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ini& n

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11!2Guelph Rvenwe ClPMBRlDGd Td.:(519)658-5141 Fax:(519)658-1084


IMPRINT Campus Centre, Room University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L

I40 3G I

888-4048 Friday, September 3, 1993 Volume 16, Number ‘8 ISSN

PM visits


Inside news

3-7 Campbell

Tuition hikes on the way, Kiln! COIXS by UW, Hotnolkn Ban controvers)

heats up on computer




8 - ii

Another roadside political system, letter from pen, Frank tuag gets interested in Hormolka/Teale


12m 25

iverything you need to know at UW from Imprint to WPIRG to the Feds to Single and Sexy


26 - 34

Previews and more, campus ret calender,





Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News As&ant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor


schedlue, is coming!

Ken Bryson vacant vacant I vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant vacant

Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant

General Advertising

Manager Assistant

Proof Readers

Laurie Tigert-Dumas

vacant Vivian Tambeau vacant


Boardof Dlrec l


President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Staff Liaison Directors-at-Large

Dave Thomson vacant Jeff Warner vacant Sandy Atwal Bernard Kearney



Sandy Atwal, Peter Brown, Ken Craig, Dave Fisher, Sue Forrest, iammy Gaber, John Hymers, Kevin Lanctot, Jack Lefcourt, Dava McKay, Jeffrey L. Millar, Greg Hood-Morris, Rich Nichol, Daryl Novak, Natalie Onuska, Kim Powell, Chris Redmond, Sameh E. Rehan, Frank Seglenieks (Larry DaHas), Tammy Speers, Dave Thomson, UW News Bureau, Jane Varley,Terry Venturio, Jeff Warner, Chris Waters, Derek Weiler (lance Manion), Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. it is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint

is published m&y

Friday during the fall

and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Our fa number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be adciressed to imprint 8watservl

by Ken Imprint &



outDnes . Kitchener

Bryssn stafl News Bureau

Prime Minister Kim &mpbell made a pre-election visit to WW last month, just hours after giving a policy speech on education to Kitchener’s Confederation Club. Welcomed warmly by approximatety 450 student, administration, and UW daycamp children, Campbell signed autographs, viewed various displays, and met with both administration and graduate and co-op studentr. ln her noon hour speech, Campbell had words of praise for UW, saying the university’s “excellence is based on both the quality of its teaching and the quality of the partnership that exists between that institution and the private sector.” She said the problems of performance facing the edycation sys-

education speech


in -

tem can’t be solved by government alone. “This is much more than a matter for governments,” Campbell said in her text. <“It is an issue for scho&, parents, for the private sector, for unl ions. We won’t address the challenge by standing apart, as governments, or as a sociev. We can solve it by moving forward together.” She then went on to cite UW as a shining example among several in Canada of an institution joining PM Campbell speaks it up ut.the forces with groups in society to deal mo’mcmey for students with the education challenge. Campbell also focussed on the I> largely unchanged since 1964, is not changing Canada Student Loans sys; working well enough, Campbell said, tern as an example of how the govadding that the cost of living has risen ernment is committed to educaby 30 per cent in the last five years tion. “Speaking sim’ply as a former while the amount students can borstudent, I know that I could not have row has not changed. gone on to university without a stuShe promised that full-time student loan.” dents will be able to borrow $5, IO0 But the current program, each academic year, up from $3,500,


- ma’money,

photo by Dave Thomson and part-time students $4,000, up from $2,500. “We will provide deferred grants and interest relief to those students most in need,” she said. The current federal loans program, th? prime minister stressed, costs “hundreds of millions of dollars through inefficiency and defaulted loans - money that does not go into the pockets of students.” She said changes will be made to cut costs and “allow successful pursuit of def;lulters.” Also, Campbell said the government plans a new educaand to COU,” tion tax credit that increases the Ontario Undergraduate Student deduction for full-time study (the Alliance (OUSA) says that any incurrerit one provides $80 a month) crease must be accompanied by a and extends the tax credit to partbasic reform to the Ontario Student time students. Assistance Program (OSAP). Finally, she targeted the “If students are going to be “chronic and severe” under- reprepaying more, then the accountability sentation of women in university of the students and the input of doctoral programs, especially in the students has to become much more areas of science, mathematics and meaningful,. much more effective,” engineering. Campbelt promised unremarked the president of the Alma specified action to deal with the Mater Society at Queen’s University, problem. Katherine Philips. UW held the prime minister’s “If students are going to be ’ reception in the Davis Centre where paying more, then the accountability she viewed energy efficient of the students and the input of students has to become much more coninued to pg 5

50% tuition hikes possible by Natalie


Onuska stafT

Ontario college and university studenu will face a fifty percent increase in tuition fees over the next two years if the provincial government approves the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) recent proposal, The COU wants the maximum tuition in arts and science undergraduate programs to be raised to $2,493 from the current $2,026, then up to $3,030 in the 1995-96 school year. for graduate programs, COU has proposed to increase the present $3,05 I tuition maximum to $4,545 in 1995-96. Stiould the proposal go

through, the greatest jump will be seen in specialized faculties such as dentistry, medicine, education and law, from the present range of $2,026 to $2,576, escalating up to $4,06 I in 1995-96. “CQU’s proposal is iudicrous. Students are barely able to afford university now. It’s an irresponsible proposal and it doesn’t take into account responsibility of other stakeholders in ensuring that education is accessible,” said Federation of Students President Catherine Coleman. “We can’t do this on our own. We as students must make our position known to the Minister of Education and Training (David Cooke)


to pg 4


Summer. news recapped by Jen Itnptw

Warner stfl

In a non-officially-hostile take over, Catherine Coleman replaced Dave Martin as President of the Federation of Students at the beginning of the term. George Van Nooten became Vice-President, Operations and Finance, and Sharon Flood assumed the position of Vice-President, University Affairs. Both Coleman and Flood claimed to be strongly supponive of both OUSA and its income-contingent loan plan (ICLP), and pledged itself to work towards ICLP, and improving the visibility of ‘Fed setvices and gualiv of student life. In May, the controversial “new” Gender Issues Board (formerly the Women’s Issues Board) had a man appointed to chair it+ Sean McCutcheon’s appointment was met with a storm of controversy, with many women worried that as a man, McCutcheon would be unable to relate to a “woman’s experience.”

McCutcheon was appointed by VPUA Sharon Flood after a personal interview about his heading the Social Issues 8oard. Flood felt that McCutcheon would be more appropriate in the Gender Issues Board, and he agreed to take the fourmonth position. Over I00,UOO people gathered May I5 on Parliament Hill to regiswr their hostility to the North American Free Trade Agreement Labour unions, environmentalists, and social justice advocates joined together for a six hour march and rally. The protesters came from across Canada, with rabour groups representing the largest single contingent The protest was organized by the Action Canada Network, an antifree trade protest group. Bob Sprouie was appointed the new general manager for the Federation of Students in May. Sproule has served on the student council at Carlton University, taught at the University of Calgary, and acted as that university’s business adminis-

trator -- a dosition similar to that of general manager, Jim Kalbfleisch,a UW math Prof., was named to Vice-President, Academic and Provost effective July I for a five-year term. Kalbfleirch has been the associate provost for the past three years, and has served as dean of the math faculty for more than three years. David Cooke, the minister of Education and Training, introduced legislation to make Ryerson Polytechnical Institute Ontario’s first “polytechnic university.” While students had already been paying university-level fees, received the same services, and could earn degrees, the university is now expecting to receive upwards of $ IO million in the grants over the next few years. A number of anti-racist rallies were heId in downtown Kitchener over the summer, largely aimed at the Heritage Front white supremacy movement Several hundred people participated in the rallies, which were


mainly held in front of European Sound Imports on King street. WPIRG helped to organize several of the rallies. Several similar ratlies in other cities held over the summer were marred by sporadic violence between the protestors and the protested. A small prostitution ring was using the Married Student Apartments for a short period of time, Imprint revealed aker a number of flyers advertising the “Black Orchid Escort Service” were distributed around several university residences I and private residences. A complex method of appointments, monetary deposits, and anonymous meetings was set up to provide sexual acts to engineering and math students, with the “appointments” to take place in an apartment in the MSA. Imprint investigated the organization and learned that the bank account and phone number used by Black Orchid were registered to a former UW student, Greg Nikolic.


to pg 4




Friday, Septemtw 3, 1993

Tuition announcementdue in fall OUSA says COU proposal irresponsible continued


pg 3

meaningful, much more effective,“she said. “Fundamentally, if you’re going to increase tuition, student aid changes have to come first so that people recognize that they can pay for their education.” An August 23 OUSA media release states that “COU boasts that the new proposals would allow for increases in university funding and student aid, without any cost to the Ontario government/ Cooke met with student representatives on August 20th to address issues concerning accountability, tuition and ancillary fees at Toronto government building. Although the minister had received the COU proposal on the 18th of August, the matter was not discussed as the docu-

ment was not released to the public until the 23rd. “The minister has acknowledged that tuition witI have to rise significantly. He wants responses to how we can get more money into the system while saving money fdr the province,” said Philips. “We would like to have a uniform response from student organizations around all the issues, not just graduate, undergraduate, and professional programs. but &hat they think their levels of increase are, They have to take up responsibility, they can’t just

say, ‘We say zero (tuition increases),“’ commented Policy Advisor on Post Secondary Issues David Scott. What kind of financial state does this leave pas! secondary school students in? The 1990-9 I and I 99 l-92 school

allowing students to repay debts by taking a percentage of their taxable income. Like OSAP, loans payments would begin after graduation, however, ICLRP makes a post secondary school education more accessible to students because it takes into account that wages vary with each individual, according to OUSA. “We’re very supportive of it,“said Scott, “it’s an issue of how you manage your debt. Right now there’s no income sensitivity to how you repay loans. Six months after you graduate, you have to negotiate how you’re going to repay(your loan). You have to repay a certain amount each month no matter what your income is...unless you can prove unemployability you are required to pay back the loan.” Cooke will be meeting with representatives of the COU in mid September to discuss the proposal and will be taking his recommendations to the cabinet this fall. An announcement will be made late in late October or early November.

hike in 1992-93 as well as this fall, which translates to a thirty-four percent increase over the past four years. Grants have be& eliminated altogether by the OSAP and less money is being allotted to individuals as the student aid plan struggles to accommodate a larger number of students in need of assistance. According to the Ontario liberal Party, youth unem-

They have to take up




‘f just

~?”fl,yr twenty

percent Student organizations such as OUSA, which represents 85 000 students from UW, Laurier, U of T, and Queen’s, is working to come up with possible solutions for the funding crisis. ’ One of the alternatives offered is the concept of an income contingent loan repayment plan (ICLRP). This system would enable students to repay their loans in a more flexible manner than what OSAP currently offers by

say ‘we say zero tuition. ‘I* years saw tuition fees increase by eight percent, followed by a seven percent


Sumtiei(y) continued



pg 3

Midnightsun II, UW’s s.olar powered race car, had a slightly poor showing in this year’s race, coming in 3 3rd out of 34. The race covers over 1700 km in the states, and attracts teams from the top universities in North America (U of T and Western naturally did not compete). Midnightsun team members pointed to the funding differences between the teams by way of explanation for their placement: the first place Michigan team had over $600,000 US, compared to UW’s: $80,000 Cdn.

Nikolic was later evicted from &e MSA by the university for obtaining the lease under false pretences. Waterloo Regional Police are treating it as a criminal matter, and are currently investigating it. The Ontario government officially gave the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance approval as a lobbyist group in May. OUSA now has a direct voice in the government, though the chair of the OFS was more than a little upset, claiming that OUSA had no mandate to represent students. David Scott, assistant to the niinister of education, stated that the decision was a result of the number of universities associated with OUSA. OUSA’s main policy has been income-contingency loans.

The Ontariogovernment pledged over $120 million to establish two French language colleges. To be split between northern and southern Ontario, the funding announcement came at roughly the same:time that existing universities and colleges were asked to trim millions from their budgets.

The &Fey, the University of British Columbia’s student newspaper, waf temporarily shut down over the summer, pending a review by a new “Publications Board” at UBC. Citing poor editorial decisions and financial planning, the student government moved to exert a greater control over the 75 year old paper. This in turn sparked a massive outpouring of support from the paper and charges of censorship. The issue is currently still unresolveb.

The preliminary hearing for the second-degree murder trial of Kris Eric Warkentin was held during the week ofJuly 19. Warkentin is charged in connection with the beating death of UW chemical engineering Phd student David Zaharchuk, who was beaten to death on New Year’s Day. Warkentin was also a UW chemical engineering student. A publication ban was imposed during the hearing.

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Friday, September


Student Bunk of Monfreul

loans in the teller line duds own loori progrum

by Ken Bqpon Imprint stun Acting on the growing need for student financing, the Bank of Montreal recently announced a new student loan service. While the loans will not be guaranteed by the government, as are Canada Student Loans (CSL) and Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP) loans, they will be available to many students who do not qualify for those loans. “It was clear that there were students who need financial help but couldn’t get it through available loan programs,” said Bank of Montreal spokeswoman Lynne Kilpatrick. Under the plan, students would be able to borrow up to five thousand dollars per year and have up to seven years to repay after graduation. Students would be required to begin payment of interest immediately upon taking the loan, but would also receive a six month grace period after graduation before repayment of principle would begin. Kilpatrick said that the new plan has little to do with the federal government’s plan to cooperate more fully with either the Royal Bank or the ClBC with a revamped CSL system. She said

- the best pre-law school hangout on campus, who else would people hue? \

to meet failing OSAP

that the Bank of Montreal has- been planning their new program since before the government began negotiations with the other banks. Jocelyn Charron, communications officer for the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), however, doesn’t see the new program as being entirely positive. “Some students should and don’t qualify for [CSL] financial assistance and the Bank of Montreal will help.” Charron said+ “But of course there will be a cost By the end three of four year [on the plan] the interest might be more than some students bargained for.” Charron believes the Bank of Montreal program to be fine for some students for short periods, but doesn’t see it as a substitute for the CSL or OSAP programs. As for the ongoing interest charges, Kilpatrick says that the bank doesn’t have the luxury of government guarantees. “We have to approach [the loans] as a bank with a responsibility to our share holders,” she said. In most cases, students will also have to include a parent or other third party to act as a co-signator to the loans. Federation President Catherine


Coleman, says she isn’t sure if the program will be as good as the CSL program but also added that “the CSL doesn’t tend to reach a lot of stu: dents.” She did, however, say that the very existence of a private s&dent loan program does comment on the state of our publicly funded programs. “1; is indicative of the growing recognition that students need more help, we’re not getting enough,” she said. “Maybe student aid was adequate years ago but it certainly isn’t now.” The Bank of Montreal is certainly content with their new program. “The applications [for the loans] have been coming in much faster than expected,” said Kilpatrick. “There’s clearly a need.”

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vehicles designed by UW engineering students, and displays of Uw’s two summer day camps, the new student life centre, and the Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research. While the reception was warm and amiable here at UW, three people, including one student, were arrested only a few weeks prior during Campbell’s visit to the University of Toronto. The charges of assaulting police and obstructing police were laid after Metro Police attempted to expel protestors from the building where Campbell was meeting in private with Fletro Toronto’s Conservative MPs. The demonstrators had gathered outside the building and then entered via a back door in order to continue their protests:They were subsequently removed from the building by Metro Police, U of T security, and the RCMP, resulting in the three arrests. “People can demonstrate within certain limits,” said U of T manager of are accepted here as part police services Lee McKergow. “Demonstrations of the academic life.” U of T President Rob Pritchard said he saw the incident as regrettable, but felt police were within their rights in removing the protestors. 8 -with files from the Varsity (Uoff)

WdameBachFmsh Studertts &Faadty 1



PM receives wa-rm welcome continued

3, 1993, Imprint



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Friday, f+m-~ber



3, I993



Homolka ban breached in Waterloo? Compufer by Ken Imprint

buk tin boards cause controversy

Bfyson stuf

A Waterloo man has found himself the centre of a controversy over computer bulletin boards and the Karla Homolka trial publication ban. Neal Parsons has been fingered by a number of major newspapers as having broken the ban infm-mhnr _- for -- r oostirw . . ..-s . ..-rr-ll ---“‘o Ull newsgroups which could be protected information. While Ottawa’s Frank magazine (Sept 2.1993) says of Parsons that “those in the know say his information is dead on,” Parsons himself insists that he is onlvI passing on rumours he has heard. He also says he will continue posting rumours he receives but that his “source” has dried up since he was mentioned in the Toronto Sun. Both on the bulletin board services and elsewhere, the debate now rages over whether or not the ban should extend to the services, if the services actuafly constitute publication, and who should be responsible for any

over “publication”

possible ban brea bches. Parsons beliceves that he has not broken the ban bl ecause. according to him, the bulletin boards blo not constitute publication due to the limited number of people to whit h the service is available and the hardwa ie necessary to retrieve it. Others, however, sue has Carleton ..m:..,,-:a.. WIIV~I 31~7 -*A:Iwzwa I-.raw Instructor Klaus


and legally liable for the programs they provide.” PohIe also points out that even if Parsons and other rumour posters have not broken the publication ban, they have defamed t-lomolka and ejpecially Paul (Bernardo) Teale, who remains unconvicted of any charges against him. To some bulletin board users Pohle’s argument for the legal liability of board operators is empty, comparing it to holding phone companies tiable for obscene phone calls. While it is unlikely the majoriv of board users would agree on whether the ban has been broken and who should be responsible, everyone involved realizes that a legal test case will

Maybe not ban breaching but definitely defamatory Pohle, say that it is doubtlessly publicaand that operators of bulletin boards services and not just those who post to it should be liable for what is posted. In a recent Globe & M~ilarticle {August 26,1993) he likens bulletin board operators to cable-tv companies that have “little prior knowledge of content and even less control programs they broadcast that originate elsewhere*..yet they are responsible


have to occur


found. Meanwhile,




the answer


seems conposting to the


newsgroups and taking his chances with publication ban. lie has even adopted the nick-name Neal “the trial


ban breaker.”

Con U prof convicted of murders Imprint


A Concordia ing professor



was recently


of the August I992 murders of four fellow professors. Valery Fabrikant received life imprisonment concluding the five month trial in which he dismissed numerous lawyers and eventually defended himself. Fabrikant argued that he was forced into his actions because of academic persecution he felt from his superiors and colleagues. This argument was rebuffed by the judge, who also cited Fabrikant six contempt of court charges for calling him a “crook,” “a fat pig,” and the “presiding muppet” The jury spent seven hours in deliberation before declaring Fabrikant guilty of four counts of first degree murder, two of forcible confinement, and one of attempted murder.



from UW Nms Warden




Bureau of residence

at Uw





Capping a 25.year career as the University of Waterloo’s warden of residence, Prof. Ron Eydt has received a lifetime achievement award from the Canadian Association of Colleges and Universities Student Services. Eydt recently received the Student Affairs Division’s Distinguished Accomplishment Award. As warden, he’s responsible for a multi-million dollar operation that houses 3 700 undergraduate and graduate sardents in five residences, including townhouses and apartments. “Ron has been a tremendous leader and role model in student affairs,” says Peter Hopkins, UWs associate provost for student affairs. “Dot, as he is affectionately known, has been a mentor and role model for well over I 000 residence dons during his tenure.” Besides his warden duties, Eydt is a faculty member in the biology department. “His popu tar first year biology course was always over-subscribed by students from all years and faculties,” Hopkins says. Under his leadership, students in the village residences have raised more than $300 000 for local charities. Eydt was among the first UW employees to join the Canadian student services association, and has served a term as president of its student afFairs division. In addition, he has been treasurer of the Ontario Committee on Student Affairs.








A German scientist, Prof. Geerd Diercksen, has won Canada Couricil’s I993 CanadaGermany Research Award to conduct collaborative work for a year at the University of Waterloo and Queen’s University of Kingston. Diercksen, a member of the Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics at Carching bei Munchen, was nominated for the prize by both UW and Queen’s. He will conduct research on quantum theoretical studies of atomic and molecular physics, computational physics and computer science. At UW, he will work with profs. Josef PaIdus and Jiri Cizek, of the department of applied mathematics. .





Prof. Robin Banks of the Univesity of Waterloo’s psychology department will serve as associate provost, academic afiirs, for one year beginning September I. The appointment was announced in a memorandum from Jim Kalbfleisch, vicepresident, academic and provost “Professor Banks brings to the position a wealth of administrative experience as chair of the psychology department from I97 I to 1979, dean of the Faculty of Arts from I979 to I99 I, and acting vice-president, academic and provost in I987/88,” Kalbfleisch said. The one year appointment is “consistent with plans to review the administrative structure at the University of Waterloo, as previously indicated by President Downey,“; he added.




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M#aiph$cal F0r.u EduMion


The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of #mprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and gre unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.

by Ken



hen the Council of Ontario Universities (COlJ) proposed fifty per cent tuition increases a few weeks ago, many students and student organizations cried foul. True, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) has been calling for tuition increase limits of thirty per cent for the p&t year, but even they saw the COU’s proposal as too much for students to handle. All of this begs the question, should students actually pay more for their educa* tion than they do now? It also makes me wonder what universitiesare really all about If you ask just about any frosh why they chose to go to university, all of them would say “to get an education.” But is that why universities exist, to educate? I’d say no. Universities also exist to allow professors an avenue to do their research unheeded by the demands of the corporate world. The university is supposed to be a place where highly theoretical research and development can take place. Well not anymore. The University of Waterloo leads the world in the corporatization of education. Universities receive huge amounts of corporate funding to do their research and come up with technology that will further corporate interests. But doej this benefit the student beyond the trickle down effect of new technologies introduced into the market? Again, I say no. In fact, this fixation with research is the bane of the post setondary education system. Students must demand the respect and attention they deserve. The COU guards the interests of faculty associations and researchers - calling for higher tuition only proves that they are not really concerned with students and the education we deserve. Arguing that increased tuition will increase accessibility to post secondary education is ludicrous, but that it what the university bigwigs are claiming. Sure the education students receive might be of higher quality, but how many potential students will not receive any higher education because of financial instabilities? OUSA, too, guards the interests of those students whocan afford the increased debt load of even thirty per cent tuition increases. But again, how many low income students will opt to burden themselves with a seemingly insurmountable debt when they graduate? The only real solution to university funding problems is to put universities back in the hands of students, put researchers and corporate greedies back into the marketplace, away from government funding. UW should take an excruciatingly hard look at where public funding ends up, and put it back into education. Calling for students *to pay more than is possible on slightly over minimum wage is unfair and unrealistic. Faculty associations should ask themselves why they have the jobs they do, why they receive upwards of $ IO0 OOCJper year and still complain that they don’t get paid their worth. If professors aren’t teaching, if universities aren’tfunding education over research, how can students expect to receive a decent education? I’vegotan idea,maybe ifwe payuniverskies more money for our education perhaps there’ll pay more attention to US.Wei!, no. Universities are about education. Universities should put the student first and give us a break, for once.

‘A8 1mprint

Friday, September

FWK talk about Hom’olka and Teale ew crimes have so grabbed the headlines or public’s attention as has the appalling recent case concerning twenty-nine year- old accountant Paul Bernard0 Teale and wife Karla Homolka. Ironically, few if any cases in the history of Canada have received such strong gag orders on the publication of details. Even the plea entered by Homolka falls under the ban of judge Francis Kovaa. Despite the lip service paid to the freedom of the press, only the sarcastic political magazine FRANK has dared to even question the reasoning for the ban. FRANK is the supercilious Ottawa/Toronto biweekly which takes a sardonic, but usually witty, look inside Parliament Hill’s hallowed walls. Although it saves most of its vitriol for 0ttawa, it also pays a good amount of attention to the rest of the country when it ftnds an opportunity to illuminate bureaucratic hypocrisy and stupidity. In the August 19th issue of FRANK, a typi&ly smarmy article appeared that was the first printed medium to offer an alternative explanation for the publication ban. Of course, the ban itself was not broken. The article stated that since FRANK had no reporters in the courtroom, it was not privy to material considered unsuitable for publication, and thus couldn’t have broken the ban except by pure accident. Secondly, FRANK printed mostly rumours which never purported to be fact. Again, ifthey happened to be rumours that defied the ban, then this too was also accidental. But semantic backflips aside, FRANK forwards that the reasoning for the trial ban is not, as is widely believed, for Teale to simply receive a fair trial but rather to cover some rather red asses. By piecing together different facts from the case,.such as the fact that the trial of Karla Homolka lasted only a day and a half, one is led to believe that some kind of deal was made. The slap on the wrist that HomoIka received for her part in these horrific proceedings (twelve years on










incompetence of Metro Police, led FRANK to believe that the ban had more to .do with protecting the reputation of some incompetent police investigation than protecting Teale’s right to a fair trial.

3, 1993

The following, then, is FRANK’s rationale: Foltowing the disappearance and subsequent discovery of Leslie Mahaffy and the disappearance of Kristen French, Niagara regional police set up a Green Ribbon Task Force which spent most of its time spinning its wheels and dealing with the media. The breakthrough came from the Metro Toronto Police who’d obtained a blood sample of Teale during the Scarborough rapist case. Although a suspect at that time, Teale was released. Two years after the last Scarborough case, Teale was finally matched via th’e DNA and charged with the Scarborough cases. Eventually, he was linked to the disappearances of Maha@ and French. The Metro Toronto Police’s stake-out of Teale’s activities in St. Catharines, led to charges of the murders of Mahaffy and French. What FRANK sees as a problem for the Metro Police, and the chief cause of the publication ban, is a combination of highly sensitive and embarrassing facts, including. a) the Metro Police originally freed Teale, thus demonstiting the weakness of their investigation; b) the Niagara “rocket scientists” watched as Teale made plans to fly to Mexico, convinced that he was merely on vacation; and c) the Metro cops’ investigation of St Catharines is almost completely contingent upon their Scarborough investigation. FRANK’s conclusion was that defending attorney’s could use constitutional arguments to prove that if Metro’s finest didn’t have suficient grounds to arrest Teale for the Scarborough rapes in the first place, (and some speculation seems to imply as much), then their subsequent searches and arrest of Teale may be invalid. Karla Homolka, then, is the prosecution’s lone smoking gun. All of the information and conjecture reported in the article is, of course, largely rumour and hearsay. It should be further noted that neither Teale nor his defense lawyer ever asked for the gag order. This concurs with the theory that it’s the prosecution that needs the ban far more than does Teale. Of course, all of this speculation never comes into question. The publication ban on Homolka’s trial is presented as necessary in order that Paul Teale receives

a fair trial. This seems a little like locking the barn doors after the horses have bolted, however the danger seems to have been overly exaggerated. According to FRANK assistant-editor Glen McGregor, there has never been a mistrial in Canadian history because of pre-trial publication. The belief that it would be impossible to give Teale a fair trial after information about Homolka’s trial was released is to insult the ability of the jury to remain unbiased. Obviously, the wouldn’t be held iti St. Catharines, and it may have to be held far away, but what price justice? To suggest that the court reserves the decision to keep the public ignorant so that Teale gets a fair trial, as opposed to upholding the freedom of the press and taking extra steps in obtaining unprejudiced jurors, is patently absurd. McGregor’s thesis is that this is simply another example of how the Canadian public is treated as unable to cope with information because of their own stupidity. The Toronto Sun, the Toronto Star and the Globe & Mail could all break the ban if they wanted to. They’vegot the money and lawyers should the Attorney General’s office go after them. Better yet, if all three papers decided to break the ban together, they’d have even more protection. But rather than risk this kind of stance, they’d mther save a few dollars. The Sun, of course, relies heavily on these kinds of sensationalist stories, so they’d only be biting the hand that feeds them. In the words of FRANK, “pissing off police departments guarantees the end of a cheap, steady supply of ‘news’.” If the issue was not so serious, it’d be almost comical that the Globe, the Star and the Sun -- all “serious” newspapers -- sit idly by, unable to inform their readers, while this wily satirical magazine casts the only real doubt on the validity of the ban. There seems no doubt that the publication ban on the Homolka case is a travesty of justice, but it’s perhaps no more a travesty than sentencing Karla Homolka to only twelve years in prison or, for that matter, the spineless impotence of our own majar dally newspapers.










welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone number for verification.. Names may be withheld from publication upon request, All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper. Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, C%mpus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint 43watservl Imprint



the pen.

The only letter to the editor fur the entire month of August we received came from a kindhearted gentleman in a Michigan prison. It seems he is desirous of a few pen pals. So if you’d rather write letters to him than us,we’d be pleased to give you his address. Just come down to the ofice (cc 140) and ask. Here’s an excerpt from his letter: “Please understand, just because I am in prison, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m a criminal. We all can make a mistake - because imperfection is due to anyone who is not perfect. Is God! the only one who forgives ? I hope it hasn’t been accounted as “presumptuous” if a man of low and humble station - has ventured to have a friend.”



Beyond Ken Bryson’s lament that representative government (Metaphysical Education, Imprint - July 16) doesn’t represent the people is part of a more general disenchantment with the potitical process: “big government,” the’ conventional party system and the concentration of political and economic power in highly centralized institutions. He admits “it is likely too large a task to create an entirely new system of government for Canada which would ensure every person the opportunity to voice their opinion on every issue, so we must, then overhaul the present system.” To that end, ifwe could recall our MPs, if we coutd choose our representatives and their policy directives, and if we could outlaw political parties as places of policy making, “then perhaps we could have more faith in our [my emphasis] politicians.‘* Really? I would argue these reform-minded sulutions do not go far enough. I would ask: Why can’t we create an entirely new system, not so much a new gov-

Well, all the signs of an impending federal efection are here. As of press time no election date had been declared, but we all know it’s gonna happe”,. Literature from all the freaks are flooding our houses, in addition to the regular plague of junk mail that infests Waterloo households. Aft the interest groups are hurling tomatoes, starting letter-writing campaigns and making bland policy statements. The Jehovahs are still making their rounds, but that just tells us that the world isn’t getting saner. A friend who recently moved to Vancouver (along with half of Ontario) called me up the other night, shouting I

& a new



to pg 10


confederation of municipalities structured around public assemblies and various forms of town meetings. In a large city, this could take the form of a confederation of neighbourhood assemblies. Regional issues would be administered by recallable deputies of towns, wards, or neighbourhoods in regional confederal councils. The question of who would determine policy making in this politicat armngement is of utmost importance. It must be continually be emphasized that policy making must be made only at the level of the community or neighbourhood assemtrly of free citizens whereas administration and execution of policy decisions can be left to coordinating or regional confederal councils. Of course, along with a new politics there must be a “new economics” that must simultaneously be fought for. This new economics should be a moral economy in contrast to the immoral economy of the free market and the capitalistic “grow or die” imperative. It



can tell. After being subjected to so excitedly about a National Hemp Day, many years of lies and rhetoric about or Hempfest, or some such thing that the necessity of the GST, FTA, NAFTA, is being planned for the near future. It seems he was talking to the organizer L and cutbacks to every service people don’t want cut back, something as far of this national Hempfest, and come off the beaten track as legal grass may October I5 of this year the streets will become something the editorial writbe filled with the sweet smelts of mariers can’t fathom. juana and hysterically frightened police Wouldn’t it be a great election with tear gas and firehoses. It’s a good issue, though? Imagine Kim Campbell, last-minute reminder for voters to Audrey, and Jean spitting out rhetoric consider thefactthat our current Prime aboaut the environmental benefits of Minister has smoked marijuana, and the hemp plant like some greying hipthe country is faring no worse than’ pie at the end of the news. It would be when her dried-out and reformed predlike that boy with no immune system ecessor was in charge. that has to live inside a bubble, getting The issue of legalizing the hemp out of the bubble and escaping all the plant probably won’t be the deciding factor in this election, but you never


ernment, but a new politics? A new politics should empower people in their neighbourhoods and towns. It should attempt to restructure municipal institutions that foster grassroots self-management. It would create a humanly scaled public sphere and a civic culture that allows ordinary people to participate - not the efectronic town hall chatter of Perot or Clinton. Finally, in a mdicaf sense, it would place these newly democratized municipal institutions in “ongoing and growing tension” with the nation-state. Murray Bookchin, the social ecological philosopher, has wonderfully articulated this new politics in his writings, particularly, Urbanization wjthout Cities. He calls this political project, libertarian or confederal municipalism. Confederation, in this context, is not the misleading “federalism” of nationstates (the European Community) or the equivalent confederation of provinces (Canada) or states (the US). Confederation would take the form of a

We need

Greetings and raritings . (welcome to UW)



would neither “nationalize” industries nor “colfectivize” them under worker control (still capitalistic to be sure), but rather municipalizes the economy, that is to say, brings the economy under c6mmunity control through its assemblies of free citizens and regionally through their deputies in confederal councils. This moral economy might begin with organic farms, food co-operatives, or a people’s bank to fund municipalized enterprises. These humanly scaled enterprises will probably not successfully compete against the agribusiness farms in California, the shopping malt or get loans from the major banks. What is important is ihat it may stir the public imagination to undertake these dramatic and revolution&y changes in lifestyles, culture and consciousness so as to create a duul power with only the moral authority to demand changes in the structure of socie ety* - Over time, as more communities


become linked confederafly they might demand the right to institution;ally replace the state and the market economy. If this seems too utopian then may f ask isn’t it also utopian to expect the existing state of affairs to continue providing fulf employment (which it currentiy doesn’t do - ed.) as well as saving the environment? One of the hardest things for people involved in movements for social change to accept is the realization that they will not likely see the end result of their work. We must remember that the modern political mind see “politics” as a body of techniques for holding power in representative bodies’ both legislative and executive. But if we wish to see the human species survive in the 2 I St-century, the we must begin to see politics as a moral calling based on rationality, community and freedom.



If you’d like to votunteer Imprint in any capacity (eg news, sports, arts, layout, production, etc.) come to ther first staff meeting of the term and learn all about it. Friday Sept. IO at /2:30 -- Campus Centre room 140 Editorial brd. elections to be held at Sept. I7 meeting Forum

Friday, September

3, 1993, Imprint




Friday, September

F orum


Hemp continued


is a student’s choice


we’re told, these evaluations have no discernable affect on an instructor’s abilities. Sometimes your professors are brought here primarily to do research, but are forced to teach classes by some condition of hi&g. And you’re paying money for this. And they want

pg 9

stale hot air.

The bubble will probably contain the dissent, as it has in the past, but more and more people are going to start going the way of Mike Douglas in the movie “Falling Down,” who goes slightly nuts after encountering too much bullshit in one day. And that, frorh, is gonna be how you feel after a couple years here. You’ll want to roam around campus and take out a couple of library attendants, professors, faceless people in Needless Hell, and beat up some drunks stealing your bicycle. Especially if you’re in co-op. Sure, you’ll get fabulous experience and so forth, but you’ll have to uproot yourself every four months for nearly five years to get your degree. Add to this the normal stress of trying to pay tuition, hold down a part-time job, completing assignments, and dealing with the rather common incompetence of the people who are supposed to find you a job for $340 per term, and you’ll find yourself trying to remember why you came here in the first place. Not everyone has bad experiences with co-op, but it’s certainly a common enough thing. You’ll also have problems with professors and teaching assistants, and probably react by saying “it’s only for four months” along with everyone else. At the end of the term you will be asked to discreetly and honestly rate your professor according to various factors. Contrary to what

you to pay a lot more. Don’t put up with this crap. You’re

not solving the problem by allowing it to continue. And when the institutional avenues of protest yield no results, turn to more unorthodox meth. ods. If I must state the obvious, I will. The reason that problems students have with this university exist at all is because students aren’t doing enough to solve them. The administration certainly won’t change things to our liking on a hunch. Or take the easy road, and ride it all out until you’ve put in your time. The same thing goes for the manner in which our representative democracy purportedly functions for the people. It plainly doesn’t, and only the most naive would try to argue it does. Ontarions became tired of the standard fare and watched every American CEO soil their pants upon discovering that a socialist party was in charge of Canada’s economic engine. All we’ve gotten out of the hyped-up mistake was a greater appreciation of just how dysfunctional our political system is. Oh, by the way frosh, welcome to UW - you’ll have the time of your life.



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of Nova




of mark




or mInImum




by Michael Bryson Imprint media suffer emeritus Today’s column features a crash course in how to become a niedia critic. Step one: pick a news story, any news story and say to yourself, “They’re lying to me. There’s more to this issue than they’re showing me” (read: the media are full of shit). The odds are better than 100 to I that you’re right. Step two: deny the existence of an objective reality. This may take a while. Some people never come around to the idea that you can’t explain anything completely by appealing to empirical evidence and logic. But you can do it if you really try. Step three: examine once again the news story you’ve selected in step one. See how the writer/broadcaster uses language to create a closed system of information that resists alternative explanations. Some people call it the smalf-world theory, and it even works for comic strips like “Calvin and I-lobbes,” for example. Step four: Ask why the writer/ broadcaster has decided to structure your news story in the particular way you’ve discerned in step three. Keep in mind in this step the dominant power relations of your social contea For example, ask who owns the media outlet that released the news story and who stands to gain from the particular interpretation the writer/ broadcaster has chosen tti emphasize. Step five: by now you are probably cynical about the process of media and you wish you’d never begun to read this column in the first place. Repeat steps one through four on this column. Step six: if you still believe in an objective reality, stop reading here, go write you bar exams, become a politician. I don’t care what you do, just leave me alone. Step seven: now that we’ve gotten rid of all the dead beats, how about some free beer. Step eight: seriously folks, the three stages of enlightenmerrt are as follows: i) become aware of your social context, ii) imagine how your social context might be different, better, iii) stirt living your life as if the world has become the new and improved place you’ve imagined. In terms of becoming a media critic,

once you’ve

given up cling-

ing to an objective reality you can easily break out of the staid social patterns that have perpetuated much of the inequality and violence that is inherent in our society.

Step nine: take an active interest in the cultutil messages that multiply faster than journalists at the scene of a tragedy. Pay particular attention to patterns of information or images. For example, note that beautifu1, large breasted

Scotiabank ‘The

How to become a media sutfin’ critic



women are never in short supply on the magazine mcks and that WASP males have it easy pretty

5 lnstttute or Cegep




OF The




Scorra ‘Subject

to credit


much all the way around. Step ten: pass it on. This column has been reprinted from imprint - May I, 1992.



Cults president

of Conrad

-Rod Sawatsky, Grebel College


Greetings to those coming back from a summer full of unemployment, despair, and sex. It is the start of another school year and that means there will be zealous people of all different religious, philosophical, and political persuasions attempting to convert you like a bag of cheap rice to their way of looking at the world, yourself, and maybe even God. Hell, for that matter they may try to hook you on the Buddha, or Noam Chomsky, or some neo-

fascist group. For those who missed the last summer issue of the Imprint there was a news piece on what reporter Lisa Sutton called “the drastic rise in the number of Chrisitan Fundamentalist recruitment campaigns on Ryerson’s Toronto campus.” Well what else is new? I’m hoping maybe they’ll bring a tent and a good ale preacherman here Waterioo, we could use some old-time religion here. And god bless America too while we’re at it - isn’t that Clinton something, a few months in power and he’s already proving his stuff to innocent civilians by bombing the shit out of them. Yeah, welt folks here’s the indight. Cults



are everywhere!

For those of you who beleive that the only

cultists are the labelled Fundamentalist religious groups - you better open your eyes and look around you because that is only a minor part of the show this world has in store for us. The cults of this age are so demented they don’t even know they are cults. But of course the are, its just that Satan has more disguises that Mr. Dressup. (Is he dead?) Back to cults. We got Labbatt Ice or is that Molsbn ’ Ice, (can you tell the difference?), we got Pizza Pizza, Nike, Pro Sports, Classic Rock, the eritertainment industry, the NDP party, Marxists, Christians, Muslims, Ba’hai’s, Atheists, Material Success, so-called education, and of course engineering, it goes on and on and on. The only people who seem to escape cults are those damn turnkeys in the Campus Centre. Maybe we should worship them? Let’s start a religion. So where do we go from here? Hell? WetI that’s not even debatable, for anyone who doesn’t belong to my cult is going to Hell mainly because they deserve it. Proceed with caution for the next couple of weeks, beware of Neon commercial beer signs and anyone handing out Bible tracts - and after you are able to put it all in perspective reach out and give them a big kiss - they need it and so do you. Welcome back to school everyone, and please join your favourite cult today!


Islam: by Sameh




E. Rehan

Islam: The Arabic word Islam means and refers to the submission and surrender to the Almighty GOD and His Will, in the sense of obeying Him and following His Orders. The Creator Himself has chosen for us this great religion: Islam, and has perfected It for us, thus completing a great favor upon us. ‘I. This day I (GOD) have perfected your refigion for you, completed MY favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. ...“[5.3] Oneness of GOD: GOD is One and the Only One. GOD is not two in one or three in one. This means that Islam rejects the idea of trinity or such a unity of GOD which implies more than one God in one. Oneness of mankind: People are created equal in front of the Law of GOD. There is no superiority for one race over another. GOD made us of different colors, nationalities, languages, and attitudes so as to learn from each other. No one can claim that s/he is better than others. It is only GOD Who knows who is better. It depends on piety and righteousness. Oneness of Messengers’ Teachings: Muslims believe that GOD sent different messengers throughout the history of mankind. All came with the same message and the same basic teachings (mainly to worship and obey the commands of the ONE GOD). It was the people who misunderstood and misinterpreted them. Angels and the Day of Judgement: Muslims believe that there are unseen creatures such as angels created by GOD in the universe for_special missions. Muslims believe that there is a Day of judgement when all people of the world throughout the history of mankind till the last day of life on earth, are to be brought for accounting, reward, and punishment. Mus-


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The views expressed in this column are those ofthe author and do not necessarily represent those of every member ofthe UW Student Christian Move-


only religion which is accepted by GOD of the meaning of part of the Qur’anic




,2 King Street,

“The -translation

3, 1993, Imprint

are everywhere!

“We should teuch students to develop cynicism, caution, and questionism.”

by Ken

Friday, September


S., (corner

of King & Erb)

13: 191

lims believe that after the Day of Judgemenc every human will have an Eternal Life. Innocence of Humans at Birth: Muslims believe that people are born free of sin. It is only after they reach the age of puberty and it is onty after they commit sins that they are to be charged for their mistakes. No one is responsible for or can take the responsibility for the sins of others. However, the’ door of forgiveness through true repentance is always open. No Priesthood in Islam: The relations between humans and their Creator are direct and personal, without requiring any intermediary. Even the Prophets are only guides. Any person can directly ask GOD for anything s/he wants like forgiveness, and be directly responsible to GOD. As a matter of fact, any Muslim, who has certain minimum qualifications, can lead the prayer of a group of Muslims. State and Religion: Muslims believe that Islam is a total and a complete way of life. It encompasses all aspects of life. As such, the teachings of Islam do not separate religion from politics. As a matter of fact, state and religion are under the obedience of GOD through the teachings of klam. Hence, economic and social transactions, as well as educational and political systems are also part of the teachings of Islam. This article is excerpted from the Islamic brochure ‘I&roducing Islam by The Institute of Islamic Information and Education and from the Islamic book ‘Lessons on Islam by Dr. Abu-Bakr El-Sayed of University of Kuwait. For your FREE copy of the mentioned brochure, please call 725-8779 or send an e-mail to The Qur’an Specks is presented&y the UW&loslim Study Group. Someh 12.Rehan is a PhD candidate in electricul und computer engineering. The views expressed in this column ore those ofthe author and do not neccessarily represent those of every member of&be UW Muslim Study Group.


You Get So Av1.ww~rw A wJ# So Little!!!

is Islam”






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A brief -- from Higher education met its Waterloo on July 3, 1957, while the farming and insurance town of Waterloo, Ontario, was celebrating its hundredth birthday. John Diefenbaker had been prime minister less than a month. Sputnik 1 hadn’t yet been launched. And little Waterloo College, a Luthemn institution founded in I9 I I, was starting to wonder what had hit it. Monday, July 1, was a sunny day for a Dominion Day parade. On Tuesday, 75 men who wanted to be engineers wrote admission exams and bought a term’s worth of textbooks. And on Wednesday, july 3, classes began at the Waterloo College Associate Faculties, later to become the University of Waterloo. The Associate Faculties had been created to provide the technical university training that local business leaders thought Kitchener-Waterloo needed. A cooperative system of education, with students attending classes for three months and then working in supervised course-related jobs for three months, was designed to give practical experience. It was the first co-op program in Canada, and other universities looked down their noses at the very idea. What is now the Waterloo campus was a stretch of farm fields. The earfiest engineering students took their classes in prefabricated “huts” next to the two demure brick buildings of Waterloo College, on what’s now the Wilfrid Laurier University campus. Then in Octoberthey were off to work-term jobs, and a second group of students took their place in the classroom. It was a time of change for Ontario education, with universities moving from religious affiliation to government support, and preparing to expand for the post-war baby boom. Founder G. Hagey had talked with friends and colleagues from industry, and by December I955 a pioneering group had decided that Waterloo College had to go beyond its traditional work in the arts; they‘would create a science faculty, soon redefined to mean an engineering school.



Hagey and his colleagues - Ira G. Needles of B. F. Goodrich in Kitchener prominent among them - had even bigger plans. In January ‘1958, they announced the purchase of 237 aties of farmland to the northwest, well outside the little city of Waterloo. Later that year construction began for an academic building on the new site, a building that the next generation would J come to know as Engineering 1. I: The “faculty of science and engineering” was showing signs of overpowering the college to which it was still attached. Delicate negotiations turned into bitI ter hostilities, and eventuAnd in ally a complete break. In thi spring &f 1959, the provincial government established three universities: Waterloo Lutheran University to continue the old college, the University of Waterloo to continue the Associate Faculties, and the University of St. Jerome’s College to acquire degreegranting powers for a century-old Roman Catholic college in Kitchener. St. Jerome’s and Waterloo Lutheran were both expected to federate with the new UW, and St. jerome’s promptly did. But Waterloo Lutheran chose to remain independent and church-aff& ated; UW was on its own, and had to create a faculty ofarts in a hurry in I960 to hold up its head as a university. Three more church colleges joined the university (Renison from the AngiiMennonite affiliations, and St. Paul’s United). The world’s first mathematics faculty was created. The first co-op programs outside engineering were introduced - in physics, then other sciences, eventually the arts as well. The co-op system was rescheduled to involvefour-month terms, producing less disruption and more teaching weeks. In 1967 the College of Optometry of Ontario, long an incependent institu-

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the Social


1 calism”. ail the excitements of the late sixties. A new provincial Act in 1972, reorganizing the university’s governance, gave students a voice on the board of governors and the senate, a recognition unprecedented in Canada. In 1975, students ceiebrated the first and only time the Warriors have won a national championship in Waterloo’s chosen sport, basketball. Other championships came to a fair number of Athena and Warrior teams, except of course the football Warriors, who finally ran up a winless streak so long that it be’ came a source of perverse this building I learned to read... pride, until a coach with a long-time winnivg reputation was tion in Toronto, moved to Waterloo brought in and turned things around and affiliated with the university; it spent seven years in rented downtown dramaticatiy. Waterloo had been a computer space before a building designed for its ’ needs was opened facing Columbia university since the early 1960’5, when Wes Graham and a few colleagues Street. A physical education program was established, grew, changed, and decided that even undergraduates should have access to the room-sized eventualty became a faculty of applied health sciences. A faculty of environmachines that were coming on the market. When the faculty of mathmental studies was created two decematics was created it included a deades before the general public was partment of computer science; soon mounting the environmentalist bandcomputers were Waterloo’s bestwagon. known activity. There was a VoikerStudent activities turned into stu. Craig terminal on everybody’s desk; dent politics. The innocent enthusiasms of the early years (engineers who before long, it was replaced by a micro or a workstation. In I988 came the painted “Beer” on the city water-tower got national publicity for -Waterloo) glass-and-steel William G. Davis Centre for Computer Research. gave way to social consciousness, “radi-




-As enrolment growth levelied ofi, the university found itself with about 16,000 full-time and 9,000 part-time students, including those studying through correspondence, and talk of much physical growth was no longer heard. In the 1980’s Waterloo responded to government demands and social changes with new safety programs, new day care services, and much attention to the status of women on campus. Sexual harassment, grievance policies, natural justice, equal rights and the balance of the sexes among professors were constantly in the news. Women, unknown in Waterloo’s earliest years, have always been underrepresented on the campus, with its dominance by technical, traditionally male fields of study. But now came pay equity, employment equiq, “goals” for the hiring of women professors, and special programs to entice high school girls into the study of math, science and engineering. In the early 1990’s, the University of Waterloo faces financial hard times, but it doesn’t face them alone. This is a university with friends, and a university that (having never tried to do ail things) may just be able to do some things really well. Former president Doug Wright likes to say that of all the universities founded in the English-speaking world during the baby boom years, only one has become an internationally-known success, and that one is Waterloo. (Extracted from IMAGES OF WATERLOO, published I992 by the Office of Information and Public Affairs and Office of Alumni Affairs. Complete text avai table on UWinfo)




The City of Waterloo and our community welcome you to Waterloo! Living away from home can be an exciting experience. A new community means new friends, new places to go and no parental supervision! No supervision sometimes leads to: loud parties - parking on lawns and boulevards - a build-up of garbage and junk where it doesn’t belong. The City has by-laws which regulate or prohibit these matters and they are enforced on a consistent basis. As you may be new to our community, we want you to be aware of these by-laws before you find yourself in conflict with your new community. The City of Waterloo Traffic By-law #83-l 9 does not allow overnight parking on City streets between 2:30 a.m and 6:00 a.m. This by-law also restricts parking on all City streets to a maximum of three consecutive hburs unless signed for a shorter duration. Signage advertising these parking restrictions is located on the main streets entering the City of Waterloo. You have chosen our universities because they are well respected and they chose you because you have a lot to offer. It is your responsibility to keep your university and our City proud of its students.





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of of or benefit from. If you’re interested in the finding out more about the FEDS’ place in the broader scheme, call us at ext. 2340. GENDER ISSUES BOARD The GtB exists to educate all people at UW about gender issues and concerns. The board monitors sexism and/or sexual discrimination at the University, and brings all instances of sexism to the attention of the University community in the hope of eliminating any recurrence. We promote dialogue about gender relations and conduct public seminars, demonstrations and campaigns as necessary to accomplish these goals. If you’d like toget involved with GIB, please call us at ext. 6305.

ices, please call ext. 633 I.


Imprint staff meetings, production Fridays at

12~30 -

-. Federation Students: OF ACADEMlC

The BAA-represents all students within the academic sector of the University. Officially, BAA functions to encourage the evaluation, maintenance, and development of academic programmes and standards at UW. lnformation about student rights, regulations, and appeal procedures is available at tile 6Mbffrce in CC 235. If you have any academic problems or concerns, or iC you’d like to become involved with gAA, call us at ext. 2340.



BIL serves as a link between societies, clubs and residences. This communication is established through a Clubs Commissioner, a Society Commissioner, a Residence Commissioner and a group of Student Leaders around campus. We keep information about all facets of campus life flowing. If you have any questions, or would like to get involved with BlL, call us at ext. 633 I.




CA0 is designed to assist students


Cana’da is a none profit qpization prom& responsible “gs, in king among post-secondary students across the country. Uw’s chapter always need help and fresh ideas to assist in planning and running alcohol awareness activities throughout the year. If you have any questions, or are interested in helping BACCHUS, drop by the Fed Office,

CC 235. BOARD OF COMMUNICATIONS 8Comm is the marketing and publicity wing of the Feds. We use print advertising, posters, bulletin, boards, email messages and other media to keep students informed of Federation events and services. BComm also has a 24hour information hotline to keep students up-to-date at 886-FEDS. For more information on BComm and its serv-

i: :.:(” . >‘ ,jL ‘. L:

SOCIALISSUES BOARD in participating in creative and artistic s projects. CAB produces the poetry journal phoenix, sponsors Conrad Grebel College’s musical shows, and organizes art shows in the Campus Centre. We also work with Upstage productions, WV’s student theatre group. We’re always in need of people to help organize and participate in events, so if you’re interested please call us at ext. 633 I.



The SIB combines the mandates of two previous FED boards: Public Issues and Human Rights. We seek to educate students beyond the classroom, through educational weeks, guest speakers, film nights and more. We address issues of race and ethnic- relations, disability issues, AIDS awareness and environmental concerns. Commissioners and volunteers are always needed to help with events, so please drop by the Fed Office, CC 235 if you have any questions.


The EAB is the FEDS’ liaison with other university communities, and with the community of Kitchener-Waterloo. We represent the student body to any outside organization, and we advise Students’ Council about any external organizations students may become part

rIur All Fed boards are looking for Commissioners for the Fall term. Drop by the Fed Offke, CC 235 to till out an application.**

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Friday, September

3, 1993, Imprint


what’s in it for me? where does my money go? FED


BEnt BEnt provides major events and live entertainment including Homecoming, Winterfest & Summerfest, and bands like Spirit of the West, Holly Cole and 54:40. Tickets for all BEnt events can be bought at the Fed Ofice, CC 235. Demand varies, so get your tickets early. The FEDS also sell tickets to non-FED events when a FED discount applies. Part-time employment is available through BEnt, including ticket sales, ‘security and stage crew. Call 888-4042 for details.



The Campus Shop is located in the lower mall of the CC, next to the Music Source. A variety of UW crested apparel and sporting goods are available at very competitive prices. UW leather sporting jackets can be ordered during ‘Jacket Day.” There is a choice of colour, style, fit, and custom lettering is now available. We’re open Monday to Friday,

9-5. FED BUS Realizing that many students are short on cash, but still have places to go, the Feds provide a transit service from Toronto to Waterloo. The bus leaves the Math and Computer loading dock at I :30 and 4130 every Friday afternoon, with a drop-offat Isiington station. The bus returns Sunday evening at 7:30. Tickets can be purchased way, $ I5 return.






If you’re looking for some extra cash, and want to pursue a non-academic part-time jobon campus, then SPEC can help out. We won’t go out and get a job for you, but we’ll put you on the right track. Or, if volunteer work is more your style, drop by CC 206 and we’ll give you some worthwhile info. Call ext. 205 I for details. SAFETY VAN The Safety Van is a service provided by the FEDS, to make sure students have a safe, free ride home from campus every day of the week. We leave every forty minutes from the Campus Centre between dusk and I am. Seating is limited to 14 people, and women will be given first priority. Call the Turnkey Desk at 888-4434 for schedule information.


USED in CC 235: $8 one-


The Graphix Factory offers fast, professional service at low prices for word processing, photocopying, faxing, binding and graphic design. We specialize in student resumes, which are kept on file for fast and inexpensive updating. We also design flyers, posters, invitations, programmes etc. Check us out at our new location CC 202, Monday to Friday 9-4:30. THE MUSIC SOURCE The Music Source is Canada’s only University music store. We boast a great collection of cd’s, cassettes, specials, a widevariety of’box-sets, hard-to-find imports, and a customer order service at no extra charge. We also buy and sell used cd’s; bring in anything you don’t want for a trade! We’re in the lower mall of the CC, and we’re open Monday to Friday I O-4:30.


The heart of the CC’s social atmosphere, Scoops is your y-r-round supplier of quality frozen treats. We serve hand-dipped (calorieenriched) “Stoney Creek Dairy” ice cream, on waffle or regular cones, plus real fruit frozen yoghuh We’re open Monday to Friday, 12-7.

special beverages. A NON-STOP PARTY! Come and check it out. Thursday’s feature live acts ranging from well known bands to local entettainers performing their best tunes. Fridays and Saturdays feature special event giveaway nights! Stop by! Check it out! Maybe you’ll win! The party never stops, open I2:OO pm to I :00 am, Monday through Saturday. Great fun, great friends, friendly staff. THE BOMBER. Not an old place, not a young place. It’s a cool place. Your home away from home.

problem. Comp,lete confidentiality is assured; call us if you need help with something, or you’d just like to talk. We can be reached Monday through Thursday from 8 pm to I I pm at 888-4860. We’re here to help.


We sell postage, registered mait and special delivery service. We also offer one-day service for postal code “N”, two-day service to any other major centre in Canada, passport applications, hunting licences, special issue stamps and more. Daily pick-up is at 4 pm. We’re open Monday to Friday I O-4:30 in the lower mall of the CC. PALS Peer Assistance Links operates to assist University of Waterloo students find information about many services on campus. PALS has student volunteers standing by to help with any personal


and be MERRY! Let the good times roll and join the fun and excitement at the largest on campus student nightclub in North

America: Waterloo’s FEDERATION HALL! Enjoy our spontaneous fab drink specials, all you ca? eat buffet lunch es and boogie down on OUIhumungous dance floor with our hip hopping party playing, rock ‘n’ roll bred D&s starting a;t 8:00 pm. Included in our vast music selection are a number of excellent live concerts. Wait! There’d more- Sumo wrestling, wall climbing, money tuni nels, the dating game, raves, daily wide screeq T.V., trips to see the Jays, pool/dart tournaments and other great entertainment. All you need to join the paq that lasts Tues. to Sat. I I :30 am to I :00 am are two pieces of identification: youi UW student card and another picture ID card. So what are you waiting for- LET’S PARTY!


The Used Book Store has the best deals in books for all kinds of courses, and you’ll save at least 20% on the cost of new textbooks. You can also sell your old books on a I5%, one-year consignment basis. We’re located in the lower mali of the CC near the Bank, and we’re open Monday to Friday I O-4. We also have extended hours at the beginning of each term.



Our Women’s Centre provides an environment in which to share personal and political ideas, make use of our varied resources, and work together. We organize workshops, coffee houses, protests, panel discussions, films and celebrations. We operate as a collective, trying to help the women’s movement grow stronger by acknowledging our diversity. Come explore! Calt us at ext. 3457, or drop by CC 2 17.

BOMBSHELTER This student pub, located in the Campus Centre, offers a unique atmosphere for both the party animal and the strong silent vpe. Every day at the SHELTER, something new and different is going on such as food and beverage specials, live entertainment or tournaments on our new pool table or volleyball court. Experience our famous BOMBER BOMB-B-Q, open at lunch, with great food served by our great staff at great prices. Every night of the week, there is something different to do or experience at the BOMBER. If you’re a dart fanatic or movie buff, Monday night is for you. Tuesday caters to all alternative music fans. Wednesday’s mark the return of our famous Rock and Roll Night with awesome tunes and



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4 ’ Features



Friday, September-

A message from your\ friendly Fed exec. Welcome back to UW! A special welcome to all of this year’s frosh; we’re glad you chose the number one school in Canada! The Fed executive for this year: Catherine Coleman, President; George Van Nooten, Vice President Operations; and Finance and Sharon Flood, Vice President University Affairs. The Federation of Students is the undergraduate students’ government, with a mandate to serve you. Ouractivities include politics, business and social services. Whether you’re interested in working on our federal election campaign with other schoo,ls to make education a key issue, or enjoy helping your peers through the Peer Assistance Links program (PALS), or want to become a Fed Chair or Commissioner of our boards (such as Communications, Academic Affairs, External Liaison, Gender Issues, or Internal Liaison), come by our offices in the Campus Centre, room 235. The Federation’s businesses inelude Federation Hall, the Bombshelter, Scoops, the Music Source, the Campus Shop, the Post Office, and Graphix


- your

Factory. We welcome your business, and offer all sorts of opportunities for employment.

A myriad A complete Amnesty

list of clubs International

Amnesty International (Al) is a volunteer-run human rights organization working to free prisoners of conscience, to stop torture, and to abolish the death penalty. The organization is independant, apolitical, and has about one million members around the world. In 1977, Al received the Nobel Peace prize for its work on improving human rights. The campus Al group invites you to become a member - everyone is welcome! Meetings are Wednesdays at 7:30 in the Campus Centre rm 135. At meetings members investigate and write letters on human rights issues, watch movies about human rights and Al, have speakers from various countries, etc. You are invited to two special orientation meetings on September 8 and I5 -both in CC rm I35 at 7~30 pm.

CroWat CroWat is here and welcomes the Frosh of ‘93, ‘92, ‘9 I ...! What is CroWat you ask?!? Well, it is the Croatian-Canadian Student Association of Waterloo and its purpose is to be your home away from home. CroWat offers you volleyball games, movies, pizza, and whatever else you can think of. Watch for our posters to find out about meetings and events. Our first meeting will be held during the second week of classes. If you have any questions before then or a preferred meeing time drop us a note in the Clubs’ Mail room in the Campus Centre (2nd floor). Enjoy frosh week and hope to see you soon.

Chinese tion



The Chinese Students’ Association (CSA) is one of the biggest clubs at the universiv. We have prepared a series of fun and exciting activities during the orientation week to welcome you all to the University of Waterloo. You will find our friendly working members around the campus willing to assist you. So, please don’t hesitate to ask them. Moreover, be sure to pick up a copy of the Dragon Post Orientation Issue. This special edition of our Chinese newspaper is designed to guide you through the first few weeks of your university life. . By becoming a member of ;he CSA, you will have access to our Chinese library, CD rental service, and lots more. just put your name down at one of our counters set up around campus. This year we will be holding our


& fun


of Students



Orientation Dance on September 2 I. Every year this event attracts over 500 people, and everyone has great fun! We will be setting up ticket counters during the first week of class. Don’t forget to come and meet new friends!

Cultural Iranian

Association Students


turq We are always ready to assist new Iranian students in adjusting to the university environment and programs. To get more information about CAIS and to contact us, please leave your note in our mailbox in the Campus Centre clubs room.

Pan-AE&ican Network


The Pan-African Students’ Network (PSN) is comprised of African (black) students from around the world. The group seeks to address the needs of students in the Kitchener-Waterloo area and on campus, by direct involvement, It carries out its aim to nuture and support African students in the area through activities such as mentoring programs, films, road trips, and bringing in guest speakers. In addition to providing an opportunity to serve in the community, the PSN also offers its members a means of personal growth in the areas of teamplaying and leadership. Members are encouraged to contribute according to their individual talents and abilities, in keeping with the group’s objectives, and to the benefit of the community and individual members, who have the satisfaction that their involvement makes a positive difference.










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1 Dr. John

I I I 1

The Warriors Band is a highly enthusiastic musical group which supports varsity athletics. We cheer on our teams, win, lose, or draw, without putting down the others (too much). The Warriors Band has become an integral part of Warrior football and basketball games, both at home and away. People of all degrees of musical talent are welcome in the Band. Virtuosity is not a neceisity, but enthusiasm is a must! If you have your own instrument, that’s great! If you are in need of an instrument we have a selection of well-loved ones which can be borrowed for events and practices. To join, you can come a practice in PAC 20 I2 (blue north) any Thursday of the term from 5:30-6:30. If you can’t make it to practice, come join us in the stands at any Warrior football or basketball game.

who come from different faith backgrounds and heritages in a spirit of sharing our experiences, thoughts, attitudes and beliefs with one another in and in effect aid in the maturing of our world.” We are striving to help create a more just world by means of action (or non-action) andl reflection in the university communitt: We believe that

-work injuries - athletic injuries -repetitive strains - car accid‘ents


WATSFiC is the University of Waterloo’s Science Fiction and Fantasy Club. The club was formed in 1976 so people interested in such topics could discuss their thoughts about literature, art, movies, television or any other related media. WATSFiC also promotes role-playing and wargaming, sponsoring several games days/movie nights during the term, and an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying tournament once each term (this fall will be the fortieth such event!). Membership costs$S annually, and members enjoy discounts at local book, comic and games stores. They are able to borrow from WATSFiC’s library which has over 1000 difficult to find books (games and magazines are also available}. Members also receive copies of “Rumours”, the WATSFiC newsletter. WATSFiC is lookingfor newmembers, so come out to our first meeting on Wednesday, September 15th. Meetings are currently held every Wednes-

Student Christian Movement (SCM) We are a group of individuals



every person who comes to the group brings a unique perspective from which we can all benefit. New members are always welcome. Our meeting time and place will be announced in the Imprint For more information, call lngrid or Ken at 7257993.


The Cultural Association of Iranian Students (CAIS) is an active group of students working together to keep Iranian customs and culture alive among members and introduce the Iranian culture to the people on university campus. Membership in CAIS is open to everybody interested in Iranian cul-


This year is an exciting one for students, as construction will begin shortly on the new Student Centre. The result will be a brand new building for students in the fall of 1994 (and you were wondering what that “Student Coordinated Plan” fee was on your fee statement!). The Physical/Recreation building on north campus is almost complete, and will be open in January. We also love to brag about the great parties we put on, especially Homecoming and Winterfest Stay tuned in to Imprint to find out when things are happening, and how you can get tickets. So c’mon over to our ofices and say hi! We’re I I. r . lookmg torwara to meeting this year’s crop of new students. We hope you’ll get involved with the Feds and make your time at UW memorable.


is available


3, 1993, Imprint

at 6:45pm






ple use the meeting to contact possible gamesmasters, players, or opponent wargamers. We’re all friendly and sociable there. Visit us.

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Friday, September 3, I993


Of Iandl-ords, leases, legal resources bg Kevin hmctit Legal Restwee



Much and How Can Rent be Raised 1 The maximum increase for I993 is 4.9%; for 1994 it is 3.2%. The landlord can only have one rent increase per year and you must get at leait 90 days notice of any increase. There are conditions where the landlord can increase the rent by an another 3%, but this additional increase must be approved by the Ministry of Housing. Call them at 579-5790 to verify any additional increase. Are Key Money and Deposits Allowed 1 The largest deposit that a landlord can ask for is one month’s rent. The landlord cannot keep this deposit when you leave unless you agree or the courts grant permission. As well, the landlord cannot ask for any sort of key deposit (any additional charge) when you enter into a lease agreement.


The average university student spends more money on rent than any other single expense with the possible exception of beer. The Legal Resource / Landlord Tenant Information Office is here to help you save money and avoid agony when renting an apartment. You can visit our ofice in the Campus Centre, Room 206, or telephone us at 888-4634 if you need information. Below are a few suggestions for surviving out there. Can I Break a Lease ? Probably the most common problem that causes students to lose money is the mis-

You cannc,t break a lease unless your landlord agrees. Your lease is a legaily binding con-

3.if you have an agreement with your landlord to regularty clean your place. Must I Renew my Lease 1 Once a lease (such as a one year lease) expires you do not have to sign another lease even if the landlord wants you to sign another one. You automatically convert to a month to month lease unless you decide it is more convenient to have a lease. How Do 1 Get Repair Done? Send the landlord a letter explaining what repairs are required asking the landlord to respond within a week. If you do not get a response, come to our office, Room 206 in the Campus

by Marianne special



to Imprint

The role of the Ombudsperson originated in Sweden approximately 200 years ago to ensure that citizens’ rights were not being neglected or violated by an increasingly complex bureaucracy. At the University of Waterloo, the Office of the Ombudsperson was established in I982 under the same principle - to ensure that members of the universit)l community receive fair and equitable treatment within the university system. Today the office offers independant, imp+ tial, and confidential service to all members of the University of Waterloo who find themselves in a troubled situation. The Ombudsperson assists individuals who are: - unsure of university policy, procedure, or

could be understood as an agreement to stay for a certain length of time. Do I Have a Right to Privacy ? Generally your landlord has to give you 24 hours notice in writing if he wants to enter your apartment. There are a few exceptions to this rule; these are as follows: l.if emergency repairs must be done, 2.if you have given a notice of termination and the landlord is showing your place to prospective tenants,


Centre, and we will explain what to do next Must I Give A Notice of Termination 7 Even if you signed a lease (such as a one year or eight month lease) you still must give the landlord a least 40 days notice (63 days notice if you are mailing it) that you are leaving at the end of the lease. You can pick up a Notice of Termination form from our office for free. What if I Have Other Questions ? Drop by and see us at the Legal Resource / Landlord Tenant Information Ofice in Room 206 in the Campus Centre or telephone us at 8884634. We are there to help. We are free.

Ombudsbuddy’s here to help

A landlord is not allowed to ask for postdated cheques. You can provide cheques if it is con-

the summer you must either I) find someone to sublet to or 2) negotiate with the landlord to have the lease broken. Are You Paying Too Much For Rent? If your place is registered you can telephone the Ministry of Housing at 579-5790 to see what the legal rent is; If the unit is not registered, and your lucky enough to meet the previous tenants (such as when the landlord is showing you the apartment) try find out how much they pay for rent


regulations I unfairly treated by anyone on campus - having a problem which requires someone to help mediate a solution or facilitate communication - feeling that university policy has been applied unfairly or erroneously m a victim of discrimination or harassment based on sex, ethnic origin, religion, etc. The Ombudsperson will provide answers to your questions, explain UW’s policies and procedures and advise you accordingly, mediate discussions between individuals or groups, and refer individuals to other agencies if deemed necessary. If you should have a problem, a complaint, or even a simple inquiry, feel free to contact your Ombudsperson. The office is located in the Campus Centre, Rm I 50~or call 888-4042, extension 2402.





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Catherine Coleman President

Atl runs leave from the Campus Centre. Seating is limited to 14 people, and women will be given

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Imprint, Friday, September 3, I 993

Volunteer you afternoon

don’t need to go to that friday class...come to the first Imprint staff meeting of the term - friday Sept. 10 12:30 1 campus centre room ‘140

Glen Forrest Hvd., Phone: (519) 746-7322

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,A a



-- there’s by Ken Imprint

more to Imprint

Bryson grand


The first thing everyone should learn at university is how to be cynical, how to see through the crap being taught to you. With this in mind, we at Imprint expect to be treated the same as every other bastion of authority, with respect from some, contempt from others, and inattention by most So, let us at least explain who we are, where we come from, and what we do. Imprint is the of& cial student newspaper of this fine university. We are a separately incorporated business, wholly autonomous both editorially and financially from any other body. We are however, directly responsible to you, the students. All you need do to have a say in Imprint is to be a registered student


For from


CKMS-FM is the campus station here at UW. 100.3 is the place to set your dial to hear stuff you’ve probably never heard before. On the music side, there’s classical, jazz, rap, house, and lots of akernative rock. Plus there’s gay and lesbian programs, a women’s program, a wide range of multi-cultural programs on the weekend, and news and information from a different perspective. You can pick up the CKMS program guide in the campus centre at the beginning of the month. It contains details about specific programs, and information about special programs and schedule changes. Speaking of special programs, this fall CKMS will be broadcasting a series



and improve. We are what you make us! As far as student newspapers go, we aren’t the only ones to ever have held the “oficial” status - we rose out of the ashes of a particularly dogmaticleftist paper called the Chevron. Back in 1977-78 the Chevron was attacked by the Fedemtion of Students as being entirely out of touch with the student population (which it was). The Feds attempted to shut them down, leading only to a year long stand off between the two parties and the eventual triumph of the Chevron. Victory was sweet but short lived as the students gave up on the Chevron less than a year later and it slid into oblivion, leaving the door open for the journalism Club and a small paper named


and generally follow our own interests in the arts section. However, if you feel we aren’t doing a decent job, get you body down here (CC 140) and volunteer - that’s the only way for us to grow

a good


$4.10 a term

and pay your Imprint fee. With that done, you become a member of the corporation and entitled to a say in what happens here. Imprint strives to report on campus events and student issues responsibly, follow varsity sports like a religion,


By special arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, we can put you into a new Mazda before you graduate. II you have a job waiting for you upon graduating, give us a call or stop by our showroom for details on this exclusive offer for graduates.


a go go





Since then, Imprint has grown into one of the mat respected student newspapers in the country. Having just begun our sixteenth year of publication, we are still here to look out for your interests and provide a place for hack journalists to get their start. So come on tdown (CC 140) and volunteer, w-e need you.



of live concerts on Saturdays at IO pm frequency) gradually got worse and - check the program guide for details. worse, to the point where it was hard to pick up our signal more than a These feature mostly local, independant bands, and are a great chance to enjoy couple kilametres from our tower. a concert in the comfort of your living Clearly, something had to be done. In September room. I of 1992, after three Most of the years of effort, we programs you’ll changed our frehear are proquency to I 00.3, and duced by volunincreased our teers. You could power to 250 watts. be one of them. If It is now easy to reyou’re interested ceive CKMS in challenging and innovative radio, give us a call at 886-2567, While all of this CKMS is lowas going on, campus radio across cated in the beautiful Bauer WareCanada came into its own as a viable house at the end of the dirt road leading “third sector” (after the CBC and comnorth behind the Optometry building, mercial broadcasters) in the Canadian beside the railroad tracks. A ‘bit of history: CKMS has been * broadcasting system. There’s a national organization, and campus radio is recaround in one form or another since ognized within the music industry as 1969. For eight years we were available the only place where non-mainstream only on cable FM, and not too many artists can be heard. Bands like Sonic people had a chance to listen to us. Youth and Nirvana were being played - Then in October I977 we became on campus radio long before anyone the first low-power (50 watt) FM station in Canada, broadcasting on 94.5. else heard of them. So give us a try. We’re radio .Over the years, interference. from a worth listening to. Buffalo station (operating on the same


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Friday, September

Drama that schmucks


by Kim


t0 hprint

Single and Sexy is back! This year marks the 5th edition of a show written and performed by UW students for UW students. For the past 4 years, frosh have been treated to a high paced and energetic show that could be titled “The Trials and Tribulations of Fresh Life.” It is a show that deals with issues such as alcoholism, homophobia, racism, personal safety, sexual assault and safer sex. Stereotypes, misconceptions and attitudes are brought to light through the powerful tool of comedy. This tool is put to good use by an exceptional cast which consists of Jennifer Clarke, Joel Harris, Justin Minns, Kimwun Perehinec, and Tara Terrick Under Tara Kallwitz’s direction, the cast maintains a high paced and energetic performance, with no time for a breather. Be sure to catch Single and Sexy before it passes you by. Show times will be as follows: Friday, Sept 3 at I pm. Monday, Sept 6 at 2pm. Tuesday, Sept 7 at I lam and 2:30pm. Wednesday, Sept 8 at 9 and IO:30 am Thursday, Sept 9 at 9:30 and I I:30 am and 2:30 pm Sunday Sept f 2 at I2:30 pm All performances to be held in the Theatre of the Arts in the Modern Languages building.

BICYCLES up to 30% off - 50% Off selected CYCLE WEAR


For health & strength & healthinsurance




3, 1993, imprint


& ssfr?tg

Registered students can receive medical care, nursing care, and counselling sewices at Health & Safety (H&S). Family doctors are available at H&S to see students by appointment or on a walk-in basis. Occupational H&S information is available in the Safety office. Telephone numbers: 885 I2 I I, x354 I ; appointments and after hours 8884096. Hours Monday to Friday- 8:30 am - 5100 pm. A H&S physician is on call after hours and on weekends. Allergy Injections . 9:00 am - 4:00 pm (unfess otherwise posted). Health Insurance - OHfP OHIP pays for hospitalization, doctors’ fees, laboratory tests and x-rays. It does not cover the costs of reports, certificates, drugs, dental work, or some physical examinations, ie - pre-employ ment or immigration examinations. If you do not have OHIP, you may be billed directly for services received at H&S. If you have health insurance from any other province or .territory, with the exception of Quebec, the reciprocal billing system applies. This means that most medical bills are submitted to the Ministry of Health for payment in full. Quebec students with provincial health coverage are’required to complete an Out of Province Claim Form upon each visit to a doctor at H&S, most nurse and laboratory procedures will be billed directly to the student All students with OHIP, whatever their age, are required to show their red and white plastic health card on each visit. Application forms and assistance are available at H&S, Rm 124. International students should apply for OHIP immediately upon arrival in Canada. However, OHJP will not provide any-coverage for intemational students, who have been insured with OHIP

fklessthan 1; . As, when they tnvel outside the province of Ontario or outside of Canada. Alternative arrangements for mvel insurance should be lmk Shdmt 3upplemenq Health lnsw ante ffan All full time undergraduaw and graduate students are covered year round by the Student Supplementary Health Insurance Phbn through Mutual Group. This insurance plan is administered by the University of Waterloo on b&alf of the Federation of Students and the Graduate Students Association. Benefits include a prescription dm$g plan, extended health care benefits and coverage for out of the province and out of the country travel except for international students who have been insured with OHIP for less than I2 months. Graduate students are also covered under the Vision Care Benefit. Dependant (family) coverage can be obtained by payment of an additional premium. The plan does not cover routine dental visits, but does cover damage to teeth arising from an accident. Birth control pills are dispensed at no cost to those students who obtain prescriptions from our H&S doctors and have coverage or who are covered as dependants under the Student Supplementary Health Insurance Plan. Brochures outlining the plan and claim forms are available from H&S, the Fed office, or at the Grad House. Graduate students on a work term can apply for coverage while off campus if they wish. *This insurance plan is compulsory unless you are covered by a parent or a spouse with a plan that is equal to, or better than, the student plan. Exemption forms are available at the Cashiers, Needles Hall, or at H&S. Please call H&S, x6274/6748, or visit Rm I24 for assistance. ’

Are available for $133.00 for 3 Months To get a pass you need: 1. Valid University LD, t 2. $133,00 in cash, money order or certified cheque mude payable to FEDERATiOl)JOF STUDENTS. 3. A Kitchener Transit Photo which may be obtained for $4.00 on September 9, 14 and 17 from 10:00 am, to 2:00 p,m, in the Campus Centre, Past photos from Kitchener Transit muy be used,


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Passes are available a< well from the Fed Office in CC235fromSeptember l-17 between lO:OOa,m, to 4:00 p,m, provided you already have a Kitchener Transit Photo.

This Service is brought to you by Your Federation

of Students m









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Mondays + Fridays 9:00-5:OO Saturdays 12:00-4:00 We will be Open Labour Day Weekend, Saturday and Monday, 12:QO-4~00 We ztrtt Open Tuesday Sepfember 14 and Wednesday September 15 until !kod p.m.



Invites all students,staff and faculty to the South Campus Hall Foyer (Outside the Gift Shop) Tuesday Sept 14 Thursday Sept 16 Wednesday September 22 Thursday September 30 ,

Air CanadaVacations Adventure Tours Alba Tours SunquestTours


Free snacksand soft drinks distributed outside the Bookstore

September13-17 [while quantities last]





Friday, September 3, 1993, Imprint

Wo7menDs centre not just for womyn environment



The Womyn’s Centre at the University of Waterloo is a vibrant and extremely active organization. The Womyn’s Centre is organized around the recognition that womyn generally suffer from both explicit and implicit sexism, and that sexism is very much connected with other forms of oppression such as racism, classism, and















diversity. The Womyn’s Centre operates as a resource cen-



tre, a meeting place, and as a basis for activism. Our comprehensive resources include a multitudeof

interbooks, vertical files, and community referrals. Resources are available to everyone, whether for personal inter-

national periodicals,

est, school assignments


help for a friend. We offer a safe space fro womyn to meet and talk, relax, or find out more about feminism in general and in our community. We regularly organize events, such as forums, protests, speakers, seminars and celebrations. Our priorities include: staffing the centre, updating our resources, organizing events, networking with other womyn’s organizations, and by doing this in a way respectful of differences, to fundamentally empower ourselves, and other womyn. In the past we have run discussion groups surrounding specific topics as well as a feminist





of the Womyn’s

believe that institutionalized

at UW



discussion group and a lesbian discussion group. If you are interested in getting involved in any form, come to one of our scheduled meetings, our first meeting of the fall term is Thursday, September I6th, at 5:00, or give us a call at x3457 or drop by during office hours in the Campus Centre room 2 I 7. Come explore!!

The Philosophy

Centre discrimination

2)We advocate equal opportunity for womyn in all aspects of life. 3)We recognize that, in order to be able to support womyn in fulfilling their potential, it is necessary to work against discrimination. Thus, we demand our right to repreoductive choice, our right to line without discrimination on the basis of race, creed, colour, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, age or.physical or mental ability. 4)We value the strength and power which can be realized through recognizing our diversities adn working together collectively. 5)Our immediate objectives include: a)tofoster a supportive environment conducive to womyn empowering themselves and other womyn; and b)to increase social awareness of discrimination issues by public education adn non-violent action; and c)to provide a resource centre for interested members of our cdmmunity.

from GLLGW The Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo (GLLOW) is a non-mititant campus group that is dedicated to encouraging a healthy


ing the Tuesday evening discussion group. Topics are announced in advance on the Phoneline and in Imprint. GLLOW operates an information and peer-counselling


The phoneline

message gives information about office hours, the times that the phoneline


GLLOW provides a safe space for gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in the of-

is open, campus community

fice, room CC 209; atthe GLLOWNight; and at the Tuesday evening discussion group. GLLOWNight is a wheelchair-accessible social event that occurs every Wednesday evening, from 9-l 1 pm, in PAS 3005. Attendants and ASL communicators are available upon request Topics of interest to lesbians, bisexuals and gays are examined dur-

-where yourself much



For further information, call 884-GLOW (884-4569) or check UW INFO under Departments, Faculties, Associations and Student Groups.

stretching hurts it does

us as LOLL






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upcoming events and local bars and radio shows. GLLOW provides volunteer speakers for local events, high-school and university classes. A small library is located in the office, as are current periodicals, housing and travel information.

Details at



Sale Ends September

3Oth, 1993

Public vour byDmytNavak WIWUG



votunteers As our time ing after shelter, prepare

individuals, we spend most of just making ends meet - lookour basics needs (like food, and clothing) and trying to for our future. But who looks



out for the larger community that sustainr us? For the most part, we put our trust in the goodwill of institutions (like government, media, and business). But who acts as the watchdog to ensure that they are acting in the interest of all members of the community? As individuals we play that role, but for many people, they find greater effectiveness


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Unit 1,

I i

in working


share their concerns.

with others who Usually it is in

some type of non-profit organization like the Waterloo Public Interest



Through their volunteer work at WPIRG, students and community members work on a local level in the “public interest” to discuss, challenge, and take action tin pressing environmental and social justice concerns confronting our world. Lack of previous organizational Through experience is no barrier. WPIRG, you can share ideas and skills with others and gain the practical experience you need to be effective in working in the interests of the whole community. _ Today, there are 9 Public Research Groups in Ontario Gnti a 7I i1.. n fh=---v-s, lphpr 2nd rw”r.u, W.-w 2Columbia -all are located o campuses and funded atid dir

WPIRG was the first PIRG in Canada, founded in 1973, and our funding is derived through a refundable levy on full-time undergraduate students of $3.28 per term. Funding supports the training of volunteers, environmental Y,,U W.“..- I.._ maintenance of an office an centre, and two full-time dinator of Volunteers an Coordinator). Attend our Workgroups izing Meeting, Wed Sep 22,6-8 pm,-DC 1350, or visit our office and alternative resource library in room I25 of the General Services Complex at the University of Waterloo or call 888-4882 for information on upcoming meetings and events.

Need Appliances?


now and ‘Rent by


for economic justlce



437 Albert


by Terry


Discussions, guest speakers, v.ideos, brain-storming .sessions, and action planning would be the best way to describe the WPIRG Economic justice Workgroup this Spring. Community Economics was the theme. The goal: to examine the means through which communities can become more self-sustaining, and less dey--

fects on society. On one hand, technology allows machines to do many of the jobs we find unappealing. But, on the other hand, increasing technology displaces millions of workers permanently, not only in the manufacturing sector but in the service sector as well. Lerner proposes a system whereby all members of a society would benefit from the technological advances of that society, because all members con&bute to these advances by providing the ievements possible (eg. educaties, infrastructure, health serv-


he believes


e?s spending power. Thak,rrr &

for fast






127 Victoria St. S., Kitchener, (between King and Park)



that our economy full employment to function we would find other ways to define ourselves, such as through community work, music, or writing. We should be able to enjoy the advances of technology instead of worrying . - about ’ our future in the job market. This could be achieved, Lerner argues, through guaranteed annual incomes. It would allow everyone the right to a basic existence and allow time for us to be the creative people we once were as children. Instead of viewing human nature as lazy she sees human nature as constructive and creative. l-ler perspective was informative and thought-provoking. The group will continue to be active in the fall term, partially by work- . ing on ways to integrate our goals and those of the community. If you are interested in these, or other economic justice issues, attend the Workgroups Organizing Meeting, Wed Sep 22, 6-8

does not require

. . ing under a two-year Ontario Government grant to help interested groups establish co-ops. Worker co-ops create local jobs and allow a greater voice for all members-workers on the future of the worker co-op. The main objective of a cooperative business is to provide meaningful employment for ttie worker-owners. Another guest speaker was ProfSally Lerner of Environment and Resource Studies. She spokeabout her work on establishing a new economic order which would place a greater value on non-paying occupations such as parenthood and volunteering which are rarely recognized for the benefits they bring to society. Dr. Lerner discussed the impacts of technological advances and their af-

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a mechanical engineer” - instead their inner qualities and interests.

pm, DC 1350.


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by their occupations

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Friday, Septkber

Anti-racist bg Dava



Sue Fortest W’HRG volunteers Racism in Canada is both a systemic and individual problem, but rarely do people respond to the agony df many without first having experienced a taste of racial oppression. In general, the K-W community is no exception. The Promoting Racial Equality workgroup began this spring and includes a large number of both campus and community members. The Workgroup originated partially in response to the very public presence of hate groups in our community. The white supremacist Heritage Front garnered much media attention this summer as they attempted to hold recruitment “dances” aimed at white teenage support in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Kitchener. Dances were held in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, with anti-racist protests outside all of these events. The Ottawa protest became violent after some protestors followed Heritage Front members to

Parliament Hill, where Front members turned and attacked anti-racist protesters. The Kitchener dance did not oc-. cur. The week before Promoting Racial Equality sponsored four days of nonviolent protests outside the recruit-


c At a time when many voters have lost faith in the ability of all levels of government to meet their needs, many people are working in not-for-profit organizations or with fellow citizens tc improve the general quality of life in their community. On October 23 and 24, 1993, the University of Waterloo will be the site of a conference that hopes to bring together these “community activists.” This free conference will provide a forum where community activists can develop “how-to” skills in workshops covering topics such as legal rights, petition campaigns, media relations, government structure, lobbying, developing strategy, newsletter production, and many others. Conference organizers believe this the first conference of its kind in the region. “Most of the positive changes instituted by government and industry are mad because somewhere in the background there are citizens who are working diligently to have a problem addressed. For the most part, these


social events among area teens. Now? Something has definitely changed; SHARP is no longer here, the Heritage Front is attempting to be active. Racist acts and talk are becoming more prevalent For our Workgroup, the very presence of hate &oups like the Heritage

ne, our group

made a

continue ing a Teach-In on Racism and Hate Groups on September 25$1. Our featured speaker is Martin Theriaulat, coordinator of the Canadian Centre on Racism and Prejudice. The Teach-In will be held on campus and is open to

all interested people. If you are interested in helping us fight racism in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, please come to the WPIRG Workgroups Organizing Meeting, Wed Sep 22,6-8 pm, DC 1350.

Want tosee theworld? Marlin Travel can take you there. ..:

Racism on this outspoken, organized level in K-W comes as a surprise to many people. Just a few years ago, Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) was an active organization in K-W. SHARP picnics were popular

0 kto ber activist’s conference by Daryl Novak WHRG coordimtor volunteers



3, 1993, Imprint

a mitestone for the community groups who had worked together on this project. In August, prolific anti-racist activist Monna Zentner had her house burnt down, causing about $250,000 damage and leaving the partially insured house



citizens start from scratch, with no idea of how to go about affecting change. Regardless of the issue, the barriers community activists encounter and the skills and knowledge needed to overcome these barriers are often the same. We want people to share their experiences,” says Daryl Novak, a staff person with the Waterloo Public Interests Research Group. He believes the conference will also help to develop a stronger sense of community among people. “When you begin to find out what issues are important to your neighbours and why, you can develop a better sense of what the whole community is like and look at finding solutions to problems that are to everyone’s benefit” Rather than having a set agenda, conference organizers are requesting input from the community. The conference will be designed after participants identify the skills and topics they want to see covered. Waterloo Region’s I st Annual Community Activists’ Conference, is being hosted by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group and is cosponsored by the Global Communiry Centre and CFRU FM 93.3.

A fire caused by arson occurred at the same house in November; in May Zentner received death threats and was told another fire would occur on the anniversary of the first fire. With two days notice, our Workgroup organized a walk in solidarity with Monna and all people who fight racism. Over ,100 people participated in the nonviolent demonstration. Promoting Racial Equality is host-

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8% Warriors


UW athletics ready to kick off another successful year by Peter

Warrior versus




Saturday, September 4,2 p.m. (exhibition)


U. of T. Varsity


Saturday, September 1I, 2 p.m. (home opener) (both games at Seagram Stadium)

Warrior versus




Friday, September l&4:30 p.m.




c Sunday, September 12, 1 p.m. (both games at Columbia Fields)

Athena versus




Wednesday, September 15,5 p.m(at Columbia Field)



at Toronto



Saturday & Sunday, September 11 & 12

Warrior/Athena Cross Country at Guelph


Saturday, September 11, 1 p.m.

Warrior fooball preview page A27




pages A32-A33




pages A26, A28-29,

Complete Varsity


1993-94 Schedule

page A34

Campus Recreation September calendar page A30


Whether you are arriving at the University of Waterloo for the first time or are returning for another year, you can look forward to a great season for UW athletics. After-only three decades, UW’s athletics department has established a tradition of excellence in varsity, competitive, and recreational athletics. And you can participate in this excellence either by playing campus recreation sports yourself or cheering on our varsity teams. Our varsity program has sported a number of successful teams throughout the university’s history. Most recently, the Warrior and Athena track and field team combined to send a school-record I4 athletes to the I99293 Canadian Interuniversity Athletics Union championships in March, Warrior football sent nine members to the Ontario University Athletic Association all-star team, and the Warrior hockey and volleyball teams continued their success wittr strong seasons. All of Waterloo’s I6 Warrior and t 5 Athena teams welcome “walk-on”‘s, or those who want to try out for a varsity team when they arrive on campus. The schedule to the right of this article lists the meeting times and locations for each team. Capsule outlooks for varsity teams start below and continue on A28-29, For those of us who won’t make the team, the next best thing is supporting your varsity program by attending as many games as possible and cheering on your favourite teams. Your UW season ticket, that orange monstrosity you get with your various stickers when you register, will get you into all regular-season men’s football, basketball, hockey, and volleyball games (post-season games are not included). All other varsity homegames, from badminton to tr;rck and field, are free. Another way you can contribute to UW athletics is to help imprint cover varsity sports so that UW students can get the scoop on their favourite teams every Friday morning. We need reporters and photographers for all sports, as well as people who want to learn desk-top publishing software and help with laying out the paper. What if you are not varsity sports material, and you want to compete in a favourite sport? Not to worry. UW has competitive and recreational


Varsity bg Peter




As varsity teams begin their training camps, here are capsule previews of each team. More extensive coverage of fall sports will begin later in later issues of Imprint.

Varsity Badminton Head Coach: Jeff White Season: October to February Both the Warrior and Athena badminton teams should benefit from experience and depth this season. Number one Dan Frank returns to lead ttre Warriors, while the Athenas get back their MVP, fourth-year player Marcia McVicar. Last season, in Frank’s first year of


Imprint spofts

Varsity Cross Country Head Coaches: Brent McFarlane and John Swarbrick Season: September to November Returning Athenas



veterans Sarah





Cindy Koo, Judith LeRox, Julia Newman, and Missy Parent On the men’s side, Jason Gregoire, Jonathon Cressman, Paul Sudlow, Paul Godkin, Brent Curry, Jim Mylet, Scott



Basketball C.ImssCcnsnby Curling Field Hockey

Tuesm Thurs.

Figure Skating Nordic Skiing Rowing soccer Squash

Wed. lhKS.

Swimming TelU& lndom Track Volleyball Warrior Bend


wed. Wed,


Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.

14 13 14 20 9

Sept. 15

taJo$xn 6aopm



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PAC 1001


4z3opm 8soO pm

Sept. 16

7qPm mlpm

Sept. 13





14 14 Sept. 9

5fwm 5c3opm

Jeff White Kathy Keats Brent McFaflane

Bill My

Tschirhart M-


Carolyn McNeice Steve Paradine Don M&m BrucRRodtiques Mark Hove-y



Brian Cartlidge Kristyn Klopp Brent McFarlane Dena Degluu Brad River6


1001 1001 1003 1001 Lo&r

Jeff White Tom Kimwetter Brent McFariane Bill Tschirhart Dave Knight

Tennis Club 1001 1001


Badminton Baslretball GDssCwntiy Curling Foe tball

Tim, Mon. Tues. Mon. sun.

Sept. 14 Sept. 13

6;oopm 5mpm

Sept. 20 Aug. 22

6t3opm 123pm

GQlf Hockey Nordic Skiing Rowing w!w

Wed, Thurs. Mm Tues.

Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.

8 13 16

73opm 7mprn 7x+m





sOcceweteran3 soccer-m Squash swimming Tennis

Wed. Tues. Wed. Wed.

Aug. 25 Sept.‘7 Sept. 15 Sept. 8



Indoor Track


Sept. 14


VoUeybP11 WarrioT Band

Mon. Thurs.

Sept.13 Sept. 9

,8dIOpm S-30 pm

Sept. 14

7.m pm

5.00 pm 5mpn 6mpm 5iMpm 5qwT-i


PAC 1001

Doug Painter

PAC 1001 PAC 3001 MC4040 Columbia field

Steve Paradine Don Mclxat~ Fraser Cattelt

Don McKee


Dave Ben&g

PAC 1001


Field 2

Dave Brining

Mark Hovey Brain Cartlidge Martin Johnson

PAC 1001

PAC 1001 Wloo Tetwis


PAC 2012 PAC Room 2049, SSl21’1,

Ext 3663


Want to try out for a varsity team as a “walk-on”? Here are the coaches and meeting times locational for each team’s first organizational meeting. If you cannot make the first meeting, the coach right away to make other arrangements. leagues to suit any level of athlete, from beginner to expert. The main idea is having fun while maintaining a level of competitiveness. Get a bunch of friends together (if you’re in residence, just hasste your don!) and come to the captains’ meeting for the sport you are interested in (see the Campus Recreation schedule on page A30). If you can’t find a team to join, just

come to the captains’ meeting anyway and chances are you’ll find a team that needs you. Finally, on behalf of Imprint, I urge you to get involved with athletics at UW, whether through participating as a varsity or campus recreation athlete or through attendingvarsitygames and supporting your teams. Chances are, when you go to that univers&y reunion in 20 years, you

Brent McFarland EdP!ifX Brad Trivets

PAC 1001 PAC lOo1 PAC Room 2048,~1211,

preview: university competition, the Warriors were fourth in the regular season and were robbed of a bronze medal at the OUAA finals by an official’s error. The Athenas finished fifth and just out of the playoffs in 1992-93. Jeff White enters his third year as head coach of both teams.


and contact

won’t remember the final exam you stayed up all night to study for -- you’ll remember&e Warrior hockey team crushing the Guelph Gryphons for a division title or the Athena basketball team edging out the Western Mustangs for a playoff berth. You’ll remember UW winningthe Naismith Tournament or Waterloo facingthe Wilfrid laurier Golden Hawk football team at Seagram Stadium.

next year is here!

McDonald, and Mike Readey will try to improve the Warriors’ seventh-place 1992-93 finish.

Varsity Nordic Skiing Head Coach: Steve Paradine Season: January to February

Varsity Curling Head Coach: Bill Tschirhart Season: November to February

Steve Paradine graduates from player to coach and hopes to improve the Warriors’ eighth-place finish as last year’s OUAA finals. The women finished sixth at the OWIAAs

The women’s curling team that finished first in last season’s round robin returns virtually intact for 19939 94. Veteran skip Margaret Corey is joined byJennifer Smith at lead, second Kim Bradley, and third Jodi Kerr. Graduation decimated the Warrior side. but the all-important skip position is still filled by veteran James Bromley. High rookie content will probably make it difficult for the Warrior cu;lers to improve their seventh-place round-robin finish in 1992-93.

Varsity Rowing Head Coach: Don McLean Season: September to October Both the Warrior and Athena rowing teams expect to have a number of veterans returning. Brian Connell has graduated from the men’s side, but will join the team as an assistant coach, along with Al Willemsen and Arne Storjohamm. Ted Crouse and Ivan D’Co”sta return to bolster the men’s

team, while Shannon Allan is back to lead the Athenas. At last season’s OUAAIOWIAA championships, the women finished second in the heavyweight doubles category, while the men scored a thirdplace finish in both the heavy coxed fours and the light coxed fours.

Varsity Squash Head Coach: Mark Hovey Season: October to February Mark Hovey replaces Chico Silvestri as head coach of both varsity squash teams. The



Anderson to graduation, core of vetemns. continued


but still have to





3, 1993, Imprint

Friday, September

Let the Dost-Chartier era begin w m



Warrior football: in sea. rch of the playoffs by Peter Imprint

Brown spmts

The vagaries of collegiate athletics are no more keenly felt than when a dominating playergraduates and forces a sea change in the team he or she leaves behind. Such isthecase with Tom Chartier, who embodied the offensive philosophy of the Waterloo Warrior football team for five years, becoming the OUAA’s all-time leading rusher in the process. Certainly, losing linebacker Jeff Lake and safety Steve Futyer will also force adjustments within UW’s brilliant defence, but neither of those players were relied upon as much as was Chartier. In 1993, head coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight willhave somewhat of a rebuilding year to contend with, especially with an offence that scored only eight touchdowns in seven league games in I 992-93. “We’ve added a few things that we want to emphasize,” says Knight, “things that our personnef has forced us to emphasize. We want to throw the ball a little more and we want to , . I II throw rt better.” On passing downs, you can expect to see the Warriors use a variation of the run-and-shoot offence, where the quarterback and receivers are expected to make defensive reads and adjust their patterns accordingly. Of course, with Bennet’s great mobility and medium height, he will usually pass while rolling out rather than in the pocket. Fans can count on low-scoring games again this year. UW’s defence allowed 90 points, fewest in the league last year, but the offence scored 90 points as well, only 9 points more than the O-7 York Yeomen and slightly more than one-third the 261 points scored by the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. Waterloo scored 26 of those 90 points against York and another 24 against McMaster.

Steve Bennet enters his fourth year as Warrior starting QB. Dhoto

bvr Peter Brown

Steve Bennet will feel most of the heat as the Warriors strive to expand their passing game. His statistics for last

season (33-80,377 yards, I TD, 4 Int.) indicate how much Waterloo relied upon the run. Bennet is a ground threat in his own right as he rushed 33 times for I20 yards and two TDs and ran the option play well. Back-up pivot Kevin Danschinko filled in well when Rennet went down with an ankle injury late in the 1992 season. Danschinko went I4-of-28 for 222 yards, I TD, and 4 INTs last year. According to Knight, the gap between Danschinko and third-stringer Pat Gorman has narrowed and that either may end up at number two. Veteran Rob Patai, rookie Mike Mallet, and sophomore Rick Shea will compete for the starting fullback position. Patai had I4 rushes for 9 I yards last season as the starting fullback. “It’s really up in the air,” Knight says about the fullback spot. “Patai is better blocker, but Mallot is the fastest of the three. Shea is in between.” Sophomore Adrian Thome looks to emerge as the team’s leading receiver this season; he caught I I passes for 212 yards (I 9.3 yards per catch). Ryan Dolby joins Thome at wideout Solid veterans Gord Fawcett (8122, 15.2, I TD) and Kent Willmore (8-98, 12.3, I TD) start at the two slotback positions. Second team receivers include Dave Ciardullo, Sean Dickenson, Derek


to page


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Offence: Mike Son, Char-tier’s replacement at tail back, was used primarily as a kick returner in I992 and rushed only nine times for 54 yards and one touchdown. He was fourth in OUAA punt return yardage, running back 36 punts for 366 yards. He also averaged 25.0 yards per kickoff on eight returns. “I’m concerned about how much experience he has,” Knight says. “The jury’s still out on [Son], but we think he’s a good football player. He’s got good quickness and he’s. strong.” Rookie Gerry Smith looks to back up Son, but, as “TuQ” says, “it’s tough for a freshman to step in at a position like that-” Fourth-year starting quarterback


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Friday, September

3, 1993


Athena varsity preview fcir 1993-94 by Peter


fmprint sports


One trip to soccer, volleyball finals, and a new basketball. Here’s teams:

the playoffs is not enough for gears up to host conference year brings a new coach for a lookat UW’s women’s varsity

Athena Basketball Head Coach: Kathy Keats Season: November to March

Athena Figure Skating Head Coach: Carolyn McNeice Season: November to February

With new head coach Kathy Keats, the players attending the Athena basketball camp this month have to remember one thing: nobody is guaranteed a spot on the team. Three-time all-star and UW female athlete of the year Brenda Kraemer has graduated along with fellow ‘92 starters Kathy Wordham and Maureen McDonald, but Keats does have a solid base of experience with which to work. Susan Kruis, janice Awad, Lori Kraemer, Shannon VanKoughnett, Kim Stusyk, Connie Webber, and Erica Smith all return, jena Steele, Shawn Suderman, and Stephanie Petryshen are the top recruits at camp. The Athenas finished 5-9 in 1992-93.

The Athenas had a successful 1992-93, hosting the OWIAA finals and finishing fourth. Nancy Ford and the original set pattern team of Tamara Staple, Carolyn Richardson, Michelle Kno, and Ford were named to all-star team. Shannon Cowling was an outstanding graduating senior for the team.

Athena Field Hockey and Indoor Hockey Head Coach: Judy McCrae Season: September to November

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The Athenas lost at least four players to graduation or co-op work-terms, with all-star goaltender Jennifer Murray being the most Ggnificant of those. Rookie Teri Davies will have big shoes to fill between the posts, but experience in front of her should make her job a bit easier. On defence, Carole Ferguson, Kathy Reilly, Linda Mowat, and Lila Howell are the returning veterans. Sarah Creighton, of Sussex, N.B., is the top recruit there. In the forwards, Lea Dietrich, Rachel1 Brohman, and May Quan will provide the experi-

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ence for rookies Niki Vankerk, Alya El-Ghazali, and Sandi Dargel. Head coach Judy McCrae cautions that many of the other teams in the OWIAA will remain stable and probably improve, but she is still aiming for an improvement in their fourth-place finish in the fall and their bronze medal at the indoor finals this past winter.

Athena Soccer Head Coach: Bruce Rodrigues Season: September to November

Athena Tennis Head Coach: Kristyn Klopp Season: September to October senior

Kristine Kern was an outstanding graduating for the Athena tennis team in 1992-93.






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to page




With seven veterans gone from the team, 1993 will be a rebuilding year for the soccer Athenas, but head coach Sruce Rodrigues feels he has the veteran core of a team that can repeat a play;off berth in the tough OWIAA West. Last year’s post-season appearance, after a 4-4-4 season, was the team’s first in its history. Returning veterans include Anita Toogood, Alison Snider Amanda Shaw, Kyla 8agnall, Tiffany Kanitz, and Nicole Wight. Eleven rookies showed up for a late-August camp and Rodrigues expects many more walkans once Frosh week arrives.





SPOrtS -r---


Friday, September 3, 1993, Imprint

Varsity Season: September

Hockey looks to re’capture a division crown, basketball tries to get past the first round of the playoffs, and volleyball tries to unseat McMaster, Here’s a look at the Warriors:

Warrior Basketball Head Coach: Tom Kieswetter Season: November to March Overshadowing the upcoming training camp for the hoops Warriors is star swingman Sean VanKoughnett’s status as a candidate for Canada’s national team. Last year’s Warrior MVP , and a perennial all-star, VanKoughnett is in Puerto Rico with the national team right now and may take a year off if he is offered a roster spot. With or without, Sean, shooting guard Alex Urosevic will again shoulder a lot of the scoring burden. Both players finished in the top five in OUAA West scoring last season. Chris Moore will return for his fifth year, joined by third-year Tom Balfe at forward. Mark Hopkins, also in his third year, is the incumbent at centre. Lastyear’s OUAA West rookie of the year, 8. J. York will direct the offence from the point. The fiery Mike Duarte, who took 1992-93 off, may return to bolster the backcourt Promising recruits include a pair of wingmen, Nick Poulimenos from Brantford St, John’s and Brian Bolton from C hatham. Improving last year’s 6-8 record and fifth-place finish will be tough in the very strong OUAA West

Warrior Goff Head Coach: Doug Painter

to October

This squad should be a strong one this season, with most of the teammembers returning. Craig Moore earned an outstanding graduating senior award last year, but will return for his fourth year of eligibility, joined by Matt Kwicien (fifth year) and Craig Robinson (third year). Sophomores Scott Neil and John G-anger should help the team improve its sixth-place OUAA finish last year. UW will host its 26th annual invitational on September 24 and the OUAA finals on October 5.

Warrior Hockey Head Coach: Don McKee Season: October to March The Warriors lose some serious experience this season, but the remaining veterans, combined with Don McKee’s usual solid recruiting, should keep Waterloo contending in the best division in Canada, the OUAA West. Last season, a 14-5-3 record was only good enough for third place in the division, but UW was nationally ranked for mart of the season. In the playoffs, Waterloo thrashed Laurier in the semi-finals and then lost to Guelph in the division final. Outstanding graduating seniors include Pat Daly, Mike Payne, Steve Schaefer, Darren Snyder, and John Williams.

Warrior Rugby Head Coach: Fraser Cattell Season: September to November With new head coach Fraser Cattell, the Warrior rugby team hopes to bounce back from last year’s disappointing season which saw them win their first two games and then lose five straight to finish fifth in the six-team

preview first division. Ashley Richards was the team’s only outstanding graduating senior, so a wealth of experience should help the team get back to the playoffs in this, the 25th anniversary season.

Warrior Soccer Head Coach: Dave Benning Season: September to November Dave Benning is a first-year head coach who believes in anything but the status quo. Despite losing three veterans to graduation, he isn’t counting on repeating the Warriors’ solid fifth-place ‘finish (4-5-3), out of the playoffs. He’s aiming for the OUAA crown and a berth in the CIAU championships and he feels that the core of veteran players combined with some great recruits can get there. Returning veterans include Marc Blake, Alex Adachi, Sean Taggart, Everton Barnes, Jason Pither, Mark Ciavarella, Chris Brown, last year’s team captain Greg Pappas, Russell Snow, and Rick Bazzerelfo. Andre Lynn, Sandy Jaswell, and Chris Burkitt are the top rookie prospects.

for 1993-94 Head Coach: Ed Price Season: October to March The last two Warrior volleyball coaches won the WW/fmprint coach of the year award in their final seasons. You could say that Ed Price has a tough act to follow. Five out of six returning starters should make that job a bit easier. From last year’s 8-4, OUAA West secondplace team, only Mike Fullerton has graduated from the starting line-up.





Head coach Kristyn Klopp hopes that good recruiting will make up for some lost experience.

Athena Volleyball Head Coach: Dena Deglau Season: October to March Being named OWIAA West coach of the year in 1992-93 doesn’t mean Dena Deglau can rest on her laurels. Not with two outstanding middle starters, Carren Hail and Michelle Vanvliet,

Warrior Tennis Head Coach: Martin Johnson Season: September to October

Returning are all-Canadian setter Shawn Smith, weak side Jon Tentorey, power Rene Holt, and middles Perry Straus and Peter Dennison. From Stmtford Central Secondary School, Price brings with him a remarkable coaching record -- and some athletes who have played under him. Mac transfer Matt Read and rookie Al Schroeder are both SCSS graduates. Ivan Luke joins a great crop of recruited talent.

graduating. Still, the core of an experienced, vetemn team, hardened by an eighthplace finish at the OWIAAs, remains for the Athenas to return to the playoffs, a goal they achieved last year with a 77 record despite being l-5 at Christmas. Power hitters Sue Bylsma and Nicola Campbell and setter Chris Harrison return, along with middle L’naya Russell, who played for the team two years ago. Linda Ezergailis is gone on an exchange trip and will not play this year.

in covering your favourite team, developing your writing and photography skifls? Imprint sports needs you! We’re looking for writers and photographers for all fall sports -- football, men’s and women’s soccer, rtigby, and much, much more! Come on down to the Imprint office in Campus Centre room I40 and ask for Peter Brown.

Interested while

With training camp starting next week and their first matches on September l8at Brock, head coach Martin Johnson doesn’t have much time to prepare his charges. The Warriors host a tournament on October 2 as part of their four-tournament season culminating in the OUAA team finals on October 23 and 24 and individual finals on October 30 and 3 I.

Warrior Volleyball





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Friday, September

3, I993


Campus Recreation calendar for September ‘93 Monday






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Welcome to both new and returning students. Why not start the term off right by becoming involved with Campus Recreation? The program offers something for everyone. If you need to earn some


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extra money this term, Campus Recreation hires students for a variety of positions. Positions are open for pool staff, fitness instructors, and referees (basketball, flag football, slo-pitch, hockey, soccer, ball hockey, volleyball, and floor hockey). To apply come to PAC 2039 and fill out an application



ASAP, The September ‘93 calendar provides you with the important registration and meeting dates. For more information on the many programs that you make take part in this term, pick up a Campus Recreation bra; chure or call 885- I2 I I, ext. 6340.

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Warrior continued


Friday, September 3, 1993, Imprint





Kalverda, and rookie Tulu Makonnen, who has great potential, but must improve his defensive reads. “We’ve thrown so much stuff at [the receivers] in camp,” says Knight “They have to think, and when they have to think, then they can’t react” All-star guard Fam Lone will lead the offensive line, joined by centre Mark Williams, guard Justin Shoniker, and tackles Mark Parsons and Kenny Rogers. Jason Finner, Andrew Macallum, Jonathan Stenik, Zsolt Jonas, and Mark Walsh wilf challenge for starting jobs.

Defence: Graduated all-star Jeff Lake leaves behind some great veteran players at linebacker, all-stars Benoit Drouin and Andy Allen, Ryan Kirk, Adrian Fitzgerald, Rob Fawcett, and Ron Schippfing are competing for the other two startiflg positions. ‘Kevin Pressburger and Peter Si& are two promising rookies trying to make the linebacking squad. Ends Brad Harris and John Shoniker anchor the defensive line, but Shoniker will move to nose tackle to replace Ross DePalma. The Warriors wif I fill the vacated end position with Alex Lichacz, Sean Hogan, or Richard Riha. Despite losing Steve Futyer, Waterloo’s defensive secondary is still one of the deepest in the OUAA. At corner, all-star Coty Delaney joins second-year player Kirk Witter. Safeties Pierre Lefebvre and Taly Williams and rover Torberne Williams round out the starting squad. Williams led the team in intercep-

Season: October to March In 1992-93, the varsity swim teams sent four athletes to the CIAU championships: Sheryl Slater and Amy jarvis on the women’s sibe and Ian Hunt and Ias& Krupp for the men. Slater and Trish Fels&gi are ou&tanding graduating seniors, as is Krupp.

Athena Indoor Track Head Coach: Brent McFarlane Season: December to March


football tions in 1992 with three. A huge number of defensive backs are out at camp, led by Peter Dyson and Tory Locker, who may be able to double as a receiver.

Speciai teams: The big question this week is: who is going to punt the ball for UW? Mike Raynard, and his consistent 40-yard average, is gone. Rookie prospect John Gal walked out of camp last week and special teams coach Larry Vaughn has nobody who can punt more than about 25 yards. As a resuk the Warriors have been forced to have a punting competition on Thursday, September 9 to find a suitable player. The winner gets a Warrior hat, a gift certificate for a local eatery, and, of course, a spot on the roster. So, show up at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday at the north-most Columbia field, adjacent to the Icefeld and you may be the newest Warrior. On kick returns, Son will be replaced by Delaney and Thorne. Delaney was fifth in OUAA punt returns last season ( I I - 184, 16.7 yards per return). Maltot may also appear on punt returns. Rick Guenther returns as place kicker. He led WV in scoring in 1992 and kicked four singles in one game versus Guelph.

Can you kick? If so, come out to the northeast Columbia Field (adjacent to Columbia XcefieId) on Thursday, September 9 at 490 p.m. for a punting competition. The winner will receive a Warrior hat, a gift certificate for a local eatery, and perhaps a roster spot for the 1993 - season! 1992-93 was the best season in the team’s history. Fourteen athletes went to SkyDome for the CIAU finals and the team had 148 personal bests. Warriors returning this year: Kregg Fordyce, Jason Nyman, Milind Ghanekar, Steve Bennett, Winston Eng, T. J. McKenzie, Rodney Brown, Paul Walker, Jason Gregoire, Jonathan Cressman, Chris Bastie, Gord Fawcett, Trevor Francis, Jeff Miller, Paul Godkin, Karl Zabjek, and Gerald Kirk. Athenas returning this year: Tori Seay, April Harper, Val Lingard, Alicia Steele, Tiffany Kanitz, Ann Kverulf, Judith LeRoy, and Sarah Brown.

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Friday, September

3, I993


OUAA football preview and predictions

Bluiss, bg Peter Impfint


Brown spofts

Parity will be the word to remember once again this season in the On-


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tario University Athletic Association football conference. The Guelph Gryphons’ QUAA title last season shows just how close the top half of the conference is, and just


for ‘93 8 8



how quickly sudden-death playoffs can turn against favourites. This season should be no different, but look for Toronto and Laurier to rise to the top, primarily becaufe of the sheer volume of their-veteran talent. U. of T. lost only five starters, and the Golden Hawks’ Bill Kubas to Stefan Ptaszek combination should be enough to keep Lauricr in the hunt for firstplace. The always-strong Western Mustangs, with the return of head coach Larry Haylor, are also due for a firstplace run. Guelph, Waterloo, and McMaster should battle for the fourth playoff spot again, with Windsor and York going toe-to-toe in the battle of the basement.

EIKO 6LUES 1992 record: 6-l,lst


e ost 17-31 (CT) to Guelph in semi-

final 1993 Imprint prediction:


Over the past five years, the Blues have compiled a 24-I& I regblar season record and have made the playoffs in each oftbose years, but thiy have been unable to take that next step and capture the Yates Cup. Despite losing 1992-93 Hec Crighton Trophy winner Eugene Buccigrossi to graduation, the Blues still m&t be ranked odds-on favourites to take the conference this year. Laycoe has a few holes to fill, but with I7 returning starters (nine on defence, seven on offence, and kicker Stuart Brindle), he has more stability to work with than most other OUAA coaches. Third-year veteran quarterback Mario Sturino returns from an earlyseason injury last year to replaie Buccigrossi, who is helping out as a volunteer assistant coach. “Mario is an excellent passer and knows our offence thoroughly,” head coach Bob Laycoe says. Laycoe, entering his sixth year as head coach, was I992 OUAA coach of the year. Five returnees on the offensive line should make Sturino’s job a bit



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easier, as should all-star running back David Richer (6.4 yards per carry in 1992). All-Canadian guard David Scandiffio leads a line that includes centrejoe Tassone, guard Peter Vasilis, and tackles Bruno t%Michele and JungYul Kim. Toronto is also blessed with Glenn McCausland, the most dangerous special teams player in Canada. Last year, he set a CIAU record with three kick return touchdowns in one game and averaged 29.9 yards on I4 kick-off returns.

WILFRID LAMER GOLDEN HAWKS 1992 record: 6-1, 2nd place Lost 31-34 to Western in semifinal 1993 Imprint prediction: 6-1,lst As long as Bill Kubas can throw and Stefan Ptaszek can catch, Laurier will contend for the conference crown. Kubas threw for 1,556 yards and I4 touchdowns (2nd in OUAA passing), while Ptaszek hauled in 46 catches for 865 yards and 7 scores (1st in receiving, over 300 yards more than Western’s Nigel Levy). Andrew Scharschmidt lines up on the other sideline, with Craig Brenner and Pat O’Leary at the slot positions. Chris Redguard and Peter Hwang competeforthe tailbackposition, while P. J. Martin will start at fullback if he returns from the Hamilton Tigercats. The question mark on offence is the line, decimated by graduation with only fifth-year Glenn Ferguson anchoring it. WLU’s defence loses all-star linemen Hugh Lawson and Rinehardt Keller, but still has Mike Cheevers to lead the linebacking corps.

WESTERN MUSTANGS 1992 record: 5=2,3rd place Beat Laurier 34-31 in semifinal; lost lo-4 to Guelph in final 1993 Imprint prediction:

year sabbatical and leaving the Mustangs in the capable hands of Bob LaRose. Western lost their first two games, but then reeled off six straight victories (including one in the playoffs), only to be crushed 45- IO by the Gryphons in the Yates Cup. This year, the ‘Stangs will have a jdt of youth and inexperience. To graduation, they lose 1992’s leading passer john LeClairand all-sear receivers Nigel Levy and Mike Clawson. 199 I Hec Crighton trophy winning fullback Tim Tindale, back from a broken leg in the I992 campaign, will team with tailback Sean Reade to give the ‘Stangs a powerful ground attack. Eric Ursic will start at Q0 and tight end Stu Beak returns. Wide receivers Tom McConnell and Sandy McGregor and slotbacks Bill Panopoulos and Keith Butts will have to step up for UWO’s passing attack to take flight On the defence, all-star lineman Mike Wilson will have to lead a crew of mostly rookies. Western’s kicking game should? suffer with the return of Frank Jagas, who led the OUAA is punting average and tied for total points.

GUELPH GRYPHONS ?!ifzi ri 1992 record: 4=3,4th place Beat Toronto CF 31-17 (OT) in semi-final; beat Western 45-l 9 in final; lost to Queen’s 16-23 in CIAU semi-f inal 1993 Imprint prediction: 4=3,5th


The question for the Guelph Gryphons this year, of course, is “what do we do for an encore?” How about win the conference again? It won’t be quite as easy as just saying it, but in the land of parity which is the OUAA, anything is possible. The Gryphon training camp would have been the perfect place for a quarterback controversy, with Yates Cup MVP Wally Gabler feeling heat from fourth-year QB Rob Kitching. But academic problems have prevented Gabler from being with the team, giving the nod to Kitching, who started in week one last year, leading Guelph a 20- I8 win over the Mustangs on 25-of-36 passing. Kitching will have an experienced offence to work with, including all-star wide receiver David Irwin. who was fourth in OUAA receiving last year (32 catches, 45 I yards, 5 TDs). Slotback Kevin Reid (I 6 catches, 333 yards) and tight end Hugh Drennan also bolster the receiving corps, while Kyle Walter and Rob Popkey will share the halfback position. The offensive line will be led by all-Canadian tackle



The Western Mustang dynasty, culminating in a 1989 Vanier Cup victory, is no more. Although UWO still has a strong team, the news that the ‘Stangs are coming to town just doesn’t evoke the same teeth-chattering and suicide note composition among opposing players as it once did. But, Larry Haylor is back and he’s pig-bitin’ mad. Haylorcoached the team for a few years before going on a one-


Friday, September


big enough

Rob Wesseling. Guelph’s defence was ranked first in most statistical categories last season and looks to be the team’s strong point once again. All-Canadian linebacker Mike O’Shea hasgraduated, but all-star Steve McKee, Todd Storms, and Darryl Boyd should keep that position strong. Up front, all-Canadian defensive end Shawn Hagarty, all-star Hugh Tharby, and Bill Vastis will keep the pressure on opposing quarterbacks.

frighteningly lopsided 80- I4 win. The truly scary thing about that game was that WLU starting pivot Bill Kubas only played two-thirds of the game and passed for 426 yards. The rest was backup Chris Janren. In the entire t 992 campaign, Mac allowed I,96 I yards passing, worst in the OUAA. They were also worst in points against (273), allowing Toronto and Laurier to score 7 I and 80 points respectively. In I993, the secondary may again be. the weakest part of the team, with starters Andrew Wohlgemut and Tim Clarke returning at halfback. Jason Foley, Matt Dubrule, and jay Jordan compete for the corner spotwith Gord Chiarot takes over as rover. The defensive line and linebackers, a mix of veterans and talented younger players, will be solid. At quarterback, two new players compete for the starting position, sophomore Mike Kennedy and junior Frank Friesen. Their inexperience should be offset by the talents of att-star Mike Morreale and team MVPJohn Matthews at wideout. Matthews was fifih in OUAA receiving last year with 30 catches for 473 yards and 5 TDs.

WATERLOO WARRlORS 1992 record: 3-4,5th place, out of playoffs 1993 Imprint prediction: 4-3, 4th Can Waterloo move the ball without Tom Chat-tier? That is the question the Warriors must answer this season. Their dependence upon the OUAA’s leading rusher is legendary and a huge hurdle for them. But experience at quarrerback, offensive line, and receivers should provide them with the building blocks for airing the batl out a bit more. Depth at tailback behind Mike Son is a question mark. Of course, with Ww’s defence, who needs to move the ball? Last year, Waterloo allowed only 90 points in seven league games. Although they lose all-star linebacker jeff Lake and all-star saf&y Steve Fuyter to graduation, this defensive squad should still lead h most statistical categories with the likes of linebackers Andy Allen and Benoit Drouin and defensive backs Gory Delaney and Pierre Lefebvre.

See full Warrior


for the three

WINDSOR LANCERS 1992 record: 1-6,7th place, out of playoffs 1993 Imprint prediction: 1=6,7th

. CgEb

cm page A27.

If the Marauders are t overtake UW and Guelph for a playoff spot, there are two words that will prove crucial: pass defence. On a fateful Thursday night in October at a chilly Seagram Stadium, Laurier set an OUAA sin,gle-game passing record with 603 yards in a


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to have such signficance. As York gains more experience, they should be a better team this year, but it remains to be seen if they can secure a victory and vault out of the basement. The Yeomen scored only 8 I points last season, despite Parry Apostolopoulos being fif$ in passing yards with I, I43 and two-time all-star Neil Denton finishing fifth in rushing with 90 carries for 405 yards. Both key veterans return, as does the entire offensive line, including all-star Jason Mattel. Also back is all-star wide receiver P. 1. Edgeworth, who caught 3 I passes for 468 yards in 1992. After improving in 1992, York’s defence wiII have to contend with the graduation of all-star - linebacker Mark Houlder (he returns as a defensive secondary coach). Sophomore Khari Neita, Steve Mann, and Brian Hinds will anchor the linebackers. The secondary, the strength of the 1992 Yeomen, should be even better this year, led by Paul Hilario, John Cripps, Jason Thompson, and Neit Mullinns. Last year’s York defence was first in pass attern& and iompletions allowed, second in first downi by pass allowed, third in completion percentage allowed, and fourth in passing yardage allowed.


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of the defence.

The last time the York Yeomen won a football game was October I, 1988. Why do I know? Why do you care? Because it was a 20- I9 win over Waterloo in which Warrior kicker Peter Tchir missed a 39yard field goal with two seconds on the clock. It was loss number 27 in UW’s CIAU-record 33game losing streak., a run that ended one year later. Since that time, York has amassed 3 I consecutive losses, meaning that UW fans should Day close attention to even& at Esther Shiner Stadiui in North York on Saturday, September 18, 1993, the game in which York cobId tie lJW’s record for futility. The Yeomen’s opponent that fateful day? You guessed it: the Warriors: Ofcourse, McMaster has to beat York on September I I for this game



of ‘em!

YORK YEOMEN 1992 record: O-7,8th place, out of playoffs 1993 Imprint prediction: O-7, 8th

-::. Windsor’s only win last year was a 27-24 affair over York. Other than I .‘.- ‘; that bright spot, the Lancers didn’t score many points, allowed a whole lot, and basically played like a team one step up from the basement. They came close twice: losing 18-24 to Guelph and 8IOtoUW. If they are to win a cbuple of games, they’ll need a big performance out of second-year quarterback Rich Lachance, who was 72-of- I48 for 1,025 yards and 6 TDs. He also ran for 232 yards and 4 TDs. Receiver Ozzie Nethersole returns from injury to join Norm Casola and a number of second-year players in the receiving corps. The stability of the offensive line is Windsor’s major obstacle to success. _ _ The Lancers’ entire defensive tine are 1 _. 1.:: --- L-i--.AAA so ~~ &I I 1A !---a. -- AL:sopnomores, rney snouiu improve rnls ..-year.

MCMASTER MARAUDERS 1992 record: 3-4,6th place, out of playoffs 1993 lmtwint wediction: 21 5,6th ’ ’


With a solid and mostly veteran linebacking corps consisting of Greg Seguin, Dave Martin, Angelo Fransizi, and Rob Maclntyre, look for this

area to be the strength

3,1993, ImprintA3 3




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cat&g at Davis Centre Library 10:3Oa.m.It :20a:m.and Meet at info Desk.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Tuesdav, September 7 GLLOW Discussion Group will have an open discussion. All iesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, gays and other suppoitive people welcome, UW, Modern Languages, Room 104,7:30 p.m. For further details, phone 884-4569 Wednesday, September 8 Atari user group KWEST, general meeting, 7 p.m. in MC2009, 2nd floor of the Math & Computer building. Phone 725 2068 for details. Thursday, September 9 Amnesty International Group 9 will meet at the Waterloo Public Library at 730 p.m. This will be a reunion celebration with refreshments. New members welcome. For more info call 893-1449. Fridav, September IO “In Love With Elora”: An exhibition of art at the Wellington County Museum, Sept. 10 to Oct. 1 I. For info call: 846-9691, Saturday, September t 1 Goods Exchange Day: from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Kitchener-Waterloo residents are asked to place their unwanted, but usable, household items at the end of their driveway clearly marked that they are FREE. Treasure huntersare encouraged to take home any items they can use. Residents are asked to remove any remaining items from the curb by 6 p.m. Residents should not leave things which they would not like taken. For more info, calf 883-5118. Sunday, September 12 The Toronto Record & Music Collectibles Show at Knights of Columbus Hall, 19 Sable St., Toronto. 10:30a.m. - 500 p.m. Door prizes, paid admission Tuesday, September 14 GLLOW Discussion Group will discuss: Coming Out. ,All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays and other supportive people welcome. UW, Modern Languages, Room 104,7:30p.m. For further details, Dhone 884-4569. Wednesdav, Septdmber 15 Waterloo’s Reform “Temple Shalom” has High Holy Day Services: Sept. 15 - 7:30 p.m., Sept. 16 - IO:00 a.m. Yom Kippur: Sept. 24 - 7:30 p.m., Sept. 25 - IO:00 a.m. 1I6 Queen St., Kitchener. 743-0401, The Organization for Quality Education Waterloo Chapter (OQE) will be holding its annual general open meeting on Wednesday, September 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the boardroom of the Northfield Club, 155 Northfield dr., Waterloo. For info, call Kate Maude at 747-2542. K-W Cambridge Guelph Humanists meet at Kitchener Public Library’s Eby Room at 7 p.m. The first of a series of three videos: “Beyond Believe: Religion On Trial” will be shown with discussion to follow, moderated by Dr. Hans Bakker. Refreshments. Everyone welcome. For more info, Kitchener 893-l 449 or GueiDh

Classified Ad Deadlines Ads must be submitted on or before Monday, September 13th at 5 p.m. to be included in the September17th issue.

Futon Delight Pat’sGalerie Popeye’sGym King Kong Subs Loose ChangeLouie’s City of Waterloo Val’s Video Generations SauceeLips Zig&s Sport & Cycle Dragon


Clark Stratton Dr. Bureau Shot in the Dark Magin Mountain Trading Co. John Hall

Hookup Connection Waitrooics (PC Factory} Barron Opticians Wendy’s Data Corn Technologies A-l Storage Burger King UW Bookst&Hewle& Packard Washerarna PrincessCinema Fastbreak’sRestaurant Fairview Acura PattersonSaddiery Fed Page

VOLUNTEERS Sledge Hockey Volunteers Required. Volunteers are required to assist with Sledge Hockey beginning October 16 to March 19, Saturday from 1:OO to 1:50 pm* Contact Lee at 741-2226 for info. Big Sisters Need You.lf you are 20 years of age or older and feel you can make a positive difference in a child’s life, Kitchener-Waterloo and area Big Sisters need you. Volunteers are needed at University Heights Secondary School to work oneon-one with students at upgrading basic math skills. Interested university students should contact David Carter at 8850800

ANNOUNCEMENTS Turner’s Syndrome K-W Group provides information and exchange for individuals with Turner’s Syndrome, thier families and friend&Call 744-4585 for info. Mike Moser Memorial Awards. Deserving third and fourth year students who have financial need, an exemplary academic record, and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities are invited to apply.Apply, with resume and two letters of referenceby January 15, 1994 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH, ’ ’’ Joseph Schneider Haus. Sweet and Sour&Learn about early sealing methods as the Schneiders pres+ve berries and cabbage from their four-square garden. Jams, jellies, pickling and kraut making featured. Sat. Sept.4, 1Oa.m.5p.m., Sun. Sept.5, lp.m.-5p.m., Mon. Sept. 6, lOa.m.-5p.m. S&nibbles and Schnitfels. The Schneiders pickle and preserve fruits and vegetables for drying using the family Schnitzhaus. Sat. Sept. II, lOa.m.-5p.m. Sun. Sept. 12, lp.m.-

LIBRARY TOURS Thursday, September 6. Tours of the Dana Porter and Davis Librariesi 0:30a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Meet at info Desk. Friday, September 10. Tours of the Dana Porter and Davis Libraries: 10:3Oa.m. and 11:30 a.m. Meet at Info Desk. Monday, September 13. Tours of the Dana WV Pbrter and Davis Libraries:I0:3Oa.m..ll:3Oa.~.,l:3Op.m. and 2:30 p.m. Meek at Info Desk. . Tuesday, September 14. Tours of the Dana - Porter and Davis Libraries: 10:30a.m., 11:30a.m., 1:30pm. and 2:30 p.m. Learn how to use WATCAT the Ilibraries online catalog at Davis Centre Librarv .I 0:30a.m.-11:20a.m. Meet at Info Desk. Wednesday, September 15. Tours of the Dana Porter and Davis Libraries:1 0:30a.m., It :30a.m., 1:3Opm. and2:30p.m. Learn howtouseWATCAT the Ilibraries online catalog at Dana Porter Librarv 1:30p.m.-2:2Op.m. Meet at Info Desk: ’ Thursdav. SeDtember 16. Tours of the Dana I’ Pdrter - and Davis Libraries:1 0:30a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Learn how to use WATCAT the Ilibraries online

K-W Gymnastics Quorum Varsity Shop Centre of Gravity UW Jewish Student’s Association J.R.‘s Billiards Heer’sCamera Sam the Record Man Mega Pizza Office Centre Bismark Pub Futon Shop East-West Futon Webco Sports Pictures Sportsworld

The Twist The Volcano Subway Schlotsky’s Gino’s Pizza SuperOptical PreferredMovies UW Food Services JuliesFlowers

ow sports Little Cesear’s Data store Campus Pharmacy Metrowide 519 Inc. Microway Computers Carry-On Comics Full Circte Foods



ALL FACULTIES Bobby Bauer Memorial Award - deadline: September 24, 1993 Don Hayes Award - deadline: January 31,1994 Mike Moser Memorial Award - deadline: January 15,1994 Federation of Students’ (UW) Bursary available to students active in campus student organizations - deadline: September 30,1993 Tom York Memorial Award - essay, approximately2,500 words, interested candidates should submit essay to St. Paul’s United College - deadline October 29, 1993 FACULTY OF ARTS Arts Student Union Award -available to all arts students - deadline October 29, 1993 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (all deadlines October 29, 1993 unless otherwise stated) Andersen Consultlng Scholarship available J. P. Bicknell Foundation Bursaries available to all chemical engineering students - deadline September 30, 1993 Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship - available to 38 Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 38 Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship - available to all 35 John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to atI 38 mechanical Delcan Scholarship - available to all 38 civi I Randy Duxbury Memorial Award -availabledo all 38 chemical Eflis-Don Construction Ltd. Scholarship - available to 28 civil Gandalf Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design, or Computer Engineering 1B and above Noreen Energy Computer Science, Chemical, and Geological Engineering Award - available to Geological and Chemical year two or above. Ontario Rubber Group/ Rubber Chemistry Division, CIC Award - available to all 38 - deadline: September 30, 1993 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to all 38 Civil, Water Resource Management students. Shelf Canada Ltd. Award - available to all 3rd or 4th year - deadline: September 30‘1993 Jack Wiseman Award - available to 38 or 4A Civil - deadline: September 30, 1993 FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Shelley Elfison Memorial Award - avaifable to 3rd year Planning. I.O.D.E. -Applied Ecology Award -available to all fourth year - deadline: September 30,1993 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Andersen Consulting Scholarship available to 38Math .

Greenback% Pink Zone Waterloo North Mazda Computing2XS Benchmark PC Supply Waterloo Weilington immigration &vices Club Abstract Epoch Charlies Headin’West Classic Cakes SnappyPhotos Orange Monkey Music Columbia Sports Medical Ceotre Alumni Affiirs

Waterloo Taxi PhoenixRollersport Marlin Travel East Side Mario’s Origins . Jumbo’sVideo Steve’sT.V Dairy Queen Bra&s Bicycle Mobility


Cycle Path McPhail’sCycle X-Disc-C Ollies Video T&City Volleyball Club

Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 38 Computer - Science Noreen Energy Computer Science, Chemical, and Geological Engineering Award - available to Computer Science year two or above Shell Canada Ltd. Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Computer Science - deadline: September 30; 1993 Sun life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science.


OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology deadline:.Qctober 15, 1993 Ron May Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Recreation - deadline: October I$1993

Futon bed frame, pull-out couch; double size; frame only. Reg. $329. For sale, $200. Excellent condition. 570-t 323. NDP letting you down? Learn about & 1 or 2 rooms available at corner of Princess & Reaina. Se&.-ADril. lease at $240/ I


Studios for rent - artists, photographers, etc. Downtown, hardwood floors, high ceilings, large windows. Low rent. Won’t last. Call now. 696-2429. Ramrod Appliance. Repairing al I major appliances and microwaves at reasonable rates. 10% student discount. %5 service call with this ad. 888-7830. Hemmings & mendings. Quality work. Low prices. Pants, $6,OO. Skirts, $7.00. Jeans, $8,00. Call Jennifer: 746-6807.

ivory. 725-7939. r--

socialism. Write: Socialist Party of Camada, Box 4280, Canada V8X 3x8. New this fall- the first ever- Women’s Fraternity Kappa Kappa Gamma will be established ai UW. Fbr any femalesinterested in finding out more-about our Fraternity please visit out information booth in the Campus Centre on September 14 and 15. .

Volcano, a high-energy nite club, is hiring now. Bartenders, wait staff, security, promotional people, and experienced DJs. 276 King Street West in downtown Kiichener. Part-time window cleaner need with possib18 fulf-time for summer ‘94. $7 per hour. 746-3994, no high-rise work.


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