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- Wednesday,

Sept. 7 -

Science Society registration for allsciencefrosh. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. ESC 1st Floor.


Math Society 3005.

10 a.m. -

3 p.m. MC

Orientation Wednesday.


Oh Dad, Poor Dad -see

Eng Sot Pub and Videos 8 p.m., Ruby’s, Waterloo Inn. NB: Pub Crawl changed to Friday.

prepared to show off any performance talents you have (juggling, dance, tumbling, etc.). 2 p.m. - 4 p.m., CC 110.

who stay. 11 p.m. - 5 a.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. ’

- Monday,

Sept. 12 A


Meet Your Federation President. Tom Allison will be available in the PAC toanswer questions. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. PAC.

Eng Sot Pub Crawl. p.m.

Call ext. 2323 for details. 6

Workshop - ResearchShort Cuts for History See pg. 16 for other faculties, times and dates. 1 p.m.

K-W Red Cross

Sci Sot Pub Crawl. Call ext. 2325 for details. 6:00 p.m.

Messenjah! Reggae stars with special guest 20th Century Rebels for a free outdoor concert. Sponsored by Bent, Federation of Students, 2 p.m. Village Green.

Blood Donor Clinic. 2 p.m. -

8:30 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church, 136 Margaret & Louisa Streets, Kitchener. ’ Arts Forum - Information session for all Arts students. 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. AL Rm. to be


- Friday,

Orientation Pub sponsored by Bent, ASU and Dance Society. Admission: $1.00 at the door. 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. SCH. Renison

Eng Sot B Scavenger Hunt. Check at the Orifice

for details. Ext. 2323,4 p.m. Orientation

Play: Oh Dad, Poor Dad. Tickets

$2.00 Freshmen,

$2.50 Feds and $3.00 general.

- Thursday,


- Tuesday,

Dance. Call ext. 2324.8 p.m. Play:

Oh Dad, Poor Dad

- Saturday,


Sept. 10 -

Waterloo Christian Fellowship Bike Trip to Waterloo Farmer’s Market and the Stone Crock. 8 a.m. - 12 noon. Meet at Campus Centre at 8 a.m.

Sept. 8 -


Booth. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


ASU Country Tour. information. 10 a.m.

Orientation for foreign students: information about services and programs for foreign students, a film,, refreshments. 2-4 p.m. Foreign student office, Needles Hall. a

Monte Carlo Night. Gambling, drinking, dancing, with proceeds going to Federated Appeal. Sponsored ‘by Math, Arts and Ret Orientation. 8 p.m. South Campus Hall.

Science Society Blue Jay Baseball road trip. Tickets available at SciSoc office. 4 p.m.




Crawl. 6 p.m.

Pub Crawl-Fun

Phone ext. 2324 for info.

- See Wednesday.

Mad Mad Mad Movie Night. Free all-night movies followed by free sunrise breakfast for all

send regards. Yours the White Rabbit.

Acid. You’ve. got it, I want it. The usual place. T. A.

Nasty Baggins, we’ve finally+ figured out what it has in its pocketses - G. Thump thump thump thump ’ thump,’ thump: thump’ thum2; thuQp the

Like wow, man, the campus is covered with these lizards, and it’s like, disrupting my serenitude - Flower. Is your




Insane Landlords). lots to discuss.

Funnels Von Fishnet: Welcome to Canada’s Wonderland. B. F.

know of a food containing both tamarinds and anchovies? Help a scavenger hunter by calling 744-8273.

Wanted: Large dog with floppy ears to attend tutorials in my place. Must be disciplined, a light eater, and not lick professors’ shoes.


Carrie: I can hardly wait until Dynasty starts again. Too bad we can’t all watch it together a’gain.


never too late to have a

happy childhood.”

- TR.

Winkie, remember the night on the beach when you pointed out which one was Jup.iter? I can’t find it now. Please call J.J.

nyah. (Bring Back Society meeting

Listep folks, let’s try to avoid “sickening” this year, huh? Your typesetter.


of We have

Do you know who I am? I don’i have an American Express card so I can go anywhere incognito. Nyah, BBTW ’ Worm)

Hi! I’m 25 years old, male, part-timer, studying drama and looking for a roommate. Have a car and I’m willing to share all expenses. +k for Gene at 822-3965 or leave number at ext. 3730.


Do you have a spare afternoon to help put a theatre on its feet? Waterworks Theatre is opening soon, and volunteers are welcome. 744-8273.

insane? Join TOIL(Tenants

The com-

ing soon. Check posterinfront of Math stairwell, 4th floor. I loathedoing laundry! If there is any kind, generous person who -will do mine for me, please put an ad in Imprint next week. Cannot afford to _., I-my. rMbff~n Man Lives! --


Cathy have a super workterm in T.O. and plan to stay home cold winter nights. Your roomie.

~Classifiedthump. ’ -Sigr&, y Invaders.

Call ext. 2322 for more

Play: Oh Dad, Poor Dad. Last night

Next issue: Thursday, Sept. 15; Classifieds and Campus Events are due at Noon, on Monw, September 12

Ailison. I hear you’ve been naughty. Contact SM for forgiveness, if you dare: Centurions catalogue has arrived.

Thanks favours

to “St. received.

Drama Dept. auditions for The Knack and The Wizard of Oz will be held today to Thursday from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in HH 180.

Pub Crawl. 8 p.m. Renison.

Orientation Wednesday.

~Sponsored by the Federation of Students, Creative Arts Board. 8 p.m. Theatre of the Arts.


Sept. 9 -


Hey Jude, don’t be afraid. for it and don’t keep waiting here alone. L.M.

Sept. 13 -

Federation Clubs Orientation Booths. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. Village Residences - No Show Lottery. A limited number of rooms in the Village Residences may become available during the Fall terry registration period due to late cancellations, and these rooms will be rented on alottery basis today. Students without accommodation at that time should come to the Housing Office at 1:30 p.m. All names of those present will be taken and a lottery draw will be made for any rooms available. There is no point in coming to the Office prior to 1:30 p.m. as no names will be recorded before that time. Auditions. Creative Arts Board production of the children’s show Free To Be You And Me, which will tour local schools for National Universities Week, October 2-8. We’re looking for 6-12‘lively, enthusiastic actors/ performers of all sizes and shapes. Bring any musical instruments and be

Tamara & Chris: How do you like living together? Don’t forget to watch Dynasty. Attn: Torrie McTaggert and Meagan Smith. Welcome to Waterloo!! I hope you enjoy your stay. I saw your fathers in July, and they told me to keep an eye on you. So where are you? (Reply in next week’s Imprint) - Jim. Hi MJR, here’s hoping you have another really great year. I’ll miss those late Wednesday nights. The Sidekick (P.S. Have a really NICE day). Pooge III: in the footsteps of Big Red; get drunk; fall down; no problem. Good luck and lots of good times. Fernie.’ Happy Birthday to Joanne Casteller! She’ll be at Monte Carlo night on Sept. 10 so buy her a drink and help make her birthday something to forget. Happy Birthday M. J.! Gee it’s nice to have a “sister” like you. Be prepared for a week long birthday.

Wanted: Used typewriter “Saint Jerome’s once; Saint ribbons to make lamp for Jerome’s twice; . . . FROSH girlfriend’s Christmas present. you’ll never get enough - even Straight black, ribbon type after four years of S.J.C. only. No cartridges or correc%%g tapes please. The time has come, the Walrus , said, to speak of many things.. Jimmy: I k&w what’s gonna . Good luck G.B. and G.E. happen on Dallas. Ray, J.R. and Sue Ellen will survive the - Dr. Goodhead: how are you fire, but John Ross is gonna enioying life off-campus? Are die. Then J.R.‘s gonna run for you -making good use of the President of the U.S.A. kitchen floor?

for Go me

Jim Best wishes to mv favourite competent dependent NPC. Bulk and Shade


Dept. Auditions

- See Monday.

Warriors Band first meeting is at 7:30 p.m. at the PAC Red South entrance.

- Wednesday,

Sept. 14 -

Arts, EMS, and Map and Design see Monday.

Libraries -

Age of Majority Card Clinic (Ontario Photo ID Cards). 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Campus Centre. Federation Clubs Orientation Booths -10 - 4 p.m. Campus Centre Great H&. Auditions, Drama

Creative Arts Board - see Tuesday.

Dept. Auditions

-- see Monday.

Outers Club Fall Kick-off Meeting. We’re going to talk about the club and also about spelunking in the Warsaw Caves. There’s also going to be a lot of cycling this term. 4:30 p.m. CC 135. Yuk-Yuks, a free comedy show will be presented prior to Cinema Gratis. Sponsored by Bent, Federation of Students. 7:30 p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. W.R.E.O.S.H. Film Night. Waterloo Region Environment and Occupational Safety and Health Council Presents: “Who WilllSentenceNow”and “Dying for Work”. All are welcome. Kitchener Public Library. 7:30 p.m.

Zabe, wishing you the best of times. You’re only a fresh once, enjoy it, your favourite (?) DJ.

Steel office desks $45 - $65.4 dr. file cabinets, 50 swivel chairs, bargain, large oak wardrobe. 884-2806. 48K Apple *II compatible computer: Colour graphics, 8 edge-card peripheral connectors, cables for T.V. and Cassette. Must sell, asking $499 - Tim, 886-23 18. 1979 Honda Accord silver 5 speed, AM/FM cassette, full sunroof. Excellent condition, 85,000 km. Call 888-6026, asking ---__ $3995.00.

U of W Varsity Rugby: the coaching staff of the U of W rugby club invite potential players tQ attend practices which are held daily on Cplumbia Field at 5 p.m. All those interested in playing or learning to play rugby are welcome. Monte Carlo Night at South Campus Hall. For charity. Black Jack, Crown 8z Anchor, D.J. & more. Come out and try your luck against the odds.

Typing.. 80c/page IBM Selectric, carbon ribbon, grammar/ spelling corrections, paper provided, symbol/ italics available; work term reports, theses, essays. 579-55 13 evenings. Downtown Kitchener location. Maggie can type it! Essays, thesis, $1 .OO per page. Resumes, $5.00. Minimum charge $5.00. Free pickup and delivery. Call 743-1976.

Wanted: ‘Townhouse in 256 Phillip Street complex or 2 bedroom apartment close to U W to sublet JanuaryApril 1984. Contact: Joyce Miller at 4 16-595-3750. Leave message. Townhouse or needed by three 2nd students in January. have one available, at 6 13-2244502.

apartment year math If you will call Adam

““One black t-shirt. kost at 4: 10 on ringroad, at crosswalk near train tracks. Cash reward. Call ext. 38 15 days. I

THREE DOLLARS OFF any 12 slice Pizza of your choice. Please Offer


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-. News

Imprint. Tuesday,

No ease-in overseas work by don button Imprint staff In a recent interview with Imprint during a rare visit to Canada, CUSO’s co-ordinator of Nigerian CUSO volunteers, Greg Morley, talked about the CUSO program and what it was like working and 1ivinginNigeria. The picture he painted was not a pretty one, but only for those of us who have grown so accustomed to modern conveniences, running water, hydro and the closest Mat’s Milk. For Greg Morley, the CUSO volunteers in Nigeria, and 100 million Nigerian citizens, the picture he paints is not a horror, it’s a way of life. CUSO is a Canadian organization (similar organizations exist world-wide on both national and international levels) that coordinates and organizes the recruitment of specifically-trained Canadians to work in underdeveloped countries that require such personnel. In Nigeria’s case, the greatest need is for teachers, and therefor CUSO recruits Canadian teachers and graduates of teachers colleges to work in Nigeria. Greg Morley co-ordinates these volunteers. In many other countries around the world, other Greg Morleys do the same thing. In the case of other countries, however, the CUSO volunteers may be engineers, doctors, or administrators whatever type of profession that country is short of. Calling them volunteers is a bit ofa misnomer. The workers do volunteer, but they are paid - whatever the going rate is in the country in which they are working. In the case of the teachers in Nigeria, this amounts to about $500 a month, although accommodation is provided by the Nigerian government. But as Morley explained, $500 is more than enough on which to survive in Nigeria. It isn’t enough to get rich on, and it falls well short of what the volunteers could expect to be earning had they stayed in Canada, but it is enough to live on. “When you don’t have rent to pay, or mortgages,” explained Morley, “there is not an awful lot left to spend your money on. For a lot of them, there is no hydro or water bills to pay, because there is no hydro or running water. Most of them have nb access to movies or shows, and the biggest form of entertaiment is conversation. Or you can always read by candlelight.” Morley’s own quarters are mansion-like in comparison. He summed up his lifestyle and living conditions by saying, “I live in a nice, little bungalow. True, I’ve caught three rats in my kitchen, and I’ve seen cockroaches three inches long, and I can hear the termites nibbling at my door frame, but I’ve got comfortable couches, a decent bed, clean sheets, and I live in a city that has fresh fruit and vegetables. I get up at 4 or 5 in the morning, and frequently work 10 to 14 hour days. I once worked 7 weeks without a day off. I spend a lot of time on the road, which is a nerve wracking experience because Nigerian drivers are probably the worst, and certainly the most aggressive, in the world.” As mentioned earlier, the picture Morley paints is not a pretty one. Which does not explain why Morley chose to give up a successful law practice in Victoria, B.C. to take the job with CUSO and move to Nigeria. “I’ve never been particularly motivated by money or career path,” he admitted, “and I’m more interested in the type of work I’m doing than where that work is or how much they are paying me to do it.” Before joining CUSO, Morley had worked for many different companies, government agencies, had taught at-universities, and had worked internationally in ecology and development related agencies. He says that he studied law, not with the intent of becoming a fat cat lawyer, but with theview ofdevelopingcertain skills. He has put those skills to good use in Nigeria, where his problem solving and time management skills are often put to the . test by the task of co-ordinating CUSO’s 170volunteers, or, as he refers to them, co-operants. He is paid $30,000 a year by CUSO, and is the only.employee of CUSO in the country. He estimates that he could easily double his salary by doing the same type of job in a developed country. From his work in Nigeria, he feels that there is no reason why anyone should not want to go to the country to work, although he says there are a lot of people who shouldn’t go. “It is a personal* thing, and there is no reason you shouldn’t go except for personal limitations. If you can’t live on the money, don’t go. If you can’t live in a straw hut, without hydro or running water, don’t go. If you can’t live with three inch cock roaches, don’t go. Basically, it gets down to change.‘If you can’t accept change, or that ours is not the only way to do things, you shouldn’t go. If you don’tlike foreigners, don’t go because when you get there, you’ll find that you are are foreigner.” “I just happened to be born in a country with great riches. That’s luck. My father had a grade four education. I can’t help feeling that if I ,had been born in an African nation in similar circumstances, I would not have had the opportunity to do a lot of things that I have done. I think you should be motivated to do something about giving something back, but I can’t make you be so motivated. I just happen to think that sharing and giving are more important, that’s all. As I said, it’s a personal thing.” Morley allowed that to join CUSO you had to be a little of an optimist, but he comes across as more of a realist. Ideally, he doesn’t think that CUSO is the answer. Realistically, he knows that it is the only thing that he can do to help. “We aren’t attacking the problem,” he admitted. “We are attacking the consequences of the problem. A lot of myths are exploded when you go abroad. You learn that’ Canada isn’t perfect. You learnthat a lot of their problems are caused by our riches. I don’t think it is realistic to hold out to them that they, too, can be like us. There aren’t enough riches in the world. The only way they are going to stop being underdeveloped is for the developed countries to consciously lower their levels of consumption.” He doesn’t see the World Federalist approach as a reasonable

solution, remarking that, “Can you imagine the bureaucracy? Look at how inefficient the existing governments operate, and think of one that size. Whew!” He also said that he disagrees with excessive military spending. “If you’re people are poor and starving, and you are spending your money on arms, you are not serving your-people in the best way. But then, a lot of people have tavested interest in arms, and they are profit-oriented people. Look at the Second World War: the American and German arms people weren’t at each other’s throats - they were co-operating to make more money.” Although he realizes what some of the problems are, Greg Morley also realizes that he hasn’t much control over the situation. He can’t make North Americans lower their level of consumption, he can’t make countries stop over-spending on weapons, and he has no other solutions. So he works for CUSO, and makes a concrete contribution where he can. Morley was quick to point out that his views were not necessarily the views of CUSO, but that CUSO did not discourage people from speaking out. He said that CUSO was against and for issues, but were not politically involved in national or local politics in any of the countries in which they have co-operants. “CUSO places people incountries by request of the sponsoring government,” he said, “and to my knowledge, CUSO has never been kicked out of a country for doing something they didn’t want us to do.” He went on to say that CUSO’s image abroad is a very positive one, and that he had met people in Nigeria who had been taught by CUSO people 15 years ago, and they all had nothing but good things to say about the organization and its people. “When you come along with a lot of money, the country usually ends up doing what you want them to do, not what they want to do. CUSO doesn’t work that way - we are a service organization, and we just help them achieve what they want to achieve,” he elaborated. Many of the volunteers in Nigeria re-apply for another year once their two year contract is over. Others put in their two years and leave. Fewer still leave before the two years is up. Morley stressed that, “While the two year contract is legally and morally binding, CUSO is ultimately a compassionate organization. We don’t go after them, but we do want them to know they are liable. CUSO is not a chinchy outfit, but we do try to be responsible for public money.” He reminisced about an incident two years ago in which a “Canadian got off the plane, said ‘Oh, my God!‘, and the only reason he stayed 24 hours was because it was the first plane back. Most of them, though, get off the plane, say ‘Oh, my God!‘, and then buckle down to adapt to it. Then they leave in two or three or four years with regret because you can’t pour so much into it and then leave without feeling.” CUSO volunteers are prepared as best they can be before they leave Canada, but, as Morley admitted, “You can tell them about it, which will help them deal with the reality ofit, but you can’t do any more than that.”


6,1983 -



The four evening, and one day Orientation program involves new volunteers, CUSO co-ordinators, and returned cooperants, and follows a lengthy ap.plication procedure. First, the applicant is encouraged to read material on the country and talk to past volunteers to get a better idea of what they are getting into. Then, if they are still interested, they must fill out a fairly extensive application. Next, there is an interview with a panel, usually consisting of three CUSO representatives. Their notes, along with the application, three personal references, and medical certificates are sent off to Ottawa for evaluation. Then the hard part begins. The package is sent off to the country’s co-ordinator, in Nigeria’s case, to Greg Morley. Then it must get approval from the appropriate government agencies. In the case of a teacher in Nigeria, that involves two federal agencies, a state agency, and the local school agency; “Which is not too easy in Nigeria,” commented Morley. “You can’t phone because the internal phone system doesn’t work too well. Their mail service is similar to Canada’s; it doesn’t always ’ work. So you have to drive 8 or 9 hours, but then the person might not even be there so you have to turn around and drive right back and try it again in a couple of days.” For the most part, applicants will have to wait at‘least six months from the time they fill out the application until they hear whether or not they have been accepted. If the application is turned down at any point, whether in Ottawa or at any of the agencies in the sponsoring countries, the applicant is out of luck. As for Morley, his term with CUSO will be over in another year, and he doesn’t plan to stay on for another term, He said that it was a high burn-out job, and that he had never intended to make a career.out of CUSO. He wants to go to India next, and would work there for CUSO if ajob came up. Otherwise, he’llgo anywhere, and work where he can. “I’ve never developed expensive tasts,” he said, explaining how he could afford to live in his type of lifestyle. He feels that he has accomplished a lot in Nigeria, just as CUSO has done in the 21 years in which they have been placing volunteers in thehuge African country. Morley will go on to serve in other countires, and to help out where hecan. CUSO will undoubtedly continue to place co-operants in Nigeria, as they do in scores of other countries around the world, unless a more permanent solution is agreed upon by the powers that be. In the meantime, CUSO wil continue to seek financial and human support all across the country, and will continue to try to raise Canadian’s levels of consciousness about underdeveloped nations and the role CUSO plays in them. The next such local endeavour will be an informational meeting on September 20th at 8:30 p.m. in rm. 254, MC 5005. The meeting is open to the public, and area co-ordinator Susan Isaacs, explained that the sole purpose. of the meeting is to educate, not to ask for volunteers or money. Even those not planning to head off to Nigeria or Papua New Guinea could probably learn something from the meeting, and you never know. . .

to contiriud,without volunte’ers!



Staff - September 12th 11:30 a.m. New Staff and Inquiries Sept. 12th 12:30 p.m. Returning

Coffee and Donuts provided MEETING TIMES INCONVENIENT? Drop by anytime and see the Editor Campus





or ext. 2331





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478-A Albert St. N. - Next to Zehrs Parkdale Plaza - 885-0580 - Waterloo


Gay rights


by Paul Barton Gay Liberation of Waterloo (GLOW) is a University of Waterloo based organization, with members from within and outside the university community. Minimally funded by the Federation of Students, GLOW attempts to serve the University community as well as the major communities of- KitchenerWaterloo in four basic areas of concern: 1) As a support network for University and area lesbians and gays, 2) As asource of much needed information abqut homosexuality and sexuality in general, 3) To organize and present social events for the gay and lesbian community of the University, Kitchener-Waterloo, and the surrounding area; and 4) As a politicizing agent, continually raising issues and- problems that lesbians and gays overtly or covertly face in their daily lives, in the pursuit of social change. GLOW, in the 12 years since its inception, has seen an almost cyclical pattern of growth and decline in the size of its membership, with an accompanying pattern of club activity. Beginning in the early seventies along with many other groups considered at that time quite radical, GLOW has managed to remain intact over the yearas, carrying over its mandate with minimal changes. Originally known as “Waterloo Universities’ Gay Liberation Movement (“Gay Lib” to many), the name of the club was altered in the late seventies to take advantage of the acronym “GLOW”. Presently, the Collective (executive) is involved in modifying, GLOW’s original constitution. There are surprisingly few changes necessary; most of the work invovles addition, e.g. bylaws, and subtle vocabulary changes to replace either outdated, or what we consider to be improper, language. One important change the club hopes to implement is theexpansion of the title of the club from G.L.O.W. to G.L.L.O.W. to iepresent Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo” (still pronounced “GLOW”). Many complain about the wordiness of the n&w title, e.g. why not replace the word “Liberation” with “Lesbian”, leaving the acronym unchanged. The Collective believes that the inclusion of the,word “liberation” is still highly necessary to thefulfillment of their mandate. They wish to make it perfectly clear that they are not simpLy a gay and lesbian social club. GLOW (soon to be GLLOW) continues to provide a support network for the community. One way is through their volunteer phoneline, with which GLOW offers peer counselling, information on homosexuality, ,or just simple, friendly / 9





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is active

conversation. The phoneline is very often the first contact a closeted lesbian or gay may have with the community, and GLOW has a great responsibility to ensure that this first step is as positive and constructive as posssible. GLOW operates from Rm. 217 in the Campus Centre, where, during office hours (generally 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. weeknights) drop-in counselling as well as library use is offered. Anyone looking for up-to-date material on homosexuality is invited to make use of the library (membership or deposit required). Over the last year GLOW has expanded their collection of Gay and Lesbian fiction and non-fiction to a great extent. In addition they are producing a newsletter; “GLOW News”. Included in the newsletter are local and global concerns, as well as coming events, and information on local groups. GLOW, in conjunction with other groups in the area (Gays of Wilfrid Laurier University, the Kitchener-Waterloo Gay Media Collective, and the Lesbian Organization of Kitchener) has been sponsoring a monthly dance for about a year’s time. Although originally faced with discrimination in terms of hall rentals, GLO*W has managed to keep on schedule. They are delighted that, for the foreseeable future, dances will be held in “The Studio” at the “Centre in the Square”, in Kitchener. The next dances are September 16th and October,2 1st. GLOW’s regular Wednesday night coffeehouse, an informal drop-in for students and other area gays and lesbians, will continue throughout the fall and winter terms, to provide a chance for friendly conversation in a relaxed atmosphere; at other times speakers, discussions, video nights, etc. as well as Wednesday night pubs in lieu of the coffeehouse are planned. In addition, there are general meetings planned for the first Wednesday of each month from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. All present and prospective members are invited to attend. The city of Kitchener has for some time had a nondiscrimination policy, which includes sexual orientation- in regards to employment. One of GLOW’s next politicaladvances will be to approach the City of Waterloo about the same kind of policy. In the meantime, the operation of GLQW continues, thanks to a small group of very dedicated people. Although the core group is constantly changing, the continuity appears to be quite intact. GLOW has great hopes for the next 12 years.




by James Kafieh The stated aim of the Palestine Heritage is to promote greater understanding and awareness of Palestine heritage and identity.. It is not a Palestinian association. In fact, its membership comprises students representing several . religious and ethnic backgrounds. The group is recognized by the Federation of Students, and its membership is open to all students at the University of Waterloo. The organization is as unique in its approach as it is in its subject matter. This group is a-religious and a-political, in that it has no official position on any issue, but rather encourages individuals to formulate their own opinions on the more controversial aspects of the Palestinian people, their leadership and their history. It is hoped that, through the likes of cultural, historical and political exhibits, guest speakers and study sessions, the

heritage Palestine Heritage will act as a catalyist for more informed thought- and discussion about Palestinian issues. Events planned for Fall term includes an elaborate ‘Jerusalem Day’, ientatively scheduled for October 7th, 1983. This event will feature a photo, arts and crafts exhibit, as well as Palestinian coffee, foods and music. Later in the term, the Palestine Heritage will hatie a movie night, and will hold a study session on a topic yet to be announced. As a service to the University and off campus communities, the Palestine Heritage will, where possible, -undertake special presentations and research work for groups or individuals. Anyone wishing to’ contact the Palestine Heritage can do so through the Federation of Students office.


TAKETHE 8PM 12 I /’PRICEPIZZA BREAK Frank Vetere’s now gives university and college students a real break. Any night of the week after 8pm you can eat pizza for 9 p-rice when you present your valid student I.D. card. So take a break with Frank Vetere’s tonight.


The PEERS Centre is a information, and listening, referral service organized and staffed by fully trained student volunteers and funded by the Federation of Students. Trained volunteers from all faculties provide an attentive and confidential ear for thdse who are not seeking professional help for academic or personal concerns. PEERS also provides information about campus and community services and •Dmmmmm~~mmmmm~mmm-mm~1 1



Not available on take-out.


1 I

organizations. Pamphlets about everything from restaurant reviews to distress centre phone numbers are available. Additional services provided by PEERS include seminars (recent ones have dealt with topics such as stress management and birth control) and coffee houses. The PEERS Centre is located in Room 221 of the Campus Centre, and is open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday to Friday.



63 Victoria Street North, Kitchener

I 1

At The Corner



of Duke St. and Victoria

News Students/to *get a break / Struggle on four month bus pass _ -

Imprint. Tuesday,


by don button Imprint staff On Monday, May -2Oth, Kitchener’s city council voted unanimously to offer four month bus passes to students of Conestoga College, Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo. The passes will bring a saving of $19 to students who would otherwise purchase four monthly passes, and will become available January 1st, 1984. The unanimous decision came as a surprise to the University of Waterloo delegation at the council meeting because of the delays and difficulties incurred over the last three years of negotiations. In this period, past Federation of Students President, Wim Simonis, spent many hours on the proposal, but it wasn’t until Monday night that definite action was approved. Hopes for the bus pass were raised in March of 1983, when the Kitchener Transit advisory committee voted to recommend adoption of the proposal. These hopesdied on Monday June 13th, whe2 Kitchener’s finance committee voted not to recommend the proposal. Two committee members raised the warth of University officials by explaining their decision with reference to university and college student being “transients” and as coming from affluent families. Both student and administration leaders wereappalled at the apparent attitude of Aldermen Don Travers and Will Ferguson, and this attitude was as much the issue at Monday’s council meeting as was the question of whether or not to approve the bus fare reduction proposal. In a letter addressed to the two aldermen that was circulated at the council meeting, Federation of Students President, Tom wrote that “Your remarks display an incredible Allison, insensitivity, and assuming that your remarks were based on ignorance, let me enlighten you on some facts.” Allison then proceeded to outline statistical support of his argument that colleges and universities are an integral part of the community. In addition to outlining the capital influx from salaries, Allison quoted a figure of 17.3 million dollars as the amount students spend annually in the community and made reference to the $40,000 to $50,000 raised each year by students for local charities. The letter, in conjunction with impressive presentations by Allison and U W Graduate Students President, Michael Marion, convinced some of the Kitchener council members of the merit of the proposal. The unanimous decision, however, is misleading in that debate at the council meeting saw many proposals and semiheated debate by councillors who appeared to be trying to clear their name of the “insensitive” tag. As lead speaker for the delegation, Allison reviewed past negotiations, and explained how the Kitchener Transit advisory committee had arrived at the figure of $97 for the four month pass. The Transit advisory committee set their price at $29 for a regular monthly bus pass on an estimation of a 42 trip month by pass holders. Their estimation of a 35 trip month by college and university students justified, in their opinion, the reduction to students. Marion replaced Allison at the podium, and explained to council that graduate students lived onanaverage income of$8500

Wage increase The University of Waterloo’s board of governors approved a general pay increase for 1983-84 of five per cent or $750, whichever is more, for all faculty and staff and members of CUPE local 793. The general increase, effective July 1, is in accordance

with the Ontario Inflation Restraint Program, which controls the wages and salaries of provincially-funded sector em+ployees. Also, in accord with the restraint program, the merit program is continued for staff and faculty who earn less than $35,000 per year.



6,1983 -


goes ori

by Norma Dietrich Since its inception over a century ago, the women’s liberation movement has secured many gains for women. However, the battle against social’inequality and injustice is far from over. The University of Waterloo Women’s Centre recognizes the need to continue the struggle for equality between the sexes, and the advancement of women in society. The Women’s Centre is an organization consisting of people who have made a committment to improving the status of women. Whether this involves taking an active role to initiate change (lobbying, protests, etc.), or personal consciousness raising, the Women’s Centre can provide the needed resources and support. The Centre does not feel that all women should conform to feminist ideals but, rat her, recognizes the fact that each woman has different views of the feminist movement. The diverse interests and activities of the Women’s Centre enables individuals to direct their efforts to areas of personal concern. A major function of the Women’s Centre is public education of women’s issues. The Centre’s many activities reflect its belief that social awareness is the first step toward positive change. These activities include film showings, speakers, workshops, displays and discussions. The Women’s Centre also acts as a resource centre, maintaining files and a small library dealing with women’s issues. Perhaps the most important feature of the Women’s Centre is that it enables women topexpress their concerns and discuss ideas in a supportive atmosphere. The lifeline of the organization is its volunteers. Volunteers are responsibje for staffing the centre, maintaining and expanding resources, assisting people seeking information or referrals, and organizingactivities. The Women’s Centre has been criticized for failing to encourage active male involvement in its activities, but while open to male membership, the Centre feels that feminism is a human struggle, but first it is a women’s struggle, and therefore the Centre is directed and controlled by women. The Women’s Centre is looking forward to anactiveand productive year. Among the events planned for September and October are a self-defence clinic, a screening of the controlversial film Not A Love Story and participation in Disarmament Week. Anyone interested in participating in the Women’s Centre, and seeing some of their own ideas realized, should drop by CC Rm. 149, or call ext. ‘3457 for more information. - - --.-.~-

annually; a figure that destroyed the “affluent parents” description. Upon completion of the presentation, council members began the debate, and had questions and concerns to discuss with Allison.-Alderman Travers got the ball rolling by-questioning the 35 trig month figure and asking, “Why should students be treated differently?” Allison stressed that bus passes were not a gift to the community, but an attempt to increase ridership and increase circulation of people in the community. He mentioned that with a bus pass, students were more likely to come to Kitchener, and then asked Travers, “You do want students to come to Kitchener, don’t you?” - Travers attempted to skirt the issue by asking Allison why council shouldn’t give a break to Schneiders or Budd’s as well, to which Allison responded, challenging Travers on the city’s practice of offering free bus service to conventions and industrial prospects with hopes of luring them to the city. With Travers handcuffed, Alderman Ferguson took up the chase by expressing a concern that if the reduction was given to college and university students, then council ‘would be beseiged by requests from the unemployed, the disabled and from those on welfare. He also made sure he went on record as not meaning ‘transient’ in a derogatory manner when he had used the term a week ago. Allison was impressive in his handling of the outspoken Alderman, stressing the number of communities already providing similar packages, and putting Ferguson on the spot by asking what he thought the role of universities and colleges was in the community and if Ferguson didn’t agree that the bus pass would make U W more appealing and therefore bring even more dollars into the community. Alderman Samuelson brought the meeting away from what looked to be a personal level when he stated thathe was in favour of the proposal and suggested adopting the proposal on a one year trial basis. He also invited the Federation of Students to negotiate with the finance. committee on further reductions on a long term basis. Although Travers asserted that he still suppored the decision of the finance committee, of which he is the chairman, and Ferguson maintained that he still opposed the proposal, the two aldermen voted to adopt Samuelson’s suggestion. The vote did not come before Fergu-son’s The vote did not come before Ferguson‘s motion to defer the matter back to the finance committee was voted down, getting a yes vote‘from only Travers. Alderman Strickland added spirit to the proceedings when he spoke up in favour of the proposal, and then reminded council that his son attended the University of Waterloo. “And he is not a transient, and certainly not affluent,” Strickland said to the delight of council and the U W delegation, , The unanimous vote came on the motion to “approve the proposal (to offer four month bus passes at $97 each to University of Waterloo students, Wilfrid Laurier University students, and Conestoga College students) to take effect as of January 1st, 1984”. For Federation president Tom Allison, past president Wim Simonis, and the entire Fed delegation, it was the end of a long battle, but the beginning of another. Should council be satisfied with the trial period, negotiations will begin on long term policies for the four month bus passes. These long term policies would include cost sharing between the City of Kitchener and the Federation of Students, but to what extent has yet to be discussed. At any rate, U W students will have the opportunity to purchase the four month passes in January 1984. The passes would have been available for September, but Kitchener Transit needed six months to prepare blank passes. The passes are numbered for audit purposes, and therefore cannot be prepared any sooner. But January 1984 is better than nothing, and for U W students, the decision of council on-Monday, June 20thcould be the start ofa great thing. Only time and student support willdeterminejust how good it will be.





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Imprint. Tuesday,

An introductionMy name is Don Button, Editor-in-Chief of Imprint. You are reading our special Orientation issue, an annual edition of Imprint geared to new students who are unfamiliar with the area. Our offerings in this issue are not intended to be a comprehensive listing of local services and activities. It is merely a sampling of some of the more interesting highlights. For a comprehensive list, I would suggest the Federation of Students’ student handbook. Not only does it tell you what is around and where it is, but it is one of the best student handbooks one could hope to find. Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. We publish every Friday morning from now until April - except around Christmas when we close up the office and head for previously undiscovered parts of the planet to drink to excess while dreaming sweet dreams about issues without typos, deadlines that are never missed, and late nights spent watching TV instead of working on newspaper pages. Actually, we don’t always publish on Friday mornings. Whenever holidays fall on a Friday, we publish on the Thursday morning. Next Friday is not a holiday, but we are publishing on Thursday, September 15th anyway. The reason for this, as far as can figure out, is that the Imprint founders felt that ’ once people had read the Orientation Issue, they wouldn’t be able to wait until Friday to read another edition. This seems to be a little presumptuous to me, but then it wasn’t my idea, either. After that, though, we will be publishing every Friday until early December when the.aforementioned jaunt to unexplored corners of the earth occurs. In those issues, Imprint will keep our readers abreast of all the latest University happenings, will cover all the major sporting events involving UW teams, and will provide an extensive entertainment section, complete with book, movie and record reviews. We also have classifieds and campus events which allow students to inform others about upcoming events, and pass on messages about articles for sale, things they want, services offered, etc. We feature semi-weekly cryptic crosswords, sometimes with prizes, and will have cartoon strips too - if somebody who draws cartoon strips volunteers their services. We also.have a Forum section, in which we feature letters to the editor and commentaries from people on social issues of concern to university students. Imprint editions tend to be between 24 and 28 pages; big enough that most people will find something of interest in it. Of course, anyone who thinks something is missing is encouraged to tell us about it. Our office is located in the Campus Centre (the flat, weird>-shaped building near the PAC neither of which-are anywhere near the centre of campus.) Our office is in room 140 of the Campus Centre (CC) or we can be reached by phone at 886- 1660, or University of Waterloo extensions 2331 and 2332.’ As with any newspaper, Imprint needs public feedback to know how we are doing. Our office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. five days a week, and comments are always appreciated.


6,1983 -

to Iinprint In addition to public feedback, imprint needs public support. We are your student newspaper-to paraphrase an old idiom, Imprint is for the students, of the students, and by the students. Imprint has four full time paid staff: myself,‘a production manager, a business manager, and an advertising manager. Obviously four people a newspaper does not make. The rest of our staff is comprised of student volunteers. Last year’s staff numbered 70 students, and it was one of the best years in Imprint’s history. The two facts are not unconnected. The paid staff can be as talented and hard working as you want, but they will never match the output of 70 students,. Of last year’s staff, many are returning while some have graduated. Those that have graduated must be replaced by new staff members. They must be replaced by writers, photographers, graphicists, proofreaders, layout and design people, administrators, paste-up people, distribution people, etc., etc., etc. We don’t expect to get people with newspaper experience, and in fact, it is not even necessary because Imprint has excellent training people who can have you putting together a newspaper in no time at all (the reason for this is mainly because newspaper work isn’t really all that hard. We just don’t like to tell people this so they will ‘# respect and admire us -which doesn t work). For students who think they may be interested in newspaper yvork but aren’t sure, we have provided two avenues by which you can decide. First of all, we have a general meeting for prospective new staff members on September 12th at 5:30 p.m. (which will include coffee and donuts). We also have a booth set-up in the Great Hall of the Campus Centre (along with a hundred other people - none of whom have coffee and donuts - which will be manned by Imprint staff members anxious to spread the good word about Imprint, so to speak. In addition, Imprint is sponsoring a day long media workshop on September 17th for new staff members. The workshop will have speakers from real newspapers, and covers a wide variety of newspaper skills and promises to be a great day. This is great for people who want to know a little more about newspapers, and is especially good for new staff members who want to hear the experts talk. Ask us about it. In closing, Imprint this year will only be as good as UW’s students want it to be. If you have opinions or comments, give them to us. If you have time, give that to us. Because it is your newspaper, and when you give tolmprint, you are giving to yourself. Oh, and by the way,-it can be a lot of fun, too’. There is almost always somebody around the office you know, conversation is plentiful, laughter is ubiquitous, and most importantly, we have this huge, wild party at the end of each term. You probably don’t believe me about the party, but then, I guess you’ll have to become a staff member to find out (or ask a staff member, but don’t do that - you’ll spoil my sales pitch). You will find that Imprint’s door is always open to students, I can always find time to talk and listen, and both the paid staff and the student volunteers will welcome you with open arms. We work hardnat ’ being warm and nice, and it is not everyone who offers you a friendly reception. Take us up on it, won’t you?

-space, directions

Like all true institutions, University of Waterloo has its blind spots, perhaps the greatest of which is public access to campus. As all freshmen know, finding your-way around campus is not as easy as the administration would have you think. And anybody who drives knows that parking facilities at UW are not only indadequate, but archaic. Often criticized for isolating themselves’from the ’ Kitchener-Waterloo community, the University tries to entice community participation in University events. Critizens of Kitchener-Waterloo are encouraged to attend sporting events, visit our museums, make use of our libraries, and attend our shows. But we don’t make it easy for them to find-whatever it is they have been invited to, and we don’t give them anywhere to park when, or if, they do find it. And if they happen to park in the wrong spot, they will be towed away by Campus Security. Is it any wonder that the University is accused of alienating the community around them? One can hardly expect people to walk around campus blindly looking for the right building, and then walking blindly inside the buildings themselves while trying to find what it is they are looking for. The University is a fairly regular host of the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union (CIAU) Basketball Championships, an honour not bestowed lightly by the powers that be in Canadian basketball. Unfortunately, UW is not the most gracious of hosts. The last two times the University hosted the prestigious event, Campus Security towed away cars of people who could not find a place to park. All the lots near the PAC were full, and strangers can not be expected to know that they can park atseagram’s Stadium and walk acrosscamous in the rain.



The same sort of thing occurs with conferences, shows at Humanities Theatre, and just about anything else UW features. And that is not the way to get people from the community to visit the campus. As a matter of fact, that is one of the surest ways of driving them off; business people cannot stop in to see people because they have nowhere to park; people won’t walk in off the street, as it were, to enhance gate receipts at UW events because they i can’t find them. And to top it all off, Campus Security tows their cars away. There is certainly nothing wrong with regulations to force people to park their cars in designated areas to avoid traffic congestion and mix-ups. But if there is insufficient parking facilities, how can one justify towing their cars when they are here on business or to see an event? If the University is serious in their statements that they want community involvement on campus, they had better take a long look at accommodating these people. Expanded-parktng facilities are needed, clearer marking of buildings is essential, and internal information booths aren’t a bad idea either. There are kiosks at the entrances to the University, but have you ever tried to give realistic directions to the other side of campus from that area? The list of instructions would be five minutes of oratory few could remember. Perhaps the University of Waterloo is not serious in its desires to make campus facilities available to the community. And perhaps they are not serious about’their own students finding things. But if they are, there is a lot of work to be done. Work that is going to cost some money, but if they can afford to-build something, they should be able to afford to show people where it is and to give them somewhere to park when they get there.

Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term andeveryFridayduring the regular terms Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 2nd Class Postage Registration Pending Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Another September another Orientation issue. Another Orientation issue - another Labour Day weekend to look forward to before the rush. You potential ‘Imprint volunteers are going to be part of that rush, aren’t you? Well, Heather, Don, Linda, Donald, Cathleen,, Kathy, Brian, Fraser, Terry, Nathan, Tim, Alex, and lotsa others will be waiting down here to welcome you.



in arms


To th,e editor: would be simply to recognize the impossibility of ‘unlearning’ dangerous sector does not occur. An article in the K-W Record, “Studying the Bomb” (Tues. knowledge. This modern faith in technology has allowed it to become June 21) outlined the plans of Prof. R. George to develop a But, to say th& nuclear technology “cannot be undone”, is to . apowerful, though frequently unrecognized force in society, a University of Waterloo course to teach students “how tb cope confuse the results of scientific exploration with the application force that is eroding the possiblity of human choices that arefree with the continuous presence of nuclear arms.” He is of the of these results. We must make a distinction between these two if from technical imperatives. By not recognizing nuclear weapons opinion that the “nuclear technology that exists today cannot be science is to retain any ‘purity’; weapons can be dismantled, even as the highest expression of a pervastive and deterministic % if science cannot develop intentional amnesia. undone, so people must learn to live with it.” technolgical drive, we are ignoring one of the most decisive This position I think, indicates a certain basic confusion of factors in contemporary culture. To then create an academic terms, & well as a dangero’us direction in thinking. I say This confusion I think connects closely with the previously program to help is not-challenge, but to live with this absurd ’ mentioned dangerous direction represented by Prof. George’s confusion because he has equated nuclear technology with misplacing of decision-making authority is to sound our own thinking. It is a direction which is characterized by an death knell. , nuclear science. It is true unfortunately, that ‘pure’ science does Rick Bauman unquestioning acceptance of the idea that technological have very little place in our world, it is often manipulated by technical, military, and industrial pressures. I believe that a advancement represents progress for humanity. When, under one sector of technological “qrogress” happens scientific community that is an integral and responsible part of this assurpption, to be dangerous or undesirable, such as the Bomb, we simply our civilian culture plays a vital role in our efforts to enjoy, understand, and interact with our natural world. So to say that recognize it as something which “must be lived with”. Challenging the very basis of the “logic” which produced the the knowledge gained from nuclear science will always be with us

Nuclear defe-me for our freedom

by George’ Elliott Clarke r

Poetry The cliche sits in the centre of language like a great, dead weight. It inhibits, oppresses, and destroys discourse. It obstructs justice: the fit partnership of thought (image)and word (world). Cliche is the dragon that every knight-poet must slay to rescue hi& poem-land’s meaning-in-distress. Some cliches are more common than others, and may be identified easily by those poets who have a phenomenal amount of reading experience (as all good poets should). However, all cliches share several noticeable traits: ,first, they are words and phrases that sound as if they m%.y have been used before; second, they lack freshness, sharpness, genius, and the ability to awaken or shake our senses, our understanding; and, third, they make one’s writing sound like a newscast, a Hallmark card, or a True Romance story. The following phrases - and cliches move in phrases - are examples of the monster: “her cheeks wer: red as roses”, “he runs as slow as cold molasses”, “rain beat against the window”, and “the sun was a blinding glare”. But do not despair. These beasts may be vanquished by five distinct techniques. The first, and probably the finest, techniqueis to be original to express y6ur thoughts in words that no one has ever quite used - in quite such a way - before. The original poet, then (and originality is the evidence of genius), does not say that his love “has lips like cherries”; instead, he says that her lips are “two sunred gulls mating and parting in air”. He does not say that the sky is “black like coal”, he says that it is a “burnt-out furnace smoking stars”. The first method for destroying cliches, then, is to avoid them altogether, and thereby make the language new. The second technique for the doomiDg of cliches is to change them slightly. Ins&ad of writing, “he is slow as cold molasses”, try writing, “he is slow as warm glaciers”, or “he is slow as a crippled hare”, or “he is slow as cold lassies”. Likewise, do not describe anything as being the“stuff of dreams”; instead, say that a stone is the “stuff of streams”. Do not say that a man’s skin is “dark as night’“; say that it is “dark as light”. Changing cliches into fresh ideas and images is, then, the second way to defeat thkm. The third way to master cliches is to extend theirimplications,

and Cliche

their inherent meanings, in new ways. Hence, thecliche that “rain beats against the window” can become the new thought that “billy clubs of rain beat in terror upon the window”or “whitefists of rain smash against the window”. Use your imagination. Call a fishhook a “dangled offer”; better still, call it an “angled offer”. Do not describe the sun as being a “blinding glare”; call it a “blinding stare”. The third technique for the foiling of cliches is, then, to revive their dead meanings. The fourth technique to use in cliche suppression is to alter their structures. A simple change in thearrangement of its phrase can mute any cliche. For example, the unbelievably puerile expression “the sweet, innocent child” can be more palatable if written as “the sweet, innocent criminal”. Likewise, changing the now-benign phrase “blood-curdling scream” to “blood-curdling city” or “blood-curdling blonde” restores a sense of horror to the otherwise cliche modifier. The prosaic phrase “slow as cold molasses” can be made into poetry by rearranging its words to “cold as slow niolasses”. The fourth way to silence a cliche is, then, to re-order its parts. The fifthy, and final, technique for combatting cliches is to place the cliche phrase in a fresh context. This approach is the“if you can’t beat ‘em,join’em”type. Withthis method, onedoes not say “the sweet, innocent child”; one says “the sweet, innocent child / porno star”. Likewise, one does not say “the quick, brown fox”; one says “the quick, brown fox,- /trot”. The cliche phrase “cries on my shoulder” be be renewed as “rain cries on my shoulder”. “ The sun is a blinding glare” can become “the sun is a blinding glare of grain” or even “a blinding glare/of publicity, duplicity”. However, this is a different method to use successfully, so be careful. The success of this method depends on ,an element of surprise. No matter which techniques are used to overcome cliches, they operate under two constraints: they must reflect the nature of the poet - and of the poem; and they must employ words in a fresh and surprising context, for that is the duty of the poet. If, however, the poetic expression of an idea (image) requires the use of a cliche, use it. In all things, think. Poetry has no rules. A


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To the editor: This is in response to Kim Dawson’s reply (July 15183) to Jenny Thiers’ criticism (June 3/83) of the peace movement. Dawson “felt inherent contradiction in Thiers’ use of the concept of the irrationality of peace.” Thiers demonstrated the irrationality of the peace movement, not of ‘peace’. Dawson equates Soviet military expansion (there is n’o other kind) with the desire of a country “to grow.. . and subsequently benefit its people.‘* She claims to be an advpcate of peace,, yet draws no distinction between “growth” by murder and destruction and growth by production. Second, the Soviet government does not act to “benefit its people”. Writes long-time dissenter Vladimir Bukovsky, “Not -only are the Soviet rulers indifferent to the living conditions of their populace, they deliberately keep it low . . .” (P. 43, The Peace Movement and the Soviet Union, The Orwell Press, 211 East 5 1 St., N.Y.,N.Y., 10022). “Are you aware that a similar peace movement is also active in the Soviet Union?” asks Dawson. The peace movement is ultimately run by Moscow, and is thoroughly documented in Bukovsky’s essay. It serves the purpose of slowing the recent trend towards increased defense spending in the West - which threatens Soviet military superiority. To quote Bukovsky, “There is a term in party jargon coined by Lenin himself: ‘a useful idiot’. Now, in spite of all their blunders, senseless adventures,economic disasters, the Polish crisis and the stubborn resistance of the Afghan peasants, Reagan’s rearmament plan and IJN resolutions, the Soviet rulers have scored a spectacular victory: they have recruited millions of useful idiots to implement their bankrupt foriegn policy. They are no longer isolatedand there is stilla big question as to whether the Americans will be able to place missilesin Europe.“(p. 40). Dawson apparently views nuclear defense as “continuing an atmosphere of confrontation” and questions whether this “is going to help gain individual freedom”. Nuclear defense is motivated by the love of life by those who know that life without freedom is not life at all. It is not a means of gaining freedom but of defending the freedom we already have from an enemy hostile to freedom and hence to life itself.. Bill Adams : Math

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259 King Street west, Kitchener (Beside The King Centre Mall) 745-8637

Cross section

Federation MEZZANINE 1.: -2. 3. 4.

Open to dance Table seating Open to below Entrance hall

--- -----

--- - - ----

floor and stage below ’

-- - -







II II II II II II II \\ \\ \

\\ \\ -L



‘. y--__-e /’ A’


/: /I 1’

as opposed to commercially run, and therefore could hold events on Fridays and Saturdays instead of just on Thursdays. In addition, Stewart talked about the possibilities of videos and closed circuit sporting events. Federation of Students President, Tom Allison, is also looking to expand the Federation’s entertainment services. He hopes to hold outdoor concerts from the stage, which also opens to the outside, and would hope to hold special UW Oktoberfest events. Allison also said that the facility could be usedforconventions,formaIs,and possibly even for exams in the’morning.

by don button Imprint staff


I i


For years, University of Waterloo students have been complaining about the Bombshelter as a pub, but if a majority of students vote in favour of proceeding with the construction of Federation Hall1 in the upcoming referendum, there will be an alternative pub facility qn the UW campus. Over the course of the Bombshelter’s existence, the Federation of students have pumped $180,000 into the pub, but with limited success. Because of the limited .facilities, the location, and the shape of the Bombshelter, no amount of money could turn it into the type of facility that students want. . Federation Hall, if the referendum passes, will provide students with thattype of facility. Although being an independent building with expanded seating, the biggest draw for the new pub will be its capacity for live bands. Presently live band pubs are housed at the Waterloo Inn,with a few at Bingeman Park; a situation that not only excludes many students, but also makes it hard for the Federation’s Board of Entertainment (Bent) to avoid losing money. Instead of profiting from liquor sales, as they would at a Federation-owned pub, Bent misses out on this revenue source when events are held at the Waterloo Inn or at Bingeman Park. Bent promoter, Gary Stewart, explained that Federation Hall would mean “cheaper tickets, cheaper booze, events. would be closer to home, more jobs for students, more variety and frequency of shows.” He also said that it would be student run

The surrounding plans and drawings were prepared by the Toronto firm of Dunlop Farrow Aitken, and the design architect for the project is a graduate of University of Waterloo’s School of Architecture. In addition, thefirm hireda UWCoop student when they were awarded the contract, and the contractors would be required to also employ at least one Co-op student once construction began. If the majority of UW students vote in favour of the new building in the upcoming referendum, scheduled for late September, construction should begin on October 6th, 1983. Assuming all goes well, the building should be ready to open by this time next year. In addition to voting on support of the new building, students will also be voting on a Federation fee incre&e on the referendum. The $7.50 per term levy, nonrefundable, would go directly to the payment of the $1.5 million the new building will cost. Of that total, $1.2 million will go 0,


into the act for furnish The built pub, with increase cc ities. The F entertainm Saturday n disc jockey a4 other tit cover a wid include COI rock and nc It will bc Bombshelt tion that i noons instc Bombshelt incidental11 plans call f lounge, wi music. Tha until fundi and- in the operate as Federatic expanded f would inci and hotdo! dip’n crun foods nor Services w provide the with the decline, tht caterers. Existing parking ret however 2 building is -



11. Area alloc&ion for washrooms, dressi-ng rooms and storage 2. Unfinished basement


, i



South \





Federation ‘of Students presents


$5others 8:OO Waterloo Inn ursday,Sepfember 15 Tickets

available at



Village .’



T-shirts will be sold all’


Village Challenge lo:30 a.m.

Road Trip to Bingeman Park Meet in Green Dining Hall

5:3O p.m.

6:30 p.m. I Squad Leader Talk -

Pub Crawl Meet in Green Dining Hall Fun Crawl - Meet in Blue Dining hall

8:OO p.m.

Movie Night Great Hall

8:30 p.m. Party with CHYM Great Hall .

:30 a.m. Scavenger Hunt Meet in Green Dining Hall


11:OO a.m.

Sports Day softball, football, basketball

1l:OO a.m.

Trip to Flora Quarry (tentative)

7:3O p*m. Warden Talk

8':3O p.m.

CFNY Road Show - Green Dining Hall

n 8:OO’p.m. Slide Show. and Coffee/Donuts - Great Hall

. Green Dining Hall Notes:

’ ,/


Upper years admitted after 10 p.m. with cover charge. All eve& involving transportation or teams will be organized on a squad basis.


8:00 p.m. with Torpedoes. Green Dining Hall Orientation Committee Road Trip to .Buffalo - Sept 20th.


1ORIENT&TION , ‘83 12 Noon-5 p.m.

10 aam.- p.m. Registration and Welcome V2 Office

6:30 p.m.-l:30 Buses meet:6:30

a.m. Pub Columbia




Buses Meet: 7:OOColumbia Rd. l:30 - 3 a.m. All Night Party

With the Features! V2 Dining Hall

Watermelon Football

8 p.m.-l a.m. Pizza/Movie Night V2 Dining Hall and V2 Great ,.I, Hall

10 a.m.-4 p.m. Scavenger

10 a.m.4 p.m. Elora Gorge meet buses on ColumbiaRd.

8:3O p.m.-12 World Record

6:30 p.m.7 p.m. Warden

Night V2 Dining Hall

All Frosh must purchase a Frosh Package $25 .OO Upper years must buy Froshwasher Shirts. .

Talk - Outside South and

Welcome Back Pub Sept. 16 with K-W’s Zip Zip 4.


of the m

Federation of Students .




10-3 p.m. Math Society Drop-In Math Coffee and Donut Shop MC3005 9-2 p.m. Science Society Registration for all Science frosh. ’ Science Society Office ESC 1st floor 10-3 p.m. Meet Your Federation President Physical Activities Complex 3-5 p.m. Arts Forum-Information session for all Arts Students. Attendance is mandatory. Arts Lecture Hall Room TBA 4 p.m. Eng Sot B Scavenger Hunt - Check Office for details. 885-121 I ext. 2323 . 8 p.m. Orientation Play Sponsored by the CAB. “Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feeling So Sad.” Sept.7-I 0 Tickets available in

10-4 p.m. Arts Student Union Information Booths Campus Centre 10-2 p.m. Parents Drop-In Reception Encourage your parents to meet various faculty mem Faculty Club (Both events continue each day until Sept. 9). 10-2 p.m. Sci Sot Registration Room 1OlA ESC


Renison College Movie Night (Renison Cafeteria) 10-4 p.m. Environmental Studies Society available in ES 1 foyer. Check here for det




10-3 p.m. Information Booth - Pat 2 p.m. University Speakers Renison College Cafeteria 4 p.m. Science Society Blue Jay Baseball Road Trip Tickets-available in Sci Sot Office. 6 p.m. Math Sot Pub Crawl-Fun Crawl Phone 885-1211 ext. 2324 8 p.m. Eng Sot Pub and Videos at Ruby’s-Waterloo Inn (NB pub crawl changed to Fri.) Federation

r4 I

8-12 Noon Waterloo Christian Fellowship Bike Trip to Waterloo Farmer’s M-arket and Stone Crock. Meet in the Campus Centre

6 p.m. Sci Sot Pub Crawl’ Contact Sci Sot Office 885-121 I ext. 2325 6 p.m. Eng Sot Pub Crawl Call ext. 2323 for details. , 8 p.m. Renison Pub Crawl 8 p.m. Math Sot Dance Call 2324 for details. 8. p.m.-l a.m. Orientation Pub sponsored by Bent, Arts Student Union and Dance Society. Admission: $1.50 at the door - SCH D

by 8:00 a.m. 3

10 a.m. Student Union Country Tour in Waterloo County Call ext. 2322 for more information. 7 p.m. Eng Sot B Movie - “Caddyshack” ALI 16 8 p.m.-l a.m. Casino Night-DJ, cards, crown & anchor and full bar. Sponsored by Math Sot, Arts Student Union and Recreation. South Campus Hall 11 p.m.-5 a.m. Mad Mad Movie Night-Free all night movies followed by free sunrise breakfast for all those who stay. ‘Three Stooges in Orbit’ plus many others. CC Great Hall


. l-1:45 p.m. Ecumenical Church Service on the green between the CC Sponsored by the UW Chaplains and Biology building. Association and Waterloo Christian Fellowship. 2-10 p.m. Federation Field Frolic and BBQ BBQ, corn roast, hayrides, and field et<nts. with faculty staff and alumni. All societies Fed gang

Join in and the



2 p.m. Messenjah! . Reggae Stars with Special Guests-20th Century Rebels. For a free outdoor concert on the Village Green. (please no alcoholic beverages!)

10-4 p.m. Club’s Orientation Tuesday - Thursday Campus Centre 7-10 p.m. Euchre Tournie CC Great Hall Cash Prizes


k (Clinic

Plus: The Miller Airship, Craven‘A’ Caravan, and BBQ by the Turnkeys.

Check your Fed Frosh Kit for coupons from Shopper’s Drug Mart, Stanley’s Burgers, and Baskin ‘n’ Robbins.

r. 5

9-5 p.m. Age of Majority Clinic I (Ontario Photo I.D. Clinic) Campus Centre also operates same place and time on Thursday, Sept. 15th) 7:30 p.m. Yuk Yuk’s A Free Comedy Show Prior to Cinema Gratis Campus Centre Great Hall




8:00 p.m. Welcome Back Pub with Boy’s Brigade Sponsored by Bent, Eng Sot B, Arts and ESS. Waterloo Inn. Tickets available in Fed Office. $4.00 Feds, $5.00 Others


Next Week: Bent and Math Sot present the Parachute Club and a suitcase party. Feds $4.00 Others $5.00 Waterloo Inn

8 p.m. Jamaicafest III Sponsored by ESS-SCH


8:00 p.m. Christian Fellowship CC Great Hall



This Weekend Oniy ! Free fresh popcorn at Fed Flicks. Help open our new concession, munch out and see Poltergeist for only $1 .OO.


4:30-6:30 p.m. Faculty and Students




5:30 p.m. \ Blue Jays Vs. Seattle Road Trip to Exhibition Stadium and visit to Carling O’Keefe hospitality lounge after the game. $5.50 Ticket plus bus return trip for $9.00 - Available in Fed Office

8:00 p.m. Bent Presents the “Dan Gallagher Road Show” South Campus Hall. Free Beht painter’s hat with Admisssion. Feds $1.50 Others $2.00 at the door.

8 p.m. Parachute Club Waterloo Inn. This pub is also a suitcase party so stay tuned for details. Feds $4 Others $5. 6 p.m. , Stratfo, d Trip “Death of a Salesman” - Avon Theatre Bus trip and ticket $12.50 and $21.50

0 p.m. Stratford Trip “Tart uffe” by Moliere - Bus leaves from CC Tickets/ trip $12.50 and $2 1.50

m*-paper 9, with the rest slated chitectural fees. ! primarily a student zapacity of 650; an Waterloo Inn facillopes to provide live ‘hursday, Friday and regular terms, with a he entertainment at ntertainment would interests, and would well as jazz, blues, ands. ’ same hours as the bps, with t-he excepIen Saturday after*day evenings as the s. The Bombshelter, be around. Future lrned into a licenced ;, carpets, and soft not be implemented s available, though, ! it will continue to vill also offer an , The proposed menu Iroiled hamburgers :hes, soups, salads, 7 wings and other ed in pubs., Food t first opportunity to ,per their agreementhowever, if - they I will bring in outside ; will have to handle for the time being, to the east of the long term plans.

Federation Hall, as it is now referred to, will probably have another name. The present name is the project title, and was not meant for the name of the building. A contest will be held to determine its real name. The building will be the property of the Federation of Students by agreement with the University, and ,it will be ‘paid for, managed, and staffed by the Federation. Funding and liquor licensing has been obtained through the University, but the, Federation has reserved all rights to its day to day running. In addition to the plans illustrated here, the Federation hopes to have a model on display soon, illustrating the building’s many features and location. For those who have troubfe reading ‘such things from paper drawings, the location is to be in between the Ring Road and Columbia St., on a line between the PAC and the new P Columbia Icefield. The referendumhas been split into two parts to allow all students to vote. The first part was ,held on July 20th, with 82.2 per cent of the vot-ing*students on campus indicating their support of the project. The 46.5 per cent turnout was the highest showing for a referendum or election in years. The second and final part of the referendum istentativelysetfor Sept. 28th, with an advance poll on Sept. 27th. Polling information will be listed in an upcoming issue of Imprint. Additional information on the referendum and the building is available from the Federation of Students office in the Campus Centre.


Main Floor>lac 1. Main entrance 2. . Line-up collonade 3. Entrance hall , 4. Lounge 5. Terrace 6. Stand-up bar 7. Manager’s office. 8. Bar cooler 9. Liquor storage 10. Handicapped washrooms. ‘/

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. - 19. 20. 21.

-Staff room Receiving Empty storage ’ Kitchen Servery Main hall seating Da rice floor. Stage 1,’ Courtyard ‘, .’ Future parking lot Orchard .


Faculty of Mathematics devises a new division


sponsored by the Creative Arts Board of the Federation of Students -- -

“Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mama’s Hung You in the Cl’oset and I’m Feeling So Sad” A Pseudo-tragic

Sept. 7-10 8.00 P.M.


Theatre of- 1 I the Arts

Tickets available in the Fed Office Frosh Feds Others



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The University of Waterloo’s Faculty of Mathematics has set up a new division, expected to become functional in September, to deal with those activities of the faculty that relate closely to business and industry. The division is called the Division of Mathematics for Industry and Commerce (DMIC) and it will be concerned both with the research activities of faculty members and the teaching of students. Dr. William Pullyblank has been named director of the DMIC. As for the research expertise of UW math professors, this can be used to solve a wide variety of business and management problems . . . production problems, and scheduling problems among them. The DMIC will maintain an up-to-date inventory of relevant expertise among its faculty members. “Having a central location for this inventory will permit us to respond to inquiries from corporations interested in contract research, or from funding agencies,” Dr. Pullyblank says. “Moreover, someone with a problem requiring some amount of mathematical experts can phone me and 1 will be able to put him or her in direct contact with those faculty members experienced in dealing with these particular problems.” Dr. Pullyblank, a member of the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization within the Faculty of Mathematics - a department that includes a good deal of operations research expertise has an extensive background in the industrialcommercial areas. He has worked as a systems engineer at IBM. He has also done management consulting in the data processing area. His background includes several yearsspent in Europe, including oneat the Centre for Operations Research and Econometrics, Belgium; one in operations research at the University of Bonn, West Germany,and one in operations research at the University of Grenoble, France. \ As for the teaching of UW mathematics students, there are five industryandcommerce

related programs within the Faculty of Mathematics at U W: 1) operations research; 2) computer science/ information systems; 3) math/ management accounting; 4) math/ chartered accounting and 5) math/ business administration. “We have had students in these programs for years but until now we have not had a unified academic structure for looking after them,” says Dr. Pullyblank. He says approximately 20 per cent of U W’s 3,500 undergraduate mathematicsstudentsare industry and commerce related programs. One job of the new divisional structure will be to make sure their educational programs are appropriate to their needs when they finish university and seek to enter a profession (such as, for example, chartered accountancy). “We will not only be concnered about the content of the individual course,” Dr. Pullyblank insists. “For example, we may find the needs of the business world change so that graduates ought to have more backgrounding on small computers. rather than on large, mainframe computers. If this happens, it will be up to the DMIC to make sure courses that provide this are taught within the Faculty of Mathematics.” He expects the new division will comprise approximately 12 professors from the Faculty of Mathematics plus half a dozen others that provide some of the elective teaching for these particular students - including the accounting group in the Faculty of Arts, the sciences department in the. management Faculty of Engineering and the School of Business of nearby Wilfrid Laurier University. There will also be representation from U W’s co-ordination department (the department that arranges work term jobs for co-op mathematics students), from the accounting profession and from other areas of the industrial-commercial sector. The advice of such outside members of the DMIC is seen as particularly helpful in the academic planning area.

Red Cross gives-Imore by Corinne Dixon Imprint staff Red Cross is an international relief organization providing mergency .and goodwill services everywhere. Its structure evolves the International Committee of the Red Cross, the .eague of Red Cross Societies, and the National Red Cross/ Red Zrescent Societies. The International Committee of the Red Cross founded the Geneva Convention in 1864. This body recognizes that‘(in times f war) persons who are not actively involved in combat, and lose out of combat due to sickness, wounds or detention, are ue protection without discrimination. The committee is idependent, poilitically, ideologically and religiously ssentially, it is a body for the people. The League of Red Cross Societies was founded in I8 19. Its urpose was to continue, co-ordinate and strengthen the oluntary effort made during the first World War. Since that time, a National Red Cross/Crescent Society has een established in virtually every independent state. Its function aries from state to state. It’s function varies from state to state as le individual country’s needs vary. As well as offering large-

UW. studen

This school year, there will be several blood donor clinics on campus, accompanied by the well-known We Need Your Type and Be A Friend - For Life posters. Before the research for this article began, this reporter was of the opinion that “If I give blood, it means that someone in surgery will have fresh blood to ensure recovery”. Blood transfusion, however, is a far more complicated activity than that. It isn’tjust whole blood that is needed for basic therapy. Blood products, such as platelets and plasma are needed for specific problems such as clotting, bleeding and infection defects. In a new dimension in blood donation called Pheresis, the donor has a unit drawn, the needed component extracted, and the red cells and other components returned to the body in one sitting. This enables donors to give more frequently, since replacement of the components is completed more rapidly than


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missions were made on behalf of architecture students at the following universities: Calgary, Carleton, Lava& McGill, Montreal, Toronto and Waterloo. Second place went to a student from Laval; third place to one from Calgary. The fourth place student is also from Waterloo - David Clusiau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Clusiau, Thornhill. He attended Thornlea secondary \ school before coming to Waterloo. Judges for the competition were: Alan R. Goodwright, MRAIC, director, consultant services, Public Works Canada, Ottawa; R. Douglas Gillmor, MRAIC, program director, architecture, University of Calgary, and Martin Cohos, MRAIC, Cohos, Evamy and Partners. The j udges reported each of thefour subtiissions to be of “high calibre”. Mr. Soules’s portfolio was considered so outstanding he was not even rdquired to participate in the “interview” stage of the competition. Ordinarily, an interview with the judges is part of the procedure.



replacement of the whole blood. Additionally, in the 2-3 hours it takes to complete the process, the concentrate is equivalent to that of 8- 10 donors usually. So it isn’t just surgery patients who receive the blood UW students, faculty and others donate. People with blood clotting disorders, burn victims and women requiring Rh antibodies in order to prevent serious diseases in newborns all profit from the blood donated. Nowad.ays, we are all familiar with organizations obscure and otherwise, asking for our moneyeither“forthecause”orfortheir newest gadgets. The demand for blood is real: anyone can be caught unexpectedly in 9 situation where he/ she requires blood. We don’t worry about whether it will be there because people give blood every da’y, and by doing that, they are saying “I care”. The Red Cross has seven basic principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. Its various levels work hard to promote their cause. By giving up a bit of your time a couple of times over the term to give blood, you are doing the proverbial good deed; you are also investing something into a serivce that could serve you, or someone close to you, arFy time.

scale services such as national and international relief, community-oriented projects are a large part of the National Societys’ division of the Red Cross. Health, Social Welfare, Nursing and Youth programs are a part of it? but more widely known are the blood donation and transfusioh services.


Jonathan Squire Soules, fifth-year thesis tudent in the University of Waterloo’s School f Architecture, has been awarded the 1983 ‘ohos, Evamy and Partners nat,jonal scholrship, recognized as the most’ important -aveiling scholarship awarded annually to a Ianadian architecture student. Theaward is in le amount of $8,000. Soules will also be given an opportunity to dark in the offices of Cohos, Evamy and ‘artners, Calgary, during part of the :holarship period. A native of Cambridge (Galt), he is the son of It-. and Mrs. William Soules and attended outhwood secondary school, Cambridge, nd the Ontario College of Art, Toronto, prior ) coming to UW. The award was given on the basis of a port)lio of student projects completed over the ast three years. Each of the 10 schools of :chitecture in Canada may submit portfolios f the work of not more than two students who -e in thefinal year of their professional archimcture programs. This year, a total of 12 sub-

than blood


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W PIRG is entering an exiciting new term. With new staff and board metibers and many ney, hard working volunteers, the organization is launching some innovative projects for the 198384 term. ’ i WPIRG is a student funded /research and educaiion organization that is committed to- involving students and community residents. on issues of local .and international conqern. , WPIRG’s stated ol$ective is to“increase publicawarenessand and, understanding of environmental, social, technological labour issues, with the ultimate goal of empowering people to control their own lives, keeping in mind the similar rigtits of others.” I)

The group consistently publishes research on topical issues. In the past year, WPIRG has prbducedkexts on increasingly crucial themes. SoeiaI i^nnpacts of Computerizatio~ is a ,compilation ofthe Social Impactsconference earlj” 1982. Tlie conference was organized by the establishment o,f a new. cours”e; Geeneral Engineering, ~~for~ati~n Tidmology and Sociefl’, to be taught by Doctor 1 BarQ Wills. I W$IRG is overseeing a Summer Canada grant employing three UW students. One is working on upgrading the WPIRG resource library. The other two are developing a slide/ tape show and booklet on solvent hazards in the workplace. ’ The orggqization is also assisting an industrial hygienist in research regarding hazards in iron foundries. The goal is to compile and widely distribute a booklet giving workers infound&ries the ‘Right to Know’ what hazards they face.

Education activi~~~s~~~ol~e sponsoring g*u&t speakers, films, workshqs, sesllinars and conferences. ‘W PI RG organized the successful SociM $ssues Series held on campus earlier this summer. Each ev bad lively discussion, following a film and presentatiorr giv by a gue$ speaker. The “events cover&I d\ r energy, “toxic wastes, variety 0f topics; wom~n’s rights, ts of new technology on social(justice in ~i~~r~g~~;~~d the unions and une~~Ioy~~~~. ‘* Several ev~n~~-a~~ nIanWed fop t e fall term Startink with a’ series of presentations on the subject of WORK. Jim irophy; who has reccntiy returned from Central America, is speaking on 0c;r:upa”tional Health and Safety (OHS) in Nicaragua. This session will begin the-free 8-eve’nt course centering on work issues._ Other themes are OHS in Ontario, Women and Work, Minorities and the Handicapped in the Workplace, Youth Une~mploy~~~ent, the Unemployment Crisis, and others. The films and guest speakers will run every second- Wednesday at noon hour, with four sessions in the fall, and four in the winter term. The series ends with the exciting theatre Life or? the Lind, an “‘b_ emotional play about the personal effects of being unemployed + (written by Stephen Bush of Toronto). . A very stimulating programme this fall is San~~~ista~ It is a ,- play by the Great Canadian Theatre Company of Ottawa. It 8 dyamatically portrays the’key events leading up to the 1979 lution Nicaraguan military of Somoza, the pre-re i overthrow J dictator. It will play art November 3rd in the ArtsTheatre herein

t *

Along ,&with the, eclucairion la&l research ac.tivities of the ?e directly involved, “; or~anization, is t~~.,o~~o~t~ f Personal participation with community groups is rewarding, c excitihg and sgcially pleasing wofk. WPIRG is on a c onstant -----L f,... - ^__... ..._... ,c :,&.A.* I,“.:s, ..,..r..,;“,*,, *

i ;W PI RG needs your help todesign postersand pamphlets, give ” ‘-: seminars to classes, help organize educational events, file and y “index in- the resource library, set up book thbles, typing, A , represent *WPIRG .at meetings’qnd conferences, and a host of IRG other activities staff, he welcomes the opportunity to * , Co-ordinate your research with WPI RG. We are interested in. work on a number of environmental and social justice issues for such a diverse working with you oncertain research topicsand obtainingcopies of good re$earch papers for our Resource Library. organization. ’ Presently, WPIRG is setting up York groups of student and According to Cameron, ‘ RG has community residents ,who will initiate and organise their 6wn prided itself in the past on xcellent 1 quality of research on a number of topics events, using W*PIRG personp,ower and resources. The focus of one such work group will be”Socia1 Ju-stice ang Development. * including Acid Rain, Computerization, and Toxic Wastes.” It will be his job to another will be ~nviron~~~~a~ Issues. There are oppoctunities for every stud&t (graduate and ensure that this level of research is undergraduate) concerned about ,broad important issues to maintained. To accomplish this gijal, he _ become involved in WPlRG activities. . . hopes to work joi”ntly with many students ori specifi%c research topics. Another way to become involved is through the Boa”rd of Like Doug, Cameron is also an import irectors, The Board decides the dipction of W PI RG, oversees its activities ‘and makes financial decisions. There will be to the K-W region. He grew up in elections in October in which any undergraduate student may Windsor, and completed an’ honours degree in Environmental Studies at Trent run, and all students can vote. -, Get involved today! A couple hours a week to work for such University in Peterborough, Ontario. In the past he has worked closely with the Ontario Public Interest Research Group in Peterborough on a number of issues from8:3Oa.m. to 12:30p.m.,




origi Scotia, ‘and went to Carleton University in Ottawa for a B.A. in Political Scie&eInternational Affairs. He worked, with groups like Amnesty International, Operation Dismantle, cl Oxfam, and came to be increasin concerned about ecological, economical and .political problems. ’ “Working with such organizations &A be deeply fulfilling and allows the opportunity to devote your tinie and energy to constructive social change. You meet ferrific people who are concerned, serious, yet fun to be with.” His job is, education co-ordinator. Doug will be organizing films, guest speakers, panel discussions, and brown bag seminars, and also will be ilitroducing most of the WPIRG events this Fall, and visiting various classes. Among his duties is volunteer co-ardination, so he will be closely with those who wish toget

. Joyce is one meets upon entering the WPIRG offices. An important *part of her job is meeting students and working with them to find information from the WPIRG Resource Centre ‘or to find tasks that will develop their skills. Her own involvement began as an undergraduate student at UW several years ago. At that time, Joyce was frustrated with the limited number of ways that she, as a student, could affect the world around her. , Boyce participated


even more enthus-


JJibWS OSAP news



On June 6, 1983, Bill Cl61 “An Act to Amend the Canada Student Loan Act” passed first reading in the House of Commons. In this bill are the three major changes to the Canada Student Loans Plan announced by the Secretary of State, Serge Joyal, last March. At that time, Joyal said that the federal government was planning legislation that was to: i) increase the weekly loan limit to $lOO/ week (previously $56.251 week) ii) include part time students in the program, and iii) allow for an ,18 month interest relief program for students who were unemployed after leaving school. Joyal stated in a meeting between the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS).and the Secretary of State department that the changes would be conditional upon the provinces maintaining the current level of funding for their own student aid plans. Since that time, other information regarding the changes has come to the attention of CFS. For the first time, students who study on a part time basis will be eligible to receive $2,500 total aid under the Canada Studgnt Loan Plan. The federal government is viewing assistance to these students as a “cashflow” method of aid, as these students must begin repayment one month after receipt of their loan. These students will not be eligible for the interest relief program. n addition, as announced in March, the government is amending the CSLP to include an interest relief period for full time students only. In . order to apply for the relief period a

student must: a) be a resident of Canada, b) beunemployed or incapable of working due to illness or disabilityand,c)cannot be eligible for the interest relief for more than a total of 18 months. Under the proposed legislation, a student’s interest relief period is subject to review every three months by an officer, who will determine if the individual’s eligibility for relief is still applicable. Not only does the proposed legislation allow for an increase in the loan limit, but provision has been made that would allow the Minister to increase the loan limit by multipliers that would reflect the annual changes in the average costs to studentsat post secondary institutions. The legislation does not include any riders regarding potential provincial cutbacks to student aid. According to an official within the Secretary of State department, the provincial governments have verbally expressed their agreement in principle not to cut their aid programs. However, changes have already been made to the British Columbia student assistance program that will seriously limit the number offull time students that can apply for aid, and there has been some mention of a cutback in the amount of provincial bursary. Other provinces ’ are likely to make similar changes in their programs. .Alrea\dy Bette Stephenson, Chairperson of the Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC) has written a letter expressing that body’s support for the changes to the Canada Student Loans Program.


~WlZJ to get.expanded Wilfrid Laurier University has awarded the contract for the addition of two floors to their University library to Stewart-Hinan of Beamsville. The company’s bid of $1,623,000 was the lowest submitted, and includes a certain amount of upgrading of the existing structure necessitated by the addition. Construction will begin immediately, with completion scheduled for- mid-January; however, little evidence of.


Loans Act zhiended

construction will be seen until September as the contractors will be working inside the existing structure. Over 90% of the sub-contracts will be awarded to l&al companies. In September, the University plans a formal ceremony to celebrate construction of the’ addition. The two extra floors will add much needed library and other academic space. The present building was opened in 1965 when the University had 2,000 students.


Accommodation For Winter 1984 Single k&m $1.092 .


Waterloo Co-op operates three small residences within watking distance from the UW and the WLU campus. Each resident is required to do three hours of duties each week. The duties vary from serving dinner to washing floors, from taking minutes at a meeting to-making minor repairs. Working together & sharing responsibility for the operation of the. residence contributes to the strong sense of community, characteristic of the Co-op residences.


The initial 3 floors accomthe fact that the cost of conmodated the library’s 70,000 structiom will be paid from the holdings. The building had proceeds of the WLU Detwo extra floorsadded in 197 1, velopment Fund: Excellence by which time enrolment had in the Eighties. Over 60% of increased to over2,500and the - the objective of $6.2 million library’s holdings to 150,000 has already been-pledged. University of Waterloo items. The University currently has 4,000 students and students can use the WLU the library’s holdings have library at no charge upon preswelled to approximately senting their U W library card. 800,000 items. - Dr.. John Weir, Wilfrid Laurier University President, expressed deep satisfaction at


Co-op offers you substantial financial- benefits if you’re willing to accept this responsibilty. Waterloo Co-operative Residence is studentowned and operates independently of the Universities. You do not have to study under the Co-op system to live at the Co-op residences; the word “Co-operative” here means that the residences are owned and controlleddemocratically by the students who live there.


Accommodation For Winter 7 984 Double Room $945


Waterloo Co-operative Residence Inc. 280 PHILLIP STREET WATERLOO,- ONTARIO N2L 3X1 (519) 884-3670 \


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tzulentsmzmtdeci&by?85 .

At Some time dvithin the- next -two years, it will become necessary for students of Waterloo to make a decision regarding prospective membership in the Canadian Federation of Students. By 1985, that decision will affect the nat‘ure of Waterloo’s political and social welfare. In 1980. three groups decided, with other provmclal organisations across the country, to join together into one unified student movement. This single unit would have three the Canadian Federation of Students; the components; Canadian Federation of Students -Services; and in the Ontario region, the Canadian Federation of Students -- Ontario (CFS-0). The movement to unify students on a national level has begun, and the phasing-out period at the provincial level is underway. ThetimeallocationfortheestablishmentofCFS-Oisthesameas for CFS and is contingent upon two-thirds of the membership of OFS agreeing to join CFS by the year 1985. Currently, the University of W.aterloo is a member _--of NUS, AOSC, and OFS. The reasons for joining a national student ‘movement may not be immediately apparent, yet there are substantial ones. Politically, a national organization has more lobbying power thari would a solely provincial organization. Moreover, CFS boasts four full-time staff, working out of the Ottawaaffice as well as seven fieldworkers, and a new chairpe’rsbn, Graham Delldall. Critics of the Canadian Federation of Students question the new organization’s ability to fill the need for a national student


; by Len Gamache Imprint staff The Federation of Students’ half-million dollar budget forthe upcoming year (May 1 to April 30) was overwhelmingly approved by the Student its April meeting. Approximately half of the estimated $537.258.92 in expenditures will be covered by student fees, while the remainder of the required revenue will be generated by the services and events t hemselkesas well as advertising. One of the biggest areas of expenditure is for salaries and benefits within the Federation structure. Of the $170,776 budgeted for administration, over 80 per cent is qllocated for salaries and benefits for the permanent staff, which also includes the Ombudsman’s proposed salary. Over and above that. there are salaries for the presidentialand vice-presidential positions, as well as a number af other stipends for co-ordinators and temporary, student positions. Additionally, close to $1 1,000 has been set aside for professional fees which cover essential services provided by an auditor and a lawyer.


league formed

In response to the raid on the Morgentaler Clinics, a local chapter of C.A.R.A.L. (Canadian Abortion Rights Action League) has formed. The purpose of CARAL to ensure that no woman Canada is denied access safe, legal abortion. The-local group will

is’ in to be

movement. CFS was found& on a principle of congruency, meaning that all universities and colleges wishing to join would be required to join all three components: the political wing (CFS), the services wing (CFS-S) and the provincial wing (CFS-0). The schools who are currently members of CFS are badI>! divided on the question of whether or not the principle of congruency should be maintained.,At the present time CFS is over $80,000 in debt and because of nine lost referenda in t he last year, including the University of Toronto, the organization’s revenue base is shrinking. Many member schools are also unhappy that each member is given one vote at CFS conferences. This means, for example, that Waterloo, with over 2 1,000 students, would have the satne voting strengthas Nipissing University which haslessthan250full-time students. In terms of services, CFS-S, by virtue of its student volume, can offer more reductions in, for example, charter flights. In addition, the national body allows information sharing a among regions who share common concerns. The cost of membership in CFS amounts to seven dollars per yearperstudent--hreedollarsmorethanthecurrentrate.Three dqllars of the proposed fee will go to the provincial component * which is, in this province, OFS/ CFS-0. If CFS should achieve its required membership, it will become the governing organization on the national level and OFS will subsequently be replaced by CFS-0 here in Ontario. And if at, that time Waterloo have not yet made the move toward joining CFS-0, they will be members-of nothing.

holding public information seminars, having guest speakers undertaking and lobbying efforts, in the community. Fund raising has begun in support of the clinics and all donations are welcome and made payable to the K-W CARAL Collective Support Fund, 37B Roland Avenue, Kitchener, N2G 1K5.

SpeciuIizing, in Shish

by the Creative Arts Board demonstrate Expenditures continuership. support. or Subsidisation for a number of events and groups. including student dance productions. student drama productions, the Fall Play, Orientation plays, Stratford plays, the Creative Writing Collective. and Conrad Theatresports, Grebel Music.

Kebab Cuisine

& Vegetarian

We are happy to be celebrationg our I 2nd Anniversary! I We wish to thank you for your I patronage by offering you 20% off ! (with coupon) during the month of September. (This special offer does I not include alco’holic beveragks and I is good for weekdays only.) I

Second to the administration allocations are those which cover a wide variety of social events and occasions throughout the year. The Board of Entertainment’s projected $165,000 in expenditures will be used towards homecoming, wintercarnival, indoor and outdoor concerts, end of term pubs, Waterloo Inn pubs, the Fall Street Dance, Orientation, and Fed Flicks. About three-fourths of the Board’s budget is covered through income generated b>r ticket sales and promotions. Federation Services also account for a significant part of this year’s budget ($76,055); however, most of the expenditures are absorbed by revenue from two of these services: SCOOPS Bnd Fedcration,Buses. Other services which are supported by this section of the budget include the Birth Cont_rol Centre, PEERS Counselling, the Legal Resource Office, and the Women’s -. Centre. The Board of Communications also has a good slice of the budget. Of the $23.000 set aside, over $15,000 of that is slated for two handbooks. One of these is the Information Handbook which the Feds publish at Orientation time. and which is available throughout the school year; the other handbook focuses strictly on Federation services and events. Anticipated advertising should account for about half the money required to produce these two information guides.


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‘Fed budget



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The Globe and Mail, Canada’s National Newspaper, offers you coverage six days a week of national and international news, politics, finance, busines& current affairs, art, science, and sportswhatever the subject-you Will get the backgrotid you need for your coursesAND-you will find more educators than ever before using The Gl&e as a teaching aid. Take advantage of these special l/2 price . student rates.

Math and Science) Libraries

Weekdays Sept. 6-9 (Tues. - Fri.) Sept. 12-16 ( Mon. - Fri.) at the following times: 9:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. lo:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. . 3:30 p.m: Sept. 19-22 (Mon. - Fri.) at the following times: lo:30 a.m. . 2:30 p.m. Evenings Sept. 19-22 (Mon. - Thurs.) 7:30 p.m. Weekends Sept. 10-l 1 (Sat. & Sun.) ,2:30 p.m. Sept. 17-18 (Sat. & Sun.) 2:30 p.m. Meet atthe Information Desk of the Library you wish to tour.


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Library Information Sessions for Graduate Students These special information sessions are intended to introduce new graduate the Library and to the many lihrary services available for their use. Wed. Sept. 7 2:30 p.m. Fri. Sept. 9 2:30 p.m. Tues. Sept. 13 2:30 p.m. Thurs. Sept. 15 2:30 p.m. Meet at the Information Desk in the Arts or EMS Libraries.





How to Use the Card Catalogue These sessions will provide beginning researchers with an essential introduction to the organization and effective use of the card catalogue. Plan onattendingand learning more about the practical ins and outs of locating library materials. ” . Sept. 7 (Wed.) 2:00 p.m. Sept. 8 (Thurs.) 11:OO p.m. 2:QO p.m. Sept. 9 (Fri.) Sept. 1.2(Mon.) 11:OO p.m. Sept. 13 (Tues.) 2:00 p.m. 1 l:oo p.m. Sept. 14 (Wed.) .*z 2:00 p.m. Sept: 15 (Thurs.) Sept. 16( Fri.) 11:OO a.m. Meet at the Information Desk in the Arts or EMS Libraries.

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Imprint. Tuesday,


Campus Centre Games Room




by Fraser Simpson Imprint staff ’ If you’ve never done a cryptic crossword before, and don’t know how to do them, here’s a good one to start with. It contains only one type of clue (regular cryptic crosswords have a variety of clue types in them). Clues in a cryptic crossword have two parts. The first part is astraight definition ofthe word that goes in the diagram. For example, for the answer word. FOREST, the definition in the clue might be “wood”. But the clue doesn’t stop at that; there’s a second part oft he clue that tells you another way of arriving at exactly the same answer. This second part will be a form of word play. For example, the clue for FOREST might tell you as well that the answer is a rearrangement (or anagram, as it’s called) of the letters in the word SOFTER. But don’t expect the clue to look like this: , Wood, anagram of softer. (6) ’ That would give it all away! Instead, we’ll give the, same information -nothing more, nothing less - by wording the clue as follows: Softer sort of wood. (6) ’ Let’s break this down. The clue gives us “wood” and also gives us the word SOFTER,. but how are we to conclude that we are to anagram? That extra word sort is the hint. To sort something is to arrange it in its correct order. So SOFTER sort implies a sort of the letters in SOFTER. The word of is just ajoiner word, used to join the definition to the cryptic part. The six (6) at the end of the clue tells you how many letters there are in the answer. If this all sounds too complicated, don’t worry. Some hints to remember when doing the crossword are as follows:




Look for the anagram indicator (like sort in the clue above).. There will always be one of these. Common indicators for these clues are perhaps (indicating ‘perhaps a different arrangement of these letters’), neM’ (‘a new arrangement’), odd or strange (a strange ordering), ruined, mixed, troubled, cracked (for obvious reasons), about(‘mixed about’), and other _ similar words. 2. The letters to be re-arranged are always right next to the indicator with nothing between. Once you’ve figured out the indicator, look for the word or group of words right beside it that has the torrent number of letters. 3. Anything that isn’t an indicator or letters to be anagrammed is the definition. Sometimes a joiner word like for, with, of, and, etc. will come between the definition and the ‘cryptic part’. 4. Remember: the definition will be at the front end of the clue or the back end. You have to decide which it is. Joiner words, if they appear, will be in the middle of the clue, joining the word play part of theclue to the definition. 5. Don’t be fooled by the superficial meaning of the clue. All of the words in a clue have been cleverly arranged so they look like they’re saying something different! Now try the crossword. It contains only anagram clues, so you’re all prepared. In lacross, the letters in CREED IT could be anagrammed to give a word meaning, “said aloud”.


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Across 1. 5. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 15. 17. 19. 20. 21.

Creed: it could be said aloud. (7) Nobed, perhaps, without a skeleton. (5) Odd rectification of guarantee. (13) Excited punks with common spirit. (5) It could come from a shotgun, not too strangely. (7) Explain if Eden is ruined. (6) Snoops about for some silverware. (6) Follower of new usurper. (7) 1 harm, perhaps, a pilgrim’s outfit. (5) Conversations about recreational areas. (13) Tracks made by pests. (5) Rid Tess, perhaps, of large steps. (7)


Interested in some? Join the IMPRINT Entertainment Staff Drop by our office CC 140 and ask for the Editor. We’ve got *free albums, movie tickets, and concert tickets, books.

Down 1. Cares about running contests. (5) . 2. Wildly fence with Eric Crum around the outside of a circle. (13) 3. Add some flour from the kitchen, perhaps. (7) 4. Dog’s in trouble with behaviour. (6) 5. Brian is cracked in the head. (5) 6 Oho - 1 burned hog, perhaps, for the surrounding community. ( 13) 7. Marks seed not to be scattered. (7) 11. Describes new dips, etc. (7) 13. Protein mixture for a dog. (7) 14. Excited voters discovered things. (6) 16. Employers with strange ruses. (5) 18. High lands could be a mess. (5) If you’re interested, in learning more about cryptic crosswords, Imprint has reproduced in booklet form its cryptic crossword course from 1982. It is available in the Imprint office (CC 140) for the price it cost us to have then produced: $3.50.

Answers in next ksue (Sept. 15)


F ormer by don button Imprint staff At the age of seven, former UW s&dent Bruce Steele decided that he wanted a career in radio. At thirteen, he had his first radio job, and since then he has been steadily climbing the radio ladder close to the top. I recently had the opportunity to talk to himat the University of Waterloo’s radio station, CKMS, where he was putting the finishing touches on a 13 part series he sold to CBC radio called Through The Ears of George-Martin. The first five parts have already been aired by CBC Radio to enthusiastic reviews and popular reaction, and if the next six go over as well, Steele should be able to sell the series internationally and make some money. Explained Steele, “I purposely kept operating costs as low as possible so that I only had to sell it to one network to break even.” Steele, through his company, Sounding Steele Inc., approached George Martin with the idea of the series more than a year and a half ago, and it took him a year to get together enough to convince CBC to buy it. Since then, he has spent his time editing, writing and compiling. By the time I got there, he was making copies and correcting small imperfections imperfections that would be inaudible to the vast majority, but such is the quality of Steele’s work. At first glance, all you see is a short, stocky man sitting at the mixing board, apparently moving Ieversandflickingswitchesat random. It doesn’t take long to realize that every movement is calculated; eyes alertly monitor-

A smiling Bruce Steele is rightfully work.

ing the meters, finely-tuned ears picking out even the samllest, variance in sound levels dnd mixing consistency. It is not a job for a home stereo owner, nor is it a job for anything but the I top producers. Bruce Steele is such a man, although he has not had any schooling in the trade. He has a Grade 13 education, plus a few credits from the University of Waterloo left over from his brief stay in academic circles here in 1968. He enrolled in September, but left in November to take a job with a radio station in London, Ontario for a few months. He returned to UW, but as station manager of CKMS, not as a student. At that time, CKMS was housed in one room: 1302 of Engineering 2, and was “held together by epoxy and masking tape”, he reminisced. They scraped together the money to buy $100 worth of old equipment from a radio station in Hamilton, and then spent untold hours with the epoxycanand the masking tape roll trying to put it all together. “One Tuesday night in early October ,1969, we decided to try out the system. We hookedup on closedcircuit to the Campus Centre, the Engineering Lounge, and the Arts cafeteria. We’ve been on the air ever since.” Between Steele and Jerry Cooke, the station grew, and moved to its present location at the old Bauer warehouse, a mile north of the Optometry Building, but was onl; broadcast on cable because the CRTC had a freeze on FM licences at the time. Steele went on to do many varied things, among them teaching at UW, travelling with a band, and, of course, radio work. The band, a concertactcalled Kit Carson, broke upwhena recording deal fell through and the band members went their separate ways. The University course was called Media Tools for Enuironmentef Research (ES252 and 253), and Steele explained with a wry grin that “It was not exactly a high-calibre academic endeavour.” Still, there were no communications or radio degrees in Canada at that time, and it was courses such as these that led to the development of such programs. All of his knowledge comes from experience, although he claims that you coulldn’t learn much at any of the commercial radio stations. And he has worked at scores of them, doing everything from country and western to middle of the road, Lawrence WeIk stuff to Top 40 AM. “CBC is a great school,” he said, explaining how he acquired [he knowledge to enable him

proud of his


A younger

Bruce Steele travelled

at CBC

with Kit Carson, a concert band. Photos courtesy of Dumont

to produce a show such as Through The Ears of George Martin. While at CBC, he produced or was involved in such Canadian classics as Touch the Earth, Morningside, and The Great Canadian Gold Rush. He also invented a kids show called Anybody Home? which offered a twist to regular kids shows by having the kids do the interviews. He also was the executive producer of Variety Tonight for a yea-r. After spending a year and a half on the production of the George Martin series,as well as countless hours of research on the man who has produced everything from classical music to the Beatles, Steele seemed ready to put the series to bed. And he was obviously very proud of it, as well he should be. It is quite an accomplishment, especially since the British producer is usually reluctant to do interviews, and rarely talks to the press. After breaking down his resistance, Steele got the go-ahead to do the interview and series, but had to fit it into Martin’s busy schedule. “Wespenta weekinaGdoutofhisoffice,and in the BBC archives, and then a week in the studios getting in talks in between his producing. People like Joan Armatrading and

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Earth Wind and Fire were walking in and out of the studio.” I heard the last show in the series while talking with Steele, and it sounds good. Intermixed with Steele, Martin, and musical scores with the Beatles, Peter Sellers and Spike Mulligan, is the unmistakable love and warmth of Bruce Steele - feelings that separate the mechanical from the craftsman. And Bruce Steele is a craftsman. Together with help from CKMS’s Bill Wharrie, Steele has produced one of the more successful radio shows in recent CBC history. He said that he has had offers from backers to do another series or two, but that he doesn’t have anything that he is really excited about lined-up. “It is a mistake to do something just because somebody has the money to do it,” Steele said, explaining why his next destination is home in Wingham. After that? Well, he has the chance to manage a station in Inuvik for three months, wants to go to Japan for awhile, and is looking for the next project to capture his interest. After watching him at work, I would have to say that whatever he decides to do next, it will probably be a success. We’11 be hearing from Bruce Steele again, and someday, there might be a Through The Ears of Bruce Steele on CBC Radio.

at 7454 166 or 653-2000

-Music Bruce

f !!!!AUDlTlONS!!!!‘r


Normal by Nathan Imprint

e heard


Rudyk staff

Bruce Cockburn The Trouble with Normal CBS

+* *


* -#





of 1: *


f* g *+

THE WIZARD OF.02. (children’s musical) and

i SEPT. i

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When I interviewed Bruce Cockburn after his talk on Central America (Imprint, May ZOth, 1983), he said, “The American way of life is threatened.” He was talking about the lifestyle we all enjoy: the lifestyle that keeps us in Waterloo and the third world in starved limbo. He was talking about The Trouble ‘with Normal. Cockburn’s latest album echoes alternatively of hope and cynicism. Behind the rhythmic, electronic face is a mind of music that invites you to listen to Cockburn recording the pulse of his pe.rception. He sees a minority that lives beyond the world’s means in Candy Man’s Gone. He sees the problems in Ronny-Pop-gun Ray-gun’s politics in the title track. Throughout the album, I am aware of a world that Cockburn sees as much less than perfect. The title track nearly knocked me out of my chair, withitspoundingdrumsandheavybass. After I brushed myself off and put my headphones back on, I appreciated more the difference between this album and Cockburn albums of the past. Although the progression to this album has not been radical over the last five or six years, if I pull out Cockburn’s self-titled albums from 1969, I find titles like Going to the Country and Keep it Open, and Cockburn singing “Jesus, don’t let Toronto take my song away.” Somewhere along the line, when everyone else in his generation got tired of aiming at the problems of the world, and decided instead to aim for double garages, Cockburn moved to Toronto, liked it, and began to takea hard look at the injustices that most people would just as soon forget. The artistic results of Cockburn’s hard awareness are gratifying in Trouble with

“Breathless by Tim Pqlich Imprint staff Culture Club Kissing To Be Clever o Polygram


and everv


Once himself a denizen of London’s infamous Bat Cave club, Boy George has stepped out of that trend scene to form his own, bringing a new sound and fashion into vogue. Before forming Culture Club, George O’Dowd worked as,a make-up artist for the Royal Shakespeare Co., and as a clothing designer for the Chelsea Street clothing label called The Foundry (who supply Culture Club with their characteristic apparel). His unique look caught the eye of ex-Sex Pistol manager Malcolm McLaren, who at the time was searching for someone to act as interim lead singer for his group Bow Wow Wow. Although Boy George didn’t realize it at the time, he was being used by McLaren as insurance while Annabella Lu Win was considering permanently leaving her singing role in that group. After three months had passed, Annabella was back on good terms with McLaren, and Boy George was given his notice.






to (he



Rock-n-R’011 , with

with fl.1





“After they threw me out of Bow Wow Wow, I got really pissed off and first of all I just wanted <revenge, and to be exactly like them but better. Just rip them off. Then I decided I had to do something on my own, because I’m a good singer!”




C.F.T.J.‘s Fitzpatrick



And that he is. Every song on Culture Club’s debut album, Kissing To Be Clever, is soaked with a breathy soul unmatched by any of today’s white pop music vocalists. From the steamy Do You Real/y Want to Hurt Me through the forcefulness of White Boy, Boy George never loses control, dominating the songs without overpowering their rhythmic intent. The rhythmic maturity they show is largely provided by drummer <Jon Moss, who met the Boy in April of 1981. Moss, the most experienced musician of the group has made previous appearences in such notable bands as The Clash, The Damned, and Adamand the Ants. His thrashing beat is the backbone of a solid rhythm section which has no virtuosos vying

Normal. Teaming up with Bob Diselle (drums), Dick Smith (percussion), Jon Goldsmith (keyboards), Denis Prendith (bass) and Hugh Marsh (violin and mandolin), Cockburn has put together an album that isas aware musically as he is socially. The band seems capable of anything - from the soft, pleasant rock of Candy Man’s Gone to the brooding, at times symphonic, African funk of Going Up Against the Chaos. One song, Hoop Dancer, seemed to be slightly excessive almost a parody of Cockburn’s new sound. The song contains over 7% minutes of Hugh Marsh solos and Bruce Cockburn solos, interspersed with Bruce talking even faster than he sings. It’s difficult enough to sort out his dense lyrics when he sings them. When he talks them, they’re even denser. For me, the best songs were Tropic Moon and Put Our Hearts Together: songs that showed both the bright and dark sides of Cockburn’s cynicism. Tropic Moon was written before the Central American trip. It’sa tense, staccatto song full of the passion of the Central American struggle, and the chorus contains one of Cockburn’s most effective statements about our society’s apathy: Hear the cry in the tropic night Shodd be the cry of love but it’s a cry of fright Some people neuer see the light Till it shines through bullet holes Put Our Hearts Together, a Cockburnesque reggae tune, offers thoughts like “Reverend Paisley hate masturbation,” “supremacy of pink people,“and the “geek”, the “Grand Dragon”, (Ron Ray-gun?) who is “So full of shit his breath makes acid rain.” The song also points out that only the hope of mankind can defeat the forces that would stop mankind’s existence. The Trouble with Normal is fuil of intriguing thought and music. It should be listened to.

sou1” album for spotlit solos but instead a full, uncluttered sound fleshed out with saxophone, harmonica and Synclavier. You Know (I’m Not Crazy) welldisplays this balanced instrumentation with Moss setting up a Latin rhythm in percussion and saxophone providing a nice compliment. Much more than what some people see as a “white reggae” band, Culture Club’s influences run far deeper. True to their name, their extremely danceable sound is a melting pot of music from various cultures. In I’ll Tumble 4 Ya they manage to come up with a Latino-calypso rhythm, whereas White Boy (an extended dance-mix version of the single) has definite funk tendencies and gives Boy Georgeachance to try some rap. Even the fashionable Motown sound is touched upon in I’m Afraid of Me.’ The heavp reggae influence shows up on the chart-topping single Do You Really Want To HurtMe.Arecordcompanydreamcometrue, the song managed to achieve the ultimate audience crossover, receiving airplay on AM radio, album oriented stations, middle of the road stations, adult contemporary and black radio! The last listed song, Love Twist continues in the reggae vein with a dubwise toast provided by 14 year old Captain Crucial. I stress this as being thee last listed song because albums pressed after the intitial 6000 mid-priced albums have an extra hidden song. The hit single Time (Clock of the Heart) formerly only available as a Z-inch import is the added song on the second side. As a final note Steve Levine deserves as much credit as anyone for the success of Kissing To Be Clever. Producing, mixing, and engineering the album, his contribution may never fully be realized. (Another recent project of Levine is China Crisis’ Difficult Shapes and Passive Rhythms, my personal favourite for 1982. It’s still only available as an import but the word from Polygram is that it will be available domestically in the near future). With all the cultural and sexual ambiguity aside, the music on Kissing To Be Clever is fresh and unassuming with all the warmth of a sunny day.

-Music Ideal dance album but rid for listening

by Nathan Imprint

Rudyk staff Talking



in Tongues WEA

Manic, cynic, white, Brit, punk, funk. It’s the Moody Blues minus the romance, the English Beat minus the fun, the Clash minus the meaning. Yet, Talking Heads’ new album, Speaking in Tongues, has a familiar, affective quality that yields an ideal dance album and at least a couple of redeeming tracks out of a roster of nine. If you liked Talking Heads ‘77, you should like Talking Heads in ‘83. If you didn’t like Talking Heads’ first effort, you simply have nothing to look forward to. With theexception of so’me new instrumental technology, the band has moved nowhere in six years. They’re just pumping out the same, sparsely melodic dancdproduct that‘ they are noted for. Of course, David Byrne’s constricted, moaning vocals are fronting all of his thick, textured rhythms and deliberarely non-sensical lyrics.




Byrne is joined on the album by the other heads - Chris Frantz, Jerry Harrison, Tina Weymouth - and a menagerie of other musicians including three auxiliary percussionists. Side one begins with the already successful Burning Down The House, and continues almost indistinguishably through four more songs. While listening to side one, I kept hearing “this ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco”, and I kept hoping the sound would go away. Side two has much more to offer. With one exception, the blanched melodies and heavy rhythms were enhanced by Byrne’s tangled lyrics. Swamp, reaches new depths bf morose musical absurdity with images of young flesh, old money, and blood, all backed up by a dragging beat. Moon RocksandPullUptheRoots, thenext two entries, are both spirited, funky expressions of Byrne’s rock ‘n roll experience. Moon Rocks is an example, and a documentation, of a livid, moving imagination: “I got wild imagination/Talkin’ transubstantiation.” Pull Up the Roots is about the eclectic life of romance on the road. The electric hand-claps and the E.P.-like rhythm break make this song a natural for dance boutiques and videoteques. The last song on side two, This Must be the Place, is a fresh, uncharacteristic Talking Heads approach. Subtitled Naive Melody, it’s a warm, woody contrast to the urgent harshness of the eight tracks that precede it. If there is such a thing as a Talking Heads love song, this is it: You got a face with a view I’m just an animal looking for a home Share the same place for a minute or two And you love me till my heart stops Love me till I’m dead With a few more innovations, Speaking in Tongues could be a great album. As it is,syou can take it dancing, but you can’t take it too seriously.


For those who wish to sample off-campus entertainment and aren’t too enthused with the offerings of- local pubs and bars, Kitchener’s Centre in the Square and the K-W Community Orchestra may provide a palatable alternative. Starting September 15th, the K-W Community Orchestra will be meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre in Waterloo to practice, and hold auditions for new rehearse, members. In addition, the Orchestra will be playing numerous concerts throughout the course of the year, although no definite dates have been announced.

Are you interested in finding out more about your campus and your community? Join the CKMS News Department and help others as ivell. ’

Receive your Federation of Students price discount (” 1.00 off everything) by showing your-undergrad University of Waterloo I.D. card to the cashier!!



9:30 to 12:45 & 200 to 500 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Sorry, We’re Closed on Wednesday

For further

information, 886-2567


’ Help Wanted Writers, Graphicists, Photographers Imprint features a wide variety of Entertainment coverage and to do this a lot of peole with a loi of different interests are needed. ”

and free tickets - all yours for covering th-e‘ event or writin reviews.


Erna Van Daele conducts the orchestra, which plays a wide variety of classical and contemporary works, both solo and interactive. Guest artists also join in for two concerts a year. Interested students should call 886-4251, 7458567, or 576-7038. Centre in the Square has two attractions; the Kitchener/Waterloo Art Gallery, and the regularly scheduled shows that feature everything from country and western to ballet. Some such showsscheduled for the next few weeks include: Symphony for Survival, Charlie Pride, The Rovers, The Gypsy Baron, Swan Lake, Della Reese, and Fiddler on the Roof. Full program information is available at the Centre in the Square box office.

Interested? Come and talk to us. 8851660, or Ext. 2332 4










8 Slice


Bacon. Olw~ Fresh Tomatoes

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Ontario’s Community Newspapers and CP Air, co-ordinator and patron of the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards Program are seeking entries for 1983.







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sauce. a toasted


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TFrosh Scavenger by Fraser Simpson Imprint staff How much do you know about this university? It’s difficult to find out everything in your first week (or even your first year!) when there is so much to know. For this reason, Imprint and Waterloo Town Square are sponsoring the following information-collecting Frosh Scavenger Hunt. You’ll bring back nothing but information, and you could win big prizes! (listed in advertisement below.) All answers should be legibly written on this page, and should be submitted (two persons per entry) to the



Imprint office (Campus Centre room 140). Please include your names and telephone numbers so that we can contact you’if you win. Winners will be those pairs with the most correct entries. In the event of ties, there will be draws forthe winners. Decisions of thejudgesare final. Contest is limited to first-year, first-term students. All entries must be submitted to the Imprint office by Monday, September 12th to be eligible for prizes. Imprint staff members and Wkerloo Town Square employees are ineligible. Good luck scavenaina!



1 present

B. C. Matthews Hall 4. What is the name of the Ancient Egyptian game in the Games Museum on loan from the Royal Ontario Museum? 5. What is room


Hike across

The Optometry

Plus Other Great Prizes

8. What

28 in the museum


to. . .



1. What Faculty

Sept. 12th . 5:00 p.m.



appleth ’ hairstylists - 886-3391 Campus Centre & Universityof Waterloo



John Food

13. What

is a double

ice cream

cone at

are the pillars in the Imprint


ofice? 14. Does the Great Hall have a non-smoking section? 15. When is Wednesdays?

2. Who won the Most Valuable Male Volleyball Player Award in the 1972-l 973 season?





16. Into which room can you go to watch TV? (the room number) 17. How much does it cost to make a regular photocopy in the Federation of Students office?

3. The Squash Viewing Gallery between Blue South and . . . what?

is located

can’t next page

Now, make your way to. . .

Our Specialties.

Simpson Critic


’ 84 King St. N. Waterloo


Tues., Wed. II:30 a.m.-g:00 p.m. Thurs.,Fri., Sat. 1 I:30 a,m.-IO:00 p.m. Sunday 12:30 p.m.-8:OO p.m.


12. How much Scoops?

has its office by Red North?

The portions are large and the prices are low. Top this with pleasant service and quaint decor in a relaxing atmosphere and you have a real gem among local dining rooms.

Carol Verdun

in the coffee





11. How much is a cheeseburger


It will be helpful to get a map of the University. You’ll be starting at the PAC and ending at South Campus Hall. It is best to do the questions in order except for the Miscellaneous Section. It is very important to read the Miscellaneous Section first, in case you run into the answer to one-of them alongthe way (and it’s very likely that you will!) Now, find the Physical Activities Complex (PAC). Go inside.


can be requested

10. What do you have to trade in when you want to borrow a game or magazine from the Turnkey desk?


Jeans Apple Hill Bath Boutique $15.00 Gift CertificateWaterloo Town Square Gift Certificates

in the

is Exhibit


The Campus Centre


Dinner for two at Texas Bar BQ Pair of Mark’s Work Wearhouse Denim




9. How many ‘Cars’ albums at the Turnkey Desk?


3rd Prize-$50.00


in the

the road to . . .

- Now backtrack


2nd Prize-4 tickets for “The Best of Second City”

Deadline for Entries:

made the thermostat Centre?


1st Prize-4 tickets -for “The Nylons”


1035 used for?

6. What company Visitor’s Reception




7. How many ‘people’ are there hanging the ceiling?

Each team should consist of two people. Please write your name, UW student ID number, and telephone number (if you have one) below. Name:




Before you start:




Our sampling of the food at Aphorisms was too limited for me to state flat out that the place was great. However, I can certainly say that if other items areas tasty and as carefully prepared as the ones we had, then therestaurant deserves accolades.


NEW YORK STYLE Chicken Wings and

&EN Tuesday, 4 Slice,

FRESH PIZZA Thursday, & Saturday Pizza-Only $2.00!

2 Item


-C&unes 18. What number door?

is on the Used Book Store’s

30. What word appears floor clock?

From here, it’s only a short walk to . . .

is given to the hall in

23. One of the shelves contains TPl56 to . . . what?



What is found in room



Why does it say ‘Do not enter’ on 1312?

Biology 2 in order to get Instead, double back to those fountains (don’t get lost!) and make your way to . . .





Who is this library named after?

27. Is there a photocopier

NeedlesHall ’ 37. What is the number? .

on the second floor?



8 ‘.


38. According to the pit, what deposit in containers provided?




Go to the ninth floor by way of the elevators. 28. What’s

39. How many vertical strips of wood are there along the left-hand side (as you face it) of the reception desk?

on the ceiling of>the elevators?

29. How many people can all of the carrels along the north wall of the 9th floor accommodate?

(Note: Co-op students should check the bulletin boards in NH to see when to go for their co-ordinator interviews.)

now more than ever. Jt’s a friendlyI l






Convehiently Between Erb and William


its office with

5 1. What floor is the Laurel Room on? 52. Grey Coaches leave from the university at the North and South bus stopsMondaythrough Friday, headed for Toronto. How many buses leave on Friday from the South bus stop on the autumn schedule?


The information to be filled in below is either easyto lookup,or isvisiblealong the hunt route. 53. Why is it dangerous to park your car along Ring Road? 54. What two streets intersect at the front of the University (that is, at the south entrance?)

For the next two questions, find the cafeteria. What colour are most of the chairs? What is the title of the sculpture

48. If you were to go straight ahead, in which building would you find yourself? .~ Go down the other hall instead (to the left) and continue through the double doors at the end. You’re now below the Arts Lecture Hall. Turn right, go through the next double doors and keep following the tunnel. (If you’re really silly, halfway down the long part of this tunnel you might wish to cough loudly or call out ‘Echo!’ or something.) Go up the stairs at the end. You’ll find that you’re sheltered by. . .

place to shop




55. How many sculpture ‘Joy’?




in the


Across the room from where you get the food is a set of doors with black handles that say PULL on them. Go through these doors (pull!) and you’ll be entering part of UWs underground tunnel system. Straight ahead should be a set of doors. There is also a turn to the left.

9:3O a.m.- 5:30 p.m.



Who is in ML 325?

Hallmark Cards Hatashita Jewellers Info Place Jessop’s Cleaners K-Mart Kadwell Records Kinsie Wool Shop K-W Shoe Clinic Lady’s A Champ Laura Secord Lewiscraft Mark’s Work Wearhouse Mr. Gameways Ark Orange Julius Pants Plus Phone Centre Pot Belly Stove Professional Tailoring Raggs For Men Reitman’s Scotiabank


South Campus Hall


SEE OUR NEW FALL OVER 60 STORES AND Apparel Clearance Centre Apple Hill Bath Boutique Athlete’s Foot Audio! Base B.J. Photo Barnes Wines Beaver Hobby Centre Belinda & Brother Camera Junction Carpenter Shop . Cloth & Clay Coles Bookstores Dara Shoes Dental Clinic First% Lady Hair Salon Forest Hill China The Frat House Fudge’s Fun & Games G & T Barber Shop Grandma Lee’s Guaranty Trust

6,1963 -

43. Name all the different kinds of creatures on the platform around the wild boar. (Hint: our list has more than five.)

44. Which Spanish?



50. What is the name of the cafeteria?

opened this building?

Now that you’re here, go toward the EXIT sign, and go through the double brown doors directly beneath it. 36. If you were to follow this mini-tunnel, in which building would you be?

The Arts Library


33. Who officially

are there in B

books from

is the Interlibrary


The Modem ’ LanguagesBuilding __ spouts


49. What is the Open Door?

How many floors does this building have?

on to

32. How many fountain front of Engineering 2?

.'. .

25. On which periodicals kept?

. . . and

Centre have



For the next three questions, find the EMS library. (Easier said than done . . . choose the right staircase!) 22. What does EMS stand for?

cut through


3 1. What colour is the door to room 208?

2 1. What is the highest floor that the elevators will go. to?


40. Does the Career Information an Oxford Prospectus?

4 1. On which floor is the Registrar’s

The Engineering LectureHall

19. What is in room 3037?

24. What room Loans office?

on the face of the ninth

A quick stop in . . .

The Math and Computer Building 20. What colour coding which 2058 is located?


56. Where is there a brown and gold helix on campus? (Hint: It’s big.) 57. What is the Humanities

58. What mean?





59. True or False: The University course. 60. True or False: The Campus free movies on Fridays.


has a golf

Centre shows

You’re finished! Take your paper to the Imprint office, CC 140, to hand it in. Watch for the winners in the September 14th issue of Imprint!


LINEUP SERVICES Sears Catalogue Shoppers Drug Mart Simply Terrific Fruits & Nuts Smoker’s Den :‘.l, Sooter Studios Speedwash Laundromat St. Clair Paint & Wallpaper Studio l-Fourteen T C’s Lounge T-D Bank Tee-Shirt Stop Texas Bar BQ I Twin City Bowl Vic Foster Travel Service Walter McLean, M.P. Waterbed King Waterloo Square Flower Shoppe Waterloo Square Pet Shop W. E. Davies Opticians Win.dmill Cards & Gifts Zehr’s


. In the Heart Of Uptown

9:30 a.rn+m 9~00 p.m.

Waterloo 886-4190

Fed up-with the flits? I_ Feel like getting out ofarut? Looking for somet~ng~ that’ Want to make a day of it?


v,icarious thrills await the visitor. Details of co&s, addresses, telephone numbers etc. may L. ,be’found I * in the box at the end of the article.

A~lofthesudden’w~~~~s~orts’areintheK-W in’geman . Park, has the best region, and ~ombi~~at~on facilities in this area. Though Hamilton’s Centennial Park wave pool is

the first of its kind in North America. A hot tub set to one sideof the pool, in a large area, is periodically cleared of small fry s a pleasant place to finish off a session of ng. It is maintained at a temperature I had hitherto associated with‘the ~oil~~g~of lobsters, so proceed withgare. These days, no self-r specting amusement park is without a waterslide, and Bingeman Parkhasatot~~l~ffo~ronwhi~hy~umayswoop. down. Unlike Pioneer Spo~tsworld, whjch steep ~~.5Ofors~*ride~, Bingeman’s for an unlimited-use option with its

all-day pass. An interesting-looking minature golf course, a roller-skating rink, and. a g&cart track complete the list of activities which might

your nice clean body! In all, Bingeman Park, best known for its Oktoberfest bashes, now offers a fine day of entertainment. It is close-hv. and anndvali~efnr v- -

- -----

‘I -‘--I-

Everyone should go at least once to Ontario Place. eve been b’acka fewtimes now, and have yet to be disappointed in any way. It’s a good place to take visi g refatives or’ to stroll through with a ‘clo friend. The giant 6Oft. x 80 ft. IMAX screen is a real thrill first time around, though one does with that they would make some new films for it. Not that there is with ~urtb of Superior or ep, just that one feels that they tapped the potential of the l’ve a,lways dreamt of seeing ack scene from ~~oca/y~se Now in multi-millimetre splendour. (They do actually show movies there in the winter, so watch the Toronto press for listings.) j My favourite time at Ontario Place is in the evening, when Toronto shines brightly to one sideandthecinespheretwinklesprettilyo~the other. Summer evenings bring a melange of performers to the Forum -a group as diverse asJohnny Cash, The Nylons and the National Ballet! I recently saw Rita Coolidge in cencert with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and very pleasant it was too. She wasn’t drowned out by the Orchestra, and everyone got to see the performers head-on, as the stage slowly

The waterslide at Bingeman F ‘ark has attracted the biggest, longest, ind best facilities.


revolved.‘fhe cost of the show is included in the price of admission, which isanexcellentdeal by any standards. Ontario berth isa propaganda piece extolling the virtues of life in the North, but merits a visit for the state-of-the-art slide presentation which is found at the.entrance to the exhibit. The only thing which detracts from the general impression is the litter and greasy odours which emanate from the fast-food joints on the site; surely something could be done about this by the powers that be.


featuring however, cZSaim to , Dragon highest that, as


dream of the world-class theme process of being realized at this location. ~ar~neland has, until t known for itsoutstandingshow various aquatic mammals. Recently, “Dragon mountain” has become its faim. mountain is the world’s longest and &eel roller coaster, and one mu rides go, this is the ultimate. (That is if

all summer,



which drops peep for the totally inz park itself is a dis; signs of developrr the moment one ( walking around a Thus, there?s a show featuring whales, and the ride, spread over I undoubtedly the through a series over the course o the new generatic to 50 MPH, givin complete, the tra front of, one-thin Canadian and Am On balance tho shell out for the C I’d find it a little summer’s day-pa moment. The gan part of the park is; some of the anim;


at 100 MPH, as !eker only.) The however, since ywhere, and for sling that one is ;truction site. :e on the animal -tpressive killer zd coaster. The scaped acres, is erienced, going lops and spirals gtinutes. One of 3, it travels at up 10th ride. When I behind, and in :as of Niagara’s respectively! you’re willing to ttain experience fy the cost of a arineland at the ch is an integral :hough to be fair, J being moved to more suitable,

at Bingeman



quarters. My companion voiced the opinion that the place could have been a whole lot better if there had been something made of the educational possibilities related to the captive animals. I can‘t help but agree; though the dolphins looked as if they were having some fun, the elephantsin the Hawthorn Circus act looked sad and degraded, and the tigers seemed downright fed-up and unto-operative. In summary, the place has real potential, and the owner, John Holer, will probably see his vision realized. With the obvious exception, the place is a little light on rides, so one might want to combine a visit here with a tour of the Falls and its’ other associated attractions. As for the imal shows, that’s for you to make your own minds up on.

This is Canada’s attempt to re-create 8 Disneyland north of Toronto, and in manyways it succeeds. There are various themed areas which an army of summer help, some hired from this student body, keep scrupulously clean, and therearenumerousrestaurantsand -stalls selling fairly-priced and tasty food. There is a variety of games, shows, “facilities”, rides and, above all, roller-coasters. Though none of them compare with the previously mentioned ’ Dragon Mountain, the coaster afficionado will find it hardto~hoose,amo~gstothers, between the smooth riding Dragon Fyre (55 MPH max, 2 loops, a corkscrew and a spiral) and the 0 ~P~fro~ a 1 I Ofoot drop), which is in the more traditional ricketywooden-frame jolting-rattling-ride type. Apart from the coasters, Wonderland has a large number of other rides, some of which I couldn’t screw up,enough courage to get on to. Thereare manyshopssellingstufffromaround the world, where one can shelter if it rains, as well as a variety of shows. These are a major feature of the park and are in the “tribute to’ genre. e.g., to the sixties . . . to Broadway, etc. Apart from” these some very entertaining chnuve %#I,“““rJ

zara “IV

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r\n “II

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trnttnac LI VU&#““,



should check with the park as to what i sonat any one time. When I was there, a medieval festival was in progress, and the featured acts included Penn Jiltette and Teller, a-marvellous com.ic juggler/magician duofrom LosAngeles, ’ and the Sak TheatreCompany which is usually based at the Epcot Centre in Florida. To cap this -all off, the newly opened Kingswood Theatre ’ has headlined some impressive acts {e.g. Asia, Santana, Harry idler). Ticket prices seem rather expensive, but include,entry to the park and all rides for tvvo hours before the show. To sum up; very well worth a visit, a lot of fun and if you can get a two for one offer through your local Loblaws or whatever, a great deal. c Incidentally, l was there on a civic holiday, and the place was far from crowded, though this was due perhaps to uncertain weather. I have heard of holdups caused by the traffic trying to get to the park. ’ So there you are.ri folks., ,Round up csome

Although no Dragon Mountain, Won derland’s two roller roasters are for the coaster and there are various otF-- -‘L, I IUO ai --AKJ attractions guaranteed to delight.



88514280 Single tickets go on stile September for all of our H~Mdihger attractions at the HUManities$Theatre!



THE NYLONS Saturday, September 17 THE TOMORROW BOX Tuesday, September 20 to Saturday, September 24 RONNIE HAWKINS Monday, I September 26 THE BEST OF SECOND CITY Friday, September 30 BOB BERKY Friday, October 21 The Shaw Festival production of \ TOM JONES-Tuesday, October 25 DOUBLE BILL starring Maxim Mazumdar Thursday, October 27 PILLARD CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Friday, October 28 DON HARRON & CATHERINE McKlNNON Wednesday, November 2 THE FRANTICS Saturday, November 5 ROCK AND ROLL Sunday, November 27 SYLVIA TYSON Saturday, January 14 THE BARTOK QUARTET Wednesday, January 18 ON GOLDEN POND Wednesday, January 18 QUIET IN THE LAND Tuesday, February 14 to Saturday, February 18 JON HENDRICKS AND COMPANY Tuesday, March 20 JEREMY CONSTANT Wednesday, March 21

All tickets are available at the HUManities Theatre Box Office, room 161 y Hagey Hall.. *



‘-Serio-comic by Todd Tremblay Imprint staff C. H. Andrus An Olympian Modern


Adventure Press


The semicircular auditorium was alive with a mass of glittering spectators . . . eager to glut their sight with a bloody scene . . . In the midst of the immense concourse there towered the luminous throne occupied by Zeus, surrounded by the prominent gods of his court. He would have appeared majestic were it not that he was amusing himself with Priapos whom he held on his lap. The child-god was more than lively today, much to the admiration of his grandparent. He toyed with a bolt which the latter hadgiven him toplay with, and was continually on the point of hurling it at the audience. Luckilyfor all, it was not charged with Zeus’ ire. Nor was the sky beclouded, whereby it might be electrified in to lightening. The above scene describes the start of a great day for the gods of Olympus; you see, Zeus has arranged a special event to counter


a d.elight


their perpetual boredom. It is nothing less than the spectacle of earth engulfed in global war. The sub-title of An Olympian Adventure . by C. H. Andrus, who is a new author on the Canadian literary circuit, claims that the book is “a serio-comic fantasy”. The dubious hero of the novel is Cleron’s Super Ego. He mysteriously detaches himself from the body that contains Cleron’s Minor Ego (who narrates the story) and travels to Mount Olympus. There, he is appalled at the wantonness of the Gods, who concentrate ali of their considerable energy into arranging as many trysts and consuming as much nectar as they can in a single night . . . every night. Cleron decides to clean up the realm. He starts by freeing Prometheus from the rock, a feat he manages only because Zeus, the Boss, is off somewhere debauching Europa. Shortly it becomes clear, however, that the many delightful scenes are the spoonful of sugar that makes Andrus’ dark philosophy more palatable. The book attempts to deal with the timeworn problem of the existence of evil in the universe of a benevolent God. With his tongue firmly in his cheek, Andrus draws none-too-

gentle parallels between the worlds of gods and men, the Greek pantheon and Christian conventions. The reader will probably encounter a few rough spots. In the plot, for example, Cleron’s experiences are illusory, but at the end of the novel he somehow achieves physical form and goes out into the world like some modern-day Diogenes. Also, from time to time Cleron’s Minor Ego reads excerpts from his counterpart’s memoirs. These he calls “Cleron’s incoherent not t urn al ravings”. Here the philosophy getsa bit heavy-handed, and the descriptions of human suffering sometimes maudlin. The saving grace of the work is its style. Andrus’ narration flows so smoothly that at times he resembles a lunatic Henry James, the master of the multiple predicate. Sparkling and innovative figures of speech are the rule and, due to the sheer eloquence of the author, the intentionally-elevated dialogue is humourous rather than overly ornate. Despite the occasional problem with plot, I think fantasy enthusiasts will consider An Olympian Adventure a refreshing and welcome addition to the genre.



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by John W. Bass Imprint staff What About






Ground Zero the Russians - And Nuclear Pocket Books


There is no question that the prospect of nuclear conflict is of some importance to us all. That importance varies from “It’s my job” (not only including generals, NORAD personnel, and the military in general, but students in electrical engineering and computer science who will eventually work on delivery systems), to “It’s my fear”; and that fear runs the gamut of a social cause celebre to an excuse to “Let’s party - it’s all going to blow up any month now!” All of these people should be acquainted with the information in What About the Russians - And Nuclear War? and its predecessor, Nuclear War - What’s In It For You? FoLone thing, both books were written under the direction of Earl and. Roger Molande-r. Roger Molander was a member of the National Security Council for seven years, spanning the administrations of Nixon, Ford, and Carter. His principle area of responsibility was strategic nuclear policy issues, which included chairing a group that prepared all of the analytical material for the SALT negotiations. Which suggests some authority. Further authority is given both books by the balanced and analytical views presented. There is no hysteria here, nor is there any flag-waving. What is at least as important is that in neither

the realities book are they Russian apologists either. There is a clear sense that, while the issue is not black and white, and iwhile the Russians are not black-hearted scoundrels, there are clear and present threats from the USSR. The really outstanding thing about What About the Russians - And Nuclear War? is it explains where those threats come from. The really bad thing about this book is, unlike its predecessor, it is utterly dull. The first book was easy to read through in two or three sittings in a week; this one took a month of determined attack to wade through it. While it is certainly understandable, it employed none of the devices of the first book that made it readable - fictional illustrations, references to current events, easily-identifiable analogies, the occasional bit of humour. That’s too bad, because this book is at least as important. Is it still possible to say we should “Know our enemy”, or have the peaceniks made this phrase unacceptable? If it’s too embarrasing for folks to admit that there are two opposing sides (at least two!) in the world today, and we are on one side (for better or worse), this book comes too late. As it’s title says, this book explores the Russian attitude towards the prospect of atomic warfare -. explores it thoroughly, and in what appears to be an unprejudiced manner. To say that the Russian attitude is similar to ours is to ignore 236 pages of qualified refutation. While certainly not saying the Russians are evil or monsters, What About the Russians - And Nuclear War? does have _ the following points to make, chapter by chapter. l 1: Condemned to Learning from His&y: The Russian and Souiet Past - in which we learn that Russian history is basically and significantly different-from our own. It contains a good short history of the Russian Revolution. l 2: Life Outside the KremlinSouiet Economy, Society and Culture - thisand thefollowingchapter,ShadesofTotalitarianism: How the Souiet Political System Works, explore the USSR from the underside - how the common citizen lives and works, and what we might perceive as its high and low points - and while the details are dull, the overall impression makes the details worth while. For example: . . . lacking the self-correcting features of the capitalist marketplace, in which the shortages and excesses send price signals to buyers and sellers, the plan in its inflexibility tends to be far slower in uncovering and correcting such errors. The result ispersistantshortages. The needs of low-priority industries - consumer goods and agriculture - are always relegated behind those of high priority industries - defense and heavy industry. There are also gluts and mismatching that result from plans, for example an excess offertilizer or absence of fertilizer spreaders.

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Now, that was dull. On the other hand, the major themes of the book are all there - that the socialist.economy has just as many flaws as our (though different ones); that the central planning authorities favour the military over the citizens; and that the system is capable of (sometimes significant) errors. 03: Beyond the Border Guards: Soviet Foriegn Policy and Actions in the Postwar Era. This chapter and the one following, Clash of the Titans: The Soviet Military Challenge, examine the threat of the Soviet Union in fair detail. Again, an interesting dichotomy of ideas or contradiction in this book becomes apparent: the book was written by members of the peace mevement, yet the idea coming out of this section is, the West does have legitimate reason to fear the USSR. At least some of ‘em are sane. The final section of the book deals with the future of US/Soviet relations, and prospects for peace. A very inconclusive chapter, it’s main point seems to be, “Will the Real Yuri Andropov Please Stand Up - Before It’s Too Late!“, as one of the sub-heads reads. In fact, the whole bookisveryinconclusive. Yet very detailed. I have marked at least a dozen spots I would like to quote, on such topics as censorship and totalitarianism, the black market (which, according to the book, is as much as 25 per cent of the Soviet consumer economy!), mat the Soviet military receives the first, the best, and the most of everything (and that “Military R&D proceedsonapull-out-all-the-stops,cost-is-no-object kind of political and economic environment . . . military R&D effort is better managed than its civilian counterparts, with better planning, organization and control . . . (and that Western technology) . . . is also obtained through espionage.” Also, that “ . the strains inrelations between the U.S. and its NATOallies (specifically, European peace and disarmament movements) are undoubtedly advantageous to the Soviet Union, and there is every reason to believe that Soviet efforts to promote this rift will continue .” The trouble is, no matter how hard I tried to not take the above quotes out of context, I inevitably had to- they each belong toa page-or-two long argument. Does the value of going into such detail, to the detriment of the readability of the book, get balanced by the importanceof the information? Probably not in this case, because there is nothing in this book that was either a) explored to some extent in the previous work, or b) is available from other sources, or is common knowledge. Perhaps it is worthwhile to codify that common knowledgeand gather together the other information into this admittedly more accessible book . . . but I doubt if people will be able to plough through it all. And that is too bad. It would definitely be worthwhile for folks in the peace movement, especially those who go for unilateral disarmament to spend some study time on this work - it would help towards a balanced view. The two Molanders are heads of different sections oi Ground Zero, an American peace organization. It is comforting to know that at least some of the demonstrators aren’t blind to the realities of a hostile world.






6,1983 -


Science Fiction

Imprint Media Workshop

Great yarns of star&hips by John W. Bast Imprint staff Asimov,




Starships Fawcett, 1983


Most readers do not like science fiction stories whose authors write about technology ahead of anything else. John W. Campbell, Jr. is certainly one of the giants of early science fiction, but it isn’t his short stories and novels that gain him that stature. Like much of the pre1960’s stuff, his was fully three quarters speculative physics, chemistry, electronics, biology and metallurgy. ‘The Black Star Passes is a wonderful book - but not for the light reader. Have an encyciopedia handy. But that was a phase that passed in science fiction, if not rapidly, at least very definitely. If you can’t handle the “science” in science fiction nowadays, you’d better give up youramibitions of getting a banking-machine card - that’d be beyond you, too. No, the thrust in modern science fiction (for some writers, it has always been the thrust) is the human element. This is universal in good literature. Yet background and setting remain significant (this 1,salso true in ail literature - would a detective story be substantially the same if set in either Inuvik or Chicago’?) Starships is about settings, and how they affect stories. Now, it is possible to read and enjoy Starships withou t caring _ a whit about starship design. There’s not a story here that isn’t really. good from one perspective or another - and I’ve found that rare in anthologies. Of the thirteen stories in this book (none of which are new, and sowe of which are posthumous - but many of which are classics), perhaps the best are The Burning of the Brain, Far Centaur-us, Allamagoosa, and Wings Out Of Shadow. Ail of the above have special associations for me. The Burning of the Brain is one of the few stories by Cordwainer Smith stories I’ve found readable - and I’m siad there are a few. I’ve found his content extremely dull, but his tit-iting style is wonderfully poetic. Far Cen taurus is a science fit tion classic. A. E. Van Vogt was a prolific writer of science fiction from 1939 to 1943 and, though very occasionally he gets bogged down in scientific jargonese (i.e. in The Universe Maker, whose story is nothing like the title) his really great books (i.e. The Weapon Shops of Isher and short stories - this one for example) remain very readable and socially relevant. Allamagoosa, by the late Eric Frank Russell is that rare gem in science fiction: the humour story. It’s also one of the best examples of Russei’s writing. Wings out ‘of Shadow, one of Fred Saberhagen’s Berserker stories, is one of the few not-dull tales of the death machines I’ve read, and surely one of the most poetic and moving. There’s even an Anne McCaffrey story, The Ship Who Sang; possibly this is the story most closely connected with the novel’s “starship” theme; and certainly the least technologically oriented. (I’ve always been dissatisfied with McCaffrey’s science; but the vast majority of her stories are not only readable, but wonderful - I’m thinking of the Dragonriders of Pern stories, of course.) So, if you don’t give a damn if the Starship Improbable gets from Earth to Vega via spacewarp, hyperdrive, Manschenn Drive, tachyon drive, gravitron polarity generator (the spindizzy), ramscoop, Bergenholmes, black holes, Aiderson tramlines, teleportation, the Standing Wave, Jonasoidai drive, or a simple generation ship, then you’ll still like this book. Me, I first started leafing through it and finally bought it because it had an A. Bertram Chandler “Rim Worlds” story I hadn’t read yet. But if you do like starship designs (like me!) this book is a treasure that we’ve been waiting a long time for.Even the table of


Saturday, September 17th 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Featuring Trent Frayne (Globe 81 Mail), Joe Sinasac (K-W Record), Mack Laing (School of Journalism, Western), Len Gamache (former Imprint editor).

Open to new and returning staff. ’ Ask us about it! Imprint, contents is organized by components of a ship: “The Captain”, “The Crew”, “The Passengers”, “The Cargo”; the type of ship: “Time Relativity”, “Generation Ship”, “Suspended Animation”, “Cybernetic”, “Faster Than Light/Hypership”; and events in space: “First Contact”,“Inspection”,“Disaster”,and“Combat”. You might get the impression that this would lead to stereotyped stories; and to a certain extent, that is true: certain types of stories are going to happen aboard a generation ship that won’t happen ona hyperdrive ship. . . andcertainly the most interesting thing about a cybernetic ship is the cyborg that drives her; suffice it to say though, that one of these stories is stereotypical. Let us enjoy the variety of fictional starships while we have it. It is not completely impossible that by the end of the next haifcentury, we’ll have some form of star travel, and the ship type that doesn’t work won’t be written about. As science advances, the science fiction possibilities decrease, and that’11 be a tragedy r for lovers of variety in starships. It seems to me the possibilities still open are: l a tachyon drive (even if it has a lot of problems: how do you get off? or on, for that matter?); it seems that tachyonsdoexist ... l black holes (they may be useful. . . but how do we get to one? And who takes the first step?) l generation ships (coi-npieteiy possible, just not (quite) -practical. But what do you want to bet that our third orfobrth orbital space station is equipped for drives to let it explore the outer planets . . . and keeps on going?) It must be admitted that the Generation ship is the dullest possibility available, even though it is the one wecertainlycando at the present time. But let’s keep hoping for that tachyon drive . . . and do let’s speculate on other starship types - they make great yarns.


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Risks Business fimnv flick by John W. Bast Imprint staff Want to see a funny movie? I wanted to, and didn’t expect to, until Risky Business got past the opening credits. I thought I was going to see a typical summer movie - you know, the highschool kid meets a knowledgeable woman and comes away with some battle scars, but at least a lot moreexperienced (in the Biblical sense). One doesn’t particularly see why such movies have Restricted ratings, because the amount of nudity shown is\ minimal (usually it’s seen through a diffusion filter) and so-called “erotic” scenes are old hat to high school kids anyway. So if there’s nothing titillating, and nothing new plot-wise, why bother to keep on making them? Because, possibly just as~a happy accident, you might get a Risky Business. Themoviebeginsnormallyenough-akid’sparents(Joelisthe kid, played by Tom Cruise) are going away for two weeks. He’ll have the house to himself, and about $200 in food money to play with. His father’s Porsche is unguarded. He’s conservative enough at first, but of course his friends urge him on to more script that outdistances the Porky’s movies and My Tutor, interesting territory. acting that is suited very well to the script, and a lot of honest There are lots of nice little “bits” in this movie. The kid pours laughs, as well as what is perhaps a better insight into teenage himself about eight ounces of what is clearly whiskey - a first boyhood than similar works can to provide. step into violation of parental edicts. The audience laughs. The If there is a major fault here, it lies in over-simplification of camera pulls back to show us what he’s going to drink is Chivis characters; all hookers do not have heartsofgold; teen-age boys Regal. The audience roars. Then he mixes in Coke. The are not gullible all the time (even though their priorities are audience laughs, stomps its feet, and makes noises like they of different!), and ali pimps do not have hearts of gold -even if they extreme amusement. (Perhaps you had to be there). wield snub-nosed revolvers and sure look mean. The top priorities of the highschool male (and most everyone But, shucks, strict accuracy has never been a problem for else) are sex,. money, and sex. Naturally, Joel’s thoughts movies, and Risky Business is fun. And it’s nice to see a happy ebventually turn to these goals. Joel’s chum encourages him to ending, even if the truth has to be stretched to cover it. Risky Business was, at press time, playing at the Waterloo consult a professional. (Enough mincing words. He calls a hooker). Theatre in Waterloo. Unfortunately, the classified ad he answers is not quite for him - the woman involved is a big black woman (Joel isa small white boy) so that doesn’t panout quitecorrectly; but the woman hasa heart of gold (look, this movie is a semi-fantasy) and she gives him the number of a girl who should suithimjust fine.) Naturally, this is just the beginning of his troubles. Joel becomes infatuated with the new girl (she’s very good at her job); but his illusions are shattered when she steals a valuable objet d’art from his parent’s house: He (surprise!) tracks her down, saves her from her pimp (Guido - anybody in a movie named Guido should be suspect) and lets her stay (“Just for the night”) at his house. He doesn’t know what he’s got himself into. In fact, that is probably the theme of the movie - Joel’s time is spent getting into situations he doesn’t quite know how to handle, and then getting out of them. The major situation has to do with his hooker friend convincing him that he needs real money fast (well, he’sdumped his dad’s car by now; she’s right) and her friends can help him get it (plus a percentage for themselves - all the rich boys in the neighbourhood have bonds and savings accounts, of course. . .). This, in sympathy with the genre, works out well enough for awhile . . . until Guido rears his ugly head again . . . I’m not going to spoil it for you. All that’s necessary to say is, this movie offers an adequate number of titillating scenes, a



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\ 0

ns that newcomers to Waterlooask most frequently is, “What is there to do around here at night?” (besides working on assignments, of course). The answer depends on what you’re looking for. There are a s around town, but if fair number of .pubs and you’re interested in othe entertainment , it can be hard to find. For example, there’s only one movie theatre within walking distance of UW. hen it comes to live theatre, the alternatives are even fewer and farther between. There are student ~ro~uct‘ions on campus, but *only seven or The UW Arts Centre offers a season of exe shows; but ‘each is only here for a night or two; if a student happens busy those nights, he or she is out of &: Centre in the Square brings in half a luck, I~~itch~ne dozen “big ‘name” pr~~uc~io~s a month, but many of university crowd, and tickets dollars or more. Other groups e around town, in rented halls. or theatreIs or churches, but they frequently come and go without people on campus finding out about them.

reality. The Waterloo area has the audience and it has the talent to form the backbone of cast and crew for Waterworks. Council and Mayor Marjorie Carroll Waterloo have enthu tally endorsed the project; with the new Seagram museum, _ the city is opening of launching a seriesof tourism thrustsand Waterworks will fit nicely into their plans. Nearby theatres speak highly of the Waterloo audiencesand Carson feels that the theatre will help fill the entertainment void in the town.

To do that, Waterworks will have a policy of opening its doors every night of the week, whenever possible. “I want the people to be able to open the paper every night, and check what’s on at the Waterworks,” Carson proposes. The theatre will present six plays yearly, and invite \ other groups to book shows into the place between productions. On the early nights of the week, when a stage is traditionally “dark”, Waterworks will run revue cinema, inging the best of foreign films and second-run movies to aterloo. Carson also plans to present live improv, radio comedy and other speci 1 projects. I, The site/of Waterwor 1 s Theatre is the long-defunct In order to rectify t~s~ituation, a former UW student is Majestic cinema, behind the Kent Hotel on Princess spearheading a project to establish a professional theatre Street West. Carson applauds the location, which is right in Waterloo. Linda Carson, a Computer Science major, on transit routes, and in the uptown core of the city. ha6 be tive in theatre on campus and off for several Furthermore, the building represents an embarrassment she is working to found an asting company years. of riches for a small theatre. Few such groupscan boast as d that will bring high quality theatre” to the Waterloo much floor space and storage as Waterworks will _ community year-round. ‘The name of the new group is acquire. / paterworks Theatre, j 1 -: Waterworks Theatre will recruit its casts and crews There are thousands of things involved in founding a , locally, for the most part. Carson believes that theatre company: dealing with the legal niceties ofprofessional quality actors and technicians already exist incorporating; discussing architects’ plans for the “ideal” in the city, but another major goal of the theatre is to offer small theatre; finding a theatre space and renovating; workshops dealing with all , aspects of theatre. getting volunteers to work at every job imaginable; and of j _Waterworks aimsto involve the community in the theatre course, raising the money to make it all possible. Current efxperience’, and exciting classes in, mime, puppetry, estimates set a price of ~300,000 to get Waterworks off the__ ~ 93’ improvj and technical theatre represent an opportunity bround. for all ages to learn creative new skills. i Carson .is confident that the theatre will become .a ‘“Besides,” added Carson, “Everyone we teach to build

a set today is another person who could tomorrow!” The theatre itself will seat about’” 150, fostering an intimate atmosphere to draw into “the heart of the play”. A sample season,


farce by Joe Orton, 1 musical adaptation


for us

deliberately the audience as described

of Dickens’

Carson, who will be the theatre’s first Artistic Director, seeks a broad popular appeal in the season. “We’ looking to prove how artistic and bizarre we can b want to entertain the public; that’s not too much t That doesn’t preclude experimentation. After as few seasons, Waterworks pects to add a second series 01 more off-beat offerin for the adventurous theatre. goer .” “The keys to the success of the project will be the corporate fundraising, and volunteers,” said Carson. For much of the winter, Waterworks will rely on the spare time of theatre-lovers throughout the city to get it off the ground.” “Anyone interested in contributing a few hours is encouraged to contact me.” Carson added, Rowe can never have too many volunteers, and all skills are useful!” . What’s in the immediate future for Waterworks? Corporate fundraising is underway now. Promotion in the community is ongoing, leading up to a membership drive over the winter. The actual renovation of the old Majestic begins this month, and rworks will be offerins workshops all fall. _ , In addition, a survey of needs in a theatre is bein: conducted in this paper, and auditions and a call foi technical staff will be announced in February for the firs show. Watch for the big opening in April, 1984.



Cross Country

Next games: Sept. 10, here, vs. Laurier, 2p.m. ’ Sept. 17, here, vs. Windsor, 2 p.m.

Next meet: Sept. 17, at McMaster.

Golf Next tournament: ational, 10 a.m.


Sept. 19, Waterloo


Field Hockey Next games: Sept. 16 (Mich.), tournament.

18, at Sauk Valley

Tennis Next tournament:

Sept. 17, at McMaster.


Next games: Sept. 11, here, vs. Coventry Polytechnical of England, 1 p.m. (Exhibition). Sept. 17, here, vs. York, 2 p.m.

Soccer Next games: Sept. 14, here, vs. U W Alumni at Seagram, 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17, here, vs. Laurier at Budd Park, 1 p.m. Sept. 18, at Brock, 1 p.m. Sept. 22, at Guelph, 7 p.m.

Tennis \

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at Weber



Next tournament: 10 a.m.


During the busy university sports season which stretches from September to March, Imprint will continue to present Scoreboard: Scoreboard is both a recap of the previous week’s results, and a listing of all varsity games, matches, tournaments, bonspiels, etc., that are slated to happen in the upcoming week. Any scores for Scoreboard must be submitted to Paul Condon of the UW Athletic Department, or Imprint, by 5 p.m. on Mondays for weekend events. and by noon on Wednesdays for Tuesday evening events.

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s3Imprint. Tuesday,




Reviewing File “P” by don button Imprint staff Orient. The 1982/83 sports season was one of the best in the history of the University of Waterloo. It was a season that brought four Ontario Championships and one second place national finish to the school in a year of upsets, turnarounds, and climatic finishes. The University of Waterloo’s men’s teams, the Warriors, compete in the Ontario University Athletic Assoc. (OUAA), and the women’s teams, the Athenas, in the Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athetlic Assoc. (OWIAA). The OUAA and OWIAA leagues produced some of the finest teams in Canada in every sport, and the majority of games were hard fought battles. The 1983/84 OUAA and OWIAA seasons look to be as tough as ever, with most teams becoming stronger; and rebuilding teams being the rarity. How the University of Waterloo fares this season will depend a lot on the strengths of other teams, as well as the usual sports problems of graduating playeis, injuries, and bad luck. For the most part, U W teams should be even more competitive than they were in the 1982/83 season, and four or more Ontario Championships in 1983/84 are certainly not out of the question. Unlike some universities in Canada who ‘specialize’ in three or four sports, U W offers a broad program of athletic competition, and UW sports fans are rarely at a loss for something to watch. Imprint follows both the Athenas and the Warriors teams very closely, and each week tries to bring the most interesting stories to our readers. Obviously, all the teams cannot be covered every week, but even though your favourite team may not have a story in a given week, Imprint’s weekly Scoreboard keeps our readers up to date on all the latest results and standings. To help you understand the competitive sporting scene at UW, we ha_ve evaluated the performance of all the teams over the last couple of years, and talked to the coaches about their expectations for the coming year. This information was used to develop a subjective evaluation, or prediction, of what to expect from the Warriors and the Athenas in the 1983/84 season.

Badminton Because of the number of teams competing in OUAA badminton, the league is split into East and West divisions. The Warriors are perenially in first or second place in the OUAA West, and this year should see nochange in this tradition. Last year’s second place finish in the OUAA West guaranteed the Warriors a berth in the O_UAA play-offs, but a loss to the York Yeomen in the semi-finals stopped their season, short of the final. This year, they should again see OUAA play-off action, but how far they go is unpredictable because of the undeterminable strength of their competitors.

_ Women’s Basketball Inexperience and key injuries kept the Athenas out of the play-off picture last season, but this year they should finish considerably higher than last year’s middle of the pack finish. At the Christmas break, the Athenas were leading the league, partly through luck and partly through talent, but injuries held them back while the other teams improved. The loss of last year’s team leade;, Jennifer Russell, will hurt the Athenas, but Diane Deluca has the capabilities to fill her shoes, and Linda Bowden and Kim Rau should come into their own this season. In addition, Sandi Demaree and Anneliese Dyck should realize their potential during the campaign. The main reason for confidence in the chances of a playoff berth for the Athenas this year, however, is Patti Edwards. An All-Star last season, she has yet to play to her full potential, and will probably double her scoring output this year. The Athenas may not be leading the league at Christmas again this year, but they should be right near the top by the season’s end, and could be very competitive in the play-offs.

Men’s Basketball The Warriors were the number two team in Canada last year, and repeating as such will be




the. past season

From left: Basketball’s Paul Van Oorschot and swimmer Lynn Marshall coach Don McCrae was chosen as the Coach of the Year.

were the 1982-83 Male and FeFaleathletesof

a major undertaking for coach Don McCrae. Ontario, and were ranked seventh in Canada The team was somewhat inconsistent l&t behind twelve shutouts from the goaltending season during their games. That, and finding a duo of Barb Brubacher and Penny Smith. The point guard, are going to be the two biggest season was the best for the Athenas in eight challenges for McCrae. years, and they have lost only three players Last year, the Warriors went with Phil Humphries, and (Jennifer Shaw, Linda Jarrett as starting point guard, with Bob Cynthia Struthers) to graduation. Team MVP, Urosevic coming off the bench. Neither Jarrett Jean Howitt, the goaltending of Brubacher nor Urosevic will be back this year. and Smith, and the goal scoring of Lisa Bauer At all other positions,’ however, the should lead the Athenas into CIAU competWarriors will be very strong. Peter Savich is ition in 83. one of the best guards in Canada, Steve Atkin is a former National team player, Randy Norris is probably a future National team player, and Paul Van Oorschot is the hardest working Comparing sports, there is no other that can forward in the country. In addition, David compete with the performance of the curling Burns-and Bruce Milliken were strong off the ’ teams last year. Bosh the Athenas and the bench last season, and players like David Warriors won Ontario Championships last Moser and talented rookies should play season, but with no CIAU competition in the significant roles in the team’s quest for a second sport, the teams hid not have the opportunity consecutive OUAA title. to prove themselves further. The Warriors won the OUAA West title bya The chances of repeating the dual Champshort margin last year; frequently winning in ionship are pretty slim, but both teams comebacks at the buzzer, but their apparent (especially the Athenas) should be competitive run away in the second half of the season is no again in 83/84. Both teams lose important indication of the calibre of competition. The nlawrc tn m-adllatinnfnr the Warrior< Matt OUAA West contains some of the best teams in Canada, and it looks to be as tough again this year. To emerge on top will be quite an accomplishment for any team, but the competition becomes even tougher after that, and administrative decisions will probably deter-mine who will advance to the CIAU Final Four tournament. Last year, the Warriors’ OUAA West title guaranteed them a CIAir berth as the host di;ision winner, but they didn’t need the loophole as they defeated York in the Ontario Championship and could have won one of the regional qualifying tournaments, anyway. But their chances, or anyone’s for that matter, of beating the University of Victoria are pretty slim. The Vikings have won the last four Canadian Championships, and could be even stronger this year. At any rate, it will be a long, hard climb for the Warriors to get to the top of Canada’s basketball heap. Whether they do or not, they will certainly be fighting right to the end, and providing their fans with some of the most exciting basketball iri Canada while doing so.


the year. Men’s basketball

Feltis, and for the Athenas, Tammy Hughes;, but there were a few freshman curlers who impressed coach Judy McCrae in 82/83 and they should round out the squads of talented curlers to give UW a shot at the titles again.

Football Football Championships are pretty elusive at the University of Waterloo, as -Western, iaurier or U of T always seem to coine up with ’ Championship teams, with the other two close ’ behind. In 82/ 83, the Warrioi-s finished sixth, but save for two very close losses, could have finished much higher in a league that saw four of its eight teams ranked in the CIAU Top Ten. Second year players, Art Heier and Mike White, made the CIAU Top Ten in individual statistics, while fourth year quarterback Stan Chelmecki missed out on the C)UAA passing,

Review continued -onpages4&5

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CrossI. Country The Athenas are hoping for a third straight medal this season, with Lana Marjama and Lisa Campfens returning to lead a team of promising freshmen. A gold, however, is not probable. Great performances from team captain Rob. Hardy and sophomore Mike Houston, and a return to form from Ted Murphy are essential for the Warriors to claim an Ontario Championship, but competition is fierce and a title is highly unlikely for the Warriors. Western is the clear favorite to take the OWIAA crown, while Queen’s and Toronto will continue to battle it out for top honours in the OUAA.

Field Hockey Field Hockey should be one of the bright spots for the University of Water160 83/84 season. Last year, the Athenas finished third in

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Review . . .

team up to be the most exciting Canadian college ranks.

title by only four yards and made the CIAU Top Ten Individual lists in three categories. Like all teams, the Warriors are going to miss a couple of graduating veterans, especially Rob McArthur, the team’s MVP and driving force. One driving force remains, however, and that is head coach Bob McKillop, who is committed to making the Warriors competitive. The players have been training all winter, and McKillop has been busy recruiting players, so the 83/84 season could see McKillop closer to realizing his dream. Western, WLU, and U of Tare not going to sit back and let anybody break in on their dynasty, but UW may have some surprises in store for anybody who takes them lightly. They almost beat Guelph and Laurier last year, could have beaten McMaster,and stayed in the game against Western, even though\Western went on to a College Bowl berth. Three names will dominate the football Warriors stat sheets: quarterback/ kicker Stan Chelmecki, wide receiver Art Heier, and defensive back Kevin Adams. These three, plus solid performances from returning veterans should move the Warriors up the standings in a hurry. Heier was a fourth round pick of the Saskatchewan Roughriders, and had an excellent camp with the Argos after leaving the Roughies. Adams was a first round pick of the Argos and also had an excellent camp with the Toronto CFL team, lasting well into the last round of cuts. Both should be All-Stars this year, as should Chelmecki, who would seem a cinch to be the top OUAA passer in U W’s passoriented offense. For football fans, the OUAA is one of the best leagues to watch, Laurier’s religious devotion to the running game could bring about their demise, but Western and U of T have balanced attacks and should have powerful teams again this year. Guelph and and McMaster are continually competitive, and Yorkand Windsor have been known to put together winners on occasion. Waterloo may not finish at the top this year, but they are going to fight for it. In addition, McKillop’s pass-oriented offence from a proset gives the fans the same style football they are used to, and Chelmecki and Heier could

duo in the

Golf All the members of last year’s Warriors golf team will be returning this season for another go at league honours. The team finished third in the OUAA Championships last year after placing second by three strokes in the semifinal -round. Glen Howard and Gord McKechnie tied for third place in the individual standings. Joining Howard and McKechnie on the team will be veterans Dave Hemmerich, Jay Cressman, and Glen Wiley, although many newcomers are expected to challenge for spots on the five man team.

Hockey After winning the National Championship under the coaching of Bob McKillop in 1974, the Warriors have gone steadily>downhill and the 82/83 season was no exception ‘to their losing ways of the past few years. The Warriors finished the regular season with a 2-2 1- 1record and were out of play-off contention by the half way point in the schedule. Next year could be a different story for the Warriors, however, as key people are going to be in their second year with the team - the most important two being Rick McKenny and coach Jack Birch. Birch is a student of the game and can talk his way around any hockey rink, and McKenny is a veteran of Jr. B and Tier II Jr. A hockey. New re&uits and playing in the new on-campus arena instead of at Waterloo Arena could-offset the loss of key veterans, but don’t be surprised if the Warriors finish in the lower middle of the pack in the 83/84 season even though coach Birch feels that that assessment is a little pessimistic. Still, that’s better than 2-2 1- 1.

Despite All-Star performances from Glenn Harper, Tony Stea, and Bill Kerby, the rookieladen Warriors couldn’t_ better a fifth place finish with a 4-4 record last season. This year should be different for the traditionally highly competitive U W rugby teams. Returning All-Stars, Tony Steaand Ian



6,1983 ,-,

team members fair, and the abilities of new coach Donna Elliot, will have a lot to do with their success. Elliot ~$1 have her work cut out for her to improve on the accomplishments of her predecessor, Nick Sheier, however, with all the returning team members, this would seem as good a time as any to switch coaches.

Hart, plus Ontario Junor Doug Paul, could lead the Warriors to one of the two OUAA Chamnionshin snots. UW’s club *team also had a disappointing year last season, with a 3-5 finish, but could also be fighting for a championship berth this year. -



All-Star performances from goaltender Peter Bulfon and Ko-Fann Leoung were the only bright spots in an otherwise dismal year for the soccer Warriors. The 82/83 version of the team finished in last place after being a play-off team the two previous years. ‘Whether the 82/ 83 season was an indication of things to come, or whether it was only an interruption of a semi-dynasty remains to be seen. The upcoming 83/84 season is going to answer a lot of questions soccer-wise, and a strong nucleus of returning veterans should make that question easier to answer after the ‘first couple of games.

After four years as coach of the UW men’s squash program, Barney Lawrence is getting closer and closer to his goal of bringing an Ontario Squash Championship to Waterloo. The team has been improving steadily all year, and even the loss of No. 1 seed Al Hunt to graduation is no match for team momentum momentum that should carry them through Hunt’s graduation without interrupting the team’s progress to any great extent. In 83/ 84, the Warriors should still be in the top five in Ontario, but will not be ready to break into the ‘big time’ ranks with York, Toronto and Western. The Athenas had a relatively successful year, but have yet to regain their form of three years ago when they tied for the OWIAA title. Alison Manning, U W’s tennis wiz, joined the team last year to add her talent to a rapidly improving Athena squash contingent. The 83/84 season should see the Athenas a touch more competitive and therefore slightly more successful than in 82/83, however an Ontario title would seem to still be off in the distance.


Alpine Skiing Alpine skiing at the University of Waterloo is a low budget affair, yet both the Warriors and the Athenas finished in sixth place last year, led by outstanding performances from Andy Stone. Next year they should finish at about the same level; low budget teams will never win an Ontario Championship, but there are enough enthusiastic skiers at UW to keep the sport alive.

Nordic Skiing In the 1982/ 83 season, the Athenas claimed their third straight Ontario Championship, while the Warriors placed fourth. This year the Warriors should finish fourth, or fifth because of the loss of team MVP Kevin Jones. Strong performances from Tim Cooke and Ian LoweWylde could keep them at the 1982/83 level, but minimal slippage is more likely. The Athenas lost Wendy Meeuwisse, but graduating team members Pat Wardlaw and Jacquie Gibson are returning for graduate studies and could lead the teamto another title. Although a fourth consecutive Ontario Championship is not likely, how the other

Swimming and Diving This is a sport in which the Athenas are definitely more successful than are their male counterparts, but the 83/84 season could see that gap close somewhat. All-around team strength gave the Warriors a fourth place OUAA finish, but only four swimmers qualified for the CIAU’s and the team finished near the bottom in the National Championships. The Athenas, led by U W’s Female Athlete of the Year, Lynn Marshall, finished second in Ontario and seventh in Canada. Marshall took one gold and two bronze medals at the CIAU competition, and will be sorely missed next ‘year.

Con% on pg. 5




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S5 Imprint. Tuesday,

Con% from pg. 4 Look for the Warriors to finish slightly higher next season, as overall team strength and experience should add a few more points to the team scores. The Athenaswill probably finish- slightly lower in the 83/84 season. Despite the fact that the team is losingveryfew swimmers to graduation, the loss of Lynn Marshall, and the points she accumulates at swim meets, will not be easily replaced.

Synchronized swimming


Led by team MVP Carol Hutchinson, the Athenas finished ninth in Ontario in 82/83. Next season, they should finish at, or slightly lower than, this level as the loss of Hutchinson, not having their own pool in which to practice, and not having the excitement of hosting the Ontario Championships, will lower the sport’s profile and support. The sport has been growing in leaps and bounds since its conversion to Varsity from club status six years ago, and it should maintain this momentum in years to come. In addition, coach Dr. Helen Gordon is a former synchro-swimmer and has been instrumental in the team’s growth and can be expected to continue improving the team.

Tennis Last year’s Warriors’ tennis team had an international look, with Aldo Dagnino of Mexico and Yasno Yamaguchi of Japan among the team’s five members. The team won the regional tournament (three schools), and tied for second in the sectional playdowns (four schools) last season. All members of the 1982/ 83 team will be returning in 1983/ 84, but several newcomers are expected to challenge for positions on the team, and the Warriors hope to improve on last year’s performance. The Athenas appear to have a stronger program than do the Warriors, and they are going to have to rely on the strength of that program to equal their success in the past season. The 82/83 season was about the best that any schoolcould hope to have, with Alison Manning winning the ‘A’ title, and the team supporting that win with victories to take the

‘C’, ‘F’, ‘G’, and Consolationcrowns to become the number one tennis school in Ontario. It will be hard to repeat that feat in the upcoming tennis season, but strong performances from everyone could make it possible. Irregardless of whether they rack up as many titles or not in 83/84, the Athenas will be competitive, and should be right in there when Championship time rolls around.

Track and Field Neither the Athenasnor the Warriors can look forward to Ontario titles in a sport so thoroughly dominated by Western and Toronto; however, both teams willcontinue to produce excellent individual performances. The Athenas’ traditional depth in middle distance should continue despite the loss of Lisa Amsden. Patti Moore, an OWIAA medallist the last three years, leads a squad of several runners who could earn medals and points in events from 1000 metres to 3000 metres. The Warriors’ middle and long distance hopes rest largely on the everimproving Rob Hardy-and Mike Houston. The main Warrior strength is in the field, where high jumpers Kevin Houldcroft and Larry Agnew, and javelinists Peter Shaw and Kris Riseling lead the way. ,The continued development of high jumper Elaine Veenstra will help fill the hole left by the graduation of CIAU high-jump record-holder, Leslie Estwick. Both squads lack depth in the sprints; certainly one of the greatest problems for both teams is the resultant lack of potential to do well in relays.

Men’s Volleyball Last season, the Warrior made it to the Ontario Championships before their first loss in OUAA action. Undefeated in regular season play, they easily took the OUAA West before losing in three straight games to the University of Toronto in the Ontario Final. Toronto went on to get cleaned at the Canadian Championships (CIAU’s), and popular opinion was Waterloo had the better team. Last year’s co-winners of the team MVP award, Paul Craven and Owen Jones, will be joined by standouts Dave Ambrose and coach Dave Husson to form the nucleus of top-notch

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I Women’s Volleyball Next season is going to be one of transition for the Athenas,and how well they handle that transition will determine how successful they will be. The team was third in Ontario in 82/ 83, and a similar or better finish is not out the question next season. Jan Ostrom, an apprentice coach, led the team to last year’s third place finish, but in 83/84, Pat Davis will return to the head coaching position. Inaddition, the team will be losing key players to graduation, and a new play-off format is possible that could hamper the Athenas’ hopes to succeed in post-season

play How these changes affect the team is anybody’s guess, however Athena volleyball teams under Pat Davis have a tradition of doing well, and the 83/ 84 season should be no exception. Look for them to sneak into the play-offs, but don’t count on an Ontario Championship.

Wrestling The Warriors suffered from a lack of troops in 82183, but the ones they had did remarkably well. Abe Bueckert and Daiv Tanguay won OUAAmedalsandgotafreetriptotheCIAU’s where they also performed well. At one time, UW was knownforits wrestling prowess, but this has tailed off in recent years

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returnees, and recruiting has produced high calibre players to join them. Such recruiters include Jones’brother, Dave Jones, a former setter for the National team, Peter Strom, a former member of the National Junior team, and four high school students, Steve Funk, Scott Schantz, Greg Furtney, and Scott Murphy, all of whom could be receiving All-Star honours before their careers at UW are over. Talented returnees, incredible recruiting, the coaching of Dave Husson, and a strong bench are going to make the volleyball Warriors one of the most successful, if not the most successful, team on campus this year. Even injuries should not be enough to stop the Warriors from making the CIAU’s this season. Whether they can win a National Championship or not remains to be seen, but they’ll be in contention.



6,1983 ,-#

due to the apparent lack of interest from students. Based on what coach John Gourlay has accomplished with the few wrestlers that he has had to work with, if the numbers increase, he is more than capable of putting U W back on the wrestling map. The success of the 83/84 wrestling season , could range from dismal to excellent depending on the numbers who try out for the : team.

Epilogue As the above insights indicate, the 1983/84 season could be an even better one for the University of Waterloo. Whether or not they can improve on their four Ontario Championship season last year remains to be seen. Obviously, each coach thinks his or her team can win the Ontariocrown,asdo thecoachesat other universities. Many of the teams are unknown quantities; some could either finish on top orat the bottom depending on who tries out; others will finish in the middle of the pack, and the difference between a good year and a bad year will be the difference between finishing in the lower middle of the pack or the upper middle of the pack. There are others, however, which arealmost guaranteed play-off sports. In Imprint’s opinion, the two teams most likely to succeed are the women’s field hockey Athenas and the men’s volleyball Warriors. Both the field hockey Athenas and the volleyball .Warriors should make it to the CIAU’s, and the basketball Warriors may also be there. On a provincial level, the Athenas nordic ski team, both curling teams, the basketball and volleyball Athenas, the golf Warriors, the Athenas tennis team, and the badminton Warriors, should see play off action. For exciting spectator participation, Imprint picks men’s basketball, men’s volleyball, and women’s field hockey as the hot teams. However, non-Championship teams like the football and hockey Warriors will provide equally,exciting action, as well as the possibility of seeing potential future professionals at work. At any rate, students in the stands are one of i the biggest factors for a team’s success, or lack c thereof.. . Get the hint?





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Band notes

by Heather Dixon The Warriors Band is readyforanother riotous year of funand excitement. This pep band, which performs mostly at varsity athletic games, will kick off the term with a big organizational meeting on Tuesday, September 13th, at 7:30 p.m. at the PAC building’s Red South Entrance. The Warriors Band has traditionally played at varsity football games where it has cheered on its namesake team and hs often been responsible for their victory since everyone knows fan support (created by the band) is what makes a winning team. Also attended by the melodious group are varsity basketball


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games, a favourite among band members because opportunity abounds to give unrequested live performances on television. Athletic events are not the only items in the repertoire of this band. The talented group has been invited to entertain at numerous important functions, including last year’s Christmas parade, where the unique Waterloo tribe stood out among bands by playing a selection of Easter music in anticipation of the next major holiday. Two songs that the Warriors Band will always play at any game, and therefore the words of which should be learned by every fan, are the Official School Song and the Alternate School Ssng. “The Black and White and Gold”is the official one, and the first verse follows: We Let We Our

are proud of Waterloo; the words ring loud and clear. will always honour you, “ alma mater dear

Chorus: Waterloo, we hail thee; May we e $r uphold All the things you standfor Black and White and Gold. Waterloo, we hail thee, Black and White and Gold. The song is played at the begi’nning and end of each half, and after a touchdown, important basket, etc. Having seen the Robin Hood television commercial, or being a devout Monty Python fan3s a good prerequisite to singing the alternate school song. To make the important ‘pffft’ sound, place tongue between lips as if making a,raspberry. Waterloo, Waterloo, dum dum dum da dummm, Waterloo, Waterloo, dum dum dum da dummm, We dum dum dum dum dee, And dum dum dum dum daaah, Waterloo, Waterloo, Waterloo. Laurier, Laurier, pffft to Luurier, U.of T., U.of T.,pffftto U.of T. Wepffft to Brock and Guelph And pffft to York and Mat, Western U., Windsor too, pffft to you. The band has its own instruments for those wo can’t supply their own. Knowledge of the playing of a musical instrument is not one of the necessary criteria in becoming a Warriors Band member. Any interested persons are- urged to meet present Band members at the Laurier football game this Saturday (Seagram Stadium, 2 p.m.) and/or attehd the Band‘s big organizational meeting on Tuesday September 13th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Red South entrance of the PAC.

Sports reporters . prevent _/ empty space.

s7 Imprint. Tuesday,



by Donald Duench Imprint staff To compete in the national championships of any sport is an experience that the competitors never forget. Suchan experience is within reach of the 1983 field hockey Athenas. Under coach Judy McCrae, they have an excellent opportunity to advance past Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Association (OWIAA)’ competition to the Canadian Interuniversity Atheletic Union (CIAU) championships this year. I Last year’s groupcameextremelyclose togoingto the CIA&. .They finished third in the OWIAA playoffs, where the top two teams advance to national play. The Athenas were ranked seventh in the CIAU at the end of last season, behind the six teams that competed for the Canadian university title. Eleven of the fifteen players who made up the 1982 team will be back this year. Among them are many who have had nationaland international field hockey experience. Forward Lisa Bauer, who scored 27 goals last year for a single season Athena record, was-t

part of the national under-23 team, which won an international tournament last year. Carded athlete Jean Howitt, a halfback, and Bauer are important parts of the Athena attack. Both halfback Debbie Murrayandforward KathyGoetz(who set the Athena record for goals by a freshman at nineteen last year) have been on the provincial team this summer, with Murray advancing to the Canadian.under-2 1 team. Also returning to compete for Waterloo are players such as halfback Sylvia Boyd, who “always draws the toughest check”, said McCrae, and goalkeepers Barb Brubacher and Penny Smith. Brubacher and Smith combined for twelve shutouts last season. A gap is left by the loss, through graduation of fullback Jennifer Shaw, who had previously been the team MVP. McCrae feels that “replacing Jennifer Shaw will not be easy. She was an outstanding striker.” Bauer, Howitt, Goetz, and Brubacher are all graduates of Kitchener’s St. Mary’s high school, a perennial field hockey


6,1983 -

nowerhouse. Janet Helm, the St. Mary’s coach, is a former Athena field hockey player herself, and is a “dedicated coach, and a strong teacher,” added McCrae. In the upcoming season, each team will play a home and home series against two other teams to begin the season. These games precede a weekend tournament, where four more games will be played by each club. The top eight teams in the OWIAA after these eight ga,mes will enter the quarter-finals. This is a change from the scheduling of 1982, which was based around tournament play. Judy McCrae is very confident that the.Athenas can qualify for CIAU competition this year. “We think that we can play withjust about everybody in the league. We will be very, very quick. People are going to worry about us considerably.” “Toronto will be our main challenge. They have some very strong players. They do well annually, and they are wellcoached. York (another top contender) has lost three of their main people,” sheadded. With Athena field hockey games played at the convenient Columbia field, and the possibility of a championship season ahead, the team deserves,-and should get, good fan support this year.

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I I I I i


make the playoffs /


by don button Imprint staff Last year, the football Warriors finished with a misleading 2-5 record under rookie head coach Bob McKillop. Their finish was not good enough for a play-off spot in the OUAA, a league that saw four of its six teams ranked in the Canadian Inter-University Athletic Union (CIAU) Top Ten. The Warriors started the season with an 18-9 loss to the McGill Redmen in exhibition, but responded by beating the Windsor Lancers in Windsor, 16-6, to open the regular season. Their second win didn’t come until the last game of the year, but there was lots of excitement between the/ Windsor game and the 18-7 victory over York at home. They lost 34-17 to Western, the eventual losers to U.B.C. in the College Bowl, but outscored the Western Mustangs 14-13 in the second half to offer hope for the rest of the season. Their next game was against the eventual first place finishers in the OUAA, McMaster Marauders, who totally dominated the Warriors 30-7 in the rain and mud at home in Seagram’s Stadium. Two close losses followed the McMaster debacle. They lost to Guelph 15-l 3 when a Guelph Gryphon-intercepted a Waterloo pass with two minutes left in the game and ran it back for a touchdown. The descision to throw at that ’ juncture in the game is one that McKillop still does not forgive himself for, but it was a learning experience and will undoubtedly not be repeated. The Warriors’ 21-16 loss to the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks was an example of poor execution under the gun in the waning minutes of the game; another thing that will undoubtedly be missing from the Warriors’ play this season. McKillop has matured as a coach, and the season he has under his belt will serve the Warriors well this year. Also serving in the football team’s favour this year is the quality and experience of their starting line-ups. There will be three sure stars, as well as a number of other with the potential to be named All-Stars, or at least recipients of either the University’s Athlete of the Week honours, or the Labatt’s Player of the Game awards. First on the list of stars is Stan Chelmecki. McKillop rates him as one of the top quarterbacks in the country,-as well as being an excellent field goal kicker and an average punter. Last year, Chelmecki missed out on the top passing honours in the OUAA by a mere four yards, and was included on the CIAU Top Ten lists in both passing and punting. He is a

triple threat offensively; running, kicking and passing the ball, and is obviously the key to the success of the offence. Chelmecki will be throwing to four of the five receivers he threw to last year: Peter Giesebrecht, Gary Garbut, Gord Grace, and Art Heier. Peter Gray and Dean Cebulski were second string last season, but McKillop says that they are definitely quality receivers, and should challenge for starting sports this season. Grace has been a starting Warrior for the last three years, but did not have his best season last year because the offensive thrust was predominately to Heier’s side. Two years ago, Heier spent most of the season on the bench. Last year he led the team in receptions and yardage, and made the CIAU’s Top Ten Receiver list. A try-out with Saskatchewandidn’t work out, and he was traded to the Toronto Argonauts, where he survived until one of the later cuts. Tight end Larry D’Andrea and wide receiver Eric Thomas have graduated. In the backfield, returnees Perry Stoneman and Dario Pretto will be joined by newcomer Jamie Deakin. Three or four others could see backfield action this season, including Kingsley Bailey, who has all the tools to be a great running back, but has-never played up to expectations as a Warrior. The offensive line will be anchored by Peter Callaghan at’ centre, Sean Strickland at guard, and Scott Manning at tackle. Two standouts from last year will be gone; Shane

this yea

Gormley has graduated, and Paul Kacso has moved to defense; but McKillop is expecting a number of good recruits to fill the holes on the offensive line. The offensive line is going to be put to the test this year, as the Warriors’ opponents know how important Chelmecki is to the team and will be after him. It will be up to the offensive line to ensure that he stays healthy, and able to throw. The offense will be similar to Toronto Argonauts’runand shoot, a system that McKillop feels is the best suited to the offensive players he has. He believes that all teams in all sports must devise systems to take advantage of what the players do best, and the run and shoot is the system for the ,Warrior personnel. This style of offense, as football fans are surely aware, is highly entertaining and, when performed efficiently, hard to stop. Precise timing and excellent co-ordination are required, but the Warriors have both the quarterback and the receivers to execute. Aiding considerably will be the catching and blocking abilities of both Stoneman and Pretto. Defensively, the Warriors will bear more of a resemblance to the Miami Dolphins than to the Argonauts. Linebacking will be the key, and all the Warrior linebackers. are quick, good hitters, and intelligent. Mike Soligo, John Douglas, and Rob Dobrick will fight it out to play outside,

t Marchione,

Glen Hazen, and last year’s rookie of for the Warriors, Enzo Dimichelle, and the team Steve Parkhill filling the inside spots. .

le line, Paul Kacso or Bernie Lyons could fill the ineman’s spot if the team runs a four man front. The ree will probably be ends Mike Parkhill and Greg 3nd nose guard John Shamess. White will be playing his last year in the Warrior d, as will another Argo late cut, Kevin Adams. these two proven performers will be Robbie Gole,. Ioffman, and- Tom Lowes, three players who ed well last season. llop feels that the key to the defense will be the .ers. The Warriors will probably operate from a 3-5 ith at least one linebacker rushing on every play. of the talent in the defensive backfield, the .ers will be blitzing frequently, with an eight man an impossibility, at times.

It will be an aggressive and mobile defense;and should be excellent against the pass. Whether or not their mobility and intelligence can overcome size deficiencies against the run remains to be seen, but they should be able to get the ball back for the offense when needed. In addition to flexibility, this type of defense should be able to last longer than the traditionally bigger defenses can. This will pay off should the offense slump for a game, forcing the defence to play the majority of the game. Probably the biggest asset for the Warriors this season will be their conditioning. All the returnees have been working out all winter, and if they have maintained their committment to these programs over the summer, will simply be able to out last other teams in the fourth quarter. Unfortunately, for every asset, there is a deficit, and for the Warriors, this comes in the form of lack of depth. Their starting line-up should be more than adequate to achieve McKillop’s goal of grabbing a play-off spot, but a few key injuries and the Warriors would become impotent. Obviously, they cannot afford to lose Chelmecki. They are

short of linemen, and the loss of either Mike Adams would be disastrous.


or Kevin

Coaching, however, is another asset. McKillop is a proven winner, having led the Warriors’hockey team to its only National Championship in 1974. As a football coach, he has proven his credentials as a recruiter, is an excellent motivator, and has a fundamental grasp of the game that few can boast of having. His strength lies in knowing his players, when to play them, and when to give them a rest. In addition, he is preparing to delegate more responsibility this year, and has a good core of assistants to bear the load. Mark Becham will be the defensive co-ordinator, and Steve Valeriate, a former UW grad working on his doctorate in sports psychology who spent last season as an assistant for York University, will be the offensive coordinator. Bill Koski will be coaching the offensive line, and former Warrior tight end Larry D’Andrea, will handle the receivers and specialty teams. Ian Forster will be looking after the defensive line and linebackers. McKillop will oversee all areas, as well as putting his past experience as a Warrior kicker to good use as kicking coach. Brian Farrance will return as the team’s top trainer, “assisted by seven beautiful girls,” says McKillop. Farrance is one of the most qualified people in Canada, and McKillop trusts him absolutely in matters of prognosis. His experience will be invaluable to the team, and McKillop can’t remember the last time Farrance was wrong about whether or not a player should play or rest. The Warriors started training camp on August 24th, and played an exhibition game at home against the McGill Redmen on September 3rd, although scores were not available at press time. They open their season against the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks on September lOth, in a game that could determine which of the two make the play-offs. The Hawks, under coach Tuffy Knight, have had a religious dedication to the ground game over the years, and this year they will be forced to pass more. While they traditionally have strong teams, they may not be as adept at passing in September as they will be in late October, giving the Warriors a good chance to down their cross-town rivals. The game will be held in nearby Seagram Stadium, and kick-off is slated for 2 p.m. At the time of writing, promotions were under discussion, although nothing has been finalized. A Warm-Up pub is not an impossibility, and other activities may be under way as well, so students are advised to contact either the Athletic Department or the Federation of Students to find out more. These promotions can play an important role in the Warriors’ success this season. As all who follow sports know, fan support often means more than gate receipts. With the talent on the field, and students in the stands, the Warriors will be a going concern this year. They will also be entertaining, and while they will have their work cut out for them to end up better than .500 on the s eason, they will surely be a joy to watch. ,

$‘*_ sports


Cross-country by Donald Duench Imprint staff When the university sports season begins in a few weeks, one of the busiest persons on this campus will be Alan Adamson. He coaches both the cross-country and track & field Warriors and Athenas teams, as well as playing a major part in hosting the Ontario Universities Athletic Association/ Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Association (OUAA/OWIAA) crosscountry final here in October. His Athena X-country team finished third in the 19820WIAA finals, which is where Adamsonexpects them to remain this year. “I think the women’s side6 fairly easy to predict,” he notes. “There’s no question that Western will win. We would love to, but I don’t think it’s a realistic goal. Western has managed, in the past two or three years, to recruit almost allof the top Ontario distance runners that stayed in Canada.” Adamson believes that Lisa Campfens and Lana Marjama, both experienced runners, will be the cream of a good Athena crop in the 1983 season. In the OUAA race, however, the champion is a bit harder to predict. According to the cross-country coach, “Traditionall, Queen’s has finished very strongly, and my understanding is that, they will have a very strong men’steam again this year. Toronto has traditionally had a powerful men’s team. They”re frequently the two that race one another.” He also lists the teams from Western and Laurentian to be possible contenders. The Warriors, as a team, finished seventh in the OUAA finals last year, andlook to gaining one of the top four spots as their 1983 goal. “We would like to be up in that area, but it depends on a lot of things going right for us,” comments Adamson. “We don’t have the individual star runners that the other schools have.” The runners that the team does have, however, are led by Rob Hardy and local product Mike Houston. H’ardy and’Houston finished fifth and sixth respectively in t he 1982 York Invitational. Since many of the meets will be close to Waterloo, the athletes will not have to be drained by long bus rides before competing. “We have three meets during the-fall which are quite close (at Laurier, Guelph, and Waterloo). Usually they’re in three of four weeks in a row during the middle of the season, which is ideal for us,” Adamson remarks. While the cross-country racers compete in the unpaved parkland of Ontario, their track and field counterparts will be preparing for the OUAA/OWIAA finals, ‘to be held at Laurentian University in Sudbury. Although Waterloo will be represented at only two meets this fall. one of which is the final. the track season nrovides good practice for both the cross-country runners and those whokish

Imprint. Tuesday,

and track getting

Leslie Estwick

(far left) is now departed,


but serves as an inspiration

to participate in the indoor track and field competitions in the winter. Looking ahead at the upcoming season, Adamson reveals that “sprinting has been our greatest weakness and continues to be our greatest weakness. We have a very effective jump group now, and we have a good group of javelin throwers.” Individuals that the coach will be counting on are high jumper Elaine Veenstra, triple jumper Ken Berry, aid distance runners



to other UW track competitors. Photo

6, $983 -



Alan Adamso

Patti Moore, Hardy, Campfens, and Marjama. Twl outstanding athletes that graduated after last season are th CIAU record-holder in the high jump, Leslie Estwick, an1 OUAA discus champion Larry Atkinson. Because the Columbia Icefield, complete with an indoor tracl is scheduled for completion next month, Alan Adamson i looking forward to a hectic, but enjoyable, season with thecros! country and track and field teams of UW this season.

King . IyCLuDISS: Pedestal, F&me Liner, Heater, Mattress, and Headboard.

‘%Drawers Extra

s1’ 8portgl


Imprint. Tuesday,

‘try’ for OUAA


by Donald Duench Imprint staff Although the Rugby Warriors had their lineup depleted bycoop workterms last year and had to use a large number of rookies, they were able to finish their 1982 season with a 4-4 record. With the experience his players have gathered, and the return of the coop competitors, Waterloo coach Derek Humphreys predicts that his team has a “really good chance” to be one of the top two teams in the Ontario Universities Athletic Association (OUAA) rugby league this year. Only two teams qualify for the OUAA playoffs in rugby, which consists of a one-game final. In 1982, the University of Toronto team successfully defended their 1981 championship by defeating Guelph 10-O in the final. Waterloo had lost to U ofT by -only six points and to Guelph by nine in regular season play. Looking ahead to the 1983 season, Humphreysfeels that“we’ll have a lot of talent, and a lot of competition for first team positions. Unless the league has some really big surprises, it means that we should be able to get ourselves into one of the playoff positions.”




tired and injury-prone team. He says that “if we had any key Talent on the rugby team exists from head coach to water boy. games coming into the last week of the schedule, it could be pretty Before he began to coach the Warriors in 1974, Derek tough.” Humphreys played for UW in the 1972 and 1973 seasons. Helping Humphreys to guide the Warriors this year will be assistant coach Phil White. White was a member of the Waterloo Waterloo will be one of the sites at which a touring English team which took OUAA honours in 1977, the last time UW won school team will be playing a series of exhibition games this the Ontario rugby crown. Both have had coaching experience month. Coventry Polytechnical Institute, who will also play with other successful rugby teams. against a combined Toronto-York squad on their tour, will On the field, it will be up to players such as prop Tony Stea, provide theoppositionforthe Warriors thissundayat Columbia wing Ian Hart, and Glen Harper to keep the Warriors winning. Field. As well as the game, scheduled to start at 2 p.m., the Both Stea and Hart were rookies last year, but each has Coventry team will hold a practice session with the Warriors on incredible speed. Humphries believes that Stea “is going to be a Monday. “It’s nice to have teams who are willing to offer help and key person” in the UW attack, and describes ‘little Ian’ Hart as \&pass on a few plays, especially if they’re as good a team as they’re “probably one of the best wingsin theleague”. Harpercanplayat supposed to be,” commented Humphreys. either a forward position or as a back, depending on where he is Rugby at Waterloo is controlled by the Rugby Club, which needed. He was the team’s captain for the 1982 season. does more than supply players for the Warriors. The club also One of the worries H umphries has for the coming season is the helps the ‘Trojans’ team, which plays other OUAA ‘club teams’, scheduling of his team’s last four regular season games. Usually, helps to operate the Campus Recreation rugby program, and they will be played in the space of eleven days, on consecutive runs a seven-a-side tournament annually. The Rugby Club is Wednesdays and Saturdays, which will tend to produce a very always open to any persons who wish to join. *


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(519) 884-0220 /


Organizational Meetings



If you would like to have more information on any of our interuniversity activities, you are asked to contact \.* the coach of the activity in question. Listed opposite are the coaches of all Athena and Warrior teams. In the case of an ‘off-campus’ coach, the number frequently listed is the Athletic Department number. Our Secretary, lngrid Schugardt, will leave a message for the coach in question. If you plan to try out for one of UW’s interuniversity teams, plan to attend the organizational meeting. All times and locations of the organizational meetings are listed below. Many of the organizational meetings take place in PAC Room 1001. That room is located on the bottom floor of the PAC Buildina. in the Blue South Corner. The Blue South corner <‘the corner of the PAC ’ Building which is closest to the Student Villages. If you are unable to’ make the organizational meeting, phone or contact the coach in question. If you want more information on any aspect of our program, drop into the PAC Building and ask the Receptionist.


Date Wed.




Wed. Thurs.


Time 7:oo

24 6

500 500



Sept. 8


Dates -’ AC& Football



s Coach Bob McKillop

Location Student


Rug bY Soccer

Derek Humphreys John Vincent

Columbia Columbia

Field Field


Carl Totzke


Carl Totzke



PAC 1001











500 6:00 7:oo

M&W Track M&W Cross Hockey


5:oo 6:00

Women’s Women’s

5:oo 6:00 7:oo

Women’s Basketball Men’s Volleyball Men’s Waterpolo

Sally Kemp Dave Husson Michael Oberemk

5:oo .6:00 7:oo

Men’s Basketball M&W Swimming/Diving Women’s Squash

Don McCrae Dave Heinbuch Wendy Frisby


D. McKenna


Wed. Thurs.


Sept. Sept.




Hockey & Field Country




11 11





5:oo 6:00 7:oo

M&W Alpine Skiing Women’sSynchro Badminton

HewgillfStone Dr. Gordon \Judy McCrae


5:oo 6:00

W. Fig. Skating W. Gymnastics

Lou Davidson Kevin Eby








Squash Wrestling

Barney TBA















w n





n n n

Alan Adamson Alan Adamson Jack Birch

Volleyball Tennis


II, WI 02

11 11


il TBA


Come Out to Watch and Enjdy d For those of you who aren’t active participants with any one of our teams, why don’t you come out and take in some of the action. While many students follow one of the big three (Warrior Football, Basketball and Hockey), we know thatyou’ll enjoy the action of our other teams just as much. With all of the scheduJes of our interuniversity teams on the opposite page, you can see that you have the choice of many, many activities. If any of your friends want to take in the action, bring them along. AI‘1 full-time UW students receive a season ticket which allows them admission to all UW athletic events. You must have the Season Ticket with you when you plan to attend all Warrior Football, Basketball and Hockey events. Those three activities are the only ones at which we charge admission to persons who are not full-time students at UW.

Support the Warriors


. 1








Men’s Sciedi& 198311984

1’ ;.






, I


. wciterkb ‘West Sectional Round Robin IO:00 a.m. Sat., Sun. Nov. 12,13 ‘1 al Western’ Cross Over Round Robin ... 10:OOa.m. I Sat., Sun.&n. 14,15 at,Queen’s ’ Cross Over Round Robin ’ * . , -~lO:OO a.m. XSat., Sir-Jan. 21,22 at Laurier West Sectional Round c ’ Robin IO:00 a.m. -’ at MoMaster eat.;,Sun. / Feb. II, 12 OUAA/OWIM ’ i Charhpionsbip lQ:OO a.m. 5’ II MEN’& BASKETBALL’ ties. Oct. 25 ~ K-W Titqi - p,-m. , -. l+i. Oct. 28 Exhiplti oFi%- .a. ’ . .: 6zWp.m. . Eli.,‘&t. ‘Nov. ;, s \ at Univ. of-&a =‘ Tournament F$ Sat,, Sun. Nov. 11, ~ at Univ. of Guelph : Tou[n>ment ’ ?2,13 Naismith Clas$ic @i., Sat., Sun: Nov. 18, 19,20 Sat. Nov.26 3 at Siena Heights College, Michigan 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s College, ’ Sat. Nov. 27 ’ Michigan 7:30 p.m. Wed, Thurs., Fri. Dec. at Ryerson Tournament 28,29,20 \ ’ Thurs., Fri., Sat. Jan. at Acadia 7outiament 5967 Wed. Jan. 11 at Labrier 8:W p.m.Gueiph8:W p.6. ’ Sat.‘;lan. t4 at Western Mon. Jan. 16 Estonia (Exh.) 8:W p.m. I Wed. Jan. 18 at Windsor 8:?5 p.m. Sat. Jan. 21 Wed. Jan. 25 M&laster 8:OO p.m. at Brock 8:W p.m. Sat. Jan. 28 Westkm 8~00 p.m. : Wed. $eb; 1 Sat. Feb. 4 Laurier 8:OO p:m. Wed. Feb. 6 Brock 8 p.m. vyed. Feb. 8 at Guelph 8:W p.m. York (Eih.)- M&er G&me. Sat. Feb. 11 g:W p.m. Wed. Feb. 1’5 Wkidsor8:Wp.m. Sat. Feb. 18 , -at McMaster 2: 00 p.m. * OUM West Division 7 l/4 Tues., Febi 21 finals Fri.. Sat. f&b; 24.25 ‘ OUM West Divisioi Championship c : / (. MEN’6 ~URMNG ‘,; -

MEN’S GOLF Mon. Sept. 19

MEN’SBADMlNTdN Sat., Sun. Nov. 5,8-



Sept. 19


e k ~ 1



Fri. Sept. 29,30

Sun., Mon. Oct. 9,10

MEN’S NtiDlC SKllNd Sat. Feb. 4 Fri;, Sat. Feb. IO,11 ’

Windsor Invitatiohal 1 O:Oo a.m. ., Waterloo lnvitatiohal IO:00 a.m. York Invitational I@00 8.T. OUAA Semi-Finals -York IO:00 a.@ OUAA Championship, Queen’s IO:00 a.m.

’ Western Invitational OUAA/OWIAA Championship at Laurentian

MEN’S SOCCER Wed. Sept. 14-- : Sat. Sept.


j , at Univ. of Michigan (Dearborn) 730 p.m. at Brock 7~30 p.m.* Tues. Sept. 27. 1 Sat Ott, 1 Waterloo Invitational , Tournament suil.octi2 ’ R.M.C. 7:W p.m. Sat. Oct. 29 Windsor 7:W p.m. Sat. OfX:0 Sun. Oct. 30 6 Wed. Oct. 12 Fri. Nov. 4 York 730 p.m.We+ Nov;9 at Toronto’7:30 p.m. , Sat.Oct,l5 .I . t iGuelpti 7:30 p.m. Fri. Nov. 11 tied. Oct. 19 , Sun. Nov: 13 at^Ryerson l-3$ p.m. Sat. Nov. 19 Laurentian 7:W p.m. _ Laurentian 2:W p.m. a- -1 Sat. Oct. 22 Sun. Nov. 20 W&d. Nov. 23 at Lairtier 8:W p.m. i 4ie5. OiA. 25 ,J Fri. Nov.‘25 W&tern 7~30 p.m. Fri. Dec. 2 at McMaster 7:30 p.m. at U.S. Military Academy, Thurs. Oct. 27 Fri. Jan: 6 _ _ Sun. Oct. 30 ’ West Point 7:00 p.m. . Sat. Jan. 7’ :‘ at U.S. Military Academy, _ Semi-FinalPlay-& West,Point 2:W p.m. Sun. Nov. 6 . %J : LauriQ 7:W p.m. Sun. Nob. 13 CIAU Champ&&ship . _ $kd.j2p. 11 1 $hum-Jan. 12 at Guelph 7:30 p.m. *’ ‘Sat. Jan: 14 at Queen’s 730 p.m. . MEN’SSQUASH . ’ - Yo& invitatio+l &O[p.m. at R.M.C. 2:00 p.m. Fri., S&. Nov. 25,26 :;jzi; Saf. Jan. 7 . ‘: ” W.$~te~ml’nvitational _ ‘. Ryerson 7:30 p.m. / . Sat. Jan. 21 McMaster 7:W p.m. Mdlulasier’lnvitational atYork 73.0 p.m. . Sat. IJan. _.: -J Wqd. Jan. 25 . 1O:W a.m. ’ S+. Jan. 28 _ , at Windsor 7%) p.m. 8, - Sat, Jan. ,2@ Queen’s Invitational _ Sat. Feb. 4 Queen’s 2: 00 ,ij.m. . ,I O:OO-a.m. * Fri. Feb. IO at Western 7:30 p.m. Trent Inyitational ~ \ Toronto 7~00 p.m. Sat Feb, 4’ .*%a t Suh. Feb. 12 ’ 10:OOa.m. Fri. Feb; It“’ Brock 7;30 p.m. &it., Sun.‘Feb. 1’1.12 OUe Championship &. Tues. Feb. 281 l/4 Finals A) 6 at 3’B) ’ ( ’ R.M.C. 9X$ a.m. , 5 at 4 , ‘ .’ ~ ’ I, _ . ,: I _ i Thurs., Frt., S&t. Feb. MEN’S SWIMMING 8 DIVING 23,24;25 . Semi-Finals at # 1 & ##2 c Suit NOV. 6 ’ at Guelph, OUAA Relays ThUrs., Fri., SaC. Mar. OUM Championship Fri.. Nov. 11 Western7:W p.m. j ._ + 1.2.3 Sat. Nov. 1~9 at Queer& lnvitationai , . T&s., Fri., Sat.?Mar. Regional CIAU Playoffs -8;9, IO ’ (w-cd) . at T&onto Invitational i Fri. Nov. 25 ’ =i ,.sat: Nov, 26 Dalhousie 4:W p.m. _I< ,_ YEN’S PUGBY;.. ,><>_ __ Fri. Jan. I,3 . at York (izo-ed) Al&ii (Exh.) I:00 p.m. ’ Bun. Sept. 11 ;; , I. -Sat. J&):‘21 :.$ :.-;2’i ^ I at mk I&ifatian&l. ‘*L :-y5 __i York 2:W p.m. Sat. Jan: 14 *. McMaster.(co-ed) . t sat. 43i&t;. 17 _ , 1 1 :W p.m. 10:Wa.m. - ’ Fri. Sept. 23 at Laurier 4:90 p.m. ’ a. . Sat. Jan. 21 Toronto 300 p.m. at Western 4:OO p.m. Fri., Sat. Jaa. 2d, 21 at Western, West Division wed. S&t. 28. . Fri. Feb. 3 at Guelph (co-cd) . at Toront;O 2~00 p.m. _ 1 ,fla$idowns IO:00 a.m. Sat. Qct~l . OUM Championship, at Brock2:Wp.m. . _L - Sat., Sun. Feb. 18,19 Sat., Sui: Fed. 1 I, i2 &tG~qlph,‘dUM .- % ’ Sat.0Cf.8 ‘r ’ 4 Ottawa Oktoberfest Invitational . ChambiQTship 1 OiW a.‘m. _., Sat., Sun. Oct. 1^ b-1 6 II_ I < Tournan%ent&W a.m. _ -2 Guelph 4~00 p.m. ’ MEN’S TENNIS Wed. Oct. 19 MEN’S FOOTBALL at R.M.C. 200 D.m. Fri. Sept. t6 hestern Invitational s .oct.22 McGili2:W p.m. Sat. Sept. 3 1 O:W,a.m. vi?ed. Oct. 26 McMaster 4:W p.m. ‘Sat. Sept. 10 Laufier 2:Od p.m. : hi., Sat. Sept. 23.24 West Sectional at Queen’sP:OO p.m. Sat. Oci. 29 ’ Windsor 2:00 pm. Sat. Sept. 17 Waterloo IO:00 a.m. OUM Championship Sat. Nov, 5 ’ at York 2:00 p.m. Sat. Sept. 24 (Fri. Sept. 30 OUM Championship at 2 at 1 2:00 p.m. Sat. Oct. 1 at McMaster 2~00 p.m. _, / Western IO:00 a.m;’ I Guelph 7:30.p.ini Thur. Oct. 6 . MEN’ ALPINE SKIING at,Toronto 208 p;m. Sal. 3ct. 15 - ’ MEN’S OUTDOOR TRACK & FIELD Fri. 2 n. 13 at Collingwood 9:00 a.m. Sat. Oct. 22 Western 2%) p m Queen’s Invitational Fri. Jan. 20 at Collingwood 9:00 a.m. - ’ WI. Sept. 25 Semi-Finaisli00i.m ’ .’ Sat. Oct. 29 a -at Collingwo@ 9:00 a.m. ) ‘. . 1200 noon a Fri. Jan. 27 Sat. Nov. 5 finals 1:W pk. --‘. -_ Sat. Oct. 1 at Cokingwood 9:00 a.m. McMaster Invitational Fri. Feb.3 CIAU Semi-Final I:00 p.m.. , Sat. Nov. 12 12:W noon Thurs., Fri., Feb. 9, IO OUM/OWlM C!AU Ch@mpionship, Sat. Nov. 19 OUM Championship it Championship at Sat.Qct. 15 . \/anierCup, Toronto I , Collingwood 9:W a.m. Laurentian IO:00 a.m. ,. 1 :OQ p.m. F, \ \ I 8


Fri. Oct. 21 sat., Sun. Oct. 22,23




Brock &ifa6onal Guelph 8~00 p.m. at BrockB;OO p.m. at Laurier 8:OO p. McMasteTBzOO p.m. - -* Guelphhwftational , . Westem’8!(Mp,&,‘~. ,I . ‘~:~c,’ ’ ..Iq-~-:; *

1 i‘

-’ Sat. Feb. 18 Sat. Feb. 25


Sat,, Sun. Od..l5,16\ *

Sat. Oct.22 . Wed. Oct. 26 Sat.‘Oct. 29 Wed. Nov. 2 Fri., Sat., Sun. Nqv. , 4,596 Sat.Nov. 12’ Tues. Noy. 15 ’ Sat. Nov. 19 Tues. Nov.22 Sat. Nov. 26 . . / :’

’ .J; P

MEN’S WRESTLING Fri. Oct. 21, Sat.‘Nov. 5 :

it Brock i:3Q p.m. , McMaster Take Down Tournament 8~00 a.m. Guelph 7:30 p.m. WaterlooNovice Ti>urnament8:W a.m. Western 7:30’p.m. 1 Ryerson Tournament 8:W a.m. at McMaster 7:30 p.m. Western Tournament 6~00 a.m. 6 a! Queen’s 7:30 p.m. ., Queen’s Tournament 8:W a.m. a Guelph numament 8:W a.m. , at York 7:30 p.m. McMastei Tournament, Dual Meet Final 8:00 a.m. Windsor Tournament 8:00 a.m. OUM Championsh\p, Guelph&W a.m. ,

Fri. Nov, 11 Sat Nov. 12 Fri. Nov. 25 Sat. Nov. 26 hi. De&P * Wed. Dec. 28 Fri. Jan, 13 Sat. Jan. 14 Sat. Jan. 21 . Wed. Jan. 25 Sat. Jgn. 28 Sat. Feb. 4



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Early Bird lnv@a&r& at ’ r- / .Ygrk 1 c .$. ., ,,: First Round &&at@ao ” “‘,i ’ M&laster Bt Wat@p,.. _. ‘I 7:W p.m. 1 ~_.,__ ’ Oktoberfest Touma&t 1 _ at burier (Waterloohbst) ‘a Se-&nd Bound a#f&@& <::: ’ Torontoat York?O@j.m. ’ Third Round @Z$rk! :’ ‘* ’ York at Western 7:W.$tG. . Challenge.Cup at . McMaster Fourth Round at T&onto Waterloo at Toronto, s -., .; 7:30 pm+. ’ Fifth Hound bt ‘l&Gas& ( Western at bMabter ‘, 7~30 p.m. @” OUM Championship at _ West (Torqnto) l > ’ -~ .1. ’ ,j * .:_. ,L __ ’.

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\ yo*&&r .‘, :~ic .: ., I. _ %’ c; at Guelph &g@p..f&;: :, -/i . &o@, $$&j,& ci .:.; ‘;.a- : .:’ c, __ ,^ -A , ( -@$&ifjt&@ ‘! j@+y@$~$,;+~;~ -;>& - ) , :. .West&‘, ,.k I;* .’ ,~ .’ at M&laster 8:W p.m. ’ Manitoba licvitational Laurier 6:W p.m. West Division $emt-Finals , 8iW p.m. . : . West Division Final OUM Championship at Western Winner

h&. J& 31 ’ Wed.Feb.l Sat. Feb. 4 . <Wed. Feb. 8 . Tues. Feb. 14





MEN’&LLEYBALL sat. Oct. 15 Fri. Nov. 4 Fri. Nov. 11 Fri. Nov. 18 Fri. Nov. 25 Sat. Nov. 26 Wed. Nov. 30 Fri., Sat., Sun. Jan. s,f;e Fri. Jan. 13

\ ,’

Sat. Feb. 18

. -

8 FiELD Western lrivltational York Invitational Windsor Invitational Laurier Invitational (at ’ York) OUAA dhampionship at Windsor

Fri., Sat. Mar. 2.3 Alumni (Seagram Stadium) 7:30 p.m. ’ Laurier (8udd Park) . I:00 p.m. at Brock 1 :OO p.m. at Guelph 7:00 p.m. Brock (Seagram Stadium) 1:OO’p.m. at Laurie’r 7:00 p.m. qt Windsor 1: 00 p.m. Western (Seagram Stadium) 1 :W p.m. at McMastqr I:00 p.m. at Western 3;W p.m. Windsor (Budd Park) . 1 :W p.m: McMast$(Seagram . Stadium) 7~30 p.m. Guelph (Budd Park) 1:W p.m. West Division SemiiFinal 3at2 West Division Final at 1 at -OUM Championship


Sun. Sept. 18 Thurs. Sept. 22 Sun. Sept. 25

MEN’S HOCKEY Fri., Sat. Oct. 14.15

MEN’SJNDOOR Sat. De& 3 Sat. Jan. 21 Stit. Jan. 28 Sat. Feb. 18









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Before this year’s World University Games, had won only six gold medals in a Games and Canadian record. The nineteen Universiade, Canada won nine golds, one of which was taken by Mike West, a resident of Waterloo who is entering Health Studies at UW this month. West finished first in the finals of the 100 metre backstroke with a time of 56.64 seconds, a Games and Canadian record. The eighteen year old swimmer, who has trained seriously since 1979, also won a bronze in the 200 m backstroke. He had the fastest time in the morning heats, which put him between the eventual silver and bronze medalists for the 100 metre final. West recalls that, “it was a bit closer than I had planned. I didn’t know that I had won until I looked at the scoreboard.” West’s parents were part of the sell-out crowds that went wild with each Canadian triumph in Edmonton. He says that the fans “were a major part of the competition. They were really good.” He has not decided whether to swim for the Warriors swim team this season, or to remain with the Region of Waterloo’(ROW) club for one more year. The difficulty of his decision is compounded by the timing of important Olympic trials, which coincide with OUAA and CIAU meets. West’s teammate from ROW, Victor Davis, is also on the national team, but was unable to compete in the 1983 Universiade due to illness.


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UW’s West wins at Universiade ‘83






by Alan Mears

says no

The Atlantic Universities Athletic Association (A.U.A.A.) has decided not tosend their football champions to a Vanier Cup semi-final in Western Canada this year. At a meeting in Winnipeg last year, the CIAU decided to rotate the sites and conference pairings at the semi-finals on a four-year cycle. It allows the Atlantic Bowl to be played three of the four years, which was not good enough for the AUAA. The AUAA’s main objections were that the game, which has been played annually since

1959, is the oldest bowl game in Canada and should be contested every year. They also cited the fact that the Atlantic Bowl is the only such game to consistently break even or turn a profit. As a result, the football team which wins the Canada West title will automatically obtain a position in the Vanier Cup game, to be held November 19th at Toronto’sVarsity Stadium. Their opposition will be decided in the Yates Cup game wher%theOUAA’s best go upagainst the Ontario-Quebec champions.



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PICK by Donald Duench File “V” Orient. Imprint staff !fter two seasons of near-championship play, last year’s cer Warriors fell to last place in the Ontario Universities lletic Association (OUAA) West division witha record of one I, two ties, tind nine losses. -he Warriors had competed in both the 1980and 1981 OUAA mpionship game, but had been shut out by Laurier and xentian respectively in the final games. It appeared that the J team would be able to challenge again in 1982, but a seasoniing knee injury to All-Canadian Tom Abbott in the first ;ue game destroyed their hopes. ilthough last year’s season “was a bad scene”, according to cer coach John Vincent, it allowed the coach, now in his third r with the Warriors, “to look at some of the newer players, le of the players that have played for the University before t I didn’t know, and determine whether they would be helpful i year.” lincent is very optimistic about how his team will do this year. ,hould have about eight of the boys that we went to the final h the year before last. I should have the nucleus ofagood team ley all come back, and most of them indicated they will come :k.” f the Warriors are going to find themselves in one of the four AA West playoff positions, they will have to get a full season’s y from midfielder Tom Abbott. He has spent the summer ying in the Kitchener and District Soccer League, and will be dy for the uriiversity season if he decides to play for Waterloo. despite their record, the Warriors managed to pIace two yers on the OUAA all-star team last year. One was midfielder -Farm Leoung of Singapore, who acted as captain of the team ibbott’s absence. Leoung possessesgreat ball-handling skills, I scored the first goal in U W’s only 1982 win. ‘he other OUAA all-star for Waterloo was veteran llkeeper Peter Bulfon, about to start his fourth season in the i net. John Vincent stated that “Peter Bulfon is the best Llkeeper in this league, but (WLU coach) Barry Lyonthinks his llkeepers are the two best in the league.‘* jverall, Vincent predicts that “our defence should be quite )ng this year, and we’ll have a good midfield.” He will count on yers such as Bobby Boettcher, Joe Francavilla, and Sandro iiani from last year, as well as 198 1 players Liam McFarlane, er Gardiner, and Mark Travisioi, to provide the nucleus of a ming team. )ne concern to the soccer coach is that his team will have only jut a week to prepare for their first two regular season games,


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The soccer Warriors standings.

hope to head toward

the top of the OUAA imprint file photo

iessthan other squads. Vincent notes that “if you lose your first two league games, you’re behind the eight ball right from the beginning.” The rest of the teams in the OUAA, of course, are not going to let .U W waltz to any victories. Although defending champion Laurier has lost some players to graduation, they will still be a good team. Of the others, Vincent thinks that “Western’s always got a good team, Guelph will be hard, and I’ve got a feeling that Brock will do quite well this year.” McMaster has hired a new coach, and Windsor has decided to enter a team for this season. Due to the addition of the Windsor Lancers to OUAA soccer, the league has been realigned, placing Laurentian into the East division to challenge Toronto for the East title. No matter what happens, the coach “guarantees” that the soccer Warriors will not finish with nine losses in their twelve game schedule. In other words, fans will be able to enjoy this year’s play by U W’s soccer team.

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Curlers .are, world’ 0.0

by Donald Imprint




and they’re



U W students.

Duench staff

Back in the middle of March, 1983, the local sportsscenewas buzzingwith many things happening at once. In the professional leagues, both football’s Hamilton Ti-Cats and basketball’s Cleveland Cavaliers were thinking of moving to Toronto; ttie Jays were warming up in Florida, and the Leafs were climbing to third place in their division. At the amateur level, national university and provincial high school championships were being decided in basketball and hockey, with KitchenerWaterloo teams involved in all four competitions. No wonder nobody at%und here knows about DaveMcAnerneyandJim Donahue, and what they achieved last spring. Along with fellow Mississaugans, John Base and Bruce Webster, McAnerney and Donahue won the world junior curling championship in Medicine Hat, Alberta. The foursome took the title for Canada with a 7-2 triumph over the Norway rink on March 19th, 1983, only hours after the CIAU basketball final ended at the PAC at uw. Both Donahue, who is the lead (first thrower), and McAnerney, the second, are 1 B chemical engineering students at Waterloo, and are presently on their work term. Both the program and the opportunity to concentrate on curling during the ‘months before the world championship led the pair to register here, as McAnerney explains: “We knew we’d be in the ‘worlds’. We wanted to come here in the first place! but we made sure that we were on 4 stream or else we were going to take the year off.” A few months prior tostarting at UW, the Base rink had won the Canadian junior curling championship. Since we in Canada choose our representative for the world junior competition a year before it is held, the foursome had to spend their entire 1982-83 season in preparation for the ‘worlds’. They prepared by curling as much as possible, usually against local men’sor junior teams. McAnerney says that’ “you can get a good game from pretty well anyone that curls a fair amount. There are a lot of junior teams in Toronto that haven’t gone anywhere that’11 still give us a good game, and all the men’s teams will give the junior team a good game, usually.” In addition to on-ice activities, the curlers swam for three mornings a week, and met with a Toronto sports psychologist who worked with them to prevent tension during a match. On the first day of competition, Canada defeated both Scotland (7-4) and Denmark (6-5). The Scottish team had won the European men’s title earlier in 1983, under the leadershipof skip Mike Hay. After the second day, only Canada and Norway were undefeated, sporting 4-O records. A loss to the U.S. team on the third day temporarily put Base’s rink in second place in the round-robin, but the Norwegian quartet also fell to the Americans in their sixth game: Canada’s 15-3 trimph over the West German club on the fourth day qualified them for semifinal play, with first place still a possibility. On the last day of round-robin play, Sweden’s

Soren Grahn, championship

best. e

who had won the in 1982, defeated Can-

Dave McAnerney

(left) and Jim Donahue,

who were part of the winning

ada, 7-5, after a 6-2 victory by Canada over Norway. Base’s crew wound up finishing the round-robin in first place, with Norway in second, the U.S. in third, and Scotland in fourth, claiming berths in the semifinal round. During the semifinals, Norway, skipped by Pat Tulsen (who wanted to avoid playing the U.S.) defeated the American team 6-4 in a close game. In the other semi-final, Canada jumped out to a 4-O lead after two ends, but the Scats took three in the third and stole one in the fourth to tie the score. A last rock takeout by Base in the sixth end gave his rink two points, making the score 6-4 for the home side. When the tenth end was finally reached, Scotland had pulled within one, but did not have the all-important last rock. Base had to hit and stay with his final stone, and did to move the Canadians into the finals with a 7-5 win. The team was very confident going into the final game against Norway. McAnerney recalls that “I don’t think we’ve ever gone into a final thinking that we didn’t have it. We’re so confident going into those finals, we really can’t imagine losing, that’s how we psyche ourselves up.” Four thousand fans at the Medicine Hat arena, and a national television


team in the world junior curling championship. Imprint photo by Alan Meat-

audience witnessed the Canada-Nor- There were no problems with it.” way final. Afterfiveends,theCanadian Neither were there any problem side had a 2-I lead. In the next end, with the .CBC cameras at the fin; Base managed to correctly make a split game, according to McAnerney. H -. raise and a last rock take-out to score says that “I didn’t even notice th three points’ and virtually decide the cameras: There were so many peopl outcome. Base, Webster, McAnerney that came that it wasn’t that bad.” and Donahue wound up with a 7-2 Everyteam hadsupersitions, andth victory, and the world championship four curlers are no exception. Lik they had waited a year for. many teams, they would only we; Base was selected as the skip of the shirts of a different colour if they lost tournment’s all-star team in recoggame. As well, they had a fox for nition of his outstanding ability. As mascot, which they would put in fror well, the team was named Canadian of opposition rocks in an attempt t athletes of the month for March. ‘scare’the rock out of the house. Recalling the competition, McAnerAfter winning the world junic ney states that “it was really a social championship, the next step for th tournam.ent. It was pretty funny, Base rink is men’s competitior because the ‘Canadians’ (Canadian Jr. McAnerney says the foursome i Championship)-was really tense. In the “really serious about curling men’ ‘worlds’, everyone was friends.” now. Right after we got back from th Since the competition was held at a worlds,a lotofthementhoughtthatw hockey arena and not on a curling hadn’t curled well in men’s. We sti club’s ice, the ice can be hard to adjust had a lot to prove. The calibre of curlin to, as McAnerney explains: “You can in Canadian men’s competition is a I( get really bad ice. We went to stronger than the juniors. There’s n Burlington to play on the provincial ice comparison.” just to get used to it, see what it was For Base, Webster, McAnerney an like, and they had a bad sheet of ice. Donahue, the road is long, ’ bl “Out in Medicine Hat, they had an sometime in the future we may hear ( ice-maker from Moose Jaw, and he them battling with the likes of E converts a lot of the hockey ice into Werenich and Al Hackner, the tw curling ice. It was probably the most most recent .men’s world champion: consistant ice we played on all year. for men’s curling supremacy.

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