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INT ills in T.O. ,by Derek Weiler lmprin t stoff

For a man who's been repeatedly frustrated and betrayed by a ficklepublic, Martin Phillips turned out t i be an awfully n&e guy. I found the Chills frontman in the

done with, Phillips even consented to a quick, impromptu interview with Imprint. The overwhelming impression Phillips exudes is one of frustration. When asked about the Chills' m y lineupchangesover the years,



High noon at Charlottetown

As the constitutional referen& draws nigh, lmprin#would like to Invite membersof the universityof Waterloocommunity-b present . ' .had enough already. *theirviews, fpr. those ,of us who hav8tn't Please submit comment '&s,no I -than500 words, to Jnprint's office in Carnpw centre 140 by Tuesdqy at noon. Register to vote

n9W; vot6 on 0ctober 26.

Until one day when our recotdssell _ miilions...." "Justin Harwrood, our bass plaper, had a m a g a g e to pay off, it's maUy ctazy, so he went with [Galaxie 500 frontman Dean Wareham's new group] Luna right now.He's beingpayeda good wage f o r h t . When you start off it's easy to sort of be a young man and not worry about the money but as soon as we even started touring New Zealandsomepeople couldn't hold down a job and we lost people there." Moving on to happier subjects, Phillips reminisced about the early days of the Chills in their native New Zealand. New Zealand - in, particular thesmallcity ofDunedin, home of New Zealand's finest university - is known for a thriving alternative music scene (spearheaded by the Flying Nun record company) and we wondered if it was linked to a college-town environment. "No one was in Universitv when westarted- I wasn't," said Iihillips. "It's iust that there were emu& key $eople - Graerne Downes [&e Verlainesl,ShaneCarter [theStraitjacket F&], the ~effe& Brothers [This Kind Of Punishment and the Cakekitchen], Chris Knox ....and there's never been any sort of resentment or any real rivalry. It's always been wry supportive." If anything, Phillipspointed to social welfw programs asresponsible for the music scene."I had a great time onthedole(immortsdizedinthe early single "Dol-) .... There'sbeen a lot of gmu on unemP1opent.. .i t ' s & ~ ~ give tt@ people the freeodmtowork on their own stuff for a long time."

continued to page 22


Get all the facts! MCIIBY Canadians


say they want more information before answering the referendum question on Octobei 26. Between October 9 - 12, households throughout the ‘7 country will receive an 8-page summary pamphlet that contains another publication 21 the entire unedited Constitutional Agreement, reached in Charlottetown, August 28. Please look for this information in your mail ’ and take the time to read it so that you can make a truly informed decision on the upcoming referendum.


If you huvert’t received this publication by Octobk 13, cd the toll-free number below and a copy will be sent to your home.



1400~56111188. Deaf or hearing impabd: !!!!@I l=wM65-7735(TwmD~

Friday,Octc~ber9,1992 pages3-7

Volume 15, Number 12

Charlottetown constitutional continuation b y K e n Bryson imprint staff October26 has been designated the day on which the fate of the Charlottetown Constitutional Agreement will be put to the people of Canada. This agreement is the fruit of many months of debate and discussion by the various political parties, governments and interest groupsthatconstitutethecanadian political scene. As with the failed Meech Lake accord of 1990, the main point of contention over the accord has been, and continues to be, the position of Quebec within the Canadian confederation. In the agreement, Quebec has once again been given distinct sta-


Thus, in all future interpretations of theconstitution,Quebecwillbeconsidered distinct and all relevant interpretations will uphold the right of Quebec to its own culture. . Also included in the Canada Clause are phrases which ensure aboriginal peoples the right to self government, and which commit Canadians to equality among the sexes, to racial and ethnic equality; and to the equality of all provinces “at the same time as recognizing their d i v e r s e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . ” The other main amendment to the constitution is that which creates a smaller, elected Senate. The new Senate would consist of six Senators from each province and one from each of the territories.

“The spirit of Canadian: I - E~o:$Y compromise. ‘I *Fz;;;inces, Vote on Oct. * 26th

T h e . o p e n i n g section of the agreement, the Canada Clause, intends to amendthe1982constitutionbyadding a clause defining “fundamental Canadian values,” by which the entire constitution, including the Charter of Rights, is to be interpreted. The Canada Clause contains the phrase “Quebec constitutes within Canada a distinct society.”

tern o f

this more effective a n d responsible senate is hoped to increase the representation’of the less populated provinces, ensuring equality in the legislature. In what has been billed, by the Conservative government, as “the spirit of Canadiancompromise,” the, Charlottetown Agreement creators have attempted to bridge the gap between interest groups, disgruntied ProvinciaL governments, and

During AIDS Awareness Week, Ott 5-lt,3,400 condoms were distributed through Fed Hall, the Bombshelter and the “Condom Fairy,” Denise Somerville, seen here with Nancy Bears (Feds Public’ Issues Board) and Jeff Heimpel (Epoch Condom Shup at University Plaza). photo by Peter Brown native peoples. only time will tell, however, if they havebeen successful* The referendum to decide the future of the agreement, being held on October 26, will be run in the same format as general federal elections. The enumbration of voters twkp&e&tweenOctober2and7, If you ki& not &&umer&&aind ati a Canadian&&en, call, ‘Elections &&da to bec6me list&i~ ~~ a If you were enumerated, you should expect an enumeration card in the maa by October 19; if you do not receive one, or if the information on your card is incorrect, also call Electi?ns Canada by October 19. Advance polls, for anyone unable to vote on referendum day, will be held October 22 and 23. CIn referendum day you should go to your local polling station, the location of which will be on your enumeration card. . Then you vote, Yes or No;it’s that simple.

Needles Hal I now available on floppy *_

ground. imprint s t u f f , The 5.25.inch diskettes are available immediately to graduatGraduate job hunting has gone ing students from Career Services high-tech at Waterloo with the help in Needles Hall, room 1001. The of an Ottawa based programming disks are IBM PC compatible and company. A+B Computer Systems students are encouraged to make has launched its first edition of “Cacopies for their friends. Copyright reer Search,” a brand-new compuinfringement is obviously not an terized national employmqt servo issue. “Career Search” will be upi c e . The -company is distributini dated every six months as new em16$00,5.+nch diskettes free, tq, ployers join the database. The proevery .ii@.r$i~ dm. thg ~qiyl~.. ‘. ‘gram r&&& the‘ job &ter ‘to’ a‘ : Contained on each disk ‘is .a”&& 1. .&&p&q tit h p&&&r m&, i and provides an address where inbase of 2,000 entry level positions available across Camda and overterested students can send apply. seas. The program is completely With the World economy dobilingual and students can search ing a nosedive, it is no longer a sure the database using any combination of three parameters: Industry, thing that a university degree will land anyone a job. A quick look at Location, and Academic Back-


placements hit h 97.4 per cent

Graduate iob listinp free to students:

by luin Anderson


the recently published Graduate One(Waterloo’swantadsforgradusting students) and one can appreciate what these diskettes have to offer. Jobs are scarce and the competition for available positions is extremely tough. Everyone is encouraged to pick up and use these diskettes. A+B Computer Systems is an Ottawa-based com‘pany tl@ first opened its doors in 1989. It was .fo,unded .bJr ti’ young efitpprei&s who have liken an i&rest in helping young people find work. The projedis completely sponsored by employers such as General Electric, Canadian Pacific and the Bank of Nova Scotia, who will be actively recruitinggradua~ fromCanadian Universities.


from UW News Bufeuu Despite the severe recession, mop job placements have been found for 97.4 per cent-of University of Waterloo students on work terms this fall (September to December), president Douglas Wright announced at Tuesday’s board of governors meeting, About 10,000 of Waterloo’s 16,000 fi.tIl-time students are enrolled in co-operative education programs. These programs, in which students alternate fourmonth academic terms with fourmonth work terms for practical experience in their career fields, are available in all six of Waterloo’s faculties. “It’s’ a tremendous achievement in the face of a major economic recession,” said Wright. “It’s a grtiat credit to tiur staff, faculty, alumni, and friends who have helped in this all-out effort.” A Jim Wilson, director of Co-operitive Education and Career Services, said this fall 3,091 students were eligible for jobs. Of those 3#10 have jobs, leaving 81 but he expects that will be reduced to about 65 to 70 in a few weeks. A 9& to 99-per-cent level is considered the optimum placement and compares favorably to student job rates realized by the co-op dep&tment over the last decade when economic conditions were better+ I Usually, one to two per cent of eligible students go unplaced fur various circumstances, including a mismatch of skills for eligible jobs or lack of job opportuniues ip a particular discipline or other personal reasons. “The recession has made a big differeni=e in how everyone in-

volved in the co-op process finds jobs for students,” Wilson said. “The last recession (in the early 1980s) taught us that we had to broaden the base of our employers, so we madeaconcertedefforttoaddabout 1,000 companies to our list of employem, which now totals about 2,600.” Wright said that this has been the worst economic time faced by theuniversitysinceitpioneeredthe c-p system in Canada 35 years ago. UW now has the highest co-op enroIrnent of any institution in the world. Wright underscored the effective assistance provided by UW alumni in the wake of the summer term when 92 per cent of students had co-op jobs. He said unique efforts have since been employed to assist in the job search, including many alumni, particularly in engineering and in earth science networking across Canada to seek out placements. “Thewholecommunitygotthe jobdone,” Wilsonsaid.Butheadded that the winter term (January to April) is already looming and will pose a big challenge to those working to find jobs. He also said the job squeeze has also hit new graduates hard. “To get a full-time job after graduation students have to appreach the task very professionally. The amount of research and preparation is unprecedented. They must be creative in their job search. Even so, ~0-0~ graduates are recognized as having an advantage because of tl&r work-term experience." Areas hardest hit by the ecc~ nomic downturn have been architecture, accounting and some areas inengineeringandscience.



.-. .. News

' inptint

Friday, October


Veaetarian dav assaults Cambus Centre -


by Angela Mulhallnndlmgfint stuff

how great tasting vegetarian dishes can be. Types of cuisine presented included Indian, Middle E a s t e r n , and Oriental. The days of free samples, however, afe over: meals were sold for a modest cost and the only things given out for free were tortilla chips and some tasty bean dip, courtesy yf Full Circle Foods. . The common notion that vegetarians are a group of “treehuggin’, granola-munchin’ Savethe-WhaIes-ers,” as one anonymous Imprint staff member put it, was challenged Monday by the wide diversity of organizations present. The K-W Vegetariaq Associationclassified v e g e t a r i a n i s m i n f o u r main categories:

An assault of curry, garlic, and carrot juice reminded us, once agag, that it was Vegetarian Day in the C a m p u s C e n t r e o n M o n d a y , &tober 5. Various groups presented stands monday, including the Kitchener-WaterlooVegetarianAssociation, the Waterloo-Wellington Alliance for Animals, and a group o f H a r e Krishnas. The g r o u p s p a r t i c i p a t i n g w e r e interested in increasing public awareness of vegetarianism and some were there to demonstrate

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Where’s the bean dip?


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photo by Scott DeVeber

- Ethics and animal rights . - Environmental impacts - World hunger - Health and-nutrition Each of the groups present have built their associations around one or more of these categories arid many have branched into other areas as w e l l . The Waterloo-Wellington Al- s liance f o r A n i m a l s , f o r e x a m p l e , i s not only concerned in the multitude of animals slaughtered every minuteforhumanconsumption,but also about the animals used in animal testing, laboratory experimetits

and those killed for fur or for entertainment value, like those in bullf i -g h t s . Other groups, including the Global Community Centre, are concerned about the effects of meateating on the environment and world hunger. I n c o r p o r a t e d i n t o the e n v i r o n mental problems, is the fact that while the majority of agricultural land in the world is used to produce feed for livestock, the energy used in this production could be used to fight the world- hunger problem. Such staggering gIoba1 prob-

lems were not the concern of every group participating at Vegetarian Day, however. The Hare Krishnas and the Jains attended to promote vegetarianism as a part of a complete lifestyle that doesn’t interfere with the lives of other creatures. WhiIe the two groups each insisted on their distinctiveness, they share the similar belief that e v e r y animal contains a soul and thus to kill one is a form of murder. With so many benefits of a vegetarian diet being touted by the groups’ presentations, we wonder w h y there are relatively few ‘vegetarians. “Making the choice to become a vegetarian involves challenging notions and traditions of our society. Meat-eating has b e c o m e s u c h a cultural thing,” explained the representative from the K-W Vegetarian Association. As for those who do make the switch; “young people are much more likely to make the choice for environmental or ethical. reasons, w h e r e a s dder p e o p l e a r e m o r e interested in thenutritional and health benefits.” World Vegetarian Day is an annual event at thecampus Centre.

,+ 4


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Arts Student Union turmoil.



Constitutional Constipation by Scott Carson Imprint staff

What constitutes a constitution? Anione w i t h h e l p f u l h i n t s s h o u l d contact the ArtsStudentUnion! Due to what looks frighteningly close to a clerical error, the newly amended con,&itution of the A.S.U. has been rendered invalid as a result of beiig updated after the March first deadline. According to the 1988 constitution (which is still in power), any changes must be settled and in print before March first in order to be implemented. It w a s d i s c o v e r e d d u r i n g t h e summer that these rules w e r e n o t strictly followed so the new executive decided to can the new document and rewrite what was done last year. The major problem most of the individual a r t s s o c i e t i e s ( E n g l i s h , History, Psychology, Economics,

etc.) have is that the resulting delay in the new constitution means that monetary allotments are going. to be made according to the 1988 constitution s&e it is the one that has been used every year up until now. The old constitution granted to each departmental society $1.50 per member up to 100 members and if a society wanted more funding, ithad to apply for a grant (with an outline of what the funds were to be used for) through the A.S.U. office. This allotment system reflects the number of students-present in 1988anddoesnotsufficientlycover the expanded costs of running events for the studen& in the individual s o c i e t i e s . The revised edition of the A.S.U. constitution presented during the summer granted $1.50 per member up to 300 members and $.75 per member after that. This money comes from the $7.00 that arts students pay to the A.SU. per term when they pay their tuition.

Also with the delayed funding comes the necessary postponement of early-in-the-term society events designed togenerateinterest among students and make their return to school more enjoyable. Besides the reduction in pre posed funding, the delay in the new constitutionhaspostponedthepresentation of the fall A.S.U. budget detailing allotment cheque expectations.Thishasnotkeptthemfrom requesting the society budgets, however, even though as of yet nobody knows for sure what they can expect in the way of funding. It is like a, power struggle between the four members of the Arts Student Union Executive and the thousands of arts students they are supposed to represent. Nobody is going to see an agreeable resolution to the developing conflicts unless A.S.U. council members can force the executive to loosen the purse strings and allow student access to funds which are rightfully theirs.

F0rme.r Reverend .“ Speaks to AIIJS Rally by Jeff Wumer 1mprlnt stujy

On Tuesday, October 6, a vigil was held for AIDS victims at The Willowells Club in Waterloo as part of the AIDS Awareness Week act i v i t i e s . L a s t i n g f r o m 7 p . m . until 8:30 p.m., it was organized b$ the AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and Area (ACCKWA). About 35 people were expected to come out. Former ReverendJiiFerry was the guest speaker for the evening. Ferry, whose licence as an Anglican Minister

was revoked last


is a

practising homosexual and an activist for gay rights. He was asked to speak as the issues of hoposexuality I and AIDS awareness are

closely related. Organizers hoped that Ferry, in relating his experiences, would “ b r i n g o t h e r s out,” - p e o p l e w h o would not normally attend such e v e n t s . W h i l e t h e v i g i l was publicized, its location was made available only to people who registered, mainly t o h e l p p r o t e c t t h e p r i v a c y of attenders from the merely curious. Speaking to reporters before the event, Ferry pointed to homophobia as one of the obstacks to AIDS awareness. “If you have AIDS, assump~~~aremadeaboutyou,“~sta~~

He referred to the Anglican-run Casey House and its work for victims of the syndrome. “when the Bishop fired me he

brought rampant discredit to the work of Anglican Chaplains” by associating Anglicans with homophobia. This in turn made people less likely to go to the house for help, he concluded, As we& the AIDS Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto “almost considered folding up their operation” when Ferry was disciplined. Rob Gascho, a member of ACCKWA, argued that one of the primary barriers to AIDS awareness in high schools is the “I’m immortal” attitude. Teenagers fail to realize that the danger of catching AIDS aIso applies to them. “They have the information, but the question is whether they’ll act on it,” said Gascho.




October 9,1992


Aborigina s address Const tution ’ by Cynthiu Renkema Imprint staff A meeting was held Tuesday n i g h t t o d i s c u s s the c o n s e q u e n c e s of theConstitution for Aborigionals. The meeting was hosted by the Weejeendimin Native Resource Centre, with Carleen Elliott and Arlene Smith presenting the no and yes sides of the vote respectively. It was stressed that Native people should not abstain from voting but rather exercise their right to v o t e . If t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n i s p a s s e d , there will be no changes for the existence of Aborigionals. The Treaties and Indian Act, which are presently in existence, shall remain under the new Constitution. A yes vote therefore implies that Natives agree to keep the existing agreements a n d a l s o v o i c e s t o t h e g o v ernment that they wish to remain a part of the existing government. VotingnototheConstitutionmeans t h a t A b o r i g i o n a l s w a n t a self-government. The evening focused on questions that were drawn up by the public. Some questions that were addressed: How will the Constitution affect Native women? If we vote no, how will. it affect self-government? Why should. Native people participate in the Referendum? How will the Constitution affect the reserves; will, Natives lose them or own them? Will the Constitution allow Natives to address the needs of their people in their way or in the ways of English-European style

Government? If you have any concerns about how the Constitution will affect Aborigionals or if you would like to know the answers to these questions, feel free to contact the Weejeendimin Native Resource C e n t r e i n Kitchener, After an intermission, time for discussion and a question period was allotted. Discussion lent itself to explaining the situation, status and rights of N.ative Peoples in Canada. The Treaties in existence state that Natives are a Sovereign Nation but the Indian Act restricts thqm o f freedoms in ways such as making an economy for themselves. Natives feel that their situation is a frustrating struggle. They feel that their right toexpress themselves as a cultural group are being viol a t e d . H o w e v e r , it w a s b r o u g h t t o the attention of the people present at the meeting that Natives have always been working from outside the system of government and maybe they should try to start working from within the system if they want change. L a s t l y , o n e q u e s t i o n that was posed at the meeting, to which both Native and non-Native individuals can relate, should be of interest to us all. What effect will the Constitution .have on future generations? ForusallJhiscanbeascarythought; our actions and decisions on the Constitution are creating history, and with that history, long-term repercussions. ,

by Renee Georgucopoulos lmpfht staff

How do you deal with pressure to conform?

Smooooothly! Mike Estoesta - 1A Math

I obviously don’t care! Scott Visinsky - 2N Chemistry

join the crowd! Brian Muegge - 2N Science

We don’t! Michael Marchesan 2N Urban Planning


It’s only pressure if you let it be. M a r c E v a n s - 1N U r b a n P l a n n i n g

Imprint Gnus is Good Gnus! Come write for the Imprint suicide gnus squad -- C.C. 140

Tune in for our live concert broadcasts Saturday nights at 10


VOTING’S If you’re a Canadian citizen and 18 years of age br older by October 26, you can vote in the federal referendum. But to exercise your right to vote, your name must first be on the Voters’ List, If you haven’t been enumerated at your present address or back home, you have until October 19 to add your name to the list.

You’ll 6nd the answers to any questions you might have in: “The c?i)tuu~m n-21-99 Ye--fl L- 1,,,-wT-L--L vu~ws tauu~--, now---avauable at your Student Association, Registrar’s Office or campus bookstore. . TI’4--

--1 1 - - -


Voting’s a breeze! -


- 1



Tie non-putitiun ugemy resjwnsdde for the conduct of the federal rejirendum




Imprint Friday, October



energy boycott ~ by Imprint staff In recognition of North American dependence onnon-sustainable energy, University of Guelph’s C F R U - F M w i l l u n p l u g i t ’ s power for a full 24hour period on October 13. The station is encouraging Cuelph “to use only sustainable energy, and not conduct any business transactions as a means of discovering that Columbus’ discovery

ATTACK OF THE BALD GUYS! This St. Jerome’s College student is suddenly a lot easier to spot lhan he used to be. He and some colleagues shaved their heads last Friday to raise money for charity. photo by Renee Georgacopoulos

Situ&m mowing desmmzte:

Laurier hosts teach-in on Somalia by Robin Kulbflcisch Imprint staff

In February 1991, UNICEF and several other international relief agencies w a r n e d t h e W e s t e r n w o r l d of the impending tragedy in Somal i a . W e d i d n o t l i s t e n . A s a result, human suffering in Somalia has reached catastrophic proportions. The International Committee of the Red Cross estimates that l,CKXI Somalis are dying every day. Worse-yet, it aF$ean3 that the current situation is only the tip of the iceberg. Other relief agencies in Somalia remxt that earlv estimates applied to he major p& cities only andthatmanymorepeoplea.recIose to dying in the remote, unattended villiigei Over the past few months, Somalia has received considerable international mediacoverage. Finally, we are asking the questions: how did such a situation come about and what action needs to be taken. These yo questions were the focus of a teach-in held at Wilfrid

Laurier University on October 7. The event was organized by political science professor LevGonick to d r a w attenion t o the crisis and to examine what roles individuals can play in the relief effort. The day-long event included four panel discussions led by representatives from the United Nations and several other international and local relief agencies, Somalian refugees, and Canadian and United States experts on Somalia. rr

’ ’ there is Ito singkkgtuup wi$h wham to base negd&iuns forpeac4z ” l

Dr.KenMen.khausofDavidson C o l l e g e i n North C a r o l i n a o p e n e d theteach-inwithabriefdescription of the political and so&I factors that are at the root of the current crisis in Somalia. Essentially, the country is in a state of anarchy. There is no ruling go&rnment and no official army or police force.

It is important to understand that Somalia is a clan and lineage based society. There are not two sides to the civil war, but many sides. Clans and sub-clans are fighting each other. As well, clans are regrouping and alliances shift constantly. The intense fighting has made it impossible for the Somalian people to maintain their pastoral lifestyle. As a result, they are starving to death. Relief efforts have been extremely difficult for a number of rFason.s. Since there is no ruling govemment,thereisnosinglegroup with whom to base negotiations for peace. As well, food convoys, have failedtoreachthoseinneed, Agencies have not &rt able to negotiate withbandit gangslootingfoodconvoys as these gangs are not contriolled by any central leader. War lords are also looting food convoys and ding t h e f o o d t o o t h e r c o u n t r i e s such as Ethiopia in exchange for more weapons. The solution? Dr. Menkhaus believes that a strong starting point w o u l d b e the creation of so-called United Nations Safe Haven Zones. These de-militarized zones would be set up so that each clan w o u l d have access to at least one zone. By alleviating the problem of food distribution, the zones would help Somali people concentrate on rebuilding local economies. They would also provide a safe place for elders to meet and discuss conflict resolution possibilities. Menkhaus did not attempt to convince the audience-that his s o l u tion is the onIy solution. However, he stressed that a decision must be made in the very near future and that relief efforts willnot workwithout financial support from developed countries such as Canada and the United States. Menkhaus and other panel speakers also emphasized the power of individuals to contribute to the overall relief efforts. For example, letters, phone calls and peaceful demonstrations will f o r c e goverrunent





malia a top priority. This is perhaps good food for thought this weekend when we sit down to enjoy our Thanksgiving dinner.

was equally an invasion, and of recognizing how much we impact on the environment through interacting daily with technology and consumerism.” The energy boycott is supported by groups throughout North America, including the Indigenous Peoples of the South Pacific Northwest Indian Women’s Circle, Pacific People’s Alliance, Indigenous W o m e n ’ s N e t w o r k a n d t h e Indigenous Environmental Network.

News in Brief from UW News Bureau Harper golf classic raises $40,000 for UW scholarship The Jack Harper Golf Classic held recently at the Glen Abbey Golf Club raised $40,000 for a major scholarship in the name of the prominent local lawyer and community leader. Organized by the University of Waterloo’s development office, the Sept. 17golf event also paid tribute to the lawyer, who has practised in Kitchener-Waterloo since 1948. Over the years, he has served on many community boards and organizations. The John M. Harper Scholarship, valued at $2,500, will be awarded annually to an outstanding student entering the Master of Accounting p r o g r a m a t UW’s S c h o o l of A c c o u n t a n c y . UW to host public open house Nov. 14 The public will be invited to come and discover the University of Waterloo at an open house Nov. 14. Faculties and colleges will open their doors with special exhibits and interactive demonstrations and there’ll be tours of buildings and facilities, computer and video presentations and lectures. The open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. coincides with the u n i v e r s i t y ’ s 3 5 t h a n n i v e r s a r y a n d o c c u r s d u r i n g H o m e c o m i n g Weekend when alumni return to the campus. Other events during the weekend include the Naismith. C l a s s i c u n i v e r s i t y b a s k e t b a l l t o u r n a m e n t and the opening of the groundwater exhibit at the Biology-Earth Sciences Museum where specially labelled bottles 01 water will be given to visitors. UW cultural centre gets provincial grant The Centre for Cultural Management at the University of Waterloo has received a $15,015 research grant from the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Communications. The centre is to produce an “Annotated Bibliography of Board D e v e l o p m e n t R e s o u r c e s , ” featuring about 400 entries. Also, a “Top 100” r e s o u r c e s b o o k l e t w i l l b e p u b l i s h e d , c o n t a i n i n g t h e m o s t u s e f u l and accessible vtries f r o m t h e l a r g e r v o l u m e . The Annotated Bibliography will appeal to cultural consultants,. trainers, animators, facilitators and officials who provide various types of “board development” services to agencies and who want to stay current on cultural resources. The Top 100 booklet will interest administrators working directly with cultural boards, as well as chairs and members of the boards that govern cultural groups. Grifters make theft a way of life: UW prof A largesub-culture of professional grifters exists in North America, says a University of Waterloo professor who has resear&ed the lifestyle of these thieves, road hustlers and swindlers. While hard economic times may tempt more people who are n o r m a l l y honest to steal, true grifters make theft a way of life, said Prof. Robert Prus, of UW’s sociology department. His 1977 study and resulting book titled Road Hustler has been updated, expanded and renamed: Road Hustkr: Grafting, Magic and the TFrief Slcbcullu~ It is published by Kaufman and Greenberg of New York City. Prus said magicians alerted him to the s i m i l a r i t y b e t w e e n t h e m selves and hustlers, which convinced him to devote several chapters on the comparison in the latest edition. “Both are masters of image work.” he s&s. The book was researched and written with the assistance of C.R.D. Sharper, a former r o a d h u s t l e r - a confidence man whose specialty is the manipulation of card and dice games.

Imprint Friday, octobtr 9,1992


“Parallel Lines” lecture 1disappoints by lsabel White

imprint staff

Noted mathematician H. M. S. Coxeter visited UW l a s t T h u r s d a y , October 3, to deliver a lecture entitled “Parallel Lines”. The lecture, jointly sponsored by the Pure Math Club and the Faculty of Mathematics, began at I:30 p.m., and took place in DC 1302. The room was full to capacity with undergraduates, graduate students, and professors; with some even sitting in the aisles. Coxeter, an elderly, birdlike man, was born in England and studied at Cambridge University before becoming a Fellow at Princeton. He later came to Canada as a University of Toronto faculty member. His field is geometry, and-his research has earned him Fellowships in both the Royal Society of London and the R o y a l S o c i e t y o f Canada. Coxeter’s lecture was the first in a series of lectures called “Mathematics: a H i s t o r i c a l Perspective” organized by the Pure Math Club. He is the author of numerous books, including Projective Geometry. Following introductions by PMC president Nikhil Shah and Dr. John Wainwright, Dr. Coxeter took the floor, to a round of applause. H e b r i e f l y traced some of the history of geometry, from its Greek roots to the present, demonstrating a “cut-and-paste” p r o o f of the Pythagorean t h e o r e m o n a w h i t e b o a r d at the front of the room. An information sheet distributed before the lecture proclaimed that the lecture was t o be divided into two parts: the Affine Plane and th,e Hyperbolic Plane. Using the p r i n c i p l e s o f a f f i n e g e o m e t r y , Dr, CFxeter demonstrated how to locate the centre of a circle using only a double-edged ruler. Affine geometry, according to the PMC information sheet, “. . . i s simpler than Euclidean [ g e o m e t r y ] because it is based solely on the c o n c e p t o f parallelism; angles are never mentioned, not even right angles. But it includes a theory of area, and parallelograms can be generalized to affinely regular polygons.” Before Dr. Coxeter could get to the second half of the lecture, on the hyperbolic plane, he rati out of time. In fact, the lecture, whichwas schedu l e d t o b e a n h o u r i n l e n g t h , had already r u n o v e r b y a l m o s t t w e n t y minutes. Following the lecture, PMC vice-president Martin Wainwright presented him with the book Images cf Waterloo. Later, several math students expressed some disappointment over the truncated lecture and its low level of complexity. “It was not what I had expected,” s a i d K e v i n C h e u n g . L . A m b e r O’Heam agreed: “I had expected it to be more complex.” But, she added, she was glad that it was easy enough to be unders t o o d b y a first-year math student. T h e r e w i l l b e t h r e e other lectures in the “Mathematics: a Hist o r i c a l Perspective” series. The next will be held on O c t o ber 23, with Dr. Jerrold Marsden l e c t u r i n g o n Classical Mechanics. Sprott

Bridging the Gap continues.



An ethical engineer : myth/reality? In the second lecture of a series designed to give engineers a forum to ex and their knowledge of issues Pacing them in their future, Dr. Abbyann L y n c h gave a talk about the ethics i n v o l v e d i n e n g i n e e r i n g . Lynch is currmtly the Chief of Bioethiss at the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children and although she has her background in medical ethics, her talked centred on ethical issues which are relevant in an engineering context. She star&d off by defining ethics as being the right actions, values, and principles, and that all decisions in the workplace should be t e c h n i c a l l y , legally, and ethically correct. lnengineeringwearetaught the technical aspect very thoroughly but are quickly brushed through o n e course on legal and ethical issues. L y n c h stated that many of the

decisions people have to make in life are ones of ethical dilemmas; thiswasdefmedasasituationwhere one’s values are in conflict. For example, finding a wallet on the street, of course the right thing to do is to try and return it, but there is also that nagging tolookafter yourself and keep it. She then presented her five steps in de&g with an ethical dilemma: 1) gathering and exami&g all pertinent information; 2) considering all possible courses of action or inaction; 3) identifying legitimate d e c i s i o n makers; 4 ) c h o o s i n g and implementing a course of action or inaction; and 5) reviewing the decision. Examples were then given which concerned whether or not to report a colleague whose drug use w a s s t a r t i n g t o affect his/her performance o n t h e j o b , how to deal with a supervisor demanding your approval of unsafe design practices, and finding out that the only job

opportunity you have is working to design weapons of war. Thesesituationsdemonstrated that one must alw+s weigh the personal impact of decisions, such as losing your job, against the issue of public safety. As Lynch noted, theengineeringprofessionisalways a conflict betweenbeing a guardian of public safety and being a creator of a design which pushes the envelop of technical development which may lead to errors and en* danger the public. Also presented was the concept of acting ethically and the appearance of acting ethically. You may know that just because a certain contractor gave you a pair of hockey tickets, you would not show them any special favours in awarding a contract. But, on the outside, it will appear to others that you are b e i n g b o u g h t o f f , s o h e n c e e v e n if y o u d o n ’ t a c t u n e t h i c a l l y y o u have g i v e n off the appearance of such and therefore it is not right to accept


any such favours. Sheendedbystaingthatenginmwolurttarilyt.akeandathwhi& sets out a series of ethical points; these include respect for the law, respect for your employer, respect for other engineem, and, most importantly, respect for the public S&tjL In closing, she said that most engineers were definitely ethical and have the best interest of the public at heart, but it’s the ones that don’t which you have to watch out for. , The engineering student who principally organized theselectures iscorrectlynamedDougYamash.ita~ The third and final lecture in this series for this term wiI1 be held on November 10th in AL113. The speaker will be Dr. Larry Smith discussing Careers in Technology: the Changing Marketplace -and as this man could make a talk about drying paint interesting, it will certainly be well worth being there.

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Friday, October 9,1992



with Peter Brown

There is nothing like a good family quarrel to bring out the worst in all of us. The national referendum on the ChFrlottetown Accord is a perfect , example of this. At this crucial moment in the history of the Canadian experiment, the citizens of this confederation are supposed to be debating *about their common aspirations and their competing views of this country. Some are, but many, including most of our national leaders and some of the contributors to this paper, are not. Instead, they are engaging in trench combat, seeking to assassinate the character of those disagree. This is especially true of those campaigning for the Yes side of the referendum. When former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau spoke out last week with his criticisms of the C h a r l o t t e t o w n A c c o r d , few analysts or politicians had the guts to take on his arguments directly. Acting as the id&l citizen in any democracy, Trudeau offered an incisive and detailed critique of flaws, as he saw them, in the Accord. He was rewarded for his concern about the future of this country with insults and slander. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney 1 has altemateJy attacked Trudeau for being too inflexible and too compromising. The current constitutional conundrum was set in motion because Trudeau was not successful at including ~inth&onstitutiorrin 1982, MuI- says.. But, Mulroney continues, T& compromised too much to the provinces in @ and Quebec in particular by includingthe a~reurdingdause”inthat~ OftiM Andthat’sb#nthemo6tQolite ~ofthef&merPrimeMinister th3ak+~cMswe&Morecommon is people ding him things like “an ipmn&angryoldman.” Jeffrey Smpson, writing in 7Ic

GlubmdMoilm~ber23,prited that Trudeau’s opinions should not be given wdght 4mply We many of his dd LiW colleques are now on the “Yes* slide. A classic rhetorical wchnique, but one that is easy to discredit Instead of examining Trudeau’s ideas in and of themselves, Simpson attacks the chzncter of Trudeau himsetf, questioning the “old man? competence to even speak on this topic. To their credit, the editorial writers for The Gbbe crnd Mcril have been one of the only patties to actually give Trudeau some of his due, despite using a shade of the same technique of obfuscation used by Simpson. The edited in last Saturday’s Globe at least treated Trudeau’s arguments in the same waythathehastreatedthe Charlo#etown accord: in a detailed Wion and with a dearth of mudslinging. “Yes” proponents are correct that the contlict brought on by this refarendum’could scar the couws psyche If they were really interested in m those eHuts. however. they wwldcancemntcmoreon~.~ rrymsnttand~on~dr;uzctsr .


On Monday night, after my requisite Hill Street 022ies fix, I was scanning the channels aimlessly trying to find something interesting HID? I’ve seen Tremhator 2 too many times for my own good already. Cinema? Dtm Jo-n and Melanie Griffith in the same movie. Cold sweats. ESPN? Golf. ‘INN? Mod Squad. Three hundred twenty channeIs of nothing an? Almost.

IhappenedcmtoaprogramcalIed Ethics in America, a series of panel diiions put together by WGBH, the , PBS affiliate in Boston. The series deals with the moral and ethical considerations of many aspects of modem life. On this particular episode, Harvard Law School ethics expert Charles Ogletree questtioned a panel about the morality of situations a combat soldier might face. I thought it would be only a mildly interesting program, until I saw who sat on the panel. Some of those present former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissenger, former C.I.A. Director Brent Scowcroft, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell, former Secretary of Defence &spar Weinberger, General William I Westmoreland, U.S. Marine CoIonel and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient John Frederickson, wounded Vietnam Veteran and CMH recipient Lt. James Eckhardt, ABC Anchor and Canadian expatriate Peter jennings, and CBS Correspondent Mike Wallace. Since the program concerned ethics, I assume the producers felt compelled to include some members of the clergy. They did. Head Chaplain of the U.S. Armed Forces General Lawrence 0’ Connel, and Francis Cardinal Rizzi, former Archdiocese of Boston also sat on the panel. Not a lightweight panel. We’re taIking induskrial strength here. What impressed me the most was the fairness and mess of the questions,


:: ’.? <, I


Absolutely. As a soldier, you are bound by the Code of Martial Justice, and the Code says that desertion is a crime.


So if I know this, and I defect to the enemy, and teIl them secrets, and thm discover I don’t like it there and want to come back?


We would get you back to stand trial for treason.


What is the penalty for treason?




You’d kiU a Brother? {Qgletree, like Powell, is .bIack] 6

, Latey,. Ogle&ee asked Lt. Eckhardt if he would kill women or children if he deemed it necessary. Eckhardt held up his left arm, showing the audience that the arm, from the elbow on down, was missing. He turned to the audience and said, “I lost this in ‘68 when aneight-year+ girl threw a frag [fragmentation grenade] into my APC. What that taught me was that, in agueriIIawar,thereisnosuchthingas rulesofwar. IfIdeemapersorttobea clear and present threat to myself or my unit, I don’t care what sex or size or age . they are. They’re dead.” I was, needless to say, taken b y surprise by Lt. Eckhardt’s-little homily. The fury with which he spat out hisanswer was genuine. The agonizing looks of empathy from the other soldiers present were hart-wrenching, In short, that hour was probably the single most thought-provoking hour of television I have ever seen. The point, Jeff. What’s your point? My point is this: Television made it possible for millions of people to watch that discussion; not just the few hundred in the audience. In fact, in any other medium, that panel discussion would have been a flop. Print? Tooboring. Not enough immediacy. Film? Eight bucks admission, ten for parking, pay the sitter... Nope. As I have said mahy times in past peices I believe television is the freshest and most powerful medium extant. When used properly, it is true Art. High drama, tragedy, comedy: they can all be found in the box. Yet, it seems, television as medium has been scorned by almost everyone. Why? because of shows like who’s the Buss, and Gmwing Pailzs? Granted, a great deal of television programming is lightweight trash. Yet, every so often, a show or series will come along that more than makes up for such drivel.. HiI2 S&et Blues is one. Twin Peaks is another. Give television a chance. YOU might be surprised.


You’re! a traitor. You’re no brother of mine .“. Bmthtr.

Jefpey L


So, chaplain 0’ Cannel: I’m now a full4ledged soldier, trained in h+nd-to-hand combat, weapons and tact& and I decide that I’m a c3ri&n, and I ShalI Not Kill.

0’ Cannel: Well, I 4zkn support your spirit, but I cannot tell you that it’s O.K. to disobey orders, I’m partoftheA.rmyaswell. RiZZi:

Icouldofferyousanctuaryina churchofGod.


But my only resource is the basechaplain. WhatifIsayI won’t go? suppose I go AWQL for my beliefs?


You would be charged with


desertion. MY?


Mittaf :. ,’

. . ” :.

‘.‘. . 1





Imprint October 9,1992


IMPRINT Weary of

Wherry? To the editor, A l t h o u g h I prdmised m y s e l f t h a t I w o u l d n e v e r g r a c e y o u r p a g e s again, I find that pelhaps s o m e m i n o r clarification is r e q u i r e d . In the September 25 edition of the I m p r i n t , Liam G o r e s u p p o r t e d m y r i g h t t o free speech with respect ‘to my original letter “Camera Sad.” He w a s w o r r i e d t h a t the complaint I had received, signed by many planning students, was a threat and had forced me to apologise for my remarks. Well Mr. Gore, this is not true at all. This letter was sent t o m e (and o t h e r s ) n o t just from a group of students, these people are (or were) my friends. I think that their a c t i o n w a s b o t h r e q u i r e d a n d j u s t . I had offended them, I had alienated them, and I even embarrassed many of them. If this is not just cause to ask for my apology Mr. G o r e then p e r h a p s y o u h a v e t a k e n “ f r e e dom of speech” a little too liberally. I am free to state my opinions whenever and ’ u s u a l l y w h e r e v e r I want - i t i s n o t w h a t you say, it is how you say it. Kevin Wherry 4A Planning

Student union, NOT! To



L a s t T u e s d a y m o r n i n g (Sept 29) at St Jerome’s College, the SJC Student Union Executive attempted to sell 350 tickets f o r the Oktoberfest at Seagram’s +qlium. A complete lack of organizatiofi on the part of the Student U n i o n resulted in a c h a o t i c mess in which many late arrivals-got tickets and people who lined up f o r h o u r s g o t screwed. A lineup formed outside SJC around 6:20 am for tickets selling at 930 am. About 7:45 a m t h e s t u d e n t s w e r e allowed into the SJC coffee S h o p . L a c k i n g a n y dtiections, the ‘lmeup’ quickly turined tb shambles as it t w i s t e d a r o u n d the tables and chairs in the c o f f e e s h o p . Sens*mb t h e c o n f u s i o n , a n :’ SJCPrefect passed a r o u n d a n attendance l i s t to record the position c$ students in the line. The list was tigned by 78 people. At 9:35 a m t i c k e t s a l e s b e g a n . ” . Students who waited for three hours s h o v e d a l o n g s i d e n e w ‘ a r r i v a l s i n the tiny hallway opening into the Student Union Office. Other students t o o k advantage of a d o o r a c c i d e n t a l l y left open and pushed their way to the front of the line. Many students shouted f o r s e v e r a l m i n u t e s f o r the attendance list to be u s e d . They w e r e completely ignored by the Student Union Executive. By 10 a m the t i c k e t s w e r e sold-out. Angry as hell by the way the sales were run, I asked.why the attendance list was not used. I was told the list was not “an

You are cordially invited to attend


Staff Meetings every Friday at 12:30 p.m.

official Student U n i o n list” and w a s therefore discarded in favour of a s h o v i n g match between students. I pointed this out, to the amazing reply “ t h e y lined up like kindergarten students last year.” Indeed, last year’s executive did a fine job of organizing things. I finally accused them of indifference and a total lack of o r g a n i z a t i o n , The door was shut in my face. The Student Union made no attempt to keep things at all o r d e r l y , perhaps because they already had their tickets before the doors opened. The attendance list was disregarded on the idiotic, selfimprovement grounds that the Student Union didn’t think of it themselves. ‘Student Union’. What a joke. &en t WNllamr ZA St Jerome’s Mathematics

Ego and D m more ego n

To the editor,

I ’ m w o n d e r i n g if K e n t o n Augerman and I were a t t h e s a m e s h o w T h u r s d a y , September 24 at Fed Hall (see “More Ego than Talent,” Big, Bad & G r o o v y T o u r r e v i e w ; I m p r i n t , F r i d a y , October 2). H e s a y s he saw a Sons o f F r e e d o m performance that was “* of the finest sets of music ever.” After I was victimized by the Sons’ agonizing, incomprehensible thrash-fest I ran to the can and syringed the .blood out of my ears. Kenny, let me set you striight on a f e w t h i n g s . First, i t ’ s n o t “ s u p e r h u m a n ; brilliant” to have your auditory senses r a p e d . S e c o n d , i t ’ s n o t (Bootsau~ f r o n t m a n ) D r e w Ling’s “ a r r o g a n c e i s a putoff;” instead, it’s Drew Kig’s sassy b r a v a d o w h i c h B~@+uce f a n s k n o w a n d ’ love. Third, do your&If a favour and ‘I_, c h a n g e y o u r n a m e . I mean, K e n t o n Augerman - it sounds Iike the medical wing of some Ivy League university. The K e n t o n Augerman S c h o o l ofProctology; . . Aaron Kehan 35Rec . -

%diior’s irate: Hey @ys, we got this great

letter to the editor from wtne guy named Aaron A- you hdw, Air&z, as in Air-i‘ik-head?!!!! *

More scare I








E a c h S e p t e m b e r there seems t o b e a

w h o l e n e w s e t o f “&are the Frosh” articles i n I m p r i n t . The September 25th edition had a very good example on page 37, with the “Top Ten Things your High School Guidance Counsellor Never Told ‘You.” Much of it w a s d i s t u r b i n g l y accurate. Maybe the f o l l o w i n g p r o c e s s c a n h e l p t o explain s o m e of the ne”g&ivity floating around.

888-4048 Friday, October 9, 1992 Volume 14, Number 12

Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Assistant Ed&r News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Production Manager Laurie Tigert-Dumas Production Assistant Cheryl Costello General Manager Vivian Tambeau Office Clerk Sheri Hendry Advertising Rep. Scott Hendty Advertising Assistant Jill O’Hagan Proof Readers Denise Haffner Nicole Metcalf Isabel White

Iknow about .i women To the editor,

Board of Directors

In thee O c t o b e r 2 i s s u e y o u p u b l i s h e d an article by Angela Mulholland concerning the new Mentor program for female engineering students. In the article Ms. Mulholland writes: “Women currently comprise 17.7 per cent of the engineering faculty and are often faced . with many challenging situations due to their minority status. Not surprisingly, s o m e w o m e n s t u d e n t s have a difficult time feeling welcome in such a male-dominated discipline. Every day they deal with incidents of sexual harassment.” Does the author chider this to be objective journalism? IDoes she’ have l&n b a s i s f o r these claims? The reader is le iT w i t h i m p r e s s i o n th& the:FacuIt’y o f E n g i n e e r i n g is filled with a bunch of women-hating males, who s p e n d t h e i r d a y s m a k i n g r u d e remarks and gestures to their female colleagues. This is simply untrue. In the four years I have been enrolled in Waterloo Engineering, I have never encountered such attitudes or..witnessed such,abuse. Instead. the atmosphere has been one gf’coopera>tion and mutual respect, i n w h i c h m a n y w o m e n have excelled.,In a&iition, there are several s c h o l a r s h i p s directed exclusively at women e n g i n e e r i n g students. T h e o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r female in mgineering at W a t e r l o o a r e t h e r e for the t a k i n g - w h y w a s t e t i m e l o o k i n g f o r ~ _ .) + ,_. ,?) VI excuses? . Duvid &ordo Fourth Yeur Electka~

Peter Brown Sue Forrest K e n Bryson lain Anderson Sandy Atwal Bernard Keamey Vacant Vacant Scott Deveber ReneeGeo~ks Jerry Han T o m Koziol


5umy Pierce i + 4N Geog.

Editor’s note: A small, but important semantic point: the pssugefrom the story that you cite reads: “Euery day they deal with incidents such as sexual harassment. N hprinf has neither reuson nor evidmce to imply that femde engineering sttcdenk are sexually harassed every day, merely that it is one of the problems which thy mayjkce.

photographers sports writers for winter sports& feature writers science writers

.’reall welcome!

P r e s i d e n t J e f f r e y t. Milfar Vice President Peter Brown S e c r e t a r y / T r e a s u r e r D a v e Thomeon Staff Liaison vacant Directon-at-Large Sandy Atwal Bernard Keamey

Contribution List Marci Aitken, Trevor Blair, Scott Carson, Todd Cuulter, Anna Done, De Ann Durrer, Carol Ferguson, Dave Fisher, Denise Haffner, Ggoff Hill, Robin KaMteisch, Andy Koch, Vlnce Kozme, Jack Lefcwd, .Stacey Lobin, Jefftey IL. MW, AngehMt&dland, Craig Nickem, Minh Nguyen, Rich Nichol, Pauline Okhoff, Keith Peck, Elizabeth Rayson, Cynthia Renkema, KeMy Ryan, FrankSeglenieks, Harry Schnider, Jeffrey Shalllt, Paul Sudbw, Dave Thomson, Gtiham Tomlin$on, Janet Tseng, UW Lacrosse Club, UW News Bureau, Jeff Warner, Christopher Waters, Derek Weiler

FORMIt ThcI forum pages alIti timbers of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on v&rious issues through letters to the editor and longer comment feces. The opinions express8d in cdumns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors,. nat of Jmprint. Only articles which are c!e@rly IabeJled “editorial’ and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.


Here at Imprint, we could sure use some help... I

The UW Student Newspaper

It’s basically a matter of The Path from Idealiirm t o D i s i l l u s i o n m e n t , a n d t h e r e a r e four main steps. Begin with what we hope t o achieve (Idealism). We rapidly readjust to what we believe is possible to achieve (Possibilism). Eventually this gives way to w h a t w e h o p e w e c a n a v o i d , despite i t ’ s b e i n g i n e v i t a b l e (Fatalism). The final step is to clutch weakly for support; a feeble a t t e m p t i n g t o s l o w downour slide into the Abyss (Disillusionment). Somewhere between Fatalism and Disillusionment occasionally comes Apathy. You simply let go. (If you learned Cynicism in High S c h o o l , y o u m a y learn Apathy at University.) If no God exists, you fall. If there is a G o d , y o u m a y o r m a y n o t falI. Y o u d o n ’ t know. You don’t care. Grim. Q. University may give us the clarity to r e c o g n i z e t h i s s l i p p e r y s l o p e , but does it p r o v i d e t h e w i s d o m to escape it? A . D o n ’ t k n o w . Pass the Beer Nuts.

Letters to the Editor


Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. Al1 material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judg8d to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Opinions 8xpressed in the forum section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Imprint is the official student newspaperof the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario community Newspaper Association (OCNA), Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7360. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3Gl. Our fax number is 88407800.Electronic mail should be address&o imprint QID wats8rvl



Imprint Friday, October



South Africa parallel To the editor, OnMarch171992,whiteSouth Africans voted in a referendum w h e t h e r t o e n d o r s e o r r e j e c t President de Klerk’s p o l i c y o f negotiat. ing a transition to a multi-racial political system. De Clerk called t h e r e f e r e n d u m f o l l o w i n g h i s National Party’s (NP) loss of the Potchefstroom by-election to the Conservative Party (KP). It was, needless to say, wholly illegitimate. All opponents of apartheid condemed the possibility of a whitesonly referendum. However, even the largest anti-apartheid organizations, the ANC and its COSATU affiliate, decided against attempting to disrupt the vote. Conseq u e n t l y , w h e n it became clear that the vote would go ahead, the ANC adopted a position in support of the ‘yes’ side. This was obviously not an uncritical e n d o r s e m e n t of de Klerk’s regime. It is true that the ANC’s attitude toward the government since entering negotiations deserves many criticisms Forgetting that it was mass protests and militant strikes that got them there in the first plae, the talks became the primary political vehicle. This enabled de K.lerk to disorient the movement and seize the initiative by simultan e o u s l y p u r s u i n g reform and repression. But it is also true that when they did find themselvesonthesidelines of de Xlerk’s referendum, it was clear to the ANC that it would only be defeated from the far right. De Clerk has used the threat of the KPand the ultra-right AWB to lever the terms of the negotiations further from the ANC’s position of one person, one vote. For when he talks about, a ‘truly democratic and indi: visible South Africa’, what he has in i mind is a two-tiered parliament with 1 a white veto, weighed voting, and : white local autonomy. The ANC ; would have lost even more ground on the fundamental issueof the fran’ chiie than they had already lost at CODESA if the far right had been bolstered by a ‘no’ vote. As subsequent events have s h o w n , b y s u p p o r t i n g t h e govemment position in the referendum in no way whatsoever hindered the

ANC in its opposition. The Boipatong massacre in June promoted t h e s u s p e n s i o n o f CODESA, and the general strike of 3 August showed the tremendous potential that COSATU h;ls to challenge the government. This example from South Africa is instructive for Canada. In both countries constitutional polit i c s tub on a fundamental Frinciple of democracy: there the franc h i s e , h e r e the r i g h t o f o p p r e s s e d nations to self-determination. Canada is founded upon the conquest and oppression of the First N a t i o n s and the Qu6b4cois. While the former have been largely marginalized, Quebec has had to be reluctantly accommodated. The entire constitutional history of Canada centres on ceaseless contestation over the status of Quebec. And parallel to this is the history of anti-Quebec bigotry, a poison that has divided English from French and that has consistently fuelled right wing politics in Canada. Look at the last twenty years. The War Measures Act and the deployment of troops in 1970; the intervention in the 1980 referendum in Quebec; the 1982 constitutional deal in which the rest of Canada reduced Quebec’s constitutional powers without their consent; the collapse of the Meech Lake Accord in 1990 under a tidal wave of antiQuebec hysteria in English Canada; and n o w a Canadian referendum t o determine their national fate. This de&al of Quebec’s right to self-determination has incontrovertibly bolstered the Right. The Reform Party, A P E C , and COR have been able to redefine the terms of the debate,. rewrite history, and pull the entire political spectrum in their direction - and not just with respect to Que-bet, but to immigration and ‘family values’ as well. The campaign to vote ‘no’ will be based ovwhelmingly on right wing anti-Quebec politics --just like the opposition to Meech Lake. Seeing t&s, Judy Rebick, just nine months ago, said that the position her organization took then was’ wrong. And yet now NAC has s o m e h o w made the same mistake again! They are in danger of offering a progressive cover for a thoroughly retrograde event. For if even Quebec i s denied minimal r e c o g n i tion from the Canadian state, then n o other group stands a chance. If we aim at a just society, then

we must face the decisive issues even when the conditions are less than ideal. The concessions embodied in the proposed agreement are feeble, but it is irresponsible to reject them. Do we affirm native selfgovernment and the inspiring events at Oka that enforced its recognition? Do we affirm Quebec’s right to self-determination and challenge the chauvinism pervading English Canada? Only when we say yes to these basic principles of dem o c r a c y - not to ‘national unity’ can we get on with building a better society. Take the inch and fight for a mile. Bryan Smyth

UW Feds say you should To the editor, Just some words from your External Affairs Board. The upcoming referendum on O c t o b e r 26,1992 can have dramatic effects on the future of this country, and you have a chance t o participate. Get to know the details of the Charlottetown Accord and make s u r e y o u c a s t y o u r v o t e , i t ’ s your futu& that’s being shaped. C o p i e s of the A c c o r d are available f o r y o u to read in the Federation of Students Office, and the Faculty Society Offices. A public forum open to .students will be held during the week before the referendum, watch f o r Posters with details. Representat i v e s f r o m theNationaIActionCommittee on the Status of Women, Reform Party and the Yes Committee of Waterloo have been approached tospeakandanswerquestions for the University Community. Use these opportunities as a chance to understand the p r o p o s a l so you can make an informed vote on voting day. As the unity referendum approaches it is important to get to know your rights. For first time voters or for people who have never voted away from home here is a brief rundown of the steps. In order to vote you must be 18 years of age or older, a Canadian citizen and be r e g i s t e r e d on the Voter’s List. During the past w e e k i f y o u lived off-campus, you should have been visited by a door to door enumerator who registered you for the Voter’s List. If you live on campus, enumeration took place Monday ‘and Tuesday of this week. Once enumerated you will receive a Notice of Enumeration card in the mail w h i c h confirms your name on the Voter’s List. If you were not enumerated, or have not received your Notice of E n u m e r a t i o n b y O c t o b e r X,1992 contact Elections Canada, Waterboat 8847006 and they can tell you how to get on the Voter’s List is O c t o b e r 19,1992. Whenvotingdayarrives,check your Notice of Enumeration card for the times and location of y o u r polling station. Advance Polls will also be listed on the card. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the External Affairs Board at ext. 2340 in the Federation of Students Offices. OnOctober26,makeyourmark on Canada’s Future, Vote! Glen Rutlmd External A#iim Bocmi

Well Dave, #I To the editor, I must take exception w i t h D a v e T h o m s o n ’ s o p i n i o n piece “Canada’s Constitution? Child’s Play!” (Oct. 2). Mr Thomson would have us vote no on October 26 because he feels that Quebec is getting too much out of *the Charlottetown agreement. So let’s take a look at what they are actually getting (something Mr Thomson conveniently neglects to do in his piece). Firstly, Quebec is acknowledged as being a distinct society. Mr Thomson already c o n c e d e s t h i s p o i n t . H o w e v e r , i f he feels that such a declaration gives the province “special status”, then I challenge him to give me examples o f l a w s w h i c h Q u e b e c w i l l be able to give me examples of laws which Quebec will be able to enact under C h a r l o t t e t o w n that it can not enact presently. Secondly,Quebec senators are given a veto over legislation dealing with, the French language and culture. Such a provision will affect no one in English Canada. Finally, Quebec gets a guaranteed 25% of the seats in the H o u s e o f C o m m o n s i n perpetuity. However, the province presently makes up more than 25% of the country’s population. Furthermore, it has already taken steps to increase its birthrate in order that it may, preserve its “distinct society”. Viewed in this context, the guarantee is merely a symbolic gain. Meanwhile, the West and the Maritimes got a reformed senate, thenatives got self-government and Bob Rae, on behalf of Ontario, managed to get h i s s o c i a l c h a r t e r . Keep in mind that Quebec was adamantly opposed to all three of these substantial reforms but still chose to concede on them. The Charlottetown agreement is acompromisebetween different regions of the country. In a compromise, no one side gets everything it wants. While legitimate reasons might exist to rejectthe agreement, to vote no simply out of spite for Quebec is meanspirited and vindictive. I just hope that Canadians will consider the importance of tolerance and respect when casting their ballot. Zahlr l3hanjl ZB Act. Sci. Mr. Thumsun responds: MU. Bhanji: Vindictiveness dws not enter into the question. If this package were to somehow miraculously end all of Qu&bec’s demands, I might reconsider my position. However, Mr. &wxssa has stated that this “agreement io renew the consfitutilm” is but the first oj many ambiguous demands te be sutisfid, OT else. One wonders how tht2 rest of the distinct cultures in Canada have survived as lung as they hwve+

,Well Dave, 42 To the editors Youarepatheticandthatpisses me off. Every time one of you ‘No’ siders o p e n s y o u r m o u t h b l i s t e r i n g flashes of pure ignorance come screaming

out assadkiq

all iddli-

gence that may be around. DoeS even one of you have any idea what is contained in the Charlottetown accord? When I’ve found myself en-

g a g i n g i n t h e a r d u o u s t a s k o f enlightening the ‘No’ side my ears are immediately insulted with the limpid statement “The proposed changes to the constitution transfer too much power to the provinces and will create a loose collection of governing bodies instead of one strongcountrywithonestronggovernment”. “Federalism” you bellow. My resonse is of course to ask you to be specific about which power transfers are of most concern and you have no response because you don’t know one damn thing about the agreement. Oh sure you bandy about the political jargon that your mentors spit with regularity t o any media source that w i l l p r i n t them, but you can’t even have a discussion with a simpleton like myself about the direct affects of any particular part of the deal. It’s just plain embarrassing. I have some strong reservations about p a r t s o f t h e a c c o r d ( n o n e o f which I would provide to the vacuum that constitutes the ‘No’ side) but when I look at the whole I find it not just acceptable for Canada but I find it GOOD FOR CANADA. Ihavedonemuchinvestigationinto the accord and am fairly well informed and I do not see the “blackmail” or the doom and gloom that you preacha “Yes’vote would mean. U n b e l i e v a b l y not one o f y o u c a n g i v e m e a specific example so that my defense could begin. I can defend every part of the accord(yes, even the parts that I have strong reservations about are defensible in a convincing manor) but I am never afforded the opportunity since the ‘ N o ’ s i d e i g n o r a n c e i s s o v a s t . Do your damn homework before you e x p r e s s y o u r ‘expert’ opinion and don’t waste my time until you do Probably most pitiful is the way you continue to cling to the incessant rantings of that woeful old fart who’s National Energy Program b i r t h e d the present need for a ‘Triple E ’ senate and who did more to alienate Quebec than any other Prime Minister in the history of Canada. Underneath that admittedly c h a r i s m a t i c veneer i s a tired o l d m a n w h o d o e s n ’ t realize that p o l i t i c s t o d a y i s m u c h too c o m p l i cated for his limited and out-dated faculties. All Premiers, the P r i m e Minister of Canada, the leader of the official opposition, the leader of the NDP, almost every motable English personality and many notable French personalities female and male, and of course yours truly think that this deal is good for Canada and are in direct and total d i s a g r e e m e n t w i t h y o u r dotaring demigod. Of course you also have the confused and insincere words of PrestonBaarely Managing to lend credibility and authenticity to the ‘No’ side thus proving that nothing could be better for Canada than voting YES. My Canqda includes Quebec and British Columbia (and all the others).Thesepruposedchangesare good changes, necessary and important. Don’t vote in ignoranceand you will vote YES. I am going to. Rick Belangsr 4th Year Economks Mr. Tbmscm responds: Mr. Nlanger: I see. There only exists truth and ignorance uf truth. Interesting. I don’t wish to sound conceited, but given that approximately II tfiird of the courses I’ve taken here have been in political science, I &eZieve rrn not entirely ignorant of the his#ury of Qudbec rwtiordistn thd has led up to fhis. By the wiy, there is nut a single word in your letter indica f ive uf any knowledge of the Charlot~etown accord on yuur part*


The players, the tunes, the fascination:.. it’s killin’ me “There ain’t no answer. There ain’t going to be any answer. There never has been an answer. That’s the answer.” -- Gertrude Stein I’m not exactly sure what 01’ Gert was referring to in the above quote, but it certainly seems to suit our current national unity “crisis.” The search f o r an a n s w e r , a n y a n s w e r , seems to be the major concern for our country at present. On the surface, it seems easy e n o u g h to come up with an answer. That is so because in this referendum, as in all referenda, a question will be asked. “Do you agree that the Constitution of Canada should be renewed on the basis of the agreement reached o n A u g u s t 28,1992?” Simply enough, your answer will be “yes” o r “ n o . ” H o w e v e r , m a n y C a n a d i a n s are finding it difficult to make a decision. God knows I am. The amount of information is overwhelming and the flaming rhetoric is unbelievable. There is a stack of newspapers and magazines at the e n d o f m y b e d c o n t a i n i n g reports and stories that I’m trying to ingest in order to come up with an answer. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t such a media/politico junkie which entails feeling obligated to examine, analyze, and discuss most anything that comes along. I’m not sure when I became so cynical and jaded,.but the “crisis” that we are embroiled in has certainly pushed me over the edge. Nevertheless, I feel compelled (COM: PELLED!!) to subject others to the ramblin’ in my mind concerning the upcoming referend u m ( p l e b i s c i t e , w h a t e v e r ) . H e r e g o e s : (deep breath) The first thing that comes to mind a b o u t t h e w h o l e t h i n g i s not what is actually in the agreement, but the players i n v o l v e d . Mulroney, McLaughlin, Wells, Parizeau M e r c r e d i , M a n n i n g , R e b i c k , Trudeau B o u r a s s a , C h r e t i e n , B o b Rae t o o Yes or no, we love you! Sorry. Sorry. Sorry about that, but my mind is turning into mush AND THE BLOODY THING IS STILL OVER TWO WEEKS AWAY!!! Sorry once again- have a drink, have a smoke... Ah. Now, where were w e ? Y e s , the p l a y e r s i n v o l v e d . Some people feel that seeing as all three major political party leaders, all ten premiers and both territorial leaders, as well as the head of the A s s e m b l y o f F i r s t N a t i o n s endorse the deal that “yes” is the obvious a n s w e r . H o w e v e r , s o m e people w o u l d v o t e “no” for exactly the same ‘reasoning. The eclectic crew above stirs up emotions both good and bad. The “no” side is also an eclectic bunch ranging from Jacques Parizeau to Preston Manning and including Judy Rebick and ultimately Pierre Trudeau. You may admire and respect representatives from eitherside of the issue, but it would be impossible to respect (though maybe admire in a sick and twisted way) everyone on one side. Although united for this particular event, many of the allies in this battle, from either side, w i l l r e v e r t t o b e i n g m o r t a l e n emies once it ends. The modem Canadian version of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse could definitely b e d r a w n f r o m t h o s e i n v o l v e d i n t h e debate. And I’m not entirely sure which Sixheaded Hydra I’d like to face in a Constitut i o n a l s t r u g g l e t o t h e d e a t h . O f c o u r s e , the hydra has the ability to regenerate its decapitated heads so the selection of heads is futile. So what is to be done? Do we select the side which contains more people we like, or do we set up some sort of high-tech program in which approval/disapproval ratings are factored and calculated resulting in our most

suitable answer? D o y o u k n o w ? Does a n y b o d y ? I g u e s s w e c o u l d and s h o u l d examine the-issues, but at this moment in time I’m l i s t e n i n g t o a high-speed crazed dance mix that makes Napalm Death (or the Chipmunks) sound like Enigma on Ecstasy. Consequently, the issues are the farthest thing from my mind. Anyway, it seems that the most intrigue (as w&l a s f i r e a n d b r i m s t o n e ) c o m e s from who is involved and not necessarily what they are talking about. The cast of characters seems to mutate daily, making it all the m o r e c o n f u s i n g f o r f a n a t i c s l i k e myself. For example, two weeks ago the names of Diane Wilhelmy and Andre T r e m b l a y , t w o senior government advisors, were very prominent in the news f o r what may o r m a y n o t have been said in a private telephone conversation which was surreptitiously recorded. Once the t r a n s c r i p t was p u b l i s h e d , i t revealed that Mile. Wilhelmy and M. Tremblay felt that Premier Bourassa had settled for too little during the negotiations and had in fact, “caved in”. M. Tremblay”s res p o n s e c o n s i s t e d of anger and he stated that he felt that he had been “raped”. Despite these r e v e l a t i o n s , “ l ’ a f f a i r e W i l h e l m y ” w a s s o o n o l d n e w s d u e t o the reemergence of f o r m e r P r i m e M i n i s t e r P i e r r e Trudeau f o m h i s Montreal mausoleum. Mansion! His Maclean’s statements about Quebec’s “master blackmailers” were the new talk of the country. Debates raged on whether he had a valid point or just wanted to appear o n y e t a n o t h e r magazine c o v e r . There can be no argument that Trudeau has no place in this unity “crisis”. lt seems that all former, present and furure politicians are s o m e h o w i n v o l v e d on either side. The “yes” contigent has trotted out both R o b e r t S t a n f i e l d a n d Willian Davis to stump for their side. (Ask your old Conservative parents who they are.} Mario Drumont, theQuebe&iberalsmiIitantyouthwingpresident, has been quite prominent on the “no” side. Alas, it seems the nation will wait in vain f o r Dave Martin Despite his referendum experience the Fed president has yet to enter the debate. Two recent entrants onto the unity scene are A l l e n T a y l o r , R o y a l B a n k C h a i r man, and Edward Neufeld, t h e R o y a l ’ s c h i e f economist. They released a report stating that Quebec’s succession from Canada (actual separation, not just a “no” vote) would create economic catastrophe in Canada. Of course their “neutrality” relating to the referendum came immediately into question by those on the “no” side, who feel, it seems, that the economy will be worse if “yes” triumphs. And while .a11 Canadians worry abouthigher unemployment and lower i n c o m e i t s h o u l d be noted that these gentlem e n , a l o n g w i t h t h e i r b a n k i n g and b i g b u s i n e s s c o l l e a g u e s , stated that the F r e e Trade deal with the U.S. would be beneficial to Canada. Hmmm. We can all rest assured that right until Referendum Day, there will be waves of people, famous and not, elected and not, and intelligent and not, who will get involved in o r d e r t o s a v e t h e c o u n t r y (danunit!!) b y attempting to convince to vote “yes” or “no”. The prospect of this really frightens me as I don’t know whether I can keep track of everyone involved. Is it possible that every Canadian w i l l receive t h e i r alloted t i m e o n NewsWorld to express their beefs and beliefs? Perish the thought. I can’t help, but feel that Mu&Music should get involved by having one of their oh-so-cute contests in order to come up with a c o n s t i t u t i o n a l “c&i!? t h e m e s o n g . Early nominations could include: “Proud to be a Canadian” by The Dayglo Abortions, “Give it Away” by Red Hot Chili Peppers, “Everything I Do...” by Bryan Adams, “Remedy” by The Black Crowes. My selection, induced without a doubt by Referendum madness and a Constitution overdose, consists of the live version of “St@ mata” by Minstry, which culminated in the rage, “Fuck you, Fuck me. Fuck all of you, They told me nothing but lies! Lies! Lies!” Yes? No? I don’t know. What I do know is bars are allowed to open on Referendum Day. Enjoy.


Imprint Friday, Oct.&er

Senate chamber would make a great movie theatrti To answer the call of Dave Thomson in last week’s Imprint, I am going to give my general opinion on the upcoming referendum on renewed federalism. I will keep it general as I have just recently received the exact Charlottetown agreement and so I am just going on the summaries I have read in various newspapers and what been on the news. Tostartoff,Ihavetosaythatpersonally the agreement looks good to me and encourage everybody to vote “yes.” Not that I f u l l y s u p p o r t e v e r y t h i n g agreed to by the first ministers et al., but in the true spirit of Canadian negotiation it is a good compromise which satisfies the d i v e r s e nature of Canada regions and peoples. I also think that i t i s w r o n g t o t h i n k that a “no” vote merely means that you don’t l i k e t h i s agreement. I believe it also means that you think that the current system of g o v e r n m e n t i s s u p e r i o r t o w h a t w a s agreed upon on August 28. So, with that in mind, I hope that e v e r y b o d y gets a copy of the agreement and reads it td make an informed decision on October 26. (Incidently, for all the computer l i t e r a t e p e o p l e , y o u c a n g e t y o u r own copy through anonymous ftp at watserv1 under the directory \ pub.) The exact wording of the text isn’t that i m p o r t a n t t o m e p e r s o n a l l y as is the general spirit of the agreement I think we are trying to agree on, but as it would put many people at ease, it would be nice for the legal text to be completed b y the referendum date. NowTon to the Senate. As I said before, a “no” vote to me means that you think that the current system is better than the one



a g r e e d t o i n C h a r l o t t e t o w n . A n d I think the Senate we have n o w i s a b i g w a s t e o f t i m e (although I w o u l d h a v e r a t h e r j u s t a b o l i s h e d it and make the Senate chamber a movie theatre). The modified Senate will at least be closer to the “triple-E” model. Dave asks “have webeen marching in the streets demanding a “triple-E” senate.” Well, here in central Canada, of course nobody really cared about the upper house, but if you look at Canada as whole (that’s from Newfoundland to British Columbia), a lot of people felt the various regions of Canada weren’t properly represented. I do remember a farmer in Alberta cutting his wheat field to show “EEE” and of course the variouscommittees whichcombed across the country showed this as well. What are the benefits for the average Canadian from t h i s a g r e e m e n t ? W e l l , a p a r t from the really good things which are part of the agreement itself, a Canada where all people are working together for a better future -- that’s good enough for me. As for thequestionof whether Quebec would really separate, lets hope we never get to that point. But if it does, I agree that a quasi separation i.e. sovereignty association just doesn’t hold water; it’s either part of Canada or separate. Of course, this would be terrible in all aspects for both entities, but as shown by the Lindros affair, some people in Quebec will stand by what they believe even if it goes against all rational thought, In the last p a r a g r a p h t h e q u e s t i o n o f v o t i n g “ n o ” j u s t to vote against the current government is raised. I think this is just plain a really bad idea. The next federal election has to be held within the next year and everybody will have a chance to shoot down the current government. But for now we are just voting on this agreement so I hope that everybody will keep the vote concentrated to just that. If you don’t like your landlord you don’t bum down your house with all your possessions just to piss them off. Fan& Seglenisks

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Imprint Friday, October




How the words of holocau

by Jeffrey Shullit speciul to

Canada has a long tradition erance and multiP cultat’s yhY many resi-

Kitchener-Waterloo area were shocked and saddened to learn that a stereo store on King Street in Kitchener was displaying posters advertising a talk by David Irving, a selfdescribed historian who says that the estimates of six million Jews killed by the Nazis d u r i n g W o r l d W a r 11 are greatly exaggerated. Inside the store, according to the K-W Recorri, one can find for sale a b m k by Fred Leuchter thatclaimsthatthegasch.ambersatAuschwitz were never used for mass killing. A f t e r l o c a l p r o t e s t s , t h e s t o r e owner retaliated by putting up posters about the banking system based on the w r i t i n g s of antibut one explicitly anti-Semitic f l y e r s t i l l r e mains. The Kitclmer- Waterloo Record recently carried a letter to the editor by Paul Fromm, director of Canadian Association for Free Expression, Inc. This letter defended neoNazi publisher Ernst Zundel, saying, “Zundel was dragged through the courts for nine years . . . MERELY for his UNPOPULAR views.” [emphasis mine] Who are Michael Rothe, David hving, Fred Leuchter, Eustace Mullins, and Paul Fromm, and what do they stand for?

believes that the Holocaust has been greatly exaggerated, and that there is a world-wide Jewish conspiracy behind it. “They want money. When they have money they have power,” he has been quoted a s s a y i n g . A l t h o u g h Rothe has claimed, “I have not seen a neo-Nazi before,” according to the R e c o r d , he attended a recent “victory party” for Ernst Zundel, and Zundel was recently sighted at his store. When I asked Rothe i f h e k n e w w h a t Irving would speak on, he claimed, “Irving c o m e s t o s p e a k o n G e r m a n y . . . o n l y Germ a n y . ” When I pointed out that this was false, that Irving actually spends a significant p o r t i o n o f h i s s p e e c h e s d i s c u s s i n g how the Holocaust is a hoax, he repeated, “No, that is w r o n g - I r v i n g o n l y speaks a b o u t G e r m a n y . ” H o w e v e r , t h e p o s t e r s Rothe himself has put up belie this claim - they list the Holocaust as a topic of Irving’s speech.

gas chambers atAuschwitz were “built by the Poles after the war as a tourist attraction v David Irving


t I


Michael Rothe i s t h e o w n e r o f European Sound Imports, at 109 King Street W. in Kitchener. A c c o r d i n g to The K-W Record, 1is a native of southern Gerany, who came to Cawda ght years ago. His stereo nre might appear harmless n the outside, but on the inde, one can obtain anti-Semiticpropaganda froma ) variety of sutuces. According to The Reu&, book by Fred Leuchter mentioned above, one CandSOpUrchaSe a booklet on the . court battles of I _ pro-Nazi publisher L E r n s t

I r v i n g s h o w e d a c o p y o f the manuscript to Broome before publication. Broome objected to the accuracy of some 30 passages in the book, and threatened to sue for libel if Irving did not make changes. At that point, William Kimbers Ltd., Irving’s publisher, notified him that they would not publish the book as it was then written. Later, Irving published the book with another publisher. The court found that Irving “was warned from most responsible quarters that his book contained libels on Captain Broome . . . . To make [the book] a success he was ready t o r i s k l i b e l a c t i o n s . . . . D o c u m e n t a r y evidence . . . showed that [Irving] had deliberately set out to attack Captain Broome and in spite of m o s t e x p l i c i t w a r n i n g s p e r s i s t e d in his attack because it would help sell the b o o k . ” The court labeled Irving’s conduct as “outrageous and shocking.” Irving’s misrepresentations did not

David John Cawdell Irving is a British “historian,” born in 1938. According to David Cesarani of t h e W i e n e r L i b r a r y i n L o n d o n , E n g l a n d , he attended Imperial College at the University of London, but never graduated. He holds no academic degree and no academic position at any university or-college. He calls himself a “moderate fascist,” and claims,amongotherthingsthatthegaschamhers at Auschwitz (in which an estimated 2-3 million people died) were “built by the Poles after the war as a tourist attraction.” (For this remark, he was fined DM 10,000 by a Munich court in May, 1992. The judge was quoted as saying that the gas chambers of Auschwitz w e r e “ a n h i s t o r i c a l l y c e r t a i n fact?) I r v i n g d e n i e s b e i n g a “ H o l o c a u s t denier” or “Hitler apologist”, and seems wiIling to resort to legal action if necessary. ln a recent fax printed in 77ze K-W Record, he is reported as saying, “I have not - warned 22 British newspapers that I shall hesitate to commence libel action if they use smear phrases such like ‘Hitler apologist’ or ‘Holocaust denier’ to embellish th+r writingdf ButBernard~vin,writirigin7%eTinzs of London in May of this year, quoted Irving as saying, “I hope the court will fight a battle for the Gernian people and put an end to the blood lie of the Hdlocaust-which has been told against this country for 50 years.” . Irving first entered the headlines in 1970. In July of that year, he was forced to apologize in the High Court of London for, “making a.wholly untrue and highly damaging statement about a woman writer” not an auspicious start for someone who the truth. 5 was back in the bublication of his Destruct&-of CmpoyPQZ7.

i, cap& “Jbb 1e+onvpy at the time, saying he Was auilfsr of ‘@wnright disobedience” and “dowruQht desertion of the convoy? Broome brought suit against I&ing won a jvdgment Irving’s lawyers nd lost in March, xe case is reveal~useofw)mtit ysaboutIrv&% abiktksasahis-

torian and his motives as an author. According to The T i m e s , /

end with the publication of his book. According to Cesarani, in 1979, a German publisher had to pay compensation to the father of Anne Frank after p r i n t i n g t h e German edition of Irving’s book, Hitler’s War. Irving had claimed that Anne Frank’s diary was a forWYIrving claims that according to his “research,” the Holocaust is greatly exaggerated. (He was recently quoted in The K-W Record as saying that the number of Jews who died in concentration camps was “of the order of 100,ooO or more.“) Rut during the 1988 trial of pro-Nazi publisher Ernst Zundel, he was forced to admit under cross-examination that he hadn’t even read all of Eichmann’s 1960 trial testimany. &this testimony, Eichmannadmitted that Nazi leaders discussed the so-called “Final Solution to the Jewish problem” - extermination, in 1942.) In N o v e m b e r 1 9 9 1 , a r e p o r t e r f r o m The Independent showed that loving omitted c r u c i a l l i n e s f r o m a t r a n s l a t i o n o f Goebbels’ diaries -lines that would have contradicted his theory that Hitler knew nothing about the extermination of the Jews+ Iwing’s record is clear: he is not an h i s t o r i a n , and he has made false statements and been forced to apologize for them. As Andrew Cohen, reporter for The Financial Post, has said, “David lrving s h o u l d b e de4 nied credibility” Eustace


According to analyst Chip Berlet of Politital Research Associates, Mullins is quite simply, “the most vicious anti-Semite on the face of the planet.” EustaceClarenceMullins,bominl923, is the author of a biography of Ezra Pound (a copy exists in the University of Waterloo library). But he is also the author of numerous truly b%rre tracts published by small Christian publishers. Some of these, like the excerpt r e c e n t l y posted and then removed b y ICitchmer store owner Rothe, are critiques of the lyking system. Berlet says, “Mullins masl&@an&&i@ismwithacritiqueofthe [VS.] Federal Reserve System.” Ina 1952 b&, Mullins blamed Paul Warburg Bernard Baruch, and other U.S. Jews f o r d r o w n i n g A m e r i c a n s i n d e b t . A c cording to Mullii, The Federal Resenre Act of 1913 put the nation’s banking +zlves in the handi of the “Jewish International Bankers” for the purpose of c-outa plan for world dic@torship. , In a 1955 article enti tied, “Jews mass p o i s o n A m e r i c a n c h i l d r e n , ” Qullins claimed that the gdi~vaccine, invented by Jonas Salk, was a poison because it contains live polio germs. Other books depict Jews as parasites, living off their gentile hosts. In what has to be one of the most bizarre of Mullins’ beliefs, it has been reported by L. J. Davis that Mullins hasclairnedthatthephrase”Haveaniceday’~ ’



Friday, October 9,1992



and their allies reveal their agenda is a code for Jews to begin killing Christians. Mullins’ writings have been adopted wholesale by violent extremists in the US., such as the Posse Comitatus. Should we not be more than a little worried to see those writings appearing in the window of a store in Kitchener? F r e d


Rothe sells the Leuchfm Rqxwf in his store, a book purporting to be an engineer’s refutation of the existence of gas chambers in Poland. (David Irving also uses Leuch,ter’s report to support his claims.) ’ WhatRothewillnottellyou,however, is that Fred Leuchter is not an engineer. Rothe also won’t tell you that, according to the Boston Globe, Leuchter admitted to illegally collecting 20 pounds of building and soil samplesin Poland, and tha~Lwcht& “analysis” has been thoroughly rebutted in a repoti by French pharmacist Jean-Claude Pressac. Pressac “noted that Leuchter never looked at documents in the Auschwitz Museum, and failed to study German blueprints of the gas chambers.” Leuchter is a selfdescribed expert in the construction of execution machines. With his false credentials, he convinced authorities in several states in the US. to let him construct execution machinery for their prisons. But in 1990, according to T)te New York Times, his m i s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s b e g a n to unravel. The Attorney General of Alabama questioned his expertise. Illinois terminated his contract after determining that his machine for injecting cyanide would cause prisoners unnecessary pain. Then, in October 1990, Leuchter was . charged with fraud in Massachusetts. It was

revealed that he had only a bachelor’s degree in history, and was not licensed to practice engineering in Massachtisetts. Injune, 1991, to avoid a trial in which h~wouldsurelyhavebeenconvicted,Leuchter admitted that, “I am not and have never been registered as a professional engineer,” and that he had falsely represented himself as one. Under the consent agreement, Leuchter agreed to stop “using in any manner whatsoever the title ‘engineer,‘” and to sfop distribution of the Leuchter report. Despite the agreement, one can still obtain copies of the report from Rothe’s store in Kitchener, AccordingtoTheBosfon Globe,Leuchter was deported from Britain in 1991. “Leuchter’s admissions of lying to promote his business i.nviolationofMassachusettslaw shouldserve to discredit Leuchter wherever he travels,” said Leonard Zakim, a spokesperson for the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith. Paul

F r o m m

Paul Fromm claims to be the director of a group called “Canadian Association of Free Expression.” While the name sounds innocuous, the truth is darker. According to investigative journalist Russ Bellant, Fromm helped found the Canadian neo-Nazi organization Western Guard. In a 1983 interview with a Tmnfo Star reporter, Fromm was caught dissembling. He said he “never had any come&on” with the WestemGuard,but The Sfar accountrevealed I that Fromm himself had had a letter published in the Star in February 1973 that stated I8 . . . in May, 1972, many members, myself included, left the Western Guard . . . .” Asked to explain the discrepancy, Fromm said in a Star interview that it was “a matter of seman-


In Julian Sher’s 1983 account of the Ku Klux Klan, Fromm is reported as saying that belief of a supreme race “is a good idea.” Remarks like this caused him to be kicked out of the federa! Progressiveconservative Party. In September, 1991, ‘I31e Star reported that Fromm was ejected from a Tqronto meeting on race relations after he blurted out, “Scalp them,” while a native Canadian was speaking. In April, 1992, The Sfar reported on Fromm’s 1990 speech before the Heritage Front, a neo-Nazi organization advocating, white supremacy. According to The Star, Fromm told the neo=Nazi group, ‘TVe’re all on the same side.” Fromm later c&ned in a Star arUe that he hadn’t known about the Heritage Front’s n-Nazi views. But Bernie Farber of the Canadian Jewish Con-s disputes this. “Hehad to know,%rber &d. “There was a Nazi flag with swastikas, about ten feet 1long and five feet tall, just to his right. Fur; thermore, just a few months after the Stit article came out, Fromm spoke again before the same group.” In

in Canada is ai its highest level in a hecade. . There were 251 reported incidents of harassment and vandalism against Jews in Canada in 1991, up 42 per cent from two years earlier. Thereadermayfeelthatanti-Semitism is only a distant thretit. But consider th&: many of the sources I sought in preparing this article are listed gs “missing” in our university library. Some articles had been ripped out of magazines. Others books, though still on the shelves, I found to contain anti-Semitic or pro-Nazi graffiti. To repeat a saying attributed to Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” je ffiy Shallit, who is not Jewish, is associate pfofkssor i n t h e comfmter science cieDattme&t at the unlvenky of Waterloo. For



Julian Sher, White H&: Canada’s Ku Klux Klatt, New Star Books, Vancouver, 1983. James Ridgeway, Bled in the Face, Thmder’s Mouth Press, New York, 1991.


Russ Bellant, Old Nazis, fhe hlezu Right, and the Republican Pnt&, South End Press, Boston, 1991.

Although the holocaust “revisionists” md their defenders claim to be in pursuit of t)letruth,~erecordsayso~e~.Although some claim to be advocates of free spe&, their real goal is a regime that would deny free speech, and more, to Jews and other

Steve Mertl and John Ward, Keegstra: The Trial, The Issues, and l%e Cmsequmces, Western Producer Prairie Books, saskatoon, 1985.


It is easy to dismiss &he, Irving, Leuchter, Mullins, and Fromm as kooks. But accordingtost.atisticscompiledbytheLeague forHumanftightsofB’naiBrith,anti-Semitism


James Gates, Armed and Dangerous: The Rise uf tk Sumivalbt Right, Hill and Wang, New York, 1987.

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Warriors go to .the air Chartier reaches record, Bennet leads offence, UWstill in must-win situation by Peter Brown Impcht spofts The Warrior football team stayed in the playoff hunt with a dominating 24-11 win over the M&Master Marauders last Saturday. Apotentoffencefeaturingthree first-quarter touchdowns powered UW to the win, which gave both teams a 2-2 record.

Waterloo’s defence kept the Marauders in check until the fourth q u a r t e r , w h e n Mac e x p l o d e d f o r a ton of yards and one offensive t o u c h d o w n . UW’s o n l y d i s a p p o i n t ment defensively was b e i n g s h u t out of the interception column for the second consecutive game. Mac’s Anthony A-Ifano, the OUAA’s b e s t q u a r t e r b a c k statistically, finished up 2O-of-29 for 286

Waterloo 24, Gue@h II

Wuterluo netted 320 yards

The Tindale-less Western Mustangs and the Guelph Gryphons both improved their records to 2-2 with tough wins over the conference basement dwellers, t h e Y o r k Yeomen (28-15) and the Windsor Lancers (24-18) respectively. This : created a four-way race for the final two playoff spots. In the battle for first-place b& tween two unbeaten teams, the University of Toronto Varsity Blues surprised the number-one-ranked W i l f r i d Laurier G o l d e n H a w k s 2819atSeagramStadiumXheHawks veteran pivot Bill Kubas did not dress for the game because of an inpry. Waterloo’s next two games should determine their fate: tomorrow (Saturday, October 10) at Guelph and next Saturday (October 17) at horrie to Wilfrid Laurier in the Ray Owens Memorial game. The Warriors thumped the Gryphons last year 33-7, knocking quarterback Wally Gabler out for

Tom Chartier finally got that darn record out of the way, rushing for 122 yards on 19 carries for a career total of 3,183 yards, enough for all-time OUAA rushing honours. Now, UW’s defence looks to stop Guelph’s potent offence, led by quarterback WaHy Gabkw. photo by Rense Georgocoupolos therestofthecampaign.TheHawks fell to LJW 34-7 in the final week of the regular season before bouncing back to rout Waterloo 35-5 en route to a Vanier Cu title, As expec Ped last Saturday, Warrior tailback Tom Chartier secured the record for all-time OTJAA career rushing with 19 carries for 122yards. The fifth-yearplayer,now has 454 yards on the season-and 3,183 yards in his career; he tied Andy Cecchini of Wilfrid Laurier

University against the Western Mustangs the weekend before. MoresurprisiithanChartier’s accompli&mentwasthecrucialrole the forward pass played in this game, with Waterloo coming out throwing against a run-prepared M&laster defence, In a career performance,quarterbackSteveBennet threw an 11-yard touchdown pass to Gord Fawcett on Waterloo’s opening drive, finishing up the game IO-18 for 127 yards, one TD,

a n d o n e i n t e r c e p t i o n . Bennet a l s o scrambled for a major. Waterloo’s other touchdown was a plunge by running back Steve Dean, who finished with 45 yards on7carries.uwscoredthreem in the first quarter. to secure the victory. Fawcett led the Warriors in receiving with four catches for 49 yards. Kent Willmore, Greg Daughton, Ryan Dolby, and Adrian Thomealsocontributedreceptions. ..

y a r d s a n d o n e t o u c h d o w n t o wideout Mike M o r r e a l e , w h o c a u g h t a total of four balls for 96 yards. Alfano also scrambled 8 times for 63 yards, Alfano is the only OUAA quarterbackwhohaspassed forover 1,OUO yards so far this season. He also leads the conference in touchdown passes with nine. Warrior player of the game Jeff Lake proved i n s t r u m e n t a l i n t h e victory, tackling McMaster ballcarriers all over the field and causingakeytirauderfumbleduring Waterloo’s first-half offensive explosion. With a record that stands at 22 and a playoff format that almost requires four wins, the Warriors must beat the Gryphs t o m o r r o w t o stay in playoff contention. Although the team can expect to defeat the Windsor Lancers in the fiial week oftheseason,Laurierwithahealthy Bill Kubas will be a difficult team to beat on October 17.

. Warrior soccer back in contention with win On Saturday, October 3, the Waterloo Warrior soccer team took on the McMaster Marauders for their lone game of the weekend. The teqm was in dire need of two points to remain in contention for o n e o f f o u r p l a y o f f s p o t s available in the seven-team OUAA West division. Thesquad responded witha well-earned +O victory and improved their record to%2-2 to bring the first half of the season to a close with 6 out of 12 points. The team played the Gryphons in Guelph last night and host the Brock Badgers next Wednesday, October 14 at 4 pm on Columbia Field, ’ ; It was a beautiful, sun-f&d S a t u r d a y a f t e r n o o n as t h e W a r r i o r s took to Coltibia Field and the spectators filled the surrounding hillside. After a disappointing road tip o n t h e p r e v i o u s w e e k e n d , t h e team was eager t o w r e a k h a v o c o n t h e i r unfortunateTopp~nents. As is char-

The Athena soccer squad boosted its record to Z-3-2 on I Wednesday with a 2-O win over the Guelph Gryphons. photo by Wade


acteristic of many varsity soccer games, the play was again fast and physical from beginning to end. The Warrior defence were put

to the test early as comer kicks by McMaster resulted i n mad scrambles in front of the Waterloo net, presenting Mac with a few o p p o r tunities that they could not capitalize on. The ominous, physical play of sweeper Greg Pappas and Sean Taggart, along with the aggressive

Wuterloo 1, ikMizster 0 style of Marc Blake, resulted in many a Marauder t h i n k i n g t w i c e b e f o r e challenging the stellar defence. W a t e r l o o r e g a i n e d t h e i r COMposure and started to mount their attack. Wig-ha& Neil Daniel, Dan Oleskevich, and Everton Barnes expl&&d the sidelines &I Mark Ciavarella and Jason Chase ploughed t h r o u g h the middle. Half-way through the first half, Blake penetrated the Mac defence

and crossed a ball that was met by a thunderous volley by Taggart. The shot was blocked by the Mac goalie, but the rebound was pounced upon by forward Alex Adachi, who bulged the twine for his first goal of the season to put Waterloo ahead l0. The resf of the game was a battle of midfield as the pace quickenedandthetacldesbecameharder. Twenty minutes’from time, Waterloo looked to add to their lead as MattLefevrepickedupthebaUfrom t h e w i n g a n d rati past three Mac defenders like a Ferrari past Ladas. His shot blew past the keeper, but was rejected by the post, teasing the crowd. With ten minutes left, the McMaster side threatened to score as a Marauder head c o n n e c t e d w i t h a cross only five yards from the net. W i t h the ball heading t o w a r d t h e net and the Warrior goalie out of position, a goal sIzerned certain until Paul K.nafele,7JW’s star of the j game, came out of nowhere to clear khc ball off Elm goal-Ike-

The Warrior squad managed to tame McMaster’s last-ditch efforts in the final minutes and clinch the victory.


Friday, October

Imprint 9,1992


Rugby team loses to Graphs and Gaels

Warriors fall from first place in. Div. 1

by Keith Peck lmpfint sports A hard loss to Guelph 21-14 on Wednesday night was a rough way to prepare for the game against the perennial powerhouse of 0UA.A rugby and league champs for six s t r a i g h t y e a r s from Queen’s. L

Warriors 14, Gue@h 21

Warriurs0, Queens 38 What a nightmare! Queen’s 38, Waterloo 0. Our Golden Gael nemesis from Kingston handed the Warriors their worst loss since another defeat to Queen’s in 1987.1 Some bitter distinction goes to fullback Brian Anderson who was named the Warrior player-of-thegame. The line up w a s s i m i l a r t o t h e team at Guelph w i t h a few notable exceptions. Big man MikeTemi was b a c k i n at s e c o n d r o w b u t w a s n o t 100 per cent in the line-outs due to two v e r y bruised hands. “ R o b o p r o p ” D a l e F i n l e y was called upon to fill the big boots left open in front row as Sandro Bassenese was out due to a painful ankle injury. Randy Martin was moved from seco n d r o w t o flanker to complete the ailing forward back-row. An awesome injury at Guelph had sidelined open-side flanker Keith Peck for at least two games. The skull-cracking collision s a w a large amount of blood from two cuts around the eye be replaced by a large quantity of stitches. (The battered correspondent shrugged it off to do the post-game write-up; h e n c e t h e e r r o r that appeared f o r the result of the Guelph game in last Friday’s Imprint.) I could go on with feeble excuses for tie humiliating loss to Queen’s, but the game was decided by their strong teamwork.

The rugby team will need

to regroup to bounce back from two consecutive losses. Imprint file photo

T h e , normally t i g h t W a t e r l o o defense was beaten early as an offensive t h r u s t b y Q u e e n ’ s u s e d a numerical advantage to get the ball quickly to their wing and score a trv 61 thecornerof the Warrior endzoni. It looked like the quick 5-O lead might wake up the sluggish black and gold team, b u t the Gaels also used quicker forward support to keep their numerical advantage w h i l e o n defense. T h e W a r r i o r s found o u t about the Queen’s defense when the e x t r a men stopped a sprinting Brian Anderson cold and left him slow to get up from a hard tackle. With little time to clear his head, the still-shaken A n d e r s o n b o b b l e d a low grub-burning kick sent his way. The lost time saw the opposite team surround him before help c o u l d a r r i v e f r o m h i s team-mates. . A second Queen’s trv developed from stealing the ball &d scori n g i n the o t h e r W a t e r l o o c o r n e r . The Golden Gael domination continued and built a 17-O lead by adding a converted try before the half was o v e r . T h e W a r r i o r s t a l k e d

Tennis Athenas * impress at Windsor * TheUniversityofWindsorwas the sunny venue last Saturday, Octobet 3 for the match-up of varsity women’s tennis teams from Wind-’ sor, the University of Toronto and the University of Waterloo. After a week of intense train+ in@heWaterlooAthenasappeared tobeinprimefromforalongdayof tennis in both singles and doubles categories. The first confrontation for the Athenas was in singles play against the Windsor team. Waterloo clearly showed its strength here, with returning players Cheryl Agina and ’ Teresa Kindree and rookie Margo Metcalfe easily defeating their op= ponents in straight sets. Kati Afkhami also contributed to the winnings, getting off to a slow start, but eventually ousting her Lancer

a tie-breaker, but, after winning the set, played flawlessly to finish with a score of 6-O in the second. Alt h o u g h f a c e d w i t h s t r o n g e r camp tition this time, Kindree and Metcalfe each scored yet another pointforWaterloo,withstraightset victories over Toronto. The doubles teams for Waterloo blew away the competition, losingonlyonematchoutofsixplayed. Renee Kasta paired with Metcalfe won both of their matches against WindsorandU.ofT.,withscoresof t&3, 6-3 and 6-3, 6-l respectively. Partners Teresa Kindree and Janet Tseng also beat both teams, after playing a gruelling three-setter against Windsor 4-2,5-7, 7-5. Waterloo’s top seedsKristine Kern and Afkhami also doubled up well, slaughte~g U. of T.‘s Varsity Blues 6-0,6-l. With Kindree, Kasta and Metcalfe undefeated for the toumamerit, it Gas the best showing to

Waterloo had similar success against U. of T., the stronger of the two opposing teams. Afkhami playedatoughfirstsetwhichledto

On Saturday, October 17, the Athenas will travel to York University to play against York and Westem. -

competitor 3-6,63,6-3.


over their lack-lustre performance at the half and hoped to salvage the game by playing a respectable seco n d half. Cruellv, the Waterloo support in the finalLalf was inconsist& at best while Queen’s always seemed to have extra men in position to control the flow of the ball. Three converted tries by the Golden Gaels in the second half, combined with no Warrior scoring, gave the final score, a lop-sided Waterloo 0 to Queen’s 38. The second game was also a disappointment due to the final score, but for very different reasons. The Warrior’s junior varsity team missed numerous penalty kicks for potentially game winning points. The fact that Queen’s s e c o n d teams u s u a l l y p o u n d t h e i r o p p o s i tion was bitter solace as the junior

Warriors fell short with a single p o i n t margin at 7-8. The Waterloo team outplayed the Kingston cronies in the majority of play on the field, but were zero-

for-six in attempted p e n a l t y k i c k s for goal. Angus Yeung missed two consecutive penalties from a bad angle early in the first half. A let-up i n i n t e n s i t y a l l o w e d Queen’s to scramble up the field and score a wide try for a 5-0 lead that was kept into the half. The W a r r i o r s c a m e b a c k h a r d again in the second period, but q long penalty kick from the inspirational A s h l e y Richards dropped s h o r t o f the posts. Play stayed in the Gael’s half of the field to set up another penalty attemptslightlywideleftandabout 25metres out. Qutside-centreSimon Lewis pulled it wide of the mark. Queen’s got out of their half and took an 8-O lead when their k i c k e r put a penalty through the uprightsfrom40metreswithaslight breeze at his back. W a t e r l o o came back extra hard f r o m t h e k i c k - o f f and speed-demon J#->on D i a m o n d r a c e d u p h i s w i n g and weaved past Queen’s players in the end zone to score his try behind the posts. Given perfect positioning, Richards closed the score to Waterloo 7, Queen’s 8.

continued to page 19

OUAA RUGBYY Waterloo Warriors vs Guelph dryphons ,TODAY! Friday, October 9,3 p.m.

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Imprint Friday, &t&r 9,1992

Spdrts I

Warrior X-country triumphs at Queen’s by Paul Sudlow Wador compstitor

kilometre race after the gun, helpingJasonGregoire and,RobinBeynon to tuck into setond and third, respectively. Runstedler&ing more of a specialist over shorter distances, slowed -onthefirstlap(of four) only to be replaced by Jon Cressman, who started slower.

TheWarriorcrosscountryteam produced its best performance in at least three years, beating the University of Toronto by a single point this past weekend. This result should boosttheteam’sCIAUranking well within the top 10.

Allen Runstedler led the 9.&P-kilmi&e raea

Individual Warrior Results: -rime Position Overall Jason Gregoire 31’54” 3 r d Robin Beytion Jonathan Cressman Paul Sudfow Brent Curry Mike Ready Al Runstedler

B e y n o n ,

WaterloO IJ of T Queen’s

76 w 77Pts 99 pts


Gregoh and Beynon stayed near the lead to the end of the race with Gregoire managing a spot on the podium and Beynofiftihingjustbehindhimin fourth, Cressman faded slightly in

the last kilometre of the race flnishing 13th. Paul Sudiow finished3lst, scaring fourth for the team. He ran the distancewiththebulkoftheQu=‘s

"Tan titbut sand!"





4th ,13th 3 1 s 43rd 47th 73f-d

Top Three Team Results:

Cressman a n d ‘Gregoire juggled the lead for the earlier part of the race running very

Waterloo’s primary goal was to beat Queen’s, since they had beaten Waterloo by narrow margins in the first two meets. This time, the War riors crushed them by 13 points. beating them on their home turf should give UW the psychological edge to beat them at future meets and at OUAA championships. Allan Rtmstedler lead the 9.8&

32’05* 33’ (appmx) 34’37” 35’05”. 35’16”

’ t

squad, thinking they were the main competition. Curry scored fifth finishing 43rd with Ready just behind in 47th. Runstedler payed dearly for

chosen to compete in the United States or stay ho-. Western’s and Wiidsor’s teams would probably have been unbeatable had they showed up; however, Laurentian’s squadwouldhavebeenwellwithin our grasp. In order to be chosen for the CIAU championship at McGill in November, it will almost cerkinly

his early tactics

and had stomach problems on his last lap, resulting in his 73rd plae ing. CompIete reI Suits have not been received from the race organizers yet. Otherteamscompeting 4 were: G u e l p h , Brock, M&aster,York,Royal&¶ilitaryCollege, and Ottawa. Strong teams such as Windsor, Western and Laurentian were absent from theQueen’s meet, having

Strung team Whdsor, UWO, and Laufentiun were absent. be necessary to beat Laurentian at the OUAA fmals and helpful to be rankedqheadofthemcometheend of the season, Only the first two teams are guaranteed to go. However, Ontario is the strongest division with 6 of &top 10 ranked teams in the country; therefore, it is likely that two of these teams will be given wild cards.


Team leader Aitkwn sidelined until OWs



Athenas place third in> team standings

King Street, N., onit J WATERLOO N2J 2Y7


(facing Regina St., above Larry’s Heir Design)

by Marc1 A&ken Athena compadtor On Saturday, October 3, the Athena cross count team competed at the Queens Invitational in Khfzston, under warm and gunny

promising. Rookies Sarah Brown and Judith LeRoy also had gre$ races and have proven to be definite: assets to the team. They placed 18th

missionforthenextcoupIeofwe&s, butisexpectedtobebackintimefor the Ontario Champicmships, The Athenas tie bmmxry consistentthissea8on,placingthird in the team standings, a small improvement over



Athena Sepanta lhrri was the first UW athletetocomp&tethe4S. kilometre COUrse# finishin~i.naspeedy175!3.Thi.s pl&dh&e&hammg university athletes, making all of her hard summer training #well worth the effort. .An outstanding performance by Julia Norman saw her cross the line in 17th position (18.09). Norman has been steadily improving her timesandher seasonlooksvery

nationally last week.

TorontoInvitationaLZ%y broke inta #he CIAU ra&i.ngs Iast iveek with a number 10 ranking. By contintaingtoshowsucha strong ttim effort, the Athenas aim to better this mark at the OWlAA champbnships.

(18.1O)andZ4~(18.50)~~~~1~. Rounding out the field were Missy Parent (32nd) and Heather St. bverall, a great time was had Amand (46th). Unforhqtely, the team has by all and thanks go out to coaches lost Athena veteran Marci Aitken Swarbrick and Jones for their enwho suffered a sprained ankle dur couragementandumQingsmeams ing the race. She will be out of corn- of pursuit.

National sport pursued ._ with passion by UW club ‘by the UW &wmsm Club


wMerv8srpeclul _,

34OUR,SL: LYNCH “I Monday to Friday from 11.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. 338 Kkg St. E., KItdmw (at-war St.1 7454600 HOURS! Man - sat 1130 -

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unbeknownsttolnany,caMda’s national sport is alive and welI at the University of Waterlcm. The Ontario University Field Lacmme As!sochtion (cRmA) was formed in1986to acoommoodate the need form~~-tiverz?ti~~~~m Thisleagueopera&s~t UftMXMAMdis~jMX!k~ ingtoachieverecogr;itionarsavar sitysport Waterlcmhasbeenamember of the league since its &eption and has traditionally placed near the bottom of the league standings untillasty0ar*Last*steamsported a 3-8 record and made the playoffs.

The team travelled to Windsor to play on a wm mudcdwredficld.Thepoorfield~ tionsandtwvodisallowed &oals for theUWsideleftthe@amshurtas theyweredefeated9-?.

This pmt*weekCnd, York came to Waterloo fortbeseason rematck The game was delayed due to the incompetence of the City of Waterloo Parks Department, but went

@ace (behind~)witha4-2 ‘reaord. Duringtheplryof&V,theteam hopesfbbe IayiiuzYorkinthe finaleanaifdgOl?SaSpM,the UWWWillCapttuetheOUFLA IDivision II We. More details on futuregamesandtheplayoffiwiIl follow. ’



The E3oard of External Affairs, under the direction of Sue Crack, VP University Affairs represents you, the student, outside of the University, In dealing with various issues we liasewiththeMunicipal,Provlncialand~deral~v~ments. TheBoardalsoactsasa liz&n d~l’lhting 0~ LJtiver&y with otha- kxal, Pkcwincial and Natid student Watch for a Public F;arum on the Constitution later this m&&h. Representatives from the “YES” and “NO” sides will be available to answer your q&ions. L.ook for posters . .. . YOUR FEDl3W7ION OF STUDENTS PRESENTS...







l l l . + . . * . l l . l . . . . . . l . . . l . . + . . . . l l . . I l .9 . . . c . . . I . l . r . . . l . l . l l . . l . . . . . . I . a I l l l . . . : . l . l .



Imprint Friday, October






Three-win weekend svarks hoves ofAthenas

Field hockey team takes Lamport by storm by Cud Ferguson Imprint sports


Putting last week’s disappointing results behind them, the Athena field hockey team travelled to Lamport StadiuminToronto to play their first east-west crossover games. Three wins in one weekend gave the Athenas t h e i r first taste of

success this year. The team also played the University of Toronto this week and take on York and W e s t e r n t o d a y ( F r i d a y , October 9) at York University. First up, the physical L;rurentian squad. Assistant coach Janet McPherson, covering for absent head coach Judy McCrae, led the team through an energetic

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warm-up. Right from the opening whistle, Waterloo dominated the play. Lessons learned in practice finally transferred themselves to game situations. Everyone on the field, from goalie to forward, participated in the relaying of information. This increaseineffectivecommunication enabled the players to make smarter passes and to inform each other o f advancing ‘opponents. The Athenas were able to penetrate Laurentian’s circle many times, but seem to fall just short of putting the ball into the net. Finally, with five minutes left, rookie centre Rachelle Brohman popped the ball past the opposing goalie for her first varsity goal. Waterloo held the lead for the remainder of regulation time and claimed their first win of the season. The team was elated with its performance. ‘I We were a hard-cut-

Village 1 single rooms are now renting for the Spring term. Please inquire at Housing Office, Village l or phone 884-0544 oi local 3705.

COLUMBIA LAKE TOWNHOUSES Anyone wishing to reside in townhouses for tbe Winter or Spring Terms 1993 can obtain an application 5 from the Housing Office, Village 1. ,

a fine job of relieving opposing forwards of the ball. Outside defende r s K a t h y R e i l l y a n d L i s a Xowell intercepted pass after pass, making drives for the Waterloo goal impossible. Goalie Jen Murray, who experienced only five shots all weekend, made an amazing stick save in the first game. Her presence in goal gave the team a place agtit which to put their backs and from which to attack. r Forwards May Lynn Quan, Brohman, Kacew, and Krista Nolan r a n i m p r e s s i v e , i n t e l l i g e n t c u t s tid midfielders Mowat and Dietrich bridged the gap between lines aggressively and with skU, Centre defender Carol Fergusun perfected her tumbling and even managed a shot on net. Support from substitu tes Andrea Milroy, Christina Youngman, and Michelle Stever was relentless and appreciated.

Rowing update

Application forms may be obtained from the Housing Office, Village 1 or: Director of Housing, University of Waterloo, Ont., N2L 3Gl.


ting, fast-talking machine,” said captain Lea Dietrich. The Athenas allowed the momentum to carry into their next match against,Trent. Temperatures in the 2Os, intensified by the artificial turf, and fatigue carried from t h e m o r n i n g ’ s m a t c h both w o r k e d against Waterloo. The team wasstill doing the same things well, but without the tenacity evident in the game against Laurentian. Nonethel e s s , W a t e r l o o m a n a g e d threegoals against the defensive Trent team. Dietrich, Brohman, and Katherine Kacew were each good for a point. Sunclay p a i r e d W a t e r l o o w i t h the much-improved McGill team. Congestion in the scoring circle made play difficult for the Waterloo forwards. A goal by Linda Mowat gave the Athenas the lead and eventually the game. All in all, the Athenas played w e l l . S w e e p e r Montse Sanzsole did


by Harry Shnider lmpfint Sports

Regtitta #2, the University of Toronto sprints, in the OUAA/ OWIAA season is history and has shownthatmostUWcrewsarecompetitive now and will be forces to be r e c k o n e d w i t h a t the c h a m p i o n s h i p regatta in three weeks time. . Three crews finished a strong third in their events: heavy men’s four, lightweight men’s four, and women’s double. Other crews row-

ing were the heavy women’s four, who failed to qualify for their final; the lightweight, women’s four, who finished sixth; and the lightweight men’s double, who finished back in a two boat’ race. Next stop for the oarspeople is the familiar Henley Course in St. Catharines. This will be a sort of dress rehearsal for the championship, and will see six crews racing, two single scullers, plus an entry into the varsi ty eight, which will combine both

men’s fours. Short Strokes: Congrats to the following people who rowed or coxed their first race: Paul H o n g , R h o n d a A r b u c k l e , Alissa K o t h , L i z Johnstone, Gillian McDowell, Michelle Joliat, and Ljuba Djurojovic. Condolences to Greg Koyanagi and O l i v e r C o m e s , w h o were unable to race due to an administrative screw-up at the regatta. Don’t worry guys, you’ll get ‘em next time.



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rmprint Friday, October 9,1992


Hockev Whriors DurnDed,


AUTHENTIC MEXICAN + Canadian & Latin American l Vegetarian Cuisine l Breakfast Served All Day

by Todd Coulter Wmfior hockey und Renee Geo~ucopoulos lmpfint staff A gruelling two weeks of training camp have come to an end for over 55 Waterloo Warrior hockey hopefuls. The team made its final selections this week while prepari n g to meet the Brock B a d g e r s a t 8 p.m. tonight in the tenth annual Oktoberfest tournament starting today at Columbia Ice Field. Head coach Don McKee is ext r e m e l y o p t i m i s t i c a b o u t the team’s chances this year, after enjoying a decent 2-1-l record over the first four exhibition games of the season. The eight-team tournament, cohosted with the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks, will feature a championship game on Saturday afternoon. “This to urnament is gaining the respect that the Naismith has for basketball,” says McKee. Most teams, have their rosters chosen at thisstageof thepre-seasonand need that final tune-up before the regular season begins. On S u n d a y m o r n i n g , October 11 at 10 a.m., the Warriors will host an exhibition wheelchair hockey game against the Tri-City Storm as part of this weekend’s Oktoberfest Tournament. Physically disabled athletes f r o m t h e Kitchener, Waterloo, and Cambridge areas are the driving force behind the Storm. The Warrior team will consist of Mike Bishop, assistant Warrior coach and former goalie; Todd Coulter, former captain; and four other as yet unmentioned current team members. The Warrio; w i l l b e s u p p l i e d with six electric wheelchairs, designed by professor Gregory McNeice of the University of Waterloo’s civil engineering department. Regular hockey rules will be f o l l o w e d , b u t cosom h o c k e y s t i c k s and a, whiffle ball will replace the usual stick and puck. The game should prove to be very entertaini n g - no protective equipment and contact allowed. Last Thursday night, October 1, the Warriors opened their exhibition schedule by pummelling the Ryerson Rams 9-3, thanks in part to a three-goal effort by sophomore left-winger Greg Allen and three points by centreman John Williams. The Warriors led 40 after one period and 6-3 after two. It looks like Rams, who return to Waterloo f o r UW’s h o m e o p e n e r o n O c t o b e r

+ EAT-IN w TAKE-OUT a (519)

The junior varsity team could sense the distress in their opponents and continued to drive forward again and again o n the offensive. Yet another Gael’s penalty just outside t h e i r o w n 22-metre line gave the Warriors a chance to take the lead. The k i c k f r o m R i c h a r d s h u n g in the air and the breeze brought the b a l l d o w n s h o r t t o r e b o u n d o f f the crossbar. Waterloo flanker Jurgen Deagle had chased the caroming kick in but



Waterloo hosts the Oktoberfest tournament this weekend, including a wheelchair hockey game involving physically disabled athletes on Sunday. photo by Renee’



are in for another long season. game to deny U w a repeat title. On Friday night, October 2, H a v i n g p l a y e d f o u r g a m e s in cross-town rivals Wilfrid Laurier as many nights showed as the WarGolden Hawks provided the opporiors were sluggish in the first pesition as assistant coaches Mike riod, falling behind l-0 by the first Bishop, Kyler Smith, and Todd intermission, Coulter directed Warrior traffic on Associate coach Dave the bench. Both teams decided to Cressman regrouped the squad as ice mostly rookie players since both the Warriors dominated the second needed to trim their rosters. period, outshooting the Mustangs The inspired play was evident 14-4, but only registered a lone as the teams battled to a 3-3 tie. The p o w e r - p l a y g o a l by Jamie Hartnett. game ended with an exciting overThe ‘Stangs broke the l-1 tie time period in which the Warriors early in the third period as a point had two breakaway chances but shot was tipped in front of Organ. couldn’t finishoff the pesky Hawks. The Western powerplay continued &Saturday,theWarriorstravto roll in the third, scoring two more elled to London to defend their goals. WesternInvitationalcrownofayear “We haci our chances on the ago. In their first game, Waterloo powerplay in the second period, beat up last season’s playoff nembut &idn’t capitalize,” said esis the Guelph Gryphons 6-l. McKee. SpeedstersTroy S t e p h e n s andsteve The Warriors made it interestW o o d s l e d t h e W a r r i o r s with,two ing in the late stages, having what goals apiece. appeared to be two goals not alGame MVP James Organ w a s lowed. On both occasions, the goal sharp between the pipes for the judge signalled goals on Allen and black and g o l d with 32 saves. Gory Keenan blasts that went off On Sunday night, the homet h e c r o s s b a r . S t e p h e n s a n d Keew town Western Mustangs beat the were voted to the tournament allWarriors 41 in the championship star tea’m.

- 78 KINQ ST. N. WATERLOO ti5-0896 Mon-Set W8 pm

Rugby .action round-up continued from page 15


had the ball bounce forward off his out-stretched fingers when he jumped over the startled Queen’s players. The lost opportunity gave the Gaels the ball af a strum and they cleared the ball to centre with a punt. T h e W a r r i o r s r e g r o u p e d and came back to get one last chance to win with a penalty from a comfortable distance b u t in a t r i c k y f i e l d position due to the angle. Lack of practice, and the pressure of the fate of the team resting upon his s h o u l d e r s led r o o k i e L e w i s t o o n c e

Basmati Rb Pulao

agahbe outside the posts. The final s c o r e definitely did not reflect the outstanding effort of the junior var; sity Warriors. The next rugby W a r r i o r g a m e s will be held on Friday, October 9 in an a t-home rematch versus Guelph. Varsitykick-offwillbeat3p.m. o n the C o l u m b i a F i e l d p i t c h .

Expim: Oct. 29/92

C u c u m b e r R&a

The seven-a-side rugby Warri-

or’s Oktoberfest tournament will take place throughout the day o n Saturday, October 10 /at Columbia Fields. C o m e o u t to see the action!

1380 L






Imprint Friday, Qctober 9,1992



Campus Ret examines access optionsby DeAnn Dumer lmpfint spom

October 15 - Flag Football Playoffs Octoberl&StudentAssistantDeadline PAC 2039 October 17 - CPR 352-02 starts

Dates to Note: October 12 - Thanksgiving - PAC closed October 13 - WT 14844 starts - Accessibility Committee M e e t i n g 4:30 pm P A C 2 0 4 5 October 14 -Flag Football Captain’s Meeting 4:45 pm CC 135

Application Deadline! Campus Recreation Student Assistant job applications for winter 1993 and spring 1993 are due October 16. Job descriptions and application forms can be picked UD L

in the Athletic Office (PAC 2039). Applicationsarenow available for conveners, ref-in-chiefs and assistant ref-in-chiefs for winter, 1993 and spring, 1993. These can be picked up in the Athletic Office as well. M i x e d S l o - p i t c h Tourn a m e n t Reqults by Heidi Muiler Tournament Convenor The mixed slo-pitch toumamerit was played on Saturday, October 3 and Sunday, October 4. In total, 24 teams entered in the tournament. Thefirstdayof play determined which teams enteredthefourflight finals. Due to a number of defaults, some teams were disqualified from further advancement. Top champions were the undefeated., team, ‘The Wet Spots”, who won flight A. The overall results of the’ tournament are as follows: Flight ‘A’ - The Wet Spots, Flight ‘B - Grebel Groundhogs, Flight ‘C’ - Big Bats & Still Mitts, Flight ‘D’ - B. A. Big Guns Congratulations to all winners and thanks to all teams that entered and participated in the tournament.

part of everyone’s daily or weekly routine. Even the simplest forms of recreation and leisure can provide some fulfihent and satisfaction to all, including those persons who have a limitation. Campus Recreation, along with the Office for Students with Disabilities, is directing some of their new goals towards integrating students withdisabilitiesintothe Campus Recreation Programs. Although it will take a lot of planning, those working on the project are very op-

Fit Tip of the Week: For fitness’- an important part of healthy, active living - follow the FIT formula: F is for frequency, I is for intesity and T is for time. FREQUENT Fitness cannot be stored. Regular physical activity - at least three times per week or every other day - will help you gain and maintain a good level of fitWSS.

INTENSITY: Your activity sessions should be invigorating and refreshing not exhausting. Use the “talk test” to make . sure you don’t overdo it. You should be able to converse comfortably with a companion and be active at the same time. If you can’t, you’re working too hard. TIME: Aim for 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic activities such as hockey or jogging + and 30 minutes of moderate activities like brisk walking, cycling or swimming. If you are just starting out, try to make walking, dancing, or other enjoyable activities part of your healthy lifestyle.

Aim for 15 minutes of vigoroUs aerobic activities such as hockey or jogging.


. . . . . . . .._.


$ 4 . 9 9


$7.99 mebendFri. md W. 5 to 10 P.m. ,._. ._. _. . . . _. . . . . . . . $9.99 5n&~LqA4md6sarBBQ.~~~ oida,Eggm&Hot&busap.H3nev6McRltlqsachrsl gcd,mnkd%llp,coddds-vJadmsymsy~ edcomu.wdshcs m pm. boQm p m . ..,.,..... . . .-........_.ll _... . . .

sunchybUlldl: 11:459.30p.m

._., r. .



Accessibility Committee Report by Rick Kush Project Coordinator Physical activity has been and will continue to be an important

timistic of implementing programs by the winter term. Currently, the Accessibility Committee, which has now been established for three terms through the Campus Recreation Advisory Council, is meeting to tackle some of the ideas and concerns which arise, A needs assessment of the weight room will be done to determine whether any modifications may be done. A wheelchair treadmill has already been purchased and is ready to be used in the lower level weight room. Thenext Accessibility Committee Meeting is on Tuesday, October 13 at 4:30 p.m. in PAC 2045. All are welcome to attend.

Here’s hoping everyone has a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend. Don’t forget that the PAC will be closed on Thanksgiving day, so just in case you consume a few too many calories (this is inevitable for Thanksgiving -no need to feel guilty), the PAC will reopen Tuesday morning at its normal building hours. Have fun!

Athletes .of the Week _ [DELI










LINDA M O W A T Athena Field Hockey

STEVE BENNET Warrior Football

.I Linda Mowat is the University of Waterloo’s female athlete of the week Mowat, a third-year kinesiology student, & a strong physical midfielder who plays an @nportant role in both the offence and defence of the Athenas. Her strong weekend performance was completed by a crucial goal scored against McGilltoleadtheAthe~~toa1-0victoxyand a thregame sweep. The Athenas also defeated Laurentian 1-O andTrent 3-Oinleague play last weekend. The Athenas played Toronto this week and face York and Western on Saturday at York.

Steve Bennet, a third-year arts student, is the University of Waterloo’s male athlete of the week. As the Warriors’ quarterback, Bennet was very effective against the &Master Marauders last Saturday, passing lo-of-18 for 127 yards and one tou&down. The Warriors went on to defeat the h4araud&s 24-11 in Hamilton. Bennet was able to run the option effectiiel during the game, scoring a major wxom the one-yard line.


The Warriors meet Guelph tom&row (Saturday, October 10) at 2 p.m. in Guelph in a televisedgame. Mention




Last week’s Kale athlete of the week, Tom Chartier, had another outstanding game this week against McMaster. This fifth-year veteran recorded 122 yards on 18 carries to break the OUAA all-time rushing record.




Toronto Laurier McMaster Waterloo Guelph Western Windsor York

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4







4 0 149 49 3 1133 92 2 2 101 128 2 2 63 58 2 2 82 88 2 2 93 74 l-358132 0 4 72 130

8 6 4 4 2 2 2 0


Waterloo Toronto Guelph Western

24 28 24 25

McMaster Laurier Windsor York

11 19 18 15


First Div.


Queen’s McMaster Western Guelph Waterloo Toronto

4 4 4 4 4 4

W 3 3 2 2 2 0



1 8 57 49 48 75 94

6 6 4 4 4 0





0 7 7 82 60 49 53 20

Send Div. GP W ’


0 0 0 0 0


1 1 2 2 2 4


4 4 4 4 4 4

York Carleton RMC Brock Laurier Trent

4 3 3 1 1 0


0 08143 1 0144 26 1 II 59 41 3 0 65 76 3 0 45 .91 4 0 3120.


Oct. 3


Toronto 4 Toronto 4 McMaster 6 Western. 5 ’ York 7



13 7 23 6 10 0


Brock McMaster Brock Queen’s Waterloo


3 3 1 2 0


EostmDiv.GP Laurentian Carleton Tomntu Ykwk T&t



7 6 6 6 7 5 7




7 7 7 6 7 7 7


‘Laurier Guelph Waterloo Windsor M&aster western






W 4 3 2 2 2 1 1






3 YOdC 1 Get. 2 T o r o n t o 5 3 Carleton 1 Laurentian, 3 T r e n t 1 Cue&& 2 Brock 3 1. WatedOO -4 Carbcm 4 Laurentian 3 McMaster 2 2 Gudph 3 Laurier Queen’s



0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 ‘) 1 1



4 1

4 2

1 3




8 12 9 2 9 7 2 4 2 5 11 6 1 4 2 4. 6 4*5 0 9 0 0 4 4 0

0 3 8 13 2

Guelph Queen’s . Laurentian Trent Laurentian Queen’s Laurentian Trent Western Trent Carleton Western Carleton McGill Carleton


1 8 0 3 2 1 6 1 1

0 0 0 0 0 1

0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0




l-13 4-10


O c t . 9 (at York - Lamport Stadium} vs Western 3:OO p-m, York SOCCER - EAST at Queen’s 5100 p.m.

Ott, 9 Ryerson

18 18 9 3

6” 0

WK3 F’ts 13 14 18 4 7

‘75” 2 0

15 8 4 9 9 ->I . 0 6

46 38 38 22 ’ 19 1 2 - ‘-. 2 6

FOOTBALL Oct. 8 McMaster at Laurier 7100 pm. York at Toronto 7~30 p.m. Oct. 10 Western at Windsor 2:OO p.m. RUCW Oct. 8 York at Brock . 9 Guelph . at Waterbo McMaster at Toronto Western at Queen’s 10 RMC at Carleton Trent at Laurier

3:00 p . m . 3~00 p.m. 3~00 p-m. 3z+OO p.m. 1:00 p.m. l:oO p . m .


Oct. 7 Queen’s at Carleton 4:00 p.m. Windsor at Western 4:30 p.m. M&faster at Laurier 7~00 p . m . York at Toronto 8:OO p.,m. 8 Waterloo at Guelph 8:OO p.m. 10 Queen’s at York l:oO p . m . Toronto at LaurentiarUM&.m. 11 Ryerson at Queen’s 1:OO p.m. WATER POLO . Oct. 7 York at Toronto 7~30 p.m. McMaster at Western 7~30 p.m. .


M&aster Trent Ryerson Trent York Queen’s Ryerson Windsor Western MeMaster Ryerson York Brock ’western winds&


WKl WK2,

Queen’s Western York Toron& Waterloo McMast& ‘-5 Laurier Windsor


1 2 8 3 10 1 3 14 8 9 1 4 7 5 8 2 2 5 6 6 3 2 5-8 6 -3 3 3 3 5 4 2 6 11 4



7 0 0 20 2 14 5 1 0 I4 5 10 4 2 011 4 8 2 4 0 3 9 4 2 5 0 6 i5 4 14J 89 2 1 6 0 3 21 2

SCORES Sept. 30 Brock

4 1 0




4-3 11-3 7-o 22-6 6-l 9-5 5-2 20-8. lo-4 5-2 2-5 17-11 . 3-4 2-5 9-5 14-14 l-6 4-3 8-6 13-15 7-7


5 0 030 0 13 5 0 0 18 2 12 4 1 2 18 5 12 4 2 3 14 8 11.5’

Sept. 30 Western Oct. 2 Toronto York Toronto Guelph Oct. 3 York Waterloo Guelph Queen’s Waterloo Guelph Oct. 4 * McGill Toronto Waterloo Western

Team York Western Queen’s McMaster Toronto Waterloo Brock

0 2 1





Toronto I5 York 5 Guelph 7 Queen’s 8 Waterloo 5 Lmmntian 9 Western 6 Carleton 8 McGill 7 Trent 9

8 6 6 2 2 0

Guelph 21 Waterloo Laurier 17 Brock McMaster 27 Western Queen’s 13 Toronto RMC 11 Carleton York 20 T r e n t TENNIS


Guelph LauSer Ryerson


SCORES Sept.30 .

2 2

Western Windsor Carleton


Toronto I’ York Queen% Carleton Ryerson Trent -

5 5 0 034 2 10 5 4 0 121 2 9 5 3 1118 5 7 5 2 3 0 9 16 4. 5\1 4.0 3 33 2 7 0 7 0 3 3 0 0






McMaster WeStern Laurier Guelph

7 6 7 7

7 0 0 14 4 1 1 12 3 2 2 12 3 3’1 8

4 I4 2 9 8 8 8 7






6 7

0 0

4 5

2 2

Waterloo Windsor




4 9,2 2 18 2

SCORES S e p t . 30 M&laster

3 Brock 1 Waterloo York 7 Ryerson Queen’s 2 Trent Oct. 2 Toronto 7 Trent Water100 Oct. 3 MeMaster 1 5 Brock Western Guelph . 1 Windsor 3 Carleton York 2 Trent I Ryerson . Oct. 4 M&faster 2 B r o c k


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1





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A Night Of Chill Blue continued from page 1 Nonetheless, there came a point when the Chills were ready to leave the nest. “Over the last three years we’ve been based in London, England. We started this tour with a month-long tour of New Zealand and that’s the first time we’ve done that since about ‘86.“ Nonetheless, they remain dear to the hearts of their former country. Speaking about radio airplay iri New Zealand, Phillips said “It’s easier for the Chills now than for any other local band. The main (i.e. commercial) will say, Look we are playing local music, we’re playing the Chills. And we had Submarine Bells go to Number One and “Heavenly P o p Hit” go to Number Two, and the new album’s been played a l o t . ” For the new album Bomb, the Chills recorded in L.A.,‘which was a new experience for them. However, Phillips professed to be unfazed by any culture shock. “Once they put me in the studio they can put me anywhere; there was no sort of California influence seeping through the walls.‘% he happy with the way Sofi Bomb turned out? “Yeh, we learnt from our mistakes on the last one and I’m much happier with Soft Bomb than with Submarine &z&s+ It’s a lot stronger. It would be a mistake for us td go into the studio and try to capture the live thing cause if you miss you miss by a mile. ” 0ne theme that seemed more prevalent on the new album was the meaning of being a pop singer. “ N o t a s m u c h o n t h e n e w album as you’d think. Everybody thinks that’s what ‘Entertainer’ is about.... it’s about being fifteen years old and having your driver’s license for the first time but not having a girlfriend and so you drive aroundcouples all the time.” “Song for Randy Newman etc.” is another story, however. On that song. Phillips recites a litany of performers who have never received the attent i o n thev deserve: Briin Wilson, Syd Barrett, Scott Walker, Nick Drake. Does he feel the Chills have been u n d u l y u n r e c o g n i z e d . 3 “Yeh. For all the indications of how big the Chills were first going to be, it’s still frustrating to be struggling to get through to an audience. We know there’s a big audience out there, but a lot of the stuff, there’s no chance to hear it. We d o n ’ t k n o w w h a t m o r e w e c a n do. We need one song that’s going to suddenly click, like “Heavenly Pop Hit” but bigger. “It’s really really hard. We just found out yesterday that the sixweek European tour we were going

The original male monster from the id. “The band thing is not working and I can’t afford to do it in the band anymore, so I don’t know what’s g o i n g t o h a p p e n n o w . ” M i g h t fhe Chills revert to an ever-shifting lineup of studio musicians? “Well, on the musical scene I’ll still k putting out music and in a way it’s been quite good that SO$ Bomb p r o v e d that I can pull ( t h e k i n d of arrangemenf described) off.... and have i t s o u n d l i k e a b a n d . That’s very much how it’ll be in the future. “It’s just th&t after twelve ye&s hard work we’re actually going backwards now, I think the new album sold better than Submarine Bells in the States but in Europe it’s sold less than half of what Submarim Bells sold.“. As a more pleasant ending to the interview; Phillips referred to the enormous backlog of unreleased Chills material. Describing his most

format is a remixed version of the Bra& Words album. At this point a burly stagehand interjected (“Ten minutes, Martin!“) and Phillips was off to the stage. Having loved each of the four Chills albums in turn, but never having seen them live before, I was m&e c u r i o u s t h a n a n y t h i n g . else. Each successive album has seemed to be even more of a purely studio creation than the previous one, so it was anyone’s guess as to how the more &cent material would translate to the stage. H a p p i l y , P h i l l i p s n e i t h e r attemptedtorecreate thestudiosound gor to fashion some sort of cliched overaggresive “live sound. m He simply played the songs, and the current version of the ever-shifting Chills lineup (Phase XIII) was strong enough to blend the immediacy of a live performance with the subtlety of Phillips’ w o r k . The most pleasant sure prise of the show was just how little was lost in the transfeiral of s o n g s f r o m studio to stage. Besides Phillips, the Chills currently j include a rhythm section, a second g u i t a r i s t , dnd a k e y b o a r d i s t , a l l o f whom contributed backing vocals as well, Most of the songs, such as “Part Past-Part Fiction” or “Sanctuary,” retained all the subtle complexity of the recorded versions, but were stronger and more fullbodied. One of the great things about Martin Phillips and the Chills is the way they casually confound theconventions of pop songcraft; this too was intact during their live show. T h e k e y b o a r d s t a k i n g o v e r t h e melodic leads, the winding song struttures (that somehow almost always arrive at a chorus), the recurrance of odd musical motifs-- all these were highlightsof the set.

soft bomb soft b0rn.b soft bomb

to doafter

this has had tobe can-

c e l l e d . T h e r e c o r d d i d n ’ t s e l l well enough in Europe to justify getting tour support.” Phillips then launches Intel a heartbreaking, if stoic, confession.

productive writing period as the early ‘8Os, he said “Chills songs that we’ve played live and never recorded, there’s about for& of those and p r o b a b l y l i k e a n o t h e r h u n d r e d s o n g s that got produced and didn’t get any further or that need polishi n g b u t are’pretty w e l l f i n i s h e d . . . then fheie’d be another four or five h u n d r e d i n t h e w o r k s ; . . ” (!) After deflecting a shameless offer to relieve him of some of this unreleased material (“Obviously I get asked that all the time,” he said gently); Phillips did touch on sume other pet projects. “We’ve got a lot of stuff that may be done through the fanclub, the International Chills Enthusiasts or ICE club-- studio demos, alternate live takes, stuff that we want to make available to people who want them.” One project that may turn up in such a

photo by Dave Fisher

The most striking aspect of the performance was Martin Phillips as a vocalist and showman. Phillips is one o f t h o s e l i v e p e r f o r m e r s who seems to relive a song’s emotions as

he recounts them, and manages to pull these feelings off brilliantly whether the song is a delicate lullaby, (“Effloresce and Deliquesce”), or a terse rocker, (“Familiarity Breeds Contempt”). Indeed, one of the Chills most popular songs is “I Love My Leather Jacket”, a song that on the surface is merely a great rock anthem but is, in reality, a very tender poem about the loss of deceased drummer Mart i n B u l l w h o p e r i s h e d in the mideighties after a long battle with leukaemia. It was thus both fortuituous and appropriate that Phillips should choose to end the show with “Leather Jacket”. The song delights fans, embraces the Chills many emotions and tastes, and fulfills a performance by a band that still honours all of it’s past work enthusiastically. It’d be a sad demise for such a great band should we not get another opportunity to see them playlive,butonthiseveningPhillips proved in the face of frustration that intelligent rock and roll is always made greater when played straight from the heart, With bands such as the House of Love now beginning to cover Chills songs, here’s hoping a wider audience will be ready to care.



Friday, Octok



A Feminist Laughing Kate Clinton Thealre of the A tts October 4,1992

Kate Clinton. What could be funny? Politics it seems: U.S., Canadian, Soviet, sexual, and personal politics. She revealed initially being drawn to Ross Perot (despite a

because Bush was getting desperate after his role in the Iran-Contra was questioned, and that the two “private” meetings Perot had with the CIA immediately before reentering

by Sue Forrest Imprint staff We all know feminists don’t laugh-- they can’t because it would compromise their politics. Comedy as we know it has been used as yet another tool of oppression, rising out of a menstreamed dominant culture, inherently patriarchical and not only relying on but enforcing damaging stereotypes of perceived lessers in order to propagate their foul politics. I have a book to prove it. It was given t6 me during the festival of the longest night (not to be confused with Christmas) by yet another self-identifying feminist. It’s entitled “Women’s Glib” and on the cover is one of those strident women bellowing, “go ahead, make me laugh.” It’s all a conspiracy and feminists are hip to their evil tricks. Obviously it was going to be a night of male-bashing, the stuff those feminists say is degrading when men and women-hatingwomen laugh is going to be called “feminist humour,” equality my ass, they want to trade places, well mind you, not that men have it so good anyway. Dykes, no doubt. And there they were - a capacit); crowd of questionable looking women and borderline men filling UW’s Theatre of the Arts, waiting for self-billed feminist-humourist

Another product of Women’s Glib nagging image of him as an aging skinhead) because she “likes a guy who knows how to withdraw.” She believes he’s back in the race

Imprint Arts UM F D M


pad peel off strips. If this is feminist humour - and that place rang .with giggle upon chuckle upon belly laugh b what’s feminism? A critique of the world around us which does not focus on men, neither as heroes nor as perpetrators of all evil? Questioning the consistency of stating sexism is evil but refusing to change sexist practices? Affirming common experiences of women in joking about the tribulations of the menstrual cycle? Refusing to enforce the convenient invisibility of groupings like lesbians, drag q&e- and older women? Or, as Clinton kept punctuating, “the courage to be logical.” And seen, and heard. Clinton will be featured on PBS during the tabulation of the US election results November 3, alongside political analysts from Time magazine and The New York Times. Clinton climaxed her N-minute monologue with an invitation for all to join her in Washington, DC. on April 25, in a march for gay, lesbian and bisexual rights, pondering aloud whether the bi portion would be half or twice the population of the other marchers. To a standing ovation she heralded her audience with “be bold and be bad.” You know, feminist style.

w were surely unrelated to his decision. couldn’t be the old split-vote amongst you opponents trick. Clinton also described the chaos in Provincetown when the hurricane hit (and w al2 know huwfinny that wets g ed) and vibrators were out all over town for days on end, and wondered what people do in airport security when they have (unusual) body parts pierced. The Anita Hill hearings were described as “a circle jerk for the ethically challenged,” and periods would be so much more fun if they printed fortunes on the back of those m+i-

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If you’re into German synth-rock, there’s really no helping you. You’re victim to a force no one can aid you in overcoming. But let no onesay Imprint doesn’t support needless addictions. This week, we’re giving away TEN tickets to see KMFDM at Federation Hall on Monday October 19, as well as a Grand Prize which also includes their CD single “Money” and a colour Kh4FDM poster. Just complete the following sentence (Answers may not exceed 100 words):

I have no friends because. .


If you are over 19 and a UW student, submit your response to the Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140. Don’t forget to include your name and phone number. The winners will be notified by phone and the Grand Prize winning submission printed in next week’s paper. Imprint, your passport to good times.

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Imprint Friday, Oct&er 9,1992


Closer to the Heart “Pretty powerfur “The last song was amazing”. Overall, Tristan Psionic garnered a positiveresponse.Andwithasoundthatish.ighly palatable in today’s music sctie, they may be a b&d to watch out for. It’s hard to gauge the crowd’s red&on to Change of Heart, who recently launched a North American tour in support of their superb Smile CD. For some reason, about half of thesmallaudiencefilteredoutoverthecourse of the band’s set, This left most of ,the bar empty aside from a small, but enthusiastic, throng crowding the dance floor. This’was a curious exodus given that Change of Heart laid down an impressive hour and a half set of well-crafted tunes that were filled with crunching riffs, danceable r h y t h m s , a n d varying t e m p o s . Singer/guitarist Ian Blurton established himself as the veritable frontman of the quinm tet w i t h h i s b r a w n y voc;lls a n d d i s t i n c t i v e l y r a u n c h y g u i t a r c h o p s . H e also s e e m e d looser

Change of Heart & Tristan Psionic Phil’s Grati’s Pike October 6# 1992

Qby Andy -h Imprint stufy


missed most of Tristan

youn& Hamilton-based, band would be to poll some of my acquaintances who did catch their lengthy set. Here’s what they said: “Zhydremn lVfdion meets the Charlatans minus keyboards" “Littlebit of Ned’s, little bit of Stone Roses, and a J&l&it of kicking ass”&) “Totally derivative, but good to see it” “ A s u c c e s s f u l m e r g i n g o f styks” “Sorta British ficmndin~ got better towards

We Supply Gown &Coloi~rs I2 Proofs to Choose From

on stage than usual, joking with the audience and grooving with wiry-legged bassist Rob Taylor. The rest of the band kept up nicely, with new drummer John Richardson starting to find his niche after only several weeks behind the drum kit. A couple of minor complaints might be made. For one thing, the absence of any background vocals occasionally leaves Blurton’s otherwise formidable voice sounding a little stark. And the show suffered a bit of a lull, midway through, when the band chose to lump together several of their longer, less uptempo songs. * Still, those who persevered were treated to a rousing finale, from “Pat’s Decline”, and “Picture Perfect”, up until the extended raunch-outs of two early tracks: “Northwinds” and “Slowdance”. I don’t know what to make of the people thattookoffearly.Maybethefortyorsosouls who danced their asses off until the bitter end didn’t have anything better to do on a Tuesday night. Or maybe those who left don’t know a great band when they see one.

Toronto is “Lucky Town” for Bruce Springsteen’s “Human Touizhl’ B r u c e Springsteen s&m Novqnber 5,6

the untouched, gritty songs of old, laced with lyricsab&thehardshipsofgrowingupand . the life of your average Joe trying to make enough money to put bread on the family table. Then there was the next breed of Boss , faithful, attracted to the endless sea of all-au t antluhic rockers ptivalent on the LP Born Itt The U.S.A. Now, the latest generation of springsteen fm enjoy the pop-oriented and Over the past few decades there have ea@st~ning s a m p l e s s p a w n e d f r o m. 1 Tz&l I been many male vocalists which have had a ofLow. _tremendous impact on the music industry. In Sothetwonewalbumsseemtospanhis ~the’50sandearly’~therewasEl~Presley. entire career with tracks reflecting different In the ’60s t h e r e w a s B o b D y l a n T h e n i n t h e __gy~&al pefi~& .w$ s.!ykq- ‘plucky Town,” mid7tk, a sleevel&, denim-cl&$b&-cotiar - “Soul Driver,” and “‘My Beautiful Reward” kid from New Jersey appeared - Bruce echo the early years; “Roll Of The Dice,” springstesr. , “Glori$.s Eyes$! w %$er I%& tirror the Now somewl&it&W@most 43 $+3, :&rn 1h The-EEA. i$e$ &&“H~manTouch,” old) and pertiPs &znWs&, t&$ man they” . LW Channels (And Not!!& %)/and “Leap call “The Boss” is still going strong, setting of Faith” relate more to the present. records for concert ticket sales everywhere he Sofarintbetourtheaveragegighasbeen goes. Bruce Springsteen’s current worldwide four hours in lqgth, a patented Springsteen tour, to promote the simultieous reltiase of characteristic, superior to most other live acts. h& LP’s Human Touch and Lucky Towrt, began If th& playlist reflects: that of previous shows, in Stockholm, Sweden on June 15. The North there will be plenty of tracks selected from Amerisan leg kicked offin New Jersey on July Human Touch, Luc&y Town, and Bowt In Trie 24 with the first of 11 consecutive sold out U.S.A., along with a few favourites from Darkshows at the Brendan Byrne Arena.

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On November 5, Springsteen will play his first Toronto concert in over seven years. His last visit was in the summer of 1985 during the massively successful Born In The U . S . A . T o u r . Patiently awaiting the r e t u r n o f The Boss, the residents of the Big Smoke bought up all of the November 5 concert tickets in less than an hour. Four days later, a second show was announced (slated for the following evening) and it sold out almost as q u i c k l y as the first. At press time, there was no word on a possible third date in T.O. Despite record sales of over two million each, the two new albums Human Touch and Lucky Tuwn have enjoyed mixed reviews, and :for obvious reasons. With his listenership

ness On The Edge ClfTuwn, Nebraska, The River, and Tunnel Of Love. His wife Patti Scialfa, a former E-Street Band backup vocalist who b e g a n s e e i n g Springsteen d u r i n g h i s T u n n e l Of Love Tour, should appear on stage for a c o u p l e o f cameo s o n g s . Bruce Springsteen’s backup band has squashed any d o u b t s about the post-E Street Band era. In a live radio concert in Los Angeles on June 5, the new supporting act showed that they have the capabilities to boost Springsteen’s aura to new heights on stage. The current lineup includes E Street keyboard graduate Roy Bittan, who collaborated with Springsteen on many of the tracks from the new albums. Joining Bittan are guitarist

his musical style has changed 80 much over ,.the last 20 yearsi Spring&m must try to satisfy a wider range of tastes with each new release. There are the original .fans who prefer

cussionist Crystal Taliefero, drummer Zachary Alford, bassist Tommy Sims, and backupvocalists Gia C i a m b o t t i , Carol Dennis, CleoKen&dy,BobbyKir@,andAngelRogers.

fqmg in age from 16 ta 66 irud the fact that

Shane Fontayne, acoustic guitarist CUKI per-


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-: y;.


. .I. . .


Friday, October




1 :” l ;, _^.”

Sisters of #the World, IJnite theatre troupe which eventually earned I honour of being the King’s Troupe. b s Femmes Savanfes was first performed in 1672. Robert Bolt was born in England in 1924. His first international stage hit was A Manfir All Se-, which won Best Play and the Critics Award, Broadway 1961. He is probably best known for his screenplays, including hwretule ofArabia, Doctor Zhivugo, and The Mi@bn. Theatre & CoGany is a professional

The Sisterhood Wafer Sfreef 7kufre, Kitchener T h u r s d a y s - Saturdays at 8pm t h r o u g h October 24 by Sue Forrest Imprfnt s t a f f In an abundance of timeliness, K-W’s Thea& & Company will open its 1992-93 season with Robert Bolt’s The SisterIz~~d, an updated/translated version of Moliere’s LRS Femmes Suvunfes. Set in Quebec in summer 1992, the challenges are feminism in practice and strife between Quebec and Ontario. And it’s a comedy. “It’s a classic social farce, which addresses serious questions with humour and wit,” says publicity director Kate Holt, “when we chose this show to open the season, we had no way of knowing how relevant it would be to what’s going on now, not only nationally but locally.” Tension in the play arises from the daughter of a feminist wbman wanting to marry a nice Ontario boy rather than the

f-hot0 by Kate Clinton

A fond and firm farewell radical American artist/entrepreneur of her mother’s choosing while her sister is convinced the Ontario man truly loves her. “ M a n y o f t h e a l l u s i o n s i n o r i g i n a l texts are to specific political events of Moliere’s own time. Mr. Bolt saw the fmmes savanfes of 17th-century France had contemporary sisters in the ranks of 2CIthcentury feminist aca-

demics” says director Stuart Scadron-Wattles, “we have added specific [Canadian] events and p e r s o n a l i t i e s t o o u r p r o d u c t i o n . ” M o l i e r e l i v e d . in 17th century France, obtaining a law degree prior to becoming a r e n o w n e d p l a y w r i g h t . He f o r m e d a t o u r i n g

Waterloo. In their. third seaon they have added local artists to the core’group of professionals. Artistic direction is provided by f o u n d e r Stuart S c a d r o n - W a t t l e s . Rounding out this seasons productions will be Liffle Dayllghf from the pen of George MacDonald (December 4 - %), The Rd b Mecca by Atho Fugard (February 26 - March 20), and Quilters by Mdlly Newman and Barbara Damashek (May 7 - 29). All productions run Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. Box office phone is (519) 571-0928,

Imprint Rating Guide Why:-the Pope hates Sinead (YConnor .*.’ , 3


3. he eats Campbell Chunky Beef Ste& with a fork, she e@.Jt. .with ,-L*,_z .- ‘ali, spoon _ , v. j :_ : *I ’ v. ,* - f h‘.’ . . *. -. .; ‘: ” -:‘% 4. Sincerely believes “T16y’~ is about him ALt SYSTEMS INCLUDE: IhllB

‘5. She’s got a bigger foll&ving . 1


Yeah we got Trouble The Music Man centre in the sqllure ckbber 15th - 18th

Seventy-six trombones. So, what would something like that run you? Does that include the cases and a couple gross of clarinets? I I refer, of course, to the ever-popular song from 2I.e Music Man, and you can w all dem ‘bones Thursday, October 15 through Sunday the 18th at Kitchener’s Centre in the Square. The famous c o m e d y - m u s i c a l w i l l b e p e r formed by Kitchener-Waterloo Musical Productions, with Alex Mustakas in the title role. Joining him in the spotlight will be Deborah Ludolph as Marian the Librarian. The musical revolves around the charismatic character of Professor Harold Hill, a travelling con artist. He rolls into town, charms the children and parents alike, and thenuigesthemtospendmoneyonuniforms and instruments for a marching band, led by the professor himself. He thext

leaves town

with the peoptes’ m o n e y . the Music Man’s plan This time, thou misfireswhenhef & in love w i t h t h e t o w n librarian, and can’t decide what to do.

TheMrrsicManisoneofthemostbeloved musical productions in theatre histq and, I must admit, a favourite of mine. rt fan for over three years on broad-y, and garnered someofthetheatre’shighesthonours,including five Tony Awards, the Dre Critic’s Circle Award, and several Grammy awards for the original cast recordings. Anyone who has seen Robert Preston in the movie version of the play can attest that T?E M&c Man p r o v i d e s n o n - s t o p ehtertainaeni. The songs in 77~ MU& Man include perennial favourites such as Goodnight, My Someone, Seventy-Six Trombones, and the’ over-the-top Trouble in River C@y. I heartily recommend that everyone, before they die, at least look at the movie version of the play. The thing about a live. production, though, is that it is just that - live. N o a m o u n t of special effects wizardry or moody backlit shots or split-screen phone call pieces can match a l i v e p e r f o r m a n c e f o r s h e e r e n e r g y , excitement, and spectacle. Go see it. A splendid time is guaranteed for all. TIzeMtlsicManisatTheCentreinthe Square, Thuteday, FAday, and Saturday, October 15,16, and 17 at 8~00 PM. Tic.ket pricesfortheeepe!rfo~ce!sare$27&sw.



Sund~y~OctobQt17mdlSat~00P.M.Ticket prices for these performances are$26&$24. God seats are still available by phoning The CenttreintheSquareBoxOffkeat5784570.

A’ “~



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by Christopher Wuters 1spsciol to the h-print Tacoma, Washington’s Seaweed came onto the scene a couple of years ago with their Despised Ep. -- I D e s p i s e d , another Sub-Pop release, was a fine twenty-eight minute long taster of Seaweed’s adrenalized and emotive sound. This past summer, the band’s debut album, Weak, was released. Weak contains much of the same turbulence and obscure lyrical imagery that Despised profemed; however, weak merely plods along, snly coming together for one brilliant moment. Weak flounders about in its hardcore, laced with too many progressive rock bridges, until it arrives at “Clean Slate.” Suddenly, aI1 of the band’s usage of stop/starts congeal and the p r o g r e s s i v e r o c k bridges lead flawlessly and directly into vocalist Aaron Stauffer, cover star o f S u p e r c h u n k ’ s “ F i s h i n g ” s i n gle, and a sure bet for Sassy’s “one. -- to-watch”-dam, sing-along c h o r u s . With “Clean Slate,“, like “Brought I n , ” D e s p i s e d ’ s h i g h l i g h t , Seaweed have a chance to become everyone’s “new favourite band.” S a d l y , t h e

by Trevor Jsluir Imprint Staff Three ridiculously expensive UK singles have been released from ?‘heH o u s e Of Love’s t h i r d and perhaps best lp. Confessions of a fana tic concemthehard-to-come-bygemsfrom this most precious of British bands. Between their first and second albums the Manchester scene happened. Groups like Happy Mond a y s , S t o n e R o s e s and Charlatans b e g a n t h e i r ascent of t h e E n g l i s h glory tower. HOL floundered briefly, trying to reclaim their lofty heights - w h i c h , a s i t t u r n e d o u t , were in an entirely different tower altogether. The main r e a s o n f o r t h i s r e v i e w , informed reader, is to proclaim the

rest of the album is w e i g h e d d o w n by too much “Baggage” for Seaweed to be considered anything other than mediocre. Weak is good, .but besides “Clean Slate,” it is far from great.

Since “Clean Slate” appears on a n e w S u b - P o p compilation entitled Love Songs @WZ Sub-Pop, perhaps s h o u l d b y - p a s s W e a k and p i c k up that instead. There goes Weakness.. .

by Ken Bryson imprint stufl House of Pain must have been sitting around their house one day watching “The Commitments” on t h e i r V C R w h e n they heard ‘out’of Jimmie’smouththe words “the Irish . are the blacks o6Europe.” Now, House of Pain being of supposed Irish heiiiage, they must have thought that, rap being the . contemporary black music of America, they could become rap s i n g e r s . Well, I tell ya, it just wasn’t meant t o be so. For their premier release they compiled a load of rap tunes I * o v e r l a d e n w i t h a cultural identity complex. They n e v e r h o w when to be Americans and when to be Irish. If they are too American they’ loose their gimmick (and let us assure ourselves that it is nothing but gimmick); conversely, if they are too Irish then they loose their musical saleability - certainly there i s a + .vmarket for Irish tunes, hear the rogues and the Waterboys, but that just won’t get them top forty air play. What a dilemma. So they decided to reap the bounty of Irish-American rap, but is wasn’t a b o u n t i f u l c r o p . Their mix failed. 0.n one fine .i’ track they l a p s e i n t o t h e c h o r u s o f “top of the momin’ t o y a , ” w h i c h , according to one local Irish authority, nobody even says anymore. In other words, they’re about as hip with their Irish as they are their Guatamalan. Musically speaking, they are not exactly Public Enemy or even

the Beastie Boys. Their mix of pseudo violence (put on your shit kickers/and kick some shit) and q u a s i m i s o g y n y ( s p r e a d y o u r legs/ guess who’s back) puts them in the c a t e g o r y r i g h t b e t w e e n r a p wannabe’s and top forty musical eunuch%. House of Pain is very nonthreatening; which, depending on the type o f r a p y o u l i k e , c o u l d b e g r e a t o r s h i t . M a k e s f o r p r i m e top40 airplay t h o u g h .

And air play is what their lead single “Jump around” has got. It is, I must say, the only semi decent song on the album. It is light enough to be pop and almost hip hop enough to like. House of Pain deserves more than this I suppose, but not from mea



LO loose

that gim-

mick though. To be sure, House o f Pain are about as Irish as the Boston Celtics.

sheer divinity of an EP almost ‘a yearold. “TheGirlWithTheLonliest Eyes” yielded a delicate Cbver of The Chills’ “Pink Frost,” and this, t h e i r finest moment: “Purple Killer Rose.” Rarely does one song make me a believer, but “Purple Killer Rose” is devastatig everything HOLaspireto-the&trolled,manic intensity, the sublime endlessly layered guitar melodies and the desperate; despmfe vocals are all here. One of those how-could-I-havelived-without-it songs, I’ll now . champion them till the grave. Beg, borrow or steal this. The more recent EP’s “Feel” and “You Don’t Understand” arestrong, yet lacking that extra dose of magic. On “Feel,” George Harrison’s “It’s All Too Much” gets kidnapped quite successfully by Guy Chadwick and co., also, “You Don’t Understand” includes a demo of itself in the form of “Kiss The Fountain, ” interesting as a sort of blueprint for their creat i v e p r o c e s s , b u t ultimately o n the dispensible side. The more I think about how much money I’ve spent o n t h e s e s i n g l e s , t h e m o r e m y r=omm&dations’ seem obscured. Hi,nt, hint, Polygram Canada. T h e r e ’ s s o m e s u p e r b s t u f f here f o r y o u t o g e t b e h i n d . And what about all those early singles? The Canadian history of The H~IISP Of Love is missing not only its ground floor, but a few sweet, secret rooms as well.

Imprint Friday, October 9,1992 not keen on the Uzzy Osborne song eithq of: for that matter, Susanna.

Hoffs, the Cult, Mar@ Danish, Rob

O k a y , I’ll admit it openly - I really liked the movie B@jf tIze NITpite Slayer. I actually thought it was well done and 1 thought Donald Sutherland and especially Paul Reubens were great. But the soundtrack is another matter - i t ’ s r a t h e r d i s a p p o i n t i n g . With some movies, the soundtrack lets you relive all your favourite scenes, but I listen to this soundt r a c k and I make no connection to any scene in the movie, at all. None. On their own, the songs vary from mostly bad to not bad to one verygood.ThesongfromtheDream Warriors called “Man Smart W o m a n S m a r t e r ” i s m y favourite

by Denise Huffiner Impfint stuff When you read- the words ‘best of...‘, one usually assumes that the songs chosen to make the collectionarethegroupsbesthits. However, this is not always an accurate view to take. A ‘best of...’ release by a group can also beseenasaneasymethodtomake more money for themselves. The Red Hut chili Peppers latest, ZUM fCft ems to be a case for the

Halford, Toad the Wet Sprocket, M a t t h e w S w e e t , o r C&C music factory. All are featured on this soundtrack with little impact. If these songs are supposed to make me remember a scencthen, they fail miserably. I’m talking F-, go to summer school, or music camp or something. But evenif they aren’t supposed to remind me of a scene, these songs don’t hold much charm on their own. If you, like me, enjoyed this

because I really like the band and i t ’ s t h e o n l y s o n g t h a t m a k e s a rem o t e c o n n e c t i o n t o

movie, I certainly wouldn’t recommend buying this CD. Believe me, YOU can live without it. Use the money y o u ’ l l s a v e b y not b u y i n g thiscrap and spend it on beer or car’amel cakes. Hell, you could alwaysgocrazy,buystampsandsend letters b p e o p l e y o u d o n ’ t k n o w . My suggestion: rent the movie instead. You can still hear the songs and they’d be in context. Besides, it’s a good movie and you get to see Luke Perry with his hair down. I wonder what Brenda bitch Walsh would think of his new look?

I despise the song from the Divinyls called “I Ain’t Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore” and I’m

have two of these three, you already based tune that is different from have half of the songs on this remany of the other songs in this collection. The next four songs take a lease. Granted, if you do not have any of t h e R e d H o t C h i l i P e p p e r s _ turn for the worse, originating from albums in your music collection, the 1987 album Th Upll@ Mofo Party this release w o u l d b e t h e b e s t way Plan. Basically, the singer tends t o to introduce yourself to their style. drum out the words to a tune that is S p e a k i n g o f style, the R e d H o t rhythmically incompatible to what the band is playing. These songs all Chili Pevs e e m t o s o u n d t h e s a m e , s o when the next hit ‘True Men Don’t Kill Coyotes’ comes on, it is a welcomed change. The collection also contains ‘Knock Me Down’, ‘Under The Bridge’, and ‘Show Me Your Soul’. T h e s e s o n g s a r e a l l f r o m the latest releases, and sounds more like the Red Hot Chili Peppers best hits. There is a variety of music on this album. Therefore, one should be able to determine from this coll&ion;f&%edH~~Pe@er&

. telephone bill blues?

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appeal to yoLif musical tastes. The title, what hifs!?, is appropriate for

~ecollectionconsistsof eighten songs, containing a few songs

iii difficult to catagorize.

leased so far, However, G.&en of the sqip3 come from only three aIbums, mainly Freaky Q&y, The Uplift Mofb Party Plan, and Moths Mik wm mf if You hdy

not rock, pop, or ‘rap, so therefore they more or less fall under ‘alternative’ music, what hits!? starts off with ‘Higher Ground’, which is originally from the 1989 &burn M&&‘s Milk. TJrtis is a fast, rock



They are

&ough Northumberhd C o u n t y . Both&hesealbumsfitthebillra& nicely. The Orb, whohelped on the latest Primal Scream album, has a more ambitious sample list, but the even BPMs on Accelmtor make for

this album because it is certainly a

matker of pmonal ,choice. Either you like the culkction or you don’t. All in all, the colktion is not that bad, but it is a let down compared to their reputation tied by Mother’s Milkin 1989 an dg Blood Sugar Sex Magic in 1991.

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for summing things up in a succinct and sometimes j a d e d m a n n e r . A great example of this was when we

wexedoingsomethingathome,with CNN on TV in the background. I commented that the news of the day was under constant repeat, but we had tuined it off in our head. “Yeah”, he said, “CNN is visual wallpaper.” Anyway, we all need some decent background noise, whether its doing homework’ playing Space Invaders, or driving on the 401

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Imprint Friclay, October 9,1992

AItS r



, Institutionali &y Sandy Atwai and Craig Nickerson Imprint staff

Thefbilowing is an open letter to the members of Consolidated, and will be mailed to f!zm as we22 as t/&r record company Nettwerk.


Dear Mark, Adam and Philip Having r e c e n t l y l i s t e n e d t o “ P l a y M o r e Music”, your third album proper on Nettwerk, we feel that we should at least try and offer some constructive criticism towards what appear to be some obvious leaps in logic the band commits rather than dismiss you altogether. The various topics you champion on this album as well as previous ones are considered “worthy issues” by most liberals, however they all rest on extremely dubious foundations. Let us step by step discuss the topics you have chosen to expound upon on your albums and in concert.


GunControkTheargumentthatweneed gun controlbecause there are many instances of homicide and other illegal ‘actions as a result of guns is a non-starter. First of all,

criminals who commit crimes with guns are obviously not going to let gun control laws stand in their way - that’s why they’re called criminals. It seems that your position on gun control is in direct conflict with your antifascist position. If you advocate greater personal liberty, tihy would you want to promote the control of guns by a state. A state with this much power is a threat to the freedom of every individual. You can’t have it both ways. In many ways, your argument for controlling guns is similar to the argument Used by many conservatives in controlling free speech. The idea that words are d a m a g i n g to the moral fibre of a society is obviously bullshit. Similarly, trying to eliminate guns will not solve the problem of individuals committing violence. Even on a very isolated “crime of passion” base, if a husband is going to kill his wife,.whether it’s a gun or a bat or a kitchen knife, it’s going to get done. The original intent in your American constitution regarding the right to bear arms was in order that a militia could be formed ’ against an outside force or an oppressive rected. ing yourselves look ever so cool. Is this going government. To let the governmtz%t be the Vegetarianism: Your stand on vegetari‘to be the standard threat then: “Don’t piss us sole monopoly of force seems to be allowing anism is also ilI-conceived and at least partly, off or we’ll put you on our album”? The the inmates to run the asylum. I believe, based on some Disney-fied idea of impression one gets from the album is that Take a practical example, Sweden, Belnature. Are we to prevent the suffering of _ you guys were trying to come off as the ultra- gium and a few other European countries animalsonthegro~ndsthatitisalwayswrong hip outspoken rebels desperately trying to have a population of which every male above for animals to suffer? If so, why don’t we educate the poor ignorant masses because the age of 18’has a military firearm in his make an effort to prevent the suffering of youknowwhat’sgoodforthem. Arethebulk possession and knows how to use it because animals at the hands (or rather, the claws and of your fans -truly as pitiable as they are they were conscripted and had to buy the teeth) of other animals? The next time my cat represented on this album? If so, then you guns themselves. Setting asideany arguments drags a half-dead bird to my porch to mastimay as well give up trying to write “intelliabout the morality of conscription, realize cate, should I pry it from her teeth and nurse gent” songs about “important” issues as they that these countries have among the lowest it back to health? Animalsmaim and kill each will be falling on deaf ears. gun-related crimes in the world. In the case of other without any moral qualms. They do so sWe’re not trying tb sympathize with the Sweden, they basically don’t keep records of for food tid they do so for pleasure.‘ The clowns who go to your shows and vocalize gun-related crimes any more because of the WOlVerineWill hunt for pleaSUl& eat Only the . this “less tala, more rock 81 attitude+ ~~~ non-existence of such crimes. Fine, they’re choicest bits and then defecate on the corpse must know what to expect by now wd the white rich people, but what this shows is that to spoil the m&at. there is NOT a direct correlation between the e that it is not necesnumber of guns and the number of crimes related t o guns. Your argument is mis-di-

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as it is for certain animals. However, the Use of animals for medical research has provided many breakthroughs including the insulin that many diabetics need to survive. Many of the research done reveals no such miracles, and the animals die with basically no gain to human kind, but it is the right of Man as it is every other animal to kill to sunrive and improve one’s given lot in life? Are we somehow bound to act separate from nature and according to some notion of morality? If so, there is nothing in any well planned ethical view that gives animals the right to not be killed. Those writers on the “cutting edge” of anhaI rights suchas Tom Regan have completely ill-planned moral systems that do not survive any strong criticism. Sampling: Why do you fiid it necessary to humiliate your fans? No doubt you consider you~lves

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pop-stars who push their pet causes with fascist zeal and with Unfounded arrogance. The absolute L&T person I would go to for ethical advice would be a musician (and probably a member of an “industrial” band). If you have a strong political agenda to push, get into politics where you may do some good. Popular music may give you the oppsrt~nity to reach a large number of young people stanring for an ideology, but as a venue to voice any intelligent ideas conceming important issues, it really stinks. You end up diluting your message or making bad music. We do realize, however, that thissort of anti-establishmentarian, issue of the week type rebellion does have a vast market ripe for exploitation. Sting vs. the destruction of rainforests, Axe1 Rose vs. Warren Beatty and Sinead vs. the Pope, they’ve all found their niche. The trend for the past Umpteen years hanbeen

the dage oE *ebelGm

a m l popu-

so you should be aware that it is very easy to lar culture, bought and sold in marvellous manipulate recordings tom&e those with CD sound. Friendly Fascism meets it’s match opposing ~iewRoints look stupid while mak- yin I.nstitutionalizd Rebellion.



Friday, October 9,1992


Lenny Bruce is Not Afraid The Lenny Bruce Performance Film Rhino Records $24.95 by Sundy Atwd hprint stufi


7kkind ofcomedy Idoisn’tgoingtochange the world c but certain areas of society tnuk~ me unhappy, and satirizing them - asidefrom being lucrative - is a rekasefbr me. We’re sll hustlers. We’re all as honest as we can a#brd to be. I am not a cumedian.

nessinghisact. The deconstructionof “fuck”, “shit” or “Catholicism” takes place on a level far above the level of the courts trying to convict Bruce. His references to scatology or copulation, the history of religion and where those topics crossover into the area of law is unparalleled in the area of stand-up comedy

tied “Christians and Jews” as well as a recording of the entire videotape. “Christians and Jews” is another outstanding piece, however the inclusion of the performance seems like the biggest weakness in the entire package. Bruce has multiple recordings on vinyl out and it would have beennice to see some of his

The other disappointment is the booklet included in the set. A mere eight pages, included are various accounts by comedians and other artists including George Carlin, EricBogosian andTiny Timprattlingonabout h o w g r e a t Bruce w a s . F i n e , b u t h o w a b o u t some back up info on Bruce and a few more photos. It’s hard to complain about the packaging because the actual material is so great, but Ryko could have spent a little more time indesigningthispackagesothatbuyers would be getting more than the actual performance. itself.

I urn. . . hny Bruce. - Lenny l3ruce

To do justice to any recording of Lenny Bruce is impossible. Not only because of his e n o r m o u s i m p o r t a n c e i n t e r m s o f s o c i a l satire, but also because Bruce himself realized that only AMY can do Lenny. The inability to describe what it is that Lenny Bruce the “comedian” does is the problem any individual faces in trying to transfer the medium and the message on to others. That being-said, the best introduction and individual can easily find is the recently released boxed set from Rhino Records “The Levy Bruce Performance Film”. The set includes the only complete video footage of Bruce, in this case his second to last performance in 1965 at a San Francisco nightclubThe hour long footage captures Bruce at his most satirical and visceral. In addition to his criticism of religious and political figures, the first third of the performance also includes his attack on the jzistice system which was so quick to remove his freedom of speech - an element of his performance which became more and more prominent as his career drew to a close. Watching Bruce perform, one realizes how absolutely ludicrous it was to try Bruce on obscenity charges without actually wit-

counteracting this first disappointment is a fantastic animated short entitled “Thank You, Mask Man”. Animated by John Magnuson, based on a routine of Bruce’s (who does all of the voices) the animation is delightfully simple - of the old Wizard of Oz cartoon type. This brief animated portion pokes fun at Bruce’s favouriie topic - America. Rednecks, America’s heroes, and America’s sexualmoresalltakeabeatingatDirty\Lenny’s hands - no pun intended.

Lenny 8ruce is dead - he was the brother that you never had and rivals any satire by any comedian in almost any medim His persecution by the police was at least a miscarriage of justice, and at the most a criminal a& in and of itself worthy of the punishment that was passed on to Bruce himself - death Includedintheboxsetisa78minuteCD, including a sixteen minute performance en& _

Carnegie Hall concert on here. Perhaps Ryko is pla&ing on releasing a boxed set of just such recordings, who knows. It’s nice to have the audio portion on disc, but not really that great considering Bruce’s animated performantes. Stand up is a visual medium as much as it is aural, and placing it on disc weakens the mate&l slightly.

Ultimately, that’s all you’re getting with this package, the videotape. The disc doesn’t contain enough material to warrant it’s inclusion and the booklet is a lot of praise, but you can get that out of reviews like this. All the reviews and talk about Lenny Bruce can’t replace Lenny Bruce. He is a man everyone should knoti, one of the few cult figures worthy of the praise lavished upon him and an individual who continues to be a benchmark for criticism of the government and the church and those who would curb the freedom of speech If Lenny could be reduced to one simple point, it would be that there was no such thing as the Truth or the Word. Whatever morals we followed we created by ourselves, so we were ultimately responsible for them and their consequences, and this lesson finds it’s martyr in Tk~y Bruce.

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EVERY SUNDAY Univmlty Worship Service at 10 am, Keffer Memorial Chapel, WLU Seminary Buildinq (Albert St. at Seagram UniFASSal Studios writer’s ttjeetingsl 7~30 p.m., HH 1391 Come join the fun! BeSinners, experts and enthusiasts web co%el Also on Wednesdays. hlamic Study Circle 3:30 to &30 p.m. room 110, Campus Centre. Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship ev&ng senice. 7:OO p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 864-5712.

EVERY MONDAY UW recycks - recycling wpresentatives from every student society are requested to attend informal infromation meetings from 3-4 p.m. in the Campus Cehtre, room 136. Sept. 28; Oct. 19,26;Nov. 2, 16&3O. Unimndty of Waterloo H o u s e o f Debates General Meeting at 5:30 in Physics 313. For information call Rahul Gangolli 725-9040 or 888-7661. Meetings every Monday at 5230 p.m. EVERY WEDNESWW Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship meets at 4:30 p.m. in MacKirdy Hall room 201. Enjoy an at-cost supper, followed by a Bjble study/discussion. All are welcome! For more info, contact Chaplain Graham Morbey at 666-1474.


Quick Questions - drop in to room 1001, NH where a Career Advisor can answer your brief (15 min. or less) car88r or job-mated qui3stion. 1 to 4 p.m. Amnesty lnternatlclnal UW Group meets from 730 to 9~00 p.m. in CC 135. Speakers, videos, letter-writing&d more. Join us in our campaign for human rights - everyone weleomel UW Juggling Club meets from 5 to 7 p.m. & &ivity Area of the. PAC.

Beginners welcome! For more info call Sean Finucane, ext. 6265 or 664-3473. Brown Bag Forum - a Muslim - Non Muslim dis&ssibn. 1230 to 130 p.m. Campus Centre, room 110. All are welc o m e ! Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship Bible Study. 730 p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 664-5712. Baha’l Faith - informal discussions on Baha’i issues at the Baha’i Information Centre, 2-91 King St. N., 730 p.m. or call 664-5907 for more info. Association hosts coffee houses from to 11 p.m. in HH373. These informal gatherings are an opportunity to make friends in a non-threatening atmosphere. Everyone is welcome.

EVERY THUKSofiY The Intmational Socialists meet every Thursday at 730 p.m. in CC 135 to discuss the theory and practice of socialism. biformal discussion% about rock climbing, possibly with slides. Every Thursday at 5:30, Campus Centre room 138.

EVEKY FKWW Friday Muslim Prayer - 1 :OO pm. to I:45 p.m. (Sept. & Oct.) ; 12:OO p.m. to 12:45 p.m. (Nov. & Dec.). Room 110, Campus Ceitre.

EVERY SATUKMY Car#r Rescuca Centre - hours - 11 8-m. to 3 p.m. Check out employer, cereer, work/study abroad and educational information. NH 1115, Sept. 26, et. 3 and 31.

GEMUTLICHKEIT AWARD WINNER 1991 % for -’ BEST LARGE FESTHALl,E+ 1 m n I cl Las awarded .iby b Ii-W -OKTOBERFEST - ~ ~ - - _.

UNIVERSITY NIGHT Thursday, October 15 Z30 p&m. .- 1~00 a.m. l

Game starts at 9 p.m.


341 Marsland Drive, &‘aterbo .e . * Ticket Office. Hours are: Monday r-

(519) 886-7730 (519) 8f36-BEER through Friday 9:OO k-r~. .i” I%00 r&n i:OO p.m. L 5:OO p.m. CClosed Mtkdnesday)

Leisure Buddy Service needs volunteers 14 and aider to provide support to people with disabilities who may require assistam to participate in leisure a&iti8s in the community. Call Lee Love at 741-2228 for more information. Fllrwrds Is a school volunteer program where adults are matched with children who would benefit from an adult friendship. Children gain confidence through activities with their adult friend. To volunteer call Dorothy Henderson, CMHA office 744-7645. international Students Office seeks volunteers to assist international students with conversational English. lfyou are interested in tutoring, contact Sheryl Kennedy at ext. 2814. Urgently Needed - volunteers to transcribe text to tap8 for students with low vision. 8ilingual, training and equipment will be provided. Taping can be done at home or on campus. If interested contact Rose Padacz at Needles Hall, room 2051 or phone ext. 5231. UW Caruer Fair ‘92 -Your chance to get to know various employers and make contacts. For more information call 8xt. 4047 or drop by NH 1001. Literacy Program needs volunteers to work with special education students oneto-one. 1 to2hrMwiceaweekfromSept. to June 1. Great opportunity for students who want to go into Teacher’s CoHege. Cal I 885-0800. 16th WdMoo Brownies need leaders and helpers. Call Candice at 747-2102 TheCancsrAwarenessGroupwelcomes all students to join to spread awareness and have fun. Next meeting is in CC 138, October 14 at 530 p.m. MatIe voluntean urgently needed to assist on a tone-to-one basis, male indivi#a& who have a c+ab#ity and are involved in leisure activities. Call l-88 at 741-2228 for more info. Voluntwr Fair ‘92 b&g held Fti. Oct. 16 and Sat. Oct. 17 at Fairview Park, Kwener. Presented by the Volunteer Action Centre. Find ut how you can better ourcommunity and enhance youi own life. Fro info call: 742-6610. S t u d e n t VoluM6r Centre. Vdunteering is a great way to explore car88r opportunities, meet new people, help out in your community. We have a variety of placements available to suit your inter8St& Come to cc 206 or call ext. 2051.

AIrways Trunsft- Airporter will drop off and pick up pass8ngers at the CAMPUS CENTRE instead of the University Avenue Kiosk effective JULY 2, 1992. WAlfifm le offiialil New Club at U of W. l Members will be involved in creating a unique video performance. New members accepted fro extra and supporting work. Call Phil for more info at 725-6160 IAids Awareness W e e k 1992; October 4-l 1. R8d ribbons available in banks across Waterloo Fl8gion. Call 748-5556 for mor8 information. , ThebxualkyResourceCentre-isa trahed student volunteer senrice that offers infonnatfan, support and referrals tothoseinrmd.ThissenriceisFREE. Call605-1211,~2306~kav8am88sag8at8xVlO42.Th8SRCisf0cat8din, rwtn 15OA, Campus Centre, UW. Edu#ltiontikS-tMS8t&iWiIlb videotaped. Tapes wift b8 avaflabl8 in late October In-the Career Rwource centre,NHlllS. Ap@icathsdw,DeCMWfllfQ2. Unive~olToronto-Od. \4from%3010:30&lNH3001 ;Br4lc&Unhcersity-O, 14 from l&30-11:30 In WH 3001 ; Nipking Unive&ty - OcL 14 fmm 2:303:3OinNH3001; lJniveraityofOttawa= Oct. 14 fmm 3:30-4:30 in NW 3661 ; UnhrersityofWinci&-Od.l5from9:3010:30inNH3001;UniversityofW8atem 0ntario-Od.15frcunl0:30-11:3OinNH 3001 ; York Universtty - Oct. 15 from 11:30-l 2~30 in NH 3001; Lak8heed Uni-

versity - Oct. 15 fm 2:3&3:30 in NH 3001 ; Queen Univwsii -Oct. 15 from 3:30-4:30 in NH 3001. FREE public lectures presented by WLU and UW will be held every Monday at noon at KPL to Dec. 6. This Fall’s topics are: Oct. 26- Ontario’s Best Kept Corwumer Secrets K-W Art Gallery- 101 ;Queen Street N., Kitchener- 579-5660. Art Alive Lectures begin Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. Cal I for details. Exhibits of sculptures, photography, fashion shows, art classes, water colour classes all coming up. Call the above number for more information. Lecture series a t S e a g r a m MuseumSept 15 to Nov. 3. For more information contact Anthony Horton at 8851857. K-W Live Thea&e- 9 Princess St., Waterloo, 886-0660. Workshops begin’Oct.7 1992 to Feb.24,1993. For more information phone the above number. Homer Watson GaMy- 1754 Old Mill Rd. Kitchener. Gallery hours: Tues. to Sun. 12 to 4:30, Thurs. 12 to 8 p.m. Call 746-4377 for lecture times and classes. Ukralnlan Student Club is seeking new members and a new student council. For more info call Roman Sirskyj a-0774 after 6.

Nwember 27,1992. *Charles Dekuw S&&ship - available to all 38 Civil. Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship - available to all 38 Ch8mM. Gandalf Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Engineering 1 B and above. ’ Noreen Energy Computer Science Chemical and Geological Engineering Award - available to Geological and Chemical year two or above. Ontario Hydro Electrial Award - available to 2B Electrical. Marcel Pequegnat Schdarship - available to 38 Civil, Water Resource Management. M.S. Yolles & Partners Limited Scholarship - available to 3B Civil. F A C U L T Y OF E N V I R O N M E N T A L STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning, preferenoe to female applicants. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - avaiiable to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MAtHEMATlCS Andersen Consulting Scholarship - available to 3B Math. l 68l I Canada Computer Science Awards - available to all 38 or 3rd year - regular - deadline - Oct. Q+lQQ2. Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 38 Computer Science. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULTY OF SCfENCE Chevron Canada f?esources i&j. Schlarship - availa& to 2nd yar or 2B Earth Science. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Science, ~88 department. Mar& Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 38 Earth &iirWWater Resource

strong htetWt Inventory - dimr how your interests. relate to’specific vocational oppotiunities.Thursdrry, October 15 at 1 I :30-l 2~30 p.m.; Tuesday, Octob8r20 at 330-430 p.m.; w&8&y, October 21 at 11:30-l 230 p.m.;Tu8sday, October 27 at 11:s12:30 p.m.; Thkday, Cktobar 29 at 4:30-530 b.m. hy&s%rlggs Type In&%& - discover how your personal stmngths relateto your \pmfeFed waysof._ wor&g. Mon+y, %p Mut. .a ‘her 18 tit t:3&&36$fhrsdiry, o&b I :” =~sAc&~ &p’@pl~E~ f#fEALm‘ her 29 at 11:30-l 230 p.m. R8gister at S C I E N C E S Counseliing &vi&, NH 2060. Mark Forst8r Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or &I year Kinesiology deadlilie - January 8, lQQ3. :. Andrea Fraser M&orial Scholarship ‘Rwding&studySkib-la!ic8advanta~ available to 3rd or 49 year Kinesiology ofindiviiua@ounsellingandworkshopsh deadline - October. 16, 1992. study skills in the classroom - notetaking, *Ron May M8mOrial Award - available to ef&tivq listening, class prE!pamtiofI, ef3rd or 4th year Recreation - deadline f8ctiv8 s t u d y tsch~,jnduding tima O c t o b e r 16,1992. .’ managem8nt, t8xtbook wing, concenFORAPPLlCATlONFORMSandfurther tration and effective exam wvriting skill. (4 information the Student cohsecti s@on+). ’ Awards Offii, 2nd Roor, Needles Hall. Friday, Oct. 2 - &3Oto 11 m a.m. Register by oelling Counselling Senricea, NH 2060 or &II extension 26!$5. I

Workshop, 1:30 to 2%) p.m. Resume Writing Information Session, 4:30to 530 p.m. and 530 to 630 p.m. Tuesday 27 - lntenriew Skills I Infurmation Session, 330 to 4:30 p.m. and Interview Skills II Workshop, 430 to 5130 p.m. W e d n e s d a y 2 8 - Resume Critiquing Workshop, 230 to 4:30 p.m. and C.V. Guidelines Info Session, 500 6:00 p.m. Thursday 29 - Networking WOrkShOp, 500 to 6:oO p.m. Saturday 31 - Preparing ;or the Job Search Workshop, IO:00 - 5:00 p.m. NOVEMBER Monday 2 - Researching Employers I Information Session, 1:30 to 2:CXl p.m. Room NH 1115 ,Researching Employ 8~s II Workshop, 2:oO to 3:OO p.m. Tuesday 3 - R8Sum8 Critiquing Workshop, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. . Wednesday 4 - Intro to Career Planning &Job Search, 5:0010 6:OO p.m. Information Interview Workshop, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Thursday 5 - Resume Writing information Session, 230 to 330 p.m. Letter Writing Informaition Session, 330 to 430 p.m. Friday 6 - Summer: Jobs information Session, 10:30 to 1 I:30 a.m. Monday 9 - Interview Skills I Information Session, 12% to 1:30 p.m.. interview Skills II Workshop, 1130 to 230 p.m.. int8wiewSkiits Hi Workshop,2:3Oto4:30 p.m. Tuesday 10 - Intro to Self Asessment Workshop, 330 to 4:30 p.m. rmrn 1030. R8sume Writing Information Session, 7:OO to 8:00 p.m.. Letter Writing Information Session, 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday 11 - Job Search I Information Session, 2:30 to 3~00 p.m.. Job Search II Workshop 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. roomNH1115. Thursday 12 - Resurri Critiquing Workshop, 3:30 to 530 p.m. - _ Monay 16 - Networking Workshop, l&30 to 11 :w a.m.. Resume Critiquing Workshop, 230 to 430 p.m. Tuesday 17 - Intro to 0vers8as Jobs Information Session, 103Oto 1130 a.m.. C.V. Guidelines information Session, 1230 to 1%) p.m . ” , ‘..:. + Wednesday 18-i Re&n;is’\iilriting In#oimation Se&ion, IO:30 to 11 ;w a.m+ Lett8rWiting information Ses$cm, 1$$0 to 12f30 p.m.. Res8arching O~~up&ork Workshop, 2:30 to 3:30.p.m-’ Monday 23 - Summer Jobs fnformation Session. 330 to 4%) o.m. -r

Meet at the Information Desk for all the below events. Friday, October 9 Sign up sheets and handouts available in * Psychology Research Workshop. Dana The appliion deadline wilt be Odober NH1001 the week prior to pres8ntation Porter Library: lo:30 a.m. 3O,lQ92unlessoth8rwis8stat8d.~means date. ALL classes take place in NH1 020 Tuesday, October 13 th8~isaSpeciaiApplicationwhichcantie Wws stated otherwise. * Introduction to Searching on CD-ROM. obtainedfromtheStudentAwardsCffic8). OCTOBER Dana Porter Library - 1130 a.m. The following awards are currently availTuesday 13 - R8SUm8 Writing fnfOn~Ml flow to use PsycClT and Sociofile on able: tion Session, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and 230 CD-ROM. Dana Porter Library - 2:30 ALL FACULTIES to 3% p.m. p.m. *Don Hayes Award - deadline - January Wednesday 14 - In&r&w Skills I Inforl How to us8 Meciriv on CD-ROM. Davis 15,1993. mation Session, 11;30 to 1230 p.m. and Centre Library - 430 p.m. *Mike Moser Bursary - &&line - Novem lntenriew Skills II Workshop, 12% to l How to use Science Citath Index on ber30,1992. 1130 p.m, . C D - R O M . Davis Centre Library - 2:30 Tom York M8morial Award - essay, ap Thursday 15 - R& Critiquing Worka-m. r----_ proximately 2,500 words, il=lmma canshop, 11:30to 4:3O p.m. Wednesday, 0ctober 14 d~~subm~essaytost.Paurs Friday l@+- Interview Skills Ill Workshop. * Canadian Bushess and Cupent Affairs unitedcoilege. - 83Oto 11:30@.m. (CRCA), Database of Finance Research FAWLNOFARTS S&day 17 - Cai88r Planning/Job (DFR), and Dam of Accounting ReArts-UnIonAward-dwdfineSeamh Info &&on, lo:30 to 12:OO p.m. war& (DAR) on CD-ROM. Dana Porter octotmr30~1992. Libky-19Op.m. , = Fl0surrre Writing fnformation session, FACULNOeENGfC#EERfNG -’ 1290 to 1330 p.m. .and 130 to 2:3O p.m. l Howtous8MlAIn&natkalBibliograAnderwti~se)rolarsMp-*- InteM sklils I Information -, ptty on CD-ROM. Dana Porter Library*able to 38 Enginwiing. 330 p.m. $45 to’4aq.m. ‘Beiican;pde~~aJld~, Tueaday20-J&+archllnformation l HowtouseLifeScieneesCollectioncm scienoeA&-av&abieto~l38CD-ROM. Davis Cent18 Library - 4:30 &MS& .&E 30 tCkO0 a.m. Room NH d8adline=o@&r9,1992. p.m. l15,Jab&a#lllwork3hop,lo:ooto . J.P. Bick8ll Four&&n m - availThursday, Octob8r 1 5 . ll~ctfi% ClbiOtOail~. l How to INSPEC on CO-ROM. Davis W e d n e s d a y ila 4 R e s u m e C r i t i q u i n g -HoapitalEngineeringsociety’s Centre Library - 1%) p.m. Wohshop, 1230 to 230 p.m. Intro to S&&ship - atilabkto 38 Engineering -Jabs1nforrnatian-.4m “H0wbuS8CompactDi~-~ -. on CD-ROM. Dana Potter ubrary - 230’ to 5:30 p.m. ... ~CanadaRem~resLtd.Schdarp.m. Thursday 22 - R e s u m e Writing Infonnaship-avail8blet0atl38. l w to u&8 MIA International BibliograJohn~Lhktdscholarship-availtion Session, 3:3q to 4:30 p.m. and 4% phy on CD-ROM; -Porter Library i abletoali38--~to 5:30 pm 1130 p.m. Monday 26 - ReseEIrching Occupations


How to us0 social Sclenc8 Citation Index on CD-ROM. Dana Porter library - 1130a.m. + How to use MathSci on CD-ROM. Davis Centr8 Library - 3~30 p.m. l

Main Library - 65 Queen St., N. - 7430271. The KPL will be dosed Sun., Oct. 11 and Mon., Oct. 12. Tuesday October 13: 7100 p.m,- Religious Perspectives on the Environmental Crisis. Dr. William Klassen, University of Waterloo 8:00 p.m.-Journey Across Africa with Judith HOh8S. Thursday October 22: 7:30 p.m. -Pierre Burton talks about his new book, m: A Him of the Falls, Tuesday Octob8r 27:

All event8 are FREE and take place, in the Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Wednesday, October 14 at 12:30 p.m. Philip Thomson, piano. Wednesday, November 4 at 1230 p.m. Bill Moolenbeek, saxophone and Carol Isaac, piano. Wednesday, November 18 at 1230 p,m, - Elissa Poole, baroque flute and Vivian Sofronitslcaia, harpsichord.

. Lecture and Lunch Series To ~Irtsr call Chris Goertz at Conrad Gretml college, 885-0220, ext. 223. Monday, October 26 - 1030 a.m. - Lecturer: Jim Reimer, “The Disintegr&ion of Yugoslavia*. Monday, Novpmber 2 - 1:30 p.m. - Cecturer: Ernie Regehr, ‘Somalia: The Conflicts Behind the Catastrophe’. Monday, November 9 - IO:30 a.m. - Lecturer: Werner PackuIl, “Problems in th8 New Germany”. Monday, November 16,10:30 a.m. - Lecturer: Leonard Friesen, ‘Life After . _Gorbachev: Struggle for Ch&tge in the former USSR”. -,I

Sunday, October 11 * 500th Walk-A-than - a fund raiser to assist the White Owl Native Ancestry AssociationandTheLatin AmericanSupport Group of KW area. Begins at 2 p.m. I at Victoria Park in the parking lot at the Schneider Avenue entrance. At 5 p.m. at Victoria Park there will be a Geremonial unveiling of a plaque. Tuesday, October 13 GLLOW Discussion Group will share experiences on: ‘Gay Friends and Straight Friends - Finding a Balance.’ All lesbians, bisexuals, gays and other gaypositive people welcome. UW, Environmental Studies, building 2, room 173 at 7~30 p.m.


w8d&iay0ctober14 Bahal Faiti teaches the Oneness of religion. Informal pr8sentation 7:30 at Baha’i information Centre, 2-91 King Street N. Phone 664-5907 for more info. Atari user group, KWEST general meeting 790 p.m. in MC2009. Phone 725 2068 fpr details. Visitors welcome.

) Deadline for . II campus 1 I campus haPpenin@, a Is Monday at w_ 5P= I

. II

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