hope. Those truly enjoying themselves said one to another: “Doth Martha have the power to bring life to these stiffs? Ye have heard that her muffins are of bran; will they arise and take command and ’ get the poor in spirit going?” And so it was that the time came for her to appear on stage. And she brought forth excellent music according to the custom of . her albums. For Martha had round about her cunning players of the keyboards, drums, guitars, and flute, the last two saxophone, instruments being strangers in the land of new

wave music. But yea, though they were used in a truly unique manner, the sound was for the most part pleasing. Then the adored Martha opened her mouth, and sang, and it was good. Yet it was that the instruments at times overpowered her mystical voice. When the time grew nigh for her to depart, they performed such songs as the revered “Echo Beach” and “Paint by Number Heart.” And behold, the true followers came to life. Many were moved to hand clapping when the strains of “Indecision” came into being. And it came to pass that they departed and were gone away into the wings, yet the devoted shouted good tidings and -Martha then returning pleased them with “Cheezies and Gum” and a muffinized rendition of “Day Tripper .” Thus is was that Martha and her-Muffins sacrificed their talents to a meagre number of followers. Why were there no multitudes? for, is it not written, “Man shall not live by muffins alone?” A.M. Lehn





A Touch of Glass

“A Touch of Glass’, an exhibit by Denis Bolohan, week, creating “a-n environment of1 ight.”


the Theatre of the Arts Gallery this Photo by Vivian Huang



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America's rpr lop cbhost 1 .

..Elephant Man/ aI fare .filih treaty -



Slide illustrated Pkentation as’ told\ by Ed -qnd Loraine Warren. ’ t

The Warrens have researched over 3,000. cases of demonic ’ hauntings. Don’t miss it! . 1


c ’

Date: Wed.,

Ott 29th

II ,

Time: 8 p-.m.

.Place:lE1 Wilfrid Laurier (beside cafeterjia) Price: $1 .OO‘Feds, $2.00 others





_ T+o,ptometry students and the .F&fera*tionqf Studen ts-present:

ThtG$d~y$3&he~ Slth Wateriob


-Motor Inn

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John Merrick was not an animal. He was a Hopkins is first-rate as Trevesand Sir John human being. He was a man. ’ Gilgeud is magnificent in his role as London No one can imagine what it must have been Hospital’s chief of surgeons. like to be John Merrick, so hideously Anne Bancroft, a joy to watch as Mrs. deformed with an enlarged head that so Kendall, is the delightfully bold actress who resembled a trunk that he was aptly called the takes Merrick into her heart and the heart of Elephant Man, and so horrifying to look at England’s elite. with huge tumours ‘protruding from-his body In the stark black and white tone, jel lenses, that women and children in Victorian England -. and the somber mood settings of Freddik screamed at the sight of him and fled in fright. Francis’ photography and Lynch’s direction, Life was a nightmare.for the Elephant Man. John’Hurt is captivating as the Elephant Man., ’ But John Hurt (Midnight Express) is John The seven-hour make-up job by Christopher Merrick in a sensitive and passionate Tucker (The Boys from Brazil) is so portrayal of the Elephant Man, what I feel is gruesome and so believeable it will chill you to the performance of the year, in the movie of the bone the first time you see it.’ the decade. Yet, Hurt takes you-beyond the makeup Directed by David Lynch (Eraserhead), into the torme.nted soul of John Merrick. The Elephant Man is the moving story of He makes you feel the infinite pain as you John Merrick and how his life changed from watch him ‘limp, contort and cower. You one of horror to one of honour. experience his tremendous sorrow; you Anthony Hopkins plays Dr. Frederick share his great little joys; and you know one Treves, the good Samaritan and well-known thing for sure as the credits roll by. London surgeon who rescues Merrick from a The Elephant Man is the movie you’ll never hell’s existence as a side-show freak and gives forget. Corai Andre&s him a chance at love, life, and human dignity,

Chesterton porteqyal a look at GB. .Shaw *-. The wit and wisdom of Gilbert Keith Chester-ton will flow from the stage of the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo on f Friday, October 24. One of Canada’s most 1 distinguished actors, Tony van Bridge, will create a stunning portrait of this literary giant : who was a friend and adversary of George Bernard Shaw. Tony van Brid&‘s “G.K. Chesteron” was a special attraction at the 1979 Shaw Festival, and is part ,of the UW Arts Centre’s professional stage series. It &places the previously scheduled ‘Shaw attraction “Dear Liar”. Curtain is at 8 p.m. and tickets are $8.00 (Stu./% --_..%-fro) G.K. Chester-ton ‘was a jo&n&t, novelist, essayist, poet and artist. His poems, essays and countless other works burst with good humor and good sense. The public debates between Chesterton and ’ Tickets ‘are available from the UW Arts Shaw drew large and enthusiastic audiences. Centre Box -Office, Humanities Theatre (885 They were not above taking personal shots at 4280) or off campus from George KadweU each other. George Bernard Shaw, pointing a Records and The Centre in the Square. critical finger at ‘. the rotund belly of Chesterton, inquired what Chesterton “was going to name it”. Chester-ton replied that “if it was a girl, Elizabeth, a boy, Keith, but if it was just hot air, he would name it George Bernard Shaw”. And on it went as these two friendly opponents sparred with their impressive wits. Tony van Bridge, one of Canada’s most distinguished actors, was born in London, England. He began his theatrical career there, training at the Royal Academy of Dramatic-Art and performing extensively in England, notably with the famous Old Vic Company, before coming to Canada in 1954. Where is a King ruled in the cotrtyard Since th+t time he has acted with the by a boisterous Mother with other Stratford Shakespearean Festival for fifteen measures afoot? How does a beautiful seasons, has appeared with and directed. for the princess get so floored that she is literally Shaw Festival at Niagaraon-the-Lake for eight climbing the walls? seasons, with regional theatres across Canada, When is an oracle not so seer-ious and also toured in the early days of the Canadian about her job? Does the roaming insectPlayers, taking drama and comedy to the far collecting prince fly into a rage when corners of the North American continent.‘? bugged by a priest to take up women In the United States he has appeared with the instead? What is the lady-in-waiting really American Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, waiting for? Connecticut, at the Lincoln Center in New - Is it necessary to note a misinformed York; also in Houston, Texas, Boston and minstrel who insists on assaulting Philadelphia. subjects’ ‘senses with not so sublime He is also one of an elite group of actors who singing? have played a “complete” Falstaff, appearing as And why are there rumos of the Fat Knight in “Henry IV, Parts I and Il” and in revolution to remove’the reigning ruler? “The Merry Wives of Windsor”. To find the answers to these questions Mr. van Bridge has been featured in many (and much more!) tune into CKMS (94.5 television and radio’ dramas, produced both in FM) either Thursday or Saturday Canada and in Hollywood. evenings at 10, beginning October 23, for Mr. van Bridge’s outstanding one-man show, their latest seven episode drama. It’s “G.K:C.” has not only been performed in Outlandish! _ Canada’s National Arts Centre, Shaw Festival A.M. Lehn and other major theatres in North America, but has been adapted for C.B.C. radio and an hourlong colour C.T.V. television special.


New CKMS .se.ries


ONE show only ’ November 7th 833m. . I+.., -<-,pAc - , .

$9.00 fee.paying.feds - *- :. $1 LOO others - Is-1 ‘,il..: ;..>, Tickets cpn sale. -. 1 * in the FedOffice” _ ‘,, _cc135 -< _ ’ ,:., ’ --,, < .- . ,,/ -“‘p&&pau1y9 LA‘y-&& .I;-.‘)*: : !


Reveen illusions are just 4glitter andg .amour If you have always wanted to see a Las Vegas revue but haven’t been able to afford air fare, take a bus to Center in the Square and watch the Reveen Magik Show. Reveen has been performing all this week at the center and will be doing so Friday and Saturday evening with a matinee Saturday and Sunday. The show is an elaborate utilizing ten tons of props, production, glittering costumes on the half dozen showgirls, and a short sound and light show at the beginning. Despite all this glitter and attempted glamour, the show is still only an average magic show. There were far too many illusions that were just variations of women assistants slipping out of one box to reappear in the box next to it. It hardly matters that different sizes or colours of boxes are used, and what props surround the boxes, it is still the same illusion. Reveen included very few escape illusionsin his repertoire of thirty-six illusions, and this seemed to weaken the show as it is the presence of escape tricks that really provides a heightened suspense for the audience. For the chess fans in the audience, Reveen brought out a large chess board with numbered squares, sixty-four in all, and announced that starting at any number he could touch all sixty-

four squares in an equal number of moves, using the moves of the knight. A member of the audience chose a number for hi to start at, and true to his prediction, Reveen rhymed off the moves in a very short time. It should be noted that despite the rather standard fare of magic tricks and illusions, the acts were done very smoothly and very quickly. In fact it was the speed at which the illusion was-done, rather than the illusion itself that was most impressive. The extensive changing of props throughout the show necessitated a large amount of verbal pandering to the audience by Reveen. This ranged from inane comments to sexual innuendos, and crude attempts at comic relief. While this type of patter may thrill the audiences at Vegas, it illicited a very weak response for the most part from the audience Tuesday night. There is nothing however, that should prevent children from seeing the show, and judging from the response of children at the performance, the kids should be thrilled. For the Saturday and Sunday matinees, children as well as students and senior citizens can obtain tickets for half the regular $6.50, $8.50 and $10.50 prices, and the matinees start at two p.m. while the evening performances start at eight p.m. ody

Discipline/originality make Police album theirbest yet The Police Zenyatta Mondatta _A & M Records The Police are now touring North America, hot on the heels of their recently released third album, Zenyattu Mondatta. The record shipped quadruple platinum and is presently enjoying airplay of three songs: “Don’t Stand so Close to Me,” “Canary in a Coalmine,” and “De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da.” It’s inevitable success is primarily due to one factor-discipline. In all the tunes on this record the group combines simplicity with their originality, thus offering a unique product. As superb musicians, they have assembled a collection of cuts that balance a full sound with a degree of self-restraint. The best example of this economy is “Driven to Tears” with tight drumming, clear vocals and snappy rhythm guitar (no sloppy solos on this album). Engineered by Nigel Gray (who also did their previous two releases, Outlandes d’Amour and Regatta de Blanc), the album is well mixed with little competition between vocals and rhythm. Sting’s voice is ambient and unslurred and can be heard over the drumming and bass guitar. , Although it is a rhythm-oriented album it does not have a disco sound. As well, the equalization is high, much like Steely Dan’s Aja. But don’t expect much hiss or background; the disc is well mastered. The songs on the album, despite being reggae, are all different and equally appealing; “Don’t Stand so Close to Me” with sensuously delivered vocals and biting guitar deals with Sting’s experiences as a teacher at an all-girl, English private school. With Andy Summers providing some pungent guitar work on “Driven to Tears,” Stewart Copeland lets loose with some . really tight, fast drum rolls on one of this album’s most demanding songs. The one song on the album where I did a double-take was “When the World is Running Down, You Make the Best of What’s Still Around ,” an uncanny tune which sounds \ exactly like something Steely Dan would put out. The rest of the album boasts two instrumentals: “Behind My Camel” and “The Other Way of Stopping,” and an array of palatable tunes worth honourable mention. All in all a fine effort. This group has polished its act to a high lustre with first rate production.

As a result Stewart Copeland, Andy Summer, and Sting, with their innovation and originality, have created this season’s most promising album, destined to rise above the masses of recently released vinyl in both sales and popularity. Bravo! Dan Ayad

Ghost hunters to appear soon On Wednesday, October 29, “America’s Top Ghost Hunters”, Ed and Lorraine Warren, will visit Kitchener-Waterloo to give a slide-illustrated discussion about their experiences with the supernatural. This husband-and-wife team of supernatural sleuths have been actively involved in investigating paranormal occurrences for over thirty-five years and, as a result of these investigations, have been convinced “beyond a shadow of a doubt of the existence of ghosts, demons, witches, satanists and vampires.” The Warren’s discussion (which will include a question-and-answer period where members of the audience may relate their own supernatural experiences) will deal with their investigations and the evidence the Warrens have uncovered supporting their contention that supernatural beings exist. For believers and non-believers alike, this event should prove to be a fitting, if not interesting, prelude to Hallowe’en. The Warren’s will appear Wednesday October 29 at 8:00 p.m. at WLU, in room 1El (beside the cafeteria). Admission is $1.00 for Feds, $2.00 for others.

Tuesday, November 117 p.m. .The Centre in the Square Kitchener Reserved

seats $12.50 and $10.50 On sale At the Centre and its agencies Telephone orders: local 578-l 570 Area code 519. Toll free I-800-265-8977 Other area codes I-519-578-1570 lVicn





Frid& .




i 1i 1. ,

If you’re. patient, here’s a,.good place 1 t()gta3;, (‘8) ‘I A \ a -:A 1 7 Note one part of a skeleton. (4) J,8: Given a;-say, Greek letter. (5) I’d go back East to end my life. (3) ! 12. One of the white bloomers worn at i Easter. .(4) 14. Won,derful God filled wi:h love. (4) a bit : 15. St rangely, rate ‘X’. That’s i much. (5) i 16. Southern donkey to show impud‘i ence. (4) 18. In a haze, the learner goes in for a ’ back-rub. (4) i 20. Opt out, and come out first. (3) : 22. Infraction, for starters, of a red : light; (5) %






23, 24. The type of calls a cross-country runner would make? (4,8)

Down / : 2. Loops back where the thread came from. (5) 3. I note the editor put topping on the cake. (4) 4. Field assistant has strange idea. (4) 5. You might have to shift about in this type of car!, (8) 6. Singer’s voice changes a lot. (4) 9. Yet it’s really only one seasoning. (8) 11. Won it, perhaps, halved.‘(2,3) 13. Affirmative. Starting yesterday: (3) 14. Bag up the chatter. (3) 17. Separate the deformed first. (4) lg.- Nile wanders North in sheets. (5)

20. 21.

I go after the levy on a cab. (4) The grounds for a stor’y? (4) by Fraser Simpson ,


to Challenge


/ Across: '1. Small fry 7. Sofa 8. Rotor 10. Die 12. Plea 14. Ogle 15. Choir 16. Oboe 18. Brat 20. Ask 22. Freak 23. Ends 24. In and out. Down: 2. Alone 3. Lead 4. Rare 5. Currents 6. Stag 9. Spoonful 11. Icons 13. Ace 14. Orb 17. Open 19. Radio 20. Akin 21. Keen. ( / ( Congrats to rr and pb (and vice versa) being part of the few.




. sports


Keeping fit on wheels Who, was that person skiing along the Ring Road, do you ask? Well, it was probably ane of the members of the UW nordic ski team, and those things on those feet were roller-skis. Originating in Scandinavia around ten years ago as a training method, they are now being competitively raced. At 1 LL



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still. if you’re at all planning to crosscountry ski seriously, they are an asset to year-round training. The ski team owns five pairs of skis, ranging from the older Skateboard-like versions to the newer models that more closely mimic the real skis’ performance. The rolle-skis improve strength and balance, while also helping / in the area ,of stride. aw YL”





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Apart from the strange looks they get upon going down Albert Street, team members Peter Piercy and Kevin Jones both agree that another hazard of roller-skiing is that it is “rough on the hands”, while teammates Donna Elliot and Jacquie Gibson added that “it hurts when you fall on the pavement”. In fact the skiers

week, is devoted to strength and fitness exercises ranging from the normal to one that closely resembles the Monty Python twit-walk. The team supports some of the expense of the sport through various, fund-raising activities such as intramural teaching and

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of navement. nreferrino “snftnew pavement”. Yet roller-skiing is only- one aspect of the skiers’ training. Various other training methods, under the supervision of coach Toni Scheier, serve to prepare the team for their season. The training reflects Scheier’s past skiing experience with the UW team and his studies in kinesiology. Most of the time in the five practices held each r-





beginners’ workshops. This

year they

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eet readv for their season which starts 0; January 31 at Mat. Scheier encourages anyone interested in “racing, training and improving” to come out and join the team at a practice. Practice times are posted in PAC Blue North bulletin board. Paul Zemokhol Scheier is seen at right holding the original type of roller-ski in his left hand, and the newer model in his right. --

Hopes high for young Athena cagers For the womens’ basketball squad, the 1980-81 season looks as though it will be a building year. With only six returnees, mostly

second year, the Athena contingent is very young. The young veterans have realized that they are expected to shoulder more

responsibility this season, since they* are now the senior players. As a result, they have been spending much time working on

Warriors face McMaster .I in season’s premiere With the opening of the hockey seas/on near, the varsity Warriors still have much work to do. Only five of their nineteen starters are returning veterans, making that the lowest . number of returning starters in the eleven years BobMcKillop has been coaching hockey. Those five are: Captain Paul Foley, returning to defense, Bill Lang at centre, Dan Blum at left wing, Barry Reynard at right wing and Mark Grey at centre. who Three players worked but with the Warriors last year will be dressing this year but this still leaves the team with a large number of rookies to depend on.



The starting goalie has yet to be announced as two players are still in the running for that spot. Jamie Britt was last sea- son’s back-up goalie, playing for the Petrolia Jets in junior B before trying out for the Warriors. Dave Barrett, a rookie, played for the Waterloo Siskins in the Junior B league and looks strong in net. Coach Bob McKillop sees this team as being a long way from playing as they should. Most of his players are not familiar with varsity leagues and this will give other teams the advantage of experience. Still, McKillop feels there are definite possibilities for the Warriors this season but that remains to be seen.

A few regulars look strong at this point. Captain Paul Foley should see 40-45 minutes of ice time per game fhis season on defense. Hailing from the Hamilton Fincups, Foley has the benefit of major Junior A experience and experience wit,h last year’s Warriors. McKillop believes he will prove a good leader and speaks highly of Foley’s skills. The opening game will be played October 31,8 pm at Waterloo arena. The Warriors face McMaster who have traditionally been a hockey powerhouse. A win against Mat that night would start the season in good form. _ Virginia Butler


by Dan Ayad

their own, and this dedication should pay off in improved performance. The new faces in the line-up are showing good potential, according to coach Sally Kemp. Beth Parsons is a third year and the most player, experienced member of the team, Coach Kemp considers her to be one of the strongest players, and she is hoping for a good season from the 5’10”

potential, and the coach is hoping Bowden will develop more confidence as the season progresses. Anneliese Dyck, a local from Forest Heights, Kit-

chener, has a lot of natural ability. Coach Kemp feels Dyck’s main adjustment will be getting used to working with her teamcontinued on page 23


Jennifer Russell is an outstanding all-around player. The 5’5” point guard is, in the words of Kemp, “very skillful, good one-on-one, our best quarterback. She is also good defensively.” Robin Burgess, a 5’10” post, will be another important figure in the Athena offense. Burgess is very dedicated and is expected to be a strong player this season. Tan Cheng Laing has improved in her play over last season. Kemp says, “she must develop more confidence in her game.” The time the 5’8” forward has spent on her own should pay off in increased confid&ck and lead to a successful season. ’ Karen Chapman & in the opinion of her coadh,“probably the best conditioned player., She is disciplined, she will do whatever is required, she is dependable.” The 5’6” (guard should see more floor time this year. Victoria Hunter, a 5’6” guard, is a good aggressive player. Coach Kemp comments, “She is a real diggertype, and also has a good outside shot, which will be valuable to us.” Hunter was plagued by injuries last season. She has recovered from these and- should play more this year. Kemp also talked of three freshwomen who are showing promise. Patti Edwards, of Lard Elgin High School in Burlington, should see quite a bit of court time. Linda Bowden, of York Mills, also is showing good


at Athena



by Spot

B-Ball opener The Warrior basketball team will be the National Senior B championship an exhibition game next *Wednesday at the PAC. The Seniors, from,Toronto, former Warriors and OUAA all-stars Chambers and Ron Graham. There admission charge.

playing team in evening feature Charlie is no

Track -& Field Championships held in Sudbury at Universif-Sr, -Laurentian

A slippery track was the battlefield ‘t’his past weekend for the 1980 OWIAA

Rites of Passage /

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year by one position. Their success has fired them up for the indoor season. The Athenas wbuld like to encourage any newcomers who want to participate in the indoor track season to come out and train soon.

Badminton All those wishing to try out for the Men’s Varsity Badminton Team must come to the small gym, ready to play, Wednesday, October 29 and Thursday October 30. Check the gym schedule for actual time. Further information can be obtained from Judy .McCrae, Athletic Department, ext. 3663.

TOWS double champion

.Admissioty Free


The Athenas placed third But it was time for the overall behind an everAthenas luck to change a ‘strong Univ’rsity of Tor*little. Weather conditions and an extremely slippery onto and only 5 points track made it harddfor our behind Queen’s in a fight hurdlers. Leslie Estwick, that came right down to the having slid over the last last event. hurdle in the 100 m. hurdle ’ Things started out well did a perfectly with a victory in the high event jump by Leslie Estwick executed swan dive oveq line to capture (1.64M) and in the 800 the finish Lisa 2nd place. Kathy Wilkens, metre event by Amsden with a time of also a hurdler skidded into the first hurdle which 2:12.8 seconds. It got even better when Faye Blackended her race right there. Only Cathy Laws, -a first wood, Waterloo’s veteran, - won both her heats in the Year hurdler has able to run smoothly placing a 200 and 400 metre events _and looked good coming final fifth. In other races Faye into’the finals. Betty Ann Vanderkruk also fought a Blackwoo! was to win the hard battle against Nation200 metre race but Pulled a Team member ii11 Ross , from U. of T. to place 2nd in the 400 metre hurdle event. Kathy Wilkins was also advancing to the 100 metre

400 metres in considerable , pain placing a high second in that condition. Needless to say she had to be pulled from the relay teams. NOW it was time for the 4x100 metre relay event. Lisa Amsden was moved from her normal distance running into the anchor position and proved her value as a sprinter as well. She held second place position at the’ finish line, putting Waterloo in good position for an overall high placing. Aucording .to the OWIAA rules however, an iridividual may -only participate in fotir events and for that reason, there were not enough pmeople to fun a 4x400 metre event. The Athenas had taken


to hear!

: Hug&b Variety Show . 1 Now opiin Sundays 1:30 - 1’0 p.m. d B DOk’T Mi-SS ITI Il

decathalon, was the biggest point:getter for. the team with his victories iq the shot-put and discus. Placing second to Town in both these -events was Larry Atkinson, a second year systems design stu.. dent. Tom Boone, UW’s premier cross-country runner, ran a very exciting 10,000 meter race, finishing first in a fine time of 32:05. Boone later ran the 5,000 in which he placed eighth. - Teammate, Ray Costello came up with a sixth place finish in the same race which he added to his fifth place finish in the 1500 meters. In the 3,000 r;leter Warriors AI Bayert, Steve King and Tom Boone at a cross- ’ steeplechase, Bruce Harris - countryraceearlyintheseason.BoonewonthelO,ooomat the OUAA championships. photo by Alan Adamson ran and hurdled his way to an eighth place finish, tind just finishing ,out of ‘the points in ninth place was Steve King, who also had ti fourth place in the 10,000 to his credit. ’ In the sprints, Ed Neelan took eighth place‘honours in the 100 meters and finished in seventh place in the 200 meters. Dave Wylie finished in eighth place in the 400. H Andrew Wilson, a new, addition *to the team, jumped to two seventh ’ In action at the Brock place finishes in the long Invitational Tournament, _ and triple jumps, while last weekend the Warrior Don Sutherland finished volleyball team, although seventh in the javelin. finishing third overall; .had The 400 meter relay team impressive sshowings of Dave Walkin, Mike against such tough compeSteele, Nick Bolton and Ed tition as York and Ngela? completed the race -McMaster. with a fourth place finish. Waterloo split matches Running in the last event with WLU, York, and qf the day, the 4 x 400 McMaster, but lost’ two meter -relay, +e UW team matches straight ‘to Westcomposed of Rich Sandern. In the final standings borri, Mike Steele, Dave however, Western came Wylie (running his third out on the bottom, while 400 of the day) and Nick York ‘finished first, . McBolton came up with a Master second,. and Lautisurprising sixth place ier and Water106 tied for finish, considering they third. weren’t e<pected to place The tournament profor pdints at all. vided an opportunity for. At the close of the meet, this year’s team to play the me$s track and field together competitively for . team ended up fifth overall the first time with the in the meet with 78 points, outcome having no effe,ct ’ a standing that, given the on league standings. The time they now have till the ‘next‘ Warrior action is indoor finals in March, today against the Gr’yph‘will hopefully be suboys, at Guelph. stantially improved. Ruth Anderson Nick Bolton Last Saturday, Laurentain University in Sudbury was the site for this year’s OUAA finals in track and field. the weather Though conditions (wind. and rain

accompanied a day that goi progressive&colder) were nothing to’ be desired, the athletes’- spirit and desire never faltered. Rob Town, the top three in Canada in -’the

a plus



’ -Guelph

25, wcwriors 8-

Playoff ‘.hop& dashed



The sun set on yet. another Waterloo football season last Saturday, as the Warriors watched their final, !lim playoff hopes sink ignominiously into the muck of Seagram’s Stadium. ’ Had Waterloo been able to beat both Guelph and Laurier in their final two games - a not unreasonable considering proposition their outstanding efforts against Toronto and York the likelihood is that they .might have stolen the last playoff spot in the OUAA. Fate, however, had other ideas, and the Warriors an uncame up with inspired effort reminiscent of early season games. The Waterloo running game was shut down entirely, and although Bob Pronyk did a fine job with passing zattack the especially given the boggy conditions - the Warriors again fell victim to what has become their trademark: they cannot finish drives. Gryphon quarterback Mike Eykens engineered versatile an intelligent, game plan that had the Warrior defense reeling from the early moments of the game. Last season’s OUAA rushing champion, ,)ohn Lowe, scored on a 27 yard ramble after only two’ minutes had elapsed. Guelph did not count another major until the third quarter when Eykens found running back Ron Lively who went 55 yards for the touchdown. Indeed, it looked as if UW might stay close when Pronyk hit former All-Canadian tight end Bill Boug for a 20 yard scoring strike only three minutes later. But it was not to be. Midway through the final stanza Eykens hit tight end Mike Hudson on a long gainer that, he

carried 86 yards for touchdown that broke Warrior back.

the the

The Gryphons were full measure for the win. The diversified attack kept the Warriors guessing for much of the game, and no doubt contributed to the long gainers the Warriors gave up. At no time, however, did the- Warriors roll over and die. Kudos go especially to quarterback Bob Pronyk. With a running game that totalled only 34 yards, he had to go exclusively to the pass. Pronyk was 19 for 39, throwing for 237 yards and 1 touchdown. He turned in a courageous performance behind a line that allowed him to be sacked so many times he looked like a Tide commercial. The rest of the scoring came via the kicking game. Tim Quirke had 7 points for Guelph, while Eric Thomas had 2 for UW. Final tally: Guelph 25 Waterloo 8. One cannot guild the lilly and say that the season was in any way a success for the Warriors. They’ played poorly and inconsistently for much of the year, and in fact are the only team among the league’s “weak sisters” that did not improve. No, the season was success, but there sources of pride, as are in any season disappointment for a with character.

not a were there of team

And the Warriors did show character. Having long ago been written off by everyone, they came back to tie Toronto, which looked to have been headed for a storybook season until Waterloo taught them a lesson in humility.

They played solidly to beat an improving York team which looked to finally be playoff bound. Now York’s playoff fortunes are in their own hands, and ironically, in the hands of Waterloo, Which brings us to clash with tomorrow’s arch-rival Wil Frid Laurier Golden Hawks. L&rier lost three ,.in a row early, and it was easy to write them off as well. But they have won their’last three starts; including a 43-12 spanking of the upstart’ Yeomen last week. They look like the Hawks of old, just as Waterloo now looks like the Warriors of old. It would be easy to pick Laurier in a romp, but I’m not going to. The Warriors have -shown too much class under conditions of duress this year, and this game more than it means *appears to on the surface. Should Waterloo beat Laurier and York stop Toronto, York would advance to the playoffs instead of Wilfrid Laurier. Waterloo owes York no but it owes favours, Laurier plenty for past indignities. Now would be as good a time as any to repay old debts. Also last Saturday, Western sh.owed Toronto that the Blues are not yet king of the mountain, giving them a harsh 31-15 lesson. with the final Thus, chapter not yet’ written in this OUAA season, the final weekend should be very interesting indeed. And if the Warriors have nothing else to be thankful for this year, they should at least take-consolation in the fact ,t&rt’they have the chance to help write an unhappy epilogue to Laurier’s _, ,season. , < ’ Bruce Beacock




Rugby Chb Q team effort’ on and off the field “I like the idea of coaching a club.” These are words of Derek the Humphries, coach of the UW rugby club. A former Warrior himself, Coach Humphries first became involved in coaching during a co-op work term at a high school in Lindsay, and he is currently in his seventh season as Warrior coach. “I enjoy working with the play.ers. It is a good club atmosphere. We organize a lot of our own activities. For instance, we hosted an Oktoberfest Tournament which was run entirely by students. All the guys chip in so that we can take both the teams (Warriors and Trcjans) on the road.” Coach Humphries also the calibre of enjoys competition in the OUAA. “The teams are so close, the final standings will not be decided until the very last Saturday of] the season, as they always have.” Asked if there are-any drawbacks to being Warrior rubgy coach, Coach Humphries responds, “It is a.. disadvantage . . . to lose Players due to the co-oP program. AguY canbehere

one season, and away on a work term the next.” Humphries is disturbed by the reputation the rugby club has in the eyes of the general campus - population. “Many people associate our club with partying., They do not realize that to play rugby, you must be in top physical condition. Eight of our guys have It’s finished marathons. just that rugby players’ social activities are more

Derek Hutiphries, chats with players


(with during

high-profile than those of other t earns, so people notice them.” Aside from being UW rugby coach, Derek Humphries is a public school teacher in the K-W area. He is currently working towards finishing a Masters degree in Education from the University of Western Ontario. In addition to teaching and coaching, he also enjoys running and canoeing. Tammy Horne

the dark Wcirriors’ jacket a break in the practice.



Waterloo University GFiAY COACH SERVES DESIGNATED.STOPS :ON CAMPUS 4t the Administrative Office inside the N&h the Shelter in&k the South Entrance-

,Entrance _ and at ~

L~BWBS T&tax ’

- 6.45 km - Monday Expresf~ r arrives South Campwer - 8.08 am j 1 Leaves-Toronto: - 7.30 pm, 8.30 pm s&.ll .OOpm _ Sunday . :’ ‘ or Monday Holiday , Arrives South Campus - 9.08 pm, 10.08 pm & 12.43 midnite


looking for Bill Boug is about ~5-8 Ioss to Gueiph.

to be hit by a GrycK&

lineman. photo,by

Action during Dbvid Trahair

‘. Friday,

Though the Soccer Warriors broke out of what one player described as a goal-scoring “mini-slump” last Sunday against Laurier, they still fell to the Hawks 2-1. Their slump extended back three games to a loss against Laurentian( l-O), and Saturday’s scoreless tie with unexpectedly strong York. The Warriors’ inability to score was more a factor of missed opportunities than good opposition gohlkeeping. For example, though they’ dominated against York, an& had more than 20 shots at the net, the. Yeomen keeper needed to make only three saves to earn his shutout. Two sloppy passes in the first ten minutes on Sunday gave the Hawks two chances they did not miss on. The Wapriors regrouped to. dominate the rest of the half with some

lA/atdpo -, ’

1%. .axl

Ltd 8 Kitchemer-t6 Waterloo Waterloo to- Kitctiener aqd inside1 Waterloo

good hustle and many scoring chances that ended in a Harry Christakis’s goal. They pressured the


24; k30.

blems in the backfield that resulted in the two Laurier goals this game clearly illustrate what the coach means. Cooper did feel that apart from the communication breakdowns in the field his players did show

agreed with. Calls went both ways, though., as later on in the half the Warriors were not called ‘for what appeared tq be a certain penalty shot. Cooper . felt that they,






They must now win their next three games, all at home, to enter the playoffs. They play on Wednesday night at Seagram Stadiu’m against Toronto, Queen’s on Saturday, and Western on Sunday. Paul Zemokhol


Yeowomen deftiatiAthe.nas The UW field hockey team journeyed to York on Saturday for an actionpacked game against what may be the best team in Canada. The Athenas looked very strong in the first half, showing both outstanding teamwork and individual efforts from the players. T.he score was tied 2-2 at halftime. Kim Imada, who scored the first goal, commented, “We came to play.” (Lisa T\ Bauer the orner ml’m markswoman). 1 “le second half, UW . 3Lal LCU rl ntrnrrr\rr but again ot”mtr\ ~LLULI~, h ail. soon benan to lose t,,,,, mome&m. .In the words of player Robin Simpson, “We fatigued in the second half.” York has many players who, train at least six months per year, and they play at a much more intense pace than most teams UW has met this year. A breakdown in defensive play ‘resulted in four York goals, and the final score was 6-2 for the host team. Jennifer Shaw stated, “We played well, but we had some physical and mental let-ups that cost us the game.” Jean Howitt summed in up, “It was a -well-fought

game. We-never gave up. It was a good learning experl’ence for the finals.” The :finals are at yaterloo Nov.1 and 2. Unfortunately, UW has lost the services of Captain

Cheryl Chapman for the remainder of the season. was involved in a bicycle-car accident and sustained a broken leg. A very spirited player and a real hustler on the field,


has been an in-

spiration to ,her teammates, and her contribution will be missed. The wishes her a.\ Imprint speedy recoverY. Tammy Horne

Athlete of the Week +



Rob Town Ibar-lc



Rob is one of Canada’s Track and nutstanding Field athletes. Going into Canadian last sun nmer.‘s

Championships, .ranked



he 1 in

was the



fnl pth

the University of Waterloo Rob has an outstanding record at the OUAA championships. This past Saturday in Sudbury he w6n gold medtils in both the discus and the shot. In fact, in the four years Rob has w6n these events 7 out of 8 attempts. This-year’s feat is especially _ noteworthy because he is competing on that sore knee which he reinjured in September. He has held several Canadian Junior Championships in the Decathelon and in. the throws. Last summer at the World Student Games held in Mexico City he finished 8th in the Decathelon.

Bay finished 3rd behind two runners from the defending OWIAA championship team from Queens. At the Bonne Bell lok championship held October 4 in Toronto, Bay finished a very respectable 11th. This is quite remarkable considering that this evqnt is national in scope and must be qualified for in regional and provincial meets leading to the adual run. At the York Invitational, the Waterloo team finished third overall, which is the highest the team has ever ranked, this could not be accompished without the determined efforts of Bay and her teammates.

Bay Brooke Cross Country Bay is a 3rd year ‘Kinesiology student who hails from Toronto. According to the Women’s Cross Country coach, Alan Adamson, she is one of the reasons that the women’s team is enjoying unprecedented success. At the Waterloo Invitational Cross Country meet held on October. 10,

’ _ .:

“> ‘?. GT*f ;is

M&inhon and Wilson take doubles title\ b

-Vou’ May Newer B& AbkTo

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The Women’s varsity tennis team fared well last weekend,---at the OWIAA doubles final held at Country Stone Racquets Clu!, in Kitchener. We To; Waterloo finishers were Leanne McKinnon and Vicki ’ WiTson, who won the ‘B’ flight in a 6-3,76 decision over the top ranked pair fromYork University.

O’Mahony lost in the ‘C’ flight finals. U of T took both first place in the current standings, and top individual honours. Susan Dale and M. Fiorini were the winners posting a 3 set victory over Erin ‘Boynton and Maureen Glaab of McMaster. Team standings thus far have U of T first, Western second, followed by McMaster and WaterA good overall team loo, and well back, York, effort has put the Athenas Guelph, Brock and Windinto a strong 4th position, ‘sor. ‘* going.into the final tournToday the team travels ament pf the season. to St. Catharines for the Other Waterloo competsingles final. The team i’tors Patsy McLean and expect; to do well, and Sue Berlet lost in the semiperhaps improve against finals of ‘B’ flight, while some very strong teams. Sue Gauthier and Colleen Patricia McLean




Charity Run

community involvement and excellent student support, the run should be a great success.”

The students of St. Jerome’s and Notre Dame affiliation Colleges, in with the University of Waterloo, have once again united their talents and energies to undertake their fifth annual 1600 km Charity Run. The entirely student-organized Charity Run begins Friday October 31, at 1 pm. Waterloo mayor Marjorie Carroll, Kitchener alderwoman Judy Balmer, St. Jerome’s president Father Norm Choate, and many other local dignitaries will be on hand to kick off, and perhaps participate in the running of the first lap around the University of Waterloo’s ring road. St. Jerome’s students will then take over to keep the run going around the clock until 1 pm Monday November 3. An estimated 1000 laps will be run during the 3 day period. This year again, the ‘March of Dimes has been chosen as the recipient of an expected $5,500 for the purchase of artificial limbs needed by K-W residents. According to Charity Run chairm,an. Greg McKernan, a third year student at St. Jerome’s, this year’s goal is $5,500. “Last year we raised $5,000,” said McKernan. “This year we hope to go at least 10% higher. Thanks to terrific

For further information, contact Mike Quinn, Charity Run publicity chairman, at 884-5138.

Football The Women’s Competitive Flag Football playoffs commenced this week, under the cold, grey skies of the Village Green. The S3 Bombers stumbled over Notre Dame 2-O on Monday. Their much talked about offence was flagged down throughout the game by an impressive Notre Dame defensive unit. This forced the Bombers to

kick over top of the Notre Dame wall to collect the winning points. The victory advanced them into the semi-finals, where they had to play a well rested Conrad Grebel, while Minota Hagey took on the Rippers. In the upset of the season, Conrad Grebel defeated the S3 Bombers 7-o. Meanwhile, Minota Hagey had little problem in beating the Rippers 14-6. So, on IMonday, October 27th at 4 p.m. Minota Hagey and Conrad Grebel will meet to determine the Women’s Competive Flag Football supremacy. Warren Delany

Soccer Intramural soccer playoffs get under way this coming weekend, and

Basketball continued from page 29 mates. The Athenas face a tough schedule this year. Laurentian and Guelph are perennially strong. Both have been ranked among the top ten teams in the country. Western and York are also looking good for the coming season. Waterloo definitely has its work cut out. Coach Kemp’s strategy is to “set realistic goals to accomplish certain things each game.” John Kozey, a grad student in biomechanics, is now assistant coach of the team. Kozey’s biomechanics and teaching background

we need

experience at the highschool and intramural level make him a perfect choice for teaching the team basic skills. He knows the game and is also good at analyzing the opposition, having -previously scouted opponents for the Warriors. The acquisition of Kozey should be an asset to the Athenas. The team will be in action in the near future, on Saturday Nov. 1, when Waterloo hosts Lava1 at 300. The first two league games at home are against York, November sth, and Guelph, November 11th. Tammy Horne

contributions Poetry Anything Creative


clear the ball from out of at press time, there appear the box, inadvertently \hit to be some certainties, and his own defender. some toss-ups in the two league, 29-team structure. Uncontested, the ball rolled into the vacant net. In the A league, Dirty Feet and the Caribbean Out of the mass of teams Stars contested what in B league, four emerge to might be a preview of the stand a head taller than the final, last night in the final rest. Renison Rowdies, league game. Results are West D alumni, Spotted not available to us, but the Balls and East D Alumni outcome, in any event, is seem clear favorites. irrelevant as both teams (Systems United may, will advance to the semihowever, be the fly in the finals thanks to byes given ointment.) to the top two teams. Of those four teams Their advance became a Renison and West D would when St. certainty have the edge. Jerome’s, which had lost Renison’s goalkeeper, their first three games, John MacFarland, has yet recent 1-O stole two to give up a goal. Despite the, significant victories, this, they do not have a one being over Simba. perfect record, as they With their last-minute were held to a scoreless surge . St. Jerome’s may ’ draw by West D last have won themselves a Wednesday. spot in the play-offs. In Playoff action gets under their game against Simba, way at Columbia field this St. Jerome’s payed an Saturday in the B league. A inspired defensive game to action begins league hold off the high-scoring Sunday Simba, forwards, and were Both leagues contest fortunate to be the their semi-finals on beneficiaries of an error on Monday while the finals the part of the Simba goalfor both take place on keeper, who, in trying to Thursday,



Pong The results of last Sunday’s U of W Table Tennis Championships in PAC Blue North are as follows: Andy Williams took the Men’s A title, while Yih Sheh-Leo was the runner up. The Men’s B title was won by Bobby Labsingh over Ki Yu while Yih-Ming-Leo was the winner in the Women’s event. The open double’s winners were Phu T. Vuong and Yoke Seng Leong. The Table Tennis club holds clinics and tournaments throughout the year, so anyone interested in joining should go to one of the meetings in PAC Blwe North, Tuesday and Thursday from T:OO-lo:00 pm, and on Sunday from 2:00-5:00 pm. To join the club costs a meager $2.50, and everyone is encouraged to come out for the exercise, competition, and fun!

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