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1, 1984.-



June l-

Fed Flicks -- Daniel, starring Timothy Hutton. Physics 145 at 8 p.m. Feds $1, others $2. The Mug Coffehouse. This week: Barry Henderson. 8:30 in Engineering Amphitheatre. Kayaking tonight from 7:00 - 9:00 in the PAC pool. All Outers welcome. Birth Control Centre. Trained volunteers provide non-judgemental counselling and referral service. Advocating responsible sexuality., Monday to Friday from 9 to 5 in CC 206, ext. 2306. Women’s Centre, a service of the Federation of Students is open 12:30 - 2:00 Monday to. Friday. D.rop by to use the books & files, to find out about campus events concerning women, or just to visit. CC 150B. Bombshelter opens 12 noon. DJ after 9:00 p.m. every evening. Feds no cover, others $1.OOafter 9:00 p.m..


June 2-

Outer’s Club bicycle ride to Elora. A day trip to this interesting spot, possibly a dip in the quarry for the very brave. Leaves front of CC at IO:00 a.m.

June 3-

Fass or Fiction, you judge. Fass writers meetmg at 7:00 p.m. in M&C 5045. All welcome. Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo, together with Gays of WLU are sponsoring a dance to be held Saturday, June 2nd in Hagey Hall 280. The dance is from 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. with DJ by Samboard. There will be a cashbar along with free munchies. Admission $3.00.


June 4-

INDSA Seminar: “A Search for Identity” - seeing India through modern painters’ eyes - by Prof. A.F. Thompson (religious studies). Refreshments served. All welcome. WPIRG is sponsoring a new film which examines the Acid Rain issue. The film: ACIDIFICATION: THE INVlSIBLE ENEMY will be followed by a discussion. Everyone welcome and the admission is free. Hagey Hall room 334 at 12:30. Outers Club Bruce Trail trip scheduled for weekend of June 9th, organizational meeting at 5:00 pm in CC 135. Call Jamie Morgan at 884- 1895 for details.

June ,7-

June 5-



June 8-

‘Fed Flicks: Paternity starring Burt Reynolds. Physics 145 at 8:00 pm. Feds $1.OO, others $2.00. Bombshelter--see Birth Control


Centre--see Friday


KW Toastmistress Club meeting. Develop communication skills in a supportive atmosphere, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month. For more information: 893-4756. UW Skydiving

club will be holding a first iumn course. Cost is $105.00 for the course plus $15 for the membership. For more information call Richard 578-385 I. _ I

June I.

Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship: Meets every Wednesday at 4:30 pm at the back of St. Paul’s United College dining hall. Bring a bag lunch. All welcome, Chaplain Graham Morbey. Chess Club meeting: Every Wednesday 7- I2 in CC 113 until end of term. Everyone welcome. WCF supper meeting: “Christ as controversialist”. Speaker: Don Fitchett. Conrad Grebel BBQ pit at 4:30. Science for Peace lecture series. V. Sniekers (Chemistry) will talk on chemical weapons and warfare. PAS 2083 at 12:30. All welcome. .’ Bombshelter

opens 7:00 p.m., see Friday.

Jobs available The Ontario Work-Study Plan offers part-time positions to .,flull-time financially needy students. The following part- time pqsitions are now available andfull-time students interested in these positions should apply for them in the Student Awards Ojice, second floor, Needles Hall. Archives Clerk, Archives: Student with some library experience. A logical mind and an interest in University History. Accurate typist. Student Information Officer, School of Architecture: Ability to communicate with a broad range of people, possess wriiting and graphic skills. Clerical Work, Department of Philosophy: Must have completed Phil 140 or equivalent and Phil 145 or equivalent. Knowledge of elementary logic, text editing, and

June 9-

Outers Kawartha Lakes outing today. Call Jamie Morgan at 884-1895. Fed Flicks--see Friday June 8. Bombshelter--open

Birth Control Centre. Trained volunteers provide non-judgemental counselling and referral services. Advocating responsible sexuality. Monday to Friday from 9-5 in CC 206, ext 2306.


7:00 pm.--see Friday June I.

Outers Club Bicycle ride to Roseville and Ayr - an ,easy trip through nice farm land. Leaving front of CC at IO:00 am.

June 12-

Christian Science: what it is and isn’t. A free 1 hour lecture by Betty Carson Fields. Sponsored by the Christian Science organization. 1I:30 am, CC 110. All are welcome. Women’s Centre--see


June 6-

Bombshelter opens 12:OO noon. DJ after 9:00 pm every evening. Feds no cover, others $1 .OOafter 9:00 Pm.

Women’s Centre--see Friday. Bombshelter--see

Women’s Centre--see Friday June 1.



Fed Flicks -- see Friday.




Monday June 11.


June I I.


June 13-

Science for Peace and Peace and Conflict studies film series presents “Hibakusha”, a NFB documentary about Japanese survivors or nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. PAS 2083 at 12:30. All welcome. Chess Club meeting--see Wednesday, June 6. Huron Campus Ministry--see


June fO-

Change the World. Or don’t. Fass writers meeting at 7:00 pm. M&C 5045, everybody welcome. Transcendental Meditation,- Advanced lecture and group meditation for TM meditators at 8 pm in CC 138B. For information call 886-8766 evenings. .


June ll-

Women’s Centre, a service of the federation of students is open 12:30-2:O0. Monday to Friday. Drop by to use the books & files, to find out about campus events concerning women, or just to visit. CC 150B

processing. Student Darkroom Supervisor, Faculty of Environmental Studies: Firm knowledge of black and white photographic process. Must be congenial and reliable. Rate of pay: $4.00. Student Assistant, Department of Geography: Good writing and analytical abilities. System Support Assistant, Math Faculty U ndergrad Office: Various tasks associated with a feasibility study of a new data base management system. Prior experience with WATFILE is desirable. Rate of pay: $5.00 to 7.00 dependent on experience. Student Planner and Programmer, Department of Chemistry: Third or fourth honours chemistry student. Planning and programming computer packages for Chemistry studentto use programming computer packages for Chemistry students to use in their undergraduate courses. Rate of pay $6.00/ hr. Student Assistant, Department of Chemistry: Third or fourth honours Chemistry student. Testing and detailed writeups developing of instructions for new undergraduate lab experiments in chemistry. Rate of pay: $6.OOj hr Student Assistant, Teaching Resource Office: Writing, typing SPIRES and SCRIPT abilities. To assist with various on-going activities which may involve updating the catalogue of the TRO library. Unless otherwise stated, all positions are paid at the rate of $5.00 per hour. Joanne Wade

Wednesday, June 6.

Transcendental Meditation--Free intib”ductory lecture on the benefits of the TM technique. 8 pm in CC 138B. For more information call 886-8766 evenings. Women’s Centre--see Bombshelter--see

Monday, June I I.



June 1I.

June 14-

Women’s Centre--see Monday, Bombshelter--see Birth Control




June 1I.

June 1 I. Monday, June I 1.


by Mike Upmalis Imprint staff. The Federation of Students’ Women’s commissioner is to act as educator, communicator, and advocate for women in the Waterloo university community. This is the role envisaged by the Women’s Commissioner, Julie George. While universities are often seen as innovators of social and political change, there is often a large gap between ideals and practice. An example of this contradiction is found in the accessibility of universities to women. While there are about seven times as many women studying engineering as ten years ago, they represent only 9.3% of the current undergraduate population on campus. A breakdown of other UW undergraduate demographic figures shows that current enrollment for women is 47.2% in general and 33.6a/o in honours programs. Overall, full-time male students outnumber full-time female under-grads this year by 3,679. The mandate of the women’s commissioner can be divided into four areas: 1) to educate the university community in regards to women’s concerns, 2) to monitor sexism and publicize its effects in hopes of preventing it, 3) to encourage women to run for posi.tions on University boards and governing bodies, and 4) to encourage female interest in non-traditional areas of stu~dx. The women’s commissioner and the Women’s ‘Centre (a Federat@n service), will co-operate in the business of educating the community. Encouraging women to run for positions on the University’s different bodies reflect MS, George’s concern that, while there is a great deal of participation by women in University affairs, of the thirteen positions on the Federation’s Board of Directors, the five high-profile ones are held by men. (Women hold five positions on the board.) The process of encouraging women to enter non-traditional areas of study may be a case of closing the barn door after the horse has escaped. Studies show that women often limit career

(Mens’ and Women’s) from June 4th - 13th

The Open Door Gift Shop South Carmus Hall

possibilities when making course selection in high school, often by avoiding some of the math or science courses offered in the upper years. The process of educating women to choose non-traditional career paths should occur before women enter university. However, the possibility of reaching secondary school students is just in the planning stages. Another possibility would be to encourage more women to engage in post-graduate study; statistics show that few female student continue their studies beyond their undergraduate degree the In the case of sexual harassment, women’s commissioner can act as an advocate and intermediary.





1, 1984.

3 ,-, 1

Dr. Kenneth ~~~~~ Fryer ~ ~


Teacher dies --



by Bill Adams A tremedous promoter of the study of mathematics died on Saturday, May 19th. Dr. Kenneth D. Fryer was one of U W’s Associate Deans of Mathematics. + Dr. Fryer came to Waterloo in 1959 as a professor of Pure Mathematics. He had worked at Royal Military College, Queen’s, and Toronto. In 1963, two Ontario high school teachers started the Junior Mathematics Contest. Dr. Fryer assisted by obtaining sponsorship and administration from U W. With the leadership of Dr. Fryer, this contest grew into the Canadian Mathematics Competition, now a group of six contest written by approximately 90,000 high school and public school students across Canada. Most Ontario high school mathematics teachers knew Dr. Fryer. He personally visited or arranged the visit of about one hundred high schools each year. He spoke to high school students on mathematics and its role in science and technology. He promoted mathematics in general, rather than Waterloo in particular, and answered students’ questions about university study.

- As an example, Dr. Fryer annually attended a barbeque at the home of my high school teacher to present awards won in the Canadian Mathematics Competition. . In the early 197Os, several faculty members and Dr. Fryer created the Rene Descartes Foundation. This foundation raises funds for scholarship support of outstanding mathematics applicants at U W. At this year’s Spring Convocation, Dr. Fryer was to have received UW’s Distinguished Teacher Award. The award was presented posthumously on Saturday, May 26th. In his citation, Dr. T.A. Brzustowski, UW’s Vice-President, Academic, said, “Ken Fryer is a superb classroom teacher. He knows mathematics and he understands students. His lectures are memorable: meticulously prepared, beautifully organized, and delivered with wit and humour...He is a demanding taskmaster who succeeds in motivating students to work very hard to learn. They learn well and enjoy the experience.” Asked about Dr. Fryer-‘s part in building the Faculty of Mathematics, Dean Alan George said, “He was a bridge netwecn the Faculty and the secondary school system. His compassion made the Faculty a better place for students than it otherwise would have been.” 0


Petition circulat’ed for editor’s recall . by Mike Upmalis Imprint staff A petition has been organized to call for a referendum to remove George Elliott Clarke as the editor of Imprint. The petition, reported variously to have gathered either 150 or 700 signatures by May 28th, has been organized jointly by U W students and non-students. The petition is being circulated primarily in the Engineering. and Mathematics Faculties. The purpose of the petition is to have Imprint organize a referendum for the removal of Mr. Clarke from his post as editor. Under the bylaws of Imprint, any paid staff position can be ordered vacated on the majority vote of a referendum. The referendum is to be ordered on the receipt of a petition representing 10% of the UW student body. ’ The referendum, according to the amended bylaws of the paper, would be run by Imprint and would only be necessary if a majority vote of staff did not agree with the motion expressed by the petition. The petition was organized at a meeting held last Friday. It was estimated by a meeting participant that at least fifteen people attended. Those present included Kathleen Kelly (advertising manager of the Imprint) Sylvia Hannigan (former business manager of the Imprint), David Bain, Simon Wheeler, Raymond Cheng (all current Imprint) and Denis Van Decker (Engineering Society “B” president). Ms. Hannigan was full-time business manager of the newspaper for the last three years and was part-time business manager for the three years prior to that. She was also the part-time business manager of The Chevron when it was the official student newspaper at UW. Ms. Hannigan was under contract to the newspaper corporation until the end of May, but spent the last part of the month on vacation. She has been replaced by an interim parttime bookkeeper. Ms. Hannigan wa$ on an annual renewable contract, with the last renewal having been authorized by the then production

Feds ,Meet At



by Dave Sider e Imprint staff The Federation of Students meeting of Student Council was three members short of quorum on the bright sunny afiernoon of May 27th. Eleven councillors, w.ithout excuse, missed the meeting conducted on the grassy banks of Laurel Creek. The two main areas of discussion, after executive reports were presented, centred around the Engineering Society request for a loan of $50;000 for renovations to Carl Pollock Hall, and major changes in the decor of Fed Hall. Mitch Rett&ath, vice-president university affairs reported that the “pro-rated rent case” against Waterloo Towers is coming to trial on’June 1st in Toronto. He felt that if students were present in the courtroom, it would be a strong boost for the case. Peter Klungel, head of external liason, reported on his trip to Edmonton to the general meeting of the Canadian Federation of Students (See page= one). Mr. Klungel also discussed the organizing of a committee to sit on the Bovey commission. The UW faculty association has said that it will send two representatives to sit on the commision. UW president, Dr. Doug Wright, it was reported, felt that it is inappropriate for administration to sit on the committee. The Graduate Students Association has also said that it will participate. The University Staff Association has not yet come



possesses (except skill in deception) and this, by itself, is ground manager, John Bast, rather than by the incoming or outgoing editor as was the custom for the previous two contracts. for firing him”. Mr. Bast states in the letter that he understands that Ms. Federation of Students president Tom Allison said that he I Kelly is looking for a commitment from him, to aid in the was not involved with the petition, but felt that the process of a “improving of the paper” after the removal of Mr. Clarke. referendum would be a healthy one. Mr. Allison added that the Federation of Students, whili not He adds that he would be willing to assist in the typsetting of responsible for a referendum, would safeguard the interests of the newspaper, after he finished with his regular workday, will the students by ensuring that a referendum would be held if assist on the committee to select a new editor, and will aid in the Imprint was not quick to follow through on a petition for a selection and training of g new production manager if such is deemed necessary. referendum. Denis Van Dicker has distributed copies of the petition along Mr. Bast then eniourages Ms. Kelly to keep pointing out Mr. with a letter stating that this distribution does not reflect an Clarke’s “errors”: “Egotistical ---like him hate that”. endorsement of the petition by EngSoc. Ms. Kelly was reported to have said that they “got the wrong letter” upon hearing that this reporter had a copy of Mr. Bast’s Mr. Van Decker distributed these handouts, along with a letter to her. letter by Ms. Kelly stating her’ views about what is happening at the paper, to the Engineering class reps. A check with the EngSoc secretary revealed that she had There was supposed to be an edited copy available. duplicated the handouts on the EngSoc photocopier and that Mr. Clarke felt that the charge of being incompetent was EngSoc was paying for the photocopying. ridiculous and slanderous. He felt that his being hired was MathSoc has not taken a formal stand on the petition and it contingent on being able to edit copy and organize people. was not at the MathSoc office; rather it was being distributed by Mr. Clarke felt that he was not hired on his technical abilities, \ students, including the MathSoc ,vice-president. but that he has learned a lot about past-up and layout. In fhe letter from Ms. Kelly, there is a mention of an attached He feels that the students have a right to a petition, but feels letter from John Bast offering to help re-establish the paper, that since the main movers behind the petition are not students, contingent on the removal of Mr. ,Clarke. its validity may be questionable. This letter was not attached to the petition, according to Mr. He also feels that the documents attached are libellous and he Van Decker, because not enough copies were made to be given will be talking to a lawyer about possible legal action. to the class reps. David Bain, arts editor of the imprint said he went to the Mr. Van Decker said that copies would be available to class. meeting to make sure that “nothing stupid happened”. He reps if they asked for them. He also said that he would be agrees with the petition, and is going along with it, but felt that i putting a copy of Mr. Bast’s letter on bulletin boards. he personally would not have organized one. In Mr. Bast’s letter, to Ms. Kelly and dated May 22nd, he Carl Davies, an Imprint staff member, says that his .onIy from Mrs. Hannigan that you, and a concern is putting out a quality product. What will be seen in states: “I understand number of students at U W, are taking the first steps in recalling the long run is if all the fuss is detrimental or helpfu. the current, incompetent, Imprint editor George Clarke”. Mr. Signy Madden, another staffer, felt that it is difficult for the Bast then makes -the charge that “Clarke through his editor of the paper to produce a newspaper of the professional underhanded schemes of last term managed to get himself the quality expected when he is concerned with .putting out Editor (sic) job by cheating himself in, not through any skills he “brushfires”. forward with a response. _ vice-president, operations and finance, Jeff Wilson, announced that the soft ice cream machine for “Scoops” had arrived and was in service. . According to Mr. Wilson, the $5,800 cost of the machine is being amortized across five years. The Women’s Commissioner, Julie George (reported on in this issue), discussed her publicity for the post of Women’s Commissioner in a public meeting and in interviews with Campus media. Ms. George elaborated on plans to educate the campus community on the topic of “.Women and Health” in the fall. Mr. Allison, in a dis<ussion of incidental fees, indicated that he felt that the Engineering Consumables and Maintainance Fee, that is to be levied this fall, was handled in a “sleazy“ way. Mr. Allison felt that because there was no dicussion of the special fee before the Board of Governors or Board of Governors Executive prior to its implementation, it was not fair to student interests. The Federation’s Board of Directors, in their. May 12th meeting, approved a bank loan for the Engineering Societies planned renovation of Carl Pollock Hall. The loan of twenty thousand dollars , thirty thousand short of the original request, was contingent on written confirmation of budget requests by Physical Planning. The actual amount of the loan would be based on a matching dollar basis for every dollar raised by the Engineering societies. The decor arranged for Fed Hall was changed when it was discovered that the carpet {selected would raise the furnishing cost $19,000 over budget. Coupled with the news that the sound system would cost severity thousand dollars instead of the fifty thousand dollars expected, there was a “straw-vote” commitment to select a less expensive carpet.

Since the planned decor centred around the carpet chosen, some decisions will be made about accent colours in surrounding fixtures. The architect felt that the original furnishings were like a “Holiday-Inn” bar and that the charcoal carpet selected would go well with accents chosen in black and white. The carpet colours of charcoal and light grey were,approved, with the choice of accent colours left up to the future. A consideration of warmer colours against deeper blues may become a future point of contention.



by Mike Upmalis Imprint staff The health insurance plan for bo-th graduate and undergraduate full-time, U W students is a plan held by the University for the benefit of full-time students. The plan was switched from Confederation Life to Mutual Life in June of 1983 after fifteen years, because the accumulated deficit in the administration of the plan had grown to almost a half of a million dollars. The general policy of insurance companies that provide health benefit plans is to set a fee that will cover


estimated costs and yield a profit. The reason for the switch from Confederation Life to Mutual Insurance of Waterloo was the Federation of Student’s anticipation that Federation Life would attempt to recover its costs from setting too low a premium from previous years. The anticipated increase of 10.4a/o is to cover projected inflationary increases in the cost of medical care and prescription . drugs in the upcoming year. Any surplus would go towards covering-3 deficit in a subsequent year.


CFS Conference approves Q:p&+~$@on Of

. ’

’ ~Stude~ti



- .

.- 2 by Carl Fzahes ’ ’ c ‘The Declaration of Student Rights is a two and one-half / feel alternate options should be explored before a step is taken. ,’ Although some delegates were sporting “Amalgamate Now” im@int staff? page package that in&des,statements such as “the right of T-shirts at the conference,a.satisfactory solution to the prob.lem The U’iiversity of Alberta, in Edmonton?l\Nas the site of the students once having entered a program to complete their \ could not‘ be reached by the week’s end.,The structure of the . third annual generaLmeeting of the Canadian Federation of program on the same terms that existed at the time of their , CFS remains unchanged.’ Students.(CFS); hel’d duringthe week May. 13-19. admission to that program”. Another heated issue was a failed attempt to rescind the CFS . _ The Federation of, Students bf ‘UW sent 3’delegates to the Other areas covered included “The right to copyright to all policy regarding nuclear weapons. The policy is a strongly CFS meeting: president, Tom Allison; external commissioner; ’ orginal work produced by the student” and “the right of worded condem.nation of nuclear weapons that calls for such ,Peter Klungel, and Mitch Retterath, vice-president, university residence students to tenant status”. The Declaration also things as Canadian withdraw1 from NATO and NORAD. affairs. touched on one. of the more inflammatory public issues of the Mr. Klungel said he is,“not sure if the CFS is the right body to Mr. Klungel was chief delegate of the UW ‘entourage but past few years by including “The right of the individual to be in this” adding that the issue “makes for a division in the CFS - dismissed it as “a token position” since Waterloo is not a fee. control over his/ her body.” . According to Mr. Klungel, the most con_tentious issue of the , ‘that needn’t be there.‘” * paying member of the C_FS and’roes not have a vote in CFS The issue of the Bovey&ommission was raised by the Ontario procedures. ‘week was the atempted amalgamation of the two branches of . , delegation, but the CFS will not be lobbying the Federal T c the_ CFS, the political and services wings . Government with specific regards to this. The CFS will be Of the week’s events, ‘Mr. Klungel stated “The most The CFS is currently approximately $150,000 in debt and looking for ways to .cut costs. Some members feel lobbying the Federal Government for a national education ‘plan significant thing that passed all ,week was the D‘claration of e comparable’ to that of the national \health plan. Student Rights “. amalgation will help ease the finaricia! woes of the CFS while ‘..



Board’. of .GovernOrs’ meeting. . P continued

Fed Hall





An sea not mentioned in the report but raised in the meeting would see Wat@rloo the beneficiary of a policy of differentiated funding for a “eenter of excellence”. This cou!d be another recommendation from the Bovey comm-ission. Another idea not included in the’document but raised in discussion was the possibility of tapping alumni for annual fundjng to a greater extent than is now the practice in Canada. Comparisons were drawn to American universities like Harvard that have budgeted for alumni contributions’of 350 million dollars .this year. Federation of Students president Tom Allison suggested that, to encourage the possibility of alumni contributing to the university in the future, the administration must do more to enrich the non-academic life of the’ student on campus. Vice-president X academic - Tom Brzustowski presented .a document showing that for Waterloo to get back to “just getting by” would require a ten per cent increase in the annual operating budget. Brzustowski envisaged forty four new faCUltv appointments


by Brian

from page. I


with a salary requirement of 6.6 mullion doliars. Technical support in the form of research, technical and administrative assistants would entail another one and a half million dollars per annum. This guideline of needs does not address the funding deficiencies on campus, being merely a ,recognition of what protracyd underfunding has done to the University in the past four years and of those problems which require immediate redress. The antic’ipated real funding needs of UW would amount to 10.95 million dollars a year. / The Watfund report of April 30th shows a balance of almost 18 million dollars,in the fund; however, after subtracting gifts in kind, a cash total of over 13 million dollarshas been realized. Watfund was originally intended to reflect donations of cash alone-to the University and will most likely do so in the future. Board of Governors chairman J. Eyton noted that stating gifts in kind as cash donations is a problem, but considering Digital’s donation of computer equipment, “it’s a, ‘nice problem”.


F&l kefunds~ down by Carl Davies Imprint staff The number of students’ requesting,, refunds of their Federation fees has dropped significantly this summer, according to Federation president, Tom Allison. Only 81 refunds have been requested so’ far this summer, compared to 13 I refunds , given out last summer. Allison said he feels the ‘major reason for the drop is ’ that students returning this summer are better off financially than last summer, due to an improvemem in the

co-op job market. Allison also speculated that the drop in refunds.requested indicates a show of support by the students for the current Federation, administration.


refundable. Judy Phillips, a 4A math student; was one of the people who did request a refund. The reasons she gave for her decision were; needing the money, hardly ever going to the Bombshelter, and not considering the Fed Flicks to be a critic’s dream.

Veronica Pochmursky, a 2B Biology student, said she did not request a Fed fee refund this term because she feels the Federation “does _ . Mr. Allison said that the drop in refunds was not due to provide a number of valuable Ms. Pochmursky the fact that they were services.” available only during certain added, however, that she was quite upset that the fee hours. He stated “our hours are the same. as they have charged for the new Federation hall is nonalways been.”


Tuesday Night?-

1 i ;


Special. Shooter e

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/Break Dan&q Starrrng ’ Athlete’s Foot No cover

Panzerdti. - Special




Buy 1 Panzerotti For The Regular 1 Price %a&Receive A Second Of . Equal Value For Only WM) /





‘spaghetti house

Pick-Up & D&g



$1.00 Qeliuery Charge

103 King ‘St. N., Waterloo 886401’0 or 80~4011




1, 1984.




Waterloo’s state of t e a,rt stu by Sheyfali


In a recent interview in the Globe and Mail, Mr. Walter F. Light, Chairman of Northern Telecom Ltd., expressing concerns over the serious shortages in trained technological people facing the North American economy, said that one of the chief causes of the shortages is the current university system. He said that the university system has failed to produce the kind of graduates industry requires, due to the lack of cooperation between busivgssmen and academics. This he said is caused mainly by a traditional distrust between the two groups because of diverging goals. The U‘niversity of Waterldo, howeyer, observes VicePresident Dr. Tom Brzustowski, “is very different”. This, he . says, is because of the co-op system which has allowed the university to have close ties with the industrial community right from the start. “It is inevitable that, from time to time, there will be a divergence of views between an academic institution and a business community because they have different objectives”, says UW Dean of Mathematics, Dr. Alan George. An example of this difference in objectives, George says, is the time frame in which certain projects are undertaken. University research is concerned with long-term pay-offs whereas industrial research is more interested in short-term pay-offs. “But this is less at the University of Waterloo,” George says, “because of the extent to which we are already involved in industry through the co-op system. “It is impossible not to be aware of industry concern because students come back from their work terms and tell us”. Is the close association with industry a threat to the university’s autonomy? Brzustowski doesn’t think so. Waterloo, he says, has a high profile as a high-tech school, but in his view this label means three things: teaching and research in high-tech areas, availability of high-tech equipment to all students in all faculties, and university interest in the social impact of high-tech innovations. While there is no formally stated policy, all University departments are involved in the creation of courses designed to educate students about the relationship and impact of hightech on society, according to Brzustowski. As a “high-tech” school, Waterloo is naturally concerned with the problem of providing advanced equipment for its students. The main difficulty in obtaining such equipment is the all-encompassing problem of money. Among the problems caused by the lack of funding is the rather serious one for Waterloo of purchasing up-to date equipment. This is especially difficult now, says Lennox, due to the high rate of obsolescence of any equipment that is produced. Because Waterloo has been so solccessful in cooperating with business. ’ business, it receives ‘considerable assistance of But, says Lennox, there are no government funds available to universities for teaching equipment. Universities may purchase research equipment using government money, but not teaching

Unemployment Continued

from page 1

Because the unemployed are frustrated, they tend to change their perceptions about the world. They feel that they are powerless and that everything they do is futile. In turn their expectations are lowered. Friends and family may see this as laziness and may react negatively. In desperation the unemployed may accept jobs that are low paying, dangerous, or below their capabilities. Or they may even apply for any position they feel is remotely attainable. This can lead to further rejections and intensified frustrations. This anxiety is soon transferred to oth‘er members of the family. A working spouse arrives home after a hard day’s work only to find that the other has done “nothing”. Resentment, * anger, ,and frustration build. Sometimes the unemployed person is expected to take/on tasks usually associated with certain roles that the person is unfamiliar with, such as a traditional husband faced with making meals and doing laundry. Arguments, or even violence, can ensue. Children are also affected when parentalincome is reduced by unemployment. Some become ill-fed and poorly clothed. They, too, feel the tension that hangs about the household.



I _

A recent Imprint report that Eng Sot-B received grants from the University in its efforts to renovate Carl Pollock Hall is incorrect. Eng Sot-B has not received any University grants. As well, in -another story, Jeff Wilson, Federation VicePresident, operations and finance, was mistakenly identified as being Jeff Preyra, Clubs Commissionnef. We regret any 1 inconvenience this may have caused. _-

equipment. This is part of the reason why tuition fees will have to go up, he says. This problem is becoming acute in graduate courses, Lennox claims, for, in recent years, according to his own studies, the number and size of graduate classes has increased to the degree shortages in lab equipment for senior classes build up unti! there is a large backlog. a In Light’s view, the responsibility for this underfundinimust be shared by government, business and students. . This issue falls directly under the category ,of topics now under the scrutiny of the Bovey Commission. However, Dr. William Lennox, Dean of Engineering says he is not worried about the three-member Committee, appointed last December to look into the financial restructuring of the Ontario university system. In his view, it is a good thing. He believes that a hard look at the university system is necessary and his hope is that the Commission will be able to makerecommendationswhich will be implemented. “Part of the restructuring,” says Lennox, “will be recognizing the’strengths of different instutions”. This would mean a recognition, which is already apparent, of Waterloo’s obvious strengths in the applied sciences and its success in working with industry. “The Minister (of Education) has said that we will have to agreement with the view that industry and universities need to find new sources of income. Students will have to pay higher co-operate and that it can be done without sacrificing tuition and the government will be looking at some schemes to autonomy, they all disagree with Light’s criticism of the tenure improve the grant system and like Student Loan Banks”. Lennox believes that student fees will go up by 5% per year system. . over the next several years which would raise them to the In Light’s view, tenure is little more than a job security system $ IO.,000 level described by Dr. Douglas Wright, the president of for professors. AccoI’ding to Brzustowski, this is an unfair ,the lrniversity as acceptable. criticism. Lennox claims that, today, students are only paying 18% of Tenure, he says, “is a guarantee of freedom to be objective and critical without outside pressures. It comes at the end of the the actual cost of tuition, and this will have to change if universities are to overcome the problems caused by longest probationary system of any kind of employment underfunding. today”. Among those problems, says Light, is the lack of trained A full professor must have undergone probation for six years and have-a Phd before he can receive tenure. Moreover, he is professionals going into teaching. subject to a regular review which Brzustowski says he would According to George, there are approximately 200 Ph.d’s like to believe is rigorous. awarded in computer science each year in North America. Compare this to the some 500 openings available at One of the final criticisms Light made was of the lack of cooperation among universities themselves. Such co-operation ‘universities across the-continent, George says, and you have while already in place at-Waterloo, with the university sharing some ideaof the type of shortages faced. Chemistry, Physics and Classics courses, with the universities of Lennox states that although he has had difficulty filling positionsin the past, recently he’s had more success and this, he -s Guelph and Toronto, is not always possible, says Brzustowski, says, 1s due to Waterloo’s reputation as a high-quality school because universities tend to feel threatened. “We are not where exciting things are happening. threatened by cooperation, in fact we feel it strengthens us”. The reason why some schools may feel threatened by the idea The “ekciting things” include the new Institute for Computer of cooperation says Lennox, is that, to take advantage of Research and the announcement by Hewlett-Packard to move to Waterloo and possibly purchase some land- in the specialization: funds have to be allocated to the schools which University’s north campus industrial research park. are judged to be best in certain areasand this means that other However, Lennox does concede that there are shortages in schools, which are regarded as being less successful in those the more “exotic” fields like computer-aided manufacturing fields, will, of necessity, lose their funding in those fields. This is why some weaker schools may view restructuring asa and especially robotics, which apparently is the latest rage in , industry. threat: however, as far as Waterloo is concerned, restructuring, While the gentlemen in his opinion, can only be for the better. interviewed generally seemed in

is- frustrating

and dangerous

Some are sent to live with relatives. These children often experience psychological and academic problems. Worst of all, these children become disillusioned with social traditions; they feel no need to uphold these values and tend to adopt an alternate lifestyle. There are ways in which the-family can help relieve these tensions. U,nemployed workers need support. Usually when they riced help, their friends and family turn away. Unemployed people need to discover and rediscover that they are loved, appreciated, held in esteem, and that they are still members of a social group.’ This helps to lessen the blow of job loss. However, Canadians are already facing injury to the sbcial suicide, child abuse, spouse fabric -- increased depression, abuse, alcoholism, and crime. Diseases related to chronic stress are also on the incretise. What about the broader meaning of unemployment to society? When Hitler invaded Austria, the changes he instigated created more employment. When interviewed, some Austrians stated that they would support anyone who brought them jobs , regardless of ideology. With the many disillusioned and desperated unemployed, the possibilities of this type of leader gaining power in Canada are , great.


hand Soft Covers


The next *feature on unemployment will be accompanied by stories on student eknployment. Watch this space for further details.



1 i 1 1Z ,..) I i )




Week’s 8 Course


Special Meal






’r ! 1 ! I i !


’1i ONLY$6?Ter person -1 380


(with this ad)



This is a summary of a presentation given by Sharon Kirsch at a recent seminar entitled “Working with the unemployed”. Kirsch is a contract researcher with the title of project coordinatorat the Canadian Mental Health Association, where she has authored the document “Unemployment: Its Impact on Body and S&l.”





Kitchener A5-6291



I ! c:: Hours: )


578-4476 Tues


LICENSED - Fri llam-10pm Sat. 4:30 pm - 10 pm “Alwaysat Sun. 4:30 pm - 9 pm l


your service” ’ -, ,-a

5~classute~ For Sale .

“Galibier Vercors” omen’s Hiking boot, size 6’7. Good for trail hiking to light mountaineering. l/2 steel shank. Only 1 season old. New $130, asking $60.00. Ext 2848 or 888-7060, ask for Betty.

Hitachi tape deck. Excellent condition. Also selling albums, 45s. Old and new tunes, most in excellent condition. Call X849188 after 6.

COMPUTER for sale; Commodore 32K Pet. Includes datasette recorder and miscellaneous extras. Excellent Condition. Asking only $500. Call 888-6276 after 6 pm for more information. Hand-painted T-shirts, all original designs; also handcrafted studded leather belts, bracelets made to order. Variety of colours. styles, reasonable prices. Call Jim or Hugh at 576-7996.


Nishiki Men’s 10 speed. 27 inch frame. Virtually new tires. Well taken care of. $125. Call Megan or leave message: 886-9466. 1983 Honda v-45 intercepot. Blue and white, excellent condition. 7000 kilometres, $3100 firm. Phone 576-8252 or 886-3430. Adding machine, hairdryer, pots and pans. utensils. lamp shades, bamboo fixtures. mattress and other various articles. Inquire for low prices on these practically new articles today. Sandra: 7461175. Unused 2-man Solus II 7.ent by renowned Moss of Maine. Single ridgepole. very light construction. Very cheap at $160.00. Phone 888-6094.

Services Le Cercle Francais recherche un “guitariste” pour”Le Feu de la St.Jean.” Si vous etes interesse, veuille/ contacter Marcel au 8861038.

Announcements will commence at 7:45 P.M. and feature speaker Mrs. Audrey Carter of TP &

Wise Th e K-W chapter ot WISE,‘FSG (Women in Science and Engineering) will hold a general meeting on Wednesday June 6. 1984 in the Rosedale Room at the Waterloo


475 King


N .. Waterloo. There


a cash bar at

6:00 P.M followed by a cold buffet supper. The meeting
















Planning and Investment”. Dinner tickets must be purchased by, Friday,, June 1 and arc available from Dr. .I. Dowling. Dept. of Phy’sics, University of Waterloo. telephone (519) 885-121 1

Quality Bicycle repair for less. 7 years experience - round trip pickup -and delivery for $2.00. Call Ben at 884-0944.

Wanted WANTED: Piano students for May-August. Beginner to grade 8 lessons available near the university from a qualified, experienced teacher CARCT. I, 2 or 314 lessons only $6/half hour. Call Leslie Gulka at 884-3779.

Ladies: Big Todd Teaser’s TuckIn Service has expanded! We now offer on-campus suntan lotion rubdowns for those balmy afternoons between classes. Offer expries August I I. Call Todd C. at St. Paulys. Do you find yourself asleep at 4 A M? Call Linda’s Wakeup Service - guaranteed the most obnoxious in town. Please leave front door or second floor bathroom window open.


APPEARING SOON in your neighbourhood. Flug Dougmann, amateur transient. wants to compete at the summer Olympics. Funding for Flug’s training program is running low; please donate your couch today.

For all you girls who have wanted to phone me but didn’t have my number (because it isn’t in the book) well here it is: 576-4942. TED.

The Women’s Centre is now open for the summer! 12:30-2:00 pm Monday to Friday. Come in & browse through our library orjust

Fall/ Winter: One room wanted in townhouse to share with females, close to University.’ Will consider taking over lease. Call Sandra at 746-l 175.

Donnie is now offering rides from the Coronet at a modest rate. “There’s plenty of room in my taxi - all my friends left in another.”

I,. Marie: “The weekend superb!” he EXCLAIMED Grant.

Townhouse or apartment for Fall & Winter wanted - willing to share or take over lease, call 5 19941-0577 after 6 - will reimburse caller.



FOR RENT: One big tough cream puff Mechanical engineer. Wishes to combine with girl with tractor. An interest in blue playboy PJs a must. Contact Oggo at the Orifice.


If you wish to attend only the meeting a small fee will be charged at the door. Since the KitchenerWaterloo WlSE/ FSG chapter has recently bee-n formed, all interested people arc welcome to attend.

Register Pre-registration for the Winter term of 1984 will be held June 6 to 8, 1984. Pre-registration allows you to select in June the courses that you wish to take in





was R.




operative students intending to enrol1 in undergraduate programmes in January 1985 should pre-register. If you are thinking of changing faculties next term the contact YOU should appropriate advisor of the faculty to which you wish to transfer. Please refer to the instructions mentioned in the List of Advisors section of the Course Offerings List. Preregister with you department/ faculty advisor. Information regarding advisors, times and places, etc. is listed in the Course Offerings List, obtainable from the department/ faculty offices. 1984185 Undergraduate Calendars are available from the office of the Registrar.

Music The University of Waterloo Chamber Players was formed in Summer 1982 by a group of students of various disciplines who enjoy playing chamber music. All members are in co-

operative programs such Engineering, Math,

1, 1984.


Winter ‘85 2-3 bedroomed apt.) townhouse. Semi or Fully furnished preferably close to University, willing to take over lease or alternate terms. Call Sue or Jill at 884-4059.

-Housing Available

Housing Wanted 4 students (2 males & 2 females) seek a 4 bedroom townhouse or house to lease or sublet for Fall term. Willing to take again in summer ‘85 term. If interested please contact Bonnie at 886-064 1 after 5:00 pm.



Ideal location - 10 min walk from campus. Room in house. Furnished living room with colour TV/ stereo, Family room & garden. Only $500 for whole summer. 886-0338. Fall 84, Two female roommates needed to share 4 bedroom townhouse on Phillip ?treet. 5 minute walk to campus. $200 per month. Phone 4 16-728-5705.

Lost Lost, Seiko watch with a leather wristband. Reward offered. Phone 746- 1960.


or return on to the

Science and thus alternate terms university. Having had extensive private and orchestral training, the members of the group play at about a Grade X Royal Conservatory Level. New interested members are very welcome to attend an organizational meeting on Wednesday June 6, at 1 1:30 in E2 Rm 1303A.


Housing The Off-Campus Housing Office, which is located on the roof of the Village 1 Complex, will remain open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday during the months of June, July and August. To assist students seeking accommodation on weekends, the office will be open IO:00 ‘a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays, June 23 to August 25 inclusive. When the office is closed, accommodation lists may be obtained either from the Turnkey desk, or from the security office.



*Graduand’s bar tOwedM#ay This letter is a copy of letter submitted to the Traffic and Parking Appeal Board of Waterloo, Ontario - Editor3 note. To the editor: At the Commencement the Chancellor and President of the University welcome new graduates to their respective degrees. On the same day as my commenc?ement I, was welcomed in another form. At one a.m. Thursday May 24 1984 I arrived and parked at the Married Students residents. I was a guest of a friend at 155 University. To our knowledge and from% previous visits overnight guests were allowed to/park with permission from the tenants. The next morning as I was preparing to attend the commencement ceremonies I discovered that my car had bken towed. I was unable to pursue the matter since my parents and guests would already be waiting\for me at the PAC. . My friend, the tenant at Married Students call+ the and, discovered that Mr. James Steward had I management authorized the towing. Hs: indicated the reason was that.1 had butstanding fines with Campus Security. After the ceremony I called Security and they told me that they had not authorized the towing and that I did not have any outstanding fines. By this time ‘I was unable to reach Mr. Steyard and since I was on my way to celebrate my graduat-ion with family and friends I was“ unable to retrieve my car. Since Campus Security had told me that they had nothing to do’ with the towing at Married Students I asked the Waterloo Police to intercede for me. -They informed me of my legal recourse. They also advised me to handle the matter as best I could through the University administration before taking such action. This-meant paying the towing company and writing this appeal letter. _ -



by A.J. Waterman “God is dead”, kproclaimed Nietzsche with the certitude that ne\x; deities had replaced this once high and mighty Judeo-Christianic derivative. His was a forethought that has profound implications upon the focus of belief systems in the Western Hemisphere. ’ We are faced with the manifestation of ‘cultural deities’, that is pop idolatry in the offering of neti and still newer trends to focus our worship upon. What new gods will descend upon us tomorrow? what forces will determine ‘the shape of our fashio of consciousness? -- is there any real way of knowing? Are the Boy Georges, Billy Idols, Peter Garbriels, and others .’ the so&l and political movers and shakers of our ethics in be future? Only time can

illustrate that possibility. Oh atonality, oh style, oh hleif in atonality, oh style, oh b&if in fl&ey ideologies, dimension, your next expression, your next indifferent comm&nd? Qde to a coffee mug? Praying to the great god of peer pressure?

I remained in Waterloo for the w’eekend in the hope of clearing things up on Monday. I was parked at Married Students all this time without being towed as did many guest and families of graduating\z4udents. On Monday morning I _ went to the Married Students office to see Mr. Steward only to discover that he does not wokk, there. When I asked why he authorized the towing on Friday they, at the office told me a different reason than the one told on Friday. The stated reason was-that the car was leaking gas. It was not doing SO the previous week and it was not doing io when I picked upthe car _ -from the towing company: I hope you will investigate this matter and I will look forward to hearing from you as to the outcoine. I have been at the University of Waterloo for fivealeasurabie years but my last impression will always be t& welcome I received on May 25. Unfortunately, since my camera equipment was in the car when it was towed away I only have the towing reciept to remember my commencement ceremony. Savario M. Rihaldi

Lots of 'New'Music' from CFNY’s Favorite List


for more


.letters! \.




GSA pass,es motidns, on Bovey . ‘\

E&tracts from the minutes of the April 24, I984 meeting Sfthe -board- of the Graduate Students Association: President’s Report,. a) Thi president outlined his duties for the upcoming year.’ ? b) Visa Students and Differential Fees. MOTION: ‘We, the members of the Board of Directors af the Graduate Student Association, would like to express our disapproval of the continuation by the Ontario government in maintaining diffefential fees for foreign graduate students. Foreign students are an integral ,part‘ df the University community. The fundehental reason for the existence of this university is to further “the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge and understanding through teaching and research”. (Policy 53, 11.~. 1.) We therefore ask and request t-he President and Exebutive of the GSA ‘to pursue efforts within their capacities which would bring about a termination .of the government’s policy. (Rayman/ Marion) Carried. _



a) Bovey Commission = * MOTION: That the Graduate Student Associ\atiop of the University of Waterloo approve the actions of the CFS-0 regarding the Bovey Commission. (Gold/ Marion) Carried. MOTION: For’ the previous’ question. (White/Andrew) Carried, 2&najority. ’ “Wheat, l’ots of wheat, MOTION: That the Board of Director6 of the GSA at U. of fields of wheat...” is the W. .work to inform GSA members of the issues regarding the crux of Ivan’s world view; Carried. but replaced no& with the ’ Bov$ Commission.,(Gold/Smith) MOTION: That the GSA, through the President and other acutely dead sound of .represeptatives, develop close alliances with the Faculty, Staff electro-pop resonating and reverberating through and undeigraduate associations on dainpus, in order t-0 work the paper-thin walls of otirtogether to oppose the mandate of the Bovey Comiiiission and imaginations. -expose the real basis of the crisis in post&econdTry education: ‘What. qews of Moratio, under-funding. (Gold/ Athienitis) Carried. Fortescue? Does he still MOTION: That the GSA issue a public statement rejecting stand on top of the Dr. Bette Stephenson?s blueprint for the-future of Ontario’s\ pediment?’ For each age, and for each generation 1 there are those whose place in history is held with all too great a bombasity. IIere endeth the lesson.

on, Tues & Thurs


_ crisis that the government itself has engenderied and as being a short-sighted plan for %-he“rationalization”and compres&on of the present system. (Gold / White) Carried. . <Andrea iAthienitis (Member of the GSA . 3oard of Direct&s)

. -


Correcti-on /





’ __

In letters to the editor from the Graduate Student Association, ‘published in the May 18th edition of Imprint, there were some errors. I Under the section dealing with the T.A. pay increade; the increase indicated should have been 5% not 0.5%. Under the section dealing-with a 10% premium increase, the increase was 10.4% not 10.5%. This would mean a premium rate of $14.53 (single) and $34.28 (with -dependents), This is an increase over the orginal $13.16 for single grads and $3 1.05 for dependents. \ -We regret any incpnvenience these errors may have caused. ’




Westmount & University Open Daily UntO 11 pm Friday C Saturday

till 12-mid.

could give him new clothing. It won’t change anything. He’ll still be crazy. In three weeks no one will know what colour his clothing was meant to be. So how will 1 have changed anything? Well, 1 haven’t really. I “can’t change his life, but I can bring dignity to it. That’s all anyone can do. Faith shows itself in India in many forms. Formal religion is omnipresent. On every bus, at every factory or construction site there is a framed, illuminated picture of a Hindu god. Usually a garland of fresh flower petals hangs from the picture, as a daily offering. There is hope here. It’s a hope for a better life, better health, a dowry for one’s daughter. Some hope for a way out of the country. Often this faith is exploited by profiteers, both large and small. There are thousands of lotteries in India. Sponsored by state governments, or the Indian Navy. They offer the masses a way out that, at times, seems more tangible than what Ganesh or Krishna can offer. Lottery stalls are as common as cattle on the street of India.

India An


First prize goes as high as Rupees 2.2 Crore for a meager five rupee ticket. In India, a different system of counting is used. Instead of saying a million, people say ten lakhs. A lakh is a hundred thousand of anything. There are one hundred lakhas in a crore. So Rupees 2.2 Crore are what we’d call twenty-two million rupees or 2.6 million dollars. The toothless amateur chemist in Mysore offered a cure for cancer, sexual weakness, pains and constipation, all in one grey powder. He won over the crowd (there’s always a crowd) with a few magic tricks and an acid-base titration. At one rupee per shot, he sold as many as five packets of worthless powder to some-customers.


eople have always asked me why 1 travel through India. I * could never explain what it was that I enjoyed so much about the country. Sure there are a lot of things to see in India. Yes, there is a lot of poverty. Yet, at twenty-one, I wanted to return to this country. It is only now, after a full month here that I have come to realize what it is that has drawn me to India- discovery thrills me. There are so many things a westerner can discover in India. There are a thousand things I’ve learned about the Indian cultures, North America, and especially about myself. I have the feeling of a small child, exploring the world with my first few unsteady steps and dizzying glances upwards. It is a big world. Everywhere I go - whether a city street or wildlife park or even a bus ride - there are new stones to be unturned. Each reveals India, one piece at a time. There’s something comforting about finding a rickshaw driver who’ll take you for the fare off his meter, after weeks of arguing with drivers who’ve insisted on a flat rate of double or triple the fair price. While driving, if he wants to talk to me about Christianity and the Bible,

I’m not surprised. Nothing surprises me anymore. I’ve been awakened with the music of a Hindu wedding procession. I’ve had my bus delayed to let a funeral procession pass. The men were mostly undistressed as they filed by. Some waved to me. The boys stopped playing their instruments as they approached the bus. The widow was the first to follow the casket. It was appropriate that the others were silent for she carried the sorrowful burdenof all the hundred marchers. She wailed with such a sadness that 1 was torn with the pain that she felt for a few moments. The difference was that my pain ended shortly afterwards, whereas this stranger’s had only just begun. This country will leave many impressions upon me. At times I’ve felt defeated and impotent. While in Bombay, a social worker had warned me that the care for the mentally ill was very poor in India. Today I met the Chinese-looking man again. I’d met him before. On my first night in this small town, I saw a man who looked like a garage mechanic. He had overalls that were black with grease and dirt. He shouted

at met from across the street. He then continued to speak to me in an unknown language as he approached, before suddenly switching to English. He said “of course, 1 was just speaking to see if you could understand”. He stared at me, apparently not understanding anything I said. I said goodnight, and he repeated it about twenty times. This afternoon 1 saw him down our street and he was wet. Immediately, I knew what was happening. As I expected, a man poked his head from the Prasad Cafe, holding a steel cup with water. He then threw a second shot of water at the Chinese man. He was still until the third came. People watching smiled at me. . When I returned home this afternoon the street was still wet outside the cafe. The Chinese man was sitting in the gutter eating grapes below my balcony. I took his picture. My impotence is the hardest part. I could take the Chinese man’s picture, or 1 could buy him clothes and food...but does it really matter? One Canadian volunteer-worker mentioned that at times she felt nothing for the poor. It was as if they weren’t human. “It’s not like that’s your sister out there”, she said. 1 understood. I had felt it too. 1

The largest film industry in the world is based in Bombay, a dust bin of over eight million. Half of that city either lives in slums or on the pavement. Films are big fare in India. They offer three hours of escape to a land of dance and riches, as well-fed people fall in love. An Indian film is a musical event that you want to take home with you, but you can’t. The only connections with reality in the cinema-house are the crowds trying to get in and the commercials selling the latest in high priced convenience foods. As I read over my previous writings, now, a week later, I find that they’re very cynical and depressing. There’s a lot one can be depressed about in India if one feels the need. To overlook these emotions and these disturbing aspects, though, would be to report only half the story. There are uncountable things that make me happy in India. I always know that a public urinal is nearby about a half minute before it comes into view. You know that you’re in India when you smell that smell. Yet at other times, I actually dance in the street, I’m so pleased with the sights before me. It’s impossible for me to be bored



India! I can do anything.‘: With his wiped out by a shift in the hands on his head, mocking a lunatic, carrying the message of the-tainted meat, L-e? and as if reeling, he’d explode with “Isn’t as yet ungrilled. ’ it wonderful?” He’d then talk seriously I’m forced to ask myself questions with me about the million things he’d about my own country. Much of what I * . seen. Life was whizzing by and he see here is’ a challenge to my ideals of ’ wanted it all to go even faster. He only my- views of life in Canada. Tainted . % smoked hash as of yet. He told me that meat? Why, never in Canada! Memory j he didn’t want to use the cocaine. or the of the wholesale tainted’ meat scandal in Montreal surfaces. Government corruption is a daily .... T .I ’ ,,, ~,( ..W~ ,j., \ \ reality in India, from the cop who :z ‘(&.,. informs you that he wants a tip to the ‘.$ p&ta1 employee who says that thirteen “t.imes. three Rupees is seventy-nine. Just x”the sam<:‘;‘we hear stories back home’of cabinet: ministers abuse of government +’ jet pri.Q&$ges, pohticians illegally ?3N., lobby<ing”for industri&s,+nd other ,.,A ...k/ ,, c,onfhcts of interest.

here. All I have to do is walk down a street, preferably one 1 havqn’t. explored yet. I always rejoice when I come to a new%street I haven’t seen before. I never know what I’ll see, whether X*11be shocked or pleased or disgusted or even frightened as I turn new corners. ’ I’ve sat cp,f@de a tailor’s I, shop for-,thii$y. or forty minutes just taking in a parade’of sights and smells. tispecially smells, for Mysore is a city of ~’ $‘” $ ,( ,( :$Y jI (.;*

-,- .:;,; 5“/ 0< : ’

” : - .< :,.,.?


he advised me not to start on. heroin. “It sort of sticks with you”, he admitted. India can overwhelm the visitor. That’s part of her charm. There”were so many emotions, events and people that I wanted to keep with me, filed away in ) orderly. spaces in -my Tmind. I would misplace or mix them up if I collected too many. At those times I would escape to bird sanctuaries or the confines of my. room to sort them all out. After becoming almost insensitive to ’ the ever-changing environment around me, it was necessary to go over what I’d seen-“Jesus Christ! Was that child really playing with a six inch piece’of broken glass?” “ Did 1 really see an advertise&m parade for Rin detergent that was l.ed by an elephant carrying Super-Kn? I hardly noticed it at the time”, :, , I .. AS ifto ‘make sure that.I would :centinuc to learn fram my experiences, I took to writing them dowh in. this form. I know>,%that the same applies to my expqietice in India .as,to Walter’s - it I $iqt> of$.sticks with me. l


spiritual~awa.r&iess or the chemical P,&exha&tible sdpplqof men, wornenQ%rd~~ ’ ho&by going. He rolled the ‘brown’ into ~<TS. p’ expansion ($theii rninds’Yf%‘ey,~~~~e~, ~:,%h@lren @alk and roll by on cycle, on .G+~~:iF,cigz$ettes as we spoke. He was aware of been’swept *Way by a coun@y th~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,-.“,~~~problcms of using heroin. He told -scooter or in rickshaw. I could spot the ‘. vastand sojdifferent from t&e;,,Wes~, that: “5,‘ coolies in the& loin cloths, ;@h a towel 4% ,A. \., me that he hadn’t smoked in five days. I. it is son&t$es2difficult ‘go maintain a ,,‘,.,z ~.+.& .;, XNrapped:,,G:; the+$ heads aft& a long -day ” that if you had to count you .. healthy Bersl;~~tive,.~~fter,a time one,*:~~~.~~‘~“~. .,‘ ; were.‘an addict. of lifting and carrying. l$ere~w~e they ““-+; an&,zg%’ “young rich lads, in wi&&reakers and*+‘; ; must ret&?at from @alI *. Walter wasn’t the picture-book addict sunglasses,+ looking l$ke filmy s&&r+. ~ ?6’%v make use of all that”hgs been tak@%. i $#&rrling groups ~~~.~..~l.~-h~~‘as.-t~kp t ; I think of a ~oung$$t.&trali~~~&ned that you see in naive+mily magazin&. $+f (>I ,a’ There were no tremor:, no spittle ’ pass me, each offe,fi’ng up her eyes ‘to.“‘% ,/’ mine. They alw%xi echq my smile on the T“‘+. dribbling into a beard. No beard for that ._\ *YI0:.~ ’4,,‘;r inevitable s$%nd backward glance. .,‘.> ‘. I matter. He was calm, soft spoken and II ~f: ‘3 .’ &+’ >&T-l Nearby,9\an accbuntant at the snack interesting. He spoke candidly tome in :., :i ‘stall q$ks his l&ad ba&, &&s&i Mi. r&h&> %.’n ,^‘, :.‘,. ,/our dorm at the Salvation Army’hostel. @and. &ith stain+& steel cup and pours “s.‘Y%... *‘.; He didn’t finance himself through theft , ,~ater into his mouth w;t~o~t f~~~hih~.l~~ of drugsmuggling. He “ran” precious y.k a,A;>;. %. ..the ‘vessel to his $psY On his second +’ .J\> ‘,Q_. and semfLprecio& stones... He’d buy in ~j cupful’; a d,ar& ::patch” spreads on his *s,?‘)‘: ” q:, x .:.. I _‘_ -.: < .,starched +h;jt& ,i$if$‘;where h.,r:has f .: G :.$. “‘CL rvf,~~~+&~‘~“~~ was a school ‘teacher who Nepal and sell in India or Greece. He had a seasonal routine going, practiced allowed the v+er to, spill..%I%catch his eye ::@ti*d,said goodbye to it all. With four over the years. Khyber Pass for the and-smile w@ile mak&g a &r-inking dollars in a purse around his : ’ %,.thousand ,,.motion with my thumb extended from , ‘%” neck, he left for India. summer, then Nepal, the’n India, then ’ my ‘fisti He-smiles b+ck3, nqt shy&, but i:’ He’d put his hands on the sea wall in , Greece. Only to return to Nepal to buy w “sincerely, knowing thatI’ve enjoyed his ’ the next year’s supply of stones. He front of us and kick out his legs to the flawed ‘performance., side while shouting: ‘I’m in-India, India, concluded our talk with a bit of wisdom: : The men who ow-n the stall are busy ’ making idliis,and do&, rice cakes. :‘:,.i .,..,‘,+;. .::, ‘: ’ 1 Their songs are’ woven thr ough the rumble of :$& %l.q&‘@rne and the hiss of’.. oil wi& batter ‘bub’&ng 01I the griddle;. ’ -a-- 1 .v.:ct ‘%” Their expert ‘motions,. &acneu WILII dI ,$$




(I.% $ I










I, Plop, plop, pl.op~~“four?losais .. ’ ,;% (-...’ .“-0, I_.I (.% **A. , , _*

air the,,




list6 _.





griddle; hi@,. Shht - &$lis:“iM& thk iron. .. oven. Chop, chop th& onions, ,furn over.+. \, the..dosais, shht - idlis out of’ the oven; ‘%..c :. .._ -stuff, roll, ,fo.ld ‘>l, ; and wrap in. newspaper. Next bplcme; I’m cc >nde:mnec:I o’njy io v iatch and. listen. i can’t ind ulge in the fruit of their l&IAM&h ni thP fnnd c1In the street is considered unsafe - at least by my body. When I walk from the main street to my hotel, I’m always tempted by the .. .’ ’ .“%“’ smell of roasting ske’wers of meat outside the bustling, unlit Sarkam Cafe. 2 Visions of barbecued steaks and roast corn come to mind. Luckily, it’s all 3 :’





a- .- y







Story; photographs; and cutljnes by Mike ‘Urlocker The auth& iq,q .Third year ‘.\ Engineering it,tideot:. He has recently returned from a work term spent -not working- but rathkr.‘as’ he puts it,“‘just walking around” thro&h India, ‘Nepal and Sri Lanka. Th& ‘ape excerpis from his notebook, kept while’abroad.



* I



lmpr int.

You ‘should n& neglect agitation; each of you should - Ferdinand Las’alle (1825-l 864)

Despite the University of-Waterloo’s generally healthy treasury, and its balance of s18-million dollars (counting gifts in kind) in Watfund, and despite the recent headline-grabbing deals with \ such corporations as Hewlett-Packard, and Digital Equip_ment of Canada, this University is being hurt ,by government underfunding. . The same provincial Government which recently awarded a 31 -million dollar grant to UW to build a computer research building is starving the University of the funds it needs to provide the trained staff for its high-tech-based expansion _ program. At the Board of Governor’s meeting of May 22nd, some of the harmful effects of underfunding werg said to be the 23% increase in the student / teacher ratio and decreases in per capita library acquisitions and teaching assistant expenses. But there are other repercussions, both palpable and disturbing. * The squeeze on university funds has forced UW* president Doug Wright to contemplate higher tuition fees as being one solution to the problem. He has speculated that tuition fees in the neighbourhood of $10,000 per annum may be acceptable. Lennox, Dean of Engineering., has \ Dr. William expressed agreement with Dr. Wr’ight, saying that, since students are only paying eighteen per cent of the actual cost of tuition, thgywill haveto pay mor&f universities are to solve their funding problems. Another option which Dr. Wright has suggested as a solution to underfunding is that the provincial Government should grant more money to’ academic “centres of excellence” than to those institutions less fortunate. None of these solutions or ‘options is palatable. A policy of hi’gher tuition fees will lead inexorably to an acceptable of elitism, of a class system in the classroom, of social Darwinism as a romantic .concept. (One can almost hear the Hon. Bette Stephenson, M*inister of Colleges and Universities, dressed up as an academic Marie Antoinette, shouting, “Let them study Hobbes! No more egafitarianism”!) And, while UW mayI be a “centre of excellence”,

make it his task.

1, 1984.


. any policy that would award this institution more money on that basis would be discriminatory; it would be a de facto acceptance of a hierarchy among unviersities. And, such a concept of universities could lead to the cutting back and closing of those considered to be.less essential (read “less elite”) than others. That the problem of underfunding should cause UW administrators to .promulgate policies of differentiation and discrimination, policies that, if adopted by government, could-cause sister institutions serious-problems, is, in itself, an eloquent condemnation of this system of select. , This economy-generaged attitude of selfpreservation at the expense of others is, perhaps, the most galling, the most harmful, effect oi underfunding. And this perverse mentality has a deleterious effect on the quality of education. Wheh dollars become the priority of an university, its intellectual life is bound to suffer. (Witness the grumblings again& tenure that Mr. Walter F. Light, chairman of Northern Telecom Ltd.;makes in a story on page five.) One hopes tha/t students attend this University to grow into conckdia cum veritate (“in harmony with truth”), not to engage in a “survival of the fittest” competition. This latter, vulgar pursuit cannot help but become paramount to most students when-access to the classes that they wish to take may be blocked by enrollment limitations imposed by the University to ensure that the student-professor ratio in the-classroom is kept at a manageable level. Underfunding of the university system is clearly a threat to every student (since it means a decline in-the quality of education), to every faculty member (due to its assaults on tenure and educational values), and to every resident of Ontario (due to its possible negative impact on -. the future prosperity of the province). Yet, we should not despair. Despair is what is not needed, action is. Students should strive to make the government realize the shortsightedness of its policy by making their voices heard and their votes respected.

Imprint is the student newspaper at the Waterloo. It is an editorially independent published by Imprint Publications, corporation ,without share ‘capital. a member, of the Ontario Community Association (OCNA). Imprint pubmhes ~i13rqur~theSpr~term~deveryFridaJrd~~ t&e regular terms. Mail should be “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.”

University o:’ newspaper Waterloo, a Imprint is Newspaper every second addressed University

to of

Impri& ISSN 0706-7380 . 2nd Class Postage RegYist~ation Pending Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, knd refuse adveelitising.




Alex Bielak, Nathan Rudyk, Jason Chu, Kate Siu, Mike Upmalis, Simon Wheeler, Todd Schneider, Franz Hartmann, C. Ricardo Scipio, Jeff Conway, Dave Sider, Chris Jinot, Carl Davies, Terry Voth, Brian Oliver, David Bain, Steve.Madison, Sheyfali Saujani, Gerry Francesco Damato, Laurie Kirsh, Peter Stubley, Signy Madden, Doug Petter, Reena Meijer-Drees, Mike Brooks, Rob Clifton, Laurel Borland, Raymond Cheng, Jaclyn Waller, John McMullen, A.J. Waterman, Paul Zemokhol, Sandy Townsend, Dave ,Browman, Pam Andrews, Scott Moulton, Jan McAlpine, Bill Adams, Darren Meister, \ Catherine Vellinga, Alan-Yoshioka, Jim Kafieh. _


Staff George-Elliott Clarke Kathleen Kelly Ricardo Scipio Mike UpmaIis Carl Davies Sandy Townsend ‘David Bain Paul Zemokhol Simon Wheeler \ ‘\. Jason Chu Laurie Kirsh Bev Biglow Ahab Abdel-Aziz \ Angela Evans

Editor Advertising Manager Managing Editor News Editor Assistant News Editor Sports Editor Arts Editor Features-Editor Photo Editor Layout Colordinator Advertising Assistant Head Typesetter Typesetters








Imprint /Events

Friday, June 1 st, 2’P.M. Staff meeting ;a : Monday, June.4th, 2 P.M. Editorial meeting Thursday, June 7th, 2 P.M. Paste-up seminar Friday, June-8th, 2 P.M. Staff meeting \ Monday, June 1 lth; 2 P.M. Editorial meeting Friday, June 15th, 2 P.M. Staff meeting





k. _ IS



/ANb IF hJ





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5 p.m.

Monday, 5 p.m. Monday, 5 p>m. Friday, 3 p.m. ’ Tuesday, 12 noon Tuesday, 12 noon Anytime that ‘material submitted has passed was not for that issue.

Clea-r Electric!


Ind$lk Back -with .a Being by David

Play Dirty


The movie event of the year. 3 May be. One of the top two? Certainly. Bronze Records of Indiana Jones, Indiana Jones and I’The long-awaited-return by Steve Madison the Temple of Doom, opened May 23rd at the Lyric theatre in -Girlschool is heading out in a new Kitchener. direction with this, their fourth album. ~ Advance hype for the film certainly raised fhe expectations The all-girl, heavy metal band from of the crowd that began to form in earnest at about 4p.m. (the England proves it can rock with the best first person was there at 1:15p.m.). For once, the people were -\ of them. not disappointed. After a slump following its third Despite an opening which left the crowd wondering whether album, Screaming Blue Murder, Play it was at the right show, the film’s pace was quite good. Action Dirty should give Girlschool some much scenes came fast and furious, and included such audience deserved recognition. favourites as the “airplane/life raft” sequence, the “suspension The guitar and rythms come out clear bridge” incident, and, of course, everyone’s favourite - the “ore and beautiful, not loud. The girls sound cart” chase (which is rumoured to be a new ride at Canada’s like accomplished musicians who are Wonderland). enjoying what they do. The beautiful Judging from the female reaction, Harrison Ford (as Indiana guitar and vocal work reaches out to get Jones) has not worn out his welcome. Newcomer Kate you rocking rather than crashing over Capshaw is a distinct improvement in the heroine role, and Ke you and beating you into the chair. Huy Quan as Short Round is this year’s winner of the RZ-D2 The style may be Def Leppard, but the award for lovability. tone and the mood are electric with tough Of course, the film once again relies heavily on special effects vocals from Kelly Johnson. The title and stunt people. I will not dwell on these beyond noting that a track has its main guitar riff boosted willing suspension of disbelief is a prerequisite for enjoying the straight off of Def Leppard’s ‘Rock of movie. Ages’, but the girls. play with such The supporting cast is much better than in Raiders of the Lost Ark, this film’s predecessor. Several performances are understated power that you can easily overlook this minor indescretion. noteworthy, especially those of D. R. Nanayakkara as the With any justice, Play Dirty should village Shaman, and Art Rapola as the Eel Eater. give Girlschool the recognition it The episodic nature of Raiders, much heralded at the time, deserves. “Going Under” is already on has been replaced in favour of continuity. The movie’s pace and the airwaves and with a clean tough tempo improve as a result. sound behind this single, the record is In direct comparison with Raiders, this sequel easily well worth the listen. outshines the first. Despite a certain loss of innocence, or BANG ON!!! maybe because of it, Indiana Jones has come of age. Girlschool


imSumr -

Epicurus is the pseudony? of an Imprint staff member. The following piece is the first of what it is hoped will become a regular imprint feature: the restaurant review. by Epicurus

My companion and I went, a few Sundays ago, to the Wah Ming Restaurant on University Avenue to partake of their Dim Sum menu. Dim Sum roughly translates as “snacks” or “small eats”; it’s like the Chinese version of a buffet, and is served at the Wah Ming between 11:30 a.m. and3 p.m. on Sgturdays and Sundays. It was explained that the Dim Sum dishes fall into three general categories: deep fried, steamed, and dessert. In all, we tried over a dozen different delicacies. Our sampling was heavily based in favour of pork dishes. Char siu bao had a sweet dumpling covering barbequed pork slices coated with Chinese barbeque sauce. It was an agreeable contrast of sweet and spicy tastes. Siu mai has a mixture of Chinese mushrooms, egg and crab meat blended with the pork. All of this was steamed in thin wrappers, and was scintillating with some hot chili sauce. Bamboo shoots and shredded pork wrapped in a thin pastry, then deep fried, combine to make chuen kuen. This item, described as a spring roll on the menu, was the closest approximation to the ubiquitous egg roll that we found: crunchy and spilly, and so much the better. Ham sui kwok is a pork- filled sweet glutinous rice dumpling, deep fried for a golden brown crispy skin. Though the crust was




moderately sweet, the gooey filling was a bit too salty for my taste. Another dumpling, fun gor, combined nuts and pork for a delicate ride on the palate. A “meatier” dish -- not just in content, but flavour -- is pai quat: tiny spare ribs with black soy bean sauce. A meat -and -potatoes entry for “real diners”. I had to pass up my old pseudo-authentic takeout friend, the chicken ball, for some more sophisticated cousins. One of these was guy sze fun kuen, chopped chicken in cahoots with chopped green onion and bamboo shoots, all in a rice cocoon and slathered with sweet soy sauce. One of my favourites. Then there was guy ban, a chicken bun prepared in a manner similar to the pork one, but without a spicy sauce for the meat. I found it a bit too cloying for a meat dish. &au yuk has a succulent beef meatball -- not chopped steak, but tenderised to a similar consistency -- steamed in yuba noodle. (Yuba is”the pastry stuff that floats on the top of a pot of soybeans as it’s being cooked. We had a bit of a problem translating the term from Chinese to English vegetarian!) Looking like a pale jumbo shrimp itself, har gow features chopped shrimp wrapped in a translucent rice pasta -- subtle but satisfying. -Probably the only dish that I would rather not have sampled was the lor pak gow, a deep fried cake of pureed white radish flavoured with nuts, mushrooms and barbeque pork slices. It was a bland entry, but at least we had been considerately forewarned by our hosts.

We moved on to dessert with almost drooling expectations of a saccaride injection. Instead we were served with three dishes that were sweet, yet subtle and light. Chin then kou (“thousand layers cake”) is a pastry of delicate, alternately light and dark layers. To offset the spices of the main fare, we had yea jup kou, a chilled coconut confection shaped like blocks of opaque jello. A thinner, cool gelatinous almond pudding called tou fou far was served, to my Western taste, with entirely too little fruit cocktail on top to perk up its blandness. The food was terrific, but the price was even better. Each dish in the D im Sum menu, save for a couple, is a mere $1.50. And remember, this serves four people. In summary, the outing was a grand success. Besides the tantalizing food, we had the pleasure of some gracious, witty, and patient Oriental hosts, Mabel and company (you know who YOU are). The next time you are tempted to brunch at some trendy wicker-and -white -wine quiche bar, think again. The Chinese have been doing lunch fare for centuries, and can most assuredly show you a good time.


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Sexual Harassment Is it a Problem? by Julie


The Lecherous Professor: Sexual Harassment on Campus Billie Wright Dziech and Linda Weiner Fitzhenry





IS sexual harassment a problem on campus? Billie Dziech and Linda Weiner, authors of a new book entitled The Lecherous Professor: Sexual Harassment on Campus, think so. They cite a number of recent studies., with results varying from 7% of the respondents reporting physical advances from “unwanted and objectionable professors to 30% reporting sexual behavior” from at least one male instructor. Dziech and Weiner make the excellent point that even if only I per cent of the American female student population experiences sexual harassment, that means. 63,740 women are affected. Cfearly,from the studies cited; the problem affects substantially more women. What makes this book far more poignant than the statistics cited are the number of students and staff who describe their personal experiences. The most hard hitting d&cussion was the comments by a graduate student to her counsellor after she had been propositioned by a professor: . “What was it that I did that led him to believe I was interested in him in anything but a profession&l sense? I am quite outgoing and talkative; could that be interpreted wrongly? I realized how utterly vulnerable I was in a situation like this...Everything that happened would be interpreted in his favour, if it ever became public. It would be said that I got my signals wrong, that he was just truly interested in helping me in my career.”

In addition to being the only book on the market that deals with sexual harassment in an academic environment, The Lecherous Professor is painstakinglycomplete. The subject is treated from every possible angle: the myths and facts about sexual harassment, the victims’ reactions, and those of th;!


on Camp


Bzlrtleby Good Theatre?

AMADEUS is associated Drama Department, but from the local community.

with the UW has support

Zwicky and Dickens adaptedthe short story by reducing the length of the text. Their adaptation is true to Melville’s sense of the comic and tragic elements of human existetice. The play deals with the mysterious Bartleby a scrivener (law copyist) in the employ of the Narrator. Bartleby’s refusal to perform the various simple

By looking directly into the eyes of the members of the audience, Dickens was able to convey the atmosphere of an intimate confession. We, the audience, could not but help believe the truth of the tale as the Narrator Skillfully - with dry wit and slight self-deprecation - offered his proffession, his co-workers, and his own psyche up for inspection. This intimacy was further aided by the small 30 to 40 seat capacity of Room 180 Hagey Hall where the play was performed. And except for Dickens’ hands, the make-up job done by Colene

Morrison was convincing: the Narrator looked his 60 odd years. One minor criticism of Dickens’ performance is that while he carried himself like an old man at the beginning of the play with a suitable tortoise-lik’e slowness - after the intermission the Narrator appeared too sprightly. The major criticism of this play is that Melville’s story does not make exciting theatre. The audience has trouble sympathizing with the one-dimensional character of Bartleby Thus, when Bartleby dies and the Narrator painfully laments “Ah, Bartleby ! Ah humanity!” the audience respects the Narrator’s depth of feeling but not his reason for feeling it. Once the conflict between the Narrator and Bartleby is defined, the play remains static. While this effect underlines the static nature of Bartlebys life and is effective in the story, it does not make for exciting’theatre.






1, 1984.-


women faculty, strategies for combatting sexual harassment, and even a profile of the “lecherous professor”. Indeed the last two are the causes of my major criticisms. I question the value of speculating in a pseudodevelopmental psychological manner about the reasons why some professors sexually harass their students and others do not. While descriptions of the various forms harassment might take may be helpful in recognizing sexual harassment when it occurs, Dzeich and Weiner tend to confuse these descriptions with psychological insight. Dzeich and Weiner provide strategies for dealing with sexual harassment for most people onncampus - administrators, professors and deans -- but the advice they give women students would be cold comfort to any victim of sexual harassment . Particularly lacking is a general strategy for recognizing sexual harassment when it occurs (“Why do I feel uncomfortable around this particular professor?“) and comebacks to nip any attempts in the bud. Also, since the book is American, any legal recourses deicribed are irrelevant to Canadian cases. In summary, is it a good book? It is well written, complete (to the point of including a chapter too speculative for my tastes), and informative. Since it is the only book (to my knowledge) which discusses -_ sexual harassment in any academic environment, .lhe Lecherous Professor provides the best treatment of the nature of the power relationship between professor and student and the possible abuses within that relationship. Finally, the book may be of more interest to staff and administration since it does have a decidedly administrative slant (reflecting the authors’ own position). For anyone interested in reading The Lecherous Professor, it is available for loan from the Women’s Cent>e, CC150B.

tasks of his job and his unwillingness to disclose any details of his past provide the conflict and the ultimate tragedy of the play. Just as Melville’s short story &pen& upon the believability of the narrator, the success of the AMADEUS production’ relied on Dickens’ ability to establish his credibility on stage.




by Signy Madden While the acting ability of Ned Dickens was apparent in the recent one-man show, Bartleby, A Story of Wa11 Stree,t, whether or not Herman Melville’s short story makes good theatre is questionable. The play which ran May 23rd to May 26th was adapted to the stage by Jan -Zwicky and Ned Dickens and was the first production by a new independent local theatre group called AMADEUS.


*Going down to Liverpool Bent Presents: British R&B, Katrina and the Waves (with supporting band Itsa Skitsa) June 7th, Waterloo Inn, 8:OOp.m. Feds $4, others $5.

Top For 1.










26, the

1984 Dark-Junk

Culture 2. 3. 4. 5.

Thompson Twins-Into The. Gap King Crimson-Three of a Perfect Howard Jones-Human’s Lib David Gilmour-About Face

6. Ultravox-Lament 7. Cars-Heartbeat City 8. Nylons-Seamless 9. Icicle Works-Icicle Works 10. Nash The Slash-American



1. Marillion-Fugagi Reed-New 3. Jane Siberry-No

2. Lou

Based on last week’s


in Three-D

Slade . by C. Otis



sales at the Record

Rehashed The


- New

Sensations Borders



Way, way back, a long titie ago, there lived a fairy record executive. He saw the success of Grand Funk Railroad, and quivered in his hand-made snake-skin boots. How could he cash in on their popularity? Across the pond, a headbanging band was tearing up the charts in the U.K. With a wave of the exec’s magic spoon, Slade was transported


Slade to the colonies, accbmpanied by the biggest hoopla ,and hype ever seen pre-Bay City Rollers. However, the billboards, parties, album and tour were mainly ignored, and after a while Slade returned home to lick their wounds, a la Spinal Tap. With the recent success of their song, “Cum Feel The Noize”, by an L.A. band I refuse to _ mention, these “literate” rockers were resurrected for one more shot at the North American market. The resultant album seems so blatantly opportunistic, one marvels at this band’s need for rejection. The title is catchy, “Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply,” but the cartoony, cheap-o cover illustration isn’t in keeping with the feel of the music. It looks “with it,” but these guys are not. Heavy on op,ening percussion riffs, and with synthesizer processes on everything in sight, this album shows there has been little innovation and little growth since Slade’s earlier stuff. The band just chugs on through the gathering twilight of the once proud and creative age of heavy metal, although two of the album cuts seem to be getting FM mainstream airplay. So, if you’re’ 14, like to listen to Dad’s basement band get drunk and jam “Inna Gadda da Vida”, you should buy this album.

\ l









1, 1984..


keep it simple I will contin ue Since Fra’serSimpson is on work term;1 have voiunteered my services for the Imprint to use Simpson’s layout (I hope, he won’t mind) and some of his rules, such as the clue word “point” could be replaced by one of Good Luck. the compass points (N, S, E, or W). Answers to my first cryptic will appear in the next issue of the Imprint’\ by Vernon Langley

/ ,


Down 1) Write a song for a Kitchener theatre. (5) 2) Girls support in the bar. (3) 3) Royal rule fur water from above, we hea@) 4) Toil on the healing liquid. (6) ’ 5)1 Moving back or planting again, we hear. (8) 6) Cap alright form for a clear picture. (9) 7) Rope fight has an uncooked back and stomach coming up. 11) Complain bitterly on the ways which the trains are.on(9) 13) Point nn’sffeat’ion St&s to be- untidv. (8) -

1) Braille formFof being open-minded. (7) ’ 5) Proper starboard. (5) 8) Authentic looking ice trials. (9) 9) Short type of math or scum on a pon d sort of. (3) 10) Race protection. (4) 12) What Chiclets gum is. (4-4) * 14) Tips a point before what the doctor orders. (6) 15) Cats run for what the plasticfsurgeon will do. (6) 171 1


l,8) 21) 22) 24)

T-km, 1














Point before light is a narrow cut. (4) By way of the vail, perhaps. (3) Study of diet from the nut in a riot. (9) He makes you sneeze. (5)





---+yJ =







16) Ed returns a story coming up which ends happily ever \ 19) Ed returns with crazy back for accurate pitch. (5) 20) Psyche part coming:up _ will a prank. (4) _ .perform . ,a. ma. k LS) Une army cop is a little dewi. (5)





KITCHEl& - Duddy, the Broadway-bound musical version of the .popular novel by Mordecai Richler, ‘The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz’,.. will be coming to THE CENTRE IN THE SQUARE June 19-23 for five evening performances. _ -

D/ I

f /’

Duddy is a musical story about a Montreal Jewish- boy’s adventure- packed initiation into adulthood during the late 1940’s. The musical version remains faithful to the s comic novel-since the script was written by Richlerhimself. Duddy willbe played by American ‘actor Lonny Price, who was seen most recently in the * original Broadway role of Harold-in “Master Harold and the’ Boys’. Price recent. ly completed a role in the frog-andpig extravaganza “The Muppets Take Manhattan”. t/



Philip Silver, who hasdeIf you’ve read the book sign@ sets for the Strat- , . . or you’ve seen the ford and Shaw Festivals, inovie . . . now you can -has designed the Duddy see Duddy live at THE set. Costumes are by SuCENTRE IN, ‘THE Anne Mess of CBC and SQUARE June 19-23, at Canadian Opera fame. 8:00 p.m. -For tickets or . P information, call the box office at (519) 5784570 (in 5 19 area call toll .free I 1-800~265-8977). I2 .

’ /


In ’ a rare collaboration of talent, Duddy is directed and choreographed by Brian Macdonald, ResI . ident Choreographer+ of .Montreal’s Les Grands Ballets Canadiens and Associate Director of I our own , . Stratford Festival. Macdonald, probably one of the’ most active creators in the world of theatre today, rejoiced in having “a strong. z * story to tell”. Duddy will offer numbers . . . “you can sing, or at \. least come out ok the theatre whis-/ -~tling and humming”. Music and lgrics for Duddy are by Mike Staller and Jerry - Leiber. . Their hits include over 200 songs for such artists as Barbra c _ -Streisand, . The -Beatles, The Roll,’ ing Stones, Tom Jones, Peggy Lee . ’ and Elvis Presley. c/



Lenny ppice (Ihkldy) ana Maxlane O’Brien’($vefte, Duddy’s girlfriend) share a special smile.

Reed Jones (Virgil) and ‘Lonny Price (Duddy) are good friends in this musical version of ‘The Apprenticeship of Duddy ,Kravitz’. _/

\ I

Nicholas Rice (Simch& Duddy’s.grandfather) tells Lonny Price (Duddy) that “a man without land is * nobody” in‘a scene from Duddy. . ’ ,-

. I’




\ ’ e !





This summer the University of Waterlod Aits .Researc_b’ Group will once again be running “-Arts Computer Ekperience,‘: I a day camp for cl$ldre’n ages seven to twelve. After the success of the 6amp last year, enrollment hias increased by close to 25 per cent. This year the camp includes a larger and m&-e diversified staff with many, specialties and ._ interests. ’ , : The ai%of the Camp is to help childreq de<elhp-an awareness .of the arts and computers. Campers will be instructed in the - basics of art3 music, dramas and computers. -Gu’est artists, workshops, and films wiff- expose the children to a variety of different art forms. . Computer classes will be smaller’in size and will amount to 8” ‘hours instruct,hn each session. .Other- camp activities -will include ,daiiy swimming, a field I ,trip, parent’s night, and outdoor sports. A small fee is charged for the twoeweek s+qn’. Therk will b&, four.sessions ie total, starting.Qn July 3rd and ruiiing through to August 24th. : , . / Registration’for each camper is limited to riot more than two non-consecutive camp sessions. ‘-+---The“ caiq-i&cj&Will.9 -fern&n very -similar.. over the _four . sessions. -.Y~ampe~~will bring their o*wn lunches and $ovide their own - _ .“ ++- r,



: .- _=_



-. ./












-1: .More, inPQrniatipn is av&&@‘.from sathy.Paterson at theSpecial Programs Office; Faculty of Arts, University of \ Waterloo, telephone 885-l 21 I, ext. 2005.

-.: , . ;c-. z ..



: / 1F;or- many, the bel&&g~&pkestacks of co&fi;ed-. utility -. State& \’ r_; -.I -,_-;+, . -U,S. are sold in Canada. &I$ Ir&& the chairman of the subpIa nts and smelting ind-t.&ried ai%ip bl&mefor. the acid’&ation .Unfortunatety, ,the h&h&$&$&ap auto standard a&he committee stated, “in theory this means that the first IO cars to. the Canadian environment: *‘.s’ I’ ’ ‘:+ -. : -la&: Tdf-.po~l~t~~~-~-~~~~~~- &$i$~s~ 0% Canadian smelters’ and-’ roll o’ffg particular~assembly line in Canada could contain theHowever; nitrogen -oxide (Ni>x)- %hi&lis &&ted f&m-’ ‘&-$&~~~~-h‘a’S~ ‘-se&d 1 Z$ -.f6dd-&.‘for‘ those in the _Reagan 1.O gpm controlsystem,-the next 10 could have the stricter 0.7 .omobires also plays-%. role in&ib ~aib$o~rn&$ori. admitiistrat+ *ho r&$&&idt& cotitrols. . -4 California standard equiptient, and the next 10 could meet the jome sources claim:-that_ NQq_ &r&&e& into, niti-ic acid. -Refer&g to t&-NQx siand&!, “Michael Waish, -a U.S. Canadian 3.0 gpm standaid”. >tributes’tol one-third of N6?t,h$$n+rica’& &id rain. ’ em-i&!; *e-xpert -stated ,.: ‘~‘p~~@~lly, I,t skemed logical to the UAW representtitive that the auto it makes CaFada’s , his statistic, along $t~the’$&$&~~f environmental. damage-. - pOSi$@$i. could benefit financially from stindardizing l&Z+ sin&e_, be&&$@-+I& the failure to take’ ’ manufadturers has*- ,been .’x&@@$& 1 .by Can&&Tan -a&&~~-~ ey&J’n.i&est steps”. A $~~~~,.Z.~$$*~lsed by ‘NOx, pollution control equipment and viewed cost-estimates of up to who -i~~v-e .~e~~‘ct~~~~~~~~ urther;“legis]at _ ~ :-Walsh ,testifi&d. that N&.‘$dsed.~...serious ma nufacturers, hazard- to human $400‘per car with ~kepticism. ; . -t _ cha tnges on auto emissi&s. - ---*: ,., ’ -_ health, .fbre&, Gater quality, and crops and- there was no . II& rift between the auto manufact&ers$nd labour arid’ a&se for ,laxity because the n$g?sSary control technology “&nadian’ car buyers are not/receiving any benefit 6in the {ironmental representatives was evide.nt$f.a recent hearing alreatiy exis@ and is being used on’r$llions of vehidlesr -, form of lower ericed cars because. of, less anti-pollution the federal fisheriesand oceans sub-committee og acid rain. The techriobgy .he refers to is the-three-way-catalyst with 8- equipment”. he said, as a defence against highyrpricesbeing’ / rkis hearing was established. -to cons&i the lowe+ng of ’ ‘cl’os+d loog$uil metering sysiem which would reduce-NOx and Lpassed on to the Camdi$an consutier. and &-bon monoAide emissions’ ’I nada’s NOx standard from 3.1 gra$s per mil (gprn) to I>10 a]s‘c) hyd’r&~r@& ’ No: decision was made at the hearings, and officials from n-- the .standard presently in place in the United States, ~ :At the- sa&e time, this techn&Qgj! reduces wear on spark Environment Canada and,Transpoft Canada are ‘still meeting n California, the level has been set-at-O.7 gpm .fo help reduce plugs and other engine parts, incre&$ng the longevity of your to discuss what action is,going, to. be taken. . ’ Erious smog problem. _. _- __ ._ T+-. automobile. -I.-vlotqr vehicles are the large& -s&iti@~ 6f:p&emissionstin _ If you wish to find out more about the acid’rain issue,.visi-t theDrawing-. from available d&& . a UAW representative . r .-:-1 1 -_ I -, . office in Campus’ Centre’- Rm 217 or attend thert h Amer’ica. Walsh’s arguments. .The$AW could see no,reason ’ WPIRG . . .-* -;’ _ .- ’ p s~ppbr&$ The higher Can&qn atit0 imission,sta+datd has proyen & ’ why <th’e :’ 1.O gpm standard could‘ not be’ implemented ..AWPIRG-sponsor$d event “The Politics bf &id Raitic A Global .I ’ a serious impediment foi Canadian- politicians’ who are’ immediately in: Cahrada. _. ‘Issue’? on Monday, June 4th in Hagey Hall,- Rm. 334 at !2:30 . lng to pressure their American counterparts to legislate a- _ Eighty-two per cent of the- vehicles manufaciured in,Car&a ,.p..m.. gher United States Clean Air Act. The re’c‘ently released film Ah$fication: The hdisible Enemj already contain control systems for 1.O gpm becduse they are” 1 lai-ge portion -of the acid rain wt#k falls .oi Canada destined- for thc,+.American market. _&ill be shown, and be followed by-a brief discussion. ginates in the coal-rich north east& the United .Conv&&ly, only eight percer+t of’the vehicles produced in the, ’ ckm!ron W$@. ‘, . ’ - ’ .4. -.’ ,’ ‘-x

On Sunda$ -P.m.,



June IO at 1:3Q of


Jerome’s Coll@e in Wateyloo, *will sponsor a Reunion Pic,nic for. its alun$, The picnicwill take *place on--the College’s scenic campus. -


- *’ ’

It YOUNG A; KING KITCMENER - ’ -5 UP;S$4lRS~ AT THE. .. b+~FkifR)



‘( =


gra;dua’t& of the College _ Robert




to the Registrar and one of the, orginizers of the picnic.. “We hbpe that niany will take’part and renew acquaintances -with old friends, and maybe mahe The St. Jerome’s c&pus a few new friends, as well. A has all the facilities needed to picnic is an ideal way to bring make -a great picnic--spacious people together.” \ playing fields; shaded _areas, . and lots of free parking: There For more details, contact will be a magician on hand for Rob Donelson, assistant to the children, races, games, the ,Registra;, University of prizes, and fre.e hot-dogs a& (St. J&-ome,‘s College, refreshmeiits. Alumni will ’ Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G3-‘ also get a chance to iour the -884-8 110, ext. 8 1. ‘. f x . \ . i s- R \ , ! Volukteers are needkd to read materiai for +isually , impaired students on campus this term. Readings are in ‘ .persqn 9~ on tape. No previous experience is necessary; ’ the readmg may b? -done at your ConCrenience. Call , FlqI;e”nre ThomlisoQ at Ext‘. 2993 f6r further details. , --_, in the Kitchener-Waterloo areas, invited to join former’ classmates and teachers for si day of fun.

DANCETILL-4am , -2 for 1 Happy Hour 8 - 9 pm , \, * _-I

-Campus on a Qndem bicycle: ‘St. Jerome’s College has o&r 600 alumni in’ thC Kit’chener-Waterloo area and ; . local - gralds have responded . enthusiastically to reunion events in , the past,” says

Lunch Time Softball/Slow Pitch Challenges

Competitive Fastball/, Slowpitch’ .,

N&v this term, Campus Recreation is proud to present the There was a bustle of activity on the-softball diamonds as the Lunch Time Softball/Slow Pitch Challenge. Time has been campus fastball and slowpitch teams got off to a smooth start / booked on the Village Green Softball diamond for lunch time , recently. challenges for s&dents, faculty, or staff. On Thursday, May 17, a total of 12 games were played. Pitaz Ratz, the local pub team, East 26, the Grad’ Club, and Doug’s To get involved, call the C-R office (ext. 3532) to find out Dodgers, all won their first games of the fastball season. more details. There were some heavily -one-sided scores in the slowpitch Remember, this is your chance to challenge t~h? Engineers or; league as the -N3, Dirt Bags, Economics,.the Master Batfers, and yo& professors, so don’t miss out. Erectrans no. I all,won by unmentionable scores against teams that will not be -mentioned. i Base 3, Atomech Power, ,the Human Spounges, and the Watballers also -won their first games. On Tuesday, Mgy 22nd, the rest of the 40 teams completed / The Sport Shop located in Red North PAC can help you. It is their first games. run by the University Book Store and qperaies on a break-even The Skoal Bandits, le$by the “stick”, Dan Ingoldsby, won’ basis. Shop Hours: To be posted. Shop Operator: Cathy their first game, 4-1, over‘tbe Fergus Minks, despite the inspried Somers, Ext. 2370. play of Grant Cooper. Lightning Strikes, the Tube Sox, and Atomech Power \ (faitball version), and Weebees Wailers also won their games. The slowpitch league saw some very cbmpetitive play as there were two ties and a very lo& sc’otiing ga,md between the Transporters and Ouch, won,, by. #;l’Porters, 6-21 However, East Five was. embarrassed b$-@%$$u& 21 -I : I wold,jtist like to. s&y good hi& f6-a)1 @rns dt.+ring the rest of l , 1 the -season;atid a.qv&al;l, y.Q <HAVE -s _A, q.UN @UT TH-ERl$ League &.&nary: Glenn Hauer 1%..+ . +.I ,, .s . ~* \ ‘._ __ Fastbar SIaw$tch< ,C&Venor I , I. . _‘ / -1 : , __ ’ 244 teams are scheduled to participate in our ten comietitive : ci-A.c :- , , ’ and recreational leagues, up sixteen teams from last, summer, an - * .I_ ~, in&ease of approxiriiately 7%. We ire very pleased that over The first m&t,i&~of the d&AC-was held on Monday, May 7: 2400 ‘people are involved ,in league play this spring. ’ . The executi~~.cdnsists.-~~: @ant Cooper, -Al Jones, Michelle i Deal&, +atti S.h<ptbn, and Q&g‘Sirrs, . a- ! c ’ Instructional drogram ” If there is anyone int,er@ted in sitting on the cdmmittee for uses of-the--&lumb.ia I+&eld in th& summer months, please Over 1250 people have registered for one of our twenty-seven $ttc,nd the‘next meeting, or contact one of the above executive instructional programs this summer. 666 are taking fitnessmeni;bers. . -Next me&$: June 4, 1984,41;b p.m., at Grad house, upper related programs, 264 a’re improving their racquet skills, 134 are R .lev$. submerged in aquatic programs, and .20& are l&rning a variety of special interest skills, from cycling and golf, to weight training and social dance. .

\ ‘,

Need Team Sweaters?

Campus R:ecre&ion -Spring ‘83 Statistical Summary . \

# Hoti

8 Club Programs All eight club programs have indicated a strong interest <in their activities this summer. The fencing club is~a new addition for this summer and it is expected to have a small group of eqerienced fencers working out in Studio II. Club programs range from table tennis, kayaking, bicycle and canoe trips, windsurfing and sailing instruction, ‘weight training, martial arts, skydiving, archer1 and equestrian events. Please contact the Campus Recreation office if you still wish to get involved i! a Club, Program. . Peter Hopkins !,


Aquatic Emergency Care ‘-

(AEC) cost:$25 ;oo Class Times and Dates: You must attend all sessions. Friday, June 8 - 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.. R Saturday, June 9 - 9:00 a.m. - 6:06 p.m.. i Sunday, June 10 - 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.. Meet in Room 100 1, ,PAC. Description: The Royal Life Saving Svziety first aid course. Applies first aid skjlls to an aquatic setting. Note: No refunds after 12 noon Friday-; June 8, 1984,. 1 Brbnze and Bronze Cross: . Cost: $6.00 . Class_ times and dates: Saturday June 16: Bronze 9:00 - 11:OO a.m. Bronze Cross I 1:OO a.m. - 1:OO p.r& Class location: Pool, .PAC.

PAC,Generai April

Opeiating Hours

30 - August

11, 1984 . . --



July 2: Holiday (whole PAC closed). ’ July 30 - August 11: Examinations* AuguSt 13 - September 2: Whole PAC Closed. *Note: During these days, the squash cotirts, weight room will be open.

._ _

There are fo;r softball diamond’s and two soccei/footbalLfields located on campus. Once the C-R program is underway,. most fields are booked Monday to Thursday from 4:00 to 8:OO’ p.m.. To book fields for practices and special events, piease: . 1) Batik one week in advance. 2) Check with C-R dffice on field availapility. 3) Complete a bo’bking form from the PAC Receptionist. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are also availabie f6r booking.

7 Aside Touch Football

How to Book @Squash Court. 1 _.

The 7 asi,de touch football league got off to a running start, with 16 teams on the schedule. An added bonus to the league are ?isit the PAC Receptionist 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to +_ the many fine women participants who help to brighten up the Friday, the day bkfore you wish to play. +. field. Please Note that there is a very high demand for the courts, so Teams got along well, displaying the best of sportsmanship. a .Th,e games were fast and fierce, and the competition was you are advised to come early@:O@a.m.) to guarantee,yourself preferred court time. % excellent. OII Friday mornings, you can book a court for Saturday, Only one &am did not &W UP for theiiga?e-, arid they know who they are. Let’s try not. to hav’e any more defaults f?r the rest Sunday, and Monday. *.Note: Free p3otective eyewear for all raquet sports is df the season. A “good time was had byali” $ee’m&d to,be the av&lalbe at the Eye protection is mandatory. feeling of all the paiticipants. 3 ’ equipmeritcenter. ,/ , ‘* Also, a reminder -td ‘tq$p~ &ptains :~o pick tip T !re,y&ed schkdtile for the season in thk PAC, Ropm Z$4?<::&e re happy ’ ’ . r ._ that you’re happy. Keep having fun., t Mike Kirby I_ i- ‘SF


8FSlice -$5.49;; c

‘Student -Assistants this’ Term .I

coupon is good for one 8-slice, 4-item pizza for only $5\49 plus tax: Valid 7 days a week. Eat-in, pick-up or deli.very. . (delivery extra: This

The Student AsSistants are here to help you and i your, program and you are urged to contact them. Please feelfree to drop by at any time in PAC, Room 2040, or call ext. 3532. Office hours are posted in Room 2040, PAC. Coordinator Aquatics

Monday - Friday: 8:OO a.m. - 11:OO p.m., Saturday: 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Sunday: I:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. All activities cease I5 minutes prior to closing times. After July 3 1, ne ~lr times will be posted.


td .Book a Playing Field


of Convenors Coordinator

Promotibns Publicity Ret-Team


160 University


Dori, McDonnold

2 - &Slice $9.99* / plus tax ,








Sue Courtema%he


This coupon good for two ’ j 8-slice, &item pizzas for one low price of $9.99, plus tax.

Eckert _

Valid 7 days a week. ’ Eat-in, *pick-up or delivery (delivery extra).

Patti Shapton !

Special Projects pool,



of Officials

Ave. W. 886-6122

Al Jones




( Mike ‘Kirby Patty


160 Univ&sity

Atie. W. 886-6122


How to Join a Club: There are four different ways to join a C-R Club: 1) attend the organizational meeting for that club; 2) attend one of the regular session times for a club; 3) contact the appropriate club executive; or 4) contact the C-R office, room 2040 PAC. Note: Each club has a small membership fee.

Outers: See Outers Newsletter and Bike Rides Summer 1984 advertisement. Contact: Coordinator and Hiking rep.: Jamie Morgan 884-1895, Cycling rep.: Brian Oliver 884-3431, ext. 3843, Canoeing rep.: Benny Wong 884-6237, or Equipment rep.: Rob Nicholson 884-4266. Weight

Contact: 579-55 13.



Archery: Monday, Wednesday, 7:30 - 10:30, Red Activity, PAC. Sunday, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Contact: Herb Fichtner 7439729 or Steve Czapor 886-3934.






See Newsletter. Feick 885-2879, instruction: 6808. Sailing:





Jan Baas 746-l 967 or Karen Kelley 884-

Martial Arts: Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00 - IO:00 p.m., Red Activity, PAC. Sunday, I:00 - 3:00 p.m. Contact: Allan Evans 886-5772.

or Ian Table Tennis: Tuesday and Friday, 7:00 - 1O:OO p.m., Blue Activity PAC, Sunday, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. Contact: Yih Sheh Leo 746-1550 or Jeanhee Cho 885-2577.

578-385 1.

Contact: Commodore: Leslie 884-5796, secretary:



Murray Sid 885-

Fencing: Monday and Wednesday, time to be announced. Studio 11, PAC. Contact: David Hudson 886-8584 or Keith Rowe 886-0732.

Oiler Pride! by Sandy Townsend Imprint staff Congratulations to the Edmonton Oilers on their winning the Stanley Cup. Gretzky and Co., starting from scratch five years ago have won the coveted trophy in the fastest time of any expansion franchise. It may be worth noting that the Toronto Maple Leafs have had seventeen years of disappointment and faiIure since they last drank champagne from Lord Stanley’s Mug. The Oilers won by playing an exciting, addressive and offensive style of hockey. They avoided the clutch and grab system of the Islanders and capitalized on their raw power to force Islander mistakes. The Oilers then turned those mistakes into scoring oportunities. I n the final three games, the Oiler attack exposed Islander goalie Billy Smith to their arsenal of scoring weapons. To Smith’s credit, he withstood the challenge but eventually he wilted under the constant pressure.

The Oilers were led not only by the Great One but by a host of brash, young teammates who play on offence with verve and panache, but play defence only because they are paid to. Let us hope that the Oilers victory will herald a new era in playing styles in the N. H.L. Gone like the Dodo bird wil be the players whose only skills are in thuggery and butchery. Arriving will be a new breed of player, the kind who can skate holes in wind, can pass the pucks and can shoot the puck with a reasonable chance of hitting the net. As the other teams shift their emphasis to emulate the Oilers, Canadians will once again be proud of the their national game. With any luck, Warrior hockey coach Jack Birch will notice this change in emphasis and can bring exciting hockey to the lcefield this winter. That, and the addition of heat in the arena, may bring out the fans to watch the possible surprise Warrior success story this coming year.

by Sandy Townsend Imprint staff

Campus Ret Swings into Action File Photo



Now that Don McCrae (U W mens’ basketball and Canadian womens b-ball I coach) has returned from I Cuba, will he write about m ; J lCi;ev;;;;riences m the

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 7 uw

I' BuylDinnerand Receive&e 2mdforFRE$EZ t i I I



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I I It 1 1 I I I I I I n

Tender Cheese , Seafood

BeefDip Roast Beef, Sauteed Onions, Melted Swiss , served with Au Jus for dipping. Choice of Fries or Coleslaw. Reg. $3.99

salad t Crab Meat, Baby Shrimp on a Bed I of Lettuce surrounded by dozens 1 of baby Mandarin Oranges. I Or You May Select From


Beef Bourguignon Crepes Tender Beef Chunks and Mushrooms andi a Red Wine Sauce folded in a Crepe and topped with Swiss Cheese Reg. $3.99

Our Other Dinner Entrees





The recent announcement that Dave King will remain as the coach of Canada’s Olympic hockey team bodes well, not only for Canada but also for our very own Warrior hockey team. One of the conditions under which King accepted the contract was that scholarships be made available at Canadian unviersities for Canadian athletes. The scholarships would be administered by Hockey Canada, but the particular athlete who would receive the award and the particular institution at which it would be tenable, would be left to King’s discretion. A drawback of this system is that King could award scholarships only to schools that he liked or favoured. Fortunately for us, our University appears to be one of the chosen few who will receive one or more of the scholarships. There is nothing official but our chances appear to be very good. Warrior hockey coach Jack Birch felt that his team would benefit from the program because he was confident that several * scholarships would be tenable at UW. Birch has talked to several players who are potentially available for the Hockey Canada scholarships. The players, who would be of Olympic calibre would be a welcome addition to the 1984-85 Warrior hockey team. The purpose of the scholarships is to encourage Canadian athletes to go to school in Canada rather than to American institutions. Besides being an alternative to the American way, the scholarships would be available to Major Junior graduates who are not available for American scholarships. Hockey Canada’s goal is to send a competitive team to the World Championships and other amateur tournaments around the globe. Their aim is to win a gold medal at the 1988 Olympics in Calgary, a feat which Canada has not done since 1956. If Jack Birch and the Warriors hockey team get several Olympic-calibre players, they will not only be helping the University’s athletic program but Hockey Canada’s program as well.


Aseans’ Bird Scores Sports/ASEANS 2nd OPEN BADMINTON TOURNAMENT, 1984. by Shawn Chuen This year’s ASEANS 2nd Open badminton tournament was held on Saturday, May 12th. All in all, there was a total of 52 entrants in the various contested events: Ladies’, singles, Men’s singles, Mixed doubles, and Men’s doubles. Players in all the contested events exhibited not only exceptional play but also great sportmanship. In the Ladies singles, Debbie Lee played strongly and consistently throughout the entire tournament and defeated Corrine Davidson, 11-5, I l-l, to take the

championship. The second runners-up went to Chris Hanton. In the Men’s singles, which had the largest number of entries, Mike Mount emerged as the victor, with a hardfought 17-16, 10-15, 15-7 win over Brian Amsden. Third place went to Bao vo. In the Mixed doubles, Debbie Lee and Bao Vo rallied determingly to upset Corrine Davidson and Shawn Chuen in a gruelling and wellfought 15-4, 6-15, 15-17 win. Chris Hanton and Peter Fong emerged as second runners-up. In the Men’s doubles, Shawn Chuen and Raymond Leung, finalists from last year’s Men’s doubles,

captured top honours this year by defeating Bao Vo and Derrick Wong 15-l 1, 15-9 in a see-saw battle. Third place went to Mike Mount and Scott Wright. The tournament was, to say the least, extremely competitive and successful. A gigantic “Thank you” goes out to all those who made it so, especially to Peter Hopkins, to Tour East Travel Agency for sponsoring the tournament, and to all the participants for making this tournament very enjoyable and worthwhile. In truth, all the participants were champions in their own rights! See you at next year’s tournament and keep those recquets swinging!

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