Second Class Registration

Page 1

Second Class Registration

The ShxUent Xhwspa~er,

Vol. 9 MO. 11


of Waterloo,










Mascot bash Strains WL UIUW relations by Christine Sinding Imprint staff ’ The mobbing of the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks mascot at a home game last Saturday afternoon has put UWs reputation on the. line. During the second half of the War. riors/Golden Hawks game, a group of students attacked the mascot, Bob Hughson, destroyed a $1,000 costume and roughed him up to the point where he sustained personal injury. Though charges have not yet been laid and may never be pressed, the . incident has raised questions about security, drinking at games, as well as the seemingly recent practice of , heckling the other team’s mascot. in addition, the attack has promp ted negotiations between UW and WLU administration over the cost of

the destroyed suit, the compensation of the .attacked student and the chance relations between UW and Laurier may deteriorate. “I think he’s (,Bob Hughson) okay, although he was shaken-up. The uniform didn’t fare so well. No charges

have been laid. but they may well be pending,” says Rich Newbrough, coach of the Golden Hawks. “We don’t want any reprisals. We ‘don’t. want a civil war on University Avenue.” According to UW Student Athletic

Director, Shayne Carmichael, who has acquired several versions of the attack from witnesses at the game, the incident resulted when a group of students attempted to steal the mascot suit head as a prank I Witnesses say the prank was in

Computer Centre setbacks to lower UW def i.cit .

by Sam Hiyate Imprint staff The projected deficit of s885,OOO in UWs 1986-87 operating budget will be “significantly reduced” thanks, in part, to construction delays at the new computer centre, says treasurer Jack Robb. Much of the large operating deficit was predicted in anticipation of the research building being ready this fall. However, since it is unlikely the building will be completed by the end of the current fiscal year (UWs fiscal year runs from May 1 to April 30), funds originally ,budgeted for its op eration will not be needed. This trims the expected deficit for the current fiscal year significantly, he said this week. With the financial situation better than expected, UW still had a surplus of about $132,000 at the end of the last fiscal year. Wiifrid Laurier Univer- . sity, in comparison, reported a surplus of $296,011 for the same period. Construction costs of the new centre are not part of the university’s operating funds, said Robb. This project is a capital expenditure removed from the annual budget. Currently, the university receives monthly pro. gress payments from the province to keep the project going. These payments are expected to total about $3 1.5 million. Budgeting strategy for the next fiscal year will be decided by mid-October, said Robb. As of May 1,1987, the university will not be able to coiiect the controversial computer fees. This results from a decision by the provincial government concerning the abuse some universities showed in charging extra fees. Methods of replacing the lost corn uter fee revenue, estimated at $ 1.8 million, have yet to be suggested. “in terms of cutting back (UWs budget), we’ve tightened our belts as far as we can,” said Robb. He said he hopes both ‘levels of government, federal and provincial, recognize and rectify the. financial constraints ail Ontario universities are working under.

Golden Hawks “sporthumped”

cheerleaders by over-zealous

come to the Warrior fans

aid of Bob at Saturdays

Hughson football




Mouse-party sullies pu bWs image’of Waterloo fraternity by Cindy Long and Doug Thompson Imprint staff Members of Waterloo’s Delta Omega Chi fraternity have been trying hard to foster a good publicimage, but a weekend. party may have setback their efforts. On September 20, the fraternity hosted a party which, according to Euclid Avenue neighbours, involved loud cursing, drinking on the street,

urinating on bushes and intolerable noise which continued until 2:30 a.m. when police were called. Pam Boettger, 53 Euclid Ave., said that when she and her husband arrived home from a- wedding at 1 a.m., there were three or four people on the front lawn of the frat house who were shouting and using profane language. “One guy was peeing in the

Feds look to trim fat with revie,w of student services by Elliott Simcoe Imprint staff A review of all services offered by UWs Federation of Students is now underway to determine where a.little fat might be trimmed from the Fed operating budget. The review is expected give the federation an exact idea of its current financial situation and should help the executive find ways to alleviate the debt problem incurred from cost overruns of Federation Hall. Each student at the university is charged $7.50 a term to pay the mortgage of Fed Hail. Due to the cost overruns, hoever, there remains an outstanding debt of $13,000 which


come out of this years’

general operating budget, said Carol Goulette, vice-president of finance and operations.

“We don’t have the flexibility to start new services this year,” said Gouiette, “but 1can’t see us curtailing any service currently offered to students.” An example of Fed attempts to raise revenues can be seen in the Campus Shop where the prices of all clothing merchandise were raised one dollar. This added cost was due to the low mark-up on merchandise sold at the shop which was not cover. ing expenses. “But our prices are still much lower than in the Waterloo area,” says Goulette. All services offered to students will be reviewed including those which do not generate revenue for the Feds. An example of this is the safety van program, which costs approximately s 16,000 a year to run. As this is a needed service it will not be dropped, she said.


by R. Clinton


-bushes and yelling, said Mrs. Boettger. “I don’t like coming home to that.” A group of girls, who were drinking at the curbside, tried to take some of the flowers off the Boettgeis car, she said. “Their image in this neighbourhood has done a 180 degree turn.” said her husband Walter. Gordon Cummer of 60 Euclid Ave. confirmed the reports of the Boettgers, saying he was “very disappointed” with the fraternity. He had previously drafted a letter to students on the street extending a welcome from the community and a reminder of noise and parking bylaws. The fraternity members had promised there’ would be no trouble with loud parties as they were “athletic” types and continued

on page 2

response to an earlier event where the-helmet of Waterloo’s mascot was taken and tossed about by Laurier students. in turn, a group of Waterloo students grabbed the mascot and, in the process of grabbing the head, were attacked by Laurier cheerleaders. At one point, Hughson was reported to be laughing. The situation changed however, when another group of spectators joined in and the prank turned into a brawl which actuaily harmed Hughson. Though the identities of the spectators are unknown, blame is being directed toward UW and this has some students concerned. “1 think this is a happening which is being blown out of proportion. it’s an isolated ‘incident and shouldn’t create a situation where one university is against the other,” says Carmichael. a Carmichael maintains the attack is the product of a series of incidents, including an exchange of graffiti-and the stolen helmet, prior to Saturdays game. He says he’s “glad the-Hawk is all right”, but does not believe UW students should be responsible for payment of the suit until those who were involved are proven to be Waterloo students. Furthermore, Carmichael says both sides played a role in the incident by initiating the pranks commonly referred to as sports humping’. .i “The people who caused the damage should pay but not UW as a whole. it is only presumed that Water. loo fans were involved so you can’t expect UW to accept the blame. Hopefully everyone will understand thit both sides were involved.” Despite this ,perspective, other UW students who witnessed the attack believe Waterloo should make an effort to prove the incident isn’t a reflectionpf the student body as a whole. Steve Hayman and Paul McKone, both members of the Warriors band, have put up posters across campus encouraging students to fork over some money to help replace the damaged suit. They have raised close to $100 so far. in addition, they -are hoping the gesture will restore what they per. ceive to be Waterloo’s loss of face from the incident. “Waterloo fans had a good reputation and students‘have

ity to restore

a responsibil-

it. Some people treat 1

those involved as heroes and 1 find this very frustrating. We should at

least show that some Waterloo


dents care,” says Hayman. Hayman says he is concerned

about the lack of security both at the game and during the attack- As well, he says he feels bad the event occurred just as student enthusiasm for

football was increasing have been coming games.

as more fans out for the


I mprinti



~Fraternity troubles



continued from page 1 were capable of keeping things under control, he said: When approached by Cummer at 2:30 a.m., some of the frat members said they couid not be held responsible for the behaviour of people outside fhe house. Meanwhile, students living at 62 Euclid Ave. said they heard some noise around 1 a.m., specifically mentioning horns honking. “They got pretty noisy.” said one resident. Fraternity executive member Mark McKay said the incident was not “overly major.” The party wasn’t advertised and the troublemakers were not fraternity members, he said, There was no noise from music, but

people from other parties that evening showed up at the frat house. “It’s a very unfortunate incident,” McKay said. “We don’t want people to get the wrong impression. We respect the needs and wants of the people in the community” he added. McKay said the uninvited visitors included “about 20 to 25 people” of whom only. two were women. One “tried to pick a fight with a blood brother of one of our fiat brothers”, an action McKay described as indicating the fellow was “a few bricks short in the brain”. “We decided to give t&m a chance.” said one resident, “but now they’re going to have to earn our re-

RHODES Fraternity,



Amidst the “campus-wide controversy” over th,e introduction of fraternities to UW corn& a group with a fresh new approach. Triple Pi, which considers itself a “forority”, is open to all sexes and all races (especially the 100-metre dash), but the membership cost is high at $314/term.

Com,munity work is a central part of Triple Pi’s activities, along with any other endeavor where a high profit margin is possible. Triple Pi strives to triple its profits each fiscal year.

line at pi pi pi Forority. Unlike some other campus frats, Triple Pi has no “international brotherhood”, but one of its members has a grandmother in Michigan who visits occasionallyTriple Pi is based in Waterloo on Euclid Avenue, which, because of the proliferation of fraternities (such as Delta Omega Chi’across the street) some people are beginning to call Fraternity Row. The future looks bright for Triple Pi with its no-nonsense appreach and should appeal to students with a more “bottomline” attitude toward life.



Rhodes Scholarships will to Canadian students who are in their third or fourth year of university work, are unmarried and between the ages of 18 and 24. Winners wil! study at Oxford University in England for two (and possibly three) years beginning in September 1987. Selection is made by provincial committees after personal interviews and on the basis of the candidate’s record. Some definite quality of distinction, whether in intel-. lect or character or a combination of these is the essential requirement. Value of each scholarship is at least *lO,OOO per yeai. Applications for

be awarded

the 1987 awards may be made until October 24th, 1986. Application forms and particulars may be obtained from the Student Awards Office, Second Floor, Needles Hall.

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FEDERATION OF STUDENTS (UW) BURSARY. FUND The fund gives assistance to students who have a proven financial need. Only students that are fee-paying members of the Federation and are not currently members of the Federation Executive are eligible to apply. UW STAFF ASSOCMTION BURSARY The Staff .Association of the University of Waterloo offers bursar-y assistance to dependent students of Staff Association members only. Students Fperiencing financial difficulties should apply. Deadline October 15, 1986

’ CANADIAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP Applications are being accepted for the Canadian Water Resources Association Scholarship valued at $500. Undergraduate students whose full time program of study focus is on water resources in Canada must apply no later than October 3 1, 1986. For further information and’ application forms contact the .Student Awards Office.

O’ktoberfest /


spect.” “1 think thky owe this neighbourhood an apology.” said another. The neighbours said they are concerned this is onl-y the beginning as far as problems involving the fraternity house are concerned, and are promising .to take action should any further disturbances occur. McKay said the bad reputation of frats elsewhere led people to be very critical of the Delta Omega Chi fraternity at Waterloo. He welcomed what he called “unfair” criticism, however, .saying “it makes us stronger”. The rented frat house is occupied by five men and two women, of whom only three are frat members.

I - Scholarsh a


26. 1986

to SCH.









26. 1986

OFS tblobby

for increzised’ funds The Ontario Federation of Students is taking the provincial govern ment to task on promises of increased university funding as the group gears up for its October lobbying campaign, says chairman Matt Certosimo. The Liberals have been promising to deal with the underfunding problems at Ontario’s post-secondary in stitutions since they came to power, the OFS is merely asking them to follow through, he said. “An eight or nine per cent increase was promised, so far we’ve only seen about a four per cent (inflationary) increase.” The chronic shortages at most colleges and universities, which can be traced to a history of government cutbacks, will be the major issue of the federation’s annual lobbying campaign at Queen’s Park, said Certosimo. Throughout October, the OFS is planning activities to increase public awareness of the issue. The month-long effort, which will include meetings with cabinet ministers and opposition critics and leaders, is scheduled to end with four days of intensive lobbying - all de signed to influence the govemment’s funding announcement expected in November. , “l’ve heard rumours that there’s going to be a good funding announcement in November . . . we have to put pressure on the govemment to make (the right) decision,” said Certosimo. “lt’s important that students bel

come more aware and motivated to do something about the underfunding situation,” he said. “lf the majority of OFS’ 200,000 members were to speak out”, the affect of the campaign would be stronger. The OFS plans to bring to the government specific examples of how underfunding has hurt post-secondary education, rather than just asking for more money, he said. Also on the agenda is a request for improvements to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and a review of the incidental fees policy, particularly differential fees charged to foreign students. While the OFS is not satisfied with the government’s efforts to date, the province has made the underfunding issue a top priority, says a spokesman for the ministry of the colleges and universities. Bob Richardson, executive assistant to minister Greg Sorbara, said Wednesday the government has already indicated a commitment to dealing with this problem and that trend is likely to be continued in the funding announcement from .Treasurer Bob Nixon’s office. “We’ve done a substantial amount so far, like the $50 million excellence fund, $60 million for the community colleges . . . and $84 million for faculty renewal.” Richardson said he would like to see the lobbying efforts of groups like the OFS continue as a means of drawing the public’s attention to the problem.

‘The assault of the WLU mascot and fighting in the stands (above) at the beginning of the second half of Saturday’s football game seemed to spur the Golden Hawks to an outstanding secondhalf performance. (below) Golden Hawks won the game 38-2. photos by Richard Clinton’

U.S. warships teste-rs in Vancouver

comes in here we are risking an acciVANCOUVER (CUP) - Students dent on the scale of Chernobyl.” from five local campuses demonstrated against nine U.S. warships “Bear in mind that we are dealing visiting Vancouver during a recent with plutonium, the most toxic chemseries of demonstrations. ical that we are aware of - one milliStudents from Langara, Capilano, onth of a gram, if inhaled, can almost and Emily Carr colleges, and the uni- guarantee you lung cancer,” he said. versities of British Columbia and Brown also said U.S. navy visits to Simon Fraser, participated in the Canada are increasing dramatically, Vancouver Pace Flotilla Coalition, w&h warships spending 272 ship which Sept. 11, 12 and 13protested days in Canadian ports in 1985, an against the warships and the nuclear increase of 250 per cent over the weapons they are believed to be car- average for the past ten ‘years. The 1986 rate has increased by rying. “Our plan was to meet the warhalf again, he said. Of the total ships and then slow them down,” number of Canadian visits, 83 per said Langara student Dave Roscoe, cent came to the west coast ports of who protested from an inflatable raft Vancouver, Esquimalt and Nanoose operated by the environment group Bay; the others stopped at Montreal, Greenpeace. Quebec City, Charlottetown, Halifax Roscoe said he called to the U.S. and St. John’s. sailors and told them to jump ship if At the same press conference, city they had any concern for the world. councilor Libby Davis, and Frank “We told them they were welcome Kennedy, president of the End the as civilians and the ships were welArms Race Coalition, said the warcome without nuclear weapons ships contradict both the city’s status aboard,” he said. as a nuclear-weapons free zone and While the US, navy will not say federal policy against stationing nuwhether particular warships are actuclear weapons on Canadian soil. ally carrying nuclear weapons, RosBut in a letter to Kennedy, federal toe and other activists say this is a minister for international trade pat safe assumption to make. Camey said, “while nuclear weapons Johanne Paradis, a UBC graduate may not be stored on Canadian soil, student, called the aircraft carrier having them pass overhead or else Constellation a “death machine” and dock temporarily is not something said the protestors’ actions were not we oppose.” anti-American. Councillor Davies then an“We have nothing against the sainounced a nuclear weapons free lors enjoying our city - we just don’t zone campaign for the province, a want nuclear weapons in our harmove which she said already had the bour,” she said. support of 46 municipalities, repres“lf the warships were from anyenting more than half the province’s where in the world we would protest population. against them,” said Paradis. Both Langara’s Roscoe and UBC’s At a press conference coinciding Paradis said students have a part to with the warships’ arrival, Peter play’in the campaign. Brown, executive officer for the Ot’ If we want a future, then we have ’ tawa-based peace group Operation to fight for it,” said Paradis. “Because Dismantle said the U.S. navy expeyou’ve got to get to Chem 200 isn’t rienced 620 accidents with nuclear always an excuse weapons in the period between 1965 f involved. If you ca and 1985. * ‘- little that’s okay, “Every time one of these ships least g& it a shot”

‘Deaenerative v

bone disease

Researchers TORONTO (CUP) - Two researchers may have found a possible treatment for osteoporosis, a disease which causes bone tissue to degenerate and is usually found in dder women. Cherk Tam of the University of Toronto and Wing sung of the National Research Council have manufactured achemical duplicate of the parathyroid hormone (PTH), which stops degeneration by osteoporosis and may prevent the disease from building-up in weak bones. There are two types of cells that work together in bone tissue - osteoclasts, which break down tissue, and osteoblasts, which create new bone. In osteoporosis, osteoclasts absorb bone mass faster than osteoblasts can build it up. The bones lose mass, and become thin and brittle.

Tam said the mechanics of the reaction of bone mass to PlH is not fully understood, and added that PIT-I may not provide a cure to osteoporosis. “It’s not really curative by curing the physiological problem,” he said. However, “this is probably the the millions of dollars, Tam said the

find cure

hormone “has to be as affordable in the future as common antibiotics.” Tam and Sung hope PTH will be commercially available within two years, though a company hasjnot yet been selected to test and market the drug.

most effective treatment that I’ve’ ever seen, and it has the least side effects,*’ he said. ,They synthetic hormone can be made more cheaply than the natural hormone, which currently costs about $600 per milligram. While testing and producing PTH will run into

Our Mistake In the story about the Delta Omega Chi fraternity (Imprint Sept. 19) Women’s Commissioner Angela Evans was mistakenly quoted as saying fraternities are the most blatant form of sexual discrimination. She actually said fraternities are a form of sexual discrimination. In the story about Ring Road park-


ing (Imprint Sept. 19), we should’ have reported the 15minute parking allowance applies only to authorized service areas. Outside these areas, no parking is permitted at any time. . Imprint apologizes for any incon venience these errors may have caused.







26. 1986

Image crisis Core of row over franternity

by Doug Thompson Imprint staff Fraternities. Oh yeah, here we are again! On 55 Euclid Avenue in the peaceful burg of Waterloo sits a rented house. It looks like most any other rented house, except for the fact of the huge Greek letters, Delta, Omega and Chi adorning the second floor balcony. Across the street and down a jog sits another (presumably) rented house, and on the front of this serene abode one finds more Greek letters, this time pi, pi, Pi - (right, all lower case). And as you may have read in the Recordfirst, and the Imprint second, the first of these houses was the scene of an event which caused neighbours to call police in the early hours of the morning. The one across the road is just a parody, a spoof. Okay, all harmless enough in and of itself. But reality is not confined to the essence of things in isolation. The Delta Omega Chi chaps held an open-house earlier that day for their neighbours. “See what nice people we are!” was the point. And I assure you, they are nice people -at least the ones I’ve met. But there is something about fraternities which many of people seem to think isn’t nice at all. What is it? “We have “done no wrong!” the fraternity brothers tell me. And,1 ,beIieve they are essentially correct there. Indeed the trouble-makers at the party were not, apparently, fraternity members, or even invited guests. Just party-crashers. It is argued-that some people have an “Animal House” image of fraternities, and that it is this image, not the fraternity itself, which is the problem. This “image” is even cited as the reason why 20 or 25 boisterous party-crashers arrived at 55 Euclid -Avenue on Saturday night. So we have a conflict here between “image” and “substance”! There is an old adage, oft repeated in this context, that justice must not only be done, it muse be seen to be done. In politics, in advertising, in marketing, in business, and even in more intimate and personal interactions with friends and relatives we all know that people react to what they perceive to be going on, whether or not their’perceptions are correct. So a government, even if very fair and just, is not seen to be just, it will not survive an election. A judicial system, no matter how genuinely just, that is not seen to be just, will inciterebellion. Agood product that

Imprinf Imprint

is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper publishedby Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imptit publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L3Gl. Imprid reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Impriat~

iSSN 0706-7380




Assistant Hewa




Arta Editors

Sports Editor lb&urea Editor RwbctionManager Hea&Typmtter EusinessManager Office Manager Ad3mMbg~er MAMiatants

Steve Kannon Christine sinding Janice Nicholls Paul Done &f Chris Wodskou Joe Sax-y & R&hard Clinton Jonathon Sadlier Marie Sedivy Doug TaitDoug Thompson Janet Lawrence LisaBeard Dave Lawson Charles Mak E7 , AndredLuxon

SItaff Meeting Friday,

Sept. 26, Noon

is not seen to be good, will not sell. Likewise, a bad product that is seen to be good will sell anyway. Okay; so, where does that leave us? Can we blame the fraternity for a negative public image? Can we blame them for the fact that they are seen to be Animal Housellike? In a court of law, probably not. But in the court of public opinion and the realpolitik of student life in K-W, we can blame them very much. Those three Greek letters on the house advertise “We Are Students”. And when stories appear in the Record about neighbours calling the cops on a loud party at a “student” house, all student tenants in


K-W get tarred with a very black brush. Now the men who organize and operate the fraternity, including a former federation vice-president, are not politically ignorant, or unaware of these matters. Knowing, as they do, that all eyes are on them, and knowing, as they do, that they have an incredibly bad public,image to live down, and knowing as they do, that media will inevitably portray them as somehow “archetypical” students meaning that all students will share whatever image the frat “brothers” generate - knowing that why don’t they give up and get out before any more damage is done to the public image of UW students?

“Smut” merely the invention of those With prudish predelictions by Steve Kannon I Imprint staff The issues of pornography, censorship and public morality have been favourite topics of discussion, both inside and outside the media, for many years. Everyone, including yours truly, has some opinion on the subject. I’ll use the feature story included in this week’s Imprint as a springboard to some editorial comment. (Although the feature is blatantly slanted, a.bit more emphasis is needed.) Simply put, neither the government nor any other interest group has the right to dictate policy on matters of human sexuality. Yet this is exactly what the Tories are seeking to do under measures proposed by former justice minister John Crosbie. Worse yet, there Bre actually people who support stricter controls on what others can read in magazines, see at the movies or even do in their own bedrooms. All the fuss and bother stems from some misguided senee of human sexuality as dirty or wrong. Some poor souls, convinced any form of sex is evil, seek to deprive others of this most human of activities. And, because sex is wrong, so too is any depiction of sex, be it written or visual, Unable to prevent people from having sex, these moral prudes and some factions within the government seek to stifle all public reference to anything the least bit connected to sex. c,.‘.. While there are some forms of so-called pornography which need to be controlled, such as those involving children, most arguments against porno. graphy are unwarranted. Whether or not a book, magazine, movie or other work of art is termed pornographic is largely a subjective matter, based on some undefined image of public morality. In today’s society there is no such thing as a set concept of morality; these guidelines for judgment are unacceptable. In most cases, government regulations are consistent across the country; stealing a car in St. John’s is as much a crime as stealing the same vehicle in Vancouver. Yet legislation governing that which is deemed pornography varies not only from province to province, but from city to city and even from neighbourhood to neighbourhood. Such loose guidelines would hardly be acceptable for any other section of the criminal code. A review of existing legislation would seem in order, although this issue is hardly a top priority. Moreover, it is an issue the government, or anyone else for the matter, should not even have its nose in. To remove itself from ‘this situation, the federal government, along with each of the provinces, should revoke all legislation dealing with sexual relations, except, of course, that dealing with child porn or other abuses. Any form of sexual activity between consenting adults should be beyond public or judicial review. What two consenting adults-choose to do in the privacy of their own bedroom, or what 17 consenting adults choose to do in the privacy of their own

jacuzzi, is nobody’s business but their own. (The emphasis, of course, is on the consenting adult part - abused children or men and women who have been raped hardly fall into this category. In cases of bestiality, the adult(s) is obviously consenting; the sheep is another story.) With the simple realization that there’s nothing wrong with most kinds of sex, it obviously follows that there’s nothing wrong with ,most forms of literature, film or art depicting sexual activity. Just as everyone should have the option of choosing his or her sexual partner(s) and/or appliances, so too should he/she have the option of choosing a form of entertainment. Nobody who is opposed to sexual entertainment is forced to look at it, just as anybody who wishes to abstain from sexual relations is free to do so. Sexual literature and films are an entertainment option, not a tool of the devil destined to corrupt us all as the likes of Jerry Falwell (truly a pimple on the ass of intelligence) would have us believe. Fears a more open society will lead to deviance and sexual perversity still abound. “Loosen up and we’ll soon have sex in the streets and homosexuals on every corner,” says the uptight minority. “God only knows what will happen then.” Maybe they have a point, if the streets were filled with,“deviants”, there would, be no place for their beloved neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members to march.

Imprint welcomes comments and opinion piecesfrom our readers. The F&urn page is designed to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters MUST be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday of the week of publication. Maximum length of letters: 200 words. Anyone wishing. to write !onger. opinion pieces should contact the Editor-in-Chief. Ail material is subject to editing.

It wasn’t very funny! To the editor, With reference to David Bain’s letter entitled “Keep frosh spirit: kill faculty rivalry” (Imprint, Sept. 12), I agree that school spirit should be promoted while faculty rivalry should not be. But I have never taken any sort’of jokes between faculties seriously and I never suspected anyone else did either. Similarly, at interuniversity sports events one of the techniques of uplifting your own university is by putting the other down. But this, too, I thought was all in fun. And it is. Chants like “that’s alright, that’s okay, you’re going to work for us someday” or the teasing about Western’s horse one day becoming glue or dog food really gets the crowd hyper and in turn lifts the spirit of the players. Being a member of the Warriors Band, I like the competition between the interuniversity bands too, but who is to judge &ho is best and, besides, who really cares? The bands, cheerleaders and mascots are there just for fun and to pep things ud. At Saturday’s Shinerama bowl between Waterloo and Laurier an incident occ.urred that I am not very proud of. A bunch of UW students decided to “sporthump” Laurier’s golden hawk masccjt. It probably would have been funny if a few just chased the chicken around a bit. I am sure a gentle tackle would have been harmless too, but the mascot got pounced upon.

Lacking basic humanity ’


To the editor: The problem with not wearing a Sony Walkman 24 hours a day is that you often hear things ybu would prefer not to hear. Things like the comments of someone sitting a a table next to you in the Modern Language’s cafeteria. Now, one morning very recently I unplugged myself and sat defenseless, sipping my coffee, in the the cafeteria. I had singed my tongue approximately three times when the woman sitting ‘at the next table displayed such an array of compassion that I still get shivers thinking about it. The fellow the woman was talking to had just informed her that a certain homosexual had committed suicide, to which this beautiful person repli’ed, “good”. I immediately had to fight the urge to pour scalding coffee down the woman’s back. I must admit that I truly wanted to see her writhing around in utter agony on the cafeteria #loor. However, I thought this action might cause a scene and that, overall, it would be better for me to really think’about this woman and her problem. This person, I thought to myself, is in bad shape. She no doubt refers to Blacks as niggers and Orientals as chinks. In short, she is emotionally inadequate. She is lacking the basic ingredients that make up a well adjusted human being. Correction, she is lacking the basic ingredients that make up a human being., I, in fact, feel sorry for her and also for anyone who has similar problems, I hope that someday there will be a cure for people like her, but until then alkl can do is recharge 1 my batteries and put my plugs in. Kathy Bell ’

His costume got damaged and so did the mascot himself. I am not sure of the extent of his injuries, but, nevertheless, the prank was taken a bit too far. There was no humour in watching a bunch of guys tackle and deface the chicken while the cheerleaders frantically tried clearing everyone away. The fact the mascot did get hurt only makes matters worse. We cannot blame the whole thing on Laurier just because they may have started it by stealing the Warrior’s hat. The fact is UW students retaliated in a disrespectful manner causing bodily harm. Although learning by experience is an excellent way to

learn, I think this episode was unnecessary to teach students how far not to carry things. I thought dne of the requirements for being accepted to university was that you had to, have the ability to think, so let’s not limit this ability to academics. Let’s stick to the fun, harmless interuniversity rivalry that promotes school spirit and enjoyment. In closing, I would like to apologize to WLU for th6 inexcusable incident and I hope the golden hawk will soon be back in uniform with the trust that there will not be a re-occurrence. Sandy Metzg& 2A Applied Math

Offend to the core (2) . To the editor, The ignorance and self-righteous-ness that permeated J.T. Macintosh’s letter “Offend to the Core” (Imprint, Sept. 19) did, in fact, do just that. Although it seems somewhat inconceivable that one could misconstrue “we are all immigrants” in the most myopic sense (contrary to what you would like to believe J.T. Macintosh, neither the white man nor Christianity are native to this land), such a comment is consistent with the entire tone of the (etter. “the equally reIn implying source-rich Third World countries” are scavengers, Macintosh

demonstrates quite clearly a profound ignorance. Such a mentality can only derive from one who refuses to see the world as it truly is, but instead observes the very pleasant environment of his/her own surrounding and immediately extrapolates it onto the entire planet. As such, Macintosh assumes everyone has had the good fortune to live in a resource-rich country similar to the one that the accident of birth has given him/her. That such an attitude is held by people is sad; that the attitude is held ,by a university student is utterly repulsive. Paul Battista

Offend~to the core (3) To the editor: I! sounds like J.T. Macintosh, taking a stand against “the parasitic invasion” of immigrants in Imprint, Sept. 19), needs a history lesson. The “glory” of our forefathers is sullied by terrible crimes, including killing the people already here and stealing their land. Recent immigrants to this country understand and appre-

ciate its virtues better than J.T. Macintosh, and many other “real” Canadians whose ancestors emigrated generations ago. Attitudes like Macintosh’s, to use his/her phrase, “offend to the core”. How ban s/he be so Christian and be so ignorant and nasty? Are brown shirts coming back into style? K. Rubunyi + 2nd Yr. Architecture

Smile ! m.It can’t hurt To the editor: . , I was .depressed . __ last Friday upon reading Sue Young’s open letter to the editor (Imprint Sept. 19). Suddenly, I recollected my Iearnings from Psych 218 ( “Age Dying and Death” ) and realized her aim was not of a morbid nature, but instead, very touching and realistic. I hope she reached a lot of hearts. She certainly cap- . tured mine. I was deeply moved by her statement5s and the feeling in her article which was expressively portrayed by “take the time to laugh and take the time to cry. We, you, and I may not be there tomorrow. . . an extra warm smile . . . Say it. Do it. You may make someone glad you did.” I did a lot of thinking after reading the article, reflecting upon a close friend of mine who fought and recovered (for now) from a rare form of cancer. How comforted am I to know that he is only a phone call away. He has learned from his struggles so early in life (17-l 9 years), respecting and cherishing each day he is given. How often we push aside the glory of each day - the work will wait while we watch the rainbows but the rainbows will not wait while wedo the work. A young’ girl (19) dies in a freak car crash because another driver ignores the rules of the road. My friend was three weeks away from receiving tne glory of her Grade 13 graduation ceremony. It

is so unbelievable that I can’t, years later, get the ‘that long distance feeli’ng’ or share our lives together. At university, we tend to get wrapped up in our own lives what our marks are, what courses we take, etc. When was the last . time you smiled at someone you didn’t know on campus (instead of avoiding eye-contact)?, or gave a ‘warm fuzzy’ (a hug or compliment) ‘to your friend? We only have one life to live and each day counts so look around and see all that you have - not the car in your driveway but the glory of your friends who rescue you from the school blues, your health and your energy or zest for life. I have so much in my life that I am grateful for and each day, I try to count my blessings but there are just too many. I have a wonderful myriad of friends all across campus (and the world, for that matter) who provide a,major support system and help me in my self -development, my health is good and my zest for life keeps getting stronger. I hope, for those who have reached this part df the article, you can reflect on your life and all you have; moreover, see how differently it would be if you lacked any one aspect of friend/relative you have now. Try it. . . and the next time you see a friend or anyone on campus tiho needs an emotional boos, Smile . . . it might make their day. . M.J. Smith


lmmigtation To the editor: I was overwhelmed with emotion when I read J.T. Macintosh’s letter in last week’s Imprint. If I may, I would like to present some of my own thoughts on the subject. J.T. Macintosh wr.ites: “The torefathers of most Canadians did not immigrate


letter congratulated to Canada. They came to a harsh, cold wilderness from


which, with grueling labour and self-sacrifice, they raised


a nation they da.” 8, . . . those

for their livelihood trappers, hunters, etc.,


who chose

accept the challenge happened to be white


Canato just and



26. 1986

by one of History’s greats

in my book the following: ,, . . . when the American was being

up, numerous





as and often in larger troops with wife and children, always on the move, so that their existence was completely like that of the nomads.But as soon as their increasing number and better implements permitted them to clear the wild soil and make a stand against the natives, more and more settlements sprang up in the land.”

. And the similarities in our beliefs only begin here! J.T. Macintosh writes: “We should not be “punished” because we put reason and integrity ahead of emotion in order to create a successful nation, while the inhabitants of equally resource-rich Third World countries, rather than doing likewise, take the easy route of mounting parasitic invasion attempts upon our borders. ” On this, I wrote much: I, . . . the Jew . . .[was] only and always a parasite in the body of other peoples, that he sometimes left his previous . living space has nothing to do with,his own purpose, but re~ sults from the fact that from time to time he was thrown out by the host nations he had misused. His spreading is a typical phenomenon for all parasites; he always seeks a , new feeding ground for his race . . . . . His extension to evernew countries occurs only in the moment‘in which certain conditions for his existence ( are there present . . . . . . He is and- remains the

severest segregation of his race. To be sure, ‘he some-

typical parasite, a sponger who like a noxious bacillus] keeps spreading as soon as a favourable medium invites him.”

times palms off his women on influential Christians, but as a matter of principle, he always keeps his make line pure. He poisons the blood of others, but preserves his own . . . In order to mask this activity and lull its victims, however, he talks more and more of the equality of all men without regard to race and colour. The fools begin to believe him.” . . . “It was and it is the Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by its neces-

Furthermore, “It is not true, as some people think, that Japan adds European technology to its culture; no European science and technology are trimmed with Japanese characteristics . . . Only on the basis of these achievements can the Orient follow human progress.” “North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower coloured peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we can clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be the master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall a victim to defilement of the blood.”

Indeed the statements of J.T. Maclntosh that “Canadians are now well aware that many of these newcomers bring with them attitudes, including various prejudices against both whites and Christianity, which offend to the very core.” echo my own words: “And this nqtionality he guards as never before. While he seems to overflow with ‘enlightenment’, ‘progress’, ‘freedom’, ‘humanity’, etc., he himself practices the




tion, throwing it down from its cultural and political. height, and himself rising to be its master.”

+ I am heartened that my views are still alive, although in a modified form, even in countries like Canada. HITLER , ADOLPH Somewhere in Hell. (Submitter’s note: All the quotes from Hitler are actual excerpts from Mein Kampf. We all like to think <that what happened in Nazi Germany was a Ijforeign, surreal experience, impossible in a society as enlightened as ours. The death, of six million Jews and others considered ‘Ynferior”, and the other miseries of WMd War II are very distant to those of us who have never experienced war. But it is our’ duty to those who have suffered for our freedom to remember that prejudice in any form is the seed that can grow into evils of incredible proporjl tions. Keith Logan 38 CWEEE

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26. 1986

Career plant%ng and job__searching

trained to\ h&p peers firid

Students by JoAnn Hut&son Imprint staff S.V.A. is an acronym quickly gaining recognition on the UW campus. SV.A:stands for Student Vocational Advisor, a student trained in all areas of career planning and job search in order to assist other students. S.V.A’s spend three hours a week advising and counselling their peers on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. They are also expected to organize and perform Outreach Programs which take the form of workshops and are catered to the specific needs or interests of students within each faculty. Topics for Outreach Programs in the past have included “Marketing Your Liberal Arts Degree” and “Pre-Optometry Students: Information and Alternatives.” S.V.A.‘s may be called upon to assist in Career Services or in the Career Information Centre. Hosting employers during on-campus interviews is also one of the S.V.A.‘s responsibilities. “The S.V.A. program is an. offshoot of Career Services which developed in response to the de-

partment’s need to increase its profile and make it known, these services exist to meet the needs of all UW. students, both Co-op and regular,” explained Marlene Bryan, placement advisor for Career Services located in Needles Hall (room 1001). Colleen Bawn, co-ordinator of the program, described it as being “geared for regular students to close the gap in knowledge about careers which exists between Co-op and regular students.” Although there are as many full-time regular students as there are Co-op students on campus; regular students often perceive themselves as “second class” citizens, because so much attention is drawn to the Co-op programs. Since many people think the department is solely for Co-op students, regular students often feel they are not entitled to discuss their career aspirations with Career Services staff or make use of their services. This belief is a misconception; while Career Services comes under Co-ordination and Placement, rt has the,mandate of serving all UW students. Bryan sees the S.V.A. aprogram as “being a bridge between Career Services and the students. Seven extra minds and fourteen extra hands which are tuned into students changing needs and concerns may help us reach students we may not have been able to reach. The program has been in operation since January 1986 and the feedback from both faculty members and students .has been very positive,” states Bryan. Bawn, a former S.V.A., village don, and fourth-year urban planning student, is program co-ordinator. Her position requires a minimum of 15 hours per week and gives her the chance to “practice administrative and managerial skills.” The co-ordinator’s role is multi-faceted. Bawn explains she must “foster teamwork among S.V.A.‘s, organize the initial training program, be sensitive to ’ their ongoing needs, and address these needs at bi-weekly meetings.” She is involved in organizing and conducting the screening interviews of new S.V.A.‘s, and is required to advise and evaluate S.V.A.3 and their Outreach Programs. She is responsible for administrative ‘duties, for publicity to promote the program and to recruit new S.V.A.‘s, and serves as a liaison to Career Services. The co-ordinator “may also be called upon to assist at the Career Services Office or substitute for an S.V.A. who is unable to perform an Outreach Program or fulfill office hours.” The six current S.V.A.‘s were recruited last March through an extensive selection process involving completion of an application form and submittal of a cover letter, a detailed resume, and one letter of


reference. Candidates also had to submit a written answer to a question focusing on career planning and/or job search before being interviewed. Career Services staff and former S.V.A.‘s screened applicants in a structured interview. The following criteria were used to select the successful candidates: strong written and oral communication skills, and the confidence, interest, and enthusiasm necessary for performing S.V.A. responsibilities. since the program is designed to help the S.V.A.‘s learn and polish their own career-related skills, candidates who were preferred showed a desire to work in areas such as personnel, public relations, recruiting, social work; staff training and development, and teaching. Of the 22 people who applied, six successful applicants were chosen to represent each faculty (except engineering) and ’ asked to sign. a contract before being issued the final letter of acceptance. The present S.V.A.‘s will hold the position for the next eight months. New S.V.A.3 will be recruited in March 1987.T

S.V.A.‘s training consisted of a three-day orientation held during the first week of September. The students participated in sessions on resume critiquing, counselling, and







roles as Career Services’

representatives; therefore, they must be familiar with the broad range of services offered. To increase‘familiarity with Career Services and the Career Information Centre, the S.V.A.‘s were given a tour of these areas and worked three hours in each. The training and evaluation of S.V.A.‘s is ongoing. The group meets on a bi-weekly basis to discuss progress and/or problems, evaluate each other, or receive additional in-service training. People participating in Outreach Programs also evaluate S.V.A.‘s on the quality and effectiveness of the session. Finally, Career Services staff will formally evaluate each S.V.A. at the end of the term, or sooner if required. A written documentation on each participant’s performance will be given to each participant. Bawn, who was an S.V.A. last winter, articulated several pros and cons to the position. She feels S.V.A.‘s “learn valuable personal skills which will be beneficial in other aspects of life.” She states, “S.V.A.‘s learn to work in a supportive group and independently they must‘ learn to exercise creativity, flexibility, and be in control of various situations. Organization, planning, advertising, and‘ public speaking are skills which students can improve. Valuable counselling and listening skills can also be developed.” Participants “upgrade their own career search skills such as resume writing, interview and job search techniques.” She added, “meeting people such as other S.V.A.‘s, deans, career and counselling services staff, and fellow students is a fringe benefit of the S.V.A. program.” Bawn points out, “the only con is the time and commitment involved.” In summary, Bawn comments, “the program gives people- a chance to get involved and contribute to the campus while gaining valuable experience.” Bawn offered a few interesting anecdotes from her ‘past experiences as an S.V.A. She found that it was “interesting to see how different people react to the same problem.” A situation in the geology department during the last winter term . . il-. lustrated this point. She explained, “the bottom fell out of the geology job market, especially with oil companies, leaving geology graduates in an interesting state of affairs. One student experienced mass anxiety and needed to be calmed and reassured while another student came to obtain information about any pos-

sible government grants to help in the creation of a job. The third student was “maintaining her enthusi‘asm and ‘motivation and continuing to contact employers and look in related fields. She was doing every-

sides the things that we do.” Finally, she says she hopes “to attract more applicants for the program during recruitment and increase the number of S.V.A.‘s to eight.” Having many people applying for S.V.A. positions is positive because “com-

that the program is a worthwhile and valuable thing to be involved in.” Bryan stresses student program

“the program is a - it is largely run

by students for students. This fact thing possible and just needed greatly contributes to its success.” petition never hurts, and it shows praise and someone to tell her she was doing a good job.” From these experiences, Bawn observes “there Please feel free to contact one of the following S.V.A.‘s: are many different facets to a problem and people experiencing the Arts Glen Reimer HH 151B same problem may handle or not Eileen Fritz handle it in totally different ways.” Science Stephen Peever ESC 251 Bawn has several goals for the future of the program. She plans to MC 3035 Math Alisa Lennox create “a higher profile among students so more people will use the HKLS JoAnn Hutchison BMH 1033 service” and she “intends to increase support from faculty and ad- 1 Environmental Katherine Clarke ES1 344 ministration members.” Bawn has Studies noticed “the program is awakening For further information contact Colleen Bawn, Program Co-ordinator support and initiative for career NH 1004, ext.2494. planning - there are many more career related activities going on be-

Band extends an iipology :J To the editor,

Recent events, which reached a peak at the WaterlooILaurier football game last Saturday, have cast serious doubts on the nature of athletic fan support at UW. Waterloo was once known for the quality and int,elligence of its sports fans. Lately, support has increasingly taken the form of drunken rowdyism. While this represents a minority of Waterloo fans, these ignorant few have succeeded in damaging a reputa-

tion cultivated by many years of For the first time, we were intelligent fan support. ashamed to be\Waterloo fans. Last Saturday, fan attendance Those who were involved in reached a level unknown in rethis deplorable incident should do cent years at football games. The two things. The first is to formally team responded and played an apologize to the students, faculty, emotional and entertaining first fans and cheerleaders of Wilfrid half. All this was destroyed by the Laurier University. The second is thoughtless act of violence aimed . to stay away from all future UW at a single, defenseless person by athletic events. No fan who is a gang of presumably drunken proud of this school wants to see “fans”. For the remainder of the you there. game Waterloo’s supporters felt unable to rally their team’s spirit. The Warriors Band


IHlJliNOUR ’ . ’ The life and-times of a ,a ’ Dress Co’& ‘Reject!

New Bv-law Lodging

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The Council of the City of Waterloo has deemed it desirable to pass a By-law which provides for safer and more comfortable lodging with respect to fire safety, property maintenance and zoning. It enables and recognized agencies to Universities, owners recommend approved housing; provides for communication between civic government agencies and educational institutions and assists in the monitoring of ,/ supply for accommodations. An operator of a Lodging House is required to’make application for a licence no later than October lst, 1986 and a renewal no later than April 30th of each following year. Inspections will be conducted by the Waterloo Fire Department to ensure compliance with Fire Code regulations within a reasonable time. The licencing ‘process providesfor revocation of any approval and legal action where satisfactory progress to comply is not made. The licence as issued must be displayed in a prominent place and bear the name of the registered owner, the operator, his or her address and telephone number, the municipal address of the lodging house, the number of people accommodated as well as the date of expiry and the licence number. The Fire Department may conduct inspections at any time where non-compliance of the Fire Code is evident or suspected. Occupants may contact the Fire Department for information at 884-2122.



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by Mike O’Driscoll Imprint Staff It’s Friday night, time to hit the bars, with quivering anticipation you enter the doorway of your chosen den of iniquity. Inches past the portals of pleasure you come face to chest with a classic Neanderthal doorman. He eyes you warily . . . a quick glance the length of your body confirms his suspicions. The Neanderthal comments on your running shoes, the small tear in your favourite pair of Levis. He shows you the door. As you wander away into the depths of loneliness, understanding surfaces that you’ve become just another Dress Code Reject: This type of social cruelty has been inflicted on countless innocents and it’s time that something , be done. Both law and ‘morality have established the injustice of discrimination, many have faced it, whether it be religious, sexual or racial. But their is a form of this practice that has never received its fair share of attention’: I like to call it Wardrobal Discrimination. . Everyone has a right to be Fashion Underprivledged, I call on and unite. themselves, to choose their own all of you to bring an end to this If you care, join us. The A.F.U. lifestyle, whether they be prepsenseless slaughter of egos. needs your support, the world pies, punks, math students, or Those among us who choose to needs your help- Write your local rancid pond scum. If you choose spend their hard-earned money MP, spread the truth, or come to the latter, you may just as well on more than simple clothing, one of our weekly gatherings. stay at home. The era of the dress who value the true human beMeetings are held at noon on code has arrived. neath the pleats, lace, alligators Mondays, downstairs at the Kent Some may say it&he right of and Bermuda shorts, must rise up Hotel. Dress casually. any establishment to define its own requirements. I say no. The food and drink business is called the “service industry” for a reason: it is there to serve. It is the mandate of the public to define the standards of dress. As well, for bar owners there is more to the enforcement of dress codes than simply maintaining an _ atmosphere of “class.” I like’ to think it’s some form of plot, possibly an attempt to bring the world’s denim industry to its well worn knees. Others say it’s the work of $3 OFF ANY USED 0OOKS Communist insurgents striving to ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE divide the western world into two TH PURCHASE Of 10.00 OR MORE camps armed with a selection of in-style and out-of-style accessories. There is no doubt however, K- W’s’ largest selection of New In terna tionaf h&gazineS that it is a vengeful attack by disconsolate yuppie elitists, jealous 306 King St. W. HRS: Moi-Fri. 9-9 of those daring enough to wear Kitchener 742-1261 Shrdav 9-6 comf.ortable clothing. As president of, and spokesperw son for, The Association for the


New & Used Books & Magazines ----------e-----m --,--. w;

World Vegetarian Day set to go OctOber 1 by Christine Sinding Imprint staff

In celebration of World Vegetarian Day on October 1, the newly organized UW Vegetarian Club is encouraging students to taste a different lifestyle. Proclaimed as a means to support the peace effort while promoting health, the day coincidentally falls one day prior to Ghandi’s birthday and three days prior to the birthday of St. Francis. Though active on campus over the past seven years, the Vegetarian Club has turned over a new leaf by formally organizing this term. World Vegetarian Day falls within the first week of operation and club members say this is an excellent op-

Early vegetorions

portunity to introduce some facts about vegetarianism to students. “October I is so important; it’s an opportunity for people to see the impact of their eating habits on world problems and health,” says club member Theodore Tsaousidis. “We are suggesting that students try a vegetarian diet for the theme which is a contribution to health and peace of nations.” To’ celebrate the internationally recognized day, UW s Vegetarian Club will be showing a half-hour film, narrated by William Shatner, six times betweem 1 and 6 p.m. in Campus Centre room 135. Information about the club will be available between films as well as recipes, food, coffee and tea.



the kill

Also, most food spots on campus will be selling various vegetarian dishes. While Vegetarian Day is designed to recognize the impact meat eating has on world starvation, it is also a chance to dispel some myths about, vegetarianism. A vegetarian is someone who does not eat meat, including fish and poultry. According to Tsaousidis, people who refrain from eating meat live longer lives, suffer from less disease, such as heart disease and cancer, and are contributing to the world hunger cause by not supporting animal production. A press release sponsored by the and Waterloo Vegetarian \,Toronto Association states animal production consumes four-fifths of the world’s agricultural land, land which could be used to feed starving nations. ?magine yourself sitting down to a 16 oz. steak and all around you are 45 to 50 starving people. For the feed costs of your steak, each of their bowls could be filled with a full cup of cooked cereal grains,” says Tsaousidis. As World Vegetarian Dayfalls within the first weekof UWs club officially organizing itself, members are encouraging students to learn about facts and benefits of the club. Furthermore, they want students to know the impact they will be making even if only one day of meat eating is forfeited. “The facts are there but people have to make their own decisions; we are not out to convert people because conversion has no substance. Our motto is education for health and peace and we are hoping that people on this campus will keep the theme alive,” says Tsaousidis.


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Dr. Edwin Locke on


REASON AND ’ . EMOJ-ION ’ . ‘The Objectivist


Edwin Lockeis a professorof BusinessandManagementand of Psychologyat the . Uniz&ty of Maryland. He has receivedtheOutstanding Faculty Award from /he Collegeof BusinessandManagementAlumni Association(1980), the DistinguishedTeacher-ScholarAward from the Uniuedy of Maryland (1983) andthe DistinguishedTeacherAward for the Behaoiouraland SocialSciences(I 985). Dr. lo& is also a practicing psychotherapistanda certifiedpsychologist.His bookon goal settingand work motivationhas had a significantimpacfon organizafional management,pith theJournal of Applied Psychologyacknowledgingthat Dr. lo& is oneof the tenmostpublishedand citedresearchersin this area.

Wednesday, October 1 7:30 p.m., Arts Lecture Hall 116 University of Waterloo Free Admission / by the Students of Objectivism’(UW) The Ayn Rand Institute


9 8.


The view that reasonand emofionare inherentlyin conflict is basedon ihe soul-body dichotomywhich datesback to fheancientGreeks.-The history of this dichotomy, from Pfatoto Freud,will bereviewed.I will beshownthat thereis no inherentconflict betweenreasonand emotionsinceemotionsare the resultof one’sthinking, or lack of if. Apparentconflictsare actuallyconflictsbetweenideas,or moreexplicitly, bettveenunintegratedideas.Sevenways in which reasonandemotionare relaiedwill bediscussed.








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Povelrty, illiteracy and famine are the Struggle in Nicaragua Mike O’Driscbll Imprint Staff

The bloody conflicts in Latin America are the most visible problems and the ones which draw the greatest international attention. Yet the people there must also deal with widespread poverty, illiteracy, the abuse of human rights and the denial of self-determination. To observe and act on these problems from thousands/of miles away is no easy task. Tools for Peace, a Coalition For Aid to Nicaragua, has found what may be one way to make a difference. Last year the organization, then four years old, sent aship ful of tools, equipment and supplies worth more than $1.5 million to the revolution-torn country. By distributing the goods directly, and working with a private organization known as the Sandino Foundation, Tools for Peace managed to ensure its donations went to those who needed it most. Tools for Peace is a non-profit organization composed of some 60 coalitions across the country. Thousands of volunteers along with . churches, unions, and community groups h&e contributed both their time and effort in collecting materials to build, teach and aid medically. On September 30, two members tif the organization, Wendy Mortimer and Brent Sleet, will present a slide and tape show of their recent trip to Nicaragua The meeting is sponsored by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group and will be held in Physics Room 208. Both speakers helped to unload last year’s Tools for Peace shipment, their- experiences promise to be informative. In addition, those that are interested should note the University of Guelph will be holding a conference on “Conflict and Crisis in Latin America” from September 29 to October 3. A series of films and lectures will

be sponsored by the.Ont.ario Public Interest t Research Group’s Latin American Sdlidarity Group and the Guelph International Resource C&-

tre. The confer&ce deals with the realities and problems of various Latin American countries and will examine such areas as culture, internal




and external politics, economics, I and education. For more information contact the Guelph OPIRG office.

UW hosts cQnference on British Modtynism &t.- 3. & ‘4

by Sam Hiyate imprint. Staff ’ A ‘Protest in British

Modernism’ conference is set for October 3 and 4 at UW. Papers by scholars from both Canada and the U.S. will be presented in Needles Hall during the two days. Some recent schools of criticism dispute the term ‘modernism’, calling it an extension of romanticism instead,” said Dr. Gordon Slethhaug, chair of the English department.

Fdreitin Service recruitment

“The conference till attempt to reassess existing perspectives conceming British modernism, as well as honour James Stone (of UW, with a paper &ailed ‘Eli7ilyfaithfull: Unsung Pioneer of the Women’s Movement in Britain’) and Robert Martin (of Concordia University, with a paper called ‘Eventually we’re all queer: Metonymic Opression and Identity in ‘Goodbye to Berlin), two scholars working primarily in British modernism.” “Academically, its a significant conference,” said Dr. Neil Randall of


Recruitment’for the Canadian Foreign Service begins again this fall with an exam October 25. Preparation for the exam is being offered in the form of a six-hour seminar conducted by Barry Yeates, a former foreign service officer, on September 25. The seminar is set for Needles Hall room 1020 at 12:30 p.m. Yeates provides students with practidal advice end strategies to improve their performance on the exam, essay and interviews. The seminar fees range from $85 for students to $115 for non-students. Anyone interested in pursuing a career with the foreign setviCe will benefit from this seminar.


the English department.“Several notable authorities in the field will be presenting papers..Any student interested in what goes on in academic research will find the conference stimulating. Grad students (or undergrads inte,re&ed in grad work) can register for $10. The fee covers lunch on both days. Otherwise, everyone should feel free to drop in.”

Major Credit









to the equation SPECIA&




* Imprwt



The conference will also consider the different forms of protest>by British modernist writers such as Lawrence, Conrad, and Joyqe.

anI Event?

by Shane Murphy Imprint staff

11 \

26. 1986





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26. 1986 .

“Sex is bad”

‘New prnography by Suzette Chan 0 Reprinted from the Edmonton Bullet Canadian University Press .* George Orwell was two years off. In Nineteen Eighty-four, equality meant conformity, so the .state formed the Anti-Sex League to enforce state-approved sexual activity (or non-activity). In i986, sexuality means deviancy, so the state is using legislation to stamp out immorality. The difference is that you can close Orwell’s book, go to bed and forget about it, but you can’t wish away the tide of 1986 conservatism and go to bed without thinking of the ramifications of ’ what you do there. June and July saw major new attacks launched on individual freedoms in both Canada and the U.S. A U.S. Supreme Court decision upheld the right of state legislatures to ban sodomy (i.e. oral and anal sex), undoubtedly a first step in building the case for quarantining AIDS victims. Then a U.S. Justice Department ruling allowed businesses to fire emsployees who have AIDS or are suspected to be in a high-risk group, in order to “protect” other workers. In Canada,, meanwhile, a prostitute was being hunted down by police for fear she would spread the disease. Her own health was not an issue. On June 10, John Crosbie (then Canada’s justice minister) introduced two bills in Parliament, one dealing primarily with the sexual abuse of children (although Crosbie managed to sneak in a clause having to do with the sale of sexual aids and with buggery between adults), the other with pornography. Both bills reflect a spreading conservative backlash against the liberalism of the ’60s and ’70s. The Canadian Right blames the breakup of the nuclear family, rampant sexual disease and a general weakening of moral values on these liberal attitudes. AIDS is an obvious scapegoat for the new conservatism on sexual matters, but taking away AIDS will not solve the problems defined by the Right. The election of the Mulroney government two years ago paved the way for people’s fears of herpes, incest, child abuse, and rape to be projected in public legislation.

Legislation that presumes to define what the public can look at is not an unlikely forerunner to censorship of ideas.

The Crosbie proposals could become the telescreens that monitor Canadians’ sexual behaviour and social attitudes, if the Tories get their way. But so far, bills C-113 and C-114 have prompted a general outcry from all sides ‘of the political spectrum in Canada. As Christine Bearchell writes in an editorial in the August issue of the Body Politic, “the anti-porn proposals have been almost universally assailed as anti-sex.” Co-worker at the Body Politic Andrew Lesk agrees: “The bills tell us that what goes on between two, loving and caring individuals - be they heterosexual or homosexual - is sick and somehow unnatural.” The two bills, which, among other things, recommend a maximum lo-year jail sentence for “touching, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or an object, any part of the body of a person under the age of 14,” and define “degrading pornography” as pornography (the depiction of sexual activity, according to Crosbie) which shows defecation, urination, ejaculation, or expectoration by one person onto another, lactation, menstruation, penetration of a bodily orifice with an object, or any act in which one person attempts to degrade him or herself or another, are scheduled for committee, hearings later this year, most likely in the fall. Lesk is afraid much of the bill will become law. “We’re resting on the hope’ that it doesn’t,” he says, “but, let’s face it, there’s a conservative majority at the moment,.” Lesk sees the creation of the committee to look at the bills in the fall as a “token gesture”, aimed at assuring the average Canadian “that we live in a * democracy.”

These have

people arrested

would God!

“The committee is already stacked,” says Lesk, pointing to the appointment of 1 Jim Jepson, MP for London East, to the five-person committee. Jepson is anti-sex, period,” says Lesk. “For him, it’s not even a matter of homophobia - he just thinks sex in itself, no matter who it’s between, is ‘dirty’.” If Crosbie’s bills, or parts of them, do become law, says Lesk, “there will be continuing fights on our behalf to have them repealed.” ’ The fight has already begun. Edmonton lawyer Michael Ritter formed the Citizen’s Committee for Freedom to sexual Choice with regard to Sexual Morality after reading Crosbie’s bills. A report circulated by the committee calls the proposals “a puritanical approach to sexual morality by the government, and an attempt to enforce conservative, restrictive, and right-wing values on the Canadian population through the force of criminal legislation.” Even though the Tories’ major election platform was to minimize government intervention,” says Ritter, “they have been out of power so long they’re overpowered by the power of the law. They’ve thought they could right every wrong through legislation.” Ritter contends the bills ignore the common law-and betray public expectations. ‘Canada has long/had a tradition of liberal governments that protect rights,” he explains. “We are used to a paternal kind of government; we trust the government to do the right thing. We never expect the government to be extreme.” The Mulroney government, Ritter suggests, has proven it is not- only parental but also condescending. The proposals were tabled without ‘prior briefs, secretively without consultation. Crosbie ignored the proposals of the Fraser commission on pornography and prostitution, a Trudeau government creation that travelled across Canada hearing briefs, from citizens. A close reading of the bills belies Crosbie’s claim that they affect only visual matter that is pornographic. One section restricts the sale of sexual aids to persons under the age of 18 - even though the age of consent to marry is 16. In another,

ltiw under fire the depiction of menstruation under “degrading pornography.”

is listed

To be exempt from prose.cution after goods are seized, an accused person must prove the “degrading pornography” has a “genuine educational or scientific purpose” or “is a work of artistic merit..” The accuser does not have to prove the work is “degrading” or is “pornography.” The law takes care of that. And, says Ritter, this cheats Canadians out of the right to due process of the law: you are guilty until you prove you are innocent.

but it passed in Alberta. Morrow says the violent scenes in Mixed Blood have a point to make, and wonders whose standard of “artistic merit” will determine the validity of certain films if Crosbie’s bills become law. In live theatre, everyone from the’ owner of. a theatre to the stagehands would be liable to prosecution if involved in a performance deemed pornographic. Under section 163 of Bill C-114, “we would step back 20 years,” says Jane Buss, executive director of the Playwrights Union of Canada.

“The bills tell us that what goes on between two loving and caring individuals . be they heterosexual or homosexugl - is sick and somehow unnatural.” Moreover, the fact judges will be precluded from considering community standards, as is traditional in common law, “would backtrack on hundreds of years of legal traditions.” - Susan Morrow, director of the Princess Theatre, a repertory cinema in Edmonton, expects the new laws, if passed, to make it easy for police to lay charges against the theatre - “Pretty Baby would be banned.outright” and is concerned with ramifications on a larger scale. “It would make it very difficult to portray any gay’ relationships on film,” she predicts, noting that Crosbie’s bills closely follow the American legislation on sodomy. Morrow fears legislation that presumes to define what the public can look at is not an unlikely forerunner to censorship of ideas. “We just went though a contrsversy when we showed the Godard film Hail Mary, which had a religious theme. There was some nudity in it, so it was easy to make a connection (between the nudity and what protestors called the blasphemy of the film). But where do you draw the line?.Will they soon say I shouldn’t show films that deal with philosophical issues while other’ theatres can show films of solid violence? The Princess imposes a kind of “self- ’ censorship” with the interests of the community in mind, Morrow says. “When I first started here, the precedent was for showing Russ Meyer films.” But Morrow discontinued the screenings of T & A movies. “I don’t show sexist films, films like Rambo, and I turned down Caligula. But I wouldn’t have that element. of choice if the law were to be enacted.” Morrow says the Hail Mary controversy and Crosbie’s proposals are not enough to steer her away from showing films people want to see, films she believes are important to the community. She will be interested to see what happens in October when the Princess screens Mixed Blood, a bloody satire involving street kids.The Ontario censor board (famous for taking clippers to TheTin Drum) has already banned it, essentially because it has children it in,


Buss recalls the controversy over the performance of the musical Hair in Toronto, when the morality squad showed up at the theatre every other night because of scenes simulating group sex in-a tent. At the time, however, community standards applied. Crosbie’s law would have theatres closed until they prove a performance is not “pornographic.” . “One is not presumed innocent,” says Buss. “What we’re talking about is censorship.” “These people would have arrested God,” comments Mike Ritter. “God made the fruit available to Adam and Eve. He would have been arrested as the distributor, owner and managerof a property that promoted ‘actual or simulated acts of vaginal, anal or oral intercourse, masturbation or group sex’!” Ritter, Buss and Morrow say the right of the individual to choose is being compromised by the wish of the government to arbitrate. Ritter suggests the proposed laws would make Canada more repressive than many religions. “Catholics are not excommunicated if they do not follow edicts from the Pope. Christianity is based on choice.” Ritter proposes that restrictions and definitions of pornography take into account freedom of choice. “Anything can be degrading if it is not done on a consensual basis,” says Ritter, but he concedes there is a grey area when it comes to the matter of consent. Many people still had the opinion that someone who is raped somehow “deserves it” - either she was a “slut” or he was a “fag”. ‘fThis is obviously not a black and white issue, in spite of Parliament trying to make it black and white. There is always a grey area, and that’s for the courts to decide. When does something become mutual consent? When is it a questionable consent? Ritter says churches, schools and regional social services should be educating children and adults about the kind o-f sexism and exploitation that precipitates pornography. “It is not a matter for the law. Morality is a matter of conscience, and that’is a matter for education.”


13 Imprint, monton, Alta. T5P 4Kl) is circulating a form letter asking the government to scrap Crosbie’s bills and to adopt the recommendations his committee formulated in a ‘paper called “Criticisms and Recommendations with Regard to Bills C-114 and C-113.” Ritter had collected 2,000 letters just days after it was released and is sure thousands of Edmontonians have sent the letter themselves or written one of their own. Others are articulating their stand against, the proposed legislation. The. Periodical Writers’ Association of Canada has passed a resolution asking that the proposed legislation be withdrawn and . redrafted, and the Playwrights’ Union of Canada has slated a discussion of the bills on its agenda. Latitude 53, a gallery run . solely by artists which presented an exhibit about censorship this spring, has stated its opposition to any form of censorship, although it has not released a

Essentially, the government sees sex as evil; Ritter believes. Why else would it link graphic depiction of sexual activity with violence, child abuse and degradation? “No evidence exists to support the theory explicit sexual activity is harmful,” he points out. “There have been studies that show violence is probably bad, but that sex itself is not harmful.” Even feminists who advocate the censorship of pornography are disturbed by the two bills. Susan G. Cole, a contributor to the Toronto-based feminist review ’ Broadside, told the Body Politic in August the bills revealed “anti-women sentiments.” She hinted feminists were being used by the Canadian Right in their crusade against sex. As an editorial in the _ July issue of Broadside points out, “. . . the interests of the two groups (the Right and pro-censorship feminists) are not the same.” The bills may be anti-sex, but they’re hardly anti-sexist. In fact, says Varda Burstyn, co-founder of Feminists Against Censorship, “they ignore feminist concerns altogether.” . Brenda H-umber says explicit depictions of sexual activity can be helpful. Humber was in Edmonton last month to open the seventh in a chain of Love Shops across Nestern Canada. Humber became greatly worried about the status of her business when she read about the proposals in the newspapers. Formerly a psychiatric social worker, she opened her first Love Shop with her husband in Calgary in 1973. “People want to be able to see the sex act,” Humber says. “They don’t want bodies covered up. “The Love Shop carried so-called pornographic or erotic periodicals such as Playgirl, Blueboy, and Playboy as, well as sex manuals, but Humber says she has had to stop carrying a number of those publications, “mainly because the laws are so unclear right now.” Humber, along with Ritter and others, hopes the government will scuttle Crosbie’s proposals in favour of the recommendations of the Fraser Report. “Fraser basically said everything should. be allowed except abusive activity, child porn and bestiality. Everything else fits with community standards.” Humber disputes Crosbie’s claims the majority of Canadians are in favour of his proposals. “The ‘silent majority’ had a write-in campaign of 700 letters. We have seven stores across western Canada and





we count every single customer - 3.5 million customers since the first day. That’s half the population of the Prairies. And we know where they’re at sexually.” Humber says she is amazed at “how normal everybody is and how they don’t ’ realize it. People come in and say ‘I’ve got a problem’ but often they just didn’t have the right information.” Almost all of the stock at the Love Shop is imported, mostly from Scandinavia, whose laws dealing with sexual material are open minded. “You can be right-wing, and be for or against pornography,” Ritter says. Britain, which has a right-wing government, regulates porn, but does not prohibit it. Meanwhile, individuals and groups are mounting an attack on Crosbie’s anti-sex bills. Ritter’s Committee for Freedom of Choice (P.O. Box 9065, Station E, Ed-



HUGE NEW BICYCLE One of the-largest -SCrntt



statement specifically about Crosbie’s proposals. \ “Now is -the time to let your MP, and the editors and readers of you local newspaper, know what you think of the government’s proposals,‘: writes Bearchill in the Body politic. “Anti-censorship and pro-sex forces need to join together locally, regionally, and nationally in anticipation of the Justice Committee hearings . . . and they need to analyze and criticize all the repressive aspects of these proposed laws, not just the obvious absurdi- . ties.” Ritter hopes the new Justice Minister, Ray Hnatyshyn, heeds the opposition and either scraps the bills or uses them as an election platform in a couple of years so Canadians can more directly comment on the proposals and the authoritarian and secretive style of Mulroney’s boys in blue pinstripes. In the meantime, here’s to 1984 in 1986.






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Late performer


the Vuait!



by Tim Perlich Imprint staff Though still early in the evening, it was apparent the Chicago Pete and the Detroiters show set for September 19 at the Legion Hall had the potential to be the worst concert the Southern Ontario Blues Association had yet undertaken. Along the way to the Legion, we met Darryl on King Street pacing nervously back and forth from the curb, looking squint-eyed over the tops of Camaros and Trans-Ams. “Any sign yet?” I “Nope.” “Wait a minute now, how about that one . . . it’s white isn’t it?” “Nah, that’s just a plumbing van. Look for Dqtroit license plates.” Showtime was quickly approaching and neither Chicago Pete Gor the Detroiters were anywhere in sight: Word cirLulated that Pete and the band/ had crossed through Windsor customs at 3 p.m. that afternoon. If they drove carefully, they should have arrived by 6 at the latest. It was now 9:30.

Concert promoter Glen Smith joined the gathering next, bringing with ilim the latest news that Chicago Pete’s van broke dopn outside of Dorchester (probably miles from the nearest bar) and was being towed to Kitchener. The Chicago Pete story was hard to swallow but at least moie convincing than the recent homicidal-fan car kidnapping nightmare concocted by Mary Wells and her manager, but not the most effective of the night. Tired of waiting f& the white van, we decided to check out U.1.C. at Level 21. Further down King Street we met Charles who informed us there was a sign on the door saying that the U.I.C. concert was cancelled because the lead singer had pneumonia and was in a hospital (nowhere close to a bar).

Someone’s suggestion of going to Fed Hall being routinely dismissed with a theatrical display of teethgnashing derision, we headed back in the direction of the Legion with a brief detour into the Athenian. By the time we made it back to the Lz!gion, Chicago Pete and the Detroiters were already jukin’ their way into the hearts of the well-lubricated crowd. Behind the swinging bass was the reluctant frontman Chicago Pete sporting flashy white loafers and snazzy red socks and a mint green tuxedo. In fact, everyone in the group, except for the keyboardist wearing sky blue, had a mint green tuxedo.

Doug ‘and the Slugs: still dishing out tripe by Paul Done Imprint staff Despite the obvious enthusiasm that went into their performances at Fed Hall September 18, Doug and The Slugs and opening act Bolero Lava could do nothing to hide their mediocrity and lack of inspiration. Each band played with polish and energy but each was so mundane and repetitive that rigor mortis threatened to set in at any moment. Bolero Lava, an all-girl group from Vancouver, elicited a great response from the crowd, which isn’t surprising since they churn out the same kind of undistinguished tripe the crowd had come to hear from Doug and The Slugs. Dressed up in their requisite “Noo Wave” clothes, Bolero Lava had, ironically, more completely assumed the roles of

rock stars than the headliners. In their press kit, Bolero Lava were described as “funky” and “fun”. Unfortunately there was no real funk and they would have been fun only if you were capable of leaving your brain in the fridge while you were at the show. Dismal, dull and destined for stardom.

Doug and The Slugs and Bolero Lava both suffer from the same unwillingness to challenge their auby Steve

jerky little runs on his decomposing Fender electric piano. Finally, Chicago Pete himself stood center stage, thumping his bass and reaching for the odd falsetto in between asking the audience “do you feel awright?” Who were these guys who came all the from Detroit in the’ir ill-fitting, nearly-matched tuxedos. How could they possibly make such cheap and shabby instruments sound so right and true? Looking around, no one seemed to notice or care how they were dressed, what

Pallenf. ,


brand of instiuments they used or even the fact that the man behind that beat piano wearing the sadly out-of-joint blue tuxedo was Joe Hunter, better known as Ivy Jo Hunter, composer/arranger/producer for Motown during their mid’60s peak. There seemed to be some immediate understanding between those on stage and those out on the floor that bypassed the labels and clothing. Simply put, these were hoothie-coochie men and everyone knew they were.

Solo album a pleasant surprise l

by Rob Savickis Imprint staff After seeing Doug and the Slugs-

put on a great show at Fed Hall September 18, I was instinctively drawn to Doug Bennett’s new solo album Animato. What followed was a careful mix of pleasant surprises and disappointment. Certain songs seemed to jump right out of the album and into my ears. Others remained sit-

Though they’ didn’t take themselves as seriously as Bolero Lava, Doug and The Slugs were just as boring. Led by Doug Bennett, that roly-poly ball o’fun, the band ploughed the same musical territory. which has brought it worldwide fame and reknown. Their goodtime mix of rock and soul, combined with a mischievous sense of humour was certainly what the crowd wanted, but it bored *me to tears. I’m sure they played old favorites and songs from the new’ album, however they were virtually indistinguishable (what a surprise!). Doug and The Slugs have now reached a point *here they can do quite well performing in Canada. ,They will have trouble reaching a larger worldwide market since they are neither ’ interesting, talented nor photogenic enough to merit the big promotion money given to other equally boring acts such as Genesis and Dire Straits.


- There was a tiny guitarist, yringing knife-edged leads out of his Electra sunburst Les Paul copy. Next t’o him the ancient trumpet player swayed in step as he probably had done for the past 60 years. Rounding out the horn section was Lamont Purdee wrestling his ‘saxophone across the stage as if it was a live boa, doing his best to steal the show. Further back was the drummer slapping down on his flimsy drum kit wobbling with every kick. Off to the far left was the keyboardist pleasantly smiling while ploinking out

ting where they were. Overall, the second side was more consistent, although the two best songs appeared on side-one. It’s Got to be Monday, which opens the album, and which I remembered from Thursday night, is in the same league as the multitude of other “I hate Monday” Songs which have come out in the past several years. It’s a great-song but, sorry Doug, top billing in the Monday song category still remains with Bob Geldof for I Don’t Like Mondays.

My personal favourite on the album is Secrets, a-spunky tune with an appealing beat. The chorus especially seems to do something for my ears. I don’t know why, it just (does. As for side-two, here we see a consistent mix of good songs as opposed to the inconsistent jumble of great and merely mediocre songs that characterizes side one. The liveliest song here is I’m Excited although .every song has some merit.

dience by presenting something even a little out of the ordinary. Perhaps they should stop catering to the lowest common denominator in

a transparent effort to niake md ney. Music should be more than the formulated drivel which was served UP last week “t Fed kd

Basically, this is a good album. It doesn’t compare to Doug and the Slugs’ previous great release, Propaganda, but then few albums do. It does prove Doug on his own can more or less be equated with Doug and his Slugs.



by Paul Done Recorded live during their June performance at The Princess Cinema, You and 1 are marked by the Good and Bad mark.& the vinyl debut of Kitchener’s own East Avenue Energy. Exploring several themes in ’ art-rock, Yoti and 1 . . 1 fails in its inability to maintain interest _ throughout each-section. Though much more concentrated than the original presentation, by virtue of some well-thought out editing, the record, meant to be listened to in its entirety, only succeeds during certain passages. In their attempt to make something so large great, they doomed themselves to failure. . Led by conceptualist/singer Jim Villemaire, E.A.E. is a loose amalgam of singers and musicians whose average age is about 20. Unfortunately, Villemaire has not found a , way to suppress his ego, his desire to lead the group, in an effort to improve the whole. Simply put, hei lacks the vocal chords to be the lead singer. Songwriting, arrangement and structure will improve with time. Voices tend not to improve significantly.


Of The


by Pete Lawson Imprint staff

The recently revived Blue Note label is certainly looking into the jazz future. Through auditions a year ago - 35 young players at tended they created a sextet with the hope of creating a dynamite young group, or dynamic leaders foi- several groups in the future. There tire a lot of The original Out Of Thd Blue band, Ralph Bowen (tenor sax), reasons to be optimistic Ralph Peterson (drums), Michael about the band’s future. Phillip Mossman (trumpet, flugelhorn), Harry Pickens (piano), Kenny Garrett (alto sax), and Robert Hurst (bass) are featured on their The idea of structure brings US to debut album, Out of the Blue and discuss the entire concept of “arton their recent release, Inside rock” which is basically flawed. ArtTrack. specifically rock arid more In an interview with Ralph Bowen progressive-rock (as practiced by earlier this summer, he informed the likes of Marillion, E.L.P. and othImprint that Kenny Garrett had ers) is an attempt to infuse rock with been drafted by the Art Blakey Band artistic credibility through classical and that Robert Hurst had been abinstrumentation and structure - a ducted by the Wynton Marsalis bad idea. Rock, in all its raw, adrenal troupe. power can be art simply by being Bowen, who won the last spot on good enough. Combining it with the team, sees the band as a flexible something as restrictive and formal unit’ with members moving on to as classical music - rock’s polar other projects but with the possibiliopposite - generally produces prety of returning to this unit. There are tentious, pompous nonsense. six co-leaders who contribute solos and written material, all bringing difAmbitious to a fault, You and I‘. . _ _ ‘fails, but thankfully not through -- ferent styles of writing and playing to the band. lack of effort. There are a lot of reaThis diversity is evident in the desons to be optimistic about the but album, Out of the Blue, with band’s future to be found in listening the seven cuts written by five to their debut record, It’s a long way members. The first side contains the from T e Alpine Club where the mellow song, Eastern Love Village soundb s ard .technician hated Jim sandwiched between the stormy RH Villemaire’s voice so much he Factor and Output. turned Jim’s microphone off! Eastern Love Village is an ex,hibition for the talents of M.P. Mossman on flugelhorn, a compelling sound, and a light touch from Harry Pickens. Robert Hurst’s RH Factor has a fractured structure, with a simple head enveloping three solos by the hornmen. The steamy, Output, completes the first side, opening with a sax flurry by Bowen whil& by Tim ‘Perlich solos by Mossman, Kenny Garrett, Imprint staff and Harry Pickens follow in succesWhen listening to the sdngs on sion. Never-Before-Released Masters Ralph Bowen credits Wayne from Motown’s Brightest Stars it Shorter’s influence in his writing of is clearly evident why the songs the opening number on Side Two, were ‘never-before-released’ - they Reunited. The head is comprised of were sub-standard.‘ Instead of releasing.some rare or names. overlooked g&ns from their enorMany of the songs are merely a8mous catalogue (songs that may sembly-line reconstructions of other have actually been released d”uring Motown hits: Can’t Break the I-hbit the ’60s but because of a lack of by Mqrtha and the Vandellas, is a promotion or uncoriventionality straight redo of Nowhere To Run never received their due)+ including and Little Stevie’s Don’t You Fee/It, songs by Earl Van Dyke, Hearts of without the harmonica backing is Stone, or any of the material that not unlike a slowed down Dancing came along with either of the Ric Tic l

label buy-outs, Brqda M. Boyce (who compiled the compilation) and the Motown compilatibn are content to release third-rate Supremes and Temptations songs to capitalize on the current selling power of their

In the Streets.

The only two noteworthy tracks are the screaming sax stomp Break It Up by Jr. Walker and the All-Stars and the mid-tempo ballad I’m Stuck

block chords from the choir of horns, and then rips with the exchanges between alto and tenor and moves forward with all members contributing solos. Robert Hurst’s Git In There. drives with a bassline, hailing Mingus, which bus_ts in just above your thighs. Complete with a high ripping tenor sax solo and then an alto wail, this number stands out as an album highlight. Cooling down, Blue Hughes is jusi off blues, with a subtle latin swing. A tossed salad of note and. tempo textures highlights the versatility of these fine young players. A Mossman idea,eO. T.B., completes the album, neither in an agitated nor relaxed stance, but in that middle ground of slow cooking. Accompanying some fiery solo work by Bowen, Pickens, and Mossman, the use of dynamics #(too often neglected within a single jazz composition) compliments this number. Beyond the regret that the stereo separation is too narrow, ,-this is a bold effort for such young players (According to Ralph Bowen the unit practiced for one wee.k and then tackled the studio).. The recording quality, Digital, is excellent, but the crowding of instruments on top of one another makes it difficult tb listen to each player; therefore, the contrapuntal nature of jazz is sacrificed. These young players ventured to Japan for a week in August to perform two shows at a jazz festival. The rhythm section trio also performed a special show, in tribute of Bud Powell. Ralph Bowen found it surprising-their record bounded into the Japanese top-ten to compete with artists such as Grace Jones, and that it sold as many units in Japan as in the U.S. The thrill of national and international travel and performance is an exciting venture for a boy from Acton, Ontario. Ralph spent two and a half years with Manteca and his own quartet in Toronto. Moving to the University of Indiana to study jazz with Dave Baker under a non-degree applied music program and now studying at Rutgers in New Jersey, he now confidently t$elieves he “can make a living in jazz”, especially in the thriving environment of New York. If his good fortune of associating with such fine players as OTB continues, his jazz future should-indeed swing. On You by Smokey Robinson and the Miracles in which Smokey offers some helpful tips on how to avoid getting stuck while driving in the snow. Maybe after all the terrible songs by, Motown’s ‘brightest stars’ have been patched up ahd re-sold (you’d think they’d have learned something from the Marvin Gaye Sanctified Pussy/Lady fiasco) and all the possible sources have been milked dry, the truly great songs by Motown’s lesser known groups will finally emerge. I doubt it.>

by Charles Mak Imprint staff Admittedly, I don’t know much about this male/female duo and I’m sure that none of you mainstreamers have heard of them either.Ohtima meets Dania are an obscurity that base themselves in Alberta and I’m told Ohama himself is a potato farmer who keeps a 16track recording studio in his basement. Don’t take my word for it though. The music of Love only lasts a while is based on a very simple synthesized sound backed up by an electronic rhythm composer, an obvious fact even though the credits don’t mention what instruments were used. At best Ohama meets Dania sound like- a simplified and gnrefined version of the band Moev. What carries this album through is the vocals of Dania who transcends the inadequacies of the instrumentation and makes the sotind tighter and more textured. Although her range is limited, she is able to exude a style and sound that

by Chris Wodskoti Imprint Staff It’s really no wonder Americans seem to see Canadians as a lunatic bunch of beer-guzzling rednecks, what with compilations like It Came From Canada Volume 2 around. Like its highly popular predecessor, a demented, some might say “sick”, sense of humour abounds in the 15 bands parading their country-garage-sludge-thrash mutations through this great tour of the unseemly underbelly of Canadian music as represented by Deja Voodoo’s Og Records. The record starts on’an ominous note with Ray Condo & His Hard Rock Goners’ wigged-out, Mystery Truinish rockabilly on High Voltage to lead into a side of roots-oriented perversity. Self-touted “urban primitive swing”sters Condition continue the twanginess with an unusual country-influenced Ghost Train. Toronto is put on the Og map first by The Dundrells whose special Deja Voodoo remix of Mr. Nasty must be grungier than their wildest nightmares and then by ex-Forgotten Rebel mastermind Chris Houston who drawls, “Aww, heck/Oh what the hell/I think all girls are swell,” over sidekick Jack deKeyzer’s blues-wailing guitar on Girls Are Swell from the fab Hate-filled Man. Side-One finishes off with a couple of psychotic Montrealers. E.J. Brule’s mouth supplies the drums,




is eerily orientalized and infectious. . The slight shades of Oriental influence must surely come from Ohama. This becomes most apparent on Take me dancing where she takes on a haunting weave. On every song, Dania sings with a sinewy indifference almost to the point of iciness but her idiosyncratic . style is somehow compelling and absorbing. Underneath all the unpretentious and reserved sound lies a sultriness that beckons for attention. Ohama takes over from Dania on two tracks and unfortunately he can’t sing and his style is that of a dreary drudge which is all too pronounced on My Time. He,manages to salvage his reputation on Talking about, which incidentally is one of the better instrument+ songs. Having Dania do all the vocals would have made this album a good concept effort. A fuller and more textured sound would have removed the instrumental banality that flaws the album. Despite the shortcomings Love onty lasts awhile will grow on you, slowly but surely, depending on whether you a_re willing or unwilling to appreciate the alternative sound. Dania’s vocals are certainly worth listening to.

fuzz guitar, and trumpet and lines like “I take a strange consolation/That the women in my life/Have had it rotten since they left me.” (Nahhh, these guys ain’t sexist.) And, of course, there are the Grand Poobahs of sludgeabilly who plumb new depths of basement-infidelity production on Three Men, One Coffin from their forthcoming album,. Swamp Of Love. What’s Your Problem? from Tyj rants of Teen Trash by Montreal’s The Gruesomes is that close to being a garage classic. Only thin production and vocals that don’t quite sneer enough keep this harmonicadriven testament of teen paranoia in the realm of the merely great. Similarly riffin’ good tracks by The Zamboni Drivers (who could only come from Canada with a name like that) and Ten Commandments show Canadian garages are still full of kids bugging their neighbours all night with fuzzed-up guitars. Finally, honours for the two funniest songs1i.e. the ones with the highest degree of bad taste) are reserved for The Electric Banana’s tips on how to p?ek up girls in Mikey Is A Ladies Man and Fredericton’s Guilt Parade with Ode To An Asshole which features a vocalist who makes The Pogues’ Shane McGowan sound like a graduate of The Royal conservatory of Music. For some reason, he can’t understand why his wife left him just .because he beats her up all the time. After all, he don’t mean nuthin’ by it and he lets her drink his beer. Obviously, It Came From Can: ada Volume 2 is not for the overly sensitive who can’t take a joke no-r for those with a Strange Advance fetish. Crazy, cool, and Canadian.

for the week

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Skinny Puppy ....................... Talking Heads .................................. Chris DeBurgh ................. Peter Gabriel ............................ Several Heads ........................ Tina Turner ................................ Cyndi Lauper .................................. Doctor & The Medics .................. Chalk Circle ................................. R.E.M. ..........................

1. 2. 3.

Gle’n Chatten Woodentops Robert Fripp

JUST ................... ............ ..................

Based on sales it the Record





The Perpetual ...............

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Intercourse True Stories Into The Light ..l.............S o Come Visit The Biggot Break Every Rule True Colours Laughing At The Pieces The Great Lake. Life’s Rich Pageant

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Despite the attempts to generate emotional weight in these passages, it ends up sounding like an Ernest Hemingway rewrite of a scene from a Harlequin romance. This passage is typical of the contortions through which the language in Economic Sex is put. Reading it involves wadpages and pages of - ing through broken sentences which reveal nothing through their jagged structure. bridge over to New Jersey. Headed The overall effect is neither revelatonorth along the Hudson. Looking ry nor enlightening, merely pointback at the city. What a prize. lessly aggravating. Glowing gold in the sunset. Roof off. Ultimately, the combination of reMusic blaring. Fast: Hand on my peated superficial social references leg. I placed my hand on your leg. and literary artifice makes EcoYou placed my hand on your balls. nomic Sex a snobbish bore. AliYou smiled. Unzipping your pants. Janna White spends 220 pages in Cradling your strength. 1 liked the search of a way to communicate her openness. There was no sense of theme only to say more on the twoboundary. Touch me now. No, page postscript than she does in the don’t touch. One hand on the rest of the novel. Hopefully, next wheel, one hand on my lap, searchtime she will find a more satisfactory ing. Upward. Warm and wet. Hard. ___-__La --_-_---- I-.- AI---. ** * ’ ’

placements that Sarah, the main character in Economic Sex is reduced to a’ hollow consumer shell, defined by the material objects which surround her. Furthermore, the clipped, facts-only style in which White’ describes Sarah’s thoughts and feelings often becomes uninten_ tionally hilarious. Check this “steamy” sex scene: We took the


“Good fdr what ails ya!” T-DR, DISC

.% l l l l l l l l

Resumes Letters Mailing Lists Term Papers Reports Theses UCPA’s Photocopying, 232 King Waterloo

by John Zacariah Imprint staff I Commenting on the latest Cannon Group release would be like commenting on the latest rootsrock release, redundant and mostly pointless. Avenging Force is a string of carnage-ridden cliches sure to appease the gore-starved masses. But, there’s a twist. The hunky he-man battles to the death with dyed-inthe-wool Reaganites, all of whom are in firm support of aid to the contras. That’s quite a departure (not to mention a commercial gamble) for the Israeli wonder twins, whose heroes are often right-wing animals. On the other hand, politics is rarely a strong suit for the mostly male, mostly dense audiences of trashy Firstenberg-directed pictures. Then there’s Ruthless People, re-released for those on vacation this summer. Danny DeVito singlehandedly rescues this picture from the nefarious clutches of the dull Judge Reinhold and the weasely Helen Slater. DeVito decides to off his wife (Bette Midler) but he’s foiled when she gets kidnapped. Its a blessing in disguise, though, because all he has to do is refuse to pay the ransom, and she dies. Unfortunately for him, the kidnapers are a gutless young couple (Reinhold and Slater) who can’t bring themselves to shoot their victim and, in fact,, ,eventually befriend her. The mess of misunderstandings which follow is humourous, but forgettable. And, despite DeVito’s acidic and hilarious performance, so is Ruthless People.

root of all evil

by Paul Done Imprint staff * Money is not the root of all evil greed is. Focusing on the way in which greed manifests itself in malefemale relationships, Economic Sex, the first novella by Ali-Janna White, gets lost in overwrought structure. In a desperate effort to say something, anything, about modern romance, Economic Sex becomes indistinguishable from the WASP social climbers who are supposed to be the,subjects of the criticism. Ali-Janna White becomes so entangled in her maze of “correct” brand references and social order


St. N. (at University)




26. 1986

Avenging Force- . a dud!

by Tim Perlich Imprint staff Besides the frightening Mr. Nasty which appeared on the Og It Came From Canada Volume 2 (in a mysteriously remixed version), the latest release from Toronto’s two-car-garage punks is the Nothing On T.V. 7”. Althougth Pete .Hudson’s production quality is far more gritty and lively on the new single, they still have yet to equal some of the compositions on their debut cassette like X-ray Eyes. The musicianship is equal to their past efforts and unfortunately so are the vocals. It’s obvious the very nature of this genre is unprofessionalism but the fact singer Gary Welsh cannot remain in key for more than a few bars is tremendously ‘annoying. The idea of recording Welsh’s voice with a RCA ribbon microphone through a furnace duct seemed to work well on Mr. Nasty and should probably be explored further in future recording sessions. However, live shows with this arrangement may prove difficult.




by Tim Perlich ’ Imprint staff Back in the days when the New York Dolls and the Ramones were the only bands that mattered, d-i-y groups sprouted and multiplied like weeds. Greg Prevost (Chesterfield Kings) had the Distorted Levels and Jeff ‘Monoman’ Conolly (Lyres), never to be out-done by Greg, had DMZ. Before Conolly even heard of DMZ, the group had already been together for awhile playing mostly covers. Solely on the basis of his unique ability to write original songs,

Conolly took over the band shortly after joining and eventually got rid of all the original members. Supposedly the first song Conolly ever wrote with the ‘new’ DMZ (featuring ex-Lyres and current A-Bones bassist Mike Lewis) was First Time Is The Best Time now reissued by the cooler than cool Telstar Records. Recorded in March and April 1976, the song bears a strong Stooges/Groovies influence but the piano use points to the shape of things to come with the Lyres. The B-side’s Teenage Head, an obligatory homage to the Flamin’ Groovies is adequate but nothing to yell and scream about. Congratulations are in order for Todd Abramson for once again mending the holes in rock’s rich tapestry (whew!)

King of Hearts a good UW film series opener by Sam Hiyq,@ Imprint staff Had Joseph Heller (Catch-22) and Federico Fellini (8 l/2, City of Women, and most recently Fred and Ginger) devised a film criticizing the madness of war, the result would have been a film like King of

Hearts. King of Hearts, a 1967 FrancoItalian co-production written by Pierre Lhomme, directed by Phillip De Broca,, and featuring Alan Bates and * Genevieve Bujold, kicked off the International Films. 1986/87 series screening this year at the Humanities Theatre. . King of Hearts is a satiric, surreal exploration of self against a backdrop of war. It is the kind of film which asks questions about the human condition and answers them before the viewer has a chance to ponder other possible answers. These answers will provoke a laugh, a grin, or a bit of a shock.’ Even today, almost twenty 20 after its

creation, it offers a relevant comment: there is only one place of refuge during world war - ourselves. In 1918, near the end of World War One, an English soldier is sent to defuse a bomb set to go off in a small town in Northern France. Charles (Alan Bates) arrives at a village deserted by all except the inmates of the local insane asylum. Having escaped and assumed functions such as barber, general, and whore, the crazies provide an adequate illusion of town life for Charles, who tries to locate the bomb with their aid. Charles is crowned king by the villagers, and after he meets and falls for the naive prostitute Coquelicot (Genevieve Bujold), he indulges in their escapism, knowing that at any time the bomb might go off. At this point, the film becomes Felliniiesque metaphor, describing


on page






Funkiest act in the world

Chato Star


delivered their perception of in a handful of minutes. skit was outrageous for any


overlords of Canadian TV, CBC. Almost makes you want to go stateside, or at least laugh., gbrt of.

Cliches weaken “Lady” Our Lady of the Snows Morley Callaghan Macmillan Paperbacks/215 pp by Karen Plosz imprint staff Morley Callaghan demonstrates his power .as an adept storyteller in





11 Varieties of Fish & Chips (including Hallbut) I l Clam Chowder l Back Bacon on a Bun I l Burgers l Sandwiches BREAKFAST served any time of I l



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St. N. -sss-o6m-WB

to Zohn




26. 1986


Trekkie because it moved at warp by Pete Lawson ehead did not make a crime stopspeed and was completely warped Imprint staff ping appearance that evening. out. Every cliche of that legendary With at least four on the floor, the (Paul with a sombrero and two plasshow was twisted to the maximum, tic baseball bats) was nothing short Frantics invaded UW’s Humanities even the representation of the ship Theatre September 20 for a blister- .* of demented genius. ing sold out show. These Canadian The entire troupe made the stage These men of comical supremacy zanies gave the audience a two-hour for their final stab, a public school either through skits, poems or song body workout of laughs - quite a production of Normal Mailer’s Tendeliver comedy at its best. Neither brutal attack. nessee Chain Saw Massacre with stooping to vulgarity nor rising to After six yearsof team work, this Peter Wildman slashing down innosainthood, the Franitics, Dan Redicent victims with the chain saw troupe is probably the funniest act in can, Paul Chato, Rick Green, and Canada (no, let’s be daring, the played by the youthful Paul Chato. Peter Wildman, bust loose. Though funniest act period). Having gained A blend of both the visual and the! their show, 4 on the Flpor, has been fame through their CBC radio proverbal, their material is zany, unpre- . cancelled by the CBC, they are gram and a record album, they dictable, and fast paced. The live hopeful that Global will produce a reached a higher plateau with their show is even more frantic (no apolTV program. short lived CBC television series 4 ogy for that word) than the TV show It seems ironic upon the recent on the Floor. because of the unbridled nature of release of the CRTC study on CanaMuch of the Humanities show theatre and the limitless topics these dian Television (they want more was material which had been prowizards of comedy prey upon. The Canadian culture) that the best in duced for that TV series. Material evening climaxed with the best they Canadian comedy is stifled by the such as Dan Redican”s policehad to offer. Rick Green and Paul

.puppet _- arrest skit, or the blues number, Baby you need ‘me, were viewed on the tube, but Mr. Cano-’


For those of you not going to New York


City, here’s some events you

might want to attend. First off there’s lots of rock’n’roll going on in the next couple of weeks whether you like your hair short’and spiky (D.O.A. at Level 21, October 6); long, black and spooky (Kitchener faves Anonymous Behaviour at The Princess Cinema September 28); or rnessy’n’natural lookin’ (reformed Goth rockers 54-40 who are now a roots rock band play the Bayhorse Tavern in Guelph tonight). On the ornithological front, The’



play Fed Hall tonight.

On a slightly higher cultural plain, Lisztomania is presented by the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra at the Humanities Theatre on Monday night. Jazz Canada featuring Rob McConnell, Guido Basso, Ed Bickert and the cream of Canadian Jazz plays the Humanities on Tuesday while Fragile, “a combination of mime, music and imagination” sponsored by the Waterloo Christian Fellowship takes place Thursday night in AL116. The Princess Cinema has some fine movies showing this week including Kiss Of The Spider Wo%an, Performance, The Godfather, War Of The Worlds and Brother-.&n, Sister Moon.

Rounding out this week’s& of crucial events are The Royal Canadian Air Farce, Cakewalk presenta by the UW Arts Centre and the British Modernism Conference which wi!l lake place on campus.

King ofiHearts continued from page 17 1 the human condition by way of idiosyncrasy. Circus animals abound, brightly costumed zanies improvise, one character plays chess with a chimpanzee (and loses), and characters voice revelations like“ there’s a wall between us and the world.” The film proposes that (as one character says) “to love the world (during a state of war), you have to get away from it”.


Bates and Bujold, the audience kept enthralled. The introspection of Charles in his relationship with the supposedly irrational townsfolk during the course of the film convinces us that absolute introspection does not lead to insanity. Indeed, King of Hearts shows us that in order to retain our identities in as insane a context as world war, exploring our inner workings is the only battle we need win. And the most difficult battles ever fought anywhere are the ones between our self and our selves.

Our Lady of the Snows, but that’s ’ place in modern sensibility. She is a all his latest novel is - merely a nice male fantasy of the old-fashioned memorable story. While there is ‘a sort, a glamour girl who can restore languid charm in the telling, annoymale vitality. She is a deluding ficing cliches abound (particularly the tion. women as saint/whore), effectively Much of the book deals with Dudating the approach. buque’s interest in llona, in both the Through a witty story, with possiThe novel tells a story of street life monetary and sexual senses. He is bly cliche situations ending in atypiand desires surrounding a hooker, intrigued by Ilona’s lack of moneycal ways, and solid performances by yet the woman in question is excesmaking motives in her profe,ssion, sively romanticized and idealized. despite her obvious “value’:. Our Lady of the Snows is a sto- She has a talent for lifting the spirry of a “happening” in the small town its of men whose lives have been, of Toronto. It centres on a womanbeaten down. She is able to make /whore/saint who is “happening” in her clients feel important and interthe Bradley House a neighbouresting during their time together. hood lounge. Ilona Tomor y is a “bigDubuque devises several schemes ’ bucks hooker” who throws away to improve her market value, but her “stuff” for “peanuts” on innocuthey all bomb because Ilona is not in ous, unimportant men. So says Edbusiness for money - she,% into mund J. Dubuque, the resident the more saintly pursuit of being an capitalist and pimp of the Bradley. uplifting medium for some downtrodden man’s ,psyche. Callaghan creates in Ilona an inThe story is set primarily at the trigue that both fascinates and Bradley House, where the characangers most men in the bar/novel. ters meet and interact. The Bradley As a prostitute, she is made - too has a lounge of hookers, thugs and simplistically - a symbol of life’s underworld figures, and a bar where mysteries and its magic. Callaghan trendy others can be close to the describes her more as a medium to lounge’s illicit activities. It is for men searching for the mysterious those who are living the street life welling joys in life, rather than as a and for those who merely want to real person. watch. She is Dubuque’s latest financial venture, she is aspiring writer/barIf you like pleasant, well-told stotender Gil Gilhooley’s potential ries with few surprises, you will ensource of inspiration, she is Judge joy Our L&y of the Snows. Gibbons’ comfort from the subtle However, if you .are looking _ for. spitefulness of his wife, she is the Bolero Lava opened for Doug and the Slugs at the Seotember 18 something with a little more depth, mystic sexual goddess of Zen-philoshow at Fed Hall. photo by darcy Alyed you will be, periodically disgusted sopher Johnny Sills. By being many with the cliched approach. things to many men, she has nc


e.. D.O.A.;.. v+ NEW > POSTERS AND MORE Oil THi WAY!






Warriors’ M’cKillop has no regrets, about .coaching change Chicago White Sox to the University of Waterloo. He was a star-middle linebacker for three teams whose season records were 4-3, 4-3 and 5-2. Upon graduation coach McKilldp went into coaching hockey and football at first the high school and later the university level. . In an interview with. Imprint, McKillop was asked if he had any regrets about leaving a successful hockey program for a disappointing football program. An emphatic no was his immediate reply. “I feel very fortunate to have coached 12 vears of varsity hbckey, including a CIAU chamand I am hoping pionship.: another CIAU championship is in my coaching future”. Despite his enthusiasm and outgoing attitude toward his football program, the record shows a history ’ of poor, in fact little if any, recruiting. So Imprint asked what his recruiting-program was like this Jonathan Sadlier then drove year considering the quality across the try line to put Water; crop of freshmen. loo back on its winning course. “We had to attempt to show Standout performances were that the University of Waterloo delivered by Mac Clayton, a sewas not solely an academic cond year player whose toughhaven for overachievers, where ‘Warrior makes a reception. ness in the r.ucks and mauls every waking hour is spent studhelped ensure the Waterloo win. ying. And we made the people Harold Godwin filled in admiracoming in aware that the opporbly, kicking for all-star Paul tunity does exist for them to play Toon who is-currently on the disfootball at the University of Waabled list. Finally, Mike Fisher terloo.” It seems the recruiting deserves mention for his solid program, which has only been in j The Warriors decided to get by Refton Blair play throughout the game. effect this year, was a fairly sucaggressive with a&j-yard comImprint staff Waterloo has now defeated cessful one - of the 45 players pletion from Leriart to Maeckei’ JAkstern.,-IJe~e.2 l?st. .two .games Once again Waterloo foqtball dressed for Saturday’s game followed by tin&her run by Mitplayed on Western turf. The last fans were left with little to cheer against our University Avenue chell this time’ for five yards time was the OUAA champiabout in last Saturday’s loss to rivals, Laurier,.26 were first yeaT bringing the Wa?riors within ‘onships last November when <he Laurier 38-2. If it Gasn’t for the students. field goal range at the Hawks’ 3'5 Warriors walked away with the play of the Warriar’s special From this iroup Tim Mitchell, yard line. However, Waterloo’s tiophy. teams and the halftime enterg Richard Chei ana -0rvill Beckfield goal attempt was wide.&d The second team didn’t fare are three of the’-pl?@%s tainment there would be little in M the drive ended in a disappointto quite as well, coming up on the ‘watch the way of positive cqmments to, for. But not only did the ing one point. short end. of a 14-0 score. The make, recruiting program bring in The thrashing of the bird team improves with each appromising high school athletesseemed to bring out the killer inThe option play of the Golden pearance and -should start probut it also brought out. some stinct in the Laurier players as Hawks’ attack devastated the ducing some better results in the promising upper classmen. In they scored 24 points in the sepass coverage of the &Warriors. future. Keith Peck and Bob Farall, 41 players of the 72 men roscond half. The Warrior defense, Wilson, the QB for the Hawks, ley put forth a solid effort along ter are first year players?These which had managhd quite ably used his favourite target Joe with the rest of the team. guys had to take on fourth-year during the first three quarters, Nastasiuk continuously to burn Waterloo plays their home opand fifth-year players from seemed to fall apart in the fourth the Waterloo defense. The Warener this coming weekend Western last Saturday (Sept. quarter. Conversely, the Hawks riors held together ‘reasonably against McMaster. Mac‘- is a 13), and (had to) do the same offense seemed to come alive well in the first half as the only threat to Waterloo’s unblemagainst .Laurier this Saturday,” scoring 21 points in the final bright moment for the offense ished record so fan support said the coach. occurred during the second * quarter of play. would be much appreciated. The During the McKillop era UW Special thanks to the fans and quarter. It started with a run of game will start at 12:30 on Cohas becoine known around the the Warrior band for providing 11 yards by Jim Mitchell; lumbia field. OUAA as a very poor football some stirring halftime entertainanother run by Mitchell off the program. So the coach was asked ment and moving renditions of first down for two yards and what are some of the pitfalls of various sixties songs. The Warfour yard carry by Becford alcoaching football at Waterloo. riors travel to Mac this weekend lowed the offensive series to’ “There are two very large hurfor a two o’clock game. continue. dles: one is the unfortunate opinion of high schoolers about the academic standards of Waterloo” - what the coach calls the Although the men% slo-pitch Blowdogs as finalists. The Oldtiquality of life syndrome - “Cotournament had a wet start this mers beat the legends in the op is the other, it makes contiweekend, everyone was in good Flight C finals, and after a really n-uity impossible, especially spirits and the tournament was a close game, North A took the since five of the team’s top-flight success, The event .was organFlight D championship from KC players are currently on work ized as a flight tournament, reand the Gonads. term.” ’ sulting in four championship _ Special- thanks to all the umIn reference to the two hurdles games. . pires who worked long hours on facing coaching at Waterloo, The diggers captured the the ‘weekend,, to our volunteers when asked about his expectaFlight A championship after a and to all the teams for their tions foi this season, coach close battle with the Unit. The good spirit and cooperation McKillop replied as follows: .Flight B championship team is you make the tournament a suc“Well, we’ played a good football West 3, with the Optometry cess! team last Saturday (Western), and will be playing another this Saturday. We do so with’players who haven’t had the chance of playing in , an organized. program. Therefore, for this season reaching a point of competitiveness, every time we take the football fiel$is my goal. Competitive to the point that people will stop laughing.” One can only hope that coach McKillop and his Warriors are successful in their goals for this season.

timistic, McKillop’s past at Waterloo and other previous athletic endeavors were more He has been head Warrior positive. He came out of high football coach since 1981, when he gave up the head coaching job school recruited in football and for the varsity hockey team after baseball. Turning his back on a 12 successful seasons, including U.S. college football scholarship. McKillop signed a minor a CIAU championship. Since league offer with the Chicago those days coach Bob McKillop Sox baseball organizahas only had one reasonably . White tion. competitive season, in 1981, and During his six years in the orfour dishearteninglosing seahe was given annual sons. This is his fifth season and I ganization promotions and opportunities to though recent games against the make a baseball career. HowWestern Mustangs and the WLU ever, not wanting to become Golden Hawks were losing efforts, there is some pro’mise for another baseball journeyman he, and his wife, decided he would the future. pursue his academic yearning. While the future of McKillop’s This pursuit led him from the football Warriors is at best op-

by Refton Blair Imprint staff

,UW Rugby team grabs lead in OUAA standings Mike Brown Imprint staff

The UW Rugby Warriors won their second consecutive game, \and in doing so, captured sole possession of .first place in the OUAA <standings. The final score;df’last, weekend’s game in L@hdon against the Western tiustangs ,was a very close‘ 2220.’


-‘Harold Godwin punished the ‘Stangs with his boot by racking up f0 points for the Warriors on the strer;lgth of four nice kicks thro,ugh.,:t.he po,sts. Malcol.@ ‘Gil’&Eist, *-‘brie ‘of WAterloo’s hefty forward+, threw himself againbt ‘the Western pack, found an opening and dove for try-line .getting the first try of the game. Minutes before the end of the first half, strum-half Harold God&in set up short-side winger Mike Brown with a fine pass which resultq,d in UW’s second try. At halftime, the Warrriors led 13-4. The Western side ‘has never been an easy foe. They demonstrated this by getting right back into the game’ with some excellent penalty kicks by their team captain John O’Meara. At one point, late in the second half, the Mustangs led 16-14. However, the Warriors picked up their intensity level and an aggressive


Warriors edged 38-2 in hardfought football battle Saturday

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’ UW-X-Country helping the Warriors become the top school at the meet. Pleasant weather in the days preceding the race had threatened to leave the course in good condition, but Mother Nature came through the night before the race. As a result, parts of the course were adequately flooded for the women’s start, which took place under cool, overcast skies shortly after noon.

The University of Waterloo fielded their first cross-country teams of the season last Saturday, and came aw_ay with some impressive results. Ulrike Zugelder finished sixth in the five- kilometre women’s race, leading the Athena’s to fifth-place overall. In the men’s lo-kilometre event, Andy Krucker had another outstanding event, placing second and

Athlete of the Week Andy Kruc’ker Cross Country

Athlete of the Week Sue Owen Field Hockey

Andy Krucker was named Warrior Athlete of the Week. Andy is a fourth-year Mechanical Engineering student and a native of Burlington. Krucker placedsecond at the Guelph Invitational Cross Country Meet this past weekend. An,dy led the Warriors Cross Country Team to a first place finish against a high caliber men’s field which included American universities. The course-was wet and muddy but this was more of an asset to Krucker who thrives under less than ideal circumstances. Andy is an athlete who tends to rise to’ the occasion at championship meets. ’ This was Andy’s second consecutive successful race as he won the McMaster Invitational Cross Country Meet the week* before. Krucker”showed his determination last winter after being injured in the fall. He then went on to win the gold medal at the OUAA Indoor Track and Field Championships. He was also rankedseventh at the CIAU Indoor Track Championships. ’ Andy’s leadership and dedication to the Warrior’s is as much an asset to the team as his sterling performances. He will be an important component in the Warriors bid for an OUAA medal.

Sue Owen is a. second-year Kinesiology student from Hamilton, .where she attended Hillfield-Strathallan College. Despite playing injured for the past seven days, she has turned in some outstanding goalkeeping performances. According to coach Judy McCrae, “the Athena’s make-up this season will have them playing a lot of defense and thus Sue’s rule becomes very important.” At the University of Waterloo Invitational last weekend Sue recorded two shutouts, one against Carleton and the other against McMaster. These were her second and third shutouts in a week as she previously did not allow a goal in a game with Adrian College at a, tournament in Michigan. She also stopped three penalty strokes, which normally result in automatic goals, over the past six games. Sue has been unable to practice due to a leg injury, yet she has proven she has great concentration when it comes to the game itself. Sue was also a member of the Athena Swim Team in her first. year. “If Sue can continue to provide us with good goalkeeping, I think we can accomplish our team goals, said McCrae.


Zugelder ran strongly to place , sixth behind winner Paula Schnurr of McMaster. The next Watwoman was Kilmeny Beimler in 24th, closely followed at the finish by rookie Maggie Stewart. Rookies Louise Chayer, 33rd, Wendy Huismans, 39th, and Jodi Dorfman in 45th rounde’d out the scoring. Teamwise, Waterloo was fifth behind winning team, U. of T. Head coach Andy Heal said he was very pleased with the women’s team. Claiming the team “is shaping up to be what we hoped it to be”, Heal predieted the team might surprise even themselves. Zugelder, Heal said, “ran one of the better races of her career at Waterloo”, which bodes well for the future, considering the early stage of the season. The rookies performed very well, faced with the pressure on them to perform since they constituted all but two members of the team. The mixture of promising rookies combined with cunning veterans is well capable, as Heal said, of surprising themselves. By the time the men’s race got underway, the course was beginning to show definite *quagmire tendencies. The lead pack slowly fell apart as runners either dropped back or dropped out. Krucker was the last to go as Steve Boyd of Queen’s went on to win what Boyd said was his best race since the 1983 OUAA championships, when he was second.

Kevin Shields, on work term in Ottawa, came west for the weekend and started his season well, finishing ninth. Waterloo’s remaining scorers were: Tom Sawyer, following up on his Beer Mile victory the previous weekend, led a trio of Warriors across the line; Sawyer was 25th, and Tim Rose and Chris Rogers were 26th and 27th, respectively. They were followed by Kevin Shoom in 33rd, Dwight Caldwell in 52nd and Pete “Marathon” Mulvihill in 73rd. The team was easily the top University at the meet. Men’s coach Don Mills, was not surprised by the team’s placing, considering the “calibre of the work put in by team members Kevin Shields and Andy Krucker. The team looks good for the OUAA championships.” Coach Mills was exceptionally pleased with the weather, as it

left some runners paddle the finish

trying to dogstraight. .

Today Waterloo travels to Western for an overnight meet. The promised feast tonight along with the sight of coach Mills in a (borrowed) tie, will undoubtedly be eclipsed by the intensity of tomorrow’s race on the CIAU course. Four American universities, including Penn State, will compete. Virtually all the Ontario universities will be represented as well neither the juggernaut University of Ottawa nor Guelph’s A-Team were at Guelph but both will be at McMaster. Nonetheless, Waterloo will be the team to watch - in the latest in cross. country fashions presented to the team by Reebok. Things are getting exciting and’ it’s still five weeks until the OUAA championships at R.M.C.




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drop 2 in weekend

It was a lo&g weekend for the soccer Warriors. Although. they played well in both their weekend games they could not come up with any points. On September 20 the Warriors were in Guelph to take on the Gryphons. The Warriors played on even terms with the Gryphons for the full 90 minutes but managed to lose by a 3-0 score. The Warriors gave up all three goals on defensive errors. Twice the Warriors failed to mark opposing forwards leading to two Guelph goals. Waterloo did score once on a brilliant solo effort by the unpredictable Steve New but a horrible call by the referee nul-

Warrior forward

fullback Bruce Hollanby at Sunday’s game.


lified it. The next day the Warriors hosted the Brock Badgers at Columbia Fields. The Warriors lost this game 1-O as a Warrior fullback deflected the ball into his dwn net. The Warriors played well but were again unable to score. Severa1 times good chances were thwarted by bad bounces caused by the poor turf conditions. Good performances last weekend were put in by forward Frank Avila, midfielders Upen Kawale and Glenn Clarkson and fullbacks Psycho Hollamby and John Gimpel. Tim Walker Goalkeeper


played reasonably well in both games but still left room for improvement. The 1986 Warrior Soccer team players are: Goalkeepers - Tim, Walker, Dave Brubacher; Fullbacks - Amyn Samji, Bruce Hollamby, John Gimpel, Phil Worton, Dale Graf, Scott Robinson; Midfielders - Steve New, Andrew Wall, Upen Kawale, Glenn Clarkson, Billy Mueller; Forwards Mike Houston, Ralph Barker, Gary Cooper, Rob Hitchcock, Steve Cooper, Frank Avila. The Warriors play Wednesday at Laurier; Saturday at home against Mac and Sunday at Ryerson.

the ball against a Brock photo by Cathy Blott

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-CLASSlFl.ED PERSONALS ARE -YOU going to Montreal on thanksgiving weekend? Do you have room for a passenger in your car? Would you like someone to .split+the cost of gas with you? If so, call Marie at 746-3336. GERM - A real cat-burglar on campus? A rainy night? GERM can enter any house. Fired before h&r first day of I work, GERM spends her w’end wearing boxer shorts and spilling banankaluha-milk. Frantic, wining conservatism: the pink shopping cart leaves. So beware GER-M trains the Pink Flamingo’s to steal the boat-racing prize. TO ALL lovers of Caribbean Music and Food, only 44 days remain before the big Regga’e-Calypso Jam in South Campus Hall - Watch for more info next week. BRIDGE CLUB -Anyone interested in playing duplicate bridge, pleas call Craig Martin at 885-0906. FEATURING: YOU! Have you ever longed to see your name in print? Can you write? If the answer to these questions is “yes”, Imprint wants you to write for its new features section. For more info ask for,Phred at imprint, ,CC 140. THE CALYPSO Vibrations shaking the nation radio show shakes this nation ‘today and every second Friday from 4-5 pm on CKMS-FM 94.5 with the ReverEnd Reptile. TO LISA: Where i,s Mona? Lynda H. requires i’ddress and te,lephone number. TO MONA: Where is Lisa? James would like to know. MACINTOSH’S ,AND PC Compatibles --! hot, hot prices, software, software, software!! Peripherals, diskettes, everything!! Call Karen at 884-9037. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wendy! Here’s to a weekend of mass hysteria. Enjoy it and party hard! DEAR SADIE is coming your way soon! Check out the JSA newsletter for advice & tips on everything from matzoh meal to “Shadchan -voodoo dolls!” Write to Sadie! She vould like to hear from youl DR. RUTH; Let’s say you and me jog to a diet “bon-bon” factory and go “skinny dipping”! Yours always, Bagel Queen. ANRY WILLIAMS, Happy 21st! In honour, the bathtub will be free! Luv your roomies!! RON GALL: You still have sexy legs. Ladv. TONIGHT’S FORECAST: Country Bob and the Blood Faimers, cramps, meatmen, scraping foetus, industrial realizations, test dep’t., einsturzende neubauten, ‘rock and roll and repression, requests - 884-BLOP. Fri. 7-10, pm, 94.5 FM - 105.7 cable - CKMS. HEATHER (E-3) - Congratulations on the upcoming event. 9 months isn’t too long to wait. We hope its a boy. , Love, Hubbie. BREn, WANNA play hockey? Call Barry 884-5877. OLIVES INC! Bunches & bunches of warm hugs and kisses. Don’t worry yamokas don’t hu’rt, they just leave a bald spot. Love.from ttie girl below. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rebecci. How does it feel to be old and feeble? Remember, I have a pair o.f elephant shoes just your size! Love, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Mathie (C&O/C. .S/AM) from Heck in 2B. MATH ORIENTATION ‘86 Pink Shirts and Pink Ties (the drink that is)in the Bombihelter. Be there or be Wally. Lisa. fvlATH GRADS - Get involved! Fundraising begins. Come to MathSoc ‘and volunteer to help make our last year the best yet. ANYONE INTERESTED in joining the People’s Front Against People’s Fronts, write me at VI N6 305 Box460, Waterloo, N2J 4C6. My name is Bartholomew. ATTENTION RYlA members: Laurel Brenzil, Alison Cameron, Joe Guzzi, Lisa Kahlert, etc. It’s time for the Oktoberfest reunion. Call Paul Lum at 8856378. 1


,APPLE II compatible, monitor, disk drive, stand. Make an off&r. Call Cecile at (416) 822-3850.

1982 YAMAHA 550 Vision. New Spring 1985, already stored this year. Liquid cooled, shaft drive. tires: Pirelli seat, new s,pitfire front. Ferrodo pads, engine guards, fairing. Excellent con$tiin. $1800 or best offer. 57&5615. 1978 HONDA Civic - good Fondition, 63,000 km., Stereo, 4 good tiC;es, 2 spares, best offer - evenings 7462931 or 578-l 358. 1976 COMET. Body in mint condition. New exhaust, tires, brakes, starter. Must sell. $1,600 or best offer. Phone 888-9289 evenings. WATERBED FOR sale. Queen size, padded, semi-motionless, pad, she_ets, etc. $250 o.b.o. 745-3467 evenings, ask for Aaron. 10 OCTOBERFEST tickets for Sat. Oct. 11 at Oktoberfest Haus (Farmer’s Market). Call 746-0046. *50.00. MOVING SALE Office desks, chairs, tables, glass tops, bulletin boards, pe.gboards, shelving,’ coffee table, desk shelves, manv more. 884-2806. 1979 FORD pinto - one owner. Well maintained. Certified S 1000. 634~ 8616 after 6. MACINTOSH’S AND PC Compatibles - hot, hot prices, software, software, software!! Peripherals, diskettes, everything!! Call Karen at 884-9037.


CLOWN HUGS - trained clown will entertain any age at parties, parades, and other special occasions. Willing to do workshops on clowning or related themes. Balloon sculpting, face painting. Phone Buffette the Clown at 8886057 (leave message).


WILL DO light moving, also haul away rubbish. Reasonable rates. Jeff 884 2831.

Garbo Inc. 525Adelaise St. W., Toronto, Ontario M5V lT6, Att: Christina. (800) 387-l 613.

ARE YOU headed for the right career? Contact Philip Wallen, M.S.W. for aptitude and interest testing. Call evenings for appointment 744-7299.



RESUMES WOR;) Processed. $4 per page, 3Oc -for original copies. Near Seagram Stadium. Draft copy always provided. Phone 885-l 353.

WANTED DESPERATELY SEEKING a ride to Montreal on Thanksgiving weekend. Willing to share gas but I don’t drive. Call Marie 746-3336.

WORK REPORTS Word Processed. $1.15 ,per double-spaced page. Near Seagram Stadium. Draft copy always provided. May book ahead. Phone 885-l 353. ’ TYPING * 1 .O”/page (d.s.) Experienced typist with teaching degree, lives close to university - MSA. Ask for Karen, 746-0631.

SEMEN DONORS for artificial insemination programme in the area. Donors must be healthy & responsible. Preference given to married candidates. Contact Dr. N..Assad, 695 Coronation Blvd., Cambridge, Ont. NlR 7J9.

26. 1986

FAST, PROFESSIONAL typing by university graduate. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Can also type Spanish & German. Grammar, Spelling Correction available. $1 .OO/double-spaced page. Suzanne, 886-3857. 25 YEARS experience. 75C per double-spaced page. Westmount-William area. Call 743-3342. “PRO” TYPING ang word processing. Resumes, reports, theses, letters. Low rates, fast s&vice. Close to U of W. Open all hours. 634-8691,742-2259. QUALITY TYPING and/or word pro-’ cessing. Resumes stored indefinitely. Punctuation and spelling checked. Fast, accurate service. Delivery arranged. Diane;576-1284.

EXPERIENCED TYPIST - will do last minute work, corrections, fast & dependable service. 9Oc per double space page. Phone Sandi 746-l 501.

GUITARIST WANTED to form cool sixties-type garage band. Influences: Chocolate Watchband. Unrelated Segments, Ugly Ducklings. Leave messaue for Tim at Imprint, CC 140.

PROFESSIONAL TYPING. Essays, work term reports, theses, etc. Fast, accurate, dependable service. $1 per double spaced page, call 886-4347 (Sonia). ESSAYS, THESES, work reborts, business letters, resumes etc. Will correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Electronic typewriter. Reasonable rates. Phone Lee 886-5444. Afternoon or evening.

OKTOBERFEST TICKETS for Fri. Oct. 17 at Bingeman Park. Please call 7460439.


new feature section wants you! If you’ve ever felt compelled to write a feature article for a campus newspaper, now’s your chance. For more info, contact Phred at Imprint, cc 140.

TYPING - $1 .OO/PAGE (d.s.) for experienced typist living on campus (MSA). English degree - spelling corrected. Call Karen at 746-3127.

OKTOBERFEST TICKETS for Sat. ‘Oct. 18. the AVD. Paul 746-4285.

NEED TO move? Give us a call. 7442420 or pager #6581586.

23 Imprint,

DESPARATELY WANTED: Cheap, used, certifiable car, moped or scooter. Cheapness essential. Call Bruce at 578-2794. LOOKING FOR enthusiastic and presentable person to do seivicing for a major jewelry company. Job includes inventory stocktaking and merchandising once every montht. If interested. please forward resume and picture to

LOST ONE BLACK CKLN-FM 88.1 Raising the Power by going to the Tower sweatshirt. If found, please call Niles at 744- 5402.



THREE BEDROOM’ townhouse,available Oct. 7, 1986 to Aug. 31, 1987. Corner of-Albert and Weber. Newly renovated, new fridge, new stove, finished basement, swimming pool, furnished. *850/month. Call Diane (416) 822-3850. I

@k.ASSJFED ads: 5p.m. tiw CA’LE N DAR: Noon- Tuesday




MORNING PRAYER, 9:&I son College Chapel




FED FLICKS! This week Back to the, Future, sttirring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. TIME: 8:00 pm; PLACE: Arts Lecture Hall 116; PRICE: Feds - $1 .OO, Others - $3.00. Saturday and Sunday night too! PALESTINE HERITAGE is holding its fourth annual Jerusalem Day. Featuring Palestinian food &Arts and Crafts exhibits. Food will be served beginning at 11 :OO am. ENCOUNTER THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed conversation. All are welcome, 8:30 - 11:00 pm in CC 110. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowhsip. PHILOSOPHY COLLOQUIUM. Prof. Leo Groarke of th’e WLU Phil. dep’t. will present a paper on Anti-realism in Greek Philosophy: A Tale of Two Cities. 3:30 pm, ESl, 221. FASS ‘87 Annual general organizational meeting. Everyone welcome. Party to follow. PAS 3005, 7:30 pm.

EUCHARIST - 9:30 am, Renison College’ Chapel. CONTEMPORARY EUCHARIST, Moose Room, Ren’s Residence, Renison College. CHRISTIAN WORSHIP on campus. lo:30 a.m., HH 280. All Welcome. CAN’T GET to a fall fair?Then see Step Right Up, Folks!, the exhibit of carnival games at the Games Museum. Play games and penny arcade machines popcorn, too! Call ext. 4424 for more info. Sunday 1 - 5 p:m., Weekdays, 9 5.


FED FLICKS! Thi$ week Back to the Future, starring Michael J. Fox ahd Christopher Lloyd. TIME: 8:00 pm; PLACE: Arts Lecture Hall 116; PRICE: Feds - $1 .OO, Others - $3.00. Satur. day-and Sunday night too! SATURDAY THEATRE Workshop Series’ with the Stratford Festival’s Young Company at lo:,30 am. to 3:30 pm. Information and registration at the Humanities Theatie Box Office (8851211, ext. 6562 or 885-4280) INTERESTED In group cycling? This is for people interested in bicycle touring as a group. Pace is expected to be in the range of 25-35 km/h. Rides to be about 60-l 00 km. 1O:OO am, Campus Centre. For more info call Kevin Gibbs at 745-7932. THEATRESPQRTS WORKSHOP. 1:OO pm, CC 113. Learn to improvise comedy so that you don’t have to pay money for a joke book. THi INDIAN students association with I.C.A. is holding a potluck dinner with Garba Dance at 6:00 pm in VI Blue Dining Hall. Everyone is welcome. THEATRESPORTS. Live improvised comedy, served *fresh as ysu watch. It’s a new season, and we’re raring to go. Bring your friends. 8 pm, Siegfried


29 ..

MORNING PRAYER, 900 am, Renison College Chapel. WE’RE BACK! Another fun filled terin of frivolity, frolic and plucked budgies. UW House of Debates, 5 p,m, St. Jerome’s Rm 229. Bring own plucker. SOCIOLOGY RESEARCH Workshop 1:30 pm at the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the information Desk. HISTORY RESEARCH Workshop 2:30 pm at the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the information Desk.




MORNING PRAYER, 9:00 am, Renison College Chapel 1 CUSO INFORMATION meeting, 7:30 pm, Kitchener Public Library. For people interested in developing countries. Speaker and slides on Thailand. SOCIOLOGY RESEARCH Workshop lo:30 am at the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the information Desk. ANTHROPOLOGY RESEARCH Workshop 1:30 pm at the Dana Porter Library. Meet at th6 iriformation Desk. POLITICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Workshop 2:30 pm at the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the information Desk.

STRATFORD FESTIVAL Young Company presents “Romance in Shakespea re “. Tickets available at the Humanities Theatre, Box Office, (Hagey Hall) or at the door’ immediately prior to performacne. General admission, all seats $6. 10:00 am, Theatre of the Arts.

THE VEGETARIAN Club of UW will be showing the film “The Vegetarian World” every hour on the hour from 1 pm to 6 pm. Duscussion, refreshments. CC 135.



MORNING PRAYER, 9:00 am, Renison College Chapel EUCHARIST - 12:30 pm, Renison College Chapel. LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International - Youth meeting 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. C.C. 135. Everyone is welcome. EXPLORING THE Christian Faith - informal discussions on Christianity with Chaplain Graham E. Morbey, 7:30 p.m., Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. HURON -C&lPUS Ministry Fellowship, 4:30 p.m., Common meal, St. Paul’s Cafeteria. 5:30 p.m., programme, Wesley Chapel, St. PaulTs College. All Welcome. HEALTH STUDIES RESEARCH Workshop 2:30 pm at the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the information Desk. POLITICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH Workshop 1:3Q pm at the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the information Desk. CINEMA GRATIS: 72 Angry Men and The Hangman . 9:30 pm in the Campus Center Great Hall. Come out and enjoy!



second general cc 110.


FED FLICKS! This week Back to the Future, starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. TIME: 8:00 pm; PLACE: Arts Lecture Hall 1.16; PRICE: Feds - $1 .OO, Others - $3.00. Saturday and Sunday night too! CYCLING: GROUPiride, fairly hard and fast. Good training for pack riding. Trip to last about 2 hours. For info call Kevin Gibb at 745-7932. 1000 am, Campus Centre.

Monday Saturday


am, Reni-

CALLING ALL theatre enthusiasts. CAB will be presenting “The Mousetrap” this November. We need you! Come to audition or sign up for tech in C.C. 110, between 7 pm and 12 pm. \ See you there.


GLLOW COFFEEHOUSE - An informal gathering held weekly for interested people. A safe and friendly atmosphere i,n which to meet others, gay or straight. Campus Center Room 110; 8:00 pm - 1 I:00 pm. Call 8844569 for more info. (24-hr. recorded message) FREE NOON CONCERTfeaturing Merrik Jarret apd Traditional Canadian Folk Music. 12:30 Conrad Grebel Chapel. Sponsored by Conrad Grebel Music Department. WOMEN’S CENTRE film series. Behind the veil: Nuns, Part II. A documentary look at the achievements and the exclusions of women in Church history. 66 min. 12:30 CC 110. CARIBBEAN



meeting. 4:30 - 6 pm,

CHARLES TAYLOR. Phil. Prof. at McGill wili lecutre on “Justice After Virtue”. All Welcome. 3:30, HH 336.




MORNING PRAYER, 900 am, Renison College’ Chapel. RECREATION RESEARCH Workshop 1:30 pm at the Dana Porter Library. Meet at the information Desk. THE JEWISH Students Association presents their famous Bagel Brunch in C.C. 135, from 11:30am to 1:30pm. Joi? us! Everyone Welcome. MIME THEATRE. Youth With A Mission, Cambridge, will perform “fragile”, a thought-provoking mime presentation. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowship. Tickets *2., available at the door. 8:00 pm, A.L. 116. WCF SUPPER Meeting from 4:30 pm to 6:45 pm in El 2527. We’re-having a time of sharing this summer’s and this term’s experiences. Everyone is wel- , come. STRATFORD FESTIVAL Young Company presents ‘Macbeth’ (specially edited one-hour version), at Theatre of the Arts, 10 am.. Tickets at the Humanities Theatre Box office or the Theatre of the Arts immediately prior to the performance. All seats $6. Call ext. 2005 for more info.? HOUSE OF DEbATES strip night! Come to St. Jerome’s Rm 229 at 6 pm and watch Bruce take it all off. Bring own tickler. THE VEGETARIAN Club&f UW presents guest speaker Anne Knill from Market Lane Pantry. She will be demonstratitig natural home baking and showing substitutions for white flour, white sugar, etc. Free Samples. STUDENTS FOR LIFE: UW’s pro= group meets to discuss issues and plan events. For more info. call Sarah, 884-6205 or Dan 746-3785. EVERY SINGLE member of the Carib‘bean Students Association and their roommates and friends are invited to a Sports-Short pants Party. Come to meeting for more information. 8 pm to 1 am Co-op.

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