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Photos by Ken Bryson


North American Native Indian rhythms/percussion and idioms I've yet heard. Featured


issues a f rant

been drawn with Oka), and the I W ~ - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ and children at their home of Wounded Knee.These wents were also the focus of this year's duo of films by director/producer team Michael Apted/Robert Redford mainstream release Thunderheart, and the documentary Incident at @lala. "Bury My HeartatWounded Knee"*refers to thew&publithe Westera Arctic, spoke about peoplewithahistoricalbacktpund Aboriginal/govemmental rek HpersecutionsofEchardPeltier Tanada: Dur Home gnci =vB--tTf and.AnnaMaeAquash,bothnative Land" at the John Aird Centre on tiow throughout thepast500years. activists. Odober 7. Blondin is the Liberal OpposiAlso notable is Blondin's speech was decid- tion Critic for Abriginal Affairs. D.r.s l n f o m r e t i o n w w ~ l ~ ~ d ~yma push for the Yes campaign She was born in P a t Norman, whist cam the title: u ~ o i n d d a m side of the Referendum. Blonilin's NOrth~estTerritories~andspenther and likely'&ories/ they dog your masoning for the importance of a formativeyeatsinthebushhunting a pack of lies... it's a per- Yes V* was the trrrnendousefknt and trapping with her extended ail in bringing to- Dene family. Befote he^ election to verse compahy you work for/they that was the HOW of C m in 1988she @kdof tk-Premiers, W d & e p&/ it just can'tlast/ it's obsolete by design." ~~~~~~~~&tives,and spent two years as the National "I'm Going Home" was fea- ttaeAboriginalNatiaralLeadership, Manager of Indigenous Develop Q an unanimous agree- ment programsfor the federal govtured in the film W e The SpiTit W ~ reached L i w and cuts with ",IIm going mentthat i-ndudesAboriginal peo- emment. In addition to an estabConstitution. lished t = h g career,Blondin has home/ I been around and I been to pies in the COMWS town/ Hey where you think I The mmded out by w e d as Assistant Deputy Minislearned right from wrong/ I'm go- the hpoaslbdlty of ever againpd- ter for f&hlE and Communicaing home," a work about rediscov- ingtogetherthisparti~gro~p~f tion~in Yebwknife. exhg the value of traditional ways. Asa packageCoincidenceisstirring,educationalandaffinning.The kind of stuff peoplelikeme have to thank a sixties folkie protest singer film review on for still caring enough to release. . I M


1492: Conquest of Paradise page 20 d


Over the past two years, federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal leaders have consulted with thousands of Canadians and concerned groups from coast to coast. These consultations included Royal Commissions, participatory arings, and hearings in the provinces and territo-ries held by provincial and territorial legislatures. Federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginat leaders have agreed unanimously on August 28, 1992 in Charlottetown on a package of constitutional proposals that recognizes the equality of all Canadians and represents all of our interests. The agreement is now before Canadians. The agreement proposes that the new Constitution would contain a statement of key economic and social ob$ctives shared by ail of the governments in the federation. The objectives include comprehensive, universal, portable, accessible and publicly administered health care, adequate social services and benefits, high quality primary and secondary education and reasonable access to post-secondary education, collective bargaining rights and a commitment to protecting the environment, The economic policy objectives to be entrenched would&e aimed at strengthening the Canadian economic .union; the free movement of persons, goods, services, and capital; ensuring full employment and a reasonable standard of living for all Canadians; ensuring sustainable and equitable deirelopment I Exclusive provincial jurisdiction would be forestry, mining, tourism, housing, recreation, municipal affairs, cultural matters within the province, and labour market development and training. In addition, to ensure the two levels of government work in harmony, the government of Canada commits to negotiating agreements with the provinces in areas such .as immigration, regional development and telecommunications. Federal-provincial agreements on any subject could be protected by the ConsQtution from uniiateral change. L The new Canadian Constitution would recognize the distinct nature of Quebec, based dn its French language, unique culture and civil law tradition.

In the reformed,Parliament, the Senate would reflect the equality of the provinces whiIe the House of Commons would be based more on the principle of representation by population. As wel I, various provinces w&Id be assured a minimum amount of seats in the House of Commons. The proposed Senate would be made up of six elected senators from each province and one from each territory. Additional seats would provide representation for Aboriginal peoptes. The reformed Senate’s powers should of the elected Senators in the policy process. The proposals recognize that Aboriginal peoples have an inherent right to self-government and that the Constitution should enable them to develop self-government arrangements and to take their place in the Canadian federation. The proposals recognize Aboriginal governments as one of the three constitutionally recognized orders of government in Canada. In addition, the proposals provide for a negotiation process between Aboriginal leaders anp provincial and federal governments to put this right into effect. The recognition of the inherent right would not create any new rights to land, nor dilute existing treaty rights. Now that Canada’s federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal leaders have reached , .a consensus, It is the right of all Canadians to understand the new proposals. Call the toll-free number below to receive an easy-to-read booklet on the new constitutional agreement or a complete text, 1 It’s your right to know what the constitutional proposals say, before voting on October 26.

FOR~INFORMIWIiDN CALL: > l-800=561=1188 Deaf or hearing impaired: l - 8 0 0 4 6 5 4 7 3 5 (TTWTDDJ

Friday, October 16,1992 pages397

Volume 15, Number 13

Safety patrols begin at JNLU from WLU


Where have atl the flowers gone? Look out it will soon be snowy white out. No more hacky, no more shorts, no more bikes and flat tires and all that stuff. photo by Scott Devebw I

Supermarket tours educate consuniers _




1 by Kimberly Creed ’ special to imprint

Ianjacksonhasnewsthatcould rock your tomatoes. He operates the Waterloo Public Interest Res e a r c h G r o u p ( V V P I R G ) Supermarket Tour, a program designed to educate shoppers. Most shoppers are aware of pesticide and over-packaging problems related to the food industry. What we may not be aware of is the high degree of influence exerted upon us the moment we stroll throughthelocal grocer%. Consumer manipulation involves a h i c k of a b u n c h more than just advertising. Store layout, backgrounhmusic and product locationare a l l + part of a planhng scheiie to increase consumer spending. Most supermarkets provide only one entrance. This design allows the store planner to control the flow of cons;lmers. Commonly sought items are spread throughout the store to ensure the customer tours the whole place. Some stores set up specialty item displays to encourage impulse buying. For example, a grocer may arrange a kosher section at the front of a Jewish neighbourhood store. Products are arranged on shelves purposefully. Research, according to Ontario Public Interest Research Group’s (OPIRG) shopping guide, has shown that items at eye-level sell best. Food manufacturers must buy slots on the gr~~ev store s h e l v e s . N e w c o m p a n i e s a r e often unable to afford eyelevel slots and remain less competitive. Shelf rent costs are passed on to the con-

sumer, whose bill increases by as ,/ much as 10 per cent. Even the m u s i c p r o v i d e d f o r your “listening pleasure” is actually a device for maximizing sales. The proper term for this technology is soundscaping. During slow perio d s of the day peaceful tunes are piped in&+ t h e s t o r e t o k e e p s h o p pers inside longer. During busy periods the tempo picks up to subconsciously push dawdlers out to make room for new shoppers. Jackson is also concerned about corporate concentration. He asks,

tion. OPIRC predicts that by the year Zoo0 the global mafket will be controlled by iust 20 major firms. The Canadian government is concerned about the increasing number of mergers, hence, the creation of the Bureau of Competition Policy in 3986. In f983,‘600 mergers occurred in this country. In 1988 1,301.mergers occurred. This protective act has done little to affect merger trends. As of 1990,300 mergers had been investiRated. Only four have been reviewed, and one-merger has been rejected, Jackson warns, “Buying a

U.S. corporations own looper ceht sugur

production, 98per cent milkpruduction, 93 per cent vegetable~productim, and 85 per cent citrus fprcit production /

“What is good business?” He questions how corporate takeovers will benefit consumers. What does tend to arise from takeovers is that decision-making power which becomes concentrated in the hands of a few, who may not even be living in the affected region or country. Secondly, often layoffs and plant closures follow a takeover as the merging companies consolidate. Althoughmany differentlabels exist on the shelves many are not truly independent company products. Some products mayzven be produced in the same factory but sporting different labels. OPIRG’s Supermarket Tour ~dbook,publish~inl99o,claims that in the U.S.A.

corporations own:

100 per cent of sugar production, 98 per cent of milk production, 93 per cent of vegetable production, and 85 per cent of citrus fruit produc-

$$$ ii

economic decision [for the consumer].” What can shoppers do? & recommendsthattheylooktobuyfrom Ima1 producers and bulk stores. Consumers should also direct their @evances to the offending- store or manufacturer. A book listing various company political and social platforms, Ethical Shupper~s Guide, is due out this month. This book is published by Broadview Press. It aims to inform Canadian shoppers of who they support when buying prodMS.

Refreshingly,zehr’sheadoffi~ claims that all newly opening stores willcontaincandy-freezones.Every other check-out counter will not carry candy displays. This is welcome news for parents with small children who accompany than on

the shopping tip. Any queries or questions about esupermarkettourcanbedirected to Ian Jackson at WPIRG ext. 2578

Students’ Union

In an effort to create a safer campus, the Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union is offering a free walk home service to students. The Foot Patrol will give students security when walking home in the ?I 0 l 0 evenings Monday to Saturday. Brian McQuinn, the Foot Patrolcoordinatar, is orbud that Liurier i hasoneofthe saf&t university campuses around, but he is also aware of the safety concerns on campus. “Weareaddressinganeedthat should have been addressed earlier.” McQuinn is hoping to raise awareness of the program, which wg oper+e 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Monday and Tuesday and 8 p,m, to 2

a.m. Wednesday to Saturday. The Foot Patrol is designed to provide a safe walk home &r both male and female students. A team of one male and one female volunteer will escort the student safely to their destination in a limited area of Waterloo. A dispatcher which will handle all the incoming calls can be r e a c h e d at @@-FOOT. Alexandra Stangret, Vice President University _.A_ _ Atfairs,isconfident that the _a* program will bea success. Stangret and McQuinn will be hosting the official grand opening and a press conference Monday October 19th at 11:15 a.m. in the Concourse at Wilfrid Laurier University. At this time the first call and response will be made to the Foot Patrol program.

addressing needs that should haw been ,addressed

. Anti-porno week debated in K-W by Jefl Warner Imprint Staff


“White Ribbon Against Pornography Week” begins a. week from Monday in Kitchener-WaterI n n

Designed to promote p u b l i c awarenessaboutthedangersofpornography, it is or@nized by the K‘W Coalition for Decency. Headed by JohnPellowe,thecoalitionisone of many oups in the- area that include re &: l gious and women’s organj2ations. Themain event of will be a public information on Ottoher 29, at Waterloo Collegiate In&itute. Numerous speakers will be there to discuss the issue starting at 7 p.m. Kitchener-area Member of Parliament. John Reimer will present details of a Private Member’s Bill that he plans to introduce in the near future. A member of “Project P,” a joint Ontario Provincial POlice-Metro Toronto Police anti-pornography unit, will lecture on the extent of pornography in Canada. Also, Catherine Manson of the Ontario Film Review Board will outline the process for rating films. Thisweekwillbethefifthin Canada, but the first in this area. night

Recognized inmany municipalities and provinces, it first was organized in the United States six years ago. While Kitchener, Guelph, and Cambridge are offici+lly recognizing the week, Waterloo City Coun&voted 7-3, on October 5, to “note and file” a similar proclamation. Council’s reasons for not recognizing the event here included the ambiguous definition of pomography, and the inappropriateness of City Council for matters of “putlic education.” The K-W Coalition rebutted Council’s decision by reminding them of their leaderership role in the community. “The proclamation is concerned with-a public issue which concerns many people in our suciety,” stated the Coalition. “It would be nice if Council would be willing to take a stand on the issue.” City Coucillor Morty Taylor, however,saidthatCityCouncilwas not the proper forum for dealing withtheissue,aIludingtoTrudeau’s famous proclamation to keep the government out of the bedroom’s of the nation.

‘I’m not saying I’m in favour of pornography - I’m not, in fact,” he me*‘A -u*



Imprint Friday, October 16,1992

UN lucking political will to enforce resolutitwts: c


Situation in East Timor ignored by the world by Gfeg Newton

sjieciul-to Imprint On November 28, 1975 the former Portuguese colony of East Timor was proclaimed the Democratic Republic of East Timor, officially recognized by a dozen or so countries. Ten days later Indonesia

invaded declaring East Timor as their 27th province. The United Nations so far has lacked the political will to enforce their 1976 resolution calling on the Indonesian Government to withdraw their forces. The Timorese people have suffered devastating consequences resistingthisoccupation; anestimated 200,000 in a population of 700,OaO

have died by heavy bombing and war related famineand disease. This was followed by the enforced resettlement cif most surviving Timorese in strategic settlements under army control. Indonesia’s campaign achieved its goal due to substantial supplies from the U.S. in 1976 and

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Sincel98O,theresistancearmy, Falintil, has been engaghd in guerrib warfare against the l&40,0 Indonesian troops in East Timor. Every level of civilian administration is penetrated by army personnel; East Timor is a military project. Anti-integration demonstrations andcelebrations of Falintil have led to greater repression - arrests, torture, killings and disappearances. With few exceptions, western countries have not supported the UN’s resolution to East Timor’s right to self-determination. Canada abstained from voting until 1980, anduntilthis yearhasvotedagainst. The US, from 1976 until this year, has also voted against. It is not known how these countries voted in this year’s UN condemning, for the first time since 1976, of Indonesia. Thisnewresolutionwaslargely in response to the November 12,

1991 Santa Cruz massacre of at leat 100 civilians during a thousands strong gathering of Timorese people. Since this “incident,” the Indonesian government has promised to show greater respect for human rights, but a list of sentences in connection with the massacre prove quite differently; sentences for Indofiesian soldiers range from 8 to 18 months for charges such as “torture” (cutting off the ear of a demonstrator) and “opening fire without orders”. Sentences of Timorese civilians range from six months to life, most averaging around six ym, for charges of “subversion” and “expming hostility.“ International media coverage has been almost non-existent. This has largely been due to restricted access to the country, but also because of huge corporate interests with Indofiesia (such as INCO and Bata Shoes in Canada). The huqnan rights abuses of Indonesia, not just ‘in Timor but in many of’its’ own “provinces,” is now becoming an issue of global concern. For those interested in finding out more about the situ&on in East Timor, on October 21, Abk Barrett0 Soares, a native East Timorese will be talking about his experiences in East Timor and about the resistance movement there. Peter Eglin! chairperson of the department of SociologyandAnthropologyatWLU,wiIl be speaking on the Canadian ekenomic and political ties to East Timor. A 3kninute film about the Santa Cruz massacre, In Cold Blood, will also be shown. This will be taking place at UW Biology-2 room 350, beginning at 7~00 p.m.

New legislation to attract

funding from Council Universities



Passage of the Universities Foundations Act in the provincial legislature Will attract new funding for higher education and research activities according to the president of the Council of Ontario Universities. “Thisimportant legislation will provide donors with a 100 per cent tax credit when they support an Ontario university/ says Dr. Peter George. “Previously, donors were limited to a gift equal to 20 per cent of their income - a deterrent which has resulted in potential donations going elsewhere.” The donations will be sought after and processed t@coughcrown foundations which will be establishedateacbinstitution.Eachfoundation will have a board of directors consisting of five to eleven members appointed by the provincial government. Similar, highly successful programs have b&n operating in British Columbia and Alberta for several years. “This legislation is one of the approaches universities have been recommending to provide alternate meansoffunding,“saysDr.George. “I am delighted that all three parties enthusiastically supported the bilk” The Council of Ontario Universitiesis anadvocacyandresearch organization representing the collective interests of its 19 member


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Fiday, October

imprint 16, 1992



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News in Brief jbm UW News Bumcnu

Two Fulbright scholars coming to UW T w o A m e r i c a n p r o f e s s o r s a w a r d e d p r e s t i g i o u s F u l b r i g h t F e l l o w s h i p s a r e c o m i n g t o t h e Un.@ersity of Waterloo in January to conduct research and present lectures. P r o f . Carol1 Glynn and Prof. Daniel McDonald, faculty members in kommunications at Cornell University, will join UVV’s recreation department for a six- to eight-month period as holders of the Kraft General Foods Fulbright Fellowships. They plan to engage in joint research on “human dimensions in relation to natural resources” by studying how people perceive environmental issues. The Fulbright program, named after former U.S. senator William Fulbright, is the largest academic exchange in the world, with more than 180,ooO participants since the program began in 1946.

UW student wins Tumkur



Memarial Graduate Scholarship

A female student at the University of Waterloo has been selected for the 1992 Ram and W&a Tumkur Memorial Graduate Scholarship, named after two victims of a m a j o r a i r c r a s h s e v e n y e a r s a g o . Rong Xiao, a master’s candidate in biology, will be officially presented with the $800 award Oct. 23 at 1:30 p-m. i n t h e B i o l o g y - E a r t h S c i e n c e s M u s e u m . The scholarship is in memory of Rammohan and Chitralekha Tumkur, who perished in the June, 1985 Air India crash off the coast of Ireland. Both were children of LJW research-Prof. Naj Raj Tumkur and his wife.

UW prof elected to Society of Actuaries The director of the University of Waterloo’s Institute of Insurance and Pension Research, Prof. Robert Brown, has been elected to the board of governors of the Society of Actuaries. Brown, also a member of Waterloo city council, will begin his three-year term October 27 at the SOA’s annual m e e t i n g i n W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . H e h a s s e r v e d o n v a r i o u s c o m m i t t e e s o f t h e s o c i e t y s i n c e 1 9 8 6 . A former president of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (1990-91), Brown has written severalbooks c u r r e n t l y b e i n g u s e d o n t h e s y l l a b u s f o r SOA examinations. Several of his i)apers have been published in the Transactions of the Society of Actuaries. Brown is a fellow of the Society of Actuaries, a fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries tid an associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society.

The Society of Actuaries is the educational, research and membership organization for nearly 14,000 actuaries in the fields of life and health insurance, investments, pensions and employee benefits in Canada and the United States.




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2 4 3 K i n g Street S o u t h , W A T E R L O O




Friday, October



Letter to MWster relates Unbersities’ coneems:

Doug Wright rebutts Minister on “Restructuring” by Iuin Anderson Imprint staff

The University of Waterloo has sent its official response to the government-created committee studying “restructuring” of the university system by way of a letter signed b y UW p r e s i d e n t D o u g W r i g h t . The letter, w h i c h w a s s u b m i t ted after a meeting of the senate long-range planning committee on September 30, suggests bluntly that challenges are being raised b y p e o ple who are simply unawareof what goes on within universities already. Dr. E&hard Allen, Ontario minister of colleges and universities, says in a statement: “The challenge of a new paradigm of open, continuous and successive learning is and will be enormous, and even d a u n t i n g , i n t e r m s o f institutbnal change.” Wright does not understand the need for the creation of a c o m mittee and does not see why it is necessary. “The reasons for the creation of the Task Force are not readily apparent. . . . The autonomy possessed by universities in Ontario seems to have served well both the public and the universities. It is very important that this autonomy be preserved/ he says in the letter. Allen poink to projections of a 34=per<ent increase inpost-seconda r y enrolment in the coming decade as a need for the committee. In order to keep post-secondary education accessible to everyone, he feel.3 that it is imprative that the

current system change. In his letter, Wright says “Recent statistics from the Organ&ation for Economic Cooperation and Development -(OECD) show that Canada has the highest university participation rate (per appropriate agegroup)ofanyof theOECDcountries. The similar rate for Ontario is expected to be higher than the national average. T h i s w o u l d s u e e e s t

F o r reference, it is i n t e r e s t i n g to note that in constant dollar terms, OHIP payments to physicians and practitioners have increased by 128 per cent, transfer payments to Community and Social Services have increased by 318 per cent, while u n i v e r s i t y o p e r a t i n g grants have increased by only about 15 per cent. W r i g h t f e e l s that “. . . u n i v e r s i t i e s h a v e a n eauauv i.mDortant role in

photo by Dave TI%MMMI a system which is already accessible.” Wright feels funding is an issue that the committee is misinformed about and sees a contradiction in their recommendations. He feels that the committee is e&ouraging/demandingthat universities provide more service for the same or fewer dollars. He points to the fact that, since 1977; the universities’ share of the provincial budget has shrunk from arotid six per cent to about four percent.Togiveitsomemeaning,if the previous share were3o be restored today, it would amount to an influx of an additional $918 million to the university system.

the health and welfare of Ontario’s p e o p l e a n d e c o n o m y . ” H e questions the ~versities’ a b i l i t y t o r e s p o n d t o t h e p r o j e c t e d i n c r e a s e s i n enrolment demands without adequate increases in funding. The committee also touches upon the conflict of teaching versus research. “In the continuum of learning, the most advanced r&&her will be but the most refined learner a m o n g s t us/ Wright says: “Teaching and research should not be seen as different or opposing forces. Rather there is a synergy between university teaching and research making them inextricably related.” He would like to see additional funding to support

the full costs of research. In his closing paragraph, Wright says @e Minister has restricted the scope of the committee by describing the issues facing the system as “the challenge of the hour.” He says the university comm u n i t y h a s t o “ i d e n t i f y o u r longterm n e e d s , i n v e n t o r y o u r e x i s t i n g strengths and encourage these strengths publicly and financially.” “Statement on Pustsecmda y EducutimP by the Ontafiu minister of colleges and universities, Dr. R i c h a r d A l l e n , d a t e d J u l y 1992: In the. last 20 years, Ontario has moved into an era of mass postsecondary educationonascale virtually unrivalled by other jurisd i c t i o n s . A p p r o x i m a t e l y o n e miltion Ontario Adults now access our colleges and universities annually. Enrohnent projections, labourmarket needs -and the challenge of living in a global society point to a further 34 per cent increase over this decade. T e c h n o l o g y , w o r k p l a c e reorganization, changing demogra@ics, the challenge of a high performance economy in an age of global competition/co-operation,thedemandsof democratic politics in a complex society, and the ongoing human thirst for under&an&g - are combining, despite Ihe many accommodations already made, to break the historic mould of p&secondary education in Ontario. No longer the finishing schools of the professions, the coc o o n s o f h i g h l y e d u c a t e d elites, o r the isolated institutes of the pure reseafchef, our poasecmdary in-

stitutions are undergoing transformation i n t o v e h i c l e s for an education-saturated society in which, for individuals, learning never ends, and for an economy where it will be increasingly difficult to detect where workplace ends and academy begins. Excellence remains the goal, not in the husbandry of an elite but in the cultivation of all. In the continuum of learning , the most advanced researcher will be but the m o s t re-fined l e a r n e r a m o n g s t u s . The challenge of a new parad i g m o f o p e n , c o n t i n u o u s and successive learning is and will be enormous, and even daunting, in terms of institutional change. It forces - to some degree has already forced alterations in funding, diversity of ifistitutions, governance, accountability, -student support, styles of l e a r n i n g and teachin , i n s t i t u t i o n a l structures, relationsf.l‘ps between institutions and systems and between education and the world of work, New technologies stand poised to link postsecondary studies to a waitin public as never before and to i n d u s t r i e s to training, e&cation and research in new ways. In a new paradigm, equity and access take on a new meaning as means and ends, but justice, the good life and economic efficiency aiike require that quality remain t h e g o a l . A n e w p a r a d i g m o f postsecondaryeducationisagoal w o r t h our best efforts. In a context of constiaint it forces us to reconsider existing comInitmmts, to repriorize and reallocate in order to expand w h a t m o m e n t u m p r e s e n t l y exists and to Wee r e s o u r c e s a v a i l a b l e for the task. To do otherwise is to miss the challenge of the hour. llri l



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News/Analysis t?olumbus: a Spaniard ii New York




Friday, October 16,1992



Cohmbus Day contradictions

by Ken Bryson Imjwint stofl

longer.” Contrasting the artificiality of the parade, this demonstration was a genuine cultu ra1 experience. The C o l u m b u s Day was especially crowd was a loud mix of most all festive in New York this year. It was n o n - w h i t e Americtins; the s p e a k e r s also widely protested. C o l u m b u s D a v i n A m e r irca nag e- d_ i _n perspective and culture; t&South A m e r i c a n g r o u p Loslncas falls, usually, on the&me weekend roundedouttheaftemoonwiththeir astheCanadianThanksgiving,with native music. this year’s Day falling last Monday. a--..-1 - T h e p a r a d e o v e r o n F i f t h , on

the other hand, was a mixture ok shiny brass instruments and costumed, flag-twirling, white Americans. The early European costumes and b i g b a n d m u s i c p r o v e d the parade to be all about f o u n d i n g , c o n quering cultures. Organized mainly by the New Y o r k Italian community, the parade was suspiciously lacking in any Native Americancontent. One float, from an organization promoting multiculturalism in New York,

i n g b a n d s ( s o m e o f t h e m were actually g o o d ) , f l o a t s c a r r y i n g b e a u t y q u e e n s ( M i s s N e w Y o r k , M i s s New Jersey, Miss Universe!), and strolling groups of proud N.Y. ethnic groups made for an entertaining canrl Le+irm s&drn~~n And what would be a parade without political candidates shaking hands here and there, especially cu

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Vice-presidential candidate Albert ---.--CrUTl2 WklS there, as was N.Y. senator D’Amato. There were no politicians roaming happily around the United Nationsbuilding that’ . day, Native New Yorkers practice ritual gathering s however. which had costumed persons from There, in Dag HIammerskold square, most all cultural groups in N.Y., the mood was one of defiance and had no Native representation. s o l i d a r i t y as a l a r g e g r o u p assem“I think that this float, with its bled to dispute the Columbus Day lack of Native persons, simply festivities. shows that Columbus Day is, in Withthegatheredcrowdpushfact, tie celebration of invasion,” ing 5,000 in n u m b e r s , this demonsaid one parade o n l o o k e r . stration was organized ‘by the He was, however, alone in his League of Indigenous Sovereign sentiments. The r e s t of the parade Nations; a group representing varicrowd seemed more intent on carousIndiannationsfromNorth,Cenrying around Clinton-Gore signs t r a l , and South America. than discussing the state of Natives the Emphasizing in America; that was the extent of interconnectedness between all optheir politics. pressed groups in the Americas, the Fifth Avenue was lined with speakers represented Native tourists, flag w a v i n g A m e r i c a n s , groups, Women’s groups, and African Americans. One p r o m i n e n t s p e a k e r , f r o m the American Indian Movement (AIM), expressed the optimism of his group stating that “we were here 500 years ago before the Europeans came; and we’ll be here 500 y e a r s from now when America exists no

and political candidate supporters. Dag HammerskoId square was filled with Native Americans in full and half dress, hair-dyed and pots m o k i n g y o u t h , d r e a d l o c k e d African Americans, and those simply supportive - - of their cause. . ‘l-his contrast in populations and ideologies set the tone for Columbus Day in New York. These t w o p o c k e t s of activities, seDarated by -spkeding cabs and disinterested Manhattanites, represented the opposing factions of the Columbus debate. One side ’ celebrating the creation of America, home of the m e l t i n g pof; the other rebelling against American history, vehicle of the melting pot. It seems to me, though; that these two approaches to the situat i o n r e f l e c t o n m o r e t h a n j u s t one fateful day back in 1492, they reflect on the reality of America today. America was founded on revolution; A m e r i c a n s f o u g h t f o r independence, against taxation without representation. Today, America is established, it h a s t h e p o w e r t o d o wfiatever i t wants. It has become the superpower o f the world, all thewhiIecarrying with it the notion of the American dream; that noptlotd by Ken bysun tion of I& lib- . ertv. and ----- the ---pursuit of happin&;.’ Unfortunately, though, it has lost it’s liking for revolution. Last Monday, two versions of AmericawereatworkinNewYork. On Fifth Ave., the establishment of America looked on as their cultural and ideological contemporaries marched by in celebration of the founding of America. Conversely, down by the UN building, revolut i o n a r y y o u n g A m e r i c a n s of every colour and creed gathered in sol& darity and optimism, demanding the recognition of life, liberty, and happiness for indigenous groups. The demonstration was kept

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Imprint Friday, October 16, 1992




with Peter Brown Autumn has always been my favourite season because of its sense of starting something new, of accepting new challenges, of finishing with the leisure of summertime and getting down to work Probably an overriding reason for this is two decades of schooling in a system which marks the beginning of its year at September. Another source of autumn’s allure is its contradictions. It is death, or at least preparation for it The days shorten, the leaves change colour and fall, and animals, including’humans, gather provisions for the coming winter. At the same time, it is the time of harvest, a celebration of wealth and consumption -- anyone who observes Thanksgiving or Oktoberfest would agree. Christians would argue that Thanksgiving, because it is intended to thank the creator me or the cosmos, or whatever -- for blessings bestowed upon us all, is precisely not an orgy of largess’e but the realization that we must harvest now so that we have enough to endure the winter. Of course, those people still enter their I SO-pound pumpkins in the hll fair, not exactly an expression of frugality or conservation. This juxtaposition between wealth and worrying about future poverty, between joy and tragedy, occurs for (to?) me each autumn. Thus, it seemed strangely appropriate that my family’s Thanksgiving weekend occurred against a backdrop of jar and tragedy. My sister, over two weeks overdue, finally eve birth to a baby on Saturday morning in Whitby. Matthew jonathan is a healthy, nine-pound boy. My grandfather Clarence, who entered hospital in Coliingwood two weeks ago, deteriorated gradually over the weekend. He is 86 years old and is not expected to live past the end of the week. I’ll quit the confessional and get to the point. Thanksgiving and autumn seemed the appropriate time for life changes as drastic as birth and death because, like autumn, the coincidence of birth and death cause one to look both ways, forw;lrd and back. Those few days of overlap between the life of my nephew and grandfather are the midpoint of a century and a half. This sobriety, this proferring of a perspective, is especially poignant now, as Canadians seek to agree upon a selfdefinition using the most crude of structures: referendum, yes or no, compromise or set back progress. This referendum, too, occurs in an environment of joy and tragedy, of wealth and poverty. Some argue that constitutional issues are tiny and irrelevant when placed against more visceral problems like the economy and unemployment Ordinary Canadians don’t care what powers their province has, these people say, just so long as they can feed their families. Others say that Canada must put this round of bargaining behind it and reach a consensus for economic stability to return. Still others say that we, as a first world nation, do not appreciate how lucky we are, so lucky in fact that we can afford to consider such angel-on-a-pin questions because we do not have to worry about being shot at or starving to death. The primary principle that Canadians must observe, in this referendum as in their everyday lives, is that this autumn, this referendum, is not death, or even preparation for it A Canada, perhaps not t h e o n e that was created before my grandfather but certainly a descendant of it, will outlive all of us. And this contitution has to serve my nephew as well as it serves me.

Like Perot I’ni losing,- patience “ Talk is cheap, words are plentiful, but deeds are precious”

- Ross Perot

The above words were spoken during the U.S. Presidential debate, but are more than applicable to our present plebiscite situation. I’ve pretty much lost all patience with the Yes side of this idiotic constitutional debate not because I disagree with them, but because most of them use the r e a s o n i n g p o w e r s o f a n o v e r - z e a l o u s bomagain Christian. One positive outcome of this Yes/No circus is that I finally have seen a caricature of Trudeau done by Jack Lefcourt, our w o n d e r f u l editorial c a r t o o n i s t . H i s o n e o f Perot was great, but Tr,udeau was a work of art. Trudeau, Ed Broadbent, and m o s t o t h e r elder statesmen currently re-surfacing i n the p u b l i c e y e t o d e b a t e t h i s p r o p o s i t i o n have a different air about them, one of a parent t e l l i n g t h e i r c h i l d f o r t h e h u n d r e d t h time to n o t d o s o m e t h i n g . It is in part a projection of confident knowledge, and partly weariness of the r e p e t i t i o n . W h i l e m o s t of the Yes side have an boundless supply of energy, enthusiasm and rhetoric, the No side sighs, and drags up nasty old historical truths pertinent to the present “consensus,” and point out the many flaws and contradictions devised at Charlottetown. Yes siders excitedly claim that this agreement is a landmark in reaching a broad consensus among the diverse people of Canada on a broad range of issues . . . and that they are voting Yes to a united Canada, (Does that mean no-sideti a r e voting for disunity? The word play continues.) The more stupid faction of Yes forces support the report simply because they figure art endorsement will end tie squab-

bling - nothing could be further from the truth. The opposition argues that the deal prioritizes collective rights over the indi-

vidual and consequently grant govemmen@ niore power over our democratic institutions. Some among these ranks have simply come to the conclusion that if Qu&ec can enact the draconian language laws they have to ensure distinctiveness, they certainly don’t need any more power to alienate visitors t o t h e p r o v i n c e . T h e idiots on this side of the coin are the ones voting no because they don’t believe the province has enough extra powers with the C h a r l o t t e t o w n a c c o r d , a n d t h a t Bourassa compromised too much. Even if one entirely ignores the question of the distinct province, some are gravely concerned about the affect a yes vote will have on the functioning of the government. However, most people are focusing on Qu&ec’s new powers as the central issue in this non-binding plebiscite, and well they should. The French-only province has been tugging at the Fed’s purse strings forever, a n d i s t h e o n l y o n e i n recent history that pouts so much about having entrenched and distinct rights in the constitution. So tell me: when you drive into old Qukbec City or Montreal, do you not sense it is somehow different than any other province you have ever been in? It seems to me that, even before the 1982 C o n s t i t u t i o n , the p r o v i n c e has more than managed to remain distinct. By the way, where did the notion come from that English Canada were acting l i k e G e n e R o d d e n b e r r y ’ s Borg, s i n i s t e r l y attempting to assimilate the French? Aggghhhhhhh!!! This whole procedure, let alone the ’ “ c o n s e n s u s ” r e p o r t , i s t o t a l l y fucked. The government is allowed to spend tens o f m i l l i o n s o n p r o p a g a n d a i n an election year to manipulate public opinion, to persuade us a Yes vote is a matter of life or ‘death, and


furthermore has the nerve to call

the October 26 vote a r e f e r e n d u m , impl*g that the results will be binding! Make no mistake - this vote is a simply a prodding of the electorate. Of course, we all know

Mulroney’s history of attentiveness to public opinion. The sympathetic (or, pathetic) play .on words by yes campaigners is almost as ludicrous as the U.S. Army inventing things such as “smart” bombs. Compromise is one of the words Yes siders always like to drag up. It’s not perfect, they say, but we have to compromise. Yeah, right. Hey! I’ll give you a million dollars if you’ll let me put a bullet in your head. Come on, compromise. I agree with Yes-siders that there’s all kinds of nice-sounding and well-intentioned clauses in the agreement that have nothing to do with Qukbec, but I resent having to make an all-or-nothing decision of this mag-nibde. People barter over the price of a used computer, not fundamental changes to the document that governs the functioning of one’s country. Another reminder - it doesn’t matter what you or I read in to the text of the Charlottetown agreement; the S u p r e m e C o u r t i s c h a r g e d with i n t e r p r e t i n g this thing, sorting out contradictions and so o n , s h o u l d i t a c t u a l l y b e s o m e d a y written into the constitution. I’m also curious about this idea of disunity. It would appear to me that the only time the issue makes headlines is when the federal leaders and Q & b & s elite are squabbling about who has provincial or federal authority over what. I think most of us would rather vote for a new government wanting to deal with more pressing issues than the validation o f M u l r o n e y ’ s selfserving agenda. If a n y o n e h a s n ’ t made up their m i n d ’ yet, please keep in mind that even though the government has attempted to frame the debate in a particular manner, you are not constrained from thinking beyond their parameters of debate. The electorate, by and large, is not as stupid as the govemment likes to think we are-

This is all so bloody stupid.

Dave Thomson



Friday, C&o&

Impri nt l&1992

9 ---

Oktoberfest ticket mess -part//To the editor,

I have been part of the selling of Oktoberfest tickets a t S t . J e r o m e ’ s C o l l e g e for four years. Having read the “Letter to the Editor” in last week’s I m p r i n t I feel it i m p o r t a n t t o c o r r e c t Mr. W i l l i a m ’ s d i a r r h e a of the pen. I will quickly address one of the many foolish comments made last week. The so called “list” which w a s s p o k e n s o h i g h l y o f was actually m o r e c h a o t i c t h e n (sic) the line up itself! I have the list in my possession and it contains names of people who were actually not there! No wonder the list was discarded. I A l s o , i t s h o u l d b e k n o w n that t h i s y e a r ’ s Executive enacted the e x a c t same procedures as last year. The anger Mr. William’s has is misdirected. He should write an article which chastises those people who r u d e l y p u s h e d i n f r o n t o f h i m , not the Executive. Indeed, is it really necessary to help University students form a line? They have done so for the four years that I have been part of the Union and this is the first time we have had a problem. How was anyone to know that things w o u l d be different this year? Clearly, however, our procedures did n o t w o r k . T h e r e f o r e w e s e t up a committee (shortly after the tickets were sold) to address the problem. This committee will soon offer yuggestions so that next year this will not happen. It is sad to see that a student from the St. Jerome’s community (which prides itself on communication and h o n e s t y ) w o u l d b l u r t o u t nonsense b e f o r e attempting to talk and offer constructive critkism (which many have @en and they will tell you that they were weU received). It is unfortunate that s o m e o n e had to embarrass himself by expounding his i g n o r a n c e in s u c h a p u b l i c f o r u m . I f a n y o n e

wishes to discuss this issue with office door is always open.

me, our

Brent Charette, President St. Jerome’s College Student Uniah

STOP demeaningvegetarians To the editor,

I am writing in response to Sandy Atwall’s ( s i c ) a n d C r a i g N i c k e r s o n ’ s o p e n letter to Consolidated. I do agree with your position on gun control and I also agree that the sampling is excessive. However, I don’t feel that the samples manipulate anyone as, for the most part, Consolidated is “preaching to the converted.” The opinion that this “rebellion” is institutionalized and mass-produced and packaged (therefore not really rebellion) is an idea that I agree with too. But, almost all discontent is-expressed in the form o f commodities these days. That’s the way our society works, whether or not anyone likes it. What I don’t agree with is the way that these opinions were expressed. The i s s u e of vegetarianism was oversimplified. I’m sick and tired of meat eaters telling me that I’m merely an idealist. I don’t care what you think, but I don’t want to be subject to your constant mocking. As for your stance on vegetarianism, the idea that it is contrary to nature can be questioned. The human digestive system is n o t d e s i g n e d t o d i g e s t .meat. H u m a n intestines are longer than (for example) cat intestines. Cats are naturally incltied to eat meat. However, because human intestines are long, the meat stays in the system longer and can go bad in the system before it is completely digested. Also, the “production” of meat is ncit what I would call natural. Is implanting hormones and antibiotics into animals natural? Do animals naturally locate themselves in

small pens in which they cannot even turn around? Are chickens naturally de-beaked and do they naturally gravitate to two foot cubed cages, piled on top of each other so that their shit drops down on the chickens b e l o w t h e m ? D o other (non-human) animals make weapons w i t h tihich they kill animals? The answer to all of these questions is no. The day I see ei*er of you killing a cow naturally (i.e. a wild cow which you kill without the use of mechanized weapons) then I will concede that it is natural. F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e r e are s e v e r a l other reasons for being a vegetarian and which have been expressed in Consolidated r e c o r d i n g s . These include environmental, health, and ( a n o t h e r f o r thos& flakey “liberals”) world hunger issues. As for testing on animals, insulin was ultimately tested on humans before it was proven useful. Also there are several drugs that were tested and worked on animals but were detrimental to humans. Thalidomide is a good example. Thalidomide, a drug tested o n animals, was given to pregnant women and the result was severe deformations of the n e w l y b o r n c h i l d r e n . Animal research is n o t m e r e l y a m o r a l issue, although those (moral) arguments are not invalid. I wilI not continu? with this, h o w e v e r , a s i t i s m u c h too complicated an issue to be discussed in this letter. Finally, I’d like to say that Sandy and Craig can believe whatever they want, vegetarianism is a personal decision, and I respect that. I have many friends who eat meat (including my roommate and good friend) and I like them all just the same. H o w e v e r , d o n ’ t r i d i c u l e t h o s e who make that decision. There are legitimate reasons for it and what does it really matter to you anyway? My problem was not with the opinions expressed but the way that they were expressed. Have your opinions - I don’t care. But, refrain from stating them in a demeaning and smug manner. Contrary to how you feel you are not better than, superior to and more intelligent thanthose among us who have made personal moral choices or anyone else, for that matter. Jounne Bender Ist yew Arts

IMPRINT The UW Studbnt Newspaper

888-4048 Friday, October 16, 1992 Volume 15, Number 13

Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Peter Brown Sue Forrest Ken Bryson lain Anderson Sandy Atwal Bernard Kearney Vacant Vacant Scott Deveber Renew Georgacopo’ulos Clint Turcotte Tom Koziol

Staff Production Manager Laurie Tigett-Dumas Production Assistant Cheryl Costello General Manager Vivian Tambeau Office Clerk Sheti Hendry Advertising Rep. Scott Hendry Advertising Assistant Jill O’Hagan Proof Readers Denise Haffner Nicole Metcalf Isabel White

Board of Directors President Jeffrey L. Millar Vice President Peter Brown Secretary/Treasurer Dave T h o m s o n Staff Liaison vacant Directors-at-Large Sandy Atwal Bernard Kearney Jeff Warner

Contribution List Trevor Blair, Todd Coulter, Council of Ontario Universitii, Kimberty Creed, Neil Daniel, Anna Done, De Ann Durrer, Carleen Elliot, Jennifer Epps, Dave Fisher,Garih Frazer, Jack Lefcourt, Stacey Lobin, Michael McKinnon, Greg Newton, Rich Nichol, Craig Nicker-son, Pauline Olthoff, Keith Peck, Phil Robinson, Cliff Tao, Wade Thomas, Dave Thomson, UW News Bureau, Todd Veldhuizen, Jeff Warner, Derek Weiler, Chris Williams, WLU Students’ Union

Forum A

You are cordially invited B e i n g i n L o v e m e a n s h a v i n g t o s a y y o u ’ r e s o r r y every 15 minutes. ’ - no greeting card anywhere I’m usually riffing on some political or social theme here every week, or whenever I can get around to writing this column, but over the past few weeks, I’ve been caught up indirectly in the aftermath of several failed relationships, and the beginnings of a few new ones. Love isn’t exactly a topic I’m comfortable writing about (having little or no experience in the area) but it’s just one of those things that you spend most or close to all your time thinking about. Seeing people in love and having them around seems to make life somewhat brighter in general. Here are two very happy people you think. They’re probably going to walk beside a stream somewhere later on and I bkt they’ve stayed up all night in a coffee shop more than once. This may all sound a bit too sickly sweet, but without these types of relation&@ occurring around you, your life would be completely unbearable I’m sure. When these relationships go sour for one reason or another it’s the pit of despair with a capital D. Having this type of stability ripped out of you is like losing an arm or a leg. It’s something which, to a point, you took for granted, and realizing you can lose it is (in some cases) more than some people can stand. Someone might catch you on the rebound, but that seems to add to the problem more than anything else. It% m o r e t h a n s e e i n g p e o p l e y o u c a r e a b o u t h u r t b y this type of emotional upheaval b it’s something you end up thinking about, intentionally or not, when you start a relationship of your own, and thinking about the end isn’t exactly the best b e g i n n i n g . I’m talking about mismatched couples and couples that seem like they’re made in heaven, and of course couples you think would be absolutely perfect (the‘latter u s u a l l y i n c l u d i n g yourself). And then there are, of course, people who are in love with the idea of having A G i r l f r i e n d o r A B o y f r i e n d r e g a r d l e s s o f w h o Mr/Miss R i g h t m a y b e . I m a y j u s t b e one of the latter - a pretty sad situation I’ll admit, but an attractive one nonetheless. I f t h e j o y m y f r i e n d s h a v e r e c e i v e d f r o m h a v i n g a r e l a t i o n s h i p i s a n y t h i n g clqse to what I perceive it t9 be, it’s wel.l worth the time, effort and risk of being hurt one takes by entering into this kind of bond. Silly, isn’t it?

to attend

The foruq pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majorily opinion of the Imprint editorial board. ’

Letters to the Editor

welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have lhe author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libelious or discriminatory on the basis of gender; race, religion, or sexual orientation. Opinions 6xpressed in the forum section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint.


IMPRINT’ Staff Meetings 1 . every Friday at

1230 p=m.

Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fait and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Impllnt reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 361. Our fax number is 884-7800.Electronic mail should be addressed to imprintQwatserv1




Friday, Octo$er 16,1992

Dave, you’re not I thinking To the editor, First I’d like to say that Dave Thompson’s (sic) editorial in the October 2 Imprint is just so out of touch it’s not worth commenting on. I can only suppose that Dave felt we needed a “no” argument to counter the government ad that was also in that issue and so threw something together. Certainly anyone who characterizes the debate solely in terms of Quebec has neither read the actual text of the Accord itself or followed the debate very closely. Dave does us all a disservice by ignoring the real p r o b l e m s w i t h t h e A c c o r d a n d t h e n not even on touching on what might actually be good about it. I fear that though Dave might get away with this shoddy bit of work because this debate has become a lightening rod for everyone’s grievances with just about everything. People seem willing to listen to any naysayer if he can just touch on some little bit of ire within them. This is our big chance to have our say, after all. Who cares if our answer has nothing to do with the q u e s t i o n w e w e r e a s k e d ? I’ve b e e n f o l l o w ing the debate very closely and it seems that some people who are voting “no” aren’t voting against the defects of the Accord so much as against Brian Mulroney, Bob Rae, Quebec nationalism, affirmative action, immigrants~ high interest rates, free trade or the recession. No question, there is a lot wrong with the Accord: the Triple E Senate is really only about one-and-a-half “E”; the Canada Clause might be interpreted as defining a hierarchy of rights where, for example, Native Self Goverxunent might take precedence over equal rights for women; British Columbia is going ballistic over the 25% floor in the House of Commons for Quebec (even though all of the Maritime provinces also have similar floors although not as large). All of these are important issues in my opinion, all of them

more important than “putting Quebec in its place”. Meanwhile, the Accord will finally recognize Native self-government; it will set governments on track to a full economic union within Canada; it gives Quebec enough recognition to’feel comfortable and safe, while not going as far as Meech Lake did; it reduces a huge amount of duphcation between Federal and Provincial levels of government; the Canada Clause very clearly defines Canada’s national character as a generous and liberal society; and, while notperfect, the new Senate does give up these advances simply to take revenge on Mulroney, or put Quebs in its place? Finally, I think that the notion that we can reject this deal and get a better one is an absurd one. If Quebec is saying no because it didn’t get enough and BC is saying no be cause Quebec got too much, one can assume that the next time Quebec will want more and BC wilI want to give less. I don’t see a better deal in that equation. If the Accord is a bad one, then we should vote n o , b u t please d o n ’ t give me the feeble lie that we can hold out for something better. Travis Cupener 48 EnglM ( R P W )

Quebec ain’t goin’ nowhere To the editor,

One unfortunate, yet common, misconception that has arisen among the Canadian population outside Quebec during the unity referendum campaign has been that a “No” vote will not lead to Quebec’s separation from the rest of Canada. This could not be further from the truth. Quebec will almost certainly seek sovereignty if the result of the referendum is of a negative nature. The rest of Canada seems to forget that the question posed to Quebecers on October 26th was supposed to have been sovereignty and would have remained that way if not for the last minute deal reached by the first ministers. Quebec means business. They aren’t bluffing as Mr.

/ S[ on the Charlottetown Accord! IMPRINT would like to publish opinions on the constitutional referendum from any member of the UVV community. Please submit comment pieces by Monday at 5 p.m. to Campus Centre room I40 or E-mail to us at imprint@watserv I


Please limit length to. 500 words so that we can accommodate as many as possible.


Trudeau would have us believe. One might agree that it would be ridiculous of Quebec to separate from the rest of Canada since such a move would inevitably lead to economic uncertainty if not disaster for that province (nation). However obvious this may seem to the rest of Canada, the same does not apply within Quebec. Every time a politician of a business person warns Quebec about the drastic economic implications of separation they are accused of fear-mongering or trying to scare Quebec into supporting Canadian unity. LJnfortunately, the likes of Jacques Parizeau and Lucien Bouchard have led Quebecois to believe that the economic results of a “No” vote, or for that matter, sovereignty, would be minimal at best. As well, if one looks back to the death of the Meech Lake Accord, they will remember the humiliation and sense of rejection that Quebec claimed they felt as a result. Such feelings, or perceptions of them, would be increased exponentially should the “No’! side prevail. Quebec would see this rejection of their entry into the constitutional family by Canada’s citizens as a sure sign that they’ve outstayed their welcome. Their natural response would be to bring the Parti Quebecois into power. Without a doubt the top priority of the PQ is sovereignty for Quebec and they would proceed to hold a referendum on the issue at earliest convenience. This would mean Quebec’s divorce from Canada. Quebecers would feel that all of their options with Canada, based on decades of failti negotiations and rejected deals, have been played out and that there is no hope for their continued existence as a province of Canada. Such a bid for sovereignty by Quebec would lead to heated negotiations between the government of Canada and Quebec over the terms of separation. If Canadians thought the constitutional negotiations were long and drawn out wait until the two sides start arguing about who is to pay what share of the of the national debt. As well, what &ographic portion of Quebec do sovereign Quebecers actually get? What about government buildings and property in Quebec? What about Canada’s military? Does Quebec get one quarter of our warplanes? Obviously there is a great potential for hostility between the two sides

once such questions arise. One only hopes that cooler heads will prevail as to avoid any violence. Moreover if Quebec were to separate, it would not only mean their economic demise but unfortunately, we would be dragged down with them. The drop in the value of the Canadian dollar over the past few weeks is only one indication that Canada’s economy is susceptible to the reservations of international investors. Whether the faltering dollar is a result of Trudeau’s denunciation of the Charlottetown Accord or Mulroney’s speech in which he warned “no means no” or of the release of tapes of Bourassa’s aides saying that Quebec% premier “caved in” does not matter, What matters is, that if investors feel that Canada is politically unstable, as they will most surely feel if the “No” side wins, then not only will they cease to invest in our country, but they will also pull out what they have already invested. Canadians have to take a serious look at how much the negative effects of a “No” vote would outweigh any possible negative effects of a “Yes” vote. Certainly the deal is not a perfect one but to expect a better one as a result of a “No” vote is very naive. First, its almost a miracle that the likes of Clyde Wells, Robert Bourassa, Don Getty and Ovide Mercredi all agreed to the same document considering their stubbornness only a few short months ago. To expect any greater compromise from any side is foolish. Second, if the “No” side does win the referendum there will be no negotiating table to return to. It was two years after the death of Meech before Quebec returned to the negotiating table. One must have a very good sense, of humour to suggest that they would rush back to the table after a rejection of the Charlottetown Accord. Finally, Canadian’s in general all sick and tired of constitutional squabbling. They desperately want both the federal and provincial governments to concentrate on the economy and to pull Canada out of it’s recession. However, political stability is a necessary ingredient for investor confidence and economic recovery. Think about that if you’re planning on playing Quebec’s “bluff” in the upcoming referendum. Don Birch 4th yeur Honours Hhtory

Global coming out days

by Tddd VeldhuizFn

spedul to lmprint

This year, lesbian and gay communities around the world will be celebrating Global Coming Out Days - an event which encourages bisexuals, gays and lesbians to take the next step out of the closet, whether it be telling family and friends that they are gay/lesbian or assuming a more active role in the struggle for their rights. Homosexuals have historically been the subject of persecution by individuals, organizations, and governments; it was only with the advent of the Gay Liberation struggle that legislated oppression began to be repealed. The cornerstone of this movement is “coming out” 7 declaring to others that you are gay/lesbian. The power of this act is that it makes lesbians and gays visible, rather than being a faceless minority. Many closeted gays and lesbians are afraid of others finding out what they are. They envision themselves being disowned by their parents, losing their friends, being dmmmmated against by professors or supervisors, and being harassed or gaybashed. Although these things happen, life out of the closet is becoming easier every year due to the large number of gays and lesbians who are already out and fighting for their place in society. For instance, the provincial government will now be providing spousal benefits to same-sex couples following a landmark ruling this summer. People who step out of the closet have l



a large impact on those around them. Coming out to someone is the most effective way. to encourage them to rethink their attitudes about homosexuality. Ideas for coming out: - Wear a T-shirt which identifies you as gay or lesbian - Come out to your family or friends - Write a letter to your MP/MPP supporting lesbian and gay issues - Make a commitment to tell the truth about who you are - Put on a gay/lesbian rights button - Confront anyone who makes a bigoted joke - Read a gay/lesbian paper in a public place - Wear a pink triangle - Send flowers to someone special using your real name - Invite gay and non-gay friends to the same parties - Attend a lesbian/gay community event If you are in a relationship with someone of the same sex you might: - Display their photo in a visible location - Open a joint bank account - Shop together for rnatcl$ng rings - Include them in family gatherings The important thing is to take one step further irk your coming out process. GLLOW, the campus gay and lesbian association organizes discussion groups, coffeehouses, special events, and political actims. Call 8844XOW for information.


IlRlptint Friday, October 16.1992

Wealth. and Christianitv by Garth Fmzer

UW Student Chdstiun


As university students, we generally believe that the first topic doesn’t relate to us, and for a large percentage of us, neither does the second. However, even as students, wealth m i g h t h a v e s o m e t h i n g t o d o w i t h us, And since Christ spoke frequently about the topic, it is central to the Christian message, even , though churches today have a difficult time dealing with the topic. What is wealth? That is the primary ‘. question to be dealt with. Or, phrased another way, who is wealthy? Easy examples come to m i n d : b a s e b a l l a n d h o c k e y p l a y e r s , who now regularly make several million dollars per season, or large corporate executives. But these are extTeme exampl= How - we : . , ;Y;.F :_ define wealth? “& : ->. g ‘1. i’::‘.I j Mama Jane Ngai has eight CM&en and ‘: ; . ‘ . I *:p :. I :’: ? i : ‘.-::I, ~ ‘i.B. no husband and lives in Nairobi, Kenya. She lives in a cramped dirt-floored shack made of t i n , c a r d b o a r d a n d b i t s o f woo& S h e s u p p o r t s herself and her kids by selling old scrap l u m b e r w h i c h s h e g r a b s f r o m c o n s t r u c t i o n sites f u r t h e r a w a y . H e r h o m e i s d u l l a n d d a r k - no. : some trouble in’ his &Ul, w i n d o w , n o t o i l e t (1 latrine serves 3,000 people), one bed, a couple of rickety benches and a ragged curtain dividing the two-by-fourmetre hG;el. She can’t afford<0 send her children to school. How would Mama Jane define wealth? Compared to Mama Ngari and the twot h i r d s of t h e w o r l d w h o s h a r e s i m i l a r s i t u a tions, even as university students, we are


indicate that the balance has been disrupted and that not only do we need to be concerned with the inequitable distribution of wealth, but we need to return some of the wealth back to tains a balance between humanity and Nature, we can examine what Christianity says about it. Christ gives us some insight on how to &&@f *J&&j&&tyou &i&.&&, 1.1: . . . respond to wealth. A rich, young man comes ::.:.2: : ; :rqu&j~ : to question Jesus. He asks Christ what he needs to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells


UW takes Oktoberfest crown Hockey Warriors rout Wbadsor IO-1 for gold medal, send three players to tournament all-star team by Todd Coulter Imprint sports The Waterloo Warrior hockey team continued a successful exhibition season with a convincing gold medal in the tenth annual Oktoberfest to umament,beatingthe W i n d s o r L a n c e r s 10-l in the final. The Warriors out-scored their three opponents 23-4 and placed three players on the tournament% allstar team. Tournament most valuable player John Williams was joined by goaltender James Organ and defenceman Cory Keenan. The tournament, co-hosted by

The Warriors out-scored their opponents 23-4. the University of Waterloo and WilfridLaurierUniversity,featured many of the tough OUAA West teams a g a i n s t w h i c h U W w i l l competethisseason,includingtheLanc= ers, the WLU Golden Hawks, the Guelph Gryphons, and the Western Mustangs. The Lancers were impressive in the early rounds, beating the Hawks and the Gryphons to advance to the gold medal game. Waterloo opened the toumam e n t F r i d a y , O c t o b e r 9 w i t h a 4-O win over the Brock Badgers. Onkel Haus dropped the ceremonial first puck and Brrxlk got out to a quick jump. The Badgers o u t p l a y e d t h e W a r r i o r s i n the f i r s t period and goaltender Shane M u r p h y w a s k e p t b u s y i n the UW goal. The tide changed near the end of the first, when Warrior freshman Barry Young scored the lone goal of the period. B r o c k s u r g e d again until the 14% mark of the second period, when another Warrior rookie, Jason M e r v y n , s c o r e d on the powerplay w i t h a w r i s t s h o t , i n c r e a s i n g UW’s lead to 2-O.

The Warcritical factor riors scored in the out= twice while come of the dominating game,” said the third peWarrior head ri0d. Williams coach Don scored early McKee. “One with a pointof our conblank shot, cernsfromthe while Jamie WestemtourHartnetf pronament was vided the inour inability surance goal to score while oti a late a man ahead = powerplay. - today we Murphy shut outscored the doors on them 4-2 on the Badgers t h with 31 saves, powerplay.’ good enough McKee was for player of pleased with the game h0n= the balanced ours. attack,asnine In their different second game of p l a y e r s the toumey,on scored. Saturday, OcIn the chamtober 10, the pionship fiWarriors had nal, the Warsomething to riors’ scoring prove, having surprisingly lost to the continued as Western Must h e y pumtangs 4-l the melled a w e e k b e f o r e In Two Warrior hockey players strip the puck from a Brock Badger during travel-weary the Western Waterloo’s 44 win over Brock last Friday night to oph the Oktoberfest Lancer squad tournament fi- Tournament at Columbia ItMeld. UW went on to beat Windsor IO-1 hi the lo-l. n a l . A n d p r o v e anal. The Windsor photo by Peter Brown something goalie had to t h e y d i d , b l a s t i n g t h e ‘ S t a n g s 9-3. Darren Snyder and team captain be sharp as the Wa r r i o r s c a m e o u t The first period saw the WarriGreg Allen put Waterloo up 6=1. flying dominating the Lancers in ‘ors s c o r e t h r e e t i m e s w h i l e O r g a n Western scored late in the period to every aspect of the game and outstoned the Mustangs on numerous pull w i t h i n_ f o u r . The chippy third period saw opportunities. Mervyn, Troy Stephens, and Hartnett put the Waterloo accumulate nine minor Warriors ahead 3-O at the end of the penalties to Western’s five. The first 20 minutes. Mustangs scored midway through The Mustangs started the secthe period on a 5-on-3 powerplay ond period on a powerplay and advantage, but John Williams de= soon capitalized to pull within two. flated any hope by scsring a Warrior Dean McDonald staved off shorthanded breakaway goal. Barry Western’s momentum shift and reYoung then scored later on the stored UW’s three-goal lead 36 secpowerplay with a blast from the onds later. point. Chris Kraemer completed the The Warrior power play conscoring with 58 seconds to play. tinued its success as goals from “Special teams proved to be a

shooting them 22-6. Rookie defenceman Brian Holk got the W a r r i o r s o n the board with a blast from the blueline 7:42 into the game. Allen scored from a scramble in front of the net, giving the Warriors the 2-O lead going into the first intermission. Windsor started the second period strongly, testing Organ with three quality shots before Stephens scoredtoquiettheLancers.Williams and Mervyn added two more in the period to make the score 5-O. Organ wasoutstandingbetweenthepipes, stopping 18 shots in the second pe= rid

Jason Mervp led the Wurriors with sik gods in the tourney Mervyn sparked a Waterloo rout in the third, scoring three goals to bring his tournament total to six. Allen out-muscled a Windsor defenceman to score a s h o r t h a n d e d goal, his second of the game. Steve Schaefer also showed some extra hustle, scoring on a wrist shot from the slot. The Warriors open the regular s e a s o n a t C o l u m b i a Icefield o n F r i day, October 23 at 7:3O p.m. v e r s u s the Ryeison R a m s . T h e y c o m p l e t e that weekend with a g a m e against the Queen’s Golden Gaels on Sunday, October 25 at 2 p.m.

Storm batters Warriors in wheelchair match On Sunday, October 11, the TriCity Storm literally rolled all over the Warriors 7-O in an exhibition wheel-chair hockey game as part of the Oktoberfest tournament. T h e S t o r m i s a new team made up of physically disabled athletes from Kitchener, Waterloo,andCam= bridge. Their powered wheelchairs have been remodelled somewhat, thanks to UW engineer Greg McNiece, enabling them to play h o c k e y o n i c e w i t h cosom h o c k e y sticks and a whiffle ball. Kitchener-Waterloo AccessAbility supplied six wheelchairs to t h e W a r r i o r s f o r t h e game. After a,,brief lesson on how to

work the controls, the game started; it featured the same rules as regular hockey. The Storm wasted no time taking advantage of the Warriors inexperience by rolling to a 3-O lead after one period. The game featured s0me excellent passing and checking (yes, checking!!). The Storm’s Peter Hulme blocked and picked the Warriors with reckless abandon. Ross Miller and Keith Maude p r o v i d e d t h e o f f e n s i v e p u n c h , scar-

an upcoming episode of Gufzls on The Sports Network, a program hosted by Gary Green. TSN videotaped the game and plans to show excerpts. The air date was not known at press time. The Storm are &king to develop a league to play in. Right now, their main priority is to increase the awareness of the sport. To help get the word out, the team plans exhibition games against the Kitchener Rangers and the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Ed Faruzel s t a r t e d with the first goal of Those wishing have seen the game

A n y o n e i n t e r e s t e d i n m o r e informa&n o n w h e e l c h a i r i c e h o c k e y can contact K-W Access-Ability in Water100 Town Square at 8&664O.

in5 four and two gals respectively.

the ball rolling the game. that they could can check out

The Warrior soccer team played Wednesday attem0on against Brock, but lost last weekend to Guelph. SEE STORY ON PAGE 17. phobbyW&Uhomas

Friday, October


Imprint 16,1992


Loss to Guelidi means football Warriorsmust beat Laurier

Waterloo stumbles, in playoff race by Peter Brown

hiprint s p o r t s . The Waterloo Warrior’s strugg l i n g offence s t r u g g l e d again last Saturday as the Warriors (2-3) fell t o the Guelph Gryphons (3-Z) 12-8 i n Guelph. The black and gold defence c o n t r o l l e d t h e game f o r 57 minutes and a l l o w e d W a t e r l o o t o c l i n g t o a slim 8-5 lead. But with 3% remaining in the game, Gryphon q u a r t e r b a c k W a l l y Gabler t h r e w a 14yard touchdown pass to Kevin Reid for the winning touchdown. Guelph’s defence held Warrior o f f e n s i v e w o r k h o r s e T o m Chartier t o 3 7 y a r d s r u s h i n g o n 16 carries, only the second time this season that the OUAA’s all-time leading rusher has been held below 100 yards. Waterloo gained only 152 yards total offence. “Everybody we’ve played this year has keyed their defence on Tom,” said Warrior head coach Dave “T&y” Knight. “Guelph was just a little moreeffective than most. They might be the best defensive team we’ve Dlaved t h i s s e a s o n . ” The W&&s, currently tied w i t h the M&laster Marauders for fiih in the OUAA, can s t i l l make the playoffs, but need two wins and help from other teams to do it. The first part of that equation will be determined tom o r r o w at 2 p.m. at Seagram Stadium as Waterloo meets the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. The vaunted U w defence will have its work cut out for it as it tries to stop a WLU offence thatpiled up an OUAA s i n g l e - g a m e r e c o r d 603 yards passing in a 80-14 burial of ~tieM&asterMarauderslastThursday night. Hawk quarterback Bill Kubas s c o r c h e d t h e pathetic Marauder secondary for 426 yards and six touchdowns on 25-of-39 passing. Two back-up pivots combined for two more majors and the remaining yards. The OUAA’s leading receiver Stefan Ptaszek led the way for WLU

Remaining Opponents

Toronto . Laurier Western Guelph Waterloo McMaster

5-O 4-l 3-2 3-2 2-3 2-3



With two games remaining in the regular season, Waterloo’s prospects of post-season play are worsening. Only the top four teams advance to the playoffs. . with 12 catches for 201 yards and two touchdowns “Ptaszek is the one,” said Warrior head coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight when asked which Ha&k p l a y e r w a s t h e m o s t dangerous.‘We hope to change a few things defens i v e l y t o s l o w d o w n t h e i r offence. You won’t ever completely shut them down, o f c o u r s e . ” K n i g h t agreed that the record-setting passing yardage bytheHawkswas a combination of McMaster’s suspect secondary and Laurier’s awesome talent at wide receiver. “Laurier will definitely want to run against us on Saturday,” Knight _ I I said. 1“Butc they_ will I also pass _ with that talent [at w i d e receiver]. They’ve got a couple of receivers IPtaszek and Scharschmidt, who had 344 yards on six catches] who are 6’4”, 6’5”. That makes them hard to cover one-on-one.” In the back of the minds of . many Warrior veterans, along with the Hawks’ pasting of Mac, is last season’s first-round playoff game

Guelph 12, Waterloo 8

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which saw WLU trounce Waterloo 35-5 to end UW’s best season ever. Hopefully, the Warriors will also remember their 347 victory o v e r t h o s e s a m e H a w k s , Ij u s t o n e week before, that secured a 5-2 record and second-place in the OUAA. W a t e r l o o finishes the regular season next weekend at Windsor. In other OUAA games last w e e k e n d , the U n i v e r s i t y o f W e s t ern Ontario Mustangs joined Guelph at 3-2 with a 59-9 romprover the University of Windsor Lancers (l-4), UWO’s third consecutive victory after starting the se&& O-2. The University of Toronto Vars i t y Blues remained unbeaten at 5-O in throttling the ever-hapless Y o r k University Yeomen 40-3 in the annual Blue Bowl. Last Saturday in Guelph, Waterloo’s offence just could not get on

t r a c k . C h a r t i e r ’ s 3 7 y a r d s contributed to 78 yards total rushing. Quarterback Steve Bennet completed90fhis22passesfor74yards,

spreading the ball out to five receivers. He was intercepted once by Gryphon Mike O’Shea and rushed six times for 28 yards. Waterloo’s best opportunity was set up by a 23-yard interception return by linebacker Andy Allen deep in Guelph territory. Waterloo’s kickers provided all eight points. Rick Gunther kicked a 42-yard field goal and four singles. Punter Mike Raynard kicked a fifth single on one of his ten punts. Waterloo’s defence was brilliant again, surrendering 245 total yards. The winning catch by the double-covered Gryphon Reid was the highlight for Guelph in more w a y s t h a n o n e , w i t h UW’s defence bending without breaking. Reid led the Guelph receiving corpswith92yardsonthreecatches. - Gabler, h to relieve Gryphon starting quarterback Rob Kit&g, was comfortable throwing deep as he passed for 153 yards on only 6 completions out of 19 attempts. Waterloo’s kick return game shone as Mike Son and Cory Delaney combined for 178 yards on seven run-backs.


Waterloo Warriors vs. -Laurier Golden Hawks T O M O R R O W ! Saturday, October 17,’ 2 p.m. Seagram Stadium. Waterloo

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Imprint Friday, October



History repeated: rugby Badminton squad beats all I Warriors fall to- Gryphs but Western own hands as the team travels to face its playoff rival in Hamilton tomorrow (Saturday, October 18). Thehopefulretumofthreekey players, Sandro Bassanese, Keith Peck, and Stelios Nikolakakis, could turn the tide as they have been lost from playing in most or all of the last three games. This week’s game against Guelphwasnotaprettysight. What makes it disgusting for this correspondent was the Guelph style of kick-and-chase rugby saw tie ball

by Keith Peck Imprint sports

The Waterloo badminton team found success at the University of Western Ontario in L,ondon two weekends ago. The team’s shut-out of the Guelph Gryphons and some close wins over the M&laster Marauders start off a very optimistic season for the badminton team, Although the Western hosts failed in hospitality by virtually cleaning up the tournament, Waterloo’s team finished with an impressive record, shutting out the entire Guelph team. All Warriors posted easy wins over Guelph in all events. In singles,rookieDanFrankfinishedwith a 3-O record, holding Waterloo’s only singles match win over Westem. Neville Stringer went 2-1, losing to the strong Western team. Both doubles teams, Dan McIver /Neville Stringer and Dan Frank/Kelly Slough, ended up 2-1, with the sole loss, again to Western The Athenas had similar problems with Western. McMaster, their main rivals, gave a long but impressive showdown and eventually came out on top after several marathon matches. All women posted decisive victories over Guelph. In the mixed doubles event, the team

of Nick Hoh/Doreen Leo captured first place. in the league by advancing by default over McMaster and then defeating Western and Guelph. Coach Jeff White is pleased with the team% result, but is convinced they can do better. “I think if we could just improve some fundamental movement skills, we should overcome Mac in the next tourney,” White said. “I’ll admit the Western team is practically untouchable this season, with every team member a past national champion, but a few matches were really close and we should be able to beat them next time.” Assistant coach Brian Biemann agrees. “I noticed a lot of laziness on the court over the weekend, but I attribute that mostly to a lack of endurance conditioning,” Biemann. “We had a lot of touch competition from Western - their players are all in tip-top condition. I’m still working on setting a good aerobic base for the team, and it should work out by our next week in Hamilton.” The team travels to Hamilton on the weekend of October 24 for a tournament at McMaster, competing against Toronto, Ottawa, Queen’s, Ryerson, and York. White expects easy wins over Ottawa, Ryerson, and York and close games with Toronto and Queen’s.

It was deja vu, all over again. Waterloo 3, Guelph 5. For the second year in a row, Waterloo was defeated at both ends of a home-and-home match-up versus Guelph. Some line-up changes were made in hopes of revitalizing the slumping rugby Warriors. Among the forwards, Dean Percy was moved from hooker to fill the more glorious position of open-side flanker.Theopeningathookergave rookie Steve Humphries a chance to play at the varsity level, and an energized Ashley -Richards was named to take over duties at the other flanking position. Simon Lewis was returned to outside-centre in. the back line because he had displayed more of the punted around the field, and rarely skill and desire that got him in the allowed the talent from any of the opening two games of the season. Gryphon backs to be displayed. The rookie speed merchant, Jason Sure, the Guelph scrumhalf is Diamond also earned a chance good, but it is frustrating to watch among the backs at right wing. the disjointed play that results as ,However,thenumerousalterathe “Prima-Donna” does little eh tions did not bring about a change in the win column, as the Warriors ’ than avoid contact and make graceful up-and-under kicks. slippedtotwowinsandtlu~losses Blustery conditions made the on the season. The loss makes the one-man-team tactics pay-off as chances of a Warrior post-season Guelph played the first half with muchmoredifficult. The teammust thegusting wind at theirbacks. The now win both of its remaining Warrior defense had to play strong games on the road, and hope for another McMaster. loss against as the gale force breezes kept the majority of play on the Waterloo Queen’s, to edge into the playoffs. Waterloo will have fate in its side of centre? With the elements

Waterloo needs a iUSS from MiMaster forplayo_trberth.

A!!!3 ..

like they were, it was foreseeable that a misplayed punt reception would have tragic consequences. A Guelph kick towards the wing occupied by an inexperienced Jason Diamond resulted in a dropped ball. Numerous Warrior players were in the area to help the rookie, but the ball eluded Waterloo hands. The Gryphons saw their opportunity and took the advantage with some strong pressure. Guelphwoundupwiththeball from the ensuing ruck and went to the blind side of the pile-up, towards the Warrior goal-line. There was another pile-up, this time on the Waterloo goal-line, and a try

was~e$~ for conversion was missed to leave Waterloo trailing with zero points to Guelph’s five. Scrappy play continued tiough the remainder of the first half, but there was no more scoring.’ Now with the wind behind them, the Warriors started the sec‘ond half confident that they would be able to carry the balance of play and easily accumulate more points than Guelph. A Gryphon infraction early in the second half allowed Edson Castilho to close the gap to Waterloo 3, Guelph 5 on a penalty goal kick. Unfortunately for us, the GueIph backs demonstrated that while they are uninspiring on offense, they are very solid on -

continued to page 17

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Imprint Friday, October 16, 1992






Oosterveld I


James Organ \ summer. The rowing team will compete at the Western Invitational this weekend.

The University of W a t e r l o o h a s c h o s e n jameq Organ as the male athlete of the week. This third-year arts student was named a tournament all-star this w e e k e n d , h e l p i n g ’ t h e Warriors to their second consecutive Oktoberfest Invitational championship. During this toumament, a joint effort with W i l f r i d Laurier U n i v e r s i t y , W a t e r l o o w e n t undefeated, beating t h e B r o c k B a d g e r s 4-O and the Western Mustangs 9-3 in pool play before defeating the Windsor Lancers 10-l in the championship game. Organ played in the last two games, stopping 31 of 32 shots in the final against Windsor. ’ The Warriors open their regular season schedule on Friday, October 23. The Ryerson Rams will make the trip to Waterloo for a 750 p.m. start at Columbia Icefield.

Sign your team up early!

CRAC Meeting

Soccer Playoffs The soccer league has been busy this term and their playoffs are happening next Saturday, October 24. Good luck to all teams.

The second Campus Recreation Advisory CouncilMeetingwill be on Wednesday, October 21 at 4:45inthegreathallofViBagel.All are welcome to attend and see for yourselves what CRAC is all about.

Flag Football Update

Dates To Note

The season has run very smoothly with no major infractions or problems, due to the well-organized and knowledgable referees organized by ref-in-chief Chris Gilbert.

October 20 -Tennis S i n g l e s T o u r n a ment Final Entry Date O c t o b e r 21- C R A C M e e t i n g - 4:45 p m Vl Great Hall October 22 - Tennis singles Toumament Captain’s Meeting 5:OO pm PAC 1001 October23+IixedVolleyballTournament Final Entry Date - Soccer Playoff Captains Meeting - 4~45 p . m . , C C 1 3 5 - Soccer Playoff Referee Meeting 6:oo p-m-, cc 135 October 24 - Soccer. Playoffs Start October25-TennisSinglesTournament P r e l i m i n a r i e s

Athena Rowing

up to M,,,& @&#H ::


John Allore,


and Maria Del Mar Zi Peter MacNeilt, Rosemary Radcliffe, Linda Kash, Mary Margaret O’Hare, Karen Hines g:iII

The University of Waterloo has chosen the rowing team of Giselle Chiasson and Janine Oosterveld as female athletes of the week. Last weekend~hepairplaced first in the 2,000-metre event at the Brock University Invitational. Chiasson is a fourth-year arts student, rowing for the Athenas for a second season in her four years at Waterloo. Originally fromThunder Bay, she rows for the Thunder Bay RowingClubduringhersumm;ers at home. Oosterveld is ti secondyear I environmental studies student and is currently in hersecondyearwiththetearn. Rowing in a four-person boat last year, she has made the switch to pairs very easily. She too hails from Thunder Bay and also trams at&e Thunder Bay Rowing Club in the

Canipuk Recreation

by DeAnn Dumer Imprint sports

After all the Oktoberfesting, some may say, “it’s all over but the crying,” but not for Campus Recreation. We have a busy week coming up. Why not relieve some of that pre-exam anxiety by participating in some of these upcoming events? . Upcoming


How about picking up the pace and entering one of our two upcoming tournaments? Pick up your racquet because the tennis sing l e s t o u r n a m e n t preliminaries take The weather had been agreeplace Sunday, October 25. The Final - able thus far and everyone who has come out has had a great time. Close entry date is Tuesday, October 20 at gamesandexcitingactionhavebeen 1 p.m. in PAC 2039. the rule rather than the exception Do you prefer volleyball? this year h-t Camps Recrkation Flag There is a mixed volleyball tournaFootball. ment on Saturday, October 31. The final entry date for that is Friday, Playoffs began on Thursday, October 15. October 23 at 1 p.m. in PAC 2039.

Friday, October

Soccer Warriors drop. one to rival Gryphons by Neil Duniel Impfht sports

Last Thursday, October 8 in Guelph saw the Waterloo Warrior soccer team lose 1-O to the thirdplace Gryphons, who battled with Waterloo earlier in the season to a I1 tie. As the Warriorstook t0

saves by rookie UW goalie Abdel Plummer, Guelph would have easily added to their tally. T h e W a t e r l o o side,played well in working the ball up through the midfield, but were unable to pose a serious threat as they were shut out by the Gryphon goalkeeper. ’ T h e lo s s leaves Waterloo tied for fifthinthe OUAA wet division, four points b a c k f r o m d i v i s i o n - l e a d & g Brock, Wilfrid Laurier, a n d G u e l p h , w h o each have ten points. T h e W a r r i o r s p l a y e d t h e l$ock Badgers at home on Wednesday andtraveltoplaytheWilfridLau.rier Golden Hawks tomorrow (Saturday, October 17) and the McMaster Marauders on Sunday, October 18.

the Scoring opportunities decided the gume.

field, t h e y w e r e only two points behind Guelph with a game in hand. The Warriors were dominant from the beginning and clearly outplayed the Gryphons for the majority of the game. The deciding factor, though, was the scoring opportunities as Guelph managed to hit the post twice and score once on a spectacular d i v i n g h e a d e r . if not for some miraculous

Both games are at

190 p.m. .

Imprint 16,1992

Rugby Warr~iors drop one continued from page 14 defense. The Waterloo backs could not get around and exploit the Gryphon wings. The Guelph full-back also played exceptionally on defense, and caught every ball lofted his way w h e n Edson C a s t i l h o s o u g h t t o g o over the opposing line of backs. Gryphon forwards also kept the Warrior attacks unbalanced by spoiling Waterloo’s set plays. Frequent penalties for various infractions by the Guelph forward pack did not materialize into scori n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s a s ,the W a r r i o r s were kept out of range of the goal posts. The second half ended at the shockingly low score of Waterloo 3, Guelph 5. In the second game the War& or’s junior varsity team was hoping tobeattheGryphonssecondsagain, but losses of skilled players to illness and to replace injured varsity members has left them decidedly weaker than they were in the previous encounter. The junior Warriors started slowandanearlyGuelphrunscored in the Waterloo corner for a quick 50 Gryphon lead. Stronger Waterloo play from the kick-off then created a forceful drive in response that was capped with a powerful effort by John Straumann to score a tryThe conversion was kicked by A n g u s Y e u n g t o g i v e t0,J.V. t e a m a 7-5 lead that became very shortlived. Guelph played hard and injuries to Warriors forced rookie replacements into positions were they had very little or no previous playing experience. The Gryphon’s seconds scored a try and converted it

to take a lead of 12-7 into the halftime break. A s p l a y r e s u m e d , a n o t h e r WaJerloo injury created more weakness in the replaced Waterloo wings that Guelph soon made use of. A third Gryphon try extended the score to a 17-7 margin. The neversay-dieattitude of the Warrior team the.nshonethroughasGerardLynch got loose to score a try that closed

the gap to 12-17. Individual effort from the junior-warriors was still being put out, but as the half progressed, the team was susceptible in some key positions where the over-matched replacements got beaten cleanly two more times. Guelph finished with a pair of tries to leave the final score in the second’s game at Waterloo 12, Guelph 29.

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m V a r s i t y Scorcib~gmqil Warrkrs


OUAA First Div.



Toronto Laurier Western Cuelph Waterloo M&faster Windsor 5 York



5 4 3 3 2 2


5 5 5 5 5 5



McMaster Guelph Western Waterloo Toronto


180 52 1213 106 2 152 83 2 94 96 3 71 70 3 115 208 4 67 191 0 575170




10 8 6 6 4 4 2 0





Guelph 12 Waterloo 8 Toronto 40 York 3 L a u r i e r 80 McMaster 14 Western 59 Windsor 9


York ’ Carleton RMC Laurier Brock Trent



5 5 5 5 5 5


4 4 3 2 2 0







1 0 83 23 8 1 0 108 70 8 2 05451 6 3 0 63 65 4 3 0 56 80 4 5 0 33 120 0







5 0 0 98 43 10 4 1 0157 26 8 3 2 05954 6 1 3 0 45 91 2 15 06593 2 0 4 0, 3 120 0

5 5 5 4 5 4


Oct. 8 York 9 Guelph McMaster Queen’s 10 Carleton Laurier



17 Brock 5 Waterloo 26 Toronto 16 Western 13 RMC 1 7 Brock

0 3 13 3 0 7





York 4-3 11-3 7-O 22-6 Western 6-l 9-5 5-2 20-8 Queen’s 10-4 5-2 2-5 17-11 M&faster 3-4 2-5 9-5 14-14 Toronto l-6 4-3 8-6 13-15 Waterloo 7-7 34 o-7 lo-18 4-10 l-13 4-10 9-33 Brock

Oct. 18 York vs Carleton 9:oO a.m. Toronto vs Queen’s 10:15 a.m. Western vs Ottawa 11:30 a.m. M&laster vs Carleton 12:45 p.m. York vs Queen’s 2:00 p.m. Toronto v s O t t a w a 3115 p.m.



QW/M EastmDiv.


Toronto 6 Queen’s 7 York 6 Carleton -6 Ryersen ’ 6 7 Trent


5 5 4 2’4 1 0


McMaster Western Laurier Guelph Waterloo Brock Windsor



7 5 3 2 0 0




135 3 11 131 5 11 0 222 3 10 0 9 .19 4 5 0 3 43 ‘2 7 0 3 30 0’ 0



8 7 8 8 6 7 7



0 1





15 5 15 1 14 3 11 2 313-9 9 1 8 10 7 2 3 4 6 2 2 )S 2 2 5 11 2

4 3 5 5

SCORES Oct. 7 W_aterloo Laurier Western, Queen’s 8 Toronto 9 Queen’s

2 Guelph 1 McMaster 2 Windsor 3 Carleton 1 York 10 Ryerson

0 3 1 0 1 0

c S O C C E R STANDlUGS EustmDiv.





Laurentian 8 7 1 0 Car&on 7 6 1 0 Toronto 8 6 2 0 York 8 3 5 0 Trent 7 2 5 0 Queen’s 8 2 6 0 Ryerson 8 1 7 0 WstmDiv.GPW

Brock 7 Laurier 8 Guelph 8 W i n d s W a t e r &Master 8 Western 8


4 3 3 o r l o 1 1



20 15 16 7 6 12 3 F




3 14 5 12 5 12 14 6 15 4 13 4 24 2 A

1 2 8 3 10 1 4 16 10 10 1 4 8 5 10 8 3 3 2 6 8 8 o 7 2 3 2 5 7 6 3 4 5 9 6 5 2 6 12 4

7 Carleton 1 Queen’s Windsor 1 Western McMaster 2 burier Toronto 4 York 8 Cuelph 1 Waterloo 10 York 3 Queen’s Toronto 1 Laurentian 11 Queen’s 3 Ryerson

Toronto York Guelph

0 0 2 ‘1 0 1 0 0



7 0 7 0 4 3 QUm’s 4 2 Water100 4 4 Laurentian 9 4 4 Western 8 1 4 8 2.4 Ctileton MCGill 7 1 4 9 0 9 Trent




7 7 8 8 8


at York ‘7~00 p . m . at Toronto 2~00 p.m. at McMaster2:OQ p.m. / RUGBY TBA Oct. 14 Trent at Laurier 1:OO p . m . 17 Carleton at York Guelph ‘at Western 1:OO p . m . at Brock 1:OO p . m . Laurier Toronto at Queen’s 1;OO p.m. Trent at RMC 1:Oo pm Oct. 15 Guelph 17 Western Windsor

SOCCER 3:OO p.m.. Oct. 14 Trent at York Guelph at McMaster3:30 p.m. * Carleton at Queen’s 6:00 p.m. Toronto at Ryerson 200 p.m. W e s t e r n ’ at Laurier 790 p . m . 17 Brock at Guelph 1:OO Laurentian at Carleton 1:OO p.m. M&laster at Windsor 1:00 p.m. 1:OO p.m. Ryerson at Trent at Windsor 1:oO p.m. 18 Guelph Laurentian at Trent 1:OO p.m. Ryerson at Carleton 1:OO p.m. 1:OO p . m . Western at Brock York at Queen’s 1:00 p.m. WA7ER POLO

Oct. 17 Crossover Round Robin I at McMaster Western vs Carleton 2:30 p.m. McMaster vs Queen’s 3:45 g.m. York vs Ottawa 5:OO p.m. vs Carleton 6:15 p.m. Toronto vs Queen’s 7:30 p.m. Western McMaster vs mawa 8:45 p-m-




37 0 17 025 3 16 1 18 10 12 3 14 8.11.5 0 7 I.2 11 1 8 12 9 3 2 14 7 2 5 11 6 6 4.5 2 4 0d.l 44 0

SCORES 2 Wat&o Oct. 6 Toronto 8 Toronto . 5 Guelph 9 York 3 Waterloo Waterloo I Western York . 4 Western

0 0 1 0 0

WKl wK2 wK3 P t s

Queen’s Western York Toronto Waterloo McMaster Latier Windsor

18 18 9 3 0




13 14 4


7 5 0

15 8 8 9 9 1 0’ ‘6

46 38 38 22 19 l2 2’ 6


Oct. 14 Guelph at McMaster 3:30 p.m. Laurier at Western 4:30 p.m. at Guelph 3:OO p.m. 17 Brock McMaster at Windsor HKI p.m. 18 Western at Brock 1 a p.m. Guelph atLWindsor HI0 p.m. SOCCER - &As7 1 Oct. 13 Ryerson at Toronto 8:OO p-m14 Carleton at Queen’s 4100 p.m. 15 York at Toronto 8:OO p.m. 17 Ryerson at Trent 3:OO p . m . 18 Ryerson at Carleton 12~00 p.m. \ York at Queen’s 3100 p.m.






14 Waterloo at Guelph 5:OO p.m. 4:30 p . m . 1 5 Toronto a t Y o r k 18 (at York - Lamport Stadium) -11:30 a . m . G u e l p h vs York Western vs Toronto 3:45 pm+

FIELD HOCKEY - EAST 0% 17 McGill vs Carleton 10:30 a.m. 18 Queen’s vs Carleton 9100 a.m. Laurentianvs McGill l&30 a.m. Carleton vs Trent 12~00 p . m . Quen’s v s Laurentianl:3Op.m 300 p . m . Trent vs McGill

TENNIS Ckt. 1 7 W a t e r l o o , W e s t e r n a t Y o r k Wmdsor, Laurier at McMaster Queen’s at Toronto

Luna-tics.are taking over the Asylum

Popular solo act Luna also made an appearance photo by Dave Fkher Lunaz Lee’s Palace, Toronto (supportirtg the Screaming Trws.l Tuesday, October 13th by Derek Weibr lmprht stuff

Tuesday’s sold-out Screaming Trees show at Lee’s Palace on Bloor St. in Toronto was also notable for the Toronto debut of the openers, Lu.na2. That band is the brainchild

of &an Wareham, who spent three or four years as the frontmartfor the critically-acclairnedguitarpopband Galaxie 500. Before going onstage, Wareham was able to spare a few minutes for a quick interview. Born in New Zealand, Warehammoved to Australiaat the age of seven, and then to New York at the age of fourteen. With b a s s i s t Naomi Yang and drummer Damon K r u k o w s k i , War&am founded the Boston-based guitar-poppers

Galaxie 500. They released three albums and garnered raves f r o m the alternative press, before Wareham finally quit the group last year. Rumour has it there is no love lost between Wareham and -his former rhythmsection,but inspeaking of the breakup he says it was “nothing very exciting, really, Ijust left. I’d been thinking about it for a lang time, it wasn:t a spur of the moment sort of end-of-tour.. type thing. I was... finding it hard to get to sleep every night for about a year before I quit-- I’d been dreaming about it, so I just did it.” Downplaying any sense of personal friction, Wareham shrugs. “Bands always break up, it’s just what theydo, I guess. We were sort of getting,along all right, but under math it there were sort of frustmtions. It was a trio, which is even more difficult, and it was a trio where the other two were a couple, which is an even more tricky situaiim Y o u j u s t k n e w t h a t s o m e t h i n g was gonna explode. It’s not anyone’s fault, it’s just hard to have couples in bands.” OneofthefirstthingsWareham did following his departure was release a solo single-- featuring two songs, “An&the&a” and “I Can’t Wait”, that would later turn up on the debut Luna2 album- o n a t i n y indie label. However, he says he never intended to embark on’ a strictly solo career. “It’s just that I had these demos and I needed to finance them so I sold a solo single for a couple thousand dollars, I

*Grunge Roots

Screaming Trees Lee’s Palace, Toronto Tuesday, October 13th by Derek Weller Imprint staff

It’s highly unlikely that the screaming, sellout crowd at Lee’s Palace last Tuesday would have happened before Nirvana, before Pearl Jam- before Seattle. The&eamingTrees,atalented Washington State band, arguably peaked on their 1989 album Buzz Fuctoryc a marriage of guitar fury and melodic p o p . S i n c e t h e n , t h e y have t u r n e d t h e i r b a c k o n t h e p u p half of the equation, and their work hasn’t been nearly as memorable. Q f c o u r s e , t h i s h a s actually served them well at a time when blistering, tunekss cock rock is all the rage. T h i s , t h e n i s what the Screaming Trees have going for them.... 1. Sheer imposing presence. GuitaristGaryLeeConnerandbassist Van Conner both aspire to Tadlike girth, and hide their faces behind huge lanky mops of hair. Drummer Mark Pickerel sports a ridiculous ‘7%white-man’s Afro and comes shirtless t o b o o t . 2. A strong sound. Pickerel keepsaBonhamesquebeatthroughout, Van’s bass is approppriately wooden (considering the retrometal music) with just enough variety to keep it from terminal drudgery, And Gary Lee’s wah-wah happyguitaroftencarriedtheshow. 3. Energy and showmanship. Even if they hardly spoke to the

Please sir, have one more, it’s wafer thin audience at all, even if lead singer Lanegan barely moved except to shake his head from side to side, t h e y w o u l d s t i l l b e c o n s i d e r e d terrific showmen if only for Gary Lee. He spent the set alternately rolling around on the floor and diving into &crowd. Finally& climax&i & show - after an overlong instrumental jam - b y pulling P i c k e r e l ’ s drums off their riser. Like Pearl Jam’si the Trees’ music is based firmly in a retro-‘70s metal feel, and is known for its pil&ivmg energy and not its tune, fulness. Nonetheless, what they lack

photo by Dave Fisher

-in subtlety they make up for in, um, obviousness,andthiswasmorethan enough to keep the mash pit deliriously happy. Highlights of the Trees’ set included “Where the Twain Shall Meet,” “Bed of Roses” and the great new single “Nearly Lost You” (which is cu&d from their current album Sweef Oblitin andalsofe~turedontheShzgks film soundtrack). If a screaming Trees shqw is good for one mood only, it must be admitted that they do caPm that mcnxlexceptionally well.

made the demos just w i t h a c o u p l e different drummers. So Ihad signed the deal to (major label) Elektra on m y o w n a n d then I put a band tog e t h e r . T h e y did want me to call it Dean War&m but I wouldn’t do that. There’s too ‘much of that.” The band that Wareharn put together consisted of his friend Justin HaMrood, t h e f o r m e r C h i l l s bassist whom Wareham had met when Galaxie 500 toured England and ended up borrowing some o f the Chills’ equipment. Stanley &me&i, o n e t i m e d r u m m e r f o r t h e veterans the Feelies, w h o b r o k e u p earlier this yearc “came on a few m o n t h s l a t e r . W e ’ d been w o r k i n g with another d rummer and we w e r e n ’ t h a p p y , and we’d heard the Fe&es b r o k e u p . ” O r i g i n a l l y , .the new band was to be called simply Luna, but the (silent) integer was added for “a bit of legal protection... we had to put that two on there cause there’s some singer in New York that calls himself Luna.” On Tuesday, the group was playing&e s e v e n t h s t r a i g h t n i g h t ofafive-weekNorthA.mericantour; they’vealreadytouredEnglandJust before the tour, they added a setond guitarist, a London, Ontario native named Shawn Eden. They found him by placing an ad in the N Y C w e e k l y T h e V i l l a g e V o i c e and “sifting through all the idiots.” The addition of a second guitarist realizes a longtime ambition for wareham: I always thought we needed another g u i t a r (in Gal&e 500) and the o t h e r t w o d i d n ’ t w a n t to add it. I thought it would be good musically and healthy for the dynamic of the group a s well.” Asked if the new band is music a l l y capable of things that Galaxie 500 wasn’t, Wareham replies irk s t a n t l y “Absolutely.” When asked if there’s anything he misses about his former rhythm section, he shrugs. “It just comes out differently. It’s not like Stanley couldn’t play~eDamon,it’sthathedoesn’t. And Justin plays a-completely different style of bass- more of an attack than Naomi did,” War&am seems quite proud of Luna2, saying “ i t ’ s b e c o m i n g a whole unit,” and reaffirming his desire to continue working with the same band. Later on, he mentions that Justin will hopefully even contribute songwriting for future Luna2 releases. F o r Lunupark, the debut album for the new, band (released last month) they worked withproducer Fred Maher. All three of Galaxie 500’s LPs had been produced by ShimmyDisc Records impresario and l e g e n d a r y p r o d u c e r K r a m e r . Asked to compare the two producers, War&am said “I enjoyed working with Fred but I love working with Kramer too. Kramer wouldn’t have had the patitice to make this record, to take like five weeks and spend the time that we spent on it. But he contributed a Hammond organ solo (on “We’re Both Confused”) and I was glad he did that.” Asked if he prefers life life on a major label to that on an indie like Rough Trade (who released the Galaxie catalogue and have since pxe belly-up), Wartsham admits

“there’s good things about it. They can get you radio play that Rough Trade couldn’t do. The presS has

continued to page 21


Imprint Friday, October l&1992





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Not Without Mv Daughter J

Husbands and Wives Directed by Woody Allen byJenniferEpps Imprint stuff


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“Myheart does not know from logic.” Ain’t it the truth? Maybe Woody Allen’s personal life makes Roman Polanski look like St. Francis of Ass&i. It’s also possible Mia Farrow modelled her mothering behaviours on Joan Crawford. Could be. Who knows? Soon-X might actually be a genius for her age, especially since no one knows exactly how old she is. The terrible injustice of it all is that the truth, yet to be approximated in the courts, is not relevant to Husbands and Wives. Allen’s new film is true in the way that good fictionis always truer than fact. It’s touching, delicate, sexy, wise, full of wonder and full of pain. Perhaps Allen doesn’t deserve to have accomplished so much with it. His art does not bow from logic. AlthoughAllencontinuallyassemhles excellent casts, this one

I60 University Plaza ; 884-782 1

seems more resonant than usual. The unstopppable Judy -Davis is the opinionated, sophisticated Sally, and Sydney Pollack, the di-

rector of such varied films as Tu~tsie, Out of Africa, and Havana, is her husband Jack. Near the beginning, of the movie, Jack and Sally announce their separation to friends Gabe and Judy Roth (Allenand Farrow). Judy is “shattered” by their decision, and it is not long before we learn that she and Gabe are having their own marital difficulties. While Sally and Jack wage iridividual campaigns on the dating front, Judy and Gabe become further entangled, grow further apart. Judy introduces Sally to Michael (LiandVeeson),acofleagueshe herself has a crush on. Meanwhile, Gabe is becoming intrigued with an unusual student in his university writing class: a well-read young woman named Rain, played by Julie,tte Lewis. Allen is mulling over the old obsessionsintheseoverlappingstories, yet this film is a synthesis of his best recent work: Hannah and and her Sisters, Crimes Misdemeanors, and what he may have been aiming for with September. There are the typical jokes that no-one


can write with such

guileless pizazz: Rain’s short story, “Oral Sex and Deconstruction”; Gabe’s fears, kissing her in a thunderstorm, that he’ll be hit by light-

ning; and Sally’s dating etiquette, “your driving was fine-for the most part.” . There are fabulously memorable scenes: a hilarious cunnilingus flashback, a time lapse montage of Rain sweetly criticizing Gabe’s novel, and a brave, horrific passage in which Jack, ashamed of himself, takes it out on his ditzy girlfriend with a sudden outburst.of abuse. Infatuated with Rain, Gabecan hear”$50,000 worth of therapycalling 911.” Nonetheless, Husbands and Wives explores the texture of ~relaticmships so astutely and intimately,-it could be the child of psychotherapy. It is shot under the guise of a documentary, with interviews to an off-screen listener or psychiatrist. However, much of what we see, we shouldn’t. Flashbacks? Cunnilingus? A hidden camera, maybe. There are no solutions. One of themost devastating achievements of the film is the series of spiralling argumentsbetweenGabeand Judy. Not because they reflect Woody and Mia, if they do, but because the

meticulous dialogue feels like a social document. As the doctor on China Beach asked: “Men, women, love, sex, who can figure it?”


, _ 21

Imprint Friday9 Octaber 16,1992

If Bushes were trees then trees would be forests continued from page 19 been good but then we always had good press in Galaxie 500 too. In general, it’s a lot more stressful, actually. I mean, it’s good that every town you go to there’s someone from the record company but then there’s always shit for you to do, like interviews and stuff (a guilty shrug from me at this point). So it’s good but it’s more time-consuming as well.” “Anesihesia,” the superb single from Lunapark, is indeed getting airplay, and the group has just completed a video for “Slash Your Tires.” As Wareham says, it’s now up to Elektra to point the group toward mass success. Does Warehamenvisionbecominghuge? “Who knows, I dunno+ I don’t really see where this record fits in right now with the alternative marketplace. I don’t really think of it as b e i n g l i k e a family of alternative bands ‘cause y’know, I hate most of those bands anyway. I got my own sort of tradition of bands that I like: the Velvets; Television; the Feelies; the DreamSyndicate; the 13thFloor

Elevators. So that’s what concerns me, not Paerl Jam and R.E.M.” W h e n p r e s s e d , Wareham does admit to digging a few current bands: Codeine; Spiritualized; the Pastels’ work with Jad Fair (Wareham may be playing on the next Patels record). As for his New Z e a l a n d o r i g i n s , Wareham admits to liking the Clean, the Bats (the first album) and the Chills (“for singles more than albums”). However, “I don’t, like, love everything that comes out on Flying Nun, and it’s not an influence on me.” Covers that Luna2 has been doing live include the Temptations’ “Just MQmagination,” the Velvets’ “RideIntotheSun,“theDreamSyndicate’s “That’s What You Always Say” and Beat Happening’s “Indian Summer.“Thelastsong--whichhas also been done up by Captain America-- was recorded by War&am for a fanzing flcxi two y e a r s a g o ; Luna2 have recently recorded it in the studio as well. As for Galaxie Sob’s influence on other bands (the Jazz Butcher, for one, has been known to cover “Tugboat” live), Wareham’s head

remains resolutely unswelled. “Generally, bands who are influenced by Galaxie 500 are sort of lame, actually. They get too into the sappy thing instead of the guitar thing, y%n0w?” Wareham’s parting comments serve as both a hopeful glance to the future and an angry look back at the past. When asked if he’s enjoying h i s n e w b a n d , he says “We’re all getting along, it’s fun’ we’re having a good time. Which is really important. There’s no point in going out there and spending twenty-four hours a day with people you don’t wanna look at, Bands do it all the time.” If there w a s o n e p r o b l e m w i t h Lun$‘s set at Lee’s, it’s that it was all too short. This, of course, was pretty much -voidable, considering their position as support act to the (suddedy hip and trendy, a p p a r e n t l y ) S c r e a m i n g T r e e s . VVha t Wareham and his band did do, though, was simply superb, even if the crowd of gnhgeophiles for the most part didn’t understand it. The set list was drawn almost exclusively from the Lunapark al-

bum, beginning with “Slide” ‘and “Crazy People.” The band worked surprisingly welllive:

Harwoud and

Demeski revealed just h o w p o w e r ful and seamless they are as a rhythm section, and the addition of Eden on second guitar resulted in full-bodied sound. Musically, Luna2 is still fairly languid and laid-back, as moments like “Hey Sister” will attest. However, for theone-two punchof “Time to Quit” and “I Can’t Wait”- with Wareham, Harwood and Demeski furiously pounding their instrumen ts- they proved themselves capableof a white-hotintensitythat Galaxie 500 could never have

. reached. They finsihed the set proper with a long, dramatic version of the Beat Happening tune, then returned briefly to dust off the Galaxie 500 gem “When WillYou Come Home.” Despite stellar performances, though, Luna2 were largely unable to capture the interest of the crowd, who were heard to mutter “Why don’t they rock harder?” or “Why doesn’t he scream more?” Wareham’s assessment that he doesn’t “fit in” with the current alternative market was shown to be a correct one. And that is a Shame, because Dean Wareham is worth ten Pearl Jams.

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KVFDM KONTEST LOSERSAn ove&dning response to the Imprint Arts KMFDM Kontest has resulted in an impending psychological irtqu& to determine the abject mentality of a sorry ass student population. After hours of heated delikration, our esteemed panel of judges have chosen 5 truly dismal (dare we say} people to be dwarded the dubious title of “Waterlosers.” Each of these dolts will be given a pair of tickets to the forthcoming KMFDM show at Fed Hall. The reason we decided to divy the tickets up in pairs is not to encourage the five to procure dates, but instead to allow each of them to enjoy the show twice as much by entering the venue, leaving and entering again. The award of “Waterloser Extmordinaire” has been presented to Craig Nickerson for the ww entry reprinted below. All winners/losers are asked to cokct their tickets at the Imprint beiore 7 PM --Monday, October 19. Of course if they truly are the Waterlosers they aspire to be, Tuesday morning will do just fine. LCf’





Craig Nickerson



_ .




David Scott

Qxt~~~lations: Sinclair Shuit ‘Tim Striker

’ The Comdinator

new frequency better sound samegreat programs

of Destruction

Winning Entry for the Imprint Arts KMFDM Contest I have no friends because no one understands me. My soul is an obsidian (black) void. I sometimes feel that I am just a brain in cyberspace (artificial world created by computers) and that people are just androids, except for KMFDM. I know they understand me. I hate all those phony losers who go to Rock’n’RoU night at the bombshelter and think they are having fun. Someone should nuke them. That would be fucking cool. I wish I could meet some people who were different just like me. like KMFDM.



2 2 0 K i n g S t r e e t , N., U n i t J WATERLOO N2J 2V? f-legtna St above Larry’s Hatr Destgn)


Paradise City I just watched the Jays take the AL Championship, and am feeling rather euphoric, and thus inclined to be a touch reckless in anything I say about this novel. But... who knows what horiffic twist of fate, however slight, might land me in a class with Professor McCormack? I am forced, therefore, to practice res t r a i n t . H m m m . A l i t t l e b i t of fun and snarkiness now, and no degree later? Tough and tantalizing choice. Oh well, it’s been five years, I can always get my degree next year.’ , R e s t r a i n e d : ustenurn is a macabre story set in the small town of Carrick, where everyone happens to be dying at an alarming rate.. I seemingly due to some deeply

mation about the deaths and a n y thing to do with Carrick, James Maxwell, a young, inquisitive journalist, is offered the exclusive scoop by the presiding investigator of the case. Reeve Blair, who is a passing acquaintance of Maxwell, calls him into Carrick to interview five of the dying villagers, and from their stories, he and Maxwell must try to uncover the dark secrets of Carrick. It’s a race against time, because they are all quickly dying, and the indiv i d u a l s t o r i e s o n l y o f f e r s m a l l , irregular clues which they must fit together to reveal the whole mystery. In terms of suspense and rexcitement, I coudn’t put this book down. . R e c k l e s s : ne Mvstenym is a somewhat ackward novel, too-rigidly structured and contrived. The narrative, in the voice of James Maxwell, is short and choppy, forever jumping back and forth in time to establish settings or motives,



The Mysterium Eric McCorrnack Viking Penguin, 260 pages By Stacey Lobin Imprint stafl

secret in the village's past.

The village has been completely isolated, while a team of army doctors work around the clock to find out what’s killing them. Although there is a media publication ban on infor-



n o v e l , P a r a d i s e Motet w h i c h was clearly eposidic and fluidly written. My main complaint is that things happen too easily and for no apparent reason: for instance, .

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Maxwell’s interviews with the five villagers are granted at different times of the day, and for one hour only -- why? It just doesn’t say. Also, Reeve Blair’s curious lack of speculation about the mystery is odd, considering he’s supposed to figure it all out, and remains a mystery itself. (His many anecdotes about his love life are equally baffling.) Also unlike Paradise Motel, which dwells solely on a grotesque and fabulous (if somewhat empty) series of events, The Mvsterium tries to look behind the grotesqueries and fiid the motives behind them.. and I canFt say that the search is entirely sucessful. And please, (and I k n o w I ’ m b e i n g entirely p e r s o n a l here, and possibly wfzy out of line) the author’s jacket photo? c’mon, now, redly. I can’t say a thing about the conclusion, except that I hated it, thalovedit,thenjustcouldn’tmake up my mind. Like all good mysteries, the solution is completely unexpected, but it also provokes a good many questions. I’ve probably said too much. Scratch that. ITl leave you with the master’s own words: “Youwhoreadthis,donFtbeafraid.”

650 Woodlawn Road, w., Gum, chlmi (I/3 rrlrie east of Guelph Auto Mall)


by Trevor Blair imprint stpff

Wither Jaz Coleman? That Killing Joke were able to re-group and survive long enough to record Extremifies, Dirt and Vuri~1s Repressed Emotions remains one of music history’sluckiest accidents. Consider: hugely influential Killing Joke’s heydays in the early-mid%Os, a legacy of aggression and struggle in the face of despair. Imitated by so many yet equalled by none. Jaz’s maniacal obsessiveness, Geordie’s guitar, which in a few thousand years shall surely inspire awe equivalent to Arthur’s Excalibur, and fear beyond that of Dante’s Infertro - and that rhythm section; aural-surgery designed to mutate its listeners into high-octane seraphim and sucmbi. 1988’s Outside The Gate ap-

4-5 by Michuel McKinnon special to lmpfint

peared to be sizing up as their from the Coleman camp? Rumours of a collaboration with ex-Sister of swansong, essentially a Coleman solo project, it was an unfitting epiMercy Patricia Morrison? achestral arrangements for a (good god) taph for one of the 80’s greatest. And so Extremities and their ensuMission song? ing tour summed things up nicely; Anyway, the current legacy of their live sets consisting of the earthe Joke appears to be in the hands ’ of remixers: Spiral Tribe, a UK liest and the latest, greatest. Now then, what have we heard te&no unit (so I’m told,) turn in a >.

reasonable mix of “Change,” making it sound like one of the S~lngs from The Victorious City @z’s orchestral collaboration with Anne Dudley). A few characters calling themselvesThrashandGregHunter (what’s the matter Greg? couldn’t come up with a *‘cool” name?) suck the life out of “Requiem,” and take

different bands, sixteendifferent DK tunes. It’s that simple. You see, Dead Kennedys disbanded some five or six years ago and I slipped heavily into mouming. Dead Kennedys had been my childhood, an era that’s no more. No vocalist could ever again come close to Jello Biafra’s exaggerated vibrato or brilliantly sarcastic but educated lyrics, nor could any gui-

tar be in rough enough shape to sound like that of East Bay Ray’s. So it’s lucky that none of the 16 bands on “Virus 100” tied to duplicate the originals. Just the energy and spirit remain. Sepultura, a deathcore band from Brazil (what?), growls a version of “Drug Me” that’s so fast it’ll give you a backache. And even better, Napalm Death cares enough about the message to redo “Nazi Punks Fuck Off” at similar breakneck speed, NoMeansNo does a great version of “Forward to Death” with “The NoMeansNo All Boys Choir” as their only back-up. Guitar, drums et al.: all strummed on the chords of the vocal box. And if you’re looking for an injection of the ultra-funky, check out Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy’s version of ‘California Uber Alles”: ‘I’m your governor Pete Wilson ya know / the baddest governor toever grab a tic and go/ Boom!’ Sure the lyrics have been changed; but the track works well as a sign of the times, complete with a sample of Jello’s voice singing the chorus. These and almost every trackfrom’%rus100”getsthe@nt across with the same intense energy as the original. Maybe even a little more. There’sonlyonefauItwiththis great collection, and it’s a littIe abstract at that. It could’ve and even should’ve been a lot longer, especially since 12 of the 16 songs were taken from either Give Me Cottvenknee or Fresh Fktjbr Rutting Vegetizbles. So how about Slayer doing “Terminal P..eppie,” Rollins Band doing “Riot,” and D.RI. cranking out “Chickenshit Conformist”? No doubt Ice T has developed enough problems with Tipper Gore and friends to do justice to ‘Moral Majority.” And so on. How about “virus lOl”3 _ -

Have you noticed that the french fries at the A&W taste a little bit strange? Don’t be alarmed. It’s because “Virus 100,” a celebration of the independent AltemativeTentacles label’s 100th release, has hit the streets. And though the label claims that its intentions were originally different, the album presents itself in the form of a tribute to the late great Dead Kennedys. Sixteen

11 minutes to do it, Good-bye vocals. Good-bye tension. Apparently, original Joke member Youth (now big time remixer) is behind another EP of mixes. Watch for it or don’t. Murder Inc., the Jaz-less remains of the last incarnation of Killing Joke, include Revolting Cock Chris Connelly as vocalist and . . . are a dire proposition. If they were infactacorporation,I’msurethey’d be completely unable of carrying out any agenda, regardless how menacingly named. “Who’re we goruba murder?” “Dunn0 . . . anyone, everyone. cc “Yeah!” “Ultra-violence!, ultra-violence!” “O.k., go ahead.” “I don’t wanna do it, you do it.” “Me!?” etc, The self-titled debut LP is a turgid miasma of grunge-layered crap vocals. Qf nine tracks, only “Red Black” even hints at the actual su~tance~~dtheircollectivepromotional resumes. Recorded by Steve Albini - big deal, perhaps they’ll mercy-kill themselves. Geordie recently said: ‘When I heard Chris sing I thought, my God, it’s the ghost of Scott Walker!” Discern for yourself the difference between his ‘ghosts” and J&s. Troubled times indeed for Killing Joke fans. Was Brighter Than A 77wl,ssand Suns or Outside The Gate really more embarrassing than this? P.S. the fabled Killing Joke curse has forced Murder Inc. to postpone their upcoming tour which would have brought them to Toronto’s Opera House on 0ctober 27. Drummer/manager /chief accountant Martin Atkins was recently rendered unable to perform.

by Paulhe Ohhoff Imprint stfl

Listening to this tape, I felt like I was in a waiting room from hell. I wasn’t enjoying the soothing elevator music because the music wasn’t soothing, it was annoying and it wouldn t stop. In m nightmare, I wasthinkin of alI xedamagethe doctor wo l.fd do to me. It was a horriblenightmareandwhen1 woke up I discovered that the tape was still on. I don’t know about you, but there’s just something about waiting in a room full of plants, ma azines and nervous people taat makes me especially tense becaqse there is such an effort to make you think that nobody is sick when you know perfectly well that that’s why people are there. WeII, this tape exemplifies that nauseating feeling you get in a waitin room. The bandiscalle% Into ‘toand the release is entitled Trrfci , Vibes atld Stiles and basically it’s really bad elevator music. I guess the intentionofthisbandwastopla;:: or maybe it was su jazz, Ym not sure. AlIKY owwhat every effort failed to roducesomething memorable. fhe lyrics are, like their music, sup osed to say something but don’t. P ess topics like relation& s and P eve are discussedbutwithE‘ttleoriginalityand even lesser results. Now for somethin positive about this band. Hmm . . . B ‘m thinking. Well, it’s better than the worst band I’ve ever heard, but not much. This is also ordinary, run-of-themill, tacky music that fails to ca ture my attention. It only remin 1s me of a bad tix erience in a waiting room. Next, p ease. . . .









by Sandy Atwd imprint staff

by Sady Atwul Imprint staff

Manchester’s The Fall have had a long and illustrious career as one of the few bands subject to little or no hatred from pop music critics. Having been around for almost 15 years, that’s a fairly impressive achievement. For anyone willing to put up with the dissonant screeching and uncompromising lyrics, The Fall, epitomized by lead singer Mark E. Smith-uh, provides the listener with one of the best, and most influential bands of the ’80s. A conceptual leap from la!t y e a r ’ s Sh#Work, Code: SeZph takes the tracks that were left on the cutting room floor from their. last sessions, filter them through a juice tiger and spit them on to this album. Songs like “Birm i n g h a m S c h o o l o f B u s i n e s s S c h o o l ” a r e the result, loud aggressive tracks with something to say. There isn’t a whole lot of intellectualizing going on here. On tracks like “Return,” the constant use of the phrase “also sprach Zarathustra” does more than show that Mark E. Smith-uh knows who Nietzsche is. His sarcastic invocation of Nietzsche’s mythical hero is a sarcasm few modern music writers achieve. But the loud thrashiness isn’t all there is to the Fall, tracks like “Time Enough at Last” demonstrate Stith’s m o r e p o e t i c s i d e . T h e harder stuff like “Everything Hurtz” illustrates the Fall at their best, rivalling anything t h e y ’ v e d o n e b e f o r e , i n c l u d i n g t h e i r best’album so far m Wotlderful Frightening World of The Fall. The deeper the rest of Manchester slides into the quagmire of Raving lunacy, the more we need people like Mark Smith-uh and the more we need bands like The Fall.

Whither Particle Man? Now if you confronted me and asked me why I was bothering to review this thing about a decade after its release, you’d probably say something,like “I bet it’s time for a record auction and you’re catching up on all the stuff y o u were s u p p o s e d to r e v i e w o v e r thesummer.” Now even if (I said if) you were right, I’d still deny it. In fact, the story is that because They Might Be Giants’ latest release is so quirky, wacky, nutty if you will, it took some time to actually absorb it and give a realistic account of all the elements that make it the album it is. Fucked up. That’s whsit it is. Not being amember of the TMBG’s fan club even remotelyl I can say with full conviction and u n e q u i v o c a l l y t h a t m y e m o t i o n s to this album are definitely noncommital. Ha ha. I just don’t get the infatuation people have with these guys. Sortoffunny,buttheystillfallpreytothe problem with all joke bands, once you tell the joke, you laugh, but you don’t keep laughing over and over if the same person keeps telling you the joke. Not that the zany lyrics are all this album has, musically, it’s pretty safe to say that They Might Be Budgeted. A nice clear sound that doesn’t try to overpower the lyrics lays a solid base for the Johns’ lyrics. The budget these guys have also allows them to extend their craziness into the realm of CD manipulation. There are 38 tracks on this album, but tracks 17 t o 37 are random sound samples a .few s e c o n d s l o n g s u p p o s edly programmed to randomly insert themselves before songs. Cool.








I must admit I was looking for this album to turn me on to this band.- I don’t really like “Don’t Let’s Start,” but both “Particle Man” and “Istanbul Not Constantinople” are fantastically hillarious songs. (okay, sometimes y & laugh at the s&e ioke%ver and

over again). TMBG simply seem to have run out of ideas. If they can get them back, great, but if not there’s no way I could recommend the band based on this CD. , They Might Be Mediocre (YOU Might Be Smarmy ia ed.).

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Imptint Fridav, October



by Phil Robinson lmpfint s t u f f C o n t a g i o n ’ s Contaminant PCB release is the band’s first full-length a l b u m i f y o u c o n s i d e r a 33-minute C D release (not including remixes)

Contagion. lnptead, Contagion has more in common ‘with technepop bands like front 242 and Nitzer Ebb. The CD begins with a sound bite lifted from a religious program, and it’s all downhill from there. “We Believe“ features whispered “vocals“ and a repetitive beat. ‘Ingest“ l&gins w i t h w h i s p e r e d v o c a l s and I begin to wonder if anyone in the band can sing. My concerns are put to rest when the band shouts “take the line” as the song ends, and I begin to think I’m listening to just about any Nitzer Ebb song. The rest of the CD proves just

A band so sad, they rip offSkinny Puppy a full-length album. Mining the rich (money-making, not artistic) vein of “industrial” music, _ C o n t a g i o n ‘anticipates the evolution of the industrial genre”, or so says their press releas?. To me, “industrial music” is an overused term. Contagion has little in common with industrial bands like Einsturzende Neubauten or Throbbing Gristle. In artistic and-intellectual terms as well as o v e r a l l sound, industrial music is miles from the purpose and sound of


as repetitive. On “Who are You,” the band imitates Skinny Puppy, while early Ministry is the frame of reference for the track “Scratch.” The .album’s highlight is’ the rousing “Fuck You” chant in the song “Aggress. ” “Turn the Screw,” the final track (before five remixes) proves that rhyming for the sake of r h y m i n g w i l l m e r e l y a l e r t the listener to the inanity of the lyrics. As a bonus, the lyrics are included, just in case you wanted to laugh along withtbemusic.


Jimbob and Fruitbat’s recent sojourn through T.O. was bound to pick up a few f r i e n d s . T h e i r heady elixr of straight-forward in-your-’ fice ‘rock,, is immediately appealing as they have an undeniable knack for rrrrevving things up. Standing back, however, surveying Carter’s three-album career, one w o n d e r s i f t h e i r m o m e n t of greatness came and went with the first side of their debut 202 Damna~ions. Since then, major points of interest have been covers: Soft Cell’s “Bedsitter,” Yazoo’s ‘This Is How It Feels,“ The Smiths’ “Panic,” The Pet Shop Boys’ “Rent.” The latest single from the Carter 1992 Love Album, is a delightful pisstake of what else? Pop stars! Fun fun fun, but we’ve heard it better back on Darnnak~~~ in the form of “She&f Fatman.“ Perhaps t h i s Unstoppable Sex Md&ne is noticing their encroaching limpness, for what do we get as a bonus on this EP? Npt one, not two but three, yawn, three covers. The Billy Idol/Tony James-

penned Generation X “classic” “King Rocker” gets a workout, as d o e s W i r e ’ s ‘Mannequin” and m Jam’s “DownTnTheTubestationAt Midnight.” Operating as pop stars in their ~~referenti~arenaiscertainlysuspect. If, as they say “there’s Rubbish on the radio,” why are they doing sci many of other people’s Songs? The ‘rubbish” Carter speak of is p r o b a b l y t h e fact that they aren’t

huge international stars and, in their minds, deserve to be. The freshness of their approach, however, is spoili n g , and even the creative padding o f o t h e r s c a n ’ t m&k this faint, insistent smell. Without the musical adventurousness and diversity that say, The Wonderstuff managed on their last LP, Carter will continue to play their songs, and other songs _ _-_-- peonle‘s - -~~ we& just well eno~&:~ -- O-

Oktoberfest Rating Guide Alternative


wig Sales and Rentals . i hats l bald caps l swords .. makup . i witch l animal l clown noses I crepe hair l blood capsules .. latex l etc., etc. l l

by Tmvor Bkzir imprint staff

l .. ..*..*..*....*..*......D..“.....*~


i iD .. . i f. 0 l l


46 Princess Street,E. WATERLOO,







Your buttocks are firm and spherical.


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Cut off? Whaddya mean cut ofV?


placements drummer Chris Mars holds up quite well against both AZI SkookDown (theReplaceme.nts’di.sma1 swansong album) and the two solo Paul Westerberg pieces on the Sittgles s o u n d t r a c k . I’m not going to suggest that a&yone o t h e r t h a n W e s t e r b e r g w* the brains of the Replacements; it’s just that at this point he seems to be (in the words he once used to deby Dedc Weiler scribe Alex ChiIton) “a guy who /m#wint stuff fucking lost it real quick.‘, So we look to releases l&e Horsesti 1172d First, it should be noted that Hand Grenades with DerhaDs undue t h e d e b u t ~010 LP by ousted Re &item& A

Expires: Oct. 28192 3




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I vomit.


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It’s hard not ot think of this album as a sort of “beginner’s editied‘ of PZeased to Meet Me (the Replacements finest album and one of the best records of the ’80s). Mars displays the same ragged, guitarbased tunefulness that distin@shed that record. Like his old bandmates, he manages to work his ’70s infIuences into an appealing whole that still sounds f r e s h a n d n e w ( g r o u p s l i k e Pearl Jam are still catching up). Hmesh and Hand Grenades is full of lightweight, poppy - - _melodies that grow on the listener immensely, not unlike the fine new Lemonheads record. What Mars lacks is Westerberg’s emotional depth. Mars displays little of theangst that went with Paul Westerberg‘s position “outside- of society.‘, While Westerberg‘s vocals and lyrics were both instantly recognizable as the marks of a lonely soul, that is not the case here. Highlights include ‘Popular Creeps, ” “Reverse Status” and “MidnightCamival.“Hmseshaesand Hand Gremdes is a pleasant, enjoyable record. It has the advantage of n o t h i n g t o l i v e up t o : w h o w o u l d expect great things from the drummer of a

Minrwapolis band not

called Husker Du? So while it’s not a disappointment, it doesn’t exac tly set lofty expectations for further w o r k f r o m Mars either.






4-5 by Craig Nickerson special to the imprint

by Sandy Atwul lmpfint stuff

Half a decade in the making and was it ever not worth the wait. Former Pink Floyd bassist/ lyricist Roger Waters has created a sonic F r a n k e n s t e i n . A m u s e d to Death is a chaotic hodgepodge of chirping crickets, barking dogs and ringing sleigh-bells all brought to a grotesque parody of life by the unnatural science of Q-sound. Run! Hide! Okay, those familiar with Waters’ past work might not be put off -by this sort of thing. Remember when he was in Pink Floyd and there were all those cool clocks at the beginnhg of “Time”? That was awesome. And, remember when he had all that radio banter between. the tracks on Radio K&OS that kind of helped to tell a story? That was awesome. But this time Waters has gone mad I tell you! This album reminds me of that scene in Fantasia where Mickey Mouse looses control of all those brooms and buckets and things And long! Boy, is this album long! I think it might actually be l o n g e r t h a n m I&U, maybe even longer than the Great Wall! Ha ha! Of China! Ha ha! But seriously, I believe that the reason for Waters’ grievous over-use of Q-sound effects is two-fold. First, he is like a

kid in a candy store, unable to get enough of all this m2lrvellous studio technology. Second, he is trying to distract us from the music and lyrics that make up the other half of the album and which are truly awtill. Waters is the reigning king of art-rock concept albums and the concept behind Amused fo Dmth is gargantuan as is befitting His Majesty’s ego. It has something to do with God, evolu tim, the global community, television, and man’s inhumanity to man. I think. The trouble is that it is difficult to figure out what it is that Waters is ranting on about. Take the song “What God Wants Part II/ f o r i n stance. It may involve some scathi n g i n d i c t m e n t o f r e l i g i o u s funda-

m e n t a l i s m o r s o m e s u c h l e f t i s t bugaboo.‘Or maybe it’s an angry indictment against the Big Man Himself inthetraditionofXTC’s”DearGod.” Maybe it’s both these things all at once. You can tell that it is very important by Waters’ heartfelt, shriek like vocals. But the lyrics are like a shopping list for God. “God wants gigolos/God wants giraffes.” It seems what God wants are some intelligent lyrics. ~ I am convinced that Waters has lost his mind. I had myfirst suspicions about this when he had Cyndi Lauper butcher “Another Brick In Wall Part 11” on that god-awful live album he put out, but now I am convinced. Where is Syd Barret when you need him?

presents a completely mainstream view about the need for curbing the use of guns, the lack of safety in America etc. etc. But why tell this to the people who would buy this album? I’m making some assumptions here about what age group is going to buy this album, but I don’t i m a g i n e t o o m a n y c o n g r e s s m e n are going to be picking up this EP. Anyt h i n g i n t e r e s t i n g that could’ve been said about guns was said by Negativland e a r l i e r t h i s y e a r w i t h “Gilns.” The bottom line is this: Politics and music can mix.’ The Dead Kennedys seem to exemplify this type of mixture that makes sense. “California Uber Alles,” sure. “Holiday in Cambodia,” great. ‘Tool and Die,” no thank you. I’m not trying to dei9 dead punk groups, but Consolidated just have nothing new to add. to their topics. The lines of verse are presented w i t h o u t a n y o r i g i n a l s t y l e , no real rhyme, none of the allure of rap, . It% just there in your face without any musical talent evident whatsoever. Not only is it bad music/rap, whatever, it’s illogical. The fight against government fascism is aided in no way (as far as I can see) by providing said government with a monopoly of deadly force. Let George Bush or Bill Clinton or Brian Mulroney have the only real power over guns - no thanks. As ugly as it may seem, the right to bear arms is a right to protectoneselfagainstbadgovemmen~ To raise a militia if need be against either an internal or external threat. As unlikely as this may seem, it is the principle of individual liberty that is at stake here, and Consolcidated, whether or not they realizeit are advocating the intrusion of this liberty by the government. This just doesn’t cut it. Consolidated will no doubt gain more and more fame as the White Politi-

Is this the best single I’ve heard allyear?Itcouldjustbeanditwould come as no surprise if Tar end up with more hype than a band from Seattle that begins with N when their next LP comes out. Hailing from Chicago (please no references to Steve A.), Tar know how to deliver power fucking chords like ny p h y t e m i d w i v e s p e r f o r m i n g their first breech birth. Yeah, not a pleasant sight and it’s not a pleasant. sound, but if you’re looking for pleasant sounds, stay away from Minor Threat, Big Black (sorry), and 1 Killdozer. Comparisons may be useless (andsomightrecordreviews)when it comes to Tar but I’ve played this

single five, er, six times since I found it today. Just in case you’re wonderin’, yes the B-side is a cover of Roxy Music. R e v i e w i n g i n d e pendent 45s in a university paper rarely does bands any good, but if there’s one band that deserves the effort, it’s this thick, black sticky foursome. F i n d a r e c o r d by these guys and buy it now. If anything they’ve done sounds anything like t h i s , it’s b e w e l l w o r t h t h e m o n e y . What else are you going to spend it o n ? Video games or a goddamn Tshirt? Take a risk for god’s sake. They’re infectious more than anything else and that comes only from hard work, ori@naIity and &ill. Heavy but not like Tad heavy.


72510886 Mon-Srrt 114 _. OO


by Sandy Atwd Imprint staff

Having expounded upon most of my problems with Consolidated in last week’s review of Play Mare Music, I suppose I owe theband and Nettwerk a review of the album as m album rather than as a p r o d u c t (although were Mark, Adam and Philip not in Consolidated, I doubt they would extend the same


tesy). T h i s t r a c k s o n t h i s El? and the album as a whole are an improvement, and in fact quite a union (no pun intended) of their first two LPs.

While the first album The Myth of Rock layed down tar heavy beats and a bass track heavier than the battleship Potemkin, it provided little or no lyrical content on many of its tracks such as “White American Male” or “Consolidated.” “This is a Collective” pretty much summed up the album (and the band’s career to date as far as I’m concerned). Friendly Fascism presented the consumer with much spoken word, but very little new to say. Nobody likes preachers, whether they’re telling us they’ve been touched by the hand of god or Karl Marx. There was basically no reason for Frimd!y Fascism to have been an album. It’s message - which was the only contribution it made to anything, musically it was a pretty dank void - has been presented b e f o r e i n a m u c h more effective way. As far as “Tool and Die” is concerned, a track about guns and gun control is of no use to anyone who would buy the album. It

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Money for software venture - “Venture Capitalist will provide seed money to students who ars developing promising software programs. For further information call (416) 366-7758 or write with proposal and resume to: Ceyx Properties Ltd., 701 Kinn St. W, Suite #403, Toronto,&tario, Q5V 2W7. )(llath Stats tconomlcs. txpenenced tutor available for all 1st & 2nd year, many upper year courses. Group rates. Call %6-0746. G t the edge. txpeflenced I utors avarla& in Math Physics Calculus, Biology, German. &II 886-2657.

FOR St3LE Nlntendo Entertainment System and six games including Super Mario Bras. Three. Ail controllers and attachments provided. Price negotiable. Interested? call 886-3783. . ~orn~uter - Hrand new I~mS12 with moniior. Model 55SX-031-386SX , 30 MB hard drive, 2 MB Ram, 16MHz. $995. Call Jennifer at 747-3658. super sound1 Duality stereo system (best buy) or will separate. Must be heard to be believed! Speakers: B&W Matrix 2 Series 2, Mirage M-760. Components: Denon DRA-825R Integrated Amp, DCD-l420CD player, DR M12-Hn cassette deck. Call Paul 7256075 for audition, prices. Garage Sale -m B Churchill Courf Sunday, October 18 - starting at 9:00 a.m. Furniture, clothing, something for everyone. Free refreshments. #Kacintosb LC Computerw!th Style Writer printer. All standard softwire and wordprocessor included. $500 or best offer. Must sell. Call Skip at 725-8114 PERSONAL

3’ Bisexual Support - Group forming. For more information write to: Southwestern Ontario Bisexual Network, P.U. Box 28002, Parkdale Postal Outlet, Waterloo, N2L 658.

What If I’m Pregnant? Can I continue my University? Birthright cares. For free and confidential help call 579-3990. A n o t h e r W o r l d V i d e o Library 8 6 - 9 2 : intros, exits, etc. Send S.A.S.E. to Eddie Drueding, 5695 Eldridge, Montreal, Quebec, HW4 ZEl

TYPMG Fast profeaional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections available. Macintosh computer, laser printer. Suzaqne 886-3857.

I will do term papers, theses, resumes with computer and laser printer. Experience in APA. Fast turnaround. Sandy 658-l 028.

H&W WANTED $$$$, free travel and resume experience!! Individuals and Student Organizations wanted to promote Spring Break, call the nation’s leader. Inter-Campus Programs l-800-327-601 3. Students or Organizations. Promote our Florida Spring -Break packages. Earn money and free trips. Organize small or large groups. Call Campus Marketing 800-423-5264.’

Pre-Law Forum! October 15 or 16. For information about a unique one day event designed to teach you about every aspect of the law admissions process - Call 1-800-567-PREP (77371.

* Shot In The Da.rk * Full Circle Foods * Sun-Sations * K-W Bookstore &Exchange * Waterloo North Mazda * Subway * Waterloo Taxi * CKMS-FM * Apple Stylist * Data Store \ * Princess Cinema * Travel Cuts * Mavis Theatrical * Julies Flowers * Val’s Video * Little Caesar’s Pizza * Surrender Dorothy * Barron Optician * UW Housing Admin. * Centex * Picture Yourself * Vijay’s Restaurant * Gino’s Pizza * Schlotsky’s

EVERY SUNOAY University Worship Senrice at IO a.m , K&f& Memorial Chapel, WI-U Seminary Building (Albert St. at Seagram UnlFASSal Studios writer’s meetings! 7:30 p;m., HH 1391 Come join the fun! Beginners, experts and enthusiasts welcome! Also on Wednesdays. lslamlc Study Circle 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. room 110, Campus Centre. . Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship evening service. 7:00 p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 884-5712. EVERY MONaAY U W recycles - recycling representatives from every student society are requested to attend informal infromation meetings from 3-4 p.m. in the Campus Centre, room 138. Sept. 28; Oct. 19,26;Nov. 2, 16 & 30. University of Waterloo. House of Debates General Meeting at 5:30 in Physics 313. For information call Rahul Gangolli 725-9040 or 888-7661. Meetings every Monday at 5%) p.m.


* The Coronet

* * * * * * ‘* * * * *

Canada Remote Systems UW Federation of Students PC Factory Microway Comptuers WW Hellenic Association East Side Mario’s Dragon Palace Dr. Disc Patterson Saddlery Red Pepper Bar & Grill Dr. K. A. Papp

Sean Finucane, ext. 6265 or 884-3473. Brown Bag Forum - a Muslim - Non Muslim discussion. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Campus Centre, room 110. All are welcome! Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship Bible Study. 7:30 p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 884-5712. Baha’i Faith - informal presentation on inevitability of universal peace %I the Baha’i Information Centre, 2-91 King St. N., 730 p.m. or call 884-5907 for rrrore info. GLLOW, the campus Lesbian and Gay Association hosts coffee houses from 9 to 11 p.m. in HH373. These informal gatherings are an opportunity to make friei‘lds in a non-threatening atmosphere. Everyone is welcome. WATSRC-wanttojoinagmupofgamers, sci-fiiantasy fans and anime junkies? Come to a meeting: Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. in MC 1056. Personal Pan Pizza + pop = $1.75. 11:20 - I:30 in front of Bl 271. Sponsored by Science Grad Committee.

The lntemational Socialists meet every Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship Thursday at 730 p.m. in CC 135 to dismeets at 430 p.m. in MacKirdy Hall room cuss the theory and practice of socialism, 201. Enjoy an at-cost supper, followed Informal dlscusslons about rock climbby a Bible study/cliiussion. All are weling’ possibly with slides. Every Thursday come! For more info, contact Chaplain at 5:30, Campus Centre room 138. Graham Morbev at 886-l 474. Quick Questions - drop in to room 1001 t EVERY FRIDdW NH where a Career Advisor can answer Friday Muslim Prayer - 1 :OO p.m. to 1:45 your brief (15 min. or less) career or jobp.m. (Sept. & Oct.) ; 12100 p.m. to l2:45 related Question. 1 to 4 b.m. p,m. (Nov. 8 Dec.). Room 1 IO, Campus Amnesty I n t e r n a t i o n a l U W G r o u p meets ffom 7:30 to 9:oO p.m. in CC 135. l Centrem Speakers, videos, letter-writing and more. EVERY s4rruUMY Join us in our campaign for human rights Career Resource Centre - hours - 11 - everyone welcome! a.m. to 3 p.m. Check out employer, caUW &ggling Club meets from 5 to 7 reer, work/study abroad and educational .m. Blue Activity Area of the PAC. information. NH It 15, Sept. 26, Oct. 3 El eginners welcomel For more info call and 31. I

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V O L U N T E E R S Leisure Buddy Service needs voiunteers 14 and older to provide tiupport to people with disabilities who may require assistance to participate in leisure activities in the community. Call Lee Love at 741-2228 for more information. Friends 18 a schod volunteer program where adults are matched with children who would benefit from an adult friendship. Children gain oonfiice through activities with their adult friend. To voiunteer call Dorothy Henderson, CMHA office 744-7645. International Students Office seeksvolunteers to assist international students with conversational English. ii you are interested in tutoring, contact Sheryl Kennedy at ext. 2814. Urgently Needed - volunteers to trany scribe text to tape for students with tow vision. Bilingual, training and equ’ipment will be provided. Taping can be done at home oron campus. if interested contact Rose Padacr at Needles Hail, ro0m 2051 or phone ext. 5231. UW Career Fair ‘92 - Your chance to get to know various employers and make contacts. For more information call ext. 4047 or drop by NH 1001. Literacy Program needs volunteers to work with special education students oneto-one. 1 to 2 hrs/twice a weekfrom Sept. to June 1. Great opportunity for students who want to go into Teacher’s College. Call --_. 885-0800. __- _--16th Waierfw Brownies need leaders and heloers. Call Candice at 7472102 Mate volunteers urgently needed to assist on a tone-to-one basis, male individuals who have a disability and are involved in leisure activities. Call Lee at 741-2228 for more info. Voluntwr fair ‘92 being held Fri. Oct. 16 and Sat. Oct. 17 at Fairview Park, Kitchener. Presented by the Volunteer Action Centre. Find ut boy you can better our community and enhance your own life. For info call: 742-8610. student Volunteer Centre. Volunteering is a great way to explore career opportunities, meet new people, help out in your community.. We have a variety of placements available to suit your interests. Come to CC 206 or call ext. 2051. Volunteer needed f w man who is blind.. Go for walks 2-3 times per week. Please call Rick at 884-8793

Airways Trarts~t- Airporter wilt drop off and pick up passenger8 at the CAMPUS CENTRE instead of the University Avenue Kiosk effective JULY 2, 1992, WATflim - a brand new club so popular that it has over 50 members in its very first term! Make a vi* production. Be part of crew or cast. Actors and martial artists needed. Call Phi! at 72516180. me !S8xu8iitv Resource Centre - is a trained studeht volunteer senrice that offers information, support and referrals to those in need. This se&e is FREE. Call 885-l 2f 1, ext. 2306 or ieave a message at ext. 4042. The SRC is,located in room 15OA. Camous Centre. UW. I Edmtin talks - these t&s will be videotaped. Tapes wilt be avaifable in late October in the Career Resource Centre, NH 1115. Applicationsdue December 1 l/92. University of Toronto - Oct. 14 from 9:3010%) in NH 3001; Brack Ur@versity - Oct. 14 from 10:30-I 1:30 in NH 3001 ; Nipissing University - Oct. 14 from 2:303:3O in NH 3001 ; University of Ottawa Oct. 14 from 3:3O-4:30 in NH 3001 ; University of Windsor -Oct. 15 from 9:3Olo:30 in NH 3001 ; University of Western Ontario - Oct. 15 from 1030-l I:30 in NH 3001 ; York Univetiity - Oct. 15 from 11;30-f2;Xl in NH 3001 ; Lakehead University - Oct. j5 from 2:3O-3:3O in NH 3001 ; Queen University - Oqt. 15 from 3:304:30 in NH 3OOt. -.-FREE public lectures presented by WLU and UW will be held every Monday at

noon at KPL to Dec. 6. This Fail’s topics are: Oct. 26- Ontario’s Best Kept Consumer

Secrets K-W Art Gallery- 101 Queen Street N., Kitchener- 579-5860. Art Alive Lectures begin Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. Call for details. Exhibits of sculptures, photography, fashion shows, art classes, water coiotir classes aI1 coming up. Call the above number for more information. Rectum serb at Sea&am MuseumSept I5 to Nov. 3. For more information contact Anthony Horton at 885-l 857. K-W Uve Theatre- 9 Princess St., Waterloo, 8864660. Workshops begin Oct.7 1992 to Feb.24, i 993. For more information phone the above number. Homer Watson Gallery- 1754 Old Mitt Rd. Kitchener. Gallery hours: Tues. to Sun. 12 to 4:3O, Thurs. 12 to 8 p.m. Call 748-4377 for lecture times and classes. Ukrainian Student Club is seeking new members and a new student cour’tci. For more info call Roman Sirskyj 884-0774 after 6. kike Mosner Memorial Awards: Third and fourth year students who have financial need, an exemplary academic record, and a high level ot accomplishment in extra-curricular activities are intiited to apply for these-awards. Application induding resume and two letters of reference to be submitted by November 30,1992 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. Sp@al applications available at the Students Awards Office.

strong in&west inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunit&s.Tue&y, -2Oat 3:3O4% p.m.; Wednesday, Oct0ber 21 at 11:3O-f2:3O p.m.;Tuesday, October27 at 11:3O-12130 p.m.; Thursday, Oct0ber 2 9 . at 4:3O-5% Myem-Btiggs Type indicator - d-&cover preferred ways of wo&ing. Monday, October 19 at I:3O-2%) p.m.;Thu&y, &tober 29 at 11:3O-12130 p.m. Register at Counseliina Services. NH 2080. I


J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries - avaiiabb to ail Chemical. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship - available to 38 Engimn$ students. Chevron Canada Resoures Ltd. S&darship - available to all 38. John Deere Limited Schdarship - available to ail 38 Mechanical - mine November 27,1992. *Charles Deieuw Scholarship - available to ail 3B Civil. Dow Chemical inc. $&l&ship - avaiiable to ail 3B Chemical. Gandalf Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Engineering 18 and above. Noreen Energy Computer Science Chemical and Geologicat Engineering Award - available to Geological and Chemical year two or above: Ontario Hydro Eiectrial Award -available to 2B Electrical. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 36 Civil, Water Resource Management. MS. Yolles & Partners Limited Schoiarship - available to 3B Civil. FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Sh$ley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning, preference to female applicants. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - avaiiable to3rdye& Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Andersen Consulting Scholarship -available to 3B Math. Eiectrohope 75th Anniversary Schoiarship -available to 38 Computer Science. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULTY OF SClEFlCE Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Schiarship - available to 2nd yar or 26 Earth Science. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Science, see department. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - avaiiable to 38 Earth S&&Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memorial Schdarship availave to 3rd or 4th year Kinesioiogy deadline - January 8,1993. Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesioiogy deadline - October 16,1992. *Ron May Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Recreation - deadline October 16,1992. FOR APPLICATION FORMS and further information please contact the Student Awards office. 2nd.floor. Needles Halt.

Reading & Study Skills - take adv$age of individual counselting and workshops in study skills in the ciassrooin - notetaking, effective listening, class preparation, effective study techniques, including time management, textbook reading, concentration and effective exam writing skill. (4 cons8cutive sessions). Tuesday October 27 - 9:3O - 11:3O a.m. or I :3O - 3:3O p.m. + Wednesday Odober 28 - 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Friday&t&er3O-9:3O-11:3Oa.m. Wednesda@ctober28-9:3O-llz3Oam: . Time Management and Procrastination: . For writs who procrastinate and have tmubie organizing their studii. (4 conSign upsheetsand handoutsa@iablein -0sessirotlg) NHlOOl the week prior t0 presentation F@istW1$4&9g Counselling S&cW, date. ALL classes&ice piace in NHI 020 NH 2080 0r.W etiension 2655. unkse etated otherwise. OCTOBER Friday 16 - intelview Skills fit Workshop. 9%) to 11:30 a.m. The application deadline wilt be October S a t u r d a y 1 7 - Career Planning/Job 30,1992uni8ssotherwis8stat8d.(‘m8ark SearchInfoSession, 10:3oto 12:OOp.m. thereisaSpecia!Applicationwhiicanbe obtainedfromth&StudentAwardsOlfii), - Resume Writing Informati0n session, The following awards are currently availI2:3O to I:30 p.m. a@1 :30 to 2:m p.m. able: Interview Skills t information Session, ALL FACULTlES 2:45 to 4:OO p.m. *Don Hayes Award - deadline - January r Ttiesday,20 - Job Search I infoktiorr 15,1993* Session, 9:3O to 1O:OO a.m. Room NH *Mike Moser Bursary - deadline - Novem1 I5 , Job Search ii Workshop, 1U:OO to ber 30,1992. 11% a.m. Tom York Memorial Award - essay, ap Wedndsday 21 - Resume Critiquing proximately &so0 words, interested canWorkshop, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Intro to didates should submit essay to St. Paul’s Overseas Jobs information Session, 4;3O United College. to 5:30 p.m. FACULlY OF ARTS Thursday 22 - Resume Writing fnformaArts Student Union Award - deadline tion Sessicm, 3~30 to 4;30 p.m. and 4% c3cttber 30,1992. to 5:30 p.m. . FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Monday 26 - Researching Occupations Andersen Consulting Scholarship - avaiiWorkshop, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Resume able to 38 Engineering. Writing Information Session, 4% to 5:30

p.m. and 5~30 to 6:3O p.m. Tuesday 27 - interview Skills I inf0mtation Session, 3:3O to 430 p.m. and interview Skills Ii Workshop, 4%) to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday28 - Resume Critiquing Workshop, 2:3O to 4:3O p.m. and C.V. Guidelines Info Session, 5:00 6zOO p.m. T h u r s d a y 2 9 - Netwuting W o r k s h o p , 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday 31 - Preparing for the Job Search Workshop, 10:00 - 5:00 p.m. NOVEMBER Monday 2 - Researching Employers I information Session, 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. Room NH 1115 ,Researching Employ ers ii Workshop, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday 3 - Resume Critiquing Workshop, I :3O to 3:3O p.m. Wednesday 4 - Intro to Career Planning 8 Job Search, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. lnforrnation interview Workshap, 6:00 to 7:OO p.m. Thursday 5 - Resume Writing information Sessian, 2:30 to 3:3O p.m. Letter Writing information Session, 3:30 to 4:3O p.m., , Friday 6 - Summer Jobs information Session, lo:30 to 11:30 a.m. Monday 9 - interview Skills I information Session, 12:30 to I :30 p.m., lntenriew Skills ii Workshop, 1:3O to 2:30 p.m.. intenriew Skills iii Workshop, 2:30 to4:30 p.m. Tuesday 10 - Intro to Self Asessment Workshop, 330 to 4:3O p.m. rOOm 1030. Resume Writing Information Session, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.. Letter Writing information Session, 8:OO to 9:OO p.m. Wednesday II - Job Search 1 informaiion. Se&on, 2:30 to 3:00 p.m., Job Search ii Workshop 3:00 to 4:3O p.m. r00mNH1115. Thursday 12 - Resume Critiquing Workshop, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Monay 16 -Networking Workshop, 101301 to 11:3O a.m.. Resume Critiquing Workshop, 2:3O to 4%) p.m. Tuesday ~17 - intro to Overseas Jobs information Session, 10:3Oio 11:3O a.m.. C.V. Guidelines Information Session, 1230 to 130 p.m

W@needay I8 - Resume Writing ‘Information Session, 10%) to 11:30 a.m.. letter Writing information Session, 11:30 to 12:30 p.m.. Researching Occupations W-hop, 290 to 330 p.m. 1 Monday 23 - Summer Jobs information Session, 3:&l to 4%). p.m.

Main Library 85 Queen St., N. 743-0271.


Thursday October 2?: 7:3O p.m. -Pierre Burton talks about his new book, NSaara..A of the Falls, Tvesday October.27: 7:15 p.m. -Reglstmtion: Starting a Smatl Business. Part Ii. Roy Van Site, Collins Barrow, Chartered Aaquntants outline legal quesrtions.



FCILL, 1992

Ail events are FREE and take place in theConrad Grebel College Chapel. Wednesday, November 4 at 12:30 p.m. Bill Moolen- .saxophone and Card Isaac, piano. Wednesday, November I8 at 12:3O p.m. - Eiissa Poole, baroque flute and Vivian Sofronitskaia, harps&hod. LectnreandLunchSeries To #@star ceil Chris Gdertz at Conrad G&et College, 885-0220, ext. 223. Monday, October 26 - 10:3O a.m. - Lecturer: Jim Reimer, “The Disintegration of Yugoslavia”. Monday, November 2 - 1%) p.m. - Lecturer: Ernie Regehr, ‘Somalia: The Conflicts Behind the Catastrophe”. Monday, N0vember 9 - 10:3O a.m. - Letturer: Werner Packuli, “Probiems in the New Germany”, Monday, November 16,10:3O a.m. - Letturer: Leonard Friesen, ‘Life After Gorbachev: Struggle for Change in the former USSR’.



Friday October 16 German C l u b p r e s e n t s : O d e a n F reiheit - Der Fail der Berliner Mauer. (German} reunification, discussion to tow, coffee sewer. 7p.m, ML 354.

Saturday October 17 re istration. 1 :OO p.m. Sledge tfock at Lion’s’ Arena,@tlloci tine Rd., Kitchener. For more info call: 741-2226. Tuesday ootobrw 20 GLLOW discussion Group wilt discuss: As We Grow Older - issues For Us All. Al! lesbians, bisexuals, gays and other gayposotove ie welcome. U of W envir0nmenta P Studies Building 2, rOOm 173, 7:30 p.m. l

Wd -21 W a t e r l o o B--iI lood onor Clinic. First United Church, King and William St. I:30 cupation and genocide. S kers: Abe Barr&o Soares and Peter I!giin. Movie “in Coid Bic&d” Biology -2 room 350.

room at 730 p.m. Qving

Withouf RelF . i-1 ArtskI Scxzi 700 .m. East gmpus hs r&%l~. 4he Constant Factor Friday October 23 Ail students are invited to join the Heilenic Students Association for Pub Night with a taste of Greece at Ruby’s, Waterloo inn. $5 members, $7 n&members. bermtMIntheAitMdm+nrstiationspeciaiization of the App&d Strdies Cokp program? then plan to attend this informal info eeseion. 7:00 p.m., Hagey Hail 373. Meet* ArEs Administr@on Adviso Cauncii and students in program. Re7reehment%

<Deadline for

desk fqr all the

M0@ayQct&r19‘ . . - Canadian R& l H0w to USQ M’ search kK&nnq CD:. OM. Dana%po?er Library: 2% p.m. ; 5 ?:, . ‘*How to uk,e P~asupher% inc&Kun CD- . F@d. Dana Port8r iqmy: ‘lo:30 all.- ,,” Tuesday@tob&r 20 - ’ -*How touse EconLii on CD-ROM. Dana Portef Library: 1:30: p.m. ,: *How to use Enviro/Ener*iine Abstracts Plus on CD-ROM. Dana Porte+ibrary: ., 2:30 p.m. . *How t0 uee Re$gion indexes an CDRQM. Dana Porter Library: 11~30 a.m. Wednesday October 2l , Term P a p e r W o r k s h o p . D a n a Port& Libra*: I:30 p.m. *-How to use Public Affairs informatiop Services (PAIS) on CD-ROM. Dana Porter Library: 2:3O p.m. Thursday October 22 Term Paper Workshop. Dana Porter Library: 1:30 p.m.

die I hr foiFree.

at I , 5p.m.





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