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by staff








by Jeffrey & Millur Imprint Staff


The University of Waterloo was ranked number one by Maclean’s Magazine in its second annual ranking of Canadian universities. Waterloo was at the top of its category: universities with comprehensive undergraduate and graduate programs but without medical schools. Waterloo also ranked first in 4 of the 22 measurements: proportion of the student body who graduate, student awards, proportion of faculty with PhDs, and in a reputational survey which was sent out to “2000 senior university officials, fellows of The Royal Society of Canada, heads of corporations and senior public officials across Canada.” NEW



James Downey, former president of the University of New Brunswick was selected as the next president and vice-chancellor of Downey, 53, a professor of English, will the University of Waterloo. assume office on April 15th.of this year and his term will run until June 30,1999. OMBUDSPERSON’CHOSEN Marianne Miller, a Wilfrid Laurier graduate and currently working masters student in English at UW was selected as the new Miller provides a free confidential 0mbudsperson at Waterloo. service, acting as a mediator between conflicting parties in disputes ranging from landlord-tenant to professor-student disagreements. TOPLESS





The trial of several women charged with committing an indecent act at a July 18 topless rally in Waterloo began on November 23. The women, who appeared at the rally in support of Gwen Jacob, a 21 year old university student who was convicted for walking the streets of Guelph bare breasted two summers ago, pleaded not guilty to the charges. Of the seven rallies held across Canada on July 18 an 19, the Waterloo rally was the only one where women were arrested. GOVERNMENT FUNDING



The Ontario government announced in November that university students may no longer receive Ontario grants and that universities will not receive the 2 per cent funding increases they were promised last year. The grant portion of Ontario Student Assistance Program @SAP) will be drastically cut in favour of a primarily loans system. Loan money will be increased by $130 million to $800 million dollars and students will be required to take the maximum $5570 loan before qualifying for any grant money. Although funding for ‘93/‘94 will not change, universities and colleges will not receive the two per cent increase in funding for ‘931 ‘94. Ontario treasurer Floyd Laughren also revealed that tuition will rise $132, a 7 per cent increase. ENDOWMENT




The investigation into the death of David John Zaharchuck continues this week, as police search for a subject seen in the Engineering buildings during the early hours of January 1. Authorities are hoping the man will have some information on the slaying of the 34-year-old Engineering graduate student. The man is not being named as a suspect, but rather as a subject police wish to talk to. “We’d like to talk to him, since he was in the area that night and may have some information,” said Sgt. Dennis Butcher, a Waterloo Regional Police homicide detective. Police had been looking for another man, whose composite they distributed at a press conference Sunday evening. As of Tuesday, that man had been located and questioned, and police are satisfied he has nothing to add to the investigation, said homicide detective S t. Rick Lehman at a meeting of po B ice, Universit officials, and students on Tties J ay afternoon. Authorities want to question a man who was seen in a computer room in the Engineering complex at about 1:30 A.M. on January 1. The man asked two other students to help him to gain access to the Watstar network, apparently to play games. When the two students refused, the man, who apparently was having difficulties at home, became emotional and left the room. He is described as white, 5’10” - 5’11” in height, medium build, wearing a light coloured trench coat, either rey or off-white. 8 aharchuck’s body was found at



The Math Society was caught in a homophobic incident when a banner reading “VOTE MATHBOOZE: OR BE A BIG FAG!” was hung in the main entrance to the Math and Computer Building in late November. MathSoc was then informed by a member of Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo (GLLOW) of the banner’s offensiveness. The MathSoc executive respoded apologetically yet maintained their innocence. Those resposible later apologized but failed to reveal their identity.



about 3:OO A.M. by a security patrol outside his laboratory door in Engineering 1. He died as a result of multiple blows to the head with a blunt instrument, say police. Authorities believe that Zaharchuck, working late in a Chemical Engineering laboratory, surprised a person that may have been vandalizing Engineering Iat the time. There is no evidence of a struggle be-

tide Unit: (519) 653-7700, extension 736 University of Waterloo Police, campus extension 4911 Waterloo Region CrimeStoppers, 1-800-245-2222 Anyone having information related to the investigation can also go to the Waterloo Regional Police Mobile Command Centre, set up in the courtyard of the Engineering ComyEA.


SE+. Butcher


will be held today, Friday, at 2:30 P.M. in the -. _---Theatre -------_of_-the _~~Arts located in the Modem Languages building. The interDavid John Zaharchuk at 8ASc graduation denominational service is open to anyone who wishes to attend. tween Zaharchuck and his assailant, said police. Counselling is available for any stuAnyone having any information dents, staff, and faculty who wish it, said Associate Provost, Student related to this case is requested to Affairs Peter Hopkins. The councontact one of the following authori ties: selling department is located on the Waterloo Regional Police, Homisecond floor of Needles Hall.

Student Centre one step closer to reality by





The Endowment Fund, established by the Federation of Students was used to renovate various areas of the campus. The $39 779.02 will provide renovations to the Undergraduate Psychology Society office, Math Student Lounge, Science C&D Lounge and Science Society Office in the fall of 1992. The remainder of the money will be allocated towards nine other projects including improving safety throughout the university. Both Renison and St. Jerome’s Colleges have drawn from the Endowment Fund for improving lighting on their campuse


Police still searching for UW student’s killer

Fall term news round compiled Imptint



O’Hugun stu#

The $6.6 million, 33 OO&squarefoot, proposed Student Centre to be located between the Physical Activities Centre, Math and Computers building, and Campus Centre has reached the design phase and should be completed by the fall of 1994. The Student Centre is just one part of three connected projects that will improve the quality of student life at WW. The establishment of theEndowment Fund, along with the additional physical recreation spaces to be constructed this term on the north campus, are the two other projects. According to Peter Hopkins, associateprovostforstudentaffairs,

all three projects are a collaborative effort between administration and students. All students currently pay $10 per term to the Endowment Fund which contributes $40,000 per term to nonacademic projects such as safety and renovation around campus. A $25 Capital Fee per student will replace the existing $10 fee after theStudentCentreisconstructed to pay $5.6 million of the overall cost. Renovation of the Campus Center, built in the 194Os, with insufficient facilities and access, will be included in the cost of the Student Center Project. Allbusinessescurrentlylocated in the lower level of the Campus Centre, with the exception of the bank which is stiIl under negotiation, will move to the new building, leaving space to renovate for clubs

and additional meeting rooms. According to Hopkins,“the Campus Centre and the Student Centre will be connected physically and will share a common information centre,” improving accessability. Among the services that may move to the new centre are an improved Graphics Services, a library withaconsolidationofreservesfrom the Dana Porter Library and the Davis Centre Library, and a food court provided by food services. According to Susan Routliffe, coordinator the libraries user services, “space assignment will be conditional on the Library agreeing to pay its own operating costs.” Other services to be included in the new Student Centre are: Campus Shop and Record Store, Used Bookstore, a Convenience Store, Apple II Hairstylists, a Games Room, and Fed. Services.

Imprint Friday, January 8, 1993



Federation loses General IVlanager to cancer -- Fred Kelly was “stabilizing influence” for over eight years with Feds. -by Ken imprint

Bryson Staff

The University of Waterloo Federation of Students lost a valuable friend and long standing employee whenGenera Manager Fred Kelly died of cancer on December 24.

Kelly will be sadly missed by those who worked with and for him at the Federation of Students. “I’ve seen nothing but good [from Kelly],” said President Dave Martin, adding that “he was always

there to lend advice, but always left the choice, always made it clear that the students were calling the shots.” Kelly was born in Ingersoll, Ontario in 1946, educated at Lakehead and York Universities, where he earned a degree in Commerce and an MBA, and worked as, among other things, a stockbroker and an accountant before becoming the Federation’s first General Manager in 1984, At a memorial service held in Guelph on December 27, Kelly was remembered by members of his family, friends, and by Dave Martin, who spoke on behalf of UW and the



Federation of Students. Above and beyond his duties with the Federation, Kelly was a Chairman and Director of the Guelph YM-YWCA, a Sunday School teacher, marathon runner, fisherman, golfer, gardener, carpenter, and pool shark. As General Manager, Kelly brought continuity to the annually changing Federation executive and ensured the corporation was run effectively. “He was a very stabilizing influence for the Federation of Students,” said Chuck McMullen, Fed Hall Manager, who worked with Kelly from near the time he started with the Feds. “[Kelly] brought the Federation through one of the most terrible recessions that has ever occurred.” Kelly also greatly strengthened the Federation in his years here and made ours “one of the most efficiently organized student unions in the country,” according to Martin. Here at Imprint, Kelly will also be missed. Kelly helped Imprint through some tough years and assisted Imprint General Manager Vivian Tambeau in her first years as Imprint’s first GM. “He was one of the most friendly, upbeat, and helpful per-

Fred Kelly sons I have ever met in my life, on any basis,” said Tambeau. The role of the Federation Genera1 Manager is to be responsible for the financial side of the Federation and for the hiring and supervi-

sion of all full-time personnel. The General Manager reports directly to the Federation president and the vice-president, operations and finance (VPOF) for business matters. At a Fed Board of Directors meeting Monday, it was decided that a hiring committee will be formed to replace Kelly as soon as possible. The committee will consist of the Federation executive as well as various other, as yet undetermined, representatives from the University. Until a replacement is found, however, the executive will have expanded responsibilities and all full time staff will report to VPOF Brent McDermott. “We are going to find a new General Manager that can hopefully work as well as Fred did,” said Martin.

Snow to close UW *

For more information, call the . JSA HOTLINE: 747-1416





With the onset of wintery weather, we are issuing our annual advisory on the University of Watertoo procedures for cancelling classes and services in the event of a major storm. It is UW’s policy for the News

Bureau to advise the news media immediately by telephone and a follow-up fax notice when classes are to be cancelled. Only the News Bureau is authorized to do so. There are two scenarios: h A -- Cancellation of classes or closing during normal operating hours. This decision would be made by the president or his delegate and the information would be communicated immediately to, the media. -- At other times, such as an overnight storm. The university president or provost will cancel classes when the Waterloo County

board of education announces that all its schools are closed. The media will be informed as early as possible - before 8 a.m. In such cases, university classes -- including those in the evening - will be cancelled, as well as all A ,., non-essential services. UW follows the school board’s lead because it has developed an effecsystem for evaluating the weather conditions and announcing its decision to the news media. Final examinations, which are scheduled on either the day or the evening of a closing due to a storm, will be cancelled and rescheduled according to university policy.

A referendum to decide the UW Federation of Students’ membership in the Canadian Federation of Students and allocation of the UW Federation of Students’ Fee will be held on:

February 9th and 10th A referendum Organizational Meeting will be held on:

Wednesday, January 13th at 530 p.m. in the Federation of Students’ Office Board Room (CC235).

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Imprint Fiday, January 8, 1993


UW plans more patrols rity patrols have been altered to include five squads of security per-

by Jeffrey L. Mihr lmpdnt staff


Zn the wake of the tragic slaying of 34-year-old grad student David Zaharchuk last Friday, Campus Security has announced safety measures on campus have been increased. At a meeting of police, University officials, and concerned students Tuesday, Federation of Students vice president, university affairs Sue Crack said she had conferred with Al MacKenzie, head of security, and announced that secu-


Three of the units will consist of UW Police officers and student security members, and will be both in vehicles and on foot. These units will patrol the villages, the Columbia Lake townhouse complex, the ring road, and the affiliated colleges. The other two patrols will be foot patrols consisting of student security members. These patrols will concentrate on the campus proper and will make a full sweep

of the buildings on campus about once per hour, said Crack. The walkhome service provided by Security will remain in effectf she said. “I think the most important thing . . . is safety in numbers,” said dean of engineering Dr. David Burns. If you can’t arrange to be with friends or colleagues, make sure someone knows where you are. Phone a friend or roommate to let them know you have arrived safely at your destination, and let them know when you plan to leave. Take advantage of the walk-home pro gram and the safety bus.



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Police provide details of murder by JeffFey L Imprint staff


A meeting was held Tuesday in Needles Hall involving police, University officials, and students to discuss the facts surrounding the death of David Zaharchuk. One of the aims of the meeting was to dispel any rumours surrounding the tragic slaying that occurred in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day. Addressing the meeting of concerned students were Waterloo Regional Police Homicide detectives Sgt. Rick Lehman and Sgt. Dennis Butcher, Graduate Student Association president Darren Meister, and Federation of Students vicepresident, university affairs Sue Crack. SergeantsLehman and Butcher outlined what they believe happened in and around the Engineering buildings the night Zaharchuk was killed. They believe a vandal entered Engineering 1 via the crash doors located opposite the south wing of E2, and proceeded to the second floor where the vandal broke into several offices and laboratories. Although an inventory is still underway, it appears that nothing is missing from the labs or offices. Police believe that the vandal then proceeded down to the first

floor of El, where he broke into several more laboratories. Again, nothing appears to be missing. Police believe that sometime after proceeding tot he first floor of El, the vandal was surprised b y Zaharchuk, who was working late in his laborat0lJL

Zaharchuk’s body was found at 2:43 a.m. in front of room 1535, the Chemical Engineering lab that Zaharchuk was working in, by a security patrol. Zaharchuk died of multiple blows to the head by a blunt instrument. Police have found an object they believe to be the weapon, but are not releasing any details pending forensic analysis of the object There were no signs that Zaharchuk struggled with his assailant, said Lehman, and none of the vie tim’s personal belongings was apparently missing, so robbery is being ruled out as a motive. Police are also confident that Zaharchuk was alive at 2:15 a.m., since two passersby saw his laboratory light on at that time. The two spot ted individuals who Zaharchuk’s light also had not noticed any damage to the lab or office doors in El at that time, said Lehman. Students are urged to contact Waterloo Regional Police at 65% 7700 or UW Police at 888-4911 with any information relevant to the inve&gation.


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Imprint Friday, January 8, 1993



No students living ,here by Ken Imprint

byson stuff

are to “retain existing and encourage additional families to reside in the inner city,” read the proposal, which also hopes to “recognize the desire for student housing either on, or in close proximity to, the university campuses*” At an informal public meeting on November 18, several property owners presented arguments against the re-zoning. While some argued that upscaling would increase student ghettoization and cause a loss of aesthetics in their neighbourhoods, others argued that downscaling would cause a great loss of investment for those planning to build larger residences on already owned properties. Although the proposal has been passed by council, any resident of Waterloo can appeal the ruling by writing to council by January 19. Also, individual property owners can apply to have their property re.

Students in the City of Waterloo will now have less choices in deciding where they want to live thanks to City Council’s recent rezoning of numerous areas around the city. OnDecember 16, WaterlooCity Council passed a proposal which would downscale, or decrease the density of student units, in some areas and upscale, or increase that density, in other areas. Some areas affected will be parts of Uptown Waterloo between Union and Erb Streets on either side of King Street, which will be -downscaled, and the block on the southwest corner of Albert Stieet and University Avenue, which will be upscaled. The areas will be rezoned to low-, mid-, and high-density areas.





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financially supporting the preparation of a “travelling” groundwater exhibit and other work at the University of Waterloo. A grant of $4,400 has been approved to allow UW to prepare a movable exhibit based on the recently opened “Groundwater: The Hidden Resource” display at the Biology-Earth Sciences Museum, says curator Peter Russell. The grant will cover the cost of a new display unit, preparation of a “transportable aquifer flow model,” display artwork and a collapsible bottle display. The money is from the ministry’s Environmental Education and Awareness program. Qn Friday Dec. 11, Environment Minister Ruth Grier visited UW to present a cheque to Prof. Bob Gillham of the Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research. The money is an installment in continuing research Gillham is conducting for the ministry.


UW students raise Anselma House




Student residents at the University of Waterloo have in a lo-week drive raised over $15,000 for Anselma House, a Kitchener emergency shelter for abused women and children. In the 13th annual fund-raising campaign, Village 1 and 2 residents participated in a benefit semi-formal, as well as “adopt-a-duck” and Nthrowa-pie” contests. Al so,theysenteachotherflowers to drum up support. And a key publicity event in thecampaign was Marnie Soloneka’s world record breaking 2,698 steps on the “stair-stepper,” held Nov. 19. A village don, Soloneka beat the old record of 1,667 steps in the strenuous one-hour competition. “The recipient of this year’s funds is Anselma House,” say.s Dave Kruis, chief organizer for the campaign. Each year, the students target a different cause and to date over $175,000 in total has been given to local chaii ties. “It’s one way for students in residence to improve their public image. They can raise money for a Kitchener-Waterloo charity,” Kruis says. Environment based projects



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The United Way campaign at the University of Waterloo raised a total of $162,753, surpassing the $150,000-target set for this year on campus. The campus campaign relied on efforts by faculty, staff, students and retirees. Just over 30 per cent of university employees participated, up from 26 per cent the previous year when a total $123,098 was raised. For the first time, more than 400 employees joined in the university’s “Casual Day” on N&v. 20, netting $839 for the United Way.

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Meanwhile, the new zones are determined by the number of units per hectare to be allowed in them. Within low density areas, only one or two unit dwellings will be permitted, while smaller lodging houses will be permitted subject to a minimum distance of 75 meters between them. Mid-density areas can house a maximum density of 100 units per hectare, meaning townhouses or ,walk-up apartments are permitted. High density areas will permit up to 250 units per hectare, meaning high-rise apartments and multiplexes. In both mid- and highdensity zones, all lodging houses will not have to comply to a minimum separation distance. In all zones, existing buildings that do not conform to zone guidelines will be given special status and allowed to remain. More information regarding specific re-zoned areas can be ob-

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Imprint Friday, January 8,1993

Editorial Board Elections

8 I

TODAY! All positions listed vacant in mastheadare up for grabs! Staff Meeting at 12:30p.m. Every Friday!

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Editor Imprint.

Peter Brown is here stunned after receiving his Christmas Peter honestly thought he wasn’t getting anything.





Career advancement and personal development are in the cards for people choosing from a diverse list of special courses offered by the University of Waterloo. For example, you can learn the latest in computer software, including scientific computing, or all the steps involved in producing a PuPPet Play* Or how to use your voice effectively. Or how to go about raising money for non-profit organizations. UW’s continuing education noncredit courses, beginning next month, cover business and professional development, liberal

studies and personal development, microcomputers and the new area of scientific computing. “Lifelong learning can help us deal with changes in the workplace and leisure,” says Don Kasta, manager of continuing education. “Our courses can introduce people to a wide range of new knowledge and useful skills.” The business and professional development courses cover areas such as managing effective media and community relations, employee selection and recruitment, and commercial and business law. Other topics include “writing that sells” and technical writing. In the area of microcomputers, both introductory and advanced courses are presented. The

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“hands-on” courses are taught in a fully-equipped lab where students have access to a personal computer. Liberal studies and personal development courses range from “relating to your inner child of the past” to creative thinking and problem-solving and to acting on stage. The non-credit courses don’t count towards a university degree. The program is administered by uw’s Teaching Resources and Continuing Education office. A free calendar, describing the courses and instructors, is available by calling the continuing education officeat 888-4002. Many courses are offered in the evenings.

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Imprint Friday,




n Thousands of studentq faculty, and staff arrived at the University of Waterloo campus Monday to find a place different from when they left it a couple of weeks or a work term ago. Subtly different for some, profoundly for others. Sure, the campus looks the same by day, except for the ever-present police van next to Carl Pollock Hall. But soon, whether the investigation into the murder of David John Zaharchuk is successful or not, the van will go and the campus’ outward appearaice will return to a regular snowy January. Sut for those who frequent the computer labs and study rooms late at night, life at UW will never be the same. Many of them have never considered the prospect that pulling an all-nighter could be a life-threatening experiment. Of course, the truly frightening thing about this death is precisely that it was so unpredictable. UW has a police force, a walk-home service, and a safety van to ensure the safety of students. Through the student endowment fund, more money is available for safety-related capital improvements in the campus. But all the reasonable precautions can not completely prepare UW for this kind of a crime: a strangely senseless act committed at a time, New Year’s Eve, when the probability of someone coming to the victim’s aid is at its lowest. What makes the murder of Zaharchuk all the more horrific is that, at the time that he was atmcked, he was engaged in an activity that many of us do with a thought for our safety: working late at night on campus. J’ve spent many a sunrise in an empty or near-empty computer room and walked home at 4 a.m. on countless Imprint production nights. On any of those occasions, but for blind luck, I could have been that victim. Many people, students, faculty, and staff, here at UW could say the same thing. The ideat of the university must include freedom, the simple freedom to study what, where, and when one wishes. And, for the most part, the University of Waterloo campus has been a place that has been untouched by the violence that would interfere with that freedom. It is human nature to look for good in every situation, perhaps just as a method of blocking off or rationalizing memory of a painful experience. If I had to find some good in David Kaharchuk’s death, it would follow two distinct paths. The first, a practical one, leads us to realize that the issues of safety on campus and, more generally, of violence in our society are ones that all of us, as men and women, must be concerned about. Women I know have complained that men just don’t understand women’s fears of walking alone at night because men have a much smaller chance of being assaulted. A tragedy like this forces men to examine their assumptions about their own safety on campus and that of female students. The second path is a more emotional, melancholy one. It reminds me of how I have considered the city of Waterloo and this campus as home for many years and that this naive view of UW as a haven from the world’s strife is now dashed. Of course, UW was never paradise. Whatever it was, it will never be the same again.

Editorial Board Elections TODAY! All positions listed vacant in masthead are up for grabs! Staff Meetingat 12:30p.m. Every Friday!

Crystal ball gazingand sundry beefs Nineteen hundred and ninety-three ... what does it hold in store for us? With any luck, no more on-campus murders to remind us that humans are, at their core, essentially violent. But, as the saying goes, we can learn something from this. The positive side of death, in my opinion, is that we are compelled to place a greater value on human life, even if it is little more than a temporal reappraisal. Unnatural deaths are perhaps the most effective to force contemplation of life’s value. In all likelihood, though, 1993 will bring plenty of deaths: personal, anonymous, senseless, meaningless, and Timor-like genocide. To relieve the pain that comes with deaths of others, however, plenty of new television sitcoms with their constructed conflict-free realities will appear, and bad bubblegum music will continue to multiply exponen tially, attesting to the dullness of our tastes, On an international level, my crystal ball suggests that good 01’ U.S. of A. will continue to assume the role of world police, judge, and jury, and will mete out punishments such as death when necessary to protect its interests. Members of the Canadian media will continue to give prominent attention to perceived national disunity at the normal hysterical pitch, while the majority of Canadians will (wisely) ignore the warnings of impending doom. Canadians will also witness Prime Minister Mulroney disappearing from the political scene, as his party goes down in flames. In Ontario, Bob Rae will continue to present and pass incredibly unpopular legislation, and this unintentionally be the catalyst for his socialist revolution. And as the end of the millennium approaches, increasing numbers of people will claim to be religious --just in case. New cults and religious movements will crop up, unifying those who believe some horrible fate will befall the planet’s residents by the year 2000. One of the most pressing concerns for readers of this paper, though, is likely to be either the lack of available jobs or the cutbacks to post-secondary education. Cutbacks are necessary


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to distribute

equally the burden of the ever-increasing provincial and federal debts. Our national debt, frighteningly enough, is rapidly approaching the per capita average of the United

States. Anyway you slice it, funding for our education is constantly being cut. The goal of temporarily cinching our belts to pull us through the hard times is certainly a reasonable one, but unfortunately one that has long since ceased to be believable, or even realistically attempted. As corporations continue to wrestle power from our governments, those without a foot in the corporate door will continue to suffer. Such is the case with students, and their post-secondary education. Instead of corporate funding of universities simply for the cause of supporting higher education, monies are only granted conditionally, thereby ensuring that our education is steered in a certain direction. And as resources for the primary needs of students - as perceived by students -- dwindle to zero, they are forced to create “endowment” funds. Several faculties on campus have already latched onto and applied this concept, and the most recent fund began with the affirmative stupid life building referendum. The Student Life Endowment Fund is a large amount of student money being used to provide better lighting on campus, renovations to student society offices and placement of actual benches outside the Dana Porter Library, among other things. Students are graciously allowed to pay for things the university should be providing, and made to feel that this is a normal activity. How far will this extend? Our political science department, for example, has just lost a very important member of its faculty to retirement, but the university reportedly hasn’t the funding to replace him. The consequence of this, as usual, affects the students, who end up with less course selection as the “unimportant” ones are simply trimmed from the offerings. Meanwhile, I’m told that the economics department increased their staff by one member. If the economy makes the world go around, I guess someone’s ensuring UW has a good grasp of the situation. What’s next? Should the Political Science Student Association create an endowment fund to hire professors that the university cannot afford? Pay your way, indeed. There’s a lot of places to trim fat around this place before eliminating important faculty posi-

is reading this (a big hello there to Pete Hopkins, Senate members, Deans, President James Downey, and so on), here’s a suggestion. Electricians, painters, carpenters, plumbers, and other tradesmen are in vast abundance on campus, and are commonly known as greenmen. Students helping with summer groundskeeping have told me of their surprise the first day on the job, after having got in trouble for finishing the day’s work before the first break. It is the familiar story of the labourer who is supposed to make level a pile of gravel, bu t simply pushes his shovel in and out of the heap most of the day without actually moving any gravel. Check it out. Furthermore, any job that takes more than two people to complete seems to be contracted out to local firms. Speaking of contract jobs, did the steps of the MC or the Laurel Creek bridges really need to be replaced? Could that money not have been better spent to maintain our deteriorating quality of education? The university is a bureaucracy like any other, which means it is in a chronic condition of being unable to service those it purports to, and instead functions in the interest of those who control the institution. And, unfortunately, such institutions never quite achieve the capability of executing an effective and permanent purging of the system’s cholesterol. I’m especially frustrated with the powers that be right now, because of my recent attempt to get but a single elective needed for completion of my undergraduate degree. I selected eight (8) courses from the calendar that should have been offered this term (five were upper-year political science courses), but discovered that none of the political science courses were actually offered, and that only one (1) of the eight was being taught. The other seven were not full or conflicting with -- they simply were not ofother activities fered. Believe it or not, it wasn’t too long ago when one would register for a full courseload, and usually end up with everything they selected. Gettin’ out while the gettin’s good, I guess.


If anyone withany


to affect change




Imprint Friday, January 8, 1993


IMPRINT The UW Student Newspaper

888-4048 Friday, January 8, 1993 Volume 15, Number 21

Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Peter Brown vacant vacant vacant

vacant vacant

vacant vacant vacant vacant

vacant vacant



Does OUSA support myths or practice pragmatism? 3. Currently the Ontario post-secondTuition hikes OUSA proposal ary system needs $360 million to bring funding levels back to what they were in won’t help 1972. The OUSA proposal suggests a partnership with the government, students, the editor, partnership and industry. It suggests that tuition is

As an elected student representative of students at the University of Victoria, I feel obligated to point out a number of myths that members of your council are perpetuating through their involvement in the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance. The first myth is a belief that OUSA is representative of the undergraduate students at Queen’s, Wilfrid Laurier, Waterloo, Toronto and Brock. Currently this organization has little legitimacy due to the fact that students at these five campuses have not been consulted on 0.U.S.A. membership through referenda. While elected representatives from these student associations have decided to put a portion of your fees and the name of your student union towards this questionable organisation, your student body has had no say in the matter. Another O.U.S.A.-supported myth is the contention that tuition fee increases in Ontario totalling 30% over the next three years will benefit post-secondary education in your province. This assumption ignores studies like those in B.C. that have shown that 48% of high school students that do not pursue post-secondary cite tuition fees as a * major contributing factor. O.U.S.A. also avoids the fact that tuition fees in Ontario have effectively doubled since 1983 while university operating grants per student have remained relatively stable. The belief that Income Contingency Loan Repayment Plans will improve the state of post-secondary education is another O.U.S.A.-supported myth. The leading advocates of 1.C.L.A~I? such as David Stager see them as a way to place more of the financial burden on students via astronomical tuition fee hikes. Because these repayment schemes would be at a fixed rate of future of income, students who make meager wages after graduation would be faced with lifelong dept repayment. Far from making post-secondary education more accessible, the prospects of longterm debt will deter middle and lower class students from participating, especially concerning current job prospects. While publications like the Globe and Mail are pa temalistically applauding the “responsible” initiatives of O.U.S.A., they are also suggesting students should pay up r to $6,000 a year in tuition. In a time when organisations like the Canadian Federation of Students are advocating a fairer, more accessible system of post-secondary education, organisations like O.U.S.A. are instead misrepresenting students’ concerns and articulating an elitist perspective. Kelly Greenwell Director a f Services/C. ecutive Rep., University of Victoriu ciety

F-S.-B. Students’





raised by 10% each year for 3 years (an increase of approximately $2OO/year). This increase would be matched by the government, and industry would increase their contribution by 3%. In this letter we have briefly explained OUSA and its proposal. Anyone wishing more information can drop by the Fed office (CC 235).

We wish to respond to a letter written by Cassandra Koenen, President of Lakehead University Student Union, in the Dec. 4 edition of the Imprint which made allegations that the UW student body had allowed themselves to be mislead by their Federation of Students. Koenen stated that we were no longer members of CFS (Canadian Federation of Students} or OFS (Ontario Federation of Students), which she claims removes our representation at the federal and provincial levels of government. UW is currently a member of the CFS, and in February we will have the opportunity to vote on whether we will remain a member. It was through a student vote held last year that we elected to pull out of OFS due to inappropriate policies such as zero-tuition and the Persian Gulf. Currently Waterloo is a member of OUSA, a new student association that represents 85,000 post-secondary students at the provincial level. Most students realize that zero tuition is not a valid option. It is unreasonable to expect the government to carry the entire cost of our education. If they did, it would result in a decreased standards of education, the size of enrolment, and the types of programs offered. This solution sounds even worse than what we are presently facing. Underfunding is a serious problem at the post-secondary level, which can be seen in the form of cutbacks in library hours, shortages of equipment, increases in class size, and budget cuts. Currently students pay only 18% of the cost of our education through tuition. Paying tuition has never been the issue; students realize that it is an investment in proven higher salaries in the future. The issue is how do students cover their expenses while attending school. Students, through OUSA (Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance), are asking for the opportunity to pay for their education when they can afford it. The OUSA proposal consist of three main points: 1. All students will automatically be entitled for a loan which covers the cost of tuition and books. This means that money is set aside for each student so the process of applying for OSAP each term is no longer needed. 2. The loans will be payecl back on an income contingent basis. This means that

Dear Cassandra, I read with some interest your letter to the students of Waterloo, and feel compelled to respond to the points you raised. The Waterloo Feds can assert, quite rightly, to represent Waterloo students. I wish this point to be very clear. The Federation executive presented the concept of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA), and its proposal for an income-contingent loan-repayment plan, to its Council. Members of the Student Council include elected representatives from all faculties across campus. Only after receiving Council’s endorsement did the executive continue. The claim, then, that Waterloo students are being fairly represented is therefore a valid one. OUSA’s proposal calls for a 30% increase in tuition over three years. It is to be matched by an equal amount ($X0million) by government, and another injection of $40-million by the private sector. Currentli, students attending Ontario universities pay for approximately 18 per cent of their education. of the provincial I In 1977-78,5.9% budget was set aside for Ontario universities. In 1989-90, this figure dropped to 4.5%. This represents a loss of about $530-million. Given the health of the Canadian economy over the past couple of years, the prospect


of a significant






loan when

you are making over a base level (currently $22,00O/year). The money will be deducted out of your income tax and after 15 annual payments you will be forgiven of your debt.

Kate Rushfotih RobMcGeachy4lV Dave Kkuis 4N


Recreution Engineering/Arts Geography

UW Feds


Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Office Clerk Ad Production Advertising Assistant Proof Readers

Labrie Tigert-Dumas vacant Vivian Tambeau vacant’ Graham Tomlinson vacant vacant

Board of Directors President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Staff Liaison Directors-at-Large

Jeffrey L. hiillar Peter Brown Dave Thomson Ken Bryson Sandy Atwal Bernard Kearney Jeff Warner

Contribution List Sandy Atwal, Ken Bryson, Scott Deveber, Dave Fisher, John Hymers, Bernard Kearney, Vincenro Kozma, Jack Lefcourt, Yolanda Lewczuk, Stacey Lobin, Jeffrey L. Millar, Rich Nichol, Craig Nickerson, NatalieOnuska, Emmanuel Patterson, Phil Robinson, Isabelle Schade, Frank Seglenieks, Dave Thomson, Graham Tomlinson, Chris Wodskou.


through To




A response to the open letter published December 4,1992, by Cassandra Koenen, President of Lakehead University Student Union.


in government

funding for post-secondary seems unlikely.



to page IO

The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns+ comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled ‘editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.

Letters to the Editor Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community, Lettersghould be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish l&tters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed in the forum section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint.

Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. tt is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint BSN 0706-7380.

Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 8847800.Electronic mail should be addressed to imprintQwatserv1

Imprint Friday, January 8, 1993


Forum grant portion will be greatly reduced. Other options available were to help fewer students, or reduce the amount of financial aid available to each student. The govemment elected to help as many students as possible, by increasing loans and decreasing grants. Cassandra, I do not think your allegations of unfair representation of Waterloo students and entrenchment of elitist and inaccessible post-secondary education stand up to scrutiny. You invite LJW students to speak out against the UW Feds’ actions. I have witnessed efforts aimed at finding a prudent and reasonable solution in cooperation with the public and private sectors; you’ll hear no reproach from me. The members (currently UW, Laurier, U. of T., Brock, and Queen’s) do not purport to have a perfect solution, but they do offer a proposal that acknowledges that these are difficult economic times, and that colleges and universities are part of a larger societal picture. That said, I am hopeful that your letter will spark more debate this term among UW students on the matter of funding. It is a subject deserving of much thought and discussion.

Feds have mandate continued

from page 9

In a search for a better method of funding for post-secondary education, part of the difficulty lies in determining the extent of the benefits derived from this education that accrue to the individual, and the extent to which society profits from the individual’s education. These are inherently value-laden considerations, and do not transfer easily into dollars. Although OUSA’s proposal is not perfect for everyone, it strikes me as a more reasonable approach to the underfunding crisis. Certainly it is more reasonable than the Ontario Federation of Students’ stance, which advocates zero tuition. You accuse Waterloo Feds and OUSA of endorsing a plan that will lead to elitist and inaccessible post-secondary education in Ontario. I completely disagree with your prediction. As you are undoubtedly aware, Colleges and Universities Minister Richard Allen-announced last November that OSAP funding in the form of loans will increase from $670-million to $800-million. The

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Presented by the UW Student Christian Movement

20th Century Naive Liberalism “Give me back the Berlin wall, give me Stalin and St. Paul I’ve seen the future, brother: it is murder.” - Leonard Cohen Quite recently I artook in a conversation about faith an f; beliefs with one of my associates. As his views represent much of the Western Liberal viewpoint, I shall from here on refer to him as ‘the Western Liberal.” As we talked I revealed that ultimately my faith lies in an Eternal God of Love, justice and Compassion who stands outside the world of history, but who also acts in the world, in an ongoing process of jud ement and forgiveness. d!h en I asked my associate, the Western Liberal, where his faith ultimately lay, he quite assuredly replied, “I believe in progress and the future.” At one time the Western Liberal’s opinion may have been valued as proressive, but today with the jud ement of s 0th century historical events, I %elieye it is fair to sa that the Western Liberal’s faith must i: e seen as both a naive optimism, and a subtle means to further oppress the mar inalized in our world. I had thoug if t that after two devastating world wars in this centur that there wouldn’t be a person alive w K o still believed in a perverse evolutionary view of inevitable ro ress - 1 was wrong. The headlines of fhF e or&o Sfar for the New Year reported that 52 per cent of the population believe that the upcoming year will be better than the last. It seems the faith of my associate for a better future is not merely a view held by a minority. How the Western Liberal can still believe in the future of a developing

humani after the inhumane war in the Middle 2 ast and the ongoing strife throughout the world is beyond me. Given the barbarism of ovemments today it must be conclu ii ed that the Western Liberal lives in a world of Orwellian Doublethink. After losing the belief and sense of a transcendent Divinity, the Western Liberal has turned to a theo of historical develo ment as his/her Go 7 who is all power Pul and who is the eventual saviour of the world.

inhabitants of the planet must be living with their minds ’ somatized” by some Star Trek uru or scared shitless of the power of t?I ose who play war games in places like Washin ton. We must face fil e harsh reality that our world, in spite of the optimism sold us, is in fact not becoming a better place for many people - it is becoming worse for too many. I believe, as a faith statement, that we must abandon this naive liberal belief in pro ress, and regain a more sensible view of tf e human situation where we can find a meaning powerful enough to give us the courage to stare in the face of ths decaying and war-torn world. Ken


The views expressed in this column are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of everymemkroftheUWStudentChtitianMwement OY hoseoflmprirtt’s staffor editorial board.

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First in a series of six articles on the North American Free Trade Agreement




Xuereb imprint

Canadians are fed up of hearing people talk endlessly about political issues that are supposedly SO important that they cannot be indifferent. Invariably, an issue comes up, we see a whole bunch of people complaining about the dire consequences of the issue on television, radio, and in newspapers, and then the issue passes from our memory we forget why the issue was important. There are too many bad things happening in the world to get motivated to form an opinion on all of them, let alone do something about them. But, every once in a while, an issue comes along that has the potential to affect our daily lives. Free trade is such an issue. Canada has already seen the. effects of three years of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States. Now our national Parliament must decide whether or not to ratify the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which will extend the Canada-US FTA to include Mexico, and possibly other Latin American countries in the future. At stake is the ability of ordinary Canadians (and all North Americans) to have a say in how their economy is structured. Nothing can affect our daily lives more than the structure of our economy, and the NAFTA threatens to further limit our ability to have a say in it.

The Threat to Canadians The Main Problem with the NAFTA and?he Canada-IJS FTA is that they restrict the opportunities for our democratically elected institutions of government to intervene in the economy in the interest of ordinary citizens. True, our governments are not as representative of ordinary people as we would like them to be, and we must work to strengthen them, but reforming them wouid be a futile exercise if the power of our governments was limited to the terms of trade agreements like the NAFTA. Under normal conditions in a democracy, any new government can repeal any legislation passed by previous governments. So, if the majority of Canadians who disagree with free trade with Mexico elect a government next year who decide that Canada’s economy needs a strong government to create more jobs for Canadians, to regulate the amount of foreign investment, or to tax any corporation that exploits the country’s resources, that new government could simply pass the legislation. However, the FTA, and, to a greater extent the NAFTA, prevent future Canadian governments from pursuing such a course. No future government could introduce interventionist strategies without abrogating both trade pacts. Essentially, the decisions on how we structure our economy affect our daily lives more than any other. Macroeconomic policy can decide what our main industries will be, how environmentally responsible we are, what constitutes fair prices, how much we choose to let richer provinces subsidize poorer ones. . . the list is endless. The crucial issue is over who is better suited to make those decisions -elected representatives of the people or shareholders of the largest corporations in the country. Of course, it is possible that corporations will make responsible decisions of where to locate, how much to pay their employees, how much attention to be paid to being environmentally responsible, et cetera. But despite what the public relations departments of corporations tell us, the bottom line in any decision within a corporation is whether the company can remain profitable. If a company could be just to everyone and still turn a profit, it might; however, if the choice is between being just and turning a profit, well . . . we all know the end of that sentence. A government, despite all its shortcomings of political opportunism, corruption, and bureaucracy, is still a more open and democratic institution for making decisions than any corporation. The entire population has a say in how a government is run, but only a small coterie of shareholders (and it is indeed an ever-dwindling coterie of people who own stakes in the largest corporations that operate in Canada and North America) are able to participate

in corporate decision-making. Reducing the presence of government in an economy, which is an integral part of free trade, transfers the decision power from elected governments to corporate boardrooms. The inevitable result of such a strategy -- and we are already seeing it in Canada -- is a lower standard of living for most of the population. The gap between rich and poor people in society constantly widens as people lose their jobs or reluctantly accept lower wages and shareholders of corporations that benefit get an even bigger slice of the pie. Canadians have been sold on the idea, through years of advertisements from large corporations and a federal government who has espoused their arguments, that we need less government fewer taxes on corporations, less government regulation of business, privatized Crown corporations, and less government spending on social programs like health, education, welfare, and unemployment insurance. Yet, according to the same people who have been advocating these measures for the last decade, we still haven’t cut enough: corporations are leaving Canada because other countries offer better “business environments” - read lower wages, less regulation, less corporate taxation, et cetera. If the Mulroney government had only been tougher, they say, the budget would be balanced, corporations would stay, and there would be more jobs. But at what cost? How much lower do we have to go? How can we, a country that prides itself on providing free health care to all its citizens and on guaranteeing a minimum amount of income for those unfortunate enough to be unable to work, offer a tax environment competitive with the United States, whkre over 25 million people have absolutely no health insurance, or Mexico, where an appalling lack of environmental standards allows companies to dump toxins into the air and rivers, and where workers earn two dollars a day?

Deceit and Democracy Since free trade is such an important issue, one might presume that Canadians would be asked for their opinions through a referendum, as the Mulroney government did over the biggest nonissue of our time last October. No such luck. It seems there will be very little balanced public debate on free trade, never mind a referendum. With so few Canadians convinced of the merits of free trade with Mexico (at the time the NAFTA negotiations finished in August of last year, 45 per cent of Canadians supported it; another poll around the same time indicated that 65 per cent viewed the new deal as dangerous [The Globe and Mail, 24 September 1992, p.C6]), expect a huge barrage of pro-deal advertising, like the millions spent by big business in the 1988 election, to convince us of how great free trade will be for us. The barrage has already started: you probably heard the radio commercials, conveniently timed to coincide with the “yes” campaign last fall, talking about Canada’s great entrepreneurial corporations which are poised to beat our competitors in world markets if we only gave them the chance through free trade. If we are to believe those radio commercials, which were expanded into a tabloid which was sent to over one million Canadian households and businesses, the Canada has benefitted from three years of free trade with the US. According to the commercial and the tabloid, exports were up $5 billion between 1988 and 1991. Well, that must mean we’ve come out winning, right? I must credit the Tories with thii much: they know how to grossly mislead the public without lying outright, because their figure is correct, but, as usual, the figures not mentioned give a much different story. According to a recent report released by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), that $5 billion figure (actually ($4.99 billion) represents only exports of goods. First of all, that increase, a 4.9 per cent increase according to Statistics Canada figures, is the lowest increase in Canadian exports to the US in any three-year period since 1960. Second, if we factor in goods ituports from the


to page 13



Friday, January 8, 1993






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F E A T U R E S Here it is at last! Definitive

and Fresh for the New Year!

The Guide by Murk Speciui

Bell to


Prologue: Clint rode up to me on his bicycle at the north entrance to the University. “Hey Mark.” “Hey Clint.” “Are you going to write a feature for me?” “What about?” “Whatever you’re thinking about....” This is something

I think

to the ’90s Man

video. Favourite Sport: Hockey or Football (anything with a little blood). Attributes in Their Ideal Mate: Blonde and Stupid. Perfect Date: Anevening of watching Hockey fights at a Sports Bar. The Wimp This type of man is a product

of the


The Lazy Guy He sits at home and doesn’t go out, doesn’t respond, doesn’t act. He is not insensitive; he is just very, very indifferent. He doesn’t put energy into relationships and in the end sucks the life out from them. He is the Patron Saint of “I don’t know, whatever. . .” It’s like he never completes anything. He is the chronic procrastinator. He would rather d o noth-

about... be-

What is the state of manhood in the 90’s? Is it d’ff1 erent than womanhood? Is it better now than in other points in time? Or is it the same? Is there a male constant that flows through history. 3 If so, what is it? To properly asses men in our age I begin with a logical method. Observation. Slightly biased observation, but nevertheless observation. I watched men in public, in private, alone and in groups. I listened to what they said, how they said it, what they ate, what they wore and what they spent their time doing. These observations obviously included much self-evaluation. After a long period I came to the conclusion that the one word that describes men the state of men in the nineties is: SORRY! There you have it. Men are in bad shape. I went into this research with as an objective view as I could have and I came up with sorry results. Men are in need of some work, and part of the problem may be a lack of guidance. All is not chafff, just most of it. There is always hope and I do see some signs of improvement. I am definitely not a perfect man (point taken 4.) but I am proposing a general way to see men, from either gender’s perspective, and the steps which may improve the sad lot of masculinity. From my observations I can place most men into three categories:


sensitive to the point of being nauseating. This is not to say we should be Destructors, but a man should have some backbone. The wimp does nothing; he can’t make up his mind for fear of making the wrong decision. They cry too easily and are oversensitive, passionless eggplants to their mates. They are constantly putting themselves down and letting others walk all over them. In my case I

thing. He is boring to talk to, boring to be around, and boring to write about! His redeeming quality is that he is usually an attentive listener (between periods anyway) and he is caring but he just doesn’t show things. Inertia and lethargic attitudes fill his life. He is easygoing but doesn’t care if he is being easily gone over. A common statement is that anything would be “just too much trouble” and he suffers from







\ ’

1. THE DESTRUCTOR 2. THE WIMP 3. THE LAZY GUY These are just general categories which we all exist in from time to time. All of these groups have advantages as well as disadvantages. The trouble is caused when a man exhibits too much of any one category. Too many men today indulge in one of these lifestyles only and are hurt because of it. These problems I see as Male problems. That is not to say women have no problems, but I believe their categories would be different. I, like most men, have seen myself as being in all of these categories at some point in my life. Each, though, needs to be looked into in detail. The Destructor This is the easiest of male inadequacies to spot. DestructOrs are violent, negative and obviously destructive. This is mostly manifest in physical actions, but can also be seen in attitude. Those who see only the negative side of things and fill the world with negative rhetoric are equally Destructors. Destructors hurt others, but most of all themselves. They are the bullies, the date-rapists, the obnoxious morons, the chauvinists, the racists, the ones who act out of ignorance rather than reason. I was guilty of these qualities as a boy. It is what we are taught to be like as boys. Whether from our parents or our society, men are programmed to hurt. Is this our parents’ fault? Is it society’s? It doesn’t matter. We have a responsibility to overcome this imprinting without losing the one positive thing about it: action. The Destructor is full of energy. In this form it becomes negative energy but rechannelled it can become a highly useful thing. Attributes


of the Destmctor

Favourite Favourite

Steak. Movie: Rambo Pick-up Line:

fuck? Favourite Favourite

Drink: Music:

Part... Hey babe wanna with

Attributes of The Wimp Favourite Food: Tofu. Favourite Movie: Anything European. Favourite Pick-up Line: Hey, can I cry on your shoulder? Favourite


Beer Anything

gave my freedom of decision away to my partner, leaving me void of responsibility and A WIMP! Thank goodness some men are actually gaining self-esteem back (unfortunately some to the level of Destructor). The Wimp’s entire life’is centred around fear and they are barren of courage. The good thing about them is they tend to be creative. They do like to make things whether it be bad love poetry or bridges.

Tits in the




Favourite Music: Anything poppy and sappy. Favourite Sports: They don’t do Sports. Attributes in Their Ideal Mate: Someone who will make his decisions. Perfect Date: Going to a Poetry reading and crying.

the problem of complacency. I always wonder why these guys don’t bore themselves to death! Attributes of the Lazy Guy Favourite Food: Whatever can be-cooked the microwave. Favourite Movie: Whatever’s on. Favourite Pick-up Line: Hey, would you like to... you know... whatever? Favourite Drink: Whatever they are serving. Favourite Sport: Whatever’s televised. Attributes in their Ideal Mate: Whatever is available. Perfect Date: Doing whatever with whoever. Okay! Okay! I’ve complained enough to irritate any guy and I don’t think that was my purpose in the beginning. I dq hope I have your attention


though. I can hear you now, “That guy’s full of shit. He doesn’t know anything!” If you feel that way I’m glad; I do have your attention. I try to live my life with three words in mind: ACTIVE, POSITIVE, AND CREATIVE. I think if one tries to be these three things they wilI have a much better life and the people around them will be happier also. I’m not asking for perfection (I certainly am no example of that) but I am DEMANDING improvement. Come on, I know we all have been weak at times but in the ’90s you just can’t be weak all the time. One opposition to this may be an increased performance anxiety. HA! Maybe if you started to perform you wouldn’t have this anxiety. I’m not saying it is easy, but the benefits far outweigh the costs, and in my life, that’s a good deal. The new man needs to strive for the three qualities of ACTIVE, POSITIVE ANDCREATIVE. This is the best time to be a man; we can be loving and caring and yet still be strong and courageous. Today is the Golden Age of Maleness. A man must be active. He must do things. Little things, big things, THINGS. Sitting and being a bump on a log will NOT do anymore. Rise, literally, to the occasion. Take active control of your life. Bring pleasure to your life and your mates. If you are not giving your mate at least two (YES TWO!) or more orgasms a session, either you need to communicate more (It’s tough but you have to do it) or you deserve to be dumped like deadwood. Go out. Explore. Search. Just DO something. You can do it. The first step is turning off the TV. You also m&t be positive. Negative ideas and emotions eat away at you and leave you empty. It is never a solution to a problem to be nega tive. Negativity in its physical manifesta tion, violence, should be dismissed in all instances. It is more courageous to be positive than it is to be violent or negative. Now some may say this is a “Disney-ified” view but posing solutions to problems seems better than throwing Donald Duck temper tantrums. If you are negative, look at the reasons and I’m sure you can find some sort of positive solution. If a person is being a dick to you or someone you care about, solve the problem with a positive attitude rather than a negative one. Henry Rollins says, “Only an asshole is an asshole to someone being an asshole.” Think about it. Words from the wise. Being creative, I find, is somewhat of a touchy subject. At the heart of it is challenging things and that can easily become a negative act. Positive creation is a’ great thing and should constantly be strived for. By creative, I don’t mean only artistic creation, but the creation that goes on in any field. I have known many creative engineers and uncreative English students. I t’s not necessarily what you create but the process-you use. Creating, as the opposite to destroying, is a good way to move forward in life. Be creative in your work, in how you make love, in your dress, in your food, in your house, in every facet of your life. Well that’s a big bill to live up to. Do I expect all of you to do it? No. But TRY! I know I can never reach a perfect level but i can enjoy the concept of constant self-improvement. I’m just asking you to take a look at your life and see where you can make it better. It is your responsibility. One thing I will not stand though, is whining. All &.ree of the above mentioned groups-are prone to it when they don’t get their way. So if my article has upset you, d%n’t waste your energy whining & the letters page but u& that energy to think about your life. If things are going great, I commend you. Keep up the good work. Remember ACTIVE, POSITIVE AND CREATIVE.

Features NAFTA is important continued

Imprint Friday,

-- - _F--. -13

January 8, 1993

What We Can Do


The Tories aren’t going to rush out and ask Canadians for our opinions on the NAFTA: Mulroney has said on enough occasions that he’s willing to make the tough economic decisions for Canada, whether or not we support him, because if we don’t support him, it’s probably because we just don’t understand that it’s all in out best long-term interests, anyway. The little information that we will get from the big-business-dominated media will mostly echo the conventional competitiveness wisdom that says NAFTA is the only way Canada can compete. At the very least, as university students, we owe it to ourselves to become informed. On Thursday, January 14, Maude Barlow, chairperson of the Council of Canadians, will be speaking at the Kitchener Public Library Auditorium (7:30 p.m., Queen S&eet North) on the ramifications of the NAFTA for Canada. This event would be a good opportunity to get an alternative perspective on the deal. If you want to do some of your own reading on the deal, WPIRG has a plethora of resources available on the NAFTA in its office in the General Services Building. You could come down to the WPIRG office and use their resources to write a paper on the NAFTA for one of your course. WPIRG will also be forming an Economic Justice Working Group, which will be focussing on the NAFTA this term. The working group would be ideal if you are interested in discussing some of the issues around NAFTA further: you don’t have to be for, against, or even have an opinion on the NAFTA at all to join. Drop in to the WPIRG office any day between Tuesday and Friday next week at 1:3O a.m. and 1130 p.m. to get a tour of the resource centre and find out more about the working group.

from page 11

US, which increased by $4,94 billion in the same period (a 5.6 per cent increase), they basically cancel each other out. Most importantly, the export figures used by the commercial and tabloid exclude the service sector. Between 1988 and 1991, Canadian service exports to the US actually@ by $1.5 billion, while imports from the US swelled by $4.4 billion! So looking at the whole trade picture, US exports to Canada grew 2.5 times as fast as Canadian exports to the US under free trade. At the very least, the Mulroney government’s selling of free trade can be labelled as misleading; certainly it comes very close to lying. The legislation to implement the NAFTA is being drafted as you read this article. But don’t expect to receive a copy of it in the mail like you did with the Charlottetown agreement, a far less important change in public policy. Trade Minister Michael Wilson has promised a speedy passage of the legislation through the Tory-dominated I-louse of Commons. Despite less than majority support for the deal, not to mention that the Conservatives were elected with less than a majority of the popular vote in 1988 (they got 42 per cent of the vote but a majority of the seats under our archaic electoral system which didn’t even get considered for reform under the Charlottetown agreement), and that they currently enjoy 22 per cent of Canadians’ confidence, you can expect the government to speed up the legislative process to pass the NAflA legislation in time to dissolve Parliament and call an election. We have to ask ourselves why an important document like the NAFTA can be negotiated behind closed doors in the corporate boardrooms of the biggest corporations in North America, without input form ordinary citizens and labourers. We complained about different interest groups being excluded from the bargaining table at the constitutional conferences: shouldn’t we be equally, if not more, involved in the decision?

P,A.C. Red North 8851211 I ext, 2370

Winter Term Hours: January 4 to April 2, 1993 9:00 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. April 5 to April l&l993 1O:OO a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Quality Racquet Stringing 24-48 hour service squash, racquet-ball, tennis, badminton

ghtDEMO DAY Wednesday,January 13, 1992 1992 - book your squash court - borrow our Black Knight racquets, rl _.

Next week, part two of this series of features on NAFTA will focus on the main arguments used to justi& the need for the NAFTA: the assumption of the need for an economy to grow continually, and the assumption that countries mtlst campete with each other throqh trade.



?LAY - ?LAY - ?LAY!! Special Discounts That

of Students University of Waterloo


papers will be available

for the following


President Vice-President of Operations and Finance Vice-President of University Affairs Members of Students’ Council and University of Waterloo Senate Nomination





Students’ Council candidates: Open: Friday, January 8,1993 Close: Friday, January 15,1993 Notice to Presidential & Vice-Presidential Candidates from “Procedures Governing Elections and By-Elections” “The Election Cummittee shall establish a mail-out to all of-term students of she Presidential, Vice-presidential, Senate and co-op seats forfaculties which only have one co-op representutive, ballots including, if desired by the candidates, a statement will be in the furm of one typewritten 8 1/2”x 11 “page (may be double-sided) and must be submittedfur duplication nu later thun the closing day of nominations; for Senate Elections, a brief statement (100 words maximum) and/or II:personal resume nut exceeding one single-spaced typewritten page in length muy be submitted. The required number of copies will be duplicated by the Election Committee and will be completed withinjve working &ys of the close of nominations. At a time and place set by the Election Committee, each candidate must supply a minimum of two persons stufing envelopes for the ma&out. ”

Students’ Council Seats to be elected are as follows: SENATE ELECTIONS A.H.S. Regular .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . ...~***.~.*.~***.*~*.*...*..~~.~~~*....~*.*~...*1 A.H.S. Co-op (both). . . .. . .. ..**..............................*............... 2 The following undergraduate seatson the University of 4 Arts Regular .**~.~*...~~...~.~~~~..~...........................*.................* Waterloo Senate are up for election: 1 Arts co-op *...*.................*.......**..~.,..*...~*,..*.,...*...*.*.~*~.....*.. Engineering . ..~~..,.~.+.**~..,.*.*.*.*.*.~.,,...,...**.*.*.*.........*...*...~... 3 2 E.S. Regular .~.*..........*......~..~....*.........~~,...,.*.~~,.~~......~.~~..... Engineering, Mathematics, Science and At-Large I E.S. Co-op (both streams) .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ..**..........*....*......*.*. (term May 1,1993 to April 30,1995). 1 Independent Studies I.....*..~*.~~~.*.***.,**......*.............*.......*.... 1 Math Regular .. . . .. ..*......~...........*.........~*.....**...*~*.*.~..**........~ 2 Math Co-op .. . .. . .. ..*.......**.***+....**....*.....*.*..**~*...*.*.*.*.**..*...~** Nomination forms are available from anuary 4 to 15, 1 Optometry ..***.**.~*..,.....~*.**...*.,..*~**...*...*....*.,.~~*.....~...**..*.~... 1993 in the Secretariat, Needles Hall, room 3060 and the 2 Science Regular . ..*.......*...............*.....~**...........,...*.*.....**.*.. Fedetitiuon of Students Office, Campus Centre, room 1 Science Co-op (both streams) ,t~.,**.*.*.***.***..*.....~.....*~*......*. 235. Nominations must be returned by 4130 p.m. on 1 Friday, January 15,1993. Elections will coincide with the Renison College .~~..~,*.I.......*....*.....*****.***.*...*.............*.......~. 1 St. Jeromes ...*........*,...~.~.~~~.~.,.....~..*...**.~.*~~..................*..*~..* annual Federation of Students’ elections (February 9th and 10th). Terms Of Office: ’ May 1,1993 to April 30,1994 Qualifications For Elections: ALL ELECTIONS TAKE PLACE ON All candidates must be full members of the Corporation, ie., they FEBRUARY 9 & lo,1993 must be registered

All submitted materials must be camera-ready.




who have paid their

fees. Nomination papers are available in the Federation located in room 235 of the Campus Centre.



Imprint Friday,


January 8, 1993

‘Costa Rica’s by Angela special to

Weeds Imprint

“It was never easy to cut down one tree to save a multitude,” remarked another volunteer to me as we sat contemplatin the imminent opening o P the ecotourism reserve -- our home and work environment -- in the lush Costa Rican rainforest. He had been here, in Santa Elena, at the beginning during the r&y wet “dry season” when the group of international youth and local high school student volunteers had needed to clear much of the trail, at times cutting large trees. These sacrificial lambs served two purposes: their demise made room for the trail and supplied wood for the construction of the trail. It was now the wet “dry season,” three months and a lot of sweat, tears, laughter, and songs later, and we were ready to “open” to the public. And the opening came just in time. March 1992. It was, and still is, a time when tourism is Costa Rica’s, and in fact the world’s, largest industry; a time when tourist visitations have grown from 5,000 to 40,000 in the past six years at the nearby Mont ev rerde Biological Cloud Forest Reserve; a tin ;Le when local high school students, who h .ol d claim to the 310 hectares of rainforest, WI err 2 getting frustrated with the lack of op ‘P’ 3rtunities for them at the foreign-ow ml ed and run Monteverde Reserve and the dead-end possibilities of continuing their agricultural focus in school. Originally the 310 hectares was leased to the high school by the govemment of this tiny Central American country with the intention that it be used as an agricultural testing ground. The students could practice what they were learning - agriculture. It madesense inan area where 90 per cent of the populat-ion depends on some form Df farming. All they had to do was cut down the trees - over 80 percent of which are primary growth. But as the school board began to recognize a shifting of interests in the students - the tourism classes were full -they also recognized the ecocideofcuttingdown the rainforest. The solution, once found, was far from simple. “The concept of the Santa Elena Rain Forest [ reserve] posed a great challenge for the Colegio Agropecuario [Agricultural College] of Santa Elena,” said Fernando A. Valverde, “es-y in technical and economical aspects, which had some people thinking this would be a difficult dream to realize.” Valverde is a biologist, coffee farmer, and local resident committed to the rainforest reserve project. And it was not simply the creation of

tally productive industry which this community. Toutism, says enical Coalition on Third World Tourism, I’exploits local people, damages the environment, promotes consumerism, widens the gap between rich and poor and reinforces the global status quo.” But it was the dream of these Costa Ricans to establish ecotourism, that is, en-

the local students and a place for forei and Costa Rican tourists to learn about tf? e rainforest biome whose survival is so intertwined with humanity’s own. Most importantly, these activities would occur in a sustainable manner with an attitude of preservationandappreciationasopposed tothe exploitation so often characteristic of tourist “traps”.

dealing with while I was there, for example, was the question of whether to ave the road from the town to the reserve. fh e road as it was, a steep six-kilometre hike through dense mud, crossing one small river, limited visitors to those on horseback (having rented from the limited stock in town), those with four-wheel, jungle-stamina drive on their machines, and the hearty souls such as ourselves Gho like nothing better than a wetbooted, muscle-cramping, cardio workout through the transitionary green, green, greenintoperpetual cloud. When the young, Canadian develo ment organization cal Ped Youth Challenge International joined the Costa Ricans’ dreams, realities started to unfold. Youth volunteers in Canada, Australia, Guyana, the (at that time) Soviet Union and, of course, Costa Rica be an to fundraise, to date ( B evelopment of the reserve is ongoin and YCI remains involved 7 contributing over $200,000. Plant biologists from the University of Costa Rica began surveying and documenting the floraand fauna in the area -- an essential first step to planning a reserve. An interpretation centreplan was donated by a Costa Rican architectural firm and designed in consultation with the community. When finished, complete with running water and electricity, it would act as an information/education centre eq ripped to house short term residents for s zientific research and show exhibitions. Roof m li aterials were donated by a Canadian con .pany. And Stephen Wearing, Australia1 park planner and volunteer withYCIputhisparkplanningexpertise to work with Valverde’s knowledge of the area to design what would become six kilometres of Earth-celebration, heart-pumping trails. “It is only when conservation projects benefit communitiesand areset up with an infrastructure that vests control within the community that genuine ecotourism is achieved,” says Wearing. It is this symbiotic approach to conservation that ultimately secures its success+ The Santa Elena reserve, currently without any legal restrictions on its management, now joins justover erceptofcosta Rica’s land bpase legally protected from destruction. Ironically however, the Santa Elena reserve is more likely to maintain its integrity than those areas, 11 per cent of which form national parks, ‘*protected” by the state. “The desire to clear land for farming and cattle-grazing spurred until recently one of the world’s highest rates of deforestat&n,” writes Tom Barry in

A Pathway leads to a wet, nylon home for the adventurous byAnge’a Heeds vironmentally sustainable tourism, including the three E’s of economy, education, and ecology. The Santa Elena Reserve promised to serve all of those interests: where the Monteverde Reserve had largely employed

“The way mass tourism seeks out the Earth’s choicest locations, and then destroys the very social and environmental features that make them attractive make it an archetype of unsustainability,” writes Paul Ekins in The Gaia Atlas of Green Economics.

Photo byAnge’a Heeds

Sunsets were rare due to the clouds but were long and magnificent foreigners





ue and

biological knowledge, the Santa E f ena Reserve would be a training ground for local high school students. The new reserve would also be an educational establishment - a veritable outdoor classroom for



in con-

trast, recognizes the need for limits numbers of visitors allowed (called ing capacity) and a waste disposal and control lan. CL e of the issues the planners

in the carrynoise were

Costa Ricu A Country



he says.

even the fringes of the “protected” areas are eroding due to these pressures. “The country has been losing about 106,000 hectares of forest each year - a rate which means Costa Rica would have no




Friday, January 8, 1993


Ecology wildlands outside its nal Gonal parks by the year 2000. The govemn lent’s Ministry of Mines and Energy has warned that Costa Rica may be importin wood within a decade i f the deforestation rate continues. *’ All this in addition to the fact that the reserve is internationally recognized for its remarkable biodiversity, plays an important role in the global lungs of the earth and is ecologically important to Costa Rica’s water supply. Water from this forest, resting at altitudes up to 1,850 meters above sea level, is the main source for the Arena1 Hydroelectric dam which provides 60 Per cent of the countrv’s blectricitv in the rai”nv season a;d 40 Der cent ih the summer t&e. It also supplies water to approximately 150,000 people who live in the valley. Deforestation of this area, as Der the one-

million year.


tons of soil it loses to erosion


ment we are perpetu Even better, as youq

iting by purchasing. people with the energy and enthusiasm to improve our global lot, we can volunteer with organizations committed to our earth’s preservation. “Thanks to the voluntarv service of these yo&g people, who have sacrificed their valuable time and the comfort of home to live and work in the difficult climate of the rain forest,” says Valverde, the most difficult stage of the project was overcome. “YCI has provided equi ment and money Por the development of the Santa Elena rain forest, without which we would have achieved very little.” Photo by Angete Heeds But for all the truth and sincerity in this statement it was evident that anyone interested It is clear that the ecotourism ideal in preserving this wonde;ful haven of epicannot solve all of our environmental-ecophytes and tropical birds could not have nomic problems. What we, as potentiaivisi* succeeded without the overwhelming suptors to these areas, can do is investigate - port and commitment of the community. before going A the kind of tourist developSays Valverde, “The support the

A volunteer takes cloud samples to testfor the time plankwoulduseitun-asnutrient composition of the moisture. farmland, doubtedly result in siltation of these systerns. This ecological threat would compound the hundreds of millions of dollars the country already suffers in lost revenues as a direct result of the approximately 680

communi sees as most valuable is that which has 7 een given by the young people, whose labour and tenacity has been an example that has motivated all of us to follow.” Not surprising1 , the volunteers felt the same way about t 4: e locals, “If only we could work half as hard as they do,” we often said to ourselves realizing that it usually took us twice as much sweat to achieve what they did in half the time. To guarunfee the continued stewardship of the reserve a foundation has been established consisting oJ among others, representafives of the administration of the high school, thefederal and municipal Costa Rican governmen fs, ihe Tropical Science Centre, VIDA - a Costa Rican environmental non-governmental qpnization and YCI. ”

Interested in volunteering for an exci ting and fulfilling experience? Or would you like to visit the Santa Elena Rainforest Reserve? Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Youth Challenge International at 11 Soho Street, Toronto, ON M5T lZ6 or call 416-971-9846 for more information. For a slide show and video presentation and discussion of ecotourism and how youthcan make a difference, show up at 6 p.m. at AL 105 on Thursday, January 14.

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I drl8 i


OUAA West basketbail preview

Ho-w the West will by Rich

with OUAA guide






BROCK BADGERS Last season: 1st Record:

1992-93 media


After winning the national championship in 1992, the Brock Badgers are ready to defend their title. With four starters and seven of their top eight players returning, the Badgers are ready to embark on another great season. Leading the way is All-Canadian Gord Wood who is returning for his final year of eligibility. The 6’8” centre captured the OUAA West scoring title averaging 20.7 points per game, finished second in rebounding (10.1 per game), and was named MVP at the CIAU’s. Wood became Brock’s all-time leading rebounder last year and should become the school’s all-time scoring champion in mid-season. Joining Wood on the front line is 6’8” power forward Brian Bleich. The OUAA West first-team all-star finished sixth in scoring (16.1 ppg) and fourth in rebounding (8.4 rpg) in the division and was honoured as MVP at the provincial championships. In the back court is the guarding tandem of 6’1” Dave Picton and 6’3” Allen MacDougall. Picton was named OUAA West Rookie of the Year and second-team all-star in 1991-92, and MacDougall could possibly be considered one of the best three-point shooters in the division. The two players challenging for the vacant starting spot opened by the graduation of Rob Demott are 6’3” Mike Pullar and 6’4” Dave McKay. Strong bench support is ready with 5’11” guard Pat Sullivan and 6’T’ forward Jamie Huebert. GUELPH GRYPHONS Last season: 2nd Record:


The Guelph Gryphons will have a slightly different look during the 1992-93 season. The loss of 6’9” centre Eric Hammond and some injuries mean a smaller team that can do different things. The Gryphons will be led by last year’s CIAU rebounding champion Tim Mau, who ripped down an average of 13.0 rebounds per game to earn him an OUAA West first-team all-star selection. He is on his way to becoming the all-time leading rebounder in the OUAA. Forwards Brent Barnhart (6’9”), Floyd Cobran (6’5”), and Mark Tonizzo (6’8”) will vie for the remaining front court positions.

Last year’s freshman sensation Richie Wesolowski paced the Gryphon’s attack with 14.2 points per game. Veteran guards Chris O’Roarke and Humphrey Hill will see plenty of floor time in the back court. O’Roarke is extremely potent from long range (29 for 66 last season) and Hill is Guelph’s most accurate shooter with a field goal percentage of 54.5. They will be backed up by sophomore guards Themis Hantzaridis, Andre Baptiste, and Randy Mahoney. The Gryphons hope to return to Halifax for the CIAU national championships for a fourth consecutive year but face an uphill bat-

Alex Urosevic will again provide much of Waterloo’s scoring punch this year. The Warriors had a 2-2 exhibition record in December. See stow on page 18. pfioto by Peter Brown tie in a tough division. Head coach Tim Darling hopes that some younger players can contribute to a team that has performed very well over the past five years. LAKEHEAD Last season:

NOR’WESTERS 6th Record: 5-9

The Lakehead Nor’Westers return with eight veterans from the 1991-92 team that made the playoffs for the third year in a row and lost a first round playoff game to M&laster 75-73 in Hamilton. Lakehead lost three key players to graduation, team scoring leader and rebounding leader Mike Lalonde (13.7 ppg, 7.4 rpg), along with long bomb specialists Leslie Raguette and Ray Foster. This ‘year’s squad will be sparked by guards David Pineau (a 6’2” senior), Peter Brown (5’6” junior), and Brian Norland (6’4” junior). All three of them have tremendous quickness playing defence and on the dribble. Veteran centre Chris Grace (6’8”) will spearhead the inside game, and will be flanked by 6’6” junior Brian Tees and 6’7” sophomore Craig Law. All three give the Nor’Westers good size and scoringpunch in the paint. Head coach Lou Pero had a strung recruiting year during the off-season and was able to lure the talents of 6%” forward Cam Becher, 6’6” guard Paul Andrews, and 6’3” forward Kareem Rodriguez. Hopefully, the seasoning of sophomores Gory Keeler and Craig Law and the possible instant success of these fine freshmen, will provide some depth on the Lakehead roster. The 1992-93 Nor’Westers can be characterized as a team with character which will once again play an exciting brand of basketball that

will rock the Thunderdome. McMAsTER MARAUDERS Last season: 3rd Record: 9-5

WARRIORS 5th Record:

The Waterloo

have nine players returning from last year’s team which reached the semi-finals in divisional play. Included in the returning nucleus is a good mix of size and speed, experience and talent so that new head coach Tom Kieswetter is excited about the possibilities. Co-captain and OUAA West first-team all-star Sean VanKoughnett and OUAA West second-team all-star Alex Urosevic ensure a potent offence. Last season VanKoughnett, a 6’7’ forward averaged 17.5 points per game while the 6’3” guard Urosevic scored an average of 20.3 points per game, good enough for third and second place respectively in OUAA West scoring. Both players are also marksmen from three-point range. Other perimeter shooting is expected to come from swingman Dave Lynch (6X”), now in his third year, and sophomore Gahan Richardson (6’4”). Waterloo’s big men will be led by 6’6” senior forward and co-captain Chris Moore along with 6’9” sophomore pivot Mark Hopkins. Tom Balfe (6’4”) brings new meaning to the term intensity and despite his 6’4” frame, plays a tall man’s game. Three rookies have made the team and could see action this year. B.J. York is a quick and talented guard from St. David’s High School in Waterloo. Andy Pocrnic is a strong backcourt man from London Catholic Central, and Josh Martin, a native of St. Thomas also adds depth at the point guard position. WESTERN MUSTANGS Last season: 4th Record:

It will be a new look McMaster Marauder team that takes to the floor this season. After 10 years with Barry Phillips in charge, former assistant Joe l&w takes over as head coach. The Marauders return a solid nucleus and should contend for top honours in the always tough OUAA West division. Up front, 6’6” forward and team captain Jeff Zownir returns for his final year and should be close to the form that made him one of the nation’s top three-point shooters two years ago. The league’s biggest player 6’8” 250 lbs. centre Jack Vanderpol enters his senior season as one of the top rebounders in the nation and a former league all-star. The other forward spot should be shared between sophomores Shawn Francis (6’4”) and Cesare Piccini (6’4”), who both saw significant minutes as rookies. The Marauder backcourt is led by OUAA all-star Derek Howard, who was pressed into duty as a point guard last season, but now swings back to his natural position as the off-guard. Now a senior, Howard will look to improve on the 13.7 points per game he averaged last year. The point guard position will be handled by last year’s team rookie of the year Marc Sontrop, who averaged 6.5 ppg as a freshman. Senior Sheldon Laidmart is also back and will be counted on to provide points and leadership to the M&aster effort. WATERLOO Last season:

be won




The Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks look to improve in the very competitive OUAA West division. Still one of the youngest teams in the league, Laurier will look to third-year point guard Chris Livingstone to lead this year’s quintet. He led the Hawks in scoring last season, averaging 13.3 points per game. Third-year player Sean Brennan (6’4”) should have a banner year at the number two spot. Strong support in the back court comes from 6’2” sophomore Jim Newton, along with promising rookies Colin Strickland, Tolly Henderson, and Dave Bart. Sophomore Tom Pallin (6’7’) is quickly becoming one of the better post players in the division. Last season he finished fifth in rebounding averaging 8.0 rebounds per game. Sophomore Mario Venditti and freshman Brian Fretz will provide relief for Pallin. Veterans Brad Johnston (6’2”), Shawn Roach (6’6”), and Alex Thornton (6’7”), will jockey for the two forward positions along with newcomer and Laurier football standout Andrew Scharschmidt. The Hawks this year are better and more experienced and they will need to be in order to stay alive in the tough OUAA West. Head coach Gary Jeffries has high hopes for this year’s squad and for the first time in a few years, Hawk fans are optimistic about the upcoming season. l-13


Last season the Western Mustangs finished league play tied for third and then lost in overtime in the divisional playoffs. Key losses from last year are OUAA West first-team all-star guard Glenn Eastland, guard Ryan Smith, and forward Mike Yuhasz. Mike Lynch, a 6’5” forward, became a second-team all-star in only his first year of regular play. Small forward Brad Campbell (6’3”) was emerging as the team leader offensively this season during the exhibition schedule, but a major leg injury at a recent tournament will sideline him for the year. Filling in for Campbell will be 6’7’ Stephen Ring, 6’3” Jason Meskis, and 6’4” Jason Podrats. JohnVermeerenat6’9”and245 lbs provided some much needed power on the inside in many key situations both ina starting role and off the bench. Orchestrating the offence wilt be the guarding duo of Brendan Noonan (5’10”) and Blake Gage (6’3”). Noonan suffered through another year of injuries last season, but when healthy, he had some outstanding games at both ends of the floor. Probably the most improved player from last year was Peter Schmidt, a versatile guard who can contribute in a variety of ways. Aaron Czaja, a veteran defensive standout, will attempt to return after reconstructive knee surgery which had him sidelined all last season. WILFRID

7th Record:

WINDSOR LANCERS Last season: 8th Record:



HAWKS Last season:


The Windsor Lancers suffered through the worst record in the team’s history in 1991-92 finishing l-30 overall. Despite the losses, the Lancers had their moments. Narrow home losses to Guelph (one point) and Waterloo (three points), combined with some good showings during road losses (eight point road loss to Brock), give the 1992-93 Lancers some positives on which to build for the future. Spearheading the attack will be seniors Geoff AstIes, a 6’1”guard, and Everton Shakespeare, a 6’4” forward. They finished second and third respectively in team scoring behind the graduated Michael Ogley. Newcomers Ottavio Mannarino and Zoran &tic, both of perennial OFSAA power W.D. Lowe, will give the Lancers a formidable backcourt duo. Mannarino should compete for the starting role at point guard, and Ristic should make an impact at the shooting guard position. Pat Osboume has returned to Windsor to join the Lancers after two years at American Junior Colleges (Vincennes/Henry Ford). Osboume is a gifted athlete with the ability to run, score, and defend. His presence will strengthen the perimeter and defensive play of the Lancers. The overall prognosis for the Lancers is one of “incremental improvement.” Without a frontline player over 6X”, the Lancers will be unable to compete with the reign@giants of the OUAA West. However, do not be surprised if this spidery squad upsets a couple of teams in 2992-93.



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Brown sports

The Waterloo Warrior’ hockey team gave itself an emotional shot in the arm over New Years with a pair of dominating wins at the third annual University of Prince Edward Island Holiday Classic in Charlottetown. The Warriors dispatched the Moncton Aigles Bleus 9-3 before pounding the UPEI Panthers 9-4 in the final. UW’s Steve Woods was the most valuable player of the championship game with three goals and three assists. Jamie Hartnett also had a hattrick in a game that Waterloo led 5-O ‘after the first period,

Drive Ont.

while Troy Stephens, Geoff Schneider, and John Wynne each added singles. Cory Keenan continued his solid play on the blueline, recording one goal and five assists in the two games. Goaltender James Organ was his steady self in both games.

Chris Kraemer and Dean MacDonald each scored a pair in the opening win over Moncton. Woods, Greg Allen, Stephens, Jason Mervyn, and Keenanscored theothers. These two wins enable the Warriors to head into a road-game stretch with a positive attitude after dropping only their second loss of the season back on December 3 to the York Yeomen, 4-3.

Waterloo’s league record heading into the second half is B-2-3, three points back of the CXJAAWest-leading Guelph Gryphons (10-l-O). The Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks (8-3-O) and the Western Mustangs (7-2-2) lie one point back of UW. The team travels to Ottawa tomorrow (Saturday, January 9) and the University of Quebec at TroisRivieres on Sunday, January 10. They also play next Thursday, January 14 at the Gryphons. They play four of their next five games on the road, but finish the season with four of five at home. Their only game at Columbia Icefield in the next five is on Sunday, January 17 at 2 p.m. versus the Brock Badgers.

Warriors pziy back Toronto u



ment last November, Waterloo was 2-2 in pre-season play during December. At the Nike Excalibur tournaWarrior basketball fans have ment at York University (December waited since last March to see what 2%30), Waterloo made an early exit, kind of team will show up this year. Will this team play consistently losing 108-92 to national powerenough to secure some home court house Victoria Vikings-and 91-8 1 to the Toronto Varsity Blues before in the playoffs, or will it be another beating Lava1 University 101-75 to “Urosevic/VanKoughnett Wonder secure seventh place. The Vikings Year”? later dominated the Gryphons on Wonder no longer. The OUAA their way to the tournament title. West regular season opens tonight (Friday, January 8) at the Physical As often happens against Activities Complex at 8 p.m. as the stronger teams, Alex Urosevic and Sean VanKoughnett were forced to Warriors host the Lakehead shoulder the scoring burden against Nor’westers in a weekeid series. the Vikings. The two all-stars comGame two goes tomorrow (Saturbined for Waterloo’s first 25 points day, January 9), also at 8 p.m. (See and contributed 63 of LJW’s 92 OUAA West Preview on this page.) points. The team’s league schedule continues next Wednesday, JanuDown 56-38 at the half, Waterlop awoke for a 15-3 run, but could ary 13 with another home game, not pull closer. Urosevic fished this one against the Brock Badgers. _ with 35 points and VanKoughnett Then they travel to Windsor next with 28 (plus 10 rebounds), while Saturday, January 16. The Warriors’ exhibition schedChris Moore contributed 14 points, powered by 4-of-7 shooting from ule was rather inconclusive in solvthree-point range. ing the mystery of this team, After a The Vikings torched the twine, disappointing performance against nailing 38 of 69 shots (55 per cent), the Guelph Gryphons in the consowhile the Warriors hit 24-62 (39 per lation final of the Naismith Tdumacent). Victoria showed the form of a nationally ranked team, placing five players in double figures. They were led by guard Chris Schriek with 20 points and 16 rebounds. Greg Melorum scored 15 of his 19 points in the first half, while Jeff Bevington scored all 13 of his points in the second frame. Viking Todd Langley was 3-

by Peter lmpfint

Graduating Students

By special arrangement with a chartered Ca&&“b&, we can put you into a new Mazda before you graduate. If you have a job waiting for you upon graduating, give us a call or stop by our showroom for details on this exclusive offer for graduates.

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Brown staff

@utiikmhza* Tbvo greatpizzas!Onelow price:Alwzys!Always!

of-6 from treyland to finish with 15 points and Cohn Brousson had 14. VanKoughnett continued his workhorse status against Toronto, logging 36 minutes of cow t time, 26 points, and eight rebounds. Urosevic contributed 17points, B.J. York 11, and Moore IO, while Tom Balfe came off the bench for 9 points and 11 boards. This game was an example of how shooting percentages can be deceiving. Waterloo shot 9-of-18 from three-point range and 29-of51(57 per cent) overall, but Toronto took a barrelful more shots, 35-of75 (47 per cent). The Blues packed a three-man punch: Scott Bleue scored 31 points, powered by 6-of-10 trey shooting, and Brodie Osome and Jason Ciceri had 22 and 17 points respectively, Ciceri with 9 rebounds. . Waterloo trounced the allrookie Lava1 squad 101-75 in the seventh-pIace game, led by Urosevic with 26 points and Balfe with 19. Waterloo exacted a measure of revenge against Toronto last Saturday night (January 2) with a 99-88 exhibitionvictoryoverTorontoback here at the PAC. Urosevic led all scorers with 31 points on 12-of-16 two-point shooting. Rookie point guard York had an preseason-high 20 points and three other Warriors made it into double figures: VanKoughnett with 15, Moore 13, and Mark Hopkins 11. Balfe and Hopkins ripped down eight boards apiece and Moore had


to page 19


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Nordic by Duve Richardson Nordic Ski Team

While many students were relaxing during the Christmas break, UW nordic skiers packed up early and left for ski camp held from December 30 to January 3. Ski camp was moved from the traditionaf site near Ottawa to Duntroon where the OUAA races will be held in February* Skiers arrived in Duntroon finding green grass. Luckily the nearby Barie area had snow and skiers made use of the facilities at Horseshoe and Hardwood. Coach Lisa Patterson organized an excellent camp. Realizing that everyone had a good level of fitness from fall training, Patterson concentrated on technique work. University races are held for both the classical technique and the faster skating technique. Technique sessions consisted of critical evaluation on the trails during the day

B-ball continued from page 18 seven. As a team, Waterloo was a sparkling 31 of 47 (46 per cent) from two-point range. Toronto was again led by Bleue with 23 points. Eddy Meguerian scored 19, while Ciceri and Jason Gopaul scored 14 and 12 points respectively. Warrior Half-time Challenge At half-time of tonight’s and tomorrow night’s games versus Lakehead at the PAC (8 p.m.), serveral lucky fans will be chosen to attempt a lay-up, foul shot, threepointshot, and half-court shot in 25 seconds. The successful fan will win $2,000 (sponsored by Allan Bush of Financial Concept Group). No-one who has played varsity or professional basketball within the last five years is eligible.


Friday, January 8, 1993

find snow

and video analysis in the evening. Other evening activities included waxing clinics (with $100 fluorocarbons), cartoons, cards, slam dancing, hanging out in the sauna, and cold showers. An inter-team mass start race (skating technique) was held on the fourth day of camp to get an idea of how well people are skiing this year. Race conditions were particularly arduous as skiers had to break through1Ocmofsnow thathadfallen on the trail the previous night. The women’s team looks strong with Lisa Patterson, veteran Julia Norman, and rookies Jackie Martin and Linda Lee. Grad student Dennis Paradine is looking to lead the mens team at the OUAAs followed by rookie

Brent Curry. Veterans Steve Paradine, Ken Macleod, and Dave Richardson are on track to having good seasons. Gary Pluim surprised many veterans with his speed in the skating race and he is waiting to see how he does in his first classic technique race. Trevor Stewart, Chris Buchanan and Austin Dumas should keep other team members on their toes. The team is now recovering from a cold virus (caught by practically every member) and having early morning practices at Chicopee where there is still a little bit of snow. Future interuniversity races will be held in Orangeville, Ottawa, Midland, London, and Duntroon.


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Imprint Friday, Jaiwuy

8, 1993










Happy New Year and welcome back! It is time once again to wear off that extra turkey so why not get active with Campus Ret

teering, please attend the general meeting on Thursday, January 21 at 4:30 p.m., PAC 2045.

New this term is the Ret Pals program which is a volunteer service to help assist those persons with disabilities to become active participants in the Campus Ret program. If you are interested in volun-

There is also an accessibility committee that will meet on Tuesday, January 19 at 4:30 p.m., PAC 2045. All are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Rick Kush, ext. 3533 or visit PAC 2040.

If you are looking for a parttime job, Campus Ret still needs instructors and referees for tennis, squash, skating, and cross country skiing. Visit PAC 2039 as soon as possible to apply. Pick up a Campus Ret brochure to find out how you can become involved.

UW FenClng

by Shuwnu


Are you one of those people who have always wanted to try fencing, but never got around to it? If so, here’s your chance! The University of Waterloo Fencing Club is open to all UW studentsandmeetsonsundays from 7 to 30 p.m. and Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 7:30 to 11 p.m. in the Blue Activity Area of the PAC. The first meeting is Monday, January 11 and the fee is a mere $25 for the term. This fee covers use of the club’s equipment as we11 as instruction for both beginner and intermediate levels. Fencing is an interesting way to meet people and get some exercise. It stresses personal achieve-

ment and can be rigorous or recreational as you choke. It helps develop reflexes, speed, and endurance. It also provides the unique opportunity to strike total strangers with long, pointy metal objects. Last semester was our most successful ever. We had good turnouts for regular evenings and ended the term with a club competition. The number of members competing in tournaments around the region was a club record and a good time was had by alI. If you’re a closet fan of Zorro or The Princess Bride. If you’ve ever secretly delighted in swashbuckling old pirate films, here’s a golden opportunity for you. Fencing is about as close as you can get to it in real life. Why not come out and give itam?





good luck for a happy and cheerful Winter term.











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B$ Varsity Warrks

OUAA West Division


Guelph Waterloo Laurier Western Laurentian Brock Windsor RMC















11 8 11 7 113

3 2 5

0 2 3

79 64 56

42 39 64

16 16 9








9 12

1 0

7 1 12 0

35 64 23 126

3 0

8 7 5

2 3 3

0 0 0

54 43 51

32 30 37






3 4 3 1

3 5 5 10

3 1 1 0

45 37 27 26

39 35 43 76


Toron to Ottawa York Concordia UQTR McGill Queen’s Ryerson

10 10 8 10 9 10 9 11

5 6


11 10

East Division

Dec. 3 4



REsUlTS York 4 Concordia 1 Toronto 2 Western 9 Laurier I1 Brock 6

16 14 10 10 9 9 7 2

Waterloo UQTR bock Windsor Windsor Laurentian

3 1 1 2 4 6


(OUAA teamscapitalized,previousranking in parentheses)

1, 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.




Player John Spoltore Troy Stephens Mark McCreary Jason BAerpJrn Rob Arabski Mike Allen Mike Dahle Steve Glugosh Steve Schaefer Mark Strohack Steve Woods Brad Haelzle Steve Perkovic John Wynne Greg Allen Darrea Snyder Dan Haylow OUAA

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


East Division

York Queen’s Toronto Laurentian Ryerson

A 23 17

10 11

10 10




11 11 11

15 15

11 11 10 11 11 11

11 10 14 9 11 11 8 11 7 3



11 11 10

7 6 6


TP 33 27 26 26 25



15 12 12

24 23 23



11 15 19 15 12 13 12

22 22 22 19 19 19 18

GA 8 25 28 12 24 14 19 20 21 34

AVG 1.67 2.60 2.84 2,95 3.04 3.21 3.31 3.31 3.51 3.74


Taam GP Western 5 Ottawa 10 Toronto 10 McGill 4 Concord. 9 Guelph 5 Brock 6 Cuelph 6 McGill 6 Waterloo9


Lava1 Rouge et Or (1) Manitoba Bisons (2) Calgary Dinosaurs (3) Winnipeg Wesmen (4) YORK YEOMEN (8) Saskatchewan Huskies (6) MCMASTER MARAUDERS Alberta Golden Bears (IO) UK Thunderbirds (7) DaIhousie Tigers (9)

VOLLEYBAU SCORJNG West Division Player Team G A K S, Dordevk Laurier 27 9 I24 Jon TenthorcyWatcrloo 28 1129 Jim Shadr. Western 22 9 94 Dave Bailey Windsor 16 4 66 F. McLaren McMaster 17 6 63 Rent Holt Waterloo 28 5106 Chris Borden kurier 27 5 77 Trevor Scott Guelph 22 3 74


MlN 287:00 577:21 591:20 244: 1I 473:27 261:5O 344:00 362:37 359:30 545:OO


1 2 3 4 4 6

17 15 13 10 7 4

10 10 8 6 4 4 0

6 6 6 6 6 6

5 4 3 2 2 0



7 7 8

7 5 4

0 2 4

21 17 14

4 7 15

14 10 8

6 6

1 0

5 6

7 0

2.5 18

2 0


7 12 9 14 12 18




East Division


LEADERS S TPPPG I5 148 5.5 18 149 8.3 8 111 5.1 10 80 5.0 8 77 4.5 13 124 4.4 36 118 4.4 15 92 4.2


2 1 2

0 108 0 68 1101

98 58 91



1 83



1 2 -

013446 0 2 103 122 - - -

0 0 -

West Div.

McMaster Western Waterloo Guelph


Winnipeg Wesmen (1) BROCK BADGERS (3) GUELPH GRYPHONS (5) Saskatchewan Huskies (2) Acadia Axemen (4) CONCORDIA STINGERS (6) WESTERN MUSTANGS (7) OTTAWA GEE GEES (8) Cape Breton Capers (NR) Calgary Dinosaurs (10)

Ottawa York Queen’s Toronto Ryerson West Div.

Waterloo Western Guelph McMaster

4 2 2







2 1 1 1 1 -

2 1 0 0 0 -

0 130 0 53 1 43 15565 1 39 = -

94 43 53

4 2 0 0 0 -

65 -

OWlAA BADMINTON Team Standings East Div. W J Combined

Ottawa Queen’s Toronto York Ryerson


2 1 1

23 17 11 9 0 WI

39 27 16 13 0


15 15 6 6


28 26




4 1 3 2 0

1 3 3 1 -

WI Comb!

2 1 -


2 3 1 -

8 8 7 5 0 TotaJ

2 1 0 -

14 11 10 9 15 12 17 17

10 10 8 8 8 6 2 2



1 4 9 10 12 15

8 6 6 4 4 0

East Division

8 8 6 6 8 6 6 6

5 5 4 4 4 3 1 1



4 4 5 5 5 5

4 3 3 2 2 0

York Toronto Carleton Ottawa Queen’s Ryerson

3 3 2 2 4 3 5 5

17 18 12 14 17 11 11 5


0 1 2 3 3 5

12 11 10 8 7 3


J-JOCKEY Jan. 9 Waterloo at Ottawa 10 Waterloo at UQTR 14 Waterloo at Guelph

3:OO p.m. 2:OO p.m. 7~30 p.m.

VOUEYBAU & Athenos Jov. 25 M&aster at Waterloo

Y 8,6 p.m.



3 4 1 2 0


McMaster Western Brock Lakehead Windsor Guelph Waterloo Laurier


43 41





16 10 5 4

Mixed Doubles Standings East Div. WI Comb1 w2

(OUAA teamscapitalized,previous ranking in parentheses)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Windsor Western Brock Waterloo Guelph Laurier Lakehead McMaster Laurentian Ryerson Carleton Queen’s York Qttawa Toronto





Player Mike Mclrl tyre Phil Comtois Paul Henriques Paul0 Miguel A. Karitsiotts George Dourian Bob Delonniere Jeff Wilson Patrick Jeanson James 0rgan

West Division Waterloo McMaster Laurier Western Brock Windsor Guelph


Team Laurier Waterloo I.aurier Waterloo Guelph Guelph Laurier Western Waterloo Laurier Waterloo Guelph Guelph Waterloo Waterloo Waterloo Gudph


(OUAA teamscapital&d, previaus rankiq in pmtheses)

Acadia Axemen (2) Regina Cougars (1) WATERLOO WARRIORS (3) EUELPH GRYPHONS (9) Saskatchewan Huskies (8) Alberta Golden Bears (6) TORONTO VARSITY BLUES (4) UNB Red Shirts (5) LAURIER GOLDEN HAWKS (IO) OTTAWA GEE GEES (NR) /












RESULTS Dec. 1 York 3 Toronto (15-9,15-9,15-10)






6 5 1 0

Woffbfs at Waterloo at Waterloo at Waterloo

Jm. 9 Lakehead 10 Lakehead 13 Brock

8:OO p.m. 8:oO p.m. 8:OO p.m.


Jan. 9 Lakehead 10 Lakehead 13 Brock

at Waterloo at Waterldo at Waterloo

6100 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:OO p.m.


Jan. 15 Crossover &I6 at Waterloo



Jan. 8 McGill Toronto Guelph 9 Laurier Waterloo Toronto RMC York Guelph Brock IO Ryerson Waterloo Laurier York Brock

at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at

Concordia7:30 p.m. Western 7:30 p.m. Ryerson 7:45 p.m. UQTR 2:00 p.m. Ottawa 3:00 p.m. Windsor 3:30 P.m. LaurentianZOO p.m. Western 7100 p.m. Queen’s 7130 p.m. Ryerson 7:45 p.m. Laurentian2:OO p.m. UQTR 2:OO p.m. Ottawa 2:30 p.m. Windsor 3:30 p.m. Queen’s 4:00 p+m.


Jan. 6 Guelph Laur ier McMaster 8 Lakehead York 9 Brock McMaster Windsor Ottawa Carleton Lakehead

at at at at at at at at at at at

Windsor Brock Western Waterloo Queen’s Western Guelph Laurier Laurentian Queen’s Waterloo

8:OO p.m. 8:OO p.m. 8:OO p.m. 8:OO p.m. 8:OO p.m. 2:00 p.m+ 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. p.m. 2~00 p.m. 290 p.m.

FENCING Jan. 9 Carleton

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Kearney staff

Blue Rodeo Missing Wiseman’s Gold Blue Rodeo Stages, Kitchener December 17,1992 by Peter lmpfint

Brown staff

I gazed longingly at the television set, envying Lance Chilton’s prime spot at the recent Blue Rodeo homecoming concert at the Phoenix Club in Toronto. I’ve never been one for Electric Circus, but I would have given my Dot Martens for a chance to travel along the TV cable, past surprised Rogers employees, through the ether, and all the way to Sherboume Street to join the City TV crew at the erstwhile Diamond, site of so many shit-kicking Blue Rodeo concerts of days gone by. Well, I had one consolation as I vicariously rocked. I had witnessed the next best thing to the Horseshoe or the Phoenix: Stages, in downtown Kitchener. Just about three weeks ago, Keelor, Cuddy, and company rode into our fair sister city to play in one of the most interesting live venues in Waterloo Region. Greg and Jim were joined by the ever-looming Bazil Donovan on guitar and newcomers Glenn Milchem and Kim Des&amps on drums and pedal steel guitar respectively. Cynical old coots such as myself were quick to question how

they would sound live without Bobby Wiseman flailing away on the Hammond. The band answered quickly by playing Ou #skirts’ “Flea ting” as only the third song of the set. Their replacement keyboardist was no Bob, but the only way to avoid comparisons would be to not play any of their older, and better, mate-

rial, certainly not a desirable option. With their latest LP Lost Togethu enjoying chart success, Blue Rodeodidn’tflogit,buttorethrough a set that would please fans young and old alike, with “Rose Coloured Glasses (Day After Day),” “Where Are You Now?,” and “How ting.”

They found time for “Lost Together’ and their current hit “After the Rain” The smaller role played by keyboards made way for the twangy grit of Deschamps, who seemed right at home in the midst of material from Outskirts, Diamond Mine, and easily the weakest of their four LPs, Casino. The only criticism of thisapproachisthatduringthemore energetic of their songs, “Outskirts” or “You’re Everywhere” for example, the pedal steel was completely lost in the volume. And, again, Bobby’s replacement couldn’t pick up the slack. They closed with their obligatory renditions of “Diamond Mine“ and “Try” to complete a solid, if not outstanding, performance. Stages afforded a refreshing change from on-campus pubs, especially Federation Hall, almost without exception, everyone was at the show to see Blue Rodeo, not necessarily to pass the time or be seen. Of course, if any members of the audience were in doubt as to thisclub’s long distance from Queen St., the intermittent smoke and laser show put their labouring minds at ease. A smaller roadhouse may havebeen more appropriate for Blue Rodeo’s country rock, but the scope of their success makesstages a great compromise.

No, No, Shakespeare YOUR Butt Lowest of the Low Commercial Tavern December 18,1992 By Frank Seglenieks imprint staff

This past year, I had the pleasure of seeing Lowest of the Low twice as an opening act. This as well as listening to their fine debut recording Shakespeare My Butt, made me eagerly anticipate seeing them in a full show. Just before Christmas my wish came true as 1 was finally able to see this fine Toronto band as the headliner when they played the Commercial Tavern in beautiful downtown Maryhill. I still don’t know how the Commercial can consistently get these fine up and coming acts to play, a lot of times to less people than can fit in my car, and still stay in business. There are also these two guys whom are always on one end of the bar who have probably seen the widest selection of alternative bands df anybody in the country. If you have never been it is a great place to see a concert. Well this night the Commercial was almost at capacity with a dance floor full of people who were ready to have good time, I guess that postexam euphoria was kicking in.

The band had just come off of a break of about 2 weeks, despite this lead singer XIX XIX was still fighting laryngitis, however his voice was able to break through the ca tchy guitar oriented rock and roll coming from the rest of the band. For a relatively new band they certainly have a lot of stage experience, during the cancer t they said they played 150 dates that year. The first set consisted mostly of material from their only release

which the crowd just ate up, when they announced the title of the next song it was always one the crowd was waiting to hear. The dance floor was packed, energetic and dangerous, the danger coming from a ceiling fan which was left on and one enthusiastic concert goer who thought jumping up and putting your hands over your head was a good idea. Luckily some more sober patrons saw this coming and did some good defensive blocking

out under the hoop. The second set was totally different from the first as almost all the songs were unreleased, but they were still well received. As the band is set to release an album early this year I would hope that a lot of these songs would be on it as most of them sounded really good. Their sound is really catchy and easily accessible, so I am sure by this time next year they will have been picked up by some record company. The event which set this show above most of the others from last year was during the second encore when they played a long version of Camper Van Beethoven’s “Take the Skinheads Bowling” which they interspersed with “Bankrobber” by the Clash (OK originally done by some reggae act I think) and “Ghost of Smile” by the rogues. This was just a great way to end the show which must have had the band on stage for close to 2 hours, not bad for $5. Look for the band to play in this area sometime this term (and in Toronto a lot), as well, their secmd album will probably propel them off of Queen Street and make Lowest of the Low the next really big thing coming from Canada since the last really big thing.

The above blank space reects January’s exciting forthaming cancer t calendar. January 1993. If you’re not i a lineup somewhere on camus, chances are you’re shamessly pleading with a prof to get Ito a course. Let’s face it, you ave little to look forward to. Infortunately, some would say lat the same could be said for le forthcoming concert calenar both on campus and in ToInto. You decide, but it looks ke I’ll be getting a lot of school rork done this month* Tonight, reggae/ska /rock/ rambo/classical/country/ ruzak/new-age/techno/ h ardcore/celtic/ band One 55roove into de Bombshelta for a rt ?cord release partay. Irie. Next Friday afternoon has Di etroit’s kooky kountry kings, G oober and the Peas steal the CC weted Mike Something slot at 12!:30. Windsor’s The Tea Party CC lmmand theeveningbeginning at eight. Look to the 22nd for Signal H ill’s matinee. If that’s not good er kough, take the afternoon off ar Id show up that evening to see W hat Crash Vegas have been up 1 since their debut album 19 zars ago. Spirit of the West return to impus for an MTV-type rip-off g titled “Unplugged” at the :eaded Humanities Theatre. SClunds like an excuse to jack up th .eprice of admission, don’t you tll ink? No dancing, sneezing itr :hing, or jeans allowed. In the works, UW’s ho hum g future hopes to see Seattle’s reen Apple Quick Step, Vanbuver’s The Smalls, Thomas rio and the Red Albino (supxting their excellent new allm), and wait for it. . . The orthem Pikes. “They’re not titty, they just look that way”. Please, give me a moment to 1catch my breath . . . OK, as if that wasn’t excitin g enough, let’s look to the big St1 ar in the East, to see what Tox-0Into’s fair city has to offer pote ntial concert goers. Nothing. w rell OK, the Spin Doctors perfo Irm at the Phoenix on the 12th ar ld Ned’s Atomic Dustbin are in at the Concert Hall on the 25;th, Fun, fun, too much fun. “**JUST IN*“” Perhaps things aren’t so bl eak for our dull futures after al 1.Remember H& toW&? Well, fr om February 16th to the 21st, M [assey Hall plays host to both S1tephanie Powers and Robert u Tagper in Love Letters, a play the lifelong relath iat chronicles tir mship of a man and woman, SCjlely through correspondence b?7 mail. Max and Freeway will Dt be in attendance+

Imprint Friday, January 8,1993



Jumpin’ Jesus, an $8.50 leap of faith! Leap of Faith by Richard Pearce

shouldn’t cross. But whereas The Long Walk Home was superb until the final few drippy scenes, a creeping sentimentalism pervades Lenp of Faith so persistently that, even though the ending is theoretically right, the tone is so let’s-make-aheartwarmer that the movie ends up being guilty of exactly the kind of pandering it is supposed to be criticizing.


As the tour bus for Jonas Nightengale and the Angels of Mercy pulls into a small Kansas town, we hear a reggae version of “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ the Boat” from Guys and Dolls. It’s a perfect opening for Leap of Faith. Jonas Nightengale, alias Jack Newton, (alias the tremendously agile Steve Martin), is a high-roller who gambles on P.T. Barnum’s hunch that a sucker greets the world every minute. The members of his “Miracle and Wonder” road show are along for the ride, and it’s better than being a roadie. Jack takes them wherever the money flows green. Oneof his shirts is emblazoned with marijuana leaves; hedrinks, swears, chases women; his system for fleecing the public involves complex technology and networking; and he is an inveterate bullshitter. He can’t stop pushing the edges. “Manipulators are sneaky,” Jack avers. “I’m obvious.” The crew keeps making bets he’ll fall on his face, but he’s bold, he’s brilliant, and whenever his religious revival troupe pitches their tent, they make $3500 net. “Time to give some empty lives a little meaning,” he declares before going on-stage, donning a jacket that reflects light like a disco ball. Jane, his assistant (Debra Winger), accesses information on the audience by computer, then feeds it to him in the middle of his act. The gimmickry is elaborate, ranging from a truck-load of crutches to a Stack of $20 bills. After seeing this movie, never again will you be at a loss to defiie your skepticism about evangelists. Martin is marvellous. He’s playing a real person, not a parody, so his Jonas persona is only an exaggerated riff on the uninhibited gestures of preachers displaying their possession by the Holy Spirit. He has a rare physical breeziness in these scenes, and even rarer, the

TV at the wheel.) Jack flaunts his lack of holiness-this is no threepiece suited hypocrite. He virtually pins his flock to the ground and screams in their ears that he’s a sham; they believe in him anyway. I’m glad this movie ventured beyond parody of evangelical shysters, but when it goes soft on Jack, it does this intriguing, dark character a disservice. If Cercone had followed through, we would never have been allowed to get all maudlin over Jack’s sorrowful childhood. The real Jack would have flicked tragedy off his lapel.

Most of the humour and power of LRap OfFaith lies in Jack’s shamelessness. (And its contagiousness: Meatloaf, as the bus driver, watches

Photo Developing ability to combine this with tight, closed-in acting. One of the best moments in the film is when it looks as if Jack has been beaten;Jane pulis him off-stage and he stares at her silently, as if blaming her-what he’s really doing is inventing how to salvage the situation. Jane casually drops by Jack’s hotel room and flops on his bed; they walk along with their arms around each other. Meanwhile, he has the hots for a disdainful waitress (Loli ta Davidovich) and Jane is boinking the stalwart sheriff (Liam Neeson). At the core of Leap ofFaith is an unspoken, unconsummated love between Jack and Jane, and despite what happens to the rest of the movie, the integrity of this dynamic is maintained. It is handled more intelligently than a score of 0therTVorfilmeffurts;screenwriter Janus Cercone and director Richard Pearce are at their deftest dealing with this relationship. Jack can’t tell Jane he misses her--only that she’s shirkingherjobdaties. Janeisskilled and has a highly developed masculine side-she pays for it (like Holly Hunter’s producer in Broadcast News), with loneliness and resentment at being “one of the guys.” It’s lovely to see the most telling little gestures in long shot, and it’s lovely to see Winger again, in a

role that captures her off-beat, savvy presence. If she had been in Medicine Man instead of her lookalike Lorraine Bracco, for instance, even thatfilmmighthavebeenredeemed. However, even Winger and Martin at their finest can’t save this movie from becoming insulting. You can’t miss the upcoming miracle, since the script is full of markers: “Real miracle in 15 minues!“, “Act of God, next left.” The miracle scene is endless, as is much of the last third of the movie. We’ve got a crippled boy (Lukas Haas) on our hands, and not only that, but heare you ready?--reminds Jack of himself as a child. This isn’t an examination of faith. This is a screenplay that goes clunk. Pearcehas found himself a worthy, complex subject, and this could have been an extraordinary film. He can’t sustain his good judgement, though. This director can never quite discern the line he



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New Revdduti.bns fallen between the cracks of public attention. In what might now be regarded as the ‘First Wave” of kiwipop, critical darlings the Chills, the Verlaines, the Clean, and the Bats all produced albums of gorgeous depth and appeal which never seemed to find a sizable enough niche or audience.


&kct Fits Done 2.3 Flying Nun Records Straitj

by Dave Imprint


Fisher staff

The New Zealand music scene has been gorged the past decade with an odd assortment of brilliant bands which, for one marketable reason or another, have forever

The best of those early bands usually recorded for the Flying Nun label, an ambitious enterprise widely recognized as one of the world’s truly great independent record companies. Most of the above-mentioned have since departed their legendary stable to sign more prodigious deals in the States and Britain, but that doesn’t seem to have slowed down any of the label’s creative output. It’s thus a tremendous testament to Flying Nun’s instinct and wealth of talent that they continue to thrive without a wisp of artistic

VILLAGE DON APPLICATION January 31,1993 Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Student Villages for the academic year 1993\94 should obtain an application form at the Housing Office, and must submit it to the Warden of Residences, Housing Office, Village 1, prior to the END OF JANUARY, 1993. Applications received after January 31, 1993 cannot be considered for appointment.

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sacrifice. The best of their most recent offerings, the 3D’s and the Straitjacket Fits, might now be considered the spearhead of NZ’s “Second Wave”. I The 3D’s released their .debut album HelZmpoppin this past year. to a chorus of effusive praise, in particular from Option, Q, and Spin magazines, and a ringing endorsement by Nit Dalton, (he of Lemonheads bass fame). Unfortunately, it’s been totally unavailable in southern Ontario, so until it’s release here we’re left with the granduer of it’s lead single uurer space, as rntectrous ana bouncy a song I’ve heard in a long while.

favourab liken the 3D’s to a confluence of the Pixies and Sonic Youth (which in itself sounds like *’ ’ . sort of pipedream), and “O;ter Space” will doubtlessly remind listeners of the former. The song packs a three-minute wallop of energy, melody, and iive-off-thefloor sheer exuberance. The flip side is a cover of Brian Eno’s masterpiece “Baby’s On Fire”. Remaining reasonably faithful to the original, docile female vocals replace Eno’s electronically ma-

by Duve





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same fashion as their startling debut of 1991, Melt, which despite being enthusias tically received by a small coterie of like-minded critics, wallowed in an obscu-


still finds



doubtedly, the 3D’s and Nellmpoppin will be well worth seeking out.

port the whole Flying Nun catalogue cries out for. Quite simply, the four-song EP all but confirms



and definitely worth the wait. Although they’re mostly considered a new band, principal songwriter and virtuoso guitarist Shayne Carter has been a mainstay in the NZ scene for years. Their latest is very much in the


that entice


Their songs feature


distmc t. Like the%%, one can only hope that the highly anticipated new Straitjacket Fits album will covet more than just the usual slate of artistic kudos. It’s high time one of music’s most exciting - and lasting - scenes is rewarded with the stipend it deserves.



Given their recruitment of hip recording engineer Kramer (Galaxie 500, Bongwater, King Missile) and portrait-photographer Michael Lavine (Sonic Youth, Matthew Sweet), the Urge Overkill look as though they think they’re ‘poised for the big time. At the very least their record company seems prepared for some kind of breakthrough since they’ve released the hitherto-unknown New Jersey power-trio’s latest effort, the SW2 EP, on no-less than four formats (7”, lo”, 12” marble vinyl, and CD). Whether this marketing ploy will allow UO to transcend their indie scene remains to be seen. (Tndeed, hot Chicago producer Steve Albini, who had recorded most of their prior work, recently told NOW that he refused to get involved with the six-song Stull since “they’ve turned into the most offensive sort of hype monsters”.) Nevertheless, hype generates it’s own interest, and the fact I bought the thing disconcertingly proves as much. The EP’s opening track, a tongue-in-cheek offering of Neil Diamond’s

nipulated psychotic wail, and Fripp’s guitar solo is copied gently while still conveying the original’s under-





Woman Soon”, serves leery notice that the Overkillers, while capable of peeling off catchy and hummable tunes, also possess the same kind of smarmy subtext - shades of the

Crash Test Dummies

- that compel firearm. The EP’s title-track, “Stull”, on the other hand, is supposedly an original but you’d be easily forgiven for thinking otherwise. It’s early-seventies, laid-back, FM-ness is almost embarrassing in it’s apparent allusions. Nevertheless, with it’s sweet melody and harmonic bass, it’s the best thing on the disc and probably what’s got the exec’s greasing their palms. Much of the rest of the disc, particularly “The Barclords”, bares one to run for their nearest

more than just the slightest resemblance to Bo wie-esque glam . They’re rarely “Urgent m and would be hard so much as a pressed to “Kill” budgie. But-what the hell, they’ve got a groovy name, some fancy vinyl, and a cool album cover. The songs aren’t uniformly bad - on occasion some of it even passes for exciting - it’s just that one can’t help but think of UO as anything more than America’s answer to the Manic Street Preachers. Seldom, if ever, does one find that very inspiring.


by Phil lmpfint

Robinson staff

If, as the pundits say, death metal is the next big thing, then Cathedral is poised to reap the monetary benefits of the major labels desire to find the next Nirvana. Aesthetically, Cathedral falls between the grindcore and speedcore sub-genres, with the requisite blandness that homogenation

4 by Rich imprint

Nichol metul


In recent years, the city of Seattle has become the assembly line factory for the new era of metal bands leaning toward an alternative approach. One of the first bands to emerge from this geographic dynasty was the foursome Alice In Chains. Their debut effort FaceZiJt from 1990 reached sales of over 800,000 copies worldwide, paving the way for such future Seattle phenomenons as Mother Love Bone, Soundgarden, and Pearl Jam. Touring with everyone from Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax on the Clash of the Titans Tour and most recently with Ozzy Osbourne on his farewell No More Tours Tour, Alice In Chains began to enjoy a cult following of sorts. Early in 1992, Alice In Chains issued the EP Sap to keep the faithful happy, and just before December started the full blow-out mar-


” ._’ ‘Julian


so difficult to distinguish between vocalists now that some bands proudly claim their singer uses no sound effects! As for Cathedral’s Lee Dorrian, his vocals are right out of Hollywood’s preconceived notion of demon possession with no indication if his vocals are processed. I have to laugh when so called underground bands fully embrace mainstream ideas of demonic possession. Personally, I’m ripe for a death metal band featuring the vocal range and ability of say Julie Andrews. Despite my reservations, the title track does rock out, even with the hilarious lyrics. The rest, however, passes away quietly with little fury or bone crushing noise that often makes death metal occasionally interesting.

keting release of their latest fulllength album Dirt. It might possibly best be described as a gritty and often chilling LP which still manages to captivate the listener with dreary yet thought-provoking lyrits and trancing melodies. Just 16 days after its release, Dirt went gold in Canada and in the United States. he-album hype was created just two months earlier with the release of the video for the single “Would?” AIC displayed unprecedented creativity on film with the video support to-the inaugural LP

came up with the name Alice In Chains after joking about dressing up in drag and performing metal on stage. Dirt is perhaps a confession for Staley who is at the tail-end of rehabilitation from a heroin addiction. Songs like “Junkhead,” “Sick Man,” and the title track all have a common theme of personal problems and how drugs seemed to be the only solution but were not. Musically, is one of the most challenging offerings of 1992.

Facelift and were deservingly nomina ted for an MTV Award, an American Music Award, and a Crammy. Lead vocalist Layne Staley


Imprint 3anuaxy 8, 1993


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and d&nmer Sean Kinney all contribute a fair share of the writing. The success of the collaboration is proven on the emotional “Rain When I Die“, and the album’s first single “Them Bones.” Cantrell’s axework really shines on “Angry Chair,” “Hate To Feel,“ and “Rain When I Die.” The la tter is arguably the best trackon thedisc. The 13th and unlisted track “Iron Man” is a short sample featuring Tom Araya of Slayer. Even though Dirt is generally depressing and cold, it is unique in its serious approach to today’s problems and has a new charismatic sound.

but I don’t know that much about fuck I’ll be dead. Julian Cope. See the the thing that’s the same I won’t even start with the relaabout you and me is that we’ll both tionship crap because I’m sure I’d have lived pretty pointless lives and blow my fucking head off before I died without much impact on anyeven finished the paragraph. one or anything. The difference is I could just turn to some relithat you’ll keep lying to yourself gion, but, well... It’s not that I’m not and pretend that you’ll be a famous good at lying to myself, but I just author or be in a really cool band. couldn’t stand all the bloody rules. Maybe you think you’ve accepted This album reminds me of the your pointless existence such as it firstbandMomuswasinTheHappy is, and in living for the moment, at Family. least you can say you enjoyed yourWhy do I even bother to tell self in the now. Of course this piteby Sundy Atwul you this kind of stuff? ous attempt at self-deception is just Imprint staff Even my perfect life is pretty a temporary diversion which only makes things worse. There’s nothI don’t know why I bother. Re- shallow. I mean fame and power would be pretty cool, but I’d never ing you can do to make it all better, viewing records, going to school, know if people really liked me or it’s out of your hands. reading, breathing, it’s all the same useless waste of time. My life is my money, I mean fame is only I love this one song on here slowly spiralling down into a pit of good if it lasts, and what do I care if “Beautiful Love”. self-created disappointments that I I’m going to be popular in 100 years, know will never end. Even worse, I know there’s nothing I can do about it. Losing all control of my future, I fall into each day with the same tired sense of bewilderment that DANCERS, GO GOS, FLY GIRLS, stops me from doing something anything. 1’11 die someday, I supFLY GUYS pose I could take some comfort in HIGH NRG DANCERS + PART;TIME + that, but that’s years - fuck probably decades - into the future. FLEXIBLE HOURS ON .WEEKENDS l I will never have money. I know ‘.

Cope an&

brings. Actually, Cathedral has more in common with the look and sound of Soundgarden than seminal death metal bands like Slayer and Cancer. Soul Sacrifice, a 4 song Ep runs through the standard topics: death, death, and of course more death. Lyrically, Cathedral takes its writing cues from the same tortured gothic sources every other death metal band gets their lyrics. My bet is they came across some William Blake just before dropping out of school in the ninth grade. Vocals are another sore spot.Clearly, The Exorcist is the most important cultural reference to young white males. Why else would they pay homage to Linda Blair’s devil-possessed body every time they open their mouths. It’s become





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Imprint Friday, January 8, I993




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Is~belle wartts to know,

What’s a Real Man Anyway? with their masculinity. Yet, the book doesn’t seem to find the answer to any of these questions. The author has claimed the Americans have become a nation of whiners, but is

Real Men Don’t Bond Bruce Feirstein Warner Books 102 pages, $8.99 lsubelle




Ten years ago, Feirstein and his “real friend, Flex Crush, thought they had solved all of men’s problems in the book Real Men Don’t Eat Quick. But then the I move ment came out and Flex, especially

Bruce man”

1 l


ment. It seems the author and his friend are making fun of many men (and women) without establishing what a “real man” is in their own minds. The book is trying to paint a dead macho imane of what men should be like. In:he process, perhapsunconsciously, the book makes fun of women as well. “O.K. lighten up it’s a comedy book,” a friend of mine said, “and to be honest this book is not about women.” Well if that is so, why has the author included womenonnearlyeveryone of his “Real Men” lists? And why has the auihorchosen to devote twotck ken pages, of his 102 page book, to addressin& what a “Real WoUrnen” is? No, the book is not about women, but it does criticize them profusely! Two Feirstein? pages Thanks for coming out and get the net “Real women” don’t have to act like men! The author probably only added these pages to be “politically correct.” I mean who can afford to write a book on “Real Men” these days and get away ,.*:A :43 +-l-x.-n*,I., rr**f, to nake a book a sure &ller is to ke it readable to a large audience, right? Sorry Flex and Bruce, this book won’t appeal to every-



When a real man wants to bond he uses a Black and ’ Decker glue gun” says Flex. He feels that the men’s movement is nonsense: “there is no such thing as the ‘new man’“. What Flex and Bruce are trying to find out is whether it is possible to be a “Real Man” in the age of: phone sex, guys in suits on roller blades, senate judiciary committee hearings and guys running around the forest, chanting to get in touch






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the author of this ‘humour’ book not whining himself? At times one wonders just who or what the author is a&&y knocking. Other than the .first and last chapter, the book hardly discusses the men’s move-

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bod%dmittedly the book raises interestin; questions and is occasionally extremely funny. The highlight of the book was the “real man quiz #1” . By using the standard light bulb joke, Feirstein makes a witty comment on today’s society. some

i Organize a student group to one of our holiday locations! I

Q.: “How many Real Men does it take to change a light bulb in America today? A.: None. Because the minute a Real Man even gets near the bulb, you can bet your ass that somehow twenty-six lawyers from the ACLU are going to show up suing to protect the interests of one jerk who claims he has a “Constitutional right” to be left sitting in the dark.” Yet, Flex Crush also says “it’s almost impossible to get anything done in this country today without offending somebody. I apologize to women, to the snail darter... But we’ve got bridges to fix, AIDS to cure, homeless to house, and the average nine-year-old can’t read a stop sign... Let’s get on with it.” Thanks Crush, maybe “Real Women” would like to help “Real Society” to really get on with it ! Frankly, if you’ve taken the time to read this article, you’ll be wasting a good two hours of your time by reading the book. If you want to know how to act like a Klingon, watch Star Trek. Mr. Wharf can provide the perfect example of what Mr. Feirstein and his literary invention, Flex Crusher, believes to be a “Real Man”. Oh and Flex, if “Real.Men adapt to the time”, why haven’t you and Bruce?


. .













Imprint Friday,

January 8, 1993

Pointless, Self-indulgent John HymensBelgian cmespondent 1. Momus-The Ultrac~nformist 2. MomusVoyager 3. Neurosis-Souls at Zero 4. Beastie Boys- Check Your Head 5. Julian Cope-- Jehovahkill 6. Wedding PresentSeamonsters 7. Billy Bragg-- Don’t Try This at Hume

8. Prince-- Male/Female 9. Nick Cave-- Henry’s Dream 10. Jazz Butcher-Condition Blue Dave Fisher-- Almost us old as Larry Fine 1. Sonic Youth-- Dirty 2. The Boo RadleysEverything’s Alrigh t Forever 3. Pavement-- Slanted and Enchanted


NunaTek LINX

and Totally

1. Sloan- “Underwhelmed” 4. SuperchunkTossing Seeds Stiff Records box set 2. Superconductor“Bushpilot” 5. Drive Like Jehu- self-titled Social DistortionSomfzuhere Be3. The Chills- “Sleeping Giants” 6. SwervedriverNever Lose That tween Heaven amI Hell BreedersSafari El? 4. Utah Saints- “Something; Good” Feeling EP 5. Sugar“h; Good 7. tunaLunapark 8. Poster Children-Idea” Daisy Chain Reaction 6. James-“Born of Frustration” 9. The VerlainesThe Imprint Arts arcane tabulation sys7. The Cure“Friday Ready TO Fly I’m in Love” IO. Polvo- Coy-Crane tem has resulted in the selection of the 8. Morrissey“TomorSecret following records as the “Best of 1992” row” Rich NicholMe&Z9. The KLF with Tammy Wynette-Iurgist-in-Residence “Justified and Ancient” 1. AC/DCLive 2. MegadethCount10. Swervedriver-down to Extinction “Lead Me Where You 3. MotorheadMarch Dare” or Die 4. MetallicaLive at Sandy Atwal-From Wemblq EP Hell’s hearf, he stabs at 5. Black Sabbath-thee, for hate’s sak, he Dehumatzizer spits his last breathat thee, 6. Iron Maiden-- Fear of t/ze Dark 1. Wedding Present7. Roger Waters-Seamonsters Amused to Death 2. Sugar-- Copper Blue 8. Def Leppard-3. Wedding PresentAdremlize Hit Parade 1 9. Ugly Kid Joe-4. Bob Dylan- Good As AmericaSL?ast Wanted 1 Been to You 10. Various artists-5. MomusThe Wayne’s World soundLUtraconformist track 6. Morrissey-Your Arsimal Vince Kozma-Kozma 7. Sonic Youth- Dirty built my Hotrud 8. PJ Harvey-Dry LemonheadsIt’s a 9. MomusVoyager Shame About Ray 10. Sloan-- Smeared LSD-- The Silent Majority Icy Fingers-- bootleg ‘92 Derek WeilerGmeral Hanger on. -* Beastie Boys- Ct~ck Your Head Digit-- debut Big Star-- Sister Lovers MinistryP.69 Blondie-- Ca2l Me (Unlisted Remix) Captain AmericaWow and Flame LevellersLevelZing the Land On3333 Buffalo Tom-- Ld Me Come Order Stacey LobinDancing Queen The Chills- SC+ Bomb

1. Beastie Boys- Check Your Head 2. Sugar- Capper Blue

3. Lemonheads- It’s a Shame About Ray

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Imprint Friday, January 8, 1993



Indefensible - Our Top Tens of 1992 Daniel Johnston-Arfistic Vice. LemonheadsIt’s a Shame About &Y .Luna-- Lunapark .PavementSlanted and Enchanted R.E.M.-- Automatic for the People Television-self-titled Thinking Fellers Union Local 282Lovelyville Yo La Tengo- May I Sing with Me Jeff Millar-- Chairman of fhe Bored in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-three 1. B.B. King- King of the Blues 1949-1992 2. The Histo y of Art Blakely and the Jazz Messengers 3. Tony Bennet and the Ralph Sharon trio-- Perfectly Frank 4. Charlie Hayden-Haunted Heart 5. Frank Sinatra-- Early Rehearsals and Broadcasts 2941--46 6. Lionel Hampton with Quincy Jones and Jimmy GiufreThe Boys in the Band 7. Dr. John- Back to New Orleans 8. Harry Connick Jr--- 25 9. J.J. Johnson-- Vivian 10. Jessica Williams-- Liveaftiybeck

4. Red Hot Chili Peppers-- Under the Bridge 5. NirvanaIncesticide 6. Snap-- Rhythym is a Dancer 7. Annie Lennox-Walking on Broken Glass 8. Eric ClaptonLayla 9.2 Unlimited-Gef Ready For This 10.3rd Base-- 3rd Base 10. Heavy D.--Now That We’ve Found Love Frank “Johnny Canuck” Seglenieks -- The Friendly Giant 1. Hard Rock Miners-The Final Frontier 2. Sugar-- Copper Blue 3. Beastie Boys- Check Your Head 4. Lowest of the Low-- Shakespeare My Butt 5. War Wagon-- Finnegan’s Tongue 6. Jerry Jerry and the Sons of the Rhythym Orchestra-Don’t Mind if IDo 7. Blue Rodeo-- Lost Together 8. Rankin FamilyFare Thee Well Love 9. Rawlins Cross- Crossing the Bor-

der 10. Barenaked



Phil Robinson-Jesus loves him more than he will know. 1. Strafe fr: Lufthunger-10 Catastrophes in fFzeHistory ufthe World und Music 2. Louis AndriessenDe Sfaat 3. Art Ensemble of Chicago and Cecil TaylorDreaming of theMasfers Vol. 2 4. Various-DISConfact! Vol. 2 & 2 5. Babes in ToylandFontanelle 6. L7-- Bricks ure Heavy 7. Cop Shoot Cop- White Noise

8. The Rheostatics-- lN?uzleMu-


9. Bob WisemanAnother Obscure Death in the History of AIM 10. King Cobb St&eDuofang 7” Graham Tomlinson--Po&t Pool Shark 1. Lemonheads-If’s a Shame About hY 2. Sugar-- Copper Hue ’ 3, Beastie Boys- Check Your Head

4. Wedding Present- i%I Parade 2 5. REM- Automaficfir the People 6. Sloan-- Peppermint EP 7. Tom Waits-- Bone Machine 8. Wedding Present-- Seamonsters 9. Motorhead-All the Aces Box Set 10. Levellers-Levelling the Land

5. Maceo Parker-Life on Planet Groove 6. Love Battery-- DaygZu 7. Phleg Camp-- 7” Singles 8. Beastie Boys-- Check Your Head 9. Bongwater-The Big Sellout 10. Screaming Trees-- Sweet Oblivion

Ken BrysonDestroyer of Worlds. Bob WisemanPresented by Lake Michican Soda REM-- Automatic for the People Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy-Hipocrisy is the Greatest Luxu y Sugarcubes-Stick Around for Joy Peter GabrielUs David Byrne- llh huh


Chris WodskouArts Editor emeritus 1. Buffalo Tom-- Lef Me Come Ouer 2. Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy -- Hipocrisy is the Greatest Luxuy 3. Pavement-Slanted and Enchanted 4. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds-Hen y’s Dream


- Ubermmsch

1. Neil Young - Harvest Moon 2. Tom Waits - Bone Machine 3. The Wedding Present - Hit Parade 1 4. Morrissey-Your Arsenal 5. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds Henry’s Dream. 6. Ministry - lesus Built My H&rod EP 7. Queen - Greatest Hits 8. The Rheostatics - Whalemusic 9. Prince - MaleFemale 10. Barenaked Ladies - Gordon

Peter Brown-- Speak softly and carry a bigfist. 1. Sugar- Copper Blue 2. R.E.M.-- Aufomatic for the Peuple 3. Beastie Boys-- Check YO~Y Head 4. LemonheadsIt’s a Shame About &Y 5. Peter Gabriel-- Us 6. Sloan-- Smeared 7. Blue Rodeo-- Lost Together 8. Television-self-titled 9. Various artists-- Stiff Records box set 10. Wedding PresentHit Parade 1 Bernard Kearney-Arts Junkie 1. Beastie Boys- Check Your Heall 2. Bob Marley and the Wailers-Songs of Freedom 3. Tom Waits-- Bone Machine 4. Buffalo Tom-- Let Me Come Over 5. Nick Cave- Henry’s Dream 6. Big Star-- Sister Lovers 7. Ween-- Guava 8. The Frank and WaltersTrains, Boats and Planes 9. The Lawn-- Debussy Fields 9 l/2. The Darling Buds-- Erofica 10. The Sultans of Ping-- Stupid Kid El? Dave Thomson - Angry young man 1. Diamanda Galas-- The Singer 2. Tom Waits-- Bone Machine 3. Neil Young-- Harvest Muon 4. Daisy Chainsaw-Eleventeen 5. Sloan-- Smeared 6. Sugar-- Copper Blue 7. Henry Rollins-- Human Buff 8. Hole-- Prefty on the Inside 9. Negativland-Guns 10. The Birthday Party-- Hifs Emmanuel Patterson-Sfrange flays’ Groovy Sugar Daddy 1. Tori Amos-- Little Earthquakes 2. Utah Saints- DeErlrt 3. Green Apple Quick Step-- Rebut 4. The Darling Buds-- Erotica 5. The Tragically Hip- Fully CompZetehj 6 Pearl Jam- Ten ?. Annie Lennox~ivu 8.0tmar Liebert- Nouveau Flamenco 9. Blue Rodeo- Lasf Together 10. Elvis Presley-- Greafest Hits Box Set 10.54.40Dear, Dear 10. Consolidated-Play More Music IO. Sucidal Tendencies-The Art of Rebellion Anna Done- Disco Diva 1. KLF (featuringTammy Wynette>- Justi@.d and Ancieni 2. Heaven 17-- Temptation (Brothers in Rhyme Remix) 3. House of Pain-- Shmrocks and Shenanigans





Imprint Friday, January 8, 1993



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campus happenings

Kitchener-Waterloo and area Big Sisters require female volunteers to develop oneon one relationships with girls (4-16 yrs} and boys (4-l 1 yrS). If you are a craing person and can give three hours a week to a child then we need you. Training begins Tuesday January 12, Call 7435206. One year commitment required.

ANNOUNCEMENTS 25th Anniversary celebrations for present and former staff and students of Centennial Public School in Waterloo will take place’ May 14 & 15, 1993. For further betails contact 8855043. Dlstmqulshecf Teacher Awards. To nomlnate y&r outstanding professor, demonstrator or teaching assistant forthe DistinguishedTeacherAward, contact TRACE, MC 4055, Ext. 3132. Deadline February 5, 1993. Jean A. Chalmers Awards for Musical Composition isaccepting nominations for the firsst annual Chalmers Award, Candidates for these awards may be nominated by Canadian music professionals. Deadline is February 1 t 1993. For more info, contact the Chalmers Award Office at l-800-387-0058 or (416) 969-7434. FASS Auditions. Actors, technicians, dancers, singers, musicians and fun loving people welcome. Be a part of a great Waterloo tradition. Be in our 31 st annual production. Auditions: January 6,7,8- HH 344, 7-9 p.m. CHOICt eAID Network: Pregnant? We’ve been there. If you would like to talk to a non-judgemental student who kept her child, chose adoption or abortion, please leave your number for the Network-Coordinator, Women’s Center, ext. 3457. (Anonymity guaranteed). ‘Conrad Grebel College Noon Hour Concerts. Wednesday January 20 - 12:30 p.m. Terry Kroetsch, piano. lraina Neufeld, soprano. St. Jerome’s College -Wednesday January 20, Diane Keating, award winning poet will read from No Birds Or Flowers and work-in-progress. Siegfried Hail, SJC, 3:30 - 4:10 p.mT I Chamber MUSIC Society. 5/ Young Kilo St. W. Waterloo. 886-1673. Saturday January 9: Joseph Petric (accordion)and Guy Few (trumpet and piano). Tickets: $15. Wednesday January 13: Canadian Chamber Ensemble. Beethoven, Varese, Mozart.

our advertisers



Monday January 11 10:30a.m. I 12:30 p.m. : ResumeCritiquing NH1020 6:OO p.m. - 7:00 p.m.: Intro to Career Planning/Job Search NH1020 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.: Information Interview NH1 020 Tuesday January 12 I1 :30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Resume Writing NH1020 12:30 p.m. - 1:30. p.m.: Letter Writing NH1020 Wednesday January 13 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Interview Skills I I:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.: Interview Skills II 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.: Interview Skills HI NH1 020 Friday January 15 lo:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.: Networking NH1020


Monday January 1 I : Learn how to use WATCAT online catalogue. Dana Porter Library, 1:30 p.m. 50 minute session. Meet at Information desk. Tuesday January 12: How to use Enviro/Energyling Abstracts Plus on CD-ROM. Dana Porter Library, lo:30 a.m.’ Covers environmental issues, ecology, planning and energy. Meet at Information desk. Wednesday January 13 & Thursday 14: Library Information session for Graduate Students. Davis Center Library and Dana Porter library, 1% p.m. Learn about extended loans, direct borrowing privledges from other facilities and services to make library research more effective. Meet at Information desk.


Applications available from Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. Deadline January 29,1993 unless otherwise stated. FACULTY


Monday January 11 Blood Donor Clinic. U of W Campus Center. 1O:OO a.m. = 4:00 p.m.


Tuesday January 12 GLLOW discussion group will discuss: Coming Out. AH lesbians, bisexuals, gays and other gay-positive people welcome. U of W Modem Languages Building, room 104, 7:30 p.m.

Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship - all 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship all 3rd year regular Health Studies and Kinesiology Robert Haworth Scholarship - 3rd year students in program related to Park Planningand Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage and Planning, Outdoor Education or similar fields of study. Deadline: May 31. Ron May Memorial Award - 3rd or 4th year Recreation. Deadline October 15. R.A.W.C.O. Award - 2nd, 3rd or 4th year Recreation. FACULTY

Wednesday January 13 Students Association: General Call JSA Hotline: 747-1416. Atari user group, General Meeting. 7:da p.m. in MC2009. Phone 7252068 for details. Visitors welcome. Jewish

Thursday January 14 The K-W Cambridge-Euelph Humanists will meet at the Waterloo Public Library at 7:30 p.m. Topic: Humanists ceremonies. Everyone welcome. For more info: 8931449.


Art; Student Union Award - undergraduatestudentsactively involved in university student affairs with minimum overall average of 70%. Deadline February 26. James C. McKegney Memorial Award upperyearArts students with outstanding performance and/or extra-curricular activities in the Hispanic area. Deadline February 26.


ongoing EVERY


Person Friday required to work in Imprint office approximately 28 weeks per year/ 25 hours per week. Rate of pay - $7.00/I% Reply in writing:lmprint, CC1 40, Att. Viv.

IThedeadline for classified ads for the J&wary 1P issue l 1s

Monday, January 1P at 5 pm.

1 ,


Film Society, 7:00 p.m. in Uw’s East Campus Hall Room1219. January 14: The Abyss.

UVV nonours graa ace DI to ssaB types of papers. LaUserparinyer,&Eheck and grammar corrections included. Free pickup and delivery. Phone Clark at 2737970. Why pay more-for less? Money for software venture - “Venture Capitalist will provide seed money to students who are developing promising software programs. For further information call (416) 366-7758 or write with proposal and resume to: Ceyx Properties Ltd., 701 King St. W, Suite #bO3, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2W7. protesslonal .-.--- - -. nesume service. RerD from Honoursco-op graduate who know’s what employers want. Processed on laser printer. Phone Clark at 273-7970. One chance to make a good first impression!




ads must be prepaid

Bring your submission to the Imprint office. ’ Campus Centre 140

First staff meeting of the term: TODAY! Friday, January 8 at 12:30 p.m. in CC 140 Editorial board elections All positions marked vacant are up for grabs!!!!


Greenbacks - The Environmental Data Store Julie’s Flowers Val’s Video Little Caesar’s Pizza Koh-I-Noor Restaurant The Twist Gino’s Pizza Schlotsky’s UW Fed of Students PC Factory Microway Comptuers East Side Mario’s Dragon Palace Fairview Acura Full Circle Foods K-W Bookstore & Exchange K-W Gymnastics Spectrum Phota Sun Sation Shot In The Dark ’ Princess Cinema McMaster University BSCN East West Futon Travel Cuts Dynamic Computers Dr.Disc Patterson Saddlery Super Optical Sun & Ski Travel The Volcano Subway Picture Yourself Ollie’s Video Waterloo North Mazda Sauce6 Lips Zehrs McGinnis Landing Campus Pharmacy UW Varsity Sport Shop City of Waterloo Jumbo Video Buns Master Rodeo Drive Restaurant Waterloo Bowling Lanes JSA Marlin Travel Jostens Cycle Path Nunatek



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