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Youth Minister seeks partisans

UW students marched from the campus to howntown Water60 to protest university underfunding. Photo by Fred Taylor/Cord Weekly

900 turn out for march protesting underfunding by Craeme Peppler Imprint staff The weather may have been f n g ~ dand frosty, but the enthus~asmwas warm and sincere as UW students, staff, and faculty took to the streets of Waterloo to protest umversity underfundmg on Wednesday An est~mated900 people turned out for the march, organtzed by the Jomt A c t ~ o nComm~ttee on unwerslty underfundmg. That number far exceeded the expectations of organlzers, who were ecstatlc at the response of UW students "I hope t h ~ marks s theend of student apathy a t UW," s a ~ dorganizer and committee member lan M~tchell,dehghted w ~ t the h success of the march "The protest was a lot of fun and that in Itself mcreased student awareness of the issue." But the a m was not so much to Increase student awareness a s ~t was t o brmg the Issue of underfundmg to the people of the community and to O n t a r ~ a n sIn general that, organlzers beIreve, was accompl~shed "The underfund~ngIssue has been generally restr~ctedto unwerslty campuses,"sa~d M~tchell "Only now 1s ~t beglnmng to spread off campuses " The med~a's presence was apparent throughout the protest as major telev~s~on and r a d ~ ostatlons and newspapers were v ~ s ~ bcovle ermg the event. The purpose of the march, which was initiitted by the Federation of Students and the Graduate Student Association and later endorsed by UW president Dr. Doug Wright, was to mobilize public opinion and influence the Ontario government's policies on university funding. Recent concerns with regard to the reduction of accessibility to quality education and the increasingly competitive and trade-conscious international environment, drawing professors away from Canadian universities, were also areas in which the protest was meant to focus. The march began in the Arts quadrangle at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday morning under a cloudscattered, dull sky accompanied by a cold, blus-

tery wind requiring march participants to,brave chilling conditions. Chanting slogans and carrying.bpnncrs aloft? marchers proceeded down University Avenue under police escort, arriving a t Wilfrid Laurier University where they were joined by a diminutive number of Laurier protesters. From there, the march proceeded up King Street, eventually arriving at the Marsland Centre. which houses Waterloo City-Hall. There, several speakers addressed the crowd, among them UW President Wright who also partook in the march. He was enthusiastically cheered with chants of "Doug! Doug!" by students attending the rally. "The future of the country depends on the type of funding we can get from the governments," declared Wright. "The challenge of the future is to meet those (education) needs." He also spoke positively of the Ontario Liberal government's awareness of the underfunding issue. Also adding their comments to the proceedings were Matt Certosimo, student union president a t Laurier and new O F S chairman, and Andy Telegdi. acity aldermanand formerFeder-' ation of Students president at UW. The latter attended in place of Waterloo mayor, Marjorie Carroll, who was unable toattend due to illness. The march proceeded with no problems o r controversies, although a small group of people were present distributing a flyer suggesting that the demonstration was a form of manipulation by the university administration. Their contention is that tax dollars given to UW are being wasted on computer expenditures. Students in the march were well aware oftheir reasons for being there. Greg Dalton, a 2nd year engineering student, expressed his reason for participating: "I'm here because I'm concerned about underfunding," he said. "We're paying for the things the government should be payingfor." Dalton, like others. wants to bring what are perceived to be substandard and unfair financial conditions at provincial post-secondary institutibns to the attention of the people of Ontario.



Federation to challenge bylaw Brain drain continues Forum Villages give $26,000to charity Feahre on independent Canadian music Concert reviews Albums B-ball Waniors make it to finals

p.2 P. 3 PP. 5 8 p. 11 pp.1415 p. 17

p. 23

OTTAWA (CUP) -- The M m s try of Youth 1s a p o l ~ t ~ ctool a l to recrult young members to the P r o g r e s s ~ v eC o n s e r v a t ~ v e party, Youth Mmster Andree Champagne - - wrote ~n a Jan. 6 letter. In the letter, leaked by N D P Youth Critic Howard McCurdy March 6, Champagne writes "2.5 of 4.5 million young Canadians (15-24) will be casting a vote for the first time in 1988. Support to the recruitment efforts of the PC Youth federation will be a pre-writ priority for the government." Champagne's letter, a d dressed simply to "My dear colleague," a t t e m p t s t o win support, persumably from fellow Tory MPs, for 'Year Two" of the Ministry of Youth. The Ministry spent its $24 million budget last year organizing activities and funding projects to celebrate international Year of Youth. "Public expectations created bfiYY-require careful management, especially in light of the significant diminution in youthrelated spending (dose to $100 million since the election),"

Champagne writes. The $100 million is her figure. The "diminution" possible refers to Katimavik, cut by $30 million last year and eliminated in February, saving a n additional $20 million. It may also refer to the $33 millioncut from the Challenge '86 - student summer job creation programme, announced in Dec. 1985. In light of this, Champagne writes, "The package (the Ministry of Youth) is modestly priced a t $7.5 million." Asked to comment, Champagne's press attache Caroline Carel said "Madame Champagne has been in a meeting she hasn't had time to see the copy of the letter. I have not seen it." Asked about the letter in Question Period March 6, Champagne said she did not know what letter McCurdy was referring to. She later briefly met reporters, but only to tell them of measures for youth contained in the Feb. 26 budget. The resignations last month of Champagne's press secretary, her legislative assistant

and her policy advisor, as well as the omission her ministry from federal spending estimates tabled Feb.. 27, has led opposition MPs to speculate the ministry is being abolished. McCurdy said he had little reason to doubt that the letter, which arrived in his office in a brown paper envelope, is authentic. "The letter clearly delineates the cynically opportunistic approach of the government and its ministers in dealing with youth issues, concerns which two recent task force reports have identified as critical," he said. In the letter, Champagne writes "1 seek resources to respond to the serious 'information gap' facing young people." She says the ministry is politically important because "opposition attention to youth will be amplified in early 1986. The N D P Task Force on Youth, chaired by critic Howard McCurdy, and the Senate Special Committee o n Youth, headed by Senator Jacques Hebert, will release reports within weeks of each other."

Government decision not to fund youth ministry applauded by CFS OTTAWA (CUP) --The Canad ~ a nFederat~onof Students, a nat~onallobby group, has congratulated the federal government on ~ t sd e c ~ s ~ oto n no longer fund the Mmstry of State for youth In a March 5 press release, C F S chaw Barb Donaldson s a ~ dthe mmstry was useless, spending $24 m ~ l h o nlast year on cheerleadmg and conferences for Tory youth The mmsters has not spoken for the concerns of youngcanad ~ a n s , Donaldson s a ~ d "At least the budget reflects t h ~ " s

Asked outside the House of Commons d the ministry, not mentioned in spending estimates recently, would survive, Secretary of State Benoit BOUchard said a decision would come by the end of the month. "The financial operations of the government end on March 3 1. We will see at the beginning of April. what will happen (to the ministry)," Bouchard siad. The national French television channel TVA reported last week that the government plans to abolish the Ministry of Youth o n March 17, the day

after the national Conservative convention. Stewart Braddick, special assistant to the Minister, said the 24 people who work for Champagne have plenty t o do, even though they administer no, thing. He said he is workmg on scheduling correspondence (he is the only Anglophone in the office) and writing and researching briefing papers. "We're still waiting for an announcement from Mr. Bouchard (on the ministry's fate)," he said.

I 1


S.N.F.U.: "Alright! We made Imprint's Canadian Independent Music Feature." See pp. 14,15 Photo by Joe Sary








Apathy called -“stupid’?


UW President Dottghs Wright addresses last Tuesday’s Underfunding*Panel. Behind him (left to right) are Sonny Flanagan, Matt Certosimo, Marion Bryden and Roy Duxbury. Photo by Joe Say

Feds dxallenge by-law by Lesa Beret imprint staff The UW Federation of Students has decided to “go to bat” for Mary Orser, an Albert St. i% landlord who has been charged with violating a1 Waterloo bylaw that limits the occupancy of ’ single-family homes to five un‘! related persons of a family and * three boarders. Students’ Council agreed at a meeting on Sunday, March 2, that the by-law is outdated and ‘ki court. :; shouid .bk I Council motioned to financially support the legal action on be: half of Qrser, and to seek finan* : @al support from other sources. $1 It will cost approximately $2,000 to $3,000 to go to court. Sonny Flanagan, president of the Federation of Students, said Council had hoped to avoid a court case because the by-law is under review. if the city had suspended the by-law during the review and dropped the charges against Orser, he noted that Council would not have had to go to court. However, if the city suspended the 1 by-law, said Fianagan, then

’ c Committee


UW’s Joint Action Committee on underfunding is asking students to go to their respective society offices today and phone local MPPs about university underfunding. “We want a lot of students to make short calls to ask what the government is doing about it

reinstated it unchanged, the council would still have an obligation to go as far as the Supreme Court for a ruling on whether the city can discriminate on the basis of a relationship. Flanagan said that Council has an obligation to people such as Orser. “Student housing is on the line.” Flanagan estimated that if Orser is charged and the by-law continues to be enforced, tids many as 1,ooO st& dents “could be out on the streets.” Matt Erickson, co-ordinator of the U W Legal Resources Office, said he does not believe the municipality has the power to zone people.. He felt specifically that five related people can live together but five unrelated people can’t: the municipality is zonmg people, not land use. “It is not in the power of the muncipality ,to start distinguishing the relationships between people who live there,” he said. Erickson also felt that the facilities in the Orser home are

not only ade’quate for a large number of students, they are extremely good. “lt will be a shame if they can’t use such good facilities for students because it is in the wrong zone.” Rob Deyman, a city planner and chairman of the Student Housing Task Force that is currently reviewing the by-law, said the task force was formed in response to a discrepancy between a stated policy that families be encouraged to remain in, and Cveh move into, ‘the core area, and an unstated policy that housing for university students should be accessible and convenient to campus. On January 15, the task force presented its research and suggested solutions to the public for feedback and additional problem-searching. Deyman said that ‘since then, the task force has formed subcommittees to highlight issues, gather more information and recommend some plan of action to City Council. The projected date for an action plan is the fall of 1986.

urges student action, (university, underfunding),” says 4th-year math student and committee member Tom Happanen. ’ The society offices are in the following locations: arts (H H 168), engineering (CPH 1327), environmental studies (ES 1 138A), HKLS (BMH 2324).

math (MC 3038), science (ESC 1OlA). The constituency office numbers of local MPPs are as follows: Herb Epp (Waterloo, 886-0780) David Cooke (Kitchener, 579-5460), and John Sweeney (Kitchener-Wilmot, 893- 1282).

by CIindy Long staff



For the some 2,000 people who attended the “Save South Moresby Wilderness Celebration” in Toronto on Monday, the night will not soon be forgotten. If the sight of four native Haidas thumping a hide drum and wailing eerily at the front of the dignified St. Paul’s Anglican Church was not enough to make people aware that something special was happening, noted Canadian author Pierre .Burton, pointed it out declaring that “This is an historical moment, part of an enormous change in attitude that started in the 60s.” Calling the logging of the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia “an act of vandalism,” Berton spoke out against “long term destruction for short term gains.” Miles Richardson Jr., President of the Council of the Haida Nation, presented a moving plea for the perpetuation of the islands in their natural state. islands that have been home to



the Haida for’ 10,000 years. To enthusiastic applake he declared that “Our very survival as a culture, a people is at stake. It’s a fight for everyone.” Minister of Indian and Northern Development, David’ Crombie, insisted that we “speak out for the rights of aboriginal people in this country.” He added that “For generations we have raised Canadians in ignorance of the many peoples and cultures in this land.” Ten UW students, from various faculties, attended the rahy. They joined hundreds of people from across Canada, some of whom had arrived on the “Save South Moresby Caravan,” a train travelling from Halifax to Vancouver gathering support along the way. The ride to Toronto was arranged by WPlRG’s Doug MacKinlay, who said the purpose of the rally was to “increase public awareness of the plight of the Haida and to preserve the ecology of the Queen Charlotte Islands.” ’ Fourth year anthropology

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student Lynn Convery came along because of an “interest in native people,” and C & 0 stu-* dent Bill McCuaig felt Soth Moresby should be preserved for ecological reasons. The theme of the rally was ecology. A slide presentation by Thorn Henley on South Moresby helped those who were ‘not from B.C. to realize just how much is at stake. South Moresby has the highest percentage of endemic plants, animals and aquatic life of anywhere in Canada. Micmac ‘singer, Jane Peloquin, performed and toid the crowd that “Trees and land speak to us and the earth is our mother.‘* The high point of the evening for many was the speeches and songs given by four elders of the Haida nation. People stood and applauded as Watson Price, hereditary chief announced: “If I have to go to jail, when I come . out, 1’11 be back on the island again-. I’ll keep going ‘til they, throw the keys away.” Ethel Jones added: “Today we fight! We want the future to be better!”


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If you are an engineering student approaching graduation, we’d like to talk to you about the challenge of a career in the Canadian Armed Forces. Whether you’re in the army, navy or air force, you will be expected to lead a team of top flight technicians testing . new devices and keeping various installations at combat readiness. You may also be involved in new equipment design and develop-

Korea as an example of an emerging nation that has realized the importance of post-secondary education, saying that they will soon be graduating more masters and PhD students than Canada. In general, he said, other countries have about twice as many staff at their institution. Bryden echoed the sentiments of the panel, saying she is disappointed with the government’s response to the problem. “We have to recognize that if underfunding continues, Ontario universities may be reduced to secondclass institutions.” She said the current emphasis on student loans versus grants leaves students saddled with a heavy debt load on graduation, and that this may be keeping students from entering post-secondary education. She said that, so far, the provincial government has made no response to 15 NDP proposals for reform of the Ontario Student Assistance . -Plan. In general, the proposals call for a relaxing of qualification requirements and stress on grants instead of loans. Bryden also stated her opposition to incidental fees, calling the computer fee at UW “a form of extra-billing which should be outlawed.*’ Questioned on the computer fee, Wright said “1 would be very happy to see it go, but it would mean the university would have to lay off a lot of people and shut down the labs.” He said the fee was the “least objectionable’* alternative to closing services. The consensus of the panel was that public awareness is the key to fighting university underfunding. Duxbury said that, as a member of industry, he pursues the issue with government contacts, but without public support it is like “pushing water up-hill, battling a stone wall.” After the discussion, he admitted that “industry has not taken the aggressive role it should” because of a lack of motivation. He suggested the availability of outside talent may be playing a part in this, and that a tightening of immigration policies which allows companies to import expertise would force Canadian industries to confront the problem,

by M.A. Morley Imprint staff Underfunding means “inadequate training,” aid Roy Duxbury, a representative of the 3-M h orporation, at Tuesday’s Campus Centre Panel Discussion on Underfunding. “There is no more charitable way to describe it.” Duxbury, the voice of industry on the panel, was joined by UW President Douglas Wright, Federation of Students President Sonny Flanagan, OFS chairperson-elect Matt Certosimo, and NDP critic of Colleges and Universities Marion Bryden. * Duxbury said that industry is “extremely concerned that students come (to work) woefully deficient in terms of their craft,” as a result of underfunding, which is manifested in larger class sizes, equipment deterioration, lab cancellations, frozen library aquisition, and the migration of teaching and research expertise to institutions outside of Canada. He also said that underfund-. ing forces industry to look outside Canada for talent, relating one experience at 3-M where staff for a research,lab had to be brought in from the U.K., and-the U.S. because no research related to the project was being undertaken in Canada. Duxbury said funding for research is very important because “research at universities is without any shade of doubt a basic building block” where innovations evolve. He noted 85 per cent of 3M’s sales involve products that were not in existence five years ago. Certosimo of the Ontario Federation of Students said that U W is a leader in the underfunding debate because of the controversial computer fee instituted here last fall. “We’ve got to make Mr. and Mrs. Jones realize the hopes they have for their children depend on funding,” he said. “Underfunding means that those with the ability, but without the means, cannot afford the education they need, and that we need them to get.” Wright said the general indifference to the underfunding problem,“seems stupid.*’ “Most critically,” he said, “is that students and their parents are indifferent.” Wright pointed to

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NEWS . Universities .losing scientists to greener pastures in the U.S. -. --

by Ken Magor . of Candian University


TORONTO (CUP) -- Canadian scientists are warning that an exodus of faculty members to the United States is imminent unless the research climate here improves. And some suggest that the federal Tories, who vowed in pre-election speeches to put Canadian research on par with other countries, may have hastened the “brain drain” with their.Feb. 26 budget. Stuart Smith, the head of the Science Council of Canada, said that professors may not have left yet, but “I believe it’s going to happen and it’s going to happen in extremely substantial quantities.” He said while Canada languishes in a commodity-based economy, the U.S. is creating jobs for researchers because it has advanced to a knowledge-based economy -- developing new products and getting into areas like bio and high technology. Other Canadian scientists say faculty are liable to leave be&use the government has for 10 to 15 years failed to provide enough money for quality research. “It’s like running a small business,” said University of Toronto chemist Geraldine Kenney-Wallace as she described how scientists here have to search for funding sources. She estimates they spend 25 to 30 per cent of their time searching for money and, in her case, 50 per cent of the funding comes from U.S. industry and foundations. The bucks, it seems, are greener on the other side. Both industry and the universities south of the border have more money and the billions of dollars the Reagan administration plans to spend on Strategic Defence Initiative research will increase the amount. Gordon Slemon, U of T’s dean of engineering and applied

science, said although none of his staff though they haven’t been tempted. “I’m aware of excellent offers that have our key people,” he said. “I have put this and others as being our biggest problem

I Imprint,


3 March


have left yet, it’s not as come to a large number of forward to government . .. for the future.”

The seductive thought of bright new labs and equipment is equally enticing for young scientists. Half of the 140 post-doctoral fellowships granted by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council are currently held by Canadians studying in the U.S. NSERC president Gordon McNabb fears that, because of an increasingly frigid research climate in Canada, “probably we would find that we are not bringing back as many.” The Canadian Association of University Teachers isalso concerned about the shaky state of research and-development. While he has heard of only a few professors leaving, executive director Ed Anderson said the situation “doesn’t look promising, that’s for sure.” The association, which launched a major lobby for research funding in February, is afraid that, among other consequences, there won’t be enough qualified Canadian professors after many of the current crop retire in the 1990s. To an extent, that shortfall is already happening. U of T’s Slemon reports that some university positions have been vacant for 30 months -- in such key scientific areas as robotics, electronics and polymers. The -technology-briented University of Waterloo has, more than __ any other school, reason to fear a major brain drain. It has lost 13 faculty members since October: nine to the U.S., one to Britain and . three who have started up their own businesses.

Some ‘disgruntled student made an editorial comment on a sign outside of the construction site m mm. of 1 the , -Davis --Building. rnoto ny Dave Merchant

OFL rep. calls for better pay equity laws by JoAnn Hutchison ,Imprint staff “‘The establishment of pay equity laws is the only means of achieving fairness for people in the workplace,” stated Sheila Trainer in an on-campus address last Thursday. Trainer is a member of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) and external vice-president of the University of Guelph Staff Association. She spoke on March 6 in the Campus Centre as part of the International Women’s Day festivities. Trainer made reference to the Green Paper on pay equity, put out by the Ontario-government in November 1985. This paper suggests that an employer pay the same wages to men and women who are doing dissimilar work, if that work is of equal value to the employer, regardless of the gender of the worker. In order to implement pay equity, jobs may need to be evaluated and compared to determine if they are equal in value to the employer. The Equal Pay Coalition (EPC) is opposed to the Green Paper because they strongly disagree with legislated job evaluation. Not all women would be covered by pay equity policy. It will only apply to workers in predominently female occupations which can be

compared with and are equal to jobs in male-predominated occupations. Hearings are now being held on the Green Paper. Trainer describes the hearings as “a consultive process to find out how people feel about it.” She explained, “we have had hearings in many different cities. We only have three more hearings to go with the last one on March 22.” Trainer urges the Women’s Advisory Council to “pursue the ,expansion of legislation to cover the broader public sector and private sector to help overcome the unfairness of the present system.” She quoted two examples of the unfairness of the present system. “A receptionist-typist at Guelph earns $240.72 per week. This job calls for grade 12 education, two years business training and skills. To compare this to a Technician 1, this job requires grade 10 education, no training, skills or experience but the job rate is $274.53. These are both the lowest levels in each category and while there are many women working as technicians, it is valued as being a male occupation which makes a difference of $33.8 1 per week. Of course, we could all elect to become technicians but the work being

performed by the receptionist-typist still has to be done. To continue with the next comparison, a secretary earns $308.87 per week and requires grade 12, plus two years business training, whereas an agricultural assistant does not even require a grade 10 education norskills or experience. He earns $414.09 per week, a difference of $105,22*per week. While it has been known for females to work as agricultural assistants, it is still valued as a male occupation.” She stated that the support staff within the Confederation of Ontario University Staff Associations “endorses the positions taken by the EPC and many other women’s groups on pay equity, since pay equity can’t come soon enough for the women working in Ontario’s universities.” Trainer closed by saying that “you are not going to like yourself very much if you’give into a system that can treat you any way they want to.” She added, “if you accept the status quo, that’s what you’ll get .” Trainer urged those, present to challenge the status quo of pay ,inequity. “I have gotten myself into hot water several times, but I was never sorry I did.”

Engineers fund aids for physically disabled by Frank van Biesen Imprint staff This year’s graduating engineering class has decided to donate its graduation gift to a group of professors involved in the ‘development and design of aids for the physically disabled. .At Monday’s grad committee meeting, this option was chosen over two others: a contribution ,to Project Lift, and a scholarship for the disabled. The grad gift is traditionally a

financial contribution or equipment purchase by the graduating class for the improvement of the university. In the past, dohave been directed , nations primarily at improving facilities for UW’s disabled. Last year’s graduating class funded the installation of a hydraulic lift in The PAC pool. The funds for this year’s gift have been raised through the Iron Ring celebration, several video pubs, a compact disk player lottery, and

UW engineering students pulled a bus through the streets of Waterloo the Big Sisters organization.

sales of a record made by students in the mechanical engineering class. Dr. George Soulis, a systems design professor, has supervised many projects under the category of aids for the physically disabled. Most of them are carried-out by fourth-year students, and on occasion, a master’s degree project is created, according to Soulis. He is very pleased with the donation. “Lots of. students have the de,

last Sunday to raise money for Photo by Steven Park

sign on paper, but don’t have the funds to build the equipment,” says Soulis. “This is where we’d like to apply the donation. “It’s a hard area in which to get funding, since the projects are very small,” says Soulis. As a result.of the low-volume, specific applications, “the technology is. not economically viable in industry.” The money will be put towards materials, computer time, and machine shop time. No salaries are naid out of the fund, he says. A Present funding sources for the program include industry, faculty members (who donate research income * earne’d through the Waterloo Research Institute), and students who wish to contribute to their own project. Over the last five years,

$36,000- has been spent on designing and fabricating aids for the disabled, says Soulis. Current projects include a specially geared wheelchair. for weaker people and for coping with steeper inclines; a feasibility study on ‘command-centre’ wheelchair, sporting peripherals such as an on-board telephone; an automatic frequency-adjusting hearing aid for people who are deaf only in certain frequency ranges; and an improved text reader/ voice synthesizer which reads regular text as well as mathematic expression and graphs and communicates them back to a visually impaired person. The graduating class has raised a total of $2,500 to date, according to Frank Valente, grad committee treasurer. This

amount is expected to increase. as record sales continue. The grad committee hopes to have a total of $5,000 by the end,of the term for the gift. Tom Fulton, a member of the qrad committee, feels the grad gift is beneficial in two ways. “It provides help where little is available (low-volume technical applications. for the disabled), and at the same time creates interesting. project work for fourth year and graduate engineering students.” Soulis agrees the projects also benefit the students who work on them. They learn to appreciate “the reality of designing something which has to work, and work for disabled people,” he says. “You have to obtain a much higher reliability for disabled people.”

’ ’

,Imprlnt, Friday, March 14,1996,

Smprint ‘is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially +&dependent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Ccxnmunity Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of CanaUnJversity Press (CUF). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, CampCentre Room 140, University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Ontzgio.” N2L 3Gl Imprint reserves the right 0 to screen, edit, and refuse -p advertising. Imprink ISSF 0706-W80 -

Editor-~-chief R&k Nigel

C,hampagne should do honourabkthing It’s not often that an obscure, junior minister in the federal cabinet makes the front page. Recently, though, Canada’s Minister of State for Youth has done just that. But the notoriety Andree Champagne has been receiving has not been flattering. Firstly, when the federal government’s budgetary estimates were released two weeks ago it seemed as if the Youth Minister’s department had disappeared overnight. It isn’t listed; it has no specific programs to administer. This left some to wonder why Champagne still receives a cabinet minister’s salary of $92,630, plus an $18,700 expense allowance, when* she really has little to do. Not all are disappointed by the government’s decision to stop funding the youth ministry. The Canadian Federation of Students have said that Champagne has not been a good representative for Canadian youth anyway. As CFS chair Barb Donaldson said, “At least the budget reflects this.” I The elimination of the youth ministry’s budget is not the only cut in youth-related spending. A more important and much more hurtful cut is Ottawa’s decision to axe the Katimavik programme. Katimavik provided Canadian youth with the opportunity to gain valuable life skills, see their own country and meet other youths from across Canada. While the government has killed Katimavik, a programme which has



Graeme Peppler, Kevin Wood, Mike Carol Davidson, Urlocker, Sue Baker, Tom York, Alag Yoshioka, Glenna Watts, Peter Stathopulos, Mary Joy Aitken, Anne Fleming, Cindy Long, John Zacharlah, Shaylg Gunter, Darlene Zimmerman, Edward Wailer, Denise Roeleveld, Peter Adam Stevens, Christine Fischer, Colin Lawson, McGillicuddy, Steve Hayman, Donna-Lee Irwin, Evelyn Nepom, PHRed, Ma’rk Holden, J.D. Bonser, Andrew Dyk,

shown it works, they spent $24 million last year on International Year of Youth “events,” which were little more than public relations exercises. Senator Jacques Hebert, a founder of the Katimavik programme, is upset enough at its demise that he has been on a hunger strike outside the Senate chambers. He has been receiving support from former Katimavik participants who think the programme is worth saving. UW student Dave Lawson has recently left for Ottawa to give his support to Hebert. Along with these wholesale cuts in youth spending, Champagne has been embarrassed by a letter of hers which was leaked last ?eek. In a letter to colleagues, she suggested that the taxpayer’s money could be used to recruit Canadian youth to the Progressive Conservative party. When this was first disclosed, Champagne denied the authenticity of the letter. The next day, however, she -admitted that it was authentic and apologized for her indiscretion. Champagne is not the first of Prime Minister’s Mul-‘ roney’s cabinet ministers to muck it up and embarrass his govern.Tent. But, considering that she has nothing to do, that youth spending is being consistently .hacked and that she has proven incompetent, she should do the honourable thing and resign. Rick Nigol

Paul Harms, Joe Muller, Dan Tremblay, Jack Kobayashi, Jack Lefcourt, Glenn Rubinoff, Jeff Suggett, Corinna Robitaille, Do’nald Lee, Atul Nanda, Tim Perlich, Cathy Somers, Rico Mariani, Donald Duench, Steven Park, David Merchant, Pete Newell, Grace Schmidt, Darcy Alyea, Meir Rotenburg, Teresa Skrzypczak, Lesa Beret, Gary Timoshenko, Frarlk van Biesen, AnnMarie Jackson, Lars Wilke, Janice N,i,chclls, Harlon Davey, Angie Salewski, M.A. Morley, Frank Trovato, Greg Hobson, Julie Waller, Cameron Anderson, Ian Gowens, Michael Wolfe, Mitchell Edgar.

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Office Manager CiJm Long

AIT staff am reminded of ‘the regional conference of Canad%n University Press,tobe held this weeksnd in town. Agendas are available in the Imprint ofI?ice. Please make an effort to attend one or more of the follbwing: seminars on investigative journalism, ethics, photojournalism, and the panel discussion on the university beat SeeymUhere,Eick

Moeg&y, MaJrch ~17,4:00 pm. Monday, March 24,400 pm.

Friday, Mazch 14,12:30 Friday, M&fch 21,12:30

pm. pm.

Imp&it weicomes condiments and o@inion pieces from our readers.’ F. F&rum page is designed td provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their autbrs and not Imprint. Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted tti CC 14Q by 6:QO p.m. Monday. Maximum length of letters: 300 1 words. Anyone wishing to “write - longer; opinionated articles shou1.d contact the editor-in-chief. AU ma?erlal is subject to editing;.; I







We4should stress ideas rather ‘than stereotypes, prejudicial, but now represents a good, practical rule of thumb, very To the editor, likely to be reinforced by our actions and experiences. (eg. If you Letters andarticles concerning the various rights issues have been knew that three out of 10 hitch hikers are also psychokillers, would common to Imprint for quite some time. The stereotype is a major you pick one up?) theme in many of these, yet I have often detected a lack of certainty Two points should be made. Because a stereotype is complimenas to the nature of this phenomenon. I have written this article to tary does not mean that it is true. Similarly, because a stereotype dispel some misconceptions about stereotypes so that we can all seems cruel does not mean it has no basis in fact. That a person can debate the issues from a more uniform perspective. discern your character flaws from your behavior or appearance We stereotype people all the time. It’s how we sum them up, does not mean you do not have those flaws -or that he or she is a anticipate their reactions, determine if they can be trusted, how we bigot. decide almost everything about them. It has always happened and The only way to eliminate a stereotype is to disprove the stereowill never stop, because stereotypes are continually being created typical premise in the same manner it was created, by the on-going and reinforced by our everyday experiences. experience of the individual. If a person experiences enough contraFor some, the act amounts to nothing more than bigotry. Others dictions to the premise, it will be abandoned. For those who wish to are considered a good judge of character because of it. For a few its eliminate the stereotype, another premise holds true; it is your task accuracy defies any explanation. Yet; for all, the formula is the to patiently supply (or be) contradictions to it. Attacking the indisame: vidual, calling him or her a bigot, will only cause him or her’to Premise 1: People who display quality X, generally have trait Y. . stereotype you, and those like you, as hostile. Premise 2: The person in question displays quality X. Allow me to take an example reminiscent of a recent letter to Conclusion: That person is likely to have trait Y. Imprint. If a man, in his everyday experience is surrounded by Stereotyping is a very rational, logical process. The pivotal conwomen who read Glamour Girl Magazine, and boast cosmetics as cern is the accuracy of the first premise. their predominant facial feature, he might begin to view women as When the premise’is essentially a rumour, based on malice instead the vain sex. No amount of public pressure, or litigation, or rewordof fact, we have a prime example of vicious bigotry. This occurs ings of the constitution will change the fact, i.e. his experience. SO much less often than some people would like to think - remember he retains his premise because it adequately models the world that a stereotype must be reinforced by our experience. Some around him. Is he wrong to do so? Maybe. Does he deserve satirical groups having uncomplimentary stereotypes will unfairly allege. letters of ridicule in response to his opinion? I think not. this malice against others. Rarely are issues this one-sided. Many people demand tolerance of their views and practices. This When the premise is based on a small, but consistent cross-section of the group concerned, the conclusion is prejudicial, but more the result of a misunderstanding than an o.vert attempt to oppress or degrade that group. The media may play an important role here, by distorting the limited exposure viewers and readers have had to some groups. When the stereotypical premise is accurate for, say, more than thirty per cent of the parities in question, the conclusion is still

is all fine, and on the surface seems to be a reasonable request, but tolerance is perhaps the most valuable quality a person can develop, and the most rare. Think twice if you are making a demand you could not meet yourself. If you could, then you have already come to understand that a genuinely tolerant person would never make such a great demand on another. \ I have stressed that groups and individuals must take it upon themselves to eliminate the stereotypes from which they suffer. This suggestion is made-from a pragmatic standpoint, it should not imply that no onus rests with the discriminating parties. They should certainly recognize the efforts of those who fight discrimination, and acknowledge the rate at which the stereotypical premises are falling. Many rights activists ask nothing more - which is perhaps the best approach for them. I say this because to ask more might be too much. The ability to perceive another, without bias or preconception, is not a virtue which exists in our society, in-any group. Nor do I expect it to develop for some time. (If you feel the urge to contest this statement, I suggest you take time for some deep introspection before you voice your disagreement.) In conclusion, I therefore advise anyone who is unhappy with his or her present stereotype; be patient and become yourself, a contradiction to the stereotypical premise. If these words have offered a different perspective to anyone, I - will be very pleased. I would like to believe that the Forum section can be a vehicle through which we may intelligently discuss the issues and make attempts to enlighten or learn from each other, not simply a tool with which we can call each other jerks. M. van Holst

Greek students take notice To the editor: If there is anvbodv from the Greek Student Association who is interested in picking up their mail, please go to the Federation Office (CC235). The backlog dates to August. 1985. If it is not picked up by the end of the term, it will be destroyed. Peter Kiungei External Chair Federation of Stu!enk

In the Imprint of two weeks ago (Feb. 28 issue), Paul Van Arrgon took this column to task for being “fun to read, but too tame and vapid.” Of me, the columnist, he said: “I don’t want to sound overly critical or snide, but since he’s the one doing the talking, perhaps he should say something.” I do not know what would constitute a serious speech act for Paul Van Arrgon, because I do not know him; but with apologies to my other readers - who may find this issue drab - 1 want to address Paul’s criticism seriously. My little “Talk About” column, which appears in the student newspaper, is one I applied to write when I was appointed chaplain to UW. So I write it as the chaplain, and as such it is a part, though admittedly a small part, of the life of the university - even, we.might say, of the religious life of the university. The column is not religious in tone, I’ll admit that, but it does attempt to smuggle in a spiritual slant on the things I talk about. Now, the functioning of a university is dependent on a great many primary relations - economic, political, familial, institutional, architectural, and pedagogical practices but these diverse elements all coalesce into U W only because of something which has been called “the idea of the university.” But this concept, which administrators, professors, and students share to some extent, is itself secondary to something else. And this final unifying factor defies description in either objective or mentalistic terms. It is rather a certain currently acceptable way of talking (describing, discussing, professing, announcing) which is taken seriously in the domain of higher eduation. It is no doubt related to what Paul thinks, or I think, or what Doug Wright thinks, but our ways of thinking no more organize all

Violence against gays: ’ keeping us in line by Alan Yoshioka High Park, Toronto, June 21, 1985. “Let’s beat up a fag!” (It’ll be fun!) Five teenaged boys chased Kenneth Zeller to his car,. kicked and punched his,head and chest. Zeller died that night in the hospital. The media’s search for an explanation concentrated on peer pressure, beer, and family situations. It seemed almost irrelevant that the boys’ violence had been the sk.ull.of a, “fucking faggot,‘* rather than, say, at a storefront window. An expert psychiatrist witnesstestified that the boys were not homophobic. After all, they would “throw a firecracker under the car of a heterosexual couple making love.” (Good analogy.) *** Vancouver, August 3, 1985. A 17-year old attacked Bill Kains with a straight razor, carving his name in Kains’ chest while he was still alive, cutting off Kains’ nose and one ear, gouging out both eyes, inflicting, in total, 47 wounds. In his defence, the youth alleged that Kains had made a pass at him. His sentefice - three years. *** Bishop’s University in Quebec, February 13, 1983. After the student newspaper pulished a lesbian and gay supplement, a gay activist was beaten with a hockey stick by three men. The student council president suggested that the victim of the attack had brought it on himself by being too openly gay*** Much of what feminists have said about rape holds also for queer-bashing. The vast majority of attacks are never reported, The same tactic of blaming the victim is used: “What was he doing in the park anyway?” or “They were asking for it”. The police are often of no help. If the case ever makes it to court, one can wonder who’s on trial: the assailant or the victim. One theory deserves to be mentioned and discarded: that queer-bashers are really just repressed homosexuals; this neatly reduces violence against homosexuals to a “homosexual problem”, for which heterosexual society bears no responsibility. Andrew Hodges asks, in With Downcast Gays: ’ Aspect of Homosexual Self-Oppression, “Are Paki-bashers then repressed Pakistanis?” One danger of reciting a list of incidents like this is that, by breeding fear, it can unwittingly cooperate with the goal of intimidation that underlies violence against minorities. The threat of violence serves to “keep us in our place.” We must reject the apolitical “solutions” that are offered us, ie. ’ Women, stay home at night, Gays, stay in the closet. We too must “take back the night.”


the factors that make up the university than do the various social and economic forces. What organizes the institutional relations and the thinking is finally the system of rules which govern what sort of talk (and which talkers) can be taken seriously. It is the rules governing what can -be seriously said that determines whatis said (and by whom), and this in turn determines university life as we know it.. So our focus narrows now to the specific question: Who can be taken seriously? Who has the right to speak with the presumption that what he, or she, says is true? And this in turn leads back to the more general system of relations that makes possible the formation and transmission of serious speech acts by serious speakers. L

“Medical statements cannot come from anybody,” savs Michel Foucault in The Archaeology of Knowledge; “their value, efficacy, even their therapeutic powers . . . cannot be dissociated from the statutorily defined person who has the right to make them, and to claim for them the power to overcome suffering and death.”


While I would not make so strong a’claim for my weekly utterances , there exists in the “Let’s Talk About. . . ” column _-__the possibility of a serious speech act. Perhaps, over the long haul of the year, a single serious speech act will occur, which even Paul Van Arrgon can take seriously to heart. (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is United Church Chaplain to UW and WLU, His office is at St. Paul’s College.)


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Apathy - A Canadian Malady by Lars Wilke “Would anyone be terribly upset if I continued with lectures next Wednesday?,” asked one professor recently, referring to the proposed shutdown of the university to allow for a protest .march against underfunding. The class stared blankly back at him. A few chuckles passed between friends as if to say, “You must be joking, me freeze my buns off for this damned place?’ The professor, however, was only being realistic. He knew that even if he cancelled the class, nobody would participate 1’in the protest march and, therefore, it would be a meaningless gesture. He knew that, like most other Canadians, the students in his class couldn’t care less. What’s more, if they did care, they would be even less likely to do anything about it. Life goes on. Hallelujahs were sung after the recent Federation of Students election, as 29.6 per cent of the eligible votes were cast. A record high for the past ten years! A victory in itself! Why, only 70 per cent of the students couldn’t be bothered to make a decision, as opposed to the usual 80 per cent. A stunning statistic. On March 21st, the Athletic Injuries Centre will close because ,of a lack of support from the University. The service provided by the centre was recognized for its excellence and necessity. But besides a few letters and editorials, no steps have been taken to save the clinic. The silence of the students and faculty who benefited from it translates into an unearned approval from the university’s inaction. Most Canadian students, when travelling abroad, are surI prised to see how politically aware and even active their counterparts elsewhere are. By the same token, visitors to Canada often comment on the indifference of Canadians to important issues. Activists in Canada are always treated with a certain amount of disdain and suspicion, even when they represent legitimate causes. Canadians are characterized by being politically docile to an extreme. When governments are elected, it goes without saying that they don’t have to carry through on their promises because no one really cares enough to do anything about it. Sometimes governments go so far as to do the exact opposite of what they have promised. Other than some loud bellyaching, no concrete action is taken. As a result, governments are not answerable to the people and are free to be self-serving, ineffective, and wasteful. Activism for its own sake is a destructive force. The abscence of any activism is equally dangerous. People must unite to speak for their rights and against injustices or be satisfied with the fate chosen for them by others.

. by Anne Fleming The Toronto International Women’s Day Committee this year directly addressed racism, taking as their slogan, “Women Say No to Racism: From Toronto to South. Africa.” I have heard objections made to feminism because it is a narrow cause (like “How can you be so involved in feminism while there are so many larger issues like world peace, racism, poverty, starvation, and environmental destruction?“). My answer to this is threefold. First, the oppression of women is no small problem - it is-world-wide, and must be fought. Second, becoming aware of, and combating one type of oppression, opens one’s eyes to the ways in which other groups are oppressed, and the ways in which we are oppressed together. Third, feminists do address the issues of world peace (witness Greenham Common), environmental destruction and racism; demonstrated by the theme of IWD this year. Racism both within and without the women’s movement has long been a feminist issue. American feminism largely has its roots in the abolitionist movement. Women like -Sarah and Angelina Grimke had to fight the patriarchy which said women should not speak in public, before they could fight slavery, their initial intention. Women in the black civil rights movement have found they needed to fight sexism within their movement as well as racism outside of it. Barbara Smith, a black American feminist, explains why racism is a feminist issue: The reason racism is a feminist issue is easily explained by the inherent definition of feminism. Feminism is the political theory and practice that struggles to free all women: 7 women of colour, working-class women, poor women, disabled women, lesbians, old women - as well as white, economically privileged, heterosexual women. Anything less than this vision of total freedom is not feminism, but merely female self-aggrandizement. White feminists, however, have hesitated to speak of racism. I know I have hesitated to do so out of a reluctance to speak for others, and also out of ignorance. In the same way that women’s writings have been systematically “lost,” the, experience of women‘of colour has been ignored. The history and literature I learned in school belonged to white males. I have a lot of catching up to do. But as I do so, I keep in mind Adrienne Rich’s warning not to take racism as a theoretical problem, not to*distance myself from it. Mary Daly, in Gyn/Ecology, also requires that women not distance themselves from the atrocities committed against women in cultures “foreign” to our own. Having.a social consciousness of racism, we tend not to condemn other cultures for their misogynist acts out of fear of being called a racist. Thus African genital mutilation (clitoriodectomies done with shards of glass, vaginas sewn up to ensure “purity”), and Indian bride-burning, become cultural ideosyncracies. They are discussed academically and anthropologically, denying the gut-wrenching reality of what is being done to women. It is the gut-wrenching reality in the writings of women like Alice Walker, Toni Morrison and Joy Kogawa which make women say ‘-NO” to racism, from Waterloo to South Africa..

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What the silent majority does

To the editor: And admit that the water around you has grown, re: Phil Locker’s Letter of Feb. 28 And accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone, If you want to hear from the “silent majority -the average straight If your time to you is worth saving, male,” then listen carefully. The following letter relates how this Then you better start swimming or you’ll sink like a average straight male lives. All you minorities take note. stone, This past weekend I attended the Marillion concert in Waterloo, For the times they are a-changin’.” had a couple of beers and enjoyed myself to the fullest. Typical ‘I believe both of these philosophies from two very different people who are poetic, American, rock and roll saints. silent majority stuff, I guess. On a future weekend I plan to attend the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I may even dress as a transv- * I hope this letter will enlighten all of you and let you know what at estite for this rock and roll extravaganza. Even an average straight least one member of the “silent majority” sounds like. I’m sure I’m male must let his hair down sometime. Don’t you think so? not representative of all straight males but maybe this letter will Perhaps my religion will be of interest to you minority groups. It help inspire other members to come out of the closet also. Can you is Rock and Roll! One of my heroes, Jim Morrison, once said, “I hear me yet? wanna get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.” Another of my heroes, Bob Dylan, said, Gerry Schrauwen “Come gather ‘round people wherever you roam, Biochemistry 2B .J

Majorities can a be tyrannical too

To the editor: _(re: Blair MacDonald’s letter on homosexuality). Dear Blair: 1 do agree with you. The majority of straight people are disgusted by the homosexual act of lovemaking. .The majority of Nazis were disgusted by Jews. The majority of white SoutK Africans , are disgusted by black South Africans. Myself and many others are disgusted with you. In fact, every straight person I know is disgusted with you. I guess we hang around with different people. Does this make us right and you wrong due to the fact that I perceive my majority opinion is better than yours? No, indeed. Tyranny of the majority is just as hateful as tyranny of the minority. In your first letter, you described yourself as “normal.” Good

Lord, if your bigotry is what you consider normal, how has the human race survived without becoming homogenous, blank-faced, ignorant, robots. In your second letter you described yourself as “an egalitarian.” That is the last thing you are Blair, because you judge people on their sexual orientation. Egalitarianism does not merely apply to the workplace, but also to the basic human right to be treated as a human being by other human beings. You do not do this. Lori Ciaralli does not owe you apology, you owe every straight person, including myself, an apology for grouping us into your narrow-minded world view. Darlene Gage 1B Man-Environment Studies

Forum section is for readers only ’ To the editor: Reader’s Note: Firstly, if, as you suggest, that by the time they have reached university, students are adults and have made their decision whether to smoke or not, then do you also believe that these same adults can decide what they will or will not read? (re: Enginews). Secondly, if you don’t think Imprint’s ads for cigarettes (and now cigars) result in more students consuming greater tobacco, then why do you think R.J.R. MacDonald gives you $XxX for a three quarter page ad? Businesses consider advertising an investment, not an exercise in philanthropy. Thirdly, I feel it is a gross misuse of editorial power to attempt to discredit the opinions of an individual who submits a letter to said-

Super Profs get recognition w V To threditor: Did you make a nomination for the 1986 Distinguished Teacher Awards? With a bit of luck, your nominee will be among the winners to be announced at the March 17th meeting of Senate. If not, I hope you will consider renominating that person for next year’s awards. Because of the enthusiasm of a number of UW students and faculty, the current DTA Selection Committee is faced with a difficult task; both the quality and quantity of material submitted this year was outstanding. This means that a number of deserving ‘teachers will have to be passed over for the award this time. However, all support received to date will stay on file for reconsideration if renominations are received. So, if your ‘Super Prof fails to get the recognition he or she deserves in 1986, the TRACE Offils;e looks forward to hearing from you again! Meanwhile, thanks for your effort and interest in the Distinguished Teachers Awards. Wendy Macintosh

editor. I refer to the use of Toronto Sun style “Editor’s Notes’* (for which my last letter is the current record holder) and pe:jorative headlines such as “Straight guy chances upon real world in CC.” (Imprint February 14, 1986) You, the editor, have a place for your opinions; it is called the “Editorial.‘* We, the readers, have our own place; it is called “Forum.” The invasion of your opinions into the space immediately above and below our letter offends my sense of fair play and journalistic integrity. Paul Meyer 3A Civil Engineering Out on Workterm



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Jmprint, Friday, March 14,1986

IMan cannot be reduced to mathematical model=

Science has become-d new religion J. Schroeder Department of Civil Engineering Religion is faith in God or supernatural powers. A n&v world religion is faith in the 0bvers.e of the supernatural: a powerful knowledge which is hidden in nature such that its mystery may be deciphered through mathematical methods of man on earth. The new religion is thought dut in schools, colleges, and universities all over the world and usually conforms to cosmism, Hinduism, Buddhism, pantheism, communism, socialism, and materialsim, but often contradicts Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Science: A Mathematic Approach to Nature , 1 Greek and modern sciences were originally free from religiosity because the philosophy of both was merely a mathematical approach to nature. And one can still use today all of the physical and most of the biological sciences in that context. Science enters t’he realm of mystery whenever it mimics reality through its numbers. Aristotle called this making of a reality metaphysics, w$ich means beyond science. Human Nature: Not Mathematical The so-called social, political, and psychological sciences harbor the new universal religion, becaue they are based‘on the belief that even man can be known through mathematical methodologies. The latter can not account for the human spirit, and as a consequence, the human mind is considered to be solely an automatic brain and nervous system, both of which are analyzed like a motor or compu‘ter. The above three sciences are at fault, because the spiritual faculties of man are real and comprise free will, reason, faith, charity, hope, joy, knowledge of good and evil, etc., all of which make man independent of mathematical causality, probability, and uncer* tainty. Mathematics is an Abstract Art Mathematics is an art and consists fundamentally of geometry and algebra. It is an art form because geometrical shapes and algebraic equations possess beauty. Furthermore, mathematical concepts are abstract. For example, in geometry a line has length but no breadth, points are intersections of lines, and planes are of zero thickness and bordered by lines, which render both invisible and thus imaginary and/or abstract. Graphics merely permit us to represeni invisible lines and points by a visible stroke of a pen or a dot respectively. Reality versus Human Imagination In what follows, the material world, which can be observed by the senses, will be called real, and the invisible, abstract world, which man uses to reason mathematically about nature, will be considered imaginary. A scientist may work continually in his abstract world of numbers and symbols representing lines, points, surfaces, distances, masses, forces, gravities, velocities, moments, times, etc. It is thus understandable that a scientist assigns a reality to the numerical world of science, which appears to be greater than the real observable world, because the spiritual mind of man seems to be capable to freely invent, vary, combine, extrapolate, and experimentally validate the mathematical ideas almost endlessly. However, the scientific laws and codes reflect the nature of mathematics rather than the true nature of the material,world. Paradoxes of Modelling Nature Science today embraces such complex tiathematical models as atoms, continuous mass, electromagnetic and gravitatibnal fields and waves, quanta, genetics. These models often contradict each other. The best known paradox is the mathematical wave and quantum (particle) model of light. In the atomic model matter is mostly emptiness whereas the model of continuous mass renders matter without empty spaces; Religiosity in Physical Science on Earth If one accepts the above contradictions as part of a knowledge which is hidden in nature, then the science of nature is self-contradictory and beyond human understanding. This generates a mysterious view even of the physics on earth and gives rise to a new world religion, which of course inv’dlves the belief that the mathematical models of science are real. Relativistic Cosmology: Mostly Faith in Science Fiction The mathematical approach has been extrapolated into the heavens even beyond the observable world, and, numbers have been generated by computers to answer such questions as: how old and distant are the heavens? Is there a probability of life other than on Earth? Even though there are numbers in answer to these questions, there is no justification except by faith that these nunbers have any meaning whatsoever, because there is no warranty that numbers reveal the true nature of the observable world. Today’s relativistic cosmos is not only based on the projection that the universe has the physics of man on earth, but also on a of two contradictions: the mechanical mathematical synthesis fixity of points in space and relativistic mobility of all things. This has generated a cosmic vastness whibh is mostly science fiction, for *no man will ever travel far enough to verify its existence. Cosmism: Faith is What is Mathematically Impossible The vast relativistic distances calculated for the cosmos led to the extrapolation of enormous ages for the heavens and cradled cosmos, which is faith ii evolution of the world by an infinite series of improbable accidents over immense time spans. Obviously, cosmism is impossible from the mathematical point of view. World Religion, Philosophies, and Mathematical Religiosity In Buddhism the observable world is an illusion, and this concept is in agreement with the new universal religion which holds that

nature is not as man sees it but as mathematical abstractions describe it. Examples are the atomic structure in which the solid matter is mostly emptiness, or general relativity, in which the space has a fourth dimension. The latter can not be represented even graphically. The vast numbers obtained for the ago of a relativistic cosmos agree with Hinduism which holds that the world is very old. The Bible reveals that light, life on earth, the sun, moon and stars are a recent creation. Pantheism teaches that God and the universe, includini man, are the same thing. This agrees with the concept of a self-existidg universe and a self-existing knowledge which is hidden in nature. Communism, is based on the belief that there is no God, who is spirit, and no moral code given by God to man. This conforms with cosmism which cannot explain where matter comes from and usually holds that matter and its mathematical laws always. existed without God, and man is nothing but living, mathematical matter which has no spirit. Materialism also holds that matter is the only reality. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam hold that God is spirit and a personality who created the universe, and both God and man, who was created in the image of God, are outside of mathematical causality, probability, and uncertainty. A Separation of Science and Christianity A Christian may use most of today’s science as what is was meant to be originally: a mathematical approach to nature without assign-

ANC supp.6rts huinan rights c To the editor: Tim Moggridge’s letter of March 7 (“Better alternatives than the ANC exist”) ma’kes interesting reading. Moggridge reports Yusaf Saloojee, a Canadian representative of South Africa’s “most popular revolutionary movement,” as stating that any government founded upon the basis of one man/one vote system is legitimate even if the new regime is ‘&aone-party-state Marxist d.ictatorship.” Now, given the standard conditions on voting (free, fair, secret, etc.), a one man/ one vote system always installs a popular government and, thus, cannot install a dictatorship, whether Marxist or not. Who is responsible for this seeming inconsistency? 1 can see two options: either Saloojee, in fact, said this, or, the word ‘dictatorship’ is a creation of Mr. Moggridge’s imagination, probably due to some sort of uncontrolled ideological ‘reflex’ which compels one ‘to attach the word ‘dictatorship’ after ‘Marxist? (we all know the popular puzzle in which the puz& arises becaUse we tend to associate ‘female’ with ‘nurse*). People who listened to Saloojee (I couldn’t make-it) may be able to judge the first option. However, internal evidence from the rest of Moggridge’s letter tends to confirm the second option. Mr, Moggridge goes on to say that he (he uses ‘we’) is opposed to apartheid not because “it is minority rule” but bqcause apartheid denies (a certain list of) human freedoms to blacks. Thus, according









To the editor: It was great to see all the support for the underfunding march on Wednesday, March 12, and to see the enthusiasm of the marchers. Although it was a positive sign to see UW President Douglas Wright marching with the staff, faculty and students, we must remember that this is the person who implemented the computer fee. It is a constant source of amazement to us how short the memory of the student population is. At the rally at the end of the march the enthusiastic chanting of Wright’s name tended to promote Wright as a leader against underfunding when, in reality, he is one of the major contributers to underfunding at this university. One of Wright’s reasons for implementing the computer fee was supposedly to increase student awareness of the underfunding crisis. The success of the underfunding march shows that student awareness has indeed risen. Therefore, let’s see Wright rescind the computer fee and treat the students as equal partners in the udderfunding crisis, as opposed to victimizing them further! The computer fee is not the solution, rather it-is just further exacerbating the problem! Franz Hartmann ’ John Watson _ Martha Wright Roy Ferguson Jeff Edmonds Taras Gula Regina Hartmann Monique VanderSchans



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To the editor: Bawating Collegiate and Vocational School in Sault Ste. Marie is trying to contact former students and teachers concerning our 25th Reunion. Those wishing to attend the Bawating 25th Reunion, Fri. Aug 1; Sat., Aug. 2; Sun. Aug. 3, 1986, please contact: Bawating Reunion Committee, 750 North Street, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6B 2c5 Phone: (705) 949-42 i 2 Reunion Committee

to Europe!

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High school seeks -alumni



to Mr. Moggridge, it is possible to have a minority rule while not denying human freedoms to the majdrity -a benevolent autocracy? The whole-point of democracy, on the.other. hand, is not to depend on the benevolence of rulers as a natural grace, but to have the right to control that rule and the content of the benevolence. Thus, one who is committed to the one man/ one vote system, is automatically xommitted to this human right and all the rights which are required to support this fundamental one. How doesit follow then that “the ANC does not- represent these freedoms’* while granting at the same time that the ANC is “South Africa’s most popular revolutionary organization’? The trouble with Mr. Moggridge’s line of thinking is the follow- * ing. First, he gets stuck with the drop of the word ‘Marxist’. Next,, from ‘Marxist’, he coins the phrase ‘Marxist dictatorship.’ This leads him to deny that ANC represents human freedoms. But ANC, being the “most popular etc.‘, does, unfortunately, represent the blacks in South Africa. This reflects on the inability of the South African blacks to choose the proper platform for their human rights. Thus, the burden falls on Mr. Moggridge to come up with the correct recommendation: continue to invest, reject the ANC and, finally, probably following Jerry Falwell and his ilk; support the lnkatha alternative. Things fall into place. Nirmal Mukherji Dept. of Philosophy

is not our hero


The most

ing realities to the abstract numbers. This approach removes all scientific mysteries, since contradicting hypotheses simply indicate that more than one mathematical approach fits the same observable phenomenon, a philosophical view which was held ,-by Plato and is called phenomenology. If one assigns to abstract ideaba mode of reality which may even supersede observable ph_enomena, one accepts the metaphysical philosophy, which is called ontology and wasdefined by Aristotle. It is not surprising that Aristotelian science survived about two thousand years because it was thought to be real. One may believe that mathematical abstractions have a real counterpart in nature. 1 do not, since it often contradicts my Christian faith and obscures the veracity of science. One of the indicators that science has become a religion is the fanaticism by which some people defend it. This fanaticism is based on self-complacency and the belief that science is always right in spite of the contradiction and mysteries it has created. Christians often believe in the new universal religion or parts of it, because for them nature is the handiwork’of God, and man created in the image of God is thought to be capable of understanding God’s creation, even though the human understanding may contradict the world of God revealed in the Bible. But since the fall, man is mortal and the finitude of man permits justification by faith only, be it faith in God and his son Jesus Christ or the mysteries created‘by man’s finite knowledge. (J. Schroeder is a professor of civil engineering at UW)


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Panel agrees that differential be hard to eliminate ’


by Gary Timoshenko , Imprint staff The 570 international students on campus face a tuition battle which affects the ability of many to continue their education. Last Thursday, as part of International Student Week, a panel discussion was held on the topic, Differential Fees: Yes or No. Jonathan Bremmer, vice president of the Graduate Students Union, University of Toronto; J.D. Lawson, professor of computer science at UW and Tom Fulton, a 4th year UW engineering student, discussed the current differential fee situation before a small but concerned audience.

9 Imprint,

@Aarch 14,1986

fees will

money spent on Since three years ago, when portant, the current differential fee was . consumer goods. He said this does not include the benefits m implemented, foreign students’ trade. In Australia, 25 per cent tuition‘ has nearly doubled. of their trade is due to foreign Most foreign students now pay visa students. Contacts made $4,500 for two terms pf school. during university are often inEngineering and. graduate stustrumental in bringing business dents pay approximately back to Canada when the stu$8,000. In the last two years, dent goes home. enrollment of foreign students Finally, Bremmer said, difhas dropped 20% annually. ferential fees are bad for our : Bremmer, an international student from the United States, political image. As one student at the discussison put it. he. argued that differential ,fees would not consider Canada for should be eliminated. According to his own study, internatrade or recommend it to other students in his country because tional students bring $284 our govern.ment has treated him million into Canada annually. This includes tuition fees, eduso badly. cational benefits and, most imDr. Lawson. who sits on the

Acid rain causes early deterioration by Hugh Westrup Canadian Science News A team of biologists from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans has discovered that acid rain destroys animal life in fresh-water lakes much sooner than expected. The biologists, supervised by Dr. David Schindler, chose a small lake in northwestern Ontario in 1976. They gradually added sulphuric acid to it over the next eight years in order to mimic what happens when a healthy lake is exposed to year after year of acid rainfall. After only three years, when the lake had become just moderately acidic, opossum shrimp and fathead minnows began to die off, Schindler says. Shortly, the crayfish population began declining too. Schindler describes the changes as “catastrophic”. Without crayfish, minnows and shrimp to eat, the large fish in the lake (trout, white sucker) grew skinny and weak, and many resorted to cannibalism to stay alive. As the lake got even more acidic the big fish failed to replenish their numbers. Scientists are not sure why, but young fish simply don’t mature into adults when the water reaches a certain acidity level. .Scientists measure a lake’s acid content by its pH value. A healthy lake has a pH between 6 and 7, but as acid builds up in the water, the pH value drops. Some lakes, such as those near Sudbury, Ontario, have been polluted with so much acid rain that their pH is down around 4. Schindler says another Fisheries and Oceans study estimates that 150,000 lakes east of the Ontario-Manitoba border have a pH of less than 6; 14,000 of them have a pH of less than 4.7. The study estimates between one-third and one-half of these lakes were made acidic by acid rain, he .-adds. (Some lakes are naturally acidic.) Scientists have generally believed that. animal


life is not endangered until the pH drops to about 5. But Schindler’s findings show that oppossum shrimp and fathead minnows died off at 5.8. “The shrimp were gone in one year,” he says. When the pH dropped to 5.6, the lake’s crayfIish started disappearing; they were completely gone by the time the pH had dropped to 5.1. When the pH dropped to 5.4, the trout and white sucker stopped reproducing. Schindler noted other interesting changes in the lake. For one thing, the water turned crystal clear at the top. Ordinarily, lake water looks slightly murky because it contains particles of decaying vegetation that flow in from streams and bogs. But acid pollution in.a lake neutralizes the colour of this decaying vegetation. “It’s the same as what happens when you pour lemon juice in your tea,” says Dr. Schindler. “The citric acid in the lemon. lightens the brown colouring in the water.” As the upper layers of the lake got clearer, more sunlight penetrated the deeper layers of the lake, says Dr. Schindler. This led to an increase in the number of tiny plants (plankton) growing deep down. There was also an explosive growth in green algae, which formed large, dense mats on the sides of many of the rocks along the shore. Schindler says the changes in the lakes were definitely due to increased acidity and not to any increase in aluminum. Recently, some scientists have speculated that acid rain is harmful because it falls on land, leaching aluminum out of the soil and carrying it into lakes. But there was very little increase in aluminum in the experimental lake. because the acid had been added directly to the lakewater. After eight years, Schindler decided to stop adding acid to the lake. “Otherwise, the fish would have completely died off,” he says. His team is now studying how well the lake recovers.

Council of Ontario Universities, said at their next meeting there will be a proposal to return $5 million in differential fees to the students in the form of scholarships. The government would have to match this with a $5 million reduction in differential fees. This means the universities would have to make up $5 million, despite already chrome underfunding. The universities hope this will show how serious they feel about the issue. Lawson said current differential fees are above the average cost of teaching one extra student. He said that cost is currently $3,100. Also, he added that we have an educational debt to foreign students. A great number of our leaders were educated abroad and many professors. at UW are from abroad or were at least partially educated there. Lawson also noted foreign students cannot vote, they cannot get jobs while they are here, and they have very few opportunities for scholarships. He said the general public and student body is very apathetic towards their plight. As Tom Fulton noted, “the average student is not going to be concerned when he hears other students having to pay more while his tuition stays the same.” He saib other program-mes should not be cut to help foreign students. He likes U-W President Doug Wright’s suggestion that scholarship, money for foreign students could come from theCanadian International Development Agency. Both Bremmer and Lawson said International Student quotas could be a solution to part of the problem. Lawson said he did not see the need for quotas in the arts, though, as their is amfile space for any student who applies. Everyone on the panel agreed that differential fees will be a lot harder to get rid of than they were to put in place.

Deanne Farrar 3rd Year, Math “If government funding was increased it would eliminate the instituted computer fees and locker fees.”

Todd McAlary 4th Year, Geological Engineering “School takes all my available income. It doesn’t leave me money for things I want to buy because tuition fees are increasing so rapidly. Incidental fees are an insult.”

Servejit Bansal 1st Year, Science “I think the residences and the campus centre could be better maintained. I’m sure if the university had more funding they could maintain the buildings better.”

Lynda Hollran 3rd Year, Sociology “It bothers me that underfunding will prevent students of similar financial status as myself from pursu: ing academic studies.”

Jeff Terryberry 3rd Year, Bio-Chemistry “It propagates the vicious circle of impoverishment. Refer to the novel, Glass Bead Game, by Herman Hesse.”

Franz Hartmann 2nd Year, Political

RumFlavoured, WineDipped




“Higher student-to-professor ratios frustrate me bemy quality of cause education is being compromised.”

COLTS&.COLTSMILD TheSociableLittleCigars Putionb

to cc &?u

, e peop

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, Imprint,



14, ‘t986


Computer integrated manufacturing

Waterloo centre to aid industry In an attempt to improve the manufacturing process, UW has formed The Waterloo Centre for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (WATCI M -pronounced WATsim). Dr. William C. Lennox, dean,of engineering, annouced last week the appointment of Dr. Melvyn J. Marple as director of WATCIM. Marple is at Waterloo under a loan agreement between the university and IBM Canada Ltd. He is to serve for the next two years. “Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) is what Canadian industry is going to have to get into if we are to compete with Japan and the other established and emerging industrial nations,” Lennox said. “This is more than just automation or robotization; it includes design, production planning, management, marketing. . . even the financial aspects of manufacturing.’ It’s a matter of integrating the various components -- the islands of automation in manufacturing operation -- in a comprehensive way. CIM is an overall strategy.” He said universities all over North America are interested’ in developing CIM programs.

Marple on loan from IBM

Melvyn Marple Manufacturing.

will direct UW’s Centre for Computer


“We at UW have all the essential parts. We have expertise in robotics, machine vision, CAD/CAM, flexible manufacturing systems, production automation, process control, and management sciences with a focus on the management of technology,” Lennox noted, “what we have been needing is an umbrella-type organization such as WATCIM . . . and we have to make sure itc will relate very closely to the problems of industry.” This is why UW looked to the industrial sector for WATCIM‘s first director. The approach to IBM was made by UW president, nnllo

urc; mh+







Marple. This is the first time an industry-seconded director has headed such a project at Waterloo. Marple, who completed his doctorate in engineering at the University of Kansas, has been with IBM for 17 years. During much of this time he has been heavily involved with the development and manufacturing areas and particularly with small and medium-sized computers and peripherals. IBM is a leader in automated manufacturing with several state-of-the,-art plants, fully automated from (design to end-product manufacture.

Will serve as industrial liaison “IBM has invested significantly in these concepts for many years,” Marple noted. He is looking forward to the WATCIM challenge. He sees his new job as primarily a matter of helping the university acquire a “strategic direction” in connection with CIM. He will also serve as a liaison between the university and industry. According to Lennox the “liaison” work Marple will undertake may include arranging for industrial visitors to come to the campus to participate in leading-edge research, arranging visits of UW faculty members to industry to work as consultants or in industrial labs, offering short courses to industry, and integrating graduate and undergraduate student programs with-industry. “Our model will be the university’s Institute for Computer Research (ICR),” said Lennox, “which has been most successful. In fact, while Dr. Marple is on campus he will serve as IBM’s representative to the ICR.” Marple is in Uvlr’s Pollock Hall, but WATCIM will move into the new William G. Davis Computer Research Centre when it is completed later this year.

Notice is’hereby given of the


of the. Federation of Students, University of ~Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Dntario, to be held on Tuesday, March 25th, 1986 at 8=00 p.m. in Room 3001 of Needles Hall. The agenda fQllOWS:

for this meeting

is as

1. Appointment of Board of Directars’ i986-1987. 2. Officers’ Report 1985-1986. of Auditor for 3 Approval 1986-1987. 4. Motion, pursuant to By-Law 35, Article 33: “Be it resolved that the Federation of Students Fee be increased by 50 cents per student, per term, effective September 1, 1986.”

5. Motion to establish-By-Law 46, a By-Law relating to the establishment of an Athletic Commission: “Be it enacted as a By-Law of the Federation Students, University of Waterloo, as follows:

A. To versity B. To tration ’ C. To D. To


1. Purpose and -Function educate and make all people at the Uniaware of athletic issues and concerns. increase communication between adminisand students on athletic issues. address student concerns on athletics. promote athletics at the University.

2. Membership A. Voting members: i) The membership shall consist of one Commissioner who has experience’ in and knowledge of athletic issues, who shall be appointed by Students’ Council. ii) One representative to be appointed by the Athletic Advisory Board of the University of Water-Too. iii) One representative to be appointed by the Campus Recreation Advisory Council of the University of Waterloo. iv) The President of the Federation of Students and the Vice-President, Operations and Finance, and the Vice-President, University Affairs. v) One representative from each student society of the University of Waterloo. vi) Such Federation members as the Commission may, from time to time, see fit to appoint to the Commission, subject to the approval of the ‘Stu-




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GRADHOUSE jWRI0 DE SIMONE Friday, March 14th 230 p.m.

dents’ Council. B. The following shall be non-voting members of the Commission: i) The secretary, as appointed by the Commission. ii) The chairperson of the ‘committees of the Commission. -

(no cover




3. Duties and Powers A. To carry out the purposes and functions as outlined in Section 1, subject only to the instruction and approval of Students’ Council. B. To recommend the annual budget of the Commission to the Vice-President, University Affairs, for submission to the Students’ Council for approval. C. To hold meetings at least ten times a’ year which shall be publicly advertised and open for ’ attendance by all members. of the University community. D. To establish standing and ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary by the Commission or by the Commissioner. E. To conduct public seminars, demonstrations and campaigns as necessary to accomplish the goals of the commission.



4. Responsibilities A. The Commissioner shall be the sole representative and spokesperson for the Commission. B. The Commissioner shall be responsible for promoting student participation fn the activities of the Commission. 5. Terms of Office A. The term of office of the Athletic Commission shall correspond to that of the Students’ Council except as in B. B. The term of office -of members of the Athletic Commission shall terminate with the appointment of their successor.”

The agenda for this meeting is restricted to the above items of business, for which proper notice has been given. Sonny Flanagan President

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NDP report says youth want lifeskills by Glenn Rubinoff Imprint staff

that “Education and training must lead to jobs --jobs that exist now and in the future.” Social realities of unemployment among youth has resulted in a host of problems including poverty, ‘suicide, alcoho!ism, drug, . abuse, prostitution and crime. As one youth said in a presentation to the task force, “If you can’t get a job, you pull a job.” Another said “I a\m not a prostitute, 1 just worked as a prostitute because I needed the money.” Many youths interviewed feel alienated because of the lack of an immediate role in our society. Participating in decisions which affect them is important to the youth of this country, according to the task force. The highlights of the recommendations of the Task Force on Youth includes a program called “Youth Prospects” to provide new job training and education opportunities for Canadian youth between the ages of 18 and 22. With a set amount of funding for two years, each youth can select one of four options including two years of either job training, entrepreneurship, life skills training or postsecondary education. Recommendations for education focus on increased government funding to cover the costs of providing accessible, quality education for Canadians. Training initiatives supported by Canadian business have been recommended. to increase opportunities for youth. Recommendations aimed at furthering opportunities for jobs include tax breaks initiatives to develop Canadian-owned businesses and provide job opportunities for youth. Upgrading social services for youth is recommended by the task force to improve social conditions and provide for better personal outlooks on the future. The need for youth participation in national decisions that affect; their lives has resulted in task force recommendations to organize youth advisory councils on a regional and national basis to share ideas and give input into parliamentary policy decisions. Other recommendations called for a greater equality of opportunities for all youths living in Canada.

Lack of government financial support is the primary concern of many youths, according to a New Democratic Party Task Force on Youth report. Chairman Howard McCurdy, and NDP MP, travelled across Canada in the fall of 1985 to listen to young Canadians to find solutions to problems which affect them. The program resulted from-the United Nations designation of 1985 as InternationalYouth Year. The task force, which provided an insight into youth views on a variety of social, economic and political issues, has prepared ‘recom: mendations to be placed on Parliament’s agenda. The report revealed that youths want skills to live and learn and work. They feel that the present level of education does not provide this and there is a need for a “return to basics” approach. Post-secondary education was a concern of many students as they talked of the decline in quality of the university and college educations they receive. The report stated that “Skimping on post-secondary financing is affecting curriculum content and emphasis” and that “at the University of Waterloo, Ontario government restrictions on tuition are circumvented by a computer fee and incidental fees of similar magnitude.” . Young’people at the task force hearings stated their criticisms about government training. The report said- “One of the most common complaints voiced by young people about government training programs is that they simply don’t know about them.” Other barriers to access expressed were “widespread concern about inadequate levels of financial support, with governments seemingly unwilling to recognize that there are differing financial requirements,” said the report. Employment is another concern of youth. The Canadian Council on Social Development suggests that the real unemployment rate is 25% among young Canadians. Concerns expressed in the report are

Quebec gov’t may hike tuition MONTREAL (CUP) -- Students have been targeted as an extra source of government revenue as Quebec’s Liberals examine ways to reduce the provincial deficit by $1.5 billion. In a speech to the National Assembly on the economic state

of the province, Finance Minister Gerard D. Levesque suggested that university tuition fees be raised and cited Ontario’s nearly doubled tuition fees as justification. Levesque also recommended reducing the cost of education by increasing teacher workload or student/ teacher ratios. “It

t6 help deficit

would be irresponsible to hide certain possibilities,” said Levesque. “These situations are hypothetical and, as such, all hypotheses must be considered. These recommendations are - not binding.” Students think Levesque is testing the waters. “Every time the Quebec government hints

MOVIE POSTER SHOW Wednesday,March 19th Thursday, March 20th

Willie Grove (1eft);treasurer of the Villages Benefit Committee, and John Windisman, chairman, hold 26 $1.000 bills. ‘Photo by Simon Wheeler

TW villages donate - $26,000 t; charity

tuition fees will rise, it is leaked in a noncommittal fashion to the media. The reasons these things are leaked is because they want to gauge whether negative student reaction will outbalance -public reaction,” said Peter Wheeland, student council vice-president, communicaUniversity. tions, Concordia “If students make a lot of noise now, then the government is going to say.. it is only a hypothesis. If the students are quiet, then there will be an increase,” he said. Quebec tuition fees, frozen at $570 a year since 1969, are the lowest in Canada.


The UW Villages Benefit Semi-Formal Committee donated $26,000 this week to Family and Children’s Services of Waterloo Region. This money was raised through a ticket raffle, a Village-sponsored night at Fed Hall, a folk night, a casino night and a semiformal dance held last fall. Peter Ringrose, executive director of Family and Children’s Services was surprised by how large the donation was. “We had no idea it would be that much,” he said. He. noted that the money

raised would help his organization’s plans to consolidate their five regional offices into one. Ringrose added that they would be able to design their new office to be “more appealing to clients, especially children.” Ringrose said they hope to move into a new building by the beginning of next year. Benefit Committee Chairman John Windisman said they exceeded their original goal of between $15,000 and $20,000. In the last six years, the Villages have raised, a total of $102,000 for charity.

After a speech’at McGill last fall, Premier Robert Bourassa told Canadian University Press in ‘an interview, “We plan to maintain the tuition freeze. With all the problems facing youth, we should find the money elsewhere and not increase the cost per student.”

8:30 ah. - 430 p.m. Campus Centre-








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Enrolment crunch .predicted for 1990:

Grade 13 program being


TORONTO (CUP) -- Most of Ontario’s 15 post-secondary institutions, already filled to the limit are asking the government to help deal with a seven per . cent jump in enrolment at the end of the decade. The sudden one-to-three year swelling will be the result of a new high school structure which allow students to graduate in four, four and a half, or five years. The current fiveyear, grade 13 programme is being p.hased out and wil! mean two sets of students graduating at the same time. While the real crunch won’t hit until 1990-9 1, high schoblers I tram the new system could begin graduating as early as 1987. Unless the province gives universities the money to accommodate the extra students, competition for entrance scholarships and limited enrolment


programmes will be tougher than ever, warns Will Sayers of the Council of Ontario Universities. “We’re trying to get ready but we have no reason to modify our original statement that the government has to take this seriously,” he said. The Ministry of Colleges and Universities is in the middle of a three-year survey of hiah school stud&ts that sdould Tell them just how crowded the: hallowed halls will be. Researchers say the bulge will delay a dramatic decline in university enrolments over the next ten years. The main feature of the new high school system is standard courses. That means universities will have to revise many of their first-year and some of their upper-yearcourses. Most will also have to alter their admission procedures to


accommodate high-schoolers who graduate in four and a half years and want to enter university in January. J Despite the added hassles, universities are in favour of the new system. High school



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exist,” Giberson said. “It would be like if you made $120 and I took $20 away every day and gave it back to you, and then said I was giving you $120.” Arnold Naimark, president of the University of’ Manitoba, said the purchasing power of the three councils --the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Counzil,. the Social Sciences ‘and Humanities Research Council, and the Medical Research Council -- will actually’ decline 18 per cent from now to 1990-91. The federal government also plans to match up to $155 million in private donations to the three councils. Naimark said the presidents are wary of this offer because it remains very vague. “Would it be donations to general funding, or for specific purposes?” Naimark asked. The presidents are requesting an urgent meeting with Finance Ministry officials to get a better idea of how the matching funds ,plan would work.


& Gamble Award of Excellence Three annual awards of $1,000 each are available to third-year regular or 3B students in all faculties. Candidates must demonstrate academic excellence in their area of study, and have an impressive recoid of accomplishment and leadership in extracurricular activities. Applications are available at all faculty societies or from the Student Awards Office in Needles Hall. The deadline is March 31, 1986. Ellison Memorial Award .* Applications are invited from 3rd-year planning students who have maintained a “B” average, have financial need and can document a commitment to professional planning and to the spirit of friendship within the school. Preference will be given to female applicants. Application deadline is March 30, 1986. Applications are available from the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. I


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courses won’t vary so much from school to school, and “universities ought to have a much greater idea of what to expect from a student who appears in a first-year class,” said Richard Van Fossen, an official of the Ministry of Education. ,

research %$?

LONDON, Ont. (CUP) -- University presidents meeting here March 5-6 say the federal government did not come through for university research in its budget. Mark Giberson, information officer press attache for the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, scoffed at the budget claim the government was giving $300 million in “new money” to research in Canada. “The $300 million does not


lased- out





: . _

NEWS “The competition

Universities TGRONTO’ (CUP) -- When Queen’s University set out in 1984 to raise money from some 40,000 alumni, it hired students to call each and every graduate. At the same time, it sent out letters to a&mni asking them to contribute to the health of their alma mater. The strategy worked well; the university received pledges from 37 per cent of graduates who had never donated before, and from 68 per cent of those who had. The new “nhone-mail” technique is an’ example of the greater thought and effort being put into fundraising by universities across Canada. As governments cut back on their contribution, adminstrators are forced to look more and more to alumni, parents, corporations, foundations and other groups. “There’s no question about it. Any way you measure it, they’re more into (fundraising),” said Allen, Arlett, a long-time university development officer and

is btaggeringz hit alumni

now head of the Canadian Centre for Philanthropy. Whether it’s telemarketing, direct mail, lunches with company presidents or simply doing more market research, many universities are making a thorough task of what used to be a rather casual exercise. Fundraising, though rarely more than five per cent of revenue, can transiate into a new lab or sports complex considering what revenues of $100 miliiOn Can _ mean _ to a mediumsized university. One school that is paying more attention to outside funding is Hamilton’s McMaster University. Five years ago, it had a director and a secretary working on fundraising. Today, largely because of the establishment of a McMaster Fund, there are four coordinators, an office manager and three secretaries, in addition to the director. “It’s necessary,” coordinator

13 Imprint,





cash -A corporations. Universities iden-

Barbara French said of the funtify relationships between draising effort. “I don’t know of themselves and individual comany universities that can survive panies and then find someone without private funding.” But as there is probably more suitable -- often a businessman fundraising now than ever be- ’ sitting on the university board of governors -- to approach the fore, universities are fighting tooth and nail with hospitals, corporations. Canadian universities still the United Way and other have a long way to go before causes’ : they reach the fundraising successes of many American “The competition is staggering,” said Jeffrey Cruikshank, a schools. consultant with the fundraising “We’re in the Dark Ages in firm of Gordon Goldie Co. The agency is now working on camcontrast,” said York University development officer Steve Drapaigns for Brandon, Winnipeg, nitsaris. “There’s a great chalBishop’s and Concordia univerlenge because Canadians are sities. really at the ground floor in Some universities have been terms of charitable giving.” merging their alumni, developStatistics Canada reports ment and public relations dethat the total funds raised by partments to provide an Canadian universities from priintegrated approach to fundvate sources in 1974-75 was raising. University presidents $92.4 niillion. In 1984-85, the and governors-in-general are universities raised $350 million. getting involved. Those figures include money They often participate in raised for research, which acwhat’s called the “cultivation counts for roughly 20 per cent cycle” of luring dollars from of the totals.

UW -are finalists in architecture competition



After two months of preparation, two teams of University of Waterloo architectural students have been chosen as finalists in the R-2000 Student Design Challenge. The five students on the two teams are among 29 finalist vying for the grand prizes -- two appenticeship positions with Select Home Designs of Vancouver. University of Waterloo finalists are: Team one: Montgomery King, Filippo Scarazza and, Team two: Peter Cizak, Andrew Jack and Elizabeth Ohi. More than 450 architecture and architectural technology students from 13 colleges and universities across the province took part in the R-2000 Student Design Challenge organized by the Ontario Ministry of Energy and co-sponsored by Fiberglas Canada and Select Home Designs. Established to provide future architects and designers with a knowledge and understanding of energy-efficient design and building techniques, the competition introduced the R-2000 standard for energy efficiency in new housing into the curriculum. “No one loses in this competition,” says Ontario Energy Minister Vincent G. Kerrio. ‘-Architectural students gain first-hand knowledge of the techniques available to achieve the R-2000 performance standard, and builders can count on having more knowledgeable designers of R2000 houses in the marketplace. And, of course, consumers then have a greater design selection of energy-efficient homes.” The 40 design entries were judged on several key factors. Each design had to meet the requirements of the R-2000 standard for energy efficiency in new home construction. The design also had to be suitable for an average-income family, economical, practical to build and marketable, with construction detailing that would ensure long-term performance and low maintenance. I Judges selected 12 winmng ,designs submitted from eight schools. The final rankings will be announced in Toronto later this month. Associate Professor Joe Somfay of UW’s architectural program says, “The realism of the project, as opposed to the theoretical aspects, has been of real value to the students in marketing, practical construction design and energy consiaerations.” “The R-2000 performance, standards for new housing were developed in the early 1980s. Using high levels of insulation, well-sealed construction, controlled ventilation, multiglazed windows and small high-efficiency heating systems, heating cost can be reduced by up to 75 per cent over a conventional house. The features also add a greater level ot comtort and liveability to the R-2000 house,” explains Kerrio. Today, there are approximately 500 R-2000 homes throughout the province. “We’re very proud of the unique learning opportunity the R-2000 Student Design Challenge is providing to Ontario’s architectural students,” Kerrio added. Bursaries totalling $25,000 will be shared by the eight schools which submitted the 12 winning designs. The schooIs are: Algonqum College, and Carleton University, both of Ot, tawa; Confederation College, Thunder Bay; George Brown College, Toronto; Humber College, Toronto (2 submissions); Mohawk College, Hamilton; Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, Toronto (3 submission); and the University of Waterloo (2 submissions).

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The Cult put on energetic show, ’


by Rhonda Riche &print staff

Last Monday night, in a crowded roller rink at SuperSkate Seven, one of the best (and most unusual) shows to happen around these parts came to town. The Cult performed a most energetic and passionate show to the most diverse audience I can remember seeing (remember, this is the town where the local papers reported that there was going to be gang warfare between the ‘headbangers’ and ‘wavers’). 4 Montreal band, 39 Steps opened the show with a short set. Despite their headbands and the lead singer’s resemblance to Stive Bators, they never seemed to get the audience’s attention. They also sounded like a second-rate Magazine cover band. The former Death Cult n& Southern Death Cult, took: the stage in a whirl of psyche-. delic projections and fog, but they really didn’t need any gimmicks as they performed their straight-up version of rock and roll. They performed songs from their

by Dave Imprint

album Love, including Resurrection Joe, Love, and of course Ruin, and She Sells Sanctuary, as well as a new song called Electric Sea. The band’s attitude towards their, music seemed to be that they were playing for themselves first and if the audience liked it too, then that was even better. The audience did enjoy the music, and the only surprise of the evening was probably that Ian Astbury isn’t as ugly in person. The sound was good, and the band knows how to play their instruments outside of a studib. The Cult also had a most hypnotic effect on the audience, or at least it seemed that way at the front, and even preppy jocks from Laurier dared to elbow their way to the front to get that much closer to the band before indignant band members deemed it wiser to push them out in an act of brotherly cooperation. In short, The Cult put on a great show, and in the words of Astbury, “If you don’t like it you can just .go fuck yourselves.”

Lawson staff

Several years ago a hybrid born-again folkie put down his acoustic guitar, leaving it untouched except for the occasional token tribute to his earlier days. His fans didn’t know quite what to think; it wasn’t that he had sold out, but something seemed to be missing. Some of the fans split, even quite rudely, evacuating concert halls in shock and anger at the new image of a leather-clad subversive with a flying-Velectric guitar. But many stayed, chaoging along with their times, along with their spokesman, th& ever-changing, ever growing Bruce Cockburn. During his appearance Tuesday at Kitchener’s Centre in the Square, Cockburn offered a privileged glimpse into his World of Wonders that was as much a masterpiece performance as it was a spiritual experienc& The breath-taking tour had us witnessing impassioned performances by Bruce on six different stringed instruments, including acoustic guitar, dulcimer, and charango, as well as his varously-tuned electric guitars. Helping guide US through an equally exotic spectrum of emotion was the tightest, most interesting, energetic band Co&burn has played with to date.

Ian A&bury

lets hi6 adoring



by Tim Perlich



If Cockburn ever chooses to do a live album, he’s got the bhnd that would do it justice. Chi Sharpe on traps and Michael Sloski on kit form a djrnamic and charismatic rhythm section, Hugh Marsh is as dependable and loveable as ever on electric violin and synth, and brother Fergus Marsh does innovative, ground-breaking work on the still-evolving ‘stick’. Michael Alan White, a recent addition to the Cockburn touring roster has a fluid, melodic trumpet style that blends excellently with Marsh’s uiolin lines and the strong vocal support of harmony vocalist Judy Cade. The combination of instruments is as unlikely as it is versatile, complementing old and new repertoire alike, and tastefully jazz-tinged. Fans who entered with reservations about paying the $16 ticket price, left in elation after two standing ovations, a lengthy encore, and even some dancing.


Men play it thick.


Cockburn’s rapport with the audience was first rate, and the songs seemed to flow organically one into another. Cockburn said little, relying mostly on gestures and the power of the music toecarry the concert, but his occasional remarks were relevant and humourous. The show opetied with older tunes like Fascist Architecture, Creation Dream, and Wondering Where the lions Are. Newer tunes included songs from Stealing Fire as well as songs from his newest album World of Wonders, such as People See Through You, and Call it Democracy. Lily of the Midnight Sky (played on charango, a small stringed instrument traditionally made from an armadillo) was iQtroduced by some remarks about the “incredible shrinking guitar”; while the resurrected Arrows of tight (from Joy Will Find .a Way) showcased virtuoso conch playing by Michael White. Fergus Marsh drew double-takes from the audience with a mind-numbing stick solo on Tropic Moon.

by Peter



Men provide

Lawson staff

For lack of a better handle, le’t us call the Thin Men’s music jazz. Jazz? Well, I do not know what other simple world would describe the multi-blend that defines Thin Men. On March 8 the Kent Hotel, upstairs, once again hosted jazz, or a twisted version of something similar. A simple example may clarify the confusion. Rebounding from a piece which brought to mind the colossus of Stravins-

ki’s Rite of Spring, Thin Men swung back through a jazz standard, Five O’Clock Whis-’ t/e, and then-back to a fractured form of fusion. A tune titled Moose the Cut, which reverberated with a (almost) rockabilly beat and swing topping, was another diverse serving. AreyoUconfusednoW?The music by this Toronto-based combo is at times confusing, overwhelming and a little overindulgent, yet yields great rewards for ears which


get their



‘n’ roll leather threads. Photo by Darcy

’ Alyda

“They don’t give you*much of a dance floor here, do they?’ Sensing overwhelming agreement from his audience, Bruce went on to invite people to dance on whatever floorspace they could find and to ngt let “anyone who purports to be an authority” tell them otherwise. The only trouble with this invitation was that it came two-thrids of the way through the concert. Cockburn’s music is infused with such energy that you start to sense something is wrong just sitting for so long. Bruce’s message would not appear to be one of pas$vity. “If what government does affects a person’s life as much as their work does or their lotier does, then it seems to me it’s equally fair game for comment in a song.” Cockburn does much much more than simply comment. He performs the work of a true artist - transformation. Whether writing about personal, spiritual experiences or about oppression in any form, he’s been there. He’s one of the rare breed that puts service before lip service, whether working in the field while the rest of the Canadian music industry records -Tears Are Not Enough, or whether playing sold-out benefits in Vancouver for the Haida. A highlight of the show was a hat’d-driving performance of the freshly-penned anthem Stolen Land, written by Cockburn and Hugh Marsh for the Haida concert, and, as Cockburn explained, all North American native peoples. Part of the encore set, it featured a lengthy, sizzling electric guitar solo. The final encore number was Cockburn’s earthy testimonial Joy Will Find A Way - from his early days, but as appropriate as ever. Percussionist Chi Sbarpe looked like an enraptured, softened Mr. T when he joined Bruce out front, trading licks and demonstrating the real meaning of soul on his African drum. The album cut will never suffice after hearing Tuesday’s rendition of Joy in all its captivating, frenzied polyrhythm. A fitting conclusion that brought the concert full circle.

musical wish to be challenged.- The music is very busy, with possible rhythmic changes or complete changes in focus within a single work. Thin Men consists of front man and composer, Tom Walsh (trombone), Nilan Perara (guitar), David Buchbinder (trumpet), Victor Bateman (bass), and Ambrose Pottie (drums). This March 8th show will be aired on CK-MS sometime in midApril (check their schedule). Also, this combo has a new



four-tune cassette. A review of this cassette will be ,forthcoming (stay tuned). The final concert of the term, on March 21 at the Kent, will be the Aaron Davis Band, which should be a very hot slice. Aaron Davis of Manteca will be joined by Ron Allen, Rob Piltch, Dave Piltch (Strangeness Beauty), Kevin McKenzie (plays with B&e Cockburn, Hugh Marsh) and Julie Masi (Parachute Club). Be there.

gentlemen, The Godfather JAMES .. . .. BROWN!!!!

by Paul Done Imprint staff Ladies and gentlemen, it’s startime. Are you ready for Startime?.YEAH!!! Thank you very kindly, it’s my pleasure to present to you Mr. Please Please Please .. .. Soul Brother #l, . . .. Mr. Dynamite himself singing his million dollar hits Lost Someone . .. Night Train .. . I Don’t Mind .. . I’ll Go Crazy .. . ladies and


by Chris Wodskou Imprint Staff It’s very rare that a Toronto independent band causes as much of a stir with a record release as Sturm Group has with their new album, Century Ho! Coming closely on the heels of the death of Brat X who helped out on this album and who was guitarist for Norda with whom Sturm Group has very close ties, Century Ho! is an album of compulsive intensity, one of those few records which must be experienced rather than merely listened to.




The closest comparison to Sturm Group would probably be to The Fall, but their sound is unpolluted by any of the latter’s sometimes smug self-consciousness. They have the uncanny knack for making dissonance and rough musical experimentation accessible and even danceable. Even Relief, almost a mundane rocker by the standards of the rest of the album, is far from complacent as it is propelled by a maelstrom of eight-fingered bass playing and uncompromising,

old footage of a younger, slimmer James performing his acrobatics are almost unbelievable in their sheer manic energy and raw talent. In the history of soul, rock ‘n’ roll, r ‘n’ b and In his live shows every note, every drop of blues, there is no performer who can match sweat is meticulously choreographed and rethe sheer primal dynamism of James hearsed, yet each time he performs them they Brown. Over his more than a quarter-century take on new life and the crowd goes wild once he has seethed, screamed and career, again. shouted his way through some of the classic The whole point of this preamble is that records of all time. Tracks such as Sex MaPolygram, in their infinite wisdom, have. dechine, Get Up Offa That Thing, Cold Sweat, tided to again release some of James Brown’s Night Truiq, The Mushed Potato, Pupa’s Got ’ classic mid to late 60s material. Three albums A Brund New Z3og and innumerable others are I Got You (I Feel Godd), Papa’s Got A just part of the legend of James Byown. The Brand N&w Bag and The Apollo Presents other part of the legend is his live show. Still (possible the greatest live recording ever the best dancer around (now in his mid 5Os), made) have been issued at a cost lower than

most 12” singles. In addition, a 12” single featuring a mix of many of his hits along with Sex on the b-side has been released. The high moments on these records are so high that you can look down and see Heaven. James’ screams on the transcendent Lost Someone, the one-chord guitar riff of Pupa’s Got A Brand New &Ig, and so many others, make these albums absolutely essential to . anyone with ears.

“look-at-me-when-I-talk-to-you” vocals. They can be somewhat oblique, but they make doubly sure that you know that they’re none too happy with the direction they see the world heading in. In Century Ho!, the instrumental and emotional chaos are threaded together loosely by the boiling funk bass line and the wry, world-weary vocals sick

acidy with steady but not synthetic drumming, furthermore, to their advantage they have added horns on songs like Night of Ligh t and Youth Worshipper. The result is a catchy sound that bridges the gap of the crass 60s with the sophisticated 80s. The vocals are capable and reminiscent of several other groups, but the most fascinating track is Happy Haunting Ground. This song features dreamy guitars and dramatic percussion. ‘The result is a mystical and haunting lullaby.

. Apocalyptic

of Soul, Mr. I . ..


of the fast-track confusions and frustrations of the information age’s sensory overload: ,“Chase the day> to its start/In Century Ho/Swing it brother swing/My head starts to spin/Spin/So I toy with it all/And fall back with a frown.” The sense of abstract unreality about their world makes their visions more urgent and visually apocalyptic. Courage Two-Zn-One builds on this, saying that optimism is the only means of coping with the complications of modern times. The overpowering tribal percussion gives a rock-solid base for the harsh keyboard slashes and industria1 strength jackhammer bass to make it a pounding dancefloor thumper. Sturm Group are not easygoing and demand the intrinsic involvement of the listener. But there is something primal and instinctive in their complex montage of mayhem on musicaland mental levels that draw you right into their turmoil. The most rewarding listening does not necessarily come easily.


12Marchto 15Ma&h,418 _March 20Marchto 22March,1986 8:00p.m.,Theatre of theArts A portraitof evilbv Wliam I Dir&tedby DouglasAbel SetandlightingdesignbyAl Anderson Originalmusicby GeoffreyH. Bennett $6.00($4.00Students/Seniors) Group ratesavailable. Ticketsavailab’le at the Humanities TheatreBoxOffice(885-4280) andallBASSoutlets.

by Harlan Davey Imprint staff Hey, hey is that the Monkees? Well, not quite. It seems they have taken the last train to Clarksville, but arriving from Australia is The Church. The Church is the latest in the pai&y bandwagon of hippies to offer music clearly influenced by The Beatles and eclectic styles. The album is actually a surprisingly good blend of 60s folk rock with present groups like The Dream Academy. The guitar work is

by Paul Done Imprint Staff I’m sure that you’ve all come across System types before: these guys are great and they know it. Pleasure Seekers, their third album, and best to date, is a brash, cocky collection of some of the most inventive, funky dance music being made. Mic Murphy handles the vocal chores while techno-whiz David Franks does all the keyboard playing and programming. Despite the synth-oriented sound of the System, they manage to make each record sound more accessible and warm than the previous. At their best, the System’s melody pops and crackles like some atomic bowl of Rice Krispies while the basslines bounce and shudder with epileptic frenzy. On songs like Pleasure Seekers, the title track, and Big City Beat, session man Paul Pesco adds a healthy serving of grinding guitar, building the songs up to a point where it becomes almost painful not to dance to them (no exaggeration!). . Though the lyrics are unabashedly hedonistic and superficial, Mic’s always improving voice infuses them with the kind of grit and lust which is the essence of soulful dance music. As vapid as the sentiments on songs suchas My Radio Rocks are, it doesn’t matter


There is no more to be said. If you don’t have them, buy them. Music this raw, this powerful, this primal comes from only a few sources - Otis Redding, Little Richard, Sam and Dave and, above them all, James Brown.

Heyday is an impressive and enjoyable album, shut what is most outstanding is the future The Church promises.

when they are turned loud, shaking and moving your bones and internal organs. You need strong legs and lots of stamina to make it through this record - just try and dance conservatively to this record - it can’t be done. Before you know, you’ll be spinning around, jumping up and down and generally doing things which you don’t normally do. From start to finish, the pace and intensity of The Pleasure Seekers never lets up. The four songs on sideone disappear. in a pool of sweat while side two’s four cuts keep up the body-grinding pace. Physical exhaustion and / tired legs never felt so gooood!




..i ’ i-- ,I _

with their-independent

c J

Along with Slow, ,Brilliant Orange, and Go Four Three, Vancouver’s Enigmas have risen

by Paul Done

Currently sitting at #2 on the Web crossCanada University radio charts, It Came Canada is a collection of 11 of Canada’s coolest, grooviest bands. The 14 songs are as varied as they are great. With everything from the Stooges-like thrash of the Enigmas to the mutant country and western of Dust-y Chaps to the sludgeabilly of the godlike Deja Voodoo. Though the quality of the material on the album is not consistent, the fine moments are superb. The Deja Voodoo tracks Lonely Motel and The HouSe of Dr. Stimuli (the 2:04 extended remix) are trash in its most excruciatingly raunchy, pungent state, while the two Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra contributions redefine the term “gun-









record label. Zulu. to

grungy way into their music with fuzzed out guitars dominating most of the album, but perhaps the best way to describe their sound would be as “hardcore-pop”. Built on the guitars which are heavy on distortion and._devil-

-- -

by Chris’ Wodskou Imprint Staff

, _ ;; _ .”

Wiper is a whimsically silly -41 at tempt 1 at creating 4, - own 1 ,I I rnelr aance craze wifn a rea-in-me-race sax part that sounds like it was lifted verbatim from the Villains or Madness: “Well after lots of dancing, parties should be dead/But we were feeling pretty hyper/And she took me out and laid me on her automobile/And did the windshield wiper on me.” Perhaps they suffer somewhat from a sameness that runs through most of Strangely Wild, but they redeem themselves with unflinching energy and strong writing ability. With enough bands like The Enigmas, Zulu should make a considerable impact on the Canadian music biz. I toting redneck”. Among the other fab tracks on the album are For All I Cure, a flipped-out bit of teen garage paranoia from the Gruesome - the hottest act in Montreal right now, who incidentally are playing along with Deja Voodoo and three other bands at Larry’s on March 29. Chris “Baby Jesus” Houston, ex-bassist for the Forgotten Rebels does his best Elvis on Surfin’ On Heroin which was originally done by those same Rebels. The Enigmas’ &Id Meat (“Hey I’m not gonna eat that sandwich!“), 2+2 = ?by U.I.C. (from the metropolis of Exeter, Ont.) are r‘n’r at its gonzo mindless best. However, the wildest and wierdest track is the Dusty Chaps Yukon Buddy, the story of a man and his dog which can only be the product of those long’, cold, lonely Western nights. “He’s the Dog, He’s the Dog, He’s the Dog of my dreams.” Overcome your inhibitions, buy a record which you haven’t heard a dozen or so times before, it won’t hurt and you’ll probably like it!

by Tim Imprint

Perlich staff

The Jesus and Mary Chain (JAMC) have got to be the reigning kings of bands whose popularity has been entirely manufactured on the typewriters of the U.K. music press. It continues to thrive on the ‘new kick’ aspect of our culture and its members’ ritual of new trend one-upmanship in a vain attempt at exerting some control over an information-saturated environment. This hoax began when one of the British music papers reported a riot at JAM% concert and itemized the damage done. The group was subsequently banned from the club and other clubs, fearing similar damage, followed suit. Suddenly, JAMC was enshrouded with the romantic mystique of “outlaws” and “young rebels,” which brought those sacred images of James Dean and Marlon Brando to the minds of every middle-class youth looking for a wall to punch. What the clever writer neglected to mention in his report of the fateful concert ,was that the riot was started by angry fans who paid the cover charge and received only 15 minutes of uncontrolled -feedback. When the group declined to return for a second set, instead of being relieved, the mob started hurling chairs and anything else at hand onto the stage, thoroughly trashing the group’s amps and the club’s P.A. Almost instantaneously, the word spread to every child who wantea to be involved in a riot (or at least watch one from a safe distance) and they all came to the next JAMC show with the-gleeful notion of doing something forbidden or dangerous without inaking themselves vulnerable to any of the unpleasantries of real violence. The writers from the music papers were not about to let an opportunity to test their god-like powers of manipulation slip through their fingers. This was a chance to take a band, a horribly inept band, maybe the worst band on earth (because it wouldn’t be a challenge if the group involved could play their instruments or even had a glimmer of talent) and build them up into pop superstars using only the power of the printed word. The Reid brothers being the astute individuals they are, remained clear-headed enough to recognize the situation at hand and parlayed their 15 minutes of fame into a major record deal. Meanwhile, JAMC drummer Bobby Gilespie, fed up with the turn of events,. jumped ship and assumed full-time singing chores with Primal Scream. The music papers kept up the JAMC injoke with glowing reviews for each new single the band released, always accompanied with in implied nod and wink. It wasn’t the least bit surprising to see the N.M.E. devote a whole page to a loving review of PsychoCandy but I’m sure that even Jim Reid was slightly jarred by the sight of not one but two JAMC singles





in the top two positions of the N.M.E.‘s best single picks for 1985. Popularity snowballed as trendies from all corners of the planet latched on to this “next big thing”.. Even the hipper-than-thou writers of the Nerve were neither proud nor brash enough to question’ the Emperor’s New Clothers fashioned by the U.K. music papers, but what’s even sadder is that they’ve sheepishly joined the crowd without being aware of the joke involved. As for the PsychoCandy album, it would be a waste of time to crank out a list of the Merry Chain’s inadequacies, Joyously youthful? Vital? Alternative? Harbingers of a new age in punk? Ha! Their sickeningly self-conscious adolescent angst stance; totally devoid of sincerity or passion, is at best tedious. Possibly the L.P.‘s finest moment Just Like Honey, if described as lyrically vacuous and ruthlessly mediocre, would be an exaggeration of its accomplishment. The ever-present drone of feedback used to veil the band’s musical shortcomings, instead of being incorporated as an enhancement, serves to wash out each “composition” to an indiscernible grey melange until the between song gaps are looked forward to with anticipation. Their distortion and feedback might not be so tepid if it wasaccompanied by something more than the two chords that the Reid brothers have jointly come up with so far. Arrogant little pouts admittedly are kind of cute but, unfortunately, they can’t be seen on record nor can you see their new clothes.

by Paul Done

rio St. (Kitchener) Waters, Albert

th Ki

, Carl


Garden Bower are one of the more recent groups to have made an appearance on the Kitchener music scene. However, One, their first release, a four-song cassette, shows far more imagination and flair than virtually any other band in the region. Of the four songs on the tape, the first two (no titles) are the usual kind of “a bunch of friends fooling around with a four-track tape recorder” stuff which is so common in independent music. However, the last two show far more maturity than would be, expected from listening to the first two. The third song (fuck, 1 wish they had titles, it’s so awkward this way!) is an ambient summery track reminiscent of early D,urutti Column or Co&au Twins. The last track on the cassette is where all the ideas and imagination gel and the result is a revelation. Surprisingly jazzy, resembling a Velvet Underground song as interpreted by. Van Morrison; it features lovely sitarish guitar runs throughout, while the melodic bass playing both anchors the song and infuses it with weaving melody lines. 1 The most obvious sign of this band’s inexperience is the fact-that the songs are ordered badly: the very strong last two tracks should start the tape rather than end it. Regardless of the sequencing of the songs, One, by Garden Bower, is a very good first release and only serves to whet the appetite for more from this local talent. .







*O ARTS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.





World Machine The Blind Leading the Naked Psychocandy New Wave, Old Ocean (Mech Eng ‘86) Feargal Sharkey Feargal Sharkey Various Artists , Pretty In Pink (Soundtrack) Elvis Costello King of America Public Image Ltd. Album Mike Olfield The Complete Television’s Greatest Hits 65 TV Themes From the 50s and 60s

Level 42 Violent Femmes Jesus and Mary -Special Thanx


Just Atiived One (Cassette Only) 1. Garden Bower 2. Various Artists Windham Hill Records Sampler ‘86 1 3. Topper Headon Waking Up Based o;n sales at the Record Store, Campus Centre, Lower Mall, University of Waterloo.


Katitatijian shows talent with KWSO

by Peter Lawson imprint staff



The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra displayed their consistent talent on Saturday, March 8, during a Masterpiece Series concert at the Centre in the Square. The orchestra, under the baton of Raffi Armenian, performed works by Sherman, Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky and hosted guest violinist Gerard Kantarjian. The evening began unusually for a symphony concert. The opening piece, Norman Sherman’s (b 1926) Icthyon (Greek - ichtys = fish) was inspired by watching fish in a tank, and the sense. of random movement of these creatures is reflected in the varying tempos and harmonics in the music. The sound is often atonal and uses the jerking action of pizzicato of the strings to emphasize the flash movements of the fish. The music, is scortid for thirteen strings players, who are grouped into 6 sections - 1 solo violin; 2 two violins, viola, cello; 3 viola cello; 4 violin, 5 violin, viola, cello; 6 double bass. The usual order of a symphony returned with the full orchestra for Felix Mendelssohn’s (1809 - 1847) Violin Concerto

64. The sionato driven rhythms serene Andante,

melody. The concluding third movement, Allegro molto uiuace, is a famous melody which is often featured as an excerpt. It also has a dance rhythm and brings this splendid concerto to a bouncy conclusion.

Gerard Kantarjian had a good opportunity to show his talents in this famous melodic work. Mr. Kantarjian, born in Cario, began studying the violin at age of three-and-a-half and became an international violinist as his, career progressed. -He came to Canada in 1967 to be concertmaster of the Toronto Symphony and has remained in Toronto as a freelance musician and currently guides the Chamber Players of Toronto and the CJRT Orchestra. The music of Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) concluded the evening’s program. The’Symphony No 4 in F minor, Opus 36 reflects the moods which affected Tchaikovsky’s life, especially the elements of tragic fate. The second movement, Anduntino in modo di canzona, is a famous melody which possesses a pinch of the tragic. Throughout the third movement, the strings played pizzicato (plucking strings instead of bowing), an effective contrast to the stormy fourth in E minor, Opus movement’s conclusion. Allegro moJto uppusThe evening was another ,( 1st movement) is by Slavic dance ,_ success for Director Raffi Armenian who always seems to and yields to a more have his orchestra in fine, dissecond movement, which has a golden cipline form.

Hype goes speedcore by Joe Sary Imprint staff


The second band Problem Children had much more success as their early punk sound came through the speakers with lemon-fresh clarity. The band was very successful in blending their 70s influences with some more thrashy hardcore songs to create a satisfying variety, keeping their show interesting from start to finish.

Toronto’s senior hardcore band Hype has spent the last six months in self-imposed exile working in their Oakville basement studio with new second guitarist John Barbason, who joined the band last fall. After releasing their debut album Life Is Hard . . . Then You Die, the band felt they needed more power and flexibility than guitarist Martin Sheen could provide It was nearly midnight before/ Hype took the stageof Larry’s, alone. The long break from concerts was apparently necessary a place they haven’t occupied for nearly a year. The excellent before they were comfortable as a five-piece unit, and it also sound quality at the club was something the band severely gave them the opportunity to work in some new songs de- _ missed at some of the other places they have played and it was signed for the -two guitar onslaught. especially impQrtant with the two guitaks. As the band got Hype’s first Toronto concert since last August, at Larry’s warmed up, their stage antics became increasingly energetic, Hideaway on March 8, was reminiscent of last winter’s hardespecially. Barbason’s, who complimented the rest of the core shows with the flood of discount tickets and the large band’s stage presence very well with his constant motion. crowds they attracted. Unfortunately, the tickets were not The band’s older songs sounded more powerful with the always enough to bring people in, as multitudes were turned second guitar, but they were noj particularly improved. The away without the necessary 13 pieces of I.D. five new songs the band introduced on Saturday, however, The opening act was a new young hardcore band from the were great blasts of energy with the two guitars alternating on TO area, Social Suicide, who put on an energetic display of lead. With the added power, the band seems to be moving into flips, dives and four-chord thrash. Their set was plagued with more of a metal influenced speedcore sound. Their next album, various technical problems which distracted from the force of scheduled to be released later this year, will probably lean more their music, and when they finished their set, they were even towards this genre rather than the clear, fast punk we have locked out from the club for being underage. come to expect from the band.

Bishop gives spirited show . by M&y

Joy Aitken

Manitoba folk-singer Heather Bishop gave a spirited and moving performance in the Humanities Theatre last Thursday evening as part of the celebrations surrounding International Women’s Day. Despite bonechilling winds and- near-blizzard conditions, close to 200 people turned out to hear the feminist singer provide a varied and wonderfully entertaining evening of progressive music. The event was sponsored by the Federation of Students. The concert was opened bb Bishop’s accompanist, Tracey Riley. Riley, a young and talented bass player, originally from Montreal and now living in Winnipeg, gave a solid opening &Later in the evening she showed her coolness under pressure when, after Bishop broke a guitar ,string, she immediately stepped in and delivered a rousing version of Wild Women Don’t Get The Blues, much to the delight of the audience.

Although they hdve been performing together for only a year, Bishop and Riley have put together a first-rate show with Riley’s quiet but able bat k-up vocals and bdss-playing suitably complementing Bishop’s powerful vocal ability. The -two performed a variety of music ranging from blues to a delightful children’s set. The latter was highlighted by Bishop’s decision to hold a dance contest in which almost the entire audience entINske& participated. (The winners : there were two - received one of Bishop’s albums as their. prize.) Bishop performed both‘ old (Feuer, Yukon Ruin, I Love Women) and new material. Amongst the latter was a motiing song about the delicate issue of incest as well as a beautiful tribute to life on the prairies. Bishop also performed Our Silence, a song about Mother Earth, which she introduced by saying, “If your mother is sick you go home and take care of her. Our mother is sick and we must take care of her.”

“Rather than giving artists more Heather Bishop: government grants, the government needs to export Canadian culture.”

Contacted after the concert, Bishop had some interesting comments to make about government support of Canadian artists. She said “rather than giving us (artists) more government grants, the government needs to export Canadian culture. We have a really good cuiture. The problem is that we don’t export it.”

She suggested that, “our government should lobby on our (artists’) behalf and help us get access to the American market.” It is now almost impossible for musicians sue h as Bishop to obtain work visas ’ for the United States because they have to be able to prove that no U.S. citizen could do their work.




.-- 5..--Jmprint,

The new American by Tim Imprint


Perlich staff

by Charles


mechanism. seved yczirs ago, I witnes& the &drocutjon of a musician, an ‘electronic musician. Well, the electrocution was little more than a big shock . . . He and his fellow ‘musicians’ were providing a live soundtrack for the ’20s ‘silent film Nosferatu. Some member of the audience judged that the bizarre and distracitng noises emanating from the front stage were annoying, and so threw his beer at the group. And then came the big cheers. The ‘electronic’ group was finished. Group goes balcony with leader trailing, shaking fist. Received mixed noises like a dog fight. A lot of the crowd are saying to hell with electronic music. How different then, was this recent event

corns) to reclaim himself spiritually through the rigorous discipline of martial arts amidst the alien culture of Japan. In McInerney’s astute observation of the Japanese subculture and his characterizations of the eighties male archetype in Ransom, are the novels loci of power. Chris Ransom is the strong-willed silent type who refuses to allow himself to be easily drawn into battle, but if provoked ,beyond a certain point, will not back down. Caring, almost nurturing towards his friends, he will always help those around him in need yet remains independent, unflinching in his goal-. seeking and of irreproachable moral fibre. There are clear ties to the work of Hemingway, in par&lar Jake Barnes of The Sun Also Rises who leaves the U.S. to spiritually cleanse himself by digging bullfights in Spain. McInerney dlso incorporates Hemingway’s view through the eyes of the lone, sane character in a decomposing world and his predominant consciousness or his own mortalitv. Ransom is told in Mcinerney’s disarmingly clear prose style illuminated with rock-solid imagerv: . Close in, the Kyoto silk dryers dumped their rinse tanks. The white Herons that fished the shallows - had purple plumage one day, green the next weeks in advance of the women who bought the kimono silk in the shops dowtitown. His use ot light humour and taste for the ironic is strategically placed throughout to release the built up tension at just the right moment within his plot/ subplot/ drama sequence structure, seemingly built with a sense of reader in mind. The only possible short-coming might be’ the somewhat abrupt ending that makes a bigger claim to being resolved than it actually is. Ransom has proven McInerney to be an insighful observer and a stylist of consummate skill . . . Cancel that&e way ticket and roll up a bill, Andy.

that from the past? Listen. Buxton and Company are absolutely fabulous. The audience for the Computer Science Club presentation was delighted - responded with cheers and all smiles. Here then, is why: Buxton and his fellow musicians are fun. They smile a lot, talk to the audience, and make music that sounds like music. “You play jazz?,” I asked Bill. “After a fashion,” he replied. Hey, c’mon guy, what is that supposed to mean? Buxton and Company play jazz. They won’t admit it and who cati blame them. Heard any good jazz lately? No, but that’s okay, because jazz is untouchable, right?No,‘most jazz today will make you barf. Listen to Monk’s Dream or Mingus Dynasty, and then ask yourself . . . where, oh where have they all gone . . . Mister

M 0 vie po ste r S l an art form Lee

2’ 14,1986.-

blitzes, with -sonic electronics

There are four musicians you see on the Theatre of the Arts stage for Buxton and Company electronic concert on Friday, March 7, and it is all very exciting because every now and then, one of them drops to his knees to coax a cathode ray tube :. . In 1899, Thaddeus Cahill invented the first electronic musical instrument, the Telharmonium. It re7 quired a building the size of a gymnasium to house its working mechanisms. It weighed 200 tons and was portable. On December 23rd, 1947, the point-contact transistor was born in Bell Labs. The significance of these two events is not lost on Bill Buxton, I am sure. Bill was the musician who fell to his knees in supplication every now and then, initiating the interface between man and

by David



It should come as no surprise that the most exciting new literature published over the last few decades has come from the smaller houses such as Black Sparrow Press, New Directions, Grove Press and the mecca of cool, City Lights. Random House, however, has recently stirred things up by bursting onto the scene with the slick Vintage Contemporaries series flaunting a solid core of established and talented young unknown writers (Raymond Carver, Thomas McGuane, Richard Ford, Kathryn Kramer, Paule -Marshall and others). With the “overnight” success of his first novel Bright Lights, Big City, 1984, (already being filmed as a major budget motion picture), Jay McInerney has suddenly found himself weighted with the “spokesman for a generation” burden, receiving as much backlash now as hype when the novel sold out its first printing of 15,000 copies in less than a month. His back against the critical wall, McInerney’s second novel Ransom would either launch him into the furthest cokesparkled reachs of the POP celebritv stratosphere or validate his one way ticket to One-Nouel- Wonders--ville. The plot is formed around a disillusioned young man, Chris Ransom, who leaves the shallowness and moral bankruptcy of the West (most notably represented by his father’s “fall from grace” in starting out as an idealistic playwright, critically lauded though “commercially modest” and winding up as a Hollywood director of commercials and simple-minded sit-



Toronto teacher Mike Orlando has been fortunate enough to turn ‘his love for movie- posters into a lucrative business. Orlando started out as your typical “movie buff” who collected and saved anything and everything relating to his favourite films and stars. Some 15 years ago ‘he made a point of visiting old movie’houses which were inthe process of closing down. Mike was able to purchase valuable movie memorabilia for next to nothing. At that time, in Canada few people realized that vintage movie posters were valuable collectibles. It seems that “one man’s garbage is another man’s gold.” Orlando used these hidden treasures as tradeable commodities, enabling him to further enhance his personal collection. He is now recognized by his fellow collectors as possessing the most extensive Humphrey Bogart collection in the world.

Casablanca (3r Gone With the Wind movie poster costs $4,000, while a WizardofOz\ ,vould set you back an overwhelm. ing $10,000.

Presently, there has been an explosion of interest in movie posters due to a recent acknowledgement of movie posters as an artform and as artifacts of modern history. Evidence of this is the New York Museum of Modern Art’s most recent purchase of a collection of foreign and American posters from the 20s and 30s and 40s for $200,000. Mass culture has been influenced, to a great extent, by George Lucas’ promotion of the blockbuster motion picture Star Wars. Lucas was the first director/entrepreneur to realize that modern movie advertisements are a marketable product. Seeing Star Wars posters in department stores generated people’s enthusiasm and interest. Movie-goers began to question where they could purchase collectibles related to their favourite films.

As Mike’s collection increased, collectors world-wide would make a point of visiting’ him in Toronto in order to conduct trades and purchases. Not wanting every Stephen, Francis or Alfred traipsing through his home, Mike decided to open an office in the Beaches. Recognizing a potential business venture, Mike displayed selected posters from his collection. As a result, people started walking in off the street to make inquiries. He then converted his office into a store called The Hollywood Canteen. It became a going concern, to such an extent that he Movie distrubutors, now realizing the value of their promorequired more space. He moved to a larger storefront located tional material, require that the-local theatres return all movie on Danforth Ave. He now owns “Toronto’s most complete paraphernalia. They may only be purchased from private colCinema Shop.” lectors or authorized outlets. Since not everyone has $10,000 to spend on their favourite classic film poster, production companies have made it possible to purchase reproductions of classic film titles for a fraction of the cost. These reproductions, which are exact replicas of the originals, are of little value to a serious collector who is solely interested in first issue, original posters dating back to the film’s initial release. However, for you and I, the alternative is an inexpensive way to obtain an attractive and hostalgic keepsake. * Collectors of rare movie posters have been in existence since the making of the firs‘t motion picture. These people On Wednesday, March 19th and Thursday, March 20th, in predominantly reside in Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Franthe Campus Centre, you will have an opportunity to view and cisco, New York and Paris. Most recently, Toronto and Montpurchase a wide variety of movie memorabilia. Everyone from real have become hot spots as well. Orlando states, “a true James Dean to Rambo and from Marilyn Monroe to Madonna collector is prepared to pay any amount at ‘any time for somewill be available. Prices range from $1 to $60., Orders will be thing he/she really wants because the next time that it becomes taken. So go ahead, make your day, check’out the movie available it may be double the price.” Expenditures depend poster show. _ -upon individual film titles, stars and poster size. An original

Mingus and Mister Monk . . yeah, I wonder where they all are now. Jazz is supposed to be exciting at a primal level. Jazz is supposed to make you want to \. go, proverbially. Buxton and Company play jazz the way it’s supposed to be. No festering solos by musicians with egos the size of LOS Angeles. The music is sharp and lean, and brutally exciting. Get the picture that the show was something exciting? If, you weren’t there, you missed something big. Buxton and Company are not exactly a ‘touring band,” all four members have flourishing careers to worry about. If and WHEN this Toronto-based #group to decide to give a performance, don’t miss it. You’ll be considered foolish if you do.






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adi-atice< to Fhal, Four

by Steve Hayman Imprint-staff Just like we all knew they’d do, the basketball Warriors won the Mid-East Regional last weekend at the PAC and head now with the band to Halifax, for their fourth straight CIAU Final Four tournament Although neither the 81-72 victory over Calgary nor the 63-62 heart-stopper over Winnipeg can be classified as championship calibre ball, a win is a win at this stage. Waterloo now has the joy of travelling 1,500 miles just to play Western tonight. The other semi-final is another inter-division clash between ttie Mid:West regional winner SaskatcheGan Huskies and Western winner, who else, Victoria. Both games will be shown by TSN at 5:00 and 7:30 pm., with tomorrow’s championship game on CTV at 2:00 pm. Can “Dynasty 11:The Warriors” finally remove the Vikings from their six-year position as Canada’s champions? Surely you don’t expect me to provide an objective answer.

Warrior Paul Boyce is fouled for the basket.

by a Calgary player as he drives Photd by Rick Yazwinski

\ Waterloo 63, Winnipeg 62 It was a classic game+fro,m the entertainment angle. The final against Winnipeg marked the end of an era; it is definitely the last game at the PAC for all-time leading scorer Peter Savich as a Warrior, and possibly the last for Paul Boyce and Randy Norris. “I wasn’t even thinking about -it until the CBC asked me about it after the game,” Savich said. But don’t go away, #21 fans, negotiations are underway to bring the National team to the PAC for a game this summer. Now back to the live action, The regional final against Winnipeg was witnessed by the loudest and largest crowd and band of the year, and nobody was disappointed. The only part worth describing is the last minute (Oh, OK, it was 38-29 for Waterloo at the half. And Savich had 20 in the first half, going 2 for 2from the lineand 9 for 10 from the floor, with 2 layups, 7 jump shots and 1 assist. These basketball analysis charts are great!) The Wesmen fought back to take a 62-59 lead with a minute left; Paul Boyce scored shortly after to make it 62-61. The Warriors were forced to foul with 0: 12 left and chose Winnipeg’s Gord Tucker as the stooge. Three thousand Warrior fans - called the “third coach” after the game by assistant Athletic Director Wally Delahey flustered Tucker enough that he missed the first shot, andas Waterloo brought the ball up the floor Rob Froese was fouled driving for the basket. With three seconds left, Froese (the one player you want in this situation, of course) connected on both shots toigive Waterloo its one point win, marking the second straight year that Froese won the regional with a last-second shot. “We got character, we got guts and that’s what won the game for us,” Savich said after scoring only 6 in the second half but choosing particularly opportune times for his points. “Nobody else was scoring. Somebody had to,” he said. ’ “1 have to be happy. We had a great year,” Winnipeg coach Bill Wedlake said at the conclusion of his first year of university, ball. “it’s nice to play here too. There’s no place in the country like this. Plus, your sports coverage is better than ours; the last two issues of our paper were all about ‘Gays, Lesbians and Aspartame.‘-’ An otherwise happy Waterloo coach Don McCrae noted that “We started dismally in the second half, We went to sleep.” And in fact the team was lucky to escape with the victory. Tournament all-stars were McGill’s Patrick Arsenault, John Vigna of the Dinosaurs, Winnipeg’s Will Parker and Gord Tucker, land of course Savich. Froese was,honoured as the game’s MVP, for making the last-second shot that will be rememberedvfor years, just like Savich’s shot to beat Brandon in 1982, Seymour Hadwen’s no-time left basket to beat Guelph in the 1979 playoffs, and guard Phi’1 Goggin’s national-championship-winning basket in 1976. Semifinal - Waterloo 81, Calgary 72 “It wasn’t a nine-point game at all,” Calgary coach Glen Howard said. “It was more like three. I hope we didn’t leave your fans wanting their money back.” Calgary led early and took it 38-34 halftime split to the dressing room but Waterloo steadily pulled away in the second half. Five Warriors - Savich, Froese, Boyce, Randy Norris and Vilhelm Boggild each scored in double figures. “You shot the ball tonight, you bugger!“, Howard said to Boggild

UW’s Rob Froese puts up a shot against Winnipeg. Photo! by Rick Yazwinski who could only reply, “1 had to. I was open ...‘* Winnipeg beat McGill 85-75 in the other semi-final. Awards Best Press Kit -Calgary. including the full-colour Dinosaur Sports Magazine and all sorts of other interesting stuff that 1 never quite got around to reading. Worst Uniforms - Winnipeg. How can anyone read numbers in that font? Most Nostalgic Sign - “OMM-7 I”, a gentle reminder of an era when life was simple and-people made banners the old fashioned way: they stole them. Dumbest Question - The CBC radio reporter who asked McCrae, “Will you miss Peter Savich?” Second Dumbest Question - McCrae announced that “Norris has a blister on his toe the size of a fifty-cent piece,” Unnamed reporter: “Canadian or American?’ McCrae: “Oh shut up.” Best Press Kit Trivia- McGill. Do-you know the name of the hockey team at the Un’iversite du Quebec a Chicoutime? “Les lnuk.” Best Fans Anywhere - Waterloo. As confirmed by any visiting coach. Congratulations, everyone, on helping push the Warriors into the final four.

Review of CIAU basketball regional by Donald Duench Imprint staff At the ClAU basketball regionals this past weekend, four teams won to advance to the Final Four, twelve teams were forced to conclude their seasons, but the real winners were the fans who attended the four tournaments. They were treated to some excellent hoops, including a pair of one-point nail-biters to determine regional champions. At Wolfville, N.S., the Western Mustangs were forced to the limit twice, but came up with the regional championship. In their opening game against UPEI, the ‘Stangs’ had to go into overtime to finally settle the issue, winning 78-74. Later that night, the hometown Acadia Axemen finished off an injury-scarred York crew 83-69. In the final; UWO’s Chris Cavender sank a pair of clutch free throws with seven seconds left to give Western a 63-60 advantage. Acadia wqs given the easy hoop at the buzzer to leave the final at 63-62. UPEI won the consolation game, 73-60, over York. At Saskatoon. Sask.. the No. 1 ranked Manitoba Bisons had their chances of advancing to the Final Four dimmed when guard Terry Garrow suffered a sprained ankle near the end. of the first half o,f then semi-final game versus Toronto. Manitoba, who had led 46-35 at the half, barely held on to defeat the Blues 84-83. In the other semi-final, Saskatchewan topped Dalhousie 67-64. Without Garrow in peak physical condition, the Bisons lost to Saskatchewan 72-59 in the final. Toronto edged Dal, 79-76, in the 1 consolation contest. At Lethbridge, Alta., a national television audience saw the return to form of Victoria’s Cord Clemens. The Vikines defeated St. F.X. 80-72 in one semi-final, while Lethbridge came back rom a poor start to destroy Concordia 77-58. The Pronghorns also got off to a bad start against Victoria but couldn’t come -back this time. Vic took a 79-59 decision to claim a spot in Halifax. Concordia defeated St. F.X. 83-73 in the consolation game. The results, combined with Waterloo’s victories over Calgary (81-72) and Winnipeg (63-62) to win the Mid-East regional, set the stage for the Final Four this weekend to decide the CIAU basketball championship. In one semi-final, Western (ranked 1lth last weekend) will meet Waterloo (3), and Victoria (2) will take on Saskatchewan (ranked 12th). These semi-finals will be held tonight (Friday) at the Metro Centre in Halifax, N.S., at 5 pm. and 7:30 pm (not respectively), and will be televised on TSN.

The winners will then meet tomorrow (Saturday) at 2 pm. to decide the national championship. This game will be televised on CTV (channel 13 locally). The Hal&facts . Western: The Mustangs, coached by Doug Hayes, have had a roller-coaster season. After an unimpressive pre-season U WO also lost last season’s top scorer, Greg Moore, due to injury. For some reason, the ‘Stangs’ were able to become greater than the sum of their parts, and won the regular season of the OUAA West with a 10-2, record. Their only loss since the regular season ended was in the division final, where Waterloo topped them 7 l-66. UWO workhorses include OUAA West all-stars Chris Cavender (first team) and Peter Vandebovenkamp (second team). Guard Pod Armstrong injured his knee in Friday’s regional semi-final, and may not be available for the Final Four. This is the first appearance by Western at the national championships since 1968, when Waterloo Lutheran won. Saskatchewan: The Huskies will be somewhat familiar to Halifax fans, as their team logo was “borrowed** from St. Mary’s, U of Sask. was ranked No. 2 in December, after they won the Albert tournament, and they looked like the team to beat in Canada West. Perhaps due to the fact that they were to host a regional, the Huskies wound up with a 4-6 record in CWUAA play, just barely making the playoffs on points for and against Alberta( 144-143). In the Canada West playoffs, they upset Victori& 78-76, and then lost to Lethbridge (86-76) in the final. Head coach Guy Vetrie has 6’8’*, 255 pound All-Canadian Byron Tokarchuk to counter the height of Victoria and Waterloo. I he Huskie supporting cast features Kirk Jones, Sheldon Ryma, and Junior National Team member John Clelland. This is the first appearence by Saskatchewan at the national championships since 1982. Victoria: National champions for the past six years. Calm, cool, and collected. Machine-like efficiency. All these apply to the Vikings, and their head coach, Ken Shields, The Vikings. have been No. I in the rankings for most of the year (and the decade), and have lost only five games to CIAU opposition this season. They finished the CWUAA regular season at 9-1, but lost in the conference semi-final to Saskatchewan. What everyone notices first about the Vikings is their overall height, especially seven-footer Cord Clemens; who is now recovered from a back injury. Look closely, and what stands out is the stellar play of all six guards, who are almost interchangeable in the Victoria style of play. Randy Steele, Lloyd Scrubb and Vito Pas-

quale are but three of the guards to Previous Meetings Western 75, Waterloo 65, Jan. 25 Waterloo 92, Western 70, Feb. 19 Waterloo 7 1, Western 66, Mar. 1 Saskatchewan 64, Western 62, Nov. Victoria 72, Western 68, Nov. 30 Victoria 79, Saskatchewan 70, Jan. Victoria 78, Saskatchewan 74, Feb. Saskatchewan 78, Victoria 76, Feb.

watch. ’ 29 10 7 22

Women’s basketball The West B Oldtimers have captured the women’s competitive basketball league, winning all their league games. Last week they dazzled the Basketcases by winning 48-16. Top scorer of the we& was Karen Clanke of Larry’s Byrds, with 17 pts. The game of the week featured the Partying Pink Flamingos downing Kinners et al 21-20. Both teams ended the season with a 5 and 1 record. Playoffs start Tues., March 11. Best of luck to all teams and congratulations.


C-R dates

March 15: National Lifeguard Course, 9:00 am. - 9:00 pm., Room 1088 PAC. Mixed Volleyball Championships, IO:00 am. 4:00 pm., Main Gym, PAC. March 16: National Lifeguard Course, 9:00 am. - 4:00 pm., Room 1088, PAC. Men’s Basketball Championships, 6:00 pm., Main Gym, PAC. March 17: Men’s Basketball Championships, 7:30 pm., Main Gym, PAC. Week of March 17: Men’s/ Women’s Broomball Championships. March 18: Ball Hockey Championships, 6:30 pm., Seagram Gym. Women’s Basketball Championships, 7:30 pm., Main Gym, PAC. March 19: Competitive Hockey Championships, 8:00 pm. - !2:00 am., Columbia Icefield.

I ,’ ‘3 Imprint,



14, l?86._

Four ‘Warri.ors\.-andone Athena look for’ medals confident relay t&am from U of There will be fast feet down east this weekend, as UW men T. Wiih the country’s second strive for national titles on the fastest time heading into the nationals; a medal is within their basketball and volleyball courts, but Waterloo’s fleetest grasp. Inman and Mitro are also feet will be heading west to Eddoubling up in their specialties monton, where the track and field team vies for supremacy and could figure in the medals. Inman’s sub 350 performance on the indoor oval. for the metric mile at the conferThe Warriors have qualified four men in individual middle ence championships two weekends ago give’s him a third -distance running events, along place natiofial ranking, and alwith their potent 4x800 metre though Mitro is still trying to dishnce day squad flony &gazon, Chris Lane, Mark . tune his talents after a lengthy injury, his deadly -speed is Inman and Harvy Mitro), enough to make hini a serious which could represent the Warriors best chance at winning a threat in the 1000 metres. Another medal hopeful is enmedal. At the OUAA chamsenior, Andre pionships the upstart foursome . gineering Krucker, whose “never say die” narrowly missed upsetting the


racing style earned him an OUAA gold medal over 5000 metres. He is currently ra\nked 5th in the nation. Accompanying Krucker over

this long distance race will be Rob Hardy, wh’o will make his first CIAU showing, and will require a personal best if he has any aspirations for a high plac-


Pro Tennis event coming, to ‘IVaterloo Next Friday the PAC will play host to a Pro Tennis event organized by the Waterloo Lions Club. The event will feature the UW mixed doubles team Ado1 Dagnino and Mary Mathers, in a match against WLU. -

The main event will pit Helen Kelesi, ranked 25th in the worid, against Jane Young, the current ladies’ champion and a member of the Waterloo Tennis Club. Young, who is. presently ranked 137th in the world, will have a tough match against the

bands, cont’d from p. 15





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bly holds UW’s best chance for a gold medal. Her OUAA victory, along with her second place national ranking make her one of the favourites.

Young --to play Kelesi:

Parts Found In Sea are fixtures on Toronto’s cltib stage and have two impressive if inconsistent, mini-albums to their .The Sharp Set are a soul-influenced pop group built around credit. They are capable of some magically dark and moody Ithe dynamic vocal abilities and chunky guitar runs of main man angst but their obsession with batcave gloompometimes rendJohn Palubski. Fluid harmdnies and TOUGH horn arrangeers them tedious. ments (played by The Soul Agents, a 3 piece horn section) from Dave Howard Singers are the latest Canadian expatriates the sharp and neatly-loafered soul kids leave The Sharp Set in the U.K. who have managed to find a small bit of fame and f without peer on the Toronto indie scene. Check out their fortune basking in the glow of U.K. music press hype. Howard’s debut 7” E.P. and watch for a soon-to-come gig at MC&St&s Whoishe E.P. is a good representation of the muscial chameDowristairs John in April. ’ leon, now an angry young man, now a smarmy lounge lizard, Hype - One of TO’s veteran hardcore outfits, they recently but alyays a? acid-tongued, wry social critic. returned from a six month break while they were in the process Breeding ground had a sizeable club hit a couple ot years of adding a second guitarist. Their new material,,subsequently, ago with Reunion, but since then have been rather quiet amidst is more powerful, and even faster than the songs on their debut rumours of a breakup, their most recent recording being the album r Life Is Hard .. . Then You Die. Their second L.P. huge, aching Epic on the Ottawa Cassettera compilation. John should be out later this year. Shireff’s intense stage dramatics and soul-searching vocals Thin Men - The word jazz doesn’t quite describe the eclectic would make their loss a blow to the indie scene. noise made by this five-piece but its the closest that you’ll come 20th Century Rebels - AnoJli@Can-jah reggae outfit reto a one-word description. Lots of talent and good ideas. ceiving praise from a lot of .different corners. Got a lot of airplay Sattalites - Irie reggae outfit who have the dubious (at best) for Running From the F.B.I. from their debut release. Great live honour of winning a Juno. But don’t let this affect your impresshow. sion of them - they are a fine band. -Shadowy Men From A Shadowy Planet - Far out threeVector - Another member of the burgeoning Toronto jazz 1 piece almost-instrunientat surf band. Lots of neat covers (the scene, a potpourri of influences as wide ranging as Brand X, theme form Goh’finger and Chariots of Fire have never Zappa and Mingus. Once again, they shine in the flesh. been SO wild). -They are regulars on the Toronto live scene. Sturm Group is one of the oldest and most respected of the indie bands that have laboured on Queen St. over the years. The great white hope of Green Fuse Records, their new album, Century Ho! has been effused over glowingly in most critical quarters and their intensely listenable dissonance has made Immoral Minority - One of the new wave of young hardcore ’ them a hit with the “alternative” crowd. bands coming out of the West, Immoral Minority have a demoHandsome Ned and the Handsome Neds are cowpunk tape out called Retaliation. They. recently visited I&tern at its very best. As their opening date for the Shakin’ Pyramids Canada with a problem-plagued tour. They hope to do a proper at Fed Hall proved last year, they stay firmly entrenched in the tour soon, preferably with a piece of vinyl under their arms. traditions of country and rockabilly but they transcend the D.O.A. - Canada’s premier punk band, D.O.A. released often hokum cliches of these genres with an admirable .brashtheir last album Let’s Wreck The Pui-ty seemingljr aimed at a ness. major record contract, so pretty soon they might not be reTulpa’s debut disc, Mosaic Fish, was one of 1985’s best ferred to as an independent band. Maybe after eight years of albums, but they travel to Holland and Midnight Music hard work, they deserve the financial benefits even ‘if it means to get it released so that it is still an import in Canada. Their losing the energy, the creativity and integrity they have enjoyed straightahead guitar rock is passionate and intense and worth over the years. the effort of experiencing live if you get the chance. The Grapes of Wrath are Nettwerk’s most popular band in Plastercene Replicas are a tragically defunct Toronto Vancouver, pulling in upwards of 800 per show. Their debut band, apparently fed up with the revolving door that goes along album, September Bowl of Green, bears testimony to their with being an indie artist. Their self-titled E.P. of last year is a. exquisite pop sound of a vibrantly clear acoustic guitar and pop classic, ranging from dark, slithering undercurrents of unaffected, heartfelt vocals laid over a knack for sublime meloNew Warm to the ebullient and insanely catchy, Images Are dies and REMish harmonies. Possibly the-best pure pop band in Clear. Canada, they made the Imprint #l Canadian album of 1985. Moev is aq electro-dance band on Nettwerk who had a Norda can make The Fall, those masters of oppressive minor hit last summer with their Alibis E.P. Their inventively stream-of;consciousness noise sound like Wham! The. monhard brand of funky synth-playihg has made them a staple in strousiy thundering percussion and crazed vocals are strangely the dance clubs and has landed them a U.S. distribution deal on compelling listening. Unfortunately, the death of guitarist Brat Profile, Run-DMd’s label, for their widely acclaimed debut LP, X makes their future questionable, but if you can find it, their Dusk And Desire. West Overseas single is not to be missed. Skinny Puppy has probably made the most waves of any Nettwerk brand with the sludgy, harsh techno-funk on Remission and Bite& If Propaganda iS Abba from Hell, then Skinny GoingbburWay! Puppy is surely Kraftwerk from the infernal depths with the meanest snarling demon imaginable on vocals. Look for a It* STUDENT WORK’ABROAD PROGRAMME ta potentially mind-altering tour with Severed Heads next ‘Fall. The Enigmas are one of Zulu Records’ (another major Name: CFS has a way to help you Vancouver indie label) biggest acts. Hardnosed, but also capacut your travel costs and gain Address: ble of having fun and writing hook-soaked tunes, they combine valuable work experience in I II the best elements of hardcore and pop, making Strangely Wild Britain, Ireland, Belgium I Mail completed coupon lo: a commendable slab of vinyl. or New Zealand. You owe it TRAVEL CUTS TORONTO to yourself

ing. Although only one Athena successfully made the CIAU qualifying standard, high jumper Elaine Veenstra proba-

rising star Kelesi. Kelesi turned pro last October and has since had some major wins, most notably over Helen Sukova and U.S. Open Champion Hana Mandlikova. The event will also feature matches between media person\

alities; club pros and local juniors. It begins at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 21 in the PAC. Tickets are $5 and can be bought in the Humanities Theatre Box Office. Proceeds go to university players, junior tennis programmes and other deserving chaiities.

Animal Slaves are the pkincipal band bn Vancouver’s cooperatiire indie label, MO-Da-Mu. In Elizabeth Fischer, they own the singer perhaps most capable of raising neckhair in Canada. Her stridently individualist and feminist lyrics mesh well with the slinkily swirling synth and bass on the Slaves’ Dog Eat Dog debut.


Ontgrio ‘

Psyche is K-W’s answer to Soft Cell, though would rather be identified with Suicide. The brother’s electric - Anthony Red and Evan Panic (their parents made them change their names) - have stumbled upon a recording/distribution deal with New Rose records of France and have’become the hottest selling new act on the label. Insomnia theatre is their beautifully packaged new release, currently only available as an import. The domestic 12” single Thundershourers is getting regular play on CFNY and in clubs (well, at Level 21 anyway). Direktive 17‘ are best known for J&-i&o, the searingly optimistic stomper that won them CFNY’s Great Ontario Talent Search and a subsequent U-Know for the,best independent artist. Live, they are absolutely explosive with their post-punk urgency, ripping guitars and Andy Maze’s maniacal stage presence being perfectly geared to filling dancefloors. . _ Sheep Look Up is dne of London’s most notable and best bands. Combining an integral punk eriergy’with a keen sense of great rock mood and melody, they make for challenging, but all the more rewarding listening. Altogether Morris hails from the small town of Caledonia but now calls Hamilton their home. Desire showed them to be a highly energetic and competent, if somewhat derivative, dance band but an upcoming release should have them testing new waters. Chris ‘Baby Jesus’ Houston - Former For’gotten Rebels ’ bassist tries. it on his own. Retaining the raunch of the Rebs and combining it with a blues/ jazz sensibility, Chris has found an intriguing musical niche of his own. U.I.C. - Exeter, Ont. natives (where?) listened to a lot of early Stooges and MC5. Loud, fast, sweaty. Perfect to piss the neighbours off with or simply to just go wild with. Anonymous Behaviour should be more popular than they are. For the past two years the group has consistently been the biggest iocaidraw in the K-W &ea. Guitarist Thomas Greer’s buzz saw flails, combined with a muscular rhythm section, leave no doubt as to why they top the heap. The group’s Nine -At the Helm cassette should still be available from Encore and hopefully a new recording will be out soon. East Avenue Energy - Spiky pop with stream of consciousness, neo-Morrison (either will do) vocals frond singer/ songwriter James Viliemaire. Rough edges but with an average age of n-n-n-nineteen they have nothing but time to fulfil1 their promise.



are Saska’toon’s most notable contribution to the indie network. The pseudo-country-rock on their debut mini-album infuses traditional rock ‘n’ roll with intelligence, good songwriting, and a nice dash of spunkiness. You can catch them,in Toronto later this month. Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra - Edmontonian rednecks claiming to be the hardest-drinking band in showbiz. Debut album, Road Gore, a collection of all sorts of wonderful redneck, ctimmie-bashing, Jesus-Loving toons. SNFU are Edmonton’s, and one of Canada’s hardest and hottest hardcore bands with their album, And No One Wanted TO Play, becoming a major hit on campus radio stations. Their success lies in their intelligent decision to steer clear enough from the sometimes stifling cliches of their genre to exude an infectious vigor . The Northern



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Jmprint, Friday, March J4,1986-

International scholars to attend CSTV event:

Food for ~Thought

Atitontimy ..focus-of .workshop


A one-day workshop on the relationship of technology to human freedom (“autonomy”) will be held at UW on Friday, March 2 1: Sessions will be held in the Great Hall of Conrad Grebel College from 9:00 am. to 4:45 pm. Jointly sponsored by UW’s Centre for Society, Technology and Values (CSTV) and the University of Toronto’s McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology, the day-long worksop -- called “Technology and Autonomy” -- will feature six sessions on topics related to the main theme. The morning component (9:00 am. - 12:30 pm.) is sponsored by the U of T McLuhan Program. Prof. David Olson, the Program’s co-director, will conduct the first session, which is on technology and subjectivity. Olson will argue that the growth of our “subjective mental states” (private thoughts and intentions, for example) is directly related to the development of literacy. In session two, Prof. Willem Vanderburg.of U of T’s industrial engineering department and a speaker at past CSTV functions, will present a cultural perspective on the workshop theme. Vanderburg, a U W alumnus, is the author of The Growth of Minds and Cultures (1985). The third session will be conducted by Prof. Frits van Holthoon of the University of Groningen (Holland), who will examine classi-. cal notions of political liberalism in the light of society’s belief in progress and the nature of technological change. The afternoon sessions (12:30 - 4:45 pm.) are sponsored by CSTV. CSTV director Prof. Larry Haworth will lead off with an examination of the prospects for individual autonomy in a technological society. Haworth has conducted research in this area for several-

years and recently was granted an SSHRC award to continue his investigations. His latest book is titled Autonomy (Yale, in press). Haworth will consider the validity of the view that technology promotes personal autonomy by enhancing people’s freedom and leisure. The key issue is whether technologically procured freedom and leisure actually have this effect. Workshop session five will be in charge of Prof. Langdon Winner of.Rensselear Polytechnic Institute (Troy, New York), who is the author of Autonomous Technology (1977). He’ll continue the exploration of technology-based institutions. In the present “information age,” says Winner, we must shape these institutions in order to limit and fragment their power, so that human freedom will be enhanced rather than eroded. The final session, on autonomy, technology and “the crisis of liberalism,” will be conducted by Prof. Albert Borgmann of the University of Montana. Author of Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life (1984), Borgmann will contend that an accu, rate anlaysis of our technological culture not only clarifies the technology-freedom dispute but also presents a more hopeful vision in which communal social values and individual freedom can be reconciled. Students, faculty,‘staff and interested members of the public are invited to attend. There is no registration fee nor admission charge. Students who attend any of the session will also be able to pick up information on the new undergraduate option in STV, a six-course ’ program that will go into operation in the winter 1987 academic term. For more information on the “Technology and Autonomy** workshop, call the CSTV office at (519) 885-1211, ext. 6215.

Imagination can be Cheaper \ by Cindy Long On Tuesday I made cabbage rolls. The first instruction in the recipe was “Core the cabbage”. Not having a Tupperware cabbage corer (is there such,a beast?), I had an extremely difficult time getting the center of the cabbage out. Perhaps my arm muscles simply were not strong enough. Whatever the reason, it was not a fun task. However, once I had cored my cabbage, I had all these shreds left over and would have thrown them out had I not concluded that they looked vaguely like coleslaw and decided to use these and the core to make just that. The recipe I found called for 3 cups grated cabbage, 2 medium grated carrots, 3 tbsp. parsley, 1cup of mayonnaise, the juice of a lemon, pepper and sunflower seeds. I omitted the seeds, used about 3 tbsp. of mayonnaise and only half a lemon and it still tasted fine. Sometimes you can play around with ingredients this way, especially with salads. I wasn’t trying to be particularly creative, just cheap. Be creative (and cheap if you like) when you cook. It’s fun.

L Waste not, want not It’s also interesting to note that my coleslaw almost ended up as trash. It’s easy, in a consumer-oriented society, to waste ‘things, food included. Don’t throw away the juice from canned fruit or vegetables. You can often find a use for it, if only to moisten a stir-fry dish (in place of water) or to flavour rice. Fruit juice or syrup is good on ice-cream. This next idea is incredibly cheap and, in my opinion, fairly imaginative. It’s not incredibly n.utritious, but it tastes good and goes over well when you’re too tired to be creative. Mash some potatoes (for two people we use about 4 medium potatoes). Heat a large can of vegetable soup. Don’t dilute it as directed. Add about i/4 cup of water instead.. When it’s heated, pour it on the mashed potatoes. If you’re as silly as we are, you can make a fort with the potatoes and pour the soup inside, then poke a hole in the “wall” and make a moat. If nothing else, it take our minds off mid-terms and other highly philosophical issues for five minutes. (Kids love this stuff, too). To, make good mashed potatoes, boil the potatoes for about a half an hour until they’re soft. Pour out all but i/4 cup of the water-. Add */4cup of butter, some milk and mash them well. Use more or less liquid depending on how creamy you like them. By the way, don’t make cabbage rolls unless you have a lot of time (1% hours cooking time alone) and a lot of people. We’ll be eating cabbage for a week.

1 to



Helen Kelesi, 25th World Ranked, from Edmonton VS. , Jane Young, Canadian Women’s Champ, * from Waterloo


everybody -*hose donations are making our trip to Halifax for the CLAU Basketball Championships possible, including the Math and Engineering Societies, the Federation, the Athletic Department and in particular the Warrior fans (and especially Rob Froese’s who generously contributed to our hat-passing last Saturday. thanks.

---- plus ----


U of Waterloo


us and the Warriors

tonight on TSN 290 on CTV.


at 7:30, and {omorrow






Davis -




at Top


Main & Keith and Junior



in doubles


Friday, March 21stat 7 p.m. im;U of W PA::& Gym ‘Tickets $5.00


U of W Box Office .

by Waterloo

Lions Club”



’ Hob Communion 11 m


eran Seminars.


, Imprint, am., Keffer Chapel, & Bricker Sts.

Informal 7 p.m.,

WATSFIC Runequest tournament Teams of four (individuals will be found a team) Beginners can learn to play by appointment from Mrirch 17-22 - I&. Register in Watsfic office, M&C 1009. Rkhard HIwill be presented by UWs Drama Departmqnt at a90 p.m. in the Theatre students and are available

German Film Serks: Bridge),




Tickets are $4 for box office.

Bernhard Wicki’s Dii free. ML 246,890



of the Arts. at the HUM

Brucke pm.


8~00 pm.,

and 1030




Association/Hillel presents its 1 st Purim bash. Hagey Hall, Rm. 337,830 ($2 goes to the JSA!) Prizes for the best


ASEANS: or Terlv

Squash invitational night, at 746-6794 for info.

call Chyan

Theatresports. Uve2 improvised comedy. laugh,wemaymakeyoucry.Fedssl,otherss1.5O.HH 8:oo p.m.


Theatnsports thus improve HH 180.

your I

resume. _

at 746-4350



you 180,

Learn to improvise comedy and Everybody welcome! 1~00 pm.,



- 8~90 pm.,


116, See







Contemporary Anglkan Eucharist. Room,


Students brunch with the out-of-town 113,12.00. Small donation


11~00 College.

Sunday, Graham




Rkhard IIf will be presented 890 p.m. in the Theatre students and are available

student-led E Morbey.

Bible Study,

Association/Hillel presents aguests from the Purim Bash. CC requested to cover food costs.

of Games. Exhibit on lnuit games and culture runs to April 25. Try hands-on games or drop in Sunday for films between 1 and 5 p.m. Admission is free. B.C. Matthews Hall. 888-4424. by UWs Drama Department at of the Arts. Tickets are $4 for at the HUM box office.


Sponsored by the Lutheran 4~00 - 500 pm., 177 Albert St

CanadianFederation of University United Church, and Safety”.



Richard Ill will be presented 800 p.m. in the Theatre students and are available self and practice 1120 cc 110.

Waterloo Jewish

students association invites you to our held twice weekly. Come for the food, the Speakers scheduled throughout the term. - 1:30.

Interview Skills see effective way to present yourself and practice them in videotaped interviews. Another free Student Vocational Advisor Service. 1030 - 1110, CC 110. BhtMght

offers oncampus counselling, 8mlO.O St. Jerome’s College. Co&%entiaUky assured.


- 700 Sts.

movement meets p.m. Topic poverty.

for supper and fellow WLU Seminary, Albert




women will meet at First speaker and film “Women general for next

meeting for year’s exec.

by UW’s Drama Department at of the Arts. Tickets are $4 for at the HUM box office.

see effective ways to present in video-taped interviews.










Candlelight Holy Communion sponsored Campus Bricker

Ministry. Waterloo Sts., Keffer Chapel.



Lutheran and choir.

by the Lutheran Seminary, Albert & 430




Huron Campus Mlnlsby night fellowship Common meal 4:30 p.m., meeting time 530 p.m., Dining Hall, and Wesley Chapel at St Paul’s Cd&e. You are Welcome. Exploring Christianitv.

the Christian Faith: Informal Weskv Chaoel. 730 o.m.




Gratis CC.

- Vertical

14, 1986



and‘ the


Free Noon concert

featuring New Music by Leonard and Randolph Peters. Sponsored by CGC Music Dept. Conrad Grebel Chapel.

Enns 1230

What are Computers doing to us? Informal movie on the topic. 2.00 - 3~00 p.m.,(movie), sion. I.S. Lounae PAS 1100.

discussion and 3430 discus-

K-W Blood




donor clinic. First United 130 - 8$)0 p.m.



CUSO information meeting for people interested in developing countries. Speaker and slides on rural economic growth in Botswana. Kitchener Public Library, 85 Queen St N., 730 p.m. The Consbuctlon of Housework: A media analysis thetopic oftheSbciologyandAnthropologylecturegivenat 3 p.m. in Rm 2207 of the Central Teaching Building, Speaker: Dr. Bonnie Sox. Free, all wekome.




Obsessed, frustrated and depressed with the weight and shape of your body? Prof. McDaniel of UW will discuss how socialization and media have conditioned attitutes. 1230 p.m., Kitchener Public Library.

Gay and Lesbian Lib of Waterloo, weeklv coffeehouse. A safe and friendlv place to meet other aav’;nen and lesbian women. Evevo% Welcome! 8:00 - 1 i:do p.m. CC 110

Slavic Culture Club presents free film in English the Ukraine” depicting artists of Soviet Ukraine. p.m. ML 245.

coop Weber

Come and explore



a new way of buying food. Ebytown Food introductory session, 5%) p.m. at the store, 225 St W. T.W.T. 7-9, Sat. 930 - 2. Call 576-3689.


by WLU Choir and WLU Sym Auditorium. Tickets s4/$2.

Slavic Culture Club presents free film in English “Concert Mosair” depicting folk and modern culture of the USSR. 20 min. 1130 a.m. ML 245.

Richard Ill will be presented 8:OO p.m. in the Theatre students and are available

by UWs Drama Department at of the Arts. Tickets are $4 for at the HUM box office.

Arts Students! come to the second your arts degree” workshop. Today’s students, HH 176,430 p.m.


Art Exhibit at WLU. The annual exhibition of works by faculty, staff and students will be held in the Concourse Gallery during university hours. Free. “The Arts of 20 min. I:30



Mozart’s Requiem performed Mkiwe& Eucharist, St Cdlege.

Evening Prayer with

House of bebates: All wild rumours about our treasurer and the chicken are false and unfounded. Join us in St Jerome’s Rm. 229 at 6~00 p.m. Beware of the St Jerome’s triangle.


Caribbean Students Association final the term: Party information and voting CC 110 56 o.m.

Improve lntewiew skills. MONDAY MARCH 17

bagel brunches fun, the friends. cc 113.113

by UWs Drama Department at of the Arts. Tickets are $4 for at the HUM box office.


Museum and ArchIve

Lutheran Student

Anglican Ptayer Book Eucharist. 930 Renison

Waterloo Jewish

ship. 430 G. Bricker



Campus: every mostly by Chaplain



See Friday.

by UWs Drama Department at of the Arts. Tickets are $4 for at the HUM box office.

Waterioo Jewish Students annual intercampus p.m. $5 admission


Christian Worship on services. Sermons All Welcome

Rkhard lI1 will be presented 8.a p.m. in the Theatre ’ students and are available


Richard III will be presented 8:OO p.m. in the Theatre students and are available

service with coffee Conrad Cirebel Cdlege.



session of the “Selling topic, Resurnb for arts


Waterloo Jewish bagel brunches fun, the friends. cc 113.1130

students association invites you to our held twice weekly. Come for the food, the Speakers scheduled throughout the term. - 130.

NAME: E. Kevin Wren ~ FACULTY: Business Administration -’ AMBITION: Buy low, sell hi h, collect early, ay late. FAVOURITE MUSIC: Mozart, h am, Johnny &I sh. FAVOURITE MOVIES: Easy Money, Amadeus, Roll Over.

Classif ieds . -

Calendar: Continued from page - - 26 Richard l&kill be presented 800 p.m. in the Theatre students and are available


by UWs*Drama Department at of the Arts. Tickets are $4 for at the HUM box office.

PERSONALS HEYBA DUG . w-l-SBA HAPABING? PAUL, has is really been six months? Three voluptuous ready, tilling and able to solve your problem. Viens.

, -



women are

Girlhiend avaibble for totally disoriented loser with strikingly good looks. No, I am not a killer dwarf - I’m much, much better. References ’ available upon request. Resume will be forwarded to W6. Signed, your (im) moral support throughout cosp interviews. JURGEN we love your bum but we’ll take the rest of your bddy too! Belwood Buddies forever in the C.C. WCI M4N who visits campus centre studyland: Have you had a good break? I hope your exams went well. Your study buddy. CORI, will you SUM your one-way love affairs with the Bentman and the man with the TJ.? We’re waiting for fantasy to become reality. SK. Iron Ring man with the night gown and the rosey cheeks . : . hey baby, you know who you are R.T.!!! C you read a bed-time story, we might let you off the hook and not phone you at 2M am. anymore. Beware of the Twiliiht Zone maidens, we doooo have our share of troubles drifting-off weekend nights! lntcrgalactk Squldmonaut required for multi-planet travel. Call 885 QUlD and ask for Slybo (yes, the Slybo of the liivestdck mercenary fame). KATE: You are the love of my life. Chances R 1’11 satisty all your dreams. Lustfully yours, A bent friend. DAVEWOlJXzNeverfo~etwhatarts lOOAdidtoyourlife.Stayaway from cheap alcohol and cheap women. Vixens. Edca Babyt WII sociology destro)’ the mind? Found your man yet? . Man hunt Friday, 8 pm. Be there. A bent friend. SUE Here’s to Bon&shelter mpedltions to view two very Bent men.. Be patknt and Pu stop faintfng on couches. Choreographer. L 0leer-u~. we love you! . . .&kn are all the same, they think their. . . Trlnfty Jacket Man: You have made my extended stay In the C.C. truly enjoyable. You have the most beautiful eyes. Your secret admirer. Dear DollIt Trouble T.B.C. Fri., Sat, and Sun. G. For MuBirthday wishes for the 17th and much l&e for always. Kelly. Don? Msa out on the Waterloo Jewish Students’ Association/ Hillel Purim Bash. Tomorrow - March 15 at 830 in Hagey Hall, Rm 337. $5 and a cash bar. prizes for best costumes, so get out your Esther and Hamen duds and come to the Megillah Mash! l-law 231d BIrthday, Marg! We’re glad you’re the first one to get to this point before we do! You can tell us ALL about it! Low your roomies, RAC. Hey1 Don’t Miss out on the best party that. the Jewish Students’ Association/ Hillel has ever held. That’s right - it’s our 1st annual Mercampus Purim Bash! Tomorrow, March 15 - $ Haeey Hall - Rm : 337, at 8130 pm. Be there in costume and ma@e )rbrs’$$~&’ AdmIssion is $5 (and a cash bar). Brunch in CC 113 - 12$X3 pm:&e ^ ~apw hapw

Annivusary tomorrow, Honey Bunch! A whole year -and avery one, too. Looking fonvard to many more. Lots d love, your

P.S. At least I didn’t say Waterpolo! Obkuariea: Adro the Assassin ( 1966-1986). Never send a man to do a boy’s job. THE SHADOW. Lost. all mv enthusiasm from first year. lf found, please destroy. Fhil&opher~ New Yotk Spontaneity Group. Ready and willing to answer Quebec’s call, whenever you ate. Have road pups, will tmvel. Keep us informed, the “Cowgirls”. GET SGNTANNED on a sunny southern beach after burning through April finals! We’re two easygoing chicks looking for a ride. . . well1 go anywhere. Willing to split gas there and back and/or accomodations. Any other girls wanting to head south, call 886-9286 after 1000 pm. DESPERATELY SEEJUNG Tom. I bet you thought we’d forgotten you. We’ll see you tomorrow night. The friendly strangers. F&k Ill. l’m going to kill you - nine times! March 12-15, March 1822. And I can’t wait! Sardonically yours, Richmond. TO AU WHO ARE CURIOUS: Rick ill’s real name is Richard PI -one of his close friends Is William Shakespeare. To find out more, &me to theTheatmoftheArts,March 12-15,1&22. . DESPERATELY SEEKING ALEXA, since I trim&red from Math I hardly ever see you, chance meetings are not enough. P.S. Keith L has my number. Stereo. Rick Ill. The thought of facing thee nine times in ye Theatre of he Arts maketh my stomach chum! Anne. Littk feet; Thank you. Bigfoot PDF’S OPTlONS: As seen by others, Kim: Maybe! I’ll be a skiing Instructor. HichHiker: Maybe 1’11 go to FlSHHEAD. Johann: Maybe I’ll be a terrorist? Pauline: Slowhawk is sounding better all the time! Awesome Foursome, it’s been a while since we’re parted (Feb 21); we’re going to have to get together before we leave! HEYBA BUG - WHATSBA HAPADING? JACKIE SULLY. HapPy Birthday! How does it feel to be 23. I knew you wanted the whole school to know. Guess who! Obkuarks: Innocent Bystander (-. 1986) In a conflict such a these G.O.A. there an no Innocent bystanders. AAAARRRGH. To the OT grad in Vll who goes to Mat: I hope that tie commute from West Quad to Hainilton everyday isn’t too much for you. A friend. P.S. I think you’re an a&ok. Cute Calgary girl presently at Mount Royal College wanted to attend UW in Recreation in the Fall. Where are you Debbie?! OSTheFinal Chapter. lt should be clear now. bring your ok flashlight. The lights will be turned off for “The light at the end of the tunnel”. Remember - electric Jello will return. Don’t miss Out. Only 2 weeks to go. Ask someone who knows. , ‘IHINK TANK” now on campus. Become a member by joining the $bvk Cdtm CJub. lqterests Mude Russian, CDuanlan, PoUsh and Qech language and Uteratun, soviet &d&i ir#ematbnal Mati; ens, slnqube at ML 244. Mkhad: meet you on the stairs, Love Jess. “DRINK TANK? now on campus. Become a niember by joining Imprint Wed. nights at the Bombshelter. Interests include Labatt’s Blue, Schooner, Canadian’, etc. Inquire at Imprint. Desperately seeking French speaking students for psychology experiment. Call Jess, 746-4876. Thanks for the albums. Now . . . where can I win a stereo? Just a dancing fool. To the Guy with the sexy smile. When are you getting my soother? Love plnky. New York City Trekkers - We may have boiled over (6 times), we may have run out of money, we may have got on each others nerves, but we may lTever live the experience again. Cherish it: Quebec Beckons! man. N.Y.C. Trekkers Spontaneity Group: What’s white and black and goes around and around as it falls up? A retarded penguin in a blender? Please trace this ad: I dorl’t know where I am. Quebec beckons, Chryslerly. Jim. KAOS Winners - Agents 584,620,705 win a Mr. Stereo Tape Club Membership. Con&t KAOS headquarters to receive prizes. Game ends March 21. The Boys From T.O. Make us an offer, we’re willing to negotiate. The girls from W. and D.M. A new course? Elmira 10 1 ? Apologias to residents of 256 Philip St for the slime oozing fro,? “7 on Saturday . . . & Sunday morning. Quotes of the weekend? No, I didn’t get lucky, but I could have if I had wanted to!” “I think this wine and cheese thing is a bit ovenated.” JASK (GD?) Re Wine and Cheese: Could it be a new tradition??. . . Repeats?! ’








PLO Canadian Rep, Abdullah Abdullah, will discuss the Middle East Conflict, the spectre of terrorism, and the prospects for Peace. AL 116,7:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Education Commission of the Federation of Students. Studurts day, CC

for Life. UWs pro-life group meets 110 at 430 pm.- All are-kelcorne.

Free Methodist church of Canada sharing, 730 p.m., St Paul’s College. Slavic those

Cultu~ interested


each for



Club General meeting for members in joining. 4.30 p.m. ML 245.

and and

No. I’m not drunk, what a stupid contepth! Where’s Concordia U? I dunno? Giggle, giggle. And how is surfing on Heroin? I&s is just a 4-letter word. Do you know anything about this Markbo? For info on Birth Control/ V.D. or FREE condoms, visit the Birth Control Centre C.C. 206 dr call X-2306. Hey. Remember the Snowbank? Sly I Juan Madon 0. Dear Dave. Having a great time in Sank Hamilton. Miss you tons. Love Cookie. ~0x0. To the Guy with the Marvellous stomach Muscles. Ripples Even! Sly wants the sweater. Atty wants the cookie monster. Sherri wants the swzater too! Ally wants the pink tie! Ed, I don’t think were in Kansas anymore, stop, in the name of love. Next time your cold, just yell. MARK, BRUCE, Dinner was great, so was the entertainment We shodd play games more often. How do you make a B-52? g-men. Delta Omega Chi presents Keg Party N: The ties of March Toga, 516 C & D, Sunnydale, March 14. Girls $5, Guys $7. Call 88640%. Hanison Food. Supplemt& for energy and mental alertness. All natural. They work 5760564. If You think you may be pregnant, BirthRight offers free pregnancy test. BirthmSgjrt volunteers can help you explore your options, your wsslbk futlm plans. Call 5793990. N&h D ‘w85 Reunion. Northern Deliihts: Vange is coming for one night or&. Saturday, March 15th, 8m pm. at Fed Hall. North C E E, be




Fumbhed Room ‘in townhouse near university. Available May to August Microwave, TV, and stereo. Call 7466413. Large Basement room in townhouse near universities available May to August Partly furnished, separate entrance and washroom. Share kitchen, living room, and shower. Microwave, lV, and stereo. Call 7466413. 2 Bedroom Apartment: Big, fully furnished, clean, underground parking, laundry facilities, pool, sauna, 15 minute bus ride from campus. Rent negotbbk! P!IOFE 2 Bedroom Apt. to sublet for Summer at University & Erb for 2 quiet & responsible people. $331 month. Has laundry Fat., parking, partly fumi&ed, incl& util. phone l-822-3436 after 6 pm. Pub Furnished four bedroom townhouse to subld from May to Aug. Close to campus, $446/ month (negotiable). Call today,. 888-6847. 256 Philip St Tw rooms available for summer. One bedroom furnished, one unfurnished. Washer, dryer, T.V., nice townhouse, one of ‘the avall. from May 1 on. Only four in TT.L<tiF p, !* r L 1 uuuties. Call hn 888-681s. (Leap House1 Near Weber G University. Four bedrooms available summer ‘86. Close to grocery & beer stores. Rent very negotiable. Call 886-3196. Toronto Sublet, May 1 to August 31. T&e (large) room flat for three penpk. Duportt H Bnawwlck, 2 ,tinutes .from subway. ?318 per months, utilities induded. Phone 416-922-8298 evenings. Rooms Avdbble in spacious house for summer. Located on Ezra Ave. behind WLU, minutes walk from both universities, shopping mall. when, living-room, sunroom, 1 ‘h bath, washer G dvr, sundeck. ample parking. $120/ month. Call 8864207. ,


phtip St Townhouse available for May - August ‘86 with option of Jan - April ‘87. For more informatiofi, call Kathie, 884.5576. Summer ‘86. Male roommate wanted to share 4 bedroom townhouse at 256 Philip St. Completely furnished - washer/ dryer/ dishwasher. Rent $200/ neg. Call 8865285 or (519) 832-9975. Sunnydak Townhouse available for summer only. 3 bedrooms, pap tially furnished. Rent negotiable. Call Mark or Joe at 761792. Sunnvdak Townhoue with skylight available this summer. Le+e also available. Call 8850956. Roommate needed to share very clean apartment for summer 1986. Kitchen, laundry room, controlled entrance. Utiiiies and cable induded. $199/ month negotiable. Call Mark ,& 7460331. SuMet May - August, (Jan-April optional). Large 2 bedroom apart~~~m~o~ bike ride from UW. Air conditioning, pool, near beer pping. Rent negotiable, utilities included. 746-3461.


m Apartment, 5 min from UofW and WLU. Clean, spacious, freshly painted. Utilities included. Laundry facilities, parking and large balcony. Call 886-8275. Bummer Subktz 1 Rm available in clean at&active 2 Bedroom apt $150/ month. 15 minute walk to UW. Beside plaza. Option to lease in fall. Mary 8851197. 0~ bedroom furnished apartment to sublet from May to August inclusive in Married Student Apartment Comples. All utilities included, reasonable rent please contact Amanda or Ron at 8844179. Sunnydab lease to give away for fall. Must sublet for summer. 4 bedroom, 1 I,+ baths, dryer, partially furnished. $504/ month plus gas, hydro included. 884-6524. 2 BDRM Apt available May 1986. option to lease. Onty 5 min. away. Accomodates up to 4. Call 8852825 or 7464835. Two roommates needed for May to Aug ‘86. be Avaibble in Sept. 10 min. bike Me. 20 min. walk to UofW. pool accessabllity. Require only bedroom furniture. Rent $125 month. Call 7460527 ask for Chris or Jim. APARTMENT for rent, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, furnished. Utilities in&&d in reasonable rent. 1O-1 5 minute walk from campus. Available May-Aug ‘86. Call 884.7485 for more information. Very C&n spacious 4 bedroom townhouse, summer sublet, 15 min walk, 1 ‘I$ baths. Rent negotiable. Call 884-7468 or 884-9398 now. Free Rent for one month. Available for the summer. Five bedroom house with large outdoor patio, ample parking and close to both universities. $148/month/roam plus utilities. Telephone 746-0335. Baautlful Sunnydak Townhouse available for summer 1986. Fully furnished and 1 month free rent - 746-4020. Summer Housing . and possible Jan ‘87 to April ‘87. 4-bedroom townhouse is ideal for 4 or 5 students. Townhouse is very clean, large and well-maintianed. Includes fridge, stove and some furniture. l-c+ cated on comer of Parkside and Bearinger. Rent is reduced and possible one free month. phone 7468188 Two rooms available in partially furnished Sunnydale Townhouse with skylight and sundeck $135/month. May - August Call Chris 746.8360 Townhouse avaibble summer ‘86. $404/month. Next to parkdale plaza on Albert St. 3 bedrooms, paw furnished, swimming pool. Call Barry w3488, Charles 884-9238, Frank 884-5397. May-S@ apartment for 2 or 3. Excellent condition. Minutes from UW and WLU. Reduced rent Amazing location. Partially furnished. call 746- 0245 Summer ‘86 - four bedroom house available 1 M bath, fireplace, garage, patio deck. Call Georgette 5’12958. Located in Waterloo.


Four Months Free - or maybe one month. Super summer mansion sublet for six people. Big rooms, balconies, large lot Beat the townhouse blues in a luxurious house at a bargain price. Visit 93 David St or call 74368%. Summer Sublet: @9/mo. 2 min. to U of W, laundry facilities, lockable room. Sam 576-8818. Semld&ached available - Sleeps 5 - $lOOO/month plus heat and hydro. Sam 576-8818. Rooms May to May: 198/mo. heat, hydro included, share facilities - 2 min. walk to U of W - laundry facilities. Sam 576-8818. Bachelor Apt. available May, comer of We&mount/Victoria. I&SS to buses 8,ll ,12. Large balcony, laundry room, swimming pool. phone 7422623. --

Free, one &nth rent in well kept Sunnydale townhouse. May - Aug. 1986.2 or 3 rooms available for $110 per month plus utilities. Partially furnished. Call 7463763. 3 Bedroom Parkdale Townhouse with pool. Short walk to campus and right beside Zehrs and LCBO. 45O/month, May till Sept Call Karen 746-8104. Room-mate needed to share a 2 bedmon apartment during summer ‘86. Furnished, 20~minute walk to campus, laundry facilities, utilities included. Call 886-4435. 4 Beautiful moms Top of House. 20 min. walk to campus. 3 min. to dqping. @O/m&h May - Aug. 7463738. Summer Townhouse mrailabk -August One Month Free Rent! skyltght and Large, ‘open, 3 bedroom, &an unit with m &cent sundeck - in Sunnydale. partially fumished.‘Net 7 36O/month. Call Now 746-6969. Cheap 3 bedroom townhouse for summer sublet with option to take k+ase in Se&ember. $43O/month with skylight and sundeck Call

beq&, parking. Great for 4 or 5 people, approx @40/m&. Call Joanne 742-l 362 Summer 1986: 3 bedroom Sunnydale Townhouse. May - Aug. 1986. One month free tent Bills in our name!Partielty furnished. Call 7468518.. > . Ottawa sd: May 1 - Sept. ‘I 1986. Furnished 4 bedroom Victorian home rent all or individually.. $275 per room/month plus utilities; parking included, central location in Sandy Hill. 2 minute walk to 0 of Ottawa; 10 minutes to shopping and Parliament 5 appliances washer, dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher, ceiling fans in bedrooms. Non-smokers only please. Call Ottawa (613) 237-2852. PhIllip St. Townhouse - summer ‘86. Room for 3. Washer; dryer, fridge, stow and some furniture. 8886773. Beth. 3 Bedrooms of a 4 bedroom luxurv house, available summer term, 10 min. walk from Campus, plushlJ furnished, washer G dryer, large backyard. $15O/room plus utilities, 884-8036. 2 Bedroom apartment with study and semi-furnished for summer term. $359/mth. Laundry,_. p&king - and 2 min. walk from UW. Call 888.7485. . Spacious two bedroom apartment available for summer. Only a 10 minute walk to UW. Its also fully carpeted, partially furnished with laundry facilities and free parking. Rent a mere &IO/month. Call 88ta23, Ask for Lisa. Msy - Sept Spadous one bedmon apt. suitable for,2 pe!ople (partition available to dose off dining m for use as bedroom). Partly furnished, 5 minutes from campus, utilities included, option to take over lease. Rent: $382/month, call Karen 884-3485. Female Room-mat e wanted for spring term. Spacious apartment on Quiet place - 20 min. walk from campus. Only $13O/mo. Call 746 1191. phillip St TownhouSe available for May - Aug. ‘86 with oprion of Jan. April ‘87. For more info cal 884-4476. Maylstshare3 bedroom house with 2 others. Lots of mom. 2 baths, furnished (need own bed), large yard, picnic table, barbeque, 5 ap pliances, VCR and more. $235/rnUnth includes utilities. 888-7565 Phillip St. Townhouse sublet for summer &lease available. Washer/dryer. $575/month, 3 bedrooms. Phone 7463134. Two bedroom apt. to sublet for summer%. $325-furnished. Laundry facilities. 5 minute walk (Philip Street co-op apartments) Call Andrew 746-0017. Rob 8884098. Furnished Room - Furnished house. microwave, T.V.. 20 minute walk to UW, for summer, can take kase. 7460017. For rent 4 bedroon Sunnydale Townhouse for summer. Partially furnished. 1 month free rent, phone 7468518. Rent Neg. To sublet May - August Spacious one-bedroom apartment, fulty furnished, including King-size titerbed. 1 mile from campus. $268/mo. Call Nancy at 746-8159. HOUSING WANTED Graduating and looking for accomodation in downtown Toronto, starting the beginning of May. Call Ed at 884-3569. Wanted - Dead or Aliie - An apartment or townhouse for the fall of 1986. Anyone with information leading to the arrest of a home, please contact Della 884-9179 or Heather 7454899. Room/Apt for Fall ‘86. Within walking distance to UW. 1 Bedroom apartment or room/board situation fine. Contact Brian Hook 749 1564. $100 Reward! For a September lease. 35 bedroom house/townhouse close to U.W. Call 886-9286 after 10~00 pm. -IWING Dial-A-Secretary . . . Typing, Word Pro&sing, photocopying. Essays, Work Reports, These, Resumes. 24-hour turnaround within reason. pick up and delivery. Special rates for students. DlAL 7466910. 30 ym. experience. 75C double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Gb area. Call Doris m7153. Typing. Reports, theses, manuscripts, etc. Also photocopying and binding. phone Nancy, 576-7901. 25 years experience. 75C per double spaced page. Westmount area. Call 7433342. Quality Typing and/ or word processing. Resumes stored indefinitely. Punctuation and spelling checked. Fast, accurate service. Delivery


arranged. Diane, 5761284. Typing - Essays, Theses, Work Reports, Resumes, Business Letters, etc. Neat, accurate, will correct spelling, grammar, punctuation. Reasonable rates. Electronic typewriter. Seven years experience typing for students, phone - Lee - 886-5444, afternoon or evening. Experknced typist - essays, work reporta etc. Fz@ accurate work Reasonable rates. iBM setecgic. Lakeshore Village, near Sunnydale. Call 8851863. Unhrersity graduate (English G Latin) available to +/ word process Term Papers, Theses, Reports, Resumes, Letters. Basic or compre hen&e editing. Personal computer and letterquality printer. Disk storage. Oncampus pick up G delivery ~nged. y Judy 694 4082 anytime. Typing - only $l/ page for @pi& living on tampus. (Mslq). Typist has English degree, corrects spelling. Call Karen 7463127. Resumes Word processed! $3 per page (2% per page for printed

Stadium. phone 8851353. Fast/Accurate typing. Resumes/Repbrts/Essa+ or any other typing needs call Jill - 884-7644 . sERvla* , ‘k _ The~~Riogrnmisdkringse\ietaltrvo-hourworkshopstobe ‘; held during the week of March 17, 1986. Interested students may register at the reception desk in Counselling Services, Needles Hall, 2080. Don’t be caught by an unplanned pregnancy. Birth Control Counselling and free condo&s available. CC 206 x2306. Summer Job: We’re students helping students in job search and career planning. MC 3035, Tues. 330 - 430 pm, Wed., 130 - 230 pm. Thurs. 1230 - 130 pm a free servjce by the SVA program. FOUND calculator



to claim. Call Scott at 746-0456. HELP WANTED

StudentsIll See the world, take in the sites, work outdoors and make big bucks. It as easy as becoming a painter for C&zge pro. For more info see placement office for applications or call Ed at 888-7104 or Scott at 884-1384

Summer ~ob’(Res~WIndowCleaning)~karea.Openlrlgs: Mgrs, Ass. &IFS, wwkers; Wage: up to $8.5O/hr. plus comm. Contact wur school Career Centre -___.for the “Squeaky Clean Windows” ad. WANTED Wanted to rent. I need a clean hardtoptent 9 to August 4. Call Fred at 8884042 RIDEWANTED

_ %

trailer to sleep six from July

Going West? Anyone with van, or interested in sharing rental and gas costs to Vancomr after exams. Call David 1837.0459. RIDE AVAILABLE C~rnn~ute dz@ to Toronto for that summer workterm. Cheap, depenb dable. insured and air-conditioned. Huny_ - space limited. Ray, 886. 3165. LOST Lost - Scarf. Rectangular, light & dark blue wiith reg & gold. Call 884-2702 or hand in at MathSoc office. ’ Lost: 10K gold bracelet of sentimental value. If found, please call Mary 8852993. Reward

FOR SALE Acoustic Guitar: 1980 Lys handmade in Gluebec. Warm. soarklino tone. Built-in pick-up withione and volume controls. Comes 4th c& and strap. $400 576-6415 - call anytime and leave a message. Red Army Stars: authentic type worn by East Bloc soldiers. Metal & Glass pins. $4 with hammer G sickle emblem / $3 without Send to: C. Parker 101 Thorndale Pl. Waterloo, N2L 5Y8. Please include $1 rxr star for p.s.t/postage E handling. Bridgestone Tbes: All season radials - P155/R8013. New pair for $90. Goodyear Radials - P155/R8013. $70 pair. Excellent traction. 885 4955. \ VancouverI Wardair ticket to this lovelycityforMarch 30th. $50 or best offer. Call Julie at 8868067: 1976 Chevelle Malibu V8. Excellent running condition. $800 or best offer. 742-5628 after 5. Ask for Jason. 1972 Yamaha R-5,350CC two-stroke, new tires, swingarm bushings, good condition, was on the road last summer. $300. Call 888.7356, ask for Rob. 1977 Pontlac Parisienrie. Very good condition. Original paint with very slight surfacerust Vinyl top. Excellent interior. New brakes and muffler. ~,OUO - negotiable. Must sell. 886-5383 Desmond. Psych Sock@ sweatshirts now on sale! $15 in PAS. 4038.23@330 MlWR or contact peter 884-7136. They’re going fast!!! . _















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