by Peter Kuitenbrouwer tern , which will j$ve the

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by Peter Kuitenbrouwer tern , which will j$ve the provinces $2 billion’in , i ; ‘of Canadian Unjversity Press _ ’ . 1985-8’6: Instead,-provinces would get tax &ints,’ ’ .?OTTAWA (CUP) -- If Donald Macdon& has to collect part of the money themselves. The rest ;,,; his way, n’ext year students will get an education of the money would become direct-to-student : ‘;voucher in the mail worth an average of $1850, to’ ‘?Zg funding. $1.55 billion, split between $he current put towards th‘e CQS~of getting a-degree. 850,000. full-time’ post-secondary studen,& in’ *-,A. . Bbt tuition costs will be “considerably higher”, ’ Canada, wotild come to $1850 each. i F~ and higher-demand or higher-cost program; will The report suggests funding for students,, ‘1. also’ cost more to enrol in. To compensate, the 5should vary according to the provipcial t-Q&ion .’ -‘bgdvernment will extend studepts’borrowing lim,I fees, but that students in one program should not its under the Canada Student Loans Program, ,get more \han those in another. !t also suggest&. X:di and offer, more generous scholarshin‘ .._-and -bur-much higher grants ‘cciuid- bb’provided to’ grad*. *<I , sary-agreements.’ I ’r ate thanindeigradtiate stud&s:The?eport @vs ’ .T Costs to /students will not s‘%ecessarily”’ in- - nothing about tuition beyond “students shduld *L s criase, but stt$ests “could be expected to bear be responsible for a portion of education costs.” ‘.$ directly somewhat more of the cost.” I ’ The commitiion says direct-to-studeht firi&$i’ 3”: . These .ar_e some of the -redommendations on iig, “although it is the mostradical optio$’ is the p,ost-secondary education reform contained in only one that will give schools the flexibility arid. *. ;. thesreport of the Roval Commission on the Ecoexcellence the commission thix& is wanted. _/ ?:2 .-. nom& Uniori“ and development Prospects for In terms of tuition hikes, increases shot&%~“~e-. ’ $Canaida, chai,red <by MacDonald. The commis: fleet such market factors as the expected return- , :T, sion released its report in Ottawa last Geek. to the student of receicing an education in thata I : ‘:;:’ ‘.$ .Under the current university financirig system, institution.” ‘-.,l set up in 1.977, provinces get a block of. cash The cdm/mission. also recommends.add&iohal i ,i.& which they’re supposed to match i/ith their own grants.for mstitutiobs that publish more and git 1 .?l rnoqeg to fund colleges and universities. The>more grants from the priGate sector. ’ $ amount a province gets is based on population ->*:j ~ During the <formulation of-$s report the tern’ arid gross national nroduct. and not rhost-secon‘.%, mission said-iedid not aet much he% from within y- ----- -----. * --a /*.ii 1 dary-operating’ co&.. ,the university commlnity itself ih makifid Iits “q..I The commission, says the rising numbers of ‘recommendations. students enroll& risinu cnnts and unwillinont=ce , :.:*:: of-_ provinces p. a-y rnqr? to.c@eges: and univer-1 All in all, the report did not painta po&tive . .$; . sites rne,ans tunding; i$.real terms; hasdeclined .3 2 piidture of post-second&y education’ in Car&da. L since ,1977.- _ >;c ’ .; . ’ ::.,, ’ -1 n1 , - . .. I. ,.’ - -t’Tlie combination bf faculty uniting, the tenden: ,’ ‘ei$ c ‘PI-. . -:_ -a. _ . , LY? y-r, ~Decaus~‘01 Q@ccutrent lormula,,uril-’ cy\to draw admiriistrators,,from.wittiin ;& the iqti” 3. .>~.Ly verstitlesin’five provinces, Newfoundland,‘Prince :“$ tutions, - an aging and. tenured~ f%$lty, Y r: Edward, - Islam& and_ u‘nclrtaihty about the role.of post-secondaiy in&it. * . - Neti *..Brunswick; ..&Iariitoba *;a is?. Lolumbi~ :wiIl a.actually give less to oolstitutionS,in society, all combined ‘with a &me-’ .,$ . . _ lcges and.yniver$ltles t@n the amount. the feder-. _’ -++$-,..G- !/.,*,L && :s& \ tion,“. the report says. .. -----,





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by Andrea C$e- f . . . The death of Wilfrid Laurier University studjent Brigitte Bouckaert last wegk.sent shock waves through t@ university community. Bouckaert was a second-year biology student at WLU and a ’ residence don. She w& killed ,a~ a-crowd of students, attempting to board a bus After an oriintation event at Bingemac Park,* pushed her _under the moving bus. At the Wiufi,d Laurier St+ dent’ union B&d of Directors meeting Monday night, presid@t _ Matt Certosimo afii nounced the formation of,a Presidential Advisory Committee which will attemfpt to aid coronor’s,- police ami insurance investigations into, the accident. In the long term, the committee will take all information made available from the various investigatiotis to analyze and ‘make judgments about areas it would review in order to ; prevent similar accidents from occuring. Kathy Horvath, one of the orientation ~cogrdinators, S9ys that fewkr people.were involved in the incident than previously reported. “The shuttle buses ran from 12 noon on.” she said, - “&d from lo:30 pm. on, the buses were leaving full: You could qee that there were k?ss people.” Horvath says the media never got a press releask from her concerning nuFber6. At the time . of the accident “‘there were about 250 to 300, if that m&y,” ’ she said. . . Of the crowd, Horvath said that they just seped tired and wanted to go ha&e. “What ~8s wonderful was h@-fast the am: _/ 5 Fe: a-.- ,)Y, I :< * :4&:; , 7+2: < _ , +jgr r‘1 -1” :fj$;y- i: / %’ *- -yg$ii;~~_)-.,$;z’ ::*;f?& -3 . 3- \

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ha&‘nc~s, and police got thetie,” \ ,&e +d. “They were there in about&@@inutes.” Horvafh t’hdughl ihat they were only dealing with broken bones; and admits that while she kept calm that night, she is feeling.reaction setting in now. She realized that it could easily have been anyone killed. In the meantime, she urges people who were injured or whoe saw‘ what happe-ned to come forward and give their accounts tb the police. “There are a lot of people who were there and h*’ ven’t said ‘gnythingi yet,” she said. Charterways Buslinas branch manager Fred Thombson refused to comment ori the situation, stating that they wanted to . wait and see what would happen, Laurier’s dean of students Fred Nichols expressed personal disappointment with the w$ay the press in general had’handled the story. “1 don’t know why the press puts alcohol onto university events,” he said. “it was not a ‘pub’ night. It was a picnic day. They stressed the pub part more than anything.” Nichols also felt that the press pushed the issue. “They want a story. . . we don’t have a ’ story to give them.” He stat&d that. he tried to cooperate with the press- is much as possible, but in this case, he simply kqew no mar!: than a’nyone else. “It wasn’t a drunken,festive thing, in any case,” he said. “I don’t know what anyone could have done.” The coroner’s inquest, which will .be held in abolit two months, is a formal hearing which will focus on@1 facts surrounding the case. Eyewitness ‘I ,\ -I* -



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and‘police reports, as well as the ard procedure in +se& s.uch as findings of pathologists ar@exthis one. “There’s ngj doubt iti pert witnesses, will be presented my mind about (the fact that it to a jury of six people who till was ah accident),” he stated. decide exactly how and why the ’ “The question now is why and fatality occurred. The jury will how:” then make recommendations Mike OjBrien, student manabout how to prevent such +ger, - clarified the position of tragedies in the future. student security at theevent. He Coronor i>r. William Bucksaid that student se&rity was ton stated that ordering an jnrequired only in Marshall Hall, quest in-to the accident is standtS minimize damages. . l

Gayle Ik~ws+esigni~s .

by Rick Nigol Imprint staff

’ L

/ Gayle Laws, the Federation of Stud& ‘vice-president for univer&y affairs, cites “burnout” as the major reason she resigned her position last week. lti her retter of resignation to Federation president Sonny Flanagan, Laws said /that she

‘. \ ‘ ,_ - I I : ,. ‘c



, He added that’ identification %jpred in the incid‘ent. Jennifer L’,r‘2: ,,” ‘was also’checked by stkdent se- Williams,,- 19, of Mississaugi, i, curity, and that these were the and Mike Morse, 1% of Thorn- J’ “r same people &ho had turned hill both suffered broken legs. 2 d& away_ * 400 people from the They are in satisfactory condi- T $’ Turret (a campus pub) the day i tion at St. Mary’s H&&al, ‘L a beftire for having improper 1.D, Doug Gibson,’ 20, jl of, Parry ’ . ‘f“We had l,?OO people in the Sound, and Linda Galand, 21., ? ‘hall, and we had no problems, of B&in&t&:, were treated aqd -+ .<,-- I =- . , <‘.A .;;” except for a chair that was rele-ased. , ’ broken accidentally,” he said. _ (Andrea Co/e is I& ;N’ews k&or ; Fotir other students were inof The Cbrd Weekly at ‘WHI.) --^ . * I

i1f 4f.p. _ CA ::-



, *I had lost enthusiasm for the job the enthusiasm required. For Programme in U W’s PO&al , and that it would be in the Fedthat reason, 1 feel 1 need a break Science Department. She j’ -’ eration’s best hterests to find from Fed politics. 1cannot take stresses that. her decision to :?r, sdmeone who “can bring forth the stresses associated with my ‘leave t,he Federation is “based -7-y fresh ideas and energy.” She job and view problems -as- - sslely pn -personal reasons,” ‘. noted fiat she had used her burdens and not chall,enges. in and had nothing-to do with her -’ I three years’ experience with the one phrase, 1 am burnt-out-,” ., working relationship2 with Federation to make Flanagan’s \ said Laws. anyone else in the organization. >r ” i Flanagan will be choosing a transition a shooth one but had ‘-:: little more to contribute. ney vice-president in the near _ “; _ Laws has decided to accept ,’ “1 have not done my job.with futqre. . $n offer to join the Master’s 32 .L r Tc/4 _I& .‘t* . ,y “iI^ ,-. .

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13, 1985

(IFS seeks improved student ai \ by Chris dinot Imprint staff When they meet today, the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) will be looking for a solid commitment from the new Liberal provincial Treasurer, Robert Nixon, after having emerged emptyhanded from a meeting with the Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities, Gregory Sorbara, earlier this summer. OFS Chairperson Bernard Drainville plans to press for increased funding of post-secondary educational institutions by the province, including the full value of federal Established Programs Funding transfers. Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) reform will also be high on his list of priorities, which also includes a re-examination of differential fees for visa students and a solution to the college workload problem. These issues form part of the five-point “Student Agenda for Change”, which was adopted at the 1985 Annual General Meeting of the OFS this summer in Guelph. The objectives are: (1) to improve student aid, (2) to stop skyrocketrng costs, (3)to ensure adequate funding f’or adequate quality, (4) to provide students with more access to better housing, and (5). to involve students and the public in the educational planning process.

by Shayla Gunter Imprint staff A number of campus newspapers throughout Canada are boycotting advertisements from companies which have investments in South Africa. Campus Plus, a co-operative organization owned by member solicits national newspapers, ads for its members and many current ads distributed by the organization are being boycotted. Campus Plus is, however, fully honouring any decisions made by its members. Sonny Buskermolen, the liaison for Campus Plus, said that “Campus Plus stays out of the politics. It is up to each paper to make their own decisions.” The papers involved have decided not to run any advertisements paid for by companies that support the South African

economy, as a protest against apartheid (South Africa’s system of racial segregation). Carlton University’s Charlatan is the newspaper with the largest boycott list. Chris Wattie, the editor-in-chief, said that the Charlatan began their boycotts in October of 1984. Staff meetings were held to determine which ads would be refused and their list rose from 0 to 34 in,the last year. The Charlatan’s advertising policy refuses ads from companies which have “direct and substantial investments” in South Africa. Some of the companies being boycotted are; DeBeers Diamonds, Bata Shoes, Rothmans Tobacco, and all of the Canadain chartered banks, excluding the Toronto Dominion Bank. Other university papers

The OSAP campaign is multi-faceted. Its goals include a more comprehensive evaluation of student need, an elimination of the eight-term ceiling on grant eligibility, enhanced job creation programs, and a shift in emphasis from loans to grants. According to Bernard Drainville, accessibihty to post-secondary institutions suffers from the current emphasis on ioans, as many potential students are intimidated by the prospect of being faced with a $15,000 to $20,000 debt load upon graduation. Although grants will cost the government more in the short term, in the long run they will be beneficial as graduates will be able to recirculate their earnings back into the economy instead of using them to pay off their debts. The effort to stop the escalation of the cost of learning consists of pressing the government to limit increases in tuition fees to 5% and, in particular, to legislate limits to the kind of “extra-billing” with which Waterloo students are now painf’ully familiar. The university is charging UW students a computer charge of bt-tween $40 and $100 per term depending on i’acu!ty. Waterloo graduate students have sent a letter protesting these incidental fees to the Minister of Colleges and Universities and are currently awaiting his response. As well as seeking a net dollar increase in overall capitai expenditure funding, the OFS wants a commitment from the Liberals to

are a!so refusing to run Carling O’Keefe’s ads, but the Charlatan staff say they are not because they are not certain that the company’s main stocks are invested in South Africa. When asked why schools are just now recognizing the various companies’ involvement in South Africa, Mr. Wattie, speaking for the Charlatan only said, “Boycotts per se may have been found an unsuccessful or insufficient way of dealing with the problems.” He goes on to say, though, that it would be “hypocritical to run ads by companies with substantial investments in South Africa, and to take money from them, while writing editorials against apartheid .” Some papers such as Calgary’s Gauntlet, have no policy statement about ads from such

aforementioned companies. One of their co-editors, Nitin Manerikar, said that “It’s never been an issue here ... We feel there is a difference between a

pass on the full extent of federal Established Programs Funding (EPF) transfers. The EPF is a method of transferring funds from the federal to the provincial governments for such services as health and post-secondary education. Premier David Peterson said last sprmg that the Csntarlo Conservatrves were “swindhng our umverslties” by failing to pass on EPF grant increases when they were in power, but no commitment has yet been made to correct the situation. In addition to its lobbying efforts at Queen’s Park, the OFS is relying heavily on its local campaigns to implement the Student Agenda For <+‘hangc. As part 01’ that campaign, the OFS will sponsor OSAP appeal clinics on camprises across the province which will have the dual motives of increasing student awareness ot the inadequacies of the student assistance program and of comniling a catalogue of “horror stories” to present as evidence to ;he Liberals that the program does not work. There is also a post-card writing campaign and a student aid task force, which will-act like 2 Federation “Bovey Commission”, except that it wi!l actually listen to students talk about the problems they have had with OSAP and then put together a report with specific recommendations fir reform.

racist ad and an ad by an institution with investments in a country such as South Africa.” Other campus papers partici-

pating in the boycott are ; Trent’s Arthur, University of Ottawa‘s Fulcrum, Regina’s Carillon, Saskatchewan’s Sheaf and U of T’s Gargoyle,

nti-a A group of Kitchener-Waterloo residents who oppose the apartheid regime in South Africa met in Waterloo on Tuesday, August 27 to plan local actions to publicly express their abhorante to apartheid and to press government and businesses eo sever dealings with the racist regime of South Africa. The first action on the K-W AntiApartheid Support Group will be a rally at Sepaker’s Corner (King & Benton) in Kitchener at 12 o’clock noon on Saturday, September 14. This will be fol-

lowed by a walk to the Bata shoe outlet in the King Centre. The Anti-Apartheid Support Group has chosen the Bata shoe store as the target of its protest because of this Canadian company’s unfair labour practices in South Africa. Bata is violating Ottawa’s code of’ conduct f’or Canadian companics in South Africa by keeping a union out of their operations and by paying their workers substantially below the guidelines established by Ottawa. Bata’s

plants are in Kwazulu, a black bantustan, where wages are one fifth of those paid in urban areas of South Africa and approximately 40$@0of what is recommended by Ottawa’s guidelines. At this time, when there is growing pressure for Canadian ldisinvestment from South Africa. Bata plans to open a third factory in Kwazulu. The Support Group sees an example of’ Canadian corporate involvement in South AFrica that helps mainta’in the apartheid system.

Pennants.... Porn poms.... Brs$t~ns.~~~ THIS WEEK ONLY





16 -



Bumper stickers...,crazy

towels .OCS

Sweat d-Crts-.. **,_T skirts


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by Mike Urlocker Imprint staff \ The next issue ofcEnginews, the controversial e-figineering tabloid, may inclyde a full page contribution on women’s rights, if an agy,eement can be reached between women’s grtiups and Engineering Society B. This addition to Enginews ‘does noI indicate a change in editorial policy - the current ed- .. i_tors plan no major changes for the monthly newspaper - but is an attempt to avoid further legal &tion_ .from New Yorkbased Ms. magazine, after a recent copyr.ight-vi4ation. r Last sprin&X+nginews editors Carlos Panksep and Tom Fulton published without authorization “lf Men Could Menstr!ate.” a satirical piece by Gloria Steinem, publisher of Ms magazine. “1 thought it was funny,” says former co-editor Panksep. “1 didn’t feel an injustice was

OTTAWA (CUP) - Twleve tenured professors lost their jobs at the University oi‘ British Columbia th,iF summer .when government grant reductions forced the university to caricel programmes. “As far as I can recall, it’s the first time. tenured professors have been fired in these numbers in ,ca ada,” said Victor Sim of the 2 anadian Association of University Teachers. <EliminFting tenure would have a “chiHing effect” upon greedom of research,’ he ad.ded. UBC was able to fire the professors because of a redundancy policy passed by an executive . committee of the university’s board of governors. This policy ,allows’the administration to fire tenured professors if their _department or program ‘is eliminated. Two days aft&- the policy was passed, dental hygiene and recreation education, prbgrams were canCelled. Although the faculty accept the need for a procedure to deal ~with redundancies, they object

Terry -Fox run -on 15th ‘.

The Terry Fox Run is scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 15, with the first race getting under way about 1O:OO a.m. and the last about 3:30 p.m. Races will start and end on the Ring Road. The contact person for t-he races is Mrs. Sherry Czekus at 746-49 11. Motorists are asked t-o be particularly careful and to’ watch out for these runners. Z. W-hittington Bodkings

.being done because we don’t get Women’s Centre, who wroty Steinefi when she recognized money for the paper.” In addithe Enginews article as Steition, Panksep felt Enginews’s nem’s work, says she’s “thriNed” status as an unofficial newspaper allowed a certain margin in . by the results of her letter. * dealing with copyright laws. Cadell was also concerned The novel solution - “a full with changes which were made page contribution in consultato the article, which she says tion with the women at Univerdistorted the collective feeling, sity of )Nate’rloo and/or power, and aim that Steinem’s \ appropriate women’s organizapiece gave women. tioos” - was suggested in a letter Current Enginews editors to Enginews by Jo Wilder, SteiPaul Arthurs and Martin Baron nem’s assistant at Ms magazine. are now faced with implementWilder also offered the engiing the solution and ensuring neers an alternative solution: that such. copyright violations acknowledge the error in print do not occur in the future. ._ and pay $500 to the Ms FounAlthough co-editor Arthurs dation for Education and Comis cdncerned that a seriqus page munication. Although a formal on women’s rights may tiot be decision has not yet been made taken seriously by Enginews’ by Engsoc President Al Mcgoreaders, he says he’s looking wan and the new Enginews ediforward to working on the first tors, Mcgowan hqs indicatedissue, due out later this month. his preference for the less ex“Enginews is a humorous pappensive solutiqn. Susan Cadell, a UW arts er, so if people can derive entergraduate and volunteer for the tainment from this, great.”

“Apathy mgkes me angry,” says - 3rdLyear U W English major Angie Murie. To combatapathy she is setting up a local Amnesty lnternatioml group on campus. Murie hopes that through Amnesty - a_n international human rights group that works on behalf of prisoners of conscience worldwide students will gain .an .

, Gloria


is unhappy

with Engi~~ews.

, r



club status on campus for the new Amnestv chanter and has how to respond to ihem. Against T&-ture (1985). had this eriur, r&ognized bv Amnesty “adopts” people who in her experiknce ‘with the the nation;1 Ai officeyn Otta;; are imprisoned for their beliefs Kitchener Amnesty group, as a “group -information.” This Murie realized how it feels to and through letter-writing amounts to a one year have a prisoner rel’eased. A cgmpaigns and lobbying probationary period be‘i’ore attempts to secure their release. Turkish prisoner her group they can be officially accredited adopted was released after 3 Murie says that she would as a local Amnesty group: of. incarceration: like to raise the profile of years “It The. group’s first organiz$Amnesty, which she feels is “too ’ makes you feel’ good,” says ’ tional meeting will be on quiet and lo& key.” She hopes Murie, “You feel you can do Monday, September 16, in CC to do this through greater’ something about it.” 110 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Murie Murie is applying for campus publicity and by ‘focusing urges all interested to attend.

to the way the administration imposed the layoffs. The faculty assQciation was not consulted about who would be fired. Fqrmer faculty association president Elmer Orgryzlo said the boal’d policy allows cuts to be so specific they can target one 05 two faculty- members., “Any procedure that gives that much dower-to the adhinistrators to pick and choose who is fired is inadequate,” he said. Sidney Mindess, present faculty association president, said: “This unilateral action by the’ president .and the bo,ard of governors, unprecedented in Canadian universities, constiThe African Walk-for Life, to The support from the local tutes a direct threat to the prirfbusinesses appeared to be so be held on September 2 1, is an ciple of collegiate positive that the idea was presidea initiated by some students decision-making which lies at ented to ‘the Federation of Stuat the University of Waterloo. the heart df a yniversity.” The Walk is intended to raise dents as a possible University Dr. Danile Birch, UBC act-. piojecf. With the support of funds for African Famine ing vice-president academic. many of the Federation staff, Relief, partly through ‘said: “There is no issue of acathe project has grown as a cityapproaching many of the small demic, freedom at all.” He said local businesses. for a financial wide endeavor. while the university regrets that Those walking will meet in pledge of support and partly some positions have become rethe Great Hall of the Campus through individuals who would dundant, it has a duty to meet’ Centre of the University of be willing to raise their own fiscal’ and legal obligations. support amongst their peers. Waterloo ai 1:00 p.m . ‘. and the By law, the university may not carry a deficit from one fiscal year to the next so the UBC Senate recommended cancelling the programs to avoid a de,. ficit of $9.4 million. Last year UBC laid off 109 OTTAWA (CUP) - In regouging the students; what non-tenured faculty and supsponse to ‘the flourishing used we’re doing is revising more book trade on campuses acrossoften to remain competitive in port staff ,and raised tuition fees the marketplace,*’ Scheirer said.’ by 33yo to make up a $9 million the country, McGraw-Hill Rybudget cut. erson Ltd. announced it will be “Of course we’re not taking adrevising its texts more frequentvantage of stidents; they’re our Last week, Vancouver Corn-’ ly, increasing obsolescence and ctistomers.,l was once a student munity College announced it raising textbook prices. myself. *’ will offer a dental hygiene pror Lloyd Scheirer, president of’ gram beginning in 1986; filling Scheirer admitted the decisiMcGraw-Hill, denied -the move on to revise more frequently the hole left by the cancellation ‘was calculated to take advanwas a financial one. “It’s partly of the UBC program. tage of the captive student true; we’re losing revenue to Cdllege president Paul Gal- ’ market. ’ ._ lagher &id the college program used book dealers - all. pub“I don’t feel as though I am _ lishers do. It’s a matter of being will be two years long and will graduate ‘20 students per year. i



for- African famine\ relief walk wilf.begin at approximateTo date, $2,200 has been raised ly 1:30 p.m. from local businesses’s in supWilfrid Laurier ,University port of the Walk. students have been invited to Pledge sheets can be obtained join the walk and are expected from the Federation .of Stuto participate., Anywhere from dents, CC 235 or at HH 122. 200 to 400 students, including - Those interested in participatseveral local residents, will par,ing can contact Federation ticipate in this Walk. president Sonny Flanagan at All of the proceeds of the 888-2478 or History UnderWalk will he given to the Red graduate Society president Cross, who will ir) turn send it to Dave Wile at 886-4265 or 885the victims of African famine. 1211, ext. 4549.

Publishers strike out against used books up-to-date, and not because the books are obsolete.” Linda Jenkins, marketing assistant for McGraw-Hill’s College Division, said the rate books are revised depends upon how quickly the .-material changes and how easy it is to get authors to revise their material. Most revisions are amendments, or adaptations of American books- for a Canadian audience, Jenkins said.-Unless a’ book is qtiickly outdated, most

books are revised every thrqe / years. McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd.: 70% owned -by its American parent McGraw-Hill Inc., had a 1984 net profit of $3.4 million, down from $3.5 million the previous year. This ‘year% first quarter, though, showed a‘ 17.5% rise in sales which totalled $4.9 million.‘This resulted in first quarter profits of $101,000 as opposed to a loss of $11,000 for the year.


Consumer advocate Ralph Nader -to . ‘-.1,’ address CWon Skyptember2.7 I

L by Peter Stathopulus Imprint staff \-= One of Norbh America% leading consumer advocates, Ralph Nader, is returning this month to Waterloo aftera absence of 13 years. Nader is probably best known for. his book Ungafe at Any Speed, in which he viciously condemned the auto industry for manufacturing uns@c vehicles. However, he is more than a social commentator, he effects real political action. By battling abuses in bureaucracy, big business, and government he has won the respect and admiration of cQn_sumers whil_e earning the disfavour Qf many corporations. Doue Mackinlav. the education coordinator for the Waterloo Publicinterest R&arch Group (WPIRG), took the initiative and invited ,him to U W to spea,! abbut the politico-economic problems of society and some possible solutions. The main way in which Nader effects action is by increasing publicawareness. He has

started a network of over 200 action groups across ths US and Canada. WPIRG was founded largely as a‘result of Nader’s visit 13 years ago. He wanted students ti, organize-an alternative research group which would promote the interest of the public and combine research with action on both the social and academic levels. Bringing Nader hick will be a .very important step in reminding students what WPIRG- stands for. Nader is shriving to teach. consumers tq demand changes within their own jurisdictions. In ,this way, they may gain more<rights as well as a better, safer, society. - ’ He strongly advises active citizenship, and relating studies to 1 relevant social issues. R&ph Nader will be lecturing at the Humanities Theatre.on Sept. 25 at 8:00 pm. Tickets for this event are $3.00 for non-wage earners and $5.00 foryage-earners, and areavailable at the WPIRG office (CC 2’17A) and the Humanities Thea& box office.








13, 1985.-

Advertising Manager: Carol Fletcher 888-4048,01‘ 8851211, ext. 2332 Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380


Let us respond to Brigitte’s death with energy, not indifference! Brigitte Bouckaert was a second year biology student and a residencedon at WLUwhen she was killed last Friday. She was crushed beneath a bus while trying to restrain the crowd at a freshman orientation pub night. “A stupid death, a waste of Iife,“said Sgt. Steve Calma of Waterloo Regional Police. And, really, is there any other way to view it? We could ask, Who is responsible? And that question will be asked by the board of inquiry which inevitably will be set up to examine, report on, and make recommendations regarding frosh orientation. But it was not a question asked at the memorial service held on Sunday and attended by the dons at WLU. They simply remembered Brigitte, celebrated her life, lamented her death, and wept. Because the death of Brigitte Bouckaert was an accident, it just happened; no one was responsible. Like those teenagers’ deaths at “The Who” concert a few years ago, Brigitte Bouckaert’s death was a freak event. I remember Arthur Koestler telling of an experience he once had back in the thirties at the Communist Writers’ conference in Paris. Speaker after speaker extolled the virtues of the socialist state: how disease >would be stamped out, injustice overcome, and happiness prevail as human beings shared with one another. Then someone rose to ask, “What about the man who is run over by a streetcar?” There was silence and then, finally, the only answer was that in the perfect socialist state there would be no accidents.

Brigitte Bouckaert’s death. There are, it seems to me, two legitimate ways of responding with emotional and intellectual integrity to the obscene fact of Brigitte Bouckaert’s death. One is the humanist, the other the Christian response. Swiss playwright Friedrich Currenmatt at age 31 wrote a story entitled “Color”. At the end of it he asked, “What do you do when death stares you in the face?” He answered: “Nothing. God lets us fall and so we tumble into his arms.” Revising that story in 1978 at age 57, the playwright asked the same question, and left for an answer only the one word, “Nothing.” He explains, “I have become an existentialist, and I have become sad.” That is the humanist response - honest, and filled with feeling. The Christian response is the resurrection. Here is The Book of Wisdom, chapter 4: Length of days is not what makes age honorable nor number of years the true measure of life; understanding, this is man’s grey hairs, untarnished life, this is ripe old age. [She] has sought to please God, so God has loved [her]... Coming to perfection in so short a while, [she] achieved long life; [Her] soul being pleasing to the Lord, he has taken [her] quickly . . . However you respond to death, and to this death in partitular - whether with sadness or resoluteness, with anger or resignation - let it be with energy, not indifference.

But there are accidents - freakish ones, stupid ones, tragic ones, sometimes fatal ones - and societies have to have ways of dealing with death. The universtiy communities of Waterloo and WLU are groping for a way to deal with

Tom E-&r-k (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is the United University of Waterloo and Wilfrid office is at St. Pauf’s College.)

Church Laurier

Chaplain to the University. His

Physic at the expense o real beaut Universities should challenge the traditional as a matter of course. Lately, some members of UW have questioned the integrity of a university that promotes women in nontraditional disciplines and yet sanctimoniously hosts a beauty pageant at the Humanities Theatre. ’ An observer would assume the university administration is feigning its commitment to women on this campus. After an increase in pressure from the media, the public and some high-powered members of the political community against beauty pageants held at UW, it would be political suicide if UW President Dr. Wright et. al. would choose to continue to host such a lewd event. It appears likely that the 1986 K-W Oktoberfest Beauty Pageant will be held elsewhere. Can the group opposing the beauty pageant claim victory? Partially, yes. The UW Women’s Centre and the Federation of Students launched an effective media blitz and petition attempting to compel the organizers of the pageant to eventually move the location. It will prove successful. Yet, there is only a partial triumph here as the K-W Oktoberfest Beauty Pageant will continue and young women will continue to flaunt across the stage in all their tasteless regalia.

There is a fundamental wrong in judging or being judged on one’s outward beauty. There appears to be consensus on this thought and yet we, as a society, continue to endorse sex role stereotyping. It would be simple to profess that we should ban all beauty pageants, but that would be wrong as well. As universities are at the forefront of change, we should be setting examples and making strides for the rest of the country to emulate. When the beauty pageant leaves the UW campus we will make a statement to others, a slatement which is indeed long overdue. As members of a university, we should begin at the grass-roots level and educate young children to recognize sexism as a negative force. We should be conscious of sex role stereotyping in advertising and other media. Physical beauty should have only minimal importance in our lives and we should firstly strive for beauty of spirit and mind for both women and men. Being in a university setting we can apply these ideals to benefit not simply ourselves, but those unfortunate others who insist on heightening physical beauty at the expense of real beauty. Carol


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women to take back the night by’ lulie George

“The UW Women’s Centre of the Federation of Students will be staging a Take Back The Night march on September 13 at 8:00 pm. to “reclaim the streets for women.” “Take back the night” has been the rallying cry for many marches held by women to protest the violence they suffer at the hands of men, and that slogah will again be heard at UW of September 13. The first time a Take Back The Night march was held under that name was in 1978 in San Francisco. At that time, 5,000 women from 30 states marched down strip row, protesting the pornography and violence that make our lives as women so dangerous. Andrea Dworkin, in her address to the marchers that night said, “This march is a symbolic statement of our commitment to stopping the tide of violence against women in all arenas, and of our demand that the perpetrators of such violence from rapists to batterers to pornographers - be held responsible for their actions and made to change.” That tide of violence against women is alive and well in Canada. Canadian studies on rape, sexual assault, wife battering, and

incest consistently support Dworkin’s point: that violence against women is pervasive and common. Findings like: one in ten wives is.battered by her husband; one in 17 women is raped, and one in five women sexually assaulted during her lifetime attest to this fact: This kind of violence affects far more women‘than those directly involved in the assaults, by st’ealing their freedom of movement. Women are afraid to go out alone at night. The most frequent answer to the question “What could you do as a man that you cannot do as a woman?” is walk alone in the dark without worrying about personal safety. On a more day-to-day basis, the Women’s Centre tries to match women up with other women who are walking in the same direction after their night classes, but one night a year women claim the night for their own. We march as a group through the areas that are the most dangerous for women walking home, to publicize the fact that we cannot walk in those areas by ourselves .without putting ourselves in danger. But Take Back The Night marches are more than a protest. They are a celebration of women’s power to affect change when they work together. Take Back The Night marches are a way of looking forward to the day when we can walk alone at night without worrying for our personal safety. The march is for women only. The principal reason for this is that women need to experience their own power, their ability-to walk at night without the protective custody of men. For those men who wish to do sqmething about violence against women, show your support by providing child care services in CC 113 so that moihers can march. You can also help by ensuring that your women friends do not have to walk alone on other nights. For the women who wish to participate, we will be rallying in the Campus Centre Rm. 113 at 8:00 pm. We will leave the Campus Centre promptly at 8:30 and go though the campus tp University Ave. From there we will travel through Waterloo Park, up Erb Street to King, down King to Central, and along Albert to Wilfrid Laurier University. We will return to the University of * Waterloo for a post-march celebration at the Grad Club. For women who cannot make the rallying point, you are titilcome to join us anywhere along the route. Marchers should tiear lightcoloured clothing and bring a flashlight if they have one. For more information, contact Janet Bate at the Women’s Centre, CC 150-B, 885-1211. ext. 3457.

[Sex Crimes on Campus?1 by Doug Thompson


Did they really have to put condoms in the Frosh orientation kits? Although the arguments for the move are obvious, I find it distinctly disquieting that the Federation should add its own “peer pressure” to the already substantial social and media persuasion which constantly tells us “sex is fun, sex is neat, there’s no reason not to, and with this device, sex is safe!“And, as this free distribution of birth control demonstrates, “everybody else is doing it - aren’t they?” Of course, they’re not. While those of US who don’t are often considered “repressed”, experience has shown this observer that quite the opposite is the case. When one has chosen limits one knows to be emotionally as well as physically safe, tremendous and certain freedom results within them. Unfortunately like most acts of irresponsibility, sexual irresponsibility rrot only is fun, but the negative side effects are often less than immediately obvious to the inexperienced. Psychologist Jesse Lair asks an important question,“If sex is so good, how come it hurts so much?” Lair argues that sex is much more than a physical act. As we open our bodies to one another, we are also opening our deepest selves. To open one’s self at such a deep level, and then experience rejection, or even just simple indifference, delivers a cruel psychic blow. The self, injured and hurting, withdraws. The result is a spiritual hardening, and progressively greater difficulty in ever opening fully to another again. What modern psychology is beginuing to tell us has been known by sages and wise men since the dawn-of history. There is no culture which lasted long enough or de\?reloped far enough to leave a record which has not, in its ‘religious and wisdom literature, argued the same point in most emphatic terms.

. simple stereotypes\ by ‘Mike Loh

Before going on to anything else, I should say a bit about this . coIumn. Although headed ‘East to West’, I’d rather see it as some observations and views made by a Malaysian student about life on campus and Canada, referring to the more than three years I have been here. I hope to touch on many areas of interest to me, whether petty personal thoughts or current issues. Orientation week was sure busy for some last week I came bn campus three or four times, completing my registration and course selection, while squeezing my moving in between. It’s sure nice to be back again. Although I don’t understand it, I actually missed the campus during the second week of my stay in Toronto during the holidays. That sure calls for some deeper analysis. Anyway, back to orientation. Those most visible engineers certainly did and will, believe me, make their presence c&stantJy appar6nt to the rez8 of us. They marched through campus topped in yellow hats booing down everything from the pop machines to the Student Awards sign at Needles Hall. The Mathies were less spirited this year, and except for the huge one on M G C, pink ties were a rarity compared to the showing last year. They probably have something up their sleeves - hope it’s not a Mathies Band. And the rest of the frosh tried to look seasoned, but really, asking where Fed Hall is was a dead giveaway. Foreign students tend to have a slightly different set of things to get adjusted to. Some worry about not meeting their own kind, some wony about not knowing anybody other than their own kind. Then there is the problem of fitting in, mostly due to the inability to join the-flow of conversation because of language and cultural differences. It is surprising just how unfamiliar some foreign’ students are about the life of young-Canadians, just because they never bothered to find out and prefer to believe whatever they heard from others about it. I guess the possibility of this remaining so will persist as long as there is a group of the same ethnic origin to cater to needs fortfriendship and company. For those who wantto get to know foreign students, the first thing to do is shed whatever stereotyping you have been dwelling in and start afresh. Maybe some ot your expectations about their nature ‘will be fulfilled but the resulting friendship will mean a lot more if you treat them individually. Finally, to certain groups of f&w students who tend to raise their voices in huge lecture halls-(l will not name names), please discontinue this practice. It can be more than embarassing for less vocally active peers, especially if they are of the same ethnic group. I speak from a number of bizarre experiences. Be sympathetic, at least on this one. Sex, which at its best, represents a real spiritual as well as physical union between two souls, at its worst can severely impair a person’s cgpacity for deep emotional, spirituai and psychic union with another in the future. Without the deepest commitment to your partner, it is almost impossible to avoid hurtin and being hurt. People just happen to be.made that way. .In t f-lis culture which emphasizes the superficial at the expense or the underlying reality so much, it is not surprising to find this trivialization of sex in our era. The point arrives where many people cannot even admit that there is something deeper to it. I cannot help but wonder if, in the name of short term assistance for others, The Federation’s free condoms help promote much greater long term damage - the.trivialization of ourselves and each other. A Christian can only understand that as sin. As the alcohol-awareness program and the anti-beauty-pageant lobby are at pains to point out, social and peer pressure has a pervasive and powerful influence on the attitudes of many. The illusion (or, if you prefer, lie) is being propagated that everybody does it. Even if that were true, that is not, in itself, a justification. But it’s not true, and the Federation might discharge its responsibilities much better by educating students about the big issues rather than protecting them from the small ones.

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‘by Liz Hamid The struggle to bicycle across half of Canada is almost over for UW &dent Doug Mqhr. His dide for .Peace, which beggn August 8 in Vancouver, to cdmmemorate the 40th’ anniversary of the bombing of Hiro’ shima, will bring him to Kitchener-Waterloo Saturday September 14. Bicyclists in the Iarea are invited to Join him at the corner of Victoria and Weber for a processional ride through the city to Speaker’s Corner; at King and Benton. Upon arrival at Speaker’s Corner, Mohr plans to give his views on the peace movement in Canada, the nuclear arms race and Star Wars, subjects which have been on his mind constantly as he’s biked his way through


the mountains and plains of Western Canada. The K-W ride will- begin at 11:OO a.m. and the speech will be at noon. Mohi’s Ride for Peace has been sponsored by many peace groups along the way. Radio programs such as the CBC’s “For Your Information” have aired weekly reports‘on his progress across .tbe cbuntry. Newspapers such as the Calgary Herald provided front page coverage which not only elevated interest in the Ride, but helped buoy up &4ohr’s spirits as, the battle against wind, rain; cold continued on a daily basis. During the Ride Mohr has managed not only to average 75 miles per day, but also to meet with the various peace groups along the way, and hold press

conferences. and &dia events. and the Southern Ontario Only when his goal of reaching Peace Conference, founded in Ottawa on September 21 is met the same year. Mohr has also will he be able to assess the relataught one of the first courses tive merits of the Ride, at the ’ ever offered at a Canadian uniopening of the Ontaiio Pea= versity on the psychology of tlie Conference.. After that confernucl’ear arms race. ence, which the. 25-year-old Some Kitchener-Waterloo Mohr utas instrumental in star‘tbusinesses and agencies are ing two years ago, it will just be helping to support the Ride by I a matter of waiting for the carrying pledges in their stores. pledges to come in from across Ainong them are the Doughnut the country. Queen at King and William, The hoped-for pledges will be McPhail’s Bicycle Sl@p, . the used to buy television, radio Adult Recreation Centre at and newspaper ads for the Allen and King, and thi: Kaufpeace movement, to stimulate man Family Y. If yo&e i,ntet -active interest by ordinary peoested in helping with the Ride ple in a cause to which Mohr ‘for Peace in any way con&t: has proven himself _completely Ride for’peace, 524 Palmerstpn dedicated. Other peace groups Blvd., Toronto, Ont. M6G 2P5. he helped to form aie the LetIn Kitchene&Waterloo, teleter-writing Coalition in 1983, phone Bob Littie, 742-5792.

First vear utiveriitv - u


TORONTO (CUP)First year university classrooms across Ontario promise .to be more, crowded than ever this year: the number of students gaining entrance into the province’s 15 universities is up again after last year’s record. level. Figures cdmpiled as of Aug. . 14, *by the Council of Ontario Universities show that 1.1 per cent more students have accepted places in first-year programs. / The council says that ‘figure provides a good indication of what September enrolments

will be. Council official Grant Clarke said that, since secondary school enrolments, and the number of visa students are dipping slightly, the 1.1 per cent increase means a greater ‘proportion of the population is going on to university. But, he added, “wfiat the reason is, I don’t know.” Of the 70,520 people whb applied to the Ontario universities application centre, more than 39,000 ‘- 55 per cent -

-x%NEW Monday Saturday


HOURS STARTING _ SEPTEMBER 3xx. - Friday ’ ,; _-9:OO a.m. to 5:OQ p.m. ” I ’ 11:OO a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ““““““““““‘= .

pei cent. ’

The number of Visa students accepting first-year status after completing grade 13 is down 25. per cent from last year while the number coming here directly from abroad is up. 19 per cent. Overall, the number of firstyear foreigli students will d&Among the major programs, fiist-year arts enrolments wilf cline about ‘13 Per cent. Clarke said one reaisan fey be up about 2.6 per cent; science will go down some 4.6 per cent; . the d?oP Could ,be the higher fees foreign students are now business administration will inbeing charged. at many institucrease about. 4.1 per cent; and engineering should be up 2.4I -- tions.

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This September 19, the Earth Sciences Dep3rtment will be honouring the founding father& *df ,Canadian geology by cele-, br&ting Logan Day.,Sir William ! E. Logan was the founder of the ’ Geological Survey of Canada, \ and is sometimes referred to as “The Father of Geology”. This is the third such annua celebration here at the Universi ty of Waterloo, and iqcludes th 1 / E&h Science Department faculty, staff, grad and undergraduate students, their -’ families’ and friends. Afternoon activities for this year’s Logan Day include: a baseball game; geological . hammer toss, and a “Stoneman” Triathalon (with geologi- .’ tally orietited activities), all held ,on Golunibia Fields. ,At 5:00 a Bar-B-Q will be held by Columbia Lake on the North Campus, followed by a pub at South Campus Hall, beginning at 8:00 p.m. The last two years’ celebrations were highly .successful, . with about 300 people in atteridance. .’ Joan Rodrang

The Secondary School Liaison office requires a number of Tour Guides to assist with Girl Guides of Canada, WaU W’s .visitor information proterloo Division, is interesied in gram fpr Seconday School stumaking contact with youngdents who coee to the UW women between the ages df 18 camp& each year. Hours, are an+ 30 who have been members two per week and a maximum of the Guiding Movement and of 12 ho,urs per week. Tours run who wish to ‘be kept in touch , between 9. am. and 4 p< Fucwith Guiding through “Link’: cessful applicants will be requi“Link ” is for those young red to attend an orientation women who, because of studies progrqg on Sept. 29, 1985.‘Apor employment, are unable io plication forms are avail?ble, take part in regular meetings from the Visitors Reception and activities. Centre, 3rd floor, Optometry. Applic&ion tiust be receiveh “bnk” members are kept in-+x by :2 $@ ofi Sept. 13, 1985, formed by means OKnewsletters and occasional- get-togethers Gail Ruetz fbr Guiding activities. “Link” $Qsitors Reception Centre. members are a&o ,eligibl$ to apply for International Evismts. Stydy Skills“Link” is -had through compleThe study skills programme tion of a registration form and will begin the week of Septhe payment of the annual membership,fe,e ($10.00) to. the tember 23, 1985, -and will include .workshops designed to -Girl Guides of Canada. help students develop effective Fol* more information or to’ study habits such as efficient time management, notetaking, ‘request a registration form, reading as will as preparing for please contact th_e“Link ” Conand’ writing exams. Interested ienor, Mrs. Lecocq at 884‘students can r’egister at the re3664.

GirJ Guides


ception desk in Counsellitig Services, Needles Hall, Room 2080. Laurel Thorn Counselling

Nutrition “Nu&itipn...Plus” is a six week course designed for people who want to increase their“ nutrition knowledge and under- _ standing of the marketplace. Lorna MilIer, President of Nutrition Promotion Consultants, will lead the class throughsuch topics --ds nutlr‘itiods’l self:’ Iassessment, nutrition and the inaiketplace, ‘food Additives, and lifecycle netis. The course runs Tuesdays from Otto ber 1 through November 5, 1985, from 7:30-8:30, p.m. at the University of’ Water100. Pre-registration only. Call Campus Health Promotion, 885-1211, ext 6277.



The Personnel Department has moved from the University s Business Park to the first floor -of the Maintenance and Stores Building. All‘ telephone numbers have remained the same.

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had accepted offers of admission by Aug. 14. However. Clarke -said it is impossible td know how many were rejected (because of a lack of space or. failure to qualify) and how many decided to go dutside the province or drop their university plans altogether.




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A new non-credit coursefor UW students who want to exmnine theprocess of newproduct development. September 26 - October 31.1985 Offfled by the Office of Part-Time Studies, Correspondence, and Continuing Education and the Department of Economics with the cooperation of the Canadian Industrial Innovation Centre/Water[oo. Rwsdays 7-IO p. m.

Where do new products come from? What is the role of innovation in developing new products? Why do some products make millions and others fail miserably? This six session course is designed to help identify and develop new product ideas. Participants will examine the process of new product development, the identification and measurement of demand, and the analysis of market conditions. Through lectures and case studies, participants will acquire a set of skills enabling them to make better decisions relating to new product development ranging from the generating of new product ideas to deciding if a product launch is advisable. Other topics will include: e consumer behaviour -. needs, wants, and buying decisions e measuring demand and competition l relating innovation to entrepreneurship and new products 0 the price decision, cost constraints, and efficiency l the specific tasks of new product development a improving existing products 0 the decision to launch the new product 0 obstacles and solutions

Course Instructor: Larry W. Smith, Adjunct Faculty Member, Department of Economics. Mr. Smith is also a consulting economist specializing in entrepreneurship, innovation and new venture analysis. Course Fee: $60 for students registered Fall Term 1985.-

for full-time study at UW in the

To Register Complete the attached form, include a cheque for $60 payable to the University of Waterloo, and send to the address




shown. (NO post-dated cheques please.) Students with’ drawing after September 23 will be subject to a $15 handling charge. No refunds will be issued for withdrawals received after September 26. Registration is limited and wiil be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Mail completed form and cheque to. Office of Part-Time Studies, Correspondence, and Contrnurng Education, 156 Columbia Street West, Waterloo, N2L 3Gl For further information, Studies (519) 888-4002.

call the Office

of Part-Time

UW Students arketplace

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q My cheque for the $60 registration mail my registration address. ’

is attached. Please acknowledgement to the above

Postal Code

0 I am registered 1985 Term.

for full-time study for the Fall

OTTAWA (CUP) -- College-and university students are risking brain hemorrhages and heart, failure during exam time .bv gobbling a stimulant .which is .easy to buy on the street or ovef the counter in drug stores. ’ Phenylpropanolamine or PPA is o,ne of several chemicals found in Black Beauties, and is also used in Contac.C, Coricidin, Sinutab and other decongestants. The’drug shrinks blood vessels in the nose and elsewhere, eliminating congestion and raising blood pressure. Dr. Bryan Young, a neurologist at Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario thinks the drug and another pseudo-ephedrine, are the cause of serious brain haemorrhages in four of his young patients in the past year. The patients included a high school student and a university student. Young, also an ‘assistant professor at the University of’western Ontario, said Black Beauties causkd the problem in a&four cases. But Young is worried university students taking large doses of cold medicines to stay awake could also have problems. London pharmacists say cold remedy sales skyrocket at exam time. The drug is especially dangerous in quick release forms of the medicine and tablets, which the blood stream absorbs much more quickly than the capsules, Young said. In a recent U. S. -experiment, 50 healthy medical-students each took 50 mg of PPA. Two developed dangerously high blood pressure and needed emergency medical attention. Antihistamines like Ornade, Ornex and Dimatab come,in sustained release capsules. Others like coricidin are tablets containing _ 25 mg of PPA. Suggested maximum dosage-is three a day. Sinuvit recommends taking one tablet every four hours. Each tablet contains 25 mg of PPA. “Th* ma:;imum you ‘would be exposed to is -about 150 mg a day,” said Jean Sattar, with public relations at Health and Welfare Canada. “That drug is very available,” Young said. “We’ve seen many .i ’




. of .MithematFcs .MithematFcs: : ,. -I- I ’I I Bell Canada Computer S&r& ‘Awards - (available to all 3B) . ,‘:. ; ?>, _ Crowntek -Scholarship, Scholarship, - (availabie to 3B Computer Science) Eaton Foundation Scholarship ---(avaiLable to 3B Comput- ’ I er Science) - ‘ I . 1. . Emco Bursar-y I-.i :(avaiiable to Upper. Year Computer. Science) .- 1. : /‘.,. ._ MacDonald Dettwiler & &sotiates Ltd. Bhrsary - (avail- ’ able to 3B Computer Science) :, A.C. Neilsen Co. of Canada Ltd. Bursary - (available to 29 Computer Science). *. Noreen Energy Scholars hip - (available to 2B Computer c Science/ Information Sys.) Paradyne Canada Ltd. Award - (available to 2B Computer Science) Sun Life of Canada ‘Award 7 (available to 2B Actuarial . Science)


x ,The application ‘deadline will be September unless otherwise stated. ’ The following


are currently

30th, 1985,


All Faculties:


Bobby Bauer Memorial Award Don Hayes Award - Deadline: Oct., Oct.. 15th, 1985 Mike Moser Bursary - Deadline: October 15th, 1985 Faculty of Engineering:

Bechtel Foundation Bursary - (available to’a?l Upper,Year students) Bell Canada Engineering Awards - (available to all 3B) J. P Bickell Foundation Bursaries - (available to 2B Chemical and Mechanicai) Cl@v%& Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship 2 (available +) to+:all 3B) ‘, John Deere Ltd: Scholarship 1 (available to all 3B Mechan\A_ ical) Charles Deleuw Scholarship - (available to all 3B Civil) Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship in Chemical Engineering (avaialbe to all 3%) Randy Duxbury Memorial Award - (available to ‘all 3B --Chemical) ,Emco Bursary - (available to Upper year Mechanical and Electrical) MacDonald Dettwiler & Associates Ltd.‘ Scholarship (available to all 3B Electrical) Murata-Erie North America, Inc. Award - (available to all . 9 3B Electrical)‘ Noreen Energy Scholarsh,ips - (available to all 2B Chemical & Mechanical) Ontario Rubber Group/ Rubber Chemjstry Divisiqn, CIC Award - (avaialable to all 3B) Paradine Canada Ltd; Award - (available to all 2B Electrical) Ready Mix Concrete Association of Ontario Scholarship (available to alb3B, Deadline: Octob,er 30th, 1985) Stiarns-Catalytic Limited Scholarship - (available to 2nd or 3rd year) ’ ’ M.S. Yolle? & Partners Ltd. Schdarship - (available to 3B Civil) \ ’_ Faculty of Environmental Studies 1.O.D.E: ‘- Applied year students) ”



’ deadlityes for ‘sch~olizrships I.

f Application Scholarships

more problems with this than with harder drugs because it’s s I available.” Bec,ause,the drug is not illegal, the RCMP are unable. to co& it. “Kids know it’s not illegal,” said Corporal Douglas Wadstein 4 the London RCMP. “People walk around with acouple of hundre (Black Beauties) in their Docket.” Wadstein said that drug can only be stopped at the border. “It not scheduled as a control drug t if a shipment comes in with dosage that is not appropriate, the-government will‘seize-it un$ federal food and drug laws,” he said. .. Canadian dealers buy Black Beauties by the hundreds from U.! mail order companies and smuggle them into Canada. They .a] easy to get on most university campuses ata exam time. Robert Armstrong, assistant director of non-prescription brul at Health and Welfare Canada in Ottawa, is not overly sworrie about PPA abuse. “lt’s’legally used in cold remedies/” he said. “The instructions are on the label,” Armstrong saic “There’s nothing else we can do if people are stupid enough t i ignore them.” He insisted, however, that PPA as found in Black Beauties, is nc legal.. “R’s a drug and you cannot market a drug unless you- have drug Identification number,” Armstrong said. “We have not given, a number. Armstrong admitted the drug was dangerous. “1 have seen person shake for six hours after taking one cold tablet,” he saic But he said that government discourages listing side effects c drugs on labels, because they buy the drug to get the side effect: Armstrong said PPA was obviously dangerous to those with hig blood pressure, but Young said he could not yet.tell what cause certain people to have brain hemorrhages after using the drug The KCM P m London has appliedto its central office in Toront for mdney to print 5 copies of a Black Beauty and PPA warnin poster. The force. p p”ans ‘to distribute. the posters for display i n ’ Ontario high schools,

Ecology Award

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Canada Packers’Inc. Schol&hip - -Edible Oils & Dairy Division - deadline: Oct. 15th - (available to all 2B Chemistry) _ .ChevronCanada Resources Ltd.,,Scholarsh& - (ava#abk-to -&,d year or 2BEarth S&e&e) -.$. ;j., ’ $1,.“‘-j .‘?‘--7 ;,’ ,‘+“.i Noreen Energy Scholarship /.l. (available 28 -Earth . . Science) Ontario Rubber Group/ Ru,bber Chemistry Division,‘ CIC Award i (available to all 3B) i .Bi ., For application forms and further information please contact the Student Awards Offi,ce, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. --- ’ BP.Canada Bursary _ _ BP Canada has made available a num-ber of bursaries each in 1the amount of $500, to be awarded to students in the Earth Science, Engineering, Commerce, or Economics Faculties.The awards are presented-on the basis of financial need and academic standing. Application deadline. October 15th, 1985 ( . Joanne H. Wade, Financial Aid Officer, Student Awards Office.

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J.D. Bonser ~RecEmaJsa Richazd$!6rk



Myths Facts MYTESabJDFACTS... the concept of beauty

and some pageants



MYTH #l - Beauty pageants are a fine way to overcome shyness, develop self-confidence ... FACT . . . Wrong! Webster’s dictionary defines confidence as “a reliance on one’s own abilities . . . belief in one’s own competency.” Parading her body in front of a large number of strang.ers, for theirjudginent, forces a woman to accept her worth-in terms of how well her physique measures up to the latest standard. What does this have to do with her competency? Her abilities? If competency and ability exist (let alone improve) after age 25, why are older contestants not accepted? If you want to work on self-confidence or overcoming shyness, how about taking up gymnastics, public speaking, soccer, music lessons, hockey, etc., etc. . . ? MYTH W - Beauty pageants are a way to meet other people, especially ‘important’ people such as local dignitaries and politicians. FACT. . . Let’s face it, who’s going to take you seriously? The males will likely be gawking and smirking (after all, that’s what you’re there for, to be looked at) . well, women in a position of power and the women.. are not like to be able to relate or to accord you much respect. If you (or your daughter, sister, lover) reallywant to meet people, you could join a night class, WPIRG, Amnesty International, a religious group, a women’s group, an organized sport, or go travelling. Why not start peeling away our learned layers of aggressiveness and competitiveness? Don’t compete with other women on the basis of your ephemeral looks for the approval of men. Learn to talk, share, support.. . what better way is there to make friends? m #3 - Beauty pageants are a harmless way to make some money. IPACT ... What a woman does with her body is her own business, provided her actions harm no one else. However, pageants hurt all women by perpetuating the image of the following stereotypes: woman-as-commodity woman-as-dependent-upon-male-approval-forher-well-being-and-loving-it women-as-pleasant (read Non-threatening) plaything woman-whose-desires-needs-and-aspirations-aresubject-to-those-of-men’s



Stereotypes like these confront us many times in life and limit opportunities to achieve our potential, and our freedom to run our lives as we please. These stereotypes also limit the potential and freedom of men not economically, or socially, but emotionally and creatively. someone who, no matter how tired they are, how long they’ve been standing on their feet in high heels, or how much they detest the person they must talk to, can still chatter about generalities in a pleasing manner. Why not develop some characteristics and skills that will make you more money and provide you with personal satisfaction for longer than a cultivated ‘beauty’? Sports and peace delegations are examples of two very dissimilar activities which allow one to re-


one’s comrnu&y.

There are obviously lots of other ways to make money, especially if one has developed skills considered ‘non-traditional’ for a woman! v #4 - Beauty pageants allowyouthe honour of representing your community .. FACT.. . What kind of honour is it to be a live mascot who is trotted out every time a dignitary has to be entertained, or a seat on a float has to have a pretty butt in it? Kind of reminds one of a 4-H show doesn’t it. A pageant winner. performs roughly the same duties as what is known inthe modelling trade as a “hostess’;

Anne Sixnon~ former cover girl for Seventeen lu&agsine, is arr8Bted outside the MI California Pageant. Wearing a bathing snit mad8 of steaks, qpuxu%bs & a necklace of hotdogs, Bimoaton &.ined, 800 pageant p-rS. by Barbara Conversations

Sauders about

the Beauty


A- “Have you, signed the petition for getting the Oktoberfest Beauty Pageant off campus?” m- “@TINA hyd + .~bfj~~*--h~~a;t-+~ a-- - --- the Women s Centre got tlus together. Beau&p&e&& are a barbaric ritual.” C- ‘This has been a historic year for Canadian women - we’ve got the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guaranteeing women as persons with equal status and then the international women’s conference in Nairobi. Along comes autumn and wham0 - beauty pageants again! Such a regressive practice!” A- “As women begin to dismantle the false images given to them in this society it is begrudging to see that a university would condone beauty pageants. And this university does not have a very good record for its encouragement and advancement of women. (Waterloo has the lowest percentage of female faculty in Ontario) So it could be only in its best interests to have it removed” B- “Men’s images of women are constructed so rationalize their do minant position Women been portrayed as objects - ‘the wife’, ‘my mom’, servant’. Wnen she steps out of this passive role don’t quite know what to do. So beauty pageants way of saying they are putting us in our place, judged, to be displayed for men”

as to have ‘the men are a to be

C-“How can any person rationalize a beauty pageant? How can they be so blatant with discrimination? Females between the ages of 16 and 25 and of virginal status - stereotypical sexually desirable women! Oh, thev do throw in talent don’t they? If I remember copTBct;ly, it was the feminists of the 60’s who protested enougth to make them add this criteria.” A- “Your memory is correct. I have a friend who was a contestant for Miss Canada in 1967 and she had no talents but was reading Shakespeare at the time and they instructed her to memorize a few lines and that would be talent enough I think they have the age requirement so they can get the women before they become wise to their exploitation And so far our educational system does not allow the females to know anything of their own culture and their oppression I mean that would be detrimental to the patriarchy!” C- “I find it interesting that those who like these contests can’t seem to see how the contestants are sex objects. If the contestants could hear the comments in the audience I’m sure they would have second

thoughts about being there. You know, the kind of words we hear all our lives: ‘would you look at that’, ‘look at the tits on that’, ‘nice ass on that one’, ‘I wonder if that would be good in bed. Assembly line passions is all it is!” B- “They are paraded and rated like ad&~&&J&@ --au vvuxr&?$do~&%%.<o‘up~e of w&s ago a race horse went for a few million dollars. Ugh, how degrading!” C- “This money factor is an interesting point. It At the shows the evolution of the pageant curcuit. beginnMg women were selected for their beauty and they thought it an honour. Now, at least in part, the women who go into these things do it as a job. They p&y the pageant circuit to make money. So in this way it’s an irony that the men think they can control and judge where the women are using them as agents for profit. Ha, ha, ha, - what a hoot.” A- “But that in no way justifies the practice nor their participation By entering a beauty pageant they are perpetuating the role of women as sex objects. The very images that I talked about earlier that are slowly being dismantled are being built up again by these pageants! B- “There is no rationalization for beauty pageants. They are using women as human mascots. There is also another kinky angle that proves this. The contestants are from all over North America. I’m sure they know nothing about Oktoberfest, let alone being Canadian. C- “Yes, you are right. It makes me sac, angry and fPustrate& They are our sisters and when they are being judged so too are we, when they are raped, so too are we, when they are beaten so too are we.” B- “I borrowed a book from the Women’s Centre called The Anatomy of Freedom by Robin Morgan. I found a poem in it that I’d like to share with you”

I am strong, but not brutal. I am gentle, but not weak I am eternal, and newly born. I am totally alive, and dying each second. I am the weeping one who chooses to laugh I am the silence, and the song. ’ I am the suffering of beauty. I am beauty itself. I am what you call freedom that has no name. Something in me has always existed Something in me will never cease to exist. I am my own holy power. 1amwhat1am


do “~Ous


-@out the Miss Oktoberfest

0fCanadahavetosey BeautyPa@antbelngheld


claim tbat thq

am indeed-nulli



the beauty -- pageant







coti~tants, as I am told, exclude intelle&ual_ _and emotional maturity suchas that whichcan b8 achieve(l with a@ and child-bea+ing...” ~RUWJ callwoob,

otlobe and Wail



Ibt)pftothe~Wo~sc~,~.~88,1@88: . . . I bdieve th&t beauty contests’iike pornograpby, am political ideas at their core and ~o~dbec~e~~asonewoulda;nyotherp~ formulation of power. In my view, it is not good strategy to attempt to ban a wrong perspective: : In the f&st place, censorship, like prohibition, never works. In the second, it is inappropriate that a university shouldban any idea&however repulsive; surely this is the very best forum in which to raise opposite points of view and arguL ments . . .” P&&t 4levitg Rrddmt -of the Profe88ional WoJMa?8A88ociatianoftheu~~itgof' e3cpwesed~efollowiagvignrinabttertothe -WomSmtsBeuxtre~~~,1~88: “...The worklrg women on our caniare $an honest a+ accxirate’reflection of the Cm

r&r commitments. To have the University of Waterloo encourage a;n activity which so blat antlyrelegateswomentoaone-dimensionaland _ ~unreahsticima@isaninsulttothehundnxlsof female employees whose contribution to the University is more than ornamental . .j. ” In addition to the above quoted letters, the Women’s Centre has received letters of supportfrom Bernard , Drainville, the Chairperson of OFS; the University of Regina Women’s Centre; Brock University Women’s Resource Centre; Matt Certosimo, President of the WLU Students’ lJnio& endEeithPublicorer, /President of the Acadia Students’ union Also, Marjorie Carroll, Meyer of Waterloo, has given . us her ofIicial support, andMarkYantzi,Aldermanfor Victoria Park Werd (a), Kitchener, ‘has given us his official personal support Furthermore, the follow@gUofWstudent organ& tions have given us their 0fIicial support: . :..



A’ To being


w%h+ I believe





.Only, women

can be

feminists, because it is impossible to have a true consciousness about women’s oppression unless you are a woma~~.Men, although thw can be profeminist or ai?Ai-macist, cannot be feminists. There are, however, . .some feminists who would disagree with me on this i_ Ipoint. ‘Even thou& I hold that all feminists are women I cannot +y that all women are ferqQistsSi.mply stated; womenwho are conscious ,of their oppression and


being feminists because they stop-being activists, they . just stop; being feminist activists. ’ . You can see why it is so diffi0ultto construct a universal definition of the word feminist. Feminists j are thereforeself-defined Ihis virtu@y impossible to structure one definition to include all these. people.. I Most feminists make an effort to..avoidusing sexist terms intheirvocabulary. It is commonlyacceptedby _ ~em~t~~~~~tthetemnma;ncanbeus~d. to deqota both women and men I and many of my sisters. do not hold’this to be true. Even most of the “of course man includes women” set find the statement f “Man is a m.dnmal who suckles _- his ’ young” a little /.

l/FI 1




RflV/S ‘If

s yolAx9

The Birth Control Centre & Miss Oktoberfest Be@y Pageant Petition haa received media coverage from‘tiptit, U W Gazette, K-W Record, Waterloo Chronicle, CKCC -TV, CHyM,Tlie Globe and-Ma@, The Toro@o @tar, @‘NY, CH@Z -.FJ#I -ifr , Ottawa.








If you would like to take part in a creative protest again&the MUs Oktbb@fest B&m Page@nt~b&g held o our campus come to the Psych Lowe,@rd floor P28 ) on October lOth, the night of the pageant, at 7:CC pm The Women’8 4” . dire is organising a @f&3;house’where .one can eqq- t&e talents of Kitchener ’ . _-Waterloo mu@.ans,-singeqa&ors and actresses, in a .fc/;: participatory, non-sexist env@nment. The K-W.. teu? Theatm3, DavidLawson, Barb Saunders, and-&g. Shantz are some examples‘of the great ta&&in store for you at the Psych Lounge, C&. lQr7.90 pm. -Free,& _.

’ cliff’iht to accept. Sexism is so deeply ingrainedm d;us, ‘. language, that even neutral terms like dq~,tor*-as’ sumed male unless $apc&Qiibe~f& don’t speci- _ $yJ&gQxxz &re-referring to- a ~“lady doctor”. it fl B Z.-r=:&sum& t;hat -she- B m&*.’

that this oppression is neither necessary jyifi@ and who @l themselves f&in.ists are minists m consciousness is 0nly:a beginning for’ m-mjj- ferr;inintR;. most feminists are activist 6f one

me aware

-r whai a femin& WY, you would get as ma& different ~~p~s’as~~w0rewomenintherwm. Infact,there is no single, universally accepted definition of the word “feminist,,. What I will do here is-consolidate

This bhgs :me to thef sut$ect of work B&orb and I _ ‘more women are ‘su=cessfulIy pursuing. mrs in -~eW’t%& Were pqwiousl~~ dominated by men For fewb, t@B is prOof that wogmn were deniedaccess to these jobs not becaw ofbiological or genetic &j&+ ability, but becuase of tradition Femim.stsbeli&&at everYJyornen has thh right toworkwhere she chooses - be that in the home or in the paid work force. bloc with thisi, fWliMkW believe that whmen and ken shouhi be paid the same amount-for work of equ,iv&enh , rvalue. . F -‘-P&Y m-d equal qqmtunity’in~ the Ijob

mincet are -. discouraged - are 7w,ul-=* iIll the areas kn.. IJN~ awide T.rrrwlrz-

the public



Usely if women are denied access ,to or from gaining equal’ed@ation. Feminists w mt3w r;natyoung girls are encouraged of mathematics andscience so that they variety of career choicesbefore thqv lclave L-















into areas traditionally considered “s@tabIe” for feK-- %ary, clerk, homemaker, etc.) aim the right to define themselves as ‘ati”, “c~&&“la,d&“, “broa,&*‘, ,&. the L1right to choose .what they will .w.MLa.A -- ------a .

- --‘I--



em. The major differen&


their attitudes towards themselves and other 3n as equal membersof this world who a.@ being sd as lesser citizens-

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, by Fritz and Fritz Greetings music lovers - here’be the first of what hopefully will be on ongoing series of articles reviewing pnd photographing the UW music scene., Before launching into a review of the free concert offering of Monday the 9th, we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and our planned “approach” to this and future writings. The Brothers Fritz are indeed a brother “team”, I write and he -takes the photos, except when I get my hands on the camera or when he provides much needed creative prose. Monday, September 9 broudht us Scott Merritt, Sheer Energy and Murray McLauchlan. Originally planned as an outdoor show on Village Green, it was moved inside to Fed Hall on account of impending rain-. The show opened on time led off by Scott Merritt followed by Sheer Energy and closing with Murry McLauchlan. ‘Scott Merritt is a home-grown (Brantford, he said), innovative performer of the modern folk music genre; this “pigeonhole” includes the likes of Jane Sibbery and- the non-commercial side of Bruce Cockburn. Scott has enjoyed considerable success and-recognition in the last year. Unfortunately this show was very disappointing, not only for me, a first time Merritt listener, but also for a lady friend who has seen him four or five times. The main reason was the sound - it was too loud. This made his lyrics,.a key part of his music, undistinguishable and frustrating to listen to. The sound man was to blame I believe for disrupting that important iink between performers and audience. He made a number of gaffs,‘including one burst of feedback that made even the subdued ‘bass player grimmace. b The first half of ‘Scott’s performance was sadly lacking in terms of changes in tempo - it all sounded similar a&l without, clear lyrics or an impresssive stage show, the show came over as boring and applause from a traditionally uptight and conservative Waterloo audience was perfunctory at best.


Sheer Energy is a truly home grown accapella (voices only) Qroupconsisting of four present. and ex. UW students. They were a breath of fresh air after ‘Merritt - launching into an old Nylons’ favourite without even the courtesv-of a sound check

they feellike need an audience t&y some-new material on. Getting high on an audienceis an obvious joy and they’are worth seeing for their energy, enthusiasm and voices. Also they’ll give-you some idea--what the Nylons are about if vou’v;





by -Fritz

Merritt plays a number of different instruments during his performance including mandolin, acoustic guitar, mountain dulcimar and electric guitar. The variety of soundis interesting but his command of each instrument is basic. He didn’t show us ’ -, anything very complicated. His voice has a nice tone and his lead-ins were good but the build-up was in vain due to the fact that the finale, the song and _ \ its lyrics, could not be heard clearly.

Sounds ranged from . traditional to experimental. and although this reviewer was &rimpressed by this performance, 1Merritt fans have assured me that with available lyrics and a receptive crowd, Scott is worth seeing again.

The headliner of Monday’s show, Murray McLduchlan, was . .-’ *wholly Murray. Unfortunately, for Murray and the audience, it was the?end of frosh week, the start of school and it was a daytime show. An upbeat, rowdy act waS called for, no-t a mellow folkman. Murray played by himself either on piano or on guitar’(sometimes with harmonica). .He plays songs that are about people; about Canada and about life - the lyrics are gopd and they were clear. His command ofhis instruments is good and his stage presence is simple, open and friendly - too bad he .was the wrong performer for that day or was it the for that / Performer? Some found the show slow,‘. yawn-inducing, even boring. They were the hyped ones. Murray fans and mellow folky types lapped it up despite the fact that it should have been outside to match his style or at least in the evening when he could have 1 I been spot1ightedMurray hasan excellent voice, strong and clear: He can bring a smile to your face and makes you believe in genuine,clean wholesome people, especially Canadian people. -_

DaviclSeredah. promising songw.ritkY ki eci. It’ ._ 3

a decidedly cynical view of “ridiculous” romance - “the only by Mike Strathdee thing I know that can screw you up royally” -+ his visions of-l@ Edmonton born singer-songwriter David Sereda may represbetween lovers are the only optimistic‘signposts in themidstof ) ent one of the less promising worldviews in his work, but his -. a bleak landscape that is generally’without’ hope. energy and talents should put him onto everyone& mostprom_I’ tv . T.- In his Wedding Song, he chronicles the trials of lovers both list in the -months to’comi~, ri _ : .ising . _‘, 7; 1..-.&megay and straight, who manage to live together without marrige; ’ ‘Sereda, a classicallyXtrained pianist turned actor turned sin- . in spite of societal pressure and other problems that come with ger, has released an independently produced album and is those affairs. “I’ve seen wedding rings used aslethal weapons,” he.observes, then moving into biblical metaphor to lay bare his currently working on an EP for late fall release. His Tuesday feelings about the relationship. You’re all my words made noon performance inthe Great Hall showcased a talent that should soon become playlist material on CKMS and CFNY,if flesh.“. he- emotes, holding out the hope. that “through the darkened valleys we’ve glimpsed the promised land.” the programmers take the time to listen. Sereda’s songs deal with frailty and fear, despair and desire. Sereda’s artisitic use of his own sexuality differs from that of A self-proclaimed “torch singer”, he tends to favour dark and other gay performers in his ability to reflect poignancy without preaching, and to articulate his feelings without feeling the semi-desparate’metaphors in his work. need to express the strident advocacy that limits the appeal of Acappella renditions of Sam Cook’s t‘Wonderfu1 Worid”and . his own “Walking Steady” proved Sereda’s considerable vocal Heather Bishop, for example., Explaining that he prefers not to be labelled a fblk performer, talents. He made reference on several occasions to-the adjustment he faced doing a concert witho,ut his usual backup band, .. Sereda ended his set with a delightful folk version of “Swing ’ and apologised for the lack of a sax solo in‘some songs. The low, Sweet Chariot” that involved the use of “gigeux” (dancer, missing sidemeninclude drummer Gary Craig, who works with in French), a small marionette-like wood figure that danced on a board he strummed. Good stuff. t Anne Murray, Parachute Club saxaphonist/percussionist Mar’ go Davidson and> keyboardist Evelyn Datl, which is not too The Campus Centre Board and the Federation deserve top marks for both idea and execution in their efforts to bring noon - shabby for someone unknown outside of the folk festival curhour live music to the Great Hall. cuit and the Rivoli Club in T.O. David Sereda deserves a listen. Your ears will thank you for it, Love songs are central to Sereda’s craft. While he professes

right up to the Middle East conflicts of the 1950’s. The Haj follows a Palestinian family through its struggles with’the Jews The Haj in Palestine. The-fictitious family is involvedin real events such by Leon Uris as the Partition Paln to divide Palestine into separate Jewish / . ‘Bantam Books and Arab states in 1947, and a virtual blockade on West, JerusaPaperback Edition, 1985 . >+ lem. Through this the family attempt to remain together and to I’ keep their Palestinian identity. The real historic conflict between the Jews and the Arabs 1s incorporated into the ilovel. \ In this piece of fiction the tribe of Ibrahim, thefamily, must by Linda McCord / leave their home to avoid the increasing fighting around them. imprint staff They struggle through the countryside looking for a safe place My free time this summer was spent reading every Leon Uris book I could get my hands on. One rainy day in early May I . to live but find only violence and crime in their own country. Finally, they retreat to the hills to wait out the battlesonly to be‘checked out my parent’s bookshelves and found that I had a forced out by lack of food and water. choice between Danielle Steel’s Remembrance, a Do It Yourself Guide to Plumbing, and Armageddon by Leon . Returning to thier homeland out of necessity, the tribe must fight to retrieve thier own fields from the hands of fellow Arabs. Uris. Needless to say, this started me on my marathon of Uris novels. After Armageddon f dug up The Angry HiUs, The tribe of Ibrahim becomes real in the reader’s mind as they one of his earlier books, and then came Exodus, which lead to struggle through situations which many Arabs actually ‘live still more. Late in the summer Morn. came home with through, both past and present. By combining his fictitious characters with historical figures yet another leon Uris creation tucked into the gowry ‘’ and ‘incorporating many historic events into all of his novels, bag. His newest, The Haj,-is now out in papMx&. Leon Uris writes realistic novels which m&y deal with the Leon Uris ends up with informativeand interesting fiction, such Jewish experience in Weorld War II Germany, but continue as The Haj. _-


Top Ten Records/Tapes Sept. L. I. Stranglers 2. Dead or Alive . uE340 Various Artists 5: Suzanne Vega 6. A-HA 7. Romantics . 8. Midnight Oil 9. Cabaret Voltaire 10. x -j


Just 1. Divine 2. Icicle Works 3. Fine Young


for the 7, 1985’



Aural Sculpture Youthquake Little Baggariddim I a Vertigo SamplerSuzanne ‘Hunting High and Low Rhythm Romance Red Sails in the Sunset Drinking %asoline -. Ain’t Love Grand .

Arrived - .

, Based on last week’s sales entre, Lower Mall, University

Wailk Like A Man Seven Horses Come Home


Record Store, of Waterloo.


- Talented



danceable” soul-flavoured rel,ief .from mediocrity ’ The






by Paul Done . Imprint staff Revivalism has never been one of the more pleasant pop phenomena, and in the last few years ‘we have been subjected to mod, ska and rockabilly revivals. The current minimalist and soul revivals are only slightly more palatable than previous revivals due ,, to the fact that there are some

genuinely talented bands among- the crop of revivalists. The debut E.P. by The Sharp Set, a Toronto soul/pop band, demonstrates that they fall into the category of the genuinely talented bands. Though their heart is firmly in the mid - 60’s, the three songs show genuine spark and songwriting talent. Backed up by te 20thCentury Rebels’ horn section, the influences are all here: Stax, Motown, and James Brown. Listen close and you can hear them all. The





danceable track on the record is “The Temptation”, built upon a guitar riff which is b,razenly lifted from James Brown. The other two songs are good soul flavoured dance-pop which is well played and arranged. This record is testament to the fact that Canada’s independent music scene is alive and offers a welcome change from the mediocrity of Canada’s popular music scene. Rumour has it that The Sharp Set are scorchingly hot live so look for a possible regional . date soon

The “Best of David Wilcox” is hard . to dislike, no matter what your taste The Best of Dpvid Capital



by Doug Tait Imprint staff Anyone who has seep David Wilcox live wil be happy to know the bug-eyed guitarist has released a “best of” album. For those people who’ve never seen him this is

a great album to get to know his music by, since it contains Wicox’s best material. Wilcox writes straight nonon-sense rock and roll - no deep lyrics here. Just a driving bass and Wilcox’s wailing guitar. His songs deal with the usual things associated with rock and roll. .There’s sex ("Hot; Hot Papa”, “The Grind”, “My Eyes Keep Me in Trouble”), rebellion (“Bad Apple”, “Bad Reputation”)

Colour The



Virgins and Philistines Chrysalis

by Andrew Saikali Imprint Staff If your musical tastes


and, of course, drugs (“R&rboat .Fantasy”). There’s also some bopin’ tunes that make you want to get off your ass and dance (“Do the Bearcat”, “Hypnotizin’ Boogie”, “Downtown Came Uptown”). - The album also contains two previously unreleased songs which were recorded in You MisEngland, “When treat Her” and “Blood Money”. Two good cuts which

follow the distinctive sound.

It’s hard to dislike David ’ Wilcox no matter what your taste in music is. The man can play a mean guitar and’ has a good voice to accompany his music. -This is the kind of album ,. you put on when the party is starting to die.

Field: vod geared to instrumental and vocal smoothness, flavoured with a suggestion of the mid 60’s, give a listen to Virgins and Philistines. This debut album from-The Colour Field, (including the song “The COlourfield”) features the writing and performing talents of Specials/Fun Boy Three vo-“

calist Toby

Terry Hall, as \well as Lyons and Karl Shale. Joining them are a half dozen guest musicians including Echo drummer Pete DeFreitas. Musically, this is one of the few times of late that I’ve heard such a solidly acoustic album. Their rendition of



“The Hammond Song” is nothing short of beautiful. This is also one of the most inoffensive albums ‘I’ve heard. The songs are neatly composed and arranged to generate a _ relaxed atmosphere., This they do. The tracks even the upbeat ones, seem to sedate -the listener, so much so that some of the more probing lyrics might get overlooked, given the induced mellowness, (“. ; . SO this is evolution, and -animals do as they’re told/they make

their contribution, then we go and swallow them whole . . . “) This from “Cruel Circus ” might easily be heard but not digested upon first listen. This album also has a strong 60’s feel to it. The rhythmic blend of bass and light percussion, as well as the use of organ, suggest the San Francisco/New York sounds of years gone by - softer shades of Velvet Underground and Doors. Similarly, “Can’t Get Enough Of You Baby” touches on the early

British “Merseybeat” sound. In the general consistency of Virgins and Philistines, several high points do emerge. Worthy of note is Terry Hall’s nearly flawless vocals. Another peak is Katrina Philips’ guest vocals on “Thinking of You.” It was also refreshing to hear the soft jazz touch on the title track. It is rather difficult to pigeonhole this album. Virgins and Philistines is part folkpop, part beat. Always melodic and likeable. And always smooth.

’ A “must buy” album. ton-like Dire



in Arms


by Mike Wolfe Imprint staff

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Being a “hard core” Dire Straits fan I was surprised . . . No, make that disappointed to hear that Brothers in Arms made #1 on CHYM’s top ten album chart. I was al. so (initially) discouraged by the commerciality of “Walk Of Live”. But not to despair, Dire Straits has not sold out., In fact, the rest of the album is quite traditional. “So Far Away”, “Your Latest Trick”, and “Why Worry”, are reminiscent of, if not identical to, “Telegraph Road.” “ The Man’s Too Big” is a fantastic country/bluestune complete with Eric Clap-


Mark Knopfler’s searing. sometimes long (lo+ minutes Musically, Dire Straits is on Alchemy’s “Sultans of maturing. Though the sound Swing”) rifts, have become hasn’t changed much, their more refined and strategically work has become more de- . placed. tailed. It seems they have disAll in all, this is a “must covered the wonders of buy” album; another Knopfler studio effects, making . for masterpiece that is a definite some great new sounds. plus to any record collection.

B R 0 T H E R S



‘, ,

‘. Jmprint,






13, h85-

a providing the play with most of its comedic moments. The Stratford Festival’s production of The , Laura, Tom’s sister,/ escapes into her Glass Menagerie is a successful and collection of small glass animals : her glass convincing translation of Tennessee Williams’ managerie. Susan Coyne’s Laura is the physical embodiment of a stoop-shouldered, pwerfu! autobiographical “memory lay.” A frail and extremely withdrawn woman who strong cast, imaginatively directed by ITIY John Hirsch, are able to capture the dashed cannot cope. with life outside of the dreams of people trying to escape the reality apartment. Coynti’s sc& with the “gentleman caller ” of living in a St. Louis tenament during the John O’Connor, is. the mqst touch&g Depression. moment of the play. Her character comes &t Scott Wentworth’s portrayal of the play’s narrator, Tom Wingfield; is biilliant. He of her shell only to be struck down by reality. When the gentleman caller utters those makes ‘the character’s feelings of frustration and suffocation almost palpable. Wentworth fateful words, “if you were my sister. ..,” we plays Tom with just the right amount of can see Laura’s spirits fall like a brick. bottled energy. For Tom knows that “a man b Stephen Russell provides a credible performance as O’Connor, the high school needs adventure” - but he also knows that it is not to be had working in a warehouse and hero who becomes a warehouse tilerk, yet doesn’t lose,his belief in the American dream. living in a cramped apartment with y?ur : The’ fine performanses in this production mother. and sister. . Tom’s mother Amanda, the over;earing are enhanced by creative set design and matriarch, is played by Sada Thompson, a lighting. Both the <drabness of a tenament apartment and the\ haze-like effect of a dream veteran of stage and television. Thompson is equal to the challenge of portraying a are created with dimly lit, somber t&es of character who is at once foi-thright and browns and tinges of orange. insecure. Amanda’s form of escape is self On_ce again, Director Hirsch has been able delusion - living ifi her memory of the Old .to find the right actors for the right parts and South. Thompson ,captures the fear that capture the playwrights’s message. Williams’ Amanda has for her children’s future atid for , classical tale of delusion and disillusionment . her bwq security, whi!e at the same time has been, wejl served. i by Rick Nigol Imprint staff


.- -


l :


I 3

&UY& of.--Sumtief .with DizZie atid Mae , \ by Peter Lawson Imprint staff


but augmented by the presence of k ucsar-=I the second set. The music performed was mostly beboD. the sound which -Dizzy Gillesoie heloed id nio~~~ veteran jazz stars, Dizzy Gill&pie and MP $#&>.:1P-cc neer in the 40’s. and the 2playing oi CilleS&& usurp anrnem I ~IYIIL 111Tunisia” typified the This final show in the Monday night musical evening. He is not only a fine mtisician, but in series was a grand finale to these exquiste . jazz circles, he is also the king of crass and. concerts. charisma. (Decked out in a svelte (about the Shoulder and the ankles and far less so down the middle) suit and slinking about in white The evening .show on& August 26 opened I n* Ullesple -:11---:snealters, Ivlr. unleashed his usual with the Moe Koffman Quintet p1aying.a colantics to please the CIl owd (and his fellow lage of musical styles. Koffman has been.assomusicians). His x introduction to the tune ciated. with his jazz9 versions of classical “Night in Tunisia” wa: ; truly quotable. -I& works (especially Bach) and this night he explained that he wrote the song in 19 mumplayed Bach’s “Sleeper Awake” and Handel’s mbte-mummble and “it has ri&en above the “Alexander’s feas_t”, and closed the first set vicissitudes of the ‘-COT.ltemnorarv a ---and ---has i with his late 50’s hit “Swinging Shepherd been raised into-the world of ihe metaphysical ’ Blues? A mixture of bebop, cool and Third No, Shit!” Stream iounded out the :set. An interesting By the end of the second set Dizzy Gillespg number from Brazil, obtai lned by Moe -Kaufhad been joined by Moe Koffman on alto sax, man during a cultural exe : hange, possessed and the combination reflected the past days funky rhythms for a solic i toe taping expeof the Gillesoie-Parker collaboration. rience. .:.:..:.: jg;, 1 hroughout the evening me music. was first. :j.zs The Moe Koffman Quintet ‘was comprised rate, and the highlights.were the 1Maep of Mae Kaufman (flute, alto sax, soprano .. . and ..,.: ~,.:.~~.:~:~~~~~:~-:~~~~~~.~..~~~?,~.~~:~:~:.:~~:~:~,:::~ /.::;.:. ...:.+:.:::: ..A%. .‘.’::_,,. ‘.%“. . ..n. ...._. ....,i,.,.,i,,i, ~,:~,..:~.~:.~.~.~.::.~:~~:::.::~:~.:~. +/.A. :.~....,,.; ....._ *,J;.;, ::,:,.,. Dizzy combo and ‘Dizzy’s singing (well almost ..:.:i.. :.<.. .:.. j~::.i;...‘::::.:.:.:........‘, .. :.:,..,,.. sax), Ed Bickert (guitar), Bernie Senensky ::.:,:. ..._ :.y:....:.: (:::.A. ‘:;.:.:. .... &gg.z i Li.. singing) of Don Redmari’s “Gee Baby Ain’t 1. (piano, keyboards), Lieran Overs (Bass), and I . Good TO You”, and the crassness pleased the Howie Silverman (drums). ’ Dizzie Gillespie crowd The Moe Koffman Quintet without Moe _ : ,1 The dusk of the Stratford Festival’s Sounds :~*.%*. .ze; of Summer Concerts was brightened by the




Ull ~Spl~,








&a. Maria -__’ inoffensive at best, c




. .





India Company Ava Maria



by Paul Done Imprint staff

As is so often the case with so-called experimental records, the West India Company EP Ava Maria promises far more than it actually delivers. The West India company consisgs of the three members of Blancmange; Neil’ Arthur, Stephen Luscombe and Pandit Dinesh. They are augmented by Vince Clarke (ex-Depeche Mode, ex-Yazoo, ex-Assembly) and feature artist Asha Bhosle, an authentic Indian singer on lead vocals. ’ On listening to the record, it seems that the intent of the group was to merge the West-

ern, synthesiser-oriented sound of Mr. Clarke and Blancmange with the Eastern I sound of Asha Bhosle’s sing, ing. Assumipg that this was . the intent, the record falls down in ttio important areas. First, the music is generally uninspired and shows none of the inventiveness or ingenuity of the members’ more notable work. The secorid fault which occurs is Ms. Bhosle’s trouble with English phrasing. This eliminates any opportunity we may have to hear her true vocal abilities. The only track of the four contained on the iecord which merits a second listening is the title track. Even this song is no better than an average dance track. The result of this musical endeavour is a record which may be called, at best, inoffen-,. sive.



Seeit Live

KINCLEAR(KLR) wELFTHNIGHT(12N) THEGOVERNMENTINSPECTOR(GOV) THEGLASSMENAGERIE(GLAj SHES'lDOPSTOCONQUER(SH~) (S)-indiclates SchoolMatinee Tickets:$5.50, $6.50, $7.50 (D)-indicatesdiscount mid-week performance.With student discount $2.50, $5.00, $7:00, $8.75,~$lO,OO (R)-indicatesregular performances. With Student Discount $3.25, $6.25, $8.75, $l'l.255 $12.50 BOX OFFICE; LongDistanceto Stratford:($19)273-1600 FreeLinefrom‘lbronto:(416)363-4471 Ful4Kxeinformation,pleasecall . Bonita Craigat (519)271-4040 Artistic Director:

John Hirsch



Tues. 24 iZZ



1’ H:OO h1.K (S) (;I:\ (I)) ‘,.,,,I I’,\ SC) (2,\ lhll



* * t:


enius / MEMORIES

by Adams Stevens Imprint staff How could one describe Real Genius? It is one of thdse movies about university life with a twist - all the jerks are geniuses. Now, that may be just a little cruel. In fact it really wasn’t about university life at all. It was about a secret weapon for a secret military crew. There was a love story tied in as well, and the ingenuity in the plot when it was reaching the climax . . . again, I don’t know how to describe how exhilerating it was.(sic). Real Genius is filled with lousy characters, of which

maybe one or two pull off convincing performances. Those that start off as being very weird and interesting even lose their appeal by the end, The plot is so ridiculous that no one over 15 should be able to get involved with it. Even the secret weapon isn’t even such a glorified piece of machinery. Yes, the star of the movie is cute, and there was a funny point made about tape recorders in the classroom, but save your money, save your time, don’t go to see Real Genius. The movie lacks talent, artistic value, and any kind of interest that one would have in life.

Tarnished in thought and forever fading, Yet never quite diminished, An endless stroll past familiar places, Or march to the beat of drums, And scented bme2e; Wafting o&y through private fields,

Causing fimb8 to sway, Perbps tu crack, And calourles byes to rtistie,

It was a beautiful sunny day The sky was as blue as the sea I drove-leisurely through the countryside Stopping to take pictures along the way I was feeling rather lost and I needed a drink I stopped at the next town. A little town, but eerie as Hell The sun never shcrne here And the sky was never blue Loneliness the sign s&d, pop&&on very few Michael James Jeren&& Kirby TrnT

Of trees which now can grow no more. Like pounding tjyaters a$ roaring rivers, Asi tbiy sfuw and fose theix speed, El&ins genflg into silent streams, Yet finding not their way ta sea. Planted as sttch in the abyss of time, And watered by rains of reminisce, These seedfings of days long gone by, Cannot flower in fragrance and flourish, But somehow take root and live. Kevin Prinoski



that night seems a bttle more gentle now that I can almost talk about it but not without the same lies no one knows the truth except you and I and our lies are different That night seems a little more gentle and I can almost laugh about it That night seems so meaningless now that I can almost cry about it / arlon Dawey

# ii





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Carlet@n defeats football Warriors , 25 -0:7”.in. opening exhibition fiat&


less, to win the battle 25-7. The Warrior quarterback made 29 passes, completing 16 for 142 yards while Carleton QB’sJnade 33 with 16 complete and 25 1 yards. Carleton had 420 yards offense for the game while Waterloo had 185.

Seems its going to be another long season for UW Warriors football team. In the humid blaze of Saturday September 7, Waterloo went down to Ottawa’sCarleton squad,,managing only seven points to Carleton’s 25 in pre-season action at Seagram Stadium. In the beginning of‘ the second quarter, quarterback ‘l’ony lantorno made a soaring pass to receiver Bob Barnard who scored the touchdown. Peter Barndt added the-convert to give the Warriors a seven point lead.

If statistics tell no lies, Waterloo should have beenblown However, life-has its blessings. A member of Carletbn’s playoff from last year, Clark Oliver was out with a knee injury, quarterback star Cam Collins played for only the first half. The Carleton% offense consisted of second and third strings.

Carleton began their road to victory with a missed field goal attempt halfway through the second quarter. The mighty Ravens then followed up with a quick touchdown and conversion, putting them in the lead by one point. Carleton led at the half 15-7. The second half was messy, with the Warriors seemingly suffering injuries every third or fourth play while Carleton’s kick returners couldn’t pick up anything without first letting it “bounce one or five times. The Ravens managed to. pick up 17 more points, neverthe-

away. squad while rest of

Ending with three notes of optimism. 1) Tonly Iantorno shows some imirovement over his rookie year. 2) Bob Barnard, who seemed to be the only bright spot for Waterloo in Saturday’s game by ctitching 13 passes, shows great promise for future games. 3) Waterloo never has to play Carlton in a real game. Now, if the Warriors could ‘keep from getting injured...

getting on a winning track.


1 Campus Re&ig&up times / i


-- - / ~


Monday .

Friday .



Lackers Assiied t5:tJOa.m.

Men_-Blue Activity Area(PAC) Women - RedActivity Area(PAC) Instructional Registration

1O:OOa.m. - 3:00 p.m., Gym 3, PAC

\ Pool StaffApplicatious Due 12 Noon Final Entry Date (1:OOp.m. PAC 2040)


Welcome back from all the Campus Recreation staff. We at Campus Rec. hope everyone has had a great summer, but are now ready to participate in our great 1985 Fall schedule. Come by and ’ catch PAC in action, ‘cause we’re the place to be! Presently, over 800 students each year are involved in the organization and administration of the Campus, Recreation program. Get involved! B The following jobs are still available: * Pool Staff - lifeguards and instructors ($5.12 - 6.701 hr.) Instructors - squash, tennis, skating and fitness (15.65 - 6.70 hr.) Referees - hockey, flag footb& basketball soccer, softball, volleyball’and ball hockey ($4.20 - 6.171 game.j Referees in Chief - Soccer and flag football ($80.00 120/ term) If you are interested in any of the above positions please see the PAC receptionist for an application. _ Full Fime student lockers and baskets will be assigned Friday, September 13. There will be a fee this term to help facilitate rennovations to the PAC locker rooms. The fees will be: $8 for one term, $14 for two, and $20 for three terms. Men:s lockers will b,e assigned from 8:30 - lo:30 am. with the line up begmning in Blue South for the Blue Upper Activity Area. Women’s lockers will be assigned at the same time with the line-up beginning in Red South fyor the Red Upper Activity Area. Faculty; Staff and Alumni can purchase lockers with a membership- fee through the Cashier’s Office in Needles Hall. .\

Men’sBasketba’ll Women’s Basketball Men’sFlag Football


Women’sSoccer Co-Ret lnnertube Waterpolo Co-Ret Volleyball Fitness Instructors Meeting _- 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. (PAC1088)

Women’sFlag Football


- Tuesday

Final Entry D&e (1:00 p.m. PAC 2040)



Men’sFlag Football Meeting 4:30 p.m. (CC 113) Women’s Flag Football Meetiug 4:30 p.m. (CC 135) Co-Ret VolleyballMeeting 5:30 p.m. (CC 135) Flag FootbaliOfficals 6:00 p.m. (CC 113) safety and Emergency ProcedureClinic 6:30-8:30p.m. (Physics Rm. 150) Lifeguafdorientation 7:00-11:00p.m. (PAC 1088) ., Archery Club Meeting

8:30 p.m. (RedActivity Area PAC)

Entry Date (1%) p,m. PAC 2040)

Men’s Hockey


,Ball Hocke; Co-Ret Broomball,

\ Women’sRet Hockey EngineersFloor Hockey (Enter Eng. SC, ]

Women’s Soccef Meeting ’ 4:30 p.m. (CC 135) Men’s‘SoccerMeeting 4:30p.m. (C,fL113) Gymnastics Club 5:0@p.m. (BlueActivity AreaPAC) !hc& bilic& Meeting 6:00 p.m. (CC 113)



Thursday. \

Wednesday 18

Men’s BasketballMeeting 4:30 thm. (CC 113) Women’s Basketball‘Meeting 4:30 p.m. (CC 135) Skating Instructors Me&@ 5:00 p.m. (PAC2045) Bas~ketbailOtficial Meeting ’ 6:00 p.m. (CC 113) Men’s Slo-Pitch Tournament Meeting 6:00 p.m. KC 135) . Squash.Instructors Meeting 6:50 p.m. (Court 1014PAC)’ ’ %-Pitch OiBcials Meeting 7:00 p.m. (CC 135)

19 ’ Men’s Hockey Meeting 4:30 p.m. (CC 113) Co-Ret Broomball Meeting , 4:30 p.m. (CC 135) ’ Hockey Officials Meeting 6:OOq.m.(CC 113) Co-Ret Innertube Water@10 6:00 p.m. (CC 135)


UW to’ host cinternational meet Canada’s top intercollegiate squash players will meet head to head, in Waterloo, during the first weekend of October. The occasion is the first Capadian Intercollegiate Squash Championships, hosted by the Unviersity of Waterloo, October 3-6. The event will feature the top half-dozen Canadian university six-man squash teams, as well as a father-son exhibition “grudge” match between two men who dominated the sport of squash on both sides of the Atlantic for decades - Hashim And Sharif Kahn. Spectators will have a spectacular view of a game usually walled in on three sides. The event will be staged on Federation Hall’s dance floor in the $100,000 glass walled touring court built by Playcon Recreational Equipment Ltd., of Kitchener. This court, owned by the World Professional Squash Association, is used in many professional events incIu.ding the Xerox Canadian Open, and features three glass walls - only the end wall is .opaque - thus multiplying the number of excellent spectator seats from a few hundred to thotisands. -The championships, headed by R.G.R. (Barney) Lawrence, Q.C., (UW’s Squash Coach) are operated on an invitational basis, with the best Canadian university squash teams invited to participate.

Westmount Place Shopping Centre Waterloo


183 Louisa Street Kitchener

.‘i78-7270 1167 King Street Kitchener





Canadian intercollegiate squash squads are among the top teams in North America. Squash is one of a few sports in which Canada has held its own in international competition. The current U.S.

Intercollegiate Champion is the University of Toronto’s Paul Deratney. That title has been held by a Canadian in six of the past eleven seasons. The University of Western Ontario has twice won the North American intercollegiate championship. Teams from Western and Toronto will participate in the Waterloo meet. Also participating will be UW’s squash team that has rapidly improved its place in Canadian Intercollegiate standings. The home team has been ranked third in the past two seasons. With the return of the top three players from last year’s squad, observers are predicting that this could be the year that Waterloo takes top honours. The Canadian Intercollegiate tournament will offer the opportunity to do so on home court. A highlight of the tournament will be the exhibition match between two of the legendary names in squash - Hashim Kahn, winner of the British Open seven times, the U. S. Open three times and the Canadian Open three times; and his son, Sharif Kahn, 1Ztime North American Open ‘Champion. ’ A recent article in a major American magazine termed squash, “a game whose time has come.” There are over 600,000 squash players in North America, and southern Ontario is acknowledged to be a significant seedbed of this “explosion”. The first Canadian Intercollegiate Squash Championships will focus international attention on Waterloo. Major sponsor of the event is Genesta Manufacturing Ltd., of Guelph.

Fencing: a sport that i& as old as man, yet fresh and exciting #

BV The Waterloo


Fencing Club Nothing can give elegance ‘and freedom in greater degree than fencing. Fencing enables those who practice it to acquire any degree Michelangelo of proficiency in any art of science. “,

New and Used Books Come and Browse large selection ,

American Arabic $ritish Canadian French German

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Italian Polish Spanish International Fashiofi Magazines

9 a.m. - 9 pm. -mmmmmmmmmmm

Clip this

Sat; 9 a.m. - 6 p.m,

ad for 10% off new magazines.



It is fitting indeed that the words of a Renaissance artist should describe so aptly an ancient sport that is enjoying a rebirth in Canada. It has always been the creative cultivators who have inspired the growth of this reflective game, and so it is with UW’s new Maitre d’/arme, Dr. Mareo D’Alerta. His ideas and opinions help form part of his teaching of the sport of fencing, both as a recreational pastime and as an elegant combative event. He is a fifth generation fencer whose family’s.origin is Florence, Italy. He achieved the title of fencing master in 1971 through the American Fencing Association, and quickly became, through his fencing organization (La Sala de Armas D’Alerta), a prominent coach of new and advanced fencers. Dr. D’Alerta was also honoured at Los Angeles in 1984 when he was chosen as one of the coaches of the U.S. Olympic Fencing Team. His high degree of expertise and calibre of coaching has not detracted from his conception of fencing as a sport for everyone, “Fencing most importantly, develops qualifies which are essential to modern day life: the ability to concentrate, make decisions rapidly (due to highly developed fencing strategies), and, of course, creativity. The matches themselves are so very interesting, you forget how much mental and physical energy is involved.

His inevitable question on a first encounter is “Do you know what is l’escrime (the fince)?” (Naturally one’s mind, on such a direct demand, avoids the involved complex answer, and conjures up images of white pickets, wooden boards, a hammer and nails.) His answer is as direct, and relates to the semantics of the sport, “Imagine - a pair of clashing swords, a pair of bodies making cat-like or explosive moves, a pair of minds striking for the same and completely opposite aims - expressed in an absolutely safe and natural form. This is l’escrime.” “The beginner need not desire any more than to fence. It is this desire that motivates one to accomplish his goals, whatever they may be,” says Dr. D’Alerta. From observing his teaching style, it is apparent that his skill is combined with a degree of sensitivity to,the needs of each one of his fencers. He understands their strengths and develops them. He also understands mistakes made, and corrects them without the individual bering aware. Above all, he encourages thinking; “The game is made fluid by thought. Thinking about your actions, and your opponent’s ability to counter them is the essence of controlling the fence. But any usual approach of thinking will not work here. It is FENCING. A sport that is as’old as mankind. . . yet fresh, new, and exciting. So, it is with great pleasure that UW fencing Club welcomes Dr. D’Alerta .as the new Maitre d’Arme. Equally, we invite and welcome all those interested in fencing to come and fence. Come and listen to the clashing of blades, bresthe the air of history, plunge into the atmosphere of a delicate and furious pastime. On Guard!


Kit-Wat. t Iz I:

gaily Ltinch Specials: Soup & Salad Bar $%& In House Special: with soup $4.95 Nightly Dinner Specials from $7.95 Friday & Saturday: Prime Rib $9.95 - Included with all Dinner Entres Salad Bar: one of the Area’s Largest with over’ 40 items to choose from including: Crab Salad, all freshly prepared Vegetable salads. SOUPS: 2 varieties daily. .-Garlic Bread

Join Us for Our Sunday


I: Iz Iz I: I I: Iz Iz I: -. EI If If I

A hearty offering of hot and cold dishes l Salad Buffet l Hot Buffet l Carved Roast Beef l Dessert Buffet ! I l A-la-minute Crepes and Fluffy Omelettes prepared a la minute i You Choose the kind and amount of stuffing i: PLUS All the.Coffee and fresh Juice Iz / You Can Drink I Iz for only $7.95 Iz For Reservations phone 746-6440

newest Dance offers you:


7 Nights of fun & Dancing, from 7 pm to close - Late, late hours for the diehard partiers - Great- Finger Foods available until 3 a.m.* on weekends - Class and value combined - 90% of our music are requests - just minutes from Uhe University ‘Thurs. FL Sat Sun. - Wed.

7 p.m. to 3 a.m. 7 p.m. to 1 a.m.

“An accredited Oktoberfest Festhall” . tickets now on sale 405

King. St. N., Waterloo. (LOWER LEVEL) -



Just (across

Below Weber from Burger King)



21 Imprint,

ow to by Mike O’Driscoll Look, I hate to start off this article on a bad note, but somebody has to say it. If you’ve got a weak heart, or mind, or anything else of functional importance, close your eyes and read no further. Okay, ready? “Summer is over.” Having known a slain messenger or two, I realize that announcements like this don’t invite grateful smiles, and even provoke sorne to repeatedly beat the naive big-mouth about the head. So, in the form of appeasement I’ve got some solutions on how to beat the end-of-summer-back-to-school blues. (Playing them will be discussed at a later date in an article entitled “Soul Searching Rhythms of Remote University Towns.“) “Solutions?” you query, “But tell me Oh Benevolent Ink Smearer, is summer in September not beyond the grasp of us woefully frostbitten Canadians?” No, it isn’t. Straightening out those seasonal frowns is merely a matter of self-hypnosis and mental competence, or, if you wish, mental incompetence. Here’s a list of wonderfully baffling mind games that will help turn your blues to reds. (There’s a hidden solution in that last sentence.) Paste the list on your fridge, memorize it, or write it on any part of your body that interests you. 1. Continue wearing summer attire no matter how cold it gets. If this practice catches on, winter might just go away. 2. Drink a lot. 3. Turn the heat way up in your home and complain about sweating too much. By the way, heat


13, 1985

e prostration does wonders for depression. 4. Drink a lot. 5. If you spent the summer relaxing, compare your tan with those unfortunate enough to have been employed while those rays beamed. This should be done loudly and obnoxiously. 6. Drink a lot. 7. Have your favourite mate spread suntan oil all over your body. If nothing else, you’ll be distracted. 8. Drink a lot. 9. As a last resort, get heavily into school. You may someday get a good-paying job and be able to retire to Florida early. \ 10. Drink a lot. At this point in the procedure you may want to vomit. This will make it easier to comply with rules 12, 14, 16, etc. Well, there you go. Actually the list is endless. My favourite one involves forks and small, furry animals, but I realize that’s not for everyone. 1 want you to remember, however, that I tend to be seriously misinformed and that I am not an expert in this field. So, please don’t hold me responsible if you continue to trudge dejectedly through piles of leaves. After all, who are we to do battle with the forces of nature? One final comment; though the winters may be long, and the tyrannical forces of school may be brutal, summer will return. This thought alone is enough to quell any blizzard, unless you forget it from drinking too much.

ihners of the orientation J.D. Bonser Imprint staff Here they are - the names of those amazing, observant people who managed to find all (or almost all) of the locations of the objects pictured in the Features section of the Imprint orientation issue. In the non-frosh category: Math 3A 1st Randy Anderson Math 2B 2nd Jeff Voskamp Honours French 4 3rd Amanda Wildman Chemistry Grad 4th John Shelley

~EBIIS y------l


Randy wins a voucher for a Sunday brunch for two at the Best Western Conestoga Inn, 1333 Weber St. E., Kitchener. Jeff, Amanda, and John win Imprint T-shirts. In the frosh category: Engineering 1A 1st Gerhard Ristau 2nd Janet Low Math 1A Gerhard wins a voucher for a dinner for two at Tony’s Pizza and Spaghetti House, 103 King St. N., Waterloo, while Janet wins an Imprint T-shirt. Prizes may be claimed at the


Introduce yourself to the money-saving goods and services Show your university student i.d. to receive your Uptown @ Disposable Shaver @ Sales 0 Coupons e Book @ Coasters e Brief l Pen/“Church Key”/or Key Fob 0 Paper * Information

in Uptown Waterloo. Waterloo grab bag Flyers Mark Folder Clip

For over 280 shops & services very close to you, come on down toUptomwaterloo

contest Imprint office anytime after Tuesday, Sept. 17. Thanks to all those who took the time to enter. The answers are: 1. Tires in Early Childhood Education playground, NW corner of PAS bldg. 2. Stone set in wall of stairs, S side of EL bldg. 3. 25th anniversary monument, N or Biology bldg. 4. Cornerstone at main entrance, St. Paul’s College. 5. Sundial, W of Health Services bldg. 6. Unfinished concrete column, SE corner of ES2 bldg. 7. Metal sculpture in a concrete prism, NW side of CC bldg. 8. Gutter and downspout on roof of EL, W side. 9. Base of one of a series of metal sculptures, HH courtyard. 10. Top of egg-shaped sculpture “Break”, SE corner of M & C bldg. 11. Dedication plaque on column, SW corner of Optometry bldg. 12. Concrete structure, S side of BM H. 13. Sign on door, NE side of E3 bldg. 14. Coat of Arms of Ontario Heritage plaque, S of SCH. 15. Pipes sticking out of ground, near tunnel connecting H H and ESl. 16. Telerider sign at bus stop, S side of El. 17. “Walking Girl” statue in fountain, patio outside of ML cafeteria. 18. Small metal plaque set in ground beside orange metal statue, S of CPH. 19. Gas pipes, S side of Columbia Icefield. 20. “Joy” statue, N of bookstore in SCH. 2 1. Stone set in wall at Red North entrance to PAC bldg. 22. Bird feeder, S side of St. Jerome’s College.

Free Service have many accommodation, in all areas. Homelocators







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Attn. Angela on you Welcome Philosopher. Pat Rabbit

S of from’

Almudevar died,



of of


B-Day Looking Love,

home. ahead.

21st Laurier. SECS): Info


have a happy

is no longer to hide. It’s of Low flying is here to stay.

wil Also Ph.

Madonna are Cheers

Rob Creek? 6576 To


Patricia beautiful. from Where

Call and



sister thgin

884-6576 to say H.B.R.f%E. are you just skip Waiting to hear

you town from

To Anyone whq 1981! Carol wishes had a fab supmer! Tammy-Wendy-Elaine-Lydia. cats stil prowl at




and Here’s drinking


piano Experienced, teacher.


Walnut at 884. okay?



the Manor Erb St.

spy. doog.

Learn called volunteer term. 23,4:30

more about the sexual being -become a a human bein at’ the Birth t! ontrol Centre this First nieeting, Monday, September pm. Rm. 206, Campus Centre.

Roommate share WLU. Janix.

54 KING Kitchener e4io

ST. WEST 742-6611

Open daily Q-5:30 Friday e9 m


whii, table, good 579-5513.


racing frame in colour). Some it cheap - I’l sell it 2 mos. ph. 579chairs, condition, Evenings,

CB450 22,000

2 extra or


T km.

$75 Jane.

Hawk. Great

any registered

3. 744s 1563.






Larsen. a Possible offers free help. Call

Right practical

Alterations knits - Sewn garments r icAtions - Alternations - 579-3856.


One 7;;;).

Orange Coop

Cat with Apartments


a tail area.

(name Ph. w




Bouncers. Hotel.

Part time jobs available, instructor, gym instructor, assistant, proters and attendants, fundraising, person,delivery person, positibn, general help in store, fitness instructor, registration clerk, waitress, experienced bartender, instructors refCrees Recreation, office’ clerk job descri tions on part-timejob Needles I? all or In the Career Centre. Part-time clean-up, concerts, Serious Superskate Waterloo.

to your repairs.


Wanted person,~

to perform various tasks for student. Duties include some assistance, doing laundry, graphs, running small errands, $49/wk Call Steve, 884-5538. A ply $7 P hr.


jobs. parking, Oktoberfest, inquiries Seven,



crafts kitchen service security’

food telemarketing office

supply care (3), painters, pool staff, for Campus More detailed board in Information



needed secur:ty

special onl

. Apply :: 34 1 Marslang

for during events. person, Dr..



10,000 Different posters. Catalogue Dept. “D” *9,3600 Ah. T2E 6V6.

couple, love to infant. private Please write Kitchcner,

Poster to 4:00 selection Theatre 10100 Hall.


Sale: 74 Dodge Charger, small tent, camping 745-5926.

Word Processing by Resumes, letters and Reasonable rates. Daisy Call 886-9185. Weekdays

bikes, supplies, JVC


Sale! pm., of am.

Attention Alumni. between Mounties tickets?

to and or

Bicyiles condition. Bicycle Tues.

100’s to choose! We carry rooms, flats, apartments, houses, townhouses, thoughout the K-W area. Fully computerized service. By far the largest selection of vacancies. Hel’ping students since ) 1979. Homelocators, open 1 O-8 weekdays, 1 O-5 Saturday, 1 l-5 Sunday; small fee. 20 University Ave. E., (near King) Wloo. 742-3558.


Movie C Movie Star $2. Mnemonics Ltd., 21 St. N.E., Calgary

Friday, lobby theatre

Posters to

Sept. 13, IO:00 of Hagey Hall. posters cheap! cheap! pm.,


Friday Lobby

Sept. 13, of Hagey

Mount Allison Football Exhibition Guelph Gryphons in Guelph Sept. Call Greg, 884-8036 for Range Repair, - Sat. 12 pm.).

10 Speed Centurion.


University Match and Mt. A 14. Need (evenings).

in good . $250. Zen 100 Park St., Kitchener. - 5 pm., or call 745-8576 from

Used, $25





Koss Please




Good Ask


condition. Judy.

reports. printer. 5:00


Word processing (24 hr. if you book ahead). Draft alwa s provided. Near Seagram Y 1 oer doublesoaced oaae. 8851333. ’ ’ y

ReDorts %spaced Draft Phone

Processed. coo&.. coby

$3 near always


Processed. page. Near Copy provided. 885-I 353.


Maggie Letters. $5.00 Phone

can type it! - Essays, Thesis $1.00 per page. Resumes Free Pickup & Delivery 7431976.



$1 per Seagram May book

and/or Word Processing. stored indefinately. and swllina checked. Fast. service.’ Del?verv arrancled. 576-l 284.


do fast, Reasonable Lakeshore


& -

accurate iates. Vilaae.

per area.

donors for artificial programme in the area. be healthy and responsible. given to married candidates. contact Dr. Assad, 695 Blvd., Cambridge, Ont. N 1R



Experienced typist work. IBM Selectric. Close to Sunnvdale. Call 885-l 863.’



per page, Seaaram prodded.

Quality Resumes Punctuation accurate Diane,

25 Years Experience. spaced page. Westmount _

Wanted: insemination Donors Preference Kindly Coronation


Resumes Word 25C for oriainal Stadium. &aft Phone 885-I 353. Work double Stadium. ahead.

work wheel after


Typing $l.OO/page IBM Selectric, ribbon, grammar, spelling carbon corrections, good quality bond paper, proof reading, symbol/italics, work term reports, theses, essays. Personalized service. 579-5513 evenings. Downtown Kitchener location.

CCMY Phone


885-5782 after Walkman call

am. WidF

Save turnaround copy Stadium. Phone


double CAII



Volunteers needed to read material visually impaired students. involvement is one to two hours per at your convenience, and readings person or taped. No previous experience is necessary. For further details Florence Thomlison, ext. 2993. Planned organization counselling planning. cwnselling, and displays. begin information

offi e on

Parenthood providing in all Volunteers educwork, Volunteer September call 7436461.


a education

Want to help a needy child with schoolwork? Big Sisters of K-W & Area wil be holding a 2 evening information session for their new “homework helpers” program. If you. have grade 12 education and can help a school a ed 743-5 9 06 child 2 hours a week, call before Monday, Sept. 23, to register. Sessions begin Seti 24. Four &&I commitment required.


I M P,’ R *I N .T



of 3 vr. old Healthy snack 885-2375.


Aid Wanted a disabled personal drawing etc. pays

Super for city

1975 Suzuki GT 185. Great lit le bike. in reat condition. 13,000 miles. Certified, helmets. Fun and practical! $500 o.b.o.



married would white

UW Andra


1982 condition. travel.

l--eave message. Pentax K-1000 with 50 mm lens and Tokina 80-200 zoom lens with Hansa sky filters for both. Soft case and strap for camera plus Black’s camera bag. All 1 yr. old - excellent co’ndition. As a package onlv - for $275 firm. Call Steve at 888-



distressed Birth tests &



needed. 2 bedroom with 2 females. Close $170/mo. 746-1501,

Near are

Moving furniture, etc. Tel.


Independently Owned by’ John C. Andrews

- all qualified, Campus.


leaves for best

racing Got less


of 901



Mother home. negotiable.


(official included. Used



is left from WC/WD you all well. Hope you Special Hi to SheilaWest C night!

Pregnant? A loving, unable to have children, adopt ‘your healthy, Confidentiality assured adoption can be -arranged. P.O. #2781, Station Ontario, N2H 2C0.


a small Reasonable.

etc. Bianchi



alive - or did with the money? you! “Her donship”.


with away.

SH -101 100 note hand grip, case $350. MC 202 - 2 channel sequencer, with SH 101, built-in s ch-to-tape, cassette data sy”175. Call Jeff, 746-124&


Return Night


Sewing quali speci Lilian



moving hauled available. in Rates

If you pregnancy, pregnancy 579.3990.


You a great Women.


21” celeste parts cheap. 3998. Kitchen

Synthesisers: svnth akgiator, and carrying


or for

Natasha: to

in the hell roving reporter have donuts

this we’l


at 576-3689 need you

do light rubbish 884-2831

Childcare wil babysit available.

Welcome Frosh and Froshettes. If you are nervous about beina here. don’t be. yuu aren’t. Do tGto takz some time out for partying. Studying can be dangerous to your health. Remember, you aren’t really here anyway. Philosopher.

John Finkle: Call Dave see me at ESC 232. We Hockey.


Psychotherapy group beginning for ;;lv~awith eating disorders, specifically at the Psycho1 DepartAent of Psychology. 7% e group C1inic9 wil meet weekly and wil run through April 1986. Interested individuals please contact Health & Safety, ext. 3541.



Drumm Girl: The campus safe. There is no place coming to .get you. Beware Salmonella. Vilage Food Philosopher.

Rita. babes year!

Call Service.

Roland monoohonic seque;lcer, adaptor sequencer/synth interfaces synthesizer, storage

vacancy. We for shared apartments 742-3558.

and days,


Look who’s Handbook

John! forward Libby.

your looking


Yes we are all back for the term. Since I won’t run into friends quickly I wil advertise my phone number. It is 884. 8189. Call after 1 l:OO. Bunny. ~




list rooms

D. The eyes are the bookstore. W. Regards,

to of

happy from

SECS (G friends on page 89 Working Hard. Happy you year

North V2 U


to students

to Time week are in call:


and areas of family are needed for sp-kiq, libmry fundraising and training sessions 25th. For mar

MEET Super friends Imprint!

Big Sisters of K-W & Area wil be holding a 5 week orientation for volunteers beginning Wednesday, September 25. If you are 20 years old, and can befriend a irl or boy t:?rween 4 and 1’7 years of age Bor 3 hrs e week call 743-5206 before Monday, September 23, to register. One year commitment required.





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Take Back the Night!


is thi?



- Satkirfilay Sept.

- Sunday


anu alscusslon









year when women,

NDP Club. Come and see our booth, 10~30 Tues. thru Thurs. for more info call 888-622( 7.3fl mm

14 -

Sept. 15 -

Ann Rand interviewed ,




by Rayn&w 7:30 - ___-----

_ p.m.,





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