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stuaemt Xewapaper, Unilfelwi~of waterloo, OIltario

VOL 9, ao. 10

UW confident of loan after meeting minister University ofkirds are confident provincial arsistanceis forthcoming for Watedds north m p u s town. house pmj- following a successful meetingMonday with HousingMinisW, Alvin Curling. 7he (minister) was interested in the numbers we presented, im pressed with the information gatheres' by the propct committee, uw President Doug Wright said thii week He said the universityis not evpxting any problems securing the $1 million interest-free loan it has r e quested from theprovince. The minisbywas rnadewdlawareofthepoor housing situation here, a problem that must be addressed, added Wright WateWs pressing needs were the topic -of discussion September 15 at a meeting betueen Curling, Wright Fedemtion of Students President Scott Forrest aqd Waeerlao

of the local problem and the stmtegy devdoped bytheuniversiiandthe %a"ing presented,

n ifo&, the unis TIOW waiting to hear back from the province. "Normally these things take a cwple of months to process. we've asked (to have) a decision by October 7." said Forrrst The loan,which would be interestfree for 15years,is needed to get the townhouse project way, he said. That financing rs neededto make the idea work. without it thee will be no new accomm dations. Once the funding 4 secured,both the a d m i n i i and the Fedemtion of Students prpmise to press ahead with construction plans. "We'll (start) immediily; said Wright "We've wanted to go ahead, but the economics have been poor." The provincialassistancewitlchange ~ n a l ~ ~ = f o r T h e ~ ~the situation. "We've even talked about daubling the she ofthe project 12,pddedtheministrywithdetaik at some point"




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report findings to security bylnrpCnt stafi Armed with reports of entire sections of the CIW campus being consistently left in d a h e s , Women's Commissioner Angela Evans has called on the administration to improve We "completely unacceptable" lighting systen The "safety of the students and their right to work and study on cam pus without undue fear," is a priority for the Federation of Students. But Nick Ozaruk the unive&y's director of safety,said he was un-

temoncampls. The request came after a July surwyinwhihstudentswweaskedto monitor and report whether lights were on or off. Lights were reported off at various areas on campus on nine of the 16 days for which surveys were returned.

Lightswereteportedoutalongthe \mest half of Ring Roadon four s e p

late June. asking students to when and where lightsw e ~on ~ or offand to abstainfrom discuss'i thesurveywithadminisbationuntil all results had been obtained by the Federation. Ozaruk said he was not aware of such wide malfunctionsas repmted by the survey. "I can't believe that went on for any length oftime. ..I'm sure that would have been looked after," he said when provided with the survqr results by Imprint "If we had a problem, it's the first lve heard of it in those three years." Safety hqd received no reports of inadequate lighting from students,he said Ozaruk strongly denied rumwrs suggesting lighting was reduced to cut costs. He also criticid the secrecy behind the Federation s m q as "heavy handed," and said his & is accessible to shderrts

ate days, along the Church College paths twice, and nehr the Minota Hagey residence hviee. Incidents of inadequate lighting were also reported at Ring Road East, in front oftheArts awareofanyproblemswithcampus Library, and on the path between lights, adding dissatisfactionwith the Matthews Hall and the Math and lighting system came "as a complete Computer building. Lightswere reported out as late as surpridS to him. Evans, along with Jeny Kafieh, 1030 p.m. and 2 a.m. Evans said she has been aware of HKLSsocietypresident and member of the President's Mvbory Conlndt- r i n g problems for the past three tee on Trafk @ Parking, asked years, and decided to launchthe surOzaruklastmonthtoinvestigateand vey when both she and Kafieh re- see Lighting to let them know of the measuresto _ ceived comphints from students. oonthrudonpl(f.3 be t a b to imprave the lightingsys- Copiesofthesu~~e~~wmtreleasedin

Defining discri~. .hation:

Squabb/e boiling by Christine Sinding

Impht statl


The introduction of a fratetnay, Delta Omega Chi, to the Universityof Waterloo has sparked a campuswide controversy, with each side making strong arguments in its favour. The women's office is concerned about the rekindling of passe attitudes and beliefs while those of MIied cultural backgroundwony about ethnic discrimination. Some,indifferent to concernsdrer possibleelitism and discrimiMtoly policies, are op timistic about the dub while others, hwing experienced campus lie where such dubs exist, are vehemopposed. Both the administration and the Federationof Students have taken a stance, timid though they may be. Administmtion officialsreservejudg ment on the dub, daiming they are not in a position to evaluate the actions of any campus group. The Feds too have their reservations; b d are taking a wait and see attitude. &It one thing is certain, the inhoduction of Deb Omega Chi, UWs first fraternity, is creating waves and, for the most pa& nobody is certain how to tackle the controversy. AU agree the hat does its share of community and charity work AH

spifKAnd,aHagrr?eafratoncampls isamesnstbawte Non&&~, all which discriminates in any wgr shouldnotberecognizedbytheuniversity and with the Delta OtpegaChi executive appealingfor the blessings of both the adminisbation and the Federationof Students, the conbwersy has reached a boiling point Delta Omega Chi members say they are being unfairly attadGed by students and faculty because nobody (those peopk who claim the club is discriminatory)will g k them a chance to prove ther innocence. They say the^ are no bylaws in the fmternity which are discriminatmy and have gone as far as women to join as "secondary' membets. Furthermore, they intend

tovEolkwiththeFedstoestablish bylaws which will safeguard against possible abuses in the future. 'There is a stigma attached to the group and tho;gh we've hied to prowou~byinvilingpeopleto our meetmgs, nobody has bothered to come out," says executive member Mark McKay. "There is nothing worse than p ple stabbing you in the back and throwing mud at you when they don't know what they are throwing at"


Pn,testm .......................... m e 2 1 C011l~nent............................. page 4

bttars ...................... ,........ - 5 om?pqoes ........................... page 6 K-W Jazz Fest ...................... age 15 ~~in~tmfiestival ............... pages leiHip IlCsppenlnge .................... sport43 .............. :. a.............






NEWS ‘Central American diplomats

by Sonny Flanagan Imprint staff Political freedom from U.S. domination was the theme of the “March for Freedom” held in K-W Sep tember 13. Expressing concern about the suppression of human rights in Central America, the “celebration/protest” was held in observance of Central America’s day of independence from Spain (September 15, 1821). True selfdetermination has still not been achieved even after 150 years. The rally began at Waterloo Square at noon with some 100 peopie proceeding down King Street toward the Kitchener YWCA. As the march continued the ranks grew to more than 150. The march was or. deriy, featured plenty of placards, fly. ers and a variety of anti-Reagan, “we will fight” and “peace on earth” siogans. One police officer described the march to his partner “its good enter. tainment, have you seen what’s on television lately”. A more serious officer approached protest organizer Barb Saunders and informed her that she was in vi-oiation of the event per. mit, which indicated the departure time from Waterloo Square to be 1:30 p.m. Saunders indicated the permit was obtained prior to the finaiization of the agenda and as such the starting time was changed and an amendment of the permit overlooked. She’ was also informed charges may be laid. The march was organized by a committee consisting of representatives of several public interest and Latin American support groups. The assembly -filed into a large room at the YWCA to hear two speakers, Mauncio Garcia representative If the Federation for a -Democratic

Republic (FDR)/Fanbunt-Marti Liberation National Front (FMLN) and Pastor Vaiie Garay, the Consul General of Nicaragua. Ruth Jenkins sang a couple of ap propriate peacenik numbers to set the mood and then Garcia began by identifying the plight of his people as a struggle for self-determination. He contrasted the 14 families who own 80 per cent of the land in El Salvador with the 70 per cent of the population which is illiterate and hungry. He spoke of being a representative of the El Salvadorian people and said of “the instant that the U.S. gets out, we will win”. Garcia said the value of U.S. aid to El Salvador is $1.5 million per day, 80 per cent of which is used for military purposes. . Asked how the rebels can do battle with the U.S. backed government, Garcia answered wise use of minimal resources+ seizing weapons, and homemade weaponry’ make this possible. He added, “we are paying our price with blood to be free once and for ail”. He summarized the FDR’s proposal for a peaceful resolution: 1) resolution is to be left in Saivadorian hands, 2) the government must include many political ideoiogies, 3) the government of transition must have the. participation of the various political factions of El Saivador, until a free election is held, 4) economic justice must prevail (i.e. ail Saivadorians must collectively enjoy the products of the homeland), 5) recover respect for human rights and democracy and 6) a foreign policy of peace. Garay followed with a statement of his Sandinista government’s position between alternating criticisms of Ronald Reagan and the Pope. He presented Nicaragua as “an inde-

pendent peace loving nation . . . we want to be the masters of our own destiny, that’s why we fought the revoiution”. in regard to the Contras, hr said, “we will not ever have a dia.aue with the Contras they will never be welcomed in Nicaragua because there are not enough jails or




19, 1986

speak at rally

psychiatrists”. ’ Garay continued by explaining the rationale behind several publicly unpopular actions taken by his govemment. He was .adamant about Nicaragua’s right as an independent nation to have international relations with whichever countries it sees fit,

including Russia. He said America’s greatest fear is that Nicaragua’s economic independence from the U.S. will serve as an example to the rest of the world. He encouraged other countries such as Canada .to follow their lead and break free from U.S. economic control.

Tree planting honours UW student’s memory by Mike O’Driscoll Imprint Staff Students at the University of Waterloo took time out September 12 to honour a friend and fellow student whose life was brought to an abrupt and tragic end in October of last year. A tree planting ceremony and plaque unveiling outside the Environmental Studies building was held in memory of Shelley Eiiison, a 23 year old urban planning student murdered Oct. 16, 1985 in Kitchener’s Victoria Park. The incident brought to mind the safety of students and the general public alike. And while Ellison’s murderer has been safely locked away in the Penetanguishing mental health facility the question still remains as to what has been done in terms of security in the parks. Staff inspector Adam Schmidt of the Waterloo Regional Police cites several measures taken since the night of Ellison’s murder. Neighbourhood residents immediately formed co-operative watch groups, and in turn the police have instigated a liaison system to work with the pub-

iic. Officers keep in touch with peopie in and around the park. and Schmidt says reports from the local watch committee via the zone officer have been nothing but positive. Patrols have also been maintained and in some cases stepped up. in addition, a parks board study i: well underway as officials examine the full range of safety aspects of Victoria Park. While the study was largely sparked by citizen demands for better lighting in the park, experts are also examining geographical design and the layout of walkways. Bill Sieeth, a landscape architect with the City of Kitchener, says a draft report should be presented to senior staff and the public within the next six months. Council has so far slated $60,000 to fund both the study and preliminary construction. Sieeth expects a similar allotment for next year and development should get underway by spring. On the Waterloo side of things, police superintendent Ken Miller says present measures are adequate. Miller says a large segment of Water. loo Parks safety features were impie-

mented following a spree of sexual assaults several years ago. At the _ same time, Miller points to the differ. ent nature of the two parks, for exampie park size and the surrounding urban density, and indicates the regions have different needs. When asked if he sees a need for any increased measures in the park, Miller said as much as possible is being done within budgetary and manpower restraints. He would though, like to see a mounted patrol set up and says the option has been both suggested and reviewed. Miller could not indicate if such a patrol would become a reality. .Miiier also notes the value of programs such as UWs Safety Van to student well being. Services of this type remain highly recommended methods of getting to the front door safely. Despite the measures taken, and a trouble-free year so far, offrciais on both sides of the K-W border concede the Eliison murder and similar ’ occurrences remain a reality of an ever-expanding community, a reality that both the public and police will have to learn to.. deal with.

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NEWS ntario is most subtle in education cu -

TORONTO (CUP) - Funding for colleges and universities is dwindling across the country, but the Ontario government is the most subtle about funding cuts, say ‘educational and student groups. Tony Macerollo, chairman of the Canadian Federation of Students, said the Ontario government’ is “dismantling post-secondary education piece by piece - it is just not as blatant as the B.C. government.” The Social Credit government dropped

A 35 per cent increase in the concomputer fee at the Univer;ity of Waterloo prompted the Liberal jovemment to ban incidental fees, h t)ut allow universities to annually in:rease tuition by five per cent. “The administrations will keep loming up with these neat little ways

all student aid grants two years ago and has frozen or cut provincial contributions for three years. In Ontario, cuts are coming through the back door, Macerollo said. Several schools have intro duced new administrative fees that sidestep the government’s ban on incidental fees. Ryerson Polytechnical lnstitute in Toronto, for example, recently introduced a $30 penalty for students who choose to pay their fees in installments.


Security is back in the towing act once more by Andrea Luxon

Frosh urged to protest school underfunding hy Sam Hiyate Imprint staff Student-organized protest activities against post-secondary underfunding are being promoted province-wide by the Council of Ontario Universities. Alan Earp, president of Brock University and chairman of the COU has written an open letter to freshmen students urging them to participate in local underfunding protests at campuses across Ontario this fall. The council may soon be preparing a similar letter to high school students encouraging them to also get involved. The letter, contained in a COU publication, emphasizes the fact of a 16 per cent decrease in university finances over the last decade, despite a 25 per cent increase in enrollment. This ranks Ontario ninth in comparison with other provinces. ’ The COU’s Dr. William Sayers said 45,000 copies of the letter were printed and distributed across Ontario by the council - a voluntary organization funded by its members. A second printing of between 5,000 and 10,000 copies has been requested by University of Toronto for distribution to parents, students and staff in mid-October, added Sayers. Other universities are expected to follow suit.

Lighting continued



University of Waterloo President Doug Wright called the letter an indication of the growing importance of this issue and an affirmation of “the very credible direction taken by our own Federation of Students” in their efforts to tackle the problem. UW was one of the first to actively protest underfunding. On March 12, the Federation of Students, the Graduate Student Association, and Wright supported a march from campus to downtown Waterloo in protest of underfunding. Also, in July UWs Federation of Students hosted a successful underfunding conference, which was attended by delegates from York, Western, Toronto, and Queen’s, and representatives from several provincial and federal ministries. On many Ontario campuses, pro test activities are now being planned. With the House of Commons expected to reconvene October 14, coalitions of staff, student, and administrative groups are currently forming lobbying strategy. The UW federation is planning more activities of its own in the wake of past successes. “The Waterloo Student Council has shown the way, said Sayers. “Other universities look to Waterloo for setting the agenda.”



and the problem could have been . solved more easily if the Federation < had come to him directly. The Safety Department will investigate the July reports and attempt to locate the cause of the problem, Ozaruk said. He suggested the trouble might have been caused by contractors-cutting through cable, or a malfunction of the unit that transmits the signal to light the lamps. The lights are turned on automatically at dusk by a device that senses diminc ishing sunlight. But regardless of the nature of the malfunction, the lighting on campus is “unacceptable in its present state,” Evans said. _ “Students . . . should not have to feel vulnerable and fearful because the lights are off on a route they may have no alternative but to take.” Because an air of confidence decreases a woman’s risk of becoming a victim, she said, decreased lighting on campus would be doubly detriL L mental to women’s safety, both because of the darkness itself and because of the increased fear and decreased confidence it elicits.

Several survey respondents had indicated nervousness walking through dimly lit areas. One respondent called a section of East Ring Road “pretty scary to walk [when the lights were off] with the bushes just along the side of [the road].” Another described herself as “a little nervous” walking from Matthews Hall toward the Math building and “glad 1 only had to go that far.” A third respondent described the Minota Hagey paths as “unbearable when [the] light is out” and “far too dark” even when the lights are on, suggesting more lights are required near the residence. But in order to receive funding for increased lighting, the Safety Department needs either hard data showing the area unsafe or more users complaining about any problem, Ozaruk said. He suggests the existing lighting is sufficient for most users. When informed the Minota Hagey complaint about nervousness came from a woman, he asked “[would that have] happened if a male had walked through there?’ At an August 28 meeting with Evans and Kafieh, Ozaruk agreed to support a program to have students notify security when lights are out. Electrical Services, Ozaruk said, will maintain a file on such calls and their subsequent investigations. “With 3,000 to 4,000 students on campus, the chance of something being out for any length of time is small,” Ozaruk said. “We’re throwing this right out at the students.” Evans said she will ask students to call the Federation with reports of unlit lamps in addition to calling Security. “We’re checking up on Security,” she said. “They might do absolutely nothing.” The Federation also plans a full follow-up survey sometime in the future, she said. I

Imprint‘ staff After a two-week grace period, UWs security department is once again towing cars illegally parked on Ring Road. Students who are not aware of the traffic and parking regulations in effect this year might find themselves facing towing expenses once they’ve tracked down their vehicles. “Faculty, staff and students are responsible for making themselves aware of the regulations pertaining to the operation and parking of vehicles at the University of Waterloo,” states the official traffic and parking handbook. “The university will make co pies of the regulations available to all members of the University commun- @,-and advertise any changes in the regulations.” Duly warned, you have no excuse if your car is towed away. “No vehicle shall be parked on campus other than in a prescribed parking lot, service vehicles excepted,” states the handbook. This is not only a regulation but a policy security has’continued to-enforce by towing away illegally parked vehicles. A few were towed already this week. Security department officials say students were given a break during the first weeks of term and the department is being fair by informing students of their intentions. Students are allowed approximately 15 minutes of parking on Ring Road when using a legitimate parking space. Towing is used as a last resort. When a car is towed away it goes to the pound at the Bauer Warehouse. All the towing is done by Active Towing and no revenue is gained by the University of Waterloo. Towing is as much of a hassle to security as it is to the parking offender. With a $16 charge issued for violating parking rules, it may be worth the effort to find a legal spot for $0.75.




to get around the tuition ceiling,” said Barry Hayward, president of the Ryerson student council, “until the government begins to provide adequate funding.” While Ontario ha& problem with incidental fees, Macerollo says students in other provinces face stiff problems of their own. Newfoundland students weathered a 30 per cent unemployment rate this summer, restricting access to postsecondary education. In Nova Scotia, students pay the highest fees in the country with a base charge of $1,500. Tuition fees in Quebec may triple next year as the government reconsiders the tuition freeze students have enjoyed for 17 years. “All in the name of budget cuts.. We have to start looking at post-secondary education as an investment, not a cost,” said Macerollo, who served last year as the student council president at Ottawa’s Carelton University. Ontario ranks next to Nova Scotia as the province with the lowest proportion of its annual budget spent on post-secondary education. Alberta ranks highest. In a new brief, the Council of Ontario Universities reports costs at Ontario universities have increased by 94 per cent since 1977, while the government has in the same period increased grants by only 68 per cent. The cost of replacing depreciating equipment in Ontario has been estimated at $89 million a year, 198485, only $53 million could be found for new equipment. ‘The longer the delay in addressing the issue, the greater the problems will be, and the larger the cost of replacing them,” says the council report. Many of the Liberal’s education


problems may have been inherited from the Conservative government that ruled Ontario for more than four decades. Since 1977, enrollment in Ontario’s colleges and universities has jumped 20 per cent. “None of this enrollment growth was recognized by the previous government,” states the report. “This has adversely affected instruction. Faculty-student ratios have deteriorated. There is less faculty and student contact, more large classes, (and) fewer written assignments.” Although no significant enrollment change is anticipated for the rest of the decade, the brief warns the system is not prepared to handle a I possible enrollment bulge should the province drop Grade 13. Compliance with the Ontario Health and Safety Act and the removal of university exemption from provincial sales tax have also taken their toll on university budgets. Many administrations also predict budget problems with the possible elimination of mandatory retirement and the implementation of equal pay for work of equal value le islation. The COU calls the B48 million in: h crease in basic operating grants over the last year “modest . . . the government is stressing short-term gains achieved through targeted funding at the expense of restoring health to the core activities of the universities.” Representatives of the COU, the. Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations and the Ontario Federation of Students discussed at a recent meeting options for joint _ lobbying for more funding from the province. “The three organizations agree that an increased base operating grant is a common goal, but no specific lobbying strategy has been set,” said the COU’5 William Sayer.

Terry Fox run $10 G. for cant by Elliott Simcoe Imprint staff More than 260 residents and students in the Kitchener-Waterloo area turned out last Sunday morning for the annual Terry Fox run. The run, which started out at the Physical Activities Complex at 10 a.m., raised almost $10,000 for cancer research. The money raised will go directly into cancer research. “The participants ranged from a four year-old boy to an 80 year-old woman who ran the whole thing,”

tiid Carl Czekus, organizer for the event. . “The path through the University of Waterloo was chosen because of its safe and level roads, which makes it easier to keep track of people,“, said Czekus. Next year the organizers would like to see it as more of a campus-wide event, involving as many faculties and student associations as possible. This year, the Engineering Society and the university administration were particularly helpful in assisting the organizers plan the run.


by Steve Kannon Imprint staff No doubt disheartened by the latest popularity polls, Brian Mulroney has jumped on the drug-crusade bandwagon that has earned U.S. President Ronald Reagan a mitt full of brownie points. By making noise about the (sudden) nation-wide drug epidemic, the prime minister hopes to place himself in a more humanitarian light (easing the pressure on his government by shifting media attention would also be nice). Surely he is only deluding himself with this little ploy; nobody in his right mind is going to take this latest gimmick seriously. Mulroney’s new-found cause is an embarrassingly blatant publicity stunt, one he should reconsider before it becomes a fullblown, ‘oke. In fol \ owing Reagan’s lead, Mulroney has invited criticism. Reagan, quite simply, is a political doorknob who relies on his fatherly image to retain support. Our PM will have to show much more political sawy than Reagan if he hopes to keep his job. Also, Reagan has his ‘ever-crusading wife to make his concern seem sincere. Mulroney, on the other hand, doesn’tI make the grade along those lines. Even more important than the image problem is the waste of government resources that will undoubtedly follow as a result of this “initiative”. In a country struggling to increase employment


dUvertis~ Manager David Lawson 88+W48 or 885-1211, ext. 2322

Imprint Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Watirloo. It is aneditoriallyindependent newspaper publishedby fmgnd.nt Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Xfnpsint is a member of the Ontario Communi~Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUF). Imlprltnt publishes every second Friday during the Spring term md every Friday during the regular term. Mail should be addressed to xnngrinf, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Imprint reserves the r@ht to screen, edit and refuse advertising. fSSN 0706-7380


Sports Editor Photo Editor Office Manager Coqniter Technician




SteVe Kannon Neal Bonnor DoufS Tait Janet Lawrence David Lawson Suzanne Griffith Doug Thompson Cindy Img . Andrew Saikali & Paul Done Jo-brie Longley Preet Wsa Cindy Long Peter Lum





by Doug Thompson Imprint staff Fraternity. The word means “brotherhood”. It seems odd, then, that the Delta Omega Chi fraternity is rousing so much ire on campus. Can’t we use a little more “brotherhood” around here? It’s a sad comment on the state of our world’and our culture that one man’s “brotherhood” is seen by others as a threat. Yet, there are lots of visible examples of people forming themselves into exclusive associations with a basic intent of keeping other people out, or even persecuting other groups. Soldiers are famous. for their camaraderie, a brotherhood and solidarity in the ranks, whose basic effect, regardless of intent, is to make them more effective instruments for the death a.nd destruction of other “brothers” wearing different uniforms. But there are lots of clubs on campus, religious clubs, ethnic clubs, and political clubs, who, although technically open to,all UW students, are really exclusive. Who but Liberals will join the Young Liberals, and who but Christians would join the Waterloo Christian Fellowship? Are there many non-Chinese in the Chinese Students Association? Of course not. So why does the Fraternity bother so many? It is of course, the reputation fraternities have earned, and the habit of fraternities to be “brotherhoods against” rather than “brotherhoods for”. The Chinese Students, for instance, do not organize “against” other students, nor do they keep non-Chinese students out. Nor indeed are any other campus clubs under suspicion of this offense. Franternities are suspect,, because so often, at so many institutions, fraternities have been guilty. lf called themselves by any other name, the


levels, reduce the deficit and stabilize the economy, fighting an “epidemic” drug problem is hardly a legitimate priority. While the smuggling and sale of illegal drugs is a problem, by its very nature it directly affects only those who choose to get involved, either as dealers or as users Whereas as the average adult who abuses drugs has only himself to blame, the same cannot be said of a laid-off worker or an elderly welfare recipient evicted from an apartment. Illegal drugs exist because many people want them to exist; unemployment exists, but not for the same reason. It is this type of real social problem the federal government should be addressing. Where youths are involved, however, the issue is more sensitive. There is an obligation to protect young children “from having drugs forced upon them, but the police are already in a position to do an adequate job. With this latest fiasco, Mulroney has insulted our intelligence and has clearly indicated votes are more important than the competent handling of the real issues - issues he has failed to tackle despite an overwhelming mandate from the Canadian public. For the government to waste taxpayers’ money on low-priority public relations effort is nothing short of criminal. Mulroney is merely slitting his own throat with this ploy, a far cry from the praise he obviously expects.

unpleasant reputation which fraternities have earned internationally, would not be brought up against them. Delta Omega Chi asks to be judged on its own merits, and not by association with the gang rapes, deaths, drunkenness, exclusivity and elitism other frats have become notorious for. And while the local chapter of Delta Omega Chi may successfully plead innocent of any of the above wrong-doings, we must wonder why they want to be associated with a form of organization which has earned such a place of wretched infamy in modern history. Elitist criminals they may not be, but a charge perhaps more damning may be.levelled, that of irresponsible naivete. The growing controversy makes me pause to wonder. Is all this fuss being raised over a group of young men raising money for charity? And it also makes us pause to wonder why these chaps can’t just call their group something different. The dictionary is full of neutral or positive appellations, none of which would cause the slightest stir. Call yourselves the “Flaming Rainbow Club”, and no one would be bothered. But to use the name “Fraternity”, is to inevitably conjure up vile and reprehensible images which, whether deserved or not, will be pinned to all who call themselves members. And to use the name “Fraternity” is also to put one’s self in the public spotlight where the slightest excess or transgression, hardly avoidable in the long term, will only feed the alreadyoverwhelmingly negative associations. But in all, some pos!itive results are occurring because of thisfranternityfuss. The UWcommunity is making it very clear to itself that the kind of things fraternities represent are simply “not on” around here. -.-


beats his wife, T&e *the. time amduated f roni U W... t;o~_p;;y;;~~ say you are





To the editor,


For the past few terms Imprint has become a newspaper increasingly populated by selfrighteous, black and white articles and commentaries. These are often full of unsubstantiated, opinionated viewpoints instead of objective reporting of facts that relate both sides of the issues fairly. Reading Imprint, for me, has become as tedious and as frustrating as listening to one of Reagan’s sermons on television. Take the last issue of Imprint (Sept. 12) for example. In Basic social values questioned in UW students’ eviction protest the plight and politics of people fighting the expanding city are heroically portrayed, but never is an alternative viewpoint presented. It is automatically assumed that the city is bad without a fair trial. Also, with quotes like “Now the average Canadian is an urban dweller who beats his wife, works for IBM and graduated from UW,” and “. . . we can see a bourgeois monster growing like a cancer, creeping, marching toward us” (along with a photograph of four, lone yet defiant, shabbily dressed people), Imprint has given in to melodramatic media theatrics. Another article, Irradiated food suspect”, warns readers against food which has undergone an irradiation process. Neither the

process nor the theory behind the process is explained sufficiently enough such that an intelligent opinion can be formed by the readers themselves. Instead, the article is mostly based upon one group’s opinions and interpretations. Only three short paragraphs provide another viewpoint. Sex roles in speech revealed con tained a torrent of generalizations like: “men manipulate others . . . ,, ,a men do most of the interrupting”, “Men are usually the culprits . . .“, “Men must learn to listen to women” and also implications that men swear often and that sexist speech patterns are totally the fault of men (re: last two paragraphs of article). This piece presented a worthwhile topic an communication between men and women. Unfortunately, the sex stereotyping and the underlying feeling that the article presented all men as being guilty until proven innocent of verbal dominance was disappointing. There is not enough time to point out every slanted article published in Imprint’s last few issues - there are too many of them - and I’m sure that many more will appear in the future. The informative straight articles which are published are obscured by the negative emotions aroused by the accusatory ones. Fred Ni 4A Mech. Eng.

Offend to the core! To the editor, 1 The simple-minded statement We are all immigrants (Imprint, Sept. 12) is profoundly illogical given that the vast majority of Canadians are native-born, The manipulative intent which underlies it is infuriating to very many Canadians whose ancestry in this land often stretches back over centuries. The forefathers of most Canadians did not immigrate to Canada. They came to a harsh, cold wilderness from which, with grueling labour and self-sacrifice, they raised a nation they named Canada. Yes, access to that wilderness was once virtually unrestricted. The fact is that those who chose to accept the challenge just happened to be white .and Christian. The Fathers of Confederation; in setting down our true Constitution, were unambiguous in their desire to preserve that heritage for future generations. Virtually every nation on today’s earth has stringent immigration laws to protect its citizens. Canadians have equally as much right to preserve their culture, founded upon the morals of Christianity, the commonalities of European descent, and shared experiences as does any other group, We should not be “punished” because we put reason and integrity ahead of emotion in order to create a successful nation, while the inhabitants of equally resource-rich Third World countries, rather than doing likewise, take the easy route of mounting parasitic invasion attempts upon our borders. Canadians are now well aware that many of these newcomers bring with them attitudes, including vicious prejudices against both

whites and Christianity, fend to the very core. J.T. Macintosh



.I I . AA #w--e IY, ZW! 30.. . wnen was tne last time you had one of your best friends die? Some of you may have an answer, most, fortunately, will say never. Put the same question to me I and I’d have to answer, “Oh, I’m 21 and about four weeks ago.” My friend, my best friend from high school, was killed in a single car accident on Friday, August 22. She drove a new car, on an open highway on a clear night - completely sober. She died as a result of what can only be described as a ‘freak accident. No one’s fault, no one to blame - unavoidable. Her age? 22 years. She was beautiful, vivacious and intelligent. Literally the kind who lit up the room she entered with the sheer force of her personality. In I

to laugh

short, the kind of person so fulfof life you could never, never imagine that life being extinguished. Especially not at 2?2! Yet she is not the only friend I’ve had die. Last November another .high school buddy died, also on a Friday, also in a single car accident. Dead at 21. So why am I tel,ling you about my friends? Because I hurt, I hurt so much I can’t adequately express it. I feel cheated, both for myself and my friends. And as an atheist I take no comfort in the thought of their dying for some “higher purpose”. All through the funeral I waited for her to come rushing in (in typical Yolanda fashion) to demand what all the fuss was about. How I longed for that to happen. Of course it didn’t. This nightmare is real. I cry as I write. I know I will always cry inside. Somewhat pedantically per-

haps, I want to tell you what I’ve learned after 21 years of life which includes the death of two grandfathers, one (and my only) aunt and two good friends. I don’t think any of us acknowledge death as part of life. We should consider the possibility more but . not dwell on it morbidly. If you’re angry with someone aik yourself if its worth it to be angry if they were to die before you see them next? If its not, temper your anger. Most of us (me included) tell ourselves we’ll call them tomorrow. Do it today don’t wait for tomorrow. . Most importantly, tell your friends/family etc. that you care. My first friend to die taught me that years before his own death. I find the thought of leaving (ie. death) not so unpleasant provided I have no “I’m sorry I hurt yous” outstanding. No quick hugs or “gee, I like yous” left unsaid. I think the pain would be unbearable if I tried to make up to a gravestone. Take the time to laugh and take the time to cry. We, you and I, may not be there tomorrow. I love you, I like you, I care. A hug, a kiss, a squeeze. An extra warm smile. Whatever your style/desire/feelings Say it. Do it. You may be glad you did. Of course you can’t “make” time so you have to “take” time. Remember you are never too young (or old) enough to avoid knowing or causing sorrow. Never too young to live, never too young to die. Scary isn’t it. In conclusion, if even one person gains something from this public letter it will make some of my own sorrow more bearable. As you learn from other people’s mistakes, you may also learn from their grief. Sue Young










be “frugal”



need. The Ontario government, how ever, simply isn’t telling campus financial aid officers that affected students can appeal. OSAP officials, embarrassed by last year’s revelation of a husband and wife team who filled out 60 applications and fraudulently received $170,000 in assistance, are cracking down on abuse in the system. “We double check our applications with Revenue Canada and other sources.” said Clarkson. Only , nine students were suspected of




Letter to the editor


rdRdNT6 (CUP) - The Ontario government is quietly telling students they may appeal their student assistance grants, but is hoping only a few will continue to take up the offer. _ Students are entitled to grants under the Ontario Student assistance Program. To,date, 80,393 applications have been processed, but ’ only 2,800 students have filed ap peals. Aseducation costs surge, more and more students are applying for government assistance. And more and more students are being turned down: OSAP has received 104,293 requests for assistance 7 about 4,000 more than in 1985 - and has turned away 6,692 students, 27 per cent more than last vear. OSAP officials -are taking a “tougher stance” on granting ap peals because, says awards officer Bill Clarkson, “the economic situation is better this year than in previous years. There is no excuse for not having a summer job last summer.” OSAP expects students livin on their own to have saved at least 8500 each over the summer. OSAP also expects students can survive on $99 r week if they want a grant and r 106 per week if they can qualify for a loan. Clarkson said students must be “stringent” with their money. “We expect that a student can live more frugally. When I was a student, I shared a one-bedroom apartment with. three other students.” Children of farmers should appeal their awards because sinking farm prices make it difficult for parents to contribute to the cost of education. The Saskatchewan government has already addressed this problem by eliminating the parental assets factor in determining a student’s financial

Imprint, Friday September

abuse last year, and all were convicted and penalized. “There just aren’t many students ripping off the system,” Clarkson said. “Everybody seems to know the same guy who’s doing it.” Some student organizations argue that students are the ones being ripped off. The Ontario Federation of Students, for example, complains living allowances are still inadequate, summer savings assumptions are unrealistic, parental contribution factors are unfair, and that students are not eligible for grants after four years.

Know the C facts. No interest breaks on qov’t student loans





Some UW students may have misconceptions about their student loans, a situation which could cause problems when their education is completed. Student loans are as strictly monitored as regular bank loans and the interest rates are as high, if not higher, than rates issued to other customers. Unless students enter a loan agreement knowing all the facts, they may face a few surprises when the loans come due, advises the ministry of colleges and universities.

Student Loans (OSL) is 78 months. For Canada Student Loans (CSL), up to $1,500 must be repaid within 36 months; $1,501 to $3,000 - 6Q months; $3,001’ to $4,500 - 84 months; $4,501 to $6,000 - 96 months; $6,001 plus - 114 months. Another misconception is that the interest rate on student loans is significantly lower than that of regular loans. The interest rate for OSL is one percent above the prime lending rate of the bank and fluctuates with the prime rate. The interest rate on CSL changes yearly and is currently 10.375 percent.

interest on student loans begins to be calculated six months after a student ceases full time study. The maximum repayment period for Ontario


For further information on repay ing your student loan, contact the bank where you negotiated your Ioan.

Overzealous To the editor, Last Friday (September 12) the headline which greeted me on the front page of the Imprint read: Townhouse Project to Start. HQW journalists do love those emphatic headlines. I The headline reminded me of Mark Twain’s quote “the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”. Indeed the exaggeration in the Imprint hea$ine may have caused some confusion among members of the university community regarding the townhouse project. First, the project is not a surety. While the building committee is optimistic about our chances of receiving money from the province, a formal decision will not be rendered for several weeks. Secondly, there are a number of factors which pose problems and create some risks. Most significant is the fact the project will be 100 per cent financed. So, while the new residence will be ru’n on a break-even basis, interest costs will be high. Very significant too is the current boom in the home construction industry. Material, manpower and equipment are in high demand which may translate, into higher prices, delays or possibly the postponement of the project until the situation changes. Thirdly, I would like to comment on the commitment and determination of the university administration to build these townhouses. This has been questioned by Imprint recently. Dr. Eydt; Ernie Lucy, Sean Sloan, Pat Robertson, Rudy Molinary and others, all extremely busy senior administrators, have devoted a tremendous amount of


time and energy to this project. Dr. Wright and Trevor .Eyton (chairman of the Board of Governors) have supported the project and participated directly in furthering it. And, most importantly, the, governing body of the university, the Board of Governors, have unanimously favoured the project. Students and the university are co-operating to make this project a reality. Unfortunately neither the Federation of Students nor the university administration can affect interest rates or the building industry. Lastly, there is a ‘quest/on of price. The cost per student may run as high as $250 per month. Certainly rents will fall within the range of $225 to $250 a month. While this is a good value for the amenities to be provided, it is not a bargain. Very few years down the road the townhouses will, in all likelihood, be a bargain; at the very least they will be a bargain in comparison to the alternatives. There will always be a few offcampus tenancies which will be better deals, but for the majority of the students the situation is going to get progressively worse. I have worked on this project for more than two years, and being the type who gets impatient waiting for the microwave, I want to see the townhouses built as soon as possible. Yet as excited as I will be when I can say “Townhouse project to start”, my patience, and yours, will have to be strained even further. I ask your indulgence and your trust that every effort is being made to ensure Waterloo students will be living in the best student residence in the province by next September. Jeff Wilsoir .


NOTICE OFS!CUDENTS'COUNCIL BY-ELEC!l!ION Nominations to fU the followjng vacancies on Students’ Council for the year 1986-87 OpenonFELIDAY, SEPI’EMBER lQ,1986andclose onFRJDAY, SEPIXMBERZ6,1986at4:30 p.m.: . 1 seat Arts Co-op Integrated Renison


1 seat 1 seat

.Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Federation Office (CC 235) and must be returned to that office no later than 4:30 p.m. September 26. Election Committee



B c_








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7 Imprint,

about 50 per cent of their books from the U.S., and most of these are not available in Canada. Dalhousie University bookstore director Robert Baggs said the new tax is “a dumb move”. “It’s’ not going to affect the American book publishing industry at all. And more importantly, we can’t afford to produce the books they send here,

so we would

buy them


way,” he said. The new tariff is going to .cost the

university some money, however. Revenue Canada is demanding the signature of each and every professor approving each and every book ordered from the U.S. The additional paperwork wiil mean hiaher administrative cots.


“It’s more work for the professor, and it’s more work for us. Someone is going to be picking up the tab,” said Don Mosher, bookstore manager at Acadia University, Wolfville. The tax does not apply to books for educational institutions or libraries, and religious books will continue to be duty-free. The 10 per cent tax will be applied to dictionaries published in the U.S., but not to other reference books. Many bookstores are participating in the mail campaign coordinated by the Canadian Booksellers Association. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney has already received more than 120,000 postcards asking him to idrop I s the tax. 1






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Universities to escape tariff, l more work for profs and,admin. a HALIFAX (CUP) - Although it isn’t much of one, students will get atleast one break this fall --.they will escape the newly imposed 10 per cent tariff on books printed -in the U.S. if the books are designated as required reading by a professor. Finance minister Michael Wilson imposed the new tax on American books, periodicals, computer components and othr items in retaliation for the 35 per cent U.S. duty on Canadian cedar shakes and shingles. The new tax is expected to raise millions of dollars for the federal government from the $360 million worth of American books that Canadians buy each year. Most universitv bookstores order


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McGill buying new SAfrica securities MONTREAL (CUP) - Although McGill University voted to divest from South African companies a year ago, the university recently acquired stock in companies with South African interests. Today McGill’s apartheid-linked investments have only decreased by about 20 per cent. The university has also bought new stock in companies such as IBM, Seagram’s and Noranda. Guy Thompson, coordinator “of . the McGill South Africa committee, said the complications arose because the university’s investment committee was not given a definitive list of corporations from which to divest until April. Stocks which should be affected by divestment motions passed by the university’s Board of Governors last

November were purchased during the period between then and April:, Thompson said: “The university is working on the premise that all companies are innocent until proven guilty: so that a company will not be checked until after the stock is purchased,” Thompson said. MdGill- has acquired ‘1200 new shares in Seagram’s, which runs a separate South African sales and distribution network, 4,500 more shares of IBM, which manufactures computer and office products in South Africa, and 30,000 shares in No randa, which has extensive mining, smelting and pulp operations in South Africa. Abbott Conway, vice-chair of the Committee to Advise on Matters of Social Responsibility, said divestment must be based on research.





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So *at is the fraternity all ‘about? According to the executive of Delta Omega Chi, the frat serves as campus group striving for excellence. The frat engages in charity work, hav; ing begun support for the Big Brothers 0peMtion last year as well as participating in fund raising projects for other causes. A charities bank account has been established f& such purposes. The frat sets the stage for the develo’pment of life-long friendships between students and also provides free accommodation for any out of town “brothers” visiting tie twin cities. And, the frat aims to bring fun to university life by organizing various socials which include female participants as well as non-members. Unlike the picture painted in such movies as Animal House, the executive maintains their club is not concentrated on throwing wild parlies, seducing women and creating general ‘mayhem on campus. They do throw parties; _however, says member Thomas White, this is not the central purpose of the club. Delta Omega Chi members say the fraternity is the answer to low student morale at UW and, while accomplishing this, it offers students a chance at self-betterment by learning from others in the club. That is, after all, the meaning behind Sigma Chi: “excellence and success”. “Self betterment is emphasized. During first year, my marks were low. In January, 1joined the fraternity and became very involved. Rather than dropping because of the additional commitment, my marks rose,” says White. “Excellence is promoted. 1 don’t think you can call us a clique. You strive for excellence, but that doesn’t mean you have to be there. It’s motivation to get higher grades and to learn how other people manage’their time.” With such a description, there would appear little room for criticism. Academic achievement is emphasized,‘social awareness is created and, almost as a bonus, charities are supported. Despite such a flawless appear. ante, many within the university actually fear the arrival of fraternities on this campus. They find both fratemities and sorbrities offensive and would be happy if such student clubs we? outlawed. / I The reason for such concern, (or paranoia from the perspective of frat members) is far from simple. Those zagainst the club fear either a relapse into male and female segregation or the establishment of an excl,usive group which discriminates against students on the basis of race, gender, religion and even financial status. Essentially, they fear the establishment of an elitist Anglo-Saxon group, the way fraternities were once know.

And, this fear over fraternities isn’t new on campus. On May 10, 1968, the Federation of Students responded to a request for rscognition of a fraternity by introducing the “Fraternities and the Recognition Policy: The Problem of Justifiable Discrimination”. This policy outlined what is and what is not justifiable discrimination. The ‘is’ category included the necessity of certain skills for athletic clubs or certain beliefs for both religious and political clubs. lt also recognized limited membership is necessary in many cases but access to limited membership clubs must be available to all. The ‘isn’t’ category focused upon unequal access, clubs who restricted ,membership on the basis of religion, creed, gender and class. The policy suggested fraternities have a tendency to select membership through an evaluation of applicants which is highly subjective and “comes much too close to evaluation of the worth of the applicant & a human being”: “While it is the -prerogative of a person or group to pick their friends

by whatever subje&ve criteria they choose, it is not the prerogative of a democratically representative student government to give legitimacy to the institutionalization of the practice.” Although this document was produced by the Federation of Students in 1968, it doegnot necessarily impart the opinion of the Feds today. Fed President Scott Forrest says the club must be examined on it’s own merit, rather than being classified as a typical fraternity. This means an open committee will be established with students, frat members and student government, members to determine whether Delta Omega Chi is, in actuality, a discriminatory club. “This committee will have a very tough task ahead of them, but we have to give this group a chance t0 prove themselves,” says Forrest. Different schools deal with fratemities in different ways. Queen’s outlawed them altogether, not allowing any group with a Greek symbol on campus at all. If a situation came about where we felt they were acting beyond the law, I’m sure the universi-. ty will make sure they don’t come on campus.” From the administration’s point of view, any club can organize themselves as a university service as long as their bylaws don’t discriminate in any way.

11 Imprint, Friday September

19, 1986

sparks controversy

tion stems from documented evidence showing that fraternities promote male grouping which leads to sexual harassment and abuse. Though little data about such abuses in Canada exists, there has been much compiled ‘in the United States and this evidence, says Evans, can, to a certain extent, be applied to Canada. An article written by Andrew Merton for Ms. magazine, the “Return to Brotherhood”, pointed out some dramatic consequence>. Merton quotes documents produced by the director of the American Colleges Project on the Status and Education of Women which state over the past three or four years in the U.S., 50 fraternity-linked gang rapes have occurred. In addition, the article fo-, cuses on the alcohol abuses of such fraternities, many of which have led to death. Furthermore, the piece explores the virtually untouchable state of fraternity members because of their position within society. lt also examines the intimidation methods frat members use to prevent women from pressing charges. “ln the totally male, macho environment of the f&em@, th& impressionable young man learns nothing about women; rather, the stereotypes he harbours are strengthened. Men in thrall of such stereotypes per.

A Delta Omega Chi brunch last Sunday afternoon, typified the type of camaraderie and friendships the Frat professes to develop. Here, executive member Thomas White, prepares pancakes. photo by Chrstine Sinding

<Pat Robertson, vice-president of sist in thinking the whole problem of university services, says the universisexual harassment would go away if ty does not have a policy which strictonly women would reassume their ly deals with fraternities and the pre-‘60s role as guardians of the douestablishment of such a policy could ble standard . . . be deemed as discriminatory in itself. If the fraternities constituted a state “The university doesn’t recognize of the union, it would be a very small fraternities through a formal proceone, with about half the population of dure. If a group of students wants to Vermont. If, in a state that size, 50 form a club, that is up to those stuconfirmed gang rapes took place ’ within .,two or three years, impartial dents,” he says. It is not administration’s position observers might begin to wonder to monitor clubs which are potentialabout the place. If, in addition, 29 ly discriminating. It is not our policy deaths within six years resulted from to play big daddy and if it was, what a form of ritual initiation that the could we do about it anyway?’ state’s leaders professed to abhor, Another side of the fraternity debut which continued unchecked bate is the question of equality. nonetheless, these observers might Though frat members have agreed become concerned enough to warn to allow women in as secondary their children to stay away from the members, without voting privileges, place.” the fact remains the club is exclusiveThough concerns about such radily a male club and this has many cal problems evolving here at Water. women on campus concerned. loo may be extreme, concerns over sexual harassment and sexual segreAngela Evans, women’s commissioner for the Feds, says fraternities gation are not, says Evans. She says are the most blatant form of sexual fraternities “teach members women discrimination and, though she is are not equal” and this should be aware the university or the Feds can’t considered a set-back for equality. stop such clubs, she is encouraging And, such concerns are also directed toward the possible establishment of &dent rejection or disassociation. sororities on campus. The rationale behind such a posi-

“1 view this (the fraternity) as a setback which will lessen the students’ chances of understanding each other. Fraternities, like sororities, restrict interaction and 1don’t think a gender exclusive group is good for either gender,” says Evans. . ‘.‘I have fears that this type of’male grouping is prone to treating women as unequal and this may translate into members viewing women as inferior.” Also supporting Evans’ position. against fraternities is Donovan Smucker, a professor at Conrad Grebel College. Though focused more upon the possibility of emerging discriminatory patterns and alcciho1 abuse within fraternities, Smucker is adamantly against such clubs. Smucker bases his opposition on experience, having work@ at .other universities where fraternities and sororities exist. His suggestion is to seek more of the “clustered college system” to boost student morale, if that is the executive’s goal, because such systems bring students togeth,er without any possibility of an exclusive group developing. Though not accusing the frat of following other trends, he noted a distinct discrimination of Jews, blacks or Asiatics within the fratemities where he previously worked and is concerned this will evolve at Water. loo. In addition, he disputes the claim of “boosting student morale” bysuggesting the frat shapes the atmosphere among students rather than the university atmosphere being enhanced by the frat. Finally, Smucker points to the financial limitations some students face in becoming members, saying only wealthier students can afford

TORONTO (CUP) - The Ontario government’s new $100 million job training program is a free ride for business, a heavy burden on taxpay ers and hit-andimiss way to deal with the province’s trs(ining problems, charges NDP skills development critic David Warner. “We were pleased to see the go. vernment is recognizing the itiportance of retraining in Ontario,” said Warner. “But the public and the community colleges are still footing most of the bill to give businesses highly skilled workers.” The new program, called Ontario’s Training Strategy, includes $15 million for a training consulting ser. vice for small and medium-sized btisiness; $34 million for direct cost of instruction for training and upgrading; $4 million for an updating pro. gram for skilled trades people; 632 million to provide access to the pro. gram through subsidies for daycare, transportation and literacy training and a new $6 million Institute for Skills Training. Businesses can voluntarily participate in the program, and must pay 20 per cent of the cost of upgrading and retraining their staff. The Ontario government will pick up the remain. ing costs. Skills Development Minister Greg Sorbara said the program will “help train a million Ontario workers in the next five years, making the companies where they work more successful and competitive. The success and productivity of thousands of businesses will be affected.” Warner said these businesses should shoulder more of the cost of that success. “Unless we come to an appr&iceship agrwment whereby business, labour and government share evenly the cost of apprenticeship, ,Ontario will continue to import skilled workers from overseas,” Warner said. “In the next five years, metro Toronto will require and additional 600 carpenters. They will not find them in Ontario because employers are not


the membership fees and the higher rent of a frat house. “On the whole, frats are for the rich ) guys. They have to pay a fee, the board for a room is more expensive and they have to put in for the collection to purchase a house. It is for the economic elite and 1 have had sour experiences with them,” says Smucker. With the number of opposiijg forces surrounding th& frat executive, one would wonder how they plan to achieve recognition from the Feds. What hasn’t been examined, however, is the distinction between Delta Omega Chi and other, more’ typical fraternities. Executive members Mark McKay, Thomas White and Willie O’Shea say their club is not typical of the frats seen either in the U.S. or on television. As a matter of a fact, they say their international alliance, Sigma Chi, does not condone discriminatory policies. Moreover, they say policies will be established to safeguard against future abuses. All they want is a chance to prove who they are and what they represent and even bring a little social fun to campus. What hey are asking for is a chance to dispel the stereotype which has been tagged onto them in a most “discriminatory” way. “People do not understand what frats are all about. All the problems which have evolved have not been associated with the international chapter of Sigma Chi,” says White. “People think we are elitist and sexist but we aren’t. It is the nature of the fraternity to be all male. 7he fraternity breeds camaraderie. We deal with people and develop lasting friendships,” says O’Shea.


training them. Instead they will have to advertise overseas. “This is a crime in a province where there are over one million unemployed,” he said. Warner is also concerned aboutthe program’s administration. Of the 14.member council, two represent labour, two represent education and 10 represent big business. “The council is loaded to ensure the emphasis remains on business. There is no balance between advances for business and for working people,” he said. Warner said he is pleased the Liberals have reqognized the NDP’s pleas to eradicate illiteracy in the workplace, but said more must be done. About 15 to 20 per cent of the Ontario workforce is illiterate, he said. “You just can’t throw money at a problem and expect it to go away. We’ll see a year from now how many businesses have taken advantage of the program. 1hope it works, but we’ll still be importing skilled workers from overseas.”


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13 -

West’s purity tainted by materialism I

lie,Cers are “white

In by Mark


It seems I have been in two different worlds this year. I went on a trip to India, and it was there I encountered the exotic culture of the sub-continent. Aside from the cultural experience, I was also privileged to observe and partake of the fervent Christianity existing in parts of the south. The Christian religion which one generally finds in North America is very different from what I saw in India. Here one can find a great deal of fine talk about Bible-oriented, Christ-centered living, but it seems the purity and reality behind such rhetoric invariably becomes tainted with materialism and self-centredness. Too often such religion exists as a mockery of true discipleship, lacking purpose or clarity. In the Bible we read of self-denying people who “hazarded their lives for the name of Jesus Christ”, “given continuously to prayer and the word of God”. Regrettably, Christian organizations degenerate to the level of social clubs, encouraging useless and endless talk and discussion, and providing dances and parties and the like, while the Christian disciplines of a true prayer-life, deep personal Bible study and a walk with God are neglected. Saint Paul said of such _ people that “their god is their belly”. How inspiring it was for me then to share for more than six months in the day-to-day life and ministry of people who live their, Christian life on a more honest level. As the guest of the Madrasbased Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship International, I had the opportunity to attend a small theological college and travel across India, meeting preachers, families, and lay-workers, and attending evangelistic campaigns and conferences on Christian growth. Founded 51 years ago as a tiny Bible-school and home for unemployed young men, the Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship is an international body of believers. Today a 5,000-seat church, a recording studio, printing presses, and a theological college stand in Madras as the head-quarters of this fast growing group. The directors oversee a work which has spread throughout India, as well as to Australasia, Europe, and North America. I met many dedicated dot tors, engineers, educators and other professional people who are directly involved in the ministries of preaching, building, and spreading the gospel. In fact, the doctors in the @lowship have opened more than 20 medical clinics and other projects for the poor. (In certain cases, credible patients claim illnesses which would not respond to medical treatment have been miraculously healed when prayer in the name of Jesus was made.) While I suppose there are just as many distractions in India to water down the potency of any believer’s life, so many of the people I met were white-hot in their desire to fulfill the commands of Christ. These people believe in importunate prayer, and will not let useless matters get in the way of a fervent prayer-life. They also expect their prayers to be answered, that they are not engaged in some wasteful form of religious self-deception. The principle secretary of this fellowship ‘is the dynamic speaker ’ and international evangelist, Mr. Joshua Daniel. Following in the tradition of such great evangelical figures as John Wesley, D.L. V Moody, Hudson Taylor, and William Booth,’ Mr. Daniel has tirelessly laboured as a flaming evangelist for the past 40 years..




49, 1986

not want to give Jesus Christ a real chance, if thev don’t want to be honest, well, that will be their own undoing. They will ‘rue for it one day, but then it will be too late. At the headquarters in Mad-r-as, your presses turn out a steady stream of books on the adeq.uacy of Christ and on Christian growth. An impdrtant theme of many of these books is prayer. What relevance has r prayer in modern life?

As an author, editor, radio speaker, and minister of the gos/ pel, Mr. Daniel travels some 120,000 kilometres per year, addressing audiences of 15 to 15,000 at a time. He constantly exhorts Christians to live a life that Christ would be pleased with instead of always watering down the most essential issues. He also seeks to challenge Marxists and other militant reformers to seriously examine the claims of Christ. In fact his book

Mao and Marx Bound Us; Christ Freed Us is a compilation of the testimonies of former communists who were converted and now labour with redoubled zeal for Christ instead of the communists. Mr. Daniel has shared the platform with such eminent Christian figures as -Leonard Ravenhill, Dun can Campbell, and Dr.. Billy Gra’ ham. In his travels he speaks to c hurt hes of many denominations. For example, 21 Protestant churches in the central Indian city of Jabalpur had him speak for five days at special meetings last February.

vacuum in their lives. Now that is the secret of the sheer attractiveness. It is not a personal magnetism by any means. .In the ‘7Os, we’ve had a continuing work in Europe for over 10 years now. More and more young people are being touched by God. Some of them were hopeless drug addicts, and some had contemplated suicide. Yet the Lord has been giving them a great hunger for righteousness, and some of these young people now feel that they can not contain this marvelous life in Christ within themselves. They must share it with others. Therefore it just normally transpires that their neighbours and their friends come in and hear God’s word. They can see the transformation in the life of their friend, and when they are invited to come in, they do come in. That is how the work is spreading, not by advertisement or publicity. We don’t court publicity at all. As a matter of fact, it is more like a chain reaction that proceeds and gains momentum. , At a modern university in the West, one finds many radical groups and individuals. Do you claim that there is a relevant Biblical message for homosexuals, communists, and other radical activists?

I was able to catch up with him for this interview this August in Oklahoma. He will be speaking in the Waterloo area from September 19-28. He will be infer- . viewed on 100 Huntley street on September 24. In this shod interview for Imprint, I have’asked some simple questions about his work and his message. For information about any of theupcomi;ls meetings, call 884-5712. I would like to ask you some questions on your work in the 198Os, both in India and in the West. In India, I have seen thousands of students and people in their twenties come to your retreats and conventions. A large proportion of these are university educated, although your meetings are crowded with people from every level of society. What is in your messages that attracts so many people in the prime of their youth? Reality attracts people whether in India or abroad, and there is nothing more real than the joy and the deliverance which Jesus Christ gives. I have found that most young people, even those who claim to be atheists, are really looking for real meaning in life, and therefore, ,when they hear the message of Jesus, the word of God, many of them experiment. They go to the Lord and say, “is this true, or is this just a lot of humbug?“, and’the result is that every sincere seeker meets with the Lord, and a great joy and peace take the place of the awful l

Well, I know that it is not just an empty claim that I am making, because that would be the last thing that I am after. To dangle something before a dying ma-n; which is no more than a mere toy, or a counterfeit, would be a most f disgusting thing to do. Most of the problems that have arisen in the hearts of people today are due to the fact that they are not at peace with themselves. They find that they have no answers to their own problems and therefore break out into some kind of method by which they can let off steam, or their pent up emotions. That really is the problem, and they discover rather late that all their radicalism, or whatever, has been to little purpose. They certainly did not achieve anything of significance apart from wastage in years, energy, time, and breath. It is better that some of these young people begin to come to terms with themselves, and understand that they are just going off at a tangent and not solving anything by all this tall talk. It is good for them to know that Jesus Christ, who appears like a myth and a superstition in relation to the sort of lifestyle that obtains now, has I real answers, and in fact is the answer. It might sound very mysterious. It might even sound mystical. But it is neither mysterious

- Well perhaps I should begin by saying, the question itself is symptomatic of the total estrangement of the modern man from true relationship with the Lord Jesus. Prayer is really communing or keeping company with Jesus. It is almost as natural as breathing. Now there are various levels in prayer. We normally think of p,rayer as just going to God with small selfish requests. Of course that is all the praying that some people do. “God give me health. God give me this. God give me that? Of course the Lord does . answer even such prayers, because, when a father is unemployed, the’ childrensuffer, and nor mystical. “They that seek me . _-_ _ God is interested in seeing even shall find me”, said Jesus, and is these problems solved. Of the there any better person in the thousands of .people that I have to whole of history to follow or to . personally deal with, unemployserve? ment is no problem at all. Yet You have preached in innuthere are millions of people unem, merable churches and meetployed in all parts of the globe, ings. You have worked particularly in the East, in countogether with clergymen from tries like India. But when they probably dozens of denominameet the Lord and they begin to tions. You have also worked pray, although there are a mass of with professional educators to applicants, it looks like these open a theological college in spiritually converted people get India for the training of the jobs, and they give their hundreds of missionaries and employers an honest days work. Christian workers. What comTheir employers come to feel that ment can you give on modern they cannot do without them, and theological training, and on the the whole atmosphere where they equipping of preachers and work begins to change. So prayer, missionaries? even for a thing like unemployI think we have all got very ment, just meets a very real need; academic, and totally divorced and of course there are many from reality, and therefore the problems today which cannot be usual normal cleric is almost out solved by money or even psychiatof touch with the problems of ric counselling; marriage problems young people. Thousands of and break up of homes. Now ’ young people come to me for a when a Christian begins to love wee bit of my time. I don’t charge his neighbour, he can not be ’ them a penny for my counselling. I happy when his neighbour’s home have counselled literally tens of is breaking up. He will surely cry thousands and have never to God, and pray, and so often, charged any man a penny for my the people that seem to be so service, and they are ready to irreconcilably removed from each unburden their hearts. Their probother, just come back together. lems are so very real. After all, the God does it. Prayer has such a message of the Lord Jesus Christ definite place in our lives, and it is is very simple: It doesn’t take a such a need in our ‘lives. great theologian to explain it. The man in the street relates to it right For the past several years, away, because Jesus speaks to his you have taken time out of daily problems. When we find your busy schedule to conduct trained - supposedly trained week-end retreats in Waterloo, theological students who are not both at the beginning and end . able to deal with psychic probof ‘the school year. Why do you lems, occult hallucinations, dibother to come all this way for vorce situations, and the very real these meetings; and what do . sicknesses and, problems that are you hope to accomplish in the generated by the break up of the meetings this September? home, then of course the ordinary man turns away saying, “‘oh we Each young person’s life is very have tried religion and it is not I precious before God. Now if I had more than opium and garbage. It i to choose between a job that I doesn’t do a thing to solve our would give me a $1 ,OOO,OOO‘a problems”. week, and one which brings me in close touch with young people In some ways they are justified often pretty poor young people at in turning away in disgust, bethat - thereby affording and cause men’s problems are not to see their lives really being dealt with, let’s face it. opportunity transformed, I would choose the That is not what Jesus did. Jesus latter without any hesitation. One went about transforming society, person’s life, when put into the transforming homes, transforming hands of Jesus, generates a chain ’ people who were a cause for much disruption in society. Now it reaction that can spread throughout the world. Thus I don’t feel is left to the government as it that my time is wasted when I give seem+ to cure the alcoholic and it to young people over week-end drug addict, spending millions of retreats, and serve them almost the tax-payers money, while it can be accomplished without spending night and day* The problems of the young are any money. so painfully real that they have When the Lord Jesus touches little time to play games, religious people, they are freed. I’ve seen literally hundreds, if not thousands games* In as much as ’ am a11the time focusing on true-life situatransformed. Those that could not break free by any psychic method, tionsp 1 trust many who wi11 be reading these columns will shed ’ or self-improvement means, were just set free by the power of Jesus I their native diffidence and come to hear me Be sure to tell them I Christ. If there are people who do Iove them / . *

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Are you experienced? If you missed .the first annual K-W Jazz Fest, then you are not experienced in the fullest. During the three days September 11 to 13 jazz and blues were the experience. Beginning late Thursday night at the Princess Theatre, the documentary film, Kerouac, told of the life of this famous American author who neither found peace in obscurity nor in success. The Bill Grove Trio took to the stage for a set of free jazz; Bill Grove showed his talents extend well beyond his sax blowing abilities (Bill is the reedman for Whitenoise). A low budget documentary about Charles Mingus played into the morning. Friday night was an evening for the blues. The Nationals kicked out a party set of rockin’ blues and Guitar Mikey played a set of heavy-handed chainsaw style blues. The evening, however, belonged to the Matt Guitar Murphy Band which displayed its prowess during the first three numbers. Beginning with a jazzy swaaaang number, the entire band added solo highlights;

No Matt Guitar Murphy is not asleep at the wheel but diggin’the sounds of the blues with his fiery band.



Again no sleeper, but Brian Cober of the Nationals grovin’ a solo during a Friday night party set.

Doing what they do best, the Aaron.Davjs Band pushes out an . instrumental number during the Saturday evening opening set.

er’s Line One punched out an energetic set with leader, Dale Marcell, bounding uncontrollably about the set (well it was his show, he can do what he wants). For such an inexperienced group, they foreshadow tremendous promise with their funky based energy. The closing act, Manteca, was somewhat anti-climactic. They hoped to gain energy by blasting the shit out of the au-‘ dience with volume; it was like jamming a dentist’s drill in your ear the winds were terribly shrill. Unless these cats want to open for Ted Nugent, they should realize that good jazz (if they call themselves jazz) need not be played loud, only well. ! The final words are reserved for the producer and organizer Dale MarcellXhe entire project was run with professional bravado. The bands flowed on and off-stage with precision which I have never seen before at such an event. The sound in Bingeman Park was the best it can be in such a venue (except Manteca which did its own sound). Dale felt that the weekend was a success though the crowds (only 300 for Friday night and 400 for Saturday) were disappointing. He heard nothing but praise from all of the musicians, who would rather see such an event instead of the Toronto Jazz Fest. The entire program displayed Canadian talents (Matt Murphy Band only exception) and proved that we cando it. Next year Dale is hoping to do it again. For all the cynics out there, grow up, it can be done. Next year it will live again.

Brought to you by Peter Lawson photos by Joe Sary and Alan Ng

est 986 Aaron Davis not only played with his own band early Saturday night, but supported Hoily Cole during her afternoon sing and closed the evening with Manteca. the classic, Kansas City showed the blues style; and a sizzling funky number followed, highlighting the very young, but incredibly inspiring bass player. When the singer hit the stage the music was dominantly blues, especially the music that made the Blues Brothers and Matt famous. Good music and good sound made the for a good night. The Saturday afternoon program at Bingeman Park opened with Toronto’s Jazzmakers, a band which swings with the agreeable sound of dixieland jazz. The Pat Labarbera Quartet flowed through, a set of _ standard bop jazz in the early afternoon. Despite the talent, the show did not invigorate, probably a more intense style at ‘that time in the day would have been more appropriate. The Holly Cole Trio featured Holly Cole on vocals, Aaron Davis on piano, and Dave Piltch on bass. Holly Cole is an artist who

Either you love her or you hate her. Holly Cole’s unusual stance on vocal jazz either wins hearts or turns stomachs. She took to stage in the afternoon with her trio and then in the evening with the Aaron Davis Band.


Art Avalos and Matt Zimbeli ‘getting a good workout with sound spoiled what Manteca. Unfortunately the overbearing should have been a climax to the entire festival. makes bold statements with her inDavis Band stormed back with terpretations of jazz standards and their rock-pop-salsa-jazz set. Begineither you enjoy her, approach or ning their set with instrumental you would rather hear the subtle numbers and concluding the set playing of Aaron and Dave (very with vocalist Holly Cole, the band reached its peak with the Aaron smooth). Because the scheduled Davis composition, Danceteria band was late, the wide-eyed youths very lean and very funky. The Thinof Mixty-Motions lived a dream on men from Toronto’s darkside centre stage for an half hour set until the scheduled act, Forth Inverunleased their dark approach to sion, showed to blow out a mastermusic. This unit presents musical ful set of post bop. fragments balanced between the outrageous and the simple. After a dinner break the Aaron Rising out of suburbia, Kitchen-

Yes a big reason to smile. This closet jazz cat, Dale Marcell, bounced about stage with his band Line One, but his big reason to smile is that this jazz fest was his baby. As the producer of this musical collage, he feels the three day event was a success though the crowds did not materialize. He will fly high again next year with KW Jazz Fest 87.



3wa by Tim Perlich Imprint staff Jim Jarmusch the director of the instant cult classic Stranger Than Paradise was in Toronto last-week to talk about his latest film Down By Law (see review). During the course of the conference, Jarmusch candidly discussed his films and the problems involved in making them. This is how it went: Why have you used black and white for your last two films? Black and white seemed more appropriate because I thought of the stories as being black and white while writing them. I like black and white a lot because it gives you less information. It’s more minimal in that way, you don’t have to pay attention to what colour people’s clothes are and what colours the walls are. All those things affect how you feel about a scene in a film, Many people who work in colour

T n l


don’t seem to pay enough attention to that. I think the choice of colour or black and white depends on the story. In Down By Law and Stranger Than Paradise, the quality of the black and white is very different, a different film material and lighting and they have a different effect on the audience and how they think of the story. Also, I think black an# white is more difficult to use because if you have someone against a wall in a certain colour, that colour separates them from that background. If it’s black and white, it is possible that their skin is going to be the same tone as the wall, so the wall will have to be lit differently. For Down By Law in New Orleans, I didn’t want to use colour because New Orleans is very colourful. I wanted to make an abstract New Orleans and to do this it would be much easier using black and white. What attracts you to the use of musicians in your films? I tend to meet musicians more often. I seem to have more friends who are musicians than film people. Good performers as musicians are capable of being very good actors because they are using music as a method of communication and I think it’s something that forms their ability to act and be realistic actors. There are a lot of musicians who I think are terrible actors though. I find it easy to communicate with musicians and I believe there is a process they use to prepare themselves 3s a performer that is similar to the one that an actor uses to play a part. Using musicians also has a great deal to do with chance. I went to Japan recently and I met a lot more musicians than film people. What sort of changes did the difference in budget between

Stranger Than Paradise and Down By Law make for you as a director? With Stranger Than Paradise, the structure of the film was based on certain financial limitations fromthe onset with me writing and designing it to be made that way because I knew I had no money and I was going to have to struggle to get money just to make the film. With Down By Law, it was just the opposite. I wrote the story, I researched it with my producer and production staff to find out how much it would cost to make this movie and then we went out and looked for that sum of money. That’s just the- way it happened. Stranger Than Paradise was a $150,000 film and Down By Law was a $l,OOO,OOO film. It wasn’t just getting as much .money as you could and then seeing what you could do with it, like it seems they do in Hollywood, rather than determining first, how much these people should be paid and then saying: “O.K., we need that amount of money.” That’s how we did Down By Law. Where there any psychological or attitude differences between the filming of the two? The only difference was that making Down By Law was a wonderful experience. Making Stranger Than Paradise was hell because we had so little time and so little money that if we lost a day of shooting we could screw up our .whole budget. It was shot over a three week period in three different cities. How did you come to think about using New Orleans as a setting and the, sort of, Italian film within a film idea? I was writing something for John Lurie and Tom Waits in which they were stuck together in prison and .

Special thanks to Dennis Seguin, Rena. Poley and the rest of the Festival staff. really disliked each other. I had also thought about New Orleans and Louisiana even though I hadn’t been there. ‘It was because of certain references I had in my mind: crime fiction, New Orleans R&B music, prison escape movies from the ’30s and ’40s where they escape and they’re in a swamp, Tennessee Williams, and just a certain poetic darkness that New Orleans suggests to me. Then. I was in Italy where I met Roberto Benini. After spending several weeks with him I wrote a story for him in about a week. In the same way that Tom’s and John’s characters were, Roberto’s character was suggested to me by qualities that he had. It just happened. I don’t know why Louisiana was used, it’s just an abstract place for me. How much of the dialogue was scripted before the shooting be. ” gan? I had a complete script, then I rehearsed with the actors and went through a process of improvising and developing characters with them. My script changed from ideas they contributed, sometimes not consciously, just in improvs and things., I then re-refined my script. By the time we actually got to shooting I had another draft of the script. There is not really a lot of improvisation in front of the camera, except in certain scenes where that was necessary: when Tom is alone in the car, he doesn’t have a dialogue scripted, the things we needed there could just be improvised.

In both Stranger Than Paradise and Down By Law you have characters who have difficulty with English. Is language something that intrigues you? It’s a little different in each film but I like the idea of people who misinterpret things because they’re not familiar with the culture that they’re in. That kind of misinterpretation opens things up. I mean, for me, it opens up my imagination; if I’m in a place and I don’t know what anyone is talking about and Ican’t even read the signs, my imagination tends to work very well. I like writing things in which the culture is not really understood by the characters. In Down By Law I think it’s especially interesting because Benini in person is a comedian who is well known in Italy for using language as a weapon. His comedy is based on rapid-fire language. To create a character for him where that most basic element of communication is removed from his repetoire would, I thought, be interesting for him and very funny. Where does the title “Down By Law” come from? Oh no, the title. . . Down By Law originally, from where I could trace its origin, was when blacks came from southern rural areas to northern cities - once they were streetwise or oriented to urban life they could be said to be down by law, ’ meaning they knew their way around. Since then, it remained in


. “neo. - beat - now -I comedy:4..


by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff Following the European success . of Permanent Vacation, New York-based director Jim Jarmusch has become one of the most unheralded iconoclastic figures in North American cinema. The 1984 cult fa- : vourite, Stranger Than Paradise, established Jarmusch as an offbeat innovator in the black and white medium whose work has already influenced other major directors such as Woody-Allen (i.e. the blank screens in Hannah And her Sisters). It also brought him widespread recognition with such awards as the Cannes Film Festival’s Gamer-a d’Or and the National Society of Film Critics Picture of the Year Award. Incredibly, Jarmusch has surpassed his achievement on Stranger Than Paradise with Down By Law. Described by Jarmusch as a “neo-beat-noircomedy”, Down By Law opens with one of the best scenes of this or any recent year. Zack, played by everyone’s favourite bourbondrinker Tom Waits, is an unemployed disc jockey and all-around loser who sits with an ‘odd look of self-pitying disinterest as Laurrette (Ellen Barkin) storms about the small, squalid apartment, throwing all his belongings out the window. Only when she throws out his favourite pointy-toed shoes does Zack realize it really is over and go out to sit forlornly on a desolate corner, the barren street lit garishly with a lonely street lamp and strewn with his clothes and countless 45s. In another part of town, no less seedy, Jack (John Lurie of the Lounge Lizards and star ‘of Stranger Than Paradise) is totally absorbed in counting his money

while half of his stable of prostitutes slings insult after insult at him from the queen-size bed in the living room while she awaits the evening’s first client. Before the night is over, Zack and Jack, which seem to be the perfect names for a pair of small-time shmucks, would be framed for crimes they merely hadn’t thought of committing, and would find themselves sharing a jail cell. hck, compulsively sullen and reclusive, and- Jack, who talks fast enough to get himself into trouble but not quite fast enough to get himself out, are doggedly determined to be at odds from their first meeting. Their impasse is brought to an end only by Bob (Italian comedian, Roberto Benigni) who is also wrongfully imprisoned and put in their cell. Introducing himself with, “Not room enough to swing a cat in,” ISob has a curiously brotherly effect on Zack and Jack. Gleefully naive and innocent at heart, he’s the younger brother they sneer at and tell to get lost, but who also brings out their protective instincts. Jarmusch’s humour flows with the same laconic understatement of Stranger Than Paradise with the awkward, disjointed silences and sideways glances often telling more than the dialogue. Jarmusch’s script and direction understand that ordinary people are not comedians; their conversations are not stilted and structured around gags, but the jokes are almost incidental and the characters laugh at their own jokes. In Bernigni, however, he introduces fairly well-worn device (a non-native speaker making mincemeat of English), but does it with such a freshness and a characteristically original twist that you soon forget any notions you might have had about him

slapstick-peddling. Bob’s tattered notebook of randomly picked-up colloquialisms that he. pores through to find an expression vaguely appropriate to any situation is the source of some of Down By Law’s most hilarious scenes. Played by Bemigni with the convincing effortlessness of someone who really has struggled with a second language, Bob is a classic comic creation. And in. Waits and Lurie, Jarmusch seems to have found the ideal combination to live out his

sleazy, lowlife aesthetics. Their performances are so natural and unforced that you begin .to wonder whether they are only playing themselves. It’s no coincidence Lurie’s score and Waits’Jockey FuU of Bourbon and Tango Till. They’re Sore from the Rain Dogs album fit the mood and visual atmosphere perfectly. Waits has already written dozens of songs about Zack and Jack - people who live in cold apartments with peeling wallpaper and who blow all their money at the track or cheap booze. The world Jarmusch and the

Cell mates:

and Roberto

Tom Waits,




great cinematographer Robby Muller create really is a sad and beautiful one. Supposedly, people who live shallow, unfulfilled lives dream in black and &rite, and the look of the film bears this out. It is-at once starkly contrasting shades of grey and an imaginatively unconstructed plot which goes off on weird tangents that are strange only in the context of the real world, It’s too early to start handing out the “film of the year” accolades, but there is little doubt that Down By Law will be among the best of 1986.


A Great Wall . Beineix’s by Tim Perlich ched-fist drama. Imprint staff Credit must be given 1to JeanAfter the smash success of Diva Hughes Anglade (L’homtie blesse in 1982 and the critical acclaim and and Subway) who resists what controversy of Moon In The Gutmust be an enormous temptation to ter in 1984, Jean-Jacques Beineix over-play his role as the sad and was wooed to Hollywood by Para= beat Zorg. You can see him begging mount to work some of his French his sweaty pig boss to spare his mecinematic magic with the support of nial job, but at the same time you some heavy American dollars. Disilknow ai well as Zorg that, even 8 he lusioned by unsympathetic upper- t does get fired, he’d be just as melanmanagement, Beineix returned to cholic unemployed as he was while France to prove his ability as a storyworking. teller with his most recent film Betty Blue. The screenplay is based on the novel 372 le-m&in by the young Brutally SenSuous and (temporarily) unknown French author Phillipe Djian and involves ’ the volatile love affair between an unemployed waitress and a grimy It would be criminal not to mendrifter set against a bleak workingtion the explosive presence of the class bat kdrop. brutally sensuous Beatrice Dalle (see Helmut Newton pictorial in Vanity Fair, August ‘86) as Betty. Dalle plays the leadawith a perfect Mass of Flesh blend of passion, bleary-eyed exuberance, blind ra& and indifference that would surely classify every adolescent as being schizophrenic. Beineix opens the film with a Still of course, the most important through-the-curtain view of a pulsaspect of Betty Blue is the story. ing mass of flesh linked in feverishly Around every corner lies a plot twist aerobic act. Having swallowed the luring the viewer down one more of hook, the audience is dragged Beineix’s unlit hallways only to find across the entire wjdth of the emothe light switch at the end baiting tional spectrum. Somehow Beineix another fall. There should be no takes what initially pretends to be a doubt that Beineix’s directorial abilibreezy yet pathetic comedy and ty reaches far beyond that of visual suddenly transforms it into a clenstylist.

by Tim Perlich 1 Imprint staff With the crucially important national college entrance exam (in which a pass or fail can mean the difference between attending Peking University and selling tea on street corners for the rest of your life) less than a month away, Liu (Wang Xiao) and his pal Yu (Xiu Jian), both with previous exam failures, are trying to keep all their bases covered by taking odd jobs and making inroads to possible careers. At the same time, Lili (Li Qinqin) is readying herself for her first attempt at the examination. One day, her studies are interrupted by tier mother Mrs. Chao (Shen Guanglan) who asks Lili to translate a letter written in English she has just received from her brother Leo. Leo, a computer executive living in San Francisco, left China 30 years ago and has not been to China since. The translation reveals Leo plans to bring his family to Peking to visit his relatives. Director Peter Wang uses the meeting of the families as a vehicle 10 uncover the social and cultural differences between thti -U.S. and China on a personal level. Although Wang never digs too deeply into the inner feelings of any of his characters, A Great Wall functions very well as a light and insightful comedy. To make a film dealing with social attitudes in China without being drowned by politics is an achievement in itself, but to go beyond this and make a thoughtful film that doesn’t exploit common stereotypes for its humour is quite a monumental feat. Shot on a minimal budget, he used a relatively small crew of about 80 people (“at least when we were eating anyway”), says Wang: “When I applied for government funding to do part of the film in China, they refused my request because I had no proven track record. Then, when I applied for a finishing grant they said, “Hey, the film’s already done, what do need the money for now?’

Leo Fang (Peter A Great Wall.

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff A film depicting the misery and exploitation of teenage prostitutes on Vancouver’s infamous Davey Street should leave a distinctly unpleasant, bile-like taste in one’s mouth. Close To Home, part of the Perspective Canada series, aspires to be a brutal piece of social criticism, but a lack of focus in firsttime feature film director Ric Beairsto’s direction takes a good deal out of the bite of what could be an intensely disturbing experience. Close To Home is really two films: a drama following a 20 yearold male prostitute, Flynn (Daniel Allman), and 17 year-old Michelle - Fontaine (Jillian Fargey) who takes to the streets to escape sexual abuse at home; and a documentary on the sociological causes and implications of prostitution; Either of these, if fully developed into.feature length, would work well as a film in its own right, but where the film falters is in its attempt to integrate the two into a hard-hitting socio-documentary. The effect, however, is more akin” to, say, a made-for-TV “issue” movie that makes y,ou say “Oh, wow, this is a keal problem,” and then go to bed with a clean conscience than a film that nagsat you and keeps you awake at night. Potentially harrowing sequences such as Flynn being beaten by a client who refuses to

pay and Michelle’s attempted suicide are stripped of their power by misguided editing which leads directly into interviews with correction officers and social workers. As part of the plot involving TV journalist Donna Pedlar’s (Anne Petrie) effort to put together a television special on teenage prostitution, these scenes work well. The fact the interviews are carried out with actual professionals in the field gives Close To Home the authenticity it strives for, but the constant cutting back and forth between plots is distracting and dilutes the shock and violence which a film of this nature must rely on for its full impact. It allows you to take a breather and detach yourself from the characters instead of building up a claustrophobic feelitig of rage hot only at the system which exploits and terrorizes these youths, but also at the people whose parental instincts go little beyond merely providing n&terial support, and at the victims themselves who have internalized the cruel street values they live with to the point where they accept them. Close To Home is successful in getting its basic message across, that the lurid trap of street life is harsh and often inescapable in an uncaring society, but for all its good intentions, it would be hard to imagine this film actually changing anything.






For the cast, Wang found it best to tise younger people with little or no previous acting experience. Li Qinqin who plays Liii, for example, normally works as a registration clerk in a Peking hospital while, Wang Xiao is a ticket-taker at the Shanghai People’s Theater.- Wang explains: “The casting was not an easy task. Most of the Chinese actors that come out of contemporary Chinese theatre tend to overact and appear unnatural. This is probably because Chinese theater has been strongly influenced by Soviet theatre which, is notoriously stagey. I ttinded to seek out voting people who were non-actors. They didn’t feei obliged to deliver something ‘heavy’ as the professional actors might have. Wang Xiao was trained in western opera and is very proud of his ability as you can see in the film, but outside of that he had no previous acting experience.” Thus far, A Great Wall has received its greatest response from audiences in San Francisco and Miami, of all places. Says Wang: “I believe Cuban immigrants can relate to the situation of being in a

Bertrand Revolving around the relationship between a jazz musician and a graphic artist and their common love for jazz music, Round-Midnight, directed by Bertrand Tavernier, takes place the in early 1950’s Paris. It’s based on real incidents in the lives of Francis Paudras and pianist Bud Powell. , Starring legendary Bebop saxophone player Dexter Gordon as the musician, Round Midnight successfully captures the passion of jazz and the way in which great music can cross social divisions and bond people from different backgrounds. In this interview, Thvernier, director of Coup De


Tavbrnier .Torchon% A Sunday in the Country, and Ist Joy Reign Supreme F talks about Round Midnight. Round Midnight is the story of black American jazz musicians who went to Paris in the late ’50s. Can you tell Us a little bit about the story? Tavernier: First of aII, it should be clear that it’s not strictly a jazz film per se, but also a film about two people who just happen to be musicians. They could be painters or anything else. Although the dialogue wouldn’t be the same as with jazz musicians, then essential relationship, the emotional core





a meal


Communist block country and having similar curiosities and misconceptions about American culture . . . You see, you don’t have to be Jewish to eat rye bread.” However, thk response from the Chinese public has been mixed. “The younger generation appeared to like it a lot and thought it was a refreshing viewpoint although they were not in total agreement with dIl the situations. The older people are very difficult to reach.” As for the Chinese cast, Wang admits they had some problems with the plot: “Where is the drama? they would ask, How can you have a film without a marriage?, were is the abortion? __ . They also despised the way it was filmed in small pieces, not necessarily in sequence, but that’s not something that bothered me. You need that feeling of discontent otherwise you will get overconfident and complacent and your film will be terrible? lf the audience response for the Toronto screening is any indication, The First American Movie Made in China’ is destined to be ti great success.

talks between the two main characters,. would be the same. David Rayfiel and I t@ed for a long time to find the right relationship between the fief) musicians but it was impossible because musicians can be very enigmatic. Their interatiion and communication happens when they’re playing music. I watched them closely during the shooting, the way they were together, the way they talked. Believe me, they made Harold Pinter sound,like the most verbose person in the world. What is their relationship llie when they’re playing? Herbie Hancock told me that when he was playing with Miles Davis, they had to be the best before each other, to find some-‘ thing different every night, lo journey even farther than the night before. He said it was devastating because it was like puting a rope around your neck every night in the expectation of being hanged. What pressure! It’s not Iike classical music, where everything is written down. In jazz, you have to find new developments, to be constantly exploring- Bobby Hutcherson improvised .scme great lines in the film, expIaining how jazz musicians live on the edge in order to be able to jump into the musical unknown every night. Why did you choose a Fwnch graphic artist and an Americanjazz musician for the two main characters? _ rmsn~*.

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by Paul Done Imprint staff In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of The Supremes’ first recordMotown has issued a ing, three-record, digitally remastered collection containing, not only The Supremes greatest hits, but also 20 previously unreleased recordings spanning the period from 1961 to 1967. Also included in this collection is a 12-page booklet which includes neat stuff like pictures of all their. album sleeves (well, almost all), song lyrics, and lots of pictures of the girls (including a classic shot of the three dressed up as nuns for a guest appearance they made on Tarzan). Unfortunately, most of the new songs are the same kind of wimpy dross which plagued many of The Supremes’ recordings. The Supremes’ interpretations of Rodgers and Hart songs or Walt Disney songs merely typify Motown’s obvious tactic of trying to sell to the white audience. The Supremes were always at their best when the lush strings were ditched and the Motown session musicians were allowed to cut loose on trackssuch as

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from the Greatest Hits part of this collection. There are a couple of times when The Supremes approach this kind of soulfulness on the unreleased tracks such as Penny Pincher and Surfer Boy, the two best “new” songs. There are a couple of novelty items from the unreleased tracks which are wonderful examples of the calculation which lay behind the illusion of “The Sound Of Young America”. One is a Coca-Cola com-


which is essentially Baby different lyrics - how easily pop music becomes a commodity, a marketing tool for big money! The other is fan obviously scripted interview from 1965 which shows how complete the squeakyclean illusion was. The 20 unreleased recordings on 25th Anniversary only scratch the

Loue with

surface of tapes which, undoubtedly, rot in Motown’s vaults, waiting only for the correct commercial climate before being released by Berry Gordy Jr. and the rest of his cronies. Though 25th Anniversary is a must for all Supremes fans, maybe next time some of the rawer, more spontaneous tracks will see the light of day.

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by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff If Jonathan Richman And The Modern Lovers are about going to the drive-in with your girl on a Saturday night, then Pere Ubu was about going to the drive-in and seeing her in the car beside you making out with some other guy. Paranoia, in other words, and a resulting coldness and misogyny eat their way through what is left of a tortured teenage heart. As such, David Thomas (a.k.a. The Crocus Behemoth) and Pere Ubu were leagues ahead of their time in anticipating the psychology of alienation of the punk and postpunk scenes they predated by at least two or three years. The Ohiobased band never gained much more than a cult following during its existence from 1975 to 1982 and was never the influential force of The Velvet Underground or The New York Dolls, but along with people like Tom Verlaine, Patti Smith, and Richard Hell, they helped define the early American new wave sound. Terminal Tower, the long-awaited singles compilation from Pere Ubu, serves not only as a fine retrospective of a band that still sounds as innovative and unique today as it did 10 years ago, but also as a fairly accessible introduction for the curious. As weird as they can get on songs like Untitled and Not Happy (on which Thomas’ voice warbles like a rather large bird that mistook a box of rat poison for bird seed), they always understand the importance of melody and the effectiveness of strong instrumentation. Heart of Darkness’s droning bass and darkly muttered lyrics told of a passionate despair long before Ian Curtis and Joy Division discovered how miserable life is, while Final Solution, which was castrated of virtu-

by Rob Savickis Imprint staff I When compared toprevious ‘Billy Joel albums, his latestrelease, The Bridge, is mediocre. Don’t get me wrong, it is a good album. It’s consistent and contains some excellent songs. At the same time, however, many of the tracks are predictable. Basically they rehash the same old Billy Joel sound from former albums, especially 52nd Street. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of The Bridge is Joel’s lack of innovation. On several of his previous classics he purposefully altered his musical style to avoid falling into a slump. For example, on Glass Houses he very successfully slipped away from pop and headed more into mainline rock and roll. On The Nylon Curtain he reached into the domain of social commentary and with An Innocent Man he recreated sounds from the ’50s and ’60s on some of his songs. Very little of such innovation can be seen on The Bridge. The only real distinction on this album is the general mood of seriousness that appears to prevail. Modern Woman, the album’s worst song and, strangely enough, first hit single is a rather lifeless insult to our musical intelligence.? At the other end of the scale, the best song by far is A Mutter of Trust. It is a catchy upbeat tune that’s bound to get you bopping regardless of where you might be at the time. Four other songs deserve mention. Running on Ice is a rather curious melody which seems to have the potential to become a hit single. Big Man on Mulberry Street is a somewhat dramatic song with an interesting jazz sound.

ally all its tension and sonic power in Peter Murphy’s recent limp version, is a disturbing statement of the intent (or lack of it) of teenage rebellion for rebellion’s sake. In short, Pere Ubu made some of the most interesting and challenging music of the ’70s and regardless of 2

Top Ten Records/Tapes Top Ten Records/Tapes for the week ending Sept. 12, 1986 Huey Lewis & The News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fore Doctor & The Medics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laughing at the Pieces Run DMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raising Hell R.E.M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Life’s Rich Pageant Joe Jackson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Big World Kim Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shakin’ Like a Human Being Alphaville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Afternoons in Utopia Stray Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rock Therapy Various Artists Genuine Housrockin’ Music from Alligator Records Timex Social Club . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rumours, Remix & Dub (EP) JUST ARRIVED \ 1. . East Avenue Energy . . June 1, 1986 Princess Cinema, Waterloo 2. Talking Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . True Stories 3. Doug Bennet (Doug & The< Slugs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Animato Based on sales at the Record Store, Campus Centre Lower Mall, University _of,. Waterloo. -.

I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

hit potential, is a collaborative effort between Joel and Cyndi Lauper. Perhaps

the most noteworthy



19, 1986

how obscure they may be now, they will likely be one of the only bands of the ’70s anyone will remember in 20 years. The excellent liner notes and the complete collection of singles make Terminal Tower an excellent documentation of an important band.

don has discovered the world of’ blues, jazz and soul. Two cover tunes on the album are indicative of Headon’s new musical approach - one a cover of Time is Tight originally done by‘ Booker T. by Neil MacKay and the MG’s and the second, origiImprint staff nally by jazz drummer G,ene Krupa, After the release of Combat is the 1940s tune Drumming Man. Rock, the Clash (in their original Drumming Man was originally inform) more or less disbanded. Joe tended as a showcase of Krupa’s Strummer, while keeping the name ability as the self-titled greatest “the Clash” did not, however, retain drummer in the world. Now Headon any of the substance and vitality that has done it. Is he aspiring to such was the Clash. Mick Jones went on heights? He’s good, better than to make his fortune with Big Audio good (and this is demonstrated Dynamite, a band that sounds more throughout the album), but . . . like the old Clash than the new Despite this he does provide the Clash does! Drummer Topper Heaalbum with the obvious bonus of his don, who was actually kicked out ability in varying styles on all 10 shortly after the release of Combat tracks. In addition ‘to Headon’s talRock remained aloof for a year or ent, vocalist Jimmy Helms is deservtwo while he reorganized his life ing of mention. His voice in (kicking an addiction to heroin, and particular makes tracks like Leave it putting together a new band). to luck, 1’11give you everything, and Now he has emerged from hiberJust another hit (a track about henation with a new band and a debut roin addiction from Headon’s standalbum titled, appropriately enough, point and experience) that much Waking Up. better - his voice lends itself perfectly to this style. It is quickly obvious the album has For the most part the LP is light little resemblance to any of his prehearted and fast paced which makes vious work. For example, it was it a fun album. Many Clash fans may Headon who was responsible for the not like Headon’s debut album, but I Clash’s most successful single Rock quite enjoyed it. Recommended the Casbah (he wrote it and played all the instruments on it). Now Hea- ’ even if just for the sake of variety.

Baby Grand, a touching/y melodic duet, features Ray Charles. Similurly, Code of Silence, with its own


pect of The Bridge is its title. This album is basically a collection of fillers, a “bridge” between previous great works and hopefully, masterpieces which are to come. Still, it . deserves a spot in the record collections of dedicated Billy Joel fans.

hits include

The Judith





UW Arts Centre for fall season by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff Billing this year’s roster of worldclass entertainment as “The Winning Choice”, the UW Arts Centre certainly does offer much to choose from. Whether your interests veer toward theatre, dance, film, or music, the Arts Centre is sure to be presenting something worth spending your money on this fall. The season gets underway on Saturday, September 20 with the fast-paced, zany antics of The Frantics. Now nationwide celebrities with their own TV show on CBC, Four On The Floor, they have been favourably compared with such comic greats as Monty Python and SCTV. Following the success of last year’s Mozart series’, the Arts Centre is presenting a Beethoven series this year in conjunction with the KW Symphony Orchestra. The first


installment, Beethoven: His Idols will be on September 23 and 24 in the Theatre of the Arts and will examine the music of Beethoven as well as Handel, Haydn, and Mozart. The second of the four-part series, Beethoven: His Followers,. will take place on November 11 and 12 and will feature Prevost and Brahms and other proteges. Jazz Canada, an ensemble of some of the biggest names in Canadian jazz such as guitarist Ed Richert, saxaphonist Jim Galloway, and The Boss Brass’ Rob McConnell on trombone, will be at the Humanities Theatre September 30, while London, England’s Palm 5 Court Theatre Orchestra offers a nostalgic trip back to the musical favourites of the turn of the century on November 23, also in Humanities. continued

On. page


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v elvet

Bizzare by Paul Done Imprint staff Blue Veivet, direc.ted and written by David Lynch (Eraserhead, Elephant Man) is a masterpiece of twisted genius. Working within a conventional mystery plot line, Lynch creates scenes and characters so bi’zarre and idiosyncratic that Blue, Velvet transcends the limitations of the ‘suspense genre. He perverts cliches and warps stereotypes to produce a movie which 1s at once hilarious, disorienting and nightmarishiy disturbing. The plot revolves around Jeffrey, played’ by Kyle McLachian (who starred as Paul Atreides in Dune) who discovers a severed ear while walking across a field near his home. After taking it to a detective, his natural curiosity draws him deeper and deeper into the murder, the intrigue and. the detective’s daughter. He brings to the role just the right amounts of naivete, recklessness and calculation to produce a stereotype made believable. Elsewhere, Dennis Hopper turns in a inspired performance as Frank, the maniacal baddie, driven by an Oedipus complex ‘the size of a large ocean-going vessel and whose conversation consists primarily of the work “fuck”, as in “Fuck it! You stupid little fuck. I’m going to have to ’ fucking kill your stupid fucking ass now!“. However, the two finest per-

formances are given by Laura Dern as Jeffrey’s terminally trusting, wide-eyed girlfriend and Dean Stockwell, in a cameo role, as a homosexual, quietly menacing brothel keeper who delivers a chilling lip-synch rendition of Candy COloured Clown. Perhaps the greatest achievement of Blue Velvet is that it manages to be profoundly unsettling while still being genuinely humourous. The audience is inexorably drawn into the chaotic twists and turns of events so, much like real life, there is no time to-contemplate and examine, one can onii “react. Consequently, characters and events jump beyond the two dimensions of the screen, beyond the three dimensions of frozen, tactile moments, right into the fourth dimension of time and space - not in the sense of shaking the hands of the characters, but of being forced to react in the same time continuum as the actors. Each scene is constructed with a visionary attention to detail. The conflicting elements and images are piled upon each other, bringing the viewer to the point where conventional ideas of purpose and statement must be discarded in favour of a quicker, more essential reactionary process. .A typical example of this occurs durivg Jeff’s forced joyride with Frank and his cronies. In a series of profoundly macabre events

Thumbs up! by Rizaldo Padilla If you missed 28UP at the Princess Cinema, you missed a voyeur’s paradise. 28UP is a long and absorbing documentary about 14 people, 10 males and 4 females, from ail walks of the British social strata. It is a fascinating film that shows human development and sometimes human degeneration. The 14 characters of 28UP were interviewed in 1963 at age seven about the grit of life, money, love, class, dreams, jobs. British director Michael Apted (better known for his Hollywood movie Coal Miner’s


Daughter.) returns every seven years until they reach the age of 28. By combining ail of the previous interviews, Apted stitched together a strong sociological study, while at the same time creating a film about the Jesuit maxim, “Give me the child until he is seven, and I will give you the man”. The average movie viewer is easily satisfied with what the film is about because it answers the most basic cinematic question: what happened to so-and-so. But for those professional peep-


on page


Join the’ * Imprint ’ Arts Department --. m -?? #&A&SIC :c 4kiiiL KEY3OARDlNG I

as the ride comes to an end, Candy Coloured Clown is cranked up once again, Frank pgts lipstick on his lips, kisses it onto Jeff’s face before beating him and leaving him ucconscious. All the time this is happening, the camera cuts back and forth toa large hooker in a mini-skirt, standing on the roof of the car, swaying to the music, oblivious to the events taking place only feet from her. Blue Velvet is a work’of sheer brilliance, marking David Lynch’s emergence as a writer and director of true genius. Erotic, violent and disturbingly real, this movie has the aura of a nightmare a bloated Elvis Presley might have had in his Vegas dressing room while strung out on Several types of pharmaceuticals. A bizarre, intense experience - this movie will produce love or hatred, attraction or revulsion ._ - but under no circumstances will a viewer leave the movie unaffected.


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GHECK us 1


by Paul McKone How manv times have you thought of the perfect thing to say, the ideal retort, only to find that the topic of conversation has changed and nobody understands your joke? One of the beauties of writing is that you can condense ail that thinking time into neat contiguous conversation, so that what may have taken ages to conceive and hone cbmes across as smooth, facile, and funny. And one of the beauties of writing for FASS is that you’ll be surrounded by other people just like you. For those of you who have never been on campus during February (you remember February: nasty weather, much the same as IIQW), FASS is a social group which gets together ro have a lot of fun and, coincidentally, produce one of the freshest, most locally-oriented musical comedies_ you’ve ever seen. (When was the last time Second City made a, joke about the Kent Hotel?)

What makes it so fresh, so funny, so fully-packed? Why, the people, of course! FASS is made up of.Facuity, Administration, Staff and Students (10 points points to those who know what FASS’is an acronym for), who like to have fun, meet new people, have more fun, put on a great show, have even more fun, and then dream about doing it ail again next year. And do you know the best thing about the members of FASS? It’s easy to become one!

Tuesday CAMPUS



ally meet in Math and Computer room 5045 at 7 p.m. but hey, we’re creative .) It isn’t necessary to at tend every meeting (that’s the Chief Scriptwriter’s job) but the more, the merrier. So come on out. 1;s more fun than a poke in the eye with a sharp schtick.



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Right now we are getting ready to start Act Two of FASS 1987, our 25th show;and we need writers to

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about “Putting on a Show” which is next year’s theme. Regular writing sessions will begin September 17, and continue every Wednesday and Sunday evening (with the exception of holidays) for the rest of the term, Check out ouibuiietin boards in the Campus Centre and South Campus Hail for places and times. (We usu-





19, 1996

Your FASS chance






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28UP a compelling

ing-toms and academics who deal in - human behaviour, 28UP is compelling material. Apted visually illustrate his answer to the philosophical question: what is growing up? And most importantly, Apted’s perspective of post-war Britain. Since the late ’60s and ‘7Os, economic crisis, sharpening international rivalry accompanied by a new kind of technological change, has shifted the structure of Britain’s economy and increased the economic, social and political divisions on society. At the same time, millions of people have improved their standard of living, their prospects and status while many millions now suffer severe deprivation. In a way, the human faces of 28UP is a microcosm of the larger society which it belongs to. Apted introduces us to John. At seven, he applauds tuition at private ; school to keep the poor from rush-



19, 1986


ing in. At 21, when John becomes a any innovation, energy, and enthusibaby barrister by way of Christ Colasm. Class is still king or queen. It is lege Oxford University, he obresponsible for the impermeable boundaries that presents Britain serves, “not everyone can be at the top”, and decries subversives for with the unpalatable choices: you fostering class attitides based on can hang-around; move down; or envy. At 28, John still stood by his move out. Such is the case with earlier statements and refused to Nick, a farmer’s son who becomes a participate in the movie because he nuclear physicists after completing had nothing to say that he hadn’t his Ph.d. at Oxford. said before. -When Apted asked him, “Do you While John enjoys the fruits the feel guilty leaving England?“. Nick British class system has offered, answers no. How can he feel guilty Apted shows us Neil. Neil, who was w leaving a country that made it imborn in the lower strata of the social possible to practice what he had hierarchy, is a man of broken learned. “There are more opportundreams. He wished to attend Oxities in America” he says. ford but he could not even survive a semester in a local college. At seven, Everyone captured by Michael Apted’s camera makes sense in light he dreamed of being an astronaut.. of his or her reality. One can not But at age 28, he is a ne’er-do-well orhelp but to feel sad about the bitter your average bum. truth of growing up. Growing up The film’s subtext comes across quite clearly: the class system in Brimeans to compromise, especially in tain is like a cancer cell which kills a society which kills one’s soul.

Tupelo unchains energy by Cath$ Blott Let’s face it, when you pay a few dollars to go see a lesser known live band, you’re taking your chances. There’s no guarantee you’re not going to end up listening to something that really hurts your ears. However, that’s not always the case, which is fortunate for those who ventured out last Friday night - there was some good live music to be heard. The usually laid back, somewhat boring atmosphere at Kitchener’s Level 21 experienced a greatly needed up lift in attitude and spirit with the arrival of L.A.‘s Tupelo Chain Sex. The unusual combination of punk, blues, and jazz made this band’s sound a truly unique type of music that was pleasing tdall ears. The basis of Tupelo’s music is punk, but it is the extras that keep their show alive and entertaining. As lead singer Limey Dave says, “punk today is boring. It has the intensity but needs the other types of music to make it more intresting.” ‘ Not only is the sound an unusual compilation but the band itself consists of a wide variety of characters, each of whom has incorporated his own style and ideas into the Iqroup. “The fact that everyone is different is the key to our success. If everyone is the same, the music becomes limited. With a lot of different types of guys, everyone is more outgoing and contributes a lot more so we work with all suggestions.”


photos Well, they must have been doing something right last Friday night. In no time everyone present had picked up some of the enthusiasm coming from the stage, providing the group with a high energy envir-

by Joe Sary_ -.

onment to play in. The members of Tupelo Chain Sex all agreed to feeling welcome here and said they would definitely be back. Let’s hope! As one astonished onlooker so accurately put it, “they’re so *#!*+@! good! What are they doing in a dive like this?” Now that’s a matter of personal opinion but let’s be honest, most of you who have been to the Level are probably nodding your heads in agreement, but look again. Level 21 seems to be making a comeback with a good line up of. live bands this fall. Toronto’s U.1.C’. is playing this Friday, September 19, so take your chances you can always bring a pair of ear plugs.


by Paul Done Imprint staff Having completed reassembling the original City Beat Band, disbanded a. couple of years ago, Prince Charles really rocked the house at the BamBoo last week. This performance made the May shows look pale and limp in comparison. Back down to five pieces, the band was musically tougher and tighter and were visibly more relaxed onstage. . In May, P.C. only played about seven different songs over the space of two nights. This time, the band played a whole bunch of songs including Fistful of Dollars and I Can’t Stop Loving You, new song for the band. The new songs were much better than We Can Make It Happen, the last vinyl outing for’ Prince Charles and The City Beat Band. Fistful Of Dollars, has just been released on a New York Funk compilation which includes songs from Defunkt and I.Q., among others (look for a review of this as soon as


by Chris


we can find a copy). It revives the “money” stage of Prince Charles’ lyrics (as in Cash Money, More Money). On the other hand, I Can’t Stop Loving You, is the best of Prince Charles newer, more melodic work. The effect of listening to Marvin Gaye’s ’70s albums is evident in the more complex layering of the music, which still retains the hard rhythms of The City Beat Band’s earlier songs. P,C. himself was more laid back than during the May shows. This tim-e he emerged onstage at the same time as the rest of the band rather than waiting to be introduced by the backing vocalist. He also surrendered the spotlight on many occasions, even to promoter John White who jumped on stage during the jam Gonnu’ Have A Funky Good Time (thanks James Brown). If the recorded versions of the new songs are half as good as the. versions played live, they’re worth looking forward to. All ‘doubt has been erased L the Prince is back!

Higher campus profile for C.A.B. Led by chairman Joel Perron, a Fine Arts major, and vice-chair Brian Mitchell, the Creative Arts Board (CAB) for 1986-87 has taken a new direction in its attempts for student representation and appeal. Hoping the new, multi-faculty executive can draw a broader range of participants. Planned events include art shows, a trip to Stratford at a discounted price, live lunch time music performances at Fed Hall, a production of Mousetrap in late November (auditions begin September 29), and workshops designed to encourage, familiarize and challenge students at any experience level in the creative arts. Specific dates and plans will be included in the calendar to be pub-

lished in late September. As part of the effort to promote greater inter-faculty co-operation, the CAB executive will be participating in an orientation program during which members will be taken .around the areas of other faculty buildings that they have never seen such as computer labs and fine art studios. It is the hope of CAB to open itself up to the students of Waterloo in inviting them to come and explore their creative selves. This year can offer students one of CAB’s most receptive, innovative and exciting years yet. For further information contact Joel or Brian at the Federation office (ext.6329)








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19, 1986

,HIP ~HAPPENINGS ’ (Eontinupdlrorn~~~~21)

use mostly in prisons as a part of some idiot providing those images black American culture and devethat are like . . . so she’s got-a leather loped to mean a very close fraternal bra on . . . not that I don’t like leather bras (laughter), but I just think the relationship; if you and I were in priwhole concept is somehow off. son, and down by law, if you get out Some things can be done with video first, you’ll check on my family for but basically, rock videos are just me and make sure they’re o.k.. Now T.V. commercials to sell a song and it has re-emerged on the street with that’s how you have to take them. Hip Hop and rap culture, namely from the Bronx and mostly in black , The photography in Down By gangs. Again, it means something, Law was so breathtaking, how fraternal: “If you’re not down by law much input did you have in the with us, you’d better get away from / actual photography? us or we”re gonna kill you!” Its I I had Robbie Mueller shooting the meaning has been deluded in the film for me. In my opinion he is one last few years because of rap music of the greatest living directors of to mean that “you’re cool” . . . it’s photography . . . He’s a painter! He much looser. wanted me to design the angles and The phrase is still evolving and how I wanted the scene covered. He that’s why slang is so interesting. wanted to know where I wanted the When you see the words dotin by camera and where I’d imagined the law you might think it means the cuts; within that, he created the opposite - “depressed by the law”, composition and lighting. There’s which is not what it means but I like something about Robbie that is very the fact it can be misinterpreted to hard to articulate. He doesn’t do mean that as well. things from the outside-in and say Did you work on anything be-, “where is the actor -going to give tween Stranger Than Paradise their most dramatic speech and and Down By Law? that’s where I’ll put the light so they I did a (groans) rock video for the can walk into it.” He doesn’t care Talking Heads . . . I hate rock viabout that. He wants to know what deos. I also worked as a camera peris the emotional sense of the scene son for Sara Driver’s film and he’ll create the cinematic atSleepwalk. It’s a very strange, mosphere for that to take place in, beautiful film that you should see, which I think is very rare. He works, not because of my work but beinside-out somehow.‘ He is really an cause of hers. You’ll see that my amazing artist. work as a camera person is very John Lurie has been quoted as different than my visual aesthetic. saying that his best work has Sara has a very strong visual aesbeen edited out. Are you aware thetic of her own, quite different of this? from mine. I learned a lot from doing Very aware.‘I’ve talked to him a that film, trying to apply my aesthetlot about that, it’s not something we ics to her story to get across her say behind each other’s backs. I qualities. don’t hold it against John for being What was the Talking Heads open about his feelings. It’s very difvideo that you worked on and ficult for an actor to do their work what do you find distasteful and have it shaped by someone else about rock videos? while having no control over it. That The video was for a song called is a problem which all actors must The Lady Don’t Mind from the Litface as a part of their work. It’s espetle Creatures album. I don’t like cially difficult for John because he’s the whole concept of rock videos. I used to being in charge of things. He. think the most beautiful thing about has his own band, he’s the compopop music or any music is when you ser/arranger for the film and he’s bring your own associations to a made his own films. As for me, I’m song and it triggers memories that making the best story out of what you have and associations which are I’ve shot. I’m not making a reel for an purely subjective. When you have actor, I’m making a story and he

knows that. It’s just a difference of opinion. I know that in some scenes I cut, his acting was very strong and yet the scenes were not appropriate to the story. That’s the way films are made and I’m not going to compromise. I feel that I am ultimately responsible for all the actors performances because I am the one who is watching and guiding them. If there are any weaknesses, it is a weakness that I had, not that they had. I’m very open with John and I let him comment on which takes he likes best, but as soon as he’s out of the editing room, I use the ones I want (laughs). How much of the real Tom Waits is on the screen? Well, I wrote the part of Zack for Tom but it’s a character that we created together. There are aspects of Tom that are definitely there, especially Tom’s gentleness which most people don’t see. Tom is very i contradictory. He is ver.y tough and sometimes he’s a hothead. I’ve seen him start fights and yet at the same time he’s probably one of the most gentle people I’ve ever met. I tried to set both those sides into his character. It’s not Tom, but there are a lot of Tom’s qualities in Zack.

ency, these 14 talented young acpressive International Film series of tors wilt certainly be worth the last year with another slate of great splurge. films from around the world this fall. The performing arts series will be Ken (Crimes of Passion) Russell’s rounded out with two dance comLisztomania starring Roger Dal: panies. The Judith Marcuse Reptrey is screened on September 29; ertory Dance Company Of - Mr. Depression, R. W. Fassbinder is Canada’s audacious combination the featured director on October 20 of classical ballet and modern dance * with Lili Marlene; November 3 has will be the Humanities’ attraction the acclaimed German film, Love In October 24. Finally, the renowneGermany; while the British The dAnn Ditchburn will perform her Bed Sitting Room (November 25) standard exciting fare with special and the Canadian Maria Chapdeguest, The National Ballet’s Veronlaine (December 8) fill out the fall ica Tennant on December 5. schedule. All films are screened in The Arts Centre follows up its imthe Humanities Theatre.

Czireer ’ n ~lnformation a Semi>nar .



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Graduating students interested in a career in the insurance industry in either sales marketing or management are invited to an informative evening of discussion hosted by the Kitchener-,Waterloo Life Branch of The Prudential Assurance Company Limited on October 15th from 7:30 9:00 p.m. For funtier details and to reserve ypur seat please call Lenore Bell , at 088-5784.

Another week, and a whole new slew of cool things going down. Barnburners UIC are at Level 21 in Kitchener’s beautiful downtown core tonight for a heavy session of their high-energy toons. The biggie, of course, is the Skinny Puppy/Severed Heads night at Fed Hall next Wednesday. Weird and spooky electronic dance music sure to make all the preppies down the street leave town. -Next Friday will bring The Hopping Penguins to Fed Hall while 54-40 will roots-rock Guelph to death. Also look for comedy/music team Bowser & Blue at the Bombshelter this Thursday (Sept. 25). Finally, Vancouver’s hardcore barbarians D.O.A. have just been confirmed to destroy Level 21 on October 6. Non-musical things happening start out with the much-hyped laughmongers, The Frantics, at The Humanities Theatre in Hagey Hall tomorrow night. In other UW Arts Centre presentations, the K-W Symphony kicks off its Beethoven serie,s with Beethoven: His Idols on Tuesday and Wednesday in the Theatre of the Arts and Thursday sees the opening night of the Humanities Theatre engagement of the hit of The Blyth Festival, Cakewalk, which runs throush Saturday. r-----l-----------~-~

Were you conscious of your E!m being commercially accessible and how widely will it be released? I’m not aware’ that it is commercially accessible yet. It has only been shown here at the Festival outside of Cannes. It will hopefully be released quite widely in kind of a gradual way to test the water. Since Idon’t really have a mainstream aesthetic, 1don’t think you should push to hard to tell the public that “this is hip, so you should see it!” I think it should be done very carefully and let people discover it and find out it is a different style, it’s not really a normal way of photographing a film and there aren’t a lot of special effects. If you ’ were to immediately release it-widely like any mainstream film, I think it would ruin the possibility of a large audience. I do hope it gets done gradually and reaches a wide audience.

Arts in Blytha and Stratford

continued from page 19 The perennial hit -of The Blyth Festival, Colleen Curran’s Cakewalk, will be the first offering of the theatre season from September 25 to 27. Taking place at a cake-baking contest, the popular comedy has been widely acclaimed each time it has been mounted. The drama event of the fall, however, promises to be The Stratford Festival Young Company’s production of Macbeth in cooperation with the UW Drama Department October 911 in the Theatre of the Arts. The culmination of their six-week resid-




I (




more with Bertrand money and stood in rain to listen to Bud, it came to me: “My God, this is the story!” Did you use elements from Dexter Gordon’s Own life? Only a few. There was, for instance, the scene where the French doctor asks Dexter if he’d had any sexual relations and he says yes. Bud would have said he hadn’t had relations since his stay in the institution, but Dexter changed it since he was always a great lady’s man and lover. Dexter added a lot of his own lines, including the Danish ones, because he lived in Copenhagen for so long. The idea of looking at the paintings of Manet was Dexter’s; . the choice of Debussy as an inspiration was also his. A journal-

I found the-key when Francis Paudras told me: “You cannot have a story between two musicians -because their relationships are not’ dramatic enough. Music is the only thing that, happens between them.” So we looked for a story that would be,about a musician and a non-musician. Originally, we had thought of a story by James Jones about a blacklisted musician in the Paris scene who had cultivated -many relationships with other jazz musicians, including Django Reinhardt. But as David and I began to write, we realized that the blacklist issue was too heavy. After I spoke to Francis Paudras and he told me of the relationship he’d had with Bud Powell, how sometimes he had no




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ist from the New York Times who came to interview him asked him if he really listened to Debussy. He said, “Yup, Bertrand wanted Bartok but I preferred Debussy.” She asked him what other musicians he liked and he answered, “Ravel and Duke Ellington. Have you heard of Duke Ellington?” At what point was Dexter Gordon cast for the part of Dale Turner? When we had completed half of the first draft. Francis Paudras had the idea of showing me films of different jazz musicians, so I checked out all of the tenor saxophonists. I saw a film of Dexter and it was a shock to me, especially the way he moved his hands. People have told me that they think he walks funny but he walks be-bop, very musically, with a three-beat rhythm. After observing Dexter on film, I couldn’t think of any other actor doing the part. Irwin and I had agreed from the beginning that we should have a musician, not an actor playing a musician. Even with Robert De Niro, whom I admire more than


any actor in the world, I could see in every frame of New York, New York that he was not a real musician. He wasn’t attuned to the beat, he didn’t react at the right moment. In contrast, there is in Round Midnight a wonderful shot of Billy Higgins at the drums, just waiting for Dexter’s next move. No actor could come up -with something like that. How did he adjust to working in a French studio? 1 He found it very tiring. He’s an old 62 and an enigma for all the doctors. He has no liver, a case of diabetes, and the percentage of alcohol in his blood is absolutely confounding. The average amount of alcohol content in the blood stream is measured at 33. When it’s over 150, they take your driver’s license away. If it’s over 250, you are considered clinically insane. And Dexter registers at 1200 when he hasn’t drunk anything! Yet he never had any problem remembering his lines. He was aware of everything, including lights and camera angles - in fact, much more aware than

some actors I know! He knew where to stand, even how to match a shot. I directed him by talking in music metaphors with him, for instance, “Okay, I want less tempo,” and .he would respond with an exacting precision. He was tremendous. The main difficulty was to get him into the studio, and then also to wait a lot for him. Every move takes him half an hour, whether it’s drinking a glass of water or lighting a cigarette. We had a limited budget and I was shooting less quickly than usual, but he thought we were shooting so fast that he had no time. He wanted to take a two-hour nap every day, so we had to work around that. There were also a few times when he identified too much with the character and actually got drunk, as Dale was prone to doing. How did Fran&s Cluzet kelate to Dexter Gordon? _ Francois was so obsessed and in awe of Dexter-that he imitated him. When Dexter got drunk,


on page




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Imprint, Fiiday September i continued




Francois did’too, and then we had to go looking for both of them! It worked for the film because their chemistry was admirable. Was Francois Ciuzet initially interested in jazz? Yes, but he also did a lot of homework. He bought all Dexter’s albums and listened to them constantly. He was absolutely in love with Dexter. Originally, Warner Bros. had suggested Christophe Lambert, but I wanted somebody more fragile. I also wanted to counter the boy’scout image by showing a dark side of Francis, a selfish and childish person who needs to save himself as much as he does the other guy. He lives his life through another person yet gets his own life back together by doing so. Francois Cluzet’s part was very difficult because most of the time he was simply reacting to Dexter. If you saw Christophe listening under the rain in an alley, you would know that in two or three scenes he’ll get out of the situation. I wpnted to have someone who wotild have trouble carrying Dexter. Francois, being so short, had great difficulty bringing Dexter home! I Did Dexter ever use any aspects of his personal life for his role? One day he inadvertently started talking about his father. It tias during a scene that David Rayfiel had invented, a very pretty scene of a young French girl practii:ing the cello in the courtyard. Dexter had suggested a funny line, “So many mistakes . . . it must be a girl.” In the scene, he went to her and told her, “Slowly, slowly, don’t overdo it.” He showed her how to approach her piece by playing his tenor sax, and then began tqlking to her about music, although she didn’t understand English. He kept on ad libbing .dialogue and that led into his

father. He had been one of the first black doctors in Los Angeles, and Dexter began remembering how his father had taken him to his first Duke Ellington concert when he was only fgur years old. Dexter began to cry at that point; it was the first time he had talked about his father in a long while. We didn’t use that ,scene in the movie though. How did Dexter Gordon feel about playing the part of another jazz musician? One evening, I asked.‘hi,m to talk about his aspirations for jazz. He said, “I would love to see Duke Ellington’s dream come true.” He continued, ‘?You know why it’s so demanding for me to do this film? Because I have to carry with me the image of people like Charlie Parker and Lester Young, who never had the chance to express what I’m doing now. I have to bring their images to the screen.” He had a big photo of Duke and a big photo of Lester hanging in his trailer. He said, “[ want to look at them before shooting, every day.” On the last day of shooting in New York, he turned and said to me, “Lady Bertrand, how long do you think it’s going to take me to get over this movie?” It w&s very moving. The last time I called him in Mexico, he said, “Lady Bertrand, do you know that I’m still in it?” How faithful did you remain to the specific sound of the SOS? * Musically speaking, Herbie Hancock and Dexter Gordon’s idea was that we shouldn’t sound exactly like 1959. We wanted To keep the same’ concepts more or less, but also to play some harmonies which were a little more modern from time to time. The point was not to redo exactly what those jazz musicians did then, or else we could have just. used their records. Sometimes _ . there were one or two moments when our musicians sounded like

Bill Evans, but that was okay, even if he was two or three years later. Did Dexter Gordon influence your musical choices and decisions as well? Dexter had an incredible influence on the film. His consciousness of the film-making process was astonishing. On As Time Goes By , Herbie had written a wonderful, strange and unusual arrangement. Dexter, who had not practiced but who knew how to make a virtue out of a mistake, said, “It’s my first night with those . musicians. I’ve never played with them before so I wouldn’t do that kind of an arrangement. Later on, maybe, but not the first night. On the first night, I would play the melody. When musicians come to a new club and it takes them two or th.ree nights to get it together.” He changed the two arrangements and mdde them more simple. Later, Dexter would do a much more sophisticated arrangement like Tivoli with the trumpet playing around the soprano, etc. Initially when we selected the musicians, Herbie chose Ron and Tony Williams for the scenes at The Blue Note. Dexter said, “No, you must have a French bass player. In Europe in 1959, you would never have three black musicians in the rhythm section. -One of them would have been white.” Dexter suggested Billy Higgins as a drummer, which was a great idea. He said to Herbie, “Using a white bass will give the film its proper context. Just give me a bass player I can hear.” I suggested Pierre Michelot. Then Dexter said, “Let’s have Ron and Tony Williams later in the story, at the Birdland.” It was a valuable suggestion that gave the film a musical progression., Did you identify with the character of Francis, the French jazz afficionado? I did. Passion can destroy things around you as they did with



beyond them, to find out the truth about their subjects. At least they gave rpe a need and an incentive to exdlore. Did you frequent the Paris jazz clubs in those days? I went to the Blue Note and La Huchette, but I mostly bought second-hand records from the Guilde du Jazz. I couldn’t go out L very often because I was broke. But I ‘remember seeing Mile$ Davis when he w,as in Paris in 1958 to do the score for Louis Malle’s Asoenseur pour I’echafaud as well as Jerry Mulligan and Duke Ellington. Round Midnight seems to be the first film to depict the spirit of jazz and its universal appeal. How do you feel about that? To me, be-bop musicians are t the real geniuses of America, the continuation of the classical tradition of Debussy, Faure, Bartok, and Ravel. They’ created the only,music in America that has never been co-opted or bastardized by the system. The tilues was, Ellington’s purity was usurped by Broadway when they did a white version of Sophisticated Ladies. But bebop is such a free music. Thelonious Monk used to say that if you really understand the meaning of be-bop, you understand the mean- . ing of freedom. I tried to reflect this spirit in the structure of the film; no intricate plot, no twists, but a free flow with voice-overs, time lapses, flash-forwards in the middle of the film, and the laying of one musical number over another. Dizzie Gillespie said of be-bop: “It’s the most serious music ever made in America and a lot of people died for it.” As Dexter reminded me one day,” Be-bop is such a light name for such a demanding music .” .

Francis anil I identified with that, very much so. I needed to identify with a character in the film, to ( allow me to approach a subject whose roots were very far from mine, in a completely different *culture. Francis helped me bring the story back home. The scene at the Warner Bros. office in Paris was also personal for me since long ago I worked as a PR there on 15 films. We had wanted an American producer for that episode. Irwin Winkler was supposed to play the part but at the last minute had to go to New York, so my friend Philippe Noiret ended up doing it. What triggered your own passion for jazz? I played the drums when I was at the Lycee but I was terrible. I used to do a bad rendition of Tinroof Blues and by now I can’t handle drums at all! I was 13 when I got into jazz. Bud Powell was playing at that time and I bought all of his albums. To me, the biggest discoveries were Sidney Bechet, Louis Armstrong, and John Ford. I see them as being very connected, especially Armstrong and Ford. The three of them have beenaccused of being toq sentimental and schmaltzy but I don’t agree. Through them, I discovered jazz in the cinema. I learned a lot of things through that medium, just by being attentive to the music and researching the lives of the musicians. I would listen to Billie Holiday, then read up.on everything else I could find, just as I discovered the New Deal through Grapes of Wrath, or the story of the West through My darling Clementine. The myth that nothing serious can be learned from Hollywood movies is absurd. I always wanted to learn more, because of those films, to go

Bernard Tavernier interview the Festival of Festivals.

IS, 1986


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rribrs ueens in efeats ome’ opener by Mike Brown the pass and ran the ball in for a Imprint staff try, increasing the Warriors’ lead Last weekend”s long and to 10-O. eventful roadtrip to Kingston by The game ended. shortly after the Warriors rugby team ended Queen’s narrowed the gap with in success as the Warriorsedged an unconverted four-point try. the Gaels 10-4 in a hard- fought When the final whistle blew, battle. The Gaels fielded an exQueen’s was six points shorf%nd cellent side but the 1985 OUAA both teams had sustained nu(Ontario University Athletic merous injuries. Association) champion Warriors managed to halt the Gaels’ adThe second team did not fare vances with their aggressive - as well. A very strong Queen’s team managed to dominate much play Paul Toon opened up the scorof the play. However, the young ing with a difficult three-point second team made an excellent penalty kick. Paul later repeated effort and, with more experience and hard work, can look forward the performance to split the to a promising season. posts and put the Warriors on Both Waterloo teams are off to ’ the path to victory. The Gaels the University of Western Ontafought on, bu.t after ‘several failed attempts by their kicker rio Saturday. Last year’s OUAA and solid defense on the part of final was between London and the Warriors, Waterloo scored Waterloo and the two teams again. This time it was team caphave a long-standing rivalry. The game is at 2 p.m. and tain Tony Stea who, after following Harold Godwin on a * ’ should prove to be hard-hitting powerful drive up the field, took and fast paced. l

AthenaS winning

tune up in U.S., one, losing two. I

It has become an annual ‘t-uneup’ start for the Athena Field Hockey Team to travel to Michigan to compete against various


American university teams. This year the team played three games, winning one and losing two. “Overall, I saw some good things for the future for us,” said coach Judy McCrae. “We \are very inexperienced this year, with 11 first or second-year players. The good news is most of the returning sophomores have done their homework and have shown improvement” Central

Michigan University - Waterloo 0


“The halftime score was 1-O for CMU and perhaps 2-O would have been just. This is a Division-l school who simply outpowered us. We had some good individual efforts and it was a good game for our first one.” Ohio


1 -*Waterloo


“We had a very strong half from three key defenders, Linda DeVette, Carolyn Robinson and Lorella Tomasi. Sue Owen, the rookie goalkeeper, also had a ver good save percentage and should now be more comfortable with the intercollegiate calibre of play.” L Waterloo Tony Stea is a fourth-year Biology student and a native of Pickering. Tony has been an Ontario University Athletic Association (OUAA) rugby all-star throughout his university career. He was a member of the OUAA championship team and is presently the team captain. Last Saturday Waterloo played Queen’s who with virtually their whole 1985 team in3tact, were looking to defeat the defending OUAA champs from Waterloo. Tony led the Warriors to a 10-4 victory, scoring Waterloo’s only try (four points) to ensure the victory. He was excellent in the strums and kept Queen’s offguard with his powerful attackstyle running. . NOTE Since the final rosters have not as yet been named in Athena sports their is no Athena Athlete of the Week this week.

1 -




“Our final game was rewarding for player and coach. We adjusted,reasonably well from the day before and showed signs of good decision making. With a little more attack showing through, we had good games from Laurie Brown and Maureen bwen as forwards. Maureen scored from a wing pass from rookie Kendra Mazzei.” .- _..

Warrioi-s defense surprised tit Seagram Stadium.

as Mustahg


back up-ends


in 53-9

loss last Saturday photo

by Phil Chee


Hard fought l&s. to Western for UW’s football Warriors by Charles Mak Imprint staff

ingly forgotten their blocking assignments as the Mustang defense swarmed over a scrambling Lenart. Waterloo’s offense was unable to ,execute any noteworthy drives, the exception being Lenart’s connection with wi&e receiver Chris Maecker for a 24-yard touchdown in the second quarter.

The only real highlight for the Warriors came in the third quarter when the defense tightenedup, preventing the Gustangs from scoring. This pleasant surprise carried on into the fourth quarter when Western was held to only one touchdown. Waterloo transformed in the second half and this improvement is a good indicator the team is capable of better things in the near future. What the team seems to lack is the individual talent, the people who can do wonders when called upon. The only player who displayed any such ability was punter Dean Albrecht, who had a pair of single points on punts of 67 and 47 yards.

It seems the recruiting process the Warrior football program so diligently undertook has not as yet paid off. The lopsided score of 53-g by which the University of Western Ontario Mustangs defeated the Warriors indicates changes are still needed. Those of you who saw the game will understand the point. The opening kick was returned for a 104-yard touchdown by Mustang Rob Stewart. Waterloo’s first offensive series started abysmally when the first play ended with quarterback Brian Lenart being sacked. The Warriors’ offensive line had seem-

Waterloo’s defense. was inert for the ,first half of the game. Steve Samway, the Mustang’s QB, went eight for lo in the first half, which included touchdown strikes of 19 and 18 yards to tight end Tim Spriel. After the first half, the score was 45-l in favour of Western.


leads the pack -

UW’s Andrew Krucker ran away from a strong field of runners last weekend at the McMaster Invitational crosscountry race in Hamilton. Krucker initiated a strong surge with 3,000 metres remaining in the eight kilometre event and never looked back. Andy is competing in his fifth season for the Warriors and a few short years ago he would be termed a ‘.‘middle of the pack” runner at best. Times have changed and now Andy isa force to be reckoned with, as he has established himself as one of Ontario’s strongest track and field athletes. The win is likely to be one of many for Andy in Waterloo colours as he leads a strong

Soccer team.bounces


UW’s men’s soccer team played to a tie in their first league game last weekend after bouncing back from an exhibition game loss the previous day. The Warriors lost a 2-1 decision to the university soccer alumni September 13. The alumni captured the win on goals from Liam McFarlane and Harry Christakis, while Scott -Robinson got the lone Warrior tally. The team’s luck improved the following day as they battled to a l-l tie in a home game with the University of Windsor Lancers. Robinson again supplied the Warrior offensive punch. On the down side, fullback Amyn Samji is out of the line-up for the rest of the season with a broken leg.

group of runners. Harvey Mitro followed Andy to a creditable eighth place finish while Sean McGuiness continued to show improvement, striding to a 39th place finish. A good starting effort by rookies Peter Mulvilohill, Rob Spark and Matt Cox helped the Warriors to a fourth place team finish. Maggie Stewart leads the Athena effort alone, as she finished in 30th spot. This was a fine effort in her first race for Waterloo. The Athenas will be counting on strong efforts from their rookies, as graduation and

injury has decreased team numbers. Both the men’s and’women’s teams will be competing again this weekend at the annual Guelph Invitational. The annual “beer mile” was a large success again this’year as a record 15 Warriors completed the grueling event. The winner again this year was Tom Sawyer who showed fine form. It could be described as a “you had to see it to believe it” effort because Tom sprinted to a phenomenal course record of 5:54.7. Credit goes to Steve Scott for organizing a fun show.

CLASSIFED ads: 5 p;m. Monday CALENDAR: Noon Tuesday 2

of the week


of publication

Telephone ads are not accepted. All ads must be submitted person at Imprint Offices, Campus Centre 140.


Rates: CLASSIFED: Students, 20 words for $1, 5C for each adithat word. Non-students, 20 words for $3, 25C for each ad. ditional word. CALENDAR: Free;


Concordia ’ student to

Ca by Angela Bunn Campus Rec. Design Your Own Schedule If organized Campus Recreation activities aren’t for you - or if your sthedule is todbusy, then consider designing your own recreation schedule. Regular times have been set aside at the PAC for you to jog, swim, play squash, shoot baskets, lift weights, or ride a bike. Here are a few suggestions of things that might interest you. . Open Gym Times Open gyms are available for activity on a first come basis. You can use the gyms to play badminton or basketball. If badminton’s your racquet sign out a net and play. Racquets+ can be rented at the PAC Equipment Centre. Squash and Racquetball Just book y ourself a court the day before you want to play. Need a partner? Simply sign the Partner’s Board near the PAC Equipment Centre. Swimming Drop in for a relaxing swim and sauna after your night class. Approximately 30 hours per week are open for recreational swimming. Get wet and have fun. Exercise Bikes and Rowing Machine There are several exercise bikes on the second floor of the PAC for your use [Blue and Red South). If you have never tried a rowing machine now’s your chance. It’s on the-second floor (Red South). REC Skating at Columbia Icefield. There is at least one hour of recreational skating every day so put on your skates and get out to the rink. If you have an hour or two to spare between classes, or at the end of the day then visit the PAC and get some exercise. Details of any of the above activities can be found on page 25 of the Fall 1986 C-R Brochure. For information on open gym times, pool hours, and recreational skating times consult the weekly schedules at the PAC Equipment Centre.

sue school When the Duck was on workterm in the wonderful city of Toronto, Ontario, you could usually find him over at Exhibition Stadium (the world’s worst ballpark, according to Trent Frayne of the Globe and Mail) with the Jays and the SeagullsWhen you attend over 50 games during the summer, ;as the Duck did, some things just beckon to be told to the people who may only show up at one contest a season, get there just time to hear the national anthems, and leave early to avoid the traffic jam on the way out. At the gate: The general public (ie. fans with tickets) are allowed to enter Exhibition Stadium an hour and a half before the start of the game. Some days, such as weekends or special promotions, a good lineup forms at Gates 4 and 6. (The duck always sits in General Admission; all the real baseball fans are out there, and besides, it’s cheap) In the lineups, a camaraderie quickly forms between those who wait. Conversations range from the misplays and boners of the -night before the day’s pitching matchup to the dome (will that thing ever get built?) to the weather and possibility of rain/snow/cold/wind/power failure postponing the game. The gloves: Brian Pearson and Ken Dowle are almost as familiar to Blue Jays fans as Geofge Bell:Usually, what Bell can’t catch, either Pearson or Dowle will. Both are among the group that spends each home game hovering five rows up in the North Grandstand (general admission), waiting for the occasional ball to come over the fence. , !’ Both arrive just before 6 p.m. for an evening game, and take in batting practice (BP). The Jays take BP from 5:30 to 6:15, so they only have 15 minutes to wait for Bell or Jesse Barfield to send one over. The visiting team takes the field at 6:15 and leaves at 6:55; by then, sometimes hundreds of kids have joined Pearson and Dowle in their quest for a free souvenir.

Important C-R Dates Friday September 19 1:00 pm Final Entry Date - PAC 2039 Volleyball (Men’s and Women’s) Men’s Hockey Women’s Ret Broomball , Co-Ret Broomball Saturday September 20 / Sunday September 21 9:00 am Men’s Slo-Pitch Tournament 7:00 pm Columbia 5A, 5B, 5C, and Village Green (rain date Ott 4/5) Monday September 22 1:00 pm Final Entry Date - PAC 2039 Women’s Ret Hockey . Mixed. Best Ball Galf Tournament Mixed Slo-Pitch Tournament 4':30 pm Men’s Volleyball Meeting - CC 113 Women’s Volleyball Meeting - CC 135 6:00 pm Volleyball Referee Clinic - CC 113 Co-Ret Broomball Meeting - CC 135 7:00 pm Women’s Ret hockey Meeting - Columbia Icefield Tuesday September 23 . 4:30 pm Men’s Hockey Meeting - CC 113 Women’s Ret Broomball Meeting - CC 135 5:30 pm CPR Course - PAC 1001 6:00 pm Hockey Referees Meeting - CC 113 Curling Club Meeting - CC 135 9:00 pm Hockey On-Ice Clinic - Columbia Icefield Wednesday September 24 4~30 pm Ski Club Meeting - CC 113 4:45 pm Mixed Best Ball Golf Tourny Meeting - PAC 1001 Thursday September 25 4:45 pm mixed Slo-Pitch Tourny Meeting - CC 110 5:30 pm CPR Course - PAC 1001 Friday September 26 1:00 pm Mixed Best Ball Golf Tourny - North Campus A (rain date Oct. 3)

Pearson, who caught Barfield’s 166th career home run, and Dowle engage in a season-long competition to see who can get the most home run balls ~(from,an official game, not BP). Presently, they’re only one or two apart with just a few games left. The fans: Rudy Gafur has business cards that proclaim his status: he is a Blue Jays “Superfan”. Gafur, who attends most of the Toronto home games; usually sits with a special group in Section 36 of the North Grandstand. These fans, most with custom-made scorecards denoting them as serious fans, sit together each home game. Since the area is general admission seating, Gafur and his baseball family are able to show up in the same location for each game, sit down, and just talk ball until the game starts. Already this season, Gafur has made trips to Houston, Texas to see the All-Star game and someAstroscontests, and to the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y, other members of the group have been to Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park’this season. The kids: Even though the product they’re selling is the worst excuse for food since Village One, the teenagers who work the Versa food stands are MVP performers. They’ll always give the customer a smile, and urge you to “enjoy the game” after you make your purchase from the booth. Those who work in the stands, carrying hot dogs, pretzels or soft drinks don’t get nearly the credit they deserve. Finally, the seagulls. Quick - name another ballpark that has seagulls like Exhibition’stadium. These scavengers seem like they can read the scoreboard, as they always come during the late innings. So, anyway, the next time you head to the ballpark, go early. you know, talk to the folks in the concession stands, visit with the people next to you, and watch the gulls. Who knows, you might even see the Duck there, too.

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over extra fee levy (CUP) - A Concordia is taking the university to



student court

over an infamous


materials fee”, saying it was not part of the contract she signed when she registered.

Bettina Rosenberg, a second-year Women’s Studies student, said she plans to file a grievance in small claims


and expects

to win.

“1 don’t think it was right to put this fee on,” Rosenberg said. “If they had given us warning last year and put it in our contract,

then 1 would

paid. “But it’s not on my contract,


and it

is not an omission or something they forgot,” she said. However, Concordia official Lucie Beauchemin is convinced the university did everything in its power to inform students about the fee.



hide anything

from ’

(students), and they were informed from day one,” she said.

Concordia student council has agreed to foot Rosenberg’s legal fees when the case comes to court later this fall. Council


acs is advising

Taknot to pay



the $3.50 per credit fee. “Our lawyer said students are not obliged to pay

the fee,” said Takacs. a new

agreement is entered with the students, the university has no right to

change the contract.” Rosenberg, who is also a member of the council’s board of directors, said the fee is just the university’s way of raising money for its expected deficit of $9.5 million, a claim that university officials flatly deny. “The university changed the fee three times to make it legal and get it

passed by the government,” berg said. “It is obviouslyjust

Rosento cover

the deficit.” Also, Rosenberg said she has never received or paid for any course materials in any of her classes.

“Teachers don’t give me handouts, and I’ve paid nothing other than for my regular books and tuition,” she said.

If she wins, Rosenberg hopes other students will take the university to court, or that the university will postpone the fee until next Sep tember. Beauchemin said the university will take a “wait and see attitude”

until the case is decided

in court.


CLASSIFIED PERSONALS . GUITARIST WANTED to form cool sixties-type garage band. Influences Chocolate Watchband, UnrelatUgly Ducklings. ed Segments, Leave message for Tim at Imprint C.C. 140. WITNESS(ES) WANTED: ‘Anyone witnessing a person(s) removing two 27%” tires from a red Bianchi bicycle located at the bike racks on the north side of E-l across from CPH on Tues. Sept. 16 between 1 pm. and 3 pm., please call P. Lum at 885-6378. STOCK MARKET investors wanted. Join a club and play the market. Small or large investments O.K. Call Todd at 888-7488 for more info. FUTON MAN: Last time was great! How about a repeat? Your futon or mine? Your personal masseuse. ATTENTION RYLA members: Laurel Brenzil, Alison Cameron, Joe Guzzi, Lisa Kahlert, etc. It’s time for the Ocktoberfest reunion. Call Paul Lum at 885-6378. TO THE garlic queen of Harbourfront. Your performance was breathtaking. Such enthusiasm deserves the award “the stinking Rose of Melbert” You will no longer need a visa to enter. Thanks tons! HEY! BAGEL lovers! Unite and join the Jewish Students Association/Hillel for our Bagel Brunch. 11:30 am. - 1:30 pm. in C.C. 135. Every Monday and Thursday! Indulge in Bagels and make friends! GUYS next door (Darin, Rich, et al): When are you gong to visit the girls next door? P.S. It’s your turn to bring the home-made wine! (Or Herman’s homemade wine) EAST A/B, V2, 1985-86! Reunion at Fed Hall, Friday, September 19th. ANYONE INTERESTED in learning how continental drift may affect your postal code, please write 23 Austin Dr., Wat., Ont., N2L 3X9. . (Soon to be N2L 3YO). My name is Theodore. DIANA L. Happy 19th birthday! It’s about time. M. THE JEWISH Students Association/Hillel presents our famous annual Wine and Cheese Party. Come to PAS (that’s the Psych building), Rm. 3005 between 8:00 pm. and 1:00 am. on Wednesday September 24, 1986. We promise you’ll have a great time! FUTON MAN: I’m lonely, how about you? Your personal masseuse. THANKS TOFFEE in O.T. 6X44


See you

CONTRARY TO popular belief GERM has a home, reminisant of D 8t D. Building projects, campaigns and administrata have kept her busy. GERM enjoyed many Ottawa summer Elgin-street-type events, including chicken-wings-for-days, chase-a-bug 101, 13 words 8thsex, 15 seconds, WOW!, ‘use Richard’s hanger’, new and trendy haircuts, free bagels and Sports & Exercise . . . . To make us feel better?? ABCD THE ASSUMPTION of wisdom is the ultimate in Ignorance. There is more to life than WATERPOLO. Phil losopher. ATTENTION: ALL students who like kosher wine (except for. Manishewitz and Mogen David of course), fun times and stimulating Conversation (ie: where’d ya buy your tefillen?) Please come to the Jewish Students Association famous Wine and Cheese party. Where? September 24 (wed.) When? 800 pm. - 1:OO am. Be there! NOVICE GOALIES: 5 ice hockey goalies are needed for a study on the perception of goaltenders. Goali ies with less than 3 years of experience. It’s free ice time! Call 578-8581. MIKE WITMER watching you.






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FOR SALE XT COMPATIBLE computers. 640 K Motherboard, 2 drives, amber monitor, 1 parallel, 2 serial ports, clock and more. 3 month warranty. $1400.00. 885-0493 or 884- 1970, ext. 2450. MAKE YOUR own beer. New system produces good tasting beer every time! Equipment pays for itself immediately. For a limited time save over 10 per cent on complete kits. 8887565 (answering machine). BENTVVOOD ROCKER, single bed, student desk with chair and Yamaha classical guitar. All excellent condition! Best Offer. Ext. 6097 (day) 746-6368 (evenings). 1980 RABBIT, 4-door, automatic, safety checked. One owner, 98,000 km., Excellent deal at $2200. Call ,746- 1428 evenings. 1979 FORD pinto - one Well maintained. Certified 634-8616 after 6.

owner. $1000.

76 COMET. Body in mint condition. New exhaust, tires, brakes, starter. Must sell. $1600 or best offer. Phone 886-9289 evenings. 79 CHEV malibu PS,PB. 73,000 miles. Certified $2,100. 886-3309. FOR SALE -electric office typewriter. Excellent working condition. $150 or best offer. Call 742-7173. HP15C CALCULATOR. Only one term use - like new. $45 off bookstore price - $113. Powerful for advanced Engineering/Math. Henry 886-3147. MUSIC LOVERS: Washburn acoustic guitar. Great tone. $150 or best offer. Call 684-7398 before 9:00 pm. Leave message.

SERVICES NEED TO move? Give us a call. 7442420 or pager #6581586. WHO WANTS to have German lessons? Student from Germany helps you to learn the German language. Conversation or beginner courses are possible. Call Udo Schoeffer 746-6234. CONCERNED ABOUT your future? Visit a Student Vocational Advisor (SVA); we’re students helping students answer questions about career planning and job search. Watch for the SVA office in your faculty opening the week of September 22.



2 NEW textbooks - contemporary Chinese history. Owner may reclaim text by calling 746-8097.



TRAINER WANTED: an athletic trainer is required for the Kitchener Ranger “B” hockey team. The team plays and practices in the+early evening and Sunday nights. Applicants should have first aid. Kin student or former life guard preferred. Call 578-5385. GUITARIST LOOKING for a quartetquintet to play modern jazz and rock bebop. Also interested in finding another guitarist to play standards with. Daniel 746-8196.



LEAVING TORONTO for 9:30 a.m. class at UW Thursday mornings. Return time to Toronto flexible. Share gas. One way or return trip. Evelyn 416-630-5959.

WANTED SEEKING: ANYONE who may have witnessed accident last Wednesday September 10, 1986 at 4:45 pm. between Brown Riviera and Black Volvo at the Main Entrance to Campus:, Gail Julie at extension 3583 or 576-l 473 after 6 pm.



LIBRARY TOURS. Meet at the Information Desk, lo:30 and 2:30, Dana Porter Arts Library. Tours last approximately 45 minutes. ENCOUNTER THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed conversation. All are welcome, 8:30 - 1l:OO pm in CC 110. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowhsip.



FED FLICKS! This week To Live and Die in L.A., starring William L. Peterson and Willem Dafoe. TIME: 8:OOpm; PLACE: Arts Lecture Hall-l 16; PRICE: Feds - s 1 .OO, Others - $3.00. Saturday and Sunday night too! THEATRESPRTS WORKSHOP. Learn to improvise comedy in the safety of the Campus Centre. CC 110, 1 :OO. THE STRATFORD Young Company presents the Saturday Theatre Workshop series. Focus on directing. 1O:DO am to 3:30 pm. Theatre of the Arts. Information and registration at Humanities Theatre Box Office (Hagey Hall), 885-l 211, ext. 6562 or 8854280. SKYDIVING PARTY. 7 am, Grand Bend. Weekend camping at SWOOP drop zone. Members and other welcome. We provide hamburgers and pop. Tents, sleeping bags, cars, binoculars, etc. useful. No drinking during~ the day. Call Julie Munday 888-7098. MOVIE - BEN HUR - Winner of 11 Academy Awards. 7:00 p.m., A.L. 105. Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Fellowship. No admission Charged.




CHRISTIAN WORSHIP on campus. lo:30 a.m., HH -280. All Welcome. CAN’T GET to a fall fair?Then see Step Right Up, Folks!, the exhibit of carnival games at the Games Museum. Play games and penny arcade machines popcorn, too! Call ext. 4424 for more info. Sunday 1 - 5 p.m., Weekdays, 9 5. MOVIE - THE Shroud of Turin. Does the face of Christ appear on the’ Shroud of Turin or is it a forgery? Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Fellowship. No admission charge. FED FLICKS! See Friday. 3




DEADLINE FOR Imprint Classified is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m.!


ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Workshop. 1:20 pm, Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Information desk. ENGLISH LITERATURE Workshop. 2:30 pm, Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Information Desk. PSYCHOLOGY


PRpFESSlONAL TYPING. Essays, work term reports, theses, etc. Fast, accurate, dependable service. s1 per double spaced page, call 8864347 (Sonia).

ESSAYS, THESES, work reports, business letters, resumes etc. Will correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Electronic typewriter.


COME HEAR Bob Weiner, Christian author, TV host, and popular conference speaker. 7 pm, H.H. 334. Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Fellowhsip. THE JEWISH Students Association presents their famous Bagel Brunch in C.C. 135, from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Join us! Everyone Welcome.

Reasonable rates. Phone Lee 8865444. Afternoon or evenina. TYPING - sl.OO/PAGE (d.s.) for experienced typist living on campus (MSA). English degree - spelling corrected. Call Karen at 746-3127.


EYEGLASSES IN dark blue case on Thursday, Sept. 11 between Math and Computer and Renison College. Cal I Debbie, 745--2 196.


THE STRATFORD Young Company presents Romance in Shakespeare (scenes from Romeo and Juliet). Tickets available at the Humanities Theatre Box Office (Hagey Hall) or at the door immediately prior to the performance. lo:30 am, Theatre of the Arts, M.L.


25 ,


GENERAL MEETING, Young Liberals of UW, Agenda includes selectlon of delegates for National Convention of the Liberal Partv of Canada in Ottawa, this November.~S:OO pm, E.L. 112. PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH Workshop. 2:30 pm, Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Information Desk. ACCOUNTING RESEARCH Workshop. 1:30 pm, Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Information Desk. , WELCOME BACK to campus reception for all International Students. Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Fellowship. 4:30 pm, C.C. 110. COME HEAR Bob Weiner, Christian author, TV host, and popular conference speaker. 7 pm, H.H. 334. Sponsored by Maranatha Christia.n Fellowhsip. THE STRATFORD Young Company presents MacBeth (a specially edited one hour version). Tickets available at the Humanities Theatre Box Office (Hagey Hall) or at the door immediately prior to the performance. lo:30 am, Theatre of the Arts, ML.




Thursday Tuesday


19, 1986

KlASSlC KEYBOARDING Professional, affordable resumes and word processing c/o 6 pm. Co-op Offices Parkdale Plaza II. Call 746-6341 or 886D509 after 5.

shop. lo:30 am, Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Information Desk.


STEP RIGHT Up Folks! , the exhibit of carnival games at the Museum and Archive of Games, B.C. Matthews Hall, M-F 9-5, Sun., l-5. Penny arcade machines, ball-toss games and more. Bring change for machines and popcorn. Info: ext. 4424. FED FLICKS! This week To Live and Die in L.A., starring William L. Peterson and Willem Dafoe. TIME: 8:OOpm; PLACE: Arts Lecture Hall 116; PRICE: Feds - $1 .OO, Others - $3.00. Saturday and Sunday night too! MOVIE: THE Hiding Place, 7:00 pm AL. 105. Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Fellowship, a True story of Nazi Germany. No Charge




PETERBOROUGH RIDE wanted any weekend until end of Dec. Will share gas expenses. Call Toni 8860832.

FRED (SHAWN) L. From Edmonton to Waterloo, where are you? PIeease write soon or quicker. Frank H.



CINEMA GRATIS: Excalibur and The Sound Collector. 9:30 pm in-the Campus Center Great Hall. Come out and enjoy! LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International - Youth meeting 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. C.C. 135. Everyone is welcome. EXPLORING THE Christian Faith - informal discussions on Christianity with Chaplain Graham E. Morbey, 7:30 p.m., Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. HURON CAMPUS Ministry Fellowship, 4:30 p.m., Common meal, St. Paul’s Cafeteria. 5:30 p.m., programme, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. GLLOW COFFEEHOUSE - an informal gathering held weekly for interested people. A safe and friendly atmosphere in which to meet others, gay or straight. Call 884-4569 for more info. (24 hr. recorded message). WOMEN’S CENTRE Film Series. Behind the Veil. An exploration of the history of nuns withjn the male-dominated hierarchy of the Catholic Church. A Studio D NFB film. 12:30, cc 110 THE JEWISH Students Association/Hillel presents its annual wine and cheese party. Come on out and meet new and returning students and faculty. P.A.S 3005, 8 pm - 1 am. Eve-, ryone Welcome. ECONOMICS RESEARCH Workshop. 2:30 pm, Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Information Desk. GERMAN RESEARCH Workshop. 1:30 pm, Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Information -Desk. DISCUSSION: WHAT Should a University Education Be? Everyone Welcome. P.A.S. 1055, 3:30 - 4:30 pm. Independent Studies. Contact Elaine Sim ext. 2345.

THE JEWISH Students Association presents their famous Bagel Brunch in C.C. 135, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Join us! Everyone Welcome. WATERLOO CHRISTIAN Fellowship Supper meeting, in E.l. 2527 at 4:30 pm. Margaret Bowman and Pauline Ford-King will discuss “The Universe Next Door: International Students”. Will finish by 7:00 pm for night class. PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES Research Workshop. 2:30 pm Dana Porter Library. Meet at the Informat ion Desk. ENGLISH RESEARCH Workshop. 2:30 p.m., Dana Porter Library. Meet at the 7 Information Desk.




FED FLICKS! This week Back to the Future, starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. TIME: 8:00 pm; PLACE: Arts Lecture Hall 116; PRICE: Feds - $1 .OO, Others - $3.00. Saturday and Sunday night too! PALESTINE HERITAGE is holding its fourth annual Jerusalem Day. Featuring Palestinian food &Arts and Crafts exhibits. Food will be served beginning at 11 :OO am. ENCOUNTER THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed conversation. All are welcome, 8:30 - 11:OOpm in CC 110. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowhsip:





FED FLICKS! This week Back to the Future, starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. TIME:- 8:00 pm; PLACE: Arts Lecture Hall’ 116; PRICE: Feds - $1 .OO, Others - $3.00. Saturday and Sunday night too! . SATURDAY THEATRE Workshop Series with the Stratford Festival’s Young Company at lo:30 am. to 3:30 pm. Information and registration. at the Humanities Theatre Box Office (8851211, ext. 6562 or 885-4280)





CHRISTIAN WORSHIP on campus. lo:30 a.m., HH 280. All Welcome. -CAN’T GET to a fall fair?Then seeStep ’ Right Up, Folks!, theexhibit of carnival games at the Games Museum. Play games and f 2nny arcade machines popcorn, toci Call ext. 4424 for more. info. Sunda\, 1 - 5 p.m., Weekdays, 9 5. FED FLICKS+ This week Back to the Future, star: ing Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. TIME: 8:00 pm; PLACE: Arts :-ecture Hall 1 16; PRICE: Feds - $? .&, Others - $3.00. Satur, day and Sunday night too!


* .-

. P




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