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:ations Mail Registration No. 6453


Western robs Waterloo of sure win Warriors rack up 430 yards, but can't hold 10-point lead What do the Waterloo Warriors need to do to beat the Western Mustangs?

Sice 197I.Western has beatenWaterloo 24 times and tied them once. But few lases wereas painfulas last Saturday's 26-22 decision at J.W. Little Stadium in London. For most of the game. the Warriors dominated play and led on the scoreboard. They were up by as much as ten points late in the game, but could not hang on. W i 213 to play, the Mustangs' Tim Tm&le busted loose up the middle for a 68yard touchdown to put U W O ahead, capping off a I7-point fourth quarter. "The defence gave up some bigplaysand we had some penalties that hurt us," said UW head coach Dave "Tuffy" Knight The Warriors (1-2) seek to rebound on Saturday, October 2 (tomorrow) when they host the McMaster Marauders (1-2) at

Seagnm Sadium at 2 p.m. (see preview on Page 15). The Marauders w e n edged 25-20 by the nationally ranked Universityof Toronto Vanity Blues last Saturday in Hamikon. In other OUAA action, the Wtlfrid Laurier Golden Hawks thumped the Guelph Gryphons 33- 14andthe Univers@ofWindsor finally put the York Yeomen in the record books with a 36- 10 pasting. York now has sole posscsshxl of the Canadian university record for tohsecutive losses. 34. Waterloo's teams of L984-89 had held the record at 33. In London, Waterloo had its best allPound offensive performance in recent memory, ringing up 430yards in net offence. This total was buoyed by a 56-yard touchdown catch by wideout Adrian Thorne and 5 44-yard touchdown run by hllback Mike Mallot Thome's second-quarter T D gave UW an 11-3 lead, while Mallot's run put the Warriors ahead 19-9 late in the third quar-



But the 'Stangs rallied in the fourth, first with quarterback Warren Goldie, standing in for the injund Eric Ursic, passingten yards to Stuart Beak, and finally with Tm&le1s run. Between these majors, the teams traded field goals. Mallot was W s offensive hero with 1 15 rushing yards on I 8 carries, plus four receptions for 85 yards. (Mallot is fifth in OUAA rushing with 254 yards and a 7.1 'ydrds-per-rush average.) Quarterback Steve Bennet opened up a rusty passing game, completing l l-of-21 passesfor 230yards (his best yardagetotal as a Warrior) and two touchdowns. He also carried seven times for 64 yards. His other major receiving target was Gord Fawcettwithfour catches for 68yards. Tailback Jarret Smith could not repeat his success of the second half of the York game, finishing with only 21 yards on 9 carries. But Tindale stole the show. His game-

winning T D capped a 142-yard rushing performance. Battery-mate Sean Reade contributed 54 yards on 9 carries. Waterloo's defence did a good job of pressuring Goldie, limiting him to 12 completions on 28 attempts. but many of those completions were big plays, as he finished with I76 yards passing. Defensive end Brad Harris led the UW defencewith IItacklesandfour quarterback hurries, three of those veritable pancakings of Goldie. Mustangs Sandy McGregor, Kevin Foster, and Reade all had big catches to help Western maintain offensive momentum. Despite the 'Stangs' 384 net yards, Waterloo is still in.first in yards allowed in the conference. Warrior punter Rick Guenther suffered a slight dip in yards-per-punt (3 1.8). but still has the third-best average in the OUAA (36.1) behind Laurier's Pat O'Leary and Mustang Frank Jagas.

IMPRINT Campus Centre, Room University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, NZL

140 3G I

888-4048 Friday, October !, 1993 Volume 16, Number 11

Student stress levels the rise at UW

ISSN 0706-7380

Inside news


Creative writing program suffers cutbacks, AID’s Awareness Week, student stress, waste management.


8 - ii

Paranoia gets religious, letters, letters, letters, Star Trek series begins


12- 13

Peter’s trip to Taiwan, Computer continued



14 - 23

cross country nationally ranked; rugby loses two more, swim team to host meet; hockey exhibition starts




Lowest Of The Low, Juliana Hatfield, Cranes, New Revolutions, Einstein’s Dreams, and Macaulay Culkin Editorial Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assitant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Advertising/Production Production Assistant



Advertising Assistant

Proof Reader

Board Ken Bryson * vacant Natalie Onuska Lisa Sutton vacant vacant Peter Brown vacant vacant

vacant Kat M. Piro Daryl Novak




Contribution List Sandy Atwal, Tammy Bender, Sherry Carter, Edson Castilho, Jeff Chard, Cheryl Costello, Ken Craig, Sepanta Dorri, Sandie Edwards, Caludia Ecsedi, Dave fisher (Fergie McCormack), Paul Eodkin, Kieran Green, Ron Grondin, Peter Hoflich, Greg Hood-Morris, Bernard Kearney, Tasha Lackman, Jack Lefcourt, Ken Lillie, Alex Lopez-Orb, Sharon Little, Karen McHutchion, Nicholas Mew, Char&e O’Grady, Jill O’Hagan, Kathryn Peet (Alex Norgate), Elizabeth Rayson, Sameh E, Rehan, Chris Robinson, frank Seglenieks, Natalie Se&in, Carrie Shaw, Dave Switzer, Dave Thomson, Janet Tseng, UW News, UW Athletics, Kate Wadd, Derek Weiler, Radomir Zak, Karin Zvanitajs. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Waterloo,

M. Piro stag

Stressed or depressed? These complaints are not as uncommon as you may think. Canada has one ofthe highest suicide rates in the world. The rate of stressed UW students is on the rise. The usual preThanksgiving influx cannot solely account for this trend, however. According to Health and Safety nurse Carol Hea, a person who is severely stressed for a long period of time is more prone to illness. Such is the case with students before exams and with the onset of a new school term. “The immune system becomes depressed and the body doesn’t produce the normal antibodies to combat diseases,” related Hea. The most common of these are flus and colds. Ulcers seem to have more complex causes.

for a waiting list has emerged at UW Counselling Services. As many as fifty students may be waiting for appointments by midterm exams. UW Counselling Services staff has been cut by half since the 1970’5 despite the steady rise of student demand. “We get the most students coming in mid-October,” said UW counsellor Jack Williams. “That’s after they get their mid-term results.”

Demand for counselling setsices decreases, and does not dramatically rise again following midterms, even during final exams. According to Williams, the students who do come during final exams are often severely stressed. Although the need for help has increased, UW Counselling Services are unable to offer unlimited aid any longer. Couples are now referred to other help organizations and group

sessions are replacing individual ones. Sessions are limited to ten people per term. However, those in severe crises are never turned away. The Counselling Office is situated across from the Registrar’s in Needles Hall. Health and Safety is the white building across the creek from the Campus Centre. Another place to turn to is the Help Line. Call PALS at 888-4840.

Canada has one of the highest suicide rates in the worki Hea emphasized wellbeing to relieve the negative effects of stress. “Students should try to keep up good eating habits, instead of just snacking on junk food during times like exams. Sleep and exercise are also important,” explained Hea. just into the fall term, the need

The PAC was over run by eager would be employers, looking for prospective grads to pad out their companies’ green rooms. At left we see the Royal Canadian Armed Forces representative explaining just what happens when seamen spend too much time in her majesty’s submarines. photos by Ken Bryson

Laurie Tigert-Dumas

Jim I ng Vivian Tambeau

Board of Directw President Dave Thomson Vice President vacant Secretary/Treasurer Jeff Warner Staff Liaison vacant Directors-at-Large Sandy Atwal Bernard Keamey


by Kat Imprint


a corporation


share capital; Imprint isa memberof the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse adV8tiiSing. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprjnt 0 watservl

York’s program, Lisa Imprint

Sutttm stm

Another victim of dreaded budget-cuts is claimed. York University’s popular honours creative writing program will suffer drastically as faculty and courses are cut backs, which will make admission to the sought after program even more rigorous. Several courses and sections have been discontinued because of budget restrictions. The most extreme effects though, are faculg cutbacks. The full-time faculty that was once I? in 1979, has been reduced to 2. Close to 250 students are involved in creative writing courses at York but only about I50 are enrolled in the creative writing honours programme. After the budget cuts, #hose numbers will drop significantly. YorkUniversity’s creative writing programme is one of only nine such writing programs in Canada. Only three other schools offer creative writing in Ontario: Laurentian

creative a budget

University, University of Windsor and University of Wawloo, York, however, is distinctly one of Ontario’s premiere creative writing schools. York’s reputation of having a first-class program for aspiring writers is highly regarded across Canada. Historically,the program is one of the oldest and most stringent The rigid admission standards sepa rate the creative writing student population intotwocategories;those who write and those who devote themselves to their work Although any student at York may enrol in creative writing courses, to major in creative writing demands total devotion. The program looks for people who are serious about writing and the entrance requirements reflect this.

Students are required to submit a portfolio of poetry and prose which determines their admittance into a requisite second year creative writing course. The course, along with a formal admission portfolio, then determines admittance into the honours program.

writing cut victim

The programme is designed to advance writing skills of students , encouraging them to become exceptional writers. The department’s aim is to acquaint students with the various ways of writing which leading writers of our time have made possible. “The program is excellent A lotofgo4 writers havegonethrough the program and gone on to do their MJL’s at other universities,” said full-time creative writing instructor, Don Summerhayes, reported The Grcalibur. The costs to run this program are extremely high because the stu

dent to teacher ratio has to be low. Courses are small because of the interaction that must go on between the instructor and the student to make the classes worthwhile. “The courses are highly labour int.e!nsive,” said Summerhayef. The shortage of program spaces and the flood of students into second year courses will force admission numbers down and the admission requirements up. Future creative writing SWdents who are heart-set on York may have to consider attending another



1 We apologise Imprint would like to apologise for comments made in the Arts Section of our September 3 edition. We have received complaints from local business owners regarding our review of places to ea.& dine, and spend money in Waterloo and Kitchener. Imprint did not intend to promote certain businesses over others or malign any individual business. The views expressed in the articles were solely those of the authors, not lmprint’s. We encourage students to frequent any establishment they choose and support Waterloo’s local businesses.






friday, October


I, 1993


and the



-- Lunsford to speak on “Intellectual properly” in October 27 lecture -Prof. Andrea Lunsford, an international expert on litemcy, intellectual property rights and rhetoric, will be the 25th Hagey lecturer at the Universiq of Waterloo this fall. The annual lecture, sponsored by the university and UW faculty association, will be held Wednesday, Oct. 27 at 8 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre in Hagey Hal I. The lecture series, which invites top scholars, artists and scientists, is named after UW’s founding president, Gerry Hagey. tunsford’s lecture will be on “lntellectual Property in an Age of Information: What’s at Stake for the Academy.” She will also hold a seminar on Oct. 28 for students, faculty and staff,

as well as interested members of the public. At present, Lunsford is acting chair of the English departmentat Ohio State University, where she received a PhD degree in English in 1977. Her master’s and bachelor’s degrees were obtained at the University of Florida. Before joining Ohio State in 1986, Lunsfordwas afacultymemberfor nine years at the University of British Columbia, where she was director of writing from I98 I to 1986. Lunsford ptayed a role in the development of UW’s honors English program in rhetoric and professional writing. “Her internationally recognized contributions to the development of rhetoric and composition theory at the UniversityofBritish Columbiaand Ohio


State University are well known,” says Prof. Jay Thomson, chair of the Hagey lecture committee. “Less well known but as important to us are her contributions to the development of rhetoric at Waterloo.” Lunsford is widely respected for her work in advancing the cause of literacy and the recognition of composition as a legitimatepart of university studies. She has authored and co-authored

versity of Washington (spring, 1990) and held a chair of excellence at Memphis State University (winter, 1992). tn 1985, she was presented with the Mina ShaughnTssy award from the Modern Language Association of America for the best book on the teaching of language and literature. While at the University of British Columbia, she received six humanities and social studies grants worth $6,000 to conduct research in the history of

numerous books and articles on writing and literacy, as weI1 as rhetoric and modern discourse. Works in progress include an edited collection of essays on women and the history of rhetoric. The recipient of many honors and awards, Lunsford has been a distinguished visiting scholar at the Uni-




as chair of

Modern Language Association’s teaching of writing division and was a member of the MlA’s commission on writing and literature, which issued a re-

Edge. As well, she isa consultant reader for College English, College Compositionand Communication, Publications

port in 1987. She’s been and continues to be a consultant for writing programs at many

of the Modern Language Association of America, Rhetorica, and the Jour-

nal of Advanced


Theatre of the Arts sells seats bg Kumm



has served

universities and colleges. In addition, she has served as an outside evaluator for the English departments at the University of North Carolina, Florida State University, University of Utah, University of California at Santa Barbara and Utah- State University, among others. Lunsford serves oh the editorial boards of Rhetoric Review, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, English Quarterly, Journal of Basic Writing, Written Communication, Textual Studies in Canada, Focuses, and Writing on the


theatre maintenance and updates. Plans include new sound and lighting equipment, and new curtains. The new equipment, according to Glussich, will give students the opportunity to work with the same equipment used in the theatre community outside of lJW. The theatre is over 30 years old and has not changed drastically over that period. Recent recarpeting, the firstin 30 years, and seat refurbishing have given it a boost With its classic three-quarter thrust stage and intimate atmosphere, the Theatre of the Arts is the main stage for most Dama Department productions. WV has some of the best facilities of all Ontario universities, says Glussich, with the Theatre of the Am and the Humanities Theatre, which seats 800. ’ The Drama Department is workinginconnectionwiththeAlumni Association to raise funds needed and hope that most of the money will come from withln the university community. The sale is open to all individuals and groups. Interested parties are encouraged to contact Mike1 Glussich 885-l 2 I I, ext. 5262 or the

to Imprint

A seatsale safe for acrophobics. 1993 marks 25 years of drama activities at UW. To celebate the event, the Drama Oepartment is holding a ‘*seat sale” in the SO&seat Theatre of the Arts. A $100 donation will buy a seat in the theatre, located in the Modem u building, and a plaque bearing the donor’s name will be affixed to the armrest A seat sale is a typical fund-raising device for theatres and the $ IO0 donation is extremely modest in comparison to other venues, according to Professor Joel Greenberg, chair of Drama and Speech Communication. ‘We would like to have a fundraising effort that people can feel part of - so for $100 you can actually see your contribution,” said Greenberg. Development Administrator Mike1 Glussich, who is running the sale, anticipates selling all of the seats without any difficulty and hopes for a strong response from administration, faculty, staff and students. An endowment fund will be established with the money raised. Interest the fund will ihen be used for

Drama Department


ext. 2 120.

At Canadian Regional, we understand how difficult it is for students nowadays to make ends meet. That’s why we’re offering a year-round student stand-by fare at 65% off the regular economy fare anywhere that Canadian Regional flies. So, if you thought

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chance to get away was beyond your budget, then think again. For more information, cdllyour mvel agent or Canadian Airlines and simply stand-by.

363 WATEhLOv GUI&&XI 1s a rcgistercd trademark of Canadian Alrhnes Internatinnat Ltd. Farce avaIlable on a one-way 0~ return basis. Fares applicable for students between the ages of 12 and 24. Yroof of age is reyulrrd. Travel IS on a stand-by basis only.



’ 7 days/week 11 a.m. to midnighl

Waste not, want not ,bg Tusha La&man special to Imprint Reduce, reuse, recycle. In the Region of Waterloo this slogan will become a way of life over the next few years. A proposed Waste Reduction Master Plan (VVRMP) is aiming to reduce waste by 50% with cost efficient recommendations by the year 2000. WRM P actively involves all levels of the community including residents, businesses, and school boards. “It’s a unique process that they went through... [ft was] put together by people for people,” said Faculty member of Urban Planning in Environmental Studies Murray Haight, who sat

on the original Master Plan committee in the ea~fy eighties. “It’s the best value for the taxpay ers dollar,” expressed WRMP Commercial Coordinator Marilyn Hill of the Master Plan. WRMP recommendations stress the hierarchy of the three “R’S”, emphasiring reduction, and reuse, before recycling. One of the plan recommendations that is of primary importance is the implementation of a garbage user fee. Homeowners will be charged for the garbage they produce. Municipalfundingforgarbage collection will then be eliminated from taxes. Ideally, the fee would then lead to a greater awareness regarding the

Lug-a-mug of the &g Cheryl CosteZ,lo Imprint Sta


thesis project

amount of garbage generated and reduce garbage output overall. Simultaneously, people will be encouraged to use their blue boxes and backyard composters, which will be provided at no cost. Education will be an intepl part of the plan, including distribution of household kits about composting, recycling and other reduction issues. More activities promoting ecological behavior will be introduced into the elementary school curriculum. Composting and recycling will be expanded both at the residential and industrial levels. In addition, the Region hopes to expand the market for recycled goods and is encouraging legislation changes

to reduce packaging. All those involved in WRMP were asked to give ideas concerning methods of waste reduction. Selected suggestions presented were combined and others eliminated using specific committee criteria. The Executive Committee haveagreed upon 28 recommendations.

everyday ye of fourth


sumerism. Waste reduction, at the source, is the most direct form of reducing waste generation,” empha-

“This is the first time in Ontario that a municipality has done this itself,” said Hill. Projects of this nature are usually contracted out priv+ly. Much work has been done and far more remains as the Region of Waterloo continues to evaluate the policies and progress of the plan over the next decade.


Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Student Villages for the Spring Term 1994 are invited to pick up an application from the Housing Office, Village 1 The completed application must be submitted to the Warden of Residences, Housing Office,Village 1, no later than Friday, October 29, t993. Applications received after this date will not be con5&iered+or appointment. L. VW .. f ” . ..-. *rhh. c .A. n

fee shops will encourage an e mentally friendly attitude by ceasing supply disposable cups to patrons o that day. As a part of the province-wide Waste Reduction week (October 4 to IO), “No Disposable Cups Day” is the

urchase a Lug-a-Mug e” Wednesday, for and you will receive ry coffee courtesy of too

often concentrate

on post-con-

on “Zero the cost of a compliFood Serv-


*tin now in e asY 1i you are a Lana&an cltlzen who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, you have the right to. vote* But to exercise that right, your name must appear o the voters list. The recently amended Canada Elections Act makes life simpler. First, revision of the voters list has been extended to give more voters, like yourself, the opportunity to be registered.

Next, the S2ipeclalBallot has been added, so now there’s a new way to have your say by mail or in t3erson. #1 To learn more, pick up the Elections Canada leaflet avail=able at your Student Association, Registrar’s Office or campus bookstore. Or call the number below.



friday, October


I, 1993




in Canada

Although the election is still weeks away, and many students are more worried about upcoming midterms rather than the upcoming election, the federal campaigning is in full s\?ring.The following is a list of all eight candidates who at-erunning for an office in the Waterloo riding and their business numbers. Rather than rely upon the slogans and posters of the party, you the student can talk to the candidates one on one and confront them on your ground to find out where their priorites lie.

P.C. - Lynns Wollstonecraft 885.5966 Liberal

- Andrew


742-354 I 742-3964 (fax)


- Scott


885-2 I33

(fax) - Mike

885-O I24 885- I907 (fa)

Christian HeritageDr. E.T. Kryn 885-0987 89499450 (fax) Libertarian PartyRita Huschka-Sprague


725-9368 725-4888





bySanciyAtwal Sntprint stfl

Natural Law PartyBlaine P. Watson Connolly


Independent725-7505 572-2605




Sometimes there is not enough to breath or speak. The offtce located in Campus Centre 206 is currently shared by the Legal Resource mce, the Student Parttime Employment Info Centre (SPEC), and the Student Volunteer Centre. According to Coordinator of the Legal Resource Office Kevin Lanctot, some of the cases dealt with in the Legal Resources Office require co& dentiality. When in conversation with clients who require acoustic privacy, Lanctot is obliged to ask people who are using other services to leave the office. In some cases, people have had to wait up to an hour to re-enter the ofice. “Sharing the office with just the Volunteer Centre was not a problem because both organizations have a small enough clientelle that office hours can room

be staggered,” noted Lanctot. Since SPEC moved into the room, a larger volume of people enter the office making it impossible to alternate office hours. Lanctot related the problem. “The Feds underestimated the volume of people that come to SPEC looking for jobs,” he said. SPEC is an organization that started up in the fall of 1992. The Centre did not have any official office space last year, and therefore moved into CC206 and amalgomated with the Student Volunteer Centre this fall. Vice Presidentof Financial George Van Nooten says the limited office space is “beyond our control” and “we’re waiting for the expansion of the Campus Centre to take place.” The expansion of the Campus Centre will provide clubs and organizations with increased office space and organizations that are currently sharing office space will have better resources,


THEDARK? Some say ignorance is bliss. When it comesto sex, ignoranceis far from bliss. It’s just plain dangerous. If you want to do the smart thing, get out of the dark. Find out how HIV/AIDS and other STDs are transmitted. Use condoms.Not occasionally, not usually, but always. Talk. Talk to your partner.Your friends. Your doctor. If you’re embarrassedaboutbuying condoms, rememberthat after you’ve bought them once ” it will be much easier.Being embarrassed is a small price to pay for your health.


If know someonewith HIV infection or AIDS, reachout to them andbreak the silence. No more fear. No more ignorance.

6BOntario For more information call the.Ontario Ministry of Health ADS Hotline: l-800-668-2437

byRon Grondinmd Karin Zvanitajs Fed OR3 Co-chairs Hi! Welcome to FEDBACK - the FEDS’ nice little way of letting you know about some of the things that we’re doing for YOU. This term, the Gender Issues Board, co-chaired by Karin Zvanitajs and Ron Grondin, is following up on some of the programs initiated by our predecessors and has a number of new plans for the coming term. Many of you who have returned from a work term will have received a sexualharrassment survey during your back to campus interview. This survey will be used to monitor the degree of sexual harrassment occurring in the work place and to help to develop strategies to eliminate future occurrences . We are still accepting completed surveys if haven’t returned yours YetThursday, September 23th marked the annual Take Back The Night March, co-sponsored by the FEDS, the GIB and UW Women’s Centre. Hundreds of all-aged women from various backgrounds and beliefs joined together to march against violence. Men who supported the march were welcome to the coffee house afterwards at Kitchener Market Square. I Don’t Understund Women, a one man play written and performed by Norman Nawrocki captured the attention of over 400 people on Monday and Tuesday September 27th and 28th at Fed Hall. The play was aimed mainly toward men in an effort to increase men’s awareness of certain gender issues, ranging from violence against women to women’s and men’s sexuality . The play was sponsored by the FEDS, WIC of GSA, Residences and Health and Safety. Aids Awareness Week runs from October 4th to the 10th. The Gender Issues and Social Issues Boards (GIB and SIB) will be organizing campaigns at the Campus Centre during the week and at the Bombshelter (Wednesday night) and Fed Hall (Thursday night). Comeon out and get a condom. The Women’s Centre coordinator, co-chairs from GIB and SIB, and the VPUA will be attending the Canadian Campus Safety Conference in Montreal from Ott 7th to 10th. Student well-being and safety is a multidimensional concern involving a broad range of issues from safer sex, to sexual assault, to student right’s awareness. The conference hopes to address these concerns from an incorporated perspective, including seminars on QCism and sexual orientation. Just a reminder that submissions for the Endowment Fund are due by Ott 15th. Application forms can be picked up in the Fed ofice, CC-235


friday, october I, I993

Parliamentary Program Lisa Sutton htpfint

by Natalie Onuska hapint sta Twenty-seven people have died as a result of AIDS in the Waterloo Region and I2 remain alive who are living with the disease. An additional I I8 people are infected with the HIV virus. Canada has one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the developed world. The 3rd annual National AIDS Awareness Week (AAW) runs from Monday October 4 to Sunday October IO. The AAW 1993 themes are “Promoting Health for Everyone”and “Strong Lives-Strong Communities”. This week differs from World AIDS Day, on December I, by placing

emphasis on national and local AIDS issues and concerns, as opposed to global challenges encountered around AIDS. The focus of World AIDS Day differs also, as it addresses the theme: “Time to act”.

October 4 to IO to promote health for everyone The with the October The

week’s events will commence I Okm “Walk for AIDS ‘93” on 3 in Kitchener’s Victoria Park annual “Red Ribbon Project”

UFO cited by Khan Imprint



Did extraterrestrials visit the villocated half an hour north of KW? An unusual flying object was cited and videotaped by a local resident on February 26, at approximately 6 p.m. Described as being long, thin, and dark, with one end higher than the other, the object apparently coasted at a consistent altitude. The video had UFO investi tors excited. “It’s the first UFO video I’ve ever come across in I6 years,” said founder of the Cambridge UFO Research Group Bonni Wheeler, reported the K-W Record.

[age of Arthur,

An appeal was put forth for anyone who might have witnessed something strange on February 26 to come forth with information. One response was received by Canadian Anomalous Phenomenon Studies investigator Drew Williamson. Witnesses claimed the object flew directly over their farm and appeared to be molar shaped, wide and box-like at one end with two long projections coming out the other. CAPS investigators attempted to

is another event that students can par= ticipate in and will continue until the end of this month. Ribbons will be available throughout the community; wearing one shows you support AIDS awareness. A vigil will be held to remember those who have died and to support those who are presently struggling with AIDS. An information booth will be set up in the Campus Centre October 5 and 6. Free condoms will be distributed at the Bombshelter on October 6 and at FED Hall October 7. Over 90 Canadian community based AIDS organisations are sponsoring AAW in cooperation with tie Canadian Hemophilia Society and the Canadian Public Health Association.

can often appear to be a strangely shaped when viewed from a distance. Williamson, however, discounts the possibility of the object being an earthly aircrak “We should hear it if it was a helicopter or a plane,” he explained. In the video, other sounds are audible while the unidentified flying object remains totally silent. The possibility of the UFO being

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in Arthur?

digitize the image but found it too distant for enhancement A copy of the original tape was forwarded to Sightings, a US television program that analyzes and probes UFO sightings. They rejected the video as inconclusive. The object continues to be a mystery, as no conventional explanations seem to fit According to David Wing of the UN

The Ottawa House of Commons will hire 30 bilingual full-time university students as tour guides for the I994 Parliamentary Guide Program. Parliamentary guides act as ambassadors for Canada during the busy summer season. They greet visitors from all over the world and introduce them to tie Canadian System of government While working in Ottawa they have the opportunity to meet members of parliament and visiting head5i of state. SPORTS INJURIES


a weather balloon or other inflatable tievices was ruled out by Assistant Provincial Director of the Mutual UFO Network Tom Theofanous and weather service specialist with Environment Canada Andy Taylor. “It was a little too fast for a balloon, more the speed of a light plane,” stated Theofanous. Taylor stated that it did not sound like any weather device he knew of, and added that a weather balloon Id not maintain a consistent altie, it would be rising all the time.” “As time goes by, it is becoming more dif@lt to chase down leads,” remarked Williamson. According to Williamson one t attempt will be made to analyze e video with hi-tech equipment.





anywhere anytime l for people or parcels drf3or-t service + fast courteous service

Teaching the Educated to Read! The main cause of student drop-out is stress stress over not having assignments finished, stress over not staying “caught-up” with the class, and stress over the realization that just staying “caughtup” isn’t going to be good enough. 1993 was the worst year in history for students getting jobs right out of college, and this next year looks even worse. It isn’t always the smartest students who get the best grades, but it is always the best readers - the ones who can get the most out of their books on their own. Simply getting through your reading assignments will only give you the minimum that your professor requires to pass you. Just passing your courses isn’t going to be good enough anymore. In fact, having a diploma or a degree only allows you the opportunities of furthering your education with a more competitive group of fellow

great one will depend on your ability learn on your own.

Power Reading

to read and

is the Solution!

Power Reading is an eight-step video course that was developed on a college campus and initially designed for college students. With recent developments in video and computer graphics technologies, this course can now be offered on video, allowing you to learn in the privacy of your own home - at your own pace. This course will absolutely at least double your reading speed with increased comprehension.


?; 2/

The ’90s will continue to be a decade filled with the most rapid change ever seen in history. Only those who are able to adapt to those changes will be able to remain competitive. Being able to read all your reading assignments and additional reading selections with increased a pre-requisite



comprehension and recall will be for anything you plan to do in the

future. The difference




a good mark and a


Application forms are available at student placement centres on campus and must be submitted no later than October 22, 1993. Eligible students must take a general knowledge exam and will be tested for fluency in French and English. Candidates who pass both exams will be contacted for interviews held across the country. Parliamentary guides are reimbursed for the cost of travel to and from Ottawa at the beginning and end of the work term. Students work approximately 35 hours per week and are reimbursed at a rats! of $ I I .67 per hour. The work term runs from Victoria to Labour Day.









$9.95 shipping and handling fee applies)

Mdaph~cal ForucII


The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.




hen I was just a wee frosh, living in residence, I used to look around the TV lounge of that same res and ask myself, as those other people got excited about Star Trek or Santa Barbara or whatever it was they were watching, and think, what the hell are these people doing at university if they’d cather get happy overjean Luc than whatever t was they were studying. Why did they not thirst for the knowledge I did, why did I thirst that knowledge rather than the intricacies of the holodeck! I didn’t feel that everyone else belonged at the same university that I did (I’ll get off my >ulpit soon oh dear reader, please be patient). well, now that has all changed. Sometime around the middle of third rear I began to wonder just why anyone cared about what they were studying when there Nere so many other unconventional avenues :o explore. Why did anyone care more about nolecular physics or computer programming :han basic ontology (who the hell am I, how did I get this way, and why?). Maybe I was just disillusioned with uni-; versity in general, but this past week, I’ve realized, with the help of countless strangers, tihy all that was. On Monday night I went out to Fed Hall to see this “one-man-sex-show” I Don’t Un3erstmJ Women. On Wednesday I checked out the career Fair in the PAC. Both of these events have sparked within ne an idea. The sex show was as base an undertaking 3s I’m Ii kely to see this year. Not only was the content aimed at those with a juvenile understanding of sexual politics and interaction, but :he acting was second rate and beneath the :ubject matter. “Clit class IO1 ” was more of In excuse to stick his crotch in the face of an Insuspecdng audience member, than an at.empt at instructing men (or women) the iner technique of cunnilingus. I didn’t feet educated, just misinterpreted and very slightly Imused. The campus career fest, on the other land, was a serious affair, as everyone from he police to Hostess, to UW, to Microsoft attempted to lure me into their employment bid. Thing was though, of all the displays, lone of them seemed to beckon journalists/ lack philosophers/professional writers. I felt LS if I needed to be an engine&computer whiz/business minded/pure math major in order to be counted in as a member of the arget audience. Once again I was alienated from the lroceedings. What fiper way to feel a part of he university community. So, as the realization of my continued nsignificance igr this professional/co-op camIUS poured into my brain like a OAC calculus :f(n)=x as n approaches infinity) question, I ‘elt quite un-at-home. I now surmise that I wasn’t really born to Ittend this university after all, even though I ind myself here. But that is okay because I’ll ust assert my differences and attempt to join :orces with hose like me, those lost in the JW sea. But you know, we’re not really any setter than everyone else, better than the masses gathered around the lV each afterboon and evening - we’re just different, that’s rll. And I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, lnd gosh darn it, at least my friends like me. And that last sentence is only slightly ronic.





friday, October

I, I993


by Sandy Atwal Imprint stun “First it was the Devil,” Mahound mutters as he rushes to the Jahilia. “But this time, the angel, no question. He wrestled me to theground.“,..but Gibreel, hoveringlwatchingfrom his highestcameraangle, knows one small detail, just one tiny thing that’s a bit of a problem here, namely that it wus me both times,b&u, me first and second also me. - The Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie When the moment is ripe, only the fanatic hatch a genuine mass movement. Without him disaffection engendered by militant men of words mains undirected and can vent itself only in poi!tless easily suppressed disorders. - The True Believer, Eric Hoffer

can the reand

Because of the wrongdoing of the Jews We, forbade them good things which were (before) made lawful unto them, and because of their much hindering from Allah’s way. And of their taking usury when they vere forbidden it, and their devouring people’s wealth by false pretences. We have prepared for those of them who disbelieve a painful doom. -The Q&an, Surah IV, I 60, I6 I translated by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall


ver hehepast several weeks, some of the less devout here at Imprint @cc have voiced their concerns about Religionand F&b in the Twentieth Gntury and The Qur’un Speaks, Imprint’s religious columns. The complaints, 1find, to be for the most part reasonable and w&l! directed. This week, I will devote my attention solely to The Qur’an Specks, and hope to deal with Religionand faith at another time. Since its acceptance as a column this summer, it has devoutly adhered to its title, and proSri&d the reader with nothing less than an understanding af the lsiamic holy book It has also provided the reader with nothing more. The column is, for the most part, completely rreIev&t to most if not all non-Muslim students attendng this University. Anyone may visit the Dana Porter

library to find numerous commentaries on the Qur’an.The column fails to present a new or useful account of the relationship (if any) of the Islamic holy book to the situation in the Middte East. Any column which purported to relate to Islam yet made no comment on th+ recent peace treaty between the state of Israel and the PLO. should justfiably be laughed out onto the street. This month’s TIME magazine includes an article entitled The Dark Sideof/slam. It examines the fundamentalist bad apples who receive the most western press. The article states that every secular Muslim state from North Africa to the Persian Gulf faces a challenge from radical fundamentalists.

Christian bible) the actual status of women in Islam is another matter entirely. Iran and other Muslim nations

are notorious for treating women as property rather than human beings, yet no justification for this is suggested by the column. This month, 8angladeshinovelist Tasiima Nasreen was condemned to death by the Council of Soldiers of Islam, who have offered $ I250toanyone who kills her. Her recent book Shame was about the recent HinduMuslim conflicts in India and she has of&en attacked Muslim fundamentalists and chauvinism. There is, of course, the related case of Salman Rushdie, who still carries a price on his head exacted by the Ayatollah Khomeni. These are the issues that should be, indeed must be, dealt with if the Q&an and Islam are to offer anything to Waterloo’s students. The stock response may be that the column is devoted strictly to the Qur’an itself, and not the Isiamic religion as a whole, nor the fundamental fringe which receives the most press, but it is this kind of narrowmindedness and complete avoidance of the issues that allows the irrelevance of The Qur’un Speaks to go unchecked. Sameh E. Rehan has, of course, as much right to write The Qor’an Speaks as I do Puran~iu, but I am still entitled to criticize it, as he I. When I say irrelevance, I don’t mean to implythat the column has no relevance to some Muslims, or even most Muslims, it is irrelevant in that it refuses to disc&s Literary blasphemer and those most impomnt issues in which the Muslim world heretic, Salman Rushdie. is embroiled today, even if only to refute the attention people like myself pay to the unsavoury side of Islam. If the Qur’an speaks, what does it say about these Some may take this column as an open attack on groups? Radical violence has claimed 200 lives in Egypt Islam as a whole; so be it. I would be foolhardy to try to over the past two years, and over I 200 in Algeria. Again, tiptoe around and uy to qualify every criticism I make. the Qur’an is silent. My critique of Islam applies to the minority fanatic The Jihad, the Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria and fringe, and my critique of the column is in its lack of An-Nahda are all violent, prevalent anti-Government pertinent information in relation to the world around movements, what does the Qur’an say here? us. I have allowed myself room to speak on only one The article goes on to mention the cause of these topic, obviously every religion has its own fringegroups, problems+ namely the endemic poverty, institutional but not every religion has a column in Imprint. unemployment and skyrocketing inflation, all important I for one am still learning, trying to make sense of issues, but not important enotigh for The Qur’on Speaks. the world‘1 live in, and it is a shame that someone like So far, I have +cussd only patitieal irrurr. Other Rehan, who has an opportunity to provide just such social issues such as tie role of women are also at issue: ‘; edification, is squandering it on the worst kind of Despite what the Qur’an has to say on the subject of convert preaching and redundant academia. women (and it is mostly good things, far better than the







Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, ad must include the author’s name, signature, and phone number for verification. Names may be withheld from publication upon request. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper. Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint @watsen,l


Lecture Yes, Jello no ‘You’ve got your books, now go read’em. Wisdom is ignorance, StupidiT, I call it freedom” - Paul Westerberg To the editor: There really is nothing like the view from above, or talking down to the masses, for that matter. But opinions it is you want, Mr. Bryson, so opinions you get. The University of Waterloo is the original product-oriented, Canadian University. Product in the sense that the liberal-minded founders interpreted it, during the onward and upward sixties. Now, retro fashions aside, I968 it is not Nevertheless the product approach has stuck. Through / those gloriously materialistic eighties, the crash of ‘PI, right through today, the model of the year has roiled out of UW’S door. To the system’s credit, the product approach has kept UW out of the Jurassic Graveyard of the U of Ts and UWOs of the world. Perhaps more importantly it has kept a decent percentage of UW grads employed. On the other hand, products are ideal for analysis, but hardly a model citizen when it comes to creativity, synthesis, or even free will. Practically, this means that whilst distaste and anger may bubble, they will never boil over. But then it is rather obvious what the priorities are, isn’t it. Universities are no longer institutions of higher learning. They are glorified trade schools, with silly Latin mottoes to remind them of the good old days when profs could hold their noses up without argument. It is pathetic that we pay tuition of $ I ,OOO-$1,500 a term so that on graduation some industry paper pusher can urge us to start up our own business



that is not safe. They could show us we were wrong, and that’s the one thing we can’t be. It might lower our selfconfidence for that all-important job interview. As for cerebral jelly, I don’t much like your talking down to the masses, Mr. Bryson, even if it is witty and satirical, but cerebral jelly it is not. There is likely a reason that you are the editor of the Imprint. Of course, that does not prevent you from producing the wider shade of grey gruel that fills the majority of Imprint’s pages. So please, don’t lecture; write, you’re likely quite good at it As you so aptly point out., there is plenty we should be saying and hearing.

Mark Stustno

Fak off apathetic classmates To the editor: There I was in my Classical Studies classroom. It was an outrageous 9:32 and Professor Faber coerced me into a public confession of my two names for being late. This I did not mind. In fact, it sent my Friday into a rip-roaring exploration of my role as student here at Waterloo. I felt as if I knew Professor Faber scintillating well. This is unusual, as most professors can only watch us shuffling between these mortal coils some call lectures with nary an eye contact. This has amazed and intrigued me these past four years here. Anyhoo, when Professor Faber asked a question, a simple and banal one, I sat back and looked at everyone sitting back and looking at everyone and asked myself “How long can this go on before someone gets the muster up and answers the question.” The question lingered, bleeding in the air in front of us all. A few furtiveencouragements from Faber forced me to think “Aw, piss on it”, and I answered the question. , 3 And the next one. And 0 the next one. I was then chagrined to notice that my classmates were regarding me as if I had three heads or something. “Aw, piss on them”, I thought “Professor Faber knows who I am”. Maybe I should be late more often. And then I read your Metaphysical Education, and how you called everyone a “bunch of fucking apathetic losers”. This made me smile with unconstrained joy. I even laughed out loud in the Arts Coffee Shop, where the patrons there too looked at me like I had four heads. “Aw, piss on it”, I thought. “I’d rather be a killer than a victim”. The point of this drivel is to say that people these days have taken to a new philosophy where apathy and in-

Literary Supplement -- Call for submissions --

Got any old of literature

Deadline tinder

because industry has been packed off to Mexico. On average, a graduate student makes $12,000 a year, while a mature engineer (i.e. manager) in the oil industry rakes in a clean $l20,000. It is even more pathetic that we do not ask the idiots in charge (likely en route to a disgraceful re-election) how they dare do this. Then again, we are hardly a united student body; Divided along faculty lines from day one, Bornbarded by conformist groups from nose-ringed “rebels”, to nascent establishment men/women that Goebbels would be proud of, Marginalized by student associations (again divided along faculty lines) whoseglorified high-school student councils insult the intelligence and/or good taste of all but the bureaucrats in training who make them up. So the question of our being apathetic losers is really quite irrelevant, Mr. Bryson. See, we all have our places to go. Rebels to Phil’s Grandson’s Place, studs to the Twist, frosh to Fed Hall, etc. There is no reason to talk to anyone outside the stream, because

stories, today

poetry, book revSews, or comments on the state lying around? If so, send them in to Imprint and we’li run the best of the Iot in a late November issue. for submissions is November 1, 1993. Please keep stories to 1000 words, revIefq/comments tc) under 750 words, and poetry to under 250 words. Judging will be done by the Imprint Editorial Board.

security have forced them to ask themselves “Do I dare eat a peach?” Nobody speaks, lest they be colliers. If I say hello to a pretty lady I may be a “stalker”. Aw, piss on it. This lost generation is beyond redemption, if you ask me. The only things we’ll get out of the 90’s are a few Cyberpunk writers and a global village. <PIah>. This mentality of mine is all the fault of a 3 I year old roving Australian fuckhead named Doogal Farquhar. I made his good acquaintance this past summer, and despite my relatively tender years he taught me many things while getting blind tight over boatloads of Scrabble. He taught me how to say “Piss on it”, for example. In return for his lessons in hammock making, baseball strategy, tirehouse building and proper mechanics of a sledge hammer, I taught him the fine art of getting drunk as gods and diving into the Port Elgin harbour. So this has turned out to be my Public Gratitude to Doog Farquhar, Professor Faber, and Ken Bryson. And should an apathetic anyone dislike this little pocketful offlowers then, as Doog might say, “FAK OFF UGLY!” Sincerely,

Help available To the tditm


I am writing in response to the article “Religion & Faith in the 20& Century: Suicide”. The whole subject of suicide and depression is pretty large, and I think that maybe a few extra points should be made about it, First of all, I’d like to say that I can really relate with Earl’s story. Lord knows I’ve been there often enough

myself. He mentions “the prescription from that so-called doctor”, which reminds me of a friend of mine. His doctor put him on the wrong medication (I don’t know whether it was the wrong dosage or a bad reaction to the right dosage), and he had fits of hyperness and phobia. Eventually, they switched him to something less effective because the depression wasn’t as bad as the side effects of the medication. Stories like that, and fears about confidentiality, are some of the reasons why so many depressed people do not seek medical help. In my opinion, though, the potential benefits of seeking treatment far outweigh the risks. Go to a doctor, tell him that you’ve been feeling depressed. Arrange for a blood test, and make sure that they check for thyroid problems and mononucleosis (both ofwhich are common causes of chronic depression). Even if all the tests come back negative, there are many forms of antidepressant medication that might be able to help you (but note that these don’t always work). If that doesn’t work, therapy is another option. Above all, if your doctor doesn’t take yaw seriously or if you don’t think you can trust him, find another doctor. It’s as simple as that. I’ve been on the antidepressant Amitryptilene for a few months now, and let me tell you that I’ve never felt this stable in my entire life. I actually w&t to get out of bed in the morning, and the thought of being surrounded by total strangers all day doesn’t terrify me like it used to. Admittedly, my life is still far from perfect, but now I think I’m better able to deal with it. I feel good, Once again, if you’re depressed, get help. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself for it. Yours Topolistically, joeb Hewitt


Deadline for letters to the editor is Mondays at 5 p.m. Make sure to include your name, s!gnature, and telephone number. Electronic format is preferred. Our e-mail address is imprint@watservl.

IMPRINT Publications


ANNUAL GENERAL _MEETING Friday, October I,1993 12:30 p.m. at CC140 All registered University of Waterlocr students who have paid the IMPRINT membership’fee are invited to attend. The finances of the corporation will be discussed and the Board of Direktors will be voted in.



friday, October


I, 1993 been reading time copies bound ouside our office. If you hod, you would have

Jello no, inciting to do...?

known tht my fop five,tiories we’d hove to run to get u letter to the editor ore ~$1 stories we hove run in the lost five months.

And we’ve only received two letters oyer all oft/me stories combined. I dared and I don’t &now why.

To the editor=











cans home away

893-9000 (Ride to UW available) (behind




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I am glad that the Imprint has not been “swamped by letters from irate, ‘ideologically entrenched’ students”. A student paper should allow its writers to introducenew ideas and concepts to students* Is it not better that the writers be free to express themselves, without having to first chip away at some fanciful ideology? With your comment: “Does university life really promote free thought and discussion of ideas relevant to the very existence of our civilization?” Come on Ken, who is entrenched in ideology here? Your “top five stories” seem a feeble threat. Why not use them? Use them as opinion catalysts. You’ve never been afraid of controversy before, May I warn you not to alienate the few readers Imprint does have? The Imprint has not been “swamped by letters” because nobody is reading it Look at the piles of issues still bound together outside the Imprint ofice. “You are all a bunch of apathetic losers” is a juvenile and unprofessional attempt to incite a mob to action. But, do you really have the numbers necessary to incite a mob to action? If you want playground rules, let’s play* Ken, I DARE YOU to run those stories I do not believe that your column is “a load of cerebral jello”, but if you want to incite people to something, make sure you know what you are inciting them


D. Brenner 4N Philosophy Editof’s note: even you have obviously not

not seriously) for utilising communication, in Fact, Imprint does a service to for myself, it just doesn’$ Adrienne

Ann Dandy

2N Hon.


your method of I truly feel the the school. But do it for me.


Religion and Faith and irrelevance

Imprint not primary To the edltorz Ken, Ken, Ken. Now that you appear to have completed your self-proclaimed mission to point out to us poor, ignorant, not to mention apathetic students how we should really be more like you (i-e, spouting off to hear ourselves talk!) at least for this week - may I interject? (Please don’t take this last paragraph half as seriously as it sounds). As a thinking student, here to learn, I feel I must protest. Did you not consider that the reason few students write to you might be that few students consider the Imprint their primary form of self expression? Not to prick your ego, Ken, but maybe you just aren’t as important as you think you are. In my experience, I much prefer to discuss my opinion with people I know (even if only for a while). Maybe it’s that personal touch. The one that allows me to expand my mind in a discu:sion, face to face, rather than just spout off views to the populace at large, hoping (most likely in vain) for someone out there to give me an intelligent reply. Might I say that I don’t hold much hope for much intellectual stimulation or growth in this manner. So Ken, please don’t label me an. apathetic for not wishing to write to your paper. I don’t judge you (at least

To the editor:

I have had about enough of the “Religion and Faith in the 20th Century” column, presented by the UW Student Christian Movement. For the last two issues this column has consisted of short autobiographical accounts of the author’s expriences as they attempt to struggle with the absurdity and disallusionment of the human condition. While the questions they raise are indeed important and deserve discussion in light of the Christian faith, the authors offer no hint of conviction or enlightenment to the answers found in the faith they profess. The reader is simply left to share in the isolation and lostness apparently enjoyed by the authors; Listen guys, there is value in raising such existential issues, but if you are doing it only to romanticize spiritual poverty give it up! God has no pleasure in seeing you wrestle with truth and avoid conclusion! Remember Isaiah 66:9, where God asks rhetorically: “Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery!” Please, for your sake and others, decide what your purpose is and who it is that you serve, or change the name of your organization. Mark Schoenok 36 Am

. *


* the

rim of the starlight

- number by Dcwe


alone on the Enterprise.


lo Imprint

In this series, I will be exploring various ideas from Star Trek and applying them to our world of the twentieth century. The title of the series is from the lyrics to the original Star Trek theme song. (ues, there are lyrics. Gene Roddenberty wrote them.) I will briefly introduce a topic in each article. I hope the articles will setve as a starting point for further conversatioh. My interpretations are just that: interpretations. You are always welcome to disagree. In one sense, Star Trek really isn’t about the future: it’s about us. It has been said that we can’t--no matter how hard we tty--imagine what the future will hold. (I doubt if anyone living in the nineteenth century imagined anything like virtual reality). Science fiction can only attempt to extrapolate from what we have now and place twentieth century humans in that contllxtFor many people, what makes Star Trek great is its hope, its optimism, its assertion that humanity will have a future. It is not a utopian vision, but it is a positive one. Our crew (pick your favourite if you must--l will be using examples from all three) is notperfect, but they have overcome some of the problems that plague our society. One


af these


is preiu-

The crew members are able to function together as a team, even though they come from very different backgrounds. In particular, Kirk and McCoy form a bond with Speck, who would otherwise be very much


The frequently

opposing viewpoints of Speck and McCoy help Kirk to make important decisions. (I don’t believe a single person should make important decisions, but that’s another story). Whether or not aliens really exist, we can learn something from the aliens on Star Trek. Each alien species has its own way of doing things that the others respect, even if they don’t understand it. This is the philosophy of IDIC: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Often we don’t have “villains” in Star Trek. Instead, we have beings who have reasons for doing what they do. A good example is the t-lot% in “The Devil in the Dark” who was killing people to try to protect her unborn children. Miners were destroyingwhat looked to them like spheroid rocks, but were actually eggs containing baby Hortas. Kirk decides to ask questions before firing, and is rewarded by discovering a new sentient life form. Contrary to many popular movies, no one is all good or all bad. (Even the Borg. have their good qualities). In some episodes, however, our crew virtually ignore IDIC and proceeds to convince the aljens (or give them no choice) that the human way is right- Kirk is obviously a firm believer in the Federation (American?) way, and on more than one occasion topples societies that don’t conform to his standards. We have seen Kirk, Wotf, and Kira overconie their hatred of, respectively, all Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians, In Star Trek VI Kirk real-


of a




izes that he is prejudiced against Klingons; once he realizes it, he can start to change. Chancellor Gorkon knows that inertia is a powerful force; the generation that grows up believing in the evilness of their enemies has the hardest time adjusting to new realities. If 23rd and 24th century humans work with and respect aliens vastly different from themselves, surely we can do the same with humans with whom we have a great deal in common. We probably don’t think that we’re prejudiced at all. But we have grown up doing things a cemin way. We may assume that our way is the right way&St because other people do things differently doesn’t mean their ways are inferior. (There are multiple methods of removing the external covering of a feline.) Other ways may not work for us, but if we learn about them we won’t fear them. We will always conflict with people whose views differ from our own. Instead of immediately rejectingtheir views, however, we should learn about them. Sometimes we will change our own views, sometimes we will convince others to change, and sometimes we will live with people who do things differently. Of course, some of us must work against some things that others do because our conscience allows us to do no less. If everyone was the same, it would be.a boring world. Ctinflict will always be wil% us, but if we uncIersrancJ where our neighbours are coming from, we won’t be as quick to judge them merely because they are different We shouldn’t just tolerate differences, but celebrate the magnificent diversity of humanity.




friday, October

I, 1993

Bw greatpizzasl Onelow price.*Alm~7s!


1 1


6 CONVENIENT LOCATION SERVING K-W “For a Christian the oath of allegiance to any government whatever is the direct negation of Christianity.“. -Leo Tolstoy

It is my opinion that the politically speaking Jesus Christ was an anarchist I believe the records are so blatantly in favour of this view that I cannot understand how the Christian Church, which has so ofeen aligned itself with the State conception of life, has perpetuated the status quo. There are many places in the Gospels where Christ’s anarchist tendencies are evident. I shall highlight only a few. Prior to his public life as a teacher, Jesus was sent to the desert alone to go through a spiritual cleansing. During this period Jesus is tempted by Satan (representative of political power) to have control over all the earth’s kingdoms. Jesus rebukes and rejects Satan on this point showing us that his ministry was to turn the State conception of life, which is based on coercion, on its head - not to legitimize its existence. Like all reasonable anarchists, Jesus sees laws and organization not as ends in themselves to control human beings, but as mere conventions like driving on the right side of the road which help us live socially together+ Hence “the law is made for people, not people for the law,” and the greatest of all laws is to love, which has no boundaries. Jesus is constantly criticizing those state conventions which enslave us as human beings


and do not allow us to trust our neighbours. Money is one such form of slavery, for with it we quantify things which are unquantifiable and eventually we end up quantifying the human being which is repugnant and alienating. Jesus most assuredly saw the danger of taking money too far and considered its ultimate ownership to be with the corrupt Caesar not with God. The condemnation jesus has for the religious institutions of his own day offer us an insight into how any institution can stifle and kill the human experience. Jesus believed that the Truth and Spirit of God was available to all people, that true religion was found in the human heart, and that the institutions were often against the very God they claimed to be for. Jesus believed this enough to say that he himself was “the Truth.” There are many more examples of Jesus’ teachings which point to his political opinions, but I beleive it is even more so his life example which shows this to us. He constantly broke through taboos and prejudices of his own time without fear, and felt authoritative enough to put himself and his own truth above the law. The greatest test of Jesus’ political position as a spiritual position comes when he stares Pontius Pilate, the representative of Rome (and death), in the face and exclaims, “My Kingdom is not of this world.” In short., Jesus Christ was an anarchist.

MONDAY! MONDAY! t v&d ewy Mondayho+



fn Islam

by Sameh E. Rehan Crime is often regarded as an individual aggression against the community and therefore the concept of crime and punishment is closely connected to the nation’s concept of the relationship between the individual and the community. The Capitalist states regard the individual as the center of all social life and try to give him/ her full freedom. As criminals are considered victims of corrupted circumstances, psychologiml complexes, and nemous disorders which they could not overcome, people sympathize with them and treat them kindly. This school of thought regards a criminal as a passive creature with no freedom of will or action and who is the victim of general and personal circumstances amidst which s/he was brought up. On the other hand, Communism refers offenses and crimes to economic rather than psychological considerations. No doubt, both individualistic and Communist conceptions are partly true. Circumstances surrounding an individual have a great effect on her/his constitution, and subconscious complexes may sometimes lead to crime. But humans are not completely passive beings in confronting such circumstances. Both systems ignore the controlling energy which is quite inherent in every human and can control his/her emotions and actions. In Islam, tie main question is that before deciding whether or not a criminal should be punished, we must determine the extent of her/his responsibility for the offense s/he committed after examining ail circumstances connected with the crime. Islam prescribes that a thiefs hand should be cut, but such punishment is never inflicted when there is the slightest doubt that the thief was impelled to crime by hunger. This is evident from what happened in the year of famine duringthe time ofthe second Islamic Governer (Caliph) w h o is considered one of the most


- driven





The views expressed in this column ure those ofthe author crnd do not necessody represent those of every member ofthe UW Student Christian Move menl

“In the Law of equality in retaliation (puniihment in crimes), there is (saving life to you, 0 you people of understanding; that you may restrain yourselves.” -translation of the meaning of the Qur’mic verse 12: I793




prominent legislators of Islam and who is known for his strict rigidity in enforcing the rules of Islamic Laws. He did NOT mrry out the punishment prescribed for theft during the year of famine when there was some doubt that people might be impelled to theft by hunger. This illustrates the clear principle that punishment will not be inflicted where there are circumstances which forced the wrong doer to commit the crime. This principle is supported by the saying of Prophet Muhammad: ‘Avoid the execution of punishment by doubt’ In fact, Islam tries in the first place to purify society from circumstances that may lead to crime. After taking such precautions, Islam prescribes preventive just punishments for persons who have no reasonable justification or excuse for their crimes, For example, Islam precludes and prevents all possible motives for robbery. It strives to ensure a fair distribution of wealth (please refer to last week’s article). The Islamic state is responsible for the support of every citizen, regardless of her/his religion, race, color, or social status. The state has to ensure decent work for all citizens. Where work is not available, or if an individual is incapable of working, aid will be given to him/her from the public treasury. The fact that the punishment for theft has been executed only SIX times throughout a period of-FOUR HUNDRED years is clearly evidence that such punishment is primarily meant to prevent crime. In reality, it DID prevent the crime! This article is excerpted from the Islamic bodk ‘Lessons on Islam’ by Dr. Abu-Bakr ElSayed, University of Kuwait, Kuwait. For more information about Islam, please call 725-8779 or send an e-mail to The Qur’an Spedcs is presented by the UW Muslim Study Group. Smeh E khan is a ,fhD con&tie in ele&cal und comguter engineering. The views exixessed in thk ~cohnn are those of the author and do not necessmik represent those ofevery member ofthe UW Muslim Study Group.

by divine


_ 3

Notice of Annual General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Federationof Students,University of Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held: MONDAY, OCTOBER 25,1993 7:30 p.m. FEDERATION HALL The agendafor this meeting will include bylaw changesandto presenttheAuditor’sReport for 19924993.

Any other item for the agendaof this meeting must be in the hands of the President of the Federation of Studentsby 4:30 Pam.,Friday, October 8,1993 to be consideredat the General Me&&. CatherineColeman President Federationof Students

Made bar Peter special

Hiiflich to Imprint

Taiwan seems to be one of those mysterious countries that no one knows much about, except that a lot of electronic and accessory goods are notoriously stamped “Made in Taiwan.” Someone asked me if accessories and junk bought in Taiwan are stamped “Made in Canada.” Not quite. The truth remains that Taiwan is a very misunderstood place in the West. Quick -- try finding it on a map! Taiwan is a newly developed nation on the Pacific Rim often ranked with South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore as Asia’s Little Dragons -that would be economic dragons. This little island of twenty million people is about as long as a drive from Toronto to Sarnia and not even as wide as the world’s largest foreign exchange. Despite its small size, it has an incredibly vital economy. While Canada, the U.S., Europe and japan are in a heavy economic slump, Taiwan has barely been touched by this. Business in the special economic zones of China are booming, largely with Taiwanese investment. This probably raises a tough question: what is the difference between Taiwan and China? China is officially named the People’s Republic of China (PRC), while Taiwan is the Republic of China (ROC), More informally, the two are known as Communist China and Nationalist China. The short history of the region goes approximately as follows: the early twentieth century saw the fall of he Qing dynasty and the&be_ ginning of a half century of turmoil in China. Chitia is large enough that gekrals could control large parts of it with impunity, which led to an age of warlordism, that also included Western (American, French, German, and Japanese) spheres of influence. On October IO, I9 I I, Dr. Sun Yet-sen established the Republic of China through his Nationalist party the Kuo Min Tang (KMT), which after his death was controlled by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, In ttying to establish the ROC, Chiang had to fight the growing influence of the Communist forces as well as Japanese invaders. Japan was defeated in I945, but by this time the Communists had gained enough strength by mobilizingthe peasantry to challenge the KMT. A bloody civil war was fought between I947 and 1949, which forced the Nationalist armies and the government to retreat to the island of Taiwan with the entire gold of the Chinese reserve, as well as counttess priceless treasures from the Imperial Palace. From I949 on, the ROC has maintained its island fortress as well as its claim to be the legitimate government of all of China, which it in fact was from I9 I I to 1949. The PRC on the other hand considers Taiwan a province of China, as it has been historically, while it continues to threaten to invade “OCcupied Taiwan” and do away w’ith the KMT for good. These threats of an invasion by the Red Army have never come true, although one can onlyspeculate how many plans were on the drawing boards. The narrow Strait of Tai-

in Taiwan

wan has understandably been one of the most dangerous and well-guarded military zones, perhaps even more so than the 38th parallel demarcation zone between North and South Korea, or the Berlin Wall. Up to the Seventies, Taiwan also had US military support. The country was ruled by a harsh totalitarian government that imposed martial law well into the Eighties. This situation has mel towed considerably since the mid-Eighties when China’s Deng Xiaoping declared a “one country, two systems” policy that is a fairly even compromise, and relations between the two countries are becoming more and more open. Direct air links may be established soon so that traveflers don’t have to fly through Hong Kong in order to go back and forth. The ROC was officially considered the government of all China until the PRC was recognized by the United Nations in 1972. Since the PRC and the ROC are mutually exclusive and

can’t recognize each other’s governments, Taiwan became a non-nation after 1972, not able to have normal trade or diplomatic relations with most other countries. These formalities are mostly overcome through less formal channels, however, Taiwan’s status in the international community is still a huge issue in Taiwan. The people of Taiwan fall into several different categories. There are nine tribes of aboriginal peoples in Taiwan whose culture is more related to that of Polynesian tribes than with They were supChinese peopfe. planted in the 17th century by a wave of Chinese who were Ming dynasty loyalists fleeing the victorious forces of the Qing armies. This was the first big wave of Chinese settlers, the second occurring in I949 when the KMT came. The first settlers consider themselves Taiwanese by birth, and many of them are very patriotic. Some do not consider themselves as Chinese. The7






(Taiwanese has very little in common with Chinese, although it is spoken in parts of Mainland China), a different culture, different food and a different history. In 1895 when China lost a war with Japan, Taiwan was given to Japan as payment. Taiwanese nation-

alists point to this when attempting to undermine the.validity of ROC policy which calls Taiwan a Chinese province. In Taiwan, the Southern half is generally considered a very “Taiwanese” area, while the northern region all around the capital of Taipei is very “Chinese”. This situation seems similar to that in Canada between English and French Canada. In 1992, the nationalistic Democratic Progressive Party won a significant number of legislative seats in government for the first time, threatening the one-party rule of the KMT. This follows a trend in Asia for upturning one-party rule in Asia as has happened in Korea and Japan. Life in Taiwan today is very different from life in China, in fact they are almost diametric opposites. Sociatism in China provides a safety net for each and every citizen but Taiwan has nowhere near the same system. While China is ultra-bureaucraticand regulated,Taiwan is deregulated and laissez-faire. While the standard of living in Taiwan is much higher than that in China, there is also a higher presence of organized crime in Taiwan which brings with it prostitution, drugs, and gambling. Life on the streets is a muddled af’f%r. buildings are built almost on top of each other, and the streets are a mess of cars, taxis, trucks, the odd bus, a few cyclists, and more scooters than one could imagine a street could hold. They move like a swarm of bees - at great speed, and changing shape to accommodate the shape of the road, buzzing around slower-moving fourwheeled vehicles, and so forth. There are no pedestrians since there are no sidewalks, the sides of the streets being too cluttered with parked scooters and nood ie stands to negotiate at any speed. Try to imagine the fumes, Theatres are plopped next to clothing stores next to restaurants next to record stores next to pachinko parlors (i.e. upright Japanese gambling devices) next to department stores next to tea houses next to bars next to private cram schools. This muddle makes for a wonderful soup of colour and confusion that can be enjoyed as long as one has patience and is not too claustrophobic. Into this whirling environment come a handful of foreigners, curious, most likely with the intention of teaching English in the many private cram schools, although a few come aspiring to leak Chinese and do nothing else. Some have a lot of local friends and become quite proficient in Chinese or Taiwanese, others only befriend other foreigners and don’t bother learning the language. They are the ones who can only deal with those Taiwanese who can speak Engtish which is limiting. Many Taiwanese are quite curious about foreigners, and besides Iearning something about Taiwanese culture Westerners can also learn about the ways that people in Asia perceive their habits and sensibilities. It is quite easy for someone from Canada who has a university degree to find a job teaching English in Taiwan, probably easier than for Taiwanese to work teaching Chinese in Canada. Many people find it an interestingway to spend a couple of years trying to decide what they’re going to do with their lives, while they earn a decent wage and travel occa-

sionally to exotic Asian locales. Many more Canadian graduates are beginning to explore the advantages of iiving overseas, not just for life experiences, but also to experience other peoples’ cultures directly, and possibly to learn another language.

As the postwar era saw a wave of immigration of ‘Asians and Europeans coming to Canada, Asia and Europe is now experiencing a wave of its own: prosperous and educated Canadians finding out on their own a little bit of what this new world order is about.


friday, qctober

Evervthing Part 2..

You Ever


70 Know

check by Alex special Why

Takin’ the

back night

by Km-in Zuunitujs special to Imprint Women. loud women marching to protest one of the most evil and ignorant elements in our society. Women taking back the night. Just in case you didn’t hear us on the evening of Thursday, September 23rd, for the annual Take Back The Night March, I’ll fill you in. Literally hundreds ofwomen of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs joined together to speak out against violence. We were there to say “NO MORE!” We were there to remember the past in hoping for a better future. We were there to break the silence. The numhers who participated and the path we took seems trivial compared to the feelings at stake. This march wasn’t about women excluding men, nor was it a chance

for women to “bitch” about things. Not at all. It was about speaking out. Although I’ve been a feminist for as long as I can remember, and although I’ve worked within the women’s movement for years, this was my first march. Perhaps that’s why I was so excited about the evening. There was something in the air. The feeling of empowerment was intense! It was truly beautiful to be surrounded by such a strong mass of women. The crescendo of the chants sent chills up my spine and hearing the speakers in front of City Hall inspired me to change the world. Participating in the Take Back the Night march taught me to stay strong. With voices, with determination and with love, change will occur. For me and for many others, the march will remain a symbol of strength and of hope.

Lopez-Ortiz to Imprint Should

Computers Chess?


Chess is a model problem to be solved by a computer. The aim is well defined, and performance can be easily quantified; it is clear that an exhaustive search or brute force approach is not feasible, and chess seems to have enough structure to be solved using “intelligent” techniques. It is natural to expect that advances in computer chess will be applied to different areas of Artificial Intelligence. Chess is the case study chosen for many computer problems. Almost any real life problem, when attempted to be solved by a computer, will borrow at least one of these techniques: pattern matching, knowledge representation, heuristics, positional estimates, problem solving, and time constraints. For these reasons chess has been branded the “drosophila” of Al. At the beginning of the century, while geneticists were experimenting with mutations and alterations of the fruit fly drosophila, laypeople questioned why geneticists did not experiment, say, instead with livestock. The answer at the time was that geneticists had to learn and experiment with a simple, well behaved organism, which the drosophila is. A century later geneticists are experimenting with livestock and more complex varieties of life. The most important question sought to be answered by computer chess devetopments is: can computers think? For long periods of time it was thought that high level chess playing must involve higher thinking. In other words, developing a good chess program was equated to emulating high level human processes like reasoning,


I, I993





/mate logical derivation, and ordered recollection. It is now known that computers play chess in a manner that greatly differs from that of humans. Researchers with a pragmatic approach, claim that regardless of the strategy used by the computer+ if the computer plays good chess then it is thinking. Another schoot of thought claims that thinking involves a particufar set of procedures, which, if not employed, amount to nothing more than a brute search. It is not clear which position is closer to the truth. Hopefully advances in computer chess will help find the correct interpretation.

The Future By late I993 the new version of OeepThought will be ready. This version should be able to beat most human players, save the top ten or fifteen. Given the previous history of computer chess, by 1998 DT should be playing at the level of the top three players of the world. If by that time the original developers are not tired of computer chess, then sometime in the next decade DT should beat a Kasparov-strength player, as he plays today. (Hey, with time humans develop and play better too!). If no major developments occur on the human side of chess, a computer should beat the world champion (whoever s/he may be) by the year 2022, 70 years after ‘*sometime in the next decade” was predicted for the first time.



at Waterloo

During the 40 years of computer chess development, Waterloo has made significant contributions to the

world of computer chess. Back in the early days of university in the sixties, a revolutionary idea crossed the mind of UW computer administrators. What if we give unlimited computer access to our students? Students promptly developed a Fortran interpreter, made significant improvements to the Honeywell command interface/operating system, and wrote the Ribbit program, which achieved I stand 2nd place in the North American Computer Championship and tied for 2nd in the first World Computer Championship in 1973. From the team of undergrads who authored Ribbit, Ron Hansen went on to write his master thesis on computer chess. Prof. Van Emden became an expert in computer chess and endgames. Lionel Moser’s MSc thesis in parallel alpha-beta search, together with Jonathan Schaeffer’s efforts, are the fast word in parallel computergames to date. A special mention goes to Jonathan Schaeffer, whose Sun Phonex chess program tied for first in the 1986 World Chess Championship. Schaefier, who completed his master’s and PhD at Waterloo, and is now at the University of Alberta, spent the last few years working on a checkers program called Chinook. This checkers program broke the 40-year-long winning streak of the reigning world champion, Marion Tinsley, by defeating her in two games, albeit losingthe overall match. Schaeffer is a leadingauthority on computergames and computer chess. Computer chess at Waterloo lives on through the yearly Othello tournament organized by the Computer Science Club of the Faculty of Mathematics. There are very strong Othello programs, as well as Othello human players at Waterloo. THE EPJO

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Runners Warrior


by Paul

Saturday, October 2,2 p.m.



versus Western Mustangs (at Seagram Stadium)


Last Saturday, the Warrior cross country team beat out teams from Queen’s, Laurentian, Guelph, McMaster, Ottawa, and RMC to take first place at the Queen’s University Invitational meet in Kingston. The team was rewarded with a sixth-place ranking in this week’s CIAU top-ten. Eight of the ten teams in the list are in the OUAA, including meet participants the Laurentian Voyageurs (seventh), the Queen’s Golden Gaels (eighth), and the Guelph Gryphons (ninth). Toronto, Western, and Windsor, ranked second, third, and fifth respectively, were not at the meet. After what coach John Swarbrick catled “the toughest training week of the entire season,” the team managed to do its job on the IO-kilometre Lemoine Point course despite the toll its intense training schedule has taken


Saturday, September 25

Western 3, Waterloo


Sunday, Septemby 26 Windsor 2, Waterloo 0 Saturday, October 2,2 p.m. at McMaster Marauders



Saturday, September 25

Brock 1, Waterloo


Sunday, September 19


1, Water100 0

Saturday, October 2, 12 p.m. at McMaster Marauders




Saturday, September 25

Waterloo 1, Western 1 Guelph 1, Waterloo 0 Saturky, October 2

At Lamport Stadium, Toronto: Waterloo vs. York, IO:30 a.m. Waterloo

vs. Trent, 3:OO p.m.

Warrior Cross Country Saturday, September 25 First place at Queen’s Open Saturday, October 2, I p.m.



$aturQay,. #p@mkr






Saturday, September 25

York 28, Waterloo 6 Wednesday, September 29 Guelph 25, Waterloo IO Saturday, October 2, 1 p.m. at Queen’s Golden Gaels Warriar


Friday, October I,10 a.m. at Lancer Classic Monday & Tuesday, October 4 & 5

OUAA Finals Warrior


Saturday, October 2, 10 a.m,

versus Toronto and b&Master Athena Sam&y,

Waterloo Warrior

Tennis October 2 at Western Rowing

Saturday, October 2, 8:30 a.m.

at Head of Trent Open Athena


Saturday, October 2, S:30 a.m. at Head of Trent open



Friday & Satsrchy, October 1 & 2 versus Toruntu and Brock at PAC

Warrior Warrior Warrior

Rugby . . . . . , . . . 14 Football . . . . . . 1, 15 Hockey . . . . , w . . 15



Varsity Varsity Varsity Campus Athletes Varsity

Soccer . . . . . Cross Country Swimming . . . Recreation . . of the Week . Scoreboard . .

. _ _ . . . . . . 211

. . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

16 14 20 22 23 23

by Sepanfa Dtmi andShenycarter Imprintsports The Waterloo Athena cross country team improved their CIAU standings last weekend by placing second at the Queen’s Invitational in Kingston. The Athenas are currently ranked seventh from a tenth-place standing last week and are continuing to improve. The race took place at Lemoine Point in the beautiful town of Kingston. It was a summer-like day, perfect for racing the picturesque trails of the Conservation Area. It came as no surprise to witness speedy Judith Leroy crossing the finish line seventh in the field. Even though she claims that hills are her ‘thing’, she proved to be just as fast on the flats. Hot on the heels of Leroy, and quicker than we’ve ever seen her before, was our very own masters rookie Sherry Carter. She placed eighth, having run the best race of her life.



Waterloo attempting to score the all:r important first try. Finally, at 22 ni%wtes, & Wai;@’ ors won the ball from a set strum jus?* outside the York 22-yard line. SteveGoodacre at flyhalf ran a fake switcll;’ play with his first centre and then” handed the ball to big first year centi: Jonathan Haley- He proceeded to IIJII’ right up the middle of the York defenc# b&ire finally being brought down about! five yards out I Waterloo managed to secure the” second phase ball quickly and Geardf’ Lynch passed ‘the ball out to Steve; Goodacre once again. This time hd’ found his winger, Joel Doherty in support who went over in the corner foq the first of his ol~o scores on the day; This try highlighted the biggest problem for the varsity squad on the day and that was the extreme scarcity of good second-phase ball. Passing the ball out quickly to the backs after the initial breakdown in play usually finds ‘the oppo&‘on defense in disarray and gives the backs a lot more room to create something offensively. The rest of the first half was alsd dominated by the Warriors and Cerarj Lynch, making a bid for a place on th varsity squad, was particularly impresT9


The rugby Warriors had a disap pointing week, losing two games to York and Guelph. Last Saturday, the varsity and junior teams travelled to York Both teams needed a win in order to put their j seasons back on track. They knew it would not be an easy task in light of the previous weekend’s results in which York lost by a mere two points to defending OUAA champs McMaster. The weather was once Again perfect for rugby with only a very slight breeze and mild temperatures. Waterloo kicked off to start the match and almost immediately found themselves in trouble. After four minutes they found themselves inside their own 220 yard line. After some sloppy tackling, the Yorkforwards powered theirway over the Waterloo line to open the scoring. The try was converted and York were quickly out in front 7-O. Once again, the Warriors seemed to get the wake-up call after being scored upon and from then on until half-time it was all Waterloo. The forwards, led by some awe-inspiring loose play by prop Dale Finlay, managed to be ’ the first to the point of breakdown in play for most of the first half. This led to Waterloo being inside the York half of the field in the first half as well. Veteran speedster Josh Windsor had a few good runj; off some well executed backline plays. Simon Lewis at flyhalf kept York under pressure consistently with some excellent touch kicks and monstrous up-and-unders to keep the York fullback quaking in his boots in anticipation of the onrushing Waterloo backline eager to smother him as soon as he caught the ball. Silly mistakes prevented Waterloo from scoring a couple of tries after being just yards outside the York endzone. Penalties were called againstthem at the most inopportune of times. These penalties did result in six points for the Warriors converted by Simon Lewis,

Following very closely behind was Sarah Brown finishing in ninth place. Brown proved that the key is to start fast with your teammates and hang on to the end, Injured but still painfully kicking, was I4th-place finisher Sepanta Dorri. At the present time, Dorri is recovering from an injury, but hoping to peek for OWIAA’r. Immediately behind Dorri was the quick to improve Julia Norman. Good job Julia -- keep up the good work! The team’s other up-and-toming rookie Sarah Thompson finished strong in 20th place, clearly having improved from last week. Motivation ran high at the race, and all the Athenas ran the, course following very closely behind each other with a miraculously low, team score of 53 points. On Friday, October I (today), the” Athenas, along with their male coun-, terparts the Warriors, will be heading,, off to a three-day hill {otherwise know3 as hell) training camp in Port Franks.

to O-3:



place at-Queen’s Open Saturday, cjctober 2, .l p.m. at Lauren&n 0pen

on their bodies. Jason Gregoire, the I993 OUAA 3,000-metre champion, fought a hard battle at the front of the pack, mking second place behind Dave Lane of McMaster. Hans Reiss, a newly acquired runner from Germany, pushed himself to finish l2th, just ahead of Jonathan Cressman in 13th. Stephen Dyke a member of the national triathalon team, came in l9th, followed by Mike Ready in 24th. Veteran runner Scott McDonald pulled off a respectable 26th, followed by Denis Paradine in 32nd, Jim Mylett in 40th, and Paul Godkin in 42nd. The entire team left in high spirits, obviously quite aware of the performance level they will be capable of once rested for the OUAA championships which will be hosted by Waterloo. The team leaves for a hill training camp today and you can be certain that going to Halifax for the CIAU finals will be in the back of everyone’s minds.

Warriors b


at Laurentian open Athena


Warriors nationallyrankedwithmeetwin;Athenas finishscondandjumpinsfa~dings


Saturday, September 25

Western 26, Waterloo


Waterloo torpedo,

Watrbr sending

Stelous Nikolakakis the bull flying.

one of which was a prodigious kick from 42 yards out. York also managed to add one more penalty to make the score at the half I O-6, with Waterloo looking good to complete the comeback in the second half. Alas, it was not to be. The Warriors came out extremely flat. For the first 20 minutes, thegame was a scrappy affair with neither team demonstrating much skill in either the backs or forwards. At the I3-minute mark the Warriors lost captain Greg bycock to a head injury. He was replaced by rookie Mark Morrison, who filled in well. The

hits a Guelph



Hke a

by Dave Thomson

Warrior backs were hurt by a dearth.of good clean ball from their forwards and scrumhalf, and were unable to do much attacking as a result After 20 minutes, the match was all York’s They added I8 points to their first half tally of IO points viatwo tries, a conversion, a penalty, and a drop-goal. The match ended with a very demoralized looking Warrior team giving up a try in the 50th minute. The





a for

better day coming away with a I 3-O win and they could have won by a lot more. The first 20 minutes of the game were spent in the York half of the field with

sive with good accurate passing to hiq flyhalf all game long. This earned hirri man-of-the-match honours for the set? ond week in a row. Lynch has really improved his passing and all-around play at scrumhalf this season, after some hard work during the summer. Just before the half Steve Goodacrd added a penaM to make the first-hau score 8-O for Waterloo. Half-time seems to affect hot@ Warrior teams negatively as the JVi also came out flat to start the second half. For the first 20 minutes, only solid defence by the Warrior backline and in particular Shane Pearson, kept York off the scoreboard. It task

2Q minutes



to wake up and start playing some good rugby, Once again, Steve Goodacre continued

to page



I, 1993

friday, October

The Ice-Men cometh

Warrior-football ~revim








no slouches



to limit

New team, new style for hockey Warriors in ‘93~‘94 This weekend marks the beginning of the Waterloo Warriors’ hockey season, with an exhibition game at 7:30 p.m. Friday, October I (tonight) against the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks at Columbia Icefteld. Another game at 2100 p.m. on Sunday, October 3 sees Waterloo host a strong team from Western. Fans should check out this season’s Warriors, as they promise to be different from any previous Waterloo hockey,> squad. Wholesale roster changes have been made since last season and this change of personnel has forced Waterloo to change their style of play. Gone are the days of the Warrior goal-rcoring machine, seemingly able to score at will. In its place, fans will see the new Ice-Men, playing brick-wall defence, and standing up opponents at the blue line. Head coach Don McKee says that the change in tactics is necessary, considering the new lineup. “We have no choice but to become a defensive team. This team will not have the offensive productivity of years past” McKee says. A glut of defencemen ensures that the Warriors will have a rock-solid blue line. Returning from last year’s team are backiiners Barry Young (drahed by the NY. Rangers), Geoff Schneider (drafted by LA. Kings), John Wynne, and Brian Holk, and they will anchor the squad. Supporting them will be former Kitchener Ranger Mark Cardiff and some lads who played in Junior A or B last year. McKee also mentioned Mike Chiini and Todd G!eason, who were both injured in training camp last year and didn’t get to play. “We’re hoping they’ll return to form, but we’re unsure of how they’ll do,” he said. The -abundance of quality defencemen has given the team the unique problem of tryipg to squeeze *em all on the roster,, which coach MlcKee has determined will be smaller ais year by two or three players. “We may have to shift some returning defencemen to forward,” said McKee, offering one possible solution

to his dual problem of too many blueliners and a lot of scoring to replace from last year. Graduation and defection have taken the players responsible for m&e than 50 per cent of last year’s goals. leading scorer Troy Stephens is now playing ,for a German team, as is ]amie Hartnett, while reliable Cory Keenan has opted to play in Sweden. Six players have graduated, includingsteve Schaefer, Darren Snyder, and John Williams, all of whom were in the top ten of Waterloo’s point producers last season. Questionable status has been given to Steve Woods and Chris Kraemer who were injured in the off-season. Woods had a bad leg break and is returning with a metal plate, while Kraemer lost his left index finger in an industrial accident. Kraemer will not be ready for the season opener, and Woods has been off to a slow start. All is not gloom and doom, however, as some quality forwards are returning for another campaign, notably jason Mervyn (19G-2OA) and Greg Allen (9G-20A). Set-up man Dean MacDonald, Bill Whistle, and Geoff Rawson are also returning veterans and they are likely to be bolstered by training camp standouts Sheldon Gilchrist, Mark Ferrier, and Steve Smith. All three played for the Waterloo Siskins last year. Net is one of Waterloo’s trademark positions and this year will be no different Fouti-year tender James Organ, one of the league’s bettertechnical and angles goalies, is back betweenthepipes,ablycoachedbyf&mer all-Canadian netminder Mike Bishop. The aim is for a team goals-against average below 3.00, and with the emphasis on defence, it is likely that they will achieve this. Fanscanexpectclose,tight-checking, exciting games. Coach McKee feels “we’re going to have to win a lot of one-goal games to be competitive against Western, Laurier, and Guelph,” which means tension-filled games all season long. On Oaober 8-10, the Warriors and Laurier will play host to six other tough teams during the annual Oktoberfest tournament, and the



to page


by Peter mpint

Bmwn sports

The OUAA playoff race began in week one, but for the Waterloo Warriors it really heats up tomorrow. The Warriors (l-2) return home to Seagram Stadium to host the McMaster Marauders (I -2) at 2 p,m., a team that they must beat to get to the post-season. “We’ll need to win at least three of our last four games,” says Warrior head coach Dave “ruf3r” Knight Assuming that a victory over the Laurier Golden Hawks in two weeks is less than likely, the Warriors must beat the Marauders, Guelph, and Windsor to get the four wins that it will take to make the playoffs. The good news is that all four of those games are at Seagram Stadium. Laurier is the home team for that game. Both Waterloo and Mac are stinging from late-game losses, W to the Western Mustangs 26-22 and Mac to the Toronto Varsity Blues 25-20. McFfaster’s defensive performance was more unexpected, however, as they virtually controlled an offence

that had scored 63 points against the Windsor lancers the previous weekend. Tuffy is worried about that defence and about Mac’s balanced attack’ both of which looked good against a team that was ranked second in Canada at the time. (Since then, the Blues and the Golden Hawks have risen from second and third to first and second respectively.) “Mac ran the ball really well against Toronto, better than they did against York’ or against anybodylti Knightsays.

“And they passed enough to have a very balanced offence.” Running backjason Pardo led the Maraudergroundassaultwith IO3 yards on I6 carries against the Blues. But Marauders quarterback Mike Kennedy also threw for over 200 yards as well, led by Mike Morrealek 4 catches for 84 yards. Since I9f I, McMaster has a slight edge in wins, 12-I I, but recent years have seen Waterloo dominate, beating the Marauders for the last four years straight In the last two y-, W has ou&ored Mac 5 I-I 1..


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I 6


friday, october


I, 1993


UW Athletics

Both the Warrior and Athena soccer sides had disappointing doubleheaders last weekend at Columbia Field. The Athenas salvaged a point on a scoreless tie with Western on Satur-

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day, but lost2-I to Windsor on Sunday. Athena right fullback Tamara Winchester played brilliantly on defence, earning UW female athlete of the week honours. The Warriors lost both of thgir games after a 2-O- I stati Daryl Hallid?y scored early on the Mustangs on Satur-

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day, but Western rebounded with three goals to down the Warriors. On Sunday, the Lancers outplayed UW and won 2-O. The two losses drop the Warriors to fourth spot in the OUAA West division with a 2-2-I record. The Athenas have not been able to convert their spirited play into victories yet this season; their win-losstie record stands at 04 I and they are in the basement of the OWIAA West division, two points back of Western. Both teams travel to McMaster University in Hamilton to play the Marauders. The Athenas take on the Mac women’s side, who sport a 2- I -2 record, at I2:OO p.m., while the Warriors meet the CIAU finalists, currently also 2- I -2, at 2:OO p.m. This is the only game for both teams this weekend.







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friday, October

I, I993


Kraemer, Futver, Smith also to be honoured

UW hall from UWAthletics On Saturday, October 2 (tomorrow night), the University of Waterloo athletics department will honour six inductees in its hall of fame:]ane Fraser Baker, Cam Crosby, Kirk De Fazio, Keith Priestman, George Roy, and Alice Strachan. Also, the department will honour three contemporary players, last year’s UW athletes of the year Brenda Kraemer and Steve Futyer and 1992-93 All-Canadian Shawn Smith. Brenda Kraemer was a threeyear OWIAA all-star in basketball. She was the most valuable player of the Athena team for the past three seasons and leader in all statistical categories last year.

of fame

Steve Futyer was an OUAA allstar at defensive back with the footbali Warriors for the past three seasons. Both Kraemer and Futyer were heavily involved in their respective interuniversity councils. By virtue of their sel.ection as female and male UW athletes of the year, both automatically become members of UWs athletics hall of fame. Shawn Smith, in his first year with the Warrior volleyball team, was named to the ClAlJ all-star team last season, quite an accomplishment for a freshman player. Jane Fraser Baker was a twospoor athlete in the late I 960s and early 1970s. She was a discus thrower with the Athenas when track and field was conducted in the fall. She helped the


Athenas to a third-place finish in 1969. She was also an outstanding volleyball player in ail five of her years at UW. In her first year, the team had a record of 22 wins in 23 matches. She led the team to five medals (two gold, two sitver, and one bronze) in league competition. ‘Cam Crosby was a three-sport Warrior in the mid:70s, He won league championships in the discus and shot putand set records in both events in his freshman year at UW. He also played quarterback for the football Warriors for one season. But it was as a Warrior hockey player that he made his greatest contribution to UW athletics. He played a vital role during the 1973-74 season in which UW won the ClAU hockey champion-

ship, th,e first national title ever won by Waterloo. Kirk De Fazio played defensive back for the Warrior football team for five years in the mid-‘70s. He received the Tom Pate Memorial Award in the first year it was presented. It was an award that the Canadian Football League presented to the player, who in his graduating year, best combined academics and athletics and who was the best prospect to succeed in the CFL. De Fario played for the Ottawa Rough Riders for two years. Keith Priestman was a Warrior badminton player in the late ’70s and early ’80s. He won numerous titles during his time at UW. He atso represented Canada in many international competitions at the timi, winning med-

Warrior continued

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spread the ball out wide to his backs. Doherty found himself running out of room about 35 yards out and gave a little chip through. The Warrior forwards were there in numbers and good second-phase halt again enabled Joel to score the try, his second of the match. This made the score 13-0, the way it ended up at the final whistle. The junior side was quite impressive considering the number of first-year players ori the squad. Alt that is needed for them to contend for this year’s championship is to cut down on silly errors due to lapses in concentration, because the talent is definitely there for them to contend. Next on the schedu ie was Gudph this past Wednesday. The varsity side once again played inconsistently and wound up on the losing side of a 25-I I score. The Warriors came out very flat and found themselves in a I O-O hole after just I5 minutes. Play evened out after that and Simon Lewis pulled Waterloo back to within seven points with a penalty kick. Waterloo then started to pile on the pressure. From a penalty five yards out, the forwards set up a clean ruck

six. als at the Pan Am and Commonwealth Games. He later returned to coach the Athenas and Warriors while he completed his degree in 1985-86. George Roy was a Warrior water polo player and a member of the swim team in the late ’60s. He was captain of both teams in all five years of competition. He held nine Warrior records at one time. Alice Strachan is being honoured for her outstanding contribution to the campus recreation program, particularly in the areas of fitness programs and fitness instructor training. A decade after establishing many of UW’s fitness programs, she still helps the department with the fitness instructo& program.


Anthony Beatythen picked up the loose ball and lumbered over the Guelph line dragging four opposition playen with him and making the score I O-8 Guelph. Waterloo came out smoking in the second half. Dale Finlay was again a standout, getting all over the field and hitting hard. For I5 minutes Guelph didn’t see the Warrior side of the field, but all Waterloo came away with for their efforts was three points from a Simon Lewis penalty. After gaining the lead for the first time in the game, Waterloo ehen proceeded to lose all the momentum and Guelph took over. It wasn’t pretty and frustration began to show as evidenced by veteran speedster Josh Windsor’s extremely late tackte on Guelph’s fullback late in the game. This precipitated a little bit of “how’s your father” between the two sides which was quickly cut short by the referee. The Warriors f&II to O-3 and face a daunting task tomorrow at Queen’s The junior varsity once again

played well and came away with a 1O- IO tie. Outstanding in this game were Mark Morrison with a great try resulting from loose play in the Guelph 22 yard zone and sixth-year veteran Eric Ciezar with excellent support play and a good run to score his first try in six years. It just goes to show that perseverance pays off and Ciezar is the epitomy of persistence. The game was marred by a couple of key injuries to fCrhalf Steve Goodacre and Corey “l’rn playing rugby so it must be Saturday” Rfiards. Subs Jerome Walton and Fenton Travers did a good job fiHing in. The score was IO-5 in Guelph’s favour with about IO minutes left when Eric Ciezar scored the game tying try* After this Waterloo piled on the pressure but were unable to break through for the game-winning points. The tie left the JVs at l-l-1 on the season and with a good shot at making the playoffs. The Queen’s game tomorrow will go a long way to determining whether they are up to ti challenge.

Warrior Hockey Needs YOU! Are you able to count, press but-

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icefield are required. Timekeepers are paid $20 per game, goal judges $ IO per game, and a Ml-season commitment is necessary. You get paid to watch hockey games, all season long! Interested applicants should phone varsity hockey manager Nicholas Mew at 885-l 2 I t, ext. 2635 TODAY (Friday, October I ) from 500 p.m. to 7:00 p-m-,orweeknightsattheabovenumber from 5 to 7.



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friday, October I, 1993

Queen’s downs tennis A thehas by Janet Tseng Imprint sports

fight, only to lose by a small margin of 7-5 in the first set. She then started the second set determined to get back into the game, but went on to lose 6-3. Her apparent loss of concentration was attributed tp a dispute with the Queen’s coach over the coaching of his players between games. Meanwhile,fifth seed Manju Sekhri was giving her Gaels opponent a hard time on the court as well. With both players desperately attempting to break the other’s service, Sekhri played it smart by placing the ball deepand running heropponentaround the court. After nearly two hours of battling it out, in the end it was Sekhri’s confidence and aggressiveness that overwhelmed the opposition. The score of 7-5,7-S certainly reflected the intensity of the match. In doubles action, regular part-


Waterloo Tennis Club was the venue for a match-up bemeen the Athena tennis team and the Queen’s University Golden Gaels last Saturday. It was anticipated that this meeting would provide some very competitive tennis, since the two teams were tied for third place in the OWIAA %*ing into this tournament The singles line-up included Stephanie Salbach playing the secondseeded position against Mary Jo Young of Queen’s During the first set, Salbach repeatedly won points playing her own style of consistent tennis, succeeding in frustrating her opponent by getting every ball back and forcing a rally situation. Sal1Dach continued to put up a

ners Teresa Kindree and Janet Tseng were paired up to play the numberthree seeds. As a team, they kept the pressure on throughout the first set by attacking the net and winning some key passing shots. Steady serving was also a major factor, of which Queen’s was lacking for the early part of the match. The first set led to a tie-breaker, which Queen’s took with score of 7-3. With a set in hand, the Gaels eventually defeated their Athena counterparts by producing some unreturnable serves in the second set to win it 6-3. The final score for the tournament was Queen’s 8, Waterloo I. This Wednesday, the Athenas travel to London to play against the number-one ranked team, Western. Coach Kristyn Klopp is confident that the team’s strong doubles combinations will help carry it through.

Hockey continued




following weekend will see Waterloo playing more tune-up games at Western Michigan and Notre Dame. The Warriors also play at tournaments in Rochester NY, Guelph, and Fairbanks Alaska this season, with McKee asserting that if the team plays poorly this season they will be left in Alaska. The regular season for the IceMen begins on October 2 I at Western.

0 0 0 0

Off Off Off Off

Varsity swim team dives intoseason at PAC by Natalie Serkin Imprint sports l

The Waterloo varsity swim team headed into their first meet of the season last Saturday, the Selection/Time Trial Meet. This event was exclusively for.this year’s Athenas and Warriors, to remind them what racing is like and to prepare everyone for the upcoming Biathlon with the University of Toronto and Brock at the Physical Activities Complex pool starting this afternoon (Friday, October I). Returning veterans Amy JarvisJen Beatty, Kara Rice, Marcela Garzon, and Andrew Cartwright seem to be having no problems getting back into the pool after training all summer for a few triathlons. Returning members Nicole Peters, Christine Gueriero, Andrew Russell, and Edgar Seidan are competing again after a year’s break. CIAU qualifiers Ian Hunt and Melissa Williams,as wellasTerry Boyko, Steve Brown, Mitesh Kotecha, Sean Lashmar, Brian Roughley, and Andrew Wahbe, return to lead this year’s rookies to a successful season. They should be helped by new assistant coach Jay Nolan.

daytime evening weekend anytime!

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cial service

Rookies Ed Furs, a Torontonian, and Chris Nagy from Brampton proved to be pretty strong contenders on this year’s team with strong performances on the weekend which we hope to see again. Newest Athenas Teresa Macel from Thornhill, Corrine Peden of Perth, and Londoner Veronica Stephenson showed a great deal of potential with impressive swims by all. Also on the ‘93-‘94 swim team are Waterloo natives Tatjana Sabados and Craig Batten, plus Kristie McComb all the way from Nepean and Laura Anderson of Acton. Warrior frosh jason Cull of Mountain, Ont., devoted regular Trevor Denstedt from Stratford, and Todd Girard from Lynden showed much enthusiasm for the sport in the water and out. Philip Joyce of Sillery, along with senior rookies Randy Gordon andjames jaquith, proved their toughness and eagerness to be part of the team. Absent were Deanna Hlywka, Gillian McDowell,Adam Fox, and Peter Spoor, but we expect good results to come. This meet has started off the year well, so keep your eyes open Waterloo because the swim team is back with a blast!

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friday, October

I, 1993


?!?dudents’Associatio> presents: Wine & Cheese Social Monday, October 4193 7:30 p.m. Place: Psychology, Anthropology & Sociology Building (PAS)room 3009 Mike Son Mustangs tailback, return this

watches from the sidelines, last Saturday. Son entered but injured his knee versus season.


wishing he could play against the Western the season as the football Warriors’ starting York two weeks ago and is not expected to photo

by Frank Seglenieks


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friday, October

I, 1993


Campus Recreation report and calendar ~RadomirZark

imprint sports Welcome to the month of Ottober and all of the events Campus Recreation has to offer to you. For your convenience, these have been marked on the attached calendar. And now for some news in Campus Ret:


to Conduct

including playoffs, would receive a unegame suspension. 2) All Sportr: Discriminatory verbal abuse(such as gender-based or racially based remarks) of a referee or a participant will result in an automatic suspension of a game plus one. This would apply in addition to any other penalties already assessed in the game.


The Campus Recreation Advisory Council passed the following motions at the Sept 20, I993 meeting. These new regulations are effective today and they will be added into the conducted rules as soon as possible. I ) Soccer: A player who receives two cautions (two yellow cards) for the same offense diring one season,

For anyone interested, there is still a special interest program which you can sign up for, and that is the Sportr Injury PreventionandCare (SIPAC) course. It runs on Monday, October I8 and 25 from 530 to 9:30 p.m. at HH 373. It is an eight-hour course in sports injury prevention and care, co-sponby the Ministry of Tourism and and led by a qualified physiotherapist I athletic. therapist from the Ontario Sports Centre. This is a practical workshop in which you learn how to prepare your participants, how to set up an emer-

Campus Recreation is also still looking for people to fulfil Flag FootMl Referee positions. So, if you are looking for a fun part-time job or just want to earn somie extra pocket money, drop by PAC room 2039 ASAP!


Recreation The winner of the Campus Recreation T-shirt from Campus Fest was Raymond Demers, a third-year arts student. Congratulations! Thanks to aH those who entered. If you still want info about Campus Ret, please visit PAC 2039. Varsity posters are still available as well as bookmarks with pool times and PAC hours.

and reference manual. please register as soon as possible!!

gency action plan, and how to respond to specific injuries: muscle and bone, head, neck, and back. .

included is afull colourworkbook


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October 1993 Campus Recreation Events Sunday


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220 King Street, N. WATERLOO




Tues. 81Wed. 11-7 ; Thurs. & Fri. 11-9 ; Sat. 10-6




Sept. 25 Western Laurier Toronto Windsor OUAA Team Laurier Toronto Western Guelph Waterloo McMaster Windsor York


26 33 25 36

Waterloo Guel h MC J aster York


22 14 20 IO

FOOTBALL STAMNNGS GP W L F A 3 3 0119 27 3 3 0110 44 3 2 15877 3 1.26470 3 1 2 47 53 3 125665 3 1 2 63 128 3 0 3 37 154


pts 6 6 4 2 2 2 2 2


York Queen’s Western Toronto Waterloo Ottawa McMaster Brock

SOCCER Carleton 5 Toronto 1 Laurier 1 Laurentian 2 Carleton 2 York 2 Western 3 Windsor 2 Brock 3 Laurentian 2 Windsor 2 &Master 2 Toronto 5 Trent at York at

RESULTS Queen’s Ryerson Guelph Queen’s Toronto Trent Waterloo Brock Laurier Ryerson Waterloo Western Trent Carleton Toronto

Sept. 22 25





Guel h Win crsor M&laster Waterloo Western Brock Laurier



5 2 5 3 52 5 2 5230 5 2 6 0

East Di@ion Carleton Laurentian Toronto York Queen’s Trent Ryerson

GP W 4 4 5 3 5 2 4 2 5 2 4 130 5 041


03 1 1 12 21

1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1



0 0 0 0 0

62 38 27 22 13 3


7 17 15 27 34 65


4 4 2 2 0 0

3 1 3 3 1 3 due

OWlAA West Division

Laurier Guel h MC lJ aster Windsor Brock Western Waterloo


Wk I


10-2 12-2 5-2 2-5 8-6 5-9 4-8 l-13

7-7 4-3 9-4 10-4 4-9 5-9 3-4 6-8


Points F7t;-

34 32 28 24 24 20 14 14

16-5 14-6 12-9 12-15 10-18 7-12 7-21

.a; t; 1

Eust Division

Queen’s Toronto York Carleton Ryerson Trent





0 0 1 1 12 20 30

10 9 9 6 9 5 3

8 7 6 4 2 1


2 McMaster Laurier Western Windsor

Oct. 2 Waterloo York McMaster Carleton Laurier Toronto Oct. 2 Carleton Guelph Queen’s Toronto Waterloo Brock 3 Carleton ~::~~ Queen’s Trent Brock

at at at at

Waterloo Toronto York Guelph

RUGBY at Queen’s at Western at Guelph at Trent at RMC at Brock


Sept. 22 Queen’s Toronto 25 Windsor Laurier Western Toronto York 26 Western Laurier Windsor Toronto 29 Trent Toronto

THIS WEEK IN THE OUAA I’ ‘., =-.. I_r,. _Az


2 3 5 74 10 13 11


0 0 1 1 2 20

6 7 77 56 8 5 84 74 11 3


2 2 1 1 0 0

2:00 p.m. 2:OO p.m. 2:OO p*m. 2:00 p.m.

Toronto York

1:OO pm. 1:OO p.m. 1:OO p.m. 1100 p.m. 1:OO p.m. 1:OO p.m.


6 5 52 5 5 5 5

5 3



10 6 9 4 3 0 1



2 131 0 23 0

3 3 2 120 021 0

1 0 1 0 00 3


11 7 6 5 3 3 1



6 12

York Western Queen’s Waterloo McMaster Laurier Toronto


1 5

Carleton McGill

1 0

2 6 3 17 3

McGill Queen’s Queen’s Carleton Trent

1 0 2 0 0

1 1 1

Waterloo Western Waterloo

1 1 0

’6 4 at

Trent Trent Guelph

0 0

0 0 01

29 9

0 4










4 10 7 5 0

2 12 14 10 27

6 6 4 3 0

18 12 9 9 6 0

4 16 8 1 9 0 7

22 28 17 10 15 0 7


at Queen’s

At Lamport: York vs. Guelph vs. Western vs. Trent vs. 3 At Ne ean: McGil P vs. At Lamport: Western vs. Trent vs. Toronto vs.

1 1

8 7

11 11


Oct. 21 McGill Carleton

6 6 4


3 3 104 3 142 141 0




4 3


1 3 5 5 9 4 6

4 2 2

5 5 5 7 7 6 5 OWMA




4 4

10 11 6 142 0 2


Guelph Waterloo Western Queen’s Carleton McGill Trent

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1

GueIph Waterloo Carleton Trent McMaster Brock Waterloo Trent Carleton York

0 1 1 1 12 21


Sept. 22 Queen’s 24 At Nepean: York Toronto 25 At Nepean: York Toronto York Toronto McGill At Western: Western Guel h Gue Pph . 26 At Negean: 4, Queen s Carleton 28 York OWIAA Team


Carleton Ryerson Brock

1 5 1 1 0 3 3 0 2 2 3 at at

4 4 2 3 3 4


9 9 9 6 9 6 4

30 33

2 2 2 2 2 2

OUAA TENNIS RESULTS Sept. 25 Western 4 York * Western 5 Waterloo York 4 Waterloo Queen’s 4 McMaster Toronto 6 Ottawa Toronto 4 Brock * - Note two matches were not played to inclement weather,




Carleton RMC Laurier Trent Toronto Brock

1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Waterloo Trent York Waterloo

12:OO p.m.

10~30 a.m,


7:30 p.m.

Toronto Western Guelph

9:30 a.m. 11:OO a.m. 12130 p.m.

1:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m.

Oct. 2 Waterloo Guel h Broc P Carleton Queen’s 3 Brock Laurier Guelph Carleton Queen’s

SOCCER at McMaster12:00 p.m. at Windsor 1:OO p.m. at Western 1:M.l p.m. at York 3:Oo P.xq$. at Ryerson 3:OO p.m. f at Western 12:00 p.m. at Windsor 1100 p.m. at Western 3:OO p.m. at Ryerson 3:OO p.m. at York 3:oo p.m,

Oct. 2 Waterloo York Queen’s,

TWNlS at Western at McMaster Laurier at Toronto

8ADMlNfON Oct. 2,3 East I at Queen’s at Guebh West I A

1O:OO a.m. 1O:OO a.m.

Athletes o f the week


at at at at at at at

at at

at at


York Windsor Ryerson Laurentian McMaster Western Ryerson Western Windsor York Laurentian McMaster

1:OO p.m. 1:OO p.m. 1:OO p.m. 1~00 p.m. 2~00 p.m. 3:Ml p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:OO p.m. 1~00 p.m. 1:OO p.m. 1:OO p.m. 2~00 p.m.




0yAA RUGBY 28 Sept. 25 York Queen’s 23 Cuelph 15 Carleton 50 Laurier 20 RMC 24 29 Western at Guelph at Laurier at Queen’s at at RMC at Trent Division Queen’s

York Western McMaster Guelph Waterloo

REsUL7s Waterloo McMaster Western Brock Toronto Trent McMaster Waterloo Brock York Carleton Toronto




GPW 2 2

2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 0

L T oa

F 45

1 1 1 1 2

36 35 19 15 23

0 0 0 0 0

6 8 12 0 3 7


Toronto and McMaster at Waterloo Ottawa and Western at Queen’s York at Brock CROSS COUNTRY Laurentian Open

10~00 a.m. 1O:OO a.m. lo:30 a.m. 1:UO p.m.

GOLF Oct. 1 Lancer Classic 1O:OO a.m. at Sutton Creek Golf Club, Windsor 4 OUAA Finals 12:OO p.m. &5 at Blue Springs Gold Club, Acton ROWING

Oct. 2 Head of Trent Open WATER

Oct. 2 Carleton

APts 8


16 32 31 34 51

2 2 2 2 0


York Toronto York 3 Queen’s 5 Western




at Queen’s at Western at McMaster at McMaster at Western at Ottawa

at McMaster

12:30 p.m. 12:30 p-m.

1:30 5:30 630 12:30 7~30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

MIKE MALLOT Warrior Football

TAMARA WINCHESTER Athena Soccer Tamara Winchester is UVV’s female athlete of the week VVinchester, a third-year right fullback completing her masters degree in kinesiology, made an outstanding defensive contribution to the Athenas’ scoreless draw with Western last Saturday. She completely shut down the attack from the right side of the field, consistently beating her opposition to the ball. The Athenas play McMaster on Saturday at 200 p.m. in Hamilton.

Mike week.


is UVVs

male athlete

of the ’ f-

Mallot had a strong game against Western on Saturday, providing the Warrion with ample scoring opportunities and tremendous field position. He carried I8 times for I 15 yards rushing and caught the ball four times for 85 yards, including one major. The Warriors will host McMaster on in Saturday, October 2 (tomorrow) at 2 p.m. at Seagram Stadium.


Of The Low?!?

Lower The



Lowest of the Low Bombshelter September

by Kut Imprint


bass shook his long curls until you

couldn’t tell where the front of his face was. (Did he have a face?) As for lyrics, I caught these inspirational tidbits: “..too cool for school, too dumb for the real world, Johnny started a band...“(autobiographical, I take it). “..when they found you hanging, no one shed a tear.*.“(depressed teen poetry). “ blue box is full of empty bottles...“(that environmental thing again). “..why can’t people commit random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty..“(naive idealism). “..everybody is too fucking btoned anyway/(1 think they meant the

23, I993

M. Piro staff

Maybe they were having a bad night. Maybe I was. Maybe it was a combination of both. I had heard from friends

that Lowest of the Low is a great band to see in concert. Their album Shokespeare My Buti had sounded pretty good cruising down a highway in the beat of a beautiful August afternoon. Their songs were typically alternative rock. I liked them. On Thursday night, I must admit, I was tired to start with. I missed most of Dig Circus, who were opening for the Low, because I ran into an old friend in the Campus Centre. They sounded alright, however, I was not inspired enough to leave friend and sofa and venture 6to the smoke filled and packed Bomber. Besides, I felt like I was practically there, except that my ears didn’t ring all night. Next time you don’t get tickets for a concert


“..I can only thank the Lord that I don’t give a damn...“(my personal favourite). Lowest of the Low have a new album coming out in October. I’d recommend that you buy it. Don’t ever go to see them in concert. Unless you get stoned and ham-

at the Shelter, just make yourself comfortable in the lounge. It works. Well, uhm, back to this relowest of the Low: Mare inspired than view. The Lowest of the Low come from Toronto, I hear. They could wheat fields. have been from anywhere really. They could have been named anythil J& “It’s in the lyrics, man,” someone Some !how they sounded quite orl ditold me, I tried listening. I tried harder. nary. I got plenty of guitar feedback from

IOO% -i

Perry Coma;

not quite as gti


Stephen Stanley and Ron Hawkins. Dave Alexander banged those drums like his

life depended

on it. John Arnott



Stompin’ Tom Connors Ldu’s Roodhouse September 24, I993

by Fergie McCormuck special to Imprint Prior to last Friday night’s Stompin’ Tom show at tulu’s, I overheard some comments by what I can only ascertain w! a naysaying non-believer. The guy in question said things like, “Nuramburg ‘34 all over again,” and “if you substituted ‘USA’ every time Stompin’ said “Canada,” and stars and stripes for the maple leaf, everybody’d think Stompin’ Tom was just some fascist Bob Roberts wing-nut. But because he’s Canadian, we’re supposed to believe he’s somehow as cute and harmless as a teddy br, and therefore above being called out onto the carpet for it” At least., I think that‘s pretty close to what he said. Now I don’t know who this Bob Roberts guy is, but the guy who didn’t like Tom, well let’s call a spade a spade and get it all over with. Tb,.bguy should’ve been shot and pissed on. At the very least deported. Stompin’ Tom is simply A GREAT CANADIAN!! Anybody who thinks differently can do us all a big favour and move elsewhere. This country isn’t big ~--@I for Tom’s fans and enemies alike. And believe me, if you’re not a fan of Stompin’ Tom, then you’re an enemy of Canada. it’s that simplt:. For the second time in lesi than a

“...and another thing, out of the NH1 tou...”

mered like the rest of the crowd. Buy their albums and play them in the car when those CFNY radio waves get too weak. Cruise out into the countryside, listen to such old faves as “Gossip,” “Eternal Fatalis&” or my favourtite “For the Hand of Magdalena.” Take a look at this country called Canada. Look at the trees, at the wheat fields, at the farr n houses that whirl by and feel alive. Fer 4 fucking alive.

you can


month (does life get any sweeter than this?) Kitchener was blessed with a live performance from Tom himself on his Keep It Canadian Tour. He is beyond doubt the single greatest songwriter and entertainer Canada has ever pro-

dem chicken


duced. Well probably, although Don Cherry’s right up there with him. He started the show with “Bud the Spud” and sang some more songs about potatoes and Canada. Places like Sudbury, Newfoundland, Alberta,

Tillsonburg, Saskatchewan and Skinner’s Pond. While it may be true that most of the songs pq well all sounded alike, if you tried real hard you could close your eyes and actually imagine you were there. And if I’m not mistaken, I’d almost swear I heard Paul Henderson’s goal being scored over and over again. Interestingly, Tom claimed that the evening would be “IO0 per cent Canadian,” but he didn’t sing any songs about Quebec. Fuck 6ouchard. On the other hand, he sang a patriotic song about the Blue Berets, they being Canada’s peacemakers-par-excellance, and saluted the ever-present Canadian flag strategically placed at the front of the stage. Lest anyone forget where we were, fans and nationalists alike drank Molson Canadian and waved Canadian flags and chanted “STOMPIN’ TOM!! STOMPIN’ TOM!! STOMPIN’ TOM!! STUMPIN’TOM!! STOMPIN’ TOM!!” and Tom thanked them, responding by saying thing like “Bring it on,” and “You know when you see a crowd like this you’re home... In Canada!!!” I believe Tom has been doing some heavy touring in other parts of the world, so to see the Lulu’s crowd must have brought near tears to his muchtravelled eyes. If you weren’t there, you missed an amazing show and a mosr amazing Canadian. And you would most definitely be classisfied in most of Stompin’ Tom’s fans’ eyes as a major league loser. Like that leftie who figured Tom was just another Bob Roberts.


friday October



Juliana Hatfield Three with Madder Rose Lee’s Palace, Toronto Monday, September 27

by Chdene special



to Imprint

Madder Rose entered the stage Monday night with determination in their eyes. They had a job to do and they were going to do it, With barely a “hi there” to an impatient crowd, this $-piece band from New York City plunged into a melodic opener featuring waves of multi-dimensional solos that rippled down the spines of curious but well-behaved onlookers. A petite yet mighty female vocalist stepped up to the mic with humble finesse ail the while strumming precise chords with a concentration equal to her male cohOItS.

If one word could sum up Madder Rose performance it would have to be

concentr’ation. They lacked any cxpression of joy to be onstage, with the exception of the lead guitarist, who at one point grabbed his beer bottle to screech piercing$ren calls above his mates’ instruments. Even this impressive feat seemed part of a well-disciplined technique rather than a spontaneous, whimsical act. Impressed as the audience were, they c&ed a human connection --eye contac&insults, anything-- to lessen the distance between themselves and the band. It seemed the 45minute set took the audience on a roller-coaster ride of loops and curves driving to an intense climax that had me grasping for air (or perhaps it was the asphyxiating hairspray haze of giggling coliegiate types). My anticipation turned to emptiness when without warning, perfect momentum crashed to the ground and Madder Rose engaged in a slow “cry me a river” ditty. Their performance flutterred slightly after



this but never quite attained the same edge. After a couple of duets between the bassist and female lead, they ended their gig with a cover of Modern Lovers’ “I Felt Asleep in Your Arms.” At least one guy in the audience was “prett)c darned impressed with that” It &as standing room only for the dozens of latecomers who arrived in time for a lengthy wait before The fuiiana Hatfield Three -- or JH3 as their T-shirts promote-- descended the stage. Hatfield not only traded her bass for a lead guitar on this tour but also swapped her brunette locks for a golden b&de coif. Could this explain her new-found zest to perform? I would hate to stereotype but it seemed Hatfield left her shy, serious self from the Hey Babe tour behind and opted for a “girls just wanna have fun” attitude. This in no way refers to her subject matter which in her latest album Become What You Are stilt speaks of love gone wrong, iil-confi-

Invasionof the Corporate Cockroachesfrom PlanetWiddley

Me, Mom

& Morgantater Stages September 23, 1993

by Eliz~ RaJlsott special to Imprint What can you get for two bucks these days? A burger and fries at McDonald’s, or maybe a bag of Twiulers (red of course). But as far as live music goes, you can’t get shit for two loonies -- or rather, you usually can’t. But last Thursday night at Stages, two bucks got you a stunning acoustic experience, an energetic workour, and the chance to witness one man’s social awakening -,- all roiled into one. In a performance packed with charisma,

talent and just plain energy, Me, Mom & Morgantaler demonstrated that great music doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg -- although a healthy sense of humour helps you keep those limbs intact The band started off the show with a lively rendition of “Invasion of the Corporate Cockroaches From Planet Widdley” from their 1993 release Shivu SpaceMachine. They then moved quickly into the immensely popular “I Don’t Want To Be Your Friend,” sending the crowd into a dancing frenzy that didn’t let up for the rest of the night. MMM’s music is a quirky amalgamation of jazz, rock, and reggae with an array of other influences thrown in to add spice. Their style combines a boisterous, spirited sense of humour with social awareness that is more open and self-reflexive than it is dogmatic or self-righteous. Their performance of the provocative “Everybody’s Got AIDS” is a case in point Midway through the song, singer Gus Coriandoii encouraged the en-


thusiastic audience to accompiny him in betting out the chorus. Noticing one audience member who seemed a benevolent non-participant in this harmonic expression of human fellowship, Coriandoii vowed to convert him to the cause. A mixture of goodhumoured threats from the band along with noisy peer pressure finally succeeded in doing so. Happily, the song’s message -- that co-operation and responsibility will go further in battling AIDS than will apathy and ignorance-seemed all the more apparent from this little interlude. From there, the show just kept getting better. Vocalist Kim Bingham’s powerful performance of “Angel’s Time” and accompaniment on “I Still Love You Eve” were two other highlights of the evening, although her usually vigorous accompaniment in the song “Laura” was inexplicably absent. All in all, the show was more than up to the high standards of a typical MMM show, and everyone was left sweaty, smelty, and (quite happily) exhausted. And I, for one, was left wondering why people are so eager to head for Maple Leaf Gardens, SkyDome, etc. to pay 30 or more dollars to see preeningand pretentious bands whose musical talent is so obviously inferior to Me, Mom & Morgantaler’s. I guess it’s just one more of life’s little mysteries. _


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dence, dead birds and the like, Unlike her presence last summer when she toured with The Lemonheads, juiiana Hatfield was upbeat and interactive with her audience. There was an expIosive chemistry between herself, drummer Todd Philips and bassist Dean Fisher that projected into a crowd of adoring fans groovin’ to such sultry tunes a “Addicted”, “This is the Soun$, ” Everybody Loves Me

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But You”, “Spin the Bottle” and “A Dame With a Rod.” Hatfield crooned from the aching style of J Mascis to the vibrato effect of Tanya Donnelty, all the while keep ing her eyes shut tight The transition from bass to lead has done anything but harm her performance. The trio eventually brought things down with three heartbreakers featuring “The Lights” from Hey Bube, “Here Comes the Pain” from the I See You EP and “Mabel” from their ‘93 release Become Whti You Am. As expected, rowdy, sweat-drenched patrons demanded an encore and the juiiana Hatfield troupe obliged breaking into a previously unreleased “Put itAway”which is now available on a U.K. EP My Sister. They also appeased requests for “Nirvana” off Hey 8ube. But the finale was an impressive cover of Leslie Gore’s “You Don’t Own Me” in keeping with Hatfield’s themes of self-empowerment which slowly appear to be moving to the forefront -of this artist’s career and intriguing persona.

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friday, october I, I993 imprint



The Rhinos The Vokuno Club September 24, I993

by Samlie Edwards special to Imprint Okay, the fact is 1was a Volcano virgin before tonight. Hem is my verdia the Volcano is great, the Rhinos however, are not. And that folks is the most polite way I can think to put it The atmosphere in the Volcano is great. The three hour wait was the best part of the evening, full of The Catherine Wheel, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Ride and The Happy Mondays. But now the Rhinos are on, and it isn’t fun anymore. Where are the Nowhere Blossoms I was so looking forward to seeing? They were billed as tonight’s special guests -- but there is no mention and no sign of them. Unfortunate. Back to reality; the Rhinos have taken over the stage. One in a pink felt hat, one in a handkerchief twisted at the corners like an old Englishman on holiday at the seaside and another in a vest made of material that was in vogue for school bags last year. It is probably better if I just neglect to mention the other two, since my petty remarks have gone far enough already.

The music is tedious -- granted I wasn’t expecting such a reggae feel, but that doesn’t change the fact that it was so repetative. The bass is so strong that my friend is holding her active stomach in fear that it may explode. I do seem to be the exception in the crowd though, most people are bounding around and singing along. Hmmm, I wonder what I’m missing here? Highlights ofthe evening did include the circa 50’s sofa which I planted myself on after fifteen minutes of the Rhinos. The cool fish tank also provided a diversion for a little while. But not long enough. The music is so annoying, and I have to endure some drunkguy repeatedlytelling me how great the band is since all his other pick up lines have failed. Oh God, this is unbearable. Complete and utter tedium. .. .. And that is where my scribbling on a scrap of paper ends, and it is now the day after. To be honest I still feel the same way about the Rhinos -- totally unimpressed. Their gymnastic bouncing on stage, and annoying happiness just didn’t do anything for me at all. Not even a flicker of interest. Sorry, but attempts at the white boy reggae thing just aren’t my scene. The fact is though, the band looked like theywere havin&m, and that’s all that really counts -1suppose. -

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3 by Sundie Edward25 qbecicd to Imprint This is a do-it-yourself effort from a Toronto outit. From the recycled paper sleeve, printed only on one side to the obvious “Produced by: Slowseeds.” This is someone’s labour of love. I have listened to the Blowseeds a few times but 1don’t know what I want to say about them. Dobroesque is good -- but it isn’tgreat. What the Blowseeds are doing both the Lowest of the low and the Waltons do better. I like the

tape but there aren’t any outstanding moments on it It is honest and straightforward, and that is great -- but it needs more. What more thwgh, I don’t know. Holc! on while I listen to it again... The guitars are the first thing 1 hear when I put the tape on, and this smys with me throughout. Not harsh and loud, just clean and consistent The opener of the album, “Fight For Love” is good, true pop, and although not monumental it gets yqur toes tap ping. “Hash” (aka Your Garden) is full of energy with a great guitar oriented bridge, and “Mexico” is the epitomy of the folky sound the Blowseeds aim at. Unfortunately it’s also the epitomy of repetition. After that, nothing on the tape stands out. It’s good, but the Blowseeds aren’t going to the head of the music class yet. Listen to it while you read or get ready to go out, because it isn’t spectacular enough to revolve your life around. 1don’t liketo slagthe Blowseeds because Dobroesque is good -- but I can’t realiy praise them because it isn’t great.

Market Square Mall, Lower Level


rive, but it all works. The lyrics are another matter. While Nirvana maintain in all their interviewsthatthey’rejustsmalltown American boys who feel uncomfortable about their fame, it’s quite obvious from reading the lyric sheet (pretentious step one) that their fame has indeed affected them. Of in Utero’s twelve songs, clearly seven (and not so clearly Go morej are abdut them

bySandyAtwut Imprint sta We hate it when our friends become successful. Part of the backlash against Nirvana no doubt has to do with the fact that if they weren’t in one of the biggest bands of the decade, they’d all be bagging groceries by now at some KwikiMart in Washington. 8ut they did release a fantastic single, a good album and some pretty hilarious videos, and were well rewarded. So, did they pull the comeback off? Did they manage to keep their artistic integriq intact in the face of all their fame while not insulting their fans as welt as keeping ahead of the pack, without alienating any new teenage angst victims? Well, yes and no. (How did you know I was going to say that) Musically, the album sounds a lot better than Nevemind. The loud cock-rock of Butch Vig has had all the smooth sides ripped off and the bleeding sores that Albini has left leaves the album feeling much more painful than even Bleach. Thetrioof*‘VetyApe”,“Miik It” and “Radio Friendly Unit L Shifter” deliver the equivalent of a triple bypass with a rusty scythe, For the most part, the songs are loud, aggressive, &compromising and quite often offen-

see Kurt Cobain expecting to be asked about it so that he can explain how he’s being raped by the music industry or the fans or blah blah blah. The song comes complete with -“Smells Like Teen Spirit” opening riff. -PuhfucMngleeeese. . Here, then, is just a sampling of the finger-pointing Cobain feels he needs to do: Ifs so relieving to know that you’re leaving as soon as you get paid//.,.//t’s so soothing to &now that you’ll sue me, this is sbrting to sound the same/ 1miss the comfort in being sad. I miss the comfort in being sad? What the fuck is this! And more: Teenuge angst has paid off weWNow I’m bored and ddi Selfuwointedjudges judge/More than they have sold.

This kind of stuff is directed at people like me. All I can say is, I know it’s so hard to be in a popular rock’n’roll band and avoid the public eye at the same time. It must be difficult being interviewed by RofIing Stone and Spin, and having to go and tour, and authorize a biographyand TAKE SMACK WITH YOURPREGNANT WtFE,and frankly, I’m cryingfucking buckets for ya’ Kurt.

dealing with their fame. Take for example “Rape Me” (a sure ftre radio friendly unit shifter and potential single!). One can just

Well enough about the words, the music, I must repeat can be briltiancat times. “Scentless Apprentice” is another rough-hewn master work, proving that one of the originals are still one of the best. All the Pearl Temple Garden Honey Jam’s will be finished one day, but Nirvana will iast. They have proven that they may not have anything to say, but that’s not really important because they say it so well.

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friday, September

by Je#Thard speciul to Imptint

by Kuthryn Peet special to Xmprint

The latest release from the Gods of Goth is a live atbum featuring fourteen tracks from their Wish tour last year. Recorded at the Palace of Au burn Hills in Detroit’ it is a magnificent project and a must-buy for any Cure fan. The tunes chosen for the album are, in order, “Open,” “High,” “Pictures of You,” “Lullaby,” “Just Like Heaven”’ “A Night Like This,” “Trust,” “Doing the Unstuck,” “Friday I’m in Love,” ” In Between Days,” “From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea”’ “Never Enough, ” “Cut,” and “End.” Also worth mentioning is the upcoming release they tell us about on the sleeve, another live album featuring twelve other tracks recorded in Paris. A live video is also coming soon (prepare to be broke, ye faithful. ) The album is very tight, very detailed and very good. When you turn this one up loud it feels like you’re sitting in a stadium watching them live. The only differences are that you don’t smell that familiar aroma of illegal substances, and that for some reason the band chose to leave out most of the talking done by Robert Smith, introducing the songs and stuff. He talks a little, but not even close to the amount of burbling he usually does. The sleeve of the C.D. is a huge foldout with a big picture of the Cure on stage on one side, and individual pictures of Robert, Simon, Pori, Boris and Perry on the other. Lovely. There’s not too much else to say - we’ve heard ail the songs before, just not from this perspective. If you’ve seen the Cure live, this one will really bring back pleasant memories.

Hammerbox is a post-punk/heavy metal cross; a skeletal band from Seattle. A band’s members shouId function as do the organs of the body, each component dependant on the sum functioning of its parts Hammerbox consists of James Atkinson on bass, Harris Thurmond on guitars, vocalist Carrie Akre, and drummer Dave Bosch who also sings. Consideringthe instrumental backing and overall auditory impression given, the characteristic image is one of bare bones. -Hammerbox is skeletal in the sense that there is no co-operation. Each band member battles for the lead, overlapping each other’s efforts. A band should be musicians working together towards a common goal of musical offerings, each member contributing more or less equally: The only feature aliowing Hammerbox to function as a band is REPETITION. There is no repertoire as each song merges into one sound chain. The words may change and song titles distinguish a separation between pieces, but these are the only clear cut divisions offered by the artists. Then again, how much differentiation can exist with such basic, battling band elements? Numb, the Hammerbox album in question, seems an attempt at copying the Seattle grunge style of music. Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana’ and Tempie of the Dog saturate the music with

by Duve Imprint


those “new Seattle band” sensibilities. Instead of developing themselves in their own style, Hammerbox seems to be using a common formula for “Seattle success,“developed byheirabove mentioned predecessors. Carrie Akre, Hammerbox’s lead singer (for lack of an appropriate title), yodels her throaty efforts over a heavy bass, competing for recognition. Her voice is reminiscent of early Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, but with a bit less gravel. Tune the bass on your stereo down to zero, and Akre’s efforts are not ail lost. , “Hole,” “bed,” and “when 3 is 2” are Hammerbox’s best attempts. The guitars wail, the bass overpowers you while you thrash about the room, banging your head to the beat like a true metal head. Hate is not the opposite of love, indifference is. Hammerbox explores the irrational and desperate side of love’s vices: Obsession, Want, Revenge, Acts of Desperation, ail figure into an auditory assault The music is capable of inciting you to vioience. “Hdie” is above all-my favorite, with its aggressive lyric dei6er-y. Empowerment is the message. Take control. ‘Look at me!’ says my imaginary Hammerbox fan, ‘But if I ever catch you looking at me withoutan invitation, I’ll consider this an assault on my person, and eat your eyes.’ Side 2 of the album is like the B side of a 45. The band doesn’t seem to expect anyone to listen to it so no effort was put into its production. One phrase sticks out. The voice of a man giving some sort of lecture bridges the gap between two songs: “Sometimes it appears that we are reaching a period when our senses and our minds will no longer respond to moderate stimulation.” It would seem that Hammerbox’s musical contributions are dependant on the truth of B-side’s statement. The audience will allow assault and battery because it has become numb to all media of stimulation.

I by Derek Imprint

24, I993



-5 WeiZer st@

Barely awake is more like it On this six-song EP, these folks try hard to be hypnotic but only manage to come off as plodding and directionless, As far as the technique of minimalist, repetitive guitar chords foes, other bands like Gaiaxie 500 have done it much better in the past. At least Dean Wareham (former Galaxie frontman and self-confessed Codeine fan) knew how to invest his melancholia with emotional and melodic impact Co-

m..i... deine are simply too somnolent to be really exciting. Maybe they will improve -- the title track seems to suggest a semi-decent tune wishing to get out, and the pianobased instrumental “W.” is a nicetouch. But nice touches are only nice touches, and for now, Codeine is strictly duiisviile.

dAlyoN’ii?? Why pay more




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This compilation soundtrack to judgment Night, an as-of-yet-unreleased flick starring Emiiio Estevez (ouch!) and Denis Lear-y, sports the interesting proposition of recording hard rock performers with rap/hip hop artists. It’s an idea that’s been successfully combined in the past -- Aerosmith & Run D.M.C., Anthrax & Public Enemy, Body Count with Ice T -- and of course premier rap acts such as PE and the Beastie Boys have long exploited heavy metal sampling to great effect. But it’s a testament to the album’s producers that they managed to get together some really good frontline players, and the results are, for the most pan fairly solid. Of particular interest to this reviewer is the partnership of Sonic Youth with Cypress Hill (singing a song titled “I Love You Mary Jane” no less.) Since most of the album relies rather heavily on the thrashjgangsta sounds of most of the bands, this track is a bit of an aberration, with sleepy, trippy manti repeated over and over. It’s more Cypress Hill than Sonic Youth (who’re evident only by Kim Gordon’s sultry backing vocal and some m’mimal-butcharacteristic SY guitar tunings), and it’s one of the soundtracks better songs. Cypress Hill also collaborate with Pearl jam. Given my indifference to the

Seattle grungers, it’s surprising just how solid their results are. Another winner is Dinosaur jr.3 J. Mascis adding some tremendous fretwork to Del the Funky Homosapien’s “Missing Link” The other blends’are Helmet & House of Pain, Teenage Fanctub & De La Soul, Living Colour & Run D.M.C., Biohazard & Onyx, Slayer & Ice T, Faith No More & Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E, Mudhoney & Sir Mix-A-Lot, and Therapy? with Fatal. Besides many of the songs being pretty good, (listen to the similarity of Faith No More & Boo-Yaa T.RI.B.E.‘s “Another Body Murdered” to P.E.‘s “Channel Zero,“and Teenage hnclubl De b Soul’s nice take on Tom Peq’s “Faiiin”‘)‘the songs offer good introductions of fans from one of the genres to the music of the other. If for that only, judgment Night makes for a nice package.



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friday, October I, I993


Apparently, I Don’t

by Alex specia1

Understand Women! by Nofrnan Nowfocki Federation Hat1 September 28, I993

the tradition of stage performance and poisoned the minds of any would-be theatre goers. Under the guise of entertainment, I Don’t Unclefstund Women! was not a cabaret performance by a seasoned entertainer, but a therapeutic energy release for a sad, little, hyperactive man.

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Theatre Sports KW Live Theatfe every Thursday evening



independent releases, side projm, .&:. film% .&uo and ABC wads of Ba-

Perhaps if his acting ability had shown a glimmer of promise, I could have given the performance a good review. The “one man sex-show” received sporadic applause from polite Waterloo students, unaware of their right to demand quality from a free-for-all performance. If the aim of the show was education on women’s issues, Norman Nawrocki failed miserably. His flip comments and absence of acting skill squashed all ammpts made to forward any type of relevant social commenQryI found myself laughing at the incompetent delivery in the ‘serious’ portions and waiting, to no avail, for the laughter in the ‘funny’ portions. Unfortunately, this warning comes too late to heed. I Don’t Understand Women! was not worth the admission price. Although the show was a free performance, the travel and time exe penditure is far too dear. I would have rather wasted an hour watching the television fluff to which we have all become accustomed.


as well as endodontics,

Redd Kross . uppeuring with The Doughbys

Pregnant porcupines, exploding ducks, and birthday doves. Where can you find them? Forget the Zoo, they’re at Thedtre Spor& every Thursday night at the KW Live Theatre in Waterlo6. But be prepared for fun and lunacy, and don’t be shy, because Theatre Sports depends solely on audience participation, - : y. ,, Here’s how it works. Two teams ’ of actors challenge one another to create a xc)IIe involving just about anything. for instance, one team might challene the other to do something based upon sexual innuendo. The acting team then might ask the audience for a non-geographical location. “How




about a monastery?” someone yells Perhaps what is truly exciting out The actors then must improvise a about Theutre Sports is thatit is a purely scene involving sexual innuendo in a Canadian phenomenon. It began in monastery! Calgary in the late l97Os, and has spread throughout the country, being in That’s just one example, however. The possibilities are endless, and Kitchener-Waterloo since I 98 I. anything goes at Theatre Sgorts. Yet The K-W group, which presently both ,the actors and the audience, has about 25 members, has even rethough liberal in their approach to the corded six shows to be aired by Rogers Cable ‘N Thursday nights at IO. So if improv, keep it in good taste. To give a spirit of competitiveness you an’t spare the five dollars for the to the games, a judge awards each team ticket (which is well spent on the two hours of non-stop comedy), make sure a score of between one and five after each improv. The audience is with green you catch them on the tube+ Who sponges, called “Boo Bricks.” If the knows, you might even see someone judge awards a score that the audience yo_u know! does not agree with, he is bornbirded Thetim Sports also of& theme with bricks, along with a loud chorus of nights, and with Hallowe’en coming up, boos, but always in a good spirited it only gives them an excuse to be more deranged. But aon’t forget their charfashion. ity nights either. Half of the nights Many aspectr of Theatfe Sports are. comparable to participat&n at the I. proceeds on these evenings, plus donatipns of non-perishable items, go to Rocky Horror Picture Show.+ Anselma House for battered women, Though the actors and the audience are largely university students, or the designated charity for the night If you’re like/me, you get tired of Theatre Sports is for anybody who endoing the same old things, and straining joys comedy, and likes to laugh. Should your brain regularly, trying to come up you think you might like to be on stage, check out the free (that’s right, free) with something new, exciting, and inexpensive to do. Ponder no more, workshops offered every Sunday from 5 to 7 pm at the KW Live Theatre. No . Experience Theatfe Sports for yourself at the KW Live Theatre next Thursday acting experience is necessary, and if night at 8 o’clock, located nearby at 9 you would prefer to simply obseme Princess Street East in Waterloo. I the workshop in action, they encourguarantee you’ll have a great time! age and welcome everyone.

Friday, October

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Son to the plot However, the filler was the most memorable part of the firm, notably the beautiful scenic shots of the US southwest and northeast. All of this was marred at times by the bouncy camera workthat tried to put the audience into the film, but only served to be extremely annoying. The plot was thin and completely predictable. In fact, if one has

seen the previews, then one knows the conclusion to almost every eventful scene in the movie.


in u wind


with Macaulay.

The Good Son directed by loseph Ruben

The previews intrigued me, and I looked forward to seeing Macaulay C&in’s new moneymaker The Good Son. Less than 90 minutes later, my date and I left the theatre wondering what had ken on lV that we could have watched instead. Time dragged ponderously throughout this slow moving film, which had been liberally stuffed with “filler” scenes that had little to no relevancti

What wasn’t predictable was unbelievable, in the sense that the audience was left to say ‘yeah, as if. The acting ran the gamut from excellent to pathetic. Newcomer Elijah Wood was wonderful as the truly good son, and his expressive face __-- was_.- his- best - --- asset .- -. Macaulay Culkin, on the other hand, was awful, but much of the blame for this can be placed squarely on the shoulden of the screenwriters. The phrases and concepts Culkin’s character dealt with were so far beyond what any child, even a genius, would say that it was impossible to take it all seriously. Yes, there are some very twisted children in the real world. but usually not with a deep philosophical understanding of the rationale behind their behaviour. It was blatantly obvious that adults were putting words into the mouths of babes. See this if you really must, but the price isn’t worth it, so wait until it comes out on video, and even then see if there’s something better around.

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“Homework Helpers Needed” Big Sisters require students to tutor weekly -elemeniary/high school youth having academic difficulties. Orientation training on Tuesday, October 5, 1993. 7100 - 8:OO p.m. To register call 743-5206 A.S.A.P. Volunteers are needed at Universitv Heights Secondary School to work on& on-&e with students at upgrading basic math skills. Interested universitv students should contact David Caher at 8854800. Big Sisters need you. If you are 20 years of age or older and feel you can make a positive difference in a child’s life, K-W and area Big Sisters need you. Friends is a school volunteer program where a child is paired with an adult volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship. Volunteers urgently needed. Please &all 744-7645. Seeking volunteer -- experienced journalist. Write articles for non-profit organization on success storieslproblems in unemployment, housing, literacy. Prefer familiarity, support for social assistance issues, Call Anne or Beverly, CODA. (5191 623-9380. Develop leadership skills by assisting .-#I Sparks, Brownies, Girl G&Yes, Pathfihders. Contact Lvnne Bell at 884\


The Office of the Ombudsperson requires an upper year student volunteer. Applicants must have good communication skills and an interest in mediation. Please contact the Ombudsperson do the Federation of Students. -

For adult leadership position in summer villages and interchange in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. If you enjoy working with children, possess communication and leadership skills, and are at least 21 years of age, you could qualify for this unique experience. Information night October 1, 1993 7:30 p.m. Eastwood Collegiate, 760 Weber St., Kitchener or calf 8853903 or 742-2851.

Turner’s Syndrome K-W Group provides information and exchange for Individuals with Turner’s Syndrome, their families and friends. Call 744-4585 for info. Mike Moser Memorial Awards. Deserving third and fourth year students who have financial need, an exemplary academic record, and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities are invited to apply. Apply with resume and two letters of reference by January 15, 1994 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. Monday October 4 to Sunday October 10 has been designated “AIDS Awareness Week 1993”. This year’s theme is “Strong Lives -- Strong Communities”. For more information call 741-3825 or 570-3687. 1993-94 programme features six lettures and a mini-course to be held at the University of St. Jerome’s College, and a weekend retreat for women to be held at Mount Mary Immaculate Retreat Centre in Ancaster. On Friday October 1, Dr.

Carolyn Whitney-Brown. “The Betty Thomson Project” housing for kids. Burger King on Victoria St. N. Kitchener and King St. N. Waterloo are donating the net proceeds from every Oktoberfest Sausage sold on October 1. New Anthropology Club -- Prof. Anne Zeller will talk about the time she spent in Africa and Madagascar. Everyone welcome Wednesday September29 3:30 - 5:OO p.m. in PAS 2030. To become a member of the club, attend or call Susan Barron at the Anthropology Office. “In Love With Elora” Exhibition of Art, Wellington County Museum, September IO - October 11, 1993. For info, call 846-9691. Career Development Programs: Strong Interest Inventory - Discover how your interests relate to specificvocational opportunities. Wed Ott 6 11:30 to 12130 p.m., Thurs Ott 13 330 to 4:30 p.m. Myers-Riggs Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Tues Ott 5 II:30 to 1230 p, m. Each workshop is 2 sessions long. Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080. The Renison Stomp ‘93 featurinll Sensation Jazz Band, Great Hall, Rkison College, Sat Ott 30 9 p.m. - 1 a.m., $15 per person, cash bar, light evening meal. Tickets available at Main Off ice, Renison College. If you have any questions, please Dhone at 8844400. I Are you 18 - 30 years and diabetic? We need you for a -‘l da) soft contact lens study. You will receive $25 for expenses. If interested, call Amanda at Optometry 885-1211 ext. 3822. CTRL-A (The Club That Really Likes Anime) is holding an open (no memberships required) showing of Japanese Animation on Ott 1 at 4%) p.m. - IO:30

D.m. in ALH 116. Are you interested in attending an oncampus survivors of incest/sexual abuse anonymous meeting. 12 steps. Anonymous. Once a week on campus. For men or women. Call 579-2815. Thanksgiving Monday, the Homer Watson House 81Gallery will be offering free memberships to visitors. Choose an individual (value $15) or family membership {value $25). Valid for one year. Benefits include a 10% discount on workshop and classes. Call 748-4377. Is your son, daughter, friend a gay/ lesbian or bisexual? P.F.L.A.G (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) meets monthly, 3rd Friday of each month for support and peer counselling. For info, call Grace at 822-6912 (Guelph). Ebytown Fall Bash -- War Wagon, BOGG, and Failte (traditional Celtic), 3 bands for $3, Thurs Ott 7 upstairs at Huether, doors open at 8:30 p.m. For more info. call 888-8806.

SUNDAYS Any students interested in participating in the Young Adults Group at Emmanuel United Church (corner of Albert and Bridgeport) are invited to attend our meetings at 7 p.m. Radio Arab Carlo “The voice of the middle east”. Arabic music, news, and the community calendar. Sun 4:30 p.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM. Request line: 8842567. MONDAYS Outers Club meets at 7 p.m. in MC4060.

Member activities include: canoeing, kayaking, hiking, cycling, and caving. High quality equipment available for rent to members. WEDNESDAYS GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds GLLOW Night (formerly Coffeehouse). 9 p.m., HH378. Everyone welcome to these informal social evenings. Information: call GLLOW phoneline 884-4569. Amnesty International Group 118. Write a letter, save a life. Same meeting time: Wed 7:3O p.m. New location: ES-l Rm. 350. THURSDAYS Lesbian Discussion Group, 7:OOp.m. in HH334. Come discuss and meet other tesbians. Call ext. 3457 for topic and info. Womyn’s Centre Meeting, 500 p.m. in the centre. All womyn welcome. Call ext. 3457 for info and agenda. ’ FRlDAYS English Conversation Class - for International students, staff and faculty as well as spouses. Meetings from 2 to 4 besinnino Scot. 17. NH2080.

Monday, October 4. How to use Water Resources Abstractson CD-ROM: Davis Centre Library Info Desk, 9:30 a.m. How to use GeoRef on CD-ROM: Davis Centre Li brarv Info Desk. 1:30 am. Tuesday, October -5. Environmental Studies Research Workshop: Dana Porter Library Info Desk, lo:30 a.m. History


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Research Workshop: Dana Porter Library Info Desk, I:30 p.m. How to use INSPEC on CD-ROM: Davis Centre Library Info Desk, 2:30 p.m- How to use Conoendex Plus on CD-ROM: Davis Centre Library Info Desk, 4;30 p.m. Wednesday, October 6. Recreation Research Workshop: Dana Porter Library lnfo Desk, 1:30 p.m. How to use MedLine on CD-ROM: Davis Centre Library Info Desk, 4:30 p.m. Thursday, October 7. Introduction to Searching on CD-ROM: Dana Porter Library Info Desk, lo:30 a.m. How to use PsycLit and Sociofileon CD-ROM: Dana porter Library Info Desk, 11:30 a.m. How to use Science Citation Index on CDROM: Davis Centre Library Info Desk, 1:30 p.m. Political Science Research Workshop: Dana Porter Library Info Desk, 2:30 p.m. How to use Life Sciences Collection on CD-ROM: Davis Centre Library Info Desk, 4130 p.m.

Counselling Services will be offering the following workshops in the Fall 1993 term. Assertion training. Eating Disorders. Exam Anxiety Management. Exam Preparation. Exploring Your PerInterest Assessment. sonality Type. Reading & Study Skills. Stress Management Through Relaxation Training. Time Management & Procrastination, What To Do When You’re Down and Blue (Depression Management). Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call extension 2655.

Take advantage of individual counselling and workshops in study skills in the classroom-notetaking, effective listening, class preparation. effective study techniques, including time managemeni, textbook reading, concentration-and effective exam writing skills. 4 consecutive sessions. Friday, Oct. 1 9:30 to 11:30. Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call extension 2655.



Bobby Bauer Memorial Award - deadline: September 24, I993 Don Hayes Award - deadline: January 31, 1994 Mike Moser Memorial Award - deadline: January 15, 1994 Federation of Students’ (UW) Bursary available to students active in campus student organizations - deadline: September 30, 1993 Tom York Memorial Award - essay, approximately 2,500 words, interested candidates should submit essay to St. Paul’s United College - deadline October 29, 1993 FACULTY OF ARTS Arts Student Union Award - available to all arts students - deadline October 29, 1993

Sign up sheets & handouts available in NH1001 the week prior to presentation date. All Sessions & Workshops in room NH1 020 unless otherwise stated. Saturday, Oct. 2: Resume Writing lnformation Session, I O:OO-1 I :OO; Letter Writing information Session, 1 I :00-I 2:OO; Interview Skills Information Session, 12130-I :45; Resume/ACCIS Checks, 2:00-4:00. Monday, Oct. 4: Resume Critiquing Workshop, 12:30-2:30. Tuesday, Oct. 5; Intro to Career Planning & Job Search, 11:30-I 230; Information lnterview Workshop, 12:30-I :30; MyersBriggs Type Indicator, I I 30 - 12:30. Wednesday, Oct. 6: Resume Writing Information Session, 5:00-6:OO; Letter Writing Information Session, 6:00-7:OO; Strong Interest Inventory, 1 I :30 w 12130. Thursday, Oct. 7: Intro to Self Assessment Workshop, 11:30-I 2:30 in NH IO30; ResumeCritiquing Workshop, 1:30-3:30. Wednesday, Oct. 13: Resume Critiquing Workshop, 3:30-5130. Thursday, Oct. 14: Resume Writing Information Session, 2:30-330; Letter Writing Information Sesion, 3:30-4:30. Tuesday, Oct. 19: Interview Skills I Information Session, 11:30-I 2:30. Wednesday, Oct. 20: Job Search I Information Session, 2:30-3:3O; Job Search II Workshop, 3:00-4:30 in NH1 115. Thursday, Oct. 21: Interview Skills II Workshop, II :30-l :30; Resume Writing Information Session, 6:00-7:OO; Letter Writing Information Session, 7:008:00, Monday, Ott, 25: interview Skills I Information Session, 6:OO-7:oO. Tuesr day, Oct. 26: Networking Workshop, 3:30-4:30; ResumeCritiquing Workshop, 5:00-7:O0. Wednesday, Oct. 27: Researching Occupations Workshops, 3:304:30.

FACULW OF ENGINEERING (all deadlines October 29, 1993 unless otherwise stated) Andersen Consulting Scholarship available J. P. Bicknell Foundation Bursaries available to all Chemical Engineering students - deadline September 30,1993 Canadian Hospital Engineering’ Society’s Scholarship - available to 3B Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 38 ConsuItIng Engineers of Ontario Scholarship - available to all 3B John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to all 3B Mechanical Delcan Scholarship - available to all 38 Civil Randy Duxbury Memorial Award -available to all 38 Chemical Ellis-Don Construction Ltd. Scholarship - available to 28 Civil Gandalf Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design, or Computer Engineering I B and above Noreen Energy Computer Science, kra;ical, and Geological Engineering - available to Geological and Chemical year two or above. Ontario Rubber Group / Rubber Chemistry Division, CIC Award - available to all 38 - deadline: September 30, 1993 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarskip - available to all 38 Civil, Water Resource Management students. ’ Shell Canada Ltd. Award - available to all 3rd or 4th year - deadline: September 30. 1993 Jack Wiseman Award - available to 36 or 4A Civil - deadline: September 30, 1993

Monday, Nov. 8: Resume Writing lnformation Session, I 1:30-l 2:30; Letter Writing Information Session, 12:30-l :3O. Tuesday, Nov. 9: Interview Skills I Information Session, 3:30-4:30. Wednesday, Nov. 10: Interview Skills II Workshop, 2:30-4:30; Intro to Career Planning &Job Search, 5:00-6:OO; Information Interview Workshop, 6:00-7:O0. Thursday, Nov. 11: Job Search I Information Session, 9:30-1O:OO; Job Search If Workshop, 10:00-I I :30 in NH1 115. Friday, Nov. 12; Resume Critiquing Workshop, 9:3011:30. Monday, Nov. 15: Networking Workshop, 10:30-l 1:30. Tuesday, Nov. 16: Resume Writing information Session, 3:30-4:30; Letter Writing Information Session, 4:30-5:30. Wednesday, Nov. 17: Researching Employers I lnformation, 2:30-3:OO; Researching Employers I I Workshop, 3:00-4:OO in NH1 I 15; Intro to Self Assessment Workshop, 5:006:00 in NHI030. Thursday, Nov. 18: Researching Occupations Workshop, 10:30-1 I:30; Resume Critiquing Workshop, 11:30-t:30. ’


OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning. I.O.D.E. - Applied Ecology Award available to all fourth. year - deadline: September 30, 1993 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Re-source Mgt. FACULN

OF MATHEMATICS Consultlng ScholarsnIp - . available to 38 Math Electrohome 75th Anniversary ‘Schdlarship - available to 3B Compbter Science Noreen Energy Computer Scienm, I Ctiemical, and Geological Engineering Award - available to Computer Science year two or above Shell Canada Ltd. Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Computer Science deadline: Seotember 30. 1993 Sun life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science.





Scholarship & Notices iI

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the fall term. Unless othennrise stated application deadline is Oct. 29, 1993. Forms available in Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, NH.




Sunday, October 3, t993. Benefit for Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics. All ages event. Featuring: Chunky Broth, Jam Nation, and Sarsipious the Flea. Phil’s Bar & Grill. A CKWR 98.7 FM presentation. Monday, October 4,199X ELkQW and CKWBL (Cambridge, K-W Bisexual Liberation) sponsor a (monthly) Bisexual Discussion Group at 7130 p.m. in Modern Languages Building, room 104. I.Tuesday, October 5,1993. CP Seminar Series. 3:30 p.m. in DC 1302. Speaker: David R. Cox (VP of Information Systems and Cl0 of Northern Telecom Ltd.) Topic: Technology Advances in Worldwide Business Applications. Undergrads encouraged to attend. GLLOW Discussion Group will discuss: Relationships between the Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, and Gay Communities. Modem Languages Building Room 104,7:30 p.m. For info, call 884-4569. Wednesday, October 6,1993. Kitchener Blood Donor Clinic. St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, 317 Franklin St. N., I :30 - 8:00 p.m. Healthy Eating - learn about weight control, high fat and high fibre foods, convenience foods and healthy choices in cafeterias. 12:30 - I :30 p.m. in room I27 at Health & Safety. Also on Wed Nov 24 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Waterloo PC Club is having their Annual General Meeting at 5:30 p,m, in MC 4041. Call 888”60I7. Thursday, October 7,9993. UW Film Society Chinese Series: Young Couples. 7 p-m. East Campus Hall Room 1219. For info, call 885-1211 ext. 1219. Habitat for Humanity - Campus Chapter is holding a general info meeting at 12:00 p.m. in NH3004. All are welcome to attend. For info, catl Heather at 7474956. Teacher Qualifications in Australia. Dr. Relich of the University of Western Sydney will be at St. Jerome’s at IO a.m. to address interested candidates (3rd/4th year grads may apply).

Wanted:Francophone person to practice French with, I or 2 hours a week in exchange for help in English or chocolate chia cookies. Call Shira 747-3412 Interested in partime work? in a congenial European cafe. Bring us your resume, Aroma 33 Erb St.W. Waterloo . Window Cleaning : lo-20 hours per week, flexible hours, $7 per hour, residential only. 746-3994 leave message. Volcano: a high-energy night- club, is hiring now. Bartenders, wait staff, security, promotional people snd experienced DJ’s. 276 King St., W., in downtown Kitchener.

Stuck Without? Furniture, kitchenware, linens, small appliances and other useful neat stuff? Buy second hand, save money and recycle. The Consignment Shop, 295 Lancaster Street West, Kitchener, 579-1581 I Oktoberfest Tickets iFriday Oct.8 at Queensmount -Sold Out Event 7456113 Mountain Bike:Maxam Traxion, black suntour X-I componenfs, bar ends panaracer smokes. Good Cond. $400.00 obo. 725-8216 Dave. “New” - Draftiw table & machine 3’x5’ table- Leonar ByLeolt drafting machinek&e with travelling ,iigM,. utensil holder, electric eraser .. Retail $2200+ sacrifice at $1000.(416)893-0550 ask for Mike. 1983 Jetta: automatic, great economy car, well maintained, winterized, excellent heater, certified $1,995.00. Call 884-8267.


Oktoberfest Tickets: Kitchener Auditorium Oct.I4,15,16 $8.00 Group rates available. Leave message at (5I9) 8886739 Working band requires:skilled bassist w/theary. Originals, covers (hip, doctors, etc.) Background VOX an asset. Duke 885-l 103, Christian (416) 8764051

Free skin analysis and skin care lesson. Call your Finelle Cosmetic consultant. Product excellent for male 8 female, all natural & no animal testing. Call today 570-4327. Honours UW: graduate can process all resumes and papers. Laser printer, spell check, grammar corrections. Free pick up and delivery+ Phone Clark 7494082s 3 Why pay more for less? Ramord Appliance: Repairing all major appliances and microwaves at reasonabJe rates. 10% student discount. $5.00 b service call wifh this ad 888-7830. Studlos for rent: artists, photoaraohers etc. Downtown, hardwodd flo&s,’ high ceilings, large windows. Low rent. Won’t last. Call now 696-2429 Your horoscope based on your time, date, and plab of birth. 34+ pages of& info and guidance in career, romance, family, business, and more. 48 hr. delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free incense with order. $14.95 cash or VISA. Call (519) 57aq0682.

HEALTH Scholarship



available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology - deadline: October 15,1993 Ron May Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4ih year Recreation - deadline: October 15, I993


Found: UW black leather jacket near McDonalds on 401 West of London. Size 46 Letters - CHEM - ENG. Graduation 94’ with crest, jacket is slightly .damaged. Claim jacket by providing correct information. Call 725-8082 or l-762-3028.


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