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President Wright appointed knight of France by





Yves Doutriaux, Consul General of France to Toronto, visited campus on Monday to give UW President Doug Wright an award and to give a lecture on the European Community’s Maastricht Treaty. Wright was appointed as Chevalier dans L’Ordre du Merite de France, an award given for distinguished service, especially in public service. According to Doutriaux, the Order of Merit, in part, was created to allow France to honour foreigners, not eligible for France’s Legion d’honneur, which is usually restricted to French nationals. The rank of chevalier calls for distinguished services for a minimum of ten years in public service or a professional activity -- in exceptional cases eight years. Doutriaux also gave an interesting lecture on the status of the MaastrichtTreaty, that would bring the 12 countries in the EC even closer economically. He identified three main reasons why the EC began negotiations to amend the Treaty of Roma

in 1989. The first was the old dream of the a single currency unit (the ECU). Currently, the economies and central banks of the EC are so closely linked that they act together anyway. “If the Bundesbank [Germany’s central bank] raises interest rates one-quarter of a per cent,” Doutriaux said, “we [the French] have no choite but to follow suit.” The second motivation for closer linkage in Europe was the awareness of a demoera tic deficiency among European political institutions. Under the Maastricht Treaty, Doutriaux said, the national parliaments will give up some power to the European Parliament. The third motivation collapse of the Eastern bloc and the end of the balance of power. Many



of Debates

University of Waterloo debaters Rahul Gangolli and Mark Weber brought home third place from the 1993 Canadian National Debating Championships held at the University of Guelph last weekend. Gangolli and Weber went undefeated in five preliminary rounds of debate to earn themselves a spot in the quarter finals. There, the Waterloo team defeated the Iwotime national debating champions, and recently crowned NorthAmerican debating champions, Jason Brent and Thomas Meehan from the University of Toronto. Gangolliand Weber are the first Canadian team to defeat the Toronto juggernauts since November of 1991. “That was definitely the highlight of the tournament for us,” said Gangolli. “They kept us out of the final round at last year’s nationals when they beat us in the semi’s, so it was satisfying to return the favour this year.” “All weekend people were wondering if Meehan and Brent

soon Murder suspect still in custody. by Nutulie imprint

A lundi, le prbident de I’lJniversit4 de Waterloo, M. Doug Wright, & nomm6 Chevalier Dan I’Ordre National de Merit6 de France par le Consul Gbn&al de France, M. Yves Doutriaux. photo by Rende Georgacopoulos was the European east-west European

countries were’interested in tying a united Germany more closely to Europe because of fears of German nationalism.

UW debaters win third in the nation from

No trial

would take it again,” Weber commented. “I must admit, it felt good to be the team that prevented what was being heralded as the inevitable ‘three-Pete’.” The Waterloo A team then advanced to a semi-final ma Cchagainst the McGill A team. Despite a strong effort as the government in the round, Gangolli and Weber were unable to beat the McGill team which then went on to win the Championships. Having a superior record to the other unsuccessful semi-finalist contenders from Western, Waterloo A captured third place in a field of 70 teams from coast to coast. Weber (Psychology) and Gangolli (History) werenot theonly successful Waterloo team at the tournament. Also putting in impressive showings in a highly competitive field were the Waterloo C team of Ljuba Djurdjevic (Philosophy) and Kyle Pickering (English and History), who took 13th place, and Irit Printz (Math) and Eugene Dimitriou (Actuarial Science) who came in 23rd.

The Maastricht Treaty, due to be impIemented later this year, will also move European defence policy closer together.

Onurku Stuff

Twenty three year old Kris Eric Warkentinappeared at the Kitchner provincial courthouse on Monday March 29. He will remain in custody because his case was adjourned until April 29 at 9:00 am. Warkentin, a third-year chemical engineering UW student, was charged with second degree murder for the New Years day death of UW graduate student David Zaharchuk. Wqrkentin was charged on February 2, the day after he turned himself in at a Cambridge police station. He has appeared in court four times, each time his case has been forwarded to a latter date. Police questioned Warkentin about Zaharchuk’s death while he was on work tern in Hinton Alberta in late January. Police also searched his residence in the married students apartments. No trial is expected for some time.

UW student to clean up Mount Everest from




Jennifer Klunder is a student on a mission: cleaning up the junk left behind by thoughtless tourists visiting the Himalayas. She’s also keen to put the brakes on them cutting down trees to heat their mountain lodges. In her second-year of environmental science at the University of Waterloo, Klunder now is busy raising the money to finance her one-month stay in Nepal, beginning April 29. She’s part of a lomember delegation of volunteers for Youth to Everest, a New Zealand- initiated

Klunder says. “Thousands of tourists a year visit the Himalayas and Mount Everest - many of them throw away the plastic water bottles that they bring along for a supply of pure water.” Which means that Ihe local people have to deal with tonnes of discarded rubbish, including the ubiquitous water bottles - a massive chore that they are unable to handle

Since the volunteers will trek up 18,000 feet to reach the villages at the base of the mountains, Klunder and her colleagues are working out to strengthen their endurance. “I’m doing a lot of walking these days,” she says, with a laugh. She was drawn to the volunteer project partly as a result of her studies in the faculty of science. The environmental studies program aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to solve complex problems. To date, Klunder has raised $2,000 from both private and corporate sources toward her $4,600 goal required to cover airfare, accommodation and a project maintenance fee. And to drum up more support, she and YTE members will climb the CN Tower in Toronto April 25.

Discarded plastic bottles litter ML Everest



a chapter

in Toronto.

At the outset, they’ll do some sightseeing in Katmandu, the capital of Nepal. “There’s a lot of garbage in the nine villages we will be going to,”

all by themselves. “What we want to do is implement waste management and recycling programs,” Klunder says. “We will also take solar panels for heating so forests don’t have to be stripped.”


This is the last Imprint of the term, but we’ll be back May 7. We know you just can’t wait, ‘can you?


Imprint Friday, April 2, 1993


New program offers Ontario students free

living accomodations by Kkrun imprint

Green Stcrfi

Free student housing. Sound like a dream? No need to pinch yourself because this one’s real ! Accommodation Exchange for Ontario Students is a program currently offering the possibility of free accommodation for any student who lives in a college or university city but is attending an institution in a different city. The program works like this: if a student living in Waterloo, for example, wishes to attend the University of Toronto, then his or her name is placed in a database. The student is then given a list of students who live in Torpnto but will be attending UW or Wilfrid Laurier. The student may then contact those on the lis t and, finding a suitable match, set up an exchange whereby each student goes to live in the other’s home for the school year, free of charge. The Accommodation program it-

Adventure Guide of Waterloo & $82 King

self charges a $30 registration fee. Compared to “the potential saving of $2000 to $4000 per student per school year” that the program says it could bring students, the fee is obviously nominal. The idea for the Accommodation program came from two Guelph women, Janet Wryght and Marjorie Brooks. Wryght’s daughter is planning to attend college next year, so Wryght, facing the financial burdens that so many Canadian families are facing these days, was looking for ways to save money. She wondered if other people might not be in the same situa tion, and thought that an accommodation exchange would be a good idea. She told Brooks about the idea and Brooks told her to go ahead with it, saying that she thought the program has merit. Brooks commented that, “A lot of people in these hard times have children who are not going to be able to go to university because of


6 Princess

funding. The Accommodation Exchange might keep some young people in university who otherwise could not afford to be there.” Wryght and Brooks talked to high school guidance counsellors and the off-campus housing advisor at the University of Guelph about the idea and received positive feedback. Next they formed a

focus group of high school students and parents to get input and assess their specific needs. The result of their efforts was the Accommodation Exchange for Ontario Students, which was officially registered with the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial relations on January 13,1993. The Exchange has its office located in Guelph.

To advertise the program, brochures and applications were sent to 697 Ontario high schools, the offcampus housing advisors at all the Ontario colleges and universities, as well as to the student presses of those institutions. There are some important criteria for applicants to the program. continued to pg 6

St. W.,

St. N






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Ron Cooper argreement.

and IMary &~n O’Connor

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at WPlRG’s


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photo by Marc Xuereb

WPIRG does NAFTA _..,-.-_- ,_ ..,.., ,,_...,,., ,,, Monday, April 5th & Tuesday April 6th ~:OOp.m. each night

by Marc Xuereb speciul to Imprint

Waterloo Public Interest ResearchGroup’s (WPIRG) Economic Justice Workgroup completed a

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series of events titled “NAFTA: Riches or Ruin?” Closing out the week was a well-attended debate on Friday night featuring two federal candidates from the Cambridge riding, a local businessperson, and a representative of an anti-free trade coalition. Cambridge Ml? Pat Sobeski, who chairs the Torv sub-committee on Interna tional Trade which r,tudied the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) earlier ‘This year, made no excuses for his committee’s refusal to elicit more input from the Canadian public. Severalquestionersasked why his government put so much effort into a referendum process on the Charlottetown Agreement and then did not even allow a parliamentary committee to tour the country. Sobeski responded that the issue of reforming Canada’s parliamentary system was not the topic of debate for the evening. 1 Cambridge federal candidate who ran against Ron Cooper, Sobeski in the 1988 election for the Liberal party, and who intends to run under Mel Hurtig’s newlyformed National Party in the next election, showed the obvious influ-

ewes of Hurtig’s recent book, I& Betraval of Canada. Cooper threw out statistics ad nauseam, citing Canada’sGross Domestic Product (GDP), trade balante, employment, and foreign investment levels as proof that the Canada-US deal was bad. Several questioners who openly avowed their opposition to the deal later expressed their dissatisfaction with Cooper’s reliance on statistics: as one put it, “all four speakers tonight seem to assume that growth is good.” Jim Balsillie, chair of the board

Do we hafta NAFTA? of the Waterloo-based company Research in Motion, played the part of the typical pro-free trade businessman perfectly. Acknowledging and lamenting the drastic job displacement in the current economy, especially of those “less inclined to be retrained,” Balsillie refused to place the blame on either trade agreement, arguing that the industries Canada is losing now would be leaving with or without free trade. Dalsillie




loss of sovereignty due to trade agreements is not a problem, since tiny agreement, including marriage involves a loss of sovereignty. The debate’s most memorable

speaker was Mary Ann O’Connor, of the Ontario Coalition for Social Justice, the Ontario affiliate of the Action Canada Network. O’Connor’s delivery was so persuasive that one self-identified profree trader commented in the question period that he wished she had been on his side in the debate. O’Connor advised the audience to ask themselves who stands to benefit from NAFTA, asserting that some large, mostly foreignowned corporations would benefit greatly, while domestic, small businesses stand to lose. The result, she said, would be a further exacerbation of differences between rich and poor in all three countries.* The Economic Justice Group, which organized the event, would-like to thank all the sponsors of the week’s events, including the Poli tical Science, Economics, and Spanish departments, the Political Science Student Association, and the Faculty of Arts. Special thanks also goes out to Raoul Gangolli, president of UW’s debating society, who modera ted what turned out to be a feisty debate and question period. The Economic intends to continue Spring



Justice Group its work in the wddress1nB

other issues of economic justice besides the NAFTA. All interested students should enquire at the WPIRG office as to how to get involved.


Imprint Friday, April 2,1993



St. Jeromes to- rename men’s residence From

St. Jerome’s


The Men’s Residence at the University of St.Jerome’s College in Waterloo will be officially re-nambd the J.R. Finn Residence at a reception and dinner May 7, 1993. The naming is in honour of Father John Finn, C.R., former Dean, President and Professor of French at St. Jerome’s, whose association with the Ca tholic-based college federated with the University of Waterloo dates back to 1959. “The announcement took me entirely by surprise,” acknowledges Finn. “Two emotions were clashing--pride as the recipient of a great honour, and humility insofar as many others did as much, perhaps more, to get the College started in a new location. So I accept this

distinction in recognition of those colleagues back in the sixties and seventies.” The College’s Board of Governors unanimously approved the name change at their January meeting. Notes College President Doug Letson, “In my many contacts with our graduates, it is clear that Fr.finn is widely admired, particulary so for his pastoral care. He was personally helpful to many students who lived in our residence, so this is a wholly appropriate thing to do.” Fr. Finn received an Honours BA in Philosophy from the University Of Western Ontario in 1940. He studied theology at St. Peter’s Seminary in London and was ordained a priest in 1943. In 1945 he earned his teaching certificate and taught at St. Jerome’s High School (Kitchener),

St.John’s College (Brantford) and Cathedral Boys’ High School (Hamilton) . After earning a Master’s degree in Romance Languages from the University of Toronto in 1955, he went on Ph.D studies in French at the University of Illinois. He graduated in 1959 and became Assistant Professor of French at St.Jerome’s College that same year.. Fr. Finn was appointed Dean in 1961, when St.Jerome’s was still located in east-end Kitchener, and was instrumental in the move to the UW campus in 1962--the year the existing men’s residence was built. From 1965 until 1972 he served as President of the College, during which time he initiated the first physical expansion of the College’s facilities. He taught French until has retirement in 1986. Upon retirement, Fr. Finn became the archivist for his religious community, the Congrega tion of the Resurrection. June 12, 1993 will mark his fiftieth anniversary of ordination to the priesthood. Comments Metson, “&Finn has played a significant role in the College’s development, and this also being his anniversary year makes the naming a timely honour for someone involved



In addition to recognising Fr. Finn, the College’s adminstration is also pleased to be able to make the men’s residence more clearly identifiable. A specific name will be a more helpful designator of the building, both in emergency situations and for campus visitors.



Other designated buildings on the St. Jerome’s campus include Siegfried Hall, named for Fr. Cornelius Louis Siegfried, CR., past President of the College; and Louis Hall, named

Funcken, Jerome’s.




in honour


of Fr. Lotiis


of St.

DELI ------

xI I I I.

~~FF*izvlc~~ I




i(POP. I

St.Jerome’s College for such a long time.” Fr. Finn was honoured at a reunion organised by the St. Jerome’s Graduates’ Association in 1991, and at that time a scholarship for excellence in French was established by graduates in his name.

I \

\ A---




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April 2,1993

Accomodation ccwtinued

from pg 4

First and foremost, they must be Ontario students living “within reasonable commuting distance of an Ontario university or college.” Families of applicants must realize the program is an exchange, which means that in return for someone housing their son or daughter, the other family’s son or daughter will be toming to stay with them. As well, the program itself provides the applicant with a list of abut thirty questions which it considers necessary for potential exchange partners to ask each other.

exchange Some important considerations in choosing a partner are the availability of transportation or parking, food,and whether the student wants to live in a religious or non-religious household. Finding these things out and making arrangements are the responsibility of the student. Information on and applications for this program can be found at the Off-campusHousing Officelocated in the Village 1 Complex or by writing to the Accommodation Exchange for Ontario Students at P.O. Box 25063, Stone Road Mall P.O., Guelph, Ont., NlG 4T4.

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Susan Sontag speaks by Ken Imprint

Bryson Staff

American cultural and literary critic Susan Sontag came to Toronto to lecture at the Winter GardenThea-

tre last Monday. Speaking on “The Writer’sFreedom: literatureand literacy,” Sontag impressed the mixed audience with her propensity to orate her thoughts on topics ranging from censorship to surgery to group versus individual rights. Assembled in the upper reaches of the Winter Garden Theatre, the audience varied from artsy U of T students to suited and hair sprayed Rosedale residents. Obviously there to see different sides of Sontag (the art critic or the established writer), the suits were likely the most appeased by her lecture. Promoting a very modernist ideal of literature, Sontag outlined her personal experience with writing and culture. Literature, to her, is a cultural foundation wholly subjugated to history. She believes that it is ill-advised to consistently be looking to the future and relying on the present, ignoring where we have been. This is how she sees North American culture at the moment. Sontag views her writing, then, as being literary because it is historically based, not dependant on the void of the present and future. The problem that Sontag sees with contemporary’ North American culture is the conformism and commercialism inherent in television and mass communication. Noting that some American libraries have recently been renamed “communication centre’s,” with “book sections,” she sees the decline of written culture as a type of conformist censorship of those wishing to continue the literary tradi.tim. From there, Sontag moved into ier views on censorship and rights. In considering censorship, said Sontag, we must consider the issue of group rights over individual rights. As she sees it, individual rights must always take precedence over group rights dtie to the often sadistic practices of some cultures (such as genita1 mutilation in African cultures), With the fulfi’;lment of individual rights, says Sontag, such cultural sadism need not occur. In defense of individual rights, she cited the necessary existence of a moral code which compels people to





This is where the incongruency in her argument began. In discussing censorship, Sontag argued that there can be no democracy without

diversity, no diversity without contrdversy, and no controversy without offensiveness. Thus, she believes, it is fundamentally contrary to democracy to censor offensive material. Also, most offensive material is simply irrelevant (such as Bret Easton Ellis’ American Psycho) because it is too poorly created for anyone to take it seriously. However, any correlation between her textual and cultural beliefs does not hold true. If she believes in non-censorship, to then argue thatother culturesshould not be allowed, because of some moral law, to practise their culture, is in itself censorship and prejudiced. Beyond her logical lapses, Sontag consistently betrayed her modernism throughout the lecture. At one point, when someone cornplained about the rise of “reader criticism, she jumped response” aboard and began to ridicule the possibility of a non-text based criticism. If people begin to judge a text by how it “makes them feel,” she said, what is to stop surgeons in medical school from judging their surgery by how they felt during it. This embarrassing correlation between art and science, however, ,doomed Sontag to modernist conservatism for the younger of those in the audience. Sontag’s insistence on the authority of constructed texts over the self is just as conformist as the commercialism of North American culture. In fact, the dominance of the past within literature today ties writers to follow conventions, not deconstruct their authority. AIL in all, Sontag seemed set on espousing her views and not opening them up to criticism. The pedagogical nature of the lecture lent itself well to her hiding behind the lecternandbrushingoffseriouscriticism. While I went inhoping to hear some decent cultural-literary criticism, all I got was an abundance of modernism and an insistence that everything outside the self has authority over us. In fact, everyone is the author of their own reality, culture is relative, and all outside authority is to be


ture so steeped


a litern-

in history.

Susan Sontag certainly so impressive after all.


Imprint Friday, April 2, 1993



How ‘bout those three Rk..

Pugwash redefines recycling &yjohn special

Struube to imprint

There are pros and cons to almost all complex real-world problems. This is even more true for environmental decisions because of the fact that environmental benefits and costs are usually difficult to define even in the rare cases where the attempt is made. This is certainly the case for recycling programs, which, in the minds of most people, are synonymous with good environmental action, with no environmental or social costs. There are two grounds on which this assumption can be questioned. One is that recycling has otiershadowed the al terna tive actions and efforts that could be taken with greater benefit to the environment at less cost. The second concern is that the costs of recycling are often not clearly defined and carefully balanced against the benefits. Student Pugwash organized an evening of discussion about these issues on Thursday March 25. Three speakers presented their views and experience; Pattic Cook from the University of Waterloo, SusanSuave from the City of Waterloo, and Joy Rayner from the Region of Waterloo. While the three “R’s” are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, the promotional success of recycling programs has overwhelmed the relatively more important other two ideas. Industry has jumped on the environmental bandwagon as a reaction to the environmental concerns of their customers. However, for most industries, the promotion of reduction and reuse of their products would be quite detrimental to their business. It costs producers very little (or nothing) to use some small amount of recycled materials in production and nothing at all to suggest to consumers that they should recycle the container, wrapping, or advertising material (this suggestion is often followed by “where recycling programs exist”). Some of the “recycled” material is actually stored because no one can be found who wants it. Part of this problem has been caused by the rapid growth of recycling collection programs outstripping the ability of industry to make use df the collected material. There are many groups pressing to include all kinds of theoretically recyclable materials to the blue box programs. These proposals usually do not take full account of the inordinate amount of extra cost, complication, and organization required to recycle a smaller and smaller portion of the waste stream. Joy Rayner gave the example that it would cost 25 per cent more to include plastics in the recycling program even though they make up only 4 per cent of the waste stream. At the same time, yard waste still makes up about 30 per cent of the region’s waste (by weight) and can be easily composted at the source. Different recycling strategies were also discussed. While the University’s



sparsely populate areas was suggested as a realistic and economical benefit. Nevertheless, an analysis of the number of individual car trips required would also need to be addressed to ensure that they did not create even more environmental and economic damage. Some serious problems that were raised at the mee ting included the availability of relatively inexpensive dumps and incinerators in the US. A huge proportion of Toronto’s and Hamilton’s waste is already being trucked out of thecountry. The relative pros and cons of this prompted some heated debate. Progressive government legislation may have caused some cutbacks in waste but much more could be done. The government’s role should perhaps be directed more toward intelligent legislation, consumer education, and industrialguidelines that resul t in less waste, create more markets for recycled material, reduce the number of recyclable materials, and coordinate the collection and transportation of recycled

materials. While recycling has been a great success in creating a much stronger awareness of environmental issues and has given people a course of action for their environmental concerns, some of the resources that are applied. to recycling (labour, capital, energy, organization, etc.) could likely be employed more profitably in other areas. From this night’s discussion, it could be concluded that recycling programs are working and helping the environment and the economy. Nevertheless, in their infancy, many teething problems and a steep leaming curve must be expected. Pugwash is a non-partisan student organization concerned with the social and ethical issues arising from science and its technological By fostering discusapplications. sion of these issues among students, scientists, and the general public, it attempts to promote the responsible use of science and a deeper understanding of the complex problems which our world faces.

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a,small profit, it costs up to three times as much to recycle in the outlying rural areas of the region as it would to dump the material in the landfill. Using depots in such


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Imprint Friday, April 2, 1993



“Thisis thefinalcruiseof thestarship Enterprise undermy command.Thisship andherhistorywillshortlybecome the care ofanothercrew.Tothemandtheirposterity will wecommitourfuture,” --@EsKirk,Sh7r TrekVI,meUndiscov-

feel Now tv& G tois,

There are times, in this job, when 1 as old as Shatner and Nimoy look. especially, as I come to the end of‘ years as editor-in-chief of Imprint, and a half years on its board of direcand almost four years on its editorial

board. - Sounds like I’m sick of the job, doesn’t it?! I wilt miss it, but now I know why Imprint gives its editor a one-year contract: that’s about how long his or her sa&ty 1 can be guaranteed. Since this paper has dominated my life foi four or five years, the adjustment to erstwhile editor wiII be a difficult one. DificuIt but necessary, as it will force me to iet my shit together and graduate after the better part of a decade. The demands of this job, though great, are ones that I accepted freely and gladly, because of a love for and confidence in what this paper can and does accomplish. As well, my assumptions about the rote of a student newspaper have been shaken by my time here. I used to think thqt a student newspaper could be a leader in shaping and directing student political opjnion. But it cannot, on a campus where only 20 per cent of the students vote in Federation elections and rarely more than IO) students attend a Fed general meeting. The old orientation week cliche about looking to your left and right and realizing that only one of the three of you will graduate should be updated. Look at everyone within ten feet ofyou in that crowded auditorium; only one of you will get involved in anything except school and jobs and the occasional broomball game. What then does a student newspaper do? It is a forum for the opinions of all students, but it is shaped by the priorities of .a handful of students, those who are regular contributors and staff members. “Why do you guys review records that we’ve never heard of?” . . . “Why are you guys so obsessed with feminism?” . . . “Imprint is such a left-wing paper.“ Here is the traditional two-pronged defence (and this is the last time I’m going to tell you!!): first, because a student newspaper exists in a university (a place of learning and exploration) and not in the world of mass markets, it can afford to (and is worthless unless it does) challenge the beliefs, assumptions, and desires of its readership (to boldly go where no one has gone before, so to speak); second a student newspaper is only as representative as its contributors. If you want something covered, cover it yourself. So there.

“Afewhours,nobraidonmyshoulder. A beachto walkon,”- J.K.

Criticism of Norman and Wright is hastv and uninformed by Mardy special to

Fruzer lmpfht

In the March 19 Imprint, David Drewe his disgust of the University with the rest of the student body. His interpretations df the events regarding Dance and the UW budget deserve a second look. The procedure regarding dance has been a two-step process. In January, Dean Norman openly presented his budget, discussed possible options and their implications, providing all those present with numerous reasons for his motion. The members of the Faculty Council, student, staff and faculty, then voted to support the motion 39-21-l. The motion effectively stated that the Faculty of Applied Health Science (FAHS) could no longer afford to house the Dance Department and that dance would be phased out of the FAHS over a three-year period. The second step required the University ito decide if it cbuld afford to house the dance department. The approval of the budget by the University Senate was an implicit statement by the University administration that there was not room within their budget for the Dance Department and that it would also be phased out of the University of Waterloo. Therefore, as Dance leaves the FAHS, it also leaves the University of Wat&loo. The two steps should be kept clear and separate. Drewe found ‘it hard to believe that a Dean wouldn’t know the proper procedures regarding his motion and states that the discussions at the Senate Undergraduate Committee Affairs, Senate Finance, and Senate were a waste of time. However, if the motion had not been made, then the discussions might not have occurred at all. If Drewe were to talk to Dean Norman, he would find out that Dean Norman was keenly aware of the fict that he could have singlehandedly decided the fate of Dance within the FAHS. He, and he alone, could have handed shared

down a budget eliminating Dance from within the FAHS -- in fact, he was encouraged by

some to do so. You can imagine the outcry that would have resulted! However, he followed a course of action that included a public presentation and a vote

by our Faculty Council. It may be argued that those within the Faculty had a vested interest in the outcome. This is certainly true, but it is the process, as Drewe points out, that is utilized with all of the major decisions that affect our lives on campus. The Imprint, Gazette and K-W Record all reported Norman stating to the Senate, that if he were to make an appeal to the president or vice-president for special funding, he wouldn’t put the money into dance. Drewe found this hard to believe, but failed to ask the question, “Where Gould he put the money?“. Norman provided this answer in his foreword to Senate that was not reported by the media. The FAHS is financially lean. There are several staff and faculty cuts that were made before any decision regarding Dance was even considered. In the current down-sizing mandate, the Faculty of AHS is not replacing 6 of approximately 50 faculty positions, not including the unfilled positions in Dance. This represents a serious threat to the Departments of Kinesiology, Recreation and Leisure Studies, and -Health Studies and Gerontokjgy at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Norman has stated that as Dean, he cannot and will not allow the marginalization of these departments any further. This would happen if dance were to remain a department He also pointed out that the .money offered by Dean Kaye was only a one year stopgap to a long term problem. MJhere would the money come from in 1995? 1996? t997? Why am I so concerned about the process? As a UW alumnus, and graduate student, I hate to see anything happening that hurts ouruniversity. But I am also very selfish. The FAHS is the smallest of the six Faculties on campus. If the budget belt becomes tighter, then perhaps this exercise will not be performed on another department, but rather an entire faculty! And that faculty would

ever, I have no idea how they will satisfy the conflict of our desire for academic excellence with that of living within our means. This year’s budget has not been well accepted acrosscampus, not simply because of the dance issue, but because of the firings required, the decreased senrices, the loss of programs and services. The University administration is being criticized for its decentralized administration of the six faculties. Some would prefer that they decrease the power that the individual faculties have in how they spend their budgets. Sadly, they are criticizing the exact policy, that in the good times, allowed the four departments within the Faculty of Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies to become the unique and academically solid programs that they are. Drewe has questioned Norman’s integrity and president Wright’s courage. Of course, he is entitled to his opinions. In the case of Wright’scourage, Drewe wasdissatisfied with Wright asking if the decision could wait a year. I agree that the decision should not be delayed, for action is required now. Drewe then cites Wright’s decision to follow the current budget approval process as a lack of courage? What courageous decision has Drewe proposed? To operate under a deficit budget -- just as our courageous provincial and federal governments have done? His judgment of Norman, in my opinion, seems hasty and uninformed. In my discussions with Norman regarding the dance decision, I discovered that only two individuals, myself and one other graduate student, have contacted him for explanations of his actions and comments. I respect him for being upfiont and honest about his decisions during a very difficult time. Disagreement and debate of a position, the result of a process, or the process itself, are useful healthy and often informative. Defamatory statements of a person’s integrity or courage should not be substituted for well #researched, logical arguments. I leave Im-

be mine!!

prlnh readers

This entire process has happened very quickly and it is one never anticipated by the University. Perhaps a committee will be struck that will develop a mechanism to minimize the impact of future program elimination. HOW-

Mardy Frazer is a doctoral student in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences and president of the Kinesiology Graduate Student Association.

with the FAN.

to make their own conclusions.

Forum Letters


Hypocrites? You don’t even know us

To the


I would like to respond to statements made in last week’s Imprint as well as at the Annual General Meeting -- that those who voted in favour of the name change to the Gender Issues Board are hypocrites. What is your basis for making such a statement? You do not know us. You do not know who we are, what we have done, or what experiences we have had. To imply that one has to belong to an organized women’s group, men’s group, or some such collective to truly be concerned and knowledgable about the issues affecting women and men is absolutely ludicrous !! You are suggesting then that over ninety-five percent of the student population does not care about these issues, and that is very obviously false. What right do you have to make value judgements on people you do not even know? What right do you have to suggest that because they do not think the same way that you do that they are hypocrites? I feel confident that I can speak for all Federation Board Chairs when I say that we did not become Fed chairs to experience “little peaks of bureaucratic power” as suggested in the Women’s WeekRag. Wedidsobecausewewereandcontinue to be concerned individuals looking for a means to promote dialogue, education, and change in our university community. Now, to clarify some points: 1. The name change to the Gender Issues Board was not proposed to “pamper the male ego”. I am well aware that sexism continues to be a redominant feature of our society -- 1 do not de lzate this. What I do question however, is the placing of the onus upon women for these problems. Wedonot have the time for men to organize themselves into collectives, to organize their voice, before we come together to talk. We need to involve men in these issues NOW!! 2. The creation of the Gender Issues Board does not in any way trivialize Women’s issues. I am confident that Women’s Issues will not become overshadowed and that the Gender Issues Board will not become male dominated. Women’s Issues are and will remain a fundamental concern of the Gender Issues Board!! Unfortunately, what many people involved in this dispute seem to have lost sight of is the fact that we are actually working for the same things. The way in which we choose to approach these issues may be different but that does not mean that either way is wrong nor does it mean that they can not coexist. There is no one right answer. Please, let us not lose sight of what is really important!! Sue Armstrong 3A Recreation Social issues




GIB speeds up communication To the


I support the name change from Women’s Issues Board to Gender Issues Board. While I”m not well educated on what the name change means to each side of the debate, I feel that both sides have valid points and are actually trying to reach the same goal. Equality for women. In a highly simplistic manner, I view the move from inequality to equality, whether it be based on race, sexual orientation, or gender as a two phase process. The first phase involves attaining legal equality. Legalequality meaning the affected group is not legally prevented from being “equal”. (i.e. having the right to vote, hold public office, etc.) To gain legal equality, demonstrations, loud voices, passion, and conviction are needed to get law makers to change. The second phase, which overlaps with the end of the first phase, is social equality. This phase involves changing society’s attitudes and beliefs. It also requires passion and conviction but the demonstrations and loud voices are gradually replaced by communication and speaking voices. In the end, possibly one hundred years later, gender, race, or sexual orientation is no longer an issue. While this view is simple, it provides a “big picture” perspective of where our society is in the move towards equality. With respect to gender equality, I think we are nearing the end of the first phase and have started the second phase. There are still legal barriers (i.e. Gwen Jacobs) but the social barriers are SLOWLY coming down. (i.e. the possibility of Kim Campbell as Canada’s PM probably wouldn’t have been taken seriously 20 years ago) I’m not sure what the plans are for the GIB, or if they are still to be formalized, but I hope the next Fed Exec, WIB, Women’s Centre, and everyone involved with the design of the GIB realize the pace of change of our society and consider a long-term plan. UW’s students have signalled a need to progress further by voting to approve the name change and begin more formal interaction between the sexes. However,

this is the beginning

of a com-

plicated process and the “integration” of men into the GIB over a 5 or 7 year period will be much more effective than a one year solution. Men and women do need to start communica ting more if gender equality is to become a reality. However, legislating or forcin such cornrnunication will be ineffective and wil 7 dampen women’s



voices. Only the pace set by society’s change in attitudes {and we can and should try to increase this pace) can dictate the degree of communication. Slow but steady and picking-up speed. Phil1 White

GIB speaks for silent majority To the


I would like to applaud the Gender Issues Chair for having the courage to speak for the silent majority. The silent majority is not as silent or uninformed as some members of the Women’s Centre would have us believe. We speak up to oppression in our lives daily --just because we do not belong to an organized group does not mean that the way in which we choose to deal with our own issues is less valid! The majority of us on the front lines realize that we are never going to resolve these issues until they are recognized as everyone’s problems. Please in the future do not assume that yourviewsSHOULDbrepresentativeof allwomen. Yvonne

Imprint Friday,


work together, women and men. It should never be accepted as a fact that women do not have the privilege of feeling secure if they choose to walk alone at night or that 1 out of 4 women will experience sexual assault at some time during their lives. As well, it should never be taken for granted that men are a central part of this issue and need to be held accountable for their role in the oppression of women. Men are part of the problem -- how can we ever hope to resolve these issues if they are not included in the solution? Yes, women need support groups to heal from the abuse all too commonly inflicted upon them by society. But it also needs to be realized that women talking amongst themselves is a means of dealing with these problems, but, not a means toan end. We have an obligation to fight for change for those women who follow us. We as women can talk amongst ourselves for the rest of our lives but it is not going to help our daughters. As well, it is not always that men cannot understand women’s specific needs, and women men’s, but often that they are not given the opportunity to. Men and women have been handed different scripts by society and along with these develop different perspectives. We are not proposing a melting pot to completely mesh women’s and men’s issues, but rather, to have it realized that the resolution of these problems needs to become a common goal. Pauline Iames Chair of Gender

trickery To the


Last weeks Imprint was filled with so much garbage I feel compelled to write something that at least resembles the truth. There was a legitimateand well needed by-law change concerning the Women’s Issues Board. This board was changed into a Gender Issues Board -- which only makes sense. If you have a problem that needs a solution you have to deal with its source if you ever want to make any real progress. Many women are faced with very serious issues, such as rape, but these problems stem from upbringing, stereotypes and respect. These problems can only be solved by involving and educating both women and men. On Thursday March 18th those opposed to these by-law changes tried every thing to disrup t the vote on this important issue. From a last minute proposal to continuous snivelling they tried every underhanded trick in the book, Arguments were heard from both sides and the students present wisely decided that a band-aid solution was not ood enough. The Federation should provide a f orum for communication across genders if it truly wishes to fight for an end to sexism. After voting down the last minute proposal, and ‘after hearing arguments for and against thecreation of a Gender Issues Board, (many more against than for) a vote was called to decide as to whether or not the students were ready to vote on this issue. Yes, they were ready to vote. The students had come out Lo vote on an issue of importance to them, waited two hours, heard more arguments from those opposed than those inagreement --and werestillcertain that the by-law changes were necessar . The reporter who covered the AGM stated that tK e Chair of WIB ‘defended’ calling the question. She had nothing to defend. The opposition would have lined up for the rest of their lives before accepting the need for this change, As well, the man who was waiting to speak -- had already spoken! Another very inaccurate statement was made in reference to Tammy Speers, that she rose to the microphone and continued to give her opinion’. Hardly! Tammy was not shouting opinions, she was cursing up and down screaming ‘Fuck’ and other obscenities, refusing to leave the floor like a spoiled brat. This was themost pathetic, childish and spastic display I have ever seen. This person should never be allowed to attend another Federation meeting. In fact, she should be charged by the police. I will not listen to one more ludicrous argument about democracy or people being silenced. Call me stupid, but to me democracy does not mean a handful of people screaming like a bunch of lunatics get to destroy a legitimate vote. And one more thing, I do not know where Tammy Speers gets off thinking that for some ridiculous reason, she is the only person in the entire world that could ever understand or truly care about the rights of women. Grow up. God forbid men and women talk to each other, or, as a wise man once stated, someday they may even drink from the same water fountain.

jeff James

Focus of GIB not altered I would like to reiterate the reasons behind the changes which amended the Women’s Issues Board to the Gender Issues Board and as well address the opposed concerns that this was an anti-feminist movement. focus

of the







remains on the issues of sexism, safety and sexual harassment. I as any other feminist, reco nize that abuse of women is undeniably one of tk e largest problems facing our society today. The purpose of the amendments is to recognize that if we wish to fight for change we need to


I get by with little help!


IMPRINT The UW Student Newspaper

888-4048 Friday, April 2, 1993 Volume 15, Number 33

Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Peter Brown Sandy Atwal Ken Bryson Natalie Onuska Bernard Kearney John Maxted vacant vacant Renee Georgacopoulos Scott de Veber

Craig Nickerson vacant

Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Office Clerk Advertising Assistant Proof Readers

Laurie Tigert-Dumas vacant Vivian Tambbau Helen Hewitt Jill O’Hagan Denise Haffner lsabelle Schade

To the editor,

I realize this comes a little late, but nevertheless and with apologies, I want to talk this (last) opportunity to thankeveryone involved in my Federationof Students campaign this February for their help, generosity and support. Special thanks go out to personal friends &nd acquaintances who helped stuff envelopes, hang up campaign posters and those who cast their votes for me. As in anycompetitive process, there are winners and losers and, with 13 candidates vying for 3 positions, this year was no different. Such is the democratic process. I want to reassure you that your trust in me was not misplaced and, indeed, very much appreciated. This experience was entirely positive and I neither regret having taken part in the process nor the final (voting) results. In closing, I again congratulate the victors and hope their efforts neither go unnoticed nor unrewarded. To all my friends (old and new) and su porters, particularly Sharon Flood and Jimmy PHoffa) Rocchetta, I remain sincerely, Dietmar ‘not 4 x Geography


and you?”

Direct criticism

To the editor,


IW to IW

Since our last issue of the term has already been distributed, we would like to take this opportunity to formally apologize for any offence that may have been taken at Jason “Woody” Wood’s recent “Phone Fun” article in the Iron Warrior. It wasn’t until we read Lisa Windischmann’s letter to the editor in the last imprint that we realized just how the article could be offensive to su’me readers. This past term has been a great dine. The Iron Warrior has improved by leaps and bounds (even some of the photos are becoming recognizable) and I think that it is finally worthy of its unofficial role as the University of Waterloo’s other student newspaper. The fall term is looking very promising as Kim Farwell has been chosen as the future co-editor. She has the unique pleasure of becoming (to the best of our knowledge) the first female B-Sot editor of the IW, J think that this will give the paper a fresh new face and attitude. That being said, we have one final request. If anyone has any thoughts on the Iron Warrior, we would greatly appreciate it if they came directly to us rather than learning of them second hand through reading the Imprint letter pages. We welcome any criticisms or submissions from all UW students, faculty and staff. This melds nicely with my plans for making the Iron Warrior more campus-wide in scope and content. We will do anything to improve campus fraternity. There are some exciting initiatives being undertaken to unite Engineering and Fine Arts, among others, and we would like to see this extended to include all faculties as this can only make the University stronger. Marc Risdole Scott Chandler Editors, The Iron

To the editor,



April 2, 1993


Editor’s ~zotee:The Iron Warrior has greatly improved over just ia couple of years ago, ruhm bashing Imprint seerned fo be fhe only full the ditors Jzd I recommald it to eve yone OILthis campus, regardless of


is the last issue of the winter term, Imprint resumes on May 7, 1993. This

Board of Directors President Vice President Secretarynreasurer Staff Liaison Directors-at-Large

Jeffrey L. Millar Peter Brown Dave Thomson Ken Bryson Sandy Atwal Bernard Kearney Jeff Warner

Contribution List Association for Baha’i Studies, Insoo Bae, Greg Bisch, Paul Bridger, Dave Clements, Laura Donnelly, Laura Da Re, Lisa De Gem, Anna Done, Nancy Forde, Dave Fisher, Bruce Fraser, Mardy Frarer, K&an Green, Yvette Hopkins, Loretta Humphrey, Kathleen Kaarsberg, Vince Kozma, Jack L&our-t, Erik Lindala, Jeffrey L. Millar, Jenifer Newcombe, Daryle Novak, Pauline Olthof, Isabel Schade, Frank Seglenieks, Myyron Sprinkle (Craig

Nickerson), Graham

Rob Sondermeyer,



Dave Thomson, Webster,


Weiler, Justin Wells, Marc Xuereb, Luke Young, Radomir Zak.

Forum The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion ol the Imprint editorial board.

Letters to the Editor welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the communitya Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed in the forum section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by lmprinl Publications, Waterloo, a corporation withoul share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontark Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fal and winter terms and every second Fridap during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380: Imprint

Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campw Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number ii 884-7800.Electronic

mail should be addresser:





April 2, 1993

Feds ran AGM in orderly way To

by Bruce

For me, the resurrection


story of Jesus a spiritual and physical dimension. I feel that if the physical were not important, then it would not have been necessary for the actual body of Christ

“I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly.” -Jesus This article is about life, and hence invariably about death. Last week’s Imprint carried many articles on these themes, from the continued debate about abortion, ,to the article from the UW Friends of Palestine, who warned of the societal effects of condoning or turning “a blind eye to human rights violations at home and abroad .” Good Friday and Easter approach quickly, and this is a time when Christians become acutely aware of the destructive and debilitating nature of death, and the hope and renewed vitality that life can bring. The theme of resurrection is one which recurs throughout folklore, and is present in many religions. Christianity is no exception. Within various Christian expressions, the importance of the resurrection varies. Most would probably say that it is of utmost importance.Theresurrectionprovides hope in a world without hope, and this explains the rise of evangelical churches in many third world countries in which the poor continue to become poorer, and religion becomes one of the few reasons to go on. In many ways, this “other-worldly” form of Christianity is in stark contrast to that of Liberation Theology, which takes into account the present living conditions of people, and seeks to provide both a spiritual and physical liberation from oppression. This theology causes people to look at how the bible relates directly to their own lives, and often results in political opposition to oppressive military dictatorships. Many proponents of this form of Christianity, such as Archbishop Oscar Romero in El Salvador, have been systematically murdered by order of the power structures they oppose.

Free by






thecanadianeconomy. You don’t even have to be Preston Manning to understand that Canadian social programs are at risk because of our inability to pay our past obiigatjons, now,

the federal


Jesus to be resurrected.



I say

that I am concerned with life, this mean’s that I cannot ignore the physical and spiritual realities of our world. In one sense, I am pleased that the group “Students for Life” is highly concerned with loss of life: But to any of you who may be reading this, I ask you sincerely: “Why do you care?” Is the answer a belief in the sanctity of all human life? If

your answer is yes, then please join with me in opposing oppressive military dictatorships, and the killing of Palestinians in Israel, and the death of starving street children in Brazil Help prevent unwanted pregnancies by providing sex education which includes the spiritual


of relationships, whether or

and free access to birth control, not you believe in the morality tal sex.

of premari-

While I see abortion as a mar@ tragedy, I cannot deny a woman the right to choose in a society which places such a low value on their spiritual well being. I will


to eliminate

the circumstances


abortion, for I feel that here is common ground where pro-lifers and prochoicers can work together, without the name-calling and intolerance which hurts necessitate


and causes


and dis-

trust. Lastly,

I apologize to any Christians (and others) I may have offended by discussing abortion in an Easter article; however as Easter is about life, I could not help but make the connection.

The views expressed in this co!umn are those of the author and do not necessarily rep-esent those of every member of the WV Student Christim MovemenL


You don’t have to be an economist to understand that debt is seriously crippling



debt stands


approximately $450 billion. When one contemplates the size of this number, one must be staggered by the fact that we’re bled for $43 billion per year in interest payments. The result of these numbers is that Canadi-

ans cannot increase their competitiveness in while paying other peoa “global market,” ple to increase theirs. This week, employees of the Bruce nuclear power station are protesting the fact that they will have to lose their jobs to make Ontario Hydro morecompetitive. It is better to have a competitive industry employing fewer people than one that will fail under a crushing debt. The same holds true for our govemment. Unfortunately, many groups are complaining about the NDP government’s betrayal of labour groups by fighting the deficit. Either th,? arts community, or the health community, or senior citizens will complain that it is all right to fight the deficit, but not on their backs. Do it to someone else. If no one takes thu responsibility to keep the deficit under control, we will no longer have a choice about our future. The worst part about listening to the gripes of others is that in our political society, someone will take them seriousfy, and spend more of our money on wasted causes.

Fortunately, we too can get in on the action. It is up to our members of the provincial or federal parliaments to listen to the views of Canadians, balance them, and then do the right thing. In our lifetimes, it has been rare that the right thing has been done. On the other hand, when is the last time any of us have taken the time to write to our MI% and complain about the deficit? Our present straightjacket situationcanonly partly be blamed on our parliamentarians. It is up to us to take action. A letter to your MP is free. There are many other ways that we should try to fight the deficit and assure ourselves a future. Why not march on Parliament Hill with pickets, asking for an end to the deficit? A quick calculation shows that the federal debt is increasing at a rate of approximately $3.40 per day, per person. Why not declare a debt reduction day - contribute your share for one day by reducing your consumption of a government service by $4.00. That’s easy to do - just write your MP and say you’re willing to have your tuition increased by such an amount. Better yet, spend $55.00 on something you want -- that’s $4 in GST. Tell your MP that the government should open a bank account whose sole purpose is debt reduction, and that you’ll pay your $4 for a day. Just be creative. The time to fight is now, before we truly learn the meaning

of the word


The authdvs ofPolarized, like many of you, will be out of town for the summix The cuIirnzn will resume in Imprint’s orientation issue on Seutember 3, 2993.

the editor,

Before the cries of censorship, oppression and unfaim6sbecome widely accepted, I’d like to clarify a few things about the Feds and the events of this year’s AGM. I reject many of the criticisms directed toward the Feds in relation to the events of that evening, and I’ll explain why. Karin Zvanitajs charged that the meeting was poorly organized. I disagree completely -- Robert’s Rules were applied properly and in an orderly fashion. The chaos ensued from the controversial issues, and that is to be expected (look up “controversy” in any dictionary). But that’s not a function of the meeting’s organization. Ever been to a CFS conference? They’re worse. And the only time I heard “shut up” was during Tammy Speers’ boisterous speech, which served only to delay the progress of the meeting. Did she actually expect to sway the vote? Then Karin Zvanitajs commented about the AGM being a pampering of the male ego. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything so silly. I was surrounded by many women who supported the infamous motion. Do you really think I intimidated all of them into it? Do you really think Dave Martin felt fulfilled after that meeting? Do you really think Pauline James was sucking up to someone? Get real. Peter Brown was quite right in his analysis of the controversial “call to question” of the motion to rename the Women’s Issues Board to the Gender Issues Board. The “call to question” motion’s purpose is to ask the assembly if it wishes to conclude debate and proceed to a vote on the question. This has been interpreted by many, including Karin Zvanitajs in her letter to Imprint, as an instrument for silencing opposition, but that is not why it is there, If a “call to question” (actually called a “previous question” motion requiring two-thirds of voting members’ approval) passes, it means most of the voting assembly is of the opinion that it has enough information to vote. That’s all. So essentially Pauline James decided to ask this question of the assembly, and got a response of “yes”. She didn’t do anything controversial. Also, I don’t recall Pauline James cutting in front of anyone, as Tanya Williams claimed. If she had, Fed President Dave Martin would have intervened, or someone could have raised a “point of order” and had the previous question motion squashed. Since Sue Forrest was so up on Robert’s Rules (perhaps not, since she destroyed any chances of undoing the motion by adjourning the meeting), why didn’t she do something to prevent the previous uestion motion if someone was interrupted? IA r. Brown and Odette Pinho also pointed out that a low quorum is easy to stack with your buddies when you want a motion to pass or fail. Those in opposition to the WIB renaming did so, since they made a point of breaking quorum and disabling the meeting when that motion was adopted. When they decided to restore quorum, Tammy Speers was holding welt over ten votes of people who had left, and then when told that was not allowed, she ran to people who had not registered (likely ones she thought would vote as she would) and began offering voting cards. I saw Odette Pinho, who wrote in last week as well, do the same. So before these people open fire on the Feds asserting they use an oppressive procedure and on the voters for being ignorant, perhaps they should take a good look at themselves first. But the Feds’ hands are tied. UW always has a very low turnout to any of its student government events. If they had a quorum requirement that was higher (and thus less controversial), they might never succeed at completing any business. It seems you just can’t fight UW’s deeprooted apathy. Student leaders have been trying for years. Speaking of apathy, perhaps Tammy Speers’ “you could all give two shits” comment should be directed at the uncaring students who couldn’t be bothered to show up to the meeting. Clearly those who were present did indeed care enough to give up an evening. Thus, I find her misguided anger insulting. Angela Heedscharged that the vote was invalid because people were not informed well enough. This is not a fair statement because the vote itself was fair; people obtained their votes properly and used them. The Feds should not discard the vote merely because the voters may have been irresponsible. Certainly,.as a member of the Feds with representatives on council, you have every right to undo this change at a future AGM. Perhaps, you can do a better job of informing the voters of the consequences of their actions. I do sympathize; I am the speaker of MathSoc council and I do suspect careless voting at most of our meetings. But that doesn’t mean our changes are invalid. By the way, did anyone stop to consider that maybe the voters present did have enough information to vote and did vote the way they really wanted to? Or is the definition of an “uninformed voter” one who won’t vote the way you do? Karin wrote about WIB not wanting to be associated with feminists. As far as I understand the definition of a feminist, I am one. But I still agree with the change. Changing it to CIB would invite more feminist men to get involved with resolving the concerns of that board. If that will help to address the concerns of women in a more rapid and effective manner, ~u/raf is E/zebig deualwittt tJte ~la~fle chunge?

I agree with Odette Pinho and Yvonne Leicht in that Robert’s Rules can be intimidating; the book is 657 pages long. But I disagree that there was not a fair forum to address the issues. And I also disagree that anyone was denied a right to speak. As I said, the two-thirds majority decided it had heard enough. Then the process was not unfair, but the decision to proceed to a vote frustrated the opposition. The Feds didn’t silence anyone -- your peers did. You have your fury pointed at the wrong people. Moreover, I reply to your claims of the denial of a fundamental right to speak by charging that Tammy Speers’ outburst obstructed my right to vote. Wouldn’t you think the same of someone making such an outburst at a federal polling station? Through all of this mayhem, everyone on all sides of the issue has an underlying desire for cooperation. It’s too bad that these people can lose sight of thissoeasily,and cause things like the chaos of this past AGM to take place. If those who supported WI3 want to co-operate with men, why aren’t they doing so, rather than attacking them at every opportunity? Murray Kucherawy 38 MathfComputer


(editm’s nok: FmdineJumes called the question as Greg hkwton (‘mn Mm Against Patriarcy) urns preparing fo speak.)

_ Whaddyatrying to do, ruin my career??! To the


I would like to respond to a letter in your March 26th issue, submitted by Lisa Widischmann, a third year Honours English student. I would first like to let Lisa know that I feel the act which was perpetrated against her in high school was a disgusting and offensive act which no person should have to suffer through. I would also like to tell her that I feel no personal responsibility for this act or any other like it. I have written several articles for the Iron Warrior over the past few terms and it is never my intention or expectation that any person should be offended at the material I write. In most of the articles I write I attempt to make people think about thin s in a new and humorous way, although occasional By I just write something I think is funny. People come up to me after each issue to tell me about something they found very humorous in my articles and to me that’s like saying, “Thanks for writing that Woody. You made my day a little better.” My article about crank calls seemed to have that effect on a lot of eople. If Lisa had mere Py written to the Iron Warrior, where the article appeared, I would have just personally written to her and apologized. However she chose to very publicly suggest that I am somehow contributing to the crime rate on campus or locally. This unjustified accusation offends me personally. I think if Lisa were to read my article again, she would realize that there is nothing malicious about it, that there isnothingoffensive contained in it. I do not mention threats, or offensive language. And when she suggests I will argue that “the article ‘was all a joke”‘, and that Lisa is “one of those people who over-react to everything”, she is absolutely right, and the fact that she pointed this out makes it no less true. The article was contained in the entertainment section of the paper and was written for an audience of mature, intelligent, and responsible adults. To suggest that one of these individuals would read my article and turn instantly into a perverted lawbreaking creep is a little ridiculous. What exactly does my article promote that “we have been fighting”? Am Iencouraging rapists? Or muggers? Judgin from the overwhelming suppor t from my peers, I f on’t think that’s the case. As for realizing that crank calls is illegal, I quite clearly sta ted that in my article, Lisa. I guess what I would like to see is people thinking through their own arguments before making very serious public accusations. The malicious public attack on my character perpetrated by Lisa demonstrates the inherent dangers when people live their lives hunting for something which might be construed as offensive, sexist, racist, or otherwise immoral. This sort of action is the ty e that can ruin professional careen based on a smal Pmisinterpretation or misunderstanding. jason Wood Third-yew Engineering

Reality check, babe!! To the


“Do a reality check, babe!” We find this remark verv indicative of the sorrowful state of the proabo>tion movement’s standards of argumentation. The vitriolic diatribes of Ms. Karen Madsen and Ms. Jill Culvert in the last issue of Imprint read like direct quotes from C.A.R.A.L. propaganda material. With 100,000 abortions performed each year in Canada, we should at least be apen to the possibility that what is being done may not be in the best interests of a caring society, Is it conceivable that a society can develop a respect for women, can care about children, can seriously combat the objectivizationof persons throughrapeand torture when,100,000timeseachyear,theveryclosestbond -- that between mother and child -- is systema tically severed? But, as MS Culvert says, all this hinges upon

Forum the question of the child’s humanity. She disposes of this through- the simplistic argument that we can never really know one way or theother regarding the status of the unborn child’s humanity. Even if one were to accept this premise, it is no argument in favour of abortion. The hunter who sees movement in the bush and is not sure as to whether it is a deer or a man would be morally culpable if he shot at it. Further, it is false tosay thatwe cannot establish the nature of the unborn child. Isaac Asimov, for example, notes that “All organisms, however large and complex they may be when full grown, begin life as but a single cell. This is true of the human being, for instance, who begins life as a fertilized ovum.” Abortionist Warren Hem, in a speech given to the Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians, was even clearer: “We have reached a point in this particular technology where there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the opera tar. It is before one’s eyes. The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current.” Planned Parenthood itself in the 3963 pamphlet, “Plan Your Children for Health and Happiness,” went on record as saying: “An abortion requires an operation. It kills the life of the baby after it has begun.” They wouldn’t say that today, for they are now the largest franchiserofabortionclinicsin theworld. It is precisely at this point that we arrive at the problem: the argument for abortion is at root a question of ‘will to power.‘Tnorder tolive by one’s position, one arbitrarily posits that the unborn child is not human. Human life, human dignity, is conferred on another when your wish. The traditional recognition that the dignity of the person resides in the person himself/herself is replaced by arbitrarywhim. Underattackis thewhole tradition of civil rights, today being undercut in the name of “freedom.” As one wit put it, “It would be no defence at a trial for child murder to argue a belief that life begins at 40.” Yet sadly, this is precisely what our society argues, without the slightest blush of shame.

whole other issue, isn’t it? Tina Kwiatkowski, Philosophy

Moraldevelopment . drop-outs To the editor,

I am overwhelmed by the number of responses to my letter, “Pro-life film deceitful,” but I am disappointed by the lack of writers with Kohlberg’s moral development stage five (or higher). At least, I got the Students for Life group worried enough that they are going to show another real-lifeabortion movie to justify their position. Although I have to admit I did not get all the facts right, the central theme of my original letter remains the same. To illustrate my points clearer, I want to ask Chris Reitzel and AIec Campbell, who are president and executive of the Students for Life group, respectively, and Christine Rovers the following questions: 1. WouId people stop consuming meat products just because they watch the slaughtering of animals? 2. Would AIDS testing on primates stopjustbecausepeopleseetheway they suffer from AIDS related diseases? Some primates look very much like human and some have I.Q. of a four-year-old child. (By the way, so far no other animals have been found to be able to contract the AIDS virus.) Most people would answer no to the questions above. Some understand through Iogical reasoning that however the images are disgusting and horrifying, the need to have a balanced diet and the need to find a cure for AIDS take precedence over the sacrifice of animals. Then there are also those who answer no but oppose to needless animal sacrifice through logical rationaliza tion. But if the people in the former

watchedthesameimageswithoutknowing the real motives behind them, they would likely respond in a different way. Similarly, showing biased films on reallife abortions, especially the late ones, is likely to cause people, the ones with no firm views in particular, to draw a different concIusion. Deceitful? The anti-choicers simply do not understand the need for a woman to make that decision under very difficult circumstances. They believe in some ideals that most, if not all, abortions are unnecessary. In fact, some hardliners do not even believe that rape and incest are good enough reasons for a woman to have an abortion. In a way, it is really too bad that these ideals do not work in reality. But that is the way our nature and evolution work and they are anything but ideaI. There are no rights or wrongs in abortion. But if people don’t like it, they will just: have to accept the reality. Finally, I am very honoured to be invited by thestudentsfor Lifegroup to their next movie presentation. But I am afraid I would have to decline this invitation. If I wanted to get “educated” on gross anatomy, I would rather watch “The Operations” on the Learning Channel. P.S. I would like to address Chris Reitzel’s questions directed at me, “How is it possible to give a presentation on abortion without arousing emotions?” Well I did write in my letter that the films appealed to emotions rather than reasons. But that hardly implies that presenting films on abortionshould not draw emotions. Think about it! For example, if it rains, theground is wet;if the ground is wet, it doesn’t mean that it has rained! I hope this is not the same kind of logic that Rei tzel follows when making important pro-life decisions. Gordon Chan Grad Studies in Physics

Imprint Friday,

Phil 145 candidate? To the


T feel it is appropriate that I respond to the two letters criticizing me in the March 26,1993 issue of Imprint. First, I will briefly deal with Jill Calvert’s letter “Freedom is not ugly.” Jill, I will ask you to do one thing: reread my letter! I don’t mind you quoting me, but misquoting me is quite another matter. Check these out: the film “Hard Truth” does not show a live abortion; I didn’t claim that “disgust” could silence an audience; I never said that the “reality of the film is exciting” -- in using these (and other) misquotations you certainly contrived some ridiculous notions about my arguments. Regarding Karen Madsen’s letter “Walk a mile in woman’s shoes.” To the very title I respond: “I don’t need to.” You don’t need first-hand experience of something in order to study its moral implications or to see its ugly results (e.g. pictures of dead babies). We both differ in our views (obviously), but simply being a “woman” does not make you “correct.” Letmebringtoyourattentionthepointed fact that not all women are “pro-choice;” in fact, many, after having an abortion, devote their entire lives to fighting abortion - do their voices count for anything? Or have you once again conveniently argued away any dissenting opinions? Cognitive dissonance strikes again! You accuse me of having a “small mind,” of being “archaic” and even “brain dead.” It’s futiy how selective you are in your language. Your arrogance is not flattering. Karen, in your letter you imply that

April 2, 1993

the pro-life side cannot answer the extremely.:painful situation of a woman facing an unwanted pregnancy -- WE CAN!! --entire books have been devoted to the topic, and they are readily available for your reading pleasure. Even more important, the “pro-Iife” movement provides support to any woman involved in a crisis pregnancy situation. Getyourlogicstraightbeforespeaking out. In advancing your cause you would do well to examine the intrinsic meaning of “pr*choice.” To be truly pro-choice you must, necessarily offer a choice. By simply advocating the cause of one side you offer no choice at all. Logically, this is inconsistent. Might it then be appropriate to truly label yourselves as “pro-abortion.” Zknow, for you it is simply a matter of semantics,but lets be entirely honest with ourselves; your cause has never been a definitive attempt to recognize the life of the unborn as a real and viable option. Choice ought to be based on principles that go beyond the situation, ones that affirm the humanity of the chooser. And to be a chooser there must be a choice. To have choice means that you have to have more than one alternative, without this, this is no choice at all, instead you have coercion. We have given mothers the power to do the most “unmotherly” thing possible: we have given them the “right” to kill their own children. She can now put her career (or anything else) before her own children; we have given women the option of “not wanting” their babies [as if fhey can deny themselves). How meaningful can a woman’s life be when she won’t sacrifice her children. But let’s not kid ourselves, the “pro-abortion” movement has never been commi tted to promoting life, for them death is the only option Peter Krysciak 2nd Year Philos~hy

George Paul Dienesch, Dan Cummins, Rose Budhrum, Rich Campbell, Lana Taylor, Olivia D’Costu, Anton P. Milardovic, Tinu Kwiatkowski, Alec Campbell, Michael Coleman, Karen M. McDonald, Christine Rovers, Barry D’Costu

Rights (and Wrongs) To the editor,

I feel compelled to respond to some of the letters which appeared in last week’s Imprint. This having been said, I would like to make it clear that I do not wish to be hurtful or malicious to anyone concerned. As with everything today, every side of every issue has a justification for most things they do -- be it morally valid or not. Spouses make justifications for affairs, abusers have reasons for their actions, and even prostitutes find scriptural passages to support their chosen way of life. At some point, we must realize the absurdity of all of this. There are many people who have wanted children all their lives and who would be more than happy to spend their lives on an adoption waiting list. It’s an awful shame that great would-be parents cannot experience the joys of children because we are too busy arguing who has yvwtrr over one’s body. If we choose to get past this stupid and superficialargument (for I do not want to cantrol anyone!), the problem becomes apparent. It is one of lives, whether you want bo acknowledge them as human or not. The unborn are Iiuing human organisms, and as such, are precious. We care more about trees, rabbits and whales being used and abused for the purposes of experimentation or personal ornamentation. Shockingly, weconvenientlyabandonourcontern for abused living things when we kill our own children for purposes of convenience or personal desire. We will mock, taunt and try to embarrass each other rather than try to deal with this issue rationally (present&ion of information, for example). Yet it seems obvious to me that public and unwarran ted sarcasm, such as seen every week in Imprint is not conducive to the caring disposition necessary to any understanding and resolution of any issue. Trees are important to me, as are animals, men, women and children. It appears








precious in their own way. Am I to hold that animals and plants are worth more than I? We are all acting like spoiled brats who need a good spanking -- or do our parents no longer have the brains or authority to try to raiseusas responsible, loving, moral people? Oh, but that’s a


Answermp;your call ‘I*’




Friday, April 2, 1993



The absolute, concluding, definitive, lust, finalMyNew Revised Fen&km (we promise) by Justin special

Wells to


Why I Write Such Good Artlcles



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If you agreed with everything I wrote you are an idiot. I wrote for worn&who don’t know what they think of feminism, who want equality, and who said: “Justin, you are wrong but you are inleresfi~g.” Feminism has become a gigantic negative. Once women were feminists because they wanted something and freed themselves to get it. Women still do this, but feminism got sidetracked lnoking for problems: fighting agninst rather thanfightingfor. It is not enough to be united andfieefium, the human spirit needs to be independent and freefor.

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I introduced My NW Revised Fenrinist with a pronoun: She is based on one woman -- MZY best friend; on my analysis; and yes, 1 borrow heavily from Nietzsche and CamillePaglia, I demonstrated that the feminist rhetoric is a negative, but I failed if you believe my position.

Why I Am So Controversial

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The women’s movement is the most effective force for change in Western society. The result? Everyone who dislikes Western society glommed on to feminism and tried to co-opt the women’s movement for their own bitter cause. My critics were offended because I separated feminism from their pet theories: a general dislike of Western culture, moral views on pornography or aggression, leftwing theories about culture codes and objectification, and dogmatic opinions on the nature of femininity. Nicki Beume (“Will to Power,” March 5): I do not argue that “many women are victimized because they allow themselves to be abused” but that concentrating on victimization is self-destructive. The negativity and self-pity associated with the focus on victimization (rather than success) creates a defeatist attitude. The status of women is advanced every time a woman achieves more than she was supposed to, and every time feminism convinces a woman that she must fail the status of women is reduced. Ken Bryson: Your attempt to ban me from future publication in Imprint was met with silence at a recent staff meeting, yet soon you will take the helm of Imprint as editor-in-chief and be in a position to censor your ship. Remember to maintain a constant level of religious fervour: those who question dogma must be excommunicated.





Learner,” March 12): Above I mentioned my female friend: she’s an attractive woman and sometimes I objectify her -- does this “reduce her to boobs and butts!‘? At that moment she is also the object of my trust, and I find myself talking like her, thinking like her, and measuring myself in terms of her. Simultaneously she is about the smartest person I know, and I bounce my thoughts off her because her mind is SO sharp and her criticism insightful. She is many things to me, in-

eluding “boobs and butts”: apparently we do not have the one-track minds you suppose we do. You write “abstraction . . . . moves away from the particular objects to establish certain fundamental concepts” and “Objectification . . . is just the opposite,” but objectification of women z’sabstraction away from particulars to establish certain fundamental concepts. For example: ideal breast size, body shape, and the abstract notion of beauty, Objectification and abstraction are the same thing. Sarah Goodwin (“Discovering Feminism,” March 12): Men and women are objectified differently by the media but I think you have the chain of causation reversed: we are objectified differently because of sexism, and not sexism because of objectification. Objectification is a natural process whereby we ignore what is contextually irrelevant. While it is interesting to see what is considered irrelevant, objectification itself is the basis of all culture sexist or not. As to my being male: my arguments stand independently of their author -- if they contain error, point it out. I may even be more objective than women for not having experienced oppression.

Alison Juurinen (“Is Wells sly device?“, March 26): Women can and do enjoy degrading pornography, and I quote one: “Any amateur psychologist could have a field day explaining why I prefer lowbrow, hard-core porn to feminine erotica. I’ve spent enough time trying to explain things to myself. . . . [Feminists against pornography] tell me my very thoughts are bad. Pornography tells me the opposite: that none of my thoughts are bad, that anything - goes . . . . The message of

pornography, by its ireiry existence, is that our sexual selves are real.” (“Talk Dirty To Me: A Woman’s Taste for Pornography,” Sallie Tisdale, HarperS Magazine, Febru-

ary ‘92). I stand accused of refusing “to say there is anything wrong with degrading women in this way” -yet I wrote my article because something is wrong: it is one-sided, women are not involved. While pornography is necessarily degrading, this hardly reduces an entire sex to “a tool for the other’s pleasure.” With few exceptions we are all able to distinguish reality from fantasy.





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homo,” March 5): You seek “healing in a broken world” revealing that you dislike Western society: you think it is broken. I like Western society, its nature, and its values. You seek “a genuine acknowledgement that our society continues to oppress” yet we did this decades ago. It’s time to do something: instead of focusing on what has been done to you, focus on what you can do. You assert that the arrogance and selfishness of My New Revised Feminist “lies at the root of the vast majority of war and violence in this world.” Your objection has nothing to do with feminism, but invokes a secondary dislike of conflict and war. Men in general: Some of you have read my attack on feminist

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Furthermore, Wells’ articles fo matter lie. There banishment, just sexist materials.)

7252640 PAIN

(ed.elecf ‘s note - at the stuff meeting of March 22, Ken Bryson (myself) brought up the issue of whether UYnot Wells’ simplification of cunven tional feminism could be considered prejudice (sexist) and ifso (1 wasaskingforstujf opinion an the matter) should we have run that week’s article on pornogruphy. I also proposed u procedure by which nun-column submissions fur numerous weekly opinion pieces would be subject to greater editorial exumination beyond just the editor‘s approval. Iproposed that theentireeditorial bourd examine all such submissions in the future toguard against discriminatory pieces from running. No procedure has yef

(at Phillip - opposite Gor>d Life Club)


dogma with relish. Ask yourself why. I write because I worry about the future of feminism -- do you share my concern? Irit Printz (“X Rated,” March 19): “It is not pornography per se that women object to . . . . It is the kind of lust portrayed by male directed pornography that objectifies and degrades women.” Exactly. My argument was that male lust inherently degrades women. You have been spoon-fed your views on pornography by the feminist machine: go out and view some pornography (not clips prepared by anti-porn groups) and see for yourself whether “X-rated movies are filled with women who don’t want to do it, but who are eventually overcome by persistent males.” Date rape was a common theme of 1950s porn, but women in modern pornography usually initiate sex. However, women do appear in degrading object-like roles in male pornography, as they do in (the oftenviolent) lesbian pornography: Lust is inherently degrading, and the depiction of lust reflects that. DaveThomson (FiresideChat, March 12): Women have more freedom and equality in North America than anywhere else on Earth, and the women’s movement is itself the result of the “greed, competitiveness, aggressiveness and other characteristics responsible for bringing the male-controlled world to the state it is currently in.” Western technology freed woman from the burden nature imposed on her. Increased violence by women is distressing as a crime statistic, but reassuring as an index of the women’s movement. Jeff Zavitz (“New revised feminism is thinly disguised patriarchy,‘* March 5): I could hardly cornmit ‘wgenderocide”, this is ,just” so much foam in your mouth: women will be what they are whatever I write. Anyway, unless you hold the sexist view that women are inherently powerless you must admit that attributes relevant to powerare neither masculine nor feminine. Society prevents women from being women and imposeson them a false character designed to keep them kind, caring, and powerless. Nor did I “fail _ __to understand the psychological effects” of oppresI sion. Instead-My New Reuised PenTiFzistir outlines a way women can overcome the resentnrent that hamstrings their efforts to “take control of their lives.” No it is not easy, but some women have done it and they are the frontrunners of feminism, with the strength and arrogance to go where they are not wanted. My New Revised Femin ist is “implicitly exploitative” -- so what? Feminism is not concerned with Marxist/left-wing opposition to exploitation but with the freedom and power of women. As for men, that’s a different can of worms. Women must concentrate on what women can do.



the stafdid not feel be sexist, so I let tjie was no intention of editing out possibly

Forum’ Laws


thought control To the editor,

“The laws were made for us, not us for the laws.” -- Jesus Christ On Saturday afternoon I thought I would take my rollerblades out of their box for the first ride of the season. Looking for the best place to work my blades in, I obviously perceived: “the University Campus, nobody is there on weekends, there will be lots of space,” I was correct of course, I counted a total of eleven people on campus during my short skate. Unfortunately for me one of the people who crossed my path was a police officer on a bicycle (a form of transportation which has been stolen from me three times in two years as a student). The officer informed me that I should read my handbook, because

rollerblades are not allowed to be worn anywhere on campus. I thought to myself “this is ridiculous, it is Saturday, and there is literally nobody here, what purpose does this law serve.” I did not tell the officer my inner thoughts, for the spirit of our confrontation was not conducive to civil discussion. I can’t blame the officer, he was doing his job as he saw it. After receiving my warning, I drove away, quite pissed at the entire affair and felt it necessary to express that on paper here in this Imprint. Laws of an absolute nature do not seem to correspond to the real life of human beings. It is my belief that laws often are a detriment to our human development and not an aid. (This is not University student rebellion, which says “I’ll do whatever the hell I want!“) Too many people associate the laws of the land with actual moral or right action. This is evidenced by the way prochoice and pro-life propaganda argues its case based on majority rule. (Yeah, both sides use our awe of the herd to influence us.) When the law is taken as an important thing itself and not seen as a way to

Imprint Friday, April 2,1993

help our society run better, we have fallen into the religious trap of idol worship. The laws acts as a form of thought control; “stop” when you see a red sign, “go” when you see a green sign. Surely these types of laws help us to evade accidents, but there is nothing inherently true or right about stopping at a red sign (a numinous red sign at that). Laws of an absoIute nature take responsibility away from our own human minds, enslave us in a relationship of master and servant, and keep us following irrational taboos in fear of being punished. I’m sure there are some of you out there on Campus who enjoy bondage among other things, but it’s not for me, and neither is the concept of a “god” who dictates to me my every action, and expects of me not responsibility, but mere obedience. Hip-hooray for Gwen Jacob and those who have taken a similar action not that rollerblading in anyway is compared to the issue of women baring their chests -- or is it? Ken



Women can work in Pakistan To the


be researched

13 before

ma king such a blunt statement. Further-

more, women in Pakistan are well-respected and have equal rights following the laws of Islam. Nujmu



I am writing in regards to the article, “Religion is not culture” printed in the March 19,1993 Imprint issue. Unfortunately, with no knowledge of Pakistan’s culture, the article stated that Pakistan is a country which does not allow women to work or even to walk on the streets alone. This is truly a misconception!In Pakistan women have equal rights - women work as teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc. I wonder how Pakistan elected a lady prime minister Benazir Bhutto -- if women’ are not allowed to work - go figure! Perhaps women in some other countries have very few rights or none at all. However, in Pakistan, this is not the case! Knowledge of a country and its

This is the last issue of the winter term.

Imprint resumes on May 7,1993=

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Imprint Friday, April 2, 1993



WIBIGIB change is one giant step back by Nancy for& special to imprint

Asa member of the UW Women’sCentre and as a feminist, I have strong feelings about the circus show that should have been the AGM two weeksago over the name change of the Women’s Issues Board to Gender Issues Board. The innumerable friends whom Pauline James of WIB recruited to vote for the change seemed to have voted out of coercion rather than giving this issue any real thought or consideration. Only one of the many faces of Pauline’s ensemble did I recognize as someone who had once attended a Women’s Centre meeting (and only once!), This woman yelled at me and my female companions “You women act as though we women have never been hurt b!- men either!” What she meant by this I cannot say. Does she think that we were not in favour of the name change because all Women Centre members have a hatred for men for having been hurt by them? It is unfortunate that this woman seems to mistakenly believe Women Centre members to be the societal stereotype of “lesbian, man-hating feminists.” I wish to personally inform her that some of us have wonderful men in our lives. Some of us love certain men very deeply. Some of us have husbands, some, male lovers, some, much-loved male friends, some of us lesbians even love some men (fancy that)! s I am sorry this woman seems to equate feminism (or lesbianism for that matter) with man-hatred. I do not. And this was nez’ey an issue or the reason for the Women Centre, members and many others to oppose the name change. We ark not opposed to the idea of both genders working together on what we consider to be WO~KW’S issues. Yes, these issues irrvolve men. Yes, they COIICN~Zmen. But the fact is that they /lappen to wonlen: unplanned pregnancies, unwanted pregnancies, rape, wife abuse (girlfriend abuse), date rape, sexual harassment and dis-

crimination all happen to women. Some of the aforementioned also occur to men, but not on the scale at which they occur to women. This does not negate the fact that they happen to men, but if certain issues involve both genders as victims then surely a Men’s Issues Board and Women’s Issues Board could then join forces to achieve a unified goal? I ask the women and men who voted for the change: have you ever approached the Women’s Centre or WIB to show your support or offer your assistance? Have any of you annually attended the Take Back the Night or Give Back the Night marches? Have you taken ‘the time to attend protests/meetings/trials which concern the rights, protection or recognition of women? I’ve never seen any of you before (save one). Is it merely a coincidence that the men I know who opyosed the change are either former members of men’s groups on campus concerned with women (ie. Men Against Violence Against Women, Men Against Patriarchy) or have attended protests with me or I have shown so much past support for women? Why did such men oppose the change? Because they truly care about women and they do not feel the need to validate issues which victimise women by removing tlre@cus on women! That is what this name change has done. And if it does not affect the focus of the W1B then why not change International Women’s Week to International Gender Week or the UW Women’s Centre to Gender Centre? Would this not change the entire focus of these organizations/even&, the entire reason for their existence, the entire purpose of their goals? Do Pauline and her followers (because that’s what they were) think the inclusion of males will qow somehow validate these issues? Now these issues will be more important or at least regarded with more importance or significance? How sad! I know many men with much love, support and concern for women who would never have dreamed of changing or removing the focus of WIB; who would have happily created a Men’s Issues Board given the

chance and worked together with WIB on issues both genders shared; who feel women haven’t had their fair share of recognition and space in this patriarchal world. And if this is really an issue of supposed “political correctness” or fear of “sexual discrimination” by reserving an Issue Board for women only, then I must repeat the allegory I mentioned at the AGM. That WLU would cancel a women’s only self-defensecourse because they had received some complaints that no such course was offered to men, that it was gender discriminatory is tragic. The male instructor of the WLU course had his own reasons for refusing to enroll men: his own instructor had been charged and arrested with the sexual assault of a number of women by using his “defence” techniques. The WLU instructor refused to teach men because he wanted to give back to women what his own instructor had so violently taken away: their safety and well-being. Surely WLU could have found someone else to instruct an all-male or co-ed self-defense course and failing that, at least have kept the women-only course going instead of endangering the lives of many women who would have benefitted from the course and perhaps have prevented their assault and rape? In the same vein, couldn’t the Federation of Students and all those at the AGM have agreed to create a Men’s Issues Board from the Men’s Issues Commission which could have worked in conjunction with the WIB on certain issues? Why remove the focus from one of women to an all-inclusive gender focus? Haven’t we focused on the male gender quite enough during the history of humankind?

budget in balance”

346 King Street, W., Kitchener, Ontario IL?-


Two weeks ago at the AGM, we did not ask for the moon, only in Virginia Woolf’s terms rra room of one’s own,“ a WOMEN’S Issues Board.

Booklet on history of Iran contained errors from

“Keepina bodv

Why must women’s organizations be “reclaimed” or taken over by men to validate them, make them significant or at least “politically correct”? I am all for equality between the sexes and I would have ap lauded male voices and input on the WIB 1 ut why should a name change suddenly necessitate such involvement? I have a T-shirt which explains why I am a feminist and one of the reasons is “because we still can’t get an adequate safe contraceptive but men can walk on the moon.” Here is a prime example of what this patriarchal world deems to be more important. And how ironic that not even the moon, which has aer been associated with woman because of its 28-day cycle and as territory of the Greek goddess Artemis (known to the Remans as Diana), can avoid the clutches of mankind. Jean Shinoda Bolen wrote “Artemis represents qualities idealized by the women’s movement: achievement and competence, independence from men and male opinions, and concern for victimised, powerless women and the young. (She) rescued Leto and Arethusa from rape and punished the wouldbe rapist Tityus and . + e was the protector of the young, especially of preadolescent girls.” Artemis, goddess of the moon and of wildlife, must have felt great indignation at Neil Armstrong’s words when he intruded upon her territory; “One small step for man. One giant step for mankind.” It seems we women cannot claim any place in this universe as eternally our own.





The Association for Baha’i Studies (ABS) would like to commend the Cultural Association of Iranian Students (CAIS) for organizing an impressive two-day exhibit displaying the rich cultural and artistic expressions of Iran. It was a befitting celebration of the Day that both Baha’is and Iranians hold as New Years (March 21). The CAIS spent considerable time and effort to produce this memorable event, giving UW students an excellent opportunity to become better acquainted with Iran’s deeper textures and flavours. Iran is the birthplace of the Baha’i Faith, and as such, its history and culture have a special significance for Baha’is. The ABS read with interest the exhibit’s companion booklet “A Brief History of Iran”. This condensed Iranian/Persian history covers a period, of over 4,000 years ending with year 1979. In it, the ABS found two errors which should be corrected so that the worth of the CAIS’s booklet is not lessened by historical inaccuracy. The booklet states that the Baha’i Faith and its predecessor the BabiFaith (incorrectly referred to as the “Babi anarchy”), were religions fabricated by the British to maintain a strong influence over the “unintellectual mass” of Iran (page 11). Also the booklet states that the late Shah of Iran was “backed by . . . Baha’is” and that his secret police (SAVAK) were “practically run by an outstanding Baha’i figure, I? Saabeti” (page 17). Both of these statements are incorrect. The Baha’i era began May 23, 1844. Though there are indications that “the British” knew of its inception as early as a year later, the various accounts are clearly writ ten from the standpoint of an observer - and in some cases, an antagonist - not that of an instigator . The Baha’i Faith is definitely not a British fabrication. This point is emphasized by considering the global nature of the Baha’i community. It does not, nor shaIl it, nor has it ever had specific national or political affiliations. The Baha’i Faith is an independent, worldembracing religion with members in over 180 countries and territories (more than are represented at the United Nations Organization)

which originated in Iran - much like Christianity originated in Israel, or Islam in Saudi Arabia. It bears no national allegiance, rather it seeks the realization of an organic world polity based on the principle of unity in diversity. Baha’is are enjoined by Baha’u’llah (the prophet-founder of their Faith) to obey the governments of the countries in which they reside. Thus, they did not resist the shah’s regime (and his father’s for that matter) even though they suffered at the hands of its agency (SAVAK). “A Brief History of Iran” mentions that a SAVAK senior official (I? Sabeti) was a Baha’i. While some members of Sabeti’s family were indeed Baha’is, he did not consider himself one, nor did the Baha’i community recognize him as one. Further, the fact that the Baha’is were systematically persecuted under the Shah’s (and his father’s) xegime, clearly indicates that the Baha’is were neither cohorts of his regime nor were they in control of the secret police. While it is not possible to provide a thorough detailing of the above points in the Imprint, the ABS hopes that these brief comments have been useful. The ABS encourages those who would like to further explore the history and origins of the Baha’i Faith to take advantage of the documents available at the “The Baha’is gf Iran” by the UW library. Minority Rights Group (report #51) provides “The Babi and Baha’i useful information. Religions, 1844-1944: Some Contemporary by Moojan Moomen, Western Accounts”, George Ronald, Oxford 1981, though not currently part of the library collection, is an excellent source. It compiles the numerous accounts of the origin and history of the Baha’i faith made by Europeans such as Gobineau, A.M. Nicholas, Lord Curzon, and the noted Cambridge Orientalist E.G. Browne among others. “. . . We desire but the good of the world and the happiness of the nations; yet they deem Us a stirrer-up of strife and sedition worthy of bondage and banishment...that diversity of religion should cease, and differences of race be annulled -- what harm is there in this? . . .” - Baha’u’llah during an interview with E.G. Browne circa 1890.


mania is sweeping the nation! well, actually, it was big in the I93Os, but then again there was a depression on and people didn’t have sex for any other reason than having kids (also ever7thing was in black and white and people walked funny) . Still, everyone loves a good crossword or wordcross as it was originally called (I’ve done my research). So brew a pot of coffee, snuggle up with a few dictionaries and maybe a thesaurus and accept the challenge of the very first official WPIRC crossword! pretty





Ramsey Hart April, for many, marks the beginning of spring, the melting of snow, and the transition to a season of life and growth. For the native people of Nitassinan, it means a renewed and heightened threat to their land, culture, and traditions. Nitassinan is the traditional home land of the lnnu people, a mstexpanse of largely undeveloped wilderness, now recognized as Labrador and Eastern Quebec. Because of their relative isolation, the lnnu have been able to maintain certain elements of their traditional hunter and gatherer lifestyle. Recently the lnnu have received substantial coverage in the mainstream media. Tragically, five lnnu youth attempted to commit suicide by inhaling gasoline fumes. This much publicized event occurred in the community of Davis Inlet, but substance abuse and suicide are common amongst lnnu (and other Native Canadian communities) youth. The suicide rate among lnnu aged I5 to 24 is I7 times the national average! This shocking statistic reflects the degree of social chaos brought upon the lnnu from their contact with “modern” society. To the Innu, the modern world has brought dammingand flooding of hunting grounds, relocation of communities, mining, logging, and, since the l96Os, low-level military flight tests over vast expanses of Nitassinan. Unknown to many Canadians, there exists in the community of Goose Bay, Labrador a NATO tactical jet fighter training base. Beginning in April and continuing through to November, German, Dutch, and British jet fighters conduct thousands of training flights as low as 100 feet from the ground. The base has enabled Goose Bay to maintain a level of economic development far beyond the regional norm. However, this development has come at both the exclusion and expense of the natural environment and the Innu, the traditional inhabitants, who have never signed a treat7 relinquishing their stewardship of Nitassinan.

Across: 2 ===found on feathers and wire 4 ===trading tequila, maple syrup and apple pie 7 ===laziness or South American mammal 8 -== the majority of the air IO== what’s left of Florida’s fruit I I == indigenous Canadians I2== the conclusion IS== dark, oily, viscus mixture I6=- mob of the rising sun I9 == expressing division 22-= Wat. task force on grass maintenance 23 == world’s largest democracy 24 -= Waterloo environmental and social justice organization 25-= part of a window

Residues from the jets’ exhaust taint the land, air, rivers and lakes. As the jets fly over the river valleys and coastal areas, they disrupt wildfowl, and alter caribou migration, fertility, and calving practices. Because the lnnu way tif life is so closely tied to their natural environment, these changes are contributing to the destruction of their culture. The lnnu spend much of their time in the bush, time whi’ch is spent not only hunting and fishing, but also in spiritual and educational development. Having jet fighters screaming over head, producing sonic booms loud enough to knock you off your feet, tends to distract (tinderstotement, ed.) from the experience of co-existing with the wilderness. In an attempt to be able to continue living as they choose, the lnnu have been campaigning since I988 to have the flights stopped. They have organized non-violent protests by occupying the runways at CFB Goose Bay, commissioned studies to examine the social and environmental impact of the flights, lobbied the federal government, and enlisted the assistance of Canadian and international environmental, peace and human rights groups. Given the end of the Cold War, it would seem logical that the need for training fighter pilots to fly under Soviet radar systems (the initial purpose of the flight testing) would diminish, and yet the flights over Nitassinan continue, at increasing levels every year. This spring, as they have for the last four springs, the lnnu will be campaigning to end the destruction wrought by the militarization of the Nitassinan wilderness.

Down: I --a needed for pools, not paper 2 =-= stick it to the maestro 3 ===tiny tree 5 ===the total ..... 6 1-1 journey 9 --- io separate in two I3 =-the doctrine of a yahoo I4 =- seismic activity I7 -= derived from ‘allegro’ meaning cheerful I8 ==to put right 20 ==Beethoven’s famous symphony 2 I ==WKRP mascot

If you are concerned about the environment, human rights, and peace, WPIRG has a National Film Board documentary about the lnnu entitled Hunters and Bombers which is available on video from the Resource Centre. You are also encouraged to write a letter to the Canadian, Dutch, German, or British governments supporting the lnnu’s struggle. On April 6, at Olivetti United Church, the Weejinamin Native Resource Center is holding a screening of Hunters clnd Born&en in combination with a pot luck dinner and a speaker on aboriginal people and the military. For more information on the Innu, read Marie Wadden’s Maclntyre, I99 I) or drop by the WPI RG resource center.





AND THE WINNERS ARE... On Sunday March 7, over 130 people attended WPlRG’s Annual General Meeting at the Bombshelter. This provided an opportunity to introduce the new board of directors for this year: Carnal Ahmed, Jennifer Anderson, Joanne Bender, Corey Bennett, Loretta Humphrey, jenny Olsen, Michael Parkinson and Jill Thompson. In the meeting, presented to WPIRG

a grant from the Kitchener and Waterloo Community to pay for a new Mac LC and Apple Laserwriter NTR.



Short presentations were given by the Chief Returning Officer, various workgroups, and the constitution was amended. Also the financial statements were approved (showing a financially healthy WPIRG) and questions were fielded from the membership. BOG,

Then things really digressed as the collected throng War Wagon and WPIRG’s own ENVlROband. Who

said AGMs

can’t be well attended



ate pizza and grooved

and fun too?


Editors, Erik Lindala and Jenifer Newcombe, with Datyl Novak (production bunny). Thanks to IMPRINT (especially Peter), all of our contributors and Brent McDermott, Feds VP Operations & finance.

to the tunes of

For its 20th anniversary, WPIRG set up a Research Fellowship for projects dealing with environmental and social justice concerns. Sub= missions were invited from all UW undergraduate students and Darren Beck and Kevin Lauckner will receive monies to continue their research. Both of these projects will be fully under way in the summer term. Beck’s project is entitled “The Impact of Private Septic Systems on Rural Water Qualitv.” In Ontario. there are one million conven&al septic syitems. Recent research shows that too many septic beds are being placed too closely together and that they are contaminating ground and surface water supplies. The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) inspected 9,067 systems in I990 and found 34 per cent to be malfunctioning. Beck will use the grant money to further investigate the future of private septic systems and the quality of water in rural areas. Through

analysis of written work, statistical evaluation and personal interviews, among other methods, he hopes to arrive at a final product in the winter I994 term. For his field ecology class, Kevin Lauckner studied whether Mill Creek was being adversely alfected by leachate from a landfill 200 metres away. The project concluded that there was not a significant impact on Mill Creekfor the chemicals that were tested for, but the results (especially total coliform) do seem to indicate that leachate coming from the dump is entering Mill Creek. More elaborate testing is needed and the funding will help the investigation. WPIRG has a long histor7 of assisting students with their research, whether through the Research for Credit program, the availability of hard-to-find materials in the Alternative Resource Library, or through grants. Another Research Fellowship will be offered in the fall I 993 term. Coneact the WPIRG office for more information.

ECONOMICS & YOU Marc Xuereb The economic policies of our governments have more.impact on our daily lives than any other facet If government activity. Economic policy affects the distribution of wealth in society, what type of obs will be available for us when we graduate, and the conditions (level of safety, wages, etc) that ye can anticipate within those jobs. Environmentalists, human rights advocates, energy conservaionists, and anyone with a concern for justice in society would do well to pay more attention to economic issues. The Economic Justice workgroup tries to address these issues through a :ombination of group discussions and the organization of awareness-raising events on campus. This term, our focus has been on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The JAFTA is a prime example of an economic issue that will affect our daily lives more than most Canadians realize. Our group feels that Canadians have not been consulted adequately on this most rnportant issue and we are trying to inform ourselves by assembling as many resources as we can rn the NAFTA in the WPIRG resource centre, and by conducting weekly discussions on the JAFTA. Our discussions have included an exploration of the ideology behind globalization and .ompetition, the effects of NAFTA on the environment, and on Canadian culture and labour rrganizations. True to the PIRG principle of broad participation, our group picks one volunteer each veek to facilitate a discussion on an economic issue of his or her choice. That volunteer suggests

background reading for each of us to prepare ourselves for the discussion, and we share our views 1 an hour-long meeting. Our discussions inspired our Workgroup to bring some of our concerns to the whole campus nd we decided to plan a ‘*NAFTA Awareness Week,” which took place March 22-25, 1993. We ought out university professors to host brown-bag lunch seminars throughout the week on topics If their choice related to the NAFTA. We then canvassed university departments to raise funds to ring in big-name speakers for a public debate on the NAFTA on Thursday night, March 25. Our membership has been growing steadily over the course of this term and we hope interest issues will continue beyond the immediate political future of the NAFTA. Many other ;sues of economic policy need addressing through the PIRGs, such as fair taxation, relations #etween “developed” and “developing” nations, and the plight of indigenous peoples within upposedly rich nations like our own.

I economic

If you’re interested in participating in our discussions, we expect to meet throughout ummer and fall. Drop in to WPIRG to find out how you can get involved!




Erik Lindalcl t sounds like the plot of Hollywood’s newest hriller. Except, in this case, it’s true and has yet

pecially their use of prolonged periods of solitary confinement. Riots erupted in the prisons that the two were held in on October 2, 1992 and according to news reports, armed police officers stormed the prison and killed at least 238 prisoners. The New York Times reported hat prisoners were interrogated about the ngths of their sentences and if the sentence

o have a happy ending. A couple go to a South American country, are accused of a crime they :laim they didn’t commit, are convicted, are nprisoned, all despite the best efforts of their amily and loved ones. This is Dreciselv what haDDened to Canad

ns Christiie

Lamo’nt and D&i

ave demanded that hese issues. In I

loved ones fore

Many hold the belief that if we simply educate people to help them change their attitudes, racisn can be wiped out in Canada. But because racism is so deeply engrained in North American society -many fail to realize that they themselves play a part in keeping other races at a disadvantage Unfortunately, many of these same people, although not holding overtly mist views, enjoy thr benefits of being in a system of white privilege, that holds other races at a disadvantage. Many see racism as overt acts of hatred. We’re all familiar with trial outcomes ;that are basec more on racist ideas than on justice, the images of visible minorities being beaten, the country clut that doesn’t allow Asian members, and the like, and we treat such acts with the derision the) deserve. But racism goes much deeper and is more prevalent than the few individuals and the isolatec acts.

White people enjoy, and actively participute, in a system of white privilege White people enjoy, and actively participate, in a system of white privilege in Canada (and other parts of the world). AH it takes is a little reflection to realize the many ways that, as a white male I have an advantage over others: - I can arrange to be with members of my own race easily. - I can find metibers of my race represented on television or in the newspaper. - I will not be used as a role model for other members of my race, simply because I attend a university - I am never asked to speak for all the members of my racist group. - People don’t ask me if I’m the first of my family or friends to attend a university. - If I achieve something, I’m not considered a credit to my race. - I can go to local stores and find foods of my culture and the cosmetics appropriate to my skin. We are not taught to notice these things within our own racial group. Maybe because many whites think of Canada as their turf and that they are doing the visible minorities a favour by allowing them to live in their country, they believe they have earned their privileged status. They see themselves as the ‘norm’ and all others as different. Some political parries even propose introducing legislation to “maintain the multicultural makeup of Canada” if elected. What many whites fail to realize is that they themselves are immigrants to this land, and that indeed most Canadians are from somewhere else. The multicultural makeup of Canada is a dynamic, and the fact that it constantly changes is a major part of what makes Canaia unique. Perhaps one of the fundamental problems of white privilege is that whites rarely consider themselves as a racial-group. This may hamper their ability to see white privilege in daily life.

ao Paulo, who was instrumental in negotiating peaceful resolution to the kidnapping, has

ttested to

his “profound


wo were not involved. In fact, there vidence of their guilt at the trial.

that the was no

This has suggested that there was undue olitical pressure on the judge to bring a clean weep of convictions of the ten accused. The Canadians for Justice committee claims that the rial judge admits to being pressured to convict II ten, despite the fact he wanted to acquit ome of them. The police and politicians hoped 3 use the case to make them look in control of n outbreak of kidnappings in Bnzil. Stiff 28, ear sentences were eventually handed out to erve as notice that kidnapping would not be DIerated.

Besides the apparent miscarriage

ofjustice. prison conditions in Brazil have been arshly criticized by Amnesty International, es-






page 16

ittee certainly make a strong eserves further study. The full “Briefing note on the Case of Christine Lament and David Spencer” is available for study in the WPt RG Alternative Resource Library. 4 m


0 w n > s

W z

1 Videos you can borrow from us: It’s Hard To Get Here: This film documents the lives of three young native people trying to cope with urban life.


No Way! Not Me: Rosemary Brown, a human rights activist and educator, delivers a comelling lecture to high school students on the Ifiarsh realities of women and poverty. Mother EottI~ This poetic. documentary film looks at the reality’of human beings an’d the powerful forces that threaten the earth and all its inhabitants. The Underrying Threat: This ftlm looks at the poisonin of our underground water supplies and the %evastating consequences for Canadians whose drinking water comes from Feneath the earth.

In order to effectively reduce the incidence of racism, we must condemn the acts of overt hatred, but this only scratches the surface. We must also undertake the huge task of creating a level playing field for all races. This means a fundamental change in society and would be a task 04 enormous dimensions. Many whites are unwilling to give up their position of privilege or don’t ir fact even recognize this position. Simply by staying silent and doing nothing, or band-aid sohJtions of attacking isolated acts o racism, will do little good for the minority member who is put at a disadvantage everyday by the silenl and insidious system of white privilege.

The Walls Come Tumbling Down: Development is tearin outolder buildings in Montreal to make way for new gPass towers. Groups and individuals protest the tearing out of traditional and lowrise environments. GIotml Worming: Hot Times Ahead? Most scientists agree that lobal warming will be with us in the next century* v$ hat is global warming, how has nature’s cycle been upset by man’s activities, where will it lead, and what can governments, industry and you do to slow it down? Super-Companies: Based on four continents, this film rovides a provocative view of the way our world is IfIeing shaped by economic powers that are often at odds with the needs of people. Adam’s World: Elizabeth Dodson Gray, a feminist, theslogian,


and Futurist,


the severity of our global environmental


crisis and

offers a feminist perspective on language. Frogire Harvest: Modern agricultural methods includE using a variety of chemicals and biotechnology. Pro, ductlvity may be greater, but will a “smothered na, ture” survive? Trouble In The Forest: This film examines the potentialI> irreparable poisoning of our forests and soils causec by air pollution which comes from our cars ant industries. Hunters & Bombers: Documents the campaign of thf lnnu to end low-level flying of NATO bombers ovet their territory. Monufbcturing Consent: This film explores the politica life and ideas of the controversial author, linguist, an< radical philosopher Noam Chomsky. The film focuse! on populations disciplined by subtle forms of Ideologk cal control through media.


--e* -

ha De Goes The environment has reason to fear your den:ist United States officials have or are in the Brocess of fining dentists in Connecticut, Massa:husetts, New England, and Arizona for imIroper disposal and handling of mercury. Similar dental mercury problems have been identified in apan, Denma& and Sweden. “Silver”

(amalgam) tooth fillings are 50 per The U.S. dental industry uses Ipproximately 100 tonnes of mercury each fear, making it the fifth largest user of mercury n the country. Most of the mercury used is disposed of in the sewers. Mercury has been ‘o&d in the sewer lines of dentists ii Arizona :he only U.S. state that monitors sewer lines for :ent mercury.

PEEK -A - PIRG More - PIRG YES was the response at York University last week to fund a new Public Interest Research Group. York university students formed an organizing committee and with a great deal of help from the Coordinator of the OPIRG provincial



A U.S. Environmental



IO stringent regulations regarding the use, storrge, and disposal of mercury by the dental

Sweden :he :ountry


20 years



in their




This newspaper clipping project monitors the press on issues of interest to the lesbian, gay, and bisexual communities and has monthly compilations of articles available through subscription. Volunteers to help on this project are welcome! Contact WPIRG for information.

is only that


ished legisla-

;ion to con:rol the hanjling of mer:urywaste by The En-1 fironmental Dentaf Association 3,000 dental


I (EDA), a group




1989, is concerned with the ecological effects of :he continued use of mercury in dental materirls. They say, “Current regulations leave the dentist essentially responsible for managing his/ ler own toxic waste, though they are not

We do this for several reasons: a) to demonstrate how there are other uses for garbage th occupying space in a landfi H, b) to create audience participation, c) to make them look silly too, al d) to drown out the horrible music that we are playing. Just kidding. Our music isn’t that bad. We would like to incorporate some permanent pot people into our band too. So if you a interested in making sounds out of your garbage or play another instrument other than guitar bass (because we have those already), please give me,]onny 0, a call at 884-5258, or leave a messa at WPlRG.

Some dentists claim that it is acceptable to jump amalgam into the sewer because it is not

‘free mercury.” Amalgam is able to enter the iewer systems and landfills. The U.S. EPA has )anned ‘mercury from landfills.




menstrual pad-making workshops. Most menstrual products are unnecessarily bleached bright white with chlorine-based compounds - over one million tonnes of poisonous organo-chlorines are dumped into North American waterways and I2 billion napkins are disposed of every year: Our Whitewash Workgroup is working to raise awareness around this issue.

necessarily accountable. Dentists should be inbrmed about environmental impacts of toxic elements within the dental industry.”




The PAW is currently participating in the university’s WatGreen taskforce on turf and grass maintenance that is focusing on eliminating the use of pesticides on canipus. We are hoping the university will move towards alternative landscaping.

There are also concerns about the immejiate health effects of silver-mercury fillings.

Sweden is the only country that has estublished legislation tu control the handling of mercury waste by dental clinics. The EDA claims mercury vapours are reeased from fillings through stimulation by chewng, brushing or drinking hot liquids-After enterng the bloodstream via the lungs, mercury accumulates in vital organs and tissue. This has Deen disputed by the American Dental Associa:ion which says that “silver” fillings do not pose I health threat.

In 1992, the California state legislature Dassed a bill requiring dentists to disclose the Dotential harmful effects of dental mercury. Previously, it was considered unethical and a dentist could lose their licences for sharing detailed information with patients. The symptoms of mercury poisoning identified by U.S. scientists include depression, irritability, short-term memory loss, inability to concentrate, mental/emotional problems, headaches, fatigue, swollen glands, metallic taste in the mouth, chronic infections and deformations in fetuses. Humans’ advanced brain development makes them most susceptible to mercury because it is a neurological poison. Silver-mercury amalgam fillings can be replaced with non-mercury alternatives such as plastic composite,

But wait there’s more. Enviro also stands for one more thing, pot people! Yes, we like to hai out pots for people to jam on while we play. There are other cool instruments too, like hub cal chunky soup cans, lamp shades, rice shakers, frog horns and many other enviro instruments.

Stop the Whitewash! During International 40 womyn attended

iental clinics.

>f over


On May 15, 1993, people who were involved with WPIRG sometime over the past 20 years will be attending a celebratory dinner at the University Club. Tickets ($30 per person) are available at the WPIRG office.

document on toxic substances in the Great _akes estimated I4 per cent ofthis is not caught >y sludge in sewage treatment plants. Although :his is a fraction of total mercury use, there are



paign. That brings the number of PlRGs on Ontario university campuses in to NINE!

Well, hey! We’re a band, but not just like any other band. We’re an ENVlROband. The key word here is Enviro, because just like there are blues bands, rock bands, rap bands, metal bands, reggae bands, country bands, rubber bands and punk bands, there are also envirobands. Now what the Homer Simpson is an enviroband? Well, we’re.a blues band, a rock band, a rap band, a metal band, a reggae band, a country band, a punk band and a rubber band all in one. Basically, we’re just a bunch of mixed up musicians who can’t decide what style of music to play, so we play them all. But why the heck not?; it’s more fun that way. Actually, that’s only part of what Enviro stands for in’this case. &;prisingly, Enviro also stands for environment. Consequently, a lot of o material for songs revolves around environmental issues, like yucky goo. We figured thatwhile we’ goofing around with musical instruments, we might as well do it for a purpose.

goJd or porcelain-

Whaf is WPIRG?


If you saw this ad; “Wanted: People to give up a week or two of their time to work hard, for no p: plus you pay for your own costs,” would you apply? Every year, many people do exactly that and it turns out to be an experience that changes thr life. The experience is working with Habitat for Humanity, an international, non-profit, no government organization dedicated to eliminating poverty housing. Habitat strives to mal adequate housing a matter of conscience so that one day there will be no homeless people. Habitat for Humanity was founded by Millard and Linda Fuller as an organization bent ( replacing the tar paper shacks seen everywhere in Americus, Georgia. Habitat expects to be tl largest builder of homes in the US by 1996. Based on the Christian notion of helping your neighbor Habitat volunteers of all faiths and ages now work in partnership with people in need in 38 countri throughout the world building simple, decent shelter.

WPIRG is a non-profit organization where students and community members are drawn together to discuss, challenge, and take action on issues adversely affecting people and the environment.

Connie Kuipers says that for the most part they support the projects of t. including Project Plywood, a program they take to home shows. They give o information and, if people want to make a donation, they can sign a piece of plywood that will 1 into a house. A version of Project Plywood is going into the church college and Bicker resident and they hope to get all residences to sign for a $ I .OO donation.

Issues are explored using theatre and radio, as welt as, seminars, conferences, workshops, and other educational events, both on and off-campus, in which faculty. students, and community pembers are encouraged to take part.

This July’s big project is the building of I 1 homes on Daniel Avenue in Bridgeport in a one-we1 building blitz (building is done from the floor up-the primary work is already done). A number of homes have already been built or renovated in K-W through Habitat includi a renovation for a family of six in 1989, a new house for a family of IO in 1990, and a renovation f; a family of four in I99 I. Two homes have already been built in the Bridgeport area: one lastJuly al one during Oktoberfest (five area high sctiools participated in this last project). Applicants who wish to be Habitat homeowners are selected based on need, financial stat and a willingness to participate. Homeowners are given a helping hand, not charity. Long-teri interest-free mortgages are provided and construction costs are reduced through the use donated materials and fabour. The new homeowners are required to put in 500 hours of “swe equity” working alongside volunteers in the planning and building of their home and the homes

We welcome anyone with an interest in we do. There are many ways to get involved, from working at the front desk to taking on large projects. Lack of previous organizational experience is no barrier. Through WPIRG, you can share ideas and skills with others and gain the practical experience you need to be effective in working for your convictions and community. You can learn things that aren’t taught in the classroom, like how to make decisions co-operatively, and how to influence important political decisions in our society. The WPIRC office and Alternative Resource Library are open Tuesdays to Fridays 9 a.m.-S p.m. We’re in General Services Complex Rm. 125, or call 8884882. WPIRG’s funding is derived through a refundable levy on full-time undergraduate students of fi3.281term. Funding supports the activities of workgroups, events, the maintenance of an office and resource centre, and two full-time staff people, the Research Coordinator, Linda Vieregge, and the Coordinator of Volunteers, Daryl Novak. what





Ed Schreyer, former Governor-general and current Canadian high commissioner to Austral is on Habitat’s board and recently spent a few days in Kitchener-Waterloo promoting this summe blitz. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalyn, both Habitat supporters, will al be in town in July to participate. Current Hpbitat volunteers will be working as media guides this summer. Marion Rof Habitat’s office coordinator, says they are always looking for fundraisers and volunteers to help their Habitat Re-store (747-0664) on King Street N. “‘This’store, which has just opened a few wee ago, carries used, recycled building materials. This allows people who can’t afford it to renovate thl homes and it also helps keep good materials out of the landfill. This venture has become a large pi of Habit&’ says Roes. For those interested in having the Habitat experience internationally, the only qualifications a that volunteers have a sense of adventure, flexibility and openness. Skills are less important than t willingness to learn with local people and do whatever needs to be done. Of the money donat to the building of Habitat homes in Canada, IO per cent is donated to building homes in a developi country. So, if your not afraid of a little hard work, have a week or two to spare and the funds to F your way, you can sign up for an experience that might change your life. Anyone interested in mc information can call Joan Hadley at UW, extension 3433.





page 17


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1992-93 UWAthletics

Awards Banguet

Kraemer, Futyer, Shank take top honours by Imprint





The 1992-93 sports year at the University of Waterloocame to a close on Friday night at the 32nd Annual Athletics Awards Banquet and Dance at Federation Hall. While offensive stars usually get all the limelight in sports, Friday night’s top honours went to two of Waterloo’s most outstanding defensive players. Fifth-year Athena basketball guard Brenda Kraemer received the Dean of Women’s Award as UW Female Athlete of the Year. The award is presented in honour of I-Iildegard Marsden who was a former Dean of Women at Waterloo and recognizes the woman who has excelled in athle tics, academics and student citizenship. Kraemer was named to the OWJAA all-star team three times in three seasons, becoming only the second player in Athena basketball history to achieve such a feat. She is considered one of the best defensive players in the conference. For the past three seasons, Kraemer ranked in the top two in team scoring, rebounding, assists, and steals and was named the team’s most valuable player for the third consecutive year. For the past two seasons, Kraemer was an executive member of the Women’s Interuniversity Council. Steve Futyer, a fifth-year strong safety with the Warrior football team, captured the Totzke Trophy as Male Athleteof the Year. The award, named after the former Athletics Director at UW, is given to the male athlete who exhibits exemplary athletic skill, sportsmanship, citizenship, and aca-

proficiency. Responsible for reading the opposition and calling the defensive formations, Futyer has anchored the secondary unit and is a major reason why the Warriors now have one of the best defences in the country. He has been named an OUAA all-star for three consecutive seasons, the first time as a second-team all-star and the last two years as a first teamer. Futyer ranked among the team leaders in tackles throughout his career and finished first in unassisted tackles and second in assisted tackles in his final year. Off the field, he has been president and former vice-president of the Men’s Interuniversity Council. Warrior volleyball skipper Scott Shantz took the prestigious Imprint Coach of the Year Award. Despite losing fotir starters to graduation in the previous year, Shantz steered the volleyball Warriors to a second-place standing in the tough OUAA West division and was just one win away from taking his team to the nationals for the third time in his four-year tenure as head coach. In his first two years at the helm, the Warriors captured the bronze medal in Canada. Shantz retires this year as one of the winningest coaches in OUAA volleyball history. Oth& strong nominees for the Coach of the Year Award were Bruce Rodrigues from Athena Soccer and Chris Triantafilou, the defensive co-ordinator for Warrior Football. Warrior basketball guard B. J. York and Athena swimmer Amy Jarvis received the Federation of Students Rookie of the Year honours. Each player received a $500 cheque

from the Federation of Students to be donated to their respective teams. York, a St. Jerome’s High School product, was named OUAA West basketball rookie of the year in late February. Jarvis was one of only two Athena swimmers to qualify for the nationals where she finished a very respectable 15th in the country in the 100 fly. . The J. 0. Hemphill Award, which recognizes the most outstanding contribution at Waterloo in the area of sports administration, went to Warrior football and volleyball general manager Rich Nichol. Among Nichol’s duties for the two teams were public and media relations, sponsorship advertising, game promotions, game programs, travel and accommodation arrangements, team statistics, and player registration. Nichol was also the public address announcer for Warrior football, Warrior vo&yball, Athena basketball, and Warrior basketball home games. The Brian Farrance Award for the most outstanding contribution to Athletics in the field of sports therapy went to two most deserving recipients Nicki Morris and Shannon Cowling. Morris worked as the supervisor for student therapists who worked with the Warrior football team this year and also helped out in a supervisory role in the Sports Injury Clinic. Cowling has been a student therapist for Warrior hockey, Warrior football, and also had a supervisory role in the Clinic. The Warrior Band Battered Drumstick Award was given to Stephen Morris and Ed Semeniuk.

Both Morris and Semeniuk have made a strong contribution over the past few years to one of the longest running clubs on campus. The Warrior Band, which has been around for over 25 years, has offered very dedicated vocal and musical support to many of the Waterloo sports teams at their games. All Canadians: ShawnSmith (volleyball) second team. OUAA first team all-stars: Tom Chartier, Cory Delaney, Steve Futyer, and Jeff Lake (football); Michael Terni (rugby); Sh awn Smith (volleyball). OUAA second-team all-stars: Sean VanKoughnett and Alex Urosevic (basketball); Andy Allen, Pierre Lefebvre, Fam Lone, and Mike Raynard (football); Darren Snyder and John Wynne (hockey). Basketball player 8-J. York - OUAA West basketball Rookieof the Year. Richard Straka - silver medal singles tennis. Jon Tenthorey - honourable mention OUAA volleyball. OWIAA first-team alLstars: Brenda Kraemer (basketball), Jennifer Murray (field hockey), Christine Anderson (squash). OWIAA second-team all-stars: Lea Dietrich, and Linda Mowat (field hockey). Figure skating gold medals: Nancy Ford (2 gold), Michelle Kho, Carolyn Richardson, and Tamara Staple. Athena Most Valuable Players: Marcia MacVicar (badminton), Brenda Kraemer (basketball), Sepanta Dorri (cross-country), Karyn Issler (curling), Carolyn Richardson (figure skating), Linda Mowat (indoor hockey), Lisa Patterson (nordic skiing), Gillian McDowell (rowing),

Catherine Hollifield (soccer), Sheryl Slater (swimming), Margo Metcalfe (tennis), Carren Hall (volleyball). Warrior Most Valuable Players: Meville Stringer (badminton), Sean VanKoughnett (basketball), Jason Gregoire (cross-country), Dean Palmer (curling), Jeff Lake (football), Darren Snyder and James Organ (hockey), Dennis Paradine (nordic skiing), Brian Connell (rowing), Greg Laycock (rugby), Greg Pappas (soccer), Bruce Marrison (squash), Ian Hunt (swimming), Richard Straka (tennis), Kregg Fordyce (track& field), Shawn Smith (volleyball). Athena Outstanding Graduating Seniors: Brenda Kraemer, Sherri Tanner, and Kathy Wordham (basketball); Patti Crawford (field hockey and indoor hockey); Shannon Cowling (figure skating); Jennifer Murray (indoor hockey); Kelly Campbell, Christina Carere, Catherine Hollifield, Kerry Jameson, Mantzios Lambrini, Anita Toogood, and Patti Turnbull (soccer); Trish Felszegi and Sheryl Slater (swimming); Kris tine Kern (tennis); Jane Tai te (track & field); Carren Hall and Michelle Vanvliet (volleyball). Warrior Outstanding Graduating Seniors: Chris Moore and Bruce VanLoon (basketball); Greg Daughton, Ross DePalma, Steve Futyer, Jeff Lake, and Mike Raynard (football); Craig Moore (golf); Pat Daly, Mike Payne, Steve Schaefer, Darren Snyder, and John Williams (hockey); Steve Paradine (nordic skiing); Brian Connell (rowing); Ashley Richards {rugby); Jason Krupp (swimming); Simon Foote (track & field); Mike Fullerton (volleyball).

Rugby players place secondin U.S. tourney from




Rugby players from the University of Wa tcrloo participated in the 26th annual Tulane Mardi Gras Rugby Tournament, hosted by Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana on February ZO-21,1993. The players pIaced second in the tournament which has been called the “best college rugby tournament in the US.” by Ru#y Magazine. This second-place finish capped off a most successful &day tour of the southeastern United States. Prior to participating in the tournament, the touring team played games against the University of Tennessee Volunteers, the Alabama Crimson Tide and the University of Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles. The touring team consisted of the following players: Ralph Engel, Drew Davidson, Ian Pryde, Mike Terni, John Straumann, Jason Buller, Keith Peck, Andy Kay, Peter Alexander, Mark Hogg, Derek Featherstone, Edson Castilho, Jason MacLachlan, Ashley Richards, Jamie Mistry, Josh Windsor, Mike Fisher, Wayne Vansic kle, Pete Homenuch, and Derek Prenty. Upon arriving in Knoxville, Tennessee to play U.T., it was blatantly obvious that the touring players were rugby-hungry. The Lady Volunteers were practising and requested a scrimmage. Eager to lace up the boots and get back into form (and into shape) after a four-month layoff, several players volunteered to play against U*T.‘s wOrnen’


-- in


t, lhey



than just play by offering constructive criticism and suggestions to the women. The next day saw the Waterloo team defeat a larger, more fit Tennes-

Members of UW’s rugby Orleans after a successful February.

team know what it means to miss New playing tour of Louisiana back in photo courtesy

see team in a hard fought 9-0 battle. The next game was against the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. After a long day’s travelling and a good rest at night, the players awoke early and headed into town for some famous Alabama win s and shoestring fries. The rest o f the day was spent admiring the campus architecture and scenery. Later that evening, the Waterloo team defeated the Crimson Tide by a score of 10-0, but not without paying a price. The Tide was larger than Tennessee,




Although they were larger (for example, a 6’6”, 320-pound former Denver Bronco lineman), their “hit-them-asstyle of play was hard-as-you-can” no matc,h for the stalwart defense and

uw rugby

intelligent offense of Waterloo. Heads-up play by the Waterloo backs and the superior rucking skills of the forwards ensured there was a “low Tide” for the whole game. Hattiesburg, Mississippi was the venue for the last pre-tournament game. The U.S.M. Golden Eagles were most excited to be hosting us and had planned a reception. As a token of goodwill and in the spirit of our sport, Mayor J. Ed Morgan presented tour organizer Jamie Mistry with the key to the city. This display was truly commendable and helps to further p romotc the game of rugby and the relations betweencanada and our neighbours to the south. The opposition coach had also arranged interviews on the local radio station and had been informing

the public about the nature of the game of rugby and some major rules in an effort to get some fan support at the game. Unfortunately for them, the fans who did watch the game were disappointed as the Waterloo team handed them a 14-10 defeat. In keeping their reputation for Sou them hospitality, the team was treated to a post game meal of beans, rice and Southern fried chicken before leaving for New Orleans. The tournament saw 14 teams compete for the Bill Bosom Cup. The contenders included Ivy Leaguer’s Brown University, and other big names such as Georgia Tech, Boston College, Villanova, and the University of Pennsylvania. The other teams participating were St. Louis University, Tulane, Cincinnati Law School, Brandeis, University of Dayton, Washington University. The Canadian contingent was comprised of the Waterloo team, Trent University, and the University of Western Ontario. The first day of tournament play consisted of round-robin action against Brown and St. Louis. The first game against Brown was lopsided at best with Waterloo dominating in all aspects of the game. The final score was 22-O. St. Louis U. were last year’s tournament champions and showed why. They were a very strong team however Waterloo was better and defeated them 3-O. This victory left Waterloo in first place in the division and into thp playoff round the next day. All feeling very tired and very bruised, the team enjoyed a long night’s sleep and awoke early in the morning to return to the field of play.

The semi-final match up was against BostonCollege who had thoroughly pummelled Western the day before in round-robin play. What better motivation could there be than to beat a team who destroyed Western? The game was close -- Waterloo was losing for the better part of the game. An incident with 10 minutes remaining in the second half shocked the Waterloo players and yet inspired them to play with incredible intensi ty. The team scored three tries in the remainder of the game to send Boston College home with their tails between their legs “wondering what hit them.” The final score : Waterloo 22, B.C. 7. The tournament championship was played against the host team Tulane. Tulane’s backs were by far the most experienced that Waterloo encountered during the whole tour. Playing the equivalent of an entire university rugby season in a little over a week left the Waterloo team in a condition that could not be overcome. The team showed no lack of heart whatsoever and fou ht till the end. Waterloo came back f rom a 17-O defitit but fell just short and ended up losing 17-10. This loss left the Waterloo team somewhat dejected but the overall success of the tour leaves the Waterloo team with a 6-l pre-season record which serves as an excellent prelude to the 1993 season, the 25th year of rugby at University of Waterloo. Not only did the tour provide excellent experience for players who will







1993 varsity squad, it more importantly establishes a respected name for the University of Waterloo, the Kitchener/ Wa terloo region and the sport of rugby.



Campus Recreation teams wind ,down winter by Radomir imprint




The term is finally over folks with sprin in full swing and summer at your $ oorste . So pull out those shorts and T-shirts Prom your closets and get ready to rock and roll. Maybe we’ll even get a summer this year unlike last one we had! Working as a Publicity Coordinator this term with Campus R&Zreation has provided me with many challenges and brought many rewards. Looking back now gives me a sense of satisfaction in taking the time to get to know what Campus Rec’reation at University of Waterloo is al1 about. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Sally Kemp, Denise Dignard for their encoura ing support +md especiall Jane Var Hey who was always there Yor me and made my term a blast. Thanks for your help and input or just a friendly smile from you all. 1 would also like to thank all student assistants, referees, ref-in-chiefs and club executives who took the time. and provided me withvaluable information for publishing and interesting articles. Since this is the last article for this term, what better tvay to wrap it up but with final reports and stats. Instructional Coordinators Report by Laura Donnelly and Kathleen Kaarsberg We would like to thank all of the instructors of the special interest and racquets orts, which include squash, tennis, si ating, bike maintenance, rock climbing, cross country skiin , weight training and self defence. A 7 1 of the programs were a success! Ho,pe to.see you next term, Have a great summer! Mixed

Volleyball Tournament Results by Rob Sondermeyer On March 18, there was an excitine nrelikinarv round in which teams pruogressively ‘played against teams closer to their calibre as the night wore on. In the last round of the preliminaries, 12 even matches were pla ed. Due to the competitive nature o Y the draw only one team came through unscathed. Beats Me had four wins with the consistent play of all of the team players. Seven others were tied at 3-1, nine at 2-2, six at l-3,. alld one went winless. For the finals, held on Thursday, March 25, the 24 teams were divided into three flights. The best eight teams were placed in A-flight. The corn e ti tion in the finals was very high wit K many very close matches. With single elimination the field was

quickly narrowed to two teams in each level of play. In the A-fli ht, the 6-6-6 defeated Win Wun 5 uun 16-14,15-11. IntheB-flightvandelaydefeated You’re Hurtin’ ll-15,16-14,15-10 in a marathon match which did not finish until 11:30,30 minutes after the tournament was sup osed to end. In the C- Plight final, Let’s Seymour Butt’s People missed an episode of the Simpsons to defeat St. Paul’s United College 15-13, 14-16, 15-10. To give you an idea of the level of competition, no less than three varsity men’s v-ball players took part in the tournament and not one of them made it to a cham ionship game. Thanks to all those w K o came out and we hope to see you all again next term. Men’s

Campus Recreation Basketball by Yvette Hopkins The men’s basketball league came to a close last week. In C league action, third-placeGeriatricsupsetthe number-one team, the West Deep Sixers. League C2 had C,H.U.G. victorious over Quiet Riot and in league C3, the East 2 Necros edged out All Hammered Up. Sunday saw the four B finals and the A final. In league Bl, after earlier round u sets, the seven-place Hungry He Pfers met the fourth-place Untouchables. The Untouchables prevailed by a score of 47-36. League B2 had 16th-ranked Sweet defeating 14th place SJC Jazz. In league 83, DWM beat “Alpha-Q” and in the B4 league, Jammin’ won over Born to Kill. The A League final saw a matchup between the top two teams, the first-place Fuzzy Monkees and second place Eclectic Hogsmen. In the end, however, the Underdog came out on top by a score of 48-38. Thanks to everyone who participated this term. Have a great summer! Campus


Ice Hockey

by lnsoo Bae The men’s ice hockey finals ended last Thursday with finals being held in all six layoff divisions. . In the A Peague, the Bandits led by Anthony Reid (3 goals, 1 assist) defeated the Mighty Ducks 5-1. The Ducks definitely looked like and expansion team on this night as the Bandits controlled the game from the opening face-off. The Bandits appeared to be the team to beat after knocking off a heavily favoured Arctic Tundra 3-2 in shootout during the semi-finals. The top-razked Tundra and the

Ducks were stymied by a stingy Bandit defence with superb goaltending by Adam Driedzic. In the Bl final, former varsity goalie Steve Udvari nailed down the shutout in leading the top ranked Dons to a 2-O win over Hammer and Screw. The Dons went the whole season undefeated with 4 wins, 1 tie, and regular season nine points durin play. However, cre f it should be given to Hammer and Screw who perhaps had one of their most successful seasons ever. Other B league results were unknown at press-time thanks to some missing game sheets. The C league, which was supposed to be non-contact, turned out the most intense playoff contest witnessed on this night. The top-ranked Screamin’ Eagles, a bunch of pesky engineers, faced off against a group of violent accountants in the Pas Puckers, the returning C DivisionChamps. For the third time this season the Eagles beat the Puckers with the final score being 3-1. There was definitely no love lost between these two teams. The referee was faced with a brutal amount of paperwork after a game that saw dozens of minor penalties, misconducts and a game-ending, bench-clearing brawl. Old-time hockey! Thanks to all captains, participants and referees. See you in the fail. Men’s Competitive Volleyball Results by Tammy Webster Convenor This season was a success. During regular season, there were only four defaults. Things were run a little different.Gameswere50minuteslong and were played up to 15 points not 11. Each league was kept as a whole and not subdivided. A really huge thanks goes out to Lynn Snyder. If it wasn’t for Lynn, the standings would be a total disaster and the schedules would never have been printed out. Once again, thanks Lynn!! Thanks also goes to Tom Kieswetter for helping me with the layoff schedule and to Sally Kemp Bor signing all those Winit Awards. To summarize the season: injuries-- sprained ankles, tornligaments, pulled shoulder; defaults -- only four except for playoff which had four as well; playoff champs -- A League, Anal Retentive; B League: TBA; C League: Spikers. If you see me at Fed, feel free to buy always accept beer!! exams[uzh!) and see term. Happy Easter!

the Shelter or me a beer. I’ll Good luck on you out next -

Battle of the Bench Warrior varsity star Tom Chartier lifted his way to the Battle of the Bench crowna t the Bombshelter last Thursday, March 25. , Chartier won the 220-pound weight class with a press of 375 pounds and a coefficient of 1.88 (the ratio of the weight lifted over the mass of the competitor). In the 14&pound class, Mario Bozzo was just behind Chartier in coefficient, with 1.87, as he lifted 260 pounds. Lisa Thurston won the women’s class with a lift of 100 pounds. Here are the rest of the final standings: 1234b. class: Chris Bates, 210 132-lb. class: Danny Thorn, 185; Eric D’Souza, 135. 14%lb. class: Ron Khurana, 240; Walt Wang, 235; Joe Suljak, 230; Mike Houston, 200. 165lb. class: Maurice Wilson, 275; Whit Wihlidal, 260; Les Shulman, 225; Steve Keith, 225; Bob Zondag, 200. 181.5-lb. class: MarkChevret te, 320; Peter Gennvese, 275; Ian Pryde, 250. 220-lb class: Brad Chapman, 315; Dave Yates, 315; Rob Fawcett, 290.



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We're freaks!We'lldrinkas muchaswewant!!Jim Rose Circus Sideshow Fed HaI1 March 27,1993 by Vince Kozma imprint stuff “Fresh from my body onto your plate!” Well things didn’t get that freakish last Saturday night when the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow came a knocking on Fed Hall’s door, but it sure came close. Not only did they eat the worm, but the bottle too! I was just sooo excited, sitting on the floor in front of the stage. It made me feel like I was in grammar school all over again. Like that time in grade 4 when we were visited by Joe Clark and our own John Gamble. I think we had surpassed every school in chocolate bar sales or something, but that’s not important now. The excitement of that day and the way we all ooooed and aaahhed at the spectacle on stage had nothing to do with Joe Clark talking about the country, but rather all our eyes were fixed on the Hon. Mr. Gamble who was seated to Joe’s left. John, if I may call him that, without any regard for those around him, picked his nose atid ate it. We couldn’t believe it; that was all we talked about for the next two days. Needless to say, he lost the next election. It’s that kind of squeamish excitement, so common to 10 year old kids, that Jim Rose, Mr. Lifto, the Torture King, Matt “the Tube” Crowley and Enigma brought to Waterloo. Whileeventlleywouldn’t dare eat a booger, they did put a choke-hold on the crowds attention

neve.4 men- Okay, this isn’t funny tions that his Performers are grofessionals and ihat wz needn’t tiy this at home. He suggests we go over to a neighbor’s house, pet good at it and then look him up! Cool! To warm up the crowd Jim started with the standard sideshow tricks. He caressed the inside of his nose with a screwdriver, Philips of course. He pushed it so far in I bet the smile on his face was from the tip tickling his brain. Once he satisf&d the itch most of us can only dream of scratching, Ma tt came oit and Dut a earbaee bag throuEh his nose: both\aysrBut 17was r&lly a condom and he put his head iti it, honest. And kids in France are drunk. This guy Mat t “The Tube”, he’s hollow eh! When he was young he drank liquid plumber and became empty inside. He ate way more than his parents could ever afford so they

anymore. sold him to the circus. Honest! Then he put his hand in a bear trap while smashing a can on his finger while gluing a bowling ball to his skin, with Crazzzzzy Glue. He blew up a hot water bottle till it filled the room and exploded. Then there was this girl and her thumb was made out of burlap. After that Mr. Lifto appeared. Ouch. He lifted blocks, ii&s and cars with his ears, nipples and shaI-o-n-~. He did some cool stuff with a coathanger too.‘Forget aboutcominE out of the closet, Mr. Lifto was thi closet (but I don’t want to know what goes on inside). LIFTO! LIFTO! LIFTO! BEEEEYOOOTIFULLLL CREATURE! After exposing the crowd to all he had to offer, Lifto left the stage wrapped in a long white screen. Next was the Torture King. Perhaps

the most skiIled of the troupe, he could send a shiver (or sliver} up Pinhead’s spine. In the first set he did your typical Indian tricks such as have a block of concrete smashed on his chest while lying on a bed of swords (like to see him do that on the Honeymoon Suite bed), put a blow torch out with his tongue and ate a light bulb (great idea for a breakfast cereal, stays crunchy no matter how long it’s been in milk). Then there was a short break to prepare the stage for the barbarism that followed ... Consisting of elec tri fying, bugeating, sword-swallowing, stomach-pumping, beer-drinking, glassbreaking, eye-socket weight-lifting fun, I’m not even going to try to describe the atrocities set. Firstly, you had lo be there; any attempt to describe the excitement of the show would fail miserably. Secondly, Jim Rose is playing April 2nd and 3rd in Toronto, and I highly recommend taking in the show. . Jim Rose is a showman if there ever was one. He knows how to play to the crowd, and they eat it up. After the show, the team make themselves available to sign shirts and chit-chat. It is here that one realizes that the troupe are performers of the highest cafiber. Due to their cruelty to insects, however, (seriously), Jim’s been banned in England. Even more unexpected is that the ensemble is encountering like-minded censorship problems with the Canadian Government, so it might be a long time before they head back here. Let’s face it; Jim Rose and company aren’t really freaks, they’re misunderstood geniuses.

Smash your head on the punk rock things about the early singles by the Pistols and the Clash (although I prefer Mac’s adenoidal shout to, say, Joe Strummer’s hoarse British one). But it was a punk show with Izearf . The vibes in the mosh pit were positively sunny, and the silly flouting of machismo that is stage-diving was kept to a minimum. Ii: was also unfailingly discouraged by Mac, who was understandably leery of a catching crowdsurfer’s boot in the teeth. His admonitions were gentle, though: Superchunk seem

Superchunk Lee’s Palace, Turonfo

Thursday, by Derek Imprint





The Seattle scene has placed the words “punk rock” back in everyone’s mouths lately, but I don’t know how “punk” groups like Pearl Jam or Soundgarden are. To me, punk doesn’t mean signing onto a huge label the first chance you get, or doing package stadium tours, or ma king music that has more in common with Deep Purple than th6 Sex Pistols. The real punks are the bands classic rock fans have never heard of. Bands that eschew major label deals to release their records on small indie companies (in many cases their OWPZcompanies). Bands who believe in the seven-inch single. Bands like and Pavement, Tsunami Superchunk. Superchunk brought the energy, the faith and the devotion to Toronto last week at a packed Lee’s Palace. Their set sported all thegood things about a punk show and few of the bad. The good things included a hyper-intense adrenaline level on the part of both band and crowd. The diminutive pixie-bassist Laura


seemed perched on an invisible Pago stick, and frontman Mac jolted back and forth as if electrified. The songs were all great, accelerated but unerringly tuneful, and I couldn’t help but be reminded of all the good





cynicysm or co Itempt of their punk forbears. Befc re the show, they could be spot :ed at a booth, not hawking T-shi I -ts, but rather 45s by their friends I? lvo and other young acts.

Anyway, the other nice thing about the show was that it was shortishandsweet. Toomany bands play longer than I would like, and few are interesting enough to focus attention for longer than ninety minutes or so. But Superchunk know enough to go out on a high note; even the omissions of “Mower” and “Cool” (two of my favouriles) didn’t


me to begrudge

the set’s

duration. As far as what they did play goes, they offered a liberal sampling of their bracing new album On the Mouth, as well as a batch of their older tunes. The melodies varied, but the sound was consistent throughout; the show was so much of a piece that it was difficult to pick highlights. Nunetheless (heh heh), if I had to, I’d point to their lovely cover of Sebadoh’s “Brand New Love” and the inevitable encore “Slack Motherfucker,” a song that would have made this band a legend even if they’d never recorded anything else. To sum up, a terrific band is currently


the top of their




get a chance to catch ‘em live, don’t miss it. In the meantime, you can pick up the new album or their stellar singles collection Tossing Seeds, both on Matador Records. You need Superchunk in your life.

1 I SummerRollin’is 1


1 1 1 1 ’ u 1

rollin’ rollin’. a rollin’ and so sparks conversations about employment. I’ve got this friend. And she’s got this job. She earns more, money than my head weighs. And that’s even if my head was Beluga caviar. So anyways, I got to thinking .what would I do with all this money. (to the tune of Quk sera, sera”) Would I be handsome if I were rich? And here’s what she said to me. . . “Con-cert-ed auf, Bernard, get concert-ed out Bernard.Thefuture’sgotlot’s to see, get concerted out.” This Sunday, New York singer/songwriter Ani DiFranco drops into the Commercial Tavern for vocal swooning. The Lawn, opening for The Watchmen are at Phils on ApriI 7. (See the world exclusive interview on Page 23 of this issue) April 8, finds Kim Campbell faves, Blue Rodeo, roped in at Stages. April 13, local legionaires Quiverleg, (F. Tyler Shaw puts his best foot forward on page 28) heads for the bright lights of the big city, landing a gl;g at Lee’s PdlacG. Living Colour in Toronto to promote their latest, Stain, are in at the Concert Hall on the 20th with special guests and better band Bad Brains. Van the man is coming. Van the man is coming. Van Morrison, April 24, Maple Leaf Gardens. Happy, happy!


of good cheer and his nei bandofiayabouts”theHappy Clubsters,” hope to fill the jig up the Phoenix on the 29th, but will have a good run for their money competing with fIREHOSE, who will be givin lessons on operating heavy machinery at Lee’s, the same night.. Moxy Fruvous present some hoky concept entitled “Video Bargainville” May 28, Ontario Place Forum. The Forum is a shitty venue and if it rains, its sucks even more. The Black Crowes, provide us with a remedy for those exam blues at the VarsityArena,April14and15.Of course, that might be toohard

: J0y’ !Jlakmg

Sir Bob Geldof

1 m 1 I I 1

I @ 1 p I I 1 ’ m 1



With all this in mind, work hard and don’t let you1 studies slide. See you in May







Friday, April 2.1993

You‘vegot use a little maflure. when you

Doctor The Lawn: The Weedeating Interview


by Bernurd Keumey hrtprin t stuff

So the phone rings promptly at 11 AM Wednesday morning -- as is its want. Maybe it’s that inate “James Bond” alarm clock built into my wily frame, or well, maybe it was Helen- our office assistant shakin’ the lord thunderin’ bejesus outta me to tell me line 1 was on hold. Hard to say. The point is, I reluctantly dragged my two-bit sorry ass off the Imprint Posture-pedic Chesterfield only to realize ?l was completely unprepared for my scheduled phone interview with Gord Cummings. Gord, Empathy King that he is, generously offered to call back in 15 minutes, giving me plenty

the I 1awn of time to set up the necessary technology, pour a cup of the Mocha Java, and bid a fond farewell to the one they call - Sandman. So the phone rings promptly at 11:15 AM Wednesday morning - as is its want. Maybe it’s that Spidey sense coursing through my veins, or maybe it was just me climbing the walls to find a blank cassette to throw in our DA2 4500 HiLoTechromyzer tape recorder. Hard to say. The point is, I reluctantly admit that the tape fucked up and what follows isn’t even a close approximation of my conversation with Gord Cumming;s.” So Gord, if the tape happens to fuck up - not that it’evex possibly could or anything - but if it 5 did, and I couldn’t transcribe this interview, essentially, what wouId


you want our readers to know? Well, Bernard, first off, I’d just like to say, you seem like one really hep cat, a man who really knows where he’s at. And if your tape fucks up, well, them’s the breaks, and rest assured, you’ll still always be #l in my book of cool-de-du-dudes. Aw, gee Gord, thanks. But what’s the Lawn been up to since the release of Debussy Fields? Well,we’vejustcomeoffafairly extensive tour, and we’ve decided that the time has come for us to focus on the most important musical market in Canada, Waterloo, Ontario Oh really? When can we expect you in this area. Well, Bernard we’re in at Phil’s Grandson’s Place on April 7. Oh yeah, why should anyone bother to come see you?

Because quite simply, we’re a shit hot band. YouknowGord,Iagreewholeheartedly. I tell you what, let’s forget this phone crap, and do a rest

interviewwhenyou’reintownnext week. What a great idea, Bernard. Beer’s on you? I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chalk Full 0’ Faith


by the dashboard

Big Faith wl The Watchmen The Leslie Spit Trio The Twref






by Lclura Da Re special to Imprint On Monday, March 29 Big Faith performed at the Turret (University of Laurier) as the opening act for The Watchmen and Leslie-Spit-Trio. What follows is an interview with Chris Tait (formerly of Chalk Circle), lead singer and high priest of Big Faith. I’ll start with all the usual, lame preliminary questions. Do you have an album coming out soon? You mentioned you have an indie release. Yes, that was released in September and we’ll find out soon if we can gel funding to do a full length recording. If we get the funding it should be out in June or July of this year. But that probably means it won’t be out until September. Any big touring plans? No, not really we just got back

from Austin, Texas. We played the South by South Music Conference. But I guess that’s recent past. We’re just busy trying to write music. The next big thing is to get this recording finished. Will you be working withJane Siberry or Kurt Swinghammer? I’d like to work with both of them. Kurt’s a very good friend of mine. We’ve known each other for about eight years. We just recently did some song writing together. There’s something called Song Works happening inTorontostarted by David Baxter of Pier Publishing Company. He’s gathered together a whole bunch of songwriter’s in the area and paired them up. Why did Chalk Circle break up? A question you’ve probably been asked a hundred times. To be perfectly honest I still don’t have an answer and I’ve been asked the question--a lot. All I can say is I made a decision to leave the band and when we sat down and discussed it, a couple of guys felt the same way. For me its been a very good decision. How do you deal with the business side of the industry? Does it take away from the music? No, it’s all part of the package. The question is are you in control of it. If you sign a record deal and you lose control of it then it gets in the way of the music. Right now its great everything we produce is our own. Hopefully, we’re setting a precedent so when we do sign a record deal we won’t lose control. Do you think you’ll become rich doing this ? Do you want to become rich doing this? No-well yes, sure I want to become rich. Realistically I’d like to make a living. I don’t quite honestly see us becoming. rich overnight. We’ll never be flavour of the month because of the kind of music we’re doing. I’d like to play realistic venues and make a reasonable living. Fame




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All in all, the show was good, if you enjoy sitting down, drinking beer in the atmosphere of a lethargic horde of Laurier bizz-geeks. Don’t get me wrong, the music sounds great, the lyrics are interesting, but the band had no energy, unlike The Watchmen, whose high powered show caused the speakers to blow (so, they only performed eight songs). But, they certainly whet our appetites for their upcoming show at Phil’s Grandson’s (April 7). By the time Leslie Spit Trio hit the stage, it must have been past everyone’s bedtime because there was a bigger crowd charging the exit than instead of the dancefloor. Laura Hubert’s unique, surreal dancing style added a humorous note to the show. But, alas, the audience was disappointed, some of the old standards were not part of the repertoire.

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Imprint Friday, April 2, 1993



He’s got legs. and

He knows how to use them Quiverleg appearing at Lee’s Palace, Toron April 14

being in a band. Few kids toy with the idea of being a band. F Tyler Shaw, (a UW grad no less) is just such a person. While most of us spend our evenings worshipping the demon spirits alcohol, Tyler finds himself locked in his basement studio, writ-


by Bemurd Keurney Imprint staff

Most kids toy with the ideas of

ing music. Not just the lyrics, or the jingly guitar parts, but all aspects of the tune -- ffom snare to trumpet to keyboards to bass, and back again. With the aid of a computer, a tool he analogizes to a “hi-tech tape recorder, Tyler lays down the principal concepts of a song before handing it out to the boys in the band Quiverleg, the band is made up of a motley mixture of some Grope Toads with a little Buckshot Enema tossed in for good measure. There is an eclectic pop sensibility to the music -- a style that is at once, accessible and aurally challenging. Quiverleg will performing at Lee’sPalaceon April 14. Alsoonthe bill are Groove Jack and Cain’s Children. Tickets can be be purchased by calling 622-8506, or won by entering our fabby-doo contest on the right.




Youcan’tmowit,youcan’trakeit,butyoucanrockoutto it.It’sThelawn,one ofthefreshest soundstogrowoutoftheTorontoclubscene.Frontedbytheunorthodox slide-guitarstylings andinimitablevocalsofGordGumming, TheLawncapturedtheir spirited“parkbench rock”on&w &&!s (Hypnotic)lastyearandhavesetabout harvesting acropof newfansacrossthecountry. Themesmerizing playingof lead-rhythm guitaristPatrickGregory, therelentless noodlingofbassistRichardGregoryandthesolid groovesofdrummerLonnieJamesroundouttheLawn’slineup,




Atthetender%rofZi this

Montre!al artisthasrackedupsomeprettyimpressive musicalcr dentials,Afterstudyingjazz,focusingonvoiciand

bassguitar,helivedandworkedin LosAngeIes, playingwiththelikesof ChuckMangioniandSanba’sMichael Calebero. Aftera briefstintin London,hemovedhomeandstartedworkingonhissolodebut,recentlyreleased on freRecords. Thefirstsingleandvideo,“It’sJustTheRaid,”will surelypushhimintotheinternational spotlight Remember theGuessWho?B.T.O.? Ofcourseyoudo. Andyou’llbegladto knowlegendaryCanadian rockerRandyBachman, guitaristofthetwolegendaq bands,isstilltakingcareofbusiness witha newalbum,AtfyRoad.WithguestturnsfromNeilYoung andMargoTimmins(Cowboy Junkies),thenewalbumfeaturessomegreatnewmaterial,including theinstantclassic“PrairieTown.”ProducedbyChrisWardman, withthesolidrhythmicbackingof dlvmmerBillyReaChapman andbassist RichardCochrane, AnyR& is Bachman doingwhathedoesbest:“rock’nroll”.



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Russian Prince Vodka wants you to listen to and read about the hottest new music mailable today. Just $29.50 @s you six difkrent UNewStulP CD’sfeaturing a minimum of 16 brand new tracks tztch, and twehe issuesof SoundCan me, the kw pulse of Canadian music. Here’s just a few of the bar& fM on the current “New Stufi” CD presented by Russian Prince Vodka, 7b6fs

La Peau de I’Autre of theArfs (Modern pages Building) April 1,2




z z , b

If you feel like it’s been a while since you saw something from Quebec that had nothing to do with English language laws or separatism, then you might want to check out La Peau de 1’Autre, a French comedy set in Montreal. Try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes -- your friends’, your parents’-and see what life is like from their point of view. This is the dominant theme of La Peau, written by L.D. Lavigneand L. Osskowski. The play focusses on Ai&, 17, and his three friends. When Alex tells his parents that his exgirlfriend is pregnant, he discovers they are keeping a secret from him. Confused and upset, he turns to his friends. They decide to play a joke


Eva McNamara (French), Joey Morin (Drama), Andrea Peters (French), Irina Popescu (Systems and Design) Andrew Price (Economics). Performances will be April 1 & 2 in the Thea tre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building, at 8:OO pm. Tickets will be available at the d~orat$3.50farstudentsand$4.5Uf~r non-students. English plot outlines will be made available.

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on Alex’s parents, who mistakenly believe the child to be his. Opposite-gender disguises and a fake pre natal class are comic highlights of this play. La Peau de 1’Autre is the second production by this group of students. In the Fall term they played in Qui m’a Passe La .Corde au Cou? as part of a course in French Through Drama, taught by Catherine Black. Under director Sonia Verheyden, a French major, and with Professor Black’s guidance, thegroup decided in January to perform another play. The diverse members of this group of players are Dave Clements


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were more interested in drawing horses. I have often toyed with the idea of writing a book on how to draw horse skulls . . . but, I digress. The point is, every male likes to draw skulls, especially metal-headtype males going to high school. Metal heads most like skulls from metal album covers and Circus of Power seem to be metal heads with their own album directed at males who are in high school. Naturally you would expect their album cover to feature some kind of skull. However, and herein lies the paradox of Circus of Power: their album cover does not feature a skull but a clown! It isn’t even an evil clown, it’s just an ordinary, every day sort of clown. Now this is probably a direct function of their name which includes the term “circus”. Still, they could have at least featured clown skulls on their album cover if they wanted to retain some coherence. Look, Circus of Power are a metal/ blues sort of band and I ask you,what do metal or blues have to do with circuses? More importantly, wht dues this band Irave tddo zoith &wm?

not for his scary

black headband with the skull on it I would guess that he was once a member of the



by Craig hprint


Nickerson Stuff -

If Motley Crue wanted to gain ;ome credibility and introduced a ;tronger connection to the blues in :heir songs, then they would be Circus of Power. I don’t know, I’m ooking at a photo of these guys and I’m trying to figure out what they nust have been like in high school. Ihis guy on the far left looks like he Nould have liked Motley Crue A ,OT. The guy behind him could be lis father and the two guys off to the -ight look like they would be more nto W.A.S.P. than Crue. Now, the ellow in the centre is kind of hard :o describe. X’m sure if they were to nake a movie about his life he would >e played be Lou Diamond Philips, >r at least, he would want to be. If


Did you ever take art classes in high schbol? Did you ever notice that there were a lot of metal heads that took art? Really, the only other place that you’d find asmanymetal heads would be in shop. Thkreason for this is obvious when you think about it. “Skids” skipped regular classes like beasts, the only classes that thev didn’t skir, were art and shop. S6 it only segmed like there were more of tbe8&@.1ys taking art because there would be a higher concentration of them not skipping this particular class. Now, the question is, why didn’t they skip art? The answer is simple, they liked to draw skulls! Skids and skulls go together like clowns and balloons. Just think of the Board of Education-sponsored hours spent on carefully detailed reproductions of skull oriented aIbum covers during your own five years of high school. The drawing of skulls was a preoccupation that every male in every art class seemed to have, though this was most true of metal heads. I found that girls

by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff

by Craig



You’d be perfectly well within your rights to hate G. E. Smith. Maybe it’s the “I’m a fashion victim” statement that his pony tail makes. Maybe it’s the way he bites his lower lip when he’s really, really trying to bend that G chord, or the pseudo-blues-for-yuppies music he plays. It doesn’t matter. He demands that sensible people hate him. But the really horrid thing about him is that he shouldn’t even dare to release a record because IT’S NOT A REAL FUCKING BAND. He’s there to fill in the filler for the Satur-



Plume” is wag tion 2:

it makes me want to kill. The paper on which this review is written has far more death than the music on Laugh. The ‘McDonald’s corpora-

the level of obscene cheerfulness that this album boasts without the aid of heavy drugs or

hqwint stuff


winter thvofmeni _--




tell of changing

day Night Live show. It’s like having Jimmie Walker and the Good Times orchestra or Carroll O’Connor and the All in the Family quartet. People laugh at Eddie Murphy for releasing an album, and there’s absolutely no difference here. Yes he can play the guitar, but it’s like he’s doing math. There’s none of the emotion or drive or mood translated into the work. Well, in fact, maybe the problem is that’there’s too much of his emotions and mood translated into his work. The attitude, of course, is the “I’m so fucking rich and I’ve got a job for life and I wear clothes worth more than your house so I’m going to sing like I’ve got the blues” attitude. Ha ha. Real funny, you rich bastard. Lyrically (Smith himself wrote eight of the ten songs) the album is truly the most pathetic piece of rat shit ever to be sold out of New York City.

rected to. Sharon, Lois, Bram





live? A sour face could






sung in Beatles

by Sandy


only bv virtue of being the a F only different song on the - album. The lead VoclalsarereminiscentofJulieCruise (a cheerful Julie Cruise) and the

I want to get a little Get a little Get a little baby Get it all ouer you. Basically, he’s taken the pieces of shit that he plays during commercials that you just couldn’t get enough of, theones you had to know how the rest of which turned out, and released it on some poor loser’s label. This is, I would suggest, .a wholly evil act by a musical neverwas. Yes, he can play guitar but anyone who thinks he’s “great” had better have a good excuse for their mental lapse of reason since his playing is the equivalent of someOnelikeYngwieMalmsteinandlikewise, as original. Avoid this, run, flee from it. Unless of course you can somehow get it for “free” and sell it for some cash.

Atwul stuff


fivemonthsago, I raved “Teetering” that I had found laying about in the office. Very near the top of my favourite 45s of last year, I had discovered four subtly powerful heroes in Chicago’s Tar (regardless of the fact that they’ve been around for quite sometime). While managing to capture the fusion of oceans of guitar chords with hooky melodies like Pavement or Superchunk, they also delivered the solid backbone slightly reminiscent of Fugazi. The single still strikes me as extremely heavy, with thick chords pouring through the speakers like molten lava. At the same time, it was nice to see that they didn’t take themselves too seriously, the b-side was a version of Bryan Ferry’s “The

In Crowd”.

tures the band members in zanv positions with wacky expressioni 3n their faces, superimposed over a deep blue sky &d fluffy clouds. Nothing in the universe can ap-


seasons and

about a Tar single,


Nice shoes, nice hat Tell me where you husband’s

around in my head like some &arishly colourecd rubber ball. Oh cod, make it stop! Watch out! You’re all in danger! You’ll be next! You’ll be next!

So, the thoughtful people at Touch and Go decide to send us another single, a split T’, Tar and Jawbox, with a pretty interesting set up. Tar have a song called

“Static”. Jawbox have a song called “Static”. This 7” has Jawbox doing Tar and Tar doing Jawbox, and so of course the single is called Static. The unique thing about this 7” is that is has forced me to confront my idea of a good song and a good band. This is simply because I haven’t heard the original versions. So, when I think to myself, hey I like the Tar side, is this because they took a mediocre song by Jawbox and made it good, or is it that Tar just had a good song to work with? Now, add to this the fact that I don’t really think too much of the Jawbox side. Is this becauseJawbox aren’t that great (I don’t know, this is the only thing I’ve heard by them (and only the second thing I’ve heard by Tar for that matter)) or because they had a crappy song to work with? Fuck, I don’t know, go buy this. Tar’s great and it’s only a couple of bucks.

Jmprint Friday, April 2, 1993





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by Sundy Atwul Imprint stuff

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Pussy, Pussy - never screumed like this This pussysneakin ’ up behind you Know I’m gonna get what’s mine


If you can imagine someone who looks an awful lot like the lead singer of the Sugarcubes wailing the above lines Iike a banshee delivering a baby, you pretty much get the Silverfish picture. Whether you find this repulsive, Satanic, boring or just plain funny is the reaction you’ll have to most of the tracks on this CD. Produced by J.G. Thirwell (aka Foetus, aka You’ve Got Foettis on Your Breath aka Foetus Art Terrorism) who also co-wrote “Fuckin’ Strange Way to Get Attention”, an album like this builds on your preconceived notions of music. If you haven’t heard anything like this before, this probably isn’t going to convert you (unless you’re a latent fuck-up whp just doesn’t know it

4 by Sundy Atwd /mph t stuff


Silverfish hasn’t been around that long. Well I don’t think so at least. The only other release I’ve seen was a cardboard packaged EP released last fall. It’s quite possible that music this fucked up can remain underground for years before it’s actually released commercially. It’s definitely not bereft of any quality, that’s for sure; the music, though slightly derivative of Slayer(!) is the perfect vehicle for songs like “Fuckin’ Strange Way to Get Attention.” Describing some-

his too later bands, Fun Boy Three and Colour Field. The dual vocals of Hall and Neville Staples contributed to the success and immense influence of the band as well as demonstrating the unique contribution 2-tone has made to (primarily) the British music scene. From his Specials years, the obvious, and forgivable omission is “A

Coventry’s Specials were among the leaders of the return


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one slitting their wrists not d enough to kill themselves enough to signal a cry for help j in the realm of most people’s el rience, let alone a band, but Sil fish manage to pull it off P enough authenticity and hones{ make it work. A tiring album at times, hard to keep giving them the t efit of the doubt that this’11 grow you, but chances are if you’re o minded enough to read this you’ll do worse than picking Organ Fun. overview. Interestingly enough, c three of the eighteen tracks are a ally Specials songs. The compi obviously assuming (and justifi; so) that those interested enoug Hall to buy a compilation WC already have most of that mate With only two real studio albr (the third In tire Sfudio was relea after Hall and Staples had left B formed Fun Boy Three) it’s no unreasonable assumption. As dismal a track recorti spin-off groups have, Hall’s ta was strong enough to keep Fun. Three alive and releasing qua material. A selection like this lows listeners to further apprec the unique collaboration of Hall a Staples on brilliant tracks sucl “Our Lips are Sealed” and “Tur of Love”. Included here is the Go written track, the fantastic “Our I are Sealed” which aptly dem strates the ability of Hali to m from band to band but maintain vision and execute it impeccal After the restless Hall left Fun 1 Three to form Colour Field, the mainder of the band stayed beh as Sunday Best. After an eponymous debu 1986, the multi-faceted Hall cz out with Virgins and Philistine1 Colour Field. A solid journey ap from the earlier Specials days, I embraces everything from foil jazz to samba (no doubt an in ence from his “personal” prods David Byrne.) This disc fails sligl here as most of the Colour Fi tracks are taken from the weak ception. The title track as well “She” aren’t bad songs, but lack vigour of his earlier days. The last band Hall was Terry, Blair and Anouchka unfol nately garnered three selecti from the basically forgettable U Modern Nursery Rhymes. Lack the personal stylings of Hall h self, the album is a watered do version of earlier Fun Boy Th material. Agreatest hits compilation 1 automatically include some mis! but with such an influential i prolific artist as Hall, there’s doubt that The Collection is cc



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still be a ryone to Chrysalis, ever they served.

of hits. While

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sometimes cry when and Bell long distance


Friday, April 2, 1993

I see sunsets commercials

and I first made love. Of course, I’m talking about happy tears which is what &eingThereGikesme thinkof. Now, I Martyn isn’t blind to all the hate-and unhappiness there is in the world. I think that when he sings about dolphins making him cry, -he is singing about sad tears: “Did you ever touch the loneliness of a broken man/ Did you ever see a starving child die/Do we really do these things to one another / Do


by Myyren Sprin curing person I simply adored this album. Of course, that is just my opinion and you are equally entitled to your own because we are all special. Though, I can’t see who wouldn’t respond to the warmth and humanity of Martyn Joseph and his songs o fragile beauty. I must first tell you abou the album cover. It featu Martyn greeting his audience with a big sunny grin and you just can’t help but smile back. I must admit that I was at first a little concerned because it looks like Martyn is wear-



But Martyn’s and gentle that it is impossible to be sad when you hear it. 1 think Martyn’s art is his way of ring his pain with all of us. When people share their pain’ then sometimes sadness turns to mediately identified with this song because there are many things which make me cry too. I

’ ’ I will share KU~ joy with you with a poem about how this album makes me feel.

Graduating Students -b e*; r‘.


by Pauline Olthof lmprint Staff

It was just my luck that I happened to watch the New Music on CityTV(becausemyTVatmyhouse gets two channelsand City isn’t one of them- I’ll take donations for a new TV ?!) and Jann Arden was on. What do you know, I just listened to her tape which is called Time far Mercy and it’s great-almost better than all this me1 ting snow and dare I say it, than the Bombshelter”s outdoor BBQ on a Friday afternoon. A Calgary native, Jann Arden utilizes the help of producer Ed Cherney (EricClapton, Bonnie Raitt) for her debut which is a remarkable effort. She’s got a freshness that’s unmistakeabte. A little bit folky, a bit country and a little bit rock and roll, Arden has got a great recipe for success. She’s never presumptuous in her lyrics, preferring to deal with the simple pleasures of life. One song is dedicated to her cat who always finds a way to get into her room, usually by climbing through the window. Both introspectiveand humourous, she also talks about relationships but does not romanticize them; she seems to be very down to earth about everything, including her success. As shown in the profile of her on the New Music, she lives in a small apartment in Calgary and does not seem to be affected by her new found fame. Probably because it did not happen overnight but is a result of hard work, talent and perseverence. Her voice is wonderful, and she can belt out a tune whether there’s one guitar and a piano or an orchestra backing her up. Like a good singer, it’s her voice that’s heard, not just the instruments. Check it out, help a starving Canadian artist buy half decent furniture.

3 by Craig Imprint

Nicker-son Staff

The Sand Rubies are a songwriting duo whose sound is best described as a less folky Spirit of the West. David Slutes and Rich Hopkins are credited with all the songs on the album with the exception of the Neil Young cover,“Interstate”. They rely heavily on back-up vocalists and musicians, several of the tracks boast violins and Hammond organ backgrounds. Sand Rubies is, for the most part, a dark and sombre album. The lyrics involve extensive use of religious imagery yet the overall tone of the album is one of despair. This is especially prominent on the eighth track “Bar Room Light” which is

also the longest. It tells of a woman who has given up on her dreams and resigned herself to settle for what ever comes her way: “And she’ll spin around/Dance around thefloor/Caughtbetween what she wants from love/And what she’ll settle for/“. Other tracks express more of a desperate anger. “Hangman in the Noose” describes a bloody justice which has come too late. Fast guitars and shrieking vocals convey a feeling of merciless rage seeking revenge. “Hit the Breaks (at the Pearly Gates)” sounds like a more aggressive version of “The Devil Came Down To Georgia”. This is even reflected in the lyrics: “Fire on the mountain,run,boys,run, the Devil and me are going to have some fun. ..“. Not all the tracks are dark and heavy. “Broken Eyes And Broken Noses” is actually one of the more up-beat soundiq songs. The lyrics, however, remainquite nasty, as they .concern love gone rancid. Overall, the Sand Rubies’ first effort is not half bad. The produc#ion values on the album are high, it features competent musicians and intelligent lyrics, what more do you want?



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Imprint Friday, April 2,1993

to get

How hHead:


The Imptint


international acts, the hot Toronto trio hHead are starting to receive some faintly enthusiastic’ recognition for themselves. Indeed, with their forthcoming fireman CD on the verge of release, a tremendous opportunity is at hand for an even larger audience to find out precisely

by Duve Fisher and Dave Thomson imprint stuff

After some rather gigs opening for several

ahHead in advertising

promising acclaimed






We’re assuming you’ve grown tired of the label tive”. For the benefit who’ve never seen or heardyoqhowdoyou prefer to describe hHead’s music? We like to veer



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called Head from years ago. They’re totally shit, but they were on the Sex Pistols label, so... ...you


to cover



Right, y’know, avoid litigation and all that bullshit. You’ve gotten some pretty envim able slots in the past year opening for the Lemonheads, My Bloody Valentine, and Love Battery. How did all these come about? We’ve got +a manager -- Jack

rapidly “altemal of those

Ross- whomtiages Mijxy Friivous as well. He used to work with The Agency, which is the biggest book-

the Goo Coo Dolls. It came from out of the blue. A promoter who books shows there -- he’s booked, like, the Dinosaur show, King Missile, white Zombie, things like that -- he’s a friend of the Goo Goo Dolls and he heard “Collide” on CFNY, liked it a lot, called up the station and tracked me down. What’s been happening insofar as recordings are concerned? me Fireman cassette’s been out since November and now we’re fi-

nally just going to release it on CD. We’re tired of waiting around for a record zompany so we’re doing it all ourselves. The Firernun indie then?

away from the term “grunge”, for sure, but then I suppose that’s a term all bands are trying to veer away from. We’re a pop band. Sonic pop+ We try to create a lot of dynamits but it’s still pop music. How’d the band form? I met Noah (M&z, hHead’s



what regular Hogtown concertgoers already know. Namely, that hHead are anexceptional band with some outstanding material. In town this past week to play a showcase at Phil’s with Eric’s Trip, Imprint caught up with bassist Brendan Canning and, after a gentle twist of his rubber arm, made him consent to our furious demands for an interview.


University I quit after




a an

acoustic duo for awhile then became a fivepiece band, dished out some members, and then saw Mark “Record companies can suck our dicks!” (Bartkiw) in a club. He was drumming for another band, ing agency in Canada. So we’re ofso we just, ahh... ficiaily managed, and officially ...stole him? booked by The Agency. Ofcourse, Yeah, more or less. He was in it’s more to dish out to another two bands actually. So it’s been this source but we can’t complain. line-up for about nine months now They’re obviously more aware of and we’ve found it really comfortwhat’s going on in the country, and able. what tours we can get on. The deal’s We’re curious as to the catalyst of good for all concerned. We get a the band’s name. new audience to play to and at the I don’t know. I didn’t think of same time MCA knows we’re going it, but the idea of the second “h” to be a good draw in Toronto. was mine because I was flipping That Lemonheads gig you did at through a discount record bin and Lee’s Palace received coverage in saw an album by another band the Melody Maker but they didn’t even mention you guys, only the Lemons and juliain> Hatfield. /hat gives? Really? They covered the Torc Into show? Well, we don’t have an ’ al bum available over there (in Engla,11~0yet, so... I’ll hold that against th Iem anyway. H ave you played any gigs in the

@Utie Ciketiiianrpizzaict Tbvogreatpizzas!Onelow price:Always!Always!

St tates yet?



in Buffalo


Is it indicative of what you’re doing right

now? Yeah. The first tape we released over a year ago isn’t so much indicative. We did that as a four piece with a different drummer and another guitarist. But we still do those songs. In fact we rereleased another song, “Flower”, on the Fireman cassette which was originally on the first tape. We also have a video for that now. Any

airplay Yeah,

with that? CifyLimits

And again, the release of the Fs’remun CD’s set for...? Probably April IOth, but offi-


on Ap;il

the 13th.



t j VnN







12, 19 r; 3


99 l lmr for





ARENA (Corner


MuchMusic has played it three times and they’ve only had it about a month. It’s pretty low-budget, we did it for a thousand bucks. But people from other bands are say&g tfiey really dig it, and we’re ;ealTy iipressed ourselves. Independently, 1 can say this because I had nothing to do with the making of it, but it’s a really good video.




Independent, yes. Completely independent. Record companies can suck our cbrpora te collective dicks. Completely independent. The tape’s sold a thousand copies and went Number 2 on HMV’s indie chart, so we’re already pretty encouraged. It’s 45 minutes, but the CD’s going to include four bonus tracks and will be65 minutes long. The official release date is April 13th.


Brock which


of Queen

KITCHENER 84 Westmount:






April 2,1993

The Revealing Science of Eric, a.k.a....

The Eric’s



The Imprint

In terrogntion

by Dave Fisher Thomson Imprint staff



Having named themselves after a Sonic Youth song of the same title, Moncton’s Eric’sTrip made an immediate impact in Toronto this past October with a kick-ass debut performance backing-up their very mentors. Since then, word’s gotten out about their now-legendary Sub Pop sign-

ing, have



Alright derstanding” on the Raw Energy compilation? Mark: *David Porter was behind Raw Energy and he’s a Maritimer. When he was concocting the compilation, I think he didn’t want to ignore his Maritime roots, so we were recommended and he contacted us. It was the first time we’d ever played that song. C&is’: It’s called “tinderstand” actually, so the title on the album’s a mistake. We didn’t really want to do a studio recording so we gave them the demo which we recorded in my basement. That’s where we do all our rehearsing and we thought it sounded really cool so we gave it to them. Mark: There seer& to have been a bit of a problem mastering the song though. Most of the other bands submitted songs recorded on 4,8, or 16 track recorders and we recorded ours not even on a two-track but on a little onetrack+ It was recorded on a little mono tape deck that we paid maybe $24.98 for, not even a ghetto-blaster, but it was cool because we did it so spontaneously. As crude as it is, we feel it’s still an extension of what Eric’s Trip’s about .. . kind of mysterious, not too clean sounding. That’s why it’s such a rough recording. The Maritimes, and Halifax in particular, seems to be getting a hype as “Canada’s Seattle”. How’s the scene in Moncton? Chris: Not really much of any scene at all. There’s one half-decent bar called the Kasho, but it’s hard to get a gig there unless you’re a French band. There’s a campus radio station that sometimes plays us, but as far as press coverage goes, it’s really non-existent. You don’t get any ink in your hometown? Chris: None. We once got a mention in a local tv guide, but other than that there’s been nothing. There’ve been stories on us in Fredericton and Halifax, where the scene’s much healthier, but Moncton ignores everybody except, maybe, Def Leppard or . .. Murk: ...Eric Clapton instead of Eric’s Trip. It makes us a little bit cynical, but it’s still cool ‘cause the kids are alright. But then we’re just kids ourselves. They’ll hear about us yet.

weapon across the border than smuggling a simple joint. I don’t want to be seen as a pot advocate, but it really annoys me when tokers are treated as criminals* Anyhow, we didn’t have any organics. As young musicians, how do you feel about the pot factor in the nineties? Chris: I think it should be



a five record deal), and their part in a new Maritime vanguard spearheaded by spiritual brothers Sloan.

Another gratuitous Imprint photo-op. and Chris decriminalized, if not altogether leThompson, bassist Julie Doiron, and galized. maniacal drummer Mark Gaudet, Murk: I don’t feel ashamed Eric’s Trip recently played a stunsmoking it nor letting people know ning show at Phil’s Grandson’s Place we’re not idiots for doing so. That’s proving their Concert Hall performwhy I sometimes get a little vocal ance was anything but a one-off about it. It should be like in Holfluke. They’ve just released an EP, land. Pierre Trudeau tried in 1474 and with more on its way, Imprint to get decriminalization for possesfelt obliged to comer Chris and Mark sion up to six grams, and as far as to get all the shit that’s fit to print. I’m concerned, he’ll be remembered for that alone. Trudeau was a friend Eric’sTrip were billedon theSonic to the smoker, and we have a lot to Youth showas”Punk Rock Superthank him for. Mulroney though, stars”. We’d never heard of you. he’s no friend. That doesn’t exactly qualify you as Tell us about your record releases. “superstars” now, does it?. Chris: Our latest, the Peter EP, Mark: That’s standard fare for was just released yesterday, (March Sonic Youth, as far as advertising 23rd). Prior to that we’d made castheir warm-up. It’s funny, because set te EP’s, a seven inch single, and we wondered whether Sonic Youth released songs on compilations. had even heard us, despite the fact What are the details of the Sub Pop we’re named after their song. But deal? it’s their standard practice, so the C/~-is: It was originally publiillusion is over. I’m glad we’re a cized in press releases that we’d punk band though. If we hadn’t signed a five album deal, but that been, it would’ve looked silly. was renegotiated to two albums How did you procure that gig, anywith an option on two more. The how? first Sub Pop album will be re-reClrris: We got a letter from Sub cordings of our earlier stuff and is Pop’s EastCoast rep inBoston, Joyce set for release on November 8th. Linehan, and she suggested the We have to have it recorded four Sonic Youth and Vermonstrous months beforehand, so the first shows’d be good ideas to sweeten a week of July’s our deadline. record deal. Mark: When we first signed Vermonstrous? the deal in January, Joyce told us Chris: It’s a two-day festival we’re due for a single “now” so we held at the Metronome Club in handed that in right quick and we’ll Burlington, Vermont. We played have our first Sub Pop material rewith Buffalo Tom, Velocity Girl, leased in either April or May. Pond... How did you get to submit “UnHow did Sub Pop get interested in a little band from Moncton in the first place? Chris: Joyce heard Sloan on a radio station in Boston and called up and asked about them. The radio station in turn got her contacted with their manager, Peter Rowan, who’s also our manager. She asked what was going on, so he quickly set up a showcase with us. Back to the Concert Hall gig, had you ever playedavenue that large? Murk: Not even close. That was big time. Were you nervous? Chris: Not really nervous, more excited... Mark: I had butterflies. I alRock and Bowl takes place on Saturday nights most threw up before going onstage from 10 p,m. to 12 midnight. Includes Classic because 1 was so hyper. It was great though because we were running Rock Music, low lighting, weekly prizes, etc. on pure fire energy that whole week. $25.00 gets you a for up to 8 people fol Chris: Yeah, Vermonstrous was just four days prior so we were two hours of great fun!! really speeding on adrenaline. Open to persons 19 years of age and over. Vermonstrous was like our best gig Licensed under the L.L.B.O. ever... *limited lanes available - phone for reservations* Mark: And my worst gig. How so? Mark: We didn’t have any hash before playing. Border crap. It’s ridiculous, but we’d probably 886-2900 \ 88&2370 14 Princess Street, W., WATERLOO be better trying to bring a loaded (behind Huether Hotel) - snack bar - free parking


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The Community Volunteer income Tax Program is a self-help program run by volunteers who provide confidential assistance with filing income tax returns free of charge to people who are not in a position to pay for professional help. For more information, call Anil at ext 3564 or 747-l 489 or public affairs, Revenue Canada, Kitchener. I he Gay and Lesbian Llberatlon of Waterloo offers confidential peer counselling. Call 884~GLOW for information, direction or just to talk. Japanese Animation. Details to be announced. Conrad Grebel LolIege has an “tvents of the Week” extension. UW students can dial (519) 885-0220 ext. 460 for listing of events in a given week.


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Sublet - University Ave., one room for one male student, basement apt. includes kitchen, livingroom, dean furnished, cool in summer; very close to UW/Laurier. Lease May - Aug; rent neg. Call Gavin, 886-5491.

International Students Office seeks volunteers to assist international students with conversational Engllish. If intereSt8d in tutoring, call Sheryl Kennedy at ext, 2814. Reglonai AddIction Counselllng needs volunteers for special fundraisers. If you can help, call 743-6951. m Big Sisters needs volunteers. If you are a caring person and can give 3 hours a week to a child, call 743-5206 for details.

One bedroom available in house. Laundry, 15 min. from UW. $175/ mo May-Aug 93.401 Midwood Cres. Renee 885-5202.. Groups of 2-8 -summer sublet or 7 yr. lease. Big backyard, huge rooms. 5 min. walk to UW. Call Gord 746. 0333. summer sublets - 1 km. to unlversity. Furnished, 3 buildings tochoose from. $125 to $175/month inclusive. Paul at 664-1371 burnished house - excellent 6 bedrooms, 2 washlooms, 2 kitchens, laundry, livingrooms, extras. 1.5 km from UW. $1,875 plus utilities. Availabte May 1 for one yearor one term. 746-7928 after 6 p.m. 3 bedroom unit summer sublet. $140/roam or $400. all 3. 15 min. walk. 725-4867 or 880-7377. I ired of Uumps?! Gtendene C;res. 5 bedroom, 2 bath, laundry, cleaning service. September; year lease. $320 each plus utilities. 886-2726. Rooms to Sublet - 5 bedroom house, May to August. Close to UW, $100.00 per incl. month. Call 416509-3284 . Summer Sublet- very close, 5 room house available/single rooms. Intercoms, TV, VCR, Microwave, fuily furnished. $195,UO/month. Call 740091 9. misslssauga: May - Sept. Share luxury condo with UW grad. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, pdol, tennis and squash courts and more. $4501 inonth. 416-277-8854. Ladies! You won’t be dlsappolnted? Clean, Quiet, Close. Newly renovated 9 bedroom house. Close to Columbia and Albert Streets, all rooms furnished, 2 full and 1 private bathrooms 1.5 kitchens, 7 appliances (2 fridges, 2 stoves,. microwave, washer, dryer) Common roorr with cable TV, parking space for I C cars. Summer term: $ Negotiable + utilities (water, electricity, heat). Re serve now for fall and winter terms Call Marco at 725-7879 anytime! single or double residence room3 for the Spring term are available a Conrad Grebet College, UW. Direc t inquiries to Dean of Students, Gloria Eby (885-0220, ext. 251) or to hei as&tant Chris Goertz, ext. 223. Vfilllip St. lownhouse - summel sublei - one minute walk to campus fully furnished, clean, cheap! Cal i Jenifer at 885-2154.

LAST PAPER UNTIL MAY 7. First paper of the Spring/Summer term deadline is MONDAY1 MAY 3 AT 5:dO PM.




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Extra $$$. Stuff envelopes at home in your spare time. $2/envelope! Send a self-addressed stamped envelope for free details to SSA, Box 514, Station J, Toronto, Ontario, M4J 422. $675/wk plus - Want an easy job that pays great!? Work from home or travel across Ontarioand British Columbia recIistering homeowners for long distante savings. Over $29,000 in student scholarships awarded. Send resumeslapplications to: Smart Talk Network, Residential Marketing Division, Student recruitment program, 8500 Leslie St.. Ste. ZOO, Thornhill, Ont. L3T 7M8.


Bagel Brunch hosted by the Waterloo Jewish Students Association from 11:30 - 1:30om CC 110.

Classifieds Money for software venture - “Venture Capitalist will provide seed money to students who are developing promising software programs. For-further informationcall (416)366-7758orwrite with proposal and resume to: Ceyx Properties Ltd., 701 King St. W, Suite #403, Toronto, Ontario,MliV 2W7. Professional Hew me serwce by Ufl Co-op graduate. Former hiring consultantfor Fortune 500company. $15. = 15 laser printed resumes. Get the jump on yourcompetition! Phone Clark 273-7970. -__---------L




UpcoMiNq EVENTS Friday

April 2

Le Cercle francais presents the play “La Peau de I’Autre.” Theatre of the Arts. 20h00, $3.50 students, $4.50 oiheis. Reception to follow. mediating Conflict on the Job - practice lab sponsored by the Network and lnstltute of Peace and Conflict Studies. 9:30 am to 4:40 pm, Conrad Grebel College. For info call 885-0880. mump and ,SmOot In Ferns, a clown show for adults. Humanities Theatre, 8:OOpm. For info call 885-4280. Saturday, April 3 Waterloo Showtlme presents Tom Kubinek, comedian, clown acrobat. magician and juggler.’ Humanities Theatre, 1’:OO pm. Fo; info call 885-4280. Canadian Foundation for World Development c;offehouse - upstairs at the Heuther (the Kent), 8:OO pm, $4.00 with proceeds to World Developmenl. Sunday April 4 WLU Choir, Women’s Choir and Symphony Orchestra Requiem, 3:00 pm, in the Theatre Auditorium

present Brahms’

Monday April 5 Ken 8anks will discuss the Company of Neighbours project, at KPL main Branch, 12:OO noon. Call 743-0271 exf 254 for info. Tuesday April 6 GLLOW Discussion Group: “1s there a place for arguments in relationships?” All lesbians, bisexuals, gays and other supportive people welcome. UW Modern Languaqes room 104,7:30 p.m. )lUSSel ROdrIg wfldiscuss “Life in the Slow Lane: A Non-Technical Perspective on Some Issues in Academic Research in Organic Synthesis.” 7:OO om in room P1025-27. Frank Peters Buildina. Graduaie Leisure Research Symposium, 9:00 am - 5:36 pm in Matthews Hall. For info call ext.3013 or 3894. Wednesday April 7 Kltchener Blood Donor Clinic at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 317 Franklin St. N.. 1:30 - 8:oO pm. You can donate every 70 days. ID required. Phone 742-2785 for info.






Perfection on paper. Professional word processing by University grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections/same day senrice available. Laser printer. Suzanne 886-3857.



















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