Registration No. I

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Registration No. I


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IMPRINT Campus Centre, Room University of Waterloo Waterloo,


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3G I

888-4048 Friday, November 19,1993 Volume 16, Number 18 ISSN


Inside news OUSA


proposes change, Stump comes to UW, Homecoming hops


8 - 12

NHL refs too greedy, Atheist letters, last Tammy letter ever (for now)



JFK and the science


features Hike


the Himalayas with your bag of Moxy


16 - 23

Naismith review, swimmers sink competition, badminton team bats second, canoe routes book review



Rhinos romp at Fed, Spirit of the West snooze at Hagey Hall, Twelfth Night preview, Maggy Atwood speaks

Editorial Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor

Board Ken Bryson vacant Natalie Onuska Lisa Sutton

News Assitant

Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor

Greg Hood-Morris Craig Haynes Peter Brown vacant Sharon Little vacant Kat M. Piro Datyl Novak

OUSA calls fcir new conditions on tuition reform by Ken Natalie hpfint

Bmstm Onus&a stag

& ’

In reaction to the Council of Ontario Universities’ (COU) discussion paper on tuition reform, released in August, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance has recently released their official policy on tuition reform. While COU had called for 50 per cent tuition increases over two years, OUSA is now insisting that certain reforms and conditions must be met before they will support any tuition increases. “Ontario’s economic prosperity can only be assured through a vitat and competitive education sector, and that can only be possible through adequate funding,” says OUSA. “But government must understand that tuition hikes alone are not the solution to the universities’ funding crisis.” While they are prepared to “play their part” in tuition reform, OUSA says that the structure and delivery of existing student aid programs must be changed. Calling for a loan system based on an income contingent loan repayment plan (ICLRP), in which students would repay loans through the income tax system and as a percentage of their post-graduation income, OUSA also demands that students be ensured greater influence in the running of universities. OUSA is also calling for the elimination ofancillaryfees,fees which are charged above tuition fees (such as athletic or other student life fees) and which are not regulated by the province, and that every dollar in tuition increases be matched by increases in government transfer payments to universities.

“We’re the only group in the entire sector that’s presenting a comprehensive plan to ensure access and improve quality [of education] and what that will do is put students at the leading edge of the debate,” said OUSA spokesperson Titch Dharamsi, adding that the OUSA plan is “a workable plan zo

get us out of this mess.” OUSA is also against the proposed privatisations of professional faculties at some Ontario universities, such as Queen’s, who announced plans to privatise their medical school earlier this month. “Students can’t pear the entire burden of the system and that’s

Copyright Act charges pressed by Kieran Green Imprint stag

The RCMP is testing the enforceability of the Canadian Copyright Act by bringing charges against an Ottawa photocopy store. RCMP officers seized University of Ottawa course packages which contained illegally photocopied book chapters, magazine and newspaper clippings, from Laurier Office-Mart Inc. in Ottawa. Seven charges were laid, creating one of the first situations wherein charges have been laid under the Canadian Copyright Act. The RCMP is calling it a test case, to see how

the courts will react. “A test case is just that, to see what the judicial system‘ will do,” stated RCMP Inspector Gerry Boucher. “It could result in much more enforcement of it [the Copyright Act], or it could result in the actual Act being modified,” said Boucher. The owners of Laurier OfficeMart Inc. were unavailable for com-

violated, in Ottawa

ment. Will other Canadian universities face the possiblity of becoming specific targets of future RCMP copyright investigations? “I couldn’t comment on that [university photocopying investigations], it’s too early to tell.” Remarked Boucher. “But I think you could put

RCMP officers seized University of Ottawa course packages containing ilhgarly photocopied material two and two together. Obviously universities are the prime target for that; that’s where there’s the most potential for that kind of stuff.” Here at the University of Waterloo, both Kinko’s Kopies and the University of Waterloo Graphic




what both, universities and the government expect,” said Dharamsi. Entitled “In the Public Interest: Ensuring Quality Accessibility and Accountability in Ontario Universities,” the new OUSA paper is an amalgamation of their policies, both new and previously released.


Cancopy, the Canadian Reprography Collective. Holders of a Cancopy license

may. legally copy most copyrighted material. A fee is payed to Cancopy, who in turn uses the money to pay royalties to the publishers. According to University of Waterloo Graphic Services Copying Supervisor David Brock, Graphic Services has been making an effort to educate professors and others on campus about the laws regarding photocopying. Presently, Graphic Services hands out an informational booklet to all users of on-campus copying services. In the planning stages, is a system for cuurse packages, where all material professors wish to be copied would be handled by the universiv bookstore. The bookstore will copyright clear the material and turn it over to Graphic Services for copying. Graphic Services will then return the finished packages to the bookstore for sale to students. “We are really pushing it, and we’re pushing it quite hard. We’re doing what we can as Graphic Services,” commented Brock.

Staff Adverllsing/Production Production Assistant

General Advertising

Manager Assistant

Proof Reader

Laurie Tigert-Dumas

Ing Vivian Tambeau vacant Heather Rdbinson Jim

Board of Directors President Sandy Atwal Vice President Natalie Onuska Secretarymreasurer Gillian O’Hagan Directors-at-Large Cheryl Costello



Chris Aldworth, Kevin Allin, Sandy Atwal, Tammy Bender, Jamie Bennett, Jeff Chard, Cheryl Costello, Ken Craig, Rosemary Crick, Chris Duff& Toby Donaldson, Claudia Ecsedi, Dave Fisher, Kieran Green, Katherine Hay, Peter Hoflich, Elena Johnson, John Jylanne, Marina Knez, Greg Krafchick, Tasha Lackman, Jack Lefcourt, Alan MacChatles, Nicholas Mew, Rich Nichol, Jill O’Hagan, Parvez Pa&l, Awey Peters, Sarah Reed, Sameh E. Rehan, Chris Robinson, Frank Seglenieks, Natalie Serkin, Steve Stein, Les Coughlan Storm, Cliff Tao, Dalia Thomas, Dave Thomson, Sarah Vallieres, Karsten Verbeurgt, Derek Weiler, Radomir (Brad) Zak. Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (CXNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint @watsenrl

UNB professor controversial by Lisa Imprint

Sutton stafjr

In an effort to maintain the trust of students and tax-paying citizens who support the University.of New Brunswick (UNB), university officials have suspended Professor Matin Yaqzan. The suspension comes after Yaqzan’s controversial opinion of rape appearing in the student publication, the Brunswickan. A statement released November I2 by the University of New Brunswick stated that Professor Yaqzan had been instructed to stay away from the university campus during the suspension until the matter is resotved. UNB vice-president (academic) Tom Traves has initiated a full review of Professor Yaqzan’s performance of his professional responsibilities. Although precipitated by the November 5 newspaper article, the review will encompass Professor Yaqzan’s total employment record. Yaqzan, a tenured assistant professor in the department of mathematics and statistics had worked at the

suspended for opinion on rape

University of New Brunswick for 26 years. The decision to suspend professor Yaqzan has caused some controversy among other professors at UNB. According to the Canadian Press, JackVan der Linde, president

dian Press. University of New Brunswick president Robin L. Armstrong published a response to Professor Yaqzan’s article in the Brunswickan. “Qn behalf of the institution, I have chosen to present a reasoned and informed view of the matter

“Prof. Yaqzan has abused his position by excusing and encouraging behavior that is not only unacceptable but also illegal .‘I of the association representing teachers at the university, said Ehat the association may act on behalf of Yaqzan. “My view is that Professor Yaqzan was exercising his civil right to express an opinion and that the taking of job action based on that is a very dubious procedure,” physics professor Van der Little, told Cana-

[date rape] in the same publication as his appeared, in hope that it will reach the same audience just as effectively,” Said Armstrong. Armstrong’s article, “Opinion: ‘Date Rape’ is Never Acceptable” stated that “Prof Yaqzan presented his personal views in professional guise. His remarks, its true, are protected by the freedom of speech

provisions inherent in a democratic society. But free speech does not equal irresponsible speech.” “Prof. Yaqzan has abused his position by excusing and encouraging behaviour that is not only unacceptable by the standards of human decency but also subject to criminal charges under the laws of Canada,” said Armstrong. The university has been under pressure from angry students, parents, and women’s groups across the country to suspend Yaqzan after his comments that date rape was an acceptable release of male sexuat tension. Yaqzan’s article also stated that young men require frequent sexual intercourse by age I7 or 18 and that “promiscuous girls” who are raped should demand monetaT compensation, not express moral outrage. Yaqza”





he will not comment on the situation unless they pay him $5 Ooo for Canadian local reporters and $ IO0 000 for American journalists. Another professor has been assigned to teach his classes.






19, I993

Stump travels across Canada, stops at UW by Tasha Luckman Natalie Qnuska Imprint staff


Waterloo is the eighteenth stop on an educational cross country tour which began in Victoria on September

2s. “A lot of people don’t even know they have a temperate rainforest in Canada,” said Western Canada Wilderness Committee (W.C.W.C) volunteer Werner Rolf.

The Nuu-chub-nuhh native peoples make up &out 50% of the pop~lution of Chyoquot Sound yet their reserves constitute on;y 0.4% of the lurid base.

90% of the world’s temperate rainforests huve heady been destroyed.

Five volunteers from W.C.W.C. are accompanying the stump, informing the public with literature, photographs, slide shows. Opportunities to support the cause through petitioning and purchasing paraphernalia are also offered.

This is the reason a western red cedar stump, weighing 4 000 kilograms, extracted from a clear cut in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, visited the University of Waterloo campus last Tuesday.

Wolf of the remaining temperute ruinforest is in KC.

Since i 980, 50% of B.C.‘s forestry industry jobs have been cut. stump

The tour’s first goal was to get the in Ottawa before the federal


the issue of and clear cutting of Clayoquot Sound. “We managed to get in on the front page of papers across the country, but the politicians still weren’t listening,” said a W.C.W.C. volunteer. Profits from this tour will go toward supporting the First Nations people of the Clayoquot Region, the Nuuchach-nulth (meaning ‘all along the mountains’). The reserves of theNuu-chachnukh make up only 0.4 per

approximately 50 per cent of the population


would have continued to grow until 3 188, when it would have been 1600 years old. W.C.W.C.‘s goal as far as Clayoquot Sound is considered, is to


in civil disobedience-howeverwedon’t condemn it,” explained Bernard. W.C.W.C. has built trails in many other places, and has successfully saved the forests in each case. I200 hours of volunteer work went into the trail this summer. It took four days to get the stumpoutofthe ground and onto the trailer. It weighed I3 000 pounds when it was removed, and was too heavy for the trailer. A selective logger from Vancouver Island hollowed out one and a half cubic meters to reduce the stump’s weight. The Save

Clayoquot S o u

The grand extraction....

in the area+ The Nuu-chach-nult, who have never given up their land claims in the area, are trying to get a court injunction to stop MacMillan Bloedel from building another logging road into the Sound. They have been successful in

By special arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, we can put you into a new Mazda before you graduate. If you have a job waiting for you upon graduating, give us a call or stop by our showroom for details on this exclusive offer for graduates.


to bring forward


cent of the land base, despite the fact that they make up




obtaining past injunctions, which are responsible for the logging moratori-

ums on Meares Island. Clayoquot Sound is the world’s Iofgest remaining temptrote ruinfofest. The tree taken on tour was cut by MacMillan Bloedel in 1988, at the age of 400 years and a height of SO metres. Estimates say that it had started growing in 1588, almost 200 years before European contact on the coast of British Columbia. If left to grow the tree should have had a diameter of five meters and

photo courtesy

of wcwc



Workgroup of the Waterloo Public Interest

Research keep 30 per cent of the land untouched.

Of 199 primorv watersheds on Vancauv& Ida& only 29 remain unloggcd, only 7 ure pmtected, including - 3 in Clayobot Sound. They feel the r;st *can be logged selectively by community loggers with a long term interest in the region, but not by multinationals Bloedel who are only interested in instant financial returns. “We have to convey that we are not anti-logging, and that we do have a concern about communities,” explained a WC.W.C volun-

like MacMillan

Group stump


(WPIRG) helped to bring the to the University of Waterloo


In the lost 4 yeam 1300 forertry jobs have been lost in PoftAlbefni (near Clayoquot Sound) WPIRG

also arranged



stump to be at the Market Square Shopping Centre, IO0 King St E. all day

teer. W.C.W.C. is not taking part in the blockades of the logging roads in The stump at UW Clayoquot. They are building a Clayoquot Witness Trail as a method of protest “W.C. squared does not take place

When Organizing Your SpecialOccasions,

WeWillCuterToAll YourNeeti... Meetings Lunches& Dinners

tomorrow. W.C.W.C. organizers are considering the possibility of taking the stump to travel-through&t Europe.


WEONCAMPUSDUR~G THE WINTERTERM Meal Plans From SsSS.00 Application forms may be obtained from the Housing 3ff ice, Village 1, or: Director of Housing, University of U’Vaterloo,Ont. NZL 3Gl

Comead mh9ivour.,. ElegantCrystal Ballroom Historic Surroundings. Outstanding Catering& Competitive Prices! KITCHENER

by Gillian O’Hagan

SINGLE $1,407.00 DOUBLE $1,307.00 INTERCONNECTING ROOM $1,357.00


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Spring Term 1B84


Village 1 single rooms are now renting fur the spring term. Please inquire at Housing office, Village 1 or phone 884-0554 or local 3705.

Columbia Lake Townhouses Anyone wishing to reside in the townhouses for the Winter or Spring Terms 1994 can obtain an application from the Village Two Office.


friday, november

19, 1993 imprint


Rape issue arises af...



by Claudia Ecsedi special to Imprint

Did you hear


she said about




by Jill O’tiagan

it safe

sez play by Clreryl Costello Imprint stag

A day long Teach-in on Bosnia was held on November I I, I993 in the Student Union building at Wilfrid Laurier University. The event, which attracted a number of people with first-hand experience on the issues in the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, consisted of four different panelists. The “Militarization of Bosnia” panel included Marinko Cvjeticanin, a native of the former Yugoslavia, who represented his point of view behind the militarization in the former yugoslavia. “The majority of rapes [in BosniaHerzegovina] were perpetrated by Serbians [in a] systematic organized stated Claudia Manley, chair,y,” woman of the women’s steering committee of the mid-Atlantic region of Amnestv International USA based in Washinkon.

in held

Quick to challenge the three women was Michael Lublin, a former communication director to the Bosnian Serbian leader. “Failure to provide the necessary documentation to support the charges would cause one to believe a lie is being perpetrated,” said lublin, The audience members, which were largely composed of students, faculty members and some public began to stir as the second panel on “The Gender Nature of Violence in Bosnia” went on. “Mass rapes are a central feature of Serbian war fighting policy, a condoned strategy of war,” said Dolly Bandula an American now working on her doctorate at the university of Zagreb. Considering the Teach-in was open for discussion a man from the audience said, “There are maniacs on all three sides. Everybody lies, everybody has one agenda. You have taken a

at WLU one-sided point of view.” In her speech, Bandula went on to say, “there are now 50,000 rape victims” in the Bosnian region of the former Yugoslavia. When interviewed afterwards, Lublin stated, “unless the accusations of 50,000 rapes can be supported by sufficient factual basis, required as evidence from a legal perspective, you are engaging and perpetrating a lie of gross proportion.” The truth of 50,000 rape victims however has been offered by a New York Times correction, published October 23, wherein the paper stood to correct journalist Paul Lewis’s accusations that 50,000 rapes had occured. The Times stated that 20,000 rapes was more appropriate but inconclusive. The last panel of the day-long Teach-in based it’s discussion on Europe, Bosnia, and the UN: Remaking a World order.

difficult issues. Nothing is accomplished with preaching,” said facilitator and director Wendy Farrant, who also directed the highly successful “Single and Sexy,” which played duringfrosh week. The production was written, staged and rehearsed within two weeks. Turtimt for the plays has been small due IX the short period of time that was available for advertising, yet hopefully word of mouth will encourage stu-

“He Says - She Says” is a 45 minute play currently touring UW campus designed to raise awareness about acquaintance rape and violence in relationships. Although playing to a small group of about 20 people last Tuesday, the production was well received by all who attended. Strong performiimmnofhing is ~k&i?~f~Ii~ 2 antes by Steve Kuieshnyk, Jennifer Daniels, + Armstrong Morris, funded by a grant and Lynne Davies from the Ministry of made this event enjoyable and well worth seeing. Ail developed in cotthe actors are prolaboration with, and fessionals and -all are graduates from is supported by,, a number of campus the University of Waterloo. and community groups such as Health Besides just being entertaining, and Safety, Counselling Services, Of“He Says - She Says” focuses on a fice for Student Affairs, Office of Ethical variety of complex matters, such as Behaviour and Human Rights, Federasame sex relationships and violence tion of Students, Graduate Student within them, and date rape. Denise Associations, Student Societies, Angove of Health and Safety, who orGLLOW, UW Police, Services for Stuganized the play, stressed in the UW dents with Disabilities, Residences, Gazette that “skilled counsellors will be Church Colleges, K-W Sexual Assault in attendance in the event of disclosure Support Centre, and Waterloo Region or other.crisis precipitated by the perSexual Assault Treatment Cenue. formance. They will also be available as Performances continue next week resources during the question-and-anwith a show on Monday 22 at 12: I5 in swer period at the end of each pet= the Campus Centre, 6:30 in VII Cafeteformance.” ria and on Tuesday 23 at Wilfrid Laurier “We wanted to send a positive University. message while dealing with a lot of

Gregaccomplished 2::: ~~~~~ with preaching.. *I


Russian Prince Vodka and m Magazine would like to expose you to some great new music. Be one of the first 125 people to respond to this offer and receive a NEW STUFF CD--FREE! There’s a new CD eve only through your subscription to , Canada’s new music magazine. Here’s an act ttlat previousi;j appeared on a NEW STUFF CD and is now tourir 1g Canadian campuses. EDMONTON&I. OF ALBERT&)- November 12 CALGARY(u. OF CALGARY)- November 13 VANCOUVER- November 15 SASKATOON- November 17 REGlNA- November 18 WINNIPEG- November 39, 20 OTTAWA- November 24 TORONTO- November 26 ST.CITHARINES- November 27 NORTH BAY- November 28 MlSSlSSAllGA (Q-107 ROCKAWARDS]- December I KINGSTON- December 3 , HAMILTON- December 8 KITCHENER- December 17 LONDON- December 18

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winning depend on the number of correct entries received. For complete contest rules write to: Impact Campus Offer, Roll Magazine Inc., 219 Dufferin St., Suite ZOO,Toronto, Ontario M6K 311.Contest closes December 17. 1993. Winners will be drawn on January IO. 1993.



Food by Sarah spcial

friday, november


I 9, 1993

drive in Village residences Vallieres

to Imprint

As Christmas approaches, University of Waterloo Village residents will be asked to make donations to help the hungry in the Waterloo region. Students will be able to give part of their meal card credit to the Food Bank of the Waterloo Region. Students will be able to donate $ IO in credit from their Value-Plus meal cards during the food drive on November22and 23. WW’s Food Services, which provides meals to student residents as well as the campus community, will arrange to supply the Food Bank based on the students’ credit total. Aware that the demand on food banks increases in the winter months,


Village One and Two student councils elected to hold the food drive, It is important for the university’s image that it to contribute to COMmunity in a positive manner, related Village One secretary Peter McMullen. “We are willing to share with those people in the local community who are less fortunate than us. The UW community has been becoming more aware of the needs of the hungry,” he said. This past Sunday a proposal for a food bank for students on campus was passed at a Federation of Students meeting. The location and co-ordination of the food bank have not yet been decided. The UW food bank would not become operational until the Feds make some internal structural changes.

are you doing with your future?


by Sarah Reed special to Imprint


Tammy a-thon F

Drug’ awareness Claudia special

Ecsedi to Imprint

Drug abuse is a world wide problem that affects everyone. To increase awareness this year, the week of November I2 to 20 was designated as Drug Awareness Week. The focus was on raising awareness, promoting education on drugs and alcohol, and on preventing the problem before it gets out of control. “Believe in yourself...Be drug free” was the theme this week and it is meant

to target teens and their families. With thousands of communities participating each year, the Drug Awareness committee in the Waterloo Region began in the early 1980s with local agencies and citizens interested in in-

creasing community awareness of substance abuse. Alcohol and other drug use, effects not only the user, but also families, social relationships, health, social services and, legal systems. Drug abuse costs citizens billions of dollars each year. A I990 National Alcohol and other Drug Survey, prepared by Health and Welfare of Canada, eight out of ten Canadians, I5 years and older are current alcohol drinkers. ihe survey also stated that there are about 3 000 alcohol related deaths in Canada each year and nearly I50 000 people are charged with drinking and driving each year. These facts may say there is a drug and alcohol problem in Canada, but they also suggest prevention opportunities.

Osborne and Dawn Eiavedoni to help raise money for terminally



Final exams are near. Graduation is encroaching. The economy is terrible. What are you ever going to do with a degree in (insert your respective major)?! There are answers to these and other gloomy realities and questions! The Student Career Advisor Program is available to offer free and trained help in areas of job search, future decisions, career planning, resume and cover letter writing, and interviewskills. Student Career Advisors are students who have been trained to help other students with regards to job decision making during and after their university career. Office hours are held weekly, appointments are available and drop-ins are also encouraged. Look around campus for office locations and hour list-

by Sharon llltle

participate ill children.

in the





wishes by Dalia



to Imprint

it helps their emotional state tremendously,” explained an event organizer. The swing set for the event was crafted by Waterloo Woodworking and the fraternities hope to. use it again next year, making the swing-a&on an annual evenr. The group wishes to thank members of the campus and greater community who pledged the participants or gave donations during the event, as well as to Environmental Studies Dean Jeanne Kay, who took a turn on the swing Wednesday afternoon. The group plans to present a cheque of funds raised to the Make-AWish Foundation within the next two weeks. dren,

Make a donation and make a wish come true! Fifty members of the fraternity and sororivawareness club, comprised of Sigma Chi men’s fraternity and Kappa Kappa Gamma women’s fraternity, spent 24 hours on a swing set in the Campus Centre in an effort to raise moneyforthe Children’s Make-A-Wish Foundation. They expect to raise between $ I 000 and $2 000 for the charity, which grants wishesforterminallyillchildren. “Rehabilitation is the international charity of Kappa Kappa Gamma and although the Make-A-Wish Foundation does not physically rehabilitate the chil-


Drop into Career Services, NH 1003 (extension 4047) and pick up literature and make an appointment Support and utilize the program! Trained individuals are ready, wilting, and able to help your present and future. It is never to early or too late to begin, so come and make a difference in your life today.





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19, 1993

w erience . the

Fedback by Auveg Peters, BCOMM


I heard the unfortunate comment in the Campus Cenrre the other day that “There’s never anything to do on this campus.” To that poor uninformed soul, I simply say, ‘Where have you been all semester?!!” BENT Productions (aka) Emmanuel Patterson has made amazing leaps and bounds in campus entertainment this term. Just look who’s been on stage so far: Meg Soper and the scared weird little guys, Scott Deneau, Bishop and Masse, The Waltons, King Apparatus, Strange Days, Jonathan Richman, Gogh Van Go, The Rhinos, Glider, Emo Philips, Spirit of the West, Eric’s Trip, Mike Something, Dan Michel, Thomas Trio and the Red Albino, The Doughboys... not to mention Moxy Fruvuos and Blue Rodeo, who will be playing before the end of the term. Manny always manages to get the latest and the greatest to come to your doorstep. After all, who wants to be bothered driving to Toronto for a cool concert when you can walk to Fed Hall or the Bomber? Every week of the term there is something going on, whether it’s a free matinee at the shelter on a Friday ahernoon, or a howlin’ concert at Fed on a Saturday night, or a more civilized sit down affair at the Humanities theatre. BENT has even managed to bring Sarah Mclachlan to play at the Centre in the Square. You name your taste and chances are it will on campus before the term is out. So before that anyone comes crying that “there is nothing to do on campus.” I. 2. 3. 4.

Read the FEDpage -- that’ll tell you what is going on Call the 886-FEDS info hotline -- get the concert updates Check out the BENT concen listing every month And if you see Manny, give him a pat on the back -- he’s hard at work making sure you’re never going to be bored at UW.

Homecoming by Peter H6jZich Imprint Staff As many UW students may have noticed, last weekend there were a lot of people on campus for the 1993 Homecoming celebrations. Alumni, students, and people from the Cambridge/ K-W communities mingled their way through a plethora of events. Homecoining this year was considered particularly successful by or: ganizer Nancy Mattes. She cited that 2000 people preregistered for events, while probably over IO 000 people in total attended. 200 people volunteered to help with activities, a three-fold increase from last year. $1600 was raised to offset the cost of the event and to put towards prizes. The weekend’s events kicked off by a dinner and reading with Margaret Atwood. The dinner was $45 a plate and held at the University Club where

by Elena Johnson special to Imprint

to Imprint

Did you meet your sweetheart, perform the tango or discover your sexuality in the Campus Centre (CC)? Or have you had any other memorable experience in the CC? If so, Campus Centre manager Ann Simpson wants ‘to hear about it! University of Waterloo students, alumni, faculty and staff can submit anecdotes, memorableevents, pictures, or anything about personal experiences that have happened in the campus cen-

tre. All events, such as those just mentioned, are appropriate for submission. Stories, photos, et cetera, can be dropped off at the Turnkey Desk and all submissions will be displayed for all to enjoy. The winner of the contest, the one who submits the best submission, will be rewarded by being an active part of the ground breaking ceremony, “Reaching Out To Tomorrow” which will take place on December 6. This - ceremony will mark the beginning of the CC construction and renovation. The winner gets to dig the first bit of earth to commence the activities of the day!

of these countries, students attempt resolve a controversial international issue through formal debate. In addition to this simulation of United Nations assemblies, guest speakers frequently give seminars at the meetings. This February, club members will journey to one of several model UN. conferenlces being held at Princeton, Harvard, and the Skylon Hotel in Toronto. Previously, these conferences have provided opportunities to exchange ideas with students from other regions, and to participate in the closest thing to a real United Nations debate. Contact Chad Westmacott at 725-8455 or Nyjree at 7250597 or stop by the office at PAS 1244 for more information.


Are you interested in solving the problems of the world! Do you aspire to feed the hungry, bring peace to all nations, and save the natural environment from further decimatio n? The University of Waterloo has a new United Nations Club that students can paticipate in. Activities in the club offer learning experiences that focus on United Nations procedures, international affairs, and the foreign policies of various countries. At each meeting, groups of students act as representatives of certain countries. While adopting the foreign poticies and problem-solving objectives

CALL BETWEEN 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.


lucky diners got to mingle with Canada’s literary luminary herself. The sold out reading started at 8:00 at the Humanities Theatre, after which many of the guests went to the Grad House where there was a reunion of the Grad Student Association. The evening’s entertainment was provided by the Homecoming Hillbillies. The Big Tent was set up next to Fed Hall again this year, where revellers could partake in games of chance and win prizes while a rockin’ local group, The Rhinos, took the stage. On Saturday morning the 5 km. fun run was held, where people could run, walk, hop, skip, or jump their way through 5 laps of Ring Road. Over IO0 people took part and were rewarded for their efforts with free muffins and juice. Following the event was an allyou-can-eat country breakfast with UW president’ lames Downey at Conrad Grebel College. A draw was also held

for tickets to Miss Saigon which were won by Maureen Cairney. Saturday night was an evening of beer tasting, or “hops quaffing.” tawa resident Jamie McKinnon, author of the Ontario Beer Guide led participants through the tasting of 9 beers including Wellington County, Brick, Sleemans, Upper Canada, Labatt Ice, and Creemore. Three beers would be sampled at a time bjindly and judged according to taste, smell, and appearance. Among the most popular were Creemore Springs and Upper Canada Pale Ale. On Sunday there was an open house at St. Paul’s, where a newly renovated dining hall, kitchen, and campus building were dedicated. Several reunions took place over the weekend, including Conrad Grebel grads from 19809 1,985, Village Dons, and the Student Alumni Association.




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r 1





The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters; and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.




atrons of the Campus Centre wiII today be asked to examine their views regarding the Young Offenders Act (YOA). At I :30 in the great hall, UW Student Cheryl Racine will be calling for tougher measures to deal with young offenders, Including mandatory transfers to adutt court for murder and sex-related offenses, and the release of young offenders’ names as warnings to the community. No doubt many would agree with her that the YOA must be strengthened to x-event youths from taking advantage of enient dispositions (as sentences are called n young offender courts). and so would 1. However, nary a similarity exists between her idea of reform and mine. First off, being thrown in jail forever is the last thing the typical young offender leeds. To assert that longer jail terms will deter young offenders from offending is to gnore the fact that it doesn’t even deter Id&s. Not only that, but long dispositions Ire not even desirable from a rehabilitation standpoint. By detaining young offenders for ,ong periods of time, society is only teaching them the values and norms inherent in group homes and detainment centres: that is “you wit1 never be anybody - you witl always be subjected to the system - nobody cares.” To a fifteen year old youth, who has most likely grown up in a dysfunctional, non-existence, abusive or otherwise fucked up family, the system is hardly welcoming or loving. In fact, the system and its institutions are the worst place to send these youths. These kids are fucked up; they’ve been fucked around by abusive parents, taken out of their homes, shipped from group home to foster home and back, and often tand themselves in jail. And the proper answer to their woes is a longer stay in jail! I don’t buy Ic. Needless to say, the popular conception of young offenders as kids from suburbia reeking havoc on mall store owners is a fallacy. Certainly that element exists, but the majority of youths in trouble with the law are products of a society which ignores their problems, streams them into dead-end high school basic programs, and throws them in jail for expressing their frustration with the system. These kids just can’t win. The real changes that need to be made to the YOA involve giving youths the tools to empower themselves in their communia ties through decent social programs (a high school in Toronto recently opened their gym at night so kids could come in and pfay basketball all night instead of walking the streets, which dropped local crime rates), and alternative justice models (such as victim offender reconciliation programs which force both parties to come to terms with each other and come up with an alternative punishment/solution). These changes would work to eliminate the root of the problem - the youths disenfranchisement from society and subsequent rejection of society’s norms and codes. The young offender act is certainly failing to provide safe and positive solutions to criminal minded youths. However, legislating harsher laws will do little to improve the lives of offenders, victims, or anyone else in society. What young offenders need, more than anything else, is the chance to prove to themselves and society that they can be responsible, which they won’t be able to do from in iail.





friday, november

I 9, I 993

with On the eve of the national university football championship, tomorrow’s Vanier Cup, how sad it is that the sports pages of Canadian newspapers have been dominated by news involving the farcical management of our country’s favourite sport and our only truly national league. In the National Hockey League, the NHL Officials’ Association decided to strike last weekend, not, it seems, because the NHL’s offer is stingy, but because they do not like NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman. And the Canadian Football League decides part way through the season to alter the playoff format because . - . well, . . . they’ve got to have a reason, don’t they?! First of all, the NHL officials’ strike. According to officials at the NHLOA, Gary Bettman treated negotiations with the zebras like a king throwing scraps to his subjects. His reported arrogance eroded relations between the league and the officials almost beyond repair. But then, something miraculous happened. The league offered the NHLOA a 29-per-cent salary increase this year and a total of about 60 per cent more over the next three years. Considering that inflation is the lowest it has been in decades, that kind of pay hike sounds almost laughably generous. And the NHLOA agreed that 60 per cent was, in fact, a wonderful number. This year, that is. You see, the zebras argue that they should get paid comparably with NBA officials. A first-year NHL referee makes about $50,000 per year, while a first-year linesman starts at about $33,OOO. A referee with 20 years experience makes $9O,ooo. Over in the NBA, officials start at $57,000 per year and rise to a ZO-year maximum of $141,000. Nurdww

for major league baseball are comparable.

Thus, the NHI&A’s demand of a a-per-cent hike. A sort of employment equity across sports. What bullshit. Just because NEIL general

whati’s sports

-0ng today!

managers are stupid enough to engage in a bidding war for players they want with money they don’t have and won’t have in the foreseeable future, does not mean that the NHL head office needs to follow blindly over that cliff. Secondly, the idea of applying some twisted sort of employment equity between sports is ludicrous, The league should be paying its officials commensurately with its ability to raise revenue. No one would seriously argue that the NHL can throw around the kind of bucks that can the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, or major league baseball, Also ludicrous is the competition argument. “Well, if we don’t pay hockey officials competitively, they’ll go somewhere else.” Where? Will they sign up for basketbaIl referee school and jump to the N’BA? Come on. Worse, the members of the professional sports media must have a lot of pals and relatives in the refereeing ranks, since no one seems to be asking the obvious question: are the demands of the NHLOA reasonable ones? Instead, we get the usual tripe about, oh what a shame that strikes have to happen in professional sports, and oh, can these minor league replacement zebras oontro! the game, and oh, gripe all you want about refs -- they earn every penny. Criticizing officials and the work that they do used to be so common as to become a cliche. In what seems to be a violent reaction to that critical mood, sport.43 journalists are now refraining from saying anything bad at all about refs. Sure, the refs are human and make mistakes, just like you and me, but gosh dam it, they’ve got the hardest job on the ice. That’s right, I sure wouldn’t want their job for nothing! Over in Bush League Number Two, the CFL continues to shoot itself in the public relations foot. Halfway through the season, the bright minds in the CFL head office decided to change the playoff format

to allow a fourth team from the West division to advance to the postseason, ostensibly to give the expansion Sacramento Gold Miners more of a lateseason draw. Of course, this meant withdrawing the firstplace team’s traditional first-round bye. Not ones to be fucked with, Calgary fans stayed away in droves, with the CFL taking the hit at the gate (the league gets the revenue from playoff games and splits it up between the teams). What better way could there be to blow away what last vestiges of professionalism the CFL has preserved for itself? Deciding to change a piayoff format partway through a season is like deciding at halftime of a game that we’ll switEh to four downs or require that quarterbacks yodel their audible calls in Swahili. Other bright minds are calling for the CFL to unilaterally alter the playoff format EVEN MORE to reflect the huge disparity in balance of power between the league’s West and East divisions. Try something like taking the best six teams in the league instead of the best three in each division. For a league to have any in@rity and professionalism at all, the rules of the game, the format of divisions, and the playoff qualification procedures must be stable and not subject to whimsical changes dependant upon nothing more than a bit of cash or which division happens to be dominant. In both the CFL playoff fiasco and the NHL officials’ strike, custodians of the games are acting against the best interests of those games. Although the NHL is being very reasonable in their demands, the officials are acting irresponsibly and sports journalists are abetting their negligence. Both sports run the risk of forgetting f?om whence will come their next meal ticket. Namely, you and me, the fans. Imprint

Peter sports

Brown editor






Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone number for verification. Names may be withheid from publication upon request. All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper. Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3Gl. Our fax number is 8847800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint @ watservl

Atheist doesn’t hate religions

don’t have one.” They’ll find other work? but they’ll have to compete

Loggers log their jobs away


To the editor: To the editor: Although Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount didn’t advocate rage, Kevin Fergin -- a Christian -- was enraged when he read the premiere article of Craig Nickerson’s The Village Atheist. In particular, Fergin took offense to Nickerson’s referring to his god as a “hoary old bugger” and wondered “...if MrNickerson knows that if he had made this same remark jn the time of Christ, he could have been punished by death.” Ignoring the fact that in the “time of Christ” theJews were under the rule of the Romans and hadn’t the power to “[punish] by death” anyone who spoke poorly of their god, what exactly does this comment mean? That Nickerson ought to be executed for his comments? Hopefully not. Or is he saying that Nickerson ought to feel lucky that he lives in a society that allows him the freedom to be an atheist, but that if he wants to continue enjoying his religious freedom he ought to keep his mouth shut? If so, this sounds no better than the hardly-generous sentiment that it’s acceptable to be gay so long as you act heterosexual in public; I must admit, Fergin’s comment seems very much to me like a veiled threat against those who might call God anything other than “Lord and Master”. Fergin also calls Nickerson a hypocrite because Nickerson is distressed by the hatred between battling religious groups and yet is “promoting the same hate that has started these [religious] wars”. Oddly enough, I read the article which offended Fergin, but as I missed Nickerson’s general call to arms against all theists, I must assume that I’m not wearing the same “Read Between the Lines glasses” that Fergin wears when he reads The Village Atheist .. Seriously, does the fact that Nickerson finds religion absurd -- Christianity included -- mean that he spawns hatred for it? What if I were to begin a column in the Imprint which expressed my disbelief in the validity of horoscopes? Would my telling people that I have no respect for horoscopes mean that I’m promoting hatred for horoscope believers? That I hate the Zodiac? In short, does feeling that a position lacks credibility and that belief in such a position is unwarranted mean that the position is hated? Maybe it’s just me, but I’d call that paranoia, and this is “the mentality I see in Fergin’s letter when he accuses Nickerson of promoting hatred towards religion. As a final reminder to Fergin and those of like mind, we do NOT live in a society which punishes disrespect for God. Whether Fergin likes it or not, I may quite freely call his god anything I like, and personally I feel that the “ultimate exercise in wish-fulfilment” might be the most appropriate designation for his deity. It’s doubtful that Fergin will ever come to this conclusion, but maybe at least he can come to recognize MY right to come to this conclusion, and my freedom to express it Of course, “hoary old bugger” isn’t without its charm, either. Tyler

After reading both John Cooper’s and Dave Gilroy’s letters, I’d like to thank them both for writing letters “to speak out against the propaganda being promoted by the environmental activists, over Clayoquot Sound.” Propaganda? As far as it being “an organized attempt to spread certain views” I won’t argue -- these actions are an attempt to increase awareness and promote discussion regarding the issue. Bothjohn and Dave agree that “it is a tragedy the old-growth is being logged in the manner that it is”. It really is too bad isn’t it? Dave goes on, “,.-it is also a tragedy for the economic lifeblood of a province to be cut off because the flavour of the day is to save Clayoquot.” Seems its easy to paint an environmentalists vs. jobs picture -before you do this doing this try doing some research. The federal State of the Environment report stated in I 99 I, “in I6 years all the commercial coastal old-growth will be gone, except the minuscule amount that is protected in parks.” The B.C. Forest Resources Commissioner has stated that if something isn’t done soon to restructure the industry 120,000 direct and indirect jobs could be lost as old-growth is depleted. Soon you will not be able to blame the protesters for cutting off the economic lifeblood of B.C. Not surprisingly, last month the former chief officer and past executive members of the B.C. Federation of Labour joined in the blockade. During the I95Os, B.C. forests generated 2.64 jobs for every 1,000 cubic meters cut. In I99 I that figure was less than one job, while California produces 5.2 jobs for the same amount cut But what the hell, we can’t be telling the logging companies and the government to stop and rethink the situation -- don’t worry about trees for tomorrow, we need jobs and’lots o’ money NOW! The B.C. government isn’t MacMillan Bloedel’s biggest shareholder for nothin’ ya know -- they want to get as much out of that land as possible, at least before they settle the land claim with the Nuu-chah-nulth Nation (Clayoquot Sound has never been ceded by treaty). But don’t worry the trees will be gone soon and so will be MacBlo. In the not so far off future, former loggers will be able to show their children pictures of old-growth and tell them, *‘This is what it used to look like, many generations were employed by these forests. But it’s all gone now. We finished the job ofF. That’s why you



Perhaps, with all

A recent

federal study found that clearcutting has wiped out 50% of B.C.‘s salmon streams. Ministry of Forestry ( 1992) found that 34 of 54fish-bearing streams suffered “moderate to major” damage. It concluded that 90% of the damage could’ve been prevented had jogging companies followed ministry guidelines. The situation of forestry and fish-

bers?. I myself am a Vietnamese but I never can tell an Oriental looking person is a Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese or other Oriental groups if I don’t question that person directly about his/her background. In the same token, could a Caucasian person by looking at another Caucasian and concludes that that person is English/French/German etc...when he is held at knife point at dusk and being demanded money by that person in good spoken English?. If the victims feltthat they were targeted

intellectual, I think that it is very important for me to be actively discussing religion with people of other religious persuasions (including those of “no” religion). So far, Mr. Nickerson has raised some valid points, but there are some problems that I’d like to point out. Aside from a venting of spleen, I don’t see what purpose irreverence will serve (except to contradict your claim of serenity). If logic is stacked in your favour, then there is no need for any of these other statements. You can call God a “hoary old bugger” and a “superstition” all you want. Without justification, it is only meaningless noise, If you abhor disrespect and persecution of the views of others by some Christians, then why in the world would you practise it yourself?? Also, you assume that since there is no concrete evidence of God’s existence, you can say “There is no God.” Math would be very easy indeed if I could disprove a theorem by saying that there is not evidence to support it! The way to disprove is to find a COUNTEREXAMPLE. You must, therefore, show ALL visions of God to be wrong by counterexample,or prove that the universe has unfolded without any sort of divine influence. In absence of proof or disproof, all you can say is “I don’t know if there is a God”, like the agnostics. I am looking forward to the dialogue and the reasoning for Mr. Nickerson’s views, as I hope to build some mutual understanding between the Christian and the atheist. I would like to talk more about issues such as evangelism, liberalism, and fundamentalism, and how they can be wrongly practiced, but suffice it to say that some of Craig’s comments about the intolerance and scripture interpretation of some Christians is well-pken, irreverent though he may be. (I’ll discuss this more next week.) You may be wondering why I said that atheists have “no” religion. No matter how rational someone may claim to be, all logic progresses from some basic assumptions, which have a deeper root in unspoken thought. For empiricists, the assumption is “if I cannot sense it, it does not exist.” Religion attributes the unknown to God, and empiricists attribute paranormal occurrences to hallucination, and the scientific heretic is called a *‘crackpot”. Thus, we have a de facto WYSIWYG religion (What You See is What You Get), which offers you approximately 70 years of existence, and the assurance that your well-designed body, and that of every other creature, has no creator except for random chance! I don’t think I’11renounce my faith just yet, but keep the columns coming. For anyone who wants to discuss this more thoroughly, s/he can e-mail me at kesmith I Qdescartes.


cl0 me ‘NO

eries on the west coast is reminiscent of the fisheries on the east coast. Federal studies showed that cod stocks were being rapidly depleted, but nobody wanted to listen to that crap. Go ahead, go ask east coast fishermen how much they like unemployment.



Muggers Vietnamese? Police racist?

for these robberies because they’re Chinese then I think their ethnic ego is a bit inflated. 2. The police claimed that common sense dictated that the robbers are Vietnamese. I haven’t know th police of media asserting the same conclusion about the white suspects or black suspects. That is “common sense dictates that Frenchlltalian/English...etc are prime suspects in this case.”

Twang Dinh Gmd student

- Economics

Editors note: imprint included the UW Police description of the suspects 0s Vietnamese to specifdy ruise the questions tbot you have raised, not to support the Police’s suspkions.

70 the editor: This is to reply to an article about campus robberies occurred recently. There are two questions I would like to address to the parties concerned. That is the victims, the police and the Imprint. I. Based on what facts or evidence that you concluded (and printed) that the robbers are Vietnamese!; Did the victims hear the robbers conversing in Vietnamese?; Or the victims went by the look and apperance of the rob-

Atheist’s logic * faulty 70 the editor: I am writing in response to Craig Nickerson’s columns, “The Village Atheist”. As a Christian and as an

Kevin Smith 5A Comp ScilMusic



/; Imprint Please take need

Plus... you survey


- pg 13 1/

to fill out our readers’ survey on pg 13; we to help us improve and give you a better paper. can win one of 9 fabulous prizes just by completing the and getting it to us by November 22, so don’t wait-



Readers’ the time opinions





19, 1993






friday, november

Atheist refreshes nonbeliever


19, 1993

This attitude, I realize, is heresy. God forbid anyone should ever wonder about the claims and aims of religious proponents of any stripe, one might very well end up in Hell! Ho-hoo, scary! Michael MdNulty, Philosophy

To the editor:

PCs not obsolete yet

As a non-believer, let me say how refreshing it is to read a column like the ‘Village Atheist’ in the Imprint. I was getting rather tired of reading the bucolic offerings of religious zealots week after week. Honestly, the constant bleating from Christians (most notably of the ‘Born-Again’ variety), and the hyperbole of Islamic fundamentalists, is enough to drive any free-thinker crazy. I would much rather read something which approaches religion rationally, and would have us think about the issues, than just accept them unquestioningly.

To the editor: Now that a new government is in power in Ottawa, there should be a quite interesting situation to observe over the next four or five years, Of particular interest will be the fortunes of the Progressive Conservative Party, as they have just suffered a huge defeat

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in the recent federal election. However, those who feel that the Conservative Party will simply fade into obscurity should consider the fact that although they won only two seats in the election, the party did gain a respectabte share in the popular vote. In fact, I 6% of voters nationwide voted for the Progressive Conservatives. This is more votes than the Bloc Qu&bCcois received, and only slightly less than the number of ballets cast for the Reform Party. This would seem to indicate that the PC party has a solid base of voter support, despite the lack of seats in the House of Commons. If the Liberal government implements its economic policies of shortterm job creation, the Tories could benefit, as the effect on the deficit and taxation levels becomes apparent to the public. Furthermore, it will be interesting to see if the Liberal Party can formulate any policies out of its muddled positions on issues such as the GST and the NAFTA accord. Similarly, the Conservatives will benefit if the Bloc Q&b&cois and the Reform Party engage in meaningless regional bickering in the House of Commons. Only then will voters see that these two parties represent only regional, and not national interests. In short, the Progressive Conservative Paq remains a logical choice for those who have a broad, national perspective, and support a balanced, long-term approach to deficit reduction and job creation. Over the next few years, the Progressive Conservatives will be in a strong position to expand their core support, and make major gains in the next federal election and in Ontario’s upcoming provincial election. Certainly, it is far too early to claim that the Progressive Conservative Party is obsolete. Peter Youngman IA Arts

Yes, Tammy shit

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disturbs To t)le editor= Dear Chrys, Stick in the Mud, Why have you chosen Tammy as the scapegoat for your anger towards






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feminism? Get your facts straight so you can have some credibility. First of all what does Tammy’s supposed flashing of breast and syntax got to do with her concern over our student government, which was the content of her letter to the editor. In this letter she was trying to raise the awareness of our student body here at Waterloo. She is concerned about “real” issues like tuition increases ... is this not a “real” issue to you Chrys? Tammy does Ctot “harp” on the spelling of woman nor does she force you or anyone else to spell woman with a “y”. It has been the Feds among others who have insisted on making this harmless spelling a bone of contention; it was not Tammy Speers. Why do you link Tammy’s name with breast flashing. You call yourself a supporter of equal rights, but why then do you call being able to take your shirt off in public not a real issue? Why then do you slander this right by labelling it breast flashing?! What isyourdefinition ofTammy’s “war reparations” approach to equality, You lead a pretty sheltered life if you think her actions are drastic. The

only way her actions would further segregate rather than achieve equality is if people like you are too threatened by them to open your mind to change. Tammy does no “whine incessantly”; she raises valid concerns, provide; constructive criticism (albeit emotionally) on relevant issues regarding women-after all, the lmprini is a forum for student opinions. Perhaps Tammy is a “shit disturber”. (She certainly disturbed you, it seems.) It is her intention to disturb apathetic, complacent students into action. (See,? She got you and us to respond, didn’t she?) The fact is, her kind of challenges and debates are at the core of political change. Kate Wudds Paul0 Thiessen




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; ,


friday, november _19, 1993

Very few people in Canada yet know Rush Limbaugh is. A cross between William F. Buckley, Ed Anger, and Sam Kinison, Limbaugh hosts America’s most popular radio show (in the history of the medium, if I’m not mistaken), wrote the best selling book in the United States(outselling HowardStern’s book by 2 to 1) and he also hostsone of the most popular television shows in American television. His name is dropped in every American publication from Time to the National Enquirer. . Why, then, don’t people know who he is in Canada? Before we examine that question, and why we should even want to know anything about him, the simple fact that almost nobody knows who he is in Canada should debunk any ridiculous television myths that people hold. If the twentysomething media critics we live with were right, then Limbaugh should be a household name from Toronto to Thailand. However, we are not quite living in Brian Fawcett’s mirror image of McLuhan’s global village. Television doesn’t quite pervade everyone’s mind like the drug it’s supposed to be. Sure 95% of it is shit, but in that respect, it’s no different than books, magazines, radio, or music. Anyway, Rush Limbaugh is definitely a love hate relationship. He doesn’t make friends using terms like “Feminazi’s” and “environmentalist wacko’s.” In the 199Os, he is the ultimate outsider. l?e is pirate t.v. Everything he saysgoes against the grain of what is considered acceptable in our socii et-y.He is a conservative, and as such, he is a rebel. When environmental band wagon jumping is the norm, and the english language which has served humanity fine for almost a thousand years is under attack for not being gender neutral, anyone who stands in the face of this “core of political change” has to be reckoned with. who

His views are uncompromising io be sure, but wishy washy don’t-step-on-anyone’s-toes ass-kissersis, in part, who he’s complaining about. He considers himself an American conservative, which is actually a British Liberal. He is interested in freedom, not in the fights of the ruling class. Although he defends the Republicans and criticizes the Democrats pretty much unequivocally, there is an ideology behind it that transcends his political affiliation. He knows ,when the Democrats have done something praiseworthy, and he knows when the Republicans have done something stupid. What is most attractive about Limbaugh’s shows is that he is, primarily, a comedian. He is entertaining. This in itself is a point of criticism from the sour, bitterfaced tree huggers and feminists who he is attacking, but shouldn’t be. His humoN is what saves him from being a televangelist. He knows, asanyone who has ever given a speech knows, that unless you can keep your audience’s attention, no matter what you’re saying, they’re going to get bored. This isn’t a late twentieth century phenomenon. The Importance of Being Earnest is both an astutecriticisti ofnineteenth century mores and values as well as the wittiest play written in that time. I am not comparing Wilde and Limbaugh (except perhaps in girth); I am simply reminding everyone that Limbaugh is not to be taken too seriously. I don’t go through one of his shows without laughing. I don’t go through one of his showswithout thinking that he is totally and absolutely wrong on somepoints; I also don’t go through one of his shows without thinking and learning. Even those people who hate him and who hqve heard of him, or even seen his show, need to check him out because he is the enemy and he is also very funny.



A theism

“/t is us atheistic to uflfm the existence of God us to

deny it” - Puul Tillich

by Ken



Atheism, as far it goes, has got a point: God, as a being, cannot be proven to exist To say that God is dead is a bit misleading for “God” never existed as a being in the first place. Philosophically and theologically God is not a being whose existence can be argued about, for God, in the proper sense, is presupposed as the power of being itself. The traditional arguments for God’s existence do not in fact prove that God exists, but they do point to something equally as important: the question of God as implicit in the human condition. Us humans are by our very nature finite creatures. Our creatureliness lives in time and space, we experience ourselves as contingent beings, as beings not self caused but actually thrust or thrown into existence. As finite creatures we are existentially aware of the possibility of our own non-being. Through the act of self-transcendence we are able to see ourselves as objects whose being shall one day come to an end. This ontological shock is experienced as anxiety and brings the sophisticated mind to ask the questions: ‘thy am I here?” and “why is there something instead of nothing?” The awareness of nothingness brings humans to the question of God, or of the ultimate which can give them the pow& to overcome the anxietycassociated with the threat of non-being. For many people the idea of a personal god

gives them security and meaning in an otherwise absurd universe. However, we must be careful when speaking of God in this way, for our language can often do more damage than good. Postulating God as a being alongside other beings, puts finite restr%tions on God, such as time and space, which God does not share in. Philosophical atheism 0-P Satire) is correct in rejecting this God as a tyrant whose apparent greatness makes humans into objects whose freedom is denied. If we see God instead as the power of being, we have a radically different experience of that which empowers us, giving us the courage to face the reality ofthe great unknown of nothing. The theist. today who puts faith in God-as-abeing should consider conceding to the atheist that this God, even if “he” did exist, cannot be proven within human reason to do so. God can be experienced, not within our faculty of reason, but only as the power or ground of being, which all of us theists and atheists participate in as participants in this thing we call life. There are some people who, when reading this, wit1 say “that isn’t Christian because it’s not in the Bible.” My only response to those people is that it is the responsibility of people to make their faith presentable and respectable to both the modern person and the questions raised in modernity; sticking to the Bible as the only source of “apologetics” in the twentieth century (soon to be the twenty-first) simply will not do, even if one believes the Bible to be a sacred and holy text. The views expressed in this coh~mn are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those ofeve@ member of the UW Student Christian Movement







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by Dave




As diversified as humans are, the one thing nearly all humanity has in common is exposure to the concept of an omnipotent and omniscient entity of some sort, usually known as a god. So far in this column, Craig has critiqued moderate Christians and agnostics; this installation will address the question of one’s moral capacities being affected by religion and, since it is directly relevant, address the question of religion intruding on children’s public education. The Believers seem to think the world will enter a state of anarchy the very moment that religion no longer fully saturates the society and its common laws, and that our children would soon over-run and kill us if they weren’t taught the ways of god in between math and english classes. As Wayne Campbell would say... not! Some atheists are just as moral as some Xtians, but some aren’t. A tree will bear good fruit and bad, and any cross-section of a population will have their bad apples. I’m sure some atheists have raped people, and I know for a fact that a healthy number of higher-ups in the Roman Catholic Church have had more than a holy love for the children of faith. It’s all a matter of upbringing. If I eventually have children, I could probably convince them that some guy came by on December 25 of every year to drop off presents, free of charge, like so many other parents do --for a little while, anyway. But eventually, they would sort out reality from fantasy. Similarly, if I told them that killing other people wasn’t an acceptable action in this society, they’d probably believe that too, until they are given a reason to exercise doubt, Most of us haven’t yet had cause to doubt the validity of this moral. As the days go by, we eventually arrive at the conclusion that Santa Claus likely doesn’t exist, and that killing someone isn’t a wise thing to do if incarceration doesn’t appeal to you. But having a world-view based on an unwa-



19, I993

vering belief in the physically non-existent creates problems when a holder of such a wehschwung has to confront the realities of every day life. Then the religious right rears its ugly head and, in the name of God, morality, and theirquestfora better world declares a war on freedom of information, thought, and press. Books are banned, parental advisory stickers are placed on recordings, and abortion clinics are firebombed. This simply isn’t acceptable. Religiousity is for the individual and the family, and not for schools and the state. After all, the concept of separatingchurchandstatedidn’tariseinavacuum. A modern illustration of what may occur when this adage is ignored can be found in writings about pre-Quiet Revolution Quebec. Even without examining any cause-and-effect precedents, teaching religion in taxpayerfunded schools is simply not justifible. Nor is acceptable that provinces approve the curriculum of private religious schools. The role of an educational system is to provide everyone with a common education that incorporates a basic understanding of the country, its citizens, its origins, and of course the three R’s and some computer training. Teaching french, for example, is justifiable because it is one of Canada’s official languages. Instruction in religion, making coffee, using a toilet, ecetera are all things that can and should be leftfornon-school hours. Mr.Trudeau’s t 982 Constitution and Charter of Rights guarantees us the freedom to believe whatever religion appeals to each of us. If parents see religious instruction as an important apsect of their child’s upbringing, they shauld be responsible enough to ensure this happens through the home. A school curriculum devoid of religion ctasses is not a bad thing. In the multicultural mosaic that is Canada, we should of course be teaching all children about all religions. Since this isn’t feasible, and because it would upset religious folk of all stripes even more, it’s best to discontinue taxpayer-funded religious instruction in schools altogether.



what is left by parents and those nearest related and a share for women, whether the property - a determined share.” -translation of the meaning of the Qur’anic

WOMENAND byStmehE.Rehan For years and years, the average western person has been subjected to one image of a Muslim woman: mysteriously veiled, heavily guarded, living in a ‘harem’ with a brutal sex maniac for a husband. One can’t really blame this person if s/he accepts this image as true especially if s/he never saw Muslim women in any other light. In this article, some aspects of the status of women in a truly Muslim society are highlighted. It should be noted that this is based on the actual teachings of Islam apart from both the practices of some so-called Muslims and the misrepresentation of Hollywood movies. In Islam, both Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan, sinned, and later repented. GOD has f&given both of them. Thus, in no way was Eve (and subsequently all women) held responsible for the ‘original sin’, nor was she considered as Satan’s way to get to Adam (and all His male descendants). According to Islam, men and women are created equal as human beings, though obviously not identical. Both are rewarded or punished equally for their deeds. Muslims have been spared the debate about whether a woman had a soul or whether she was a person or not. That was never questioned while it was a hot issue in Western societies up to the I 930’s when the Supreme Court of Canada passed a judgement that women really are persons! Muslims, men and women, are told to seek knowledge and education wherever they find it and to use this knowledge to help fellow human beings. This is a duty about which they will be

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there is a share for men be small or large verses


ISLAM (I) asked on the Judgement



After Prophet Muhammad died, many of His sayings and teachings were narrated by His wife Aisha. These sayings are an essential part of Islamic teachings. So what does that say about how Islam views woman, to entrust her with this role? A Muslim woman can’t be married against her will; her consent is essential. If she does accept to marry, she doesn’t give up her family name for her husband’s name. On a practical level, she is alwaysconsidered a separate financial entity. When she marries, her property remains her own and her husband has no access to it without her consent. She is not even required to share the family’s expenses even if she is a lot richer than the man. She is entitled to an explicit share of inheritance from family members. That share might be less than her male counterpart but that is only because her money is hers to keep while his money belongs to his whole family. All this was established more than 1400

years ago! This article

is excerpted


the Islamic

brochure’Women and Islam’ by Dr.TyseerAboulNasr. For a copy of The Qur’an or for more information about Islam, please call (5 19) 725 8779 / (519)


725 - 4283 or send an e-mail


The Qur’an Speaks is presented by the UW Muslim Study Croup. Sumch E Rehan is Q PIID cclnckbte in ekricci/ and computer engineering. The views ex-

pressed in this column are those ofthe author and do not necessarily represent those ofevery memberofthe UW Muslim Study Group.

WHOLE CHICKEN Take-out/Delihr.v I


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November 22 will mark the thirtieth anniversary of the assassination of former U.S. president John F. Kennedy, and people are still wondering: was there a conspiracy? Researchers, both amateur and professional, still dig through the voluminous collection of facts pertinent to the case with passionate, and sometimes obsessive, intensity. They pore over pictures, examine transcripts of eyewitness testimony, and even gather at conferences to share their speculations. Over two thousand books have been published on the assassination and nearly thirty differentgunmen have been identified as having fired a shot at Kennedy (including the driver of Kennedy’s limousine). The CIA, FBI, KGB, Secret Service, organized crime, the Dallas Police Department, and the ‘military industrial complex’ have all been fingered by particular conspiracy theorists as having had foreknowledge of the assassination. Pick almost any combin

that a neuromuscular spasm caused by the crack of gunshots caused the jiggles in the film. Experiments confirm this analysis and show that even cameramen who know a bullet will be fired ahead of time cannot avoid this tell-

tale jiggle. Knowing the speed of the bullet and the time it takes for the nemous system to react, it is possible to work backwards from jiggles in the film to match shots to frames in the Zapruder film. Of course, there are many other things that could have caused the jiggles, but the absence of a jiggle is very good evidence for the absence of a shot.




The speed atwhich Zapruder’s camera was running is of crucial importance in determining the timing of the events it captured. Zapruder used a Bell and Howell

Scotch tape, and then asked a friend to shoot bullets into them. According to Alvarez’s analysis, the melon should fall in the direction of the shooter - opposite the direction the bullet travels. Expert marksmen who watched the experiment thought it was a rather pointless exercise: “ must be out of your mind to believe something you hit with a bullet will come back toward you.” Needless to say, the experiment supported Alvarez’s counterintuitive analysis, and it is now a generally accepted explanation among assassination researchers.

ngs Alvarez discqvered were well ertise. A lot of his physics research, analyzing the streaky pictures you nd Alvarez claims that his immensely when studying rez’s ability to look at

t there seems to be no audio record

a Dallas police


re never able to confirm that the ycle that was even on Elm Street,

verse interests. d the ‘head shot’ -



u 0


hese words were spoken n, and thus the “impulse e shots that were fired at

took of the event. Sta infamous ‘grassy knol car as it drove down While his view street sign, his film is esse of the most important pa

The Warren Commission (the first official government investigation into the assassination) used the film to determine the timing of the shots, but it was not until the publication of the November I966 issue of Life magazine that the public first got a glimpse of the film (the actual film was not shown on television in its entirety until 1975 when Gerald0 Rivera showed it on ABC’s Goodnight America). Alvarez spent asThanksgiving weekend studying the pictures in Life. While photo-analysis experts working for the Warren Commission had already examined the film and presented their conclusions, Alvarez made some new discoveries. First, he wondered why on some frames there were little parallel streaks on the film that did not correspond to the direction the car was moving. The camera, it would seem, jiggled in Zapruder’s hands. Now you might put this down to the unpracticed tracking skills of an amateur photographer, but only some frames have these streaks. Alvarez made a simple connection: would not the sudden sound of a gun shot cause you-to react involuntarily? He speculated

demy of Science put together

often the case in science,

it takes a genius to discover

these simple things. In 1975, Alvarez was being pestered

by a graduate student to explain how a shot from behind made Kennedy’s head snap bc~c&wc~rds.Alvarez, who did not support any of the conspiracy theories floating around at the time, was eventually convinced that some real force drove Kennedy’s head backwards. His anatysis - first written out on the back of an were envelope - shows, that Kennedy’s movements consistent with a shot from behind. Alvarez treated the problem as one involving three masses: the bullet, the president’s head, and the matter ejected from the president’s head after impact. It turns out, surprisingly, that the ejected matter could-carry momentum much greater than the momenturn ofthe incoming bullet. Thus, just as a rocketgoes up in the direction opposite the direction from which its fuel is expelled, Kennedy’s head was pushed backwards by the matter ejected forward from his head. Thegraduate








result and wanted experimental proof that this ‘jet effect’ existed. So Alvarez arranged ai experiment at a rifle range. He bought a bunch of melons and wrapped them in


thought proved a conspiracy was recorded on channel I, and the ‘crosstalk’ Barber heard was from channel Il. Alvarez’s contribution was mainly to come up with a simple method to verify the more complicated procedure that other panel members had found for proving the crosstalk existed. Ultimately, the contributions of Alvarez to the Kennedy assassination might show nothing more than the wisdom of having a l%bel-laureate on your team. Alvarez not only provided new insights into the assassination, he demonstrated how speculation should be backed up through simple yet convincing experiments - something that many assassination buffs would do well to emulate. And to conclude - if not the Kennedy assassination then merely this article - here is a quote from a colleague and friend of Alvarez, Richard Garwin: “...if Luic has seen farther than others, it is because he is willing to stand on the shoulders of giants or for that matter anyone who can provide a firm footing. And he wittingly






Toby Oonoldson is CI Muster’s student in the department of computer Science. Spotingmggedgood Imks and fashionob~styledhdir, he ahW)‘S takes time out to enjoy the simpler things in life: a flower, a dew dr@ On a spring morn, or the sight ofjohn FXennedy’s head bursting like u watemefgn struck by a boseball bat in fntme 3 I3 ofthe Zopruder film.

Eternal “As I stand in these vast solitudes, 1do so with bent knee and bowed head us becomes one who is in the feltpresence of


You may recall the seemingly unusual but rather practical advice in The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy: I . Don’t panic and 2. Always carry a towel. Travelling in the Himalayas, one learns a thing or two about the Galaxy: the Earth is grand, beautiful, and very mysterious. And sometimes it is okay to panic; in fact, that can be the only way to cope. But when things get really crazy, close your eyes. All things pass; Eternal are the ways of the galaxy! Duringjuly-August, for six weeks, we travelled to the Himalayas as part of the Himalayan Field Study Program under direction of Prof, Sehdev Kumar of Environmental Studies of the University of Waterloo. This program has been going since I980 and some t 50 students and others have participated in it since its inception. As in other years, the participants were from many parts of Canada: from UBC, Quebec, Trent, Waterloo, Toronto, and even Port Elgin. The focus of the Program is on the study of the ‘Human Ecology of the Himalayas’. with

cafe, perched on top of a hill, we met Gilles, from France, who had come to the Himalayas as a young man, twenty years ago. Once there, he fell in love with the grandeur of the magnificent mountains and valleys. He met a local girl and married her. Now, with their four children and her parents, they run a cafe and a small hotel, where one can hear a dozen different languages being spoken, Here, food is served with a French flair and Himalayan hospitality. It has been twenty years, but Gilles has never left the Himalayas. A mere 200 metres from the cafe, there is the home and art gallery of the Russian artist, Nicholas Roerich, who came here in the 1920s. He too never left these mountains, covered with mist, snow, clouds and luscious greenery. Roerich created thousands of paintings here. Admired universally, his an is an exquisite expression of the spifits that wander in these heights. Roerich, like many other Himalayans, believed that Jesus Christ came to the Himalayas and met with Buddhist and Hindu yogis and philosophers. Alexander the Great, too, is supposed to have come to the Kullu valley, 2400 Years ago.

about the sacrid and political geography of the region, about developmental projects and environmental issues, and about the social and ecological history of the I-limalayas as part of the Indian subcontinent. Through field visits, trekking and hiking, or by simply observing and communicating with the people in the state of Himachal Pradesh and the region of Ladakh in Western Himalayas, one gets an intense exposure to the ecological and cultural complexities of this amazing phenomenon called the Himalayas. The Himalayas are the’ largest physical feature on the Earth; extending over 2500 kms, they are the home to 50 million people. For many mountain people, the Himalayas are sacred; they are the abode of gods. It is this sense of the sacred that has drawn some I50 Canadians and other Westerners to the Kullu valley, the ‘ashram’ of one spiritual guru, Swami Shyam. We spent a day at the ashram. There we met fellow Canadians from Montreal, Hamilton, Calgary, and Victoria. These people had settled in the Himalayas for the past several years, exploring a spiritual world. This came aj a surprise and revelation. Some of us wondered: what are these Canadians doing here with an Indian guru? And what is spiritual ex-

said to have been composed here. No wonder the British loved the place, and created many ‘hill stations’ for their summer sojourn. The city of Simla, made famous by Rudyard Kipling, was the summer capital of the British Raj for almost a hundred years. We visited the grand Viceroy Regal Palace in Simla, now spelled Shimla. More than a hundred years ago, in 1888, this building was created and was lit by a thousand lights, the first building in the country. Mahatma Ghandi is said to have been locked up in its lower dungeons, and this is where the partition of India was settled in 1947. The viceroy’s palace is now the Indlian Institute of Advanced Study where e scholars from all over the world live and do research. Professor Kumar, the director of our program, was a fellow of this institute for two years. Shimla is also famous for its monkeys. While _ .I staying aT: tne YMCA, we almost test a bag to a monkey that had jumped through a window into our room. If it were not for a roommate’s great aim with a roll of ‘imported’ toilet paper, the monkey may have been travelling with a Canadian passport Try explaining that to the Canadian High Commission in New Dehli when applying for a new passport.

the invisible. a -- Nina Muzucchelli, 1652 by Katherine Kevin Allin special



Huy & Imprint


Much as one may dismiss these kinds of questions, in the Himalayas they come with the force of a mountain river. Only 20 kms away from Kullu, in the village of Naggar, we stayed in a 16th century castle. There, in a small





is like


thing else you can imagine. It is part of the Tibetan Plateau, with an average height of 3500 m. Known as ‘Little Tibet’, Ladakh is a land of stark beauty where Tibetan Buddhism and a complex culture have flourished under very



difficult circumstances. We visited severa1 monasteries in Ladakh and went

way. She is the author of Ancient futures: Lessons from Ludakh. The book is

on a five-day trekking trip, accompanied by guides, cooks and ponies. The trekking was done in grand style in more than one way. The fantastically shaped mountains, with hues of yellow, gold and ochre seamed almost surreal in their magnificent simplicity. One of the highlights of our visit to Ladakh was a meeting with famous writer and development crusader Helena Norberg-l-lodge, from Nor-

based on the author’s love and admiration for the life and culture of the people of Ladakh over the past twenty years. We were also shown a video base on the book at the Ecology Centre in Leh. The centre was set up by Norberg-Hodge and now serves as the focal point for all those who love the Himalayas and wish to see them saved from the onslaught of ‘developers’. Travelling in the Himalayas, and in

India, was an incredible adventure. One is constantly challenged in one’s percepions aboit the Earth,‘and the grandeur, beauty and complexity of her people, sometimes subtly, sometimes with a jolt. Travelling from Manali to Leh by bus on one the most make-shift road we had ever seen, we read a sign: “You are passing through the second highest pass in the world: Taglangla, 17582 ft. Unbelievable! Is it not?” Unbelievable it certainly was. It might not have been easy, but every hour of the day, and every kilometre of the journey, was always unbelievable. Indeed, the trip was at the same time educational, fun, spiritual, and exalting. Back home, it takes many weeks, perhaps months and years, to realize all one has learned about the Earth, this tiny place in the Galaxy. It is difficult to describe the experience clearly, but one thing is certain: after a trip to the Himalayas no one is quite the same again. One last word of advice: You sometimes need more than a towel. Try a roll of toilet paper! Another trip to the Himalayas is being planned for August 1994 under the direction of Prof. Sehdev Kumar. You can reach him at (5 19) 7464946 or at 885- I 2 I I ext. 3008, 278 Longfellow Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, N2t 2s I.

WesmenwinsecondstraightNaismith by Peter


Warrior Hockey Saturday, November 13 Waterloo 9, Ryerson 5 Sunday, November l-1 Waterloo 4, Laurentian 3 Wednesday, November 17 Brock 4, Waterloo 0 Saturday, November 20,2 p.m. at York Yeomen


Basketball Wednesday, November 24,8 p.m. at Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks


Friday, November 19

at Guelph Invitational Warrior Squash Fri., Sat. November 19,20 East Sectional at Trent Athena Squash Sat., Sun. November 20,2 1 Crossover Round Robin at Ryerson

Warriors second, 9-9 Athenas third, 7-11

by Nicholas

Imprint Varsity Curling Sunday, November 2 1 Waterloo Tnvitational at Westmount Golf and Country Club, Kitchener



Semi-final Game: Manitoba 8 I, Waterloo 66

forward Chris Moore fed UW in scoring with 17 versus Manitoba and kicked in 13 against photo by Dave Th;mson Laurier. Fifth-year

Olesen’s three-point barrage coincided with a defence that shut out the Bisons for almost four minutes. From there, Winnipeg just pulled away.

Third-place Game: Western 9 I, Waterloo

16 16 18 19 21 21 23



The Columbia Icefiel d was a scene of jubilation and relief this past weekend, as the Waterloo Warriors hockey team picked up their first two wins of the season, returning the team to the winning ways to which Waterloo fans are accustomed when they go to see the hockey team. Saturday, November I3 saw the big guns of the Warriors come to the game, and pucks aplenty went flying into the Ryerson net, the Rams being the slaughter victim for the day. This game also saw some important lineup changes, as forwards Dean , MacDonald (suspension), Mike White (off ice injury), and Geoff Rawson (on ice injury) were unavailable, forcing rookie Peter Skopec into the game. Skopec played admirably, having to shake off some initial rustiness from being on the pine for so long, but he responded with some heads-up play and an assist to fellow rookie Mark Ferrier’s goal. This &as a bonus, as the


Sean VanKoughnett rebounded from his nightmarish performance of the day before (see below), but his 33 points were not enough to stop the Mustangs’ balanced attack. First-year forward Lester Jones had his first big game as a Warrior, scoring I8 points, including a driving dunk and foul early on that sent the crowd wi Id. Trailing by eight with five minutes to play in the first half, Waterloo used tenacious “IS’ and some timely scoring from VanKoughnett (who had I8 in the first alone), Tom Baife, and Alex Urosevic to take a 39-38 lead with 21 seconds left ‘til the intermission. But Peter Schmidt nailed a buzzer-beater to send UWO to the locker room with a one-point edge. Waterloo pulled back into the



Sat., Sun. November 13, I4 West SecJional II at Western

Warrior Basketball Warrior Hockey ........ Varsity Swimming ....... Varsity Badminton ...... ...... Campus Recreation Uhletes of the Week ..... ...... Varsity Scoreboard


After an almost even first half, the Wesmen rode their relentless inside combo of Jeff Foreman and Norm Froemel and the accurate outside shooting of Thor Olesen to a dominating second half versus the Bisons. Fourth-year guard Olesen scored all IS of his points from downtown, hitting five three-pointers in the second frame, including three in a twominute span. His long-range opposite number, Marc Virgo, also drained five treys while leading the Bisons with 23 points. Foreman and Froemel were mansters inside with 2 I and 20 points and 7 and 12 rebounds respectively. Manitoba led by as much as nine points midway through the first frame. The Wesmen came back to take a brief lead with 4:30 remaining, fell behind again, and pulled to within one point when Prentice Lenz hittwofreethrows with 2.4 seconds remaining in the half.

Athena Volleyball Wednesday, November 10 Waterloo, Brock Wednesday, November 17 Waterloo at Western


Earlier in the day, the host Waterloo Warriors ended a disappointing tournament with a 9 l-85 loss to the Western Mustangs in the third-place game. Adding insult to UW’s spotty performance, no Warriors were named to the Homecoming weekend tournament’s all-star team for the first time in Warrior fans’ ancestral memory. Manitoba earned its trip to the title game by bombing the Warriors 81-66 on Saturday night, while the Wesmen had to survive a near-upset in a 63-59 victory over the Western Mustangs in the other semi-final. Waterloo’s only win of the Naismith was a Friday night 85-66 pounding of the woeful Wllfrid Laurier Golden Hawks.

Championship Game: Winnipeg 87, Manitoba

Volleybali November 10 3, Brock 0 November I 7 at Western


for good just 4:30 into the half. The game remained close

lead early in the second and led by as much as five, but could not hold on. The Mustangs got 25 points from guard Jonathan Dingle, but had only two other players in double figures, Michael Lynch and Marty Harris. For Waterloo, Balfe finished with I2 points.


Warrior Basketball 26th Annual Naismith Classic: Friday, November 12 Waterloo 85, Laurier 66 Saturday, November 13 Manitoba , Manitoba Sunday, November 14 Western 91, Waterloo 85 Fri., Sat. November 19,20 at Toronto Metro Classic


The teams traded baskets early in

the second and Winnipeg took the lead

The University of Waterloo’s Physical Activities Complex seems an unlikely site for a basketball Battle of Manitoba, but that was the billing of the 26thAnnual Naismith Classic championship game last Sunday. The Winnipeg Wesmen lived up to their number-one preseason ranking by beating the Manitoba Bisons 8772 to win their second consecutive Naismith title. At l-Canadian forward Jeff Foreman earned most valuable player honours and joined teammate Norm Froemel on the tournament all-star

Varsity Swimming Friday, November 12 Athenas 106, Brock 76 Warriors 12 1, Brock 59 Friday, November 19 at University of Windsor at Wayne State, Detroit

Warrior Wednesday, Waterloo Wednesday, Waterloo



Waterloo has had a reputation as a perimeter shooting team for years, especially with the long-range talents of Sean VanKoughnettand Alex Urosevic. Thisgame showed what can go horribly wrong with that style of offence when your money men are not hot. VanKoughnett hit only one of his ten attempts from

.!!TYtand~whi~e the warriors


only 8-of-33 from three-point range. Waterloo’s leading scorer, fifthyear forward Chris Moore, was the only Warrior dialing from long distance, nailing I2 of his I7 points from Ring Road. The Bisons’ starters were a bit more proficient at converting their chances, and all five ended in double figures. Forward Jon Hanec poured on most of the juice, hitting 3-of-4 treys and I O-of-l 4 overall for 23 points, I6 of those in the first half. Despite their anemic shooting, the Warriors clung to a 35-33 half-time advantage. But early in the second frame, the Bisons jumped ahead and would not trail again.

First round summaries: Winnipeg 80, Toronto


As usual, Winnipeg relied upon their big guns to pound the Blues. Foreman scored 22 and tore down 9 boards, while Norm Froemel ripped down I5 rebounds of his own, I2 of them on the defensive glass. He also

put down nine free throws on his way to I5 points. Thor Oiesen totalled I6 points with four three-point field goals. Sophomore guard Eddy-Meguerian led the Blues with 23 points and six rebounds. Carl Swantee and Jason Gopaul added I 3 and I I points respec-

tively. Western

77, St. Mary’s


The Mustangs spread the scoring out, with four players in double figures and two more with eight points apiece. Brad Campbell, Michael Lynch, and Brendan Noonan each hit two threepointers and finished with 16, IS, and I2 points respectively. Subbing for injured centre John Vermeeren, 6’7” Marty Harris scored ten points and ten rebounds. Firstteam division all-star Lynch shot only 5-of- I 7 from the field. Western generated some physical offence, converting I5 of I7 trips to the free-throw line. Huskies forward Brian Luinstra scored 24 points on I O-of- I6 shooting in a losing cause.


77, Ottawa


The Bisons had no trouble at all with the Gee Gees of Ottawa, limiting them to 25 second-half points. Each team had two big players. Post player Elliot Unger and guard Greg Filmon scored 22 and 21 points respectively and Unger added 16 rebounds. For Ottawa, David Reid had I8 points and seven boards, while Bobby Brown scored 16. The teams bombed out from long range, combining for only 6-of-24 threepoint attempts.


85, Laurier


What started as a dogfight turned quickly into a rout between these crosstown rivals. After trailing by I I at the half, Laurier pulled within five early in the second frame before Waterloo put on the afterburners. The TSN Turning Point came after a momentum-slowing time-out by Waterloo. Sean VanKoughnett bailfaked over top of the Laurier defender’s head and then drained his only trey of the game. VanKoughnett led UW in Scoring with I6 points, including a perfect 9-of-9 at the charity stripe. Alex Urosevic, Chris Moore, and Mark Hopkins kicked in 15, 13, and I2 points respectively. Moore, a fifth-year veteran who had a great tournament, ripped down ten boards as well. Lester Jonesand B.). Yorkscored eightapiece.

first wins for hockey

actual job of the Ferrier-Skopec-Bill Whistle line was to play defensively, prevent shots, check hard, and shake up the Ryerson players. Waterloo opened the scoring at 2: 15, as yet another rookie, Steve Smith, put one by Rams goalie Andrew Escott, who had been outstanding versus Wilfrid Laurier on Thursday night Escott was not outstanding on this night, asdefenceman Todd Gleason put another marker in at 6:08, with Ferrier’s goal coming 28 seconds later. That was it for Escott, who had faced four shots and let three of them in. Wunderkind Jason Mervyn and the quicksilver Steve Woods rounded out the scoring in the first, as the Warriors leftthe ice with a S-O lead, and looked well in charge of the night’s events. The second period started out as the first did, with a Warrior goal. this time by defenceman John Wynne; assisted by Mervyn and Woods, but Ryerson could not be kept off the score sheet, as the Warriors inexplicably dozed into complacency. Perhaps they were trying to make

a close match for the fans, but by the three-quarter mark of the second, the score was 6-3 for the ice men, and 7-4 at the interval, the seventh goal being scored by Chris Kraemer as he dog gedly took the puck to the net after taking a feed from rookie blueliner Brian Henry. The team was especially ecstatic at this goal, because of the adversity that Kraemer has had to overcome to get back to the form of last year, and because he has been especially hard on himself the last few games, which can be seen every game by the fire in his eyes and his intensity on the ice. The wake-up call was ably provided by coach Don McKee, back behind the Waterloo bench, between the second and third periods, as he verbally lambasted those players who weren’t quite pulling their weight Penalties and simple thoughtlessness had cost the Warriors in the second, and he was determined that it would not happen in the third. After that tongue lashing, the Warriors responded with some qual-

ity hockey, and they outscored the Rams 2-I in the third, for a final score of 9-5, picking up their first regular season win for the black and gold. All was not joy, however, as the Warriors were hurt by a penalty call in the third that saw centreman Bill Whistle ejected from the game with a onegame suspension attached; earlier, Barry Young had also been ejected, although he was able to play the next game. Outstanding scorers versus Ryerson were Woods, with two goals and two assists, defenceman Mark Cardiff with one goal and two assists, and fellow blueliner Todd Gleason, also with one goal and two assists. Saturday’s game saw the Laurentian Voyageurs come into town to be thrashed at the hands of the Warriors, but the boys from Sudbury made it close, and had the Warriors scrambling around in the third period frantically trying to keep the puck out. The only goal of the first period was a power-play tally by john Wynne,


to page




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friday, november


19, 1993



by Nutatis Serkin Imprint sports The varsity swim team was busy last weekend. On Friday, they hosted a dual meet with Brock, destroying the Badgers by the score of 106-76 for the Athenas and I2 I-59 for the Warriors. In the relay events, the men’s team won both races and the women won the 4-by-50 medley relay. Most members of the team had fast and solid swims, including some outstanding performances. Veteran Melissa Williams, this week’s female athlete of the week, had some great, solid swims with a first in the IO0 fly and IO0 breast, the latter featuring a Waterloo sweep with Kara



Rice and Veronica Stephenson. Amy Jarvis, as fast as always, won the 800 free and the 100 back. Rookie Peter Spoor had a strong performance in the long distance event the 800 free and took a second in the 400 free. Fellow rookie Trevor Denstedt swam superbly in the 800 free, despite being a novice in this event he placed third. Rookie Athena Deanna Htywka had two solid swims with a second in the 200 free and the 100 back. Teammate jen Beatty is still improving her times with a second in the I00 free. Ed Furs continues to do well. He dominated the 200 free and the IO0 fly, taking first place in both. Close behind Furs was Terry Boyko who tried out a few of the sprint


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events instead of the longer distances. Boyko was second in the 200 free and first in the 100 free. Freshman Veronica Stephenson was third in the 200 free and the IO0 breast; both were excellent swims. Team captain Kara rice swam a personal best in the 50 free and also swam well in the 100 breast, taking second place. Men’s team captain Brian Roughley completed Waterloo’s sweep in the 200 free, taking third place. Roughley also followed with strong swims in the 400 free, placing first with a good negative split time. Laura Anderson, usually adistance swimmer, came third in the 50 free, proving her sprint abilities. Tereza Mace1 continues to show her versatility by placing first in the 400 individual medley and second in the 400 free in which she was close behind the Brock swimmer. Warriors Andrew Wahbe and Andrew Cartwright had powerful swims. Wahbe took third in the 50 free and second in the 50 free and third in the 400 free. On Saturday, the varsity team challenged the alumni in the annual Homecoming Alumni Meet. It was a great turnout with 30 Alumni present some travelling long distances. Bruce Lowry came from Winnipeg and Pat Gorazdowska-Goodman from Hull. The earliest returning members were

Warrior H








native of Alberta, as he drove one by Mike Ramprashad, a local boy attending school in Sudbury, Ramprashad allowed four goals in his two periods of play, Greg Allen put one and the Dog, Steve Woods, put two by him. The Voyageurs only managed to get one by netminder James Organ in the second, but in the third Laurentian


Both varsity swim teams won their respective pool last Friday, 106-76 for the Athenas and

sectionals at the PAC 121-59 for the Warriors. photo

by Dave

Brian Thompson from I 968 and Claudia Cronin-Schlote from 1976. Overall, the meet was a lot of fun for all. The alumni maintained tradition and squeaked by to victory against the varsity swimmers. The alumni tried to plan a strategy to win, but the ‘93/‘94 team might argue that the handicaps gave the alumni an easy chance to win.

Team spirit at theses meets and at the basketball games that weekend were incredibly high. The swimmers want to challenge other varsity teams to do the same. Today (Friday), the team is at the University of Windsor in the morning and at Wayne State in Detroit in the afternoon.

came out gunning in a last ditch attempt to win the game, and managed to fire two more by Organ before the midway point&t.~?fi;~~;;~.l 5 shots in the

Wynne each had two points in Saturday’s game. Remarkable about the Laurentian game was that all this was accomplished with a shortened Ilneup, the Warriors playing one skater short due to the suspension of Whistle. Wednesday night, the Warriors lost 4-O to the- B&k Badgers in St. Catharines. Details were unavailable at press time. Saturday, the Ice Men travel to Toronto to take on the York Yeomen, with their final home game of the fall term coming on Saturday, November 28, as the Warriors face off against the Windsor Lancers, winners of the Oktoberfest Invitational Tournament.

third, and with the Laurentian goalie, Cat-y Ross, pulled late in the game in favour of an extra attacker, Organ had to be especially strong. The Voyageurs drove a’couple off the crossbar and post, while Organ kept the remainder out of the twine. Rack up the win for the Warriors. Another outstanding game was had by Steve Woods, giving him seven points in onlytwogames and this week’s male athlete of the week award. Captain Geoff Schneider, Mervyn, and

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Badminton by Cliff






the team’s .perfect 12-O record against Guelph. The men’s games were a no-contest against Gueiph. With the exception of rookie Craig

Lastweekend, the Waterloo badminton team travelled to London to play its second west

Smith, the team won all matches in straight games. Smith’s endurance match lasted over an hour, the

sectionals of the season, this time at Western. The Warriors finished second overall, beating out McMaster and Guelph. A strong Mac women’s team finished ahead of the Athenas, pushing them back to third place overall. Most impressive was

scores being 15-9, I 5- 18, and I7- I 6. McMaster provided a better game to watch, but Waterloo still came out on top, winning three otit of four games. Rookie Alex Germaine had a long match, but eventually won IO- IS; l5- IO, and

- Canoe Cottuge Country Canoe Routes by Kevin Callan

review special

by Kcacsten to Imprint


It is rare to find a book on canoe routes that is also an inspiring collection of nature photography, an intriguing recount of historic events, an enthralling telling of native legends, and an engaging commentary on the flora and fauna of Ontario. All of this is interspersed with amusing anecdotes from the author’s personal experience in Cottage Country Ccrnoe Routes, by Kevin Callan. The author unveils a multitude of short canoe routes in the Georgian Bay, Muskoka, Haliburton Highlands, and Kawarthas regions of Cottage Country. Each route is perfect for a weekend outing. The descriptions of routes are concise with excellent directions for finding the start and finish, even indicating in most cases where to park your vehicle. The precise descriptions of canoe routes are balanced with interesting details about the routes. In reading this book, one gets a sense of the historic development of Cottage Country. For example, in describing the Spider Bay route in Blackstone Harbour Provincial Park, the author takes us back to the historic shipwreck of the Waubuno. “Only the ghosts of the wreck can tell what really occurred after the captain dropped anchor near Haystack Rocks,” he writes. Knowing the historical significance ofthese routes makes them all the more alluring. Callan is a true outdoor aficionado. Many a

routes kindred spirit will identify with his yearningforthe outdoors. “Every year the Highlands casts its spell on me [ . , .I.‘* A powerful spell indeed, which prompted him to quit his job every summer in favour of canoeing. Later in his career, financial reality cast its own spell, and he “[worked] the nine-to-five grind, escaping every weekend to paddle [ . . . 1.” Eventually, the call of the wild was the stronger spell; he is now “in hot pursuit of a career as a fulltime canoeist.” We get a personable glimpse of the author through the several amusing anecdotes given about his own experiences on the routes he is describing. For instance, he tells the story of Gertrude, his beloved canoe, and a particular chute on the Black River, which his friend was intent on running. Callan watched from shore. “Everything went smoothly until he suddenly discovered how shallow the water was at the base of the falls. I cringed every time I heard the canoe crunch and grind along the rocky river bottom.” One cannot leaf through this book without admiring the photography. Turning each page is akin to experiencing a new vista. This, combined with the descriptions of historic events of interest and amusing anecdotes, makes”Cottage Country Canoe Routes” a pleasure to read, whether you are planning a trip or simply dreaming of this “accessible .wilderness.” Callan was on campus on Tuesday night for a book-signing and slide presentation sponsored by the UW Outer-s Club. His book is available at the UW book store.

19, I993


and third

I8- I 3. Number-three man Cliff Tao upset Mac by winning i 5-8, I5 14. Smith had an easy time, pummelling Mac in tow quick games, I S- I, 1S-9. Key player Dan Frank was upset in a close match to Mac’s John Mullen, losing in three games. Western’s unbelievably strong team posted a no-loss record against Waterloo. The women’s team was not assuccessful, but a major upset win was posted by top women’s player and rookie sensation Sharon Quon. Quon’s marathon match against last year’s silver medal team player Sandy Vamos of McMaster resulted in a sweet I I-6,4- I I and I I-4 victory. The Athenas had a similar experience with Guelph, defeating them quickly and painlessly. Quon easily won I l-2, I I-2. Veteran Marcia McVicar was all over Guelph’s second player, I I 0, I I-4. Returning Kristin Bobbie rallied for an I I 6,l I-O win. Number-four player Kathleen Kolstern played an impressive game, winning I I-O, I l-8. In men’s doubles, the story was a little different The teams of FranWGermaine and Tao/ Smith easily defeated Guelph again, but had trouble with Mac and Western, eventually dropping both decisions. The women’s teams of McVicarl Bobbie and Quon/Kolstern had identical results, defeating Guelph and falling to the stronger and more experienced McMasterand Western teams.




Coaches Jeff White.and Brian Biemann, always watching with a keen eye, were equally satisfied with the team’s performance on the weekend. “We won the games I expected us to win,” said third-year head coach White. “But a few that we lost to Mac, especially in doubles were pretty close, so I think it is possible that we could have done better. Generally, I’m satisfied with the results from this weekend.” “I think some of our players had trouble adiusting to the gym,” said Biemann. “The ceiling was considerably lower, the lights were different and some had trouble seeing on some courts. Western’s team evidently had no trouble. Left out in the cold, rookie mixed player Rahul Vaidyanath supervised the overall order of the tournament. The mixed team was cancelled this weekend due to technical difficulties. The team’s next and final tournament is on the weekend of January 22-23, for its second cross-tiver tournament The tournament takes place again at Western, but competing with Waterloo will be the east division teams of Ottawa, Queen’s, Toronto, Ryerson, and York This is the last tournament of the regular season, the playoffs being in Hamilton at McMaster the weekend of February S-6.

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19, 1993 imprint

friday, november


,f-!; / & lhjimd




ara home away

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STEVE Warrior

Melissa Williams is this week’s female athlete of the week. Williams is a third-year environmental studies student who had an outstanding performance at a dual meet against Brock last weekend. Her wins in both the 100 fly and the IO0 breaststroke helped the Athenas dominate Brock in a I 06-76 win. Williams has shown a strong work ethic and, based on her results this weekend, should perform well for the Athena team over the season. The Athenas will swim at Wayne State in Michigan this weekend in a Friday and Saturday dual meet.

Campus by Radmnir (Brcld) Zak mprint sports

2685 Kingsway KITCHENER

Welcome to yet another week in November and all ofthe -citing events Campus Ret has to offer to you. On Saturday, November 20, a badminton tournament is taking place in PAC, and on November 21, Access for AH is taking place in Gym 3. A summary of all of the important dates is provided for your convenience below. But now, for the details of the badminton club tournament: Badminton Club Tournament The University of Waterloo Badminton Club will be running a tournament on Saturday November 20 in PAC’s main gym, from I I a.m. to 6 p.m. Today (Friday) is the last day to register! Entry applications can be picked up today during regular badminton club practice hours 7:30-930 pm or by contacting Gerry Yen at 747-3305. So, if you’re looking for an exciting opportunity to test your skills with a variety of opponents or just a way to make some new friends, plan on being there! There are fabulous prices available to be won donated by a number of local sponsors. What is the University of Waterloo Badminton Club all about?. For only $ IO a term you can expect: * Nets and Yonex Mavis 300 shuttlecocks (Wow!) * An opportunity to meet other friendly badminton players * Instructional opportunities for beginner and intermediate players (So you can beat your fellow execs) *A limited number of quality racquets to members and sues= * Lower racquet restringing charges * Social Events - Seeing fellow badminton lovers wearing more than just a T-shirt and shorts - Pizza Night,

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School-Wide Wellness Guidelines to Safe and Healthy Physical Ac.tivity * Warm up before engaging in moderate and vigorous physical activity. * Cd01 down followlrig moderate and vigorous activity *Avoid dangerous environmental conditions. * &crease intensity under conditions of extreme heat or cold, high altitude and air pollution


* Seek environmentally controlled locations (eg. home, health club, shopping mall) * Start at low levels and increase gradually. * Do not bounce when stretching-gradually stretch and hold for several seconds * Breathe rhythmically and avoid breath holding. * Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after moderate to vigorous activity. * Do not exercise if you have a lower respiratory (ie chest) cold * Do not take hot showers or saunas immediately following vigorous activity. * Obtain appropriate athletic shoes and protective equipment from a salesperson who understands them. * In cold weather, wear layers that you can easily peel off and carry as you get warmer. * Always attempt to make your activity an enjoyable experience. Looking

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Campus Recreation

following instructor winter term I 994. If you are looking for a great job or just a neat way to make some extra pocket money, register at PAC 2039 a.s.a.p. Campus Ret needs instructor for tennis, squash, CPR, skating, and cross country skiing. Important Dates for November: Nov. 20: Badminton Club Tournament, I I a.m. - 6 p.m., PAC Nov. 2 I : Access for All, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Gym3 Nov. 23: M&W 3-on-3 B-ball Mtg., 5 p.m., PAC lOOf Nova 29: M&W 3-on-3 8-ball Tournmt, 7:30- IO:30 p.m., Gym3 81 Main Gym Nov 30: Open Fitness Class, I I :30I :30 p.m., Gym3 81 Studio I


with VCR VCR

ax In&"


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Curling Club Bonspiel The University of Waterloo Invitational bonspiel was a great success this term. The bonspiel was held at the Elora Curling Club on November 6. We had 16 teams from Waterloo inter as well as two teams from York Prizes for this event were donated by local businesses. The University of Waterloo’s Curling Club would like to express our thanks to these local businesses who helped make the bonspiel an enjoyable event for everyone there. Next term, the bonspiel will be held on March 12, again at the Elora Curling Club.

Drive ht.

WOODS Hockey

Steve Woods is this week’s male athlete of the week Woods, a third-year English student, dominated offensively for the Warriors last weekend in their back-to-back wins against Ryerson and Laurentian respectively. Woods scored two goals and recorded two assists as Waterloo defeated Ryerson 9-5. He continued to come up big against Laurentian, scoring two more and adding an assist. The Warriors played at Brock on Wednesday, November I7 and will travel to York tomorrow, Saturday, . November 20, for a 2 p.m. game.

Casino Night, Bowling Night, Hearts/ Euchre Tournament etc. * In-club tournament with prizes for everyone who participates and much more! The sessions of play are every Wednesday from 9:30- I I :45 p.m., Friday from 7:30-9:30 p.m., Saturday from I-5 p.m., and Sunday from I I :30-2:30 p.m. in Gym 3, PAC. So, if you enjoy playing badminton or would like to give it a try for the first time, drop by during regular badminton practice hours or contact Gerry Yen at 747-3305 or email gyen@systems. Badminton is truly ‘a sport for life’ - enjoy it.


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183 Webcr Stmet Notth Waterkm, Ontario N2J3H3







13 Churchill Toronto

Bowl OUAA/OQIFC 26 Concordia 14




11 Concordia Laurier Guelph 12 Western McGill 13 Waterloo UQTR Ottawa McGill Laurier Windsor Western 14 Waterloo UQTR Ottawa Windsor 17 Brock 18 Laurier

OUAA Far West

Western Laurier

Ottawa Ryerson Toronto Brock Guelph Ryerson RMC Queen’s Toronto Laurentian Brock York Laurentian

2 6 2 WV 1 5 1 4 0 4 1 3 3

i 5 4 at

2cliF’” York Waterloo York

20 2 0

7 6

6 5


0 1

1 0

41 38


13 10


Nov. 20 Vanier Cup CIAU Championship Toronto vs. Calgary 6:00 p.m. at SkyDome WOCKEY


19 Western Concordia 20 Waterloo Ottawa

Western Laurier RMC UQTR Windsor

at at at at at at at at at

Ryerson McGill York Toronto Laurentian Brock Queen’s Guelph Ryerson

7~45 8100 200 4:00 7:00 7130

7130 7:30 7145

Brock York Laurentian Ryerson Guelph Toronto Queen’s RMC Fur East UQTR 0 ttawa McGill Concordia


24 24

Mid West

Mid Earst

4 8 8 7 2 9 9 8 13 8 4 9 4


Waterloo Windsor

p.m. p.m. p.m. p*m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

8 2 4 6 2 3 GPWLT 8 5 3 743034348 8 3 5 8 1 5 CPW L 8 4 3 8 2 5 10 2 8 lo 0 10





0 2 1 1 1 0 0

26 37

30 57

6 4



7 8 6 5

6 6 4 3


0 1 2 2


2 1

33 21 F

1 1 0 0

6 5




33 23 30 23 F

39 37 30 24

24 52 51 70

9 5 4 0



16 18 13 16

at Guelph at Laurentian at Concordia at Toronto VOLLEY5ALL Nov. 24 Brock at Laurier Waterloo at McMaster Western at Windsor 19 East Sectional -20 at Trent

15-4) at York at Guel h at Win B sor at Waterloo

0 *O 1 0 0 . 2 0 0 2:OO p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:OO p.m. 4~00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:OO p.m. 8:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 1O:OO a.m.


Nov. 21 Waterloo invitational 8:30 a.m. at Westmount Golf & Curling Club, Kitchener

75 Weber Street, (Zellers Plaza)

Brock Laurier Windsor Guelph

5 4 3 3

Eust Division


McMaster Waterloo Western

4 3 4

4 3 3


0 0 1

12 9 IO



1 0 5

8 6 6


13 13 8 6



(15”13,15-g, 16 Ryerson 17 Laurier McMaster Western


Nov. 9 Toronto 3 Ryerson (15-10,15-10,15-3) 10 Waterloo 3 Rock (15~13,15-3,15=13) Western 3 Guel h (1614,7-15,15-H, 13 -13) McMaster 3 Laurier (15-5,15-5,15-10) 12 Brock 3 Windsor (15-8,15-12,15-6) Queen’s 3 Toronto (9-15,15-11,15-11,5-15,1&14) Western 3 Laurier (15-7,15-6,15-2) 13 Queen’s 3 Toronto 21 Ottawa Windsor Queen’s UQTR

42 23



Nov. 9 Toronto 3 Ryerson (15-2,15-3,15-3) IO McMaster 3 Laurier (615,15-8,15-5,15-11) Western 3 Guelph (15-5,15-g, 15-4) Brock 3 Waterloo (15-Q,15+ 15-5) 12 Lakehead 3 M&aster (15-8,15-12,15-12) Western 3 Laurier (15-12,15-6,8-15,15-i’) Windsor 3 Brock (1510,15-13,157) 13 Lakehead 3 McMaster (15-7,15-8,8-15,15-10) 17 Laurier at Guel h McMaster at Win if sot Western at Waterloo

0 1 0 0 0

4 2 4

York Queens Carleton Ryerson OWIAA Teum


1 0 0


0 0 2 3 4

4 4



2 2 2


0 1

0 0

2 2

BADMINTON Wkf W&2 24 23

23 24 11

12 6 7





8 7

5 5 15

l2 6 0


9 11 9 9




2 1 8

8 4 4

2 0 0







3 4 16


2 2



0 0


STANDINGS W&3 Mix 23 3

16 13 7 10 9

P&s 70

1 -

825 5 18 15

i 7

54 48 28 27 27


1 0

Nov. 20 Windsor 24 Brock

at Laurier at Waterloo

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1O:OO a.m.

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3 2 1 0 0

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1 4 2 4 3




8 4

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4 0

12 9

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0 0



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4 2

Nov.19 20

21 23 24

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at at at at at at at at at at at at at

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8:00 p.m.

7:lXl p.m. 8:00 p.m. 7:OO p.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:OO p.m. 6:OO p.m. 1:OO p.m. 1:OO p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:OO p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Danny9 gone

you’ve mad---


The Rhinos federution Hall Friday, November 12, 1993

by Ken Xmprint

Bryson staff

It wasn’t so much that the crowd at Fed Hall came to see The Rhinos, rather, it seemed more like The Rhinos came to see the crowd at Fed Hall. Not to take anything away from The Rhinos, being themselves a cheerful and laudable bunch, but the Homecoming’93 crowd set the key and tempo for the evening. Fortunately, they were happy and more than content to dance, sway, and drink to The Rhino’s frolicking tunes. Opening their first of two sets at around 9:30, The Rhinos first encountered an empty dance floor -nd timid crowd. However, as the set progressed, the floor filled, and the happy villagers got happier. By the time they reappeared . ..but buby that’s not so bud and besides for the second set, with the audience well fueled, The Rhinos had laid down half of their repertoire and matic pause. continued on through most of both The second set was fine all roun,d. EIe@~nti und Bees and Fishing in the Balancingthe shenanigans between theit Fountain of Youth material. three front men, though mostly Dan Highlighting the first set was (au guitar) and Rob (a la sax), Kitchener’s “Julie,” from Uephants und Bees. While favourite sons juiced the audience into this may be The Rhinos’ most popular paying homage, for a few songs at least, tune from their premiere release, they which is quite the feat for any band on managed to sustain its life through a Homecoming night at Fed Hall. shifting tempo and a pregnant, draForced to compete with bounc-


it’s Homecoming

and that’s why

ers with a bent for power, and the elusive fun and games beer tent next door, The Rhinos came through with flare. (Not only were they on stage, but a closed circuit tv sent images to those in the beer tent, which is not something many local bands can boast of.) Of notable import throughout the entire evening were “Riddl ey born,”

“Celebrate Life,” and “Three, is the magic number”with the usual little Public Enemy thrown in for good measure. Their sound held its own and, though alternating in style and pace, maintained a energetic and quirky edge. If there were to be any complaints, the only one warranted would be that they need a little more soul and depth to succeed triumphantly at the reggae/ ska genre they almost quite but not really fit into. Beyond that, though, they de&e the credit for playing their own mix of pop and groove. They also dewe’re here serve credit for daring to climb the summit of Homecoming weekend. Perhaps they expected little gratification from the drunken mass; perhaps they took it as a challenge; perhaps they’ve justgone mad, But congratulations are in order for The Rhinos: they took the crowd by the horns, and delivered a solid two sets. I only wonder if anyone who was there remembers what they played or how good they were.

time, tirong place Spirit of the West


of the West/Andrew Cash Humunities Theatre Wednesday’ November 17, I993

By Fmnk Seg/er+s Imprint stclff

First a quick message to whoever it may concern: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE HAVE SPIRIT OF THE WEST PLAY FED HALL NEXT TIME. People want to get up and move for this type of music and I know of at least IO people who didn’t attend the show because of where it was. Apart from the inappropriateness of the venue, Spirit of the West played a great show focusing mainly on their most recent release fuitldift, while opener Andrew Cash and the Little Ones played an intense set also from their most recent release Hi!. It is appropriate tha’t both of these bands played on the same bill at this point in their careers, both have been known primarily as being closer to acoustic folk acts rather than all out rock bands. However, in both their recent albums they have put a strong electric sound forward while not changing their lyrical styles. While some may

cry “sellout”, it is stupid to hope that a band will continue with the same sound and not explore new musical directions. On the whole Spirit of the West was not content to merely do a greatest hits show although many in the crowd may have preferred that. Instead they played almost the entire Fuithlfi album, possibly surprising people who hadn’t heard it and were wondering where these hard edge songs came from. The new songs worked well in concert and made the songs from Go Figure fit in better than they did when played next to the purely acoustic numbers. The greatest fan response was still reserved for the old familiar classics like “Home for a Rest” and “Save this House”. On the faster songs some of the fans rose to their feet and started dancing unfortunately as it was the Humanities all the fans had to stand again showing hbw well suited this band is for Fed Hall. As inconvenient as the venue was, the sound quality was perfect, highlighting every nuance of the beautiful music coming from the stage. The light show was also the most elaborate I have seen them attempt with lights moving and changing colour perfectly

choreographed with the music. As always, the band itself were having the best time of anyone, playing around on stage, the highlight of the antics was a touching moment between singersjohn Mann and Geoffrey Kelly during “If Venice is Sinking”. About halfway through the show, drummer Vince Ditrich and all-instrument player Hugh MacMillan did an inspired version of “I Don’t Want the Set the World on Fire” complete with pyrotechnics. In another special display Mann and Kelly did a haunting version of “Guildhall Witness” with the accompaniment of a taped grand piano, an appropriate setting for a song about when they were in England and saw from their dressing room window a race riot in the street below just before they were to go on. Two encores ended the show, finishing with “Goodbye Grace” from the Go Figure album, highlighting the sweet mellow voice of Kelly as opposed to the hard edge power of Mann’s Opening





the Little Ones played an impressive set, I had never seen them before and was not expecting the spastic movements of lead singer Andrew Cash and how intense he was on every syllable


of every word of every song. He would change the volume of his voice and step away from the microphone periodically creating an interesting variation in his songs, sometimes not even singing just talking with an erie intensity as if trying to get the audience to believe his words, His stage presence reminded me a bit of Bob Wiseman who happened to produce Cash’s latest album. Musically, the band was very tight’ even for the complicated musical bridges attempted by the 4 man outfit. All songs were from Hi! except for his arguably most famous song “Time and Place” for which he dawned an acoustic guitar for the only time this night The most memorable songs played were “A lot of talk” the single from his latest album and the set finale “Hey Maria”. He concentrated on playing his music, only taking a few breaks to do long intros to a couple of songs, the most interesting was when he expressed his disbelief in the recent revival of Meat Loaf ending with the line “You can fool some of the people some 0) the time, then






Overall it was a fine night’ even if it was at the Humanities Theatre, the crowd was as enthusiastic as the bands creating an atmosphere from which both walked away from satisfied.


friday november

These The



wl 0.1. Leibowitz Lee’s Puluce, Toronto November 13, 1993

by Samiy Atwal and John Jylanne Imprint stan Punk nostalgia is no doubt the most hated of musical oxymorons. Punk was supposed to be a brief, sharp kick in the face designed to take music out of the hands of bloated rawk pigs and return it to a DIY ethic. The bands were designed to share their raw vision to the world and go out in a burst of flames. Unless you could somehow manage to keep up with the times, your dying members were of use to no one. Why then, a return for the ‘Cocks who haven’t released an album in ten years and have only recently returned to the touring circuit? Don’t know, don’t care. With a fiery return to form, with Shelley and Diggle still able to sing the songs like they matter, any academic discussion of whether or not they should be back falls to the way side. They are back, and they’re still great. Had the Buzzcocks sucked though, there could have not been a more appropriate opener than D.J. Leibowitz. Alone on stage with a keyboard, Leibowitz introduced us to a whole new genre punk lounge. Steve His set of punk anthems from the past sixteen years, “Holiday in Cambodia”, “Anarchy in the UK” and a Buzzcocks tribute were instantly recognizable, but one could not help but crack a grin at these songs in their bizarre new form. Leibowitz appropriated the songs for strictly humourous effect, reminding all those who found his treatment of these “classics” rather sarcastic, that irreverence lies at the hear-t of all these songs. But Leibowitz’s show did not prophisize an uninspired and embarrasing return of the Buzzcocks who arrived at I I:30 starting the show off with a lot of new material. In contrast with their last show at RPM, the new songs seem to have left the momentary diversion with wah wah peddles behind in favour of straight ahead three minute pop gems. The strength of the Buzzcocks is that they are one of

19, 1993




the greatest singles band ever. “Orgasm Addict”, “Boredom”, “Fast Cars”, “I Don’t Know What to Do with My Life”, “Get on our Own”, “Ever Fallen in Love (with someone you shouldnt’ve)” have lost none of their brilliance and energy. The band may be old, but they retain the ability to kick out their hits as they did on album. Part of the key to &why their songs are still good, is that Pete Shelley’s voice hasn’t changed a bit. As if he were just awoken from a IO year cryogenic sleep, the wry humour of romantic

Believe” is a song for all the dogmatic people in all the world and when performed five allows for the audience to be part of the show without the mutual band-audience masturbation that usually serves as a vehicle for this. The audience were not yet in a complete frenzy, but the band still gave three generous encores consisting of “Orgasm Addict”, “Boredom”, “Fast Cars” among others. But ending the show with their strongest numbers did not put as definite a conclusion to it as did the destruction of their set. To a background of feedback and noise, the band members destroyed several television sets which up to this point had displayed kaleidoscopic (and some pornographic) colour images. Using mike stands and whatever else available, the band proceeded to smash in tv screens Zooropa going down in a hail of punk belligerence. Although the flyingglassand smoke made for a great spectacle, Diggle and Pete Shelley: Homo sapiens or Homo superiors? several front row audience mem“oohs” and “ahhs” are still there, and are still bers were in a real danger of being blinded. And funny with the innocence and confusion of his when the band finished, there was more audience lyrics fitting his voice perfectly. participation as a hail of beer bottles and glasses Like Shelley, the Buzzcocks’ other front were tossed onto the stage forcing a stage hand to man, Steve Diggle was also well preserved and make a hasty retreat. This is a manifestation of able to deliver “Harmony in My Head” and “Why punk aggression one only reads about. She’s a Girl From the Chainstore” like they were the Buzzcocks’ latest singles. Next Week: Buzzcocks interview? Although all of the Buzzcocks’ tunes contain a fair dose of intellectual thought and insight, no song reflects this more than their manifesto of sorts, “I Bklieve”, making the song an ideal closer of the main set. By the song’s end, the audience had taken over the singing the song’s curious chorus, ‘There Is No Love In This World Anymore’, accompanied by the rhythm of just bass and drums. “I



( from the “Where are they now” file


- a little bird told us that Bernie and Andy (aka benny and Randy) are somewhere in the burg of San Francisco, where they have jobs and are living in “some guy’s” house. next stop Mexico for Christmas


(special guests)



Dr. wis@v

PLUS The Others

I Bourbon



The Xerox Building, 180 Columbia Street, W. WATERLOO




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Caesar Salad * Fettucini Alfred0















by Dave special


by Rich Nichol hprint Metal Correspondant Drowned in numerous international accolades, Rush has made its impact on the music industry by combining superior instrumentation with enviable lyrics. Now, nearly 20 albums later, Canada’s most successful band enters its third decade of existence with its finest effort in recent years, counterparts. The first cut of the album and possible future single, “Animate”, is arguably the best one. Right off the bat it sports the outstanding musicianship that has vaulted vocalist and bass/ keyboardist Ceddy Lee, guitarist Alex Lifeson, and drummer Neil Peart to the top of their respective ranks. Other highlights include “Cut To The Chase”, I “Double Agent”, “Cold Fire”, and the instrumental “LeaveThatThing Alone!” Normally sticking to poetic and picturesque lyrical content, Rush decided on Counterparts to tackle some key issues. “Stick It Out”, the album’s first single, is a hard-driving trackwhich tells us not to bottle up our stress, but to uncap it. Meanwhile, “Nobody’s Hero”, backed up with a fine orchestral arrangement by Michael Kamen, deals with the loss of close friends due to AIDS or violence. “Alien Shore” tackles sexism and human rights. But don’t be scared off by this approach, It is not an annoying “Save Each And Every Problem In The World In SO-minutes” political rant like some late ’80s U2 albums. Counterparts is a brilliant work and a definite addition to the collection of classic rock



one for me, futty

Counterparts proves that Rush is definitely more an ongoing concern than another one of the musical dinosaurs, Meatloaf. Written, arranged, and produced by Jim Steinman, Bat Out OfHe/! II (8uck Into Hell) is a mildly-impressive, yet uninventive sequel to one of the most successful hard rock LPs of the ‘70’s. The hit single “I’ll Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)” is an anthemic cultural icon, combining the vocal prowess of Meatloaf and guest vocalist Mrs. Loud. “Lost Boys And Golden Girls” is a fine ballad, reminiscent of “Two Out Three Ain’t Bad.” “It Just Won’t Quit”, “Life Is A lemon And I Want My Money Back, and “Good Girls Go To Heaven” are patented Meatloaf rockers, but pale in comparison to “Bat Out Of Hell”, and “Paradise By The Dashboard Light.” “Wasted Youth” is a dramatic narration which leads into the album’s liveliest track “Everything Louder Than Everything Else. The rest of the tracks are halfhearted meanderings. “Rock And Roll Dreams Come Through” is a bland, spineless remake of what was a great original from 1980. “Objects In The Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are”, is ruined by one thing, constant repetition of its title. Ignoring the chorus, it is perhaps the best song on the album, a heartbreaking tale of teenage tragedy on the highway. One bright note is the talents of long time Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band keyboardist Roy Bittan on six of the I I tracks. You would think that after such a long hiatus from the music industry, a much better comeback effort would have been spawned.

Usher to Imprint

It never ceases to amaze me when the popular music press goes ape-shit over pocket tint like Juliana Hatfield, and more deserving artists such as the Poster Children and Swervedriver are being forever overlooked. The Poster Children are between albums, so 1’11deal with them at a later date. Swervedriver on the other hand has just released their latest album, Mezcal Head, which is a follow-up to their great debut of I99 I, Raise. While Mezccll Head demonstrates little in the way of stylistic growth, it is in many respects an even better effort than Raise. Their formula, it appears, isn’t all that complex. They simply write songs so infectious as to sound (dare I say it) instantly classic, Despite their being a British band, Swervedriver’s hard-driving guitar rock, lazy vocals, and romantic obsession with automobiles and the road lend an impression that they’re American. I shouldn’t doubt that they wish they

by Greg special

were. Bikers for sure love them, and so should you. Most of their songs trace fairly similar patterns and the odd critic will insist they’re really derivative. You’ll find no arguments here. But at the same time their sound is so immediately identifiable and their material so strong that you have to forgive them for it. Forgive them and enjoy. Since most of their material is so catchy and seems custom designed for the highway, they remind one of a nineties version of Thin Lizzy or even our own BTO. Please don’t laugh. If Top 40 Radio more favourably reflected the diverse tastes of the day’s music, (as was the case in the past), then Swervedriver would be charting regularly. Instead, they’re deemed an album band and that’s the way you’ll have to discover them.

Mazzy Star. Some of you may have heard of this band from their opening slot with the Cocteau Twins on their Heaven or Las Vegas tour a few years ago. Yes folks, this was the weird looking band lounging on furniture and playing very strange music, the ones that stormed off the stage after a less than warm reception from the audience. Never mind that though. The mere fact that this band is one of Liz Frazer’s favorites should make some people sit up and listen (myself included). In I990 this duo from L.A. came out with their first effort She Hangs Brightly, to widespread critical acclaim, making “Best of’ lists in the N.M.E., Rolling Stone, and The Village Voice. The ensuing three years have seen them retreat to a recording studio somewhere on the west coast immerse themselves in music making,

Krafchick to Imprint

The fall season is slowly fading into winter. The leaves have fallen, the birds are gone, the weather is already freezing, and the November rush for school is on! No, it’s not just you, but everyone else is staring down impending deadlines in their courses with an increasingly panicked feeling. What you need to cairn your nerves (besides a long vacation) is perhaps a shot of


14A KINKYGAME OFMURDER & EROTICISM, Juliette Lewis is flat out wonderful, Brad Pitt is outstanding, charm that exudes pure menace .:::“.: .::...-~.;~;:.::;::pi ~y$$$:. ...: ,’ -”.. :.‘I .‘.‘.!X:

F~onTHEDIRECTOR OF6Eu~~~,Es~oPrr’ “Olivier,Olivier simmers with qualities for which Hollywood leaves iilmgoers starved - ambiguity, complexity, richness of texture, and a story that keeps reverberating through your skull long after the film has


- Jay Carr, BOSTON


fCAHaunting & Mesmerizing Thriller - Peter Travers


Fri.Nov.19,7:tnIpm sat



[ in French



kn Nov.21,7:OOpm Subtihr) MmNov.22,9:OOpm RatedRestricted






King Street

in Uptown


MezculHeads standouts are many; Seeking Heat,” “Blowin’ Cool,” Train To Satansville,” their new “Duel,” and last years terrific “Never Lose That Feeling.” Strangely, that last single was previously never released domestically but in Europe only. The record company seriously underestimated the song’s impact, but thankfully it appears here for the first time in an extended twelve minute version that features the spacey saxophone-led instrumental “Never Learn.” If you should be purchasing Mezcol Head, buyer beware: there are a lot of import copies without the single floating around that are actually discounted cheaper than the domestic version. Do yourself a favour -- pay the extra buck or two and stick with the domestic. It’s a bonus that’s easily worth it.

“For “Last single single

and now they’ve returned to alternately cuddle up to our ears and make us feel creepy. Musically speaking, the band evokes memories of every bluesy or etheral sounding artist you’ve heard of in the past few years or so. There’s the Valium-induced calmness and slight country twang of the Cowboy Junkies, the burbling lyrics of Liz Frazer, the stark simplicity of the mellowest moments on Automatic for the People, all heavily laced with the moody atmospherics of fulee Cruise. The current single “Fade Into You” is the sort of pretty number that everyone loves to cuddle to, yet two songs later we get “Mary of Silence” that sees lead singer Hope Sandoval sounding quietly unh‘inged and lost. as a organ and bass accompany her in the background. “Wasted” has a loping bass accompanied by the equally bluesy twang of other band member David Roback’s guitar (previously of the cult band Opal, for those of you scoring at home). What separates this from being a blues album however, is the general feel and texture of the album. There’s a sad element to this album, but also a malevolent streak too, one that is smoothed over by soothing numbers like “Into Dust”, so that the listener comes away becalmed after an odd walk through the darkness. I can’t think of a band from the sunny coast of California that sounds so unlike they come from there. While the Chili Peppers and Rocket From the Crypt jump around, pounding away at their instruments, Many Star alternately sit on the beach at-night, staring into a fire, or sit in a dark, smokey studio after two days without sleep, and pour whatever dark or light ideas they have in their heads into their This is a great album, and if music. you’re looking for light, mellow, relaxing music to light candles to, or music to calm your nerves while writing an essay, try this album. worked for me.


friday, november

4 By 3eff Imprint

Chard staff

The Wonder Stuff. What a band. These guys have more perseverance, raw energy and drive than your avet= age University student. They have more intensity than Hulk Hogan on a good day and more smooth moves than the Pope on 2 Saturday night. Funk, rock, folk - what more could you want, and all on one single. “On the Ropes“ is the first release by the Wonder Stuff from their Constrution fir the Modern Idiot album, their first in over two years. The band has added two official new members,

making them more tight and complete than they’ve been since their Eight Legged Groove Machine days. Now with ten legs grooving on stage, I’m sure they’re unstoppable. One of the coolest things the Wonder Stuff do is to put little comments before each of their songs on the lyric sheet, hinting what the song is about. Before the first song on the CD., “On the Ropes“ itself, it says “It was a gift from Hobbs, we’re alike in a lot of ways.” Whoever the fuck Hobbs is, I’m just glad he was born, otherwise the Wonder Stuff may not have written this awesome song. It’s definitely single material - short, poppy and to the point. It’s the only song on this CD. also available on the album. “Professional Disturber of the Peace“ starts off with the message “For Henry Chinaski.” I don’t know who the hell this guy is either. If you do you should be writing this damn review, so get your ass down here to Imprint and help us smart people out. This tune is alright. A couple of years ago the Wonder Stuff decided they didn’t like the “too common“ guitar solos

Tim, in fact you put me to sleep in minutes. About a month and a half ago I picked up this CD, Before and Aper, to review, mostly because it was the best of the pile. Which isn’t saying too much. Tim Finn, hell, I’ve heard of him. Split Enz, Crowded House, this is going to be easy. Six weeks later I’m sitting in front of my computer trying to think of how I can sum up Tim’s latest CD in 250 to 400 words and it occurs to me I can do it four words; and next time somethinggoes missing I won’t search-

anymore, so they decided to do away with them and substitute fiddle solos wherever they would have earlier put a guitar solo. This is apparent on this song, Since starting to regularly buy singles a year and a half ago, I noticed something really cool. Every single seems to have a hidden gem, a B-side so spectacular that it outshines even the single itself. The reason for this, most likely, is to entice fans to spend extra cash just to obtain two or three extra songs by their favourate bands. “Hank and John” is the gem of this single. Having heard all the tracks on Construction br the Modern ldioc I can honestly say that this tune is far better than all of them. I especially like the catch phrase to this one, “I’m never gonna get sober again.“ The final song, “Whites,“ bears the comment “Guilty as Charged.“This is a nice, relaxing slow song with a message, 1suppose, possibly about the coming to terms with the crimes of our ancestry. Whatever it’s about, it’s a very good song. I highly recomment this single.

early so they can make their 8:30, chipper and refreshed from a good night’s sleep. Don’t worry about having to put the album on repeat. You will be soberly sleeping by the end of the second song. If not the second song, one would definitely not Iast more than ten seconds into “Walk You Home”. PLAN 2. -For those of you who love to groove to El Debarge and just can’t accept the fact that Wham! isn’t coming back, here is a little something to keep you from going mad. May at least four of these songs, like”Always Never Now”, fill your days with groovy funk and keep you far away from me. PLAN 3. -For those of you who love Crowded House and bought this al-” bum because Tim’s brother Neil sings one song and co-wrote two, or those of you &ho may have received this from a friend as a joke gift, the tracks

19, I993 imprint


--c--v--xt~;;‘$!!~f~& ItI I1FREE . !LF~ERAGE~ t ;(POP.

I \








ingf”+rtha:myOwn bFkyard* because It wasn t there to begln with l

are for you. They are the only ones moderately interesting. For those of you who don’t have this CD and love Crowded House, for God Sake restrain yourself, your money is better spent on Werstern paraphernalia and mint toothpicks. I have included my own parental warning with this album:


However, for those of you like me who picked up thij CD’s for the name and not the music, I have a devised three easy plans that can help you get the most from this mess. And the best part Chuck, is anybody can do it! Don’t I motivate you. PLAN I. -A depressant for the druggy that just can’t seem to come down from those six hits of Acid. As well as those who would like to go to bed

My musical tastes are a tad on the eclectic side, so when I saw a rave cassette was just sitting to be reviewed,

the lasers started flashing in my head, the smoke machine started belching out its product, as visions of brain-dead youth simulating a drug stupor dancing to the pulsing BOOM-pa BOOM-pa BOOM-pa BOOM-pa passed before my eyes. You wouldn’t know it, but I actually like rave I house I acid music. I just find it more entertaining to watch the dancers boogying, and make condescending snide comments, as opposed to getting out on the floor. 1 didn’t know any of the bands when I started listening, and no-one I know has ever heard of them either, but some of them should be heard. This’release has an eclectic bunch of sampling, an infectious beat, and a

tongue-in-cheek sense of humour that makes you want to get up and St. Vitus Dance Dance Dance. “Earthbase I ” by Texas Audio takes the drum pattern from Boney M’s “Nightflight To Venus”, and judiciously uses it With voice samples of Rod Serling to great effect. Texas Audio is the only band with two songs on the cassette, the second being “Mystery Cafe”, which samples the voice of Captain James T. Kirkof the USS Enterprise from a Star Trek episode. Ciassy. Or at least as classy as rave can get. A few tracks are highly unmemorable, and are far too repetitive, but these are overshadowed by the good cuts, of which there are a greater number. Clearly one of the best is “The Djinni” (pronounce genie) by DJ jD* Any genie who explains the wish process using obscenities is not a genie you want to mess around with, but the poor white trash who sounds like a California beach bum and had the luck to find the lamp isn’t to know this. Listen. , The other terrific cut is “Naughty, Naughty, Naughty” by Age of Kali. Picture Marilyn Monroe saying “What do you think, Mr. ChurchiN”, with a _ Winston Churchi II sample responding “It will be long, and it wil I be hard”, and you’ve pretty much got this song down. What follows is some strange voice from a child’s TV programme repeating the song title. You’ve gotta love it! If you like rave, give this one a try. If you don’t, well, you’re probably not reading this anyway.

by Chris special

Duttett to Imprint

“It could Keep You up for Hours’”


by Nicholas Mew special to Imprint

with 9-12am

Warning this album may not be suitable for people with brains 2 Large


night Tables



3 Pool Tables.


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friday, november 19, 1993


Thepainofbeinga Virgin W.O. Mitchell 7he kkk Bonspiel of Willie MacCrimmon McClelland & Stewart I36 pages by Greg Imprint

The Virgin Suicides by jeflley Eugenides Farrar Straus Giroux 249 pages, $27.50

by Derek Weiler special to Imprint

Hood-Mom-is stclg

Willie MacCrimmon is a shoemaker who operates a shop in the small prairie town of She1by, Al berta. Not only is he a shoe-maker, and a cranky Scotsman, but also an avid curler. Basically this book is yer average “devil and Daniel Webster” type theme. Which, if you haven’tguessed already, has to do with Willie MacCrimmon having to curl against the devil. A ludicrous concept, perhaps, but one which makes for lighthearted reading, even ofr one with no knowledge of the sport of curling, as t have. The basic plot is this: Willie MacCrimmon is one of the best curlers in Canada, and the Devi I wants him to curl lead for his team in Hell. So they organize a match, to be played at Willie’s rink If the Devil wins, he gets Willie’s soul. If Willie wins, he gets to win the National Brier of Canada. The bookwas originally written by Mitchell as a play, about fop years ago. Not a lot has been done to change the book from script form, and most of it is still straight dialogue form. However, this definitely speeds up the pace of it, and much more of it is reliant upon our imaginations to paint the picture of the setting. The book is an absolutely easy read, and I recommended to my father that he teach it to one of his grade nine classes. However, just because something’s easy to read doesn’t mean it’s Danieile

I3-year-old Cecilia Lisbon goes first. After an unsuccessful attempt at slashing her wrists, she hurls herself from a second story window onto the spike of a wrought-iron fence. Within a year, all four of Cecilia’s sisters (aged I4 to I 7) will have followed her example-with overdoses, a hanging, a head stuck in an oven, a mouth gulping down poisonous carbon monoxide. That is the intriguing premise of this first novel, which seeks to expose the hidden dread and shame of teenage life in suburban America. And while The Virgin Suicides may be flawed in too many important ways to be considered a great work, it is still a very promising one, and makes me eager to see what Mr. Eugenides will do next. The Virgin Suicides is set in the mid-‘70s. in a name-

Steele type garbage. The Black Bonspiel of a good book for someone from the complication of simple curling world where is bad.

Willie MacCrimmon is looking for an escape University life, into a good is good, and bad

less whitebread American suburb, but its events are recounted twenty years later, by a shadowy collective of men who, as teenagers, had been fascinated with the Lisbon girls, their suicidal schoolmates and neighbours. It’s that obsession


remains with the reader of fhe Virgin Suicides, long after the vague images of the girls themselves have faded. The ever-watching,

The mock-documentary tone also works quite well: the narrator(s) compulsively refer to photographs and other physical mementoes of the Lisbon girls (referred to as ‘*Exhibits”). As for the Lisbon sisters themselves, though, only the promiscuous l4-year-old Lux and the angelic Ceciliaare really imprinted on the reader’s memory. Otherwise, I S-year-old Bonnie, I6-yearold Mary and I7-year-old Therese are basically ciphers. ades later.

This would

be useful--




of ennui,

we are

instead given an easy answer: the girls were stifled by their Catholic mother, who is never more than a caricature of a religiously fanatical and oppressive parent. As a result, the novel is slightly hollow at its center; the task of ordering this horrible experience, presented as the impetus for the entire narrative, actually seems far too simple. Sti II, The Virgin Suicides is notable fdr many reasons. The image of doomed Cecilia, wearing her favorite vintage wedding dress and with bracelets taped to her wrists to hide the scars of her first suicide attempt, is a deeply affecting one indeed, And in recounting suburban life, Eugenides displays a surehanded touch for magic realism, whether

ever-compiling neighbourhood boys, who are left to assign meaning to the series of bizarre suicides, invest their narrative with a richly poetic longing1 that’s made even more poignant by their continuin bggrief, even two dec-


Eugenides had imbued the sisters’ suicides with an appropriate sense of mystery. He seems to intend to do so, but consistently undermines that effec;. While we should be haunted by undreamed-of


describing the layers of dying fish flies that choke the city’ or in sketching the teenage superstud Trip Fontaine. It’s momen ts like these that make The Virgin Suicides interes sting despite its faults, and promise a good deal for Mr. Eugenides’ subse+ent works.

Drama preview

Doin’ it Modern style Twelfth ,at the Theatre


by Ltes Coughlun special to Imprint

346 King Street, W., Kitchener, Ontario

Night of the Arts 24 - 27


The department that brought you the classic love story Romeo and julkt, shocked you with Unidentified Human Rernuins and the True Nc~&~re OfLove, and wrenched your heart with Duso, Fish, Stas und Ni, is gearing up for its next brilliant production! Tweyih Night, the second show of six this season, bursts onto the stage at the Theatre of the Arts Wednesday’ November 24. This twist on Shakespeare’s classic comedy will leave you dancing in the aisles! Using his own adaptation, director Joel Greenberg’s hand casts a new energy on the Otd Bard’s verses. Greenberg gives most of the credit to his seasoned cast whose continuous input helped shape the final product “it keeps growing,” says Greenberg, “Each rehearsal there’s been new input from cast members. The challenge for them now is to decide how to play a scene and stick with it” The combination of a new, more condensed script and the innovation of the cast results in a version of Twel@ Night that is Young, energetic& blushing with the passion of unquestioned love. “It’s about youth and passion. And the fleeting nature of both.” While

still remaining faithful to the cwiginal

script, a large dose of the “New World’! has been ladled in with the age-old prose of Billy Shakespeare. The new adaptation is shorter, running 90 minutes as compared to a possible three hours, and the element of song has been emphasized.

Roller blade fans will be impressed with the fancy blade work of Joel Harris (Fe&e), as Dylan Roberts (Sir Toby) models the absolute limit in ’60s fashion wear. Does the modern setting overshadow the original intent of the play? “it’s amazing how contemporary the text can be. The themes are definitely contemporary.” Perhaps the most arduous task for both director and cast is making the formal tanguage of the Elizabethan Theatre more accessible to a modern audience. Says Greenber, “The audiences and theatre have changed. Modern references are a way of gaining access to the script” And it definitely works with this production. Rhyming couplets roll off the actors’ tongues with confidence and ease, making the language more natural and easily understood. Newcomer Brian O’Grady (Sebastian) remarks, “More music and the tight text brings out the energy of the plot It’s been great to do something that’s main aim is to entertain.” Twem Night opens Wednesday, November 24 and runs through to Saturday, November 27. Show time is 8 p.m. sharp. Tickets are $8 for students and seniors, and $ IO for the general public. Visit the Humanities Box Office for your ticket, or call 885-4280. And don’t miss upcoming productions of The Glass Menagerie, Liars, Agnes of God, and The Country Wife, as the 25th anniversary season of the University of Waterloo’s Drama Department continues next term!


friday, november

hazy shade of’ nostalgia Simon Gordon

and Garfu&ket with Lightfoot and Blue Rodeo SkyDome, Toronto November 12, 1993

by Chris Imprint

Aldworth staff

It was a night for nostalgia and it was a night to be reacquainted with old friends. It was a night for music from an era gone by and it was a night for hanging out with my parents and the over forty crowd (oops, sorry ma). Mostly it was a damn fine night of music. This one-time only concert at the SkyDome featured a re-united Simon and Garfunkel plus legendary Canadian singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot and up and coming Canadian band Blue Rodeo. Both a benefit concert for the United Way and a celebration of Concert Productions International’s 20th anniversary this was truly a spectacular night of well crafted music. The entire show was hosted by comediansjohn Candy and Eugene Levy who were unfortunately anything but funny. John Candy appear in a rumpled suit that looked like he slept in it. Both Candy and Levy proceeded with lame jokes and filler until Blue Rodeo took the stage twenty minutes late. Performing both new and old material, Blue Rodeo did not look out of place belting out their music in front of the 50,000 in attendance at the SkyDome. It was nice to see the Toronto based band making it good, but one couldn’t help but yearn to see them up close in a tightly packed bar. Let’s hope they never stop playing the small clubs regardless of their popularity. Playing for a good hour and touch. ing on music spanning their five re-

leases Blue Rodeo was in fine form. Opening with “What Am I Doing Here?” and continuing through with classics like “Diamond Mine” and “Underground” Blue Rodeo proved their worthiness for the opening spot of the show. Playing their hearts out, Blue Rodeo also introduced the crowd to newer numbers “Five Days In May” and “Dark Star” both from their release Five Days Injune. Following more boring filler by John and Eugene, good old Gord Lightfoot took the stage wearing a faded Hawaiian shirt. To say the man looks rough isan understatement. Gord looked ancient despite turning only fifty-four this year. Luckily his appearance had no effect on his performance. No flash, just straight ahead quality music. Running through his repertoire of easy listening tunes including “Sundown”, “Carefree Highway”and “Early Morning Rain” this amazing balladeer knew his job and did it well. Absent was the classic “Rainy Day People” but, yes, Gord did play “The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald”. The man is a great songwriter and puts such feeling and effort into each of has creations. Proving that he has not lost his touch, Lightfoot included in the set his new single “1’11 Prove My Love”. Reappearing for a well deserved encore this great storyteller capped off a fine performance with ‘Canadian Railroad Trilogy”. One can only say that what came next far out shone anything previously that night From the opening notes of “The Boxer” to the end finale of “Bookends”Simon and Gatfunkel took the audibnce on a magical musical journey to rival no other. Creating a mood that was cast upon the crowd Iike a sorcerer waving a magic wand, Paul and Art harmonized like only they could

do. Going back to their roots and enlightening the crowd (in word and song) on the formative years of Simon and Garfunkel, they played “Hey Schoolgirl” an early hit for Tom and Jerry (aka Simon and Gat-funkel), as well as tipping their hats to another early influence of the duo, The Everly Brothers, with a version of “She Bopaloo”. Great versions of “America”, “Homeward Bound “, “Sounds Of Silence” and “Mrs. Robinson” were also included in the set. Omitted were the big hits “I Am A Rock” and “Hazy Shade Of Winter” but this was easily overlooked when Carfunkel sang a beautiful version of “Bridge Over Troubled Water”. By far the highlight of the evening. To my chagrin the only song not done in the traditional style was “Cecilia”. Unfortunately the song was slaughtered. In the process of inc,orporating a worldbeat sound into the song it was made almost unrecognizable. It was ruined by trying to make it into something off of Paul Simon’s Gracelund. Criticisms aside, the music was great’ the night was fabulous and it was great to see this amazing duo back together in top notch form. This show was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see and hear the legendary Simon and Garfunkel. One can’t help but think though, that this is the end of an era for Simon and Garfunkel. The closing of another chapter in the book of music. As spectacular as the show was, the music was definitely dated. There was no attempt to attract a new audience and those in attendance were there to reminisce. It was indeed a magical night for all in attendance and perhaps the last time such a special night wiIl be presented by this great duo.

19, 1993











19, I993



Margaret Atwood Humanities 7leatfe Friday, November

12, I993

by Rosemary Crick special to Imprint Canadian author Margaret Atwood read excerpts from her new novel The R&ber Bride to a full house at the University of Waterloo’s Humanities theatre last Friday. Atwood contrasted her fumbling introducers (which included UW prerJames Downey) and relieved US with her obvious comfort. The reading was to raise money for the Environmental - . Studies department, prompting Environmentalism to become one of several themes for the

evening. Height was another theme of the evening. Atwood mentioned that she’s tired of people coming up to her and saying that she’s not as tall as they expected. tn a voice that rose and fell like waves, Atwood gave the audience a general overview of The Robber Bride, reading three introductions to her main characters. The first character Atwood read was short and used this to appear unthreatening at her vocation as military historian. Atwood enjoys living vicariously through her characters; she is able to explore her interest in military history through her character Tony. The second* character lived on Toronto Island, was ordered around by her daughter, and finally had a bed to be proud of (nottoo hard, not too soft - ah just right). Roz, the third character, lived in an upper ,.class neighbourhood. Her two daughters coerce her into environmentalism (recycling shoulder pads from dresses) and yet always leave their lights on. Roz entertained us with her musings about the incineration of silicon breasts (they don’t burn when you are cremated). Margaret Atwood laughed along with the audience and gave an insight into her characters which we could not get by reading the book ourselves. Her understated voice emphasized the


dry wit of her characters. Known for her short insulting answers during question period, Atwood provided us with a glimpse of this last Friday. The first person questioned why Atwood seemed to have no sympathy for her characters. We were told that she was reading from rhe ,beginning of the book and so could give only an introduction. Just like meeting people in real life, you can only get so much from an introduction. In The Robber Bride, Atwood attempts to bring in the mezzo soprano, the Delta figure, the bad girl, which has been missing from her last few works, she said. Giving a brief history of fictional women, Atwood explained that she wants to show the darker side of women and mothering. When asked “Where do you get your ideas from?” she answered “I think them up”. Atwood also turned questions around by saying “What do you think?” Did she know what she was getting into when she asked Tammy Speers what she thought about the University of New Brunswick professor who belittled date rape? Atwood ended the presentation by answering a question dealing with the difference between girls and boys. Boys have a set hierarchy in their social groups while girls’ rankings in their group change mysteriously by the day, causing much concern amongst young girls. The successful and entertaining evening concluded with a book signing and small reception for the Environmental Studies faculty.





(519) Also Coming...


650-0000 SAT





Fridav. November 19 New Year’s Bash for anyone. Montreal (ski Tremblant) or Quebec City (ski Ste. Anne). Sign up in CC, 11 a.m. - 4:30 pm. UW, UWO, and WLU are going! For info, call Kevin at 7257278. The Pakistani Student’s Assoc. is presenting profession&y catered Pakistani cuisine and music at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $6 for members and $8 for non-members (in advance only). For tickets or info, call 725-6334 or 725-l 301. Slavic Studies Society’s 87th Annual “Boris-Boris” bake sale. Potato dumplings (like Boris makes them, da?!). CC Great Hall, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. .. The Ninth Annual Graduates’ Assoc. Lecture. Fr. Greg Humbert will address the topic “Passion & Faith: The Gospel Imperative to Risk” at 7:30 p.m. in St. Jerome’s C. L. Siegfried Hall. For info, call 884-81 IO. St. Jerome’s Centre for Catholic Experience in Waterloo will hold its annual Devlin Lecture at 7:30 p.m. in the Chapel at Resurrection College. Dr. Caverly-Lowery will present a lecture, “Dancing for God”. For more info, call 884-8110. Saturdav. November 20 Roof presents “The Dervishes” at the Turret, WLU. 8:00 p.m. Tickets ($5) available at the door. All proceeds go to reaching our outdoor firends. Help them help K-W’s street youth. Call 742-2788 for more info, Sundav. November 21 FASS Reading/Writing/Editing Meeting. Poet? Show it! Join the faculty, staff, alumni, and students of LW in writing a musical-comedy for production next Febraury. 7:30 p.m. in HH 724. Monday, November 22 Dr. Barb Moffati, UW Dept. of Biology discusses “Genetic Engineering of Plants”. KPL Main Branch, 85 Queen St. N-,12 noon. Cinema Gratis Returns! 8 p.m. in CC Great Hatl. “The Man Who Knew Too Much” (Hitchcock). Yup;it’s free! 45 minute play entitled “He Says - She Says” designed to raise awareness about acquaintance rape and violence in relationships will be playing in CC Great Hall at 12:15 p.m. and in Village II Cafeteria at 6%) p.m. Tuesday, November 23 CP Seminar Series. Speaker: Raymond Briggs, Director, Management information Systems Providence Centre. Topic: Management information Systems in Healthcare. 3:30 p.m. in DC 1302. Undergrads are encouraged to attend. Ukrainian Students Club - membership rush. General meeting for anyone interested in good times and re-establishing a strong club presence on campus and in the community. 6 p.m. in AL 207. For info, call Martin at 885-6209. Canadian Studies Student Assoc. Organizational Meeting in CC 110 at 4 p.m. Contact: Sherry Lawlor - 725-2973. GLLOW Discussion Group: “How Do We Maintain intimacy Over a Period of Time?“, 7:30 p.m. in ML 104. All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays, and other supportive people welcome. Details: 8844569. Wednesday, November 24 self Help Crafts of the World Sale in the Conrad Grebel College Dining Room from II a.m. - 4:30 p.m. and 6 - 8 pm. ( and on Thursday, Novsmber 25 from 7;3CI a.m. - 6 p.m.). UW Drama ‘s Twelfth Night. 1 p.m. (Nov 24 - 27,8 p.m.) in Thearre of ihe Arts, Modern Languages Building. Tickets available at the door ($10 for general public, $8 for students andseniors). taurier Lectures presents “Canada: A New Agenda For Peace” by Douglas Roche, O.C. 8 p.m. in Aird Centre Recital Hall, rWLU. Free admission. General Meeting of the Progressive Conservative Campus Assoc. at 530 p.m. in HH 139. All interested are weicome to attend. Thursday, November 25 The Rabbi Rosenweig Memorial Lecture will take place in AL 113. Yoseph Lambdan, Director of the N. A. desk of Israel’s Foreign Ministry will be speaking on the Peace Plan. For info, call 725-9638 - Joanne. Crepes! Crepes! Crepes! Come join the annual Crepes Festival, brought to you court&y of the Cercle Francais and its French Cafe. Come with your friends to CC from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


‘B Announcements

As of Oct. 18, the following Fed retail operations are open in the following temporary locations: Used Book Store and Music Source - portables between CC and Biology 1, Graphix Factory - CC 202, Campus Shop - CC 207. For more info, call 8851211 ext. 5330. Mike Moser Memorial Awards. Deserving third and fourth year students who have financial need, an exemplary academic record, and who have achieved a high level of accomplishment in extracurricular activities are invited to apply. Apply with resume and two letters of reference by January 15, 1994 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, SMH. Are you 18 - 30 years and diabetic? We need you for a -I day soft contact lens study. You will receive $25 for exoenses. If interested, call’ Amanda at bptometry 885-1211 ext. 3822. Are you interested in attending an oncampus survivors of incest/sexual abuse anonymous meeting. 12 steps. Anonymous. Once a week on campus. For men or women. Call 579-2815. Is your son, daughter, friend a gay/ lesbian or bisexual? P.F.L.A.G. (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays} meets monthly, 3rd Friday of each month for support and peer counselling. For info, call Grace at l-822-691 2 (Guelph). Turner’s Syndrome K-W Group provides information and exchange for individuals with Turner’s Syndrome, their families and friends. Call 744-4585 for info. Waterloo Wellington Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Assoc. invites chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, their family and friends to meetings: Tuesdays, Nov. 30, Dec. 14 1993, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, Mar. 29, Apr. 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, Aug. 30 1994,7 - 9 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen Sts., Waterloo. For info, call 623-3207. Dana Porter Library, Davis Centre Library, University Map and Design Library, Government Publication lnformation Service (Dana Porter Library) will be closed Dec. 24 to Jan. 3. Dec. 20 to 23 will have irregular hours. 3rd Annual Hazelnut Christmas Collection: Save your change, Hazelnuts. Collected money purchases toys for distribution through turnkey desk. Call Lance - 725-3338 for more info. UWSki Club - memberships available in PAC 2039 along with club info. For info, call Kevin (725-72781 or Rob (725-7448). Join an informal group to discuss politics and social change in Russia and correspond with young people about their aspirations for the future. Call Theresa 744-2795. The Ernest C. Manning Awards Foundation will continue in 1994 its program of saluting Canadian Innovation through presentation of cash awards to Canada’s outstanding innovators. Nominations of innovative Canadians are being sought from coast to coast. $100,000 Principal Award, $25,000 Award of Distinction, - and two $5,000 Innovation Awards. Competition closes on February 11, 1994. Nomination pamphlets may be obtained from: The ManningAwards, 3900,4217 Avenue S. W., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 4K!2

Music Dept. of Conrad Grebel College is offering Music and Culture in Vienna, 3 week credit course in Austria, from May 8 - 27,1994. Registration is limited to 25. For info, contact Bill Maust at 885-0220 On Oct.29, UWO Board of Governors rejected the proposal toclose theGraduate School of Journalism. Application deadline for academic year staring May 1994 has been extended until December 15.1993.

Strong Interest Inventory-discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Tuesday, November 23 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Each workshop 2 sessions long. Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080. Myers-BriggsType Indicator-discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Thursday, November 25 3:30 -4130 p.m. Each workshop 2 sessions long. Register: Counseliing Services, NH 2080. Two new pamphlets available in Career Resource Centre (NH 1115): “So You Want To Be a Teacher” - has been prepared for students applying to Faculties of Education; deadline for applications is December 10. Information for writing a “Curriculum Vitae” is available for Ph.D. candidates applying for teaching/research positions in a university. Healthy Eating - a one hour program to learn about weight control, high fat, high fibre foods, convenience foods, and healthy choices in a cafeteria. Wednesday, November 24 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Health & Safety Room 127

bholarship Notices

@ i

Forms available in Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.



Germany or France study opportunity next year. Bursaries of $1,500 will be awarded to Ontario students selected to participate in the Ontario/BadenWurttemberg and Ontario/Rhone-Alpes student exchange programs for 1994-95. The programs are open to both undergraduates and graduates in all fields. Information and application forms are available from contact people in each faculty. The application process includes an interview and language assessment which must be completed by January 14, 1994. Faculty contacts are as follows: A.HS - R. Johnson, Recreation; Arts-M. Richter, Germanic& Slavic; Engineering - H. Ratz, Undergraduate Office; Environmental Studies - 0, Knight, Dean’s Office; Mathematics - C. T. Ng, Pure Math; Science - G. Toogood, Chemistry. Datatel Scholars Foundation. Applications are now being accepted for the Datatel Scholars Foundation. The awards have a value of up to $1,500 each and are available to full-time or part-time students in any discipline. Applications will be evaluated based on academic merit, personal motivation, external activities including employment and extracurricular activities and on letters of recommendation. Application deadline is February 11, 1994. Interested students should contact the Student Awards Office for more info. Don Hayes Award - deadline: January 31,1994. Mike Moser Memoriai Award -deadline: January 15,1994. Tom York Memorial Award - approximately 2,500 words unpublished fiction (no poems or essays). Interested candidates should submit essay to St. Jerome’s College 884-8110, Or, Peter Hinchcliffe - deadline Dec. 31, 1993.

Big Sisters need you. If you are 20years of age or older and feel you can make a positive difference in a child’s life, K-W and area Big Sisters need you. Seeking volunteer - experienced journalist. Write articles for non-profit organization on success stories/problems in unemployment, housing, literacy. Prefer familiarity, support for social assistance issues. Call Anne or Beverly, CODA, 623-9380.

Any students interested in participating in the Young Adults Group at Emmanuel United Church (corner of Albert and Bridgeport) are invited to attend our meetings at 7 p.m. Radio Arab Carlo “The voice of the middie east”. Arabic music, news, and the community calendar. Sun. 4:30 p.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM. Request line: 8842567. MONDAYS Outers Club meets at 7 p.m. in MC4060. Member activities include: canoeing, kayaking, hiking, cycling, and caving. High quality equipment available for rent to members. Adult Jazz Dance Classes for Beginners, Oct. 18 - Dec. 6, 8:15 - 9115 p.m. UW Dance Dept. ECH Studio A. 8 fun classes for $50.00. Register at ECH 1102 or call 885-l 211 ext. 3665. TUESDAYS Ukrainian Students Club - new members always welcome -get involved! Help plan events and trips for next term. November 30, AL 207, 6 p.m. For info, call Martin at 885-6209. Fun Fun Fun! Sharing Our Future? The Future of Canadian Foreign Aid Policy Workgroup on International Development Issues meets at4:30 p.m. in the WPIRG office in the General Services Complex. Call Andrew Pape at 756-8887 for info. Jewish Student Association - Bagel Brunch. 11:30 - I:30 in MC 4062. For info, phone 747-l 416. WEDNESDAYS Career Resource Centre - evening hours til 7 p.m. (Oct. 29 - Dec. 3). Research: employers, careers, work/study abroad or educational opportunities. GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds GLLOW Night (formerly Coffeehouse). 9 p.m., HH 378. Everyone welcome to these informal social evenings. Information: call GLLOW phoneline 884-4569. Amnesty International Group 118. Write a letter, save a life. Same meeting time: Wed. 7:30 p.m. New location: ES-1 Rm. 350. THURSDAYS Lesbian Discussion Group, 7:00 p.m. in ML 104. Come discuss and meet other lesbians. Call ext. 3457 for topic and info. Womyn’s Centre Meeting, 5:00 p.m. in thecentre. All womyn welcome. Call ext. 3457 for info and agenda. FRIDAYS English Conversation Class - for International students, staff and faculty as well as spouses. Meetings from 2 to 4 beginning Sep. 17, NH 2080.

Gift Wrappers - creative individuals for Christmas gift wrapping throughout downtown Toronto, North York, Markham, Oshawa, Pickering, & Hamilton. Managers to $7.75/hour. Wrappers to $6.651 hour. Wages increase proportionately to hours worked. Full & part time, November 28 - December 24. (4161787-5566. Summer Jobs. Applications are now being accepted for summer jobs on cruiseships, airlines, and resorts. No experience necessary. For more information, send $2 and a self-addressed stamped envelope to: World WideTravel Club, 5334 Yonge Street, Suit 1407, Toronto. Ontario. M2N 6M2. UW student interested in babysitting for you, then you babysit for me inexchange. Evenings& weekends. Phone 741-l 262. Travel FREE at Spring Break - trips & cash bonuses. We need only the best University of Waterloo reps to promote Cancun, Cuba, Daytona, Montreal and Quebec sun/ski party trips. Incredible giveaways from Kodak & Koala Springs and a Jeep YJ draw. Call l-800-2635604 now! Awesome Spring Break Trips! Campus Reps needed. Cuba, Cancun, Daytona, Montreal and Quebec City. Gail now!! l-800-363-0634 Female Jelly Wrestlers needed. Will train. $75.00 plus tips per night. No nudity required. Call Ralph or Ron at the Grand Hotel at 744-6367 between I1 a.m. - 6 p.m. FREE Trips and money!! Individuals and Student Organizations wanted to promote the hottest Spring Break destinations, call the nation’1 leader. InterCampus Programs l-800-327-601 3. .$;gyg:. ,


What if I am pregnant? Can I continue university? Birthright cares. For free and confidential help, call 579-3990. Niki: I have fallen in love with the way you drink Newcastle Brown Ale. Come to the Bismark Pub at 1 Kina St. W. Fridav night and I will buy you be&all night long! You still have 26 imported beers to try! Rob the Bartender.



Put us on your resume! The City of Waterloo Volunteer Services needs volunteersfor the following positions: Office Assistants, Program Assistants for Seniors program and Interviewer/Camera Operator. For more information, please contact Volunteer Services at 579-l 196. Energetic, responsible volunteers required for Board of Directors of Operation Go Home; a non profit organization dedicated





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