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IMPRINT Campus Centre, Room University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, NZL

140 3G I

888-4048 Friday, October 29,1993 Volume 16, Number 15

Election dissected WLU

ISSN 0704-7380

Inside news


UW raises big buck, whitewash wisdom, aktivists invade


8 - 12

new column preaches atheism, more Clint, print rules TV

features Co-op


takes root in Tokyo




- round two



Football out of playoffs, but boasts ten all-stars; hockey off to rough start



- 30

Jonathan Richman rock the Bomb, concert hall concerts, Blur, Eve’s Plum, the JAM Chain reviewed, Kanehsatake aftermath

Fditorial Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assitant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Board Ken Bryson

vacant Natalie Onuska Lisa Sutton Greg Hood-Morris vacant Peter Brown vacant Sharon Little vacant Kat M. Piro Daryl Novak

Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Advertising Assistant Proof Reader

LaurieTigert-Dumas Jim Ing Vivian Tambeau vacant Heather Robinson

Board of Directors President Peter Brown Vice President Natalie Onuska Secretary/Treasurer Gillian O’Hagan Directors-at-Large Sandy Atwal Cheryl Costello



Chris Aldworth, Sandy Atwal, Tammy.Bender, Jamie Bennett, Edson Castilho, Jeff Chard, Mark Ciavarella, Cheryl Costello, Ken Craig, Lesley Dowey, Caludia Ecsedi, Sandie Edwards, Sharon Flood, Paul Hawken, Peter Hoflich, Bernard Kearney, Tasha Lackman, Jack Lefcourl, Samjeet Malik, Dava McKay, Jeffrey L. Millar, Angela Mulholland, Nicholas Mew, Sameh E. Rehan, Frank Segleineiks, Natalie Serkin, Dave Switzer, Dave Thomson, Robert Vickers, Derek Weiler, Radomir (Brad) Zak. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a memberof the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint resewes the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint@ watservl

by Angela Mdholliznd Imprint staff The outcome of this week’s federal election was the topic of a “post-mortem”colloquium atwilfrid Laurier University (VVLU) last Tuesday. The term “post-mortem” proved to be highly fitting considering the Progressive Conservative Party’s devastating defeat the previous night. Seven professors from six deparvnents gathered to discuss and offer personal speculations regarding the future of this country and Canadian politics as a whole in the wake of the Liberal Party’s victory. Responses to the Liberals’ victory were varied. The Liberal campaign had been nothing short of deceptive, and the Liberals have no plans to abolish the GST or the Free Trade Agreement, asserted political science professor John Redekop. J ean Chretien will not be able to deliver the goods he promised and his plan will not produce jobs, Redekop said. “Has Ontario voted from nostalgia?” asked english professor Paul Thiessen in response to the Liberals complete sweep of Ontario. Chretien has nb credible strategies to reduce the deficit, said Thiessen, agreeing with Redelcop . The successful campaigns of


both the Reform Party and the Bloc Quebecois was a point of concern for all panellists, as each of these parties represents such stringent regionalism: the Bloc in Quebec, and Reform in the west. Which paq will become the official opposition is really not important, said many of the panellists. The important factor is the wrangling that will occur in Parliament, and whether or not this will cause a division of the country, relayed panelists. The challenge now, will be to keep the country operating as a whole, or ten years from now there won’t be a Canada, claimed social work professor Anne Westhues. She reminded the crowd that the Liberal Paq has always been a regional party, namely to central Canada. History professor Joyce Lormier agreed and added that Canadian politics have traditionally been guilty of what she called “Ontario-centrism”. Lorimer affirmed that the Bloc Quebecois is not a “block” but instead, simply a “strange alliance”. Redekop concurred, saying he is unsure whether the Bloc is capable of breaking up the country. He believes the Bloc’s ideology is all over ttre place except in the area that counts - separatism. “As Quebec talks about



by LesJey Dewey

First ever Drama & Speech Communication scholarship Kimwun Perehinec (right), a fourth-year Drama major and Astra Goodhue, a fourth-year Speech Communication major, were presented with the first Department of Drama & Speech Communication scholarship awards at a noon hour luncheon celebrating the department’s 25th Anniversary.

to pg 6

UW throws mighty fundraiser in Toronto by Sandy AtwuZ Imprint sta# Last Tuesday, members of the corporate community came out in support of the University of Waterloo and the evening’s guest speaker Maurice Strong, chairperson of the board at Ontario Hydra. They showed their support by attending a $500 a plate dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto. Among the movers and shakers in the room were president of General Motors Canada, president of the Bank of Montreal Matthew Barrett and president of the Universiv of Toronto Rob Pritchard. Also in attendance were past and present WW presidents Doug Wright and lames Downey. Organized by Andrew Sarlos, the dinner raised over $275 000 for Campaign Waterloo. The campaign is designed to help solicit funds for a groundwater toxicology laboratory in a new Environmental Studies and Engineering building. In the past I8 months alone, $50 million has been raised towards the final goal of $89 million. Introducing guest speaker Maurice





mier Bob Rae, who was responsible for re-appointing Strong to his position. In a short introduction, Rae said Strong was responsible for the kind of union he wanted to see more of one with a greater link bencveen the private and public sectors. Praising Strong for transforming Ontario

Maurjce Ontario Premier Bob Rae introduces guest speaker Strong last Tuesday at Toronto’s Four Seasons Hotel. Hydro into a more economically efficient corporation, Rae also stressed Strong’s environmental wmk, calling him “an individual who is recognized throughout the world as an economic conscience.” Although Rae’s praise was welcome, some members of the audience were less enthusiastic about his unintentional snub of the Universky of Waterloo. While reiterating his commitment to post-secondary

education, Rae noted some recent contributions by the provincial government to projects at Queen’s university and the University of Toronto. This was a mistake according to UW board of governors member Doug McMullen. “It was kind of an affront to the entire audience,” said McMullen. He considered such a comment at a fundraiser for the University of Waterloo “offensive.”

Strong’s speech was well received by the audience as he reiterated both his environmental and economic concerns for the future of Ontario and all of Canada. He stressed the importance of a working relationship between those concerned for the environmental future of Ontario, and those anxious about its economic future. Rather than take an obvious corporate stance, Strong maintained that one cannot work without the other, and that only through economic change can we make any effective environmental change. Ontario Hydro’s monopoly had gradually disappeared due to ‘the slow deregulation of inter-provincial barriers allowing for the emergence of other provincial powers such as Quebec Hydro. Also, trade deals, such as the FTA and NAFTA, further reduced their market share. Strong said he felt the only way to make this union work, was to make Ontario Hydro more competitive and more market oriented. Strong’s speech especially excited former UW president Doug Wright, who called Strong’s policies for Ontario Hydro “revolutionary.” For Wright, Strong took the first tentative steps to announcing the privatization of Ontario Hydro. Referring to Strong’s policy of “equity financing,” Wright said, “any other word for that is privatization.”



friday, october


29, I993

Activists by Tasha Lackman Imprint staff Waterloo Region’s First Annual Community Activists’ Conference was held on October 23 and 24 at the University of Waterloo. The purpose of the conference was to provide an opportunity for local activists to network while developing community organizing skills. “There are common barriers that all activists come up against and strategies we can learn about from each other in order to deal with those barriers,” expressed conference steering committee member Greg Newton. The conference began 6on Saturday morning with a panel of five community activists who addressed the question ‘what is the role of activism in building a healthy community?‘. Panellists were united in their belief that ‘activism’ should not be perceived as an ‘abnormal’ condition, but rather a responsibility eagerly em braced by all community members. “Change must be local... thinking about the way the world must be changed, the continent, the country... is really out of my grasp. I need to look around in the place that I live and focus on how it needs to change for the better,” expressed panellist and Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) staff member Daryl Novak. “It is easier to deal with problems

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by Natalie Onuska Imprint stag




at UW

that are far away, because we are too polite with issues close to home,” explained anti-racist activist Terri Saunders. Panellists also stressed how ‘activism’ is a life-long committment. “We live in a culture that says we should be immediately gratified... social change isn’t iike that... and as you remind yourself of that everyday, you can then celebrate the small victories that are won!” Novak advised the audience. “Despite any scars or wounds that you may have from your efforts, at your times of peace you know you have made a change,” said panellist and environmental activist Susan Rupert Over the two days, conference goers chose from over twenty workshops including Communication Strategies, Avoiding Burnout, Social Justice in the Workplace, Consensus Training, Municipal and Regional Lobbying, Planning Demonstrations and Protests, and Developing Strategies. Traditional teacher-learner pedagogy was avoided as workshop facilitators worked to draw out the knowledge and experience of participants. Many workshop participants complained that they wished there had been more time. The weekend was concluded by Sher Singh, a Cuelph litigation lawyer, who discussed how to use the law to make headway on your issue.

Singh advised the activists at the conference to choose their causes and the routes that they take to solve them carefully. Hegave some insight into how he goes about “‘getting to the bottom of the problems with the least bit of energy.” “There are a number of ways to get results,” he said. He explained the process involved in launching a lawsuit or judicial review, in what circumstances to undertake such actions, and how to interest the media in your action. Singh congratulated the activists and the accomplishments that they have made. “Many of the reforms... would disappear if we were not activists,” also new reforms would not continue to be made, he said. Overall, the conference was a huge success. Over IO0 people attended and feedback received by the steering committee from conference participants was very positive+ “As organizer and a participant, the conference was a success. People were impressed with the broad range of backgrounds and with the... people they don’t usually run into,” said Susan Forrest, a member of the steering committee. The free (conference was held at the University of Waterloo, and was cosponsored by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group, Global Community Centre, and CFRU FM 93.3.

Fed AGM sp lark gender deb ate


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The Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Students was held on Monday October 25 on campus at

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However, the majority voted to have one position open for both sexes to ensure fair representation of both women and men. A motion to delete By-Law 6, which had the Orientation, Homecoming, Winterfest, Travel, Summerfest and Watpub Commissions existing and operating under the Board of Entertainment was passed as these groups act as a whole have been inactive for some time now. The International Students Board was deleted because it has also been inactive. Chartered accountants Price Waterhouse were ratified as the official auditors for the Federation of Students in 1993 and 1994.


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Federation Hall. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. but did not commence until 8: IO p.m, when the fifty person quorum was finally reached. The motion to amend By-Law I I, concerning the Gender Issues Board, was by far the most contentious issue brought forth&during the meeting. Discussiontookplaceatlength whilethose in attendance expressed their views OI-I the matter. It was agreed upon that there should be two co-chairs to head the Gender Issues Board instead of one single chair person. Some felt that the positions should be open and available to whoever the student council sees fit to appoint the position to, regardless of gender.


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friday, October

Whitewashed by Natalie Onuska Imprint stag Have you been whitewashed into believing that tampons and disposable sanitary napkins are safe to use? Consumerism supporting these products creates a number of health and environmental related problems for both women and men. This was the issue addressed at an information seminar given by the WPIRG Whitewash Workgroup from the University of Waterloo on October 20 in Renison College. According to the Whitewash workgroup, every year, North American women spend about two billion dollars per year on single use disposable sanitary napkins and tampons. This translates to the average woman throwing away over 10 000 sanitary products and tampons during her lifetime.

The Workgroup members pointed out that thousands of used plastic tampon applicators wash up on costat beaches every year polluting the waters and land. Thousands of tons of untreated, raw sewage are dumped directly into the ocean by cities in Canada including Halifax, Victoria and Montreal. These floating applicators are often ingested by marine life, including whales, fish, turtles and seabirds who can, as a result, die. Most tampons and sanitary products are bleached ‘whiter than white’ to appeal to the societal ideal of white equalling clean. Sanitary products are bleached with toxic substances including chlorine gas, chlorine dioxide and hypochlorite, which results in toxic organochlorines poisoning not only the environment but also the health of women using these products. Organochlorines are organic com-


29, 1993



pounds resulting from the chemical pulp bleaching process. Thousands of the compounds are created but only a relative few have been identified and the effects are unknown. However, environmentalists and Government reports agree that organochlorine discharges from the bleaching process are hazardous and need to be curtailed. Animal studies have shown that certain materials used in the manufacturing of tampons are related to hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, cardiac enlargement and other disorders, reported The Globe and Mail in 1981. Alternatives offered at the meeting included washable cloth pads and sea sponge tampons available at local health food and environmental stores.

The Keeper, a small rubber cup used internally like a tampon is available through mail order. The Whitewash workgroup was formed last fall by seven University of Waterloo students and one Wilfrid

Laurier student after co-author of the book Whitewash, Liz Armstrong, gave a talk at UWs campus. For more information on the Stop The Whitewash Campaign contact the Whitewash worknroun at WPIRG.

Universities to become more accountable by Ken Imprint

Bqsm stafl

A recent provincial government move will make university bodies more representative of the communities they serve, says the head of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), Fred Upshaw. Ontario Minister of Education Dave Cooke announced last month that university Boards of Governors will soon be required to provide for representation of under-represented groups in their communities, such as visible minorities, women, persons with disabilities, francophones, and aboriginal people. “Ontario’s society is changing and it’s important that our institutions, and their governing structures reflect that change,” said Cooke. “The initiatives we’re proposing will make governing boards more representative.” OPSEU president Fred Upshaw believes that the ministry’s move will make universities more accountable to their communities. “Publicly-funded educational institutions must be responsible to the people who work and learn at these institutions, And they have to be accountable to the working people who

fund higher learning with their taxes,” Ups haw says. Under the proposal, each Ontario university will also be required to provide for a minimum of two faculty, two staff, and two student representatives on their Board of Governors. “Our union has always advocated meaningful representation of students, staff, and the public on the university governing bodies,” says Upshaw. “Mr. Cooke is moving in the right direction. Here at UW, the composition of our Board of Governors is unlikely to change, however. According to Federation of Students president Catherine Coleman, who sits on the Board, UW’s governing body is currently representative of both the university and surrounding community. Coleman pointed to the provincial government’s Broadhurst report on university accountability, saying that its recommendations on Board of Governors’ structure seemed to be modelled on UW. According to Coleman the UW Board is composed of over fifty per cent members ofthe community, which is another recommendation of the Broadhurst report. UW also has five student representatives on the Soard of Governors.



ANDREW CASH Acclaimed singer/songwriter Andrew Cash first made a musical splash with seminal Toronto punk ouffit VEtranger in the early ’80s. Five years and three EPs later, Andrew went solo, soon signing with prestigious label Island. His rime And PIace and Boomtown albums reflected his evolution as a songwriter, and he now greets us with his finest work yet, Hi (on Sumo Productions/M@). uWe wanted to capture the actual sound of the band,” explains AndEw. The power of Cash and his new band can now be witnessed on their extensive tour with Spirit Of The West Even if you are not one of the first 125, everyone who responds will be eligible to win: . One of the following: a NIKKO Remote Mini-Stereo System, a NIKKO 5 Disk Drawer Stereo Remote Multi-CD Player, a NIKKO Portable Compact Disk Player, or a NIKKO Deluxe integrated Telephone Answering System or l One of fifty packs of TDK tapes Mail completed coupon to iMPACTCampus Offer, Roll Magazines Inc., 219 Dufferin St., Suite loo, Toronto, Ontario, M6K 311 NAME: UNlVERSIJ\(: ADDRESS:

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Post continued



pg 3 will feed the forces which strengthen the Reform Party,” Redekop said, adding that it will further undermine the PCs. All of the speakers acknowledged that the PC’s will have a very difficult time recovering from their overthrow, since they essentially no longer have a leader (Kim Campbell did not win her riding), and they only have two seats. The NDP, who received only half the votes of the Conservatives and four times the number

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compiled by Claudia Ecsedi & Tammy Bender special to Imprint

B.C. post-secondary applications streamlined An attempt is being made in British Columbia to simplify the application process to post-second-

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ary institutions. The application service will begin in the Fall I994 and planning to participate are; B.C.‘s four provincial Universities, four Universitycolleges, eleven colleges, B.C.I.T. and Emily Carr College of Art and Design. Students will submit one application and the service will perform the administrative duties for processing the applications and academic records, and disseminating them to the institutions. Students would then have the opportunity to check on the status of their documents and advise the institutions of their choice. The main purpose of this program is to simplify the processing of applications and make it more efficient so that institutions will have a better idea of how many students are accepted into the school of their choice. This new service raises a positive sign that the government is taking it’s responsibility to post-secondary education very seriously. Concerns of the new process have also been raised because with the new technology and no duplication in administrative costs, the institution should see a reduction in cost.

U of T students trade essay for bike repairs



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of seats, will bounce back easily from this election, all agreed. Audrey McLaughlin-war simply not able to recover from the blows her party took in Ontario because of Bob Rae, said Professor Lorimer. The colloquium was attended by approximately seventy-five people, including a few political science classes from WLU. It was sponsored by the Canadian Studies committee at that university and moderated by history professor Barr-y Gough.


University of Toronto students now have a simple way of trading skills for other goods and services, thanks to the Local Employment and Trading System (LETS). LETS describes itself as “a community-operated economic exchange” and is a terrific way for students to share their skitls and talents with others in exchange for other goods and services. For example, students can have essays edited, or a bike fixed without paying a cent. Students can get involved in this bartering system by reading “The LETS Trader”, published monthly which lists the members willing to trade their

goods and services for “green” money (the vatue of a trade). Members call the LETS phone line and, as each trade occurs, the computer system adds the “green” cash to people’s accounts No “m~teriai” money is ever used in the process. Volunteers are paid “green” dollars to maintain the system and inform students of the LETS system. W of T’s LETS currently has 400 members and a steady stream of business. The program at U of T is similar to many run across the country, and as far away as Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain.




at Guelph

For students currently living in- the new Married Student Residences (MSR) at the University of Guelph, there is great reason to complain. They are constantly plagued with such problems as lea&s, backed-up toilets, cockroaches, peeling/ chipping paint, and inadequate heating systems. Close to 350 families at the University of Guelph are dealing with a combination of school, children and jobs. They do not need the extra hassel of poor living conditions. Residents have paid hard earned money to live in MSR but what they have gained in convenience of location, they have lost in comfort of living. These unfair burdens can be traced back to the University of Guelph’s method of choosing an economical contractor. Many of the problems were not realized until all of the units had been rented out. Having the original contractors come back to fix the mess they had made has been a difficult task in its own. Valuable funds must be used to control any further damage from occuring in the Married Student Residences. Money is also being spent on repairing residences. For example, due to ongoing paint fix-ups, a $25 000 allotment must be made in the upcoming budget for repainting. Students are faced with the problem of choosing between the MSR and all the burdens that go with it, or expensive and less convenient off campus apartments. from



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by Sharon


AS vice president, university affairs (VPUA), part of my responsibility includes addressing tht political aspects of the Federation of Students (FEDS). Currently our provincial representation istakiq place through the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA). Funding for Ontario universities has declined every year since 1973. Funding per student ir Ontario is 33 per cent lower than at public institutions in the United States. Ontario ranks ninth ir the funding of universities in Canada. OUSA is fighting to change this and to improve our education What has OUSA been doing lately? There is probably not a student around today that is not awart of the proposal that was put forth by the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) to Education Minister Dave Cooke to increase tuition by 50 per cent. At that time, Cooke asked OUSA, the Canadiar Federation of Students-Ontario (CFS-0) and OCCSPA (Ontario Colleges) to respond to thi: proposal by October. A 30 page document is being released this week stating OUSA’s position. The government mus recognize that tuition hikes are not the solution to the funding crisis that universities are presentl; facing. As students we accept our responsibilities, but the government must accept its responsibilitie as well, Further increases in tuition are completely unacceptable without matching increases iI government funding and major improvements to the student assistance program. These increases arr also unacceptable without improvements in accountability. which will allow students to assume thei rightful place at the decision-making table. OUSA is an organization that the Education Minister turns to for rational and reasonabll e proposals. Education Minister David Cooke has placed OUSA on the government committel e reviewing student aid. OUSA is working hard to successfully improve your education. For more information on OUSA and its proposals, pamphlets are available in the Federation cBf Students

offices, CC 235.



friday, october

“I was really happy with itt I was sad that Kim Campbell didn’tgetelected in her riding because she would

“Overwhelming. It is surprising how fast the PC’s went from ruling to

29, I993



“I was disappointed that the PC’s only got 2 seats because I voted for them. The Liberals won’t do anything for the economy and will

create jobs that won’t be there in a few years.”

Chris Schumilas 2A Chemistry

Careerweek cometh by Tammy Bender speciat to Imprint *‘Knowledge opens doors” is this years theme for Canada Career Week. University of Waterloo Career Resources will be hosting various activities throughout the week. Star-tine the week off on Mondvay November I, from 2:30-3:30 there will be a tour of the Career Resource Centre. The purpose of this tour is to familize students with the information and resources available to them concerning career options and educational requirements. There will be a draw for a SII and MBTI individual Assessment. Tuesday November 2, beginning at IO:30 there will be a talk

regarding Overseas Jobs. lnformation will be given on a variety of jobs abroad and how to apply and prepare for such opportunities. There will be another tour of the Career Resource Centre from 2:30-3:30. Wednesday November 3 is Mas-


versity of Waterloo is planning to host this event. Thursday November 4, beginning at 2:30 there will be a talk concerning Summer jobs. The discussion will include what information is accessible at the Career Resource Centre regarding summer jobs. Information in-






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ever want ters of Business Administration (MBA) Day from I I :OO-3:00 at the Paul Martin Centre at Wilfred Laurier Representatives from University. other universities will be present to answer questions and discuss their MBA program. Next year the Uni-

where such iniormation is located in the centre. Friday November 5, will end the week with a draw for an Individual Resume critiquing and Ten Laser printed Resumes. All draws are held at 4:00 pm daily. Further information is available on many other topics. Come see how you can shape your future.



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Metaph$cal Foru



The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and tonger comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.

byKenBryson f the many phenomenon that arise out of being d$tached from the world of television, perhaps two have definite consequences. The first, of course, is the utter ignoranace of contemporary television culture beyond the entirelyobviouseverlasting StarTrekor Gilligan’s Island references. At this stage, the television abstainer can honestly expect to be laughed at for having to ask “what the hell is this Barney thing all about, anyways?” Also, the person can expect to be considered entirely comatose when witness any conversation regarding current television shows, such as those beginning “did you see (insert show title here) last night?” But this is easily survived. The second phenomenon is more of the metaphysical type. When severed from television land, one tends to realize the inherent time dependance of that media, as opposed to the independance of print media. As any slave to television time will tell you, it is quite easy to schedule your life around television: decide to study after Seinfeld, skip class for 90210, or meet for coffee after DS9. VCRs aside, if you want to adhere to the world of television media, you have to do it on their time. True, VCRs allow the keen to tape shows and view at their leisure, but one must still passively watch as the show unfolds its half hour long narrative. Print media, however, is itself passive, allowing the reader to actively explore the text at his own pace and regulate the tlow of time throughout that reading. The reader may stop reading at any point, reread passages, take time to grasp meaning, in effect, controlling the flow of information. Television does not allow for this control factor. Now you may argue that remote controls allow TV/VCR viewers to manage time and control information as well, but the inherent passivity the viewer is forced into negates any controlling factor the remote may generate. Television controls the viewer; print mediaallow the reader leisure and supremacy. Another problem which televisual media present is that of existence. Do television shows really exist in any form akin the physical existence of this newspaper? Or is telecommunication party to the realm of virtual reality? Certainly you may record television shows on tape, but replaying the tape only repeats the slight temporal existance of images and sounds produced by the television set. The show must be replayed through an electronic medium to exist; it does not exist independantly. Conversely, print media exists spatially, enduring the onslaught of time in a physical manifestation. And while the printed text must be filtered through the medium of the reader’s mind, like the television show must be filtered through the television, the reader is once again in control of the process, not subjected to the whim of an external machine. For the television owner this voluntary passivity may translate into an enjoyment of after dinner escapism, but it also perpetrates a passive viewer attitude towards life. The couch potato mentality, so to speak. For those out of touch with television reality, choosing instead to stimulate themselves and gain information through the printed word, be that through newspapers, books, magazines, etc., the forced activity of gaining information (the increased brain work that it entails) stimulates active thinking, as tipposed to viewing. Without going so fav say that TV viewers are all lazy, and t-e. _ 5 are all intelligent thinkers, the world of print media is much more enriching and stimulating than television. It is like the difference between earning I C’I dollars from a hard days work and receiving that same amount for your birthday. Sure it is nice to be instantly gratified, but the gratification is greater after earning it. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


to 3

Wait‘til yourfathergetshome! A

world?” The answer is no. You know why? Because this country is run by bureaucratic, pinheaded civil servants. So too this province. Foremost among the string-pullers in Ontario with far too much power are officials at the Liquor Licensing Board of Ontario. A few days before the World Series began, Toronto’s city council asked the LLBO to grant a one-hour extension of last call in Toronto’s 3, IO0 bars for the duration of the World Series. This rare occasion of city-wide -- nay, national -- pride calls for a transcendent level of celebration, so the logic goes. Torontonians deserve this privilege and, besides, those games being televised so late keeps patrons out of the bars on game nights. On the Friday before the Series began, the LLBO gave its limited okay, allowing bars to serve alcohol until 2 a.m. on the following Saturday and Sunday nights. Their plan was to evaluate the goings-on of the weekend and decide whether the kind citizens of fair Toronto deserve any more nights of extended revelry. The Phillies won game five to send the Series backto Canadaand Torontonians were sufficiently well-behaved to be rewarded by an extension of the extension. Of course, Sunday night’s last call would only have been extended if the Series had required a seventh game. In a similar exception last month, the LLBO let certain exclusive bars in the immediatevicinity of theatres which were part of the Festival of Festivals film extravaganza to remain open until 4 a.m. Forget the obvious questions about why the pretentious cultural elites should be allowed to suck back ale ‘til dawn while the proles in







question millions of us asked ourselves and others this week is, “Will my vote make any difference in this big, scary

Mississauga (not to mention Waterloo) are facing last call at I :OO. Forget these questions, because there are plenty of more important ones to be begged. Why does the law limit the hours when bars can serve alcohol? How does society decide exactly how dangerous this drug is? Am I just quibbling because I want to be able to drink to all hours?? Presumably, the law limits when alcohol can be served because society has reached a democratic consensus that the potential deleterious effects of that drug outweigh the right of people to consume it in a public place. Alcohol is a sufficiently

and not individual citizens and taxpayers, is the only body competent to determine when and how Ontarions may drink alcohol. The handling of the World Series extension is a crystal-clear example of the LLBO fascist and parochial attitude. Torontonians were given a little bit more allowance and a slightly later curfew, but told that parent would “evaluate” how well child handled this incremental increase in responsibility before deciding whether to allow it for the second weekend. Does no one find this extremely patronizing and insulting? On the Toronto radio station that gave me the news of this decision a week ago, I heard a perfect expression

Alcohol is sudden/y, for those few, precious World Series nights, less dangerous and more innocuous than usual?


dangerous thing, society says, that we have the right to limit the use of alcohol to protect our own interests: peace, harmony, and order. We probably arrived the hour of I a.m. by the simple method of social acceptance. How early can we legislate last call to be before people will squawk? Am I just quibbling? I don’t think so and here’s why. All of this theory is fine and good until we start making exceptions for special events, exceptions that completely alter the equilibrium and purpose of this social equation. By extending these hours, the LLBO is saying, “Yeah, we know that alcohol is a dangerous drug that must be controlled. but, heck. it’s the World Series.” It is saying that the societal value placed upon controlling alcohol is less important than baseball. More insultingly, the LLBO is saying that it,



tke!IEZ t~~?p~~?

“So, maybe by this time next week, we’ll know how late the LLBO wilt let us drink this weekend,” said the cheerful morning Dj. WHAT THE FUCK??! This is insane! Either alcohol is a dangerous substance whose availability must be strictly controlled or it is not!! If last call is extended to 2 a.m., what does this mean? What message is being sent? That alcohol is suddenly, for those few, precious nights, less dangerous and more innocuous than usual? Does Bistro 990 being able to serve alcohol until 4 a.m. mean that artsy theatre-types wearing black are less susceptible to welt-known alcoholic ills, both physical and emotional?? Of course not, What the fuck, then, does it all mean? Canadians are quite accomplished at sitting back and letting elites make their decisions for them; the deafening silence following the LLBO’s decision is proof of this. And the fact that I’m the only one really pissed off about this tells me that our whole society has gone crazy. Or is it just me??!! Peter







welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced orinelectronic form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone numberforverification. Names maybe withheld from publication upon request. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper. ’ Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint @ watsetvl Imprint

SciSoc prez sez SciSoc don’t suck To the editor: I am responding to Erik Lindala’s letter in the October 15th issue of the IMPRINT. What you refer to as the”common perception that the Sci Sot sucks”, Mr. Lindala, I refer to as the common misperception. While your comment regarding the advertising of events is valid, and we are attempting to address it, much of your letter contains falsehoods and assumptions. To begin with, the “new TV and VCR” you refer to were purchased during the Fall term of I99 I, and have been available for undergraduate use within Science buildings the entire time. If anyone requires further information on the sign-out procedure please contact the Science Society office ( ext. 2325 ). As for your accusation that, “90% of the time they are used in the Sci Sot office so that “members” can watch their favorite movies between classes”, I must say that I believe you are confused. The TV and VCR were being used in the office for the purpose of editing Orientation Week clips for the video that is in production. However, due to the amount of disruption this generated, the gentlemen working on that project have had to continue their work at night. Secondly, the accusation that the Science Society executive purchased “a computer program that translates English text into Klingon” is utterly incorrect. The program you are referring to was loaned to the Science Society by an individual who purchased the program ( with his money! ) last year. The fact that we did not buy this program can be verified if you examine the Science Society ledger - which is your right, and you will not be refused access to it. I think, Mr. Lindala, that it would have perhaps been “prudent and necessary” for you to research your accusations before making them. Another complaint you raise is that the photocopier and phone are used by “only a few students who are in the clique”. In regards to the photocopier I can only say that in the past two weeks there has rarely been a time when someone has not been in the office photocopying an old exam - and more oken than not, Mr. Lindala, it is someone I ( or the person working in the office ) does not know! A: for the phone issue I will make you aware that there are phones in each of the three departmental clubs ( BUGS, Chem Club, Physics Club), and in the Science Lounge ( B l-266 )+ Offcampus calls can be made from any of these phones, and the Science Society does pay for them. In your letter, Mr. Lindala, you make the comment that “the common retort made by those involved in Sci SOC is that if we don’t like how the organization is run, students should get more involved and change things.” Last year I expressed my interest in running for the position of President of the Science Society, and when it was all said and done I “won” by acclamation - as did each of the other three executive members. All four of US decided to get more involved with the Science Society for expressly the reason you stated - we did not like the way the organization was being run. I question the source of your comment, Mr. Lindala, and only because it is our philosophy to ask for help, not demand it We are aI1volunteers, giving of our own time to try t0 assist the Science undergraduates of the University of Waterloo. I believe that we have made many improvements most notably the revised newsletter, the im-


provements to the C&D, and the expansion of the past exam bank - which is used immensely. Many first and second year students are making an effort to get involved and we find that fact very gratifying. Also, in response to your accusation that few people get involved, I would like to make YOU aware of the fact that the Star Wars movie night raised $93 for the Centre for Sight Enhancement, and the BBQ you refer to raised $223 for the food bank of Kitchener-Waterloo. In summation, Mr. Lindala, you make many accusations, yet admittedly refuse the advise you “quoted” ( to get more involved ). I can only hope that you answer the message sent to you via E-mail and come to the office to further explain your position. One of the largest difficulties we currently face is an overwhelming lack of space. When, and if, we can procure more office space we will be much better equipped to deal effectively with all Science undergraduates. If there is a problem with the Science Society we would appreciate any suggestions or input that would enable us to serve you, the Science undergraduates, better.

involved in the organization instead of bitching about them at every opportunity. If this was such an important event, why did you not organize a bus to go down to the protest? Why did you not advertise the event yourself? Ignorance is no excuse. Maybe someday you will realize that the vast majority of students at University of Waterloo ARE small and big c conservatives





who just don’t agree with you. The “leftist” style of governing just doesn’t work - just look at the NDP government in Ontario. And Tammy - we know you can swear (we have all been to the annual Federation of Students meetings) so those words really don’t impress us.


To the editor:

I am writing in response to Tammy Speers’ letter in last week’s lmprint entitled’ “Tammy fed up with Feds, again.” I am not sure what kind of tangent Ms. Speers is on this week, but I know that it does not represent my views of the Federation of Students, nor does it represent the views of most of my friends. In the third paragraph of the article, MS, Speers questions why “[Catherine Coleman] should impose her concept of change on the student body? Electing her president did not translate into her making decisions for the student body , , ,” Yes Tammy, that’s exactly what it did. That is the way democracy works in the American parliamentary system, that is the way democracy works in the British Parliamentary system, that is the way democracy works in the Canadian parliamentary system. I think that it works fairly well. Consider the alternatives. In some South American countries you get shot if you disagree. Think about it Tammy. Tammy is questioning why we, the general public did not hear about the protest and be given the opportunity to attend. Perhaps because the CFSlOFS contingent has been protesting for years and has not been getting any further ahead. Perhaps because attending classes is sometimes more important than going to every protest organized by every left-wing hippie organization known to peoplekind. (I would have used the word mankind but I don’t want to leave myselfvulnerable on that front as well). Perhaps

The issue has altered and escalated. This is no longer about the misinterpretation of actions and words, but it is now an issue of apathy. To Arun Banerji, regarding your October 22 letter in the Imprint. Do not accuse everyone of apathy, for you are suffering an acute case of it yourself. How could someone respond so violently to an Issue without actually knowing it? You seem to have reacted after reading only the titles placed above our letters: “Clint Cocky and Apathetic too,” and “Clint - an ass of himself.” Neither of us were out to slander Clint Eastwood; but if you had cared enough to

ne one




Lynn Baumun Honours Chssical lish Litefutufe


To the editor:


times lately. But it is a sweeping generalization to make about the people around you. People seem apathetic to strangers: in reality, they care very deeply about the things that affect them directly, like school, friends, and family. Stop accusing others of apathy; there is no cure against something that is only perceived in strangers. Besides, it is very apathetic of yourself to plead for someone else to do something about it. If you want something done about apathy, begin with yourself.


Clint’s Turcotte not Eastwood

Tammy’s not clued in

The knapsack is dark green and contained my wallet and three computer disks. The $2.00 reward the thief received for stealing my wallet hardly offsets the cost involved in replacing my life’s identity. Not to mention a year’s worth of thesis research contained on my computer disks. Sure, I have a back-up disk, but it also happened to be in my knapsack the day it was taken. If you know anything about this, please call me, Wendy, at 725-33 I6 or return the knapsack to security, the Turnkey desk, or to the PAC building - no questions will be asked. My undergraduate degree as well as my hopes of getting into grad school depend on the safe return of these computer disks.

accusation quite a number of

Kurin Schnurr 4N English

Tim Dillow

read our letters, you would know that. We were responding to a letter written by a student named Clint Turcotte; we did include his last name in both of our letters. It is good to see that you care enough about Clint Eastwood to defend him; there was no apathy in your purpose. If your intent was a serious at&k on our letters: get to’know the issue before you comment on it. If it wasn’t serious: Thanks! You gave us (and those who know about the whole issue) quite a giggle. The word “apathy” has been tossed around as an


und Eng-


and An-

Stuebing Clussicul


Help, thesis, knapsack wanted To the editor= On Monday, October I8 between I :OO and 4:00 p.m,, my knapsack was taken from the ladies’ change room at the PAC. During these stressful times I like to get some exercise to keep me sane. Little did I know that someone else came to the gym with the intent to steal. It only takes a few seconds to commit such a crime, but I’m left wondering if someone who can do such a thing realizes how serious the repercussions can be for the victim.



Clayoquot review sounds bad To the editor= Re: Music for the Trees Dear Bernard, I think you may have missed the point I understand that you have a right to express your opinions regarding some of the bands playing for the Clayoquot Sound Benefit I believe that if you had paid to see those bands play, as opposed to the donation to a non-profit organization, you might have more of a basis to slag them. These people volunteered their time to put together an excellent and smooth running show and this wasn’t included in your “review”. You even failed to mention Paul MacLeod’s soulful strummings that eliminated the dead space between bands, made an error regarding the amount of money raised, and neglected to say where the money was going. This was a well organized event and I believe the majority of people there had a fantastic time (I know I did), but none of this came across in your article. Furthermore, I don’t believe a “review” format suited this event. This was a volunteer event that deserved only praise to participants and organizers, I don’t think it is your place to criticize any of those involved. I do appreciate your humour in the article but feel it was misplaced. Jomie Bennett

Deadline fcr letters is 300 pm Monday. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone number for verification.

and send

poetry. So., get metafict~~@ in the ~~esdlts to Imprint and



about them Tammy as we have faith in the people we elected. If you hate the Federation of Students so much, why do you not get

friday, october 29, I993













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Jacket, courtesy required t have never been this upset since I arrived at the University of Waterloo. In my twenty years, I have never met an individual who made me so angry in such a short time. I ordered a jacket from the South Campus Gift Store on Sept. 8th, 1993. l received a notice through “on campus mail” several days later notifying me that my jacket’s lettering would be completed within two to three weeks’ time, On October 5th I went to the South Campus Gift Store because I had not yet heard anything from them. It was there that I spoke with an employee of the store. She informed me that my jacket had been sent to a person outside of Waterloo to have the lettering done. Because of the busy time of year for this type of work, the sewing had been divided between two people and this resulted in some orders being done before some of the older orders. This explanation was appreciated, but still did not indicate when my own jacket would be completed. This was unknown and she told me she would likely phone me next week My first concern - the less important one in my opinion - is with regards to the tardiness of my jacket. By the time it will be completed, it will have been at least 5 weeks since the time of order. I feel this is not a problem provided someone phones and explains that your order is going to be twice as long as you expected. The employee blamed the people doing the sewing for the delay which I felt was very unprofessional. My second concern - the reason I was so angry =was the way I was treated at the store. The woman was very abrasive, condescending, had a bad attitude, was patronizing and above all rude. I have never deatt with anyone that showed so little concern for a customer. I understand that sometimes things may get busy in a store and there are likely going to be problems. This does not mean people are too busy to be polite. Not once did she say that she was sorry for the delay, or indicate that she was even the least bit concerned about me. She seemed so completely unconcerned with what I was

FIRM” “JOIN THE Get Fit In Canada’s Top Club!

saying that I made a point of clearly stating l feel like I was treated very badly. that I “understand all the troubles you’ve I also feel that I did not deserve this treament at all. What kind of a store been having, but also just want to let you know that I am very upset about this.” At employs such people! Why does this employee not have this point she called me a young man, and said she didn’t have time to worry about enough time to be concerned with every every single person’s individual order. I customer? Is not every customer as don’t see why someone who doesn’t have imprtant as the next, and doesn’t each one deserve to be treated like an inditime for anyone is working in a store. vidual with individual problems and Especially when some customers are needs? Should not these needs be adspending approximately $100 on single dressed properly and courteously? items. In such economic times you would It may appear that I have little expect sales people to be concerned grounds to be so angry. lt may appear about the people who are supporting that this individual did nothing outrathem, and to remember that the customer is always right I admit that I was geously wrong, except not be adequately polite. very frustrated but still managed to wish the woman (who had not introduced I can assure you that no one has herseff to me) a nice day. She was silent ever made me feel so angry before. I can and did not even say goodbye. also say proudly that l remained polite and sympathetic to her needs throughI was so upset by this interaction that I returned following an errand to out both of our meetings. I am completely outraged. discuss this situation with her. I felt that l would greatly appreciate some it was better to deal directly with her instead of going the route that I am sorl of a formal apology from the person currently following. I was dealing with. As for the jacket, I The store had just closed and no would just like to receive it. I feel it is very unfortunate that this customers were there. 1 thought this would be a perfect opportunity to speak incident took place. I know that it all could have been avoided. It never hurt openly with her about my concern and how I had been treated. I wanted to anyone to be courteous. believe that she had just been having a rough time and would maybe be more Ryan Kennedy helpful when the store was closed. However, I found her even more rude. I asked her if she bv Couckuyt, Green, tippert, Nesbitt, Scmek. Weston had a second for me to discuss something with her, She said that she didn’t, and then told me I could cancel my order if I wanted to but that it was on the way. I told her that that was my concern - I didn’t want to cancel the order and I didn’t want there to be any confusion - I just thought it would be nice to know when my jacket was coming in, and for someone to apologize for its tardiness. She said that she was sure “the people sewing it” are very sorry. That leaves me to believe that no one at South Campus Gift Shop is sorry or concerned at all. I had to ask her three times what her name was so that I would to follow up in this manner. Macaulay Culkin prepares for the next SCfXE.

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friday, october

29, 1993



Don’t GetYour Panties in a Knot (I Just Might Miss the Show) “The lamp of the body is fore your eye is clear, your be full of light. But if your whole body will be full of - Jesus Christ

by Ken

the eye: if therewhole body will eye is bad, your darkness.”


A question which keeps coming back to me is, can I enjoy a strip show without dehumanizing the stripper? Based on my experience I have found that I can enjoy watching and participating in the dance routine of a stripper without belittling her in my own mind. Those who answer to the contrary, that we (I) cannot enjoy a strip show tend to fall into a few viewpoints. Here are three caricatures of them. First there is the religious moralist who sees such behaviour as a gross sin against the dancer, the viewer, and yes God Himself. These people assume a behaviour to be wrong and then work like the Dickens to find arguments to prove their opinions. The body is more than sacred to these people: it is taboo (has an ominous character). Any overtly “sexual” display outside the marriage bed is simply wrong - shame, shame. Another group of people are the overtly politicized women, young and old, who, like the religious minded person, begin with ideology and belief, not with real people* Stripping is seen as an oppressed occupation in a patriarchal world governed by the economic system of capitalism and the need to make money. These women make valid points about the power structure of our society and its desire to ignorantly manufacture and sell us the “perfect” woman. But these politicized women only scratch the surface of the real

Beyond Switzer

The quotations in this column are from Jay Goulding’s critique, Empire, Aliens and Conquest, Jay Goulding asks, “Are the prejudices and contradictions of .., American society mirrored in” Star Trek? Of course they are. We should keep in mind that Star Trek was and is written and produced by Americans in the late twentieth century. The show inevitably contains many elements that are distinctly American. The Federation of Planets (the good guys) reflects American ideals, whereas some societies our crew meets (in the original series, Klingons-Chineseand Romulans--Japanese) reflect distinctly un-American ideals. Whether you notice these reflections depends on which episodes you’re watching and how much you’re thinking about it Just as early American pioneers pushed their boundaries westward, their counterparts centuries later explore the final frontier. Indeed, we could look at Star Trek as a western--Gene Roddenberry described it as a “wagon train to the stars.” Kirk often acts as a judge; he judges other societies by his standards. In “This Side of Paradise” he finds a colony in which the people are happy and disease-free. However, the colony isn’t productive--nothing ever changes. Kirk says that humans weren’t meant for paradise, and so he frees the colony from the spores that are influencing them. In this and other episodes socialist ideas are exaggerated to the ridiculous--we even meet space hippies in “The Way to Eden.” There’s no question that a liberal democracy is the best way for people to live. Kirk fights for freedom, equality, expansion, and his brand of justice. The writers and directors probably didn’t consciously put these ideas into their episodes. They didn’t have to--these ideas are the underlying assumptions of our society. Jay Goulding believes that “in the interest of the ruling class in America,” Star Trek asserts “the major cultural tenetS of democracy: belief in the leader, the importance of legitimate power (authority), a strong military, the supremacy of politics over the secondary role of religion and science,



For any of those religiouslmoralists reading this - I betcha the women Jesus hung out with did some stripping, and I betcha he watched.

The views expressed in this column me those ofthe uuthor and do not necessady represent those ofevefy member of the UW Student Christian Movement

the rim of the starlight

- number by Dave

humanity that transcends all ideology, Still another person opposed to stripping is the so-called sensitive guy. As some of us know, a lot of this “sensitivity” is the mere inability of these guys to hold opinions of their own. They are afraid of offending people and being politically uncool, The sensitive guy says “uh” a lot before answering questions because he’s not really sure of what he’s supposed to say; he wants to protect himself against being labelled as “incorrect” or part of a right wing backlash against good hearted activists. The sensitive guy acts like a mirror for our projections, giving us back exactly what we give him. Like our teddy bear, he gives us reassurance when our night light burns out on us. Why is this in the religion column? For me, the fact that I am religious makes it imperative that I go beyond the moralists, the politicized, and the teddy bears and get at the heart of the matter - my perception of the dancer. I must see her as I see myself, (no not as a woman) as a human being. When she smiles at me I smile back, when she snaps her bra at me pretending to shoot me I act as if I am dead. And when she’s done I applaud with a clap or a whistle either because I liked her performance or just out of respect that she’s a person - hell it could be my relative up there.


of a. five



women...” Goulding calls the Federation’s activities “intragalactic imperialism.” If the Federation is like the United States, maybe he’s right. We can’t deny that the United States is imperialist--it doesn’t conquer by force (at least, not often); its influence is more subtle. So subtle that many of us are unaware of it. One reason why we don’t get the full picture is that the media is increasingly being controlled by a small number of very large companies who have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are (see Manufacturing Consent, an eyeopening book by Herman and Chomsky). Do the Federation and the Klingon Empire have the same goals, merely accomplishing them differently? We don’t often get much of a glimpse of everyday life for average citizens of either society. Goulding infers that the Federation depends on its colonies to supply it with dilithium, much like we depend on other countries for petrolium. It’s easy to assume that the Federation is a perfect organization that can do no wrong, and even easier to assume that the U.S. and Canada are the good guys in this world. However, our countries could interact much better with the other nations of Earth. Because of its hegemonic position, “the Federation ... is free to go about its business of securing private property in space and establishing democracies--at gun point if necessary.” There’s something unnerving about forcing other people to be democratic, whether they like it or not. Of course, some people’s ideas about what democracy should be are different from our version of democracy today. We’re happy that many countries of the world are embracing democracy, but are we really happy with the democracy that we have? Is our system really working for us? Maybe we could learn a few things from the countries who have had different systems in the past When we’re watching Star Trek, we should realize what assumptions are being trandated from our society to that of the future. If we don’t like those ideas, then we’d better do something to change them.

to the editor must be received and must include a signature

by and

Monday at five phone number.


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I 2


friday, October


“No bearer - translation

of God’s Death...Exaggerated

Sometime in the late 1800s Nietzsche proclaimed that God was dead. I fear that he spoke prematurely. It has now been close to IO0 years since Nietzsche’s death and you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting one religious group or other standing in the path of reason. Televangilists are out there right now swindling old ladies out of their hard earned money. Hare Krishnas are busy preying on our angst ridden youth. The New Age movement is cluttering up bookstores with overpriced junk at an alarming rate. Protestants and Catholics and Muslims and Jews are still killing each other. The Catholic Church is telling people not to use condoms and Salman Rushdie is still in hiding. Books are being banned, women are being oppressed, and so on and so forth. Listen, you can probably hear the Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking at your door right now. Oh, and how about those Branch Dravidians? It would seem that the reports of god’s death were slightly exaggerated; we might be stuck with the hoary old bugger for quite some time to come. Progress is being made though, I mean, no-one burns witches anymore, right? This paper currently features two columns expressing the merit of religion and dealing with the difficulties that one faces when trying to come to terms with god. The Village Atheist has a similar mandate, I too wish to express the merit of religion (precious little) and the difficulties one



29, I993


faces when coming to terms with god (none, as there is no god to come to terms with). l seek to discuss and promote, not a religion, but the peace and clarity of mind that comes of being free from religion. I will attempt to promote atheism through both the content ofthis column and the irreverent manner in which I intend to present it Though this may offend some, I don’t see how I could completely avoid raising some hackles in a discussion of atheism, or religion for that matter. Further, I feel that treating religion in a more respectful way than I intend would imply that it has a credibility which I do not feel it has. A common criticism of religion is that its proponents tend to ram it down people’s throats. White I find that this is often true it is not a major problem as far as l’m concerned. Unbelievers are often accused of attempting to ram atheism down people’s throats, most likely with some justification. It all depends on your position, one man’s ranting is another’s”forcefuI argumentation”. The only bone that I have to pick with theists on this point is that they ram nonsense down people’s throats... One final disclaimer, though I will most often discuss atheism in relation to Christianity, please do not take this to mean that I have a negative bias towards this particular religion, it is simply the religion that I am most familiar with. I find all religions equally absurd.

T -- new



lrnprintwould like to welcome long time staff writer Craig Nickerson to the forum pages. Craig’s column, The Village Atheist, premiers this week, above.



Ileft on King at Central, M/at.)


of burdens can of the meaning

YOU WERE by Satneh

bear the burden of the Qur’anic


E. Rehtm

of another.” verse 53:38


HE would


That is just between

I am sure you must have heard that some said that we were born in sin - and perhaps you even believe that. But let us think about that for a moment Would the Just GOD blame you for a sin you never committed? Would HE hold you responsible for what someone else did? Definitely not! GOD’s Book teaches that you are responsible for ONLY your own actions. You cannot sin until you do something wrong. And you certainly could not have done wrong before you were even born! Yet we often meet people who say that we are somehow born in sin. Could that possibly be true? They say that the first human being, Adam, sinned and through him sin entered the world; and now sin corrupts everything, including every newborn baby. Can you follow that logic? Can you believe that human beings are condemned before they do anything? Which judge would condemn people for crimes they never committed? A just judge cannot do that except by mistake. 0ut what about GOD? Would HE make such a mistake? We cannot imagine such false ideas about GOD. HE is Just. HE holds you responsible for what you do, and HE does not blame you for what the%st human being did. But even after you do wrong, GOD is always willing to forgive. HE is full of loving kindness, and HE loves to forgive. HE is willing to forgive anyone who turns to HIM and seeks forgiveness. This means that if you did something wrong you can still turn back to GOD and HE will forgive you, if you sincerely decide to give up that sin. Isn’t this refreshing to know? Isn’t it wonderful to know that even if we lived a whole life of sin but we decide now to change our lives and obey

SIN us this minute? us and GOD. We do not

need any confession box, and we do not need anyone to suffer for our sins. Can we resist the loving kindness that GOD is offering us? GOD wants us to know about HIS love. HE wants us to know that HE is just HE wants us to know the truth about HIM so that when we turn to HIM, we know to Whom we are turning. But there is so much misinformation about GOD. Where can we get correct information about HIM? In HIS Book! That is so obvious, isn’t it? GOD told us about HIMSELF in HIS Book. We owe it to ourselves to see what GOD has to say about HIMSELF. Shouldn’t you be reading GOD’s Book? Here is GOD’s message to you in HIS Book: “0 humankind! Now has a proof from your LORD come unto you, WE (GOD) have sent down unto you a clear lighs as for those who believe in GOD and hold fast unto HIM, them will HE cause to enter into HIS Mercy and Grace, and will guide them unto HIM by a straight road.“[Qur’an 4: I74- 1751 The Qur’an is GOD’s final Sook which HE revealed for the guidance of aH humankind, This article is excerpted from the Islamic brochure ‘You Were Born Without Sin’ published by ‘Islamic Information & Dawah Center’. For your copy of The Qur’an or for more information about Islam, please call (5 19) 725- 8779 or send an e-mail to srehan@ vlsi. uwaterloo. ca. The Qur’an Speaks is presented by the UW Muslim Study Group. Sam& L Rehcrn is u PIID candidate in electrid and computer engineering. The tiews expressed in this column are those ofthe o&or and do not necessarily represent those ofevery member ofthe UW Muslim Study Group.




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Co-op by Sanjeet Mdik with Kat M, Piro special to Imprint

pers. They helped me a great deal with my lapanese, and Fridays after work, the whole company went out for beers.

50 the placement

his spare ghetto blaster. As a foreigner, I also met a lot of girls. However, I found that sometimes people were nice just to practice their English. I took care of that problem by speaking English only when f had to say something very important. After all, 1 wanted to improve my Japanese, Japan has much stricter social rules &an Canada. The women’s dormitory was nowhere near the men’s and people of the opposite sex are not allowed in your room. This was partly a company incentive for people to want to leave the dorm and move

& McD’sll

Tours might learn a lot about yourself in the process of getting to know a new culture. For a complete description of the Japan programs offered at

UW, contact Margaret Needles Hall.

Asia Film


at UWk Society


by Peter Imprint

H6flich stsff

Next week, the UW Fine Arts Film Society begins the second part of their Films From China series with the North American premiere of the Uilmakers’FumjIy. (Received the Golden Bear at this years Berlin International Film Festival.) It deals with life in rural China where feudal conditions remain into the present. Showing: November 4th at 7:00 PM.

Japanese ideas about fun and nightlife are different from western views,

At UW, there are tw9 programs for engineering students who want to spend time in Japan. One is an exchange program with Tottori University which involves a study term and a work term in lapan. The other is the Japan Co-op Program through which students are placed in a Japanese company for half a year or more. I was among the first students to be placed through the Japan Co-6p



Adventure bots. Generally, people are diligent if there is a job to be done, but they also take coffee breaks and chat in whis.., .*.<...... .

In F’ysch 101, there is an experiment where students are given a picture and asked to describe what they see. Some will say that they can see a young, beautiful lady while others see an old lady. These contradictory views often lead to arguements. Wowever, on close inspection, one can see both, the old and the young lady, in the same sketcl




process was still very ad hoc. I was offered a job with Toppan Moore Business Forms in Tokyo. I N‘&&&;hi

g&$ :..&:” ‘&g&$g, ,<I::;s ....’..:.,:_. &lj ‘$T ;jJ&jsiq& $$$j& ‘&$@jp~ tig &&&&&$j tio’ g-@.&$ ....a ~ tit &ci&idrs @..i j& 3d&g@.

‘~~.,mar2e.,oU~idfs:l~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..‘:.*.U .... ..-, :.+:.>...w .1\....I._x.,_..*‘..h ...., ,.,..., VA\< >> ,. __ would be making about 150,000 yen (about $1500) per month. The comDanv would cover airfare, room kd’ board, transportation to work and lunch. My job was to develop a database system for managing magnetic tapes received from customers. This involved writing about 10,000 lines of code in dBase (a database management system). The project was neither too hard nor too boring. Most of the design for the system was performed by my manager but he was open to my ideas, Basitally, there was no pressure. Karaoke Toppan Moore is a typical Japanese company. Being on time is very important, and everyone wears a uniform of the McDonald’s polyester type. The one hour lunch is compulsory. In the afternoons, the whole com-



‘s’ tookin’



I lived in the company dormitory. Every company has dorms for young unmarried workers. They are just like any university dorm in Canada, except that people are in their twenties and the iood is very good. And no, not everything you get to eat is rice and

sushi. The dorm is a great place to meet people, whether while sitting down to take a shower, or while taking a hot,





steamy bath. Japanese take relaxation just as seriously as their work Most people in the dorm are friendly if you make the least effort to be outgoing. One neighbour provided me with a futon, while another lent me

too. Whereas we like to be spontaneous, they find something they enjoy and stick to it. In a city like Tokyo Western type bars ’ do exist. Teenagers, tourya. ists and American soldiers hang out there. It’s easy to get caught up in this scene, but you don’t learn much. If you want good karaoke, go to the small Japanese bars. But whatever you do, you can expect to spend at least 5000 yen ($50) each night out. I didn’t travel very much, but I attended a three-day seminar on martial arts, and I went on a business trip to Kyoto and Osaka. At New Year’s a friend invited me to his home in the countryside. New Year’s is traditionally bigger than Christmas. Christmas is the time to get a date and rent a hotel room and... At New Year’s

people send each other cards, and the post office works overtime to deliver them in the morning of the first day of the year. Basically, the difference between the west and the east is not that we are totally different. We just do the same things in different ways. They choose economic prosperity over anything else, while to us individual opportunity is more important. If you accept that, you


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pany performs stretching exercises and recites the company’s pledge. There’s no cleaning staff. All workers clean the offices every Tuesday. In the west, there is a myth that Japanese employees are like little ro-

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scls\csw-w -\oSection Editors Note: While I prefer by UW f&s (that means you), in their thesecondpm (pm onewas last week) rhe StplOct ‘93 issue of Utne Redder sion). Although from a U.S. perspective, ing points that industrialized countries

running artides written absence Ihr reprinting ofan articlem&en jhm (reprinted with ptrmisit raises some inttrtstneed to looka~


Our economy


has many design flaws, but the

most glaring one is that nature is cyclical and industrialism is linear. In nature, no linear systems exist, or they don’t exist for long because they exhaust themselves into extinction. Linear industrial systems take resources, transform them into products or services, discard waste, and sell to consumers, who discard more waste when they have consumed the product. But of course we don’t consumeTVs,

cars or

most of the other stuff we buy. Instead, Americans produce six times their body weight every week in hazardous and toxic waste water, incinerator fly ash, agricultural wastes, heavy metals, and waste chemicals, paper, wood, etc. This does not include C02, which if it were included would double the amount of waste. Cyclical means of production are designed to imitate natural systems in which waste equals food for other forms of life, nothing is thrown away, and symbiosis replaces competition. Bill McDonough, a New York architect who has pioneered environmental design principles, has designed a system to retrofit every window in a major American city. Although it still awaits final approval, the project is planned to go like this: The city and a

major window manufacturer form a joint venture energy-saving super glazed windows in the town. This partnership company will come to your house or business, measure all windows and glass doors, and then replace them with windows with an R-8 to R- I2 energy-efficiency rating within 72 hours. The windows will have the same casements, moulding, and general appearance as the old ones. You will receive a $500 cheque upon installation, and you will pay for the new windows over a IO to I5 year period in your utility or tax bill. The total bill is less than the cost of the energy the windows will save. In other words, the windows will cost the home or business owner nothing. The city will pay for them initially with industrial development bonds. The factory will train and employ 300 disadvantaged people. The old windows will be completely recycled and reto produce

used, the glass



the frames ground up and mixed with recycled resins that are extruded to make the casements. When the

them and clean up. This places the problem of toxicity with the makers, where it belongs, making them responsible for full-life-cycle efforts.

We have to institute the Intelligent Product System created by Micheal Braungart of the EPEA (Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency) in Hamburg, Germany. The system recognizes three types of prod&u. first The are consumQb/es, products that are either eaten, or, when they’re placed on the ground, turn into dirt without any bio-accumulative effects. In other words, they are products whose waste equals food for other living systems. At present, many of the products that should be “consumable” like clothingand shoes, are not Cotton cloth contains hundreds of different chemicals, plasticizers,

materials. Last, there are

unsalables-toxins, radiation, heavy met-

als, and chemicals.


: ,.’‘:: These ‘are smdl, impoviwM3ed f&w UFXY whisp& :. I. :’ fhut huva made Us restle$g on@ gcbeq; ..,’

‘. fhey

; ~ Lo


.:<. /. .


sf~f&s at .a. . ;__;:_,< . ', '.., : :,..

lion to $30 million every year in money saved on utility bills. After the windows are paid for, the figure will go even higher. The factory, designed to be trans-

portable, will move to another city; the first city will retain an equity interest in the venture. McDonough has designed a win-win-winwin-win system that optimizes a number of agen-

das. The ratepayers,

the homeowners,

the renters,

the ciq, the environment, and the employed all thrive because they are “making” money from

efficiency rather than exploitation. It’sa little like running the industrial economy backwards.


has been effectively



pesticides, and dyes; shoes are tanned with chromium and their soles contain lead; neckties and silk blouses contain zinc, tin and toxic dye. Much of what we recycle today turns into toxic by-products, consuming more energy in the recycling process than is saved by recycling. We should be designing more things so that they can be thrown away--into the compost heap. Toothpaste tubes and other non-degradable packaging can be made out of natural polymers so that they break down and become fertilizer for plants. A package that turns into dirt is infinitely more useful, biologically speaking, than a package that turns into a plastic park bench. Heretical as it sounds, designing for decomposition, not recycling, is the way of the world around us. The second category is durables, but in this case, they would not be sold, only licensed. Cars, TV’s, VCR’s, and refrigerators would always belong to the original manufacturer, so they would be made, used, and returned within a closed-loop system. This is already being instituted in Germany and to a lesser extent in Japan, where companies are beginning to design for disassembly. If a company knows that its products will come back someday, and that it cannot throw anything a&y when they do, it creates a very different approach to design and

glass, wooden

city is reglazed, the residents and businesses witI pocket an extra $20 miJ-


posed BTU tax, or when Philip Morris donates $200,000 to the Jesse Helms Citizenship Center, citizenship is mocked and democracy is left gagging and twitching on the Capitol steps. The irony is that business thinks that its involvement in governance is good corpor;lte citizenship or at least is advancing its own interests. The reality is that business is preventing the economy from evolving. Business loses, workers lose, the environment loses.

_I’::;,I %.:

I_'< r <> 9A ii. y..A <.::.y:j


is no

in America by the influence of money, lawyers, and a political system that is the outgrowth of the first two. While we can dream of restoring our democratic system, the fact remains that we live in a plutocracy--government by the wealthy. One way out is to vote with your dollars, to withhold purchases from companies that act or respond inappropriately. Don’t just avoid buying a Mitsubishi automobile because of the company’s participation in the destruction of primary forests in Malaysia, tndonesia, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Canada, Siberia, and Papua New Guinea. Write and telt them why you won’t Engage in dialogue, send one postcard a week, talk, organize, meet, publish newsletters, boycott, patronize, and communicate with companies like General Electric. Educate non-profits, organizations, municipalities, and pension funds to act affirmatively, to support the ecological CERES (formerly Vuldez) Principles for business, to invest intelligently, and to think with their money, not merely spend it Demand the best from the companies you work for and buy from. You deserve it and your actions will help them change.




There can be no healthy business sector unless there is a healthy governing sector. In her book Systems of Sun&l, author Jane Jacobs describes two overarching moral syndromes that permeate our society: the commercial syndrome, which arose from trading cultures, and the governing, or guardian, syndrome that arose from territorial cultures. The guardian system is hierarchical, adheres to tradition, values loyalty, and

living system for which these are food and thus they can never be

thrown away. In Braungart’s Intelligent Product System, unsalables must always belong to the original maker, safeguarded by public utilities called “parking lots” that store the toxins in glasslined barrels indefinitely, charging the original manufacturers rent for the service. The rent ceases when an independent scientific panel can confirm that there is a safe method to detoxify the substances in question. All toxic chemicals would have molecular markers identifying them as belonging to their originator, so that if they are found in wells, rivers, soil, or fish, it is the responsibility of the company to retrieve

have to get out of government We need more than campaign reform: We need a vision that allows us al/ to see that when Speaker of the House Tom Foley exempts the aluminum industry in his district from the pro-

That an average adult can recognize one thousand brand names and logos but fewer than ten local plants is not a good sign. We are moving not to an information age but to a biologic age, and unfortunately our technological education is equipping us for corporate markets, not the future. Sitting at home with virtuaf reality gloves, 3D video games, and interactive cable TV shopping is a barren and impoverished vision of the future. The computer revolution is not the totem of our future, only a tool. Don’t get me wrong. Computers are great But they are not a uplifting or compelling vision for cutture or society. They do not move us toward a sustainable future any more than our obsession with cars and televisions provided us with newer definitions or richer meaning. We are moving into the age of living machines, not, as Corbusier noted, “machines for living in.” The Thomas Edison of the future is not Bill Gates of Microsoft, but John and Nancy Todd, founders of the New Alchemy Institute. a Massachusetts design laband thinktankfor sustainability. If the Todds’ work seems less commercial, less successful, and less glamorous, it is because they are working on the real problem--how to iive-and it is infinitely more complex than a microprocessor. Understanding biological processes is how we are going to create a

perish). What we can learn on-line is how to model complex systems. It is computers that have allowed us to realize how the synapses in the common sea slug are more powerful than all of our parallel processors put together.

We do not know how many species live on the planet within a factor of ten. We do not know how many are being extirpated. We do not know what is contained in the biological library inherited from the Cenozoic age. (Sociobiologist E.O. Wilson estimates that itwould take 25,000 person-years to catalog most of the species, putting aside the fact that there are only 1,500 people with the taxonomic ability to undertake the task.) We do not know how complex systems interact--how the transpiration of the giant lily, Viaoria amazonica, of Brazil’s rainforests affects European rainfall and agriculture, for example. We do not know what happens to 20 percent of the CO, that is off-gassed every year (it disappears without a trace). We do not know how to calculate sustainable yields in fisheries and forest systems. We do not know why certain species, such as frogs, are dying out even in pristine habitats. We do not know the long-term effects of chlorinated hydrocarbons on human health, behaviour, sexuality, and fertility. We do not know what a sustainable life is for existing inhabitants of the planet, and certainly not for future populations. (A Dutch study calculated that your fair share of air travel is one trip across the Atlantic in a lifetime.) We do not know how many people we can feed on a sustainable basis, or what our diet would look like. In short, we need to find out what’s

here, who has it, and what we can or can’t do with it.

next I2 months on the movie and tchotchkes of l~rctssic fclrk than on foreign aid to prevent malnu-

they recognized that the greatest amount- of human suffering and mortality is caused by environmental problems that are not being addressed by environmental organizations or companies. Contaminated water is killing a hundred times more people than all forms of pollutions combined. Millions of children are dyingfrom preventable diseases and malnutrition. The move4 ment toward sustainability must address the clear and present dangers that people face worldwide, dangers that ironically increase population levels becaus of their perceiv threat. People duce more ch when they’re afr lose them. Not until the majority of the people in the world, all of whom suffer in myriad preventable yet intolerable ways, understand that environmentalism means improving their lives directly will the ecology movement walk its talk. Americans will siend more money in the

If hope is to pass the sobriety test, then it has to walk a pretty straight line to reality. Nothing written, suggested, or proposed here is possible unless business is willing to integrate itself into the natural world.

Jeremy Seabrook of the

whether there might not be more equitable and satisfying ways that will not be won at the expense either of the necessities of the poor or of the wasting fabric of the planet.” Poet and naturalist W.S. Merwin (citing Robert Graves) reminds us that we have one

story, and one story only, to tell in our lives. We are made to believe by our parents and businesses, by our culture and televisions, by our politicians and movie stars that it is the story of money, of finance, of wealth, of the stock portfolio, the partnership, the country house. These are small, impoverished tales and whispers that have made us restless and craven; they are not stories at all. As author and garlic grower Stanley Crawford puts it, “The financial statement must finally give way to the narrative, with all its exceptions, special cases, impondembles. It must finally give way to the story, which is perhaps the way we arm ourselves against the next and always unpredictable turn of the cycle in the quixotic dare that is life; across the rockand cold of lifelines, it is our seed, our clove, our filament cast toward the future.” It is something deeper than anything commercial culture can plumb, and it iswaitingfor each of us. 8usiness must yield to the longings of the human spirit. The most important contribution of the socially responsible business movement has little to do with recycling, nuts from the lainforest, or employing the homeless. Their gift to us is that they are leading by trying to do something, to risk, take a chance, make a change--any change. They are not waiting for ‘*the solution,*’ but are acting without guarantees of success or proof of purchase. This is what’all of us must do. Being visionary has been given a bad rap by commerce. But without a positive vision for humankind we can have no meaning, no work, and no purpose.

Paul Hawken is an author and the co-founder ofSmith and Howken. The ideas in this article are from his newbook The Ecology of Commerce (HorperCollins), ud from a forthcoming book,Our Futureand the Moking ofThings, which he is writing with William McDonougb. he Reader is ovailable ot the Turnkey Desk, WPIRGo(fice, or send UOJyear to Utne Reader, Box 1974. Mormn, OH 43305 USA.


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in finale

Mistakes give Lancers win; Laurier beatsYorkfurfmulplayuff by Peter Imprint

-Warrior Football Saturday, October 23


11, Waterloo


(End of regular searron)

Warrior Soccer Saturday, October 23


3, Waterloo


Sunday, October 24

Western 3, Waterloo


(End of regular season) Athena Soccer Saturday, October 23


2, Waterloo


Sunday, October 24

Western 2, Waterloo


(End of regular season)

Athena Field Hockey Wednesday, October 20 York 2, Waterloo 0 Friday, October 22, At Nepean

Waterloo 0, Queen’s 0 Waterloo I,’ Carleton 0 Saturday, October 23, At Nepean


2, Waterloo


(End of regular season)

Friday, October 29,4 p.m.

OWIAA Waterloo

Quarterfinal: versus Guelph

Saturday, October 30 If Waterloo wins quarterfinal:

Waterloo versus York, 2 p.m. If Waterloo loses quarterfinal: Fifth-place: Waterloo vs. Western or Queen’s, 10 a.m. Sunday, October 3 1

Bronze Medal Game, 10 a.m. Gold Medal Game, 12 p.m. Varsity Cross Country Saturday, October 30, 1 p.m.


Finals at Waterloo

Warrior Rugby Saturday, October 23 Western 19, Waterloo 3 (End

of regtdar


Last Saturday’s I l-4, season-ending loss to the Windsor Lancers was a painful microcosm of the Waterloo Warriors’ I993 season. UWs football ream racked up big offensive numbers and played solid defence, but shot itself in the foot with mental mistakes. Try these stats out for size -- 464 yards net offence, 24 first downs, a 200,yard rusher, and only I92 yards and seven first downs allowed. Now, how aboutthese! Six turnovers, I I penalties for minus-92 yards, and just four points. A win over the Lancers would not have given the Warriors a playoff spot anyway, since the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks (5-2) managed to beat the York Yeomen 19-7, despite trailing 7-O early. Waterloo and Windsor both finish 3-4 and out of the playoffs; this is the second straight year UW has not qualified for the post-season. The Western Mustangs clinched first seed for the UUAA playoffs with a 43-7 crushing of the McMaster Marauders, while the Toronto Varsity Blues pounded the Guelph Gryphons (4-3) 28- IO. Both the ‘Stings and the Blues finish 6- I, but Western beat Toronto two weeks ago for the tiebreaking edge. Tomorrow at SkyDome, the second-place Blues face the third-place Golden Hawks at 2 p.m. in one conference semi-final, while number-one Western plays number-four Guelph in the primetime game at 7 p.m. The winners advance to the Yates Cup on November 4, to be played at the home of the higher-seeded team instead of at the ‘Dome because of a

Warrior Tennis Fri. & Sat., October 29 & 30, 10 a.m.

3UAA Individual

Finals at Brock

Varsity Swimming Friday-Saturday, October 23-24

Quad Meet at Laurentian Warrior Hockey Thursday, October 21

by Natalie

Western 10, Waterloo



Serkin sports

Saturday, October 23


3, Windsor


Wednesday, October 27

Laurier 7, Waterloo


Fri.-Sun., October 29-3 1 at Rochester Tournament Friday, November 5,7:30 p.m.

versus Western Mustangs Sunday, November 7,2 p.m. versus Laurier Golden Hawks

(bothgames atColumbia


Warrior Basketball Thursday, October 2 1 Waterloo 91, Ottawa 82 Friday, October 22 Waterloo 70, Carleton 66 ThurscIay, October 28 Waterloo at St. Mary’s Fri., Sat. October 29,30

at St, Francis Xavier Tournament (all exhibition games)

Athena Basketball Sunday, October 24

at Queen’s Golden Gaels Sat., Sun. October 29,30

at McMaster


(all exhibition games)

Warrior Volleyball Wednesday, November 3,8:30 p.m.

at Windsor


Athena Volleyball Wednesday, November 3,6:30 p.m.

at Windsor


Warrior backup quarterback Patrick Steve bennet, who left with an injury

Gorman subbed in for starter during the second quarter. photo

scheduling conflict, The SkyDome is in use for the next two Saturdays, though, as the

by Dave Thomson

Churchill Bowl and Vanier Cup will be played there on November I3 and 20 respectively.

For Mike Matlot, last Saturday was the second consecutive game in which he wentoverthe double century mark, with 205 yards on 20 carries. He was rewarded for his brilliant ‘93 campaign with an OUAA first-team all-star nomination (see story on page 2 I). Windsor led the game 4-l in the fourth quarter when Warrior rookie placekicker Arek Bigos tied the game with a 23-yard field goal. The Lancers regained the edge with minutes left as quarterback Rob Zagordo threw a 30-yard touchdown pass to Norm Casola. Waterloo’s defence kept Zagordo under wraps until then, allowing him to complete only 7 of 22 attempts for I I4 yards and picking him off twice. Mallot led a pounding ground game as the Warriors racked up 330 yards rushing on 42 carries. After Mallet’s big 205 yards, Jarret Smith followed up with 53 yards on nine carries. UW backup pivot Patrick Gorman relieved injured starter Steve Bennet in the second quarter and finished with I22 yards and three interceptions on l2-of-20 passing. Gorman also scrambled six times for 45 yards. The backup also had a diverse passing attack, completing three passes to each of three different receivers, Mallet, Adrian Thorne, and Kent Willmore. Cory Delaney and Torberne Williams had the picks for Uw’s secondary. Special teams were again a worry for Knight as Mallet fumbled two punt returns and the team had no return yardage to speak of. For the Lancers, Casola was the big-play man with three catches for 9 I yards. Running back Ozzie Nethersole, a distant third in OUM rushing entering the game, carried I2 times for 78 yards.

Beatty and Boyko lead swimmers to Sudbury splash

Finals at Western

Varsity Rowing Saturday, October 30


Brown sports


The mighty swim team travelled to the North last weekend for the Laurentian Invitational Meet The swimmers were in high spirits for this twoday event, and the result was definitely seen in the pool. Waterloo was beaten by Laurentian with a total score of 394 to 234. However, the team was strong and fast enough to beat Brock 339 to 273 and Laurier 334 to 274. This was a very positive meet for all in attendance. In the first event of the meet, the 4-by- I 00-metre free relay, the women placed first against Laurier, second against Brock, and third against Laurentian. The Warriors also placed third against Laurentian and then took a second versus Brock and Laurier. Athena Tereza Mace1 breezed through the 400.metre individual medley, placing first against Brock. Despite being a rookie to varsity swimming, she is certainly showing her expertise

in the pool with further


in the 200 back and 200 free versus Brock. Veteran Andrew Cartwright keeps proving himself with solid swims and ptacings, specifically seconds in the 400-metre individual medley and the

100 and 200-metre free. AmyJarvis is swimming better than ever in the early season with strong second-place swims in the 100-metre back and the 200-metre fly. In the 200 fly, she was a close second behind Olympic swimmer Nancy Sweetnam. jarvir has proven that she’s not afraid to compete with the Laurentian swimmer by challenging her whenever they mce. On the men’s side, rookie Chris Nagy won the IOO-metre back beating all competition from each of the rhree schools. Nagy also had a fine earlyseason performance with a second in the 200-metre fly after Laurentian and a third in the 200-metre individual medley. Athena Melissa Williams is starting the season aggressively in the breast stroke and butterfly events. In the 50metre and 2OOmmetre breast, Williams had second-place finishes, while in the 100 fly she was third. Also with a third place in the 50-metre breast was rookie Corinne Peter. Rookie Ed Furs had a plethora of second-place finishes in the I 00-metre back, the IOO-metre free, and I OOmetre fly. In his final race, he showed that the frustration of finishing second increases his determination to outtouch the competition by ending the weekend with a first in the 200-metre

free. Veteran

Nicole Peters is back to

her competitive self after a year off. Swimming the distance events (400, 800-metre free), she had the top three placings in both. Switching over to the sprint backstroke, she demonstrated her versatility with another top-three placing in the 50 back. Warrior Terry Boyko is also giving the competition a run for their money. He supported fellow Warriors Nagy and Furs by taking third in the IOO-metre back for a I-2-3 sweep of that event. tiyko was second in the 400metre free and 200-metre back, and, despite swimming an off event for him, took a third in the I 00-metre breast, all in personal or in-season best times. Jen Beatty is an Athena who is showing that hard work and determination pays off. tn her specialty, the IOO-metre breast, she came in first place overall with a time faster than at #ast year’s OWIAA finals and just missing the CIAU-qualifying time by .35 seconds.

Fellow veteran Christine Gueriero had an excellent meet, scoring points for the Athenas with placings in the 50metre back and the 100-metre free. Further fast swims were seen by the women in the 4-by-50 metre medley relay, where they came first over

Brock and second after laurentian and Laurier. Working as a team, they also scored the same in the 4-by- IO0 metre medley relay and finally the 4-by-50 metre free relay. On the men’s team, academic allCanadian Andrew Wahbe demonstrated his ability as a versatile swimmer, scoring points in the butterfly and intermediate medley events. Rookie Craig Batten, surprised to be entered in the longer 200-metre breast stroke, found out he really can swim the longer events with a thirdplace finish. Fellow rookie Trevor Denstedt took a third place in the 50, metre back. In the relay events, the men had three very close races against Laurentian and will be working on relay takeovers in the future to change the three second-place finishes into first by the time the championships occur. With a number of personal best times already accomplished in this meet, the coaches expect many more to come. With team camaraderie increasing as the rookies become an integral part of tie team, the Atttenas and Warriors are looking forward to their next meet on November 6 in the PAC pool versus Queen’s and Guelph. So come on out and support your swim team.






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friday, october 29, I993


Season over for Athenas

Soccer Warriors finish out of playoffs by Mark Imprint

CiavareZZa sports

The Warrior soccer team went on the road last weekend looking for the final playoff position. On Saturday, they travelled to the University of Windsor to face the second-place Lancers in a must-win situation. The Warriors knew the task at hand and came out flying to surprise a cocky Windsor side. The efforts of Warrior striker fason Pither were too much for the Lancer fullbacks to handle as he led the attack to keep constant pressure on the Windsor goal. The Warriors did everything short of putting the ball in the back of the net. ’ One breakdown in the Waterloo defence 35 minutes in allowed a Windsor striker to break free from a free kick and go in alone on keeper Abdel Plummer to score for a I-O Lancer lead. Slowly, the referee started losing control of the game as players from both sides continued battling harder for the win. A number of yellow cards were issued as an attempt to keep the game in order, but by this time tempers were flaring on both sides. Warrior striker Daryl l-lalliday cracked an impressive final blast toward the keeper as the whistle blew to end the first half, but he was unlucky not to capitalize. The second half was a bloodbath as the fans watched players from both teamsgoing down one after another. Windsor caught Waterloo sleeping right from the opening kickoff to putthe ball in the

back of the net. The end result saw a disappointed Warrior squad lose the match 3-0, taking them out of playoff contention. The next day, Waterloo travelled to London to face the Western Mustangs. This was a symbolic game more than anything else, where some of the veterans took the field to play their final match as varsity athletes. Waterloo had every intention of destroying Western’s hopes of advancing to the postseason. Tie first half started with a Western striker breaking free from Warrior Chris Burkitt to open the scoring and put the Mustangs ahead I-O. Warrior Alex Adachi quickly answered that attack with a challenge on the Western keep, to find the net with a goal. At the 30-minute mark, a Western forward broke free in the penalty box and Warrior Marc Blake had no other choice but to bring him down to force a penalty shot. Western made no mistake and took a 2- I lead. Waterloo captain Greg Pappas responded to that attack with an onslaught of his own. He battled for the ball and crossed in onto the foot of Daryl Halliday, who scored to tie the game 22 at the half. The second half was a closely fought battle with both teams creating and missing their chances. Finally, Western took advantage of a clearance error to win the game 3-2 to end the Warriors’ season. Special recognition goes to rookie Matt Arkett who played an outstanding game in the midfield.

IceWarriorsstumbleoutof thegate by Nicholas Mew Imprint sports

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This season’s Ice-Men have begun their schedule, and while the team is looking better each time they play, they still show signs of shakiness. In their first three games, against division rivals Western, Windsor, and Laurier, the Warriors have only managed to salvage one of a possible six points. Waterloo opened the season October 2 I at Western, and both teams played what can be best termed rusty hockey. Passes missed their intended recipients by miles, shots missed the net, defencemen misplayed their men and the puck, and both goalies seemed rather sluggish between their respective pipes. The Warriors opened the scoring on a goal by Jason Mervyn, but 23 seconds later the purple scum of Western tied it up. By the end of the period, the Mustangs led 4-2, although the play was much closer than the score would indicate. GoaltenderJames Organ was forced to make save after save, as there were rebounds a-plenty in his crease, which were not cleared away in time before a Mustang could pounce on it Even so, there were a few shots that appeared to be stoppable that Organ misplayed+ which is unusual for the Warrior netminder. Five minutes into the third, Organ was pulled for relief backstop Nathan Cressman, who allowed two goals, In each period, Western doubled the number of goals Waterloo scored, for a final score of t O5 for Western. Bright spots for the Warriors were Jason Mervyn with 2 points, assistant captain Greg Allen with 3 assists, and a penalty killing unit that limited the Mustangs to only one power-play goal. Two days later the Warrior squad travelled to Windsor to face the upstart Lancers, winners of the Oktoberfest tournament Things looked bad earty, as Windsor scored

Black by Peter Xmprint

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20 seconds into the game, but at 4143 Jason Mervyn again opened the scoring for Waterloo, connecting with defenceman Barry Young for the score. After one period, it was 2-l Warriors, and after two the score was 3-2. Organ was absolutely brilliant, turning aside pucks from all angles, and even reaching back with his stick at one point to pull back a puck that was sliding across the line. Even t,he goal judge was fooled on this one, but admitted that he flicked on the light because he was sure it was going to go all the way in. Wrong!!! It appeared that Waterloo was going to come away with the win, when late in the game the Lancers decided on a very low percentage play, known as pulling the goalie. With pressure from everywhere at once, the Windsor team managed to tie it up on a rainbow goal that arced high into the net, as Organ was bumped by bncer players and was physically unable to get to the puck. Overtime solved nothing, and the end result was 3-3. The Warrior’s first game in Waterloo was Wednesday night, as they faced Laurier at their new home in the Waterloo Recreation Complex, playing a high-scoring scorefest with the solid Golden Hawks, who have only improved since last season. Guess who opened the scoring: that’s right, Mr. Dipsy-Doodle himself,swervyn Jason Mervyn! Mervyn proved to be the best offensive threat the Warriors had all nigh& as he scored the first four goals for the Ice-Men, who appeared to be heading towards their strong form of old. Even with Mervyn bulging the twine, the Warriors were still down 4-3 after two periods, and their cause was not helped by the fact that assistant captain Bill Whistle had his bell rung thoroughly in the first, putting him in civilian clothes for the rest of the game.


to page


Plague infects Toronto in pre-season sweep

Brown sports

The Waterloo Warrior volleyball squad warmed up for its impending regular season by dusting off a couple of OUAA East opponents at an exhibition tournament last weekend. The Black Plague infected the York Yeomen 3-1 (6-15, IS-I I, 15-I I, 15-l I) and then swept the Toronto Varsity Blues 3-O (I 5- I 3, 15, I I, I 56). The games start to count next Wednesday night at 8:30 p,m. in Windsor as the Plague meet the Lancers. Their home opener is next Friday, November 5 at 8 p.m. in the PAC main gym. Last weekend’s wins raised UWs pre-season record to 5-3. Matt Reed ied the Plague in both games, recording 24 and I 9 ki 1Is against York and U. of T. respectively.

Kent Prete totalled 28 kills and 9 stuffs, Pete Dennison I8 and IO, and Perry Strauss I4 and 5. Two weeks ago, the Black Plague earned the silver medal at a tournament hosted by the Queen’s Golden Gaels. After finishing third at 2-2 in pool play, the Warriors went on to beat Queen’s 3- I (10” I 5, I 5- I I , I& 14, IS- I) in the semi-finals before falling to the Victoria Vikings O-3 (5- IS, 3-15, I I - 15) in the gold medal match. UW lost to Victoria O-3 (8- I 5, I 3- I5,5- I 5) andQueen’s I-3(12-15,4-l5,15-6, IS-17)inpool play, while beating Montreal 3-O (15-8, 15-3, 1% 13) and Sherbrooke 3-2 (I 4-16, 15-3, I& 14, 1I IS, 158). Reed and Smith were named tournament allstars. Reed has led or tied for the lead in team kills in every exhibition match so far; in the Queen’s tournament he tallied 86 kills in the six games.


friday, October 29, I993



Daryl Purdy turns to evade a Western tackler in the rugby Warriors’ 19-3 season-ending loss to the ‘Stangs. UW finishes last in Division I and is relegated to Division II for next year. photo by Dave Thomson by E&on mprittt

Custifho sp4wts

On a sunny Saturday afternoon in October, in conditions<dealIy suited to rugby, the Waterloo Warrior football cfub found itself headed to the second division of the OUAA after a 19-3 defeat at the hands of the Purple Satan, Western, and the less-than-adequate referee. The junior varsity side was even more unfortunate in the refereeing department, having a victory snatched fromthem six minutes into injury time, losing by the score of I& 14. Considering the importance of the match, the varsity Warriors came out flat at the stirt of the match and found themselves under extreme pressure for a lot of the first half of play. The defence was solid as usual. Steve Keith, back early from a bad knee injury suffered in the first game of the season against Western, made his presence felt, both on offence and defence. Western was rewarded atthe 3 Iminute mark after a brilliant run by centre Dave Bergeron. Bergeron however, apparently forgot that one has to cross the line to score the five points. From the resultant Iineout, one yard out of the Waterloo zone, Western managed to dot the ball down for the 5-O lead. Apart from this, there was not too much else in the way of entertainment in the first half except for Daryl ‘Angus’ Purdy’s brilliantspinetama move on a run out of his 22-yard zone to elude a Western tackier. This was the only flash of creativity exhibited by either side in the first 40 minutes. The second half saw a different Warrior team step on the field. They were fired up and immediately attacked the Western goal line. Two minutes in, Keith powered his way over the line with some help from his friends in the scru m for what looked to be the gametying score. The referee, however, was apparently not aware of the rugby match occurring





the second division. This was the turning point in the match. Waterloo kept up their attacking momentum and Simon Lewis pulled Waterloo back to within two at the four-minute mark Fifteen minutes later, the referee put the final nail in Waterloo’s coffin with another very arguable call. Greg Laycock charged down a Western kick for touch in the Western 229yard zone. Milan Popovic beat the fullback to the rebounded ball and touched it down for what seemed to be another try for Waterloo. The referee, however, called the play back saying that Milan was in an offside position, albeit accidentally, when Laycock blocked the kick. This is a very debatable call as I do not think that a player can be in an offside position after a blocked kick, be


it accidentally or otherwise. The rule book is vague about this and does not deal specifically with player positioning after a blocked kick. After this call, the wind was taken completely out of Waterloo’s sails. A demoralized side allowed two more tries by Western late in the game to make the final 19-3. Objectivity be damned, I say; Waterloo was robbed by some very poor refereeing and should not have found themselves facing the prospect of playing in the second division next season. But as they say -- “Them’s the breaks”. Next season Waterloo will, I’m sure win the division and shock everybody in the playoffs as they did in 1988. The junior varsity loss was even more frustrating, especially after the valiant comeback they staged in the second half. In the first half they were completely outclassed and found themselves IO-0 down at the half. Coach Jeff Sage had a stroke of genius at the half. He put in every sub he had, some of whom had not played a minute all ‘season. Genius you ask? Just hear me out, or is that read me out? Anyway, after three minutes Western added three more points to their tally and things were looking dire indeed for the Warriors. But then something happened. I’m not quite sure what -- maybe it was the added enthusiasm of the new players or perhaps the complacency of the Western side due to their big lead. At the I f-minute mark, Jamie Mistry, one of the few non-subbed players, took the feed from the strum at the flyhalf position. Considering he was supposed to be playing lock, it is safe to say he was considerably out of position and what a good thing that turned out to be. Mistry put up a high ‘Gary Owen’ and charged down the Western fullback who promptly dropped the ball allowing Mistry to scoop up the rebound. He charged his way to within five yards out from the end zone. Derek Featherstone, in his best performance of the season was quick to spread the ball out to a waiting Jarrod French who sent Mark “Friar Tuck” Morrison over for the five points. In the absence of Steve Goodacre, the Friar put through his own convetZ I37 and the Warriors were gaining momentum. Featherstone, noticing the ineptness of the Western fullback, kept him under pressure constantly in the half. This smart play led to Waterloo’s second try, a beauty. The fullback once again found himself under pressure from the high kick by Featherstone. Rookie Marc “Rudy” Creaghan, at winger was the one exerting the pres-



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and awarded Waterloo a ftve-metre strum because he didn’t see the ball. After the match, he admitted to having made an error, but this is little consolation to a side that now finds itself in

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sure. As a result, the Western player rushed the kick to touch and succeeded only in kicking it off his teammate’s back. This sent the ball rolling into the Western endzone and Creaghan rushing after it. The bonehead fullback then compounded his error by obstructing Creaghan from reaching the end zone. The referee correctly gave the penalty try and in his first match ever, Creaghan found himself the scorer of a try on his debut. Jerome MacGregor put the convert through to put Waterloo up 149 13. They were on a roll. Featherstone continued to show the poor Western fullback no mercy, relentlessly putting up kicks for him to take. This led to the hit of the season by any player in a Warrior uniform. Ed Volcic, following up one of these kicks, found himself in perfect position to tackle the fullback just as he received the bail. Five minutes later, he was still on his back in the middle of the field after Volcic laid into him. This hit prompted Derek Humphreys, one of the coaches, to wonder out loud where Volcic had been all season. Well, it turns out he’d been there all along but was just too quiet a guy and wasn’t noticed. Speak up next season, Ed. Well, the Warriors seemed to be

headed for a much deserved victory until the 46th minute of play (six minutes into injury time!!) when the ref awarded Western a penalty after some late pressure. The kick was good and the ref immediately blew the whistle to make the final I6- 14 in Western’s favour. A heartbreaking loss to say the least. All in all, a disappointing end to a disappointing season. Fun was had by all however, and almost everybody was afforded the opportunity of partaking of the fun of rugby at the university level. Finally, on behalf of the club, there are some people that deserve a big thank you. To head trainer Kathryn Yates and her assistants Rod Pomahac and Rebecca Poon. Without the trainers, it is not possible to keep a rugby team in optimal working order. To Danita Propp, the Manager. She made the season run a lot more smoothly by her very adept handling of all the little annoying administrative details such as buses and hotel bookings and game sheets etc. And finally, a thank you to all the coaches; Fraser Cattel, Brian Quistberg, Jeff Sage, Derek Humphreys, Peter Keir, John Maddigan and David Varner. The importance of coaching cannot be overstated and the team thanks them very much for all the time and effort they devoted to the team during the season.

170 University Ave.


29, I993

ft-iday, october



Warriors must console themselveswith ten all-stars

Benoit Drouin (42), a second-team all-star, reasons that Waterloo has the best defence

is just one of the in the QUAA. photo

by Peter


Brown spofts

This was supposed to be the season that the Waterloo Warrior football team had to suffer while learning how to live without Tom Chartier. Tell that to Mike Mallet. Mallot is the fullback who had to shoulder the burden of UW’s running attack after tailback Mike Son fell to injury in the second week of the season. All he did was rush for 842 yards, second in the CIAU to Western’s Tim Tindale’s 902, and earn a spot on the OUAA’s all-star first team. (Manitoba’s Dominic Zagari is third at 803 yards after seven games; the Bisons have one more game in their regular season.) “We had a tailback-oriented offence,” admitted Warrior head coach Dave”Tuffy” Knight. “After Mike [Son]

Men’s by Peter Imprint


Brown sports

The Warrior basketball team gets a chance to test its mettle against some national-calibre competition this weekend in eastern Canada. Last night, Waterloo squared off against the St, Mary’s Huskies and tonight the team begins a tournament at St. Francis Xavier by playing the host XMen.

The winner of tonight’s game wil I either the Dalhousie Tigers or the Acadia Axemen in the tournament final tomorrow. UW will have to do without its starting point guard B. J. York, who suffered a badly sprained ankle during an intrasquad game two weeks ago. York should be ready to play in the Naismith Classic here at the PAC, starting two weeks from today. L&t weekend, a road trip to the meet

Warrior continued



by Dave Thomson

went down, we had to make a big coaching adjustment. You really have to give credit to our offensive coaches.” Mallot joins nine teammates on the two all-star teams, more than any other school in the conference. Fellow first-teamers are centre Mark Williams, defensive tackle John Shoniker, cornerback Cory Delaney, and safety Torberne Williams. Wide receiver Adrian Theme, guard Justin Shoniker, tackle Mark Parsons, defensive end Benoit Drouin, linebacker Andy Allen, and defensive backTaly Williams are second-teamers. The biggest surprise for Waterloo when the all-star team was announced last Tuesday was the exclusion of defensive lineman Brad Harris from the list. *‘I thought Brad was one of the top defensive linemen in the league this

hoomters ~




nation’s capital resulted in two exhibition victories, 9 I-82 over the Ottawa Gee Gees and 70-66 over the Carleton Ravens. Against Ottawa, Alex Urosevic and Sean VanKoughnett provided the scoring fire power with 25 and 24 points respectively. In the absence of York, VanKoughnett had to play 37 minutes to provide stability to the offence. He was also not afraid to take the ball to the hole, going to free-throw line I2 times for IO points. Urosevic was also aggressive, but only converted 7 of his I I trips to the charity stripe in his 32 minutes. Despite shooting only 1-of-7 from the field, Mike Duarte scored IO points while platooning with Andy Pocrnic at the point position. Mark Hopkins scored only one basket from the low post, but dominated the boards with 9 defensive re-

hockey I8

their return and a brief rest, the Warriors will play their first home game on Friday, November 5 versus Western and hope to avenge their season-opening loss. By this time most of the Warriors will be healthy, and coach Don McKee will be able to ice his best lineup, showing the Mustangs that their first win was a fluke.



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passing for

1,905 yards and moving into second place in all-time career passing. Teammate Stefan Ptaszek is a firstteam inside receiver. Western’s Larry Haylor is coach of the year after leading his Mustangs to a conference-best 6- I record in what was supposed to be a rebuilding year. Tindale made the first team as the other running back, along with ‘Stang placekicker Frank Jagas and guard P. j*



Toronto’s first teamers include wide receiver Francis Etienne, guard David Scandiffio, defensive end Richard Francis, linebacker Lou Tiro, and defensive back Dean Turner. The fourth-place Guelph Gryphons placed five players on the first team: wide receiver Dave Irwin, tackle Rob Wesseling, defensive tackle Hugh Tharby, linebacker Steve McKee, and defensive back Charles Assman.

win pair in Ottawa

Although Waterloo dominated the play, as well as improving their defensive play, a few Warrior giveaways by their own net: cost them dearly. Laurier forwards jumped on the loose pucks and deked out netminder Organ, who had next to no chance on these sudden developments in the play. The only period the Warriors were outscored was the first, as the Ice-Men kept it closes throughout the game, losing in the end 7-6 to the Golden Chickens. Even in the last minute and a half, with the goalie pulled for an extra attacker, the Warriors couldn’t get by Laurier goalie Rick Pracey. This weekend, the Warriors are travelling back to the USA to take on some New York state-based teams in the R.I.T. Tournament, held in Rochester. Opponents will include SUNY Oswego Lakers, SUNY Plattsburgh Cardinals, and the host RIT Tigers. After

year, if not the country,” said Warrior head coach Dave “T&y” Knight. “But he was overlooked.” Another bright spot for Waterloo’s offence was the selection of wide receiver Adrian Thome as a secondteam all-star. “We threw the ball really well this year,” Knight said. “[Steve] Bennet didn’t have the yardage that a lot of other guys had, but they were throwing the ball 30 or 40 times a game. Defences were really cheating up on the run and we threw enough to keep the defences honest” Knight feels that, despite the team’s 3-4 record, 1993’s team might be the best Warrior team he has coached since arriving here in 1988. “And the number of all-stars we have reflectthat,” he said. In the OUAA, the head coaches of the eight teams vote on the all-star selections. Laurier’s Bill Kubas was named


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throws. Chris Moore had 7 points and 6 rebounds in his 24 minutes. Rookies Nick Poulimenos and Sean McDonaugh kicked in 5 and 2 points respectively. Against the Carleton Ravens, Waterloo led by I7 with five minutes remaining but held on to win 70-66. VanKoughnett led the team with I8 points and 8 boards. Urosevic scored 17, while Balfe chipped in I2 points -including four on six trips to the stripe mmand seven boards. McDonaugh filled at guard for most ofthe game, totalling three points in 34 minutes. Duarte also played 23 minutes and scored nine points. Hopkins played only I7 minutes, but collected seven rebounds and five points.

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Ski Club by Radomir (Brad) Imprint sports


friday, October 29, I993


The University of Waterloo Ski Club will be holding its first meeting on Tuesday, November 2, at 5 p.m. in MC 2066. The ski club has undergone a number of positive changes this year and there will be much more available for the same price. Here is a preview of all the positive and free things you can expect from the ski club this ski season: * Free skiing at Chicopee for the entire 1993” I994 season. *Weekly day ski trips to Blue Mountain (Collingwood) or Holiday Valley (New York State) * An introductory 1st ski trip to Blue Mountain on January 7, ‘94 for $25 which includes return transportation from University of Waterloo by a luxury coach and full day’s lift ticket (great deal!). * Special discounts on ski rentals and group lessons not only at Chicopee but also at our other destinations. * Free hot wax at Riordan Sports plus IO per cent discount on any service work done. * Free Ski Club t-shirt with a hot new logo -* Free use of two snowboards for ski club members * A number of prizes to be won on ski trips from our sponsors * Ski Weekend Adventure trips to Mount St. Anne and Mount Tremblant with our low-low prices These are only some of the advantages you will gain when joining the University of Waterloo Ski Club. The weekly day trips will begin on .Friday, January 7 and will continue to run every Friday from then on. Other destinations for weekly day ski trips may in-

1 Year &Site




elude Bristol Mountain (New York), Horseshoe Valley or Mount St. 4 Louis (Barrie). The club is also thinking of * organizing night skiing trips, to provide a better flexibility for the busy time schedules of its members, as well as providing even greater discounts for these late hours.

Ski Club an idea of what your interests and preferences are. The fee is the same as last year: $3O/per season for those who join during the first meeting and $35/per season afterwards. Please make sure to bring along your valid student card (or Cam-

pus Recreation Card if not a full-time student) and a valid health insurance card. Skiers of all calibre are welcome!

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calories. IS) True or False: Vitamins are named as alphabet letters because, when they were discovered,scientists did not know their chemical structure and could not give them “proper” names. 16) Lack of what mineral is cause associated with “tired blood”? 17) True or False: Your appetite increases in cold weather. 18) Fast-twitch muscle fibre, known for it’s explosive characteristics, is referred muscle fibre. (red or to as white) 19) What is the longest muscle in the body? 20) What is the longest tendon in your body? 2 I) Your skeleton comprises what percent of your body weight: IS%, 25%, or 35%? 22) How many years does it take for the cell structure of your skeleton to completely rejuvenate itself: 5 years, 7 years, or IO years? 23) True or False: Two-thirds of exercise-induced injuries are caused by overuse. 24) Which is the only joint in the body with 360 degrees of rotation? 25) True or False: Sweat is your body’s way of cooling off.

with XEROX

Soundcard-SoundBlastermmpatibk stereo shielded SW


Fitness Trivia Quiz . . . Try this Trivia Quiz to learn some additional fitness facts! @ken porn Anybody’s Guide to TotolFtiess by Len Kravitr) I) True or false: The average foot walks more than a thousand miles a year. 2) Is it training affect or training effect? 3) True of False: Muscles waste away if they are not used. 4) What percent of your body is water: SO%, 60%, or 70%? 5) True or False: There are over 600 muscles in the human body. 6) What unique dynamic ability do muscles posses? 7) Which is the single most important source of fuel for your body: fats, carbohydrates, or proteins? 8) What is the junction of two bones called? 9) What is the term for enlargement of muscles? IO) True or False: Before the age of four, you have about one half of the number of fat cells you will have as an adult. I I) One pound equals how many calories? 12) The average heart beats how many times a minute: 62, 72, or 82? I 3) Name four of the six classifications of nutrients you need to eat. 14) True or False: Vitamins contain

Dates: Sat., Nov.

p.m. Everyone


guaranteed at least two (probably more) games. 2. 3-On-3 Basketball. Dates: Mon., Nov. 29, Tue., Nov. 30, Thu., Nov. 2, 7:30- IO:30 p.m. Cost: $25 per team. Final Entry Date: Fri., Nov. 19, PAC 2039. Mandatory Captain’s Meeting: Tue., Nov. 23, PAC lOOI, p.m. Four players on every team and each team is guaranteed four games. That comes out to a $ I .60 per person per game!!

Top Standings for Men’s Competitive Ice Hockey League (as of luesday October I ?j A I: Arctic Tundra (3-O-O); B I : Screaming Banshees, Strawberries &Cream (2O-I); B2: Don’s Cher-

MS hwerpoint MSProje!ct-SE


up for





Oct. 16 Windsor Western Toronto Laurier (End of the FOOTBALL



7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Western Toronto Laurier Guel h Win B sor Waterloo McMaster York

UQTR Ottawa Western Waterloo Concordia UQTR McGill Ottawa Laurier Ottawa Laurier UQTR Ryerson Windsor


11 Waterloo 43 McMaster 28 Guelph 19 York regular season)

4 7 10 7



6 6 5 4 3 3 1 0

1 1 2 3 4 4 6 7

238 240 214 183 141 133 96 87

131 132 132 156 244 132 165 220

26 27

12 12 10 8 6 6 2 0


QUAA Fur West



Yds Avg.TD



Tim Tindale/UWO Mike MallothJW Nethersole/Wind. SeanReade/UWO Jean-Pierre/York

104 902 8.710



113 842 7.5 2 2


84 548 6.5 1 1 63 517 8.2 2 1 70 413 5.9 2 5

Western Laurier Windsor Waterloo

57 45 42

Mid East



12 12 12 12 12 12

8 6 4 6 4 3

2 3 3 6 5 7

2 3 5 0 3 2

21 23 18 21 16 12

14 12 21 19 18 16

18 15 13 12 11 8








East Division







Carleton Toronto Laurentian Queen’s Ryerson Trent York

12 12 12 12 12 12 12

1 1 3 4 8 9 9

3 3 2 2 2 1 1

31 24 27 29 9 9 9

11 8 9 15 27 37 31

19 19 16 14 6 5 5



Oct. 23 Western Guelph Laurier Queen’s RMC Carleton (End of the QUAA Division I




7 7 7

5 4 4

2 3 3


16 1 6

7 I/



94 77



2 2




0 170 0 164

43 44 73 99

12 12 10 6


31 170



52 219



7 7

5 3

2 4

0 98 0 130








10 7 6











4 F

6 A

0 PCs

2 0 20 20 4 0

14 3 4 12

15 8 15 24

4 0 0 0




13 12 11 12

5 4 3 6

4 4 4 4


0 0 0 0


Toronto Western Guelph Laurier STANDINGS Total

Toronto Ottawa York Western McMaster Waterloo Queen’s

23 15 14 17 8 10 7

24 21 19 14 14 11 6

47 36 33 31 22 21 13

Ryerson Guelph




f;.7’~;S:~EE#hil -h ,.:.,, >‘..’ .., ... .’ :..fHk’OUAA ,.__ . ‘:\;,I ,:. ,.” .,,. ~~~l50TBAU;. Qcti 34) CHJAA Sexni@x& at SkyDorne Y Toronto %s, b~rier 2;OO.p.m. . ZOO pm, Wesfein : ‘I ,ti; Cue1pl.I ...: :... .. ..’ ‘. , : ,. .. .R(J&~ .. : ,‘., : .C&j. 30 .‘~UAA Semi-finafs , t$kstem ‘> at’ M~Master 1:OO p.m. at Queen’s 2:OO p.m. ‘. ” :_.Chrleton : ., ,.‘.’

Laurier McMaster Western Windsor Guel h Broc K Waterloo

12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Eust Division


Queen’s York Toronto Carleton Trent Ryerson

10 10 10 10 10 10


8 6 5 5 4 3 0

0 4 2 4 3 4 4 3 6 2 7 2 9 3 L

8 7 5 5 0 0

1 2 3 3 8 8


3 12 7 15 16 14

20 16 14 13 10 8


5 F

18 A

3 Pts

1 1 2 2 2 2

32 23 22 16 5 3

7 10 7 9 33 35

17 15 12 12 2 2


Oct. 20 York 2 Waterloo 22 At Nepean: 0 Waterloo Queen’s 2 McGill Guelph Waterloo 1 Carleton 23 At Nepean: 0 Guelph Queen’s McGill 2 Waterloo 5 Carleton Guelph Queen’s 2 Western Western 2 McGill 24 At Nepean: 1 Carleton Western At Lamport: 4 York Toronto York 6 Trent Toron to 9 Trent (end of the regular seasan~

16 16 16 12 16 .9 16 5

0 2 5 5

0 2 2 6

16 16 16 16

6 6 4 2

6 7 8

4 3 4



I1 I6

3 0


91 43 28 22 20


York 3 McMaster 3 McMaster 3 Western 3 2. Western,

Queen’s Western McMaster Guelph Waterloo Toronto Ottawa York Ryerson

BADMINTON RESULTS Wk I Mxd Wk2 Ttl 24 1 24 48

15 11 0 10 12 8

1 0 2 4 3

23 23 14 11 6 5

14 21 18 13









/“THIS IiEEK-IN IWE ,,.’ ‘. ., . ” FI~LO WOCKEY.



at Larnpa? Lampa?

Ott, 29 Quartfzfinals:


Game f Western vs,Queeb Game 2 Gucl h vs,Waterh : ‘30 Fifth P Sixth-place game: Losers of ~NIU?S 1 and 2 &mis: Toronto Vvs,Wtier 1 York vs, Winner 2

0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

31 Bronze Medal Gold Medal


Oct. 29 CIWTAA : b31

1 0 0

Qct. 29 OWIAA -30 At York

2:oc) p*m 4:oO p.m lo:00 a,m 1290 p.m 2:OO p.m IO:00 a-m 12100 p.m

SOCCER Finals at Windsor TENNfS


1 11 16 17

32 26 20 16

23 16

24 24 27

16 15 12

13 1

40 97

7 0

Uct. ,30 OWIAA : at.

Finals ‘.



Toronto York Guelph Western Queen’s Waterloo McGill Carleton Trent




23 pts. 20 pts. 20 pts. 12 pts. 11 pts. 8 pts. 8 pts.


6 Western 5 Queen’s 5 Bronze: York Gold: Queen’s 5 Final lacin s: 1, Queen’s, 3. Yor!, 4. &Master


15 22 9 13 15 6



Michelle Colaco, Toronto Claire Thurgur, Toronto Sherri Field, York Jen Hu hey, Guelph Nicole E olaco, Toronto Linda Mowat, Waterloo Suzanne Bird, Carleton



at Waterloo


30 OWIAA Finals at Brock (At Henley Course)

9:30 a.m


Oct. 30 East West

at Queen’s at Waterloo

Ott, 29 Laurier

of the

VOLLEYBALL ,at Windsor

600 p+m



12 10 8

64140 64 14.4


Western 22 McGill Brock 23 Concordia



at at at at


6 4 52 10 1 13 1 Pts

0 0 0 0

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


48 73 81

0 0



2 2 2 2

0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1

3 3 0 3 15 0

0 0

7 7


1 I

0 162 0 108

Carleton Laurier RMC Toronto Brock

6 6

2 2 2 2




2 0 0 0









19 Waterloo 10 York 18 Toronto 23. McMaster 18 Brock 31 Trent regular season)


Queen’s McMaster Western Guelph York Waterloo Division

8 8 7 6 2 2 2




Oct. 26 York 27 Brock McMaster Windsor

Windsor McMaster Guelph Western Laurier Brock Waterloo


2 3

6 8

1010 4 2 2 4


Oct. 20 Carleton 1 Trent 3 Ryerson York 0 Laurier 23 Brock McMaster 2 Western Windsor 2 Waterloo 1 Trent R erson 24 d indsor 1 Brock Laurier 1 Guelph Western 2 Waterloo Carleton 0 Toronto Queen’s 6 Ryerson (end of #he regular season)

1 1 I1

110 110

2 2

Far East


: 3 1 1



Concordia Ottawa UQTR McGill


Guelph Laurier Windsor Queen’s Guel h RM P Toronto Windsor Concordia Waterloo McGill York Western

4 5 8 7 at 7 at at at

Brock Laurentian Ryerson York


42 3

2 0 GPW

Mid Wert

0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0


HOCKEY STANDINGS F GPW L T 2 2 0 0 12 2 110 8

Queen’s Guelph Toronto RMC

OUAA SOCCER RESULTS Oct. 20 Carleton 4 Trent 23 Laurier 2 Brock Windsor 3 Waterloo Laurentian 7 York 2 McMaster Western Ryerson 1 Trent 24 Windsor 1 Brock Toronto 3 Carleton Guelph 2 Laurier 3 Waterloo Western Queen’s 5 Ryerson (End of the regular setison)








Waterloo Queen’s York RMC

9 4 4

JENNIFER BEAT’IY Athena Swimming Jennifer Beatty is UW’s female athlete of the week. Beatty, a third-year dance major, achieved Waterloo’s only first-place finish at the Laurentian Quad meet lastweekend against Laurentian, Brock, and Laurier. In the lOOImetre breast stroke, her time of I : 18.80 was a personal best time and only -39 seconds away from the CIAU qualifying standard. This was also better than her performance at last season’s OWlAAfinals, indicative of how hard she has worked since then. Beatty was also a member of the 4-by-50 free and medley teams as well as the 4-by- 100 medley team, all three of which placed second at the meet.

TERRY BOYKO Warrior Swimming Terry Boyko is UWs male athlete of the week. Boyko is a second-year geography student whose performances in seven different races were vital in helping the Warrior defeat Brockand Laurier at the Laurentian Quad meet. Boyko took second in both the 200-metre backstroke and the 400-metre freestyle and recorded LWO thirdplace finishes in the I OO-metre backstroke and the I OO-metre breaststroke, all in either personalbest or season-best times. Boyko also contributed greatly to three relays, the 4-by-50 and 4-by- IO0 medley and the 4-by-50 freestyle.

Red Hair, Martens Plaid


Stone Temple Pilots at the Concert Hall, Toronto October 20

the other one. They played most of the songs off the first album, and one from their upand-coming new release. I must say, it wasn’t too bad. And it was definitely grunge. After the two-song encore, we herded out the door with the sweaty and still hyper teenage crowd.

Richman show lacks enthusiasm Jonathan Richman w/Paul MacLeod ot the Bombshelter Ott 22, 1993

he was playing one of his best songs entitled “I’ve got a great sense of hu-


(but she doesn’t laugh at my jokes)“, and when people started to hear how insightful and clever his lyrics were, many decided to give him a

By Frank Segtenieks Imprint stun Last Friday I had a dilemma about which of two fine acts to see. At the

Volcano was Jerry Jerry and the Sons of Rhythm Orchestra and at the Shelter was Jonathan Richman. I had seen both of these performers many times before, but as the frequency of Jerry Jerry shows

is much


I went


chance. Over his two relatively short sets, he played a selection of his songs over the years, ranging from all time classics

such as “UFO man” and “Bermuda” to recent songs like ‘*Vampire girl” and “1 went dancing in lesbian bar”. Unfortunately it took till nearly the end of the second set before the crowd started to loosen up a little, even singing along

Richman. Unfortunately perhaps this was the incorrect choice as of all the times I have seen him, Jonathan was definitely the least enthusiastic about a show. As Jonathan always seems to play at the same energy level as the crowd, and this night the audience was less than attentive, this might have had a lot to do with it. To start out the evening’s entertainment, local guitar hero Paul MacLeod played to an attentive well behaved crowd who listened with great interest. As with his debut release Stuart, many of the songs he played this nightwere recollectionsabout his childhood. His untiring voice was always a perfect compliment to his guitar in any musical variation he might chose. His pairing with Richman works quite well as they both sing songs from their experiences and are able to captivate a crowd with their style. Be it YacLeod’s laid back between song banter or Richman’s sometimes frenzied guitar pla-/ing and dancing around the stage. When Jojo hit the stage, the crowd had grown marginally, unfortunately many of the new faces were there just because it was Friday night and not for

a show. This inattentiveness by the loudness of the talking and compounding lem was the low volume mics. Richman tested the with his song “Double

was proven background to the prob-

of the stage

crowd early Chocolate Malted”, however when there was no response to the simple chorus he realized that he was not among knowledgable fans. In a masterful technique of getting the crowd to pay attention, he would








Grunge was alive and kicking at the Concert Hall when the Stone Temple Pilots played their second sold out show to an audience of plaid flannel and Dot Marten’s Last Wednesday, was a really shitty day in Toronto. When we got off the bus, the skies were just getting ready to regurgitate all over us. After spending time wolfing down pizza at an uninspiring restaurant, we managed to waste enough time so that we didn’t arrive at the Concert Hall until an hour after the doors had opened. We shouldn’t have gone so early. The first band, the Mighty Mighq Bosstones, didn’t get started until a little past ten. The crowd, where you would be hard pressed to find anyone that was over-fifteen-years-old-and-

Although some people may cut it down, we like our grunge. Even if some of us aren’t sure whether we just saw Stone Temple Pilots, Pearl Jam, or Soundgarden, we like it just the same.

not-wearing-a-flannel-shirt-and-Dots, was on a sugar high at least half-anhour before things got underway. I’ll never be able to understand crowdsurfing without music. Ah, kids. Go

figure. The started

Mighty Mighty Bosstones the night off with their high

energy combination of ska and hardcore, very reminiscent of Operation Ivy, if anyone knows who I’m talking about. They really seemed to have way too many people on stage for the type of music they play, but hey. If it works,


my stary’s

with the night”.



of “Dancing

told.” late at

In classic Richman fashion, he replaced the usual “going off stage and waiting to be called back for an encore” by asking “Do you want to hear one more?” before his last couple of songs, and then left the stage for good. When someone came up to him to request a song for an encore his response was a curt “Sorry, show’s over”. Talking to him before the show, he said that his next album is going to be all in Spanish mostly consisting of trans-

lations of previously released material. He quite enjoyed his first American TV appearance on Latenight with Conan O’Brien and will be back on the show in early November.


microphone and sing directly to the audience. In the tables around me I noticed that this really caused people to stop their conversations and see what he was going to do next. Luckily

by Rob

after the third song (we were told they would confiscate the camera if we did), but since the fourth song was their big single “Plush”, we wouldn’t have sure vived long in front of the barricade anyway. I hope the guy that jumped from the balcony made it home alive. People that knew the names of STP songs were shouting for “Sex Type Thing”, the second track from the album. Disappointingly, the Pilots decided that a mellow version would be really nice. Instead, it was really, reaQ lame. They made up for it by playing the song the regular way right after, but I’m still bored to tears when I think about

I only hope that the next time he comes to the Bombshelerit is not on a regularly busy night, then perhaps he

will be surrounded by people who will appreciate what he is trying to do.

who am I to complain?

Half-an-hour later, the Bosstones finished their set and left the grungehungry audience hanging, on top of the crowd in some cases. Either the band has fewer songs than most, or the promoters wanted to leave most of the limelight to the Stone Temple Pilots. None of the guys in the Mighty Mighty Bosstones have dyed-red hair, however,

so maybe that’s excusable.

After the set change, the bouncers were already sick of the audience (can you hear them chanting “STP! STP!” in the background?), noise level was high before flew on stage.

and the

the Pilots

Soon after the spots from the explosion of too many super-bright stage lights faded from my eyes, I could see that the Stone Temple Pilots had arrived.

The lead singer

(you know,

the guy with the red hair) was whirling like a dervish all over the place from the



got new



phone. They opened with a few tracks from their album, with a good live version of “Wicked Gurden” as a highlight for the people with the cameras. We weren’t allowed to take pictures




friday October

ringed Other Primus shows I’ve been to have been in large venues (CNE, Lollapalooza) and I have thus blamed the vast venue for the impersonal feeling Primus exhibited. However, I now realize that Primus is more interested in making a spectacle of themselves than providing personalized entertainment. The Concert Hall gig opened with a cartoon prelude projected on a backdrop behind the stage. A hot dog did tricks for a bun and it was announced that the show would start



in 2 minutes, causing chants of “Primus sucks!” to rise from an anxious, all-ages crowd. Unfortunately, this circus flavour wasn’t lost during the show, manifesting itself in Primus’ desire for the audience to marvel at their quirky music and ultra hip laissez faire stage presence. We weren’t impressed. The large backstage screen, meant to provide hypnotizing graphics for oft rambling music, provided the only relief from listless band members and mosh crazed teenagers. It was something half interesting to look at, a distraction.

29, I993




Musically, Primus opened with “My name is Mud,” from their latest Pork Soda release, and continued to play a varied collection of tunes from that and their previous albums. The songs they did play are not particularly important, simply because of the sheer lack of inspiration exuded from the band. The mosh pit would not have realized if they had simply been listening to a CD the whole time. No hello, no friendly talk between songs, just play the music like we did at the studio, play two one song encores, and leave.

Simple, easy. While I have to give Primus some credit for intensifying their show towards the last few songs and playing the role of withdrawn pagan preachers the mostly teen crowd wished to subjugate themselves to, the balance of their performance was decidedly boring, It wasn’t even loud enough, which is something I never thought I’d say of any band. Perhaps they didn’t quite suck, but they certainly did disappoint. But then again, I guess the circus isn’t for everyone.



friday, October 29, 1993


how to be a complete The Vampire Companion by Anne Rice & Kathrine Rumslund Random House

by Dava Xmprint figurehead

meant to enhance their vampiric experience. The book is titled The Vampire Compc~nion. It’s been written in cooperation with Anne Rice and her biographer Kathrine Ramsland. The cover of the Official Guide to Anne Rice3 chronicles, if you buy the hard-cover copy is in classic Rice vampiric format. A black background and gothic white and gold lettering is framed by pillars and an archway in sea-green. A charming little skull and crossbones watches over the front of the book, forbidding anyone to enter within. The Companion delves deep into the secret world of Anne’s most cherished vampires. It exposes their lives, history and f&vourite rendez-vous. The

McKay literary

Christmas is just around the corner. The annual gruelling quest for that perfect festive gift is about to begin. What do you buy someone who has everything! If an Anne Rice fan is among the names on your gift list, then I have the perfect useless gift! It’s her official vampire reference book Stuffed full of facts and elaboration all serious and authentic Rice fans should already have memorized. For novice fans, its



Guide also discusses reoccurring themes and motifs. Why it does, I’m not sure. In my literary life outside of school, I read novels for fun. I don’t start worrying about motifs and symbols. Maybe the appearance of this big fancy Cole’s notes means that they are thinking of putting Anne of the curriculum. Especially since Ramsland warns readers that., “the book is intended as a supplement to the Vampire Chronides, and even though parts of the plots are summarized in places, the Companion should not be used as a substitute”. The book is set up in dictionary style, starting with “abandonment”and ending with “zombie”. Useful page references (to use with the mass-produced Ballantine paper-back editions) are given, as well as suggestions for other entries one might look up in case the first is, not sufficient in its detail and


i ma kin specific that f&ding I 09 unspoken just” Juliet



The Rheostatics at Phil’s Grtlndson’s Pi~ct! Wedenesday October 20


“The hilly tone of un Coeur En Hitler 25tands as

by Jamie Bennett special to Imprint

itsmcmtremarkable qldity-thescoreconsists entidy of Ravel.” - John



enHiver IunCoeur AdmissionPolicyfor Hdlowe’anNiib members$4.25 Seperatead~&rio~for et& film, TlCKnSGOONSALESUNDAY NIGHTAT7sOPMI

One block


of Enkil and Akasha. Another shows the Modern World and Key Locations in the Vampire Chronicles. Four street maps are given so that tourists can find places like the house where Louis confessed in San Francisco, or Lestat’s Penthouse in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The real purpose of this book is baffling to me. Who is really going to sit down and look up references every few pages? I admit some things are actually quite interesting in the Guide, but seriously folks, it seems just like another way to milk the fans. This is especially true now that Rice has hit mainstream. If this isn’t another example of a waste of trees for the sacrifice of a buck, I don’t know what is. Don’t get me wrong, I like Anne Rice, but this is too much.



“BFAUTIFUJLY PEFk FORMED-A greatfib in - Joan

insight. In many entries Anne talks about background influences that inspired her. She describes things like the type of art that spurred her as she created the Theatre des Vampires, or the reasons for choosing Divisador Street as the setting in Interview with The Vampire, Meanings behind the choosing of the poems are also given. Historical events and mythology mentioned in the novels are elaborated on and connections are illustrated so the reader may better understand the era and motives of the characters. Larger character sketches are also provided to assist the reader in their understanding of the beloved blood suckers. Anne and Kathrine thought of everything in this book For even further clarification they added time lines and nine maps! One map is of the Ancient World during the time


chamber music” - Brian


of Bridaeport

& King Street



That’s right, Canada’s greatest musical talent packed them in at Phil’s last Wednesday. Game four of the World Series was on the television but no one cared when the television was turned off and the Rheostatics came on (we were losing fourteen to nine in the seventh anyway). It seems things have been going well for the band. They just got a new three record deal with Sire, finished the soundtrack for the film based on Paul Quarrington’s book Whale Music (remarkably similar to an album title of our favourite band), and Martin Tielli got a new acoustic guitar. All this good news and a great show to boot If you were there, you got to see

the band in their element. They played lots of recorded work from Melville and WholeMusic, threw in plenty of new stuff, and they even improvised on a few. Truly an event suitable for an evening of shimmying, and shimmy they did. Well, from where I was most people were shaking it, and one large, sweaty, super-ripped guy was doing a lot more than that (it seems that this guy is in front of me at every show I go to). lie provided a little comic relief when Dave Bidini saved him from being kicked out,


him uP On Rheostatics;

stage and had him sit in the corner. (Bad, big sweaty guy, Bad.) It looks as though fame and fortune looms over the Rheostatics. Based on their growing popularity, this may be one of the last times they will play a venue such as Phil’s; next time it could begeneral admission at Seagram’s Stadium. Make sure that you get to see them in a bar this size before its too

in line for the big time late. So they rocked it out and left me a spent lump of metabolic waste, a near overdose of Rheostatics. But I wasn’t the only one; a woman so overwhelmed from the rheo-phenomenon passed out at the conclusion of the show. A great night and itwas made even better when I got home and found out that the Jays came back to win game four.



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Wildduck cafe





























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%%h?@lk~ PORK CHOPS





0 N















CLOSED Whuf’s u TACO PIZZA? Fhd out uf GO Pm44 located h/de fhe Bombshelfer

CLOSED Where can I get great smdwlches, made to order, wifh a vdefy of breads, till s, S fopprnSs3 At the WlLQ“% UCU of come.


CLOSED PEA PmA slices &subs me avulhble in the Fes~vul Room, soufh cx?fnpus Hull



183WeberStreetNorth Waterloo,Ontario N2J3H3





. . $490



- $560

by Greg Hood-Morris staff


z-5 by Sandy




Rarely, if ever, has a band’s name so perfectly captured that band’s sound. Like it’s namesake, the band’s sound is a thick, oozing creation, with lumbering bass lines that sound like a tiptoeing rhinoceros. While their earlier single “Teetering” (also found on this EP) was a fine sample, all of the songs on this EP easily surpass it on sheer power. Imagine Slayer’s “Rein in Hell” played at , quarter speed. All of the ferocity is there, but it’s not so much of a savage speed attack, Rather than a someone gunning you down with an automatic, it’s like someone leaping across the table at you and pounding you in the head until you die. As you might expect, there’s not exactly a lot of humour as was found in their cover of Bryan

Ferry’s “The In Crowd”. That was nothing short of inspirational. Although not a happy album, it is a fun album, You could easily imagine a fairly competent group of friends managing this type of music. Head and shoulders above the competition, but not likely to be sucked up into the media vacuum reidy to claim them as the next big thing. Toast, if anything, will make sure of that. I was looking forward to this album fervently since I’d heard of it, mainly because fellow Chicagoan Atbini was claiming production values, but unfortunately, the album is completely inadequate and unworthy of both their names-The chunky guitars remain, but not the sense of melody that made it so enjoyable. Slayer played at quarter speed can be very very boring.

It is not the song “Sunday Sunday” which is the focus of this review. This is not a case of whether I Ii ke the song “Sunday Sunday”, because I do, in all of its Kinkish glory. However, I won’t talk about “Sunday Sunday”, because it appears on their new album, Modem Life is Rubbish, which has already been reviewed. Nope, we’re talking B-sides here, and as I have learned the hard way, a Bk~r B-side is really a B-Side. A B-B-side. Maybe even a C-Side. Get the picture? The other three songs on this disk all feature a person, named Seymour, who I heard was a member of the band before they became famous. I think that these tracks are probably leftovers from the pre4he’s so High days. They certainly sound like demos. And to me, the word demo is short for demolition, tearing down everything I believed in about Blur. The first is a Billy Bragg clone song called “Dizzy”, with a funky middle bit, and untypical whining from Damon. The second song is called “Fried”. And yep, they sound it. The last song is tolerable, but I have the patience of a saint when it comes to trying to find no fault with a band I

Lower Level, Walper Terrace Hotel KITCHENER 745-l 123

Sandie special





All I can say is “Thank God they canned this Seymour fellow.” For archival purposes, perhaps they are interesting. For humour value, perhaps they are interesting. For contrast and perspective upon how much Blur has improved, perhaps they are interesting. For musical value, they are not interesting. They are awful.




love. It is called “Shimmer”, and has avocal straight from the Yardbirds *‘Happening Ten ‘fears Time


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 8 p.m. - tickets now on sale - $3.00



to Imprint

Not bad at all.... I’m not bounding around my room yet, but this is still pretty good. It hasn’t changed my life or anything, but that’s alright since I’m not looking for any changes right now anyway. I like Eve’s Plum way off in the distance when I’m concentrating on something else. That way I can hear some of the words -- but most of them Envy isn’t soothing or skim right over me. therapeutic, it’s just ‘over there‘ and I kind of like tuning in and out. There are some good moments, and unfortunately a share of very mediocre moments. Benjamin, Chris, Colleen and Michael {no last names provided) are Eve’s Plum and they are from New York. The band make music that isn’t grunge and it isn’t pop, it is somewhere in between. The only feature that distinguishes Eve’s Plum from all the other bands in this kind of/sort of category is the fact that they have a female preforming vocals. All the vocals in fact. Colleen’s voice is somewhat annoying at times, (partly due to the repetitiveness of a few songs) but for the most part she brings a good variety of styles to the album. She does have a few especially good moments, such as “I Want It All” and “I Might Die”. Highlights; “Blue” is a great starting point for the album. It is hard and raw and Colleen spits the words right out at you. As well, “Die Like Someone” is fun with that oh-so-groovy guitar between verses. The lyrics aren’t too profound, (“I wear red shoes every day” from “I Might Die”) the music isn’t’ especially new, and Colleen is no Kim Gordon (Sonic Youth) but the album is still worth a listen. Maybe two or three listens since I’m in a generous mood. You decide.

by Derek W&w Imprint stuff ‘loaf ti [prob. back-formation

fr. lo@]: to spend time in idleness --Webster’s Seventh New Collegiufe Dicfionufy With that in mind, it’s hard not to hypothesize that the Archers of Loafs (otherwise inscrutable) band name is a sly allusion to the current wave of “slacker rock.” After all, they certainly don’t sound out of place next to groups like Dinosaur Jr, Pavement, or Superchunk-bands who have all felt the yoke of the “slacker” label at one time or another. It’s that last group that sticks in mind the longest after a listen to Icky Mettle; not only do the Archers-- like Superchunk-- hail from North Carolina, but their debut single “Wrong” (also included herein) is a similar blast of classical punk-pop. There’s also many more like it on this remarkably solid debut. The indisputable best track is last summer’s single “Web in Front,” an exhilarating blast of punk-pop. As much as the Archers recall Superchunk musically, the vocals on Icky Mettle are gruffer than Mac’s trademark adenoidal shout, and the Archers are also able to pull off moodier songs more credibly. Yet even the sprawling soundscapes are still more propulsive, less self-indulgent, than the work of, say, Polvo (another group of Caroliners). So while It may be definitive slacker rock and not much else, Icky Mettle is still a superb distillation of early-‘90s punk-influenced college rock, untainted bygrunge, And the two aforementioned singles




of any






friday, october

3-5 by Chris Imprint

Aldworth staff

Feedback and distortion, feedback and distortion, feedback and distortion.... you get the point. This “new” release by The Jesus and Mary Chain is actually a collection of previously released EP material. It contains both original material and The Chain doing some covers that you wouldn’t really expect from the two Glasgow brothers. Although none of these tunes are new to the market the grouping of them all onto one CD is. The Sound Of Speed is a great deal when you consider all the time and money you might have wasted tracking down all these songs from EP. Now, not every song from the Chain’s EPs are included. This is a bummer but it is acceptable since they do include twenty tracks on the compilation. You can only fit so many songs on a CD. You know, my dad has an Elvis CD with forty tracks on it so I guess I could be wrong. That’s Elvis though, so I’m sure that they made an exception for the King. Missing from The Sound Of Speed is the amazing track “Rollercoaster” from the Rollercoaster EP. That omission is understandably forgivable since The Chain did include it on their last album Honey’s Dead. What is unforgivable is the exclusion of “Silver Blade” from the same EP. It’s a great track that should have been included on The Sound OfSpeed to complete the

by Peter Imprint

Htiflich stafl

The word haunting Rock and Roll still applies to Pearl Jam, as much of a contradiction in terms it may seem, as does intensity to lead singer Eddie Vedder. What is evident in the songs and videos is: the guy’s a great singer, but he’s also a little The album art is in keeping with the creepy. gloominess - grinning sheep, clearcut forests, the

29, 1993


collection. The Chain does a few great covers and a few that would make some of the artists rollover in their grave. At the top of the list of great tracks is the cover of Canadian songwriter Leonard Cohen’s “Tower Of Song”. This is a superb song which highlights the vocals of Jim Reid since he has a similar delivery and growly approach that Cohen takes himself. Just imagine replacing the doo-wop girls and the horn section with heavy distorted guitars and yo’~ get the picture. If anything The Chain should cover more songs by Cohen. Another great cover is the version of “My Girl”. Only The Chain could take such a light pop song and turn it into a heavy, moody number and do such a good job at it. On the downside is the overdone heavy distortion of “Little Red Rooster” that has been covered by everyone from the Rolling Stones to you name it. I’m sure that Willie Dixon never intended this bluesy number to sound quite like this. A definite thraw away. OthergreattunesincludedonTheS~undOf Speedare a mellow acoustic version of “Teenage Lust” and a soon to be classic Chain song “Snake Driver”. The radio version of “Reverence” is also included in the package. This song was banned by the BBC because of the content of the lyrics. Bloody censors. 1 This version still contains the lines “I want to die just like Jesus Christ, I wanna die on a bed of spikes” so I don’t know why this is called the radio version, perhaps it’s a part of British humour that I just don’t understand. I’ve never been a fan of extended versions of songs and the extended version of “Sidewalking” just goes to show why. It was great the way it was, a few extra minutes of distorted guitar is not going to improve it so why change it? Altogether there are a number of great slow tunes plus the usual Jesus and Mary Chain faster numbers. If you are new to The Chain, this is a well rounded introduction - and for Chain fans this is a great addtt* ion to any collection. shadows of band members, guns, needles, masks, shady trees, a man on a cross. Very Twin Peaks, but without the dancing man. The creepiness continues, but so does the great singing. While it doesn’t have quite the edge of the first album, the second self-titled album is a great spooky second effortz the first two songs dissappoint, but “Daughter” is soulful, even if it is a bit soundalike to the Tragically Hip’s “Wheat Kings” (conspiracy theories abound). “Glorified G” has the most annoying catchy riff I’ve heard in a long time, but the song picks up when Vedder’s voice revs up with all the energy of his potential, and it carries over into all the , songs of the rest of the album. You can read last month’s R&g Stone for a long essay on how this album was made and how much it must suck to be Eddie Vedder, or you can just listen tothe damn thing. On the first track, “Go”, the impression is that the band’s been taking Soundgarden lessons. ‘*Dissident” is groovy slow rock, ends in a Vedder howl session. “W.M.A.” (White Male American) is about police violence. It has a progressive drum beat and builds ferociously -in intensity. “Blood” is LOUD, and “Rearviewmirror”is quietand catchy m it’s a song about suicide. The album ends on “Indifference”, a truly beautiful song that rounds out the album quite nicely. The liner notes, however are a mystery on their own. Besides the haunting pictures previously mentioned, the “lyrics” seem to be only generally about the songs, early notes and meditations, cool scribbles, graphics, and a picture of Green, a black man who died of repeated beatings on November 5th. It’s a nice way for Pearl Jam to say Happy Hallowe’en.







friday, october





Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance directed by Aknis Obomsawh

by Peter




More than three years aFter the incidents at Oka and Kahnesatake that had all of Canada and a lot of the world watching, the National Film Board of Canada has released this remarkable film, Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance. Producer and director Alanis Obomsawin is herself an aboriginal Canadian who was “behind the lines” on her own land for the whole 78 days of the tense standoff, filming the whole time, and her two hour documentary is a testimony to her band, their cause, and what her people had to endure that summer. It is also a sneak peek at what the Canadian police state might be like. The movie is almost entirely footage from the 1990 incident with the exception of some archival material that explains the history of the Kanehsata ke reservation. It shows how the Mohawk natives were transplanted from the area of what is now Montreal to the reservation at the mouth of the Ottawa river. The deeds



were transferred by Louis XV, the sixyear-old monarch of France to the Church, then later to the English who demanded allegiance to the King of England. Chiefloseph of Kanehsatake, who was the first aboriginal educated by the whites, came across documents written in the white man’s language that claimed that the Mohawks did not own any of their own land - not even one shrub or tree or stone. When he contested this statement, he was hauled away and the whole band was threatened with being tossed in Kingston penitentiary. The injustice continues to this day, as do the means used to apply the rules. What starred as an attempt by developers to expand a golf course (read - waste of land) onto Native burial grounds, became a native demonstration and test of their rights as Original Canadians and First Peoples, that progressed into a farce of the Canadian Charter of Rights, governmental and police ethics. The mayor of Oka, who okayed the golf course development firmly stood by his decision and would not negotiate. The Kanehsatake natives built a road block on a tiny dirt road to block developers, the police were alerted, negotiations were attempted.



“Your cars home away fram home” 8934000 (Ride to UW available) (behind





As of Oct. 18, the following Fed retail operations are open in the following 1temporary locations: Used Book Store and Music Source - portables between CC and Biology 1, Graphix Factory - CC 202, Campus Shop - CC 207. For more info, call 8851211 ext. 5330. Attention Environmental Studies Students! Come out and support the Waterloo Environmental Studies Fund in the Nov. 2 and 3 referendum. For more info, call 8tuce Winter 8 747-0077 ot Carmen Everest 8 884-6.238. .. Mike Mloser Memorial Awards. Deserving third and fourth year students who have financial need, an exemplary academic record, and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities are invited to apply. Apply with resume and two letters of reference by January t 5, 1994 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. The Renison Stomp ‘93 featuring Sensation Jazz Band, Great Hall, Renison College, Sat., Oct. 30, 9 p-m- - 1 a.m., $15 per person, cash bar, light evening meal. Tickets available at Main mice, Renison College. If you have any questions, please phone 884-4400. Are you 18 - 30 years and diabetic? We need you for a 1 day soft contact lens study. You will receive $25 for expenses. If interested, call Amanda at Optometry 885-l 211 ext. 3822.

Drive Ont.

The situation escalated after this - roadblocks were built, people with guns started appearing on both sides of the blockade, people trying to leave the reservation were harrassed in extremely dehumanizing ways, deliveries of supplies were stalled or re-routed,

gle like Tom Paul, “the General”,

vetem of five such campaigns. “We have to think about future generations... there’s a long trail of broken promises.” The trail of supporters who held vigils outside Oka were forced to dis-

and finally the army was called in. The’film rho& the conflict through to its end when the warriors who resisted the longest walked out of the alcohol treatment centre where they had barricaded themselves and were brutally arrested. It interviews the journalists who were trying to cover the story whose attempts to cover the event were being hampered or stopped by the army. It interviews natives who were trying to stand for their land and as the standoff escalates and becomes tenser and tenser, the emotions become rawer and more painful as the natives watch their dignity as Canadians being trampled on by savage opponents. It interviews natives from other tribes in the Canada and the States who

perse, interrogated, or arrested withbut charge. The army is shown using every dirty trick that they can muster to exert their assumed p&wet= over the natives, and the camera shows the deception and the broken promises. In one humorous scene, two commanders are shown making contradicting statements about some reporters who snuck past the troops into the reservation in broad daylight. The soldiers are often shown as buffoons, standofish drones with big egoswhoarefightingovergovernment issues that are too political for them. They’re the guys with guns who complain that eggs are being thrown at them. One native leader chides the troops: “If they’re going to act like

sometime. Five minutes after they fight they’re best buddies again.” The films ends on a chilling note. Three years after the events of the film, the land issue is still not resolved. The mayor of Oka who started the whole ball of snow rolling was reelected, of all of the people arrested all but three were released, and the whole thing cost taxpayers 150 million dollars. In this election year native issues are curiously never on the agenda, making the timing of this release very pointed. Home and native land indeed. The people who represented 100 per cent of Canada’s population 500 years ago now hover around four per cent and are in danger of becoming a footnote to 20th century Canadian society. This is a film that will not allow them to be marginalized by a dehumanizing, deflavouring, despiritualizing political machine, and hopefully it will be successful in making the point that can’t be missed by those who watch it The CBC promised to air it if it could be cut down to an hour and a half so that with commercials it would be a near two hour package. I don’t see how more than three or four minutes could be cut, and this request by a national institution is both dubious and condescending. In fact, one of the criticisms that I have of the film is that there are many stories that are not followed up, leaving some open spots in the viewer’s understanding of the event and in the film itself. It is also curious to note that a local statjon refused to accept a trailer for this film when approached by the Princess Cinema. No reasons were given for the refusal. Make sure that you see “Kanehsatake” if you want to have an understanding of this very important Canadian event that comes completely from theother side of the


Are you interested in attending an oncampus survivors of incest/sexual abuse anonymous meeting. 12 steps. Anonymous. Once a week on campus, For men or women. Call 579-281s. Is your son, daughter, friend a gay/ lesbian or bisexual? P.F.L.A.G. (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) meets monthly, 3rd Friday of each month for support and Deer counsellina. For info, tail Grace ai l-822-691 2 (G;elph). Canadian Religious Art is the topic of lectureon Fri., Oct. 29. Presented by Dr. Michael Bird at 7:30 p.m. in CL. Siegfried Hall at St. Jerome’s ColleQe. For more info, call 884-8110, ext. 245 or ext. 259. Turner’s Syndrome K-W Group provides information and exchange for individuals with Turner’s Syndrome, their families and friends. Call 744-4585 for info. Waterloo Wellington Myalgic EncephalomyelitisAss&. inviteschrkic fatigue syndrome sufferers, their family and friends to meetings: Tuesdays, Nov. 30, Dec. 14 1993, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, Mar. 29, Apr. 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, Aug. 30 1994,7 - 9 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen Sts., Waterloo. For info, &i-623-3207. Special Christmas warehouse sale 313 Lawrence Ave., Kitchener. Beginfling at 8 a.m. to 12 noon, Oct. 30. 3O75% off retail. Great seletion of brand namessuch as Rubbermaid, 3M, Singer,

Friday, October 29 Interested in the Arts Administration Specialization of the Applied Studies Co-op Program then plan to attend this informal 500 - 700 information session. Meet with the Arts Administration Advisory Council and students in the program. Refreshments. p.m., HH 373. Sunday, October 31 FASS Reading/Writing/Editing Meeting. Happy Hallowe’en! Come write something scary for next February’s show. 7:3O p.m., Hagey Hall, Room 124 Monday, November 1 GLLOWand CKWBL (Cambridge & K-W Bisexual Liberation) sponsor a monthly Bisexual Discussion Group. 7:30 p.m., ML 104. All 8isexuals and bi-positive people welcome. The Social Impact of Pornography on Women. Dr. Susan Shaw, UW Dept. of Recreation. 12 noon - I:00 p.m., KPL Main Branch, 85 Queen St. N. For info, call 579-2382. Tuesday, November 2 GLLOW Discusslor~ Group will discuss How the Media Portrays Us. All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays, and other supportive people welcome. Ml 104, 730 p.m. For info, call 884-4569. Wednesday, November 3 Editing Meeting. FASS: a theatre roup with a social aspect, or a special group that puts on a show? FASS Reading/Writin Either way, you can taf e part In shaping the script for next f ebruaty’s FASS show. 730 p.m., HH 124. MBA Fair - If you’re considering an MBA, be sure to attend. Reps from Canadian ( dmaril >, U.S., and international schools will be available to answer questions re: admission requirements. Co-sponsored by U\R and v3;U Career Services. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Paul Martin Centre, WLU. Upstage Productions presents two one-act plays: “Regrets On! ’ and “Death Seat”. Nov. 3: Pay what you can for Anseima House. Nov 4 - 6: $5 (general public), $4 (students). 8 P.m.+ H l-7280. Kltchener Blood Donor Clinic, St. Francis Church Hall, 49 Blueridge Ave., 1:30 - 8:00 p.m. For info, call 742-2785. Investing in the ’90s Part II. Joe Lafleur. Midland-Walwyn discus& the varie of fixed income investment options available: CSBs, government bonds, GICs, T-bills, and preferred shares. 7:15 p.m, KPL z ain Branch. Register at 579-2382. Thursday, November 4 Amnesty Group 9 General Meeting. Prof. Peter Elgin, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology of Wilfrid Laurier University will look at efforts in several countries to pressure the government of Indonesia into ending repression and political murder in East Timor. 7:30 p.m. in the Waterloo Public Library. For more info, call Nancy Bernhardt at 884-1850. Saturday, November 6 FCA - The Filipino Canadian Assoc. invites you to experience DA FLIP SIDE! 9 p.m. - I:30 a.m., MC 3rd floor C&D. Admission: $3 members, $5 non-members , . . (Toronto’s D.J. Rude D).


Scholarship @ No+ices iI

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Fall term. Unless othemise stated application deadline is Oct. 29, 1993. Forms available in Student Awards Office, 2nd floor. NH.



Don Hayes Award - deadline: January 31, 1994. * Mike Moser Memorial Award-deadline: January 15,1994. Tom York Memorial Award - approximately 2,500 words unpublished fiction (no poems or essays). Interested candidates should submit essay to St. Jerome’s Colleqe 884-8110, Dr. Peter Hinchcliffe - deadline Dec. 31, 1993. FACULTY OF ARTS Arts Student Union Award -available to all arts students - deadline October 29, 1993. FACULTY OF ENGlNEERlNG (all deadlines October 29, 1993 unless btherwise stated). Andersen Consulting Scholarship available. Canadian Hospital Engineering Society’s Scholarship - available to 38. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all. Chevron Canada Resources Ltd. Scholarship - available to all 3B. Consu#ing Engineers of Ontario Scholqrship r- available to all 38. John Deere Limited Scholarship - available to all 3B Mechanical. Delcan Scholarship - available to all 38 Civil. Randy Duxbury Memorial Award -available to all 38 Chemical. Ellis-Don Construction Ltd. Scholarship - available to 28 Civil. PandaIf Data Limited Award - available to Electrical, System Design, or Coyputer Engineering I B and above. Noreen Energy Computer Science, Chemical, and Geological Engineering Award - available to Geological and Chemical 2nd year or above, Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to all 38 Civil, Water Resource Management students. FACULIY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Shelley Ellison Memorial Award - available to 3rd year Planning. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship - available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Andersen Consulting Scholarship available to 3B Math. Electrohome 75th Anniversatv Scholarship - available to 3B Compbter Science. Noreen Energy Computer Science, Chemical, and-Geological Engineering Award - available to Computer Science vear /- two or above, Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology.

Strong Interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Thursday, Nov. 4 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Nov. IO II:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m*; Monday, Nov, 15 5:30 - 6:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Nov. 23 3130

- 4130

Exam Anxiety Management Workshop - a skills training workshop for those who feel that they don’t live up to their potential in examinations because of anxiety. 3 consecutive sessions. Thursday, Nov 4 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Register: Counsellino Services. NH 2080 or call ext. 2655.


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator-discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Tuesday, Nov. 2 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Nov 10 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.; Thursday, Nov. 253:30-4:30p.m. Eachworkshop 2 sessions long. Register: Counseiling Services, NH 2080.

Sign up sheets & handouts available in NH1001 the week prior to presentation date. All Sessions&Workshops in room NH1 020 unless othemise stated. Monday, Nov. 8: Resume Writing Information Session, 1I :30-I 2130; Letter Writing Information Session, 12:30-l :30. Tuesday, Nov. 9: lntetview Skills I Information Session, 3:30-4:30. Wednesday, Nov. IO: Interview Skills II Workshop, 2:30-4:30; Intro to Career Planning & Job Search, 5:00-6:OO; Information Interview Workshop, 6:00-7:O0. Thursday, Nov. 1 I : Job Search I Information Session, 9:30-t 0:OO; Job Search II Workshop, lO:OO-It:30 in NHll15. Friday, Nov. 12: Resume Critiquing Workshop, 9:30-t I:30. Monday, Nov. 15: Networking Workshop, 10:30-I 1:30. Tuesday, Nov. 16: Resumb Writing Information Session, 330-430; letter Writing Information Session, 4:30-5:30. Wednesday, Nov. I?:. Researching Employers 1, Information, 2:30-3:OO; Researching Employers II Workshop, 3:004:00 in NH1 115; Intro to Self Assessment Workshop, 5:00-6:00 in NH1030. Thursday, Nov. 18: Researching Occupations Workshop, 10:30-I 1130; Resume Critiquing Workshop, I 1:30-

p . Library

workshops I Introduction to Internet Resources Learn about the many resources available to you using UWinfo, your gateway to the Internet. Dana Porter Library: Fri., Oct. 29 9:30 a.m., Mon., Nov. 1 9:30 a.m., Tue., Nov. 2 7130 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 4 9:30 a.m. Register by phone 8851211 ext. 2608. Meet at Info Desk. Davis Centre Library: Mon., Nov. I, 6:30 p.m., Tue., Nov. 2,9:30 a.m., Wed., Nov. 3,6:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 5,9:30 a.m. Register by phone 885-1211 ext. 2356. Meet at Info Desk.



SUNDAYS Any students interested in participating in the Young Adults Group at Emmanuel United Church (corner of Albert and Bridgeport) are invited to attend our meetings at 7 p.m. Radio Arab Carlo “The voice of the middle east”. Arabic music, news, and the community calendar. Sun. 4:30 p.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM, Request line: 804 2567. MONDAYS Outers Club meets at 7 p.m. in MC4060. Member activities include: canoeing, kayaking, hiking, cycling, and caving. High quality equipment available for rent to members. Adult Jazz Dance Classes for Beginners. Oct. 18 - Dec. 6, 8:15 - 9:15 p.m. UW DanceDept. ECH Studio A. 8 fun classes for $50.00. Register at ECH 1102 or call 885-i 211 ext. 3665. TUESDAYS Sharing Our Future? The Future of Canadian Foreign Aid Policy Workgroup on International D,ewelopment issues meets at 4:30p.m. in the WPlRG office in the Gerieral Services Cbmplex. Call Andrew Pape at 756-8887 for info. &wish Student Association - Bagel Brunch: I I:30 - 1130 in,MC 4062. For info, phone 747-1416. WEDNESDA& . Ca&ermesourcZe Centre,ievening’hotim tit 7 p:m. (Oct. 29 - Dec. 3). Research: employers, careers, work/study abroad or educational opporttlnities. GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds GLLOW Night (formerly Coffeehouse). 9p,m., HH 378. Everyone w&come to fh86&‘informal social evenings. Information: callGLLOW phoneline 884-4569. Amnesty International Group 118. Write a letter, save a life. Same meeting time: Wed. 7130 p.m. New location: ES-l Rm. 350. THURSDAYS Lesbian Discussion Group, 7:OO p.m. in ML 104. Come discuss and meet other lesbians. Call ext. 3457 for topic and info. Womyn’s Centre Meeting, 5100 p.m. in the centre. All womyn welcome. Call ext. 3457 for info and agenda. FRIDAYS English Conversation Class - for International students, staff and faculty as well as spouses. Meetings from 2 to 4 beginning Sep. 17, NH 2080.


* Waterloo Taxi * Julies Flowers * Dairy Queen * Mobility Works * computing 2 xs ’ Little Ceasar’s * Picture Yourself * Waitronics *.Federation of Students * Microway Corn *, Red Pepper Bar


e Grill

L8w School Bound! -Take advantage of Canada’s only complete pre-law educational program! Our books, seminars, and courses cover all aspects of the process! LSAT courses for the Dec. LSAT are available throughout November! Call l-800 567-PREP _~ ~~(7737). ~ liow To Get Into Teacher’s College. This is the best book on the market to show you thesecretsofsuccessful teacher’s college application preparations. Sendcheque for$l5.00 (taxes included) to: D.R. Concepts, 11 Walmer Rd., Suite 503, Toronto, Ontado, M5R 2W9.

Super Circuit. Lots of room for UW women and men students, faculty, and staff to join as members of the new 9station aerobic and strength conditioning Super Circuit at Seagram Stadium. Open 11 ,a.m. - IO p.m., Mon. - Fri.; 12 p.m. - 7 p.m-, Sat. (after football season): 12 p.m. - 7p.m. Sun. Changerooms and showers available. $30 per academic term for unlimited use. Free pass availablefora trialvisit. Membersareeligible for free paiking while u$ing the Circuit. Writer’s Workshop! Every Wednesday, 7:30, HH 262. Writers constructively criticizing each others work. Bring copies (5). Informal, friendly, shocking, shameless, sinful, wicked.

Katrina of Germany & Imprint - The summer is over, you’re in Canada again, but I can’t find you1 I still want to see you. The Sandman. Alone with your unplanned pregnancy? Call BirthRight. We offer support and can help you discover your options. Call 579-3990.

Perfection on paper: Professional word processing by University grad (English). Grammar, spellingcorrectionsavaitable. Laser Printer. Call Suzanne at 8863857. Honours UW graduate can process all types of papers. Laser printer, spell check, grammar corrections. Pick-up and delivery. Call Clark at 749-4082. Why pay more for less?


Energetic, responsible volunteers required for Board of Directors of Operation Go Home; a non profit organization dedicated to reuniting families. Please call Louise at 745-9235. Volunteers are needed at University Heights Secondary School to work oneon-one with students at upgrading basic math skills. Interested university students should contact David Carter at 8850800. Big Sisters need you. If you are 20 years of age or older and feel you can make a oositive difference in a child’s life, K-W’and area Big Sisters need you. Seeking vc?lunteei- experienced journalist. Write articles for non-profit or.ganization on success stories/problems in unemployment, housing, literacy. Prefer familiarity, support for social assistance issues. Call Anne or Beverly, CODA, 623-9380. Develop leadership skills by assisting withsparks, Brownies, GirlGirides, Pathfinders. Contact Lynne Be11at 884-8098. 1

Free Spring Break trips & cash bonuses. We need only the best University of Waterloo reps to promote Cancun, Cuba, Daytona, Montreal and Quebec sun/ski party trips. Incredible giveaways from Kodak & Koala Springs and a Jeep Y J draw. Call l-800-263-5604 now! Finelle is looking for 7 part-timeconsultants to market products on campus for the busy Christmas season. Flexible hours, training provided. Call 747-3991. Two students to plan, organize, and conduct campus safety audits. Must be eligible for O.S.A.P. since part of an Ontario Work Study. $IO/hr., 10 - 15 hrs./wk. F/W teams. Contact Peter Hookins. Student Affairs at ext. 4551. Alternative band seeking creative band members (drummer&lead guitar} to jam and write tunes. Influenced by ie. MBV, RIDE, J&MC, Smashing Pumpkins. Contact Trevor or Andre at 745-0482. Call anytime! We’re never at class!! Enthusiasm is 100% essential. Femaie Jelly Wrestlers needed. Will train. $75.00 plus tips per night. No nudity required. Call Ralph or Ron at the Grand <Hotel at 744-6367 between 11 a.m. - 6 o-m. You can play for a living. If you love children, become an Educational Consultant with DisCove’ry Toys. For itiformation call Anna 725-5238. Awesome Spring-Break Trips! Campus Reps needed. Cuba, cancun, Daytona, Montreal and Quebec City. Call now!! I-800-363-0634

* The Twist * Travel Cuts

* * Volcano * East Side Mario’s *- Mavis Theatrical Supplies * Princess Cinema * Al Madina Egyptian Cuisine * UW Housing * Gcneratjons I * Dragon Palace * I * Data Corn Ttchnologics . .* < -- -*, 1

Room for rent. 17 Fir St. #3. laundry, kitchen, cable, and more. Contact Jan McTavish 725-8699. Available for Jan. - Apr. or longer. Rooms for either women or men available at Conrad Grebel College, University of Waterloo for the Winter 1994 term (Jan. - Apr.). Contact Chris Goertz for info, 885-0220 ext. 223. Shared quiet apartment, finished, shortterm lease, 743-7301 evenings, 7446549 day.

* Metrowidc * Terra Nova Footwear * 4 Nautilus * Schlotzsky’s *iz ino’s Pizza * D. A. Billiards * Ditty’s +

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