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Sprig Action is the annual student and faculty concert prqsented by the University of Waterloo Danm Dept. The performance will be at the Humanities Theatre March 16 at&OOp.m.afld March 17at2:3Op.m. Tidkets cart be purchased at theHumanities Box cmce, 885-4280. ‘. .


Are needed to assist two blind students with library searches, reading and essay writing. lf anyone would like to volunteer to help these students, please contact Rosemary Ambrose, Services for Persons wIh Disabilities, NH 2051, X2229.

Edended I-bum - we are open from 8:30 a.m.% 7:OO p.m. every Thursday. Our resources include’information on various occupations, erTipioyers, educational opportunities, work/study abroad, and more.

w*Aesoc-holdsmeetings the first Monday of eriery month at, the Kkhener Public Library. Mon., &r. I - Janice Kulyk Keeir #&~.‘,,May 6 - Lee Bryant 1 Mon., June 3 - Lorraine Williams For moreinfo contact Lenore Latta 8241225 ; Susan Gibbons 744-0900 ; Dale G. Parsons 742- 1495.

Sumpide &q is looking for evening and weekend receptionists. Week days between 4~30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on weekends between 8:30 a.m. and 7:OO p.m. These positions will give people a chance to both work with seniors and meet the public. If interested contact Chris Cameron, 893-8482, ext. 303.

Satcudry How!

- take advantage of special Saturday hours to research employers, occupations, educational oppootunitii, work/study abroad and more. March 9 - 11:30 a.m. to 330 p.m.

T.A.T.I. anmnmccs that a part-time training program in Art Therapy will begin in April 1991. Classes wilt be held on two. Saturdays each month and 3 we&s in $e summer. Calf (416) 924-6221 or write id Toronto Art Therapy Institute, 216 St. Clair Ave., West, Toronto, Ontario, M4V lR2.


*dent Volunteer Centre refers UW students and staff, who’ are interested in volunteering, to organizations on campus Frsc m presented by WLU and and within ti K-W Community. Open University of Waterloo every Mqday at M&days and Thursdays II :OO a.m. to noon at the h&in Branch of the Kitchener 1:OO p.m. Public Library. January 14 to April 8 excluding Easter. Winter topics are: Voluntem wed to gather information March 11 - Perspectives on Lester E3. on. iocat MISSING PERSONS and Pearson UNSOLVED HOMICIDES as part of a March 18 - Endangered spaces: Yukon National Campaign. More information national parks available in the Student Volunteer Centre, March 26 - Free Trade after one year CC15OA, ext. . 205 1 (Monday and April 8 - Natural alternatives to a lawn Thursday I! aAm. -1 p.m.)

A skilla training workshop for those who’ feel thattheydon’t live up totheir potential in examinations because of anxiety (3

eessbns) ,

BEGINS: from 3:30 Interested reception Needles 2655.

Thursday, March 14, 1991 to 5:OO p.m. students can register at the desk in Cuunselling Services, Hall, room 2080 or. call ext.

CARRR~l . wcRtcmm?s wmmawut



PI@q with Money - is an exhibit at the Museum of Archive of Games (Burt Mathews Hall). Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sun. 2 p.m. to5p.m.; Fridayfrom 1 p.m.to3p.m. with late hours of 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Wed. nesday. There is NO admission charge., The’ exhibit runs until April 28. ‘%&m&t Rmrd6z-VOUS” - it’s the 1st Annual KIN Semi-formal! March 23, 1991 at Ruby’s, Waterloo Inn. Tickets $20.1 single, $35./couple.-Everypne invited! See your. f$sss rep foi more info. See you thed!


tiE!gi3~zE:~~ from organically grown wheat in the Campus Centre only at the Wild Duck Cafe. “Skin on” french fries from organically. grown potatoes cooked in low cholesterol shortening will atso be available. ‘(from foodservic8s). c .

Chevron Canada ltd. Scholarship deadlihe March 28 - available to 38 Winter t&m. John Deere Ltd. Scholarship - deadline March 28 -available to 38 Mechanical FM --!y’ :, Murata-Erie North America Inc. Award deadline March 20 -available to38 Electri- d 1 cal&ComputerEng. Ready Mixed Concmte Assoc. of Ontario Award -deadline Mar& 28 - available to 36 Ciif Eng. MS. Yolk & Parbrers Ltd, Scholaiship deadline March 28 - av&ble to 38 Civil Eng. -

F4cuIxYoF hd&WEAUTICS EeohomeXAnniversary -wine March 28-avail&& puter Science

Scholarship to38 Corn-

ARTS dtbrtie in tfHl39,at 3:36 p:m. All A* students +lcom. Fdr info calf ext. ~7,3548 or 3046.




mm-1 hour-aio&&reativeand traditional methods of finding jobs.’ Man.,. Mar. 18 -I I:30 to 12:30 p.m.


Wrilimg i 1 hour - techniques for

&tine an effective chronological, modRed resume. Thurs, Mar: 14 -12:30 to 1:30 p.m. LetterWrlthg1 hour- let&scan bean important key to getting your job. Thurs., Mar. 14 -1:30 to 230. In* SIdk.111 hour - tips on how to prepare effectiveiy for job interviews. Wed., Mar. 13 - 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. hSk& II - 1 hour - “hands-on” session where you can .practise answering questions usually asked in interviews. Wed,, ,Mar. 13 - 7:OO to&O0 p.m. ~~~~~2~ours-practiseselling your skills. h;)on., Mar. 11 - 12:30 to 2%) p.m. .


- 4 p.m., CCt38A.


recycling concerns you, come oQt and share your ideas. Or, if you can vofunteer

bcI6 is a school. volunteer program wheti a child is paired with a volunteer, establishing ‘a one-to-one relationship to build the Child’s self-esteem and confidence. Urgent need: mate and female vbiunteers. Call 742-4380. Come and be a part of the Caritqbean Student Association (CSA) every Thursday st&ing Jan, 17 ifi CC1 38.’ Lots of’interesting everits are wheduled for this term. See you there! 1991 British &Juivermiw Summer Schools Program - Birmingham, Londm. or Oxford - registration befme., March 31, 1991. F& further info and <application forms rr@y be obtained froth: Awards bivision, Association of Universities and colleges of Canada, 151 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KlP 5N1. (613) 5631236, *.

w+Yoursdf in the Job Interview -2 l/2 hours - expressing yourself tiore suc- wS!E YOU registered for your new cessfully. Tues., Mar. 12 - 3130 to 6:OO Ontario Heattb Card?? After Jan. 1,199 1, p.m. yog’ll be asked46 present your new Ontario Health Card for h@aIth s&vices in Ontario. prcpprtrg far the Job Search - Saturday, For further info about registering, please Mar. 9. - “hands-on” workshop for call your local Ministry of Health Office. graduating students. lo:30 to 12:30 determining your interests and’ s?rengths, ti& kderrtion of University Women and defining important aspects of the job. * KW - Donations needed for main fund1230 to 1:00 - &rinQ your lunch. 1:OO to raising erent of books for our 27th Ancual 2145 -researching occupations in the Car- Used Book Sale. To donate call our picket9r Resuurce Centre. 3:OO to.5;00 -selling up commi@e at 884-4866, 576-8645, your qualffications in a resgm and 8840633 or 885-4247. intenriew. Cpfflhw - Wti’i titerary periiical. shadem~cilvaNW acqptlng submissims. Use. otfline Uffice hours begin wmk of Jan. 7 : for drop.-box in the Fed Office, Cc. cdtll725information on times and iocations, inquire 7973 for more info. in NH1001 or phone 886-4047.

some 3245.



e rnrrr


Patti Fraser

at ext.

-*- --Tu8smAy


.P.O.E.T.S. Pub ‘8:30 - I:00 a.m., Ci+i 1337. ’ Musicians bring your ,instruments, Everyone is welcome - licensed. Waterloo P&EC Interest R&search Group holds its Board of Directors meetings from 4:30 to 6:30. rj.m. in DC 1331. AH members welcome!


. :



hncemdti the government debt, national,’ unity and Canada’s role in international politics? ff so, the P.C. Youth Association at UW wants you! Come to fed Hall Lounge at 5:3O p.n>. or call Paul

at 725-5447. Spdsh iN4$

Club has ,weekly meetings ML245A aqd a mailbox



WCMINEI’SCentn i holds meetings at 7. p.m. in room 217 . at_ 3:30 p.m. (The Women’s Centre). All are welcome!

Houee of Oebates - argues vehemeritly about anything and everythin in Physics 313 at 530 p.m.’ New members alwdys welcom_e! Call Sandy 884-5910 or Paul 746-2361 for info.


(Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds coffeehouses from 9-11 p.m. in room ,fi104 of the Modem Languages Building. The GLLUW phoneline is staffed w@kdays 7- 19 p.m., providihg information and peer counselIing. Message at other times; cali 8&IGLOW.







7:00 to 9:OO pm. ‘at

plvured I%re&i00cI Waterloo Region is looking for mature, caring women and men to volunteer with our agency as counsellers. We are a community-based prochoice agency whose focus is on family planning and sexuality issues. Call 7#%x0.

You& 4Zhdbge international Is a nonprofit organization. ’ We are currentty accepting applicatibns from Canadians between 17-25 years old to participate In ProjectCosta Rica. Schedule is to run from December .I991 to March 1992 - no experience is necessary! APPLICATION DEADLINE is March 31, 1991. For more information and an application, send a self-addressed stamped envelope. to: Youth Chatlenge International, II Soho Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T.126 or call (416) 971-9630.

- is 8 new women’s K-W New~ers social group to meet other newcomers. Call 747- 1658 - first wed. of month at Rink in the Park. . Tutm~ Wuraed each term to mist with Convers#ional and Written English. Contact Sheryl Kennedy, International Student Office, NH 2080. Camp Mese Kit - entiironmentaily friendly alternative to disposable .dishes and cutieeny. It will hold an entire meal and comes complete with quality stainless steel utensils. This is an effort by Food Services and WPIRG. Kits will be available through all Food Services outlets, Any ,cust~mer using Campus mess Kit and Lug-a-Mug will be entitled to a free refill of a regular beverage at all Food Services cash operations. Offer will expire March 30, 1991. -

M Day of Prayer for students: an ecumenical service will be held in Conrad Greber Chap1 at 3 p.m. AH are welcome. Organized by the UW Student Christian Movement (SCM). Sundtiy, Mar. 10. T?uns@I ‘91 e The Curiing Club will be holding its bi-annual funs#el at the Ayr Curling Club on Saturday, Mar 23. Experiiced and novice curlers are invited to enter individually or as a team. For more information, please call Richard Schmieth at 725-3152. .4

S&dent ti Advisors fqr Winter term. You can benefit by receiting training in aI areasof careercounselling. Volunteersare needed 3-5 hours/week. Ap-plications available in Needles Hall.

lbbried Studenti Support Group - discuss ‘topics of intemst with other married stud&s. Topics include: titie managecommuriication enhancement, g&ins of roles. Starts March 11 at C&selling Servicee. Phone Yasmin (742-80773 or ChrIstine (74 I-9559) ASAP to register. Students and spouses WelcOme! * l ‘@ 2 [I Global Conimuni& Centre in Waterloo. Topid and group vary weekly’ so that all women are%welcome anytime. For more information ext. 3457 or 578-3456.


si-upis&etsandwu~ppreparatian handmtsavailableinCareerServkes,NI-J 1001, & weekpriort~ wo&&op.Ch held in Mm20.

Unete and graduate CALENDARS are recyclable as newsprint. There are boxes in NH Registrars Office and the Campus Centre to drop your old one in.



m - ma safe, fully screened introduction service to people interested in shared accommodation. Hbmeshare is a program sponsored by the Social Planning Council, Region of Waterloo, and the Ministry of Housing, for details call 5789894.

WArtGalieryaridTheFriendsoftheLibrary invite you to the opening of ark exhibition entitled “Virgil Burl?@, t960- 1990, A Retrospective. Feb. 14 %t.oMarch 24. Presentation starts at 4:3O p.m. in the Modern Languages Building.

Iryd\en’a Evmgekal FefFowship Bible Study. DC1304 at 730 pm. All are welcome. For more information, call=5712. . FASS Writem Meetings - come be a p& of the crew who write @at crazy yearly stpw. Everyone welcome (we mean it). 7:3Q p.m; MC5158. Anrnesty hwtio~I - write for Human Rights at 7:3q in CCt35. Everyone welcome! ’ plny Go! - begrnners and play&s are invited to frm piay at Matthews Hail; room 1040, 7:30 p.m. Call ext. 4428. All Year Round!

If yortr Club w student society wish+to book the Campus @n&e Great Hall, please call ,the Turnkey De& Ws are always open to your suggestions, critiques and comme@s. l


I*’ . l cl Jti the Warriors Band! Practice every H Thursday at 530 pm. in the PAC, raorh


hew welcome instruments, The Student Chiisths Movement a m to discuss issues of injustice. The% SCM is an ecumenical group t&if

at 576-0504 or Dave at 884 1177. GLJDW IMleyhU nights 9 p.m, Call 8&I-GLOW for details. Great Films of France brought to you by UW Film Society. Please refer to the weekly catentiar for details. -lrvlrrv FRIDAY

Do you think you ‘have a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous can help. Weekly meetings open to the l Dublic held in the..Health & Safety-Build- H Slavic Stdent~~Society rpeets at 5 to 7 ‘mg -Meeting Room (ask receptidnist) on p.m. Everyone welcome (non-majors -fridays at 12:30 pm. or calt 742-6 183. too!) Check bulletin boards in ML for Chine CNti Fellowship meetings location’, every Friday at 7:00 pm. at WLU ’ sqinary building, room 201, Contact The English Society rnhts at 430 p.m. ’ Mik? Liu at 747-4065 for rides. in H.H.262. For more info tail ext. 2339. _ New members are always welcome! Wrlbm’ Wdcshop: 2-4 plm. in Psych. Lounge (PAS Building). Poetry, short il ’ 8vmY THURmAY stories, sqipts, novels, etc. Cm Resource Centre Extended Hours tils, copies: and an open, critical mind. -8:30 a.m. to 7:OO p.m. Our resources ‘for a friendly environment to include information on various oc- tilting have both intellectual’ discussions and cupations, employers, educational weekly discussions at 7:30 opportunities, wo@lstudy abroad, and fun? Join,otir Centre p.m., Campus more. Association for Baha’i Studies. All Jazz Ch& - come out and join the fun welcome! l from 2:45 - 3:45 at Siegfried Hall (near St. . 8vmYSuRmAY # . Jerome’s College). No auditions. For more info call Chery, 746-5236, hymen’s Evat@icaI Fellowship evening service. 790 pm: at 163 University Winnyn’s Group - this term rather than Ave. W. (MSA), apt 32 1, All are welcome. Thursday meetings we will have Monday For more information, call 884-5712. night drop-in in the GLLOW office. See . FASS W&ers Meetings - those crazy “Mondays” fof details. writers are at it again, and ttiey want YOU. Help tirite the shows that millipns have WATSFIC - the Waterloo Science Fiction raved about. 7:30 p.m. MC 5j58, .ckrb, is holding meetings at 6:30. Come Etityone welcome, out and meet other fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comics; Wargames, or Role-playing games. Check in tk Clubs Keffer Memorial Chapel, Room (CC2151 for further details. Lutheran Seminary - 11;oO a.m. - an Bag&I The Watertoo Jewish Students others to participate in a regular Sunday AssociatipnlHillel presents a weekly wqrship service of Word and Sacrament. . Bagel Brunch every Thursday from Information: Chaplain Graham E. Mor11:30 am. to 1:3Cl pm. in the Campus MC 4002, ext. m Centre - Check with Turnkeys for the hey, Chaplains &ice, 3622. room numbef. . El

WLUSU unpl.ugs The Cord byPiuiIDcme Imprint staff

‘The administruti~n backs me 115,iXU pem??tton this*“- Stuart Lewis, Pre sident, Wiid Laker University Student Union on WLUSU Board of Directors’ decision to temporariIy halt publication of The Cord.


Following a series of controversies over the past 18 months, the conflict

the WLUSU Board of Directors voted on Stinday, MaKlh 3 to indefinitely suspend publication of the paper. A second motion, which called for the immediate dimid of (3rd editor Tony Burke, was defeated when put to a vote. The article in question was, ironidly enough, concerned the struggles of 23e Muse, the studert newspaper at Memorial University, St. John’s, NewfouridIand. ?&e Muse had printed an article entitled “A gay men’s guide to erotic safer sex,”

Photo by Paul Done bWen




Student Union (WLUSU) and their sUknt nemPaPer# T~W C&d has finaNY reached a crisis PQht In reSPIXE to student CO@G~I~S following the publishing of an article entitled “Eroticized &e sex article blitzed” in the Fkbrusuy 28 edition,






with the issue of HIV transmission among gay men. The article containecl erotic descriptions of safe gay sex, along with a gaptic of mo’men apparently engaged in oral sex. In publishing their report on the controversy, the editors of ?‘%e Cord

its inves-

tigation following an unidentified complaint when Part of the cartoon was reprinted inti&voira weekand a half ago. The newspaper printed the cart&m’s last paneI, which depicted Hitler welcoming readers to a m vince where “if you are a white K an’ cophone, you wiIl surely find a place.

apPeaI directly to the chair so that he might address the meeting. Guy E&ring&n, editor of the entertainment section of the paper, claims that WLUSU was looking for any pretense to shut the newspaper down. “We’ve pfinted things this year that were worse than that (article),” said Etherington, A long-standing problem at the paper, according to loath Stuart Lewis ane- cord reps, has been the way the Student Fubli&ing Board is set u . Asitstands,TheCord’isfinan’ dr y dependent, and ed;‘.torially answerable to Student Publications - an arm of the Student Union. The staff of the paPer would like editorial and financial autonomy because they feelit would allow them to make their own decisions regarding whether or not to publish copy. In light of recent events, they are attempting to being of the process of becoming autonomous. When a&cd what he thou&t of

~ _

1 A common aphorism in jour: nalism states that “the PaPer should never be the news,” but lately, many I univemity student newspapers havecome udder attack for La‘ hriety of RUO~S. In addition to Wiid Laurier University’s l%e Ckd, klibur at York University in Toronto has been the subject of a scandaI that coti force the resignation of its editor, Peter St&his.





department at the beginning of reading week PubIic relations officer AMYMarie Bourdouxhe also complained Le Devoir took the cartoon out of context, particularly to high&ht tensions between angkqhmes and fran- 1 cophones iti the province. “It was run in the eontext of two-day








decide it is not racist. The two publications are currently under investigation. If the commission decides the cartoon contravenes the Quebec Charter of Rights, both the IWar and LeLkvoir could be sued for da&g=, according to com.m& sion spokesperson Danielle Robichaud.

As Imprint went to press the results of a meeting of a WLUSU Policies, Ethics, and Guidelines Committee to decide the fate of K+e Cord had not yet been announced.


by Rob B-u special to Imprint

And if you are not. . - well, you wiIl surely k shown your place . . . very sooaf Ldlevoir went on to accuse the cartoon’s author of racism by associating Quebec with fascism. But Pillar editor Tony Calabrese said the newspaper missed the satirical intent of the cartoon by onIy printing the lastpanel. ‘IThey took it totaIIy out of context,” Cabbrese said. “We were just trying to make a Point about the way visible minorities are mistreated. It was purposely satirical and exaggerated.” In an attempt to obtain a copy of the entire cartoon, the Commission conMcGill’s

this idea, Lewis said that helfelt it would be the ‘ideal” thing to do, however, he declared that “from a Cnancial point of view, me Cord couldn’t survive. They simply don’t have the structures in place.” InitialIyr some accused WLWSU of ‘homophobia’ since the article which inspired the closure was homoerotic. However, GLLDW representative Lindsay Patten said that there simply wasn’t enough information available to decide-whether or not WLUSU atied in a homophobic fashion. Wednesday morning, a forum was held to allow Wilfrid Laurier Students toairtheirviewsontheissue. Currently petitions are being circulated demanding the reinstatement of the paper.

Editor of racisfn S..’ ’

Stathis is a graduate of the University of Waterloo and is well known here at Imprint where he served in a variety of editorial board positions before moving on to Excalibur. He article on anglophones in Quebec,” now may be forced to resign his position amidst charges that he is a Bourdouxhe said. ‘It was the perfect target becauie racist The turmoil began when the Paper McGill is syr@oIic of English ran a cartoon caricature of two promiCanada,“ Calabrese said. nent student politicians, placing them Cakhrese was surprised by the extent of the reaction outside the~. in the satiric context of a wrestling match. One of the figures, a Jam&an university. woman, was caricatured as an African “J was kind of exPecting a reaction warrior queen, and the image was from within the McGill community seen by some students as visually (but not from outside)” Calabrese portraying racial stereotypes. said. Although ficalibur claimed that it ‘1 was shocked to find out the intended no malice in its Political government agency was looking into satire, all 20,000 copies were recalled, it.” ihe cartoon was pulled, and an apoligy from the editor was placed on the Both Calabrese and Bourdouxhe front Page. The issue of racial senare hoping that once the commission


Two Montreal newspapers, pillar and b Devor’r may be sued by the Commission des droits de la personne, following the printing of a satirical cartoon by a McGill student in both publications. Greg Millard’s nine-panel cartoon appeared in the last issue of the pillar, the McGill Arts and Science Undergradyate Society’s literary magazine. The cartoon satirized Quebec’s treatment of minorities, including blacks, homosexuals, natives, Jews and anglophones. . Commission


draws francomhone

by Stephanie Small courtesy McGill Tribune



included excerpts from the article, prekeeded by a disclaimer which read ‘The following & an excerpt from art article.. . printed in 2”heMw (which) stirred up a great deal of controversy. The opinions exPressed within it do not necessarily reflect those of 7&e Colic, but we wholeheartedly support anyone’s right to Print it” When interviewed, WLUSU president Stuart Lewis said that ‘the Board viewed the article not as an isolated incidefit, but as “part of a continuous pattern of Poorly edited and libellous copy.” lTicle Corn’ currently has two outstanding libel lawsuits against them Earlier this tern following similar complaints about the content of the l3med, a spoof issue of the paper, a code of ethics was drawn up for the 1 newspaper. As further justification of the decision to suspend production, Lewis said that the Board of Directors felt that the article violated that code. Lewis went on to claim that the Paper “on the whole, puts the_ image of the school at threat.” Further, he felt that the staff of the paper did not have the “best interests of the student body” in their minds, tid that they put their own interests first The editors of the paper, however,. felt that they were completely’ jusrunning the extract as it was tifi~il-l informational, and was intended to contextualize the article. There was an informal meeting on the night that the paper was being prm and at that time there was a consensus among cbrd staff that the controversial text should run. Staff member of ‘Z’%e cord and members of the Stud&t Publications’ Board of Directors, under whose auspices Z%e cord is produced, expressed grave dissatisfaction with the way that the incident was handled by WLWSU. Fiitly, they claim that no !ormal notice was given thatthe topic would be discussed at Sunday’s Board meeting thus no official rep resentative of the newspaper was present. Also, during the. meeting. Jim Boyce, a member of the Student’ Publications Board, was forced to






newspaper was distasteful to ali, including the staff of Emdibur, who .worked quickly to rectify the problem On February 4, Eaalibur ran three articles celebrating February as Black History Month. The author of one of the art&s, a bkwk woman, wrote an expose on observations she kd

h an &&;

.” Ha;sing


Once again, readers compIa&ed about this article, calling it racist and offensive because it perpetuated racial stereotypes, and there were immediate calls for Stathis’ impeachment. A petition signed by over 1,000 students was collected in two days, and the original cartoon was brought UP again by the Caribbean Students Association and the Af+ican Students Association as corroborative evidence of Stathis’ insensitivity to the issue of race. It will be decided shortly if Slathis will be allowed to remain editor until his contract expires on April 3,1991. -Like Imprint, Excalibur is an autonomous corporation which is recognized by the York Student Union as the official student newspaper, and thus receives some funding from student fees. only the &&XV’s 10 to 1 z-member Board of Publications, a body like hprht’s Board of Directors, can demand the editor’s resignation. FolIowing a written letter of complaint, the Board rGtust form a grievance committee made up of five Board members. This committee examines the situation and &n recommend that the Board receive the editor’s resignation. As with many jobs, a two-week notification period follows. The fuhwing ted to solicit


was wnduc-

&this’ opinions on the tksues cqknting himself and the PaPer. imprint: whuf was the problem with the Februq 4 akie? St&is blematic

The language


used proto relate a negative

stereotype about members of the biack community living in an Ontario Housing project. In her opinion, it seemed t many of these PeopIe didn’t really have an identity, contrasted with more affluent blacks. She aLso made a broad ste~~wid &ate-

4, Imprint, Friday, March 8,. 1091


March 12 is Campus Day High school students and their fimilies are expected by the thousands on campus . for Gmpus Day ‘9,1, Tuesday, March 12. Campus Day ‘91 is Waterloo’s 19 annual openhouse designed to give visitors a taste of university. life. The day’s events include . special lectures and presentations in the - Faculty &eas, tours of campus and a Student Life Fairinthe Campus Centre featuringstudent clubs, services and the Feds. Remember the first time you set foot on campus? Your first impression? Help make Campus Day a success for our visitirs. If not, then take retige in the Shelter.

Safetv audit cm-camrws ir

m the Counril ties’~

of Ontario


The CCNJMETRAC safety audit project was introduced to representatives of 19 colleges and 17 universities at a workshop on Friday, During recent years, colleges and February 8 at the Koffler Institute for U niversities have been confronted Pharmacy Management at the Ah a number of incidents affecting le safety of their women students University of Toronto. Present from the University of Waterloo were AI nd employties. Last April, the CounMacKenzie, Director of Security; Kim i.l of Ontario Universities Committee Vice-President, In the Status of Women received a Speers, Federation pecial grant frcjm the Ontario University Affair; and David Churchill, Assistant Director of Vomen’s Directorate and the MinisBuildings and Utilities, ry of Colleges and Universities to The workshop began with a recep a safety audit kit for Irepare tion and demonstration audit ~stsecondary institutions. Tiysd+y eyeni.nG February 7, attenThe COU Committee has been ded bj; Minister of Colleges and mking with the Metro A&on ComRi&ird Allen.’ nittee on Public Violence Against ’ Univ&ities The objective of the workshop was Women and Childken (METMC) to to -4ucate college and unive~@! levelop the audit kit and procedure, about the value of the v&h will provide institutions with a adminbtrators @it p-and give *em the skills ximp~~-specific process for examin&n$ knojvledge need&I to arpsanize ng grounds, facilities, and &ty and. conduct audits ;bt th6.r awn mactices v&h r&pect to women’s i&ti&iioxis.*f ikilt w include

the audit process, effecting chaqes as a result of the audit process, and building3nternal political support. The workshop emphasized the need to involve%& the women who are users of the campus and it facilities, and the administrators responsible for safety and security, buildings +nd grounds, planning+ and ,the status of women. The opportunity for the institutions to share ideas and experiences was appreciated by the workshop participants. Eased on feedback from the participants, the women’s campus safety audit kit will be rev&d for publication and will be distr%uted to the participating colleges and universities in A 0 p” Women will be report& to the Council of Ontario Universiti~ *on the success of the project, and urging further work to improve the campus environment for all women students and employees. l






Call foi Nominations Do you know a student who you feel deservesrecognitionfor their leadershipinitiative? _ Why not nominate them for a Student LeadershipAward? Nomination Forms are availablein the Fed Office. Submissionsare due.. I

March 20,199l.

and should be deliveredto the FedOffice.


l cont’d. from

page 39 ment that “Ontario Housing is for black kids: Imprint: Arrd how was this wspzded to? ’ Stathi~ I received letters to the editor and visits to my office fxom upset readers blaming me for a lack of editorial disc&ion I didn’t edit the article vary carefully because it was written by a blxk reporter, but tierward I saw material in it that I should have remove& Last week, a petition was established by the Caribbean Students Assaciah and the Afiicari Students Association claimiq that the editor and the assistant &i&r are not sensitive enough to the issue of I-&, and calling for my impeachment

tee has been established on campus, and this kind of tMg is insidious because it comes from a legitimate source. Reaction from students or student groups is fine, but anything that threatens the free expression of the paper or its reporters should not be permitted. Also, self-censorship is intangible, and if certain committees intimidate reprters into not dealing with controversial subjects, the paper might as well not exist University is a place where people come to learn, and part of that is learning to form an opinion on issues that effect’youx life. These commit&$ -preempt an individual’sopinion, deciding what is moral or not


Stud&it Leadership Awards


. hnpdnt: Do

you think

that will hap perry Stathis If .it &es, it$‘more of a symbolic _gesture. My contract expires soon, and if1 am impeached, it would serve more as a statement to the next editor regarding how much care to take when dealing with certak issues.

hprlnt: How do you see this affmting the next editor? stathis: It will imp&e the editor and the way the paper handles sensitive issues. A new Media Watch commit-


Imprint: If

the forming of the M&a wufcl? commifle wqs Q negative reper- p cussion@this situat@n in your view, am hen? any positjve ontx? StatI& First, Emziibui has worked to yzt up a media day on March 23 with speakers focusing on how the media should be aware of how it relates to different races, women’s rights, and othef issues. Another go thing to come out of this controversy is that we’ve opened up a forum of discussion between the paper and an external source to explore the issue of racism.


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Imprint, Friday,March 8, 1991 5


Vision Awareness by Cheryl Fduopp, Am curie.

Lethem, Byad,

Week ‘91

Christina and Debra

“Saving the Eyes of the World” is the theme of this year’s national Vision Awareness Week (VAW) which is run annually by tie Canadian Association of Optometrists (CAO). This year VAW will run March 3-9 with the primary goals of promoting better vision care in health care, promoting optometry’s role as primary eye care specialists, and promoting the importance of proper eye protection in general. This is the second annual year of involvement for the School of Optometry at the University of Waterloo and its students. They have been actively preparing for the weeklong run of events and many students are getting involved. The week comVision Awareness Week Campus Centre booth. menced with the second annual UW Optometry Vision Awareness Week Wine & Cheese Gala to be held at the procedures of the optometric profestial to imur damage to our ey&. This Waterloo Inn on Saturday, March 2. sion Between the third and fourth is why the focus of this year’s National The evening’s keynote speaker, Dr. years of the program, students have Vision Awareness Week is on proJohn Cole, who is both an optometrist the opportunity to refine their protecting bqth our eyes and the and an kIP, spoke to the faculty and fessional skills by participating in environment. students at the School of Optometry, Excessive amounts of UV radiation mnmf internship across Canada a3 well as many local optometrists. and tiound the world. fan 1-d to such short-term effects as As well as being a teaching and His talk focused on the importance of photokeratitis (ie. snow blindness or optomws political action within research fatity, the School of welder’s fIash). Long-term effects the health care field. Optometry offers primary ‘care perinclude an increased chance of Ihe to the large success and vices which include routine refracdeveloping cataracts at an earlier age enthusiasm of last year’s student tion, ocular hkalth and binocular or with a faster progressionThe involvement, third and fourth year vision assessment. A broad range of students will return to a large number _ qxci&y clinics also operate ai the of lml high schools to speak to grade school including ocular health, low 11 and 12 Biology and Physics classes vision, contact lens, binocular vision, about vision and eye care in Can&, paediatrics, el~ostics, and with an emphasis on eye protection. sports vision,as well as a full spectacle dispensary. An information booth will also be intensity of these effects increases set up at the University of Waterloo with increasing altitudes and the Campus Centre on Th&y and OZONE LAYER amounts of reflection from the Friday, March 7-8 from 9 am to 5 pm ground. Water and snow are worse &an grass since snow reffects UV The. ozone layer it and 1 grass .. absorbs . . . a is disappearing .I .. . at radiation - I while an alarmmg rate, taster than it can be uses it tor photo+ynthH$ . regenerated. Although we mot even see it the ozone layer of the What can you do to prevent N earth’s atmosphere isan important resource because it protects US from from the depetion of the ozone layer? Wear a-hat and pr&e&ve~un radiation. with lots of eye-related literature and several types of h&mful @asses,eq&allyatthebeachatll pamphlets, an interesting array of eye The depletion of our ozone envelope is mostly due to CFCs, or while skiing. Make sure that you protection articles (like sunglasses), s.Lmgba say WV Fvotedion” oi chlorofluorocarbons, which have safety eyewear, and even a short slide been widely used as prop&nts over them when you purck them anr show on various eye problems. from wear them alI year Found, TIN tr For the first time, a group of many decades in everything reduce the number of CFCs you us( deodorants to cooking spkys. students will also join local optometOzone is a natural”semkreen” to daily around the home or at work rists at a Kitchener-Waterloo shop to it will Buy products not packaged il ping mall at an information table the ear& and any reduction use your akonditione be responsible for increased levels of styrofoam, set-up to he1 increase the public’s less in the summer, and use product such as ultraviokt awareness 0 P proper eye 4xre, eye solar radiation, (UV) radiation reaching the earth% that do not have CFC propellants. B( prote&on standards, and optometaware.. . you have only one pair 0 ry’s professional role in generaI. To surface. This is of particular concern eyes so protect them, along with you because increased attract people’s attention, there will to Optometrists environment, this week and alway levels of UV radiation have the potenlx on display a fundus camera (which is a camera that takes great pictures of the back of the human eye) and a sunglasses analyzer (which checks the amount of. UV protection your glasse provide you). This week-long run of. evenb should be very informative for r&y people. If you have any questions about any eye problem you may be Join the ranks of Canada’s wrtters, editors, and public having come on out to the CC on relations experts who are grcrduates of the ONE YEAR March 7 or 8 and ask us !! We’d love to Direct Entry Joumattsm program, at Sheridan College, help !!

YUUhave only me

pair of eyes

primury am sewices


Oakvitte, Ontartol



The School of Optometry is located on the north end of campus at the University of Waterloo, directly across from the main campus on the north side of Columbia Street. Every year, sixty students from across Canada enter the four year Doctor of Optometry program here. The school has the distinction of being the only school in Canada offeringm an optometry program instructed in English. L’Universite de Montreal offers the only other School of Optometry in Canada, providing instruction in French. The program at UW focuses on both academic principles and clinical

If you have a university degree, or have successfully completed two years of your university course, you qualify for Journalism at Sheridan. Learn on-the-job skills--including desktop publishtngwhtte gaining valuable e>iperIence during eight weeks’ placement In a professional environment. The job placement rate for graduates is between 90 and

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What does it _ mean, anyway?

The three lucky contestan& and Andrew Papea

Caroline Guirguis,

Marion 8lack

Photo by Peter Brown

specialto Ilqmhf

and Orion Black, who were all chosen to attend this year’s conference in Oslo, Norway this coming

Okay. This is a qti to test the IQ of faithful Imprint readers. What do the letters Yi3F mean to you? Think hard. Yucky Brown Food? Wrong! k&wer: Youth Building the Future. Toobad-hoprize. But, of course, you knew the answer because, after several years of W student participation in these annual international conferences Melbourne, Waterloo, Buenos Aries, Cairoand the subsequent information about human righti. issues made available to you, you’re in the know. or are you? This year’s chosen Canadian repr&mtatives (all from your campus) areAgbdrewPape,CarolineGuirguis,

The issues which will be tackled include I&XII, children’s rights, environmental degradation, and certainly war. Tentatively scheduled to speak is former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, who headed a commission which produced a report called “Our Common Future,” which contains recommendations with regard to global environmental concerns. With more than 120 partic@~~ts from over 25 countries taking part in the weeklong conference, it isi sure to be +amk. what do the lettm YBF Quicksiand for? Knew you could do it! More ix@mation to follow.

by Ma&n



6 Imprint, Friday, March 8, 1991


Z wentto seeD4zveWlcux lastweekandZhaven‘t s&pt soundlysince. Photos by Dave Thomson Cover by Stacey Lobin


Imprint is:

Keer, the student *mess free -


. Canada’s iip@kkonal,

best student

newspapem are srill shrill, scunilous, radical, taste 1~ inaccurate, obscene, and wild& unrepresentative of their campus au&nce. ?Tzq always have been. , . . {student) newspaper . . . have CI long traditk of editu~‘aljkdom, and an qua#y l&g tradition of abusing it. Ewepts jvm The Uncertain Mirrot, the Report of the Special Senate Committee on Mass Media (1970). Twenty-one years later, I am happy to say, the situation rem&s the same. My experiences in student journalism, first as a volunteer, and now +s the editor-in-chief of Imprint your paper, the University of Waterloo’s student newspaper, and olie of the largest+ such papers in Canada - have tatit me th&.a

Several days ago I saw swimming io Cambodib, a Jonathan Demme movie with Spalding Gray (and no one else). Gray was in l%e Killing Fields, a favorite movie of mine, and he played the assistant to the American ambassador. Swimming to Can&&z was about Gray’s experiences in m&&g The Killing Fields. The most interesting part of Swimming was the @itical information Gray had learned about American bombing of Laos and Cambodia, and Pal Pot’s sbughter of 3 million Cam.mians after the American withdrawal.

fr6e student press, or as free a student press as possible, is an absolutely essential part of our media. . Recently, the controversies surrounding me Muse at Memorial University, IWar at McGill, and TXe Cord at Wilfrid Laurier University have demonstrated that the freedom of the student p= is once again under attack. In fact, the student union of Wilfrid Laurier has tempdrarily shut down\ The Cod (see story, page 3). Are we unprofessional? Of course! Shrill? Scurrilous? Hmnun . . . more. than occasionally. How about radical, tasteless, inaccurate, and obscene? Other than “inacam&,” those aII seem okay. Further, the “wildly misrepresentative of .our campus audience” bit rankles me* Am I ashamed of any of these common epithets and tilts? Notatall. , ’

tory. Hitler

was insane


to atta&

Editorial Board



worse, and according to Eksteins’ ‘?he Rites of Sprin$ the situation could& have been much better. But the bigger question is would it really matter whether those people lived or died? I don’t think +eir deaths taught anybody anything of yalue besides the point I’ve already made, that anyone can kill. After Auschwitz there was Vietnam, after Vietnam, Cambodia, after Cambodia, torture and more senseless deaths in t& Gulf. Ultimately the tiurder of The movie left me with the same sort of hatmillions means nothing doesn’t prevent any red for mankind in general that me Killing further killings, and doesn’t change anything. Fiekh did. 1 know that my experiences in J It may make a profound difference in the lives South-Western Ontario don’t allow me to of the relatives, but collectively, it doesn’t understand in anv wtiv what hamened, but I just can’t help k&t f=i a kind Gf loathing for \ change anything. Do I really cati about all of those starving Ethiopians. I guess so, but I’ve the Americans, the Khmer Rouge, the Gernever done anything about it, except taIk man SS, the people who went to war in The about it. Anyone .who talks about any situaGulf, and all of those responsible for the death tion, and doesn’t send money, or go anyof countless millions for no reason. where has nb right to complain. Those who But what can we say we learn from these s;ly they care but do nothing are worse than deaths? If anything at all, I think that all we can those who admit that they don’t care because say is that 1) we are all capable OEkilling some- ‘ they are lying to themselves. one and that 2) none of us will admit it. The situation in the Gulf is serious and This is obvi6usly pretty presumptuous of everything, but .who really cares? Those in a me to speak for the rest of humanity, but hisposition to do anything about it? No. The tory most definitely bears meout. We can all relatives of those soldiers? Most definitely talk about how civilized we mt but the twennot. In fact (and here is the ultimate irony of tieth century is responsible for more these situations) deaths arti not &eri as sensedeliberate deaths than the rest of human hisless deaths, but struggles for freedom. Past tory, and it’s nothing but wide-eyed naivete wars, e+en wars lie Vietnam, are glorified so when we blame those $p&fic peopIe that people look forward to co@licts to show invoIved, and say ‘I could never kill the& coirage. As long as the government of anyone.“. the day can think up some kind of theory to I’m pretty sure I could, but the thinp; is, I justify death, people will go on to their deaths know no. matter whom I killed, it ultimately I&e cows to a slaughterhouse. The analogy is wouldn? make anydifference. Indulge me in v&d -, there’s plenty more where they came a hypothetical fantasy while I explain. If somef&m and no oie c&s where they 86. , 111

Let’s briefly examine the coverage of the Gulf War in mainstream media; gespite huge numbers of reporters, massive amounts of equipment, and large capital ou&ys’televisionand commercial newspapers managed to do little more than act as conduits for the latest pieces of propaganda issued from Ameriean, whoops, Coalition, infomtion officers. The least fettered coverage came from the most discredited source - journalists in Iraq, who had fai fewer restrictions placed upon them than ever the ones in Saudi Arabia did. Stories which emerged from the front - of American poo1 reporters informing on unauthorized foreign journalists in the battle zone, iin order to maintain their “scoop” (no matter how adulterated) --testify to the way in which journalism (and journalists) loses iq@grity when it mixes with money and status. It was evidentlv more important to the pool reporters to mai&in their &anding than to provide the public with the best possible I would posit that the articles published in student presses thToughout the world were more valuable than, the articles published in our mainstream media precisely kause they were unp*ofessional. In being so, they managed to tap directly into the overwhelming grief, anger, and indignation which many of conscience felt during the execution of Let’s deal with a specific from the War. When the first Coalition Prisoners of War were paraded on Iraqi televigion, their bruised visages appeared on the front pages of profaional newspapers the next day, with headlines of varying shrillness and inaccuracy (where have we heard those terms before?). ,My personal favorite was “I)ASTA.RDS,“from some worthless British tabloid. All the headlines implied that the POWs had been brutalised while in captivity. Now, as they are being released, stories appear in the Same newspapers which contain statements there was no indication the . Americans . . . were tortured or brutalised 1 while in captivity” or “Jeffrey Zaun, -whose face appeared cut and swollen on television, probably suffered the injuries when he was shot down and ejected from his plane.“ Eren in this limited context, it should be evident that the word that best describes the aura of esteem which surrounds our mainstream media is “myth.” They engage in image-making as surely as the public relations lackeys and spin doctors who create most of “their stories. in closing, I assert that there is no press so free, so democratic, so accessible to all, as the student press. This free forum is a necessary part of any institution where learning and free debate occur. I+x all its inaccuracies and flaws, it must be protected and guarded against threat,


and interbtence-

That is why we should rati against the ~l~%ure of 13te cord, no matter what-one’s opitin of their @per may IX. For, when b?eaucracy and autocracy -are allowed to impinge upon a democratic forum for expresI sion and debate, - evervune suffers. J ’ .’ lbdI)one ’

Editor-in-Chief ............................. Paul Done Assistant Editor Peter Brown News Editor ......................................... vacant News Assistant .................................... vacant FeaturesEditor Sandy Atwal science Editor ............................ Phillip Chee Sprbs Editor Rich Nichol sports&t ....................... u.BU Falshaw ArtsEditor John Hymers Ax?sAseistant ............... +.....Be rnard Keamey PhobEditor .......................... Joanne Sandrin PbtoAssistMt................. Wirn van der Lugt ..........................






Roductiun Mgt. .......... Laurie Tigert-hmas Production Asst. .................. Mike Sheppard ............................................................ Rike Burkhardt General Manager.. ............. ..Vivia n Tambeau officeAs?3~ ............. ................ Die Roclrigues Business ....... ....*..........Michae 1 Clifton Advertising Rep ....................... Scott Hendry Ad Assistant .................... Michel-Ann Fraser Proof Reader Julie Cochrane Front Cover ............................... Stacey Lobin Asst.



Board of Directors R&dent ..................................... Trevor Blair Vice-Pm&dent Paul Done secrduy-Tm. ............ . ........... Stacey Lobin Ilhctms at Large.. ................ Joanne Sandrin Dave Thomson .................................................................. Peter Brown StidfLd&OIl .............................. Derek Weiler ...............................


imprint is the official stu&nt newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an edit&ally independent newspaper published by Imprint Publicatiofls, Waterlm,a corporation without share capital. Imprintis a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall ahd Winter term.‘Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centrfz, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. N2L 3Gl. Mail can also be sent Via e-mail to imprint%atmath Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising.

ImprintISSN Subscription

0706-7380. rates availabIe upon request.



Marion Black, Rob Brazeau, Katrina CoveShannon, Jennifer Epps, Peter Eglin, I? Hohnholz Gesiarz, Barbara Jo Green, Jon ‘Sweet Daddy J, Prisoner” Hagey, Paul Kowalski, Dale Lapham, Jack Lefcourt, Craig “Tax” Netterfield, Frank Seglenieks, the return of Micl ~a1 ‘Wig& .’ Quigley, Jeff Slater, Stephanie bmaH, JP Tedesco/ Jenny Theberge, Robby Van Winkle, Christopher Waters, Derek I “Lance Manion” Weiler, Chris Williams, and as always our ever present spiritual leader Tom Jones.

The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed, do&h-spaced letters to Imprint, CC 140. Imprint is also accessible through e-mail at impri.ntQwatmath. Be sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadIine for submitting letters is 5:00 p.m. Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All material is subject to editing.

Education or death To the


~sendtroopstotheirdeathsintheGulf,and yet we don’t have enough money to educate ourselves? Zlink about it. There’s money somewhere in the pot for us; we just have to do a little fishing for it.


Nathan Ng You’ve got to be kidding. Is the Council of Ontario Universities really calling for a tuition hike of 40 per cent? A lot of university students have a tough time as it is covering all of their postsecondary &t&on c&s. Our education is on the skids and people are lo+ ing their jobs everywhere; how can. anyone think that mak& it harder for people in the lower income brackets to get into university is going to help the situation? Sorry, but I don’t buy that guff about it being necessary to shell out an extra couple of hundred bucks to pay off increasing costs incurred by the university administrations. You see, if this sort of increase continues to happen year after year, many people aren’t even going to be able to get their education at university. Accessibility is going to be limited to the elitist few who can pay - and shutout minorities may very well become the majority of people in a few years’ time. Simply put, if universities don’t get larger funding from the government, and fast, our education is going to go down the tubes. Federal funding has got to keep pee with inflation, which of coune it hasn’t. This makes me feel angry. I want action! I want‘OFS (Ontario Federation of Students) to start making.some noise, so&e real noise! Kudos to the student protesters who pelted the MI% with hft Dinner in the House of Commons last fall - and to alI of you students out there, you don’t necessarily have to be as vocal as those protesters were, but the leti you can do is make your voice heard by writing your MP, via OFS, or whatever means you think is best Silence will be deadly. If- we don’t pull together on this, apathy is just going to wipe us out completely. We’ve got enough money

D’ya want storytime too?! Totheeditor,

the Campus Centre, anywhere as long as the roomisdarkandquie~Anarrayofcots,mats, or Couches should be provided, and in order to foster proper hygiene and persoual fa.dhdy, lockers ought to be placed in the room where nappers couId store their own blankets, piIIows, and teddy bears.

(All of the name in this letter have been changed to protect the identities of the people involved.)

Job -

2nd year HIstory


In recent years, the University of Waterloo has made Eat progress in accommodating the wide-ranging needs of its students. There are facilities for the handicapped, sufficient inexpensive eateries, health services, computer access, etc.; in short, the administration has taken pains to make student bfe uite ’ comfortable. One can get oneself a good tee r cheaply on campus, and almost every social or Political group is represented. Despite the care taken to organize all of these kilities, one rather fundamental social service the university lacks is an on-campus sleeping facility. Quite frankIy, there is no decent place at this school in which someone can curl up for a quality nap. Btmkg in mind that medical studies have in-ted that proper sleep is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle, it seems a rather large oversight not to address this. The couches at the Campus Centre can be rather comfy, yet the crowded and noisy atmosphere is not conducive to real sleep. The carrels on the tenth floor of the Dana Porter Library are quiet, but Only a yoga contortionist is able to attain a genuine sleep. That is why I prom that, to fuIly encomp&s the needs 6f al&de&; the ad&n&-ation provide a separate, quarantined, campus nap room. Perhaps a go& lotion would be

An appeal to both genders To the editor,


was once a feared, mighty


A&consuming stoicism did reign Noti, to be returned to the pow’rful flow . Of the river of nothingness - and sane. Fright and uncertainty leer from the dark, The guilt of the victim batters the mind Tender gesticulation leave their mark And the hardened soul of the dove they bind Shackled to rage, chained to dueling demons; And in between, the incubus is crouched, . Wtiung to attack emtions teeming To feast on panic, he essence of doubt Numbness pain;

was comfort,




awash in the rain

The preceding so~et was written on March 5,1991 at 2% am - approximately 20 hours after David Johnson of Hamilton attem ed to rape Linda Smith in her Water r oo apartment while her roommates slept. Their slumber was uninterrupted by the first-year student’s panic, because it was silent, . , I am Linda Smith As I write, I tremble. My eyes are drooping with fatigue, but my mind allows me no rest I am sitting in a coffee shop bumming cigarettes from strangers. I cannot go home, nor can I deal with the thought of sleeping in my bed. It reeks of him, of his expensive cologne, of the fancy siIk shirt he wore, of the I* leather of his belt, of my e own silent struggles. David was a blast from the past-my very first lover, actually. I hadn’t seen him for two years when he called and asked me to go out with him for a drink I should have known.. . right? He was a gentleman He took my coat, held my chair, lit my cigarettes - and said please. He spoke fondly of our past romance and I blushed. When he drove me home, he politely asked if he could walk me to the door. Unwilling to end our witty conversation, I invited him inside for coffee. Later, he said he was never one to undermine feminine wiles. Apparently not. We continued our conversation in my room. The hour was late and I didn’t want to disturb my roommates. Besides nothing was ohg to happen . ..Noticingthepictu.reinthe tarn e on my desk, he asked about my boyfriend, Steve. He was agitated, I was honest. I guess it didn’t make a difference anyway, because hestartedkissingmyneck1 wasfirm, David was past, Steve is my present He persisted. I pushed him away. He pulled me down on the bed and pinned me with th-

+continued to page g*

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8 lmbrint, Friday, March 8, 1991 will h&e new buildings but no new classes to hold in themdue tounderfunding Not only is Biology suffering btit also Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences and Optometry. We have all used meltemps in chemistry labs thbt are so temperamental that not 0nIy erroneous results occur but also severe fnqtration. In physics we are using masses and pan balances to find the mass of objects, definitely an up to date procedure (!?). In Earth Science people heave to share microscopes as there are not enough to go around. Now that we have established that there is a problem, we at the Science Society are offering you a solution. It’s called ,WATSJZF or Waterloo Science Endowment Fund. This fund is a voluntary contribution to help finance the increasing cost of our education. What we propose is a refundable contribution of $50 per science student per term. This amount will be put into an interest bearing ‘account. In the first year 50 per cent of the principle will be spent to effect an immediate change in the present state of affairs. In the following five years this amount wiU be reduced until the full amount of the principle remains. This leaves the interest to provide additional funding to increase the quality of your education. Many people complain that they can’t afford to pay the additional $50 per term. 1 stress it is completely refundable and really, can you affqrd not to give? The fund created will be administrated by a committee consisting of undergraduate students and faculty members with the students havingfinal say as to where the monies are to be spent. The equipment purchased wiII be for the use of undergraduates onIy and will be labelled as such. The next time you go to a lab I urge you to observe the equipment and decide what you would replace. I think you wiIl find that this fund is essentiaIto our continued education. -We have the facuky, let’s get the equipment.

l cont’d. from page 7* muscular arms I had admired so long ago. He ’ kept fighting me and pawing me and rubbing against me. He tenderly whispered things in my ear like, “Relax and enjoy it,“and “What a wildcat!” He assumed I would eventually succumb to my natural desires. I succumbed, but it was not to lust. I gave in to fear. I couldn’t even caII out. I was too ashamed to let anyone know. I should have known better than to take,him into my room. Others would think I lured’him there. Maybe even my boyfriend would condemn me.. . All these thoughts were in my mind as I struggled helplessly, sobbing and pleading, When my panic broke through his incensed state, he stopped and tied to cradle and comfort me, Iike I was a frightened child. He was apologetic. He hoped I wouldn’t hate him for it. How couId I? I couldn’t bIame him for something that was my fault I could never stay mad at David. He Ieft with a promise to call me and a gentlemanly kiss on my cold cheek I’m sure you’ve seen and read similar horror stories of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Few of us ever pay attention, however. I felt compelled to write this as an appeal to people, male and female, to make themselves aware of what goes on and what can happen. The literature is available, so please read it. AlI names are changed to protect tities of the people involved.

the iden-

WAT~EF? consider it To all undergraduate Students,


of Science

This is not a test The following is a test of your morality. Please find contained various excerpts horn student pub&at-ions. Your job is to pick the ones that are obscene and those which are not. Please use your own sense of introverted self-hate and insecurity which would cause you to demand the publication’s closure and/ or the involvement of moraIity enforcement agencies, to heIp you decide. Ready?

1) ‘1 heard Raghu’s message on the qwering machine very clearly, ‘I’ll be over around 10 and suck your cock withh the first 3 minutes.“’ 2) “If you are a white francophone, you will surely find a place. And if you are not. . . well, you wilI surely be shown your place. . . very soon.” 3) “As I woke up I could feel Mark’s hard cock pressing into my ass and was immediately reminded of last night.” 4) “For aI I knew there was some fluid in the big scrotal sac that would come through the tiny openings in both oPthe cocks when she gave them the right twist. ‘Ever been fucked by a woman Elliot?“’

If you think that you can determine the obscenity of something by mereIyexamining a brief excerpt which cannot possibly convey any kind of context, you’re a bigger loser than people who sniff their armpits to check‘for foul odors. The only reason myone would participate in this type of completely misrep resentative and sensationalistic tripe is to titIlIate your repressed and empty Iives with a few “dm” words. You’ve been had. Be seeing you,

From an article in The Muse, the lMemorial University student newspaper. The article was about gay and lesbian safesex. The per is currentIy coming under pressure and a police invev Igpom the administration tigation, 2 - From a political cartoon in the Pillar, the

&at the WinterBUHS



Answers we are offering a solution. Consider it; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. On March 13 and 14.a referendum will be held to bring this fund to effect Again I urge ail science students to come out and vote ‘yes’ to an increased quality of education PolIs wiIl be located outside Bl-271 and the Optometry Building.

We as a faculty are suffering from a problem that is dramatically affecting the quality of our education. We go to our labs to learn the use of modem equipment and techniques, but are only supplied with relics of previous decades. It’s like trying to learn to read from picture hks. The government has provided money for the university to build and renovate hoping to stimulate the economy. Half of all fourth year biology labs have been cut. This mm we

a v

Arts and Science Undergraduate Society’s literary magazine, The cartoon was criticizing the Quebec government’s approach to minorities. Quebec’s Human Right’sCo mmission is currently investigating them with intent to sue. 3 - From an article in The Cord, the Wilfrid Laurier student newspaper about the Muse article. The material was reprinted. The Student Union suspended publication of the paper, citing the article as evidence of conirresponsioi.trty or tne editor& board, 4 - From a feature in Imprint, this paper. The feature was an expose on various sources of erotica. Nobody responded publicly in any way to the article. McGill

during our


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Hope for El, Salvador by Ic&rina



specialto Imprint

What do you really know about El Salvador? If you are like a lot of peaple, you know that it is a country in Central America and at war. However, not a lot of people understand why this war is occurring or even know who is fighting whom. What is the real situation in El Salvador? How do the people live? An organization called Esperarua (which means “hope” in Spanish) is trying to undo the confusion by establishing links between community organizations in Canada and El Salvador. There are two main ways that Esperanza establishes these iii. One is by ensuring a continuous flow of up-to-the-minute information between Canada and El Salvador. Esperanza has even provided fax machines in the main areas of conflict in El Salvador. The second way Esperanza establishes links - also the main focus of the organization - is by exchanging people. El Salvadoreans come to Canada and Canadians travel to El Salvador. This way we can understand the &ration of the Salvadorean people not only by reading about it or watching it on television, but by living it. A local Esperanza group has been established on campus. If you are interested in learning more about El Salvador, or even interested in going there, the next meeting wiIl be Thursday, March 14 at 530 pm in Campus Centre room 138A. Everyone is welcome.

CIDA at Trent

brealcawav for59%off-


(PETERBOROUGH) - A three week conference on international development will be offered at Trent University this summer, thanks to a grant from the Youth Initiative Program of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Entitled “Discovering Our Future,” this intensive seminar will take lace on the Trent campus in %eterborough, Ontario, from May 11 to June 1,199l. The conference is open to all Canadian postsecondary students, as well as international students currently studin Canada. Enrolment will be limited to 100 participants. For the third consecutive year, Discovering Our Future will bring together Canadian and international students from across the country to participate in a informal, interactive educational experience. Participatory learning techniques such as simulation games, role plays, community dialogue, and investigative activities will be emphasiz@d throughout&e seminar. _ The conference agenda wili once again revolve around four principal themes: culture, habitat, women, and empowerment, Guest speakers and resource people from a variety of cultural and occupational backgrounds will be on hand to provide information and insights into the vital issues facing today’s global community. Firmly grounded in the participants’ own experiences, the educational ’ approach used wiIl encourage critical analysis and commitment to action. Discovering Our Future is sponsored by CIDA, the Aga Khan Foundation, and Trent University. The registration fee for each participant will be $200, which covers meak, accommtxlation, and transportation to and from Peterborough. The deadline for applications is March 31,1941. For further information, call the conference coordinators at (705) 748-1314, or write to the Trent International Program, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario,

Tickets must be purchased at least 5 days iri advance. Seatsare limited. Yes,V!A Rail’s50 % student discount applies every day of the week, Friday and Sunday included. So why not get away more often? Nothing beqts the train for stretch-out, walk-about comfort - there’s even a light meal with beverage served on most r&&es. It’s a great place to relax.. . or even study! But discount &ats are limited, especiallyon . busy routes. So be sure to buy your ticket well ih advance‘ CalI a travel agent or VIA RaiP for full details. Ticketsmust be purchased at least 5 days in l

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10 Imprint, Friday,Marqh &I991 Navs

UW gets biochemical research chair -.

from UW News

Bureau The NSElk University-industry chair for Moo-Young is “+ticularly welcome at this time for several reasons,” said Dr. Arthur Carty, dean of research “It should significantly enhance the scope of research activities in biochemical engineering, a priority area for the department and faculty. As well, it will facilitate development of interactive reseti techniques with industrial partners in the biotechnology field,” he said.

A research chair professorship in biochemical engineering is being created at the University of Waterloo to help in the improvement of existing bioprocesses and the development of new ones for industrial applications. The venture is a five-year, $1.36 million partnership between a federal granting agency - the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) - and a group of ten Canadian companies (ABI, Alfabval, Chembiomed, Esso, Pharma&, Rohm and Haas, Sheet SNC, Union Carbide, and Vetrepharm~.


conean of howto uvemme

will support the NSERC University-based progi3m with a uant of $671,250 and the corporate 3ponsors will share a total investment 3f $447,500 in it UW will protie a $250,000 supplement for infmsticture services in addition to office . space and overhead costs. Dr. Murray Moo-Young, a prokssorinUWkDepartmentofChemi~ _ A Engineering, has been appointed researchchairasappropriatebecause to the new chair, which wiU generate it builds on exist& strength Everal new resear& po&tions at the the Utiversity. University. Dr. Garry Rempel, the ~.~WigiMJW~C


said he’s pleased with the award since biotechnology - of which biochemiwithin

Cal engineering

is an


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The new chair “adds to the overall strength of the* University in biotechnogY Whin the Faculties of %ngineering and Science,“Carty said. An NSERC chair in microbial biotechnology is currently held by Dr. Owen Ward in biology. Since 1969, Moo-Young has played a key role in creating a world& biochemid engineering group at WV. The new chair will help to maintain the excellence of this group in the mu.ltid&iphnary field of biotechnology, pvhich is vital to the future wellbeing of industrialized societies. Moo-Young received a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the University of London, a Master of science in chemical engineering from Toronto, and a RhD from London, followed by postdoctoral work at Edinburgh where he speciaLed in biochemical engineering. As well, he has won several prestigbus awards, ipdudingthe Engineering Ma of the Association of Professional EnginmHeis currently in the top ten for NSEBC chemical/metalhlgkal engineering ppefating s=. Thegroupofcozporates~nsorsof the new chair expects to derive benefits from it in several ways. The focusofthechairaddressesafreent concern of how to overcome r e techn~onornic Wenecks in translat@ basic biotechnology ideas into commercial realities, said Dr. Real Uirchweque, a spokesperson for the group. I-Ie s&d that compared to the dramatic advances in the genetic aspects of biotechnology, relatively little is known




competitive corporation.




The markets covered by the corporate sponsors of the chair include health care products, agro/food, chemicals/energy; and waste treatment and related equipment/ instrumentation. Another common interest in the program is the inherent personnel traking for potential employment by the companies, A spin-off benefit is the opportunity to develop strategic alliances between the group members and others for which the chair could act as a catalyst. For example, Dr. David Cox, vicepresident for Advanced Technologies at the Alberta Research Council in Fdmonton, believes the chair could generate collaborative ventures. These could involve the fermentation plants at his organization or at the Biotechnology Research Institttte of the National Research Council in Montreal that could assist Canadian exploitation of biotechnology for the production of commercial goods and services worldwide.

the techsto~econumic

W will pnnkfe ..I $2SOkplus u@%e space. and overheadcosts


eventual industrial


the engineer@

that often determine



that he’s

ho &Y&X, director of targeted p for NSERC, said the group ispkasedtobeajointpartnerinthis initiative. He said Moo-Young is an “outstiding researcher who has been supported by many of our pro. It is fitting that he has now %r n awarded an industrial research chairtoexpandhisresearchteam, mate the necessary synergy to develop stronger industrial links, and increase the output of highly ailled


“Whilethisisatrueengineering chair, the research pxwgram attempts tp hk and connect our science base to industrial needs and opportuniti&saidDerikx,whoisaIsoan engineer. ‘lt is important for NSERC to ensure that the value of this sort of engheeringresearchis~ogni2din ita own right by the‘ university research community,” he added.

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Imprint, Friday, March 8, 1991


An open letter to Bob

News in brief . from

Uw News


Wear a green tibbon for alcohol awareness The BACCHUS chapter on campus is battling to increase alcohol awareness on campus by offering green ribbons to patrons of FederationHall and the Bombshelter. Inspired by the white and yellow ribbons worn to show supportfor Canadian forces in the Persian Gulf, these green ribbons can be worn on clothing or tied to car aerials. s Deanappointed

to AHs


Prof. Robert W. Norman will be the next dean of Applied Health Sciences. His appointment, approved by the LJW Board of Governors, becomes effective July 1,199l for a five-year term. Norman, a UW faculty member in kinesiology since 1967, has kn associate dean of undergraduate affairs. He has served as acting dean for one year while the present dean, Dr. Ron Marteniuk, was on sabbatial leave. National network on independence and pmktbity formed UW wiIl be a participating centre in a Network of Centres of Excellence program for “Promoting Independence and Producuvity in an Aging suciety.” Researchers will examin e ways for Canadians to maintain their independence and productivity in their later years. ’ Widliam Wiiegard, hkister for Science, joined the representat& of industry university, and gobemment for the signing of the official agreement.

The Society of Actuaries has awarded a $5,000 grant to the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Uw in recognition of Associate Prof. Keith Sharp’s attainment of.F&3wship status in the society. This is the first grant to be awarded in a new program to strengthen rdatiorts between the actuarial profession and the academic community~ The money is tobe used to buy computer equipment and software and to provide fmancial support for attendance at actuarial science resear& conferencesandresearchassistantshipsfor~~teactuarialstud~jsaidDr* Harry Panjer, who heads the Uw program. Sharp ha5 been a member of the UW actuarial science faculty since 1982 and has previous experience in the pension field in England, Australia, and ;.h&* :r ;_ The Society of Actuaries is an educational, research, and &mbership organization

Dear Premier


I would like to express my disgust with your recent comments in the Toronto Sun In defending your government’s decision to break party policy and an election promise by increasing tuition fees by 8 per cent you stated that ‘There’s no free lunch. There never was a free lunch and there certainly isn’t a free lunch now.” me Ontario Rederation of Students has never asked for a free lunch. In f&c, during our recent present&ion to the standing committee on Finance and Fxonomics we stated “No one is asking for a free ride”. Our policy on who should pay for post secondary education is clearly laid out in our policy manual. The preamble states: ‘We do recognize the obligation of the individual to reimburse society for the benefits accorded by higher education It is our belief that the most equitable method for meeting such an obligation would be a reformed system of taxation, which would be borne by a student only after graduation and hence not pose an economic barrier to @qective low and middle income studenti.” This is the same principle that you yourself supported while a student leader working with the Ontario Union of Students and later as the leader of the opposition We have never advocated a freeze or &GMtion of tuition fees without alse advkting an increase in OUT taxes post-graduation, Your suggestioIl that students were ask@ for a free ride is offensive ar~J should be rw


In October 1988, I attended a rally ~rgan.ized by the Ontario Federation of Students. At the rally you told students that ‘The Conservatives had their chance with post-secondary education and we saw how they blew it. The Liberals had their chance and they aha blew it” You invited students “to join with me to give Ontario a high quality and accessible post-secondary system? ‘bn September 6,199O studen& and others in the province joined with you. Since then you have declined invitations to speak at our dly and general meeting. In ad&tiorb you have not only ignored party licy and an election promise to rze ze tuition fees but increased them beyond the rate of inflation. To top it

Ian Scott has been cryin$That waz then., thisis now in the house. Check your speaking notes for an address tc the clostig banquet of the 1987 Ontario Federation of Students meetin& you stated: ‘me quality of education you are f@ting for wil.I only come when governments are prepared to recognize education as the crucial investment in the future that it is. Governments which fail to invest in education-as has been so clearly the case in the past decade-are not simply short chan@ng a generation of students. -They are literally shortchanging

the country.”

You Aso noted with respect to “access and accessibiity” that: ‘TI can m of no issue more fundamental to a democratic society. Yet, if you look at the contiuing overreliance on fees by our public

all off you insulted students throughout the province by suggesting they were looking for a “k lunch”. It appears that Ian Scott is correct. I look forward to your response and would appreciate a meeting to discuss the points above.

Don’t blowyour chance,.Bob

Tim Jackson

k&itutions, the extraordinary debt burden which we are asking each individual student to carry, and the incredible tiers to con&&g education which exisf for so many workers as they get older, it is clear that the battle has yet to be won,” ln your government’s recent funding announcement you continued the wuefdy inadequate funding of the past decade which has led univer‘sity and college presidents to call for tuition fee ineem a5 a d;esperate way of raising revenues. Throu h your eight per cent tuition Bee increase you increased the already -enormous barriers refed abovii.


which _ -..



of Students

you ’

Kevin Stewart is UW’s new safety d&&or. Prwiously employed%ytbe Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety in Hamiltin, Stewart has been a project scientist in safety services. He succeeds longtime safety director Nick Ozaruk, who hasretired

A session called ‘The Divorce Experience” will be heldjn Ckmpus Centre room 110 on Saturday, March 9 from 1 pm to 4 pm. Featured speakers are Prof. Bill Klassen, principal at St. Paul’s College; Susan Cadell, social worker; and Ruth Slater, graduate student in psychology. Both children’s and parent’s perspectives, & well as positive coping strategies, will be presented. For further information, contact LJW CounselIing Services, ext. 2815.





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Watt reuse at UHC

A viabk option L

So said





Immqtse Journey. Water is the substance of life. Without it, life could not continue. Our dependence upon water is enormous, a dependence that cannot be ignored. What we do ignore, however, is our use and management of this precious resource. At any given moment, many water supplies worldwide are being contaminated, many people are using too mrich. Canadians are not exempt from this abuse; it’s a global problem. Although Canada appears to have an abundance of water, most of it flows north. Consequently, we ,can, will, and do have w&r shorkge problems too. The Region of Waterloo faces . water depletion problems now. part of the solution being seriously investigated and implemented in various parts of the world is total water _ reuse. Reuse could also becomeaviableoptionfortheR@on and its largest water user, the University of Waterloo. As Loren Eseley says, water is everywhere. The glObaI hydrOlO@c cycle is a continuaus flow Of water movingfromstatet0state(gas,liquid,. and solid), physical region to region. As the water is redistributed acr03s the earth, humans may .interrupt its pathbyusingit.Afterthewateris released into the environment it again enters the cycle to be redistributed. Thus, the way in which one community uses water affects the whole hydrologic cycle.

For example, most sewage treatment plants in the Waterloo Region dump their treated water into the Grand River. This pracke affects cities downstream. Brantfod has been forced to implenknt very thorough water treatment in order t0 use Grand River water. This type of water use is called %&ect reuse” We all indirectly reuse water every single day. Some cities are implementing “direct water reuse” as a water supply. In direct water reuse, the water from the sewage treatment lant is directly treated (instead oP -being dumped into a river and treated later as in indirect reuse.) Lately, a lot of attention has been &used on one method of direct reuse: r&imsdposable wuter - water that has already beenusedandistreatedtothepoint that it is ag& fit for consumption. ’ Various areas have, or have plans to produce and use reclaimed potable water. Denver, Colorado a pilotplantinl%WhatplAfl !I= wastewater into drinking Water. This plant’s thirty-One step process brings the Enal product u to and above national water heal d: standards. An extensive J&ng program for quality and health effects is implemented at the Denver plant. Tests are run for metals, minerals, salts, radioactive elements, organic chemicals, baa microscopic organisms, and viruses.


tousereclaimed si@flant scale Ir the y&r 2020. Dqite the desert awhmmt, fbenixhasnumerousgreengolf comes and man-made lakes+ The city’s lwh a.~I&~~~&~ guises the supply is vulnerable to depletioa especiallyintiIn~Ofdrougfit.plans are underway to create a pilot project similar to that in Denver before the end of next year. The c0st of the water reclamationfor the whole city is expected to be


and maintenance in the first two years is expected to be $&cm,000 which win include an extensive watermonitoring program and a four-year study of health effects, accompanied by a study program for public education According to the Phoenix Water conservation and Resources Dil& sion, “in spite of all psycholOgkal objections, water from an advanced wastewater treatment facility can meet and exceed all present and anticipated federal and state water quality requirements.” A little closer to home, there is growing concern over water resources in OUT own Region Someday, a reclaimed potable water program my be necessary. One would thinka region such as ours, which receives ample precipitation and is surrounded by Great Lakes nearby, would not have a water problem However, for a number of reasons, we do.

The drhking water of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo cons*ts of 87 percent groundwater and 13 per cent surface water. The Region contains two or three aq&ers which overlay each other in various places and depths. Currently, each Of these aquifm is pumped foiits water. Despite the optimism concerning the groundwater source, no one actually knows hav large the aquifers are. Contributing to the general lack of howledge about regional groundwatersuppli~isuncertaintypertaining to tik location of water recharge areas.Rechargeareasareporo~~~ils that allow water to percolate to the aquifer. A local example of a recharge area is the Waterloo Moraine, located west of Waterlw and extending from St. Clements to New Dundee. _ Without adequate recharge, the water table of an aquifer will drop. Deirelopment from the city of Waterloo has paved and over various recharge areas.

A nearby example that was known as a recharge area, but developed anyway, lies west of Fischer-Hallman Road. Also critical to the groundwater supply is the amount and the time of year that precipitation occur These two factors influence the rate of water in6ltration During a summer drought, less precipitation occurs, and less water infiltrates the aquifer. At the same time, human demand for water increases. Because the capacity and volume of the groundater reserve is unknowq emergency conservation measures may not be severe enough,

two broader, ethical issuesremain and we may unknowingly deplete the groundwater supply. Furthermore, should the regional cbte change due to the greenhouse effect, precipitation patterns may be altered and significantly affect the amount of water entering the-aquifer. Despite the issues concerning groundwater reserves and recharge in the Waterloo Region, two broader, ethical issues remain One is the responsibility of one community to others on the watershed. It is imperative that each COXIUII~~~~ dismd its attitude of self-interest and partake in a -wider ecological perspectke. Kitchener-Waterloo, located well up on the Grand River,% no exception. The second ethical issue is the responsibility of each community to the long term, not just short term, avsGl&lity of water. The supply Of waterinthetegionhasanupperlimk The management and conservacon ofthisr esource are crucial to meet not only the needs of today, but also the needs of future generations. Of utmost importance is that the rate at which water is pumped out of aquifers must not exceed the rate of me* To help reduck he amount of water removed from the aquifers, the Region mtly is encouraging water consetition Negative

econoxnic incentives have been implemented which increase the water prices. The present wholesale price of water is $1.70 per IO00 imperial gallons This price is expec-

.bgm user of the Region’sWtUW ted to rise to $2,15 by 1993. The premt water bii at UW is close to $t,OOO,UOO and is also expected to increase with the rising water costs. Qe university is the single largest user of the Region’s water. Current technologies have proven that reclaiming water is feasible and with public education, is socially acceptable. So how abOut the universityasapilOtproject?Justthispastfall, chg wright, UW pr&dent, encouraged environmental studies to become involved in ‘WATGWN” projects that “will aliow the university to transform itself into a showcase campus of environmental responsibility.” Reclaiming water is not an unknown technology. Risk of chemical contamination at the university is low since there is no input of indus trial effluent. The set-up of the wakrpip@ system on and off campus allows for the addition of.“exIemal” water, should any problems arise. Universities are supposed to be arenas where we can open our minds to new ideas and pm&es. A university environment is an appropriate place to construct the first Canadian potable water reclamation site. Should UW and perhaps the City adopt a water reclamation program, some stress upon the water supplies will be alleviated. However, this is not seen as an opening dowway to prOmate further growth in the Region. Our water conservation efforts should be a reminder Of the problems that human overpopulation have imposed upon the environment, especially the water resources. The use of potable reclaimed water gives humans a chance to allevi& the strain ‘upon our precious, lifesustaining water resources.

of biological, disaster

the drug metaboMng system) into polar compounds that are readily water soluble. Those that are not metabolised are stored in fat tissues. The dktribution of the PCBs is dynamic and can be found in all we% but their esuilibrfim is. dependent upon the mOwlf Of fat in the tissue and is maintajned bv the

Further research produced the realisation that PCBs have low acute toxicity in animals. That is, a shortterm dose of moderate amounts would not kill most large animals. Although their uptake in fat tissue in fish, birds, and maknals is sign%cant, their effects were found to be delayed, creating a state of chronic , exp0Sure. It has been shown that PCBs are readily absorbed through the digestive system and initially stored in liver and musck because of the high amount of blood that flows to them. To be excreted from an organism, the PCBs are metabolised by liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 svstem enzymes (sometimes referred* to as

$3,5oQ,ooO. Operatin

can lead to health roblems. The toxk sites 0 P action of PC& go ’ beyond just the liver, and along with enlargement of Liver tissues and induction of drug metab@ising enzyme, the following effects have been reported: reduced immune systern function from the suppression of ar&&e and blatig white l-hod cells. imoaired behaviour due

firmly established. The most disturbing information gleaned from the wealth of scientific research suggested that reproductive effects were more serious mar$estations of PCB toxicity. Failure to reproduce can threaten the existence of many wildlife animals. Some experimental studies have produced a selection of findin@: morphol&d abnor-

the homa~nalbukzncesof t&e eMrus cycle in mice, rats, and rhesus monkeys. tissue/blood ratio, specific for each type of PCB. Changes in the ratio will cause movement of PCBs between tissues in order to maintain the equilibrium tissue/blood ratio. Thus, although storage in the fat tissue poses no problem in toxicity per se, and they will eventually be metibolised by the liver enzymes, the length of storage maintains a chronic S~RSS o,n the liver system itself, which

to altekd biochemistry af the nervous system, weak prombters of mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, altered metabolism of, thyroid hormones, stomach lesions, and abnormalities of tie skin, as first described in Yusho. Howeve< . most of t&e experimerits rely on massive doses of PCBs, and the link between PCBsand carcinogenesis in man has not been

malities, such as cleft palate in mice and pigs exposed to PCBs before birth; female mink suffering complete reproductive failure after 9 months fed on a diet containing -5 to 20 ppm of PCBs; and reduced fecundity due to upsetting the hormonal balances of the estrus cycle in mice, rats, and rhesus monkeys. However, the extent of PCB effects ’ on terrestrial mammals in natural

ecosystems has not been studied to any great degree. The correlation af high tissue PCB levels and premature births of the California sea lion and PCB-induced damage of uteri and reproductive failure in Baltic seals, would tickate that problems in marine mammals would be a reflection of what is happening on the land. The concern with PCB effects on wiIdIife is an important consideration. The evidence cited earlier with regard to the detection of PCBs in various marine animals pG.nts to the ease in which these compounds bioaccumulate and are subsequently bioconcentrated to higher levels up the food chain. Most higher plants including crop plants, show no adverse. effects from PCB exposure and thus ‘act as temporary stores ta which the PCBs can be transferred to grazing animals, whereas lower @ants such as algae are more sensitive and their reduction could modify

wntinued to page 13’

Imprint, F&by, March 8, 1991

Sbience Wouldyou drink a cup@1of PCB’S?? +cont’d. from page 14. the fish stocks of lakes and oceans. With that in mind, some discussion should be made concerning the relationship of PCBs and ecosystems themselves. A great deal of research I has been done which focused on using the Great Lakes ecosystem m the U.S. and Canada as a model to study PCB trends .and interactions. PCBs are prevalent in the Great Lakes because of the global use of them and other organochlorine. substances; their relatively lengthy biological half-lives; and the ubiquity of long range atmospheric transport of these su~ces. For example, one study claimed that 80 per cent of the PCBs found in Iake Michigan probably came from the atmosphere. This is a controversial point since some have questioned whether direct discharge of PCBs into the water has not supersaturated the Great Lakes with PCBs and, therefore created a source rather than a sink for the chemical. Monitoring programs since the early 1970s have suggested that PCB levels are decreasing in areas once considered “hot spots”, where the concentration of PCBs was quite high, increasing in areas where they were low, and remaining relatively constant in areas that had previously been described as low. But the trends are far more complex and can be obscured by many factors. For example, in 1978, the International Joint Commission, an institution that represents both Canada and the U.S., set up a program to monitor pollution in the Great Lakes ecosystem. It was found that in Lake Superior, l-ted farthest from the Atlantic Ocean and having the lowest population density

of all the lakes, PCB levels were declining in lake trout But some researchers felt they were insignificant because conclusions were based on initial PCB levels that were only estimates, and that high levels of toxaphene, a widely used herbicide, in some instances interfered with interpretation of the data. In Lake Huron, three species of fish showed declines in PCB levels between 1970 and 1976, while four other species showed increases, and in other locations, they remained the same. SmaU sample sizes in these studies, and a change in the size distribution of fat content from year to year, were given. as reasons to undermine the conclusions. However, some have suggested thit thedatabase of the U.S. Fish and wildlife Service’s Contaminant Monitoring Program provides the most accurate trends in PCB levels, For example, the reliability of ime particular set of data, in which the bloater chub showed a decline, was based on the assumption thatits short life cycle was suitable to reflect the PCB 1eveIs at the time the samples were taken, as compared to longer lived lake trout and coho salmon which both showed a lag of three years for real d-eases to cxrur. The question was then asked; what significance would such a trend have on human populations that consumed these fish? Even if PCBs were decreasing in the Great Lakes, there would be a lag in decline of PCB levels in humans from five to 15 years and since PCBs are not metabolised as well in humans as in fish,,they could persist in the human population for five to eight generations.

The above evidence shows that the effects of PCB exposure have pi)duped a number of dispartite ,concluSions. Even though the immediate harm of PCBs seemed reIatively less drastic and the long term effects more distressing, direct research on the health effects to humans has ken just as equivocal. Two incidents, another rice oil contamination and an electrical transformer fire suggested rather, a new danger: potential risk from products arisiig from the transformation of PCBs. The first incident occurred in Taiwan, where an outbreak of rjcebran oil poisoning was reported in 1979 that affected 2060 people, of

PCB’Sin the human population whom 24 died within 4 years of a variety of liver cancers and diseases. The babies born to moths who had eaten the contaminated oil showed symptoms that. were identical to those in the Yusho contamination of 1968, as well as death due to pneumonia and bronchitis. The bronchitis, persistent cough, headache, numb limbs, visual impairment, and general fatigue were attributed to polychlorinaf&l dibenzofwans (PCDF), found to be an impurity in the PCB mixtures associated in both the Japanese and Taiwanese incidents. The second incident; a spectacuIar transformer fire in the State Office Building in Binghampton, New York, provided further means to investigate the effects of PCB impurities on human health. There are six chemical reactions that are known to convert PCBs into PCDFs at tempera-s as low as 300 C. A hydroc&on fire%uch as in Singhampton provides the perfect conditions. Associated with this. are the just as vague effects of polychloriMted dibenzodioxins (PCDD), a family of chemicals whose

nature is well documented and shown to be more toxic. Thirty-five ’ percent of the transformer fltid was mad& up of chlormatecl benzenes, whicharea~uspectedtobetheprecursors of PCDDs. A group at the Bureau of Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology, New York State Department of Health in Albany, New York, conducted a medical surveillance program for 482 people who were possibly exposed to the transformer fire. Between 1981 and 1984, Cancer Registry data, medical records, and mailed questionnaires were used to determine the numbem of deaths, cancers, infant mortalities, low birth weight& and congenital malformations. After adjusting for age and sex differences, the rates of these incidences did npt vary signifiantly from those expected when compared to other populations in upstate New York. They did determine after controlling for other differences, that those with a higher degree of potential exposure to PCBs were more likely to report unexplained weight loss, muscle pain, penistent coughing, sleep.disorders, and skin colour changes, than those ‘with the’ least amount of exposure. But the investigators felt that sub sequent stress and reporting biases weakened any link t@te chemicals and reported symptoms, especially since chloracne and neural pathology were not dtigno& a hallmark of PCB exposure. Although the present discussion of PCBs is in no way an exhaustive review, I would like to add a few comments on the present and future issues involved. It is a widely held view that the level of PCBs in the human population is q&e high and the result of life-long exposure, whether from food, water, or breastfeeding from contaminated mother’s milk. It has been estabIished that the intensive use of close to 600 million kilograms of PCBs for nearly four decades has put over one third of that amount into the gI&aI ecosystem.

Even if acute exposure is not readily h&mful to most adult organisms and the effects of chronic exposure equivocal, the most serious threat occurs in the reprodtictive stage of organisms atop the food chain which wouId more than likely have a d&entaI impact on ecwysterns. That said, it is probably prudent to view PCBs as a potential long-term health problem, despite some ‘evidence that its level is declining in the environment since its ban on use in 1977. The challenge will be to somehow destroy the world’s current supply of stored PCBs. The availability of high temperature * incinerators should lower the risk of creating toxic byp roducts of PCB burning. A way of calming public fear regarding storage and disposal of PCBs and their costs must be found. To this extent, the current destruction of the PCBs stored in Smithville, Ontario, located between HaxniIton and St. Catherines, can be viewed as a test of current policies, regulations, and ublic perceptions. For example, @Stras t week, the company hired to carry out the incineration has been stopped from continuing its job because the efficacy of its equipment was called into question Most importantly, research in the areas of biochemistry, toxicology, medicine, and ecology must continue so that a better understanding of PCS exposurecanbeusedtodealwithany future problems. This is vital since PCBs will be with us for a number of generations. , Further leading: IUs and- The Environment, three volumes. Edited by J.S. Waid. CRC Press, Boca Raton. 1987. PC&: Human and Envimnmentul Hazards. Edited by F.M. D’Itri and MA. Karnrin. Butterworth Publishers, Boston. 1983. Jones, G.RN 1989. A7lychlorinatei-i biphenyls: where do we stand now? I hncet 2: 791-794.









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Democracy id’s see. Which invasions can you remember? Panama 1989 (US with the qualified sup port of Canada)? Grenada 1983 (US)? Lebanon, 1982 (Israel with US backing)? Afghanistan 1980 (Soviet Union, now “on dir side’?? Iran 1980 (Iraq with US blessing)? Lebanon l978 (Israel with US backing)? East Timor 1975 (Indonesia with US, and later Canadian, backing) ? South Vietnam 1965 (US with Canadian arms support)? Dominican Republic 1965 (US)? Which resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly or Security Council have you forgotten were not implemented or were vetoed by one nation voting alone or virtually sol The ones on awe&on perhaps: “in the past 15 years, the Security Council has adopted fully 15 resolutions condemning Israeli aggression against Lebanon and other Arab countries. Four more such resolutions were vetoed by a lone US vote.” Or the ones on annexation: “in August 1980, the Security Council declared Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem ‘null and void’under international law and, in December 1981, declared IsraeI’s annwtiort of the Syrian Golan HeigMs ‘null and void’ under international law . . . The General Assembbly has also repeatedly conin the demned the . . . Israeli settlements occupied territoriti (a December 1988 resolution was supported by 149 countries with only Israel casting a negative vote).” How about the ones on occuparion: “fully three Security Council resolutions have demanded Israel’s immediate and unconclitio~l withdrawal from L&anon . . . The General Assembly has rwatedly deplored tie Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza . , . and urged a two-state settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict under the auspices of an international peace conference (a December 1989 resolution was supported by 151 countries with only the US, Israel, and’ Dominica casting negative votes).” Human rights violatiuns~ (of which more in part Two): the UN has repeatedly condemned Israel’s human rights practices including its deportation of Palestinians, its “refusal to recognize the applicability of the Geneva Conventions in the occupied territories,” its forcible I, removal and resettlement of Palestinian refugees living in the occupied territories, its “‘arbitrary detention and imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians’,” and its “‘continued massacre’ of filestinian civilians. . . (an October 1988 r&olution was supported by 141 countries with only the US and Israel casting negative votes).” And similarly for

sanctions. All the preceding quotes are from Norman Findelstein,‘?Double standards in the Gulf”,2 Magazitie 3 (1 l)‘, Nov. 1990, pp. 27-28. See also Noam Chomsky, “Nefarious aggression”, 2 Magazine 3 (lo), Oct. 1990, pp. 18-29. Here, and elsewhere in the article full referencesare given to sources because it is so important to consult the alternative press at a time when opinion in the mainstream press either directly supports government action oi criticizes it in only the mutest fashion, I recommend especially 2 Magazine (monthly from Boston, (617) 236-5878, ayai.l@Ie at the WLU Bookstore and Library, and the Independent National Edition (monthly from Elmira (519) 669-5155 available at Forwell’s, WLU Library and main., (and some local) branches of the ‘Kitchener and Waterloo



Consider further the case of East Timor, since it explicitly in~!olves Qnada. Indonesia invaded, and thereby cOmmitted an act of agqx&n against, the Portuguese colony of I% Tiior (from which Portugal had defucto withdrawn) in December 1975. The invasion

was immediately condemned by the UN. and a resolution adopted calling on Indonesia to withdraw. Canada- abstained. When like resolutions came before the U.N. in succeeding years Canada opposed them. Indonesia @ckly annexed East T&nor making it a province of Indonesia. While Canada has never recognized the annexation of the Baltic states by the Soviet Union at the end of WW II some 45 years ago, within months of the invasion it had &fmo recognized the annexation. This despi* the fact that the wz.+xkw (and settlement by Javanese migmnts) remains illegaJ under UN international law; East Timor remains technically a Portuguese colony. The human rights violatiu~ that followed -

massacre, torture, induced starvation and disease - that succeeded in killing off between one-sixth and one-third of the population comparable to, if not exceeding lb1 Pot’s atrocities in Cambodia -went unattended by Canada, the US and the West generally, an of whom went on happily T;;Yp% in Indonesia. Some 300 Cana operate in Indonesia; Canada’s third$largest trading partner. No sanctions were applied. Nobody went to war in defence of international law and ‘democracy’. The oppression continues as I write. For the dreadful story of Canadian involvement, see Elaine Briere and Dan Devaney, “East Timor: the slaughter of a t&al nation”, ZXsMagazi~e 24 (7), Oct. 1990, pp. 31-35; for the American involvement, see Noam Chomsky, “East Timor/‘, in James Peck &I.), XJteChomskyRads @‘andwon, 198% pp. 303-311; for the atrocities, see Amnesty International, Eizst Emor: Vblatiurks Of Human Rights -i$ kkt~@~@cial Emutiom, and Iblitical ’ DisappWwxes : Totiwe 19 75-l 984 (Amntity InterImpiwnmeM nati~& Pubkations, 1985). OrconsiderthecaseofIraqits&Howwe~ does memory serve us here? The Iast six manths appear to give us no troublt. Iraq invaded Kuwait (aggression), annexed it, ocqpied it, md committed -atrocious human rights violations against its population, violations ably documented by Amnesty International in its December 1990 report Iraq/Occupied Kuwait: Human Rights Violations Since 2

But in the early 3970 s, it was Iran under the Shah, who was the friend. Tb help him in his border dispute with Iraq the US sought to destabilize Iraq by encouraging the Iraqi Kurds in their fight for independence. However, when in 1975 Iraq and Iran temporarily settled their border differences the US immediately deserted the Iraqi Kurds, leaving them to the tender mercies of Saddam As Hitchens says, “On the next day he launched a search-and-destroy operation in Kurdistan that has been going on ever since and that, in the town of HaIabja in 1988, made history by rnartig the first use of chemical weaponry by a state against its own citizens.” Indeed. As Amnesty says in its report on Iraq/ Occupied Kuwait cited above, the horrendoti human rights record compiled by Saddam Hussein’s regime has been “documented by Amnesty International in its numerous reports. Iraq’s policy of the brutal suppression of all forms of internal dissent continues to be implemented, and the people of Iraq remain its victims. Amnesty International has repeatedly placed such information on public record, and regrets that until , the invasion of Kuwait, the intemationaI community did not see fit to appIy serious enough pressure in an attempt to put an end to these abuses.” (Amnesty’s account is complimehted by Samir al-Kahli& Republic ofFfw.- insid ofModem hq (Fkntheon, 1990)). Did we just forget? AndwhatofthescaleofSaddam’scrimesin Kuwait? According to ITWick Seak, author of &d qfSytiJUr&eti~ Of m Press, 1989) in an interview on CBC Radio on Saturday morn+ January 16,1991, it is estimated that Iraqi forces have killed 600-700 Kuwaiti cit&iw3 in the six months since the invasion. “Amnesty International bd.ieve3 that the number of extra-judicial killings (in Kuwait) runs into hundreds, and may well be over looo”(AmnestyIntematio~op.ciQp.44). 6U0-7Qo is equivalent to the count of bodies found in the mass graves in Panama excavated to date. The Panamanian Human Rights Commission and church sources give 2ooO-3000 as ‘conservative estimates’ of the number of civilians killed by US forces during the invasion of Panama. (The counts and estimates of Panamanians kilkd are from Noam Chomsky, ‘The victors, Part One”, 2 Magazine 3 (11 , NW. 1990, pp* 21-22; see alsoGary Grass, L ma: laundering casualty figures”, Lies of Our 7fmes 1 (12), Dec. 1990, pp. 9-l 1, and Alexander Cockburn, ‘Beat the devil”, l%e Nation 252 (41, Feb. 4, 1991, pp. Ww If (Zed, 1986); pp. 275-278, and on Cana114-l 15; Cockburn’s piece includes an dian arms sales to the Middle East see Ken important discussion of the alleged Iraqi Epps, “Arms for Armagddon,” Plwghshares ‘incubator/babi& atrocity.) The Kuwaiti Monitur 11 (4), Dee 1990, pp. 16-18. figure nearly reaches the totaI of unarmed Palestinian civilians killed by- Israeli ‘forces US ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, met and ‘settlers’ in the occupied territories in the with Saddam Hussein and informed him that three years of the Intifada (as documented in the US had “no opinionl+ about Iraq’s dispute numerous reports by Amnesty International with Kw-mit. Later, in an interview with the and other human rights organizations, and IV.. Yirk ZTmes, bhe said, “we never expected recorded almost daily in the Globe and Maii). they would take all of Kuwait.” tt does not match the 17 000 Palestinian and HOW aboLt US/Iraq relations throughout Lebanese civilians killed by Israeli forces in the Iran/Iraq war (1980-88)? The mortal the first couple of months of the assault on enemy was then Iran in the shape of the Beirut during the invasion of I&anon in Ayatollah Khomeini, and though Ollie was 1982. An estimated 3000 Palestinians were, in secretly dealing arms to the US-favoured addition, slaughtered in the massacres at the elements in Iran as part of the Iran-contra Sabra and Shatila n&gee camps by the Chrisarrangemen&, the friend of the day was Iraq tian Phalange and South Lebanese Army (the under Saddam Hussein. Althotigh the USSR Israeli proxy) as the Israeli army looked on. YVB ‘the principal provider~the main Etuo(See Amnon Kapeliouk, Sabro afid Shatik pean countries aIlsuppM Ir+ tith arm& as Inquiy in& u Mkw2& (Akkociation of ArabAmericai Universi did the US it&f. Indeed, according ,to the Graduates, 1984); also Globe and Mail (Jan 16, 1991, p. A13), the Noam Chornsky, 2 e Ftiq%L Diangle: Israe/, Atlanta:office of an Italian state-owrwckbank the United Statq .and the Pakst&ians (Pantheon, 19&Q, pp- 359-430; and E Herman and arranged-a $3 billion loan to Iraq to purchase first grain then arms from the US. Earlier, G. O’Sullivan. 7?te Termrism’hdcrstry (knaccording ‘to Chomsky (“Nefarious awestheon, 1999),ppm 3Q3-3M.$ sion,” p. i3), “bank credits to, Iraq’had been Let”mi & plain. To say that ‘Te’ (the US reported on netwprk tql@sion by ABC MidwithCanada in tow) are going to war for the dle East correspondent Charles Glass a few liberation of Kuwait’, ‘in support of interdays before the Panama invasion. He repor- - national law’, ‘in defence of democracy and ted that ‘the US has become Iraq’s largbst tradsovereignty’ and ‘out of obligaition to the ing partner’.” It appears z$so that the US United Nations’ is to indulge in shameless encouraged Iraq to invade Iran in 1980. hypocrisy if not blatant lying, given that in

Aumst’. I&owing quickly upon the invasion, id&d with &p&d&&d speed, UN sanctions were applied, then enforced, then superseded by war. But can we remember occurred one week before the invasion? _ +t My memory has been helped by material on US rehti0rlS with Iraq from Christopher Hitchens, ‘Why we are stuck in the sand Realpolitik in the Gulf: a game gone tilt,” Hap JWT> Muguzine Jan. 1991, pp. 7OfL and from Chomsky, “Nefarious aggression”, op, cit., and from John Canham-Clyne, “Where have all the lessons gone (from Vietnam to Iraq)/ In &se Times15 (8), Jan 16-22,1991, p. 1OfL; see ah Willjam Blum, 7&e CL4: A Fowtten Histoy - US G&al Interventions since World


Cmplicity: Canadian Invulve~ent in the Ketnam War (Between The Lines, 1986); the classification of bloodbaths Chomsky and E. Herman

is from N. ne PbJitical

released it&f

Emnomy of Human Rights, two vob~es (Black Rose, 1979).) But, you say, saddam is surely guilty as charged. Indeed he is. of that there is no doubt. But it is not for his (Saddam’s) crimes against humanity that the world’s policeman has gone out to arrest him. It is clear that straightfomard practical concerns of the global policeman - controlling the price of oil to its major competitors uapan and the EEC), prevenconversion to a peace economy at home, putting down Arab nationalism and securing regional hegemony in the MiddIe East, attempting “to assert US world domination through reliance on military power” (Chomsky, “Nefarious aggression”, op cit.; Quiddity, Z Ma@ne 3 (12), Dec. 1990, p. 3; Editorial, I. ti TIma 15 (8), Jan 16-22, 1991, p. 14), that is, establishing the ‘new world order’ (more on thiSinpartThree)Wd~rn ?leedd’ to be urnted. The charge was not a problem; Saddam had provided a convenient supply of suitabledfences. me ordy question was how

(8), hk&k’c. 2990, pp. 27-29, and WiI.Iham pf&, “&fktions I&m and the We&” New Yorker Jan. 28, 1991, pp. 83-88, though beware, among things,’ the SpeciOus but false I ‘Soviet o&ructionism’ thesis in the last paragraph.) LV &II&, three OT four other WIU h&y, a handfuI of students and some support&e ;Klmk&trative staff put on in about ten days the remarkable Teach In on January. 15. &y individual faculty have also rapon-

’ to make the a&t and,,lay the charge. FMg up a coalition getting ffiendly nations in tow, doing,deals with.a bunch of other to bring the onside. Backing the culprit into a corner, demanding complete obedience, offering no deals, preventing the possibility of negotiation and ensuring public statements of defiance from Iraq - the world’s law enforcer

similar or womb cases we have either done nothing (‘benign bloodbaths’) or been quietly compIicit with or actively supported and encouraged the oppression (‘constructive bloodbaths’). (Canada’s complicity in one bloodbath is recorded in Victor Levant, Quiep



into massive

‘Ye@’ GoIence,

itself, doing’ what, it does

at best


Asfor thoseofus who &wd by in silenceand apathy as this 1catastropheslowlytook shapeoverthepast&uat yam, on

whatpage of history do wefind our proper place?... (Above all see Noam




ded to the War inside their classrooms and outside the university. (See, for example, Terry Copp and Ken Hewitt in the KirchenerWaterfoRecod Jan 26,1991, . A9, and Doug McKenzie-Mohrin the&.x J Jan. 28,1991, p. ’ _ AS.) And Pat Elliot, Susan HeaId, a handtkl of brave students and I picketed the Armed Forces’ bwth at the recent Careers Pair. ‘But what of facuhy’s co/l&Ve res@msibiIity as intelIectuals to our students and the larger society? WhiIe the ‘co&ion’s bombs break&~&~

Crisis”, Z Magazine 4 (2), Feb. 1991, pp. 49& see also PhiIlip


the proper

crisis”, 2 Muguzine 3 (1 l), Nov. 1990, pp. 53 60 abridged by Chris Jhaj in The Cord fan. 31, 1991, p. 16 ; for the foreign policy diiter rep&se&d by Canada’s role in the Gulf C&ii see Ernie Regehr/ “Sailing to Iraq”, Canadian Forum 71(793), Oct. 1’990, pp* 640; for useful background see ;Ikdel Safty, ‘The West and tie Arabs”, Canadiun Dimension 25


WHAT IS PUBLIC ’ INTEREST RES.EARCH The Waterloo Public k&rest keearch Group is’a student funded and dimtad. r.esegrgh and aucation organization. We. are involved in the investigation of current social and envIronmenta issues of public cmtern, and in mobilizing the resources of the university and community towards their resolution. WPIRG thus acts as a bridge b,etween students and the broader societypravidlng an opportunity for practical application of acaqlemic knowledge.

The WPIRG Board of Directurs consists of seven full-time, undergraduate students who are member8 of the organization. Members ’ are those students that have payed their mornbership fee for the term. ($3.15 payed on tuition statement).


The blues that height Muqdunaid ra&ed about war guilt am as pertinent today ap thq wewtwentyyem ago. Wecan hardly avuid asking orrrselve~tu what extenttheAmerican people beer rqwnsibili~ for the savage American assuulton a Iargely helplt3srural pupulatiun in Vietnam,still quther utnxity in whatAsianssee as the ‘Vascude Gama e@ of world hbtuty. As forthuse ofus whu stud by in silenceand apathy m this catast?ophesluw~ytuuk shape over the past dozen YETUS, un what page @‘hi&q do we jnd our pqxr place?. . . It is the rerponsibility ofinteilectuah tu speak the troth and tu ex-puselies. Run Gtima. &my Hall Gail Cock&urn, Claudia Filici, Jin Sussmanand I invite you to participate in the War Symposium a s&es uf .miccweeklFy seminars JVESBI~~+~ by WLU facula speaking on war topics &ted to their disciplines.It bqan on Monday, February 25th at 12.30




and its words break the truth, while our international police commit a major crime against humanity (both soldiers and civilians) in Iraq for which we as citizens, and especially intellectuals, are (partially) responsible and which we can stop. I take my own cue from these words of Noam Chomsky written in 1966 about his own society, but now quite gener&zable to our$ (from Z%e Chumsky Reader op. cit., p. 60):

Visit WPIRG and pick nomination kit. Candidates must fully complete return their nomination .form Thursday, November IS, 1900.. . wfainatTiiom opan: Monday, March &I991 Nominsrtio~ Thursday, March


“What WPIRG has to.offer” chance to develop: leadership skiCls c.ommunication skills * an opportunity to act on issues of popular concern - an oppN&nity to direct end shape the future of WPIRG by participating in the decision making press.

up and by


Close: 14, ?QQl

The I


‘What you can offer WPIRG” - your personal experience and mativation ./ - your. perwnal interests, and , concerns II the ideas and concerns of your fellow students who you wiii be representing. If you are interested in ‘effectuating environmental and social change. WPIRG needs you!! Make your voice heard!!

F We are located In the General Services Complex (the building with the smoke stack) Room 123. Our offlce hours are Monday to Thursday IO:00 a.m. to 430 p.m. and Friday


Phone , Campus


a.m. to 2~08 p.m.

us at 8849020 ext. 2578.





Ice Warriors end Guelph‘s’hopeswith a 12-O shellacking; UWnow meetsLaurier CIAU HOCKEY Warrior Hockey TOP 10 byPeterBmwn Imprint

1. UQTR 2. Alberta . 3. Dal housie 4. Waterloo 5. UPEI 6. Toronto 7. Regina 8. Calgary 9. Laurier 10. Guelph


Buoyed by fan support and nkt with a tired Guelph Gryphon team, the hockey Warriors advanced last weekend to the OUAA West divisional finals with one of *e most lopsided deciding games in 0UA.A playoff history. In Monday night’s &me three, they buried the Gyphs 12-0, led by their two w&t division first-teak aIstars, left-winger Dave Lorentz with a hat triclcand goalie Steve Udvari with the shutout on 31 shoti. ‘1 don’t know when I’ve seen this, team more prepared than toni t,” said head coach Don McKee. ’ 42 re were two excellent scoring chances on the first shift, and everything flowed from there.” The win did not come without a cost, though. Veteran defencetnan at 2:3O pm. The third and d&e Rod Tha&r suffered a concussion m, 8 necw, a be back on and neck iniuries af!er bekg checked Columbia Avenue on Monday night headfirst the boards -__ I into _-at 7:30 pm. Waterloo will be looking . .behind . Waterbo’s net. “He was .knocked out to eras; a play@ jinx. against the by the collision with the glass before Hawks, by whtim they were swept in he hit the ice,,, said McKee. Thacker’s the 1986-87 and 1989-90 playoffs. status is uncertain. Last Saturdaynight’sraucousroadGuelph won the opener on the trip down Highkay 7 by Waterloo previous Thursday 3-1, and Waterloo fans was only a ghost of the recePti?n refocused for a solid 4-O victory in thd the black and gold receive on Guelph on Saturday night. The Munday night.’ Displa@g the proWarriors .now face the Wilfrid Laurier totype of home-ice advantage,, the Golden Hawks for a berth in the capacity cro&d spared ~o.expense as CIAU final-four tournament. The they cleared-out their cupboards and Hawks dispatched the I&dsor Lanstopped at Tim Horton’s to prepare cers in two straight, with a 3-2 win in the greeting for the Gryphs. Windsor and a 9-2 drubbing back at _ The W&cm, of cm, -on-, the Bubble, in which they also lost a ded appropriately by beginning the key plays high-scoring Sean Davidblowout early. On the fust &if& the son. Top WT.U gun Mike Mauiice will Lorentz-Clark Day-Darren Snyder not return for the playoffs either. he produced two-big scoring &an‘Tmrier’s still got a lot of snipers,” ces, a -n-one and a kentz said Lmentz “Home-ice should help breakaway. Both drives were stymied us, though. I just want to know how by the stout hero of game one, Gryph students can afford to wreck their netminder Rob Foumier. He had to pots and pans at these games.” be sharp, as the Guelph defence was The huier series stafts tonight not prepared for the firepower (Friday) at 7:30 pm at the Icefield and opposite thm I game two Gill be at the Waterloo The intense p&sure continued, Arena bubble on Sunday afternoon and after squandering an early

powerplay, the Warriors found the mark just as the Guelph penalty . ended. Steve Schaefer converted a Mike Mac&y pass in front of Fournier, and the%efield shook with the clatter of pots, pans, and garbage cans. Both teams seemed to settle down until a Guelph powerplay la&r in the first period. mefer shadowed allSteve star Gryphon blueliner firkovic, stole ,&e puck b Pakovic carried it ‘Out of Guelph’s end, and went in for - the sho&anded breakawa)rgoaL De&r&e anchor Ian Pound responded to’ the injury of his partner, Thacker, by leveling a puckcarrying

Guelph player into the boards and flicking a pass tothestreaki@qtain Clark Day, whose backhand shot found the twine to stretch Waterloo’s lead to 3-O a&:14. A minute later, a high&king n&y left Waterlm a man short, 8 IiFet that did nothing to discourage krentz and Snyder. Twenty-one seconds apart, Snyder set up Lore& ‘on two shomded two-on-es, giving Waterloo a 5-O bulge. The fu$ s@fmsmring was not over, though, as* &per Tpny Crisp accepted a Jim David F and blew it by FourrGer &ring alate-period foeon-four. The score ‘at the first inter-



mission was an unbelievable 6-O. Did UW’let up in the second? No. Eighty-two s&or& in, the Warriors struck again, spelling the apparent end of Fournier’s stint. In came Brian Holland, much to the glee of the almost-bored Waterloo fans. David ‘and Crisp must have been sick of Lxentz and Snyder hogging the scoresheet, as they combined with Brad. _Geard _ for_ . two _more second period go&, before Day and Ken 4Feddema finished off the period scoring. Oh, ya. And Foumier returned to the game after the Day goal. The type of evening&at Guelph was having could be wrapped up in one telling moment. The puck had been whistled dead in W&e&o’s zoneand.Udvariwas?ut ofthecrease &en Guelph defeilceman Brian ‘Hayton., UVV’s gaapone neinesis with two goals, tired a -ted shot from 20 feet in front of the taunting open net, He hit the left crossk. -Lorent +mpleted his hat trick



earlyin the thiid, with assistsfrom

L&s Make SomeNoise!

It’s payback time for the Golden Hawks, so bring those pots and pans, and get ready to roar, Game 1-i Friday at 7:30.p.m., lcefield ; Game 2 - Sunday at 2:30 p.m., Waterloo Arena ; Game 3. (if necessary), Monday at 7:30 p.m., ,Icefield. *.

Snyder and Pound, and Waterloo cruised from there. Credit must be given to the character of the Gryphons, much more than could be done so at the end of Thursday’smatch. Lessmature teams in their situation might have rw to violence out of sheer frustration, especially in the last game of their season. Tha&fully, no such outbunts OC-.

No ‘home ice advantaab. in aamks l&Z Warrior


byFaulDone Imprint


The first two games bf the O&JAA West hockey semi-final series between the Waterloo Warriors and the Guelph Gryphons followed the pattern of the two regular season games between them, with the Gryphons playing Waterloo much tougher in the Columbia Icefield than in their home arm. Earher on in the year, the Warriors had defeated Guelph 5-2 in the Royal City, and then lost a tough squeaker 43 in overtiqe to the Gryphs at home. The series opener, played before a decent crowd at the Icefield, saw the Gryphons, greatly aid+ by outstanding goaltending and lax refereeing,

push the Warriors to theI brink of elimination with a 3-1 victory, . Waterloo broke on top at the 9~14 mark of the first period witi a powerplay goal from hulking defenceman Rod Thacker, on a deflected dr&& from the left circle. Assisti were given to his equally huge blueline partker Ian pound, and to left-winger Mike MacKay. The Warriors couldn’t increase their lead, though, and Guelph knotted the score with the man advantage at 6:21 of the second frame. Brian Hayton was allow&l to skate deep into the circle unmolested and-blast one past OUAA first-team all-star goaltender Steve Udvari. With the. exception of the scoreboard, Waterloo continued to dominate the g&e in every way. The laissez-faire gamecalling of Bob Morley helped to prevent the Warriors from capitalizing on opportunities in close, as Guelph used their

size and-aggressiveness to clear the front of the net. backstop. Rob Foumier ’ Guelph continued to nullify Waterloo’s scuring opportunities in the third period. During the game, he stopped 39 of the Warriors’ 40 shots cornpad to just 19 shots on net for Guelph. During the stanza, Dave Lore+, Tony Crisp, and Steve Richard each had multiple chances in close,but failed to score. There was an impending sense of gloom among. the crowd at the IrAeld as the third period wound inexorably down. Then, with 3:41 to go, Guelph seized the lead in flukey fashion With Gryphon Eric Ross down in Udvari’s crease, and the’ whole arena waiting for Morley to blow the whistle, Haytoqflickd asoft shot toward the Warrior net. Udvari, screened and distracted by the commotion in his crease barely saw the’ shot before * it drifted behind him.

Twenty-seven seconds later, Guelph’s standout backliner Steve Perkovic nearly became the g-t, as he was sent to the penalty box for a hooking minor. This was not to be the Warriors’ night though. Even with Udvari pulled, and a six-on-four advantage, the best they could do was put a dent in the left gmlpost Gryphon captain Mike Gillies put the game on ice with an empty-netter at 18142. So, Saturday night was to be the gutcheck. Staring ignominious elimination square in the face, the Warriors





highway 7 knowing that a hot goalie, a confident team, and a belligerent’ crowd awaited them (well ... forget the third item, more on that later). Despite a 12-6 shots on goal -margin for the Gryphons, the first period was a fairly even defensive struggle, with Steve Udvari making three st?p on Bryan M&i (yes,

another feisty Maki) in close to keep the game scoreless. The Warriors, overcoming some early butterflies, opened things up in the second and began skating betier, showing more focus, better intensity forechecking, and more crispness in their pas@ng. Though it took half the period before they finally hit paydirt, there was a sense that, this time, the Warriors would not be denied. When Clark Day 6nally banged home tie fmt Warrior goal off a rebound on a Tony Crisp drive from the point, it was all the prompting that the





Waterloo fan contingent needed to turn up the noise. From that point on, the pots, pans, and heckling implied that this was Waterloo’s home game, not Guelph’s. Gory Keenan got the other assist on Day’s goal, which was

wmtinued to page 2@


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,8, 1991


Mac wins division title squeaker

Black warrior


Plague prays for ClAU /wildcard


. The Waterloo volleyball Warriors’ drive for a fourth appearance in five years at the national championships has temporarily been put on hold. Canada’s sixth-mdced warriors fell at the short end of an agonizingly close battle with the fifth-ranked McMaster Marauders 3-1 (17-15,1512, 4-15, 15-13). wii the win, M&aster clinched the OUAA West division title, and now advance to the provincial championship match against the tenth-ranked Toronto Varsity Blues Saturday afternoon in Toronto. The eight CIAU toumam e;t participants will be the five conference champions, the host team, and two other wildcard teams (qsually the highest ranking leftovers}. This year, the nation’s top-ranked LavaI Rouge et Or will host the nationals and should win the QUAA conference, which would create a third wildcard spot. lf there are no upsets, no.1 Laval

(QUAA), no.2 Calguy (CWUAA), no.3 Dalhousie (AUAA), no.4 Manitoba (GPAC), and no.5 McMaster (OUAA) will win their reseve

conferences. That would leave no.6 Waterloo. (OUAA), no.7 Winnipeg (GPAC), no.8 Sherbrooke (QUAA), no.9 Saskatchewan (GPAC), and no.10 Toronto (OUAA) a6 the hopefuls. Andy long as wildcard M&laster defeats Toronto, the Warriors have the best chance of anybody for an invitation to the nationals. If Toronto upsets McMaster, then the Marauders would be’ the first for a .wildcard consideration, lessening UW’s chances. Everyone will have to wait until after the outcome of this weekend’s matches and the Monday morning CIAU top ten release t0 know their fate. Back to last Saturday’s barnburner. The B&k Plague marched onto the M&taster campus with legions of black-clad Warrior faitil, so many that they outnumbered’and outyelled ‘the Marauder contingent. Inspired by their posse, the Plaguesters jumped out to a 5-2,lead after an&ray of sideouts. Proving this would be no cakewalk for either side, Mac replied to take a 10-7 advantage. Consistent serving by veteran Warrior Tony Martins capped off with the first of many super-kills by Steve Smith, knotted the game at 11. Over the next five series, both teams showed peat defence at the net, with Waterloo looking to take the opener, leading 15-14. unfortunately, ‘the mauders ral&d with the next three points to k&e game one, 17~15.

CIAU VOLL IYBALL TC ‘IO 1. Lava1 2. Calgary. 3. Dalhousie 4. Manitoba 5. McMaster

. 1

6. Waterloo’

7. Winnipeg 8. Sherbrooke 9. Saskatchewan 10. Toronto , Once again,-Waterloo had the better start in game two, ahead 4-O. Then the momenturn sw&g in the hosts’ favor ;is they stormed back for 11 straight points, stopped only by three UW sideouts. Mac’s run was spearheaded by the monster spikes of cocky freshman sensation & Chaloupka. (Chaloupka was also the tar@ of Waterloo hecklers alI afternoon long.) -After the tie-less UW head co&h Scott Shantz called a

- Students Needs YOU! Th6 following executive positions ar;e available within the Federation of Students for Spring ‘91; Fall ‘91, and Winter ‘92 Board Of C6mmunication - video and media experience required Creative Arts Board - musical and drama experience required Board oi Entertainmekt = special events experience required -I I< Board of AcaQqnn~ Af&irsBoard of Internal Liaison - 3 Human Rights Board _- experience preferred Public lwues Board . .t . I^ Women% lssuss Board Board of ‘External Affairs - experience with education issues required .

Steve smith vrrporioes mothefone. . .. \ timeout, his troops regained ‘their coqoswe and closed the gap to three, including one point on an unt6uched Steve Smith ace. But WaterI& couldn’t erase -the deficit, losing qother nail-biter, 15-22. ‘With their backs to$he wajl and on the brinkof a sweep,,the Waniors totally dominated game three, leading the entire&ay throw+ Of partitular note were the relief performances of Ian Hqnen and Bob EichvalcL With the ‘score -H for Waterloo, the leaden refused a s&$e Marauder point, clinch@ game three on a Mac net tiolation, 15-4. Waterloo began game four with a four-point run, ended with an authoritative blast by Scott Smith over the Mac bIockers, who were anticipating an early hit by the l&ming Dave. Balodis. Steve Smith followed that with another smash down the be before sprawling Marauders. McMaster fought back to taki a 7-6 lead; which was then halted by a Hqmen kill splitting a flimsy block The Plague tied the game 8-8 when Scott Smith and Heynen combined to deny anatt&k by Chiplb Tied once again at 10-10,. Mac

Photo by Paul 0orje

charged ahead for four points in the next six plays but the gutsy Plaguesters refused to give up match point. Chaloupka misread Waterloo’s next serve as the ball went smack fight off his face, much to the delight .of The Black Plague Fan Club. I mean thebaNhithiminthebeansohard,he hadSpalding’ tattooed on his gra for, the rest of the. cont&t Tr e HTairiors replied to cut the lead to one, 14-13. However, three sideouts later, lJ&Master collected game point and matkh Fifth-year player Scott Smith paced Waterloo’s attack with 46 points on 39 kills, six stt@Mocks and oneace, and a’season high 17 digs in the match; The 3989-90 All~anadian honourable mention and 1990-91 OUAA West aU-starreceived W&or Athlete of the Week honours for his efforts. Fellow power hitter Steve Smithadded points (35 kills, 5 stuff blocks, 3 aices) and 10 digs, while Will Zabjek and Ian Heynen each collected 14 point& Bob Eichvald scooped up five digs and hit four kills in game



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Please apply ‘in writing to the office of- the Federation of ,Students (CC room .235). Applications should be directed to: . . - P&dent-Elect John Leddy Deadih: March 22,4:30 p.m. More information regarding these- positions . is available in the Fed Office.



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Imprint,Friday, March 8, 1991 19


Track and Field Cham@mships .

Zabjeck third among CIAU high jumpers ,


& Field

by Dale Lapham Irctprint sports

In the OwIAA/OUAA Track and Field Championships this past weekend, the Warriors and Athenas each placed a respectableeighth. The team set a totaI of 19 personal bests (pb) in this competition, bringing the season pb total to 99.

UW head coach Brent McFarIane felt the team did exceptiody well. “Lastyear we qualified one athlete to the CIAU’s and this year eight will be going. chlr team’s pe~OMlbeSts total for the season has reached 99, and-1 1 varsity records have been set” Among the top performances for Waterloo was that of Karl Zabjeck, who set a varsity record of 2.1&n in the hii jump, breaking the 15 year old record of Rick Heemskirk (personal best, CIAU standard performance) and good for fourth lace in the elite field. Jane Taite finis fl ed the

60m hurdles event in a blistering 9.20 seconds, a personal best and a CIAU standard, while the men’s 4x40&n relay team of Steve Walker, Brent Formt, Jason NTM~~, and Pat Kirkham crossed the line in 3:25.63, fifth overall and yet another CIAU standard. On the performances of Zabjeck and Taite, McFarlane expressed that “in his first year, Karl has demonstrated he is a contender for great things to come in Canadian university high jump and Jane ran superbly with pb’s in her 60m heat

.TGG~laterswam in-nation’s fop 20 Swimming by Jeff Skater Imprint sports

Dalhousie University put their extensive athletic facilities to good use this past week-end as they hosted the AUAA basketball and volleyball championships, but most importantly the CIAU swimming championships. Dal is in the enviable position of king able to run all these events because of the foresight they took in buiId@ the DaIplex, a multipurpose athletic facility that is remarkably sin&u to the ill-fated Student Iife Building of last faL Waterloo was represented at this wonal finale to ,the swim~,season by Sheryl Slater and Ian Hunt. SIater’s senior status on this trip aIlowed her to retain front seat privileges most,of the weekend, as the rookie Hynt was unable to calI “shotgun” nearly quickly enough. Slater had what can perhaps best be termed the meet of her life. She placed in the top twenty in the country in three separate events including a thirteenth-place in the 800 free. This third-year Ottawa native had best times in each of her four events. Her performances inc1uded lowering her

Athena team record in the 400 IM by another 1.4 seconds. This marked a fuII five-second improvement in her times over the come of the season. Hunt, meanwhile, was unable to surpass his stellar performances of the OUAA’s. He was only a tenth of a second off his best times. He did earn a second swim in the 100 butterfly to finish the season f&eenth in the the 100 back for country. Swimming the first time this season Hunt had a personal best in a time which ranks him fifth& time at Waterloo. The meet itself was unbelievably fast. ‘Itvo Commonwealth and nationd records, plus seven UAU records were set over the course of the week-end Ca@@ retained their men’s title with Toronto and AIberta rounding auf the top three. The women’s team, for the fifth year in a row, was Toronto although they were closely followed by Universite de MuntreaL UBC was third in the women’s race. Turlough O’Hare of MC provided the greatest excitment of the meet with a Commonwealth record in the second event of the ,meet, the 200 free, he followed this on Sunday with a record swim in the 400. O%are added a third gold in the 1500 free. F&kia Noall of Montreal had a hand in four CIAU records to earn her swimmer of the year honors. She won the 200 and 400 frees, the Qoo IM

and anchored the 4 X 200 free relay all in record time. The top twelve men and women at this meet qualified to represent Canada at this summer’s World University Games in Sheffield, England. For those of you who pIan way ahead the next games will be in beautiful Buffalo in 1993. This meet marked the conclusion of the swim season and coaches John Heinbuch and Jeff SIater would Iike tothankalltheswimmersformaking the year very memorable and enjoyable. Thanks also ga to our loyal fans and special thanks ,to team manager Kathleen Naylor who was ab1e to Iend a bit of sanity when it was really needed. Next season promises &other step forwd as these young teams grow and improve.

and semi-final, the 60m hurdles, and both relays! Other high caIibre performances were by Marina Jones (8th, 3OOm, 42.7, pb), T&e (6th overall 60mH, 9.31s), Rich Koomans (8th overall in high jump, 2.04m, CIAU std), and Kirkham (1:22.26, 7th overall in a blanket finish in a very physica men’s 600m). The women’s relay teams all performed very well. me 4x2OOm team of Kim Gittens, Taite, Jones, and Sheri Emery sprinted to a huge personal best time of 1:49.59 (6th overall). Gittens, Taite, Jonest and Kelly McHaIe combined in the 4x4OOm relay to run a pb time of 4:10.40 (6th overaU).‘In the 4xSOOm relay, Catherine HolIifield, Marci Aitkew DaraIyn Bates, and McHale finished in 10~37.46, good fpr 6th overalL The men’s 4xSOOm team of Derek King, Brian Hagemeier, Jeff Barrett, and Dave Frake led by an excellent effort by the vetem F&g (157.9) finished 8th in 8:15.27. A &ppointing dropped baton in the men s 4x20Om ended the season for a team who just missed the CIAU std on numerous occasions (Yuri Qlrintana, Simon Foote, Kirkham~ Walker). The rest of the results in&de a number of personaI and season best performance: 6Om Men: Foote (pb 7.17s, 9th ovedl in SF); Walker (pb 7.20s, 12th cuwrall in-SF); Shaiyn deLang (7.60, 5th Heat). 6&n Women: Taite (pb 8.16,lOth in SF); Giitens (season best 8,19s, 11th SF); Jones (8.399). 6OmH Women:, Taite 6th overaIl). c k-

60mH Men: Forrest (8.98s 111th overall SF); Shawn S&uItz (9.6 2, 14th). 3OOm Women: Jones (42.7, 8th ’I*I Emery (45.3). 3OOm Men: Walker (pb 36.4 131th overaIl); Jason Nyman (pb 37.2 9; Quintana (39.0). 6OOm Men: Kirkham (7th overall I); Forrest (1:2521,12th overall). 6OOm Women: McHaIe (r ,b l&4.52, 13th overall); Home1 .d (1:4505,14th). 100Omand 30OOm Women: Aitke n (12th in 100&n and 9th in 300&n). 1500m Women: Linda Ha&e (5:23.39 pb); HoIlifield (5:29.92 pb r ; B&es. 10OOm,. Men: Hagemeier (p lb, 2:34.73,9th overall); T.J. MacKenzi ie (10th overall). 15OOm Men: Frake (4:19.33 Barrett (4:2216); Dave Mass (4:23.36 pb). Forrest, C&tens, and h&lin td Ghanekar all competed in the tripi le jump. Forrest and Gittens both mad Ie the qual@ng distance in their re pective competitions, jUlTl@ 12.26m (13th) and lO.14m (11th) re pectively. Forrest also competed i the long jump. Jeff Davis placed 91 among an elite shot put field. The UAU championships ill Friday,March8~dSatyrday,Marc 9 in Windsor. The athletes who wi be competing at the UAU meet eu Karl Zabjeck (high jump), Jane Tai @$lm,wKc-& *mz . I 4x40&n) and Steve Wk, Brer Fixrest, and Jason Nyman (4x40% T.J. MacKenzie and Derek King a~ aItern+es fr the &y team : I ,c

:‘ ” _

Immediate Openings .., :_ ,.j.,, .;, :.1.:.:,~.~.:“““““,” j:T.‘.. .‘. y. :-:,+i.: :.:. ;.&;: ,,., .., ‘.‘. .Available .‘*.,.::.i,.. A:. ‘.:.:.::.: .:..,. ::.:: ::.:;, ::.: .,., ,...::.: __, I,‘,; :.‘. .,.*,...... TV. ..,-..,. :i:.. -..::,:‘.:.,:. ..C.. .,,,....: .,,c. ::: .I....... *:....:,. +: :.:.:.,...,. .,,‘, :.:.;.;, ,,,_,,.,. .I:.: :,:.:.,. .,:_:. ,._ *._.. ..:,,.,.. .:;:.,*,. I.‘.._ ...: .:,: 1.1.. .‘.1.’ r.3 ;:.,.:: .,., :..; ::..: .:.: ::,!I.w--. *.. p,.,..., ‘.l,..‘... -‘* 1..:ii::~ c.. I.:.: *:.:.:.. ._. .,. L

Athlete of the Week

Where Your University of WaterNo LD.’

1 SAVES vOU.~$“~ JANE TAlTE - Track and FMd The University of WaterI is pleased to ’ have selected Jtie Taite as Athena Athlete of the Week. Taite, a second-year kinesiology student, is the team captain and has been a strong leader throughout the season. At the OWIAA championships this past weekend, Taite had a strong two days of cornpetition, registering a personal best performance in each of her events: the 6Om hurdle, the 60m dash, 4X200m relay, and the 4x400m relay. of particular note was her performance in the 6Om hurd1e in which she qualified for the CIAU,championship with a time of 9.24 seconds. Taite will compete at the CIAU’s on March 8-9 in Windsor.

The University of Waterloo is pld to, have selected Scott Smith as Warrior Athlete of the Week Smith, a fifth ye&r chemistry/ physics major from St. Catharines, is a four , time OUAA a&star. During the OUAA West division final at M&laster on Saturday, S&h accumulated some im ressive statistics, recording 39 kius, six stuff E locks, and a sea@n high 17 digs, as the Warriors were defeated in a close match. Smith has been an integral part of the team’s success *for the past five years, and, should the Warriors secure a wildcard position at the CIAU’s, it WrH mark his fourth tip to the nationals.

Mini Storage Rental Spaces At: 1




20 Imprint, Friday, March 8, W91



Ma,rch Campus . - Recreation Madhess, Campus Ret ti BarbaraJo Green Ilnprint sports -.-

_-----.-.. I

The second weekend of March is here and we should all be elsewhere. The remainder of March is full of championship playoffs and the wrapping up of programs in the PAC. Today is the last day to enter the Mixed Volleyball Tourney that will take place on March 14 and 21. Teams may enter at the PAC reception desk by 1 pm. This afternoon U of W’s L,ifeguard Team is off to 0ttawa for the weekend for a fun-f&d two days of water and chlorine. Good luck! Tomorrow (Saturday, March 9) 130 people will be participating in

Dance for Heart from lOam - lpm. The dance-exercise program will be heldinthemaingyminthePACand 20 of the C-R fitness staff will be the instructors throughout day. All partic@& hopefullywillhave collected sponsors which will go to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation. Lmal business have sponsored C-R for hosting the event and door prizes will be given to participants during the day. C-Rhas hopes to raise above and beyond last year’s fund raising efforts of $5000. If you are interested in donating to the Heart and Stroke Foundation feel free to drop by the PAC between 10 and 3 and see what’s going on. Hope to s_ee you there. r Tonight (Friday), I’m sure Ill see you at the Icefields cheering on the Warriors again& the Hawks at 7%. Have a good weekend and get out and enjoy this spring-like weather.
















8*En try dale for Mixed V8

9 * Dance for Heart \ v’ 10-l pm *

Tourny 1 pm

111VB Captain

12. Broombail

13 *Hockey Capt.

14eMixed VB

Meting 4:45

Captain Mtg.

Meeting at B:30

Prelim Tawny

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in PAC 1001 : Ball Hockey Playoff Mtg. 5pm in cc 135 aCPR Recert 17 Happy !&Patty’s Day!


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* Prelim VB


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Hockey Playoffs Begin


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CPR Recert

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Call Susan for info 72!J-5301 2Khampionship B-Ball 3:45-llpm Men’s Hockey


Last Week of

215End of C-R Prugranls




wont’d. from page 16. scored with speedy Guelph winger Dave Thomas off for holding. The Watiors’,captain also scored their second goal, six minutes later, on an&her powerplay. When Fournier unsuccessfully attempted to clear the puck from behind his net and got tangled up with Rod Thacker, Day jumped on the loose puck, went behind Guelph’s net, and wrapped it around into the open left side. Thac-

Good Friday PAC Closed


mummel Guelnh

= -


- - - - -

- - -


ker and Dave Lorentz got the assists on the goal. Waterloo’s 21-8 shots margin and utter domination of the second period seemed to take the wind out of Guelph’s sails. When Tony Crisp broke between the Gryphon defenders, and slipped the puck between Foumier’s legs to give the Warriors a 3-Q bulgeat ?:48 of the third, the game was all but &era + tin Snyder finished &Ef the assault for the Warriors scoring from in close, with Craig Shaw and L+orentz

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(his second) picking up assists. Udvari looked sharp turning aside 27 shots in recording the shutout, Fournier once again.must have felt like Mike Tyson’s heavy bag, facing 44 shots, almost half from ten feet and in In beating Guelph, the Warriors passed a big character test The W&on+ who have a large number of first-year players on the team,went into a rival’s arena and played with poise and composure - evidenced by the hct that they had twice the number of powerplay opportunities as the Gryphons. Despite Thursday night’s ph$sical play, they weren’t intimidated by the Gryphons, and executed much better within close radius of Guelph’s net - a concern of coach Don McKee following the firstgame loq

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Pool 11 --Laurcet.




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6 3

Trenr Guelph

UPCOMING HOCKEY Friday, March 8, 7130p.m. - vs Laurier tinday, March 10, 2:30 p.m. - at Laurier Monday, March 11, 7:30 p.m. - us Laurier, if necessary I Wednesday, M&h 33, Queen’s Cup begins



8 Trcnt 3 Trent 5 Guelph

UQTR vim





2 1



TOLOrlK 0 Torcnro


SERIES February

2 4

Concordia Caneardla

i -A 6 OT




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1 0

Kathy Vicky Brenda





Consolatiah m-.-r-.,'--Laurcntia3


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TRACK AND FIELD March 9 and -10, CIAU Championships at . Windsor










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Isnort the line...

Wilcox Sober?!? n&t really lending itself to dancing, or shoulder-to-shoulder the atmosphere on the dance floor, we don’t know. But everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and we heard no complaints afterward. We felt it w;as the kind of music that one should just sit back and enjoy, and of course, drink to. Scott’s 160 proof vodka was perfect for the occasion. Incidentally, orange juice costs $1.50 there. Also, there’s nothing like bt’s (does that impl,, the use ofirricid subssances, guys? - ed) at Fed, which brings us back to Wilcox He seemed sober enough on stage, and musically the band was pretty. tight, but his eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his head. There wasn’t a great deal of talking in. between songs~ which was probably for the best. (He introduced ‘*Layin’ Pipe” as ‘a salute to the construction induq’)

The Creature

of tk

Photo by Dave Thomson

Bui-T4tf ptts.

by SOOH and Dave Ilral*tstaff For the first time Since Bourbons Tabemcle Choir was here, Fed Hall wasatcapacity.Asusua&thepreconcert musical selections seemed to be chosen by the Zodiac, going from CCR to the ?%i0tt &mes

But, ‘the plaints aside, review David live up to

normal F4 Hall comwe will now proceed to Wilcox, in an attempt to the high standards of



With no opening . act, Dave appeared dn stage atita quarter to eleka starting the d&M off with some of his newer sons After seven of eight songs,- the people on the dance floor were shifting around, but still not really dancing. M/h&m

this was dqe to the music

The instrumental bits in the middle of some songs were exceptionally long and, given that there are only three band members, not particularly riveting The concert ended with what is probbly his most popular tune, Riiwbuuz Fantasy. Overall however, it was an energetic performance which @eased the crowd of g&in jeans, goki necklaces, dress shirts, and baseballcapsand us. It was not a surprise though, considering this is the fast time he’s played here in four ye&s, and that tickets sold out in two We&

Movin’ to the front 0’ the line.., T’homa~ Trio & the Red Albino me Bombshelter March 1,1991 by Katie & Dave Imprjnt staff What should you expect from a band you’ve never heard of before, and has roots in Newfoundland? Zip. Thomas Trio and the Red Albino are comprised of five members, three of whom are brothers (David @l) lead guitar, Danny - bass, ;ind Louis -drums),JodyRichardson(TheRed Albino,lead vocals), and L,ori Cooper

(key-+ The fivesome were at *e Bomber first, and took the crowd by surprise (pardon the cliche writer’s block). Before starting the set, the Red Albino commented on how cheap the beer was, and encouraged us to all become alcoholics. He then proceeded to leap about eightfeetintotheairtokickoffhis fmt song These guysare the furthest thii away from thejig and fiddle that some people w, been expect@ that evening It‘fbok&ecrowd&efirsthalfQfthe &stsettobe~ that the band had nothing to do with traditional Newfoundland music. Then the floadgates opened and the dance floorwasful&whi&wasquiteafeat considering that the Bomber was on March

only half4ull. Musically, the band provided U: with some of the best vocals we’ve heard in a while, from the keyboardis and primarily the Red Albino, whm voice is exceptional. The keyboards, however, fit into some songs better than others. Thar is, perhaps a sound closer to a pianc would have been more appropriate than the orgamtype sound. As is the status quo with most up andsomiiig bands, we knew we could expect at least one cover, which we usually don’t take to kindly. Bul this was not the case with the Trio. Their cover of a Terence Treni D’Arby ditty was fabulous. The nexl cover was of Santana, and we wen mesmerized. 0ther artists covered included James Brown and Fishbone Their original material is hard tc classify, but fdls into the category 01 “god.” We refuse to use phrases and words such as “funky”, ‘tiphop beat”, and “high-energy”. It’s a m& hmash of many xr@cal genres. tiit? any indicatkm, the crowd danced UF a storm (ughhh! another cliche). What does the Red Albino look like? This one looked like the lead actor front Chihn of the tint, bui then he wouklcrouchdownand take on the mannerisms of the late Jirr Morrison. Strange but Iikable. If you’re making your way-south you might be able to catch thenr down on the eastern seaboard. “lt)

wvth the nip zuActon ‘:

I walk the line...

The Man h Black holds court at Lddu’s



W~segknIeks Imp&It staff Courtesy

of FM Mapazine;.CKMS

Last’ Thursday night I had the pleasure of seeing a living legend, Johnny Cash, play a sold-out show at Lulu’s in KitcheneT. He play&i for about an hour and a half and put on a great show, but another 15 minutes probably would have k&d him. Here’s my rundown of the shoti When I got to Lulu’s at 9:50 pm, the fu&thingIdidwastostandb&in amazement at the size of the place, it is huge. But, nonetheless, by this time there was a crowd qund the stage about 40 people deep. Overall in the audience, there was about a 50150 split between people over 40 and under 40, but most of the older peaple were sitting down while the peg ple in front of the stage were of the younger kind. But, I didn’t have much time to admire the surroundings as when the clock struck i0 the man in black hit the stage. The firstthing he did was to literally run around the stage and wave to the audience, so I guess his time off of the drugs and booze hits done him well. He- started off with ‘Ring of Fii’ with the help of background singers: his wife June Carter Cash and her sisters Helen and Anita.

l?te band cons&ted of a stand-up bass, electric @a& drums and piano with Johnny laying an acoustic. After the Lt number the sisters left and he did halfan hoti of some of his more famous numbers And yes he started ‘Folsom Prison Blues’off by saying ‘Hello, I’m Johnny Cash’. His voiceisstillgruffbutstillpowerful enough to shake your bones. Johnny took a break after half an hour while his wife and her s&t= came on stage singing songs which were ‘a Carter family tradition.’ Wnforhmately, this mearks that I, along with most of the audience, had never heard any of the sow befbre, Most of the songs were not really notable, tith the only famous one being ‘May the CircIe be Unbroken’ which last year was covered by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, which incidentally won them a Grammy Award. Johnny then ‘came back singirig a Boy Named Sue and he himself edited out the words ‘Mother Fucker’ from the $econd last verse. He just put a big bq~ where the words would have been, but why did he write those words if he can’t use them in concert? Maybe he just uses them when he

nlaximum. PJW institutions.


- At times in the second half, he to genuinely be taking requests from the audience, (a pointless exercise as how could he understand 10 drunk people shouting different things at him?), but he boasted that he remembers the words to every song he has ever written, and would play requests. -He talked about how he was glad


about the Gulf Wat being over and h&w he was proud of his troops for gchg over, but then he sang the song ‘Billy, don’t take your guns to town’. He didn’t mention the titIe of the next song and I had never heard it wore, but it was&o about tiar and it was - rdy good. It hums out that last Thursday was Johnny and June’s 23rd wedding anniversary, so June came out to sing a few love songs after which her sisters came out and everybody joined in on a few negro SpirituaI song% These were quite good and the lighli@ of the show in my opinion, but I‘m partial to negro spirituals.


The time was now approaching shows allowed at Lulu’s? Anyway 11:45 and Johnny’s 59 years caught the lights came up, music came on uptohim,as~hehadtostopsinginga , and no encores were done. few times to catch his breath He ChmalI, it was a good show wit! turned around and gave some signal thepartIlik~themostwastha~h~ to his band; the sisters left the stage acknowledged tit he was playing ix and Johnny went out with his signaCanada. He had just been indua ture tune ‘? Walls the Line.” He shook intotheCanadianH&iloffamearidhr hands with oeode at the front of the stage, SW& n6 autographs, anti I& said that he really appreciated the for good support he got from Canada. He alscz A suited gentlemen from LX&I’s then did the old “Elvis has left the claimed that in his 34 years of tourin& building thing” after which he said he has been in Canada at least once every year. He had a good rappoti we would like to thank Johnny for with the audience which made the playing a show ‘which was ‘longer concert feel Iike more than just a than was called for.” What did that video of Johnny C&h’s greatest hits. mean? Are only one and a half hour


*Pleasego back to bed Van Winkle! ICebyI=

Vanilla Ice Avbn Book, 164 pp, $4.95

by Christophex Imprint staff

heard of Robert Van Winkle does not faze . someone as cool as Ice as he with: ‘You’ve read the story x””ere in this book (about his motocmss prowess), you’ve seen the pictures (gee, there’s one picture of a

pany bio that he attended the same high school as 2 Live Crew’s Luther CampbelL Don’t believe the hype. Vanilla Ice prides himself on “setting trends” (“I don’t follow trends Is&them’) hence the xidiculo~~ hes

trend setting nature is his justification

Wabers I

Vanilla Ice is the latestin a long line of teen idols. He joins the likes of Cliff Richards, DOMY Osmond, I&if Garrett, Dana Plato (teen idol cum video store armed robber), and many vy more. This plethora of past idols pre-




Bravery, courage . and commitme,nt . Hmly

Voices of Freedom

Hampton and Steve Fayer Bantam, 692 pp., $19.95

by Paul Done I.m*t staff There

are many


why the success, not the least of which is that it gives folklo& immediacy to events which QE folk history. Folk history has traditionally been of an oral nature, and voicesof Freedom,which retells some of the struggles of the Civil Rights moveherrt, works becausdit approximates verbal history, told through interviews with the participants. Further, it removes the events from the historical voice, the authoritarian voice of academia and has restored speech to the women., the men, the children who gave strength to the movement.

V&es ~1 Freedom is a complete

Unfortunately for Robby Van Winkle (vanilla’s real name), this ploy fails to work, The book does succeed, however, in pointing out all of the glaring inconsistencies in the Vanilla Ice/ Robby Van Winkle biography. Half of the motivation for “Ice, Ice Baby”‘s writing of this expanded Tiger Beut feature was to set ihe record straight about his past. If anything Robby only succeeds in adding strength to the argument that he is lying through his pearly white teeth. Ice often mentions his street upbringing living with his mother and brother in the ghettos of Miami with ne’er a penny to their name. Yet he could afford to own an Iroc Z, and all the motocross equipment necessary to be on the national motorcross tour for Six years. Curious. The fact that the American Motorcross Association has never

Gee Ice aren’t those your stepdad’s roomful of trophies. which couId be anyone% roomful of trophies), so you know I’m telling the tntth,” Lame, lame baby. The other main revelation of Ice by Ice is his confession that he had “twisted things a little”regarding the spurious, story in his record com-



shaved into his left eyebrow. He seems to believe he is the first white person to rap. I guess the Miami gang scene (or was surburban white middle class Dallas?) never heard of the &astie Boys or 3rd Bass. The best contradiction to Vanilla’s belief in his


style of Ice @ Ice makes Vanilla Ice sound illiterate and just plain stupid; as opposed to the cool and hip image he had hoped to project. The scary thingisthatV~VanWinkleha.s upheld his questionable past so &ny times that even he is start@ to believe all of its emUishments. Word. If Bret Easton Ellis is in hot watti over Amen’can I?syko because of its ill-conceived plot; Vanilla Ice should be boiled because of the insipid nature of Ice by Ice. Word to your mother.


T/o&s of Freedom is actually a byproduct of the epic &hour PBS television series, Eyes on the ptize, which documented, in vibrant detail,threedecades plus of struggle for civil rights. There were reams of material left over from the production of the series and series creator Henry Hampton and series author Steve Fayer sifted through the over 1000 interviews which were conducted preparing the service. prom Uus massive archive, 650 pages of interview were’sewn to&her. There is a certain irresistible force to the words, as each participant is given their chance to testify, to speak their mind and express their passion and commitment, their pain and loss, above all, their indefatigable ho Pthe story comes alive and escapes se e flat monochromaticity df the printed page.


Though the violence of the movement co&es through quite clearly in television footage from the times, at times it seeys very impersonaL The immediacv and horror communicated through interview excerpts is of a different nature - it is this_person speaking to you who was _ a victim: . . 1And then theygut evenmore excited and theystalled trying to hit my hands with the ubjects they had: pipes and sd futih. I would have to move my hand just very, very quickly back andforth on the pipe while holding on to keep them from really pulling myjngs 08 l%en one of the guys got behind me, got very hyste&l, and come over the top of my

head TiSs is a verygrisly part, but he stmedpdng hLsf?ng~ into my qve sockets and he actually

would work my

eyeoutofmyeyesocketandsortufdown onto my cheektine. And I remember beins amazed that it would stretch thut fur.He was trying to get my eyeball between his thumb and inde@ngerso that hecouldgetappon itandreallypulIit. (Bob Zellner, “0rganizing in Mississippi 1961-63”) There is a momentum within the pages of the book, with each speaker, it grows. Even the bad guys in this tale are given theti chance to speak - be they thug&h southern sheriffs, antibussing reactionaries, morally ban- * krupt political schemers. or FBI inf&m&ts and agents. ’ Mostly though, the power in the book comes from the simplicity and sincerity of the emotions which are expressed in the interviews. The book is void of cold. intellectual prose, and is, instead, &sed with warmth candor. * It @ impossible to read through the pages of Voicesof Freedom without being profoundly moved; at the bravery, courage, and commitment which was acceptedas commonplace during this struggle - which continl,ies to&y. x

I..~*.w**....*....*...*..,.~~......*....**..**....*..**.~********* . . . . .



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’ Thankyou , ”Wat#$Oo!! In. an effort to investigate the changing taste of Waterloo students, Federation Hall commissioned the marketing consultants ofAron, Banerji, Baner#, and Bane@ to conduct a survey of music preference. FoElowing is the results of the 300 Tesponden<s.

DEMOGRAPHICS: (4 Age 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 37

/ , *’


# 16 50 55 65 48 38 17 4 4 0 2 -1 300


% 5.3 16.7 18.3 21.7 16.0 12.7 5.7 1.3 1.3 0.0 0.7 0.3

(D) List your top 3 licensed establishments in Waterloo. First Place Votes: Votes I 97

Fed Hall

II Cherrys



Second Place Votes:




Third Place Votes:




Fed Hall





II Cherry's








Mafh/CS Engineers AHS

# 92 52 49 47 33 27

-% 30.7 17.3 16.3 15.7 11.0 9.0




% 14.7

































m Faculty Arts E.S.










0 (E) L&t top 3 styles of music.

Approximately how many times/ month do you go out to a licensed establishment?

First Place Votes:

# of responses 180 Average response 12.6

II Med.

(F) What is your least favourite stvle?


1 Votes Top



















Reggae II



118 117 65 300
























Dance' 56









II Hard


40 Rock

24 1


ll u

39.3% 100.0%






II II TOTAL favotirite Artist/Band 31 20 19 18 16 15 15 15 14 11 11 ::, 10 10 9 8 7

Prince Sinead O’Connor Vanilla ice . Aerosmith Stone Roses Jane’s Addiction JC Mellencamp Snap Nitzer Ebb Pogues Public Enemy Steve Miller Neil Young Jimi Hendrix ’ Spirit of the West Faith No More D, Wilcox Motley Crue

when you am at 8 pub. I

7 BS2’s 7. CCR 7 Eagles 7 Skydiggers 7 Tragically Hip s’ 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

4 4 4 4 ’ 4 Bell 8iv Deude 4 Rush 3 Metallica 3 Bob Mar&y 3 Botiie ‘ 3 REM 3 Blue Rodeo 3 Def Leppard 3 Pop will eat itself 3 Eric Clapton 3 Black Crowes 4 Red Hot Chili Peppers 4 Front 242 4 Pink Floyd 4











Depeche Mode AC DC New Order Led Zeppelin Rolling Stones The Ddors Black Box Madonna The Cult Beatles u2 Cure MC Hammer Dee Lite Guns n’ Roses Phil Collins Erasure Van Halen


8*9 I









Does Fed Hall meet your music tastes? ‘es lo ' Uank or



I, 40

(H) l&t-your



Third Place Votes:



11 Other



18 Rock


R t'B









IIAlternative IIDance I/Hard Rock

Second Place Votes:



(Q-Who is your h&i

with a predominance of rock. r




I 100.0



New Kids on the Block MC Hammer Madonna ’ Vanilla Ice Gunsh’ Roses - Milli Vanilli ’ Depeche Mode Janet Jackson Candi Debbi Gibson Michael Jackson AC DC Metallica Motorhead ’ Meat Loaf *r *

On beharfof the Born bshelter and Fed Hall we would like to.thank the studentsfor their supp~rt.As a resultof the supeyFed *Hall is changing its music programming to provide alternative (music on Wednesday, l(Xl% Rock & Roll on Thursday, and a blend of music on Friday and Saturday s


1--243 20 14 12 10 0 7 3” 3 3 z 2 2 2

./ +-

26 Imprint, Friday, March 8,1991

pier serva



Sizilina byP.~olzGcai;;Ln


NuomiGIleene PrincetonUniV&~si5R" 249 pp,, .

imprint stiff In 1575, Pier Ffqolo Ebsolini released what was to become his last film#sb~ooL412i?giomu&?diSodoma

and - Sexy



(suiOor120dq~ ufsdom). The screenplay, based on the Margf~is de Sade sLesjoumesdeS is placed against the backdrop of modem history, in the last days of Italy’s rule under fas&m.‘The location is the northern Italian town of Sale, where Mussolini set up a shortterm republic after his flight from Rome in 1943. On its release, Sal0 created controversy among critics for its depiction of sadism. The death of Pasolir& a few weeks after the fiJm% release, further accentuated this c&i&m. On Nov. 3, 1975, Fbolini was found brutally murdered on the outskirts of Rome, known as the borgate, a desolate wasteland pop dated by poor southern migrants. Although a young male prostitute had confessed to the murder, many Italians felt the murder had more p&id motives. - The shrouded atmosphere of homosexual violence and mystery made it tipqible to dissociate the film and the way Pasolini lived his Me - and met his death Comparisons between the film and P~olin.i% life have been often infused with a moralism that Pasolini unequivocally rejected inhisartTodescribeF?&irtiasa lover of perversion, and to equate that with a love of fascist perversions and rituals is simple, unsatisfactory and WOllg.

On viewing the film, I have always been intrigued about the undercurrent of themes present. Sal0 cannot be dismissed easily by leaving the theatre during the film, as many individuals did when I saw it. The easydismissalofthefrlmisinpartan ideological comment, and the failure to come to grips with the vivid ideas in the film is dangerous. With the publication of Naomi Greene’s Cinema as Hkmy, Pasolini’s


R0m v? Winkle sdfima aesthetics of life are placed in a heuristic context, The book goes beyond descr@ions, and views Fbsolhi’s films as documents of selfreflection that, along with his writings and poetry, are able to give us an articulate insight into F%olinYs ideas. Greene places the films of h~olini w&in Itabn culture. Other authors, who have trH to represent lpasolini’s complex, and often contradito~ ideas, have neglected such influences as the Friulian regiod poet Giovanni &co& MarGst Antonio Gramsc& or film director Roberto Rossellini. Within this intellectual context of Italian culture, cinema as Hwesy depicts. and distilk the contradiction posed by Ibsolini’s Catholic and Marxist belief& Thti hterplayhtween these two ideologies, Greene

HOURS: Mondav

- Saturdau

- X0 a.m. to 10 D.m. : Sundav - 12 rmxi to 8 p.m.

suggests, provided Pasolini with fruitful substance for his poetry, criticisms, novels, films, reportage, and theatre. Woven into this interplay was Pasolini’s uncritical attachment to the peasantry of the Italian countryside. Greene has a penchant for being ,able to outline Pasolini’s progress from regional poet to national writer, to international film director. She parallels this geographic shift with his intellectual cultivation. Greene, for example, sketches the Fruilian peasants’ influence on F%olin?s poems and exhibits how these ideas are assimilated into I%olini’s brand of Mancism. For I?asow politics were dosely tied to aesthetics. His life long &icism of both the Catholic church and














Imprint, Friday, M~I


8, 1991 27


cinematop;raphic style. * Pasoliri?s iiovelshave also affected his films. The novels Ragazzi di vita (Boys of l#e, 1955) and Una vita violenta (A Vhlent Life, 1959), together with his major collection of poetry Le ceneri di Gramxi (The Ashes

ofGrm9zsci, 1957) gave Pasolini critical clout as a writer and placed his work within the melodramatic milieu of neo-realist filmmakers. The presence of the neo-realist movement gave Pasolini the opportunity to write scripts for directors Federico Fellini and Mauro Bolognini. In his early films Pasolini continued in this tradition of neo-realism. Greene writes: “It is not merely the milieu of these films - one pop ulated by whores, petty thieves and unwed mothers - that recalls neorealist dramas. Eke filmmakers of a preceding generation, Pasolini emphasizes the economic and social chains that bind the character.” These early fiIrns move back and forth between neo-realist melodrama H&s a-picking and IVII a-grinnin’ and a tougher, political style of documentary. Pasolini createdm a recognizable niche in it&an cinema dered the impulses behind the trilogy that this violence might WelI be directhat chronicled the desperate classes archaic. The old struggle for free ted against homosexuals in parof the borgate on the ouMrts of expression and sexual liberation - a tidar, since their very nature made Rome. struggle fundamental to the prothem a threat to the ‘repressive But just when Italian ‘audiences’ . gressive tensions of the 1950s Id libidinal economy which supports knew, or thought they lkew,what to WXk,andernbodiedinthetrilogythe whole structure of industrial Pasolini changed his has been made irrelevant by the false society.’ expect, cinematographic direction. His new tolerance of the new power.” &lo, itself, reflects these ideas in a style was more rnyth~logical, as he. polished, jewel-like fashion. The Only I3dini’s idea found deepest tried to restore the idea of the epic as a lyricalmomentofthe6Im cur&with with intelktuals outside poetic of cinema. The depiction of a accord the opening frames of a lugf and rural Italian culture. They were similar to discourse on sex@ liberation was lardscape. The beauty quickly the’ ideas of mass cm&& intertwined t‘vth this mythological mnisheq as foqr powerful libertines; expounded by Herb&l M&use style,%nd is best illustrated in his trilzi duke, a bishop, a magistrate, and a MiCheI Foucault’s meditation on ogy of life films which include, fl the semiological reading banker, give orders to their loyal Dpmemne (The Decametron, 1971), I pow&,.&d soldiers to round up the @on’s of cultural phenomena by Roland ticconti di Cantmbury pie Canteryoung male tid female peasants. In Barthes. ’ bury Tales, 1972),and~fioredellemille captivity, the vicums are read the pree una nottt! vales of a thkwnd and In his criticism of kodem culture, cise rules of conduct and the formal One Nights, 1974). the tiea of sexual liberation was a code of sexual practices and perverDespite the acceptance ol the& prominent focus. It was no &ident films by Italian audiences, Pasolirti Fbsolini used de Sade’s LAS joumtzs directed &lo and consciously rejec-. de&dome as the b&s for a script and ted the themes developed within the trilogy. Pasolini’s skepticism about the possibility of sexual liberation within a neo-capitahst society made him denounce the triIogy and state that with the addition of &lo, the four films represented a tetralogy of death.

-Ztulianfilms whatu surprike! welcomed a sexual freedom new to This pessimism of Italian society, I Italy, Pas&& instead, declared that it . Greene points out, was also present in Paso@‘s growing negativism about cinema: “In the abjuration, Pasolini declares that it has become impossibie to make films, like those of the trilogy, about g b&ved past. For even the past, he charges, has b&n contaminated. and destroyed by an abhorrent present. The unreality of neo-capitalism, he insists, has renonly in . . . the camps.‘He feared, too,

c Spriirikg Into Books B&k Zdo Spring

Turn Quickly sions. The plot of the film follows the enactment of these rituals, beginning with perversion (the creation of mama), shit (dominated by cop rophagy), and blood (symbolized by torture and death). “Private sexual lives like mine,,” Pasolini said, “have been subjected to the trauma of false tolerance and/or corporeal degradation: what constituted joy and sorrow in se@ fantasies has turned into suicidal disillusionment and amorphous ennui.” The real scandal of &lo is not its depiction of violence, but rather the complicity of the audience with the monsters on the screen. Pasokni understands that it is the complicity of vict@ns, themselves, that allows for their inclusion in given a&o&es. The film does not allow the audience to


di$sc&de itself from the acts occurr~ on the screen. The audience must take responsibiity. The audience is not, however, drawn into the movie thruu@t the sexual acts, b-use the f&&t libertines are removed of any of their sexuality and every traditional aspect of

to page 29 romance or sensuality is removed from the film. It is the death of sex. Sexual acts in &lo are depicted in a brutal manner, v@hout preamble, ad no cinematic foreplay. The vietints do not undress but appear nu&, lined up as awaiting a gas chamber. in Sale, Pasoliqi fosters the viewer’s corn licity in domination for profit and tai es the idea further by suggesting that fihhgoers, while remaining compliant with relations of domination, can achieve awareness of the fact They can stop deluding themselves, unl&e the private Irustrated consumer of pornography. At its best’ Greene’s Cinema as &my reflects the importance of Pasolini’s contribution to Italian culture. It also illustrates how the Italian bourgeoisie has tried to discredit the validity of Pasolini’s work through personal attacks and through ideological criticism of his style and aesthetics. The death of Pasolini and the hasty official inv&igation that followed suggests Pasohni’s murder were ignored and swept under the txqx?t. ^ The complicity of a neo-capitakt society in the murder of Pasolini mirrored necessity preserve


in the acceptability and of such grotesque actions t0 a particular exploitative

social order.

To some extent,



we are all accomplices




28 Imprint, Friday, March 8,199l


Cr. and Mm Edge cx?cted byh?les by

Mr. and Mix lItid@ could be nportant to a lot of people - I ceF- * hly want my relatives to see it ut it went straight to the art houses without receiving any wide relet.

Ruth P&wer Jhabvala, a screenwriter and author, adapted two separate novels by Evan S. Connell, 1959’s Mm. Bridge and 1969’s Mr. Bkdge, and director James Ivory has cast real life husband-and-wifePaulMewmanand Joanne Wdwarq# in the leads. Marketing execs were probably frightened by the film% unusual rhythm; you can never predict what

the next scene will cover, or when it will end. The movie is episodic and dense, so that you must pay c@se attention. Like the title char&e13

ENDSMEET Vancouver Once you’ve looked arowd and checked prices, come an;dcheekout TRAVELCUTS.Wecanofferyouthe bestpossiblep&e to anyhero in

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gling with for decades: questions of money, duty, and happiness; kids who’d rati& die than be like Mom and Dad; and parents who can’t understand why the values they were raised on have proved so inadequate. In Eugene O’Neill and Arthur Miller universes, these cm lead to big explosions, but the film’s characters are imploding instea& quietly, almost surreptitiously. That’s one of the reasons Ivory paces the f&n the way hedck The acting is simply standout, mesme&in& Woodward% character, India Bridge, eventdy takes a tiore centralfocusbecausethisgreying mother,. doting wife, and naive, dependent, and confused woman is. the only one making any kind of journey of self-discovery. Walter Bridge loses himself in his role as patriarch and ~ovjder. He makes an exeIlent livingasanattomeyandisacontrolled disciplina&n to their three children, but he becomes virtually incapable of expressing any emotion (except anger). Newman’s face is a great stone on the screen; Mr. Bridge looks l&e he belongs on Mount .

Bridae Rushmore, where he could be faded by sun and rain but still maintain that inner power. Indii, meanwhile, seems tg grow shorter, flabbier, and more ineffectual as the movie goes on. Her character can’t help fluttering though she knaws it yields power to the savvier, cooler heads around her, she keeps bubbling over. Her experience is such a real part of many older women’s lives that to see it visualized is almost indescribable. I Connell and Jhabvala take it for granted that the rebellious children, coming of age as Hitler sweeps Europe, will want to join a brave new world and leave their par&ts’choices behind. This film rbognizes the& longings but is more conce’med with the parents’ point-of-view. It doesh’t mock Mr. and Mrs. Bridge’s Victorian morals. When Mr. Bridge criticizes strangers’ ivork habits or explains how artists should hold regular jobs dyrhg the week and do their art on weekends, he may appear stodgy, but he is never devoid of dignity, You can see where he’s coming from (the Depression, among other places). Mrs. Bridge, meanwhile~ is always trying to put on a cheery front because her generation was taught that if you build a safe, insulated, grounded existence for yourself and your family’ your problems should be over. (It’s the same school of thought that prompted the father in Saul Bellow’s seize tke paU to say to his son: ‘You make too much of your troublesThey ought not to be turned into a career. Concentrate on real troubles - fatal sickness, accidents.“) So when India’s beloved, longtime friend, the spectacular, flambQyant Grace, (vibrantly played by B&the Danner}tellsher”I&inkImaybeloshgIll+&bl.lLndiaBrid~Can thinktodoisgetheracupoftea Ivory’s A b~~2 WMz a -V&w was a disappcrintment, full of tedious caricatures, but Mr. and Mm Bid@ is infinitely more compassionate* It’s full of the tenderness that comes‘front understand@. Movies don’t often managetorealizecharact~onthe periphq‘ so well, but mbvala’s xript and Ivory’s direction allow the actors to do their work very economicalIy. The characterizations of the son (Robert Sean IRMnard), daughtm CKyra sedgwick and hbgaret Welsh), secretary @iane Kagan) andmaid (Saundr;iMcClain), are concise, yet vivid. Every scene has a point to make, but so subtly that moments grow on you after the film is over. This is in

contrast to the period pieces that have wowed the box office, 6lrns like Chmioti of Fiw, which diminish with rumination and repeat viewings. Tony Pierce-Xoberts’ cinematography is lush, but not slick; it has tex-

Yin Yangund the flowerpotNewman hue. fie se& and costumes by David Groprnan and Carol Ramsey are not just about well-off middle-America in the late thirties, they’re also about lives lived - I found myself imagining Mrs. Bridge as a young womn, picking out silverware and wallpaper. Richard Robbins’ score and Humphry Dixon’s editing keep the rhythm within the compact scenes fluid; this complements the over&l structure, which is often jagged and anticlimactic in comparison with traditional plot organization. All facets of the picture feel balanced: while we see M;rs. Bridge’s lack ofselfsufficiency, and the validity of her resentments, we also see why she married her husband. He’s a remarkable person. (There’s a fantastic scene where he refuses to budge for a

iyphoon.) The opposition of their pefwn&ies may cause themunacknowledg~ennu$butitalsocrez&sa richnw. It’s as if Mr, and&k &idge had been design& te&nicaIly and dramaticalIyf to illustrate the principlesofyinandyang.

Imprint, Friday, March 8, 1991


who produced that record along with a good chunk of. the Sub-Pop stuff that came out a couple of years ago. Salt Lick, with Steve Albini at the helm, showed the direction that the band was heading in, -and 8 Wuy Santa, produced by Butch Vig (Bastards, Killdozer), is proof-positive that Tad’s Freightliner-like frame is dead on course.

my room&&s, together anymore.

We don’t live And that’s too bad, because8 FKhySanta has some songs on it that those guys would tolerate,and possibly even like. The biggest reason they’d’like it is

T Now turn quickly back to page 27. I It’s hip, it’s hap, it’s safe, it’s sober. Hours and hours of good wholesome family entertainment. #I in a series, collect and trade them with ti your + friends.

out an acoustic guitar, but settles for a jangly electric instead. Ifyoucanlanditintotheboat,8 Way Santa is certainly the catch-o-the day. There’s plenty o’ hootin’ and hollerin’ that makes up a good part of any Tad album. But there’s also a range of music that shows there is mo;e than just physical depth to Tad Dovle. This is one of the kst Sub-Pop albkns .to come out in a while.

by Craig Netterfield Imprint staff

Backin‘thoselazy,hazydaysof~is past summer, I used to blast Tad’s last Ep, Salt Lick, to within a decibel of jet take-off volume. It soothed my nerves. It whetted my appetite for his next full-length album. It @+sed off

suffered from Sub-Popitis: all of the songs had’ that relentless loudness that blended songs together into a homogeneous wall of mud. I would -attribute most of that to .Jack Endino, x


by Paul KowaIski Imprint staff


This is most unfortunate. Songs which should have been relegated to a dank flipside of a single or rendered into album filler have been released as singIe (a ten-&her at that) in its own right. Moreover, the song titles, those beautifully long ones like “Nobody’s twisting your arm” and “What did your last servant die of?” have been chopped down to one word. “Co&troy” and “Crawl” are

the two new Wedd@ Present tunes, with a cover of Steve Harley’s “Come up and see me, make me smile” anda live version of ‘T&e me!” levelling the dish of tripe.

The cover is the 0nIy’sofkg which faiitly recalls the intensity of their last album, Bizarm, and that’s only an anemic replication. Thjs gets worse too. The “Smile” tune originally a peared on an anti-poll tax LP called 1 bin Lives in L&b and was redone for the Ail Sbngs Sbund the Same EP. Bad show lads,as the first version was far more powerful and raw. “Corduroy” was a good, jangly,. frenetic song pefformed live, but that’s lost in Steve Albini’s mix, while “Crawl” is a waste of time entirely. No songs on l?iamb or-Gage lht were as lame and weak as these. Strewn derision aside, I pray their next release is an improvement






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30 Imprint, Friday, March 8, 1991

to the Huskers’ guitar, bass and d.rwhs configuration. The sound, the’, is looser, more strai@forward than that of DIL “Admiral of the Sea” and “Last Days of Pompeii”both from the forthcoming LIP - rock wih b&s on, and are absurdly Cathy besides. Can’t wait for that new album.

Following his uneven 1990 solo LJ? Intaierence, Grant Hart (formerly Bob Mould’s better kralf in Husker Du) has assembled a new band, Nova Mob. They are all set to release a fullyblown concept album - a RJC~ opem V&zy! - cded TheLastDcr?;s of Rmzpeii. This new,JF serves as a teasing preview of that project. with Nova &lob, Hart has returned

Unfortunately, this EP - like most EPS- conits fair share of fiuer. “Admiral of the Sea” turns up in two different “mixes” that are similar enough to render at least one redundant. There’s also an instrumental, “Getaway in Time,” that’s kinda nice but still seems pretty slight. Lastly and lea&y, there’s a cover of Willie Dixon’s ‘I ‘Just Want to Make Love to You” that does nothing. B,lah. How come nobody puts redsongp on the Bside anymore? Oh3v4L the two main tunes are ace, and promise one helluvalot far the new album. Can hardly wait.

FRIDAYS 465 Phillip Waterloo

6 to 10 P.M.



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“k&link Luck” was released as a single prior to the release of the Cotteau wins latest album Heaven or ‘, L& YegaE Thissinglerelea%Xontains three threti tracks (the title track “Mimke the mizan.” and “‘Watchlaf’) . ‘Iceblink TJ&’ is ‘the self-same v&sion which appears on the aforementioned alb I am very grateful that the song appears unscathed as the celestial atmospherics of the song would be greatly diminished by the addition of a funky drumbeat r)r insipid samples (eg., Julee Cruis& ‘W&in’ Back Inside My Heart h&d dance remix). The middle song of the trio, “Mizake the mizan,” is briKan!+ Absolutely brilliant This song capby Sweet Daddy J t+tres every element which constitutes the unique sound of the band. The minimalist aspects of. the music waft through the air as gentle mist One of the more influential and interesting composers to come from the which marries with the soaring vocals hop movemerit into what is known loosely as post-bop is the bass player, of Elizabeth Fras& which, in turn, CharlesMingus. creates a perfect harmonious union. Mingus played extensively with the movers and shakers in jazz, both the old and the new. While he gigged regularly with contemporaries Chariie The last track “Watchlar” is gomeParker, Miles Davis, and Stan Getz, he also played with Duke Ellington and what of an anomaly as: Elizabeth Lionel Hampton figures from the previous big band age. This wide Fraser sings almost exclusively in experience in jazz history is seen in Mingus’ own work. There are constant En@sh. To q&ify the previous statereferences to the various elements of jazz’and its various forms, but it’s put m&t, I & explain thatgenerally into an individual style that is his own. she ’ sings ’ in English;. however, she An example of Mingus and his definition of jazz is found in the Columbia stresses and ,,em@asize$ : d&rent Jazz Masterpieces release,Min~sAh Urn frcim 1959. AcCompanied by John pronunciations and inflections to Handy, Booker E&n, and Shadi Hadi( Willie Dennis and James Keepcreate her own sub-form ofi spoken per(tb), Charles Richmond(d), and H&ace Pa&n(p), Mingus leads a English. Jn pst efforts & &as only deceptively innocent romp through some of his own standtids. One of been on !j.ongs on the v&jIing This Mingus’ contributions is his passion for imProv&ation, which has greatly Mortal Coil projectswhich Fm=r has affected ‘free jazz,’ which made&s. itself in his jazz workshop > sung in Engbh (as we k&kit). The e eriments. 4i!xpmtfor this+ct3xious-behavior %v er the nihe tracks is a corn rehensive feel and introductionto Mingus’ .&+at&izis+ite&nidandisuncomown work Frequently quoting go m and adding to jaq his&y one can hear f&tab12 sin&ng ‘juords because her playful tributes to such momentous so&s as Jelly RoTI Morton, Fats mistakes would be easier to notice. Wder, Duke, and &rker. EUmgtop is especially stiong; his ‘inflzlenctf II Despite the uncommon singing ape&$ in many sequences throughout the disc. . 1 nature of the track, “Watchlar” is fairly Also Falent isMingus’strong bass playing. Mingus was the first of his common. There is nothing excepgerieratian to abandon the harmonic fundarner&& of usual bass solo and tional aboutthis offering however, adapt a style more like saxophone or piano lines.‘& the opening track, even a common Co&eau Twins song 1 “Better Git It fn Your Soul3 his technique is demonstrated quite well. still stands out as be?g quite good. The spirit of collective endeavor which permeates this piece is continued on “Goodbye Pork Pi? Hat!‘and “Boogie Stop Shuffle,” where the loose feel permits alI the players to j&n in. The interplay between the instruments is . healthy and contains a distinctive cooperative lyricism. By loose I mean free flowing polyrhythms with specific and efficient use of notes. Mingus is not sloppy or awkward in his plavina and neither are his sidesmen Together the p;roqp is tight whether pk@g mellow on “Fables a Faubus”and “Self-Portrait In Three Colors” or plaj&g frantic on “Open Letter to Duke” and ‘%rd CaEs.” The bop speed in the last two is handled with skill and SOUL Much of Mingus’ material is infused with a rhythm and blues quaiity that also works to loosen’ the songs. As a composer Mingus is a blazing believer of form following function, and he never composes except from an urgent desire to communicate a feeling a Life-view, an anger or a joy. As articulate as Mingus is verbally, he feels that his most viable and self-revealing form of communication is through music,

Jazz on CD

be, on camms:


March 12 & 13/91 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.rnla A Room 3546 Davis Ctr~

Won mtitur: Often the word ‘lick’ is used when describing jazz playing. Jazz musicians often begin their playing by copying other’s phrases that they like. When this copying is repeated it becomes a lick Each musician develops his own library of ticks from either his own creations or elaborating on someone else’s. Musicians employ these licks in solo improvisation work. The licks can be rhythmic or melodic in nature and are used to break out of the tyranny of older licks and to create new ones.



l l




Dance-at UW ‘, >~*libcoinina -

to Kmprint

The Dance Depadent of the University. of Waterloo is getting. ready for its annual stident and facula concert SpringAclim will be a truly deIightfuI contribution of refreshing, dynamic, and provocative dance pieces choreographed by students, ,3iwuIty, and guest chorecjgaphers. We have vivacious and thought provoking work choreographed and danced by talented students, some of whom will be graduating soon and going on to pursue professional dance careers. Laura R-ads, the departmint’s tdet mistress, @ll be premiering a new abstract @ical ballet. Susan Cash thC DepiMment’s artist-inresidence, will be presenting an uptempo and exuberant piece set to the pop r&k music’ of her singer, songw&er brother, Andrew Cash. Once again th@ yegr the JIance Department is. fortunate; to have a dancebylmWw~~h=, Gabby Kamino. Gabby has worked extensively with ,*&at- and dancers. She recently presented her show’ Work in f+qgmss, danced by some of the Dqartment’s reculty andstudents, at


It prpved to be an exciting project cuIminating in joint perfommnces at both uni~ersitk Rmembering Viina is a gripping work for one of the Department’s adtr;mceed dancers. L ’ : Tickets fof aduIts are $7.00 and. studentdseniorsare$5.OOandcanbe’ pchased at &e Humanities Theatre Box Office,


- math&

- Rob

. B,‘yrohO

The fiw COW&I of KitchenerWaterloo, The -Waterb Regional Arts Council (WRAC) and Addiction Assess. ment, Care &Treatment Services @ACTS) - a fundraising dam%, silent auction and buffet - 8:O0 p,m. to 1 :oO a.m. at the St. Agatha Community Centre, Erb Street, St. Agatha. of $10 per person availam by calling WRAC - 744-4452, AACTS - 743-6951., Liiracy Council -


UWhe Arb Film Society presents -Great Filmsof France - screenings in Uw’s East Campus Hall, 1219 at 7:OOp.m: “The Sailor’s Three Crowns”(L@s 3 couronnes du matelot) 122 minutes. -FASS 1991 - Video Party ar;d G&xxal Meeting. m vote for next *&S m,.



. ‘*


party! 8:OO p.m. to I:00 am., DC 1301

K-W Arra MX’is a support group for Chrmic Fatigue Syndiome sufferers, their family and friends. Meeting is at 7 to 9 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen Street, Waterloo. Information: 884 6092.



Sove+nty of ‘the Ukraine‘ - Ukrainian Energy, Environment, and Economic Development: Opportunities and Problems - Hagey Hall, rmrn 373/378 at 7:oO ’ to 9:OO p.m.

see this_ year’s video, andply,



-A=--, c CRO-WAT




E;edWI8:OO p.m. - Bow&& Pat’s Day Celebrations) movie with pina, popcorn

Blue (St.

and pop.

Student &sociation

cation: Last week,

the undtu~d Arts ran a Editor inadvertgntly .pbotograph of clan&m from the UW Da&eDepartmentwithastoryabwt the Toronto .Dance Theatre. We apoIc@ze for any confusion./ti that we may have Gused. Me ,. culpa.


Endof Year Blow dut!! Students needed to promote end of yeartrip to CANCUN MEXlC0!‘Earn commissions $$$, free trips and valuable work experience. Apply now! There are two positioqs avtilabte to starI ,

Gny’s Mw@ - residential, small of large jobs, in .town or out-of-tbwn, students 15% off. 746-7160. Need@ renmh done around the house or the apartment’? Large or small jobs? D & D RenoJationscan help you with all types of carpentry problems. Reasonable rates. Call 6:oO am to 8:30 a.m. or after 6:oO p.m. at 746-2763.. /

Summer job - Action Student Window Cleaners hiring enthusiastic crew members for K-W and hon’$ neighbourhtids. Earn $4~$S,O#. mking outdoors. . Applications’at rqom 1 t 15, Needles Mall.

Te Sgg Telegrams - send a song to your someone significant. Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, whatever. Call 884-7060,

llgnddde McLean.

For further information, contact Susan cash, 8854211, eict. 2929.

Summer j&s c Springtime Garden Centres Limited is hiring retail salespersons. No experience necessary: Enthusiasm essential.. Infwmaticm and applications available at r~ 1115, Needles Halt. .

Tw Pwparation - Get yoqtax return prepared quickly and efficiently by a qualified person. Student rates - $15.00. Please calf 725-5885.

Sk Jkmme’a Collbge - readings - 3:30 to 420 in S&f&d Hall, Ken Ledbetter, novelist, professor at -U df W English Df3paltWlt.

Spanish Cl& - Fiesta de Primavera - TBA m- in the everjing. $1.00


right away, call StudentTravel Service at 1-b 800-265-1799 and ask for T.J.

Wd do light nioving with a small truck. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff at 684-2831.

in the Arts Lecture Hall. Call Hugh or Julie at ext. 5089 for more details. .

‘the Humanities Theatre. Her new work promises to be a wondee: group dance full of enemy and moving pleasure. Remmber l?knna is a piece by guest choreographer H@y small. : This .piece is a part of a! dance exchange that ocgmed this yea between York University’s Dance Department and, the University of Waterloo Dance Department. Holly, . an independent choreographer from Toronto and professor at York, set this piece on the UW Repefiory Dance Company and Susan Cash set a work of hers on the Y&k Dance Ensemble.

Hard w energetic people to work in Southern and Northern Ontario planting trees. Potential earnings up to $750” $1;000 per wwk. Please call (416) 7564165. 1985 Camaro - V6, aubmatic, pwer steering, ‘power brakes, T-bar roof, AM/ FM cassette, spare wide rims, 86,000 highway miles -will certify. Only $5,750. or bes! offer. Call evenings 658-5918.


will be h&g elections at6:W p.m. in HH room 373, Anyone interested in becoming a member or run&g for a position should attend. So conic bn out!

Dancers spring into action


Events /



Sv jotm - opp*unity for a sub&intial income with an Cfitemational enuironmental company. Potential eainings of QiyO-$5,000 per month. Call Marc 725.

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CLASSlFtED Expuh+ Qpht will take care of all your typing needs. Fast efficient service. Westmount-Erb area, Phone 886-7153. East, p!dcmbd Word processing by Universii. Grad (English). Grar’nm’ar, spelling, corrections available. Laser printer. Suzanne, 886-3857. Word B

- f&t, accurate and letter essays, theses, business reports, etc. Pick-up and delivery arranged. Call Diane 576- 1284.

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Ikpoas; uwrp, resumes; etc;, Pro-. fessional secretary, reasonable rates. Fast arId accurate service. All work done on computer: call 747-4848.

Rogmm Iwtrr w unit.,,newly *free &ear&g plus @ilit&. .


wa -7 - look no further! Fast, reliable, accurate sewice. Reasonable rates. Call Btty 666-6361.

Septemtw lease - 3 bedrooms, laundry, parking for 3. 725-5077 or 742-9792. Aimoditid - May to August. 3 or 4 bedrooms, furnished, walk to schoot, rent negotiable. Phone 746-2979. 5 bedroom - Summer $175./mcnth ;.Sept. $24O./month plus utilities. Also 3 bedroom apartment $81 O./month, plus hydra. ,Phone’ 746-4679. T~t&ddefl’personfieeded toshare basement apartment. College/Bathurst with 1 non-smoking female student. Fyr-;c nished, carpeted, clean, mbwave and bar. Ma)r - August 1991, $35O/month utilities included. Bev (416) 944-2827. %ueefar rent - avail& May 1st to May 1 1992 - 5 large bdrcmrris, 10 minute walk to UW and large living area, lo& of storage and parking. $275 per m&n. Call (416) 491-1370.

- summer term, 5 bedroom renovated, partially furnished, service. Close! $175.00 each .888-2726.

Sumaer~ablI&$lXl.perroomin5~ rtim apartment. 29 minutes from University, close to shopping mall, new building. Call (519) 747-3636 - John : .,

SlimmaMlblet -3 bedroom a$, Available May 1 -Aug. 31.1,2, or 3 rooms available, located on Hickory St&, 15-m. minu& walk to U of W. Call Glen at 725-6386.

‘Itvo m available, May gto _ August, $225./month plus utilities, fuUy fumism including pots, pans, micrbi “3 fridges, TV, VCR, whirlpool, 2 b@woms, parking, garage, w&her, dryer. 10 minute v@k to UW. CarI Dan or Mike at’ 7479925.

-sd&t1 bedr0omin2bedrom apt. May 1 - Aug. 31. 504 Glen Elm. -For female, non-smoker. $236/month utilities included. Gall 888-6736. ?j@g b Word Probessing. Reasonable _ rates. Erb and Westmount. CalI 7433342.


m br Rent -.May 91 to May 92. Close to U.W., 4 large bedrooms and large living area. $1,290. per-month. Cat1 (416)4911370. Airopnditionod - B&v& *house May to August sublet. Possible option for ,’




CLASSlFiED Stqhane I Happy Anniversary! Two years past and ‘I lcive you more each day. Let’s tango int& eternity. Love, Claudia. Book&m

Sale - Ebytown, non-profit, fti co-op. At Waterloo Co-op residenqe, 268 Phillip, March 9,9 a.m. ta 1 p.m.



‘Ikain@ in Art Therapy- The Toronto Art Therapy Institute offers a two year training program in Art Therapy which grants a diploma, Individuals interested in a Mastiers dege program, offered in coYqhiitiOri’ w&i Lesley ‘cdllege should contact our office at (416) 924-6221. Student workshops: March, .30 - April 27, ,199l. MCUW with your unplanned pregnancy? Call Birthright. We offer support and can help you discover your options. Call 5793990.


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