Volume 1 Number 17 5

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Volume 15 Number 17

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15, Number





pages 3 - 7

Feds continue with OUSFA funding plans by Mm special



Wood hpfint

The University of Waterloo’s break from the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) last year is producing at least one new initiative. David Martin, UW’s Federation of Students president, is help ing design and promote an “income contingent loan” alternative to the current Ontario Student Assistance Program funding system. The proposal is in direct confJict with the zero tuition policy of both the OFS and theCanadianFederationof Students. Waterloo is currently a member of CFS, but the Feds are holding a referendum on membership next term. “In the next week and a half we’ll go public,” said Martin. The draft plan has been approved in principle by students’ council. Also involved in the drafting of the plan are Queen’s, Brock, and Toronto. Western and Wilfrid Laurier have also participated. The plan involves a universally available loan up to tuition costs, a “needs based” program involving additional loans and grants, and a continuation of bursaries targeted to women, visible minorities and aboriginals. Repayment of the loans would be based on income earned upon graduation. Only once a graduate earns more than a mean income, of say $22,WO per year, would they begin repayment. Repayment would also be graduated such that at higher levels of income, a higher percentage of income would be charged for repayment. Butnoteveryoneishappywith the repayment idea. “No matter what their politics, I can’t see that this plan is in their

constituents’ (students’) interests,” said Ken Craft, chairperson of OFS. ‘$ncreasi.ng student debt loads is] lobbying on behalf of the administration, not on the behalf of students.” Craft is also critical that the income contingent plan does not address the problem of equity. “There are a lot of socio-economic groups who, for cultural reasons, will not take on debt loads,” he said. “A loan system will not lead to greater equity.” But Martin diigreed. “The plan doesn’t place the burden on students but on those who have graduated. It shifts the burden (of funding) from students to professionals,” he said. Martin also felt the income contingency initiatives would help solve the university funding crisis. “Until we find more income for universities, the quality of student life will deteriorate -- that doesn’t mean raising tuition fees, it means . . . [finding funding] not from the students but graduates,” ’ he said. The jury is still out, however, on which proposal, if any, will form the basis of QSAP reform. “Ofcoursetheir~lan(the~eds’) is more likely to be implemented their lobbying for a higher student debt load,” said Craft. The Council of Ontario Universities (COT& The Ministry of Colleges and Universities, and many senior university administrators have discussed different versions of an income contingency loan plan.

UW architecture Students’ Design Charette proposals were on display earlier this week and, no, we aren’t paying $10 mCllion for a cardboard the new athletic equipment will be cardboard, the rest - box board.

by Steve Courtesy


Do you have problems with a landlord or a rootite? Do you need help signing a lease? Are you having problems with a professor? Or do you want @ appeal a mark but do not kinow how? As of November 2, the University of Waterloo has a new ombudsperson. Her name is Marianne Miller - and she is there for you! In case you always wanted to know but were too embarrassed to ask, an ombudspersan is a cross between a pseudo-lawyer and a counsellor. According to the Federation of Students, the ombudperson exists to provide in-

elude conflict resolution and mediation, She is not a lawyer, but can refer students to a lawyer that comes in once a week and offers free legal advice. Miller has received her undergraduate degree from Wilfrid Laurier University and is currently

demicresearcher for the Feds. Above all, Miller is a great person to talk to. “No problem is too big,” says Miller. “If students are feeling overwhelmed they should come and see me before the problem escalates, I want to make my office more vis-


doing her masters

ible to the students-”

tion after

You can make an appointment to see Miller by calling extension 2402 or just drop by her office in the Campus Centre room 15OC.

Kendall, the lawyer for the [Laurier] Student’s Union. Bigioni and possibly Students’ Union president ChristinaCraftwillbemeetingwith Kendall around the end of Novem-



The recent election scandal [at WLU] has led to the amendment of two [Laurier] Students’ Union bylaws. L This was the principle matter at the emergency BOD [ Laurier Stu‘dents’ Union Board of Directors] m&ingonThursday,November5. The BOD changed two by-laws so they would not have to hold another by-election to fii the vacancy left by Clark Chu’s resignation. Board member Dave Sigioni stated that through this change, the board may be criticized for becoming less representative, but that the ..

New ombuckperson takes office for you




both academic and non-academic problems to the UniversitycommuMy. This service is free and absolutely confidential. Miller’s jobs in-



for you,

photo by Renee Georgacopoulos


in English

at U-W+

She has a great deal of experience in-counselling; at Laurier, she was a don and a head resident (tutor). She has also taught English as a second language and was an aca-



photo by Renee Georgacopoulos

WLUSU election scandal continues changeis”inthebestinterestsofthe students.” The first alteration was to bylaw 16, section 39 a), which formerly stated that “Any amendment to this and any other by-law of this corporation must be passed by twothirds of the directors and shall be effective when approved by a majority of the votes at an annual or other meettig.” However, since this “violated” see . tion 129-2 of the Corpora. tion Act of Ontario, it was changed to allow the board to alter bylaws at ariy meeting and for the -multing amendments to be effective until confirmed or rejected at the following annual meeting. Bigioni said that “the actual illegality of that clause [by-law 16, section39]issomethingthatI’mnot sure whether it’s definitively illegal but it’s restricted by the Corporations Act.” The next annual meeting (an election that includes the entire student body) will occur in February. This amendment is actually in violation of the by-law it sought to change, but Bigioni declared that the Corporation Act supercedes the by-lawsof theStudents’Union, such that the original by-law had no meaning or power. Thus, it was “fully within the jurisdiction of the board” to effect such an amendment. This by-law was ratified by the student body at last February’s elec-

OFS and CPS both support a zero tuition and student grant program, with substantial funding increases coming from government.

at the Campus

Student Life Center;

bertoreviewalloftheby-lawofthe Students’ Union. The other amendment made by theboardwas by-law 16,section 7, which formerly required board positions vacated before December 1 to be filled by a by-election. Presently, the seats will only have to be filled if they are vacated before September 1. A by-election to replace Chu in the current case

V’m rtot sure that it% definitively illlegal but it’s

of January due to election regulations (which are currently under review by Bigioni, Darren Mahaffey, theChiefRetuming Officer. and Board





by J&n


for the election of next year’s BOD. Due to this change, there will only be fourteen board members for the rest of this academic year instead of the usual fifteen. StudentPublicationspresident Martin Walker has been the most vocal opponent to the changes in the by-laws. Walker wrote to the board that “the by-laws of the corporation were meant to be upheld, not broken.” He also stated that the integrity of the corporation was challenged. Nick Jimenez, last year’s StudentsUnion president, agreed with Walker that “It’s a pretty dangerous precedent to be setting.” Jimenez also said that “I don’t think you should humiliate or show any disrespect for your by-laws.” Meanwhile, Bigioni said that he thinks the issue is fiihecl until the






in February. This should allow the Union to concentrate on more productive tasks and allow them to better serve the students they were elected to represent.

Imprint Friday, November




Bridging the Gtw series:

Engineers for the’future by Frank




In this, the last of a series of . lectures about helping to bridge the gap between engineering and other disciplines, adjunct professor in the

economics department Larry Smith gave a great talk about the future of the marketplace and in particular how engineers in the future will have to adapt to these changes. Smith started out by telling a story to which he related many of his later points;. The story involved the risi to power of a typical engi-



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neer who after many decades in the multinational company finally was promoted to the ultimate achievement sf being the CEO. All his life he held fast to the classical teachings of engineering and had worked hard, which lead hi.m to becoming the CEO. Unfortunately, the company was having hard times when he tookoverandaftera whiletheboard of directors got fed up with his lack of. progress and, although he pleaded for more time, he decided to resign rather than go t,hrough the humilation of being fired. The person in the story was then revealed to be Robert Stemple who was until recently the head of GM. The point of the story was that although Stemple had done nothing wrong, in fact he had followed engineering principles to the letter, the marketplace for GM was changing while he and the company were not ready for these changes. So the first point Smith made Gas to point out the fact the marketplace is always changing, and as a cause of our modem information The Campus Centre was invaded by soft furry things this last era, it keeps changing faster and week in the annual Crafi Fair. Us broke students were tempted faster. to spend our tuition money on such delights as fudge, felt hats, Unfortunately, the nature of teather belts, and nice, boy were they nice, wool sweaters. technological advances is such that photo by Ken Bryson progress is done slowly and methodically. Bat as the marketplace is an unfair cruel world, it has high of his other qualifications, he had as he said supervisors don’t give the one special quality of being able future managers responsibility, expectations of what science can do and how fast it can progress. to be an advocate for the university. rather they wait for future managHe then cited many examples He said that this is becoming a ers to take it. of companies which have not very important skill which many The final subject was to point adapted to changes in the fickle engineers are not used to emphasizout that the marketplace was curmarketplace quickly enough, in paring. As he stated “facts do not speak rently offering a new realm of areas in which opportunities can be titular Coleco, who went bankrupt for themselves” and that most engiafter the Cabbage Patch Doll marneering rewrts he sees are drv and found. Gone are the davs when enfactual: teshnically correct b;t not gineers could be assurid of eventuket dried up. ally working for a manufacturing The second ‘-point had to do with what the company solely producing prodmarket now expedts of ucts for consumers. engineers; companies The country will always need no longer just wanted some type of manufacturing induspeople with solely a try, but the biggest growing section of the marketplace is the service good technical backsector which is no longer just a paraground. Instead, the site feeding off manufacturing. marketplace now deIn fact, the service industry is mands engineers who havedepthandbreadth; thelargestintheCanadianeconomy theymusthaveaknowland continues to grow; hence it conedge of economics, sotinues to offer the opportunity for ciety, and trends inbuyengineers to use their knowledge in ing habits, as well as the non traditional areas. Smithended the talk by stating technological base. Enhis bottom line that these changes gineers may deem this as unfair, but, as he ex- Not just industry aren’t just a trend for a year or two, anymore. plained, fairness does but that this is probably what socinot come into play; one has to acable to say to the person reading the ety will be looking at for decades to cept what is wanted in the marketreport why this technology should come. place or face bleak job prbspects. be used. He said that engineering The next point was very topical professors often do not want “artsy Overall, a greattalk by problanguage” in technical reports, but as it had to do withthe appointment ably thebest speaker I have seen on of James Downey as the next presisociety will no longer accept this as campus. This was the last in this dent of our univemity. S~@th susthe way to do things. series of lectures for this term, but pected that the reason he was choBeing more assertive and aglook for more interesting talks on sen over many other well-deservgressive was the next suggestion the role of engineers in society being candidates was that, above all for success in the future economy; ginning again in January.

Licruor law crackdown

CyanI see your ID, please by Ken lmjwint

Bryson stu#

You will now need govemmen&issued identification to enter any licensed bar an campus. In a decision affecting even the Bombshelter and Fed Hall, Associate Provost for Student Affairs and Chair of the Alcohol Committee Peter Hopkins has decided that regulation 41 .of the liquor licensing act must be followed at all licensed establishments on campus. This means that as well as you student ID card, you must produce

either a driver’s license or an age of majority card to gain entrance. “Every other establishment follows that [law] and we will follow it as well,” said Hopkins. This will not adversely affect patronage at the Bombshelter, though, hopes Bombshelter Manager Larry Vaughan. “We’ve been pretty strict here with ID, but people have to realize that they’re cracking down on everybody.” Students can still gain entrance to the Bombshelter with their student card but should be prepared to back that up with a government

card, Vaughan says. Both Hopkins and Vaughan were adamant about the requirement being the law and that it must be followed. “That’s what the law requires, and we’ve got to abide by the law,” said Vaughan. Hopkins is currently waiting for a clear interpretation of the law from the liquor license inspector to determine the final ramifications; but for now, it’s no entrance without government identification. VPOF Brent McDermott, who oversees all Federation businesses, could not be reached for comment.


News WLU symp&im

last weekend



Fidqq, Noyember

13, 1992



Stolen Continents author speaks on 1492 by Eleanor Grunt spedal to imprint

Nap&on Bonaparte once said ‘%istoryisasetofliesagreedupon.” With this quote, Ronald Wright, author of Sfolm Conrimts and Time Among #he Maya; opened his keynote address at Wilfrid Laurier University’s symposium “Reflecting on 1492: Past and Present” on Saturday, November 7. Ten WLU faculty members participated in the day-long event, which attracted an audience varying from 30 to 100 people including many from off campus. One of the main themes taken up by keynote speaker Ronald Wright was the history of the Iroquois Nations. Wright explained that the Iroquois nations used to inhabit a greatpartofpresent-dayOhio,New York State, southern Ontario, and southern Quebec. After they sided with the British in the American Revolutionary War and lost, the British compensated them for the loss of all their land south of the St. Lawrence by giving them 1,200 square miles in southern Ontario. But that Six Nations territory has since become much smaller. “The Iroquois always thought of their lands as sovereign territory,” said Wright. They were never conquered and have never signed any treaties and they have steadfastly refused to sign any treaty making them part of Canada, Wright said. In 1829, Wright said, the Mounted Police came onto the reserve at Akwasasne and shot the

chief dead, in order to impose the selection of a band council according to the Indian Act. After Confederation the Iroquois sought a hearing with the new federal government to establish their sovereipty, but Ottawa refused to hold the hearing. Next the Iroquois appealed to the British Crown, only to be told that London no longer had any jurisdiction in the matter. After World War I, a delegation of Iroquois went to the League of Nations, with their own passports, and asked to join is a sovereign nation. Four countries agreed to sponsor the Iroquois as a member of the League of Nations. But the British then exerted such pressure against the four, that they dropped their sponsorship. The leader of the Iroquois delegation came home “a broken man,” Wright said. “We didn’t think we would live long enough to see a British promise not be good. Canada has established a government over us composed of traitors among us,” the dejected leader lamented. In 1927, Ottawa passed an amendment to the Indian Act making it illegal to collect money for the purpose of retaining lawyers to bring the sovereignty issue before the courts. This law remained on the books until the 1950s. To this day, Wright said, the Iroquois do not participate in Canadian electiOX7.S.

AlongsidetheIroquois,Ronald Wright’s greatest interest has alwaysbeentheMayanpeople,whose civilization was centred in presentday Guatemala/There are still five million speakers of their languages


What Hall?

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Kevin Lyons 2A Economics

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I haven’t


Other faculty members who participatedwereRenatoCristi,philosophy; Barry Gough, history; Gordon Greene, music; Ilse Friesen, fine arts; Terry McIntosh, biology; Hildi Froese-Tiessen (Conrad Grebel College) and Paul Tiessen, English and film studies; David Black, communication studies; and Laird Christie, anthropology.

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taught his people to hold to their longhouse religion after American forces had overrun the Six Nations’ lands. Wright% fast-paced lecture was accompanied by a slide presentation which included the amazing Inca stone fortresses and terraced mountain sides in the Andes, a Cherokee log house and printing press in the American Midwest, and Aztec pyramids in Mexico. The event was the third Laurier Lecture on Native Issues in Canada to be held in 1992.


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WhatisHomecoming?AllIknowis there is a party this weekend? Christine IA Arts

Katherine Knox 3A Recreation

Homecoming? bered one yet!

sion and disease and loss of land, had to deal with the additionalpressure of Christian missionaries, Wright said. Religion and the ancestral memory cherished in the heart were frequently the only means left of resisting tie Europeans. A written account from Peru tells of the instructions given to his people by one of the last great Inca leaders, Manco, in about 1500. Wright read part of it from Stolen Continents: “TheSpanisharesavagesXhey take our land, our wives . . They will make you worship what they worship. Do it in front of them. But remember the Inca dynasty.” The people of the Andes still expect a return of the ancient dynasty, even though they now go through the forms of Christianity, Wright said. He also told of the Iroquois Seneca orator Red Jacket, who e Fairview


What is the theme of the Kappa Gamma Phi kegger party at 313 Beechlawn?


Amanda White 3N PolkSci


today. Rigoberta Men&u, a Mayan activist, was awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize for her resistance to the terrorism of the Guatemalan government against themayanpeo-c pie. Unlike thoseinNorth America, the Native people of Central and South America were living a settled agricultural life in towns and cities before the conquest. Agriculture had spread to the north and the south mainly from Guatemala, where the Mayans had perfected the cultivation of corn, beans, and potatoes over many centuries. “The Mayans in Guatemala were always great historians and writers,” said Wright, pointing out that the art of writing has only been invented six tima in human history; the Mayans rank with the ancient Egyptians and Chinese in this regard. “The Spanish burned their books because they couldn’t tolerate a rival civilization,” Wright said. But tlk Mayans adapted their language’ to the European alphabet and continued to write, as did the Aztecs. “The people of the Americas were as advanced as the Europeans of the day,” Wright said. “They made up one-fifth of the world’s population, just as they do today.” Their near-extermination, which was caused mainly by European diseases, would be equivalent to thedeathofonebillionpeoplenow. It has h said, he quoted, that the America colonized by our forefathers “was not a virgin wiIderness but a widow.” The remnant of Native people who survived the trauma of inva-




is Homecoming?

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Friday, November


13, 1992

Great Wkite Architect Gehrv sez




I came, I-spoke, I played by David Flynn, Alan and Eric Taker special to Imprint


Last weekend, the School of Architecture celebrated its 25th anniversary by inviting prominent American architect Frank Geluy to Waterloo to deliver the 23rd Hagey lecture, to participate in a three-day design charette for the new Student Life Centre, and to play hockey. The intense schedule began last Thursday with the initiation of the design charettes, where groups of students pulled their ideas together. Members of his office worked closely with these student design teams. Later that evening, Gehry lectured at Federation Hall - an appropriate venue given the energy of his work. He delivered a comprehensive and entertaining lecture which appealed to the many different backgrounds present, On Friday, a discussion-workshop was held in the Senate Board room. Saturday marked the -final stages of the design charettes and the day of the hockey challenge. At the Columbia Ice Fields, tie Gehry team also worked closely (with two ex-NHL ringers, we might add) in overpowering the formidable student/alumni/faculty hockey team in a full equipment hockey game, which they won 6-2. Frank Gehry grew up in Toronto and then moved to Santa Monica, California, where he now practices. His architecture and furniture design have gained international recognition. Gehryhasbeenacknowledged with numerous awards including the top three in the architectural profession, the Wolf Prize, the Arnold W. BrunnerMemori+lPrize and the Pritzker Architecture Prize. His architecture derives its unique character by drawing on diverse sources, including popular culture, unconventional materials, and the arts of sculpture, dance and painting. . These allow th& conventional architectureofwalls,floorsandroof to be transcen ded and achieves a highly spirited sense of place creating spaces that are dynamic and


SINCE 1947

exciting to experience. The following is a sampling of FrankGehry’sideasandstatements, motives and approaches&at were compiled during the course of his visit. On con27entiort: What’s the matter with just making mud pies? It

And this is where

I tie my skates

a mega-project done by one person makes any sense. It’s not a rule forever, but I think the smaller interventions in the city are more realistic, they&n be accomplished, and they can be very powerful. Have you been to Japan? On texture: All the Japanese

. ..

doesn’t guarantee anything, and at the end of the day, someone likes it and says its okay. ’ Qn peess: Any ‘creativity is a kind of child-like inn&ence A ques~oning,leadingtoadiscovery.That is playfulness. ln reality this is the most painful. It is not a language, but an attitude to finding oneself.. . . Not focusing on the final product, I attempt to translate first ideas into a building, keeping their strength. . . . I work in teams, I get involved with the craft. The craftsmen are the translators of ideas,, , . The work is intuitive but controlled, a search for something pulled out of materials and forms. On cities; I don’t think urban master plans should be done by one person anymore - I don’t think that

photo by Renee Georgacopoulos

cities -- Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka have a density in terms of the &a;acter of -their ancient building, the prewar buildings, the postwar buildings, and @e today buildings. Becauseof thisdensity,andbecause they’re all mixed up, you have this incredible texture. If you could freeze it, it’s very exciting and really works for today. Of course the traffic doesn’t work, the air’s bad, butthere’sacriticalmass.Butwhat’s happening now, is they’re doing. these huge avenues. . . fortunately for them, the recession is stopping that,andthismightbethethingthat saves the Japanese city. On EuroDisnq: I became involved with EuroDisney on the terms given by ‘entertainment.’ But one pound of Mickey takes away

one hundred pounds of mine. I saw that coming, and I was offered to do signs and interiors, but I turned it down because I didn’t think I could function in that arena, I didn’t particularly want to; and I didn’t think my work was strong enough to survive all that stuff. On assisting in rebuilding South Central LA.: What do they need me for? I’m the last person they need. They have their own way of buil+ ing their richculture. You can’t solve the problem by building their envifrom M&U News Bureau ronment for them. On the Profession: There is ur‘gency everywhere - Architecture An aversion to even underis entering a dark period because standing the perpetrators of child the economic recessionand because sexual abuse must be overcome to people are questioning it again. You better help their victims, says an can see the changes, especially in expert who will speak at Wilfrid California, where the environment Laurier University on Friday, Nov. allows for a lot of experimentation. 20. The press helped develop a whole Jane Gilgun, a professor of sogeneration of young architects who cial work at the University of Minare doing interesting work; unfornesota-Twin Cities who has done tunately, it is those kids who are research for seven years on the perreally suffering. petrators of child sexual abuse, will On responsibility: My normal present a day-long seminar entitled thing is to run away and hide. And “The Fragile Relationship Between I used todo just that. But then you’re Victim and Perpetrator.” left out of the play (of architectural About 130 professionals from discourse), so you have to jump in Kitchener, Waterloo, and surrounding communities have registered and explain yourself . . . because for the sol&out seminar. most people don’t. Most people think I just throw a lot of blocks in In two morning sessions, the air and then just draw them Gilgun will explore the continuum where they land, and then go off of relationships between perpetraand play hockey. I cultivate a lot of tors ,and their victims, from outthat, just because it is easier. I create right rape to treating the child as a the game that leads to some of those lover. In the afternoon, she will disconclusions. And then there’s this cuss the developmental histories of big, shocking surprise when someperpetrators, including how they learn to become perpetrators and body finds out there’s more to it. On mud pies: I object to the what they are looking for in their term ‘guarantee’ because it implies sexual relationships with Mdren; “We’ve been afraid to look at that YQU have to do something.‘~t implies that you know what you’re the perpetrators,” Gilgun says. “But doing, which you don’t. If you look as long as we stay horfied and atyourselfinthemirror,thehonest, - turn our backs on understanding clearest thing you can tell yourself perpetrators, we’re hindering opr ability to effectively help the vicis that you’re exploring ideas, you think they’re relevant, you’re not tims.” really sure, you’re insecure, you Gilgun says understanding don’t want to pontificate. .. perpetrators can assist professionals inctimmunicating withchildren too young to fully articulate their Credit must be given where it experience. ‘As well, she says, understanding how people become is due; to Gehry and his staff, for sexualabusers of childrencan assist accepting these challenges; to the Hagey lecture committee for sponin preventing the behaviour. soring the event; to the faculty who The seminar will run from 9 invited him; and to the students, for a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Paul Martin whom he came. Centre.

abuse seminar at WLU




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Friday, November

Imprint 13,1992

Timorese plight not forgotten on anniversary Thursday, November 12 marked the one-year anniversary of the unprovoked massacre of 200 unarmed mourners in East Timor by Indonesian government forces. The massacre once again put Indonesia’s violent occupation of East Timor, and flagrant human rights abuses, on the international political agenda. Contrary to its publicly stated policy (of linking foreign aid to human rights) our federal government continues its support of the Indonesian govemment. In 1975, Indonesia invaded the tiny country of East Timor, an island in Pacific Asia approximately the size of Vancouver Island. To enforce its occupation, the Indonesian government launched a campaign of military oppression on the Timorese. In the first three months of Indonesian occupation, 60,000 people werekill~(TheGbbeatidMail,April 14,1992). A week after the December 7 invasion, the United Nations General Assembly voted to call for immediate withdrawal of Indonesian forces; Canada abstained. On three subsequent votes, Canada also abstained and in 1980 and 1982 actively opposed motions to call for the withdrawal of Indonesia. Amnesty International has estimated that at least 200,ooO people have died as a result of the Indonesian occupation. That figure repro-


sents one-third of the pre-invasion Timorese population, a statistic which has solicited cries of eenotide and comparisons to thevholocaust. Despite the Indonesian government’s despicable human rights abuses our government continues to support it with foreign aid dollars. In response to cries of outrage after the November 12 massacre, the federal government suspended support of new aid projects totalling $30 million. The $46 million Canadian International Development Agency &IDA) budget for Indonesia was not affected.

Amnesty International has reported at least %!M,OOO dead In an August 1992 letter to Dr. Peter Elgin ocWilfrid burier University, Minister of External Affairs Barbara McDougal stated “the Canadian government was encouraged by the positive approach taken by the Indonesian authorities” in responding to the massacre. Closely linked to our govemment’scompliancewithth~atrocities are Canadian business interests in Indonesia. Ed Broadbent, president of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Develop-






ment, commented: “You look for reasons. So what seems to be an obvious factor is the hundreds of Canadian businesses linvolved in Indonesia]. My own hunch is that they don’t misunderstand history. It just goes against their economic interests.” 300 Canadian businesses and $X&million in trade are tied to Indonesia. Canadian demands for _ L c. recognition of human rights could ieopardize these interests, so our II ~ovemment’s stance has been one of compliance. The Indonesian example proII vides a window through-the 11 Mulroney government’s ihallow rhetoric on human rights and financial aid. There are so many atrocities in this world over which it seems we have limited control. Our govemment’spolicytowardsIndonesiacan h;rve direct impact on the situation in East Timor. Presently East Timor is fading from public knowledge allowing our government to continue its complacency towards the suffering to the Tiiorese people. This week as we put on our red poppies let us remember all those who have died in battle, whether they ‘were armed or not. For more information on East Timor and our government’s role in Indonesia, contact: Waterloo Public Interest Research Group at ext. 2574 or: East T.&or Alert Network, 736 Bathurst St. Toronto, M5S 2R4 ph. (4lQ531-6154

News in briefs Get inside the issues write Imprint news




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Imprint Friday, November

Fireside with




Chat Peter


I am not an alumnus here at the University of Waterloo yet, although at my age I should be. I have toiled (on and off) at this campus since 1985, when I arrived as a dewy-eyed co-op mathematics major. Homecoming here is not quite the big deal it is at older universities, such as Western or Queen’s Of course, in London and Kingston, the popularity of Homecoming is measured in the number of police officers required to keep drunken students from urinating on people’s lawns. In that respect, I suppose we have something to be thankful for. This year, Homecoming happens to correspond with the 17th imprint issue of this year. Since we publish 33 issues from May to April, this is the Wednesday of my second term as editor. Such arbiuav benchmarks are causes for reflection upon such self-absorbed topics as how it is that I came to be 26 years old and still on this campus. For me, working on Imprint provided a much more concrete, measured way of life than did purely academic pursuits. As anyone on staff here or working for the Iron Warrior or MathNews will tell you, contributing to the production of a regular publication with your peers provides a high that no A-plus on an essay or 95 per cent on a test could ever measure up to. Even after four years of involvement with this newspaper, I still walk a bit faster to school on Friday mornings, anticipating what the cover will look like, wondering how that week’s collection of effort will turn out. How many of us are that anxious to find out our mark after a final exam? Think of your choices: Work your butt off concentrating on school, write all of your exams, and get a piece of paper in the mail a month later with letters and numbers that tell you how you did. Write for, take photos for, and/or layout a paper that is published every Friday during classes. Invest a lot of time, but see results within a couple of days. G&t immediate feedback in the form of letters to the editor, feature articles written in response, or just someone stopping you in the Bombshelter to say, “I really liked what you wrote this week’ or ‘you’re full of shit” The first option is the more pragmatic, because at the end of the laborious process, you have a degree in pretty much the amount of time you were supposed to take. Which means that you can charge right out into the real world and find a real job. If you’re lucky. The road less travelled by, the second option, does have its practical benefits: writing about things that you enjoy, covering events and people that you would not be able to gain access to otherwise, and gaining valuable experience that will, of course, look good on a resume. I think that most people, when celebmting Homecoming, remember the extncurricular activities more than the final exams and theses, whether those activities be recreational or more serious, such as involvement in student government, volunteer work, or -- that’s right -- the student newspaper. The best way to remember your university experiences is get involved in something other than just classes. It will aIs? give you more reunions to go to in 20 piW5.

. .

Take me home; coluntry roads ” Homecoming Weekend always seems to take me by surprise. It seems far too early in the term to be looking back, and taking stock. For instance, I coniidex the term a successful one if, by Homecoming, I require the digits of both hands to count the number of classes I have attended. That’s Homecoming to me, the career student. What does Homecoming mean, though, to people who have actually graduated from this fine institution? Since I don’t actually huw anyone who has graduated, I can only speculate. November is traditionally the time of year when alumni (or is that alumnuses ? - I never did take Latin, and boy am I ashamed) presumably feel the Alma Mater (more Latin) tugging at their heart strings, and drop whatever they are doing to spawn. What’s in store for the balding overweight ex-jocks driving into Waterloo in cars they can’t afford to impress people they haven’t seen for 15 years? Wellsir, we’ve got just about the best university basketball game in the nation in the form of the annual Naismith Basketball Classic, which is celebrating its 25th occurrence this year. Twenty-four years of screaming, intoxicated, incoherent alumni packed into a hot, overcrowded auditorium cheering on youngsters who are sweatingpfisely has got to be worth something. Joking aside, the Naismith is consistently the best part of FIomecoming. That a sporting event should so define “school spirit” at an institution of higher learning does not bother me philosophically. Rather, I feel that, while spectacle has a tendency to unite - I cite Blue Jays fever - there is far more at this school of which to be immensely proud. The recent Maclean% university ranking placed Merry, Merry Waterloo at the top of its respective heap -justice for the co-op system at last. Waterloo has the largest co-operative education program in the world - md I’m damn proud to be a part of it. From whence will come the future leaders of Canada? According to Maclean’s, they’ll come from Waterloo. But I knew that already. The people with whom I’ve shared the coop experience -everyone from our intrepid editor Peter Brown to Director of the IBM Canada Laboratory Larry L. Achtemichuk -have shown me that we here at Waterloo have an education system second to none. The coop system of education provides for its denizens true instruction in the ways of the world. Even a man with the grooming habits of a Sasquatch (I refer, of course, to Microsoft Corporation President BilI Gates) acknowledges the excellence of Waterloo’s idea of combining theoretical leaning with immersion in the “real worldlc of hires more business, science, and the humaru ties (Microsoft graduates of Waterloo than of any other university in the world). So, when you’re watching the cagers this weekend, be of good cheer&Jot onl are you getting a first-rate education, chances are that you’ E get a%etter job than most. CooI. l





did before



article which appeared In Imprint’s predecessor, ago (November 23,1962), WB see splrbd battle

two cross-town


the Mabmlth?

In Ws

Coryphaeus, 30 yeara raging between the

Forum Coverage of referendum flawed To the


I am surprised that a report of the Referendum [“No” to Charlottetown Accord, October 301, printed at least three days after its compl&on, would use intermediary data. The data used in the article was correct at about 13:OO PM on. Monday, October 26th - as the polls were closing in B.C. This would be about the latest result that The GZobe and Mail could have obtained for its Tuesday edition (you didn’t bother to look on page A4 of Wednesday’s paper, did you?). Did it not bother the writer of this articIe that the tally did not contain results for my of Alberta, B.C., the Yukon, or the Northwest Territolies? The final results were: 6,185,902 (44.6%) “Yes” votes and 7,550,732 (54.4%) “No” votes, representing 99.0% of the ballots cast. In Ontario, 2,410,199 (49.8%) votes were cast for “Yes” and 2,397,665 (49.6%) votes were cast for “No,” consisting of 99.4% of the ballots cast. Quebec voted 1,710,117 (424%) ballots for “Yes” and 2,232,2X) (55.4%) ballots for ,‘No,” consisting of 97.8% of the ballots cast. The highest ,‘YesH vote did go to P.E.I., with 73.6% of the ballots cast (not 73.%). The highest vote for “No” went to B.C., with 68*h of the vote. In the end, four provinces (three maritime and Ontario) and the Northwest Territories went “Yes”. Incidently, I have yet to see a total number of ballots cast. The mind boggles over the number of spoiled ballots (at least mine does), about 139,000 (what amounted to 1.0% of the ballots cast). the largest amount of spoiled ballots were ast in Quebec (2.2% of the ballots cast, or about 89,000 ballots), all the rest of the provinces had 0.2% (Alberta) to 0.7% (Northwest Territories and New Brunswick) spoiled ballots. I got these figures from’77ze Globe artd Mail, Wednesday, October 28th, 1992 (page A4), who (in turn) received them from Canadian Press. The author of the Imprint article should know better than to not acknowledge sources. Sandy Atwal has the right idea (in “Paranoia,” same issue). However, the voting system does have a method to register a protest against the system: you can ether refuse your ballot or spoil it. Both are cast as ballots, but no vote is recorded. 50 when T&e Globe and Mail (or whichever paper) prints the result of an election (or referendum) there is always these suspicious missing percentages from the total votes (as I have shown above). When they are high enough, maybe the system will take note, if you don’t do this, there is no official way of letting the system know and you are forced to yell and scream at them, which they tend to ignore. Peter Sturdee 5N English


wmler respunds: You are quife correct in noting &at in my article I used “intermedia y ” data from the Tuesday edition OfThe Globe and Mail. Time was the main reason@ this alleged dereliction of journalistic duty: classes and assignments, u Wedpesday deadline (the day the “@al” fipres came out my article alr&y had to be completed), and the need to contact people* their interpretation/reaction to the result all reduced the amount of time I could spend on it. That muy not excuse my using nonfinalized d&z, but you are more than welcome to cover such issues@ Imprint properly in the flh?. I did nut try to c&ad& the amount of spoiled or refused ballots; the permtages given we straight votes fo&otes against 6knce the discrepancy m P. E.I. ‘s results). Barometer of pubic upi?lio?l or nut, SpolW~


regardks qf the p&ical statement that they were intemkd to make, did nut official& ujkt the decision ma the Acad, and w thw seft init. It WIBS’primatily in the intests of space umsiderutiuns that onlyfiur prmincial results were gim (again, with TUsday3fi’re~~.

Without diminishing the importance of Nez$kndland or the Yukon, Quebec and Ontario we given as they contain the majority ofCanada’s population. They also had special interest, as one is our home province and ihe other the focus of much interest during the campaign. The results from P.E.I. and Manitoba were given as a highbow comparison; the results of B.C. were (obviously) nof known; and thus Manitoba was erroneously presented as the strongest “No” supporter. I apologize fir any flaws in my reporting thatyou muy perwive to exist, but 1 will stand by my article, regardless.

Different views on East Timor To



We believe that truth is to be sought through obtaining as much information as possible, from as much existing perspectives as well. Therefore, responding to the article”. . . Indonesia invaded East Timor. . M written by Mr. Greg Newton (Imprint, bet. 16,1992), we, the Indonesian students in Waterloo, feel the need to share what we know regarding the situation in East Timor. We would also like to call for a fairness in looking at this issue. There is no doubt that the November 12,1992 incident happened. However, nobody agreed on what exactly was happening that day. In testifying in court, a security personnel contended that he and his friends were forced by the riotous situation to start firing into the crowd. To investigate the incident, a National Commission of Inquiry was appointed. The result of this investigation has been announced. Six senior officers were dismissed or transferred, eight other officers and soldiers will face court-martial. All sentences were determined based on the Indonesian, either military or civilian, law. The following information is provided to prevent readers from being mislead by information asymmetry regar$ng the process of integration of East Timor into the Republic of Indonesia. In preparation for self determination,’ the people of East Timor started to organized themselves by establishing five political parties (UDT, KOTA, TRABALHISTA, APODETI, FRETILIN) on May-November 1974; then on March 1975, first scheduled referendum on independence was suppressed by Portuguese military in East Timor, in the mean time pro-Portuguese FRETILIN party began series of terrors attacked on political opponents; on August lo,1975 UDT forces, learning of FRETILIN plans for a coup, took pre-emptive action and staged large demonstrations; then on August 26,1975 Portuguese government abandoned Dili, rather than attempted to restore order. Governor and staff returned to Lisbon; on August 29,1975 in bilateral talks, Indonesia urged return and re-establishment of Portuguese authority over the territory in order to complete the decolonization process, but Portugal failed to re-establish, its presence; on November 30,1975, four parties (exclude Freti&) issued their proclamation of independence and simultaneous integration to the Republic of Indonesia; on May 31,1976, the elected People’s Assembly of East Timor voted to request integration to the republic of Indonesia; on June 5,1976, a delegation of the people of East Timor arrived in Jakarta (Capital city of Indonesia) to present the petition calling for immediate integration of East Timor with Indonesia. . . . (Suppose the readers intend to obtain more chrQnologica1 information regarding East Timor issue, should the readers look at Sue Rabbitt Roff’s book ‘“firnor’s Muss -Indonesia and Australian Policy in East Tiior 19744976” published by the Edwin Mellen Press, ltd, United Kingdom, 1992). We believe that the conclusion that Indonesia invaded East Timor, as mentioned on Mr. Greg Newton’s article, cannot be regarded as valid yet. It was the majority

of Timorese

into the Republic Suryo Wahyu

who chose to in&grab

of Indonesia.

Furwono, Made Yasa, Hosokowat~, Lusl AWI,



Ary Syahriar, John yjerm ias, Onno W. Fur&o, Panji Suminar, Rita Linaiayuti, W. TJatera, Ridwan EM. E fiend& Ambar Kusumandari, Subaryano, Pramono Hadi, Adjat Djatmika, This Lubis, Tina Artinl, Ardi]ayawinata.



Friday night’s all right for fighting To the


Without the usual hoopla, the endless promotional campaigns, and Don King, heavy-weight boxing/wrestling came to the K-W area, at our very own Federation Hall! Absent were the pre- and the post-fight interviews, the championship belts, and other paraphanailia (sic.) often associated with these such events, Unfortunately, no Heavy Weight Champ actually made an appearance at Fed, but the various goons from both M&laster, and Waterloo filled quite an exciting card. Apparently a number of Mac students wished to expose themselves to the number one school in it’s class (Maclean’s), as buses arrived from the lovely metropolis of Hamilton (cough, cough!) destined for Fed Hall. This group proceeded to file into our once resp&able establishment, and disappeared in@ the masses - or did they? Friday evening at Fed consisted of a large number of highly charged battIes between various tick-skuIIed heavy weights from either MAC, or UW. I do realize that these situations are occasionally unavoidable, but the frequency this past Friday was inconceivable. Not only do these events create a significant inconvenience towards those of us who attend Fed to have a good time, they also pose a potential risk of injury towards innocent by-standards (sic). Hey Chuck, we all pay our $7.50/term Federation Hall fee - must we really tolerate this behavior? These incidences have no place in any post-secondary establishment. Most of e have outgrown this characteristic behavior in public or high-school, however it became increasingly obvious as the night wore on that a number of individuals avoided the usual development of a quantifmble measure of maturity during the adolescent phase of their lives. If you ‘party-jack-ass’ boys can’t control your barbaric behavior and aggression towards both male and female members of our society, then get the hell out of my bar - and my school. If you find yourself described in the aforementioned situation here’s a tip for you Sparky, go back to high-school - where these incidences are common, learn to read and write, and don’t come back until you grow up and develop some respect for the post-secondary opportunity.. University is for the elite student - you are not it! Go home. Also, I would like to extend this personal message to the four drooling, twelve-sandwich-eating-goons from the McMaster Football Team, who decided, upon being escorted from Federation Hall, to take it upon themselves to beat the ‘snot’ out of a member of the UW Campus Police - sending him to hospital, (where were The Silhouette sports staff writers then?) here is my advice to you: Apply early! Being a Christmas graduates, you may find that your quest for employment is as difficult as it was for you to pass yo~f’ ELPE! Good luck my friends. These situations which developed at Fed have no place in any post-secondary institution, beit MAC, Waterloo, or any other school. HEY GOONS, STAY AT HOME! I certainly hope that these individuals -who know who they are, can &ntrol themselves on Homecoming weekend. In the presence of past alumni, we should attempt to emulate the classy and respectable atmosphere that the University of Waterloo

once posses&.

fool the Alumni, CO&I 3A


Imprint F&lay,



we Can

just as we did Mackank





888-4048 Friday, November 13,1992 Volume 15, Number 17

Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Peter Brown 1 Vacant Ken Bryson Vacant Sandy Atwal ’ Bernard Keamey Vacant Vacant Scott Deveber Retme Georgeaq33ulos Clint Turcotte Tom Koziol

Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Office Clerk Ad Production Advertising Assistant Proof Readers

Laurie Tiger&Dumas Cheryl Costello Vivian Tambeau Vacant Graham Tomlinson Jill O’Hagan Denise HafIner Nkole Metcalf Isabel’ White

Board of Directors PresMent Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Staff liaison Directors-at-Large

Jeffrey L. Millar Peter Brown Dave.Thomson Ken Bryson Sandy Atwal Bernard Keamey Jeff Warner

Contribution List Marci Aitken (and varsity cross country team), lain Anderson, Andrew Carlright, Stan Cook, Steve Doak, Anna Done, De Ann Durrer, Dave Fisher, David Flynn, Eleanor Grant, Ramsey Hart, Andy Koch, Jack Lefcourt, Alan Leung, Micclael McKinnon,Jeff rey L. Millar, Rich Nichol, Nat&lie Onuska, Carolyn Richardson, Phil Robinson, lsabelle Schade, Frank Seglenieks, Harry Shnider, Dave Thomson, Erk Taker, Jeff Warner, Derek Weiler, WLU News, Matt Wood.

Forum The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the Editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only a& cles which are ctearly labelled “editorial’ and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.

Letters to the Editor Imprint

weicomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor r* serves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed in the forum section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the sprin$ term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0708-7380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo,

Ontario, N2L

8#-7800Electronic to irnprint8watservl





mail should be addressed .uwaterloo.ca.



Imprint Friday, November



Stinky boys, stinky boys, get off my back To



should keep in mind that this behaviour is just what the band expects and enjoys, for when they invited me up on stage, and when Chris Murphy leapt into the crowd multiple times, they invited the controlled chaos that ensued. By the way, Ms. Lobin, before you refer to the immediate crowd as “stinky boys”, perhaps you should stick your nose into your own armpits.

I write in response to the article in the October 30th issue about the Sloan concert Murk 4. Beasy at the Bombshelter. The author, a Ms. Grad Student --Chem Stacey Lobin, apparently may not understand the collective fun that many people had at this rockin’ show. Her attitude to the actions of the “stinky boys” who “pissed me off big time” seems somewhat paradoxical. If what we were doing was “danger. ous”, then what the heck was so safe about the “entertaining and exciting” show in Kingston the previous night? Her apparent To the editor, enthusiasm for the band’s “sensitive newage rock star antics”, such as the Kingston While I will admit that the tone of my show’s “running on the tables, kicking over Nov. 6 rebuttal of Sandy Atwal’s Oct. 30 * beer, their sound guy getting death threats, “Paranoia,, was less than magnanimous, it and inviting the whole audience up onto did not remotely constitute an ad hominem the stage”, indicates a confused idea, a attack. This is obvious to all objective hypocrasy [sic], concerning what is acceptreaders: not,once did I impugn the writer; able band and audience behaviour. I know and my use of the word “nonsense” was from first hand experience that night that only as “rude” as Mr. AtwaI’s of “sophthe immediate crowd’s raucous, yet good- _ istry”. It is easiest to dismiss arguments as natured exuberance, was in control, with a sophistic when one’s own are dogmatic. mutual understanding of when the “thrashMr. Atwal’s were not sophistic; they were ing” was overstepping the bounds of merely flawed. And so what? Where is the safety. For example, when I, or someone shame if his cashocracy is groundless? His else, fell onto the stage of floor, quickly the would not be the first impossible Utopia. surrounding collection of people would aid He should talk to a Marxist, if he can still the fallen reveller. find one, I question the idea that these partying Now, in all fairness, if I were to comb concert-goers “should (not) be allowed to through the back issues of Imprint, would I attend concerts anymore”. These “dangernot find traces of condescending haufeur in ous” people stayed in the immediate some of Mr. Atwal’s texts - as when, for vicinity of the stage, leaving more than, say, example, he lexically lambastes the wimps 90% of the bar available for those who who do not share his fondness for well. chose not to thrash, and for those big babies oiled .45 automatics? Indeed, what riles me who thought that they perhaps had a right is the patronizing facility of his “I smart, to forcefully keep a position right beside you dumb,, constructions: these he erects as the front-and-centre speaker. Ms. Lobin

Atwal misses the point -- and condescends

To the






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a neo-New-Rightist, “pure” market ideology towering above the bovine servility of the rabble (that’s you, you naive fooIs), who, still caught in the Humanist quagmire, vainly try to use some of their dim intellects to create a better society. Did someone say ad homim? Okay. Let’s all gather together, hug, weep, and vatidate each other. Feel better? Great. Now, Mr. Atwal evades my central point. In his prior comments, he clearly suggested that the act of voting be replaced by a “purchasing“ dynamic. Let’s be clear: our votes do not decide which food processors we use; we vote on what laws and codes of conduct we want enacted in our society. What I am urging is that to submit suffrage to the classical paradign [sic.] of consumer/product is meaningless, since it assumes that behaviours and laws can be preserved, shrink-wrapped, sold, and had for a price: behaviours are states of being, not effects of being. Thus, in theory, Mr. Atwal’s choices WOULD be limited, not only by what he could afford, but also by what would be available “out there” (i.e. the “chunks,, of behaviour manufactured, packaged, and put on sale). Currently, Mr. Atwal can put himself “out there,, if he wishes; but in his cashocracy, he would have to “buy” himself. In theory, he would have no other mode of expression or selfconstruction outside economic tokenism, which enacts a unidimensional, unsignifying strategy of possession, and resists the kind of cognitive and semiotic polyvalency that humans require of a poIitica1 language (and of all languages). Perhaps Chesterton would have agreed with me that, instead of replacing one inadequate political language with another, we need to examine the rhetoric which links all existing systems together, and then, having discovered who is really doing the speaking, to learn how we can speak for ourselves.

i I I


I noticed some common misccmceptions in the Oct. 30 issue,<and thought they were worth correcting. Dave Thomson, in his column on Blue Jay Mania, notes ironically that the “World Series” includes teams from only two countries. This is because the “World” referred to is the name of the New York newspaper that fist sponsored the competition. And as a note, I would agree with Margaret Hitchcock’s thoughts of Nov. 6, thattheJa s- although not, as individuals, Cana cr ian - represent the city of Toronto, and by extension the country Canada. The s@nbol“4” has nothing to do with the concept of “four-ness,” but we use it as if it did anyway. Sandy Atwal, in his discussion of possibilities in a vote, incomplete1 analyzes the messages sent by eat K vote. Jeff Warner picks up on this in his letter of Nov. 6, but still misses the mark by a bit. In any federal vote where there are n 0 tions given, there are always n+2 courses o P action. You can stay away, but as Mr. Warner poirited out, this implies agreement with any of the options. Silence is consent. Alternatively, you can reject your ballot, which indicates disagreement with all options, and it is either this option or a “no” vote which expresses Mr. Thomson’s opinion. You reject a ballot in one of five ways: decline it, mark more than one of the choices, make a mark outside the indicated area, replace it with another piece of paper, or identify yourself. (This includes getting blood on the ballot. Don’t ask.) The most obvious method is to decline the thin , which just means handing it back to ii e elections official. In Ontario votes, this is counted separately and indicates a strong discontent with the process itself., Spoile&ballots are those where there is a misprint

or something

wrong with the ballot, off one mm’s name, and o %ack for another caug a t before the ballot

otherwise they are rejected. The media tend to confuse these categories. There are options, though, and the only effect of staying home is that the populace comes off as apathetic. So vote early, vote often, but if ou don’t vote you aren’t allowed to camp r ain. Kid Shapiro 4A Mathemutics

I don’t wanna be buried in a pet sematary To



It was a scene that every pet owner dreads. I had just returned home for a weekend of rest when my mother gave me the news. Our pet do had gone missing with ta s from his te tf er in our own front yard. Tk ‘s had happened Tuesday as I prepared to leave after a day’s work, and it was now Friday evening with the trail long gone cold. Phoning the pound and the veterinarian had turned u nothing. It was obvious that w K en my mother had gone into our London home, someone with a complete disregard of names and medical histories had effectively taken our favourite dog. Our do , who even rued each visit to the kenne H, could be cooling his paws in sunny Mexico for all we knew, and I who do not have any girlfriend to tickIe behind the ears or talk silly to, was feeling the loss. Pet owners all rue the day, that Iike a bereaved parent all they have is a lousy photograph, and the comforts they enjoy can no longer be shared with all of those that they care for. As a result, I take therapy in writing, hoping to arouse some echo thought in those that read this, though everyone must understand this in terms of what they themselves have known. I have since contem lated where my pet dog could be now, I P he was taken, it could be for Christmas for a family that may not realize that he lived 12 years of his life already. I wonder that we have made a God of human reason that smaller creatures who lack it may be used as pawns for the benefit of others. Perhaps this is the si of a still d r problem, beyond caring r or pets. If we.T must go through life viewing things through our own psyche, our view of life is forever clouded by our wants and needs over those of others. Like any n who is forgotten or abandoned by r eir “neighbours’,, the victim by accident or design, I feel I have been betrayed by those who should have cared. To end on a different note it appears too late to find our dog, so I hope to appeal to those owners who still leave their pets unattended for any length of time in their car or front yard to think twice. You may not be the only one who “cares” for your pet. Gordon 8umett 3B Mechonicd

Glitz drowns out remembrance To



I remember. I remember when retailers had the common decency to wait until after November 11 to begin their mercenary barrage of Christmas music, decorations, and glitz. jordun Science


is physically

or where you mark change your mind, ballot. These are all enters the box,


Ir ‘I’ .’ I.-’


w 500 years of oppression indigenous peoples from

UWs international




A young man is seized by authorities, tortured, killed and mutilated in Brazil. Ecuadorianpolicedetainand abuse a human rights organization secretary, In Guatemala, a 47year-old Quiche Indian and mother of two is shot dead in her village home. A riot in a Montana risoncausesinjury andintentional neglect o P a Native American inmate. Winnipe society witnesses the deadly shooting of a a asagmack Indian, deemed a racist act by official reports. The University of Waterloo AmnestyIntemationalgroupll8isconcerned about these recent human ri hts abuses, and many others perpetrated on f ncligenous Peoples of the Americas throughout history. Doubtless readers of new5 apers and journals have heard of, or been fo E owing, the controversy surroundin the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Co f umbus. The reader will have observed that there are at least two very different ways of interpreting the subsequent course of the history of the New World generallyseentobeinitiatedbythisevent.On the surface, the choice of interpretation is a matter of perspective, that of the conquerors or that of the con uered. He or she may be tempted to pick 1t e side of the winner or loser. But there’s no time for that now. And aside from an interesting gender question of who would pick what, a whole new meaning of the word “repercussion,” arises to mind with this issue, as it relates to the Indigenous Peoples’ of the Americas demands for social, political, and economic justice. A descendant of a conquering society can lustify virtually anything within his world. ih e conquered don’t matter because they are, so to speak, history. Their ideologies have been e&in&d. Or have they? -


signature, return ’





3 0 4


the root is

- W.B. Yeats Christianity and its relation to other theistic faiths (ie, Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism) is a question of prime importance for us living in a “small” and pluralistic world. Whenwe approach theistic faiths other than Christianity, we often find much the same kind of thing happens there as in the Christian community. At their best, the various religious communities come together to open themselves up to a higher reality which appears to me to share some fundamental common traits. There are such similarities that we must ask ourselves whether or not the major theistic faiths are worshipping the One same God. I have come across three possible ex-






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HB pencils


by Ken



Chances are overwhelming that the reader has been raised from a Europeancommanded tradition which has thwarted the nurture of original American tradition. But riow, with a conscientious turnabout of support, the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas will see a spark of hope for the cause of justice ignite into a steady flame. Amnesty International is focussing on this demanding issue in an in temational campaign, which seeks an end to 500 ears of abuse of these peoples by European J escendants represented by American governments. Direct action must be taken to reduce (with the goal of eliminating) Canada’s corn licity in perpetuating this historical cycle 0 P injustice, and, just as importantly, to pressure other governments to do the same. A sizable quantity of letters of protest and inquiry directed at suspected violators of Indigenous People’s fundamental human rights, has been an effective tactic used by Amnesty International for many years. Please consider and act on this example: [LETTER] Exmo. Sr Sub-Procurador Geral da Justica Dr. Wagner Goncalves _ Av L2 Sul Qd 603/23 70.200 Brasilia DF Brazil Your Excellency, I request that a thorough and effective judicial investigation be conducted into the killing of 22-year-old Antonio Gilvan da Cruz, and threats of violence made against the Truka community by local authorities, and that those responsible be brought to justice. Please keep me informed of the outcome of the investigation. Letter should include dress, and date.

Imprint Friday, Nove&er

hold that when people of other faiths follow their consciences and the truth as they know it, that they are moving closer to God but must come to faith in Jesus Christ for a complete relationship with God. Some Christians with this spirit and intellectual sophistication say that these non-Christian people are actually being anonymous Chris’ tians (Christians without self-awareness of being so). I cannot accept this view as it isn’t true to the experience of members of other faiths. How many Christians would appreciate being called anonymous members of some other faith? The third view, representative of my own thought as a Christian, is a move away from traditional dogma and biblical explanation as the basis of Truth, to the living spirit of actual experience of real human beings in the situation of life. From my own experience, I c&u-tot help but concede that the God I know of through my own tradition has “spoken” to me

@atity Cobur



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I O-goalsecondperiod sinks Toronto; high-octanescoringenginepropels Waterlooto second-place by Peter imprint

Brown sports

So much for the battle of unbeaten teams. Last Thursday night (November 5), the Warrior hockey team used ten second-period goals to bury the University of Toronto Varsity Blues 13-8 at Varsity Arena and lay claim to the best record in the OUAA - West or East - at 5-O0. That’s right. Ten goals for Waterloo. Four goals for Toronto. And writers’ cramp for the statisticians. With 13 goals in all, Waterloo has now scored 56 in only five games, on a pace to score, oh, I: don’t know, about a trillion goals. The Warriors also took off to the United States over the weekend to play two exhibition games. They 10s t 9-5 to Cornell University and 54 to Elmira College. The team played last night in London against the also-unbeaten Western Mustangs (4-O-O), the team that beat Waterloo in the last weekend of last season to capture the regular-season OUAA West title. In classic Waterloo style, the Toronto game was a total offensive team effort. The scoring was spread between 10 players, with only Steve Schaefer, Steve Woods, and John

Williams recording two goals apiece. John Wynne,Troy Stephens, Jamie Hartnett, Greg Allen, Chris Kraemer, Barry Young, and Darren Snyder all recorded singles. Dean McDonald assisted on three goals. Not many people would bet that Waterloo would increase its goals-for average against a previously-unbeaten team, but weird things can happen when a goalie gets rattled. The strangest thing about the

Waterloo 13, Toronto 8 second period onslaught was that it came at a time when the Blues had regained offensive rhythm and momentum. After being down 3-2 at the first intermission, Toronto’s Ted Wilson scored 1:39 into the second frame to tie it up and 80 seconds laterJohnAndersenaddedapowerplay marker while standing undefended at the right comer of the net to give U. of T. a 4-3 lead. This bulge lasted until 5:ll of the second, when the floodgates opened and Waterloo poured in six

unanswered goals, five of those in underfourminutes. JamieHartnett, demonstrating Waterloo’s huge advantage in team speed, scored on a three-on-one with Jason Mervyn and Darren Snyder. Greg Allen, Steve Woods, Chris Kraemer, and John Williams each struck in succession, as the Blues defence lay in ruin. Toronto starting goaltender Paul Henriques got the hook after Williams struck again, coasting shorthanded into the Blues zone. and driving a routine slapshot between Henriques’ pads (for those not keeping score at home, that made it %4r Waterloo did not waste any time getting to the second-stringer John Harding. Only 43 seconds after the goalie switcheroo, Steve Schaefer scored with the help of Barry Young and Allen. . Finally, the smelling salts kicked in and Toronto’s Jamie Coon scored to cutthe lead to 10-5. Waterloo found time tobeat Harding three more times before Coon scored again. Whew. 13-6. Ten goals by Waterloo. Four by Toronto. Writer’s cramp for the stats guys. Toronto made the score respectable in the final frame, scoring two goals for the final 13-8.

Plague spl,its -marathons with Laurier and Brock by Rich Imprint

Nichol sports

“Our inconsistent play finally caught up to usfF Those were the words of Black Plague Warrior volleyball head coach Scott Shantz following his team’s huge upset loss to the Brock Badgers at home Wednesday night. “We could only get away with it for so long,” added Shantz. “Our players came into the game too overconfident. Brock played tough, and they humbled us.” After defeating the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks 3-Z (745, 17-16, 14-16, 15-9, 15-12) last Friday, Waterloo lost to the underdog Badgers this past Wednesday 3-2 (12-15,15-S, 15”11,9-15,21-19). The Warriors had a 13-8 lead in the fifth set, but the stubborn Brock crew

lifts on sets all match long and decided to take that opport&ty late in the game when the match-is on the line to make an inconsistent call. That took away our chance to win it.” The loss drops Waterloo’s record to 2-l and into a three-way tie for second-place in ,the OUAA West division with Western (also at 2-l) and Brock (2-2). McMaster, the 1991-92 provincial champions, are currently in first place with an unblemished 4-O record, while Laurier (l-2), Cuelph (l-3), and Windsor (O3) round out the standings.

Brock won the j7fh set 21-19.

On Wednesday, the Warriors’ were unable to stop Brock’s main offensive-weaponchris Jeffery. The third-year power hitter topped all scorers with 28 points on 26 kills and two stuff blocks. Waterloo’s top guns, junior power hitter Rene Holt and Tenthorey scored 26 and 23 points respectively. Holt posted the best kill efficiency of all players in the match at 35 per cent. Defensively, veteran middle. blocker Perry Strauss collected a team high six stuff blocks, adding nine kills and an ace playing in only the last three games of the match. Earlier in the day, Strauss was hit by a car on Ring Road and despite the advice of his doctor elected to dress for the match. After the shaky beginning by the Warrior starters, Shantz substituted his stable veteran into the match to

Warrior Troy Stephens one of many Waterloo flails to no avail.

prepares thrwn-twos

to pass to a while a

Athenas getting used all five se@ by trunk imprint

Seglenieks sports

In women’s volleyball action this week, Waterloo split their two matches to put their record at l-2 early in the OWIAA season. All three of the Athenas’ matches so’far have gone the maximum five games; the fifth game goes very quickly and thus small changesinmomentumcangiveone team the victory. So, once a match goes into the last game both teams have pretty much earned the victory, it just a toss up to see wwch one will get it. At times, the team have played up to their potential and showed themselves as contenders to be one

tinue its blocking the game. Athenas were to start tipping This worked loo soon amassing off the game The important match and the way other in this start of the hard fought never letting stantial lead The turning seemed to was tied

lnlprint ’



Friday, November



Seventh andninth-place finishesforx-countryteams by Mad imprint

Aitken sports

It has been a fun and exciting couple of months, but on October 31, the University of Waterloo cross country season came to a close. The Warriors placed seventh and the Athenas placed ninth at the Ontario championshipsatSunnybrookPark in Toronto. Both teams were one point away from sixth and eigh& place respectively. Western took the team title in the women’s race, with Toronto and McMaster also qualifying for the CIAU finals in Montreal on November 7. In the men’s division, Toronto ran away with first place, with Windsor and UWO placing second and third respectively. The weather was cool, there was a light breeze, and the terrain was rolling. The course was slicked with mud and included one hill so steep that a normal person would trytofindachair-lifttothetop!This provided all of the athletes with a challenge, one which the Warriors and Athenas were eager to accept. Sepanta Dorri finished in 26th position (19:42) and was the first Athena to cross the line. Dorri ran a tough race and picked up the pace in the second half to ‘breeze’ by several competitors. RookieSarahBrownhadagreat finish to a fantastic season and placed 37th overall (20:04). In the

Warriors by Anna Imprint

Done stuff

The Warrior basketball team played host to the St. Mary’s Huskies in an exhibition game last Saturday in the PAC. SMU, ranked number two in the country in the pre-season, defeated the Warriors 83-81 in an exciting game which gave the Warriors and fans a chance to warm up before the 25th Naismith Toumament. Waterloo opens the tournament tonight at 8:OO p.m. against the Carleton Ravens. Regardless of the outcome, they will also play tomorrow night (Saturday, November 14) at 7:30 p.m. For a Naismith preview and full tournament schedule, turn to page 16. Last Saturday, Waterloo took an early lead in the first half, hitting four in a row. The team shot 7-of-10 from the foul line and played strong

The Athena Dorri.Their

cross country team, Warrior counterparts

finishing sprint, Brown was successful in edging out a competitor from Queer&. Although JuliaNo&anmissed a couple of weeks of training due to illness, she was in top form on the weekend, and placed 40th in 20:17, a significant improvement over last year. Judith LeRoy also had a good rookie season, finishing in 57th po-

pictured finished

above, finished seventh.


in the Ontario

sition. Cindy Koo rounded out the team in placing 67th. The men’s 10K race was fast and gruelling they had to complete two full laps of the course, including ‘the hill Robin Benyon had the best race of his season finishing 15th (32:52), a great accomplishment among the competitive field. Jonathan Cressman ran hard

lose tune-up defense, finishing the first halfleading 40-37. Moments into the second half, Waterloolookedstrongwithadunk by Marc Hopkins and a threepointer from Sean VanKoughnett. In spite of this, the Huskies matched them shot for shot and managed to tie it up at 47 with 16 minutes left in the second half. After a timeout called by Waterloo, team scoring leader Alex Urosevic came onto the floor and popped off eight points in a row, six of them on three-pointers. Despite this strong show of talent, the Huskies pulled ahead of the Warriors with a combination of defence and excellent shooting from the foul line, hitting 13-of-17. Down by four with 31 seconds leftontheclock,theWarriorswasted 15 seconds trying to set up a play that wasn’t to be before calling a final time out. VanKoughnett sank a phenomenal three-point shot with


fed by Sepanti

photo courtesy of cross country teari

seconds left on the clock bringing the Warriors to within two and his game point total to 27 with seven rebounds. Urosevic racked up a total of 34 points with one rebound. Hopkins made his presence known with ten points and eight rebounds, with

throughout the race, took 24thplace (33:26), and finished 3 seconds ahead of team captain Jason Gregoire. Gregoire was disappointedwithhisperformance,ashe was one of the race fqvourites going into the meet. , Sixty-first :position went to Mike Ready, who ran his personal best for this season. Despite an ag-

gravated knee injury, Brent Curry ran tough and placed 72nd among therunners.PaulSudlow,~eteam’s fourth man throughout the season, finished just behind Curry to complete the Warrior contingent. And as if Saturday’s exercise was not sufficient, on Sunday, Gregoire and Benyon entered a 10K road race in Hamilton. Gregoire got back his racing prowess and placed 10th overall in a quick time of 31.18. Benyon was close on his heels and finished in 1 lth place in 31.26. Both of these athletes won their age categories and raked in some cash! Thanks go out to all the Waterloo alumni and current students who ventured to Metro Toronto to cheer on our athletes. A big THANK YOU is also extended tocoaches John Swarbrick and Bruce Jones for all their efforts and hard work throughout the season. %ven though the cross country season is officially over, the animals on this team never stop to take a rest. Some of the athletes are continuing to train for the Canadian national cross country championships later this month, some are going on to Nordic skiing, but most have already began practices for indoor track which starts the first week of December. Best of luck to all team members with their ‘future athletic endeavours!

for Naismith Lynch and hioore following with seven points and six points respectively, The game was lost at the foul line with the Warriors only shooting l&of-31, missingvaluablepoints in a game that was lost by only two

points. Loss aside, the Warriors played a good game, giving the fans more than a few exciting moments. If you missed the game last weekend, don’t despair -- you can catch them tonight at the PAC at 8:OO p.m. Don’t forget to Bring the Noise!

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Waterloo dropped a disappointing exhibition toss to nationally second-ranked Saint Mary’s 8341 last Saturday. See page 16 for photo by Renee Georgacopoulos Naismith preview and schedule.

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Imprint Friday, November




Athena sauash team earns third at Can-Am by Stun fmprht

Cook sports

Waterloo’ssquashAthenassaw their first action of the season the past weekend at Ryerson in Toronto. The Annual Can-Am (Canadian-American) invitational tournament, held on Saturday and Sunday, included Waterl&, Western, and Ryerson from the OWIAA league. The American representatives were Williams College an’d Vassar College from New York State along with Tufts College from Massachusetts. Waterloo finished a close third, with second-place Vassar trailing the dominant Western. The Mustangs won 22 of a possible 25 matches to win the trophy, while Vasser has 18 points and Waterl6o 15. Williams, Tufts, and Ryerson rounded out the field with 11, 5, and 4 points respectively. 6 UW’s team consisted of a number of rookies and several returning veterans. In the number six position is rookie Pam Grills, a

master’s student in kinesiology. The a long and closely contested match number four and five positions were by a 10-8 score in the fifth and de shared by two first-year students, tiding game. Afte? losing to WestSusan Jones (science) and Marielle em and Vassar, she rebounded on Baer @&chemistry), Sunday morning to dominate her The top three positions were Ryerson opponent by a 3-O score. In filled by veteran Alicia Lok (fourth her final match, Baer showed deteryearmathbusiness),HoneeHoculik mination and patience, by was de (second-year psychology) and Christine Anderson (statistics, PhD). The top five positions are counted in the team score, Turning in an outstanding performanceinherfirstevertourpossible 25 matches namtint, Jones cruised to a 5-O record playing three matches at against a strongfield. the number-five position, then moving up to the number-four position on Sundav. Tones displayed excellent defer&e and good featedbyamoreexperiencedopposhot s&&ion in defeatig her opnent I-3. ponents 3-l (Tufts), 3-1 (Western), Al&in her first tournament, 3-O (Vassar), 3-O (Ryerson), and 3-l Grills gained valuable experience (Williams). Her fitness and deterwhile losing to each of her Saturday mination were key factors in all of opponents.OnSunday,shewasable her wins. to capitalize on that experience to defeat her Ryerson opponent 3-O. hi Baer had her most challenging her final match, Grills played with match in the opening round against Tufts College. After having an opconfidence and poise, but lost to a portunity to win the match, she lost seasoned Williams College player. In the number-three spot, sec-

ond-year team member Lok won threeofherfivematches.Sheopened the tournament with a determined 3-l victory over Tufts College, only to lose to a very experienced opponent, O-3. Against Vassar College, Lok displayed outstanding concentra- tion and self-discipline in overcoming her opponent, 3-l. On O,andthen&ccumb&dtoamore powerful player from Wiiams a second year member bf the Athenas, won threeoffivematchesinthetough number-two position. Hoculik showedhersupetiordefensiveskills in decisive wins over Tufts (3-O), Ryerson (3-l) and Williams College (3-o) opponents. She did not fare as well against the tournament champions and runners-up, losing O-3 to tough opponents from Western and Vassar, Three-year veteran Anderson, playing for the second year in the number-one position, faced some outstanding opponents from the %%&%O

opposing universities. In the openinground,sheusedherpowergame to defeat Tufts 3-O. Against Western, Anderson played well in the first game, but wasdefeatedbyamoreexperienced player, l-3. Vassar College, which hadtwoU.S.nationallyrankedplayers, interchanged their number-one and -two positions throughout the tournament. Anderson lost O-3, but made a spirited comeback in the third game to lost 9-5. On Sunday, she overpowered both her Ryerson and Williams opponents, 3-O. Despite relinquishing their title as defending champions in the tournament, the Athenas gained valuable experience in rebuilding this year’s team. The women are now ready for the start of regular season play, whichcommencesnext week at home for the western region&. Matches between Waterloo, Western, and McMaster will be played throughout the day on Saturday, November 21 at the PAC. Come out and watch some varsity squash and support your Athenas’ team. .I I

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Last Friday, the Waterloo varsity swim team travelled to Brock University to take part in the OWIAA/OUAA relay meet. Of the ten Ontario universities that were represented at the competition, Waterloo’s men placed fifth while the women placed fourth. “Emphasis is on technique during the early part of the season, so our-placing G not of great importaince at the moment,” said Brian Cartilage, UW swim coach. “We are working hard in the pool, getting the work done, so come time for the championship meets, we are ready to swim fast.” Assistant coach Kris Jackshaw summed up the meet by saying,

“we went to Brock with one objective: to swim technically perfect races, and for the most part we accomplished our goal,” Waterloo had very strong swims in the men’s and women’s fly and free relays. The men’s 4 X 50 flyrelayteamconsistingofIanHunt, Brian Roughley, Andrew Wahbe, and Jason Krupp battled for a second-place finish. The talented team of AMY Jarvis, Carrie Powell, Sheryl Sla ter, grid Melissa Williams made it clear that they’re a force to be reckoned with by finishing second in the 4 X 50fly. Astrongshowingbyteamates TrishFelszegi,CorriePowell,Sheryl Slater, and Amy Jarvis powered the womens 4 X 100 free relay to a thirdplace finish. The men’s 4 X 100 free relay

team of Ian Hunt, Mark Goodwin, Andrew Cartwright, and Terry Boyko combated some of Canada’s top guns in swimming, placing fourth in one of the closest races of the evening. Impressive swims were also recorded by Warrior swimmers Stephen Brown, Chris Daughney, Steve Dwyer, Alex Kim, Larry Huang, Sean Lashmer, Norm Roberton, and Kaoura Yajima. Athena swimmers were also repro sented well by Jen Beatty, Diana Dampier, Janet Duga,KaraRice,andNatal.ieSerkin. Overall, strong performances were recorded by all Waterloo swimmers, sending a strong message to the rest of Ontario . . . “Be afraid, be very afraid.”

Figure skaters take Guelph by storm by Carolyn Richurdson Impfint sports Since the final team was selected in early October, the Athena figure skating teamhas been hard at practice for the past month in preparation for the first competition, which was last Friday in Guelph, Afterthefmallistofeventswas received three weeks before the competition, coaches Carolyn McNeice and Alison Hughes quickly choreographed several new programs for the many new skaters on the team. After many hours of both on-ice and off-ice practices, all new programs were completed and readyforthefirstinvitationalofthe season So on Friday, November 6, at 545 a.m., the skaters donned their

hats and gloves and boarded the bustoGuelph.Theteamhadapractice at 7~00 a.m. and events ran simultaneously on both of Guelph’s ice surfaces from9:OO a.m. until4:30 pbm.

There were seven other teams at the competition from Western, Queen’s, Laurier, Toronto, Guelph, Ryerson, and York. All in all, howevertheWat&mskatersperfommzl very well, placing in the top six in every event and allowing the team tofinishinasolidfourthplaceoverall. This finish was one place above last season’s final standing. Many of the skaters achieved, personal bestsandeveryoneshouldbeproud of their effort and tremendous


spirit. Those skaters that were in the top three in their event were: Kathleen Kaersberg, third in Sr. B,

singles; Carolyn Moss and Mary Rae Stock, second in intermediate similar dance; Carolyn Richardson, Nancy Ford, Michelle Kho, and Tamara Staple, second in original set pattern; Shannon Klassen, second ~II intermediate singles; and Carolyn Chui and 1LRsley Neave, third in senior similar pairs. Presently, the team is working on their pm&ion number in preparation for the competition at York University inJanuary. As well, skaters are still selling chocolate bars and almonds tokaise funds for team cbz SOpleqe help support .

If thsro is atill



wants to help with the QVVIAA finalsinPebruary,pleasecontactJudy McCrae at the PAC Athletic Office or one of the coaches.

Gryphons I smash Mustangs to take vates GtieZph winner

Guelph quarterback Wally Gabler throws comfortably from the eye af the storm. MVP as he passed for 384 yards and 5 touchdowns.

Brown spoHs

The Guelph Gryphons have supplanted the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks as the latest Cinderella team in OUAA football. Last Saturday, the Gryphons, led by quarterback Wally Gabler Jr., pounded the WesternMustangs 10 at SkyDome to capture the Yates Cup and earna berth in tomorrow’s Churchill Bowl against the Queen’s Golden Gaels. The Gryphs finished fourth in the conference in the regular season and went into the game ranked sixth in the CIAU; Western was ranked fifth. The winner of tomorrow’s tilt will play the winner between the Calgary Dinosaurs and the St. Mary’s Huskies in next Saturday’s VanierCup.E&htheChurchillBowl and -a - the Vanier Cup will also be at SAcyVome. Queen’s advanced with a 32-6 upset victory over the then-secondranked Bishop’s Gaiters in the OQIFC final. In Vancouver, the Dinosaurs edged the UK Thunderbirds2&24

on six field goals from Bruce Parsons, two of them 47-yarders. St. Mary’s thumped theMount Allison Mounties32-IOwithAnthonyOxley 183 yards and two touchdowns. Gabler had a career day throwing DEEEEP on the Mustangs, finishing with384 yards and five touchdowns on 15-of-23 passing. Guelph opened the scoring in the first quarter with a five-yard TD pass to Peter Bamowski that capped a %-yard drive. A 14-yard Frank Jagas field goal cut Guelph’s lead to four points before Gabler drove the Gryphons on another long scoring drive, this one 75 yards. A fouryard TD reception by Rob Popkey made the score 14-3. Mustang Nigel Levy took the ensuing kick-off and was in the midst of a brilliant return when he coughed up the pigskin, giving Guelph- -_ possession on their own 48-



On the next play, Gabler executed a perfect flea-flicker, tossing 56 yards to Shane Dougherty down to Western’s six-yard line* Popkey swept around the right side for the TD io make it 21-3. u II

VanierCup 1992



IICIAU football championship


Win a pair of tickets to the game


ing the following




by answer-


Who is the Western Mustangs football head coach who was happy not TV be on the sidelines for last Saturday’s 45-10 garroting at the hands of the Guelph Gryphons? (Hint: he’s on a one-year scbbaticall) I


He was a shoe-in

from page 12

In a show of concentration they kept up the pressure and outplayed Laurier to gain a 13-6 lead. A combination of a block by Michelle VanVliet,a kill by Sue Bylsma, and . a mihcu Dclvc uy L*he game and match to Waterloo 15-7. In the match played this Wednesday at the PAC, Waterloo again came out on the wrong side of a five-game decision, 15-7, 15-12, lo-15,6-15,11-15. The first game was dull, with no aggressive play, no team taking control. Waterloo won 15-7 in a game that had only Michelle Vanvliet’s run of six serves as a highlight. Game two had the teams looking more alive and gave the meagre crowd something to cheer about. Thegamewasgridlockedat9,when shiped_*-- and allowed bk.L six serves late; r Waterloo walked a&ay with the &me 35-12. TheTSNtumingpoint came in game three with the score tied at 8. It looked as if Waterloo had just got their ninth point on a long hit by Brock, however practically as Waterloo was about to serve, the call was reversed when one of the line

meets Queen 7s tomorrow; advances to Ktznier Cup


by Peter imprint

At,he.na-~Volleyball judges said that one of the Athenas bad touched the ball. For some reason Waterloo never really played well again that night. I am going to spare all the gory details but let’s just say game three 15-10 Brock and game four 15c; Rr*#-L “L-II. ”

The fifth game of the match (again with the rally point) had Waterloo put together a stronger effort, but poor service returns were again their downfall. The Badgers took advantage of this going up 14-8. Waterloo at this point needed to win the next six straight rallies just to stay alive. They got three of them but unfortunately that was not enough. After the game coach Dena Deglau was still in disbelief that her team lost three straight games, she also pointed out that nobody on the Athenas had a good game. Luckily, there are still 11 games left in the season and if Waterloo can start playing up to their potential the season will still be a rosie one.‘The Athenas hit the road for their next two games, tonight in Guelph and Wednesday in London, the next home game will be Wednesday, November 25 in the PAC against MacMaster.


photo by Peter Brown

Western’s offence helped the Guelph cause with six turnovers, including two John L&lair interceptions late in the second quarter, the second of which blew the game wide open. Leading 21-3, Guelph drove 70 yards in four plays, including a 45-yard swing pass to Popkey and capped off by a N-yard TD pass to Kevin Reid with 18 ticks left before halftime, to make the score 28-3 at the intermission. The Mustangs also turned the ball over on downs three times, once by way of a fake field-goal attempt, Popkey had a brilliant day subbing in at running back for Kyle Walters, who was injured in the first quarter. He rushed 15 times for 64 yards and a touchdown and caught four passes for 72 yards and another major. After LeClair threw an 18-yard touchdown to Noel Martin at 3:13 . of the third quarter to make the score2&10, it was allGryphs. Gabler threw for two more scores in the fourth quarter, 30 yards to Kevin Reid and 60 yards to Dave Irwin. We The two majors were sandwiched around a 32-yard field goal by Dan Walker. Western’s running-back tandem of Matt Dickie and Sean Reade combined for 106 yards on the ground on 22 carries. Irwin led the Guelph receiving corps with 4 catches for 160 yards. I.&lair had an uncharacteristically terrible day, passing 13-of28 for 154 yards, getting more than adequate protection from his offensive line at least for the first half, when he over or under-threw many receivers. In the second half, Guelph’s ferocious pass rush and blanketlike secondary squelched any chance of a comeback. Guelph upset Toronto 31-17 in overtime in one conference semifinal, while Western edged Laurier 34-31 in the other. Back in the first week of the regular season, Guelph defeated Western 20-18. After anotherloss,Westernwonfivestraight to finish 5-2.

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i by Rich




r&xd by becomin the first team ever in the 24-year history of the event to win four strai ht champions 73ips. 8t.F.X. has won the Naismith crown each of the last three years. Waterloo achieved the same feat twice from 1973 to 1975 and from 1983 to 1985.



Twen five years ago, there be an an invitational basketball tournament that has, overt x e years, become one oft I! e most restigious events in ClAU~basketball. This year, the defending champion St. Prancis Xavier X-Men coul&mt a new

Here is a brief scouting report on the 1992 Naismith Classic entries.

Wtid Laurierbkkn Hawks

AcadiaAxemen No. 10 11 12 14 20 21 22 24 30 32 33 34 42 43 44

Name Pos. Keith Johnson G Jerome Carte G Danny Eveleigh G/F Rory Her et G Kevin Pit E G Wayne MulgraveG/F Eric James G Stafford Lowe F Re gie Oblitey F Mi P e Redden F Tom Henry F Duncan White F Adam Miller F Geoff Kott F Kevin Lee F F Leon Beaton G Clive Henry

Head coach:


Ht. 6’3” 5’6” 6’3” 6’3” 6’3” 6’3” 5’9” 6’5” 6’4” 6’7” 4’5” 6’5” 6’T k’7” 6’6” 6’7”

Yr. 2 2 4 5 2 2 5 4 2 3 2 4 1 1 4 1




No. Nan&z’ -00 Themi Hantzaridis 5 TimMau 10 Stephen Krajcarslci 11 Chris O’Rourke 21 Do& Theodosioti 22 Rich Wesolowski 23 Andre Baptiste 24 Humphrey Hill 25 Rory Steele 32 Chris Baldauf 33 Mark Tonizzo 42 Floyd Cobran 44 Randy Mahoney 55 Kris Vander Veer Brent Bar&art Ron Hamilton Jamie Procope Head coach:

The Acadia Axemen wonbackto-backNaismith’s in 1987and 1988. They traditionally have had a very effective inside game and this year is no different. Sophomore forward Reggie Oblitey and fourth-year pivot Kevin Lee will be muscling through for the high percentage shots. Point guard Eric James, entering his final year of eligibility, will direct the offence, and will be assisted by lon bomb marskrnan Danny Eveleig !?I. Acadia also recruited some height during the offseason, and should challenge St. Francis Xavier this February for the AUAA conference championship.


Pos. Ht. G 5’9” G 6’0” G/F 6’2” C 6’8” F 6’3” G/F 6’2” F 6’5” c 6’8” G 6’2” G 6’0” F 6’4” F 6’3” G 5’10” G 6’1” F 6’4” G 6’0”

Yr. 2 1 2 1 3 1

2 3 3 1 1 1

2 1 1 1

Tim Darling Rich





No. 10 11 12 14 15 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 35 44

Name Mark Cain Tyler Moore Brad Hann Jason Hurley Ken MacIntyre NormHann Shawn Swords David Nicholls Mike Short Brad Rollo Chris Fischer Ian Pitbaldo Ryan Yeo Walter Johnson Stuart Tait coach:


Pas. G G G G F G G P P F I’ G F F F

Ht. 5’11” 5’10” 5’10” 6’1” 6’3” 6’1” 6’3” 6’5” 6’7” 6’4” 6’5”

Yr. 2 1 3 1 1 5 1 1 3 5 3



6’4” 1 6’6” 5 6’4” 1


The Laurentian Voyageurs have mammoth scoring capability and a very wide range of attack. They are led by the guarding tandem of Norm and Brad Hahn. Norm, the all-time leading scorer in OUAA history, polished off his fourth year with a collosal 27.1 points per game. Brad averaged over 12 points per game and was named to the OUAA Central Section second all-star team. With the graduation of big men John Campbell, IDwayne Rivard, and Brad Austin, the Voyageurs have no depth at the post and power forward positions. Those spot are currently held by veterans Chris Fischer and Brad Rollo.


prices: Uw season tickets ball Classic.

in the country.

Mark Hopkins (6’9”) post position this season with the graduation of Pat Telford. Strong off the bench are junior Dave Lynch and sophomore Tom Balfe. will move

No. 12 13 20 21

25 30 32 33 35 42 44 45


Name Brian Lee Jason Hirtle Merrick Palmer Joe Odhiambo Aristide Nguilibet !%anMcLean Mike Clarke Richard Bella Guy Mbongo Mark Corrigan Blair White Sean Clarke

Head .



Pas. Ht. Yr. G 5’11” 3 G 6’1” 1 G 6’2” 1 G 6’2” 3 F 6’8” 4 F 6’6” 2 F 6’8” 1 c 6’9” 4 F 6’6” 4 G 6’2” 2 F 6’s” 3 F 6’5” 2 Konchfiski

The St* Francis Xavier X-Men could make history at this year’s Naismith Classic. If they win it, they will be the first team ever to win four straight championships. St.F.X. will probably stick to the game plan that was so effective in their earlier a pearances: feed the ball to Richar B Bella inside or at the high post and add a few perimeter shots once in a while to spread the opposing defence and take some pressure off the forwards. E?ella,Guy Mbongo, and Aristide Nguilibet, all from the Central African Repub~;$f~$gJg$y-f-~$$~~ Keep an eye on point Lee and small forward


to aU games of the Naismith

to the starting

St Francis XavierX4len




ior year. Two-time UW rebounding champion Chris Moore is probably one of the most underrated players

November 13 - -__ 1: 12 p.m. Winnipeg vs Laurier GAME 3: 6 p.m. St.F.X. vs Laurentian 2: 2 p.m. Acadia vs Guelph GAME 4: 8 p.m. Carleton vs Waterloo

Sunday, November 15 GAME 9: 10 a.m. Consolation Championship GAME 10: 12 p.m. Bronze Medal Game GAME 11: 2 p.m* Championship Game


This is Tom Kieswetter’s inaugural season as head coach. Back for his fourth year of eligibility is shooting guard Alex Urosevic, who finished second in OUAA West scoring last year with 20.3 points per game. Hometown freshman B.J. York, who is extremely quick and an excellent ball-handler, will play some big minutes for Waterloo with the absence of Rob Baird, Mike Duarte, and Jim Toole. Former CIAIJ Rookie of the Year Sean VanKoughnett, the Warriors’ best all-round player, brings his high-octane offence into his jun-


Paul Armstrong

Paul Armstrong entershis tenth year at the helm of the Carleton men’s basketball program. Pacing the offence will be prolific 6’4” forward Taffe Charles who can rack up some really high numbers. Earlier in the pre-season in a game a ainst the Windsor Lancers, & lesdrained54points,veryclose to a league record. The Ravens are the youn est team in the tournament wi ifi no one in their senior year. Charles will be called upon for leadershi duties alag with fellow thir B -year players Jeff Cressman and Doug Elliot.


No. Name PO& Ht, Yr. 3 B.J. York (3 5’9” 1 ’ 5 Andy Pocrnic G .6’1” 1 12 Gahan Richardson G 6’4” 2 2b, Alex Urosevic G 6’3” 4 ,23 mke Leitch c 6’6” 2 x4 Dave Lynch F 6’6” 3 33 SeanVanKoughnettG 6’T 3 34 ChrisMoore F 6’6” 4 43 Bruce VanLoon C 6’6” 3 44 Tom Balfe F 6’5” 2 54 MarkHopkins c 6’9” 2

front court is four-time All-Canadian forward Tim Mau. With the graduation of Eric Hammond, there are holes to be filled at the other forward spots. The leading candidates from last year are Brent Barnhardt and Floyd Cobran. Guelph will try to make it four straight trips to the nationals in

Head Head coach:

Ht. Yr. 6’4” 2 6’8” 5 6’4” 1 5’10”4 6’1” 1 6’2” 2 6’0” 2 5’11” 4 6%” 2 6’5” 2 6’8” 2 4’5”%3 6’2” 2 6’5” 1 6’8” 5 6’1” 2 6’4” 4

Humphrey Hill are dangerous because of their ability to drive the lane and get a quick shot off the dribble. Completing the Gryphs three-guard rotation is trey specialist Chris O’Roarke who has game breaking ability at money time. Anchoring the

CarletonRavens No. Name 5 John Newport 10 Shawn Campbell 11 Jason Barton 13 Chris Webber 15 Taffe Charles 21 James Marquardt 23 Dave Gardiner 31 Jeff Cressman 33 Doug Elliot 35 Curtis Houlden 41 Gary Kennedy 43 Sidney Zigah 45 Luca Diacone5cu 51 Jeff Robins 53 John Armstrong Pat Sherlock

Pos. G F F G G G G G F F F F G F c/F G F


guard Brian Blair White.

No. 10 14 20 22 24 30 32 34 40 42

Name Chris LivingstoneG Tolly Henderson ColinStrickland JimNewton Brad Johnston Mario Vend&i Adam Bazuk Brian Fretz Alex Thornton SeanBrennan 44 Dave Bart I 50 Shawn Roach 55 Tom Pallin Geoff Budgell Peter Schut Jay Spencer Head coach:

Pos. Ht. Yr. 6’0” 3 G 6’0” 1 G 5’11” 1 G 6’2” 2 F 6’2” 4 P 4’5” 2 F 6’3” 2 P 6’6” 1 F 6’T’ 3 G 6’4” 3 G 6’4” 1 F 6’6” 3 P 6’7’ 2 F 6’3” 1 F 6’5” 1 P

6%” 1

Gary Jeffries

Third-year point-man Chris Livingstone will quarterback the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawk offence with several speedy guards in strong support. With one year under his belt, 6’T’ post Tom Pallin has established himself as one of the tougher bi men inside. Veteran forwards Sa awn Roach and Alex Thornton are usually strong on a baseline approach and position well for rebounds. The loss of veteran forward Steve Duncan and senior guard Danny Deep may hurt Laurier, but they are a team not to be taken lightly. They could be the darkhorse of the OUAA West in 1992-93.

WinnipegWesmen No. Name 4 David Korpela 10 Rob Derksen 11 Thor Olesen 12 Rhett’Tumer 13 Matt Hannay 14 David Zagordo 15 Prentice Lenz 20 Jeremy Rattai 21 Jeff Foreman 23 RichardHunt 24 Chris Chartier 25 Norm Froemel Head coach:

Pos. Ht. G 6’0” G 6’1” G 6’1” G 6’0” F 6’3” G 6’0” G 6’0” F 6’5” F 6’8” F 6’4” F 6’7” F 7’0”

4 1 4 3 4 4 1 2 3

Bill Wedlake

Wtipeg, one of the CIAU’s defensive specialists, is a scrappy squad which usually wins games with masterful rebounding and a run and gun offence. Their quick transition game keeps opposing defenses on their toes. The Wesmen have some giants inside including 7’0” centre Norm Froemel and dynamic 6’8” All-Canadian forward Jeff Forman. Winnipeg also has a lot of experience at the guard position with only one of the six avaiiableperimeter men having less than two years of CIAU play under his belt. David Korpela and Rob Derksen are the probable back court starters.

Saturday, November 14 9:30 iirn. Warrior Alumni Game GAME 5: 12 p.m. Loser Game 1 vs Loser Game 2 GAME 6: 2 p.m. Loser Game 3 vs Loser Game 4 (if Warriors win Game 4) Winner Game 3 vs Winner Game 4 (if Warriors lose Game 4) GAME GAME

Yr. 5 4 3

7: 5 p.m. Winner Game 1 vs Winner Game 2 8: 7 ,m. Winner Game 3 vs Warriors &. arriors win Game 4) Loser Game 3 vs Warriors (if Warriors lose Game 4)

Premier mmamervt 25th year by lsubelle Schadet Imprint stuff

The 25th Naismith Classic Basketball tournament begins today (Friday, November 13) and runs until Sunday, November 15 here at the University of Waterloo’s Physical Activities Complex. The Naismith, formerly called the Tip-off Tournament, was the invention of the former director of athletics Carl Totzke. He wanted to “start the [basketball] season with a heck of a tip-off” by bringing together some of the best basketball teams from various areas of Canada and host an eight-team basketball tournament. A couple of years later Mike Lavalle took over the team and suggested renaming the tournament to honour the Canadian inventor of the game, Dr. J. Naismith, a native of Almonte, Ontario. Legend has it that Naismith threw a small ball through a pkach basket and thereby invented the game one hundred and one years ago.

Since its early days, almost all basketball playing members of the CIAU have participated in the Naismith Classic tournament. In fact, it is the Naismith tournament that is the model for eight-team tournaments across Canada. The Naismith tournament did not always coincide with Homecoming. Yet, at some point, according to athletics information director PaulCondon, it was discovered that the Naismith Classic tournament drew the largest group of alumni back to the university over any other event. Since the Naismith is traditionally a strong fournament, only coaches that have strong teams ask to play in the Naismith. This year, the eight teams in the tournament are: the Waterloo Warriors, the Winnipeg Wesmen, the Laurier Golden Hawks, the Guelph Gryphons, the Acadia Axemen, the Laurentian Voyageurs, the St. Francis-Xavier X-men, and the Carleton Ravens. This year’s tournament promises to be extremely exciting. It is the first year for Tom Kieswetter as head coach, yet he is neither new to the Warriors, nor to the Naismith tournament, Kieswetter played for the Warriors in the first game back in 1968, This year, there is also the possibility that the St. Francis Xavier Xmen could win their fourth consecutive Naismith championship. The X-men have won the crown for the past three years. The Warriors have recorded duee-in-a-row titles twice in the past, 1973 to 1975 and 1983 to 1985. May thebest team win!

FEDOFFICELOCATION: Campus Centre, room 235


Accounting Pub Night

8:00 p.m.

Bourbon Tabernacle choir l@8!@!&

FridUY 13

Saturday 14



Bob’s Your

the Fed

Uncle matinee aklEbHm St. Paddy’s Sci Sot Pub (evening)

Office for more info onour , ’ Boards & Services Tuesday 17

lip Sync Contest &G&*1! Thursday 19

Wednesday 18

Fed Services


The BAA represents all students within the academic sector of the universityOfficially, the BAA functions to encourage the evaluation, maintenance, and development of academic programs and standards at UW. Information about student rights, regulations, and appeal procedures is available at the BAA office. If you have any academic concerns, or if you’d like to become involved with BAA, phone x2340.

HOMECOMING I.D. EVERYONE must show student card AND one legal form of ID for entrance at Bombshelter and Fed Hall during Homecoming.

ANNOUNCEMENTS B Comm, Chairperson * BILChairperson (Board of Internal Liason) l Newspaper Commissioner NEEDEDfor Winter Term 1993 Inquire tit Fed Office


CAB - Creative Arts Board (Fed Off ice) We are looking

for submissions to Pheonix, the literary magazine. Deadline December 10 Poetry


short. prose



SPEC - Student Employment Centre Is looking for a few volunteers for the Winter of 1993 - inquire In CC206

watch for endowment md projects app~vedf~rFall-terra,eodofN~vember


Imprint Frida~,%vember



Athletes of the Wee k: Nov. 2 and Nov. 9

LEANNE DIETRICH Athena Field Hockey The University of Waterloo has chosen Leanne Dietrich as female athlete of the week of Nov. 2. Dietrich is a third-year science student who plays midfielder foi the Athena field hockey team. Last weekend, the Athenas placed fourth in the OWIAA championship tournament, losing the bronze game in a shoot-out following two overtime periods. Dietrich scored the Athenas’ only goal of the game as they were defeated 2-l by Guelph. Earlier in the tournament, she scored against Queen’s twice, once in regulation and again the shoot-out following overtime, as the Athenas won their opening round game 4-2. The Athenas were defeated O-3 by Toronto in the second round and consequently played for third. Dietrich is co-captain of the Athenas and was named a second-team OWIAA all-star for her season-long contribution.

JOHN WYNNE Warrior Hockey

SUSAN Athena

The University of Waterloo has chosen John Wynne as male athlete of the week of Nov. 2. Wynne is a first-year arts student who compiled nine points over one weekend’s worth of competition. The Warriors defeated Laurentian II-3 on Saturday, October 31 and RMC 15-4 on Sunday, November 1. Wynne showed both discipline and composure, scoring twice himself and assisting his teammates seven times over the two games. He also recorded zero penalty minutes. The Warriors will not return home until November 27 when they host Laurier at Columbia Icefield. They defeated Toronto 13-8 last Thursday and then lost two exhibition games in the United States. They played

at Western

last night.

JONES Squash

PETER Warrior

The University of Waterloo has chosen Susan Jones as female athlete of the week of Nov. 9. Last weekend, Jones competed for the Ahtenas at the Ryerson Can-am Tournament involving three universities from Canada and three from the U.S.A. Jones scored one-third of the Athena’s total tournament points, going undefeated in five matches in the tournament. The Athenas finished third with 15 points. Jones is a first-year science student nally from Etobicoke, Ontario, formerly ing from the Curzon Club.


The Athenas will host a tournament on Saturday, November 21; spectators are welcome to watch from the viewing gallery.

DENISON Volleyball

The University of Waterloo has chosen Peter Denison as male athlete of the week of Nov. 9. Denison, a third-year recreation student in his first season with the Warriors, was outstanding in the Warriors’ season-opening victories over Laurier and Windsor last week. Denison recorded a combined total of 39 digs, 27 of which came against Laurier. This was close to a Warrior record for a single match. Offensively, he registered 14 kills at a 72.2 per cent efficiency with only one error and three continuations in the two matches, He is a native of Tweed, Ontario. The Volleyball Warriors and the Athenas have two league games this week, at home versus Brock on Wednesday, and travelling to Guelph on Friday. The Athenas (l-1) will play at 6:00 p.m., the Warriors (2-O) at 8:00 p.m.

Campus Recreation report . by DeAnn Durrer Imprint sports

We have a busy week coming up in Campus Recreation. Please note the following dates and plan to get involved.

Versatility .--SierraDesigns and GoreeTex” oln-ERwEAR

1 I Whether your biking hard in” the rugged hills or ploughing knee deep through powder snow you’ need outerwear that you ca count on to keep you warm an dry - outerwear that gives results anywhere and every 1 time. Sierra Designs and ’ , Gore-Tex@ outerwear bring together solid performance , and outstanding durability in 1 a line of functional, ( comfortable clothing using

the highest technology in features and fabrics. So if one day you’re carving turns and the next you’re nning white water you’ll have versatile clothing to keep you __ warm and dry. Come on in and check out our large selection of Sierra Designs jackets, parkas, pants and much more, They bring quality with versatility and we bring you selection with incredible value.


November 15 - Basketball Playoffs Begin November 16 - Hockey Playoff Meeting 4:45 pm CC 135 November 17 - Hockey Playoffs begin - Volleyball Playoffs Begin November 18 - CRAC Meeting 4:45 pm Village 2, West 102 November 19 - Body Measurement Workshop 11:30 am Squash Court 1 November 20 - 3 on 3 Half Court Basketball Tournament Final Entry Date Plan To Attend! There will be a body measurement workshop on Thursday, November 19 between 11:30and1:30insquashcourt1.Thisisagreat opportunity to get to know more about yourself and what you should be doing to obtain an even more healthy self! Cost is only $2.00 and is payable at the door. Campus Recreation meting The next CRAC day,


Advisory meeting


is qn Wednes-

18 at 4;45 p.m. in Village

West 102. Everyone is welcome to attend. Even if you have never attended a meeting before, it’s never too late to learn about CRAC and get involved in your C-R program!


Tournament Notice: Pick up your basketball and practice your shot! The next Campus Recreation Toumament is the 3 on 3 Half Court ‘Basketball Tournament and it will start on November 26. The final entry date for this tournament is Friday, November 20 at 1:OO p.m. in PAC 2039. Sign up early! C-R Job Opportunities: There are still student assistant job positions available for the spring 1993 term. Student assistants aid in the day-today organization +nd administration of the C-R programs. They are involved in competitive and recreational leagues, tournaments, aquatics, fitness and instructional programs, publicity, promotions, photography, and special projects. Inquire immediately in the athletic *office (PAC 2039). This is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience, learn more about C-R and meet lots of great people! Flt Facts: - Weight training and strength exercises are good for everyone, even older adults. Be sure to get instructions from a qualified fitness professional. - The stress of everyday life can be good or bad, depending on how we perceive them and how we react to them. ‘Positive stress’ occurs when we see a difficult situation as a challenge and respond to it with stress management techniques that work for us. -- Much

of the tubacccrTelated


of heart

disease disappears within a few years, even in long-time smokers who already have signs of heart disease. You will get immediate benefits if you quit now.







SCORES OUAA championship Yates Cup Guelph 45 Western 10 .CIA rU FQOT#ALL


\ ‘y


,Saint Maq$ Huskies (1) Queen’s Gold& Gaels (3) y GUELPH GRYPHONS (6) Calgaiy DinoshUrs (8)’ Bishop’s Gaiters (2) UEK Thunderbirds (3) I WESTERN MUSTANGS (5) LAURIER GOLDEN HAWKS (7j I ‘TORONTO I3LUES (9) Mount Allison Mounties (10) , OUM

McMaster Waterloo Western Laurier Brock Windsor Guelph York Toronto Queen’s Laurentian Ryerson















2 1

1 1




2 3 2 3 MP 3 2 3

1 0 0 MW 3 2 1






4 2 2 6 2 2 6 0 3 9 0 MLGW 4L TP 0 9 2’6 0 6 2 4 2 5 6 2 3 6 9 2 2 0 6 0

McMaster 3 (1%7,15-4,15-6) Waterloo 3


0 0










6 Laurentian




West Division Final McMaster 1 Laurier East Division Final Laurentian 2 Carleton OUAA Final McMaster 1 Laurentian






1 OT OT \


McMaster 3 Brock 2 (lo-15,16-17,15-H, 15-5,15-9) 6 Waterloo 3 Laurier 2 (7-15,17-16,14-16,15-9,15-12) Western 3 Guelph 0 (15-10,16-14,155) York 3 Queen’s 1 (15-11,14-16,15-11,17-15) 7 Toronto 3 Laurentian 1

(OUAA teamscapitalized,lastweek’sranking in parentlwsu) 1, UBC Thunderbirds (1)

2. 3. 4, 5. 6. ’ 7. 8, 9. 10.


(2) LAURENTIAN VOYAGEURS Dalhousie Tigers (4) CARLETON RAVENS (7) LAURIER GOLDEN HAWKS McGill Redmen (NR) Alberta Golden Bears .(6) Concordia Stingers (NR) St. Mary’s Huskies (8) OUAA

West Division Waterloo

Western Guelph Laurier Laurentian Brock Windsor RMC East Division

Toronto York Ottawa McGill Queen’s Concordia




5 4

5 4



STANDlNGS L T F 0 0 56



A pts 17


13 17

8 8



21 45

8 4









0 0

2 6 L 1

1 0 T 0

15 10

21 72

2 1 0


F 45

A 22

Pts 10

10 1 0

34 16

21 12

6 6





16 27 16 22 11 12 1133

4 2 1 0










Waterloo Western 6 Laurier Ottawa Toronto 7 Guelph Laurentian York 8 Brock Western Ottawa


Laurier Toronto Guelph Brock Concordia Ryerson RMC Windsor Ryerson



6 8 5 2 2 3 1 6 4 3

5 4

Lauren. Concordia

1 3


7 4

5 10 13 8




3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.’


j@inaCougars(l) WATERLOO PVjiRRIORS (ij. .. Acadia: Axemen (2) i WESTEZNMUS’TANGS (9) TORONTO VAR%TY BLUES.(S) m&j-(6) d._, :.’ :.: Alberta.C;&kn E&s (4) ’ : Saskatchetian




Bowl at SkyDome vs Queen’s


SOCCER CIAU Championships at Cuelph Laurentianvs Concordia 3 p.m. Guelph vs Dalhousie 6 p.m. Dalhousie vs UBC 3 p.m. Concordia vs McMaster 6 p.m. Guelph vs UBC 1 p.m. McMaster vs Lauren. 4 p.m. Bronze Medal Game 11 a.m. Gold Medal Game 2 p.m. HOCKEY at Laurier 7:30 p.m. at RMC 7:00 p.m. at UQTR 7:30 p.m. at McGill 7:30 p.m. at Concordia7:30 p.m. at Concordia3:OO p.m. at McGill 3:OO i.m. at Queen’s 730 p.m. at Western 8100 p.m. at Lauren. 2100 p.m. at RMC 2:00 p.m.

12 Guelph 13 Lauren. Ottawa Toronto York 14 Toronto York Ryerson Laurier 15 Guelph Ryerson

10 Toronto 11 Guelph McMaster 13 Brock Laurier Ryerson 14 Ryerson

at at at at at at at

Ryerson Windsor Laurier Windsor Western Queen’s Queen’s

8:OO p.m. 6:OO p.m. 8:OO p.m. 700 p.m. 8:OO p.m. 8:OO p.m. 2:oO p.m.




(7) (10)

ww 2(PK) 0 0 WV









WI 15

Combined 28 26

Total 43 41





2 4




5 0


1 2 OWMA



10 Queen’s


14-15 East II West II


2 2





1 0

0 3

2 0













at at at at at at


Windsor Laurier Lakehead Western Lakehead

8 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m.

6 p.m. 730 pm.



8 p.m.



4 4

14 Laurier



8 p.m.


1 0

HOCKEY at Western

ROWING Wortiors & Arhenas


3ct, 31 QUAA/OWIAA FinaIs at Henley course, St. Catharines Hosted by Brock University


15-2) 3

Ryerson Guelph


Total 3 2 1

at at




York (15-5,15-l, Brock

0 0 1 1




5 11


3 0

Western Waterloo Guelph McMaster

1 1 0 0

11 Guelph McMaster Nov. 13 McMaster Laurier Nov. 14 McMaster

6 15 21 Mixed Doubles Standings Eat Div. WI Combined Total York 1 . 3 4





15 6

Queen’s Toronto Ottawa Ryerson


1 3






1 1



Totul 39 27



1 1 1 1

Carleton York Ottawa Ryerson Queen’s Toronto



McMaster Western Waterloo Guelph


{OUAA teamscapitdi2ed,iad We&73rankingslin parenthe&


East Division

3 2 4 MP


2 13-15,15-13)


McMaster 3 Western (15-0,6-15,15-11,15-11) Windsor 3 Watdoo

VOLLEYBALL Wwriw & Athenas


Jov.’ 11 Brock Jov. 13 Waterloo


at Waterloo at GueIph

8,6 p.m. $6 p.m.




Lakehead 3 Windsor (15-11,6-15,15-6,1512) Brock 3 McMaster



Warriors Iov. 13,14,15 25th Naismith Tournament at UW Acadia, Carleton, Guelph, Laurentian, St. Francis Xavier, Waterloo, Laurier, Winnipeg (see page 16 for times)



Waterloo 3 Laurier (7015,15-!3,13-15,15-7,15-S) Guelph 3 Western I&15,15-4,15-7,16-14) Carleton 3 Ottawa

2 1



Jov. 13,14,15 , at Concordia




Lakehead 3 Windsor (15-13,15-9,15-13)


0 WfAA VOLLEYBALL STANDlNGS West Division MP MW MLCW GL Lakehead 2 2 0 6 1 I3rock 3 2 1 6 5

McMaster Guelph Waterloo

3 3 2

2 1 1

1 2 1



6 5 5

4 7 -5

TP 4 4

4 2 2

Joy. 14 &I5 14 15

East sectional II at Ryerson west sectional II at Guelph

1Q:OO a.m. 1O:OO a.m.

CURL/NC Invitational, &15 at Thompson Arena

Jov, X4 Western

8~30 a.m.





Ottawa Queen’s Toronto York Ryerson

Nov. 4




14 Churchill Guelph


3 0 3 0 11 4 0

OWIAA BADMINTON Team Standings East Div. WI Combined



2 1 0

Nov. 7

Quarter fir&s Toronto 3 Waterloo Western 2 York Laurier 3 Queen’s McMaster 3 Carleton Semi finals Western 1 Toronto McMaster 2 Laurier Finals: Bronze medal game Laurier 3 Toronto Gold medal game Western 1 McMaster

dov. 12 Waterloo

6 5 3 6 GPW 6 4 4 4




0 0 10 2 0

5 3 3 2

22 35 46


West Div.


York 3 Queen’s (15-9,15-2,12-15,15-a)



West Div.




5 5 1 1

3 York 3 Ryerson (15-5,15-4,15-11) Brock 3 Guelph (15-12, i5-4,15-9)

Western Laurier Windsor





OUAA Championship McMaster 18 Queen’s


East Division


Nov. 7




(OUM tama clpitslimd, hti wmkb n3nking.hpm&~)

I. >’ 2, 3, 4, 5. 6+ 7. 8. 9. 10.


’ :: / A

14 &15 14 15

East sectional II at Ryerson West sectional II at Guelph

1O:OO a.m. 1O:OO a.m.



14 Western Invitational &15 at Thompson Arena

8:30 a.m.




looking for writers to cover / women’s basketball, women’s volleyball, and any other sports you may be interested in. Come on down to CC 140 and ask for the editor. . 8 8 8




_, .’ ‘, . ‘. . PMAPSI_ awlIon


k cwm




tt oh14






The Glass Caravanaserai Santana Skybowl Sunday, November by Scott Imprint

conductstheminahighenergyperformance that can get even the most static person up on thier feet and dancing. About halfway through the show, Santana was joined by openingband Third World for a resounding tribute to Bob Marley. Third World members (all five of them) hooked right in to Carlos’ telekineticwavesandprovidedthecrowd with a 25minute version of “Exodus” that proved to be the climax of the night. The only negative experience at this concert was the venue itself. Yes, it was impressive to see SkyDome for the first time, and yes, it was a thrill to take photographs right at the front of the stage, but the seating provided for members of the press was shitty to say the least. We were stuck in the baseball press seats -- you know, the ones about half a mile up from the floor. The sound was really lame, and we literally had the worst seats in the house. Bands like Santana are best seen at places like Massey Hall, where the accous tics of classic architecture are far superior to those of a giant dishtowel draped over one of the manysquaremiles inside SkyDome.


Deveber stuff

No laser beams, discoballs or excessive lung-bleeding smoke, just a couple of spotlights, a hell of a band, and the man himself -Carlos Santana. This past Sunday, Nov. 1, Santana made a rare and well anticipated appearance at SkyDome in Toronto. Taking the stage promptly at 8:30, Carlos and the boys put on a show that lasted over two hours and had many jubilant fans jumping around to the funky tunes that have endured in the hearts of hippies for almost 30 years. The band covered a surprisingly wide range of their material, from early songs like “Black Magic Woman,” “Oye Como Va,” and “Se a Cabo”, to a few songs (I can’t remember the names) from their new album Milagro. My preferences lie with the older stuff because this new material seems to be directed at fans who were my age back in ’60s and ’70s. Yes, even the most energetic of us get older and mellow out, so I guess Carlos can’t be blamed for writing songs that sound more like elevator



- but doesn’t

photo by Scott Deveber


music than tunes from the jungles of South America. On this tour, the band is made up of the usual mix of numerousd rummers, keyboardists,

guitarists, and vocalists. The resulting effect is quite mind blowing; each person on stage seems telebathically linked to Carlos as he

Aside from this, it enjoyable and inpiring you missed it this time, catchsantana when they in a couple of years.

was a very show -- if be sure to come back

Talking to the Hermit about Poetry by Bernard Kearney Imprint staff

Yourbrother,ChrisBottomley,and you were together in a punk Tulpa. .

A scheduling cock-up last week found Vancouver based singer/ songwriter John Bottomley performing a free gig Friday the 12th instead of the advertized 11 th. Despair not if you missed Friday’s gig as he to perform tomorrow night at the Commercial tavern in Maryhill. Amidst the confusion, John still managed to find a little time to sit down and talk to Imprint about a ,myriad of topics including his work with T Bone Burnett, his brother and songwriting.

Yeah, for nine years, we made two records. We might do another one again someday. We were thinking that a side project may be a really good thing to do because it would be an interesting form considering we have learned what we have in our own way. It would be neat to collaborate on something just to see what would happen. Something to do for fun.

Your new album Songs witI2 an Ornamental Hermit credits T Bone Burnett as the producer for several tracks. What was the man like to work with? He was great, an amazing character, probably the funniest guy I’ve ever met, and he works really quickly. He’s been doing it long enough to know what works and what doesn’t. He tries to bring out what the artist has. The stuff I recorded with him was done really fast, and then we mixed the whole album in L.A. He came in at the end to help record three songs (“Red Road, ’ “Bringing Down the Moon,” and “Ballad of Jacob Peck”). Then we went to LA and did everything in two or three weeks. He introduced me to a lot of new things, like this new band coming out of San Francisco called the Counting Crows, and Five Blind Boys, they’re kind of neat.


Given that much of your music incorporates storytelling, something that can be expounded in a live context, how do you find your music translates on iecord. There is no substitute for live performance, anywhere. The good thin about playing live is the persona j itv, esDeciallv if vou have a really &eat bight, &r&e recording which is a lot of theorv. I like recording a lot too beca&e you can use your imagination and really work at it. But live is for the moment. You only get one go at it and you can’t fix it. I like that. Listening to Songs with the Omamental Hermitt I can’t help but notice a distinct Waterboys feeling in some of your vocal stylings. Have you ever been compared to them?

Yeah, I have been. Actually, it’s a funny thing, last week in an interview, I was compared to T Bone Burnett. I thought that was really

funny, since he worked on my album. But yeah, the Waterboys has come up a lot. The way I see it, Mike Scott is influenced by Bob Dylan a lot, and I’m influenced by Bob Dylan a lot. So I think Dylan is where the influence comes from. Maybe it has something to the way the music is approached. What’s proach

the John Bottomley to songwriting?


I will very rarely go out. I’ll just work, research and work. Spend weeks and weeks just working on stuff. and that’s all that’s on my mind - nothing else matters. If you want to get a song done or finished, you should do it right away, because obviously it is very easy to get distracted. I think it’s a good thing to go into some kind of shed or. something. Dylan Thomas used to have a shed in the back of his place in Wales. Is songwriting you?


an arduous

task for

Each song is different. I try to go for different approaches on it. “Ballad of Jacob Peck” took four ears to write, but I wasn’t in any K urry to write it. Then other songs may take a few weeks or months, just to gather and work. I dunno, you might be looking for something and you et frustrated. It’s a funny process Por me and it comes at weird times. Sometimes I can whip out a tune. For example, “Sarah Whitehead” was done in two days. “Red Road” was also written very fast.

I heard that the recording with T Bone Burnett was done very quickly That must have been interesting, given the labour in penning some of the songs. That’s right, everything was done in first takes. There are actually many versions of “Peck,” that didn’t make the record. So I just sat down and said that I wanted to create a rattled version of it. I didn’t want it to be perfect or anything. Afterwards, we actually did do overdubs for it, but then thought “Naw, it sounds like. . . an overdub. It was interesting though. Considering your present musical penchant, ballads, storytelling, and the like, it is interesting to note that Tulpa, the band you were originally in, was a type of punk band. I don’t think it’s good to repeat yourself too much. I don’t think it’s good for your soul. I think it is healthy to gather new things, rejuvenate yourself and come out with somethin new. I’m lucky % ecause I’m a songwriter and a solo artist too, so I can go anywhere I want whereas, with a band, and I know because I played in a one for nine years, you’ve got four or five different heads and it’s sometimes hard to have a group of people all wanting to go in the same direction

all the


I like


freedom. In some senses, it’s a bit tou her, be&use you don’t have any Ld y to fall back on or have the band to hide behind.

by Sandy Atwal Imptm staff This Is the voice of Imprin Arts, You will obey the voice o Imprint Arts or suffer the wratl of a thousand gods!!!! Imprin Arts is God among gods. Wd will show you the sufferings o your jesus Christ in hell, We wil show you the Buddhist Nirvam to be the sham that it is. We! wil show you the truth and the light and crush your deities befon you. You can follow the way oi your false prophets, your chat latans in guise of deities, and II so, suffer a thousand hells, and plung into the abyss of nothing nessl Or,youcangotothefollow ing concerts. At the El Mocambo on Ne vcmbexl 14, Risa Robots Rise, the most important band in America are playing. Voted besi new band by News, Music, Express and Sound, Rise ,Robots Rise are the hottest band in the world right not, following copy cats Nirvana right to the top+ After Curt Kobain of Nirbana -recently stated thai Megadeth were his favourite band, that outfit’s tickets have been selling like hotcakes for its show November 16 at the Inter national Ccntre. Rumour has it that Judas Priest, Metallica, Ozzy Osboume and a newly reformed Led Zeppelin will be joining the band on stage for a rockin’ rendition of “Stairway to Heaven.” Joining the band(s?) will be Suicidal Tendencies. . Hot on the charts with their brilliant new album Grave &UKers Union, Soul Asylum play one of the best venues in Toronto (Skybowl included) The Spectrum on November 16. Joining them willbe Led Zeppelin cover act The Lemonheads. . Led Zeppelin’s female equivalent Babes in Toyland will be playing the 0pera House Nov. 17, and are sure to be crowd pleasers with their acoustic versions of “Immigrant Song” and “Over the Hills and Far Away”. After a 15year hiatus, Tragically Hip have returned with a brand new album (and Rolling Stone said it would never happen!) and a global worldwide tour which is said to rival the Jacksons’ ‘86 “Victory” tour. They’ll pack Massey Hall November 18 to be sure, so if it’s sold out, go kill someone. Supergroup the Levellers (rumoured to be a side project of Mike Scott and Shane McGowan) return toThe Opera House Nov. 21. To be sure, their unique blend of Celtic music and experimental Japanese aggronoise (which they have all but abandoned since the b-side of their first flexi) will be a crowdpleaser. Iceland’s favourite group 10,000 Maniacs will be playing some uf their great hits (“Regina,” “Motorcycle Mama”) at Massey Hall November 24. Rurnoursihat lead singerispregnant with Michael Stipe’s child will beeasv to answer &me that day. * : Other upcoming ati to be fully detailed i; further HIPHAPS, TelevG4on rock the Danforth Musk Hall, Nav. 27, Murder Inc+ hit the Opera House the same day. British &&link PJ Harvey rolls into town Nov. 29 at the. Opera House, Alice in ‘Chains hits the Concert HalI Nav. 29 and everyone’s favourite inclustrial duo Ministry it* at Maple Leaf Gardens Decern-


Imprint 13, I992

Friday, November


Looking for Mr. Wrong D.O.A./Mr. Wrong/Dog Eat Dog Phil’s Bar and Grill Wednesday, Nov. 4 by Andy


lmpfint stu# Wednesday, November 4 saw a heavy-duty triple bill of Vancouver acts hitting Waterloo. Upon descending the stairs of Phil’s to catch this event, I couldn’t help thinking to myself: here I am 23, years old, about to graduate, and stillhangingaroundatpunkshows. Do I really still have fun at these things? The answer, for this night anyway, was a resounding yes. Dog Eat Dog (formerly Dogzilla) kicked things off around 10 p.m., and burst into the funky “Psychobabble” from their new CD release. This set the tone for a competent and occasionally rousing set of music. Dog Eat Dog are one of those hybrid bands. Their repertoire draws equally upon funk, metal, and fast punk. Unfortunately, they fail to blend these styles into any new sort of musical concoction. Over the course of their performance, it was usually obvious (sometimes painfully so) which of these three styles they were playing. But,

considering they’re a relatively new band, I’ll have to give them a tentative thumbs up. Next up was the heavily anticipated (at least by my friends and I) appearance by Mr. Wrong. For those who don’t know, Mr. Wrong is Rob Wright,bassGodextrordinairefrom the legendary NoMeansNo. Mr. Wrong took the stage clad in sunglasses, an army cap, and a priest’s collar. Whether this was supposed be some sort of statement on< authoritarianism or something, I’m not sure, but his stage garb became irrelevant as soon as the first distorted refrains rumbled out of his bass rig. The notion of a solo bass/vocal performance is a pretty novel one. There were those with blank facial expressions who obviously didn’t know what to think. Others were probably thinking “Who the hell does this guy think he is, anyway?” And then their were those of us who knowingly exchanged grins as we were engulfed by the engaging sounds of one of our musical heroes. By the time Mr. Wrong had run through some striking new compositions, and launched into the peachy NoMeansNo anthem “Now,” the audience was beginning to warm to the throbbing,

grinding chords and runs of Mr. Wrong’s bassalongwiththe twisted glimpses of humanity offered by his lyrics. He finished with the inyour-face “Kill Everyone Now” which seemed to be a more extreme take on the ironic black humour of the Dead Kennedy’s “Kill the Poor.” The good news is that there’s plenty of projects in the works for Rob Wright. Rob and his rhythmically obsessed brother John teamed up for a Hanson Brothers album that should be out very soon on Alternative Tentacles. The Hanson Brothers is the NoMeansNo alter ego band that is responsible for such Ramones-rock classics as “Dad” and “Oh No, Bruno!“. Fans can also expect a Mr. Wrong single in the near future as well as a new NoMeansNo record, and hopefully atour,nextspring.GuitargeekAndy Kerr is no longer with NoMeansNo. Wright reports that Andy just got married and is living in Holland. Getting back to the show, Canadian punk legends D.O.A. are back on the road after a two year hiatus and seem hell-bent on dispelling any scepticism about their status as underground dinosaurs. Much to the surprise and pleasure of those in attendance, D.O.A. managed to evoke much of the excitement and energy that marked many

Balding...but Balanced and Beautiful Jethro Tull Massey Hall November 3 & 4 by jeff imprint

Wcwner staff

switched into an abridged version of “Too Old to Rock n’ Roll, Too Young to Die. ” “Bouree” was mildly disappointing, but the set-ending “Aqualung” -- the classic Tull tune -- brought the house down with its sped-up, heavily distorted energy and pace. It was with the second set that the true genius of the group and of

There’s only one way to de-. scribe last week’s concert by Jethro Tull: pure musical perfection. True, there were a few glitches, things which detracted from the overall effect but compared to the musical brilliance of the 20-plus-yearold group, they were mere trifles. I a n Anderson, the group’s frontman, proved Well, balding and balanced anyway. that he still can lay claim to the title of bein the Anderson came to li ht. The vermost balanced man in show gbusision of “With You #i ere to Help ness. Performin half of the show Me” blended alI of the elements on one leg, he aHternated between thatsetTullapartfromothergroups: his trademark “left leg curled up heavy riffs, a pounding beat, while playing the flute” and highAnderson’s voice, and, of course, kicks while leaping about the stage. his flute playing. The flute solo on His flute playing, however, made “A New Day Yesterday“ was inhis acrobatics look like the spasspired; it seem4 like nothing could medic twitchings of dying man: it top it. was fucking awesome. Of course, Anderson did just The “Li ht and Dark” tour cothat with the extended, whimsical, incided wi t! a recent live-album free-associating solo he performed release, focusing on material from during “My God.” After admonthe fit half of their career. Divided ishing the crowd for cheering durinto two sets, the concert fist dealt ing the quieter lulls, the solo continwith the “softer” side of Tull. “Livued on to include snippets of other ing in the Past, ” “Life’s a Long TulI songs,theChristmas carol “God Song,” and “Jack-A-Lynn“ flowed Bless Ye Merry Gentlemen,” and ra idly and confidently after each then returned to “My God.” The ot pher, while an instrumental show ended with a powerful,

pumped version of “Locomotive Breath,” and after a suitable wait, Tull returned for an encore of “Thick As a Brick,” performing it with their usual musical explorations and variations. Was there anything flawed in the show? Yes; the lighting was “off at times -- the lights would go off before the band was finished, the spot1igh.t would be on the wrong person, and so on. But the main detractor was Anderson’s (and, really, the entire group’s) attitude towards the audience. You were there to watch; participation was not desired. Anderson’s mocking of people cheering (at one photo by Jeff Warner point he asked those who wanted to yeIl to go see Springsteen or Ozzy), and ignoring the audience in general (when a girl threw roses on stage he nonchalant1 pitched them to the side wit K scarcely anod of acknowledgement) spoiled any sense of “belonging.” It was hard to feel intimate with a

stage during the-encore). That aside, the show remained stunning. The -sound quality was perfect, with no audible feedback or distortion, and every note and nuance of the Tull was loud and clear. They showed without a doubt that they still have it. Jethro Tull remain one of the most talented bands in existence.

of their barn-burners of the past. I’m sure the crowd’s enthusiasmandconsumptionoflargequantities of draught had a lot to do with making this a memorable night, but D.O.A. deserves credit as well. Stripped down to a three-piece unit for the first time in 13 years, Joey (Shithead) Keighley, Brian Goble, and hot new drummer Ken J&son, cranked out a rollicking dose of vintage hardcore punk. The boys overlooked the slower, rock-influenced material that dominated their last few releases in favour of selections from their ‘79-‘84 heyday. It was great to hear them play a slew of classics from Something Better Change, one of the best combinations of raw energy, no-nonsense lyrics and tasteful power-chords ever to be called a punk record. There’s no denying that such “nuggets” as “The Enemy,” “Woke Up Screaming,” “Class War,” and the brilliant cover of “War” still

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have the ability to rock your skull without insulting your intelligence. + Not to be written off as another rehash act, D.O.A. also highlighted tracks from their brand new album 13 Flavours ofDoomThenew songs emulated the spirit of the band’s early material, but iacked familiarity and sentimental appeal. When the drunken glow of the evening had worn off, I couldn’t help but realize that D.O.A. has little to offer that is new or vital. After all, it’s hard not to be a bit cynical about guys who are pushing 40 and still singing “we don’t -care what you say, Fuck You!” But the multiple generations of fans in attendance (the crowd ranged in age from about 16 to 35) all seemed more than happy to induige in an honest and energetic serving of punk by the band that coined the term hardcore.



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Friday, November


13, 1992

Bentall gets Cockburn surprise

The Men They Couldn’t Boil Boiled in Lead El Macombo, Toronto November 8,1992 by Bemud

been kept a secret from the Toronto music scene, especially when you consider that they performed their very first gig on St Paddy’s Day in ‘83. Since 1983, Boiled in Lead have undergone changes to pervade everything from line up to music. This is not your regular folk act. As Drew Miller (bassist) puts it, “we’re channelling men, not folkies. We’re not looking to preserve traditions, but pass them on.” The very name Boiled in Lead, ,itself seems to stand as an excellent indication that this band is not easily pinned, labelled or boxed. Based upon the moniker, one would probably think them to be thrash, or grunge, hardly musically sophisticated. In fact, it may surprise you to hear that Boiled in Lead perform music spanning from the British Isles all the way to Macedonia, stopping inTurkey for more than just the coffee and smokes, en route back to the States. What is even more fascinating is their ability to incorporate the various musical styles into something that is distinct, highly original, and at all at once, fluid.




A comprehensive description of Boiled in Lead finds me in a quandary when trying to articulate. Critics have said “Celtic folk punk”, “Celtodelticsurfmusic”, or “thrash metal folk.” Band names like the rogues and The Men They Couldn’t Hang have often been employed when attempting to find a label for the type of music Boiled in Lead produce. I say Boiled in Lead is the G Marco Polo of the musical world, and to try to label them is to stifle what they enjoy most, musical travelling. HailingfromMinnesota,Boiled in Lead have enjoyed critical success throughout Europe and the States. Formed in 1983, they marked their Toronto debut last Sunday night in front of an intimate, yet enthusiastic crowd. A crowd favourite at Winnipeg Folk Festival, it seems curious that they should have


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by K

Harvey stuff



straddling a Fender Simulcaster, he resembled a mixture of Rocky Balboa and Bruce Springsteen. Fortunately for Barney, the show could have been worse, but wasn’t. It didn’tgetmuchbettereitherthough. His band was a pre-fab concoction of rocker st les, with himself dressed a la l pringsteen with the moves of a 170s Mick I Ja ger. The w i ole thing was completel contrive B ; glamour rock without the la tinum londe hair and make UP*



on the radiu late last night, said he’d kick Uze darkness till it bleeds daylight.” 42 I never wanted to review this concert. I went to Stages last Thursday expecting to find the Leadfoot Twins o en for Barney Er. However, to my charin, I arrived to Bind that some other band was opening and no one had ever heard of the LeadfootTwins. So much for the interview. So, left to my own devices, I fiEured I’d’at l&t review Barney and his band.




fo lr 8 Rocket


photo by JW8my MOy8r

Barney Bentall is one of those B.C. rockers who have a few hit songs in Ontario and then lin er on to milk them indefinitely. % hree years ago he was alri ht; rockin’ enough to listen to an % Canadian enou h to like. These days though, his 2 anadianess has caught up to him and he can rock no longer. Barney began his show last Thursday with one third of his hits, “Life could be worse.” Decked out in a leather overcoat and fedora,

What I’m T nnL view of BI well as WC conversati single, of this

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BUT WAIT!! What’s that I hear Barney say? Who s that on the stage? Bruce Cockburn !?! Surely enough, Bruce Cockburn came out to lay guitar Por a couple tracks, not to mention go t h r o u g h “Lovers

h a

Dangerous Time” for us all. Well the evening is not a waste after all. Surely Bruce must be washed up if he plays guitar for Ban,ey Bentall, but still; the sheer ethos carried the evening to a higherplane.Toobad for Mr. Bentall though. His commercial rock would be more fitting to a beer commercial than a live concert. Where are the Ramones when ou need them; where are the % adfoot Twins even!


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This is definitely a band that must be experienced in a live context. Since they probably won’t be back until the Spring (so they say) you may be interested in picking up some of their recorded material. Old Lead, a collection of their first two albums has recently been released on CD. Entitled Old Lead, it Proves to be an excellent BiL starter kit. From the Ladle to the Grave is their best known to date, but their most recent release is Orb, itself almost two years old. “Drew points out that Orb, “showcases the acoustic side of band and is perhaps, deceptively tame”. There was no stadium lightshow or smokefest Sunday night, to back the band on stage, yet, truly, they were more than visually stimulating. Boasting an array of eclectic instruments ranging from thebodhran to a bizarre homemade drum, the band was a wonder to watch individually and as a whole. Joe on the electric fiddle bounced, swooped and swooned more than any fiddler has the right to do yet, the fluidity of his motion aided to create an atmosphere of sheer relaxation, especially during some of the more intricate numbers. Todd Menton’s vocals, combined with his mastery of a myriad of instruments including guitar, tin whistle and the bodhran, amazed and delighted all in attendance. It was also a drummer’s dream to witness Robin “Adnan” Anders working so closely with Drew (on bass and dobrin) to provide the backbone critical for musical cohesiveness. Admittedly, the size of the crowd was relatively small, but judgingby the response and enthusiasm exhibited throughout and especially during the encores, if the shampoocommercialtheory proves true (and they told two friends, and so on. . ) a day not too far in the distant future will find that Massey Hall will be too small a venue to house Boiled in Lead.




Anyone wishing to reside in townhouses for the Winter or Spring Terms 1993 can obtain an application from the Housing Office, Village 1.


swearing,-but few have put it on tape. These outtakes, plus a satiric version of “I Still Haven’t Found

gul &ei prokoted in past records. After hearing a recorded message from Dick, who somehow knew of

ting Conclusion. withstanding,

true “media

H Negati&nd assassins”.

are tl


by Michael



by Sandy Atwul Imprint Am


Wow. Tool. Not to be confused with “what a tool” or MC Hammer or anything like that. Tool is a band from Los Angeles with a mission to dispel 2 the myth that the city of angels is filled with nothing but cockrock. The tunes are very, very heavy and sometimes pretty fast, but it’s far from thrash. Everything is completely competent, not that some thrash isn’t- There are no long ridiculous guitar solos and the vocals are very clean. There are no cartoon lyrics. The ep opens up with “Sweat”, a prodding track that sounds almost like a heavy remake of something from A.M. radio. It’s funky, has a great hook for the chorus, withthelyrics writtenby, say, PhilCollins, but it’s done in definite Tool style. Nuff said. The second song, “Hush”, is destined to be a classic. It’s what rock n’ roil was supposed to sound like: “I can’t say what I want to/ even if I’m not serious/ fuck yourself/ you piece of shit why don’t you go kill yourself”. Now, of course, it would depend on what he’s trying to say, but it seems to be like he’s got a pretty powerful point across. These lyrics don’t sound like any angst-ridden cliche in the* actual song, though. Trust me, somehow they get away with it. “Part Of Me” is essentially a (what?) love song. But I tell you time and time again that Tool is incapable of sounding cliche and this is no exception, even when vocalist Maynard sings “You don’t speak/ you don’t judge/ I know you better than I know myself/ You are just a part of me”. The next two songs are live, proving that a Tool show would kick. Their switches from mellow, melodic parts to &ash riffs are always tight and the vocals are as clean and strong as ever. The in-between song commentary is kind of funny, too: “Throw that Bob Marley wannabe motherfucker outa here.” “Jerk-off” (live) sounds like a heavier version of Rush or something like that. Who knows? But the title track ‘Qpiate” (not live) is a power ballad to end all power ballads. Metallica will never compose again. Incredible, you say? How much would you pay for a tape like this? But wait, there’s more. Jt comes with a cool sticker of the band’s logo. Now how much would you pay? Not much because it’s a ep with the same six songs repeated on both sides and void of a lyric sheet. Hey, don’t worry about it, they’re easy to decipher. So buy it. When the full-length album comes out, buy it, See them in concert if they come around here. Let Tool enter your

by Sandy Tmprint

And so, the Sub Pop story continues WithSeattle band after Seattle band being signed and given major contracts because they are., . Seattle bands. The obvious and unfortunate result is that something like Gruntruck is the result. While easily fitting into the Alternative label which, if things go well for them over the next year, will result in a spot on next year’s Lollapalooza ticket, another year in the studio would garner much more favourable results. This is the more on the Tad end of the scale (as if the word “Grunt” in the title wasn’t hint enough) and definitely as heavy as they come. The opening chords from “Tribe” forcefeeds you the dis-ease that the music creates, and that may appeal to some, but the overall effect lacks the melody of acts like L7, and creates more of a moulded sound. This all sort of comes back to what the label Altemativemm, It has less to do with things like d&ibution and corporate backing or financial status, and far more to do with the actual sound being produ&d. Currently, Alternative is a label used to de&ibe bands like Ministry, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Sugar, or say the Jesus and Mary

where I’m c&ing from. Gruntruck simply don’t posses mough originality to warrant repeated lyrics. If you’re drunk, I’m sure Gruntruck would be one of your first choices. While originality may not be the primary concern of musicians, it should at least be part of a concern, For what they’re doing, Gruntruck do it well enough to warrant the sales they’ll no doubt receive, but they need something more behind them to be truly deserving. Bands like Superchunk are going to constantly find new ways of exploring the genre they’re in, but Gruntruck, I fear, are going to constantly be playing catch-up if this album any indication.

by Nutdie Onuoku Impfht Stuff

Atwul Arts

Gallon Drunk are either extremely clever or extremely lucky. Their debut (which appears after a slew of much-hyped singles as well as an opening slot for Morrissey) coincides with a greatest hits pack>-age by their most obvious _xforebearers The Birthday Party. Obviously not a calculated manoeuvre, this can only draw more eyes upon them and deliver unto them some well-deserved attention. While obviously (and indeed to a fault) very Birthday Party&h, they manage to pull it off incredibly -+&well and since they have such a great band to draw their influence from, it’s easy to overlook the fact that they’re ripping them off. Never have a band been SO appropriately summed up by the _. ritish music papers. Someone in P * NME described them as part Birthday Party and pad rockabilly, and this is how I have and will continue to describe them having now heard the album. The rockabilly is a bit of -,a misnomer. They’re about as rockabilly as Morrissey’s band, which is not very. The sort‘of back/ updating of Tracy Pew’s bass is ob-

Chain. Loudwithfastguitars being themainident%er.Obviously Manchester is still going to be consideredundertheAhemativemoniker, but Seattle’s whereit’s (supposedly) at. (Of course you’dbehardpressed to find evidence of this in Seattle itself.) Cruntruck’s closest comparison is Soundgarden. There’s a 5050 blend of James H&field’s voice and an attempt at something more than power chords and guitar solos. Jesus Christ Pose definitely wouldn’t be out of place on this disc. Although there’s an Alternative alternative reaction to loud thrashy guitars, that’s defintely no

vious, but fits in to the overall sound of the band more than it sounds it would, The dig problem with the disc isthatyouhavetobeabigfanofThe Birthday Party’s sound as a whole (as opposed to individual songs). While Junkyard has little in common with Jennifer’s Veil, the difference between “Some Fool’s Mess”

and “The ent.


is less appar-

A strong debut b important for a band, and aside from wearing their influences on their sleeve - in neon - Gallon Drunk have both established themselves as a group worth watching, and a group with the skill to grow beyond their roots.

In the mood to recline and let your favorite lazy boy chair suck you up while taking you deeper and deeper into its innards like an all encompassing ameoba? Can’t scrounge up enough spare change to enjoy a mindescaping and psychedelic evening of entertainment at the local planetarium or 7-H? No matterPlug in Moodswing’s new production Moodfood, sit back, relax and munch down into the Twilight Zone. Close your eyes, wait for the wah wah droning sounds to emerge from your stereo speakers and taunt you to join in on their rollarcoaster ride through wildly cosmic and bright starried skies - a kind of space odyssey if you will. The first song on side A, ‘Throw Off the Shackles”, has the ghost of SoHo’s “Hippiechick” passing through the skeletal framework of its bones. It’s mainly an instrumental tune, mixed with a type of tribal chanting and a drop of a computer voice that comes in to babble in bubbles ‘kids and knowledge”. The second track, “Moodswings Overature”, carries much of the same sound with yet another endearing voice to inform you that “you are now in tune to the best”. Now that’s pushing the parameters just a wee bit far over yonder. Let’s kep in mind that this is not the William Tell Overature by G. Verdi. Become egocentric and those nasty little buggers of unattractive stretch marks begin to appear for free. It’s difficult to differentiate where this song ends and the next begins. Have these people not heard of silence? Fromthispointon,theAsideofthisalbumgrowsdecrepituntilitbites the big one. In @her words, “Mary had a baby and her head popped off”. The ditty “Skinthieves” helps the dandelion flower fly away, as it pm potential to become the theme song for the next version of Miami Vice. Warning! Toxic substances contained within Do not, I repeat do not listen to the second last track “Rainsong”! Press fast forward, rewind, stop, eject or the instant preservation of sanity button. Avoid listening to this songatallcosts-thatisunlessyou~kevocalimpersonationsofTinaTumer. Delightfully,sideBoffersanicealternativewithChrissieHyndeasthe vocalist for “spiritual High”(which has three parts) exuding shadows of Enigma. This will leave you with two questions. Why is the B side not the A side and why is the A side in existence?



. Jell0 is outrageous to the extent of hilarity; Lydi5 just screams ti your face;andMr.Rollinscombinesthese characteristics while telling tales of an extraordinarily personal nature. He’s taken the modern trend in American politics of self-deprecation to an extreme, telling stories about him “being an asshole” duringhis many adventures alone, with his band in Australia, as achild, and so on. Masturbation, his first date, his violent temper, nearly killing someone by accident during a photo shoot. . . nothing is off-limits. While he occasionally exudes the anger and hostility contained in his music, (and as hokey as it may sound) his softer and reflective side is revealed on this recording. It differs significantly from re-

5 by Dave


Thomson staff

Whether or not you’re a fan of the Rollins band and/or Black Flag, Hwmn Butt offers something significantly different than Henry’s standard musical fare. In fact, there is no music at all on this double CD. Just pure spoken word, and plenty of it. A mere seven tracks makes each of these discs full-length ones, with most skits clocking in at twenty minutes or longer. Production of spoken word albums by artists popular among the “alternative” crowd seem to be on the increase lately but, unlike the plethora of mainstream copycat weasels, the quality hasn’t been di-;*;#Tk*A

Friday, November

AUTHENTIC Jell0 Biafra,



a thers all have very distinct

and means


of relaying audiences,

their messages to their and making them stick.

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cordings by, say, Bill Cosby or Billy Crystal, because the stories are so long they don’t have an instantring of familiarity the second or third time you listen to it. Compare it to your favourite musical group: do you get tired of them after hearing thesamesongafewhundredtimes? Human Butt, the title of the album, could mean a couple things. It could have something to do with him repeatedly referring to himself as an asshole throughout all the tracks. Perhaps he feels he represents the lowest grade, or the butt, of humanity. I dunno. Regardless, if you’re a fan of his music, it might help put a new perspective on his tunes after listening to this a couple times. For me, “Do it!” will just never be the same again..,.





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2. Rewireoften usedappliancesby removingground

1. Tellthem/they look coolwhenthey smoke

3 by Phil Imprint

Robinson Arts

Both Chick Corea and Bobby McFerrin are well established jazz performers who have dabbled in more mainstream ways. Who could forget (or forgive) McFerrin’s anthem for the brain dead “Don’t Worry,Be Happy”. Fortunately, neither performer stoops to such levels in this live recording.

Although this is far from challenging music (Corea gave that up after a one and a half year stint with Circle in the early Seventies), the interactions ‘of McFerrin’s vocalizations and Corea’s piano bear repeated listening. The fiit track “Spain” begins with Corea establishing the song’s framework with some strong percussive playing. Unfortunately, Corea backs off when McFerrin starts vocalizing, and the piece slips back into a comfortable groove. “Even For Me” fairs much worse, and I’ve yet been able to maintain interest throughout the entire piece. “Autumn Leaves”, a Kearns/ Mercer piece has probably been played by every smarmy lounge act ever, and McFerrin realizes this when he introduces the song. The theme of play is never more evident

here: McFerrin plays with both Curea and the audience. The humour McFerrin brings to the song (he even sings) suggests a reverence for the piece, while bypassing the insipid aspects the piece has gathered over the years. “Blues Connotation” continues the playfulness, and features McFerrin’s incredible vocal range as he improvises over Corea’s theme.BoththeMonkpiece “Round Midnight”, and Dorham’s “Blue Bossa” are bland, background music that ends the cd on a low note. Forthosewhohaveneverheard McFerrin’s improvised vocalizing, this release

is worth

a listen


larly, if your interest in jazz% more mainstream (or even for background purposes) this cd is a worthy addition to your music library.

CHEAP1 hwrv uad Trip

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Imprint Friday, November


13, 1992

The Drummer Levels With Bernard ing the music world in the 90’s. As far as I’m concerned, they’re not really trends. They’ve been goOn the tiny scrap of paper was ing for quite a few years. I mean the written my name, a phone number Glastonbury Festival has been goin Portland Oregon, and “Ask for ing for about twenty, twenty-five Charlie Heather, call at 4 o’clock.” years. Doing exactly as directed, upon Yes, but they have certainly been garnishing a lot of attention in last being transferred to Mr. Heather, I began to explain who I was and couple of years, what with why I was calling. Expecting to be “Lollapalooza here in North then transferred on to one of the America. Yes, they are brilliant. It’s a band members of the Levellers, I was somewhat taken aback by the chance for a lot of people to get out comment “Fire away”. of the city and into the countryside. Oh, you’re in the band? (smooth, * At the festivals, there are so many people and everyone is sort of on sailor) Yeah, I’m the drummer. But the same wavelength. There’s also don’t go thinking you got the short so much going on. There’s the circus type acts,not the animals, lots of end of the stick (pun probabIy intended). We simply divvy up the arts and crafts. It’s pretty much where Perry Farrell got the idea interviews evenly, so that the workload is shared by all. from. He said he took his idea from Oh, no of course not. It’s just that the Reading Festival, but that’s more I er,. . . well, I thought. . .What I a commercial festival, with the big mean is that. . .(Oh fuck it, good bands, concentrating on the rock start.) music side, whereas Glastonbury Most of the Glastonbury Festival does stretch further on. It has an reviews I read made special menacoustic tent, a theatre tent, altemation of the Levellers being a defitive stand up comedians. This is the nite highlight. seventh time I’ve been attending Yeah, well it was definitely a the festival, and this year was very highlight for us, as well as being the special for me, because I’ve always biggest audience we’ve ever played been dreaming about playing on to. the main stage. And there I was What’s your opinion of the FestiBOOM, on the main stage. val trend that seem to be pervadI’ve found a good deal of varby Bemud Kearney hprint stuff

ied music by going to festivals like this. You hear about a lot of good bands, and if you don’t get the opportunity to see them in a club, by going to Glastonbury, you get a chance to pick up on a lot of these acts. Given the obvious Celtic influence in the band, what has the reaction been when touring Ireland? Do you find that they embrace your style or are they somewhat jaded? No, not at all. The Irish are not solely into folk music. They appreciate rock music. The audience that we play to fiid it very refreshing to hear something with a different angle. We’re not a folk band and we’re very adamant about that, but at the same token, we do draw some influences from folk. For example, we use a violin like a lead electric guitar. Would you agree that the Clash comparisons are accurate? Insomeways,we’dliketothink so. In terms of the songs that they wrote and the attitudes that they had. The Clash is one band that everyone in our band really admires. Then there’s the “raggle taggle gypsy” image that. . . belongs to us, yes. . . .belongs to you. Okay. Surely ;bu’ve encountered Waterboys comparisons. We used to. I guess it’s funny, I guess if you listen to the records,

and read some of the reviews, you’d probablygo”Yeah, Waterboys,definitely. But they don’t say that after they’ve come to see us live. I guess that blows that little theory out, doesn’t it? What bands would you consider your peers, bands that you’d like to or have toured with? It’s hard to say what bands we’d like to tour with in North America. But, there’s quite a few bands ’ England, like Churnbuwrmba, who have been going a lot longer than we have. There’s Back to the Planet. They’re a really good baud, up and coming, very new. They have been touring with us in Great Britain. We actually chose them. They’re a band that didn’t have any major interest from the music business and needed a bit of exposure by playing in front of audiences. We thought “Yeah, we’ll have them on our tour”, and they’ve been quite popular. Now, they’ve been signed to one of the decent record companies and we feel very good about that. Touring with us at the moment is a band called Me Phi Me4 I’m not so sure because they’re very different to us. I’m not sure if there was a bit of a mix up, they seem more like a band that could tour with Public Enemy, but I quite like them. Touring and the live atmosphere is intrinsic to what the Levellers is all about. Does this remain the present focus or are you looking

forward to doing some more recording? We will be doing some more recording, in February and March, with the hopes of finishing recording by the end of April. And in July it should be released. So that’s the main project coming up next. I have read that Jeremy (bassist) commented that a Levellers gig is “like going to a little festival. We like to put on a bit of a circus, bit of a carnival.” What kind of things can we look forward to or expect when the Levellers come to Toronto on November il? Unfortunately, because we’re in an area that we’re not all that familiar with, and we have to sort of start again, it’s a bit more stripped down, but you canexpect a didgeridoo player, with a microphone on it going through a PA system. It does sound wicked. Let’s see what else would you expect. . . you could expect a live show, a really lively live show. We don’t give our best unless the audience gives their best. We’ll heckle the audience until they give their best and then we’ll give our best. See what I mean? So you try to gauge the audience? Yeah, we’re very much into that, but we don’t really hassle them. We just try to get them to let their hair down and get them to shout. I mean if you think we’re shit, then say so, shout “SHIT”. I think a lot of people really get off on that.

Big Boss Man Bruce

Springsteen Sk@O?W November 6,1992

by Rich lmpfint



Nichol staff

sand!“ Nowhere does a nickname suit someone better than the nickname “The Boss” suits Bruce Springsteen. I have never seen any artist captivate a crowd as much as this working-chss All-American boy. He’ has unmatchedcharismaticwarmthand tumultuous energy. Springsteen returned to Toronto for the first time in almost eight years for two sold out performances at SkyDome last Thursday and Friday night. (The Boss made a cameo appearance in T.O. in 1988 with the Amnesty Intemational Tour). With the crowd ranging in age from16to6O,Brucepleasedallwith many cuts from the new albums lhmtan Touch and Lucky Tozun, along with most of the Born In The U.S.A. (1984) material and selections from Tunnel Of Love (1988), Nebraska


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(1982), 7’he R&r (1980), Darkness on the Edge ofTown(1979), and Born To Run (1975). Most of the first half of Springsteen’s patented four hour marathon consisted of tracks from the two new albums He opened with “Better Days”, “Local Hero”, and “Lucky Town” and layered “Living Proof”, and “57 Channels” between the climactic oldies “Badlands”, and “Trapped”. Bruce never distanced himself from his audience, Many times throughout the evening he spoke of the emotions that laid out the groundwork for a particular song he wrote. Before playing “Leap Of Faith”, Springsteen talked about broken relationships and the classicprinciple of ‘other fish in the sea’. “No matter how bad you fuck it up, you always get one more chance and this song is about getting that chance.” Between verses of “Leap Of Faith” The Boss took the opportunity to peck a few lovelies in the front row and then ‘leapt’ into the audience during the instrumental. Springsteen ended the first set by inviting backup singer Bobby King down to the front of the stage to sing “Man’s Job”, and “Rollpf the Dice”. Thelatter produced a shower of toy dice from the front ten rows. One downfall of the concert if any could have been the long drawnout instrumentals and interludes which seemed to lull the crowd rather than fascinate. The first such sobering interlude occurred in “Roll of the Dice”. After a 40 minute intermission, The Boss returned wearing a less formal, blue-collar wardrobe of sleveless jacket, blue jeans, and boots and ixnxnedi$ely jumped into “Gloria’s Eyes”. Then for the first time in the eve*& he took a Sample from Born In The U.S.A. “Cover Me”whichsentthe2!j,~plusfaitbfulintoafrenzy.

The fans had a chance to catch their breaths during acoustic versions of “Brilliant Disguise”, “Soul Driver”, and “Souls of the Departed” before rising to their feet once again for the anthemic ‘Born In The U.S.A.” Bruce finished off with”Real World”,and al2-minute version of’ Just Around The Corner To The Other Side”. Midway through the closer the music stopped and Springsteen froze for over a minute. He then began moving his head from sectiontosectiontogetalittlecheering competition going. For the first of three encore sets, Springsteen began with ‘Human Touch”. Then just before playing the baseball ditty “Glory Days” hecongratulatedtheTorontocrowd on their World Series victory. He sung the song with a Jays cap on (backwards), and finished off with the heartbreaker “Bobby Jean”. Armed with a harmonica and acoustic guitar, Bruce began the second encore with the true highlightoftheevening”ThunderRoad” which he dedicated to all of his old fans. After the song was over he said,‘Well,wecan’tsendyouhome without this one,” and the entire cast joined in to blast out his signature tune “Born To Run”. The final encore started with the acoustically flavoured “My Beautiful Reward”. He then thanked the crowd, clenched a fist, thumped his heart, and pointed his fist to the crowd saying, ‘Thank you. I love you. God Bless,” adding “I can’t leave without playing some highway music”, and as the clock wound past tidnight, Bruce polished off the show with “Working On The Highway”. For many artists, aging or sparadic popularity can mean the inevitable end of their musical career&



has yet to

be victimized by any of the above. At 43, his popularity is as strong as ever and he is still The Boss.



Friday, November

by Annu Impn’nt



There’s a ghost in Kitchener. If you don’t believe me go and see for yourself at the Centre in the Square. From now until November 29th, you are invited to ‘come See the Phantom’, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s production of Phantom of the Opera directed by Harold Prince. If you have never heard of this production before, what planet are you living on? The Phantom of the Opera is a musical based on a novel by Gaston Leroux written in 1911+ The story is set in the Paris Opera House just before the turn of the century. A hideously deformed circus sideshow escapee takes up residence in the @era House. He proceeds to fall in love with a young soprano, Christine Daa6 and under his secret tutelage she becomes the star of the Company. Along with Christine’s success comes a rival for Christine’s affections and so the Phantom takes matters into his own hands. The story continues as one would expect; conflicts, murders, +ooky stuff, and special effects. No effort has been spared in this Canadian National Tour. In the fact sheet included in the press kit are some very interesting (though useless) tidbits of information for inquiring minds. Each performance of the Phantom involves 130 people, 230 costumes, 150 pairs of shoes

drink? The Bacchae The Tikatre of fhe Arts Modern Languages Building, November 18-21

Dionysus (a god) returns to his birthplace in the hopes of forcing its UW inhabitants to acknowledge his power through worship. He is met with resistence by the young king, by Bernurd Keorney Pentheus. Keepinginmind the word Imprint stuff “tragedy,” you can probably guess that this is not a good thing, and may be aware Few students won’t be looking for a happy endthat it is possible, 1 ing (just like in to get intoxicated real life). without drugs or There is analcohol. How? other sort of Theatre, my’ homecoming, one friend, theatre. pertaining to the F r o m production, and Wednesday, No{ not the work. vember 18 until 1 Former UW resiSaturday, No- I dent director vember 21, UW’s Maurice Evans Drama depart1 and former UW ment is offering to’ Drama designer, get the student Maxine Graham population drunk have returned to on culture and once again work sensory stimulawith Drama god tion for the aston’ Chadwick for this ishingly low cosi year’s production. of six bucks. They Maurice WfilmaWFtOdO My God! My God1 Why hast thou may be r~co~nized for his roles this bY ~K&K” forsaken meI ing all in attendphoto by Dave Thomson in Stradford Proante to Dionysus, ductions like the Greek god of intoxication. Titus Andronicus and Henry VIII: To anyone outside the relaUndertaking the role of Cadmus tively small Drama department, the (Pentheus’ grandfather) for The name Williamchadwickmay mean Bacche, his work will be complenothing. Chances are he’d like it mented by Maxine’s contribution d kept that way. Suffice to say it is far in set design and costumes. more important for you to be acquainted with the man’s work than I urge you to act fast in purthe man himself. This can be chasing tickets for this play. In the achieved by going to see his direcpast, extremely high quality acting torial work for this fall term’s forthand direction have resulted in the coming major production, The major complaint “What do you mean, it’s sold out?” You have four Bacchae. This Greek tragedy is thought ~ chances. November l&19,20, and to be the last, most successful play 21. Tickets can be purchased diby Euripides. For those not in the rectlythroughtheHumaru ‘tiesTheaknow, what follows is a very brief tre Box office (in Hagey Hall) or by summation of the plot. calling 885-4280.

you won’t be disappointed. The first time I saw Phantom of the Opera, I was captivated by the special effects and haunting melodies. Although the production at the Centre in the Square was of surprisingly high calibre despite it’s touring show status, this time I saw past the performances of the cast and the mastery of the technical crew, to the musical itself. There is little doubt as to who will win in the love triangle. From the first scene at the auction we are given the answer. Every detail of the plot is spelled out, with no assumption on the part of Mr Lloyd Webber that the audience is intelligent and could figure out what is going on without much of the superfluous dialogue. Of course the prices of the tickets alone indicate that perhaps he is not far from right. The result of the simplified plot and minutely detailed structure are reminiscent of an elaborate pantomime. Andrew Lloyd Webber has found a formula in writing musicals that, besides making him incredibly wealthy, has seduced many of his fans into thinking that the performances are cultural events. HeistheHarlquinRomance writer of musicals. If you have always wanted to see the Phantom of the Opera, or are a big fan of Julian’s lesser talented brother, then attending the Canadian National Tour at the Centre in the Square is a-perfect opportunity to save the gas you would have used to drive to Toronto.

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Fancy a

Phantasmagoria and 115 wigs. A total of 60,000 pounds of counterweights are needed to balance the sets. There are 53 mechanized scenic effects. The production also uses 8 miles of steel cable, 8 miles of electric cable and 2 miles of computer cable (used for the 5 computers necessary to operate the scenery, sound effects, lighting and special effects). The chatidelier weighs 1,000 pounds and is driven by two lo-horsepower motors. Whew! Special effects aside, what makes this production exciting for me, and probably appeases the Canadiancontent Gods, is the number of Canadian performers involved, most notably Jeff Hyslop in the role of the Phantom. Hyslop is an internationalveteranofmusicalsnotonly as actor but as dancer, singer, choreographer and theatre director. Many people, especially those with much younger siblings, will recognize Hyslop as Jeff the Mannequin from the television show ‘Today’s Special’ (remember the plaid pants with matching vest and hat?). The role of Christine is played by Teresa De Zarn who is also a veteran of the musicals playing roles in Cats, West Side Story, and others. Christine’s love interest, Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny, is played by the very hunky Doug Labrecque. These three form the love triangle around which the story is based. All three are very talented singers who breathe life into the very *Lloyd Webberish’ production. If you are a fan of Andrew Lloyd Webber then

Imprint 13,1992



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Imprint Friday, November



Ride the War Wagon by Derek Weiler imprint stuff

Dissatisfaction with the Sounds of Summer -- the local music festival that UW hosts at Waterloo Park each year -- usually seems to run along two distinct lines. The first bemoans the lack of big-name internationalstars: one Xmprint reviewer referred to the summer ‘91 lineup as “a collect& of bands I consider mediocre to pathetic.” Conversely, others contend that the organizers have a tendency to spurn a great deal of worthwhile local talent. War Wagon, a local Celticgrunge combo (sorry guys, just doing my job), are firmly in the latter camp. ln fact, they’ve gone so far as to organize “the Sounds of Sludge,” a two-night stand of local acts that will appear at Phil’s Grandson’s Place next Tuesday and Wednesday (Nov. 17 and 18). Tuesday night will see performances by the Guelph band Silly but (featuring Imprint alumnus Don Kudo); new local act Tank Top, and headliners An April March. An April March are now based in Toronto but were formed in Waterloo Region; they are currently enjoying some success as winners of last year’s CFNY Toronto talent search, On Wednesday night, the lineup includes War Wagon, Guelph act King Cobb Steelie, and a Burlington/ Waterloo band called Bogg (which includes former members of the Cockleshell Heroes). Overall, the collection of bands is a

diverse one, ranging from An April March’s art-rock stylings to the fI REHOSE-influenced progressive postpunk of King Cobb Steelie. The mgndate for the Sounds of Sludge was a simple one: to provide


versities - I mean, a university town should have a more thriving music scene.” (An exception that Pierce notes is Kitchener’sburgeoning status as a blues hotspot, what with J?ot,theGatorandtheCircusRoom.)


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As for War Wagon themselves, they have been one of Waterloo’s leading lights since January, 1990. Most members had been in bands previously, but they came together as War Wagon in order to play a Wilfrid Laurier University talent show. Their sound has developed into a likeable blend of indie guitar rock and Celtic folk. As for the influence of the latter, the two singer/lyricists (Pierce

and Mike Wert) both cite theirchildhoods in the Ottawa Valley, and their interest in Canadian history and Canadian folk songs. As Pierce says, “We like to play the kinds of folk songs that you can find in a Grade Three music primer.” (Live, the band has been known to cover the Velvets’ “What Goes On” and The Wedding Present’s “Kennedy” as well as “I’se the Bye” or astompin Tom tune.) Also, notes Pierce, Celtic music is “instantly fun and accessible. There’s not many other forms of music that you start stomping your f& to automatically.” Finnigan’s Tongue, War Wagon’s fine new demo tape, was recorded at Sound on Sound Studios, run by local producer and engineer Nelson McCrossan. The group had actually won studio time with McCrossan in a street musician’s contest in the summer of 1991. It did take them a year to feel comfortable with the idea of entering a studio (and to acclimate new bassist Tammy St&on) but once they did they were more than pleased with the result. “We had recorded one song for a contest at CKWR,” says drummer Garth Wit&h, “and they just softened it up too much, made it too pretty.” Adds Pierce: “They thought we couldn’t possibly have wanted it to sound the way it did. But we prefer a very loose, live sound. Clean, but still.. . we like the energy we get from playing live and we think the new tape captures that pretty well.”

Countdown to a ’ Concert

Healthy Mule Volunteers Requwed Immediately


arts and crafts) and show at Phil’s. Afattempts to obtain City Hall, though, to settle for a less


a forum for local “pariah bands” (as In explanation for the twin cities’ War Wagon vocalist John Pierce inferiority, the band members point terms them): acts that wouldn’t have to lack of support from local press a prayer of being booked for the and promoters. Sounds of Summer. The event can As an example, one need only also be seen as an attempt to revitallook at the bureaucratic red tape ize a local music scene that War War Wagon ran into when they first Wagon consider to be lacking. , tried to organize the Sounds of “Waterloo’s music scene is getSludge. The original plan was to ting better, but it% still kind of the hold the event in late summer or lowest of the low,” says guitarist early fall, with a day portion at Michael Torreiter. “With two uniWaterloo Park (which would also

C,A.R.E. CENTRE 18 Pine Street, Suite 400, Kitchener N2H 528 (519) 570-0090

include stalls of then an evening ter unsuccessful permission from they were forced ambitious plan.


Megadeth Suicidal Tendencies International Cenfre November X,1992 by Rich Imprint

Nichol stuff

After battling its way through several line-up changes and drug addiction problems, Megadeth has established itself as one of the giants of heavy metal with its ferocious energy and vivacity. and ingenious musicianship, And currently reaping the rewards of its recently released fifth album Countdown TO Extinction, Megadeth will enter the International Centre this coming Monday with hard rock rebels Suicidal Tendencies in strong support.

The new album pulls away slightly from the full-throttle,

hard core offerings which filled the first few Megadeth albums. On Countdown To Extinction, founder, vocalist, and guitarist Dave Mustaine keeps up the intensity while adding more substance and attitude to the direction. The ingenious musicianship of this foursome is brought out even better at a live gig. Mustaine’s razor-edged vocals carve their way into even the stubbornest of minds,

what thrashy and often offensive foursome are now enjoying a cult following of sorts after the huge success of their 1990 LP Lights, Camera, Rezhfion. Their newest album The Art of Rebellion released just last month, dwells in jazz, thrash, metal, md funk, while still maintaining the inimitable style that Suicidal Tendencies has painted over the years. The new material is fit to b e . re and:

should compliment

happiness is an inside job WhileaxemanMarty Friedmanbelts out some of the best solos in the business. David Ellefson is one of heavy metal’s most dynamic bassists and drummer Nick Menza is spectacular among his own ranks. Suicidal metal’s


Pistols, should the Megadeth

Tendencies, verckm

heavy of the


be a great taster for faithful. The some-


old favourites including “Institutionalized”, and “How Will I Laugh Tomorrow, When I Can’t Even Smile Today.” It will also be interesting to see who will replace longtime drummer R.J. Herrera for this leg of their tour with Megadeth. Herrera left the band to begin a solo career.

Arts Cry Havoc, and.





hpri~t 29


Let ,Slip the Dogservoir Reservoir Dogs directed by Quen fin Tarintino by ]effrey lmgfint



ence into their horrific world. a while, such exchanges as: Mr. Pinlc:

staff Mr. Blonde

“Ooooooh - it’s so violent!” “Waaaaa! I don’t like to see violence! ” ” Waaaaa! It might make me admit that we live in violent times.” “Waaaaaa! I much prefer my ignorant world view that refuses to acknowledge that there exists in our greed-driven society a criminal contingent whose purpose it is to take others’ possessions by means of force.” Such are the objections to Reseruoir Dogs, a violent movie about violent people. To those who condemn the movie’s violence, attend please: TIzis movie is about criminals. Criminals are well known for not obeying laws, including those that govern whether or not it is appropn’a te to hurt people. Yes, Reservoir Dogs is violent; brutally so. Director Tarintino (who also has a bit part as one of the thieves) seems to take a certain glee in presenting us with the embodiment of macho posturing -- the instructors in the “FUCK YOU!!” School of Testosterone Bravura, if you will. Each of the characters is a professional. it’s just that their profession often involves gunplay. The characters, in fact, are so immune to the violence they do; so immune to the violent nature of their chosen profession; so accustomed to blood and death as everyday occurrences, that they gradually pull the audi-

Mr. Pink: become almost ence.


some scene, we meet the thieves one by one, as they are interviewed by Joe for the job. We flash forward and back, looking at the plotting of the heist, several meetings between the assorted crooks, and other business between the eight men. It’s an odd way to construct a movie. The non-linear construction, though, serves to add a manic sense of disconnection to the action. Imagine, if you will, John Huston’s 7%.e AsphaItJungZe and Stanley Kubrick’s The Killing: both are jigsaw-puzzle intricate plots designed around the plotting, botched commission, and aftermath of “The Perfect Crime.”

Did you kill any people? Nah, just a couple of cops. ,Oh. Good. normal

to the audi-

Reservoir Dogs revolves around a diamond robbery staged by six thieves, none of whom know each other. To keep their relationship purely professional, the mastermind of the diamond heist has all the thieves call each other by assumed names - all colours. In this way, Mr White (Harvey Keitel), Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi), Mr. Blonde (Michael Madsen), Mr. Brown (Quentin T arintino), Mr. Blue (Eddie Bunker), and Mr. Orange (Tim Roth) cannot rat on any of the other thieves if they are caught and questioned. The cast is first rate. The actors, Keitel in particular, breathe real life into the swaggering thieves’ shotgun-quick repartee. The young Buscemi, late of the Coen Brothers’ masterpieces Barton Fink and Miller’s Crossing, is entirely believable as the criminal torn between his wish to trust the others, and his professionalism which tellshim not to. Michael Madsen gives the sextet its hard edge: his brand of casual psychopathic behaviour burns the image of criminals as sub-human torturers into the audience’s minds. British actor Tim Roth is superb as Mr. Orange. Roth brings humanity to the face of the criminal, as he ends



in the House


up shot and dying on a cement floor towards the end of the film. That veteran growler, Lawrence Tiemey, is the calm centre of the crooks’ whirlwind lives in the person of crime boss Joe Cabot, who masterminds the plot to rip off a jewellery wholesaler. We never actually see the heist itself, only its prelude and after? math. The movie opens, Ditzer-like, with the group of six thieves, Joe Cabot,and Joe’ssonNiceGuyEddie (a bloated and weaselly Chris Penn, brother to Sean the Brawler) all having breakfast in a local eating establishment. They eat and talk -- interrupting one another, yelling humorous asides, and discuss cverything from the morality of tipping to the burden of single working women. They end up engaging in an idiotic textual analysis of Madonna songs - in short, they discuss everything but the upcoming

heist. We then flash forward to lead thief Mr. White (Keitel) driving a shot and bloody Mr. Orange (Roth) to the appointed hideout, We gradually discover that the heist has not gone as planned - there have been several deaths, and a growing concern that one of the gang of robbers is actually an undercover cop. The remaining thieves gather at their dank, cement-walled warehouse -hideout,anddiscusswhattheirnext move ought to be* True to form, this “discussion” takes place as Mr. Orange lies dying in a spreading pool of blood, while Mr. Blonde (Madsen) slowly tortures to death a young police officer he has captured. All this to the sweet strains of 1970s vintage bubblegum rock, spun out by a local dead-voiced DJ (the voice of somnambulatory comedian Stephen Wrieht). Flashing back fr;m’this grue-

While Huston and Kubrick decided to make the action linear, either film could just as easily have had the disconnected structure of Reservoir Dogs, and have been equally as effective. Tarantino drew on the complex narratives of both these movies, putting every character in conflict with every other character, added a fashionable ’90s blackness to the plot, and came out with a suitably nihilist version of everyman’s struggle with authority, loyalty, betrayal, and trust. In the end, though, we get neither Huston nor Kubrick, who used their intricate plots and odd narrative to prove the existential absurdity of “The Perfect Crime.” Instead, we get a black, cynical message that human nature will always, always, always utterly destroy the best laid plans. These thieves want badly to trust one another - trust, in fact, is the one thing that can save them. Ironically, it is the precise nature of their profession that makes trust unthinkable.


Deeper and Deeper Miller selling himself to ski resort owners, airlines, and car companies. Watching the movie was like watching a two hour info-rnercial. Miller shamelessly flogs the wonderful new lift at Blackcomb, by lain Anderson gleefully waxes poetic about the Imprint staff super new snow-making equipment in Colorado, and muses at how Roy Thompson Hall seems like expensive it is to ski in a rather inappropriate venue in q wonderfully Sante Fe, Mexico. It is unclear just which to showcase the latest exwhat roads Miller. drives on when treme ski movie by North Amerivisiting these resorts, but by the ca’s premier extreme ski movie diadventures of his oh so wonderrector. Perhaps it is too prim, too fullynewNissanPathfinder,itlooks uptighttoallowinagroupofcrazed like one has to be a veteran of the ski fanatics hooting and hollering at Paris-Dakar Rally just to get there. a screen on stage. Strange as it may Certainly sponsorships. are a big seem though, this is where Warren part of extreme skiing, but couldn’t Miller films are regularly screened he have covered up his zealousness when they roll through Toronto. just a little bit? Beginning this year however, it It gets a little tiring watching seems as if they might have actually one ski bum after another carve got the cinema correct. down an unspoiled mountain trail, Steeper and Deeper is Warren weaving in and out of trees and Miller’s 43rd annual attempt at rocks. The first half-hour is interestdocumenting the latest in asinine ing, but after that, you just want to skiing and ridiculous stunts. Past see something different. There was films have featured one hundred his usual version of America’s Funfoot plunges off of sheer rock faces, n ies t Videos, with people falling and maniacal skiers dropping from hot what not, but even that couldn’t air balloons down into the powder break up the monotony. below, and unbalanced extremists Stew and Deeper is a play on skiing off mountains and free-fallthe title of a Warren Miller movie of ing three thousand feet, parachuta few years ago, The Steep and Deep. ing into the valley beneath. This No longer is a XXI-foot plunge excitmovie turned out to be different. ing. That was done last year. Now it In it, Miller himself has comhas to be done backwards with a pletely reversed the role of the filmflip and a loop while playing the maker. It is normally the skier prosnational anthem on a saxophone. It tituting themselves to the whim of is surprising that he would be SO the camera, but this time it was Steeper and Deeper Directed by Warren Milk Roy Thompson Hall Friday, November 6

frank in admitting that he has to ask his skiers to top what was done in past movies. Things are changing in the extreme ski tiovie industry. “Take pay and die” is a good phrase to describe the mentality of extreme skiers. In the past two years, three of France’s best known extreme skiers have been killed in gruesome accidents. One of the best (living) extreme skiers in France frankly admits that he only gets paid by the amount of coverage his exploits receive by television and magazines. This means he has to make each feat as new and as sensational as possible. Perhaps the crowd on Friday night was finally understanding t& fact. The place was only three quarters filled, and there was hardly a peep from anyone for the whole movie. The tone of the whole event has been tuned down. where there used to be ski vendors hawking the latest and greatest overpriced ski equipment there was now just one old woman peddling Glenn Gould CDs. Where there used to be obnoxious rock and roll blared during the intermission, there was now New Age sounds. There @no irony lost in the fact that Miller could not be present on Friday





Hawaii recently, he re-aggravated a shoulder he dislocated while skiing last winter. Not bad for a filmmaker about to turn 70.

HUEVOS!!’ Huellas Seagram% Museum November 14,8:00 p,m. by Ken




You’ve seen them on the street, coffee houses, and busking at Waterloo Stockyards Market, now you have the chance to see them at Seagram’s Museum. Yes, local latin musicians H&Ztzs, are playingabenefitperformancethis Saturday night. Powered by primarily Peruvian rhythmns and the Pan Flute, this quartet of local and Central American musicians have made a distinctive name for themselves in the last year and a half. They have consistently charmed audiences, with their self-titled cas-


sette selling extremely well. Their music comes from the Andes; they play guitar, Charanga, pan flute, and various distinctive percussion instruments. Expect to hear the authentic version of “El condor pa&‘; their roots come through in their music. They are proud of their heritage and wish to share their music. The concert at Seagram’s Museum is a benefit for K-W Extenda-family; an organizationwl&-& lends help to needy person’s in the community. Tickets are available for $5 at Provident Book Store, and for $6 dollars at the dear. Don’t miss this opportunity to see Huellas in K-W, they are moving on to bigger and better things.

Money for software venture - “Venture Capitalist will provide seed money to students who are developing promising software programs. For further information call (416) 366-7758 or write with proposal and resume to: Ceyx Properties Ltd., 701 King St. W, Suite #403, Toronto, Ontario, M5v 2W7. Tem~r college WP lnformatlon can show you the ins and outs,preparing yourself,how to apply throughout North America & much more.Get your copy of Teacher’s College,The Facts Behind The Myths by sending $25 cheque/money order to:WP Information Services, P.O. Box 575, Guelph Ont.Allow 3-5 weeks delivery desktop publishing for brochures, newsletters, iliers and essays. Honours Englishgrad&pqualitywoik. Call”Inbetween Words” 746-4236.

University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections available. Macintosh computer, laser printer. Suzanne 886-3857. manours graduate able to process afl types of pap&s. “Laser prinier’, ‘spell check”, ‘grammar correcfions” included. Free pick up and delivery. Phone Clark at 658-8028 during week or 273-7970 on weekends, nights. Why pay more for

Sony CFD-454 “Boom Box” with CD and tape player. In very good condition. $145 Christmas. $5bO eadh for I male, I female. Call Mary-Ann at 885-6272.

Misslsaauga Jan-April ‘93. Share 2 bedroom luxury condo with U of W grad. Across from Square 1. Pool, weight room, squash court, washer, dryer, dishwasher. Everything! $400/month and parking. pacious, clean rooms. Close to the University. Available for winter/spring terms of 1993. Call Nick after 6:00 p.m.at 894-2069. Winter accomodatlon for 1: Co-op resrdences, 268 Phillip St. includes utilities, deskset, bed, cable, microwave, vaccum. $290/month. Duane 888-6355.

LSAT - Dec. 5. Since 1979 thousands of students have benefited from the systematic principles of approach taught in John Richardson’s LSATcourse. Our course is available in London or Toronto. I-800567-PREP (7737).

Bisaxuai Support - Group forming. For more information write to: Southwestern Ontario Bisexual Network, P.O. Box 28002, Parkdale Postal Outlet, Waterloo, N2L 6J8. Distressed by possible pregnancy? Birthright offers free pregnancy tests and practical help. Call 579-3990. East E 9I/92 Homecoming Reunion. Kegger. Ron, Adam, Dave, DJ - $8. 884 6281. Jim Under whose authonty can you take Genesis away from me? Carol Tracy Lennon-0n Nov. 15, m the world sat up and took notice of you. Twenty-two years later, in th8 Art of Rock, I sat up and took notice of you. Happy Birthday, may you bask happily in the afterglow. Love Calvin, Embarrarred by your name? Join the ranks of Baskehille Holmes, Bjorn Nitmo,and countless others who over-

came the handicap their name imposed, and rose to great heights. Come on down to The Wierd Names Support Group, CC 140. Contact Yelnick McWawa I could teach the world how to smile, I could be glad all of the while, I could turn the gray skies to blue . , . if I had you -Frank Sinatra (the young one)

Alpine Ski Coaches. CSlAand CSCF level II. Daily pay rate based on experience. Dee-March on weekends. For information call 88&7081. Leave a message. Sprinabreakers. Promote our Florida SpringBreak packages. Earn money and free trips. Organize small or large groups. Campus Marketing. 800-423-5264. iZlck om The ultimate New Year’s basfi in Montreal! Don’t miss the biggest parties in the city that doesn’t sleep. Organize a group, travel for free and earn cash. Cal! I -


Qprlna Break ‘931 Uon’t set lefi behind in the&l Sointhousands i;DaytonaBeach, Cancun and Jamaica for sun, fun and the wildest parties anywhere! Organize a group, travel for free and earn cash. Call I -8O;o-263-5604. Part-time asslstant for Photo-Arf Studio.Assets B/W Printing, must have transportation. Patrick 63415191. I o administrate, co-ordinate; Hep photoart Co. expanding into internationaiwater; eg; galleries, art publisher, magazine, documentary. Assets: wordprocessing, knowledge of fine art, well organized entrepreneur tvpe, maticulous work habits, vehicle, flexible hours. Patrick 634-5191, summer management postions available. Resourceful, motivated students capable of earning between $7000 - 12000. For more information please call I-800-667WORK. . Urgent1 5 motivated students with strong leadership abilities are wnated to participate in a once in a lifetime oppotiunityl It could make you extremely rich! Fax your resume to (403) 439-5420 or send it to #902,11147-82 Ave., Edmonton, AB T6G OT5.



University Worship Service at IO a.m , Keffer Memorial Chapel, WLU Seminary Building (Albert St. at Seagram UniFASSal Studios wriier’s meetings! 7:30 p.m., HH 1391 Come join the funl Beginners, experts and enthusiasts weicome1 Also on Wednesdays. lsiamic Study Circle 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. room I IO, Campus Centre. Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship evening service. 7:OO p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 884-5712. &v&w MONMY UW recycles - recycling representatives from every student society are requested to attend informal information meetings from 3-4 p.m. in the Campus centre, room 138. Sept. 28; Oct. 19, 26;Nov. 2, I6&30. University of Waterloo House of Debates Genera! Meeting at 5:30 in Physics 313. UW Outer8 Club. General meetings at 7;OO p.m. CC 138. Everyone welcome.

tiuron Campus Ministry Fellowship meets at 4:30 p.m. in MacKirdy Hall room 201. Enjoy an at-cost supper, followed by a Bible study/discussion. All are welcome1 For more info, contact Chaplain Graham Morbey at 886-1474. Spanish Ciub- Everyone welcome. Meetings and events. 4p.m. ML 245A Come on out to the Jewish Student’s Assoc. Bagel Brunch. CC135 11:30-I :30 UW Juggling Club meets from 5 to 7 p.m, Blue Activity Area of the PAC. Beginners welcome! For more info call Sean Fjnucane, ext. 6265 or 884-3473. Brown Bag Forum - a Muslim - Non Muslim discussion. 1230 to I:30 p.m. Campus Centre, room I IO. Al! are welcome!

Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship Bible Study. 7:30 p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 884-5712. Baha’i Faith - informal presentation on inevitability of universal peace at the Baha’i Information Centre, 2-91 King St. N., 730 p.m. or call 884-5907 for more info. Student Christian Movement (SCM) seeks to integrate faith and social justice. Meetings 4 p.m. in the chapel at St. Paul’s Coileae. All welcome. -~GLLDW, the campus Lesbian and Gay Association hosts coffee houses from 9 to I1 p.m. in HH373. These informal gatherings are an opportunity to make friends in a non-threatening atmosphere. Everyone is w8icm8. WATSFK: -want to join a groupof garners, sci-fiantasy fans and anime junkies? Come to a meeting: Wednesdays at 6% p.m, in MC 1056. Personal Pan Pjzza + pop = $1.75. I I :20 - 1:30 in front of BI 271. Sponsored by Science Grad Committee. lcv&RYTHvRsocIY The International Socialists meet every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in CC 135 to discuss the theory and practice of socialism. Writers! WeMy meetings are being held 7100 p.m., HH 334. Bring poetry, prose, whatever for group workshop. Informal dlscusslona about rock climbing, possibly with slides. Every Thursday at 53.0, Campus Centre room 138. &VERY FRIDAY Friday Muslim Prayer - I :00 p.m. to I:45 p.m. (Sept. & Oct.) ; 12:OO p.m. to I2:45 p.m. (Nov. & Dec.). Room I IO, Campus Centre. Career Resource Centre - hours - I 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. Check out employer, career, work/study abroad and educational information. NH I I 15, Sept. 26, Oct. 3 and 3I.




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$1 .oo








, ’

Energetic and enthusiasticvolunteers are needed to assist individuals who have a disability on a one-to-one basis in their pursuit of leisure activities. Call Lee Lovo at 741-2228 for more information. Friends is a school volunteer program where adults are matched with children who would benefit from an adult friendship. Children gain confidence through activities with their adult friend. To volum teer call Dorothy tlenderson, CMHA office 744-7645. International Students Office seeks volunteers to assist international students with conversational English. If you are interested in tutoring, contact Sheryl Kennedy at ext. 2814. Urgently Needed - volunteers to transcribe text to tape for students with low vision, Bilingual, training and equipment will be provided. Taping can be done at home or on campus. If interested contact Rose Padacr at Needles Hall, room 2057 or phone ext. 5231. UW Career Fair ‘92 - Your chance to get to know various employers and make contacts. For more information call ext. 4047 or drop by NH 1001. Literacy Program needs volunteers to work with special education students oneto-one. 1 to 2 hrs/twice aweekfrom Sept. to June 1. Great opportunity for students who want to go into Teacher’s College. Cal I 8850800. 16th Waterloo Brownies need leaders and helDers. Call Candice at 747-2102 Male volunteers urgently needed to assist on a tone-to-one basis, male individuals who have a disability and are invofved in leisure activities. Call Lee at 741-2228 for more info. Student Volunteer Centre. Volunteering is a great way to explore career opportunities, meet new people, help out in your community. We have a variety of placements available to suit your interests. Come to CC 206 or call ext. 2051. Volunteer needed for man who is blind. Go for walks 2-3 times per week. Please call Rick at 884-8793 Get involved in the giving spirit of Christmas! Make a donation to the Yellow Brick House Women’s Shelter. Items needed: women’s and children’s clothing, toys, blankets, towels, sheets, non-perishable items. Drop off donations or call 886r 2351 for more information.

Airways Transit- Airporter will drop off and pick up passengers at the CAMPUS CENTRE instead of the University Avenue Kiosk effective JULY 2, 1992. WATfilm - a brand new club so popular that it has over 50 members in its very first term1 Make a video production. Be part of crew or cast. Actors and martial artists needed. Call Phil at 725-6480, The Sexuality Resource Centre - is a trained student volunteer setvice that offers information, support and referrals to those in need. This service is FREE. Call 885-1211, ext. 2306 or leave a message at ext. 4042. The SRC is located in room 150A, Campus Centre, UW. K-W Live Theatre- 9 Princess St., Waterloo, 886-0660. Workshops begin Oct.7 1992 to f eb.24,1993. For more information phone the above number. Want to know about Jewish Student Events? Call the JSA hotline: 747-l 416 Homer Watson House and Gallery, 1754 Old Mill Road, Kitcbener. 748-4377. Exhibitions: November 5 to December 13. Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 12-4:30 p.m., Thursdays 12-8 p.m. 25th Anniversary Celebrations for present and former staff and students of Centennial Public School in Waterloo. May 14 and l5,1993. Call 885-5043. Centennial P.S. 141 Amos Av. Waterloo, N2L 2W8 Ukrainian

Student Club is seeking new

members and a new student councif.


more info call Roman Sirskyj 884-0774 after 6. lAke Moser Memonal Awards: 3 hlrd and fourth year students who have financial

need, an exemplary academic record, and a high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities are invited to apply for these awards. Application including resume and two letters of reference to be submitted byNovember30,1992 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. Special applications available at the Students Awards Office.




Reading &StudySkills -takeadvantage of individual counselling and workshops in study Skills in the classroom - notetaking, effective listening, class preparation, effective study techniques, including time management, textbook reading, concentration and effective exam writing ski II.(4consecutive sessions). Register by calling Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call extension 2655.

ALL FACULTIES *Don Hayes Award - deadline - January 15, 1993. *Mike Mo6er Bursary - deadline - Novem‘L ber 30, 1992. Tom York Memorial Award - essay, approximately 2,500 words, interested candidates should submit essay to St. Paul’s United College. FACULfy


Andersen Consulting Scholarship - available to 38 Engineering. J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursaries - available to all Chemical. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship - available to 3B Engineering students. Chevron Canada Resoures Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 36. John Deere limit+ Scholarship - available to all 36 Mechanical - deadline November 27,1992. *Charles Deleuw Scholarship - available to all 3B Civil. Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship - available to all 3B Chemical. Gandalf Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Engineering 1B and above. Noreen Energy Computer Science Chemical and Geological Engineering Award -available to Geological and Chemical year two or above. Ontario Hydro Electrial Award - available to 28 Electrical. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3B Civil, Water Resource Management. M.S. Yolles & Partners Limited molarship - available to 38 Civil. FACULTY OF ENVIRONYENT~L STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning, preference to female applicants. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship -available to 3rdyear Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Andersen Consulting Scholarship - available to 38 Math. Electrohorne 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 38 Computer Science. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULTY OF SCIENCE Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Schlarship - available to 2nd yar or 28 Earth Science. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Science, see department. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 38 Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memoriil Scholarship -available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology - deadline - January 8,1993. FOR APPLlGATlON

FORMS and further

information please contact the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.


our Sign up sheets and handouts available in NH1 001 the week prior to presentation date. ALL classes take place in NH 1020 unless stated otherwise. NOVEMBER Monday 16 -Networking Workshop, IO:30 to 11:30 a.m.. Resume Critiquing Workshop, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday 17 - Intro to Overseas Jobs Information Session, lo:30 to 11:30 a.m.. C.V. Guidelines Information Session, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m Wednesday 18 - Resume Writing Information Session, lo:30 to 1130 a.m.. Letter Writing Jnformation Session, 1 I:30 to 12:30 p.m.. Researching Occupations Workshop, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday 23 - Summer Jobs Information Session, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

* Melanie’s Restaurant #r Greenbacks Environmental Store * Shot In The Dark k Adventure Guide

Saturday November 14 Party Hearty with the JSA. Jewish Student’s Assoc. intercamous oaihr. PAS 3005. Dancing, cash bhr. ’ ’ career Insight Day, 10 a.m. - 4 D.m. c Ask questions of Alumni workinjl in various occupational areas. This is not a job

* Data Store 7k Julies Flowers * Val’s Video 7% Little Caesar’s ?k UW Housing * The Twist

Road clockwise direction from lo:15 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. International Cafe. 11 a.m. to 3 o.m. in Modern Languages 246. Music, fobd and entertainment throughout the day

Pizza Admin.

* * * *

Picture Yourself Gino’s Pizza Schlotsky’s UW Fed of Students

* 9r * I$ #r

PC Factory Microway Comptuers Jeff Ward Enterpeneurs East Side Mario’s Dragon Palace

* * Monday, November 16: Ideas & Issues - 12 noon - ‘Cultural Devel- I 9r opment in Canada” with Bill Poole, UW, k Centre for Cultural Management. KPL Main. ?k Medical Ethics - 7:00 p.m. - “Abortion and * Maternal/Fetal Conflicts”. KPL Main. #r Tuesday, November 17: ‘Religious Perspectives on the Environ#r mental Crisis” - 7:oO p.m. KPL Main. * Wednesday, November 18: “Home-based Business’ - 7:15 p.m. - with #t Chuck Rush and Larry Weis, *

Waterloo Taxi Koh-I-Noor Restaurant Travel Cuts Full Circle Foods




Main Library 85 Queen St., N. 743-0271.

Thursday, November 19: “Noonhour Book Review” - 12:15 p.m. with Laurier LaPierre.

Sunday November 15 The UnChurch at the Bombshelter 8 p.m. This is an alternative “church’ with band, drama and message on ‘why suffering’ All welcome. Tuesday November 17 GLLOW Discussion Group will discuss: Being Lesbian, Bisexual or Gay in the Workplace. U of W Environmental Studies Building 2, room 173, 7:30p.m. bakeSalelOa.m.unt~l2p.m.in~Greaf Hal. Also on 18th. what it is aid where its going. 7:30 p.m. DC 1302. Mel Watkins, John Hotson and Meike Delfgaauw.

K-W Bookstore Waterloo North Mazda Subway Spectrum Photo 1 Master’s Auto McGinnis Landing Sunsations

* k * *

C.A.R.E. Centre Apple II Hairstyling La Bamba Restaurant Fairview Acura

All events are FREE and take place in the Conrad Grebel College Chapel.

1$ #k * *

Michener Institute Sun and Ski Travel Cellular Concepts Vijays

Wednesday, November 18 at 12:30 p.m. - Elissa Poole, baroque flute and Vivian Sofronitskaia, harpsichord.

Jt UW Arts Student *Type&Tax * Princess Cinema

Wednesday November 18 UW Exchange Program with Germany. 7 p.m. in EL 112. Students having participated in this program will give information and answer questions. BI od Donor Clinic. krrst United Ch h Ki:g and William Sts. 1:30 - 890 p!F ’ me Bacchae, “Qne of the greatest tragedies ever written.” by Euripides. Theatie of the Arts, Modern ,Languages U of W. November 18-22, 8 p.m. $8 adults, $6 students and seniors. Thursday November 19 Islamic Arts and Cultural Exhibition. CC Great Hall 10:00 a.m. - 6100 p.m. Slides, books, videos, .?rt and food. Rabbi Rosensweig memonal lecture: An evening with Holocaust sunrivors. Film: “Who is Peter Iswolsky?” 8 p.m. MC 4040 Piesentatlon of I he Assnatlon of Pressdent Kennedy. 8 p.m. in Engineering 1 room 3518. Saturday November 21 Arts Pub at fed Hall. School driving you up the wall? come watch the Orientation Video and climb “The Walt” All welcome.


Deadline for / campus happenings l ls

Lecture and Lunch Series To register cali Chris Goertz at Conrad Grebel College, 0650220, ext. 223. Monday, November 16, IO:30 a.m. - Lecturer: Leonard Friesen, ‘Life After Gorbachev: Struggle for Change in the former USSR”.

Saturday November 14 - Dr. Rosana Pelliuari will address the topic “Justice and Health’ focusing on the issue of how we bring social, activism to bear on the health of oeoole.




This 1 session workshop will aid students in preparing for and writing exams. Tuseday November 24: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. 1:30 - 3:3Q p.m. 630 - 8:30 p.m. Wednesday .November 25: 1:30 - 330 p.m. Friday November 27: 9:30 - 1130 a.m. To register: Counselling Services NH 2080 or call extension 2655.

Mondays at 5 p.m. Bring your submission to the Imprint office. Campus Centre 140

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