.., Admin. to force GO Pizza on Vill ages -_

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.., Admin.-_ to force GO Pizza on Vill ages vole

by Phil Bimbaum Imprint staff Claiming “atrocious” product quality, UW Village 1 Council representatives have unanimously opposed a UW administration plan that would put a Food Services-operated pizza outlet in the villages, yasking instead that an independent pizza chain be installed.

The administration’s decision, announced by Pat Robertson, vice-president for university services, came in response to a village council request to allow independent San Francesco Foods to operate the outlet. Robertson said there is “absolutely no chance” that the San Francesco outlet will be approved. Food Services currently operates

Forum fails to provide answers by Mike Brown Imprint staff The “eroding situation” of caused by underfunding of Ontario’s universities in recent years, as well as the need for budget cuts and fee increases, was the focus of an under. funding forum held in the Campus Centre on October 15. Federation of Student’s President Scott Forrest opened the forum describing the funding situation that has plagued Ontario universities over the . past 10 years. “Since the early ’70s classroom size has doubled”, said Forrest. “Ontario is ninth among the provinces for (university) funding*‘. Students can expect a nine per cent increase in discretionary fees to be included in tuition starting in May 1987, said Forrest. In addition, co-op fees are expected to rise and cuts in federal government transfer payments to Ontario further affect education at UW, he said. Undergraduates may not have an accurate idea of the extent of deterioration of Ontario universities, said Doug Wright, UW president. Wright said over the past 12 years the go. vemment has been making cutbacks each year and “no one gave a damn up until a year or two ago”. In California, Wright said, twice as much is spent on each student for education. He said an ex-Waterloo student told him of his much smaller

CzechosJovakian west relations

emigre Jan in the Campus

classes at the University of Calgary. Waterloo students have shown leadership in addressing the underfunding issue, said Wright. UW has contributed to a “change in public attitude” and the “only solution is for you (UW students) to become active”, he said. Forrest said, “If we expect other people to look after our problems, we’re headed in the wrong direction”. Jim Brox, president of the UW faculty association, said he is bothered by the fact assistant professors earn only approximately the same income as undergraduates in their first year of employment. He quoted former Ontario education minister, Bette Stephenson, as saying a few years ago that “the only way that universi-’ ties are going to get more money is’ when the man on the street stands’ up”. A hint of socialist fervor took the’ forum by surprise when Jules Graj-6 ower of the Chevron took the floor to’ ask a question. He said the burden of’ university funding should be shifted 1 to “corporations” and “rich fami-5 lies”. Wednesday’s forum at UW was; held in conjunction with York Univer- * sity, University of Toronto, and Ryer-* son suspending classes to rally ’ against underfunding. UW plans to’ hold a rally as was done last March 1 when it staged the first of such rallies i in Ontario.

Kavan Centre

gave a lecture October 10.

on East-

GO Pizza from the Bombshelter. According to Village One council president Luke St. James, one of the main objections to an administration-run service is accountability to the students. , Under a village council proposal worked out with John Fernandez, manager of the San Francesco franchise on University Avenue, the villages would have a say in both the menu and prices, St. James said. Any agreement would specify a one-year lease, he said, which would allow the contract to be discontinued if the system or pizza turned out to be unsatisfactory. Under Food Services, though, “once it’s there, it’s there forever,” St. James said. The administration’s refusal of the San Francesco outlet is for financial reasons, Robertson said. “Food services makes pizza . . . why would we allow competition right under our very nose?” “(Perhaps we would allow it) if the


villages want to . . . assume some of attempt by GO management to reFood Services’ deficit.” place South African pineapple was Any new pizza place will take over refused by UW administration. the location vacated by Village One’s St. James points to low pizza sales Pizza Palace, which had been in operat the Bombshelter as evidence that ation for some eight years when it an alternative is needed, and says closed last winter after the death of its that GO Pizza is not adequately serv. manager. The future of that estabing students now since delivery is lishment had been in some doubt unavailable. San Francesco assured free delivery on campus as part of earlier, when UW administration contheir proposal, he said. sidered taking over the outlet in Au. gust, 1985, forcing it to close until As well, the large number of resithe decision to allow it to remain was dents ordering offcampus pizza now finally made in October. suggests that an on-campus pizza Village council is also concerned chain ‘can generate enough reabout possible poor quality and price venues to keep both San Frances. of Food Services pizza. A source con- , co’s and administration happy, he netted with the current GO Pizza op said. “We’re willing to negotiate a finaneration described the quality of the cial deal (with administration) . . . we Food Services product as “atrocious compared to others.” Rather than can prove we don’t conflict with GO using fresh ingredients, as do most Pizza . . . (but administration) won’t independent pizza outlets, he said, even consider any of our proposals.” GO Pizza uses frozen dough, frozen “The administration is supposed cheese, and canned mushrooms to be here for the students . . . we and sauce. In addition, he said, the have a right to the best possible (pizza) place for the students.” toppings are not refrigerated, and an

Fine Arts to get funding for new facilities on Phillip Street by Arka Roy Imprint staff Fine Arts students can finally breathe a sigh of relief. UWs Board of Governors (BoG) voted in favour October 7 of a recommendation to allocate $852,219 in restricted capital funds to renovating the Phillip Street Building to allow the relocation of the Department of Fine Arts to that building. These funds are the net proceeds realized from the sale of 100 acres of North Campus land to Hewlett Packard. The motion did not carry without dissent. The most vocal objection to the recommendation came from Marjorie Carroll, the Mayor of Water. loo and a BOG member. While Carroll is concerned by the lack of teaching space and realizes academic needs are the top priority, she said she is bothered by the lack of progress so far on an on-campus research and manufacturing park that has been on the books for more than four years now. She said at least some of the fund should be put toward building a road or a sewer system to attract companies to participate in the park. The usual lack of funds has hindered this so far, and she argued some action should be taken now that some money is finally available. “The university made the decision to have a research-manufacturing park’, she said. “Where does that now fit in our priorities? Do we have a research park or not, and if so, when is it going to start?’ In an interview this week, she said that, if nothing else, she wanted to be clear on where exactly the park fit in the university’s priorities, and indeed if it would materialize at all. She said that the research park has already been used as a selling point in pro. motional literature by both the City of Waterloo and by the university. She added that, in her view, such develop ment projects as the Phillip Street renovations should be financed by development funds like Watfund. Fine Arts students beg to differ. One fourth-year student complained of the cramped and unsafe studio areas currently used by the department for the lack of anything better.

He said he has developed a sensitivity to solvent fumes and was consequently too ill to attend classes for four days last year. Professor Don MacKay, chairman of the committee dealing with the relocation to Phillip Street, explained the sorry state of accommodation was due mainly to the fact Fine Arts, unlike most departments, was not deliberately started by the,Faculty of Arts along with the its usual space allocations. Rather, it was started as a group of courses in response to the demand for such courses and slowly grew into a full-fledged department, requesting space as it went along. It now occupies space in the Psychology Building, Environmental Studies 2, and Hagey Hall. MacKay said that, while ventilation has always been a problem, the university has consistently been sympathetic and some work has been done

Students municipal

to alleviate it. The printmaking activities are the ones carrying the worst hazard. Ventilation problems also exist, to a lesser extent, in the painting studios. Mackay said space is the major concern there, with classes of 40 students crammed into a space that should comfortably fit 15. Drawing activities are also overcrowded, especially due to high enrollment from other faculties. The sculpting activities generate a good deal of dust and need larger rooms, although the number of rooms is presently satisfactory. &May estimated the department currently has between 10,000 and 13,000 square feet available. The new location will provide 32,000 square feet. It will also provide the students with one location, instead of the current three. This will result in more contact among the students.

stand to lose voting rights

by Elizabeth Otto Imprint staff A recent recommendation made by a provincial committee studying municipal elections has been the cause of much concern regarding student voting rights. Whereas current legislation allows those to vote who are residents of

their municipality on election day; the proposed legislation requires a minimum residency of six months prior to voting. Existing legislation, the report as. serts, creates difficulties in determining qualified voters, particularly in continued

on page


Inside: Studeaxtaid~stioned comment l




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.NEWS. Students need loans “to buy cars’*\says official



MONTREAL (CUP) - More than a third of Quebec students who app lied for financial assistance before &e deadline are still waiting for their loans. “It’s not a question of the loans being late. It’s only a question of them not being processed vet,” said Emile Duboisy&ebec financial aid director. “We’re at the same level we wqe last year at this time.” But Jean-Pierre Paquet of l’Association Nationale des Etudiantes du Quebec, said the government is not delivering adequate services to students. Students were forced to apply earlier this year because the deadline was pushed from June 30 to May 31, he said. “This is the second time they’ve pushed the deadline ahead in three years,” said Paquet. “There is no reason why they should be late now.” About 90,000 of 131,000 applications were processed ._ -. by _early .m Oc-_ . tober, according to Llubois. He said

the number of applications has ‘doubled during the last 10 years. Although almost all applications have been processed at McGill University, as may as half of the student loans are late at Concordia University, said Roger Cote, Concordia student aid director. “You can always say there’s room for improvement in the system,” said Cote. “Quebec (aid department) could benefit, not necessarily by an increase in funding, but by improving the operational aspects of the department.,” And while students cope with such short-term problems as processing delays, many will face enormous debt loads when they leave school. The Liberal government transferred $24.3 million from bursaries to loans last spring. “This means there will be the same amount of money in students’ pockets, only their debt load will increase,” said Dubois. II “Obviously students will graduate

with greater debts, but compared to other provinces, Quebec student debt loads are still under the average,” said Cote. Paquet said he sees the increase in debt loads as an attempt to prompt gk!n!ne to finish their degrees in . “They are in effect encouraging increased debts and thery are eve.n talking about taking the students’ academic standing into account, which will make financial aid conditional on academic performance. This would be an elitist approach,” he said. Concordia’s Cote said the province should also play a role in debt counselling. “Students should be aware what affects theri debts will have on them. They need the proper information and it should be clear whose responsibility this is.” But Dubois said students are already aware of the regulations, and he claims don’t need much assist-



ante in the first place. “Most students buy cars with their loans,” he said. McGill financial aid counselor Charlotte Legare agreed with Cote. “If debt load management is not dealt with at the university level, and the government doesn’t do it either,


students could end up being surprised at the amount of money they owe,” she said. Cote said he receives 80 requests a week for emergency loans. The money is only available for students who can demonstrate a need for housing and food.



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Mac admin. flubs on tests HAMlLTOti (CUP) - About 300 McMaster University students who were told last month they had failed a test of English competency have now been told they actually passed. - The passing mark for the test was 29 per cent on an 80-question test, However, instructions from the testing committee given to markers said “29” is the passing grade, and did not specify 29 per cent. Test committee chairman Barbara Levy said programmers marked the test with 29 correct answers (36 per cent) as the passing criteria. Fe percentage of failing students is a&ally 27 per cent, and not the 43 per cent originally reported. “It was no fault of the programmers. It was ours for not checking the report more closely,” said Levy.

John Fox, a student council representative, said the discovery of the mistake is “fishy”. “It’s too convenient now because (the university is) getting backlash from the students, parents, and definitely faculty members, and big media coverage,” he said. Mike Kukhta, student union president, said “the whole thing was rushed into. They needed more time to work out the details. “Imagine the stress that students must have gone under. The university should be very apologetic,” he said. Students who actually passed the test have been notified by mail. The competency test used this year tested only for grammar proficiency, a break from tests used in other years.

“Essay tests would have be time consuming and expensive. The committee just doesn’t have the resources,” said Levy. But Tracey Foster, chairman of the student union’s academic affairs committee, disputes the cost factor, and said a test without essay questions can’t give a proper indication of a student’s competency. A student union survey indicated other universities using competency tests all include essay questions on their tests, she said. “None of those schools even mentioned the cost associated with essay testing. They accepted they are testing writing skills, and will pay any expense that comes up,” said Foster.



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3 Friday, October i7,1986


Grou-p ain’t no charity recruiting others. But even those who just give money should know none of the funds collected are used for hunger relief, rather, the money is used to promote internal growth of the organization, said Reble. Also, the group’s approach to solving world hunger, which it teaches to new recruits who sign up for its instructional courses, is overly simplistic, she said. Organizers teach the

With a number of food and hunger-related seminars and discus. sions happening at UW this month, students should beware of an organization called The Hunger Project, which has been linked to cult groups. Members of the group, U.S.-based with Canadian offices in Toronto, have been reported soliciting at var. ‘ious points on campus. Recruiters are using hard-sell techniques to garner donations and to promote joining the group. Their presence, however, is unauthorized and any members will be run off campus by security if spotted. Jane Reble, of the Global Community Centre in Waterloo, said The Hunger Project has definite links to the cultish EST group. There have been problems with the organization and the Toronto school board, for instance, has taken action to ban group members from all school properties, she said. “There seems to be a problem with the way they do their work,” she said. “They have a cultish aspect, . . . and aren’t upfront about their work.” Project members seem intent on

Provincial plan would disenfranchise many, . studen ters continued from page 1 those areas where a large percentage of the population is seasonal. If passed, the new regulations will carry a great impact on students province-wide, especially on those whose permanent address is not in the municipality where they live while attending school. As elections are held in October, the new legislation would disenfranchise all students who spent the summer at home of their voting rights. The chairperson of the committee, Anne Johnston, at first maintained that students could return home for Thanksgiving and vote in the advance polls. Now, after a large student outcry, she admits that the possible effects of the changes on students had been overlooked. Another reason given for the proposed changes is the argument that student voter turnout is extremely poor, having a negligible effect on elections. At the University of Waterloo, slightly less than 10 per cent of the student population participates in municipal elections, as opposed to Carleton University in Ottawa, where 41 per cent of the students vote. However, even with a relatively small student voter turnout, student votes compose an important part of the election. This is particularly so in the Waterloo region which, with stu-

problems can be solved through ‘positive thinking” and good vibes, she said. Fred Stewart, UWs acting security chief, said his department has not received any complaints about The Hunger Project solicitors. But, because such people are not permitted on campus, a anyone who sees one of these people should call security, he added.

Dr. Joseoh Weizenbaum -w-v---

accounting for 25 per cent of the entire population, has the highest proportion of students in Ontario. Issues of major concern to students, such as affordable housing, zoning bylaws, public transportation and utilities, could easily be neglected if students lose their voting rights and cease to have an impact on local government. In response to the changes put forward, protests and presentations by the Ontario Federation of Students as well as the student c\ouncils of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier, Carleton and Lakehead universities, have prompted the committee into searching for ways by which students could be exempted. One of these may be under the Education Act. UW Federation of Students representative Ian Mitchell brought the issue before the Waterloo City Council on September 29. Waterloo aldermen voted unanimously in support of student voting rights, expressing strong opposition to the proposed changes. A similar attitude seems to be prevalent in most provincial municipalities. A decision on the committee’s recommendations is expected in early 1988 from Bernard Grandmaitre, minister of municipal affairs. If passed, the recommendations will be effective in October of that year.


Professor of Computer Science Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts institute of Technology


Tuesday,- Octobe,r )28 s--. , ,-_ ’.,* -‘,_L__ ::.J Prospects f._6i .‘L.“:*I:-:‘.I,4



Wednesday, October 29 Without Us! _

Kin dean is reappointed Dr. Ronald Marteniuk was reappointed dean of the Faculty of Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies at the October 7 meeting of UWs board of governors. He will serve a second three-year term beginning July 1. Marteniuk, 43, is completing a first term that began in July, 1982. Born in Edmonton, he came to UW in 1973 and served as kinesiology department chairman from 1975 to 1977. His research interests are in human motor performances and learning.



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17, 1986


by Gord Durnin Imprint staff



I’m of the opinion there is a collective consciousness and that the weather is tile indicator of that consciousness. Judging from the record of the last many months, I’d say we’re in pretty rough shape and that a dynamic has been started such that not only are there not many sunny days in sight but that with the coming cold we may be staring down the throat of the next ice-age. What has 1986 brought us? A lot of dead people and a lot more on the way, no doubt. They are starving in India, rioting in Africa, in Russia they’re oppressed, in the free world freedom is free-basing cocaine;, and all is pressing like a pussy pimple in Central America. All the while it rains and rains and rains in Waterloo. Even if it is sunny, it’s too sunny. You can’t stand the heat, you can’t stand the glare, and there’s only a hurricane or a flood on the other side of the oven door. Someone told me that someone told them that people who never talk about the weather are talking about the weather. What does this mean, I’m asking you? It means that fighting a war for peace is still Iikefucking for virginity.

Fed budget cuts are hurting Fed Hall ’ by Paul Done Imprint staff It seems quite self-indulgent to respond to Willie Grove’s letter in response to my initial editorial concerning the quality of entertainment on Campus. However, I think that there is more that needs to be said about the Board of Entertainment, Fed Hall and the Federation of students. Whatever the cries from upstairs at the Campus Center may be, entertainment on campus is abysmal in light of the ,history of acts which have been brought to UW in the past and considering the fact that UW has the best on-campus concert facility of any university in Canada. Acts such as UB40, lggy Pop, Psychedelic Furs, The Clash, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Echo and The Bunnymen among others have all been booked by BEnt at one time in the past.

Imprint Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper publishedby Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario CommunityNewspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadkn University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term a$ every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Imprin’t reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Impria& fSSN 0706-7380




Asshtant Editor 3!hws Editor Arts Photo

Editors Eaitors

Sports Editor lk&ures Editor l?rodtuction Manager HeadTypesetter mJ8inessManager Office Manager -w==w= MASS-


Steve Kannon Christine sinding Janice Nicholls Paul Done E7 Chris wodskou Joe Saucy 68 Riichard Clinton Jonathan Sadlier Marie Se.divy Doug Tait Doug Thompson Janet Lawrence LisaBeard Dave Lawson Charles Mak & Andrea Luxon

Staff Meeting - noon Friday Editorial Board meeting noon Monday

Starting with the reign of Tom Allison, BEnt began to struggle - indicated by the fact Gary Stewart, longtime BEnt programmer quit because he was “tired of student politics”. With each passing term, the quality of live music on campus has diminished more and more. Up until recently, BEnt was given a budget of $80,000 to $90,000 per year to book concerts as they wished. Without the constraints of tight-fisted administration examining every move they made, BEnt took risks, such as booking Louisiana Zydeco artist Queen Ida at Mardi Gras and having a blues festival at Bingeman Park, which often, like these two, turned out to be real successes. Now, with a $3,000 starting budget and a need to be sure of breaking even on every concert promoted, no-one is willing to book the big acts which require a large initial investment, but which are also the shows that will make a lot of rn.oney. It shows an appalling lack of foresight that a motion forbidding concerts on more than one night per weekend be passed without some kind of escape clause for situations such as the Love and Rockets fiasco. Furthermore, Willie Grove is completely wrong when he states that “The [Fed Hall] fee pays solely for the. mortgage on the building. Not a penny of it was ever intended to be used on entertainment.” Why, Willie, was Fed Hall built? . . . For student entertainment, of course. So when we pay

our Fed Hall fee, we’re paying it because we want entertainment, not because we think the building is nice to look at! Compare the bands that we have had at UW to the entertainment calendar at Carleton which has roughly the same student population as UW: in the last year or so, some of the acts they have had include Billy Bragg, Jonathan Richman, The Jesus and Mary Chain, The Hoodoo Gurus and The Bangles. Shriekback will be playing there November 4 and New Order will be playing later this month. I suppose we’ll have to wait until these acts have tribute bands before we hear their music live on campus. When The Cult played Waterloo, (they also played Ottawa, booked by Carleton) Gary Stewart booked it independently of BEnt. Ditto for Jane Siberry at the Humanities Theatre. Due to the Feds blowing the I opportunity to book Love and Rockets, The Highlands, in Cambridge, will be presenting them -at a much higher ticket price than students would have paid at Fed Hall. Let’s see a return to a budget for BEnt that would eliminate this concert to concert financial meddling. Furthermore, we should give BEnt more power to book and advertise shows off campus Any more bumbling from the Federation and Waterloo’s reputation for good entertainment will be damaged to the point it will take years to repair.

Co-ordinator’s professionalim undermirled by antagonism by Grace Schmidt Imprint staff As CO-op students go through interviews once. again, I am sure many are not familiar with the regulations and procedures manual published by Co-operative Education and Career Services (Formerly Co-rdination and Placement). This summer I became only too familiar with section eight under work term commitment which states: . . mJn all cases, failure to obtain approval from the appropriate Co-ordinator to not return for a second consecutive work term will normally be recorded on the Co-operative Student Record as “Failed work agreement. ” term - refused to honour previous I was antagonized by my co-ordinator on my past work term because of this provision. Following this clause, my co-ordinator threatened to expel me from the program because (s)he did not agree to the already mutual decision of my employer and myself on whether I should return for a second work term. I decided it was in my best interest to receive experience at a different job position although my current position was highly enjoyed; my employer agreed to this decision. Since my next work term is a double work term for the usual sequence of my program, a work term commitment would limit my experience with various employers. I am sure I am not the only student who questions the authority of co-ordinators to interfere with mutual decisions between students and employers. The decision to commit me for a double work term was certainly narcissistic. Therefore, it is not surprising that the mutual decision was not acknowledged until my employer explicitly told the co-ordinator of our mutual decision and only then was it fully acknowledged. Inherent in this situation is the co-ordinator’s concern for the employer’s, rather than the student’s, position. After all, they are dependent on the employers to secure jobs for the students. This authorization procedure should be reviewed

for the situation I just described. A student’s decision whether to return for a second work term with an employer is completely irrelevant to a student’s performance; my employer’s evaluation was entirely unaffected by my decision to return. Job commitment in most cases does not affect job performance. Why then should co-ordination have the authority to fail a student on his/her work term when the two variables are completely independent of each other? My co-ordinator even agreed the policy should be reviewed in such circumstances yet (s)he still had the audacity to comment I did not “handle the situation very well.” And what was the right way to handle it? Agree to something which was obviously in their best interest only? Furthermore, the same could be said of co-ordination’s lack of diplomacy. If I didnot handle the situation well, who did I hurt? (only myself), but look at the impending professionalism I am left to assume by the department from this incident. Finally, rather than hurling settled mud from a former problem with co-ordination, I would not disclose an earlier problem I had with the department. My co-ordinator assumed I had difficulties because of my dealings with the department. Ironically, this job which (s)he was so bent on re-committing me to, I would not have had if I had relied on them. Due to their acknowledged error last term, co-ordination sent out an incorrect transcript with my resume and e,mpIoyment record, which misrepresented my academic standing at this university. If it had not been for my own initiative to correct their error, I would not have received an interview and, subsequently, this job. I think the department should re-evaluate its professionalism and find out the whole story before it points the finger. My position as a student was completely undermined in this incident. I can only hope that this round of interviews goes much smoother than last.



A Different Light by Chris Gerrard (a pseudonym) Imprint staff Before 1977, AIDS had never been heard of. The disease did exist, although only in Central Africa, but it was not understood, and seemed confined to that region only. In the late ’70s and early ‘8Os, the disease reared its ugly head in North America. Even though the disease has been around for about 10 years, the public at large is still very ignorant as to what it is all about. I’n thi? column I would like to try to clear up some of the misconceptions. AIDS is a consequence of infection with a retrovirus that specifically infects cells carrying the CD4 (OKT4) protein. These include white blood cells of the Helper T-cell lineage. Infections with this virus, variously called HTLV-3 (Human T-Cell Lymphotophic Virus, type Itl), LAV (Lymphadenopathy-associated virus), ARV (AlDS-Related Virus), and HIV (Human lmmunodeficiency Virus), is not by itself fatal. However, the virus impairs the immune system of the host to allow opportunistic infections (infections with organisms generally incapable of causing disease in healthy individuals, but which can be fatal in immunocompromised persons). AIDS is spread by direct transfer of infected bodily fluids. Infection via bldod and semen have been proven., The virus has also been isolated from saliva and tears, but no cases to date have been definitely linked to these routes of transmission. Similarly, no evidence suggests (and a large and growing body of negative evidence suggests otherwise) that AIDS is transmitted by casual contact, or even household contact, or by insect vectors. Simiiarly, the virus cannot exist free,for an extended period of time, and is killed by routine sterile procedures. At this time a great deal has been done in the understanding of the virus, and of the treatment of the opportunistic infections. The average survival time for victims has been steadily increasing, but currently, there is no way of successfully treating the underlying immune deficiency. Because of the nature of the transmission, AIDS has so far been limited to certain defined risk groups. These are: sexually active gay males, intravenous dr,ug abusers, hemophiliacs and others who may receive contaminated blood products, the sexual partners of the above, and children born to infected women. Recent immigrants from areas where AIDS is endemic (including Haiti and Central Africa) also are at increased risk. In various locations, an increasing number of prostitutes (both male and female) have been diagnosed with the virus. Note however that inclusion in 1a risk group does not imply that one will contract the virus. Since 99 per cent of AIDS cases are linked to sexual or direct

Best friend’s death recalled -

-_ e__ m I _ (re: letter, Imprint, Sept. 19) Dear Sue. First of all, let me tell you that I don’t go to UW nor do I live in Waterloo or area, so it’s very rare that I’m around to pick up a copy of Imprint. But I was able to get one through a friend of mine who is on the staff there. Well, imagine my shock at reading your article in the paper. You see, at about 11:30 p.m. on August 20, my best friend Michael was killed before my very eyes as he lost control of his motorbike near my home. Well there’s no telling you what this has done to me. You I consider lucky in one way because you did not see the frantic attempts at regaining control that your best friend made as he was flung though the air at high speed. And tragically, I stood beside him as he died moments later on the grass due to massive -head injuries. Yes, I watched him go, but I was in such a state of shock that I never said goodbye either. And you’re very right; that hurts. ’ I was so pleased to know that someone knows how I feel and what I was going through, what I’m still going through. You don’t realize it, but you helped me along, and for that I thank you. And I extend an invitation to write, so that maybe, by “discussing” To Sue Young

- .. our teelmgs, we can continue to be a support to each other. I don’t know anyone else in tiy peer group who knows what’s going on in my head or how I feel because I’m the only one I know who this has happened to. Won’t you write? Contact Andrea Luxon at Imprint. P.S. Mike James

Imprint welcomes comments and opinion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is designed to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in, letters, columns, or other articies on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters MUST be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday of the week of publication. Maximum length-of letters: 200 words. Anyone wishing to write ignger opinion pieces should contact the Editor-in-Chief. Ail material is subject to editing.

was 22 as well.

To the editor, A small but important discussion has erupted in recent weeks concerning J.T. Macintosh’s letters (Imprint, Sept. 19, Oct. 3) and the health and safety of Canada. Macintosh refers to it as survival rights for a global minority cultural group called Canadians, refer-


or not?


Canadian, ancestry.


to and




Well Ms. Macintosh, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you. I was not born in Canada, nor am I whit& and, to too it all off, I’m afraid I’m .not a Christian either



parenteral (occurring somewhere 61s; than the alimentary canal) transmission, avoidance of IV drug use and celibacy will effectively reduce one’s chance of contracting AIDS to near zero, especially since blood products are now Fcreenedfor contamination. Given the social problems of complete celibacy, the u@e of condoms grid other measures to avoid exchange of bodily fluids (especjally semen) and stable monogamous relationships with an uninfected person will provide relative protection. (It appears that the frequency of homosexual partners is the most important risk factor, according to an analysis done by the Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta.) .Make sure the condoms used are of the latex variety, as sheep gut and other similar materials will not prevent the transmission of the virus. Because of the fragile nature of the lining of the rectum, it is susceptible to abrasions and hemorrhaging. For this reason, a good water soluble lubricant should always be used when engaging in anal intercourse. Because traces of the virus have been isolated in saliva, it should not be used as a lubricant. It is important the lubricant be water soluble, as oil-based products will harbor pathogens and are difficult to wash away. Most cases of AIDS and ARC (AIDS Related Complex) show a correlation between contraction of the disease and a lifestyle conducive to contraction of disease in general (not just AIDS). It I is important to take care of your health, since ability to fight off infection is directly correlated. Certain “recreational” drugs such as “poppers”, uppers, downers, and marijuana have impairing effects on the body’s immune system, which increases the riskof infection. (Be warned!) The symptoms of AIDS include: persistent night sweats; severe tiredness; swollen lymph glands in the neck, armpit, or groin; loss of weight for no apparent reason; easy bruising or unexplained bleeding; and diarrhea. These maladies are usually caused by some other’ agent, but if they persist, go see a doctor. It is important for every individual in a high risk group to have a family doctor who is aware of that person’s situation.

Isn’t it despicable how I can 90 around calling myself Canadian (although I’ve lived here more than 15 years). And what’s worse is that my friends and the vast majority of people whom I encounter also consider me a Canadian. Oh, if these people only knew the harm they are subjecting themselves to by doing so. Yes, the harm of knowledge is a terrible thing for it breeds tolerance and even respect. My friends learn many things from my background as I do from theirs. Our vicious stereotypes vanish and we see people as people and culture as the wonderful and differen& expressions of our collective humanity. You also referred to immigrants as incompatible and irresponsible, but, as I’ve pointed out, everyone around me considers me a Canadian. So just who is the incompatible one? If you believe Canadians are a small minority cultural group, I’m afraid you’ve got some small, minority opinions. Canada is like a beautiful, large quilt where all cultures intertwine harmoniously as one and are able to keep their own culture at the same time. I am a Canadian and I have done, ‘and will do, all I can for Canada, so don’t call me irresponsible. To limit Canada to your views would be allowing a culture to survive, but de~nying Canada of its cultur’e. To deny culture is to deny learning and understanding and to act irresponsibly. If ignorance is bliss, you must be very happy. M. Bayouml

Fed Hall needs a good 1 rock and roll night! To the editor, In a recent issue of Imprint (Oct. 3), one of your staff writers, Paul Done, expressed his concern over the Federation of Students’ profit policy. I would-like to echo this thought, as well as to bring about a concern of my own. Fed Hall is too single-centered. The only people which it caters to are those who enjoy listening and dancing to Disco. Yes, Disco -

you can call it New Wave or Dance Music, but it still boils down to that dreaded monster of the late ’70s which so many of us fought and destroyed (or so we thought). -What we need, and what Fed Hall needs, is a good rock ‘n’ roll night. Not on a Monday or a Tuesday, when we are all so diligently trying to get our assignments done, but on a Thursday or Friday every week. The success of such a ~


night at the Bombshelter will attest to the need and desire of such a night. It’s about time that we got some diversity in Fed Hall so that those of us who retch at the mere mention of INXSor Depeche Modecan finally get some enjoyment out of something which we all have to pay for. S hawn Allln 2A Chemistry

_ -.FORiJhk



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Well, once you get out of college, you’re probably going to look for The Guy. Well, there’s lots of guys in bars. But why would you want a man who hangs around in bars? You could also try personal ads. But come on,you wouldn’t answer one, so why would you expect him to? Another lace to meet men is in a supermarket. But what if f: e’s buying those extra lamb chops for his wife? I’mean, lots of guys don’t wear wedding rings. . Well, maybe you’ll meet him where you work. But, didn’t last month’s Cosmo say never to get involved with someone you work with? Then again, maybe a friend will introduce you to someone. But if he’s so great, how come your friend didn’t want him for herself? Maybe she’s secretly seeing him. What kind of a friend is that? And who wants a two-timing guy? . Who knows, maybe you’ll meet-someone when you pick up your 2 for 1 pizza. Let’s face it, any guy ’ smart enough to use these coupons must have something on the ball.



I I*



OCTOBER 31, 1986






Wheeler is, of course, only a minor culprit in the grand scheme of UFOlogy. There are a spate of pro-saucer books on the market, and one has to wonder just how much faith the authors have in their own works. One particular incident should be very revealing. Philip J. Klass is an author who has written extensively on the UFO phenomenon from a skeptical point of view and his books UFOs Explained and UFOs: The Public Deceived should be required reading for anyone who is considering spending any time in the field. Fed up with the number of authors making a fast buck off a gullible public, Klass decided to test the strength of these authors’ convictions. While a guest on a talk show, along with the late-but-not-terribly-lamented Frank Edwards who was hyping his latest piece of nonsense, Flying Saucers - Serious Business, Klass put forth the following offer to Edwards: he would pay Edwards $10,000 U.S. (about $7 million Canadian) “at such time as bona-fide extra-terrestrial visitors either present themselves to any Earth government representative . . . or appear live on television.. . ” In return, Edwards would pay him $1,000 per year for every year that passed without a landing. Edwards immediately declined the offer. Since then, Klass,has modified the offer to be even more appealing\,and has drawn up a formal contract. The original a ount of $10,OOO’remains~ unchanged, but the par Y y of the second part need ante up only $100 per year, and only for 10 years. The contract, however, remains in effect until the ’ death of either party. Other high-profile UFO proponents who have rejected this offer include J. Allen Hynek, Stanton Friedman and John G. Fuller, the last being the author of three popular UFO books. (Incidentally, the offer to Fuller occurred on an episode of the David Susskind show where, in a stunning fit of illiteracy, Fuller angrily referred to the contract as “the biggest, confusing double-talk I have ever experienced . . . This is the great hoaxof all time.“) Perhaps the final word here should belong to Wheeler, whose strength of conviction appears to based on little more than wishful thinking and a vivid imagination. In an interview in the K-W Record, Wheeler remarked that “although I can’t prove it one way or the other, we are definitely being visited by some unknown force.” It would be interesting to know if Wheeler has accepted Klass’ offer of a shot at the big bucks. Weli, Ms. Wheeler? .


am not a raving hypocrite.as your letter would tend to indicate, although I do possess a rather active imagination. The problem with your interpretation of my letter is that you read it quite literally. It is unfortunate that many people share the same difficulty which often results in misleading interpretations. For instance, how am I to understand that well-worn cliche you used (pot calling the kettle black) if I am only capable of understanding literal meanings?

Perhaps you should have used the worn-out cliche, “two wrong(s don’t make a right”. If you had chosen that one, I (literally) would have empathized more with the point you were making. But seriously Alyson, l wilt put away my figurative whips and chains if you will. I agree with yo4 totally that the desire to inflict pain upon another human being is wrong for any reason and, after all; that really was the point I was making in my letter in the first place. K.J. Bell I

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To the editor, This is in response to Alyson Schafer’s letter (Imprint, Oct. 3) entitled “Pot of scalding coffee said calling the kettle black.” First of all, I would like to thank you Alyson for drawing my attention to the disturbing elements in my letter (Imprint Sept. 26) which I‘ was unaware of. Yes it would be hard for you to respect what I was you really saying if, in fact, thought i wanted to inflict severe pain upon the woman who offended me. I can you assure you, I



of the imaginative

by Robert Day Imprint staff Sooner or later, we had to get around to this. UFOs. Flying saucers. Beings from other worlds. Intergalactic Frisbees. Where to start, where to start . . . I suppose the best place to begin the dissection of this particular alternate reality is with the sighting that started the whole craze back in 1947. In many cases, the origin of a given field of belief contains the seeds of its own destruction, and UFOlogy is no exception. The sighting that gave birth to the phrase ‘flying saucers’ occurred in June of 1947 when private businessman Kenneth Arnold, piloting his own plane over the Rockies, sighted a group of metallic objects which he described as flying in formation at incredible speeds. He described their motion as flying “like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water,” but was misquoted as saying “flying saucers”, despite the fact that he had said nothing about their shape, except for their being wingless. The phrase stuck and, from then on, sightings were almost invariably of saucer-shaped objects. Now, given the staggering number of UFO books bending the shelves in most bookstores, there is certainly no shortage of authors to pick on. This time, however, we’re going to make things a mite more interesting by ignoring briefly some of the brighter lights and hitting much closer to home. Cambridge, in fact. Bonnie Wheeler is the founder and president of the Cambridge UFO Research Group, which publishes a 35-40 page quarterly newsletter, a copy of which lies before me now. In addition to the obligatory, tedious accusations of a massive government cover-up of the existence of flying saucers, there is an unintentionally hilarious recount of an actual encounter with an extraterrestrial. The humor in this case is supplied by an improbably-detailed sketch of the alien in question. Given the almost-infinite possibilities for separate evolution of a distinct alien race, plus the countless ideas for alien life forms proposed by SF writers through the ages, it is disappointing to be presented with a creature virtually indistinguishable from your favorite CS14C prof, save for the stereotypical overly-large skull used by most mediocre B-movie directors to denote an absurdly high intelligence. In addition, the only distinguishing feature of the creature’s apparel is a belt whose buckle is emblazoned with, of all things, a five-pointed star. (Take heart, troops. Evidently even advanced civilizations still have trouble keeping their pants up.)


&il& -‘prepares you for the real world.

I---l .






7 Imprint,







Foe d : Global We all need food but seldom consider its sources. It is necessary to question the origins of what we are eating. Significant environmental and social crises result from the production; distribution, and consumption of food. Fobd production in Canada is changing dramatically. The family farm is fast becoming a thing of the past. Small farmers cannot keep up with the cost of industrial farming. New crop varieties require expensive chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides. fungicides and irrigation systems. Without these inputs, the yield is lower than traditional crops because new varieties are more vulnerable to insects, weeds and dry weather. However, local sustainable agriculture ensures the continuation of an adequate, affordable food supply by maintaining the ecological balance of the land and encouraging regional self-sufficiency. \ The real costs of food include the taxes we pay to dispose of packaging and provide medical care for those made sick Whert you buy food at the supermarket, the price you pay is only a part of the truecost which includes disposal of packaging and the loss of food quality as it is processed and refined. We ultimately pay for these costs through taxes, utility bills and health insurance bills. A food co-operative is a constructive alternative to supermarket shopping. It gives members the personal control to minimize and even counteract the negative social and environmental impact of thefood that we eat. Despite abundance here in North America, we have growing urban hunger. Soup kitchens serve increasing numbers. Awareness has recently been heightened about the problem of Third World starvation yet many do not realize the magnitude of the destitution in their own communities. There is more



by Kathy Marsman Vegetarianism is not a recent trend, although lately it seems to be taking up more and more of the spotlight. Many eastern cultures have been primarily vegetarian for generations and in Britain, the vegetarian population is well over 10 per cent. Eating is a very personal thing,,as we have the choice of what to eat and what not tb eat. Vegetarians are those of us who have chosen not to eat animal meats of any kind, including fish and chicken, of course. This is the common link. The reasons, however, are not so easy to pin-point. There are ethical, environmental, economical and nutritional considerations. Certainly, not all vegetarians support all of these reasons. The ethical considerations deal mainly with the mistreatment of animals under farm conditions. That is, the restricted and confined environments that force animals into inactive lives, the hormone and antibiotic injections used to optimize growth and insure against disease, and ultimately, the cruelty of the manner in which animals are slaughtered. The idea that this is what these animals were ‘raised for’ does not wash well with many vegetarians, as we feel no animal should be raised for such purposes. Environmental and economic facts cannot be denied. Certainly everyone is aware of the food shortage in the under-developed countries where cereals and grains are analogous to our meat dishes here in North America as the daily food staple. In these countries, there is no ‘decision’ involved in vegetarianism as meat is unattainable. Looking at the food chain as a whole, there is certainly enough food to go around, but a marked imbalance persists. The amount of feed grown to raise one cow to maturity (about two years old) is sufficient in plant protein to meet the daily requirement of 1,200 people. The amount of animal protein the cow will provide will be enough for 110 people. This takes into consideration the fact certain plant proteins,



17, 1986



Ve,getarianism: The


this ancient


such as vegetables and cereals, must be combined to provide all of the amino acids needed for complete protein. Once all of these amino acids are present, there is no advantage to animal protein over plant protein. It is plain to see animal production provides about 10 per cent of the protein efficiency of grain and vegetable product+. U.S. statistics show the average American, in a 70-year lifetime, will have eaten two sheep, 12 cattle, 29 hogs, 984 chicken& one calf, 37 turkeys and 910 pounds of fish. When these numbers are translated into protein efficiency, certainly there is enough protein on the planet to go around, but we are depleting more than our fractional share on the world scale. d Many vegetarians feel this is a worthwhile reason. Alt ‘ough one person’s choice of not eating meat wi 1 I not immediately influence the world scale, there is much satisfaction to be derived from knowing we are doing our share. From a nutritional standpoint, a vegetarian diet with wisely chosen food combinations is internationally accepted as a healthy diet. Eating ‘glower’ on the food chain ensures a smaller concentration of pesticides and pollutants from the environment, and a lesser amount of farm-injected hormones and antibiotics. Animal fat stores fat-soluble chemicals, and these are found in animals in concentrations up to 10 times as great as in vegetables grown in the same environment. Our bodies, in turn, store these chemicals in our fat. Most meats, as well as being high in protein, are also high in fat. This is saturfated fat, and leads to artereosclerosis and high blood pressure. The cholesterol present also leads to these conditions. Unsaturated plant fat does not lead to these conditions. Of course excess fat of any type leads to obesity. Vegetarianism may not be for everyone, but it is an alternative available to us all, whatever the reason may be. We should all feel privileged to have it as an option, and not-as a necessity.


Question: What do you think of this year’s Fed Info-Date book?

‘It is not organized very well because the days in the weeks are not together.

,,--’ /

My name’s in it so it can’t be all bad. (No vanity intended.) Al Revesz 3A Independent

Neil. Holman 2A Science

Anybody who p&d wasn’t too bright.






‘It’s too big. ISusan Kurbis 2A Arts

Craig lnglis 2A Economics

than enough food produced globally to feed all the earth’s population but those who cannot afford it, generally cannot have it. Moreover, multinational corporations have move&‘lnto Third World countries. Independent IarieYowners have been reduced to labourers growing cash crops, no longer able to feed themselves with their own produce. Awareness

is rising the origin

that we must of our food.


There is hope. In fact, there is a growing awareness that we must not only stop taking tar granted what we eat but we must start toquestion the origin of our food. As always, writing letters to your MPP and MP can help sway government decisions. on a more local and practical level, there are positive alternatives. Explore alternatives in food buying. Buy local and seasonal produce. Seek out organically-grown food. Consider joining a food co-operative or starting your own. Why not join a community garden next spring? Consider vegetarianism. With grassroots response, individuals can cause positive change. In an attempt to inform the local community of the far-reaching implications of food, WPtRG and the Peace Society are sponsoring Food For Thought. Displays and presentations concerning organic farming, food co-operatives, health food markets and health retreats will be in the Campus Centre from lo:30 to 3:30, October 21 to October 23. The Food for Thought week will culminate with a talkon “The Politics of Food” by Pat Mooney. Mr. Mooney is a researcher at the Genetic Research institute in Winnipeg and is currently studyi,ng the development of new seed strains. His talk will be held October 23, in Engineering 1, Room 3516 at 8 p.m. These and other events are taking place throughout October.

I don’t like it because there is no place for telephone numbers and the month is not all on one page and who reads all the stuff anyway? Barb Rodwin 3A Biology

by Sonny Schmidt

It’s an excellent attempt at a more in depth date book. With some improvements it will be perfect. Michael Collins 2A Science


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To K-W% fiist



AkGill council wants 300% conditional tuition hike MONTREAL (CUP) - McGillJlniversity’s student council is standing by its position that Quebec students deserve a 300 per cent increase in tuition fees. Although confronted with a petiD


i ne

i n

EDMONTON (CUP) - University of Alberta students may face internal disciplinary action as well as criminal charges if they run afoul of the law, says the director of campus security. “We had a policy where we would not proceed with internal disciplinary actions against a student if civil charges were pending,” said Doug’ Langevin. But that changed when the campus law-review committee decided to back up campus security by advising that policy be scrapped. The committee is responsible for the university’s code of student behaviour, which governs both academic and non-academic conduct. Under the code, students can be reprimanded, fined up to $500, suspended or expelled from university. While the new policy leaves the university open to charges of double jeopardy, the university should have the right to discipline its members as other institutions do, said Langevin. “It’s a difficult situation but we must have the right to discipline individuals. After all, private companies do fire employees in trouble with the law,” he said. Gilym Davies, former president of the Edmonton Criminal Trial Law. yet-s Association, said there are cases where the U of A should not press internal charges in addition to any criminal charges which may have been laid. “A charge of theft (against a student) should be of no interest to the university, but an assault case where the presence of the accused would endanger the university community would warrant some legitimate university concern,” he said. “The university should be threatened by the student’s actions before it presses internal charges.” Langevin said his only concern is the safety of people and property on campus. “I am not concerned with what is happening on campus. I can only look at the evidence that I have when I think there has been a breach of the code of student behaviour and advise disciplinary action.” Anne McLellan, associate dean of law at 0 of A, agreed the university should have the right to discipline its 0WI-L

“It seems to me that the purpose of internal discipline is very different from that of civil laws,” she said. “A university should expect a certain standard of conduct from its members and has the right to set


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tion signed by more than 1,500 students, the council upheld a previous decision about tuition fees in the joint council and faculty brief submitted to a provincial commission on education. , Al


down some rules. lf we violate those rules, the university should have the power to deal with it,” she said. McLellan said there are instances where a person could still pose a threat to the campus community even after being dealt with by civil authorities. “A student in a university residence harassing his fellow residents could be let out of court on a technicality or be out on probation, but this would not preclude him from living in residence or going to school, where he could be threat to other students.” Craig Cooper, U of A student union vice-president academic, said the student union hasn’t decided on a policy about this issue. “It has some good points and it has some bad points,” he said. “We don’t know which is worse.”

“A tuition increase in an isolated way is not acceptable,” said council vice-president lan Brodie. He argues that, since the brief specified conditions that had to be met before tuition could be increased, university accessibility would not be hindered. ButasurveyconductedbytheUniversite de Montreal student council shows 90 per cent of Quebec students oppose a tuition increase. It also found 13 per cent of the province’s students would no longer be able to attend university and 23 per cent would be forced into parttime studies if fees were raised dram. a&ally. “We have to bring our policy in line with what students are thinking,” said councilor Carlene Gardner. “We have to take into account those statistics.” But it is not clear if the McGill Association of University Teachers (M/KIT) still supports the brief submitted by student council. While MAUT has not offrciallywithdrawn its support from the joint brief, it has signed a brief with professorial associations of 17 other Quebec universities and CEGEP’s which is categorically opposed to tuition fee increases.

Fcuturing: -


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by Melinda Wittstock National Features Writer. Canadian University Press . It’s been called “incomplete” and “questionable” by university administrators, professors, students and antiapartheid groups across the country. It’s the first annual report from Albert Hart, the retired career diplomat hired to administer the federal Code of Conduct governing the employment practices of Canadian companies operating in South Africa. Even the author admits his report “cannot make any claim to perfection or completeness.” Critics on all sides of the divestment debate have attacked Hart’s

labour practices the federal government thinks Canadian companies should adhere to in South Africa. When it was established, the code called upon firms operating in South Africa to improve wages, benefits and working conditions of their black employees, to desegregate facilities, to pay equal wages for equal work, to accept black union activities and free collective bargaining, to assist with housing, education, and training, and to generally contribute toward a higher standard of living for their black workers. But the code was voluntary and no mechanism was put in place to monitor its implementation. “It was embarrassing for the federal government that they had a code but no mechanism to enforce it,” says Moira Hutchinson. co-ordinator of the Toronto-based Taskforce on Churches and Corporate Responsibility. “Neither the Botha regime nor the Canadian firms there are going to let the whole truth come out.”

report on the grounds that it: fails to provide enough specific information on Canadian firms presently operating in South Africa; advocates the “impossible” - that the firms break the apartheid laws of the South African government; and fails to provide an adequate analysis of the code itself. Many have also criticized the report for its one-sided. and incomplete research, as well as for its relative lack of consultation with South African blacks and their representatives. Others have used Hart’s report as a launching pad to criticize the code itself, calling it everything from ineffective at best, to nothing more than a justification for Canadian investment in South Africa at worst. “It’s just a way to prop up apartheid while maybe ameliorating some of its worst abuses for only a few,” says Yusuf Saloogee, the Canadian representative of the African National, Congress (ANC). Hart, who isn’t “particularly satisfied” with the report, admits he agrees with, or at least understands, much of the criticisms levelled against both the report and the code itself. But he is quick to add that he is not responsible for any federal policy decisions on South Africa. “I’m just an administrator,” he said. “I’m not required to take a stand on it.” The federal government’s Code of Conduct for firms operating in South Africa, established by the Department of External Affairs in April 1978, is the standard used by many Canadian universities to evaluate the social and political impact of their South Africanrelated investments. It spells out

External Affairs Minister Joe Clark hired Hart Oct. 1, 1985 to,receive the. annual reports of Canadian firms operating in South Africa, and on that basis, to assess the level of compliance and progress made on the implementation of the code. While many Canadian universities spent the winter waiting for the publication of Hart’s report before they made any divestment decisions, Hart scrutinized 17 Canadian companies’ annual reports and interviewed a few “concerned parties” before releasing his findings at the end of May. He did not visit any Canadian operations in South Africa to judge for himself whether or not they were living up to the code. All reports sent to Hart had to be cleared with the South African Ministry of Trade and Industry before , being sent abroad. Hart says he didn’t visit any South African operations because he was “operating under conditions the (Canadian) government decided I would operate under. I wasn’t given a research team or a large enough budget to include travel, probably because the government is suffering from a scarcity of money, with thedeficit and all.” “It’s a questionable report,” said Saloogee. It is unlikely the information obtained from each company is accurate, he says. “The apartheid regime has an interest in keeping Canadian companies in South Africa, and the Canadian firms want to stay so they can utilize the cheap labour force.” “Neither the Botha regime nor the Canadian firms there are going to let the whole truth come out,” says Saloogee . Hart says he understands Saloogee’s concerns, although “it didn’t look like they (the companies) were being censored. It -was a question I had to put to the companies themselves and they didn’t seem to indicate there was a problem.” Anti-apartheid groups, the ANC, and the Taskforce on Churches and Corporate Responsibility all say they are disappointed at Hart’s failure to consult with a representative crosssection of those actually affected by the code.

“The code’s administrator shouldn’t rely on the compliance reports from the companies themselves,” says Hutchinson of the Taskforce. “Black workers and their legitimate representatives -- the ANC, the South African Council of Trade Unions (SACTU) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) should be asked.” Hart said he didn’t contact ANC or other black South African groups because “it’s not within the terms of my job.” But he said he would have been glad to talk to them “had some arrangements been made.” “His findings have to be taken with a grain of salt,” says Joanne Naiman, a representative of Canadians Concerned About South Africa (CCSA) Hart named five Canadian companies operating in South Africa that are paying their black workers at levels considered to be too low to sustain even “a modest standard of living.” Hart says Bata Ltd., a multinational footwear manufacturer; Falconbridge Ltd., a mining company; Massey-Ferguson Ltd., a manufacturer of agricultural machinery; Dominion Textiles Inc., and Moore Corp Ltd. are not living up to the standards of the code. After receiving Hart’s report, Carleton University in Ottawa decided in August to divest from Moore Corp. Carleton, along with the University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto, announced early last winter that it would divest its holdings from any company not complying with the code. But Carleton University President William Beckel says he was reluctant to sell Carleton’s shares in Moore Corp., because of the “vagueness of the code and the administrator’s (Hart’s) choice of an arbitrary wage level.” Beckel says he thinks it’s hard _ to judge from the report whether or not any of the companies are living up to the code. Carleton political science professor Doug Anglin said he thought few of the companies Hart named as being in full compliance with the code actually were. Anglin said there is “little evidence in the report that the firms are actually living up to the code’s other.requirements ” such as maintenance of safe working conditions, the right to strike, and the promotion of equal opportunity to education and employment. Alex Pathy, U of T vice president business affairs, says the university will soon make a decision on divestment. “We have a lot of difficulty with the report - it hasn’t been easy to administer considering how incomplete the report is.” UBC vice president academic David Birch says divestment has now been postponed indefinitely because the Hart report lacks information on three of the South African-linked companies in UBC’s portfolio. Birch also complained that the report does not include a satisfactory analysis of the code itself - whether or not compliance with the code is a useful

tool for combating apartheid. Hart says it’s not his job to decide whether the code itself is useful “the government is capable of that,” he says. As for Birch’s complaint that Hart’s report does not contain information on three Canadian firms linked to South Africa: “It’s difficult to keep track of who’s invested and who’s not.” “The investment situation there changes so quickly - firms come and go before you can blink your eyes.” Hart says his list of firms in South Africa was complete as of March 1, 1986, but he won’t guarantee the list is correct now. “New companies are coming in, and it’s not easy to acquire information on them. It could be a small company, you know. It’s a moving target - it’s hard to keep abreast of it, but I’m trying,” he says. According to Statistics Canada, in 1984, Canadian direct investment in South Africa totalled $135 million compared to $189 million in 1983 and

$239 million in 1981. Hart says the declining investment of Canadian firms in South Africa is reflective of the “severe economic recession there.” Four companies contacted by Hart last winter said they hadtaken steps to divest and cease operations in South Africa during the previous six months..Two of these firms specifically indicated it was no longer profitable to continue their activities there. Hart says that four Canadian firms have ceased operating in South Africa since his report was published - CIL, Hudson’s Bay, Into, and Noranda. But he said he was unsure whether these firms had completely severed their ties to apartheid - they may still be invested in other firms that are operating there. Despite all the attention that has been focused on apartheid in the last year, Hart says he is surprised by the amount of ignorance still surrounding the issue. “You know, sometimes I wonder if people read the newspapers because some companies operat-

ing in South Africa are surprised when I call or visit them. It’ is possible that some companies are investing there without the knowledge a Code of Conduct exists.” Hutchinson says companies are probably ignorant of the code because it’s voluntary. “A code is useless unless it’s mandatory,” she says. Victor Sim, associate executive secretary of the Canadian Association of University Teachers, agrees with Hutchinson: “CAUT would prefer something more mandatory. As it is now, companies don’t have to pay attention to it if they don’t want to.” Hart says he has yet to “study the question” of whether the code should be made mandatory. “Part of the problem is that I don’t know what mandatory means - no one ever says what they mean by it or how it could be implemented,” he says. “You can’t tell a multinational what wages it has to pay its employees unless it is operating in your own country.” That’s one of the reasons why many groups and individuals opposed to apartheid see the code itself as useless. Canadian companies in South Africa must follow South African law if they want to operate in the country. And, if it’s impossible to make the code mandatory, what’s the point of a code? Even with the code, Saloogee says, “Canadian firms have shown black South Africans that they don’t play a fair game in South Africa. Even if they wanted to, they’d be restricted. They can’t violate the laws of the country, no matter how unjust.” Canadian firms have shown black South Africans that they don’t play a fair game in South Africa. Saloogee says Canadians should “think for a moment” why their companies are there to begin with. “They’d find that all foreign firms are in South Africa to reap what they see as the benefits of apartheid - cheap, and often un-unionized labour.” Naiman of the CCSA says the code “is just another way to allow firms to make super profits from apartheid it puts a ‘nice’ face on it.” Hart admits he thinks the code is a limited instrument. “It will not get rid of apartheid itself,” he says, “although it may be able to improve the life situation of black workers and their families” - if, of course, the firms in South Africa attempt to follow the code’s recommendations. Most Canadian firms have little influence on the regime in Pretoria, other than helping, in some cases, to prop it up, says Hutchinson of the Taskforce. And, as Hart writes in his report, because many of the firms hold less than a 50 per cent share of the equity of their South African subsidiaries and are “far from the , scene of management and control, these companies have less ability to

influence the policies and practices of their South African partners.” But Hart says Canadian firms’ presence there may contribute to the reform of apartheid. In the last 20 years, Hart says, Canadian firms have contributed a lot to South Africa’s industrial growth, which has resulted in the development of a large black work force and black trade unions which will “soon reform apartheid.” “Now the unions are flexing their muscles - they’ll be an important political factor ,” says Hart. “They already are .” Meanwhile, the majority of South African blacks are not prepared to sit idly by and wait for the reform of apartheid. “Only total divestment, total withdrawal, will bring the unjust and immoral structures of apartheid down,” says Saloogee.“‘We’ve suffered far too long.” Naiman, of the Inter-Campus Anti-Apartheid Network (ICAAN), says, “We don’t want apartheid nicer - we want it gone.” Hutchinson says the Taskforce doesn’t think the code is at all effective compared to other forms of economic pressure. “Benign liberal measures may make people feel a bit better, but nothing much will change in the meantime.” Hutchinson thinks the code should be expanded to “address more than just employment conditions” -it should examine what Canadian firms are producing in South Africa, she says. “‘Paying slightly they get

ladder one climbs. “Regardless of the rate-for the job (equal pay for equal work) principles, Western Platinum’s employment pattern resembles apartheid in microcosm, a racial pyramid where blacks form the base and whites the apex. There is no evidence that the 1978 code has been applied to advance the position of black employees,” the 198485 Taskforce annual report states. “What’s the use of equal pay for equal work if whites and blacks are prevented from doing the same ’ work?” asks Saloogee. Hart admits the code and its enforcement could be improved. He

a black person more won’t help if shot the next day.”

“If a company is supplying the apparatus of apartheid, what do working conditions mean?” she asks. “Paying a black person slightly more won’t help if they get shot at the next day in the townships with new and improved weapons produced for the South African police by the same Canadian firm they work for. We have to look at the strategic roles these firms play and not just working conditions.” The Taskforce also thinks the questions firms are asked under the provisions of the code should be expanded to “get a more accurate depiction of present working conditions and pay scales,” says Hutchinson. “Because of the questions, Hart’s report doesn’t give us the whole picture. We must look at the percentage of black workers at each level of employment within the firms to know if the firms are combating apartheid or merely reflecting it.” Saloogee says Canadian firms are reflecting it. “What Hart forgets is that under apartheid, workers are black and management is white. Figures given to the Taskforce last winter by Bata, Falconbridge, Comince, and the Ford Motor Co. of Canada, all support Saloogee’s assertion. Falconbridge, which owns a 24 per cent interest in Western Platinum Ltd., told the Taskforce last year that it employed 3,542. Of its unskilled workers, all were black while none were white. No blacks were employed as skilled workers; all middle and upper level managers were white. Pay increases the higher up the

has recommended an amendment to’ the code to encourage companies to inform their black workers of its existence, along with a change to the code that would encourage firms to “alleviate the harsher effects” of migrant labour by ensuring the free movement of blacks, something Saloogee says will only happen once apartheid and its passe law system is abolished. Everyone seems to agree that the code is not enough to dismantle apartheid. Hart thinks people were disappointed because they expected too much from his report. But many, like Moira Hutchinson of the Taskforce, question the necessity of a code that “doesn’t require Canadian companies to take a proactive position against apartheid.” She thinks “Companies presently operating in South Africa should completely divest until apartheid has been dismantled.” Saloogee thinks the code is a farce. “The Canadian government is ignoring the wishes of the vast majority of people in South Africa - it won’t start supporting an end to apartheid until it presses total economic sanctions against the white supremacist state .” Hart says, “It’s understandable that the blacks- in South Africa want divestment. I can understand why they want a comprehensive weapon to bring down the structures of apartheid. I presume the Canadian government is looking at the instruments available to it - the code is just one and it’s only my job to see that it gets enforced. I’m trying my best .”

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This iS the Funk Kelvynator/Defunkt Lone Star Cafe New York City by Paul Done



at Fed Hall

photo by Jonathan

Fur lined by John Zacariah Imprint staff


As the Miss Oktoberfest contestants frolicked about the Humanities Theatre October 9, New York’s Das Furlines treated a moderate-sized and mostly curious crowd at Fed Hall to about an hour of garage polka mania. Led by lead singer Wendy Wild and organist Deb O’Nair (playing her wheezy VOX Jaguar), the Furlines played an unheard-of mix of garage rock and ein prosit-esque drinking music which, by the end of the evening, had all types up and polka-ing. Wendy Wild lived up to her surname, leaping off the stage at various times to dance with members of the audience, and showing true



at Maxwell’s

Jonathan by Tim Imprint

Perlich staff

Splitting to Hoboken for the night, we joined Jonathan Richman in a sort of campfire jamboree singalong at a steam room in New Jersey called Maxwell’s. The crowd in the bar adjoining the ‘concert room’ seemed oblivious to the fact one of America’s greatest living tperformers was on stage just metres away. Jonathan , was already a-strummin’ and a-croonin’ when the door opened with Andy Paley on standup snare and some ex-college rugby dude (probably a nephew of Jonathan’s tailor) playing guitar. For the most part, he stuck to the songs of the last two albums, smiling and shaking his head politely when someone called out for oldies like



abandon with her conch shell during a spirited rendition of Everytime I Kiss You 1 Still Can Hear Those Foghorns, arguably the Furlines best tune. Ealier in the evening, she invited audience members to sit down on the dance floor, whereupon she delivered a perverse reading of that children’s classic Jack and Jill, then counted the band into yet another punk-polka nugget, compelling the dismayed listeners to : leap up and dance. Just as they did’this summer, Das Furlines provided an energetic and entertaining show; however, things seemed more appropriate, this being Oktoberfest and all. Nonetheless, these five creative lasses would probably be just as good, regardless of the season. Wunderbar!

In a time where so much music has been reduced to a marketable, video-ready commodity, Kelvynator and Defunkt still produce a music which has the immediacy which identifies it as true and pure. In the same way that listening to Otis Redding or Aretha Franklin produces an immediate belief in the sincerity of the artist, Defunkt and Kelvynator leave you doubtless as to the real emotion and real art in the music. Kelvyn Bell, Defunkt’s original guitar player, made Kelvynator his full-time project in 1984, when he stopped playing regularly with Defunkt. Only a four-piece band, as opposed to Defunkt’s six members, Kelvynator are funk stripped down to its bare, rhythmic bones and then built back up into something more using African and Brazilian rhythms along with Indian and Oriental tonalities. According to Ke\vyn, this mutation was a deliberate process “with the aim of creating a truly international music”. This stems from his profound belief in psychic phenomena and reincarnation: “the music I make is based upon the fact that, in my past lives, I have been a part of all these cultures whose music is found Though their new in Kelvynator’.’ album Funk It Up captures much of this process, it fails to do justice to the force and electricity that their music possesses when seen live. The essence of Funk is the rhythm section - if your bass player and drummer can’t cut it then you might as well quit before you start. Kelvynator has no such worries. Drummer Ronnie Burrage, who has been described by eminent jazz critic Leonard Feather thus: “. . .[Burrage] shows influences of Max Roach and Elvin Jones, but with an originality which makes such comparisons meaningless.” Burrage, who has drummed with the likes of Wynton Marsalis and McCoy Tyner, is also a part of the Defunkt bloodline having been Defunkt’s original drummer. Burrage, who also supplies backing vocals, is probably the loudest, most propulsive drummer I’ve ever heard. It’s not only his volume which is so remarkable, but the fact that he


live on stage

in New York

pounds out all these polyrhythms without having to resort to the cliches of drumming (to understand the term “cliche of drumming”, refer to any album which Phil Collins is involved with). Yossi Fine, playing his first gig with Kelvynator, is doubtlessly the best bass player I’ve ever seen. His speed and dexterity kicks the ass of any rock ‘n’ roll bass player (including John Entwhistle). Fine displayed a dizzying flexibility on his instrument, at different times he thumped the strings (in conventional funk style), plucked them with his fingers, strummed them and hammered them like a Stanley Jordan of the bass. Out front, Kelvyn Bell, with his mane of dreadlocks waving back and forth, alternately sang then chanted like a cross between a Buddhist monk and a Zulu tribesman while laying down some fierce guitar in his unique style which makes the notions of “lead” and “rhythm” guitar inseparable. The fourth, forgotten member of Kelvynator is Kevin Bents, filling in the empty sonic space with his keyboard. During their two sets they ran through most, if not all of the songs on the new album plus You Must Be Psychic, from the This Is The Funk New York funk compilation.

photo by Tim Perlich

Their repertoire spans slow, exotic pieces, to tight, jazzy songs all the way to their real forte - hard funk as in Funk It Up and Good, Good Loue. Their crucial brew of intense polyrhythms and hard rock guitar is, above all, body pumping. Kelvynator display true musicianship not the masturbatory virtuosity of rock ‘n’ rollers -but an audience-directed attempt to communicate, not impress., \ _ As headliners, Defunkt were their usual baad selves - tight and funky. On this night, the subject that was foremost on Joe Bowie’s mind was, wait for it, taxes. That ‘s right, Joe “H & R Funk” Bowie was dishing out tax and investment tips to the audience telling them how to “build a family fortune”. Many times, he couldn’t even wait until the end of the song to get an idea .out, he’d tell the band to bring the volume down so that he could get a thought off his chest before picking the groove back up. The great performance of Defunkt was expected, but surprisingly, Kelvynator were equally intense. Though their music is ut-, terly modern, both these bands possess an immediacy and power that one finds infrequently in these days of glossy, vapid pop music.

photo by Tim Perlich



Roadrunner or l’m Straight. Two new songs (or rarely played old songs) were I Have Come Out To Play and a tribute to the silent Marx brother entitled Harp0 Played The Harp: Harpo, this is the angels, Where did you get that sound so fine, We’ve got to hear it one more time, Harp0 played the harp and all was still. Jonathan liked this song so much he played it 18 times over the course of the show.. . well, actually, he only played it three times but he would have played it 18 times if he didn’t have to do a show the next day and I’m sure no one in the audience at Maxwell’s would have complained.



for Defunkt

at the Lone Star Cafe

photo by Tim Perlich





Hip Happenings If you haven’t been driven into a pit of lethargy by school and midterms then there are a few cool things happening that you might want to attend. Southern soulman extraordinaire Otis Clay - interviewed here in Imprint a few weeks ago - comes to the Legion on Saturday (the 18th). This time his band features the legendary Hi rhythm section of the Hodges brothers and Howard Grimes who played on all the early ’70s hits by the likes of Al Green, Syl Johnson, Ann Peebles (who did the original of I’m Gonna Tear You Playhouse Down), Otis himself and O.V. Wright, among others. This one should be a soul experience, in light of the incredible show he gave in May. On Sunday, ex-Monty Python cast member Graham Chapman comes to the Humanities theatre on a speaking tour. He will be showing clips and discussing Python’s work along with the two books he has written. There will also be an extended question and answer period. Next week, Eliot Lefko brings those wacky Ska-niks Camper Van Beethoven to RPM on Thursday for a dose of hip hilarity. REM come to Massey Hall on the 27th, but if you don’t have tickets already then you’re out of luck because it’s sold out. The Woodentops come to the El Mocambo on November 1, tickets might be scarce because this one’s mostly a showcase for slimey record industry types. November 2 marks Shriekback’s return to ‘.Toronto, don’t ask me where they’re playing because I’ve forgotten. If you’re looking for something a little more highbrow, then Lili Marlene, another in the International Film series at the Hum, is for you (Monday). Furthermore, Alexander Hutchinson is coming to St. Jeromes on the 22nd to read some of his works. Wednesday lunchtime at Fed Hall, the Creative Arts Board presents the first in its Noon Hour Music Series - Brent Klassen and Steve Martin playing Bruce Cockburn and other songs. Finally, the rumour mill is spinning madly with rumours of imminent dates for Impr,$t.,faves Defunkt, Kelvynator, -Trouble Funk and Prince Charles and the City Beat E$and.




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by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff In the wake of Husker Du’sdefection to WEA and the death of The Minutemen’s D. Boon, the mantle of SST’s Most Important Bands has been placed on Sonic Youth and reliable old standbys The Meat Puppets. The California-based label, for several years one of the most adventurous and probably the most successful American independent label, will undoubtedly feel the crunch from the lossof their two heavyweights, but Sonic Youth’s SST lavishly praised SST debut EvoI and this summer’s Meat Puppets mini-LP, Out My Way, should soften the blow considerably. Sonic Youth have been the warlords of the underground New York scene for some time now and on the strength of EvoI (that’s “love” spelled backwards for all you anagramaniacs), were proclaimed as “the only band that matters” along with about six other bands by the music press for a couple of days last summer. They make a fearsome noise, but they’re much more than the simple noise band that critics and comparisons to the likes of The Jesus And Mary Chain would have you believe. Their sound is not selfconsciously calculated for all its layering upon --- layeringsof feedback, --_ not just JAMC’s cute pout and empty threat of something mildly dangerous.



like mind


your mental processes or make you hold your ears and scream.

Listenable, accessible songs like Tom Violence, which sounds almost like The Cocteau Twins sans Elizabeth Fraser, and Star-power, a slice of ’60s psychedelic pop that sounds like Mama Cass fronting The Strawberry Alarm Clock grind down to unnerving “instrumentals” where the guitar and bass are distorted into a bewildering maelstrom of sound. Making the same sort of window-rattling rhythm of a Concorde taking off, it’ll either forever alter

Where Sonic Youth really deliver, though, is in the lyrics, an unseemly tour through human depravity and psychosis as fascinating as it is revolting. Last year’s terrifying Death Valley ‘69 was just the tip of their violence - the obvious part. The nine-tenths below the surface are both more intense and more’frightening. Expressway To Your Skull, also known as The Crucifixion of Sean Penn, takes you right into the

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heart of American innocence and mass culture and pumps iZ full of lead, forcing you to watch. Thurston Moore even sounds like he’s romantically dreaming of a brave new future when he sings, “We’re gonna kill the California girls.” Meanwhile, Out My Way sees the ever-chameleon-like Meat Puppets moving on, or rather backwards from last year’s brilliant breakthrough album, Up On The Sun toward 1984’s Meat Puppets II. Definitely another one of “the only bands that matter:‘, the boys from Arizona have gone from amphetamine-buzzed psychedelic thrash to melodic, Haight-Ashburyinfluenced country-rock, back to a more frenetic guitar, ‘heavier bass, and a tougher rock tempo, but the sound is still way out in a territory solely inhabited by The Meat Puppets. It’s next to impossible to try to point to any influences. It’s as if they don’t know who to steal from and simply forge ahead blissfully ignorant of what they should sound like and end up carving a niche for themselves a hundred miles off the nearest highway. The Kirkwood brothers, guitarist Curt and bassist Cris, make up one of the oddest pair of harmonizers in rock ‘n’ roll today. Their identical drawling, lazy-as-ahot-Phoenix-afternoon voices melt into an atonal drone that sounds like a couple of weather-beaten prospectors who just struck a motherlode of whiskey. Mixed with some of the best West-of-the-Pecos guitarpickin’ to be heard around these parts fer quite a while, Out My Way is an essential purchase for anyone into psychedelic-/trad-/countryrock who thinks (s)he’s heard it all.

Our Famous




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by Charles Mak Imprint Staff OMD must be the grittiest of survivors from the techno-pop wave. They’ve survived not by becoming commercially accessible (pronounced b-o-r-i-n-g), but by using advances in synthesized technology in the most innovative and creative of ways and in the process, maintaining that distinct OMD sound. It would be nice to get esoteric here, but to write about how Paul Humphreys doubletapes analog so‘unds before digitally sampling them on his Emulator 11 would make for awful record reviewing. The Pacific Age continues where’ Crush, OMD’s previous release, left off. The most noticeable g development manifests itself in warmer synthesized textures. The hard electronic edges have been smoothed out and the techno approach has been toned down. OMD are shrewdly blending their sound into a broader perspective. Instead of sounding totally processed as with previous works, the sound on The Pacific Age is seemingly more acoustic and humanizing. Without a doubt, Paul Humphreys is certainly a prolific keyboardist. The new album is a fabulous effort by no short means, containing an eclectic mix of rhythms that range from moving ballads like the title track, The Pacific Age to the catchy and danceable Goddess of Love and We love you. Andy McClusky maintains his distinct vocal edge which must be the most enduring quality of OMD and Paul Humphreys gets his two cents worth by singing on (Foreuer) Live and Die. These two fellows possess the two best vocals in the synth-pop genre. By concentrating on songwriting, OMD have kept the arrangements uncluttered and and have developed a critical ear for sound. Each song is bound to a particular electronic texture and as a result the songs are rich and full. They definitely have a satisfying feel about them. The Pacific Age will give OMD much recognition. And it will definitely mark a turning point for the band. I just hope that they don’t go down the wrong road (ie. commercial banality).

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff For Woodentops fans who have been following the band since their first cataclysmic single, Plenty, their debut album, Giant, may put them off a little. The all-out, frenetic rush of percussion, guitars, keyboards, and Role McGinty’s ecstatically panting vocals that made songs like Moue Me and Well, Well, Well pound incessantly away at your brain is not altogether absent from Giant, but it isn’t the sweat-soaked intense workout that the singles were either. That said, Giant is still far from being a disappointment. In a year that has had its fair share of droolworthy new pop bands, it ranks as one of 1986’s finest, most polished _pop_ albums. The manic, knife-edge tension and energy is still there, as a listen to Get It On (the single that CFNY has deigned to play), Love Train, and

listener ltlanic,



and energy is still there

S/rout will prove, but it is focussed into a canny sense of pop melody

NY trip unearths by Paul Done Imprint staff A recent trip to New York City has meant a backlog of dance records to review so hold on ‘cause here they come. Lets get off on a good foot with some singles from Sleeping Bag Records (and one from Fresh, a subsidiary). Summertime, Summertime by Nocera is a little poppier than usual releases - imagine Madonna with better music. It’s already a big club hit. Leave It To The Drums/I Got It Good by rap-o-matic Tricky Tee is the followup to last year’s excellent Johnny The Fox. This time it’s Sam Sever, who helped Run-DMC with their Raising Hell album, who gets the call to program some heavy beats for Tee and he delivers using the Roland 808 (the current hot drum machine) sonic boom to sternum-crushing effect. An even better rap song is T La Rock’s Breakin’ Bells/Bass Machine (Fresh Records) where Mantronik - still the hottest drum programmer around - goes wild on both sides. He gets a beat going then turns it upsidein-

and tempered with a warmth and gentleness so as to not leave the

degree in Math or Bartending Arts at Conestoga College. The worst case situation is meeting him once you’ve established steady employment and have a solid living relationship worked out. So goes the story of Bright Lights, Big City. The tale, however, is not so much about Tad as it is about the seuen deadly weuknesses: venality, paranoia, insecurity, excess, carnality, contempt, and boredom which have replaced the seven deadly sins in our contemporary society. McInerney steps lightly over them all on his mad dash but never takes the time to stop and look beneath the surface and find out what exactly is at the core of r

mixing in a reggae dub style, whereby elements are mixed in and outproducing a constantly-changing sound. The production on these records is phenomenally loud: drums right in your face and bass so loud that it endangers the lives of small children and animals. Great dance music. Though E.U. Freeze (TTED/Island) by E.U._ who are, according to reputation, Washington D.C.‘s hottest live act - is kind of old by now, its inclusion on the fine Good To Go soundtrack merits it a review. The sub four-minute version on the soundtrack really isn’t long enough to generate a solid Go-Go. workout. The eight minutes on this EP are sufficient to whip most mortals into a mild frenzy. From the real Go-Go to a ripoff, Bang Zoom (Let’s Go-Go) (Select Records) by the Real Roxanne shows Roxanne getting some help from her friends in Full Force in

sidedownandout, never losing track of the initial pulse. Breakin’ Bells shows him going crazy with the fake cowbell sound made popular on LL Cool J’S Rock The Bells. T La Rock uses his multisyllabic vocabulary to best effect to do battle with Mantronik’s beats he gets at least a tie. Arthur Russel has a knack for making truly bizarre dance records - first there was Go Bang! by Dinosaur L. and now he’s come up with Tree House/School Bell by Indian Ocean which is a strange mix of congas, no-tune singing and zoomy string-bass. It takes a couple of listens before this one grabs you, then again, it’ll probably be as durable as Go Bang, five years old and ctill l--c Trax, arguably the best dance label in Chicago contributes a couple of pretty representative “House” records. Funkin With The Drums by Farley “Jackmaster” Funk and Give Your Love To Me by Rude Boy Farley Keith have that unique House combination of Kraftwerk electronics, funky percussion and

these weaknesses. As a result, it is possible to see a side of Tad or McInerney’s character that you might recognize, but McInerney doesn’t show us enough sides of any character to enable us to discern it as being a real living thing. We are never given reason to hope that any of the characters will rise out of their exciting drudgeries and become whole people, or allowed to understand why it is they’re damned to this existence. In spite of this, Bright Lights, Big City’s fast pace, rich imagery and oddly cinematic structure makes it a highly entertaining venture.


an Event?



Imprint to the


Giant isn’t the pop sensation of the year, but with nearly perfect songs like Give It Time, So Good Today, and Everything Breaks, to criticize this album would be the worst sort of nitpicking.

a slew of dance music

The 7 deadly weaknesses


after every Song.

They have learned the art of making the perfectly-crafted pop song inside out and for once this doesn’t mean cynically calculated shlock made with one eye on the charts and the other on their bank balance. The songs are built around inventive, hook-soaked arrangements, drums that skitter along impishly if not maniacally and harmonies that show that not only is this an’inspired band, but one which also knows what it’s doing.

Book Review

by Tim Perlich Imprint staff For a first novel, Bright Lights, Big City is a stunning example of economy, insight and wry wit. Jay McInerney squeezes the second person narrative form for everything it possesses in creating a sense of character familiarity for the reader. In retrospect, it was the perfect stylistic choice . . to. drag * ,us talong with him on his coke-tueled tear through the various levels of a neonlit hell. The character responsible for the dragging is Tad Allagash, a man described as being “always on his way but seldom arrives”. Tad lives exclusively by the pleasure principle, the epitome of plasticity whom everyone comes in contact with at least once in their lifetime. If you’re lucky, you meet him during your days in high school where you can fuck up all you want and still walk out with a respectable showing. If you’re not so lucky, he’s waiting for you in residence at university and you’ll probably have to settle for either a Pass


The resu1t is a record that “7ay not provide the shuddering, gasping thrill of their earlier work, but which is more diverse and sustained. sounding like The Jazz -Often Butcher in a very good mood without the zaniness (which isn’t surprising since Rolo and J.B. have worked with each other extensively in the past), The Woodentops sound like they’ve taken their time with ,this one.


making a very successful pop/rap single. This one’hit the top- 10 in England with the aid of that cowbell sound. The B-side, Howie’s Teed Off, a song about her scratcher Hitman Howie Tee, has turned out to be a bigger song in the clubs. At the other end of the rap spectrum is Schooly-D’s Gangster Boogie/Maniac on Place To Be Records. This is as tough and barebones as rap gets - just Schooly’s bad-mouth rapping and his drum machine. Schooly is best known for his song (P.S.K.) -What does it Mean? which was about shooting white punks in a park (P.S.K. stands for Park Side Killers, a gang Schooly was the leader of). Gangster Boogie isn’t his best, but it is a scary testament to teenage violence caused by slack gun laws. Once again, some of this stuff may be hard to find but they’re worth looking for. Hey, would we steer you wrong? No way!

. -

16 Imprint,

by Tim Imprint

Perlich staff

It seems like a long time has passed since the first Lyres LP On Fyre came out . . . well, two years anyway. Since then they’ve released a three-song EP (the French New Rose version has four songs) and been plagued with a number of spontaneously combusting drummers. Under the guiding hand of Jeff ‘Monoman’ Conolly, they still have that stripped-down duelin’ VOX organ-Dan Electra guitar sound, but it’s cleaner and more self-assured this time around.

by Andrea Luxon Imprint staff

The album 5150 communicates to the listener a different style from previous Van Halen material. This difference adds to the groups talents by allowing them to express a slower and more sentimental songstyle. The songs emphasize an interest in relationships and peoples feelings in a serious way. Dreams begins with a sentimental introduction that leads to a rock beat but never leaves that sentimental tone. Dreams encourages us all to be fighters and

by Tim


never give up. The music seems hopeful with a lot to offer if you’re willing to listen to what they have to say. The only top-40 hit off this album was Why can’t this be love which gets back to their original sound and style. It is my favorite song off this album because the lead singer doesn’t try to overpower me with his voice as he does with the rest of the songs on the album. He uses his voice more instrumentally in harmony with the guitar solos, which gives the song its pep. Finally, the strong keyboard sound brings the song to its feet with a full rich reverberating sound. If you’re adventurous, Van Halen fans, then give this album a try but expect a new sound that’s unique and entertaining.

Whereas other bands who trace their roots to ’60s rock/pop seem to be in competition with one another to get a more raw, dirtier, ‘authentic’ sixties-type sound, Jeff Conolly has taken the Lyres on an entirely different route. None of the ‘distortion pour le distortion’ or using shitty VOX amps just because they’re VOX, eventhough they constantly breakdown, instead Conolly uses ‘state of the art’ technology (within Richard Harte’s budget) to get the sharpest and truest sound possible. As for the songs, anyone can sound cool doing a rip-roarin’ raveup but it takes an artist to do a balladand make it emotionally moving without getting syrupy. The best example of this is their ‘new for 1987’ version of She Pays The Rent. It seems that Conolly was so sickened by the Nomads cover of his original version, took the song one step further and transformed it into what car q!y be termed a soul classic on


the scale of That’s How Strong My Love Is and These Arms ofMine. No guitar has felt so chilling since the Staple Singers left the Vee-Jay label. The tension created between this heavily vibrattoed guitar and.wheezing organ provides the perfect ground for Conolly’s desperate wails. After hearing this, there should be no doubt that the Lyres do not play what is commonly thought of as ‘garage punk’. Although their songs possess an influence of ’60s music, it is not at all in a nostalgic sense, it’s Top Ten Records/Tapes 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. ‘6. 7. 8. 9.

Boston . ... ... .. .. ... Paul Simon ... .. .. ... General Public . . . . . . . Spoons .. ... .. .. .. ... Orchestral Manoevres

Iggy Pop . . . . . . . : . . . It’s Immaterial .‘. . . . Billy Bragg . . . . . . . . . David Sylvian .. .. .. 10. Soundtrack . ... .. ..

A Soul Classic



2. 3.

Circle Jerks Miles Davis Communards




ending Oct.11,


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Third Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Graceland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hand to Mouth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bridges Over Borders In The Dark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Pacific Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blah-Blah-Blah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Life’s Hard and Then You Die . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Levi Stubbs’ Tears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gone To Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stand By Me Just


more of an attitude. You see it in the way he walks down the street as well as you can hear it in the Lyres’ groove. Jeff Conolly is sometimes arrogant, childish, prone to strange flights of fancy and a self-proclaimed “Monomaniac”, but he is also an iconoclast and a musical genius in the same sense that Roky Erikson of the 13th Floor Elevators was and Wladimir Tax of the Outsiders was. In a scene full of revivalists and copyists, Conolly stands alone, an original, making soul music in the truest sense of the word.

for the week

.. ... .. ... .. ... ... ..

17, 1986

.. .. .. ..


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wonderful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tutu .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. at the

Record University

Store, Campus of Waterloo.



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Coach Don McCrae sees strong 86-87 season

B-ball Warriors- look good by Mike McGraw Imprint staff Varsity basketball fans can expect a different brand of play from the Waterloo Warriors in 1986. In a recent interview, Warrior coach Don McCrae cited the loss of veteran experience, combined with key returning players and the addition of six newcomers, as factors warranting the change in Waterloo’s game plan. With the loss of veterans Peter Savich,Randy Norris and sixthmen Wilhelm Boggild and Harry Van Drunen, the 1986-87 Warriors will be a completely different team. With the impact of such players, last year’s squad was able to play conservatively, saving their key players for the game’s latter stages. However, this year’s team will use its overall depth playing flat out for 40 minutes. Headlining the list of returning players is fifth-year forward Paul Boyce, an All-Canadian honorable mention last season. The position of guard appears strong with the return of Rob Froece and Tom Schneider. Froece was an OUAA All-Star last season, while Schneider is ready to blossom after an impressive summer with the Ontario junior team. Jamie McNeill, a 6’9” centre will add experience gained while replacing the injured Norris last February. Waterloo’s potential Blue Jay John Bilawey should threaten as a potential starter after an outstanding freshrpan year. Rounding out the list of returnees are Jerry Nolfi, Craig Beda and Marcel Naus.

To project where any team going is an overly simplistic method



The list of newcomers adds even more promise to the Warriors’ lineup. John Clark, a 6'6" forward from Glenview park in Cambridge, is an outstanding candidate after winning the Mike Moser-Award as K-W’s high school player of the year. Pat Telford, a 6'8", 200 pounder from London, will add size to compliment McNeil1 and Boyce. Showing great promise at guard is the 6'5" John Vinsic from Hamilton Delta, a former Ontario Basketball Association Junior Development Program player. From Barrie, the Warriors have added Jeremy Moore and Terry Rudkins. Moore is a 6'4" transfer student from UPEI who’ll be eligible to play in December, -while Rudkins is a 6'2" guard with excellent skills. The status of another UPEI transfer, 6'0" Nigel Daley, is still up in the air due to his enrollment in the co-op program. Another hopeful who sat out last season, Steve Burey, is currently sidelined with stress fractures. McCrae added there is a strong possibility for a junior varsity squad this season in order to provide some of the new players with quality playing time. The Warriors will see their first action October 21 when they play the K-W Titans. Beginning October 31, they’ll be participating in a tournament at the University of Winnipeg. There, they’ll be facing Winnipeg, Laurentian, and a team from Soeul, Korea. McCrae noted their first big test will be the Naismith Classic beginning November 21. When asked to assess the

OUAA opposition, McCrae said it was a difficult task at this stage with no games having yet been played. He did note that Brock and Western will be strong, while Guelph should be improved with some new ref cruits. McMaster, Laurier and Windsor have all experienced turnovers. In response to a request for a prediction for the upcoming season, McCrae stated, “To project where any team is going is an overly simplistic method.” He

added, “the team’s first objective is to develop a point of view while playing.” He said that this will allow them to find out how they think they can win, and until then there is no sense setting any targets. McCrae said the fact the Warriors have reached the nationals four years in a row is the type of thing that can put pressure on a staff and team to produce. However, the coach is not going to put any pressure on his new players. He said the Warriors are “settingout on a new journey.”

Athenas should be strong contenders for OWIAA finals by Glenn Hauer The Basketball Athenas have lost three starters from last year’s team, but with five strong returnees and seven promising rookies, they should still be a contender for the OWIAA West Division Championships. Veterans Corinna Lueg, Cindy Pueg and Brenda Bowering will lead the team, and will be strongly supported by two younger second year players Shiela Windle and Michelle Campbell. The Athenas will continue to employ pressure defenses as they did last year. They have a slight disadvantage in the size department so coach Warren Sutton will utilize their speed and quickness to run a transition game. However, with the addition of point guard Karen McCulla and some towers in the key, namely Kim Magee, Jennifer Hinton, Jane Willett, and Monica Siewertsen, the Athenas appear to have the personnel to play a half-court game. Maybe the veterans will be able to get back on defense in the second half of their games this year with all of these promising new rookies vying for playing time. Coach Warren Sutton also has a couple of developing players on the bench - Helen Gillies and Sheila Kipfer. With playing experience in tournaments and exhibition games this fall, these two players hope to contribute during the regular season in the winter A brief



Corinna Lueg . is the centre with the “catlike quickness” in the point. A very aggressive defender with the ability to put the ball on the floor, thinking like a guard Corinna will make things happen on the court. ’ In this writer’s opinion one of the most underrated players in the OWIAA is Cindy Potig. A power forward who can help the guards get the ball up the floor; who can pass and shoot well and who will take tough defensive assignments. Cindy is a sure candidate for All-Star recogni-, tion. owever, it is her poise on the floor that makes her an effect ive leader. Brenda Bowering plays tough defense and is a strong offensive rebounder. She has the potential to start and to score several points as well. If she helps clear the boards in her own end the Athenas’ transition game will benefit greatly. Michelle Campbell has that

explosive first step that generates headaches for opposing defenders. A goad offensive player who now has a year’s experience behind her, she should make her presence felt around the league this season. A clutch shooter from 15 feet in, Sheila Windle is the type of player who makes things happen both on and off the court. She has a peculiar knack of scoring that key basket when the rest of the team hasn’t scored in a while. The Athena’s now have a pure point guard, 5’4” Karen McCulla. As her passing and dribbling skills improve, Karen will be able to create scoring opportunities for two new six-footers, Jane Willet and Monica Siewertson. Jane hasn’t been playing for two years but could be the surprise find of the year. Monica is a good shot-blocker who is expected to add some muscle at both ends of the court. Another rookie clamouring for playing time is Jennifer Hinton. Having come from the Ottawa Rookies program, Jennifer is a player who will not be afraid to put up her shot. Kim Magee also has the potential to contribute greatly, with a good shooting touch and strong rebounding skills . Warren Sutton takes over this year as head coach and will be assisted by Janice Fairfax, who was at Wilfrid Laurier last year. Both expect the Athenas to pick up from where they left off last year when they finished with a 9-3 win-lost record. Fan support can only help so come out and cheer the Athenas on. There is an exhibition game October 18 against Ryerson, and a tournament at Wilfrid Laurier on the‘ weekend of Ott 24-25. On Saturday the Warriors came up flat as a team. They were supposed to be trying out a new offensive system but had difficulty mastering their- old system. Two defensive foul-ups gave Guelph a 2-0 halftime lead. The first goal was the result of a missed marking assignment on a Guelph corner kick. The second goal occured when a fullback got caught out of position and a Guelph forward scored on a breakaway. In the second half the Warriors got a consolation goal when Mike Houston scored directly off a corner kick when the goalie dropped the ball into his own net. Hopefully the Warriors will play better when they face Ryerson on Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Columbia Fields in their last home game of 1986.

Athlete of the Week Mary Mathers Tennis Mary is a second-year Applied Physics student from Toronto, where she played competitive tennis all throughout high school. An all-round athlete, Mary is currently the #l player on the Athena Tennis Team. She has successfully moved up from her #2 singles position last year. Mary and her doubles partner Marcela Krajny were the OWIAA doubles champions last year. This season, Mary and Marcela have won five doubles matches and lost only one. Mary has played exceptionally strong in her #l singles position, in defeating two of the top singles players in the OWIAA from Western and Toronto. With Mary and her partner having lost only one doubles match, they have a good chance of defending their championship this year in St. Catharines.

Athlete of the Week Chris Maecker Football Chris is a third-year Geography student at the University of Waterloo. He is the Warriors’ starting flanker and has had some excellent games this season. At 6’1”, 180 pounds and a 4.75 second speed in the 40-yard dash, this Forest Heights Collegiate graduate has all the requirements to excel at his position. Last week against Guelph, Chris caught seven pas?es for 83 total yards and two touchdowns. He now has four touchdown catches for the season. Several of his receptions against Guelph were spectacular as he kept offensive drives alive with acrobatic catches. ln addition, Chris threw two key blocks that allowed Warrior running backs to get big gains and he played well on the specialty teams.

Rugby Warriors lose”“’ second game to Mac by Mike Brown Imprint staff Defeat-has greeted the Waterloo Rugby team for the second time this season. The team was dealt the loss by first-place McMaster. Mac bumped Waterloo to second place with the win over the Warriors and now maintains sole possession of first place on the OUAA,rugby circuit. Waterloo’s first loss was also handed down by the Mac team. The 13-6 score of October 11's game in Hamilton brought the Warriors’ record to three wins and two lo&es. With only two regular season games left, against York and Western, success on both outings is a must if the Waterloo playoff threat is to be kept alive and the team is to have a chance at defending their 1985 championship title. - Right from the moment of the opening kickoff at 2 p.m., the Warriors looked like they might topple the high spirits of the McMaster players. After Waterldo marched into the Mac end of the half, Paul Toon gave the Warriors an early lead on a three-point penalty kick. The lead was short lived, however, as the Marauders brought the ball right back within the Waterloo half. The McMaster and Waterloo forwards were squaring off against each other about 15 metres out from the Warrior’s try line. T‘he ball was then in the hands of the advancing Marauder’s backs; they found a large gap on the shortside of the maul and sprinted the ball in for the try that gave them a 4-3 lead. Over the course of the game McMaster more than tripled their lead tiith an additional 12

points in penalty kicks. Waterloo missed on two penalty kick attempts and was held to just one more three-point kick when Paul Toon added to his previous three-pointer to bring the final Warrior tally to six points. The weekend resulted in a loss for Waterloo’s second team as well as they also were defeated by their McMaster counterparts. Don Latchford and Blair Clemes registered fine efforts for the team despite the loss. Follow the exciting rugby action of the Waterloo Warriors as they head for York University this Saturday to take on the tough Yeomen. The game time is scheduled for noon.

Soccer team drops a pair by Tim Walker -Imprint staff The Soccer Warriors lost both their games last week by identical 2-l scores. On October 8 they lost to Western and on October 11 they lost to Guelph. In Wednesday’s game, the Warriors played an even first half with the Mustangs but came out of it one goal down. The goal was a result of a defensive lapse. With five minutes to go in the game the Warriors tied the score. Steve New chipped the ball over the Western keeper after dribbling the ball through most of the Western team. The goal seemed to have an adverse affect on the team as they began to panic on defense. In the final minute the Warriors lost the game when they failed to mark up in their own goal area and We :ern scored. an easy goal.



Imprint, Friday, October 17,1986

X-country A weak mid-race performance once again doomed the University of Waterloo men’s crosscountry team. The men competed in Michigan last wee-

team falters in mid-race effort kend as part of a dual meet between Ball State and Eastern Michigan University. The Warriors, ranked third in the nation, came out strong at the

Footballers showing an increase in playing spirit : by Refton Blair L Imprint staff The score was 29-23 and for the fourth time in as many weeks UW’s football Warriors had fallen victim to another oversized set of athletes. This time it was the Guelph Gryphons. Both teams displayed good offensive attacks; the first quarter consisted of three offensive series, two by the Gryphons and one by the Warriors. Long solid offensive plays were the staple of the evening. The Warriors scored three touchdowns and were never really out of the game. From the first offensive drive of the game, Guelph took the football in for a touchdown from their own 34 yard line. The drive consisted of a steady combination of running and passing plays. Later the Warriors took the football for a 60 yard gain settling , however, for a single point as kicker Dean Albrecht missed on a chip-shot field goal attempt of 20’ yards. The third ,: series of the game saw the Guelph offense increase their lead to 13 points on a l&yard completion from QB Walters to TE Farrell.. Showing some welcomed competitiveness, the Warriors determinedly bullied their way to the -ZGuelph-=~Z-yard line .but came up

Important Sunday





The game on the whole was an entertaining offensive display by both clubs. Guelph would score three more touchdowns and a single. Waterloo remained in the game by matching offensive drives with Guelph, but seemed to lose their intensity when their kick-off was fumbled by Guelph and recovered by the Warriors’ Bob Casey, who ended up on the Guelph 10 yard line. The field goal attempt was blocked and the ball was marched down the field by Guelph for a touchdown. However, the now competitive Warriors showed character by grinding out 66 yards at Seagram Stadium to score another touchdown, setting the final score of the game 23-29. This was the most effective outing the Warriors have had in many a game. Look out York and Windsor, the Warriors will be at York this Saturday.


and Women’s

4:3O pm: Men’s

short with an unsuccesful third down and three. However let it never again be said that the Warrioas are an easy win. The defense, in particular Steve Alfano, forced and recovered a fumble. The offense promptly ran two plays; the last of which was a touchdown pass from QB Lenart to WR Chris Maecker.

C-R dates \

9 am: Men’s nis Club





- Waterloo





- CC 113


12 noon: Last Day Refunds for NLS - PAC 2039 4:40 pm: Women’s Soccer, Women’s Flag Football Football Playoff Meeting - CC 113 Friday



and Women’s

and Men’s



4:4O pm: Deadline for Student and Spring 1987 - PAC 2039 6:00 pm: NLS Course




for Winter

CC 113

C-R positions available Students are needed for the following positions for the Winter 1987 and Spring 1987 Applications can be terms. picked up in PAC 203% Deadline for applications is 4:3O pm, Friday, October 24.

cial Projects, Photographer only.

Student Assistants ($250/$500 per term): Students who wish to apply for these positions must have previous experience and a working knowledge of the program. Student assistants are hired for the following positions: Co-ordinators of: Convenors, Referees, Fitness, Aquatics, Ret Teams, Instructors, Publicity, Promotions, Spe-

People selected for those positions are interested, have had previous organizational experience, and have participated in the activity. Conveners are hired for the following positions: Men’s Hockey, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basket ball, Men’s Soccer (spring term only), Ball Hockey, Men’s Volleyball (winter only), Women’s Volley ball (winter only).

/ Imprint


Conveners depending teams):

Tournaments; for Winter

($SO-$120 on


#.. .

ads that work


per term number of

opening gun. Led by the powerful running of Andy Krucker, Waterloo looked like they would dominate the race, held on EMU’s playing fields. Appearances, however, were deceiving. Moving into the second quarter of the race, Krucker’s running began to falter. Farther back in the pack, however, Nick Cipp and Shamir Jamal picked up the slack with some steady passing. Fortunes still looked bright under the clear, sunny skies for head coach Andy Heal and assistant coach Don Mills. The third quarter has been the undoing of the cross-country team this season. Last weekend was no exception.


Tom Sawyer began dropping back with leg problems and Krucker, feeling the effects of a tough training week, continued to lose ground to the leaders. Strong runs by Chris Rogers and Tim Collins in the event’s last quarter and a late-race rally by Mike Affleck were not enough to pull the Warriors out of their hole. EMU won the meet decisively. Krucker finished in 11th and ,Cipp was 24th. Rogers, in 36th, was one place up on Jamal, whose running hand ability to pass has greatly pleased coach Mills this season. Collins was 36th, continuing the steady im-


by Joe Sary Imprint staff The Warrior Water Polo team had a bad day October 11, posting two lopsided losses in a weekend tournament at McMaster University. The day began on a negative note when the team found out starter Kieth Beckley would not be able to make the trip due to a broken nose he suffered in the October 8 win over Western. In the opening game, Waterloo played the host Mauraders. The Warriors were able to hold the powerful McMaster team to a 22 tie in the first quarter with strong defensive plays. In the second quarter, however, the referees began to call defensive fouls very closely and they also became touchy about arguments over these calls. As

provement which has become his trademark. Affleck was 47th and John Gonos, Sawyer and Steve Scott were 54th, 58th and 59th respectively. Tomorrow, Waterloo hosts its own invitational on the North Calmpus. The meet, which gets underway at noon, will start beside the Columbia Icefields and loop around Columbia field and the Optometry building. The Athenas and Warriors will both be competing and their races will be used to select Waterloo’s final teams for the OUAA/OWIAA championships in two weeks. Spectators will not be prosecuted.

two tourney

result, Waterloo played most of the second quarter a man short, a situation the Mauraders soon took advantage of, scoring six unanswered goals. The second half continued in the same pattern and Mac was able to swim to an easy win. In the second game, Toronto provided the opposition for the Warriors. Waterloo, still feeling the effects of the McMaster loss, had trouble covering the Blues’ centre forward, which resulted in frequent penalties. The Warriors still kept the play even in the first half with their strong swimming. Bad calls were continually made against Waterloo inthe second half, which frustrated the players, as well as the coaches. Centre Russ Stanley was thrown out of the game in the fourth


quarter on his third major foul when he complained a Toronto defender had ripped his swimming suit. In the ensuing argument, assistant coach Shane Rollans was also kicked out of the game. In other games on Saturday, it was Mac 20 - Western 5; York 13 - Western 5; Toronto 12 York 1. Waterloo must now regroup and travel to Western to play the Mustangs and the York Yeoman in two must-win games on Saturday. The Warriors are in a difficult position to make the playoffs as only two of the five teams in the OUAA West will travel to Ottawa in November for the OUAA finals. This means Waterloo must beat out McMaster or, more realistically, the Toronto Blues.

,~ CLASSIFItE,D Seagram ,Stadium.Draft copy always provided. Phone 885-l 353.


Word CLown

Hugs Trained

clown will entertain any age at parties, parades, and other special occasions. Willing to do workshops on clowning or related themes. Balloon sculpting, face painting. Phone Buffette the Clown at 8886057. (leave messane). If you are distressed by a possible pregnancy, Birthright offers free pregnancy tests and practical help. Phone 579-3990. Anyone interested in joining the Unified Amalgamation of Collective Groups Joined in the Struggle Against Loss of Individuality. please write 23 Austin Dr., Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3X9. Mv name is Theodore. Frosh. Teach me how to make strudel? I’ll provide the waterbed. Integral e-to-the-x.

Processing typing, assignments, essays, reports, theses, letters, resumes. Featuring automatic spell check. Dependable work, prompt service, reasonable rates. 748-0777.

Fast, P rofesstonal

typing by university graduate. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Grammar, Spelling, correction available. $1 .OO/double spaced page. Suzanne, 886-3857.

ment - all your threads are hanging out. The key to the interesting Tuesday afternoon hopes the Oktoberfest weekend will be just as much fun. The BedBreaker.

theses, work reports, business letters, resumes, etc. Will correct spelling, grammar & punctuation. Electronic typewriter. Reasonable rates. Phone Lee, 886-5444 afternoon or evening. Professional typing. Essays, work term reports, theses, etc. Fast, accurate, dependable.service. s.1 per double spaced page, call 886-4347 (Sonia). Freelance Editing: articles, essays, literature, copy & stylistic editing; evaluation, fast-checking, research, rewriting. Thorough, prompt, reasonable. 4 Collier St., #201. 960-9042 Toronto.


Pro Typing

The Lady with the undone CS assign-

Represent an equal forum for all U of W students, and censorship is an abomination of the principles that higher education espouses. Another example of the Bleedingheart double standard evident on this campus, - the Joes. The Imprint - the student newspaper U of W. Actually they are representative of a small, humourless, conservative faction. It is’impossible to appease everyone but at least they- shouldn’t pretend to be the student voice. The Joes. (Chris Friel)

Mmmmm Attention

. . . I love turtles!

Mathies intending to gradu-

ate! Sign up now for your grad photo sitting in Mathsoc. The sitting is free!


Meditation; free introductory lecture. Reduces stress, improves mental clarity and health; Wednesday Oct. 29 at 8 pm, Waterloo Inn. Mike and Sharron: congratulations


your engagement.


or concerned in women’s issues? A small weekly discussion group will be starting midOctober. Call Jill at 886-7782 or Marnie at 576-9958. Come and share with others vour ideas and concerns. MY best buds. YES! Crispy. Ron Gall Are you batting

those big brown eyes at me? Don’t tempt me. Lady. P.S. You’ll have to work harder than last week’s ad.

Germ says: “We consumed 25 Ibs of Turkey.” Floating waterbeds and alcoholic dinners kept Germ hidden away in turtlenecks. Perhaps this week will be more eventful!?1 Lonely,

desperate, need companionship. Kin Pub (Hallowe’en). South Camous Hall.

Kin Pub! Thursday South Campus others.

October 30,8 pm. Hall, $2 - HKLS, $3 all


interested in becoming a member of the Society for the Attenuation of General Panic Due to People Who Wear Orange Phosphorescent Contact Lenses In Dark Movie Theatres, please write VIN6-306, Waterloo, Ont. N2J 4C6. My name is Bartholomew.


interested in becoming a small, furry, humourless rodent with a bleeding conservative (although sometimes communist) heart, come on down to CC 140, join your student paper! P.S. no laughing, smiling, or sensershk allowed. Anyone interested in becoming a member of MADNESS (Mutants Advocating Deregulation of Nuclear Energy Safety Systems), please write 23 Austin Dr., Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3X9. Mv name is Theodore. TYPING Typing

- $1.00 for double spaced page. Experienced typist living on campus (MSA). English degree spelling corrected. Call Karen at 74631 27.


- $1.00 per page (D.S.) Experienced typist with teaching degree, lives close to UW/MSA. Ask for Karen: 746-063 1. Experienced

typist will do last minute

work, corrections, fast & dependable service. s.90 per double spaced page. Phone Sandi, 746- 1501. Resumes Word Processed. $4 per page; .30 for original copies. Near


and word processing. Resumes, Reports, Theses, Letters. Low rates, fast service.Close to U of W. Open all hours. 634-8691,742-2259. Quality typing and/or word processing. Resumes stored indefinitely. Punctuation and spelling checked. Fast, accurate service. Delivery arranged. Diane, 576- 1284. Same Day Word Processing (24 hour turnaround if you book ahead). Draft copy always provided. Near Seagram Stadium. $1 .15 per double spaced paae. Phone 885- 1353.


typist will do work reports, essays, etc. Fast, accurate work. IBM Selectric. Reasonable rates. 1 block from Sunnvdale. Call 885-l 863. Dial-A-Secretary. . .Typing, word-processing, photocopying. Essays, work reports, theses, resumes. 24 hour turnaround within reason. Pick up and delivery. Special rates for students. Call 746-6910. 25 years experience. 75C per double spaced page.’ Westmount-William area. Call 743-3342.

19 starter 6520.

Red Army stars. Authentic metal & glass military ensignias worn by East Bloc soldiers. $4 with hammer &sickle. $3 without. Call Cam, 885-6183. Oktoberfest tickets for AUD. Call Joe at 884-8566. 1976 Comet automatic. Body excellent. has new tires, brakes, exhaust. Will certify. Must sell, will take any reasonable offer. 886-9289. 1970

Runs well, $550 as is.


ideal for Engineering students. Bicycle in excellent shape, lospeed. Call James 885-l 211, x 6097 or 746-6368 after 7 pm. Answering machine. Single Cassette type. One year old. Only $50. Don’t miss any more calls. Call 886-8066 and leave a message. Must Sell - leaving country. ‘74 Pontiac Astre, great shape, only 35,000 miles. Lots of life left. Ask anyone. A steal at $900 certified, new brakes,




presents their famous Bagel Brunch in CC 135 from 11:30 to 1:30pm. Join us! Everyone Welcome.


PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. DEADLINE FOR Imprint Classified ads is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m.! THERE WERE 2 #*!““* pigs in a #I”! ““* bathtub and if anyone gets this ##“!““* joke come to the UW House of Debates, St. Jerome’s Rm. 229, 5 pm. IMPROVE YOUR STUDY SKILLS. A series of workshops designed to help students develop effective study habits. Register at Counselling Services, Needles Hall 2080. Tuesday




FED FLICKSlJewel of the Nile starring Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito. 8:00 pm. AL 116. Feds $1 .OO. others $3.00. OKTOBERFEST HIKE AND PARTY $20.00. Meet at Chicopee Ski Club. For more info., call Betty Schneider, 886-5022 or Anne Weber, 743- 1057. FOOD AND HUNGER: What we can do! A day of workshops on our responses to local and global hunger beginning at 9:30 am. in the common WANTED room at St. Jerome’s. Contact Steven Furino at x6201 or 884-4016 for more Anyone interested in a great time. Kin info. Pub, Thursday October 30, Be there! GROUP CYCLING 25 - 35 kmh for Sex. In large groups. Kin Pub, October about 3 hours. All welcome. lo:30 30 at South Campus Hall. Talk to G.B. am. at the Campus Centre. For info. and R.H. call Kevin at 745-7932. Oktoberfest tickets for the Aud. Sat. - THEATRESPORTS It’s Penguin Ap18. Call Paul 746-4285. preciation night. Bring a penguin (or reasonable facsimile thereof) and get Attention all Students: The K-W Symin for half price. 8:00 pm. HH 280. phony is looking for outgoing, articuFeds $2.50. others $3.00. jate people with experience in sales and/or the arts for our upcoming teleTHEATRESPORTS WORKSHOP marketing campaign. Good wages and Learn to improvise. Bring your friends. generous bonuses. For more informaFree for all. 1 :OC pm. in CC 110. tion call Sue-Ellen or Rachel at 745471 1. Sunday October 19 Wanted: Live in housemaid to do housework. Preferably blonde and CHAPEL EUCHARIST 10:00 am, named Dianna. Many bonuses! ConRenison Collene. tact Len. ST. PAUL’S College -Sunday Chapel service. HELP WANTED MARANATHA CHRISTIAN Fellowship Sunday service, All Welcome. HH Calculus tutor to teach totally con334. 7:00 pm. fused 1 A 1Engineering student 110 GROUP CYCLING if you’re interestMath. Call Sharon, 884-7259. ed in a pace of 30 km/hr and for about Advertising: Math Grad Committee is 2 hrs, then come on out. Cycling trips seeking persons tocontact companies every Sunday at this time, 10:00 am, to -get advertising for class of 1987 cc. ~ yearbook. Pay is commission. Contact CHRISTIAN WORSHIP on campus. Wilma 885- 1211 -x2324. lo:30 a.m., HH 280. All Welcome. Travel Field opportunity. Gain valuaFED FLICKS! See Friday. ble marketing experience while earnCHAPEL AT Conrad Grebel College. ing money, campus representatives Informal service with discussion. needed immediately for spring break Worship service at 4:30 pm, Wednestrip to Florida. Call Campus Marketing day includes sermon and choir. at l-800-423-5264. IBM Selectric. 20 years experience. Parkdale/Lakeshore area. Call Anne - 885-4679. Same Day word.processing. (24 hour turnaround if you book ahead). Draft copy always provided. Near Seagram Stadium. $1 .15 per double-spaced oaae. Call 885- 1353.


1979 Chev Malibu,

$2,000 certified. 886-3309. Please consider buying this car. The owner is a poor starving student with a strong desire for cash.

Monday THE


Wednesday MORNING







PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE 4:30 p.m. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Includes sermon and choir. EUCHARIST 12:30 p.m., Renison College Chapel. LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International Youth meeting, everyone welcome. 7:30 p.m., CC 110. CINEMA GRATIS:Macbeth and The Dove. 9:30 pm in the Campus Center Great Hall. Come out and enjoy! HURON CAMPUS Ministry Fellowship, 4:30 p.m., Common meal, St. Paul’s Cafeteria. 5:30 p.m., programme, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. GLLOW COFFEEHOUSE-an informal gathering held weekly for interested people. A safe and friendly atmosphere in which to meet others, gay or straight. Call 884-4569 for


1l:OO am Moose Room, Men’s dence. Renison college.


VANDA BURSTYN, spokesperson for Women Against Censorship will be speaking on Crosbie’s proposed porn bills. EL 101 at 7:30 pm. WOMEN AND AIDS. The Canadian Federation of University Women present Norma Nyiri speaking at Hilliard Hall, First United Church, Waterloo at 8:00 pm. POETRY POETS POETRY. An informal meeting for poets and those interested in poetry, philosophy and literature. 400 - 5:00 pm., CC 110.

Typing doneovernight.



MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. A WPIRG event promoting food alternatives and healthy living. lo:30 - 3:30, Campus _ I Centre.


- 30 years experience. 75c per double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount - Erb area. Call Doris 88671 53.


Two minute walk - female only, fully


I ’


17, 1986

furnished room, share bath &kitchen with 3 other females. $225/mo, heat & hydro included. 576-8818, 8-9 am. For rent 5 bedroom partially furnished house, 486A Glenelm Cr., 20 min walk to UW. Located near public Library and shopping plaza. Available to sublet from Jan to Apr/‘87. Only $875/month (entire house) or $180/mo.per room. Call 746-2301. Swimming pool! Four bedroom townhouse to sublet May-August 1987. $686/mo or s 171.50/bedroom, all utilities included. Quiet neighbourhood, 15 minute bus ride to camous. 742-9989.

for day care. Experienced

professional will provide child centred care to children 5 years and younger. Conestoga Parkway - Bridgeport Rd. area. Dianne Roedding, 742- 1126. Will do light moving, also haul away rubbish: Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 884-2831.

MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel. 9:00 a.m. FED FLlCKSlJewel of the Nile starring Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito. 8:00 pm., AL 116. Feds $1 .OO, others $3.00. ONLY TWO MQRE WEEKS to see “Step Right Up, Folks!“, the exhibit of carnival games at the Museum and Archive of Games. Stop by our exhibit of pub games in the Oktoberfest tent in Waterloo. Call x4424 for more info. A PRESENTATION of a Baha’i statement on peace.its prerequisites and imolications. 7:30 pm. CC 135. ENCOUNTER THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed conversation. All are welcome, 8:30 - 1l:OO pm in CC 110. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowhsio.


at 888-

Ladies glasses found outside across from Phisics bldg. Orange coloured plastic frames. Ph. 886-9289. Calculator found in Physics bldg. Call 746-0739 to identify.



Call Chris


510. 108,000 miles. Runs well. As is. $500 or best offer. 742-5684.

Malibu Classic. 90,000 original miles. 746-2169. Jason.


Moving Sale off ice desks & chairs, tables, glass tops, bulletin boards, pegboards, shelving, coffee table, desk shelves, many more. 884-2806.



and tires.





needed for 3 persons Jan-April term. Lease or sublet. Within 20 minute walk to UW. Contact Yalan 886-6876. Wanted - Apartment on King Street for January. Please leave message. 578-2744.

more info. (24 hr. recorded message). EXLORING THE Christian Faith. Informal discussions on Christianity with Chaplain Graham E. Morbey, 7:30 pm, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. FREE LUNCH TIME MUSIC. While lunching at Fed Hall, enjoy the music of Klassen and Martin (Bruce Cockburn style music). This is second in a series of four free lunch hour concerts sponsored by the Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students. FOOD FOR THOUGHT continues in Campus Centre. lo:30 - 3:30. Presentation by Ebytown Food Co-op at 12:30 pm., Rm. 135. MUSIC AT NOON with UW singersongwriter Dave Lawson. 12:OO 1:OO pm, ES courtyard. Sponsored by the Centre for Society, Technology and Values.




MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. THE DEBATING GODS are playing havoc with queens this weekend. For more information -- UW House of Debates, 6:00 pm., St. Jerome’s, Rm. 5 229., FOOD FOR THOUGHT continues in Campus Centre. Presentation by Armand Roth at 12:30 pm. in CC 135. THE POLITICS OF FOOD, a lecture by Pat Mooney of the Genetic Research Institute, Winnipeg. 8:00 pm, Engineering 1, Rm. 3516. Sponsored by WPIRG. MUSIC AT NOON with Dave Lawson. See Oct. 22.



with guest on nutrition.


POTLUCK speaker Everyone


Mike wel-


MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. FED FLICKS! Hannah and Her Sisters, starring Woody Allen, Michael Caine, Mia Farrow, et al. 8 pm, AL 116, Feds $1, others $3 UNITY IN DIVERSITY - a presentation of the Baha’i approach to unity of mankind, its prerequisites and guidelines for its achievement. 800 pm. in Phys. 145. ENCOUNTER THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed conversation. All are wel- 1 come, 8:30 - 1l:OO pm in CC ,110. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowhsin.

Imprint needs SPORTS WRITERS Come to CC 140!

Association ‘! :


. a l

ads that work

A Night of Great Blues

The Double Blue

Thursday, October 30, 1986


(Calypso & Reggae by Barbados’ Best Band!)


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5 DAY PLAN LLunchi &i&i; iiF II II Lunch only, II II Supper only,


475 King Street North, Waterloo


550 255 420

7 DAY PLAN Lii%%&ei,M-Sun Supper only






685 530

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