Match 22,1991

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Match 22,1991

Vd. 13 no. 3

class Registration Number NP6453 Kitchener, Ontario




Ln needed to assist two blind students vith library searches, reading and essay writing. If anyone would like t0 volunteer D help these students, please contact bsemary Ambrose, ‘Services for Perions with Disabitities, NH 2051, X2229.

inq seats on the Univer@ty Senate t0 be filkl .by a by-election. At least three (3) nminators are required for each nomination. Two (2) graduate students of the University to be elected by graduate students, t&ms May I, 1991 to&if 30,1993. Nominations should be sent to the Chief Returning Officer, Secretariit, Needles Hall, room 3060, no la&r than 3 p.m. Wednesday, March 27, 1991. An election will foltow if necessary. Nomination forms and further informaWn are availabk from the Secretariat, ext. 6 125.

cost $95. . DAYS starting at 12:30 pm. 4. t0ng Point Camp Out - Aug. 12 to 16 cost $140. Grodupting Students: support your class For further information, please contact the lr@! Envelopes with your $1 donation for Heritage R0aources Centfe, University 0f * Alumni Lane can be dropped off at ywr Waterloo at 885- 121 I, ext. 3066. society 0ffiie or the Student Alumni Association (SCH room 227). WPW3 Radio Show is on the air Tuesdays at 5:OO p.m. an CKMS 94.5 FM. Hi@ SdxuoI Reunion - May 4, 1991 at “Electric Green” produced by WPIRG ‘West Humber Collegiate Institute. Afteralternates with “Planet Earth Radio Pronoon open hwse -evening gala. For more ject,” produced by OPIRG. Tune in and info contact the sch00l at 394-6835 or turn on today! request info by fax at 374-3852.

Ymth Ch+qp International is a nonpro# ~@nization. We are currently accepting applications from Canadians between 17-25 years old to participate in Project Costa Rica. Schedule is t0 run from December 1991 to March 1992 - no experience is necessary! APPLICATION DEADLINE is March 31, 1991. For more information and an application, send a selfbaddressed stamped envelw to: Youth Challenge International, 11 Soho Street, Toronto, Ontario, MST 126 or call (416) 971-9630.

hanqeide Home is looking for evening knd weekend receptionists. Week days mtween 4:30 p.m. and 7:3O p.m. and on Fmapkl ‘91 - The Curling Club will be weekends between 830 a.m. and 7:OO holding its bi-annual funspiel at the Ayr 1.m. These positions will give people a Curting Club on Saturday, Mar 23, :hance to both work with seniors and Experienced and novice curlers are invited neet the public. If interested contact to e+nterindividualty or as a team. For more 3hris Cameron, 893-8482; ext. 303. l%iend8 is a school voktntew program . information, pteas& call Richard Schmieth where’ a child is paid w&h a vdwr, at 725-3152. Student Volunteer Cmtre refers UW estabiishing a one-w rehatk@ip to * students and staff, who are ktterested in buiM the child’s self+&eem ind conMenkd Students Support Group - dis,oluflteering, to organizations on cam- fidence. Urgent need: male and female cuss topics of interest with other ma&cl 3us and within the K-W Community. volunteers. Call 742-4380. . ’ students. Topics include: time manage3pen Mondays and Thursdays 1 j:OO ment communication enhancement, a.ti. to I:00 p.m. Comem~kapertoftheCaribbeanStubalancing of roles. Starts March 11 at .i debt Ass&&ion (&A) every Thursday , Counselliig s0tices. Phone Yasmin Voludeeru needed to gather iriformation starting Jan. 17 in CCt38. Lo& of int01W(742-6077) or Chrktine (741-9559) ASAP 3n local MISSING PERSONS and ingeventsarescheduledtorthisbrm.%e .’ to register. Students and , spouses UNSOLVED HOMICIDES as part of a you them! Wti! I National Campaign. More information available in the Student Volunteer Cen- 1991 B&i& IihkmMm Summer Mention Gmd&@Students - Hyou are tre,CC15OA, ext. 2051 {Monday .and Schoois Progfam - Bifmingh8fn, London st.i# seeking employment, reg.&r with the Thursday 11 a.m. -1 p.m.) or Oxford - registration befm March 31, AIumni Referral Service, Carf)er Serviw, 1991. For further info and amkation NH 1001. .-formsmaybeowainedtrom:.AtidsOivi-. &MI, AsaoWbn of Universities and Tlte Heritage Resources Centre at the cdleges of canada$151 sla&r &Bet, Unive~ of Watefloo ia offering 4.oneC$&t&, Ontario, KlP 5Nl. (613) 563ti summer programmes for chiMren age8to12.Acombinationofeducational FACULTY OF andphysicalactivitiesfocusesonlo@hisENGINEERING HAVE YOU mgisMed for ywr nw toricandnaturalthemesJhe4themesthis. Ontario Health Card?? After Jan. 1,1991, summer are: Chevron Canada Ltd. Schohfship - you’llbeaskedt0presentyournewOntafii l.E@oringtheGrand-July2to&cost deadline March 28 - available to 3B Win- Health Card for health servicm ih Orrtario. $85. terterm. For further info about fegisterl~, please sgra Escarpment - ,luly 8 to 12 John Deere Ltd. Scholarship - deadline ca4l your lo&Ministry of Health 0ffice. March 28 -available to 38 Mechanical 3. N&a Escarpment - July 15 to 19 Eng. w--of Univer&yWomen Mur8ta-Erie North America Inc. Award - - KW - Donations needed for main funddeadline March 28 - available to38 Alec- raising e&of books for ty.w 27th Annual =1] -421 4 t&al& Computer Eng. clad Book Sale. To d&~ate~til &~r pickRvmRYmmMY Ready Mixed Concrete Assoc. 0f Ontario up cc)mmittee at $844866, 576-8645, H Award -deadline March 28 - available ta 8844633 w 885-4247. Wbmyn’s Gmup Womyn will answer # I 3B Civil Eng. the phone Monday nights - call 884MS. Yolles & Partners Ltd. Scholarship - Offih - Waterloo’s literary periodical. GLOW. Also, rather than regular deadline March 28 - available to 3B Now accepting submissions. Use Offline wings 0n Thursdays, drop by’ the Civil Eng. drop-box in the @d Office, CC. Call 725- . GLLQW off ice Mondays from 7- 10 b 7973 for more info. browse the library, talk to other womyn, FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS cvradinn Auk Aaeoc. -holds meetings I br just hang out. Electrohome 75 Anniversary the first Monday of every month at the ; *Ill ARTS debates in HH139 at 3:30 p.m. All Scholarship - deadline March 28 -avail Kiichener Public Library. A!ts students welcome. For info call ext. able to 3B Computer Science Mon., Apr. 1 - &nice Kulyk Keefer 3667; 3548 or 3046. Mon., May 6 - Lee Bryant Mon., June 3 - Lorraine Williams WATROC MM - 4 p.m., CCl38A. lf For more info contact Lenore Latta @4recycling concerns you, come 0ut and 1225 ; Susan Gibbons 744-O9OO : Dale G. shafe your ideas. Or, if you can volunteer , mrsons 742-1495. some time, call Patti Fraser at ext. 3245. TAT.1. B that a part-time train&tended--.weareopenfrom8:30 a.m. to 7:OO p;.m. every Thursday. Char ing program in Art Therapy ‘will begin in resources include information on various April 1991. classes will be held on two Ir.0.H.T.S. Pub 8:30 - 1:OO a.m., CPH @@cational Saturdays mch month and 3 w@cs in the 0ccupations, employers, 1337. Musicians bring your instruments. mportunities, worl&tudy abroad, and summer. Call (416) 9241$221 or write to Toronto Art Therapy lhstitute; 216 St Clair l Everyone is welcome - licensed. mom Ave., West, Toronto, Ontario, M4V lR2. Waldo0 Public Interest Research -w ~withlvloney-isanexhibltatthe cI Group holds its 6oard of Directors Museum of Archive of Games (Buti meetings from 4:30 to 6:3O p.m. in DC Mathews Hall). Tues., W&f’., Thurs., Sun. 2 1331. All members welcome! p.m.to5p.m.;Fridayfrom.l@.m.to3p.~. m m presented by WLU and with late hours of 6 p.m, to 9 p.m. on WedUniversity of Walerloo every Monday at nesday. There is No admission charge. Conrrtctd about the gmmment debt, nmn at the Matn Branch of the Kitchens The exhibit runa until April 28. national unity and Canada’s role in ir+rPublic Library. January 14 to April 8 national politics? If so, the PC. Youth excluding Easter. Winter topics arq: ‘Moanlit ltlaMk~vorrr” - it’s th0 1st Association at UW wants you! Come to March 26 - Free Trade aft~ one year Annual KIN Semi-fcxmaj! March 23. lwl Fed Hall toun* at $30 p.m. or call Pati April 8 - Natural alternatives to a lawn at Ruby’s, Waterloo Inn. Tickets $2O./ at 725-54 17. single, $35,/couple. Everyone inyited! See your cl&s rep for more info. @e you Sppbh Club has weekly meetings at * there!! 3:3O in ML245A and 8 mailbox in . ML245& C@&alIy germ beef hamburgers and hcltdogs@lI be served on buns produced Women’s Cenhe - holds meetings at 7 -..-from organically grown wheat in,m Camp.m. in room 217 at 3:30 p.m. (The To aid students in preparing. for and pus Centre cxtiy at the Wild. Duck Cafe. , Women’s Cent@. All are welcome! writing earns. . “Skin on’” fqnch fries from-@rganioally BEGINS: Tuesday, f&t&~ 26 i 1:3&c&30 grown potatoes cooked in low ch0festeroI HOIW of Debates, - argues vemmentty p.m. or 6:3O to 830 p.m. ; webhesday, shortening will also be availatib; b(from about anything and everything in Physics March 27 - I:30 to 330 p.m. ; mtiay, Food servic8s). ‘313 at 5%) p.m. ‘New members always March 28 - 9:30 to 1 I:30 a.m. * welcome! Call Sandy 884-5910 or Paul . Each workshop will be held for 1 session. 746-2361 for info. Interested students cBn register at * rary invite you to the opening of an’lexhibireception desk in Counselling Services, Gux>W (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of. Needles Hall, room 2080 or call ext. ti0n entitled “Virgil Burnett”, Waterloo) holds coffeehouses from 9- 11 2655. p.m. in room 104 of the Modem t Languages Building. Languages building. The GLLOW l phoneline is staffed weekd-ays 7-10 p.m,, Undergraduate and graduate CALEN- d pr0viding information and peer counsellDARS are recyclable as newsprint. There l ing. Message at other timesi call 884are boxes in NH Registrars Office and the 1 GLOW. . Campus Centre td drop your old one in. Nominations ue requested for the followP Feminist Discussion Group. Meets every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 pin. at



will now be WEDNES-

Thisspacecouldbeyours! Submityour Facultynews byMondaysat 5p.m. and - .gd thin@ will happen!!


. 1 r


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4 *


-0 2

Global Community &tre in Waterloo. Topic and group ‘vary weekly so that all I’ w&en are-welcorn& anytime, For more information ext.-3457 or 578-3456. Evqti& Fellowship Bible Study. DC1304 at 7:30 pm. All are welcome. For more information, caH 884571\2. *









J& the Warriors Band!’ Ptice every Thursday at 5130 pm. in the PACT room 2012 (Blue North). New and old rnem- . We can provide b&s welcome instruments. * The Student Chris&~ Mowernent . meets to discuss issues of iniuHce, The SCM is an ecumenical group that challenges people to lii out their faith in I action. For bore information call Gennie at 576-0504 or Dave at 884-l 177. IL.3 GUOW V~lkybd nights are back: at 79 p.m. Call 884-GLOW for details. l

FASS Whers Meetings - &me be a part of the crew who write that crazy yearty show. Everyone welcome (we mean it). 7:3O p.m. MC5158. 1



MUWIB~ hbai~nd - wriie for Human Rights .at 7:30 in CCl35. Everyone WlCOme! plry GO! - beginners and players are invited to free play at Matthews Hall, room 1040, 7:30 p.m. Call ext. 4428. All Year R&d! Sl&cSt9&nteS0cietymsetsat5to7 p.m. Everyone welcome (non-majors too!) Check bulletin boards in ML for mtioP. Tlte En@& Sociity meets at 430 p.m. in H.H.262 For more info call ext. 2339. N0w members are always welcome!

lMRYkUR8MY Cueex a Centre Extended Hours -8:30 a.m. to+ 7100 pm. Our resources in&* information on various 0ccupations, employers, educational oppotiuirities, wor@tudy abroad, and , more. Ja Qloir - come out and join the fun from 2:45 - $45 at Siegfried Hall (near St+ Jerome’s College). No auditions.’ For more info call Chewy, 746-5236. Womyn’s Group - this term rather th& Thursday meetings we will have Monday night drop-in in the GLLOW office. See “Mondays” for details. w WATSFX = the Waterloo Science Fiction Club, is holding meetings at 6:30. Come out and meet other fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comics, Wargames, or Role-playing games. Check in the Clubs Room (CC2 15) for further details.

Da YOU think you have a &inking pro- y blem? Perhaps Alcohdics Anonymous R can help. Weekly meetings open to the public held in the l-lealth & Safety Building -Meeting Room (ask remptionist) on ’ Fridays at 12:30 pm. OT call 742-6183. m Cb&&n Fellowship meetings every Friday at 7:00 pm. at WLU seminary building, rmrn 201. Contact Milr? Liu at 747-4085 for rides. %ited Workahop: 2-4 p.m. in Psych. Lounge (PAS Building). Poetry, short 4 ’ stofiea, scripts, novels, etc. Bring pencils, copies, and an open, critical mind. m foF a frlqndly environment to l have both intellectual discussions and fun? Join our weekly discussions at 7:30 Centre mom 138. . p.m., Campus Association for Baha’i Studies. All welcome! mv8RYumMY ‘: f %I bvrs EwIicaI Fellowship evening sew&. 7:OO pm. at 163 University Ave. W. (MSA), apt 321. All are welcome. For moreinformation, c&l 884-5712. FASS WrJGnr Meetings - those writers are at it again, and they want Help write the shows that millions raved about. 7:30 p.m. MC Everyone welcome.

crazy YOU. have 5158.

Univer~~jl Chapel Worship &vice, m Keffer Memorial Chapel, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary - 1l:oO a.m. - an opportunity for all campus people and w&! ?he Waterloo Jewish Students others to participate in a regular Sunday Association/Hillel presents a . \areekCy worship service of Word and Sacrament. Bagel Brunch every Thursday from Information: Chaplain Graham E. Mor11:30 am. to 1:30 pm. in the Campus Centre - Check with Turnkeys for the hey, Chaplains Office, MC 4002, ext. 3622. room number.





. .=

rape is being. covered. by Dave Thomson Tedesco Imprint staff

and John

campus. Men violating women’s bodies & apparently far less serious than m&ing too much noise during quiet hours, for which you can be fined. The administration has an interest in protecting the reputation of the University for the sake of future enrollment. This means that vital information you may need to protect yourself may be withheld for the sake of the University’s name (reputation).


Everyone knows that rape is a “problem,” but what do we really know about it? How many women or men do you know that have been raped? If you know Eour women, the odds are that one of them has been a victim of rape. These are the incidents that are reported; we can only guess how many go unreported. These are the statistics, but most of people feel the University Waterloo is safe. The reason for this is not necessariIy that it is not reported by the victims, but that it is kept quiet by some levels of the administration. A recent study by a L,ondon rape crisii centre showed that UW has one of the highest per capita incidents of rape for a university campus. During this term alone, three women in a single residence have been raped; only one of these have reported it to the University “R&e.” What happens on this campus ,~enapersonisraped?BasicalIy,itis

supposedtobekeptquiet.Inacaseof rape in a residence, Village Dons are instructed to smooth things over and to deal with it by referring it to higher authorities: If the victim wants the rapist removed from the residence, both of them then have to a-

- Stokely-ing the -fires- of revolutitm by Angela Heeds Imprint staff Rarely have University of Waterloo students been exposed to such dogmatic con+tion as displayed by a speaker for the Pan-Afrian movement last week But this was not just any speaker. The man who captured the attention of about 50 Uw students, Kwame Ture, was used to addressing crowds in the hundreds, if not thousands, in the 1960s civil rights movement under his former name, Stokely Carmichael. But despite the small crowd, Ture was at his rhetorical peak, invoking emotional pleas, religious imagery and using full body language to emphasize his points“He is one of the greatest orators,” said Ricardo Marshall, spokesperson for the Caribbean Students Association, which co-sponsored the event with the African Students Association. Brother Ture maintained that capitalism and socialism are the only two economic systems, and social&m the instinctively natural one. Capitalism is merely neocolonialism claims Ture. “When African masses are prophrly organized, liberation is around the comer,” he said. This revolution will be f5ocialist. But this movement must be on a global scale, says Ture, to fight racism and injustice worldwide. His next speaking engagement is in the Caribbean. ‘7 know there is racism in Canada,” said a student in the audience, agreeing with Ture’s claim that neither white students or students of colour


want to upset the status quo. The student, who has lived and travelled in the US, the Caribbean, and Africa, said that undercover CIA agents pose as students in the United States ahd look for radicals. Fearing similar tactics here, she did not want her name published. “When you go to look for a job, you wonder why no one will hire you,” she said. Racism exists here in subtle ways, she said. Political education is the most important tool for realizing our natural socialist instincts, said Ture. He noted that Coca-C6la advertising is capitalist political education. Path person probably sees five Coca-Cola signs per day, he said. * “Coca-cola wants you to see 500. Then when you are thirsty youll want a coke and youll think you thought of it yourself.” This capitalist, indoctrination just confuses us, he said. When asked if arms would be necessary to liberate Africa, Ture replied that this was “not a question for the oppressed but for the oppressor.” “Wars are not dependent on technology but upon the will of the people,” said ,Ture. He encouraged the audience to join any organization if not the Pan-African movement “Women are oppressed more in every society because they are the least organized,” claimed_ Ture. “Unless you are involved in an organization to further humanity, you are working against humanity,” he said. ‘The interests of the people must dominate every aspect of CW lives,” asserted Ture leaning empathetidly over the podium. “We stand ready for the revolution.”

of six people before a minimum (Tutor’s Court) and tell them their versions of the incident. From this information, these peapleare todetermineifthearis guilty of %onduct unbecuming of a vi&t@’ (Village policy). T)re dpist

would not be expelled because of rape, but because of unbecoming conduct, The threat of the man’s presence is not enough to expel him But light a firm&r or pull a fire’alarm for the heck of it, and you will soon seewhatisandisnotapriorityontiis

If a woman who has been sexually assaulted decides to press criminal charges against the aggressor, the administration withdraws totally from the case. The ,Tutor’s Court doesn’t want to make a decision while cx$miil proceedings are occurring. The implication of this is that the rapist may live close by, which is not god for the woman’s mental health. a If you want to find out statistics on the number of “sexual assaults” on campus, the UW ‘police” invite you to come over 40 the office and talk to them about it. They won’t even say whether you will receive any infor-


McPhechn rescheduled

to page 9

’ .

fmnl Wume!n’s issuesBoard . Marilou McPhedran, described as a feminist, lawyer, and activist, will be s eakhg at Uw next week, on TuesB qy, March 26 at 7:30 pm in Needles Hall room 3001. She was originally scheduled to speak here during International Women’s Week, March 4-8, 1991. Tickets cost ‘$3 for Federation members, &d $4 for non-Feds. A graduate of Osgoode Hall’bw School in 1976 and a member of the Order of Canada since 1985, Marilou McPhedran was born and raised in Manitoba. Combining a high Ievel of volunteer commitment with her law practice and single motherhood of two young sons, McPhedran’s interests lie primarily in the areas of equality and health issues. A feminist, she is active in many organizations such as the Ad Hoc Committee of Canadian Women on the Constitution which sought to amend the Meech l&e Accord to ensure the protection of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As a founder, she continues to devote time and energy to the Metro Action Committee on Violence against Women and Children (METRAC) and the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF). McPhedran played an integral part in the planning and implementation of the newly-opened Cerstein Crisis Centre for discharged psychiatric patients in Toronto. She acted for the coalition of over 1,OOO’FRIENDS” patients, donors, volunteers, doctors, nurses, and other staff at Women’s






prevented the disappearance of the hos ital due to merger. * urrently, she chairs the task force on Sexual Abuse of Patients foi the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, and works with the Canadian Women’s Foundation. In ail of@ her endeavours, McPhedran practices law in her own way, representl







effects of rape, incest, sexual stereotyping, and sexual harassment, and working with organizations concerned about eqwlity rights and health issues. McPhedran’s visit is co-sponsored by the Women’s Issues and Human Rights Boards of the Federation of Students. ’

4 Imprint, Friday,March 22, 1991


McGill women protest rape verdict byshactnm AIdinger amtesy McGiIlTribune Approximately 200 students from McGill University and Concordia University in Montreal protested outside McGill’s Phi Delta Theta fraternity house Friday night following one member’s acquittal of a sexual assauh charge. Demonstrators waved placards reading “a woman was raped here” and chanted “whatever we drink, however we dress, no means no and yes means yes” outside the house at the comer of University and Milton ti Montreal. . Earlier that day, Quebec Court Judge Luc Trudel acquitted fraternity member Patrick Booth on the grounds that Booth had reason to believe the, woman had consented to intercourse.

* In other words&e’s saying ‘no means no’ only sometim&+,‘7said Coalition Against Sexual Assault member Valerie Renwick who attend thetriaL ‘In a rape case, the woman is the expert is telling when the boundary (between consent and rape) has been crossed,” Women’s Union member Katarina Soukup said. ‘%I this case, the judge let Patrick Booth off because of how he interpreted the situation. That’s wrong; it must be the woman whose testimony is heard.” The judge also cited the drunkenness of the woman, the absence of ripped or soiled clothing and other signs of struggle, the defendant’s reputable character witnesses, and the Crown’s inability to provide conclusive evidence that consent had not been given as reasons for his verdict.

The woman, whose identity is protected under a court publication ban, charged Booth with raping her at the fraternity house during a party on January 21,199O. Testimony during the trial showed that,both the plaintiff and the accused had been drunk at the time of the incident. There were no witnesses. Trudel concluded that &hough “no means no,” each case must be judged on its own merits. “Saying ‘no’ doesn’t mean she has to be beaten, bruised, threatened, or have her clothes tom,” Trudel said in his verdict “A no is a no and before the law that is sufficient. But we must lookbinto each case.” “I do not believe the testimony has the quality of proof beyond a reasonable doubt” Members groups were

of McGi& women’s appalled at the verdict

Another student

“It corn- down to her word against his. It’s a typical example of a judge taking the man’s side,” Renwick said. “Obviously a woman wouldn’t go to court if nothing had happened” As students demonstrated outside the frathouse last Friday, members held a party inside. Some demonstrators believed it was a erty to celebrate the acquittal Several party-goers congregated outside the house. “I’m totally against rape,” said one unidentified member. “But you have to accept the fact that sometimes it happlS.“ ‘-t’s bullshit,‘f Women’s Union member Seema Goel said. “No one has to accept that. That’s the whole point. behind demonstrations like thisi women always retain the right to say no.” The plaintiff has since !eft McGill and currently studies in Ottawa.




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byPeterBrown rmprint St& The Unive-rsity of Winnipeg student paper has been muzzled, staffat -the Uniter claim, making it the third student paper across the country to be censured for running an explicit safe sex guide for men. Stitements by the U. of Wiipeg Students’ Association &IVVSA) President Kyle Briggs at a special meeting suggested that the Uniter,long ain outspoken voice for the left, could, as of next month, be a very different newspaper. Uniter staff present among the crowd of more than 100 were stunned to hear that the hiring of editors, to take place at the end of this month, will be taken out of the hands of U’i&r collective staff. In addition, the circulation of the paper will be cut by 25 per cent, from 4,000 to 3,000, said Briggs. Katherine Devine, spokesperson for the Uniter collective, denied that circulation would be cut. Briggs has accused the U&er staff of selectively enforcing their own constitution, while some of the staff professed surprise at the very existence of the constitution. Briggs took pains to stress that the UWSA’s actions are not’ simply a reaction to the safe-sex article but “a reflection of the profound concerns students have about the Uniter this year.” While the gay and Iesbii community has largely sided with the Uniter, one homosexual student who identified himself simply as Patrick, called the guide insulting embarrassing, and damaging to the homosexual community. Referring to the article’s mention of drinking urine and eating excrement, Patrick said, “I’mga y and I don’t want people thinking that’s what 1 do. That’s not on my top-10 list; that really disgusts me. Using words like ‘cum’

and ‘pee,’ it sounds

like it was

written by someone with a grade five education.” These comments were echoed by Jan, a political science student: “I’m gay and 1 was offended by it” However, Devine said those who spoke out against the article were feeling society’s homophobia and


Imprint, Friday, March 22, 1991 5



,Rape: an ignored campUs ‘acont’d.from page 3*


when you go over there. Rape and other forms of sexual assault are one of the few personal, violent, and vio&-irkg crimes that no one wants to know about or be told about. Robbery, murder, muggings - all these are well-known problems. Rape and sexual assault? A brief paragraph tucked away in the classifieds. Mary Koss, a psychology professor at Kent State University in Ohio, estimates that “at least ten times more rapes occur among college students than are reflected in official crime statistics.” The conviction rate for charged rapists is absurdly low, hovering around 16 per cent. The fact that most rapists are not prosecuted obviously does nothing to deter them; if anything. they are encouraged by this. One of the many myths about rape is that it is committed by strange=, but the truth is that over half of all 70 per cenL r;tps - approximately are committed by someone the victim knows. This is known as date or acqkntance rape, and usually takes place late in the evening or early in the morning and frequently at the rapist’s residence. Alcohol and/or drug use can often conti,bute both to the bcidence of rape and it s denial


paper muzzled passing it on. Kyle Ehiggs’ concerns about the ’ Uniter were mirrored at Wilfrid Laurier University, where WLU Student Union president Stuart Lewis . has led a clampdown on that university’s student newspaper, The Cord, after it published excerpts from the original Muse article. l%e Cord resumed publishing last week under the editorial control of WIUSU’S Student Publications Board president Jana Watson. Dalhousie University’s Gazetre also published “the whole thing, photo and all,” according to Ryan Stanley, a report& for the Gazette. The Dalhousie stud?nt union tried to cap funding for paper, “ostensibly” because of financial irresponsbility, Stanley said. The motion was I defeated when approximately 60 studentsattended Fe meeting insup. port of the G~zme. The student paper which started it all, ?%P Muse at Memorial University in Newfoundland, is currently under police investigation on obscenity: charges. cwrksy Univer&y of Ma&&a Toban & university of western olttario Gt7zetfe

by both partners. Men who act normally in most so&l settings can turn into rapists, due to pre-conceived attitudes about women. “Sixty per cent of college-aged males reported that under the right circumstances, they would use force, .rape, or both in sexual relations with women,” according to the Metro Action Committee on public violence against women and children. Additionally, most men do not even know or realize what they are doing is wrong. These attitudes are the result of socialized stereotypes taught to us through our peers and largely through fhe media’s portrayal of women. In, most of the advertising industry, women are nearly always portrayed in a passive pose while the men are aggressive. Studies have shown that women ‘learn” to be passive and quiet as early as the age of 11. Young girls are given dolls to play with and boys are given laser guns to fi&t with. Pornography can also be a very danp;erous rqeditun if men do not realize its potential effects, such as desensitizing our perceptions of women by objectifying them. Men have to make themselves aware of what rape is. If she says no, she means it. She is not teasing you; this is not a game. She has the right to say yes or no, and her answer must be respected. If you do not respect her decision, you are not recognizing her as a human being. Rape is when she says no, and he continues. Understand?

On March 13 and 24,1991, Science and Optometry students at UW voted 84.4 per cent in favour of the addition of a new fee. The $50 Voluntary Student Contribution (VSC) is part of the newly developed Waterloo Science Endowment Fund (WatSEF); Interest earned from the fund will be used to improve the level of undergraduate sciex&e education. One of the first goals of the Endowment Committee is to improve Science undergraduate laboratory and computing fkilities. “Clearly, Science students recognize that much of the equipment used in the undergraduate labs is out of date and needs to be replaced in order to keep the science graduates-at Waterloo competitive in the workplace,” said Science Society president Jeffrey Paulson. The WatSEF will be administered by a student-controlled board of directors. Directors will be elected to

women’s fkeedoms should be rest&ted in any way, because of_ the __ attitudes and actions of a for of men. Listed below are a number of community setices for victims of sexual assault and rape. UW “Police” have been left off the following list due to the experiences of one of the victims who 6&t to them.

that Nerwly d&s Rape is not widely recognized on . problem this campus or in socieq as a huge women’s mental and physical health, but it does. Once so&e& decides to makethisa priority, and recognizesit as an important he th& b to h off-campusservices dealt with, we can perhaps make the female half of the population feel K-W Hospital safer. 835 King St. W., Kitchener (742’ AS men, we feef -ashamed that 3611) The emergency unit here is open 24 hours a day. St.Mary’s Ha@tal 911 Queens Blvd., Kitchener (7494 6410) fiis hospital also has a 24 haul emergency service. Rape sllrvivors Group 298 Frederick St., Kitchener (744




This is a discussion and suppoti group that meets weekly. Victim Seivkm of the Waterlot Regional lwk!. 134 Frederick St, Kitchener (579. 2211, ext. 623) Esservice offers emotional suppori md legal informqtion.

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represent the four Science departments and the School. of optometrv in the fall of 1991. The I&C willbe on the University fee statement &s an incidental fee that cannot be stroked off at registration, but may be fully refunded upon request within the first three weeks of the term. The fund organizers hope to ask alumni and industry to match r student contributions to further strengthen the fund in the future. The chair of the ‘%s”committee in the WatSEF campaign, fourth year +Science and Business student Susan McKee, was extremely pleased%th the high level of student turnout for 0 the vpte and the ovemhelnting’ acceptance of the fee. “The quality of past and present gmduates makes the degree of a Waterloo Science graduate valuable,” said McKee. ‘Tt$ quality can only be maintained if our programs are adequately. funded. By setting up WatSEF, we are making an invest .nent iy our future, one that the govt enmer t obviously is not willing to make.”




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Photo by Terry Gauchat Graphics ‘by Stacey Lobin

Imprint is: Editorial Board Paul Done Peter Brown News vacant News As&taut .................................... vacant FeaturesEditor ........................... Sandy Atwal S&ma Editor Phillip Chee sporb ............................... Rich Nichol sports .......................... Bill F&haw Arts Editor John Hyrners Arts Al3aant ..................... Bernard Keamey r&atoEditor .......................... Joanne .jSandrin PhotoAsgiatant ................. Wii van der Lugt Editor-in-chief










Radio is a sound salvation, c Radio isC~cleanin’up the nation3 , ..& m&h supplantle;rc)i, -;&rendering past methods obsolete, the new media create hew magics,mew rqsterk to be ul?fol&I. We have three primary generationXif mass. communication technology existing in parallel within otir society - print, rat&o, and television. The magics of the first and last are relatively transparent; written lanp@ is accep&l normalcy, while teIevisio’n generates a pervasive sense of norn@v, about its functioning. 1 I would posit that radio is somehow


*’ the &he&. + I have a small, red trwistor radio. It cost me&out six do&m3 when I bought,& from K Mart last summer. I bought it so that I could listen to Blue Jays’ games ort those suznmer and fall-nights when disembodied voices drift across the night ak like an in$nuating mist. Eveiy time that I put new batteries into my walkman, I put the old ones into that transktor radio. Now that it’s the baseball off-season, it generaIIy remains disused, except for rare mornings wheti I listen to CBC radio while spreading peanut butter onto my toast.

: ti

.The Place. by PhWp


71th is a @&ion. In an attempt to understand the environmental crisis,it might be worthwhile to set the world with a shift in perspective. . . and try tu share any insights that may emege. I do not think many UW students know about this little place tucked away on the western shore of Columbia Lake. I even doubt that any of the stude& living at the Columbia Lake Townhouses are aware of the climax stand of beech and maple just a few hundred metres northeast of them, Myself, I was not even aware of it until last autumn. It is ironi<-th$ the Department of Biolog)l woodlot was quite invisible to one of its biology students till hi fourth year. The woodlot is a place of contrasts and contradictions. The @enhouses and botanical garden .,ienify the unrelenting praence of human activity. A gated fence provides the arbitrary limit ta nature. (If you do not wish to scale the barrier, access to the woodlot can be made by taking a walk around the northem tip of the lake, and &king your way past the corn fields; it is not coinpletely fenced 0ti.J On the o&er side is a community of denuded trees” reaching skyward out of a snow-covered surface. An intermittent American beech jeaiously clings to its duIl orange leaves, disrupting the monotonous browns and dark greys. When I first encountered this area in my Eield lab, I was astonished by the explicit and subliminal beauty of the trees and the dynamics of fall colour; the bright red fruit of the jack-in-the-pulpit and the fragrance of the wild leeks. I knew I wanted to experience this area again, in all seasons, to witness the natural cycles. It also provides a convenient sanctuary from the rhythm of strictly human life. The rhythm of human life that seems more and more divorce9 from nature. There is not much in the way of strictly naturaI areas left in the urban landscape. Every place that can be construed as natural has at some point felt the effects of human activity. The park bench on the eastern perimeter trail reinforces the contradictions of this island of nature surrounded by human objects, contradictions that I hope will make my subsequent reflections unique.

Monday night (Tuesday mom&$, while dpting a well-earned buzz, that six dollars was recouped Sn a momept of shimmering magic, which’ p@ap9connexted me to another tirne.when radio w+ new, when the mystery of VW carried across the, Waves seemed like the most arcane mystery ever hatched. The anecdote is as simple a~ this: I was’ searching fora radio station which w;ouId provide me with the outcome of the Ruddockl Tyson fight which had taken place earlier on that evening. As I moved the AM dial (no digital readouts, please!) from its location at . 740, toward 570 where I thought I might hear the 2 am news, I happened upon two men fiercely arguing the fight’s outcome - as it turned out, one was Richard Steele, the fight’s referee. That is not important. The sbtion, thanks to one of those mysteries of atmospherics, was 660 WFAN, an all-talk radio station from New York City. After a few minutes, I began to slowly turn the dial, listening to the voices which were being carried to me from across a continent, I was seemingly magical struck by the phenomenon that allowed mKto be conriected to those voices - not by sotie coaxial cable, not by some phone line, not by some money-costing satellite dish, but by six dollars and some left-over batteries. While it is a natural impulse to desire the sense of power which comes, from the inner workings of understanding technologies - be they as dissimilar as language md electronic media, our arrogance I can blind us to the magic in the mysteries of these devices. There is a certain shamanism, a tribalism to the feelings which were aroused by this random incident. In some sense, however, it seems to me that rediscovering the reverent mystery which enstiouds technologies in their nascence can bring about perspective in our own relations with them. It can, however briefly, drop tie veils and shrouds which habit throws up around elements of our technologies, and restore the strangeness which it attached to the notion of anonymously listening to a voice broadcast some hundreds of miles away. PauIDcme



Fkducticm.M~ ......... ..Lauri e Tigert-Dumas prodaction A2lst. ........... .......NKk e Sheppard ......~...~........~.~...“..........l.......*..‘.~.....Eke Burkhardt General Manager.. ............... Vivian Tambeau mAsst * moRw&’ ..... .............................. Business Aest, .................... ..Michae 1 Clifton Adl?wMsing* .. ..*.....*.*.~~......~o . Hendry Ad Ass@ant ...... . ........ ~.,~~Mi;lhel$@%%&r ?..*b ......... ;..&;.&I &z Qchrane proof~~er Stacey Lobin Front Cover ...............................

’ Board of Directors President .... ................................. Trevor Blair Vice-President ............................... Paul Done SecreeTreas. ........................ Stacey Lobin IXrectm at large ................ ..Joann e Sandrin ............................................................ Dave Thomson .................................................................. Peter Brown StdfLi&Oll Derek Weiler ..............................

Imprint is the official student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without shareCapilaI. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. rJ2L 3Gl. Mail can also be sent via e-mail to imprint%atmath Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. ImpAnt ISSN 0706-7380. Subscription rates available upon request.

Contribution List Shannon Aldinger, Anoosh Asgharzadeh, ACCKWA, Kenton Augerman, Andrew Dalby, Lyuba Djurdjevic, Jennifer Epps, Angela Heeds, J. Hagey, Barbara Jo Green, Andrew moss, ‘Omid Mehraban, Pauline Olthof, Sci Sot, Emily Sutherland, Harry Schnider, Dave Thomson, JR Tedesco, Chris Williams, Derek Weiler, WPIRG.

The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in. letters, columns, or other articles on these pages ard‘strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand deliver your typed,. double-spaced letters to Imprint, CC 140. Imprint is also accessible through e-mail at imprintowatmath. Be sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadIine for submitting letters is 500 p:rn. Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion, All material is subject to editing,

Let3 -save a bunch of paper To the editor, -Would you like to know how the University of Waterloo’s administration could conserve literally, millions of pieces of paper every term? Through registration. For one of the most advanced universities in Ontario, Waterloo has one of the slowest and most inefficient registration systems ever. While other universities (such as the University of Windsor or the University,of Ottawa) have switched over to “touch-tone” registration, UW is still standing in lines and still handing out schedules. Here’s how the, more efficient registration systems are now working: 1) a “newspaper” of the upcoming term’s courses to be offered, including a description of the course, the time of the course, the place of the course, the instructor of the course, and the final examination time and date of the course, is published approximately two months in advance of the term (during preregistration). This eliminates the need for calendars and personal schedules since the Ynewspaper” tells you what’s being offered, where your course is meeting. and when your final exam is. . 2) After deciding which course to take, the student then phones in his registration through a “touch-tone” telephone, with the codes of the courses listed in his pre registration “newspaper.” The system may either accept or decline his requests immediately; hence, he may decide on another course while on the line, and he knows immediately whether he’s got in or not Also, the student already has the time and place or where his course meets, so it is not necmry for him to pick up any extra printed schedule of his timetable. This saves on the



mXcms of schedules re-printed and re*ted every term, and also the time in lines for trying to get into a course. 3) After the student has registered, through “touch-tone” phone, his payment fees, along with any loan papers, grants, or bursaries, are automatically sent out to him. Then he may either mail in his payment or take it in personally to a drop box. Again, this eliminates many lines. -4)Finally, if a first year student, or graduate - student, needs help in deciding courses to register for, their academic advisors can provide them with the necessary information and instruc@on about using the “touch-tone” system. And at the end of ther +erm, a “degreeaudit” is automatically mailed with the student’s marks, so that the student knows which requirements still need to be filled. It’s easy to see this registration system is much faster and much more conservational, since it’s done by a simple phone call! It also provides the information to allow students to plan their timetible .a.found a job, or an extracurricular activity. Implementation cost is also minimal since the system saves on the material costs, and the employee costs associated with the time cow,uming one-toone registration system, and the re-printing of schedules. Waterloo should be more responsible in keeping up with the times. .-.

John Leddy, Lisa Brice, Steve MiIIard Meration of Students Executive-Elect

*Hey Imprint, shutup!

Kara Smith

Be friendly. Get involved.

To the editor, There

are several tell-tale signs that disprofessional media (t&t uphold responsitile freedom of spee&) from the rest that do not, 1 feel that Imprint engages in at least one insidious practice for wh@h there ch be no excuse. The media already exercises -en&mous influence over even’ its most skeptical readership. Editors can select the material th? they want to present and they can “make” the news to suit their whims. Given that ‘they do


TO the editor, This is an open imitation b alI &se who are interested in getting involved with’student ackities. During our campaign, we stressed team-


this, a reader’s last refuge is the letters to the editor page. Even here, the newspapers can k selective in which letters they print and in how they edit the letters. But I believe that it is the very lowest of standards when the editors actually respond to the letters. To me, this is evidence of two things: i) the incredible insecurity of the editors and/or ii) their cornpletelack of respect for their readers. DO they think that we are incapable of judging a letter on its 0~ merits all by ourselves? If the editors feel that they have been misunderstood should they be so easily permitted to “correct” this impression? Certainly if a reader or his/her letter has been misrepresented, it can be difficult for the victims to get their fair access to respond. Imptit appears to be quite fair in letting people state their views, even when they differ from those of the editors. However, Imprint exercises @eat abuse of power by responding to letters to the I editor. . RX instance, in the March 8 edition, Imprint claimed that it was the “onIy student newspaper in the City of Waterloo.” The Imptit editors- were corrected in the next issue by at least two letters. However, the editors then chose to Fespond to the letters ie. get in those important last words (and not very useful ones, at that). If Imprint really was a newspaper and if it really did have any redeeming standards, it would have allowed the readers to draw their own conclusions even ‘if the letters contained factual errors (they did not). This certainly was not the first time that a Ietter has been, responded to, but let’s, hope that it was the last. Otherwise, rnaybfl even more students wiI1 overcome the apathy md will start reclaiming their lmprirrt fees each term.

work and making the Federation more student-oriented. To accomplish this goal, we need input and participation from the entire university community. If you have ever Work with the Federation, now is your chance. The reference to experience in our Imprint ad should not discourage you from applying for a position with the Federation if you are interested. We feel that fresh ideas and enthusiasm are going to’ be a vital part of our Federation team. So if you want to get something &cornplished and you want to have fun doing it, come on up to the Federation office (CC 235) and fill out an application. There are both paying and volunteer positions which would require 5-10 hours per week of your time. IS . . . Please contact us or leave a message in the Federation office to fill out an application -APAP. Applications close Tuesday, March 26,1991.


Systmns D@n grad student Bwr smn: (or shuuld we call yorr ‘1wi: F’l~hk~‘), WP mtrst Q4 doing spmhing tight ~pplelikeyou, whv don ‘tpy theirlmprintfee. am+ aill mding. and comphhing aht the PQ..*


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8 Imprint, Friday, March 22, 1991

Bummed out at the Bomb To the editor, On last Friday afternoon, we arrived at the Bombshelter at approximately 2130 pm. We proceeded to drink pitchers of draught and have a merry time. We were not loud or obnoxious&like others in the crowd, but hey, a St. Patrick’s day celebration is a good time to be loud and obnoxious, At approximately 9:45 pm, my boyfriend decided to call a couple of his friends to see if they were coming to the Bombshelter. He looked for his ID (a passport) to leave at the door while ,he made his phone call, N&being able to find it, he became slightly frantic, since he had just spent $35 on new passport photos, which were inside the passport. Someone suggested see% if it had been turned in. He went to the manager’s office, and thankfully, it had, He sat back down, relieved to have it back in his, possession.’ About five minutes later, the bouncer standing outside the door beside the dance floor summoned him. Jonathan went out to talk to him, and the manager walked in and shut the door on him without saying a word. When one of my friends, who had begn sitting with us, informed me of this, I went up to the manager and asked him why Jonathan had been asked to leave. He replied, “he& been here since this afternoon and has had enough to drink” I proceeded to inquire why me and the 50 or so others, who also had been drinking all afternoon, were not being asked to leave, for which he had no reply. He said that Jonathan had ordered another pitcher, which I denied since I had ordered it, and Jonathan had said he would not be sharing it with me 7 he had stopped drinl&g at around 9 pm. This manager - TIN0 - would also not @ve me his last name upon my request; since that episode, I can now make an educated guess at what it would be (A--E). ’ . I just cannot understand why someone not causing a problem Would be asked to leave for no %nderstandabl.e reason. Why was Jonathan not just cut off? Could he not have. had an explanation instead of a do& shut m his face? He did not w being ask& to


leave; he just wanted to know why. On the contrary, I was the one who was yelling at- the power-tripping manager who even then did not ask me to leave. We can only assume that since Jonathan had last his ID, he was singled out and asked to leave since he had quit drinking, so people waiting in Erie could come in and spend their money. I would like to note that it was the manager TN0 who was rude, and that the bouncer who asked Jonathan to-leave was very polite, probably because he had no understanding of why Jonathan was being thrown out either.

by three of Professor Saul IIerzog’s undergraduate students in the Pktnning School ind has already been presented to Dr. Carl Bray of BLG In the near future, we will be approaching students to get some direct feedback on where lighting and other safety improvements are most needed on campus. If any student has concerns about the safety of specific campus routes, or would like to othffwise be involved in. the safety issue, please contact us at the School of Urban and Regional Planning, in the Environmental Studies I building.

w, wan 4% year Pbychology

Safety Firstsez thanks To the editor,

Women wake up! We have been lulled by the media into an acceptance that these images are okay, and do not harm us. We either see, or do not wish to see, what is hap pening in our daily lives, in the political wars, and through male fantasies. The rapes will end when our global voice of women unite and say “no more @ering” from the rape impulse/imagery of our male spouses, lovers, and friends. EIahe Sim Independent

No virtue in Virgil



To the editor,

The organizers of Safety First would like to thank the many students, faculty, and staff , members who have worked to help make safety a key issue on the campus. As the recent student executive elections showed, safety has been firmly placed on the student agenda alI candidates for president and viceI&dent identified the safety issue as a . priority in th,& campaigns. The University administration has also responded to demands for increased attention to physical safety on the campus by striking an ad hoc Safety Committee. The Committee’s mandate will be to study the feasibility of safety light& pat&, emergency phones, and education. Our emphasis has always been on the physical redesign of the campus so as to minimize the oppomty for assault. BLG I&, the architectural flrrn that is leading the campusredesign.prms, has asked Safety First for input with regards to safety design principles (such as including safe routes and excluding isolated places) and specific safety cotiiderations (such as lighting and emergency beacons). Meanwhile, the head of library servltes, Murray Shepherd, has asked for ideas on how to impruve security on lib’ r access routes. 7 esearch on this topit b be& carried out

Our pledge at Fastbreaks: Astonishingly good fd seWd at abstidly low prices in fine3 surroundings. vweldorrie to the 9oy

fib Conquerors have raped us a@n. Will it ever stop? Whether by the artist’s pen or the soldier’s sword, it has the same ravaging effect * on women.

In reference to ‘%/holly Fomicatio$’ in Imprint, Friday, March 1,19X, to an @cle and pictures of Prof. Burnett’s drawings, by J. Hap;ey.




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Imprint, Friday, March 22, 1991 9

NaYS New Year in March? It is for Iran’ians. * by knwsh Asghanadeh Mehraban Iranian A.mociation

and Omid

The Iranian New Year (Norouz] is always on the first day of spring (March 20 or 21), which marks the first day of the Persian solar year, and corresponds with the’ rebirth of nature. Many of the rituals of this event, the greatest Iranian national festival, are at least 3,000 years old. In popular Persian legend, Norouz was said to have been instituted by the mythical Persian King Yima, or Jamshid. From Achaemenid times onward, Norouz occurred at the vernal equinox, when the sun entered the mdiacal sign of Aries. The festival has always been associated with popular celebrations. Norouz has always been a joyous feast. It is considered an auspicious day for weddings, for conducting commercial transactions, and for travel. After the conquest of Iran by the Arabs in the seventh century AD, the ancient religion of Iran, Zoroastrian&m, was superseded by Islam, the religion of the conquerors. Norouz was not represented in the Muslim calendar, which was based on a lunar year, and for a time, the festival was considered to have been abrogated by Islam. Eventually, however, when the Persians adopted : a hvterodox form of Islam, strenuous efforts were made to associate various events in the Muslim tradition with Norouz. The last Wednesday of the old year has been observed as a special feast, called chabar-shanbeh-sun’. In this occasion, dried thorn *is placed h mmd piles, a few feet apart, and is set on fire. Then for joy that the winter is over, the members of the ho~hokl, and the friends and neighbours who may be present, jump over the piles of bum.@ thorn as theysay, ‘my yellow colour I give to YOU and your red colour you give to me!” On New Year’s Day itself, one should wear new clothes, and should have ready the hajli-sin. This specially arranged new year table traditionally offers seven items beginning with the Persian letter’ “sin,” which corresponds to the English letter Y The Farsi word for seven is ‘%aft” - hence the origin of the phrase ‘haft-sin.” The seven h&t-sin items are sekeh {coin); samanu (an Iranian dish made of flour, sugar, and colourirtg); s&zi (green vegetables); sonbol (hyacinth); seer (garlic); ’ senjec! (a dried fruit); and serkeh (vinegar). Fresh water, a mirror, candles, eggs, milk, cheese, and yogurt are also placed on the table. A bowl with goldfish is frequently set out since it is considered good luck to look into a bowl of fresh water containing a live goldfish at the start of the new year. Because water represents light, looking into water guarantees that you will have a bright year ahead. The period of the Norouz festivities extends for two weeks, and its end is marked- by the celebration of the 13th day (ruz-e sizdaham). This is a public hoIiday, and on that day, families traditionally take their samovars and rugs out into the countryside to enjoy a picnic. . Although, Norouz has been modernized and Islamicized, it is still basically what is was 25 centuries ago: a celebration of the end of the cold winter months and the beginning of the new life associated with spring.

Waterloo’s oratorical9 sects by Ljuba Djurd+vic sp.!id to Imprint

to be seen & the “kiss of death” and hence, the tendency for stock or airtight cases. The B team came up The University of Waterloo master debaters once again distinguished against such a case from the redoubta& Hart House C team (University themselves amo& the o&torical of Toronto) and lost by a close three sects of Canadian debating at the points on the issue of expanding the 1992 Canadian Nationals held at United Nations Security Council and Coast Guard College ‘last weekend (March 8-10). removing the veto. The A team, having won their The House of Debates was represented by Landon Young and Mark round, moved on to the quarter finals Weber on the A team and Paul Check where they presented a formidable challenge to the seasoned Ottawa A and Ljuba Djurdjevic on the B team. The same A team had protien to be team but were ousted from the runthe upstarts at the 1941 World finals ning for the semi-finals. The final round saw the Hart House B team earlier this year, very nearly winning the title, much to the surprise of other Secure the National Championships entrenched favourites and the panic against Dalhousie B. of the bookies! The end of the tournament found Fifty-four top-notch Canadian _ the Waterloo A team in sixth place teams attended the three-day toumaand the B team in l&h, both in the top ment at Cape Breton, some to test quarter of team rankings. In addition, their skill against the country’s best, all of the Waterloo debaters placed in some to become demi-gods of the top third individually; the best debate, but ce&ainly all to have plenty reciprocation by Mark Weber in ninth of “merry times.” place, well ahead of many more By the end of the fourth round of established and experienced depreliminaries, both Waterloo teams baters. ’ qualified for the Octa final “power Mark also entered the final round rounds.” The resolution for this of public speaking ahead of the eight- ’ decisive round was, “the primary time champion ‘horn King’s College duty of a citizen is to obey the laws of (University of Western Ontario) and his society” (Socrates). emerged a close second. The government teams are-left to Overall, the Waterloo teams reptheir own devices to define the resented a formidable, and at times resolution and have 20 minutes to do surprising, challenge to the Canadian so. Meanwhite, the opposition does circuit, showing great future promise. not hear the case until the round comThe House of Debates, not having the mences, but still have the advantage long-standing tradition or memsince it is always easier to destruct bership size of other debathan to construct a case. societid, has also escapedthe“love to In the recent past, being a govemhate” sentiments some schools have ment team in power rounds has come incurred. Waterloons’ aie well-

Revenue Canada doesn’t just collect taxes, it also delivers federal and provincial credits you could benefit from, including the goods and services tax credit, the.child tax credit, and this year, for the last time, the federal sales tax credit. 8ut if you don’t file a tax returnbecause you don’t owe any taxes, you .could miss LI out.

The University of Waterlod will be the proud ho?& of the 1991 Leger Central Canadian Tournament this fall.


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GoingMurWay! 1 .

are before IO:00 a.m. and after 290 p.m. From February 25 through April 30, Revenue Canada’s phone hours are extended to 890 p.m., Mondayto Thursday.There’s automated phone service called TJ. PS., for answers to common questions. For a complete list of services and phone numbers in your region, see your Guide.

Is taxfilingeasierthisyear?

Revenue Canada has-introduced-new measures to simplify the tax filing process. The guides use clearer, plainer language, the Special return has been trimmed down and there are two ’ new “no calculation” returns. The one-page, gold 65 Plus return is for seniors with income from pensions or interest. The white Short return is for people,like students, with simpler tax situ&tions”.‘lf you choose one of the “no calculation” returns, we’ll do all the calculations, including any federal or provincial credits you may be eligible for.

Gotsometips? First, took in the Guide that comes in your tax package. It gives you step-by-step instructionsand helpful tax tips. Read the explanations for the lines that apply to you, and ignore those that don’t. If your income situation hasn’t changedmuch from last year, you can use last year’s return as a reference.

whatOtherservices areavailable? You can visit Seasonal Tax Assistance Centres in convenient locations, like shopping malls, for information, guides and forms. See your local newspaper for times and locations. There’s also a’video called “Stepping Through Your Tax Return” that you can borrow from public libraries or your district taxation office.

Anything 1should watchfor? Make sure all the personal information printed on your return is correct, especially your address. Before you start, make sure you have all your receipts and information slips. Check your calculations, and attach all the information that’s”asked for in the return. These steps will help avoid delays in I getting your refund.

If 1move,will I stillgetmycheque?

Whatif I havequestions? 1 If you can’t find the answers in the Guide, you can call the people at Revenue Canada. The best times to get through

i respected for their skill andethics in debating and well-liked for their friendly competitiveness, and that, after all, is worth more than metal!


If you’re moving, call or write Revenue Canada with your new address, so we can make sure your cheque gets to you. If you have more questions, talk to the people at Revenue Canada Taxation. They’re People with Answers. .-

10 Imprint, Friday, March 22, 1991 News

Earth Day camphmg trip WPIRG


Davis donates documents by-la Imprintstaff

*“Consciousness-raising wasn’t even a word then, but that’s’ what we were doing” said Jo Dav’is about Voice of Women, a national women’s ace organization that she helped to r ound in 1960. Davis has donated to UW’s Dana Porter Library personal documents illustrating the backL ground of the Canadian women’s movement from il grassroots perspective. These documents can now be accessed in the mre books section of the arts library. The Voice of Women attempted to reach “a new constituency,” she said at a time when women felt alienated from the Ban-the-Bomb movement but still wanted to be involved. The result was “lonely acts of courage” from women all amoss Canada as they voiced their unpopu+ concerns about the atom bomb. The women became citizen experts informing themselves on the Canadian government’s &ions. They also sponsored essay contests for young people trying to excite more concern over the issue. Above all, they were not “preaching to the converted.” Jo Davis severed her ties with the Voice of Women in 1963 when the

participants, so you just have to pay for food and transportation 1 For those who do not have their own transportation there will be one van leaving from the University Avenue entrance to the university, by the information kiosk at 8 am, Saturday, April 20. If you have transport+ tion and can take someone else, please let us know when you register. We will provide treats and some firewood~~and Generations is providing spring water (there is no water at the campsite). However, try to be selfsufficient and environmentally friendly (bring re-usable containers, avoid tin cans, and use small cook stoves).

As part of the local Earth Day 1991 activities, the Waterloo Public Interest R~seaxh Group (WI’IRG) is organ&ing a two-day camping and hiking trip to the scenic Bruce Peninsula National Park on Saturday and Sunday, April 20-21. The goal of the weekend is to celebrate Earth Day in natural surroundings, and to learn about and enjoy the natural heritage of Southern QlltaIiO.

There will be guided interpretative hikes and walks on both days, and a slide . show presenbtion Saturday evening. Local experts form the University of Waterloo will be there to answer all your questions about the Bruce and about the environment in general. There will also be a potruck campfire dinner and evening get-together. Everyone from the KitchenerWaterloo region is welcome, including children and families. The weekend will take place at the Cyprus Lake campsite, group campsite no. 3, and the park has waived fees for alI

movement was sabotaged “brutally, aundemocratically,” by older, militant women The c&a&&ion lost its popular appeal and membership dropped from 7,ooO to 1,000 women .


To give us an idea of how many are coming please register ASAP bysimply calling WPIRG at 884-9020 or Ashley Bansgrove at 746-3054 (evenings) and 885-1211, ext. 5089 (days)* The weekend will be low key and relaxed, with the emphasis on enjoying nature, learning about the environment, md having fun Get away from the city for a weekend, and join us at the B-e!

fromUW&wsBureau Sigma Chi plans Skate-a&on

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Program lnteregl c\-3, I .: ” i...-’r_ ” , ‘. ,, , . ..= ? .I 2. . 3.





Conrad Grebel College has announced its 1991 Summer Institute condensed Peace and Conflict Studies credit courses, both of which can be applied to an undergaduate degree from the University of Waterloo. The courses are specifically geared for teachers, school administrators, and education students. Enrolrnent till be limited to the first 25 ap@icants, and participants can register at either UW or St. Jerome’s College. Students who have previously rq$stered with UW or its colleges can preregister by calling the director of PACS, 8850220. The tuition fee is $184.00. PACS 302C, Creative Conflict Res6lution in the Schools, runs from July 2-12, 9 am to 12 pm, and July 2-5, I to 4 pm. This concentrated course examines the potential for utilizing the principles of mediation and conflict resolution in school administration, curriculum, school discipline,


L6H 2Ll

UW Couegp faculty


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,Betti Erb, communications coordinator at the college, said among the titers of the 9op articles in the new workare numerous frdm the faculty or who have been associated with the church cdlege. Among them are Profs. Arnold Snyder, Conrad Brunk, Hildi Froese Tiessen, Werner Packull, Jim Reimer, Helen Martens, librarian Sam Steiner, Profs. EmeritiDonovan Smucker, Walter KIaassen,and Cal Redekop; board member Henry Paetkau, former presidents J. Wield Fretz and Ralph L&old, and current president Rod Sawatsky, who also served on-the editorial committee. College personnel contributed a number of major articles, espe&lIy in the areas of history, sociology, and theology. The encyclopedia, edited by C. J. Dyck and Dennis Martin of the Institute of Mennonite Studies at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries in Elkhart, Indiana, sells for $92.50. It is available at Provident Btikstore, 150 University Ave. W, in Waterloo.

kparts Injury Mana’gement Train for a unique career in the prevention, care and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.

For further inform&&, complete and return to: M. Foster, Communications Department,


Writers from the faculty of the University of Waterloo’s Conrad G&e1 college are fea+red in the new volume cv) of the Mennonite Encyclopedia.

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A UW researcher has received major funding for a three-year pharmaceutical research project The research into the .production of human pharmaceutical proteins by geneticany engineering micro-organisms has a budget of $540,000, said biology Prof. Owen Ward. It is jointlysponsored by Allelix Biopharmaceuticals Inc., the Natural Sciaces and Engineering -arch Council, and the provincial University Research Incentive Fund. One of the ‘exciting advances offered ‘by the burgeoning science of bi@echnolugy is the ability to use genetically-engineered micro-organisms , to produce valuable proteins that were difficult to obtain previously. In the project that begins February 1, Ward is collaborating with Allelix to assist in using this technology tb produce commercial pharmaceutical pro-

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for hospital

UW’s Sigma Chi Fraternity is in the process of @arming and organizing a Skate-a-Thon to benefit the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital. The Skate-a&on wilI t&e place on Sunday March 24 from 12 noon to 6 pm at the Kiwan& Arena in the Kitchener Auditorium. There is’s registration fee of $10.00, and all food and drinks will be provided. Net proceeds from this event will go to the KVV Hospital Foundation. In the past five years, Sigma Chi .has raised over $10,000 for ICKY Big Brothers. Other charity events have included volunteering for the Reel Cross, Sounds of Summer, the Buskers Festival, and St. John’s Soup Kitchen. Sigma Chi was recognized by the City of Waterloo as being one of the best volunteer groups of 1990. . Prizes will be awarded for various contests and events throughout the afternoon. Some of the prizes donated include restaurant gift certificates, free movie rentals, and Labatt’s souvenirs. All are welcome to attend, whether to skate or give a donation. For more information, please call Paul Dryburgh at 725-8995 or the Sigma Chi House at 746-1897, PhatmaceuticaI


What is left are thousands of letters from Canadian women writing about the kids, measles, potty trai&& and wh+t to sendKennedy and Khrushchev in the next briefmg.



* . ‘J;’ i, .* .*.-- ’ ‘-*,-: “1 ;








PACS 302F, Advanced Conflict Resolution in the Schools, runs from July &19,1 to 4 pm, and July 15~19,9 am to 12 pm. This concentrated __ course _ .q&ther e&&es negc&&or# and mediation on a more advanced level. The instrwtbr for bcith courses is Dr. Constance Edwards, who brings an , &t&&e backg&und in media&n training and teaching experience. She recently designed a school’mediation program and trained administrators, teachers, and students in three schools in Victoria, British Columbia. Edwards k currently working with several school boards in Ontario.


’ Imprint, Friday, March 22, 1991

I like, Dre.aming..*;


Have you ever wondered what would bppn if you refused to dream? How would you react from a visit by the Dream Police? These questions and many more will be answered in the coming production of hunting presented by Starlight Theatre. Lkwning, a musical fantasy, was k&ten by Cheryl Ewing-Croezen and Lindsay Price, and will be presented at the Theatre of the Arts at the University of Waterloo from April 25 to 27, 1991. AU procee’ds from the four performances will go to the Aids Committee of Cambridge, KitchenerWaterloo and Area (ACCKWA}. The play centres around a young girl named Jenny who is afraid to dream. Jenny is visited by the Dream Police, who show her that dreaming and feeling are not wrong, but are necessary in order to live a complete life. Ewing-Croezen, also director of the show, is pleased to put the prod&ion together on behalf of ACCKWA. She hopes that’the prodution will raise awareness about ACCKWA and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in the Waterloo region. Her cast and crew of over 50 people, who collectively will donate over 6,000 hours to get the show on the stage, share her sentiment. Rehearsals for this production began three weeks ago at a studio over Mu@c Plus in Kitchener. Music Plus is donating the use of the space for the duration of the rehearsals. Starlight Thea& has been in ex& tence since 1986 and was founded to i provide ’ an alternative outlet for( young people interested ti the performing arts. In addition, Starlight has donated all proceeds from every pm duction to a lo& charity. Michael Grit, fundraising coordinator for ACCKWA, is very pleased Star@ht selected his group as the charity for this production. Tickets are now available at the Humanities box office and cost $6 in advance, $8 at the door. There will be four performances, one each evening on April 25-27, plus a matinee on the afternoon of April 27. For more infor- ’ m&on on tickets and the production, please call 741-8300 or 885-4280

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~New!iimakff Saturday a Hindu Tempk m Kids of Degrassi SW m Focus North 2:w *


YEi cidoeoopeconccrt m Glenn Bcrmett sings about howling at the mm and makbg monkey noises. CD--h ~SpSracss

m Mm&e: ****The China Symdmmc (suspense, 1979)


11s #J Movie: **New York Storks Icame&. 19891 Nick

Jane Fonda. TV newswoman and CB see nuke-plant mdtdown-crisk3 cover-up. (To 430 AL) a!mmbr%stnel * *

1989) Jesska Tamif, Morgan cdveragc of Southamprwn vs Faxnan. Black man &auf- Everton from tht English first feurs Jewish widow in Atlas division, plus sco~cs from from 1948 to 1973. (To 5 par CD R.S.V.P. Requested Sin For Video Play. (To 4 p.m.) l-J) super Chevy sttuw Dn races

and customized

8) Chir Greek Show m B~nstkw Kids 9 Nowelles Rpt.

a Circ


highlight the mkend cven~ Indianapolis Raceway Park. (To 4 p.m.1 tf#)Chlege Vdleybdl CIA Tent, champicmship


game. From Lavd, Quebec.

of stated, the these two ever that news, they

news media feeds off itself, and examples go to prove more than the different media don’t report make it.

The band Negativland has been around since the early 198Ck, and can be 10osely categorized as a mecWhumour/indust band, using snippets of news repor& and other heavy sampling techniques in their albums After planning a tour in 1987 to pm mote their fourth album titled EscujWj%~ Nuise, the band cancelled the tour because it ~~WYE evident that it would lose money. At

were carry@ stories about David Bran, a 1& year old living in Minnesota who killed hi parents, his brother and his sister with an axe while they slept. The article in the New York TimessuggestedthatBromandfiis~~erhad been arguing over a. song. Meanwhile, Negativland decided to publish a press release to their label SST records saying that the cancellation of their tour had been from pressure by a (nonexistent) federal offi@ named Dick Jordan, who told the band not to leave town @ing an investigation into the Brom murders. The press release s ested that Brom had been arguing with hisT ather, and that the song in question was a song by Negativland called “Christianity is Stupid” There is a question here as to what de&ee of morality Negativland showed in using the b&al murder of four people to make a point about the unreliability of the media Mhough Negativland’s intention was clearly to show the truth behind the bias and fictions which pasty for journalism the vehicle they chose to present their views best choice, “Homer,


Angry Men (dram,, 1957)

is6refu&es diring ad aftw the Second World War, until the creation of lsrael in 1948. (To 2 p.m.) m Going Our Way Gathtburg, Turn., and Gloucester,

Henry Fonda. Lonquror holds out in slum boy’s murcCertrial.


F~NMII All-IreIand Cbampi~p, championship final highlights. From Dublin. (To 2 p.m.) -m Newsday m NW VaudevlJlbns Peter scolati llqxm on comdy, stteet shows, mime,

National ‘_I codes, and energy efficiency. “All of these things can be used to embarrass, impress, and pers~depoliticians at the federal level who ultimately decide Canada’s position,” she said. “One wonders what’s wrong with us when we have a democracy where we have all (of the) rights and find it so difficult to motivate people to believe that their rights mean anything,” said May. “Unless we drive our politicians they won’t be motivated for change.‘, Environmental Ethics

fere&e last weekend to discuss options for our future, or lack thereof, The threeday studen% Pugwash ‘confer+ brought over 75 studentsfromall~CanadatoOttawafor a bilingual forum to explore global environmental issues.*Workshop topics included the urban challenge; industrial and tedmologkal choiies; militarization, security and the environment; toward a sustainable world economy; and ethical thought, and global change. - .

En&mmentaIEcon& ReconciIing the economy with environmental concerns preoccupied the first panel # discussion “W we keep 0; doing what we’re doing, we have to assume disaster,” said Peter IGlbum, CEO of the International Institute for 5ustai.nable Development. David Bennett from the Cataadian Iabour Congress, representing: 2.2 million workers, went further, insisting that federal constitution&@hange and an environmental bill of rights are necessary. Bennett caBed for zero emissions of industrial pollution along with transitionary measures like retraining and employment alternatives for workers. He said the CIC would rather see companies d&red up than dosed down But he warned about “job blackma&” a common practice after thecanada-US free trade deal when many companies said they would have to close down if forced to spend money on pollution control. Along with using renewable energy, pre tecting biodiversity, and’ using resources equitably, Bennett stressed that work musf be creative rather than degrading to be sustainable.



But the Dow-Chemical representative erllphasized that we ought to ‘be n&i&k,, and stati that “environmentally sustainable economic development does not mean zero pdlutio$' Claude-Andre Iachance s&d that Dow Chemical could still grow by becoming more efficient. ’ Finally, he called for governments to remove disincentives and provide incentives to’ industrial SW tainability.

-Leadership Thekeynotespeaker,ElizabethlMay,IXrector of Cultural Survival, charg& . that institutional lethargy and blic disempowerment are problems p”acing Canada today. Our political intransigence ‘%as a very hard time coming to grips with the notion of

Are we-trapped by &cientism? ErazimKohakwritesi.n7?zeEmbgrsatzd ce stars, Q phikrsophiull inquiry i?tiu the wlo?d

xrtx ofnuttrre, that he is a pemnalist and not a mechanist, vitalist, or-existentialist, and t&es theoreticaland practicaI bracketing toachieve this philosophical view. Arguably, he is correct in stating that the repersonalization of oti relationships to inanimate and axtimate things, and to others’ and ours&es, must be grounded by a moral law.

Historically, the mechanist view is based on a philosophic doctrine that reduces nature, ‘reality, and being to just “matter in motio$, As the basis for science, it necessarily “substituted a theoretical na~onstruct for the nature of lived experience in-the role of ‘reality’.” As a philosophy of understariding everythktg it suggests two things; 1) that by mathematizing nature, the realm of. absolute exactness is conquered; and 2) that primrary


such as the:wav~l~

of Ii@ that-

perceive as the colour red is reaLwhereas mondary (or sensu&l) qua&es, such as the subjective experience of the colour red, are ultimatelyfafse and misleading. r



the mehxiology

of nwchadsm

is a legitimate and useful procedure, one &at excludes the observer and his subject-k vahm;Kohakfeelswqhave cometobelieve that the models tie make are the real truth% And in doing so, the moral subject must become a “radically honnatural ‘ek-sisting . being.” Thus, nature is cbnceived as a machink, and if humansare to have any place in na%re, they



must also be considcred machines. This philosophy gets its niodem basis from Desc&es and Galileo. VMism was a short-lived tiovement in biology during the latter half of the 19th century. Its most prominent supporters were Bergson and de Chardin, but Kohak uses Cz& biologWtumed-philosopher Emanuel Radl% writings as a starting point The vitalistdoctrine suggested that living systems are ordered by an entelechic life-force, an autonomous, independent, mind-like entity that gives them powers not found in simple dead matter. To understand Being you must see the complete. development of this enteldy. Thii vital order is also temporalized and thus gives meaning to natural fim* Kohak shows that the vitalist model, in reducing all values to temporal ones that are in the process of com$ete development,, or being perfected, turns values i&o instrumental ones. Thus he rejects vitahsmas incomplete be&use the moral subject, absolute value, and eternity are still not expIained. ~Existentialism rose in the early 20th tenF turythroughthewr%ingsofCamusandSar~ 2re as a philosophical challenge to the scientifx reductior&m of titerialism In this view, existence precedes ekence, the world is fomd totaBy akrrd and irrational, +nd no explanationcan begiven faritsexie tence. Tl& absurdity results from the contradiction of the human desire to know the ‘anqwer30 thy meaning of Hstence, but is . confronted by a silent universe. Human existence is therefore senseless,


radical change.” Canadian non-leadership in, reducing energyconsumptionisasymptomofthisproblem Canadians are the worse wasters of energy per capita in the world, she said. May was full of practical suggestions about what youth an do to affect the intematiord agenda at the upcoming United Nations conference on Environment and Development. * Fit, “affect the international process at the UN (United Nations) level, and I actually believe we can ail do that,,, she said. Second, affect Canada’s behavior and negotiating position The- WEB international computer network disseminates information about the UN ronfkrence under UNCElIgeneral and UNCED.documents and is accessible to WV students (see your faculty computer adviser). Encouraging your mayor to adopt the 20 percent cut in carbon dioxide- emissions by the year 2UOO is another way to affect Canada’s position on a local level, says May. So far, only Toronto, Vancouver and S&atoon have adoptpolicy. This would mean the city would have to look at their public transportation systems, building

The contrast b&een the development of environmental thought from main-stream philosophers and rnargihalized groups was iI.lunGnated in the panel discussion on alternative approaches to environmentalism. Despite their diverse @ersonal backgrounds, the ‘panelists agreed that we are at a turning point in our ethical development. “A new environm&al politics requires a generation of new definitions of human said Peter Timmerman, research nature,” associate at the University of Toronto’s environmental studies institute. ‘The source of these new definitions must be from an unpolluted origin.,, ‘Lionel Rubinoff, philosophy professor at Trent university, believed that the mysticaI sacred view of nature was overtaken by rationality in our western scientific paradigm. The root of environmentai cris& liies in the domination of nature and the mechanical view of nature in Baconian science,” he said. “If westerns wish to solve the environmental crisii, they must stop ma@&zing native people,” said Buss@ Diabo, advisor to the hrrier Lake Algonquins. North Americans shouId stop looking at Brazil’s problems and start looking at their own, he told the audie&e. The largest clearcut in the world is riot in the Amazon, but in British Columbia a 180 square mile clearcut near Prince George that is visible from space. Ecofeminism is an attempt to redress the historical control and domination of nature and women by men, said Judy Smith, an environmental consultanL Thjz leaders of the


page l@



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16 Imprint, Friday,March 22, 1991


4 l cont’d. from page,14a


therefore I am byFhil@Chee Imprint staff


Student activism first envirunmental gro&~~ in Canada were mainly women. Today, women members comprise the majority of many of the global environmental grassroots movements. “Ecofeminism is not an attempt td’ replace patriarchy with matriarchy,” she said, while emphasizing &te need for female representation hi demon-making roles. Diabo and Smith provided art alternative indigenous. and feminine perspective to the present scientific view of environmentalism under challenge from the critics like Rubinoff and Timmerman.


Ever since the mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes declared, ‘9 think, therefore I am,” we have been in a knowledge crisis termed the Cutisian mudblock. In other words, we start with certain knowledge about the self, and how we perceive it, and stop there. We can understand who we are in some hazy concept called the mind, but we draw a line and place the rest of. the world on the other side and call it matter, including our body. This philosophical doctrine has been the basis for modern science over the last 300 years, Classical Newtonian physics, atomic

What is more real: a botanical description of a trillium, telling us that it is so many centimetres long, has this many petals, and the colour is due to @e reflection of light with a wavelength of approximately so many nanometres; or the fact that it is a beautiful white flower that blossbms every summqr in southern Ontario? Descartes would say the former. So when Descartes split the self and the world, we have tended to take the mathematical description as the true, certain reality. But consciousness is *always consciousness of something - the world. Galileo asked us to see the world as if we did not exist. This is one of the teqets of the scientific method: the objective obsenrer,

Or, ifvpu will, a gorilla in a 200.It is not u creutzure ’ calleda gorilla at all, butjust a gorillu - shaped imitation of a socialbeing.* chemistry, molecular biology, and behavioural psychology: all our technological modern miracle achievements, from medicine to Nintendo war toys, owes a debt to this legacy. But at the same time, nxqny writers, philosophers, scientists, and people in gene@ have wondered, Why don’t our experiences of the world always mesh with the beliefs of the world? There are two assumptions working here. First, there is an external world - a world beyond our beliefs and experiences - which is not affected by what we happen to believe about it. Second, we cannot ever make direct contact with the world, only with our ideas, beliefs, and sensations of the world. In fact we can never be sure that we know the world at



for change

Students retumqd to their campuses across Canada with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and confidence in their ability to effect social1 change. Resulting from the conterence was a student position yhich the youth ambassador to the UN environment program, Brock IXkinson, will take to a prvatory UN conference in Geneva thk week Iiqpmsh is an interdisciplinary international organization which deals wlu~ the ethics of sciehce and technology. For more information about the UW student Pugwash cd Andrew at 7254576.


totally divorced from &e world; making sure he or she does not bias the investigation with I values. Or, if you will, a gorilla in 3 zoo. It @ not a creature called a gorilla at a& but just a gorilla-shaped imitation of a +al being Maybe that is why we have been having trouble with this thing called Nature. If% human beings cany width-them a psychological map with all the ideas of the world as placeson this map, Nature is not on it. lam.Ourbeingisalwaysbeingintheworld and is not just through our thortghts. We we a web of relati&~~hips. We know the world through our involvement. We go about our lives wing about things. And the m&e you care about it, the more real it becomes. My challenge to Science: can you make me care about q-&ter in motion?











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Imprint, Friday, March -22, 1991 L


The relationship must be grounded by a moral law and not by utility or consent. And finally, we must respect and honour ourselves

l cont’d. from page 140

A personalist philosophy


empty, and trivial which gives rise to dread, ex P erience. ‘We need to suspend, for the moment, the anxiety, despair, and self-doubt. The 1 individual has no guide but himself and, by presumption of the ontological significance of our constructs, including our conception of _ necessity, must choose how to live in this inationd world. God, as Nietzsche pointed nature as ‘ma&al and-look to ex*ence out, is dead and did not have to be a~ withafresheye...andask,...justwhatitis hypothesis to explain the ieal world. that in truth presetits itselfin lived experience. From this context, Kohak forms a peritself.“He means by putting things in perspecsomlist philosophy, borrowing -tie vitalist tive. idea of giving meaning to temporal existence But this theoretical bracketing (of science) while rejecting a me&a&al -mture. Nature is idealistic and must also involve the practical has a moral order which guides us in making bracketing of the artifacts produced by our ethical decisions and it is through nature that technological constructs. That is, we must also god can be glimpsed, contrary to existenset aside our technological achievements for tialism, He does agree with the vitalist ti the moment, and find out the experiential existentialist notion that the starting point of vakiity of our anedicines and electric ‘lights p&sophy and knowledge is the self. and -“&.&over their forgotten mean@.” The characteristics of the “Person~‘and perThis is important since our present crisis is sonsdity are the keys to understanding the one of “self-forgett&g/ of losing the moral universe, since existence is the expression of ’ subject in our works, of why we have these this universal personaI consciousness. tds. 1

and not



showing us the rhythms of life. And because we can do good and evil, which is the product of our freedom and choice. We can maybe make our world more personal by seeing things in a personal way. Such is the reasoning behind the “I&our ‘of love” where a homemade loaf of brea@ contains the love of the person who baked it as opposed to. the impersonaIity of a store bought, massproduced loaf. However, whether the ultimate grounding is in god, is stiU. pbblematic, but does not necessarily mean an atheist cannot be a personalist, since personali& ideas do present a metaphor for living. As Frederick Turner in Beyond Gmgmphy says, myth is necessary for survival and the personal&tic philosophypresents a solid metaphor to guide our actions, actions thiit are human.

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not be expMzed by anything else. Reality becomes a sy&em of persons and p&He also talks about radical bracketing. sonalities. These persons are irreducible and I where dusk, the time between n&M and day, cannot be explainedby anything else. Natural when bucketed, allows us to see meaningful thing and intuition can both be used to help being Or when night is bracketed, it presents us Identify the pexsod us the gifts of da&n-, solitude, and p& With this philosophy, the et& moral which themselves can be used as xz~dical bratorder transects the vital order of time, providkets to see m&ningM be@ For: example, by ing a noninstrumental value of being that is bracketing crowds, where society is built on nontemporal and absolute. ‘The beauty of a consensus, we realize that loneliness is really triIIim the truth of an insight, the goodness the fdng of not+elon@ng. p His ideas for re-personalization of our ofagestureofkirr’dness,orthe~oftragedy have *eir ab&ute value, ingressing in , relationships can best be summed up as an but independent of it” environmentql ethic We must h&our atd To attain the pemnal@t viewpoint and respect inanimate things (our a&acts) in whichwe%sGtup,wearitout,makeitdo,do overcome the sci&ism an%I mate&l&n construc@thatobscur&hemoralord43*0f~ without,” dl with a sense of distributive ju& Kdtak says we must look at thP?orhi tice. &&mte things, animals and plants; must phenomenologicalIy in the way of Edmund be honour+ and respected, used only whti HusserL It is a pre-philosophic4 look at the& is a need, and spoken for and asked for existence/experience with no preconep them atcordingly. tions. The method is c&d bmhting, a sort . We must honour and re&ct others and of taking off your glasses, suspending your treat them as an end, not use them as a means. : bdiefs, to see the structure of your . .’ c c


but bearers of the tioral law (truth), beauty, g’oodness, and the holy. This view of re-personalization is pmfoun$1~ insightful more so because it is a reasonable way for us to live in an ecologicaI way with our environment. Granted, such a. “revolution 6f hearts and minds” seems difficult. In our age; we tend to dismiss such truths as %aively simple.” But maybe this is the point, this miracle that is Iife. To me, this view Of re-personalization is a ‘positive one. The bracketig helps us to understand the human’s justification and lace in nature through the simple fact of Ee ing and the vital order of time, the latter,

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V-ball Warriors capture third pkzce in upset-filled nationds A



by Rich Nichol hIprid 23porb r . For the second straight year the University of Waterloo Warrior volleyball team has cap tured the bronze medal at the CLAU men’s national volleyball championships, held at hml University in Quebec City this past weekend. This year, however, Waterloo had to work for it even harder. . The Warriors, entering the event as the seventh seed, captured third place in a 3-2 squeaker over the Sherbrooke Vert et Or with game scores of 15-l 1,7-15,15-lO, ll-15, and 15-8. “Just incredible,,” is how UW power hitter and two-time All-Canadian Steve Smith described the team’s efforts. “We had a great tournament. All the guys just came together and it seemed like everything was put behind us, all the bad games that we played and all the losses that we should have won. We came up big and I think we showed a lot of people that we have a good vobeyball program at Waterloo.” Steve’s twin brother Scott paced the attack for the Warriors in the medal win with 32 kills and seven stuff blocks for 39 points. He received Player of the Game honours for his performance. Steve meanwhile, collected 30 points on 22 kills, seven stuff blocks, and one service ace. Junior middle William Zabjek scored 27 points in a defensive role with 12 stuff bIocks, and added 13 kiUs and two aces. The Manitoba Bisons had no problem disposing of the Toronto Varsity Blues in the gold medal match 3-O (15-7, 15-8, 15-7). Toronto thus received the silver medal in the tourna-

ment. Manitoba last won the national championship in 1984-85. Talk about tipsets. The elite teams had dismaLshowings. The no. 1 seeded host Laval Rouge et Or finished the eight-team toumament in sixth, the no. 2 seed Calgary Dinosaurs placed sev@h, and the no. 4 seed Dalhousie Tigers finished eighth overall. After the t&le match, the tournament allstz& were announced and Waterloo’s Smith twins were among the chosen. Scott led all players in the event with 111 points on 95 kills, 14 stuff blocks, and two service aces. The previous Wednesday night at the All- Canadians Banquet, the Warriors were shocked to learn that Scott went unrecognized on the first or second team. So he proved the voters wrong with his performance on the weekend. “Being selected to the all-star team was prc+ bably better than winning an All-Canadian selection,” said Scott Smith ‘Throughout the year everyone has highs and lows and some people only see you play in your lows or only in your highs. But at the CIAUs, everyone sees you play. If you play well for three matches and get picked, it’s that much more specialbecauseyou areplayingwith a lot of pat All-Canadians.” Steve achieved his second consecutive ClAU championship all-star team selection by accumulating 80 points (67 kills, 10 stuff blocks, and three aces). Zabjek finished the tournament in the top -three in stuff blocks with 29‘oh 128 attempts. Joining the Smiths on the all-star team were three other power hitters, Sherbrooke ju.n@ Christian mviere, McMaster freshman Mike Cwupka, and Toronto senior Edgar Lueg, along with Manitoba fifth-year setter Dale Iwanoczko. Manitoba power hitter Steve Welch took to umament MVP honours. ‘This summer, Steve Smith will try out for the national team, of which he has been a member tir the past two years, However, he .

UW vateran poww hitter Scott Smith (above in Muck) topped the national townament all-star list with 111 poInts on 95 kI& 14 atdf u and two wvice Photo by Rich Nichoi

doesn’ttieoutplayingafifthandfinalyearof eligibility with the Wtiors next fall. In the consolation f&I, the fifth-seeded McMaster Marauders defeated Lava1 (15-7, 15-6, 13-15, 15-12) for fifth place overall, whiIe the hosts finished sixth. Calgary (no. 2) swept fourth-seeded Dalhousie 3-O (15-4,1510,154) to capture the tournament’s seventh rank. Therefore, Dalhousie finished last in the field of eight. The Warriors started the nationals in a quarter-finals bout with Calgary Dinosaurs. Well, it ended up with the familiar scenario of David beating Goliath. In a gutsy come-from-. behind performance, the seventh-seeded Warriors upet the no. 2 iranked mos 3-2. And the sweetest thing about the win was that Waterloo, on the brink of defeat after drQp ping the first two games 16-14 and 15-10, pulled together to tin the last three 115”7,156, and 15-11. The most priceless moment in the match was at the end when CIAO Player of the Year Tom Elser served m&h point into the net for Waterloo. Earlier in the game, he took a Steve Smith spike off the old bean and had to sit for five minutes. “Game 2 was the worst @me we’ve played ‘all year,” said UW head coach Scott Shantz. “Then to turn it all around, our .players reached way down inside and reaUy showed scum guts to come back like that” Shantz retxfled that this was the first time Waterloo had beaten Calgary “m over 11 years, since the ~arrl’s en=@ him Steve Smith tqqxd Waterloo’s score sneet with 28 points un 24 kib, two aces# ltfad two stuff blocks, plus 23 digs and four recovtrries, receiving player-of&-e honi#us. Broth&r Scott (no, he’s not a mo&) foilowed close behind with 23 kills and four stuff blocks for 27 @nts and also scooped a season high 22 digs and three recoveries. Uw veterans Tony Martins, Bob Eichvald, and Dave Balodis also had high dig numbers

photo by Rich Nichol

with 12,10, and 9 digs respectively. Martins, the team captain and starting setter, had a setting accuracy of 94 per cent in the match. Zabjek added 15 points, including a team high eight stuff blocks, and four recoveries. But Waterloo’s win wasn’t the only surprise in the opening round. Laval, the defending champion, was shocked by Sherbrooke in a three game sweep (15-10, 15-8, 15X!),. and Toronto upset Dalhousie 3-2 (ll-15,15-3,815, 16-14, 15-13). Manitoba was the ody favorite to win, beating McMaster 3-O (15-8, 15-13,x-14). The Warriors’ semi-final opponent turned to be the same as at last year’s nationals, Manitoba. And, once again, Waterloo’s old nemesiS prevailed 3-1, with nail-biting game scores of 15-13,8-15,15-12, and 16-14. But the mighty Plague didn’t go down without a fight. The match took two-and-ahalf hours to complete only four games. At times, there were over 12 sideouts between ‘points ‘That was a well fought match and it could have gone @ther way,” said S+mtz. ‘They (Manitoba) were up 6-l in Game 4 and we rallied back for 10 straight points to make it ‘11-6. But then Ithinkh+ianito* got a few more ~andthekeypointsatthenghttimesinthe e to win the match That should have e n the fmal because of how close it was, but the match was the luck of the draw.” ‘Normally shadowed by his All-Canadian brother, Scott Smith took the limelight in the match. l-k accumulated a career high 45 points ~0n~isting uf 40 kills, two service aces and three stuff bIo&s. Steve also contributed 22 ints on 21 ldls and one monster ace. to the championship . r oronto advanced match after aJ-1 win over Sherbrooke. Game scores were 15-7,15-2, S-15, and 17-15. In the consolation semi-finals, Calgary was upset once again, this time by McMaster 3-l (15-l 1, 14-16, 15-4, 15-12), while Laval disposed of Dalhousie 3-l (16-14, 15-13; l3-15,15-9).




Leafs-Y golfin’, Y Jmt a Warrior



Imprint spa-

Despite the momentum generated by a hometown cfowd and a scoreboard advantage for most of the game, the hockey warriors could not close the door on the Tmis-Rivieres Patriotes. They had their hopes of an 0UA.A championship dashed last Saturday night at the Columbia Icefield. The PWioteS rallied late in games 1 and 2 to defeat the Warriors 5-3 in Trois-Ritieres last Thursday and 5-2 at the Icefield and sweep the best-ofthree series and claim their first Queen’s cup ever. The Warrio= can stiIl avenge the l&s when both teams participate in the Nationals this weekend at Varsity Awna in Toronto. In tonight’s (Friday’s) semi-final at 7~30 pm, Trois-Rvieres takes on the Atlantic league representative University of Prince Edward Island Panthers. Tomorrow (Saturday) at 2:OU pm, Waterloo meets the Alberta Golden



” .‘. miay, March 22# 7:30 pm TV: TSN (tape delay) 11:30 pm

Nathd ranking: 1st Co&rence champions:



League record: 17-4-l Head coach: Dany Dube Prince Edward



National ranking: 4th Conference champions:. AUAA League record: 1411-l Head coach: Billy MacMillan

Waterloo Saturday, TV: TSN

Warriur fwward

Mike McKay (30) gives an unidedfied

player a take uf kefidd pkxigbs. Bears, champions from the Canada West league. (UPEI upset Dalhousie in the Atlantic final while Alberta downed Regina, winners over highly touted Calgary, in Canada West playoff action). The final takes place at 1~00 pm on Sunday. Although the Warriors came up short last V Saturday, coach Don McKee felt that the team can learn a lesson from it in time for the +&lationals. ‘We know thtit we Iost the game tonight becatise of three or four mental mis&kes and if we remove thosk mistakes~win the hockey game. So I think We can turn this into an sure we don’t repeit it” The Warriors played anaggressive, ~lose-checking game in an attempt. to &de the explosive and S&X&I &&qg patriotes. And after Dave Lore& and Rod Thacker set up rrach other for second-period g&Is it looked like the strategy was on track But before the period Gas over, the xiatriotes swarmed the tiring Warriors and Jean Bois finished off a three-onone rush by tucking a return pass by UW ‘netminder Steve Udvari to kindle the UQTR fire. ‘in the third, the alert Patriotes were off end what little space they needed to score four goals, three of which were on giveaways. Serge Breton


Photo byPaul


Rivieres, Woods opened up a l-0 Waterloo lead when he scored on a breakaway at 6:% of the first peri& Bergeron countered for UQTR at 1095, and the match remained deadlocked until late in the second period. With the seconds ticking down on the ctock, Udvari inadver-’ tently played a puck around the boards that was corralled at the point by lmranger and relayed into the Warrior net with one second left. In the third, MicheI Bedard and Eric Girard scored to put UQTR up 4 1 by 3:33. Darren Snyder notched a power pIay marker for Waterloo at 5:33 and the Warriors almost pulled within one but Dave Lorentz’s shorthanded breakaway shot that slipped through Desbiens rolled just wide of the net. Bois added UQTR’s final-goal and third of the frame at 12:31, which was of concern to Warrior captain Clark Day. ‘it’s uncharacteristic of us to give up so many go& in the third period. I’m not quite sure what the reasons are,” said Day, after the series was over. *But we regroup, . . . we leave

bkisted an errant Steve- Woods clearing pass past a surprised Udvari while Stephahe Groleau and Jean Bergeron pounced on loose pucks to add two breakaway markers. Francois Loragger scored the other UQTR goal on a power play. Waterloo had good scoring chances themselves right off the top of the period! but Thacker’s shot from the point, bouncing teasingly up in the air, was gloved by UQTR backstop Denis Desbkns and Tony Crisp’s rifle shot from 10 feet out ricocheted of the near post and out of the zone. Steve Richard scored Waterloo’s third marker on a controversial pIay d&cted up and hit the wooden Ic&eld ceiling but since no official whistled the play dead, Pat Daly we,tedlittletimeinservingupapassto Richard who put it h,igh over Desbiens’ should&. ‘T&is-Rivieres Coach Dany Dube said his team tried td weather the belligerent Warrior at&k and what he claimed was a homesided referee, with a cool head. ‘“iou try to improve your mental toughness, keep your mind on the ice, and try to play hockey. How can you beat them if you don’t play hockey? But it’s a great comeback for us and we’re happy,” said Dube. In Game

1 of the series in Trois-

UW Athletic

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National ranking: 2nd Conhrence champions: CWUAA League record: 18-6-2 Head coach: Ml Moores

Sunday, March 24,l:OO pm TV: TSN (live) 1:OO pm


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23,2:00 pm ’ (tape delay) 8:OO pm

National ranking: 3rd Conference champions: West League record: 18-2-2 Head coach: Don McKee


Beception 5 p.m. ; Dinner 6 p.m, Awards and Dance to follow

vs Alberta


While it% WaterIoo’s first trip to the Nationals in 17 years, Trois-Rivieres is no stranger to the country-wide final. They were defeated by Laurier - in the semi-finals last year and won the event in the 198687 season. The Patriotes were amalgamated into the Ontario league aIong with McGill and Concordia four years ago aftex their Quebec league was disbanded. McKee stressed that goaltending as usual, will lx critical in Toronto. ‘7 think the key component is goaltending” said McKee. “When you go to the Nationals, it’s been proven over and over, whoever has the best goaltender will most liiely win the series. I think both Trois-Rivieres and ourselves have excellent goaltending and it’s going to be how those guys prepare themselves for next weekend and what they can do. I think Trois-Rivieres has a bit more firepower than we do.. . but I believe we’ve got rwork ethic and desire and that will show for US.”

at The Twist Thursday, March 28.



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20 Imprint, Friday, March 22, 1991




VanKoughnett polishes of banner year with CIAU rookie hardware Warrior


by Rich Nicbol Imprint sports There’s bne thing Waterloo varsity basketball enthus:iasts have got to ask after watching freshman star Sean VanKoughnett light up the woreboard this season. Is there a limit to this man’s potential? . Capping off a banner year, the lean six-foot-seven, 180-pound swingman received the highest honour for a bt-year player, the. Canadian [nterunivetiity Athletic Union’s rookie of the year, at the AllCanadian’s Banquet last Thursday in Halifax. 5 “It is really nice to be recognized,” said the elated VanKoughnett. “I couldn’t really ask for more.” This marks the first time a Waterloo layer has received the award. VanL ghnett also became the first Freshman ever to win the Ontario Universities Athletic Associatitin’s West Division scoring championship,

amassing 21.7 points per game over the 1990-91 campaign. He made a late season surge to capture the title, scoring 27 points against McMaster and 49 points in the Warriors’spectacuIar home-court upset of the no. 1 ranked,,Westem Mustangs to round out league play. Adding to his list of accolades, VanKoughnett was given OUAA and CIAU athlete of the week recognition that week. The foilowing we&, -he drained 40 points in Waterloo’s quarter-final loss to BlXKk. Vtioughnett’s 49-point outbtimt established a school record for most points in a regular season game. The late great Mike Moser holds the alltime UW record for individual points in a game at 53, set in a bronze medal game at’ the 1974 CIAU charnpionships. VanKoughnett’s &or show was just one point short of the OUAA league mark of 50 set in 1982 by York’s David Coulthard, in a battle with Toronto. . Warrior skipper Don McCrae in an interview at the end of the season VanKuughnett as, . described “tremendously consistent. He

opened up with 33 points and finished with 49 and 40 point efforts, a bon&de aIl-&ar. He makesit easier for me to coach.” After his senior year at Bluevale Collegiate in Waterloo, VanKwughnett received offers from scouts at over three dozen American I colleges “If I went down to a lot of the schools in the States, it’s a good possibility I wouldn’t get a lot of playing time my first couple of years,” explained VanKoughnett. ‘The reason why 1 play basketball is to do just that, play basketball. Unless you’re going to make the NBA, I don’t really see it as a great advantage going down there. I just want to have as much fun as possible and that involves getting as much playing time as possible. I don’t regret my decision at all.“ And if fun is correlated with playing time, VanKoughnett must have had a ball this past year. He logged an A rare moment when Sean ii&t average of 36 minutes on the court in each 40 minute game. No doubt his oxygen-back into his blood, and to four minutes on the bench was keep his statisticians from getting usualIy a recovery period to getsome writer’s cramp, The hornet&n recruit is almost a shoo-in at the national junior team tryouts on May 1st. VanKoughnett has been a player on the team for the past two years. Once a roster is established, the players will begin (equipped with your pots and pans) training sessions to prepare for a tour and catch some great hockey action. of Europe, a couple of games in the U.S., and finally the World ChamC-R Championship games go on this Sunday, March 24 from 5 pm pionship Tournament in Edmonton until midnight and admission is free. in early August. Although he is glad to take a break And for you hockey buffs who just can’t get enough, come out on Monfrombasketball for the next six weeks before the national teamtryouts~.Vanday, March 25 to ~Columbia and see Koughnett already has n+t season the WLU Cahpus Ret J’A” League on his mind. champs try to avenie their varsity ‘I think about next season all the teams loss to our Warriors when they time, especially when I’m playing try to take our C-R”A”LRague victors pick-up in the gym with some of the in an exhibition game. Game time is 9 guys,” he admitted. ‘But it’s really Pm* Again, it’s been a great t&g for all who put an effort into making it a super time by getting out and taking ~m&tive&in....ADailyPlan for Life! Th& to all the C-R staff for their weekly input and advice. I’ll leave you with a quote I began with in January. Active Living means moving everyday, a little more, a little more often. So, no matter what activity may be staring you in the face that you’re trying to taUc yourself out of doing, With your HQS& John just do it ‘cause a little fitness does a a great summer, lot. Have everyone!

+Czimpus ,Recreation ‘b Campus Ret’ by Barbara Jo Green Imprint sports

The term is slowly coming to an end and I almost hate to admit it, but I’ll miss writing this little blurb every week It’s been a good term for Campus Ret and for all of you who stayed active, thanks for coming out! Congratulations to all of those individuals who participated in the Dance for Heart on March 9. The dance exercise was a fabulous success and a whopping $8259.43 was raised for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Hope to see you all out again next Ye= 1 C-R Ice Ho&y


In the rock’em sock’emworld of ice hockey, the Leafs have already renewed their golf and country club memberships, the Warriors are com-

pethg for the National title, and the men’s Ice Hockey Champions here at UW are being decided this week. In the “A” League, the undefeated Worriers (not Wtiors) look like strong contenders, as do the Arctic Tundra who are trying to repeat as champs. In the “B” League, St. Jerome’s College and the Aces both finished with perfect 5-Q records and the remaining three teams rounding out in the top five are Dynamo, Shapely Buttocks, and Mech’s Calibur. In firit round play, the Chiefs took over the tide of dragon slayers (from the Richmond Spiders) by upsetting the no. 1 SJC $&in overtime. This leaves the door wide open for any team to take the crown. Finally, in ‘the “Non-Contact”. League, the @p-seeded Pas Puckers were dumped on by Ozone Friendly 6-3, while those prime-time cartoon misfits, The Simpsons, choked the Screaming Chicken&2. For those of you who can’t make it to Toronto to &pport our Warriors, come on out to the Icefields



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‘Tm just happy r-i&i &&’ & be recognized. If teams try to give extra attention to one guy on our team, they are going to get bumedbeca~ we will have more than one guy who can score a lot of points next year.”

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Imprint file photo hard to tell what is going to happen. It all depends on which playerswillbe recruited to which schools and which players will be returning. You can speculate all you want, but you really won’t know until September.” One thing is certain VanKoughnett wilI receive more attention from his opponentsnext season, but he does not feel he will have to change his game plan “It is going to be different in the years to come because I will not have to take on as much of a scoring role with the good players that wiIl be here in the coming years,” he said,

* Hear all the scores onCKMS~FM


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Theatre tri&Tartuffe ters is the oft insighdul Cleante, CQXU-S with the maid,. Dorine, and played by Craig Mason, whose carnivorous Tartuffe. Though not uncanny knack for pointing out the members of the bourgeois proper, these two characters live off it:’ painfully obtious is handled with muted flare. Cathy Haavaldsrud’s &mine, the symbiotic servatlt and Mme. Pemelle is also purposefully Zwtuffe, the parasitical house guest The- critique of ‘power structures is restrained. The most tame player was much stronger with this ada@ation. by far TKnez&‘s Fl$ote, who without any dialogue got some of the .The plaY, itself is animated and fast muving. Lur‘ninous perfonnarps most rewarding laughs of *e evenwere turned in all round. Andrew ing as Mme. Pemelle’s brow beat maid. Tim Rodgers and John Salvini and Kim Motz find happy When performing a play that is Rukati both added to the culour of the play balance in their portrayals of Ckgon revered as a time-honoud &sic, and Elmite;the master and m%dame and helped to build to a hilarious endthere is the incumbent Problem of of the house, Motz presents theclisafing. choosing a presentation which will The most incar&cent and spanfectedsecondwife&thacasualgrace m&e relevant its antiquated taneous performances were Karen that works especially well in her features. Morton’s lusty Dorine and Mark j seduction scene with T&e. Besides giving the play a ‘facelift, Houlahan’s T&e. Played to excess, RukaVina -is c@nvincing as the the director must attempt to n&ate both actors bring to life the best of the the impact it origin+ly had, hi&, if’ father smitten with the Pious T-e, play’s dialo*e, both with each other a clever’ trick which &en cm&es 300 years old, is not an easy thing. and with other characters. Ho&n unbelievable motivation in other proDarlene Spencer has succeeded. delivers T-s coruscating ‘wit ductions. -Rukavina -holds the lpart lbsday night, the University of with poised~dignity that cap-the with confidence and the fear&his Waterloo drank department opened self-righteous without -lent patfamily holds ior him is believable. Turtuffe, to an e~~thusiastic crowd. ronfiation. of special note is M&y Moore and Bernard Kearney Moliere’s satire is cleverly updated Houlahan’s slick ability to appear . bante&ci well togethei as &ntagOnizfrom the 17th century Frerich ru@g slimy but intriguing with only l+ preing siblings Marianne .and Dti. class to contemporary uppemlass Moore moves. smoothly between the . sence and his sweat. Arneiica; George Bush, apple pie, et @sting tension of her and Keamey to ‘gl. The ,@alogue, which is entirely in the Passionate tension with h+r Lover This criticism of the ‘bourgeois verse, was delivered smoothly, for Valere, pbyed by Mark McGrinder. which Moliere made central to h& the most part, and created a sense of dimwittecand .templay is what Spencer plays upon .for . ~ Keamey’s intercourse which is the difficulty pered a bmor~i$qxi her effe& And it works. Subtle jal;rsat tith any play whose lines are as self&p+.& Damis was--f~&o;qiy~~dd ,theup~er-&ss &e better understood conscio~ as Tuttuffe’s rhyming touch of a costurn! provided by I.&by setting the play in &g-waving couplets. Instead of a continuous nox w’s trainer is especially’ America with each character creating series of monologues or soliloquies, savorous. ~a of the one&ensional culture. the characters create dynamic Complementing the loud chara& r e oniy real character development interaction. A triumphant _ Pro-

and triuinphs

Tartufik V-W T&me ofthe Am March 19,21-23,1991

duction fOf Spencer, who has inspired much anticipation in wait for her next production. Maybe the movies next? The play is running tonight and Sawday night with a small and very

reasonable price ($5 for students and seniors, $7 for others), and its light fare with subtledark barbsare a perfeet &traction from those end of term essays and last minute aignments.

-Allen and Midler. shine as

Is your name really Woody or are you just happy to see me? !kenesc)Fom


a Mail

by Paul Mazursky


by Jennifer Epps hnprint staff I almost got locked in the theatre ‘when I saw Seena fmm u Mull; the staff weren’t used to people actually buying tickets for the film. It’s unfair that this mo.vie has bombed so badly, because it does have some &arms. Some of the “scenes,” for instance, work But it’s true that the movie never really gets off the ground.

Paul Mazursky is quite a versatile director, he experiments in contrasting styles’ - An Unmanied Wuman, MoscOw On the Hudwn, Down and Uut in Beverly HiUs, Enemis A Love Stury - and he also continues 40 act in colourful fringe roles in other people’s inovies. &erzrs is andher experimenf, and as they taught. us in grade seven science class, there are no “failed” experiinents, only experiments that yield different resuIts thqn expected. Mazursky has probabiy Ieamed a lot from this film. First, he has undoubtedly learned what most of us have suspected all along: Woody Allen really can’t play anyone except. -himself. Mazursky

cast Allen as Nick, a bay, highlypaid sales e?cuuve who wears a pony tail and expensive clothes, His wife is played by Bette Idler, and her character is a cheerful, sophisticated psychologist; her new bdok about renewing marriage commitments is selling well. It’s ‘the couple’s 16th anniversary, and, in the few minutes at thee house before they go to the mall, they talk about why they’ve lasted so long. @hey also make hurried, distracted love - he wtits to watch his “favourite show,” the shopping channel, and she stops everything for. a distressed call from a patient.) With the kids gone, they have nothing left to do to celebrate after that, so they go Christmas shopping. After a few rounds of the mall, Nick suddenly feels compelled to tell his wife about his affair. Then he tells her about the other ones. It turns out that she haIs secreti of her own. The film becomes a series of reversals, revelations, and reconciliations as. the pair wages a verbal battle between the boutiques and G&. There is a reasonable amount-of potential in this idea.. The protagonists are fantastically eloquent; it’s a cerebral break-up. That’s intentiuna1 in the screenplay Mazursky co-wrote with Roger L Simon. Mazursky and Simon are try@ to deal with all the relationship jargon that is part of modem pop psycholOgYAt the same time, they’re making fun of the materialistic consciousness in the upper classes of this BeverIy Hills neighbourhood. But We tan’t reallv think about these


issues m&mse it’s tdo‘ hard to listen sation or the bouts of slapstick Why to Allen for so long; withotit the jazz did Nick choose this momerit to and the gags he puts in his 0~ shatter his spouse’s illusions? Why movies, it’s just us alone with his doesn’t either of them leave the whining. He sounds as if he’s mall? Isn’t it likely that these social improvising desperatelyc through- ’ butt&lies might run into someone out the movie - as if no-one gave they know there? Wouldn’t it be a bit him a script. It’s’ painful to witness. more exciting if they interacted a litAil the more So since Midler is doing tle with other pfjqde at some some of her most subtle, minute a& point? ing since I& Rose; she plays great We don’t have any sense of the small com.edy here, ,when she gets ym they spent tcygether~ There are the*ce.’ ’ a few tok& att&npts to fashion a Another lesson. Mazursky ,proreality; Midler’s character dls her bably .leam& )S the importance of husband “Niki-sari,” and later, in a‘ avoiding ‘the middle ground. This fit of anger, says how much she film is lmckq! by Touc.hWne,‘which hat& the way he “eats Kleenex” .launched Bette Midler’s comeback when he’s nervous. They recall a As such, a inumber of people profew past vacations and so on, but bably went to it expecting a cornthey simply are not the fullypIetely different kind of comedy. realized beings esential for this Sometimes they get it. There’s a kind of drama, a character study. broad comedy scene in a movie Perhaps casting someone else, thqttre, when the lovers have sex like Dudley Moore, for instance, while watching Salaam. Bombay. might have given the film a chance, There is also .a mime who keeps, might have given Midler someone hu-ning up and doing essentially the to bounce off. Perhaps doing somesame businesS over and over. Those thing different with the cintwo jokes themselves ‘are hybrid ematography might have helped; as moments, half-broad, half” it is, there’s a lot of gliding and divexclusive. This approach &mpIy ii~g,, and it just makes the subjects as doesn’t jibe with the situation, the superficially sparkly as the items in concept of one long marital the shop *windows. But I suspect th& exchange, and lives b&ing revealed the real problem lies in Mazursky’s through wk. confusion over what he istrying to The title is a spin on Ingmar express. Bergman’s &&IRS jum a Mar?iage, s It’s OK to ask questions in a film, and the film does in fact have the (that’s what Bergman says he has kind 01 claustrophobic feeling always dohf?) and it’s OK n& to Bergman’s’ movies often have. (I’m answer those questions. L. a’rplie~ A not saying this is necessarily’desirLme story was intangible, too, but in able.) But the rhythm is so awkward; resonating ways. The basic trouble is it stumbles like a hastily-written that Scemsjhm a Mall is so intangible sketch, or series of .sketches, and, it simply isn’t the* at alL there’s no lotic to either the conver-


Imjxint, Friday, March

22, 1991

Art,y/ddn tewiew

.-The Eleventh- untitl-ed’ Dream For the new record, Lived to Tell, all the band members contributed songwriting and then brought it all together. “There’s a lot more variety on this re,cord, We have a sax on one song - now, I usually hate horns, but this one has a sort of wild, freeform sound to it. There’s also an acoustic song that, ends the albuh.” This is’ indeed a departure for the usually staunchly hard rock Dream Day.

by Derek We% Imprint staff Chicago’s Eleventh Drearh Day gained some serious attention last year with their fabbo major-label debut I&H. Their bristling, meIodic guitar rock doesn’t sound all that different from many other bands, except for their mastery of that magical thing called the chord change. So now, it’s a year later and they’re touring in support of a brand-new LP called Liv4d ~CJ Tell. Rick Rizzo, founder, vocalist, gUarist, gave us a calI from Boston, where the band had just played for two nights.


Rizzo tends toward suspicion of an overly-produced sound: “I sort of equate that idea with a sold-out sound.” On Lived to ??ll, as on alI their records, Eleventh Dream Day sought to capture “that live sound, and make it really dynamic.” Accordingly, the entire album was recorded in only “six or seven days. We’ve never had the month or two months that some bands’ have to make a record.”

They also tried something different by literally recording in a barn. “We used a mobile recording unit, the same one that we used for Beti, but we had to put electricity in (the barn)

“Some bands can compose records they couldn’t ever possibly play live, It sounds like something I might like to try one day - a&r all, people can only see you once live - but not

and everything. it was great. You muId recdd a.soq, then go out for a walk in the woods:1 thi& the record-

nowIf In making Lived to El/, the

Eleventh Dream Day ‘formed in Chi6ago in 1983, but have little connection to what was going on in that city at the time. Says Rick, “Janet (Beveridge Bean, drummer and cofounder) and ! were both from a Kentucky background, so we were away from the Chicago scene when Big Black and Nakd Raygun were starting. But it was a good scene; there were a lot of place$ to play, and radio picked up on us pretty well. In Chicago you’re not under the extreme scrutiny you would be in LA or New York” And has fhe Chicago scene changed in the past eight years ok so? ‘“yeh, it’s gotten b&r. There’s the Touch & Co l&e1 there now, with a lot ofgreat bands (like Killdoze! and Urge Overkill). And there’s no backstabbing; everyone’s very*supportive of e&h other.”

already completely recorded &hen they Were approached by Atlantic

Wde they may have been distinct horn the “Chicago scene,” the memlxn of Eleventh Dream Day did bring their own influences into the group* Rick confess& to a weakness for “the Dream Syndicate, Mission of Burma - big m kind.df stuff.” I YOU, how can you not love this man? Meanwhile, says Rick, ‘Tanet had a country an@e, arid B4rd (Figi, guitarist) brought In a blues kind of feel.” *

Records about a contract. While Rick is pleased with the handling Fnd reception of the I& album, he remains philosophical about life on a major IabeL For now, Rizw says AtIantic is pleased with the band’s commeti perf mmance, although of course %v&&u.aUy they’re going to want m * to r. progress . to _another ‘level. Eve*mliYf Y?UrE going to ~w to end up making money for them, or you’re go&’ .I


‘1 .f





Right now, Rizzo is pleased enough that the band siinpiy h the chance to keep making records. ‘There’s plenty ‘of alternative-type bands that are droppql after one record, like the Mekons.” ’ Should a similar fate befaIl Eleventh Dream Day, sztys R&zo;he would remain undaunted ‘We gI0 this for ourselves, and not for anyone else.” The thought of recording once again for indie label Amoeba does not strike fear into his heart; indeti, he is a QMe 1-q of comerckil SUCCW . ,-a.

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Back to the Drtiam Day, though, Besides muscular live nm-throughs of their album mateM, R&o do& promise a few treats., One of them is a . cover of Tom Verlaine’s gem “Breaking in l@y Heart” (which has also been done up quite welI live by the UK band Blue Aeroplanes).

Salads ,


very coyc3cbusthat they playing the tunes in confact, says Rho, they the solo acoustic song that album in qrder to include band.

Before- heading off on an.overseas jq.nt~ Eleventh Dream Day arefimshing up the North American leg of the tour, which includes a stOp at the Toronto club Lee’s Patlace tonight (yes, tonight, sp hurry on down). As a special l ’ treat, premier Toronto regulars 13 Engines ,A1 be opening up, and they’re well worth seeing in. their own right

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I ‘*I sort of get si&of bands being recognized for their covers,” =Ys Rho. “So for a while there, it was like ‘NOno covers.’ Now, though, this is one we’ve been doing.” The band has also been perhming a brand-new untitled song in their sets. “I tliink it’s good for people to hear it, so they11 know it when it comes out on the next album.,, And while


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of prenm-

talgic: “I remember seeing the Dream Syndicate on the L?ays of Wine and ROSPS tour, and they were playing “Bum” (a song that turned up a couple years later on their Medicine Show LP). When it finally came out on the record, it was like, Yeah!,,’ I say again, how can you not love this man?


that they are - prove that hip-hop is an equal-opportunity employer. After the brilliance that was their first album Strict& Business - an album I still return to more than three years later their follow-up, Unfinished Business was something df a letdown, containing some illadvised forays into higher-tempo rapping, along with a crappy prefab “Don’t Drive Drunk” song. This time, however, there’s no slippin’ and no haIf-steppin’; Business 13s Usual (I hope you’ve picked up on the thematic titles by now) is stompin’ from first cut to last - no fat (pardon the pun), no ballads, no filler.



Mwrisq?...or fans? ,





. 9





kiewicz makes them Iook burly and threatening. his artistic license has @@ted some of their heft upward from their bel&ds to their chesk In reality, EPMD - perky, lisping losers


Imprint staff Ifpmexp0sure

to rap is lhhd


Vanilla Ice hiding from K-W I’m not really stire when this disturbingly unequivocal self-pity crept into his work - very recently, 1 would guess - but it makes his music more than slightly tiresome. In the past (oh, how I long f6r those days), one could always reasonably expect a turn of phrase, a pull on the lyrical leg, to dissipate the leaden sadness which seemed to characterisea much of his music. Though the :musicians, led by guitarist Mark E Nevin of Fairground Attraction, create a satisfying swish and tinkle behind him, Morrissey is too lost in his bitterness and selfcommiseration to notice. Once upon a time, Morrissey twisted self-pity into something more worthwhile - “I dreamt about you last night, and I fell out QE bed twice” (“Reel around the Fountain”) - but now, there are no hooks buried in the bait - “WonZ somebody stop me from thinking all the time about everything so deeply so bleakly” (“Our Frank’?. Alas, there maybe very little life left in Steven’s Bones.

The opening cut “I’m Mad” establishes the general formula: slow, funky samples (thanks, JB), and oldschool bragging and boasting. There’s no pretense of substance (whoops, another’ fat joke) in their lyrics, instead their world view extends about as far as their garages, their penises, and their def fuotwear by PauI Done _ (even if they’ve never seen it!).. “Gold Ilnprint staff Digger”‘s classic couplet “Give her Assessing the current ‘state of fake talk, like ‘I love you so much’ / Monissey’s art, as compared to his when all the time I’m wishin’she gets hitbyaMacktruck”ensuresthatBusi’ fbrmer glories, is as easy as listenin to The Smiths’ classic single “Panic ’ nes us Uk4al ha? the necessary misalongside ‘@urnalists Who Lie,” a ogyny\quotient a song from the B-side of his newest The killer track on this album is 12” single, “Our Frank” Each of the “Give The People,” which deftl) songs deals with-a different facet of weaves a chunk of The 0’Jays”‘Give Motisey’s general distaste for pop the People What They Want,” into a ular culture, but while the former monster groove. approaches the topic of popular Though Erick Sermon and Parrish music and radio deejays with barbed Smith may be stylistically predictable, wit &d a sharp, satirical eye, “Jour&ey deliver consistent quality, and nal&ts Who Lie” is essentially a that is .worthy in and of it&fJll be maudlin, po-faced drone. enjoying this one for a while.

mainstream artists like Vtik Ice and MC Hammer, you might have been tricked into believing that svelteness and dancing ability are prerequisites for ‘rap. performers. EPMD, rap’s equivalent . . of Poison jdea, are proof gg

is it a black-eyed



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p’: l

24 Imprint, Friday, March 22, 1991.


And the one thing that makes this bandsoca,~-~4~nsiSthefactthatyou can’t pigeurb 40 +hn?l to just one other artist’s spin A~.~~P& Plant and Great Whitp leau vw%t Jack Russell ;ound like ant: ~w,,N Le same h the

Get hookedon Greut W@eZeppdin-esque sample ted L,ovin’.” Then there Aerosmith in “the tempo of “South Bay even Foreigner in the ballad “L~vin’Knd.“This

‘Cold Hearare echoes of knee-slappin’ Cities,” and babe-magrlet variety also



singer’s voice was described by one of my friends as The Go-go’s trying to to do a Lee Aaron song. To me it just* wunded like whinihg to a beat. The lyrics are sexually orientated but are rather ordinary and lack - ori*lity in their effort to arouse the audience. This band is frdm Australia, but sound noth.+g like any other band from their native country. I can see this tape being shelved in the section of other less than mediocre huline Olthof bands who have nothing original to offer their audiences. It’llbe lost in the Imprint staff shuffle of other bands much more worthy of attention. From the moment I turned on’ this lzt’s put it this way, I would not. tape I didnrt like it. I first heard it siteven want to keep this tape even if I ting in my friend’s car and had was given. it for free if that’s any reminded that 1 was reviewing this indication of the innovation. of this talk; otherwise, I would have commusic. Only if you’re into’ top-40 pletely ignored the noise - oops, I semi-hard rock or if you like to take a mean music - no, actually I mean chance on a new band with nothing noise. new to offer, would I even remotely The Divinyls’ self-titled tape is suggest actually paying money to add background music - it’s nothing this tape to your collection. memorable or exciting and it would never attract vour attention If vou

I must confess that I amnot too familiar with Great White, but after giving this tape a cou le of spins, they’ve got me Hook J (pardon the lame attempt at a pun). As a matter of fact, this 104rack’gem is about the best rock album I’ve heard since Def Lepparas Hysmiu. Great White toured with Ozzy Osboume in WSS during his ultimate Sin Tour and received rave reviews. Since then, Great White has wwned a couple of singles, including the gold release “Once Bitten,” and then this hitpacked LP, all of which have had their fair share of airplay on the-mighty Q.


stringthens the various vocal talents displayed by Rus;selL I also noticed that Great White has probably set a record for album credits. In no less than two cassette pages, they thank everyone from Dick Clark and Alice C&per to “wivgand girls who supported us in one way or in many others,” and hey, even their own wives. Hmmm. Another bonus of this release is the cover itself, displaying an interesting thalassic figure clutching a treblehook, which is fully revealed when you fold out the cassette sleeve. While listening to this album, you get the impression that Great White must have had a ball recording it. And they11 be partying it up all the more when it turns gold. And that will be only a matter of weeks. .

Stetsasonic, Brooklyn’s ‘%+-hop band,“seem to have a different way of going about things. They employ a and are probably the _ a live drummer only crew who credit James Brown when they sample him. The innova; tion of two members, DJ (Professor) Prince Paul and Daddy-O, has been evident in a wide variety of projects, from Living Colour to De la Soul. This innovation remains the driving force behind Stetsasonic’s expert treatment of new school hiphop iSSUeS.

by’KentonAug#mjm Impriat staff The self-titled debut release from Havana 3 AM marks the return of exClash bassist Paul Simonon to the music scene- Simonon last appeared on Cti The Crap in 1985 and reportedly spent his hiatus painting while Joe Strummer, Mick Jones, and Top per Headon resurfaced with other projects. In The Clash, Simonon took a backseat to the Stntmmer/Jones songwriting team. The only composiforgot it was on, you probably wouldn’t even notice. The lead

tion of his to make their greatest hits compilation wap ‘TheGuns Of Brixton”Havana 3 AM proves to be a better vehicle for Simonon to express him&f lyrically, as he co-wrote all 12 songs on this album with Nigel Dixon and Gary My& 4 Havana 3 AM have a raw, crisp sound that is deluged with Mexican influences and slightly tinged with rockabilly. ‘Death In The Afternoon” and the instrumental “Hey Amigo”. best exemplify the former, while “Blue Motorcycle Eyes” and “Blue Gene Vincent” have lead singer Dixon striving to h Gene Vincent A garage band type of energy per‘meates Havana 3 AM and gives the impression that a live performance would be explosive. The lyrics for ‘The Hardest Game,” “What About Your .Future,” and the first video, “Reach ’ The Rock” indicate a knowledge of street life and its hardships. “Hole In The Sky” reflects another level of social consciousness as it tackles the ozone layer issue. Havana 3 AM have put forth a very * promising‘debut that, at times, makes it difficult to refute the claii that “this is what Mick and Joe should be doing.”

Stetsasomc rap about ghetto thangs and gettin’ the party started equally well and it really shows on this project. Plus, with cuts like ‘Don’t Wrik a Cheque That Your Ass Can’t . Cash,” it’s apparent that they’re also keeping “one in the chamber.” 4 This is a strong album most of the way around. Paul’s choice of R&B, funk, and jazz grooves surprise the listener with a sneaky intensity that is augmented with DBC sampling. Daddy-O, MC Wise, and MC Delite interplay almost too well, and one can picture them bustin’ freestyles all over Bob Van Winkle’s sneering mug.

There are weak moments-on this album, though. “Speaking of a Girl Named Suzy” is a needless track about a groupie who’d do almost anythingtobe Stetsacized, and somehow hails their asses out - of trouble. “Walkin’ in the Rain” proves that soft and romantic (say that with your best R&do Montalban accent) rap is better left to spAas Eke LL Cool J and MC Household Tool. Not helping matters is a guest spot by the Force MDs, who must have had some sort of contractual thang with Tommy Boy. The day is saved with “Free South A&@” dropping both science and geography. This is an album that truly stands for Peace, Unity, Love and Having Fun It will keep new school fans happy and could possibly convert a few as well. Peace!

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Steve Man&a’s

lead vocals. Mancha Clyde Wilson) had released a fistful of great, though obscure Detroit soul singles in the mid-k sixties, before he was signed to Holed-Dozier-Holland’s Hot Wax label. As a part of 100 Proof, Mancha finally had some chart success. In particular, “Somebody’s Been Sleeping in My Bed” shot into the pop top-lo, peaking at no. 7. It really is a classic piece of uptempo soul featuring a driving instrumental tmck, accompanied by an inspired performance from the whole group. Other cuts of note include “90 Day Freeze,” which was not included on their lone origi@ LP, and “Not Enough Lme to SatIsfy”4.s with the Chairmen CD, there is only one track of note which seems to have been omitted, in this case it’s 100 Proof’s killer version of Syl Johnson’s “Age Ain’t Nothin’ But (real


a Number.” odds are that most people have never heard of either of these groups, and odds are that most people don’t -mu about them. Nonetheless, these are invaluable to the collector who

to upgrade from those scratchy 20-year old records, or escape the hefty cost and effort of fer+ing out the cokctible o@d~. They should be equally appealing for the novice soul-ophile, as thev explore a nearforgo&n part of the &h history of s&i .mu&. Even though it seems


by Pad Done



During their stay at Motown, the writing team of brothers Eddie and Brian Holland and Lamont Dozier, collectively known as HollandDozier-Holland, wrote a string of phenomena1 pop-soul hits, including “Stop! In the name of Love,” “I Can’t Help Myself,” ‘Where Did Our hve Go?,” and ‘How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You) l ” During e three-year stretch in the mid-sixties, HollandDozier-Holland wrote and produced 28 top-20 pop hits. As the decade drew to a close, they felt the assembly-line approach of Motown hitmaking choking their ambition and vision, and the three left to form their own recording organization: HDH proSuctions. There were actually two sub-labels contained within HDH: Hot Wax and Invictus. Artists signed to Hot Wax included Honey Cone (“Want Ads”) and Freda Payne (“Band of Gold”), while 8th Day, Glaqs House, and Chairmen of The Boardrecorded for Invictus. During its few prodigious ygars, the HDH organisation succeeded in mating fdl-bodied Detroit-style arrangements with more gospelly vocds than had been used before. Essentially, they took the formula which they had perfected at Motown, and expanded it to be both more sophisticated and more soui.fuL In doing so, they%crafted a distinctive, influential sound - and released a heap of great singles and a f&w quality albums. Recently, along‘ with their superb reissues of classic Stax soul material, Fantasy records has released a few compilations of material from HDH’s golden 1969-1972 era. The first two are greatest hits packages from HDH groups which featured two of the greatest voices that ~0.~1 music has produced: Chairmen of the Board’s Genera1 Norman Johnson and 100 Proof (Aged in Soul)‘s Steve Mancha. Of the two, General Johnson’s was by far the more distinctive - his vibrato-laden, hiccuping tenor remains one of the strangest and most unique sounds imprinted on vinyl. Though his earlier recordings with The Showmen put his voice front and centre, only on Chairmen of the Board recordings did his voice find its full, mature glory. The Chairmen’s firstthree singles are as fine a soul/pop confection as was ever-conceived; “Give Me Just a Little More Time,” “Dangling on a String,” and, my personal favorite, “Everything’s Tuesday.” It is appropriate that Genera1 Johnson now earns his keep working the Beach Music scene in the Carolinas, because this music, and his voice, have always sounded iike sunny days and warm weather. The one sore point of this collection is the non-incIusion of “Working on a Building of Love,” the finest track to come from their last couple of albums. While 100 Proof’ (Aged in Soul) didn’t possess the same measure of sunny catchine& of Chairmen of the Board, it was more than baIan?ed out by the hard-edged souIfulness of

The revolution of bebop that formed modern jazz in the ’50s was produced by several individual talents coming at the music from different perspectives. * While Charlie Parker was a great proponent’of bop, he was not the only. In the early fifties, Lennie Tristan0 began teaching an approach to jazz that stressed the ear rather than sheer mechanical ability and spontaneous, open-ended improvisation. of his more influential pupils was Lee Konitz, an alto saxophone @layer. Konitz trained under Tristan0 in Chicago so heavily that he was one of the very few tix players in his generation not overwhelmed by Parker. His distinct playing is characterized by extremely long lines, with irregular, but not strong accents and a thin deliberate tone. While strong in the East, he made an interesting contribution to what is sometimes called West Coast jazz. Gerry Mulligan, a baritone saxophonist and arranger, had gigged with the Miles Davis band-in 1948, playing and writing for the p;roup. He became one of the few white players to really understand hop without watering it down. In 1952, he took this knowledge with him to the WestCoast where he -formed a very popular quartet that included Chet Baker. Despite its popularity, though, it only lasted a year. During this time, this quartet gave definition to the West Coast sound, a sound captured on Pacific Jazz’s “Konitz Meets Mulhgan.” Sitting in with the quartet, Konitz adds something to make this a v&y i~~teresting disc. The first pack, ‘Too Marvelous for Words,” plays mellow, but tiot wimpy. The brushes on the drums, breathy sax and Baker’s dreamy trumpet conspire to relax you without insulting you. Unlike the tension that existed in hop with speed and contrgst between the different solo instruments; Kohitz’&~d Mulligm are soothing, light and airy in a-quick snappy rhythm It is a shame that this quality treatment of Coast jazz did not continue in the movement as a whole, but this can be expected from a form * which is so seti-limiting from the very beginning. The highlights of the disc appear on “Broadway,” ‘tidy Be Good,” and Mulligan’s own “Sextet.” On “Sextet,” hard hop is filleted and refined for easy consumption. This is in fact one of the problems with Coast jazz; it went the route of the big band sound of the ’40s and became melodically and rhythmically predictable for greater access to the genera1 public. The irsluence of this sound made its way into both Dave Brubeck’s work, where he elaborated on the use of time, and is still heard strongly in Vince Guaraldi’s work today, both of which well look at another time in more depth. A brief glance at the record store these days is enough to dismay any budding jazz fan, but hang in there. An example of something to avoid is Herb Alpert’s new album, “North on South Street.” Alpert has always been to j& what crushed black velvet has been to art and this baby is no exception. The entire album is filled with the tired rhythm tracks of early ’80s house with intermittent bursts from Herb-baby. The entire affair is a let down to both jazz and house music fans, there being not much there to satisfy anybody. Lcan’t tell you what some of the tracks sound like individually because they sound so much alike and so had. But you can bet you11 hear this one at the mega-store near you as you push down the a&s looking for those herring snacks. A real stinker.

Lynn Howald’s





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they couldn’t find a picture of 100’ Proof (Aged in SouI) to use tin that cover, the’ packages are wellassembled, and contain fine liner notes from noted musicologists. The music is what really counts, and this killer material has been well-selected and weIl-mastered to disk

26 Imprint, Friday, March 22, 1991


Keelaahan eoniectures w









JamesKeeIaghan by Banard’Keamey Imprint staff


March 29 will see three of Canada’s leading singer/songwriters grace the stage of the Humanities Theatre at UW. James Keelaghan, Ferron, and Connie Kaldor have joined forces in a rare colIaborative tour of North America that will see Waterloo as the venue for one of only three appearances in untario. James Keelaghan took a little tii out of his hectic schedule to chat a bit about the tour, the new album, and Garnet Rogers. Would you believe he even found enough time to squeeze in a wee hiitory lesson?

Imprint: Well&Tt

ofuZl# how was your show last night? James: It was act&y Sunday night, but it was really good, it was a sellout, standing room .only. We had a great time. It And was it .parr of the Singer/ songwrirer k tour? J: No, no, *is was just an independent concert by myself and the lads.

I: lmust concede that myJ~~encoun&r myself. So, about five years now.‘ with JWW music was at last year’s winI: How did the idea fir the sing& nips Folk Fatival. Your publicity sonfl&er come about? biogtaphy mentions that you an? no J: Well its been, anidea th& has been stranger to thefolk festivals uows North sort of bandied about for a while, America. So how long haveyou &n on’ + doing some kind of t&r of Canadian f= Oh, US the Trio. How long have you the j&‘vui circuit? singer/songwriters partIy through btm tog&her as a nib? J: Basically since about 1984. The fin& Canada and then largely fhrough the j: Bill (Eaglesham) and I have been couple of years thou&, I was in fesUS, ‘cause there is a larg+$ compotogether, the b& $ayer and I have tivals as a si&qerson for a Scottish nent to this tour. been together far about four years folksinger natied -ret Crystal, I: I understand that there is a fourth now, and Gary (&I) for about two. and about l%, I skuted going out as bii to the tour of the s&s. I mess that Stephen Fearing will& jckting you. Prom l Party l Bridal . Bridesmaids J: Yeah, Stephenwill be jL* us in Portland; Maine. He’s do& one concert with us h&e in Ca@axy, as well, SAl on Saturday. So, I think tlgt the idea


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down in Ann Arbor, the person who’s bool&g ail . of this; wanted to showcase a talent in the United States And the Canadian end ofthatis$noffshooL I: Oh, I see, kind ofa warm-up then. J: Yeah, well, I don’t want to relegate it to second status ‘cause it is stilI an

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I: Gamer KogW3 ?xxotit4 one of your balla& ‘&nny Byte. ” Can you tell me how thb came about and subsquently a$ectad your cmw? J: Well thisis a perfect exampIe of the folk process. It was 1984 and they were having a number of concerts leading up to the Calgary Folk F;estivaI. One of them was alittle Scottish gui by the name of Hamish Imlach, and I was doing the set in between Hamish’s two sets, Somebody from the Folk Festival that was sponsoring the concert, got a hold of Garnet and said ‘WelI, you have to come down and hear this young fellow.” So Garnet came in and he listened to the set, and Jenny Bryce was one of the songs that he heard. He came up to me afterward and said that he’d really like to do that song. We met that weekend at the Edmonton Folk Festival, which at that time ran at the same time as Calgary. He brought his tape recorder up to my hotel room and got it down on tape and the rest is history, as they say. I: So Jama, are you working on a nau album? J: Well, we’re working on the rnatetil for it. I’ve got about eight of the songs down and about another four or five cooking. So, we’re looking at some pre-production in May and perhaps recording in September, with a new producer. I: I’ve notic& that you ‘ve helped out on Stephen Feaying ‘s Out to Sea album.

Have you contributed on any oher albu??ts? J: The Margaret Crystal album, Lmking Towads Home, I was on that. I’m sort of putting my fingers in with a tiouple of local artists here, doing some producing. 1: Just be$ore I let you go, I’ve noticed that your publicity biography has you saturatedin h&tory, with apenchantfor, and 1 quote, 3toria told ‘mund the din ner fable.” Now I know it’s eady out them, but do you have any stun-m you could tell ‘Found the breakf~ rablc ? ” J: Heh, heh (bemusedly). Well, I’ve got one that is being worked on about a fellow by the name of John Coroliere. He’s a regimental drum major in one of the King of France’s regiments that were here when Quebec was still part of the French Empire. As a drum major, he had a very high status job which gave him a lot of standing in the community; he was living in Montreal at the time with his regiment. There had just been a law passed which outlawed duelling, and unfortunately, Coroliere didn’t pay much attention. Both he and another drum major from another regime?! got into a fight in a tavim zind stepped outside to settle it with a duel, and they were both promptly arrestedand they were both given six months in prison. There sits Coroliere in this prison from the 1700s. It has big thick walls and thin grates, so there is no contact with other prisoners. At the same time theye was a woman arrested named Lisir,Pa~~ette.~She had been arrested for stealing some silverware from the house of her master and


mistress and was sentenced to death. 1: Oh. (a cold shiver running up and dbwn my spine). J: Anyway, she was put in the cell next to CaroIiere and over the six months, the two of them kept up a rather heated conversation, never seeing each-- other, but talking through the wall. At that time in France, there were &ree ways to get out of the death penalty. One was commutation from the king another was commutation from the governor, and the third way to get out of it was to marry the hangman Quebec, at that time had lost its hangman the year before and had not replaced it, so over the course of six months, L&e convinces Coroliere to give up everything give up his status, become the hangman and marry her, thereby commuting the death sentence. He performed his duties for about a year, and then the two of them disappeared, never to be heard from again. And that is my historical tale for the day. * 7icketsfor the upcoming show at the Humanities Theatw can be purchased at the box oflee in Hagey Hall and I%vident Bookstore in - the Unive&y Shops Plaza II. Look fomwd to a show that pr~m&~ to tmnsfum Hugey Hall firn an uptight auditorium into a Birkenstock bingo hall.

’ . pee 7 7 I&ii .UA‘4 ,yFd l



came about because Jim Fleming

. l

conceived as a tour through the US, and then we found that there was a lot of interest for it in Canada as welL k whm else are you playing in Canada 3 J: In Canada, tie’re doing Calgary, Waterloo, Sudbury and Toronto. And then we go down for the 18 dates in the States. ’ 1: So how long is thistdur? J: Well, we leave town here, on March. 26, and I’m lumping in all the other thingswithitandwefmishupinMinneapoIis on April 22


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*tJpcomin# Events

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Wtb - Cole Trio.


- 7:30 p.m. -The Holly

lhm W - presents “Tartuffe”. It is playing at the Theatre of the Arts, Modem Languages, beginning on Tuesday, Mar. 19 and continuing on the 21,22 and 23 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are at the UW Theatre Centre, Hagey Hall and the Drama Department, 888-4556 at $7.00 Adults, $5.00 Students/Seniors.

W Caclt franqais meets 5 p.m. at Waterloo Bowling. Potluck to follow at St. Paul’s College, room 203, at 7:3O p.m. . Sign up and pay $2 fee at ML345; Everyone welcome! FIU@&~~ -ti Curling Club will be hold- ing its bi-annual funspiel at the Ayr Curling Club. Experienced and novice curlers are lnvbd to enter indiidualfy or as a team. For mom infom@on, please call Richard Sohmieth at 725-3152.

‘wt Rendez-VOUB” - it’s the 1st Annual KIN Semi-formal at Ruby’s, Waterloo Inn. Tickets @O./single, $35.1 couple. Everyone invited! See your class rep for more info, See yti there!! St. Paul’s College Chapel - 7:30 p.m. An evening of religious drama to mark the beginning,of Holy Week. Sponsored bythe .United Church Campus Ministry and St. Paul’s College.


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“Phwt Earth Radio Project” on CKMS 94.5 FM at 5:OOp.m. Produced by OP(RG. Topic: “A History -of the Environmental Mov8m8~t”. -,“‘a7 tk. Gail Ctibert 6randt, York University, “Rtionstrtiting the Past: Canadian Femiirist Historians at Work.” St, Paul’s College at 7 p.m. ‘Bnrrx Co&burn and Christian Faith In a -t-Modern World” - a talk by Brian Walsh and J. Richard Middleton, sponsored by the Student Christian Movement, will ..,,,

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7:3Q . .--

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Food BQ& of Watedoo Region is sponsor- ing an Easter Food Drive, Mati 28 to be March 3 lst, 1991. Dmations Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge between 10 a-m, to 8 p.m. and 10 a.m. to 4 pm. on Easter Sunday. Help fill an empty bus full of food for the needy,!

&IUKIW w/songwriters - Ferron, Connie Kaldor James Keelaghan (together) in co&ert at UW, HU!JWM~S Thea&e. Ticket info’ 8854280. .

Fall 1991 - 5 bedroom house, large rooms, fireplace, garage, 15 minute walk. lease Sept. ‘91 to Aug. ‘92. J$;O./month. 747-5810 or 742Summer sublet - large 3 bedroom apartment, corner of Westmount and University (Campus across street), partially furnished, dishwasher, free laundry facilities, pool, garage, close to Mr. Grocers, rent negotiable. Call Robin at 725-5008. Summer sublet -townhouse for rent May to August, l-4 bedrooms available in immaculate townhouse at Columbia Lake! Close to Campus (unit #lo), 10 minute walk or 3 minute bike ride to UW. Price negotiable. For more infOrmation please call 725~,016O. Summer sublet - 2 bedroom apartment, unfurnished, . 2 bathrooms, airconditioning, washer, dryer, microwave, dishwasher, 15 minute bike ride to UW, $675./month, hydro included, 578-5862 or 865- 12 11, ext. 3487. Two r~~llls available - May to August, rent negotiable. Fully furnished, including pots, pans, microwave, 3 fridges, TV, VCR, whirlpool, 2 bathrooms, parking, garage, washer, dryer. 10 minute walk to UW. Call Dan or Mike - 747-9925. Co-op Students - 3 single and 1 double room. May - Aug. ‘91. Close td St. Clair Subway TTC route. Cable, TV, VCR, P.C., fridges, kitchen, livingroom. $200. to $300. (416) 267-6766. Available now - large furnished room suitable for two, $220. each; or one, $300. inclusive. Use of home, laundry, etc. Also single room available May 1 $265.00. Call 885 1664. Summer housing 3 rooms available, Beechwood location, furnished, washer, l


is negotiable.



Happy Ontario area, roommate needed, fully furnished, 2 bedroom apartment, cable, pool, tennis courts, parking all included*575 Proudfoot at Oxford. Close to U.W.O. for summeiand/oroption to stay in Sept. if required, Call Allan (519) 4724480. Toronto - summer rooms for’ient. $275,/ month including utilities, cable, laundry. On TTC, share kitchen and bath with other student. Non-smoker only. Call Mon. to Fri. 6-10 p.m. or weekends, (416) 755-1910. 1 5 minutes -to UW, summer, 6 large furnished rooms, 2 kitchens, near Cherry’s, $200. plus utilities. Neil 884-7638& 1 or 2 rooms available for rent this summer term. $150. a month, rent is negotiable. Call 725-l 177, ask for Julie, Rooms for rent in furnished house. $400.-$420. - plus utilities. May 1. Lawrence and Pharmacy. Parking; A/C, nonsmokers, females preferred. Call Auben (4 16) 285-8746. Sublet May to August. Luxury home, huge, bright and clean. Laundry facilities, furnished, carpeted. Close to University and shopping. Must see! Jen 747- 1643. ,


0247 or (416) 763-2476.

Word Processing? - look no further! Fast, reliable, accurate service. Reasonable rates. Call Betty 886-6361. Experienced

l& London

will take care af atl



,I Toronto Sublet - 1 person needed to share Summer sublet - rent negotiable. 4 bedbasement apartment, College/Bathurst microoms available, wash/dryer, with 1 non-smoking female student. Furrowave, fully furnished fownhouse, 15 * nished, carpeted, clean, microwave and minute walk to UW, free parking. Call bar. May - August 1991, $350./month Kathy 888-0686. utilities included. Bev (4 16) 944-2827.



Word p~~~e&ng - reasonable rates. fast, efficient and professional service. Letter quality printing. Call 747-0852.


Typing & Word Processing. Reasonable rates. Erb and Westmount. Call 7433342.

hnprint, Friday, March 22, 1991


- University

of Western


Experienced fcmrrk riding companions required by married country gentleman in local area. English show horses and tack supplied. Apply in writing to: Riding Companions, 1605-53 Water Street, N., Kitchener, Ontario, N2H 5A7.



Stuclfig late? Afraid to walk home? Get the befender, the most powerful personal security alarm available, $39.95 plus tax. 748-9642.


Celia - Happy Anniversary! You are the greatest. What are you going lo do till the end of time? I have an idea... love OH0 Training in Art Therapy - The Toronto Art Therapy Institute offers a two year training program in Art Therapy which grants a diploma. Individuals interested in a Masters degree program, offered in cooperatioh with Lesley College should contact our office at (416) 924-6221. Student workshops: March 30 - April 27, 1991.



Alone tith your unplanned pregnancy? Call Birthright. We offer supporf’and can helo you discover your options. Call 5793990. After exams L get away to DAYTONA BEACH! Includes bus and hotel accommodations for seven nights. Only $229. quad, Please call (416) 549-3422 Hamilton - after 11 p.m. weekdays.

for Classifieds & Page 2

Announcements is’ Mondays-5 p.m. l

must be prepaid


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