
Page 1

. .. -Sunday, November 2-

-Friday, October 317 Minutes t o Midnight - Disarmament Symposium. Workshop 1: "Alternatives to Armed Defence", speaker Gene ~ e y e 9i am. Workshop 2: "Security and the Strategic Balance",, speaker - Randall Forsberg. 10:30 am. Workshop 3: "Canada-US Defense Relations", speaker - Ernie Regehr. 1:30 pm. Conrad Grebel College Great Hall. 7 Minutes t o Midnight -Disarmament Symposium. Luncheon meeting with a representative of the Disarmament Advisor to the Minister of External Affairs. All the way from Ottawa to talk with you. Noon. Conrad Grebel College Dining Hall. Waterloo Christian Fellowship's Dropin Centre. A place to meet people, talk, read books from our library and to chase away loneliness. Evelyone welcome and encouraged to come in and take some of the free literature offered. 10 am-noon. CC 135. Muslim Sfu&nts' Assoclahpn sponsors a Fnday prayer. $ 3 9 2 3 0 pm. C C 113 Adolescence t o Adulthoad: A prospectlw study of problem behawour and psychosoc~aldevelop ment A talk gwen by Dr R~chardJessor of the Un~vers~ty of Colorado 2 30 pm Psych 2083 7 Minutes t o Midnight - D~sarmamentSymposium. Mark MacGusan, the M~nlsterof External Affaas. wll address the symposium on Canada's role In d~sarmamentlssues 3 pm Conrad Grebel College Great Hall

7 Minutes t o Midnight -Disarmament Symposium Chapel Serwicc.Topic: "Militarism, the Middle Class and the Kingdom of God." Speaker - John ?empel. 10 am. Conrad Grebel Chapel. Ecumenical Reformed Worship for the entwe university community. Refreshments afterwards. . 10:30 am. HH 180. Denis Bolohan "A Touch of Glass". An environment of light. UW Arts Centre Gallery, Modem Languages. Free admission. 2-5 pm. Bridge Tournament at the Grad House, startingat 200 pm. Grad students, faculty members, affiliate members of the Grad Club and guests are welcome. Regsrrahon IS free S~gnup In advance at [he Grad House, or s~mplyshow upon Ihe2nd hefore 1 40 pm Regular Junior Farmer meeting. Spec~aleven1 for the evelung a Hay R~deTranswrtat~onto meehns IS bemg arrawed between 6 30 6 45 pm In CC 113 New members welcome Conrad Grebel College chapelservice followed by coffee and dscuss~on.7 8 pm

N'te C C Bombshelter Patrons wth costumes feds $1 others $2 Patrons w~thout costumes feds $1 50, others $2 50 Prues awarded to the most or~gnaland unusual costumes The pub wll be closed from 7 pm tdl8 pm for decorat~ons

7 Minutes t o Midnight D~sarmamentSymposum Stauffer Lecture "National Secur~tyIn the 805 " Speaker Rlchard J Barnet, Inst~tuteof Policy Studes, Wash~ngtonD C 8 pm Theatreof the Arts Fed Flicks: The Rocky Horror P~ctureShowFeds $1, others $2 Two shows 8 pm and 10 pm AL 116

-Saturday, November 1Symposium o n Disarmament: Breakfast and &cussion on "The Chrlst~an Response to Mhtar~sm" R~chkrdBarnet of the lnstrtute of Pol~cy Stud~es, Wash~ngton, D C and Rev Walter McLean, MP Waterloo R~dmng,wll be parhclpatlng , The publ~c 1s mwted 8 30 am Conrad Grebel College -

Waterloo Christian Fellowship supper meehng wlth Laur~erChr~stlanFellowship AU are welcome to partlclpate in a worship servlce followmgmpper 4 30 7 pm St Mtchael's RC Church basement (Unrvers~tyAve , across from WLU ) Caribbean Students Assoc~ahon General meetlng to d~scuss Carybbean N~ghtand other comlng events Come and parhcqate New members are welcome 5 pm CC 113 Conrad Grebel Colkge chapel services Tuesday

- see

God, Man and World - a noncredit interd~sciplmarycourse HH 334 5-6 pm. Discuhion Fellowship. HH 280. Supper at 6 pm. D~scuss~on of Jesus' parables at 7 pnt.

Richard Carothers, currently researchg W~ndm~lls In the Mech Eng Dept , dl be showng shdes of Botswana He spent 5 years there wth CUSO, and wll be talk~ngabout ius experJences Anyone who IS mterested In work~ngwlth CUSO overseas IS encouraged to attend MC 3009 7 30 pm Call CUSO ofhce ex 3144 for more mformat~on Transcendental Meditafion Free mtroductory Fed Flicks - see Friday. One show only a! 8 pm talk 8 pm ES 354 For alternate kcture -Monday, November 3arrangements phone 576 2546, Dawd & Shannon Graduate Record Examination appl~cat~on Bourke deadlme for December 13 exam Gay coffee house. Men and women wekonw. C C Bombshelter IS open from noon to l a m Budd Sponsored by Gay Llberatlon of Waterlm. Wyour own sandw~chand salad bar unt1l8pm DJ after GLOW 8 30 pm-rmdn~ght CC 110 9 pm Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm JP- noroth and Toto and Auntle Em m the Semmar Chem 10 "A Chemist &hind the G a s " d &z". 9 30 pm CC Great Hadl Pumpn, Dr R Stkhuyzen, manager, supply development, B P ,Toronto Coffeeand doughnuts -Thursday, November 6avadabk free 12 30 pm C2 readlng room d C F Morning Prayer sesslon see Tuesday. Back t o Back Workshop A 3 and a half hour semlnar on wse ways t o a healthy back Reg~stratlon lnterv~ew~ng Techn~queSess~onsfor permanent fee $S For more mformkt~on contact Jacqu~e employment. 11 30 am 1 pm Needles Hall 1020. Wellwood, Campus Health Promotion, ext 3541 7 For more ~nfocall 2572 pm V~UageU Great Hall C C Bombshelter - see Monday

-Tuesday, November 4-

WCF Mornins Prayer Meeting. Start your day off rght wth a l~ttleprayer and shanng Open to everyone, espec~allyto new Chnstlans want~ngto p o w 8430 am CC 135

KW Probe presents "Man Who Chooses the Bush", an alternat~velifestyle. 12:30-1:30 pm. C C 113.

Caribbean Students Association - see Tuesday. .cc 110. WatedooChristian Fellowship's Drown Centre Free! Low Level Radiation -'How Safe is Safe? - see Fnday Hear Dr. Suzuk~,Dr. Sternglass, Norm Rubin, Interwlewmg techn~que,sesslons for permanent A.E.C.B. reps et al,in person. TripviaKW Probeat 6 employment 11 30 am 1 pm NH 1020 For more pm to Toronto. Sign up by ES 212 or phone ext. n-dormahon call 2572 3780. 7 Minutes t o Midnight. Workshop 4: "Militarism, C C Bombshelter see Monday Pacifism and the Just War." Speaker - Conrad WLU oresents two films on astronomy and S t u d e n t Life" Everyone IS welcome Sponsored Brunk. 10:30 am. Conrad Grebel College. a s s o c & J euhjecls - . T h e s t a r r y ~esseng&"and bu Camous Crusade for Chnst 4 5 30 om CC 113 "World Within World". Arts Blds. 1El Admission 7 Minutes t o Midnight. Film Feature: "Dr. c a r i b b n stydents hssociation: -caribbean is free and all are welcome. Strangelove or How I Learned t o s t o p w ~ n ~ i n g a n d .Night Chorusm practices their routine. Come and Love the Bomb", starring Peter Sellers. Filmshorts: welcome. k.0 pm. cc Women's Issues Group slidi presentation: Two wticipate. N~ "War Without Winners", "Balabloc". Admission is 135, 1 Women, Two Lifestyles. Discussion follows. 7-9 free. 1:30 pm. AL 116. pm. CC 113. Conrad Grebel College chapel szwices followed 7 Minutes t o Midnight - symposium sponsored by coffeeand dis cussion. 4:455:15 pm. WJSA IS havmg a prof-student ewning of Square Dance with Rural Delivery. $1 admission. 8 course in ~ ~ f Conrad~ Grebel ~ dlscusslon ~ Your ~concerns dwill be addressed See pm. Conrad Grebel College Great Hall. Everybody college 251, 7.8 pm, you there 7 pm HH 373 welcome. -<

Outer's Club Potluck dmner 510F Albert St Brmg food and shdes 6 pm C C ~ o m b s h k l t eIS r open 7 pm 1 am DJafter9 pm Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm kidlowe'en Pub Pr~zesfor best hterary costume, mosi orisinel costume and most outrageous costume, 500 Sponsored by the Engllsh Socwty Everybody welcome 8 pm 1 am HH 373 "Rites of Passage" presented by Drama Department, An anthology of words and mustc wh~chexplores some of the experiences of those caught betqepn chddhood and rnatur~tyAdm~ss~on a free 8 pm Theatre of the Arts, Moderr Languages Eprsode 2 of "Inside Outbndh",brought to YOU b!J CKMS Rad~oTheatre 10 pm 94 5FM


-Wednesday, November 5r3en1sBolohan "A Touch of Glass" - see Fr~day. C C Bombshelter - see b on dab. K-W Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic. 2-4:30 Om, 68:30 pm. Grace Lutheran Church, 136 Margaret Ave., Kitchener. Professor W. Martin will be speakingonYYeats:On Love a n d Sex." The first in a&ries of seminan sponoored by the English Society and the English Faculty. All welcome. 4 pm. HH 373. Hoofing It Up. The widely acclaimed National T a p Dance Company "Shbffles off to Buffalo" in an afternoon of fun filled, show stopping rhythm and smiles. Theatre of the Arts. 4:3U pm. Admission $2.50 at the door.

Women's Coffee House. Music, munchies, tea. coffee and conversation. Sponsored by GLOW. Open to all women. 8:30 pm. CC 110. Creative Clothing: Body Sculpture Pagent parade and judging of entries in this Canadd-wide competition. Wmning entries to be exhibited in the UW Arts Centre Galley from Nov. 13toDec. 7. Fee for pageant $2 - proceeds to the UW Gallery permanent colleqtion fund. Reception following the pageant for artists and audience. 8 pm. Theatre of the Arts. KiiJMath Pub featuring Rendezvous. Advance tickets only available at KSA (MC 6004)and Math Soc (MC 3038). 8 pm. W.M.I. Episode 3 of "Inside Outlandia", brought to you by CKMS Radio Theatre. 10 pm. 94.5FM.



Friday, October 31 1980. Volume 3, Number 16; University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario


The feature this week looks at the OWIAA field hockey championships being held this weekend at Columbia pages 8 and 9. In sports, Soccer Warriors advance to final against Laurier page 23.

Anna Wyman Dancers are reviewed, Donkin and Tony van Bridge, on page 22, film _ review and children’s theatre on page 10 while the c; ossword is on page 12.




31, 1980.




CKMSwinners to have last hot air ride


Soon to be airborne are the first and second prize winners of the CKMS FM campus radio station’s Fall Raffle. Karl Gragesch and Mike Korba will have a sunrise ride in the last -official Air Balloon fight, piloted by local promoter Wayne Metler of‘ Fantasy Sky Productions. Wednesday, October 22 at 9:15 pm the winners of the twelve prizes were chosen in a draw held in the Great Hall of the Campus Centre at the University of Waterloo. The following ten people will enjoy dinners for two at fine area restaurants: Barb Groves at the Stone Crock; Shirley Crave at the Gypsy Cafe; .’ Ken Sylvester at Charlies; Kathy Hay at Willie’s Too; Ian McDonald at Cafe Royale; R. Dickhott at Le Cafe Flore; Blair Harley at Marbles; Doug Siemon at Angies Kitchen; Craig Nichols at the Catch; and.Bob Lehmann at The Despite protests from Corkscrew. numerous women’s groups according to the North Shore women’s collective of British Columbia, “a dangerous precedent has been established in Canada by the R.V. PAPPAJOHN rape case.” The Supreme Court of . UW Arts Centre Gallery Canada judges, all male, for the second time in as who heard George Pappamany years is organizing john’s appeal against “Creative Clothing: Body conviction, agreed that if Sculpture Pageant and an accused rapist claims he Exhibition.” believed the honestly A barbed wire suit, a women consented to sex, ceramic bra, a “habit” of then he need not provide magnetic tape, a Himany reasonable grounds alayan Festival coat, a for his belief. and hat for an jacket evening in space - these At the recent October are just some of the wildly NUS (National Union of imaginative creations that Students) conference the will be on parade NovWomen’s Issues Workshop ember 7 at 8 pm, when the passed a motion “that pageant begins in UW’s individual student unions Theatre of the Arts. undertake to make finTickets for the pageant ancial contributions to the Women’s North Shore are $2.90 (available at Box Centres for their costs of Office) and proceeds will go to the Gallery’s printing and distribution permanent collection fund, of letters and petitions”

BC Women’s Group Protest Rape Law

Body Sculpture, Clothing at UW Gallery

photo informing the public of the issues and demanding changes to the present rape laws. ~ In response, UW’s Federations of Students, according to vice president Wim Simoqis, “is proposing to honour such a request at the next Federation Council meeting to take place on by requesting Sunday,” that $50.00 be earmarked for this purpose. The Federation is also requesting that other student councils send contributions and letters of support to this organization as well.

Reflections of Waterloo now Available “Reflections of Waterloo”, a book containing more than one hundred colour and black and white pictures of the UW campus activities, historic occasions, and seasonal views and scenic pictures of well-known regional landmarks, is now available at UW’s book store. of Gabriele Schreiber, the UW Book Store, had the idea because there had been so many requests by

patrons for “a book with pictures of the campus in it”. As well Schreiber coordinated the project and formed an edit!orial committee of UW people to help her. Although most of the photographs are by Maurice Green, UW’s official photographer, there are contributions from 11 other people. The text was written by Keith Thomas, a UW English professor and the book was designed by David Bartholomew, of UW’s graphic services department. “Reflections of Waterloo ($13.95) is not only available at the University of Waterloo Book Store, but at other local- book stores as well.

Weber tops Arts byelection poll

According to the Federation of Students’ chief returning officer’s report, the Arts Regular byelection has been won by Calvin Weber. Weber polled 32 votes in a race that was fairly close. Eighty-one students voted in the election.

Relocated LRO Office Now Open The Legai Resource Office has been re-located in Room 150 at the Northwest corner of the Campus Centre. Lack of permanent office space up until this time has forced a partial suspension of the service which assists students in dealing with legal problems. Tentative (till further notice) hours are Mon. and Thurs. 7-9, and Wed. and Fri. 2:30-4:30. Go to the Rides Board and follow the signs.

Radiation under debate in Toronto Dr. David Suzuki will be moderator this November 6 at a public debate sponsored by the Canadian Environmental Society. The topic of the debate will be “Low Level Radiation: How Safe is Safe?” Speakers will include Dr. Ernest Sternglass of the University of Pittsburg, Drs.

by Ed Zurawski

Fred Blackstein and David Myers of Atomic Energy The event will take place at York Quay Centre, Harbourfront, Toronto, at 8:00 p.m.

Grant approved for FrancoOntarian Group Dr. Peter Lang M.P. and the Secretary of State today. announced the approval of an $8,000 grant to the Teachers’ Cultural Committee of I’Ecole Cardin al Leger School in Kitchener. The funds he said, would be used for a project called “Cultural Activities Kitchener-Waterloo.” The purpose of the program is to promote the France-Ontarian culture in the K-W region and assure the survival of French in the family and school environment. It also provides the Francophone population of the area with the opportunity of working, and socializing in French. “It will definitely allow the Francophones to better maintain their cultural heritage within our area’s multi-cultural setting,” says Lang.



31, 1980.



Two Uw

Students can play major political role according to Hoy

grads take gold TWO

The Federation Election Action Committee held its first meeting Tuesday evening, but attendance was disappointingly low. Only nine students turned out. The committee’s formation was the result of a vote held at the Federation’s October 2 General Meeting. Peter Hoy, Chairperson of External Relations, is acting as chairperson for temporary the new committee, until a permanent one can be found. Hoy related three purposes for the committee in future. First + the the committee should develop with alliances in working groups on and off campus (for example local unions, daycare groups, faculty associatiOIlS, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) on campus, etc. j who have been hurt by government cutbacks in socialservices, so antithat a “widespread restraint coalition” can be achieved. The second purpose, said Hoy, is “to raise student issues as the significant political issues they are”. Finally, Hoy hoped the committee would give students a chance “to feel that they do play a role .in determining the political climate of the province”. which . Specific tactics were proposed included publishing a bi-weekly or monthly cutback newsletter on campus, setting up a cutback display in the Campus Centre on Monday - November 17 (National

gathering Student DaYI’ support from other groups for a resolution against restraint, and examining the possibility of forums and speakers on canipus. It was also stressed that such as student issues, housing standards and transit discounts, should be raisedin the . upcoming municipal elections. (There will be an all candidates meeting in the CC Great Hall on November 5). Hoy stated that the initial idea of mobilizing students for a fall provincial election must now be put off, due to the probability that an election will not be called at least until t,he spring. He said that the committee’s main task this fall, therefore, will be to informed, keep people rather than undertaking specific protests. -tioy presented a resolution against restraint t 0 the committee. The resolution concluded that “the time has come either for the present government to change its policies, or for the people of the Ontario to change government .” Some committee members, however, doubts that any party in Ontario would do things differently than the present government. Hoy responded by admitting that “while it is not guaranteed that other parties will act differently, we know that the opposition parties-the Liberals and the NDP-are opposed to the present government’s policy of fiscal

outstanding LJnivof Waterloo gracluate students were honored at the university’s 4 1st convocation last Friday afternoon. Gold medals were presented by the LJniversit y of Waterloo Alumni Associat ion to the top student completing a master’s degree in the past year, and to the top student completing a doctorate. They are, Jeffrey Peter Van Doormaal (a master of applied science degree in mechengineering) a n c1 anical pm1es Murray 0 1s 0 I1 (doclo1 of philosophy degree in psychology). Van Doormaal attained high marks throughout his There wus o break with tradition ut the Univcrsify of Waterloo’s 41si convoccltiorl graduate studies but is last Friday afternoon: an honorary doctorute ~~(1s conferred upon Roffi ~Irmcrli(in, being particularly honored music director of the Kitcherier-Waterloo Syrn~)hony Orchestra. for his research activities. Arrneniori cond~fc:tr:d (I However. instead of delivering o convoco t ion address, His work could be useful in performanc,e by eight members of tht: Cunodiun Chamber Ens(:rnblr: of Mozart’s the development of better Serenade No. 12 in C Minor (K, 388j. Membr:rs of /ho EnsemhIc form f hc rtuc:lr!us of collector units for solar the Kitcheritir-Wuterloo Symphony Orchestral. photo by Nuns Van der Molen heating systems. He pioneered new techniques fo1 restraint .” predicting flow and h:;3t Hoy expressed the belief irregularlytransfer in that “with enough support shaped geometriestechand dedication, students niques which have proved across Ontario can in fact greatly superior to preplay a major role in the vious methods. The results upcoming provincial elecadded that, with regard to of his work are soon to be “Freud was a genius, but tion.” The committee quessex education, “the Catholic published in an engineerhe was a prude,” asserted Dr. tioned, though, whether this Church is an abomination” Albert F&s in a lecture last ing journal in the heat student support and dedicathat “will go out of business” transfer area. Monday night in the Theatre tion will materialize, given the if it “doesn’t change, (its) Olson, who came to UW of the Arts. surprisingly small turnout at views.” Dr. Ellis, an active psychofrom Ottawa - where he the first meeting. . Dr. Ellis. maintained that therapist and the author of completed bachelor’s and The committee’s next North Americans have a master’s over 200 articles and 40 degrees at Carlemeeting will be Wednesday, tendency to “escalate wishes an books, including The Amerton is currently November 5, at 7:30 in the ican Sexual Tragedy and into musts.” This tendency, assistant professor at the federation office. All interhe continued, translates Sex Without Guilt, and Sex University of Western ested students are welcome “masturbation into musterOntario. and the Single Man, to attend. bation” and explains why He is regarded as a addressed a small audience Brian Snyder many people now consider on “Sex and Love in the brilliant student in the premarital sex mandatory, field of social psychology 1980's." rather than desirable. According to. Dr. Ellis, and was termed by one of “To achieve flexibility,” his professors “the best North America in 1980 has said Dr. Ellis, North the ‘legitimacy of a wide student ever to have gone Americans must “give up variety of sex acts” as a through Waterloo’s PhD musts.” He added that he program.” His work has legacy of the 1970’s. “Sex Where previously the was not optimistic about the received international reprobably hasn’t increased in people generally trusted attainment of such flexibility, cognition. He has authored frequency,” he said, “but the government to “take predicting “along hard battle” non-coital sex has increased or co-authored 11 research care of them”, they now see ahead. papers published in books enormously,” and “attitudes the government as less Dr. Ellis outlined the steps scholarly journals. have become much more or impartial in the than North Americans must take liberalized”. Olson is on the editorial matter. toward sex-actualization. Dr. Ellis noted that there board of the Journal of This distrust, Jackson He recommended that have been radical changes in Experiment al Social said, exists because: a) the people assert themselves, Psychology - by far the sex therapy, thanks to the government is a coefforts of such people as temper their hedonism with youngest member of the proponent of the plan self-discipline in light of future Masters and Johnson. He board and he is a bj CRAW (with BFI); goals, and accept their own estimated that “ten to twenty frequent reviewer for other doubted the efficacy of the individuality rather than journals. times as many p.eople go for government’s supervision social norms. sex therapy now than, say, Olson’s PhD thesis was of present dumping (esEllis cautioned, however, ten years ago.” entitled “Selective Recall: pecially when they learned that North Americans will “Open marriages are more Attitudes, Schemata, and the ministry (of ’ the still “get arrested if (they) It integrates acceptable now,” he obMemory.” Environment) would screw in Macy’s window.” served, but added that they previous work in the field announce their inspection Laurie Cole are “only popular in theory.” with his own research and tours before performing He said that jealousy, which develops a better theoretithem); cj the Ministry is cal understanding of the he equated with insecurity, slow to investigate subject. “stands in the way of open complaints about the marriages .” effects of dumping. Dr. Ellis, affirming that Jackson emphasized knowledge of the “facts of how the local citizens had sex is just as important as worked to become wellreading, writing, and arithinformed about toxic metic,” stated that he would waste disposal. “The like to see an increase in sex engineers (brought in from education. Sexual ignorance, the University of Windsor he contended, leads to for consultation by the abortion, VD, and lack of group) were amazed at sexual satisfaction. how much information Currently, he said, there is they had acquired. The minimal sex education, and seriousness of their work this is administered in a “Sorry dear, is really something,” he “sedate, conservative manit’s down ago in.” said. ner,” in public schools. He Sandy Newton ersity

. -

roposed dump queried The Citizens Rebelling Against Waste’s (CRAW) fight to oppose the proposed Ridge Landfill (toxic waste disposal) site in Kent County will soon face one of its biggest tests. According to John Jackspeaker at Last son, Wednesday’s brown bag seminar on toxic waste disposal, the proposal to establish a disposal site near Blenheim Ontario (about 15 miles from Chathamj will go before the Environmental Assessment Board (EAB) in January. The EAB will hear arguments for and against the proposal and offer recommendations to the provincial government, which will make the final decision. Jackson, a member of the Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) -Windsor, said that the proposed site has actual19 been used for toxic waste disposal over the past ten years. CRAW tias formed, he explained, when local citizens were abrmed by felt what they was inadequate provincial

supervision of ongoing disposal activities, and by the province’s proposed plan to make the site one of three major disposal areas in southwestern Ontario (the other two to be located near Ajax and St. Catherinesj. The new plan, said Jackson, includes the building of a solidification plani by a private company (Browning Ferris Inc.), and then the disposal of, according to provincial estimates, 100 tanker trucks of liquid industrial waste per day. Although, according to Jackson, the government is not tully aware 01 tne implications and possible effects of this method of disposal, the proposal provides for a study of the effects five years from its commencement. that time, the At province would pay for the ,removal of the waste should it be found to be necessary, said lackson. As well, JaLtison pointed out the changes in political attitudes the people had experienced as they became involved in the issue.


Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is aLn editoritiy independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications Waterloo, a corporation wit,hout share capital, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Phone 8851680 or extension 2331 or 2332. Imprint is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a student press organization of 63 papers across Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association (OWNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the term. Mail shouldbe addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140.” We itre typeset on campus with a Camp/Set 510; paste-up is likewise done on campus. Imprint: ISSN 0705-7380.

Imprint reserves the right and refuse advertising.

Editor Business Manager Advertising Manager Production Manager News Editors Sports Editor Features Editor _ Prose &J Poetry

Marg Sanderson Sylvia Hannigan Liz Wood Jacob Arseneault Lois Abraham, Laurie Cole Paul Zemokhol Laurie Duquette Angela Brandon, Michael Ferrabee

to screen, edit,




pus Question “Would you like to see Homecoming role at Waterloo?”


a more prominent

by Dan Ayad

Greg McKernan Yr. Party” (minor


in Arts)

I would like to see it happen here at Waterloo as it does at Western because it’s a good party.

Jane Power Hon. English 3 Yes, I think that Homecoming is a good idea. However, I think that the date of this year’s Homecoming (during Octoberfest) was a poor choice.

Tom Winterbottom Co-op English 2 Pardon?



The Transylvanian convention was an illuminationg success this week. Lynn Hoyles supplier of rah maaterials smilled as guests of honor rolled in from all parts of Ihe galaxy, even as far away as LaCrete, Alberta. Lois Sr Laurie (smiles & chuckles) Rob Dobruki. Brian Snyder, Cathy McBride, Maggie Thompson, Laurie Duquette, Ron McGregor, William, Evelyn, & Bill-the-Thrill McMoo did the Time Warp AGAIN! Cliff as the Mad Scientist, with Randy Hannigan, AM Lehn. Dave Dubinski. Coral (Magenta) Andrews, Ron Lawson & Fraser Simpson, Dan Ayad created a monster. But they let it live anyway. Lab assistants Sally. Nancy, Leslie, JD, and Karen are to be congratulated as are the technical staff of Dave Trahir, Katherine, Animal, Spot, Hans. Transylvanian president Marg Senderson (“in just 7 days, she can...“) Hooded Fang Jacob Arseneault, Pumpkin-carver ex-t raordinaire Liz Wood, and S Uvia Hannigan (who thought of the word MUSHY) were satisfied with the unvf~iling. Rven Mad Criminologist JWB liked it. The Delegates from Dtanton. (httaded by Paolo Zim-bollini), Vivian Huang, Virginia Butler. 71’ammy Home [who lent her moped to Eddy). Tim Perlich RCJohn McFarland camp through in the end, completing the monster before the c:onvention ended. Even me in my shrrdded jrnns, Brad A Janet from PPP, rode their motorcycles with wonderful ,lh;~nclc)n.Suppfhrfor the day was the obligatory I~c~~II Ioaf. itn(J thrrt> ~1a\ <II I(Ior sho\v to encl the day. All in all, a

Ron Ketcheson Env. Stud. 4 1 think the Homecoming idea is a good thing, but it should receive more publicity. It has the potential to become a fine tradition.

Lou Cialini Hon. Italian No. Who cares about when you can party for Homecoming seems too such a young university,

2 Homecoming

Octoberfest? contrived for anyways.

Dave Ecker Math 4 Yes. I would like it to, since this university offers no other type of entertainment for students as a whole.

The Pub:


31, 1980.




I had been planning a real fire-eater of an editorial. I was going to rise with righteous indignation, mount the soapbox and make the welking ring with cries of anger as I viewed with alarm the expansion of the Campus Centre Pub. To turn the Pub into the Bombshelter cost a trifle) less than $50,000; the major change \vas an increase in capacity. That increase numbers 64 people in the final analysis. (In the June 13 Iml~rint article, Neil Freeman, Fed President whose project the Pub basically is, said the new pub would hold between 300 and 350 people, The new capacity, is 284. The old was 220.) I thought that I would find a lot of people,with complaints simiiar to mine about the nei% difficult or impossib!e; I arrangements. I thought the music was too loud, making conversation thought the atmosphere was not one to attract people (I thought the name was terrible -- fact it’s deplorable that Doug Thompson (doesanyonerememberDouF:Thompson?) should be thenamerof the Federation watering hole) and I like to hear the television. I was wrong. Of course, I found a few people, but the vast majority of patrons thought that a) any change would have been for the better, b) they liked it as it is, and c) when asked if it was worth $50,000 they said, “maybe”. Rita Schneider, pub manager, is very pleased with the new pub. She thought that the ne\r.‘was a big improvement over the old. She found people to be socializing a lot more, she said she saw more smiles, and that there were fewer hassles between staff and patrons. The way she expressed it, it’s not just a case of 60 more people, it’s a matter of it’s better for everyone. She is glad that the pub can now almost accommodate the Friday afternoon rush, and she thinks that the pub is generally more popular. Figures bear her out. Last September, with a capacity of 220, 12,242 people came to the Pub. This September, with a capacity of 180 (down, because renovations were still goirlg on and they couldn’t use all the space) there were 15,663 visitors. One can point to such figures and say that the pub definitely is more popular. Reacting to the complaints I told her about, Schneider said that everyone could not be satisfied. “When the music is turned down, someone asks the doorman to turn it back up.” She said most people like it loud. She said the pinball machines have to be under the TV to protect them from vandalism. She suggested getting rid of the TV. They probably won’t do that -- she says people have learned to live without the audio. Regarding the Food Services outlet, I was shown the results of the survey done on the eaters of the new Pub fare. (FoodServices, on campus, supplies the salads, soups, and sandwich makings provided at the outlet.) Most people liked it. They thought that the sandwiches were reasonably priced, the quantity of meat and fixings was sufficient, and, generally, everything but the salads were hunky-dory. When one thinks of a salad bar nowadays , it is a Mother’s or Frank Vetere’s model -- all the fixings for a salad plate (lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, green pepper,-etc.) all laid out and reaclv to be combined, the surveys heartily recommended that the setbp-he changed to this sort, from the-potato, macaroni, and carrot-and-Godknowswhat type. The administration people knew the students preferences as of the 10th of this month, and no changes have taken place. Says Freeman, “Maybe the federation is low on their priority list.” However, admin is planning to change something. They’re going to cut back the hours. This makes Freeman mad -- he says t hay agreed to have the thing, and that if it’s losing money it’s because it isn’t advertised as being available as an alternative to South Campus Hall. Schneider wonders hoti the% expect it to be popular if they don’t serve what students want. On the financial side, it is difficult to get an accurate opinion from anyone. We are assured by Freeman that the $50,000 expenditure won’t put the Federation in a dangerous financial position, but with the next sentence, he says if any future council needs money it can always consider liquidating the stock tied up in Thee Record Store 0-r the Federation flying training airplane, worth a fair sum. I leave the obvious conclusion to you. On the other hand, in a report handed out at the last Council meeting, Federation Business Manager Peter Yates says he “would like to think that at least $10,000 could be written off against renovations.” Personally, I don’t believe it. According to Schneider, the pub has never made a profit because of the summer term (though it makes money during the regular terms.) In summary then... The federation spent almost $50,000 to let sixty four more people in the Bombshelter, and let’them drink draught beer from shorter lines, have the choice to have bottled beer, and have lunch and dinner there with Food Services. The new sixty four, plus their chums, seem to enjoy it They don’t like the salad bar as it sits, but I think compared to other matters this is of little import. [What’s more interesting about this aspect is the little regard that Food Services has for student opinion -- especially, Freeman says, after having agreed to a “Mothers” type bar, and having agreed to be responsive to Federation requests. If they have that little regard for student opinion, maybe we should have similar regard for their pricing system and pay what the potato salad is worth -- not ~13 an ounce. Potatos are heuvy.) And regarding the money, the Feds think they’ll make it back. At this time, the only conclusion one can reach is that the pub we have is the best that can be obtained, and that best is acceptable to most students. And once again, Freeman is shown to be an excpetionally lucky man. His chestnuts were saved at the General Meeting, vis-a-vis the Fee Hike Strike; and again now, as the Pub is successful. Lucky, Neil. Don’t try for a third. They were both too close. John W. Bast

News -advance


fiolls .begin Nov I-

oath swearing that they meet the criteria for voter eligibility. (Canadian citizens or British subjects who have attained the age of 18 by voting day, November 10, and who have lived in this area for the past two months, are eligible to vote.) If for some reason you cannot vote on November 10, you can vote at one of the advance polls, which will be held from 9 am to 8 pm on November 1 and 3. In Waterloo, advance polls will be 1 cat ed at the s public lil,r:lr~r on Albert St. In Kitchener, the first advance poll will be held on the second floor of the Kitchener City Hall, on Frederick Street, the second will be held in the upper level of the Farmer’s Market. Rob Dobrucki

Voting starts Nov 10 In I<it chener, aldermen There are relatively few will be selected by wards. mayoral candidates in Voters in i<itchener and I<itchener and Waterloo Waterloo will also be this year. asked to select members to Marjorie Carroll has sit on local hydro combeen acclaimed in Watermissions, and either public loo, while Kitchener mayor school turstees or separate Morley Rosenberg faces for the lastschool trustees opposition from county boards. minute candidates David Municipal and regional Thornton and J, Walter jurisdictions encompass Adlys, neither of whom the type of services which has formerly held any affect people’s daily lives. political office. of city The aldermanic candi- _ The responsibilities governments include bus dates, however, are more service, fire protection, _ numerous. In Waterloo, and local streets. there are eleven candiRegional governments, will be dates; eight which are composed of selected on an at-large members of city councils basis.



the first meeting of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC) regarding constit utional reform in Canada, on Saturday, October 18. Appropriately, it was the 51st anniversary of the legal recognition of women as persons in Canada. During the conference, women discussed how to make reoommendations and ensure women’s rights in the current constitutional debate. NAC is the largest voluntary feminist umbrella organization in Canada, consisting of over 140 non-governmental organizations

i 4 4


4 4 ‘4 4

4 4 4 4 4

There are 1748 voters already registered on the preliminary voters list in residence at LJW, according to Lou Ayers, deputy clerk for the city of Waterloo, who added that there is no way he could estimate theitotal number of students who have been registered to vpte. Residents not on the preliminary list can still vote if they go to the polling station and take an


TOKON’I’O ((:II~)) - Approximately 150 determined women attended

4 4

from within the regions, are responsible for the regional library system, the police department, and major roads,

meeting a success will

across the country. It works actively to improve the condition of women in Canada through lobbying the government on laws and policies, publicizing issues and bringing together women’s interest groups. _ Past president Kay Macpherson stated at the meeting that it was an historic occasion, since it is the first time women have come together to discuss constitutional matters. She voiced NAC’s indignation at the fact that both in 1867 at Confederation and at the televised Constitutional discussions in September, visible. NAC

women were inis determined this

not happen

NAC executives will discuss issues before coming to a specific stand on constitutional matters. The next step is an address by Bella Abzug, former Congresswoman, at Victoria College on November 5. After a couple of false starts, NAC seems to be slowly trying to make a responsible cant ribut ion to a c ta1 Canadian issue.

Record and Movie

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Collectables Convention Sunday, November 9th, 1980 12 noon to 7 43.m.

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Over 85 dealers selling Rare records, movie material, gum buttons and more!


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The speakers featured at the conference were Doris Anderson, Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, and Mary Eberts, Toronto lawyer and expert on constitutional law.


31, 1980. Imprint


BC tuition up VANCOIJVIIK [CIJP) - Students at University 0f British Columbia, (UBC) face a 13 per cent tuition hike. After paying a ten per cent tuition increase last month, UBC students learned soon after that the university would still have to slash $2.1 million from its budget, nessitating the 13 per cent increase. Students on campus say they did not mind the last increase, but would find a further jump beyond their ability to pay. The Board of Governors is expected to make a decision on tuition levels within a month. Student board’ member Anthony Dickinson, who revealed the possibility of a tuition hike, says the administration is unfairly trying to force students to pay part of the costs for research grants and gifts. The dispute over tuitionis a battle of the university’s budget figures. The board adopted a policy last December fixing tuition fees around 10 per cent of the budget. Excluding total UBC’s $38 million special purposes figure, students cur”rently cover 10.8 per cent of the university’s budget. Include special purposes, and they are paying 8.8 per cent, so that a 13 per cent hike would’ be need: ’ “In creasing tuition fees plus the cost of housing in

Vancouver could lead many people from the interior of B.C. to seek a better deal elsewhere for their education,” Allan Soltis, said Student Society Executive member. Meanwhile, students at BC colleges may face even more dramatic tuition increases next year under a new funding formula proposed by the education ministry. Students at Capilano College in North Vancouver may have to pay an 83 per cent hike. The college board approved the formula in principle October 21, but requested a change which would result in an increase on only 41 per cent instead, The tuition increases will be made by college boards who find their provincial funding lowered, since the new formula divides evenly the provincial grant among institutions. “Students should pay a percentage of their educacosts,” Capilano tion Paul College principal Gallagher said October 22. “That is fairly well accepted now. The proposal takes that one step further and introduces equity between all institutions and ensures equalization of taxpayers’ subsidization rather than fees, which’is left to the colleges.”

“FUNNY, FAST,LITERATE AND AUDACIOUS. May be the most original of the year.” -David .




Ansen, Newsweek

4 4 4

4 4 4 4 *

4 4 4








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day at the CAPlTQL THEATRE



. \Naterloo Municipal

Elections (‘”/

- All Candidates lketing


Wednesday, November 5 .Great Hall, Campus Centre .12:00 .P.M. .


-about the issues? WHousing MTransit / n services mFluoridation ’ _ C,ome out and question the candidates \ on student concerns Remember we can all yoke November 10

Sponsored by your Federation ‘To be broadcast live on CKMS

of Students




Prescription Services

Bauer and Black Mens & Women’s Sport So&s per _. pair -~---$129 .-

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Zehr’s slips-

ES students

the ages of twenty and forty. Helen has lived in the KW area all her life. She is married and has a son -almost years old. Three years ago, before her J thirtieth birthday, she lost . her vision for a short -period of time. When diagnosing the reason for her blindness, she was told that she had multiple sclerosis. Since then her mobility has deteriorated considerably, making it almost impossible for here to get

klon-Fri. 9:30 a.m. - IO:00 p.m.’ Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 9:OO p.m. Sunday 1:OO p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Spedal Clearance


A group of Environ.mental Studies (ES) students at UW have helped a multiple sclerosis (MS) victim named Helen to buy a wheelchair. The ES students helped raise money for Helen’s cause by collecting old Zehrs’ receipts, Zehrs, the local food chain, then donated thirty dollars for every thousand dollars worth of receipts collected. MS is a disease of the central nervous system for which, as yet, there is no known cure. The disease is probably caused by a slow acting virus which penthe brain and etrates spinal cord in the form of hardened patches known


Polling Booth for residence students: Campus Centre 11:00 A.M..- 8:OO P.M. Bring Identification



raise cash.

around without a wheelchair. A wheelchair, however, costs about fifteen hundred dollars. Having raised over thirteen hundred *dollars, with the help of her church, and, from her own resources, Helen needed just a little more to buy her wheelchair. Mary Hutt, Helen’s’ neighbour and a member of ES* Society, suggested that the ES students could help o.ut, by

by bringing their old Zehrs receipts into shcool. In a’period of two weeks, $4,155 dollars worth of receipts were gathered, giving Helen enough money to buy the wheelchair. ,Helen was delighted to receive the ES students’ help, and sends her sincere thanks to everyone. She buying her will be wheelchair any time now. Maggie Tlhompson

Women’how new norm at college OTTAWA (CUP) - The average American college student no longer belongs to a fraternity, plays on the football team or guzzles beer with the boys. According to the United States Census Bureau, the average American student is a woman.

Statistics released last week show there are 5.9 million women enrolled in American colleges compared to 5.48 million men. This is the first time since World War II that women have outnumbered men on American campuses. ’ James Wells-Schooley, vice-president of the Na

tional Organization for Women, says major reasons for the increase in women are laws prohibiting discrimination against women in enrollment and the pressure for ‘extra education to compete for jobs. The biggest change was reflected in the almost 1 million women over the age of 35 on American campuses. This figure compares with less than l/2 tilion men of the same age. Schooley called that statistic, “a phenomenon of the time.” “We are in a two wageearner economy, frankly,. I think, to keep the country from depression,” she said.



, ,



Three adorable kittens, almost ready for ado-ption. Abandoned by mother in a barn. They’ve ’ been checked by a vet and are free to a good home. Call Liz ext. 2331 or Lynn ext. 2312.

Will do light moving with a small truck. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 884-2831.

Lost One Oxblood red leather jacket - Size 38; Lots of value...High sentimental School, parties, etc. Reward offered. 884-5236.

Personal Who is Carole Blackwell, and will she please contact us at the B.Ent office! Fezz & D.D. Just Try & Flunk Grade Ten! Past Masters Club. Only 4 ,The Genius. Box 6427, Station A, Toronto, Ontario. M5A 1E3

Disk Jockey

scholarships them to education

which allow pursue further or training in-

Note Received this week was a letter signed by “a strtdent.” We would have liked to run it but were unab!e to do so because we cannot publish letters with pseudonyms.

Scholarship Attention Burlingt on: undergraduate are eligible

residents of graduate and students to apply for


The Editor,

*- This




any of the 155 countries where Rotary Clubs exist. more information For

write to Rotary Club of Burlington, c/o R.E. Beker, 4063 Lorraine Crescent,

* expresses


concern about the nature of ’ asked: the “Campus Question”, a What do you like least regular feature of the about this campus? Imprint. My main concern Are midterms and finals is that most of the a fair evaluation of a questions asked are not of student’s ability? interest to students nor can What is your worst a meaningful answer be habit? obtained in a sentence or is program rivalry be two. I w-ould like to see tweeri faculties getting out questions which are more of hand? pertinent to students at Who is your favorite sex Waterloo. symbol? Why? Nere is a list of some Are ready for YOU serious, some lighthearted winter? questions I’d like to see tZIho do you think shot



Recording secretary wanted for students council Remuneration. meetings. Apply to Helga Petz, Fed. Office, CC 235. top for Ford Fiberglass pick-up. Call John at 888, 7276.

Services Interested in doing babysitting, house typing, sitting or house cleaning for Grad Students? Please contact the Graduate Club Office (open 11:30 to 3:30 Monday to Friday) Ext. 3803.

Typing Experienced Typist, essays, resumes, theses, etc; No Math papers; reasonrates; Westmount able Area: Call 743-3342. Secretary with 5 years experience typing math. Will type anything at a rate. IBM reasonable Selectric typewriter - neat, accurate, fast typing. Close to universities. Call Gillian at 886-5859.



Executive living at student rates. Student household requires additional member. Modern six-bedroom home, ret-room, fireplace, double garage in beautiful rural setting off Highland Road East. $80/month plus utilities. Please contact Don at 743-8826.


Individual tastes demand indivig,t, dual satisfaction. For some L :ti.‘b 4 people the appreciation of fine imported cigarette tobacco is a personal pleasure. A subtle combination of 17 prime tobaccos makes Drum a ’ connoisseur’s tobacco. It’s specially created for people I who roll their own--people who take their pleasure seriously. Of course it’s not to everyone’s taste. But then maybe you’re not everyone.

an indw~di

Housing available for Burlington-Milton area winter work term students. 4 Bdrm. home on 1 acre with double garage, stables, landscaped. Includes fridge, stove, partially furnished. Located in North Burlington. Will consider either 1 or group of 3-4, male or female. Rent negotiable. Phone 403-2312998 or 403-337-3854 collect. Ask for Bill. Room available in townNovember 1st. house. Close to campus, Westmount Mall, Bus stop. Rent cheap. Call 885-0146 after 6 pm or 886-3383.



Womyn’s Coffee House. munchies, tea, Music, coffee and conversation. GLOW. Sponsored by Open to all women. CC 110, 8:30 pm. Thursday, November 6th.

_ .____.


31, 1980.

Burlington, iP5 before 1980.


Ontario December


L7L 15,



A.B.C. Disk Jockey Services. Add a professional touch to your party, banquet, wedding, or reception! You want good music, in all styles and tastes; we have it. Call Paul on campus ex. 3869 or Residence 886-8492.





J.R.? Paul Steckly

Ragde off the hook The Edi tar, Mr. Ragde must be excused i f he does not shout enthusiasm from every CoIl!:ert review. When one has seen Bruce Springsteen in concert, e\-eryrzne else is diminished in stature. ML Wakefield

Friday, WHAT’S







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31, 1980: Imprint


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Games begin at 9 am on Saturday. The Athen play their second game at 3pm Saturday. The while the consolation game will go Sunday I If you pass by Columbia Fields this weekend, you wi!l witness scores of bodies clad in kilts. No, this is not a Highland Fling competition. This is the weekendthat U W is hosting the Ontario Universities* Field Hockey Championships. The UW Athenas have had a successful exhibition season. (No standings are kept until the playoffs.) Coach Judy McCrae sums up the season. “We had a competitive exhibition schedule, and hadour share of success and failure. Our win-loss record could have been better, but it was my intent to make sure everyone had a chance to play, to be able to experience both successes and failures. Our seven new players worked their way in successfully.” This past weekend, UW travelled to Toronto to participate in Part I of the playoffs. Saturday’s action was affectionately referred to by players as the “Mud Bowl.” Amid driving rain and gusting winds, the Athenas downed McGill 3-O on goals by Lisa Bauer, Mary Lee Kapusty, and Jean Howitt. In their second game of the day, Waterloo was defeated 6-O by York in a very muddy, slippery game. Many players were seen moving down field by means otherthantheirfeet.TheywouIdhaveIookedgreatina Tide commercial! On Sunday, UW recorded a 4-O victory over Laurentian. Jean Howitt, Lisa Bauer, Kim Imada, and Sylvia Boyd hit the jackpot for Waterloo. Coach McCrae was pleasedwiththeweekend. “We did what we wanted to do. Wewantedtofinishsecond inourpooI,sothatwhenwecross-overandplayteams from the other half of the draw, we will play a weaker team and have a better chance of winning. We scored between three and four goals per game, and we were strong defensively, having two shutouts.” Waterloo’s opposition next weekend will be tough. Guelph, under Head Coach Karen Lee, isalways ready to play when they meet Waterloo. They have strength in inside positions and will come out busting against uw. U. of Toronto has a strong crew of players. Last year’s national champs have several provincial team members. Their depth of experience will be a plus for them. Provincial Coach Liz Hoffman is at the helm. Queen’s is a young team, but many of their players have junior provincial team experience. They are highly-skilled and very fast. Joan Stevenson is Head Coach. Former Waterloo star Cathy Cumming is among her staff of assistants. The winner of this pool will most likely meet the formidable team from York in the final match. York, scoring sixto nine goals pergamethisseason, has the services of both National and Provincial Team . players. Coaching duties are shared by NationalTeam

BENT Presents:




Max Web& Waterloo Motor II Doors open at 8:00 1 $6.00

Fee-paying Fedr $7.00 Others \

Gourmet six ounce burgers Done to your indiuidual taste

ield hockey at Columbia

Variety lettuce,

of salads with spinach or each completely different Stuffed veal cutlets Fresh baked quiche Exotic foot-long hot dogs

24 entres

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Corner of King and William Sts. Beside the Donut Castle

ach Marina Van der Merwe and National Team xentice coach Kathy Broderick. The Athenas must accomplish certain goals if they 2 to be successful this weekend. In Coach McCrae’s brds, “We must play consistently, and have good tyfrom everyone every game. We must win the first me to stay on the championship side of the draw, Ice it is an elimination tournament. This would zan we finish l-4. We must win one of our naining two games to finish third and go to the tionals.” Though York and Toronto will likely vie for first and cond positions, third spotwill be up for grabs. The UW, Queens, McGill and Guelph teams may be hti’ng a tough battle for this remaining position, as are capable of defeating each other on any given Y* Consistency will odium in Toronto,

for under

Licensed for wine and beer

egin play at that time against Guelph. They npionship game willpla yed at 2pm Sunday Ting at 11.

Market Lane Pantry We are well stocked for the health conscious 13erson

Rachel Perry Natural Cosmetics Extmdlscomt

Al1 vitamins - 15% off 5% off all other items ~==7g--p

key to the door of Lamport the Nationals will be held.

16 EbV St. N.. Kitchener

)v. 6-9). f the Athenas shine the way they did in several mes this season, their chances are as good as ybady’s.




As world resources dwindle, we’ll be searching together for alternative lifestyles. Those in the Third World can teach us much about living with limited resources, just as we can help them with education, agricultural technology, health care and trades. cuso - the alternative. Information


Wed. Nov. 5th at 7 Wed. Nov. 5th at 730 pm Rm. 3009 M & C Building Richard Car-others, who spent 5 yearsin Botswana, will be showing slidesand talking about his experiences building windmills.


and often brilliant...a

rare sociological



‘im lmada plays the ball through to Sylvia Ounpuu /ho’s heading ,towards the net. This game was layed against Western. Photo by Ann Ashcroft.

BENT Presents:


r n lm 0




Tom Waits Humanities


p:m. Fee Paying Feds $9.50 Others 8:00


U. of W.

Friday November 7th 8 pm.

PAC $9.00 fee paying feds $I 1.OOothers Tickets on sale in the Fed Office

cc135 “Yaul,Yaul!”

LA I Ymes




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nits, Noon-9

electrical p.m.


,~lniprintl*, -




tools, ,

Divine ‘Nymph I \ / shows lust not love The Divine Nymph is a film that operates on a number of levels, the most easily acces?/ ible level being sex. An Italian film with subtitles, The Divine Nymph stars Laura Antonelli, (“The Innocent”) Terence Stamp (“Modesty Blaise” and soon to come, “Superman II”) and Marcello Mastroianni. It is directed by Giuseppe Patrohi Griffi, and plays at Cineplex for the next week or so. Though not quite a film one would see at a bachelor party, it is close, and if you want $3.50 porn, you’ll find it. “Love” may be the oldest theme in the world to write a story or movie around, and as a theme it accommodates beautifully either comedy or tragedy -- sometimes both. Not only is love tragic’ in tragedies, it also is in comedies. Think about it - you’re !aughing at some poor character’s tragedy, aren’t you? While the film is not. as explicit as the opening scenes might lead one to believe it will become, nonetheless Laura Antonelli is a superbly beautiful girl and the nude scenes are artistically done and are memorable. If you get. past the sex, you’ll find an essentially classic story that’s easy to follow despite the distraction of the subtitles. Duke Daniele de Bagnasco (Stamp) falls in lust for Manuela (Antonelli) atid asks her to be his mistress. It isinteresting to note the portrayal of the historical period - pre WWII Italy. Decadent as hell. What a w&derful time to have lived if you were an aristocrat. But this i’s a story of aristocrats. She eventually accedes to his request; but we learn that she is pursued by Michele Barra (Mastroianni), a man who raped her as a child of 15 and is quite in love with her (or in lust for her - I don’t believe that the distinction is made clear, either for him, or later., for Daniele.) This situation) does not make Daniele happy. Quite thb opposite - he is, after all; falling in love/lust with Manuela. The film 1develops into a revenge plot, engineered by Daniele and executed by Manuela. This involved her bedhopping between the two men (Manuela has a plot of her own) which drives them mad. Manuela, angry with both men, leaves both to. lead her own life. Very noble. Very heartless..ft appears that her infidelity is the problem, not the men’s lusts. h Herein lies the moral of the story. It is difficult to -say who is “guilty” in the movie. certainly Michael Barra raped a 15 year old

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girl, but she admits she liked it. She says so in r . . . tact, and there IS even-an implication that she invited it. ’ - Yes, Duke Daniele is a lecherous, decadent fellow w,ho picks up and drops women with gay abandon, but then - Manuela cam& to him of her own free will. The difference between love and lust is under examination *<h&-e, as is the thin line between them. It is unquestionable that both men lusted after Manuela, and unquestionable that Manuela liked using this hold over them both. It is doubtful that lust transcendeditself tolove in the “Romeo and Juliet” sense, but certainly all the right elements, signs, and behaviours were there. Btit it is the destructive side of love . that is finally manifested. ’ Duke Daniele turns drug addict and soon shoots himself. Michael Barra joins the Fascist party (which amounts to the same thing) and Manuela escapes with a whole skin, money, and the experiencesinecessary to live a rich, full life. The moral, then? Don’t mix love and lust. Lust at least is honest vice, while love (in this ’ case) is most drastically unfair. John W. Bast

The Story of Arthur,‘gk excellent chilt reds play

Starts Friday Restricted

Mon-Friday: 7:10 819% Sat 81 Sun: 2:10,4:20, 7:10, 9:25

Another production in the continuing series of chirdren’s theatre took place in the Humanities Theatre last Saturday, when a rather informal presentation of Kini ,Arthur was staged by the Young PeQple’s -Theatre of Toronto. The stage props were kept to a minihumtwo flats and several alphabet boxes served to stimulate the imaginations of the children, as the plag moved from castles to forests and eventualIy to London. . Divided into six short stories, the presentation started with Art/7ur$ childhood and the introduction of Merlin, the Magician, who spirited Arthur away to live with Sir Hector and his children, Kay and Elaine. The plot is developed from Arthur’s point of view, bb.this time renamed Wart to mask hs real identity. Wart runs away from the home of Sir Hector and travels through the forest to London. During his trip he is delayed by two incidents involving King Pellinore, who is chasing the Questing Beast, and by Morgan la Fay, who is trying to avenge her old adversary Merlin. Merlin finally appears and sets Arthur on his way to London where Wart, alias, Arthu;, finds his real identity when he

succeeds In withdrawing the sword from the stone. Although the story line never became verv involved, the pace was quickened with the introduction of several musical numbers, and an ample amount of comic relief. Three of the five players acted out several different roles, .while one of the players narrated each of the stories. The props were rearranged for each of the stories, but the stage curtain was never layered, and so the audience had a chance to see some of the backstage work. The whole production was geared toward allowing the children in the audience to become as involved as possible in the production, even to the extent of having a question period at the end of the play. Several children and a few adults asked the various players questions pertaining to the production and these ‘were answered by the players involved with demonstrations of techniques and stage effects. Overall, Arthur was an excellent play. The next Children’s Production will be “The Tin Soldier,” by the National Tap Dance Company, on December 6. Randy Hannigan

State lmer 10. S abt life m ade 1 I dan t


To sum up the Anna Wyman Dance Theatre in one word: it was excellent, with a capital E-and all the other letters following it too. This amazing dance company had approximately the same effect as a person stranded on a desert island suddenly being presented with a gourmet meal. Wyman’s unique flavour is a wonderful blend of contemporary dance and statements about life sprinkled with light-hearted humour and served by dances executing the movements with precision and fluidity. Although the first number lagged a bit in timing, the dancers performed with amazing accuracy. The entire company seemed to be afire with boundless energy and the stage was perpetually alive with motion. Each dance contained its ‘own silent observations of human nature. “Hamartia” inspired by Picasso’s painting “Man Sitting,” seemed to reveal the agonies of thinking, and others’ reactions to it. Technology and its ugliness was presented in “Quicksilver” through the use of various harsh colour schemes. A general joviality was always present during the performance, and occasionally

. Ut v 4e

broke out into humour. One short skit revealed the absurdity of two males fighting over the- possession of a female. Imitations of athletes and their quirks also provoked laughter-such as the overexaggerated notions of a baseball pitcher. The fact that Wyman did not hesitate to employ unusual props added to her uniqueness. In “Hamar tia”, two of the company danced elegantly while seated on chairs with rollers. Red hats, bicycles, bands, and athletic equiment also made their way on to the stage. As well, the dances were impressively composed. with the unity and genius of a Beethoven symphony. All sensual means (lighting, movements, music) were exploited to their fullest capacity by the use of contrast, balance, and repetition to produce the desired atmosphere. With the sweet taste of the performance still lingering in the audience’s memory, Wyman provided after-dinner mints in the form of a hilarious curtain call in which each dancer “hammed it up” and attempted to outstage, the other. Truly the Anna Wyman Dance Theatre is a feast for the audience’s eyes. A.M. Lehn

Van Bridge chooses essays




It is a most risky, but pleasant, task to play critic to a portrayal of a character who is himself a great critic, and to compose witticisms about a master wit, for beside the fertile and illuminating mind of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, (portrayed by Tony van Bridge in a monologue last Thursday in the Humanities Theatre), the writing of the less illustrious resembles a desert of dry platitudes. It was an enjoyable, if reposeful, evening’s distraction to watch an accomplished actor play raconteur and present his interpretation of G.K. Chesterton. Tony van Bridge is a veteran Canadian actor who has performed widely across North America, including the Stratford and Shaw Festivals. His character, Chesterton, whose prime was in the earlier part of this century, was a British essayist, wit, author of detective short stories, and friend (but often an intellectual foe) of G. B. Shaw. From the selections chosen by van Bridge, it is clear that Chesterton was a master of the English language, both as a medium of expression and as an art form. The monologue unravelled as a series of selections chosen by van Bridge from Chesterton’s essays, stories, and witty repartees with Shaw. Those expecting an uproarious evening of humour may have been surprised to discover that the humour was only incidental to an expose of Chesterton’s very human and compassionate wisdom and imagination. That there seemed to be little continuity or logical sequence did not take away from the performance, for this is how Chesterton’s mind worked. A pocket knife sparked the vision of the great wars of ancient lore; ivy is used as a jumping stone to speak of England, and jury duty reminded him of the importance of the “common man.” Chesterton’s expansive mind was balanced by his equally expansive build, and van Bridge capitalized well on his character’s “portly” stature. His idea to walk on stage himself and introduce his character as he got into costume, padding and all, was innovative and exceptionally funny. Not only Chesterton’s large build, but his forgetfulness, his unkempt appearance, his cavernous pockets and his messy study, which served as a set, were all used very well by van Bridge as sources of humour. The performance failed only in those ways in which, by its very nature, it was bound to. Pointed witticisms, clever turns of phrase, and insights into life and death are more suited ‘to the written page than the dramatic stage. And though van Bridge’s sense of timing and


his stage presence made the show engaging enough, the lack of physical activity and the slow pace left you yearning for something more. The reading of Chesterton’s short story, “The Blue Cross” was very successful and illustrated that his chief domain is the written and not the spoken word. Here I must, however, issue a small disclaimer. For, as Chesterton wrote, there is great entertainment in sitting around a fire place reading aloud to one another. The monologue definitely fits into the catagory of “chamber-theatre”, so that perhaps our theatrical tastes, rather than Chesterton’s work, is displaced. Tony van Bridge, despite these restraints, managed to entertain his near capacity audience. As Shaw once said of Chesterton’s book on himself, we can say that van Bridge gave the best performance that Chesterton ever provoked. Dave Du binski

Donkin hilarious as “Miss Drool” Miss Rosalind Drool a.k.a. Eric Donkin, is the “sweet songstress” of Sarah Binks, in the laugh-filled one-man/woman extravaganza which is sweeping Canadian audiences right off their literary feet. Sarah Binks was author Paul Hiebert’s award-winning satire about an imaginary poetess laureate of Saskatchewan, who raised the province to “its highest prairie level” with her unique interpretation of rural philosophy whilst capturing the essence of life itself. Eric Donkin as Miss Rosalind Drool, in his/her hilarious go-minute Binks biography pointed this out as no one else could to a packed house at U of W’s Theatre of the Arts Saturday night. Drool is the favourite old English schoolmarm suitably attired in plain shirt, tailored skirt, elegant velvet smoking jacket (but she the classic wouldn’t) and ebony vest: conservative. She adorns her throat with strings of pearls, and paces the floor in sensible loafers, once she removed her gumboots. (She was fishing in Laurel Creek prior to her university engagement!) She was subtle but shrewd, never missing a jibe or jest, to the audience’s delight. “Oh, you’re late up there. Well do sit down. We’re just talking about Sarah Binks. You haven’t missed very much.” Drool, Sarah’s number one fan, was bred in Canada but cultivated on English soil.

“Rites of Passage”: A fun-filled reminiscence Rites of Passage is a heartening collection, in both spoken word and song, of various classical aspects of /the mystical transformation from child to adult. The pace begins somewhat easily with such selections as Anne Frank’s quiet observations of her changing body, and a wonderfully contemporary view of guardians by Alice Cooper entitled “My Liberated Parents”. With a sketch from Clockwork Orange, the pace quickens and the energy builds. This selection depicts the wild violent side of youth which was brought out so well, that it elicited nervous giggles from the audience. Other notable pieces are Catcher in the Rye and Marriage. Both are amusing situations the former about a minor attempting to impress a blonde at a bar, and the latter concerning a man’s troubled feelings about marriage and its afterlife. With these excellently performed pieces, the energy of the actors was set at a feverish pitch. This energy was sustained until the end, and the program appropriately finished with the spiritual ecstasy of Stephen Dedalous from Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by

James Joyce. Nourished under the inspiration of five graduating students of the drama department since mid-September, this-production grew, leisurely, from their own taste and imagination. Various pieces on the subject were gathered, then selections were carefully edited and arranged with the help of Patricia Bentley-Fisher. Rites of Passage has been performed for various high-school students during the day, as the company feels that these students can also relate to the material. Later the performers may abandon the Theatre of the Arts and tour these schools. To the company, this production is not merely homework, but a fun filled reminiscence. This is obvious by the energy with which the actors perform, and the expression of the others in the background while watching a colleague’s performance. So if you wish to be nostalgic, or just have a good time while viewing U of W students with potential, you still have a chance to catch their last performance this Saturday. It’s free, so don’t miss it. Am Lehn

On her travels she encountered a distant relative of Sarah’s, became infatuated with Sarah’s work, and the rest is history. From the simplistic “Cursed Duck” to the dramatic “Hoardes of Sheep,” Miss Drool’s (and Mr. Donkin’s) favourite piece of Sarah’s prose, Drool’s drole comments cause nonstop (no kidding) guffaws. She talks of Sarah’s adventures in Regina “the Athens of Saskatchewan” with notorious travelling salesman Henry Welkin. She sympathizes with Sarah’s “Dark Period after Regina,” growing tired of its glitter and Henry! She is horrified at the Binks-Thernow “conTROV-ersy” which implied (via a certain professor Howard P. Marrowfat), that Sarah’s grandfather (shh!) ghost wrote. She gushes of Sarah’s romantic prose (“the Parson’s Pate h, ” “Where Shall I Find?“) It’s Canadian poetry at its tongue-in-cheek best. She preaches of Ole, the one-eared hired hand, Matilda the naughty neighbour, her ducks, her horses, her apples and the heart-rending “Song to the Cow.” “Amorous of optic, mild but quick, A rhomboid snout, a mellow lick, And a breathlike ale.” - “Amorous of optic..breathlike ale! What imagery! With lines like these, and their haunting cadence, Binks expresses the great soul of Saskatchewan. One wonders how she does it.” No one wondered how Eric Donkin did it. A seasoned performer of stage and screen, and one of Stratford’s most familiar faces, in an inverview, Donkin said that Drool is not modeled after anyone. “She is created from my observations of life, She’s an afficianado, of a way of laughing at ourselves.“ “What Hiebert did for Sarah Binks I’ve done for Miss Drool.” And Miss Drool is adequately satisfied. “I think Eric is O.K. He’s given me the opportunity to bring Sarah Binks to the country without academia, persons of all levels can enjoy it.” Director John Banks and Eric Donkin adapted the show and stick quite closely to the book. “Altho.ugh I do change things here and there for effect from time to time,” added Donkin. He’s a master of female impersonation. The deft movements, the melodramatic heaves and sighs during “The Gaff,” the galloping of buffalo/sheep in “Hordes of Sheep” and the coyness when Drool mentions her privately published works “The Prairie Crocus” and “The Passion Flower” make Donkin’s Miss Drool a sheer delight. Donkin maintains that to do parody of anything, “you have to be damn good at it,“and Donkin is damn good at it. Sarah Binks met a tragic end at the tender age of twenty-three with a horse thermometer, but thanks to Eric Donkin with Drool’s brilliant c’haracterization, Sarah will live on in the heart of Canadian literature and theatre forever! Coral Andrews


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“A Hard Day’s Night” spent waiting in line It’s 7:45 on a Monday morning, and I’m sitting on the floor in front of the Fed office. Behind that locked d oor lies our destination. Jim and myself are the third and fourth people there. Of the other two, one has been here since 7:00, and the other has been here all night. What possible reason could there be for such obviously abnormal behaviour? Beatlemania, N vember 7th) 8:00 pm at the PAC, one show,P and one show only. Jim and I are relieved to be so close to the front. In our fevered imaginations we had pictured 3,000 people getting up earlier than us to stand in line and chant “Beatlemania! Beatlemania!” But there’s only four of us, and no chanting. A few more people arrive, grinning in secret, shared excitement. They too have beat those 3,000 people. 8:00 am. A woman arrives with the key to the Fed office. She seems surprised to see us. Apparently nothing has motivated UW students to line up before. She doesn’t let us in. Thoughts of chanting rise briefly in my mind, but disappear, ashamed. Still more people arrive. We’re all rationalising our being here on a Monday morning by studiously examining the interiors of our course texts and notebooks. It doesn’t work though. The fact remains that Jim and myself should be at our respective CS and Stats classes. As I sit on th e cold tile floor, I ponder the reason that I’m here. Ostensibly, I’m after 5 tickets to Beatlemania. But at $9 a shot, wouldn’t it be cheaper to wait until Liverpool comes to a local tavern? I must have something else in my sights. Maybe, through the supposed accuracy of Beatlemania’s reproduction, I hope to catch a glimpse of the Beatles. And what are we doing here, as a group? It’s becoming increasingly apparent that there is no need for us to line up. Tickets should be available for at least the rest of the week. Is this some sort of manifestation of our love for the Beatles? Do we want to line up? Perhaps this is some faint ghost of the real Beatlemania. Can a group that hasn’t released an album since 1970 still inspire such an emotional reaction? Looking around me, the answer seems to be yes,, A quick trip to the turnkey desk and a record request provides mood music in the form of Abbey Road, side 2.

9:00 approaches. Text books are forgotten, midterm in 2 hours or not. My palms begin to sweat. No more time for philosophical considerations. 30 people rise to their feet. Suddenly, unexpectedly, the door swings open. Through the desk, two quick lefts, into a room, “five please,” and out again. Outside, I consider the yellow paper in my hand. A slow smile spreads across my face as the realisation sets in. I’ve got two tickets to paradise! r Ben Lawson

English Sock lectures start To broaden literary horizons, the English Society, in cooperation with the faculty of the English Department, is presenting a series of seminar/lectures in the month of November. The series begins with Professor W. Martin speaking on the topic “Yeats: On Love and Sex”. at 4:00 pm in HH 373 (Grad Lounge) on Wednesday November 5. The second lecture, “Publishing in is to be presented on NovCanada,” ember 13 by Harold Horwood, Renison’s own Writer-in-Residence. Following this will be a panel and bearpit session on the nature of literary criticism on November 19, lead by Professors Beam, Ellis, and Martin (all of whom are currkntly instructors of English 251 classes). The final presentation will &e in the form of a lecture and visual aids by Professor H. Ellis on “William Blake: Poet and Painter.” This series promises to be fascinating as well as educational, and is open t,o all interested persons. Watch the bulletin boards and the Imprint for further information as to times and places. A.M. Lehn


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I I4 I s

1. A twist of lime goes a long way. (4) 3. Would they show the winners of music competitions? (6) 7. For a cure, would he rot cod the wrong way? (6) -8. Egad! H6d old! (4) 10. Removing the top of the gin? Nope, oddly enough. (7) 13. Imitation birds. (7) 16: Father I’d have given money to. (4) 17. We hear the window was harmed. (6) 18. Can’t have hesitation when the horse goes quickly. (6) 19. Easterner has notes. Southerner fails. (4)

Down 1. She had fabulous, but petrifying, hair. (6) 2. Fifty do well with poison. (4) 4. Short ragtime in G, showing feeling. (6) 5. Face the upsetting Ides. (4) 6. Policemen pennies? (7) 9. In it I always find beginnings! (7) 11. Food oration lacking nothing. (6) 12. Gardening suit? (6) 14. Story of the Ice Pick. (4) 15. Rolls back - and treat with contempt. (4)


to last



Across 1. hospital 7. bone 8. delta 10. die 12. lily 14. good 15. extra 16. sass 18. blur '20. top 22. infra 23. long 24. distance Down 2. spool 3. iced 4. aide 5. standard 6. alto 9. allspice 11. in two 13. yes 14. gab 17. sift 19. linen 20. taxi 21. plot Rosenpaul and Robert(s) were NOT puzzed: Fraser Simpson

Warriors down McMaster to advance- against WLU It was a do or die semifinal situation Wednesday afternoon when the third place Warriors met the second place Marauders on a cold McMaster pitch. For the victor there awaited a chance at the OUAA soccer title this Saturday, and for the loser 1001~~~1a long wait until next season. With Watc~r~luo suffering an unsettling injury early on in the game and McMast er r:on!rolling not only 60% of the ballhandling but the physical height as well, the Warriors appeared to be at a disativantage. “However,” said Warrior coach Ron Cooper “McMaster was not sharp enough around the net to capitalize, where we we’ve able to shut them down imcl make good our opportunities when we had to.” A pass from striker Tommy Abbott allowed John Tracogna to tuck the ball away into a corner of the

Mar: net early on in the first half. Later into the second half, Harry Christ akis made good if Trac:ofin~l--Abl~ot t combination tot passing settle the score at 2-O. Warrior keeper, Peter Bulfon, kept the Waterloo net clean to run his shutout streak to four straight games and allow the Warriors to c:cmtiiiut~ on to Ihe final game. First place Wilfred LaurieI was set against and defeated f’ouri h place Laurent ian 2-0, in other semi-final action. Going into Saturday’s final, Ron Cooper is confident about his team’s ability, and believes they wiI1 defeat their arch rival, He does hope to see, however, more support from spectators as he feels it would be a great boost to the team in their drive for the championship. The Warriors meet the Hawks on Laurier’s home field, Rudd Park, tomorrow


at :! p.m. Budd Park, well out in the boondocks. can be reached by going straight out Homer Watson Bl\stl.; past Budd Automotive. yOu’l1 find it on the left. D. Dickie

Warriors’ shutouts

a success

Ron Cooper’s soccer Warriors came within a hair of being blown out of further play in the short, frigid OUAA season, but persevered under the most adverse of conditions to secure a 1-O truimph ove1 the Western Mustangs, last Sunday. The win gave the Warriors third place in the final league standings. “Our players were too preoccupied with the weather and the wind in


ensible aer bit program

the first half,” commented players missing with injllries,” accordin\g t 0 CoCooper after the game. oper, and Waterloo was The g a III e : which had b e e n scheduled to be unable to take advantageof played at Seagram’s St adthe situation. ium, had to be removed to In the second half, “We kept the ball low.” That the rugger pitch at Columbia due to impossible was the kt?y factor, as IJW conditions at the Stadium. took control of the game Twenty-four hours of and capit alized on a beaurain plus the Warriort iful cross by Chris Ford which was banged in by Hawk foot ball game comTommy Abbott. bined to turn the already boggy conditions at SeaThe win was crucial for the Warriors as a draw gram’s into a quagmire. would have dropped them Playing at Columbia provided a different set of down to fifth place in the problems for the players. standings and out of the playoff picture. Though the pitch was dry, the wind was gusting to 60 This do-or-die situation and 70 miles an hour, was brought about by the blowing snow into the eyes Warriors’ O-O draw with Queen’s the day before. of the players. The preoccupation with 1 This game, also played at the weaIher nearly cost the Columbia, l)u t on the regWar’riors a spot in the ula soccer pitch, was ironically more like a rugby playoffs. sucked Playing with the wind in game, as players, the first half, the Warriors down by ankle cleep mud, had trouble keeping the spent more time on their ball down and were unable backsides and knees than on their feet. to take control of the game. “We played very badly in Had it not been for the the first half,” said Cooper. frozen feet and the crucial nature of the game, the “Western had a couple of

spectacle might have bt!trn humorous. Though they dominate(l t h e g a me against Queen’s the Warriors “coul(lri’t put the finishing touches to t htl pklyS,” said Cooper. They (lit1 have one glorious opport unit 4 ih t ho second half’ l)ut f‘orcvarcl John Tracogna’s attempt et1 conversion of a good cross slipped harmlessly of’f I he side of his foot past the net. After exhibiting some inconsistent play during most of the season, the Warriors seem to have solved most of their problems. According to Cooper, a lot of the credit for the turnaround in the past week (which included a 2-O victory over Toronto) has to go to the back four. They have tightened up a lot and have improved their communicat ion with the goalkeeper. They w‘ill need to continue their tight defensive work for their first-rountf match against McMaster. Jacob Arseneault

Season ends in mud, rain -

Participants (far


in dance

fit go through



of picture].

Out of sheer boredom and the fear of having too much spare time on my fall term academic schedule, I decided, without any pre,vious knowledge of the kinesiology of dance, to take up a leisure course called Dance Fit. What I did not realize was that this leisure/exercise class was about to show me a new horizon of dance enjoyment, exercise and physical fitness. The instructor is a bubenergetic and redbly, haired third-year dance student named Rachel Boutette. She begins each session of the class with a warm-up stretch of the various parts of the body and gradually brings the class into a ‘moving’ stage followed by a couple of vigorous dance routines. In between each seof dance, she quence reminds the class to take our pulses to ensure we are J working (and sweating) prescribed within the

range of heart beats per minute for our age. In order to achieve this we concentrate on developing aero bit capacity. Aerobic capacity is the measure of cardiovascular efficiency, and can be developed through such activities as jogging, swimming, cysling and dance, all of which elevate the heart rate for extended lengths of time. Hopefully, within the span of ten weeks, one will notice the improvement in terms of a lower heart rate (improved stroke volume the ability of the heart to expand) at rest and during exercise. The most unique innovation of this fitness program is that technique is not of utmost importance, it is the fun, laughter, singing, and social interaction among the students that are the most vital and beneficial aspects. So for the ladies (and gentlemen) who feel they have two left feet, as I did

led by Rachel Boutette photo by Alan Angold before the lessons, just use the prescribed ‘fake-it’ theory. No one will look at you too closely if you can’t get the hang of the new routine,Throughout the hour long session, held twice a week, one is vaguely a.ware of how quickly time slips by as we stretch every muscle and every joint of our bodies along with the beat of the accompanying music. The well-balanced combination of popular and jazz dance movements are choreographed to the music like ‘Rock with you’ (Michael Jackson), ‘Working my way back to you’ (Spinners], ‘California girls’ (Beach Boys) etc. Gord Gruce in the mud thut wus the fit!ld S(Iturdoy in fhc Warriors 14-13 loss to Thank you Rachel, for bringing sunshine and Lourier. The gume murkcci the end of the S~:~JSO~Ifor liW. while Lurlrirtr c:ontinuc!s on ‘aero bit’ energy to this . uguinst Toronto in the playoffs. Despite the dismal Wurrior record of ~-3-5, two group of 35 girls. ‘I a-m s-o pluyers have uchieved nutionol recognition. Tight end Bill Boug finished second in tht! nution in puss receptions. with 37, (I succr;ssf~~I “cr~mplction b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l’ were my ” to his collr:gc: c(Jr(:f!r in words as I stretched then Wutcrloo. Quorterbock Bob f’ronyk did weI1 hirnsclf. coming in thirc/ r,vcr(lll in pruned my face in our final passing with 1388 yards for the season. The Warriors go into the off-se(~son with the facial exercise. knowledge that although their brief glimpses of glory did not muteriulize, they ulwuys played with energy und class. Vivian Huang photo by David Trohuir




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With basketball season here the Warriors are faced with a line-up of rookies to open with. Coach Don McCrae intends to carry a sixteen man squad (four more than usually carried) but only six of those players have any varsity experience at all and only one returns from last year’s Warriors. Still, McCrae believes this team has a good chance to be a championship contender. Though the team is a young one McCrae sees great potential in it. He claims they have good guards, are deep with forwards (particularly once Doug Vance returns in January) and have capable centres whose only problem may be in adjusting to opponents who have a size advantage.

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McCrae has set up an eight to nine man central unit and a crew of support players. He admits that some, players were not pleased with this ~arrangement but adds that no one is being shut out and any player may yet aspire to a spot on that unit. To assure that all players receive adequate attention, he has Mike Visser (OUAA all star; Kitchener Senior Titans) and Mike Frisbee (former National Player) assisting him. Their league experience should be beneficial to the team. Overall the Warriors have good size; they demonstrate speed and strength, lacking only a big centre at the mome,nt. They seem keen and dedicated but McCrae says their opening games will be the true test of enthusiasm; should they hold on to that attitude, they may prove a great team. Returning in January will be forward Doug Vance. Although matched with teammates younger than himself, Vance has demonstrated a good attitude to McCrae, who will be glad to have him back and expects him to handle the situation well. Those with some league

with outstanding experience include: Cal Kiel, guard, speed; and Harry Van Druen a 5’10” guard who played one year with Guelph, Phil 6’4”, forward, with treDave mendous shooting ability. Jarrett, 6'3" guard: Scott , Still under consideration is Burns, 6'5", guard: King, 6’s”, centre; Bruce Frank Mucschalla, a 6’5” Be&bill, 6’s”, forward; Tom forward, recovering from a Fugedi, 6'5", centre, who sprained ad&. rejoins the Warriors after a The experience the team two year absence. currently lacks might well be The rookies show potenacquired in the numerous ‘tid as well offering somegood tournaments they are Players to watch for* Among scheduled to play. They meet these are: Lee Gladman, 6'1" H&dale, a traditionally at guard; Paul Bean, 6’2” at strong team in Michigan on guard who Plays his rookie November 10. Again, the year although in fourth year; highlight of their exhibition Dan St. Almand at centre, season is the Naismith Mike West, 6'6" at forward which Waterloo hosts (demonstrating outstand&3 everv vear. shooting ability), Bob UroTX,,ht at eight, the sevic, 6'1" at guard (who Warriors open their season may prove to be Waterloo’s offihlly against the Univerbest catch out of the twin sityAr of Toronto, here, at the cities this year); Paul Van P Oorschoc, a 6'5" centre rAbJ. who comes with a 99 According to McCrae, average as well; the “Youth will prevail...and it Stratford connection of better.” Steve Leeming, 6'0" at Virginia Butler

Martial Arts to raise cash for cancer fund Kitchener’s Scarlet Dragon Society productions have always added a touch of class to martial arts presentations and the upcoming Kickboxing for Cancer event will be no exception. Of all the fund raising events structured for the Canadian Cancer Society, this particular one may well be the most unusual. With the presence of some of Ontario’s finest talent (and even some of UW’s own talent) in the martial arts, it will be an exhibition you will not want to miss. Featured will be Kung Fu and Karate demonstrators whose abilities have entertained spectators throughout Ontario. Semi-contact fighters will display their speed and skillful techniques in what promises to be some very exciting team

matches. Highlighting the event will be the fast growing spectatorsport of kickboxing. Noted amateurs and distinguished professionals will pit their physical powers against one another in the thirteen schednuled matches; one of which will be a Canadian elimination title fight. The proceeds will all go to the Canadian Cancer Society. The greater the attendance the greater the kick against cancer so make an effort to support the fight against this killer disease. This licenced event will be held at the Bingeman Park Ballroom on the date of Sunday, November 2,198O commencing at 1 pm. Advance tickets are available at all Kitchener-Waterloo, King St. Yellow Submarine locations. Tickets will also be available at the door.




Satisfaction from , seeing . people ,grow

Ath .lete of the Week of the This 1week’s I winners are Bill Molsc In’s A wards Boug and S usan Scott.

Sue Scott Field Hockey The versi utility of Sue Scott’s i pla! ,‘iwi abilities have a lways been a contribution to the Athena Field Hockey team. A 5th year Math student, Sue has played both forward and defense. This year and last, deep in our Sue plays midfield -defense and has been a significant contributor to the Athenas 42-19 goals for and against. Sue always draws the toughest attacker when playing, and seldom does she give any ground. Sue’s quiet leadership has always been on the field getting the job done. With the Athenas set to enter the OWIAA finals this weekend, it will be Sue who must take charge of the defense and be the ‘glue’ in backfield. Bill Boug Football On Saturday Bill Boug completed his final year of eligibility with the University of Waterloo football Warriors. During his 5 years with the team he has played many positions. He was the team’s starting quarterback in his first years. During that -two-- ____-~ time, he climbed into the top five in career completions at the Universitg of Waterloo. ln his third year Bill switched to an offensive tight end position. As a tight end Bill was voted to

Judy McCrae expresses the enjoyment she obtains from her career, “I am an active person. Most people involved in athletics are doers, and I enjoy these people. I like watching people have the chance to improve at certain tasks because they want to. There is a lot of internal motivation in the sport setting. It makes for a good teaching situation. “I get my rewards in the form of personal satisfaction from watching people grow, by seeing them accomplish goals little by little.” As for the future, McCrae says her goals are quite ordinary, “like motherhood and apple pie”. She comments, “My goals are predetermined by the opportunities available. I do not aspire to be a na.tional coach. Rather, my main concern is to be a better coach each year in all aspects of coaching.” Tammy Horne

the OUAA All Star team and also to the All Canadian team last season. In addition Bill was awarded the Tom Pate Memorial Scholarship by the CFL players association. This season Boug was the second-best receiver in the country. When league All Star and All Canadian votes are in, Bill Boug :will be very noticeable in both.


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fast and holding firm against lively protest from various parts of her I body, to finish

Gibson and Yvonne dejong, running toget her all the way, helped one anot her to 28th



~~~~~~~~c~trh~~~~~r~~ performance for these I ooklcs

also a disappointment for the team. Because of a coaching error, four key Athenas, Qay Brooke, Lana Marjama, Patti Moore, and Mary Frances Lloyd, found themselves running in flats, which provided almost no traction on the mud. Bay and Lana, thus deprived of any ability to accelerate, were accordingly relegated to the role of working their way through the pack after the start. This they did admirably, moving up to 20th and 24th at the finish, but both had had every reason to expect to do far better. Patti and Mary Frances were never able to get moving and finished 41st and 47th; only a week before, Mary Frances, in spikes on a worse course, had finished an excellent 19th at the provincial cross country championships. The overall effect was to deprive the Athenas of any chance at the higher finish they had hoped for. In all this, there were two other bright notes, as Jacquie

this Athena team returning next fall, and with the coach having learned a valuable lesson about spikes, Waterloo could be a championship contender in 1981. The Warriors’ fourth place finish was also an improvement from last year’s sixth, and also a disappointment for a team that had had championship aspirations. Any hopes of . a team victory were dashed when Mark Inman, at the time running with the leaders, was forced to drop out of the race with an injured knee. The Warrior finishers were Tom Boone in 8th, Ray Costello in lr;th, Gary Hutchinson in 21st, Steve King in 25th, Bruce Harris in 84th, and Alan Wrobel in 41st. “They all ran excellently,” commented Warriors’ coach Les Roberts.. “Mark was solidly in second place when his knee gave out. The rest of the team ran an average of a minute faster this week thanat the September meet over the same course.”


shine in finals

The job of the university athletic coach involves many.long, irregular hours. He or she is often dealing with students during -what most people consider to be their leisure time. Judy MC Crae is certainly one such busy person. In addition to her duties as coach of the 4field hockey, men’s badminton, and men’s and women’s curling teams, McCrae is also Vice President of the National Field Hockey Team, and is an instructor for the National Coaching Certification Program. However, she emphasizes that the amount of time she spends at her job does not outweigh the rewards. McCrae enjoys the athletic environment and has been ivolved in sports for many years. She is a Physical Education Western Michigan graduate of University and the University of North Carolina. athlete, McCrae A,s a varsity played virtually all sports, winning all-state honours in volleyball and basketball. She taught and coached high school in her home town of Sarnia between her undergraduate and graduate studies, and arrived at UW in 1971.


The OUAA/OWIAA Cross Country Championships at Western last weekend saw fourth place finishes by both the Warriors and Athenas, on a course which once again featured a surface of incredibly slippery mud. For the Athenas the :. fourth place finish was an enormous improvement from last year’s seventh place. While the first three teams were last year’s first three in a different order, with Western finishing a comfortable first (placing four runners in the top ten) and Guelph nipping Queen’s for second, Waterloo moved up past York, Laurentian, and Toronto. The Athenas were led by Lisa Amsden, who ran a courageous and resourceful race, starting

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