Second Class Registration

Page 1

Second Class Registration





The Student Newspaper .’



Vol. 9, MO. 6,


of Waterloo,

Fund the future by Phil Birnbaum Imprint staff Increasing public awareness of the financial plight of Ontario’s universities is the goal of an underfunding conference to be held this weekend at the University of Waterloo. The conference, running from tonight (July 1 1) until Sunday afternoon, will address methods of dealing with the growing problem of government underfunding to postsecondary institutions. The event is jointly sponsored by the UW Federation of Students, the UW FacultyAssociation, and UW president Doug Wright. The theme of the conference, to be held at Village 2, is “Fund Universities, Fund the Future.” Its purpose, said organizers, is to “analyze different perspectives


of...underfunding...and formulate a constructive plan of action.” UW administration and student federation are particularly concerned aboutuniversity funding, both claiming the government does not provide sufficient financial support to preserve Waterloo’s excellence in such fields as computer science. Since the conference was announced last month, UW has learned it will face further financial difficulty in light of next May’s planned government ban of the controversial computer service fee, which had been providing UW with $1.8 million annually. ’ Various groups and organizations have been invited to the conference in order to obtain different perspectives on the issue, organizers said. Invited to participate are delegates from every Ontario University, as well
















as representatives from the Council of Ontario Universities, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation, the Canadian Federation of Students, and the Ontario Federation of Students. Invitations were also sent to student representatives of Ontario secondary schools. Waterloo Federation of Students President Scott Forrest said most of the ‘universities will be sending both undergraduate and graduate student delegates, but said high school response was poor, with only four of some 760 secondary schools confirmed to attend. Forrest expects a total of about 60 delegates to participate. The conference will involve delegates in one of four strategy groups, two of which will involve strategies for raising awareness in the community and government respectively. The other two groups will discuss how underfunding groups can work together both on campus and throughout the education community. Recommendations from each group will be heard Sunday morning. Forrest will head the group working to improve co-ordination efforts among university administrations, staff, and students. He suggests cooperation among those groups can be improved. “Things we agree on, we can work ’ on together,” Forrest said, and added that even on issues where there are differences, “we can agree to disagree.” Various politicians have also been invited to, participate in a Saturday night question-and-answer session. Among those expected to attend are Richard Allen, NDP post-secondary education critic and representatives from the Ontario government’s ministry of colleges and universities and ministry of finance, as well as from Premier David Peterson’s office. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, provincial NDP leader E3ob Rae and Ontario PC leader Larry Grossman were invited, Forrest said, but will be unable to attend.

The University of Waterloo’s Graduate Student Association is not satisfied with the performance of the Ontario Federation of Students and plans to review its membership, says the association’s president. Michael Webster said the OFS is of mixed value to Waterloo’s graduate students. The GSA never sees anyone from the federation unless there is a referendum to withdraw from the organization. The GSA review, to last about six to eight weeks will examine what, if any; benefits the OFS offers to graduate students here. A GSA referendum held two years ago supported membership in both the OFS and the CFS (Canadian Federation of Students). Despite this, the GSA is still a prospective member in OFS. The grad association has not yet sought approval from the board of governors for a fee increase which would allow membership in both federations, said Webster. Cheryl Golding, the GSA’s representative to the OFS, said she disagrees with Webster’s assessment of the federation. The OFS is a positive organization serving students’ interests at the provincial level, she said. The federation has been useful in pressuring the Liberal <government to review the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and tne student housing situation, she said. In addition, OFS has sent student representatives to various government committees studying post-secondary education. As a full member of OFS, said Golding, the GSA would be entitled to full voting rights at meetings and could send student representatives. The review should be completed by September, when the association will decide whether a second referendum should be held next January or if a proposal should be made to the October board of governors meeting to have a fee increase approved.




Grads to hold vote on OFS membership by Paul A.Wefers Imprint staff







of the World’s

by Preet


on page






at UW last week.


by Doug Thomp son


Senator speaks out for suffering youth by Fleur Macqueen Imprint staff The Mulroney government showed a profound lack of compassion for the plight of Canada’s youth in cancelling the Katimavik program, says Liberal Senator Jacques Hebert. Katimavik was cancelled January 29 in favour of a program with more emphasis on job-creation, says Hebert. But despite numerous promises, the Conservative government has consistently delayed announcement of a new program, promised for the end of the fiscal year (March 31). ‘Hebert, who staged a hunger strike in the Senate last March protesting the government’s treatment of youth, addressed his remarks to about 40 people gathered at UWs Biology 1 building July 3. His visit, arranged on short-notice last week, ,was sponsored by the Federation of Students. Katimavik, created by the senator in 1977, was a volunteer work pro gram aimed at getting young people involved in community service projects. Considered a successful program in Canada, in which more than 20,000 people have participated, Katimavik has captured the interest of other countries, Hebert said. The United States has shown an interest in it, Australia has a program based on it, and it has won a United Nations award, he said. Hebert criticized the timing of the cancellation, just weeks before the completion of a massive $400,000 government evaluation of the program. He said the decision to cancel the program prior to the release of the evaluation, along with the fact the government did not bring the matter to its caucus for discussion, shows it wasn’t a decision based on the program itself. He described the cancellation as a partisan move, Katimavik having been started while a Liberal government was in power. Hebert defended his use of a hunger strike in the Senate, an action which was both criticized and lauded by the public and the media. To be legitimate, he said, hunger strikes must fulfill four criteria: - The cause must be an important and urgent one. In a society where having a job is important, more than 600,000 young Canadians are unemployed. Hebert said he had to counter the government’s message that young people are not wanted. - The cause must have no other voice to defend it. Canadian youth are not organized and have little political clout, therefore they needed someone to stand up for them, he said. - There must be no *personal gain from the hunger strike.. - All other democratic means must have been attempted. Hebert was involved in the Senate’s Report of the Special Committee on Youth, which highly recommended Katimavik. The report was tabled in the House of Commons just after the program’s cancellation. The senator has written and spoken extensively about youth concerns, but said the government has given little credence the situation. The hunger strike was the only remaining tactic to draw attention to his concerns, he added. . Currently, Hebert is involved with the Canadian Committee for Youth, an -organization of business people and politicians working to raise funds from the private sector and municipal governments to form a scaled-down version of Katimavik this fall. Hebert expects initially there will be between 500 and 1000 participants and the program will expand as it obtains more federal, and possibly provincial, attention in the future. He has also recently published a book on the ordeal, entitled “21 Days: One Man’s Fight for Canada’s Youth” which retails for $13.95. Part of theprofits will be donated to Katimavik.

* ..R -NEWS ,-,, Big,chan,ges:forstudents\seen , ,


by Doug Thompson Imprint staff If u\rc(“s Vice-president, academic, Tom Brszustowski has his way, UW students will be be taking fewer courses to meet theirdegree requiremerits, and the number of lecture hours per course will,glso be reduced. Evaluation too, w&be altered, in recommendations brought to+nate by the Fourth Decade planning committee at its last meeting. “All units in the university respon sible for undergraduate education will be asked to review the basic principles of student evaluation in their programs, with a view to shifting the emphasis away from judging students by their responses to well-de-

fined questions and toward’ the responsibility for their educaassessing their performance in more tion”, the report urges that teaching efforts be concentrated in the earlier original work” ’ years of university and that “‘selfUW students are too busy. The restudy” comprise more of the curricuport states that “participation in the t cultural life of the university is a use I lum for upper year students. Time and money will be needed to _ of time which many students cannot implement these changes, the report contemplateB” Far from being “shortcuts”, or says. Space for students working on measures which compromise the their ‘own will be needed, along with enhanced library and lab facilities. quality of education, the rep?? Further, faculty members advising argues that these measure are a students engaged in “individual means of raising the quality Of - . study” will not be available to serve education.” , Stating that “upper year students the ,same number of students they previously could in large lecture seswho have acquired the learning Skills sions. and have become familiar with the Ciearly recognizing a link between resources of the uni.versity ,are capable of carrying a much largershareof the quality of student life and the l




11, 1986,

:for 4thdecade quality of education, Brszustowski’s committee paid; considerable attention to the issues of student housing and “intellectual life outside the CUT-, riculum”. “The university’s ability to respond in this area of student need [housing] is limited,” the report states, but suggested several measure the university could take to ameliorate the problems. Mew student residences, balancing the student population over all three terms, since the housing problem is most severe in the fall, and working with the Federation of Students to establish standards for off-campus housing were all mentioned. 1 UW _President _Doug _ Wright, how_ ever, dampened student hopes for administration help in this matter. In an interview with imprint this week Dr. Wright said “housing is an essential part of university student life. At present, however, UW has no resources to accommodate student needs. The Columbia Street townhouse pro ject will be kept on hold until it becomes economically feasible, or until we receive some government assistance.” The most significant develop ments in student housing will likely continue to depend on student initiatives, such as the new student owned co-operative residence apartment building planned for next year. UW students have been characterized as “all work and no play’. The Forth Decade Planning Committee acknowledges that “an important part of university education takes place outside the curriculum.” Op portunities to acquire social skills, communicate with students in other fields, develop leadership potential, and establish lasting friendships are dependent on “student-run extracurricular activities” according to the report. The report expresses the hope that “measures which relieve the stress of time will also make activities

like these mor& accessible to the students.” Also mentioned are the many “departmental seminar series, special lectures by distinguished visitors, conferences, exhibitions, and other activities organized by the faculty which would be of value to many students if they had the time for them.,” The report states that “it should be an objective of the university in the fourth decade to promote the involvement of its students in the intellectual and cultural life of the campus.” To this end the report urges an improved “billboard’ to advertise events, cultural activities based in the residences, a French residence, and more alumni involvement, including the construction of an alumni hall “to be the centre of cultural life in the university.” Improvements in Counselling 2%~ vices to respond to crisis situations and help students with “stress management” are also advocated. The report, which runs to four newspaper pages in this weeks UW Gazette, touches on all aspects of life at UW. Particularly notable is the concern with money, the conflicting priorities, and the need for the university to justify itself as a handmaiden to economic and industrial develop ment. In almost every area the committee looked at, the problems of inadequate financing were mentioned. On the one hand human needs received a great deal of attention, and on the other, the needs of computers and high tech- were recognized as this institution’s present priorities and strengths. The compe tition between the human and the technical needs has typified this university’s development since its foundation, and it appears the major challenge of the fourth decade will be a continuation of the struggles of the first three.

mathSQC presents a



at the GRAD- HOUSE Saturday July 12th

8:00 p.m. . c

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Civil clases by Neal Bonnor





how much


, Imprint,

Entry fees for the races are 31 tor The Engineering Society’: second either of the first two events and $6 annual Ring Road Classic bicycle for the Senior 3 race. race is set to go this Sunday, July 13. The novice race boasts a $100 Registration starts at 7:30 a.m. and Stack-a-Shelf computer desk’for first the racing starts at 9 o’clock sharp place, an $85 wrist pulse meter for from the north campus entrance. second and a $40 Bodycheck fitness The activity features three separappraisal for third place. A prize for ate events. First,,there will be a four. the top female finisher has been pro. lap novice tour-race for those people vided by ATP Sports. The Senior 3 out to participate and enjoy the comrace features $450 worth -6f merpany of other riders. The second chandise donated by Riordan Ski event will be a more competitive no. and Sports. vice race of 10 laps for those who like j l%y forms and information can the thrill of riding in a pack. The final be picked. up at Riordan stores and event will be an OCA-sanctioned the Engineering Society office. race of 20 laps, open only to Senior 3 Those people wishing to volunteer as riders. Each lap of Ring Road mearace course marshals may also sign up at the ofice. sures 2.8 kilometres.


11, 1986

weeks ago by the hardest hit of &II engineering classes: 3A civil. “3A always has a very heavy work load,” explained civil engineering professor Bruce Hutchinson. “It’s the first dose of specialized material the students receive. This year, computer design was superimposed on the usual projects, putting an extra load on top of the usual.” Class representative Mike Ropret concurred. “While I geared myself to work hard, I felt the work load was excessive, that I wasn’t learning as well as I should have been,” he said . “It’s been on-going all term: for five days of the week on average I’d get to sleep at two or three in the morning, and then I’d be up for my 8:30 class.” “There was a general consensus amongst everybody in the class that we needed some sort of help from administration.” The form of help they received was a moratorium on all elective engineering classes for the week of June “The class professor was sup posed to provide a safety valve,” Hutchinson said. “But that system didn’t seem to be working very well. Absenteeism was high, students were coming to class sick.”



by Delta Omega

by Terri



A University of Waterloo fraternity is looking to raise $5,000 for a local charity through its first-ever dance-a’-thon. Delta Omega Chi is holding the event July 18, with all proceeds going to the Kitchener-Waterloo chapter of Big Brothers. Only 100 couples will be permitted to enter the contest, which begins on Friday at 8 p.m. and continues until noon Saturday in the Village 1 Great Hall. Each couple is expected to raise at least $50 in pledges, said organizers Rick Mallon and Jeff Thomson. A Club Med trip for two, valued at $2,000, will go to the couple who raises the most money for Big Brothers. The couple who dances the longest will receive a weekend trip to Montreal valued at $700. There will also be spot prizes, such as dinner-for-two at local restaurants, awarded throughout the night. A couple must dance for at least eight hours to be eligible for any of the prizes and only one prize will be awarded per couple. Registration for the contest is on a first-come basis. A $5 entrance fee is being charged. Spectators are welcome, as are people whq wait to dance along with the participants. A $2 fee will be charged at the door as part of the fundraisir efforts.

After the students raised the issue with the department, a class/professor meeting was held’ June 27, at which time the moratorium idea was’ accepted. “The moratorium was a good idea at first,” Ropret said. “We used the time to finish our projects and to get our bodies back to normal. But most of us are really not back on schedule yet.”

- J

clinic held last Monday in the C.C. The clinic, Chi, obtained a total of 350 contributions.

Dance-a-thon fund charity





engineers handle during a term, but, like everybody else, they have their limits. These limits were reached two

.Tomorrow is date for Ring Road bicvcle Classic.



Hutchinson concluded: “We’re going to have to rethink having both the major project and the computer design -tog&her. ’We’ve got to r&cognize the reality (o If the situation).”


July 17,1986



Come on out and enter a team in the Atari competition to win passes for 2 to the Grand Prix in Toronto July 18-20.

Subscribe to Imprint during the Fall Term



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Imprint, f riday July 11, 1986

Pri0rity.Z. by Doug Thompson Imprint staff Student Housing is everybody’s priority 2, or so it seems. Well over a year ago, the Federation and the administration worked out a deal to build student housing on North Campus. The deal has fallen through. The university was to provide the land, the tenants the money. All that was needed to make it fly was someone with financial clout to guarantee a mortgage. This, it seems, the university is now unwilling to do. The reason? Cost overruns on the Billy Davis silicon palace. UW’s president Doug Wright, and Tom Brszustowski, the vice-president, academic, both acknowledge the importance of good student housing. Both are aware of how serious the housing situation has become for students. But they seem content to let students pay too much, live to far away, struggle in cramped, cold and overcrowded living conditions. It’s important, but it’s not that important. The chrome and the glitter come first. However, students should not be surprised. It is very typical of university administrations to place the needs of students at the bottom of their priority list. Whenever there is competition for resources, students are going to lose. If there is not enough money, students, who have the least, will get charged more [read computer fee]. The university is willing to jeopardize its financial future, going into debt to house computers, but cannot find five cents for student housing. All the while, student housing is a proven money-maker. TheWaterloo Co-operative Residence Inc. (WCRI) is building 400 new units. Student owned and operated since 1967, this little organization is a stunning success, providing low-cost, close-to-campus housing. The only reason they can’t do more is difficulty mobilizing capital. And mobilizing capital is something the administration can do! It’s also something the Federation can do. With its assured student fee income, the Federation’s power to guarantee mortgages is immense. And guaranteeing mortgages on proven money-making propositions costs absolutely nothing. Students, the track record shows, are the only people who can and will take student housing seriously enough to do something. Students have done a lot in the past and can do much more in the future. But students, aside from their organizations, are nearly powerless. If the Federation fails to follow the initiative of WCRI and mobilize new student housing ventures, students who cannot find housing in the future will only have us - the students of today - to blame.

The opinions


In thlr


are those

of the author

and do not neceuwlly


What the hell are the’feds up to these days? Nothing, apparently! While students are practically camping in the gutters for lack of student housing and crime-weary students are forced to walk through darkened parks at night, the Feds are sitting high and mighty on their butts in their Campus Centre castle twiddling their thumbs!


8portsEditor PhotoEditor Manager




Board . Steve Kamnon Neal Bonnor I_Doug Tait Janet Lawrence Janet Lawrence Suzanne GrifRth Doug Thompson Cindy Long AndrewSaikali & Paul Done Jo-Anne Longley Preet Khalsa Cindy Long Peter Lum

Staff Meeting July 11, noon

of Imprint


In harmony with truth, by Neal Bonnor Imprint Assistant

Im* is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Im~rM Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without sham capital. Im@M is a member of the Ontario Communily Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of . c%macbn UniversiQ~ Press (CUP). Imprkrt publishes every seckndmi?i& dwingtheSpringterman.deveryFriday~ the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to Inqprb&t, Campus Centre Room 140, Universiw of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontazio. N2L 3Gl. fmprird reserves the Idght td screen, edit, and refuse adverwsing. IlXQ)ZiIXk ISSN 0706-7380

reflect . the views

What are the Feds doing while students face the brunt of increased tuition costs, rising illegal computer fees, skyrocketing co-op rates, and new PAC locker charges? Splurging on Canada Day celebrations and giving themselves a weekend holiday at “Scott’s Retreat” using you-know-who’s hard-earned money, that’s what!

Well, I guess they can’t really be blamed. After all, most UW students bugger off to Toronto in their Fieros on the weekend, leaving the place to the mercy of the cockroaches and the green-men. The Federation, after all, only reflects current student attitudes, so naturally their hands are tied if most UW students insist on ignoring the issues by retreating to the security of Mommy and Daddy, coming to school simply to work like the true apathetic yuppies that they are. But then again, I guess you can’t really blame them, since they do have the spectre of nuclear holocaust over their heads and a deteriorating environment to worry about, and . . . Heck, we’re all here to have a good time, right? So who really- cares about the decline of our educa- . tional system and the country, and all the other little things that interfere with our personal satisfaction. Who knows what .“Concordia cum Veritate” means, anyway?

Deadly “Silver Bullets” by Mike O’Driscoll Imprint staff When you’re out partying on a Friday night what difference can it make what beer you drink? Most of the time, not much. If you’re on a diet, drink light. If you’re cheap, drink draught. If you like wasting innocent children and civilians, drink Coors. I know it’s not my place to sit here and tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t drink, but I could make it my place to attempt a little education. Lately Coors Beer has held a pretty high profile in the life of university students, what with handing out free six-packs to random student homes, and saturating the television market with ads oriented toward young adults. What they don’t tell you when you’re grabbing the free frosties, or tapping your foot to the latest jingle, is that Coors puts your money toward some rather devious purposes. For example, the company once funded a study to establish that whites were smarter than blacks. Somehow, they proved it. In addition, Coors Beer has been cited for numerous civil rights infringements in the work place, and for several years has been the target of boycotts by unions, women’s groups, and certain minorities. More importantly however, are the activities of the two Coors brothers, Joseph and William, in the fringes of ultra-right wing politics. Coors is presently ranked third in the .funding of Nicaragua’s Contra rebels (following the U.S. Government and the ever-loving Christian Broadcasting Network). They were also the founders of the Heritage Foundation, a group with strong extreme right-wing ties as well. Molson currently markets Coors beer in Canada, and while Molson gleans the majority of profits of Coors sales in this country, a large fraction of those profits return to the American parent company. A

portion of that money is then turned in support for the Nicaraguan Contras in untraceable amounts that most likely turn into arms and supplies for the revolutionaries. In other words, when YOU buy Coors, you buy bullets. lf YOU don’t already know, the Contra rebels are an American-backed force that aims to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua. (Sound familiar?) It is not a popular revolution ofthe people, but a rebellion based on the economic interests of big business and the political interests of American hegemony in Central America. Human rights groups such as the Americas Watch have reported “the most violent abuses of human rights today are being committed by the Contras.” Sojourners magazine, a Christian publication devoted to the abolition of human rights infringements, has said Contra activities have resulted in the wounding and deaths of more than 8,000 Nicaraguans since 1982, more than half of them civili-. ans. Moreover, Time magazine stated the Contras are responsible for more than $255 mill.ion in damages to Nicaraguan crops, schools, factories and hospitals. Certainly a nice group of people to give your money to. The list goes on, but what it comes down to is that the Contra rebels are a force that has slowed the progress of, a government that has made huge strides in furthering the well being of its people. A government that has improved public health dramatically, that has given their electors jobs and basic freedoms, and has reduced an illiteracy rate of 50 per cent to 13 per cent. Once again, the choice is up to you; make it, many have. Just remember, it’s not you who will “Catch the Silver Bullet” . . . it’s somebody’s loved one.



welcomes comments and opinion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is designed to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters MUST be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday of the week of publication. Maximum length of letters: 200 words. Anyone wishing to write i.onger opinion pieces should contact the Editor-in-Chief. Ail material is subject to editing.

Apathy I

I’m gonna get me a jeep Neal Bonnor Imprint staff 8Biking in Kitchener-Waterloo sucks the big one: you’re lucky if you comeback alive! First, there’s the roads: mint condition...complete with potholes, ruts, grooves, big bumps and little bumps, railway tracks (three in a row), gutters, the infamous sewer name it, they’ve got it! 1 If you haven’t broken your neck by this time, you can always get sideswiped by the motorists...or asphyxiated by their belched leaded fumes. Since most of the roads downtown are pretty narrow--the larger ones squeezing in two lanes--there’s a good chance that, as you’re trying to avoid a road obstacle by swerving into the street, you’ll get knocked off by the moron behind you. If that’s not bad enough, there’s also heavy trucks, parked trucks, construction signs and bulldozers, other bicyclists, and pedestrians to contend with. But let’s say you’ve made it downtown, your bike is still intact (good model), your sanity still there, and your nerves not yet shot.

Let’s say. So you want to go somewhere, a specific address. But where are the road signs? What road are you on? King Street West, East, North, South? Where? Finally you see a dicky little sign half off a sign post...ah, King Street East! So far, so good. But...wait! Where are the street numbers? Ah, there’s one, 2OO...there’s another one, 342. Oops! You wanted 236, of course... Finally, you pull up at the address you wanted, haul your bike over the curb, and... Well, there’s a tree, there’s a lamppost, there’s a wino,*but (you guessed it!), there’s no bike rack! Wait, what’s that concrete block with the dents and the metal rings? Could it be...a bike rack?! Sort of: just try to get your kryptonite lock through the ring, the bike frame, and your front tire--without attracting atten’ tion!. Forget this, man, I’m gonna get me a Jeep! But seriously, Kitchener-Waterloo should fix up their bloody roads! If they want us suburban students to spend money in their shops, well, they’re gonna hafta make it easier for bicyclists to get there! No two ways about it! (Damn, is this a one-way street?!)

To the editor: What is wrong with the students at this university? Before coming, to Waterloo, I had heard that this was a campus where students were rushed and too busy for anything but work. I found this very hard to believe upon experiencing the events of frosh week. However, the start of school brought a change of mood on the campus. , The incentive for writing this letter comes from events that I have experienced (or have not experienced, in this case) over the last few weeks. Having had the desire to get away from Waterloo and “have fun in the sun”, i bought tickets for two events organized by two different faculty societies. Namely, these were a trip to Sauble Beach (mathSOC) and Canada’s Wonderland(SciSoc). Both were cancelled the day before the event due to lack of participation. I find this hard to believe. Neither event conflicted with midterms, and the weather forecast was good for each day. I talked to the SciSoc member who tried to organize the Wonderland trip. He said that over 300 posters were up advertising the event. Even with the publicity, and the fact that there are still several thousand students on campus, only 12 tickets were sold! It seems people are too busy, or apathetic as the case may be, to participate in campus events. I now realize that there is some truth to Waterloo’s reputation of apathy. It’s sad, but true.



1 B Mathematics



To the editor. To the Federation of Students and all others who helped to organize UW’s Canada Day celebration, congratulations! It was a success; not only did .your efforts display university spirit, they also brought the KitchenerWaterloo community onto our campus and showed them how open and ‘friendly university students can be. Juli Abouchar 4a Earth Science

Thompson to enjoy


To the editor: I find Doug Thompson’s editorials very difficult to enjoy. Mr. Thompson frequently makes points of some merit (such as [if I may paraphrase] “Engineers’ educations are too narrow”, “Doctors make plenty already, why should they get more”, “Housing is really tough to find in Waterloo”), but he seems to find it necessary to hide these ideas in inflammatory rhetoric (“Nazi”, “Ontario Medical ASSociation”, “niggers”). Mr. Thompson, if you are really convinced that your opinions are correct, you ought to phrase them so that people who . disagree with you won’t stop ’ reading out of anger. I’m sure that those who already agree with you enjoy the columns immensely, but that isn’t the point of present: ing your ideas’(is it?).

Brian Scearce

Sending polluters

to jail makes good sense

by Steve Kannon ’ Anyone who willfully pollutes the environment is a criminal and should be treated as such. This obvious theory, long espoused by environmental groups, has finally been translated into government legislation. The provincial Liberals took great strides last week towards filling their election promises with the introduction of strict amendments to its pollution laws. The legislation would see stiffer penalties for convicted polluters, including jail terms and corporate fines up to $100,000 a day. The move was applauded by all members of the Legislature, indicating the growing political importance of environmental issues. The new penalties will force many companies to re-assessq their pollution control systems. The weakness of past legislation often made it cheaper for some businesses to pay the fines than to clean up their plants. With utter disregard for the intent of the law and for the fragile

ecology,more than a few idiotic corporate directors took this course of action. Most businesspeople recognize the benefits, environmental and financial, of proper pollution control. For those‘less considerate, and less intelligent, the government’s proposals should provide the necessary incentive to shape up. We have been spewing garbage into our air and water for years despite early warnings from some of the scientific community. In recent years, more information about the harmful nature of these pollutants has come to light. The government and big business may have been able to claim ignorance in years past, but that line of reasoning no longer cuts it. Recently, the presidents of two blatant environmental law breakers were sentenced in Ontario courts to jail terms. It is to be hoped the new legislation leads to more of the same, there are still a lot of pin-headed businesspeople out there.


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Days A Week








I 7

Wright, Speaks out on, &J:W’s-future sTI by Neal Bonnor ’ Imprint staff Douglas T. Wright, president of the University of Waterloo since 1981, was re-appointed for a second six-year term by the UW board of governors last month. The Presidential Search and Nominating Committee, established earlier in the year, determined that Wright held sufficient support of the’ university administration, faculty, and students to warrant his reappointment. As well as serving as Waterloo’s first chairman of the department of civil engineering, Wright also held two deputy minister positions at Queen’s Park during the early seventies, and currently serves as a consultant engineer on the-Dome Stadium project in Toronto. In an interview with Imprint, Dr. Wright discusses his role in the university’s past and future. Excellence means having up-todate facilities; and faculty with up-to. date teaching methods and research. That takes money: We’re not spending enough today to main. tain excellence. Accessibility means that those who are qualified and who have the ability to work can benefit from higher education. Obviously, to pro. mote accessibility you need resources to attend, but thoSe costs have to be assessed in several ways..

How will you’ make up the loss of funds to the university as a result of the provincial government’s ban on computer fees? The university will not have enough funds to continue at its current rate of expenditures. We will have to plan for that during the coming fall and winter through the normal budgetary process.

We have-a very rocky road ahead. Our options are to cut computer services, to cut budgets otherwise, or to cut faculty appointments, which leads to a process of degradation of the teaching environment. Of course, we’ll continue to lobby the provincial government. One example of this is the conference on post-secondary underfunding to be held here this weekend. When you imposed the computer fee last year, you knew it was not within provincial guidelines... It was very uncertain. I think what proves the computer fee’s legality is that the charges for the Co-operative program have been allowed. This issue has been discussed for years. UW provides much greater computer service than other Ontario universities, yet the computer fee represents a fraction of the total cost of the computer facilities on campus. We weren’t trying to use it as a general revenue source.

I can understand how people could resent the fee’s imposition, but you must realize the costs involved. I know of one institute in the States that charges an extra $400 per computer-intensive course. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which their own people tell me is behind us in computer accessibility, they are charging an extra $2000 a year to cover the costs of their computer services. If the government’s not going to pay for it, then either the students are going to pay for it or it can’t be done. Do you think the government should shoulder all the costs for maintaining our excellence? That’s a very tough question. I think that, in the best of all possible worlds, a plan that I took part in developing over 15 years ago is probably the best means to ensure accessibility and equity. I think that, in a society in which everyone, and not just the govern’ment, gets involved, one wants accessibility, equity, and excellence in education.

For some people, the biggest cost is foregone earnings: money they may have made instead of going to ‘school. That’s why there’s-such a shortage of graduate students in Canada, because it costs so much for postgraduate studies, yet Canada provides fewer post-graduate fellowships than most industrialized countries. The biggest influence on accessibility is cultural in the sense of attitudes and expectations of the young people in Grade 8 and 9 and their family environment. While studies show that greater earnings are to be had after graduating from university, many young people have already formed the expectation that they won’t go. These expectations reflect their environment, their parents’ attitude, etc. All of the evidence points to the fact that if you want to go to university, you can. The proof is that, if you go back in history, you’ll find that most clergymen, who were usually poor, sent their sons and daughters to university. It doesn’t mean that it was easy, but they did it. What I’m saying is that, although I accept that money is important, cultural/social attitudes and expectations are far more important factors. lf they’re not right, money won’t stop them. If they are right, the lack of money will hardly stop them. Having said all that, you still need money. I chaired a commission that proposed 15 years ago that people from low-income families should be largely subsidized by grants. Middleincome families, we argued, should only receive assistance through contingency loans, or loans repayable according to postgraduate income.

This is where equity comes in. A system that taxes everybody to subsidize the education af the children of more educated (a,nd thus usually richer) parents-who do have the right ,attitude, is. regressive. The system I outlined, I think, is the best one .in terms of equity. However, the process of accepting it is complicated, requiring provincial consensusand political compromise, so as yet it has not been implemented. What are your goals for the future? My concerns for the future are much broader than just promoting the commission’s recommendations. When I ‘came here in 1981, UW was basically in a healthy condition: it had a sound financial base, an open decision-making process, etc. Since then, I’ve concentrated on policy development (the computer fee) and new initiatives (the Davis building). However, over the last 10 years, there has been a decline in funding: the political environment has been such that nobody gave a damn.

You see, Canada based its prosperity on natural resources, but these industries are declining. The average citizen is not aware of this; nor are they aware how much atten-

“You’ve been fired and rehired.~dueto g&vment ;cutbaclrs,and le-himdmto job creation.”

tion other countries are devoting to their. human resources. Is Canada like Kuwait? Is Canada a Third World country? It’s up to the government, but they don’t have the guts to raise tuition. But’ really, it’s the taxpayers who elect the government, and it’s the taxpayers who don’t agree that education should get more funding... I believe that I have a personal responsibility, a natibnal role to play, in making Canada aware of its human resource potential. I’m not hung up on how: I think that both government funding and tuition should increase.

over the last few years: industry and the media have been converted, and now so are the students, mainly because of their reaction to the computer fee. What about Co-o~ fees? UW will continue its leading role in co-op education: despite all the complaints, the program works, by and large. I personally would not like to see co-op fees raised to cover 100 per. cent of costs, despite the loss of the computer fee. But that has yet to be AnriAnA “LLIUL”.

Do you feel that the university has an obligation to provide housing to students? B

versity student life. At present, how. , ever, UW has no resources to accommodate student needs. The Columbia Street townhouse project will be kept on hold until it becomes economically feasible, or until we receive some government assistance. How do you feel about foreign students? ’ Government policy is dumb. Absolutely dumb! Foreign students provide all kinds of benefits to Canada: political, corn. mercial, cultural, intellectual... Political because these students return home to positions of authority, where they can provide a civilizing influence and move away from totalitarianism and links with the Soviets. Commercial because these students become potential customers of Canada’s, increasing our trade links with the rest of the world... I think that Canada should provide more financial aid to these students, just as other industrialized countries are doing - investing in their future!




the Professional Edge- in- typographynow *more affordable than ever! Imp-t has acquired new computers If you use IBM or compatible computers capabilies, which to write resumes, essays, term -papers, and telecommunications to theses, books, posters, advertisements or enable our CompSet phototypesetter read almost any computer text file. any other TEXT, ImpAx& can now directly This means huge reductions in the cost of typeset your files for a price so low, you’ll setting your material in type because you do find it hard to believe. If quality output is important, if you want the keyboarding yourself. With Imprint’s your work to stand out from the crowd of - new facility, your computer has become a typesetting machine! laserwriters, daisy wheel and dot matrix Call us at 888-4048 when you need the printers, call us for a quote. Or if you’re currently paying someone else best. Why pay more? to typeset your material, we can do it for. Why pay for less when you can have the less! best? Imprint





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Suntanning y Terri Shewfelt mprint staff

tips TIME

. .




Although all this talk about skin cancer and aging may make one leery about going out in the sun, feat not, for the sun can be beneficial to you and your skin if approached properly. Aside from providing ;ou with an attractive tan, the sun stimulates your skin cells in the production of Vitamin D whichkeeps our teeth and b&es healthy. As well, the sun can dry ybur skin and improve oily skin . and acne. To get the benefits from the sun and not the dangerous effects, experts have made the following suggestions:


SUNSCREEN When you are suntanning, experts strongly recommend you use a sunscreen, preferably with PABA. Sunscreens come in various strengths of “Skin Protective factors” from 2 being the least protective to 15 providing the most protection. If you are blonde or burn easily you should use. a 15, while if you seldom burn you should use a 2 or 4 sunscreen. Views about strengths of sunscreens vary, with some doctors saying you should always use a factor 15 sunscreen regardless of your skin and never switch to a lower number as your skin tone darkens. Sunscreen comes off as you perspire or swim so you should re-apply the sunscreen accordingly. Oils such as baby oil, mineral oil and coconut oil should be avoided as they can intensifg the sun’s effect 00 your skin and give you no protection.

are recommended

In February,

manufactured in the ’50s. The 50 to 60 hours

a week of re-typing reporters’ stories directly on the typesetting machines, and the hours and hours of corrections which followed are now part of history. ’


The best clothes to wear while suntanning are those tightly woven and white to help deflect the sun. A hat is recommended for long sun exposure to protect your scalp and face. Sunglasses are.also recommended to protect your eyes and the skin around them from the ultraviolet and infrared rays of the sun. Moisturizers

11, 1986

CARE after sunning to pre-

vent dryness and peeling* If you unfortunately sta’yed out in the sun too long (for example - fell asleep in the sun while studying), try soothing the skin by taking a bath in tepid water for 15-20 minutes, two or three times a day and apply a cold cream with benzocaine or other painkilling ingredients. TANNING PARLORS The jury is still out on tanning parlors and experts are divided on their safety. The Canadian Cancer Society discourages people from cosmetic tanning until more is known about its effects. Different doctors have also said parlor users may suffer from eventual skin cancer, skin damage and eye irritation. If you do decide tanning parlors are for you, it is recommended that you do not shower or use the sauna before tanning because towel drying rubs off the skin’s protective oils. As well, tanning lotions and oils should not be used while parlor tanning as they may irritate the skin. So all you sun gods and goddesses out there remember that your skin is yours for life and must be treated with care especially when suntanning!


can now type

their stories using word processing software on IBM XT (clone) computers. Spell Check software virtually eliminates typos. Editing is now done mostly on-screen, and when the editor has approved a story, instead of going into the typesetting room on

paper to be re-typed (with new typos), it goes in there on floppy disk. The story is telecommunicated to the typesetting machine from an IBMAT clone. If specific typesetting commands have not been embedded in the text by the editor, that occurs at

soon. The lag between the time a story is written by a reporter, and the time it is finally typeset and ready for paste-up duced.

has been dramatically rePartly because everything spell check software, the need for three time consuming checks by proofrtiaders has been eliminated. Combined with the elimination of the need for re-typing everything, the opportunity exists for Imprint to bring you much fresher news. And the copy should be more accurate. Instead of proofreading, reporters can now spend more time researching stories, and because we can process those stories much faster, late breaking news can be accommodated with less difficulty. A certain nostalgia for the clikettyclack of manual typewriters banging away in the newsroom is aroused

can be run through

when one hears the quiet. beeping sound of an XT clone announcing it has found (and corrected) another



An era has ended.

James Kalbfleisch named Math dean Dr. James Kalbfleisch has been appointed the University of Waterloo’s new dean of mathetiatics, UW president Dquglas Wright announced last week. The five-year term began July 1. Kalbfleisch, who replaces the U.S.A.-bound Dr. Allan George, says he ’ has no immediate -plans to change the direction of UW’s thrid largest faculty. “I’d want to have been on the job a while before attempting any major changes,. even if I did’ have such plans,” he said. A native of Cambridge, Ontario,



Kalbfleisch began lecturing at Waterloo in 1964 Chile comgeting his post-graduate studies. In 1971 he became a full professor, and in 1975-79 served as chairman of UWs statistics and actuarial science department, a position which his brother Jack now occupies. Two of his children are currently enrolled at Waterloo, in Eng-. lish and Math. Wright also announced the re-ap pointments of Dr. Donald Brodie as dean of science and Dr. Bill Lennox as dean of engineering. Both will be filling second three-year terms starting July 1, 1987.


Underfunding Forrest ence

said he hopes the confer-




coming o&of the conference will be just a first step in a continuing effort to extend and co-ordinate efforts to increase funding. “[We hope]...once a month...or once every three months or whatever...some [other] university will hold a we can work together in the future.”

B?om~~ @ruIB10 & mathSOC


July with

talks He acknowledged the purpose of the conference is to reach a consensus on how to more effectively fight underfunding rather than to propose solutions to underfunding itself. “We already know what the solution to underfunding is more money from the’government,” Forrest said. “We want to encourage them to

reach that solution.”

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ability was acquired. In June, Imprint purchased three IBM clones from Waitronics, a local manufacturer of IBM compatibles, and the wheels were set in motion for the modernization that has finally been completed. A number of benefits for Imprint’s staff and readers should be visible

this point, and the copy is then run



a new typesetting

chine with telecommunications

typesetting machine. Gone are the typewriters



by Doug Thompson Imprint staff Imprint has finally arrived

in the 20th Century. Following a growing trend in the publishing industry, Imprint has computerized its text-editing and typesetting functions. This story is the first Imprint article to move directly from the reporter’s keyboard to the typesetting machine without having to be re-typed at the

Teledyne, the company that makes the Water Pik has invented a new device which measures the sun’s ultraviolet rays and tells you when you have had enough sun. The Sun Sensor is a hand-held battery operated calculator- sized sun monitor. You simply dial in your skin type and your sunscreen number and the Sun Sensor does the rest. The device which sells for about $40, seems a bit costly and merely seems to be substituting common sense in tanning for computer sense. -



Compuer age arrives for Imprint typesetting

When starting your tan, you should take-in the sun gradually for about 20-30 minutes a day. As your tan darkens you can remain in the sun longer. The peak hours to avoid the sun are between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., and remember that you can still get a tan or burn on a cloudy day, about 80 per cent of the sun’s ultraviolet rays can still break through the clouds.

The good ole summer time, time for camping, swimming, suntanning and sunburning! The sun according to many experts is your skin’s worst enemy, and while camping at Grand Bend or sunning yourSelf beside the C.C., you must be aware of the sun’s effects. The sun and its ultraviolet rays can cause dry-skin, discolouration, lines, wrinkles and accelerate aging. Too much exposure to the sun can cause your skin to become leathery, and can eventually lead to skin cancer. According to recent reports, nearly all of the 450,000 cases of skin cancer on this continent are ‘sun related, and the number of skin malignancies has doubled in the past 25 years as tanning and participation in outdoor sports has increased. The most frequent spots for skin cancer to occur are the head, neck-and alms, the areas most frequently exposed tp the sun.




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o o o jumpin’

Merritt by Andrew Saikali Imprint staff “Scott Merritt couldn’t be here .. . name is Holly-O” - and SO it began, as he, his mandolinand his band plunged into Slumber-land.

The next-two hours would be one of the finest live concerts seen in K-W in a long time. Scott, and indeed it was him, not the infamous Miss 0, brought his show to the Coronet on June 26

Longhairs celebrate Fourth of Julv by Mike




On July 4 in the States, they like to do things in a big way . . . a really big way. The Dead/Dylan/Petty show at Rich Stadium in Buffalo last Friday proved it. Tens of thousands showed up for a rock and roll extravaganza featuring some of the classic cult gods of the American music scene. With such a big-name line up, a better-than-average show, was expected, but unfortunately “average” turned out to be the operative word. The day had its highlights, but for the most part the subtleties of the music were lost in the sheer size of the venue. The Dead started off the show, but the prevalence of tie-dyes, head bands, and long hairs in the crowd made ‘one think that maybe they should have headlined. Jerry Garcia and the boys began their onslaught of favourites with Tennessee Jed and got the audience singing and swaying I with tunes like Uncle John’s.Band and the classic rocker Turn on Your Lovelight. Even when the thun&rc!o& rolled in overhead the band and the crowd battled the rain with a deadly version of Fire On The Mountain. All in all, the Grateful Dead did four short sets that got the day off to a great start and left the crowd crying for more. It might have been fate or coincidence, but when Bob Dylan and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers came on stage, the sun broke through . . . an appropriate special effect courtesy of mother nature. The two recent stage-mates changed line-ups about six times throughout the show, with everything from Dylan, Petty, the Heartbreakers and a battalion of gorgeous back-up vocalists, to Dylan on his own, to Petty with his

Bob Dylan


band, and whatever other combinations they could come up with. Dressed head-to-toe in slightly uncomfortable looking leather gear, Dylan strummed out a lengthy acoustic version of Z-h-d Rain’s Gonna Fall all on his lonesome. While along with Petty, he performed classics like- Blowin’ in the Wind, Like A Rollin’ Stone and Euerybocfy Must Get Stoned. Needless to say, by the time Dylan got around to this last song, the crowd had already complied. With nothing but electric guitar and voice Petty got the audience going with an emotional version of Breakdown, and with the help of the Heartbreakers, filled out the day with hits like Needles and Pins and Refugee. For the most part he managed to keep up with his elders, and surprisingly, received just as much: support from the crowd. Here’s where an interesting part comes in . . . from a higher vantage point one could see a mass exodus of people after the ‘Dead’s show. And with an already not-full stadium, the future of Dylan’s day and career didn’t look too good. It was definitely a Grateful Dead crowd and one got the feelin more than a few people stayed just % ecause they were already there. Mind YOU, DYIan’s show wasn’t fantastic, but it was worth the time and attention. Dodging parking lot fireworks on the way back to the bus made one realize that above all, this was meant to be a party. Although the bands did their best, the crowd made the day. Still dazzled from a sea of psychedelic summer wear, among other things, I felt a small pang of disappointment as we pulled away. It was over, it could have been better, but I’d do it again without a moment of hesitation.

iti wonderland

(why the Co ronet, I don’t know). For those of you unfamiliar with the musician in question, Brantford Ontario’s Scott Merritt, 28, is a singer/songwriter/guitarist with three albums to his name. The first, done with the help of Daniel Lanois in 1979, is long lost, save for the original pressings. The second - Serious Interference (Transistor, There You Are, Slumber-land etc.), was produced in 1983 and re-released when Scott was picked up by Toronto’s Duke Street Records in 1985. His third album has just come out (see Albums). The Scott Merritt band (Bob Disalle - drums, Matt Zimbel - pert, Doug Wilde - kbds, David Woodhead - bass) generated a clear, cohe-x sive sound, leaving plenty of room for Scott and his own brand of energy. He got the (small-but-loyal) audience to shout “where-he-go?!” on cue during Chameleon. He prefaced Overworked and Underpriuileged, Raise a Ship, and Power of fnuention with tales of his pal Corby, Mexico, and Sister Emily, respectively - these and other intros delivered in a tone of voice reminiscent of the dry, off-beat monotone comic Steven Wright of SNL appearances. And during Ping-Pang Song, Woodhead left bass for the percussive sounds of coffee mug and bowl. Makes sense? I guess you had to be there.


Merritt doesn’t just sing or replicate songs - he experiences on stage the story/songs, or at least the mood and movement that each conveys. Case in point - his terrorstricken expression and spasmodic motion during Goin’ to the Movies. With boundless energy, he jumped, bounced, hopped a la Chuck Berry, and drove the show

Breeding by Pete Lawson Imprint staff In their first show since producing their first album, Breeding Ground energized a busy Fed Hall June 26. The group covered almost two dozen songs, ignoring only from their early EP Breeding Ground. The rumors of their demise a year ago were unfounded. At that time, they changed drummers and crept about in dark corridors hunting for a record contract in the impenetrable fortress of the large record companies. Settling for the independent Fringe label because no major label was supportive is an ongoing frustration for Breeding Ground. Though the record sales are pleasing, the market is limited to campus an alternative record shops without a major distributor. But the satisfaction of writing and producing their own product has added spark to this veteran group from Toronto. The likelihood of a cross-country tour is near nil, because the cost and hassle of touring far exceeds the possible gains. The stable, but unexpanding, southern Ontario circuit will be their playground, though maybe not contentedly. Before Breeding Ground played, a handful of air bands were endured. The winner was determined by a sympathy vote from the audience. Eng Sot’s Devo, The winner, dressed in garbage bags, pail hats and sunglasses, at least had humour to give life to their show. Groups like Trios, Temporary Bus Stop and Math Unknowns were rock ‘n roll cliches. For more than an hour and a half, Breeding Ground aired their recent efforts. The big reaction from the crowd was saved for Reunion, Happy Now I Know and Turn To Dust, all of which can be purchased on the new album and bonus EP. Live, Turn To Dust lacked the


crunch bassline of the album version, but overall the sound was solid and energized. John Sheriff, lead singer and front man, continues to supply theatrics to the stage show of the group. His hand and head gestures add to the show,’ but do not travel the complete distance of a large hall. In-


through the two sets - almost like a holiday - Scott and his friends leading the rest of us on a high-powered romp through life and love - pausing to look at technological change, war and peace, religion, and . . . stickmen. A trip indeed - but, late though it was, nary a soul asked “are we there yet ?”





stead, he has to move his body in sympathetic gestures to the music, because the larger the venue, the larger the dramatics. Breeding Ground will return to the darkness of Toronto and can be caught on that scene. If you enjoyed their show, check out the new album, Tales of Adventure.

Defunkt and Trouble 2







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July 24, 1986


at the’ BamBo.0

I v‘Baaadness


by Paul Done Imprint’ staff Though the jazz at the duMaurier, International Jazz Festival may hatie been ,tiediocre, the festival ,provided a perfect excuse for,bring- , ing a g&l deal of great -music to Toronto. Notably, Defunkt and Trouble Funk appeared at the BamBoo on June 26 and June 27 to 29 respectivery. New York-based Defunkt, led by main man Joe Bowie, were making their first visit to Toronto in a.long time and the first since Bowie’s.conversiqn to Buddhism. Six-strong on this particular evening, Defunkt showed they are without a doubt, “one of the world’s best unknown bands” (their own words). Part funk, part soul, part jazz and al! danceable, Defunkt have crafted a completely unique sound and groove which has taken a decade to perfect. Defunkt don’t really have a set lineup since most of the other members of the band have their own groups, thus on any given night any number of musicians might be play- j ing. This random factor contributes to the spontaneity of the overall performance and the sense of organized chaos which prevails on stage. During the two-hour-plus show, Defunkt ran through a cross-section of their old material (minus their classic Razor’s Edge, which has been dropped from their repertoire due to its “negative” lyrical content) .plus some newer material which will be used when they go into the studio in Europe later this year. Of the new material Change! stood out above the rest. The first set generally consisted of versions of material mostly culled from 1982’s Thermonuclear Sweat, while the band really got cooking in the second set when the the members emerged in sweats all set for some serious dancing. Despite Joe Bowie’s charismatic leadership on stage, the free-form democratic nature of the band rrieans that every member gets repeated opportunities to. take the spotlight. Despite the scorn with which most so-called purists look upon dance music, Defunkt defy the stereotypical tag often attached to such music. The superb musicianship of each member of the band makes this kind of snobbery meaningless. Furthermore Defunkt’s cross-cultural fusing of HARD rock guitar, Afro-American rhythms and the numerous other influences they bring is infinitely more entertaining, enjoyable and artistic than the bombast pseudo-serious musicians try to pass off as “art”.


Joe bawie which are alternated betweengroup and audience, each pushing the other to higher and higher levels of volume. Each group has their own chants; Trouble Funk’s include Drop the Bomb! and Let’s Get Small, titles of two bf their betterknown songs. Go-Go borrows and steals from every musical form that they like including Rap (,Trouble Funk borrowed lines from Doug E. Fresh and Whodini, among others), funk (Funkadelic is the biggest single influence on Go-Go) and any other type that’s worth pirating.

Trouble Funk, as the foremost proponents of Go-Go, the music of black Washington DC., have b!een touring constantly to spread the GoGo gospel to areas outside of D.C. Together for eight years, TroubleFunk have a following so large in 1Washington that their albums sell tens of thousands of copies in the first week of release in D.C. alone. These were their first dates in Toronto where they played before three consecutive packed houses eager to get their first taste of what is currently the most vibrant music being made.

The essence groove which

of the makes

music is the huge, dancing a physical

Go-Go bands are usually huge and Trouble Funk is no exception. Their lo-man lineup consists of four horn players, three percussionists and three other members who traded off tasks in the front of the cramped stage. The -essence of the music is the huge, inescapable groove which makes dancing a physical necessity. Combining a solid drumbeat with syncopated conga and cowbells, Go-Go is purpose-built dance music. This was at tested to by the fact that Trouble Funk even got middle-aged, white suburbanites to do the Shake, the Wiggle and lose all their usual inhibitions when they played at the outdoor concert which took place June 29. One essential of Go-Go asserts that the show is only as good as the audience because there are usually no set lyrics to a sonq, just chants

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The shows themselves were the single most intense displays of partying I’ve ever had the fortune to experience lOO-plus degree temperatures in the BamBoo meant that weight loss through sweat was the order of the day. The two-hour sets were enough to reduce even experienced partyers to trembling heaps of soaked, exhausted humanity ready to dance into action at a moment’s notice. Twinkletoes and hoofers alike got down with reckless dbandon - for the first time, a band powerful enough to overcome the too-hip denizens of Queen Street. Trouble Funk are currently touring Europe, carrying the Go-Go word from Chocolate City to the rest of humanity. The biggest baaadest parties of 1986 are gonna take place at the Go-Go. Get on board the D.C. express for a time so fine it’ll blow your mind!

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11, 1986


Leslie Phillips ~- rarely -seen sincerity by D.M. Glazebrook She’s a sexy blonde with an electrifyins stage presence and a dynamic voice that can produce loud, raunchy rock and sweet lullaby tunes in the same breath. At 24, she’s toured across the continent, recorded three widely-acclaimed albums and has written scores of songs. So, why have you never heard of Leslie Phillips? Probably, because she’s part of a world that just doesn’t come up in everyday conversation -- the world of contemporary Christian music. I On June 29, when Phillips appeared at the Greenfest Christian rock festival at Kitchener’s Bingeman Park, she had more than 8,000 fans on their feet screaming, cheering and dancing in the sunshine. They loved her . . . and after observing her chatting with children, listening to the troubles of teenage girls and posing for endless pictures, I think it could be fairly said, she loved them too. Phillips takes her music and her audience very seriously and very personally. With the talent, the looksand the charm she’s got, why would Phillips (known to some a Christian music’s answer to Pat Benatar) choose the less lucrative, less glamourous world of Christian rock over a potentially brilliant career in secular

in her songs. Light of Loye offers a poignant account of a young woman’s strGggle with sexual pressures from her boyfriend. Walls of Silence captures some of the anguish of a family breaking apart. Phillips says the difference between her examination of tough issues and those of many “moralistic” bands is that she suggests answers are found in God.

show biz? I spoke with Phillips after her Greenfest appearance and asked her just that. ’ \ Phillips sees the Christian music scene as offering her the freedom to talk about the great motivator in her life, God. Her combined loves for God and rock music have inspired her to write and perform songs that insist Christianity is not just a religion.

Phillips says she wants to keep the “freedom to keep addressing the issues” that she does. She wants to continue to “rock and talk about controversial issues”. There are some complicating factors developing in the hayd-hitting rocker image while playing to some very conservative people, she admits. She is not prepared to say she will be following Amy Grant’s crossover to the secular music world, however.

Surprisingly, Phillips was not raised in the Church. At the age of 10, she discovered - Christian rock and Christ simultaneously, when a friend played her an album of “normal pop music with Christian lyrics”. As a teenager, she spent her spare time listening to Christian artists, including veteya’n Randy Stonehill, with whom Phillips has just completed p 40 concert tour. The position of a Christian artist can be a tough one, Phillips admits. “Our culture tends to idealize and elevate those in the performing arts. It can be hard to fight through people idealizing you,” she says. Phillips says she tries to change this attitude by singing about some of her own pains, fears and times of rejection.


Phillips centrating

people and God. She aims to keep this focus for herself and to pass it

sees her “ministry” conon openness between

There are some poor examples of Christians and Christianity in the world, she says. She’s trying to get people to overlook the poor examples and to examine Christianity seriously.


MOVIES ’ Christian Legal


by Terri Shewfelt Imprint staff With all the knock’em down, blow’em up and gross’em out Rambo-style movies Hollywood has produced of late, Legal Eagles proves to be a breath .of fresh air for the summer movie goer. Legal Eagles, starring Robert Redford, Debra Winger, and Daryl Hannah, is a mystery-thriller-romantic-comedy. The plot of the movie is fairly intricate and provides many surprises for the viewer. Winger, as Laura Kelly, a smalltime lawyer, involves Redford, as assistant D.A. Tom Logan, in a case in which she defends Hannah, as Chelsea Deardon, against a charge of theft and murder. The two lawyers become involved in some “Thomas Magnum” style investigating in which they uncover art-fraud and murder, are nearly blown up in a warehouse and are almost overcome by fire in an art gallery blaze. The combination of murder and comedy create a perfect atmosphere for the movie to succeed and the romantic attractions between the three stars adds further to the success of the movie. Although Redford is romantically involved with both Hannah and Winger, it is Winger, mLich to the audiences’ delight, who finally wins his heart. The old cliche about opposites attracting appears to come true in this case. Redford is a’n assistant district attorney, aspiring to be D.A., while Winger is an unorthodox defense lawyer who at one time tried to put a dog on the witness stand. Although opposites, the pair do have one thing in common - insomnia. One of the funniest scenes of the movie shows the pair each trying to combat a bout of sleeplessness: Redford by tap dancing and riding a tricycle and Winger indulging in champagne and wieners. One of my favorite comic scenes in the movie occurs when the cops break into Redford’s bedroom, while Hannah and Redford are making love. The cops arrest Hannah for murder and then proceed to read her her rights. One cop says, “You have the right to remain silent...You have the right to an attorney”, at which point the ‘other cop breaks in



by John Zachariah Imprint staff Because of its nifty, percolating soundtrack, its witty dialogue and its ultra-hip star, Eddie Murphy, Beverly Hills COP was hailed by one and all as a hip, now kind of movie; critics inanely proclaimed it to be great summer fun, a fresh new movie, etc., etc. Yet for all its hipness, freshness and newness, Beuerly f-fills Cop relied on an especially fossilized formula. You know, unorthodox veteran cop working on a big drug case involving an elusive kingpin is faced with insensitive superiors, bumbling subordinates, is suspended from the force, but finally wraps up the case in his own inimitable style, killing the kingpin, showing up the rookies, getting the girl, returning balance and order to his life . . . That’s the plot (basically) of the new Running Scared which gives the audience not one, but two wiseunorthodox veterans, cracking, Gregory Hines and Billy Crystal, who double-handedly save the movie; Running Scared relies heavilyion its assigned formula, so much so that when the drug kingpin is arrested half an hour into the picture, we know he’s going to be released on bail, and with a chip, on his shoulder too. But quite mercifully, Hines and Crystal deliver their lines with such skill that the picttire is not only bearable, but unusually entertaining. Crystal is especially adept at getting guffaws and his is the best performance. Because of its hackneyed flavour, though, Running Scared is not particularly satisfying or memorable. Tasteless critics like Ebert and Siskel will of course hail it as “great entertainment on a hot summer’s night” which, as usual, is praise of first-degree vapidity. Because of the mold in which it has been cast, Running Scared is a quick fix of entertainment, but nothing more. and says, “I think she has already had her attorney” Legal Eagles, directed by Ivan Reitman of Animal House and Ghostbusters fame, is one of the best movies put out by Hollywood this year and is one of the only movies this summer worth paying for.


Greenfest ‘86, a five-day bonanza of Christian contemporary music, was held at Kitchener’s Bingeman Park over the Canada Day weekend. More than 7,000 people, some from as far away as Quebec and New York, at tended this second annual event. Also in attendance were representatives from Much Music, which had exclusive rights to film the concerts. Performing at the music festival were groups from Canada and the U.S. Blues, new wave, pop and rock were featured. Due to the lack of demand for Christian music, the majority of the Canadian bands which participated at the event perform on a part-time basis only. Ammi, a Toronto-based band, performs mostly in small coffee houses and prisons. Although this might not seem like a glamorous lifestyle, the members of the band say.they are very content. “We can be as effective (for God) with 12 prisoners as with a crowd



. by Pete Lawson Imprint staff The Mennonite Bicentennial Commission has ventured to celebrate the Mennonite bicentennial with the austere War Requiem by Benjamin Britteti. This musical extravaganza filled Kitchener’s Centre in the Square on July 5 and 6. Performing were the local choir the Menno Singers and the Kitchener-Waterlob Symphony Orchestra conducted by William H. Janzen: Though this work can not be described as full of entertainment value (a piece more to be wrestled with than to tap your toes and wiggle your ears to), it proved to be a musical highlight of the recent years in K-W. This powerful work is a combination of two contrasting sources, the ancient Latin text of the Missa de Profunctis (Mass for the Dead) and the wrath-riddled poems of Wilfred Owen. The poems express the disillusionment of the young British poet with the First World War. He met his end seven’ days before the armistice was signed in 1918. A poignant example of Uwen’s bitterness is his twisting of the famous Biblical story of Abraham who

Is she succeeding? Who knows. . but the stark sincerity of her music, combined with her wild, boppy style presents some challenges rarely seen in the entertainment industry today.

0~ to her audiences. What tedms “lyrical vulnerability”

Phillips is clear

Rock fest such as Greenfest.” A big surprise at this year’s festival was the Sarnia band Level Heads. They were a very tight band that made more than a few heads turn. Many of the big-name Christian bands would be unfamiliar to the general public. A few of the groups, however, feature artists who have been in more-popular bands. For example, Rick Cua, formerly of the Outlaws, describes his music as “hard rock with a message.” His songs such as Don’t Say Suicide and One Way Out try to “get (sui‘tide) right out of people’s minds” and point them in the right direction. Another surprising band was Vision.- They displayed excellent instrumentation which was spawned by a former member of Lynyrd Skynyrd. One of the weekend’s feature bands was Degarmo and Key. This once nominated for a grow, Grammy, had excellent stage presence. Their energetic show was highlighted by outstanding choreography and a sophisticated compu-

a musical

ter-keyboard system. Currently, D & K have two videos, 666 and Competition playing regularly on MTV. The organization at Greenfest did have a few rough edges. The lack of a consistent emcee and proper schedule were inconveniences that the audience had to bear. Organizers also tried to squeeze too many bands into the time frame. This resulted in the more-popular groups playing for only 30 to 40 minutes. A couple of problems that did arise were behind the scenes. For instance, Cumbacher, a last-minute addition, had to wait four hours at Pearson International for their ride to the park. Upon arriving in the K-W area, the group found no arrangements had been made for meals or accommodations. .Although there were a few problems, they did not take anything away from the spirit of Greenfest. The message throughout the weekend was simple and clear: Christ is the answer to any and all of your problems.

highlight .

was ordered to slay his son; but unlike thk saving grace of God in the original text ‘Owen concludes his poem with - Bwt the old man would

not so, but slew his son. And half the seed of Europe one by one . . . An augmented Menno Singers (a compliment of 200 voices), a 50voice children’s choir, the K-W Symphony Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra, and three soloists gave this music a great account. Solo Soprano Elizabeth Neufeld delivered grace in the Dies irae but was over-taxed during the full orchestra and chorus moments. John -Martens, tenor, showed good balance and drama especially for a man of mature years, the voice is well supported. Baritone, Daniel Lichti, never sounded better at the Square which attests to his popularity both here and abroad. The major credit for the strong delivery of this ominous slice of Britten must be granted to conductor W.H. Janzen. Mr. Janzen is the director of the Menno Singers, a post which he has held since 1984. Mr. Janzen was vastly schooled in music, both choral and orchestral, and taught at Conrad Grebel College for four years before venturing

into the piano business. He is still active on campus with the University Choir. The opportunity to conduct such a grand work arose a year-ago after the Mennonite Committee was unable to attract a big name conductor. With “fear and trembling” he tackled the biggest project of his conducting career by studying the work over the past year. This year of intense investigation even took him to Vienna where he witnessed a staging of the Requiem by the Vienna State Opera under the baton of Andrew Davies. By rehearsing each component of this complex work to perfection, Mr. Janzen believed he could accomplish the composer’s intentions. The final outcome was the most exciting and moving experience of his conducting career and he acknowledges the support of the orchestra, especially manager. Daniel Bush, and his choir, especially the children, for their best efforts. The Menno Singers are staging _ the Messiah in November and three other concerts throughout the year, Mr. Janzen will return to direct the University Choir in the fall for Charpant’ier’s Midnight Mass (Christmas Mass) - all are welcome to participate.

by Tim Perlich Imprint staff Now as the green smoke has cleared, the tiny Zantees fragments (and King Kicksters) Miriam Lenna and Billy Miller have fused with exLyres bassist Mike Lewis and ‘hich from the sticks’ (as he doesn’t like being called) guitar ace (as he likes being called) Bruce Bennet to form a rockin’ monster called the A-bones. If you think anyone who would swipe their name from the dark side of a Trashman single must have a fair amount of garage grunge slunking through their veins, you’re absolutely correct -a-mundo! Although Miriam wouldn’t admit that she once drummed for that Novas tribute band The Cramps in a previous life, those natives-are-restless attacks on her chopped-down dime store kit reveal her jungle movie heritage. As for Zheir big-ten inch E.P. Tempo Tantrum, it’s a qas! Four fatal garage-a-billy assaults%cluding a twisted reworking of the Grade 3 sing-a-long gem Froggy Went A’ Courtin’ and a wild Wanda Jacksonish flame-out Gonna Be Loved - an obligatory pick for girl cruisin’ in hot-rod hell. Cool cuts, no filler and gone (real gone) sleeve art. Get hop to this top and blow your beer bottle deposits on this gear trash bash’. . . your roommates will hate it!

by Paul Done Imprint staff It seems that as The Smiths take longer and longer to make each album, the end product becomes less and less wonderful. The Queen Is Dead, the latest from Morrissey and friends is, despite a few fine moments, a disappointment. Showing the band in a period of transition, The Queen Is Dead is often a disorganized muddle of ideas. This confusion is evident from the first track, the title track. Opening with a clip from Take Me Back To Dear Old Blighty, the song crashes down like second-rate U2 (and lord knows, first-rate U2 is horrible enough!). Elsewhere on the first side there are a couple of songs which sound like inferior versions of their older songs, with the exception of Cemetry Gates. With its waves of multi-tracked acoustic guitars, it’s possibly the album’s highest moment. The second side, while stronger and more cohesive than the first, still doesn’t match the quality of any of their first three albums, The first two tracks are Bigmouth Strikes Again and The Boy With The Thorn In His Side, their last two singles, which are both good but not nearly as vibrant as pressings for the 45s. The rest of the side consists of Vicar In A Tutu, a rollicking rockabilly romp which exposes the cutting.Morrissey wit in its most irreverent form, the wonderful There Is A Light That Never Goes Out and Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others, in which the recently deflowered Morrissey discusses a discovery that most of us made when we were at the beach for the first time. More, an appetizer than a full meal, The Queen Is Dead could be a bad omen for the future of one of the most intelligent; powerful bands in recent memory.

by Tim Perlich That Ben Vaughn guy who wrote the mildly spectacular I’m Sorry (And So Is Brenda Lee) for Marshall Crenshaw’s Downtown L.P. has a new album called The Many Moods of. . . and a new single. Garage mogul Billy Miller pulled the single out of his van and said it should be reviewed needless to say it shall be done! If you tuned into City Limits last weekend, then you know The Combo go after My First Band like they’ve never heard of the Kingsmen and turn Louie Louie inside-out for a rockin’ stompin’ frat party blast. The flip, Vibrato In The Grotto is a high floatin’ surf-instro that the Safaris would be proud to have done. Not as tough as Dick Dale but every bit as foamy. Watch out for the Ben Vaughn Combo as they should turn up in Torunna before the leaves start changing colour.



by Paul Done Imprint staff When George Clinton starts talking about R’n’B Skeletons In The Closet, he ain’t talking about Otis Redding. The skeletons George is talking about are lightened skin, straightened hair, and all the other symbols of racism in the entertainment industry. The only way for blacks to receive airplay is to prostitute them-1 selves to the white power structure. Thus it doesn’t come as much of a surprise when we learn that Whitney Houston’s skin is much darker than it appears on video. All of which brings us back to George Clinton’s new album, R’n’B Skeletons in The Closet, which signals the long-awaited return to form for the High Poobah of Funk. Last year’s Some of My Best Jokes are Friends showed him on the road back, but the new album is the kind of stuff we expect from a man with’ Clinton’s track record. Clinton is aided and abetted by exFunkadelics Bootsy Collins, Maceo Parker (also a former and current James Brown sideman), Andre Williams, “Blat kbyrd” Mc Knigh t , along with George’s new favorite helper

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The other really notable song is Mix-Master Suite, in which George combines Hip-Hop, Ragtime jazz .- .. .. . .* A....& I CAMPUSCENTRE m8B UVIL . . ..t .I .. +. . d.. lV0 Extra . .- .+ ._ umvu8lTv OI VAT8Blao ’ d.... . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. t_ . .. .. .. . . .. . ,. . . ., ,( .. . *UNLIMITED QUANTITIES*

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HIP HAPPENINGS Vital Sines Saturday, 19th at the Coronet. Come support your local ronet.

July co-

Volunteers needed to have fun, meet great bands, become famous - or . . . infamous! Seriously -- the ARts department is in great need of more photographic talent. Anyone with even a little time, talent and


- 5:00 - 5:00





and even a dose of classical music to produce an irritant of such force that even the most Jesus and Mary Chain-hardened ears scream for relief. All in all R’n’B Skeletons in The Close1 is a breath of fresh air from one of the most-creative menaces around. The physical presence of these songs is a more-than-adequate substitute for the loss of Funkadelic’s metaphysics. Shake,shake,shake y’all!!


orders Charge

“‘.““““, . . . .. .. ..a .. . .



that’s sure to “satistfry”.

+ . ,*.r..l. .. .. ... ., . .. . , , !.



multi-instrumentalist Steve Washington and former Miss America Vanessa Williams. - The three outstanding songs here are Do Fries Go With That Shake?,, the current single whose accompanying video is receiving solid MuchMusic airplay, Hey Good Lookin’, upon which the aforementioned Vanessa Williams contributes some unexpectedly fine vocals and Zntense-adequately summed up by its title. Of these Do Fries...-which has nothing to do with food and everything to do with sex-is the most instantly appealing: He said that he possessed the beef/ one quarter pounder just for me/ a WHOPPER

-*.---. &.*1.. ...I.. ...&. --3 RECORD c-. .-.--x-++.* ..--t+ *.. . .......I ... STORE -1.......m

BUY, SELL, TRADE. Top cash

by Andrew Saikali Imprint staff If you haven’t invested in Scott’s efforts yet - start now. Scott Merritt has arrived: The journey was long - some seven years since his first LP, but the trip earned him a loyal cult following. Now it’s time for others to reap the fruits of Scot t’s labour. Gravity Is Mutual is Brantford’s Scott Merritt’s third album (see concert review - this issue). Enlisting the aid of producer Roma Baran (Laurie Anderson), as well as progressive guitarist Adrian Belew et al, Scott has delivered a penetrating collage of stories, feelings and impressions. His songs “say something”, but he never sacrifices the aesthetic qualities of a song just for the sake of-intellectual stimulus. Yet the songs stimulate nonetheless. They are enjoyable musical and lyrical snapshots of his life and observations. In true Merritt form, the songs are full of motion. You can feel the stickman’s motion in Power of Invention. The escape into cinema and the various adventures are felt in Goin’ To The Movies. Other great songs include Lockstep, Overworked and Underprivileged, Raise a Ship and the beautifully .acoustic Moving Day. His sound that is hard to classify - sometimes hi-tech folk - but even that description means little out of the context of his own music. Listen to Scott Merritt and decide what his music means to you. Long live the stickman!

f-1 ? VISA iI show



interest, is urged to come on down to CC 140, Imprint’s hangout, and meet the crew, then join the crew, and make it a summer to remember!


-13. Imprint,


At Ontario Place The one by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff In a genre where it seems that every second performer is billed as “The Legendary - - - - - -“, Blues Boy (That’s B.B. to you and me) King has stood alone as the greatest hero and symbol of the blues ever since the death of Muddy Waters. And when a bona fide legend plays for the price of admission to Ontario Place, you tend to want to be there. The 61-year-old ,King can do it all;




at Ontario


TOP TEN RECORDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Peter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~.......:”...................~. Cure Gabriel so . . Standlng on a Beach - The Slnglcs Moody Blues .................................. The Other Side of Life Soundtrack ....................................... Band of the Hand Simply Red ............................................ Picture This Genesis Invisible Touch ............................................. Double ..Blu t! ..................................................... Dead Kennedys ...................................... Frankenchrist Kim Mitchell Shakin’ Like A Human Being ............................ Various . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *. . . . . . . . , . . . . . Q-107 Homegrown Vol. S

JUST ARRIVED 1. Scott Merritt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Gravity is Mutual 2. Dead Can Dance . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spleen and Ideal 3. Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Queen is Dead Based on sales at the Record Store, Campus Centre, Lower Mall, University of Waterloo.

the stage racked with tears, overcome by the sheer power of the emotion flowing through his large body. Billy Bragg Documenting personal tragedy Go! Disks and the way music acts as a healer in times of pain, Levi Stubbs’ Tears by Paul Done gains its power through the restraint With the money from her ucciwith which Bragg delivers the story dent, she bought herself a motor of love, loss and physical injury. home. So at least she could get Bragg’s ability to express genuine some enjoyment out of being alone.. emotional content in few words is With these words Billy Bragg nearly unparalleled in modern dives into Levi Stubbs’ Tears, his music. With only his guitar and most moving, emotional song to cockney accent to help him, he date. crafts stunning vignettes with his The inspiration for the song apwords and’ description which sucparently comes from a Four Tops teed in transcending the inherent show that Billy Bragg saw when he limits of language for expressing was a teenager. During the show, emotion. Levi Stubbs, the lead singer of The On the flipside, Billy reverts to his T r more political persona for Think Again (...if you think that the Russians want War, think again. ) and gets a helping hand from Duane Tremolo, otherwise known as The fi Smiths’ Johnny Marr for Walk Away Renee, his interpretation of the song The Four Tops made famIh ous. It is a telling sign when one Billy Bragg song packs more emotional punch than the entire new Smiths album, but that’s the case with Levi / I Stubbs’ Tears, the finest song Billy Bragg has ever written and the best &-i&of &year so far. Levi







SOLOS,there were no wasted or gratuitous notes. Each solo was so finely constructed that if even on note was taken out or even slightly altered, the whole song would COIlapse. King has probably played each of these songs thousands of times, but the joy of discovery was aI1 over his face very time he tweaked out the only perfect note. Of course? most of the songs begin with lines like “Woke up early this morning/To find my baby gone away”, but B.B. King transcends the sexist cliches to get at the real pain of everyday life and ordinary people. His gospel-influenced shouts/growls can only make you believe that some vindictive bitch has ripped his heart out of his chest and stomped all over it in her spiked heels. Add to that a self-depreciating sense of humour with lines like, “No one loves me but my mother/And she might be jiving too” and “I’m as mad as I can be/ ‘Cuz we’ve got thirteen children/And not one of them looks anything like me” (The Outskirts Of Town), and you’ve got songs that not only smack of experience, but which also add a dimension of fun to the sweet misery of the blues. The show was brought to a sweltering climax with a real goosepimpler of a version of How Blue Can You Get? (Answer: pretty damn navy) that left King basking in the mass adulation of some 12,000 fans. The man has style, class, charm, and mountains of inspiration and talent. The thrill is far from gone, chillun.

Urban Beaches Cactus World News MCA by Andrew Saikali Imprint staff Admit it, Ireland has done better before. I mean U2 has energy, the Pogues have spirit, but Cactus World News, “discovered” by Bono, just occupies space, spinning around at 33 l/3 rpm - though you’d never know it were it not for that persistent noise you ,hear. You wait for something, anything - a riff, a lyric, a melody to jump out, grab you and draw you into the grooves of the spinning vinyl. Oh well, dream on. Ten songs, largely bland, lifeless U2/Edge-style instrumentation,

Punk for the’ proletariat pointing early ticket sales) brought to Toronto a night of unambiguous punk and one of the best shows seen in this neck of the woods for a long time. Johnny’s first Toronto entrance in more than three years was made to the strains of Led Zepplin’s Kushmir, played by the remainder of the band, and the evening took off from there. The set was about and hour and a half long and featured music from 2” of PIL’s alb,ums, which span the past eight years, as well as an unex-

by Tom Rand Imprint staff It’s been a decade since the birth of the infamous Sex Pistols and punk for the masses Much about punk has changed since then, but a few things haven’t, and among them are Johnny (Rotten) Lydon, his anger and his energy. Lydon, along with his band Public Image Ltd., came to Toronto’s Concert Hall June 10. Public Image (originally scheduled for the International Center, but later moved to the smaller Concert Hall due to disap-







11, 1986

and only King

there’s a whole lot more to his show than the traditional “that meanhearted old lady of mine done did me wrong” laments that the Delta blues-wailers are notorious for. The smoky. jazz opener gave each member of the supremely tight seven-piece band the opportunity to show off their prowess and they hit some pretty solid, sinewy grooves toughened up by the punchy brass section on such soulful and funky excursions as Rock Me Baby and The Thrill Is Gone. But of course, the star of the show is Lucille, the black Gibson that King caresses and fondles as if he’s making love to it. Amazingly; even though at least half of the more than two hours was taken up with guitar

B. B. King Live at Ontario Place June 21, 1986













at Canada

Day celebratioi1.


without any sort of inspired songwriting to justify their .existence. Two songs have promise. State of Emergency imparts a sombre mood with a sense of urgency. Years Later could be a really good track if it. were not for the annoying “ahooo”s interjected in the lyric. If only the composition were a bit more inspired, Cactus World News could put otherwise well-meaning musicians to good use. And they insist on dragging the whole ordeal out to the bitter end. Urban Beaches ends with an unnecessarily long, textured piece - as if they- wait until the end to set the mood - and fail even at that. The song is called Maybe This Time. Well, maybe next time.

pected rendition of the Sex Pistol’s Pretty Vacant. The band was tight and Johnny’s vocals were as piercing and strong as ever. His antics on stage between wails showed he’s as silly as ever, and just as funny looking, with his bright orange hair rolled into several dread-locks on top. PIL’s music, a unique breed dominated by drums, bass and of course, Lydon’s vocals, certainly spoke for itself. The band lived-up in concert to all the magnificent vinyl Public Image has produced in the past. The only disappointment of the evening was the crowd, which seemed to be as stupid as Lydon was clever. The show became, probably as Johnny expected (and perhaps wanted), a battle between himself and the crowd. A custom during the Sex Pistols’ heyday was to spit on the band. The punks out on June 10 took it upon themselves to be as ‘punk’ as possible and ape the Pistols’ fans of a decade ago. Under the circumstances, Johnny’s arrogance and antagonistic attitude to his audience was certainly not unwarranted. A bunch of no-minds trying to be street-punks by aping people with whom they have nothing in common would certainly upset me. The concert ended with PIL playing Theme, one of the more wellknown songs from the First Issue album, as an encore, on Johnny’s condition that the spitting stop. When the inevitable spitting started again, Johnny threw down his microphone, directed a “fuck you” at the audience coupled with a rather rude hand signal and stormed offstage. Knowing Johnny, one wonders how many shows he has ended just like that, simply waiting for his cue. . but think about it, isn’t that just why we love him?


Student Assistants by D.M. Glazebrook Campus Retreat ion (Author’s note: Through this article atid others to follow, the author hopes to familiarize some of the students who do not normally participate in Campus Recreation programs [including ‘herself] with the inner workings of the Physical Activities Com, plex and the people who inhabit it.) Campus ‘Recreation’s student assistants are a special group of people who take on such chal‘lenging tasks as organizing and promoting programs, tournaments and leagues each term. Heather Reed and Francine Taylor are two of these assistants., the co-ordinators of the fitness program. I spoke with Heather and Francine last week to find out what they do, why they do it and what’s currently going on in the inner circles of Waterloo fitness. Heather and Francine, both 4A Kinesiology students, share the task of co-ordinating the 25 fitness classes being offered this term. With the help of the program’s 31 instructors, more than 550 students, staff and alumni are jumping, stretching and bending their way to fitness this term.

Francine is responsible for scheduling classes, hiring and supervising staff, keeping the campus informed about fitness classes and developing proposals for future changes/expansions of the C-R fitness programs.t‘We try to cater to the needs of the campus,” says Frantine. Heather administers the Fitness Instructors Course (a training program for future instructors), arranges development workshops for sprint instructors and co-ordinates staff evaluations. “I wonder what I did with all my spare time before I was a Student Asistant,” Heather jokes. Francine and Heather visit classes regularly, assessing changing program ’ needs, evaluating instructors and, of course, working: out with the class. When asked about the variety of fitness programs offered, Francine is quick to point out the wide range of classes.“We offer thin& like aquafit -- a workout program in the pool -- and jazz and exercise, which combines dance movements with fitness.. . a great idea for people who find exercise boring,” she says.“One thing fitness doesn’t have to be is

Eye-hand coordination? by Neil Rau Table Tennis Club President The members of the UW Table Tennis Club have been meeting on Tuesday and Friday evenings this term to hone their hand-eye co-ordination by abusing hollow balls in the Blue Activity Area of the PAC. The 20 or so members of wide-ranging ability have enjoyed the use of an ample number of tables, nets, balls and a significant number of paddles - all oy tournament quality. Of course, members (present or prospective) are invited to bring their own gilded paddles, if they wish.


love horses

by Lisa Martin The club organizes many activities which in the past have The UW Equestrian Club included trips to The Royal brings together undergraduate Winter Fair, the Quarterama and graduate students, staff and Horse Show, the RCMP Musical alumni with a common love of Ride, and the Lipizzan Stallion horses. Traditionally, our club 1 Show. Other popular events include organizes English horseback trail. rides, film nights, and riding lessons at Windever specialized riding clinics. If this Stables, at all levels of sounds like the club for you, then experience. Lessons are offered contact Lisa Martin at 885-4933, all year round, regardless of for more information. Beginners weather, because of a large are always welcome. indoor riding arena.

Recreational popular due

bhotos under water to the technological

and in poor we&her are advances in the photographic

make C-R work

Heather adds. On boring,“’ Sneaker Day, (May 231, one fitness instructor insisted his class wear sneakers on their feet and hands for the entire 45 minute session. As student assistants, Fran-


tine and Heather have opportunities to attend workshops and conferences related to their work with Campus Rec. On June 6, the two attended the Ontario Fitness Couricil’s”On the Grow” conference in Hamilton. The confer-

-tubing aids fitness

A new fitness trend, tubing, has come to UW’s fitness classes. A simple length of surgical tubing provides added resistance for muscular strength and endurance exercises. Heather’s tubing demonstrations have not

only provided entertainment for the fitness. instructors (and ,roommates), they also offer an example of how Waterloo’s fitness programs are continually being redeveloped and improved.

Swim to Expo at PAC by Shelli Dubs Aquatics Co-ordinator That’s right, times are changing and sois life at the pool. Two new events have been added to the PAC pool schedule, Swim to Expo and The Big Splash. For all those fitness buffs out there, Swim to Expo is for vou. Each time you go to the pool to do your lengths, you canaim for agoal. Just keep track of the lengths you do at each visit on a chart attached to the-pool bulletin board. The individual swimmer’s totals are summed for a grand total, which will eventually make the distance from Waterloo to Vancouver. Whether you do one or 100 lengths, you can help University of Waterloo get to EXPO. If the fitness end of swimming is not for you, don’t swim to EXPO. Instead, come and enjoy The Big Splash. Friday nights from 9 p.m. to lo:30 p.m., the pool is reserved for you crazy splashers who can’t seem to find room iu between the people doing lengths. This is the time to have fun, when the pool can be used for whatever you want as long as it is within reason, so bring your water wings, volleyballs, snorkels or whatever you can think of. The inner tubes are always waiting for a game of waterpolo and the diving board is open for those triples with a half twist. The lifeguards are ready for fun, are you? Whether you want to swim to EXPO or take the Big Splash, the pool has a lot to offer. Why not try it, you may like it.

UW Dwarf



The Little People Of Canada Association, will be competing in the freestyle swimming, 60metre and loo-metre dashes, shotput, javelin and weight lift, ing events. There are three divisions; junior, master and open. Young will be competing in the open category. “I just want to see where I rank with everyone else my size,” says Young,%who admits that he does fairly well against the average-sized person. He has been swimming daily, doing 59 lengths of the PAC pool in 35 minutes and has started lifting weights in order to prepare for the competition. He figures he has a good chance at doing well, in this his first individual competitive effort. The UW Athletics Department has contributed $75 in order to help defray travel costs. Young is trying to organize a swimathon to be held this Saturday at the PAC, from 2-4 p.m., but still has to work through the legalities of such a venture. Suffering from a curvature of the spine, which prevents him from competing in any highly physical contact sports, Young has never beenone to watch the world/go by. He plays cornet with the Warriors’ Band, gave an unforgettable performance as the chemically active Billy Butler in Fass ‘86 and did one memorable stint as the Warrior in last season’s Mike Moser Memorial. Young hopes to become a Village don in the future. Young is participating in the Dwarf ~Games completely on his own initiative. He says he is not actually sponsored by the University of Waterloo because nobody has actually asked him to do so. He says he would be ~~~~~~~~:~~~~~..~~~~~~ happy to act as a representative if someone approached him in +ng y this regard.

by Jo-Anne Langley Imprint Staff Good things come in small packages, or so the saying goes, but to place 4’ 41/z” University of Waterloo student John Young into that cliched category is slightly unfair. A cliche he is not. From July 18 to 20, Young will be iri Dearborn, compete in the International Dwarf Games. The competition, spqnsored by the Dwarf Athletics Association of America, will be bringing little people under 4' 10" from all over the world to compete in the three-day event. Young, who first heard about the event from

increas becoming industry. *

ence gave them a chance to see the career demands fitness professionals face. Through the one the co-ordinators day event, picked up a number of ideas for more creative exercise.

Francine and Heather have been campus Rec. enthusiasts since starting at Waterloo and their enthusiasm is contagious. Heather encourages students who don’t make much use of the PAC facilities to read through the Campus Rec. brochure to find an activity that appeals. For those considering a fitness class for the first time, Francine suggests checking out any questions or concerns with a fitness instructor. Though the opinions of these two fitness buffs may be somewhat biased, the programs running this term look great,to this not-so-fit writer. I encourage you to check them out. Brochures describing fitness classes and the many other activities offered by Ca-mpus Recreation are available in Rm 2939 of the Physical Activities Complex.

Aardvarks set C-R Record with 7-2-1 Well, they’ve done it. the Fighting Aardvarks have played 10 out of 11 regular season ball hockey games and have come out with a very impressive record: seven wins, two losses, and one tie game. The Fighting Aardvarks began, under the leadership of the now captain ex-officio Andrew Dunn, way back in the summer of 1983. Since then, they’ve beeqgracing the floors of Seagram’s Gym for many terms. And this term, as their scoring record shows, they’re hot. Highlights from some of the regular season games include captain Walter Cianfarani’s nine goals in one game and the reuniting of two original Aardvarks, G.D. Straughn and Andrew Dunn, during several games. In addition, we’ve seen fine performances from Mr. Goalie, Pete, Tim, Joe, Phil, Mike, Bob, Sean, Randy and all of the other Fighting Aardvarks. Tuesday, July 8, marks their last regular season game. Semifinals will be held on Monday, July 14 and finals on July 15. And so, to the Disciples of Warp,North 6, the Mushroom Men, Sky Juice, North Force, and Chemical Waste, here’s some advice: Keep your eyes on those Fighting ,Aardvarks - they’re out to win!!




# ‘.

.MO,NDAY tiIGHTS, 9 i 1 pm: at f&d ‘Hall it’s Shakin’ All 0,ver. ,Enjoy an evening of Rhythm .‘& Blues, Motqwn, ,Rock & R&l, and more good stuff. This Monday, July 14, be the f.irst to tefl the O.J. ‘the answer to the following trivia question, and you’ll win a Shakin’ All I Over T-shirt: The question: Fred Cash, Sam Gooden, and Curtis Mayfield comprised what group? Answer Monday night at Shakin’ All Over. SHAKE IT up! AJFE QJIE KUSO DQUP OFJG KSYS GKOS YJQP OFYF SGQJ QUEK BSGK -WPGS OUSC PGSO DJVE NQOU PNQZ A?TENTlON NERDS: Respo& .has been overwhelming for the NONNERD WOMEN DATE SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM. As of this week, please make appointments through KEVIN, our new Special Nerd Operations Agent. Prices are reasonable - slide rules, calculator watches and &ill cream accepted as currency. DELTA OMEGA CHI presents MARPI GRAS I (KEG V), Sat. July 19, 6:00 pm - A New Orleans Style Mardi Gras Party in Waterloo. All you can drink. Prizes for best costumes and more surprises. Cash Oyster and Crawfish Bar. A real summer treat. 523K Sunnydale, Guys $7, Gals $5. Call 7461996 for tickets.

- FOR SALE BICYCLES. CUSTOM ’ Marinoni for. touring, Tri-Athion Racing, Campagnolo parts at great prices, Tune-Ups and more. Call ATP sports 885- 1521. CYCLISTS! THE media is the message. Give your favourite motorist the word by ordering a “Pocket Pie” jersey. Call ATP Sports 885- 1521. BEEF, PORK & Burgers at wholesale prices. Top quality. All meat guaranteed and Federally Inspected. Joel 886-2137 anytime. SUMMER PARTIES are great occasions for a delicious BBQ. Steaks, Rlbs & Burgers available for half supermarket price. Joel 886-2137. ATTENTION BULLWINKLE lovers. One stuffed moose head for sale. Call 744-9037. IBM PCJR COMPUTER - 256K, 1 disk drive, vouse, calendar-clock, zenith amber monitor. Turbo Pascal & other software included. $900. Call 8846848. PANASONIC AM-FM Cassette with detachable speakers, dolby, metal, excellent condition. $165. Casio PT:20 electronic keyboard. 7 voices, autochord, auto-rhythm. $80. Call Patrick 884-8036.



CUSTOM DESIGNED Sweaters! Made to your specifications, ih any material - cotton ‘our specialty! Call Sandra at 884-9769 for your sweater! BODY CHECK fitness appraisals. Make your summer great through fitness and weight loss programs. Personalized counselling and testing available. 884-6530. CLOWN HUGS: Trained clown will entertain at birthday parties, promotions, picnics or other soecial events. Balloon animals. face painting, active games. Reasonable rates. Phone 8886057. WILL DO light moving with a small truck. Also garbage hauled away. Call

Jeff\884-2831. SEARCHIli) ;FOR a job? Do you wtint to contact many prospective employ- ’ ers at one time? Let me help you reach them. You prepare the master letter and {he list of companies. I will produce a series of individually addressed letters and envelopes. My rates are reasonable - a aalua ble investment in your, future efnploymeht. I will also prepare your’ resume. Call Judy .at 886- 1648 anytime.

-; fully furnished house, Kitchenec 579+ 8206; September 1986, car ‘necessaty. 2, GIRLS NEEDED to share ‘double ’ room from September in new tovirnhouse; close to universities; $245 each plus utilities. Call Rjta: 886-0154 or Cindy: 884-l 346: ’ .I






15 Imprint,



11, 1986


male student ,seeks two-bedroom apt. ($350Jmo.) for fall/winter/s~mmer. MUSI be near universities. Please call Cindy at 578-9225. THREE ‘PEOPLE ‘looking to share or ” lease a townhouse for the September 0; unfurto April term - furnished nished. Call Deb at 746-0563. SENIOR FEMALE seeks bachelor/l bedroom apt. for Sept.06, W&terloo or 1S;itchener. Will ,pay for Aug. ,if ne- I cessary. Call 886-5577. ’

FEMALE DESPARATELY looking for accommodation in student townhouse. <Under $200/mo. Marie: .416535-6116, or 851 Bathurst St., M5R 3G2t Toronto.

*ANTED ROOMATES TO find a place together for fall work term in Tiverton area (BNPD). t have a few ayailable places. Call Patrick at 886-6578. MOQELS (FEMALE) wanted for studio photography. Good makeup/hair required for session(s). Renumeration in B & W 8” .X 10” prints. 885-6877.



HAVE YOU ever been sexually harassed? If so, we want to int&view you as part of a serious academic research study being conducted by a woman professor.. All interviews to be confidentist. Phone Sheila at Ext. 3457 any morning Monday through Friday to arrange an interview appointment. EARN $50. Need someone to write 120 placecards in free form caligraphy. Call Susan 744-l 210.

LOST $5.00 REWARD: Lost July 1st either in Fed Hall or out on the village green, a very old Miller beer cooler with a red sticker reading “THE HAPPY FAMILY”. Lots of sentimental value. Call Al 885-0419.





FED FLICKS: Fright Night, starring Chris Sarandon and Roddy McDowell. 800 p.m., Physics 145. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT at 9:ODpm., the aquatics staff will be holding “The 8ig Splash”, a night of water fun for those who like doing more than swimining.. THE HERITAGE RESOURCESCENTRE (U of W) is offering a series of 3field trips for children and seniors to local natural and cultural heritage areas. For information, call Carol or Mark at 885- 1211 Exts. 3942 or 3066. STEP RIGHT UP FOLKS! to an exhibit of Carnival Games in the Museum and Archive of Games. Enjoy ball toss games, the wheel of fortune and penny arcade machines. Bring change for the machines and popcorn. Admission FREE! Open Weekdays 9 - 5 and Sundays 1 - 5. B.C. Matthews Hall. LIVE MUSIC at the MUG: Food, people, a good time for all. See yourself at the MUG. 8:00 - 12:DO pm on the PAC patio or CC 110. j





FED FLICKS: Fright Night, starring WORD PROCESSING Letter quality Chris Sarandon and Roddy McDowell. output, disk storage, professional doc8:00 p.m., Physics 145. uments: Essays, Theses, Reports, Resumes & Technical Typing. Specialty STEP RIGHT up folks!, an exhibit of (math svmbols). Call 749- 1662. Carnival Games, continues until October 31 at the Museum and Archive 25 YEARS experience - 75C per page of Games, Burt Matthews Hall, Free. double spaced. Westmount area. Call WeeKdays 9-5, Sundays l-5. 743-3342. BOMBSHELTER - OPEN 7:00 p.m. to TYPING 30 years experience. 75c 1:OO a.m. Campus Centre. double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. WestWATSFIC AD & D Role Playmg Tourmount-Erb area. Call Doris 886-7153. nament. First round July 12, second round July 13. Play as a team of six or PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Essays, join as a single. For additional info, term papers, .theses etc. Fast, accucome see us in the campus centre rate and dependable service. $1 per clubs room or call 746-6358. double spaced page, call 886-4347 (Sonia). Sunday June 29 UNIVERSITY GRADUATE iEnglish and Latin) availa’ble for word processing of resumes, work reports, term papers, MASS every Sunday at St. Jerome’s, letters to employers. Editing available. 9:30 a.m. arid 11:30 p.m. Personal computer and letter-quality CHAPEL SERVICE at St. Paul’sUnited printer. Disk storage for efficient revi1st sions and multiple copies. Draft copies - College, 1l:OO a.m. Communion Sunday of each month. Rev. Dr. Tom ootional. Phone Judv. 886- 1648. York conducting. TYPING; $1 .CXI per double spaced ANGLICAN CAMPUS MINISTRY: page, close to University - MSA Call Eucharist Sunday at -1O:oO am., St. Karen 746-063 1. Bede’s Chapel, Renison College. SkME DAY word processing. Fast (24hour turn-around, if you book ahead). Monday July 14 Close (near Seagram Stadium), dependable. $1 per double-spaced page. Resumes $3 per page. Draft copy alHOMER WATSON GALLERY-Workways provided. Phone 885- 1353. shop given by David Hunsberger in Silkscreen Printing. Advance rebistration necessary. 1754 Old Mil! Rd., KitHOUSING AVAILABLE chener. 894- 1890. Ruqs from July 14 - July 18. FOR RENT td grad’ or fourth female

Shampoo & Conditioner When you Bring this Ad. stiz;ts

$30.0° $ 20.0° For For .Perms Streaks I (includes cut and blow dry)

Any evening by appointment rues. - Fri. 8:30 - 5~00 885-5050 Sat. &30




CINEMA GRATIS: Campus Cent& 9:30 p.m. Free! The Joke, and Closely Watched Trains. A double feature! HURON CAMPUS’ MINISTRY fellowship. Wednesdays 5 p.m. Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. Chaolain Graham E. Morbev. EVENING PRAYER and sermon.‘Conrad Grebel College, 4:45 p.m. BOMBSHELTER - ‘open 7:DO p.m. to 1:OO a.m. Camous dentre. . BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: 1:30 - 8:DO pm. First United Church, King and William Sts., Waterloo. Quota - 325.




BOMBSHELTER - Open 12:OO noon to 1:OO a.m. Campus Centre. FREE VIDEO MOVIE - “The Jewel of the Nile” at the Bombshelter - 4:30 Pm.




FED FLICKS: Ghostbusters, starring Dan Ackroyd, Sigourney Weaver and Bill Murray. 8:oO p.m., Physics 145. EVERY FRIDAY nigh1 at 9:DO p.m., the aquatics staff will be holding “The Big Splash”, a night of Water fun for those who like doing more than swimming. BOMBSHELTER - open 12:OO noon to 1:OO a.m. Campus Centre. B.B.Qevery Friday afternoon of the term. Come and enjoy some burgs in the sun.




FED FLICKS: Ghostbusters, starring Dan Ackroyd, Sigourney Weaver and Bill Murray. 800 p.m., Physics 145. BOMBSHELTER - open 7:09 p.m. to 100 a.m. Campus Centre Come to the HILLSIDE FESTIVAL at Riverside Park, Guelph. Nine hours of music, crafts, food and recreation. 2 11 pm. Tickets at WPIRG and OPIRG at U. of Guelph. Contact Russ X4424.


- 2:OO


INFORMAL Worship with discussion following. 7:OO p.m., Conrad Grebel College. Every Second Sunday of term. ’ MASS every Sunday at St. Jerome’s, 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. CHAPEL service at St. Paul’s United College, 1l:OO a.m. Communion 1st Sunday of each month. Rev. Dr. Tom York conduct i na. ’




“LIVING WITH CANCER” Practical guidance and information orovided bv health professionals for cancer patients, friends and families. Every other Tuesday, 7:30 to 8:30 pm. at the Adult Recreation Centre. 185 Kina ~~ v- St. S., Waterloo. -c \materloo Young Liberals

Un~~~~~~NC~~~~~138-7:30 pm. All welcome.

Homer Watson Gallery - A 5 day workshop, “Re-drawing the Canadian landscape” instructed -by Tom Dubicanac. Phone 894-l 890.



needs The Student Accommodation Man has dozens of rooms



CINEMA GRATIS: Campus Centre 9:30 p.m. Free! Hawkesville to WaNinstein, and Bridge on the River Kwai, WATSFIC (Waterloo Science Fiction Club) meets every Wednesday at 7:DO om. in CC 138B. . HURON CAMPUS ministry fellowship Wednesdays 5 p.m. Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. Chaolain Graham c. Morbev. EVENING PRAYER and sermon. Conrad Grebel College, 4:45 p.m. BOMBSHELTER - open 7100 p.m. to 1:OO a.m. Campus Centre. THEMAS: Informal discussion 5:30 CC 138B. Communication between faculties is the objective. Videotaped Interviews from “The Raymond Newman. Journal”: Dr. Packer, Dr. Buechner, Dr. Kelley, Dr. Riesman. Sponsored by the Students of Objectivism. Free admission, all welcome. f:3O p.m., EL 205

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For those of you. who missed it:

Face painting

for little clowns





of the


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