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Where can 1 get great


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CLOSED PlzzA PZA skes 6 sub8 me uvufbb!e In the Fdvd

made to varbty d I & toPP@w UCK ofcam~.

Room, Souih






ViuZue Plus Card: 1 I know transactions with the Value Plus Card save more than 10 seconds each, but I’ve got LOTSof time. 2. My cash is safe. Who needs the security of the Value Plus Card? 3. I don’t need the convenience that the Value Plus Card has to offer. 4. Who needs the 5% discount anyway? 5. I could save 7% every Friday when the GSTis forgotten, but I LIKE paying the GST!

183Wckr Stmc!North Waterloo,Ontario NZI 3H3






A) BASIC . ..$545 FOR




IMPRINT Campus University Waterloo,

Centre, Room of Waterloo Ontario, NZL

I40 3G I

888-4048 Friday, October l&l993 Volume 16, Number 13 ISSN


Chretien campaigns ,in KW



Chretien visits KW, Imprint fee changes, new student card on the way, Clayoquot sound protest


8 - ii

is bad, autumn is good, get a lickin’

letter writers



Lubicon Cree of northern locked in life threatening miasma


- 13

Alberta are land claim


- 25

Football versus WLU tomorrow; soccer & rugby are back home; Warriors hoops preseason


- 34


The Waltons; Days of You; Bob Mould; Mounting Picasso; Demolition man Editorial

Board Ken Bryson vacant Natalie Onuska Lisa Sutton Greg Hood-Morris

Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assitant Arts Editor Arts Assistant


Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Peter 8rown vacant

Sharon Little vacant Kat M. Piro Daryl Novak


Manager Assistant

Proof Reader

Laurie Tiger-t-Dumas Jim Ing

Vivian Tambeau vacant



Board of Directors President Vice President Secretairyfireasurer Directors-at-Large

Peter Brown Natalie Onuska Gillian O’Hagan Sandy Atwal Cheryl Costello



Sandy Atwal, Steve Basey, Tammy Bender, Julie Brown, Edson Castilho, Jeff Chard, Paul Cocker, Cheryl Costello, Ken Craig, Rosemary Crick, Robert Dickers, Chris Dobson, Carlos Donald, Sandie Edwards, CaludiaEcsedi, Carol Ferguson, Kieran Green, Ron Grondin, Geoff Hill, Peter Hoflich, Rob Hori, Johq Hymers, Bernard Keatney, Tasha Lackman, Jack Lefcourt, Ken Lillie, Karen McHutchion, Fat Meriihan, Jeffrey L. Millar, Angela Mulholland, Nicholas Mew, Craig Nickerson, TaraO’Dohetty, Charlene O’Grady, Jill O’Hagan, Sameh E. Rehan, Chris Robinson, Carrie Shaw, Dave Switrer, Dave Thomson, Janet Tseng, Graham Tomlinson, UW News, Robert Vickers, Derek Weiler, Radomir Zak. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint

is published every Friday during the fall

and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint@watsefvl

by Geoff

He intends to es1 tablish a program of technological partnership between the various institutions on a national level to ensure that small businesses have access to stateof-the-art technology. After stating that 70 per cent of manufacturingfirms have no engineers, the Liberal leader announced plans for a national engineering program to be created. The plan would be implemented with the provinces to help businesses hire engineers in order to introduce new technol-


to Imprint


Liberal federal leader Jean Chretien stopped off in the Kitchener-Waterloo area on Wednesday October I3 to campaign for the upcoming federal election. “We have to invest in the technology if we want to be competitive and have a proper place in the world in the 2 1st century,” the Liberal leader told supporters at Kitchener’s Concordia Club. “Jobs have to be the priority, we need economic growth,” he asserted. “[Waterloo Region isJ one of the best areas in Canada in terms of the collaboration between mediumsize industries, the universities and the public sector,” Chretien addressed a crowd of approximately 350. The Liberal government will create a network linking universities, industry associations and governments to assist businesses with technical innovations, said Chretien at the noon hour gathering.

Liberal Ieader Jean Chretien meets Kitchenet speach last Wednesday. The Liberal’s Canadian Technology Network will aid small and medium-size businesses with technical innovations that are currently unavailable. The network will increase the access of businesses to

the public



WY* photo

technology from Canada and abroad. Chretien will boost research and development funding to ensure that Canadian businesses keep up a decent pace in international high-tech , industries.

“The environment is extremely important for young people,” skid ‘Liberal leader Chretien. He proposed that 25 per cent of the new funding for research and development wo;ld go towards en vironmental technologies.

by Geoff


UW key theft convicted by Rob Vickers




of Waterloo


dents living in Village One or Vil-

Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant Advertising

to speech-




Club treated

lage Two during the Fall term 1991 may remember that approximately I30 master keys (for locks throughout campus) were stolen from an ofice in the General Services building. The University of Waterloo spent more than $34,000 after implementing a policy to replace the locks, On Wednesday September 20, former 4B Science student Tariq Aziz Qureshi pleaded guiky to one count of possession of stolen




stolen keys and about $I 3,000 of stolen cornputer equipment. Qureshi was living in Village One at the time of the arrest. Sergeant Brian Bradley of the campus police told Imprint that, after receiving certain information,

campus security and Waterloo regional police went to Qureshi’s room on February 7, 1992. They discovered the keys and equipment in the room and made the arrest. Assistant Crown attorney Bill Johnston told the provincial court that officers were investigating break-ins in UW buildings, where over $26,000 worth of computer equipment was stolen. Johnston told the court that the computer equipment discovered in Qureshi’s room could be linked to six separate break-ins on campus. Qureshi’s lawyer, Howard Goldkind of Toronto, told the provincial court Judge Donald MacMillan that his client did not accept responsibility for the replacement of the locks. Qureshi, 23, of Arkelt, Ontario will be sentenced in January.

election information There will be an all candidates forum for the riding of Waterloo on October 19, at Federation Hall. The forum, sponsored by the Federation of Students, begins at 7 pm. If you are-not enumerated to vote then call 1 800 267 8683 and ask how you can ensure you ability to vote in the October 25 federal election.

Vote education

and get free coffee


the CC photo by Ken Bryson

Vote education campaign hits by Rob Imprint

Vickers Stfl


Last Wednesday October 13, the Vote Education Coalition of the University of Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University and Conestoga College (part of a national student coalition) took advantage of National Student’s Day to do their part in raising awareness of the education policies of local candidates for the upcoming election. The newly unveiled Vote Education van was on campus at UW on Wednesday, giving away free coffee and handing out pamphlets and “door cards”. The pamphlets outlined the positions of local candidates with information gathered by personal interviews and a national survey. Some similarities in the candidates views include: being in favour of the newly proposed Income-Contingent Loan Repayment Program for post secondary students, removal of the government sales tax from all

academic textbooks, the need for a national education strategy to gain greater effectiveness and efficiency in this area, and the problem of inadequate “accessibility” needing to be addressed. The door cards offered questions to ask canvassers and candidates, such as: Do you support a National Education Strategy? Would you remove the GST from textbooks? What priority would your government place on education? How will you ensure research and development are given appropriate priority in the Canadian economy? Harold Ristau, Vote Education policy co-ordinator, stressed that the coalition is a non-partisan organization, and they consider themselves to be a “friendly pressure group”concerninggovernment and educational issues. After the election, there will be a follow-up by the coalition to ensure that elected officials stand by campaigti promises and policies.



friday, October


IS, I993

ES to hold’ endowment fund referendum Imprint


In accordance with the bylaws of the University of Waterloo, students

successfully established similar funds within the last three years. Proceeds come from a $45 voluntary student contribution and other















Studies (ES) will be asked to vote in a referendum to decide whether or not they want to establish an Endowment Fund in the ES faculty. The Waterloo Environmental Studies Fund





The WESEF organizing committee, made up of graduate and undergraduate students from all ES departments and schools, would like to include interested alumni in the manapement of the t=


alumni can help define future employment I

ware, journars, guest lecturers, competitions, and field trips. WESEF, is a jointgraduateand undergraduate student initiative designed to maintain the excellence of ES programs by providing long-term support through the creation of the special endowment. Should the endowment fund proposal be passed, the Environmental Studies faculty will not be the first to establish this type of venture. Accounting, Science and Engineering faculties have

needs and es-

tablish funding priorities to more effectively allocate limited. resources. The referendum will take place November 2 and 3, from IO:00 a.m. to 2:OOp.m. in front of the Environmental Studies Coffee Shop. If successful, interested alumni will be invited to participate in the funding council. Contact Barbara Yeaman at 885I21 I ext. 3459, or Bruce Winter at 747-0077 for more information.

Minister wary COU proposal

Council of Ontario University tuition increase plan met with opposition by G. Bruce Rdston courtesy The Varsity Education minister David Cooke 1 does not support the r tion of the Council of On rtario Universities that tuition for professional Ia I faculties be drastically raised, a mlnistry advisor said last month. . . .. . .. -

Scott said it would be impossible for the provincial tax system to supervise such a program. For income cont~~~a~~u LIII~;cIILJ

minister had all but rejected the council’s recommendation that tuition fees for law, medicine, education, and dentistry student’s be raised $6 000 per year. “He [Cooke] wasn’t compfortable with that, He didn’t see the supporting arguments put forward by COU as appropriate,” said advisor David Scott. Scott said charging professional students so much more was unfiar and could seriously limit accessibility. “There’s no guarantee that you will gain employment [with a professional degree] anymore,” he said. Scott also said the provincial government would’ not be adopting an income-contingent repayment plan of rstudent loans without federal supporr;. Income contingency is the key recommendation in the council’s proposal.


by 3iIZ O’Iiugan Imprint Stafl & Faculty Benefit Cover Massage Columbia 6ports Medicine Centre 145Columbia &3x& W., Suite 9 WATE11Loo


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As-b s-Q-operation LLIC L\

_-- -. -_ogovernment ___. ._-_ .-would ,ecommenaa-the_ _federal

University of Waterloo students will have more room to move in the new year. The new Physical Recreation Facility located beside the Columbia Icefields will be finished and ready for use in january and campus recreation


and education students. Medicine and dentistry students’ fees would more than double under the Council’s proposal.

be net-

essary, he said. “We know that we don’t have the

“These funds are...vital to the improvement of the quality of education in the face continued shortfalls of govnrnmnntc~

I,, tuition should reflect earning potential...

capacity to collect the income-sensitive loans without the use of the federal tax system,” he said. The “Discussion Paper on Tuition Fee Reform” was adopted by the council, which consists of Ontario university presidents and faculty appointees, in August. The paper calls for a 50 per cent increase in graduate and undergraduate tuition fees over the next two years, and a tripling of tuition for law

Room UW Student Packages






intro, repayment plan for student loans. Such a system would provide automatic loans for all students v rho desire them, but tax them balck, contingent on one’s income, after graduation. Council president Peter George defended the report, saying and increase in tuition was only fair. I “I think it [tuition] should better reflect earning potential,” he said. “To many it’s an act of economic investment.” George said the education minister had yet to present his specific concerns to him, but defended substantial increases for professional students. “First, with revamped and improved student assistance programs, concerns about affordability will be greatly lessoned. Second, no matter what level of degree, that degree enhances your earning capacity.”

to move

programs will commence with the winter I994 term. In January, students will have access to the 20,000 square foot facility which includes a double gymnasium, an activity studio, a multi purpose room, a reception/towel service, change rooms and office space. The new centre won’t necessarily expand the current athletic programs but will alleviate the overcrowding problem and compliment the PAC. “phe PAC] is overloaded and there is no free time for students.[The new facility will] relieve the pressure on the PAC,” said Bill Cook, Coordinator for the Physical Recreation Facility. The facility wil! be used for intramural sports and other campus recreation programs that are currentlycrowd-

ing the Physical Athletic Centre (PAC).. Students will also be provided with more free gym time which is currently unavailable. “Studies have been done that show there is a lack of athletic space at WW compared to other universities,‘* added Cook. Intramural sports such as ball hockey, floor hockey and indoor soccer, were previously held at the Seagram Stadium facility where space was rented from the City of Waterloo. A new place for the intramural programs became a necessity when Wilfred Laurier bought Seagram SIXdium from the city and made plans to utilize more of the space to expand their own athletic programs.

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friday, october

Clayoquot by Natalie Onuska Muy Chuzun Imprint stuff


International Clayoquot Sound Day was established for the first time and Wednesday October 13 was chosen as the official day. Various events were scheduled across Canada to acknowledge the current environmental situation. Many of these activities took place in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Between fifty and seventy protesters rallied at Speaker’s Corner on October I 3 to demonstrate opposition against the logging methods (clear cutting) presently practiced. The march began with fifteen University of Waterloo students departing from UW’s South Campus Hall at 9:30am. These students marched along University Avenue to King Street where they met up with approximately 20 Wilfrid Laurier University students.

gans such as “Trees are the lungs of the earth”, “Clayoquot Sound, not clear cut sound” and “Clayoquot Sound, a

not 1 sound decision?“students continued to walk along King Street. Chanting and singing phrases like “Hey hey ho ho, clear cutting has got to go” as they marched, more people joined in before reaching the final destination of Speaker’s Corner in downtown Kitchener. Arriving at t t : IS a.m., protestors picketed and recruited those passing by to sign a petition against the government of British Columbia’s decision to give logging rights away. Over 200 signatures were received. “The mood was enersaid third year getic,” >f Waterloo Environment and Resource Studies (ERS) student Heather Cain. Speeches were delivered by UW

Get on up and go globetrotting . by Tasha Luckman special to the Imprint Thinking about travelling and in search of a new experience? Canada World Youth (CWY) organizes international exchange programs in countries all over the world. The program provides hands-on educational experience and an opportunity for selfgrowth by learning about other cultures, customs, beliefs and societies. The program is open to Canadians and landed immigrants between the ages of I 7 and 20. CWY is now recruiting applicants. “You have nothing to loose [by applying& except maybe the postage,” said third year UW geography student Lesley Hill, who was in Indiawith CWY from july I992 to February 1993. The CWY exchanges are about seven months in length.The program is unique in the respect that students spend time with a host family abroad as well as half of the total time in a rural Canadian area

Both parts of the trip are spent with a counterpart from your host country, as well as six other Canadians and their counterparts. Participants spend time volunteering their services and creating ties between themselves and the communities in which they’re

living. “The emphasis is not on the work, the emphasis is on integrating,” re-

lated Hill. Hill built a basic community centre in the village that she was in, and by the time she left, women had already began teaching and learning the different skills of weaving for cottage industry. Often the most challenging event for the CWY participant is incorporating one’s self into the lifestyle of the host family. In the Canadian phase of her exchange, Hill lived in a rural British Columbian village writing for the local newspaper. This is rare however, because most of the programs are agricultural. Hill explained that many of the applicants are female university students, and in some cases, it takes several yeari for applicants to be accepted. For more info call Canada World Youth Ontario Regional Ofice at (4 16) 9220776 or fax (4 16) 922-372 1.


The Gender


were distributed

“All of Canada’s forests are presently facing a crisis. Logging practices will destroy all of the forest, Boreal and the rainforest in 20 years. These forests are public lands, and they are our lands. It’s time to take them back. They are our future and our children’s future,” she related to those who attended. Clear cutting in Clayoquot Sound appears to be an emotional issue among Canadians, particularly university and high school students. National action against Premier Harcourt’s decision to clear cut 74% of the remaining rainforest in the sound is occurring all over Canada. Several cities in Ontario organized demonstrations for International Clayoquot Sound Day for the purpose


Issues Board (GIB) conducted

that co-op students




students at Speaker’s Corner. “Clayoquot Sound is one of the largest pieces of ancient temperate rainforest in the world with a diverse ecosystem. Home of the hemlock, sitka spruce and western red cedar, many of which are over 2 000 years old,” spoke out UW student Heather Cain. “In April of this year, the British Columbia government gave logging rights to Mac Millian Blodell and Interfor for 66% of the sound and this includes virtually all of the ancient forest,” she continued. “As Canadians, we are very proud of our wilderness, which is a large part of our identity. We condemn clear cutting practices in places like Brazil but in fact our logging practices are equally as destructive,” Cain pointed

by Simone Kuptein Gender Issues Board

IS, I993

have experienced

to students

a survey to discover

sexual harassment

at back-to-campus

the extent

on work terms.



The data is currently

being analyzed and all results will be available soon! A special thank you to all those students



who still have the survey,


the surveys

and helped out with this project. GIB is stilf accepting

For any

them at the FED office.

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15, I993

A card for all seasons, don’t leave class without it !

CLIP and SAVE (Coupon


by Ken

tee to study the idea. At that time, the library, the


mprint Stan

bookstore, the registrar, food services, nancial services were all interested.

University of Waterloo be able to charge everything

students may soon from food to photo-


“There is a lot of enthusiasm level,” says Walker.

The card, however, may be years away because senior administration does not perceive


it as a current


The card, according to University of Waterloo director of Data Processing, Bud Walker,

According ost, computing

tojohnny Wong, associate provand information services, UW is

service across campus, would streamline the


Your student ID

but bu-


reaucracy which currently deals with student services. According


to Walker,


pus systems.



that such a card is not likely to

Citing the Value Plus food services card as an example of how the card would function, Walker



many other

areas on campus

in a multifaceted


card. The Value Plus

card is currently used to debit individual’s purchased at food services outlets. “There


be introduced within the next twelve to eighteen months. The university is also considering contracting with Bell Canada to include calling card



that the

could be reduced to one, which would facilitate better service and decrease paper work costs.




lunch and ~~~~~~ri~n~~~~~~~~~



the possibilities



the large number of cards currently used on campus


at the grass

copies on their student cards, if UW continues with its plans to create a multifunctional student

would not only benefit students through more efficient

Prices in effect until Oct.23

and fi-

are a tremendous



that want [the card] to go ahead,” he said. “It is just a matter of getting the university as a whole knowledgable multifunctional card].” Last January, Walker

about the ben&s organized

The University of Western Ontario currently offers students the calling card function in their

of areas

within the new student card, according

to Wong. The main focus of the card, however, would be to ease the use of on-campus facilities.

multifunctional Multifaceted

[of a



cards are already SUC-

cessful at some United States and many European universities, according to Walker. The University of Rome has over use, he said.

a commit-



IO0 000 cards in



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friday, October

Campuses across Canada by Tammy Bender and Claudia Ecsedi special to Imprint


presents the idea of increasing the annual tuition fee by $750 per student, effective January 1994. The Quebec provincial government would not accept this proposal however, claiming that any funds raised through the tuition increase would automatically be deducted from provincial grants to the university. . McGill University’s only option, then, was to discard the proposal. If the tuition proposal had been accepted, the university would have collected $16 million in extra funds, correcting any budget problems caused by the original grant cutbacks. The fact that tuition fees in Quebec are among the lowest in Canada contributed to the university’s sudden announcement to increase tuition. The Quebecgovernment believes tuition fees should be increased to the national average. Universities, however, feel they should be able to make their own dekisions on the matter.

Paperless exams introduced A decision has been made to offer paperless exams in introductory psychology courses at the University of Calgary. It is a new concept that has brought on a cause for debate. The exams will be given on overhead in two of seven Psychology lecture sections in order to reduce costs. The University spends thousands of dollars annually on paper, and the Department of Psychology at University of Calgary feels that the money saved on paper could reduce the amount of jobs lost due to budget cutbacks. The implementation of this method of examination witI help the university determine if paperless exams are successful enough to become a future model. Student opinions vary on the subject at the University of Calgary. Many students feel it is wise to use paperless exams because of today’s environmental degradation, and they agree that it will help in cost reduction at the school. Hdwever, others disagree with the acceptance of this procedure, feeling it would increase stress levels of those taking examinations. Exams will consist of 48 multiple choice questions and will be displayed on overhead in groups of I2 ior I I minute time periods. Some students are also concerned about the specified time limits and the Ioss of an option to took back over tests and exams for mistakes.

at our Annual General Meeting. However, because the Registrar’s Office can not provide a list of who

Students will no longer be able to cancel the $4. IO Imprint student levy upon paying registration fees. Effective January 1994, students will have to go directly to the Imprint office to recoup the fee if they choose not to pay it. The new method of collecting the Imprint fee was established for two reasons. Of primary concern were students who pay the fee automatically. These students automatically become members of the corporation Imprint Publications and are eligible to vote



fee refund to change

procedure by Jilt O’Hagan ~Imptint stag

IS, I993

pays and who cancels the fee, Imprint currently has difficulty determining the

proper lists.


and eligible &ers

In accordance with the Ontario Corporate Act, an accurate record of corporate membership must be kept. By having students come directly to receive their cash refund, an accurate membership list can be kept and Imprint will thus comply with the Ontario Corporate Act. Secondly, because students must come directly into the office this provides them with an opportunity to express reasons why they do not want to pay the Imprint levy. Refunds will be available from the Imprint ofice CC I40 during the first three weeks of classes each term.

from the McGill Tribune

On Campus Crimestoppers On Tuesday September 2 I, I993 the University of Calgary began the first ever on campus Crimestoppers programme across Canada. Crimestoppers have solved 440 000 crimes around the world. To promote student awareness, posters displaying the telephone number of Crimestoppers are being distributed across the U of C campus. Organizers of Crimestoppers feet that in order for the programme to succeed, students have to be willing to get involved. A safe learning environment is the goal of Crimestoppers and wouldbe criminals will now think twice before committing a crime. Students are to report any suspicious activity they witness on campus and as a result p&sonal theft, breakins, property damage and assault reports should decrease.

McGill loses tuition war The Quebec government grant cutbacks of $5.5 million has forced McGill University to take action with its newly curbed budget. These cutbacks prompted MC Gill University to initiate a proposal that

Russian Prince Vodka and m Magazine would like to expose you to some great new music. Be one of the first 125 people to respond to this offer and receive a NEW STUFF CD--FREE! There’s a new CD e only through your subscription , Canada’s new music magazine. Here’s an act t NEW STUFF CD and is now touring Canadian campuses.

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Forum Metaphysiral


The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, articles iri these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.



on various issues through comment pieces, letters, and other which are clearly fabelled “editorial”

their views


just when you thought the federal election campaign was getting interesting, what with the Reform Party and Bloc Quebecois poised to topple any would be government, let us remember this time last year. Ah yes, autumn - it has always been one of my favourite seasons. The leaves are turning, the grass is browning, the ducks on campus are getting a little stiff in the joints. Life is slowing down, precluding the white death of winter. The frozen, barren wasteland that is the Canadian winter.

Similarly, the vibrant

reds, oranges,

and blues of the three main Canadian political parties are also fading. The life has drained out of the Tories, the Liberals are floundering, and the NDP are buried under the Columbia Icefields - Alberta that is. It is true, too, that the future of Canadian politics does seem to be going into a deep freeze, with the rise of the fringe element. The Reformist and Bloc Quebecois will pull the federal agenda into regional squabbles and far right policies. -~ NAFTA will suck all the warmth of Canadian business south of the border, and our social programs will freeze over like the Rideau canal in February. Do not despair, however, because history is on our side. Around this time last fall, hell and high water were prophesied if we did not consider the Charlottetown accord important and fair enough to be passed. Yes, the country was going to fall apart, the glaciers would creep over the Arctic Circle and engulf the Canadian Shield, the end of the country would surely come. In case you are forgetting, the Jays won the World Series, the Leafs almost made it to the Stanley Cup, and Mulroney resigned. What more could a country ask for? Falling apart, indeed. A facade, yes, it was all a facade - sort of like autumn, eh? The leaves turn, the politicians croon, the country freezes over for a while, parliament gets a bit testy during question period, and everything gets better again. After the short term pain, the spring comes around, as it always does. So, yes, the political spring came around last year, Mulroney resigned, Clark resigned, the tories elected an incompetent person to lead the country, and all was well again. Even Walter McLean left us. And now, with the election, the doomsayers are back, like those nippy October mornings that make you want to stiy in bed all winter. But fear not, oh intelligent university goers, we all know that spring is around the corner, that fall and winter are really only imaginary. Don’t worry about the fringe parties; the country wilt not fall apart. Preston will not be PM: neither will Kim!. It may be a cold winter but the Jays will win the World Series again, the Leafs will make it to the Stanley Cup, and maybe even Kim! will resign come warmer weather. History comes back everytime. We’ll all be fine. Don’t even vote if you don’t want to. And don’t tell me time is linear, because I won‘t believe it. Ah, autumn.



Peter, Paul and Mary were right. It’s no easy road to freedom. Instead, it is a gruelling and monotonous trudge. The scenery doesn’t even change: this is the I993rd year of Our Lord, and folk still want to ban The Catcher in the Rye. In the U.S. last year, more than 2 I4 groups or individuals challenged or banned I45 books from schools and libraries, according to a list disseminated by the American Library Association as part of their Banned Books Week about a fortnight ago. Impermissible content cited by school boards, parents, and other politicos range from a single usage of the phrase “go to hell” (in a biography of Hans Christian Anderson) to an overalt philosophy. For instance, Judy Blume’s Blubber, a compassionate story of a fat girl tormented by her classmates, was challenged in some Ohio elementary collections because “bad is never punished. Good never comes to the fore. Evil is triumphant” Al-A’s publicity, featured for several weeks at the UW bookstore, mocks the anxiety that has been directed at children’s fare such as Hansel and Gretef, Snow White, The Witches, The Outsiders, The Chocolate War, The Great Gilly Hopkins, The Greut Brcrin (which discusses suicide), lames and the Giant Peach (which encourages drinking and drug use), Maurice Sendak’s In the Night Kitchen (which “could lay the foundation for future use of pornography”), and the ostensibly racist adventures of Messrs. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Where’s Wuldo? has the audacity to uncover a breast. The Pigmon tempts Lynchburg, Virginia teenagers with 29 acts of “destructive, disrespectful, antisocial and illegal behaviour...placed in a humourous tight.” Of course, the silencers also target adult fare. “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?” is not such a rhetorical question when we see that there are those in Iowa who fear Margaret Atwood, Maryland denizens who flee William Faulkner, the odd Virginian who quakes at John Steinbeck. Alice Walker and John Irving have terrorized parts of Pennsylvania, and Maya Angelou can unnerve even the mellow West Coast. Needless to say, Henry Miller just gives ‘em the willies in North Carolina. ‘The News!ener on lrttelfe&.ml Freedom re-


ported all these attacks between March I992 and March 1993. Which means that the two Maryland school board members who censured Ghosts for its revelations of sexual deviation and sexual disease did so I I2 years after Henrik Ibsen braved a repressed Victorian climate. It means the Californian administrators who blacked out profanities in student copies of Ray Bradbury’s Furertheit 451 have no appreciation of irony. People for the American Way also exposes incidents of censorship, and their latest list includes Dracula, proving that Francis Ford Coppola is nobody’s fool. Abroad, the Damoclean price still dangles over Salman Rushdie’s head, an ongoing testament to the threat posed by the simple act of dissent. It’s rather reassuring. The doomsayers keep moaning that no-one reads anymore, but somebody is at least skimming for swear words. And if moral watchdogs can get so frothy over a few hundred perishable pages, scribblings which, more certainly than the legendary tree in the woods, make no noise without a human receptor, then books must still pack a punch. We tend to laugh at the censors’ uptightness, but they’re absolutely justified. Books are formidable foes. Rousseau, Marx, Freud, and Wollstonecraft are just a sample of writers who fomented revolutions of one kind or another. Dickens’ eloquence helped bring on English social reforms, Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Ar&ipe/ugo disclosed the secrets of a prison system to a shocked neighbouring hemisphere. If more people had heeded Mein Kampf, they might have been better armed against the Holocaust. Then there’s a wee tome called The Bible: the quintessential force to be reckoned with. Itself a victim of significant censorship--from the expunged Apocrypha to the strictures against laypeople reading it--the hegemony of this one bestseller has led to centuries-long suppression. Good times continue. Some Oregon schools tossed Wellness: Stress Management off their health curriculum when three women objected to the mention of yoga and transcendental meditation and the neglect of Christian prayer; Myths and their Meanings was questioned in a Colorado high school because of its attention to non-Christian deities;

Earth Child was challenged in .Oklahoma on the grounds it sanctions Hinduism; and in Arizona, a finger was leveled at Witches, Pumpkins, and Grinning Ghosts because it “interests little minds into accepting the devil with all of his evil works,” As Arthur Carlson realized in that sterling episode of WARP in Cincinnuti: “First you censor a word, then you censor an idea.” As a matter of fact, a word is an idea, Taking the Lord’s name in vain is an idea, an anti-authoritarian idea. Ditto blatant sexual references. Ditto many depictions of violence, with their undertones of uprising. Naturally, those in authority oppose the appropriation of language and imagery by their subjects. There must therefore be firm control over what a person can say, because if one person says it another might believe it, and then there’d be two people running around with rebellious thoughts. If two think a thing, they might get a third to join them. And three free thinkers, as Woody Guthrie jubilantly proclaims in “Alice’s Restaurant,” are “a movement.‘* Books are keys to knowledge, and education, linked as it is to the status quo, is not geared tbwards independent learning. (In my elementary school, we were not allowed to read ahead.) “Smart ass” is not a compliment Our consumption of the apple of original sin intimidates those at the top of the food chain because it gives us too many options. Ignorance, they allege, is bliss. Yet most humans lead lives of quiet desperation. From knowing too much? We don’t even use ninetenths of our brains. All evidence shows that ignorance is not glamourous. And the only way to combat it is freedom of thought, the only route to which is freedom of expression. An open marketplace of ideas frightens the bejesus out of those who dread debate. But Sendak, Salinger, Bradbury, Rushdie, et. al will not go away. As South African aaivist Stephen Biko warns his white tormentor in the film CvFreedom: “tf you’re


,of ideas,





Jennifer Epps special to Imprint





welcomes fetters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone numberforverification. Names may be withheld from publication upon request. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper. Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3Gl+ Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint@ watservl Imprint

Homosexual hypocrisy To the editor= I read that I probably missed “the funniest and most entertaining show to hit our campus this. . . decade.” [‘7he dyke dilemma”, Imprint, Oct. 8, I9931 Actually, I saw a different show the other day that may have been better. The speaker was relating to us his response to a heterophobe on a national phone-in show. He asserted that Gloria Steinem has a male Doberman pinscher at home. Of course it follows why she really likes such a big dog! He then went on to tell us that the real reason lesbians have meetings together is because they have not been laid by a man who real knows how to do it maybe even lesbians like JoAnn Loulin. Wow. What another big laugh. WhatdoyouthinkTammy? Does the above scenario leave you at least a wee bit uneasy? If it does, I cannot imagine why it should. Judging from your response to Loulan’s suggestion that Christ was gay and probably buttfucked his disciples and/or sheep, the above fictional scenario should send you into hyst’erics. If the above story does offend you, however, you have more than just a dyke dilemma - you have a problem with consistency. No Tammy. my Anglican sensitivities were not offended by Loulan’s musings about Christ’s sexuality. what did offend me was the hypocrisy exemplified through Loulan’s imagination and your apparent glee in the retelling of it. Do you or Loulan think that others (heterosexual and homosexual) should take either of you seriously when immediately after speaking about ignorance perpetrated through prejudice you come up with a few gems of your own? Why do you think that your bigotry is justified whereas bigotry from other’s is not? One thing that the history of the church has shown is that people often become the very disease they are attempting to destroy. One thing that your article has demonstrated is that hypocrisy is not just a problem for the church. Gary Dunn Graduate Studies Philosophy

Money not nutritious TO the editor= jean Chretien’s response to one of the few questions concerning the environment addressed to the leaders during the debate October 4th still burns in my ears: “...we have plenty of resources, we have plenty to export-” Preston Manning didn’t do much better. When responding to the plight of the environment, he assured the populace that, while his paq didn’t know much about the issues, experts would certainly be looking into the problem. Unfortunately none of the other party leaders were put to the test. The environment does not appear to be an

issue, and the party leaders seem to be pathetically ignorant of environmental problems. Audrey McLaughlin seemed to be the most concerned of the bunch w she did after all pledge continuing support to developing countries (environmental problems are global, e.g., checking population growth and deforestation). I fear, howeve that despite her strong showing in the debatethe apathetic Canadian will continue to paste big black X’s beside the flashy promises of zero debt and jobs. While these are pressing issues to all Canadians we seem to have forgotten (or perhaps never realized?!?) the importance of the environment to our and subsequent generations. - 670 000 acres of forest are iost annually in B.C. alone - Deserts expand annually at the rate of I5 million acres worldwide - 252 000 new mouths to feed every day worldwide 1 could list many depressing facts (read State Of The World), To put it bluntly - we are killing our planet, and subsequently ourselves. Why do we continue to deny this? “When the last river has stopped flowing, and when the last tree has been cut down, only then will you know that money can’t be eaten,” Clint Johnson

SCM column not omnipotent, but helpful To the editor: I would Ii ke to express the disappointment I felt when I read Mark Schoenals’ letter to the editor which was printed in the October I edition of the Imprint. This letter was regarding the column entitled, “Religion and Faith in the 20th Century” which is sponsored by the Student Christian Movement Contrary to Mark, I enjoy reading this column. In fact, it’ s the first thing I turn to when I pick up my copy every week. This column deals with many important issues, as Mark mentioned, but it doesn’t provide straight forward answers because there aren’t any. lfthere was a simple answer to everything there wouldn’t be any problems. life just isn’t like that. There are many issues that arise that I am concerned about that most people are afraid to address. I am happy that the SCM finds this courage. There have also been many times when I’ve experienced a spiritual dilemma and not known where to turn, finding that quotes from the Bible and other sources are in themselves not enough to enlighten me. Surrounded by many Christian fundamentalists who tend to avoid these questions, I’ve at times gotten the feeling that there is something wrong with me. Reading the SCM articles in the Imprint has brought me comfort by informing me that I am not alone, and that it is okay to have these questions and feelings. I have come to the reali-

zation .that the answers I seek in my faith are not always easy to find, and we are sometimes blind to them. For me, it was wonderful to find a group of individuals similar to myself, and I went as far as joining the SCM. If I have an issue I would like to deal with, we do just that, and even though they present many different ideas and view-

points they still leave me to my own opinion and to discover my own answer. They don’t try to interfere. There are many different denominations in the group, and a variety of beliefs, which enriches the learning process. There isn’t a general right or wrong faith. I am truly sorry Mark that the SCM can’t provide you with all the answers. It is,only you yourself that can find the truth in your personal spiritual journey. I am concerned, however, that your naivete and inability to accept this challenge wilt hinder your steps and prevent you from finding the path to salvation. Good luck, and remember that God is with you at all times. He can’t do the work for us, but he will guide us on the way. The SCM is only trying to help us by presenting issues of importance. They too are unable to do the work for us, if they could they would be greater than God, and that just isn’t possible as it contradicts everything we say we

believe in. Lisa-Marie Stevens Student Christian Movement

SciSoc really does suck To the Editor= I thought high &hoot. vate members important by school it was

I left all of this back in You remember the priclub that made itself feel excluding others? In high called the student coun-

Imprint Got any literature

cil. At the University of Waterloo it’s called the Science Society. What do the sci undergrads get for their money? One purchase we’ve paid for is a new IV and VCR. Apparently these are for different presentations and seminars, but 90% of the time they are used in the Sci Sot office so that the “members” can watch their favourite movies between classes. The common retort made by those involved in Sci Sot is that if we don’t like how the organization is run, students should get more involved and change things. The fact of the matter is most of the sci students I know simply don’t feel welcome at the office or events. When a student enters the office they are either a) ignored or b) asked what they want with a ‘state your business and get out’ attitude. Not at all the atmosphere to sit down and enjoy the TV you paid for. What bothers me most is that we (the xi undergrads) pay for facilities (photocopier, phone, TV) that only a few students who are in the clique actually use. By making others feel unwelcome (whether on purpose or not) this clique enjoys the money intended to benefit all science students. It’s reminiscent of a scene from Animal Farm, where the pigs enjoy the wealth that their fellow animals have earned. Obviously Sci Sor must do more than just sit in the office. Occasionally posters are put up in lecture halls promoting events, but I know of no one that actually takes part (except the insiders). It’s almost like the council only puts on events and makes purchases that appeal only to the clique and don’t even consider the science student population at large. Most events areeitherso corny or unappealingvery few even consider attending (eg. Star Wars movie-a-thons, politically incorrect “Big Beef BBQ”‘s). Also, the Sci Sot society recently decided that a prudent and necessary way to spend our money was to purchase a computer program that translates english text into Klingon. I’m not sure that the Sci Sot council is aware of the image they project. I want to send them the message that many science undergrads don’t feel apart of or interested in the organization. We need more interesting and popular events and services offered to us and they need to be better advertised. Things must change in order to reverse the common perception that the Sci Sot sucks. Erik Lindalea 4N Envirmmental


Clint cocky 8~ apathetic too To the editor: Dear Clint [Turcotte], This is in response to your vicious letter in the October I Imprint. At first, I couldn’t believe that anyone could react so violently to some seemingly inconsequential incidents. Upon a second and third reading, I was enraged. The original draft of this letter was a similarly vicious rebuttal, but I have chosen not to sink to your level of intellect and apathy. Are you that paranoid of others to believe that professors would pun= ish students for being late? Do you really believe that students can be frozen into silence by apathy? As for myself, I don’t think either is true. You have reacted to isolated incidents in a violent and ridiculous manner, yet your repeated statements of “Aw, piss on it” show you to be suffering from the same kind of apathy you believe to see in others. Your accusation directed at Professor Faber was unprovoked, unnecessary, and can have some serious consequences. If you felt so violated by being asked to reveal your identity, why didn’t you refuse until you heard a satisfactory explanation, or did you not hear Professors Faber’s reason for doing so. (For the record, he was asking each person in class for his or her name; he wanted to remember each one so that he could call us by name. Afriendly and kind gesture, not the sick, twisted and evil one suggested by Mr. Turcotte.) Speaking on my own behalf, I deplore your attack on an excellent professor from, what I see as, the friendliest department at this university, as well as on students that offered no reason for your haughty distaste and hatred. If you are so “up” on apathy as you seem to be, why don’t you go find old Doog Farquhar and leave the rest of us alone. We do not deserve the hatred you offer, nor does Professor Faber. So, Mr. Turcotte, the point of this is: Keep your apathy to yourself, or find someone who thinks as you do, and go rant in your beer. Lynn Buuman Hans. Clussical erature.

Studies und Eng. Lit-

Editor’s note: Mr. Turcotte’s remurks regurding Professor Faber were hard/y violent Nor did Turcotte suggest that Prof: Fuber’s roll coil wus “sick, twisted, or evil.” Turcotte wrote: “Professor Faber coerced me into (I public confession afmy two names for being late. This I did not mind.” [bold mine] Turcotte also noted Faber us on exempbry professor, describing most other prtfs as aloof und unwilling to moke eye contud Perhapshe wus ironicin his %ttock” on Professor Faber.

Literary Supplement -- Call for submissions --

old stories, poetry, book reviews, or comments on the state of today lying around? If so, send them in to Imprint and we’ll run the best of the lot in u late Noveniber issue. Deadline for submissions is November I, 1993Please keep stories to under !OOO words, reviews/comments to under 750 words, and poetry to under 250 words. Judging will be done by the Imprint Editorfaf Board,





friday, October


15, 1993

the true story of France’s most diabolical serial killer

“Amombretaleof betroyolandinfamy”

Clint - an ass of himself

* ?M!w~dlines

Thefilm is basedona truesiory abouta fiend in Nazi-occu ‘ed Francewhowasa choritoble andkind actor by day anda told-blooded murdererby night.



OPENS TONIGHTAT7ROp+m, Plays*Idly mtd Maday Oct. 1ti at 9~10p.m. cb&F&lGuiCforSbWthnaS~AA

LIKE WATER -+-. FzR m/-.x CHs,Cf,LATE

One block


of Bridaenort

& Kina Street

in Uptown


General Repairs To Do*mestic

To the editor: You know, there is nothing I love more than reading about someone making an ass of themselves. The reason for this unusual outburst from yours truly concerns Clint Turcotte’s letter in October I ‘s-imprint (“Fak Off Dear Apathetic Classmates”). Mr. Turcotte’s letter claiming that Professor Faber asked for his “two names for being late” was taken totally out of context. Professor Faber was doing his usual “I would like to know who is in my class” at the beginning of the term, and he had just finished one side of the room when Mr. Turcotte walked in and was asked his name. When I read his letter, I was thoroughly outraged that someone would write such a nasty letter about a great professor like Professor Faber without finding out the facts about what was going on. Besides, if Mr. Turcotte knew Professor Faber as “scintillating well” as he claimed, then he shouldn’t have been so surprised by his question, as Professor Faber does this for may of his classes -- 1 know, I’ve been there. Furthermore, I don’t believe I recall Mr. Turcotte dominating a class (any class) by answering question after question after question ,.. which also makes me wonder about the level of reality that exists within his petty mind. By the way Mr. Turcotte, if we have looked at you like you have three heads, it is because with three of them you should have had enough brains to figure out what was going on; and I’m sure that after your letter, Professor Faber definitely knows who you are. Oh yeah, we have not seen you in

class lately. Embarrassed? Feeling stupid? Gee, that’s too bad!!

~anucwy Stuebing 3A CIossicol StudierfAnthropology

Randy’s word limit = zero

so!, so don’t even try and tell us you know what’s good for Quebec and Canada Randy you were past your word limitthe second you opened your mouth.

Titles not trustworthy

To the editoc

To the editor=

Well, Randy, your previous letter in the Imprint was somewhat funny, comical, racist and uninformative. However, it seems that your little, nice narrow mind has the word FUCK down right and you use it efficiently in your vocabulary. I think we can agree that the Imprint is important enough in regards to free speech to allow your rhetoric to get printed. Remember, Randy we’re not all as lucky as you are, and have a high paying co-cp job to pay for our schooling. Some of us work three part-time jobs and still barely make enough to cut it. If you don’t mind writing cheques so much, send them this way you ungrateful elitist. You said you would be first in line to hit the switch for the death penalty to quote “Fry the son-of-a-bitch.” Well, would you be as quick if it was your girlfriend who was possibly wrongly convicted. Have you ever heard of the Donald Marshall case, Look it up, it may interest you ! I took first year economics Randy like you told me I should, so what? Freer Trade my ass, where’s the comparative advantage and if you know please inform the unemployed farmers and factory workers who are not as fortunate to have a high paying co-op job! Parlez-vous francais? I didn’t think

TWO weeks ago, I submitted a letter to the editor titled ‘Regarding The Qur’an Speaks’. When the letter was published, last issue, it was under the title ‘Leave Islam to Muslims’?!! I also happened to know that titles of some other ‘letters to the editor’ were changed as well. I am submitting this letter to inform the reader of Imprint that the title appeared above my previous letter to the editor is NOT mine. In fact, that title is against the contents of my letter and in contrary with the purpose of my regular religious column ‘The Qur’an Speaks’. As a reader of Imprint, I ask the editor to either run the title that is given to him/her by the person who submits the letter or at least consult her/him regarding any variation in the title. Till then, I’ll not trust the titles in this page!! Sumch Rehun VLSI Reseorch


Editor’s note: It is standard journalistic practice for editors to write headlines, including those on letters to the editor. Mr. Rehn argued that most writings on Islam we not written 6y Muslims and thut other writings do not reflect the “true” Islam.

Letters to the editor must be received by Monday at five p.m. and must include a signature and phone number. Electronic mail Ietter writers must sign and deliver a hard copy before the letter can be published.

66 Fbnkin Street Unit 10




Beyond by Dave special


Al partic+ding




the rim of the starllg - number

Switzer to Imprint

The quotations in this column are from the novel Prime Directive by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens. Star Trek’s “Federation [of Planets] was founded .., on a dream--a dream of greater goals and greater good, of common purpose and cooperation, but beyond all else, it was a dream to know more, a dream to explore the farthest limits and then go beyond.” One of Starfleet’s main purposes is to contact new civilizations; they contact planets who are advanced and invite them to join the Federation. The Prime Directive essentially says that Starfleet members are forbidden to interfere in the natural development of less advanced cultures. Starfleet “cannot presume to have either the moral or ethical right to pro&m what other iultureg should do until they have achieved a leveJ of development Fufficient enough to consider what [the Federation has] to offer as equals.” If Starfleet went around giving&so advanced cultures whatever thq wanted, the natural evolution of p’&se cultures would be disrupted. Y However, Kirk felt obliged to interfere in societies that weren’t run the way he thought they should be..ln “The Apple” he destroys a computer called Vaal that provides for the people of the planet. It keeps its people continually happy, but it doesn’t [et them progress. Kirk and McCoy want the people to run their own lives, but Speck suggests that they don’t have the right to choose for them.

Picard does things a bit differently (of course, he hasn’t run into any societies run by computers either). We see the results of breaking the Prime Directive in “Who Watches the Watchers.” A race at the Bronze Age level, the Mintakans, believes that Picard is a god. Picard feels it is necessary to risk further contamination to repair the inadvertent damage. He eventually convinces the people that he is not a god by allowing himself to be shot with an arrow. Advanced technology should not be given to those who don’t know how to use it wisely. The Pakleds (“Samaritan Snare”) acquire technology that is beyond them, and they can’tget enough of it. They kidnap Geordi to make him give them more weapons. The Pakleds aren’t evil, but power has corrupted them and they want more. Here on Earth, technology has increased rapidly in recent history. However, our values have not undergone the necessary corresponding changes. We have incredible technology in many facets of life, but we’re more likely to use it to produce weapons (even though we already have enough to destroy the planet many times over) than help people who are starving. What if we had applied something like the Prime Directive here in past centuries? There has been a lot of devastating interference in other cultures. Of course, some cultures are more advanced than they seem. The history of the “Western” world has been one of domination and subjugation. If Western colonizers hadn’t im-


of a




posed their culture on others everywhere they went, what would the world look like? They might have learned a few things from the natives here in North America (for instance, that we are a part of our environment and not above it)* There might not be as many arbitrary boundaries drawn on the world. The Prime Directive ties in with the philosophy of IDIC, which I discussed previously. We shouldn’t interfere in other cultures because the variety is something to be cherished, not eradicated. Maybe we would like everyone to have the advantages of our culture, but we’re acting like the Borg if we try to assimilate everyone. The Borg are half-machine, halforganic beings who assimilate other races (because they’re better than everyone else). They are not individuals (at least, not until Hugh came along (“I, Borg”)); they are a collective inteljigence who act as one. The Borg’s way of doing things is very efficient, but their only reason for existence is to improve themselves by assimilating new technolOgYIt’s easy to see the Borg as villains, but much harder to see ourselves that way. We only want what’s best for everyone, but we can’t decide what’s best for other people. We must allow everyone to make their own decisions. It would be difficult, if not impossible, not to interfere in other cultures here on crowded Earth. But we could definitely treat other cultures with more respect.







we must realize that, even though our ways of doing things seem better, they may not work there. When on Romulus, do as the Romulans do...



“And among HIS (GOD’s) Signs is this, that HE created for you mates from among yourselves that you might live $ tranquillity with them, and HE has put love and mercy between your (hearts): Verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.” - translation of the meaning of the Qur’kic verse 30:2 I


in Islam

by Sameh


E. Rehan

The family is a human social group whose members are bound together by the bond of blood ties and/or marital relationship. The family bond entails mutual expectations of rights and obligations that are prescribed by religion, enforced by law, and observed by the group members. Marriage and the family are central in the Islamic system. Prophet Muhammad says that .when a Muslim marries, s/he has thereby perfected half her/his religion; so let her/him be GOD-minded and careful with the other half. in fact, the normal course of behavior for the Muslim individual is to be family oriented and to seek a family of his/her own. Muslim schotars have interpreted the Qur’an to mean that marriage is a religious duty, a moral safeguard, and a social commitment. As a religious duty, it must be fulfilled; but like all other duties in Islam, it is enjoined only upon those who are capable of meeting the responsibilities involved. Islam recognizes that there is no more natural relationship than that of blood, and no more wholesome pattern of sexual intimacy than one in which morality and gratification are joined. Mutual alliance, clientage, private consent to sexual intimacy, and ‘common law’ or ‘trial’ marriages do NOT institute a family in the Islamic sense. Islamic punishments’for sex-related crimes (e.g., rape, adultery, and fornication) have been prescribed to prevent these abominable antisocial anti-family crimes taking place. At the same time, [slam emphasizes prevention of such social crimes rather than creating opportunities to commit them. In fact, islam has made marriage easy and simple and extra-marital sexual avenues have been made very difficult to

pursue. In Islam, heterosexual marriage is the ONLY permitted way to have sex and to have children. No extra marital sex is allowed. As a result of this firm stand, Islamic societies always have the lowest rate of sexually transmitted diseases. However, marriage in Islam is more than just a means of obtaining legal sex; it is an extremely important institution which safeguards the rights of women, men, and children while satisfying the physiqal, emotional, and intellectual needs of the family members. Muslims are designated by the Qur’an as a MIDDLE NATION and lslam is considered as the well-balanced and wel I-integrated system for life. This is particularly clear in the case of marriage which Islam regards as neither a sacrament nor a simple civil contract. The Islamic course is one of equitable and realistic moderation.The marriage contract should be taken as a serious, permanent bond. But if it does not work well for any valid reason, it may be terminated in kindness and honor, with equity and peace. This middle position of Islam alleviates the need for ‘affairs’ outside marriage which create the unsurmountable problems of the determination of paternity and inheritance, illegitimate children, incest, infidelity, and the break-up of families. This article is excerpted from the Islamic book ‘Islam in Focus’ by Dr. Hammudah AbdAlati. For more information about Islam, please call 725-8779 or send an e-mail to The Qur’an Speaks is presented by the UW Muslim study Group. Sameh E Rehan is a PhD candidate in electrical and computer engineering. The views expressed in this column ure those ofthe author 07nddo not necessarily represent those ofevery member ofthe UW Muslim Study Group.

Oktoberfest Beauty Pageant akight by me-’ Somehow I would have thought that in this day of feminism and women’s rights, beauty pageants would have changed along with the times. Yet this year’s Miss Oktoberfest pageant wasn’t any different from the many beauty pageants I once watched with excitement as a Me girl. Of course the audience at the Centre In The Square was treated to only a small portion of the week long competition. Within the mere hour and a half, we saw the evening gown and swimsuit competitions, a tiny selection from the talent contest, and a short prepared speech on issues important to each of the five finalists. I was honestly surprised to discover that the swimsuit competition still exists, especially since contestants are supposed to be judged on poise, personality, intellect and talent. When a contestant was chosen winner of this competition, I had to question on what basis such an award could be given out. It seemed pretty simple to me. Whoever looks the best in a swimsuit and high heels gets the prize. This didn’t seem right to me. Sure it’s nice to be able to fill out a swimsuit in all the right places, bur what does this have to do with poise, personality, intellect or talent? Absolutely nothing in my mind. At first I was deeply offended. After all, it was my duty as a nineties woman to be so, right? Certainly I’ve heard the arguments: beauty pageants are sexist, chauvinistic and exptoitive of women. To some degree this is probably true, after all, five of the seven judges for Miss Oktoberfest were, indeed, men. Yet after thinking long and hard over this issue, I concluded that these arguments are really only secondary in the controversy over beauty pageants. . The primary issue is that beauty pageants cater to what the public wants to see. Simply put, people want to see and experience beauty. This is why the majority of the evening at the Centre In The Square was devoted to the evening gown and swimsuit competitions. These are the opportunities in which contestants demonstrate their beauty, not for the sake of their own egos, but for the &ke of an audience, and in a larger scope, a society which craves beauty in all forms. Let’s face it, who would want to see a pageant based solely upon the pursuit of an intellectual personality? No one 1 can think of, including myself. The reality is that we live in a society that values beauty.’ We believe, though wrongly, that

beauty is equated with goodness, and each year we spend billions of dollars on products that promise to help us attain an ideat beauty that we all aspire to have. Though this pursuit may or may not have gotten out of hand, it is, nonetheless, the reality of the world we live in. The question is, is it so bad to appreciate beauty? We certainly are not alone in our pursuit of it. All cultures from the beginning of time have From our own modern sought after beauty. western society, to a primitive African tribal society, beauty is somtihing that everyone values. In ancient Greek mythology, Helen of Troy, in her beauty, launched a thousand ships. It is a natural thing to love beauty. Next question. Should the sixteen contestants for Miss Oktoberfest be ashamed of their beauty and try to ignore it for the sake of the women’s movement? They certainly demonstrated that beautywas notthe only attribute they possessed. Many were either university graduates or undergraduates. All had post secondary education. All were actively involved within their schools and communities and possessed significant talents. For them, beauty was only one aspect in their quest for the title of Miss Oktoberfest. And rest assured, I expect that during the week long competition, contestants, were indeed, judged on their poise, personality, intellect and talent. Yer the audience at rhe Centre In The Square did not come to see contestants compete in such boring and mundane competitions. They came to see the glitter, the glamour and the beauty. They were nicely rewarded. I now understand why beauty pageants have not changed in the last twenty years. Despite the growing opposition among women and advocates of women’s rights, we still live in a society in which enough women can still take pride in their own beauty, and enough of the rest of society can still appreciate it. When we stop valuing beauty, only then will there no longer be an interest in beauty pageants. It will be a shame if this ever happens, for a world without beauty, whether it is natural, artistic or human, would certainly be a dull and sad place to live in.

Carrie special to




15, 1993



In My Religion

“When shall we have the courage to outgrow the charity mentality and see that at the bottom of all relations b e tween rich and poor there is a problem of justice?” - Dom Helder Camara

Charity, the giving away par-t of one’s wealth to those with less, when not coupled with a critique of those systems and structures that create poverty, leads to the perpetuation of the social status quo, and leaves the poor in need of hand-outs and a lack of self-respect. Many people, like Sameh E. Rehan, who writes ‘The Qur’an Speaks’ for the Imprint, believe that charity “reduces differences between classes and groups ... purging the soul of the rich from selfishness and the soul of the poor from envy and resentment.” (See Sept 17, The Qur’an Speaks). I disagree with this observation totally and believe this view results in a social economic conservatism which is unable to engage in selfcriticism, and is fearful of any change in the social system that wiII reduce the privileges of those “fortunate” enough to be able to give alms. Giving to the poor through a charity is not the answer to the problems of the poor. Charity is a mere poisoned ban-aid - what people need is



- open

justice in their political and economic relationships - not self-serving hand-outs from the dogooders of a higher class. Not only does charity lead to conservatism, bit it also sucks-the dignity and pride out of the people who are in need of assistance. Having grown up in government housing, I know what “charity” does to a person’s image of themselves. Contrary to what Sameh Rehan might think, charity does not purge the soul of the poor of anything, instead the soul is degraded and told that it is a non-contributing second or third-class citizen. The saddest thing is when the poor believe they are personally responsible for their economic situation. But this is what charity does to us - it feeds our bellies and lures our minds away from a critique of the social structures which create poverty. It shields us from seeing that the fundamental problem between rich and poor is one of justice. It is time the rich and privileged people of this world gain some reai courage and see that the poor do not need their god-damn hand-outs, but a world based on principles of justice and fairness for all people, where we can all live with a sense of pride and self-respect. The views expressed in this column ore those of the author and do not necesson’ly represent those ofevery member ofthe UW Student Christian Movement.



by Michael J3ryson special to Imprint “A major revolution to be won in the immediate future is the dissipation of man’s illusion that his own welfare can be separate from that of all others. Aslongasmanisshackledtothismyth, so long will the human spirit languish. Concern for our private, material wellbeing with disregard for the well-being of others is immoral according to precepts of our Judeo-Christian civilization, but worse, it is stupidly worthy of the lower animals.” (Saul D. Alinsky,

Rules for Radicals).

From as far away as Ottawa, we came to experience briefly the reality

of the five hundred people who make up the Lubicon Lake Nation of northern Alberta. Participants of the seminar began arriving shortly after 4:00 on July 24, 1993, and for the rest of the week, the ebb and flow of time was a constant reminder that we visitors were from another culture -- our assumptions of schedules and fixed deadlines were as artificial as the relativity of the “it happens when it happens” reality of Indian Times. Another cultural‘ difference became evident that evening when the men went to play baseball, and the women went to the bingo. In the final session that week someone said that he had come to walk with the people in their daily struggles and stay apart from the land rights struggle. After this week he realized that the struggles were one and the same. 4 .



Yes, it smelled bad, but it was beautiful. It lay on its side, its guts slit open and its blood slowly oozing through the grass. Somewhere close by, some Cree children were playing, disinterested in the beast their dad was dismembering on their front lawn. The white people crowded around, curious, some taking turns with the knife, others shooing away the dogs who had come in search of an easy meal. “Awus!“(Get lost in Cree). The moose had arrived on the back of Dwight’s truck half an hour earlier when most of the white people were preparing for bed. Word had gone out, and quickly a crowd had assembled. Perhaps the largest gathering to witness a moose getting butchered in the history of Little Buffalo. White people do find the strangest things interesting. “Long time ago, when people first arrived at Lubicon, everything was in harmony, There were lots of forests, lots of animals, lots of resources for

them. It went on that way for a long time. But eventuallythey started to see a lot of their traplines and forests disappear, mostly because of development coming into the region. These developers had absolutely no regard for their existence” (Elder Edwatd Laboucan, translated from Cree, Lubicon Commission of review).




Travel straight east from Little Buffalo to the point due north of TO-

ronto and you will find yourself in Hudson’s Bay. There are no rocks here, south of the Canadian Shield, only grasslands and woods. There are no scurrying animals, no squirrels or chipmunks. Pine forests that were wiped out by forest fires in the 1980s (likely the result of the oil development) have grown back into stands of poplar. In late July the sun rises at 430 and sets at I I :30. Saskatoon berries grow everywhere. little Buffalo became the main Lubicon community in the ‘505, when the authorities built the school at its present location. Previously, the Lubicons had lived scattered around this location. The main settlement had been on Lubicon Lake, six miles west of Little Buffalo. After the school was built, the people soon moved to be with their attending children. There is no running water. Water is stored outside the houses in plastic barrels. The roads are few and full of pot-holes and ruts. There is a baseball diamond and a bunch of boards for a hockey rink. The children ride around on quads and three-wheelers.

“People sayto me, ‘What’s

parents and children and the old peaple? During one ‘I 8 month period,there were something like 21 pregnancies and ‘I 8 children were stillborn” (Fred

that”genocide the young”,

is when the old bury but the killing in Little

“Throughout the twentieth century, but especially after the Second World War, native communities have been assaulted by northern industrial development. As non-native Canadians have sought

riginal people have watched their traditional economy disintegrate in thewake of hydro dams, uranium mines, oil wells, logging operations, pulp mills, and min-



Lennarson, Lubicon mission of Review)

reality Settlement




it like?’

and I say, ‘What would Edmonton look like 10 years after everybody had been forced onto welfare and had to stand in line with their hand out in order to survive? What would that do to the relationshipsbetweenmenandwomenand

quoted as saying in John Goddard’s book, Last Stand of the Lubicon Cree

Genocide The word genocide is often used to describe what’s going on with Little Buffalo: a deliberate killing off of a people, a culture. One of the elders is




Buffalo, like the pace of live, is slow. It’s death by neglect, a bleeding of power and hope out of the community. Agenocide that’s difficultto communicate. Cities have neighbourhoods like this, but in Little Buffalo there is nothing else. 90+% alcoholism, welfare, mistrust, despair, powerlessness.

“When the damage has come to public attention, it is usually presented as an isolated event, and unfortunate accidental side-effect. Yet the evidence shows it is neither ... There is a clear pattern ,.. of official denials, lengthy delays in compensation, a weakened or destroyed native economy, mounting dependence on welfare,.and a terrible toll of violence and anger in the affected communities.” (Geoffrey York, The Dispossessed: Life and Death in Native Canad@.



Pulp Mill

We drove to Peace River, a town of about 5000 inhabitants outside the Lubicon settlement, for a picnic by the Diashowa-Marubeni pulp mill. A wall mural proclaimed that the history of Peace River began I60 years ago when the river had been main route transportation for settlers, traders, and pioneers. The centuries of First Natioris occupation of the land and their use of the river are ignored. It struck me that the skills Dwight had demonstrated in carving up the moose would have no value here. The pulp mill was run almost entirely by computers. The contrast between the cultures was staggering. Someone said later that the plant reminded them of hell: steamy, impersonal, mechanized, a place where life ends but does not begin. The land was packaged for sale here. The rationalizations of “harvesting resources” and “managingtimber supplies” made sense here. At the same time, the lives of the people who depend on the land for their identity were devalued almost to the point of nonexistence. The mill was built in the late 1980s at a cost of $570 million. 30 people run it 24 hours a day, seven days a week, The trees beside the plant could keep it working for over a year. Our tour guide was proud of her company. She talked about its generous management plan, which gives every employee the chance of ad-

Timber not for

and the

oil bring Lubicon.

in profit


vancement, Evevone climbs the ladder according to a set system. Someone questioned her about the





The Lubicons continue their struggle on many fronts. Until a decade ago the Lubicons were relfsufficient, living similarly to their ancestors. The houses in Little Buffalo are standardized and government-issued. The Natives struggle with the cultural, spiritual and societal consequences of being dumped into the twentieth century. The land nowadays no longer supports enough moose or other wildlife to sustain the Lubicon. Extended logging is also seen as a battle that must be won, because otherwise the death of the land that they have always known might be imminent Some Lubicon have already gone to jail for defending the land from what they call foreign invaders. The boycott against the products of Diashowa-Marubeni (currently Woolworth’s and affiliates) is an extension of this struggle.. The Natives remain hopeful that the Federal government of Canada will negotiate a settlement with them that considers their needs. The Lubicon Settlement Commission of Review, which released its final report in March I993,was supposed to help get negotiations started again. So far, the government has not responded to the report’s findings. Citizens are encouraged to lobby their local politicians before the elections.


viability of such a system. “Well, of course,” she said, “you can get to a point when you have too many chiefs and not enough Indians.”

More injimmtion about the history of the Lubicon struggle, see John Goddurd’s.Last Stand of the Lubicon Gee, or contact Friends ofthe hbicon, Toronto, Ontario, M68 I K6.

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UW comeback



Bennet shoots the lights out, but Guelph g&s inside truck forplayoffs Warrior Football Saturdr1y, October 9 ’ Guelph 26, Waterloo 24 Smirdav. October 16. 2 p.m. at La&r Golden Hawks (at Seagram Stadium) Warrior Soccer ‘cVednrsday, October 6 Waterloo 0, Guelph 0 Wednesday. October 13 at Brock Badgers Saturday. October 16. 1 p.m. Laurier Golden Hawks SLlIIdiI~. OCtnbtX 17. 1 p.m. ;12cMastrr Marauders (both ganlss at Columbia Fxld) Athena Soccer R’cdnesday, October 6 U’aterloo 2, Guelph 2 Wednesday. October 13 at Brock Badgers Saturday, October 16, 3 p.m. Laurier Golden l-lawks Sunday, October 17. 3 p.m. ,ClcMaster Marauders (both games at Columbia Field) Athena Field Hockey Friday, October 8 Toronto 1, Waterloo 0 Waterloo 6, Trent 0 Sunday, October 17 At Western versus Western Mustangs, 1 p.m. versus Guelph Gryphons, 3 p.m.

Warrior quarterback touchdowns passing.


Cross Country Friday, October 8 at Western Mustang Open Saturday, October 16 Waterloo Open

bg Peter Imprint

15, Waterloo



Saturday, October 16, 1 p-m. versus McMaster Marauders (at Columbia Field) Warrior Golf Monday & Tuesday, October 4 & Fifth-place at OUAA Finals


Warrior Tennis Saturday, October 16. 10:30 a.m. at Ottawa Gee Gees Varsity Rowing Saturday, October l&8:30 a.m. at Western Open Varsity Swimming Friday, October 15 OUAA Relays at Guelph Warrior Hockey Friday, October 8 Queen’s 3, WaterIoo 2 (OT) Saturday, October 9 Waterloo 7, Guelph 6 Sunday, October 10 UQTR 7, Waterloo 6 Sixth place in Oktoberfest Tournie


by Nicholas lklew Imprint Sports

Football . . . . . . 14, 21 Rugby . . . . . . . . . I( Hockey . , . . . . . . 1~ Soccer

_ _ _ _ _ _ . . . 1:

Field Hockey . . . . _. . , Warrior Basketball . . . . . . Varsity Rowing . . . . . . . Campus Recreation . . . +. Athletes of the Week . . . . Varsity


. . . . .


and still lose.” Waterloo amassed 470 yards in offence to Cuelph’s 247, but just couldn’t put the points on the board. For the second time in three weekends, the Warriors dominated their opponent statistically, but allowed a late, score. The loss leaves the Warriors with a 2-3 record, while Guelph improves to 3-2. UW must beat the 4-l Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks tomorrow (see preview on page 2 I) and the Windsor Lancers (l-4) next weekend, both games at Seagram Stadium. (Waterloo students ore reminded

that Laurier is the home team fir tomorrow’s game, meaning thclt they Al hwe to pay admission on the way in.) Waterloo also has to count on York upsetting Guelph tomorrow, since the Gryphons would win a tiebreaker with UW by virtue of last weekend’s

win. The Hawks had trouble

with the

with 318 yards photo

and two by Dave Thomson

I-4 McMaster Marauders, but won 2010. The ClAU number-one ranked and 5-O Toronto Varsity Blues continued their winning ways, thumping the York Yeomen 42-20 in their annual Thursday night game. The 4-l Western Mustangs bulldozered the Lancers 5 I - 17. Waterloo’s second-half resu rgence versus Cuelph was done mainly through the air. It started with a 75 yard Steve Bennet bomb to veteran receiver Kent Willmore to cut the lead to 23-10 (the Gryphs blocked the convert). Two minutes later, Waterloo’s offence got the ball back and proceeded to drive 80 yards in three minutes, all of it in the air. Bennet completed five of six pass attempts on this drive, culminating in a diving, 27.yard touchdown catch by Adrian Thorne. Then, on the first play of the

Skatingwoundedheadsouth to battlethe Yanks

Warrior Basketball Friday, October 16 versus Sheridan College (at PAC Main Gym)

Warrior Warrior Wgrrior

Brown sports

A remarkable comeback bid fell short last Saturday as the football Warriors lost a crucial game 26-24 Guelph at Seagram Stadium. After trailing 23-4 early in the second half, Waterloo scored three touchdowns in ten minutes to take a 24-23 lead. But Gryphon quarterback Rob Kitching and his dangerous duo of receivers Dave Irwin and Kevin Reid would not give up. Kitching threw a 28-yard pass to Reid to Waterloo’s I &yard line with a minute left to play. This set up Peter Barbaric for a I O-yard chip shot with I5 ticks on the clock, his fourth field goal of the game. “We were really disappointed with the result of the game,” said UW head coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight. “It’s heartbreaking and upsetting to play that well

Warrior Rugby ‘Thursday. October 7 Guelph

Steve Bennet (1) had a career day versus He also ran for 74 yards and a touchdown.

fourth quarter, a Gryphon fumbled a UW punt on his own one-yard line. Bennet tied the game with a one-yard plunge and Rick Guenther put UW ahead for the first time with the convert. Bennet surpassed his previous career high, set against Western two weeks ago, with a I 39of-22, 3 I8-yard passing performance- He was also UWs leading rusher with 73 yards on IO carries. “Everyone kept saying we couldn’t do it,” Knight said. “You know, our offence is not very good, we can’t pass, and the rest of it. But I knew that Bennet was capable of throwing the ball. You have to take what people give you. Guelph decided they weren’t going to allow us to run the football, so they geared up their defence to stop the run and they played disastrous pass defence. We threw 22 times; I wish we had thrown 42.” Under Bennet’s leadership, Waterloo racked up 470 yards in total offence, easily the highest this season, while the defence held Guelph to only 247. Despite this huge disparity, Guelph took advantage of UWs mistakes to build a 20-4 half-time lead. “Our special teams hurt us; that was the main disappointment,” Knight said. The “big hurt” Tuffy referred to was a I I8-yard kick return for a touchdown by Heron Tait after a Rick Guenther field goal attempt that was hung up by the wind midway through the second quarter. This score put Guelph up 17-3. In another special teams miscue near the end of the first quarter, a fumbled punt return gave Guelph the ball at Waterloo’s 40-yard line. Kyle Walters cashed in this opportunity with a four-yard TD run. Willmore and Thorne were the big play men for Waterloo. Willmore totalled I4 I yards on three catches, while Thorne snared three of his own for 76 yards. Mike Mallet caught three passes for 52 yards and rushed I4 times for 67 yards. Guelph’s running game collapsed after starter Rob Popkey left the game with an injury after. rushing just once for two yards. Walters stepped up, gaining 39 yards on 12 carries. The Gryphons gained only 2.6 yards per carry on the ground. Irwin was Kitching’s main go-to man with I I catches for I35 yards.

If 2: 2~ 2~


. . . . . _ 2!



Take a roster of 30 or so hopefuls and veterans+ cut that down to 23, break a leg here, twist an ankle there, separate a shoulder, cut off a finger, etc., and what do you have! The 1993-94 Waterloo Warriors hockey team, where there’s as much ice in the dressing room as in the arena! The Ice-Men, decimated by injuries and defections, are still gearing up for the regular season, and this weekend head to the University of Western Michigan (Kalamazoo, Ml) and Notre Dame (South Bend, IN) for two more pre-reason bouts. The strength ofthese U.S. schools, stocked liberally wirh expatriate . . I . *I \a,-... Canucks, IS Unknown, Dur tne vvarnors will no doubt have their hands full as Western Michigan is always a force on the ice and Notre Dame has all that spotting tradition and rah-rah spirit that Canadians hate but wish that we had all the same.



last Friday



(8) wheels

3-2 avertime

Over the past weekend, the Warriors co-hosted the annual Oktoberfest tournament along with the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks, and while there


from a Queen’s

loss to the




by Dave



wascertainlysomeentertaininghockey going on, it wasn’t the winning kind for the Waterloo Ice-Men. In the Warrior’s first game on

Friday, they had the score knotted at two with Queen’s, but in overtime gave up the only breakaway for the Golden Gaels in the game. The Queen’s forward fired a beautiful shot that Waterloo goalie James Organ had no chance on. The Warriors’ goals were scored by jason Metvyn and Geoff Rawson. Waterloo’s second game, played Saturday, was against Guelph, who had lost to Windsor on hiday. In what can be termed a scorefest, where neither side put any defencemen on the ice, the Warriors managed to outblast the Gryphons 7-6. Steve Smith and Bill Whistle each had two goals in the game, with Mervyn, Dean MacDonald, and Marc Vaughan rounding out the scoring. Rookiegoalie Nathan Cressman, with the Bowling Green






butwas shell-shocked with shots, stopping just enough for the win. The Warriors’ Geoff Rawson, who .


to page



friday, october

IS, I993

*~~~~~~~ExKzJ* SoccerAthenas UW with win much-needed over Stang’s top seed

by Janet Tseng Imprint sports On Wednesday, October 6, the women’s varsity tennis team set toward London to compete in one of their last tournaments of the season. Third-year player Kati Afkhami surprised the Mustangs with a 6-4,3-6, 7-5 win over Western’s number-one seed, the first time in seven years that at Athena player has accomplished this. There seemed to be no nerves in sight on the drive to Western -- the women were determined not to be intimidated despite being about to face the perennial first-place Western Mustangs. One player who certainly did not appear intimidated was Margo Metcalfe. Her mental toughness was tested from the start as she was matched against a very vocal opponent from UWO. It was a battle of emotions and endurance in which Metcalfe was eventually defeated, but only by a narrow margir,, 6-4, 6-4. Honourable mention also goes to the doubles team of Manju Sekhri and Jennifer Patriquin who played such an exciting match that they started a nailbiting session among their teammates and coach who were spectating. Sekhri and Patriquin started off by playing more of a defensive game, causing them to lose the first set 6-2. That sparked the duo to adjust their strategy by returning serves from way inside the court and approaching the net to close in on their opponents. The aggressive change of play was successful and the Athenas rallied back to win the second set 6-4. On the third and deciding set, it was obvious that both teams wanted to win and they wanted it badly. Late in

the third set, the Mustangs were serving for the match at 5-4, but Sekhri and Patriquin struggled to stay in it, breaking serve and taking it to 5-5. For the next two games, each team held service, forcing a tie-break situation. At this point, the Mustangs began to take control and were suddenly ahead 6-O. However, their opponents being one point away from winning did not seem to phase the Athenas, who fought back to win five points in a row. Realizingtheir situation, the Western pair finally managed to finish off the set with a score of 7-5 in the tiebreaker. lastly, Kati Afkhami must be credited for winning the only match of the night for Waterloo, especially when this involved beating Western’s number-one seed. From the first game, it looked like is was going to be a close match. Afkhami took the first set 6-4 by focusing on consistency. Her opponent caught on to Afkhami’s game and managed to tie it up by winning the next set 6-3. In the third set, her opponent tried approaching the net many times, but Afkhami continued to hit the ball back hard, frustrating the ‘Stang player and causing her to stam volleys right into the net. Although both players were also serving well, Afkhami came up with the victory by a score of 6-4,3-6,7-5. Her performance earned her UW female athlete of the week honours. Tomorrow (Saturday, October 16) McMaster will be hosting a seasonending tournament where the Athenas will play against Toronto and the Marauders. The Athenas hope that they will make up for some lost points.

byCUfZOS DonaZd



The Waterloo soccer Athenas continued their quest for a playoff berth with a trip down highway 7 to battle the Guelph Gryphons on Wednesday, October 6. The game resulted in a 2-2 tie, giving the Athenas a much-needed point The team played at Brock this past Wednesday, October 13. Both Waterloo and Guelph were coming off oftough weekend losses, so the fans expected a spirised battle and they were not disappointed. After ten minutes of cautious play by both sides, the Gryphons started to press, using their aggressive, physical style to create some dangerous opportunities. These included two shots which bounced off the crossbar. Many other chances were thwarted by the speed of UW sweeper TifFany Kanitz and the agility of last week’s female athlete of the week, goalkeeper Nicole Wight The constant pressure paid off after 25 minutes when a Gryphon winger muscled an Athena off the ball in the corner and laid a quick pass back to a charging midfielder. She made no mistake, placing her shot just over the outstretched fingers of Wight. This goal only strengthened the resolve of the Athenas and they proceeded to dominate the rest of the half. Once again, the midfield led the charge, especially Kyla Bagnall, who used her speed to get free for a drive from I5 yards which sailed just a tad high. Stopper Anna Hoogendoorn was also wreaking havoc on the Gryphon defence with her attacking style. After one of her shots from 25 yards was stopped by the opposing keeper, she found herself in almost the same position a few minutes later. This time, she was target, bending a lovely strike around the keeper and into the top corner, leaving the score tied at hatf-



get point \

time. The second half saw more excellent play from Waterloo, but an improved effort from the Gryphons kept the play primarily in the midfield* Each team generated few scoring opportunities, the best of which was a thundering left-footed crack from Athena winger Anita Toogood which beat the Guelph goaltender then narrowly missed the post. Sensing what the team needed, UW head coach Bruce Rodrigues, arguably the wisest coach in the OWIAA, sent in a mighty mite

Bonnie Darbyson to fire up the offence. Within minutes a through ball found Darbyson coming in on the net alone. Showing the poise of all great strikers, Darbyson calmly found the back of the net to give Waterloo its first lead of the game. Unfortunat&y, the women did not react well to this unfamiliar position and found themselves retreating in the face of many Gryphon charges.


to page




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15, I993

Warriors out of plavoffs, hope to avoid relegation






. by Edson Castilho Imprint sports Last Thursday, the Waterloo Warrior rugby sides officially eliminated themselves from postseason play. The Varsity Warriors lost IS-3 in an uninspired performance. The Junior Varsity side showed a lot more intensity and fight in a I2- 10 defeat. After the huge upset over Queen’s the weekend before, the Warriors were pumped and ready to make an attempt at reaching the playoffs for the first time in four years. When game time arrived, however, the Warriors just did not seem to be up for it. Guelph kicked the ball off and for the next I2 minutes the referee made quite sure that Waterloo had no opportunity to encroach upon the Guelph half of the pitch by calling half a dozen penalties against them. Most were very dubious calls at best and the Warriors were lucky not to be down by 9 or I 2 points, thanks to the atrocious Guelph kicking. After the initial onslaught by Guetph and the

referee for the first I2 minutes, the game started to settle down into a very predictable pattern. With a trigger-happy referee, the game never flowed and was marked by kicks for touch, kicks at goal, strums and line-outs. There was very tittte opportunity for the backs to show their skills as every time a ruck or maul was formed the ref blew up the play for penalty or serum. The result was a very boring half of rugby. With the score O-O at the half, things were looking good for the Warrior. If they could come with a little more intensity they might be able to ride Simon Lewis’ boot to victoe. However, the side came out even flatter than in the first half. Another factor was the style of Guelph play. The predominant feature of play on the day was something like this: Guelph would be camped in the Waterloo zone for stretches of play and then the ref would call a penalty against them. Lewis would boot the ball welt into the Guelph side of the field. Guelph would almost invariably win the line-out and the flyhalf would send a kick into Waterloo’s sihe of the field. Then the same pattern would start over again. Guelph kicked

everything in sight and kept Waterloo pinned inside their 22-metre line for most of the match. Eventually their game plan paid off and they were rewarded with a try from an eight-man pickup play from about five yards out and I2 minutes into the game. Five minutes later, another lapse in the Warrior defence and the found themselves down by IO. From the ensuing kickoff, Guelph conceded a penalty about 35 yards out which Lewis put through to puti Waterloo to within seven atid restore some hope tohis side. The comeback did not materialize however as Guelph stuck to their game plan which Waterloo could do nothing about due to the obvious height advantage enjoyed by Guelph in the lineouts. With five minutes left to play, Guetph consolidated their victory with on more try to make the score 15-3, With this toss, Waterloo finds itself in grave danger of being relegated to division two next season. At least one more victory is vital and it must come against either McMaster tomorrow or Western next Saturday. The Junior Varsity was a far more entertaining affair. There was a lot more flow to this game as the ref decided to let the players dominate the play, unlike the previous game in which the ref displayed his ability to completely disrupt and spoil a game of rugby with overzealous policing of rucks and mauls. Watertoostartedoffwetiandappiiedalotof pressure on Guelph’s goat line with some good rucking and mauling play by Peter Alexander and an especially fired-up Michael Suska and Geoff Meddle. Cenrre Corey Richards was devastating on defence with a number of bone-crunching tackles on his opposite number. The Guelph flyhalf must stilt be feeling the effects of the tackle Richards laid on him about five minutes into the

and five minutes later w&e rewarded for their relentless pressure. From a strum inside the Guelph 22-metre zone, the Gryphons ran the ball out. Some very shoddy passing resulted in a Fenton Travers interception. He proceeded to take the ball about five yards out from the end zone after a good run. Some great rucking allowed prop Michael Lippert t? Pick the ball up and dive into the end zone for the five points. Steve Goodacre added the two point convert and the Warriors found themselves up by a score of 7-3. For the rest of the half, Guelph chipped away at the Waterloo lead and at the half were up 9-7 after two more penalty kicks. The second half was marked by Waterloo’s inability to finish up good attacking play and very solid defence. Whenever Guelph tried to run anything out wide, Jamie Mistry, in his season debut, made sure that nobody went around him by making some good tackles. He also made a couple of good runs on the wing the few times that he received the ball. After I2 minutes, Guelph extended their lead with another penalty kick to five points. From there on in the match wasall Waterloo. However, they could not finish offat least a halfa dozen good scoring opportunities. Steve Goodacre made the deficit just two points with a penalty about 20 minutes in, but that was as close as the Warriors would come. With two minutes left in the game, Waterloo had two opportunities to pull ahead via penalty kicks. They missed both and the match ended soon afterwards. Despite the loss, the ~VS played a great game and dominated much of the play. Cuelph’s kicker, 4-of-4 on kicks, decided the final outcome but the Warriors.had nothing to hang their heads down about after displaying some gritty determination and an intensity sadly lacking in the Varsity side. Tomorrow the Warriors play McMaster at I :OO p-m. on Columbia Field. Come on out to the game and cheer on the Warriors as they attempt to avoid relegation this season.

game. After seven minutes, the first Guetph attack resulted in a penalty and a three-point lead for the home team. Waterloo came right back at them


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Lynne Woolstencro

Andrew I

was the Federation of students President at Waterloo, for two years. I was on the senate executive at Waterloo. One of my last acts on senate was to get the President of Federation of students appointed ex-officio, which carried overwhelmingly. I’ve really pushed for students having a role in decision making in the university. There were a number of things 1was really pleased with that came out of my term at the university. One thing was that primary day care was in trouble, and that was the first co-op day care. I was the president that got funding for WPIRG, and that was really the first environmental and consumer group of its type in the region. I became the first UW grad to get elected city council. I have worked to build bridges between the university and the city council. That’s all on a personal level, On a party level, we tabuIate 7.3 million dollars worth of cuts to the previous budget. What w-e did is looked where we were spending money, and we chopped out 7.1 billion dolars over the next four years, then we spent 5.3 bilion of the next four eyars for a saving of 1.8 billion, but what we did was we had to make choices, and we have to make the choice between the status quo and the changes that really need to be made. We made additional cuts to the defense budget. We reduced the professional services budget of the federal budget, we made cuts to big business, and we made cuts to administerial staff and the PMO’s budget, so in allocating our funding, we have public works that desperately need to be done in this country such as sewage treatement plants. . The road program for the regional municipaiity has been devastated because of cutbacks to the provinces. In the case of On*o, Free trade and the high dollar, and the GST have devastated the economy. Now, unemployment has increased and there are more people on welfare. In Waterloo region, 1 out of every 6 peopke are on social assistance, unemployment insurance or family benefits for survival. At the height of the last recession there were 4700 cases, and now it’s over 11 000. The federal government is only paying for 28% of our welfare costs. This is a shortfall is about 4.5-5 bilIion dollars. What we’re trying to do is recognize that it’s small and medium size businesses that do the hiring. From ‘79 to ‘89, they created 85% of all new jobs. We have to have these sectors expand.We’re going to put 100 million dolllars a year into venture capital to start getting new inventions into


the market. We’re commi ting to spend four bilion dollars in four years on research and development. We’re promoting the Canadian technology network. We’ve got an engineer program set up whereby small manufacturers can get engineering expertise to make them more comptetitive. We’re committed to $20 million dollars for literacy programs. As soon as the economy grows by 3%, we’re committed to providing 50 000 childcare spaces every year for the next threee year. We’re also setting up a national forum on health. We want to deal with the problem by helping prevent people from getting sick. We’re setting up a prenatal program to reduce the incidents of malnutrition. We’ve got an aboriginal head start program to bring in money into aboriginal education. The approach we take to reducing the deficit is that we are comitted to getting more people back to work, so it’s a long term program. We’re investing the the future by investing in infrastructure. Roads and STP are long term programs. We believe that we can stimulate the economy by spending money on R&D and small busi-

think that some of the reasons why I’m a credible choice for the students include the fact that my husband is a professor at Waterloo and 1 teach at a college. I’ve taught everything from course upgrading and illiteracy issues to post secondary courses that give people professional designations such as accountants. I’ve had a breadth of experience witi a variety of education issues, I was first elected to the school board in 1970 adn serveduntil 1985 with a two-yearinterruption, and I’ve served on the board of other schools systems. No other candidate offers that breadth of experience in education issues. You have to look at the choice between a quick fix as opposed to long term answers. I thinkthe fact that KimCampbell chose to launch her education and skills training plank of her platform in this community could have been a high risk, since education is a big business in this town, but she realizes the importance of the University here. I think that Canada is at a real crossroads. If you look at how things were done, we have to decide what is an essential service and what isn’t. What is a service that should be built in terms of a partnership. One of the things that have always concerned me is that Canadians have alway become more and more dependent on gov-


A lot of people are really cyncial about politicians now, but throughout my career, I’ve been an agent of change. I look at public service as a chance to serve, and anywhere I have been, I have always been pushing for change from the status quo.

Lyme Woolstencroft Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Andrew Telegdi Liberal Party of Canada Scott Piatkowski New Democratic Party Mike Connolly Reform Patty of Canada Rita Hushcka-Sprague Libertarian Party of Canada Don Phillip Faithful Independent Candidate Dr. E.T. Kryn Christian Heritage Party of Canada Blaine P. Watson Natural Law Party of Canada


- not an issue

































I +

- must be decided by national referendum







ft ernment. The government tends to grow into a monopoly. So, instead of having many alternatives in public education, for example, you suddenly get this broad sweeping legislation that all public education will look alike. It doesn’t answer 70% of people’s needs. One of the things that the University of Waterloo has been exceedingly successful at is co-op. It’s what has made it one of the best universities in the world, and co-op is a partnership between education and the world of work. I think that coop creates wealth. When government transfers money between government bodies, one level of government is getting a grant to do something that it was going to tax to do anyway. But, if you pull in business or industry, or think tanks like the CD. Howe institute, those people provide the money. You get federal and provincial income tax as well as real money. That’s sort of a fundamental philosophical principle that I support. I support the idea of business and government and other institutions forming partnerships. I think that there has been an obsession with one part of the equation, and that has been a sort of unilateral decision on the side of business. The capping of transfers offended me. If you’re going to grow, to help co-op grow, people have to be convinced that coop students are a worthwhile expenditure for a company. One of the problems at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University is the lack of private investment. Because they’re relatively young universities, they don’t have the kind of fellowship toattract people like McGill or McMaster. I think that that is something that should be addressed. I believe that the government is headed in the right direction. We can’t expect the federal government that has no control over education to be the kind of financier we want them to be, but I do believe there should he more discussion. I remember a stirring speech by James Downey, and it had to do with those who pondered the good, the true, and this has nothing to do with training at all. I was so glad to see a professor of English become the president of a university which has become very technically oriented. I’m not disparaging technical skills or computer science, I’m just saying I recognize that there’s more than just being able to do those things. One of the things that attracted me to Kim Canipbell is that she wants to have p?_any more free votes. There isn’t another leader saying that. That’s the new politics - dowing






nity rather than the party’s position.



T he biggest

Reform Mike Connolly

NDI? PiatkowskZ issue in this

:ampaign is getting Canada back to work. Our job plan has been inde>endentIy verified as providing 500 100 jobs over the next five years. It 41 do this without increasing the deficit- in fact the deficit will come lawn by ten billion dollars a year. Unemployment costs the governIlent tothe tuneofabout $28 billion 1 year. If you figure at 1.6 milllion people unemployed and the costs to ;he government in terms of revenue lost and expenditures out, it’s $17 500 per unemployed worker. If we :ould get people back to work, that would go a long way to decreasing ;he deficit. The federal government has 3 deal with the provinces to fund 50% of post-secondary education, of health care and of welfare. The government has to show some leadership and recognize its rrsponsibility to fund these areas. We want to reinstate 50/50 funding so that the federal government is paying its fair share. We find the money for this by closing tax loopholes. The rich and corporations enjoy tax loopholes that would make your head spin. There are private trusts to the tune of $43 billion that aren’t taxed. There were 90000 corporations that paid no tax at all last year. We’re going to get

DrT he Christian

the money by asking them to pay up because they’ve been getting away with something for a long time. In the 195Os, corporations had over 50% of the tax burden in Canada, and now it’s below 20%. We also see the need to cut wasteful spending. We don’t think that social programs fall in that category. We’d like the bank of Canada to maintain real interest rates that are more realistic. I know that in historical terms. tKe interest rates are fairly iow right now, but in terms of the difference between the interest rate and the infation rate, they’re very high, and that’s slowing growth for all Canada. The senatte costs Canadian taxpayers $250 000 dollars a day, and for what? The senate does absolutely nothing. We think it should be abolished. We think that MYs pensions need to be in Iine with pensions enjoyed by real working people. We think that’s the sort of spending that should be attacked, certainly not social spending - that’s a recipe for increasing unemployment, and lowering people’s confidence in the economy, and it doesn’t work+ The Ontario government has been put in an awful position by the federal government. They’ve lost $5 bilion a year in transfer payments, the cutbacks to unemployment have put more and more people on to the

Christian. ,Heritage Edward Heritage

party was founded to address many of the concerns that voters have, that many of the economic.problems originated because of a moral crisis in this country. When we look at what’s happening today, that’s become even more evident. To this point in time, probably the most fundamental issue, the right to life, has been compromised by the politicians all in the name of political expediency. This disregard for life has far reaching implications. I think we have individuals who lack the courage to make decisions relating to life. These are hardly the individuals who are going to be able to make decisions in other areas that a~ SO vital to Canadians. Regardless of where you go, the concept of good moral order is one that allows society to function. Today if we look around we’re faced with a humanist approach which says that man can do as well or better than what the gospel message has to say. In fact, the political campaigns that txy to rid the world of racism and child abuse, the more the politicians mouth. these words, the more it becomes rampant. Certainly, statistically speaking the incidents of these problems seems to be rising. Really, there’s nn foundation in which poeple can find reason tu

expouse the concepts of goodness and caring towards their neightbour unless one turns to an objective principle such as the ten commandments. The Christian, perhaps, has not had the best track record, but the principles that underlie good order in the community underlies some of the very basic things that Canadians want to continue to base their lives on. All the social programs in this country are based on the concept of caring. There’s talk of dismantling some of these programs, and this is just a reflection of the lack of sensitivity and caring that permeates politicians when they reach Ottawa. We’ve been following all the social experimenters who have been offering us all kinds of solutions to create our own Shangri-la on earth and we’re left with a bad taste in our mouths because we’re left with is unemployment insecurity on the streets, on the home, jails that are full. I know we can do better in this country. I know that if we must start turning to the principles that recognize the supremacy of God. My profession where I’m called to care for others sets me in a particularly good position to take that caring beyond my family and profession and into the political arena. We’re not going to form the next government, but we could be the rudder in a minority government

welfare line and the changes to the drug patent legislation have led to skyrocketing health costs because the Ontario government covers the cost of drugs for people on welfare. Every move that the federal government has made has had the effect, if not the intent, of hurting Ontario. Any government, faced with that situation, is going to have an awfully tough time meeting the needs of the province. Bob Rae was dealt an awfu’ hand, but he’s playing it the best hc can. I don’t agree with everything that Bob Rae has done. I’m opposec to casinos, and I don’t think Sunday shopping is a good idea. At the same time, look at some of thr positive things that Bob Rae ha! done. We have the.most progres. sive labour laws in North America the highest minimum wage in Noti America,’ the best maternity leave provisions in North America, the most ambitious child care provi sions in North America. We havr the legalization of midwifery ant the family support fund, which i: getting mothers support for pay merits for their children. I don’t agree with everythin] that he has done, but I am proud o many things that he has done, and would much rather be campaignin] on Bob Rae’s record than Bria Mulroney’s.

' Kryn that can change the direction of the hull. I think that if you look ai Gandhi, he said himself that those who say that relgion and politia don’t mix, don’t understand either We’vetakenchristianityoutofgov emment and replaced it with hu manism which is another religion which is the worship 01 man.Unfortunately, that kind 01 philosophy has been very corrosiw to Canadian society as a whole Canadians want to know the pa rameters of the society within whicl they function. This is a vibrant cornrnunitj that works and has become the env] of the nation, because of the fat that people have had a good con cept of right and wrong, and have espoused a good work ethic. I be lieve that this area can continue tc be a bastion of free enterprise, ; diversity of opportunity simply be cause of the heritage that it has ant people in this community havr picked up the University’ entrepeneurial spirit. We have to respect a right ti life because that right is the basi for ail the other rights and responsi bilities that Canadians have corn’ to enjoy, and if we want to maintail what’s right, we must understan that con-uption does not lead to free dom. We must have the moral has upon which to build.

T hereformpartyistheonly arty that offers you an alternative 1the present system, the govemrent system, which you’ve got toay. It isn’t just a case of changing le government, you have to change Dme of the system. The most imortantjobisgettingtheunemployed #ackto work, and getting the deficit own. That’s the centre of all the Ither parts of our program. The eficit at the moment means that out If every dollar you collect as the ederal government, 32 cents goes 3 pay inteest. Just imagine what ‘ou could do with that 32 cents for chools, higher education, health are. It’s an enormous sum to come lut of the revenues. What the other karties have done is increased taxaion, all this does is kill businesses. 4 dollar left in the pocket of a tax layer, and investor or a consumer xs far more for the country than a Alar left in the hand of the federal Dvemment, the bureacrat, of the Ibbyist. The only lobbyist that lould be in Ontario are the Canaian people, not all these little presHe groups. Having painted that as the ackdrop, we then say our main Bncem is the deficit and the lack of loney because if you don’t tackle it low, you aren’t going to have the o&al services which are so dear to Ianada today. We want to preserve hose social services. You can’t preerve them if you can’t afford them, IO government can. We think that our plan to elminate the deficit in hree years is a realistic one. We do lot favour and we do not propose a wo tier medical system. We are the only party to have stated, we will lot cut the transfer payments on wealth care. We then said that no 3artadian can be denied access to nedical facilites due to lack or inability to pay. Having said that, we ecognize that the medical system n this country needs looking at, and ,o we say at the momement, certain provinces allow dental, some don’t, ;ome charge for drugs, some don’t. sn’t it b@er for it to be managed at he provincial level, closer to conlumer? 1fyou set the universality of he medical system and the standuds, then isn’t it best for that to be operated within the provinces. It would then be up to the provinces to Decide how they would run the deailS.

We will not cut funding for higher education. It is a top priority. You’ve got to look at the system in terms of accessibility of the students by loans and grants. You’ve got to look at the way the students pay back the loans and grants. We’ve looked at the this and I personally favour that you can’t tie it down a period, you tie it down to how much you earn. Anyone who is capable of reaching the standards, whatever the standards are should be able to get in. Now I don’t think that the federal government should have any part of laying down the standards. After the standards are laid down, it’s the

government’s job to help the students who reach those standards get in. Having said all this, one must be realistic. I understand that there’s a little bit of a debate, as to whether or not 20% is what you should pay. On that, I’d like to see what the 20% consists of. More and more I hear students and graduates are having to pay more and more for things that have nothing tor do with tutition. I think that you have to look at that and the only way you can do that is to get to the university and look at the budget, and lets face it 20% of some courses are much more expensive than other course. Now do you want equality, or do you want the students whose courses cost more to pay more? I don’t know, but I think you’ve got to look at the student bodies, and that’s where the discussion begins. I’ve never come across a government, whether provincial, federal, municipal, or regional that really runs any private enterprise as well as an entrepeneur or a private interest. Forexample, whenitcomes to daycare, we don’t want to subsidize bureaucrats to set up federal day care. We say subsidize the parents of the children by tax concessions. This wiit let the parents put their children into private childcare.The regulations for the childcarecentresmustbelaiddown by the government, but having done that, stand back government. Thereisnopartinourpolicy that will go for racism and discrimination. When we really talk about equality, we don’t mean quotas in the workforce, we mean as long as you’ve got the quaiifications, you get the job, male female, race religion or whatever. We do not agree with quotas because not only do you lowe] the dignity of the person you’re giving the job to, but also to the effectiveness of the organizatior he’s joined. Also, you divide the Canadian people. We are all, Ca4 nadians, We’re not British Cana, dian, German Canadian, you an Canadian. Let’s unify, rather thar diversify, because that’s what ‘1 happening. That’s why we woulc ministry 0: abolish the multicul turalism. We think that fol thegovernmenttofundyoutoteacl your children your heritage is i waste you can do that and we en courage you to do it. We cannot stand anothe twelve years of Liberal and Tor rule. Rememberthe32cents. We’v got to get back to reality, let’s real1 face our problems, get togethn sort them out, and Reform is th only thing that offers you tha What’s best for Canada and what best for the Provinces, is best fc Waterloo. We have a golde oportunity around here for bus ness, but only if we reduce tam and give the incentive to people 1 really get back to work.

Libertarian Rita HuschkaSpraguue M

ost of the government parties in Canadacan’t even tell you what their principles are, they work with policies, and policies are just a plan or a course of action to influ:nce or determine posi tions. Princi?les are a moral or ethical standard, and that makes us different than nost of the parties in Canada. We Jelieve that every individual has he right to his or her own life and hat they should have the right to ive that life as they see fit as long as hey respect the rights of others. Vow that of course means that we u-eall relatively intelligent respon;ible people, and it is unfortunate mt in this day and age I believe that nost of us have been brainwashed o beIieve that we are anything but, md we assume that we need the government to tell us how to be rave. Well, libertarians don’t beieve that. We don’t need the gov:rnment to tell us how to do anyhing. I would think that at the ‘ate that we’re going with our defi:it and special interest groups in Canada, that within ten years, not )nly will we not have a social safety let, we’ll have anarchy. Through )UT legislation to control society hrough employment equity, labour :quity etc. we’re undermining the ndivudal and we’re putting special merest groups in their place. When ve do that, we’re undermining the basis of mankind, the basis is the ndividual, being able to do what he lees best. It’s only been three years ince the Berlin Wall came down, .nd things in Russia are chaotic. Ye’re fools to think these things :a& ever happen here. Given that every individual las the right to his or her own life, 10one, particularly not the governnent, particularly not a person who s not involved in the situation has he right to say to a woman no you :annot have an abortion. It is up to rer, her partner, her doctor, and her :onscience. Education in our country was slipped so far that I am truly iightened. We are so far behind lome of the European countries and Asian countries in the level of edu:ation that we have in our graduates hat I’m amazed we have a vorkforce at aI1. It is vitahy imporant that every human being knows LOWto read, how to write and how 0 calculate. Without those three basics, forget it. In 1990, educational spendng in Ontario alone was 12.2 bilion dollars. That, believe it or not, s an increase of more than 304% in :leven years. The education system loesnotreflecttheamountofmoney hat we are spending. My problem s that I’m sure that it’s being spent m administration and bureaucracy tnd professional development days md social programs for the kids lnd some of that is important, but

Independent Darn Faithful T

that is not the way that our education money should be spent. I firmly believe that we could spend half that amount of money on education and have a better system than we do now. If you are paying for public education through your taxes, and you choose not to go to that public school, the libertarian party would like to see a voucher system whereby if you said I’m opting out of the public system but I’ve paid my taxes toward education, you may have a voucher for that amount. The government would be responsible almost exclusively for justice and the military system. Both things have to be there, but other than that you get into iffy ground. The government has grown to such a size that you could probably start cutting indiscriminately left right and centre and over the next twenty years you might only reduce it by half. It’s such a big problem and one of the first things you have to do is get government completely out of business. Another thing would be eliminating subsidies to all special interest groups and to all business. I have figures like some big corporation that had a 3 billion dollar profit in 1991 actually got a 6 million dollar subsidy. Why are we giving them our money? It’s a business. They’re supposed to make money, and if they don’t, then maybe their product isn’t what we want. If you were to get rid of those things in the next five yea& you’d get rid of the deficit. All of these things are oversimplified, but it’s a starting point. Another starting point is women’s rights. A lot of women get upset at me for this, but I’m sorry, I have no more rights than you do or than my neighbour does. Women have the same rights as everyone else - no more, no Iess. They deserve no more and no less. My rights are the same as yours, so why is it an issue? I understand that there are certain women who are oppressed, whoaremistreated, whoareabused. There are men who are oppressed, who are mistreated, and the same thing applies for children. I Drugs are another example of government waste. You have lobby groups and special interest groups and they say, you have to protect us. I think that if all of these drugs are legalized, number one they’re going to make money hand over fist, secondly, you eliminate the criminal problem. I believe that to run for office is the highest form of community service. In that way, I believe that all the politicians are very sincere. and have very good intentions, but the road to hell is paved. Too many politicians make popular decisions instead of good decisionsandhereweare.

he most important advantage I have is familiarity. When you want people who can relate to students, it’s good to have someone who actually lives with them, and also see tile trouble that they go through to get through school. Regardless of what the statistics say, it’s still very difficult for a graduate student to get ajob, and we’re supposed to be the cream of the crop. When the opportunities aren’t out there, it’s really a blow to their morale. One way of preventing this is by limiting the amount of foreign investments by Canadian banks and financial institutional and forcing them to invest more money in small businesses and local mortgages and students of course. By promoting investment in Canada, we help ourselves. I think investments in students is one of those essentials. How else are we going to improve the way things are? Many people think the funding should go just towards research and development, and engineering, but I don’t go for that. Some of the best teachers, most enthusiastic, energetic Canadians are from the arts. Where do the entrepeneurs come from? They come from the arts, they have the

Natural Blaine 0

urplatformis ambitious, because we propose to eliminate the deficit in our first term of oftice, we propose tohave full employment forcanadainourfirsttermofofftce, we propose to reduce Health care costs by more than 50%- that alone will save us 35 billion dollars in three years. Our health care system is in a shambles. The only people who stand to gain are the international pharmaceutical companies. About forty percent of all people in hospital beds in Canada today are there because of iatrogenic diseases diseases caused by the drug they are taking. We’re proposing a health care system that the World Health Organization, for the past 20 years, has been promoting as the most cast-effective health care system in the world. It’s a preventional program which is extremely inexpensive and extremely effective at the same time. We propose a program which prevents people from falling sick since after all, an ounce of prevention is worth apound of cure. We propose to shut prisons. We have a program which can rehabilitate prisoners. The programs are based on the Transcendental Meditation programs of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and these programs have been shown to actually eliminate criminality at its

inspiration, the stamina, the new ideas. I really think it’s critical to fmance the arts and engineering. Why live if not to help people. It seems like a waste of time if you’re not helping other people. There are a lot of people suffering here. Are people placed here on earth to watch people suffer? I just don’t think it’s right, it goes against my very nature.’ I guess in this way, I’m a bit of a socialist, kind of extreme 1 suppose, or maybe I’m just very Christian. We’re going to find out just how neighbourly we are when we have to deal with Newfoundland and massive unemployment. That’s when we’ll find out if this country has what it takes to stay together. The first word in my campaign is jobs. When I say jobs, I mean sustainable jobs. I’m going to work for a massive reforestation effort in Canada. There are a lot of jobs to be had in a massive reforestation program. In addition to that, they’re moving municipal compost to the hinterlands. There are a lot of job opportunities in renewing our resources. Perhaps we’ll always be cutting down trees but we’re going to have to find a sustainable level. They have a lot of charcol in Cape Breton. It’s low grade charcol, and there’s no demand for coal. Why are you going to spend millions of dollars mining for the

stuff and putting people’s lives in danger? You can produce activated charcoal filters, that can suck out pollutants from water, or you can put them in scrubbers to suck out pollution from emissions. You just have to try out new things. My emphasis is on making money, if you increase the amount of money you make, that’s how you increase the amount of taxes. If you want to increase the tax base, you put people back to work, so you can collect more taxes. You can only fuel new programs by improving the climate, and when I was working for government, I saw a lot of waste. We’re about to see one of the most fractured governments in history, and I’m not a bench sitter. Unlike most other candidates, I’m not steadfast on platforms. If 1 see a good idea, and it’s possible for me to motivate other MPs to support it, we can make an arrangement. If they heIp brings the jobs here, I’ll help them. This is how politics works. I’m not going to decide if 1 join a party, the constituents will decide. That’s who I’m responsi ble too.

Law E?i Watson base which is basically a stressed and fatigued nervous system. We actually closed twelve prisons in one country in Africa, a few years ago, when they were released and instructed in TM and decriminalized. We strongly support the freedom of education. We’d like to see that anyone who wan& a higher education should have it, so a11 funding for higher education is going to be made available. We see a lot of interaction between business and education, between health and education. Different community areas should be included in the education process. In this wily, we can see that there might be a better chance that when a person graduates, he or she will have some opportunity of stepping into a full time job. We’re willing to hire IO0 000 people immediately and train them in health, rehabilitation, education and business programs. Immediately, we want to have these programs instituted throughout the country. The name, the Natural Law Party comes from the union between physics and TM. In discussion with physicists, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was able to show that the qualities of consciousness and the qualities of unified field theory are identical. One of the states of coni3c4oummi3s


is ar&rcmA



the advanced stages of TM technique is called restfull alertness. The mind is awake, and alert but completely quiet. We propose to establish a group of ten thousand people, practicising the TM program- a group of yogic flyers- people who are accomplished in the advanced stages of this consciousness developing program where they can, as a group, generate a field of consciousness that is so coherent that it can produce coherence for the whole nation. The whole ideaof meditation to solve the deficit is a very large leap, it’sastretch,butit’saneffective program. I know from personal experience that it works, I know fro-m the experience of other teachers that it works, but when I’m dealing with a politician who is immersed in problems, it’s very difficult to get him to come out of the problem long enough to see the solution. The Natural Law party gives people a wide angle vision, that expands our vision, expands our consciousness, expands our creativity, expands our capacity to learn more and automatically, all our problems will be solved, and we will never have to face another problem again. That’s a big statement, but somebody has to say big things. If no one





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friday, october 15, I993

Field hockey gets taught by T.O., teaches Trent by Carol Imprint

Ferguson sports

It was a three-game

week for the field hockey team, made all interesting by consecutive games against the University of ToWaterloo the more


Blues. On Wednesday,


6, the

Athenas travelled to Lamport Stadium to play Toronto. The Blues were in their element from the very beginning. Waterloo took part in a very humbling experience; the Athenas did everything they knew how to do to beat their opponent and keep it from scoring, but still got their cans kicked. It was all Waterloo could do to keep up; the Blues chased UW out of playing the game under control and beat the Athenas 6-O.

But wait! This story has a semihappy ending. After Wednesday’s monkey show, you can imagine how excited the Athenas were to meet U. of T. a short two days later. Head coach Judy McCrae tailored the intervening practice to the Blues’ playing style. So, when the Athenas met Toronto on the pitch at Guelph last Friday, they had a better handle on the game. Toronto

was unable to get their small-ball game going and resorted to long drives to advance their forwards. This allowed Waterloo to play an interception game which is more to their liking. In a marathon first half, in which the ball seldom left Waterloo’s 50-yard line, the Blues were held to one goal (off a penalty corner).

Wurrior football vreview




The second half had the Blues coach frustrated and screaming at her players: “Through to Michelle!” But the Blues were unable to find the goal again, leaving a final score of I 0, a vast two-day improvement. The Athenas eased into turkey weekend with a match against Trent Again, the game was used to “get things done” -- in other words, to practice in game situations. Final score, Waterloo 6-O. Tomorrow (Saturday, October 16) at Western’s tournament presents some must-win games for the Athenas against Guelph and Western. Wins against these two teams would put Watertoo in good standing for the OWIAA finals and provide a successful game model for subsequent final matches.



Athena soccer meets Laurier and Mac next continued




About ten minutes from time, one of these resulted in a scramble in front of the net which was cleared to the wing by the Waterloo defence. The Guelph winger collected it and immediately sent a wee chip back in the face of the net This time, the Waterloo clearance off the coconut ofan unsuspecting Gryphon forward and just out of reach of the diving UW goalkeeper to tie the score 2-2, the final score:

This was undoubtedly the Athenas’ best game of the year, with a stellar effort put forth by all players. Special mention shoutd be made of rookie Melissa Mancini,

who put in yeoman’s

work in marking the Gryphons’ top player. liopefully, the confidence gained in this game will lead the Athenas to wins in their upcoming games hosting Laurier tomorrow (Saturday, October 16) at Columbia Field and visiting McMaster on Sunday.




“JOIN THE FIRM” Get Fit In Canada’s TODClub1 by Peter Imprint

Brown sports

To have any chance to advance to the postseason, the Warriors must win their remaining two games, versus the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks tomorrow and the Windsor Lancers next weekend. Laurier came out of the gate like a shot, but its performance has tailed off in recent weeks. Against Toronto two weeks ago, the team self-destructed in the fourth quarter, allowing 30 points in the last I2 minutes of the game. Last weekend in Hamilton, the Hawks onty beat the mediocre Marauders 20- IO, despite intercepting seven Marauder passes. Lonnie Taylor and Ryan Owens lead the Laurier pass defence with five and four interceptions respectively. Stacked up against a ball-hungry Golden l-lawk secondary is a Warrior offence that, against Guelph, showed that it could pass when necessary.

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Fourth-year QB Steve Bennet is coming off his best day as a Warrior with 3 I8 yards passing. Perhaps more important is how Waterloo’s secondary stops Laurier’s potent air assault Uw’s defence did its best to contain Dave itwin and Kevin Reid last Saturday, but stil1 surrendered some big plays in the last two minutes that let the Gryphons into field goal range. Laurier’s outstanding receiver Stefan Ptaszek may only be in fourth place in OUAA receiving (40 catches for 465 yards), but that’s because defensive coordinators have targeted him after his brilliant 1992 seasonand Laurier has been forced to diversify its passing attack. With Andrew Scharschmidt com-

peting for game balls and Bill Kubas tossing them, this offence will be tough to stop. Kubas has I ,6 15 yards passing in five games, almost 300yards ahead of Gudph’s Rob Kitching. “Guelph had two receivers to stop,” says UW head coach Dave “T&j” Knight. “Laurie& got more receivers to throw to and Kubas is a better quarterback.” Special teams will be a key to this game as well, with WlU’s Pat O’Leary leading the conference in punting average at 39.0. Waterloo’s Rick Guenther is holding at third in QUA4 punting at 35.4 yards per punt, but the rest of UW’s special teams players have to improve their focus after some key mistakes against Guelph.

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Notice is hereby given of the

General Meeting Of The Federation Of Students Notice is hereby given of the ii)





Uoiversityof Watcfb a vat.& m&r the law dt.hc Province of Ontario to be h&l on Monday, October 25,1993 at 7~30pm. at Federation HaJJ. The wndat for this mooting is as f&Ilowa






MoGan punwant to By-Law I, A&le Lv: “Be it ru&cd that the Federation of StudenIs Fee be set rt ml0 per student cffectivc seplembei l, 1993.’ Passed by the Board of Dircctots on April 20,1993.

Motion to cl&e

Delete 1.E and renumber the following articles. Change 1IA.i to read: the Chairperson, who shah be appointed by Students’ Council; Add IIA.ii and renumber the following to rcrrd the Vice-President of University Affairs; ii) Change IIA.iv to read: such Federation of Students members as the Board may, from time to time, see fit to appoint. Change Il.B.ii to read: a representative from the International Student Office; Change II.B.iii to read: the co-chairpersons of the Genders Issues Board; Add IVA.i.4, IVA.i.5, and IVA.i.6 to read; To publish information on issues that may concern international students. 4) To liaise with clubs on campus who actively lobby for human rights around the world 5) ie. Amnesty International. To lobby on behalf of the Federation d’ Students on any violation of human rights as 6) outlintid in the Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations. Add IV.C to read: . C. Communtty RLblations Clommitiion

c. d. e. f.

“All past Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Corporation shall bc ex-officio social rqembers of the Corporation.”

Motion to amcnd By-Law 1, Article VII, J, comma@


Students’ Council as followsz

Delete the last line of the first paragraph. Delete J.l, Student Issues Action Committee; 3.3, Athletics Committee; 5.4, Spirit Committee; J.6, Campus Needs Committee and renumber the remaining items.



Duties and Functions To promote positive rclatiunships between the community and the 1) undergraduate students of the University of Waterloo. Maintain and encourage: contact with local charitable organizations. 2) Membership the commissioner, who shall be appointed by the hoard; and 1) such members as the Commission may, from time to time, set fit to appoint 21 to the Commission.




Change IVA.i.1 to read: To manuals, course evaluations or other publications that will fullil the purpose and goals of the Board and ensure they are made available to students in all faculties and departments. Delete 1V.B Course Evaluations Commission. Add 1V.C read: C. &&nts Advisiw Co-on (SAC\ commission Duties and Functions 9 To serve as the body through which co-op students ~nay liaise with mop 1) administrators regarding the Department of Cooperative Education and Career Services and the administration of programs. To ensure that students’ views arc: reprcscntcd and thlrt students partake in 2) the decision making procehs rqtirding Cuopcrativt: Education. To monitor and recommend changes to the Dcptirtmcnt of Cooperative 31 Education and Career Services. To ensure effective communication between the Dcpartmcnt of Cooperative 41 Education and Career Suviccs and co-q htudcnts.

b. C.


such members as the Commission may, from time to time, see fit to appoint to the Commission. Delete IV.C., Residences Commission. 2)




Motbn In deiek By-law 9, lntematiod




Add 1-G and I.H to read: G. To assist in the co-ordination of all major social activities of the mcmbcrs of the Federation of Students. H. To assist in the co-ordination of all major social ;Icttitic~ of those organi~irtions recogn&d by the Federation of Students. Add llA.iii and ItA.iv and renumber the f&wing articles to read: iii) the Social Directors of al1 the Faculty Societies (as recognized by Students’ Council); iv) the Social Directors of Village Ons: and Villngc Two and of the: Church Coflcges; and




to amend By-Law 1, S&ion VICKI, paragraph 4 to read:

The Vice-President, University Affairs shall appoint the Chairpsrsan of the External Affiairs Board. The Vice-President, University Affairs shall assist and co-ordinalc and have supervisory responsibility over the finances of and the activities of the Board of Academic Affairs, the External AfIGs Board, the Social Issues Board and the Gender Issues Board. The Victi-Prcsidcnt, Univcrsily Affairs shall bc a member ex-officio of all Boards of the Students Council.







Change 1IA.i to read: The co-chairpersons, who shall be appointed by Students’ Council; Add IIA.iv to read: a representative appointed by the Walk Safe Co-ordinator University of Waterloo. Renumber the rest of IIA accordingly.


to mend By-Law 12, m

a. b.

Change 1I.B.i to read: the Board of lnternal Liaison Chairperson, who shall act as Chairperson of the meetings; Delete JI.B.ii and renumber the folJowing articles.


to amend By-Law I, S&ion VIlLF, paragraph 7 to reuk




to amcml By-Law 8, Burd of Intcmal tiaisoa as followx



Add JI.B.ii, IJBiii, IJ.B.iv and renumber the following articles to read: ii) the Federation’s Director of Programming; iii) the Federation’s SpcciaJ Events Co-ordinator; iv) a representative from the International Students office; and. Add IVA.i.8 to read: To organize events for International Students’ Week with tht: aid of the International Clubs. Change lV.B to read: B. u and Residenw Commiti Duties and Functions 9 To promote communication among all So&tics and Residences. 1) To improve the Societies’ and Residences’ awareness of, and participation in, 2) Fcdcration of Students’ events and activities. To act in an advisory role to the Board in all matters concerning Societies and 3) Residences. To aid in the organization of so&y pub nigbth. 4) ii) Mcmborship the Commissioner, who shall bc appointed by the Board and who shall act as 1) the recording secretary of the Committee of Presidents; and



1 ll!zl


By-Lpw 6, Board of E&ruinm=t.

Report l9%93.



Membership the Commissioner, who shall be appointed by the Board; and 1) such members as the Commission may, from time lo time, see fit to appoint 2) to the Commission.


d Prtidcnts,

of the l




as blbows:

The Vice-President, Operations and Finance shall have supervisory responsibility over the fraancw of the Board of Communications, Creative Arts Board, Board of Internal Liaison, and the various services‘ and revenue generating busincsscs of the Corporation. The Vice-President, Operations and Finance shall oversee the finances of all Federation boards, businesses and auxiliary services. He/she shall determine, after consulting with the Board of Internal Liaison Chairperson, the allocation of funds to Federation Clubs.





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mThe Best ChineseBuffet&qa Fourth-year guard Mike Duarte (5) returns this year after taking last year off. We, Alex llrosevic, and the rest of the 1993-94 Warrior basketball team squared off Wednesday night in an intra-squad game. photo by Peter Brown by Peter Brown year of eligibility, jones is 28 years old. Imprint sporl This year’s Warriors are so deep, the team Don’t worry, Warrior basketball fans. Sean VanKoughnett is not going anywhere just yet. The fourth-year swing forward spent the summer playing with Canada’s national student team at Buffalo’s World University Games and then with the national team at a world championship qualifying tournament in Puerto Rico. But VanKoughnett returns to UW to lead the Warriors, who begin their exhibition schedule tonight at 8:00 p.m. at the PAC versus Sheridan College. “VanKoughnett’s elevated his game,” says UW head coach Tom Kieswetter. “He’s a different player than he was last year. The experience that he had this summer has enabled him to progress in terms of his playing style, his aggression, to say nothing of his skill.” VanKoughnett is joined by the nucleus from last year including fellow OUAA all-star Alex Urosevic at shooting guard and 1992-93 OUAA West rookie of the year 6. J. York at point guard. Mark Hopkins returns at centre, joined by Tom Balfe, who will move from the forward spot because of added depth at that position. “Tom’s put on some muscle and is playing a lot stronger,” Kieswetter said. ‘VVe need some help inside. We need someone to take some time at the five position.” Both Balfe and Hopkins are in their third years. Chris Moore is back for his fifth year at forward. Feisty fourth-year guard Mike Duarte is back this seasan after taking a year off. Second-year guard Andy Pocrnic and 6’3” McGill transfer Sean McDonaugh will back up York at the point. A good crop of freshmen should make this year’s team the deepest in years. 6’5” Trinidadian forward Lester Iones and 6’2” Brantford guard Nick Poulimenos are the most likely to crack the ten-member playing unit Despite being in his first

Warrior continued




had been voted Waterloo’s player of the game in the first two tilts, was injured prior to the third game, and was unable to play Sunday. He is also questionable for the weekend games in the States, although he will be accompanying the team. The final game for the Ice-Men was against the perennialty strong UQTR Les Patriotes and this was another shooting spree, with the Warriors coming out on the losing end of a 7-6 score. MacDonald and Mark Ferrier had two goals, with Smith and Mervyn again tallying singles. Losing two out of three games put the Warriors in the unenviable position of finishing sixth in their own tournament, which was won by the upstart Windsor Lancers. who trounced the preppie filth of Western 8-3 in the championship game Sunday. After two periods it was 3-2 for Western, but the Lancers put in six unanswered twinebulgers in the third. last year, Windsor finished second to Waterloo for the title.

will carry IS players instead of the usual 12. “It was impossible to get down any further because of the talent,” Kieswetter said. “From a coach’s perspective, it’? good to see this much depth because they are really competing every practice. Last year, we were somewhat thin and susceptible to injuries.” Jones has lots of basketball experience and is clearly ahead of the typical freshman in terms of skills. According to Kieswetter, he “should be a very exciting player to watch.” Poulimenos played on an OFSAA finalist team at Brantford’s StJohn’s high school last year. Other rookies include forwards Bryan Boulton, Scott Carroll, and Jason Clapp and centre Tom Skrban. The team’s depth should greatly improve the team’s win-loss record, according to Kieswetter. “We were in a dilemma last year,” Kieswetter said. “[York] logged huge minutes, 37 or 38 per game, and his back-up was [VanKoughnett], who had to ptay out of position. And Urosevic was another victim of big minutes, having an injury during the season and not having the time to recuperate. With this kind of depth, we won’t have to overextend him, or Sean, or B. J., or any of our players. Last year, it just came down to us wearing out” The team travels to York tomorrow night and sees action at 0ttawa and Carleton before going on an east-coast swing to St Mary’s and St Francis Xavier. The Warriors return to Ontario to play at Ryerson on Nov. 6. Their next home action is the 26th Annual Naismith Classic from Friday, November 12 to Sunday, November 14. Duarte’s availability may be limited in the exhibition schedule, pending the results of arthoscopic surgery on his knee scheduled today. He may be lost to the team for between IO days and four weeks.

hockey The all-star team was chosen unday and it included two lads from the champion Lancers, defenceman Mark Germann and fo&rd Dwayne Brunet, who also came away with MVP award for the tournament. Waterloo was represented by the injured Geoff Rawson, with Laurier’s Chris George, Western’s Brian Grieve, and Queen’s goalie Bill Landry rounding out the squad. Scores in the tourney were as follows: Friday: Windsor 4, Guelph 2; Western 4, Brock 3; Laurier 3, UQTR 2; Queens 3, Waterloo 2 (OT). Saturday: Waterloo 7, Cuelph 6; UQTR 8, Brock 4; Windsor 3, Queens 2 (OT); Western 5, Laurier 4 (OT). Sunday: (for last place) Guelph 4, Brotk 3; (for 5th place) UQTR 7, Waterloo 6; (for 3rd place) Laurier 6, Queens 5; (The Big One) Windsor 8, Western 3 Final standings: I. Windsor; 2. Western; 3. Wilfrid Laurier; 4. Queen’s; 5. UQTR; 6. Waterloo; 7. Guelph; 8. Brock

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friday, october

15, I993



Andrew Telegdi and the Liberal Party believe in the future of universities, and the crucial role that graduates will play in the success of Canada. i ‘... _:_ ;. ..,”



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Rowers off to UWO, preparing for OUlOWs



by T. Q’Doherty Xmprint sports It was a cold Friday morning when UW rowers left for Pittsburgh to participate in the annual Head of tie Ohio rowing regatta two weeks ago. This regatta was the only head race UW rowers will compete in this season. Most regattas in the fall season consist of a standard 2,000-metre course, while a head race is usually over two miles in length. In a head race, the boats participating in each individual category are launched approximately five to fifteen seconds apart, thus the concept is to race against the clock and hopefully pass some other boats in the process. ‘The competition was tough; some events had over 20 boats competing. Waterloo was up against powerhouse schools like Brown, Notre Dame, Cornell, MIT, and Pitt,


Give students hope, not excuses Training is a fundamental element of the Liberal platform, and that includes providing our universities with the resources they need Canada must invest in its most imto produce competent graduates. portant resource - its youth. Liberals are committed to an accessible, effective university system. Not only must our universities provide the best possible education, but there must also be job opportunities to put those skills to work. Liberals believe that the university graduates of the 1990s have j a crucial role to play in revitalizing Canada’s economy. On Oct. 25, please help to elect a government that is committed to developing the enormous potential of our universities and their students. VOTE LIBERAL. VOTE ANDREW TELEGDI.

‘We need a government that places a higher value on higher education” Andrew Telegdi has demonstrated his unwavering support for the universities, especially in his role as a member of Waterloo City Council. He has the determination to do a good job in Parliament, and he needs and deserves the support of the university community. The Conservative party has promised increases in university and post-secondary education funding in the past two elections, but has reversed itself after being elected. We need a government that places a higher value on higher education. For this reason, I support Andrew Telegdi and the Liberal Party of Canada. Dr. Eordun Andrews Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo Andrew Telegdi is a strong advocate of our university, and has a long record of accomplishment in community service, I support him in this election. Dr, Ray McLmughn Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo

To help Jean Cldtien lead a Liberal government that will implement these sensible ideas, Andrew Telegdi respectfully asks for your vote on Oct. 25. For infomation,u s&n,or to volunteer, please contdzct the Liberul campaign oflce:


Authorized by R.1 ay Weber, the Official Agent for the Andrew Telegdi Campaign. L_.

Charting the safe return to physical activity


As a former president of the Federation of Students and a member of the senate at the University of Waterloo, and a current member of the Board of Governors of VWfrid Laurier University, Andrew Telegdi has a deep personal commitment to the principles included in the Liberal policy manud, “Creating Opportunities.” The Conservative govemment has systematically undermined the enormous research potential of Canadian universities. Andrew Telegdi believes that governments must foster research innovations, and seek increased cooperation between universities and business the key to Canada’s economic success in the 1990s.

The water conditions at Pittsburgh were rough, but this did not stop our rowers from placing well. The crew, consisting of Shannon Allan, Cindy Constable, Janine Oosterveld, t-leather Holden, and cox Tara O’Doherty, captured the silver medal in the women’s open coxed four. The partnership of Ivan D’Costa and Mike Kreppi led to a bronze medal in the men’s open double. A strong showing was also seen by the women’s heavyweight coxed four as welt as the men’s heavyweight double. The UW rowing team is definitely a strong one this season. Congratulations to the new rookies: Aram Heilbrun, Dam Romanko, Kevin Costen, Mike Kreppi, Milosz Zemanek, Cindy Constable, Katherine Paraskevopaoulos, and Kristen Orpana. The team competed at the Brock Invitational last weekend and go to London for the Western Invitational tomorrow (Saturday, October 16).

by Radomir fI?rudJ Imprint sports


Believe it or not, this is the time of the term that everyone gets down to business and starts preparing for the midterms. But don’t panic yet, there is. still time. Even though you wilt be extremely busy, find some time to give your body a break. Whether it’s a half-hour jog or just a short visit to the gym, it’s a worthwhile investment in time. And now for some updates on Campus Ret and tips on returning to sport activities safely.

Update on Men’s and Women’s Competitive Soccer by Simone Soccer Convenor The season has had a busy start with 43 teams registered and playing; Thanks to all the referees and to George and Leon who are doing a super job! Remember, captains, that the playoff meeting is on Monday, October 25 in MC 4040 at 4145 p.m. Standings so far this season: “A league” Greek Army in first place; “B league” - S]C Pitch Pigs in first place; “C League” - Hak Tyme leads; and in the women’s league+ Erotichem is in the lead. Good luck to all teams -- have fun playing.


to Activity

There are a few steps (no pun intended) that should be taken before you let your athlete resume playing. Rules For Return: I. Progress through the series of test movements slowly and gently. 2. Test movements should be sport-specific (see example below). 3. Start with small, linear motion and progress to more complex movements, 4. If there is any discomfort or pain . . . STOP. Start by thinking about the plays/activities necessary in the sport or activity. Break them down to very basic motions and movements. If the first movement on the list is performed free of pain, the athlete may progress to the next step on the list. Keep in mind the intensity of the movement necessary in the sport. Example: Baseball player recovering injury. Action Running the bases


by the Sports Injury Prevention and Care Program Following an injury, resuming activity carefully is crucial to avoid re-injury. There is a time in the injury recovery process when there is great potential for re-injury. A coach, teacher, parent, or team leader can help prevent further injury to the athlete by following some simple guidelines for an .athlete’s return to play. There are three main components of recovery that must be considered before allowing an athlete to return to play. Strength, appearance (swelling, discolouration), and range of motion must all be equivalent to the corresponding uninjured structure. Once this criteria has been met, caution must still be taken to ensure re-injury does not occur. For example, following an ankle sprain, an athlete has laid off her sport and is feeling much better. She can once again walk without discomfort even a slow jog causes no pain. But beware . _ _ she may not be ready for the same mileage, speed or distance she was used to before the injury. She may not be ready to kick the soccer ball or run the bases at her usual lightning speed. Also, the fitness level of the athlete will most surely be somewhat, if not markedly, decreased after an injury.

Batting(turning ankle Fielding


from cm ankle

Test Movements jogging/running in a straight line Figure-eights Side-stepping Sudden starts and stops Shifting stance with weight on the weight on ankle) Batting practice long strides on even ground Long strides on uneven

turf Jumping (low-high) If this progression does not cause any pain or discomfort, your athlete is ready to return to play. The same basic principles apply to recovery from any tendon, ligament or muscle injury for any sport. Keep in mind the level of contact, intensity and endurance of the sport, the surface (track or cress country running), and the fitness level of the athlete, (elite or recreational). Proper “return to play” criteria and procedures can help prevent recurrent, overuse. nagging and serious injury. Remember, any lingering injury should be seen by a medical doctor. The Sports Injury Prevention and Care Program (SIPAC) gives participants the opporwnir7 to develop practical return to play activities for a variety of sports and injury situations. For more information on how you can host or participate in SIPAC, call the Leadership Training Offce at (4 16) 495-3427.

by Greg Imprint

we’ll abandon practically everv convention that wi ever employed in regards to harmony and melody. We’ll treat “Mesmerized” as a key-board plagued aberration, and go with that heavily riffed classic rock sound that has found favour with millions.

Hood-Morris sta!l

Oh, Chapterhouse, you are not so beautiful anymore. Your Icarus wings have melted from the MBV Slowdive

We are the egotistical. We are the purveyors of fine shoe polish. The light gets in our eyes. The reflection off of our shiny black Dot Martins. We only wear the regulation alternative footwear. Shiny black boots. 0 h, we are the beautiful. We used to look like impish British scamps. We used to look like impoverished waifs who played little doleful guitars like our lives depended on it. We were very shy and humble. We were, in reality very, very beautiful. We are the Led Zeppelin fans. We are not the Chapterhouse of old. We are the beautiful new Chapterhouse. We are children of the Seventies. We grew up roller-skating, and listening to the classic rock sounds of “All of My Love” by Zeppelin, in the fun summer of 1979. The same summer that gave us “Cars” by Gary Numan and the

sun into a sea of grinding guitars. As a matter of fact, I’d say that you sound a lot like a million other American garage bands. Promise unfulfilled. However, “Frost” is the bone that you have thrown us, hungry for a beautiful Chapterhouse turn. “Frost” is quite wonderous, and saves us from distraction, and endless games of “toss the record” And it’s on blue vinyl, which is beautiful, if just a little too worthy of the material imprinted on it.

by Steve Basey special to Imprint Conceived mainly as one of severa1 supplemental forms of the musical expression of A. Jourgensen and co., otherwise known as Ministry, this fourth release by the band is definitely a progression from their previous albums. Along with fellow original member Luc Van Acker, this latest production includes many distinct contributions by people such as Mike Scaccia and “5upernaught”Timothy Lear-y. Perhaps the most notable influence on the album is that of Paul Barker. Barker’s Bass guitar talents are fully utilized in the majority of the songs most notably the last song, “Linger Ficken’ Good.” In this last song Barker gives it a jazzed-up funky feeling and doesn’t relinquish his hold over your e;lrs for nine minutes. Another song that rang out “Barker” was the ninth song, “Dirt”, which sounded right off his solo album titled “Age of Reason” under which he titled his project Lead Into Gold. The iconoclast voice of T. Lear-y can be heard in the first song, “Gila, Copter”, commenting on the complacent ’80s attitude towards exposing the inhibiting effect that conditioned internal/external conflict has on free thinking, Although not outright asserted, this is subtlety stated and parallels the subtle impact of the album rhythms and Connelly’s vocals on the listener. This is most likely the last REVCO album to be produced in Chicago, since the troupe relocated its studios to





by Nicholas Mew Imprint stc@


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somewhere in Texas, home of the ‘Beers, Steers and Queers.” Judging by the newest album’s cover, it would seem that REVCQ continues to satirize the redneck ways of the South. Although not as prevalent in this album, the theme can be seen in such other Jourgensen songs such as “Jesus Built My Hotrod” and “Beers, Steers and Queers”. All this coming from a man who used to be a DJ on a Country radio show and even had a Country song or two played at last year’s LoHapalooza before his band

94 Bridgeport Rd. E (Weber & Bridgeport)


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I liked the first song on side one, and had the remainder of this release been the same, I could have heartily recommended it. However, it wasn’t, so I can’t. In fact, I’d have to say that with the exception of a couple of tracks, this is pretty bad stuff. The first cut is “The Introdome”, a sampling of electronic sounds and foreign speaking people. This is followed by “Sinful Wishes”, a really good dance song, along the lines of Kon Kan’s hit “I wanna be like Harry Houdini”. This song sounds like a slightly heavier New Order, only with a vocalist who can actually sing. Side tvvo has a dance version of this track which is also






reveals that Kon Kan was a little thin on material when they chose to release this. The band also does a spiritless cover of David

came on. Go figure eh? most memorable song .._ Perhaps -_ the _._. in “Linger Ficken’ Good...” is the cover of Rod Stewart’s “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy?.” Played REVCO style, this song sounds great. Considering this album is about 65 minutes long and is tastefully different than any other, it is worth the money paid for. Warning (or maybe an incitement) : as said in the last song, this music is, “porno for your mind.” And remember, “No man with a good (horse) needs to be justified.”

Bowie’s “Moonage Daydream”, which they should not have even attempted. They ever cover their own material, redoing the previously released song “Move to Move”, and ruining their own material in the process. Now that’s ineptitude! There is absolutely no direction or cohesion to this release. Instead of sticking to the format that they handle the best, which is disco-type dance and electro-pop, these boys have tried to branch out and try other styles. Rather than appearing eclectic, they appear unfocused and lost, unable to define just who or what they are.

Dazed by you bad religion been in a daze for days better than no religion Days of You Vokano Club Friday, October

by Natalie Imprint-sta

Sad Religion with the Doughboys, Green Day, and Seaweed Concert Hall Wed. Oct. 6, I993

by GeoflHill special to Imprint

You see a video. You like the song. You hear the song in a bar. You like it again. You buy the album. You like it. You like this band. You think they’re cool. You want to see them live. You don’t. You still like them. You listen to the album a lot. You notice the songs start to sound the same after a while. You don’t care. You still like them. You read a good review of their new album. You like the review. You notice the review says the songs start to sound the same. You don’t care. You still like them. You get the new album. You listen. You like. You notice that the songs start to sound the same. You don’t care. You still like them. You really want to see them live. You do. You notice they hit the stage at 12140 a.m.. You don’t care. You still like them. You are enthralled. You don’t know their first few songs. You don’t care. You still like them. You are ecstatic. You like the energy onstage. You like the energy in the crowd. You are having a great time. You are hyper. You recognize some songs. You like them. You like the show. You are excited. You Ii ke the songs. You notice the songs start to sound the same. You wish you could teil them apart. You can’t. You don’t care. You still like them. You hear your favourite tunes. You recognize the songs only at the chorus. You don’t care. You still like them. You are delirious. You cheer for an encore. You get it. You notice all the songs sound the same. You don’t care. You still like them. You cheer wildly at the end. You look for your friend’s jewelry. YOU inhale water. You are exhausted. YOU are spent. You notice they were onstage for barely an hour. YOU don’t care. YOU still like themYou realize that the show was short You realize the songs sounded the same. You realize the show was a disappointment You don’t care. YOU still like them.

Anyway enough about fish, just in case you don’t know who Days of You arethey are a four membered band who have been together for over a year-the curent line up, that is.



Days of you, days of me. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, centuries, millennia, eons, and so on and so on, et cetera. Cronological tinear time , in general is a warped illusion that exists only on the wall or your wrist, if you let it. Kitchener’s Volcano club is an interesting venue for any band, including the energetic and indedepent Days of You. The club, situated down below in the depths of Mother earth’s belly, is housed in what was a Ciniplex theatre many eons ago. Imagine that-your favorite bands coming to a friendly theatre near you-the Volcano. Under the glow of a pur- No fish ple light, beside one of the bars, rests an enormous fish tank, whose fish within have no choice but to groove to whatever band should decide to swing through the club. ActuaUy, one must wonder why



Just 6 guy s slapping

J his ba$s bass

the fish don’t expire from ali of the cigarette smoke that permeates the place. Could someone please tell me how exactly do those fish, (I think there were carp) survive?

The Waitons federation Hall October 7, I993 by


The band was well received by a lively crowd playing over eighteen songs including “That’s Alright”, “Monkey”, “Radio #I ‘I, “Take a Step” and “Every Woman I See”..

stupSd. could you be?



“We don’t want to be pretentious,” said drummer Chris Oleschuk. “It bothers us that some bands come out and ram things down people’s throats,” he added. band’s The name was thought of by founding member guitarist and vocalist Mark Thackway who played with Oleschuk two years ago before they went their own ways. But now all is welt and as fate (or whoever it is up there in the great blue sky) would have it, they are playing together once again along with bassist and vocalist Steve Himel and keyboardist and vocalist Scott Goodman. .




Much to my chagrin, I had to wait about two hours (I’m certain those fucking Bent posters didn’t mention Andrew Cash and some band I’ve never heard of) before the Waltons finally took the stage at Fed Hall, but, damn it, it was worth the wait! The Walton clan opened with “the Living Room” from their latest (and only, I might add) CD and ended, oddly enough, with a medley of “You’re the One That I Want” and Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer”. If anyone was stupid enough to miss the show, that gives you a pretty good idea of exactly how talented the Regina band really is, because the crowd ate it up and begged for more. The Waitons are a band with stage presence, and it would take a lot for anyone Plumb not to be caught up in the energy of their performance. To ye uninitiated, the Waltons &rive on stage, and it was obvious to any and a!l who went, they were there to put on one hell of a show. Aside from “the Living Room”, Jason

out of season. ‘*Walton” Plumb and company played most of the tmcks from tik My T&&r (notablecrowd pleasers being”1 Could Care Less” and “Colder Than You”), as welt as four or five covers, including

some KISS, the Who, and Simon and Garfun kel’s “the Boxer”, and some new material, one from the soundtrack of an upcoming movie called Naked in New York and “Steel in Your Heart”, a song which will hopefully be on their next album. Alas, the Waltons’ next album could be a long time in coming, according to keyboardist Todd Lumley. They’re going to be touring in the States and Australia for a while because Lik my Trakter has just been released there, so the inevitable tour has to follow. Great exposure for the Waltons, torture for those of us who’ve been dying to hear mere of them. In any care, if you missed them this time ‘round, band your head against the wall and scream at your stupidity. You missed a great show.


friday October

the by Derek




The first TV spots appeared in januat-y, introducing the world to Labatt’s new Ice 8eer. “What the world does not give to man, man must create,” intoned the thickly-accented Alexander Godunov (Russian actor and Die Hard villain). And the music in the background? None other than the Smiths’ gloomy alterna-classic “How Soon is Now.” Round two began just as the (big market-share) baseball postseason was heating up. The product: new Labatt’s Maximum Ice. The spokesperson: standard Canadian bit villain Michael ironside. And the music? Ministry’s slamming industrial anthem “N.W.O.” (that’s “New World Order”). The question of whether or not the campaign has accomplished its financiat aims will no doubt be unanswerable for months, but the sheer volume of “Ice” imitators suggests at least some degree of success. However, among a sampling of the targeted demographic (i.e. my friends), reac-

i.ce Qon to the use of Smiths and Ministry songs has been mixed, ranging from “They’re stealing our youth, man!” to “ft’s about time we saw some real music on these beer commercials.” What’s particularly amusing, though, is the assumption in many peoples’ minds that a fiercely iconoclastic group like, say, Ministry, would never “sell out to the corporate ogre.” Surely, that is the province only of stale and tasteless classic rock bands. The makers of the Ice ads, therefore, must have either A. changed the music just enough so that the original copyright would no longer apply; or B. been required to obtain permission from the record company only. Neither scenario seemed likely. Both “How Soon Is Now” and “N.W.O.” were instantly recognirable in their lV incarnations. And as for the matter being out of the artists’ control-well, that may have been true in the more naive days of the ’50s and ’60s (which is why, I’m convinced, so many classic rock songs are used in TV commercials), but in the I 99054 no songwriter worth their salt gives up



the publishing rights to any of their work. Chris Nanos, a 23-year-o Id employee of the Toronto advertising firm Scalli, McCabe and Stoves (which handled the tee and Maximum Ice campaigns) offered some background on the creation of the TV spots. “A lot of the guys I work with are somewhere in their forties,” says Nanos, andaccordingly, such mainstream songs as Yes’ “Owner of a Lonely Heart;” and Phil Collins’ “In the Air Tonight” were originally considered for the first Ice commercial. But Nanos and his colleagues decided that “since we were doing something different with this ad.... we should do the music on a different

level also.” Nanos then suggested “How Soon Is Now,” and the ad team organized some focus groups (in which a sample ad is tested on a various consumers) to test the effectiveness of the song. Some respondents (which ones? “alternative listeners between the ages of I9 and 24”), says Nanos, found the presence of a Smiths song in a beer ad “kinda weird, and I thought that was a good sign.”

15, 1993 imprint


Ministry’s “N.W.O.” was chosen for the second campaign, says Nanos, because the product was being marketed as *‘a strong beer” and Ministry’s track was “the perfect song for it.” As for the music itself, although it’s true that the musical backdrops in the ads are in fact studio remakes of the original performances, permission to use the material was received from all songwriters involved (specifically, exSmiths Morrissey and Johnny Marr and Ministry frontman Al Jourgensen). In the case of “How Soon is Now,” because the ad only used an instrumentat portion ofthe song, onlyjohnny Marr was involved. Says Nanos, “They have made an agreement on their own that if any words would be used, Morrissey and Marr would split the money, but because we just did the instrumental, Marr gets the dough.” As for Ministry, “they saw our previous ads and they thought it would be pretty cool to be a part of this.” So there it is. I’m not going to scream sellout at anyone; I’m not even going to explain

why I think it’s wrong for an artist to sell his work to a beet- company (or a soft drink company, or any company). I’m not going to take the opportunityto bash Ministty,oreven to argue that “industrial music” is just another term for doubly boring heavy metal. As much as I believe in all of these things, I haven’t the time or space to argue them here. But the Labatt’s Ice and Maximum Ice ad campaigns have presented a couple sobering lessons. First, that today’s generation of disaffected youth-- the Gen. Xers, the slackers, whatever hey want to call us-- can be expertly targeted and manipulated just as efficiently as the baby boomers or the yuppies can. And second, that “alternative culture” (whatever that is at this point) has no more inherent credibility or integrity than its mainstream cousin. So the next time you’re watching the lV and getting ready to sneer at a Steve Winwood or Eric Clapton beer pitch, remember-- *‘Smells LikeTeen Spirit” could very well be next

gentle genitorturers The

Genitorturers Lee’s Palace October 6, I993

by Peter H@Zich Imprint StczL, Genitorture has come. Supporting their new album I20 Days of Genitirture, the Genitorturers stormed into Lee’s Palace for theik industrial/ hardcore S&M set, starting without the foreplay of Toronto’s own Soul Storm. Where were they? They couldn’t have been stopped at the border? Conspiracy theories abound. The band came on a lot like Ministry with Maria del Mar growting into the mike instead. Or Mtitorhead with special guest Madonna. Guitarist, bassist, a live drummer, and our bonnetted lead singer Jenny Torturer (get it?) in full patent-leather dominatrix gear. Her antics were over the top and dripping stage presence as she’d don a strap-on penis, or pull an uninitiated prepster out of the audience and enticing him to masturbate onstage to the tune of ‘lackin’ Man”. The music was hard and fast and growling, and punctuated by a cover of Metorhead that had me thinking “Lemmy never looked so good.” That was the music, which in fact was peripheral to what went on in the side-show. Think Jim Rose sideshow, think GWAR, think ArChaos, or maybe even... Green Jelly! Four peapie in the band, five people in the stage show. Spinning torture rack, operating table, Saran-wrapped slaves, wax drippings, executioners in Leatherface cowls, chains, onstage nipple-piercing, the Jackin’ Man, a simulated abortion on someone in a body-bag, and what looked a lot like live sex onstage! Is this what you want to see? The Genitorturers espouse various sexual philosophies that embrace body-piercing, Sado-Masochism, exploring the use of pain for the purpose of releasing endorphins to the brain, and other involving stuff. Genny Torturer is apparently a fuII-time body piercing specia)fjt’by day and an organ tr;ansplant technician at night (I’d hate to meet h,er in the ctinic on the other end of the knife), hence that slant to her onstage persona. Onstage she supervises the piercing with a profes-

Rub the AS-35 in hard. Feel the burning penetrate deep. sional air, she also does them before and after gigs. She seems to be one of those people who design their lives to fit their philosophies. Sowhilegroups Ii ke GWAR and Alice Cooper do their onstage gore shows as well, it

seems somewhat less an act to the Genitorturers -they probably really Iive fike that. Many people in the audience seemed to represent that S&M subsub-culture as dogco>llars abounded on some pretty scary (or pretty unlikelylooking) people. There was some bul Iwhi pping going on before the show, but it was pretty mild. The manager was telling me about heat a show in the States where a dominatrix walked down the block leading three guys on leashes, whipping and kicking them, and into the club. This continued through the show, and then they left. Truth is stranger than fiction.





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friday, October

15, t 993



CJOman, CJOmorn,go vm gogh by Greg Hood-Morris Imprint stuff Things are certainly looking bright for Montreal faves Go Van Gogh, as they pull into the Bombshelter this Thursday. Students of our fine institution are indeed fortunate, because this concert is one of only six concerts Go Van Gogh is playing before they toddle off to Europe for a brief jaunt. Like too many Canadian bands, or any Canadian celebrities for that matter, Go Van Gogh find themselves in the awkward situation of having greater success outside of Canada than within. In Europe, the remix of their most popular song, “Say You Will”, has enjoyed phenomenal success, and has even found its way onto our own charts, whet-e it’s slowly climbing upwards, riding on its quirky melodic structure and pulsating dance rhythm. However, as lead singer and guitarist, Dan Pierney was quick to point out, Go Van Gogh is much more than just dance music.The band was formed from the roots of Quebec folkies the Hodads, when Pierney and musical partner Sandra Luciantonio decided to create a new band, in order to relieve stuffiness, boredom, and the

confines of being pigeonholed. p;S I just did. Go Van Gogh, however, is different. They cannot be pigeonholed, and certainly cannot be described with the


Wasn’t Irish


Centre in the Square October 9, I993

In the midst of this very German festival we call Oktoberfest, a Little bit of Ireland has shined through. The Irish Rovers rolled into Kitchener’s Centre in the Square with their high-energy blend of Irish and North American folk music. Storming the stage, leader Will Millar entreated the audience to join him in a “big Oktoberfest party”, and launched right into “Last of the Irish Rovers”. Many of the songs performed were off the Rovers’ new album The Boys Come Rollin’ Home. The new recordings, according to Will Millar, are a return to the “pure sound” of their early days. The audience was still treated to some of their old favourites, however. “Way Hey (and She Rises)” and the Irish pub anthem “Black Velvet Band” were well received by the crowd, who joined in the choruses. Hauntingly beautiful Irish ballads like “Isle of Innisfree”and “Sweet Mol

That a Party! Malone’*, performed by bassist Joe Milbr (cousin of Will), provided a perfect contrast to the livelier Rovers offerings. The songs were not without their message, either. “Keeper”, off The 80~s Come Rollin’ Home, reminds us that we have been entrusted with the care and preservation of this earth, while ‘*First Day on the Somme” is a tribute to those who died in the two world wars. Between songs, the Rovers kept up a steady stream of banter, Irish jokes, and practical jokes on one another. Being Irish, the Rovers were not above a few cheap shots at the Scottish, either. (Scotland got the kilt and bagpipes from the Irish, pointed out Millar, and the Scats haven’t got the joke yet.) Other show highlights included two bagpipe duets by local pipers Rob and




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Sandy Campbell. The Rovers finished the show with, what else, famous party anthem “Wasn’t that a Party!” (Which was, apparently, based on a real Irish Rovers post-show Paq) It is unfortunate that the Irish Rovers are so often perceived as being a group for the old and very young only as the Rovers have something for Irish folk music lovers of any age. To conclude, as Will Millar said to the Centre crowd Saturday night. so I say to you, “May the wind be at your back, may your house be free of rent, may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead, may you live as long as you want to, and may you want to as long as you live!”

came ease as just saying that they are folkies. Go Van Gogh is more. Much more. For one thing, would a folk band have a song which is a favourite in certain dance clubs, which uses samples from the Wizard of Oz, no less? I think not. Go Van Gogh, is especially unique live, which is why people should come

and see them on Thursday. When I spoke to Pierney, he described the show, saying that they use lots of film, lighting and props. “It’s more than just people scraping guitars”. The two ex-members of the 1 Hodads are teamed up with a great new band whose members include Yves Desrochier on guitar, John McOlgan on drums, keyboardist Jean Massicotte, who played in Les Miser&es, and bassist John Souranis, who was a member of Men Without Hats. When I talked to Pierney, he was at a part{ held in honour of record producer, Pierre Marchand who won a production award in Quebec for his work on their self-titled debut album. The album is highly 1 charged atmospheric music. One in which you can almost smell the ozone in the air. It is definitely electric stuff. The concert on Thursday promises to be interesting and more than likely a lively and entertaining evening filled with the quirky sounds of Pierney and co.. Check it out.



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Oct. 7 Toronto 9 Guelph Laurier Western




42 26 20 51

York Waterloo McMaster Windsor

20 24 10 17



Carleton Laurier Toronto RMC

5 5 5 5 5 5





5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 4 4 3 2 1 1 0

Toronto Laurier Western Guelph Waterloo McMaster Windsor York



0 1 1 2 3 4 4 5

4 4 3 3 1 0


1 1 2 2 4 5



0 114 37 0 115 44 0 124 56 0 73 58 0 34132 0 37 170

8 8 6 6 2 0




197 85 160 82 158 109 145 112 86 86 73 100 98 234 64173

10 8 8 6 4 2 2 0


No. Yds Avg. TU F LR

TimTindale/UWO Mike MallotIUW

68 545 8.0 5 1 71 427 6.0 0 0

69 51

RNYethersole/Wind. an Yorke/York Rob Popkey/Guelph

55 398 408 7.2 7.4 03 21 73 356 4.9 3 0

41 57 32



Queen’s Western York Toronto Waterloo McMaster Ottawa Brock



Wk I




12-2 5-2 10-2 2-5 8-6 4-8 5-9 l-13

4-3 9-4 7-7 10-4 4-9 3-4 5-9 6-8

10-4 11-3 6-l 9-5 9-5 3-11 O-14 l-6

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Oct. 6 Laurier Western Waterloo York 7 Queen’s 8 Toronto 13 Waterloo McMaster Western York Trent OWIAA West Division

Laurier McMaster Western Cue1 h Win B sor Brock Waterloo east Division

Queen’s York Toronto Carleton Ryetson Trent OWlAA



Oct. 6 Windsor McMaster Waterloo 7 Carleton 8 Toronto Ryerson 9 Queen’s 10 Laurentian 12 McMaster 13 Toronto Waterloo Trent Western OUAA West Division


McMaster Windsor Guelph Waterloo Western Brock Laurier

8 4 8 5 8 3 7232 8 3 72 8 143

East Division

Carleton Toronto Laurentian Queen’s York Ryerson Trent

Western Laurier Guelph Queen’s Trent York Laurentian Ryerson Guelph York Brock Queen’s Laurier

Windsor Guelph Queen’s Western Waterloo f3rock Ottawa 1 McMaster Toronto Trent





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8 12 9 12 13 9 14

11 11 10 6 6 5 5




5 0 41


8 6 8 5 9 5 8 3 8 2 9162 7151


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628 -634 642 645 652 654 655 663 688






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Queen’s York Western Toronto McMaster Waterloo Laurier PCs 14

10 9

8 8 3




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L 1


Oct. 6 Toronto 8 At Guelph: Toronto Guelph Toronto Waterloo At Ne ean: McCil P Carleton 9 ;Xrplph:

OWlAA Team

McMaster Windsor Guelph Ryerson Carleton Trent Brock Guelph Laurier Toronto Queen’s

7052 GPW 7 6 6 7 6 6

McGill Carleton Trent


2 1 2 3 1 2 at at at at at

9 18 12 6 9 0


4 3 0








RESULTS Wk3 8 17

4 16


1 0





15 11 10 0

1 -. 2 0

THIS ‘; +:/ WEEkIN: THE OWfAA .~.~‘~FmuH~cKgY ,’ *&. 15 At IvLXXll: Taxk . ’ Ttmntu ‘. s_, 26 .At M&i& ; ’ /‘Cal;lletan .. Torontti, YO& _I ‘. Trent 1 Queen’s .I7 At McG’ill:

,:’ vs. h&X vs.C@ton

3:UO pm 4~30 p.m

vs, Yolk vs,McGill vs.Ql.leen’s

9:oO a.m IO:30 am 12:oo pm

vsl Carleton vs, Toronto

1:30 p,m 3:oQ p+m 9:OO am 1 I:00 a.m


vs. Queen’s At Western: Guelph vs. Western West& vs. Waterloo’ Waterloo vs, Guelph

_ Pts


10 10












10 11 11 10

5 5

4 5

1 I

21 17

17 16











11 11 11 10


29 36 17


1 0




7 8 10

7 9

Western McMas ter Waterloo Guelph



Oct. 16 Windsor Guelph Laurier York Queen’s ; ‘17 Western McMaster :’ Windsor York . . ._ Ryerwn

SOCCER , ZI: McHc;ster at at at at at at I at at

Waterloo Trent Toronto Brock Waterloo Guelph Carleton Turimtu

IO:00 a.m 1:OO p.m 3:OO p.m ’

12:OO pm 1:OO p,m 3:OO pm 200 pm

la0 pm 1:OO p.m 3:OU p.m 3:tm p.m 3:oO p.m 3:llO pm

Athletes of the week

12 11 7 5 4 3

@UAA 1,


CARLETON RAVE&$ (2), L ’ M&ill Redmen (3) :‘b .’ : : ’ .“: AlbertaGo&n Bears (!),,,: Victoria Vikings (5) ’ ‘1 : I; z Sherbrooke Vert et e.(6) : _. Memorial Sea-Hawks (7) i :: T0RONTOEILUES@3) i Monctoti Aid&s Blew (91.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Oct. 7 Toronto RMC Guelph Laurier 8 Queen’s McMaster Division

Queen’s McMaster Guelph Western York Waterloo

38 17 15 29 17 40





5 4 5 4 5 3 ";I 2 b 1 1


KATI AFKHAMI Athena Tennis


Brock Carleton Waterloo Trent Western York

10 9 3 9 6 3

Kati Afkhami is UW’s female athlete of the week. Afkhami is a fourth-year chemistry student playing her third year with the Athena team.




1 0 110 45 I 0 8% 45 2 0 58 68 3 0 63 69 4 0 61 101 4 0 56 108


Pts 8 8 6 4 2 2

Afkhami has become the first number-one seed in the last seven years to defeat the number-. one seed of the University of Werrem Ontario Mustangs. She defeated her opponetn 6-4, 3-6,796 for the win. The Athenas travel to McMaster tomorrow (Saturday, October 16) to compete against the Marauders.

Steve Bennet

BENNET Football

is UW’s

male athlete

of the

week. Bennet is a fourth-year arts student from King City who helped the Warriors generate a total of 47C yards of offence last Saturday against 7 the Guelph Gryphons. Akhvugh th* Warricws \ast 26-24. Lx-met’s effort was outstanding, passing l3-of-22 for 3 I8 yards and two touchdowns. He also rushed 73 yards including a one-yard touchdown run. Wilfrid Laurier host the Warriors tomorrow at Seagram Stadium at 2 p.m.


by Julie special


Brown to Imprint

“This phat soundtrack+” as executive producer John Singleton calls it, consists of a compilation of strongly rhythmic, very funky beat music, including such artists as TLC, Tony! Toni! Tone!, Naughty By Nature, Babyface. and Stevie Wonder, (No, that is not a misprint. The names “Stevie Wonder” and “Naughty By Nature” both did appear in the previous sentence!). Ranging in styles from hard rap to jazz-based selections. this variety of I5 tracks has created a very diverse collection. Being one of the unlucky few who actually paid to see Janet Jackson’s acting debut in the summer flick that inspired this collection, (Okay, so this review’s a little late!), I had been hoping to see a parallel, even if slight, in her mlent as a singer and as an actress. Unfortunately, the latter is practically non-existent, as so often seems to be the case when performers attempt to cross over to the other field of artistic expression, (Madonna, Don johnson, and Eddie Murphy, to mention a few). However, despite the absence of a Janet jackson recording on this album, the soundtrack is refreshingly up-beat, particularly in contrast with the rather depressing mood which pervades the film.

4-3 by Dave


Thomson staD

The album’s first track, “Get It Up”, performed by TLC, establishes a definitive groove into which one seems powerless but to slip, a quality belonging to a number of the songs included in the collection. Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth’s “One In A Million” adds a spice of jazz, its funk beat and fluid trumpeting mingling easily with its rap and dance counterparts. Of course, reflecting much of the movie’s theme, the tracks “N&as Don’t Give A Fuck”, performed by Dogg Pound, and 2Pac’s “Definition Of AThug N&a”, have rightfully earned the album the honour of bearing the stamp: “Parental Advisory - Explicit Lyrics”. As becomes apparent from having read these song titles, the lyrics, (and the fitm), depict the male African-American’s frustrations in aworld in which he feels socially downtrodden and otherwise oppressed. This theme, however, is gradually becoming over-

5 by John Imprint

Hymens stan

Random thoughts

on The Love In-




3 [


and, not to diminish their plight in the least, slightly tiresome, as it seems a mass of movies, including “Boyz In The Hood”. “juice”, and “New Jack City”, have emerged in the recent past with the intention of portraying a very one-sided view of the African-American’s life. Aside from these singles though, the selections exude a very positive aura of partying and good times, intermingled as well with the mellow notes of such tracks as Tony! Toni! Tone!‘s “Waiting For You” and Stevie Wonder’s “Never Dreamed You’d Leave In Summer”. Finally, in the words of John Singleton, “ ...I hope y’all dance, chill, make love, drive, all to the rhythm of this phat soundtrack. Peace.”

nor welcome. Think I’m crazy? l-low else did the Pet Shop Boys achieve their popularity if not through cornplete monotonous/homogenous/archetypal posing? Synthesizers mask individuality, which is exactly why they are thk perfect instrument for our proto-fascist society. The reason nobody calls our society fascist is because we’re all in the SA. Boredom is counter revotutionary (Debord). The Love Interest capture the boredom of a generation in Be&z-



Where’s the nearest dance floor? I’m bedazzled. Let’s face it - guitar based music is a spent creative force. Hendrix would have used tt-.e funky drummer beat if sampling technology would have been available to him. Guitar rock is too individualistic for our society. Guitar styles are so personal. Anyone can turn on a drum machine. Individuality/personality imply responsibifity, which we no longer want

Today’s dance music lures us into a totally disjointed world where nothing is as it seems because there is nothingthere. But instead of crystalliring our boredom, dance music (ie, The Love Interest) celebrates it. Boredom - once a state that we fought - is now a commodity, sold back to us at I20 BUM. Who would ever have been prescient enough to realize that Dawdle Moire was a prophet?

consists soley of samples and fuzzy guitars. The wandering vocals and li!ting beat of Prowhg is reminiscent of Sonic


liberation available to women through this much-debated abortion pill. The anchor of con-

by Rob tickers Imprint


I’m not sure about here in Waterloo, but I remember the smafl gigs they used to have at the University Centre at the University of Guelph. There would be three or more bands for four or five bucks (plus maybe a canned good to go to the local food shelter), Sometimes you would get some really good bands playing to a small crowd, and other ‘times you’d get a wait of obnoxious noise playing to a bunch of over-excited kids with big green mohawks, When I picked up this tape, I expected high energy music with bad production. 1 saw the HO) Rollers with ]t~whox a few years ago and they were fantastic, but the sound production leaved a lot to be desired. I was pleasantly surprised when I gave it a listen. This album is well done. As far as I know, it is the Ho/y Rollers only release to date. The sound is a good merge of lowbox and early phleg Gamp style, with a bit of Ian MacKaye type screaming

every once in a while. The production was much better than I expected (though by no means perfect) and every song has some real talent to go with the abundant energy. Tracks that stand out are Silence on Me, Worlds Apat, and Gold. They’ve got a good groove going, and there are few disappointments. If you want a no-frills listen slightly left of the usual pop-core, I’d highly recommend that you give this a try. 1 doubt that it will cost much, and I’m sure that you’ll enjoy it as part of your collection. Please remember, before you dismiss a band like this one, the Dougfrboys (who just played Fed Hall, and whom you will see on MuchMusic) used to play those same small gigs. And they sound QSgood now as they did then.

Rock and Bowl takes place on Suturdtiy nights from 10 pIma to 12 midnight. Includes Classic Rock Music, low lighting, weekly prizes, etc. $25.00 gets you a lane for up to 8 people for two hours of great fun!! Open to persons 19 years of age and over. Licensed under the L.L.B.O. *limited lanes available - phone for reservation



W., WATER100

(behind Huether Hotel) - snack bar

companies had pretty much stopped manufacturing the things, columnists in music magazines were predicting that only age-otd rock gods like Neil Young would be putting out vinyl recordings, and only then as highpriced limited edition novelties. Well, nostalgia be damned. Some collection of musicians from Texas calling themselves the Pain Teens has chosen the medium of vinyl for their firstever (I think) release. And it’s quite impressive as far as first efforts go. Their style is hard to pin down, as they cover nearly every one that every had any appeal. Cool Your Power has that sugary “chick band” sound of L7; Sexual Anorexia is an angry song with a bit of scratching and sampling, while another

Youth; while the cover of Cohen’s The Story oflsaac employs nothing more than an acoustic guitar and Bliss Blood’s ample vocal abilities. And RU 486 combines the stvle of the MiniPoDs and some early-r,-eighties pop song to sing praises of tie

ble has a degree of originality to it, as it seems to be a nifty twist on simpler concepts like the Pistol’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle or SST’s Duck and Cover. It is bri Kant enough, I suppose, to warrant a vinyl recording.

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friday, october



Sleek cars purr

diretied by Marco Brambilh

by Puul Imprint

Cocker staff

The new futuristic



faced streets and around stainless steel buildings of rigid geometric arrange-

merits. This is the vision ‘of set designers Mark Poll, Natalie V. Richards and Carl Stensel, and the vehicles are actually a fleet of show cars, courtesy of

film, Demolition

Man, both begins and ends with the hero and villain pitted against each other, duking it out like violent, mass-murdering maniacs. Yes, this movie is an actionadventure. And yes, this movie may seem like a piece of mind-

less gunfighting glitz. But if you look closer, there’s actually a familiar political statement in&aced in this celluloid. We start off in Los Angeles in the year 1996 with john Spartan (Sylvester Stallone).

He’s an obsessive hard-nosed cop and a one-man wrecking crew, who is trying desperately to arrest his sadistic grch-rival, Simon Phoenix (Wesley Snipes), for his crimes of past and present. But Spartan’s prompt determination

has him blowing

up a building, hostages to Found guilty Spartan joins

leaving 30 dead be* uncovered, of manslaughter, Phoenix in a firstrun prison designed to put inmates in a state of cryogenic stasis. We have both the cop and crook frozen for later rehabilitation in suspended animation. Now we’re in the megalopolis of San Angeles--San Francisco and Los Angeles have united--and it’s the year 2032. An unaged Simon Phoenix es-

capes from



his Demolition



of the “Best Freeze

parole hearing, only to enter a Since Han S&H Award pristine, dirt-free environment of “peace, love and understanding.” This is a world not capable of Oldsmobile. This movie’s set appears deating with his archaic barbarism. So to play tribute to a variety of sciencethaws John Spartan to stop his longtime fiction gems like Total Recoil, Empire foe. And all Hell breaks loose. Strikes Back and 1984 are quite eviDemolition Man has a spectacular dent. locale of an imminent urban future. - But it’s the I984 tone of Demo/i-

gluttony Like



tion Man that is most obvious. The citizens of San Angeles are under the rule of Dr. Raymond Cocteau (Nigel Hawthorne), the mayor-governor of the city and the man responsible for saving it from being a cess pool of corrupt minds. The people treat him like a futuristic pharaoh, but he seems more like Big Brother or an “evil Mr. Rogers.” Cocteau’s brave new world follows the ideal of collectivism, where man and machine are supposed to work together as a perfect clique. But this is an extreme ideal and San Angeles is, in fact, a fraudulent utopia of “greed, deception and abuse of power.” There are people that oppose this lifestyle. Spartan’s partner, Huxley (Sandra Bullock), a woman fascinated with the 20th century and its prehistoric bravado, and grungy Edgar Friendly (Denis Leary), a die-hard malcontent, both feel proverbs like “be well” and “enhance your calm” are monotonous and occasionally uncharacteristic of human behaviour. This is seen when Huxley fumbles over oldfashioned colloquialisms: “Take this job and shovel it,” she tells her boss, a scrupulous Chief Earle (Bob Gunton). And whenever Edgar Friendly has the chance to, Leary inachineguns out verbal pro-liberty antics indicative of his stand-ups: “I want to smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the nonsmoking section!” Sure, Demolition Man may seem like an escapist film jam-packed with wham-barn wallop. Heck, it better be with its big budget. ,But thei-e’s also a political statement relevant. It tries to promote liberal deniocracy and demote the oppressive extremes, like anarchy and dictatorship. Look, you’ll see the mesSage too. It’ll hit you like a gun shot.

by Kat


This movie deals with food and love in a unique way. Eating is not simply a necessity of life, it provides the spice of it. For Tita, youngest daughter of a Mexican rancher, cook-

*print packages mailable *personalized, professional service *we supply gown & colours



243 King












6 Bridge St., W., KITCHENER



Night Tables


with 9-12am

2 Larae

vomit in the river. Another time, when Pedro brings Tits a bouquet of roses,

she runs off with a revolutionary. The story of Pedro and Tits is sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic, but always sensual. The dry and vast plains of Mexico pulsate with raw passion. Tita’s American admirer who almost marries her warns of this almost savage venting of emotions. “If you ignite all the matches of passion at once,“he exptains,“you could burst into flames.” He realizes that he could never have more than a mere flicker of Tits’s light which belongs forever to Pedro. appearing at the Princess cinemu, tonight unci tomorrow

with Tita and she with him, they are not allowed to marry. Instead the young man marries the older and dour sister Rosauro who has a tendency of stoutness and bad breath. His reasons

are noble but naive. He moves into the Gana ranch, and can be close to his beloved Tits. Tits is from now on condemned to the kitchen. Her tears stain the weddingfeast’ssauceandalltheguests who taste it become obsessed with memories of their lost loves, and even the vicar joins everyone who must

Picture Your8elf

petals that overwhelm everyone with desire. Sister Gertrudis is so inspired that

M. Piro stafl

ing allows her to vent her emotions at a time when women were supposed to accept their fates demurely. Tits’s mother, a widow, has ordained that her youngest child and third daughter will never marry but instead take care of her mother. When Pedro, son of a neighbour, falls in love


she cooks a feast with the


Good wine. Chocolate. The sizzling of the stove, the warmth of the kitchen. How many times has the memory of a lover’s kiss or aftranger’s rough caress, made us search relief in the taste of strawberries, salsa, or rich




,.: . I

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directed by Alfonso Aruu ~ Princess Cinema


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2685 Kingsway KITCHENER

(Ride to UW available)

(behind Fairview


I I Drive Ont







friciay, october

Eight The 99 Critical Shots in Pool. Everything You Need to Know to Learn aid Master the Game by Ray Martin and Rosser Reeves Random House 220 pages

by Graham special to



Pool is a very controlled game. Spinning spheres of equal size and mass colliding and rebounding. A Newtonian physicist’s dream. . . The purpose of any book on pool


15, I993

Need to Know to Learn and Master the Game”. Despite some OK sections, the book is constrained by this gimmick. Understanding the fundamentals of the grip, stance, bridge and stroke are a prerequisite to any success at the pool table. In the opening chapter, the bridge and stroke are well covered. A reasonable outline of grip and stance are also provided, all clearly illustrated with photographs, but the section about the tip doesn’t cover shaping and describikg the table and balls is sily and unnec-

balled is also shown. Diagrams of this sort are standard to most books on pool. Of all the shots, the explanations of throw, nudge and ghost ball shots deserve the most attention. The throw shot is easily the most counter-intuitive shot in pool and the authors spend four shots on a decent explanation of how it is done. They also supply an adequate description of the nudge and ghost ball shots. The back of the book contains a glossary of pool terms and an official rules section. It describes sixteen games ranging from the popular eight ball and

.k~?r snme n

cannot be sunk in any other way. He states “It’s one of the easiest shots in pool.” I may not be the best pool player around, but if it were one of the easiest shots in pool, I would have made it at least once in the half hour I tried. It is very frustrating missing again and again a shot “you can teach to a five-year-old in five minutes”. A book with such critical errors endangers the novice player the most. Unfortunately it is the beginner who would be lured by the promise of masterful instruction. then frustrated and insulted.


by Tcmuny Speers special to Imprint

must be to explain this interplay of the balls. The analysis of specific shots should only serve to reveal some universal principles. Telling someone how to make one individual shot is pointless unless you tell them why it works. In the preface Ray “Cool Cat” Martin and Rosser Reeves say “nearly all [pool shots], with minor variations, repeat themselves again and again.” Although the authors also confess there are over 54 quadrillion possible shots in pool, the title still reads “The 99 Critical Shots in Pool - Everything You

UW Drama Department presents “Dusa, Fish, Stas & Vi”. Playing Ott 20-23 at 8 p.m., Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building. $8 for studentslsenions, $10 for general public. For info and tickets, call 885-4280. Turner’s Syndrome K-W Group provides information and exchange for individuals with Turner’s Syndrome, their families and friends. Call 744-4585 for info. Mike Moser Memorial Awards. Deserving third and fourth year students who have financial need, an exemplary academic record, and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities are invited to apply. Apply with resume and two letters of reference by January 15, 1994 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. The Renison Stomp ‘93 featurinn Sensation Jazz Band, &eat Hall, R&ison College, Sat Ott 30 9 p.m. - 1 a.m., $15 per person, cash bar, light evening meal. Tickets available at Main Off ice, Renison College. If you have any questions, please phone 884-4400. Are you 18 - 30 years and diabetic? We need you for a 1 day soft contact lens study. You will receive $25 for expenses.If interested, call Amanda at bptometry 885-l 211 ext. 3822.

essaty. Diagrams accompany each shot. The table is seen from above with the ball to be sunk coloured black and other balls in grey except for the cue ball which is, of course, white. It may have been a peculiarity of my copy, but on most pages all the balls, with the exception of the cue ball, were black. This was probably a printing error. They use the “clock face” method to indicate where on the cue ball to strike to impart the desired spin. This is done for each shot. Usually the cue position

nine ball to games which you will very rarely see played but that deserve more attention such as rotation, one pocket, and 14. I continuous or straight pool. Despite revealing some great games, the rule section is far from comprehensive and sometimes doesn’t even cover the basic rJles like the ballin-hand rule in nine ball. The main problem is some of the shots just don’t work. Shot number thirty-three describes any easy way to sink a ball which is hanging over the side pocket and

This book was originally released in I977 and was presumably dug up to cash in on the resurgent popularity of the stick game, but for a little more than the $17.00 it costs you can buy a much better one. Getting your hands on a good book is a quick way to learn what is required to improve your game. For the price of renting a table for three or four hours you can get the experience of years of play. Byrne’s Standard Book of Pool is an excellent book for the apprenticing billiard player.

Are you interested in attending an oncampus sutvivors of incest/sexual abuse anonymous meeting. 12 steps. Anonymous, Once a week on campus. For men or women. Call _~~. ~~579-2815. ~ ~ Is your son, daughter, friend a gay/ lesbian or bisexual? P.F.L.A.G. (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) meets monthly, 3rd Friday of each month for support and peer counselling. For info, call Grace at l-822-691 2 (Guelph).. Canadian Religious Art is the topic of lecture on Fri Ott 29. Presented by Dr. Michael Bird at 7:30 p.m. in C.L. Siegfried Hall at St. Jerome’s College. For more info, cal! 884-8110, ext. 242 or ext. 259. Special Christmas warehouse sale 313 Lawrence Ave., Kitchensr. Beginning at 8 a.m. to 12 noon 30-75% off retail. Great selection of brand names such as Rubbermaid, 3M, Singer, Eveready, Sergeants, etc. Cash only.

Pakistani Students Association is hosting a “Meet, Eat, and Greet Event” in HH373from Lots of free food, everyone weldome. For info, call Hyder at 725-6334.




Connie Kaldor is a popular Canadian singer/songwriter. She is returning to Waterloo next week in her only appearance this fall. She will be playing at Emmanuel United Church on Friday October I5 at 8pm. After the release last year of her recording “Wood River”, Connie is currently working on a follow-up recording. “Wood River” was Connie’ sixth release to date and featured 3 collection of her songs about the prairies. Her new album will also feature prairie-inspired songs. Tickets are on sale at Provident Bookstore in Waterloo and the Waterloo Showtime Box Office or call 5 19-886-2375. With so few fabulous female performers in our area this is a show not to be missed!!

15,1993. 7 p.m. to midnight. Cover charge $2.00.

Oct. 16,1993

Giant Indoor Sale: 30-75% off retail. Thousands of items such as houseware, toys, pet supplies, Christmas products, electrical, something for everyone! Cash Only. 313 Lawrence Ave., Kitohener, 8:oO a.m. to 1200 p.m. Phone 578-3160 for info.

Sunday, FASS Reading/Writing/Editing



Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in HH124.




Ideas & Issues. Lynn Matthews, Chief Librarian at KPL since 1972 retires this month. Hear him reflect on his career and consider the future of the information age. KPL Main Branch at 12:OO p.m.




Author! Author! Meet Arthur Black, author of “Black by Popular Demand’, humour for the 90’s. Register at 579-2382. Main Branch at 12:i 5 p.m. GLLOW Discussion Group will discuss: Spiritual and &gious Issues., ML104 at 7:30 p.m. For info, call 884-4569. Peg Forbes: Artist of La Clothe. 1O:OO a.m. K-W Art Gallery, 10.1 Queen St. N. For info, call 579-5860.





Waterloo Blood Donor Clinic. First United Church, King & William Sts. I:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 360 donors required, I.D. required. For info, call 742-2785. FAGS Reading/Writing/Editing Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in HH124. Thursday, October 21,1893. Wheels ‘94 Bingeman Park. Till Sun Ott 24, 1993. UW Campaign Waterlop & the K-W Car 81Truck Dealers Association have joined forces for a 3 month campaign. UW Film Society Chinese Series: “Border’ Town” 7:00 p.m. (Eng. S/T) at ECHl219. Call 885-1211 ext. 3709 for info.




I-low to use Religion indexes on CDROM. Dana Porter Library at IO:30 p.m. Meet at the Info Desk.

Monday, Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Fall term. Unless otherwise stated application deadline is Ott 29, 1993. Forms available in Student Awards Off ice, 2nd floor, NH.



Don Hayes Award - deadline: January 31, 1994. Mike Moser Memorial Award - deadline: January 15,1994. Torn York Memorial Award - essay, approximately 2,500 words, interested candidates should submit essay to St. Paul’s United College - deadline October 29,1993. FACULTY OF ARTS Arts Student Union Award - available to ;I&ts students - deadline October 29, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING (all deadlines October 29, 1993 unless otherwise stated). Andersen Consulting Scholarship available. Canadian Hospital Engineering Societv’s Scholarship - available to 38. Canadian Posture atid Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 36. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship - available to all 36. John Deere Limited Scholarship -available to all 38 Mechanical. Delcan Scholarship -available to all 3B Civil, Randy Duxbury Memorial Award - available to all 38 Chemical. Ellis=Don Construction Ltd. ‘Scholarship - available to 2B Civil. Gandalf Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design, or Computer Engineering 1 B and above. Noreen Energy Computer Science, zFazcal, and Geological Engineering - available to Geological and Chemical 2nd year or above. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to all 38 Civit, Water Resource Management students. FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memorial Award -available to 3rd year Planning. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Andersen Consulting Scholarship available to 38 Math. Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship - available to 3B Computer Science. Noreen Energy Computer Science, Chemical, and Geological Engineering Award - available to Computer Science vear two or above. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarshia available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesioldgy - deadline: October 15, 1993. Ron May Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Recreation - deadline: October 15.1993.

Introduction to Internet Resources using UWinfo: Dana Porter Library, Mon Ott 18, 1993, 6:30 p.m. Meet at Info



How to use MLA International Bibliography on CD-ROM. DanaPorter Library at I:30 o.m. Meet at the Info Desk.




How to use Mat&i on CD-ROM. Davis Cedntre Library at 2:30 p.m. Learn How to use EconLit on CDD-ROM. Dana Porter library at 12130 p.m. Meet at the lnfo Desk.




How to use Philosopher’s Index on CDROM. Dana Porter Library at I:30 p.m. Meet at the Info Desk.




Fine Arts Research Workhop. Dana Porter Library at 1 t :30 a.m. How to use Public Affairs Information Services (PAS) on CD-ROM. Dana Porter Library at 2:30 ~.m. Meet at the Info Desk.

Sign up sheets & handouts available in NH1001 the week prior to presentation date. All Sessions & Workshops in room NfllO20 unless otherwise stated. Tuesday, Oct. 19: Interview Skills I Information Session, 11:30-l 2;30., Wednesday, Oct. 20: Job Search I Information Session, 2:30-3:30; Job Search II Workshop, 3:00-4:30 in NH1 115. Thursday, Oct. 21: interview Skills II Workshop, 11:30-l :30; Resume Writing tnformation Session, 6:00-7:OO; Letter Writing Information Session, 7:00-8:O0. Monday, Oct. 25: Interview Skills I Information Session, 6:00-7:OO. Tuesday, Oct. 26: Networking Workshop, 3:304130; Resume Critiquing Workshop, 5:007:OO. Wednesday, Oct. 27: Researching Occupations Workshops, 3:30-4:30. Monday, Nov. 8: Resume Writing Information Session, 11:30-l 2:30; Letter Writing Information Session, 12:30-l :30. Tuesday, Nov. 9: Interview Skills I Information Session, 3:30-4:30. Wednesday, Nov. 10: Interview Skills II Workshop, 2:30-4:30; Intro to Career Planning &Job Search, 5:00-6:OO; Information Interview Workshop, 6:00-7:OO. Thursday, Nov. 11: Job Search I Information Session, 9:30-1O:OO; Job Search II Workshop, lO:OO-11:30inNHl115. Friday,Nov. 12: Resume Critiquing Workshop, 9:3011:30. Monday, Nov. 15: Networking Workshop, 10:30-l 1:30. Tuesday, Nov. 16: Resume Writing information Session, 3:30-4:30; Letter Writing Information Session, 4:30-5:30. Wednesday, Nov. 17: Researching Employers I Information, 2:30-3:OO; Researching Employers II Workshop, 3:00-4:00 in NH1 115; Intro to Self Assessment Workshop, 5:006:OO in NH1 030. Thursday, Nov. 18: Researching Occupations Workshop, 10:30-l 1:30; Resume Critiquing Workshop, 11:30-l :30.

Strong Interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Monday, Oct. 18 3:30-4:30 p.m. ; Thursday, Oct. 213:304:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, Oct. 26 11:3012: 30 p, m. ; Wednesday, Oct. 27 - 4:305:30 0.m. Myers-Brlggs Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Monday, Oct. 18 - 11:30-l 2:30 p.m.. ; Thursday, Oct.. 28 - 11:30-12:30 p.m. Each workshop 2 sessions long. Register: Counseliing Services, NH 2080.

SUNDAYS Any students interested in participating in the Young Adults Group at Emmanuel United Church (corner of Albert and Bridgeport) are invited to attend our meetings at 7 p.m. Radio Arab Carlo “The voice of the middle east”. Arabic music, news, and the community calendar. Sun 4:3O p.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM. Request line: 8842567. MONDAYS Outers Club meets at 7 p<m. in MC4060. Member activities include: canoeing, kayaking, hiking, cycling, and caving. High quality equipment availablefor rent to mem hers. Adult Jazz Dance Classes for Beginners. Ott 18 - Dee 6, 8:l5 - 9:15 p.m. UW Dance Dept. 0X-l Studio A. 8 fun classes for $50.00. Register at ECH 1102 or call 885-l 211 ext. 3665. WEDNESDAYS GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds GLLOW Night (formerly Coffeehouse). 9 p.m., HH378. Everyone welcome to these informal social evenings. Information: call GLLOW phoneline 884-4569. Amnesty International Group 118. Write a letter, save a life. Same meeting time: Wed 7:30 p.m. New location: ES1 Rm, 350. THURSDAYS Lesbian Discussion Group, 7:00 p.m. in MLl04. Come discuss and meet other lesbians. Call ext. 3457 for topic and info. Womyn’s Centre Meeting, 5:OO p.m. in thecentre. Alt womyn welcome. Call ext. 3457 for info and agenda. FRIDAYS English Conversation Class - for International students, staff and faculty as well as spouses. Meetings from 2 to 4 beginning Sept. 17, NH2080. Sharing Our Future? The Future of Canadian Foreign Aid Policy Workgroup on International Development Issues meets at 12:00 p.m at the Global Community Centre, 89 King St, N., 2nd floor. Call Andrew at 746-4090 for info.



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Volunteers are needed at University Heights Secondary School to work oneon-one with students at upgrading basic math skills. Interested university students should contact David Carterat 885-0800, Big Sisters need you. If you are 20 years of age or older and feel you can make a positive difference in a child’s life, K-W and area Big Sisters need you. Friends is a school volunteer program where a child is paired with an adult volunteer, establishing a one-to-one relationship. Volunteers urgently needed. Please call 744-7645. Seeking volunteer -- experienced journalist. Write articles for non-profit organization on success stories/problems in unemployment, housing, literacy. Prefer familiarity, support for social assistance issues. Call Anne or Beverly, CODA, (519) 623-9380. Develop leadership skills by assisting with Sparks, Brownies, Girl Guides, Pathfinders. Contact Lynne Bell at884-8098. Energetic, responsible volunteers required for Board of Directors of Operation Go Home; a non-profit organization dedicated to re-uniting families. Please call: Louise at 745-9265. Volunteer Fair ‘93 at Fairview Park on Friday, October 15 and Saturday, October 16,1993, and find out why volunteers are the heart of our community.

New Style: multi-colour-sleeved UW leather jacket. Size small. Fits sizes 3440. Worn only one winter $180 obo. Call Chris 747-2468.

Week of October 18: Law Schools - Do you know which of Canada’s law schools is best for you? For informatipn about a guide to each of Canada’s law schools and about LSAT software, call l-800567-7737.

Some person(s) to commute with, to the K-W area from the Hamilton area. Willing to car pool. Call Gary at (905) 387-5645.

+ Andcl Sales * UW Housiqj “Village DOB” l CFS BIuc Cross * Picture Yourself l Koh-I-Noor Restaurant l Andrew Tclcgdi Campaign l Tern Nova Footwear * 4 Nautilus * Schlotzsky’s l Gino’s Pizza * UW Drama * Sam The Record Man * WW Immigration Services l John Hall MassageTherapy * Little Ccasar’s l UW Bookstore l Dragon Palace * Cohmbia Sports Medicine Clinic * The Doll House * Origins

Aura Readings, Tarot Readings, Life Healing, Self- realization: For further information call (519) 578-0682. Your horoscope based on your time, date, and birth place, 34+ pages of info and guidance in career, romance, family, business, and more. 48 hr. delivery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free incense with order. $14.95 cash or VISA. Call (519) 578-0682. Musicians needed to join with guitarist in forming Alternative Rock Band. Call Mike at 578-7929 or visit HH337.

Computer sales, repairs, and upgrades. We beat our competitors’ prices. Call Computer Brite Systems at (519) 7445922. Ramord Appliance: repairing all major appliances and microwaves at reasonable rates. 10% student discount. $5.00 service call with this ad. Calf (519) 8887830.

Petfectlon on paper: Professional word processing by University grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections available. Laser Printer. Call Suzanne at (519) 886-3857. Honours UW graduate can process all types of papers- Laser printer, spell check, grammar corrections. Pick-up and delivery. Call Clark at (519) 7494082. Why pay more for less?

Room for either women or men available at Conrad Grebel College, University of Waterloo for thewinter 1994 term (Jan through Apr). Contact Chris Goertz for info at 885-0220 ext. 223.

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