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extra charges deter some people \ - ~OFS -presented its submisTORONTG (CUP) -The Onfrom- entering aniversity. The sion as part of thcOCUA’s antar% Federation of’ Students (OFS) has ,asked the governorganization, representing nual- hearings. The advisory some 200,000 Ontario students body’ makes policyrecommenment’s advisory body on ‘unipointed to Ryirson Polytechnic dations to the Minister ‘of Colversities to push for an end to in Toronto, which charges-20 leges and Universties, Greg unpopular “incidental fees”. In an hour long meeting with different administrative, acaSorb+ demic and service fees. Accordthe Ontario Coun@l on UniverIn what both sides-called a ing, to the Ryerson finances productive session, OFS and sity Affairs (OCUAj, the group department figures, students in O_CUA also discused bilingual-. complainedthat universities are fourth year motion picture stui m in the universities and the , shaking -students down for extra charges like computer . dies have to pay $4,148 in pro- _ 4 ntario‘ Student ’ Ass&.ance gram related fees over and fees, special activity fees, docuProgram (OSAP). above the tuition fees. The students urged OCUA to merit search fees and departThe University of Waterloo recommend the government ment~harges. now, charges students between spend more on setting up *W&ebeing nickeled and -courses in French for Ontario’s -dimed to death,” said Ryerson ‘. $28 and $100 a term-for computer services they might not even student council president ‘Kehe French. However,. pressed to use. Dunlop. “For. me, somewhere list their priorities, OFS said Although the universities are biling alism should,not be enthe game has got to stop and I charging the fees, the OFS dele- hana B at the expense of exhthope .it does soon because I .gation blames the problem on ing programs. .have:a. lot of frustrated, students the provincial govemment:“Eson my hands.” OFS also wants OSAP to be sentiaily the ~government, isn’t The. student contingent told improved to encourage native giving enough funding so the people, students from low-in7 OCUA that incidental fees -. students> are being asked to cohe families, and other underset by -individual universities and unregulated _by the pro- s pay,” mys Dunlop. However, - represented groups to attqtd hiixe; - are being- used to inOFS rejected the idea of paying university. Better ‘student _aid .- crease tuition fees Iand pay for - for incidental fees through adwould also reduce the “huge”



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,: &&(j . _ O&FA . TOIi.ONTO&) says large classes _ nual review. The body maL& to the. \’ are hurting the quality of edua-. policy recommendations universities shouldY hire IQ00 Ministry of Colleges and lini, 1 professors immediately, _the tion but- under questioning by the council, ,,admitted\- that ob- vers!tiesOntario Confederation of UniBrll Jones, OCUFA president servation i’s based-more on perversity Faculty Associatiorts and Carleton University professonal. experience ,than hard , has told a government advisory sor, told the counCil the new hir’ data. council. ing would cost $20-30 mi@on a ’ The 12,&O -memb& group In a -brief submitted ‘to the - said its request is-a modest one year, with the-money coxniug \., from the $S+lOO million promOntario~ Council on University since, 3,841 new faculfy would Affairs, OCUFA says studentbe m&d to bring.the audent id by hmier David ‘&%er- i faculty, ratios have increase 25 faculty .mtio to its 1970+7-l IeveI . son, dhring the Ontario election campaign, per cent since the early 1970s.~lt of I $: 1. . says 1000 new faculty, would The OCUFA request. goes ,’ The GCUFA submission was further than thacof the Bovey Jower the ratio slightly - from I one of nearly two dozen beard 17: ,I to about -16: 1 T and allow Commission wMch requested I - ’ ’ by the more women and young people . Ontario 1 __ . Council on Uni- ) the_-government hire 5h-new fa-’ .versrty Affairs as part ot^_its an’-- culty professoriate. over the next five years. : ,


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z : classical way, and a raw and new way.” The classical way -is that, educating youth for lautonomy, responsibility, the wise making of bi Shayla Gunter ‘L universities pretend that the bodies of knowledge developed and I1mpriqt staff : . ’ history. Technical expertise is what counts. W’hat matters is that . taught are objectively true, descriptive’of how things really are. We “Do you ever get a sense that ‘Waterloo is a Mr.-Fix-It kind of they be saleable as employees. Let our students find the meaning for ’ , may be. learning how something is done, but that may not be * school, one that takes other people’s goals and contrives means of their lives on their own time and wherever they happen upon it. enough. We. may be being misled. “We imagine ourselves to be in achieving them, one that excels in know-how and goes blank at Their value jndgements are their private business.” touch with eternal verities..: On& a person thinks that certain questions of know-what?,? asked U W professor Kenneth Westhues theories, findings; methods or underlying principles accord with last week during the.course of his ,lec’ture “Becoming Rootless by Professor ‘Westhues quoted an article from the ‘Toronto- Stir Degrees,” the first of this year’s Arts Lecture Series. - how things really-are, the impulse to search their roots disappears.” . which verified Waterloo’s ‘attitude. It said.’ “While most -Ontario universities insist they exist mainly to improve the student’s mind, Professor Westhues pointed out c,learly his opinion of the present At Waterloo, the ethic of learning “truth for truth’s sake” is university institution, particularly Waterloo. He stated years ago, present, b.ut usually only-in the older arts disciplines which, here,-‘ to teach young people to think for themselves and to challenge convent&ma1 thought, there’s not much of that ‘airy-fairy stuff at students‘were-taught about the history of subjects. Each department are a minority. The major reason, for this, said I Westhues, is the Waterloo.” President Douglas Wright was quoted as saying in was dominated by historical courses such as English literature before composition of the student-body. Apparently,- the study of-these response to the article that it was “not too unfair.” Chaucer, the history of philosophy, economic history, and history truths seem’to be a-waste of time for the students of the “newfangled The issue of job training versus the quest for truth for truth’s ’ / of political thought. Courses sueh as these still exist, but they are university.” outnumbered by courses that are defined ahistorically. Courses are “Waterloo was designed-for children of the new middle class, kids ’ sake are the wrong alternatives to be debating about .Westhues expiained after already saying so much,about-them. “Thethird thematic now. Today, the focus at university, especially WaterIoq who come from the homes-of up-scale employees, but who will‘not alternatrve,‘, he said, “is practical education; ‘but practical for living is not so much on learning the roots of a subject, but more on how inherit .capital enough to go into business on their own,*? said #I@ dynamically, creatively, crititilly, wisely, in its entirety.” the subject ‘can be used to benefit us in the.future. Westhues. The future of these students lies on the labour market.that the F.acultyIof Environmental Studies and the The w%rd roots refers, metaphorically speaking; to “the recog& They cant afford to waste time on the truths mentioned earlier.\ _ ” Westhukssaid church,’ colteges deserve grateful mention for trying’to make stu,tion that things do change, and that the way to understand the way dents aware of change: / things are is to study the process by which they came to be.” i Waterloo’s ‘focus on occupational skills is not necessarily to blame-for the unconcern with roots though. One enters h&tory He urged students to Cross the bridge over to thechurch colleges mainly through work. A hundred years ago, parents taught their at least once in their time here. .“The far side of LaureKreekis the Professor Westhues set forth.the question of “What ideas ought children job skills. But they also gave their children a sense of how &sest thing to a Left Bank we have here. You need not worry that we professors here be putting into the heads of our students?” The things used to beldone and talked of how things had changed. The they’ll try to convert you.’ A lot of the professors overthere wouldn’t answer was. “all we can honestly give them is history. The most we can do is make them aware as best we can of how things got to be a parents said “some day this will be yours.” Professor Westhues know quite what to convert you to, except to awareness of history . stated that parents now might more accurately say, *‘one day this ;* this way.” and growth,“--he.said. . ’ p He went on to say that “this uni,‘4 er&y is indeed informing will belong to some, larger enterprise, and you’,ll be^ sending- I out Y _ students of their roots,” but also he .pointe<t out that “&ii and other - resumes.? “Our business is rooting youth in human life, not uprooting the& “Students will be hirelings. This is the new reality and our uniteruniversities are failing; we help students lose touch with their roots for &.reers in employment,” said Westhues, “Our studknts are \ sity responds to it with unrivalled shamelessness,?.sdid, Westhues. also, so that they in fact become rootless by degrees.” indeed future employees but the are more- Theyare heirs to this ’ He added, that Waterloo’s attitudelis that Your ,priority is-low; on whole.human experfment/ $a lied? , Canada.“’ , ,, X . _-“Universities, ”, Westhues stated, “obscure- roots in two ways. A F .* ~. I ‘I ._ ? .I ,_)_ j. -’ ,Q,.. -, I_ . ,,. +._ ,~, .-. .* . .” _ :. ~,,l ’ ,.,._ ,I-, >. . I. : . 1..1 ‘\ ,’ , .-.. 1

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Apartheid simulation MONTREAL (CUP) - A bomb threat, objections from the school administration and phone calls from angry parents put an end to an apartheid simulation day at a college in Montreal. For one day during the anti-apartheid activities at Champlain College in St. Lambert, a suburb of Montreal, last week, race relations were to be reversed. Different areas of the college were going to be segregated along racial lines in a school where blacks make up about 8 per cent of the population and whites over 70 per cent. “ln the cafeteria, blacks and coloureds were to have a sectioned-off area with comfortable couches, and dinner-tables with table cloths, the whites only regular cafeteria tables,” according to President of the Champlain Anti-Apartheid Committee Robert Douglas, who organized the I < week’s activities. The organizers were going to put a yellow line on the floors designating where whites and blacks could walk. The two main central washrooms on the first floor were to be for blacks only. Whites would have had to use the more out of the way bathrooms on the second floor. The front door, the only fountain in the cafeteria, and the main fountains on the ground floor were to be exclusively for blacks. Benches would be marked “blacks only” and “whites only”. Also, the radio station was to be run by blacks. “We

were going to ptay musicdisliked by the majority of the population,” said Douglas. /White students w,ere to be the monitors in charge of enforcing this simulation apartheid. ‘The school. administration rejected the entire proposal because they were afraid fights would break out between monitors and students. However, once 20 teachers offered to take over the “policing”, the administration backed down. But, the next morning, the director of Student Services received two phone calls from angry parents. One women said her son should not be discriminated against and his rights should not be infringed upon, according to Douglas. She said “school was “a place for education not this sort of thing.” Douglas was approached in the hallway by several students. “One wanted to start a petition against the day saying that we treat our blacks well at Champlain and there is no reason whites here should have to pay for the problems of apartheid.” Another student with similar complaints said she had never heard of apartheid, Douglas said. After talking to both students for less than 15 minutes, they had changed their minds, he ‘added. However, a bomb threat put an end to the good will.



“We had to pull the plug on the whole project,”


said Douglas, “but because of the controversy at least people have had to think about it.” Douglas had. to call the CBC’s “Journal” and local newspapers, who were going to cover the event, to say the day was off. “1 am black and 1 think I would have learned something as well,” said Douglas. “1 would have felt very guilty that day. Apartheid and racism not only hurts those who suffer from it but the people who enforce it too.”

Palace back? , i

by Glenn Rubinoff Imprint staff Take heart Villagers, pizza is on the way. Food services will allow the residence’s Pizza Place to re-open as soon as possible. Dave Boxwell, the manager of the popular pizza place commented that he- was “thrilled” with the decision and is looking forward to starting up again. At the Village Council Meeting, held on October 6, members voted unanimouslyto

recommend renewal of Boxwell’s contract for two more years. The establishment, located in Village 1, which started almost eight years ago, was shut down when the tender ran out last August and Food Services delayed renewing ‘it. Martha Wright, Education Commissioner for the Federation of Students and a former employee of Boxwell, speculated that Food Services wanted a monopoly over Village food.

Unhappy residents commented that Food Services was “cheating them out” of good food at low prices. Student support and the backing of’ Dr. Ron Eydt, Warden of the Residences, proved worthy to Food Services as they ahowed Boxwell to reopen. Martha IW right said “Food Services did not have to go to the Village Council,‘* but did, as strong support by the students changed their attitudes.

of Conscience Week

/ Amnesty1 holds “prison” University students and professors have agreed to be locked in a “prison” at the University of Waterloo on Monday, October 21, between 10 am. and 2 pm., and WLU on Tuesday, October 22 to help-Amnesty International publicize the plight of ’ young people who are victims of arbitrary detention, torture and execution.


of the worldwide human rights organization observe this week on behalf of people in prison for their beliefs or origins, provided they have neither used nor advocate violence, and for those in danger of torture or execution.

This year, Prisoners of Conscience Week is being devoted to the theme of “Youth Under Attack”, focussing on young This “prison” vigil will people ranging in age from their launch the local Amnesty lnterearly teens to their early twennational groups’ activities for ties. Prisoners of Conscience Week “Young people are under atfrom October 21-27. Members _ tack in countries around the


FEES ‘ \

18, 1985

is - stopped _ .1*

Someone from within the college phoned the Director of Student Services Andre Le Blanc and said if the apartheid day went ahead, they would explode a bomb in the school. According to Le Blanc, the call was probably an idle threat, however, if they got such a call; the school would have to be evacuated and closed for the day.

I Prisoner



world today”, says Bill Blair, spokesperson for. the Kitchener-Waterloo Amnesty International group. “Their age is no protection”, he adds. “Youth * fall victim to what should not happen to anyone: official campaigns to deny human rights and to crush the human spirit.” Members of Amnesty International will be asking the public to sign and mail appeals on behalf of nine cases chosen to represent all young people who are victims of intimidation, illegal arrest and detention, torture and execution.

FEDERATION OF STUDEIYTS UNIVERSITYOF WATERLOO ****************************************w****g 4 >$PLEAsE NOTE CHANGE IN DEADLINE *MEETING, -FROM THAT ADVERTISED 85. $OCT. 11, *************jr********************************


3 I+ 4

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF A GENERAL MEETING Are you concerned‘? Come a6d participate in the. ’



J. W. Graham, Dean of Computing & Communications R.T. Newkirk, Chairman, Computer Users Committee Sonny Flanagan, President, Federation of Students Denise Wood, Grad Student Association

12:30 pm, October 22 4 Campus Ceptre Great Hall Sponsored

by the Federation

of Students

of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held on MONDAY, NOVEMBER ii, 85 at a time and place to be announced. Items to be considered are:

1. Audited Report 1984-85 2. Certain By-Law Amendments 3. A By-Law to create an “International Students Board”. Any other item for the agenda of this meeting must be in the hands of the President.ofthe Federation of Students no later than 4% p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER23, 1985 to be considered at the meeting.

Sonny Flanagan / P&&lent


, NE’WS:

3 Imprint,


18, 1985

Recreation dep’t called ‘tunderstaffed” by Derrick Chua Imprint staff 1s the University of Waterloo Recreation Department actually improving, or even maintain&g existing standards? Some believe it while others are not so sure. Two weeks ago in the Forum section of Imprint, a letter by Dr. Stephen L. J. Smith, Chairman of the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies, assured Ret students that this department would “continue to see that our students receive the best recreation and leisure studies education available anywhere in Canada.” However, some of the stu-

Liquor %

by Chris Jinot Imprint staff Dave Simpson has now filled the vacuum left by the departure of Gary Stewart as Board of Entertaiment (BEnt) program director in July. This follows a two month period of ad hoc programming by theFederation of Students which has . caused a great deal of dissatisfaction in the student arts community. John Jongerius (JJ), Record Store manager, said that students regard BEnt’s job so far this fall as “dismal”. When he heard that Murray McLaughlinwho “couldn’t even half fill the

Dr. Smith did mantige a soluprojects and things." dents wduld disagree with this tion whereby the students st,atement, or at least say that “The other course, Marine taught by Graham would not this department has deterioRecreatibn, is even worse, said lose their credit. As a result of _ El&hok, “it’s being taken over, rated in recent years. ’ already One 4th year Ret sttident, ’ this, one professor, byea professor from the Univerteaching two courses, has taken Susan Eluchok, outlined some sity of Toronto, Don Huff. over Urban Planning. of the existing problems. AlNormally the course is held “1 think it’s terrible for a prothough they have hired a ni;tw Monday, Wednesday and Frifessor’ to be-.- teaching three professor, as Dr. Smith mentiday from lo:30 to 11:30. The courses,‘* commented Eluchok., oned in his letter, Professor Roonly time he can come in is bert Graham has since fallen ill “I think it’s very nice of him to every Wednesday night from 7 do it, but 1 still think one profesand will not be coming back for to 10. And he’s coming in for sor for three courses is a lot of the rest of the term. This, of the first time this week so we overload. We’ve also had to course. means that more don’t know what to read or really rush because we’ve had to courses will have to be shuffled what assignments to do oi what &art from day one with a new around and more changes have marking scheme or anything.*’ to be made. And ‘this has affected professor. And he changed the * But the students have to put a number bf students, especially whole course outline, the markup with this rush in, their ing system, the reading, everyEluchok, who was taking twb courses because they don’t want thing, so we’re being rushed for courses taught by Graham. to lose their credits. A lot of

Humanities Theatre last winter” - was going to be playing at orientation this fall, he said, “1 was shocked.” Regular acts that students have come to expect, such as Dave Wilcox, the Spoons, Messenjah, and the Parachute Club, didn’t appear at orientation events this term. Instead, there have been what he calls “irrelevant groups,” such as Murray McLaughlin, which BEnt chairperson John Finkle admits was “not a great choice;” and Strange Advance, which lost BEnt around $9,000. Other groups with large cult following on campus had to be

by Su Tedesco Imprint staff IJ W’s lnstitute for Biotechnology Research (IBR) was given a $15,000 cheque on October 8 by Rhone-Poulenc, a multinational drug company. This contribution, presented by Pierre Boutan, Director of Science and Technical Liai.’ son bf Rhone-Poulenc Inc., New York, enables the company to become affiliates of the institute1 The cheque was presented to U W President Dr. Douglas Wright and Dr. Murray Moo-Young, of U W’s Chemical Engineering department. Rhone-Poulenc, whose parent company is based in Vitry, France, is joining UW’s 1BR because of U W’s fermentation process that is able to function at low temperatures, which is an important factor with certain food products. Compgnies that become affiliates in the institute to bbtain re-prints of research papers, are able to send representatives to graduate research seminars, and workshops, and gain free consult“- ing services. UW also has a “v1sltmg protessional” program enabling a, representative to be part of continuing on-campus research. More companies are finding that ties between universities *and business are necessary. “Even IBM says it can’t do everythigg that it needs .. . international competiveness means that com. panies need knowledge,” according t? Dr. MooYoung, director of the 1BR.

turned down, because the Feds ,had “blown their wad.” These include Kid Creole and the Coconuts, Skeleton Crew, and Violent Femmes. Violent Femmes were offered only $1,500 - compared to the $3,000 McLaughlin rece-ived. This is an “insult”, according to Paul Done of Imprint’s’arts department, who is alarmed at the’ “recent innundations withburn-ed-out performers” at what he calls “Dead Hall”. There appear. to be several causes of this situation. First of all, the Fedeiation’s failure to replace Gary Stewart for two months resulted in the kind of “unprofessional management”-

Dr. Wright feels its a “good exchange that benefits everybody and doesn’t compromise anybody .. . as there’s a creativeness of university people and industry needs that:” Pierre Boutan said that “twenty years ago industries were not-aware of universities,” a!d the benifits to be had through co-operation. Boutan added that companies in the p.ast had an “old fear that creativeness would harm” industries. Dr. Wright is very pleased to have European companies enter UW. He noted that Europeans -are much further advanced that North Ameridan companies in pharmaceuticals. However, North American companies are further advanced in technology than European companies. As Boutan cited, these developments are due to the size of North American companies and universities. Also, they have dedicated more of their developments to modern technology and inter-university co-operation, such as the recently formed Guelph-Waterloo Biotech. The lnstitute of Biotechnology Research began in 1973 with the growth of biotechnology and the passing of this research to industry. Along with Rhone-Poulenc, Liquid Air Corporation (North America’s largest gas manufacturing company) are corporate 1BR affiliates. In the near future, one Canadian, one American and two European companies will be j,oining the institute.

Love of books proves costly to &dent . .

students coming back have found that cours& they wanted, or were supposed to be in, wer-. en? available or were changed, and unfortunately this situation doesn’t look to improve in the near future. The concern right now is among the 2nd and 3rd year stuants who may fiat get the courses they want on their return next year. “l’m really disappointed in this course this year,” lamented Eluchok. “When 1 first came here in 198 1, 1 thought it was really good, really organized -

top professors who were known all over the world, atid they’ve lost some these professors and .can’t seem to get new ones in. Now I think this department is lacking and maybe people aren’t going to think this is such a great course anymore and. aren’t going to coye-here for it.” Eluchok feels that the faculty is understaffed and overworked. “Of course this is not anybody’s fault,” she said. “1 know that Stephen Smith is trying his hardest, but 1 think it’s just a case of circumstances.”

licence limitatiotis

Institute receives $15,000

TORONTO (CUP) -- A former University of Toronto student, who let his love of books get the better of him, has been s&tenced to seven days in jail for ndt returning hundreds of library books. George Elia, a former Continuing Studies student, was




also placed under probation, ordered to do 300 hours of community work,‘and to pay $3000. Elia’s case is believed to be the first time in Canada that anyone has been jailed for not returning overdue books. Elia, 48, registered at U or T in 198 1, and took out books from, at

least five of its libraries over the next four years. During- their investigation, the police found 226 library books, mostly on archeology and Eastern religion, worth about $13,000. Some of the books were also from York University. j

to use Stewart’s words which led to the Canadian Intercollegiate Squash Championship mix-up. Plans to hold the squash tournament at Fed Hall had to be changed at the last minute becuase of overbooking. Secondly, there is Fed Hall itself. Before Fed Hall, more expansive or “risky” groups on their way up, or groups with cult followings - were booked off campus. Advertising and tickets sales were done on and off campus, s6 that revenue from off campus would make itpossible to break even on groups which the students could not otherwise afford. Gary Stewart cited The Clash as an example: 40-50?$ of the ticket sales were off campus., Not only did ‘this give the students the chance to see the band, but it also generated a lot of revenue for BEnt to recycle in other ventures. With Fed Hall, the Federations “hands are tied,” according to Stewart, by “archaic liquor laws,” which don’t allow ad.vertising or ticket sales .off campus and require all visitors to be signed into Fed Hall by a [Jniversity of Waterloo Student. The Fed Hall liquor license contains these stipulations. Bands like Kid Creole and the Coconuts, whose asking price was $7,000, may not have enough of a student-only- following to be affordable, even if bar revenues are taken into account. “Fed Hall is a bit of a bummer that way,” said Jongerius. “We’re not a charitable institution’ for touring bands,” insists Dave Simpson, new BEnt program director. “You’ve got to know when to say ‘p&s” BEnt’s new philosophy is to provide “good entertaiment for as little money as possible,” with a $5-$6 ceiling on ticket prices. “We’re programming for the university,” he said. Simpson thinks it’s too early to judge the performance of BEnt, and cites K.D. Lang, lcicle Works, and a free performance by Spice, the band-ofthe-year from Barbados, as a few of the significant upcoming events.

Pageant runs by Neal Bonnor Imprint staff Despite a month-long drive to ban the event from campus, the University of Waterloo Women’s Centre was unable to stop the Miss Oktoberfest Beauty Pageant from going ahead at the Humanities Theatre on October 10, About 15 student protesters, both female and male, displayed “Miss Understood” banners and distributed “Let’s Dis-Miss Oktoberfest Beauty Pageants From Our Campus” leaflets outside the theatre’s main doors for half and hour before the Pageant’s start. “The pageant is sexist and discriminatory,” protest organizer Janet Bate said. “The University is perpetuating a very restricted view. of women,” by holding the event-on campus. Kate Krug was one of those protesters dressed in nineteenth century garb to symbolize the pageant’s role in restricting society’s views of women. “I object to the institution df the

beauty pageant at an institution of higher learning to which women have only recently gained access,” she said,. “I’m opposed to the objectification of wopen.” While protester Martha Wright felt that the pageant was’ “degrading,‘* she was more concerned with the university’s role in the event. “People should ‘have a choice,” she said, “but the pageant should not be held on the university campus.” O,ver 150 .pebple attended an “alternative talent show” held concurrently with the pageant in the Psych Lounge, where they were entertained by singing and guitar-playing among other qcts. UW’s Women’s ‘Centre first began their anti-pa.geant protest in the summer by initiating a petition among students and ’ politicians. The petition currently has over 1,400 signatories, including the Mayor of Waterloo, Marjorie Carroll, and the president of the Liberal Party of Canada, lona Campagnolo. Pageant winner Melanie _ Bryte, a 20-year old journalist major from Pittsburgh, was quoted by last Friday’s K-W Record as criticizing the protesters. “1 think it’s stupid,‘* she said. “It’s our pi&ings to be here. 1 don’t think walking in your bathing suit is exploiting your body. 1 think it’s an horiour to be here.” When asked for her views dn the pageant, one spectator thought that “the protesters have valid points, but it would be unfair to take it all away from the girls, the contestants.“, Another said that the pageant “gives validation to Oktoberfest,” while a third spectator simply thought the pageant was “very good entertainment.”



Manager: Fletcher or 885-1211, ext.





Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right v ’ to screen, edit, and refuse canadlgl nmyy&m advertising. ’ Imprint: ISSN 0706-7380 -

Editor-in-chief . Rick Nigol Assistant Editor Chris Jinot 31#ews Editor Gord Durnin Arts Co-Editors Chris Wodskou Dave Lawson AssistantAr?tsEditor Darlene ‘Zimmerman Sports Editor Jo-Anne Langley Photo Editor Richard Clinton Assistant Photo Editor Preet Khalsa Advertising Manager Carol Fletcher

Kitchener decMon on nuclear free zone sends a signal to other cities It was item four on Monday’s ratification of committee business at Kitchener’s City Council. It came up with a minor presentation, a call for a recorded vote and had exactly the same result as in committee. The motion passed ’ 6 to 5. Yet, despite the uneventful passing of this particular bill, an important historical step was taken. Kitchener is sending an official message to the Canadian people, to their federal government and to the world, that there is opposition here to Candian participation in a nuclear defence. Kitchener is a, nuclear weapons free zone by writ of municpal council. In legal practise, that means nothing because enforcing the by-law is out of municipal jurisdiction. But as a step in a larger process to one day making , Canada a “free zone” and as a confirmation of the desire of many people in this region, the, by-law is a small silver lining, a glimmer of hope for a future that looks so insanely hopeless. Of course, this will mean a long, drawn-out debate over the ramifications of a municipal council dabblihg in a federal issue and also there will be much debate with regards to the issue itself. A nuclear weapons free zone is one in which there is supposedly no production, testing, transportation or deployment of any nuclear weapon or part thereof. Most certainly some of those things occur in Canada and maybe even in Kitchener. The oppostion to even this symbolic act isgreat. Waterloo council has voted to “do nothing” about becoming a nuclear weapons free zone. Mayor Cardillo, the vocal opposition in Kitchener, by his comment “I would have thought students would have something better to do”, implied that he feels the issue is a product of student naivety. And the silent opposition on both councils, those who have yet to make a comment and yet have voted against the by-law sit as an ominous comment to the larger issue of the democratic process in general. Who are theyrepresenting by their silence and on what grounds are they stating their

opposition? As well, there is evidence of disfavour in the community. At Monday’s Kitchener council meeting at least two people wished to address council to express their opposition. They did not get to do so only because they were unfamiliar with council’s procedure. They felt that the proposal came from “peaceniks who are lackies that the .Russians use to create commotion ag’ainst democracies.” But despite the, oppostion, the support is by far the stronger voice. The council cha‘mbers were packed with support for the, presentations in both cities. Letters and editorials in the K-W Record condemn the comments of Mayor Cardillo and the cowardice of those who voted against the by-law. This support is to be commended and encouraged. If Canada is to become a nuclear weapons free zone it is crucial that there be continued pressure applied to councils like Kitchener’s. As well, debate about the “free z,one” is healthy. It politicizes and educates people. The Kitchener region is unique because of the density of population and close ties each community has with the others. A precedent has been set in Kitchener which ought to be followed by Waterloo, Cambridge and Guelph. The support group here should continue with their work in that drrectt’on as well as encouraging others to do the same. It is doubtful that Kitchener would have become a nuclear weapons free zone without the precedent of Toronto, Kingston, Vancouver and the province of Manitoba (to name a few). It is doubtful that New Zealand would have become a “free zone” without the mandate given -by its municipalities. It is doubtful that other municipalities will follow Kitchener on their own initiative. Continued pressure is always needed. We are only so far looking at a small victory that could die at the roots - the grass roots - if it is allowed to do so. Gord

From Tunis to tuna, our fearless leaders are swimming in schools of thought so fraught with rot one ought 7. be distraught. Take yond Reagan: yond Reagan has a lean and hungry look. He thinks too little: such men are dangerous. He reads too many comic books. He watches too many John Wayne I movies. “Do unto others as they have done unto you,” says yond Reagan as he hijacks an Egyptian airliner. Yes; no man, no law, no war can stop him. The World Court has no jurisdiction over the United States because the government of the United States is above the law, even its own law. The failure to recognize this defines “a,nti-American bias”, or, as it was called in the MaCarthy and Vietnam eras, goodole anti-Americanism. It’s hard to say whether nostalgia or amnesia determines the brutal, chauvinistic, jingoistic, and paranoid “vigilante” foreign policy of the United States now; Look at Israel: “Eins, zwei, drei eyes for a tooth,” say they, bombing a city which has nothing to do with the hyperinflation caused by a perma-war economy. Schwarzenegg’er translates from the Yiddish: “Somewhere, somehow, someone’s going to-pay - and/it doesn’t matter who.” . I /

AdAssistant Shayla Gunter Production Manager Doug Tait Business Manager Janet Lawrence Head Typesetter Doug Thompson Typesetters Dan Kealey Angela Evans

Office Manager Maureen Goldberg


Malice in Blunderland ,Tunisians, apparently, are expendable: just another shotglass in the bar-mitzvah of life. - And here’s a riddle for vou: what lies at the end of the Rainbow? France. Get it, lies? Remember, you heard it here I first. I think the mercury in all, the red herring we’ve been fed : has affected our minds; we must be madder than a hatter to allow this “state terrorism” to persist, let alone pass unnoticed. Even humble Canada is not immune from political persecution : that is, persecution by its politicians. “Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care ofthemselves,“said _ Humpty Dumpty to Alice, who was through the looking glass at the time. There must have been some Tories there, eavesdropping (perhaps even on a government-financed vaction), who got it the wrong way around. At any rate, they’re now back in their home riding of Blunderland, where outbreaks of verbal diarrhea have ‘been compounded by hoof-in-mouth disease. One of them made the “Let them eat tuna,” but later denied it, , statement, claiming there was an invisible malevolent ventriloquist ~ sitting next to him at the time. Things keep getting curiouser and curiouser. Chris Jinot





Mary JoyAitken, Neal BOI-UIOP, J.D. Bon&x, Eron Boyd, HaraldBransch, Peter Brow-n, Adam Chamberlain, Paulina Chin, Donna Chong, Jason Chu, Derrick Chua, Peter Clzek, Brenda Crompton, Paul Done, Andrew Dyk, Christine F&her, Fritz and Fritz, Nicole Gnutzman, Terry Grignon, Paul Harms, Lois Hazris, Steve Hay-man, Bruce Head, Brad Hilderley, Mark Holden, Jack Kobayshi, Peter Lawson, Wai Ki Lau, Wilfred Lee, Jack Leftcourt, Ian Lipton, Micheal Ioh, Cindy Long, Dan Igone, Linda D&Cord, Colin McGfflicuddy, M&e C’Driscoll. Robert H. Owen, Graeme Peppler, Shannon PUrcell, P.H. Rsd, Darren Redfern, Co&ma Robitaille, Glenn Rubinoff, Den& Boeleveld, Clara Sacchetti, Satinder SaAota,,Andrew Safkali, Todd Schneider, Sunny Sharma, Christine &nding, Cathy Somers, Peter Stathopuloe, Adams Stevens, Mike Strathdee, Jerry K. Sturge, Tony Sturman, Jeff Buggett, MaAk.a Tamm, Su Tedesco, Dan Trembla;V. Mike Upmalis, Mike Urlocker, Henna Watts, Sarah Wells, Catherine Wilson, Lau Wai, Simon Wheeler, Thomas White, Michael Wolfe, Kevin Wood, Tom York, Alan Yoshioka, John Zachariah, Dave Hudgine, James Laforet.


Board Meetings


Oct. 81, St00 pmr.

~ontiay,Oct.88,5:OOp.m /

S~Meet~s Friday,




18, la noon mnon


Impqiht welcomes comments and opinion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is designed to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters,’ columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters should be and submitted to GC 140 by typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, 6:00 p.m. Monday. Maximum length of letters: .200 ’ words. Anyone wishing to write - longer, opinionated articles should contact the editor-in-chief. All material is subject to editing.








Mayor disrespectful to citizens I

To the editor: On Oct. 7 I decided for the first time to attend a meeting of Kitchen& City Council. I knew that a resolution was to be presented to the council requesting it to declare Kitchener a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. I went as a citizen to register my support for this resolution and to see our local council in action. 1, and a large number of people attending this meeting, sat quietly and in orderly fashion as council discussed the purchase of a snow plough and the hours of business appropriate to gasoline service stations (both items appropriately requiring Council’s attention). As the three member delegation from the community came forward to speak to the resolution to declare Kitchener a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone, Doug Mohr asked all in the council chamber who had come specifically to show support for the resolution to stand. It was at this point that a most incredible thing happened. Mayor Dom Cardillo called out words to the effect that “We were probably, all a bunch of university students,” and he’d like to know “how many of us were from Kitchener, anyway.” This gratuitous display of hostility to a group of people who had patiently waited to hear their representatives address council was incredible!


I was dismayed and shocked at the childish and immature. display by our mayor. Surely someone occupying the mayor’s chair in a community such as ours, where our educational institiutions play such a major role, should realize that it is not acceptable to infer that the views we were about to hear were invalid because they were those of “students.” In the first place, that was just not true. We came from a variety of walks of life. But more upsetting to me was the idea that the mayor of our community seemed to feel that if you could label views or ideas as coming from a certain sector of the community you could therefore infer they were invalid. In this day and age, we surely should not tolerate leaders who feel they can denigrate people’s views because of their race, denomination, income level or occupational status. (It is also not an effective means to di?velop respect and support for our municipal institution.) On Oct. 7, the mayor Kit’chener, in effect, told a group of . residents of our city they were ‘second class’ citizens. AS a resident of Kitchener I would like to offer an apology to all those slighted by this ignorant and rude behaviour and to assure them that this man is not representative of all residents of our city, or even all our elected officials. Michael Graham

Letter to Wright reiterates arguments against pageant 1 Open Letter Di. Doug Wright Office of the President University of Waterloo Dear Dr. Wright: Thank you very much for taking time to meet with us,last Tuesday, -October-&t. It was good of you to share your concerns about the nossibilitv of setting precedents on campus. We certainlv understand vour difficuit*position. However, we wish to take”this opportunity to emphasize two points related to your upcoming decision regarding the Miss Oktoberfest Beauty PageAllowing groups or individuals to use campus space to promote or devbaje vcewpoints.which may be objectiona-ble to many, is far different from-allowing them to use the space to engage in the actions which these viewpoints support. For examnle, as vou mentioned, the university may consider it a responsib’ility to” allow Dr. Morgentaller or a- fascist group to speak; however,. it goes without saying that the university would never consent to allow an abortion or the acting out of fascist doctrine on its soil. We feel that this mav be a useful guideline when writing the much-needed policy concerning the use of the Humanities Thea-

tre. Under such a policy, no person or group would be ‘censored’ in terms of their freedom of speech. Everyone and anyone who paid for space could express their views, but no one would be able to engage in actions which might be harmful, slanderous, or offensive., In response to your fear that some would see any more to limit availibility of the theatre as censorship, we can only reiterate what was said during our meeting. All societies are governed by laws which are often meant to protect its members from various forms of harm. Often, the needs of the members and the definitions of harm change, r.equiring an amendment to these laws. Consequently, laws which once censored one type of behaviour, (such as the right of women to vote), are now replaced by laws which censor another type of behaviour, (such as laws which restrict those who would deny women the vote). We urge you to take that step toward making social change by creating a space rental policy which reflects the rest of the university’s policies regarding the role and status of women. Since&y, Janet Bate Angela Evans Carolyn White Women’s Centre Volunteers

Review was a’ butcher job Paul Done on some of his To the editor: quieter performers that have re: “Guitar Zeroes at ‘Dead visited Fed Hall. First of all, Hall”’ (Imprint, October 4) give the place a chance. Trying In my short career as a vodifferent lunteer entertainment writer . 1 ‘1 types1 of musical talenr wniie unaer new managefor Imprint a couple of years ment can lead to some ago, I had the privilege of disappointments. . 1meeting and working with Most importantly, give the some good review writers. at least some sembThese people could criticize a performer lance of humanity. Musicians bad performance with wit and style, yet keep their respect ’ are not ‘carcasses’ in the public opinion. Mr. Done’s view of for the artist and the p‘ublic Murray Mclauchlan is quite a reader intact. bit different than at least 300 Last week I read a horrendopinions of those who enjoyed ous butcher job written by



lots to be thankful for by Mike Loh My gianduncle invited me to his place in Toronto over the Thanksgiving weekend. He thought it would be appropriate for me to join his family for the dinner on Monday night, which was indeed good, and I really appreciate the gesture. They migrated to Canada about ten years ago and have lived in Toronto since, merging with the culture and lifestyles of the people in the multiracial community. Somehow, things distinctively North American rubbed off on everyone who has lived here long enough; such as getting all worked up over hockey and baseball games, and, in this particular instance, the celebration of Thanksgiving. I guess people in North America should indeed be thankful, whether to the Big Guy for the things He so lovingly provided or just for the fact that they are given the opportunity and freedom to+ live a full life. Stories of neglected citizensor those living below the poverty line do come up rather frequently but more often than not we find there are just as many persons willing who can afford to help. There are welfare systems and public agencies providing an assurance that those less fortunate till bet taken care of. No wonder then that so many people in other deprived nations want to come over here, thinking that Canada or the U.S. practically bask in wealth which will open the doors for a more fulfilling life. They know it’ll be hard work all the way, having to adjust themselves with the new customs, new roles as citizens, and practically nothing to start them off in a lot of cases. Ye&to many, it is still a lot better than the land they were born in. They probably have to lament about all the things they’ll miss; family members who never qualified to move over, places that they have known all their lives, and this nagging question whether they are doing the right thing. The attraction of being able to start ane’w, and make gains, more evidently outweighs all reservations for those who chose to come here after all. The New World first saw colonization by the old empires in Europe, with other nationalities trickling in now and then. But after more than two hundred years, the Asians are coming in significant numbers, settling in their own communities in cities all over. Probably in two hundred more years Nsrth America will _represent a population with a culture resulting from a mixture of selected norms and practices that the immigrants brought. Much of North American culture now seems to be truly North American anyway, and fast becoming the acceptable way of life for many young people around the world. As for those who came and settled, they all have something to be thankful for. (or seemed to) the free concert performance last month. I don’t know what Roy Harper sounded like at Fed Hall. Nor does it interest me. But to hear (or read) someone described as “a smug eulogising self-satisfied hippie” in such a derogatory context, using a public medium, ‘is slanderous and unacceptable.


I could go on and cite more of Mr. Done’s put downs of the average age of performers and such, but I’m sure an enterprising young civil slander suit lawyer would have a bit more fun with it. Steve Coderre E.S. 4




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Profs tiriable to comprehend- - i Food totalitarian thr Ieat of Soviets ’ for II

To the editor: , 1 Last week, Mr. Donald McCracken condemned my letter written in support of SDI. He incorrectly assumes that I did not carefully read the September 27 Imprint, article because I call into question the accuracy of the statements made by professors Hepburn, Kapur and Regehr. I am aware of their credentials, but they are not the three sages of Mankind. One must always question an academic’s assertions abobt the “real world” since many have only a fleeting acquaintance with it. Do I have to invoke the memory of the Oxford professors of the 1930s especially Professor Hardie? The_ “expertise” of men such as. Hardie in matters scientific, philosophical and moral was not questioned by the majority of students. In the end, their pacifism was shown to be totally inadequate defence against the brutal reality of a totalitarian oppressor such as Hitler. ’ Professors Such as Hepburn, Kapur and Regehr display the same inability tQ comprehend the totalitarian threat from the Soviet Union. This is not only a failure of the intellect, it displays the same moral obtuseness of those Oxford dons of days gone by. History really does repeat itself in these matters. Besides, doesii’t the so-called “peace movement” always tells us that decisions nuclear should not be left to the experts (eg. to the generals, scientists and politicians)? I am constrained and fully justified in following this advice when I consider the calibre of the local “experts.” The basic issue between myself and my adversaries is this: Does SD1 increase or lower the level of mutual deterrence and

political stability in the world? So far, I have yet to hear any argument that rises above the tired cliches and demonstrably false statements of the “peace movement.” Let me point out that the Soviet Union is the world leader in strategic defence. The Soviets have ertensive ballistic missile defence research programs as well as operatiional anti-satellite weapon systems and the world’s largest air defence network. They have a high energy laser p.rogram that dates back until the mid 1960s. This program is -so far advanced that the Soviets have reached the development stage of prototype laser we.apons. The Soviets maintain the world’s most extensive warning system for both ICMBs a’nd air defence. TAhey maintain around Moscow the world’s only operational Anti-Ballistic Missile system. The USSR has violated the 1972 ABM treaty and the SALT I treaty numerous times. In short, the Soviets have already defiloyed the first stage of SD1 while the Americans are still talking about it. Despite this effective Soviet defence capability, I have yet to hear a pacifist claim that it is destabilizing - so why the double standard? After reading the comments of our Waterloo professors and the grad students who spoke in their defence, it seems like a sad, monotonous re-run of the 1920s and 1939s when so .many ‘“intellectuals” spread the gospel of MOS~OVV’Sgood news - while millions of Ukranians were deliberaeely starved. As I said before, history really does repeat itself. Randy Arthur 3B CS

7 ‘

18, 1985-,

m .\



Technology could improT ve to make SD1 feasible

To the editor:

that technology does improve to the point where they could be I am writing thisJetter in response to Mr. Franceschin’s letter utilized for first strike. Wouldn’t it be logical to expect that the on the difficulties of the American Strategic Defence Initiative Americans might set up some sort of defence to counter this? The Imprint, October 11). While he does point out somq of the diffitail fire could be detected from satellites and some sort of surface culties SD1 will face, his letter contains inaccuracies and half to air missile could be employed to intercept. arguements. I will mention three of these. Thirdly, he concludes that whatever measures-the Americans Firstly, he observes, “no tiomputer exists today which can employ, “the Soviets could apply suitable counter-measureS.” match the task (of battle management computer for SDI).” In Why then are the Soviets so intent on having SD1 stopped? 1985, this is true. Has the possibility of technological research Surely they’re not trying to save the U.S.. Defence Department and advance not occurred to him? Apparently not. Going back to moriey. the classic example in the 196Os, many scoffed at the idea of L1 Jay Woodger landing a man on the moon. They didn’t think all the problems 3B CS could be taken into account and solved. The science community rose to the seemingly insurmountable task. The rest is history complications were o&come and not a single Apollo mission was lost, The abilities of the science community should notbe To the editor: underesti’mated. The Consulate of Malaysi-a (Malaysian Students Department) Secondly, he suggests that in order to circumvent SDI, the wishes to maintain a record of all Malaysian students in Canada. Soviets could use bombers or cruise missiles in a first strike. If The Federation of Students in CC 235 has forms whic,h each he’d bother to acquaint himself with the facts, he’d know that Malaysian student is requested to fill out. The forms must be both bombers and cruise missles are used for soft targets (cities) completed by October 30, so please be prompt. rather than hard targets (military sites and missile silos). They If you are a Malaysian student, please come see me for a form don’t have the power and accuracy required to penetrate !he and any further particulars. super-hardened silos that house the land based missiles. Surely he was being facetious in proposing the Soviets could get a fleet Peter Klungel of bombers‘ past NORAD anti-aircraft defence and bomb the External Chair Federation of Students missile sites anyway? Concerning cruise missiles, we’ll assume

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October .

18, 1985


Faithful fanremains loyal watch the Warriors play are not like the fans of Guelph. Waterloo fans seem to make the visiting team feel more welcome. In conclusion, I would also like to thank those faithful fans who continue to support the Warriors. Thanks also to the coaches and the team for their effort. I hope to see more Warrior spirit in the games to follow. Keep up the work team, I am with you all the way.

To the editor: Last Thursday night I had the opportunity to see the Waterloo Warrior Football team play against Guelph at Guelph Alumni Stadium. Despite the fact that the Warrior’s lost to Guelph it was a good game and the nlavers tried their be,st. What depressed me the most was the rude comments directed towards Waterloo by Guelph fans. The shouting of obscenities and foul language was not necessary on their part. This to me showed a lack of respect’ and order on the Guelph fans part.,1 am so thankful that the students of I Waterloo who


Doug Brooks A faithful supp&ter 3rd .Year Arts

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used to buy a textile cutting machine that was urgently needed to By Mary’Joy Aitken increase’ productivity in a clothing factory in Nicaragua. Bridgehead Trading is an a1ternativ.e trading orgamzation whi$h Until recently, distribution of Bridgehead products in the K-W offers Canadians a chance to use their every-day purchasing power area was the responsibility of the Global Commuity Centre. Howto support developing countries. Deb Crispin of the local Kitche, ever, a year ago a group of five volunteers took over the promotion ner-Waterloo group, says that Bridgehead “provides an alternative band selling of Bridgehead products locally. They have had a number to the multinational-dominated food distribution system for both of information/selling tables both at UW and WLU as well as at Canadian consumers and developing’countries producing goods ,various other locations in the city. consumed by Canadians.” Qne of the greatest obstacles faced by the group is lack of public MIn the last year, there has been a tremendous heightening of the awareness of Bridgehead products. Said Crispin, “the vast majority public’s awareness of the extreme discrepancies in. wealth between of people do not realize that an organization such as Bridgehead the developed and developing world. This was largely in’itiated last exists> which allows money spent on such ordinary purchases as fall when the North American media suddenly focused on the coffee and tea to more directly benefit producers in developing massive famine in * Ethiopia. Although Canadians responded countries. When people buy coffee for $3 a pound, they should stop quickly to requests for aid, many people contine to beinterested in and think how little workers picking the coffee must get paid to helping developing countries on an on/-going basis. Bridgehead is allow multinationals to sell the coffee so cheaply. Perhapsifwe stop one organization in the K-W area which, Crispin says, “provides a to think about this and ‘if we are aware. of the existence of groups ‘regular outlet for positive action by local co’ncerned citizens which like Bridgehead, we can make more of an-effort to direct pur directly ,benefits developing countries.“. , purchasing power in a positive direction.” Br.idgehead Trading: ;is a national organization ‘which was Another problem faced by the group is that even people who founded four years ago$n Toronto. l?&strubutes a limited number of food items from developing countries. Bridgehead sells filter and - _know about and support Bridgehead “don’t know where they can ’ decaffeinated coffee as well as whole coffee beans from Nicaragua, buy it,” said Crispin. As a result, the group hasfocused publicity on churches and the two universtiy campuses in an effort to let these pert and instant-coffee from Tanzania, loose and bagged tea from groups WOW where the products are available. Locally, Bridgehead Sri.Lanka, cashew nuts andtashew nut butter from Mozambique is available at F&-well’s Variety, Mr. Grocer at Westmount Place, and vanilla beans from Madagascar. Since the organization is Fttll Circle Natural Foods, the Global Community Centre as well as non-profit, almost all the money from sales goes back to either the at a number of other locations thorughout the city. More informaworkers and countries of origin or mto a special fund set.up for each tion about the local group can be obtained by calling 885-3560. country.-For instance, money in the fund for Nicaragua has been

by Niiole Gnutzman ’ r. Imprint staff. An estimated 10,000 Canadians die every year from cigarette-re’ lated diseases. In response to these figures”Kick-It,“a smoking-cessation program offered by Health Service, provides the opportunity for smokers to kick the habjt using various selfihelp techniques. Marion Howell, supervisor of Campus Health- Promotion, runs ‘the program which begins.on Wednesday October 23 from 7:309:00 pm in H.S. room 127. The courseitself varies-in cost depending on whether you are a full time student, faculty member, or unrelated to the university. $25, $35, $50 are the respective fees along with a $35 cash incentive. Every week that you attend the course you get $5 back, and upon the return of a follow-up questionnaire (sent out 6 months after the program) the final $lgis refunded. . The structure‘of the course relies on’ a booklet and handouts which help in guiding the client through the weekly sessions. Films, audio-visual aids, and groupdiscussiqn are all meant to aid the .prospective non-smoker in kicking the habit. , v-

Technically, it is a&x -week program which helps‘clients identify why they smoke. Before~ entereing the program an “evalu-life: sent out with theregistration package and returned, for future reference during the course. The results of the questionnaire show graphically to the clients that “they are, in fact, playing Russian roulette”according to-Howell. She believes-adamantly that “that if you quit now you can reverse those risks within the next 10 .years.” In the first and second week of the program the participants continue to smoke, but determine reasons why they smoke, and also. record ‘where, at what time, and what they are doing at the time when they get the “urge.” This information is used to help plan alternatives in ‘week three, called “Quit Day.” Howell cites an example; “if a client goes to work, sits down and opens up his/ her mail and proceeds to light up a cigarette; then an alternative will be thought up by the smoker, like opening the mail in anon-smoking area ...” The final three weeks reinforce this non-smoking behaviour.


from the sal& of their goods can be-sent back to. producers in developing countries. The food distribution’ syst&m 2 dominated by . multinational .corporations - is thus’ byipassed.

without a cigarette. Being that smoking is “a psychologically andsocially related habit,” according to Howell, thesmoker must break the association-formed between smoking and daily, repertoire. . The program-also aids the participants in anticipating times of’ crisis, and in handling those crises. At the.end’ of the program a ,‘~celebration” is attended, a social evening where the “non-smokers” can relax and interact on a social and smoke-free basis. Smokers are now, in fact, the minority. Howell sees “the edvcational, peer, and social pressure movement as becoming so strong in. favourof non-smokers*’ that a lot of smokers feel b&h the pressure and the need to quit. “The same way in which we react to spittoons (as filthy and disgusting) is how ashtrays are being looked upon today.‘” We are, claims Howell, “working toward a smoke-free $ociety.“’ I

*:>;‘* _;. ; _;.,_, ,-,+{: ;’“i,,i.,.,___


1 stood face to face with a hoard of staggering men, their-noses, ~ by Mike O’Driscoll covered with flocks of bursting capilliaries. Only inches fro’m my 1 had heard it from afar, sounding like the cowbell’s ji‘ngle, the trembling,frame they sang dangerously vulgar songs in cracked, wet . whispy music of ivory wind chimes, the clinking .of two half-filled beer steins. The Lorelei’s song beckoned me, and 1 heeded its voices. .I With wild abandon the crowd chanted, and in the name of sanity entrancing call. 1 trudged across aromatic farm fields, braved the 1 fought off the cultish, hypnotism of “Ziga zaga ‘zi$a zaga, hoy hoy wilds of Southern Ontario, and ‘full of wonderous awe, arrived at the . !’ heart, of my quest; the City of Fitchener. 1 had comenot in search of, hoyEven when a polka band strained its brass to thetune of “Girls the sparkling faces of leather-clad downtown youth, not the mysti- c Just Wanna Have Fun,” 1 faltered not.’ I cal charms of the Kent Hotel, .but insearch of the trueand,vrbrant Having drank my fill of watered-down beer 1 wandered-dazed to’ Spirit of Oktoberfest. - ’ . ._ ti ouiet corner. Weary and disheartened 1 sat and held my head between my hands. 1 had failed. 1 had searched in vain. 1 had given , Armed with nothing more than my lederhosen and a crumpled UP. felt hat, 1 was prepared to meet,my destiny, and my search began.,: Suddenly, a resonant belch fromacross the table caused me to 1 first found myself in the evening fall chill waiting and waiting, to look up, and there He was. Sitting before me in His fullestglory, His enter the beer hall of my choice. Along with hundreds of other leather shining, was the Spirit of Oktoberfest. A broad friendly ticketless, yet determined, partiers 1 searched in vain for the Spirit smile crossed His face and His cheeks glowed with a hue,of rose. His \ of Oktoberfest: 1 craned my neck’to see above the crowd. But here, up-turned moustache jiggled as He chuckled, and with a wink from . /, -.before the Gates of Delirium, 1 found it not. ’ -’ . a sparkling eye, a warm tingle ran up my spine,. 1 was entranced; I Finally, having entered the glowing warmth of the arena, l-could could not speak. 1 had been saved in the moment of-my greatest feel that I was yet closer. 1 looked below the fold out tables, scanned ’ despair and now the Spirit sat before me, the miles of checkered tablecloths, but still the Spirit evaded me. He was jolly, and kind, and all that I’ had dreamed of: With one Fortune threw all it could at me to hinder my quest... word He blessed me with all the wisdom he had gained in His festive A crowd of rowdy minors spilled beer on my head. Through the life. From between His wet and pouted lips it rang; “Gemutlich’ sticky film I maintained my vigilance1 keit.” HBving imparted me with the goldenrule of Oktoberfest, His Fearless as the bravest knight 1 witnessed an entire chicken eyes slowly drooped and with a nod:He fell into His glass of beer. dance, and stood in horror of these monstrous contortions of the After all that 1 had endured, I had fotmd t.he Spirit, and Oh how 1 human form. ’ had learned from Him! 1 knew that His one-word had made it all . Captured by a-large woman with a moustache 1 was forced to ’ worth while. 1 also knew that come once more the fa!! of Leaves and ride the swells of a violent polka, and witness the fearsome destructhe beermeister’s call, 1 would i?return again and again. , tion of this folk slam dancing. \ . -


Inter4onnecMng ’ .

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above-all, groovy. Running-at great speed through about 30 songs they captured the essence of the drug-crazed ’ 60s garage scene. Their on-stag* reckless abandon was matched only by . the-intensity of the crowd. The crowd. was not a group of individuals dancing but, more to, the point, a mass of / seething, sweaty, tangled limbs, and torsos swaying and shaking to the music. A gas. ’ _ ’ ’ One of the more popular crowd activities turn?d out to k, standing on t&Ies with bottlesof:beer whrch were

by Peter Lawson Briefly, the play tells the Imprint staff story of a husband, EisenBesides drinking, schnitzel, stein, who is to spend a. week and dirndles, Oktoberfest can in jail. During his absence, his be associated with the annual wife, Rosalinda, will entertain Oktoberfest Operetta at the a wooer; Alfred, who is a flaky Centre in the Square. This - Italian tenor. Eisenstein is season’s production, -J. convinced,. by his friend Dr. Straus+ Die Fledermaus, is a Falke, to attend the party of return to the show staged in Prince Orlofsky for one last the fall of 1980, the opening of fling before jail. Dr. Falke also

‘one else’s blood; blood which I didn’t notice until I arrived _ home. This band could have appeared at Fed Hail but (surz p&e!), the Federation turned down the chance to book them. Even so, The Chesterfield Rings were wellworth the wait and the zlrive to Hamilton. Loud, proud, and wigged-out, The Chesterfield Rings are rockand roll at it’s crazed, ‘cathartic best. ‘. Review by Paul Done, j photos by Tim Perlich

depart, Alfred appears to woo the aloof Prince Orlofsky. Rosalinda, but his expectaThis entertaining productions are cut short when the tion will complete its run at prison warden mistakenly ar, rests him, believing he is Eisen_stein. At Prince Orlofsky’s ball, Eisenstein is entranced by the Hungarian countess (Rosalinda) and loses his precious watch .to her. When l dawn -arises, Eisenstein checks into jail only to find that “he” is already in “cell 17.” He nearly exposes his by Peter Lawson ’ wife’s infidelity but she disImprint staff plays his watch revealing that she was the Hungarian counThe Kitchener-Waterloo’ tess, This wife-husband frolic,’ Symphony Orch,estra was a joke staged by‘ Dr. bounded outpf the starting FaIke who gains revenge for gate with an all Beethoven the previous prank. All ends program at their 40th anniverhappily. .’ . sary &la on October 4th and under The productionwas enjoy- - 15th. The full orchestra, the direction of Raffi Armenable with lavish sets. and cosian, had an outstandingkventumes, and the characters ing-and were host to guest. were solidly pIayed. The lead-



convinces Rosalinda to attend the party, but to Go disguised as a Hungarian countess. After. Eisenstein and .Falke .-,

Barry Stillwell, as Alfred, must be lauded for his parody -of an Italian tenor - much ham. Adel, Eisenstein’s maid, was played by the bubbly’ Shari Saunders. Dr. Falke was sung by the good voice of Samuel Byrd, and veteran Canadian stage personality, Douglas Chamberlain, was / - _

chase half price tickets on the day of the performance, subject to availability.


with Beethovyeii

ing roles, Eisenstein by Emile Belcourt , who displayed good diction, and Rosalindaby Claudia Cummings, who possesses good top notes though a little weak on diction, were well portrayed. The best comic of the evening was the jailer (Jack Duffy). This’boozing character stumbled. his way through puns and. slapstick to. delight the house. I

the Centre. The Strauss operetta is one of the favourites in the operetta repertoire and proved to be ti hit five years ago and again this fall. .< . ,)I -, :

, the Centre in the Square on Friday the 18th and Saturday the 19th. Students can- pur-

The Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat major dates from approximately 1795 and balanced the first half of the programwith its three movements Allegro con brio,.Adaand Rondo; Allegro gio, molto.. Currently on tour after winning the Bronze Medal at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition (Texas), pianist Barry Douglas showed his mettle by fulfilling the


.’ _ !

ducts. The symphony is structured in four movements, AI, /legto tori brioi Andante con molto, Allegro (attacca) ,- and ’ Allegro. C minor is home key, . but as the- Symphony progresses, C major is introduced to contrast and build tension, and the- work cornpletes this transition with a triumphant C major cadence. .. The orchestra received delighted cheers from the full house at the Centre In the Square. A passage of pizzicato violins playing extremely ,pianist Barry Douglas. pianissimo, ‘though the sup-, swee-ping funs and the changThe Prometheus bertwe ing dGnamic moods. porting cast was a little jumpy, was striking. During a powerOp4.3 opened as a true indicator for the music to follow. The.evening’s final offering, fully loud passage,’ the . _ The ’ music is majestic - and , Beethovens Fifth Symphony trumpets could be heard from proud, reflective of Beet- _could be viewed as both main above because of the‘hall’s rehoven and it embodies -the course and dessert. This symsounding acoustics. passions of the heroic, rising phony is ’ Beethoven’s. most Trumpets heralding. from to equate the story of the god- - celebrated work, containing above? This observation may defying heroism of Promethose four legendary notes not be poetry, but the music is theus. The overture belongs (three short notes followed by immortal. Happy 40th Birthto the heroic ballet, The along-note), which have sold day Kitchener-Waterloo Creatures of Prometheus everything from chocolate Symphony Orchestra, enjoy written-in 1800 by Beethoven. bars to men’s cosmetic proa celebrated season. I ., __ . ‘ _, A _ .I I, . =A’




by Darlene Zimmerman . Impriirt staff Juxtaposition - a word I like and dontinue to like as a method for much of Janet Cardiff’s exhibition, Through a Glass Da&@, in the Theatre Gallery on -campus this month. The works, primarily silk tireen - hjt deliberately and often humourously Iat our character. Cardiff

uses space and %o-

, 10ur to accent the juxtaposi_tioning of subject matter in. her work. Tobics deal with SOciety’s ever increasing love of overdramatizavoyeurism, tion and reinforcer/propagator of these traits - the media, z.5; $hTes .Qccur separ. amultaneously throubh. the Show.’ A fey of the most mentionable are MJr.bng Victim which gives the colour, texture,

image variety along with some Of OUr .mOSt familiar action. ROUQROW, Roti Your Boat is a gr?at example via Jesus* te1-and evlslonp. masturbation, th” family pef of the c.onstant ~~~sa~ndo~m,‘~~~cc~s~ tomed to. Follqwing through with this, A Day Witfiout TV gives a literal look at how we bend over backward to r@ceive this ontilaught as it beComes more a part Of OUT

makeup. Using varied And interesiing subjects the show seldom gets off this course. Unfortunately, the few times it does are a disappointment, m&t notably The ’ Nightmqre, which is just that. Certainly a good look at ‘some growing priorities o[our nature. A Glass Darkly is on view iti The Gallery,. Modern 1 .bnguages Building until No‘, vember

lo- .

Experimental,sounds.:at-stART .?

by Donna Szomenauer I . \For most concert reviewers and audiences, the ideal concert c&sists of centuries old music with, hummable, toe-tapping themes. The idea that music, like wine, improves with age is definitely worth challenging. With the beginning of the concert series on’sepfember 27 at the stART gallery is a showcase of new music th$ meets this thallenge..-The stAtiT gallery began as an grt gallery with regular showings and, since May of this year has included a&ts of all kinds. The gallery is the result’of frustration expressed by local artists (musicians, composers, writers, etc.) who had nowhere to show or play their work. Thus, an application went out to the Canada Ci>uncil’s Explorations division for a grant which_ the gallery n&w uses with fiiancial suppbti from members ahdother sitpporters. 1. The gallery itself is $cated in downtown’ Kitchen& in a charming building that has as its entrance a beeping and tihizzing arcade,, This. seemed an apt pretud& to the concert of electroaq-oustic ia& music. Of the five peices played, four were by Canadians and one by 8~ English composel’. The concert was‘ quite unconventitinal in that the audience had only two speakeF.s to irvatGh on stag6 as the performer was actually, thti tape &cord&:’ It was r&her .,atikwafd appltiuding a. set of Speakers at the end of a piece,however, one com.poser, John Oswald, w& a+ally there-to t*e abow. His piece, Sampler, is a callage of sound from djfferent idioms of music, like changing,> .the tiinerkn?b on a radi?e,very ftiwVFconds. The compositiori . l

P@acing.It Together:. Quebec troupe ins‘ It Together .A -humouroui look at the

T7 . looks

‘at Se&fried Hall, St. Jerome’s College on October 22 Bt 890 p.m. The play, which is touring across Canada,thisfall, examines the issues of militarism,

awful state of the world willbe provided by an innovative Quebec theatre company at UW next week. Le Theatre Parminou will perform PeacBrincess


The critically acclair@d Canadian film, The by by; will be screened this weekend at the Pincess ,Cin&ma. Set in 1937, The Bay Boy is the storjr of a boy whd, on the threshold of manhood, experiences the pleasures and pains of sexual awakening and new per_sonal. and moral _responsibilities to his family and peers. The boy (Kiefer Sutherland) must fate an unexpected crisis when he witnesses a shocking crime

was a d&er mixture bf. m&G;: and interspersed commentary bv 1 a veqj ‘diy voice. Francis Dhomont’s Pojn; de F&e (yanj&hing Point-s) is a musiqueconcrete work (natural sound manipulated electronicalfy). The piece featured fading glissandi in the US-~of rhythm, pitch and timbre. His exploitation of sound in space, his use of natural sounds such as engines and birds-and its metallic energy made the work quite refreshing. The- most interesting and,moving piece was last and entitled, Pentes by English ‘composer ‘Denis Smalley. The composer, ie seems, has a penchant for collecting, storing and labelling acoustic sound. Pentes is a conrete work of manipulatedhish bagpipe sounds. .For the most part the actual timbre of the b agpipes is not discernible but Smalleyrs work is indeed im-’ aginative. He exploits the eerie, unreal qtiality of the bagpipes iontrasted with sustained and rhpthmic motifs. The use of the huge sweeps of sotind paired, with, a drone-like sonority was quite effective. The piece moved to a-large climax which filled the room with sound and almost overwhelmed the listeners. The stronges_t point .of the work (strangely enough) occurred in a beautiful section in which the bagpipes were recognizable and. _returned to h previous “melodic” idea. If you are frustrated with the lack of newrand exciting artistic events in the Kitchener-Waterloo area and can’t stomach yet another’ performance of Beethoven’s, Fifth Symphony,’ I encourage you to support the stART gallery, (the?next concert is N oveniber 1, featuring mixed media works by local composers)


which test his youthful matur‘hy. i(iefer, Donald Sutherland’s son, makes his screen debut with Liv Ullman in this iilm. 1 Shown before will be a sixfilm+ by Richard Ir ty-minute Kerr, On Land Over Water, with Kerr givin_g a talk bqfore the film. These films are showing Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights at the Princess Cinema, located behihd the Kent Hotel. *

\ r r&e;

- . & arms

peace and disarmament. Au-. dience participation is encouraged as the play’s format is, “theatre-in-the-round,” with the audience surround. ing _the pe$ormers ’ mf~~~f,“~~r~~?aJ; sciousness raising, ~a~~~u~e~~~~te~~~c~~~~



a h; ; ,-+‘y.b.-.< -~..p‘ ‘-‘,‘~~~~~~~~~’

cently been touring more and more in Can@a and french speaking Europe. , ,


In today’s yuppie, contaminated, so’cietyzconscious his dues by workihg at the world, most People COPe Gt)l bY and is PlaYed with a nonlife by switching on to cruise’ chalant e&e by Bruce Beacontrol. That is the crux of - ton. is di’ Automqtic Pilot; Sri Erica . Th? UW production Ritter play and the latest unrected by Charles McFarland, late of the Stratford dertaking by the UW Drama Young Company where h& De~~~~~; satire o; the so . “was the Assistant director and who is currGnt!y an @rtistcially acceptable mores of in-rekidence at UW. For a suburbia and the “half-assed young director the Catieighties peop1e” who i!habit .btid& gradua& ‘has an imit, Automatic Pilot never pressive array of bredi& gives the audience a-chance to temporarily shutdown. A’ ’ having worked on productionq of Hamlet, Antigone \ constant barrage of sarcastic and The Beaar’s Opera one-liners criticise the protoamong others. typical people of the eighties , The cast is unanitious in and pass judgment on the social cOnventions that most of praising McFarland’s skilland us sim assistance. ’


wine gl%ses. TheAcentral

-lie, pbyed



is Char;



This will-be Le Theatre Parminou’s largest tour to date, .

pa& Maynard:Tomasevid , time stand-up comic with a second rate Joan Rivers-style routine, who pays the rent by




~~~ .’skis-,‘;u~ si,k,’ ~~ ;~~~~piix~;~~~c,~ learn y+ir part.” Michael ’ Provpst



. agrees



McFarland’s interaction with the cast. “He can anticipate j the questions which might be raised by any member of the . I i E~~~~~~~~Y~

I more .thdn 30 communities, la;;Etnd small, across the .

with not-too-subtle barbs and played engagingly by’&haei Piovos!, is a self-deluding nobody escapes unscathed. struggling actor and a bomMcFarland says the play. we don’t want the audience to again homosexual (Charlie barks because of “Charlie’s be depressed.” uses gay jokes,in her rout&e). _ actual putting of herself on auNext Tuesday’s perforSfie embarks on ax%affair with tomatic Glot. The play is ’ mance of Peacing It To1985 marks Le Theatre about. whether you want to Nick, a callous 30 yea&old gether is being co-spqpsored Par&nou’s twelfth anniverby the Waterloo Public InterCasa-nova portrayed cogvinc-confdrm to society’s expectasary. It is a touring company tions or ‘confront life head on ingly by Christopher Wilson est Research Group, the Glowith a strohg and exclusive who believes there isn’t any (as an itidividual.” bal Community Centre and cotimitment to the creation woman he can’t figure out and Automatic Pildt runs Project Plou hshares. and-production of new work. Tickets can %e purchased at . no person or connection he Oct. 22 to 26and Ost.‘31 to The company p&forms more __WPIRG (CC 217~). $5 - can’t buy off. When dumped - Nov. 2 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 30 by Nick (with a bouquet of at 1 p-m. at Theati-e of the than 300 shows eveiy year,waged, $3 -- students, unmainly in-Quebec, but has reroses -no less), she’turns to his . Arts. waked, seniors. troup


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The St. Jerome’s Performing Arts Series and .the On&io Registered Music Teachers/As&ation (ORMT!) are proud to present a special piano recital by the win& of the 1985 OhWTA YounpArt&tCornpet@on - Aain . ViHard -’

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:Aft& Hours by John Zachariah Imprint staff Griffin Dunne does a great job playing Paul Hackett in the new comedy After Hours. He’s the perfect bumbling semi-nebbish, the sort of guy who’s so mundane, he spends his evenings playing with his T.V. converter, after working hard all day as a word processor. And just like Jeff Goldblum in Into The Night, Paul finds himself, one evening, in a completely new and alien environment (Soho) due to a series of related incidents. However, unlike Into The Night, which had a plot, After Hours doesn’t really tell a story but, instead, chronicles the events of a single evening. The picture simply begins on one day and ends on the next, with no neat and perfect ending to speak of. This would normally be quite frustrating, and the movie actually leaves a lot of loose ends. But one becomes so involved

with what’s happening to Paul that it’s not really noticeable. It happens like this: Paul is in a coffeshop one evening, bored; when he,meets Marty (Rosanna Arquette) who gives him her phone number. He goes home and calls her up right away, so she invites him to her place, which is a sculptor’s loft in Soho. When he gets there, he meets . . . Unfortunately, its easy to fall into the trap of describing the movie at length, so I’ll stop it here. Suffice it to say that the remainder of the movie contains some great characters, great plot twists and some incredibly bizzare events. The camera work sets After Hours off really well and the movie has been expertly directed by Martin Scorsese of Taxi Driver fame. As well, the battery of supporting players, which includes Cheech and Chong, Teri Garr and Catherine O’Hara do as much as anyone to make this picture a, real treat to watch.





18, is85


A’ dav in the life .ma,

Silver Bullet lacks>svspense and finesse by Christine Fischer Imprint staff Is Steven King losing his touch? King’s latest story, Cycle of the Wereurolf made into the movie, Silver Bullet is a story of how a friendly, community-oriented town is terro- rized by a werewolf and subsequently saved by a crippled boy, Marty Coslaw. Although the basic -storyline had the potential to become an exteremely successful horror movie because of the clever, unexpected twists, the manner in which it is exe-, cuted leaves little to the imagination and lack’s King’s usual finesse. This movie was gory, gra*phic and bloody, and the beast (one person’s interpretation of a werewolf) was well viewed by the audience. It was almost insulting to have everything spelled out so emI phatically. The movie also had little jokes and touching scenes of brother and sister, which are

totally alien in a horror film. Although various parts were fairly frightening, it was always- very obvious that the good guy would triumph over the dark forces of evil. This is

very unlike most of King’s ries, especially Carrie. ending was disgustingly rupy, reminiscent of the of Goonies. ’ The sole reasons that

sto- - movie probably won’t flop are the acting, and King’s name The SY- itself. Gary Busey, who portrays Marty’s uncle and the end only adult‘ who believes the werewolf story, is a brilliant this

actor who adds life to any movie. The minister, played by Everett McGill, was also very well chosen for the part. Silver Bullet, rated R, is playing at the Capitol 1.

The Chant (of. Jimmie BlacksmithI executed with. stunning realism by John Zachariah Imprint staff The 1978 movie, The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, which played at the Princess Cinema last Friday and Saturday evenings, drove four people out of the theatre when I saw it, and since there were only about twenty people there, that’s a pretty big percentage. Its not really surprising that they left, though; scenes of defenceless women being hacked apart with axes don’t appeal to every cinemagoer. Perhaps it was just the

shock of seeing the lead character, presumed to be a decent individual, commit such an uncharacteristic act of violence that made them leave. Whatever the reason, these people’s departures only serve to show what an exceptionally disturbing movie The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith is. Set in Australia at the close of the 19th centruy, the story introduces us to Jimmie Blacksmith, an Aborigine lad who has been reared by a white Methodist minister and his wife. All through his life

and right into adulthood, Jimmie has been subordinated by the whims of his self-righteous, prejudiced and English employers. Finally, when one of them starves his family, he goes on a killing rampage, claiming that he has declared war. However, from his first act of-violence, the audience knows that he has chosen a tragic and self-destructive path and director Fred Schepisi tints Blacksmith’s downfall with an overpowering feeling of desperation and doom. * Sc hepisi also illustrates


Blacksmith’s feelings of entrapment quite well. Forced to take action against his English tormentors, Blacksmith takes the only recourse he sees open to him. His shocking acts of violence are a manifestation of the resentment and anger which has been stewing within him all his life. The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith is not a very pleasant movie but it is certainly executed with more reaksm than many other pictures dealing with the same sort of subject matter.

The *Kinkxs’-Ray-Davies tells it like it is .




Four More Respected Gentlemen Pye Records by Charles McRobert Imprint staff

Did you see his name in the local paper? He stole a tin of beans from the cut price grocery store. The judge said that he must pay, so he put him on probation and identified his name. Did you see his name in the criminal section of the censure page? It gave his name and his address. To stop him from.doing it again, they put him to dishonour, they put the man to shame. , He lost his little job when his employer saw his name.. a I _I common criminal. Oh, incidentally, did you see his name in the obituary. column, letters etched in black. Life was much too .hard ‘to live, so he I brought it to an end in a gas

filled basement, because he couldn’t stand the strain. Did you see his name? This is nastiness. It is, how shall I put it .. . to the core? Only Ray Davies of the Kinks could write a song such as this. Did You See His Name hails from a brilliant work, entitled Four More Respected Gentlemen. The Kinks have often been called the most “English” of British pop groups. A rocky career that started in 1964 featured moments of enormous success, (such as that they experienced early on with a steady siream of hits such as “You Really Got Me”) and long periods of constant failure on the charts. Ironically, their best music hails from that period when their chart performance was its worst. That the Kinks survived through years of continued tailure can best be

expressed as Ray Davies’ determination to succeed on his own terms in an industry that is famous for crushing those who do notconform to its will. In 1971, Davies told the story of his struggle on the controversial album Lo1-a Versus The Powerman And The Moneygoround \ ‘Four More Respected Gentlemen tells the story of ordinary people. As with all reality, the songs often portray less than perfect people who live s_omewhat quiet lives. But the songs are beautiful and human, two qualities so rarely found in pop music. They are songs written from the heart, not from the pocketbook, and as a result they have an insidious appeal. Davies’ lyrics are subtle, almost storybook-like in nature. The music is simple; the melodies and harmonies are veryqood indeed: Davies has a knack

for writing the perfect threeminute song. He is the Burt Bat harac h of England. As you can tell, I am somewhat ecstatic about this one.

In fact, I would say that this is the best vinyl that I have ever heard. It makes the type of statement *so .rarely heard; - close to the truth. Check it

out - make the very special effort required to discover something truly worthwhile. I assure you, you will not be disappointed.

;4 / \ARfS--





18, 1985


Kelowna ,B.C. barid lhasrciean sound The


Femmes in its stark simplicity. Each instrument is equally Nettwerk (independent) audible and clearly discernible form the others resulting by Tim Perlich in a modular effect characterimprint staff istic of the Femmes. Their There must be hundreds of basket, however, holds many bands twanging away in basemore flavours. ments and unheated garages Just dig Didn’t You Say all across the Canadian Shield Something, for example, and ‘beyond. Every so often where a charming (albeit another will poke its head out REMish) call-response vocal of the frozen tundra for a brief moment then vanish like a . overlay leaves some brilliantly understated guitar feedback wisp of steamy breath. almost unnoticed. To the best The latest to rise up above of my memory, this is the first the ground is The Grapes of song I’ve / heard using backWrath from Kelowna, B.C. ward-recorded guitar that Along with vocalist/guitarist didn’t sound totally out of Kevin Kane, the -other context. Grapes, brothers Chris and Be wowed by the cooly resTom Hooper (drums and trained riffermania, of Misunbass respectively) manage to derstanding illustrating a scare up a mighty big sound direct lineage to the sixties without relying too heavily on pop of The Remains and The the magic of multi-layering or Monkees synth-monsters. In a sense, the production Still there is more to be


The Grapes of Wrath generated” sound. They reminiscent of the Violent

don’t rely on “comput& have a clean, stark sound Femmes.


of Wrath

Bowl of Grken






true. . If you think it’s naive - it is. The Grapes of Wrath wouldn’t- have it any other way . .. and neither would I.

memorable, bare-bones melody& matched lyrically with a succinct statement concering ‘love from afar’: “...My heart is a cannonball . And it weighs a million pounds.. .” It may be a bit obvious but it’s sung with a heartfelt sincerity that rings unquestionably

Tremulis: Nicholas


As a post script, The Grapes of Wrath are coming to ,The Holiday in Toronto on November 15 and 16.





Island Records by Mike Wolfe Imprint staff Firs1 question: who the heck is Nicholas Tremulis? I don’t know, but his music is not that bad. He seems to be America’s answer to the Style Council, except that he has more soul and none of the angry socialist proclamations so prominent in Paul Weller’s ‘if I




may use that word without being misinterpreted) album, complemented by subtly tinkling piano and ever-present trumpets. Tremulis has a voice that is a cross between B.B. King and Al Jarreau. Some notable tracks are Heartbeat Getting Stronger, a bouncy dance tune, and Baby’s Got Soul, which is comparable to The: mas Dolby’s 1 Scare Myself. Haven’t Done Nothing is written by Stevie Wonder, which explains its Earth, Wind & Fire sound. As you can tell by now his sound is pretty diverse, and the surprising part is that it is quite qood. After listening to this for a while one .gets the ’ impression of_ being in a small beatnick cafe somewhere in New York or-San Fransisco. This is club music that would sound great live. The only problem is that Tremulis is probably a little ahead of his time and it will take some time for his sound to be appreciated. There are a lot of soul clones out there, but this is a deep sound that has real style.

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>. 1985I-t


Animal . Slaves prt IV.@its a dog’!dife Animal Slaves Dog-Eat-Dog MO-DO-MU Records The Pogues Rum, Sodomy & The Lash Stiff Records by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff



“Avast y’swabs, we’ll teach them Yankee bastids how to drink.” So seems to be the philosophy of a wonderful crew of hard-drinking ruffians known as The Pogues, purof a music once veyors thought restricted to sailorfilled pubs like The Pig and Whistle.


Like The Men They Couldn’t Hang, among others, The Pogues take the traditional sounds of Irish folk music and rather than update it, instil1 it with new vitality, not corrupting the time-honoured heritage of their culture. Accordions, fiddles, banjos, and Uilean pipes sail . through sea shanties, pubJem- Finer rock r&eups and traditionals, making RLm, Sodomy & The Lash more than an ecperfectly. lectic album - it doesn’t draw Bassist Cait O’Riordan, on its influences so much as however, haunts A Man You live them. Don’t Meet Every Day with her slightly wispy, siren-like Notorious for their boozing over the solemnly voice exploits, The Pogues manage picked banjo. And The to celebrate their heritage Pogues prove they can put a while still being boisterous lump in the throat with their and ret kless. powerful rendering of Eric BOgle’s anti-war standard, And The stately accordion rolls The Band Played Waltzing like the sea across A Pair Of M&hi/da. Brown Eyes and gives the majestic quality of an epic odyssey to the song. Shane McGowan’s voice in this song, as throughout the album, can hardly be called inspiring with its limited range but his thick brogue gives it a grittiness that suits the earthy ballads and raucous rants

Somehow, music seems to take on an added depth and meaning ‘when one -can connect it with a cultural history. The Pogues not only give their music a sort of tribal importance but they can also make it exciting and drunkenly gleeful.


by Chris Wodskou Animal Slaves is one of the most recent and most noteworthy additions to Vancouver .co-operative label MO-Da-Mu’s roster, and, along with other excellent bands like Skinny Puppy and the Enigmas, is proving that Vancouver need not take a back seat musically to Toronto or Montreal. Animal- Slaves’ music is compelling and uncompromising, the three members getting the maximum response from their instruments.. Rachel Melas’ acrobatic funk bass pops and plunks its way through Ross Hale’s dense percussion and the the alternately soothing and agitated keyboards of vocalist Elizabeth Fischer. This produces a harshly melodic sound that is vaguely danceable, vaguely m

which Wes for great thrngs to come and an acclaimed eastern tour has garnered a large following. Now if only a major label had the sense to sign them ..”

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sant, mad rushes of keyboard in Analysing push Fischer into a corner of self-examination, forcing her to lash out with inhuman squeaks. Dog-E&-Dog is a debut

-.-HOMECOMiNGHUNGRIES? Get satiLsl%ed at McGinnis 0.0



art-pop, but best described as claustrophobically unique. Dog-Eat-Dog is dominated by Fjscher who has the type of voice that makes Top 40 programmers run for cover. An I unholy middle ground between Marianne Faithful1 and Carole Pople, Fischer’s singing is unsettling and never less than riveting. There is a decidely feminist sentiment running through Dog-Eat-Dog. Fischer repeatedly makes fierce assertions of her identity and individuality, refusing , to let patronizing men, or anyone else for that matter infiltrate her existence. She builds twalls around herself in Learning To Live, and although she acknowledges that she is not infallible in Save Me From Ruin, she makes it clear that “‘You can’t take my secrets away from me”. The arrangements are the perfect medium for Fischer’s words of defiance and they can also reflect the state of mind of the lyrics. The inces-

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JJW Basketball Preview a

by Steve Hayman , Imprint staff This year’s Warrior basketball team has been selected and is preparing for another run at the Canadian championship that should have been theirs last year. And the year before. While not wanting to start the Basketball season off with a cliche, phrase Tfzis could be the year keeps coming to mind, quickly followed by This had better be the year! The exhibition season opens tonight with an &:OO clash at the PAC between the K-W Titans, a local senior team, and the 85-86, Warrior. Basketball at .UW is, of course, .the reason we can tolerate football at U W. Basketball is Our Game. Basketball gets Good Crowds. The basketball team can Beat Laurier Although Waterloo has only won one Canadian championship in the 28 years the school has-fielded a basketball team, the Warrior basketball tradition is among the strongest in Canada. The Warriors have finished among the top four in Canada more often than just about anybody, finishing second in 1983, fourth in 1984 and second last year. Close to 4,000 rabid basketball junkies fill the PAC for every Warrior home game. Warrior head coach Don McCrae was last year’s Canadian University Coach of the Year. McCrae himself is a great student of the game, and a former coach of the National Women’s team. “A coach has to be task-oriented. I’m task oriented. A coach has to be competitive, and like sports. 1like team sports the best. What’s kept me going here is watching teams trying to jell,” McCrae said. If this year’s team can jell, it should be the number 1 ranked team in Canada. Last year’s starting five have returned as a unit, along with four other veterans. Combined with three hot newcomers (well, one newcomer, one sort-of-newcomer and a transfer - I’ll explain later), they are hungry for another shot at the Canadian Championship that has eluded McCrae’s crew since 1975. Cautious Optimism and the Fit Problem McCrae has every reason to be optimistic about the chances for another Canadian championship this year. “It’s not only a veteran squad, but a squad that fit together last year. So that will help us move up a notch,” McCrae remarked. “Two years ago we had a team with a lot of depth and that hur4”, McCrae continued. “It was hard to get a ‘fit’ on the floor, and hard for the players to adjust to the unpredictability of who would start. Last year’s bench was thin. Not this year.” It looks like the team has a lot of talent, but the coach of 14 years’ tries to remain calm, like a good coach should. “Everybody says ‘too much talent is a nice problem to have,’ but that doesn’t mean squat” McCrae observed. “Look what happened to the Detroit Tigers this year. After training camp, Sparky Anderson said that the 85 Tigers were the best team he’d ever had. And look what happened. Sports is not arithmetic.” The Starting Five Return The starting unit of Rob Froese, Peter Savich, Randy Norris, Paul Boyce and Tom Schneider dominated the Ontario league last year and should continue to,do so this year - although this year’s starters are far from predetermined. “With the growing maturation of all of our starters, it makes for interesting possibilities” McCrae observed. “Over the summer many of them were involved with other basketball teams. Savich played for the national team, Paul Boyce had a good tryout with the nationals, Rob was invited to the provincial tryouts (but played baseball instead), and Tom played for the provincial team. This gives some added motivation for these players to improve their games this year so that they can achieve more next summer.” McCraB is impressed by each of these five. Norris: “His mere presence is a -cominating factor in every game.” Savich:“The premier shooter in the.c&ege ranks in Canada.” Boyce:“All our opponents pick him as an all-star.” Schneider:“Great presence last Froese:“A great anticipator and a super year as a freshman.” finisher.”




_ Photo by Jim Pravitz

Some New Guys Too Some talented new recruits will help the Warriors in the depth department this year. Gone from last year’s team is its unofficial sixth man, Dave Moser who has been replaced by two players. One is Vilhelm Bogild, a CS grad who was a Quebec all-star during his undergrad years at McGill. Bogild helped coach the Warriors last year. Another sixth man wil be Jamie McNeill, from McMaster, “a bona fide backup big man,” McCrae remarked. Some Old Guys who Know the Ropes Depth continues down the Warrior bench. “It’s difficult to fit in some of our key personnel from last year”, McCrae noted. “Jerry Nolfi’s ball handling and Harry Van Drunen’s basketball smarts are very valuable to ‘us. This is another ‘fit’ problem.” ’ Also posing a ‘fit’ problem are two more returnees, Craig Beda and Marcel Naus. Beda is known for his great speed and quick hands. Naus claims to have put on 10 lbs, all of it muscle, since last year. The team’s lone genuine rookie is-John Bilawey, a 6’5” Toronto all-star who spent the summer pitching for the Medicine Hat Blue Jays. /_ New Assistant

Coach, Although We All Know Who Really Calls the Shots McCrae has also obtained the services of a new assistant coach. Mike Kilpatrick, a teacher in Cambridge, was a member of the WLU national championship basketball team in 1968. Exact1 IOW WLU won a national championship must be an interesting story that will have to wait. Oh Shoot, Paul vanOorschot Isn’t Playing ‘Former Warrior great Paul vanoorschot caused’ quite a. stir during the summer and September, as rumours flew that he was ,about to make a comeback and use up his final year of eligibility. To the chagrin of many, the coach includedVan 0 decided just before camp started to concentrate on his master’s thesis in CS, remarking “with Pete (Savich) and Vilhelm (Boddild) on the team, somebody has to take care of the CS department.

Tom Schneider


by Jim Pravitz

The Team Overall and the Average Warrior What conclusions can we draw from the Warrior roster? Well, this year’s Average Warrior is 6’4”, weighs 189 pounds and is from a point about 8 miles east of Orangeville, Ontario (calculated by averaging latitudes and longitudes of home towns). It’s a big team. You don’t find many big teams in Ontario these days. It’s also an experienced team and that experience should help Waterloo win the big games and also the games played east of Montreal, situations in which the Warriors have not played up to par in recent years. Of course, this experience may manifest itself in a considerably weaker team NEXT season, as Bogglid, Boyce, Norris, Savich and Van Drunen may all be graduating. But things go in cycles, and this year looks like a peak, just as the 74-75 Warriors completed three strong years with a National Championship. ‘Injuries McCrae says that nagging injuries are preventing the team from going all out in its practices. Nolfi has had a painful ingrown toenail removed, Van Drunen has tendonitis - a constant pain in the back of his heel that started about 2 weeks before tryouts. Both of Savich’s feet are hurt in some unclear way. And hanging over from last year, Randy Norris’s knees continue to be tender and give him trouble, and Rob Froese is still feeling the effects of a big toe sprain. Froese notes that his toe “hurts when 1 run, stop or turn. It’s been hurting all summer.” Around the League Expect Brock and Western to challenge U W for supremacy in the 0ntari;o West division. McCrae notes that “Brock has some young big guys, no juniors, and some talented transfers from Acadia” and for the first time in recent memory, the Toronto Blues may be the strongest team in Ontario East, removing York from the position they’ve held for, oh, easily,, sixty-two years. Toronto expects to feature a big veteran squad plus some guys in from playing in the us. Around the Country This season should be more competitive across the country, as some schools return. from suspensions for recruiting violations. Concordia, Brandon, Winnipeg and Acadia are all expected to field strong teams, while Saskatchewan has some great young players.

Peter Savich

Photo by Rbbert


According to coach McCrae, six-time champion and Warrior nemesis Victoria should be “OK. They’ve lost Phil Ohl, the heart of their team.” When reminded that last year Victoria had lost Eli Pasquale, the previous heart (and Greg Wiltjer and Ken Larson, the previous liver and spleen), and had been expected to be OK, and had in fact beaten Waterloo in the championship game, McCrae L said “That’s true.” .Watch out for Vic. They still have seven-foot national team centre Cord Clemens, and Victoria knows’how to win. McCrae expects the Canada West conference to be the most competitive, with Alberta, Calgary, Lethbridge and Victoria all , capable of advancing. . What’s Ahead? ’ The Warriors get their first test against the local senior team, the K-W Titans, tonight (Friday) in the PAC, at 8:00 p.m. The Titans are sort of the UW Alumni team - sometimes competitive, sometimes not. The fall term is spent in exhibition tournaments around Ontario. Waterloo plays in tourneys at Guelph, Ottawa and Toronto. Another big tournament at Ryerson over the Christmas period may provide an opportunity to avenge last year’s defeat by Victoria. McCrae is attempting to limit the team’s travel this term. Too many pre-season tournaments last year, including one in Calgary, drained the team of energy and temporarily cost it its number 1 ran king. The regular season=runs during January and February. Waterloo plays in the West Division of the Ontario Universitites Athletic Association, playing twice each against Windsor, Western, Laurier, Guelph, Brock and McMaster. A playoff tournament at the home of the first-place finisher decides the OUAA west champion, who will then play at the OUAA East (Carleton, Ottawa,1 Laurentian, Queen’s, York, Toronto and Ryerson) winner for the somewhat meaningless Ontario title. Four four-team regional tournaments in early March provide the Final Four for the CIAU national championships. The CIA& will be back at the Metro Center in Halifax for the next three years. Community support is strong in Halifax (as compared to the strong student support in Waterloo), and fans there are more receptive to the high prices (about $20 for a tournament ticket) the CIAU must charge. , McCrae says it won’t be back here unless the format is changed to ensure that UW will participate, so that the many UW fans can be assured of some value for their harder-earned dollars. At least this year one of the regionals is at Waterloo, and the- Warriors are already assured of a berth in that. The other regionals are at Lethbridge, Saskatchewan and Somewhere East of Here. Each host team,will qualify for its own regional, and the Cl AU will select the remaining 12 teams by some complicated scheme known only to itself. The Naismith Tournament Waterloo’s eight-team Naismith Tournament, to be held in the PAC the weekend of November 22, is one of the best. This year’s draw features four ‘schools sure to be ranked high - Waterloo, the Acadia Axemen, the Winnipeg Wesmen and the Toronto Blues, who will take on (respectively) the Carleton Ravens, Laurier Hawks, Universite de Quebec a Trois-Rivieres Patriotes, and Western Mustangs in the first round. This tournament, named for the inventor of basketball who was not from anywhere around here and who did not invent the game anywhere near here, is the true debut of the UW crew. If you haven’t been to a basketball game before, plan to attend one of the Naismith games involving Waterloo. At this point we should mention the ticket scheme that’s been implementd for this year’s Naismith Tournament. You have to exchange your Athletic Card, - which used to let you in to the Naismith for a (free) Naismith tournament ticket at a booth in the CC in the two weeks before the tournament. Even if you don’t understand the first thing about basketball, the Naismith is a good excuse to come and hoot and holler for the Warriors, who should win. It’s great entertainment.

U’W trounces RMC by Cathy Somers The UW Varsity Men’s Hockey Team were quite impressive at home last weekend when they staged an awesome 10-2 victory over the, Royal Military College Redmen in-their OUAA league opener. Led by rookie centremen Steve Linesman and Ted Coulter, the Warriors dominated action throughout the game. The strong defense tirevented possible two on one and three on one plays by their quick skating and checking and by nailing breakaway opportunities in their initial stages. The Warriors also generated more offense than they ever have before, leaving Redman’s goalie Paul Leblanc gasping for a break. Steve Linesman led the Warrior scoring barrage, netting three goals before the first period was half over. Todd Coulter assisted on each goal and Chris White assisted on two of them. Late in the first period, Waterloo’s goalie Peter Crouse was penalized for throwing his stick and the Redmen were given a penalty shot opportunity at 1453. Doi Gillingham took the shdt and was able to put it through Crouse’s legs. The Redmen, displaying a bit m-ore confidence, closed the gbp’late in the period on a power play goal by Steve Malaski. Shots on goal for both squads were even at 14-14 after the first period. The Warriors, heading into the second period,

10 - 2

found the score “too close for comfort” at 3-2 and opened up the scoring early with a goal by rookie right winger Dan Magwood. The goal was assisted again by Coulter and Linesman. The Warriors scoring punch continued, as rookie left winger John Dietrich placed the puck up in the left hand corner and Steve Linesman scored his fourth of the season at 7:37 of the second, when he shovelled the puck under Leblanc’s legs. The final goal of the period occurred at the 12:23 mark when centreman Jamie McKee, assisted by captain Dave Fennel, placed one in the net. The Warriors headed into the dressing room feeling confident but when they returned they showed no mercy. Left winger Scatty Dick caught a pass from captain Dave Fennel to land a low shot inside the right hand post early in the third. Only seconds later Dan Magwood came out from the left corner and shot the puck over Leblanc’s righ,t shoulder. Dave Cole, a third year defenseman, drilled a low shot through the goalie’s pads to ensure the win for Waterloo late in the game. The Warriors played three strong periods of hockey and are hopefully on ‘their way to an . oUAA playoff berth. They are in action this weekend as they host their Bauer Invitational Tournament. So come by ‘the rink to see some outstanding hockey..

Women’s tennis tourney this weekend ’ by Kathryn Junger Coached by Sandy Macovik, the tennis team is the hottest ticket this season. We have already played three tournaments awav from home which wel’e at Western, York and Wilfrid LaUrier. We met some of the toughest competitors in our

division, yet our team finished with very respectable scores. I Team members include Ruhini deAlwis, Tracey,Goldhar, Paula Hadden, Marcel Krajny, Mary Mothers, Diana Smith and myself. Our nextiburnament

is al: the-

Waterloo Tennis Club. Action begins around 1:00 p.m. on Friday, October 18 and continues through to Saturday October 19. Spectators are’ more than welcome to help cheer the Athenas to victory. Our competitors include Guelph, RMC, and Windsor.

Rugby Warriors beat Laurier to remain undefeated by Adam Chamberlain Waterloo’s rugby Warriors turned on the power this past weekend when they defeated the Golden Hawks from Laurier 22-O in the Varsity game and 38-3 in the varsity Club match. The Varsity Warriors, starting +owly, wore *down their Laurier counterparts through a combination of strength, speed and constant pressure. Led by captain Tony Stea the Varsity forwards pounded the opposition pack in loose play and in the strums. Harold Godwin, having, another fine game at scruni half, provided his backs with consistentily good ball and the backs made several forays into the Laurier defense, disorganizing and panicking the scrambling Golden Hawks. Jim Allen and Andy Stone, undoubtedly the two finest “centres” in University rugby, constantly had Laurier defenders guessing what they would do next, as they kicked, passed, or ran the ball past the opposition. They both anchor a strong Warrior defensive

game which has not allowed a try, and only 15 points in five league games. Particularly terrifying for Warrior opponents is that, despite outscoring the competitioq by 118 points to 15 in league play to date, the Warrior attack is just starting to “click.” The ability of’the Warriors to move the ball and attack the Laurier team at any area of weakness produced numerous opportunities. Harold Godwin took advantage of his chances and some fine forward play and scored three tries. Tony Stea, who has been dominant in the 1985 season, added another try. The combination Of Stone arid Allen netted six points with Jim Allen scoring a try and Andy Stone kicking a conversion. A stiff challenge awaits the Warriors as they travel to Western on Saturday.The Mustangs are still stinging from the defeat inflicted by the Warriors earlier in the season and they will be tough. In the Varsity Club game the Warriors played a spirited and intelligent game and destroyed

their opposition 38-3. The score was indicative of the play as the Warriors dominated Laurier in all aspects of the game. The forwards scrummaged well, Jim Stewart winning much of the “set” ball for the Warrior team. \ Jim Close, playing ,at the back of the strum, continues to be a standout in “club”competition. Against Laurier he made several fine breaks with the ball and scored two tries. Mike Arnold~ has played aggiessively at 2nd row and has proven his ability to excel at University rugby. He added two tries in the victory over Laurier and dominated the lineouts for Waterloo. Jon Sadleir, who continues to improve, could crack the Varsity line up with more of the gritt that he demonstrated against ’ performances Laurier. Sadleir, playing at flanker, scored one try and was very aggressive in loose play. The back line for the Varsity Club seems to be

jelling as they moved and ran the ball effectively against a tough Laurier defense. Jay Dinovitzer, looking completely comfortable in the centre, moved the ball smoothly and made a number of good breaks. Despite a preseason injury, Dinovitzer has proven his dangerousness at a variety of positions and deserves a good look for inclusion on the Varsity team. Dinovitzer added six points (three kick conversions) to the Waterloo score. Todd Dowd continues to be very steady at the wing position and his determined running produced two tries for the Warrior effort. Despite the Varsity-Club’s record of three wins and two lbsses in league play, a strong finish to the season would gain them a playoff spot. Hard work this week will be essential as the Varsity Club team faces a tough Western squad which ravenously beat them last time the two . me!. This week’s game will be played at Western at ,2:00 pm on Saturday.

Williams wins with record-breaking .

by Robert Hardy Thomas Manley once said, “Money is like muck, no good except to be spread.” This thought was far from Paul Williams’mind as he dashed down King Street in a course record (29:lO) to claim the $1,000 purse at the 3rd annual Prudential Insurance 10K race. Williams, a member of Canada’s 1984 Olympic team and the country’s premiere distance runner, had flown from B.C. for the event and was not interested in the distributional effects of money. His intention was to amass as much capital in the shortest space of time\, and he would have doubled his prize earnings for being the first male runner below 29 minutes if it had not been for the rolling hills over the last half of the ,course. Williams was not given the key to the bank, however, as he was pushed by two UW graduate students, along with a host of other top Canadian roadies to earn his pay. Meet organizers offered the prize money in hope of drawing a classy field, and indeed their expectations were fulfilled as a leading pack of 15 runners roared away from the start line at the Conestoga Mall and sped past the mile marker in under four and a half minutes. The real racing, though, began soon thereafter, as a couple of hard surges by Williams softened up several of his pursuers by the mid-way point, which was reached in 14:25. Saturday’s 1

game, won 2-O by Western. Photo by Brenda Crompton.

However, U W’s Mark Inman, who has just come off a tremendous outdoor track season, was not yet willing to relinquish his title without putting up ‘a struggle. Mark, along with Adrian Shorter,

run r

Clive Hamilton, and Greg Lockhard, continued to forge ahead in hope that Williams would soon falter from his blistering pace. Although Williams did drop his tempo slightly, he was able to open a comfortable 200 metre lead by the time he turned into the gates of the Kitchener Auditorium. Mark hung on to fourth position (30:; 1) and Terry Goodenough, who placed third behind Shorter and Hamilton in last week’s cross-country meet at Guelph, rallied over the closing kilometres to secure 6th position in the field of 500. Unforttinately for the Warriors’ cross country running team, neither Mark nor Terry are eligible to compete for the school. Even without their talents the varsity harrier squad is still a team to be rkckoned with. They proved their worth with a fourth place showing at Guelph last week, as they packed their runners tightly together. Of the 15 man contingent that took to the line, the Warriors top five scorers were Chris Lane (19th), Kevin Shields (2 1st), Harvey Mitro (24th), Allan Faulds (26th) and Tim Collins (29th). Next month when Waterloo plays host to the OUAA-OWIAA Championships the Warriors will have to bunch their men closer to the front if they are entertaining any thoughts of repeating as medalists. In the women’s competition, the Athenas got their first real taste of action at the Guelph meet.Led by veterans Kelly Boulding (15th), Jancie Patterson (18th), and Ulricke Zugeider (26th) the women placed a respectable 6th amongst a field that included talented teams from Western and U. of T. Rounding out the top five scores were Kilmeny Biemler (42nd) and Laren Hubbard (45th).

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18, 1985 .

2 and 3. The defending champions, the AKAWAKS, seem to be Men’s Soccer Playoffs begin suffering greatly from the loss of several of their players to varsity Sat. Oct. 26 soccer, and will be looking for their first win in the playoffs. The Women’s Flag foot ball playoffs begin championship game, set for October 22 at 3:30 pm on Columbia ##4, Men’s Flag football playoffs begin promises to be action-packed and exciting. Come out and witness a great game of soccer! /

Field Hockey

Men’s Flag .Football


for Fitness

The University of Waterloo Weight Training Club will be presenting a seminar for those people interested in dieting, nutrients, vitamins and supplements and their effects on physical fitness. This seminar will be given by a professional nutritionist who will be happy to answer any and all questions you may have on the subjects. The seminar will be Thursday, November 7,1985 in MC 1056 at 7 p.m. Admission will be free’to club members (with I.D.) and $1 .OO for non-members. All are welcome so plan to attend.



by Patti Murphy The men’s competitive flag football league has another week and a half of scheduled games. As of October.4, some notable facts are: In A division, Team Finland posted 3 wins - no losses with total points adding to 6 to take their division lead. TTB and Spurm Experience stand tied for second with 2 wins - 1 loss. v E. Eastmean ‘are leading the entire B division, consisting of 36 teams, with 4 wins - no losses. Could they be “the” team to’beat? Other notable B division teams are: the Chiefs - with 3 wins and a total of 116 points for; Civicious with 3 wins - 1 loss,,leading their subdivision B2 with 6 points; E2 with 3 wins 1 loss and scoring 127 points for; E4 Alumni - posting 3 wins, 1 loss leading their subdivision Bl with 6 points, and Renison with 3 wins, also leading their subdvision B4 with 6 points. In the C division, which consists of 8 teams, the front winner is Less Than Exotic, with 3 wins - 1 loss and a 6 point total. The Physics Flagman have only played 2 games and scored, 60 points against the opposition. The above is a birds-eye summary. This week’s scores are not yet tabulated and there are still games left to play. Many factors can still determine the final outcome of each division; like the weather, mid-term panic, falling leaves and missing persons. Keep posted! c

Campus Ret Schedule < Tues. Oct. 22 Women’s soccer championshins 3:30-530 Columbia 4 Wed. Oct. 23 Men’s soccer playoffs meeting 4:30 Pm Women’s flag-football playoff mtg 500 pm Thurs. Ott: 24 Men’s Flag Football Playoff Mtg 4:30 pm No refunds for National lifeguard course12:OO pm Fri. Oct. 25 deadline for Student Asst. Applications 4:30 pm a

Women’s Soccer With the regular season over, the teams of the women’s soccer league are now preparing to battle it out in the playoffs. The 3-l victory of the Rejects over the previously unbeaten team from Conrad Grebel was enough to move them into first place in the final standings. Notre Dame holds down the third place with a record of


113 cc 135 cc .


113 cc *

PAC Receptionist

Last Friday it looked as though the women on the field hockey team had gone for their holidays before their game against Guelph. The play by both sides was slow and uncreative. Neither team had a passion to win. Coach Judy McCrae was equally disappointed about the game. “We played without any sense of determination,” she said. “We aren’t going to meet our goals of the playoffs with this type of, effort. I hope the girls take a good Thanksgiving break and come back ready to accept our 2 remaining league games as fair challenges.” Waterloo’s Kathy Gem scored a soft goal early in the

contest, but Guelph soon reared back to score their second goal, with only 1 minute left in the first half. Both Griphon goals were scored by Michelle Turley. Athena Helene Laurin crossed the top of the circle and got a shot away to beat the Guelph goalie and even it up 2-2. Then, with 15 minutes remaining, Marie ,Bages of Guelph got the go ahead to Q leave the Athenas behind with their loss. ’ With two games remaining against Mat and Western, the Athenas must win both games ‘to advance to the OWIAA playoffs. McCrae emphasizes, “It will go to the wire and don’t think Mat doesn’t know that as well.”

NEWS BRIEFS Computers for the ’ disabled PHlRST (Physically Handicapped Information Resource Service on Technology) LINK is a computer project for physically disabled people, providing three major areas of service to handicapped adults, their families, human service providers and health care professionals, as well as other agencies and organizations working with physically disabled people. It provides: 1. A computerized library of information on computers and technical aids. 2. An opportunity for physically disabled people to become familiar with computers through ‘hands-on’ individual and group instruction. 3. A Community Resource-

OSAP when

Network of individuals with computer and technical skills, interested in working to adapt computer technology for use by handicapped people through the u development of special software and adaptrve input aevtce design, as well as the assessment , of computer aid potential for disabled people. Volunteers are also needed to work on computer system networking and data processing for our library database.’ PHIRST LINK is in need of volunteers to help in all of these areas. If you would like to give some of your time and share your skills with physically d&abled people, call Chris Hodnett at K-W Servies for the Physically Disabled, 8856640.

ajustments made courses dropped

If you receive money from the Ontario Student Assistance Program, (OSAP), such assistance could be adjusted if you drop courses. In most cases, if you reduce your course load, your OSAP grant and loan will also be reduced. This could put you in a position where you are required to pay back a portion of your grant assistance or reduce any grant or loan you were expecting to receive later in the academic year. ’ Your Canada and Ontario ,Student Loans will begin to accrue interest six months after

you withdraw from your program. If you reduce your course load below 60% your Canada Student Loan will lose its interest free status six months after the course load reduction. This means, if you were taking 5 classes ( 100% course load), and you drop to 2 l/2 courses (50% of course load), you will have to . begin repaying your Canada Student Loan six months after you reduced your course load. If you are on OSAP alid have already dropped a course, or you are considering it, you should contact the Student Awards Office in Needles Hall, room 200 1.

IS TEACHING YOUR CAREER GOAL? Professor Bud, Faculty of Education, Nipissing University College, will be at University of Waterloo.

Thursday, October 24 IO:00 - II:30 a.m. Needles Hall, Room 1021


At this time you will learn more about the structure; focus and emphasis of Nipissing’s program. Professor Davies will also. be pleased to answer any, questions you have. It’s important-to Education best career goals.

Nipissing Utiiversity _ College .

choose the Faculty of suited to you and your


Gormanville Road North Bay, Ontario PlB 8L7


AR. know the people being served.

The Mug coffeehouse: an alternative to wild Friday nights. Good food, good music, good company. 8:30 pm., Campus centre.

Fed Flicks Micki & Maude, starting Reinking and Amy Irving. 800 pm.,


Moore, ,

Pop, orange



and donuts

Help write UWs horn rown always welcome. M i&o4



NH Rm.


(Anglican Renison

& Lutheran) College.

Lutheran Holy Communion WLU Albert & Bricker Sts. 11 a0 am.,




invites make



18, 1985.



- Regular Wednesday Diplomacy meeti Games Club (formerly Monday). New members welcome. Do girls play.“3 CC 135,700 p.m.


Auditions for FASS Coffeehouse. HH 180, 700 pm. Eve@one welcome. Attention all comics - the coffeehouse is a great place to practice your material for the UW‘Arts Centre’s “Kloset Komics”. (see Ott- 22)

you to our new friends.

Intriguing talk by Dr. Hossain Danesh (F.R.C.P.) Creative Force in Peace”. M&C 3006.730 p.m. by the Bahai Club.

Coffee House will be held in singers, jugglers, comics, (See Oct. 23).

“Unity, the Sponsored

Rollerama Fundraiser for K-W Assciation for Children and Adults with learning disabilities. Line up sponsores and being pledge sheets. 6-8 pm., Super Skate Seven.

Peace and Disarmame_nt with humour? Yes! See “Peacing it Together”, Le Theatre Parrninou on national tour. English production. Thought provoking. 8.00 pm, Siegfried Hall, St Jerome’s Coil e. Call WPIRG: 884-9020, Global: 7464090, Ploughshares: 7 42-9360. Tickets $5/$3.

& 11 :OO am.,,


‘Association new people,

Auditions for the annual FASS HH 180 at 7~00 pm., Actors, mimes, etc. Everyone welcome.

lo:30 am., in by Chaplain

Friddy, 7:00 pm.,


-Waterloo Jewish students weekly ba el brunch. Meet 11:30 - 1: 4 0 cc 110.




Time management NH Rm. 2080.


See Friday.

Ho Communion: St. L de’s Chapel,




Procrastination: Reception desk,

Christian Worship on Campus: Every Sunday, HH 280. Student led services. Sermons m+iy Graham E. Morbey. All Welcome.

age? A Baha’i Sponsored by

Dudley AL 116.


The ASEANS: Free Squash Class (1 hour). 3:45 pm., PAC Red North entrance.

Theatksports on TV Uve at 10 pm. at Roger’s Cable. (Channd 4). Watch at home, or better still, be a part of our studb audience. Call Roger’s at 8934400 for directions. Public Meeting - is there hope in the nuclear .perspective. Speaker: ,Djamshid Khatamian. the Bahai’s. 8:00 om.. Board Room. YWCA

in your

FASS needs you! comedy. Newcomers

Chinese Christian Fellowship. Bible Study on 2 Timothy 2. Everybody welcome. For further info., please call 885-3964. 7:30 Pm.. WLU Seminars. 201.



Public Meeting of Amnesty lntemational on the occasion of Prisoner of Conscience Week: Film - Your Neighbour’s Son; Discussion and refreshments. 8~00 pm., Siegfried Hall, St.

Automatic Pilot-production of Erika Ritter’splaybytheUW Drama Department. $5/$3/ or $2 for groups of 10 or more. Theatre of the Arts. /



8:00 pm., -

Luthetan Waterloo feilowhsip.

Games Club Regular Saturda Games Day Meeting. Bring any game you want to play. A ew members welcome. Do girls play? M&C 5158A 1 :OO pm. The


Pot luck

and film


6~00 pm.,

House of Debates: yes we hate the proud of it. Help us despise the horrible Jerome’s Rm. 229.

HH 373 &

378. Theatresports Workshop Fun and games, the $1 admission) HH 180 at 8:00 pm.,

free for all (after

Theatresports t’amuse. HH



Workshop. Training for 180 at 1 :OO pm., all welcome.








8~00 pm., to 7:00



bracelet E 1. Call E 1, Rm





’ on Bl Rm Sentimental

Oct. 162. ,

Mermaid swim underwater


FORMVS: Sweetie. rain suit

Friendly, and creative! The same without

Mennonite. upon STUD.


Hope I got

Beware waterbed.


Happy you you!!

like Tallulah.

22nd the

Boa, (and

Good the

Happy year replace


Jackie: 23)


your Happy Fro-m

toni you





OSSMS: friends we haven’t waiting to get Keep watching

Stephen! though company


in advance.

This First


don’t’wonv We’re of the

j&t way.

Firoozeh leader Erb avail.

Remember me; the almost bus of almost bus 22. I’ve searched St. for Suzanne’s oink bud to no How do I contact iou? R&s.

Wild soecial iant with M.S. balls??!!




Birthday wishes for a suoer to know what c&y your birthday cake. P.S. Do Earthballers

regards dav. things Share play

a small truck. Jeff 884-283


group beginning for disorders, specifically Psych Clinic, Dept. of group wil meet weekly April 86. Interested contact Health and

and R.B. and I ou do x e fun! with big


Roommate non-smoker. included, min. walk 0616. One kitchen UW. person 8048

Room and $200/mo. only, Jeff.

Accommodation available bedroom. $225/mo. Three Sunnydale. option

wanted shared to

Jan$175/month, kitchen


An unwelcome the biggest Birthright -.


for t-shirt Experienced rates.

pamphlet overheads, artist. 886-9286.

Kathy pregnancy


UW 5aOK /

advertising, designing,

personal help.

crisis Phone

could be of your 579-3990.

note at the

Wanted: ation Close


Three looking other April Call

Accommodin winter 86 Call 886-5577.

Art and Technology interwingled! I want UW to brimulture technology to artsies. cultural events and discuss computer why processing, computer programmers controversial stuff! f81 -F&y start this t! .

and Nicole

Apartment washroom, Utilities from Jan

with 15 min. included. -April. phone

1977 power work.

bedroom Available take over

shared walk to Male 746.

country house Own furnished UW. Need Car.

townhouse May 86. lease. Call

in Sublet 746-4797.


On Campus residence Winter ‘86. Accommodation is available for one female, in a on campus residence here at UW. For more information contact Heather, 884-6910.

HOUSING 5 50 Reward for capture apartment (preferably furnished). Needed Call Dan 746-0768.

bedroom or

Aspen steering, Evenings,

Motorhome. Titan, Equipped, furnace, complete sell for Jacques.

for 1985,

19, 886-0178. V-8


Automatic, brakes, 5763055.



Typing Near 8329.

door, body


to be a society at techies and We could sponsor seminars etc. We can art, computerized text artists make better and other Anyone interested in call Joe Morrison at start to

- Essays, Campus.


theses, Katherine

reports, at

Etc. 886.

Theses letters, spelling,

Typing campus degree, 746-3127.

- only

Same Turnaround copy .%&urn. phone Quality Resumes and service. 1284.


Maggie can type it! Essays, Thesis & Letters $1 .OO per page. Resumes $5.00. Free pickup & delivery. phone 743-1976. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


mint condition. 22 foot cyl.. 15 mpg, auto. Fully shower, toilet, stove, oven, hot water, fridge cooler, new interior, sleep 4-5. Must a house. Price $10,500 firm. 578-3938.





Essays, business correct Reasonable seven students. afternoon




work reports, resumes, etc. Neat, accurate, grammar, punctuation. electronic typewriter, experience typing years’ Phone Lee, 886-5444, or evening. $1 /page

(MSA). spelling Day

$1 885




Typist corrected.

typist has Call

Hiking new,

Soots size

Grebs asking


Apple Compatible monitor, 2 disk detachable kevboard. best offer. ‘Ph.Z886-01

used $40. drives,

HiFlv fuly new

Acoustic Canadian fingerboard. $250. Price Call Steve 10.000 posters. Dept. Ah..


Brand manual $330.

100. Retractable in May.

guitar in Maple Beautiful includes at 886-3617. different Catalogue *9 3600 6V6.



Typing etc. ygoeae


do fast, Reasonable Lakeshore

Reports, Statistical ex&+ence.

living on English Karen,


~ I ~



Selectric; Hazel

Typing 579-374

Day 1.

Ride Mall Please









sail, Brian,

excellent condition. Front, Back and tone. A bargain at hard carrying case. movie $2. 21

and movie Mnemonics St. N.E.‘Calgary

star Ltd.,

Wanted from Chicopee/Fairview area to UW for 8:30 classes. call Doug, 894-0742.


Independently Owned by John C. Andrews




$5.00per person Free Shoe Rental Mow--Thurs 11pm-l am. Brunswick Frederick Plaza Lanes Frederick Mall





of essays, resumes; 20 years’ typing Street; 8854679 -

NOTICE: As of Monday, October 2 1, classified ads for students will rise in p,rice from, 7X to $1 .OO for


double Call

manuscripts, a specialty. photocopies.

rates. Vilage.

RTDE WANTED fuly term,

per area.


Comes and

mvlar daggerboard. $650. Call


theses, Math Also,


20 words.


to 4100 pm.






IBM experience; Anne.


70 new!

and cy,

with card, disks,


iovstick, 46.

HP-4 1 CV Calculator. with operating prograrr,ming guide. after 6. Sailboard. footstraps; Bought 888-6018.

only 746-0630. computer

at 4:30


25 Years Experience. spaced page: Westmount 3342.

and/or Word processing. indefinitely. Punctuation checked. Fast, accurate arranged. Diane, 576-

Experienced typist work. IBM Selectric. Close to Sunnydale. Call 8821863.

._ Centre, -


Word processing (24 hr. if you book ahead). Draft provided. Near Seagram per double-spaced page. 1353.

Typing stored spelling


Indian Students Association (INDSA) presents Mr. Ma% the Consul General of India. Question and answer to follow, coffee and donuts. 700 pm., M&C 5158. All Welcome.




AiWA AD 3200 Cassette deck, dolby B/C, LED readouts, soft touch controls and Kenwood KR-5010 receiver. 45/45 watts. Both in immaculate condition. Together $375 or best offer. 886-8918.

WANTED of one partialy for Jan-May


tickets Oct. ph.


meet others tio care. place to meet other gay for more info.


Rudesheimer’ award winning Oct. 19. $22 hors-d’o-evres, and midnight or 6408.


GLLOW Coffeehouse. Come and Rm. 110, CC, 8-11pm. A safe, friendly men and lesbians. Call 884-GLOW


Waterloo Christian Fellowship Supper Meeting and guest speaker. Stop in to meet people, chat and learn. 4:30 pm., Engineering 1, 2536.

Evening Prayer with choir and sermon. 4:30 pm., Conrad Grebel College. ti Come make a FASS of yourself. Help write 1986’s musical comedy hit. You can do it! Newcomers always welcome.

responsible 4th yr students for a townhouse. apartment or suitable accommodation for Jan‘86. preferably close to campus. Gord l-337-7706 or l-339-241 5.

Oktoberfest Saturday, Centre,

Very the life.

Three Bedroom 3rd yr student UW campus.

for to

Oktoberfest tickets Ciarten (Super Skate fest hall in Waterloo includes admission, dinner, entertainment buffet. Chris. ext. 2559

Female utilities bath. 10 at 746.


SERVICES Artwork il ustrating, posters. reasonable

Efficient time management, exams. @ins today, register



in large until April. 20 min. from 648-3093.






of OSSM: disappeared. midterms out for details.


Beautiful Victorian Mansion: summer sublet 6 bedrooms, 2 porches,, 2 balconies, oak , staircase and doors, stained glass windows. Near downtown Kitchener, opposite Victoria Park. On bus route or ride to school. Call 7436896 or visit 93 David St.


ht! Love those legs 7 . Chester. Good luck next all the donuts - I stil love you.

Birthday Extra

moving Removal.



free The

Birthda bright

Birthday Leanne and Jackie! only surprise I could manage. i on me! All the best. Kel. rest

Emily term you. of

Happy is the round


Get to

Habits Workshop. reading, titing

Attention Students! Got the blahs? Depressed? Turn your life around; make every day exciting; get what you truly desire from life; write your.own success story! Hear Speaker Vrle Minto, 7 pm., Sunday Oct. 27; Unity Centre, 2631 Kingsway Drive, Kitchener. Info 894081 0 or 743-335 1.

Lost: Bilions and Bilions of brain cells at Fed Hall last Thursday. Thanx everybody for making the big two-zero the one 1‘11 never remember! Love, Marty . you Mr. are soooooo be the

CC 110.

Study taking,

Reward: S 10,000 Earn more than money next summer. College Pro painters is looking for applicants for managers for Summer 86. Land your summer job now! For more information and applications, phone Scott at 884. 1384. Don’t delay, as positions wil be filed by the end of November.

9th in Left on value.


Clifford Elizabeth wouldn’t Beware!


Students for life meets 135. All are Welcome.

Lutheran Holy Communion. Candlelight-service. 10:00 pm., WLU Seminary, Keffler Chapel, Albert & Bricker. Sts.

to to

Feature Film: “Missi “, Starring Jack kmmon and Sissy Spacek. The story of % e search for an American ‘oumalist during the 1973 coup in Chile. 8:00 pm., AL ! 1 6 .

Psychotherapy women with eating Dullmla, at the Psychology. The and wil run through individuals lease Safety, ext. s 54


Wendyatext. 1520.

Women’s gold Watch women’s washroom Sink. Please return. Call Cathy, 7464086.


Wil do light Also Rubbish Reasonabl pp-p.e

FOUND Gold Engineering or come



F.RE.E.D.. a confidential mutual support group for friends/relatives of people with Eating disorders + (Anorexia/Bulimia) meets at 8~00 m., in the Gold Room, KW hospotal. For info call 884-34 f! 2/742-2287.

Huron Campus Minisby night fellowship. Common meal 4:30 p.m., meeting time 5:30 pm:, Dining Hall and Wesley Chapel at St. Paul’s College. You are welcome.

Imprint and we are rag at 530 pm. in St.

Christian Science Organization offers spiritual solutions life’s everyday problems and concerns. All are welcome attend our meeting at 9aO pm., CC 22 1.


Piano Recital College. _ Badminton


Student Movement meets in the lower lounge of Lutheran Seminary 4:30-7QO pm,, for supper and Topic: Acid Rain.


692 King Street W. Kitchener, -0nt. N2G I E2

TO Learn

To Smiba’Dive CerttiatiOn

Interna&ionaJ .










Nov. students




XT II COMPATIBLE 8 slot case with side switch 256 K mother board 130 watt power-supply IBM styk keyboard

SPECIAL -in&des

- Shugart Height drive with controller - Colour graphics card




sunday,october 27 8pm humanities theatre U.W.


the above plus . . .


’ Tickets 0 iffer



32. 85

/ 258 King St. N., Waterlo& Ontario

(5 19) 886-2933


fast - Get your’s


students $11 < * others $12 available at office & b.a.s.s.

Grad Photos ,--’ Yoq Get 1 - 8x10

All .for $34.98




1st production of the University of Waterloo’s Dra’ma Department. Written by Erika Ritter. Directed by Charles McFarland, Stratford Festival Young Company. Date: Oc’tober 22 to October 26 & October 31 to November 2 at 8:00 p.m. c PLACE: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building

PRICE: $5.00 ($3.00 Stu./Scn.)

,Groups of 10 or more

2 ; 5x7 * ’ 8 - 2x3

$2.00 -

l l l l l

choose from 6 to 8 proofs photographed in our own studio gowns and hoods are supplied othkr packages available special Class Rates

Phone Sooter Studios For an Appointment 886-1740 Waterloo Square 8944060 Fairview Park Mall j


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