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. W a y , November 27,1992

Volume 15 Number 19

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15, Number





MathSoc caught by hornophobic incident


by Ken Imprint

3utgoing UW president Doug Wright, Students with disabilities Coordinator Florence Tomiinson, and UW student Stephen Miibrandt prepare to cut the ribbon opening a new accessibility centre at the Dana Porter Library. Funded by the Office’ for Students with Disabilities, with space provided by the Library, the accessibility centre will allow students with disabilities to find the information they need from the vast pool of library resources. photo by Ken Bryson

Safety audits begin on campus by Ken Imprint

Bryson staff

The first in a series of safety audits funded through the Women’s Personal Safety Committee took place earlier this month. While these audits are hoped to cover the entire outer campus by April, a section of the south campus has already been audited. Safety Audit Coordinator and co-op student Dean Barnes has been hired by the Women’s Personal Safety Committee to head up the audits in conjunction with representatives from the Women’s Issues Board, Women’s Issue Committee, Health and Safety, and Disabled Student Services. This adjunct committee has the goal to improve safety and accessibility on campus. Focussing on improving light-

ing, access and decreasing isolated areas, safety audit volunteers are using a checklist developed by the Metro Action Committee on Public Violence Against Women and Children.

To evulut& the campus and mrake recummendations e l





“The safety audit is meant to evaluate the campus and define areas whichneed recommendations,” said Barnes. From there, the recommendations will be sent to the Women’s Personal Safety Committee to be prioritized and addressed. Besides funding approved recommendations, the Women’s Personal Safety Committee plans to maintain a list of projects for the

future, said Committee chair and Associate Provost for Student Affairs Peter Hopkins. Funding for the approved projects will come from either the Federation of Students’ $10,000 Endowment Fund or the $50,000 government grant given to the Women’s Personal Safety Committee. Both Renison and St. Jerome’s Colleges have already drawn from the Endowment Fund for improving lighting on their campuses. The safety audit committee is looking for volunteers to help in the auditing as well as submissions from student groups for improvement ideas. “It’s really important that we have involvement from everyone so that everyone has a voice in [the audits],” said Barnes. Barnes is coordinating the audits through Campus Centre room 219, ext. 5330.

(mistakenly) assumed [that MathSoc officials] would take care of it, as I had to leave [for Ottawa] .” At that point, Plant Operations officials were on their way to remove the banner because “MathSoc doesn’t have the right equipment to remove something quite that high,” Kucherawy said. While the leadership of the Math Society have been quick to respond to the incident, one MathSoc office worker said that it was a misunderstanding for the original letter to have been sent to the Math Society in the first place. Only MathSoc bulletin boards are the resDonsibilitv of MathSoc. he I ’ said, of

Bryson stuff

The Math Society’s election campaigns were smeared last Friday when a large banner reading “Vote mathbooze -- or be a big fag,” was hung over the Math and Computer building’s main entrance. “Mathbooze,” an anonymous group which produces a satirical newsletter aimed at the MathNews newsletter, also placed false camDaien Dosters around the Math buirdin’g. A member of Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo (GLLOW), pfVote jj&athbooze E bE$%f however; rebilitv of Plant sponded to the banner and posters immeoverall respondiately by siveness has sending an impressed the electronicmail original comletter to the plainant from Math Society. GLLOW, how“To use such a slogan as this is ever. After the sign had been taken a sign of great insensitivity,” he down and apologies been made, wrote, pointing to the fact that apthe complainant was satisfied with proximately ten per cent of MathSoc the situation. members are gay or lesbian. “It has pretty much been reLater on Friday, Math Society solved,” he said. Computer Director Murray The Math Society is curKucherawy posted a letter on the rently working with the Dean of Watservl general newsgroup statMathematics’ office to find those ing that “the offensive posters were responsible at “Mathbooze.” NOTapproved by MathSocand will be taken down as they are located,” “We will do whatever we can He also apologized for the incident. to ensure they realize the conseAccording to the GLLOW quences of their actions,” said member, however, the banner had MathSoc President Lisa Yea+ still not been removed by 8:30 Monday morning. MathSoc Elections Chief ReMurray Kucherawy then returning Officer I? Chen refused to sponded on Watservl stating “I had be quoted on the matter.

or be a big fag”: a *&;;c,s great sign of insensitivity

Transfer grants expected to be honoured -- Two-per-cent increase still a likelihood -by Peter lmpfint

Brown staff

The Ontario government is expected to stick to its promise of a two-per-cent increase in funding grants to universities, th GZobe and Mail reported on Tuesday. Ontario Treasurer Floyd Laughren was scheduled to make the announcement concemjng funding plans fQr universities, hospitals, school boards, and municipalities yesterday afternoon. He was also to announce the amount of tuition fee increases for the 1993-94 academic year. His comments were not available at press time. Last week, Laughren had told reporters that the two-per-cent increases promised on January 21 for

the 1993-94 fiscal year were in doubt because of revenue shortfalls experienced by the province. “I febentiy hope that the increase stands at-&o per cent,” UW’s Vice-president, Academic and F’rovost Alan George told Imprint. “AU of our planning is based upon that assump tion.” George warned, however, that the grant increases, totalling about $320 million, still must be allocated by the Mbistry of Colleges and Universities to

not necessarily grant increase for instance, assumes that per cent more to George. What of

receive exactly the given to the MCU; UW’s budget model UW will receive 1.8 next year, according the worst

case sce-

cent of the operating budget.” For mitment to be tough on deficit-rebudget status quos to be maintained, duction. tuition fees would have to rise about Others argue that breaking a five per cent to make up for each promisemade 10 monthsago would percentage point less i;l transfer further harm the credibility of a \ grants. government that has seen many UW has already instituted unicabinet resignations in the last two versity-wide years. budget cuts, forcing Last January 21, Premier Bob Rae promised the institutions inclass sizes up and reduction of some creases of one per cent for this year, services, such as litwo for next and two for the year brary hours. after that. He explained away the Laughren ansignificantly reduced increases (down from 8.2 per cent for 1991) nounced on November 5 that he bysayingthattheinstitutionswould would be seeking $550 million in be able to plan more effectively with the three-year warning. new spending cuts, the Globe reClearly, that justification, and with ported. Many within the cabinet it the government’s credibility, is in feel that reneging on the two-percent increases would further show jeopardy when the government simply changes its mind* the provincial government’s com-

Tuiti*on could be raisedfive per centfur eachper cent less in transfergrants




He feels

that the MCU’s announcement of how much each university and college in Ontario will get in ‘93-94 could come at any time. UW does

nario: no increase “The

at all?




would be conditioned by the tuition increase,” said George. “The leverage on tuition is quite high, though, since it covers only 18 per

Imprint Friday, November



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Downey’s early thoughts on being president of UW by Robin

Imprint school


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New University of Waterloo President-designateJames Downey stopped by campus on Tuesday and Imprint was able to have a few words with him. Imprint: As an English professor, your background is quite a bit different from previous UW presidents. Do you think that your background will have an impact on the type of role you will play as president of the University of Waterloo?




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Downey: The office of the president has certain requirements, whether you are a humanist, or a social scientist, or an engineer, or whatever, you have to fulfil these responsibilities to the board of governors, to the institution it’self, and to the external community. ff[uW] These responsibilities you carry on as best you can, regardless of your background. In the past, it was not uncommon to have a university president who was not an academic. In fact, the man who established the University of Waterloo was not an academic. I don’t think my background will make a big difference in my role. Usually the job itself sets the agenda. An individual’s personality can add style to this type of position, but not substance.

Imprint: What do you think about the Ma&an’s survey of Canadian universities? Do yo; think it is necessary, useful? Downey: I think it is useful in that it reminds universities that they have to be willink to demonstrate their success, that is, the success they claim. Imprint: So universities accountable.

have to be

Downey: Yes, freely and willingly. We live in an age where measurement is very important, we measure everything, from economic indicators, to opinions, to performance in the health services area. When a university claims in be ex-

rs the



thusiastically than a lot of other universities through its co-operative education program. We should continue in this direction, with the same enthusiasm. It is no longer possibletotalkabouteducationand training as two separate things. I think it is a tribute to UW that it recognized the value of combining education with practical training. Imprint: What changes do you see in the future for universitv , funding? Downey: I think that clearly the present student assistance program is not working well enough. It was designed a number of years ago, for a somewhat different student clientele, it has not been changed in ten years. The federal ~ff$Zk~~o$;e~ .

. v ondary education, and the provinces are strapped for funds. Given that there is a relationshir, ‘between the quality of hducation and the amount of money being paid for it, then I think a different partnership has to be worked out-between s&dents, the government, and the private s&or. I find tl;le proposal that the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance has come up with very encouraging. This is student leadership of the highest order in my opinion.

in the county! Don’t you read Mzclean ‘s?”

Imprint: What brings University of Waterloo; the attraction?

you to the what was

Downey: Well it’s the best university in the country! Don’t you read MacleanS? Actually, I had decided that UW was the best university before Ma&an’s published the results of its survey. What X think is significantaboutwhatM&~n’shad tosayaboutUWisnotthestatistica1 information but the overall quality of education and the leadership. It is the prospect of being part of an enterprise that has a reputation for beinganinnovatorineducationthat brings me here.

cellent in one area or another, it should be able to demonstrate how and why it is excellent. Imprint: What sort of challenges do you see for universities in terms of training students to be more competitive in the changing marketplace? Do you think this is the responsibility of universities, or is it more responsibility of the individual? Downey: Yes, I think that this is d&nit& one of the responsibilities of a university. I think that it is important to remember that fundamentally, a university education is about liberating individual potential, helping people to live their lives more richly and more abundantly. Universities cannot ignore the economic changes that are happening. What we teach must reflect these changes, this is a challenge. However, LJW is a university that has embraced this challenge more en-

Imprint: Do you thinking funding is the biggest challenge facing universities today?Downey: I think the challenge is how to maintain the quality of the essential core programs, in light of fiscal restraint. I think there is a kind of triad, that consists of access, quality, and funding. These three factors must be adjusted so that you give a quality education to as many people as possible, without going bankrupt. That’s the challenge of the job, only magicians need apply!

Imprint Fiday, November

20, 1992

Taco Bell SCH by Jason Suck special to Imprint

U W’s Food Services Director Mark Murdoch announced some surprise changes to the regular fare offered upstairs in the South Campus Hall cafeteria last week. Food Services has purchased the rights to operate a “Taco Bell Express” along with their regular menu items in the Festival Room cafeteria. The “Express” has only been officially open for a week, but sales are averaging over 30% of Food Services total sales for South Campus Hall. Now students can get inex ensive, AUTHENTIC Taco Bell Pood at prices ranging from 794 for regular and soft tacos, to $1.49 for Burrito Supremes. This venture promises to lead the way for the university to acquire franchise rights to other commercial food outlets in the future. Check out the Taco Bell Express in the licensed Festival Room and make a run for the border! r --e----b-


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Friday, November


27, 1992


The sordid historv of UW:

J. Hagey and the amazing technicolour oral-history interviews. According to McLaughlin, the story behind the events that lead to the formation of our university, ‘has all the elements of drama and intrigue . . . secret meetings at railway stations, late night-meetings at the WalperHotel,privatemeetingswell into the night in board rooms at Waterloo College ‘and at the University of Western Ontario. There were allegations of distrust, deceit, dishonesty and even ‘academic adventurism’.” The story involves a few major players: the University of Western Ontario, Waterloo College, and the Associate Faculties. Waterloo College and the Associate Faculties (sci-

by lsubelle Schade Imprint Staff

Last Tuesday, November 24, Dr. Ken McLaughlin, Dean of St. Jerome’s College and official historian of the University of Waterloo, held a most intriguing lecture on the formative years of the University of Waterloo, entitled “Dreaming in Technicolour.” McLaughlin got his information from the following previously restricted sources: the University of Waterloo archives, the University of Western Ontario, Waterloo College (now Wilfrid Laurier University), Ontario Government files, and

ence and engineering) were affiliated with the University of Western Ontario. In 1953, J. Hagey became the president of Waterloo college and of the Associate faculties. Hagey was the technicolour dreamer.

Academic adventurism Very early in Hagey’s presidency, the University of Western Ontario’s president Dr. Hall became alarmed. Indeed, the Associate Faculties’ co-op engineering program was revolutionary and according to

university em Ontario wanted once again to terminate its affiliation with Waterloo College, more specifically with the Associate Faculties. The Associate Faculties were forced to seek their own academic status as Western could not tolerate their innovative ideas. Thus, Western and Waterloo College and the Associated Faculties went their own way. The rest as they say is history. Waterloo College is now Wilfred Laurier University and the Associated Faculties became the University of Waterloo. For more LJW history that will surely read like a mystery novel, look out for McLaughlin’s book, which is currently in its final stages of completion.

McLaughlin “too successful for Western to deal with.” Western’s president was reported to have said such charming things as “I’ll get rid of Hagey or I’ll get rid of you [Waterloo College] .” Hagey’s mandate, according to our in-house historian, was to develop Waterloo College and to put it on a financially stablebasis. Hagey expressed the desire to “participate in provincial grants to universities and colleges even if it meant an organizational separation from the theological seminary at Waterloo College eventually placing Waterloo College itself under non-denominational control.” In 1958, the University of West-

News in brief from

UW News

UW library’s rare lar with scholars

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Ten researchers at the University of Waterloo have received new “strategic” grants from the federal Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. The grants fund work considered to be of national importance in environmental quality, advanced technologies (information systems and biotechnology, for example) and natural resources (agriculture and mines, for example). The 10 researchers receiving new grants were awarded a total of $793,624. They are conducting research in diverse areas such as residual oil recovery, color imaging enhancement, and fermentation processes. Wright



UW President Doug Wright has been presented the CanadianCouncil of Professional Engineers’ Gold Medal. The Council said Wright has “served his profession with commitment and dedication,” and noted he has received other similar awards and medals.

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Researchers are flocking to the University of Waterloo library’s Doris Lewis Rare Book Room - usage more than doubled in the past year. The library office reports that use of the collection increased by over 100 per cent, with 2,904 researchers poring over the rare books this year compared with 1,430 last year. And they had more to choose from. Two items were added to the collection in honor of two retiring professors of English: A facsimile edition of Sam,uel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Langu;Cge and an edition of William Blake’s IlIustration of the Book of Job. Also, three grants were awarded from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: $9,000 for the Robert Southey Collection; $2,422 tobuy74booksentitledWomenandWork;$4,125 to buy a collection entitled Lesbian Literature.

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A Catholic environmental experience St. Jerome’s Devlin Lecture from

St. Jerome’s


The St. Jerome’s Centre for Catholic Experience in Waterloo will hold its annual Devlin Lecture tonight in C.L. Siegfried Hall at St. Jerome’s College. Fr. Sean McDonagh, on of the main speakers at the Earth Summit (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro in April of this year, will address the topic “The Catholic Church and the Environment.” An Irish Columbian missionary, McDonagh has spent much of the last two decades working with the tribal peoples on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. From his experiences there has emerged McDonagh’s view that the problems facing the tribal peoples are “a kind of microcosm of the problems. facing other third world people, the rest of humanity and the earth itself .” The author of two books, To Care for the Earth, a call to a new theology and The Greening of the Church, Mcdonagh is on of the few people who has written about the current environmental crisis from a Catholic perspective. Of particular interest toMcDonagh, and on which he will address in the lecture, is the problem of a sustainable world population and the church’s response to over-population. In his lecture, McDonagh will also explore the reasons why the Christian Churches have been slow to respond to the environmental crisis, what is now being done to address this crucial issue, and how awareness and action have become urgent issues of survival for all humanity. “ln the Christian context-.&e events unfolding in front to our eyes call for a choice for between living in a way that enhances all life or continuing to hurtle down the road to disaster,” says McDonagh. Notes Centre Director Dr. Mary Malone, “This lecture will be of interest to all those concerned about the environment and preserving it intact for future generations.” format for the evening includes the lecture, break and question period. The St. Jerome’s Centre for Catholic Experience is jointly sponsored by the University of St. Jerome’s College, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, the Sisters of ST. Joseph of Hamilton, and the Congregation of the Resurrection.

Don’t forget...

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27, 1992

White ribbons.

against violence by Jeff Wumer Ken Bryson imprint Stuff


Next week marks the start of the second annual campaign by the White Ribbon Campaign group. Started inmemory of the 1989 Montreal massacre of 14 engineering students, the campaign asks men to wear white ribbons to show their commitment to ending violence against women. The national campaign officially runs from December 1 to 6. Last year’s campaigti was supported by tens of thousands. Individual men, the group claims, may not be responsible for the violence, but all men are “part of the solution.” The group’s statistics on violence against women are staggering: on average, they claim, a sexual assault is committed in Canada every 17 minutes; three women a week are killed by a male spouse or boyfriend, and thousands are victims of some form of sexual assault or violence every year.

The ultimate goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of male violence in society, says local campaign organizer Dave Logan. “The goal of [this year’s campaign] is for one million men and boys to wear a white ribbon,” Logan said. l3y coupling the white ribbon campaign with public education programs in schools and other institutions, the group hopes to make the issue known across the country. Here at UW, there will be booths set up in the Campus Centre over the next week by The White Ribbon Campaign, the Women’s Centre, and the Federation of Students to raise awareness on campus. They will be encouraging men to wear white ribbons and providing them free. There will also be displays and events occurring at the Villages, Renison College, and St. Jerome’s College. A vigil will also be held on Friday December 4th at 5pm at St. Jerome’s College, Siegfried Hall.



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Imprint Friday, November

Fireside with

27, 1992


Chat Peter


We have not had much debate here at the University of Waterloo on tuition fee or postsecondary funding policy, so I must look to the University of Toronto for controversy. There, the student newspaper, The Varsity, has joined a student group led by Bart Arsenault, a former vice-president of U. of T.‘s Student Advisory Council (a rough equivalent of our Federation of Students), in condemnation of the Partnership Funding Proposal set forth by the student governments of five Ontario universities, including the University of Waterloo’s Feds. This proposal suggests tuition fee increases of ten per cent (about $200) per year for the next three years, provided that the province match this with equivalent funding increases. tt also proposes an “income contingency” loan program, which would link the rate at which students repay loans to their income after graduation. The merits or faults of income contingency are topics for future research and discussion that will occur on university campuses and in the pages of student newspapers, including Imprint, in the months to come. What is less empirical, and therefore more easily arguable, is the assumption by Arseiaultand others that students conceding tuition fee increases is a bad thing, Arsenault agrees with the Ontario Federation of Students that asking for zero tuition fees is the only acceptable position from which to bargain with the provincial government This belief, the OF5 would tell you, follows easily from the general principle that access to postsecondary education should not be linked to wealth but to merit and qualifications. Of course, the OFS and Arsenault also admit that some well-known axioms about negotiation come into play here, namely that you alway ask for more than you expect to get By actually suggesting that students pay IO per cent more next year for tuition, the argument goes, student groups are making it more politically acceptable for the government to hike fees by 20 per cent instead. This axiom works quite well when the two negotiating parties are approximately equal in influence and power, not exactly the case here. A more imporzant and necessary condition for the axiom to be true is that the more powerful party sees the other as being a credible negotiator, sees the other’s demands as falling into a reasonable universe of possibilities. Framed in these terms, the obvious question is: can or should the provincial government take seriously any student group that demands zero tuition fees in this time of fiscal restraint? The OFS thinks that the answer is yes, that its credibility flows purely from the number of students it represents and not from its platform. The Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance, the collection of five student groups who presented their proposal two weeks ago, disagree. They feel that an offer to raise tuition will lend student groups more credibility and make it more likely that the government will look seriously at the other potions of their proposal. I tend to agree with OUSA. With the budget constraints currently facing the Ontario NDP government, in the province worst hit by the current recession, students do not represent a particularly powerful interest group. A spirit of compromise will serve us better than a hard-line attitude that comDletely ignores the political realities that swirl around the beleagured Bob Rae administration.

Catechism not catastrophic for Catholic Church Dave Thomson raises an interesting interpretation of the Catholic Church’s recent release of a new catechism, and *presents his prophesy for the fvture of the Church. There are, however, many points I disagree with, and I would like to offer an opposing view. Before I begin, I should state that I have not yet read the catechism. I would be hesitant to refute a complaint about something that I have not read, except that Mr. Thomson has not read it yet himself -- it will not be available in English until April, having only been approved by the Vatican in the past few weeks. Mr. Thomson starts with a statement that the Church’is reaffirming “archaic attitudes,” that are “originating from ignorance.” There are, however, many people who would disagree with that. True, there are no physical laws that confirm Catholic teachings. Catholics, however, accept that the Bible and divine inspiration - such as that given to the Pope or other Church leaders - form a valid structure for their belief system. Faith? Yes. Ignorance? Not necessarily; metaphysical “truths” do not, by definition, lend themselves to proof by empirical, physical means. To complain about religious people making decisions “solely by the Bible” misses the point. If you can accept God, then you can accept Wis omnipotent power and ability to produce a Bible that you should follow. If you can not accept God, then you likely won’t accept the Bible as the final word on anything, but no one is currently demanding that you do. The argument continues that Catholics have an “archaic” view, and the catechism “doesn’t even reflect the most basic societal changes in the last half millennium.” Even ignoring the strong debate carrying on among Catholic clergy over the profound changes (such as the new acceptance of capital punishment as being potentially necessary under certain circumstances, a radical departure from the previous “zero

tolerance”), the question remains: why should morals change to reflect the mass culture of the day? A shift in social attitude does not translate into a shift in what is “right” and what is “wrong.” It translates into a shift in what is considered right and wrong. Justification based on current norms and standards doesn’t hold up for several reasons. First, Catholics believe that the Bible holds the Word of God; it hasn’t changed over the thousands of years that it has been around, despite shifting interpretations and standards, so the basic teachings should not change, either. Second, to claim that recent western concepts of human rights dictates a reworking of Catholic teaching raises a very important question: should the Catholic Church have completeIy different creeds for each separate culture? One for Catholics in North America, another for Catholics in the parts of India (for example) where the cast system and sexism are considered legitimate? As for contraception, abortion, and so on: do you honestly expect that the Church should give up some of its most fundamen-

come with religion; Catholicism does not espouse a “free ride,” nor does it intend to be “crutch.” Catholics are expected,to work for God’s glory, not their own convenience. Proof that any liberal faction of a future, divided Church will be larger than a conservative element does not rest in a stereotype of students in a Catholic high school. It is likely that, depending upon the interpretation of the new catechism, a large number of people may leave the Church in favour of a less rigid religion. That is for them to decide, but “common knowledge” does not preclude a majoriv of the hundreds of miIlions of Catholics across the world leaving the Church. People who were seriously questioning the Church before this have always had the option of leaving for another Christian (or other) religion - I would hazard a bet that a large number of present-day Catholics are such because they want to be and accept its

tal beliefs



you feel that they restrict

you? The whole point is that the Church does not feel that those things should be available/condoned/whatever, and refuses to support them. You resent the Church telling you what to do, and probably do not adhere to their edicts. Fine, but to expect the Church to abandon core teachings is to deny the Catholic Church to be Catholic. I have two questions of statements that you proceed to make. How is the Church’s refusal to legitimize homosexuality the same as an auto shop destroying a car you brought in to fix? Why should-people look upon a church solely as a “crutch” - are they not at least theoretically meant to guide a person in their worship of God? I do not deny the support and comfort that religion can provide. Do not, however, overlook the duties and responsibilities that


“If history teIls us anything . . .,‘* Mr. Thomson, it is that the Catholic Church is far from doomed. The numbers of new priests may be declining, but &is new catechism is far from as serious a blow to “membership”

as the Reformation

was. And after 450 years of alternative, mainstream Christian religions, the Church is still here. “Obsolete”? Unlikely. People still believe and accept its teachings, despite the radical developments in social thought since the last catechism. An important thing to note, I feel, is that the Catholic Church does not want the new catechism to be seen as a “black and white” compilation of What A Catholic Believes In. It is a “guideline” of sorts, one that is open to some (limited) interpretation, and not all Catholics will necessarily accept every aspect of it. It is a document for the Church to summarize its prinCipl@, not the definitive beliefs. Jeff


Forum Imprint mistreats CASBYs To



Well, what should be said about the article in last week’s IMPRINT entitled “It’s Just a Popularity Contest”. Here we are a country that was named number one in the world by the UN and some little university paper chooses to put down every single Canadian by publishing this article. Sure, I could be making a mountain out of a mole hill; but I really don’t think so. This mole hill happens to disgrace every Canadian musician. For example, in the article there is a box entitled “IMPRINT CASBY LOW DOWN”. And in this box, they do not show the titles of the awards, like any respectable paper would. The Imprint chooses to give the award titles like “Favourite Crap Band Who Got Far Too Popular on a Few Jokes” or “Favourite Album Art because The Gordon album cover is so shitty”. I don’t know about you, but this sounds like Miss. Atwal and Mr. Kearney did not like the Casbys. Then why the hell were they allowed to go? Not liking the fact that somebody won over another is one thing, b&t to put down the whole organization that is trying so hard to bring Canadian music to the public is ridiculous. It does nothing to increase the awareness of Canadian music to close minded people like yours&( Miss. Atwal and Mr. Keamey I was a victim of that myself, sometime ago. Canadian music 1 thought? Then I thought, what bands do I know that are Canadian? Hmm mmmmm. Then one day, I was in the old UW Record Store and they had a Canadian section. Wow, I thought. I looked, Tragically Hip, Northern Pikes, Jane Sibbery, Violent Femmes to name a few. 1 thought to myself, ‘What have I been missing?’ Here is an example to this point from their article: “Perhaps the highlight of the evening was when Teenage Head received the Lifetime Achievement award, their name having being invoked several times during the show. As the band said their thank you’s, one of the women sitting at the next table turned to a friend and asked simply ti Who’s this. 3” Lifetime achievement . . . indeed.” Have Miss. Atwal and Mr. Kearney heard of them I wonder. 1 sure have. How did I come to know of them? I listen to the radio station CFNY just about every day. That means that my music tastes conform to the music played on CFNY ( to an extent, I also listen to 97.7, and UW’s CKMS ). So, if I listen to CFNY and CFNY hosted the show; you might think that people that listen to CFNY would come out to the CASBYs and vote for their favourite artists ( especially since I don’t ever remember hearing about the CASBYs on 97.7 ). Another point of their article is: “It was interesting to note that in the category of Favourite Reggae/Ska (like they are just so related ) Group, not one of the bands were black, nor Reggae. Hmmmm.” Okay, first I would like to point out one thing, I am black. My parents come from the Caribbean; so I think it is fair to say I know what reggae and ska are. I read the above section and went “Excuse me?” I look in the box and see “FAVOURITE white REGGAE/SK-A GROUP ARTIST” King Apparatus. So, what is the problem with being white and playing in a reggae/ ska band. NOTHING, absolutely nothing. In fact, King Apparatus is a Ska band, and Ska, I believe, came out of the Caribbean, more specifically Jamaica. So, the question is - Are all Jamaicans black? I have the King Apparatus album and I love it. And if the Miss. Ahval or Mt- Kearney had any prior knowledge of what Reggae/Ska music is they would not have put this fact (that they are white) down in ink. Continuing on through the article, we come to the last paragraph: “This is

testimony to the reality of intention pervadm ing the atmosphere at the Showline, but perhaps the organizers should look to themselves for the solution. One beer does not an enthusiastic clap make.” This, you might say, is the straw that broke the camel’s back. What the hell does having a beer have to do with recognizing the achievements in Canadian Music. Does it at all? No! If Miss. Atwal and Mr. Kearney went to the CASBYs to get free beer, then they should stop reporting. That type of mentality is for first years. A person covering a story should not be considered with the free-bees involved, especially when the organization is not rich, they are not out to make money, they are out to provide Canadians the ability to see their artists and praise them with awardsThey are not MTV, they do not have that ability to promote this type of event because there are too many people like Miss. Atwal and Mr. Kearney that are ignorant about the purpose of such an event. To show the world, and more importantly Canadians, that there is such a thing as Canadian music; be it mainstream, alternative, country, whatever. What is my point to all this? There are too many Canadians that do not give a hoot about Canada. Too many who just complain and not enough that stand up for Canada. Too many that turn on the TV and look at American shows. Too many that think Canada, compared with the US, is pathetic. It shows. How are we as a country going to become strong? By ridiculing Canada’s struggling culture; by putting down the weak? There is a saying that everyone should know - A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. Canada is this chain. Miss. Atwal and Mr. Kearney ( and others like them ) are its weakest link. I respectfully ask for an apology from the reporters and the Imprint. Rob 3A


Mr. Atwal and Mr. Kearney respond:

Roberta, We are dissapointed that you interpreted the review such that we were disparaging every Canadian musician. Do not the first two paragraphs of the article suggest our support of Canadian music? We were invited to the CASBYs to review the show, not blindly champion the acts without fhe option of passing critical judgement. Our criticism stemed not so much from what we could get for free, but more for being placed in a forced position of having to actively support, merely because theyfed us withfood and a drink. Perhaps our lampooning was misinterpreted. We were not performing seals to act when tossed a few sprats+ Your comments regarding the %u/Reggae catego y were interesting. To clarij$ our position, our stance is fhis: Reggae and Ska do find their origins fiotn, as you say, the Caribbean and ]amaica. However, all music comesfiom onegerminating cell. Why then is Reggae/Sku singled out as a distinct cutegoryfiom evevthing else, when the artists nominated in the other ca fegories embrace awry mu&al style from country to folk? We agree that that there is a problem in categorizing artists according to skin colour, and so your argument that “it isfair to say you know what Ska orReggaeare”becauseyouareblacksimpydoesn’t hold. We understand the origins of Sku and Reggae, thus our comment that it was “interesting to note” that this categoy which cuntained no Reggae, and only white musicians, merely pointed to the fact that, in Canada, it has evolved as a “white” dominated category, with no Reggae representation. We didn’t say Uzut there had to be black people represented, just that “if was interesting to note.” Regarding Teenage Head’s Lifetime Achievement Award, where in the article do you derive that we haDe never heard of the band. DO YOU not see the irony ofwatching people receive the award undermined by comments at the NEXT table? Finally, do you not think it somewhat naive to conjecture that CFNY are not out to make money? when again you also think Uuzf the Violent Femmes are a Canadian band. Roberta, we apologize for your mistakes.


Friday, November

Trample them underfoot To



“Horse groping for a sign for a breath . . . Sweet angels you have made me no longer afraid of death.” -- Patti Smith I would like to thank the guy at Phil’s “alternative” club Friday night who had the trust in me and the guts to ask to be thrown over my head so that he could be passed through the air like a beach ball among the arms of those on the dance floor. Last week I wrote out of anger at the individualis tic and senseless “rebellion” of today’s youth and how it is reflected in our understanding of being “cool”. I am glad to say that with the help of a couple of guys Friday night we were able to break through this “Sony-walkman and me” type culture, to one which actually seemed to go against the grain of American bullshit individual. It was electrifying and hopeful to see people once again feel confident to jump in the air and have faith that the people next to them wouldn’t act out of a “stockmarket” impulse and trample them underfoot. I am still very tired of seeing the best minds of my generation starving hysterical naked, but thanks to the guy whose faith gave me a sign of hope that even.+g. I needed that. Ken


Jesus not just .spiritual To



I was quite intiigued to read Tim Roger’s letter to the editor in last week’s IMPRINT. In it, he shows that Christianity is primarily an inward, spiritual experience, and in comparison, factors such as positive societal benefits are of little or no importance, because “civilization is finite.” I have always wondered at how people arrive at this conclusion, because I find that it contradicts or trivializes so much of what Jesus did on earth. Why did Jesus heal people’s bodies? Why did he criticize the religious authorities who said all the right things, y&t exploited the weaker members of society? Why in fact did he feed the 5000 people who had come to hear his teachings? To convert them? Was it not to meet their physical needs? The motivations behind these actions of Jesus (healing,, criticizing, feeding) should not be reduced to a purely “spiritual” dimension. To do so would be to absolve us of the responsibility of following his example. Bruce Fraser Chemical Engineering

Wanna write a letter? This week’s your last chance. Next Friday, ’ December 4 is the last Imprint of the fall term, We will begin publishing in the







IMPRINT The UW Student Newspaper

888-4048 Friday, November 27,1992 Volume 15, Number 19

Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Peter Brown Vacant Ken Bryson Vacant Sandy Atwal Bernard Keamey Vacant Vacant Scott Deveber Renee Georgacopoufos Clint Turcotte Tom Koziol

Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Office Clerk Ad Production Advertising Assistant Proof Readers

Laurie Tigert-Dumas Cheryl Costello Vivian Tambeau Vacant Graham Tomlinson Jill O’Hagan Denise Haffner Nicole Metcalf Isabel White

Board of Directors President Vice President Secretaryflreasurer Staff Liaison Directors-at-Large

Jeffrey L. Millar Peter Brown Dave Thomson Ken Bryson Sandy Atwal Bernard Kearney Jeff Warner

Contribution List Dave Baerg, Joanne Bender, Anna Done, De Ann Durrer, Jennifer Epps, Dave Fisher, Kim Gilhespy, Suneel Gupta, Robin Kalbfleisch, Simone Kaptein, Vincenzo Kozma, Jack Lefcourt, Erik Lindala, 3tacey Lobin, Daniela Lorkovic, Jeffrey L. Millar, lenifer Newcombe, Rich Nichol, Craig Nickerson, Iaryl Novak, Jonny 0, Natalie Onuska, Miqhael ‘arkinson, Dan Pringle, Paul Psutka, Michelle Wchase, Isabelle Schade, Frank Seglenieks, Nade. Thomas, Dave Thomson, Steve Topper, leff Warner, Connie Weber, Sharon Whittle, Chris Nilliams, Christina Williams.

Forum The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the sditor and longer comment pieces. The opinons expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly hose of the authors, not of Imprint. Only arti:les which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of .he Imprint editorial board.

Letters to the Editor imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. ,etters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have :he author’s name, signature, address and shone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, eligion, or sexual orientation. Opinions exlressed in the forum section are those of the ndividual authors and not of Imprint. ‘mprint is the official student newspaper of the Jniversity of Waterloo. It is an editorially ndependent newspaper published by Imprint Qblications, Waterloo, a corporation without ;hare capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Zommunity Newspaper Association (OCNA). [mprint is published every Friday during the fall 3nd winter terms and every second Friday luring the spring term. Imprint resewes the *ight to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. [mhrint ISSN 0706-7380. vail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Zentre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, ilrlaterloo, Ontario, N2L 3GI. Our fax number is 984-78OO.Electronic mail should be addressed I0 imprint 8 watsenr I







to his white male bashing, there is nothing wrong with being “white” or “male”unless-of course, fie is a racist and a sexist. As for the slur against “horse and buggy” Christians, has he even bothered to examines first hand why some segments of our society, like the Old Order Mennonites, chose to opt out of the main stream in order of what th’ey believe to be a more orthodox faith? The value of these groups is not to be found only in their failures, but also their successes. In the Thomsonian world view, however, the only persons worthy of attention are women (non-Catholic of course) and homosexuals. Theists, especially the Catholic variety, are not tolerated. This intolerance is not new. Mr. Thomson has put himself in the company of some of history’s more caustic “social cleansers”. There was a Mr. A. Hitler who liked blond hair and blue eyes, but could not tolerate Jews and other identifiable groups. Mr. J. Stalin-loved those who obeyed him under duress, but has a habit of destroying any who possessed tendencies towards individuality. Let’s not forget our friend Mr. J. McCarthy who fought so bard to bring in fascism to America and to purge anyone with a social conscience from positions of influence. The list goes on, but I’ll leave Mr. Thomson to research his ideological pedigree. Intolerance of other people who hold regards

Thomson -





In regards to Mr. Thomson’s diatribe against the Catholic Church and others, I must agree wholeheartedly when he says, “there can be no better way to hold yourself up to the world’s ridicule than to reaffirm archaic attitudes that are generally held to be originating from ignorance.” However, after reading the rest of the article I had to wonder why he lowered himself to those archaic attitudes in his analysis of the Catholic Church. Obviously he takes his convictions very seriously as he spares no tolerance towards the Catholic Church, white males, and “horse and bu gy” Christians. It’s not as if the Catholic C a urch brought about modem institutions of higher learning (like St. Jerome’s College), or strives to deal effectively with societal ills (like the St. Joseph’s Centre in North Bay - a rehab facility for alcohol abuse), or that Catholic believers have died in the defense of the oppressed (take Cardinal Romero for example), or written extensively for the betterment of society (Jacques Ellul, Simone Weil, Ivan Illich to name but a few)- In

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responds: I don’t wish to deter others from writing letters by responding, but I am compelled to correct your false assumptiuns and clurzfy some @nfs, since you don’t appear to have grasped the point of my writing. I am not intolerant ofreligion. I do, however, have a great deal of contempt for organized religion, such us the Cc&h&c one, because “the lessons ofhisto y” have taught us #hat it functions largely as a repressive institution; one of intolerance. An example? I recommend readin Duptessis by Conrad Black, to learn of the& tholic Church’s eects in Quibec during the first half of this cgntu y. lfvou re-read my piece, Mike, I think you’ll discover that intolerance is exactly what I ing to extnzpolate “the was attacking. I was lessons ofhistory”& xt e possible future ofthe Catholic Church. Your assumption of my world view is so wildly inaccurate, as is the Hitler comparison, that zt does little (fany to strengthen your argument. You claim the Catholic Church deals with social ills. Tell me, have they solved the recurrent problem of Priests that have a rather unholy tove for pre-pubescent children, or do they still simply shift them aroundfiom place to place to avoid facin the probletiz? What I do fin if intolerable are those whu would and do infringe on my rights and freedoms on the basis of an absolute religious belief. Attitudes grounded in a religious framework often deny the existence ofreason; they are offen ignorant.


tensron. Graham University

E. Morky Chuplain



Manager pisses off customer

Mr. Thomson

To Colour 256


Craig guts Christianity





386 486

views is an archaic attitude that originates from ignorance. It’s unfortunate that Mr. Thomson chose to display his ignorance rather than reflect upon the lessons of history before setting out to attack one group in order to further the agenda of his special interest groups. different



Ken Craig’s remarks in the column Religion and Faith in the 20th Century, Imprint, Friday 13,1992 may be ,politically correct from the point of view of secular theistic faith but they are a real put down for the traditional historic theistic faiths. In one, fell, simplistic swoop of his magic wand criterion of “the living spirit of real human beings in the situation of life”, he has wiped away the historic particularity and its communal development in Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism, and Islam. But it is just through this “living spirit of real human beings in the situation of life” that these different theistic faiths have come about and have ‘ven meaning to millions upon millions 0 r peo le. Ken tells us how in his wis a om he has gutted Christianity of its central claims but he has not told us how he has gutted the other theistic faiths. Or does he honour them more than Christianity? His belief that “Jesus Christ teaches us that God works and lives through all people” is a gross manipulation and a totally misleading picture of Jesus. The Christian doctrine that all eople are created in the ima e of God is 51 e reason that all eople can fi e addressed by the claim o P a man who said “I am the way.” And it is at the same time the reason that compels Christians and others to love and respect all people and report their words and intentions truthfully even if the don’t agree with them, The p ;Yuralistic character of our society repuires that each faith be allowed to express its basic beliefs in an arena of tolerance and mutual respect. Secular theistic or atheistic faith, even though it is widespread in our society, must learn to play by the rules and not lord it over Christianity, Islam or what have you. Interfaith dialogue is not well served by watering down the truth claims or special features of any one of the world religions. Finally, it is not clear to me why Ken, having got rid of Christian dogma and biblical e lanation, still wants to call himself a?! hristian. It may be that I have wrongfully concluded that Ken has joined the ranks of what I call secular theistic faith. I am certainly. open to be convinced otherwise. Also, I do not know what to make of Ken’s claim that he doesn’t want to deny his neighbour’s faith as false. My Christian faith has some exclusivity attached to it and I’m his neighbour. I would like to know how Ken would resolve this apparent

To the


I usually try to avoid using University shops because of the indifferent attitudes of the employees. I firmly believe the ada e “The customer is always right,” and I aBso believe any customer deserves to be treated with courtes and respect. Things have gotten out o r hand. Before my night class on Tuesday, 17 Nov., I purchased a cup of coffee at the DC coffee shop. I was wearing an-Engineering shirt with its tongue-incheek “socially stupid” applique. I received the expected indifference and perfuncto “thank-you“ from the young woman at ‘x e cash register, which do not now take issue with. What I do take issue with was that, as I received my change, a manager approached and said “May I make a comment about your shirt?” I mumbled some sort of disinterested permission, and was assaulted with “I think it’s more because you’re a man/ She then promptly walked away, leaving both the cashier and myself somewhat astonished. Notwithstanding the fact her remark had very little to do with my shirt, and irrespective of the fact that I, personally, was deeply offended, her comment was wholly inappropriate. I do not begrudge anyone the right to their own opinion, nor would I deny them the right to voice that opinion, but INSULTING A CUSTOMER? A manager? Usually, for one to become a manager, one must possess some iota of business sense, but apparently, this does not apply at this University. Business sense should tell anyone that insulting customers is not a good way to ensure repeat business. Insulting customers is probably one of the best ways to ensure customers never return, and Food Services can be assured that I will their outlets from this point onward. I would rather shiver from cold, fall asleep .in lectures or trudge elsewhere than be subjected to this treatment. And she did not even have the decency to wait for a rebuttal. Pity. Eric E. Hoepp 4A Mechunical


Naismith thank-yous To



Please allow us to take this op ortunity to thank you and your respective staf Ps for the flawless assistance at our 25th Annual Naismith. The Basketball Warriors are always thrilled to host this tournament. You people are the main reztson there are no worries. The number of volunteers is exceedingly long, but we’ll dare to list them below. Please tell us if you are omitted. - Minor offickk at the scoring table, hostesses, parking, and kiosk. - Shannon Cowling and the people who ran concessions and food services. - Loretia Bresolin and her faithful trainers. - Wally Delahey for his post-game ceremonies contribution. - Dena Deglau with press releasq ticket supervision, post and program contribution. - Ken Moody plus family and students for admissions and gymnasium control - Judy McCrae for fielding all the little things. - Bill Cook and his staff, Sharon, John, Alice, and Scott for toteroom, dressing room, and hostess assistance. - Ingrid and Theresa, in the office, for all the administrative details the contributed. - Our sponsors, Mo Lo ns, Reebok, McGinnis, Angie’s Kitchen, Domino’s Pizza, and Opie promotions for their presence and contribution to make this tourney work. - The Warrior Band, despite limits placed on you arbitrarily. -- The Warrior and Cheerleaders. - The Warrior Basketball Team for its assistance at the Alumni Game and Reception. - All the fans and alumni who hopefully enjoyed the weekend. Thanks for all the hard work and enthusiasm.


So Bushess Manager McCme, and the Basketball

Warrior Don



Of readers Yook

all around believe

and their

“1 think

are the nonI ~-as in the Environnwntnl Studies smoking lounge a couple weeks ago, and came across an old Imprint. Flipping through it, I found the words “Fuck you” scrawled across a piece I wrote about the Blue Jays after they won the Series. Not one of my more eIoquent critics. But by far the most interesting comments are the ones simply oirerheard -around the Campus Centre, in my classes, or wherever. Sometime last year, for exampie, a staff member came down and warned me that he had overheard a couple men saving they should go dowrn to the Imprint office and “gun down Dave Thomson.” That definitely takes the cake m the category of most violent reaction. As ii nears the end of another year, we often take some time to reflect. And since I’m in my fifth year on campus, much of lvhich has been spent volunteering for this paper, there’s a lot to reflect about. What follows is a selective look at readers’ opinions on various things I’ve written about during that time, but mostly deals with responses to my thoughts about Even-more





Mr. Thomson


his article

with a closed mind and preconceived notions firmly in place . . . . As for morality and religion -- religion should help people make decisions they feel comfortable with . . . I (Dave) has no conception of everv day people such as myself who study theology and practise religion, not as a psychological crutch, but as a way of life which is enriching and rewarding.” Early in 1990, the urge to tackle to topic struck me once again, as did the readers’ compulsion to write letters to the editor. . . “Look

all around


look at nature, to is no explanation for

look at the stars and sky. If you want believe

that there

them, then do so. But wouldn’t it be so much easier to believe that there is a God that is so much greater than any human and that He is responsible for all these things that can’t be explained by man?” “God reveals Himself not only through the Bible, but also through creation and humanity. It may be harder to see the revelation, but it is there.” Over a year ago, in response to a piece I wrote supporting feminism, Mr. Salovaara (one of this week’s letter-writers) wrote the following: “Dave Thomson thinks that all politically incorrect men are either threatened males or religious types that ought to be ignored. Why, Dave? Why malign

religious types? Did not religious zeal teach you artsy, intellectual, and politically correct types how to preach?” Late in 1991, the urge to attack organized religion overcame me once again; and I wrote a two-page feature on the subject of atheism. As I recall, we received an extraordinary amount of letters to the editor -about 50 if memory serves. “Although Mr. Thomson claims that his world view is based on observation and logic, very little logic is used to state his opinion. “ “Thomson makes the mindboggling (and quite fallacious) claim that, ‘either god is omniscient and omnipotent and humans do not have free will, or we do have free will and god is a little less than all-knowing. ” “The third aspect of God, His all-lovingness, prevents Him from interfering with free will. I’ “Would you call Hitler or Stalin logical just because they were Atheists?” “Atheists never look for external causes to explain a crisis? Tell that to the millions of Jews who were killed under Hitler and Stalin. ” If. * . society has progressed to where we can safely point out the stupidity of religion without being tortured to death in the name of brotherly love, otherwise Dave Thomson would only be only a pile of cinders by now ” “It’s about time atheists went on the attack against the superstition that still lingers. Reasoned argument is a waste of time since believers in religion have constructed a system of evasidns, halftruths, rationalizations, and flat-out lies that couldn’t be demolished by a nuclear explosion. Our best response is to simply


Imprint 27, 1992


you, look at nature, look at the stars and sky. If you that there is no explanation for them, then do so. ‘I religion. In 198Y, 1 wrote a short opinion piece about religion. Naturally, believers felt they had to write so as to steer me in the right direction . . .





laugh in their faces.” “Only the weak feel the need to believe in God -- there should be no further dilemma.” The dozens of letter writers also provided a list of recommended reading for me, such as C.S. Lewis (three times), the Qur’an, The Encycloprdia of Philosophy, and Evidence That Demands A Verdict. One fellow even gave me a book, which attempted to demonstrate the pitfalls of

atheism. After co-authoring the Student Life Centre

a piece criticizing referendum . - . “I would like to applaud Dave Thomson and Peter Brown for standing up for student rights. I’m glad to see someone is keeping an eye on the Fed people.” Former Fed Prez John Leddy wrote that “I challenge you to finlll ally councillox or student who has been involved in OUR Federation who could honestly say we have been anything but open and honest in our actions and initiatives.” What is it that motivates one to write a letter? Granted, everyone has an opinion on religion, but nobody wrote in response to my assertion that drinking and driving is basically alright, or a feature advocating the legalization of marijuana, or other politically incorrect opinions. If you can’t be bothered to give us feedback by writing a letter to the editor, at least try to find time to offer an opinion on the entire paper, via the Reader’s Survey on page 12.






Presented by the UW Student Christian Movement

Institutionalized by Ken


“The structural purpose of the modern university has little to do with the traditional quest.” - Ivan Illich As I walk around the grounds of the University and its surrounding area, I can’t help but realize that overwhelmingly the majority of students are between the ages of 19 and 26. Seeing such a “lump” of youth, I must ask myself, “where does the experience and wisdom of past ages come from?” For many of us at university, the only wisdom from ages past will come to us from Aristotle, the Bible, the Koran, or some old traditional folk tales -- in other words, wisdom from a book. For some of us in more restrictive programs, we wun’t even receive that. Many of us in this institution for higher learning will never come across anyone old enough to be our grandparents, and hence we will never have the opportunity to come face to face with a person who has experienced for themselves: a World War, a land suffering under economic depression, or days before television and rock and roll. In Canada, we are so god-damn “fortunate” to have the money to have our elderly “taken care of” by trained professionals in sanitized and institutionalized living


We are so fortu-

nate that we can’t see how unfortunate we are. In our search for Truth and self-knowledge (if students even care of such things today) how can we not look to our roots for

Wisdom identification? How can we segregate and cut ourselves off from those people who have gone before us and who have within them countless stories to tell us about the multiplicity of life. Recently, I visited a friend of mine who is 76 years old and who has been deaf since his childhood. When I visit, he tells me what it was like to live in a neighbourhood when a young man went off to fight in a war and would never return. He would relate to me how the young man had a name, a family, and a history, and in a short time, it was all gone. My friend also tells me of how his brothers and he would play games outside all day which required creativity, for they weren’t satiated by a television screen, and their imaginations weren’t stifled and pacified by the Bart Simpsons and Ninja Turtles of this world. And best of all, in our friendship and trust, my friend shares with me his acquired experiences of God, and life, and death. As I walk around the grounds of the University and its surrounding area carrying my dialogues of Plato and my William Butler Yeats poetry book, I can’t help but realize that the segregation of past experienceandwisdomintosanitizedand institutionalized living accommodations is one of the greatest tragedies to come upon the Western world. I know that wisdom does dwell in a least one institution in this country. I am just not sure it is the University. The views expressed in this column are thoseoftheauthor and da not necessarily rqre-

smt those ofevery member of fhe UW Student Christian Movement or those ofImprint’s staff or editorial board.

Make a Run k For The Border.

Now open in the Festival

South Campus Hall.



IMPRINT The following



is optional,

but necessary if you want to be eligible for prizes. Name: Year- --


Gift certificatesfor yummy food!!


Read on for mure details.

Please take the time to fill out this survey and drop it off at Campus Centre room 140 by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 2 at the latest. We will be giving away two gift certificates to East Side Mario’s, each worth $25. This week, we drew the names of six winners. The following people each win a cassette tape: Rose Bilicic (2nd year AHS), Karen Mah (3B science), and Ken MacLeod (4A electrical engineering). The following people each win a compact disc: Glen Rutland (2N arts), Kris Kraft (1st year science), and Chris McLean (3B AHS). Come down to CC 140 to claim your prize. We will draw the names of winners of the gift certificates on Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 4:30 p.m. and publish the names in Friday, Dec. 4% Imprint. Winners from this week are also eligible to win the gift certificates. If you have any suggestions or concerns that you feel this survey has not addressed, please write your comments on an extra sheet of paper and attach it to the survey. Which section of Imprint do you usually read first?


Forum ___ Features

Comics -


Arts _.~


How much of each section do you usuafly read? All Most Some None News 3 2 1 0 Forum 3 2 1 0 Features 3 2 1 0 11 Sports 3 2 1 0 Arts 3 2 1 0 1 Calendar 1 Classified I

3 3

2 2

1 1

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Barracuda moonglow The Tragically Hip Massey Hull November l&l992


to my


I find

myself in the unfortunate position of being unable to comment on the The Tragically Hip’s opening act a week ago, last Wednesday. Therefore, I will Ieave you and your imagina tion to creatively speculate and ponder over The Sons of Freedom’s performance. Both shows successfully managed to sell out, leaving a number of scavengers to search through a thick cloud of desperation for non-existent scalpers outside of Toronto’s Massey Hall. Upon entrance of the main foyer, vendors were selling Tshirts for the outrageous price of $35. There are at least 100 more economical ways in which to spend money (ie. riding the T.T.C. subway line back and forth 17 l/2 times). One has to question if this is the best venue for a gig of this nature, despite the cosy and intimate a tomosp here. Reconsideration is



and some


Imprint 27,1992

are slowing down with age. However, Downie was quite lively on occasion slipping into a form of dance, where he entered original, expressive moments of trance-like bodily tremours while his voice exuberantly carried itself to the relatively young crowd. The Tragically Hip remain a hip part of the greater body of popular music as reflected in the annual CASBYs {Canadian Artists Selected By You) when they recently presented Downie with the Best Male Vocalist . The. Hip go on to tour in Europe, and with their growing fame, they will endure as they always have, spreading their unique brand of Canadian music, hopefully helping other acts break the stranglehold the Americans and Britons currently have on the music scene.

for thought suicide is on the agenda, this kind of conduct is detrimental to your health, not to mention the well being of those poor souls below. Stage design consisted of rec-

instantly called for when the audience consists of bright and brilliantminded individuals who think dangling a leg or two over the upper balcony is a jolly good time. Unless

Wiseman makes a pig of himself l3ob Wiseman Lee’s Palace, Toronto November 21,1992 by Ken Imprint

Bryson staff


7 once was a waiter, I had a lover fou; but since Igot successful don’t have no I-love-yous” - Bobsie Bob Wiseman may no longer have any I-love-yous, but never let it be said that he is short on Howya-doins. Last Saturday, I had the luck, while flipping through Now magazine, to find that Mr. Wiseman was playing Lee’s Palace mere hours la tcr. My luck continued on into the night as I came across Bob in front of Lee’s half an hour before he was due to perform. This man is genuinely approachable; his modest frame matches his meagre ego. As for the ensuing show: after a few minor difficulties getting into the Palace (they didn’t see my friends and I), Bob took to the stage in full pig headdress and proceeded to condemn the feminists and lesbians for the death of society. Okay, yeah, he was joking (and said so after demasking himself). But still, he made his point that people with such opinions are only masking the real assholes they are. He then launched into his pondering on the like of masked assholes as Ernst Zundel defense lawyer, Doug Christie. Confined by an imposed short set (he was opening for comedians Corky and the Juice Pigs, whom he produces), Bob mixed his first songs with acoustic and electric numbers. We heard that night’s versions of “Older Brother,” and “Into a Dino-

I \




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long lost juice

to name a few. Thing was though, that the crowd didn’t take to his brand of social consciousness inducing intros and, subsequently, his guitar songs were unfortunately less inspired than should have been. They tended to start up abruptly and finish before they found a real end. Once the switch was made to the keyboard, however, we found out what Bob was made for. Bob is a better organist than he is nice guy. He hit the keyboard with the verve a kid at a family reunion would; no parent would lead him gently away though. With the evening’s tempo moved into allegro, Bob offered up saur,”

pig. his keyboard virtuosity, helping us to understand jazz theory and postmodem organ technique: you can use all your fingers as one or use more than all your finger (with the help of tape). Highlighting the keyboard set was a vigorous, accordian-less version of “What the Astronaut Noticed and then Suggested,” followed closely by the contemplative jazz of “Another Obscure Death in the American Indian Movement.” Away from his piano, whether on the street or behind his guitar, Bob Wiseman is a man responsive to people. Find him behind his keyboard, however, and you will have to sit, watch, and listen.



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tangular vertically hanging sheaths presenting a series of various geometric shapes. Lighting was well thought out and impressive, with a multitude of colour schemes intermittently gracing across zealous fans. The acoustics were overwhelming to say the least. With the thunderous blaring of pulsating music, clothing and eardrums of all who attended were throbbing under the impact of The Hip’s soundwaves. The band, lead vocalist Gordon Downie, guitarist Bobby Baker, vocalist and guitarist Paul Langlois, vocalist and bassist Gord Sinclair and drummer Johnny Fay were fairly laid back while performing. Downie commented in an interview with CFNY, relating that their live performances have taken on a relatively less energetic tone than their previous shows, as they

by Nutolie Onusku imprint stufi


t 1 Sunday:

January 16,17,23,30

P reparation course dates:

Saturdays: January l&23,30, February 6


P reparation course daies: Saturdays: February 20,27, March 6,13 All courses held on &fcMaster




Friday, November


27, 1992

Alice Donut? No! It’s Mary’s Danish songwriting has been accredited to strongly. r . the band and not the individual. Listed in the liner notes of the 1 have a blank cassette 1or sale. _. _++:: .&~;-:~x&&IJ$ .&&&Q.$$&;: I&$X$ _ @lburn are the organizations includIt shouldn’t be blank, it should ha& a~1 ‘. feels it still retains:$he diverse efeing.Greenpeace, PETA (People for about forty minutes worth &a;@&:.<: .:.~,‘i::.::..:.~.~-: .: :,...:::..;.::.?.: .:::::. ,:::..:;;:+,_,_,.:....j : merits ::found: 1~ t$? f!&+wq, .$& .‘; th Et&al treatment of Animals), ephone conversation taped @n ‘ye .I’’ + ‘&d .$JARAL (National Abortion .A- A -A- ___a__L:-, he@ 4th ::.. Da~ski:..h~~~‘~~.~~~~~cf’.~~~foi;elcing :.& a &&&@&+@&n &&&jr& Rights Action League). When asked David King, Mary Dani&@ ..pyp ..’ ,.,, :i >;-: ;:L’L:;;L‘:. :::,.:j regarding . ”.:: :...,.+&;y&: ;:::?-(;:...> ,._...,_ ::.ii? ,..y..:_.:. j’j:.,..:; :,;y:. :;I.. ;, about public response .,C’. ‘. ~~~~~~~~,~‘~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~‘; vivial guitarist. ,... ‘, ..,. .,_ ..:’ ‘-d*$$AmL, the most controversial of I &o have a tape recorder for the three, David replied that it hasn’t pro& ‘$q.., $@@$& ‘.&t*rience _. ., , c -..,L CA.4:c yer been overwhelming but he does i remember one fan letter which said >. “i’m pro-life, but I still love the prs -.



thoughjall silver like with big shiny ..,z$;r! buttons. Tell ya what, I’ll even ~&Y~~~~



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t%n$ntil ~i.j~~ f.<&‘. ..d:ii band

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members ei fluences, ja name it. WI on the track ,,,-.b was willing to have their I contributions excluded. David refers to the album as “stormy,” as was the ensuing tour. In his estimation, the tour wasn’t as successful as the first, al,. though it did better, financially. He attributes the tour’s shox “too high e> Kingrc a band mee the boardrc tel in Portland helped to unifv the


On this tour, Mary’s Danish perform only two Canadian gigs, Lee’s Palace in Toronto and UW’s Bombshelter. Kudo’s toEmmanuel Patterson for promoting quality music here in Waterloo. An excellent double bill finds the Danish teamed up with England’s The Darling



4-5 by Duve Imprint



by Stacey Lobin Imprint stuff

Thomson staff

Daisy Chainsaw. What a cool name. But what’s in a name, you ask? Chainsaw is somewhat descriptive of the music, and a much better term than “grunge”, which is what I suppose some would call them. The “daisy” part is obviously in stark contrast to the latter half of the name, as are the vocals to the instruments. The vocalist, one Katie Jane Garside, has a high-pitched yet somewhat muted or nasal quality to her voice, which could co-exist nicely with a lot of the unthinking synth-pop people insist on listening to. Thanks to whoever that it’s put to better use on this recording. Near as I can tell, their influences seem to include Negativland and My Bloody Valentine among others, which would validly put them in the “experimental” category. And this is mostly just the second side of the tape I’m talking about. The first side of this twelvetrack recording is far more upbeat, insofar as they actually have some

by Craig imprint

I had an argument once, with a fervent Stone Roses fan. It was a happy day. We were watching a wretched video of Stone Roses music videos and interview clips, and a little pool of drool was forming at his feet. I made the ill-considr ered remark; “Man, the

thread of a beat or rhythm holding together our traditional sense of a song. But they’re far from sounding traditional. Daisy Chainsaw are one of few artists deserving to be called original, for they’ve given us a truly unique sound; funk, punk, often noisy, sometimes grungy, and always an aural pleasure. One sign of originality is that they’ve avoided the virus plaguing many new bands that compels artists to mutilate some great hit of yesteryear; that’s right they write and compose their own music! And if one has any faith that Polygramcanspotgoodartistswhen

they hear them, the fact that their previous (and first) effort was only a three-track ep on Deva Records should count for something. “Love your Money” is the only carry-over from the EP, and most suited to radio play (ie. short, quick, and lyrically simple). Other songs have titles such as “Everything is weird”, “Lovely ugly brutal world” and “You be my friend”. . The visuals also are as noteworthy as the music; the album cover ranks close to the latest effort from the Afghan Whigs formy vote of album cover of the year. Agreatproductionofiallfronts.

Nickerson stuff

Collision sound a lot like Living Colour, except for the vocals, which sound like Steve Tyler or Bill Bailed only not as good. So that about covers the music, now for the lyrics. To be honest I really can’t make most of the lyrics out. I could if I were to spend a couple of hours listening very closely but I would rather scoop my eyes out with a plastic spoon than do that. There is a black and white picture of the band wearing leather jackets and gas masks where I was hoping that the lyrics would be printed. I guess it is possible that Collision are poetic geniuses, though I doubt it What can I say? There are millions of bands out there like Collision. Hell, I probably live across the street from just such a band, maybe even Collision itself. They are boring, and deriirative of other boring bands, so derj v ative, in fact, that in some circles they would be referred to as “rip-off artists”. I am trying to think of something good to say about Collision. They can play



mean the drummer can keep a beat and stuff like that but then, so can dozens of guys I knew in highschool. Think of a CD that you own


which has only one or two songs that you listen too, all the tracks on Collision






tracks that you skip over, though not as interesting. Some physics professor once told me that if you gathered every-

the boat.” The guy went nuts; he leapt up, pointed an accusing finger at me, and yelled, “Are you kidding? The Stone Roses built the boat!*’ Well, excuuuuuse me. Thinking back to that fine fall day (inml, for god’s sake), I realized 1 was half right; okay, the ‘Roses built the boat, but I am entirelv correct when I sav thev watc*hed it sail merrily awa y:standing silent on the docks, maintaining an arrogant and sneering veneer of coolness. Their ongoing battle over their defection from Silvertone Records effectively si.lenced them, save for a few welltimed squacks: an EP here, a re-

by Rich




release there, which no doubt paid those juicy lawyer’s bills. With virtually no (good) new stuff since thier first explosively sucessful album, the ‘Roses have pretty well signed their own redundancy papers. The “One Love” EP showed very little maturity or progression from earlier work; the new stuff on Turns Info Stone reveals the same arrested development. T~tvts In to Stone displays them at their fossilized best, I guess. Sorry, but I hd to say it. -.-Let’s see here... all of these track’s have supposedly neverbeen available in North America before, but they’ve appeared in various forms as imports and b-sides. The disc also includes previously re_ d- _ ---a ---“I-

minute sound kicked sending nium.

pole and had them jump simultane-

the earth would be knocked and sent hurtling into the sun. This would suck, but not half as much as Collision.


siasts E










leader of true-to-life storm effects, “Thunderstruck” off every date on the tour, the masses into pandemoThe same effect is brought

one who was a member of a bluesy/ metal/rock n’roll band at the south out of it’s orbit


mixed “Elephant Stone,” which is an unexpected delight. The poppy but familiar “The Hardest Thing in the I World,” the halfhear tei “Going Down,” and the trenddreary”Mersey Paradise” are by far the best “new” tracks on the disc, but even they pale in comparison to the earlier “Fool’s Gold” 1 _ 4 and -___ “One _Love,” two tunes which still have the power to shake those disco asses. Everything else is just miserable. So one point for “Elephant” and one for “Fool’s Gold,” but nuthin’ for nuthin’ else. who should buy this thing? Die hard fans only, please... anyone else would only encourage them.


:/ .,?S..-.$~A::“, ::.>:y a&&&?



by Liam imprint

O’Gurnsley stc7 ff

Perhaps I’m just getting but I no longer seem to have tolerance for blustering macho rock. I just don’t have the time when there’s still so much pop music out there. Luckily, so-called “love rock” movement

by Steve imprint

old, any cockfor it great the (led

Topper stafi

One would expect a con lglomeration of “rock stars” to produce something decent when thrownintoonestudiu. However, the megabit producing Bob Rock, failed big time when assembling this aptly I named bunch of morons. have never heard such stereotypical-beer-commercialsounding bullshit in my life. This is pure Jock Crap. Rock got together with a few marginal musicians, who are so bad that a different guest artist was required to fry to fill in the gaps of practically every song. One would expect decent music when people like Billy Duffy, Richie Sambora, Jon BonJovi, Kenny Greer, Paul . Hyde,.I and .. Art Bergman are involved III both writing and performing on the album. Wrong; this is garbage. It reminds me of a Coors’ Light commercial; like a kissing scene in a teeny-bopper movie; like a car chase from a Lethal Weapon flick. It sounds like those horrid cover bands in

by Beat I-Iappening and their K Records label) is a welcome antidote to the “Seattle sound.” Two new releases from K have been picked up for Canadian distribution by Cargo Records, and they seem to represent both the top and bottom ends of the love rock spectrum. One is a so-so live compilation from a 1991 festival. The other downtown hotel lounges that even the truck drivers can’t stand. Why do these fuck (rock)heads get recording contracts?? All you have to do is Iook at the song titles to see that this is a waste of studio time: “Love Hunter”, “War Child”, “Hell’s Back Door”, “Angelfire.” Geez. ..I’ve never heard such originality in my life. Where did these geniuses come up with such creativity? I’m surprised there isn’t a song called, “Rock You All Night Long” on it.

If that doesn’t give them away, maybe the cover does. In fact, that’s what


me to them

in the

first place. The usual skull, gothic cohunns, and rose-sound familiar? Gave me the impression of something similar to Slayer or something,

is a terrific new release from the British band Heavenly. The International Pop Underground Convention is an annual late-summer music festival and barbecue hosted by Beat Happening. This CD compiles some onstage highlights from last year’s version. In theory such a move is a good one: collecting almost twenty undeservedly obscure bands as a slap in the face to corporate rock. Unfortunately, the result is a little disappointing. For one thing, the sound is less than compelling. This immediacy-of-live-performance thing, is admira@e and all, but I for one would have preferred to see a studio compilation. Another problem is that too many of the tunes herein are simply mediocre. There are highlights: Courtney Love (the band, not the Hole frontwoman); the all-female Scrawl; the Pastels (whose “Speedway&w” is here unfortunately but a shadow of the recorded version) and of course Beat Happening. Alas, there’s simply too much dross among the nuggets to make this a memorable compilation. One band not included on that record is Heavenly. That is a shame, because their current record I..+& rle Neave-,+rly is a real treat, It sounds a little like the Vaselines, a little like the Pastels- very British and very poppy, with positively angelic (if unschooled) voices. Le Jardin de Heavenly (their second album) is simply wonderful, filled to bursting with spry, bouncy pop tunes. The guitars are typically amteurish yet expressive, but on a surpr&ng number of songs it’s a sprightly bass hook that carries the day. There are also unexpected time changes, unpredictable song structures, and a general air of sincerity and joy. Highlights, include the opener “Starshy” and “C is the Heavenly Option,” a funny duet with Beat Happening’s Calvin Johnson. A very great LP and a must-hear for any true fan of modem pop. especially with the Pentagram on the back. In other words, bad boy (evil)look. However, only the sound of washed out, typical rockerscomes out of this disk. Why haven’t they found someone decent to write their music for them? By the way Steve Jack(Jock) does most vocals. He sounds Iike an expensive computer imitating Sammy Hagar, with no personality whatsoever. He actually takes away from the already useless metal guitar-ridde n noise. And oh, those pretty, cute littIe piano chords that seem to introduce EVERY track. Are we trying to kill time here? Couldn’t we find anything to write besides that repeatedc-chord? Maybe they should have gone back to their tour trailers and caught some more diseases from the big-haired sluts that follow themeverywhere like shadows or (deaf) puppies. Have I said enough? Don’t waste your time even looking at this crap in the record store. The staff might think you are ~oine to buv it. They’ll put your picture on the wall with the words “Jock Sucker” under it. Anyways, don’t buy this load of beer commercial waste product. It realty sucks syphilis-infected rod. Typical Wednesday-night-at-theBombshelter puke.

Friday, November

Imprint 2 7, 1992


Come out of your shell and into IMcGinnis,

“when this Elm openedNew York recently Madonnashoutedobscenitiesat the streen!R -Manlean’s~ine





CINEMA n 8852950

Imprint Friday, November



Along with labelmates Superchunk, Polvo are quickly staking out teritory that’s most recently been the exclusive domain of Washington state retro-trash. Namely, what the press likes to refer to as a SCENE -- in this instance, made all the more remarkable by it’s foundation in as unlikely a locale as North Carolina (Jesse Helms Country), on an independent label (MERGE), and with minimal promotion and publicity (Imprint and the like). In Polvo’s case, their debut album, Car-Crane Secref, is a whirlwind tour through some of the most striking guitar-band stylings of the past decade. That they’re not particularly original --in reality they’re scandalously derivativeputs them in the dog box for some, qualifies as grand larceny to others, but doesn’t mean a crap here since (much like Pavement) their melodies and ideas are simply boundless. The album’s excellent opener, “Vibracobra”, immediately recalls

the best of Swervedriver with it’s harddriving, layered, monster guitar sound, (not-to-mention song ti-

tle), and laidback vocals which somehow reminds one of J. Mascis as imitated by Brian Eno. “K.algon/

‘Tan WithQut sandl”





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by Sundy Atwul imprint staff I’m really broke right now, and my CD collection has been shrinking like a tomato in the hot summer sun. All I’ve got left is the dried out rinds, my library having been shrunk to the bare minimum. However, that solid core isn’t going to be touched, and Hits is definitely going to be added to that core. Foundedin the late 7Os, the Birthday Party consists of lead singer Nick Cave, whose sucessful solo career has unfortunately overshadowed his brilliant work with the Party, guitarist Rowland S. Howard, who together formed the core sound of the Birthday Party, Tracy Pew (a guy) on bass, Mick Harvey on g-uitar and vocals, and Phil Calvert on drums. Together they formed one of the most influential and best bandsever to come out of Australia. They produced angry, inhospitable records that uncompromisinglycreated a sound that has become the yardstick for bands such as the Fall, Pere Ubu and the Fall. This music is scary fucking shit, and not for the weak of heart. This collection, clocking in at almost 80 minutes, truly does con-

Bend Or Break” follows and serves as a “Freebird” for the nineties; it goes on repeatedly for far too long,

tain the best of the band. It represents the released late/recorded early EP Hee Huw, their first intemational LP Prayers on Fire, the Junkyard album and as well as their final release, and EP entitled Mutiny!. For the most part, the songs can be divided into two sorts of songs the death-like ambience created by dirges such as “Jennifers Veil” and “She’s Hit” and the aggressive insanity that threatens to suck you into its own hell represented on such tracks as “Release the Bats” and “Big-Jesus-Trash-Can”. The 19 tracks are, all in all,

pretty horri@ing. There’s no other word to describe it. Supposedly scary music like the Sisters of Mercy’s goth has a tendency to parody\ itself in all aspects, but the Birthday Party can crank out tunes that are relentless, hypnotic and drive straight ahead like a piledriver trying to get into the dirtiest parts of your mind. Meanwhile Cave screams his fucking head off and spews a literate invective competing,

and complimenting

the driv-

ing rhythm section and perverse guitar wailing. The only great loss on this disc

but it’s melody is so infectious as to make it completely excusable. Similarly, “Can I Ride” evokes Husker Du and features signature breaks that one can easily confuse for latter-day King Crimson or present-day Drive Like Jehu. “Sense Of It” out-Nirvana’s Nirvana and possesses another break courtesy of Soundgarden. Meanwhile “Ox Scapula”, is an instrumental straight out of Sonic Youth, and the contextually appropriate “Channel Changer’&hoes theTalking Heads. Throughout it all lies the spirit of Dinosaur jr. Which might make for an obvious assumption that Polvo are anything but fresh. On the contrary, Cm-Crane Secret provides ample evidence that imagination and excitement rarely grow tiring. If a vast record-buying audience seeking the BIG guitar sound ever gets introduced to these guys, all indications are that this album could sell bucketloads. Regardless, there’s no formula here - just lots of guitar and great hooks. It all makes for some heightened anticipation as to how far the Chapel Hill/MERGE Records scene will go, and how rapidly the Seattle scene might die+ Just think: more inventiveness and less sludge. It’s only been a year,butit’sanideawhosetimehas finally come.

is the absence of the Drunk on the Pope’s Blood EP. Understandable, since all four of those tracks are represented here in studio form, but the aforementioned EP (appropriately described on the album as “16 minutes of sheer hell!“) provides a completely new context for the band. The Birthday Party were (I hear) a simply amazing live show and if any band deserves recognition for such, it’s Cave and the gang. The liner notes to this disc consists of an essay written by British free-lance writer Ian Johnston. Although slightly over-dramatic, Johnston is indicative of the emotions evokedbytheparty. The five page essay goes briefly through the history of the Birthday Party, all the time eloquently describing the emotional turmoil of the band and drawing out of their performances the musical equivalence of that turbulence. Writes Johnston of the Birthday Party’s arrival in England, “The band began to mutate, jettisoning any leanings towards pop or art rock, and then simply exploded with a te&if$ng intensity. The Birthday Party vehemently attacked any musical or social convention they could think of, fired by a self-destructive nihilistic sensibility whch would cause shock waves through Lond&n’s long moribund venues, unlike any other band since the Sex Pistols.” My only lament is the absence of lyrics. Perhaps to understandthe fury and rage of Cave, these would have helped, but the very sound of the disc is enough to make me think that maybe I don’t want to know exactly what Cave is saying all the time.


Friday, November

Imprint 27, 1992


XSa_vs it All

“By Any Means Necessary” Malcolm X directed by Spike Lee

is a lengthy yet worthy tribute. All of Malcolm’s life, from his father’s death at the hands of Klansmen, to the death of X himself at the hands of Black Muslims who, as the film suggests, were aided and abetted by the CIA, is presented without any motive other than to present this man’s ideas to a general audience, an audience which will hopefully use this film as a springboard from which to learn more about the world in which we live in and the world of Malcolm X. The film stands apart from the rest of Spike Lee’s ouevre. It is, in many ways, the basis for the rest of his works. The ideas inherent in his most accessible film Do the Right Thing find their germination in Malcolm X and his philosophy. Only when the voice of this man is understood do individuals find their own voices.

by Sandy Atwal imprint stuff

1 lfyou knew him you would know why we must honor him: Ma2coTm was OUT manhood, our liuing, black manhood!. . .And we will know him thenfor what he was and is - II Prince - our own blackshining Prince! - who didn’t hesitate to die, because he loved us so. -from Ossie Davis’ euology of Mal??-\%&ost impossible to begin any article discussing Malcolm X without using a quotation from that man’s words. He was a charisma tic, brilliant speaker whose rhetorical ability and intelligence has moved thousands, perhaps millions of individuals towards a stronger black identity and stronger theory of black nd tionalism. Throughout his life, Malcolm X was a staunch defender of the responsibility of black individuals to separate themselves from the racial oppression of the white majority, white government, and white justice which rules the United States at that time and today. Unfortunately, his position was too dangerous to the white establishment to allow him to continue his life and his political/social agenda without slandering his position and attempting to undermine his work. The work of such a man is difficult to comprehend, let alone present in a coherent fashion, yet this is what Spike Lee has done in his most recent work M&&n X. He has presented an eloquent and moving biography of one of the most influential and important leaders in the 20th century and done so in a way which inspires the viewer twofold. First, inspiring because of the subject matter and the life which Spike Lee presents and, second, because of the manner in which Lee has presented him. Denzel Washington performs this role, from misanthrope to martyr, with subtlety and a very modest sense of purpose, and in the process allows the audience the required suspension of disbelief. Malcolm X presents an uncompromising view of this controversial black leader. Spike Lee has not

“Get off the welfare. Get out of that compensation line. Be a man! Earn what you need for your own family. Then your family respects you. Then they’re proud to say ‘that’s my father.’ She’s proud to say ‘that’s my husband’. . . when you do that you’re accepting your responsibilities as a man.” The film starts with a speech by Malcolm X on top of footage of the Rodney King beating. For myself, it was difficult until now to see this event in any light other than a media event. However, in this context (the climax to Malcolm X having been so great) it was possible to see this very simply as an example of the progress that non-whites haven’t made in the United States. Lynching still occurs and occurs by the establishment which purports to “serve and protect.” The only reason that this image comes as such a shock to the American people is that there has been a concerted effort to suggest that things have gotten better for blacks since the early ’60s.

undermined it with as much as it could muster.


The opening sequence is intercut by shots of the American flag, and as the credits come to a close, so does the American flag. It begins to burn, slowly, until all that is left is the letter X in red white and blue. This is basically the most nonlinear that Spike Lee gets in this film. The story of Malcolm X is presented for the most part as a very “standard” autobiography. The narrative is straightforward and takes very few filmic liberties in expressing Lee’s personal interpretation of his subject. This is, it would seem, partly

“We declare our right on this Earth to be u mun, to be u human being, to be respectedus a human being, to be given the rights of u human being, in this society, on this Earth, in this duy, which we intend to bring into existence by uny meuns necessary.”

troit Red in the Boston of the ‘4Os, to his nickname Satan in jail, and finally as Malcolm X, Spike Lee’s film

The cultural revolution, the civil rights movement, and the general open-mindedness of the ’60s supposedly contributed to the betterment of African-Americans. No doubt, Malcolm X would be the first to point out that in a country where there are more young black


in jail than in college,

little progress has been made. The government has not been successful in supporting the black nationalism of Malcolm X, and in fact has

an attempt to present Malcolm X not as a hero beyond reproach, or beyond the technical abilites of film, but rather to present Malcolm as a topic worthy of straightforward narrative filmmaking. Rather than relying upon camera tricks, Lee presents Malcolm X as he was, a human being with faults and subject to the weaknesses all of US are, yet able to overcome them because of the strength of his convictions. Moving from his role as De-

It is this drive, this belief and this philosophy which Spike Lee has succssfully represented, and in the process presented the cinema with an landmark in epic films.


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deified him, but presented him as he was - a real man. A man with faults who, during his lifetime,dealt drugs, took drugs, stole, spent time in jail, was an atheist, a muslim, a minister, and a father. His tale as told by Lee is a tale of redemption and should be taken as an example for all individuals, white, black, brown or whatever colour, as a role model for the ability and strength of one person to overcome the oppression, even if from the most powerful nation on the earth.

Ultimately, Malcolm Xisa story of social and political success in the face of total opposition. While others adopted a sit-in philosophy, Malcolm X adopted a stand-up philosophy. While others marched in Washington between the graves of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, Malcolm X told those who would listen that the only key to freedom lay in their own hands, and that they were responsible for their own success.

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Imprint Friday, November

I Arts

27, 1992

Much Mohican Madness The Last of the Mohicans Directed by Michael Mann by Jennifer Epps lmpfint Staff You can pretty much predict every element in The Last of the Mohicans, and that’s without reading James Fenimore Cooper’s 1826 novel. The style of photography, the scenery, the use of music, the pace, and the character types, these are all familiar. When the heroes get into a canoe, you can bet there’ll be rapids around the next bend. When the group hikes through a clearing in the woods, you know their enemies are hiding in the bushes. As directed by Michael Mann, the Miami Vice creator, this boys’ adventure story is rife with flintlocks and furbelows. The almost continuous action is interrupted only by the romance between Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis) and Cora Munro (Madeleine Stowe).

This is a very talented pair of actors, and they are perfectly convincing in their exotic roles. (Stowe is just as charismatic as she was in The Two Jakes). But there isn’t much to sustain our interest between the flashes of loud excitement. Hawkeye is an independentminded, brave, sage frontier scout who was adopted by Indians. He fights like a demon, of course, but every bone in his body is virtuous. Soon, he has fallen in love with a British general’s daughter; Cora is also stalwart and astute, and recognizes his integrity, even when he is encouraging “sedition.” It’s 1757 in the New World, and the French and English are at war, each side using separate aborigine nations both for trade and combat. Hawkeye and Cora cling to each other against a tapestry of treachery and corruption; the European officials, for the most part, are in a very unflattering light. It was Cora’s father who allowed a Huron tribe to be slaughtered, and it was

this act which bent the monstrous Magua (Wes Stui) on revenge. Stui is unreadable. We only grasp Magua’s agenda because he keeps talkhg aboit it-it’s not in his face, “Magua’s heart is twisted,“ Hawkeye explains. “He would make himself like those who twisted him.” Yet the actor doesn’t show us any of this festering hatred, his eyes are just blank. Magua keeps hacking up people, but he doesn’t have any distinguishing characteristics; he doesn’t sit quietly knitting, like Madame Defarge, or anything. Although Cora and Hawkeye’s passion for each other causes him to repeatedly save her life, to risk his,

even have time to worry who he was with. This is, in fact, a short film for an enic: it runs less than two hours. Ma& %nd Christopher Crow&s screenplay pares Cooper’s tome down to action highlights, and Mann doesn’t allow any point-of-view to emerge. While the ood guys are terminating the ba 2 dies with extreme prejudice, jovial fiddle music plays. Bodies fly everywhere, but the smoke, the war whoops, and the blood on the grass are so beautiful, the spectacle doesn’t even remotely connect us with death and destruction. 1

It doesn’t blossom into its own\tory. AndManndoesn’tevenknowhow

it is DUE+

sible to photograph battle scenes, be visual, and still make a sobering statement--look at Kenneth Rranaph’s-------




V. . .

ere are siopp, v -as moments, ---.. like shots that don’t match the cI~-~--erain of_. those surrounding them. Climactic feats r>f derrin -do are exaggerated into the kind o f slow-motion timing Steven Spielberg and Brian DE Palma turned to camp in their movies. And sometimes we get subtitles, sometimes we don’t; sometimes we get two people speaking Eng lish-with thick accents instead nl TK

- --_-_



streiA-ZtiZiZI;i Zci There’s no pretending that The Last of the

terfall, fiaike$claspshis loved one and vows: “I will find vou. No mat-

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Single: $1,340.00 Double: $1,240.00 Interconnecting Room $1,290.00 Meal Plan: 5 days a week $995.00 7 days a week $1,155.00 Application forms may be obtained from the Housing Office, Village 1 or: Director of Housing, University of Waterloo, Ont., N2L 3Gl.

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Ringof tlje Bram Stoker’s Dracula directed by Francis Ford Coppola by Craig Imprint

Nickerson star

The film begins with Mad the Impaler going off to fight the turks in the name of Christ. He is victorious, but his true love (Winona Ryder) is tricked into believing him dead, naturally, she commits suicide. Vlad is informed that his love is now eternally damned (aren’t Catholics great?) for taking her own life. Vlad renounces God, becomes a creature of darkness, and turns up in the 19th century as DRACULA. The first hour of Dracula was the best. When we are first introduced to Dracula, he is a decaying, old pervert who fawns over Keanu Reeves like, uh, something that might like to eat you for dinner if you were, uh, something that it might like to eat. Coppola claims to be attempting a more faithful adaptation of Stoker’s novel than previous film adaptations and this comes through in the gothic, Victorian sets and lavish costumes. The old, decrepit, Dracula creeps around in this crimson, hundred foot long, velvet cape casting freaky shadows against torch-lit castle walls, This aspect of Gary Oldman’s portrayal is the most menacing, even though his hair-do reminded me of Princess Leia. Coppola also pays homage to previous film versions of Dracula. There is a scene where Dracula’s shadow is shown ascending a castle staircase which was borrowed from the early version of Nosferatus and the line “I never” was first uttered by Bela Lugosi. Coppola makes use of the conventions which have grown around the original Dracula story over the century. He does this effectively, and the film succeeds as more of an epic retelling of the tale by incorporating these conventions than if it had left them out. It is also more of a definitive version in that it includes what the audience expects to see though in a different, more gothic, respect. If one an “epic” -- -were---- to attempt Sherlock Holmes he would be bet-

ter off to include the deerskin cap and throw in at least one “elementary, my dear Watson” and damn what it says in the original texts. O.k., the sets, costumes and cinematography are all really great, but few of the performances are able to live up to them. I just can’t entirely buy Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves as English



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Imprint 27,1992


&... .;.-I,’:,.

M.ey.Kids, For some gtegt. prizes and; a chance TVshow low support for lmpint Arts, fill out the Readers Suriey on Page 12!! B ivwu

someone who eats bugs. Of course this is not entirely surprising from such a consummate performer as he. While I had some difficulties withtheperf6rmancesJfoundthem to be minor distractions from my overall enjoyment of the film which is visually stunning. It has been a lone; time since I have seen a good


elllllllllllllllllll~~ I I

I : I I 1


Do YouWant a Succesful Career in Journalism? If so, rush novato Imprint Arts and help us in our endeavourto uphold the journalistic integrity of Waterloo. There’s only one week left in this term, so rush now and help us in our desire to control the world!



. . .Abraca-Pocus

Gentlepeople* They seem dwarfed by the sets and costumes, and really can’t pull off the Victorian speech and accents. Oldman is great as the old Dracula but when he goes to London as a younger Dracula he just doesn’t command the same fascination, he gives a better performance than Reeves and Ryder but still seems, at times, miscast. Tom Waits as the madman, Renfield gives the best performance. He gives his character quite a bit of grace for

. . .walla

walla Washington.

horrorfilminanyrespect,soDracula was a real treat. This is Coppola’s best film since Apocalypse Now, though I grant that isn’t saying much, still, the spectacle alone is worth seven bucks. Alright, no movie is worth seven bucks but if you are twenty or under (or can pass for twenty or under, wink wink) you can get in for five thin dollars. Even if you aren’t or can’t you should still go because Coppola desperately needs your money.

* The last place Ned Nanders will want to be on Decembeti 2nd ti y&r of our lord Satan. Sat&? “Alien” Jourgensen and Paul Barker will grace the G&dens.’ i .: with ballads that will make your ears bleed with pleasure.: Drip. D&p..@-ip. Hot on the heels (blistering 1‘~r&ume)‘of theti latest album ‘Ral& ,69” for I those who can’t redd Gre’ek(&&n~ other things) Ministry will be spreading the2 Nutella with an assortment of power chords, sampling and s6 I .I ...5muchaci&aEne ._ ,: .... . that you’ll wet your p&ntsl” ’ I .: ‘: ” With opening groups Helmet and Septiltura that night can only get b&&For a mere $22.50, one can slip inside a world that Brim Stoker cou~d$t imagine, After blowing the socksoff the not soho;‘tChUi Peppers (which we all knqw doe&t take much) at Lollapalooza this summer, Tuesday’s,show promises to be &e of the best if$ not one of ‘of the most memorable, of the the”year.. year.. *. I So until Tuesday night thinJsdark thoughts and enjoy-your leather teddy, boy! I_ I



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ongoing calendar

FIE Money for software venture - “Venture Capitalist will provide seed money to students who are developing promising software programs. For further information call (416) 366-7758 or write with proposal and resume to: Ceyx Properties Ltd., 701 King St. W, Suite #4O3, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2W7.

Apartment+5occupancy, fully furnished, Jan-April sublet. Phone Tony 886-l 699.

Law School Applications should be treated like job applications. You must market yourself differently to each school. To find out how call l-800-567-PREP (7737).

Fast professional word processing by University Grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections available. Macintosh comtypes of papers. “Laser printer”, “spell check”, “grammar corrections” included. Free pick up and delivery. Phone Clark at 273-7970. 15% off for long distance cal Iersl Why pay more for less?

Antique Sale. Westmount Mall Nov. 2528. For sterling silver, plated flatware or Royal Doulton figurines see Mary Annis Antiaues. 2 plane tickets (return) to Vancouver over Christmas. $500 each for 1 male, 1 fe-

male. Call Mary-Ann at 8856272. Car Stereo: Pioneer tacredeck/ removable face(security); Alpine 40 W Amp; Alpine 7 band, 25 W Amp, Graphic equalir&. $500 886-7263 leave m&sag& Two Grey Cup tickets for sale. 46-vard line. Season iickets-Good seats. dan’t . Must sell. Mark 725-5518. art-time weekend staff needed. Working with developmentally challenged adults. A variety of settings and shifts are available at $9.74/hr. Contact Greg Buchard, Senrices director, Elmira Association For Community Living. 22 Church St. W, Elmira. 669-3205. Jacket, U of W white leather with cloth, size 44 tall. Like new. $120. Phone Beverly x6884 or 634-8806. hoes your hair get messed up during these &&I winter months on ihe long walk to school? If so, this revolutionary new product was designed especially for youl The Hair Bubble eliminates this annoying problem by protecting your hair from the elements with a plastic enclosure that surrounds vour head. For a free, no obligation demdnstration of this hip new prcduct, drop by CC 140 and ask for Skidder.

Bisexual Support - Group forming. For more information write to: Southwestern Ontario Bisexual Network, P.O. Box 28002, Parkdale Postal Outlet, Waterloo, N2L 6J8. Peace, Joy , love during this Christmas season. If you are troubled by a possible pregnancy call a friend at Birthriqht. 5793990. New Year’s m Montreal. Ontario University’s largest New Year’s partyl Two unforgetable nights December 30-January 1. From $89. Call Todd at l-800-6673378. Hey here. I think that this weekend calls for some ‘champagne”, no? Ok- maybe a cheap boffle of vino. (Vine? Where’s Vino? Is Tony with him? Boy- does he need to be taught some businesst) Cheer upll Don’t ya know I luvs ya?!


I took Genesis and I’m not


happens next. I still love you until the end of time! mhan. Jim - The Captain of the other ship IS signalling. He wishes to discuss terms of our surrender. Uhura uhura Put him on! Jim Jlrn - tlut, captatn.... Uhura hura - UO I I I WhVe we stlfl have time. Jim. The Bouncer at Fed, who asked me for 1.0, and then decided my tiembership to the Beverly Hillbillies Fan Club (Canadian Chapter) just wasn’t good enough, I have two words, and they’re not “Happy Motoring”. I’m a-gonna drown yer worthlass carcass in the see-ment pond, ya varmint! m never forget the first day I met her; thaf September morning was clear and fresh. The way she spoke and laughed at my jokes and the way she rubbed herself against the edge of my desk. . . B. Bragg.

UniFASSal Studios writer’s meetings1 7:30 p.m., HH 1391 Come join the funl Beginners, experts and enthusiasts welcome! Also on Wednesdays. Islamic Study Circle 3130 to 5130 p.m. room I 10, Campus Centre. Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship evening service. 7:00 p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 884-5712.



UW recycles - recycling representatives from every student society are requested to attend informal information meetings from 3-4 p.m. in the Campus Centre, room 138. Sept. 28; Oct. 19,26;Nov. 2, 16 & 30. University of Waterloo House of Debates General Meeting at 5:30 in Physics 313. UW Outers Club. General meetings at 7:00 p.m. CC 138. Evervone welcome.




University Worship Senrice at 10 a.m , Keffer Memorial Chapel, WLU Seminary Buildina (Albert St. at Seaoram

Earn Free Travel and Cash. Wanted. Campus Rep to promote New Year’s in Montreal, Quebec City and Daytona Beach at Howard Johnsons. “Home of Much Music” Call l-800-667-3378. lowest

EumYwmN&sw3Y Huron Campus Ministry Fellowship 4% p.m. in MacKirdy Hall room 201. Supper, followed by a Bible study/discussion. All welcome!For more info: 886-l 474. bsblan Dlscusslon Group. c;t; 110 7:30 p.m. For more info call 885-1211

able. Resourceful, motivated students capable of earning between $7000 12000. For more information please call . l-800-667-WORK. ‘Summer jobs. Appllcatlons are now being accepted for summer jobs on cruiseships, airlines and resorts. No experience necessary. For more info send $2 and a self-addressed Stamped envelope to: World Wide Travel Club, 5334 Yonge St, Suite 3407, Toronto, Ont., M2N 6Mi Leaders only1 50 year Pet Nutrition/Care company requires ambitious/energetic sales force immediately. Part time effort, flexible hours, $500+/month. Limited number of positions available. Call (519) 893-0658 for information.

Spanish Club- Everyone welcome. Meetings and events. 4p.m. ML 245A Come on out to the Jewish Student’s Assoc. Bagel Brunch. CC135 11:3@1:30 UW Juggling Club meets from 5 to 7 p.m. Blue Activity Area of the PAC. Beginners welcome1 For more info call Sean Finucane, ext. 6265 or 884-3473. Brown Bag Forum - a Muslim - Non Muslim discussion. 12:30 to I:30 p.m. Campus Centre, room I 10. All are welcome1


Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship Bible Study. 7:30 p.m. in DC 1304. All welcome. More info call 884-5712. Bsha’i Falth - informal presentation on inevitability of universal peace at the Baha’i Information Centre, 2-91 King St. N., 7:30 p.m. or call 884-5907 for more info. Student Christian Movement (SCM) seeks to integrate faith and social justice. Meetings 4 p.m, in the chapel at St. Paul’s College. All welcome. GLLOW, the campus Lesbian and Gay Association hosts coffee houses from 9 to 11 p.m. in HH373. These informal gatherings are an opportunity to make friends in a non-threatening atmosphere. Ev8ryOne

is Welcome.

WATSFIC -want to join a group of garners, sci-fi/fantasy fans and anime junkies? Come to a meeting: Wednesdays at 6145 p.m. in MC 1056. Personal Pan Pizza + pop = $1.75. I 1:20 - 1:30 in front of Bl 271. Sponsored by Science Grad Committee.

EVERY mumY The International Socialists meet every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in CC 135 to discuss the theory and practice of socialism. Writers1 Weekly meetings are being held 7:00 p.m., HH 334. Bring poetry, prose, whatever for group workshop. Informal discussions about rock climbing, possibly with slides. Every Thursday at 5:30, Campus Centre room 138.

EumYnuMY Friday Muslim Prayer - 1:OO p.m. to 1:45 p.m. (Sept. & Oct.) ; f2:OO p.m. to 12:45 p.m. (Nov. & Dec.). Room 110, Campus Centre. Career Resource Centre -hours- 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Check out employer, career, work/study abroad and edt&tional information. NH 1115, Sept. 26, Oct. 3 and31.

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czimpushappenings . 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

karl Schoen Creche

Energetic and enthusiastic volunteers are needed to assist individuals who have a disability on a one-to-one basis in their pursuit of leisure activities. Call Lee Lovo at 741-2228 for more information. Friends is a school volunteer program where adults are matched with children who would benefit-from an adult friendship. Children gain confidence through activities with their adult friend. To volunteer call Dorothy Henderson, CMHA office 744-7645.

International Students Office seeks volunteers to assist international students with conversational English. If you are interested in tutoring, contact Sheryl Kennedy at ext. 2814. Urgently Needed - volunteers to transcribe text to tape for students with low vision. Bilingual, training and equipment will be provided. Taping can be done at home or on campus. If interested contact Rose Padacz at Needles Hall, room 2051 or phone ext. 5231. UW Career Fair ‘92 - Your chance to get to know various employers and make contacts. For more information call ext. 4047 or drop by NH fO01. Literacy Program needs volunteers to work with special education students oneto-one. 1 to 2 hrs/twice a week from Sept. to June 1, Great opportunity for students who want to go into Teacher’s College. Call 885-0800. 16th Waterloo Brownies need leaders and heloers. Call Candice at 747-2102 Male volunteers urgently needed to assist on a tone-to-one basis, male indi- viduals who have a disability and are involved in leisure activities. Call Lee at 741-2228 for more info, Student Volunteer Centre. Volunteering is a great way to explore career opportunities, meet new people, help out in your community. We have a variety of placements available to suit your interests. Come to CC 206 or call ext. 2051. Volunteer needed for man who is blind. Go for walks 2-3 times per week. Please call Rick at 884-8793 Get involved in the giving spirit of Christmas! Make a donation td the Yellow Brick House Women’s Shelter, Items needed: women’s and children’s clothing, toys, blankets, towels, sheets, non-perishable items. Drop off donations or call 8862351 for more information.

Airways Transit- Airporter will drop off and pick up passengers at the CAMPUS CENTRE instead of the University Avenue Kiosk effective JULY 2, 1992. WATfilm - a brand new club so popular that it has over 50 members in its very first term! Make a video production. Be part of crew or cast. Actors and martial artists needed. Call Phil at 725-6180. The Sexuality Resource Centre - is a trained student volunteer service that offers information, support and referrals to those in need. This service is FREE. Call 885-l 211, ext. 2306 or leave a message at ext. 4042. The SRC is located in room 150A, Camous Centre. UW. K-W Live The&9 Princess St., Waterloo, 886-0660. Workshops begin Oct.7 1992 to Feb.24,1993. For more information phone the above number. Want to know about Jewish Student Events? Call the JSA hotline: 747-l 416 Homer Watson l-louse and Gallery, 1754 Old Mill Road, Kitchener. 748-4377. Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 12-4:3O p.m., Thursdays 12-8 p.m. noice-Aid Network: txpenenced pregnancy at university? Needed:non judgemental women wiiling to meet informally with pregnant students seeking information on personal experience. Leave your numbeiforthe network-co-ordinator, women’s centre. llkramlan5tuaent c;IuI) ts seeking new members and a new student council. For more info call Roman Sirskyj 864-0774 after 6. boon Heritage Crossroads Country Christmas celebrations on Sunday December 6, 13 and 20. Open daily from

will be on exhibit In Doon Heritage Crossroads’ Orientation Centre from December+31 from 1:30 -

._-- .....

4:Xl ti.m.

Scuba Diving for persons with physIcal disabilities. information seminar will be held at Breithaupt Centre on Margaret Ave. on Dec. 13 from 2:30 - 6 p.m. For more information call Kitchener Parks and Recreation at 74 l-2226. Jean A. Chalmers Awards for Musical Composition is accepting nominations for the first annual Chaimefs Award. Candidates for these awards may be nominated by Canadian music professionals. Deadline is February 1, 1993. For more info, contact the Chalmers Award Office at l800-387-0058 or (416) 969-7434. Celibacy is not hereditary. Please submit writing, art, photos+ poetry with a S.A.S.E to Phoenix magazine, CC 235. White Ribbon Campaign. Dee l-6. Men wanted to support and organize CC Display. Men working to end violenc8 against women. Dave Logan 621-4046. A Christmas food drive is sponsored by the Federation of Students. Please bring non-perishable food items or cash donations to the Turnkev desk in Campus Centre by Dec.22. Ail donations do to the Food Bank of Waterloo Region. For further info call Nancy Bearss at 888-4042 or 886-4924. Distinguished Teacher Awards. To nominate your outstanding professor, demonstrator, or teaching assistant for the award. Contact TRACE MC 4055, ext 3132. K-W, Cambridge-Guelph Humanists meeting at the Centreville Chicopee Community Centre, 141 Morgan Ave, Kitchener, for a Winter Solstice potluck supper at 7 p.m. Call 824-6577 or 837-0698.


FACULTY OF SCIENCE Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Schlarship - available to 2nd yar or 28 Earth Science. David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology - available to 2A Earth Science, see debartment. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship -available to 38 Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiolwy - deadline - January 8, i993. -FOR APPLICATION FORMS and further information please contact the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.




Friday November 27. 9:30 - IV30 a.m. ’ To register: Counsetling Services NH 2080 or call extension 2655.

UPCOMING EV&NTS Tuesday December 1 White Ribbon Campaign. Dee l-6. Men Working to End Men’s Violence Against Women. Support the display in the CamCentre. Call Dave 621-4046. OW dIscussIon group ~111discuss: Sex, Lies and Videotape: Pornography and the Lesbigay Experience. All lesbians, bisexuals, gays and other gay-positive people wel&%ne. U of W-Environmental Studies 2, room 173,7:30 p.m.


ALL FACULTIES *Don Hayes Award -deadline-January 15, 1993. *Mike Moser 6urSary - deadline - Novembet 30, 1992. Tom York Memorial Award - essay, aporoximatelv 2.500 words. interested canbidates shhuld-submit essay to St. Paul’s United College. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Andersen Consulting Scholarship - available to 3B Engineering. J.P. Bickel Foundation Bursaries - available to all Chemical. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship - available to 38 Engineering students. Chevron Canada Resoures Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 3B. John Deere Limited Scholarship - avaiC able to all 38 Mechanical - deadline November 27,1992. ‘Charles Deleuw Scholarship - available to all 3B Civil. Dow Chemical Inc. Scholarship - available to all 3B Chemical. Gandalf D%a Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Engineering ?B and above. Noreen Energy Computer ScienceChemical and Geological Engineering Award available to Geological and Chemical year two or above. Ontario Hydro Electrial Award - available to 28 Electrical. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship -available to 3B Civil, Water Resource Management. I M.S. Yolles & Partners Limited Scholarship - available to 38 Civil. FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning, preference to female applicants. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Andersen Consulting Scholarship - availaMe to 3B Math.

Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 3B Computer Science. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science.

Wednesday December 2 GOSH presents end of term luncheon 122 p.m. Fed Hall. Fortify yourself for last minute essay writing, exam marking and Christmas sho in . ~1 d Donor &rnitat Menunite Brethren Chouqch. 19 Ottawa St. N (across from Stedelbauer Motors} 1:30 - 8 p.m. Friday December 4 14 Not Forgotten. Vigil in Seigfried Hall at 5:00 p.m. A time for remembrance and refledtion in memory of the 14 women massacred at Ecole Polytechnique on Dec. 6, 1989.

Deadline for campus iappeninga n IS

Mondays at 5 p.m. Bring your submission .to the Imprint office. ZampusCentre14

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Greenbacks - The Environmental Store Data Store Julie’s Flowers Val’s Video Little Caesar’s Pizza UW Housing Admin. The Twist Picture Yourself Gino’s Pizza Schlotsky’s UW Fed of Students PC Factory Microway Comptuers East Side Mario’s Dragon Palace La Bamba Restaurant Fairview Acura Vijays UW Arts Student Union Type & Tax Shot In The Dark Waterloo Taxi Full Circle Foods K-W Bookstore Exchange Waterloo North Mazda Subway Spectrum Photo Master’s Auto McGinnis Landing Sunsations . C.A.R.E. Centre Apple 11 Hairstyling Princess Cinema Travel Cuts McMaster University LSAT East West Futon Melanies Restaurant & Night Club Barron Opticians 4 Adventure Guide UW Food Services Travel Cuts Marlin Travel







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