National PSE forum called fruit----5

Page 1

National PSE forum called fruit----5 The forum has been criticized for not being specific enough. Right now, the federal government foots 89 per cent of the national post-secondary education bill through educational transfer payments. The funding system is called Established Programs Financing (EPF). Some form or another of the EPF has been in place since 1977. The notion that education is a provincial responsibility i s flawed since 89 per cent (or between $4 and $5 billion dollars) of annual PSE funding comes directly from the federal government. The reality is that the federal government gets no political credit, he said. Unfortunately for the university and college community, the

by Mike Brown Imprint staff


The federal/provincial funding arrangement for post-secondary education is an insane scheme says Federation of Students President Ted Carlton. Carlton's remarks came following his return from Saskatoon where he was a student representative at the National Forum on Post-Secondary Education. The co-sponsored federal and provincial conference set an agenda to address the challenges and opportunities facing postsecondary education (PSE); the issue of PSE accessibilitv: and the management and financial side of PSE.

Ontaris government has annually reduced its contribution to education in the province because the federal government has at the same time been picking up the economic slack for Queen's Park, said Carlton. Federal transfer payments to the provinces are based on economic indexes. This system allows for the neutralizing of inflation and other negative economic effects; yet, it has backfired. In Ontario, reducing the provincial contribution to universities and colleges is done to fund other political objectives of a higher priority. Any federal input on how the provinces ought- to fund higher education is seen as a constitutional intrusion. Doug Wright. Continued on page 3

Fed President Ted Carlton

Curtain closes on pro!fessionaItheatre by Brian Holmes The curtain will be drawn on live professional theatre at the University of Waterloo next year following a n announcement from the UW Arts Centre that it will no longer comnlission outside performances on campus. Officials say student access to the theatres in Hagey Hall and Modern Languages is being hindered by an excess of professional shows.

Since it was launched 22 years ago the professional entertainment program has earned UW a reputation a s a respected stop on the touring circuit of Canadim talent. The program has evolved to the point that attendance w a s in excess of 30,000last year. The decision to cut the program "makes sense to me." said drama depa~tmenthead William student. includChadwick, ing drama department, dema?d for the space has ir


When asked if he thought that drama students would be affected by the lack of professional theatre on campus, Chadwick pointed out that "students weren't going in great numbers." Chadwick also expressed concerns that the UW was subsidizing the theatre for something that he says w a s really not auniversity function. Similarly, Robert Montieth, Acting Manager of the UW Arts Centre, was quotzd in an area paper as saying, . . in recent years. students found it increasingly difficult to get access to the facilities." But there's also a


sense that the decision was in part financial. Although Dean of Students Ernie Lucy has denied that financial considerations were the main reason for the change, he said, "there is the feeling that the money can be used for other, more demanding purposes." Lucy also noted publicly that the move could mean cost savings of about $150,000annually. House Manager Peter Houston agrees: "I have a feeling it is more economical." There are several groups that officials expect may benefit from the October 28 decision. These include the Federation of Stu-

dents' Creative Arts Board, FASS, and the Drama Department. However, according to Houston, CAB has not used the theatres a great deal. For this season, the board has only one major production planned. Hayfever. which is scheduled for early December. CAB has traditionally operated out of other venues, including Fed Hall and the Bombshelter. FASS, meanwhile, performs one show per year, early in the winter term.

Continued on page 2

Feds to fight W'loo petition -

by John Mason Imprint staff A petition to limit the number of rooming houses in Waterloo's central residential district, presented to city council last week, met with strong opposition from UW's Federation of Students. Lisa Skinner, vice-president (university affairs), said this week the student government


I Up, up and it ain't goin' no where

photo by Andrew Rehage


will fight the proposal. The petition calls for an end to the conv e r s i o n of s i n g l e - f a m i l y residences to rooming houses. The request covers a n 11block area between Wilfrid Laurier University and the d o w n t o w n , d e m a r c a t e d by Bridgeport Road, King 'Street, MacGregor school and Waterloo Park. Area residents feel a measure

Fate of CFS? by Mike O'Driscoll Imprint staff

UW students will go to the polls on November 9 and 10to decide the fate of Waterloo's membership in the Canadian Federation of Students. The referendum will, in effect, hand over the final ruling in a seven-year old dispute between the CFS and UW's Federation executive to the students themselves. The referendum arises from a n out-of-court settlement between the CFS and Feds following a suit and counter-suit over membership fees. The problem originated when the National Union of Students was restructured as the CFS in 1981.Waterloo did not move to make the organizational switch, because of executive in-fighting, until 1984.At that point. former president Tom Allison made a motion that NUS fees be held back. NUS, by then managed by the CFS, sued, the Feds counter-sued, and it wasn't until June of 1988 that the dispute was resolved. The agreement reached specifies that the NUS and the Feds are "equally to blame for the unfortunate situation." It also calls for the Feds to join the CFS as prospective members and to have a full membership referendum before March 31, 1988. NUSICFS will cover $1,500of the expenses incurred in running the referendum. All UW students are eligible to vote. each faculty 3---- to -- has ap*.pd monitor a polling station Yn its respective area. For the inside story on why UW students should, or shouldn't, vote to maintain Waterloo's membership in the CFS, turn to page 5.


of stability is necessary in the neighbourhood and the conversions to rooming houses must stop. "We are not against students". said Bruce Hunsberger, a residents spokesman, "in fact the majority are a credit to the neighbourhood, but the saturation point has been reached. We are asking the City of Waterloo to make a decision as to the future of this neighbourhood." Skinner, however, said, "a rezoning of the area is discriminatory to students. Such a move would involve zoning by the number of people instead of by the property." Residents should utilize existing noise,parking,and appearance bylaws to maintain the standard of their community, she said. With 5,000 UW students currently renting housing off campus and a 10 per cent increase in student population expected next year, student representatives are concerned that the housing problems will only grow. City council referred the proposal to its technical co-ordinating committee for recommendations. A reply is due within four weeks. Alderman Andrew Telegdi said the city is aware of student needs and will continue to pursue housing options for students. A meeting between student representatives from UW and WLU, aldermen, and residents is scheduled for November 10.

- -







fees scaring

off st-udents ’



Desfperation. Dear “Desperate”: NO, I am not a Vietnam vet. I have a good friend who lost both legs in a stupid little firefight in the Mekong Delta. When 1 met this guy [he was living in the farm he’d built on land he’d homesteaded after the war -in Oregon), 1 marched right up and said, “I’m a drafttdodger, who went to Canada, then 19 years later came back to stand trial and got three years.” And he said, “I respect that.” And right away we had this in common: he went to Vietnam, I didn’t, but both of us spent some of the best years of our lives dealing with that horrid “police action.” So, whether or not I qualify to answer you, here goes. We all know we’re just fungus on a dying star, and that everything is transient, nothing lasts, Nothing is intrinsically worthwhile, except the one thing, and the one thing is whatever we decide to do, be, identify ourselves with. Not everyone has This choice, which we might call a vocational dilemma, but YOUdo, by virtue of living in a more or less free, and certainly affluent, society. If, for example, you lived in the Soviet Union, in the thirties, chances are the one thing would have been decided.for you. The odds -are one in 19 that you would have been ina forced labour camp, and.thit would have been the objective reality against which you must struggle. Or, if you were a Soviet male during the forties’the o&is are one you would have served in the army, where you would have.a four to one chance of surviving. And so on, for different places at different periods in history. The nearly unique thing about the West, especially Canada, at this time, is the freedom of cho-

ice we have an almost unprecedented, sometimes frustrating, smorgasbord of selection - in how to spend our time and what to do with ourselves’. This baffling variety of Lpossibilities is especia]]y evident in university, where one may choose whatever course of study one decides on. In other words, you select your own strait-jacket. Or so it &ems, once the initial choice is made. First, there is all choice, then there is none. One is bewildered by the possibilities, then traumatized by the pressures. Sometimes, between bewilderment and traumatization, one feels desperate. It should come as no surprise that, within this . situation - we’re talking now of being in the middle of the muddle of one’s university “career” many students try to abdicate responsibility. They blame the administration, they blame their *professors, they blame their parents+ their roommates, the society in whose stranglehold they feel themselves to be. When, really, as Pogo says, “We have seen the enemy, and he is us,” It’s all that freedom, that’s where it began, and it ends - for you, for me, for mankind, which since the end of World War TWO has hadthe choice of whether or not to bl&w itself sky-high. If nothing is intrinsically worthwhile, nothing matters. It’s up to you to choose what you will invest meaning in,’ and whatever you choose becomei the one thing for y&. For Soge it+s’a vodation, for others a place, for yzt others, who are sick of what they are doing or bored by it all, it’s’ a hobby, or a sport. It can be anything! But it can’t be nothing. If there is a rule, that’s it, It’s all or nothing, and it’s up to you, Good luck! . (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is United Church’ Choplain t0 UW and WLU. His office is at St. Paul’s College.) .d

Th,e&tre axed-. ’ I






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sperids an average of $5,000 a The federal and provincial governments and universities year, not including tuition, then this student drop represents a should make education .more loss of more than $2 million in available to foreigners, as it is also a good diplomatic policy, locally-spent revenues, said ISB Chairman Eric Choi. - said Choi. The drop in enrollment is atDr. Reuben Green, a Univertributed in large part to differensity of Windsor economics protial fees charged to international fMessor, found in a recently published three-year study that students. While ,a Canadiai uninternational students support dergrad pays ati average of the economy, and that Canada $1,503 a year in tuition fees, .an international student pays has lost more than $70 million a $5093. This ratio [more than 3.5year for the past five years be1) is “staggering”, said Choi. cause of the decrease in international students. A report by the Canadian BuGreen will be speaking on reau for International Educa“The Economics of International tion, released last weekend, found that international student Students” on November 10 from enrollment in post-secondary in7:30 to 9 p.m. in Needles Hall stitutions had dropped by 40 per 3001, Students often don’t undercent in Ontario between 1983 stand that differential fees go and 1986, and 20 per cent in all of into a provincial government Canada. pool, Choi said, and the universiJames Fox, policy director for ties don’t necessarily get all the the CBIE, told the Globe and tuition money back. Dr. Lynn Mail on October 31, “if this trend continues - and it’s a trend es- ‘Watt of Engineering at Waterloo tablished now over a five-year will explain the system in “The period - then indeed we are seeWhat and How of Differential ing the extinction of the foreign Fees”, on November 11 in NH student in Cahada.” 3001 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Currently Waterloo intcrnaFor taxation purposes, intertional grad students represent national students are considered residents and should be filing more than 50 countries, while tax forms while in the country. undergrads represent 29. Choi During the summer, the Ontario ‘said the countries that are ungovernment decided that interder-represented tend to be third national students are eligible for world scountries, those most in Ontario sales and property tax need of t ethnically trained peocredits. These and other taxation ple to help rebuild their econoquestions will be covered at the, mies. seminar “International StuAs for the contribution of indents: The Tax Law and You”, ternational students, Choi said they expose Canadian stud’ents November 12 from ~30 to 9 p.m. to different cultures and ideas, in NH 3001, and add to the economy both There will also be an informawhile in Canada and, if going tion booth set up from 10a.m. to back to their home country, later 3 p.m. November9 and 10 in the in doing business with Canada. Campus Centre’s Great Hall.

Let’s Talk About m . By Tom York


1. .,. Prccv-...

St-i.11 decreasing

grams, the International set up in the Campus Centre NoStudents’ Board of the Federavember 9 and 10. * tion of Students has designated At UW, international student November 9 to 13 as Interna- % enrollment has declined from tional Students Week. There will 698 students in 1982,’ to 264 in be several evening talks given October, 1986, and 231 in Ocand an information booth will be tober, 1987. If each student

Due to the decline of international students. enrolled at the University of Waterloo, espe, cially in undergraduate. pro-


” I *’

Int’l studentenrollment by Flew Macqueen Imprint staff

t “,-



NW, yov.

10, 1X30 am. EL 3516 10, 1~30 .am. EL 1,~

from page I

In regards to educational access, Chadwick said, “the decision to cancel the program will not make much difference to the drama department since it has already been operating almost completely out of the Theatre of the Arts.,’ Houston, however, suggests that “some ,other groups, with encouragement, might find ways to use it.” In addition, the theatres are still available for rental by -outside agents, and the rental policy has not yet been changed. Suggestions have been made that the theatres be d’used as classroom lecturi halls. However, Chadwick says this would only be possible “provided tve were vefy cautious about it.” He noted that afternoon and evening classes would. conflict with production schedules, and that the theatres are “very valtiable, very expensive assets” whose use as an open-doored lecture hall “is out of the question.” Houston said the decision will also affect the 40 to 50 part-time student ushers and technical personnel. “We’ll have to have some (part-time staff),” he said, but the need will be reduced and the hours of work will be considersbly fewer. Officials have also indicated that the eight full-time employees of the Art8 CenRre will be absorbed by the university in other capacities. However, it is ; expected that some of them may ; look els!where for employment.

First and last PSE forurri

Parents disaruntled

Daycare showdown by Mike O’Driscoll imprint 8taif Waterloo Region’s health and social services committee has scheduled a geberal meeting to make way for local parents to address problems involved -with the administration of daycare in the arei. The_.’meeting is of spe-

bcial significance ‘to graduate and married students with children who are hoping to britig about changes in the way daycare subsidies are distributed in the region. Representatives took their



loss for the time being.


If things

do not change, the house will probably be given up in the spring, said Orser. He said he will not let the students currently in the house be hurt by his financial difficulties. Orser said other bylaws dealing with noise, proper@ stand-

by Andrew


ftim page 1 _. _. president of UW, was at the Saskatoon forum. Wright told Imprint it is clear the provinces are protective of their powers over education. Other than financial concerns, the Saskatoon forum was the first time in 20 years the federal government indicated an interest in higher education. The issue of Ottawapaying*an 89 per cent share in the costs of education while being Tendered constitutionally impotent in its influence was not part of the agenda. “The most I could see in my workshop was a need for a federal/provincial group to administer,” Carl ton said. Refering to the peculiar federal/proviticial funding of colleges and universities, Wright commented, “there were easier things for the crowd to occupy themselves with.” Ottawa receives no political benefit and excercises no influence. They have two choices: make a bid for more influence or reduce their financial burden. The federal government is opting for the latter choice, Wright said. Because of the number of forum participants, (mare than 400), consensus was predisposed to failure. What did come out of the meeting was the.genera1 agreement that Canada is lagging behind many countries in the area of higher education. The current trend of heavy emphasis on applied research as op-

posed to basic, fundamental research was ‘debated. The definition of a broad education was discussed as was the faculty’8 responsibility to the undergraduate, something that research can interfere with. Carlton admitted, “1 heard points of view I had never considered before.” Wright stated, “in my view there was not sufficient focus on

maintaining adequate undergraduate education and research.. I expected to be disappointed.” It is very improbable that such a group (more than 400 presidents of industry, teacher federation presidents, faculty, university administration, government officials, and students) would meet again, he said.

bylaw may survive \

Housing by Ralph Zuljan Imprint staff A Waterloo landlord says his efforts to fight city hall may have been wasted because he cannot affdrd the additional legal costs involved in the next appeal. UW’s Federation of Students has agreed to contribute $1,000 toward the appeal, expected to cost about $7,500, Ken Orser’s fight against an exclusionary bylaw one which limits the number of unrelated people allowed in a singlefamily residence to five - was financed by the Federation for the original court ‘case, which was won, and the subsequent appeal by the city, which was lost. According to Federation President Ted Carlton, a “strong intereat in housing” on the part of students last year prompted the original financing of the Orser’s fi ht. , R aving lqst when the city appealed, ‘the Orser’s requested an appeal of their own for which they spent $2,500. They were granted an appeal, so the Federation now has agreed to contribute again. So far, the Orser’s have not been able to raise the money. At the same time, Orser said he is losing about $1,000 in rent per month because the city will only allow three students to live in the house. Orser charges $250 per month for a single room, for each of the students living there now. The Orsers own their own business as well, and the income from it has been covering the

page 5


ards, and parking preclude the need for the bylaw he is challenging. If people ‘have complaints about his house, he said, they should ask the city to enforce these bylaws. He said his house meets ‘these regulations., and applying the single-family residence bylaw is “petty”. Kaye Crawford, of the city’s department, said the zoning Orser case is the only application of the single-family residence bylaw that she is aware of in the time she has worked for the City of WaterlooFurther applications of the bylaw, she said, must wait until the pending appeal is over. No particular cases were noted. According to Carlton, the number of people affected by the bylaw is minimal because only six to 10 houses have that many students living together. Waterloo Mayor Marjorie Carroll argued that the intent of the bylaw is to define a,single-family dwelling and that doing so protects the right of people to choose the kind of neighborhood they want to live in, There are bylaws which limit the location of apartments, and boarding houses. The objective is to prevent the misuse of a residential area. Carroll also pointed out that the Orser’s “neighbour’s com1

However the current appeal turns out, the area in which the Orser’s house is located will probably be considered for rezoning, said Carroll. A study to do so has been “held off’until the court case has been resolved, she said.

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Although the Federation has an interest in the case, Carlton said the Feds are also aiming for a “long-term” change+ such as rezoning.

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Crawford’ noted that the licensing of lodging houses (houses with four or more unrelated individuals ‘living together] is one step. As a result students living in such situa: tions will be better off because property standards and fire standards defiried bi the city must be met. So far, about 300 applications for boarding house status have been received, said Crawford:




plained” and that is why the Orser’s were charged with violating the bylaw. Another point the mayor brought out was that the bylaws also impose certain rules to “make sure students are in safe accommodation”. Orser, how’ever, said his house is both “legally and practically” considered safe.



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-CivEng plans ‘concrete. toboggan by Don Kudo Imprint staff

race is slated for February 26 and 27, 1988, in Vancouver. The competition began as a spinoff of an eastern Cariadian event, the Great Concrete Canoe Race, and has been primarily contested by schools west of Manitoba. Teams from the University of Waterloo have excelled at this design competition which includes points awarded for best engineering design, best braking system, fastest timed runs, and points for,those who exhibit the top team spirit and uniforms. The 1985 UW contingent slid away with the overan perfor

A tradition of sorts at the University of Waterloo is once again taking place. It is a yearly event that sees teams from this school pitted against predominately western Canadian universities and colleges. Now into the fifth year of particimtion, a group of graduating civil engineers have set their sights on competing in the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race. The 14th annual running of the e



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mance title, marking the first time a school from eastern Canada grabbed the highest honour at the competition. The reputation for Waterloo teams as traditionally being the most spirited school at the event was displayed by the 1986 team who, without their “toboggans” arriving on time,- walked away with top marks in three categories (most spirit, best uniforms, and most promising) at the race held in Calgary. Other UW teams have always ranked high in the gpirit class at past events. This year’s campaign promises to be the most adventurous for Waterloo as a group of 33 students plan on taking part. The design and work on the “concrete toboggans” was initiated earlier this term since each year teams must design new sleds that consist of concrete running surface, braking system, and room for five riders. The 113.64 kilogram (zsolbs.) crafts have been known to reach 50 kilometres an hour during their runs down snow and ice covered slopes. Thus a suitable design scheme that integrates practicality with polished appearance must be fabricated. Since financing of the campaign is dependent on the teams’ abilities to raise money-through corporate ‘sponsorq and fundraising events, organization and planning for the 1988 rack began Jate last qpring. Recently,’ the teams have been selling” raffle tickets for a microwave at vasious locations on campus. Tickets for the November 12 draw will be sold inlthe Campus Centre, Federation Hall, and by


the Carl Pollock Hall coffee shop. Other fund-raising activities to take place in near future will be a pub and another raffle. The 1988 Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race campaign is a growing tradition at the University of Waterloo. Last year’s teams compiled a “Concrete Tob-


oggan Bible” to pass on to aspiring civil engineering classes to ensure that spirited participation from this schooi will continue in the future. Support from the UW community at large will undoubtedly aid in upholding Waterloo’s high standing at the 1988 competition in Vancouver.


Don Ku& tobaggari.

.and engi&r~ with their * concrete “’ : photo byhdmwPtihqpm :, 1. i * .- , ,_. ‘. .






UW Students





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No: This is the only logical choice for Waterloo students in referendum. As a school we would be spending about $60,000 on CFS and we would represent 15,000 students. However, we will have only one vote at a CFS conference. Schools with 75 students would contribute $300 hut receive a vote equal to that of Waterloo. Until representation by population is established we can not fairly represent Waterloo students. We will join the ranks of the University of Toronto, Queen’s, Western, U. of British Columbia, U. of Calgary, U. of Alberta, and McGill who are not members of CFS. Remember: any possibility of implementing weighted voting would have to b.e voted on by the small schools. Ineffectiveness: As a lobby group CFS has not been effective, At last November’s forum, the governing party only sent one cabinet minister to listen to the CFS lobby, Why were the other ministers not prese,nt? Why did the House of Commons only address one question from the CFS lobby effort?

The existence of a‘national student movement in Canada depends upon the commitment of students working together for change. You will be asked to make that commitment next week and to support the Canadian Federation of Students. During the referendum, you should ask yourself two ques-


tions, One, is there a reason for the CFS? Two, is the CFS effective? The answer to the first question is a resounding “yes”. The federal government provides close to $8 Billion for post-Lsecondary education in Canada; more than 88 per cent of the funds in the Province of Ontario. Waterloo receives $21 million in research grants from Ottawa for professors, grads and undergrads. The,bulk of student loans come from the federal government. Finally the occurrence of the National Forum on Post-Secondary Education in Saskatoon is ti recognition of the national dimensions to the university system. Decisions made in Ottawa have a direct effect on the quality and.accessibility ‘of education at UW. CFS provides a focus for our concerns on education to the decision-makers in Ottawa. Is the CFS effective? Again, a strong yes. Changes to the student loans program, and’ the holding of the National Forum; presentations to Parliamentary committees studying the Meech Lake Accord, tax reform, employment and training, and student aid; meetings with the prime minister, the minister of finance, the minister Eesponsible for youth, the secretary of state and many members of parliament are all evidence of the successful. activity of .the Canadian Federation of Students. CFS is recognized in Ottawa as the voice of university and college students in this country and are informally consulted on a variety of issues by civil servants and politicians. To briefly address some concerns it should be noted that after this month’s general meeting the non-educational policies cited by the “non side will no longer be in place. As well, a proposal for weighted-voting will be introduced. UW students already have a voice in Queen’s Park through OFS, we need a voice in Ottawa through CFS. There is a common cause between students in this country in the fight for a high quality educational system and CFS is the means for advancing our cause. On November 9 and 10, say yes to CFS!



Continued from page 3 concerns to the regional committee two weeks ago to protest what they termed an element of “discrimination” in the allocation of funds. Present policy states that any couple with children are ineligible for daycare support if one of the parents is a graduate student, or if both parents are students. According to Heather Allsop, a graduate student and-mother of one, present daycare costs are simply to high for most students to afford, and the current system makes no allowanties for that. She noted that while many students are barely meeting ends, a two-parent family with three children can earn as much as $54,000 per year before being cut off. Similarly, a single-child family would have to top an annual income of $32,000 before becoming ineligible. “With




very generous, I feel that it’s not a fully fair system,” she said. Allsop added that if the system has to adjust to meet student needs, then the wage ceiling should be lowered. At the last preseritation the regional committee took no action because regional council had earlier decided not to change


Non-educational issues: Any CFS policy exists for five . years unless it is revoked, CFS has a number of non-educa- , tional issues that have been policy for a number of years. None of the current policies have been revoked and the bylaws of CFS allow any policies that expire to be presented at the November meeting this year, If renewed these policies would continue to exist as official policy and would be voted .on for another five.year term in March next year. Why has a six-year-old organization spent five years on these issues? Have you heard of CFS?: We have been prospective members for two -years. As prospective members we have had the rights of full members. Why has no one heard or seen CFS in the past two years? Now that they want big money; they’re on campus. Will we ever see them again? Do we want to waste money?: CFS keeps telling us that they may change. May is a very indefinite word. Do we want to keep putting money into this organization in the hope that they change? What happens if in two years they haven’t? We would have wasted more than $100,000 o’f your money.

. UW debaters take Dalhousie Cup

the policy. Allsop said the reaThe health scommit tee’s open sons given for the “no” decision meeting on daycare ‘concerns included the sentiment that “. . . will be held on November 25 at 7 p.m. It wiI1- take place at Knox they have to draw the line somePresbyterian Church at 50 Erb where*+ and Councillor Ken SeilSt. W, in Waterloo. All .26 ing’s comment that “UW should members of regional council take more responsibility for dayhave been invited to attend the care.” meeting, representatives will be However, Allsop contends on hand to voice the concerns of that students, who are contristudents buting members of the-commun* . _ .in - the area. Anyone ity, should not have to look to the Interested is encduraged to The University Waterloo deI university for support. attend and show their support. bating team of Peter Piliounis and David Bigelow won the annual Dalhousie University debating tournament in Halifax last weekend. The two, members of UW’s House of Debates club, defeated a team from the University of Clttawa to win the event, bringing the Dalhousie Cup back to Waterloo for the first time since 1983. Bigelow and ’ Piliounis went undefeated in the tournament, including a semi-final win over L



by .kc@e





champion. In the final round, held in the Nova Scot ia provincial legislature, Waterloo defeated the “government’s” [Ottawa] resolution both on judges scoring and on a division of the ,House. On individual debating points, Bigelow finished first and Pi-




In the _pub--

lit speaking + portion of the tournament, Piliounis wound up fifth. Another Mouse of Debates team competed the same weekend at the McMaster University Leger Cup. The team of Charles Gordon and Burkhard Burow competed well despite poor judging and tournament organization, finishing with a 3-3 win/loss record. The House of Debates club meets every Monday at 5:30 p.m. at St. Jerome’s, room 229. LJpcoming tournaments are scheduled for the University of Ottawa and McGill University. As well, the Canadian national championships will be held on the UW campus November 1% 15.

forum Display for racism society allows the diseased, the racially negligent, the thriftless, the careless, the feeble minded, the very lowest and worst members of the community, to produce innumerable tens of thousands of stunted, warped, inferior infants. . . to drain the resources of those classes above thein who have a sense of responsibility. The better classes, freed from the cost of institutions, hospitals, prisons, and so on, principally filled by inferior racial stock, would be able to afford to enlarge their own families.+’ Marie Stopes wrote these words in Radiant Motherhood, a book she published in 1920. Marie Stopes is considered to be the founder of British birth control: she also was dedicated to eugenics. Eugenics is the belief that the human race consists of both superior and inferior strains and that through sblective breeding the race can be perfected. Marie Stopes proposed a solution to-the problems addressed in her aforementioned quote: “. . . the sterilization of those totally unfit for parenthood made an immediate possibility. indeed made compulsory.” (Marie Stopes, Radiant Motherhood, London, 1920.) The Arts Library received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and from Kaufman Footware to purchase pamphlets, books, and the like, pertaining to Marie Stopes. The history of the acquisitions can be seen in the Marie Stopes display in the Arts Library basement. The display deals with her interests in botany, birth control, and eugenics. At an institute of higher learning, eugenics does deserve to be addressed and even studied, but not on the level that the library presents it . Eugenicists bre by nature racists, incredibly intolerant, and selfish. They are racists because they believe in the purity of the race; intolerant because-they hate those with physical disabilities; selfish because they refuse to use their money to help the less fortunate (or inferior, in eugenic terms.) Stope’s quote supports these claims. Birth control was the e6genic tool for cre:ting a pure race. By applying the artificial selection of birth control, the Eugenicists hoped to thwart the laws of natural selection. To present the eugenic attitude, then, on a purely indifferent level, is completely unjustified: the memoirs of P.W. Botha would never be presented in such a manner, even though he too advocates a pure race policy. The library’s introduction to the display claims “. . most hail [Stopes]; the pioneer of a movement that alleviated t-he misery of millions of people around the world.” I beg to contest the viability of this belief: not only have the instances of unwanted pregnancy not subsided due to birth control, but Marie Stopes openly advocated racism: again I refer to her quote. How spreading racism and intolerance of fhe physically disabled could be const’rued as alleviating misery, I have no idea. From the perspective of the display, then, perhaps the importance of the wheelchair entrance to the library ~ should be re-evaluated. 1,






John Hymers

Confusion I hate writing editorials on the very same stories which I covered as a an Imprint news hound. Luckily, I don’t have to do this. Like everyone else on campus, the CFS referendum bores me. . (Along came Imprint Editorin-chief Steve Kannon] Me: &eve. CFS?






we join


Okay, reasons why we should .*. well *** on the material side there are a nlimber of services offered by the C-FS: Travel Cuts, Student Saver Cards, SWAP program. On the philosophical note, we can ask ourselves if it is incumbent on student groups to support in their endeavours .. . u-m .. . to better . .. urn .. . ah to

Deirrise of the arts? I’m very upset about the announcement that this is the last sea’son for our 20 year old professional entertainment program at the HumanitiesTheatre and- the Theatre of the Arts, I suspect that the decision’s roots are both monetary and philosophical. I ‘!The best things in life are free”; this may be true in some ways, but it’s definitely not in others. With the administration’s proposed closing of UW’s Art Centre, tie have another example af the finer things in life being the first to go “when the going gets tough”. The dean of students inentions that the theatre should be used for “educational fiurposes”. Qoes this mean


I better the plight . .. That’s. no good that’s negative .. . to better the standing of all students .., ah let’s see, some people have accused the CFS of esoteric being ... urn, somewhat in their choics of .. . urn, of what is it, - policies. Urn .,. What do we have so far here?. Let’s get serious about this; #Oh, yawn. Alright scrap that, we’ll go right from the beginning. . Does adyone give a fuck about the CFS referendum? Apparently not! When it comes right down to it, very few University of Waterloo students know very much about . . . uh, the Canadian Federation of Students, Uh, for inst&sce, UW is currently a prospective member of CFS, due in part to an out of court settlement reached

that the upcoming performance of “Einstein” (t heatre of the Arts, Nov. 20) is seen as a‘subject of no relevance to anyone on campus? How narrow are we going to become in defining what is of “academic” value. The prbblem both the HUM and the T of A face is that they are theaties dedicated to the appreciation and cultivation of the arts . . . on a campus dedicated* to engineering, math, and gcience. By no means are these disciplines mutually exclusive, The exhibition in the Modern’ Languages Gallery of Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions makes clear that scientists can be artists and artists, scientists. Wk are all aware how immensely expensive the new Davis Centre will be; it is a concrete

To the edittir,



between the Federation of Students and NUS, (National Union of Students), CFS’ predecessor. Both parties were suing each other for breech of contract ..+ uh, breech of contract stemming from UW’s abruptly ended membership in NUS. The out of court settlement necessitated next weeks referendum. This is the major reason UW students are heading to the. polls. Okay .. . urn, new paragraph I guess. Me: Keep going

related fees (eg. Fed Hall, student society fees etc.). They have to decide if CFS membership is worth another two dollars per term. The fact is, most university funding comes indirectly from the federal government through transfer payments to the province. Obviously, then, the federal government is a good lobbying target - the question is, is it better to work at improving the CFS lobbying campaign from the inside (as a member) or from the outside (as a nonmember]. Therein lies the .+. urn .** rub, I guess. Wait, ‘we can’t print this ,everyone will just have to find out for themselves.


L most of what’s here. We’Il just go over the fact that it costs four dollars per year for each student. Students here already pay a fair number of &n-tuition




Mike Brown Kannon)


statement of this university’s commitment to computer science. The Humanities t heatre

&also a concrete statement of commitment, the commitment to the role the arts play in our lives. What is the administration saying in ending this valuable forum ‘for both the university and the community. The HUM do>s not have an attendance problem - every event I have been to was by any standard well attended. The perceived problem is the percentage of studerrts in the audience. As well, there is the question of availabilityof the theatres for student. Surely there is a way to work with the existing set-up to makk is more available for. student activities, without having to scrap the wonderful program now in place. If attendance alone was the justification for the continued existence of any or all special activities on campus, how long would it be before therewere nothing outside strictly “academic” events here? The problem of attendance lies in the- advertising, not the content of the theatres. This university, like our cul%ture, is increasingly basing its definition of “value” on dollars. What, by the way, are we getting in the existing programs place? Do we demolish the system with no alternative set up? Do students have unlimited time on their hands to now take over the Humanities Theatre? And where will the money “saved” from this program be spent - on a new and improved program for the theatre, or will it disapplar into the “bowels” of the university? Where will it end? Fed Hall may be next. After all, it has no aca-demic function, it merely relaxes and entertaihs.

Steve .Lyn .McGinais

i I

. IInprinf


Im~lat is the ‘student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is aneditorially independent newspaper publishedby Xm@xkt Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capIt& Imprint is a memtir wf tie Onhrio Comm@ty Newspamr Association (OCNA). IznprM publis-hes evky second Friday dw the Spru term and every Friday during the re&ular terms. Mail should ‘1:: addressed to, Campus ct We, Room 140, University of Watirloo, Wawrloo, Ontario, NZL 3Gl. Imm res&es the right tq screen, edit and refuse advertising* ImprlatISSNO706-7380

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Adatmlt~ lKem/m8turm m mw Art8mdltom mwmRdit5 # I


* nator Mike

MlkeBmwn M~O’Driecoll



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MasyJerlary JanetIawrenc% Ann8Done

Ted Grfesbach Andre8 Luxon .

oPImIom All letters


be typed

and double


Imprint welcomes letters from our rea43em. The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity to present views on various issues~ Opinions expresmd in letters, cohmns, or other azticl8s on these .pagesars those of their authors, not mprht. sendletterstotiP* am&math by e-mall. Send or bring letters on paper to Impiaxt,CC 140. ~tterson~aper~~tgpedAnlr~lBspacedl!Thed~lne~ 6:OO pm. Monday. Mmum length is 400 words, although longer pieces ‘hxqr be mepted at the editor’s discretion. All material is subject to editing.


One inore headache I- A follow-up

To the Editor,

I am writing this letter in defense and support bf the placement staff and co-ordinators of the co-opsystem. The “folks” at Needle’s Hall were unfairly criticized last week (Imprint Forum, October 23) by someone who provided them with one more unnecessary hbadache. Everyone participating on the co-op system is informed they must supply an adequate number of resumes according to how many jobs they apply to (most people tiould not have to be told this). Additional resumes may submitted to the receptionist at Needle’s Hall as are- re‘quired. The student in question

evidently was unable to keep track of the number of jobs he applied for and resumes submitted or else he simply was.forgetful. This resulted in not all his

companies receiving his resume. Now ask yourself what should be done in this case. Should a letter be sent that may take a week to reach you and a couple of days for .you to react, or should a staff, member spend countless hours phoning all the neglectful people, especially -when most students’ are at classes between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.? No. Needle’s Hall has deadlines to meet, and I agree with their policy of letting the responsibility rest on, the students’ shoulders for keeping the folders full of resumes. Needle’s Hall is not totally error free. From taking with friends I find that some students have been involved in mixups of some sort or another, and of course when considering employment all students want things done right. However, Needle’s Hall staff are up against


of paperwork, ample presand many anxious students, There will always be minor problems with large organizations such as Needle’s


Hall. But I for one congratulate the staff. I ha?? had no complaints in mv dealinns with Needle’s Hall. Back to the student with no’ enough resumes. I feel that he’s merely looking for a scapegoat when he says of the staff that “their only job seems to be looking out for themselves and taking’ all the credit” - which really doesn’t make much sense anyway. Shamefully, we find out this particular student who attacks the staff at Needle’s Hall for his problems cannot even admit in his arti/cle that the whole shambles arose because of his own fault. . Andrew Kinross 2A Civ. Eng.

Read the instr-uctions Brian Lau has made a ver-y obvious mistake - he did not rea-d the information given to him in the Want Ads. It is clearly stated that all public sector jobs require two copies of a student’s resume and all students are informed numerous times that they ar&esponsible for supplying an adequate.number of copies of their resume to the GO.op department. If Brian ran out of resumes that is entireIy his fault NOT the fault of the co-op department, Students should be keeping track of how many jobs they have applied for - counting twice for

To the editor, In response to Brian Zau’s letter _ of October 23, I am getting very tired of hearing and reading complaints about the co-op department. Studenjs obviously have no idea about how the department is run, what kind of workload is involved withhe co-ordinators, and what parts of getting a job are the students responsibility. Co-op students seem to expect to be spoon-fed and get a job handed to them on a silver platter,

out there?

Is anybody by Peter Stubley Somebody


Sandy Kay 3A English

once said that one death is a tragedy,

but a thousand deaths are just a number. If someone you know dies, someone close to you, it is a personal tragedy. When many people die, we hear about it through the media, and it loses some of its reality. i know intellectually that there is the rest of the world out there, but I don’t feel that it is real. Television news doesn’t really seem ’ to be any different than prime time shows, Deaths somewhereout there are not a personal tragedy. Every year, the University of Waterloo hosts the Mike Moier Memorial Game. Mike Moser was a basketball player at a time when’ Waterloo was basketball. He was good, bofh at basketball and being a person. He died suddenly while in the United States for a tournament; Not everybody knew him personally, but everybody knew of him. It was a tragedy, because he was just starting out. He had his whole life ahead of him, and it promised to be a good one. Everybody who was at Waterloo then felt the loss.-But we don’t get that same feeling about the teenagers, who are even younger than Mike Moser was, dying as martyrs in the Iran-Iraq

war. You can flip through the newspaper any time and of tragedies. In the “Around the World” section .of Mail, there was a short report of threepolicemen extremists in Amritsar. All the report includes is a of the background to the conflict in the Punjab, and the men themselves. They must have had families and although they weren’t famous in any way,they the world - they made a contribu*tion, the same

public sector jobs - and keeping up their supply of resumes. Secondly,- co-ordinators are responsible for getting new jobs - job development - in very large areas. This involves travel, time, and a lot of paperwork. They are also responsible for students who are on their work terms and students who are looking for jobs. That isa lot of students, folks, so clue in co-ordinators do not have time to take you by the, hand and lead you to the job of your dreams. You are responsible for your part in getting a job, you should be actively working for yourself not sitting back and waiting for a job to- come knocking at your door, Take advantage of the services offered by the co-op department and realize that these are real jobs and this is a real job market - you must compete and you must sell yourself to an employer. Complacency and ridiculous expect ations of co-orditiators are not going to get you a job.

find examples the Globe and killed by Sikh

brief gummary nothing about a,nd friends,

were a part of

as we do. Not anymore. We’d all go Crazy if we felt every death in the world as a personal loss. John Donne said “no man is an island,” but the fact is that we are. Some islands are closer than others, but the vast majority are so far away that we never reall’y feel that they are there. I cannot think of a way for a single person to do much about&fixing the . world as a whole. Maybe this column is a start, but let’s face it, this is only a short piece in a university paper, And when it comes right down to it, is anybody really out there?

Condoms To the editor, The article in the October 23 issue of Imprint concerning condom machines has quite a number qf errors. First, the reason why Hyco was chosen over Nimble Nuts were as follows: i he condoms from Nimble Nuts are less reputable and perhaps less reliable. Also, we prefer the packaging of the Hyco variety. Next, about the testing of condoms that are to be sold on campus, they are not going to be tested by Dr. Barb ‘Schutiacher from Health and Safety, or anyone else. Dr. Schumacher was mentioned in relation to whether the thin variety of condoms offered by Hyco offers protection against the AIDS virus. Last is the question of when the condom machines will $e available. We do not expect them by November, that implies that they will be here on campus within a month. The date for condom machines is totally dependent on how busy the company is. . Michele Griffin For the Birth Control


to a t.alk about truth

To the editor, This is a follow-up article to expand on some of the points pursued in my last letter “In pursuit of the truth about humanity.” I recognize that homosexuality has existed throughout history, yet let’s look at the reasons why it has become such an issue of concern in the 1980’s. Androgyny originally meant being of both sexes - physically, Yet the term took on new dimensitins as I was taught about it in high school. At this time it was defined as a person who has traits or behaviors that we would classify to, have come from the different sexes. It was to be viewed as a good thing. It would mean that stereotypes would be dropped and. that healthy girls would play with trucks if she wished as well as dolls, and healthy boys would play with doils as well as trucks. This idea in itself has respectable qualities and its movement toward equality is admirable; yet, it avoids the issue of femininity and masculinity as if it has forgotten those qualities and their essential role in the lives of humanity. If we lose our femininity and masculinity, .(not in the stereotypical sense, but in the sense of there at least being some difference between the sexes), then we will

no lorlger be a source of attraction to each other. This fact perhaps explains the difficulty which males and females at, least in N,lrth America have experienced in be:ng together and staying together in 3 committed and long-lasting relal’onship. As well, it may explain oLr turning back toward our own sex to find those qualities which- we find so strangely lacking from l+e opposite sex. We, in the twentieth century appear to be in need of some guidance, especially concerning our relatidnships with’ the opposite sex. Biologically and evolut ionarily, the only way that human beings can truly become one, both physically and spiritually is in the ultimate act of reproduction. For in this act, we complete the cycle of nature: evolution. We have not been educated on how to be with each other. As a result, we have jeopardized the brotherly and sisterly relationship so precious between people of the same sex. I This loss of trust and “shared” nature between those of the same sex will be [and appears to be-) a major cause of the imbalance of the human ,psyche* Cathariae Wilson Honours English

CFS clarified To the editor,


as policies

after November

10, 1907 in any way.

Three pieces of information have been brought up during the course of the CFS referendum that I wish to clear up. One, CFS employs nine full-time staff, including five in the Ottawa office. The chairperson is also fulltime. Two, the non-educational policies on the “no” posters can&t

Three, the total fees collected from students would be approximately $50,000 per year, not $60,000 I hope this may clear up confusion in the arguments of the two sides. Darren Meister ’ Co-Chair Waterloo students for CFS



Stutients today. are conformists way to do this would aid of psychedelic

To the editor, ’

Many years ago the, then, president of the US, Richard Nixon, called Timothy Leary, “the most dangerous man in America.” Why? Timothy Leary, once a psychology prolessor at Harvard, wanted to st.op people from being conformist automatons and have minds.

them develop

With today’s Western the way it is, he thought

their culture

the best



in writing

this letter

quired to continue leading the varsity football program. This, however, questions only his abilito the foot-

ball team. Unlike Ron Gall (Football team made the right decision, Imprint, Oct. 23),. I believe McKilIop ,was dedicated, to the football team and showed this dedication over the last two weeks of the season. Not only did McKillop continue to coach the team on the field, he also fought fw the program in the administrative offices. Perhaps if the admir$stration and the players themselves showed this kind of dedication, they wouldn’t have been 0-7 this year too. Name withheld 80118.



into LSD research


proclaims potential benefits with no research able to contradict him, yet he is “the most dangerous man in America.*’ -

so they




highest paving iob. Is this what GGd waits’? - I “TFYQA (Think For Yourself and Question Authority].” If you ignore, or cannot interpret properly, this quote from Timothy Leary then you must admit to yourself that you are a conformist automaton. You must exert your true self regardless of the consequences.




-A note of -.thanks To the, editor,

for personal


The Frederick family would like to take this opportunity, and the use of this media, to sincerely thank any and all students and faculty members who had any input into the memorial plaaue, service and tree, which w& dldicated on October 3 to the memory of our late son and brother, David Ross Frederick. Butch, Yvette, and Jody Frederick

A few facts about




was not to defend head coach Bob McKiliop. Although I do not blame him for the lack of success on the football field, I do not feel that he has shown the characteristics re-

ties, not his dedication



Over the past two weeks, a number of articles have appeared in the Imprint applauding the action of the Waterloo football play* ers in voting against their head coach, Bob &lcKillop. I feel it is time that this action be looked at in a different light. s Instead of pointing-the finger at McKillop, perhaps. the players shbuld have pointed it at thpmselves. In my opinion, the coaches can not be held responsible for mistakes that are made on the field. For example, when receivers run the wrong route or drop a pass, or when defensive backs are beaten deep. Is that the fault of the coaches? I think not. In most situations, another plaver would step in and play, At -Waterloo, however, that luxury does not exist. The Warriors are nearly forced to do or die with their starting players. Beyond these players, the team has very little depth. Is this also the fault of the coaches who have only been able to recruit effectively for the past two years? Surely the problem lies not just with the’coaching st.aff, but with the administration and players as well. While I amglad to see that the player’s ac’tions have linally brought about a review of the football program (Foot ball program under review, Imprint, Oct. 23), I am sorry it had to come at the expense of Bob McKillop’s job and reputation. Clearly, the players and administration must shoulder more of the blame than they have to date. My purpose



To the editor,



Certainly the aspect of drugs shocked the estabfishment, ‘but what really frinhtened them was the non-conf&mist attitude. Today the establishment need not worry. By far the vast majority of young people are the conformist automatbns Leary was trying to avoid. ‘Today’s young fear social reiection more than death. They have been instilled with a greed for money and this greed drives them toward con-

Players key td Vv arrior -woes 1

be with

drugs. The psychotropic properties of LSD were discovered in 1942 and since then no research has shown conclusively *that there may be potential biological or psychological risks. A psychology professor at a well-known

Accordirig to plant operations (EN%] the uniThese colleettors allow professors and office staff versity generates about 100 cubic yards or six to collect paper at their desks and make less fret&s of waste per day. quent trips to cardboard boxes placed in the mail Since paper represents about 80 per cent of this rooms. However a problem- arises-in keeping a total, we throw out about 1,500 tons per year of ready supply of boxes on hand for the program. waste paper. Because i-t takes about 17 mature We would be interested in talking to other facultrees to make one ton of paper we are destroying ties interested in a similar approach. Clearly the more than 25,000 trees per year. program is simplified if professors take responsiThe large numbers of requests WPIRG receives bility for keeping their own boxes on hand in their for information on how to recycle on and off hamoffices. Students can do the same by using a box at pus ser_ves as a good indicator of peoples growing home and when it is full delivering it to the central frustration, with.the “throw away society”and the stores building. sheer lack of any stewardship for the planet on While there are no glass, tin, newspaper, or society’s part for future generations. It also indicardboard programs on campus, the Waterloo Cocates our willingness to participate in endeavours operative Residence Inc. (Phillip St. Co-op) does which will conserve instead of consume. operate their own program. According to studenBelieve it or not recycling does currently exist in t/operator and Waterloo Green Party member Stedifferent forms on this campus. The following are phanie Boy, “the first term that our recycling a few facts about these programs. program was in effect, we collected enough newsCentral Stores (the department responsible for print to save 30 trees and enough metal to make such things as mail, storage, and office supplies] half acar”. Designated students like Stephanie are currently operates .a fine paper recycling program responsible for collecting the materials from the on campus. Fine paper is collected in cardboard different residences, bundling the newspaper, and boxes (weighing no more than 30 lbs.) by the mail delivering it to the buyers. Newspaper is saved carriers. When these boxes are full they should be and given to “Lifeline” a non-profit company that sealed and marked “RECYCLING”. The boxes gives the money to charity. Metal is delivered to should be placed in the closest mail room or deliClemmer Industries, and glass is taken to Total vered to the Central Stores building on Phillip Recycling in Kitchener. According to Stephanie, street. The operators prefei: fine white paper espeople want to recycle, “if you make the recycling pecially computer print-out (CPO] because it program clean and convenient to use, you’d be fetches a higher dollar value. Carbon paper, high amazed at the response you get. All you have to do gloss finishes, window envelopes, newspaper, is let them know the program exists” concludes etc. will not be accepted. For more information Stephanie. Students at Conrad Greble also collect contact Ken Moody at ext. 2821.. some waste materials. For the downtown Waterloo resident there is no The Math and Computer I.O. Room is a staple for program that resembles th8 Kitchener curbside this p’rogram because of the amobnt of high grade recycling program. Under this program residents paper generated there. According to Moody the put waste newspaper, glass, & tin in a blue recypatier recycling program earns between $600 and cling -bin. The bins are collected by Total Recy$800 per month or approximately $7,800 per year. cling, a division of Laidlaw Waste Systems. They also collect scrap metal. Combined with onHowever all this changesin April when a curbside campus paper collection this totals about $12,600 recycling program is suppose to begin in the City per year, of Waterloo, According to central stores the fine paper pro- . If you support this program you might want to gram is available for use by anyone on campus as send a letter to Mayor Marjorie Carroll reminding long as they use boxes, minimize contamination, her of the importance of a recycling program. In and deliver the paper to the proper places for the interim you can save up your newspapers and .*collect ion. take them to %f&line” when they hold their next drive. For more information contact Brian Rotice WPIRG has experimented-with making the fine at I,ifeline 886-0327. paper program more accessible for studentshowRemember that the week of November 16-20 has ever we have encountered problems with the uniWeek”. WPIRE and the versity administration, As a result we are now ’ been declared-“Recycling Waterloo Green Party will be holding recycling concentratinR our efforts on making the box prorelated events during this week. If you need more gram more “user friendly”. For example we h&e information on waste management or recycling provided desk-top collectors (supplied by the visit the WPIRG office in General Service Comministry of the environment) to Kinksiology, plex room 123 or calI 884 9020. Earth Sciences, and Environmental Studies.

‘* A Pilgrim’s

. Perspective

. ..On .Faith’ I

, .



illnesses that we were praying for. Now, I should, in theory, not Bob Horton have much difficulty believing in His healing power. A friend of mine who had a broken leg and had been in a cast for three months; I happened to be watching Family Ties on TV recently and got a was told he wpuld have to remain in a cast for two more months program (br the iecond half of chance to watch a very interestin and then have two years of physiotherapy; his leg WBS healed it) called “My name is Alex.“, It % rought to mind an interesting completely one Sunday and his cast was removed the following perspective on how difficult it is to believe in God. In the show, Friday. Havin ‘seen his experience and known many “minor” Alex is trying to deal with the death of a close friend and is at a miracles of hea Hing in my own life, I should be able to believe, yet, I psychiatrists offic_e. Alex, when asked by the psychiatrist, infind it difficult. p itially skips past the question of God and then slowly begins to I suppose it is this type of thing that causes many people to have accept the possibility. He makes the comment that ‘tGod isn’t difficulty believing in God, I mean, you can? prove He exists, yet, concrete. We don’t have any pictures of Xim fat least not recent). ,I’ , you can’t.prove He doesn’t. I frequently find myself at a point in Alex makes the comment that God is very difficult to believe in my4ife where I feel I must make a decision based on my belief or v my faith in God’s plan for my life. Sometimes, I make decisions anaiy tically - there are not year end reports &c - yet, something which, at the time seem, completely at odds with what I would inside Alex told him that there was a God and that God was have thought would have been -the best for me: in hindsight, loving, and gentle. however, the’re isn’t a single dedision I’ve made since I became a This got me thinking about my own’faith. It’s been three years Christian that I can’t see a reason for now. I suppose I could say now since I became a Christian (as of Nov. 38) and I’ve grown to f that my opinions of the outcomes are swayed by my belief in God, trust God a great deal more than I did when I first became a but, it still remains, God has never failed me. Christian and yet, I still have great diffictilty with believing in the The Bible teaches: “Faith comes from hearing the message, and promiseeHe has made through His word, the Bible. the-message is heard through the wordof Christ.“1 pray that these His word says that we can ask for healing, yet at the prayer columns will allow us all to hear Christs’ message of love and to meeting on Tuesday, I found myself doubting that’ He would increase, our faith through that message. actually perform a miracle Atid heal the many people with various

CAMPUS QU’ESTIONP 1 What are you going to vote in the upcoining

“Yes, I believe co-op tees should be governed and funded by the federal government.” Filippo Scarpazza 3B Architecture

“Yes, because we stronger lobbying than available with OFS.” Cynthia White _ 4B Planning

“No! Why support Pinkos?” Mark Gaines 3B Mech Eng

“I’11 vote no. I don’t think that the student body has enough information on the subject in order to make a properly educated opinion.” Andrew Rehage Imprint Photo Editor

a group


require what is

CFS refer&m?


“Yes, because it’s an effective national student lobby.” Darrin Meister 4S Systems Design - .

by Student


This i,s it! The Grad”1 is in. For many of you, today is the long awaited day in which you finally get a chance to work for the company of your choice. For others, the Grad 1 could be a big disappointment. If the number of opportunities in your field are less t ban. you imagined, don’t despair - there are opportunities out there, but it’s up to you to find or make them. Some 80 per cent of jib openings are never advertised because advertising is expensive, time consuming, and can be unproductive. Managers often hire people who already work within the company or have been referred to them by colleagues. Because of this you must use you initiative,,and rtisourcefuir2ess to look. for jobs in the hidden job market. The following approaches may help you find a job. I) Networking: Tell everyone you know friends, relative’s, acquaintances, that you are looking for a job. Don’t be afraid to approach former employers. They may have an opening for you or may be able to recommend you to other people in the field. 2) Information Gathering Interview: Interviewing people in the .field in which youhope to’ become employed may be beneficial for gath& ing information about the career itself and for making contadts. If you use this approach make sure you prepare for the interview by dressing appropriately and having some well prepared questions. 3).Broadcasting: Sending letters and resumes ‘to many organizations is a widely used method of hunting for a job. Addresses for a wide variety of organizations can be found in telephone books or directories which are located in the Career Infsrmation Centre (eg. The Blue Book of Canadian Business, Directories of Social Services). Direct letters, to department heads, since they are often the people who hiring. Response rate can be improved by having a well-defined career goal and a resume which relates to a specific area of the organizdtion. A follow-up interview or phone call is also helpful. 41 Direct Application: Approaching department heads directly is one of the most effective ways of finding a job, because it shows that you have initiative and are eager for a job. It is often better to approach department heads rather than

conemtheir Candethey

“Yes! I’ve been campaigning in favour in joining CFS, We need a national’ student voice in Ottawa. It is an excellent lobby group that is endorsed by the leaders of all federal government parties. The services such as S.W.A.P., Travel Cuts and I.S.I.C. card to name a few are all excellent. Vote yes for CFS” Lisa Skinner VPUA, Federation of Students

“No, I feel it’s a waste of money because we alreadv benefit from being members of “OFS.” Terry Playford 4B Ret

“NO, Watkrloo students do not” need to waste their money in an arganization that does not represent their views and concerns. Waterloo students -have. nothing to gain.” Tim Jackson 2A Accounting



opinion on the rubject? I

“I think students are cerned about student loans, ployment and the quality of education. Students across ada getting the best they serve, That’s ivhy I hope vote yes.” Tony Marcerollo Chairman of CFS

Your Career. Search FINDING


’ :

the personnel department, since personnel may not have been informed of positions which may be opening in the near future. 5) Internal Job Postings: Many organizations list job vacancies internally before adverti,sing it outside of the company Visit places where you may want to work to check for job postings or advertisements in.the organization’s newsletter. r 6) Newspapers/Magazines: Want ads in newspapers are widely used by job seekers. Job ads tend to portray ideal candidates, but sometimes the ideal candidate is hard to find. Don’t eliminate yourself if you do not fit the description exactly. Resourceful people will look for articles or announcements regarding personnel changeovers (retirement, resigning, firing or hiring), expansion, contract awards, and companies .requasting tedders. Jot down the names of these organizations and the names and positions of the people involved, so you can approach them about possible job openings. 7)Professional and Industrial Associations: Bel-onging to a professional association (eg. Ontario Association of Architects) is a good way of getting job leads. By attending meetings, good. . contacts may be established. Associations often + publish a newsletter which may ljst openings. ’ 8J Canadian Employment Centre: Job openings i area are posted and lists .of : ‘in.$he immediate i-vacancies are availa>ble. . :’ ! 1 9) Career Services: The Career Services Department in Needles Hall publishes the Graduate z in January which may contain some jobs which interesj you. It is also a good idea to keep. checking the late job postingson the first floor of Needles Hall. Students within~two months of graduation are eligible to participate in the “Alumni Referral Service” (ARS): Students complete a registration form outlining their ills, and submit this along with ten resumes. A computermatching process pairs the skills of the registered students with the skills specified by participating employers needed to fill open positions. In addition to the ARS, Apply Direct positions are posted on the Career Services bulletin board in Needles Hall. This service is available year-round. Th6 job search is not easy, it requires time, energy, and persistence. Just remember that the chance of you getting a job is directly proportional to the time and effort you put into your jobsearch.

by Jacquie Griffinimprint staff .



of Windsor

MBA : ,‘.*1,.


‘, .‘DATE : Thuiday November 12th 1TIME : 12:3dPMii 2:‘OOPM PLACE: Needles Hall, Roorh 3004 ,

&. .--.

c *_

UniverSKy \ of Windsor *

Gl,asnost and-the student moiement by Dan Narnne Maxim Sotnikovx is the leader of Moscow University’s Komsomol organization, which has a membership of more than 24,500 students. Being the largest youth organization in the Soviet Union, the Komsomol unites nearly 40 million young people between the ages of 14 and 28, In this inter”view with a Canadian student journalist, Sotnikovx discussed a number of issues of concern to students in the Soviet Union. Not surprisingly, Canadian students and their Russian counterparts have a great deal in comm’on. Q: How do Soviet youth evaluate the chances for ‘progress-in arms control and disarmament? A: I think that for the firs: time ever, we have a situation where progress is possible. We are cer-’ tainly prepared to make our contribution and, judging by the results of our Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze’s meeting with U.S. Secretary of State

George Shult?, the Americans are also prepared to play ball. The agreement reached at the meeting tb sign before the end of the year a treaty on the elimination of two classes of nuclear missiles should be considered the most important international event since the Helsinki Conference in 1985. _ Q: Here in the West, we have heard about the policy of glasnost and democra’t ization I pursued by Mikhail Gorbachev. How does this policy influence the life of-the Moscow University students and all Soviet students generally? A: I’ll give you a few examples. A decision was taken earlier this year to increase student representation in the bodies managing university affairs.. From now on, we shall have 25 per cent of the seats in the learned Councils of Institutions of higher education. Student commissions are also being set up at the Faculty level to participate in decision-making affecting student’s vital in-

young people’s activity. Multicandidate elections are now common practice in Komsomol organizations. New political clubs and’ students’ disco and video clubs haye sprung up. In me of the these. political clubs, students simulated a meeting between Shevardnadze and Shultz, which ,resulted in a failure to reach


mmmmmmmmm I

1 s20.00 OFF Maxim



of Moscow[s

-terests. This particularly applies to the drafting of curriculum and examination schedules, the distribution of stipends (incidentally, on September I stipends were raised by 50 per cent for



sity, etc. The first

ever election of a was held recently at the Department of Law. Previously, Deans were appointed and did not have ~ to heed students




on page 1 t



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they were wrong. Thanks to democratization, international contacts have becomelivelier. I mean contacts at the student level, because co-operation at the Dean and Rector levels has .be&n going on for a long time. This month, a group of Moscow University students are going to Yale University, USA. This year, we have received several student delegations from other countries. Next y&ar, we are expecting to receive twice as many. This is also the result of our becoming more financially independent. Previously, we managed our financial affhirs through a bank account of a higher-up organization, whereas now we have our own bank account. We have nearly $mO,OOO rou bles (more than $100,000 Cdn.] on it. We have carried out a dozen operations, learning to be financiers. Q: The main role of students’ unions in Canada is, to some extent, lobbyist activities in various government agencies on political issues and, to a greater extent, protection <of their member’s interests, What role do the students’ unio‘ns perform in your university?






and Visa Phane Orders





Soviet student

Coniinued from page 10 1 A: We are also trying to tackle the social and economic problems of course, protect Our Komsomol also represents


youth and, of their interests. organization the interests of

at the city



- its’

are in the elec-


bodies of the city’s Komsomol organization. Finally, our three students -are members of the District and City Soviet (local government). Next year, we are planning to nominate our candidate for election to the supreme Soviet of the Russian Federat ion.

Q: During the wars in which North America was involved, such as the Vietnam War, young people heke often put up strong opposition to the official policy. What do Soviet young people think about the Warin’Afghanistan? / A: First 1 shall speak about the official policy. The official policy is that we must withdraw troops from Afghanistan and that’the Afghan problem, just as any other problem, should be solved only by political means. But for this. to happen, condi-l

groups seek grea-ter freedoms

tions s@uld be created that would preclude any interference in the internal affairs of Afghan-

cident ally,

istan from We also

poll we had taken in the bnivetisity on the eve of the 20th Kom-



to see peace

in 78 stu-

that country. We have dents in our university who have served with the limited contihgent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Recently, they have set up a club called “Pioneer”, whose aim is to help Afghan’stan build a peaceful life. !%mong the members of this club are young men who have served in the Army and women students. MoscowUniversity decided to send a students’ building team to Afghanistan. It was no easy thing to do - many people feared for the students’ safety there and were against the idea. Nor was it easy to pick out 20 people out of 600 volunteers. For 45 days during their summer holidays, the students worked at house-building factory in Kabul. Q: What do Soviet students consider the main problem today? A: We think. t’hat the m.ain problem is to encoUrage people’s creative energy and activity. In-

this is a key problem

to the policy of “perestroika” in all spheres of life in the USSR. A somol Congress showed that the Ksmsomol’s prestige among stu-





and se-

ccmd year students were eagerto work in the Komsomol organiza-

tions-, while

students used every pretext to avoid Komsomol work. Why? Some students frankly told us that they did not *believe that their social activities could change anything. Yet, nearly 90 per cent of those polled put forward constructive proposals on ways to change the style, methods and aims of Komsomol work. These proposals were later laid at the base of what journalists called “a 17-point programme for reorganizing the Komsomol”. Incident ally, no youth paper in Moscow wanted to publish the results of the poll, so we sent them to the foreign press through the Novosti Press Agency. Another priority is to protect the environ’ment. The country’s



first students’ Environmental Protection Council was set up at )~OSCOW University some 10 years

ago. At first,

it united


ogy, soil and geography students. But later, students from all departments joined it. At the initiative of the council, we sent a letter six months ago to the government, drawing its attention to the State of Kurshskaya Kosa, a sandy peninsula in the Baltic Sea, uniq’ue in its beauty, and demanding that oil production be halted there. A short time ago, we received a reply saying that oil production had been suspended there und inviting representatives of the University’s Ecological Council to participate in a fact-finding expeditioq that would investigate the matter and report the results of the investigation to the government. We are planning to set up a students’ camp on the Solovki Islands in the White-Sea to protect architectural monuments there - ancient Russian monasteries and churches, Tiie Ecological Council is becoming, a kind of co-ordinating

centre of the students’ ecological movement throughout the country. Similar councils have been set up in nearly 150 institutions of higher education. Last year, the councils had their first conference and next year they will have a second one. Q: If you were to make an appeal to the Canadian students, what would you tell them? A: The Canada Cup tournament was held a short time ago. I watched almost all the -games, because for IO years I had been captain of the upiversity’s hockey team. And though we lost, it was a wonderful experience. I want to have more such experiences, I want us to meet more often, to exchange delegations and to get to know better each other’s views on various issues, from the problems of peace to that of self-government in students’ hostels and canteens. This is essential for trust and lasting peace. In short, if I were to make an appeal to the students of Canada, my message would,Lbe that of peace and mutual understanding.

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NOV. 14ih


a co,mputer?

Soya wanna,buy by Cindy and Flew Imprint

Long #Macqueen staff

So, you’re thinking a bout buying a computer, are you? Before you shell out $1,000 or more, take a few minutes to read this article. “A fool and. his money are soon parted”; ‘as the saying goes. We spent some time examining advertisements, talking to experts, and visiting various retail outlets in order to find out what the prospective computer buyer should know, We hope this will help the person who “doesn’t know anything about computers” make a more informed purchase. As with any purchase of this sort, you need to know some things before you even enter the store. Decide what you will be using your computer for. Will you be doing a great deal of complex mathematical computations which require a faster central processing unit or are your needs mainly in the area of -word processing functions? What kind of software are you planning to use? Does it require an immense amount of RAM [random access memory)? Does it require a colour graphics adaptor? Do you need advanced colour graphic capabilities or will a monochrome monitor suit your needs? . If you’re not sure exactly what you need, don’t panic. Usually if you have some idea of what you want to do, the. staff at the Store will help you pick-a machine to suit your needs. As well, people in the computing services departments of the university are usually willing to offer advice or suggestions.





ters+ We had a number of questions in mind. ’ What kind of clones are out there? What are the differences between them? Who is making them? -Are some people or comp’anies putting out better machines than others? What kind of sup’ port is offered? How do you know if you’re getting a good deal? What accessories do you need? What should be included. in. the purchase price? What questions- should. you ask? Is there anything you should beware of? It turns out there are two basic types of clon&, the XT and the AT. The main difference between the two is that the AT has a faster central processing unit (CPU). Therefore, someone who plans to be doing a great deal of coinplex and lengthy calculations may want to consider buying an AT-clone. The ATclone is more expensive and the XT-clone will suit the needs of the average student who mainly needs a wordprocessor with some spreadsheet and graphics capabilities.

BIOS (Basic Input Output System). These three components must work nicely with each other or you could run into problems. The Phoenix BIOS is the most highly recommended BIOS on the market. All the retailers mentioned above used this BIOS in their clones. The best way to check to see if the computer you are thinking of buying works is to bring in your own sciftware and try to ruh. it on the machine. If your software is IBM-compatible, it should run. If it doesn’t there may be a problem. Support varies .from retailer to retailer. According to our experts, extended warranties on electronic components are not something to get excited about. If the electronic components have something wrong with them, it will show up right away. Otherwise, they should last a long time and function normally. Hardware is another story. it is very important to make sure you have hardware support. Just reading the ads can clue you in. If a retailer offers full sup-







Unless ybu li& a &ecific ‘applica- , tion in “-mind which’ demand ,&srta:fn hardware featurei only found in Particular machines, you &bably &ill-be considering buying’what is kn&wn‘& an IBM-clone. These dlohes, IBM-compatible micro-comptiters, are immensely popular. There are good reasons for ‘their popularity: ’ l] Price. Thi history of this is kind of interesting,, but basically the IBM PC swept the market in the early 1980s. It set an industry standard. Sobn, people began producing machines that were 99 per cent identical to the IBM PC. They were called “clones” and they were a lot cheaper. Today you can buy a clone for $600 to $1,000 d epending on how many frills you want; 2) Software. Anyone who buys a clone has a machine which will run software that is compatible with any other clone or with real IBMs. The advantages’ of this become especially abvious if one gets involved in telecommunications. The IBM clone is “the” machine used by individuals around the world for talking to other computers. Because of the machine’s immense popularity, a great deal of software, much of it free, has been developed by. enthusiastic programmers. Furthermore, much of the software that ran on other systems has been modified to run on clones. 3) Adaptability. Again, this goes back to popularity. You can keep adding things to your clone, relatively cheaply, to enhance it as time goes by. With some other types of computers, it could cost you a lot to update them. For instance, adding a hard disk drive to your IBM clone costs only a third of the price of adding one to some of the more popular brand name computers., While other compariies may come up with innovative features first, the clone manufacturers are usually able to copy them some time later, minus the bugs and at a much reduced cost. QUESTIONS



t Since most UW will probably choose an IBM-clone of some sort, we focussed primarily on these compu-

still leave you enough RAM to worl with. 640K is pretty standard these days. If you opt for less, you’ll probably end up buying more later. Your decision regarding a monitor i! not overly important. You should 1001 for something that you think will pleasr your eye late at night when you’re try. ing to finish that last essay. (An olc black and white TV screen will do tht trick, but it’s hard on the eyes.) Aparl from that, the difference between a noglare screen and a normal one, a swivel base or fixed base, controls on the fronl or the back, it’s all a matter of personal t’aste. Most package deals come with a high resolution monochrome monitor. Unless you plan to do a lot of work involving graphics or plan to run software that requires colour, (many games need to at ieast think they’re running with a colour mdnitor) any old monochrome screen will do. You can always buy what is known as a colour graphics adaptor which will “fool” the software into thinking you have colour. Your choice of keyboard is not of monumental importance either. Unless you have a particular preference to have your keys in particular places, any keyboard containing the necessary alphanumeric and function keys will do. It doesn’t matter so much where they are located on the keyboard so long as they work.

Many retailers distinguish between the XT-clone and.the Turbo XT-clone. Turbo means it’s a little more powerful a& a little faster and usually a little’ more expensive. Which one you buy will depend on your individual needs. Some of the faster XT-clones have a push but4 ton on the front to allow you to switch down to the slower speed. This is useful if you are running some software which tian only function properly at a lower speed. - Flipping through the pages of various magazines and newspaPers we found five major advertisers of XT and AT clones in the&W area. These were PCFactory (associated with Waitronics], Computer Book and Supply [retailers for Image Computers], Off-campus+ Nielsen and Orion. (Some new ones cropped up even as we researched the article!] What does all that stuff in the ad mean? Is it a good price? What are you really getting? These were the questions we took to our UW exper’ts from the Math Faculty Computing Facility and the Arts Computing Facility. They told us that, basically, a clone is a clone is a clone. There is not much difference, for instance, between an IBM-XT clone sold by one retailer and one sold by another, The differences Iie not in the hardware itself so much as in the support provided.@inions on this vary, however, Sdme experienced users claim that certain combinations of parts work better than others. Others say this isn’t too important. Some people swear by Japanese parts and insist that parts from Taiwan or Korea are inferior. Others claim superiority for the DTK mother-board which is manufactured in Taiwan. We asked to see the insides of XT’s in the various retail outlets. We saw a mixture of parts in every computer we examined. How were the retailers deciding which parts were better than others? Easy. They looked at which ones came back to the store with problems and which did not. There was no clear consensus from store to store on which types of parts caused difficulties intiombination with certain other types of parts. The three main components of a clone are the mother-board, the CPU and the

cart for one or two years, it is generally Advertised. Note there is a difference between a “full warranty” and” a “li-. mited warranty”. As-k if the guarantee includes hardware. It even helps to check on the specific guarantee for specific components {monitor, hard drive, floppy drives, etc,). It may differ. Be careful. Some places charge extra for extended warranties and may not inform you of this until something goes wrong, j As well, check into the company from w>hich you buy your computer. Have they been around for awhile? Will they be .around long enough to help you if something goes wrung? Watch out for what look like fly-by-night operations, This does not mean you should avoid a _ new retailer, but use your judgment. Someone selling you an XT-clone from the back of his van might not be there if you need him! r WHICH




What is the difference between an XT clone advertised for $699 and one advertised for $995? If you look closely at the ads, you’ll see that one machine has tiore features than the other. This is the main-&fference @‘prices. While th&ac. tual working parts inside the box are essentially the same, you can choose between a machine with two disk drives or one. You can go for 690K of RAM or only 512K. The qtiality of the monitor may differ. The more expensive price may include a guarantee. All. these things are options on which the customer decides. T-wo floppy disk drives certainly come in handy. Some people claim two are essential without a hard disk drive 1[and they are if you don’t like exchanging disks


If you opt to add a

floppy disk drive later, it should cost between $100 and $150 to do so. The amount of RAM* you need depends again on your software and your intentions. If you tend to run’software that ties up a fair chunk of RAM, you’ll want to opt for 640K. Also note that 640K may be necessary for certain telecommunications software to run and



You should always receive the latest copy. of Microsoft DOS-with your purchase. Without DOS (Disk Operating System) your computer will do nothing at .all. Manuals for MS-DOS can be expensive. Ask about this ahead of time. Ideally you should test your own software on the machine you plan to buy. There is no other way to be certain, before making a purchase, that what you have already will work with what they sell you. Perhaps a friend is running a program ‘you would eventually like to use, Copy the program to your own disk (or if it’s copy-protected, borrow the disk] and take it with you to the store. If you are thishking about expanding the capabilities of your machine in the future, ask how much it will cost to add RAM, add a hard disk, add,any cards you might be interestedin. Different retailers may quote different prices. If you are interested.‘in purchasing a modem, know ahead of time what you will be using it for. Does it need to be compatible tiith both North American and’ European phone sysfems? What baud rate are you going to need? What software will you be using tooperate it? Some modems work better with some software than with others. It’s worth looking into before you buy. Some experienced users recommend buying a surge protector, A surge protector ltioks like a power bar but contains an extra little component that prevents a surge in the electrical current from getting to the innards of the computer and damaging it, The chances of such a surge occurring are not great (except during a lightning storm] in normal residential settings. However, there is the risk ef damage if your machine is not protected and b’ne#occurs. Some retailers spend more time testing the machines they receive from the suppliers before selling them than others do, Feel free to ask if the machine has been tested in any way. If the salesperson uses terminolo y you don’t understand, ask him or t er to explain it to you. You need to know in order to make an informed decision. THINGS



Any machine claimed to have a legal Phoenix BIOS MUST have a blue sticker [for XTs) either on the BIQS chip itself or on the back cover of the machine which says PHOENIX. If the 1


on page. 13

Ruling c@ls for WCFII member’s .expulsion by Steve Ksnnon Imprint etaff A judicial review committee of the Waterloo Co-operative Residence Inc. last week recommended the expulsion and eviction of one of the co-op’s members, the first such action since the 1985 winter term. Carol Tan, a ;resident of the Phillip Street co-op for seven years since arriving from Taiwan, is said to be living in her B-division apartment in violation of an occupancy agreement with the co-operative. The recommendation followed a judicial review of Tan’s compliance to co-op regulations since the beginning of this year. She was brought before the corn-’ mittee for violations of WCRI’s admissions policy, guest policy, and security and access policy, as well as her occupancy agreement. The review committee found her guilty of all the violations and recommended she be evicted and her membership in the co-operative be revoked. The charges. laid by division manager Ted Oakes at the re‘. quest of WCRI’s board of directors, stemmed from Tan’s continued occupancy of unit Bl2, a two-bedroom apartment, despite a signed agreement to take possession of a one-bedroom apartment on the third floor of the same building. Tan was asked to move to a one-bedroom unit because she did not have a roommate (WCRI


policy demands there be two people in a two-bedroom unit, unless otherwise arranged). The 36-year-old Tan, who has ‘an eight-week-old child, was extremely sick due to her pregnancy in the winter; her doctor recommended she not have anyone living with her. WCRI permitted the arrangement. for that term. -In the spring term, however, the co-op requested she find-a roommate for that term and the fall term. Tan was notified May .15 by Admissions Co-ordinator Pamela van Loon that she had three options: find a suitable roommate, move to a one-bedroom unit, or leave WCRI completely. At the review hearings, held October 19 and 23, Tan said she did, in fact, find a roommate within the time-frame specified by the co-op. Once that arrangement had been made, the matter should have been over, she said. For their part, both van Loon and WCRI General Manager Christie Baldwin testified Tan had not complied with the ad-missiofis policy, having failed to find a roommate in time to prevent action by the board. At its meeting of May 30, t&e board ruled Tan had until June 20 to choose one of two one-bedroom apartments offered or she would have to leave, said van Loon. On June 21, Tan sent a letter to the van Loon and Baldwin notifying them she would take a onebedroom uriit, although it was


Continued from page 12 sticker is not there, it does not necessarily mean you are not getting a Phoenix, but it does mean that someone is illegally USihg the BIOS. Buying from an organization engaging in less than scrupulous business practices could be risky. Watch out for overly slick sales pitches or practices. While we did not run into any over-zealous salespeople trying to push unnecessary components on us, it could happen (and we’ve heard it does). Some people have complained about running into the” bait and switch” phenomenon. A retailer advertises an incredibly cheap machine. When you come into the store, a salesperson imme-t diately tries to talk you into buying something more expensive because the one advertised is so stripped down as to be of little use for anything but the most _.. simple tasks. This is not uncommon and some don’t even consider it unscrupulous. It‘s just business as usual. Be mindful of. ads that border on the misleading. A good rule of thumb is, if in doubt, take your money elsewhere. Be aware of hidden costs. Manuals can cost extra and you should alw,ays


and access policy, said Houghins’ulation, which can cause resagainst her will, She said she felt she was being pressured into land. piratory-related health problems) in the building, I always making the decision. Tan’s refusal to vacate the two-bedroom apartment mean! due my chorestand pay my bills. I “Because I could be &hout a the two people who were supalways have a roommate, except place to live at a time when I will be giving birth to my child, I posed to occupy B1-2 had to when I was sick . . + they (at the co-op office) told me it was make other arrangements, have no choice but to accept a okay,” said Tan. “Then they say one-bedroom apartment, which Houghland said. Because she -I’m not a good member . it’s is against my wishes. I have not wouM not leave, the_ board at the corpor.ation’s lawyer, John because of the land deal and bebeen treated fairly by the general Tan on Sepcause, Bab (Peljegrini) is here.” manager, the admissions officer L Zinszer, _ advise At the .hearing, ,PelIegrini reitand the board of directors of .- tembe-r 18 that legal action was : pending. j erated Tan’s statements: WCRI,” said Tan in her letter. “She refused to move out of the “The defendant maintains &he “I wish to retain possession of apartment and talking was is being persecuted because she my apartment, Bl-2. Besides has been outspoken against the, doing no good, so John Zinszer being ill for three months, which land acquisition and because she sent the letter,” Houghland said prompted my doctor to suggest I is a friend of Bob Pellegrini.” live alone for this period and at the membership review hear-. ing. The letter was sent on her In an interview this week, during which time I was unable however, Houghland said to find a roommate, I have been a laut hority. It was Tan’s “uncooperative” neither of those two factors had reasonably good WCRI attitude that prompted the reanything to do with the charges member.” view; eviction/expulsion is a selaid and the subsequent ruling Tan signed an occupancy rious matter and is not a power by the judicial review commitagreement August 11 for a oneused lightly. she said. tee. In fact, said Houghland, Tan bedroom unit, Br-11, which she However, both Tan and Bob _ never made her views about the was to occupy this fall term. She ‘Pellegrini, a former WCRI mainland deal known to the co-op ads&id she later decided she had tenance manager who represministration. been unduly pressured and was ented Tan at the hearings, said “She didn’t maker her views within her rights to stay in the the. reasons given for the expulknow to the board.. , the matter two-bedroom apartment she still occupies. sion are not the real reasons why was never* raised at a board the board wants Tan evicted. meeting.” At the hearings, Karen Hough’ Tan said her opposition to the Houghland said Tan was not land, president of WCRl’s board land deal at 268 Phillip St. [the treated any differently in any of directors, said the co-op had considered the matter settled site of the new apartments] and way and was treated fairly when Tan agreed to move into her association with Pellegrini, throughout the review process. Bl-11. who is suing WCRI for ” This view was not shared, By September, said Hough$1,125,000 for wr,ongful dismisthough, by Margaret Danton, who was WCRI’s admissions coland, the board realized Tan was sal, are the true reasons she is not going to vacate the unit, for being “persecuted”. ordinator for three years. Dan“I’ve spent huodreds of hours ton testified on Tan’s behalf at’ which she had no occupancy and my own money fixing up the the hearings. agreement. In not turning over apartment sealing-out the the keys to 81-2, Tan was also in Continued on page 14 UFFI: (ureaformaldehyde foam violation of the co-op’s security m l



get documentation on every piece of hardware and software you buy!! If you keep these ideas in mind as you shop, you’ll be in the category of informed consumer”. We’re not saying you‘ll get ripped off if you don’t know what you are doing, but it’s easier to take advantage of the ignorant than the educated. A final word of warning. Be nice to your new computer. No machine will work properly if abused. Even a static discharge can damage sensitive parts inside, so dbn’t poke around u&ss you know what you‘re doing. Avoid switching the power on ind off frequently. Aiways wait 10 seconds before switching on after switching off. Otherwise, it’s very hard on the machine. If you need to re-boot, do it with the keyboard whenever possible. Above all, never pour coffee or, beer into the keyboard. (It doesri t get thirsty, honest!) Good luck! (Thanks to Mike Shiefs at Watstar, Doug Snow ot the ACF, Doug Thompson at ISIS, Mark Tilden at ‘the MFCF and special thanks to .Martin McLeod at Nutstar for volunteering so much valuabie time. 1


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A helping

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College by Derrick



St. Jerome’s College officially launches its 12th Annual Charity Run today, November 6. Organizers are hoping to raise as much as $6,500 in support of two local operations devoted to assisting the unemployed. The idea of a run for charity began in 1976 with two students who wished to make a substantial contribution to the K-Warea, where UW students make their

students home for eight’ months of the year. The cun has since evolved into an annual drive which sponsors different organizations Ieach year. This year%. proceeds will be donated to The Working Centre for the Unemployed, and its affiliate, the St. John’s Soup Kitchen in Kitchener. Founded by two St. Jerome’s alumni, these centres provide assistance to jobless people in the K-W area. The Working Centre was es-

kun for charity

subsidized by the government. That means every’ dollar raised during the charity run is matched by the government. The 1,600-kilometre run is a continuous relay in which a pair of students run around the ring r&d every IS minutes throughout theweekend of November 6, - 7, and 8. The event kicks off Friday with the Dean of St. Jerome’s and as most charities, the proband five others running the traditional first lap. lem of funding is never-ending, During the charity run, money The Working Centre is a recog- _ is not raise in the traditional nized charity and, as such, is

tablished five years ago to provide a counselling and retraining service for the unemployed. In the first six months of last year, the Working, Centre received more than 2,000 visitors hoping to rejoin the work-force. St. john’s, in just one month last year, served 3,600 meals. Both centres depend on charitable donations to stay afloat,

pledge-per-kilometre campaign, but rather through series of associated fund-raising events. A number of these events have already been held. However, there are still othy - 1ways to contrib_-a. ute. A coffee ho+ will be held at St. Jerome’s Siegfreid Hall on November 7. Raffle tickets are also on sale, the grand prize is a trip for two to Montreal. Organizers say anyone is welcome to join in on the run.

WCRI .RULING Continued Danton

from page 13’

the co-op’s which she helped revise+ were intentionally left flexible to deal with situations such as Tan’s, The treatment Tan has undergone is not at all in keeping with the intentions of the co-op’s policies, she said. The admissions co-ordinator is responsible for initially deciding if%a membership review is necessary,, said Danton, adding t situation with Tan never woul 3 have got “this out of hand” while policies,





she was the co-ordinator. _“Th’ere is no way somethin# like this would be tolerated, it>

.. so petty.” The next stage in the eviction/expulsion action is an appeal by Tan to the board of directors, who must decide whether or not to act on the rev&w committee’s recommendations. The appeal is expected at -the board’s November 14 meeting. Pellegrini said he expects the board to uphold the ruling and is planning to take the matter to court. /p: I.. -;:;: z.,:... 5.. ::. ....... -,::, _’



:y.*...................*.*...* .. . . THE




. . .l



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Students: and You”


on Membership iq the


Canadian Federation of Students will be be&Idon


Monday, November !#,1987 .and E3 Tuesday, November 10, 1987, ' 1 PCI~ will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 430 p.m. each day. I.D. CARD MUST BE PRESENTED TO VOTE. Voting will


be by faculty, with. polling -stations located in the following buildings:

Arts and Independent Studies Arts Lecture Hall c Environmental Studies: -~.~~...~..I-...~..*~...~....*........~...~.....~.....~.~.......,...*.~............. ENV Engineering* CPH Mathematics: **...,*.~,.~*.,.,...*.**.*~,*...~.................~, Math & Computer [3rd Fir.) , H.K.L.S.: ~~-~~~~....*.-......*.....*.....**~......,.~,,~...*..*~,.,.~..~...~~..~.............. BMH (Main Foyer) Science* BZ (SciSoc Office) Optometry: .~...~.......~,.....,.........~........~,~.,.~.~........~........ Optometry (Main Foyer] Renison: *..1..1......**,+*.,...*~......................~*~~.~ Renison College ................*.1..........*.*.........*. St. Jerome’s: ....**............*..***...,*.*,...*.*~*~.,.~....,.......................... St. ‘Jerome’s College l




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. .

. ..~....~...~..~~


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. . .


The wording of the ballot MNN be as follows and you will be asked to indicate your choice: “On September ZOth, the Federation of Students’ Council passed the following motion: Be it &solved that a referendum on full membership of the Federation of Students of the University of Waterloo in the Canadian Federation of Students and the Canadian Federation of Students-Services be held November 9th and IOth, 1987.

. .


. .


. .


. ..-.*.....I..*..~.....**,

one of the following


I am






[Or) I am Got in favour of the Federation of Students of the University of Waterloo becoming a full member of the Canadian

You are therefore requested to indicate your decision on this issue by voting for


Students of the University of Waterloo becoming a full member of the Canadian Federation of Students and the Canadian Federation .of StudentsServices at a cost of $2.00 per student per four month term. -


the Canadian


‘Services.” *

of Students


of Students-

Chkf R~?tuming, C)ffict?r ElectionAhmmittee Federation of Students


Mortiffe puts voice into ‘free flight by Renaa Sunder-RImprint otgff ,‘-





-’ *’

Ann Mortifce : is- w%thGt a.,: doubt one of Canada’s most talented women. Yet she is not very well-known. Fifty per cent of the people to whom I mention her name have never heard of her+ A shame. Or perhaps not. At least she hasn’t been sucked into the “pop” category and lumped with everyone and anyorie else who happens to have recorded a listenable song.. Ann stands in a category by herself .- a category that is difficult to label because of its diversity/ She has not only recorded albums, she has also composed music for stage plays, ballets, operas+ films, and radio and television shows. She has written a script and score for a family musical, and she has acted. She even paints. And yes, she tours with her band. Diverse, exciting, enthralling, intimate, delicate: Ann’s concert. Her relaxed, open stage manner created a charmed atmosphepe into which she wove her magical music. Her successful Bright Encounter album (released in Canada in 1984) was the source of one third of the concert: Mystery, Silhouette, Bright Encounter, I lust One Voice, Take Me Back, Sa$ nltss of the Tribe. The latter song, influenced by her childhood in South Africa, was written in memory of her beloved nanny Gausaulaulau. * number, in * - dramatic. .Another. .. 1 I lu& sty J, was addressed to Gau’saplau- + tiU!f”You were all of Africa’tti me . . . Prisoner in your

Anne Mortifee native land.‘+ Into this song Ann poured her whole heart. At one point she disclosed to the audience that she received a considerable portion of her musical sense in,-Africa, specifically: from the singing of th.e men tiho worked in the cane fields on her -f&her’s plantation in’ Zululand. Just before the intermission she got into what she later termed her “heavy dramatic stuff’. In a song entitled Merlin, the theatrical Ann revealed herself. She didn’t just sing the

song, she acted it in such a manner that you forgot that you were at a “concert;” Thunderous applau’se followed her as she bowed out to a no doubt welcome break. Back in the summer of 1976, Ann stopped singing to depart on a sabbatical of indefinite du*ration. After travelling in Europe, India, and North -Africa, she liwd for a considerable period in battle-etibroiled Beirut, Lebanon. This sojourn inspired another

highly dramatic piece, a statement specifically about the war in Lebanon, but attributable to all wars. The following lines embedded themselves in my me“There is no truth in mory: -wrong and right. . . Young boys lie still and lifelesswith nothing in their eyes but wild surprise.” Some members of the audience were not prepared for the dramatics, nor for the occasional mystical moments in the performance; it was something they had to get used, to. However, thi

humour of other numbers, such as Freddie’s Feet and The Jester, effectively balanced the whole show. I heard one man express surprise that Ann didn’t have an opening act; he doubted whether her voice could hold out for the entire show. And that was the amazing thing about Ann’s voice: clear, expressive, vi bran,t, powerful, it never showed the slightest sign of strain as it traveiled within the limits of her incredible range. Ann Mortifee has been around for a while. Judging from the faces around me her loyal admirers range considerably in age: proof of her diversity and fimelessness, Lucky are those who didn’t miss the concert. It was almost , perfect. My only complaint would be that the band occasionally drowned out Ann’s singing, On the whole though, the band Doug Edwards, synthesizerlguitar: Jim McGillveray, percussion/sound effects: Miles Black, piano/synthesizer; Rene Worst, bass; Paul Burton (the man with whom she shares her life and her son), drums/percussiofi - beautifully complemented the voice that the audience had come to hear. Before singing her encore Baptism, the title song from her first album (released in Canada in 1976) - Ann told the audience she has a feeling that her life is going to change. Jokingly she said that she may become a cobbler. If she does, let’s hope that she does& stop singing; the loss of her contribution to music . would be a great loss for Canadian culture.

Lee’s magic carpet ride . HIP HAPPENINGS by Fleur Mecquean Imprint staff Readiqg through Dennis Lee’s newest book of poetry, The Difficulty of ‘Living on Other Planets (Macmillan, $12.95), is like taking a ri@ on a magic carpet. Each poem reveals a new land filled with strange and wondrous creaturei. There is theJonely but “highly hospitable” cat. who serves dinner each evening for nonexistent guests until she meets ti wizard iaalaundrlomti; A me+ room p~ibsopher’ bloc&’ -the stalls: wtihetnusing ;on goo&Etfld evil. A Bronx mouse and jewish deli mai.d meet, and the reader is invited-to take a-part in the outcome of their relationship. Santa Claus attacks the cbmmercializatioti of Christmas tiith a c’rateful of live allfgator8. These are just a few of the characters that inhabit the world af Deanis Lee’s imagination, spilling out onto the typewriter pages. He goofs around with technology, the arms race, politics, reiationships, and other modern problems. Imprint’caught up with Lee when he was at the university bookstore October .29’, reading from The Difficulty of Living on Other Planets. Questioned on his interest with. the arms race, Lee said, “I have no illusion that writing these. few lines will stop the

arms race. To believe that I’d have to be out of my tree. But writing of this kind can be a help. Some things are just so desperately beyond our control . . I we have a tendericy just to put our heads in the sand . . . but we shduld let things into our consciousness. Come at it by joking.


. i



. ’

cries at the loss of her blue balloon, seeing already how things begin to “break up”, as Lee said. On Lhe next page she appears as an adult, and adventures in her mind, swivelling high on her office chair. The written text is underscored by a visual subtext, created by Alan Daniel’s humorous pen-and-ink drawings. Lee said he and Daniel worked to’ gether on this, and it is very much what he had envisioned. He spent almost as long on the shape and layout af the book BS he did 0~3 the paegms. that went into it. Tke result is 8 boqk t&t can be pead in all kinds &-ways. Lee said he \ is endlessly involved in reworking his poems, even after their publication. Proof is in The Difficulty of Living on Other Planets, which contains nine poems previollsly published in different versions ‘in Nichoh Knock and Other _ People (Macmillan, 1974, now - out-of-print). Sometimes the poems dome alive, Lee said, and “reach out and

I suggest that we can talk about desperate) things and we won’t disappear. And we don’t need to write arm-waving sermons to do it either.” The theme of innocence and - experience runs throughout PImets. In “Suzie Saw the Blue . Belloon”, four-year old Suzie .








haven’t got me right yet’.” Then he knows he still has some edit-, ing to do. So if you’re stuck on what to get someone for Christmas’ or just need something lighter than that data structure? or Russian revolution text you’ve been reading, why not see how you’ll fare on other planets?

By the time you read this, the weather will be a %g bowl of shit again so you might as well cancel your plans for Indian Summer clambakes and hayrides. Ah, but your life won’t be ruined just yet, cuz there‘s plenty of indoor action to keep you in circulation for the -_ next week. For starters, you can-heat up this frigid town by heading out to Fred’s Mall for a T.O+ reggee spliff (?) bash with ‘@e Settallites. If you wanted to cosy up for a nice, quiet night of drunken debauchery at The Bomber, forget it, because those highbrows we know and love as jazz fanatics are taking over the ‘Shelter for good, cheap eve o‘ jazz. And if you‘re still chilly, hustle yer buns down to The Hoodor, Lounge for the Southern Ontario Blue? Association‘s presentation’ of Eddie Ciearwatar tonight and tomorrow night. You can find the place upstairs a.t The Mayfair Hotel in downtown Kitchener of King St., or just follow the smoke. And rounding, out a crrraaaazzzzyyy Friday, the ever:popular, zany, and eccentric Cambridge Buskere will stir up Centre-In-TheSquare tonight and tomorrow, and NUMUS Concerts presents “New Music For Old Instruments“, featuring contemporary music for recorder, viola, harpsi-ehord, and voice at the stART Gallery at 125 King St. W. in Schnitzelville. Ax& the weekend% tunescene doe&f end there; either, what-with magllifercws pop sensations That Pstrol Emotion (see review on p., 19) invading The Diamond in Hogtown Sunday night for what should be a real gas, and acclaimed pianist Angela Brownridge will be at the Kitchener-Waterloo-Chamber Music Society Room at 57 Young Street W. in Waterloo, also on Sunday. And don’t forget that- The Third Cinema Festival, bringing the best in Third World film, video, and directors to Waterloo, will be taking plac;e all weekend at The Princess, WLU, and UW at East CAmpus Hall and Arts Lecture. Especially recommended is Saturday night’s 9:00 pm screening of the award-winning Brazilian film, The Hour Of The Star at The Princess with director Suzana Amaral in attendance. Check the Film Guide on p. 25 for more details, or better yet, pick up on of the millions af programs floating around campus. And speaking of











see the

preview on p. 24 if you don‘t already know about this incredible flick. Whew! Almost outta breath, but on we go. Tuesday and Wednesday night see The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra take to the Theatre of the Arts for the latest in their Baroque and Beyond series featuring raved-about hits by Bach and Bruckner. On Thursday the classics continue as a bunch of German bearing instruments in the guise of The Dresden State Orchestra make fhe trek to Centrein-the-square. Thursday is also the opening of Turner and Turner, the new exhibit at the Theatre of the Arts Gallery in Modern LanPI* II p * 2 1 ” s g .*‘& 5 .I2* ): & .%y<* j ‘d:r: .Q $u@maP .r, cc+“-. -1.

,Roving around town-. on, .All. Hallo.w’s Eve by Peter Stathopulos Imprint staff Halloween was a night of alternatives for the crazy, swqggering, wigged-out students of Waterloo. At Fed, FM and the Nasher played for the umpieenth time to a sold-out crowd; the Bombshelter was host for ,those bearded weirdos, The Shuffle Demons; and the City Hotel presented yet another a!ternative, National Velvet with .-local support from Torso Culumn and

Shuffle Demons

Psycho Voodoo Fuck. I sped around with a friend in a Rover from gig to gig. We parked by Fed Hall, walked right by it and decided to drop in on the Shuffle Demons. Half a’n hour later with only a few pix left in my camera, we crashedthe ddors of the City. I was expecting to take off early after I’d shot the binds, but I kept on bumping into friends, most of them dressed up in something black. Between the black leather- jackets of the $unks, and black capes of witches and vam-


by Peier Stathoputir

pires, and the black denim of cat people, it seemed bl’ack was the hippest colour of the decade. . And I was only in bluejeans. Shucks!! So, it came as no surprise to see Maria Del Mar, the leader of National Velvet, dressed in black bbots, btack body stocking, satin black jacket and shaking her long, voluptuous $lack . hair. After seeing her and noticing how tight the band sounded, I was convinced to stay for the whole gig. Del Mar reminded me of Nina I$agen with her wide vocal range of highs, and lows, her glaring eyes, and her amazingly flexible lips. She was comfortable and casual with the ‘crowd, stepping down from the stage and dancing and singing with them as they hovered around her. Del Mar’s charisma attracted the attention of many guys with beers in their ‘hands and parties on t h&r mind. Some of the Velvet’s stranger material included their start-and finish’ tune, 68 Hours, ind a slower, sensual song balled M&t My Match. With a four-song EP already Maria Del Mar . out, National Velvet is doing pre-production work for their December at Toronto’s Mantafirst full-scale LP to be released Sound studios with release date on a new label, Intrepid Records. for sotietime in March, According to Del Mar, they’ve I+ Strangely enough, even been rehearsing “a hell of a lot” thotigh Intrepid Records is a small o@fit and the Velvets are lately, doing. abhut eight to 10 the first artists they’ve signed, hours a day because of pre-prothis first album will also be reduction. They start recording in

Baa1 of. confusion by Treior Blair Imprint Staff lohn Carmtnters latest, Priacit of ~DnrKcne& arrived just in time for Halloween. The commercials intrigued me, and since Cmpenter was responsibile for Halloween, I went to go see it . Halloween night. The theatre was practically empty. The film itself tias stylistically good, and logically messy. Explanations for the circumstances surrounding this 7 million year old overgrown test tube of slime were plainly siHy. ‘IX@ artifact supposedly contains an incarnation of the child of Satan. Jesus, a scientist, was thought to be crazy in his time and was persecuted. Only today can we under’ stand his formulas. A class trip ig organized to the church where

- ’


by Peter Stathopulos

leased on compact disc. If YOU have a chance to see National Velvet, do so because they don’t usually play too many gigs, They put on a very entertaining show, their music packs a solid punch, and Maria Del Mar is a tremendously sexy singer.




this object has been kept secretly much technical garbage as the in the bisement. Loads of co&church, failed to interest or enputers and other technical junk tertain. One Chinese character in are loaded into the church to anparticular Gas obviously in the alyse the evil slime. , wron& movie; his jokes were not - Whoever casted .this film relevant or funny. The gang of should be shot. Any film, regardvagabonds that encircled the less how scary, fails when the church for whatever reason were main character is readily recogfunny. Alice Cooper did some nized as A.J. from Simon And impressive standing around, obSimon. The small but television viously hdping to get into any devoted audience shouted A ye upcoming Thriller* sequels. Jayye! everytime he appeare tr . If The suspenseful and scary that wasn’t enough, the first perparts were due entirely to style, son to die is Boz(or Bos, or whaproving Carpenter can piece totever) from Riptjde. These , gether some scary stuff out of a quickly identifiable characters lousy script. Some people did nothing to promote thescar screamed quite loudly and that’s escapism suggested in the a J 1 good when that happens. Really, The commercial 9htiuId have it is. If Carpenter could find himplainly stated: Prince 6f Darse!f a competent script, he could kness: starring your favourite easily handle directing it, PerGharactem from.... haps he and Clive Barker should Tke plot, clut’terd with as get together.

Buckwheat’Zydeccp qnd Ils, Sor# Partis by John Zachariab Imprint staff

reviewed-in these pages. lt is this record which the band is no-w touring to promote. ._ A large and varied, .&awd : _ *. “2...kicked off their. shok-ap+Iet & J+om,fhe binning, Dural and their hair down at th@ Barn&d* the bam$,had the crowd moving last Wednesday at the--urging ofl:. ’ ‘_Pd: the- l&e&, @ -Let Good Times Stanley “Buckwheat” Dural and Roll, Ma ‘tit- I%l/e (from The Big Easy soundtrack), and a blisterthe 11s Sont Partis band, the potent zydeco machine from Laing rendition of the Blasters’ Marie, Marie, which was also Fayette, Louisiana. Zydeco, cajun .music, is one of the last played for the encore. The whole lot were in fin6 form: Ils Sont unadulterated forms of tradiPartis we& tight *and hot, and tional music on the continent. even played a few numbers Popularized by types such as without llural. But the pyrotechClifton Chenier and Queen Ida, nics really started when Buckzydeco uses an accordian as its wheat took the stage, spraying lead instrument, but don’t be desparks from his hefty squeezeceived; the music practically box. The band worked hard, and commands your feet to move, so so did the audience, leaving infectious is it. pools of sweat on the floor of the ‘!Buckwheat” Dural. did jourBarnBoo. In fact, the only person neyman work in Clifton Cheniwho appeared not to be enjoying er‘s band befdre striking out on herself was Ellen Barkin (who his own with 11s Sont Partis. co-starred with Dennis Quaid in Since then, he has recorded nuThe Big Easy). From the lopk on merous albums, all of which her face, Ms. Barkin seemed to blend zydeco with elements of funk and soul. The latest one is


(right) I



by Tim hwl

Genius Move That Petrol Emotion Virgin (Import)

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff Seems like just about everything That Petrol Emotion does - is a genius move. As if it wasn’t enough to have released six killer singles and a pair of brilliant albums in the space of two * years, they have to go and make another excellent EP of two new gems and a rewarked live track from their d’ebut album. Genius Move is yet more tividence of TPE’s clanking, clatt’ering pop wizardry, putting the fun up front and leaving the politics down in the mix and on the back of the record jacket in the form of a quote from. The Politics of Irish Freedom by Gerry Adams. The A-side, though not- as instantly and deliriously catchy as Big Decision, is a tough, but light-faoted finger-snapper, fleshed out with lots of ‘oooo’s and a big, jolly horn section. With its soulful overtones, it should pick up on the dance floor where Big Decision left off. The B-side finds edhoes of

both their debut’s Natural Kind of Joy and The Replacements’ Swingin’ Party on Party-Games, gorgeous, wistful pop wizardry that has Steve Mack doing a pretty fair Michael Stipe vocal. Pretty delicate, airy stuff for Barry Andrews of Shriekback notoriety to be producing. And then they grind it up good ‘n’

grungy on the live version of Manic Pop Thrill’s Mouthcrazy, braking to a half-speed clog while .Mack howls and gurgles through a throat-full of venomous phlegm. So it’s maybe not their best, but rest assured that your That Petrol Emotion ‘collection shouldn’t be finished just yet.

Top ‘48 Records For the week+nding Top Eight _

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6, 7. 8,



for week

31, 1987 ending



Sting - Nothing Like the Sun Depeche Mode - Music For The Masses Love an,d Rockets - Earth - Sun - Moon Smiths --Strangeways, here We Come Art of Noise - In - No - Sense? Nonsense! Mark Knopfler - The Princess Bride (soundtrack) FM - Tonight (Fed Hall - Oct. 311 +v 54:4O - Show me

JUST ARRIVED 1. Various Artists - Enigma Smapler - 2 LP Collection 2. Gruesomes - Gruesomania 3. Public Image Limited - Happy? 4. Alta Moda - with Molly Johnson - Norman Orenstein 5. Mike Oldfield - Islands Based on sales at the Record Store, i,ower Ma/l Compus Centre, University of Waterloo

pie wilYhate The Fat Skier and as The Fat Skier ~~:,~i”:t,“far .ti : radio play, well, you>might @t as well expect to see ChaFles Throwing Muses Bronson in-~a Bergman film. 4AD/Sire It’s a ‘beguiling paradox- of .a r record; disorienting and awkward so as to be almost inaccessible, but the adventurous will by Chris Wodskou find a warm heart opened up, irresistibly beckoning them inImprint staff ward. Spanish guitar I don’t think I’ve used ‘ithe flavourings are run through Garoux des Larmes at a fast gallop, word, ‘stunning’, in a review for then give way to the frail, swia while, which is a good thing rling emotion of A Feeling, because Throwing Mushes’ domarked by Kristin Her&s undumestic debut is, in g word, stunlating, Liz Co&au-like wail. ning. Seemingly odd bedfellows Soap and Water steps on the gas to 4AD labelmates like The Cocteau Twins and Colourbox -the again, threatening to become a rock ‘n’ roll song before side-one band is American and operates on folk-rock variations - this climaxes with the spare, chillBoston four-piece plays second ingly melodic You Cage, a testafiddle to no one in terms of intenment of defiance. And the flip sely expressive, idiosyricratic side’s Soul Soldier, a remix from music. their debut album of last year, Frankly, though, many of peoswitches gears at will and some-

how manages to glue itself together until the baby giggles fa&.o& some nine minutes later. Hersh’s voice does take some getting used to and will probably cause a few hairs to bristle, but beer doebn’t taste so hot the first time you try it either. Her singing is’ used-as a primal instru-‘ ment, sometimes inarticulate in and of itself, but suggestive of and throbbing with volumes of emotion. Nervous, yet assertive, Hersh is a consummate vocal stylist+ warbling and peaking unpredictably, throwing almost. operatic patterns into a folky song, and turning her voice’s intrinsic brittleness which could snap at any time into a fascinating tension, Obviously, The Fat Skier isn’t for everybody, diverse, evocative record that it is -just count ’ yourself lucky if you happen to be one of the people it is for.






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334s EP Of The Desert Desert Records


real. Sons Of The Desert was one of La,urel and Hardy’s better talkies, it’s also the name of their fan club. 1 hope Sons Of The Desert (the band) don’t have to do one of those crummy name changes for legal reasons (like Dinosaur to Dinosaur Jr. or Yaz to Yazoo, ugh).

bs Iabn Ryan Imprint staff

Musically, this album isn’t what you would call groundbreaking, nor is it a brain-dead rock ‘n’ roll fest, No, what we have here is an uncomplicated, unchallenging but not uninteresting EP Love Slave is catchy, Be Mine is okay; but overall the tunes are pretty much interchangeable. I wouldn’t be averse to seeing them live, but I doubt that 1’11 ever play this record again.

How mhy lines can I write without me&idning the R-SZS? ’ Ha ha, looks like less than one, It’s a compar-ison that’s irresistible since the two female singers in Sons Of The Desert sound like two women vocalists that belong to a certain band from Athens, Ga. Sons Of The Desert are a fun, unpretentious band from Mont-

. .CD’s expand artist exposure by Trevor Blair Imprint staff Easily one of the best things about compact discs is their capacity to hold up to 74 minutes of music with no reduction in sound quality. Vinyl is able to accommodate about 45-50 minutes; beyond that, sound quality diminishes considerably. This CD bonus has prompted clever marketing people to add tracks to fill up the extra space. Anyone recently purchasing a CD may have noticed obscure tracks, ‘EPs, or b-sides accompanying the regular play list for the album. Reissues benefit the: most from this development; shorter albums not yet on CD are sometimes doubled up (early Box). Some double albums even fit nicely on one CD (recent Husker Du, Cure, Sting). Two issues released exclusively to capitalize on the CD

listening mode. In fact the hallowed trinity off of POP Movement of Fear, Real I,@; Rain ---has not been tampered wit‘h at all, securely preserving one of the best IT-minute sessions of pop music anywhere. The highlight Rain, with its soft chorus and seductive layering, lets you. drown comfortably andslowly beneath the rippling bass ’ and synth. I Almost half of the bonus songs are instrumentals: carried out with meticulous precision, they extend the length of the listening experience rather than serving as unnecessary filler. The best of the seven is Burning S&es, with soft vocals and deep dark bass, it soothes only to attack with shuddering guitar riffs, and to soothe again. Night Music is an invaluable collection of creative pop for’those with a taste for the dark and dangerous. New Model Army’s The I[nde-

Angel]. Their energy is awesome and their anger is directed toward such recurring themes as: beating the crap out of drug dealers, love, the crime of rewriting history, sex, the decay of the British Empire, and Iost heroes. Originally dubbed a skinhead band, they incorporate acoustic guitar and even some harmonica . in their repertoire, They seem to de test the mindless destruct ion so many other so-called punk bands revel in. Few bands’can convincingly stand by their beliefs with the conviction NMA does. , Two versions of Great Expectations and Notice Me are included, Both songs deal with questionable aspirations, or wanting without understanding. Both songs are presented in their original forms and as recorded live for the John Peel sessions. Energy this raw with some


Tones on Tait

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pendent Story is actually the market are: Night Music by indie . hit album Vengennce, Tones on Tail and The Independcoupled with the majority of ent-Stoliy by New Model Army+ their other independently reBoth discs consist of repackaged leased tracks. NMA has since older albums accompanied by signed to EM1 records and has extra tracks. produced a small volume of Tones on Tail, one-half of the material for them. These early long-deceased Bauhaus, have tracks, however, are the basis sihce ‘teamed-up with another for their success in breaking into former Bauhaus member. This the North American market. collaboration is known today as Vengeamx appeared and reapLove and Rock-as. TOT’s first dopeared on the independent mestic album POP has been unicharts for years after its release. ted with six of the more This material was also the basis interesting songs from the earfor their failure to obtain visas to li?r days of Bauhaus. Also inAmerica. Visas cluded is a throwaway live c play in North were refused due to the band’s recording of kfeartbreak Hotel. supposed lack of artistic merit: The playlist hris been restrucAggressive?, yes. Subversive?, tured with care not to destroy definitely. Without artistic the flow of the albums original merit? Wrong. Visas have- since domestic configuration. Up been granted and the NMA has tempa tracks such as the minor launched their attack. dance club hits Go! and ChrisParticular dynamite from this tian -Says are lumped at the becollection includes: Vengeance, ginning of the disc, which later The Price, and Sex [The Black slips into a more relaxed, easy

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thought behind it is rare and refreshing. Whether NMA will be able to survive underneath their own self-imposed doctrines, however, remains to be seen. Lead singer Slade believes it is ‘more important to affect a small number of people a greet deal, rather’than a,large number very little. With thio philoso hy, NMA seems in no hurry td a E andon their aggressive style in favour of top-40 airplay. Compact discs: you can love them, you can hate them. Any new media is developed under the assumption that without it, the existing medium will become stagnant. In the scramble to secure CD sales, record companies are offering many strange: and wonderful bonuses to make the pubtic happy. They, for now, seem willing’ to go the extra miie to promote this neti market. Sift through the volumes and discover.


by Don Kudo Imprint staff Three ‘core cassettes of different styles but similar in their pace, are covered in the following reviews. All three are aspiring groups with exceptional live sounds and have released these cassette over the last year.

Punkusraucousrex NOl?lid

indie tape

Nomind is a band through its prowess of pure musicianship create large boisterous sounds. A guitarist with the attributes that could dominate any normal group plays along side a pair of exacting executioners of bass and drums. This marriage of instrumental excellence is the main feature of Nomind’s music and is portrayed on their cassette, Punkusraucousrex. Punkusraucousrex is a nifty package of Nomind sticker and button included with the tape. The boldly dictated liner notes tells of where and when the music was put together for the cassette. A couple of tunes, Dirt Desire and Bonehead, were done up in a studio with the help of Change of Heart and Vital Sines producer Mike Phillip-WojewDda while the other tracks were the result of the band’s own doings. The disparity of the sound quality between the studio tracks and the “homespun” versions slightly detracts from the tape beihg a total tale of Nomind’s expertise. At times the lower end of the rhythm is reiuced to a bumpy muffle of bass and drums. However the two studio numbers are;finti,,efforts Nhich finds t heti isI!&&ting a slow deep bass intro btiilt to ragng heights of vocals and guitar m Dirt Desire, and later play).11ly blasting away during Boneiead. I

Apocalyptic Dreams Dyoxen indie tape

Life’s A Scream Block Donnellys indie tape


While Dyoxen’s speedcore could be likened to a dragster blasting off at the green light with a streamIined forward delivery, another London band, the Black Donnellys, are more like a stock car: griiding and reckless in their approach, the thrash throttle wide open. Crunchy guitars an,d motor mouthing vocals propel the Donnelly’s music. Lead singer Dan Rudbal’s speedball singing/ranting is an essential element of the movement of the songs as he preaches a punk ideology. Poor People of Poland comments on the Solidarity mqvemept, with Rudbal taking a stance of the government forces attempting to quell the uprising of Polish workers - You want to push my To the brinlc of disforce of the music is held in the government/ aster/ I’ve Jet it go on too long/ 1 accurate exhibition of speed. can’t let it lost any longer/ I’ve 1 The lyrics and vocals play segot to keep some semblance/ To cond fiddle to the instrumental actiqn. Mind you, an attempt to please the Russian Communists/ What you dissect Dyoxen’s music piece by Even though I know/ piece would depreciate from the say makes sense. His continual patter later an appreciation of the sensation pokes at U.S. military research of speed produced by this threethrough remarks dealing with man unit. the’ fateful Challenger incident, and protests against rules, laws, The best track on Apocalyptic regulations, statutes etc. on Anything and Everything. Dreams, Killing Game, is a song that carries a musica’l theme The Black Donnellys’ abrasive from start to finish with the thrash styling is similar to the acoustic guitar intro interjected gift of ra<nch&splayed by other ,in the middle and later rounding brothers in arms, Problem Child?UI the ending of the tune. The ren and Asexuals. Life’s A song leaves an impression on the Scream drives by in a short song listener because ot its consistent spurts of high-level energy. It’s structure, as opposed to a conhighly “moshabJe” (moshing for tinued firing-off of velocitized the uninitiated is the circular portions of metal. parading of ‘core kids in the Pit Avaitpble downtown at Dr, at live gigs] and spited with &r$ of .pebelIicrus spirit. Disc,-,*dypt~ DS8aqgis~$~ tainly riot the type of mii& to be ’ ‘$ic 3:_ up’ the tap& and join the Donnelly cla’n in their free-forplayed for a 20-minute workout all tiusical riot. Life’s A Scream session if you know what’s good and it would be a shame to miss for your heart. just play it. LOUD out on all the fun, and enjoy the speed trip, The sensation of speed without ever moving from a stationary listening status, like the Maxell commercial depicting the ultimate blow-you-away experience of sound, can be felt while listening to Dyoxen’s Apocalyptic Dreeme. The speed merchants from London, Ontario, are relentless in unleashing rapid-fire riffs, and punctual in their halts and changes of pace. Crystal-clear guitar solos jump out of the hasty music and climb to heights of fret frenzy. The six track tape contains the best overall sound of the three cassettes reviewed, The precise presentation is a key element in the field of speed metal since the


94.5 CKMS

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

cable 105.7

I Playliai

Top Teh for October


Steps - Slip into the Crowd [BMG) The Smith? - Strangeways here we borne (WIZA] Alien Sex Fiend - Here Cum Germs (Anagram) ‘13 Engines - Before Our Time [Nocturnal) Various artists - It Came From Canada l&l. 3 (Og) 54.40 - Show Me (WEA) Washington Squares - fhbut [WEA) Phil Manzenera - Guitarissimo (WEA) The Ramones - Halfway to Sanity (WEA). 10, Bruce Springsteen - Tunnel of Love (CBS) 39

Top New 1. 2. 3. 4.

Phil Sting P.I.L. Jesus


Manzenera - Guitarissimo - Nothing Like The Sun - Happy? ’ and Mary Chain - Darklands



November 6, a special Jazz event in the Bombshelter with CKMS Jazz DJs-and lots of jazz treats. Rare recordings, album giveaways, and-a groovin’ good time. if you miss that, be at Wil’s at WLU for I more of the same! I All November catch the K-W Iazzfest 87 on In Concert Mondays and Saturdays. . Watch for the celebrity DJ night at Fed Hall November 25. Details soon!

Though it may not be a comdetely clear commentary of the his Toronto foursome, Punkus:aucousrex does contain the bascs of Nomind’s maximum jower. The group is not a conJentional hardcore outfit as :heir music is not unidirectional 3ut full of loud fiery guitar sur-” Irises. The inclusion of the fearfully ‘unky Nomind [Disco Mix) disJlays the unconventional nature If the band as it is a synthjbeat30x number that sounds like something from former T.O. Jueen Streeter beat-basher Dave Howard. The scary thing about this track is that it is so good, coming from a group that revels in a maximum rock ‘n’ roll attack. Hopefully an album will be out soon from this band, but until then you ,zan get this tape.. by writing to them at P.O. Box 5303/ stn. A/ Toronto, Ontario/ M5W lN6. Songs Touch

About Fucking Big BJack and Go records

by John Ryan Imprint staff l

thipg that .Big Black can no longer afford. if .you sing about sexual exploitation of tihildren, casual murder and self immolation and* talk about same for a yearsand a haif your audience is going to become jaded pretty - fast. B.B. forced themselves to up the ante, tighten the screws, intensify the attack. Not surprisingly, they’ve crossed the line “provocative” and between pointlessly offensive.

sound like after-thoughts Columbian Necktie or Fish Fr! are only memorable for wha they’re supposed to be about throat slitting and a wornal being bludgeoned with a boot respectively. They broke up shortly afte releasing Songs About Fucking a good career move, considerin; thet they -- were __ _about _ _ due for I

critical backlanhSo Songs along crunching guitars Grinding, with a few well-selected cove’rs under an indecipherable vocal are Big Black’s parting shots. I. supposedly screaming about wish they had included their It’s a little sad how they’ve various taboo subjects; this is version of Cheap Trick’s He’s a sunk into such self parody. the Big Black formula. On last Whore instead of a lame working Since, the music doesn’t do much year’s Atomiser it worked. of Kraftwerk’s The Model. anymore the accessories try to Though their approach was make up far it: the sleeve notes, obviously calculated to shock album jacket and even the and offend, Big Black did exeralbum’s title smell of a desperate cise some restraint. desire for notoriety. The songs this point restraint is somew- *----------~--** - - ---- -r*.*-I-lrm.*.,*.F,~,~,~,~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~

Graduating Science Students compl0ting their courses prior to January md who vrill not be returning to the universi~ in 1988 should con&& the Science Societg &flce before Nov.. 13. Arrangements

will then be m&9

for your Gra@at~portraits sothat ’ you will be included in you1’01ass .composite. - . -

accent shifts from strong back beat to running guitar riff which produces the strongest outburst of the weathermen’s offerings. Another standout is the opening song Vegil with the attention placed on the strong harmonies of the chorus. This song pushes along with a bouncy beat and makes for a fresh invigorating start for the other songs to follow. The album is available downstairs at the CC. record store and is a worthwhile acquisition not just because of its local flavour, but for the quality of material and presentation captured by this promising band.

intoxicating as it is danceable: consider Russell, as bard as virtually anything by Shriekback, but even more densely layered; Little Mutchstic_k Owen where Ryder’s edgy singing fails brilliantly to hit those elusive upper-register notes; and Desmond, a funky, tongue-in-cheek homage to The Beatles’ Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da. Paul Ryder’s bass just won’t stand still for a second and percussionist Mark Berry works up a groovy sweat behind the bongos.

Happy Mondays do share James’ eccentricity and endless catalogu4! of stylistic influences, but there the similarity to other Factory bands abruptly ends, Shades of Shriekback’s meaty bass, staccqtc! f.unk guitar, and nerve-wracked singing abound by Chris Wodskiu as do Vital Sines’ funk-rock at its Imprint staff danceable best, Talking Heads’ mating of danceMore weird rumblings from rock and African rhythms, and Factoryland, home of disco-gods the sheer pop-funk ariarchy of New Order and pop wunderBritish indie bands like Stump kinds James and The Railway and Big Flame (and notice how Children. But if you’re hankering hard it is to pigeonhole even for some beatbox-blip-blapping their points of reference). All or some pleasant, jangly jaunt, punch and kick to cram their look elsewhere. way into the mix whilst Shaun Ryder’s straining vocals scratch and claw their way to the top. rangements (courtesy Hakan Squirrel And G-Man . . . is Almqvist who plays piano as ’ further proof that you can sound Origins well -as produces) always comlike any number of people and Thirteen Moons mand complete attention. It’s anstill be your own band with a Wire Records (import) ything but the anal’ retentive sound that is utterly your own. drone that is usually found Their exotic concoction is as under-the ‘neti age’ heading. The music of Thirteen Moons is almost as enigmatic as the by Tim Perlich / group itself. Not very much is Imprint staff known about the group besides Mats Gunnarsson is the saxoTo describe in words the subphonist, Goran Klintberg sings tle grace of Thirteen Moons’ and guitarist Anders Holm cdmmusic is not an easy task. You poses most-of their son&. could saywit sounds like the yelUnlike their debut LP Little low oak leaves on St. Clair Blvd. &earning Boy, Origins is presmell or like glazed porcelain dominantly instr.umental but the feels, but that’s about as close as you could come without being songs which Goran does sing are slapped around. exceptional. On Suddenly One What they play amounts to a Summer and even more so with Undercurrent, his low register form of musical haiku in which tenor blends effortlessly with understatement is the underlyGunnarsson’s saxophone work ing theme. Built-mostly on simto startling effect. ple guitar figures (completely As should be the case with free of any sort of percussive acmusic of this sort, the quality of companiment), the ten&Qn rises the pressing is impeccable, equal and falls with the sweeping or superior to anythi‘ng you’ll get phrases pf piano, flugelhorn and from Japan. CD-types might saxophone without surrenderwant to order the- Thirteen ing the moody spaciousne-Ss for Moons disc (WRCDD 0041 which colour. I includes the music of .Origins Though characterized by its and Little Dreaming Boy for the warmth and overall calm the price of a single (import) CD. songs’ carefully considered ar-

the weathermen +the weathermen


by Don Kudo Imprint staff

. ..**.............*...*..*....*


Taking all the appropriate and important steps in the progression from being “just another local band”, Guelphrbased band the weathermen have recbntly released ‘an eight song album. This debut on vinyl is the followup to their Machinery cassette release and contains all new material, with the exception of the foursome’s alluring Element of Truth track. This song with all of its magnetic live appeal to attract easy swaying souls to dance floors, is captured on the self-titled album in a more reflective tiann-er. The lines You and I will burn together/ One by one take on greater meaning by grasping the self-destruction theme of man’s continuing drive to create IargBr scale Hiroshimas to possibly still occur. The passionate voice of Elemerit of Truth belongs to Seth Matson. Besides being the lead singer. main lyrical force of the band, and responsible for the wonderful photographic cover art, he is also a UW architecture student. A fellow UW student, guitarist Iain Grant, adds the air to’ the often atmospheric weathermen music. On Cactus Grant’s chiming guitar presence rings lightly as it comfortably meets the rhythm combo of U. of Guelph related members, bassist Doug Watt and drummer Marty Coles. ’ Most of the songs consist of a similar ingtrumental base as Cactus with a noticeable exception being R.hapsody.. Here the

Squirrel And G-Man Happy Mondays Factory/Polygram

. .. -

Okay, so there’s a sameness to this album, but when you’re this far off the beaten track, the hundredth listen still sounds refreshing and downright exciting. If Mappy Mondays are good enough for John Cale to produce, they should satisfy your craving for funky white-boy rantings. Need I add that it’s one of the year’s best ?

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3 FOOT SUB /.ee@ing in tune with The Hallow&en spirit, Jimmy Johnson hits a bone-chilling blues ‘note. at Kitchener’s Hoodoo Lounge last Gturday night in yet another howling Southern Ontario Blues Association \ nrnerrnt5tirrn


See If To Believe It!

’ “Uti~ate

-Advehture” dbesn’t hold Water

Paddle to the Amazon: The Ultimate 12,000 Mile Canoe . Advetltup b;- Don Starkell McClelland and Stewart by Tom York Imprint stuff Puddle to the Amazon is ihe log-book of a 2%month-long canoe trip taken in 1980-82 by a d&year-old father and his two sons, ages 19 and 17. Setting out from Winnipeg, they paddle upstream on the Red and portage the height,of land to the Mississipvi, which they follow to Ney Orleans. They then take the Intracoastal Waterway to the Mexican border, where in their Z&foot fibreglass canoe they brave the Gulf, then theCaribbean, past Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, Then eastward past Columbia and Venezuela to Trinidad, where they take their second -well-earned and much-needed rest of 10 weeks [the first breather, in Veracruz, was .forced -on them), before crossing

to the South American mainland. Finally, 1,000 miles up fhe Orinoco to Tama Tama; 200 miles along the remote Casiquiare Canal; 800 miles down the Rio Negro to Manaus; and 1,000 miles down the Amazon to the port city of Belem, where their trip ends, An amazing achievement, Lr is it? Since I intend to be critical, 1 want to give niy credbntials. Every natural hazard the Starkells encountered, I have encounter&d in an equal number of miles of canoeing, but all in Canada. Furthermore, several of these trips have been with my two sons, ages 17 and 19. So, from both the technical and paternal vantage, I feel qualified to make the following pronouncements. First, Starkell at the beginning of the trip is both a nitwit and a martinet: he doesn’t know much about canoeing, and he doesn’t : know his sons very well. He learns, but not soon enough, from his younger son, who abandon* -the enterprise at La Pesca, Mexico. His introspective older son, who completes th% trip, is

given to long sulks, blaming his father for everything that goes wrong, accusing him of lack of concern, and on at least half a dozen occasions, physically fighting with hiti. As for canoeing, despite his claim that he prepared for this trip for 10 years, Starkell sets out ill-equipped, with neither slash-cover nor open-water skills, with a lo-year-old tent that leaks badly, and far too much gear of the wrong kind. In addit ion, the Starkells ‘were burdened with psychological dead-weight such as: “I am daunted by the thought of being stopped, of failing. I have never before allowed myself to fail,” and “We promised ourselves that every mile of our j’ourney would be achieved under our own power. No lifts. No tows. No temptation to cut corners.” This ridiculous resolution results in the Starkells, pere et fils, hauling on three separate occa-

sions of up to 40 miles trailers designed to be towed, while declining offers of aid. It results, also, &being forced to wait four months in Veracruz, /then backtracking (when the water table has changed) to do the 12 miles of Laguna Madre their canoe has been mired in, - a13 because their canoe was so heavily laden (1200 lbs of cargo!) it could not be portaged. Why didn’t they take a York boat? Or, since the primary virtue of a canoe is its portability, pack it properly - without the aluminum boxes, porttible radio, acoustic guitar, tree cook stoves, two guns, boots,. tennis shoes, machete, knives, sleeping bag - all of which they lost, or cast overboard, anyway? Was it because DOQ Starkell wanted this to be the world’s Iongest canoe trip, one he could enter in the Guiness Book of World Records? At Puerto +strella, Columbia, he admits as much: “I

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Grimly bizarre and viblent events like the San Ysidro McDonald’s mass murder and the recent killing spree in a post office by a fellow postal worker have had a profoundly unsettling effect on the conscience and sectirity of Middle America, but a lesser publicihed, single murder in suburban California some years ago is somehow just as disturbing and terrifying. Not just because the victim was a high-school girl and the murderer was her teenage boyfriend, but mainly because of the complicity of their friends i,n covering up the crime. Such is the focus of rookie director Tim Hunter’s dotiment of the purder, The River’s Edge. On a superficial level, the plot follows the ,gradtial disclosure of the girl’s.body, lying naked and decomposing on the spot where .~ L :.

her boyfriend, ‘Samson, mur_ __ dered her, to the various members of “the gang”, and then the attemp!s by the kids to conceal Samson from the law with the help of 8 re’yered Vietnam veteran and marginally sane recluse played tiith a typically intense dementia hy Dennis Hopper, However,. The diver’s Edge is made riveting by Hunter’s concentration on the d.ynamics of the group of teenage friends a,s

the tension in the community mounts over the girl’s disappearance and the growing suspicion toward Samson. There is a moral black hole at the core of The EEiver’s Bdge’s characters; it doesn’t really occur to them until the mov’ie draws near the end that perhaps Samson did something wrong. The murdered girl was their friend, too, but for the better part of the film, they are simply entranced by.&e novelty of the crime and especially by the fact that it inv$ves ihe& somehow, thus bringing a little adventure to their lives. These kids, Faised on a diet of sugar ’ cereal, Friday The I3’th movies, and adolescent sex and drinking, are numbed ethically and intellectuall . Anot ii er iinister element arises in The River’s Edge in the form .of a primitive, tribalistic bonding chillingly reminiscent of Lord Of The Flies. Once the ‘contineus among the kids is resolved to hide .the fugitive’s /guilt, Crispin (Michael J.‘s dad in Back To The Future] senses an opportunity to live out despotic fantasies and proceeds to coerce, threaten, and other‘wise, scare the rest of the group out of any possible dissent with his hyper, freaked:out rants about the need. forgroup solidarity. The RiverYs’Edge is one’of the most fascinating, movies of recent



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looked at our maps and realized that last night was a historic occasion . . . somewhere on the.seas in the darkness+ we surpassed the record for the longest canoe trip ever.” In 12,000 miles, passing ‘through 30 countries at an average rate ot 30 miles a day, an enormous number of sights animal, vegetable, and mineral - present themselves. To me, the most remarkable aspect of the trip is that Starkell had the energy to keep such an extensive ‘log, after the 1% and Id-hour days he describes. Still, what does he see? And how does he show the reader? He remarks as “strange” but fails to recognize kudzu on the Natchez banks, gar in the Mississippi, the phosphorescent red-tide on the Gulf, and flamingos in Texas he calls “pinkish crane-like birds,” What else did he miss? He saw much wildlife on the Orinoco and Rio Negro, which he seems to have prepped himself on. But it is the human encounters that come through most strongly, and that make this book worth reading. Here we have an insecure but very driven middle-aged Canadian with a dream, paddling for a11 he is worth with two sons, then one son, along the waterways of 13 countries. They are taken in by poor fishermen and poorer Indians, held at gunpoint by poIicio, detained by guardio, fed by housewives and missionaries, rebuffed by Canadian tourists, threatened’ by dope-smugglers, denied passage by bureaucrats, given free passage by a Dutch skipper, celebrated by a television crew, and at the end there’s nobody there to meet them, Like a sports event, at the end, it’s finished, and only the &ore - 12,000 miles - remains.

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of frighteningly r&al characters of undefined motives and ambitions who just sort of float through their lives and relationships in an almost drugged senselessness. California may seem distant, but it shouldn’t because chances are you hung out with these same kids not so long ago. I









by Ed Drasa

Film Notes - Alright people, this is serious. The Third Cinema Festival is on. Film festivals don’t often come around to this neck of the woods, so we should take this chance to get our acts in gear and get some culture, Fit a film or ttio in today, tomorrow or Sunday, and get an idea of what its like in-other places. The films and videosare cheap and should not be missed. Directors from places like Mexico, Uruguay, Kenya and the Philippines are in town to discuss filmmaking in their countries and anything else people want to know. There will be special films showing at the Princess in the evenings (until Saturday) and other works will be at the East Campus Hall and Arts Lecture Hall as well as the Central Teaching Building at WLU. There are several themes; Commonwealth Cinema, Chinese and SE. Asian Cinema, West African Cinema, Brazilian Cinema and others. To wrap up the portion of the Festival that takes place in Waterloo, the most popular works will be reshown on Sunday in AL. Pick up a schedule at CC if you can’t find one elsewhere, or phone 885-1211, ext. 370% Box offices are in East Campus Hall and at the Princess, among others, Books of tickets will make it cheaper. (Smallest book: 5 tickets.) Don’t miss this. The following venues show obscure and more well-known films on campus and nearby. If you have a free night (hah) go 888 a movie as a break or as an enjoyable form of education. Sand ma suggestions or info on films that are happening. Use inter-office mail, or come by CC and leave mail with the Turnkeys. Enjoy ,youris8lf. .’ THIRD CINEMA FESTIVAL (TCF), Arts Lecture Hall 113, East Campus Hall 1219, Room 2E7 at WLU and the Princeas (PRIN) ($3 per film, or 5 for $12 and 12 for $25.) FED FLICKS (FF), Arts Lecture Hall 116 ($1 F&, $3 Non) FEDERATION HALL, (Free: F@na &I be atiaounced. 888-4090) CINEMA GRATIS (CG), Campus Centre (Free,yith eet-up.) ST. PAUL’S (STP), French Lounge (Free.) I UW-C* Various locations. (Free.) WOMEN’S CENTRE FILMS (WC), CC 135. (Free.) WLU-C* Arts Building 2E7 (Free.) WLU-SU FILMS,’ Student Union Bldg. lE1 ($3.99 ‘Non-WLU) PRINCESS CINEMA, 8 Princess St. ($2.7S Mtmrbers, $4 Non) GORGE CINEMA, 43 Mill St., Elora ($3 Members, $4 Non) * C denotes course’films. Be early and quiet, OK? FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6: FED HALL - No film. (The Sattalites play) FF Star Trek IV at 7&g. WLU-SU A Great Wall (China/USA, 1986) at 8. STP Les Sous-doues (comedie, sur video) a 18h30. TCF-ECH Chilean Videos@ videos) at 1. Latin American Videos (w/ workshop) at 3. ’ TCF-AL Poundmaker’s Lodge & Dancing Around the Table & Ikwe (New Native Canadian Films) at 2:30. Lousy Little Sixpence & First Contact (Film and Indigenous People in Au&&a) at 5130. Love Brewed...In the African Pot at 7%). To Go 05 A Journey (Malaysia, 1986) at 9:45, TCF-PRIN - Films from Chile, Argentina & Cuba, at 1. Camera d’Afrique (Tunisia) at 4. Leila and the Wolves (Lebanon, 1984) at 7, ,. . i I-


- Surprise Film+ at 9. The Untouchablee (USA, 1987) at T&9:10. NOVEMBER 7: Trek IV at 7&g Philippines Videos (with Q workshop @ound 4) by Filipino director Lito Tiongson) at l&3. Canadian/Third World Fiims at 12. U.K. Black Films at 3. Patu! (New Zealand, 1983) at 7. Saparash (India,’ 1979) at 9. TCF-PRIN House of Mr Hagh Daust [Iran, 1980) at 1. Naked Spac8a:Living Is Round (Senegal) at 3. Wild Mountains (China, 1985) at 7. The Hour of the Star (Brazil) at 9. GORGE Snow White and the Seven,Dwarfs at Z&4. The Untouchables at 7&9:10. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8: TCF-AL - The most popular films of the Third Cinema will be shown in Room 113 at 1,3&7. A Winter Tan (Canada/Mexico) at 9. FF Star Trek IV at 8. r PRINCESS MixedtBlood (life is violent in Alphabet Town, NYC. d:P. Morrisey] Members $xF@, Non’$5 at 7&g. GORGE Snow White [Disney] at Z&4. s Kangaroo (Australia) at 7&9:10 NDAY, NOVEMBER 9: B % C Happily Unmarried (NFB 1%~) w/ Apd They Lived Happily Ever After [both are NFB -- films, trying to figure out what marriage means) 12:30, FED HALL 48 HRS [Eddie Murphy week starts) at 6. ‘PRINCESS Saboteur (d: Alfred Hitchcock, 1942) at 7. The Wild Bunch (western, USA, 1969) at 9%. j GORGE Kangaroo (from D;fi. Lawrence novel) at 7&9:20. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER lo: FED HALL - No film. (Mike Mandel performs] PRINCESS The Wild-Bunch (d: Sam Peckinpah) at 6:30. Riv8r’s Edge (Members $3.50, Non $5) at 9:26. GORGE Prick Up Your Ears (UK, 19Xx) at 7:30. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, REMEMBRANCE DAY: WLU-C The Italian Straw Hat (1927j at 4. ‘FED HALL Beverley Hills Coti at 6. CG - No movies this week. PRINCESS River’s Edge (USA, 1987. Members $3.50) at 7. La Dolce Vita [d:Federico Fellini) at 9%. GORGE pick Up Your Ears.(d:Stephen Frear) at 7%). THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12: FED HALL Delirious (Eddie Murphy taped live) at 6. PRINCESS River’s Edge (Members $3.50, Non $5) 7. La Dolce Vita [Italia, 1960A73min) at 9:15. GORGE Home of the Brave (w/ Laurie Anderson) at 7. Sthp Making Sense (.w/ Talking Heads) at 9. h


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, Dated Gisdie need-s good revamping * and presence, unlike Likhocskaya who was somewhat flat. Step ien was weak as a dancer and as partner to’Akucewicz. The s’econd act was marred by poor lighting effects; the wilis are supernatural beings and the lighting was too harsh to project this quality. Anita Pietrewici, as Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis, gave a cold and severe performance and she appeared to be counting bars vigorously in her head. Her dancing did not reach beyond the edge of the stage. The corps was excellent. Their timing was good and they were very uniform in the height of their grind battements. To synchronize a a corps the size of the one required for Giselle (241 is a difficult task that was well met. As a whole, the ballet company was very methodical, a quality that can alienate the audience. At Centre in the Square, however, this was not possible as the audience was too eager to applaud the smallest thing anyway (the Wilis running in a circle won a big hand). * The partnership of Likhovskaya and ,Wolk-Karaczewdki lacked conviction and passion; part of the reason for this being

the lack of real dancing tar Albrecht. Each did have their moments: Likhovskaya had an extension in second that went on for days, and Wolk-Karaczewski’s entre chat six were excellent. One of the most annoying things about the performance, however, were Likhovskaya’s shoes.


by -Sandra Whittaker Imprint staff

The Warsaw Ballet’s production of Giselle, perfor-med at Centre in the Square November 2, was weak by demonstrating the stagnating qualities of classical ballet. Act I opened with too much mime in the male roles. Prior to the turn of the century male miming was the norm, as the role of the male was to present the ballerina, to focus the audience’s attention on her. Today, the role of the male has been developed to show his abilities as an individual and as a dancer on stage. The Warsaw Ballet failed to develop the role of Albrecht as a viable presence on stage. The first act held altogether too much time. Olga Likhovskaya, -as Gisclle, did not demonstrate her abilities until late in the first act and Waldemar WoIk-Karaczewski, as Albrecht, did not really dance at all until Act II. The most dancing was by a pair qf soloists: Kama Akucewicz and Arkadiusz Stepien. Akucewicz was very strong; her double pirouettes en pointe were balanced dead-on, and she was able to fill the stage with her


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The last piece was the most.. . interesting. The women were all topless. Still, they were all smiles and were not the lea$t embarrassed. Although, why should they have been? Overall, the company did a wonderful performance that was full of energy and fun.

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Giselle and brought it i,nto this century, the company’s methodical and cool performance would improve.

by Sandra Whittaker @print staff The National Dance Company of Senegal’s performance at Centre in the Square on October 29 provided a glimpse into one of the oldest cultures of Africa. The dancing itself was not as North Americans or Europeans. know it. It was a representation of the rit;uals that a society performs to celebrate or mourn events that affect their lives. The dancing was full of energy as the music was always fast paced and demanding. There was a spontaneity within the choreographic framework that gave the dancers great pleasure; smiles and grins, even laughter were . not unusual. The dancing was a rhythmic representation of the music that was an integral part of the performance. The percussionists were on stage with the dancers and moved with them, adding to the fun that everyone was having. The costumes were all very bright and didn’t interfere with movements or with the audience’s perception bf the dances. In _ fact, nothing interfered with the dancer?, they were just having a good tiine entertaining the &-

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She wore very hard, very loud shoes. so thti when she’ landed from a jump, everybody heard it. Difficult to maintain a willing suspension of disbelief when you can hear how human the dancers are. Perhaps if the Artistic Director revamped the production of.

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thbiui9p ,@lues

WaWors U of T fell to the Warriors for the first time in many moons and fell big. The Warriors eager for a

the characteristic nalty minutes chalked up four

Warrior peas each team penalties by the

delis and once again Chris Glover popped in one each to bring the score to 5-2.

the gap early in the third with both teams down a man. The Warriors, undaunted, regained their three goal lead as Todd

win, loss pions in ‘a last

aft’er a disappointing 4-2 to defending OUAA chamYork, posted a 9-4 victory jammed Columbia Icefield Sunday. ’

close of the period. The Warriors ‘wasted no time in the second, taking a three-goal lead with goals by Chris Glover and Steve Girardi. The Blues responded with two of their own

A critical moment came in the waning minutes of the second period when rookie Ian Pound of the Warriors was assessed a five-minute major for interference. The door was left open for

Coulter capitalized on a centering pass from Steve Girardi with a low shot from t’he top of the circle to make it 6-3. Scott Dick

Steve Linseman opened up the shooting gallery, skirting the de-. fence and the,goalie to register the only goal/in the first period. The remainder of the period was marked by aggressive play and

one a power-play point. However, heavy-hitters Steve Balas and &drew Smith slowed the comeback with some characteristic bump and grind. Dan Tsan-

the Blues to close the gap but the specialty team led by John Goodman and Dave Fennel1 held them scoreless to close out the period. The Blues managed to close



Ghastly weekend by Mike


McGraw staff

Perhaps the Waterloo Warriors and Laurentian Voyageurs would have had more success trick or treating on Saturday night. In a graphic display of preseason blabs, the Vees rolled over the Warriors 67-52 October 31 at the PAC. The loss rounded out aghastly Halloween weekend for the Warriors, who were beaten 71-68 Friday night at Ryerson. The Warriors pre-season record now sits at 2-3. The Warriors entered the game concerned about their lack of defence in the first h&es of previous efforts. However, on Saturday, one had to wonder if either team would score 30 points in the entire game. After 10 minutes of fumbled passes, air balls and horrid shooting, the Vees led II-?. In fact, much of the first half resembled a rugby match, as most of the play was restricted to strum-like action in the key. Laurentian managed to muster numerous three-pointers amid the scrappy game to take a 23-13 lead by the 1%minute mark. At this point, a visibly exasperated UW coach Don McCrae called a desperately needed time out. The break appeared to inspire the Warriors momentarily, as they pulled. within 5, But this would be Waterloo’s only consistent attack of the night, as Laurentian regrouped to lead 36-25 a4 halftime. It seemed the three-pointer would be the only way for either tea to escape the front court bat TjBs, The Vees used this weapon to open up a quick 41-25 lead in the second half. The closest the Warriors came the rest of the way was 9, as their listless ahd often- chaotic offensive attack faltered miserably.

tipped in a blast from Clint Ellicott to bring the Warrior tab to 8. U of T scored their second power play goal before Chris Glover scored his fourth of the evening to round out the scoring at g-4

Chris Glover who has been producing on a large scale with seven goals in the past three games added to his stats with 5 points in the game and both Steve Linseman and Steve Cirardi had 4 points with 1 goal and 3 assists each. The Warriors record is now 2 wins and I loss in a very competitive OUAA central league. They have two home games this weekend at Columbia Icefield, Saturday at 7 p;m against Queen’s and Sunday at 2:30 p.m against R.M.C.

for Warribrs

The Vees continued to use the three-pointer to their advantage throughout the second half, as

90- or 300-point offensive performances to last weekend’s drought.

“This weekend we tried to they put the game out of rei focus on defence, but we couldil’t the final 10 minutes. The t, score. It’s not like football - we point bomb was the only o don’t have specialty teams. We sive ploy that worked for can’t ricochet from one aspect to Vees, as their attack was jus confused as Waterloo’s, Jeff Hd,+bobin’led the Vees with 15, while another, we have to bring the Brad Des Vignes counted 11 and whole game together.” He also Phil Gilipin-notched 10. noted that despite their one to The Warriors’ obvious probtwo inch height advantage, they lem was their lack of offensive were out-rebounded, 35-20 by punch. They shot a horrendous Laurentian. 33 per cent from the field, and\an McCrae also acknowledged equally scary 45 per cent from that. playilig .their entire bench the free-throw line. Rookie Chris has led to some disbntinuity in Troyak was the most impressive the Warriors game. Despite the Warrior on the floor as he led the .inspiring performances from team with 10 pqints. Veteran Byrne and Troyak, this was evi,Rob Froese kicked in 10, while dent on Saturday night.-. John Clark canned 8 and John The Warriors will attempt to Bilawey netted 7. Freshman regroup this weekend as they Dennis Byrne #also displayed qftravel to Guelph for another prefensive prowess as he scored 7. seascn tournament. This small, points. In all, the Wa’rrior roofour-team tournament includes kies logged a considerable the Warriors’, Guelph Gryphons, amount of court time. K-W Titans men’s team and At Ryerson, Froese led the another Toronto Senior men’s Warriors with 23 points, while team. Waterloo’s first niatch is Jamie McNeil1 scored 16. Jamie Friday night at 9. Voskuil spearheaded the Rams Fans are also reminded that attack with 22 points. Waterloo’s very own prestigious Veteran UW point guard Tom Naismith tournament starts NoSchneidet has once again been vember 13 at noon in the PAC. hit by the injury bug. He missed This year’s Naismith features both games with a rib injury, and the toughest line-up of teams in is anticipated to return this wee-recent memory. kend. Heading the list are the 1987 McCrae was extremely frusCIAU champions, the Brandon trated with his team’s play last Bobcats, along with another perweekend. . I ennial top-5 team, the Regina “I’m very disappointed in both Cougars. From the Atlantic conference, top-10 contender Acagames, I’m sure the players are dia is joined by always strong St. too,” he &id& “We tried to deFrancis Xavier. The remaining velop a schedule to accommoteams are from the OUAA, with date inexperience, but here we Waterloo, Western, Laurier and are struggling along against Queen’s all represented. The acteams that are playing hard, but tion goes all .day Friday, Saturare not championship teams.” He was highly critical of the day and Sunday, and is included in student athletic passes. Warriors sudden switch from



p Sm., Nov. 8 Sat., Nkv. 7 . vs. RMC vs. Queens 2:30 p.m. 7 p.m. warrbs AT COLUMBIA ICEFIELD ’


by Andrew


Warriors break Marauder spell by Sean Henke


Something supernatural was in the air October 30 when the Warrior volleyball. team t ravelled to I&Master to open the regular season. With Halloween lurking just a day away, the Marauders squad had plenty of tricks - but no treats - in store for their visitors. Like a team possessed, the highly spirited Marauders quickly took controlof game one, while as if under a spell, the Warriors demonstrated how errant playing, hitting and serving errors, and over-confidence can haunt a team all night. The Warriors’ nightmare continued into game two, which saw the Marauders still playing like demons, and the Warriors like zombies. Sensing things were getting out of control, the Warriors slowly started to work

some magic of their own, With the score deadlocked at 14, the Warriors superior experience and ability took over and’ the game ended- when Warrior setter Tony Martins’ dump-s hot landed untouched on the Marauder court. Winning the second game seemed to break the spell cast over Waterloo and, des’pite a few more scares from the Marauders; the Warriors easily won the next two games and the match. Much needed help from the bench [in the form of Brian Damans and Dave Plouff), along with the steady play of Vitice De- _ schampa,




Smith, Steve Heck and Tony Martins, was too much for the weaker Marauders, who had emptied their bag of tricks. Tonight, the Warriors visit the Windsor Lancers and they’re at home to the Brock Badgers November l&at 8 p.m. .Don’t miss out on this intense volleyball action.





“It’s time to get on with the program” by Mike McGraw Imprint staff The future of the Waterloo football program is looking brighter. Ernie Lucy, dean of students, indicated this week that despite much of the widespread pessimism, the program will continue next year. Lucy also countered ex-coach . Bob McKillop’s charges that the university administration was guilty o’f mismanagement in last month’s player revolt. “Some people say there isn’t going to be a program because of what the players did,” said Lucy, “but this is wrong. I’ve discussed the problem with the university president (Doug Wright) and the program will continue.” McKillop claimed last week that the university administration’s involvement in the player upheaval was a gross error in mana ement procedure. But Lucy %enied that he was guilty of any administrative errors. Two weeks, before McKillop resigned, several pla ers approached Lliey .with t i! sir conterns. “I had a number of fogtball players come to me with a prob~ lem. A4 dean of students, 1 talk to students all the time - it’s part of my job,” said Lucy. “They merely asked what they could do about it because they were unhappy with the program. I indicated they should go thorough the ‘normal channels,’ but I also said ‘that if a substantial nu’mber of people were unhappy. then I _.

would see if 1 could do something about it. I hardly call this instructing them to do anything.” McKillop charged last week that the players were wrong in going right to the university administration as opposed to confronting him (McKillop) and the athletic acjminis tration. To this, Lucy retorted, “rightly or wrongly, they felt if they went to the department heads they wouldn’t get anywhere, The captains had bekn trying to resolve the problem for along time, but without success.” Lucy said that there was no move by the playeis to have McKillop removed until the coach challenged them after the October 8 game at Guelph. After that game, and at practice on October 12, McKillop challenged the playersto identify the problem with the team. “The players made an honest effort to complain, and while they were grumbling, they took no real action until the coach challenged them and asked what the problem was,” said Lucy. “They came back and, said the reason was th.e coach.” The moining after the team meeting, the players presented Lucy with a petition signed by 48 of the 57 team members. That afternoon, Lucy and men’s athletic director, Wally Delahey, met with the team chptains and listened to their concerns. After meeting with the players, Delahey and Lucy met with McKillop, who .voluntarily agreed to relin uish his duties. “‘Bo% felt he couldn? continue

with that lack of support,” commented Lucy. Luc expressed his anger over htiw t x e players have been portrayed as members of some covert coup. “The players have been getting a bum rap. They didn’t get a petition going until McKillop challenged them,” said Lucy. He



The top-ranked Waterloo Warriors CM)SS country team had an extremely unfortunate day at the OLJAA championships in Kingston last weekend. The Warriors finished a disappointing fifth, with Ottawa winning by a single point over U of T. John Carson was forc:pd to drop out at the 6-kilometre mark after twisting his ankle in a pothole. Carson was in 10th E lace at the time, leading all ‘Miarrgors. It was discouraging for the re-

Luckily for you stalwart readers of the Imprint Sports Section this is the last time you will have to-read a buring story about the soccer team’s, weekend results. Getting down to business, the Warriors did not win last weekend (Oct.31, Nov.1). This was a big drag as they played the Ryerson Rams who may be the worst team ever to play OUAA soccer. The residue from this fiasco was a l-l draw. This was the worst result of thi entire season. The Waterloo players travelled to McMaster the next day and lost 1-o. On Saturday the Warriors expected to thrash the hapless Rams but, alas, this was not to. be the casp. Indeed, the Rams opened the scoring in the first half when the Warrior keeper pushed the ball off a defender and an opposing forward where upon’the ball entered the Waterloo net. Waterloo dominated the rest of the first half but could not manage any decent scoring chances on the Ryerson goalie. After a half-time lambasting





graduate and Cancer Research

and Medical

summer programs


students in Cell-




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5:30 to 7:30 p.m, THURS. NOV. 12,lM7

Inquiries to S. Roblnson Visit the tabs and talk

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“It’s time we ended all this,” he said. “It’s time to get on with the program.”

came back on the strength of more accurate shooting and a penalty shot to lead 6-3 after three periods of play. In the-final period the Warriors mounted a desperate comeback bid, but could only manage one goal and conceded a 6-4 decision. Norbert Molnar 4ed the attack with two goals, while Mike Cash and rim Steinbach had one each. Due to O-3 record, Waterloo played R.M.C on Sunday morning to determine seventh place. Determined to salva e a victory from the weekend, t ff e Warriors jumped out to a &Mead less than a minute into thegame. The War-

lose in Ryerson debacle

by Tim walker

mainder of the Warriors to pass by Carson and see him out. On a brighter note, Harvey Mitro was named to the OUAA all-star team with his ninth-place finish, while Paul Ernst finished a strong 12th. The Athenas had an equally disappointing day as they finished ninth overall. U of T’s powerful team won easily over Western, with McMaster coming third. The top two -teams from each race qualified for the national ChamDionshiDs in Victoria tomorrow. A L

around campus, Lucy agreed that the hostilities of October should be laid to rest. In short, the focus must now switch from the dressing room to the board room.

go under

Saturday’s first foe was the The Waterpolo Warriors spent Queen’s Golden Gaels, Queen’s the Halloweem weekend at he took an early lead on a couple of MacMaster Challenge Cup Toursoft goals and never looked back. nament. Although they recorded The Warriors never mounted an one win and three losses to claim offence as their passes went to seventh place in the eight team the Gaels as often as to their tournament, the Warriors put on teammate& Norbert Molnar and their best effort of the season. Mike Cash each scored once in a The Warriors opened the tour13-2 thrashing. nament on Friday night against Carleton met the Warridrs in the ‘eventual champions MacSaturday’s second game as the Master. Mac capitalized on the Warriors put in their beqt perforWarrior’s slow transitions from mance of the season. Carleton offence to defence time and time the game strongly but again. Scoring for Waterloo in a * started with some help from the cross17-5 loss were Jim Steinbach and ‘bar Waterloo took. a 1-O lead into Mike Cash with two each and the second quarter. Carleton Jeff Slater with the other.

. .Crippled LWarri.or& fall by John GsDnos

that media reports depicting the players as “people scheming in the background”, are unfair. “In fact, the players were asked by McKillop what the problem was and they told him it was him. McKillop did it to himself, he challenged the players.” But like many of people added

by Warrior coach Ron Cooper, ienge the top teams on a consistthe Warriors dominated the rest ent basis. of the game. They tied the score On Sunday the Warriors lost a on a penalty shot. Luckily,for the tight, poorly played game to the Warriors, the referee, who may’ McMaster Marauders 1-O. Mac be the worst referee evei to offiscored halfway through the first ciate a soccer match, allowed half when one of their forwards Scott (Wart Rotundo) Robinson hammered home from close to retake a penalty shot, that he range when he was left’ unhad placed ,wide of the goal, on marked. The game was marred an encroachment call. The highby dirty play. Two red and\ nulight of the game was a brutal merous yellow cards were foul on Robinson. A Ryerson handed out by a very inconsistplayer knocked Robinson into ent referee. the air where Robinson did a layout 360-degree turn perpendicular to the ground. Luckily+ he. ~~J was not injured. The Ram player only received a yellow card from Waterloo was outplayed by the “referee” for this deliberate McMaster who had seven good attempt to injure. scoring chances to Waterloo’s The game at Ryerson, hencethree. The Warriors had achance forthti be know.n as the Ryerson to tie the game in the first half debacle, was a serious setback to but a breakaway resulted in nothe rebuilding of the soccer program at Waterloo. Prior to the thing* The season is no.w over and game the coaching staff was sure 1987 was not a success for the that our team had developed to soccer Warriors. The Warriors the point where teams like Ryerhope to be suc’cessful in indoor son would pose nothing more soccer this year and hope for than token opposition to our bigger and better results in the team. Sadly, we still have a long 1 988 outdoor season. way to go before’ we can chal-

AtheWs Secure victory in dying Bmoments

The Athenas basketball team evened their preseason record at 2-2 with a 58-55 victory over Rytirson October 30. In a quick-paced game, the Waterloo team jumped out to a T-point lead and maintained it throughout the first half. the fast action continued into the second half with both teams scoring transition hoops. The Ryerson Rams managed to close the gap

In the final three minutes of play, the two clubs exchanged the lead five times. With one minute remaining, Karen McClilla stole an inbounds pass and aggressively took the ball to the hoop to recapture the Athena lead. The stabb,orn Rams, however, fought back to tie the contest once again. In the dying seconds, Kim Rau ‘was fouled and hit the front end

as the Athenas took a short vacation from their defence.

of the bonus. The second shot bounced off the rim and was re-

bounded by Michelle Camphell, who then followed up with the lay-in to secure the Athena victory. Top scorers for the Athenas were Kim Rau with 18 points and 10 rebounds and Michelle Campbell with 15 points and 5 rebounds. Jennifer Hinton made her presence known to the opposition, taking the ball inside for several key baskets. The Athenas are looking to improve their record at the wCa-g rleton tournament this weekend.


LabattWU’W Athletes .of the Week a

SPORTS IN SHORT As of November 2,1987

VOLLEYBALL - Waterloo- 3, McMaster

WARRIORS HOCKEY - York 4, Waterloo 2 - Waterloo 9, Toronto 4 BASKETBALL - Ryerso-n 71, Waterloo 68 - Laurentian 67, Waterloo 52 WATERPOLO - McMaster 17, Waterloo 5 . - Queen’s 13, Waterloo 2 - Carleton 6, Waterloo 4 - Waterloo II, RMC 3 CROSS COUNTRY - 5th+ OUAA Finals




- NOV. 8, VS. RMC, Columbia Icefield, 2:30 p.m. VOLLEYBALL e - Nov. 6, at Windsor - NOV. IO, vs. Brock, PAC, 8 pm. I


- Laurier 1, Waterlbo 0 - McMaster 1, Waterloo 0 BASKETBALL - Waterloo 58, Ryerson 55 UPCOMING WARRIORS BASKETBALL

- Nov.

BASKETBALL - Nov. 6, at Carleton tional VO&LEYBALL - Nov. 6, at Windsor ^ Nov. 10, vs. Srock, p.m.


6, at Guelph


HOCKEY - Nov. 7, vs. Queen’s,

Icefield, .



7 pm.



8 Wetrior of the Week Ron Clarke Volleyball

’ Ron, a fifth-year Urban PlanKaren, a native of Vernon, B.C, ning student from Crestwood is currently in her second year of high School in Peterborough, 4 Pre-Optometry at the University was named the Labatt’s Warrior of Waterloo, K&en was instruAthlete of the Week. mental in a close 58-55 win over This is Ron’s fifth year with Ryerson last p&lay night. She the Volleyball team. He is the controlled the g&me both offencaptain of .the Warriors and sively .and defensiyely,~appl~ing plays the middle bljxker posioutstanding defexisive’brqssure tion: .Ron was ,ingtrumbtal in thrpughout ,thab’game. .Waterloo’s h,ard foughh, 3-l win ’ . :a I * . -, * over McMaster last Friday. He had an outstanding game, with I . kills and 8.m~ bLx$cs ‘$g&$ . : ’ :. , .- +” ” .: I the Maraud~rs.~~ I .‘. * ,.’ l:;’ r. :’ .-‘...*.: !:’ ” ‘.i ‘8 .,I

,: Contiiitk

from page 28

riors dominated the entire game coming away with an 11-3 win, Leading the way were Mike Cash and Norbert Molnar with three goals each, Jeff Slater with two, Joe, .Milla, Jim Steinbach one and rookie Daniel * . with Shipp with his first ever. , Both coaches were very positive after the tournament. Head coach Dave Heinbuch commented, “the team tiow has some momentum heading into Saturday’s games at U of T. The players are now more confident. I was especially impressed with the play of our bench. They have shown great improvements since the beginning of the season,” Assis,tant coach Shane Rollins added that “the game against Queen’s was very disappointing, but the team came back with excellent efforts against Carleton and RMC. If we can build on those, things look much better for the final five league games,” The Warriors next home game is November 18 at 7:3o in the PAC against the York Yeomen.

by David



by Jacquie

UW’s Chinese Students Association participated in the prestigious China Cup soccer, tournament hosted by the University of Toronto October 30 and 11. This year the tournament involved 11 teams from universities in. Ontario and Qtiebec. In the preliminary round, the UW team defeated a tough u of T (Scarborough) team 1-o and then easily defeated McGill 3-0. In both games, the, Waterloo de- fence allowed only a handful of harmless shots on the UW goalie.


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These two wins allowed the Waterloo team to advance to the medal round. In the fi”rst round, of medal play, UW and York [who evehtually‘ won the tournament] struggled to a O-O tie after regulation time, Even though Waterloo outplayed York throughout much of the game, York won 2-1 . in overtime. In the consolation game for third place, the team showed a great deal of courage by defeating Windsor 1-O despite having several key injuries and only a &-minute break betweengames.

CAMPUS b Lacrosse closes out season ; REk . ‘. bv Michael Treacv &print staff ” The

C-R Important


Friday, November - St.John’s first 6-10

p,m. -

Wedneaday, - Women’s meeting 4:30 pm,

6 aid


Saturday, November 7 - St.John’s first aid 9 ,m,-4 p.m. - CC135 -


11 a.m.-6

tournament - PAC


courts - Mixed volleyball-tournament 9 a.m.-6 p.m. A PAC GYM

Sunday, -










Clu6 executive term meeting p,m. - University Club Lifeguard corni)e t it ion committee meeting 5:30 p.m. - PAC 2045 - CPR Heartsaver 6-9 p.m. -I. PAC 1001 4:30


the season, as did all members the team in the final quarter.







As the term has been progressing, many teams have been par-





In league waiians,


FED FLICKS. Highlanber. Shovvtimes are 700 pm., and 900 pm, in AL 116. Feds $1.00 and Non-Feds 63.00. ,


BEER ‘N’ PIZZA Fridays sponsored

by The English Society. First piece of pizza free. I:00 - 400 pm. at the Grad House Upstairs. Every other Friday beginning today. Everyone welcome.







THEATRE SPdRTS Waterloo 3rd Season Game. Live improvised comedy. 8:OO pm.; H.H. 373. $2.50 admission.






THE K-W Gem and Mineral Club will hold the annual Golden Triangle Gem and Mineral Show on Saturday and Sunday, November 7th and 8tb at Rockway Gardens SeniorF’ Cent*, at the corner of King and Charles Streets in Kitchener. The show will be open from IO:00 am. to 5:OO pm. Saturday and 1100 am. to 5:OO pm. Sunday.

FED FLICKS. Highlander.

Showtimes are 7;OO pm., and 900 pm. in AL 116. Feds $1.00 and Non-Feds $3.00.


Drop in at Campus Centre

are playing at Fed


NOVEMBER meeting. 700

8 pm.

LAYMEN’S EVANGELlCAL Fellowship International. Evening Service. ‘l63 University Ave. W., Apt. 321 (MSA). 7:30 pm. All are weIcorne. 4 FED FLICKS. Highlander. Showtime is 8:oO pm. in AL 116. Feds $1 .OO and Non-Feds $3.00.


A, the Flying are fighting

for the teams are

lead. The other four not far behind, except for Head Busters who is hardly able to keep their heads up. In the B league, the Kardiac







LEATHER SUCKS the guts right out of your face. Find out-about this resolution and more as the House of Debates meets at 5:30 iv St. Jerdme’s, room 229. Evervone is welcome. LUNCH FILM Series presented by the Women’s Centre. This week “Happily Unmarried”, “And They Lived Happily Ever After” and “A Token Gesture”. Films start at 12:30 pm. in Campus Centre room 135. Free admission.


team wants terloo

the Co-operative

the champion-

to come back to

as Ontario






is performing

at Fed

I *

, ’



University UMndsor

Faculty of Education The Faculty of Education at Nipissing University College is a limited enrolment program designed to prerare students for the realities of the classroom. Our core program, in addition to prescribed ministry compulsory subjects includes art, music, physical education and computers in the classroom. Our small class size of approximately 35 students ensures personal attention from professors. I I would like to learn more about the one-year second degree program leading 10a Bachelor of Education and Ontario Teacher’s Certificate.

Y8C -


Halt. LIVING WITH Cancer group- me; ings. These sessions provide mutual support to patients, friends and familv members. Practical guidance and in: fdrmation is provided by Health Professional Group Leaders. 7:30 to 8:30 pm. at the dult Recreation Centre in Waterloo. THINK GLOBALLY. Act locally on the environment, social justi=, peace. women’s rights, grass roots demo: cracy. CC 138’A, 700 pm. Working together to create alternate responses: Waterloo Green Party. Henry 746-3168.



DATE : Thursday, November 12th TIME : 12:30PM&2:OOPM PLACE: Needles Hall, Room 3004

is tight for them as a number. of teams


it can

ship. It plays Carleton first on November 7 at 8~5 a.m. at the Erindale Campus of U of T. The

Znforma tion Session


Six? Pat and Minnions

of Overmars



THE MUG Coffeehouse: Music, relaxing atmosphere, good conversation, homemade baking, coffee and tea. 8:30 - 11:30 pm., CC 110. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowship.

Ph’otographers .. Pioof-readers Ad assistants 7.


scorer was Dan Gersix goals, Jeff Love11




Arts writers


a great achievement

University of Windsor MBA Program

and have a lot of fun,




and Brad Hause each added two goals. Dean Byers, Rick Sawicki and lohn Grant contributed goals,* while Gus Liadis had

ticipating in the competitive men’s volleyball leagues. Twenty-three teams from societies, residences and various departmen@ have been out every Wednesday evening to challenge



Leading rard with

close behind‘them. The playoffs promise to be exciting. The action begins on Wednesday, November 4 and the final matches are November 11. Come and support these teams.

NEEDS News writers Sports writers

sidering last year’s record. The team goes into the Ontario finals this weekend with an attitude


competition well, with



a four-goal

out the clock. Goalie Andrew Taylor played his best game of

by Diane 1

due to a facility need, games originally scheduled for November 12 will be played No& vember . 19. Captain’s please notify your players. If you have any question‘s please contact the Ret team co-ordinator at 8847091 (Sue). Thank you, for’your co-operation in this matter.





V-Ball .-

7 p.m.

Notice Players




finish in the westof the Ontario Uni-



Friday, November 12 - Campus Ret reunion





finals p.m. -

11 a.m.-6 PAC squash collrs - !+.John’s first aid 9 a.m.-4 p.m.CC135 - Soccer/Flagfoot ball playoffs 9 aam.- p#m. - North Campus - Outers club kayaking 4-6 p.m+ - PAC pool


CPR re-cert

meeting 4:30 p.m. -



ern divisiori

Thursday, November 11 - Basic rescuer 5:30-9:30 .m. - PAClool - Men’s basketball playoff


the regular

ter 13-12, second-place

lead. The lead quickly fell to a one-goal difference and the final minutes of the game were spent in the Waterloo end, as the team tried- to gain possession and run

The defence played a strong game and was quick to take control of the game by carrying the ball into the Mac zone, creating scoring chances for the Waterloo offence. Waterloo ends the season with a record of two wins and three




November 1 in Hamilton. Waterloo defeated McMas-



6-9 p.m. - PAC 1001 - Men’s volley-ball playoffs 7:30 p.m.-11:45 p.m. GYM


finished a victory

November 10 basket ball playoff -


three assists.

The game was very close, with




I would-Ii& information on the program options of (‘Education of Native Children”, “Language Teaching: French”, or “Religious Education in the Roman Catholic Separate Schools”.


I would like to learn more about the Carl Sanders Scholarships and the Teach North Awards.


I would like more’information on your 720 acre campus, nature trails, groomed cross-country ski traiis, lake and modern townhouse residences.

Yes cl


For inore



to the Registrar’s


at :

Or any K

new designed skydiving terested. sweatshirts are finally in? Come to CC f 10, between 1t:OO am. and 1 :OO pm,‘ Cost for members 826.00, non2 members (orders only) $28.00. For more information, contact: Lilac 7462098 or Liz 886-8676

I See page 31 for more classifieds



. . . . . . . . . . . . . .._.____________


i ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. ... .. ... . .. l

. . . . . . . . ..*...*.............................~....... Post+




















































EVANGELICAL Fellowship International. Bible Study at 7:30 om in CC 135. All are welcome.




CHRISTIAN Fellowship supper meeting. It is not too late to come and join us. 4:30 - 7:oO. CPH 3388. Everyone welcome!

wilt be ‘no FASS ‘88 writers’



Committee Roadtrip to Hiedelberg House. Committee members only, please wear your shirts. 7:30, Ring Road (North Quad). RSVP 747-2884 (Lindsay).


OF Canada NFB film ieries. “The Space Between” outlines our strategic position in the nuclear no man’s land. between the two superpowers. 12:30 in EL 211. Sponsored by Science for Peace.



No movies

FASS Coffeehouse

and the Theatresports League Game, combined into one giant evening of entertainment. * Only a dollar1 800, Fed Hall. I NOVEMBER


FED FLICKS. Project X. Shbwtimes are 7:00 pm., and 900 pm. in AL 1 16. Feds $1 .OO and Non-Feds $3.00. FACULTY

OF Education,


DR. WALTER Sawatsky, Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) EastWest Concerns Coordinator, speaking on “Thinking Ahead -- What Role for the Church in the Changing Soviet Society?” 7:30 pm., Conrad Grebel ColleQe Chapel. IN CELEBRATION with Homecoming, the Environmentat Studies Society is offering a Coffeehouse at the Grad House, 800 pm. Come out and enjoy or participate in the entertainment, all talented individuals wishing to entertain contact the ES Society at ext. 2321. Included in Campus Roam Around.


TtiEMAS: The original social cult. Interesting people, interesting conversations. Chanting an.d flower selling ontional. 5:30 - 7:00 pm., CC 138.

BLUES Band are playing at

Fed Hall.

FILM Series. Einmal Kudamn and Zuruck, dir. Herbert BalImann (1983,96 min.)ML246, at 8:00 pm. All films with English subtitles. Admission free. FOR-ALL

you people who like to play Dungeons and Dragons, the Water loo Science Fiction Club is holding an Ad & D role’playing tournament on Nov. 14 - 15. Call 747-0780 anytime for I additional information.


BRUNCH, Waterloo’ Jewish Students’ Association/Hillel, CC 110 every Monday and Thursday 11:30 am. - 1:30 pm. (holidays excepted) Please join .us for bagels, friends, conversation, Styrofoam cups, etc. Only $1 .oo.



Advisors a’re offering help in identifying skills and interests, writing resumes and letters, developing interview ski IIs and mbre.For Program Co-ord., JoAnn Hutchison, 9:sO - 4:30 in NH 1004.


heater, thermometer, gravel, rocks, DIas’tid plants, canopy,’ lights. $100.00. Call Shawn at X4048. 1884 sdtwere: Programming, utilities, games, spreadsheets, word process&s, etc. $3.95/d&c. Free catalogue. C&It 416-679-6704 or write 269 Z$ngsidc Dr., Hamilton, Ont. L9B . Y--*

Plane ticket: Toronto to Saskatoob, leaving Toronto Dec. 17, returning Jan. 1. $325.00. Phone 578-7816 after 10 pm. Stereo system Sanyo: 25 watts, turntable, speakers, amplifier, tuner, cassette deck - $400. Cal I Aftab x3535 or 576-0928, (after 6 Drn.1 IBM clones, brand name combuters, peripherals, software (word piocessihg, etc.) High quality, full warranty machines at low prices. Call 7472452. 1993 Lada for sale. Certified. AM/FM radio/cassette, snow tires included. $1400 or best reasonable offer. Phone 741-9506. Phone anvtime.


letter quality

printer. 17 $100.00. 746-

C.P.S. Good conditon. 2847. ..81 Chevy Citation. Blue hatchback. . AM/FM cassette. Very good condition weII maintained - have all receipts. i 700 OBO 747-1708.

John ,

Cougar: Floor seats. Toronto concert. Ca I I after 600 pm., Jack 8846976 or Steve 746-2826.

Esray emergency?

Let a professional writer give you constructive advice on grammar, structure and style. Call Janet, 743-4812,’ IO am. to 10 pin.

Tr8vel representative

or organization needed to promote spring break trip. Gain experience in marketing, earn money and free trips. Call inter-campus program, l-800-433-7707 for more info. Prose & Poetry submissions wanted for Online 87-88. Online is an annual UW Creative Arts Board publication. Submit with name, phone, address to Fed of Students office.

On Cafnpu8

travel representative or organization needed to *ornote Spring break’ t’iifi to Florida. Earn money, free trips, and valuable work experience. Call Inter-Campus Programs at I-800-433-7707 Sports tans! Wanted - hockey and baseball cards for a fanatic collector. Price negotiable. Please call William at 888-7085. eveninas. _


stories, poems and dne-adi plays wanted for the English Society newsletter (limit of 5 pages). Please leatie your submissions at HH 262 with your name, by Nov. 13.Tatp it under the door if no one is there). HELP



field opportunity. Gain valuable marketing experience while earning money. Campus representatives needed immediately for Spring break. Trips to Florida. Call Campus Marketina at l-800-423-5264.

Student8 needed to rake leaves Sat., Nov. 7. $5.00 transportation 2506. r-

per hour; provided.


EVANGELICAL ship. Bible study. CC 135 at 7:30 pm. All are welcome. Fellow-

sermon. pm.


choir and Conrad Grebel Chapel at 430 -:


VOCATIONAL Advisors are offering help in identifying skills and interests, writing resumes and letters, developing .interview skillsand more.For the faculty of Arts, Evan Noden, 12:30 - 200, ML 338 - HKLS, Sonia Savelli, 9:30 - 11:20, BMH 1040 - Math, Kevin Lasitz, 12:30 1:30. MC 3035.

JOtN THE conspiracy of hope1 Wet fight for prisoners of conscience, fight against torture and the death penalty. Meetings are Wednesdays, 7:30 pm., 1388 in Campus Centre’. WATERLOO

GO Club invites all interested persons to lessons for beginners from 6:30 to 7:30 every Wednesday, B.C. Matthews Hall, Room 1040. Free instruction and open play will follow classes. More information Dhone 888-4424.


TAMIL LANGUAGE classes for age children will be held under Heritage Language Program from 9;OO -! 1:30 am. at Victoria School, 50 Joshep St., Kitchener. For qore information call 747-0991,8852726 or 885-0338.



EIRUNCH, Waterloo Jewish Students’ Association/Hillel. CC 110 every Monday and Thursday 11:3O 1:30 pm. dholidays excepted) am. Please join us for bagels, friends, conversation, Styrofoam cups, etc. Only s1.00. ,STUDENT VOCATIONAL A%= are offering help in identifying skills and interests, wriiing resumes and letters, developing interview skills and more.For the faculty of Arts, Marc Lamoureux, 1O:OO - 11130, ML 338 Env. Studies, Romany Woodbeck, 12:30 - 2:30, ESI 344 - M6th, Kevin Lasitz, 11:30 - 200, MC 3035. FRIDAYS STUDENT

VOCATIONAL Advisors are offering help in identifying skills and interests, writing resumes and letters, developing interview skillsand more.For the faculty of Science, Nora Ibrahim, 1:30 - 300, ESC 251 - HKLS, Sonia Savelli, 9:30 - ll:20, BMH 1040.

SERVICES St. Bede’s Chapel, Renison College 9:30 am. Prayer Book Eucharist. - 11 :OO am. Contemporary Eucharist Moose Room, Men’s Residence, Renison College. INFORMAL SERVtCE with contemporary music; coffee and discussion to follow. Conrad Grebel Chapel at 7:oO Pm. MORNlNG WORSHIP every Sunday. ’ The Rev. Dr. TomYorkcelebrant. Communion first Sun. of each month. 11 :OO am. at St. Paul’s College. LAYMEN’S

EVANGELICAL Fel towship. Evening meeting. MSA, 163 University Ave. W., Apt. 321, at 7:00 pm. All are w$lcome. ONGOING EVENT: Visitors, are invited to discover and explore The Great Puzzle Exhibit. It’s a puzzlement for everyone with spotsof puzzle trivia, riddles, mazes, films, guest speakers, special events and a “hands-on” gamearea. Free. Monday - Friday 9-5, Sunday l-5. B.C. Matthews Hall, Museum and Archive of Games. 8884424. I DAILY



An informal gathering of people who enjoy light conversation, coffee and fun times in a comfortable setting.‘8:60 .11 :OO pm., CC 110. For more details call 884-GLOW.


Club. Club rides every Saturday 60-100 km, All welcome.1 0:OO am., Campus Centre. Info call Kevin ,ext. 3807.

Homecoming 1s around the corner. Find out about all the latest at the Homecoming info booth, daily at the CC, Oct. 29 till Homecoming, Nov. 13, 14, 15. t



Fish Tank fo”r sale. 10 gal. with filter,

WEEKLY WATSFIC (University of Waterloo Science Fiction Club) meeting. Upcoming events: Video Night and a 0 & D (Dungeons & Dragons) Tournament. CC t38, 6:30.




STUDENT VOCATIONAL Advisors are offering help in identifying skills and interests, writing resumes and letters, developing interview skillsand van more-For the faculty of Arts, Noden, lo:30 - 12:OO, ML334 - f: nv. Studies, Rqmany Woodbeck, 12:30 2:30, ESI 344 - Science, Nora Ibrahim, 1:00 - 2:30. ESC 251.

University of Ottawa, wi II speak about admissions requirements and program details.











lunch and Call 696-


Essays, thesea, work reports, business letters, resumes, etc. Wi II correct spelling, grammer and punctuation. Electionic typewriter. Reasonable’ rates. Phone Lee 886-5444 afternoon or evenina. 32 years experience. .75’ double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb area. Calt Doris 886-7153.

Fast, accurate

typing and letter qtiality word processing. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports. Free pickup and delivery. Call Diane, 5761284.

Klrn’s Secretarial Services, Resumes, term papers and thesis - Done fast and efficiently. Cali 743-7233 or 7462744. Free pick and de livery.


30 years experience; electronic typewriter, .85 double spaced page. Westmount area. Ca II 743-3342. Fast, professional tvpi ng - word processing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Suzanne. 886-3857.

Typing - $1 .OO/page (d.s.) for typist living on Campus (MSA). 9000 quality pages typed’since 1984. Call Karen Shaw 746-3127. Word Processing:

Assignments, essays, reports, theses, letters, resumes, etc. Profe&onaUy done on word processor. ,Featuiing automatic spellcheck. Reaqotiabte rates. Call anytime 746-2810.



Resumes $5:OO/page. Letters, Reports, Essays and Research Papers. $1.50/page. Cal I 884-21-84. Experienced Typist with teaching degree. $1 .OO per D.S. page. Close to camDus. Ask for Karen L. 746-0631.


Can, Type It! Essays, Theses $1.00 per page. Minimum charge $8.00. “Free” pickup and delivery, 743-l 976.


- Profe8slonal typing services. Offered 7 days/week. Work guaranteed. Call 578-66531744-7628. Pick-up and delivery available.. Typing. 13 years experience, including medical terminology. ProfeSsionally done on high-quality word process&. On-campus pick-up anddeliverv. Sharon 748- 1793.





furnished rooms available in house. Jan.-Apr. 1.988. @OO/month inclusive. 20 minute walk to Universiw, close to Waterloo Square. Call 747;2001. ’ Room

available immediately for female. $220 per month ‘plus utilities. Large clean house, LakeshoreVillage. 20 minutes from campus, central airconditioning, gas BBQ, laundry facilities, great roomies. Ask for Anna and leave name and number at Imprint. 888-4048.


September ‘88. Perfect tdwnhouse for you and your friends. Perfect location (opposite Parkdale) one catch - must take over lease May ‘88. But worth it{ Beer, liquor, grocery, laundry, all across street. For three or four - only $700. Call now. 746-3148 Linda.


Male non smoker to share furnished basement accomodation with one other student. Private entrance and parking; $45/week. Call 745-2002 or 888-3731. _




Roomate-wanted. Female nonsmoker to share 2 bedroom apartment, King & Cdlumbia. $200 month. Possible option to take over tease. Senior students/grads preferred. Call Denise at 884-5163 or X 6790. Attractive

twb bedroom apartment available December 1 st for two quiet, responsible, non-s$noking students. Seven minutes from university by car. $450. -includes utilities. Call 8935086.


1988. Furnished bedroom available for subtet in Winter term. Share bathroom and kitchen with other students. Close lo campus - University Ave., between Philip and Albert. $2lO/month p!us utilities. CaII Andrew 746-3079.

Share two bedroom apt. with one girt. WeberfUnivarsily.



clusive. Just bring your bedroom furnishings. Male. or female. Donna 884-7815.

Female roomate wanted>0 share twobedroom apartment from Jan. - April. 15-20 minute walk to U of W. $225Jmonth all utilities included Ca iI Debra 747-3608.



Jam - Customized song tributes from scratch. 743-7343.


looking for bassist and drummer for casual playing - ie..gar-’ aae band. Influences include the .Repracements, Minutemen, Volcano Suns. If interested call 886-9489. Ask for Jeff. ’

Hey Maritlmers.

Want to meet mpre of your own kind...also stuck in Shut hert? Ontario3 For information concerning annual Friday the Waterloo’s first 13th writimers Basty c&I Darryl or ’ JJ 747-4225.

T: Llie is too short for grudges.



Play, an instrument?, tap dance?, juggle cats? Come out and participate or just enjoy the entertainment at the Environmental Studies Homecoming Coffeehouse. Nov. 12 at 8 pm. at the Grad House. For info call ext. 2321 [Es. office). Included in Campus RoamAround. Gay

man, successful ,-but Iinely Wishes to:meet a younger man fo; friendship and companionship, Serious calls only please. Doug 6583387,

Holy Splrlt you make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideals. You give me the Divine Gift to forgive and forget ali that is done to me. You are in all aspects of my life. I want t&thank you for everything and ‘confirm that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be ,with you and py loved ones in our .Perpetual Glory. Pray this three consecutive days. Expect your ,wish answered and promise to publish the #dialogue as soon as your favour has been granted. Thanks. J.M.

What am I going to do? How can I be sure I am pregnant? How should I tell my family? Can t contjnue in school? Where can I obtain good medical care7 Call Birthright 57913990. Lisa, this is Steve. Steve, this,is Satisfied?! Love&r&a.




Co-Op &dents. Out of Maybe we can help with a loan. Bank of Commerce,




VI Orientatlon Committee road trip to Hiedelberg House on Wed., Nov. 11, Bus will leave at 7:30 pm. on Ring Road (North). You must wear your committee shirt. Rumor has it that I’11 be buying some pitchers. RSVP 7472884 and remember “Don’t Kill No One!” Lindsav.

COST SD Eng: 90 black leather U of W jacket iaken from Needles Hall coat rack last Tuesday afternoon. Call Ben at 7471582 with any information, Ple<<se!! Camera’ tlaih. (Black’s) in vinyl i= Lost by Columbia soccer field. Also, lost






746-2303 0 FOUND


book found on Ring Road outside SCH. Suzuki’s Metamorphosis. Call Kristen at 746-7907 to claim.


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