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The Stuclent









of Waterloo


Friday, October lo,1986 Vol. 9, MO. 13 .

Students urged to press admin. for answers at CC open foru~m by Mike Brown



The effects of government underfunding on the university system will be the topic of an open forum set tor October 15 in the Campus Centre. The event is primarily a vehicle for better’ informing students of the problems facing UW. Scott Forrest, Federation of Stu-

Other Ont. schools to join week of protest by Sam Hiyate Imprint Staff

Kelly Cascone engraves an bicycle outside the Campus protection program.

identification number on a student’s Centre October 7 as part of a theft


by Joe Sary

The Council of Ontario Universities (COU) wants more out of the provincial budget next year than the four per cent increase it expects from Ontario treasurer Bob Nixon’s November funding announcement. The COU last week vetoed a proposal to boost academic entry requirements for university admission as a means of fighting low provincial funding. Rather, the council decided to continue rallying against underfunding through planned action days’. Dr. William Sayers, president of the council, said “A number of institutions are planning action days on, or very close to, the 16th (of this month). These include U of T, York, Ryerson, McMaster, Ciuelph and Windsor.” During these “action days”, administrators, students, faculty and staff will share their conviction of the pressing need to improve the base funding of the universities with elected representatives. “We’re in the middle (of lobbying strategy),” said Sayers, “we’ve approached a few civil servants, and we’ve had discussions with officers in the ministry.” UW president Douglas Wright, who represents UW at the COU, said, “These universities are now doing the sort of things we’ve already done. Everyone here is aware (of the underfunding problem).” UW organized a march last winter in protest of underfunding, and last summer hosted an underfunding conference with delegates from many Ontario universities and representatives from provincial and federal ministries. UW will be holding an open forum for students October 15 to explain the affects of underfunding. The three main speakers will be Jim Brox, president of UWs faculty association, Fed President Scott Forrest, and Wright himself.,Wright said that each will talk about the “need to maintain quality”. According to Wright, universities have been faced with less money and more students over the last 12 to 14 years. “The things we consider are: 1) quality of university experience, 2) accessibility (the number of students) and 3) cost (the amount the student pays). Other countries, like England, have taken drastic measures: they’ve (had to) cut back on enrollment so that those who get in will have a quality experience.”

dents president, will be representing the students, while UW president Doug Wright and faculty association president Jim Brox will represent the administration and faculty. Local MPs and MPPs have also been invited. A Federation of Student’s news release says discussions will focus on why a predicted four per cent increase in base operating funds for 1987/88 will “even further exacerbate the problems faced by universities”. The release states the Ontario government is only promising such an inflationary increase. In an interview this tieek, Forrest called on students to show some concern for this important issue. “Not (many) people are voicing their opinions and the apathetic will pay the consequences”. Forrest said the cancelled computer fee, which the administration will no longer be able to lega_lly collect after May 1, will be replaced by some new type of incidental fee. Forrest also cautioned that unsuspecting students,might be hit with co-op fees

of up to $400 a term in the future. Doug Wright would not speculate on any new incidental fees designed to replace the banned computer fee. However, he did make it clear that 1.8 million dollars (the amount now collected by computer fees) is going to be required to avoid jeopardizing the computer program because of the lack of a computer fee. The UW Faculty Association, while not directly involved in the students’ efforts for increased funding, is supportive of the cause, said the group’s \ president. We are “supportive of the initiatives (taken) by students to raise the pulbic’s conscience” but the group should “not have a leading role” in the student ‘s struggle, said Jim Brox. Faculty will offer moral support to the students but the association is primarily a self-interest group, he said. ,ne ass’ociation carries on its own lobbying efforts to make “greater resources available to the university community”. The forum is scheduled to begin at 12:30 and will last until 2 p.m.

D.O.A.‘s Joey Keighley (nah . . . call him Shithead belches out his lumberjack-punk rhetoric between 21 on Monday night. Story on page 15.

for old times sake) songs at the Level


by Joe Sary

1Budget buts to compensate for loss of computer fee income by Janice


Nicholls Staff

Budget cuts to compensate for lost computer fee revenue will result in “fewer labs, larger classes, and reduced services”, UW president Doug Wright said this week. The university will be allowed to increase tuition by five per cent next year in response to the government disallowance of computer fees as of May 1, 1987. The increase will help compensate for the loss of the fee revenue, Wright said. UW is being penalized for charging computer fees while other universities benefit from the resulting

Volunteers Kar’en Christie, Grace Schmidt, Kevin Finnerty, Vanessa Maguire a put the finishing touches on UW’s Oktoberfest parade float. The parade is set for Monday. look at it or rid6 on it, just don’t puke on it! photo by Joe Sary



Differential The provincial government is turning a blind eye to the economic ben&s offered by foreign students, says- the chairperson ‘of the Ontario Commission of International Students. Following a meting last weekwith Minister of Colleges and Universities Greg Sorbara, Liz Gtwan said the go. vemment has rejected economic arguments in favour of eliminating differential fees for visa students. While he acknowledged the cultural

You can


visa fees to stay

by Mike Brown Imprint staff

increase in tuition, he added. The university will be faced with a $1.8 million budget cut because computer fees were disallowed. The university is “facing a budget crisis”, he said. Computer services cost more than the five per cent in tuition to be allowed by the province, said Wright. Budget cuts in other areas will be necessary to maintain services such as computer accounts and registration services previously financed by the computer fee, he said. The computer fee will not be refunded, stated Wright. However, it will be allowed as an income tax de. duction, he said.

contributions of drawing foreign students to Ontario universities, Sorbara is making no move to cut the extra fees charged to these students, she said. Qwan said the minister rejected calls to review the system of differential fees and to work closer with the federal government on reaching a better foreign student policy. “He is not keen(on) working with the federal government,” she said. He seems more interested in working “province-to-province in-discussthe problem,” The introduction of differential



fees at Ontario universities and COIleges has caused a steep decline in the number of visa students in the province. Increasing tuition has forced many to seek their education in other provinces and, more often, in other countries. At the University of Waterloo, for. eign student enrollment has dropped 66 per cent since the 1983/84 academic year. The ministry estimates it would cost $40 million to eliminate the cur. rent differential fee structure in the province, $40 million it cannot afford to part with.




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‘NEWS Personalized underwear by To-p Buns can really impress a date, says manufacturer by Marie Sedivy Imprint staff


Have you ever wondered how to really impress a date? According to two University of Waterloo students, Underloo’s just might be your answer. Underloo’s are UWs new, personalized underwear marketed by Top Buns, a company started by students Glenn Rubinoff and Mike Liebmann. Top Buns was organized last May

after the two had noticed the success of an engineering faculty long underwear venture. According to Rubinoff, one day Liebmann said, “Gienn, let’s sell underwear.” So they decided to exploit buns. At present, the company sells briefs for men and women. The underwear is 100 per cent cotton, made by Jockey, and comes in various colours (black, blue and burgundy for men, and blue, aqua, and peach for





10, 1986

Demand drops for computer education

women). De goal of the company is to create university briefs for vafious Ontario campuses. While Waterloo has Underloo’s, there are Laurier Golden Buns for Laurier, MacBuns for MacMaster, and Western Fun Buns for the University of Western Ontario. Top Buns also supplies groups and organizations with personalized underwear. The company is looking at expanding to out of province universities. In ahdition, they hope to diversify their stock to include boxer shorts. Says Rubinoff, “They’re hot stuff.” (sort of like the buns) To Rubinoff, the money is just a bonus: “Even if we didn’t make any money, it’s been worth it so far.” He says he and his partner have had fun meeting people through this venture. Rubinoff and Liebmann noticed students like crazy things, and the two say Underloo’s are perfect as gifts or jokes. “Wearing Underloo’s makes you feel important, and it’s classy,” says Rubinoff, and agrees that people’s self-esteem comes from their underwear - or what’s in them. Wearing Underloo’s also shows you’re not ashamed of your school and is good for morale. Promoting “fun and good feeling about the university” is one of the aims of Top ‘Buns. “Everyone is going to know the word ‘Top Buns’ by the end of the year,” says Rubinoff. Perhaps most important are Rubinoff s final words: “With Underloo’s you’ll never be caught with your pants down.”

OTTAWA (CUP) Demand for computer science courses has dropped at universities across the country, to the relief of professors and administrators. Fewer students are applying for computer science, once the hottest discipline on many campuses. According to administrators, the drop in demand has eased problems such as crowding, overworked staff, and limited equipment resources. “We have been on an exponential growth wagon for a long time,” said Lee White, chair of the computing science department of the University of Alberta in Edmonton. With enrollment down about eight per cent, the department can now adequately accommodate its students, he said. “Finally, there isn’t a frantic feeling,” said White, adding he and other administrators can now plan more effectively. “Because it is more predictable, we are able to conduct ourselves as a respectable department.” At the University of Waterloo, undergraduate advisor Rosemary Walker said, “there’s more of a sense that supply and.demand are coming to tune with one another.” Walker said interest in computer science is still high. “Before they were beating our doors down, but it’s more reasonable now,” she said. At both Waterloo and Alberta, there are more spots available than students. U of A instituted a tougher grade for qualifying students, although Waterloo lowered its standard and is still incurring an enrollment drop. Walker said some students who might have enrolled, in computer science entered related programs, including computer engineering.

Mike Shepherd, computing science director at Dalhousie University in Halifax, said about 15 per cent fewer students enrolled this year. He said computer science does not offer the allure it had five years ago. “A degree in computer science is no longer a meal ticket,” he said. “There are still positions available, but not as many as there were before. “As well, the previous crowding of courses may have turned some students away.” he said. James Varah, chair of the computer science department at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, said more students are enrolling for senior and graduate level courses. “A good example on the graduate level is an artificial intelligence course,” Varah said. “Normally, it has 10 to 15 students. It has over 30 this year, and about 10 of those 30 are from outside computer science.” Among those who study computer science as a secondary program are majors in applied science, commerce and the liberal arts, who use computing as a tool in their primary work. Administrators say the decline in enrollment is allowing educational quality to improve. And interest in qualified graduates has not diminished, says Pat Brand, manager of UBC’s Canada Employment Centre. ‘2f you look at applied science and science, computer science did better than any of the other options,.” said Brand. Companies most interested in computer science graduates are petroleum and communications firms, \ Brand said.


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10, 1986

Students are the answer to underfunding problem

by Christine Sinding Imprint staff It would appear that students are the answer to the underfunding problem; that is, funding is more and more becoming a student responsibility, and if trends’ can be counted as reliable indicators, future post secondary access will depend upon financial status. The trends I am pointing to are based on the provincial government’s lack of financial support and, even more so, lack of regard for the pressures of the high costs of education. The provincial government’s position on financing is obvious as it does not plan to boost the university funding over the four per cent mark and is a position which has been supported over 1 Oyears. As a result of a recent move, the provincial government’s regard for access has also been pinpointed. By outlawing incidental fees, the provincial government merely attempted to shift the focus of the problem. This was done by extending permission to all universities in Ontario to boost tuition fees by five per cent. Certainly, the increase, approximately $35.on a $700 tuition, is lower than the $60 we saw with the computer fee. Nonetheless, the government has once again bypassed the underfunding problem as these fees are paid for in total by students. Essentially, our provincial government does not discrediting itself with believe in blatantly incidental fees but views the method of hiding such costs within tuition a much better idea. This is a move students should consider a slap in the face of their financial problems. Almost even more alarming however, is our presidents response to the government move. Rather than applauding the government’s shift of financing to students, he suggested at the board of

governors meeting Tuesday evening that UW has been “penalized”. This penalization was in reference to the hassles UW has experienced trying to legalize the fee, and instead, all universities are granted the right to boost fees. So, again we are faced with the rising costs of education and though OSAP is an alternative, even this is being reduced. Furthermore, a plan to boost university entrance requirements, consideration of which was given by the Council of Ontario Universities, to reduce the number of applicants for OSAP is something to be concerned about. The fact such a blatant means of restricting access to the wealthier students was even considered is a scary prospect. The fact of the matter is that nobody in government wants to deal with underfunding and answers to this question are becoming more and more focused: students should bear the load. The Feds are trying to combat the problem by rallying, but whether students cries have been heard will depend on the November funding announcement. So far all appearances suggest the provincial government is turning it’s back to the problems and universities will continue to suffer from limited funds for facility costs, maintenance, staffing etc. The question “is it the responsibility of students already in university to ensure equal access?” is being raised more and more and I would say “yes”. Students must be vocal, and this includes writing our MPPs and participating in funding drives. The financing question is not restricted to those outside the university, but also concerns those within university and if such measures are not questioned and fought, it will be impossible to prevent the development of financially-based access to university education.

Imprint Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper publishedby Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario CommunityNewspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular ternxs. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room MO, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3Gl. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint: iSSN 0706-7380

Ediforial 3ditor-in-Chief hdsta& Editor WWS Editor hrts Editors


?hoto Editors Editor Editor ?rodu&on Manager read Typesetter 3usiness Manager Mfice Manager Ldvertsing Manager id iports Features


Board Steve Kaxmon Christine Sinding Janice. Nicholls Paul Done &? Chris Wodskqu Joe Sary H Richard Clinton Jonathon Sadlier Marie Sedivy Doug Tait . Doug Thompson Janet Lawrence Lisa Beard Dave Lawson Charles Mak 6’ Y Andrea Luxon

Sfaff Meeting Friday,


.Defective diatribe denounced our responsibility emphasized by Arka Roy Imprint staff Seems like J. T. Macintosh just won’t quit. While Imprint does not normally reply to letters to the editor, I decided that a greater good may be served if I highlighted some defects in her diatribes (Imprint, Sept 19 and Ott 3). To digress for a moment, I thought I’d provoke her by pointing out that my family has been in Canada * for but two generations and not the requisite 17 or so. That such an individual would have the audacity to disagree with her must truly “offend to the core”, to repeat those immortal words. The first letter used the claim that “the Fathers of Confederation . . were unambiguous in their desire to preserve that heritage for future generations”, that heritage being white and Christian. This certainly is not general knowledge, so the onus is upon her to show us that this was indeed the case. Even if we’re generous and allow that she can produce the supporting quotations, we must remember that an attitude isn’t necessarily acceptable just by’virtue of

its being accepted a century ago. In claiming that the original immigrants raised the nation through “grueling labour and self-sacrifice” while their present-daycounterparts”take the easy route of mounting parasitic invasion attempts”, she implies that the original immigrants came here for the sake of building a nation while the newcomers come in anticipation of a “free ride”. The truth is that most immigrants, starting with the very first settlers, were motivated by the chance to improve their circumstances. Immigrants now have the same aspirations as immigrants then, and are consequently equally willing to work hard. It may be so that virtually every nation in today’s world has stringent immigration laws. It does not ,automatically follow that Canada must do the same. Canada has a special place in the world. Very few countries can offer the entire combination of blessings found here: abundant resources, political stability, affluence and above all, physical space. We are compelled, in fact we have a responsibility, to serve as a world stabilizer to whatever extent we can.







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car-es, I’ll I Education: “Who be dead ‘soon” by Mike O’Driscoll Imprint staff


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Take one.. . in 5-4-3-2-l and cue: Good afternoon and welcome to Friday’s edition of “Speak Up”, the only program that allows total fools to come out and say just about anything that crosses their sniveling little minds. My name is Martin Poverty, and I wouldn’t be your host even if you asked nicely. My guest today is no one special, he’s never been esteemed by anyone, and even his mother thinks a slow death would be too good for him. Please don’,t bother welcoming, Mr. Tightfist. Tightfist: Thank you, thank you. Poverty: Mr. Tightfist, you claim to be an expert on just about everything, obviously a blatant lie, but more importantly you say your particular interests revolve around the contentious issue of post secondary education funding. Could you stop drooling and please explain. T: Yes that’s quite right, I’ve spent considerable time studying the issue, and I’ve discovered some amazing facts.

P: Such as? T: Well, for example, did you realize that for years we’ve been pouring money into our university institutions and yet still not one graduate is able to explain the origins of the World Wrestling Federation, or better yet, why fat women like sex more often. P: And your solution? T: Make women eat more. P: No, no, I mean your solution to the university situation. T: Ah . . . I see. Well, it’s simple; send all the little bloodsuckers to work camps in the Northwest Jerritories and put the money into defense and summer homes for our politicians. P: That’s quite a statement to make. I would suppose then that you support the current strangulation of the education system? T: Yes I do. However, strangulation takes a long time, I like quick neat deaths. I’d suggest a simple beheading. P: Then you don’t believe that the education of the young is the key to a bright future for all mankind?

T: Who cares? I’ll be dead soon. Better yet, put the money into no return nuclear power stations, flashy tourism ads, mismanaged crown corporations, and those little paper hats people wear at parties. P: Interesting. And what about training the young to be productive members of society? What about preserving the knowledge of our species and building thereupon? What about teaching people to make up for the mistakes fools like you have made? T: Huh? P: Mr. Tightfist, please stop staring at the lights and answer my question. T: What? And that’s our interview for today ladies and gentlemen. Some enlightening moments from one of our country’s greatest minds. T: Huh? Shut up and get off the set. Thank you for tuning in, be sure to watch next week when we’ll speak with several ministers of state on the fine art of fertilizer management and how to make small animals out of toothpicks. Goodnight.

FENDING FOR YOURSELF. If you’re going to eat pizza once you leave school, you’ll have to find some way to pay for it. And since you won’t be able to write home anymore for money, you’re going to have to find a job, which means first lining up interviews. Have you started interviewing yet? And if you do find a job, you’re going to need a mace to live. within vour budget. which means {ou might have to take out a l;an. But first you have to establish credit. You don’t have credit? Well you can’t get credit unless you have a lot of money in the bank. You do have money in the bank, don’t you? No? Well how do you expect to get married? And buy a house? And send vour kids to college? What about their future? They’re gonna want to eat pizza too, you know. -Well, you can’t solve these problems overnight, but you are going to have to eat, so meanwhile Little Caesar-s will help you out a little.


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FORUM Pyramid scheme revealed To the editor, Recently an acquaintance of mine reported that he had made $800 on a $200 investment into a pyramid scheme. All he needed to do was find some other greedy fools to sink their money into the scheme. Has there ever, in the long and illustrious history of get-rich-

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Censorship is t h rea tened by Feminists and right To the editor,


quick schemes, been a more amazing phenomena than pyramids? l was surprised to find out these scams are still in vogue, and even more shocked to discover that they actually worked. A pyramid is relatively easy to’ understand. Several people organize a hierarchy, with one person at the top, two at the second

Your feature article, New pornography law under fire (Imprint, Sept. 26) is valuable in alertring us to the dangers of the new censorship. But it is not only the religious right which is campaigning to suppress the distribution of sexually explicit pictures and text. The article fails to note the significant contribution of the feminist movement to the current anti-pornography hysteria. The so-called Minneapolis ordinance, which would have censored all pornography in that city, was proposed by two radical feminists. Some of the wording of that ordinance makes it clear that sexual activity, even in its most traditional forms, is considered “degrading” to women and must

not be depicted. Feminists in Minneapolis have demonstrated in favour of castrating males who “use pornography”. The film Not a Love Story, produced by the National Film Board of Canada, was explicitly feminist in orientation. Like the Meese Commission in the States, the film confused straight, loving, caring sex with violence and bondage. The feminist movement has inadvertently allied itself with the extreme right in North America on this issue. If censorship comes, we shall have to thank both the religious right and the feminist left.

Philip H. Smith. Faculty of Arts.


level, four at the third, and so on. Everyone puts in a sum, thus allowing the individual at the top to be paid off several times his investment and leave the scene. The second level people replace him and are also paid off when enough suckers are found to put their money down and go to the bottom of the hierarchy. In theory, everyone rises to the top and gets paid a lucrative sum for their par-


dbviously, what really happens is that the well runs dry very quickly. The need for new recruits is voracious; it doubles as each level of investors are paid off (there is only a limited supply of fools around). Also, since pyramids are illegal, all participants are liable to be arrested and charged at any time. But really, the simple mathematics of the situation alone should discourage any reasonable person who wants to come in at the bottom. I can only assume that these greedy people are badly in need of a lesson about the pos- _ sibility of getting something for nothing. In fact, I don’t blame the people who start these schemes rolling; they demonstrate (for a nominal fee) the consequences of combining avarice and stupidity.

E. J. Murphy 48 Kin



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FORUM. Debunking:



10, 1986

where there’s smoke, ‘there’s smoke

by Robert Day Imprint staff An open letter to Brian Ventry, firewalker extraordinaire ... Dear Brian, How’s it goin’, eh? Just thought I’d drop you a line and see how things are hanging. -You remember me, I hope. I’m the loud-mouthed, obnoxious individual who gave you such a hard time when you gave a demonstration of firewalking before your little psychic fair. Ah, you remember now. Good, good. Why yes, I did call your parlor trick”, little exhibition a “cheap says so right here in the Record article, mighty unpleasant of me, but then life’s tough all over, eh, Brian? Anyway, the purpose of this little dissertation is just to remind you that we still have some unfinished business, or had you forgotten? See, we never did settle this to my satisfaction. My original statement, which is down in black and white for all the world to read, is that there is nothing particularly difficult about firewalking. Yes, Brian, I know I declined

Our drinking


your spur-of-the-moment challenge to walk across the coals myself, mostly because there were only about 20 people present, and half of them seemed to be groupies of yours anyway. Why bother? The problem, here, Brian, is that I carefully explained the physics of firewalking to the reporter from the Record, but the explanation s,eems to have lost you totally (not surprising, since you spent all your time trying-to disrupt a perfectly civilized interview, and I do so hate being interrupted). So I’m going to try again, and this time I’m going to use real short words so even you can catch it. Pay attention now, Brian, this is credible material. We’ll start with a simple experiment. (Children, have your parents do this for you.) Place an aluminum cake pan in the oven. Turn the oven to 500F. Wait. Open the oven and place your hand in the middle of the oven. No problem, right? Good. Now grab the cake pan. Uh, dear. The problem here is that even though both the air in the oven and the cake pan


the same temperature, the cake pan more heat, and does not cool appreciably when you touch it. The very same principle applies to those coals you hoofed it across, Brian. If you watch carefully you might notice that, after you lift your foot from a patch of coals, the coals are noticeably darker since they have lost a great deal of heat. No muss, no fuss, no pain. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t even a particularly impressive display of firewalking since many people-have done it with much hotter coals. Some of them don’t even claim to be psychics. And I’m still waiting for your comments on the demonstration of firewalking put on in California by a group of skeptics attended by 1,000 spectators, 125 of whom decided to take a chance and walk. So much for your “developmental seminars” on mental powers. Feeling embarrassed yet, Brian? But the best is yet to come. You originally said you would be happy to do the walk again after I covered the coals with

aluminum sheeting (says so right here in the article, Brian, unless you were just joshing me. You really shouldn’t kid columnists with no sense of humor, ya know. And the next day, you refused. What’s the problem, Brian? Cold feet? Then you had the outrageous gall to tell me that, since I had not accepted the challenge of the previous night, I had no right to harass you while in the same breath you said that, if I had walked, it would have proved nothing except that I had a “positive” attitude, whatever that is. Lemme see, if I don’t walk, I’m a coward; if I do walk, it doesn’t prove anything .. . This is going to require a bit of thought; I’ll get back to you. The bottom line here, Brian, is that I couldn’t get a straight answer out of you, so I’m going to make it really simple. You bring your travelling road show back to town, bring your friends and bring some wood, and we’ll walk. Both of us. Then I’ll get the aluminum and we can have some fun. It’s time for you to put up or shut up. Well, Brian? I’m waiting.



How safe can we make it? by Neal Massard WPIRG volun’teer The recent media attention to the presence of trichlorethylene in Waterloo water has raised our awareness of contaminants in our drinking water. People are seeking methods to improve water quality. This article will outline the benefits and drawbacks to the various alternatives. Existing water treatment systems in Canada were not designed to filter out the myriad of industrial pollutants which exist today. For instance, a 1980 ministry of environment study showed Toronto water contained more than a dozen industrial pollutants. This was not lake water but actual Toronto tap water. Water treatment systems cannot filter chlorinated compounds such as trihalomethanes which are created when chlorine is used to kill bacteria and viruses in water. Some chlorinated compounds such as chloroform are carcinogens. Some people have sought out spring water or well water hoping it will not be contaminated with the usual industrial pollutants which enter municipal water systems only to find the water contains chemicals such as fertilizer. Also, well or spring water is not usually chlorinated. If chlorine-free water is not handled properly or left to stand, bacteria and viruses can grow which can cause serious health problems. Boiling tap water kills bacteria and viruses, but does not rid water of most industrial pollutants. Boiling also eliminates chlorine so the water must be handled properly and not left to stand. Distillation of water eliminates bacteria and vir-


uses, but only some pollutants. Unfortunately, distillation rids water of salts and minerals which are essential to our health. Therefore, people using distilled water or distillation processes should receive .daily mineral supplements to maintain proper health, Distillation e1iminate.s chlorine so the usual precautions should be taken. Similar problems may exist with bottled spring or distilled water. The ministry of environment does not test the quality of bottled water in Ontario. Some distributors of distilled bottled water add extra minerals which are lost in the distillation process, however no legislation exists which requires them to do so. Carbon treatment systems are the most effective methods to rid water of industrial pollutants and chlorine compounds. Carbon systems absorb chemicals such as trichlorethylene which have raised local attention. Fortunately, carbon systems do not absorb essential minerals. Carbon systems must be used with caution. Carbon filters eliminate chlorine so the filters themselves provide a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. Filters must be replaced frequently for this reason and because carbon loses its effectiveness with time. Solidified or compressed carbon is preferable to granular carbon because granular carbon allows water to find free paths around the carbon which reduces its effectiveness. The selection of various water treatment techniques is complicated and should be made with care. All methods can be hazardous if used improperly. People with chronic health problems or people who must drink large quantities of water should consult a physician.


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imprint welcomes comments $nd opinion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is . designed to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters MUST be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday of the week of publication. Maximum length of letters: 200 words. Anyone wishing to write longer opinion pieces should contact the Editor-in-Chief. All material is subject to editing.

“Profit potic y denied”

A Different


Entertainment To the editor, I believe that Paul Done is quite mistaken in his understanding of the Federation policy. TheFederation of Students does not have any “profit policy” on entertain-

by Chris Gerrard Imprint staff AIDS! Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Both of these labels conjure up visions of horror to most of us. The instinct is to run. The person who is infected is seen as some sort of hideous monster by the public at large. Yet this is a real person. Regardless of what society, religions, and government have to say about the personal practices of this individual, another human being is dying. It could be your friend. It could be your brother. It could be your lover. This is not my story. I have been fortunate enough-that none of my friends have died of AIDS. However, I do have people close to me that have gone through the experience of seeing someone they love die. What do you do? How do you handle it? Yourself? The other person? “I have something to tell you, dear. I went to the doctqr today. . . the test results are back. I tested positive. I have AIDS.” “No! They’re wrong. They have to be! You’re fine. You feel O.K., don’t you?” When someone you love has AIDS, your first reaction is to deny it. And then you cry..It is never easy to see someone you love in pain. But when you know that person will die, and there is no hope of survival, the situation becomes ghastly. One of my close friends had to say good-bye to an ex-lover of his forever nine months ago. He still cries. His ex was admitted to hospital in Ottawa in January of 1986, suffering from pneumonia. He was aware of his condition at the time. He was never discharged from that hospital and died from the pneumonia three weeks later. His memory still lives dearly in the hearts of those who knew him. To his friends, family, loved ones, and associates, he was a real person. The most important thing for a close one to the victim is not to or for the sufferer. There is fear, se&k blame - not for yourself, fear that those who were intimately involved with the loved one may themselves become victims. Take time to cry. Not for the tragedy of the disease, not out of fear, not out of anger, but cry for the loss of someone dear. Take time to remember all the good. Support the victim, show him he is not a cast-away from society. The most’ important element of the treatment is love. With love, we can- persevere. Continue with your own life when they are gone - do not get dragged down. Most importantly, fight. Fight for rights. Fight for understanding. Fight for research. Fight for life.

’ Big Brothers thank UW students’ help To the editor, of a group of young men who are As an “old timer” with Big known as the Delta Omega Chi Brothers, it has been my mainly fraternity. I am impressed with them. They exude enthusiasm pleasurable duty over the years to and they also carry out everything share a variety of activities with many students. Since 1969, - that they say they will do. many male and female students Through your paper, I want to have voluntarily assisted this thank them and all the other agency. I have had many laughs young men and women students who are now active in Big Brothand good times and a few tears. I ers and Big Sisters. We need recall the engineers, the social service types, the musicians and more of you to get involved with an unnamed group who years ago us. I value your support and I unlost our brand new donated car. I ashamedly ask for more of it. Get could go on and on. iniolved with us in the communiWhat is the point then of the ty, please. foregoing preamble (or ramble) of -Peter McG hee this letter. I wish to state that for Executive Director thefirsttimethisyear15haveexpeBig Brothers rienced the sincere involvement

Glad to see those loveable Reds d


Tom York answers charge of hypocricy To the editor: Your question, as I understand it, is: under what circumstances do I advocate 1) turning the other cheek; 2) responding in kind? The answer is simple, as a close reading of the two columns in question - “Self Defense” (Imprint Sept. 19) and “Born Agains” (Imprint Sept. 26) will show. 1 ) “. . . in situations where one finds oneself in a hopelessly inferior position, where the cards are Tom York

Our Mistake In Sonny Flanagan’s comment piece about the Delta Omega Chi fraternity (Imprint, Oct. 3) claims that frat members were involved in the Golden Hawk incident were unfounded. The names of those involved have not been substantiated. Furthermore, his remarks about the fiat’s charitable work and academic requirements were merely personal conjecture and, as such, carry no weight. All comments contained in the piece were the personal views, of the author. All comment pieces published in Imprint reflect only the opinions of the authors and not the opinions of Imprint’s editorial board or staff. Imprint apologizes for any inconvenience this comment piece may have caused.


ment. The Board of Entertainment is given approximately $3,000 per year to put on concerts. Most of this sum has already been used in the form of free concerts or

stacked, and defeat is certain.” 2) In a situation that is likely to recur - i.e. with an equal, or a friend - where a long-term relation is envisaged and cooperation is desired. Thus, invoking #2, I refute you, as Dr. Johnson, kicking the stone, refuted Bishop Berkeley.

To the editor, I was most pleased, on my return to campus this term, to notice that the Chevron is once again providing us with an alternative view of events in the world around us. - . . L My mrnd returns to those tnnocent days as a frosh being “oriented” and the shock expressed by some of my fellow freshmen who, not being from university towns, found it rather outrageous that organizations ranging from the AIA to GLLOW openly advertised their raison d’etre. I remember responding to comments such as “Is this legal?” and “Why does the administration permit this?” Are

thev some bunch of pinko-fag sympathizers?” with the’explanation that, from what I’ve seen at other campuses, the presence of at least one Marxist and gay liberation group seems to be a requirement of accreditation. But on the more serious side, I am truly glad to see that those loveable Reds are publishing as fervently as ever, for, like canaries in a coal mine, their demise would be a warning to us all. When the Chevron finally disappears, I will have written my last letter to the Imprint. Sean Richens ‘SB Chem. Eng.

comedy nights. All other Board of Entertainment events are priced on a breakeven basis. Mr. Done’s case in point: Love and Rockets performance last year was sponsored by the Arts Student Union and made approximately $200. Hardly a bucketful o’money. If the Federation was concerned solely in making a profit, there would be no live entertainment at Fed Hall because sales drop off drastically on nights when there is a band. That is why a compromise was struck in the form of the Fed Hall booking poliCY. It is this policy that prevents the Board of Entertainment from booking Love and Rockets. It was revised by myself and the committee of presidents last year to normally allow only one booking (with a cover charge) per weekend (each Thursday, Friday and Saturday period). The-reason for this is to allow students to have the opportunity to go to Fed Hall on the weekend and dance without paying a cover charge. The one date Love and Rockets could have been booked is on the same weekend as Images in Vogue has been booked. To book Love and Rockets would have been a direct violation of the present policy, a policy which student council voted overwhelmingly in favour of because students do not want to pay a cover charge every night of the weekend. Another point where Mr. Done does not have his facts correct concerns the Fed Hall fee. The fee pays solely for the mortgage on the building. Not a,benny of it was ever intended to be used on entertainment. I do not believe the Federation of Students are sacrificing the students’ entertainment on the “altar of money”. I believe thatthe entertainment on campus has been very good this term. Let them know that you are happy. Let Scott Forrest know you are happy. Better yet, let Paul Done know he should research his facts before he shoots his mouth off. Willie Grove Past Chairman Internal Liaison Commission



9 Imprint,



10, 1986

S. African uranium block&l MONTREAL (CUP) - Public protest has forced the British multin&ional RiosTint Zinc Ltd., which min,es uranium in South African-occupied. Namibia, to find another shipping line to transport uranium to Canada. This could mean uranium will no longer come through the Port of Montreal, or any other Canadian port. Most shipments are on route to Eldorado Nuclear Ltd., a Canadian crown corporation which processes and refines the metal for export in Port Hope, Ont. Rio Tinto has used the Norwaybases Canadian Christensen African Lines (CCAL) to ship uranium into Canada for several years, and is currently under contract with Eldorado. But now, according to David Bauman, CCAL’s Canadian representative, public outcry about the illegally-obtained Namibian uranium has prompted Rio Tinto to dropr CCAL. “We are very close to making that decision, but it was made for us by our suppliers (Rio Tinto) because of the problem it was causing us,” said Bauman. John Kinloch, a member of Direct Action Network Against Military Nuclear Racism, has been engaged in the protest campaign against the shipments since last April.

“Eldorado Nuclear is not going to allow this to interrupt their contract,” he said. “Both Eldorado and the Canadian government have stated that breaking their contract would be detrimehtal to their reputation in the international business world. “The big word for Eldorado is to find another shipper - Canadian, European or otherwise - to bring the iranium into the plant at Port Hope,” he said. Trade sanctions against South Afi-ican imports announced recently by the federal government include a ban on uranium as well as other products such as coal, iron, steel and agricultural goods. But according to the external affairs department, the only uranium coming. into Canada is i‘lamibian, not South African, and therefore is not subject to sanctions. As a result, the Canadian government intends to honour the contract between Eldorado and Rio Tinto until its termination in 1988. Peter Senton, an official of CCAL’s North American broker, March Shipping Ltd., said the shipping line has been unjustly caught in the controversy surrounding Canada’s trade with South Africa. “It is rather unfair for a protest to take place against a company that is transporting material,” he said. “This



ads that


carrier, regardless of politics or social upheaval in South Africa, has a main objective to carry products from A to B.” Both Senton and Bauman said the loss of Rio Tinto’s business, combined with government sanctions, could seriously threaten the future operations of their companies.. “It means we are going to concentrate more on the U.S. market,” said Bauman, “which is disappointing since we’ve operated a stable service from South Africa to Canada since 1948 and this is the first time there has been government intervention.” Asked if he knew about the new sanctions and CCAL’s rejection, an official at Eldorado Nuclear Ltd. said, “No, but even if I did, I wouldn’t say anything. That is a commercial arrangement.” As a crown corporation, Eldorado is not legally required to divulge any information to the public under the Access to Information Act.


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I ( 8 I I

* Cowboy Junkies put on an excellent show in Toronto by Jeff Imprint

Preyra staff

‘The Cowboy Junkies packed the Rivoli in Toronto October 4 to celebrate the release of their first album, Whites Off Earth Now. Their sound has been described as “Valium Blues” and this may be partly right, but it doesn’t properly describe the jagged edge that lurks just below the surface of their music. Consider-the pulsing bass line and slashing guitar riff on their excellent cover of Bruce Springsteen’s State Trooper, a red-eyed journey through a narcotic American night. Something dangerous is pulling you back from the edge of sleep but rolling above this-calling with a voice as soothing as a back-rub is siren Margo Timmins. In a similar style, Cowboy Junkies went through a list of Blues standards including I’ll Never Get Out of These Blues Alive, and Baby Please Don’t Go and then tossed in an orig-

inal called Take Me, a soulful mei: ody taken from their new album. This band has been a part of the local music scene for some time and have managed to attract a small, but loyal following. Despite this, they look very self-conscious. Their lead guitarist, Michael Timmins, plays with his back to the audience; the siren keeps her hair in front of her face and both arms folded in front of her; bassist, Alan Anton, who’s not bad for a guy who plays with one finger, spent a good deal of his time facing drummer Peter Timmins, who was largely anonymous behind the drum kit. The material was covered largely without guitar or vocal heroics but it would have been intriguing to see what these performers could do if pushed closer to the limits of their ability. Still, an excellent show well worth checking out. Opening for Cowboy Junkies were Scott B. and Chris Houston. Scott B. is a fine balladeer and quite entertaining on acoustic guitar, but

Hip Oshawa Dave Downer Special To Imprint One of the hipper places to go for music in Ontario is, surprisingly, a town known mostly for assembly lines and lunch buckets. The source of this entertainment is the infrequently held Star Clubs held by Star Records of Oshawa. Incidentally, Star Records is also an independent label with names such as The Forgotten Rebels, The Ben Vaughn Combo and Direct Action on its roster. The Star Clubs compare very closely with the Southern Ontario Blues Association gigs put on here in Kitchener-Waterloo. Like SOBA, the Star Clubs are held in a small hall with portraits of royalty smiling complacently down. Like Glenn Smith of SOBA, Mike of Star Records puts these gigs on mainly as a labour of love, bringing in largely un-


heard-of-bands who deserve to be heard. However, the primary way that Star Clubs compare to the blues nights at the Legion is that they are packed with music junkies looking for a fix of pure entertainment. In the Star Club’s case, that could mean anything across the musical spectrum from blues, rockabilly, country, garage/trash to bare bones ‘rock ‘n’ roll. Heating up the chill and damp night were Rosco’s Gang from New York and Walk The West, from Nashville. At 10 p.m., Walk The West stepped onstage, accompanied by Johnny Cash’s I Walk The Line - pumped in at tooth-rattling volume. They then proceeded to storm through an 80-minute set of kick-ass rock ‘n’ roll. The band, comprised of Paul Kirby, Richard Ice and brothers Will and John Golemon, played unapo-

K. W.S.O. ‘Concert series

Symphony by Pete Lawson Imprint staff ‘With the first performance of the Masterpiece Concert series at Centre in the Square, the KitchenerWaterloo Symphony Orchestra is in full stride for their 1986-1987 concert series. The evening performance on October 4 (also on October 3), jumped a century from Gluck and Mozart to Mahler. The brief opera overture to Orfeo ed Euridice .by Christoph Gluck (1714-1787) provided a serene introduction to a night of music. The charm of Mozart completed the first half of the program with the Piano Concerto No. 27 in B-flat, K595. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1750-1791) wrote the concerto (No. 27) in his final year, and the music is vivacious with the theme in the third movement,, Allegro, echoing his longing for spring expressed in his lieder from the same year. The concerto waswell presented with soloist Michel Block. Because the. cadenzas are short and lack extravagance, the work is-subtle and Mr. Block, though possessing tech-

he insisted on maximum distortion for parts of some songs. The effect was both cacophonous and distracting but still may be used to good effect if toned down somewhat. Chris Houston came on in dark glasses and shiny gold suit and proceeded to distort his face and bombard us with discordant chord changes. The consensus at our table seemed to be that this guy was crap and out to make a quick buck. I disagreed. Houston has a perverse sort of appeal that at least some of the audience appreciated. He rambled on about drugs, the NRA, America, television and various other subjects of some interest. Someone called for a reading from the Book of Elvis and Houston replied “It’s not time yet”. Maybe so. The message was willing but the medium was weak. Maybe if Houston had a video screen behind him and some TVs up on stage he could pass himself off as a performance artist and attract the art crowd. Who knows.

in full stride nical agility, lacked animation beyond the charm that this music embraces. If Mozart is viewed as the charm of music then Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) must be viewed as music’s fatalist. His symphonic song-cycle, Das Lied uon der Erde (The Song of the Earth), is a six-part work based on 8th century Chinese poetry translated into German by Hans Bethge. With song titles, Drinking Song of Earth’s Misery, Autumn Loneliness, or Farwell, the words and music convey a doomed view that even beauty and happiness will fade. This poignant expression was masterfully delivered by the arches tra and conductor Raffi Armenian, and the soloists, William Johns (tenor) and Victor Braun (baritone). The songs, Das Trinklied uom Jammer der L-de, Von der Jugend, and Der Trunkene im Fruhling, were charged with the energy of dramatic tenor William Johns, and Victor Braun’s broody depth impassioned Der Einsame in Herbst, Von der$chqheit, and Der Abschied.

logetic Nashville thrash, reminiscent of the style of the Georgia Sattelites (“the South’s Rolling Stones”, agrees the drummer Richard). They played, almost exclusively, originals with only two spirited covers, The Blue Moon of Kentucky Marcia Bail and The Wabash Cannonball. It was impossible not to move to this music. They play with an intensity that Jason and The Scorchers, the band they will inevitably be compared to, can only hope to obtain. Walk The West’s killer debut album by Tim Perlich is out now - check it out. I staff ,Imprint After a 30-minute intermission, “Yup, they sure grow ‘em big in New York’s Rosco’s Gang took the Texas” chuckled the dart throwing stage. Differing from Walk The Legionaire to his beer swillin’ pals West in that they have no records as if no one heard him the first three out, Rosco’s Gang instead perform times. The six-foot plus Marcia Ball only for fun and a change of pace. All slipped past, oblivious, to a room the members have other projects where a between set photography which occupy most of their time. session and food awaited. Female vocalist Syd Straw is fromAmid the cracker-chomping I was The Golden Palominos, while guitaable to make out that she’d been rist Eric Ambel plays with the Deldoing the Louisiana R&B thing for a Lords. The band is rounded out by large part of her 37 years. With a Larry Willey, Jack-Box Smead and third album just released on the cool Mr. Thing. Their bond is that they Rounder label, it seemed that the are all close friends from New York who share a love for folk, country and “roots rock”. Learned craft in Eric Ambel began the evening New Orleans alone doing a Billy Bragg-ish rendition of Neil,Young’s Southern Pacific. Syd then joined him for a few rigourous tour schedule, including this-stop at the Legion (October 3), foot-stomping, hand-clapping was working well to expand her auacoustic numbers. Gradually, the entire band moved onstage for more dience. than two hours of rousing and enAlthough now based in Austin, thusiastic movers, ranging from Marcia learned her craft in New Orcovers of Hank Williams Window leans picking up things along the Shoppin’ and Dylan’s If You Gotta way from Irma Thomas, Allen TousGo to their own cookin’ originals. saint and needless to say, Professor Longhair. Said Marcia: “I learned a The crowd and the band, fortified by lot from listening to Jeff Honish’s the suds du jour and other, more records. I believe there are six songs illicit, goods kept the fever high on Hot Tamale Baby that we throughout the entire set. Walk The West guitarist, Paul and drummer, found in Jeff’s collection. He’s just Richard returned and added their an amazing guy and his book I Hear talents for two final paint-blistering You Knockin’is the definitive story blues numbers before wrapping up of the music of Louisiana from its beginings. the night at 2:30. Both of these bands are a* must- ..i Thesound ,of the,,band on stage ’ brought anabrupt end to the”con see if they ever appear in the area. If versation. Marcia grabbed a Triscuit you want to experience some genuine intimacy, check out a Star for the road and headed upstairs., Most every song was led by a piaClub if you’re in the area. Confirmed upcoming dates are’Detroit’s Hysteno intro from Marcia closely followed by the rest of the band. ria Narcotics on October 11 and Playing every roadhouse from New Florida’s preachers on November 8.


a ball!Mexico to North Carolina had obviously tightened their sound. Who needs set lists anyway? Yet no matter how fast and furious the action got, Marcia’s legs remained crossed beneath her electric piano, proving that it is possible to hammer out a killer honky-tonk piano and still remain a lady. Bob Stevens, a Legion regular for the past 25 years said, “Y’know, Jerry Lee is great but she’s gotta be second best . . . She takes a back seat to nobody!” Though the three sets consisted mainly of southern standards like It Hurts To Be In Cove, Neuer Like This Before, Gonna Forget About You, and Tear It Up, they were stewed in a down-home gritty passion and given a distinct gumbo flavouring which made everything they did sound like there own.




Bob shook his head sadly, “I’m havin’ a helluva time sittin’ still. Y’know I’ve got arthritis in my right leg. I had them take a look at it at the hospital this morning, that’s why I can’t dance.” But Route 66 had Bob singing along and when they launched into The Push and Pull and Tough Lover, only bullets could have stopped him from joining the crowd on the floor. Conceit promoter Glenn Smith, never. at a loss for #ords once a microphone finds its:way into his sweaty .fist, managed to-bring the group ‘back for two encores. “If the lord took me tonight, I’d die a happy man, ” went his testimonial, ditto for Bob and myself. -T

Nathalie Merchant


of a Maniac


by Chris Wodskou Imprint Staff Nathalie Merchant retires from the inevitable between-set tape of Wild Thing, Magic Carpet Ride, and Purple Haze and coolly sinks into a lumpy, comfortable couch in the receiving area of RPM in Toronto. “The guys are all out eating things I don’t eat,” she says, explaining the absence of her fellow band members, “chicken legs or something.” Is this sweet-voiced, ,winsome, 21 year-old vegetarian dressed in prairie Depression chic really the singer for a band called 10,000 Maniacs? Well, yeah, but they’re not exactly the zany bunch of hellbent dementoids their name suggests. Jamestown, New York’s favorite sons and daughter have been heralded by some as the heirs apparent to the legendary Fairport Convention and the comparisons stand up well, especially in today’s overly glitzy and less socially and intellectually conscious times. Lyrics don’t come much sharper or more poignantly evocative than Merchant’s and the band, which derives its name from one of those classic trash/horror flicks from the ‘5Os, plays some of the most literary, toe-tappingest, folky pop you’re ever likely to hear. Yet in spite ‘of a contract with WEA Records which released their ’ third and best album, The Wishing Chair, last fall, 10,000 Maniacs have yet to really transcend their cult status. Their tour this summer, which brought a few hundred enthralled fans to RPM and saw them upstage

Wishing third

Chair record

a rather listless incarnation of The Cure at their concert at Kingswood with an infectiously energetic but all too short set, should shift some units for them. But even though she admits it was a “shock” to be signed to a major label, Nathalie thinks it’s more surprising to be considered a cult band when the only strange thing about their music is that it’s good. “I really think a large portion of the world is ready for what we’re doing, but just don’t know it exists. I mean, if Bob Dylan was someone new and just released Highway 61 Revisited that it would sell millions of copies? No way! “It’s largely the fault of the corporate nature of radio. Corporations rule radio and if something doesn’t fit into their tight, little format, they just ignore it and no one gets to hear about it. That’s why bands on the independent level are the only ones with any freedom . . . or bands on major labels that don’t sell any records,” she says with a knowing grin. Still, they’re grateful for their contract which means they don’t have to go through the manufacturing and distribution hassles that plagued them through their first two releases, Human Conflict No. 5 and Secrets of the I Ching: “The first two records were self-pressed. We recorded them by ourselves in Buffalo and sold what we could and gave the rest away to friends. Then they got picked up by this label in Atlanta that ripped us off blind. We didn’t see a cent from either of those releases.” The first two releases were also marked by a lilting, buoyant reggae influence that was abandoned in favour of a rootsier American sound filled out with everything from mandolins to accordions on The Wishing Chair. Is it still an influence?

House party



“Well, it’s still a strong influence, but to me, reggae is about being oppressed and yearning for freedom. It just seemed bogus to be singing about that when I’m not oppressed myself. We started playing reggae in the first place because we love and respect the form so much so we stopped when we felt we,were just adulterating it. “If I’m going to write meaningful lyrics lyrics, I have to write out of experience, from something I know about. That’s why our lyrics are so personal.”

abandoned earlier reggae influence

And a major part of their experience is that of being American. But in spite of their sound and an obvious fascination with the American myth, Nathalie rejects the way 10,000 Maniacs have been lumped in with The Long Ryders, Green On Red, et al as part of last year’s muchvaunted American roots rock revival. “We happened to be in London at the time that all that hype was going on and we were shocked at the press we were getting,” Nathalie explains. “I think the British music press was just bored and wanted to manufacture a movement. We don’t really think of ourselves as American - our lyrics deal with America just because that’s what we know.” Perhaps the greatest difference between 10,000 Maniacs and the recent crop of Yankee revivalists is their aloofness from American sensibilities. There are no celebrations of Americanism in their music; they are trying to destroy the myths that Americans believe about themselves and stop those who propagate false versions of American almightiness and righteousness. “There’s a lot I love and a lot I disdain about America,” Nat halie “For instance, all says adamantly. through school, we were taught that the atomic bomb was good because it ended the war. But then you move on in school and you begin to realize that some people consider it the greatest crime in the history of mankind. What I really want to do is


by Chris


attack the American educational system. All it does is perpetuate these myths by not making kids face their history and reality.” On the other hand, songs like Can’t Ignore The Train, Cotton Alley, and Back 0’ the Moon recall the wistful haze of growing up in rural or, smalltown America. Packed with memories we all share, they ‘are songs that skip with irrepressible vigor and melodies that defy you not to hum along, but which also have a rare, unhurried gentleness. Not surprisingly, they have decided to remain in their native Jamestown, hardly the throbbing metropolis that New York or even Albany is. “We’ve stayed in Jamestown ‘cos we don’t like big cities. I don’t want to feel threatened when I go walking or shopping. I want to be able to breathe clean air and drink clean water.”

Smalltown essential-

flavour to appeal

But Nathalie admits that being based in a small city that isn’t Athens, Georgia has its drawbacks when you’re a musician. Most importantly, there’s not much of a scene in Upstate New York 10,000 Maniacs have played all of two gigs in Jamestown over the past three years. But there are other problems as well: “Jamestown has a very provincial sort of attitude and you don’t have to do very much to put people off. I mean, I’ve had things thrown at me for wearing stuff like this,” she says, pointing to her long, unpermed hair and long, floral-patterned skirt. Redneckism notwithstanding, their essential smalltown flavour is central to 10,000 Maniacs’ appeal. They have that front-porch sort of hospitality not generally associated with limo-driven rock stars that will have them walking through a concert hall unnoticed and striking up a conversation with someone who has absolutely nothing to do with the music industry except that they like 10,000 Maniacs’ music and their idea of a light show is having a red one, a green one, and a blue one. A more genuine and likable band would be tough to find.

by Tim Perlich Imprint staff Some Have called him a legend, others say he’s a genius and a true pioneer of savage rock ‘n’ roll. One thing everyone can agree on is that nothing remotely compares to the bizarre sound that seeps out of Hasil Adkins. After almost 30 years in obscurity, living in a $40 a month tarpaper shack in Boone county West Virginia, Hasil Adkins is at last in the public eye. The Hasil Adkins resurgence was set in motion first by the Cramps cover of the Adkins latefifties original She Said, a song Hasil recorded in his home on a two-bit recorder. From there, Hasilmania has snowballed to obscene proportions: In France recently, a reported 40,000 people had bought advance tickets on the threat of a local Hasil Adkins performance. Collectors in Europe are said to be paying up to $5,000 for an original Air label pressing of Hasil’s Chicken Walk single and record companies in Sweden (Dee Jay Jamboree) and England (Big Beat) have been peeling through their wallets for the rights to re-issue Adkins’ recordings. The newest and best of these re-issue collections has been released by the hip KICKSters Billy Miller and Miram Linna on their NYC-based Norton Records. One is the 16 track Out To Hunch that finds ‘Haze’ at his/meanest and rawest from the years 1955-65 screamin’ and bangin’ out every sound in his very own one-man band style. “I can’t have no band,” says Haze, “I like to change to different chords and different keys, can’t expect no one to follow me.” Besides the classic She Said (about some gal who “looked like a dyin’ can of commodity meat”) and Chicken Walk, the album also contains the frightening No More Hot Dogs: “I’m gonna cut your head off/ Hang it on my wall/ The you can’t eat/ No mo’ hot dogs” and a number of previously unreleased chestnuts. The other recent Norton re-

lease is the Haze’s House Party E.P. which contains recordings from the 1978-83 period. No less grungy, the four songs sound as if they were assisted by five or six lightnin’ fueled pals and recorded from the inside of a pickle barrel. It seems that after years of record company rejections, Hasil’s time has finally come. The rest of the story comes from the horse’s mouth: Imprint: Can you tell me about how you first started playing music in West Virginia? Hasil: I started when I was about six years old. Back then times was bad, you couldn’t get a guitar . . . I’d only seen a guitar. I’d take milk cans and play on the ends of ‘em. Then I tried lard buckets, four-pound lard buckets ‘bout so big around (hands one foot apart). When I got to be bigger, I sold what they called Lancaster gardening seeds and used the money to buy a paper, cardboard


Soul Asylum: by Chris Wodskou and Tim Perlich Imprint staff “Hey dudes, whatcha drink?” hollered Soul Asylum lead guitarist/vocalist Dan Murphy by way of a greeting when we sauntered into their room in Toronto’s, er, scaled-down version of The Waldorf-Astoria. Stepping over the collection of rags, bedsheets, and clothes strewn on the floor to soak up a recent toilet overflow, Dan introduced us to the fridge, then to the rest of the band: Dave Pirner, the stringy-haired songwriter-singer-guitarist; drummer Grant Young, and bassist Karl Mueller. Although they are by no means newcomers to the Minneapolis scene, it wasn’t until TwinTone’s (The Replacements’ and Jonathan Richman’s American label) release of Made To Be Broken this year that put them just behind Husker Du and The Replacements in the hierarchy of non-Prince-affiliated Minneapolis bands. Produced by Husker Du’s Bob Mould, Made To Be Broken is one of the strongest, most powerful records to emerge Stateside this year. The breakneck buzz of Pirner’s rhythm guitars and his scabrous, yet sensitive i singing are at the core of Soul Asylum’s caution-to-the-wind rock, but country-tinged lead guitar fills and harmonies make this a far more





Jeffrey Hatcher


Rockin’ 1 with Hasil

paper guitar. I ney aian I nave piastic guitars then. I played that til I got a bike and traded that for a Gibson guitar. Who were you listening to in those days? Hmm, Jimmy Rodgers and a lot of black music. Back then they had a lot of blues singers. I really loved that. I also listened to Hank Williams and the Carter Family later on. Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins too. Do you remember recording your first single? Yeah. I done my songs at home y’know. I cut those songs that are on this Out To Hunch in the year of ‘55. I can remember them good. The place didn’t have any drums in it so I had to use my feet on the floor for the drums so you can hear ‘em good. My first record came out in ‘61 on the Air record label from Miami, Florida. It was the Chicken Walk and She’s Mine. I recorded them on my home tape in ‘58 or ‘59. After

that, I just had one record after another. A couple bf years ago the Cramps recorded She Said and that’s when they started movin’ like a maniac. They heard them sing it and then they wanted to get a hold of me and put mine out. When they did, everybody bought it and then they wanted more songs. The albums are doin’ real good now all around the world! What do you think about the Cramps? Have you ever seen them play? _ Naw, but they wrote me letters. They said they really liked that She Said. At the end of every show they play that song and they say the kids and everyone just go wild. They had it on an album and they’re thinkin’ of doin’ more of my songs but I don’t know if they’re gonna do ‘em. I liked the music part of the way they done it, but they ain’t got the lyric sheet so they ain’t got the words right in it. They missed a lot of ‘em too. I think it’s alright. I especially like that middle part where they take off. I get tickled the way they do that part in the middle where they go (cooing): “Who0 hoo hoo Whoo hoo hoo . . . “ that’s just like a bird from back home. Yeah, it sounds just like that! Do you have a lot of songs just lying around someplace? Yeah, I’ve got some real good ones lyin’ around. I’ve done so many about cuttin’ women’s heads off and stuff that now I’m gonna start ieavin’ there heads alone and cuttin’ there scalps off instead. Chicken Plop and a song about my girlfriend Ellen Marie Bowes should be comin’ out soon. I call her Punchy so I wrote this song for her Punchy Wunchy Wicky Wacky Woo. We cut about 10 or 12 songs in March in New York and we’ll probably cut a few more before I head back home. Do You still live in West Virginia? Yeah, I live around Madison, not in the city but like Boris Karloff y’know, by myself, way off from everybody. Anybody who’s seen my place says they loved it. West Virginia’s a pretty place. There ain’t nobody around to bother me. If I want to play music in the middle of the night, I just go ahead and make all the noise I want to.

neapdis Madmen diverse and listenable record than most American hardcore-influenced bands are capable of. Songs like lclade To Be Broken sound like they could be sludged and revvedup Hank Williams hoedowns while the acousSoul tic ZVeuer Really Been epitomizes Asylum’s ability to put hard-nosed rage, gentleness, and beauty into the same song. We heard you put out an E.P. and then broke up . . . Dave: That’s not true, we never broke up. Dan: We just went on vacation for a while. Dave: We just lost our drummer for a while but we never had any thoughts about giving it up as far as I’m concerned. Maybe it’s different for the rest of the band. Grant: Dave played drums for a while, but he really sucked. Dave: That’s true, we did continue to play even without a drummer. Dan: He was the drummer and I was the lead singer. Dave: I think I was actually a lesser drummer than I was two years before. Karl: We played for a while as a three-piece and got these rave reviews and we thought we should get serious. What was the name of that band, Dan? Dan: Muellerhead.

by Tim Perlich Imprint staff There’s something about Jeff Hatcher and The Big Beat that when you see them at a place like the Horseshoe or at Grossmans, you can immediately sense that this group will soon outgrow the local Toronto scene. Jeff Hatcher has a knack of writing a song that is at once gruffly emotive, melodic and stark in its bare simplicity. Like the best pop, each of his songs sound as if they’ve been around forever. Their music snaps together so easily and obviously, it makes you wonder why everyone isn’t writing classic pop songs. Four of those songs of which I speak are found on the recently released Jeffery Hatcher and The Big Beat E.P. A voice that comes across as being an equal mix of John Hiatt and John Fogerty pushes its way above- the crystal clear mix with a disarming conviction and self-assuredness rarely found in even veteran performers. Choosing the four songs for the E.P. must have been no easy task considering the (at least) 30 originals that they’ve been playing live at different venues in Toronto this past summer. Of the four, Deliver Me with its mournful, haunting quality is probably the most complete composition, yet the vocal performance and harmony of Midnight Train leaves the deepest impression. Imprint: Let’s start with some background information. I know you’re from Winnipeg, what about the rest of the band? Jeff Hatcher: Well Steve Vickery our bass player is from Toronto but my brothers Paul and Don as with myself are all from Winnipeg. We ‘started playing for the first time last fall. I mean all three of us playing together for the first time since about ‘79. Don used to play bass with us years ago and Dave Briggs who was my songwriting partner, left live performing about two years ago. We called ourselves The Fuse for awhile then we were The Six. We also put out an independent album under, that name which served basically as a promotional tool. Now that I’m the songwriter and front-person or whatever, it’s Jeffery Hatcher and The Big Beat. What about influences? You seem to sound a bit like John Hiatt but I’ve also heard comparisons to Joe Ely. I’ve heard so many comparisons y’know and they’re all so different and varied. I think its easier to say who you like or admire rather than who influenced you. I love Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye but it’s hard to find them in the songs I’ve written. Influences seem to come



on -the rise


from everywhere: white country guys and black R&B guys. There is not a lot of blues in our sound but quite a bit of country and blues strung together like the mid-fifties, the very beginning of rock ‘n’ roil. It’s more a white sound than a black sound because the writing of the songs is driven by the guitar I play and that, I think, is a very white method of songwriting. I have a really obvious way of playing guitar. It’s not very subtle and that strikes me as being a very white approach. Your style of music is not unlike a lot of the stuff coming out of the States now. Have -you been listening to any of the American “Roots Rock”? There’s a lot of good stuff that they’re calling “American Roots” or whatever. Los Lobos, the Blasters and REM are the closest to having whole albums worth of material that I like. What about the synth-music that seems to still have a strangle hold on the air waves in these parts?

break all rules

Dave: Yeah, I really was a better drummer else. They never give the impression that we’re doing something for their company and befo?e. What’s the scene like in Minneapolis? Is it I don’t think we give them the impression that they’re working, even though they are. hard to get gigs. Dan: It’s easy if you’ve been at it for a while. If Grant: It’s great ‘cuz if you’re short for your you have it, you can get a gig, but you’re only rent or something, they’ll always shell it out. HOW did you get the deal with Attic in gonna get $25. How long have you been on TwinTone? Canada? Karl: I think we signed with them in 1983 and it Dan: I dunno. (Looks around at other band took them a year to get our record out. We members.) Dave: It was a political move, meaning that didn’t actually sign until the last album came out - I mean it was just sort of a verbal none of US understands it. Dan: When I think of Attic, I think of Aeroagreement. Dan: I guess we were on tour with The Re- smith. and their manager is a third What was it like working with Bob placements owner or something on TwinTone and he said MouId? we were really good and would we like to put . Dave: He’s a good buddy. out a record on TwinTone and 14 months Dan: Do you mean like a trucker good buddy? ‘Cuz he looks like one. later we did. What’s the relationship been like with Grant: He’s a pal. He’s a real nice guy. Dave: Working with Bob Mould is like hangTwinTone? Dave: It went from good, to really, really bad, ing out with Bob Mould. What people don’t to better, to really, really good. realize is that the job of the producer is to Grant: Right now it’s really good. They love make the band feel comfortable when they’re playing. us. Karl: We don’t have to talk’up to them or Dan: He tells you to tune your guitar ‘cuz anything - they’re just like friends. They can when you’re playing, you can’t hear that sort say “this song sucks” or “do this differently” of thing. and we listen to them. continued on page 15 Dave: It’s like nobody’s working for anybody

I don’t know, as far as the electronic stuff goes, it seems to be pretty limiting. Listening to that is a lot like watching videos or watching strippers, which I don’t do, or watching porn movies, which I don’t do either. Once or twice is about it for something disposable like that. It doesn’t do a lot for the soul. The Big Beat sound is quite simple using just the basic guitar, bass and drum arrangement without any special effects. Yeah, I like the natural sound you get from an amp with an electric guitar. It’s my favourite sound. Over the years we’ve tried different things, Paul even had two bass drums once when we were young brats. We’ve tried a foot pedal or . two but they never last. They’re either lost or stolen and we’ve never replaced them. Any major label recording deals in the works? There are a few people in New York that we’ve been in touch with for the last couple of years. The band has fallen apart and regrouped and all through that time I’ve been sending out tapes. At this point there are a few people in the States quite interested in the group. No one in Canada is interested except one independent label here in Toronto. It seems to me that wherever you live, you have to make contact with London, New York or Los Angeles. Toronto is not a miniature London or New York - it’s much more like Wales. As Wales is to New York, so is Toronto, really. This isn’t the recording center of anything except the local independent labels. The biggest record companies here in Canada are just branch plants of their American counterparts with extremely limited authority for signing acts. When they can sign acts, they can rarely sell things outside this country which I find too heartbreaking a possibility to consider. Luckily f”or us, the people that have shown interest in us aren’t from here, they’re from New York, London and L.A. I mean if nobody liked us except people from record companies here (pause) . . . I wouldn’t know what to do. It’s great to have someone like you but you have to ;ell records outside your own counry. I mean, I do.







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15 Imprint,

Barnfest delight draws -enthusiastic crowd by Marie Sedivy and Cindy Long Imprint staff Yuppiephobics can relax. The ’60s are alive in Waterloo. Saturday night’s Barnfest, a benefit concert/protest put on by Ebytown Food Co-op and the residents of Shaky Acres farm on Erb Street W., attracted some 100 people who pulled up a hay bale, grabbed a beer and a cookie and settled down for an entertaining evening of folk and blues. Fred Martin, a resident of Shaky Acres, described the event as “consciousness-raising”, and referred to the residents’ attempt to draw media and public at tention to Canadian urban sprawl, which “annually eats up the equivalent of half of PEI’s agricultural land”. Nothing can be done to save Shaky Acres (a farm property now being developed for condos), but a petition was available to allow those present a chance to voice their protest to Waterloo City Cour$il. The stage was set in one end of the barn, a colourful quilt in the background. Two fluorescent tubes draped by a banner calling for (what else) peace provided the lighting. People, young and old, clad primarily in jeans, found themselves spots in which to get comfortable - some on the makeshift hay-bale benches, others half buried’ in hay in and under the two lofts. Perhaps it was simply the setting that gave one the impression of a sixties-type communal gathering. Whatever it was, people enjoyed it. Most looked content, partly as a result of a superb meal consisting of an impressive-looking roast pig, vegetarian fare, salads and a delicious rice cake. Ebytown Food Co-op provided the food and gave a short presentation to attract muchneeded members. Although treated to some solid local talent (performers included UW’s Sue Schultz and Gord Durnin), the entertainment didn’t really get the crowd rolling until recording artist Mose Scarlett took the stage about 8:30. His cozy blues tunes fit in well with the down-home atmosphere, and he managed to entice the crowd to join in on Stealin’: ‘fstealin’, stealin’, pretty mama don’t you tell on me I’m stealin’ back to my same 01’

used‘to be . . . “ Scarlett may have got the people moving, but he seemed somehow distant from the event. The local groups and individuals were able to communicate more effectively with their audience. This was to be expected since at least half personally knew those performers. , The highlight of the entertainment was Catchpenny. The impressive, powerful acapello group consisting of Aruna Handa, Frank Klaassen, Tom Roedding and Kiera McArthur, quickly rekindled the flames of enthusiasm that had begun to die down by the end of Scarlett’s set. Catchpenny performsd with a sense of self-conscious certainty, a tad nervous, but completely aware of themselves and their audience. Their music rang&d from a South African freedom song to the Kink’s Lola, with a variety of folk tunes in between. The emphasis on anti-war material seemed appropriate given the circumstances, and it had a positive effect -on the crowd. A good acapello group not only requires excellent vocalists i and each member of this group had a distinctive and powerful voice - but also a stiong conscious and unconscious sense of one another. That sense was there; the audience felt it, and with any luck, the recording industry will jump at the chance to make this group’s music portable. The quartet Idlewood certainly had a tough act to follow,%ut follow it they did, and they managed to SUStain the audience’s enthusiasm with an interesting combination of violin, stand-up bass, guitar and harmonica. Lead singer and songwriter, Dave Lawson, pleased the crowd with intense, imaginative lyrics that ranged from sublime to hilarious. The group certainly did one of the most interesting versions of Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi”. No one is naive enough in the ’80s to believe that such a peaceful event will have an impact on urban sprawl. However, one of the nicest things about this decade is the growing awareness of the threats posed to people and their environment. It’s not innocent, not gullible, and perhaps this time around, it won’t go away as quietly as it’s arriving.



10, 1986

DOA:Rappor,t .with audeince by Paul Evans Imprint Staff It would have been easy to misconstrue D.O.A.‘s show last Monday night, but then again, that would have been your problem. Blood, distortion and violence seemed to be the order of the day. , The lead singer of Trash, the opening act, decided to pull a razor blade through his fore-arm to start things off. This, of course, was followed by a premature ‘Good night’ and a trip to the hospital. The hard-core Vancouver band’s long awaited ‘entrance incited near riotous behaviour on the dance floor testing the structural integrity df the building. This was not exactly what the show was all about. A pamphlet handed out at the door read: PARTICIPATION:

NOT DECIMATION * To Whom It May Concern: In front of the stage is a free frame of reference. It’s physical, it’s fun, it’s for everyone who wants to take a risk. It is not for the strong to smash the weak, the big to muscle the little, or the men to mash women. It is not a combat zone for any one person or group of people to control. Everyone should be able to participate. Together we can create and expand the bounds of freedom. FOR THE BEST: D.O.A. true to form lead .sl”nger Joey Keighley stopped in mid-distortion to remind everyone of this. D.O.A. kept up this accord with the audience, chatting up them up with anecdotes and anti-war sentiment and putting out maximum rock ‘n’ roll. The band played on, spitting out

Small turnout by Pete Lawson Imprint staff Though the best in Canadian Jazz showed at the Humanities Theatre on September 30, Kitchener-Waterloo displayed its lethargic (sleepy) attitude toward jazz by barely filling the theatre to 60 per cent capacity. With jazz names Guido Basso, Ed Bickert, Jim Galloway, Rob McConnell, Ian Bargh, Terry Clarke, and Neil Swanson performing, this show should have been better received. These players are the who’s who of the, traditional jazz scene: Guido Basso, trumpet and flugelhorn, a true veteran of the jazz scene; Ed Bickert, the quiet guitar legend; Jim Galloway, soprano sax, the most celebrated player in this group; Rob McConnell, valve trombonist, leader of the Boss Brass, definitely a vocal leader; Ian Bargh, a picnist leadirig the Toronto circuit; Terry Clarke, one of the best in the business of drumming; and Neil Swanson, the new kid on the block, who is already a deadly bass pit ker and has more than a few years of playing left. Not only was the music of superstar quality but the divisions of the group into smaller combos was a pleasant surprise. The full unit opened the first set with Ellington’s Blue Indigo and closed the set with

songs from all their albums - The Winter of Discontent, War on 45, Something Better Change, Let’s Wreck the Party., their latest release. Jon Card - D.O.A.‘s brand new drummer formerly of S.N.F.U. and Personality Crisis was tight and intense. Dave Gregg, guitarist; Wimpey Roy, base guitarist and vocals, and Kieghley screamed and thrashed about as well as ever. They played mostly high energy west coast punk rock as expected and ,nobody seemed to mind the spit. A great version of Reggae’s Bunny Wailer’s song, War in the West, was in order as well an Oktoberfest-inspired version of Roll out the Barrel. What show would be complete without a Randy Bauchman endorsed version of Taking cure of Business? .It’s good to know that K-W is still alive and kicking.

to great Jazz show

Ellington’s Cottontail. Everyone made the stage to close the evening with Iwanna be happy and swung to a conclusion with a blues walkin’ number. Guido Basso led a quartet through Autumn Leaves with Neil Swanson plugging in a flashy bass solo on the upper register (wow). Without drums but supplying the beat with audible toe tappir-ig, a trio of McConnell, Bickert and Swainson delivered with Suleet and Louely. From the roaring ‘ZOs, Galloway and Bargh stomped through <Jelly

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Roll Morton’s Wolverine Blues. Ed Bicker-t played homage to Django Reinhardt with Clarke and Swainson by picking out Nuages. A quartet of guitar, bass, drums and trombone played Horace Silver’s Backbeat, and 1 Thought About You was a delicate swinger grooved by Galloway, Bickert, and Swainson. The entire evening was a display of jazz talent and the jovial stage attitude and camaraderie. This pleasant, quiet attitude is an awaited change from the youth shows which are full of self important drivel.

Top Ten Records/Tapes for the week ending Oct. 4, 1986 Graceland Paul Simon .............................................. .The Pacific Age Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark ................. ..Cras h Human League ............................................ Blah-B!ah-Blah lggy Pop ......................................................................................... . Stand By Me Soundtrack .Rat In The Kitchen UB40 ............................................ ....................................... Into The Fight Chris DeBurgh ................................. Too Drunk To Fuck Dead Kennedys .Raising Hell RUN DMC ............................................. Levi Stubb’s Tears Billy Bragg ........................................ Just Arrived


.A Physical Presence The Pursuit of Accidents True Colours ................................... .......................... Life’s Hard and Then You Die It’s Immaterial ................ : ........... The Many Moods Of Ben Vaughn Combo


Level 42



2. 3.

Based on sales at the Record

Store, Campus Waterloo.



Mall University


continued from page 12 Does it bother you that so much of your press has been based on your relationship with Bob Mould. Grant: Yeah, it seems so silly, y’know? It’s like Sonny and Cher. Do you like the other bands on TwinTone? Dan: There are The Magnolias. They’re an up and coming band. They’re really good. Karl: There’s Charlie Pickett. He put out an album on TwinTone, but he doesn’t even have a band anymore. Dave: Who else is on TwinTone? Karl: Jonathan Ric hman. Grant: One time I tried to call TwinTone and they didn’t know who I was, so I told them I was Jonathan Richman and I got right through. What about The Replacements? Dave: I went to school with Tommy. Dan: We play with them more then any other band, I think. We don’t really hang out with them all the time, though.

We heard that Bob Stinson (The Replacements’ lead guitarist who recently has been strung out and in a bad disposition) is in some pretty rough straits. Grant: Yeah, that’s right. Dan: Hang on, how’d that shit get up here so fast? That only happened like three or four days ago. Dave: How’d you find out. Just rumours . . . Dave: Come on, who’s your source? Dan: You can tell us, dude. Karl: That’s something nobody’s supposed to know about. . Grant: Next question! Does it bother you that you seem to have missed all the hype about the American roots-rock revival?

Dave:Nahhh . . . we don’t read that much press. Dan: We -might pick up a magazine if it has Bob Seger on the cover or something . . . Dave: That’s a perception that a lot of people have about us that I don’t. We don’t think we’re part of any movement. Do you listen to much country? Dan: When you’re driving through Oklahoma and there’s nothing else on the radio . . . Karl: We listen to a lot of country, but country radio in Minnesota, or anywhere, is a joke. Dan: I mean, it’s cool if you’re in Montana or somewhere and they have a good jukebox like Hank Williams, Patsy Cline, or Waylon Jennings - when you’re in the right atmosphere for it. Is it much of an influence? Dave: Nahhhh . . . It’s that article in Spin, man. That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read about us when they called us a damn country band. Karl: We can play the rock and we can play the country stuff, too, but we’re not either sort of band. The lyrics seem pretty raw and vindictive. How much are based on -experience? Dave: Is this question for me? Grant: Well, you write all the words, man. Dave: Okay, well, I don’t know any other way I could write. What else would I be basing it on? I dunno, it’s pretty much my impressions of what I see and feel. I don’t know how someone else looks at something, I only know how I look at something. What the whole situation is is trying to express the way I feel about something and laying it on the line and having people eithei go, “Well this guy’s completely fucked” or “I’ve had these feelings, too.” Y’know, I just want a reaction, I don’t care if they agree or disagree with it. ’

Grant: It’s a lot like Billy Idol. . . or Billy Ocean (Laughter) Dave: I’m no poet or anything, but I know that there are some ways of saying things that make them stick out in your mind. Do you write the music or the words first? Dave: Always differently. Sometimes I just start a song with some idea. I’ll write a three or four page thing and then I’ll just pull all the best stuff that best describes what I feel. Or sometimes, I’ll just start with a musical idea and then think about how that music makes me feel. Some take tie ten minutes to write, and some take me three months. How do you feel about all this ’70s rock like Aerosmith becoming hip again? Dan: Hey, well Aerosmith was always pretty cool. Dave: Yeah, but you get sick of ‘em, too. Dan: Yeah, I did, nut for rock and roll, you know, it’s right in there. Dave: The thing about Aerosmith is that everyone got sick of them . . . Dani And then they went away. Dave: And then there was nobody playing loud electric guitars anymore. And if they did play loud, it was always within some specific genre. Grant: Like heavy metal or something with lousy choruses. Dan: They used that backward percussion, the feedback. Like look at Sonic Youth. They owe as much to Aerosmith as to anybody else, though they’d never admit it. Dave: The problem when you’re young is that you don’t know what’s good unless you have. a hip older brother. I mean, I listened to Kiss when I was a kid. _ How has campus radio support been? Dan: Thtiy’re pfetty cool. They play us a hell of a lot more than commercial radio.

Dave: Radio, to me, is like baseball - it’s not my bag of oats. It’s just as confusing to me as the record industry. You know, I’m a guitar player and people ask me questions about radio or the record company and they might as well ask me about a cereal company. Dan: Like how can you be expected to brainstorm all these records and tour and keep up on the business, too? Dave: I’m trying, you know, I mean, it’s really bad that we’re on Attic Records and I don’t know anything about them. And we’re on Rough Trade in Europe and I know even less about them. Could you see yourselves on a major label? Grant: Yeah, ‘cuz it wouldn’t change anything. It wouldn’t change our music, it wouldn’t change our lifestyles, it wouldn’t change how much fun we have. Dan: People have to realize that we are what we are and that’s it. When people start calling you a commercial success or failure, that’s just bullshit, man. Karl: Yeah, I think we were lucky to get on TwinTone to start ‘cuz a lot of bands get those international contracts six months after they start and they’re told “you’re gonna do this, you’re gonna do that, you’re gonna make a ton of money”, and then they’re dead in two years. Grant: W&l, they might make enough in those two years to last ‘em forever, which is all right. Dan: Yeah, like I was an antique dealer for two and a half years. I don’t know what I’m gonna do for food now, but.. . Ask Dave what he does. Dave: Hey, I’m a lawn-mowing specialist. Grant: No, no - a lawn-care specialist. Dave: Aww, hell, I’m a lawn stylist.



Loneliness: by Mario Emond reprinted from the Fulcrum Before leaving university, every student will have lived through one form or other of loneliness. Sometimes the lack of companion ship will be only temporary, but at other times it will be overbearing, so much so that a student will end his/her studies. In the early days at university the student’s loneliness is usually brief, lasting perhaps a month or two. If s/he has just moved to Ottawa s/he can become disoriented and sometimes intimidated by the size of the campus and the city. Anxiety is felt by many, and the university has developed a score of programs to help them adjust. “Our -goal is to help students integrate themselves into the university setting. If we don’t help students in September then they won’t have time once courses begin,” - says Gratton, assistant director of Student Services. “Our goal is to help create, personal contacts.” Richard managed to make some friends early on by joining a club and by telling himself that “nothing would happen if I don’t take the initiative.” Initiative does not come easily to students coming from a high school system that provided for all their needs and left them little freedom to set their own paths. In one summer they are expected to assume responsibility for the coming year. Some do and some can’t. Lise Chislett, director of Counselling Services for students says, “people still have to adjust to the new surroundings . . . they really have to work to develop a new set of friends - the university has always been like that. Chislett, who has been counselling students since 1970, admits from her experience that the adjustment to a university can be 1very difficult. “I think people have a lot of problems when they have to go into large classes with two or three hundred students . . . they often remain anonymous.



10, 1986

the fate of mariy students’

The switch from high school into a huge class can be a shock sometimes for first year students.” According to the Council of Ontario Universities the trend toward higher student-professor ratios, brought on by continued . government underfunding, seriously affects the quality of education. From 1974-75 to 1984-85, the provincial ratio has increased from 15.2 students for every professor to 16.9. For foreign stuitents the adjustment is much more difficult. Culture shock is inevitable. According to a study prepared by Philip Moorman for the U of Ottawa Foreign Students’ Office, the expatriate student must go through six successive stages of ups and downs before finally settling into a new culture. “This up and down pattern is a natural one where excitement and interest are succeeded by depression, disorientation or frustration . It is important to remember,” Moorman writes, “that this process is both natural and necessary for the individual’s optimum adjustment to the new host culture.” Foreign students encounter major obstacles when attending the university. Methods of education are often very different and require special attention. The student may also have problems with the language. Evaluation, as well, may cause problems for a student used to a teaching style which saw closer contact with the professor. According to Andre Brossard, the Internationalstudent Advisor, the foreign student must deal with problems the minute her/his plane lands. S/he must deal with immigration officials, find a place to live, experience the university bureaucracy,‘go to large classes, and then worry about the exchange rate. Once these are more or less taken care of, s/he can try to make some Canadian friends, which may prove to be the most difficult task. “They find in general that Canadians are closed. The initial contact is easy but friendships are harder to come by. They (Canadi-



by Marie


ans) are also less politically involved and speak a different jargon,” explains Brossard. Robert, an African student who has lived in Canada for several years remembers quite clearly the troubles he-went through. “You’re often very lonely, you go through depression, you want to get on the first plane back. It’s very difficult when you come from a place where everybody knows each other on the street, you don’t feel lonely in that type of society,” explains Robert. “When I moved into an apartment building people I saw lived close together but they didn’t talk to each other. At the beginning we thought it was because of our colour but then we saw that it was the way. it was. At first I found it

difficult. I would go crazy just staying in my apartment for a day without seeing or talking to somebody...many people went home, some just went nuts . . . they couldn’t handle the loneliness.” Robert managed to adjust to the Canadian lifestyle after his first year, but says he only really felt comfortable at the end of his studies. Though the adjustment to a new environment will alleviate some of the loneliness of the student there are other aspects of university life that in the long run deepens it. The high demands of the university curriculum, along with the isolation required for study, contribute greatly to the anxiety of the student population. Father Kent Doe, an Anglican

minister at Campus Ministry believes much of the student’s loneliness is brought on by the education system itself. He cites several causes for what he calls an illness. “There are people who chose to isolate themselves but are not sure they like it . . . sometimes it’s because they’re so bright . . . I have a hunch that the computer age brought that on - it will do anything you ask, in theory. The electronic lifestyle -the Sony Walkman - all the devices we have to isolate ourselves...” explains Father Doe. “Some isolation has to do with the uncertainty of being in the right programme,” he adds. A recent government study would




on page

by Marie



Shock of university alienates many students by Nancy McKellar Imprint staff Although the fall term is well under way, some students may still be ill at ease in a relatively new environment. For a great number of students, this fall represents the beginning of a series of new experiences. Not only is this their first year of university; this also marks the beginning of new social groups, friendships, and for many, the first real separation from home and family. General shyness and a heavy work load make it difficult to establish friendships. These factors can lead to loneliness, depression, and homesickness. For many, new friends and a continuous stream of activity provide a diversion from thoughts of home. Loneliness occurs because most of these new friends are merely ac-. quaintances and cannot really substitute for friends of several years. Some students cannot find anyone to talk to and turn to Counselling Services. In the months of September and October, Counselling Services in Needles Hall see an average of 20-25 people to help them cope with the problem of homesickness. These people are virtually all first-year students. Yet these figures do not begin to accurately reflect the actual number of first-year students who are experiencing the same problem. Close contact with home plays an important role during the first few months. “It’s a real comfort to know I can go back home on the weekends if I start to get lonely and homesick,” commented one student.

Those who live too far to go home must find alternate ways of dealing with their homesickness. “ I try to spend-my weekends with friends or concentrating on homework,” said a student from northern Ontario. “Letters and phone calls from home are a big help.” Of the 20-25 people Counselling sees, many are from areas a great distance from Waterloo. These students are generally from small town environments and may be intimidated by UW’s size. For students coming from larger cities, the opposite may be true. “I was used to the bustle and vitality of a big city,” says Marge. “Coming to Waterloo was almost like culture shock and I found the atmosphere dead and depressing. It was really hard to adjust the first few months.” Another contributing factor to homesickness is inaccessibility to campus activities and to other students. Living in the Villages helps in this respect, for it thrusts people together and forces a certain amount of social interaction. However, living off campus may be a barrier to some social activity. The distance itself makes getting out and meeting new people difficult. Transportation, especially late at night, may be a problem, and keeping informed about social activities takes a conscious effort. “I felt like I missed out on a lot of the spontaneous things that went on in the residences,” said Ann, a former offcampus frosh. No matter what the circumstances, a certain degree of homesick-

ness is inevitable when someone leaves home for the first time. Ideally, there are friends to turn to for pep talks, and family is just a phone call away. If these outlets are unavailable, Counselling Services offers alternatives. They provide counselors who are willing to listen, and they teach study skills and relaxation therapy. Students can learn to deal with stress, which can be a contributing factor to or a result of homesickness. The study skills Counselling teaches help students better organize their time, so that if frequent trips home are necessary, there won’t be a pile of work waiting to be done on Sunday night. A more organized lifestyle decreases stress allowing students to relax. Counselling recommends that each student using their services return for three to four visits. This enables them to ensure that the student is learning how to cope with homesickness and not letting it develop into a major problem. It may help to remember that while each person’s feelings and thoughts are individual, we have all been through or are going through that first time away from home. Talking to others and expressing personal thoughts are keys to dealing with homesickness. Joining clubs -or student organizations provides an opportunity to meet people with similar interests, and can result in valuable friendships. Remember, homesickness is not an incurable disease; it’s just a ternporary state of mind.






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by Paul Done Imprint staff So many times in the past, it has been European music fans who have first recognized, and made stars out of, talented American artists. Miracle Legion, though_, anonymous at home, are rising stars in France and England thanks to their ability to write a traditional rock ‘n’ roll song without having it sound tired and boring. The Backyard is a six-song mini album which is bringing them critical acclaim and a large following though still only available as an import. The jangly guitars and simple song structures harken back to a more innocent age of pop music, but the great songwriting on this record is timeless. The Backyard is replete with uncluttered arrangements which mesh with an uncanny perfection, chord changes which turn the knees to water, and an sense of stillness and timelessness. Each song is fine enough to merit special mention so, ironically, space limitations mean that none will get it. In their own way, Miracle Legion are a better band than -REM and The Backyard is the most complete document of their work so far. Classic rock ‘n’ roll.

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by Charles Mak Imprint Staff This 12”inch single is packed with so much synth-pop energy that it will undoubtedly be hailed as an ’80s dance classic. Any person who loves to flaunt his or her sensuality (if you will) on the dance floors of high tech dance clubs, will have a dandy with this number.

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Athena b-ball tea m does I well in OWIAA g The UW Athenas basketball team are’coming off their best Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Association (OWIAA) performance in years. The Athenas with a respectable g-3 OWIAA won-lost record (20-10 overall), finished in second place in the OWIAA West behind Brock University, also g-3. With a returning nucleus of seasoned veterans and a complimentary group of talented newcomers, the Athenas are looking to improve on last year’s record. Although the Athenas lost three starters from last year’s team, including two time OWIAA All-Star Rau, the team should still be a strong contender for the OWIAA West Rau will be sorely crown. missed, but the return of veterans Corinna Lueg, Cindy Poag and Brenda Bowering, along with the maturing of second year players Sheila Windle and Michelle Campbell, should provide a formidable five to meet their challenging schedule, which includes games against five of the country’s top ten teams. In the backcourt, the Athenas will be led by newcomer Karen McCulla, a natural point guard who should spearhead the Athenas’ transition game, and Sheila Windle, a sometimes starter last year. Both guards are extrmely quick and their defensive prowess should raise havoc in the opposition’s backcourt. The

Athena field hockey The Athena field hockey team dropped two games in weekend action to bring their record to a disappointing 0-1-2. The Athenas lost 7-0 to both the universities of Toronto and Guelph last weekend. The U of T team dominated the Athenas from the start to cruise to an easy win. In the Guelph game, the halftime score was only 1-O. The floodgates opened in the second half, with U of G scoring six unanswere‘d goals. “This really was a breakdown by a number of our defenders,” said coach Judy McCrae. “We knew exactly what they were capable of showing us, but we didn’t get the job done.” The Athenas have are facing a difficult period right now as they must fact Toronto, Guelph, and York, each of which stand a good chance of being in the national championship tournament. “Our goal is to finish fourth in the West Section, go to the ‘OWIAA playoff tournament and then reset our goals according to our draw,” said McCrae. There are 11 players who atie in their first or second year of eligibility and it is this lack of skill and experience that hurts them. On the brighter side, the final three games of the Athenas’ schedule are against Western twice and McMaster - teams the Athenas fell they can beat with hard work and solid preparat ion. “In our weekend games, we had to play so much defense that our attack became non-existent, but, against Guelph, I saw shades of new improving work on attack. The team’s next games are against York and Western.

Athenas will lack depth at the guard position. the Athenas are most experienced in the frontcourt in terms of returning players, as two starters and the number one and number two substitutes return to the centre and forward positions. Corinna Lueg, an OWIAA AllStar last season, is the leadin scorer and rebounder from las 7 year’s team, averaging 14 points and ssix rebounds per game. The starting centre in her three years here at Waterloo, Lueg should also see some action at the power forward spot. A couple of local products, Cindy Poag, from Bluevale Collegiate in Waterloo, and Michelle Campbell, from Forest Heights Collegiate in Kitchener, are the early season contenders for the starting forward positions. Poag, a starter in every game of



by Mike Brown Imprint Staff Waterloo’s rugby Warriors returned to their winning ways last weekend with a 16-4 win over the visiting U of T Varsity Blues. The 12:30 start was in the midst of one of Waterloo’s normal thunderstorms which caused field conditions to become quite sloppy. Despite the weather, an aggressive Toronto team, and a sometimes sporadic Warrior effort, Waterloo maintained its shared hold on first place. Early in the first half, outside center Martin Robertson stole an opposition pass. After running half the field with the Toronto pack at his heels, Martin passed the ball off to Hayden Belgrave who was in excellent position to score the. try. Paul Toon then converted the try with a twopoint kick. The Varsity Blues kept the Warriors in the Waterloo end of the field for a large part of the first half. It wasn’t until later in the opening half when strum half Harold Godwin and wing forward Blair Faulkner invaded the Toronto end once more to set up Craig Hepburn for the potential try. Craig downed the ball in the try zone, but unfortunately the referee nullified the try because of an infraction 10 metres out from the Toronto try line. At half time, the score was 6-O for Waterloo. With a lapse in the thunderstorm, the Warriors came on with a much stronger show of aggression at the beginning of the second half. The Warrior pack was within metres of the Toronto try line. Then off of a line ou-t, Captain Tony Stea barrelled his way across the try line to make it 10-O for the Warriors. Despite the scoring deficit, Toronto came back fighting hard for some points. While shooting the gap between the Waterloo


her three-vear career as an Athena, is oneY of the most versatile performers in the league. Cindy should be a strong candidate for All-Star recognition this season. Campbell, a frontcourt player with considerable talent, is expected to be a big scorer for the Athenas. Brenda Bowering, another power forward and a strong twoway performer, will bring a lot of playing experience to the At henas’ front line. Newcomers Jennifer Hinton, Helen Gilles, Kim Magee and Sheila Kipfer, a Grand River collegiate graduate, will all be vying for playing time at the forward positions. Two other newcomers, firstyear 6' Jane Willet t and fifth year 6’ 1” MO Siewertsen, will shore up the centre position. The Athenas will make their 1986-87 debut on October 18 with a 2 pm exhibition game against the Ryerson Rams.


backs, a Toronto player picked off a pass which resulted in a try after running a quarter of the field. With the score 10-4 for Waterloo, the Varsity Blues intensity was at a high. They had their eyes on an.upset win over the first place Warriors. This was not to be though, as/Hayden Belgrave burst through the the defenders line on a big run for his second try of the game. In his usual style, Paul Toon converted the try to make the final score 16-4. Toronto was successfully kept from entering the Waterloo try zone for the remainder of the game. Iti second team action, the rugby Warriors played well enough to win but were just barely defeated by the U of T Varsity Blues. The final score was 18-15. Waterloo scored the first two trys. Rookie Bill Sarantakos plunged past the Toronto pack on a penalty play to give Waterloo a 4-O lead. Mustack ‘Khan then added the two-point conversion. Adam Chamberlain was the next Warrior attacker to burst through the Varsity Blues’ pack for a well earned try. With another conversion by Mustack Khan the score was 12-o. Waterloo’s lead was hammered away when Toronto got onto the scoreboard with a pair of quick trys. Khan then found the goal posts on a penalty kick to bring Waterloo’s score up to 15. ; With time left for only one more offensive push, Waterloo was leading 15-14. However, there was time enough for Toronto to spoil Waterloo’s fine effort as they scored a last-second try to take the lead and win 1815. Both Warrior teams are off to McMaster this weekend for games on Saturday at 12:30 and 2 p.m.

C-R dates

Tuesday October 14 1:00 pm, Final Entry Date Men’s Tournament - PAC 2039 Wednesday October 15 1:00 pm, Revised Innertube 2039 Thursday October 16 4:45 pm, Draw and Rules Sing,les Tourney - PAC

and Women’s


Meeting 1001





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Warrior Saturday

Soccer rookies showing night in Windsor.






Soccer: l-l

by Tim Walker Imprint staff UW’s soccer Warriors hosted the (fifth ranked) WLU Golden Hawks at the “lovely” Columbia Fields on October 1. Field conditions were extremely poor and this was a distinct advantage for the defensive-minded Warriors. The Hawks came out strongly in the first half and scored early when Kevin Adams was left unmarked in the Waterloo goalmouth and scored an easy goal. This goal woke up the Warriors and they tightened up at the back. No Laurier player was safe from Waterloo’s aggressive tackling techniques. The Warriors bontinued with their hard-nosed defensive style of play in the second half. The roughness of the Waterloo team surprised the Laurier players and they eased up in the Waterloo end of the field. ’ With 15 minutes left to play, forward Mike Houston, who was one of the roughest of the rough, darted behind the startled Laurier defense and scored the tying goal. The final score was l-l. Although pressured by Laurier throughout the game the Warriors showed character by not folding. On the weekend of October 5 and 6 the team travelled first to Western and then to Windsor. In torrential rain the Warriors lost to the Western Mustangs 1-O on Saturday.



The game was very physical with both sides sustaining several minor injuries. The first half was very even and the half time score was O-O. However, as has been the Warrior habit this year, the hard-pressed defense eventually broke down. With 15 minutes to go, the Mustangs scored the winner during a goalmouth scramble. On Saturday night in Windsor the soccer veterans, although totally outnumbered, managed to intiate the rookies. The rookies were made to walk around downtown Windsor clad in diapers and party hats while roped together. On Sunday the lads lost 1-O to the Windsor Lancers and even went so far as to score the only goal of the game. After a save by keeper Tim Walker, a fullback ran the ball into his own net. This is the second time this season the Warriors have lost 1-O and done all the scoring. All season the Warriors have shown themselves to be superior to all other OUAA teams while on defense. However, the Warriors continue to have trouble making the transition to offense and subsequently they are averaging less than a goal a game. The forwards are doing well, but the rest of the team is not supporting them adequately. The Warriors host the Guelph Gryphons on Saturday at the Columbia fields at 1 p.m.

soccer team loses

Recent games have proven disappointing for the Athena soccer team. The team went down to defeat in its last ttio attempts. On October 1, the University of Western Ontario team, currently in first place, travelled to Waterloo to play the Athenas under blue skies but on a very wet field. The Athenas came up with a strong first half, pressing the Western defense, but couldn’t capitalize on many corner kick opportunities. Western’s first goal came on a long shot that bounced in front of the Waterloo net and hit a rut in the field, shooting in the air over the goalkeeper. Sylvia Soder evened the score on a high shot from the right side of the 18-yard box that easily beat the Western goalie. At this time the Athenas were prejsing hard and causing turnovers in the midfield. However, Western

took advantage of some confusion in the Waterloo midfield to score on another weak shot that changed direction and barely eluded Anna da Silva in the Athena net. The game ended 2-1 for Western. . The team’s next match-up, October 4 against WLU, saw the, Athenas wind up on the short end of a 4-1 score. Despite the heavy rain, the Athenas came out strong again in the first half, winning tackles and coming up with the ball under very slippery conditions. Wendy Smith scored for Waterloo in the middle of the first half on a high shot over the head of the WLU goaltender. Laurier started to press in the second half and scored quickly to even the score. Laurier continued to press and scored three more goals before the game was over.

The Empire Almost Japanese Sarah Shear-d The Coach House Press/l25pp by Stan Fogel No clutter, emotional or authorial. The novel not upholstered with Victorian chesterfields; rather, floor cushions. No wallpaper; rather shoji screens. Except when gaijin (Japanese for foreigners) move clumsily into view: Seth danced so close I could feel everything and they must have had liquor in the washroom how else could he have gotten so drunk. In the parking lot I had to hold his tails back so he could barf. Then he tried to French-kiss me. Almost Japanese is a bildungsroman writ Japanese. (“Let US all say, aloud; bill-dungs-row-man, a term meaning “growth-to-maturity” novel and a staple of the<‘now I’m a university teacher and can trun,dle out technical terms” set). Meaning no histrionics. Velleities, rather, or apparently so. Feelings filtered through rice paper rather than paper passion, through brownies arranged like sushi on a plate rather than through carnal big feeds. “If orgasm is the pit of fruit, then iyricism is its flesh,” wrote John Hawkes: Sheard presents the fruit sectioned, championing art over appetite . . . and hides the pit from you, in her napkin. The narrator is a late-maturing, young Toronto woman with a crush on an older man, a Japanese man. She absorbs the Japanese sensibility which values austerity over abundance, ritual over “naturalness”. Concomitantly, the author adheres to a narrative style which is understated. Here there is simple, pellucid prose. The maestro’s baton, the author’s pen. She is indeed “almost Japanese”. At their first good-bye, Emma (deliberately named? a for-

of the Sushi

bearer of forbearance) and Akira hug: I could feel our hearts through the cloth -I told him ZIoued him but he pressed us together - please no talking. And this moment - like all others - was being pulled away from me bead by bead. By writing in a way that is “almost Japanese”, Sheard avoids mush and cliche. A novel of adolescent love peopled by boppers whose Western equivalent of the tea ceremony in


packing Mac’s Milk storefronts guzzling Pepsi is transformed into a taut, ritualized courtship. It is written out of a yen (sorry) for Japan equivalent to that belonging to Roland Barthes, whose Empire of the Signs celebrates a country where surface and artifice are positive terms. Postscript: Milk stores,


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by Sam Hiyate Imprint Staff “Who would win if Mighty Mouse fought Superman?” “C’mon, of course Superman would win. Everyone else is a cartoon, but Superman is real” This is typical of the sort of conversation-which goes on in Stand by Me, the latest film from Rob Reiner. It is typical ,because the film concerns an adventure shared by four 12 year-olds in Castle Rock, Oregon, population 1281, in 1959. In other words, the characters are young, and they aren’t afraid to venture out into the-unknown and deal with funny issues like that. This is Reiner’s second feature film. After playing “Meathead” in All in the Family throughout the show’s considerable run, Reiner came out with the rock satire pseudo-documentary Spinal Tap, both a critical and box-office success. If Spinal Tap pushed. Reiner into the world of directordom, Stand by Me reserves him a director’s chair, and sits him in it. The film shows that he’s no onehit wonder. Like To Kill a Mockingbird, Stand by Me is vintage Americana: both are films in which characters relate a story rather nostalgically about the period of his/her youth. And in both

cases the story is about the narrator’s coming of age; the quest which tests the mettle of which the narrator is made. The four kids find out about a dead body and decide to investigate. Gathering camping equipment, and lying to their parents, they head out into the unknown bush country of Oregon. Its them against the wilderness. This is clear’ right away because a few hours later, they realize no one brought any food along. The boys are about to begin a journey they will never forget; and along the way, as they share in the camaraderie of the quest, anyone watching the film shares in it also. Stand by Me surprisingly enough is based on a novella by gothic horror writer Stephen King. It shows a different direction for King, because it doesn’t haunt you like Carrie or The Shining. Instead of haunting, this movie warms you all over. Reiner follows Lawrence Kasdan’s lead (The Big Chill) in exploiting the exbaby boomers who enjoy seeing themselves years ago. Stand by Me even has the same kind of score, though of an earlier period. The film will not go unnoticed, and, filled with popular late ’50s songs, (like Rot kin’ Robin and Lollipop) the soundtrack should attract attention. TollFree(519area)l-600-265-6977

Loneliness continued




corroborate his observation: it has shown that 30 percent of 1982 graduates were- in 1984, dissatisfied with their choice of programs. With the system’s current methods of evaluation which reward the highest achiever with a scholarship and a job, the fight for the top places also becomes a significant element in loneliness. “I have no doubt,” says Father Doe, “that competitiveness is a big factor in loneliness. The distancing among students reaches beyond the effects of competitiveness to the isolation created by specialization. Gradually as degrees accumulate a student’s thoughts are shaped by studies and the language s/he speaks becomes more and more specialized. /Growing specialization erects a language barrier but it also dictates a professional code of behavior. “In other areas, says Father Hubert Lagace, a Catholic priest and the director of Campus Ministry, “people will talk more easily. There are a lot of masks . . . when we become professionals the mask will be stronger. The faculties of law and medicine are more prone to this than the others.” The loneliness experienced by students is attributable in great part to the social structure, says Father Lagace. The growing demand for post secondary education and for specialization stifles the natural maturation of the individual. Society is telling young people that they are not socially prepared to earn their living, though in all other ways they are prepared to do so. “There is a prolongation of adolescence. Biologically and psychologically we are ready to take up responsibilities at 20, but as it is we are extending adolescence

plagues to 24. 25. and 26... there is a period of violent waiting. The physiological and psychological maturation does not go hand in hand with the expectations of society which requires specialization. This waiting exasperates people; at some given time it must burst. It’s not the students who are crazy, it’s the system. This for me, is the source of the student’s loneliness.” Though a large part of the student population experiences loneliness there is a great reluctance among them to admit it. There is a widespread perception, especially among male students, that to speak of it is to admit a weakness thit would not be accepted by the competitive system they live in. Last year the Counselling Service was visited by almost twice as many females as males. It’s not because females have more problems; but it might be they are more willing to seek help . . . men might see it as a stigma more than


students women.” Father Doe has noticed similar tendencies in his counselling work. “It is much more difficult to overcome shyness for a young male. I have a hunch that young male students show more loneliness than young female students. I suspect there’s a much better networking of communication for women. There seems to be a quicker o.pportunity to build friendships.” Though loneliness is difficult to deal with, most counselors agree that some forms of loneliness are beneficial to students. This kind of solitude initiates personal reflection which eventually engages the process of maturation. It becomes a question of positive adjustment. Yet there is also a loneliness that is difficult to resolve - a loneliness that society itself nurtures. Higher education, the stepping stone to social success, has the negative side effect of isolating people from each other and their environment .


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E == fE ==

21 Imprint,


of the Wet& Athlete of the Week Tim Walker Soccer In spite of his team not winning any games, this weekend the Warriors’ outstanding goaltender, Tim Walker, was named Warrior Athlete of the Week. Tim is a native of Waterloo and graduated from Waterloo Coll-egiate. Tim’s outstanding play in the Waterloo-Laurier game was a big factor in the splitting of the points between the University Avenue rivals. His brilliant saves continually thwarted the Golden Hawks (ranked fifth in Canada) as they stormed the Warrior net. In other games last weekend, the Warriors lost to Windsor and Western by identical 1-O scores. In the Windsor game, Tim did not allow any shots to pass directly by him as the only goal of the game went in off the leg of a teammate. Tim has been the Warriors’ goalie for the past three years. He is continually improving from game to game and is an’important part of the Warriors’ strong defense.

Athlete of the Week Marcela Krajny Tennis Marcela Krajny, a second-yea: General Science student from Toronto, was named Athena Athlete of the Week for her outstanding play in last weekend’s OWIAA tennis tournament. Marcela, who is playing in the number 2 singles slot and on the number 1 doubles team, won all of her matches in the weekend tournament. Marcela, who last year occupied the number 1 singles position on the team, is recovering from a broken ankle which she suffered during the summer. In last weekend’s play, Marcela gained four points toward the team standings. In tournament play to date, she has captured 12 of a possible 14 points for the Athena tennis team. Marcela, who played out of the Tournament, Fark Club in Willowdale, was once Ontario champion in the under-12 category. Marcela and her doubles partner May Mathers have an excellent opportunity to qualify for the OWIAA playoffs.


University, followed by Olympic marathoner Anne Marie Malone of Queen’s. Francis, teamed with Ulrike Zugelder before splitting with Zugelder placing 17th. Maggie Stewart placed 36th while Marielle Rowan, 62nd, and Wendy Huisman, 67th, meshed to give the Athenas their best showing this season. The finish is exceptional considering the absence of veterans Kelly Boulding and Kilmeny Beimler. The men’s 9.836 km race was dominated by Ottawa U’s John Halvorson who broke away ear-

ly, slicing through the muck to top the talented men’s field. Krucker’s 8th place finish, meanwhile, was only the first of many fine showings by the Warriors. Harvey Mitro manipulated the narrow twists and turns to place 16th, and Kevin ShieIds placed a respectable 19th. Men’s coach Don Mills was impressed by the field and by the Warriors strong effort and showing. This weekend the Warriors travel to Michigan to race against some strong American competition, while the Athena’s enjoy a well deserved rest.


16, 1986


As of Monday, Oct. 6 there will no longer be women’s broomball on Saturdays due to


lack of participants. Campus Ret apologizes for any disappointments this has caused., ,





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Waterloo Cross+ountry team does well at Kingston meet Waterloo’s Cross-Country team was in Kingston last weekend for the RMC Invitational Meet. Mud flowed over the OUAA course, but the Athena’s dug in with a ,fourth place finish. The Warriors also braved the adverse conditions to record a third-place team finish. Again the ladies were led by rookie Jill Francis while the men were led by Andrew Krucker. The pair finished 14th and 8th respectivelY* The Women’s race was won by Nancy Rooks, formerly of York


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1f Drug tests for university I athletes abandoned




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HALIFAX (CUP) - Athletes at St. Mary’s and Dalhousie universities will have one less test to pass this year because the cost of compulsory drug testing is too expensive. Dalhousie athletic director Wayne MacDonald said, although he supports drug testing the $200 to $300 in principle, price tag on an individual test is too much for his department to face. “We support the idea of drug testing. . . if it ever became feasible, it is something we would do,” said MacDonald. Ian MacGregor, St. Mary’s athletic director, said the issye

Inter-collagiate Athletic Union. Appleton said tests are thorough for detecting the use of steroids, used by some athletes to build muscles and strength. The tests are “quite detailed. This might be an exaggeration, but they can show you everything you’ve has in the last six months,” she said.

hasn’t reached his university because the technology “just isn’t here yet, and the tests cost too much.” The University of Calgary is the only Canadian university to administer compulsory drug tests on its inter-collegiate athletes. Calgary will be home to the 1988 Winter Olympics, and U of C wants its medicine clinic to be the second such certified facility in Canada. The only other facility is in Montreal. Other universities in Canada will be slower to implement drug testing, according to Mary Appleton, co-ordinator of international programs of the Canadian

Though the CIAU has no compulsory drug testing policy, some other national athletic organizations, including the Canadian Track and Field Association and the Amateur Football Association, are considering or are using tests on national-level participants.

Water Polo Warriors top Mustangs by 15 to 7


C&Sn$ preparesyou for the real world.

by Joe Sary Imprint staff


17, 1986






DRESSING FOR SUCCESS. Sure it’s great to be in ‘college and sit around and eat pizza, but someday you’re going to need a job. But first you have to get the job. Which means first you have to get an interview. And once you get that, what are you gaing to wear to it? If you dress up too nicely, they’re going to think, hey, look at hisclothes, why does he need a job? And if you dress too sloppy, they’ll think, hey, why should .I hire someone who dresses like a bum? But just in case they do hire you, what are you going to wear to the job? I mean, you won’t have money right away to buy new clothes. So maybe you can wear what you wore to the interview.. . the first day on the job. Then you’ll have to give the suit back to the friend you borrowed it from. So:. .what are you going to wear the second day? _ Maybe you should just stay in college for a while longer. At least there you can get 2 for 1 pizza at Little Caesars. (Tip: put it on your resume. In days like these, employers are looking for someone who knows how to get more out of a buck.)

1 1

Hot fudge and hot butterscotch1 When two of your favorite flavors come together in one delightful treat, it’s twice as nice. Mmmmm Nothlng quite like a Double Delight’” treat. Especially at this low price. Quack, then Before the sale ends, get to your partlcipattng DAIRY QUEEN store.




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The Waterloo Water Polo Warriors began their 1986 season in impressive fashion, downing the Western Mustangs 15-Y. The Warriors completely controlled for the first half, outscoring Western 4-1 and 3-1 in the two qu-arters. Both teams displayed strong, tight defenses, but Waterloo players were much more successful in breaking away from their coverage and getting shots on net. The Waterloo defense was backed by the strong play of goalie Scott Murray who blocked several difficult shots and also stole the ball from Western forwards on a few occasion. The second half of the game was less disciplined, but Waterloo still managed to score enough goals to coast to an easy victory. The top scoring Warriors were Russ Stanley with six goals and Dave Cash with four. Waterloo’s next games are on Saturday, at the McMaster Tournament when they take on the two toughest teams in the OUAA - West, the McMaster Mauraders and the University of Toronto Blues.




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CLASSIFIED PERSONALS Pssst! Are you a Turtle? Wouldn’t you like to be a Turtle too? Attention Miss L For Sale: A small but cozy tropical deserted island. Fully included. Call stocked Bar 884-surprise. Anyone interested in becoming a member of- the Society for the Attenuation of General Panic Due to People Who Wear Orange Phosphorescent Contact Lenses In Dark Movie Theatres, please write VI-N6-306, Water. Ont., N2J 4C6. My name is Bartholomew. Anyone interested in becoming a member of MADNESS (Mutants Advocating Deregulation of Nuclear energy Safety Systems), please write 23 Austin Dr., Wat. ONt. N2L 3X9. My name is Theodore. Dear Crispy: Is it really worth s 15.00 to go parking in a different bed?? Signed your best buds. Futon Man: My futon has missed you. How about alleviating its misery. Your personal masseuse. Bullshit: How did you enjoy your first roll in the hav? To the management of Club 44 inches and 15 Ibs. . . Who takes your measurements anyway? It’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion of the Ocean. Try again boys, we have more workable orifices than you would know what to do with! Marks Arts. Club 44 inches and 15 Ibs, is proud to announce that they are the last remaining bastion of male chauvinism left at UW. Alan Alda is a sissy -and Donahue is a poo-jabber. Thank-you. Club 44 inches and 15 Ibs. hints on women no.1 - If your chick is giving you a hassle about watching football in your underwear: lace up the kodiaks, polish off a half bottle of jack, and lay the boots to her. Thank-you Health Studies student (pref.) female required for Analysis (Nutritional type) of one Dinner (Turkey type) with all the extras. Poor students need not apply. The People’s Front Against Peoples’ Fronts regrets any delays caused by the huge influx of mail. Bare with us. PDP. North Six 304 and 305 regret to inform you of the closing of the I.R.G. by order of M.E.. PDP Is it true? Is Doug H. really a lonely guy? rumour has it that he is a hot item with the Upper Year Kin girls and still available! Go for it girls! (Stay tuned for ohone number and oersonals). Watch for Health Studies hallowe’en Pub at SCH, Fridav Oct. 31, 1986. Speedy: Congrats The B-Ball team ain’t seen nothin’ yet! - Neighbour. Lady: I would show you more! Please arrange meeting or contact me. Ron Gall. Steve: Thanks for your wonderful work last Friday night. It wouldn’t have been the same without your help. We owe you!!! (GOD, you’re good!!!) Love, your roomies, D s( S. Fred my lover: Happy anniversary one day late and thanks for being my best friend. No one else would stay up ‘till 1:00 am just to proof-read my work. I love you. Suzie. If you are distressed by a possible pregnancy, Birthright offers free pregnancy test and practical help. Phone 579-3990.

FOR SALE Moving Sale office desks, chairs, tables, glass tops, bulletin boards, pegboards, shelving, coffee table desk shelves and many more. 884-2806. Must sell -leaving country, ‘74 Pontiac Astre, Great shape, only 35,000 miles. Lots of life left. Ask anyone! A steal at s9OOcertified. New brakes, starter and tires. Call Chris at 886-6520. Macintosh’s and PC Compatibles hot, hot, prices!! software, software, software!! Peripherals, diskettes, everything!! - New Macintosh Plus - $2800 - 1 year warranty. Call Karen, 884-9037. Oktoberfest tickets, Bingeman Park Lodge, Fri. Oct. 17, $7 each. 886-6657 or x 6206. Dave. Answering machine -Single cassette type, one year old, drily $50. Don’t miss any more calls, Call 886-8066 and leave a message. 78 HONDA CIVIC. Good condition, 63,000 km., Stereo, 4 good radials, 2 spares, must sell - evenings. 7462913 or 5781358.


1982 Yamaha 550 Vision. New in Spring ‘85, already stored this year. Liquid cooled, shaft drive. ,Tires: Pirelli rear, new front. Ferrodo’ pads, engine guards, fairing. Excellent condition. $1,800 or best offer. 576-5615. Rich. Twelve Oktoberfest Kitchener Auditorium Call Dave or Rob evenings.

tickets for on Fri. Oct. 17. at 746-2762,

1976 Malibu Classic - runs well. 90,000 original miles. $550 as is. 746-2196, Jason. HP-15C, ideal for Engineering students. Bicycle in excellent shape, lo-speed. Call James, 885-l 211 x 6097 or 746-6368 after 7 pm.


Typing - $1.00 per page (D.S.) Experienced typist with teaching degree, lives close to UW/MSA. Ask for Karen. 746-063 1. Experienced typist will do last minute

Fully furnished and equipped student apartment to sublet. Fridge, stove, laundry facilities, etc. Close to both universities, Corner Hazel and Columbia. Call Howard, 746-2739 after Monday. Swimming Pool! Four bedroom townhouse to sublet May - August or 1987, $686/mo s 171.50/bedroom, all utilities included. Quiet neighbourhood, 15 minute bus ride to campus. 742-9989.-



Word Processed essays, reports,

IO, 1986

sumes. Featuring automatic spell check. Dependable work, prompt service, reasonable rates. 748-0777.

Resumes Word Processed. $4 per page, 3Oc for original copies. Near Seagram Stadium.Draft copy always provided. Phone 885- 1353.


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work, corrections, fast & dependable service. 9OC per double spaced page. Phone Sandi. 746-1501. w





Fast, Professional typing by university graduate. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Grammar, Spelling correction available. $1 .OO/double spaced page. Suzanne, 886-3857.

typing, assignments, theses, letters, re-




INTRODUCTION TO Baha’i faith -a presentation of its history. CC 135, 7:00 pm. MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. FED FLICKS! No Movies - Long Weekend ENCOUNTER THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed conversation. All are welcome, 8:30 - 11:OO pm in CC 1 10. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowhsip.

WANTED Saturday Wanted: A core banjolo in under Spector, 5713 H4W 2A3. Six Oktoberfest October 18. Call

staff who can sing six. Contact Mr. C. Brookside/Montreal tickets for ruby’s on 746-2462.

Math Tutor for grade 12 female student. Algebra, pre-calculus, also S.A.T. math. Close to university. 886- 1580. Oktoberfest tickets for the AUD Sat. 18. Call Paul, 746-4285. Oktoberfest tickets, 4 for Friday, Oct. 18, any fest hall, call Lori, 886-2754.

SERVICES We would like to provide you with a comfortable place to share your ideas and concerns. A small weekly discussion group for women will be starting mid-October. if interested in joining us call Jill at 886-7782 or Marnie at 576-9958. Computer Tutoring by experienced teacher. Wordstar, Lotus, 123, all version & other software custom designed to fit your needs. 886- 1580. Will do light moving, also haul away rubbish. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff, 884-2831. Desperately seeking a tutor for two Physics 105 students who are hurtin’ real bad. Will offer reasonable rates. If interested please call 746-2314.

FOUND Ladies glasses found outside across from Physics bldg. Orange coloured plastic frames. Ph. 886-9289. Silver bangle found in Psych bldg. week of Sept. 8 or 15. Call 746-8259, ask for Mardie. Calculator found in Physics bldg. Call 746-0739 to identify.

LOST My dear little JVC and Sony. Come home soon. I miss you so much. I know you were taken against your will but if you come back - I won’t be upset with your kidnapper. That’s a promise! Love, your MusicLess Mate, West 5. P.S., you can keep the tapes. ‘Purse, Black leather look, containing wallet, leather gloves, ID, address book etc. Lost in E 1 or ELH on Sept. 26. If found please contact Sandy at 746-3536. Grey Knapsack containing Ph. D. theses from Microfilms, some eng. journals, journal of speech communication, and some Xerox copies of articles. Lost on Oct. 3, 9:45 am - 10 am, near the used book store in CC. Please call Selvaraj at x 6086 or return to Turnkey Desk. Biking gloves reward offered for return of blown leather and white mesh Cannondale biking gloves. Call Kate 884- 1457.




Three female non-smokers seeking apartment or townhouse Jan-April ‘87 within 20 min. walk to UW. Call collect, Toby, (416) 789- 1337.



,STRATFORD FESTIVALYoung Company presents MacBeth (from the Stratford Festival Summer Season), 2:00 pm & 8:00 pm, Theatre of the Arts. Tickets and info at HH box office or call 885-4280. OKTOBERFEST STAMP show presented by K-W Philatelic Society. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Weber & Queen Sts, Kitchener, 9:30 a.m. FED FLICKS! No movies - long weekend.




LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International. 7:00 pm, #321163 University Ave. (M.S.A.) All Welcome. CHAPEL EUCHARIST 10:00 am, Renison College. ST. PAUL’S College - Sunday Chapel service, thanksgiving weekend. MARANATHA CHRISTIAN Fellowship Sunday serivce, All Welcome. HH 334, 7:00 pm. GROUP CYCLING if you’re interested in a pace of 30 km/hr and for about 2 hrs, then come on out. Cycling trips every Sunday at this time, 10:00 am, cc. CHRISTIAN WORSHIP on campus. lo:30 a.m., HH 280. All Welcome. JUST THREE more weeks to see “Step Right Up, Folks!“, the exhibit of carnival games at the Games Museum. And if you’re downtown Waterloo, see our Pub Games exhibit in the Oktoberfest tent. Museum open every day during Oktoberfest. Call ext. 4424 for more info. Sunday 1 - 5 p.m., Weekdays, 9 - 5. B.C. Matthews Hall. FED FLICKS! See Friday. CHAPEL AT Conrad Grebel College. Informal service with discussion. Worship service at 4:30 pm, Wednesday includes sermon and choir. CONTEMPORARY EUCHARIST 11:OO am Moose Room, Men’s Residence, Renison college.





FREE NOON Concert featuring music of the Baroque period. 12:30 Conrad Grebel Chapel. Sponsored by CGC Music Dep’t. MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:OO a.m.




ATTENTION MATH students. Math Society General Meeting - all welcome - be there or be talked about, 4.30 MC 2065 BLOOD DONOR clinic, First United Church, William at King St., Waterloo. 1:30 pm - 8 pm. CINEMA GRATIS:What’s Docand The Maws. 9:30 pm in the Campus Center Great Hall. Come out and enjoy! HURON CAMPUS Ministry Fellowship, 4:30 p.m., Common meal, St. Paul’s Cafeteria. 5:30 p.m., programme, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. I’ GLLOW COFFEEHOUSE -an informal gathering held weekly for interested people. A safe and friendly atmosphere in which to meet others, gay or straight. Call 884-4569 for more info. (24 hr. recorded message). EXLORING THE Christian Faith. Informal discussions on Christianity with Chaplain Graham E. Morbey, 7:30 pm, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. THE STUDENTS of Objectivism are showing the video “An Introduction to Objectivism”, by Dr. Leonard Peikoff, and playing a tape called “The Brain Drain” by Ayn Rand in EL 205 at 7:30. There is no admission and everyone is welcome.




MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE 4:30 p.m. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Includes sermon and choir.





MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. FED FLICKS! Jewel of the Nile, starring Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito. 8 pm, AL 116, Feds $1, others $3 ENCOUNTER THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed conversation. All are welcome, 8:30 - 11:OO pm in CC 110. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowhsio.

an Event?

Imprint to the


MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel. 9:00 a.m. W.C.F. SUPPER meeting in El 2527 from 4:30 pm to 6:45 pm. PAstor G. Bradford will talk about how to handle the tough times in live. Everyone is welcome. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE club - policy session to discuss beer and wine in corner stores and raising the drinking age. Everyone welcome to come and debate. CC 113,4:00pm. SCIENCE FOR PEACE and Peace and Conflict Studies present the Gwynne Dyer series on War: “Keeping the Old Game Alive.” 12:30 pm, AL 124. All Welcome. STUDENTS FOR Life: UW’s pro-life group meets to discuss issues and plan events. For more info, call Sarah, 884-6205 or Dan 746-3785.


THE JEWISH Students Association presents their famous Bagel Brunch in CC 135 from 11:30 to 1:30pm. Join us! Everyone Welcome. MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. DEADLINE FOR Imprint Classified ads is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m.!


EUCHARIST 12:30 p.m., Renison College Chapel. LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International Youth meeting, everyone welcome. 7:30 p.m., CC 110.





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