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Friday Odober SM, 1986 VOWHo. 15

Admin. jumps the gun Studentswishingto withdraw from coop will not be be required to pay a transfer fee for early withdrawal, said Pat Robertson, UWs vice-president

of university services. However, the university has approved the transfer fee and reserves the right to charge students dropping out of co-op, he added. A recent report by the Fedemtion

on transfer fees

of Students coop committee found that, prior to being approved, the transfer fee had been placed in the 1986/87 calendar and studentswere being informed by the Registrar's of. fice they would be charged the fee

Federation appoints two new executives by Janice PiiihoUs imprint Staff A new women's commissioner


and education commissioner were appointed by the Federation of Students at a council meeting held October 19. Sharon Chimming was named women's commissionerand Merrill Albert, education commissioner. Albert said her plans for this year include reviving BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Consciousnek Concerning the Health of University Students) and a student tutoring s e ~ c eThe . purpose of BACCHUS b to promote responsible drinking habits, shesaid. "It doesn't deal with abstinence." o BACCHUS is especially geared t ward first year students. The Moring senife "involves students interested in tutoring other stu. dents". said Albert. Students interested in tutocing will be kept on file in the Fed office. Students needGnamesonfile,shesaid. Other plans for this year include inviting authorstovisit thecampus to promote their books, said Albeh Several authors, including Sheila Copps on November 10, have already been lined up. Sharon Chimming has worked with the women's commission for the past twoyears and said she plans to continue several projects from previous years. !%xuaI harassment clinics will be held again this fall for co-op students as well a s regular students, said Chirnming. Clinics for regular students are scheduled for November 27. Chimming said she also phns to continue working on campus safety, including monitoring the lighting situation on campus and pressuringto have campussexual assault statistics released. Other plans include sittiM on the fmtemity recognitioncommittee and startinga women's commission board to give various women's groups on campus input into the commission, she said. Chimming said her goal is to get more input into the women's corn mission from students. The women's commission board as weU as a mailbox in the Fed office for student suggestionswill faciliite this goal, she said. The women's commission works closely with the Women's Centre on campus, she said. The women's commission, however, has representation within the Federation of Stu. dents and can deal with issues through more formal channels, she said. The specific mandate of the women's commiss'10n is to mise on awareness of women's iscampus and monitor sexism and sexual discrimination on campus, said Chimming.

upon withdrawal from coop. The 1986/87 calendar states, "Students registered in cooperative programs normally are not allowed to withdraw from them and register in regular programs. However, in the event that such a change of registration is approved for strong academic reasons, the university reserves the right to impose a transfer fee on those studentswho have not yet paid total c w p fees in proportion to the services received in the cooperative program." When the co-op committee learned the transfer fee was up for approval at the management board, the final level ofapproval needed,the committee requested a khance to present their recommendations regarding the fee, said Carol Goulette, the Fed's vice-president oqerations and finance. The committee was denied thisopportunity and the transfer fee was subsequently a p proved on September 10 as stated in the calendar, she said. When registering this fall, at least two students planning to withdraw from co-op were told by the Registrar's oftice they had to pay their coop fees regardless of whether they withdrew, said Goulette.The transfer fee had not been approved at the time, she said. These students registered as cmop students and subsequently withdrew from the program. Althotqh the one student was chssi. fied as 'general"'on a timebbk dat-

ed September 10 (the day was approved),his co-op fee to be refunded, she said. Robertson said the students mentioned by Goulette had been drawn to his attention and "have all had refunds." The students have had their fees refunded. The 1986/87 calendar states the co-op fee is "set at a level which distributes the cost recovery over all terms of the co-operative programs.' Co-op fees are charged based on an amortization'scheme wherebythe total cost per co-op student for six work terms is spread evenly over eight academic terms, stated the coop committee report. The transfer fee was to be charged because students withdrawing from coop have received services for which they have not yet paid, said Goulette. The coop committee,,report stat-

their degree but are only taking six workterms are charged the co-op fee. This is one aspect of the fee the co-op committee would like to see changed, she said. The c w p committee has recently been informed they will be allowed to make a presentation before the managemCrnt boaad, sid G w & b

answer say Feds by Mike Brown Imprint staff

Province has no plan to better OSAP terms by-sindlne

fmprint Students who dependupon financial aid but ignore the details set out in OSAP guidelines may find them. selves prematurely cut off from assistance. Problems which have seen students lose financial assistance b e c a y e t h y didn't apply during the properehg~bilitenns has prompted the ministry of education to issue a press release detailing OSAP terms. Joanne Wade, financial aid officer at UW, says many studen& aren't aware student eligibility periods for OSAP funding begin with the commencement d post-secondaryeducation. The maximum eight assistance eligibility periods can be used up regardless of whether a student has applied or receivedfinancial aid. She says many students apply for OSAP after one or hvo y s r s of financing themselves and discover, when they really need the money, thqfw lost two or four assistance eliiibility periods. We'w had transfer students who've studied for two years in New

Brunswick and, upon coming to Ontario, suddenly need financial assistance. Sometimes,they've used upto foureligibikyperiods and aren't eligible for financial aid even though they haven't been in the province," says Wade. "There is also the case of the high school student who saves enough money for first year but then needs O W the fdowing year. Two dgibility periods have been used and that &dent may not be aware of

The right of university students to be treated as adults when it comes to alcohol consumption was expected to be the fwal point of a Fedemtion of Students presenm.on yesterday to a provincii committee reviewing Ontario's Liquor Licenses Act. The committee, which is making stops in 18 municipauties, was to have heIda public meeting yesterday (October 23) at Kitchener C i Hall. Details d the hewing were unavailable befm press time.

Themostmnkntbmpartofthe review is the suggestion the age of

majority be i n c h from 19to 21. The harm thiswould do tothe university community was expected to Fed president Scott Forrest's mam argument against such a move. Delegationsfrom Wilfrid Laurier and Guelph universities were also anticipate&

The Federation has played an active role in lobbying against an in-

crease in the age dmajority. Forrest IX would limit has said such a TIO students' rights and would give students the impression their government thinks they are irresponsible. lf the drinking age was raised, he said, drinking will be taken out ofthe controlled atmosphere of campus pubs and mtrkted to house parties where there may be fewer inhibitions (toabusing alcohol. In the controlled setting of the campus pubs, there is a positive alcohol awareness present that does not exist at house parties. Matt Certosimo, chairman of the Ontario Federation of Students has said the urge to raise the drinking age b 21 is based primarily on emo tional reasons. The 0% has been actively coordinating the &forts to prevent the introduction of any new legislation that would raise the drinking age. The OFS has had represem tatjves at all the public hearings organized by the task force. Details of the outcome d t h e K-W hearing will appear in next week's Imprint

thii." Though O W officials do not intend to revamp the existing p m -ivhiich restricts assistance according to eligibility periods,they arettying to make students maware and, in doing this, enable students to take advantage d what is available. Wade says this information is available in the OSAP package but is often ignored and this has resulted in financing problems among students. "We don't think students read the brochure and we want them to be aware.At present, there is no way to get around this stipulation in O w but we are hoping it will eventually change.

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NEWS Event promotes alternatives for healthier living


Imprint, Friday, October 24,1088

by Cindy Long Imprint staff In an attempt to attract attention to alternatives for healthy living, WPlRG presented “Food for Thought” in the Campus Center this week Food for Thought consisted of displays, slide shows, free food samples and information on food-related topics from organic farming to vegetarianism.

Particularly popular was the vegetable sushi offered by Full Circle Foods. Students could be Seen suspiciously eyeing their plates after po litely accepting a piece with that “Am I really going to eat this?” look I found it interesting, although a little bland for my tastes. The ‘Soba’ (noodles and vegetables in a sauce) was delicious. Far from bland was the goat’s milk cheese offered at another

table. I’m told it’s an acquired taste. Apart from the food itself, the various groups offered a wide range of information. Ebytown Food Coop, a member of the Ontario Federation of Food Coops and Clubs, presented themselves as an alternative to supermarket shopping emphasizing personal control over the social and environmental impact of our eating habits. WPlRG emphasized education and public awareness with buttons, T-shirts and books. They also offered everyone a chance to sign up for The Supermarket Tour, a slide show concerned with educating people on corporate tactics designed to manipulate our buying habits. A representative from Oak Manor, an organic farm, displayed their pro ducts and presented an informative and interesting slide show attended by about 20 people. Pointing out that such farms are the fastest growing sector in agriculture, he called organic farming “a very viable altemative to a serious situation”, and noted that the ministry of food and agriculture is becoming interested in this type of farming. Questioned on whether or not he could see reasons why organic farming may not receive government support, he replied that chemical agriculture is “big business”, but expressed optimism for the future. Waterloo’s Vegetarian Club taught us how to tell lentils from garbanzos with a colourful little bean display and showed the obligatory pictures of famous vegetarians. One has to wonder at the significance of this given the large number of famous non-vegetarians in existence. How ever, they redeemed themselves with fact sheets and recipe books and an invitation to their potluck supper Thursday night. A particular emphasis .^-was .placed

on the connectbn between healthy eating habits and world peace. Bridgehead products support Third World workers-and peasants. Vegetarianism is associated with less violence (animals not being slaughtered) and with allowing more farmland to be used for- peasant

farming as weI1 as permitting grain to be used to feed people instead of livestock The point was driven home by the coincidental appearance of Amnesty International and the UW Peace Society. Apparently it is also Peace Week

Coffee Day buttons to aid United Way / by Jailice Nicholls Imprint Staff UW Societies, Waterloo Christian Fellowship, the Jewish Student Association along with the Federation of Students will be sponsoring a coffee day on campus &tober 31. The event is being held in conjunction with a Kitchener Waterloo coffee day to raise money for the K-W United Way funding drive. Coffee day buttons will be sold by all UW societies, WCF, and the JSA beginning October 27 at a cost of $1 per button. On October 31, button wearers will be entitled to a free cup of coffee at participating coffee shops and at the turnkey desk from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All societies on campuswill be selling buttons, however, not all of them will be offering free coffee, said Lisa Skinner, chairperson of the Internal Liaison Commission. Participating coffee shops will be advertising next week, she said. Proceeds from the button sales will go the the Kitchener Waterloo and Area United Way Fund. ’ Food Services will also be participating in the event, but will be selling their own buttons. Buttons purchased elsewhere will not be ho

noured by Food Services, ‘said Skinner. There are 34 local agencies funded by the K-W United Way. The funding target for 1986 for the area is $1,825,000.

constructive City council is looking for ways to improve Waterloo and wants your input. The futures committee, charged with formulating a development plan for the city, is holding its first informal public meeting October 29. All interested parties are invited to make verbal presentations to the committee, said Don Roth of Waterloo’s planning department. Public response is wanted on two general ideas, he said: “What do you like about our city now? and what would you like our city to be in the future?’ The meeting is set for 7 p.m. in committee room #2 on the third floor of the Marsland Centre.



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NEWS ~ . Faculty leery of PropoSed course evaluation Imprint,

by Christine Sinding Imprint staff How often has a particular course let you down? Has a course description enthralled you yet the course itself proves to be a bore? Do you find that generally two out of five courses each term is a drag but the drop and add period’ passes before you’ve adequately assessed the program? Have you ever had to put up with a friend who moans, “wow, do I pity you for taking that course!” but the advice is too late? One way or another, during some point in their university training, almost every student finds him/ herself enrolled in a course they didn’t expect and it’s a situation which leads to low marks and sometimes even failure. In response to this problem, many universities have begun publishing student course evaluations and the Federation of Student’s Board of Academic Affairs (BAA) is no execp tion in this pursuit. “We’ve done an informal survey and most people we’ve spoken to seem in favor. We need some kind of cohesive course evaluation and much of this information is already on file. Even if all we get accomp lished is gaining access to these files, that’ll be worth our effort,” said David Cameron, president of the BAA. The BAA is presently conducting a feasibility study to determine whether cost, effort and the time necessary to produce a student course evaluation book meets the demands of students and thus, makes the procedure worthwhile. The idea of student course evaluations is not new; as a matter of a fact, at the end of each term, most students fill out a form to describe their opinion on the course, it’s objectives and even the teaching methods of the profs. The question is, where does that material go and who benefits from the information? Cameron says students can secure such evaluations through individual faculties on campus but, because it hasn’t been compiled Edcept on computer cards, it is often too arduous to be of benefit. The ideal situation would be to compile this information in a book form, similar to the campus calendar, as a part of the Feds initiatives. Again though, the ideal rarely con-

siders potential problems. Naturally, a key consideration must be administration and- though many universities have bypassed this aspect by producing underground’ booklets, the Feds do not plan to pursue the project if administration opposes it. “The University of Toronto produces what is called an anticalendar. It started out as an underground publication; we want a totally above the table book,” says Cameron. “We want to gain access to existing questionnaires and this is happening now. Eng Sot does provide access to raw data but one does not really know what to do with that.” So far, so good. Cameron says few faculties have rejected the idea entirely and most believe such a book would be beneficial. Obviously, those who will benefit the most are the students. Through such a book, students will not only have an opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of what individual courses offer but also learn something about the individual profs teaching style, term paper or assignment demands and that prof s approach to the subjects. This is where opposition arises. Wiih such critiques available to students, course overloading could result. Furthermore, administration must question the effects of the program on those professors at Waterloo on tenure; criticisms may not be taken too kindly. “Obviously, the program would be of benefit to students because they will gain an insight about courses. Good professors will be pointed out as will bad ones. The trouble comes when large courses are evaluated. A course like Psych. 101, where there are three or four classes, may see one Prof. singled out as being exceptional and 400 students may ultimately enroll in that particular course,” said Cameron. The Gdea of the Feds publishing student course evaluations was actually introduced last January and Cameron has been following up the proposal. As a part of the feasibility study, Cameron has contacted various other universities to compare different approaches to such a book as well as almost all the departments within UW to determine support for the idea. He plans to investigate how seriously students approach the surveys as well as produce an in-depth,

open-ended survey which will enable, a student to easily critique a course. In addition, input from Tom Brzus towski, UW’s vice-president of academic affairs, has provided Cameron with much direction on the issue. Still, there are many things which could instantaneously curtail the project and these include the attitudes and priorities of individual chairmen for the BAA, the money the BAA will have to play with when the proposal


is finalized and, considering this board generally doesn’t need a large operating budget, finances could be a big problem as well as administration’s formal rejection of the project. “A lot of things could stop this project. The attitude of the chairman of the BAA could change and this would be really frustrating for me after putting so much time into it,” says Cameron. Considering the problems which

Construction p ans for the new student Residence Inc. Jot underway as scheduled modation for 4 30. The Phillip St. building


Roy Staff

The most conflict-ridden compo nent of student life is offcampus housing, indicates the UW ombudsman’s just-released report for the 1986 spring term. From-May 1 to August 30, the ombudsman’s office dealt with 229 cases of which 115 pertained to offcampus housing. By contrast, there, were only six cases dealing with oncampus housing. The 47 cases classified as “personal problems and concerns”, which refer to problems ranging from alcoholism to divorce, rated a distant second in terms of numbers. Off-campus housing problems have constituted a larger and larger proportion of the cases dealt with by the office over the last,few years, said

by Sam Hbte Imprint Staff After an eight-year absence -of cheerleaders, UWs new co-ed cheerleading team will entertain sports fans at the Naismith Classic basketball games during the Homecoming weekend of November 21 to 23, said Shane Carmichael, executive coordinator of the Athletics Commission. According to Carmichael, “this is the first time we’ve had an Athletics Commission - a liason between the Federation of Students and the Athletics Department. We saw the need to promote athletics . . . in terms of spirit, this university is hurting. There are some people who want to change that - and that’s what the cheerleaders are all about.” The Commission has allocated $200 initially for use by the cheerleaders. “We’re basically an appendage of

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will have to be tackled, Cameron doesn’t believe a book of this type will be published for at least two or three years. Nonetheless, he does believe such a book will benefit students and is requesting as much input as possible. Students can reach him at the Fed office. “Ideally, we would like to publish a book where course synopses are indepth and to the point,” says Cameron.

Off-campus housing is Owens’ biggest problem by Atka

Ombudsman Ray Owens. He blames the situation on the lack of rental-housing construction in the area. While the majority of landlords are fair, there always exists a few who take advantage of the students’ unfavorable situation, he said. Owens said students should be encouraged to know their rights and responsibilities as tenants. All too often, students don’t learn about these until they are embroiled in a legal battle, he said. Students should be made awarethat the ombudsman exists and is an extensive source of legal information particularly in the area of housing-related grievances, said Owens. Prior to being appointed ombudsman, Owens was extensively involved in the area of landlord-tenant relations while working ‘for the Ontario government. The purpose of the ombudsman

the Warriors Band,” said head cheerleader Linda Misumi. “Our band is very spontaneous and we want to reflect their spontaneous, off the wall spirit.” “We’ve been practicing about three times a week since mid&p tember. In addition to this, we’re encouraged to get together with our partners whenever we can. We originally wanted 16 people - 8 guys and 8 girls, but we only have 5 guys.” ‘Laurier has had a co-ed cheerleading team for a little over a year now. Steve Morrison (WLU head cheerleader) gave us a lot of help. He came over and demonstrated basic co-ed stunts. We throw stunts (at key moments of a game) to prolong the audience enthusiasm.” Misumi grins. “Its a good time. We want to promote this for guys. We want to get the school spirit going and have lots of fun in doing it.”


24, 1986

housing project sponsored by Waterloo Cooperative this week. The $5 million project will provide accomwill be ready for fall ‘ by Richard Clinton.

UW to regain cheerleaders after eight years of cheerless waiting



office is to handle grievances and problems experienced by members of the university community. At the end of each term, the office produces a report.

Ray Owens The ombudsman has no legal power to intervene but acts as an impartial source of information and can serve as a mediator. Since many conflicts are the result of misunderstanding or lack of information, the ombudsman’s job often consists of merely dispensing information. The ombudsman deals with problems within the university such as registration, promotion, and financial aid and problems within the community such as consumer complaints. Students expelled from the Villages now have the opportunity to appeal such decisions as a result of Owens who recommended that an appeals route be established. The ombudsman’s office is located in the Campus Centre room 150C and can be reached at extension 2402.

_ I Imprint,




Rantings of driveling ,idiots best ignored in booze issue by Steve Kannon Imprint staff Ontario is no longer the backwater it once was. Our government, in fact, would have us believe the province is Incredible. Yet the provincial review of our drinking laws has shown Ontario to be a bastion of small-c conservatives and knee-jerk reactionaries. The Liberal government has undertaken an overhaul of the province’s antiquated Liquor Licenses Act in order to make the legislation more appropriate. Removing from the books such regulations as those governing segregation of men and women in taverns make sense, but there are many ignorant souls among us who would see no changes made. The introduction of beer and wine to convenience stores and the extension of drinking hours in bars and restaurants would prove beneficial to Ontario’s economy. We have only to look at Quebec to see liberalized drinking laws don’t lead to thedebauchery and heathenism every uptight moron with a two-bit cause would have us believe. Quebec has fewer alcohol related accidents than Ontario - a fact which renders impotent the arguments of those flogging the drunk driving issue. And more convenient access to beer and wine has not turned Quebecers into raging alcoholics; just the opposite is true. Of course, such changes would not be without their repercussions. Brewers Retail would be the first to feel the pinch. This organization has for too long held a monopoly on the distribution of beer in the province; any move to relieve them of this awfully large responsibility would be welcome. The point, after all, is to make things easier for the consu.mer, which is exactly what such legislation would do. The business fortunes of variety Store% operated by small businesspeople, would take a turn for the better, with the profits being put to better use and increased employment as a possible , bonus. This outlook would also extend to Ontario’s bars

and restaurants if legislation was passed to extend drinking hours. The longer hours could, in the’ case on many businesses, mean increased profits and might necessitate the hiring of additional staff. Those establishments near the borders of Quebec and New York State - both of which have later closing hours would regain the competitive ground lost due to Ontario’s restrictive liquor laws. Also a factor-in the the government’s review is thesdrinking age, which has fast become the most contentious issue, with groups like MADD and PRIDE lobbying for changes. The same repressive groups that would stifle the freedoms of all Ontarions would, on this issue, go one step further by stomping on the rights of this province’ young people. Raising the age of majority to 21 from the current 19 years of age has been foremost on the minds of these ignoramuses. Boost the drinking age, and you solve all the alcohol-related incidents. They regurgitate such tripe in the face of statistics that show older adults are more prone to alcoholism and that men between the ages of 30 and 40 are the single most intoxicated group of drunk drivers netted by police. Oblivious to such arguments, these fundamentalist only use the figures that meet their warped needs. “If even one accident is prevented by such measures, it would be worth the effort,” they claim. An admirable goal, but hardly justification to to wallow in social stagnation. Statistics also show that most car accidents involve automobiles - banning the use of such vehicles would definitely reduce the number of highway deaths. Just as this argument is stupid, so too are those of the groups lobbying for the age increase. The government would have everyone believe this province is progressive and vibrant. Let’s prove it by making the liquor laws more realistic. Try treating the people like the adults -we can make decisions for ourselves they are. Ignore the foaming-at-the-mouth fundamentalists who would repress us all. Such dribble is best left to Sunday morning television where it can be easily ignored.

Co-ordination shows itself to be no more than a self-serving lot by-Janice Nicholls Imprint Staff




Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper publishedby Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member ofthe Ontario Communi~Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Im~rine fSSN 0706-7380

Editorial Editor-in-Chief Lsdstant Editor Jews Eclitor kts Editors Ybto Editors EcUtor es Editos hoUnction Manager WaclTyp8sett8r tnsjlness~er bffice Manager er

Board Steve Kannon CIhriptine Sinding Janice Nicholls Paul Done 8’ -Chris Wodskou Joe Sary &3 Richard Clinton Jonathon Sadlier Marie Sedivy Doug Tait Doug Thompson Janet Lawrence Lisa Beard Dave Lawson Charles Mak @ Andrea Luxon

In the October 17 issue of Imprint, Grace Schmidt outlined problems she encountered with the de-> partment of Co-operative Education and Career Services with respect to a clause stating: . . . In allcases, failure to obtain approval from the appropriate Co-ordinator to not return for a second donsecutive work term will normally&e recorded on the Co-operative Student Record as “Failed work term - refused to honour previous agreement.” I too had a similar experience on my previous work-term. While going through interviews for the 1986 summer work-term, I made it clear to potential employers of my plans not to commit myself for more than one term (unless I should decide otherwise once on the job), explaining my recent program change and desire to get as diversified experience as possible with my remaining work-terms. As it turned out, the job I accepted’was entirely unrelated to my field and had been built up by my employer in the job description to the point where the description didn’t even remotely resemble the job. I called my co-ordinator mid-way through the term and explained the situation, outlining my intention not to return to a jo,b that was not beneficial to my education. I was told as long my employer

Fed Hall music please everyone To the editor, After reading Paul Done’s recent editorial commentaries, I have realized what BEnt is doing wrong. It’s not that they haven’t been bringing in many bands to Fed Hall for students’ enjoyment, it’s that they haven’t been catering to Mr. Done’s musical tastes. I think he has missed the whole point regarding improving the quality of entertainment on campus. An unbiased samey of students should reveal a wide range of musical preferences. Such a situaiion makes it very difficult to please al! the people all of the time. in order tc even try to meet

indicated the desire to have me return (by checking yes in the box at the bottom of the employer evaluation form asking whether the employer would like the student to return) I was under obligation to return for a second work-term. My co-ordinator explained the only way I would not be forced to return would be for my .employer to indicate he did not want me to return on the evaluation form. Faced with no alternative, I explained the situation to my employer and he agreed to indicate he did not wish me to return on the evaluation form. Through my experiences last summer, I learned the de’partment of Co-operative Education and Career Services does not place the student and the students interests first when requesting they return for a second work-term. Rather, they place the selfserving interests of their department first in getting students placed whether or not it be in a job that is profitable to the student. The whole point is that my employer and I had agreed the summer work-term was a one term commitment only. The department of Co-operative Education and Career Services failed to recognize my decision not to return. They put me in an uncomfortable situation by forcing me to go to my employer J requesting he not ask me to return. I would like to know why we pay fees for co-op services when in reality the department works for employers and themselves and not the students.

policy: can’t all the time

this type of demand, there has to seeing and hearing? be an attempt to provide some deSince it must be difficult to book gree of variety in musical enterthe better bands at any given tainment. An increase in the time, I don’t think we should get number of bands that play at Fed extremely choosey. Cover bands Hall may help the situation as may be able to fill in many of the wei!. And though I believe that voids that exist now, and the choBEnt has put in some effort to alice bands can be obtained wheleviate things, there is still a lot of never the opportunity presents room left for improvement. It’s .itself. such a waste to see the Fed HalD stage empty on a Thurs -.. or Saturday night. iriistead of worrying about bringing ii-7 bands of a particular mwical bent (no pun intended), or those that carry a trendy moniker, why not bring in bands that most of the students will simply enjoy zt-Vm---=.-rArT’:



Imprint welcomes comments and opinion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is designed to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and’not Imprint. Letters MUST be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday of the week of publication. Maximum length of letters: 200 words. Anyone wishing to write longer opinion pieces shouldcontact the ,Editor-in-Chief. All material is subject to editing. _/

Fed Hall

A Different Light Minority


by Chris Gerrard (a pseudonym) imprint staff A few weeks ago I went out with some people I work with. After the orientation meeting for all the staff that had been hired, sixof us headed to the Bombshelter for a beer. After a little drinking, the conversation turned (although I don’t remember how) toward gays, with GLLOW as the central theme. I sat and listened to my peers make fun of gay people, and the organization on campus that serves that group. At one point, a person in the group got up and, in reference to the GLLOW booth that was set up on Clubs Day, demonstrated jokingly upon recognition of said booth, jumping away in mock astonishment. Or perhaps it was fear. After the laughter subsided a little, I asked if that was the same way they thought of blind people, or quadraplegics. The conversation quickly moved on to another topic, with the “jokers” looking somewhat sheepish. I was annoyed. I’m sure the person who acted out the scene was only trying to be funny (at least I hope that is the case), but, damn it, why don’t you I people think about what you’re saying? Let’s be realistic -what did ; he expect the individuals who manned the booth to do? Reach out and snatch him into the clutches to the gay world, never to be seen again? Or perhaps he was afraid of catching something? I would like to know if this type of person has the same feelings for blacks, or, I Jews. I don’t understand the mentality of someone that can make jokes (biting ones at that, when you think about it) about minority groups. I So we’re not sexually interested in the opposite gender. That doesn’t mean we’re perverts waiting to grab anything that happens by. After all, I’ve seen more openly blatant heterosexually-oriented behavior (some of which was pretty demeaning!) than I have similar behavior on the part of gay people. It’s no joke. Think abqut it. I resent being made out to be some kind of monster that you run away from, just as I would resent being considered lazy if I was black, or devious if I were Jewish, or stupid if I were Irish. I am a human being that has something that makes me a little bit different from the norm - from the “majority”. That doesn’t mean I am any less of a human being, or should be treated any differently than anyone else. So don’t jump away (I may look appreciatively, but don’t worry, I’m not about to pinch your bottom), and don’t think I’m really any different from you, except for those things that make us individuals.



To the editor, Re: Tom York and ‘Born Agains’ It seems that the term ‘born again’ has become a widely used phrase few of us understand, especially after reading the latest Imprint articles. We must turn to the Bible for reference, as it is the source of this term. The term ‘born again’ wasI first used by Jesus when he said “Truly, truly, I say to you unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3). Many of us would respond the same way as Nicodemus, by saying “How can a man be born when he is old?” (John 3:4). Jesus points out the difference between physical birth and spiritual birth in his reply “Flesh gives birth to flesh, hut Spirit gives birth It is spiritto spirit.” (John 3:6).

Trendy To the editor, I am writing a letter in the same genre as that of Shawn Allin’s (Imprint Oct. 17). As good and bad in the same genus according to Aristotle, so too are his view and my own on Fed Hall’s music choice. Shawn, you seem to dislike the current stuff, well I hate the the oldies. Universities, to me, symbolize progression in all areas. Music at Waterloo, in its many different forms, shouldn’t be excluded from this concept. Listening to music your parents scrogged to 20years ago makes me wonder if the goal of most students today is to grow up to be just like mom (sorry, feminist slip). I hope we haven’t actually reached such a cultural






means: ual rebirth which comes when you follow Jesus. The born again experience is putting Jesus first in your life. Our whole view changes from a self-centered life to a Christ-centered life. Check these verses out for yourself, by reading them in context to discover if this is what Jesus really meant. Sherriii Hetherington Sue Olin Gordon Reusing


without the need of a cover charge. I have to admit that I am not familiar with the financial workings of Fed Hall, but is something similar to this possible for us? Most students are just hoping to have a good time when they go to Fed Hall. I realize that by having cover bands we are likely to have a few that sound like garbage. But we will also wind up with a lot of good bands as well. I am hoping that this could at least bring in more people to Fed H.all, in particular those that have been staying away from an acute case of discophobia. As for Paul Done, I get the im-




pression that his editorials were spurred by the unfortunate booking hassle encountered with Love and Rockets. In them he seems to have taken it upon himself to become a spokesman of sorts for the improvement of campus entertainment. But I cannot see him being able to predict what the majority of students would like to see and hear. In the past, I have found his musical tastes and opinions selfserving to the point where he has given the impression of having a musical elitist mentality. I do not wish to demean his taste in music, as I have found much of it

Help Line can be an answer to loneliness To the editor, I read with interest and empathy “Loneliness: the fate of many students” in your Oct. 10 issue. Although it is evident that the university provides many support systems, I am sure that an anonymous, trained listener can sometimes be a more welcome option. With this in mind I offer you information on our services. THE HELP LINE is a volunteer organization committed to providing personal one-to-one service to any individual who may need to

talk to an empathic person. HELP acts as a confidential telephone listening service to anyone experiencing discomfort in a particular situation. HELP will insure personal sensitivity in providing individuals with the appropriate support to deal with problems they .are encountering. Nti : latter what the situation is. . . when someone fells s/he cannot turn to anyone else . . . dial HELP: 745-l 167 or 653-2000. Joanne Christie Co-ordinator HELP Distress Line

Career planning Graduating in a few months? Are you looking forward to embarking on that long-awaited career or are you still wondering what you want to do with the rest of your life? Unfortunately, many students find themselves in the latter position, since career planning is. not often a high priority. While students . .. wrtt spend three or four years obtaining a degree, many do not spend extra time to prepare for a career that will not only occupy the next 40 to 45 years of their lives, but will also play a part in how they define themselves. ’ Career planning encourages the student to focus on aspects of work which are enjoyable for him/her whether it is the required skill, the type and size of organization, the work atmosphere, and a number of other factors. Defining these features of a job that are satisfying to the individual and which the individual can perform well will enhance the choice of suitable career. Self assessment is another crucial component of career planning. Gaining a better un-

similar to my own, but his narrowmindedness nullifies any qualifications he may possess as such a spokeman. In a recent review of the the Doug and the Slugs show at Fed Hall which, if I am not mistaken, was written by Paul Done himself, he went out of his way to cut down the band’s performance. What he failed to notice was all the people around him who were enjoying themselves. Wasn’t student entertainment one of the points brought up in his editorials? Wasn’t that the reason Fed Hall was built? What Paul Done has yet to realize is that it’s not just the bands that make Fed Hall enjoyable. The students are as much of a factor in the success of the place. By bringing in bands that just cater to one particular musical taste, you may be able to satisfy a certain group of students, but you will also alienate many more. As a result, a resentment is built up toward Fed Hall by those students who feel left out. BEnt ishould focus its efforts on trying to get as many students as possible to feel that Fed Hall is the place to go for entertainment. Without that kind of far-reaching enthus-iasm, Fed Hall is nothing more than an expensive pile of bricks and steel taking up valuable parking space. Henry Husar 3rd yr. Biology

is underrat.ed derstanding of oneself and defining those skills an individual has to offer will aid in marketing the individual to a potential employer. Throughout the career planning process flexibility should be maintained, so changes in an individual’s needs and circumstances can be accommodated. By continually re-assessing the plan of action and allowing for the development of new avenues, a more successful career plan will ensue. Career planning is a difficult and time consuming task and in the face of a formidable schedule of course work, it is often neglected until the final year of education. However, certain career choices begin with the decision to enter a university program of study and thus, career planning should begin at the same time. Successful career planning requires both a serious attempt and ample time to carry out the assignment. The reward is a lifetime of satisfying and challenging employment.


of the1 /-=I Federation of Students -presents


+m -


Paying too much for drugs

Fed Hall Tickets


kdb, $3.00 others $4.00 Available at the Fed Office / ti at the door. ms -cyoen at. 8:00 p.m. A Sci. Sot. Presents

by Cameron Wright YPIRG research co-ordinator If at first you don’t succeed try, try again. This hould be the motto of the United States drug multiiationals and the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers rssociation of Canada (PMAC) who have been waglg a 17-year lobbying war. The reason - section -1-4 of the Canadian Patent Act established in 969 following the Harley Commission. The hanges allowed Canadian companies to manufacure and sell a generic version of a drug while pay7g a 4 per cent royalty to the original manufacturer. ieneric companies must apply for a “compulsory cerise” enabling them to produce a generic equialent. Section 41-4 has led to the birth of a small Canadian generic drug industry which controls bout 10 per cent of the market. Both the drug multinationals and the PMAC uould like to see compulsory licensing dropped rom the Patent Act and have spent millions of dol3rs on one of the most intensive lobbying camlaigns in Canadian history. Initially the drug nultinationals claimed that generic drugs would be ~SS effective than “their” patent drugs and even langerous to the Canadian consumer. When these Irguments proved false, the multinationals claimed hat generic companies would raise drug prices inliscriminately. Again this argument fell flat on its ace when drug prices plummeted following the latent act changes in 1969. In fact “compulsory icensing” had been added as a means to drive lown Canadian drug prices which prior to 1969 had been up to 75 per cent higher here than in other :ountries. In 1983 the Eastman Commission released its eport on the Canadian drug industry. The report oncluded that in 1983 alone, compulsory licensing ad saved the Canadian consumer more than $2 lillion. Instead of driving up the price, competition ‘orn generic companies had forced U.S. drug multiiationals to lower their prices. For example, the ame amount of Valium (diazepam) sold by the patnt holder Hoffman LaRoche in the United States 3r $345.93, sells for only $80.00 in Canada, beause LaRoche discounts its Canadian price by 75 er cent in order to compete with the cheapest eneric version of diazepam. Since Canada is one of he only countries with compulsory licensing, drug multinationals fear that the Canadian example ould set a dangerous precedent for other coun?ies, further threatening drug multinational profits. In recent lobbying attempts, drug multinationals iaim generic companies have an unfair advantage

because they don’t have to spend millions of dollars on research and development. They are threatening to remove R&D facilities from Canada if the patent act is not revoked. Once again there is little substance to their argument. Most R&D expenditure occurs in the home country of the multinationals, and since none are based in Canada, very little R&D is currently performed here. Usually R&D takes the form of fulfilling Canadian legislative requirements. Generic drugs must also be approved for use in Canada based on bioequivalency tests. As a result, the process of developing and approving a generic equivalent may take up to six years. Patent drugs currently enjoy up to a six-year monopoly on drug distribution. Furthermore, most of the R&D expenditure in the drug industry goes toward the development of similar products not toward the development of new drug discoveries. Although the Canadian drug industry is less profitable than its counterpart in the U.S., it ranks higher than France, Japan, Switzerland, Britain and West Germany. In the latest offensive against the patent act, the drug multinationals and the PMAC have the support of Ronald Reagan, who raised the matter during the Shamrock Summit with Brian Mulroney. Subsequently, the Mulrotiey government designed a bill that would virtually destroy compulsory licensing by giving patent holders a lo-year monopoly on the marketing of new drugs. Combined with the six years for the development of a generic equivalent, patent holders could actually enjoy a 16-year monopoly. In return, the multinationals claim they will invest $14 billion in R&D within Canada. Plans to introduce the bill on the last day of the summer term of parliament (thereby limiting debate) failed dismally when the bill was not delivered to the minister in charge in time. Now that parliament has resumed, groups like the Consumers Association of Canada, the National Poverty Association, the Canadian Federation of University Women, and the Canadian Labour Congress are gearing up for another offensive by the PMAC, drug multinationals and the Mulroney government. Consumer groups feel the Canadian con-’ sumer will be the real loser if compulsory licensing is watered down or destroyed, nullifying a positive 17-year track record. If you wish to obtain further information on the pharmaceutical industry or if you would like to get involved with this issue, visit the WPIRG office in th_e General Services Complex.

Facts correct, but column on AIDS was misleading

Images in Vogue Friday, October 31st

’ FedHall

‘o the editor, The Human lmmunodeficiency ‘irus (HIV, formerly termed the ITLV-III virus) was isolated in the I.S. in 1981. This is the virus reponsible for AIDS. But after zading Chris Gerrard’s (why the seudonym?) article, A Different ight, in last week’s Imprint, I salized that much of the informaon conveyed was incorrect and misleading (creating fear), allough the facts were correct. The HIV virus takes on three dif:rent forms. The first is AIDS, in which people develop life threatnina infections. This population ; fiie to 15 per cent’of all HIV

Tickets: $6.50 Feds $7.50 Others Available at Fed. Office and sci. SOC. Office I.D. Required ~UCS



8 :OO pm,

Parkdale Plaza II 465 Philip St.

infected persons. The second form, ARC (AIDS Related Complex) has similar symptoms to AIDS (as do other STDs), but these people do not develop the life threatening diseases. This group constitutes 10 to 30 per cent of all infected people. The last group, constituting up to 75 per cent of all HIV infected people, are carriers -they do not develop any symptoms and, in 90 per cent of the cases, do not know they have the virus. From this data, one can easily see that this population is the one that should be’ sexually avoided.

But the question arises: How can one protect oneself from HIV if the carriers don’t even realize they have it? The solution is sim-safe sex (No transmission of ple any bodily fluids during any sexual encounter). The easiest means here is condom use. Gerrard’s article is quite good for this . information. But what he lacks is insight to the proportions of the disease. Although primarily associated with homosexuals, HIV has spread into the heterosexual population. Because of this, it is important that you practice safe sex with all sexual partners - homosexual, bisexual and heterosexual and, unless you have had a monogamous relationship for a number of i years, you should be sure to abide by this general guide. I do not wish to alarm or scare people, just to make them aware. There is no cure for AIDS and, once infected with the virus, any of the three forms of HIV can occur. It would certainly be a waste to lose your life just for one night’s pleasure with an infected person. _ Sharon M. Deeming

/ _--

FORUM Debunking


The idea of biorhythms as the world knows it today originated in Vienna in the late 19th Century, a product of the fertile imagination of the Berlin surgeon Dr. Wilhelm Fliess. Fliess was obsessed with the numerological properties of the numbers 23 and 28 and was bonvinced that life was governed by two-built-in biological cycles: the 23-day masculine (or physical) cycle and the 28-day feminine (or emotional) cycle. Being an ardent numerologist, Fliess was fascinated by the fact that multiples of the lengths of these two fu.ndamental cycles could be ydded to produce any arbitrary integer. Since the numbers 23 and 28 are relatively prime, this should not come as any revelation to anyone with a mathematical background for whom the phrase “Diophantine equation” has any meaning. (Fliess is also credited with the technique of treating physical ailments by applying small amounts of cocaine to the “genital” areas of the nose. Any rumors that Fliess is alive and well and working as a trainer for the Washington Redskins should not be taken seriously.) The above simplistic view of biorhythms remained unchanged until the 192Os, when an engineer named Teltscher, hoping to secure his own claim to fame, introduced the 33-day “intellectual” cycle. Since then, more recent proponents of this so-called science have added the “compassion” cycle (38 days), “aesthetic” cycle (43 days), “selfawareness” cycte (48 days) and “spiritual” cycle (53 days). Recognizing a bandwagon when it runs him down, this columnist has independently discovered the “motor” cycle (two years or 20,000 km) and the “wash-rinse-and-spin” cycle (45 minutes for top loading). Just what is the significance of these-cycles, and how are they read? Each cycle is composed of a positive “discharging” phase and a negative “recharging” phase. Originally, an individual’s dangerous days were not, as one might suspect, during a cycle’s negative phase but occurred when a cycle crossed over from negative to posjtive or vice versa; these were referred to as “critical” days and signified when the individual should be especially careful. There was, unfortunately, the odd uncooperative person who refused to save his disasters for critical days and it was for him that the biorhythmists added “low” days, “potentially dangerous” day? (cycles crossing one another), “halfcritical” days (occurring near a phase change) and

d “doubly-critical” and “triply-critical” days. Nothing like covering all the bases, I always say. There are, naturally, countless’ biorhythm books in print, one of tihich is the best-seller BIORHYTHM - A Personal Science by Bernard Gittelson. Gittelson opens his book by reassuring readers that, even though the idea of biorhythms may be startting, “. . . the theory of biorhythm is little more than any extension and generalization of the enormous amount of research that scientists have already done on the many biological rhythms and cycles of life,“, thereby incurring t’he wrath of some of these scientists who resent seeing their legitimate research being used to suppori something they consider utter balderdash. It’s also disturbing that, for someone who refers to biorhythms as a “personal science” and exhorts his readers to “Plan Your Life With Confidence!“, Gittelson spends a distr&sing amount of time rationalizing the failings of his pet project. Sprinkled throughout his book, the reader finds Gittelson hedging his bets with excuses like “Biorhythm does not always work, but very few things do.” and “. . . the three great biorhythms do not always produce a predictable result.” Gittelson does, however, try to save face by supplying several sample biorhythm charts which show that, among other things, Mark Spitz won his seven gold medals during physical and emotional highs, while Gerald Ford granted the infamous unconditional pardon to Nixon when he was “intellectually and emotionally negative and may have been suffering from impaired judgment.” All of this proves only that, if you are allowed to be choosy about the data you analyze, you can prove anything you want. I am assuming that the fact that Spitz was suffering from an intellectual low during his record-breaking performance implies that Gittelson does not consider intellectual level to be particularly relevant in the pool. For readers who want second (or third) opinions, we have less-than-favorable reviews from researchers at Stanford and the American National Institute of Mental Health who refer to biorhythms as “mythology” and “utter unadulterated fraud.” Upon reflection, I might be better off depending on second or third opinions since I seem to be suffering from a severe case of writer’s block, undoubtedly due to the fact that my intellectual cycle is near-critical. At times like this, I imagine that Gittelson’s advice would be to relax, put the keyboard away and head for. the nearest pool. Sounds good to me.

Encouraging those who defend mindrity groups in public \ I would like to address two letters which appeared recently in Imprint. One was from Kathy Bell who spoke her mind on the hatred she overheard expressed toward gays. The other is from Alyson Schafer who later criticized Miss Bell’s less-than-cool stand. My impression of Miss Bell’s letter however was not that of Alyson Schafer’s. I found Miss Bell’s letter not at all inhumane.


24, 1986


by Robert Day Imprint staff

To the editor,


That she chose to share with the readers her temporary reaction of passionate resentment is- in no way inhumane, as it was obvious she did not mean it as any serious on-going pronouncement. It seems to me that Alyson Schafer has tried to invalidate Miss Bell’s somewhat heroic public comments. It is not everyday that we find someone who is willing to publicly take a stand on the side of an unpopular minority -

Campus ~

It could





To what extent do you think underfunding is a problem for post-secondary institutions and what if anything are you willing to do about it?


the opportunity

students due

hardship. I alone much. Cam Taylor 4A Math

to attend to









a third

world country. I’ll protest, talk to people about it and contribute financially to the university. J. Sivak Director of Optometry

or maybe just against blind hatred. Unlike Alysoti Schafer, I think such people as Kathy Bell need encouragement as they are so rare. I would like to conclude this letter with a personal thank-you to Miss Bell as her story enriched my thoughts, if only a little. _

Scott J. Taylor Wolfville, N.S.

Compared to my home in Montreal it’s more expensive. So it presents the l%oblem-of cfoubling tuition costs for me. There’s probably nothing I can do, the problem is with the government. Jackie Morgan IA Eng

It is very serious .We should lower the beer prices in Fed Hall and sell gallon pitchers for $2.99. Rob Vellinga IA Science

Debunking debunking on the topic of walking on hot coals To the editor: I would like to comment on Robert Day’s article “Debunking: where there’s smoke, there’s smoke.” I will agree that firewalking is not a really impressive feet (pun intended). However, I must totally disagree with his explanation. If Mr. Day is an artsie, then he should not write about things he knows nothing about, and if he’s a techie, he desperately needs a first-year course in heat transfer. His hand in the oven trick is an excellent illustration of heat transfer phenomena, but his statement that the “cake pan contains more heat” really misses the idea. When two bodies at different temperatures come into contact with each other (like a hand and oven air or a foot and hot coals), the temperature at the interface (the skin) is at a temperature somewhere between the two bodies. The temperature will be closer to the body that can conduct heat better. In the case of a

hand in a warm oven, the air has a much poorer ability to conduct heat and the skin temperature is much closer to our body temperature, and our hand doesn’t burn right away. In the case of the same hand touching a hot cake pan, since metals a’re much better heat conductors, our skin temperature is much closer to the temperature of the pan and we will burn ourselves. This is also why metal ‘objects at the doctor’s office feel cold. They conduct heat away from our bodies and our skin temperature becomes lower than our body temperature. The other thing to keep-in mind is the longer the two objects are in contact with each other, the closer they wiII become in temperature until our hand in the warm oven will eventually burn, like the Sunday roast left too long. Using these ideas, we can maybe explain some aspects of the fire walker’s stunt. The coals of the fire have properties similar

to wood or to brick, neither of which is a very good heat conductor. The soles of the feet may be much better heat conductors due to the more dense skin. Hence, the skin (contact) temperature at the soles of the feet may be much lower than is necessary to burn skin. The length of time of contact is probably much too short for the skin to raise in temperature enough to burn. There is definitely heat transfer from the coals to the feet as was observed in the change of colour of the coals, but it is not enough to raise the temperature of skin to where it will burn. In addition, and this is speculation, the skin on our feet may take a higher temperature than our hands before it burns. I would be quite willing to proofread any mor’e articles by Mr. Day on any other debunking that he wishes to do.

Students should pay more because it is them that benefit the most from having a degree [i.e. higher salary, betterworking conditions,etc...) in the majority of the cases and not society. Michelle Atherley 2b Eng

by Sonny Flanagan

It’s fairly bad. One of the biggest problems is the increasing cost of living eg. housing costs. The solution is large government-assisted housing projects. Mark Csele 28 Physics t

& Grace Schmidt





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Mick Jagger said a few years back, “It’s only rock and roll.“Sure, most young people like it and it isonly just rock and roll... or is it? Vladimir Leninsaid that the quickest way to destroysociety is through its music. Could it be that someone is trying to brainwash you through your stereo or the cassette recorder that’s plugged into your ear?

Come find out...“Think For Yourself’. See this major audio-visual presentation that examines thespiritual roots of contemporary music. Seen by thousands around the world, it’s an exciting, informative and often life changing experience Wednesday, October 29 7:00 p.m. Math & Computer Building Room 2065 Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Fellowship




Mick Jaggersaid a few years back, “It’s only rock and roll.“Sure, most young people like it and it isonly just rock and roll... or is it? Vladimir Leninsaid that the - quickest way to destroy society is through its music. Could it be that someone is trying to brainwash you through your stereo or the cmtte recorder that’s plugged into your ear? Come find out...“Think For Yourself’. See



audio-visual presentation that thespiritual roots ofcontemporary Seen by thousands around the world, it’s an exciting, informative and often life changing experience




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No Admission

Chaigkd -


- .____

If you want to be a tutor, contact the

Thursday October 30 4:OO p.mi ZOO p.m. Math & Computer Building Room 2065 Spdnsorea by Maranatha Christian Fellowship

Education Commission Federation of Students

. FORUM The Vegetarjan


-St Montreal

What. about..the t-urkey? ,



from page 5)

Sure, having rock ‘n: roll rights at the Bomber is popular, but why bring them to Fed Hall? Fred’s whole structure centers on the dance floor. The tables, stand-up bars and thesecond level all focus your attention on the groovers and shakers. As a matter of fact, I have never been to a club with a bigger dance floor (being a hasManitoba-been, this should come , as no surprise). \ And let’s face it, people didn’t start dancing again til the disco era. Yikesl Yes, disco - the embarrassing repression of North American night club life. I don’t remember any big dance crazes from the late-‘60s and early ‘7Os, ’ except for the reefer - where everything dances except you. Indeed, John Travolta made it okay tp strut. I ask you, have you ever seen Clint Eastwood dance? Well, I too hate “Boogie Oogie Boogie Woogie Dancin’ Shoes” and hardly consider my personal taste for thq,alternative music in that category. Yes, I wear black and hang out with all the fags and freaks (sorry guys) at the front of the stage. I dance by myself too. BOOI Shawn there are times when Fred’s tunes have regressed so far that I can’t stand it either. I put up with the music you have enjoyed since the womb, Shawn, so try to grasp the ’80s for




Facultv of Edudion

between five per cent and eight per cent absorbed, Marsman thus care must be taken to ensure sufficient intake. My parents were in shock the day I came home Again, supplements are available, but not a neces’‘from university and denounced my meat eating sity in a well balanced diet. habits over the dinner table. The roast was getting For those who consume milk products, calcium is cold as I explained my reasons, and how I had of no more concern than for meat eaters. For vethought about it thoroughly. I was well armed with ‘gans, however, calcium must be obtained in senutritional facts to convince them that I knew what I same, tortillas, blackstrap molasses, leafy ‘green was up to. vegetables, hard water, or with supplements. Dad’s family is comprised of a hearty string of As with any diet, the way in which you chopse to farmers - mainly cat’tle farmers, from whom our plan or not to ‘plan your meals is an individual thing. family obtains a side of beef every now and then. I You can choose the “laissez-faire” style of eating, saw the tears welling up in mom’s eyes, as horrifykeeping a mental record of what you’ve eaten, or ing images of an anemic, malnourished daughter you can plan your daily menus, and shop with this in built up in her mind. My sister broke the silence with mind. New recipes are always fun, but not a necespeels of laughter, claiming me to be a radical pinsity. Pizza, soup, sandwiches, salads and pasta head, out for a bit of attention. The inevitable quesdishes, the old “standbys” still fit easily intoa vegetion was lurking in all of their minds, and finally it tarian diet. The lower grocery bills wili be an add.ed came: “Where will you get your protein?” bonus. Just the challenge I was waiting for! The family was finally convinced that I wasn’t Protein, in the form that our bodies use it, is joking by the end of the meal. At the conclusion of composed of 20 essential amino acids. These are my lecture, mom was still looking a little sad, but I found all together in meat and dairy products, but in order to obtain them from plants, certain foods _ knew she’d get over it. “Not even turkey at Christmas?” she asked. ’ would have to be eaten together to compliment “No, sorry mom,” I replied. each other. The complimentary food groups are: “Oh, gqod! More for fh‘e resi of us!” My little (1) Whole grains, such as wheat, rice, barley, rye, brother was quite enthused about the prospects. etc. nuts, seeds and legumes. (2) Vegetables, To obtain complete protein, you must eat foods from group one with foods from group two in approximate 1: 1 ratio. the complete protein For lacto-vegetarians, found in\milk and eggs can domqlement foods from either group one or two. Vegans are those vegetarians that don’t eat eggs or milk, and they can easily obtain enough protein from plants. On average, Canadians eat nearly twice as much protein than necessary. ’ Vitamins and minerals are found in great abundance in plants, and vegetarianism enhances the intake of many of these. Vitamins B12 and D are the ones of most concer.n. These are required in trace quantities, and can be stored in the body until needed. Dairy products provide sufficient amounts for lacto-ovo vegetarians, and for vegans, soy bean products may be enhanced with these vifamins, and supplements are also available. Iron and calcium are the main minerals that vegetarians may have trouble with. Iron can be found in foods such as wheat, potatoes, oatmeal, raisins, \ dried fruit, tomatoes, legumes, strawberries and squash. Iron in meat is in a highly usable form, as about 10 per cent is absorbed. In plants, iron is

by Kathy

Trendy.. Fed-Haller


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NEWS Hagey lectures t6 critique computer *,


Imprint, Friday, October 24, 1986

Computer Power and Human Reason by Joseph Weizenbaum Freeman & Co., 1976 by Paul Van An=agon This book is now ten years old, and has often been used in classes on computers and social responsibility, but since its author is coming to UW on October 28 and 29, it is worth reviewing. It is Weizenbaum’s major written statement, and is relevant today if it ever was. Its thesis is that our view of reality is too mechanical. Since Weizenbaum is a computer scientist, he writes mostly about computers and computer scientists, but the book is also directed to other scientists and nonscientists. He criticizes them, as well, for their surrender to this detrimental perception of reality. Computers are merely a current manifestation of the disease, according to Weizenbaum. This thesis is not new, but coming from a scientist, it sounds different, and thus may make more scientists take note. Here is a scientist complaining that our scientific-logical view of things leads us to deny human values, and to reject other modes of learning. He complains of people’s conception that the arts are merely entertainment, and that true knowledge comes from science. “But,” he says, “science is a slow acting poison.” Weizenbaum describes how he was jarred into realization of this problem by the reaction people had to a computer program he wrote. This program, named ELIZA, could converse with a person, but did so by using a very simple set of transformation rules. Weizenbaum was shocked that people immediately felt that the program had understood them, and even more shocked when a psychiatrist suggested that he could use the program, if it were improved a bit, for

psychotherapy. This event sparked a realization in Weizenbaum that peo ple equate humans with machines, and so he asks in this book, “How has this happened?” and “How has this caused us to yield our autonomy to machines?” The ugent tone of the book makes it evident that Weizenbaurn is on a crusade, and cares deeply about what he is saying. , The book begins with a discussion of how technology can change our view of reality. Humans have conquered nature, but only by transform. ing nature and their perception of reality. Weizenbaum has a way of making jarring statements which deny commonly-held beliefs. For instance, he states that the computer revolution was really not a big change, but was responsible for keeping things the way they were. The computer was able to handle the command and control problems of large institutions, thus upholding the status quo; but the simplistic and mechanistic view of nature already existed.

Next, Weizenbaum explains how computers work, and discusses the mathematical theory of where their power comes from. He describes the sense in which a computer is said to be able to do anything: it can do anything that is programmable as an effective procedure. There are many things that can be shown mathematically to be impossible to compute by effective procedures, but Weizenbaurn wants to go further, and say that human processes are not properly formalizable. That is, we cannot tell computers everything we know. This is a much more problematic statement, but one that is implied by Weizenbaum’s claim that our perception of humans is too mechanical. If we could formalize all that we know and do, then we are justified in viewing ourselves as clockwork. Weizenbaum makes a harsh criticism of computer hackers who

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spend almost all of their time at the terminal. He calls this determination of hackers to conquer the machine and to remove all bugs “pathological”. He claims that they rarely ask questions about whether their theory of the problem that the program is trying to solve is correct, but that they blindly go ahead, trying to solve every problem with a clever technique. His point, of course, is that scientists do the same thing: they think that they understand the world, but they are in effect applying their accepted procedures to an overly simplistic conception of humans.

er, he suggests why computer intelligence will always be alien: computers simply have a different socialization, by virtue of their not being human. Furthermore, computers cannot change diapers.

He reacts strongly against claims that make the enterprise sound relatively easy, such as that by one of the leading researchers in the field, John McCarthy: “The only reason we have not yet succeeded in simulating every aspect of the real world is that we have been lacking a sufficiently pow. erful logical calculus. I am currently working on that problem.” One Psychology is especially guilty of _ wonders if McCarthy was being facetious. taking on the metaphor of the computer in understanding humans. It is Weizenbaum also appeals to neubest to print Weizenbaum’s own rological work which claims that the words to convey his sardonic tone: right brain, unlike the more logical “Psychology has longtied to be. come “scientific” by imitating that left brain, is holistic and intuitive. Ultimost spectacularly successful mately, he appeals to our ability to science, physics. Like sociology obtain wisdom and a sense of living too, psychology mistook the most truth: “We are capable of listening superficial property of physics,- its with the third ear, of sensing living apparent preoccupation with truth that is truth beyond any standnumbers and mathematical formuards of provability. It is that kind of las, for the core that makes it a understanding which I claim is science. Large sections of psycholbeyond the abilities of computers to ogy therefore tried to become as mathematical as possible, to count, simulate.” to quantify, to identify its numbers Part of the upshot of this, is that with variables (preferably ones hav. there are certain problems whch we ing subscripted Greek letters).” should not try to solve using compuHe applies a similar critique to artiters, such as problems which would ficial intelligence (Al), noting some of substitute a computer for “a human the early’ dreams that mechanical function that involves interpersonal translations between various lanrespect, understanding and love.” he guages would be easy. This simplisregards using the ELKA program for tic notion, although frustrated by psychotherapy as immoral. early attempts, pemrits Al fantasy to It is not Weizenbaum’s intention to grow, he says. He later asks in deritell people what they should or sion, “if it is so clear that every’conshould not do, and he refuses to do cept and relationship can be this, but rather he tries to instill in translated into computer terms, why people a sense of self-worth. For are there still poets?’ scientists, this means they should It is hard to convey in a few words consider what it means to be a per. the approach Weizenbaum uses to son before they decide to work on criticize Al, but he admits one cannot any research project. They should prove in principle what computers not think that all problems in the cannot do. Such sterile arguments world can be solved using technical have been attempted by others. Rathmeans. For example, I expect that in

science his address on October 29, he will criticize Star Wars as another doomed technical solution to a non. technical problem. Weizenbaum’s message to nonscientists is to not surrender one’s responsiblity or trust to a machine. He calls on people not to be seduced by science into servitude, thinking that they can do nothing about its development and use. There are many possible objections to the argument of this book Since it is often insulting in tone, many of its readers will be turned off, I suspect. Yet I found the book to be quite convincing, and even inspiring. One objection that could be raised is that Weizenbaum is too pessimistic about what can be done by a computer as research progresses. Weizenbaum goes to great lengths to express his feeling that truth and wisdom is somehow inexpressible, we know more than we can tell, but of course, this approach can never give a precise enough objection to deter cognitive scientists or the “artificial intelligentsia”, as Weizenbaum calls them. In fact, Weizenbaum is not against the agendas of cognitive science or artificial intelligence, but he wants them to recognize human uniqueness. In keeping with the theme of the book, no logical proof of this is offered, but Weizenbaum appeals to his reader’s intuition to realize the truth of this. Yet, he remains a scientist himself, and does not want to reject science. In his words: “The technologist argues again and again that views such as those expressed here are anti-technological, anti-scientific, and finally anti-in&llectual. In fact, I am arguing for rationality. But I argue that rationality may not be separated from intuition and feeling. I argue for the rational use of science and technology, not for its mystification, let alone its abandonment.


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NEWS Gettina Nicaraauans -back on their feet is group’s aim - u-

by Brent Sleep and Wendy Mortimer The Salvadoran fisherman turned his outboard-powered dugout away from the shores of El Salvador, beginning our crossing of the Gulf of Fonseca. After six hours under the intense tropical sun,_. occasionally ac._ _ _ .I


vinced us of the country’s need for continued support from organizations like Tools for Peace to counter the resource drain caused by the aggression of the contra forces. The Nicaraguans we met throughout the country reaffirmed that they wished to be left to their owndestiny, .


11 Imprint,



24, 1986


paign is again appealing for donations to send to Nicaragua. In line with priorities expressed by Nicaraguans, Tools for Peace is emphasizing several categories of donations as the most essential. New pencils and notebooks are Zneeded to maintain the school sys

Tookfor Peace make appeal to engineers companied by dolphins which must have been the “sharks” of which we had been warned, we were very glad to reach the shore of Nicaragua. It would take some time to process our passports and currency exchange forms, so one of the customs officers walked us into the town of Potosi for a meal at the only restaurant (and hammock hotel). Our justacquired cordobas could get us a fine meal of beans and rice, but neither Coca-Cola nor the Uncola were available at any price to quench our thirsts. The bus south wasn’t due until the next day and the hammock hotel was full. Fortunately, the owner of a small pickup truck gave us a ride in the back - a mode of transport we soon came to appreciate after a couple of crushing rides in unbelievably overcrowded buses. We Passed only a few farms and tiny villages. Where were the military checkpoints we had almost become used to in Guatemala and El Salvador? We were in the middle of a fourmonth trip through Central America. As well as seeing for ourselves the situation in Nicaragua, we were hoping to do some volunteer work with Tools for Peace as we had helped to load goods donated to Tools for Peace in Kitchener-Waterloo three months before. With good luck we arrived just before the ship bringing the 1985 donations from Vancouver docked in Corinto. With a team of Nicaraguans and 15 or 20 travellers from across Canada and from Europe and the U.S., we unloaded 14 transport truck-sized containers into a warehouse in a cotton processing plant. The goods ($1.6 million worth) were those which Nicaragua, suffering from an American embargo, had a severe shortage of and most desperately needed: medical supplies and equip ment for hospitals and health clinics; wheelchairs and crutches for the disabled of the war; agricultural and woodworking tools for the farms and trade unions and co-operatives; sew ing machines for the Nicaraguan women’s association; pencils, pap ers, notebooks and typewriters for the schools and clothing, blankets and candles for the people displaced by the ongoing war with the American-supported contra forces. Our travels in Nicaragua con-

unharassed by the intervention of the United States. We attended a protest held (every Thursday morning for the past two and a half years) by the Committee of U.S. Citizens Living in Nicaragua, outside of their own fortress-like em bassy. They called for an end to American interference in Nicaragua, and speakers from various delegations for American and Canadian churches and unions talked about their impressions of Nicaragua. Everything is in short supply in Nicaragua. Children approach foreigners asking for pens and Pencils. Hotels provide only a minimum of toilet papers. Gasoline is rationed. The bus system, suffering from a lack of parts and new vehicles, is so overloaded that people often ride on the roof or bumper rather then be left behind. This year’s Tool for Peace cam

tern which was widely expanded by the Sandinista government after the 1979 revolution. Blankets are required for the 240,000 people displaced by war. Hammers, saws, shovels, axes and sharpening files are also badly needed. Rubber boots for agricultural workers are being requested. Basic medial supplies such as gauze, adhesive tape and antiseptic are in critically short supply. Sanitary nap kins are also a priority item. Monetary donations will be used to buy more of the priority items as well as going to pay shipping costs. As part of the Tools for Peace cam . paign this year, University of Waterloo students are being asked for donations, particularly of pencils and notebooks. These can be left with volunteers in the WPIRG office or the Global Community Centre at 89-91 King St. in Waterloo.

Lack of government funding for new equipment is a common complaint of almost all engineering‘and science faculties today. Imagine if the lack of funds was so serious that the only equipment was chalk and blackboards. This is the situation today at the National Engineering University in Managua, Nicaragua. The chemical engineering department, for example, has no labs, no computers and a reference book collection that is smaller than the personal libraries of most engineering students here. We met with two lecturers at the university in Managua. Their optim-

ism and dedication to teaching was heartening, given the obstacles they face. On behalf of the students and faculty of the university in Managua, we are collectingengineering, science and computer books. The students learn English to enable ; them to use technical books written in English. Chemical model sets, calculators, and graph paper are also needed desperately. These materials will be sent to Nicaragua with the Tools for Peace donations. Contact Brent Sleep (ext. 3816) or Wendy Mortimer (ext. 3813) in chemical engineering if you have anything to contribute.


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American citizens living in Nicaragua protest their govern‘ment’s interference in Nicaraguan affairs in front of the American Embassy in Managua (above). This weekly event has been going on for two and a half years. (below) Local residents unload truck full of goods gathered by Tools for Peace. Such necessities as medical supplies, clothing and blankets are desperately required to counter the effects of an American embargo on the Sandinista-governed country.

Eg= z H

NEWS Things are amiss w.hen admins. run rallies 12


TORONTO (CUP) - Student protests ain’t what they used to be. The presidents of Ryerson Polytechnical, York University and University of Toronto were not the targets, but the organizers of an October 16 demonstration against underfunding. The more than 6,000 students who attended the two-hour rally at the Cl of T downtown campus didn’t have to boycott their classes - they had already been cancelled by the presidents. The demonstration was notably different from protest of years past. Participants were asked to refrain from cheering, questions from the audience were planted and cut off early and, after the the carefully orchestrated event was over, students were herded back onto buses retuming them to overcrowded classrooms. This “Eighties-style” rally is preferred by some, including Greg Sorbara, colleges and universities minister in the Liberal government. “This is a different era,” Sorbara said after the rally. “I stop listening when people start getting angry. The premier doesn’t respond to displays of anger,” he said. This attitude was in stark contrast to the advice provincial New Democratic leader Bob Rae delivered to students. “Stop being so damned polite about what’s going on in your universities,” said Rae. ‘ And I say this to a generation of students who have

been accused of being apathetic and resigned to the status quo. “Get off your butts and start fighting for what you believe in.” Ontario ranks ninth among the provinces in per-student spending for post-secondary education. Provincial Progressive Conservative leader Larry Grossman, who was greeted by a chorus of boos and hisses and was interrupted several times by hecklers, issued a steep challenge to Sorbara and the Liberals. Grossman said he “would stand behind” a 28.6 per cent increase in base funding to universities over three years. Grossman also admitted universities were underfunded during the long Tory reign in Ontario. Sorbara said a funding announcement will be made in November, but did not indicate there will be a major increase. He said students will have to take their message off campus to attract popular Support. “It has to be there in the streets as well. You must build a broad consensus that says that the vitality and the future of this province depend on our ability-to make ourselves collectively a keener, smarter, more educated people. John Polanyi, the U of T professor who only 24 hours earlier had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, was received by a standing ovation and wild applause. His message, however, was foreboding. “Now I enjoy the kind of notoriety that comes from the combination of

good luck, intelligent, well-educated colleagues and adequate facilities,” said Polanyi. “I thank God for the first and the Canadian government for the others. “I wonder, however, if in this province we aren’t relying more heavily on God than the government,” he



said. “In this province, we have not made up our minds whether our education matters. I would ask whether this prdvince nurtures and cares for its university system, and the evidence says it doesn’t,” he said. Faculty and staff representatives

24, 1986

The number of entering first-year ada increased by last year according statistics compiled tion of Universities Canada.

full-time students university in Can1.5 per cent over to preliminary ~by the Associaand Colleges of

First-year enrolments in Western Canada were up 3a2 per cent* with universities in the Atlantic region experiencing a two per cent decrease in first-year registrations. Total full-time undergraduate en-

complained of deteriorating working conditions, outdated lab equipment and overcrowding. Students at the rally carried signs with such polite slogans as “DOW With Underfunding”, “We Need More Courses”, and “Hi Mom . . . Send Money”.

rolment was up by 1.3 per cent across the country. The biggest increases were in Quebec where fulltime undergraduate enrolment climbed 3.3 per cent over last year. The smallest increase was in Ontario where entiolments rose by only 0.4 e-v m--c IJC’Part-time ?L* enrolments were also up. At the undergraduate level, part-time enrolment rose one per cent across Canada, with universities in the Atlantic region well ahead of the national average with an increase of 4.2 per

cent. The number of part-times in Quebec, meanwhile, decreased by 0.1 per cent. The suwey also indicated a 12 per cent drop in undergraduate visa student registrations across Canada. Foreign student enrolment at the graduate level, however, was up by five per cent over last year. In releasing the survey results, the association cautioned that the figures were only a preliminary indication of the enrolment picture across Canada.



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N-EWS - i C.onfererice nice, .but m.onW w-ould. be nicer Imprint,






‘(CUP) - The federal government’s proposed national forum on post-secondary education has garnered vagting &g-s of praise from the countjs major education lobby groups. In its October 1 throne speech, the Mulroney government pledged to sponsor a forum, “to be held early next year.” No other details have yet been- set, says Nigel Chippindile, educational policy director in the secretary of state. The Canadian Federation of Students, the Canadian Association of University Teachers ‘and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada have all welcomed the forum. CFS and CAUT are also advocating a review of the current federal-provincial funding agreement. “Some sort of national dialogue needs to take place to more clearly define the role the federal and provincial government s are going to have,” said CFS chairman Tony Macerollo, adding it is “crucial” that students are allowed full participation in the forum. CAUT president Allan Sharp said if ’ the government is to take the forum, and thereby funding of postsecondary education, seriously, it must recognize two things: “One, that they recognize the universities are crucial to Canada’s future, and, two, they realize at long last that our universities are in crisis,” said Sharp. Both the CFS and CAUT are calling for genuine discussion ,and analysis of education issues. “We know a conference won’t solve the problems of education,” said Sharp. “What we are looking for is essentially a contract between the federal and provincial governments.” The AUCC is more reticent. “We have no official comment yet, other then we’re very happy with what was mentioned in the throne speech,” said AUCC information officer Mark OTTAWA

pants will likely - and should - face a heavy agenda. CAUT is suggesting, among other things, reconsideration of the five-year plans for the country’s research councils, approved last winter by cabinet, but with limited funding. “We’re going to be a lot worse off in five years than we are at present,” said Sharp. Caut is also callina for a review of differential fees for in’emational students, and measures to curtail “rapidly increasing” student aid debt loads. “We are optimistic, though,” said Sharp. “Hopefully, there will be adequate funding for a change, and long-term funding at that.”

solutions to the problems of postsaid he was “not impressed one fracsecondary education. tion” with the throne speech’s comMcCurdy questioned the federal ments on post-secondary education. government’s motives in calling for a “And I doubt that Canadians will be forum, while it is planning to severely either,” he added. restrict spending on health and edu- , Jeny Storie, education minister in cation through transfer payments to Manitoba, the only province that the provinces. matches federal contributions Liberal critic Roland de Comeillethrough transfer payments, said the forum comes as too little, too late. “What we need is greater financial commitment,” said Storie. “Km not opposed to this kind of forum, but we should have had this before these . destructive measures were taken. The cuts were made with undue haste.” CAUT’s Sharp said forum partici-

Giberson. Comments from oppositioti politicians are far from reserved. Howard McCurdy, former federal New Democratic education critic, said the country’s governments are feigning commitment to education. ~ “It’s extremely tiring to hear governments give the same non-

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Newfoundland would like to smother Wilson ST. JOHN’S (CUP) - Federal finance minister Michael Wilson is currently receiving plenty of mail from Newfoundland, and probably doesn’t want to read any of it. Students and faculty at Memorial University have sent 7,500 postcards * condemning financial restraint of pos&secondary education to Wilson’s Parliament Hill offlice. The camp‘aign was organized by the student union, in conjunction with the Canadian Federation of Students’ “Funding the Future” project. “Post-secondary education is on the line,” said Memorial council vicepresident Anne Marie Vaughan. “The aim of the campaign is to get stq dents involved and aware of the problem of cuts.” The federg government is planning to restrict spending growth to transfer payments, which may lead to a budgeted loss of as much as $6 billion Mthin five years. Transfer pay ments to the provinces, arranged through Established Programs f Financing, are earmarked for education and health. Vaughan said students at Memorial, the only university in Canada’s poorest province, face problems heavier than most other students. “The numb& of students has increased nearly 509 per cent in the last four years, without a significant increase in the operating budget,” said Vaughan. I

“These pos$ards -come from a province with the lowest per capita income in Canada, the highest unemployment rate, lowest paid pti fessors, and the list continues,** she said. 8

oseiph Weizenbaum Professor of Computer Science Laboratory for Computer Science Massachusetts institute of Technology Waterloo

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A personal by Marie Sedivy Imprint staff

A twenty-year-old Canadian youth stood on the podium as a bronze medal was placed around his neck. Nearly 10 years and thousands of hours of dedicated training finally paid off; he won his first Olympic medal. The scene was the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, and the youth was Mike West, a Health Studies student at the University of Waterloo. Mike West has been swimming competitively since he was 12 years old, and his list of accomplishments is impressive. At the 1982 Commonwealth Games, Mike West won the gold medal in the lOO- metre back stroke and the bronze medal in the 200-metre back stroke. The following year, at the World University Games in Edmonton, he won the gold in his best event, the lOO-metre back stroke. At the 1984 Olympic Games, he took the bronze in the lOO-metre back stroke and then was part of the silver medalist Canadian relay team. That same year, at the National Championships held in Winnipeg, he set a short pool world record in the lOO-metre back stroke (A short pool is only 25 metres long, whereas most major meets are held in 50-metre pools. Longer pools cut down on the number of turns required, and as a result, times are generally slower.) In the 1986 Commonwealth Games he placed third in the lOO-metre back stroke.


15 Imprint,



from *


Not surprisingly, Mike’s greatest thrill in swimming was going to the Olympic Games in 1984. Yet despite the fact he walked away with a team silver and an individual bronze, the meet was somewhat of a disappointment for him. “I went in hoping for two (individual) medals,” says Mike. He was expected to place in the medal standings in the lOO-metre and the 200-metre back stroke but had a poor start to the meet when he failed to qualify for the final in the 200-metre back stroke. Going into his second event his primary concern was in making the relay team. Two Canadians qualified for the finals in the lOO-metre back stroke, and the one who finished better was to swim the back stroke leg of the relay. Mike finds it difficult to describe the way he felt standing on the podium at the Olympics, but he remembers feeling relieved he had made the relay team and thus had a chance for another medal. For Mike, the trip to Los Angeles was more than just swimming. It was an opportunity to see yet another part of the world. Merely being a part of such a big event was a thrill. Mike enjoyed


24, 1986

glimpse of ati Olympian

meeting the people in L.A. and was struck by their friendliness: “I was surprised. You know how Americans can be sometimes.” Among the thrills at Los Angeles was meeting Joan Rivers and appearing on The Tonight Show. A few of the Canadian Olympians went to a taping of the Tonight Show during the Games and were seated in a special section. Joan Rivers, who was hosting the show that night, asked them to introduce themselves. During the break, she chatted with them and asked them where they were from. Upon hearing he was from Waterloo, she told Mike she was doing a show in the Centre in the Square the following evening and asked whether there was anybody back home he would like to get tickets for. Mike remembers calling home to find that nobody believed him. In the end, his brother got front row tickets and met Rivers backstage after the show. Mike describes Rivers as “amusing and sarcastic, but she also has a softer side to her.” After talking with the athletes, she had tears in her eyes and described it as being one of the most touching moments in her life. Other thrills included a tour of Universal Studios, meeting Lionel Ritchie as he toured the athletes’ villages, and parties organized by Lorne Green. While this may seem like fun and games, it was only through dedication and rigorous training that Mike made it to the Olympics. A typical day of training

ed primarily of people he met swimming. Yet he says, “You can do things like that anytime.” He feels he has had opportunities most will never have. For one thing, swimming and training has enabled him to develop valuable life-long traits such as organization, patience, and discipline. He has learned not to waste time and to overcome setbacks. Striving for his goals in swimming has taught him determination. What he cherishes most are the numerous opportunities to travel and to meet people. Swimming has enabled him to travel to Japan, Australia, Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, England, France, Ecuador, Brazil, and Venezuela. The best part is that it’s all free. “The trips were real eye-openers at times,” says Mike. Seeing so much poverty in some of the countries he’s visited made him realize how lucky he is. In 1985, for example, he was in Ecuador for the World Championships. “We stayed in a five-star hotel with marble floors and everything and outside there were people starving,” he says. Mike described as ironic the fact millions of dollars had been spent on new ‘ swimming facilities for the championships when so many in the country needed food so badly. Here he realized the tremendous injustice and inequality in the world, and partly as a result of that, he expresses a desire to work in the Third World for a few years.

“I had



to finish. meant that he was up at 5 a.m. and in the pool by 5:30. After two hours of swimming and lifting weights, it was home for breakfast and off to school for the day. At 5 p.m., he was back in the pool for another two and a half hour training session. Then it was back home for dinner, homework, and studying. On average, he spent some 30 hours a week in the pool. While training, Mike was taking a full course load and managed to maintain an average just over 80 per cent. Mike admits he found his schedule tiring at times. He finds he had more energy in the morning, but says his schedule taught him to deal with and overcome fatigue. The discipline of training extended to other areas of Mike’s life. As an athlete, he has always been very conscious of his health and diet. He is concerned about blood cholesterol and rarely eats red meats, preferring energy foods like pasta. Because he is very active and has a fast metabolism, he has always had trouble keeping weight on his 6’3” frame. Mike has sacrificed much for his swimming career. He has missed out on the social life typical of teenage years; his friends consist-


what I wanted of it”


Last summer marked the end of Mike’s hectic life as a swimmer. Perhaps it was partly because last season was a summer of disappointment for Canadian swimmers in general. Asked why he had retired, his answers was, “Maybe because I was losing.” Yet the decision to retire had been made earlier. “It was a logical time to quit,” says the 22 year ‘old. Mike maintains that the primary reason for his retirement was that “I had got what I wanted out of it.” He also wanted to concentrate more on his school work. According to Mike, in 1985 he was still on a high from the Olympics, but last summer he didn’t enjoy himself as much in the water. With two years remaining before the next Olympic Games, he felt it was time to go on to, something new. Mike cites several reasons for enjoying swimming less this past summer. Part of it was the disappointment of the World Championships. “You train all year to go to a country like Spain and get the runs,” he says. “Perhaps as I’m getting older I’m getting more reflective and more philosophical,” he explains. “When I first started swimming and competing internationally I didn’t notice the internal problems among the coaches.” Perhaps this was a result of being caught up in the novelty of international travel and competition. By last summer, he was very much aware of the bickering; he felt there was too much politicking between the coaches and the administration, and the swimmers were the ones to lose out. “The trips didn’t run as smoothly, and the athletes ‘were often neglected.” Mike also swam with the University of Waterloo swimming team for a year but didn’t enjoy it much. He says, “Unfortunately, the university is not drawing stu-

,.:: ..:





dents in sports other than football because it’s not recognizing them.” Mike says he felt taken for granted by the team, and the following year he decided not to swim at the University. Although friends and coaches warned him the decision to leave the sport would leave a gap in his life, Mike insists he doesn’t miss swimming yet. He’s enjoying other things now. It’s a pleasant break for him to be able to go out with friends or to go away for the weekend - luxuries he had to sacrifice for daily training sessions in the past. “It’s nice being able to stay up late,” he says. He is also devoting more time to his studies in his final year. While Mike does not yet miss swimming, swimming misses him. Says one swimmer who traveled to Japan with him for a meet, “Mike’s a super guy. It’s too bad he won’t be around any more. He’s really down to earth and the type of guy who doesn’t let everything go to his head. He’s a leader and wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Mike’s break with the sport of swimming is not complete. He still swims on his own a couple of times a week for his own enjoyment, without the pressures of having to perform. He is also involved with coaching a team of mentally handicapped at Wilfrid Laurier. Mike says working with the handicapped is “more rewarding than dealing with athletes. Athletes complain a lot, while the handicapped are friendly and ap preciative.” He is also involved with the Ontario Special Olympics Program. At present, Mike is a fourth-year Health Studies student at UW. He is also the Health Studies representative to the senate. In describing himself, Mike says he likes people. “I try to look for the good in people,” he says. While he gets along with all sorts of people, he prefers kids and the elderly. Mike says he has always been interested in disease prevention (possibly as a result of his healthy lifestyle). Seeing a great need for people to work with the elderly, he decided to do a minor in gerontology. “In a few years,” he says, “there will be more elderly and programs for them must be established.” Mike describes himself as being


by Marie


patient, and he has a great respect for the elderly. “They deserve respect,” he says. While he admits that elderly are often picky or resentful of youth, he feels it is important to realize that “they don’t have the same opportunities as they used to have,” and this may be frustrating for them. While swimming has taken up so much of his time, Mike also enjoys other sports, including track and volleyball. In general, he prefers individual sports to team sports. Above all, he doesn’t like football and the image that goes along with the sport and the players. He says that as most amateur athletes, he doesn’t hold professional sports in very high

“Sports that

should requires

be something dedication”

esteem. “Amateur athletics is tough. Sports should be something that requires dedication,” he says. He feels that professional athletes engage in sport for the money and glory rather than out of dedication. It’s just a job for them. He says many professional athletes are not athletes in the true sense of the word because many of them aren’t as fit as amateur athletes have to be. Despite his resentment of most professional sports, Mike admits he enjoys watching basketball or a good game of hockey (i.e. a playoff game, not regular season games). He also enjoys soccer, saying he admires soccer players because they have to be in extremely good shape to run around the field for so long. In addition to sports interests, Mike also played the piano for about eight years as a child. He now says he’s glad his parents pushed him into it. When asked whether he was pushed into swimming, Mike is quick to insist he was not. “My parents were very supportive though,” he says. “They always let me make my own’ decisions in regard to swimming. I had complete freedom.” Looking back at his swimming career, at the successes and the disappointments, at the opportunities and the sacrifices, Mike says, “it was worth it.”




The trip is from December 27, 1986 to January 1, 1987

‘The Trip Includes: - 5 day lift pass to MONT STE ANNE - 5 nights’accommodation at the Ramada Inn Ste Foy (2 miles from OLD QUEBEC) (Swimming pools and movie stars) - shuttle to and from the hill

There is limited space, so a $100.00 d&osit is required by November 15, 1986. I Free Beer and Prizes on the way to Quebec. Sign up at the SciSoc Office ESC &r more information call EXt 2325 or 886-9135/576-l 197. ‘The tour was arranged by Godfrey Thomas Enterprises.


894-2772 l 0



UW Psychology Society Presents

~IE’VIL’S NIGHT l?UB Thursday, October 30, 1986 (Calypso & Reggae by Barbados’ Best Band!)


at .the B0MBSHELTE.R

8:00 ‘pm, October 30th 475 King Street North, Waterloo

Otis Clay

Climbing by Paul Done Imprint staff With Every passing year, the true southern soul singer has become a rarer and more precious commodity. One by one, the greats have either disappeared from performing or are now only a shadow of their former greatness. Sam Cooke, Little Willie John, Otis Redding, Joe Tex and O.V. Wright are all dead now. Wilson Pickett, Bobby Bland and Sam Moore (of Sam and Dave) still perform, but come nowhere near to their old majesty. Clarence Carter, Don Bryan and Dave Prater (the other half of Sam and Dave) haven’t been heard from in years. Finally, Al Green is now only a gospel artist. \ So who is left? Bobby and Cecil Womack have shown flashes of their old fire on recent recordings. Solomon Burke is still recording and performing. However, the truest purveyor of southern soul today is Otis Clay, who performed at the Kitchener Legion Saturday. This show was the return, on-time show to make up for his show of last May, which didn’t start until after 11 p.m. due to a four-hour delay caused by over-zealous customs officers (who found nothing more incriminating than a container of orange juice). For this show, Clay brought the original Hi rhythm section of Teenie Hodges on guitar (and also the co-

Hi-er arId Hi-er writer of many soul classics such as Take Me To The River and others), Leroy Hodges on bass, Charles Hodges on keyboards and Howard Grimes on drums. During the ’60s and early ’70s - soul’s peak years - the Hi rhythm section fought it out with Booker T. and The MGs engaged in a friendly battle for the unofficial title of “best band in Memphis”. Seeing as how Memphis was the Mecca of soul, this title also meant “best band in the land”. With the demise of the MGs, the Hi Rhythm section is now, unarguably, the best soul rhythm section that exists. During the nearly four hours that he was on stage, Otis Clay ran through many ofhis standards such as Love and Hapginess, a hit for Ernest Jackson which was first recorded by Al Green; Take Me To The Riuer, a hit for Syl Johnson and Al Green; O.V. Wright’s A Nickel and A Nail, and Johnnie Taylor’s Cheaper To Keep Her. Otis, also ran through his own songs like Messin’ With My Mind from this year’s The Only Way Is Up album, Try-

ing To Live My Life Without


and I Want To Testify. During the second set, he succumbed and played a few blues numbers to satiate the foolish blues purists in the audience. Otis’ vocal magnificence was evident from the subdued sorrow of

The Spinners’ Love Don’t Love ZVobody to the shout and stomp of Mustang Sully -a hit for Wilson Pickett. The show, intentionally or not, was a fine history of southern soul as Otis Clay dropped references to many of the greats of the genre. As he was singing, he would drop a line from Sam.Cooke’s You Send Me or Otis Redding’s I Can’t Turn You Loose, always delivered with the reverence of a fan and the understanding of one who is a part of the rich history of soul. While the Chicago Horns, the horn section, were crisp and tight, the Hi rhythm section was to be .held in joyful wonderment: Teenie Hodges, on guitar, sometimes strumming chords as soft as butterfly landing on the strings; other times picking sharp, precise leads, like needles in the heart; still other Otis Clay burns it down times, playing choppy rhythm lines. Beaming like a man in heaven, Howard Grimes beat out his rhythms on band during the ’60s. As the ’60s the drums, magically holding the drew to a close and Mitchell formed groove steady when anyone less exHi records, they became the house perienced, less sympathetic toward band and, up until Hi’s demise in the music would let the song speed 1977, played on scores of absolutely UPtimeless, classic sotil recordings by the likes of Al Green, Ann Peebles The four musicians who make up the rhythm section have been play(who recorded the original versions of I Can’t Stand The Ruin and I’m ing together for two decades, first as Gonnu Tear Your Playhouse a bunch of kids who were spotted by Dow-t). As a result of all these years producer Willie Mitchell who, while of playing together, there is a tightgiving them untold amounts of soul . ness and unity in the music which know-how,used them as his backing

In search of dangerous by Paul Done Imprint staff Name one thing that Star Trek and Monty Python have in common . . . Their fans. Graham Chapman’s appearance at the Humanities Theatre brought out the greatest collection of obsessive, geeky high school sci-fi freaks since the premiere of Star Trek XVII. Mouthing the words to each skit shown as

though it were some Zen Mantra, their unwillingness to challenge Chapman with interesting questions hampered what could have been an informative evening. The show started with Chapman encouraging the crowd to abuse him for two minutes, during which a shoe and many copies of Imprint were thrown at him. He was then presented with a dull litany of what

are your favorite’s , what do you think of s and have you euer met’s, Chapman could run through his over-practiced answers like a Westworld pre-programmed automat’ on. A man who is probably (we might never know who the real genii of the Python cast were) a comic genius deserved a little more thought than most of the questions showed. Chapman’s current obsession seems to be with a group called The Dangerous Sports Club - a group of reasonably psychotic thrill seekers and terribly bored rich people who do things like hang-gliding over

Former _

member of Monty Python cast ,

active volcanos,

jumping from high

bridges while attached to the bridge by a large elastic band and skiing

down mountains while astride various objects like fake horses, wheelchairs and bicycles. After spending years with the likes of Keith Moon and other assorted rock star types, it seems that only acts of unrivaled foolishness can now raise his pulse.


by Tim


1 -

A disturbing aspect of the evening was that the audience seemed to be completely unaware of the fact Chapman is a homosexual. This led to a few awkward moments such as a member of the audience shouting out “what did your wife think of that?” after Graham Chapman told of an orgy he had been a part of. Later on in the show, when he joked that ,“I never had that problem” in reference to members of Python having an affair with a certain ac-



were a number


bright, entertaining moments during Chapman’s appearance, they came I



by Tim


makes it seem like there is one mind at work, playing all the instruments. Otis Clay at the Legion was a night in heaven for anyone with so much as a passing interest in soul

music. Immediacy, humour and amazing stagecraft were in evidence from beginning to end. Southern soul remains an intensely moving type of music and Otis Clay and the Hi rhythm section are currently the best purveyors of it.


tress, no-one in the crowd to understand. Though


in spite of the ing and silly should have more often to

crowd’s horrible fawnquestions. Chapman used his acerbic wit encourage more intel-

ligent, constructive



Cage -

Music & Structure by Ingrid


John Cage is usually described as a composer who gained (now wellrespected) notoriety for his “silent” works and the use of “prepared pia-

nos” (where spoons, me&l, paper and even fish would be stuck between the piano wires). In fact, Cage’s work seems less like music and more like performance art, a genre which he is said to have founded (although of course Diogenes in Ancient Greece did) at Black Mountain College with students Robert Rauchenberg and Jasper Johns. But Cage’s contribution to music should not be underestimated, his message to the listener of music that “the hearing of a piece is his own action” inspired a whole new field of environmental and minimal music. On this basis as a major influence in 20th Century music, John Cage was invited to speak on October 15 as part of the Wilfrid Laurier University 75th anniversary celebrations. A towering figure, (both culturally and physically - this man is big!) Cage is no lifeless monument: at 74 he is a vital and seemingly indefatigable source of energy and new ideas. Warning the audience at the beginning of the evening to expect a long haul, Cage seemed less exhausted by the two and a half hour program than most of the audience.

In the first pa,ct of the program Cage reenacted a 1983 interview concerning questions of technology and society. Responding to the taped questions Cage outlined a phi-

losophy of global thinking inspired to a large extent by Buckminster Fuller. He expressed optimism that an intelligent (rather than political the nature of politics does not leave much room for intelligence) use of technology can be found to establish a global society based on unemployment. This may sound slightly bizarre but nothing less should be expected from a man who once won $6,000 on an Italian quiz show answering questions about mushrooms. It would be a mistake to call Cage’s approach to culture populist, indeed his own work is esoteric to say the least, but he does say the extensive use of electronic technology to make culture more accessible would be a good thing. Copying classic works of literature onto home computers and then erasing them when finished would replace the present ethos of ownership with the more desirable goal of actually using and enjoying culture, Cage said to his pre-taped interviewer. The rest of the October 15 program involved the reading of mesoscontnued

on page


f-;P ge-












visual feast from Scorcese by Peter lkdvihill The poster gives Paul Newman and Tom Cruise equal billing. That’s amusing because a generation ago Newman, in classic outings such as The Hustler and Cool Hand Luke, was defining the role of the cocksure upstart that has spawned a long line of less successful followers. But the box-office appeal of Cruise (the current king of the teen flicks) has to be exploited and, besides, this competition for the limelight is nicely analogous to the storyline of The Color of Money, the latest film by America’s most consistently provocative director, Martin Scorcese. Newman plays Fast Eddie Felson in a reprise of his role in The’Hustler ( 1961). By now Eddie is an aging, jaded and jilted cue-slinger who can’t resist taking another crack at the game.




of Money

More fabulous by Sam Hiyate Imprint Staff What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. In Romeo and Juliet, two “star’ crossed” lovers are doomed because their names indicate they come from two families at war. In Lili Marleen, third of the International Films 86/87 series at the Humanities Theatre, West German director Rainer Werner Fassbinder also deals with two lovers whose names indicate LLqy come from two families at war. except the families in this case are Aryans and Jews during Hitler’s reign.


lonely or bored?


Lili Marleen is a half fictional, half factual account of real life cabaret performer Lale Anderson’s (Hanna Schygulla) meteoric rise to the top of the Nazi social ladder with the hit song she records and makes famous - “Lili Marleen”. While she becomes an overnight success, the man she loves, Robert Mendelsohn (Giancarlo Gianni), a Jew, is captured and forced to hear her voice over and over again on a scratched record. Ironically, both the German and the Allied radio stations play the song. They listen to it while they fight; it provides something to hold on to, while war cascades around them. They all identify with lines like “when we are marching through the mudden cold/I always keep you in my heart.” Or, if they don’t understand the German words, the exquisite, lulling tone of her voice is enough to seduce them. I Lili Morleen is not a plot film: it- is Ian impressionistic rendering of Ger1many under Hitler seen from the ’ point of view of an aspiring socialite, who has “had a little luck for the first obtime in (her) life. ” Fassbinder’s session with light and colour pervades the film, and gives it a

luxuriant, dreamy quality - sarcastically, of course, saying that Hitler’s Germany is a fairy tale . . . for some. Not since Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon has natural lighting been as effective in conveying mood. Gianni, a favourite actor of Italian director Lina Wertmuller, and Schygulla have an intensity when they are together. Their love scenes are not as torrid or forced as they are believable, and subtle. The themes of love, fame, and war in the film Lili Madeen goes in and out of focus with the same lilting sonority as the song, and reinforces Fassbinder’s position at the top of Avant-Garde German cinema.



mera, he hasn’t been this innovative since creating the steaming, melting, impressionistic tableau of New York City in Taxi Driver (1976). His pool hall is a violent world not unlike the restaurant in Ernest Hemingway’s The Killers, where gangsters nonchalantly discuss the business of killing. The violence is mostly implied rather than graphic; this makes it even more horrific because it pervades the entire setting - it is a central theme rather than an irregular element which spills over and then retreats. The viewer senses danger and at the same time the grim exhilaration that races through the veins of a hardened gambler. The pool balls don’t collide - they crash with visceral force. The players are like matadors with cues instead of capes and swords; arrogant in victory and impotent in defeat. Scorcese’s camera surveys a seemingly endless vista lines by somber characters as the abrasive, grinding soundtrack jolts the audience.


Against this gritty backdrop, greed and betrayal dominate as Fast Eddie, the kid and his girlfriend use

Cruise is Vincent, the raw shooter, a pure talent fascinated by his own prowess with the cue, but ambivalent toward the sham and the sleaze of the art of pool hustling. Together they form an uneasy alliance, and along with Vincent’s enterprising and manipulative girlfriend (played by the chillingly seductive Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) they scour the urban underbelly in search of the perfect nine-ball scam.

An aura



00 0 . :a

6 The Record Store is eliminating its double pricing 0 will be paying the@ l system. Now everyone l discounted price. All records, tapes, CDs priced. l over $7.00 have been lowered by at least $1.00. l

a 0 0

The acting is uniformly excellent throughout, but this movie really belongs to Scorcese. He has made a career of exploring the darker side of the human experience - his gallery of broker-down prize fighters, misguided comedians, psychopathic cab drivers and obsessed oddballs represents a vision of the soul as a turbulent and tormented place where genius and rectitude’ co-exist with demons and disquietude. This time Scorcese’s forum is the pool hall, and in his use of the ca-


John cage tics, a highly structured art form Cage invented in which isolated words are taken in a progressive order out of a text to set up horizontal layers of phrases based on a key word laid out vertically on the page. The fact the rules for creating a mesostic are even more complicated

a 0 0m

“Good for what f. ails ya!” -DR DISC



a $9.99 $10.99 $11.98

Examples is now $8.97 is now $9.95 is now 10.98


in and check

0 a a

, our new prices!!!

of all-pervasive violence

each other on various levels. They are not one-dimensional characters, however, and their moral layers become apparent as they evolve redemption is never out of the question, it’s only rather unlikely. Audiences accustomed to contrived endings will be challenged: Scorcese does not celebrate the world of pool hustling, he merely explores it. Interestingly, Newman and Cruise are not exploited as sex symbols. The Color of Money has nothing to do with sex, and seldom in the cinema has romance been so deliberately trivialized. But the audience doesn’t get hustled - instead it is treated to a fascinating study of a certain breed of person whose adrenaline pumps to a different and more ominous beat.





than this reveals Cage’s fascinanon with arbitrary structure. This is likely why Cage loves chess so much, a game which he used to play a few times weekly with Marcel DuChamp. A reading of nine short mesostics based on the German wordhoersI

00 0

24, 1986

l 0 0l

l ooooooooooooooooooooo~ / : 743-8315

peil (radio play) was followed by a short break. When Cage returned he. read Writing through the Essay

on the Duty

of Civil Disobedience

(of Thoreau) based on the title of one of Erik Satie’s works, Messe des Pauures. Cage’s soft voice recited the 18 mesostics like free verse in an hour-long mesmerizing and meditative performance. The tranquil and contemplative mood created by this piece was overthrown by the playful and almost humourous final performance. In his program notes Cage called Essay “a musical composition in which all 18 writings through are superimposed, those longer (circa 22’00”) than 16’47” contracted to that length and those shorter (circa 30”) extended to that length, the frequency of the voice in both cases preserved by computer means.” The result was very interesting and funny, with the extended short parts giving a Gregorian chant-like base under layers of other voices. The aleatory means by which the piece was created is in keeping with Cage’s longtime fascination with chance and play. Certainly Cage can be called one of the first postmodernists. From all counts the evening was a great success and the audience that more than filled the WLU lecture hall seemed to greatly appreciate the chance to listen to one of the most important cultural figures of our time.

Imprint, Friday, October 24, 1986

Kathleen by Christine Sinding Imprint staff Though it fulfills the light and comical edge audiences expect, the movie Peggy Sue Got Married actually deals with a serious topic and it’s one with heavy emotional side effects. Taking a refreshingly new approach to the concept of time travel, Peggy Sue Got Married sends the audience through the turmoil of retrospective change. While delving into the purely fictional concept of “returning to the past”, this movie also explores the impact one individual can have, not only on history, but on the facade of a particular period in time. Peggy Sue is a representative of the ‘5Os, in much the same way as was James Dean and Patsy Cline were. She epitomizes the traditional concept of female virtue and she is always expected to do the right thing. For the most part, Peggy Sue meets this expectation. But, as images seldom reflect the reality, so is the persona even the name Peggy Sue implies a little to hard to deal with. As she portrays the typical teenage girl of the Fifties, she also portrays the typical housewife such teens produced in the ’70s. The big difference however, is the fact that the latter role isn’t quite as shiny as the former one tended to predict. As an adult, Peggy Sue suddenly recognizes the consequences of this role on her life. Though she would not suggest her life has been horrible, she does view certain incidents with contempt and, in suddenly be-


shines as. Peggy Sue


coming aware of her disillusionment as a teen, finds the revelation virtually insufferable. The big question is “what happens when she’s given a chance to change her teenage life?” and, even more dramatic is the question, “how will any changes she initiates effect her ability to symbolize a period of sodas, Studebakers, sock Though hops and hula-hoops?” the theme stays with the audience throughout the movie, it merely serves to qualify a show which is really meant to be a comedy. Writers Jerry Leichtling and Arlene Sarner truly outdid themselves in satirizing the progressions of the ’80s while creating a character who is capable of summarizing the transforming experience of returning to the past. In one instance, Peggy Sue is telling her friend (who later becomes an award winning scientist) that everything in the ’80s gets smaller . . . televisions, cars etc.; everything, that is, except for radios which get incredibly big. The writers play on the idea of hindsight and Peggy Sue, returned to teen life after being a mother of the ‘8Os, finds it difficult to handle both such typical teen restrictions when she knows the reality of life. She needs a drink after her first day back at high school and, to her parent’s chagrin, gets drunk. She wondered what a mysterious male student would have been like in bed and has an opportunity and she suddenly has no inhibitions about sex before marriage, which is a startling experience for her boyfriend/hus-



Got Married

band. As Peggy Sue, Kathleen Turner is astounding. She has the Fifties look of innocence and enthusiasm and yet also a face which, in certain settings, reveals her maturity. She is extraordinarily convincing. in the role and, as Christopher Reeve now is Superman, Kathleen Turner may

also always be remembered as Peggy Sue. Also noteable is actor Nicolas Cage as Peggy Sue’s boyfriend/husband. Again, he has the style of the Fiftiesbut, more credible, is his create a character who is innocently and attractively stupid but also appealingly handsome. He

creates the perfect male character of the Fifties in his excessive masculinity but he also portrays a male caught up in the role- playing of the time.’ Peggy Sue Got Married is an excellent movie. It is compelling in it’s drama and. emotion in ., A . yet hilarious ..

A nice chat with a young underfed by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff For all five of you alternative music fiends who were not at Fed Hall on September 26, Skinny Puppy gave a _ packed house the most shattering concert experience yet to sully our beloved hall’s swank lounge decor. Eighty minutes of ear-numbing racket, fake blood, and steel drums being massacred by a power saw after the show began, we’d had all we could handle. It wasn’t what you’d call fun, but then again, we weren’t exactly expecting the . Spoons either. Paradoxically, for a band that relies so heavily so heavily on electron. its and pre-recorded rhythms and noises, the force of Skinny Puppy’s live show makes their vinyl seem just a little less important. Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse, however, should make a little more sense of their electronic angst. They still lack the polish and taut editing of a Cabaret Voltaire and their noise isn’t quite the terrifying, ironhanded beast of such industrialfunksters as Ministry or Luc Van Acker, but Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse shows a band that is maturing and finding ways to sustain their sound once its initial faddishness wears off. The sound is still that of the Skin-

ny Puppy that built a maniacal and surprisingly huge following with Remissions and Bites - if you like them, this will be a great record, if the gag reflex takes hold of you when you come within earshot of them, this will be a pointless 12 inches of crap - but they know enough not to stay in exactly the same territory too long. The growling distortion on the evil-sounding vocals has been humanized so that the rage and emotional torment are made understandable without softening their impact. They have also learned how to write the instrumental hook and while some might cry “Rip-off” if they play Cab Vol immediately before or after, Mind: The Perpetual intercourse is an important step forward. Skinny Puppy’s main man/assassination target Kevin Crompton gives us the rest of the scoop. How did the concept of Skinny Puppy come together? It kind of started as just a sort of project. It wasn’t a band to make money. It was just a four-track project and we wrote a song called Canine which I spent all day writing lyrics for. That’s basically how we started and we just kept going to the point where Dave, our engineer, who does sound for us gave us some

free time and we recorded Sleeping Beast. At that time, Nettwerk Records was forming with Terry (McBride) and he caught on to us and released an EP. So we went into the studio with. other songs we’d done on the four-track and things kept snowballing from there. Where did you get the idea for distorting the voice? I guess it was because it was the only comfortable way I could sing at that time because I was a non-singer. I mean I sang in a public-school choir but I wasn’t a real singer. I was in an aggressive mood anyway, so it suited my mood best. Was it a conscious attempt to make the music sound more violent? No, it wasn’t intentional, but at the time I was in a weird state of mind. Well, I still am, but I’m more in control now. We just started out that way and it kept going. Aside from Ministry, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of hard, challenging electronic music in North America. Where do you draw your inspiration from? I listen to all the European industrial and post-industrial bands and noise bands and that sort of thing. That’s really the only stuff I can still listen to because once you really get

KlNC .KONG SU:BS Waterloo i50





into that train of thought, there’s not much else you can turn back to. I don’t listen to Chuck Berry or anything like that - I just get caught in this vortex. How about this obsession with death such as the chant of “Death, death, death” on Assimilate. . That was just spontaneous really. I was in the-studio and I was pissed off with how things were going and it just came out. We don’t really have any big thing with death. Like it’s not such a bad thing - it could be like a new beginning. There are also real undercurrents of hatred and misogyny. How much more is there to this than just the noise aspect? Well, there’s a sound philosophy behind it. When you look at things you see a lot of opposites at work, you know, love that breeds hate, passion that breeds contempt. It’s just a way of making myself feel better to work out the angst behind everything. Is that a reason for the excesses and theatricality of the live show? Well, we’re not in a band making statements like “That’s the way it is” because I’m against all that. That’s what’s going on today in society with all the information we’re being giv-


Only 88

still what it’s they’re feeding you. So what we want to do is create imagery that stirs people up. We want them to feel emotion from inside ‘themselves. For instance, last night in Hamilton this girl came up to me after I had the beer bottle smashed in my head and was really upset by it. She said, “Do you know I was worried about you,” and I said, “That’s great. That’s what it’s supposed to do if it can make you worried about someone you don’t even know. I mean, you hear,about people being attacked on the street and nobody helps them, nobody cares. So if we can help people feel that emotion and start caring, that’s great. What’s this story about the electrocution? Yeah, Dave, who did the bottle thing, we staged this assassination at one of our shows. I was rigged up with this metal chest-plate with flashpots on it with two on front and one on the back and we filled them with meat and blood and put charges of gunpowder in them and wired them up. But we didn’t think think it out enough to realize that we didn’t need 110 volts. So I went on stage and I had this thing against my


by Tim Perlich Imprint staff Someone who would have fit in with our roots feature two weeks

Well, both of our albums were done at about the same time with a lot of the same people, so there will be similarities of course. But I

Once and a rock band type cameo in the cinematic marvel Valley Girl. After the Plimsouls dissolved, Case took to travelling back and forth across the States, driving cars for a car delivery company. The road time proved invaluable in terms of new’ experiences and, of course, songwriting material. Past associations with T-Bone Burnett, constantly running into him in bars and clubs brought the two together in Texas to take apart and reconstruct Case’s songideas, developing them into his solo debut. The term ‘solo’ somehow doesn’t seem well-suited to this album. Lending a helping hand are such luminaries as Roger McGuinn, John Hiatt, Mitchell Froom (Red Wedge, Del Fuegos, Elvis Costello), Warren Klien (Fraternity of Man, Kim Fowley), Ron Tutte and visionary Van Dyke Parks. Case stresses that although many of the musicians are well-known for their session work expertise, they didn’t behave as one might think ‘session men’ do:

ago is Peter Case. Formerly the songwriting dynamo behind the Plimsouls, Case broke up the band late in 1983 having had enough of the restrictions imposed by the standard rock ‘n’ roll guitar-bassdrums format. The Plimsouls legacy being one forgettable “power-pop” L.P., one expertly assembled pop masterwork called Everywhere At




Brother,is he in for an education.






0’ 0

c 1986






It’s a true story about trying to find some sort of continuity in your life. . . trying to bridge the gap between life in the sixties, the seventies and the eighties. Case’s debut is the album Elvis Costello had hoped his King Of America might become but never did.

19) songs like on the new album. It also struck me as more melodic and diverse. That’s for sure, that just comes from from doing it a bit more. I also impressed myself with my singing. Like I said, I started out as a non-singer and I think I raised myself up another plateau from the first two records. And we also worked more on the arrangements and they are more melodic. I don’t think that’s a bad thing, really. It’s always nice to have a melody that sticks in your head. Do you think you’ll ever move away from the electronic sound toward, say, more guitars or acoustics? Well, as Kevin progresses on his guitar, I think we’ll use more of that and we’11 use more acoustic drums and all that but we’ll always have a strong electronic base because I think it’s a good form of self-expression. Y’know, you can create your own sound with synthesizers. So we don’t have the limitations of just the basic guitar and bass sound, whereas electronics you can have paint a background that’s always changing. MuchMusic’s Mike Williams predicted that Skinny Puppy would be the next Depeche Mode. What do you think of that? We really don’t like to be compared to anything at all. It’s kind of silly, really. I mean, all you have to do is listen to us to see that we’re not Depeche Mode or anyone else.

SOUL. Top Ten Records/Tapes for the week ending Oct. ......................................................................................................



chest because my shirt had gotten ripped off and I was sweating. The whole thing worked beautifully Dave came from the back firing the gun in the air and the whole audience went, “Holy shit!” and he came right up and yelled, “Fuck you!” and it was blam, blam, blam, and all the pots went off. But as soon as I hit the ground’it shorted out on me. The only thing I could feel was my whole body relaxing and contracting and I was thinking, “I’m being electrocuted! What do I do?” And then it cut and Kevin pulled me off the stage and I tried to get up because I was so freaked out and Kevin kicked me down again because he wanted it to look realistic. Skinny Puppy is probably the biggest underground band in Canada. What accounts for your popularity? I don’t know. I think it’s rather emotional what we do and people can sense that. It’s sort of a doublesided mirror of feeling between us and the audience. I mean, it’s all very honest and very true so maybe that’s what’s coming across to people, I don’t know. We want to move away a bit from what we’re doing ’ now so we don’t have to rely so much on our sound for popularity. We don’t want people to like us just for our image. Do you feel comfortable with being seen as a dance band? I don’t mind really, because dancing is an important part of music and if you’re dancing you’re relieving a lot of tension and anxiety. We’ll do both dance songs and emotional

There’sa problem-Mark is white.


is at least three

Skinny Puppy

With many of the same musicians playing on Elvis Costello’s King Of America L.P. there are certain instances of overlap. Even Case himself wouldn’t deny that his I Shook His Hand was not unlike Costello’s You’re So Lovable. Says Case:



Although the two records share a bare acoustic grittiness, they seem to conjure different images. Whereas Costello’s might suggest a formica countered diner on the outskirts of town, Case’s brings to mind the sprawling field of greengrey weeds behind it. The string sound plays a far more prominent role in creating the textural ambience on Case’s album. Small Town Spree provides the best example of a complex yet wonderfully

They’re not ‘session men’ at all really. They weren’t checking their watches or anything while we were in the studio. Everyone was supportive and encouraging and willing to offer suggestions. It was a very open atmosphere.



years old. We used to open with that song when 1 was still playing with the Plimsouls. Costello had a chance to hear that song while he was recording his LP and I can recall him saying that it was his favourite song on my album. I’ve learned quite a bit from Elvis and maybe he’s learned something too.

unobtrusive string arrangement that Van Dyke Parks is legendary for. The violins fit so well with both the musical and lyrical composition their appearance might slip past unnoticed on first listen. The lyrics have a sense of reworking, having all their fat cut off to leave just the tasty parts. Because of the songs’ compactness, the importance of some may not, at first, be completely obvious. Case’s subject matter remains fairly consistent in dealing with people growing up and feeling displaced. Walk In The Woods is about that trip into the dark unknown, looking for a place to fit in:


191 Pv&i:


“Opening Friday, October 24 at a Cineplex Odeon Theatre near you, check local listings.”

1. Love & Rockets .......................................... 2. Boston ................................................ 3. Soundtrack .......................................... 4. Miles Davis ................................................. 5. David Sylvian ...................................... 6. Billy Bragg ...................................... 7. General Public .................................... 8. Paul Simon ............................................. 9. New Order ..................................... 16. Spoons ......................................

18, 1986


.Express Third Stage Stand By Me ,m Tutu Gone To Earth Levi Stubbs’ Tears l Hand To Mouth Graceland State of the Nation l Bridges Over Borders

Just Arrived

1. World Party (Karl Wallinger ex of Waterboys) . . . . Private Revolution 2. Martin Stephenson & Daintees . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boat to Bolivia 3. Megadeth . - -. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peace Sells . . . But Who’s Buying


’ This

Is The

Various Emergency


Artists Records

by Paul Done Imprint staff

Contrary to popular belief, the New York City live music scene isn’t very active. Instead, the emphasis is on clubs and prerecorded music which means that bands, specifically funk bands, are left out in the cold. There is a whole genre of music in New York which has been tragically ignored and has had to look to Europe and elsewhere for recognition. This Is The Funk constitutes the first document of this scene as a whole. Though individual members such as Prince Charles and The City Beat Band and Defunkt have had a fair degree of success, this record is the first recorded work for many of the bands. The nine songs on this album display both the diversity and uniform quality of the New York funk scene. From hard synth-funk to swinging jazzy things, the quality of the musicianship and songwriting is, almost without exception, superb. The album was the brainchild of Tomas Doncker and John Mulkerin, both of whom play in Defunkt and other bands. Tomas, ace guitar player in the first degree, played on four of the songs and produced three of them while trumpeter John Mulkerin played on three and produced two. In speaking to Tomas, he said the idea was as much out of desperation as ambition: John and I were just walking down the street one day thinking “what are we going to do? How are we gonna get people to listen to this music? Then we got the idea of the record. So we went around to all the artists with

this suggestion, asking them for one song each. We told them that there probably wouldn’t be any money in it for them, but it was something really positive that they could do for the scene. Let’s ignore the complaints since there are so few of them and get down to handing out praise. Tomas’ own band IQ (The Intensity Quotient) chips in with Take Action which is a little more recognizably soulful than the rest of thesongs on the’ album. Gritty and funky, the song has a loose structure which never seems in danger of falling apart. Liquid Hips, fronted by Mulkerin, has a little less polish, but Talk About It shows they make up for it with an extra burst of adrenaline. John and Tomas also appear on Mind Control; Defunkt’s first recorded work since their 1982 album Thermonuclear Sweat. As great as ever, Defunkt have moved away from the tight, explosive horn lines which characterized their early records, to a more spontaneous, livesounding style. Prince Charles and

The City Beat Band, the other really well-known band on- this compilation contribute Fistful1 Of Dollars -s the completion of P.C.‘s money trilogy which began with Cash Money and More Money. Fistful1 Of Dollars is very much in the style of 1984’s Combat Zone: simple, layered synth beats and group chants building into a mighty groove. The other notable songs on This Is The Funk, are the hard, jazzy swing of Usual Jive by The Funktionaries and You Must Be Psychic, a song by Kelvynator who were re: viewed here last week. Given time, some major label might pick this first-rate collection of funk, by New York’s finest. Until then it’s well worth the effort and bucks to obtain a copy of it. A great record as either an introduction to funk, or as an addition for funk fans. With any luck some of these bands will be coming to K-W in late November - keep reading here for details. If the bands do come, it will be the hottest few nights of entertainment the twin cities have ever seen.


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RESERVE ENTRY SCHEME OFFICER (RESO) There will be a travelling exhibit from November 24 to the end of the term. Thepurpose.of the exhibit is to give all students the opportunity to exhibit cartoons which might otherwise be hidden in their notebooks. ‘Requirement - Works must pertain to University Life. Attach one submission form for each cartoon. Submissions will be accepted in the Imprint office between October 24 and November 14. Photocopies will be near the box if any extra submission forms are needed. For more information call CAB, ext. 6329. This event is sponsored by the Creative Arts Board G imprint.

Submission Form Artist’s Name: Address: Phone Number:

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Imprint, Friday, October At first, people said we were real intellectual, and only smarties would like us.David Byrne

by John Zachariah Imprint staff

And at first, maybe that was true. But by -the time Speaking in Tongues was released, Talking Heads had become thoroughly en-

trenched as icons of whitened Afro pop; that record even made it info the Top Ten. But then the band regressed to their arty college days with the wanting Little Creatures, and the shucking off of their Afrofunk legacy continues with True Stories, their latest release. At various points, the band draws from soul, country and Latin influences, giving the record a modicum of diversity. But most of the songs on True Stories are afflicted with a nagging muddiness which makes them a chore to listen to; this is not an exceptional album. ’ Wild, Wild Life, which begins Side .l, does not bode well, because it’s a B-grade ripoff of Pulled Up. Radio Head is likeable, thanks to its sprightly carnival accordion, but things really brighten up with People Like Us, a lively country romp with some well chosen steel guitar. On Side 2, the Heads flirt with soul on Puzzlin’ Evidence and do an impressive (though decelerated) X imitation with Love For Sale. What makes the songs really interesting, though, are the lyrics. The songs from True Stories were not written specifically for Talking Heads, but for a movie by Byrne called, coincidentally, True Stories. In the movie, Byrne examines the lives of people who have been reported upon in supermarket tabloids, and the actors and actresses in the picture give their versions of the songs. The question is: Is Byrne examining these people’s lives or is he poking fun at them?

W C&Sam@prepares you for the real world.

Chances are it’s the latter, considering the evidence. On Hey Now, Byrne sings “. . . take me to the shopping mall.“; what better way for a family of rabid consumers to spend a Saturday afternoon? Most of the lyrics have a sort of lower-middle class “jes’ folks” feel to them, and nowhere is this shown better than on People Like Us: “We don’t want freedom, we don’t want juser strong numbers on the album include Purge and Leper Colony, which poses the question, Is there

love in a leper colony? Zdealis t with its flowing ‘sax/ key-

by Don Kudo Deprogram is the first release from London’s Suffer Machine. It’s finally vinyl after five years of hard work for this six member band. A combination of aggressive vo-. cals, -melodic keyboards and sax, are backed by an outstanding rythym section of bassist Greg Rhinehart and drummer Chris Serratore. Guitarist Pat Eynon, though often relegated to small effect fills during live performances, is much more evident on Deprogram adding to the driving Suffer Machine sound. A tough sound without thrashing three chord riffs defines Suffer Machine. Some have labelled their music as rock fusion, maybe because of the prominent sax and keyboard work. I cannot -classify their sound other than to say their music and lyrics are tough. Musical toughness is exemplified in the mind-bending rhythm of the song Suffer Machine, which was probably the best number played all night a few weeks ago when Suffer Machine and October Crisis backed up DOA in Guelph. Lyrically, No Faith states: Raise a cross and burn

HOW TO MEET WOMEN. You better learn this now: once you get out of college, it’s gonna be harder to meet women. Here are a few places to try. How about the Art Museum? Wait, who are you trying to kid? You don’t know anything about art. And once she found out, she’ll laugh in your face. The heafth’ j club? Nah, all you know how to do is sweat. And once she sees you in gym clothes, she’ll laugh at the rest of you. There’s always the laundromat. But asking someone’s advice on bleach is hardly a relude to romance. You could try the old “get Pixed up with the daughter of a friend of your mother” routine. But, since your mother is going to get a full report of the evening, how much fun are you going to have? And worse yet, if you brought her to meet your mother, and your mother liked her.. . well, then, you’d really have problems. Little Caesars feels you shouldn’t have to settle these problems on an empty stomach. Here’s a great chance to try out a “How ‘bout sharing a pizza with me?” routine.

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a truth/Pay the rich and praise a fool/Suck the corporated cock/Punch your life upon a clock. Oth-


by Charles Mak lmprint Staff A-ha’s debut album, Hunting High and Low, was a fine effort by any standard, blending superb vocal depth and range to a sound of incandecent mysticism. Very ethereal and atmospheric indeed was this album. The Top 40 sucess of Hunting High and Low can be attributed, not so much to the pretty-boy image of the band (although that had quite a bit to with it), but to the fact that the music was damn good. Songs like Take on me and The sun always shines on T.V. fanned in some fresh air to an otherwise stale Top 40 format. Unfortunately not much can be said for Scoundrel Days, A-ha’s second release. It seems that the pretty boys from the land of the Vikings have let their image get the bet-

board combo may not fall in the same realm of other tunes on the album. However, the slower tempo and gruff vocals of Peter Tangredi creates an intimate intensity of searching for that certain optimistic person to help bring one out of the doldrums. Deprogram is an indie band’s dream. A well-packaged, full-length album that is true to the band. The sensitive mix boasts Suffer Machine’s big sound, and the live

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff Last year’s Field Of Glass EP will probably always be a monkey on The Triffids’ back. The nearest pop music has come to writing its version of The Wasteland, it is a record so absolutely brilliant, so arresting with its mighty cymbal crashes, ominously swelling organ, and the kind of singing you’d expect from a man two minutes away from execution, that the chances of the six-piece from Perth, Australia ever equalling that achievement are slim. ter of them and in the process, have unfaithfully given up on the fine art of making good music. Just about every aspect of this album is bad be it music or lyrics. Vapid and vacuous stuff ruins this effort. it’s quite clear, judging from the music, that A- ha have are going for a more straightforward, “no frills” approach to their sound. By lowering themselves to the lowest common denominator, the band has compromised creativity for marketability. It’s ironic to note then, that A-ha’s first album was marked for success on the merit of it’s peculiar musical integrity. Therefore,it’s quite disheartening to see the band opt for the insipid trash that they’ve put together on Scoundrel Days. The only positive aspect of the album can be found on I’ve been losing you. It’s an energetic dance number that will find it’s way into the dance clubs no doubt. If you’re into collecting 12” singles, then you might want’ to give this song a try. Don’t bother with the album, it’s downright disappointing.


tice, we just want someone to love.” To their credit, the band does sound as though they’re trying, and Byrne makes incredibly good use of his voice on more than one number. But given the conceptual nature of the disc, the whole affair seems like a novelty project; it may sound dramatic, but True Stories is not a very fulfilling album, and it certainly ain’t no party. “edge”, \ present

so often lost on vinyl, on the album.


Thus far, the band’s only claim to fame has been playing on the same bill of other noteworthy artists such as John Cale, but with the release of Deprogram, Suffer Machine has become a definite must hear, ,must see band in their own right. NOTE: Other London notables, Sheep Look Up have released a. four-song EP and are currently taking their raw guitar, strong vocal wares on tour across Canada with Love and Rockets. I guess the closest we’ll get to these bands is their albums in the CC record store. With Sandy Born Devotional, however, The’Triffids come as close to erasing the overbearing memory of Field of Glass as can be reasonably expected of mere mortals. Unlike their earlier classics whose sheer power and Doorsish catharsis made them mini-epics as addictive as they were mesmerizing, The Triffids now draw their strength from the long lost art of understatement. Their songs are still as sweeping and expansive as the Australian outback, but Born Sandy Devotional is a record you can play at home without having your parents question your sanity (and damaging theirs). Simple, stark, and soothing, but never boring arrangements reflect the newly stripped down and uncluttered emotional landscapes of Robert McComb’s lyrics. Apparently having picked up and sorted out the neuroses that lay scattered around his mind like clothes and scraps of paper on my bedroom floor, McComb is now pointing directly at us instead of at the ravenous society that chews up our brains and spits them out as cola commercials. He’s always known that misery loves company, but now when he sings, “So how does it feel to be on your own/And sleeping by yourself/When the one, the one you love/Is with someone else?” on Wide Open Road, it hurts with the sweetest pain you could ever inflict on yourself. The added participation of eerily girlish-voiced keyboardist Jill Birt doesn’t hurt either - everything she touches, such as the wonderful Tarrilup Bridge, is instantly given a haunting quality that is all hers. The Triffids are dramatic without the pretentious flourish and profound without flogging you to death with their importance. An exceptionally good record.





mm-m SP-ORTS.



Warriors rugby keep playoff hopes alive with York win by Mike Imprint

Brown staff

Just when Waterloo’s rugby team needed a win to keep their playoff hopes alive they met the challenge by pummeling the York Yeomen by a score of 26-3. the Yeomen have always been a strong contender with a number of OUAA championships to their credit. But like last year, the Warriors were able to keep the York team from advancing into the playoffs. 1 October 18's game at York was the first time the Warriors dominated another team all season. A recent change in strategy combined with an all out effort made the difference in the decisive win. The victory gave the team’s morale a needed boost, a boost that will give Waterloo, (the defending Ontario champs) an edge against the visiting Western Mustangs in the last game of the regular season. The game is this Saturday at z p.m. down on Columbia field. Opening the scoring for the Warriors last weekend was rookie Paul Overbaugh. Paul’s quick speed gave him the room to break away from the Yeomen’s defenders after he took a pass from the Warrior’s most recent first team addition Don Latchford. Paul Toon added a Z-point conversion to bring the lead to 6-O very early in the first half. Toon added to the lead with a 3-point penalty kick just before the half ended to give Waterloo a g-point cushion coming into the second half. Before the half began, Coach Mark Harper cauti-

oned the team that the lead was by no means guaranteed,reminding them it was the Warriors themselves who overcame a 12-3 deficit to eliminate the Yeomen in last year’s action. Despite allowing York to score a 3-point penalty kick early in the second half the Warriors intensity level remain- 4 extremely high. Mark Schneider (E-MAN), Mike Fischer, Paul Toon, and Harold Godwin all scored well earned trys. Toon converted one of the four second half trys, two went unconverted, and Harold Godwin converted his own try with a z-point kick. Waterloo’s second team came so close to victory once again but fumbled its efforts in the second half allowing York’s second team to come out on top by a score of 10-6. Stirling (Steve Wells) opened up Waterloo’s scoring with a blistering half-field run. After shaking about 10 tackles, Steve lunged across the try line giving Waterloo an early lead in the UW proved to be an inhospitagame. Steve Dulhanty added two ble host October 18 at the Waterpoints to the try with a terrific loo Invitational Cross Country kick through the posts. * Meet. Waterloo took both indiAlthough, the Waterloo side vidual races and one team title as dominated the strums, rucks, Jill Francis led the Athenas to and lineouts the game was alvictory and Harvey Mitro ways close. In the dying minutes copped the men’s crown. The of the game, a York player burst meet was held on the North Camthrough the Waterloo defense off pus. of a lineout 15 yards out from the The women’s race started try line to take the Yeomen to a promptly at noon. Francis and 10-6 victory over the Warriors. Waterloo’s Urlike Zugelder imStandout performances were mediately broke away from the made on the part of Glen Hauer, pack, with Francis pulling away Jim Shaw (just off the disabled to win her first university race. list), and Bob Farley. Zugelder held on to second and Kelly Boulding ran an even race to place fourth. Maggie’ Stewart used a sizzling kick to terminate an exciting duel with an Ottawa runner for fifth and Kilmeny Beimler, in eighth, was the final Athena scorer. The women were virtually uncontested in taking the team title. Other Athena competing were Cathy Bauer, Louise Chayer, Marielle Rowan and Jodi Dorfman, in lath, llth, 12th and 17th

Athenas take team title at Waterloo Invitational meet respectively. place. Shamir Jamal, slowed by a Head coach Andy Heal said cramp, was 14th and Tom Sawythe race was thrilling, especially er, Dwight Caldwell, John Genos the performances of rookies and Al Faulds were 16th, 18th, Francis and Stewart. Such a 20th and 22nd respectively. Four good performance, said Heal, is a other Warriors also raced, as real confidence builder, coming Mike Affleck, Kevin Shoom, in the final women’s race before Pete Mulvihill and Stefan Steinthe OWIAA championships next er were 26th. 28th, 36th and 38th. weekend. Prior to the meet, the Men’s coach Don Mills was Athenas were ranked ninth in -happy with his team, saying the Canada. men “ran in much more unison The third-ranked Warriors, than in the past and lacked only meanwhile, were edged out of the presence of Tim Rose and the men’s team title Andy Krucker to win the team by the Rochester Institute of prize.” (The two veterans were Technology. Nobody was able. to unable to attend the meet.) Mills edge Mitro, however, as he and says he was impressed with the Mike Murray of Windsor broke inspirationally intelligent racing away early. Mitro ended on top of Mitro and the tough running of the tactical battle, beating of Cipp, who moved into the Murray by two seconds over the number two position on the team 10.1 km course. in only his third race of the season. Nick Cipp, continuing an impressive comeback from an inWith only one week before the OUAA/OWIAA championships, jury, moved through the field into third place before fading to Waterloo’s teams will be taking fifth. Kevin Shields, Tim Collins this weekend off, although a couand Chris Rogers packed well, ple of Warriors will be- racing in taking eighth through 16th the Laurier Invitational.

Waterpolo learn fares well at Western, face York team next Athlete of the Week Harvey Mitro Cross Country

Athlete of the Week Jill Francis Cross Country

Harvey is a fourth-year Kinesiology student at the University of Waterloo. He is a native of Sarnia where he graduated from St. Patrick’s High School. At the Waterloo Invitational on the weekend, Harvey won his first university cro!:s country race. It was a thrilling victory over Mike Murray of Windsor, as Harvey outkicked him over the last 400 metres of the 10.1 km course. Harvey led the men’s team to a close second place finish behind Rochester Institute of Technology. Harvey has been a vital part of the Warrior cross country program during all his four year at Waterloo. He was UW’s top finisher at the 1985 OUAA cross country championships. He is also a past Canada Games track team member, an OUAA gold medalist over l666m and a silver medalist at the CIAU track championships.

Jill is the only first-year student to be honoured as the Athlete of the Week to this point in the 1986 fall season. Jill comes to UW from Hillcrest High School in Thunder Bay, where her cross country team won the Ontario championship in all her five high school years. She is in the Accounting program here at the University of Waterloo. Last weekend, Jill decisively won the Waterloo Invitational Cross Country Meet, and led the women’s team to a first place finish. This was Jill’s first victory of whatshould prove to be along and successful university career. Her time was the second fastest ever by an Athena on the Waterloo course. Jill has been the top Athena at all the meets she has attended this season. According to Athena coach Andy Heal, “Jill made an immediate impact on the team right after the first workout.”

by Keith


The Water polo Warriors saw action last weekend in London, nlaying both the Western Mus-

tangs and the York Yeomen. Western came out strongin the first game, playing well for the home crowd. Showing a much

Athena& basketball strategy dominates Ryerson’s defense the game.

by Glenn


A combination of full-court pressure and aggressive quarter-court man-to-man and zone defenses was the key factor in the Basketball Athenas’ 63-46 defeat of Ryerson at the PAC October 18. The Athenas were in control from the opening tip-off as the Ryerson guards were unable to handle Waterloo’s fullcourt pressure. Taking advantage of the numerous resulting turnovers to run up a 16-O lead before Ryerson managed to score. The Athenas then coasted to a 35-17 halftime lead and continued to dominate during the second half. The Athenas were up by 30 points with five minutes left in

Every player received playing time, resulting in well-balanced scoring. Brenda Bowring led the Athenas with 12 points, with rookie guard Karen McCulla, centre Corrina Lueg and forward Michelle Campbell each chipping in 10. Coaches Warren Sutton and Janice Fairfax were very pleased with their players and they say hope this aggressive play will continue for the rest of the season. The school down the street, Wilfrid Laurier, is hosting a round-robin basketball tournament starting tomorrow and the Athenas will be competing. They will be playing three games, with their first one going at noon.

better team effort than displayed in their earlier loss to the Warriors, the ‘Mustangs played evenly with Waterloo through the first three quarters. The Warriors came out aggressively in the fourth quarter, pressing Western in all areas of the pool. The inexperienced ‘Mustang defense broke down under this assault, allowing Waterloo to score four unanswered goals and secure a 10-6 win. In their second game in as many hours, the Warriors met a fresh York team playing their first game of the day. The Warriors grabbed a quick 1-O advantage, but this would prove to be their only lead of the game. Although they played well defensively, the Warriors could not capitalize on offense, with several drives ending in shots wide of the net or in interceptions. At the final buzzer, York had an 8-4 win. Waterloo will be seeking to avenge this loss as they play York twice during the next week at the York pool.


Oa L D 3







Only two of the ten numbered



are exactly alike. See how quickly

you can find them!

25 Imprint,


. Campus Ret Hockey by Nick



action the A division. In the B division, Ian’s Plummers edged out Trend Setters for the number one position. The Royals are far behind, but Renison’s Keep Spiking has maintained heavy dominance in the C division.

The performances of all teams in the men’s competitive volleyball league has made the league a success. The Shanks have played excellent games, whichhas led them to an undefeated record in



ter, currently number one in the Western division. The final score was 3-1 for McMaster but the Athenas were in it right until the final whistle. Waterrloo’s goal was scored by the right back Ellen Veysey on a high shot. The Athenas had strong games from right winger Laurie Gehl and left back Karen Waghorn. The Athenas wrap up their season at home Oct. 25 with a game against WLU. Game time is 2 p.m, at Columbia fields.








The University of Waterloo has a new varsity squash champion. Ed Crymble took on newcomer Steve Millard in a best of five championship match October 17 and came out the winner. Appearing a little anxious and making numerous unforced errors, Millard was never really able to formulate a serious attack. In contrast, Crymble, displaying better racquet skills and using good length, change of gate and more judicious use of cross-court shots, secured a 2-0 lead within 20 minutes. In the third game, Millard managed to get a little better grip, but utterances like “Jesus Murphy” indicated help was needed. His request for aid went unanswered and the final score was 3-0 for Crymble.






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(Beechwood Cen’tre) 450 ERB STREET WEST


Squash tourney sees UW gain new champ





on the B2 division are the Outsiders. They also remain undefeated in league play with a three wins. In the B3 division, it is a much different story. The Knights of Chemalot are in first place with a 2-0 record. Not far behind are the teams Ben and Here, for the Beer. It should be an interesting battle for first place as only a few points separate the three teams. The Iceomers have taken a strong lead in the B4 division standings, posting a 3-0 win-loss record. Magic Rats are in the basement of the league with a 0-4 record.

Ending the season on a disappointing note, the Athena Field Hockey team played some of their poorest hockey against McMaster. In their final game October 17, the Athenas dropped a 2-O decision to Mac.““This was a must win situation for us, but we couldn’t seem to get into the groove,” said coach Judy McCrae. The lose bumped the Athenas from the fourth playoff spot in the difficult West Division. “We didn’t achieve our goal it’s pretty simple. Our lack of experience showed up and we couldn’t score points all season.” Looking ahead to the indoor hockey season, the Athenas will take a break until January and then get started. Interested people should contact Judy McCrae at the PAC.

p$bmy!ll October

24, 1986

Field Hockey season ends in poor fashion

Athenas go down fighting in loss to Western Mustangs The Athenas soccer team travelled to London October 15 to play the Western Mustangs. The Athenas put up a hard fought battle under terrible field conditions but lost 6-l. The score however was not indicative of the play as the Athenas failed to capitalize. Waterloo’s goal was scored by Pam King on a-pass through the centre by Wendy Smith. The Athenas restored their pride on Oct. 18, playing McMas-



record. Dominating play in the Bl division are West Quad’s Pigdogs, posting a 3-0 record. Their games have proven to be some of the most action-packed in the / league. Outskating all the competition

The men’s competitive ice hockey league is off with skating teams’ already dominating league play. In the A league, the Engineers are on top wl’th a 2-1 w”ln-loss












24, 1986

B-ball team falls just s.hort

of a Ryerson




by Joe


lost weekend

by Tim Walker Imprint staff The soccer team suffered through another “lost weekend”, losing to Mac and tying Ryerson. On October 18 they lost’ l-0, their sixth loss by one goal, to McMaster. Waterloo played well throughout the first half and had the best scoring chances but alas no shots on net. In the second half both teams opened up. Mac’s attack was more powerful and they peppered the goalkeeper with shots. Finally they scored from a corner kick. After the Marauders goal the lads picked up their game and Mike Houston was unlucky to have a bullet drive deflect off of a Mac defender. Steve New was

also robbed of a goal when the poor turf conditions caused a ball to roll away from him in front of an empty net. On Sunday, in a game soon to be known as the Ryerson debacle, the Warriors tied the Rams O-O. The Rams are in last place. The Warriors beat the Rams 3-O at Ryerson on artificial turf which the Warriors are unaccustomed to. However, on this day the Warriors were unable to score even though they had a multitude of good chances. Ryerson playing above themselves even managed a couple of good scoring chances one of which hit the crossbar. The Warriors pressured until the last minute when a shot hit the Ram crossbar at the whistle.

by Mike McGraw Imprint staff A valiant comeback attempt by the Waterloo Warriors basketball team fell just short Tuesday night. Down 80-62 to the K-W Titans with just over seven minutes left to play, the Warriors ran off 19 straight points in an impressive offensive display. However, Mike Visser’s jump shot with eight seconds to play gave the Titans a hard-fought 90-89 victory. Both teams were plagued by sloppy play and inaccurate shooting in the game’s early stages. The Warriors took an early 9-4 lead, however, the Titans took advantage of the Warriors’ disorganized play to build a 25-20 lead by the lo-minute mark. Paul Boyce was a standout for the Warriors, netting 18 of his game-high 30 points during the first half. Despite his impressive efforts, the Titans, led by their captain, Visser, who scored 16 of his 22 points during the first half, powered to a48-40 halftime lead, capitalizing on some late opportunities in the Warriors’ zone. The second half began much the same way, as the Titans quickly increased their lead to 54-44. The Warriors then-managed to narrow the deficit to 5650 with some impressive perimeter shooting from John Bilawey and Tom Schneider, who was back in the game after some first half foul trouble. Led by the dominating play of Dave Burns, the Titans gradually took control of the game. In one sequence, Burns, who led the Titans with 27 points, scored seven straight points to put the Titans up 65-52. The Titans were also tough in their own end, forc-

ing the Warriors into numerous offensive errors. Burns’ strong play, combined with Waterloo’s inability to find the basket, allowed the Titans to establish a commanding 80-62 lead at the 7:40 mark. It appeared that the Titans would romp to a convincing victory at this point. However, the Warriors suddenly caught fire. Consecutive field goals from the newly-inserted 3-point line by Bilawey and Schneider pulled the Warriors to within 10. This surge seemed to spark the team, as they began to force turnovers in their own zone. Bilawey (who finished with 20 points) hit on two foul shots and two consecutive field goals to pull the Warriors to within a basket. The Warriors pressure on defense and consistency on offense rattled the Titans, who con-

tinued to cough up the ball. Boyce’s rebound off a Nolfi foul shot attempt gave the Warriors a stunning 81-80, come-from-behind lead. The Titans managed to reorganize themselves to regain and hold the lead until a field goal from the ever-dependable Boyce with only 22 seconds to go set the stage for Visser’s winning jumper. The outcome was still in doubt until Bilawey’s last-gasp jumper bounced agonizingly off the rim and over the backboard. Aside from the outstanding play of Boyce and Bilawey, Schneider (13 points), and Froese (12 points) turned in impressive efforts. Rookie John Clark played a strong game, collecting seven points while Nolfi added five as he directed Waterloo’s offense.

McKee calls for fan support Refton Imprint

Blair staff

Warriors are Our hockey under the tutelage of a very successful and mindful individual, Doug Mckee. He possesses extensive coaching experience having guided the 1980 and 1982 versions of the Guelph Platers to the Centenial Cup finals losing to coach Terry Simpson now with the Islanders. Mckee took the job as coach because “of my background in the field of education; I saw a correlation between coaching and university education and saw some value in working with student athletes. Also I saw Waterloo’s hockey program as a challenge. Many had questioned its competitiveness, but with a


good work ethic I believe that this team can be more successful than it has been in the past . . . last year we finished sixth place but with the quality players we have in this school we can create a more supportive atmosphere within the university community; but we need both the power of the pen and a solid performance on the ice to achieve this end.”



When asked about aprediction for the season Mckee responded with: “After a year I understand the league_ aand . my players better. My goal this year is to improve our position over last years sixth place and thus make the playoffs.” This year the play-offs have a best two out of three games format unlike last year’s knock out format, thus increasing Waterloo’s chances for success. ’ Coach Mckee went on to add “I believe if the university students and faculty took the risk to see the team play they would be so impressed as to fall in love with our play returning again to help spur us on to victory.” The first home game of the season is this Sunday against Brock at 2:30. Fan support is both needed and appreciated.

l .m

SAN FRANCE% WODSe746-41’ b

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$3.75 2.50 3.25 3.25











16 slices $1 1 .Q9’

* !We Wnt to be YobrOn-Cam.pusPizzaPlace!: 0oooooooooooooo~oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~oooo

a 0

3 1a :

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PERSON&S Clown Hugs Trained clown will entertain any age at parties, parades, and other special occasions. Willing to do workshops on clowning or related themes. Balloon sculpting, face painting. Phone Buffette the Clown at 8886057 (leave mesage). To those concerned about Crispy’s $15 investment (Best Buds); Why be concerned about an investment with, high (mutual) interest and a pretty good rate of return? Mr. Beelie. Beiinda Carlisle or tall blonde lookalike to wonka. with Attitude Tour 86 members. Phone 746-8097 (SIN-T-OYS). Kappa Gamma Phi: UW’s first sorority is starting now. Organizational meeting Monday, November 3 at 8:00 p.m. CC Rm 135. For more information, call Donna-Lee at 746- 1996.




in joining the Waterloo Apathy League, please don’t write to 23 Austin Dr., Wat. Ont., N2L 3X9. My name is Theodore.


interested in joining The International Radical Socialist Brotherhood of Trade Union Collectivists for Laissez-faire Capitalism, please write O.C.M. VI-N6-305. My name is Bartholomew. ““A buck a beerl” and a party of a lifetime! October 31, 9 pm, MC 5158. What’s Blue and orange and glows in the dark? A Tory pumpkin of-course! Find out more on Oct. 31 at 9 pm in MC 5158 - there’s going to be a hallowe’en bash of a lifetime. Hey Maivis, what’s this about blue and orange and glowing in the dark? Well Bill, it’s something that’s happening Ott 31 at 9 pm in MC 5158. Beilnda - I really don’t care about you, but if you do my eggs, I won’t be upset - fifth attitude. Congratulations to this term’s winner of the conduct most unbecoming of a Don award. The winners is the Don of A certain house in West Quad for being an active member of the GRS.

GRS - Q: Have you ever wondered how much we would have to drink before we would even consider any of vou? A: A+?@! of a lot!

Lady: Listen baby! I only work harder for the best. If you are the best, contact me. Ron Gall 8: Just a week away!! Close your eyes tightly and wish really hard. You are a very special lady and I know that one day all your wishes will come true. J. Churchill

House partiers: have you tried a terminal moraine? Equal parts orange juice, vodka and peach schnapps. Thanks for a good time.

Ron Gail: forget about the lady when I know its a woman

you want. Woman.

New Year’s Eve Party this Saturday. See Robin and Gord for more details,


do it with their musclesllll Kin Pub, Ott 30 (Hallowe’en). Be there. 38 Desperate females. Meet us at the Kin Pub. Thursday, Qct. 30, SCH. Big 191 Happy Birthday Suzie. Here’s to a weekend full of partying -watch out she’s legal! The girls of W2 past 81 present. Delta Omega Chi invites all students to their term open meeting. Come see what we’re all about (Even Sonny may be there) CC 113 Monday October 27 @ 8 pm. We would like to provide you with a comfortable place to share your ideas and concerns on various women’s issues. A small, weekly discussion group for women will be starting end of October. If joining us call Jill at 886-7782 or Marnie at 576-9958. Jane and Debbie’s school of cooking (Madame Benoit recommended): Introducing Premier Schef Schteve, our microwave wizard & Junior Cookie Mark, alias Dave, specializing in panfried trout. Bonus: Our Chefs will also entertain you with their exotic belly dancing skills. interested

in volunteering? Visit the Volunteer Fair Ott 23, 24 and 25 at Fairview Park Mall, Kitchener. 52 K-W and area service agencies will be featured, with displays and information on how you can volunteer. Hosted by the K-W volunteer service. Philosopher


are you? I’m in Toronto

. . . where in a mental

27 Imprint,


ghetto. Please, please, please call me at 661-7915. Love Lady Tim. , If you are distressed by a possible pregnancy, Birthright offers free pregnancy testing and practical help. Phone 579-3990. ’

FOUND Bayla’s

Towel: Picked up in trendy Vancouver apartment with scenic parkinn lot view. Still slightly damp, call Peigy to identify. a FOR SALE

Jeff 884-283


Party Animals who think they can out party any Kin students! Prove it at the Kin pub Oct. 31 SCH.

1978 Toyota

landcruiser 4 x 4. 2 sets of tires and rims (incl. new snows), very strong and reliable vehicle. Many new parts. Well maintained mechanically. Needs some’body holes patched for safety. $3,50Ocertified, $2,6OOfor quick saie as is. 578-8834 after 5.


Plus - 1 megabyte RAM, with 1 yr AppleCare - #2799. All Apple Hardware & software. Phone Karen at 884-9037.

Ronald McDonald McDonald watch, Gord at 888-6083.



aerobic tude.


Two Al! season

radials (195-75- 14) 30,000 km. $25 for oair. Brand new, 578-l 358. I ’ Stereo includes 2 speakers, amp, tuner, tape deck. $300 or best offer. Call Janice 885-3796 after 6. Bayia’s Towel: direct from Vancouver. Plush bath towel, super big!. Sorry, quantities limited. onlv qreen availadie. Contact Peggy for’more details. 1979 Chev Malibu, $2,000 certified. 886-3309. Please consider buying this car. The owner is a poor starving student with a strong desire for cash.



For rent:

5 bedroom partially furnished house, 486A Glenelm Cr., 20 min walk to UW. Located near public Library and Shopping Plaza. Available to sublet from Jan to Apr/87. Only $875/mo (entire house) or $180/mo per room. Call 746-230’1.


Pool Four bedroom town-

house to sublet May-Aug 1987,. $686/mo or #17l/bedroom, all utilities included. Quiet neighbourhood, 15 minute bus ride to campus. 7429989. One bedroom in 2 bedroom furnished apartment, May-Aug 1987. Kosher kitchen, non-smokers only. Call 7462703 (evenings)

Two rooms

in large Victorian house. Jan. - Apr. 1987. Washer, dryer, dishwasher. Renovated kitchen and bathroom. Off King near Labatts. Females preferred. $ Call Eric 576-9289. Summer ‘87 Five bedroom house Albert near Columbia. s85Oplus utilities. Washer and dryer included. Phone Charlene or Kelley 885-0822.

HOUSING Apartment


on King St for January.

Please leave message 578- 2744. Two fourth year female students lookina for apartment for Jan-Apr/87 term. Call’Sue or Ellie 886-3196. Two females to share bedroom in a 2 bedroom furnished apt, Jan - April ‘87. Non-smoking, preferably upper year students. Laundry in basement. 5 min walk to UW, $175 each. Call Annette at 886-8182. For Bayla’s lonely green bath towel. Well-trained, friendly, doesn’t each ‘much, good conversationalist. Small fee needed to cover Vancouver return airfare.

Three females require townhouse/apartment for Jan/April term within 20 minute walk to UW. Cost about $2OO/mo per person. Call at 8887108.

SERVICES Suzie’s Massage available Friday night to exclusive clientele (only Fred) on your waterbed. You bring the toys - I’ll bring myself. WI!! do light moving and also haul away rubbish. Reasonable rates. Call

I want your Ronald any colour. Call - to teach private Inquire at the atti-


FOUND Wristwatch

about two weeks Park. Call 884-3069.


ago in

Gain valuable marketing experience while earning money. Campus representatives needed immediately for Spring Break trip to Florida. Call Campus Marketing at l-800-423-5264. _

Vest & Gloves

- cream/burgandy vest, brown leat,her gloves. Lost-(read stolen) at Fed Hall, Sat. Oct. 18. Please return to Security (Lost & Found) or call Sven 886-7556.

Reward $20.00 for the return of black wallet containing critical I.D. on Fri. Oct. 10 between Fed Hall and St. Paul’s College. Call Geoff 884-2723.



- $1.00 per page (D.S.) Experienced typist with teaching degree, lives close to UW/MSA. Ask for Karen. 746-0631. , Experienced typist will do last minute work, corrections, fast & dependable service. s.90 per double spaced page. Phone Sandi, 746- 1501. Resumes Word Processed. $4 per page, .30 for original copies. Near Seagram Stadium.Draft copy always provided. Phone 885- 1353.

Word Processed


IBM PC compatible.

All your hardware &software requirements. Phone Karen at 884-9037:


Field opportunity.

Chem 123 Tutor before next mid-term (Nov. 7) Good rates, Please call 8861759 anytime.

1980 Lada Ideal student

car. Needs some work. Best offer! Call after 500 pm. 886-7397. 1981 Honda Civic, 2 dr. hatchback. 66,000 kms. Well maintained second car. New rad & exhaust. Asking 2,650 certified. 578-8834 after 5:00 pm.






Friends Tell her I have her bath towel direct from Vancouver, etc. Next week - Expo Souvenir prices in

typing, assignments, essays, reports, theses, letters, resumes. Featuring automatic spell check. Dependable work, prompt service, reasonable rates. 748-0777. Fast, Professional typing by university graduate. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. grammar, Spelling correction available. s 1.OO/double spaced page. Suzanne, 886-3857. Essays, theses, work reports, business letters, resumes, etc. Will correct spelling, grammar & punctuation. Electronic typewriter. Reasonable rates. Phone Lee, 886-5444 afternoon or evening.






Essays, work etc. Fast, accu-


24, 1986

rate, dependable service. $1 per double spaced page, call 886-4347 (Sonia). Freelance Editing: articles, essays, literature, copy & stylistic editing; evaluation, fast-checking, research, rewriting. Thorough, prompt, reasonable. 4 Collier St., #201. 960-9042 Toronto. Pro Typing and word processing. Resumes, Reports, Theses, Letters. Low rates, fast service.Close to U of W. Open all hours. 634-8691,742-2259.


typing and/or word processing. Resumes stored indefinitely. Punctuation and spelling checked. Fast, accurate service. Delivery arranged. Diane, 576- 1284.

Same Day Word Processing

(24 hour turnaround if you book ahead). Draft copy always provided. Near Seagram Stadium. $1.15 per double spaced pane. Phone 885- 1353.

Dial-A-Secretary. . .Typing, word processing, photocopying. Essays, work reports, theses, resumes. 24 hour turnaround within reason. Pick up and delivery. Special rates for students. Call 746-6910. 25 years experience. 75c per double spaced page. Westmount-William area. Call 743-3342. typing - 30 years experience. 75C per double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount - Erb area. Call Doris 88671 53.

typing done overnight. IBM Selectric. 20 years experience. Parkdale/Lakeshore area. Call Anne - 885-4679.




MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 900 a.m. FED FLiCKSlHannah and her Sisters starring Woody Allen, Michael Caine, Mia Farrow, et al. 800 pm., AL 116. Feds $1 CO, others $3.00. SUPERMUG!. This week, 8:30 - 11:30 pm. in the Campus Centre Great Hall. Featuring two live bands: Light Brigade and Straight Street. Sponsored bv Waterloo Christian Fellowshio. UNITED NATIONS DAY will be commemorated, by public addresses on the meaning of citizenship and unity in diversity. 8:D0 pm. Physics 145. Sponsored bv the Baha’i Club. Saturday



FED FLiCKSiHannah and her Sisters starring Woody Allen, Michael Caine, Mia Farrow, et. al. 8:00 pm. AL 116. Feds $1 .OO. others $3.00. THEATRESPORTS. Come on out to Theatresports. Live, improvised comedy based on your suggestions. Door and participation prizes to be awarded. 800 pm. HH 280. Feds $2.50, others $3.00. Sunday CHAPEL Renison



26 10:00


on campus. lo:30 a.m., HH 280. All Welcome. FED FLICKS! See Friday. CHAPEL AT Conrad Grebel College. Informal service with discussion. Worship service at 4:30 pm, Wednesday includes sermon and choir. -


1l:OO am Moose Room, Men’s Residence, Renison college. LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International. Christian meeting 6:3C pm 163 University Ave. W, ##321. (MSA) All Welcome.



learn to create improvisational comedy out of thin air! Everyone welcome. i :00 pm. CC 113. .-

Monday THE JEWISH presents







PRAYER Renison College

Chapel, 900

a.m. TIME MUSIC - today’s performance features classical music from the chamber ensembles of Conrad Grebel College. 12:30 pm., Fed Hall. Sponsored by Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students.



Fellowship Sunday service, All Welcome. HH 334, 700 pm. GROUP CYCLING, 25 - 35 kmh pace for about 2 - 3 hours. All welcome to come. Ride cancelled if raining. For info call Kevin at 745-7932.1000 am, #we










ST. PAUL’S College-Sunday . service.



are playing the video “Religion versus America!” a lecture by Dr. Leonard Peikoff. 7:30 pm. in EL 205. No admission charge. All welcome. VISITING ARTIST. Kathryn Brush, art historian presents “Methods of Interpreting 13th Century German Sculpture: Biography Versus Historical Context in the Art of the Naumburg Master”. lo:30 am. Theatre of the Arts. DELTA OMEGA CHI open general meeting. All welcome. 800 pm., CC 113.




in CC 135 from 11:30 to 1:30pm. Join us! Everyone Welcome. MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 900 a.m. DEADLINE FOR Imprint Classified ads is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m.! FREE SQUID. 3rd annual great squid giveaway. UW House of Debates. St. Jerome’s Rm. 229, 500 pm.


Students Association famous Bagel Brunch

PRAYER Renison College

Chapel, 9:00 a.m.



4:30 p.m. Con-

rad Grebel College Chapel. sermon and choir. 12:30 p.m., College Chapel.




ship International Everyone welcome. 135.


Youth 7:30

Includes Renison Fellowmeeting. p.m., CC

GRATiS:The Shining and The F/y. in the Campus Center Great Hall. Come out and enjoy! HURON CAMPUS Ministry Fellowship, 4:30 p.m., Common meal, St. Paul’s Cafeteria. 5:30 p.m., programme, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. GLLOW COFFEEHOUSE - an informal gathering held weekly for interested people. A safe and friendly atmosphere in which to meet others, gay or straight. Call 884-4569 for more info. (24 hr. recorded message). EXPLORING THE Christian Faith. Informal discussions on Christianity with Chaplain Graham E. Morbey, 7:30 pm, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. I ’ FREE NOON CONCERT featuring UW Instrumental Chamber Ensem-

bles directed by Victor Sawa. 12:30 pm., Conrad Grebel College Chapel.

DISCUSSION: Should universities support political movements or particular political causes?3:30pm. at Independent Studies (P.A.S.). Everyone welcome. READING.

W.P. Kinsella, author of “Shoeless Joe” and “The Iowa Baseball Confederacy” reads at 3:30pm. in Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome’s.


AND ROLL seminar. media presentation sponsored ranatha Christian Fellowship. 7:00 pm., MC 2065.



tion, general 135.




Associa5:30 pm., CC.



PRAYER Renison College

Chapel, 900


Multiby Ma4:00 &



MEETING in El 2527 from 4:30 pm - 6:45 pm. Our own Jim “Bud” Girling will lead the way in “Working Through Moral Confusion”. All confused folk are welcome. LOOK TOBACCO BRAINS, either become real human beings or get the hell off the planet. UW House of Debates, St. Jerome’s, Rm. 229, 600 pm. THE VEGETARIAN CLUBof U of W is holding a general meeting in CC 135 from 4:30 - 6:30 pm. BOB STEVENSON of the Aboriginal Trappers Federation of Canada, speaks of current trapping restrictions and their effects on native way of life. Bring your lunch1 Sponsored by Education Commission and WPIRG. CAREERS IN MATH. Not in CS and don’t know what you can do with BMath. Find out in MC 3008 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. A SVA service students helping students. PSYCHOLOGY SOCIETY presents a Devil’s Night Pub in the Bombshelter tonight at 800 pm. There’s no rover, so come out (dressed in red). Win prizes1 Wear a Psychsoc shirt & save a .dollar. TREE WORKSHOP.“Seeing the Forest for the Trees”: A workshop on Ontario’s proposed class environmental assessment on forest management. 10:00 am., and 2:00 pm., Needles Hall 3001.


JEWISH Students Association presents their famous Bagel Brunch in CC 135 from 11:30 to 1:30pm. Join us! Everyone Welcome. “GOODBYE WAR” Science for Peace and Peace and Conflict Studies present th,e Gwynne Dyer series on war at 12:30 pm., AL 124. All welcome.





’ Prizes for Best Costume


($1 .OO Discount for Dressing-Up) Thursday, October 30, 1986



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